2007-06-28Regular June Term THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF CALHOUN § Held June 28, 2007 BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 28th day of June, A.D., 2007 there was begun and holden in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to -wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Vern Lyssy Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER — MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: Jamie R. Jacoby, Chief Financial Officer and Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator presented the Memorial Medical Center monthly financial Report for the month of May 2007. 1--i, IV 1 F'_ ria Street ' Port Lavaca; TX (361) 552-6713 CASH Cash decreased during May by $224271 to end the month with a cash balance of $2,994,M, This represents 53 days of cash on hand. The decrease was $133,137 in operating, with the balance being indigent funds. The indigent expenditures for the first four months of funding under the $1,566,060 block from the County ate tracking so that the 12 months should mafch the exhaustion of the cash. This is„of course, subject to change if enrollment increases, or we have extraordinary expenses. RECEIVABLES Receivables increased during May by $142,176. The days of revenue in gross patient receivables are just over 44.5. CURRENT LIABILITIES Current liabilities decreased by $261,111 during the month CURRENT RATIO The current ratio at May 31 was 2.71:1 Revenues for May were $3,554,277. This is above budget year-to-date by $1;036873, and exceeds the prior year. Net revenues ate $1,817,559. Medicare' contractual adjustments exceed budget'year-to-date by $1,099,544. This is the largest area of variance in our financials. Due to charge increases and bill audit we are recognizing more revenue. Medicare pays a per diem which only adjusts once a year after the cost report is filed. Therefore increasing revenues to Medicare creates greater adjustment. The dollars do not catch up until cost report filing. EXPENSES Expenses for May were $1,811,396 which exceeds budget. There were some one time adjustments in May due to changes reported in the 2006 financial audit. The most significant of those changes was the reclassification of our CT lease with Toshiba from capital to operating. This moved nearly $100,000 from the balance sheet to expenses. Though this inflates our operating expenses, it does create a faster expensing for cost reporting purposes, and therefore a faster recovery of those dollars applicable to the Medicare program. NET The net operating gain for April was $6,163, and year-to-date gain of $555,955; and the net loss after depreciation was $31,423, and year-to-date gain of $89,805. Depreciation is also reduced by the reclassification of the CT lease. That becomes operating expense rather than capital; again, to our advantage. Depreciation will be under $100,000 per month going forward. Respectfully submitted, 4ie by, CPA 0iiei cial Of is r MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER GRAPHIC BALANCE SHEET CASH 2O06.2007 LONG-TERMR.2006-2007 100 000 I I III $600,0.1 II 000 MONTH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 2006-2007 $5,000,000 h $4,000,000 $3,000,000 J o $2,000,000 a $1,000,000 $0 MONTH --�-- 2006 t 2007 FUND BALANCES 2006-2007 $10,000,000 $9,800,000 w $9,600,000 $9,400,000 J $9,200,000 p $9,000,000 $8,800,000 $8,600,000 '4y'`FS "'g2"*''r114 "r 'kb `Fa %144.4'o MONTH 2006 t 2007 NET GAIN(LOSS) YTD CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- (Incr) Decr Current Liabilities- Incr (Deer) Prepaid Expense (Incr) Decr Inventory (Incr) Decr Long Term Liabilities Incr (Decr) TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECK PLUS: Depreciation Total Cash- Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases NET CASH- [NCR (DECR) MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY MAY 31, 2007 (536,768) 1,092,039 (29,941) (37,307) (11,861) 476,172 565,978 466,150 1,032,127 1,032,127 (47,979) 984,148 1 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT MAY 31, 2007 - YTD YTD YTD REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NETREVENUE NAME MONTH YTD AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT WILLIAM, G.A. 92,770.44 328,017.58 41,684.41 22,961.23 263,371.94 80% LIN, M.S. 98,124.98 736,579.13 328,269.63 51,560.54 356,748.96 489. WRIGHT 10,739.46 17,771.42 10,172.63 1,244.00 6,354.79 36% MCFARLAND, T.R. 275,853.30 1,339,735.56 406,128.86 93,781.49 839,825.21 63 % GRIFFIN, JEANNINE 16,866.33 108,487.07 3,390.76 7,594.09 97,502.22 90% BUNNELL, D.P. 362,613.99 1,718,805.60 923,294.59 120,316.39 675,194.62 - 39% NIRATSUWAN 104,104.03 582,415.67 159,331.64 40,769.10 382,314.94 66% ARROYO-DIAZ, R. 157,383.88 767,152.25 316,352.82 53,700.66 397,098.77 52% CROWLEY, W 386,862.12 1,832,337.67 605,602.00 128,263.64 1,098,472.03 60% CUMMINS, M. 51,168.42 165,292.69 14,197.32 11,570.49 139,524.88 8491, RUPLEY, M. 11,917.86 111,829.66 8,845.06 7,828.08 95,156.52 85% LEE, 1 144,467.69 638,184.04 216,230.66 44,672.88 377,180.50 59% LE, NHI` 56,256.47 231,582.14 86,990.42 16,210.75 128,380.97 55 % SHAFFER, C. 32,414.28 332,407.55 131,762.54 23,268.53 177,376.48 53 % STEINBERG, R. 22,137.82 59,817.49 11,972.41 4,187.22 43,657.85 -73 % RAMOS LABORATORY 3,028.67 13,375.29 0.00 936.27 12,439.02 93% VISITING PHYSICIANS 706,370.88 2,969,307.96 919,633.26 207,851.56 1,841,823.14 62 % ER PHYSICIANS 847,344A5 4,376,277.05 685,341.60 306,339.39 3,384,596.05 77% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 887.01 1,978.35 0.00 138.48 1,839.87 93% OTHER 172,965.14 1,402,014.91 212,366.80 _ 101,632.14 1,088,015.97 78% TOTAL 3,554,277.22 17,733,369.08 5,081,567.41 1,244,826.93 11,406,974.74 64% 3 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET 06/12/07 02:55 PM AS OF: 05/31/07 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR LAST MONTH 05/31/07 05/31/06 04/30/07 CURRENT ASSETS CASH OPERATING FUND 374,154.64 2,722,184.78 598,444.27 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 2,600,000.00 .00 2,600,000.00 IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 PETTY CASH 625.00 625.00 625.00 MMP BOND PROCEEDS .00 .00 .00 MMP HOSPITAL PORTION .00 .00 .00 RESTRICTED DONATION 14,405.02 14,191.28 14,386.74 MMP BOND SINKING FUND/INTEREST 36.21 36.21 36.21 TOTAL CASH .............................. 2,994,220.87 2,742,037.27 3,218,492.22 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 5,226,115,15 4,395,831.84 5,053,324.11 ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBT (2,138,046.63) (1,976,529.63) (2,138,046.63) PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVABL 420.20 420.20 420.20 MISC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 149,591.72 137,954.62 180,203.78 THIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE 947,469.31 249,278,99 947,469.31 TIP GRANT .00 .00 .00 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ................ 4,195,549.75 2,806,956.02 4,043,370.77 INVENTORIES RADIOLOGY --FILM 2,153,90 320.09 2,438.03 LABORATORY 107,296.06 89,732.34 86,774.35 CENTRAL SUPPLY 180,603.63 79,898.46 177,333.26 SURGERY 115,889.77 106,727.39 115,889.77 DIETARY 12,220.62 11,152.76 12,220.62 MAINTENANCE 3,659.22 4,119.94 3,659.22 PHARMACY 199,247.34 172,162.67 199,247.34 TOTAL INVENTORY ......................... 621,070.54 464,113.65 597,562.59 PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSURANCE 7,881.02 78,279.24 14,729.30 PREPAID EXPENSES 109,874.65 21,441.28 208,379.16 TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES .................. 117,755.87 99,720.52 223,108.46 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS .................... 7,918,597.03 6,112,827.46 8,082,534.04 PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND 32,142.60 32,142.60 32,142.60 BUILDINGS 8,930,984.87 8,871,116.87 8,930,984.87 FIXED EQUIPMENT 3,278,527.41 3,278,527.41 3,278,527.41 MAJOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT 9,626,255.24 10,220,456.59 9,626,255.24 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA 900,501.27 900,501.27 900,501,27 REPORTABLE BOND INSUAANCE COST .00 .00 .00 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS .00 .00 .00 LESS: ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (18,321,132.88) (17,749,056.50) (18,283,546.44) TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIP 4,447,278.51 5,553,688.24 4,484,864.95 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED ASSETS ............... 