2002-02-14 APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the minutes of October 31, 2001, November 7, 2001 and November 12,2001 be approved as distributed, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e Arlene N, Marshall County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pct. 3 . (ABSENT) Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Pct. 1 Kenneth C, Finster Commissioner, Pct, 4 Michael 1. Balajka Commissioner, Pct. 2 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FUEL BIDS The following bids were opened on February 6, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller and read by the County Auditor for the period beginning February 16, 2002 and ending March 15, 2002, After reviewing said bids a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the bid of Mauritz and Couey as the only bidder for the automated card system fuel and the bid of Diebel Oil company for fuel to be delivered as the low bidder, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e I FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL, WE THE UNDERSIGNED AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE ATTACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COVNTY'S SHERIFf'S DEPARTMENT PROBAT(ON DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY~F'OUR HOUR A V AILABILITY LOCATION: PRICE PER GALLON S 7/ s rllA PREMUlM UNLEADED GASOLINE S 9.c s c.g UNLEADED GASOLlNE MID GRADE e DIESEL FUEL LOCATION, ,}//). (,) #lu,'l/iV S, (MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA.) THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING FEBRUARY 16.2002 AND ENDING MARCH 15.2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT rNVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME Of BIDDER: /lll1u.elrz.. ~ c,ue~J ADDRESS, PO. t2c~ 1700 CITY,STATE,ZIP, /ij1., !A<J4Ui, T,< 779 ~"i PHONE NUMBER: SJ-l- 760 Y- PRINT NAME, --;0"" k~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 1 (~ TITLE, 4PC. /JlhR DATE, ;A,A><- 831 .. e FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS, PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE ~ TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE $ .I o,D PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ I (0 q X 3800 $'1~fo,"lb{JO X 4000 $ ::176t?b b X 2500 $ iS66,6 ~ , TOTAL BID PRICE $ &:.9ID') tJ DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ Ca, [) THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING FEBRUARY 16.2001 AND ENDING MARCH 15. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES, e NAME OF BIDDER: DIE-RTf Dr.L {'".." ft(, ADDRESS:_P't:> BDX" '/ / CITY, STATE, ZIP: PbR.-r- LAVA t..)'lJI. /} /~ 7 f . PHONE NUMBER: S 5 .J. - 3 J, 2 Y PRINT NAME: S jJ. p.., ~ ~l (, AUTHORlZEDAIGNATURE: 4"'.... ,JJ~~tJ TITLE: t'iJ.;.h;dp~ DATE: :) - '7 - D:2. e 832 FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICA TED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS, PRlCE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE ~ TOTAL GALLONSIMO e $ .1-&'1f5,(Jc $ 3.J<00,OO $ /7,~o,oc) TOTAL BID PRICE $ 7S'9ff,oc THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING FEBRUARY 16. 2001 AND ENDING MARCH 15.2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. .' '7' X 3800 , Be) X 4000 .iCf, X 2500 UNLEADED GASOLINE $ PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRlCES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES, NAME OF BIDDER: /!lAUII-I, z. ADDRESS: Po, /l,cx CITY, STATE, ZIP: ?aR.T c G,-,,:y , /700 )..1>1//"-,,"1, -, " '7717'1 e PHONE NUMBER: s:s 2.- 7M";' PRINT NAME: -rD,..' Lc-E , AUTHORlZED SIGNATURE: ~ ,~ TITLE: () 1M. /116/<. , DATE: ;/o/- '- , MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - FINANCIAL REPORT This item was placed on the agenda in error. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER I MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA- FINANCIAL RESPONSffiILITY TRANSFER TO COUNTY This agenda item was passed, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER I EMS - OVERSIGHT RESPONSffiILITY TRANSFER TO COUNTY This agenda item was passed, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER I EMS - FY 2002 SUBSIDY BY COUNTY This agenda item was passed, e BOGGY VIEW VILLA SUBDIVISION IN PORT O'CONNOR - PRELIMINARY PLAT ACCEPTED A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the preliminary plat of Boggy View Vista Subdivision in Port O'Connor, Pct, #4 Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, 833 oC'> ,,,, ." ,~ ,.... 04.00' 0 C -I r- en 0 n -I 0 "" ex> UJ 0 '" a. '" ~ a 0 ,. n '" ..... ,OO'v 834 ttUa-D4-02 11:DBam From- Preliminary Plat i IJ) a ::J IXTEENTH STREET C/l -i J> Ul ....... + -.0 o T-451 P,03/03 F-rso .'" ,Boggy View Villa SubdivisIon. Ken Lyons One Porta Fino Place W Office Kemah. TX 77565 (281) 334-4031 Robert L. Spaw JrPE (361) 972.2485 Dennis J Ellis RPLS (361) 552-4032 Residential - Port O'Conner, Texas t:C r'i , G1 ....... Z U :;0 o L r'i n -i c; ~~ ,.~ 0--< ~ SCALE ,~-eo' 11110" )I, 17 Dale; '.21-02 F '" '" :z '" V; N '-". '-" C> I :z I I '" Ai -1 ~J ""j N_! rr1 j r'1 I ~ ' .. ___.___.___.___...u___ ""'J i i a o ----..-------f;,---....---....... '" ..., -::is -~ L~'" ,OO''VOL~Vl M .. LO,~>:.9l ~. II UO!):)aS UO!S!^!pqnS Ja~OOH .00' '" .,., o " o ~ o ci g ~ O~ CO -l r- o -I --oJ '" ~ ------e------ ACCEPT ROAD TO CHARLIE'S F1SH CAMP IN PRECINCT 4 INTO COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM . " :z :z ~i e c '" :,.j>. ---1 v; , N' -" ---, I"-V w ~. _cn___.....c::._______'-"'_ :VJ-~ 0 vi o.~ -I o_ Il - !r-l OJ f"T'1 " I.... ----.-.-------..-------- I - I ~ 8 il'; '" ..... .... 