2002-03-19Mr. Gamos addressed the group. Mr. Gamos said he will work with the Jail Study Committee on jail population, etc.; will do an assessment of the space needs and will do an evaluation of the courthouse building itself. He will list the advantages and disadvantages and costs. The jail committee work is underway. The architect was unable to attend today but we have a team of architects to look at the building problems and what it would take to correct them and all the options and costs. 1011 SPECIAL MARCH TERM HELD MARCH 19, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF CALHOUN § BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 19th day of March, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 2:00 P.M., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to -wit: Arlene N. Marshall County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pct. 3 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Judge Marshall stated this was not a formal court meeting. Mr. Bill Garnos of The Facility Group will present a survey and brief outline of the planned services he and his company will provide concerning the Courthouse/Amex office space needs assessment. The following persons were in attendance: Fred Knipling and Tom Innis of the Jail Feasibility/Courthouse Study Committee; District Attorney Investigator Randy Crider; IP Celestino Menchaca; Cindy Mueller with the Auditor's Office; Dan Heard and Shannon Salyer with the District Attorney's Office; Mark Daigle and Bill Brown with the Sheriffs • Office; Charlie Crober, Building Superintendent; Anita Fricke with the County Clerk's Office; Commissioner Floyd and Judge Marshall of Commissioners' Court; JP James Duckett, County Court -at -Law Judge Alex Hernandez; Irene Montoya with Adult Probation. Mr. Gamos addressed the group. Mr. Gamos said he will work with the Jail Study Committee on jail population, etc.; will do an assessment of the space needs and will do an evaluation of the courthouse building itself. He will list the advantages and disadvantages and costs. The jail committee work is underway. The architect was unable to attend today but we have a team of architects to look at the building problems and what it would take to correct them and all the options and costs. 1011 An assessment of space needs for now and the future is needed. We have a survey form for this project. After the information is obtained, we will talk with each of you, one on one. All departments are to return the completed survey forms to the Judge by April 5, 2002. Mr. Garnos said we need to identify the options and put a cost to each; we need to know all the pieces before the options can be considered. No design work will be done. Regarding the courthouse building evaluation, we need the floor plans and need to assess environmental issues. • They will be coming back in April and May to go over the survey forms. District Attorney Dan Heard stated the Court's recommendation awaits your assessment of the jail and courthouse. Mr. Gamos replied that the county's needs have to be known; renovation of jail into offices gets tricky. Mr. Gamos said they are on a 4-5 month schedule from the first of the month. He will go over the survey forms by May and then work with that information to determine costs. Commissioner Floyd asked if it would be done by August, which is budget time, and we could inform the public. Mr. Gamos said probably in July or August but did not think that would help with the budget as the Court will decide finally what is needed: (1) New Building (2) Renovation (3) Do Nothing The options will be presented to the Court in July or August. The Courthouse Committee will be overseeing the process. Judge Marshall asked that the survey forms be at her office by March 29, 2002. • THE MEETING WAS OVER AT 2:35 P.M. • 1012