12,365,875.54 11,666,515.70 12,567,398.99 m M914CRIAL MEDICAL CENTER _ BALANCE SHEET - 06/12/07 02:55 PM AS OF: 05/31/07 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR. LAST MONTH 05/31/07 05/31/06 04/30/07 CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 441,130.48 299,597.08 417,394.25 ACCRUED PAYABLES 236,955.89 68,722.32 133,920.14 ACCRUED PAYROLL 505,953.80 613,889.09 786,663.08 ACCRUED RETIRS14MT 36,118.39 36,109.16 36,118.22 ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX 5.32 (34.39) .00 THIRD PARTY PAYABLES .00 (228,763.00) .00 RETENTION -CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRES .00 .00 .00 UNEARNED INCOME INDIGENT HEALTH 1,088,624.82 .00 1,179-,496,46 ACCRUED VACATION/HOLIDAY/SICK 336,496.45 292,330,45 336,496.45 CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION 276,757.09 389,868.17 293,064.87 MMP BONDS .00 .00 .00 REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 HOSP OBLIGATION FOR BONDS .00 .00 .00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES ............... -.---__-_._____ 2,922,042.24 ...___________ 1,471,718.88 _______...-.__ 3,183,153.47 LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BONDS .00 .00 .00 LONG TERM LEASE 125,175.61 687,284.44 34,164.48 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES ............. _ 125,175.61 _______________ 687,284.44 _______________ 34,164.48. TOTAL LIABILITIES ....................... 3,047,217.25 2,159,003.32 3,217,317.95 RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES 9,228,B52.49 9,160,281.04 9,246,853.49 YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS 89,805.20 364,964.34 121,228.55 ------------- TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE ............... 9,318,657.69 9,525,245.39 9,368,082.04 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED LIABILITIES.......... 12,365,875.51 11,684,248.70 12,585,399.99 RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND 18,112.58 17,843.08 18,089.53 FORMOSA TRUST 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS ............. 551,749.99 551,480.49 551,726.94 RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FIND BALANCE 18,112.58 110.08 88.53 FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE - 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAR .............. 551,749.99 533,747.49 533,725.94 5 Operating Revenue Inpatient Revenue: Medicare Medicaid Other Total lP Revenue YTD IP Revenue Variance Outpatient Revenue Medicare Medicaid Other Total OP Revenue YTD OP Revenue Variance Total Operating Revenue YTD Total Revenue Variance Revenue Deductions Medicare Cont. Adj. Medicare Pass-thru Medicaid Cont. Adj. Indigent/Charity Cont. Adj. Bad Debt Expense Other Deductions Total Rev Deductions MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 5 Months Ending May 31, 2007 -- SINGLE MONTH --------- --------- ---------- YEAR TO DATE -.---------- Current Budget Prior Year Current YTD Budget YTD Prior YTD 524,527 503,096 573,219 2,812,164 2,516,480 2,532,857 79,809 121,208 89,582 699,651 606,038 493,946 310,663 258,728 273,958 1,382,253 1,293,642 1,253,903 914,998 883,032 936,759 4,894,068 4,415,160 4,260,706 1,116,776 1,136,805 119,328 329,334 1,403,175 990,129 2,639,279 2,456,267 3,554,2/8 3,339,299 478,909 613,362 1,002,243 5,197,437 5,684,024 4,650,006 183,100 589,627 1,646,669 1,027,305 1,369,985 7,052,237 4,950,643 6,242,536 2,566,328 12,839,301 12,281,336 11,919,847 557,966F---9-19-,4541. 3,492,087 17,733,369 16,696,496 16,200,553 1,036,873 1,532,816 (1,061,794.) (781,7711 (779,464) (5,008,400) 1319081856) (3,680,468) 31,004 21,667 71,488 235,767 108,333 186,058 1234,84,81, (237,930) (152,621) (1, 190,6921 (1,189,652) (1,054,096) (75,2071 (142,758) 088,734) (471,615) (713,791) (719.810; (246,081) (200,541) 1239 567) (1,244,8271 (1,002,707) (992,6221 (190,279) (210,738) (302,118) (1,095,122) (1,053,692) (1,071,673) (1,777,805) (1,552,073) f1,591 ,016) (8,774,890) (7,760,364h (7,333,601) Deducts as % of Oper Revenue 50,81 ek 47.13Wn F 46.41 Payments as % of Oper Revenue F 49.197% F 52.87% 53.59% Other Revenue Cafeteria Sales 8,190 8,333 10,411 42,485 41,667 43,419 Interest Income 10,539 3,600 3,739 41,652 18,000 18,405 Interest from Bonds 18 0 18 89 0 87 Interest from Hasp Portion 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mall Rental 0 0 0 212 0 60 Miscellaneous Income 22,340 12,167 19,817 38,443 60,833 57,700 Total Other Revenue 41,087 24,100 34,045 122,880 120,500 119,671 Net Revenue 1,817,559 1,811,327 1,935,115 9,081,359 9,056,633 81986,623 Page -1- J MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT •For the 5 Months Ending May 31, 2007 ------------------- SINGLE MONTH - ----------------- ---- _------------- -,- YEAR TO DATE ----------- --- Current Budget - Prior Year Current YTD Budget YTD Prior YTD Operating Expense Salaries 728,885 681,815 658,636 3,473,381 3,409,074 3,252,107 Employee Benefits - 216,907 178,147 209,592 1,093,527 890,734 847,653 Professional Fees 235,674 229,047 248,777 1,118,844 1,145,235 1,164,928 Plant Operation 56,516 70,898 83,687 272,199 354,492 350,775 Hospital General (716) 29,896 44,081 137,708 149,482 163,661 Other Operating Expenses 573,131 458,154 475,917 2,429,746 2,291,412 2,312,623 Total Operating Expense 1,811,396 1,647,958 1,718,590 8,525,404. 8,240,429 8,091,747 F­28-4,9-75-1 433,657 Net Operating Gain/ILoss) 6,163 163,369 216,525 555,955 , 816,203 894,876 Non -Operating Expense Depreciation 37,586 105,833 106,126 466,150 529,167 529,912 Cost Report Settlement 0 0 0 0 0 0 Contribution to County 0 O 0 0 0 0 Total Non -Operating Expense 37,586 105,833 106,125 466,150 529,167 529,912 Total Operating Gaint(Loss) (31,4241 57,535 110,401 89,805 287,037 364,965 County Subsidy 0 O 0 0 0 0 Net GaiN(Loss) after Subsidy (31,424) 57,535 110,401 69,805 287,037 364,966 Page -1- 7 w LWL r Z W U J a _U CW C J Q 0 2 W 2 W J m LLI U � W� N Z. M OLL Q U � QO LL O Co a Z Q D)Q M-o Ne he :Oa coo J MN'O co (D O(D V"`M W C)0 Q LV'-n th �tNNr MO M V 0 O) 6Mi (OD (m N �'- N LO CV m N N LO OJ o tO a N o N o CO o N o O (D N tb CD �. (D O m LO M 41 N Ili M M N D) O D) N ct O. W N LO O V' o N o N o e- a V' 0 4) a O V-M M NIO(O,, M1, O (D I r ,- I,- r, co Oo N co D) O P- O c0 r O (V rn -t o 0) o tO o D) o OJ o tO o c0 V' O D) Cl) 00 O LO oo O O D) O V' c- Cl) O r O N N r to O 1 LO co ih o IO a ,- o cO o r o LO o M om, It 1- N m h 0 -V - M N ,-r'IT M N NOM MN O O �. N LO CO) It V ,�- co - c- C•) 'M I co 17 CD o r e co o O o IO o 't c CO I� r� O W W D) 00 N I-- N ,- cD W cD CO V' CO V' ,- CO N LO (h co m O 'N (D N N C C_ C C C a)O 0 V U U U vav va�aQa W Ja N () d ro m c N 7 )O d co V' V i6 >. M 0 Q m C cc m MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS MAY 2007 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE PATIENTS ADMITTED 100 125 577 608 ADMISSIONS FROM ER 24 23 138 108 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 3.49 3.62 3.62 3.59 PATIENT DAYS OF SERVICE 349 452 2,088 2,181 PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY* 45.03% 58.32% 55.31 % 57.77% AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 11.26 14.58 13.83 14.44 MAXIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 20 21 25 23 MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 6 11 5 4 ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS 1,356 1,685 7,547 8,272 SWING BED ADMISSIONS 2 5 11 16 SWING BED DAYS 30 45 79 120 ICU PATIENTS ADMITTED 18 37 132 167 ICU PATIENT DAYS 53 103 358 379 OB'S ADMITTED 9 15 61 65 OB DAYS OF SERVICE 18 33 133 143 PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS 1 1 15 5 PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE 1 5 29 16 NEWBORNS FOR MONTH 7 13 41 56 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.43 2.08 2.20 2.04 DAYS OF SERVICE 17 27 90 114 MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED 52 67 291 321 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 4.37 4.33 4.59 4.35 DAYS OF SERVICE 227 290 1,335 1,396 MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED 11 13 93 94 DAYS OF SERVICE 23 36 244 226 DEATHS 3 2 22 15 AUTOPSIES 0 0 0 0 SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 11 12 44 57 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 99 122 394 527 CESAREAN SECTIONS** 0 5 11 19 TOTALS 110 139 449 603 *Based on 25 beds 41 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,307 1,733 6,284 8,895 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 816 787 4,249 3,841 TOTALS 2,123 2,620 10,533 12,736 LABORATORY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 4,287 4,702 20,732 21,255 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 18,439 18,714 76,019 92,810 TOTALS 22,726 23,416 96,751 114,065 RADIOLOGY INPATIENT PROCEDURES 92 107 569 487 