0359_358358 RECORD OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 399 FOR SALE BY BARNARD-DALLAS �'D • �`��'� STATE OF AGE LICENSE County of...._CALHOUN To any Person .4uthorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —Greeting: rO U .4RE HEREBY' .1 UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RITES OF M.ITRIMONY' BetweenMr ........ .._..__--...... !.l_........ and M�__. __.. __ _.__.._. _...._...._...__.__.....__..... and make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of said County within si ty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. WITNESS my ofj'icial signature and seal of offlee, at.._. PORT LAVACA,... _ Texas, ..._.._ ....... ............._.% ........_....._.... .._.._....__.._._......._._.day of.....___..._ .... ...........--------- _._.: Deputy. Clerk of County Court ........ CALHOUN County, Texas. I, ..... _. _ .. .. _...._......._......___..._ .._.... ._......._..._._._.__.. __ .._..__..__....__...hereby certify that on the ..................... ....__.....day of. ............... ................. .. ... _._...... ..:_._..19 .!!1 ., I united in arr:age Mr .............. _._...w....._.._...................... ............... _......... _ ... �...G. . _....._..__. _ andM................ _.... ........ _._..... .. _....... .... ......... _..... ._ ...................... ................. . the parties above named. WITNESS my hand, this.._._..._..............1'.5 .. ........... day of.._... _..__...._...._...._..._...._..__...._._._......._.19... .. .. Returned and filed for record the ..._................ w,/ l'P._ .... ............ day of. .................. _................._.........19__6K and recorded the ..... _................T .................. -....day of. ............... ... . ................. _................................... 19w�:.v 27 cs-�4 .... ...... .... . By.................. _ ._.........._........_. ..._...._.......____.....Deputy. Clerk County Court: MARRIAGE LICENSE STATE OF TEXAS, County of._.... CALHD UIV To.any Person ✓luthorixed by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —Greeting: rOU ✓IRE HEREBY' ✓1UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RITES OF:M.4TRIMONY' 9 yam, Between _-ta�r1_:.......... and Ma¢1...%?_.....R9,t.,c:¢._.[.I....l.!Gti_rs.l..._._._...._..__...._...._....__ and make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of said County within sixty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. WITNESS my official signature and seal of office, at_..._PORT,LAZ�ACA......................... ............. __ ....................... the.... --_......... __._a day of....._...._...._...._...._. _._....._.__...._...._....._........ ......_.... _.............................. _..... 19.....�k_6 B ...... _..C2 _........._..._._.__.__.De ut Clerk o Count Court CALHOUN. _•_ Count Texas. y........ P y f d , ..._._............ y� ..hereby certify that on the._..__._...._.._. ....day of I,._.._...._..__ _.........._....X. __..__....__......._.........._...._...._..__.........._...._...._............_......... ..._......... __.._.. 19 6 ..., I united in Marriage Mr. ..._ . (5 P.V-.., _........._......._.» _.... .._...._.. _... ..j... and C...... %.i%l"QA-.%j............. ........._._...._...._..........._........... the parties above named. WITNESSmy hand, this_....._...._...._...._._.__.._...._.._......_._...._ _.__da o10 .................................................19..�a_G..... �` .-t� y f....._..._...._...._....... Returned and filed for record the.. _. _...._........ /�Y tilt........_........._......._...day of....._...._...._...�.r�._._1 ........._........ _.._-.19... ..�....., and recorded the..___._._..__._....L._. (/..��.....a-............................... _... ...... ._...... By......... ..._._....__..._......_.._...._....__ _...____...Deputy. Clerk County Court.