2002-03-08SPECIAL MARCH TERM HELD MARCH 8, 2002 • THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF CALHOUN § BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the gth day of March, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 9:00 A.M., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to -wit: Arlene N. Marshall County Judge Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Pct. 1 Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Pct. 2 (ABSENT) H. Floyd Commissioner, Pct 3 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Pct. 4 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of • Allegiance. ADOPT A COUNTY SAFETY PLAN Judge Marshall asked for recommendations regarding the previous Texas Association of Counties (TAC) Workers' Compensation Self -Insurance Fund safety incentive program report. Ethel Jecker with the Health Department recommended this report or any plan to keep taxes at a minimum and to avoid law suits; either this plan or an adaptation or even a stricter plan. County Auditor Ben Comiskey said this will be a burden on the Commissioners and the Sheriff. There are many forms to be completed and procedures to be followed on a daily basis. We need time to implement the plan and need to coordinate or send people to schools to learn and teach the plan. He recommended someone be hired to handle this. Judge Marshall stated there is a local Contractors Safety Council. Also, if we implement the plan and show progress, we get $40,000 back in workman's compensation expenses in two years. ' Judy Smith, Memorial Medical Center Quality Improvement Director, said the hospital has a plan now but it is not very extensive. Pat Trigg, Gary Arnold and Judy Smith are all involved every day. Mr. Comiskey said the hospital has the highest rates of claims in the County. Judge Marshall said this makes us more aware of the need for safety. The group discussed the safety plan and implementation of same. Commissioner Finster stated although money will be saved on insurance premiums the main concern is peoples' life and prevention of accidents. Mrs. Jecker said the most effective thing is accountability; make people aware. The following committee members were named: Ethel Jecker, Safety Management Coordinator; Judy Smith, Pat Trigg and Gary Arnold with the Hospital; Rita Miller with County Judge's Office; Mark Daigle with Sheriff's Department; Commissioner Roger Galvan for the county precincts; Pat Kalisek with the Landfill and Charlie Crober with Maintenance. The Committee will meet and propose a program to be presented for discussion at a Special Meeting on March 28a'. The report is due to TAC by April 11, 2002. COURT ADJOURNED AT 9:50 A.M. g20