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 834 679 4,203 3,430 BONE DENSITY 28 24 129 132 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 62 83 276 564 ULTRASOUNDS 160 168 765 794 CT SCANS 220 260 1,124 1,190 MAMMOGRAPHY 96 98 541 430 MRI 91 131 582 587 TOTALS 1,583 1,550 8,189 7,614 IV SOLUTIONS DISPENSED 1,139 1,388 5,322 5,754 DRUGS DISPENSED 9,886 8,391 54,677 42,608 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 2,220 2,165 10,136 3,891 TOTALS 13,245 11,944 70,135 52,253 RESPIRATORY THERAPY INPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,195 1,997 7,472 10,370 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 420 702 2,626 3,644 STRESS TESTS 7 14 29 67 EKGS 165 217 1,026 974 EEGS 3 5 18 14 TOTALS 1,790 2,935 11,171 15,069 PHYSICAL THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 279 324 1,201 1,362 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 2,272 2,819 8,829 12,226 HOME HEALTH VISITS 135 104 604 603 TOTALS 2,686 3,247 10,634 14,191 i[7 HOME HEALTH CARE: MEDICARE VISITS OTHER VISITS ST/SS TOTALS DIETARY: MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA TOTALS DIETITIAN CONSULTS THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE 786 770 3,746 3,936 20 14 100 74 1 0 1 2 807 784 3,847 4,012 1,142 1,533 6,526 7,278 3,367 4,013 16,518 18,501 4,509 5,546 23,044 25,779 COST PER PATIENT DAY W/O DEPR 5,190.25 3,802.04 4,083.05 3,712.12 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 5,207.91 4,281.08 4,349.31 4,120.38 BREAKEVEN W/0 DEPRECIATION 11.22 12.74 12.93 12.86 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 11.26 14.58 13.83 14.44 PATIENTS ABOVE / BELOW BREAKEVEN 0.04 1.84 0.90 1.58 COST PER ADJ. PT. DAY W/O DEP. 1,336.16 1,019.90 1,129.64 1,229.11 INCOME PER ADJ. PT. DAY 1,340.70 1,148.41 1,203.31 1,364.29 6 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE & VAR ON NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 9,555.00 11,816.42 (2,261.42) (19.13) 66,434,25 59,082.10 7,352.15 12.44 TOTAL REVENUE. 9,555.00 11,816.42 (2,261.42) (19.13) 66,434.25 59,082.10 7,352.15 12.44 EXPENSES SALARIES 29,495.90 28,302.34 (1,193.56) (4.21) 137,491.73 141,511.62 4,019.89 2.84 OTHER EXPENSES 8,969.05 6,513.50 (2,455.55) (37.69) 38,922.74 33,467.50 (5,455.24) (16.30) TOTAL EXPENSES -------------- 38,464.95 34,815.84 (3,649.11) (10.48) 176,414.47 174,979.12 (1,435.35) (.82) NET GAIN/(LOSS (28,909.95) --____-..._ (22,999.12) .----_..___- (5,910.531 (25.69) _.._____.__ (109,980.22) --____----- (115,997.02) -- ------------ 5,916.60 5.10 MED/SURG NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 136,770.OD 135,221.67 1,548.33 1.14 794,815.00 676,108.35 118,706.65 17.55 TOTAL REVENUE. 136,770.00 135,221.67 1,548.33 1.14 794,815.00 676,106.35 118,706.65 17.55 EXPENSES SALARIES 85,691.65 05,105.33 (1,786.32) (2.09) 441,870.02 425,526.65 (16,343.37) (3.84) OTHER EXPENSES 14,068.30 23,986.79 9,918.49 41.34 106,121.66 120,174.11 14,052.45 11.69 TOTAL EXPENSES .._______ 100,959.95 109,092,12 ....... 8,132.17 7.45 547,991.68 545,700.76 (2,290.92) (.41) NET GAIN/(LOSS 35,810.05 .............. 26,129.55 9,680.50 37.04 -------------- 246,823.32 -------------- 130,407.59 -------------- 116,415.73 89.27 ICU NURSING STATION REVENUE INPATIENT NEVER 72,800.00 82,019.42 (9,219.42) (11.24) 426,400.00 410,097.10 16,302.90 3.97 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 274.33 (214.33) (100.00) 1,300.00 1,371.65 (71.65) (5.22) TOTAL REVENUE. 72,800.00 82,293.75 (9,493.75) (11.53) 427,700.00 411,468.75 16,231.25 3.94 EXPENSES SALARIES 50,968.89 48,166.50 (2,802.39) (5.81) 248,653.94 240,832.50 (7,821.44) (3.24) OTHER EXPENSES 11,966.36 17,764.17 5,797.81 32.63 73,756.69 88,820.85 15,064.16 16.96 TOTAL EXPENSES ______________ 62,935.25 65,930.67 2,995.42 4.54 322,410.63 329,653.35 7,242.72 2.19 NET GAIN/(LOSS 9,864.75 ___________________________ 16,363.08 (6,498.33) (39.71) ----_-_-----_. 105,289.37 -------------- 81,815.40 -------------- 23,473.97 28.,69 NURSERY NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 11,527.25 7,689.92 3,837.33 49.90 66,722.75 38,449.60 28,273.15 73.53 TOTAL REVENGE. 11,527,25 7,689.92 3,837.33 49.90 66,722.75 38,449.60 28,273.15 73.53 EXPENSES SALARIES 11,818.56 9,488.75 (2,329.81) (24.55) 58,505.65 47,443.75 (11,062.90) (23.31) OTHER EXPENSES 3,643.89 2,547.92 (1495.97) (43.01) 7,91h37 12,739.60 4,826.23 37.88 TOTAL EXPENSES -------------- 15,462.45 ------------- 12,036:67 -------------- (3,425.78) (29.46) 66,420.02 60,183.35 (6,236.67) (10.36) NET GAIN/(LOSS (3,935,20) (1,346.75) 411.55 9.46 -------------- -------------- 302.73 -------------- (21,733.75) 22,036.48 101.39 12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR .SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT REVRNU 27,500.00 34,515.26 (7,015.26) (20.3 OUTPATIENT REVEN 147,539.20 120,510.31 27,028.89 22.4 TOTAL REVENUE. 175,03).20 155,025.57 20,013.63 12.9 EXPENSES SALARIES 53,220.29 44,133.33 (9,080.96) (20.5 LEASE AND RENTAL 711.00 37.50 (673.50) (1796.0 OTHER EXPENSES 37,073.98 27,389.99 19,683.99) (35.3' TOTAL EXPENSES 91,005.27 71,566.82 (19,438.45) (27.11 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 84,033.93 ------------- 03,458.75 -------------- 575.18 .61 SWING BED REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 4,025.00 2,682. 75 1,342.25 50.03 TOTAL REVENUE. 4, 025.00 2,682.75 1,342.25 50.03 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/REVEN 4,025.00 ------------- 2,682-75 -------------- 1,342.25 50.03 OBSERVATION REVENUE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 5,560.00 3,974.25 1,505.75 39.90 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 363.59 (363.59) (100.00 TOTAL REVRNUE. 5,560.00 4,337.84 1,222.16 28.17 LABOR AND DELIVERY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 40,544.7E 5, 000.00 35,544.75 710.89 OUTPATIENT REVEN 9,404,75 541.67 8,863.08 1636.25 TOTAL REVENUE. 49,949.50 5,541.67 44,407.83 801.34 EXPENSES SALARIES 8,530.47 9,470.33 939.86 9.92 OTHER EXPENSES 990.03 4,154.82 3,164.79 76.17 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,520.50 13,625.15 4,104.65 30.12 -------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 40,429.00 ------- (8,083,48) -------------- 48,512.48 600.14 06/12/07 02:55 PM ------------ Y E A R T O D A T 2 ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR 121,287.B0 172,576.30 (51,288.50) (29.71) 532,232.45 602,551.S5 (70,319.10) (11.67) 653,520.25 775,127.85 (121,607.60) (15.68) 232,527.16 220,696.65 (11,830.51) (5.36) 3,970.75 187.50 (3,7B3.25) (2017,73) 144,697.27 136,949.95 (7,747.32) (5.65) 381,195.18 357,834.10 (23,361.08) (6.52) 272,325.07 417,293.75 (144,968,68) (34.74) 12,250.00 13,413.75 - (1,163.75) (8.67) 12,250.00 13,413.75 (1,163.75) (8.67) (4.10) .00 4.10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (4.10) .00 4.10 .00 ----------- 12,254.10 -------------- 13,413.75 --- ---------- (1,159.65) (8.64) 12,740.00 19,871.25 (7,131.25) (35.88) 6,500.00 1,817.95 4,682.05 257.54 19,240.00 21,689.20 (2,449.20) (11.29) 201,739.25 25,000.00 176,739.25 706.95 39,497.25 2,708.35 36,788.90 1358.35 241,236.50 27,708.35 213,528.15 770,62 37,764.36 47,351.65 9,587.29 20.24 6,280.16 20,774.10 14,493.94 69.76 44,044.52 68,125.75 24481.23 35.34 197,191.98 (40,417.40) 237,609.38 587.88 13 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR CENTRAL SUPPLY REVENUE 06/12/07 02:55 PM ------------ Y E A R T O D A T E ___..._-__ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR INPATIENT BEVER 15,128.00 2,761.33 12,366.67 447.85 88,926.11 13,806.65 75,119.46 544.08 OUTPATIENT REVEN 11,274.55 814.09 10,450.46 1284.92 41,339.70 4,070.45 37,269.25 915.60 TOTAL REVENUE. 26,402.55 3,575.42 22,827.13 638.44 130,265.81 17,877.10 112,388.71 628.67 EXPENSES SALARIES - 1,524.25 1,193.16 (31.09) (2.08) 7,020.13 7,465.80 445.67 5.96 OTHER EXPENSES 11,567.19 2,257.75 (9,309.44) (412.33) 44,223.95 11,288.75 (32,935.20) (291.75) TOTAL EXPENSES 13,091.44 3.750.91 (9,340.53) (249.02) 51,244.08 18,754.55 (32,489.53) (173.23) -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 13,311.11 -__.____ (175.49) .... .............. 13,486.60 7685.11 ------------ 79,021.73 _______--.-_ (877.45) - ____._._-___ 79,899.18 9105.83 PHARMACY AND IV THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVBNU 208,545.14 206,589.08 1,956.06 .94 1,015,784.32 1,032,945.40 12,838.92 1.24 OUTPATIENT REVEN 141,245.16 136,322.74 4,922.42 3.61 728,990.65 681,613.70 47,376.95 6.95 TOTAL REVENUE. 