0:>' 0:> o i ! I I ~ ,oof1>O L V'l '" ,00'1>0 L Commissioner Finster stated he was not ready to accept the road at this time. He will put it on the agenda at a later date, '" ~ C/l rrl -i Z J> t::l 0' -0 n..l ;:0 + 0 o L W r"1 n -i "''1l.. e e e e e e AGREEMENT WITH TESTENGEER.INC - TOWER SPACE AND INTERNET SERVICE Regarding the Contract with Testengeer, Inc. for tower space and Internet services at the County Courthouse, Judge Marshall proposed an amendment to the la~t paragraph ofthe first page of the contract to read: "This contract can be cancelled by eIther party f~r non performance upon fourteen day's written notice," Also, an~ c?ntractor e.xpense wtll b.e paid by Testengeer that we have already received the one mllhon-dollar msurance pohcy certification, A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissipner Galvan to amend the contract with Testengeer, Inc, for tower space and Internet services at the County Courthouse as defined. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. INTERNET SERVICES AGREEMENT This service agreement is made and entered into between Calhoun County (County) having address of 211 South Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 and Testengeer, Inc. (Testengeer) a Texas corporation having an address of P.O. Box 557, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979. RECITALS Whereas Testengeer has a desire to utilize the communication tower on the Calhoun County Courthouse at ;211 S. Ann Street and the County has a desire to obtain high speed Internet service this agreement is made between the two parties as follows: Testengeer will be allowed to install a mesh dish antenna and an Omni-directional antetUla on the courthouse tower for the purpose of receiving and transmitting Broadband Internet signals in the 2.4 GHZ frequency range. In addition, radios cotUlected to the antetUlas will be installed in the radio room and receive power from the courthouse power distribution system. The equipment installed will remain the property ofTestengeer. The County will be allowed to cotUlect to the Internet hub and receive and transmit up to 384 Kb of data via the Internet through a single IP address. The cotUlection point for the County will be at the high-speed switch in the radio room. Testengeer will be allowed to have access to the radios and antenna for maintenance and periodic inspections at periods when the Courthouse is open. Testengeer will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County and its employees from and against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses arising from the installation or operation of the Internet equipment. Testengeer will not be liable if such injury or loss is due to County's negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct. Testengeer will not be liable for any claims, losses, damages or expenses related to the delivery or failure to deliver Internet service. N either the County nor Testengeer shall be due compensation for the delivery of services under this agreement. The County shall have the right to temporarily remove or disable Testengeer equipment if it is determined to interfere with operation, access or maintenance of the County equipment. Testengeer will correct the interference before re-installing the equipment. Upon written notification of interference with the County's equipment, Testengeer will remove, relocate or modify its equipment to alleviate the interference within 48 hours. The term of this agreement shall be for one year from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002. The agreement will automatically renew on a year to year basis unless a sixty day notice of non-renewal is given by either party. 835 Installation of all equipment must be approved to County's radio system maintenance contractor at the expense ofTestengeer. Testengeer must name County as an additional insured on its insurance policy in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00/$2,000,000.00. This contract may be canceled by either party upon 14 day written notice. e Entered into this the day of , 2002 by the parties as follows: Calhoun County Testengeer By: By: Name: Name: Brvon 1. Cumberland Title: Title: President Date: Date: VERIZON'S REOUEST TO INSTALL COMMUNICATIONS LINE IN COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND BARTMAN ROAD IN PRECINCT 2 e A Motion w~ made by ~ommissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to ~ppr?ve Venzon's drawmgs and authorize Verizon to install the burled cornmunication lIne m the no~ ro~ of Hartman Road and PM 3084 in Precinct 2, Commissioners Galvan, BalaJka, Fmster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, VERI7..oN Soutbwut tncorporatl!d NOTICE OF COMMUNICATION LlNEINSTALLATION Janu:lry 9, 2002 TO THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY ^ 'I"l'ENTION, coUNTY JUDQE Verizon propoUl to place burltd cable ta die llortb roW ofButmau Rei. u (oUow.: BeatnnlUg at the Intenoctlon orUlrtman ReI. and FMJ084, VERIZON proposes to place burled eable In tho north row DC Hartmn Rd tor a dlJtaIlce of ].440'. The ultting tlble wm be abandoned ltl pblCOo All cable will be plaeed: . minimum dcptb 0130" and S' lDsIde the north row orHartmltl ReI. SEE ArfACHED NARRATIVE The location and delcrlption of this tine md Ulocilmd appurtcnm:ct is morel fully shown by tbm' (3) copiel of drowiqa auachod CD this notice. The line wiD. be constnJdCd IDl1 mainil1.incd OIl the County RolLd right-o{. ..vay in accordaocc with sovcmina )aws. N~ aayotherprovisimtconl:liDed herein, it is dqlrCS1lyuodastoOd that tender ofthi$notiet: by the Vr::dzon So\tthWeIt lncotpon.ted does GOt constit1m= . 