The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will meet on February 12, 2009 at
10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann
Street, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas.
The subject matter of such meeting is as follows:
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Invocation.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Approve Minutes of Meetings held November 6, 2008, November 12, 2008, November
13, 2008, November 24, 2008, December 2, 2008, December 11, 2008, December 15,
2008, December 18, 2008, December 22, 2008, and January 8, 2009.
5. Award bids for Fuel to be Delivered and Fuel on Automated Card System for the period
';— February 16, 2008 through March 15, 2008. (CM)
6. Hear Report From Memorial Medical Center.
7. Hear Report from Calhoun County Historical Commission.
8. Appoint members and Chairman to the Calhoun County Historical Commission. (MP)
9. Accept TECLOSE License from Constable Precinct #2. (MP)
10. Consider and take necessary action to approve Contract with American Red Cross and
Authorize payment in the amount of $3,000 and authorize County Judge to sign. (MP)
11. Consider and take necessary action to approve Interlocal Agreement for Animal Control
Services with the City of Port Lavaca, approve payment of $65,000, and authorize
County Judge to sign. (MP)
12. Consider and take necessary action to approve Change Order No. 1 to 2008 Calhoun
County Reroof Projects for an additional $8,870.24 to the contract price and authorize
County Judge to sign. (MP)
-d- 13. Consider and take necessary action to approve Change Order No. 2 to 2008 Calhoun
? County Reroof Projects for an additional $6,071.75 to the contract price and authorize
j County Judge to sign. (MP)
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14. Consider and take necessary action to approve Contract with HEB Pharmacy for the
Prescription Drugs for Indigents and the Calhoun County Health Department for the year
beginning January 1, 2009 and ending December 31, 2009 and authorize County Judge to
sign. (CM)
15. Consider and take necessary action on Request from City of Seadrift regarding part of
Lots 8 and 9 in Block 182, City of Seadrift, Texas. (KF)
16. Consider and take necessary action on Renewal of Coastal Lease No. CL20040001,
Carancahua Bay, Calhoun. County, Texas, and authorize Commissioner Fritsch to sign.
17. Consider and take necessary action to amend Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning to
include the following:
a. Household trash may be burned in a closed or screened container
18. Consider and take necessary action to rescind action of January 22, 2009 changing the
date of the first meeting in March. Meeting date will remain March 12, 2009. (MP)
19. Consider and take necessary action to acknowledge the increase of the Calhoun County
Sheriff's Office Forfeited Property Fund — Vehicle (2860-999-74050) in the amount of
$5,290.00 for the purchase of vehicles. (BB)
20. Accept reports of the following County Offices:
r i. Calhoun Tax Assessor/Collector
ii. County Treasurer
iii. County Sheriff
iv. District Clerk
v. County Clerk
vi. Justices of Peace
vii. Extension Service
viii. Health Department
21. Approval of payroll.
22. Approval of bills.
23. Consider and take necessary action to accept Donation of Homemade trailer to Calhoun
County Extension Inventory. Total cash expended on trailer was $843.31. (RC)
24. Consider and take necessary action to accept donations to Calhoun County.
25. Consider and take necessary action to declare certain vehicles in the Calhoun County
Sheriff's Office as Surplus/Salvage: (See List) (BB)
j 26. Consider and take necessary action to declare a 1954 GMC Brush Truck,
VIN#DA200180RD11943 in Precinct #1 as surplus and remove from inventory. (RG)
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27. Consider and take necessary action on the matter of declaring certain items of County
property as surplus/salvage.
28. Consider and take necessary action to transfer the following radio equipment from EMS
inventory to other Departments: (See List) (HB)
29. Consider and take action on any necessary budget adjustments.
30. Consider and take necessary action on single source, emergency and public welfare
purchases and bills.
31. Public discussion of County matters.
Michael J. Pfei er, C`o ty dge
Calhoun County, Texas
The above is a true and correct copy of the original notice, which original notice was posted by
me at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, to -wit: on a
bulletin board by the front doorq,tIW JCounty Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Calhoun County,
Texas on Februaryq, 2009 at a.m.
Anita Fricke, County Clerk
By: ✓
Deputy Cl r
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