349,790.30 342,911.82 6,878.48 2.00 1,774,774.97 1,714,559.10 60,215.87 3.51 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,890.34 13,011.17 (879.17) (6.75) 63,857.74 65,055.85 1,198.11 1.84 PROFESSIONAL IRS 9,167.04 9,416.67 (750.37) (8,91) 45,835.20 42,083.35 (3,751.85) (8.91) EXPENSES 67,442.40 56,619.58 (10,822.82) (19.11) 267,074.63 283,097.90 16,023.27 5.65 TOTAL EXPENSES 90,499.78 78.047.42 (12,452.36) (15.95) 376,767.57 390,237.10 13,469.53 3.45 NET GAIN/(LOSS 259,290.52 ____ ------------ 264,864,40 ------- (5,573.88) (2.10) ---------- 1,398,007.40 -------------- 1,324,322.00 73,685.40 5.56 CUP INFUSION THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LASS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 14 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02;55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T R ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE Y VAR EMERGENCY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 25,165.00 14,900.58 10,264.42 68.88 111,120.75 74,502.90 36,617.85 49.14 .OUTPATIENT SEVEN 289,969.50 211,483.34 78,486.16 37.11 1,334,144.25 1,057,416.70 276,727.55 26.17 TOTAL REVENUE. 315,134.50 226,393.92 88,750,58 39.20 - 1,445,265.00 1,131,919.60 313,345.40 27.60 EXPENSES SALARIES 78,689.74 71,373.59 (7,316.15) 110.25) 375,068.44 356,867.9E (18,200.49) (5.10) PROFESSIONAL FEE 81,227.48 78,110,00 (3,117,48) (3.99) 409,666.24 390,550.00 (19,116.24) (4.89) LEASE '& RENTAL 2,127.94 2,258.33 130.39 5.77 10,954.83 11,291.65 336.82 2.98 OTHER EXPENSES 16,446.72 20,171.00 3,724.28 18.46 82,010.14 100,855.00 18,844.86 18.68 TOTAL EXPENSES 178,491.88 171,912.92 (6,578.96) (3.82) 877,699.65 859,564.60 - (18,135.05) (2.10) NET GAIN/)LOSS ______________ 136,642.62 _____________ 54,471.00 ____._.._.._ 82,171.62 150.85 _.._.__._... 567,565.35 _____________ 272,355.00 _._......._ ._ 295,210.35 108.39 ER PHYSICIANS REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 10,828.00 9,559.92 1,268.09 13.26 63,174.25 47,799.60 15,374.65 32.16 _OUTPATIENT REVEN 175,120.00 170,593.26 4,526.74 2.65 938,207.25 852,966.30 85,240.95 9.99 TOTAL REVENUE, 185,948.00 180,153.18 5,794.82 3.21 1,001,381.50 900,765.90 100,615.60 11.17 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 LEASE & RENTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 .00 CITY SUBSIDY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 86,803.75 110,312.25 (23,508.50) (21.31) 523,961.73 551,561.25 (27,599.52) (5.00) OUTPATIENT REVEN 329,949.42 345,207.94 (15,258.42) (4.42) 1,766,242.79 1,726,039.20 40,203.59 2.32 TOTAL REVENUE. 416,753.17 455,520.09 (38,766.92) (8.51) 2,290,204.52 2,277,600.4E 12,604.07 .55 EXPENSES SALARIES - 43,314.07 45, 104.75 1,790.68 3.97 211,246.1E 225,523.75 14,277.50 6,33 LEASE & RENTAL 391.16 7,142.92 6,751.76 94.52 19,209.31 35,714.60 16,505.29 46.21 OTHER EXPENSES 70,559,92 64, 507.35 (6,052.571 (9.38) 339,643.52 322,536.75 (17,106.77) (5,30) TOTAL EXPENSES 114,265.15 116,755.02 2,489.87 2.13 570,098.98 583,775.10 13,676.12 2.34 NET GAIN/(LOSS 302,488.02 _______ 338,765.07 -------------- (36,277.05) (10.7C) -------------- 1,720,105.54 -------------- .___._______ 1,693,825.35 26,280.19 1.55 15 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR BLOOD BANK REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 26,120.00 17,318.33 OUTPATIENT REVEN 13, 472, 50 7,831.92 TOTAL REVENUE. 39,592,50 25,150.25 EXPENSES EXPENSES 10,354.39 7,042.08 TOTAL EXPENSES - 10,354.39 7,042.08 NET GAIN/(LOSS 29,238 11 18,108.17 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 TOTAL,EXPENSES .00 .00 ______________ NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 ___------- .00 ___ SAFETY TESTING REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 '00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 ______________ NET GAIN/(LOSS '00 _____________ .00 ELECTROCARDIOLOGRAPHY (EKG) REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 11,925.00 15,888.00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 42,473.25 10,230.00 TOTAL REVENUE. 54,398.25 56,118.00 EXPENSES EXPENSES 2,707.48 1,977,51 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,707.48 1,977.51 ______________ NET GAIN/(LOSS 51,690.77 _____________ 54,140.49 06/12/07 02:55 P14 ----------- Y E A R T O 0 A T 8 ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR 8,801.67 50.82 94,454.00 86,591.65 7,862.35 9.07 5,640.58 72.02 57,665.25 39,159.60 18,505.65 47.25 14,442.25 57.42 152,119.25 125,751.25 26,360.00 20.96 (3,312.31) (47.03) 47,185.09 35,210.40 (11,974,69) (34.00) (3,312.31) (47.03) 47,185.09 35,210.40 (11,974.69) (34,00) _ _ _ 11. 129.94 _ 61.46 ______________ 104,934.16 __ __ 90,540.85 14,393.31 15,89 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 ----- .00 00 ------ - ---- .00 -... --- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 '00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ___________ .00 .00 ___---------- .00 _____________ .00 ________. .00 00 (3,963.00) (24,94) 80,335.00 79,440.00 895.00 1.12 2,243.25 5.57 235,450.20 201,150.00 34,300.20 17.05 (1,719,15) (3.06) 315,785.20 280,590.00 35,195.20 12.54 (729,97) (36,91) 9,660,79 9,887.55 226.76 2.29 (729.97) (36.91) 9, 660. 79 9,887.55 226.76 2.29 ------------ (2,449.72) (4.52) -------------- 306,124.41 __..--------- 270,702,45 ----- .-__-__ 35,421.96 13.08 0 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR RADIOLOGY REVENUE 06/12/07 02;55 PM ---------- Y E A R T O D A T & ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR INPATIENT REVENU 13,663.00 11,671.16 1,991.84 17.06 72, 629. 00 58,355.80 14,273.20 24.45 OUTPATIENT REVEN 149,310,50 119,918.08 29,392.42 24.51 739,942.78 599,590.40 140,252.38 23.39 TOTAL REVENUE. 162,973.50 131,589.24 31,384.26 23.85 812,471.78 657,946.20 154,525,58 23.48 EXPENSES SALARIES 55,722.55 54.007.42 (1,715.131 (3.17) 278,511,47 270,037.10 (8,474.37) (3.13) PROFESSIONAL FEE 5,500.00 3,873.75 (1,626.25) (41.98) 29,120.00 19,368.75 (9,751.25) (50.34) OTHER EXPENSES 16,206.99 21,562.66 5,355.67 24.83 120,426.87 107,813.30 (12,613.57) (11.69) TOTAL EXPENSES 77,429.54 79,443.83 2,014.29 2.53 428,058.34 397,219.15 (30,839.19) (7.76) NET GAIN/(LOSS 85,543.96 52,145.41 33,398.55 64, 04 384,413.44 260,727.05 123,686.39 47.43 NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 3,606.50 9,677.01 (6,070.51) (62.73) 14,408.95 48,385.05 (33,976.10) (70.22) OUTPATIENT REVEN 25,240.50 48, 112.09 (22,871.59) (47.53) 108,661.00 240,560.45 (131,899.45) (54.83) TOTAL REVENUE, 28,847.00 57,789.10 128,942.10) (50.08) 123,069.95 208,945.50 (165,875.55) (57.40) EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 4,764.80 5,101.75 336.95 6.60 13,112.86 25,508.75 12,395.89 49.59 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,764,80 5,101.75 336.95 6.60 13,112.B6 25,508.75 12,395.89 48.59 ______________ ------------- -------------- ----------_.. ..------------ NET GAIN/(LOSS 24,082.20 52,687.35 (28,605,15) (54.29) 109,957.09 263,436.75 (153,479.66) (58.26) ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 8,100.75 6,475.75 1,625.00 _ 25.09 31,802.50 32,318.75 (576.25) (1.77) OUTPATIENT REVEN 56,689.50 53,433.59 3,255.91 6.09 276,801.23 267,167.95 9,633.28 3.60 TOTAL REVENUE, 64,790.25 59,909.34 4,880.91 8.14 308,603.73 299,546.70 3,057.03 3.02 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 3,256.48 3,530.42 273.94 7.75 14,877.95 17,652.10 2,774.15 15.71 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,256,48 3,530.42 273.94 7.75 14,877.95 17,652.10 2,774.15 15.71 .. ------------ ------ _____-- -- ______________ ____________ NET GAIN/(LOSS 61,533.77 56,378.92 5,154.85 9.14 293,725,78 281,894.60 11,831.18 4.19 CT SCAN REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 31,983.00 35,913.58 (3,930.58) (10.94) 182,296.25 179,567.90 2,728.3E 1.51 OUTPATIENT SEVEN 252,310.50 251,823.26 487.24 .19 1,272,072.50 1,259,116.30 12,956.20 1.02 TOTAL REVENUE. - 284,293.50 287,736.84 (3,443.31) (1,19) 1,454,368.75 1,438,684.20 15,684.55 1.09 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 119,920.00 .00 (119,920.00) .00) 119,920.00 .00 (119,920.00) .00 OTHER EXPENSES 2,340.00 13,033.33 10,693.33 82.04 61,666.67 65,166.65 3,499.9E 5.37 TOTAL EXPENSES 122,260.00 13,033.33 (IO9,226.67) (838.05) 181,586.67 65,166.6E (116,420.02) (178.64) ..-------------- ----- ._------ ___________- ... ._._______ NET GAIN/(LOSS 162,033.50 274,703.51 (112,670.01) (41.01) 1,272,782.08 1,373,517.55 (100,735.47) (7.33) 17 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02;55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR MAMMOGRAPHY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 27.58 (27.58) (100.00) 115.50 137.90 (22.40) (16,24) OUTPATIENT REVEN 11,233.75 9,287.75 1,946.00 20.95 54,385.50 46,438,75 7,946.75 17.11 TOTAL REVENUE. 