'tnlver. ttttrendct, .bandcntmezlt or tmpairmc!nt of oy propertY rights. fruehise. msemetlf, 1icenIe.llU1hority. pcrmiuicn, privilege or right IIOW granted bylaw or may be &fUltcd in the fUturo md any provision or providon.s IG consttUcd ,baIl be mIU and Void. Consttuctian ofthiJ line will begin en or after JlnU.I!'T 15.1001. e Vl!RIZON SOUTIlWES1' INCORPORATED By, 0A-UJ ~j;:;;h......, Eileen Hump V SlIperviIor . A.cceu Desigrt 223 N, Colondo Port uVICa. TX 77919 361JSS1.-23SS 836 , \("') e , 34-f1' ~ ~ \-IAR.TIY\A No KD t:: If- 110 a ~ ~ I.L. V ER..12.D 1J PfUJPt.6f.5 BLlRIED C.A&LE f;' NDR.TH R,O.W. OF FOR. fl o)~TA N.C.E TCJ FLACL. II4S\l)E THE. HART.hl A-kI. RD DF 1,340.' AAlll\. VAL E '( -* T""_ ~CINEl'::REO 1I'l" "TO OAAWN flY "''' AI''f'lI0VEOE\V "''' "lii:Y1l<r.gll'W' ~" SCALE}-t.::f- S GTE Telephone OperatIons lOCATION A T~ OEOOR'PrQ< ~~~~ lA~on [;/A ~~~ N SHEET 1 OF I w.O, NO. 3 P DCJ I K.D GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT STUDY COMMITTEE- APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS e The Court discussed appointment of members to serve on a Groundwater Conservation District Study Committee, Judge Marshall said the intent would be to have a representation of the public to study and make recommendations to the court. She asked if this water district was needed, and if so, how to proceed, Commissioner Finster asked ifthe Court would meet with the Committee and charge them with the process, Judge Marshall replied she could draft a directive letter to them. Commissioner Balajka stated he spoke to several people and they would like more information first. He suggested Kelly Mills address the Court. Wanda Roberts, Juaniece Madden and Connie Hunt were mentioned as possible members, Commissioner Balajka suggested a committee be appointed after hearing Mr, Mills speak on February 25, 26 or 27th and a committee be selected at regular Court meeting on February 28, 2002, Judge Marshall stated Wanda Roberts and J. C, Melcher agreed to serve with Mrs. Roberts as chairman, 837 GOLDEN CRESCENT WORKEORCE BOARD - APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Finster to nominate J, D. Gonzales as a member to the Golden Crescent Workforce Board, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. SEADRIFT CEMETERY - AFFIDAVIT OF DEDlCA nON FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to receive the Affidavit of Dedication for Cemetery Purposes for the Seadrift Cemetery from the Texas Historical commission, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION RICK PERRY, GOVERNOR JOHN L: NAU, Ill, CHAIRMAN F, L\WERENCE OAKS, IC'{ECUTIVE DIRECfOR The State Agency for Historic Preservation AFFlDA VIT OF DEDlCA nON FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES FOR THE SEADRIFT CEMETERY THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF CALHOUN That the Texas Historical Commission, an agency of the State of Texas, does hereby certify and declare: That the Seadrift Cemetery, previously filed and recorded in the Official Public Records of Calhoun County, Texas, in Vol. 4, Page 511, Vol. 78, Page 177, and more particularly described in Exhibit A as attached hereto, has been set aside and dedicated for cemetery purposes through historic use and that such property is now occupied by human graves. That the Texas Historical Commission has duly considered the evidence of existence and historic use of said cemetery and has listed said cemetery as a Historic Texas Cemetery, worthy of preservation. That this dedication is subject to all the laws, rules, and regulations of tbe State of Texas regarding cemeteries now in effect and to those adopted after the effective date of this dedication, and is made in accordance with 13 Tex. Admin. Code Section 921.30. This Affidavit of Dedication for Cemetery Purposes is signed and executed on this c:,-ril day of ~~<-I_' 2002. ~ ~~? / Deputy Executive Director Texas Historical Commission 9 9 9 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared I7-rr:t; L!..,.I.I~ ' known to me to be a credible person, whose name is above subscribed, and s . d person s ore to me the statements contained herein are true and correct. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE on th~ '1"1'rf day ~ :-.........2."1 ,2002. NOTARY DBLIC in and for the STATE OF TEXAS 838 e e e ~ EXHIBIT "A" e N e :t>~ ~o ""~{) ~ C?<$' no scale Vicinity Map :t>~ \~o ,,"~0 ~ G~<$' ~, ,;t."'~ -(~~ ,"0 ,~O' ,pI:> -4', ~o,,~ y O<,i!, ~~<;' ~O.$.OO ~, ::pi!, ~o ,,{, ~ v~.<;,<,~, ~<:;.~ '> <;)'; +-~'\ ~, &>i!, 0'" o~' ~<; ,p'1:5 <;)~-<;> '\) ,pi!, <:).... Map adopted from data provided by the applicant and Calhoun County Tax Appraisal District. See Deed Records of Calhoun County, Volume 4, Page 511 and Volume 78, Page 177, Located in Subdivision 153 as shown on plat made by P,L. Telford for American Townsite Company, Volume Z, Pages 2 & 3, Calhoun County, Texas, ' UTM: Zone: 14 Easting: 726379E Northing: 3146293N Cemetery located at Latitude 280 2S' 30" N Longitude: 960 41' 20" W SEADRIFT CEMETERY Cemetery No, CL-COl Calhoun County' e LOCAL OPTION PERCENTAGE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR TAX YEAR 2002 This agenda item was passed to February 28, 2002 as a full court is needed for this action, 839' WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMPREHENSIVE ACCIDENT PREVENTION PLAN - TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES - RESOLUTION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to adopt the Resolution to implement the Texas Association of counties Workers' compensation comprehensive accident prevention plan, e In discussion, Commissioner Finster stated there are conflicts in our employee manual regarding compensation laws, Some changes were recommended by attorney, Robert Nichols with Bracewell and Patterson which he wished to present to the Court. He felt the changes should be implemented as soon as possible since the last policy update was over 6 years