2013-01-10 AgendaNOTICE OF MEETING
The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will meet on January 10, 2013 at
10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann
Street, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas.
The subject matter of such meeting is as follows:
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Invocation.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Approve Minutes of November 8, 2012 Meeting.
5. Hear Report From Memorial Medical Center.
6. Award bids for Fuel to be delivered for the period January 16, 2013 through February 15,
2013. (CM)
7. Consider and Take Necessary Action on Internal Revenue Service proposed tax
adjustments for the tax year 2010, authorize the County Judge to sign necessary
documents and authorize the County Treasurer to remit the tax liability in the amount of
$3,558.58. (CM)
8. Consider and Take Necessary Action to Pass Order setting maximum salaries, making
various appropriations, setting vacation policy and sick leave policy, setting policy on
payment of hospitalization insurance premium, setting holiday schedule and setting other
miscellaneous policy matters. (CM)
9. Consider and Take Necessary Action to Pass Order placing County and Precinct officials
on salary basis. (CM)
10. Establish pay for grand jurors and petit jurors for County, District and Justice of the
Peace Courts. (MP)
11. Consider and Take Necessary Action to Appoint Judge Pro-Tem. (MP)
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12. Consider and Take Necessary Action on the following Interlocal Agreements and
authorize payment in the following amounts and authorize County Judge to sign all
City of Port Lavaca— Fire Protection
Gulf Bend Center
Soil and Water Conservation District #345
American Red Cross
City of Port Lavaca— Rabies Control
The ARC of Calhoun County
Calhoun County Senior Citizens Center
The Harbor Children's Alliance and
Victim Center
13. Consider and Take Necessary Action on Appointment to E911 Board. (MP)
14. Consider and Take Necessary Action on option to purchase an extended reporting period
under the 2012 Public Officials E&O policy written by Hiscox Insurance Co. (CM)
15. Consider and Take Necessary Action on two agreements with Victoria Communications
Services (VCS) and Precinct #2 for cellular service and authorize Commissioner Lyssy to
sign all necessary documents. (VL)
16. Executive Session: The Commissioners' Court shall go into Executive Session as
authorized by V.T.C.A. Govermnent Code Chapter 551, Subchapter D. Following is the
subject matter of the Executive Session and the Specific Section of the Open Meetings Act
permitting discussion/deliberation in Executive Session.
Section 551.072 A government body may conduct a closed 'meeting to deliberate
the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting
would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations
with a third party. Property to be discussed is a hospital clinic.
17. Take necessary action on matters. discussed in Executive Session. (MP)
18. Accept reports of the following County Offices:
i. Calhoun Tax Assessor/Collector
County Treasurer
County Sheriff
District Clerk
County Clerk
Justices of Peace
Extension Service
Health Department
19. Approval of payroll.
20. Approval of bills.
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21. Consider and take necessary action to accept donations to Calhoun County.
22. Consider and Take Necessary Action to declare Calhoun County Sheriff's Office
property as waste and authorize the disposal of said property. (See list) (BB)
23. Consider and take necessary action on the matter of declaring certain items of County
property as surplus/salvage.
24. Consider and take necessary action on matter of transferring certain items of County
property from one County department to another County Department. (See List)
25. Consider and take action on any necessary budget adjustments.
26. Consider and take necessary action on single source, emergency and public welfare
purchases and bills.
27. Public discussion of County matters.
Michael 7. Pf*CJudge
The above is a true and correct copy of the original notice, which original notice was posted by
me at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, to -wit: on a
bulletin board by the front door ir} the County Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Calhoun County,
Texas on January 7, 2013 at a.m.
Anita Fricke, County Clerk
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