11,233.75 9,315.33 1,918.42 20.59 54, 501.00 46,576.65 7,924.35 17..01 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 8,522.14 2,561.92 (5,960,22) (232.64) 16,567.23 12,809,60 (3,757.63) (29.33) TOTAL EXPENSES 8,522.14 2,561.92 (5,960,22) (232.64) 16,567.23 12, 809.60 (3,757.63) (29.33) -------------- ------------- ---------_--- ------- ------- -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 2,711.61 6,753.41 (4,041.80) (59.84) 37,933.77 33,767,05 4,166.72 12.33 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT REVEN? 8,777.75 11,060.84 (2,283.09) (20.64) 40,783.25 55,304.20 (14,520.95) (26.25) OUTPATIENT REVEN 125,902.25 146,488.93 (20,586.58) (14.05) 647,103.75 732,444..15 (85,340.40) (11.65) TOTAL REVENUE. 134,680.00 157,549.67 (22,869.67) (14.51) 687,887.00 787,748.35 (99,861.35) (12.67) EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 3,454.65 11,962,66 8,508,01 71.12 49,306.77 59,813.30 10,506.53 17.56 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,454.65 11,962.66 8,508.01 71.12 49,306.77 59,813.30 10,S06.53 17.56 ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------ NET GAIN/(LOSS 131,225.35 145,5B7.01 (14,361.66) (9.86) 638,580.23 727,935.05 (89,354.82) (12.27) ANESTHESIA REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 16,851.25 25,655.58 (8,804,33) (34.31) 91,008.75 128,277.90 (37,269.15) (29.05) OUTPATIENT REVEN 77,355.00 80,049.83 (2,69433) (3,36) 320,957.00 100,249.15 (79,292.15) (19,81) TOTAL REVENUE. 94,206.25 105,705,41 (11,499.16) (10.87) 411,965.75 528,527.05 (116,561.30) (22.05) EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 55,961.58 40,416.67 (15,544,91) (38.46) 215,192,46 202.083.35 (13,109.11) (6.48) LEASE 6 RENTAL .00 9.25 9.25 100.00 .00 46.25 46.25 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 1,897.01 5,014.99 3,117.98 62,11 9,185.81 25,074.95 15,889.14 63.36 TOTAL EXPENSES 57,858.59 45,440.91 (12,417,68) (27.32) 224,378.27 227,204.55 2,826.26 1.24 --------------------------------------------------' ----- --------.----- NET GAIN/(LOSS 36,347.66 60,264.50 (23,916.84) (39.68) 187,587.49 301,322.50 (113,735,02) (37.74) DIALYSIS UNIT REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN 475,161.50 412,75B.83 62,402.67 15.11 2,409,595.96 2,063,794.15 345,801.61 16.75 TOTAL REVENUE. 47t,161.50 412,758.83 62,402.67 15.11 2,409,595.96 2,063,794,15 345,801.81 16.75 EXPENSES SALARIES 36,791.59 31,201.91 (5,589.68) (17.91) 179,627.97 156,DO9.55 (23,618.42) (15,13) OTHER EXPENSES 62,826.27 69,661.85 6,835.5E 9.81 358,067.62 348,309.25 (9,770.37) (2.80) TOTAL EXPENSES 99,617.86 100,863.76 1,245.50 1.23 537,715.59 504,318.90 (33,396.79) (6.62) -------------- ------------- -------------- ._--._-_- -- -------`------ -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 375,543.64 311,895.07 63,648.57 20.40 1,871,880.37 1,559,475.35 312,405.02 20.03 IE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR CARDIOPULMONARY REVENUE 06/12/07 02:55 PM ----------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR INPATIENT REVENU 106,640.50 98,685.58 7,954.92 8.06 626,444.85 493,427.90 233,016.95 26.95 OUTPATIENT RSVEN 20,395.25 36,18933 (15,794.08) 143.64) 123,014.25 180,946.65 (57,932.40) (32.01) TOTAL REVENUE. 127,035.75 134,874.91 (7,839.16) (5.81) 749,459.10 674,374.55 75,084.55 11.13 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LEASE & RENTAL 928.04 658.08 (269.96) (41.02) 3,688.84 3,290.40 (398.44) (12.10) OTHER EXPENSES 31,962.70 35,766.08 3,803.38 10.63 167,540.79 178,830.40 11,289.61 6.31 - TOTAL EXPENSES 32,890.74 36,424.16 3,533.42 9.70 171,229.63 182,120.80 10,891.17 5.98 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 94,145.01 ------------- 98,450.75 -------------- (4,305.741 (4 37) ----.----- 578,229.47 '------- 492,.253.75 -------------- 85,975.72 17.46 CARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES - SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ------------ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NETGAIN/(LOSS - .00 ------------- ,00 -------------- .00 .00 -- ,00 ------------ .00 - ---- ----- .00 oa OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 488,00 263.58 224.42 85.14 1,685.75 1,317.90 367.85 27,91 OUTPATIENT ROVER 1,220.00 640.34 579.66 90,52 2,661.75 3,201.70 (539.95) 116.86) TOTAL REVENUE. 1,708.0E 903.92 804.08 88.95 4,347.50 4,519.60 (172.10) (3.80) EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 216.92 216.92 100.00 1,393.70 1,084.60 (309.10) (28.49) TOTAL EXPENSES .00 216,92 216.92 100.00 1,393.70 1,084.6E (309.10) (28.49) ------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 1,708.00 ------------- 687.00 -------------- 1,021.00 148.61 .___------- 2,953.80 --.._.------ 3,435.00 -- -------------- (481.20) (14.001 PHYSICAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 30,151.00 23,352.25 6,798.75 29.11 118,050.75 116,761.25 1,289.50 1.10 OUTPATIENT REVEN 176,047.00 161,232.51 14,814.49 9.18 707,7B2.75 806,162.55 (98,379.80) (12.20) TOTAL REVENUE. 206,198.00 184,584.76 21,613.24 11.70 825,833.50 922,923.80 (97,090.30) (10.51) EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 43,298.78 49,110.83 5,812.05 11.83 198,680.93 245,554.15 46,B73.22 19.08 OTHER EXPENSES 7,964.08 7,085.58 (878,50) (12.39) 38,053.83 35,427.90 (2,625.93) (7.41) TOTAL EXPENSES 51,262.86 56,196.41 4,933.5S 8,77 236,734.76 280,982.05 44,247.29 1S.74 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 154,935.14 ----------- 128,388.35 - -------------- 26,546.79 20.67 ---------- 589.,098.74 -------'------ 641,941.75 ...... - ------ (52,843.01) (8.23) 19 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H---------------:-- -.-- Y E A R T O D A T 3 ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVEND .00 .00 .00 .DO 702.50 .00 702.50 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 109,904.50 102,111,33 7,793.17. 7.63 498,085.65 510,556.65 (12,471.00) (2.44) TOTAL RRVRNUE, 109,904.50 102,111,33 7,793.17 7.63 496,788,15 510,556.65 (11,768.50) (2.30) EXPENSES SALARIES 33,078.32 32,684.58 (393.74) (1,20) 153,090.72 163,422.90 10,332.10 6.32 LEASE & RENTAL 2,388.01 2,272.08 (115.93) (5.10) 12,125.52 11,360.40 (765,12) (6.73) OTHER EXPENSES 17,230.09 15,352.92 (1,877.17) (12.22) 78,226.20 76,764.60 (1,461.60) (1.90) TOTAL EXPENSES 52,696.42 50,309.5E (2,386.04) (4.74) 243,442.44 251,547.90 8,105.46 3.22 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 57,209.08 -------------______..___ 51,801.75 5,406.33 10.43 __________- 255,345.71 .......- ----- 259,008.75 ......__.__. (3,663.04) (1.41) HOSPICE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 -------------______________ .00 .00 ________.... .00 .00 .._.___.. -- .00 ____._...... ,00 .00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .GO TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 NET GAIN/(LOSS _____ .00 _____________ ______________ .00 ,00 _-. .00 ---------- .00 ----------- .00 _-____________ .00 .00 NEW VIEW REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 _ .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .OG .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .DO TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 -__.____--- -------------- .00 .00 ____._____-- .00 .00 __._.___-.. .-..._..____ .00 .00 .00 20 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 - --------- S I. N G L E M 0 N T H-------------------.-- Y E A R T O D A T E------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE $ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 - EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- -_--_--_--. _---_--__-_--______________ ___________ __ _------- _...- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DIETARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 48.33 (48.33) (100.00) 162.00 241.65 (79.65) (32.96) TOTAL REVENUE. .00 48.33 (48.33) (100.00) 162.00 241.65 (79.65) (32,96) EXPENSES SALARIES 14,377.79 15,015.16 637.37 4.24 72,083.01 75,075.80 2, 992.79 3.98 PROFESSIONAL FEE 1,980.00 1,692.42 (287.58) (16.99) 7,B59.00 8,462.10 603.10 7.12 OTHER EXPENSES 16,840.11 19,443.59 2,603.48 13.38 87,901.05 97,217,95 9,316.90 9.58 TOTAL EXPENSES 33,197. 90 36,151.17 2,953.27 9.16 167,843.06 180,755.85 12,912.79 7.14 -------------- -------__----------------- ___-___-____-.-.__..