ago, Judge Marshall said Ernest Galindo, safety representative, will address the Court on February 20, 2002 at 10:00 AM, Vote on the Motion: Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION INRE, SAFETY PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT DATE, The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas, meeting in regular session on the _ day of .2002, among other proceedings considered the following resolution: WHEREAS. the County Judge, County Sheriff, County Commissioners and other County officials are concerned with the safety of employees and the public; and WHEREAS, these safety efforts have a direct and positive impact on the cost of operations and employee morale for Calhoun County and WHEREAS. the County can earn a cash incentive of up to $42.233 from the Texas Association of Counties Workers' Compensation fund in 2002 by implementing a comprehensive accident prevention plan; and e WHEREAS, implementation of this plan should minimize unnecessary accidents and control Workers' Compensation costs for the future; and WHEREAS. (he County can utilize the"free services of (he safety staff of the Texas Association of Counties to assist in Ihe implementalion of sllch a plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court, Calhoun County Texas. in joint resolution wilh the other undersigned County officials, hereby proclaim Iheir support on behalf of the County to implement an effective accident prevention plan in agreement with the Texas Association of Counties, and Ihe Commissioners' Court hereby prevails upon and challenges other elected and appointed County officials to support this safely initiative, and work in a cooperative effort to develop and implement these accident prevention plans. DONE IN OPEN COURT, this day of by . seconded by _ members of the Court being present and voting "aye". , 2002 upon motion , and Hon. Arlene Marshall Calhoun Counly Judge Hon. Roger Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Hon. Michael Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Hon. H, Floyd Commissioner, Precinct 3 Hon. Kenneth Finsler Commissioner. Precinct 4 .Office: Office: e Office: Office: Office: Office: Office: Office: Office: Office: ATTEST, Marlene Paul, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of (he Commissioners' Courl of Calhoun County, Texas .840 APPROVED AS TO FORM, e e e G' (], I~ <!::../ /J<.-,-./ ~7' TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COONTIES P.O, Box 2131 . Austin, TX 7~76~-2131 (c 1204 San Antonio. Austin, TX 78701 Sam D. Seale. Executive Director January 9, 2002 Hon, Arlene Marshall Calhoun County 211 South Ann Street #217 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Re: $42,233 Safety Incentive Program Dear Judge Marshall: As your Workers' Compensation carrier, the Texas Association of Counties Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Fund is providing an excellent opportunity for Calhoun County, The board of county officials, which oversees the T AC operations, has approved a cash safety incentive of up to $42,233 for the enhancement of your safety programs. This is a temporary (two year maximum) intervention program offered to pool members whose losses were significantly higher than other pool members during either the 2000 or 2001 calendar years, The idea is to provide pool members an immediate incentive to cuntrollosses, Successfully implemented, these efforts should prevent or minimize the accumulation of several years of poor loss experience, which may have severe adverse effects on Workers' Compensation experience rating and pool discounts. This incentive program includes positive recognition of Calhoun County officials for efforts made to improve safety practices in the workplace, This is achieved through press releases and a media presentation of a large check to the county reflecting the cash incentive earned. Of course, this recognition follows the successful audlt of approved accident prevention plan, Should the plan not be fully implemented (e,g, non-participation by an elected official's department or some elements of the plan not in place), a partial cash incentive may still be provided along with the press opportunity to recognize the positive aspects of what was accomplished, Please understand that this is not a "giveaway" program, and will require effort, commitment and follow up on the part of County officials to develop and Implement programs worthy of the incentive, There is no monetary penalty or subsequent billing should your county choose not to participate in this voluntary program, however, (512)-47H-8753 . 1-(81lIlH56-5974 . FAX (512).476.6231 )) 841 e increasing claim costs usually have an adverse affect your Workers' Compensation rates in the future. To proceed, the County should contact their T AC Safety Specialist Ernest Galindo*, and schedule a meeting to go over all of the program components and responsibilities, implementation timelines and more specific audit criteria to receive the incentive. This meeting should include elected officials and key county staff, such as department heads, Workers' Comp Coordinators, Loss Control Coordinators, Safety Officers, or other similar positions, *Please note that the person assigned to help your county through the audit process may not be your regular T AC safety representative. This person is assigned to your county for the purposes of this program only, These meetings should be scheduled no later than February 22, 2002 and the completed resolution with signatures of support from other officials is due in to the TAC offices no later than March 1, 2002. It is advantageous to schedule these kickoff meetings as soon as possible as there are approximately 35 entities