0181_126(129 RECORD OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 399 FOR SALE BY BARNARD—DALLAS 'c.. STATE OF TEXAS, MARRIAGE LICENSE Countyof....._....__.._..._._._..__._.__....................................................... __......... ............. To any Person .luthorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —(Greeting: rO U .IRE HEREBY' .I UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RITES OF M.4TRIMONY' ' Between Mr.._.._. _._.__.._. ...._._. ....... _ . .._..._... ,, /Zl �_....�.S�.._.....and"thereaf and make due return to t e Clerk of the County Court of said County within sixcertifying your action under this License. ' Texas, WITNESS my official jsinature and seal of o ce, at_......._..................�............ ................... JJ// v , w19.o? ..... ----_.._-_-day of.._._... __._...._...._...._..._....._.._....._..___.__.._. .. Clerk County Court,...... �&�..._County, Texas. By........_. _.... .. .._. .._........... _.._..........._.... _..._....._._..Deputy. of ....._ _ . I,............_......._.. ._...._ _... _. _ .. _..._........._...._..._. .._hereby certify that on the... _..._. _... _.._. _....._ _day of _. ...... ..___ .................._... �./_, I united in Marriage Mr..._.. ...__ ........._.. ._ _ .._.. _ ._......... _... _...._......_........._. _..._..........____..._ and X ........... ... _.... ......... ............., the parties above named. �ZS``.// ....19s.�f_ WIT my hand, this....._...._....... T._._...._...._ _.._...day of.. _-__..........._...................._.._...._...._. _.._ �7 ...._.._....__._.--- _..... _._...._...._..._...._...._.._....__....._......,� y Returned and Zed for record the _......... ...._...... ............__._......day of........_...._....__._...._...._...._..._..........._..__...._...........19_�_�, and recorded a./.._ the...... ............ ...__.�. -- ... _....._..._.....day of ..._..._.....___...._.._...._...._........................ _.......... _..19. ._. _ _ _..._.... ........._ _.._.,......_J ._.� .._. B Deputy. y..........._..__...._...._....._........._........ ............ ..._............... .. _.. ...... Clerk C0 unty Court. STATE OF TEXAS, MARRIAGE LICENSE Countyvf._w('- s ........ _.........._._..............._._.............._._._.......... ........ .... .................. To any Person ✓luthorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —(Greeting: Y'O U .IRE HEREBY' .I UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RITES OF M✓1TRIMONY' Between Mr._...__ ................. _ . _ ...__...... .�..� .. .....and M .�..__��.-�.... _ . ... _. due eturn to the Clerk Count Court o said Count within sixty days thereafter, certi ind our acti under and make f y f y y y f fy � .! this License. WITNESS my ofjlcial si@nature and seal of fftce, at.........................................................................Texas, the._._..._.. ..___.._..__....day of .._. __._ . ..._.............__.. _ _._ 19..�_.. erk of County Court,..................... Texas. By ... ._............ _.... ...................... .................... .............................. .................... .._..Deputy. .........................County, 1,._. ...��..9..... ..._............. .........._.......... �_ .__ _. _ ._� _. _ ereby eer ' that on the.._._.___....._. .. ._. day of 19_� I united in Marriage Ms.__ _._ . _.......................................... _ ..__, _.... _._ .................. _...._..... _.._. _ .. .._._ and Af..... ..... .......... .... ._ .. _.. - ....----.-, the parties above named. WITNESS my hand, this._ _.........__..ClI... ._..__.__ . _.d y of .. _.0 I ........_.......... _........................... Returned and filed for record the..... .. _.._...._.......`......._................ ._..day of._..__.�.._..._.._......_......_......................_.....13 a�,l_.., and recorded the ...... ........... w_...._...._._._..._._..day of __._� _._......__.._._.............._........................... .........._�.. _. By....._...._........._.G './............................................ ............._.............Deputy. Clerk Cou�tty Court.