----_---_----._-_- NET GAIN/(LOSS (33,197.90) (36,102,84) 2,904.94 0.04 (167,681.06) (180,514.20) 12,833.14 7.10 MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 22,111.92 16.762.41 (5,349.51) (31.91) 102,239.97 83,812.05 (18,427.92) (21.98) LEASE & RENTAL 2,483.64 2,317.75 (165.89) (7.15) 12,473,74 11,588,75 (884.99) (7.63) OTHER EXPENSES 6,138.19 3,094.84 (3,043.35) (98.33) 14,561.26 15,474.20 912.94 5.89 TOTAL EXPENSES 30, 733.75 22,175.00 (8,558.75) (38.59) 129,274.97 110,875.00 (18,399.97) (16.59) CARE PROGRAM EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 354.07 483.34 129.27 26.74 3,319.83 2,416.70 (903.13) (37.31) TOTAL EXPENSES 354.07 483.34 129.27 26.74 3,319.83 2,416.70 (903.13) (37.37) MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SALARIES 11,234.63 15,595.83 4,361.20 27.96 53,594.54 77,979.15 24,384.61 31.21 OTHER EXPENSES 1,065.63 1,923.92 858.29 44.61 7,673.43 9,619.60 1,746.17 18.15 TOTAL EXPENSES 12,300.26 17,519.75 5,229.49 29.79 61,467.97 87,598.75 26,130.78 29.83 PLANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 45.00 45,00 .00 .00 225.00 225.00 .00 .00 ELECTRICITY 33,131.87 44,515.25 11,393.38 25.57 154,698.23 222,576.25 67,878.02 30.49 WATER & SEWER 4,482.90 7,416.67 2,933.77 39.55 21,972.20 37,083.35 15,111.15 40.74 GAS 4,489.03 9,583,33 5,094.30 53.15 26,364.14 47,916.65 21,552.51 44.97 OTHER EXPENSES 14,365.96 9,379.76 (4,986.20) (53.15) 68,939.40 46,898.80 (22,040.60) (46.99) TOTAL EXPENSES 56,514.76 70,940.01 14,425.25 20.33 272,198.97 354,700.05 82,501.08 23.25 21 0 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E H O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR GROUNDS EXPENSES SALARIES - .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 457,45 70.83 TOTAL EXPENSES 4S7.45 70.83 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES 1,457.14 1,443.58 OTHER EXPENSES 620.33 520.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,077.47 1,963.58 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 22,996.60 21,712.50 OTHER EXPENSES 9,721,84 6,268.08 TOTAL EXPENSES 32,718.44 27,960.58 LAUNDRY EXPENSES OUTSIDE SERVICES .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 5,331.01 5,770.34 OTHER EXPENSES 424.12 604.74 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,755.13 6,375.08 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 6,845.43 6,108.33 OTHER EXPENSES 553.61 575.58 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,399.04 6,683.91 SOCIAL WORKER/DISCHARGE PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 5,725.73 4, 757.33 OTHER EXPENSES 1,706.21 496.84 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,431.94. 5,254.17 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT EXPENSES SALARIES 4,170.25 3,845.75 OTHER EXPENSES 28.67 294.17 COUNTY OFFSET (3,762.25) (4,139,92) TOTAL EXPENSES 436.67 .00 06/12/07 02:55 PM -----------. Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 1 VAR .00 .00 .00 .00 (396.62) (545.84) 3,509.54 354.15 (386.62) (545.84) 3,509.54 354.15 (13.56) (.93) 6,520.00 7,217.90 (100.33) (19.29) 2,432.50 2,600.00 (113.89) (5.80) 8,952.50 9,817.90 (1,284.10) (5.91) 109,435.58 108,562.50 (3,453.76) (55.10) 38,308.45 31,310.40 (4,737.86) (16.93) 147,744.03 139,902.90 .00 .00 25.20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.20 .00 439.33 7.61 29,636.03 28,851.70 180.62 29.86 2,740.53 3,023.70 619.95 9.72 32,376.56 31,875.40 (737.10) (12,06) 33,222.17 30,541.65 21.97 3.81 3,118.59 2,877.90 (715.13) (10.69) 36,340.76 33,419.55 (968.40) (20.35) 27,977.37 23,786.65 (1,209.37) (243.41) 4,580.65 2,484.20 (2,177.77) (41.44) 32,558.02 26,270.85 (324.50) (8.43) 19,S72.49 19,228.75 265.50 90.25 (14.39) 1,470.85 (377,67) (9.12) (19,913.19) (20,699.60) (436.67) - .00) (361,09) .00 .00 .00 (3,155.39) (890.97) (3,155.39) (890.97) 697.90 9.66 167.50 6.44 B65.40 8.61 (873.08) (.80) (6,968.05) (22.23) (7,841.13) (5.60) (25.20) .Do .00 .00 (25.20) .00 (784,33) (2.71) 283.17 9.36 (501.16) (1.57) (2,680..52) (8.77) (240.69) (8,36) (2,921.21) (8.741 (4,190.72) (17.61) (2,096.45) (84,39) (6,287.17) (23.93) (343.74) (1.78) 1,485.24 100.97 (780.41) (3.77) 361.09 .00 22 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------- ------------ Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 19,706.30 19,870.25 163.95 .82 94,915.90 99,351.25 4,135.35 4.46 LEASE & RENTAL 813.00 791.67 (21.33) (2.691 4,844.18 3,958.35 (885.83) (22.37) COLLECTION EXPEN 6,916.70 4,650.42 12,266.28) (40.73) 48,981.11 23,252.10 (25,729.01) (110.65) OTHER EXPENSES 8,190.70 10,266.73 2,076.03 20.22 41,406.55 51,333.65 9,927.10 19.33 TOTAL EXPENSES 35,626.70 35,579.07 (47.63) (.13) 190,147.74 177,895.35 (12,252.39) (6.88) COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES - SALARIES 8,429.67 9,582.41 1,152.74 12.02 42,457.03 47,912.05 5,455.02 11.38 OTHER EXPENSES 994.52 942.08 (52.44) (5.56) 5,595.15 4,710.40 (884.75) (18.78) TOTAL EXPENSES 9,42419 10,524.49 1,100.30 10.45 48,052,18 52,622.45 4,570.27 8.68 DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,374.96 9,470.42 1,095.46 11.56 40,164.19 47,352.10 - 7,187.91 15.17 OTHER EXPENSES 15,976.89 11,460.25 (4,516.64) (39.41) 73,363.98 57,301.25 (16,062.73) (28.03) TOTAL EXPENSES 24,351.85 20,930.67 (3,421.18) 116.34) 113,528.17 104,653.35 (B,874.82) (B.48) NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 9,078.62 9,794.17 715.55 7.30 43,954.42 48,970.85 5,016.43 10.24 OTHER EXPENSES 1,382.50 1,634.92 252.42 15.43 13,541.75 8,174.60 (5,367.15) (65.65) TOTAL EXPENSES 10,461.12 11,429.09 967.97 8.46 57,496.17 57,145.45 (350,72) (.61) HOUSE SUPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 7.44 .00 (7.44) .00) 7.44 .00 (7.44) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 7.44 .00 (7.49) .00) 7.44 .00 (7.44) .00 INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES SALARIES 5,672.81 5,311.75 (361.06) (6.79) 27,366.21 26,558.75 (807,46) (3.04) OTHER EXPENSES 873,39 727.16 (146.21) (20.10) 6,014.71 3,635.80 (2,378.91) (65.43) TOTAL EXPENSES 6,546.20 6,038.91 (507.29) (8.40) 33,380.92 30,194.55 (3,186.37) (10.55) EDUCATION EXPENSES SALARIES 4,976,08 4,300.00 (676.08) (15.72) 24,715.10 21,500.00 (3,215.10) (14.95) OTHER EXPENSES 705.38 1,097.92 392.54 35.75 7.172.65 5,489,60 (1,683.05) (30.65) TOTAL EXPENSES 5,681.46 5,397.92 (283.54) (5.25) 31,887.75 26,989.60 (4,898.15) (18,14) ACCOUNTING EXPENSES SALARIES 6,193.75 5,992.66 (201.09) (3.35) 31,643.86 29,963.30 (1,680.56) (5.60) OTHER EXPENSEES 3,235.58 4,180.08 944.50 22.59 17,387.25 20,900.40 3,513.15 16,80 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,429.33 10,172.74 743.41 7.30 49,031.11 50,863.70 1,832.59 3.60 REVENUE MANAGEMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 4,927.25 5,045.00 117.75 2.33 25,D87.70 25,225.00 137.30 .54 OTHER EXPENSES 7,275.59 7,406.75 131.16 1.77 40,367.01 37,033.75 (3,333.261 (9.00) TOTAL EXPENSES (12,202.84) (12,451.75) 248.91 1.99 (65,454.71) (62,258.75) (3,195.96) (5.13) 23 ME14ORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T 2 ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE $ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 8 VAR ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 28,623.72 24,789.59 (3,834.13) (15.46) 124,919.30 123,947.95 (971.35) (.78) LEASE & RENTAL 1,623.80 1,214.75 (409,05) (33.67) 9,305.27 6,073.75 (3, 231.52) (53,20) OTHER EXPENSES 19,719.81 29,184.59 9,464.78 32.43 112,478.22 145,922.95 33,444.73 22.91 TOTAL EXPENSES 49,967.33 55,188.93 5,221.60 9.46 246,702.79 275,944.65 29,241.86 10.59 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 4,205.13 4,151.83 (53.30) (1.28) 20,480.87 20,759.15 278.28 1.34 OTHER EXPENSES 327.71 336.66 8.95 2.65 1,723.69 1,683.30 (40.39) (2.39) TOTAL EXPENSES 4,532.94 4,488.49 (44.35) (.98) 22,204.56 22,442.45 237.89 1.06 HOSPITAL GENERAL EXPENSES WOREMANS COMP IN 8,948.50 7,173.08 (1,775.42) (24.75) 50,258.93 35,865.40 (14,393.53) (40.13) UNEMPLOYMENT INS (39,042.75) 3,041.50 42,084.25 1383.66 (30,665.97) 15,207.50 - 45,873.47 301.65 PROF LIABILITY I 6,848.28 9,493.92 2,645.64 27.86 42,081.79 47,469.60 5,387.81 11,35 LEASE & RENTAL 1,087.80 1,094.83 7.03 .64 5,365.50 5,474.15 108.65 1.98 OTHER EXPENSES 21,343.20 9,024.16 (12,318.44) (136,49) 70,357.05 45,123.80 (25,233.25) 155.92) TOTAL EXPENSES (814.97) 29,828.09 30,643.06 102.73 137,397,30 149,140,45 11,743,15 7,87 HUMAN RESOURCES/PUBLIC RELATIO EXPENSES SALARIES 3,858.93 3,875.00 16.07 .41 18,439.77 19,375.00 935.23 4.82 OTHER EXPENSES 7,287.77 5,094.67 (2,193.10) (43.04) 27,692.18 25,473.35 (2,218.83) (8,71) TOTAL EXPENSES 11,146.70 8,969.67 (2,177.03) (24.27) 46,131.95 44,848.35 (1,283,60) (2.86) PURCHASING EXPENSES SALARIES B,744.13 8,299.25 (444.98) (5.36) 42,601.37 41,496.25 (1,105.12) (2,66) OTHER EXPENSES 1,131.37 1,555.34 423.97 27.25 7,330.34 7,776.70 446.36 5.73 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,875.50 9,854.59 (20.91) (.21) 49,931.71 49,272.95 (658.76) (1.33) AUXILIARY EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES 4.44 10.00 5.56 55.60 140.96 50.00 190.96) (181.92) TOTAL EXPENSES 4.44 10.00 5.56 55.60 140.96 50.00 (90.96) (181,92) PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 24 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 06/12/07 02:55 PM FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE : VAR MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REVENUE RENTALS .00 .00 .00 .00 211.50 .00 211.50 .00 TOTAL REVENUE.. .00 .00 .00 .00 211.50 .00 211.50 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES........ 2,872.12 2,805.16 (66.96) (2.38) 13,212.87 14,025.80 812.93 5.79 OTHER EXPENSES.. B69.55 1,352.74 483.19 35.71 4,413.01 6,763.70 2,350.69 34.75 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,741.67 4,157.90 416.23 10.01 17,625.88 20,789.50 3,163.62 15.21 _.