involved in this program. e Should you choose to participate, the County will need to: 1) adopt and sign the enclosed resolution (or a similar one drafted by the County) 2) obtain signatures of support from other elected officials to participate, 3) return a copy of the signed resolution to T AC Loss Control by March 1, 2002. **Note - This may be done after the initial meeting, should the Coun and Elected Officials need more information before signing onto the program, Upon receipt of the resolution, press releases for your local newspaper will be provided to the county immediately, detailing the positive aspects of this program and the support of the Commissioners' Court and other elected officials for this safety initiative. Once the resolution has been adopted, the county should proceed in developing an Accident Prevention Plan (APP) with the assistance of your TAC Safety Specialist. He can assist you in developing a plan that addresses the specific safety needs of your county and is comprehensive enough to ensure successful results. With regard to participation in the program, at an absolute minimum, the Sheriff's Office and the Road & Bridge department(s) must participate to satisfy the requirements of the plan, Your safety representative may also require participation of other departments, if the loss potential or loss' history warrants. e Details of the plan may be negotiated with the T AC Safety Specialist, but must contain appropriate activity to control these losses and be approved by TAC Manager of Safety & , 842' Law Enforcement Services. As part of the plan, the safety coordinator or other responsible person must provide a monthly progress report to the Commissioners' Court on the implementation status of the program, with a copy to your T AC Safety Specialist. e The minimum components of the plan must cover the following 7 concerns to be comprehensive and effective. These seven elements are: 1. Management Support 2. Analysis of Loss Trends 3. Record Keeping & Documentation 4. Safety Training of Employees 5, Hazard Inspection & Identification 6, Accident Investigations 7. Periodic Review of the Program NOTE: If it is determined that there are claims management issues affecting the losses, the T AC Safety Specialist may require an effective claim follow up process be implemented as part of the audit criteria. All plans must be complete and agreed upon by the county and the T AC Safety Specialist by April 26, 2002. e A midsummer follow up visit will be made in the summer before July 26, 2002 by the T AC Safety Specialist to provide guidance, and/or minor plan revisions to ensure that the plan is being followed, A T AC Safety Representative will conduct the final audit no earlier than September 1,2002 and no later than October 31, 2002. This final audit will determine if the plan was appropriately followed, and a determination will be made whether the county would receive part or all of the available incentive money. Upon eaming some or all of the incentive, TAC will conduct a presentation in Commissioners' Court sometime in October or November publicly recognizing the county for their efforts and emphasizing the current and future savings to Calhoun Countyand taxpayers. This public recognition would be accompanied by press releases for local news. The TAC safety staff is enthusiastic about this incentive program made available to you by a board of your fellow county officials. We look forward to working with your county on these comprehensive safety. efforts and are confident that the savings you will realize this year will represent only a small portion of your long-term savings. This type of plan has a proven track record of significantly improving loss records and Workers Compensation costs. e v. 843 .e If you have any questions regarding this program, please give your Safety Specialist Ernest Galindo or me a call. Sincerely, ~ Mike Strawn, CSP Assistant Manager of Loss Control Services enclosures: cc: Court Resolution, Overview of APP, Timeline Calhoun County Commissioners Calhoun County Sheriff e e "I , 844 e e e , TIME LINE FOR SAFETY INCENTIVE PROGRAM ACCIDENT PREVENTION PLAN Letters to County Judges January 9, 2002 Initial meetings - TAC Safety and County Officials, Department Heads, and Key Safety Personnel Before February 22, 2002 Resolution approved by Court and other elected officials and returned to TAC Loss Control Press releases mailed to participants By March 1, 2002 Within 1 week of receipt of resolution All elements of plan agreed on and in place. By April 28, 2002 Mid summer evaluations completed by TAC Safety By July 26, 2002 Final audits September 1, 2002 through October 31, 2002 As soon as possible after final audit. Press releases and award presentations in Commissioners' Court Please return the enclosed (or similar) resolution following adoption and approval by the Court and any other County officials (Sheriffs participation required) using any of the following methods: a) In the enclosed "Business Reply Mail" envelope; or b) fax to (512) 476-6231 Attention: Mike Strawn; or c) mail to: Texas Association of Counties Attention: Mike Strawn PO Box 2131 Austin, TX 78768-2131 NOTE: TAC MUST RECEIVE CONFIRMATION TO PARTICIPATE IN PROGRAM THROUGH COURT RESOLUTION WITH SHERIFF'S APPROVAL BY MARCH 1.2002 TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM. 845"' e TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES Safety Incentive Program The Safety Incentive Program is designed to encourage counties to develop and implement an effective accident prevention plan to prevent work-related accidents. Where effecti ve accident prevention plans are implemented, injury and illnesses are significantly less than comparable