2011-04-14 AgendaNOTICE OF MEETING
The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will meet on April 14, 2011 at 10:00
a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street,
Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas.
The subject matter of such meeting is as follows:
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Invocation.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4._ Present 2010 Distinguished Service Award to the Calhoun County Historical
5. Approve Minutes of March 24, 2011 Meeting.
6. Hear Report From Memorial Medical Center.
7. Award bids for Fuel to be Delivered and Fuel on Automated Card System for the period
April 16, 2011 through May 15, 2011. (CM)
8. Award County Depository Contract for the period June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2013
and authorize County Judge to sign. (RK)
9. Consider and take necessary action on Abandonment of 0.5 acre tract at Alamo
Boulevard, Alamo Beach, Calhoun County as described in deed recorded in File #109598
of the Calhoun County Official Records. (RG)
10. Consider and take necessary action on Change Order #2 for the Port Alto/Olivia Fire
Station with Advantage Construction in the amount of $9,591.00. (NF)
11. Consider and take necessary action on Appointments to the Calhoun County Library
Board. (NC)
12. Consider and take necessary action Consider and take necessary action on the following
Library Board policies: (NC)
(1) Reference and Information Services Policy
(2) Library Behavior Policy
(3) American with Disabilities Act Policy
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13. Consider and take necessary action to declare certain items of property in the Calhoun
County Library as surplus/salvage. (See List) (NC)
14. Consider and take necessary action to accept donations to the Calhoun County Library.
(See list) (NC)
County Elections
15. Consider and takOffice and Xeroxe
eCorporation fonecessary or Copier Machine n on Contract tand authorize County Judge to sign.
16. Consider and take necessary action on Request by Calhoun County Maintenance
Department for authorization to apply for Credit with The Hunton group. (CC)
17. Consider and take necessary action to approve a loan to the General Fund for $229,000
for Operation Stone Garden, which is a reimbursable grant awarded by the Homeland
Security Grant Program. (CM)
18. Consider and take necessary action to accept arbitrage rebate reports for the year ending
December 31, 2010 as prepared by First Southwest Asset Management. (CM)
19. Consider and take necessary action on the renewal of a facility services rental
agreement/contract with Cintas The Uniform People for the Calhoun County Sheriff s
Office and Authorize County Judge to sign. (BB)
20. Consider and take necessary action on Renewal of agreement with Vaisala for data
service at the Airport and authorize Commissioner Lyssy to sign all necessary
documents. (VL)
21. Consider and take necessary action on request by Port O'Connor Sports Association to
use one acre of county property in Port O'Connor, Texas as a temporary soccer field.
22. Consider and take necessary action on request to allow Warrior's Weekend organization
to use the Port O'Connor Community Center free of charge May 18 — 22, 2011. (KF)
23. Consider and take necessary action on request to allow the Port O'Connor Chamber of
Commerce to hold their annual fireworks display on King Fisher Beach in Port
O'Connor, Texas on July 2, 2011. (KF)
24. Accept reports of the following County Offices:
Calhoun Tax Assessor/Collector
County Treasurer
County Sheriff
District Clerk
County Clerk
Justices of Peace
Extension Service
Health Department
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25. Approval of payroll.
26. Approval of bills.
27. Consider and take necessary action to accept $200 donation from Keep Calhoun County
Beautiful Inc. to the Calhoun County Juvenile Probation Department. (LL)
28. Consider and take necessary action to accept a 1986 GMC Fire Truck, VIN
1GDHK34J5G8531190 from the Carancahua Community Volunteer Fire Department to
Road and Bridge Precinct #2. (VL)
29. Consider and take necessary action to accept donations to Calhoun County.
30. Consider and take necessary action to declare surplus and remove from Precinct #2
Inventory the following Item of County Property: a 1991 Chevrolet 3-Ton Dump Truck;
Serial No. IGBG6D1A5BV131527,Asset No. 24-0007. (VL)
31. Consider and take necessary action to reinstate the following property to Precinct #2
Inventory: 1990 Ford 6-Ton Dump Truck, Serial No. 1FDPK742LVA12467, Asset No.
24-0111. (VL)
32. Consider and take necessary action on the matter of declaring certain items of County
property as surplus/salvage.
33. Consider and take necessary action to transfer the following items of County property
from the DPS to the Sheriff's Department: Two Stalker Radar Units, Serial Nos. 8706
and 8750.
34. Consider and take necessary action to transfer the following item of County Property
from the Office of the County Clerk to the DPS: Fujitsu Scanner, Model FI-5-110C,
Serial #526324. (AF)
35. Consider and take necessary action on matter of transferring certain items of County
property from one County department to another County Department. (See List)
36. Consider and take action on any necessary budget adjustments.
37. Consider and take necessary action on single source, emergency and public welfare
purchases and bills.
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38. Public discussion of County.matters.
Michael J. Pfeifer, C un Judge
Calhoun County, Texas
The above is a true and correct copy of the original notice, which original notice was posted by
me at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, to -wit: on a
bulletin board by the front door in the County Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Calhoun County,
Texas on April 11, 2011 at 61.65 a.m.
Anita Fricke, County Clerk
By: � �—
Deputy Cle
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