________-- ------- _----- ------------- -------------- -_.-___-_,___ NET GAIN/(LOSS (3,741.67) (4,157.90) 416.23 1D.D1 (17,414.38) (20,789,50) 3,375.12 16.23 SUBTOTAL GAIN/ 1.930,943.13 1,827,040.77 103,902.36 5.68 10,139,076.24 9,134,063.77 1,005,012.47 11.00 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUCTIONS MEDICARE CONTR A 11,061,794.31) (781,771.17) (280,023.14) (35.90 (5,008,400.44) (3,908,855.85) (1,099,544.59) (28.12) MEDICAID CONTR A (234,848.16) (237,930.34) 3,082.18 1.29 (1,190,692.34) (1,189,651.70) (1,040,64) (.08) INDIGENT CONTR A (35,372.83) (142,758.25) 107,385.42 75.22 (173,929.45) (713,791.25) S39,861.80 75.63 CHARITY CARE (39,834.091 .00 (39,834.09) .00) (297,685.75) .00 (297,605.75) .00 BAD DEBT EXPENSE (246,681,06) (200,541.33) (46,139.73) (23,00) (1,244,826.93) (1,002,706.65) (242,120.28) (24.14) OTHER DEDUCTIONS (190,278.65) (210,738.33) 20,459.68 9.70 (1,095,121.59) (1,053,691.65) (41,429.94) (3.93) TOTAL REVENUE (1,808,809.10) (1,573,739.42) (235,069.68) (14.93) (9,010,656.50). (7,868,697.10) (1,141,959.40) (14.51) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FICA .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RETIREMENT 47,473.51 28,704.42 (18,769.09) (65.38) 171,087.22 143,522.30 (27,565.12) (19.20) HOSPITALIZATION 105,919.05 - 90.240..00 (15,679.05) (17.37) 629,064.42 451,200.00 (177,864.42) (39.42) LIFE INSURANCE 1,267.04 1,233.33 (33.71) (2.73) 6,157.14 6,166.65 9.21 .14 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,895.59 3,760.00 864.41 22.98 15,714.20 18,800.00 3,085.80 16.41 LONG TERM DIS 2,280.63 2,350.00 69.37 2.95 11,606.75 11,750.00 143.25 1.21 PAYROLL CLEARING 2,004.44 .00 (2,004.44) .00) 2,169.90 .00 (2,169.90) .00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 161,840.26 126,287.75 (35,552,51) (28.15) 835,799.93 631,438.75 (204,36118) (32.36) TOTAL OTHER OP 1,970,649.36 1,700,027.17 (270,622.19) (15.91) 9,846,456.43 8,500,135.85 (1,346,320.58) (15.83) OTHER REVENUE MEDICARE PASS-TH 31,004.00 21,666.67 9,337.33 43.09 235,766.80 108,333.35 127,433.45 117.63 CAFETERIA SALES 8,190.32 B,333.33 (143.01) (1.71) 42,484.58 41,666.65 817,93 1.96 INTEREST INCOME 10,538.88 3,600.00 6,939.88 192.74 41,651.91 18,000.00 23,651.91 131.39 INTEREST INCOME 18.28 .00 18.2B .00 88.82 .00 08.82 .00 INTEREST INCOME - .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 22,339.87 12,166.67 10,173.20 83.61 38,442.73 60333.35 (22,390.62) (36.80) TOTAL OTHER RE 72,091.35 45,766.67 26,324.68 57.51 358,434.84 228,833.35 129,601.49 56.63 ___________ ------------- ____________ --- .._.____.. ____--------- NET OPERATING 32,385.12 172,780.27 (140,395.15) (81.25) 651,054.65 862;761.27 (211,706.62) (24.53) 25 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 5 MONTHS ENDING 05/31/07 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR NON -OPERATING EXPENSE DEPRECIATION -LAN .00 .00 .00 .00 DEPRECIATION-BUI 27,334.25 105,833.33 78,499.08 74.17 DEPRECIATION -FIX 8,929.31 .00 (8,529.31) .001 DEPRECIATION-14AJ 1,322.88 .00 (1,322.88) .001 DEPRECIATION-POR .00 .00 .00 .00 CONTRIBUTION TO .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL NON-OPER 37,586.44 105,833.33 68,246.89 64.48 TOTAL OPERATIN (5,201.32) 66,946.94 (72,148.26) (107.76) COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS (5,201.32) 66,946.94 (72,140.26) (107.76) 06/12/07 02;55 PM ----------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR .00 .00 00 .00 136,671.25 529,166.65 392,495.40 74.17 44,895.62 .00 (44,895.62) .00 284,582.63 .00 (284,582.63) .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 466,149.50 S29,166.65 63,017.15 11.90 184,905.15 ---- ______....... 333,594.62 ............. (148,689.47) (44.57) .00 .00 .00 00 _ 104,905.15 ______________ ______________ 333.594.62 ___________ _ ______________ (148,689.47) ___ ---- ______---- _____ _____ (44.57) 26 MEMORIAL MEUICAL GEN I LK CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUILDING MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS MEDICAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HOSPITAL PLAZA JANUARY _ Zeiss Scope (Surgery) $ 7,000.00 Zeiss Scope (Surgery) $ 7,000.00 Zeiss S3 Scope (Surgery) $ 10,300.00 Boiler(FaciPtles) $ 9,860.00 $ 34,160.00 $ - $ - FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL Total Bed Frame (ICU) 13,819.00 $ 13,819.00 $ - $ - May June $ $ $ JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER $ $ $ DECEMBER SUBTOTALS $ 47,979.00 $ $ - GRAND TOTALS $ 47,979.00 27 SUMMARY OF INDIGENT, CHARITY AND BAD DEBT CLASS "O" AND "X" May-06 REFERRAL $ 136,704.95 CHARITY $ 143,267.82 2006 YTD $ 458,544.90 May-07 2007 YTD $ 145,159.40 $ 39,834.09 $ 289,202.88 INDIGENT $ 100,935.57 $ 828,559.64 $ 90,871.64 $ 669,905.74 Nil MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR MAY 2007 DATE APPROVED A/P & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR REFUNDS 5/2/2007 (weekly) $ 359,635.95 5/3/2007 (refunds) $ 333.01 5/10/2007 (weekly) $ 217,107.37 5/16/2007 (weekly) $ 260,495.67 5/23/2007 (weekly) $ 149,269.82 5/25/2007 (wire transfer) $ 6,900.00 5/29/2007 (void check) $ (1,338,82) 5/30/2007 (weekly) $ 39,802.14 TOTAL $ 1,032,205.14 29 RUN DATE;06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 1 TIME:15:10 CHBQK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/02/07 THRU 05/02/07 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER --------------------------------------- DATE AMOUNT PAYEE -.......... --------------------------------- ------------ A/P 121552 05/02/07 293.26 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 121553 05/02/07 104.00 ACTION LUMBER A/P 121554 05/02/07 16,641M AMERISOURCEBRHGEN DRUG A/P 121555 05/02/07 1,605.00 ALCON LABORATORIES INC A/P 121556 05/02/07 57.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS PLUS A/P 121557 05/02/07 82.25 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY A/P 121558 05/02/07 615.00 ARAMSCO A/P 121559 05/02/07 1,154.00 AT&T A/P 121560 05/02/07 3,580.87 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 121561 05/02/07 14,054.82 BECKMAN COULTER INC A/P 121562 05/02/07 309.00 BOS'TON SCIENTIFIC CORPO A/P 121563 05/02/07 1,603.00 CAL COX FEDERAL CREDIT A/P 121564 05/02/07 640.00 STEPHANIE CAVAZOS, L.M. A/P 121565 05/02/07 74.69 RUBY CANTO A/P 121566 05/02/07 109.08 TAMI CARAWAY A/P 121567 05/02/07 7,804.62 GREGORY COWART, CRNA A/P 121568 05/02/07 955.12 CINGULAR WIRELESS A/P 121569 05/02/07 50.34 CONMED CORPORATION A/P 121570 05/02/07 694.71 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 121571 05/02/07 33.81 CPSI A/P 121572 05/02/07 150.00 JACKSON CROSS A/P 121573 05/02/07 2,317.34 DADE BEHRING A/P 121574 05/02/07 172.54 DONNA DAVIS A/P 121575 05/02/07 250.26 HELEN DAVIS A/P 121576 05/02/07 34.06 ANY DAY A/P 121577 05/02/07 226.36 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 121578 05/02/07 47.00 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 121579 05/02/07 64.80 MONICA ESCAJME A/P 121580 05/02/07 1,231,65 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL DA A/P 121581 05/02/07 1,231.65 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL DA A/P 121582 05/02/07 410.55 EMBASSY SUITES DALLAS A/P 121583 05/02/07 24.25 MIA FARIAS A/P 121504 05/02/07 5,677.29 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 121585 05/02/07 44.00 JOYCE FLANNIGAN A/P 121586 05/02/07 1,267.04 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INC A/P 121587 05/02/07 289.47 FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTU A/P 121588 05/02/07 119.76 GARDENLAND NURSERY A/P 121589 05/02/07 45.59 BETTY GARZA A/P 121590 05/02/07 605.22 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN A/P 121591 05/02/07 3,500.00 LLOYD LANE GOBSR, NO P. A/P 121592 05/02/07 10.67 H E BUTT GROCERY A/P 121593 05/02/07 447.48 MANGAR HOTEL A/P 121594 05/02/07 1,361.36 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL A/P 121595 05/02/07 161.51 SALLY J HIM A/P 121596 05/02/07 99.81 PAT HRANICKY A/P 121597 05/02/07 78.00 IRON FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 121598 05/02/07 12D.82 IMUCOR, INC A/P 121599 05/02/D7 138.93 INFOLAB .INC A/P 121600 05/02/07 1,748.77 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST CON A/P 121601 05/02/07 6,900.00 INTEGRATED REVENUE MAMA 30 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 2 TIME:15;10 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/02/07 THRU 05/02/07 BANK --CHECK -------------------------------- ____________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE _----------------------------- _---------- _--------- _--------- __________________________________ A/P 121602 05/02/07 10.63 IVANS A/P 121603 05/02/07 204.26 UAMIE JACOBY A/P 121604 05/02/07 90.00 KROLL LABORATORY SPECIA A/P 121605 05/02/07 4,070.16 LABCORP OF AMERICA HOLD A/P 121606 05/02/07 5,384.62 LAKESIDE ANESTHESIA PLL A/P 121607 05/02/07 400.00 LULAC CO➢NCIL #671 A/P 121608 05/02/07 50.