counties where safety and health management is weak or non-existent. In order for a county to successfully complete the Safety Incentive Program, the county must develop and implement a seven-element accident prevention plan. Below is a brief summary of each component: Management Component: This component will reflect management's commitment to safety. It should: . include a signed safety policy statement. . designate the responsibilities - authority - accountability for each element. e Things to consider; . when delegating responsibilities, is the person's job title or position listed? . does the individual, who is assigned responsibility for a given component, understand the duties or requirements of that component? Analysis Component: This component will include the procedures for the accident trend analysis. It should: . include a list of records used: accident investigation reports, safety inspection or audit reports, any corrective actions taken, and the training records. . detect existing or potential workplace exposure trends, . give the frequency of the accident trend analysis - state the month if conducted less than monthly. . identify who is responsible for; formulating corrective actions, implementing those corrective actions, and following up to assure the effectiveness. Things to consider: . is there an additional need for more in depth or personalized training? . are near miss incidents identified as existing or potential trends? . are equipment or material damage/loss reports used in the analysis? . are motor vehicle or equipment damage/accident reports used in the analysis? . list what components or elements were updated? . has an analysis been conducted even when there are no reported injuries to review? e , 846 e e e Record-keeping Component: This component will outline the record-keeping system, It should: . identify who will maintain the documents/records. . state the location(s) where the records are kept. . give the retention time of each - accident investigation reports should be retained for a minimum of five (5) years, or as required by law. Things to consider: . if records are stored in more than one location, are those locations listed? Safety Education and Training Component: This component will summarize the safety and education procedure, It should: . state the frequency in which the training sessions or meetings are held, identify who is responsible for training, provide a procedure in Which follow-up training for employees who have missed any scheduled safety meetings or training. . . Things to consider: . has a training schedule been established? . does the training schedule include required training topics? . have individuals, who are conducting the safety meetings or training, received adequate training in the information or material themselves? Hazard Identification/Audit/Inspection Component: This component wi]] explain the steps of the safety inspection/safety audit procedures, It should: . identify the individual(s) responsible for conducting safety inspections or audits. give the frequency of the inspections- state the month(s) if conducted less than monthly. describe how the deficiencies found during an inspection are documented. describe how the deficiencies found during an inspection are corrected. indicate how employees are made aware of any workplace exposures. state who is responsible for formulating corrective actions, implementing those corrective actions, and following up to assure the effectiveness. . . . . . Things to consider. . are the types of inspections listed? . are unsafe conditions identified included in the trend analysis? . have individuals, who are conducting the safety inspections or audits, received adequate training in inspection techniques and information requirements? '847' 848 .= ,e Accident Investigation Comp,onent: This component will explain the steps of the accident investigation. It should: . state who is responsible for investigating accidents, injuries, or incidents. have a written accident investigation procedure. describe how employees are made aware of these workplace exposures. identify who is responsible for formulating corrective actions, implementing those corrective actions, and following up to assure their effectiveness. . . . Things to consider: . have individuals, who are conducting the accident investigations, received adequate training in investigation techniques and information requirements? are near miss incidents, equipment or material accidents reported or investigated? . Periodic Program Review and Revision Component: This component will detail the procedures for reviewing and revising the Accident Prevention Plan. It should: . identify who is responsible for reviewing the accident prevention plan. give the frequency of the Accident Prevention Plan review. indicate how employees are made aware of the changes to the Accident Prevention Plan. require a review to be conducted when changes in operations, equipment, or employee job descriptions are determined or anticipated. identify who is responsible for implementing and following up on changes to the program to assure its continued effectiveness, e . . . . Things to consider: . does it list what Accident Prevention Plan components were updated? has the review, without any needed revisions, been documented? . e 1 . CANNON COPIER FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - LEASE CONTRACT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Judge to enter into a Lease Contract for a Cannon Copier for the Sheriff's Department. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. DONATIONS TO CALHOUN COUNTY LmRARY e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by C~mmissioner Galvan to Accept the following donations to the Calhoun county Library. