2003-11-20 Special November Tenn Held November 20, 2003 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAlHOUN ~ ~ ~ e BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 20'" day of November, A.D., 2003 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse In the Oty of Port l.avaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Tenn of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J. pfeifer Roger C. Galvan MlchaeJ J. Balajka H. Aoyd Kenneth W. FInster Wendy Marvln County Judge Commissioner, Pel:. 1 Commissioner, Pet. 2 Commissioner, Pet. 3 CommIssioner, Pel:. 4 Deputy County Oerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Rnster led the Pledge of Allegiance. RECEIVE REPORT FROM SPAW MAXWELL COMPANY REGARDING ~:EDIATION. RESIlTUTION. REMODEUNG OR REPlACEMENT OF THE COURTH Commissioner Floyd spoke to the cx>urt In regards to the remediation, restitution, remodeling or replacement of the cx>urthouse. In August Commissioners' Court enlisted the servlces of Spaw Maxwell to do a facility assessment of the cx>urthouse. The objectlve of the fadllty assessment that the cx>urt laid out to Spaw Maxwell was to basically go In and establish the scx>pe of work and a cost estimate for _ three options to CX>rrect the problems we have wfth the cx>urthoU5e. The first option was for renovation ., of the CXlUrthouse and this would be to come In and dean up various hazardous matenals such as mold, asbestos, lead based paint and then repair the damage that was done to the buildIng during the dean up and then to update the cx>urthouse to extend the life for another 30 years. The second option is to cx>mblne the renovation and remodeling together. Remodeling would cx>nsist of changing the office spaces up and move offices around to make the cx>urthouse more efficient. The third option would be to tear the whole cx>urthouse down and to rebuild It. . Mark Crippen with Spaw Maxwell Company presented an overview/executive summary on the facility assessment. Mr. Gerald Moorhead with Bailey Architects presented a report on the architectural assessment. Mr. Donnie Walton with Haynes Whaley AssocIates, Inc. presented a report on the structural assessment. Mr. TIm Rocha with Bums Delatte & McCoy presented a report on the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems assessment and Genl Stevens presented a report on the environmental assessment. After aU assessments were presented the floor was opened for any questions that anyone may have that was attending the meeting. A MotIon was made by Commissioner Aoyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to rule out demolition of the existing cx>urthouse and cx>nstructIon of a new courthouse and all agreed to move forward with renovation and in consideration of remodeling. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, FInster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor, Judge Pfeifer asked that a workshop on the Facility Assessment be held after the Thanksgiving Holidays. Court was adjourned at 12:00 noon. e 426 ~