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Calhoun County Public Library System (361) 552-7323 200 W. Mahan Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 The following items have been donated to the Calhoun County Public Library during the months of October, November & December 2001. e Books 7 books 1 book 3 books 78 books 10 books 637 books 421 books 173 books 1 book 150 books 6 books 3 books 1 book 4 books 4 books 1 book 1 book 6 books 12 books 4 books I book 1 book 1 book 34 books I book 3 books 18 books 3 books I book 4 books 2 books 4 book 1 book Donor Office of Public Insurance Counsel Golden Crescent Area information Center Roberto Rodriguez Alamo Heights Baptist Church Mrs. Valentine Melcher Family Unknown Diana 1. Weeks Elder Information Library Robert Brewer Merelyn Nicholson Mrs. GIoss Jack Huang Jessie Jones Genoveva Barnett Mario Garcia Marsha Butler Sherrye Hamilton Sherry Hinds Laura Neill Paula Ahrens Carol Smith Glenda Duulap Marie Coward Doris Wyman Mrs. Whatley Mr. Ramirez Jean GIantland Mrs. Hargrove R. McDanel Javier Cruz American Electric Power Abel Morales e 849" .. e 58 books Monica Lo I book Marion Harrison I book Mrs. Bums 3 books Dave Keefauver I book Jody Thome 13 books Moira Tschatschula I book Bill White Paperbacks . 20 paperbacks Alamo Heights Baptist Church 6 paperback Carolyn Miller 6 paperbacks Mrs. Valentine 8 paperbacks Melcher Family 4 paperbacks Mr. Ramirez 7 paperbacks Jean GIantland 210 paperbacks Unknown 34 paperbacks Robert Brewer 1 paperback Merelyn Nicholson e 2 paperbacks Mrs. GIoss 3 paperbacks Regina Johnson 3 paperbacks Paula Ahrens 1 paperback Jack Huang 13 paperbacks Moira Tschatschula 1 paperback Connie Hunt 1 paperback Sherrye Hamilton 5 paperbacks Sherry Hinds 15 paperbacks Marsha Buller 2 paperbacks Mrs. Hargrove 12 paperbacks Monica Lo 6 paperbacks Shirley Schuenemann I paperback Dave & Nancy Keemuver 5 paperbacks Jody Thome 20 paperbacks Moira T schatschula Audiobooks 20 audiobooks Dana Perez 3 audiobooks William Gordon Stewart 2 audiobooks Unknown Videos 1 video Alamo heights Baptist Church 3 videos Mr. De Hoyos e 5 videos Unknown 2 videos William Gordon Stewart 1 video Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Haith I video Donna Boyd 2 videos James Carlin 850 29 videos 8 videos Kyle Boyd-Robertson Monica Velez e Magazines 53 magazines 932 magazines 232 magazines 19 magazines 96 magazines 44 magazines 2 magazines 4 magazines I magazine 273 magazines 21 magazines Unknown Sid McGinnis Melcher Family Jack Huang Marie Coward Frances Wiseman RG. McNeil Elizabeth O'Bannon Dorothy GIegurek Mr. Willoughby Lee Schmidli Other 4 pictures I computer software program 5 puzzles 6 cassettes Melcher Family Javier Cruz Unknown Javier Cruz CALHOUN COUNTY LmRARY - SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the following Calhoun County Library assets as surplus/salvage. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e Calhoun County Public Library System (361) 552-7323 200 W. Mahan Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 October, November & December 2001 I would like the following items to be declared Surplus 2,343 Books 147 Paperbacks 2,224 Magazines 9 Audiobooks 41 Videos 6 Puzzles e I would like the following items to be declared Salvage.. 635 Books 18 Paperbacks 263 Magazines 851 COMPUTER AND CD ROM IN COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFlCE- SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to declare a Weather Computer (broken) HEATH ZENITH Model No. IDW-4001 and a CD ROM External Micro Solutions Model No. 66700 in the County Judge's Office as surplus/salvage. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ITEMS IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE - SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to declare the following emergency Management assets as surplus/salvage: Radio, SWAN WM-200A; Inventory No. 406-0006; Projector, KODAK 35MM Model 260 Slide; Inventory No. 406-0019; Projector, KODAK AF 1 Model A V340ZMF Slide, Inventory No. 406-0098; Portable projection screen; Inventory No. 406-0020; Graphic Decision sototware; Inventory No. 406-0032; Office Pro V4.3 software; Inventory No. 406-0076; and Micro cassette Recorder Model RN 1111; Inventory No. 406-0035 Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. DISTRICT CLERK - J.P. #2 - J.P. #5 - EXTENSION SERVICE MONTHLY REPORTS The District Clerk, J.P. #2, J.P. #5 and the Extension Service presented their monthly reports for January, 2002 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS - DISTRICT COURT- GENERAL FUND TRANSFERSIINDIGENT HEALTHCARE - MOLD REMEDIATION CAPITAL PROJECT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUeST ...., TO: CALHOUNCOUN MMISSIONEIlS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATe: 2/13/02 BUDGET FOil T : 2002 ACCOUNT NAME EP COUNTY CLERK 1000.250-73000 EOUIPMENT-TYPEWRITeR l000.25Q.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCEu.ANEOu$ . l000.2a0.62886 INSURANCE VOL FIREMEN & EMS COMP l00G.28Q..62872 INSURANce LIABILITY & PROPERTY "TofalforGENERAL FUND ,':J1r.,'.. ...: l!"i, ,"Y,W::l"" ~-, ,.~. 7 LINE ITEM TRANSFER .. (7) ., 2,1S7 ADDITIONAl. AMOUNT NEEDED FOR 3-YR RENEWAL (2,167) o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED FEB 14 2002 852 2-13-202 4,S2PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 SS3 4614 P.3 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ~ ~'~.3~,:;~~~;:~~1f1f:;cJ;~~: :~:~~~T~~~O~;~COMMISSIONERS' COURT ~~~~i'::r~0;~~~li:1f.?t~?~!t.i~,;.,'~,~...',.;;"t.:.:,;t';'.:';:.'_."~;~;t,~;j,':~,~~,:"~,::~.'~\"::,:"'.t~;~.;:.':;~.';.:.;;:.;.';"~.f,~~,..~...::,.:'.r,:"..,:,.,:;:~i;;:.~,,:.._r'.',':':~, ~:\~..,.>.,:-.:'~.l'l.~:l "':;.'():', ,',':'.:. DATE' 1/31/02 'r' '"' ,;".:-::~- ,(.~ "';!', ~.~'''.~..I\ ~- I."'? -, .i:i,~' :!?~('~:'I~lh~j!\"'''':.:f.h:!h\.}I;', . .k,::~" . (J'.",j",' '.., '_g""~':ftf:ii!' .",,' - ..:'~./:":::~-!~'iH,;'" ~,'2J'';'i'r~:..~.\.~f.' . ,',,,". \':"H~';~~~~"I.' ~J~."~~~,i!"'i"~~,l. vll,,,! ~ (i." J...j"I, ," ~": ~ I"; '~,' ,,~~ ~.;,} ~~\~'~;,: ~~i':r::~~~;:,'.~:.~:;', BUDGET FOR THE YEAR; 2002 ~;:.:~~.~'.: ~:~~""~~~"'~' '.:~~ ~~'!t''','1. ':l-:"}~~' ';0 ~'f. "i{"~l',,~': (,. .' T'. ."- ,.;~:,~ \~ ' to;:' f '.: :;;::~:~.}:~:fti~!;~;:~ftr;tt~1:~~~:.{ ~t::;~;~~~~f~~~;;?t;.~~;~(;~~:::~;:::~'~~~~~~;:~:~.~~~;~:::.~~~~'~'~:::~:;;~.~i~::' ":'~~~~D~~ .. 'l~ ;,~-. ~~~:~.~~~P~,~::,;::,~.~;~,~~~\:;~;~~;~i~ ;~,~~:~:~:: .:' . . ~ Y. ~r~ ,:- '." :~~:~~: .~~~. Gl. CCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT REA 1000-430-61272 CONTRIB. 0 EXPENSE.DISTRlCT JUDGES (37) UNE ITEM SFER 1000-l3~1270 CONTRIB.TO EXPENSE-COURT REPORTERS 783 100Q-430.63380 LEGAl. SERVICEs.cOURT APPOINTED (746) o """1\.'. APPROVED FEB 1 4 2002 e e "1 853 2-13-202 4,53PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.4 e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 ~:~":;:;:~: , ';:~:~.!:::;:i~::-;~.:2~:,~~.~.;.~ TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT :: ~~.:.~:J~~ ~.. TI';:.,-~~. -' ~_:: .:,;..:'~; ~'. '.;. ~..... :.,::' _J_:,:~:!..~..-..'~:. ..~,. . .'..",:::.:.:.:<.L;:.:~.:.::..:::::. FROM: GEN. FUND TRANSFERS (800),INDIGENTHEALlllCARE (360) '" '.:..,' ':. ..-:.,. ...':',,'.,:,<. '. , ... :', :- ,; \:::. ::..:.., " :-~)fJ_s.-[l~j;i;!JJ!Jl.~ ~~~;~~~~ THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT ;-:;i~l:"(~r.j~~~~;I~!~t;iij~!ijl~l~~(~,~,~r~:;;;~:;::~,,".:;';:: GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT REASON 100o-aoo-seS70 TRANS. TO CAP.P OJ.-MOLD REME IATION 397 TO ~AY MOLD IlLS APPROVED 2/14/02 100Q-360--6Qe40 CARE OF INDIGENTS (397) r!;~;~;~~~~~~~::~;rl ~~%~i~:~f~~~6~:':::S~~~:;}b:m:~~~ ;ii~:~~:>IL:c::?:~ APPROVED FEB 1 4 2002 e '"l 854 e 2-13-202 4,53PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.5 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Lf :::,;;;,:;;"~,.~;;:. ',:".:,.c.:i'::.::.;':;: TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ':.'.'..' ,. .. ..:0".... FROM: CAPITAL PROJECToMOLD REMEDIATION y::;w.,:::..:,;:, ..,..: .\.-';.:'. D4Te: 2111/02 ;~,~!#~ifp~,~,:j~f;:j,;:;: :rf;;;:~~::;? ~:~:~~~::::'::;~~::;~+~:ft~(;;;'.ii GL ACCOUNT N ACCOUNT NAME 521G-99s.91010 TRANS. FROM GENERAL FUND 5211J..999-66ijOO UTIL TITlES 5210.999-66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES ':1'-,. ;>'"."" ~~... J ~ ..'"'' ~ .. -~.f"."~' ~':,~;,,;:;~~~:~,:/...:, :'. .. ,: -" - ;..< : ': .; ... :":. ,":,," .,.. "",' 1,' . ;';';:.:i:,::,:,:.,'l ":,:":~: '.- . .. ,\. . ,"' . ,.. ,h ~ .~ ',' .>:'::'r;".,~'>":> ",'.;-;.. \i~~~~f~~;.. !!i;;JB~,',~~~~::;;;::,q~~~,r~;~"2;:~;,0i~;:i0j~:!\'; AMOUNT ... .'l!ASON. .. (3MJJTo pay bills approved 2/14102 228 169 i~W~~~~~!~~1~~~r;~{f3~'!1t::;':Sf).;::;~:S?:;YJ:~""i:i~~' ;:::r.~C:';:?:':r-~. I;;,.,...",." ..., ".:""""..i-,... NETCHANGE IN TOTAL8UDGET 0 .""..~ ",'., ,. ". ,,'.',. ..',' .... ,. ,.'".,." e e '" APPROVED FEB 1 4 2002 855 e CALHOUNCOUNTY~ Unpos.led Budget Transactions ~ EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 2114100 8UDl~6 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 2114102 !) p<A-5~S =- Fund Effective Code Dale Fund Title Transaction Duaiption Ilq>l TiUe GLTiUe Increase OocfCasc 0 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.00 ......", COUNTY a.ERK ~ liJ 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY CLERK EQUIPMENT-TYPEWRITER 7.00 0 .;; e 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND ADDTI. AMT NEEDED FOR MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE-LIABILITY AND 1,167.00 '> .g 3-YRPREMIUM PROPERTY . " 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND ADDTI. AMT NEEDED FOR MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE VOL FIREMEN 2,167.00 >'0 :;:: 0 3-YR PREMIUM & EMS COMP E .... ",P-. 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND TO PAY MOLD BILLS INDIGENT HEALTH CARE CARE OF INDlGENTS 397.00 ~i APPROVED Zl14/01 ,.,. '" 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSfER DISTIUCT COURT CONlRlB. TO EXP. . CRT 78),00 :c " REPORTERS " E 1000 211412001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTIUCT COURT CONTRIB. TO EXP. - DIST. 37.00 c3~ JiJooES " t:a OjP-. 1000 211412002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSfER D1STIUCT COURT LEGAL SERVICES.couRT 746.00 Ogp APPOINTED " .- ..c:: >, 1000 2I141l.002 GENERAL FUND TO PAY MOLD BILLS TRANSFERS TRANS.TOCAP.PROJ. MOW 397.00 ..... .", APPROVED 2114102 REMEDIATION ",' .a !i: ~ '" " '" Total GENERAL FUND 3,354.00 3,354.00 ..c:: .- ~ ~ ""'" 1000 " .- 0 = 1Z 0 U "'O~t:i c ""'"'.- 5110 21140002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOID TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT TElHHONE SERVICES 169.00 ~ ",.",..c:: REMEDIATION APPROVED 2114/01 (/l'a .0 " '" 3 mo 211412002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOID TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT UTILITIES 218.00 ~ o " REMEDIATION APPROVED 2I14/l1.l .2~ 0 S "':cu SZI0 2/1412001 CAPITAL PROJECTMOI.D TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT TRANSFERS FROM 391.00 .... " '" rI.l llc35 kEMEOIATION APPROVED 2/14102 GENERAL FUND rI.l !2 1lS..c:: Tol>l CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD 391.00 397.00 (,)._ as ;::g .g g.U 5210 REMEDIA 110N 0 o t:a gp APPROVED u P::E .- '" >, 0 .- . "'0 Report Total ],151.00 3,151.00 Eo< ="'~ rI.l ~~Q) FE8 1 4 3lO2 ~ t:a . t:a 0 ;:s~~ f:: ~u 'bi rI.l ~ .", " " ..:!-s-s ~e: 1I\JN10U6:I!UM '-' ~ ~ fJJ