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121609 05/02/07 31,289.29 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER. A/P 121610 05/02/07 266,11 CRYSTAL MOZLEY A/P 121611 05/02/07 5,394.62 TERRY W 14CCLAIN CRNA A/P 121612 05/02/07 98.94 SANE MCCAEN A/P 121613 05/02/07 553,30 MCBEE ASSOCIATES INC A/P 121614 05/02/07 582.22 NEDRAD INC A/P 121615 05/02/07 68.25 MEDTRONIC USA, INC. A/P 121616 05/02/07 259.03 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI A/P 121617 05/02/07 111.76 MMC A➢XILIARY A/P 121618 05/02/07 67.90 LINDA MEYER A/P 121619 05/02/07 164.6E MICROTEK MEDICAL INC A/P 121620 05/02/07 49.18 MOORE MEDICAL A/P 121621 05/02/07 1,171.30 MUSTAIN & ASSOCIATES A/P 121622 05/02/07 2,290.63 NATIONAL BENEFITS PARTN A/P 121623 05/02/07 2,800.00 NUTRITION OPTIONS A/P 121624 05/02/07 960.00 MY NEVAREZ, LSW-BSW A/P 121625 05/02/07 5,222.58 OWENS & MINOR A/P 121626 05/02/07 412.50 POPULAR LEASING A/P 121627 05/02/07 453.90 QUILL A/P 121628 05/02/07 441.75 R G & ASSOCIATES INC A/P 121629 05/02/07 5,500.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 121630 05/02/07 33,222.30 RELIANT ENERGY SOLUTION - A/P 121631 05/02/07 302.85 RPC RRPROCE89ING PROD➢C A/P 121632 05/02/07 70.00 REM DUNAGAN A/P 121633 05/02/07 609.80 RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS IN A/P 121634 05/02/07 166.15 MIA D RESENDEZ A/P 121635 05/02/07 15,467.83 REGIONAL CARE, INC A/P 121636 05/02/07 80.03 REGINA JOHNSON A/P 121637 05/02/07 10,366.00 RCH PROTECT COOPERATIVE A/P 121638 05/02/07 922.07 SANOFI PASTE➢R INC A/P 121639 05/02/07 16,000.00 SEISER RECRUITING A/P 121640 05/02/07 246.22 SHERWIN WILLIAMS A/P 121641 05/02/07 95.77 SIM SIZER A/P 121642 05/02/07 3,996.00 80 TEX BLOOD & TISSUE C A/P 121643 05/02/07 290.00 STANFORD VACUUM SERVICE A/P 121644 05/02/07 139.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS A/P 121645 05/02/07 4,080.61 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP A/P 121646 05/02/07 190.00 NICK STEPHENS A/P 121647 05/02/07 29,661.43 TEAM REHAB A/P 121648 05/02/07 13.58 CASSANDRA TOVAR A/P 121649 05/02/07 174.70 TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY A/P 121650 05/02/07 80,640.00 TEXAS EMERGENCY ROOM SE A/P 121651 05/02/07 117.99 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDEN A/P 121652 05/02/07 6,288.00 TEXAS HOSPITAL INS EXCH 31 RUN I)ATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TSNB:15:10 CHECK REGISTER 05/02/07 THRU 05/02/07 BANK --CHECK ------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 121653 05/02/07 572.12 TIGER DIRECT, INC. A/P 121654 05/02/07 1,399.13 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 121655 05/02/07 36.14 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS A/P 121656 05/02/07 236.81 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE A/P 121657 05/02/07 3,554.17 UNI£IRST HOLDINGS, L.P. A/P 121658 05/02/07 162.72 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE A/P 121659 05/02/07 165.19 UNITED STATES SURGICAL A/P 121660 05/02/07 202.50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C A/P 121661 05/02/07 158.11 ELVA VELA A/P 121662 05/02/07 75.49 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 121663 03/02/07 90.34 VERIZON WIRELESS RIP 121664 05/02/07 47.20 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 121665 05/02/07 89.00 VICTORIA COMWCATION A/P 121666 05/02/07 331.24 WALMART Comn=TY A/P 121667 05/02/07 1,149.81 WASTE MANAGEMENT A/P 121668 05/02/07 54.77 WESCOR INC A/P 121669 05/02/07 422.18 WYETH A/P 121670 05/02/07 182.99 ABIDER WRIGHT TOTALS: 359,635.95 PAGE 3 GLCKREG 32 RUN DATE:06/06/07 TIME:15:10 BMIK--CHECK ------------------ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT RIP 121671 05/03/07 A/P 121672 05/03/07 TOTALS: MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE I CHECK REGISTER - GLCRREG 05/03/07 TRRU 05/03/07 .---------------------------'------ PAYEE ----------------------------------------------- 27.35 WPS/TRICARE 305.66 BLUE CROSS E BLUE SHIEL 333.01 33 RUN DATE;06/06/07 MEBfORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME;15;11 CHECK REGISTER 05/10/07 TEED 05/10/07 BANK --CHECK ------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ----------- ------ -------------------- A/P 121673 05/10/07 14.99 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 121674. 05/10/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 121675 05/10/07 22,710.12 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 121676 05/10/07 900.00 ADVANCED HEALTH EDUCATI A/P 121677 05/10/07 149.61 APPLIED MEDICAL A/P 121678 05/10/07 726.00 ANITA FRICEE - COUNTY C A/P 121679 05/10/07 3,502.00 ALCON LABORATORIES INC A/P 121680 05/10/07 876,68 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST A/P 121691 05/10/07 10,433.30 AMASON APPLIANCE SERVIC A/P 121682 05/10/07 1,519.65 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 121683 05/10/07 150.00 ARRT A/P 121684 05110/07 241.19 ANPEC A/P 121685 05/10/07 43.65 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY A/P 121686 05/10/07 205.00 ARAMSCO A/P 121687 05/10/07 217.50 ASCENT HEALTHCARE SOLUT A/P 121688 05/10/07 367.13 AWESOME PAGING INC A/P 121609 05/10/07 1,338.82 BANRCARD CENTER A/P 121690 05/10/07 1,716.30 BANK OF AMERICA 11 A/P 121691 05/10/07 525.46 BANE OF AMERICA A/P 121692 05/10/07 397.44 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 121693 05/10/07 956.88 BRIGGS CORPORATION A/P 121694 05/10/07 12,820.00 CALHOUN COUNTY A/P 121695 05/10/07 140.17 RUBY CANTO A/P 121696 05/10/07 99.00 CAREER TRACK A/P 121697 05/10/07 246.00 MEREDITH CARUSO A/P 121698 05/10/07 178.15 CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121699 05/10/07 159.04 COWD-CORPORATION A/P 121700 05/10/07 277.33 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 121701 05/10/07 537,84 CPSI A/P 121702 05/10/07 131.90 DUO,LLC A/P 121703 05/10/07 4,510.24 DADE BEHRING A/P 121704 05/10/07 1,095.00 LAURA DAVILA A/P 121705 05/10/07 218.74 HELEN DAVIS A/P 121706 OS/10/07 1D.86 ANY DAY A/P 121707 05/10/07 35.00 DARLING. INTERNATIONAL I A/P 1217DB 05/10/07 125.75 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 121709 05/10/07 44.47 KATHERINE ➢IETZEL A/P 121710 05/10/07 253.60 DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS SY A/P 121711 05/10/07 40.75 DLE PAPER & PACKAGING A/P 121712 05/10/07 4,400.05 ENPEX A/P 121713 05/10/07 3,130.00 FARNAM STREET FINANCIAL A/P 121714 05/10/07 2,506.63 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 121715 05/10/07 450.00 FORT BEND SERVICES, INC A/P 121716 05/10/07 2,897.70 FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTU A/P _ 121717 05/10/07 2,749.14 GARDENLAND NURSERY Alp 121718 05/10/07 4,175.00 ROBERTS, ROBERTS & GDEF A/P 121719 05/10/07 56.62 GO PROMOS A/P 121720 05/10/07 150.00 HAMILTON THORNS BIOSCIE A/P * 121721 05/10/07 2,103.68 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL A/P 121738 05/10/07 170.24 SALLY d HICKL PAGE 1 GLCKREG 34 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME:15:11 CHECK REGISTER 05/10/07 TEED 05/10/07 BARE --CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 121739 _________________________________________________ 05/10/07 26.77 JESUSITA S. HERNANDEZ A/P 121740 05/10/07 24.63 HOBBY LOBBY A/P 121741 05/10/07 105.34 PAT HRANICKY A/P 121742 05/10/07 138.93 INFOLAH INC A/P 121743 05/10/07 1,266.68 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT A/P 121744 05/10/07 28,804.00 ITA RESOURCES, INC A/P 121745 05/10/07 60.95 JASOO UNIFORM CO A/P 121746 05/10/07 503.0D VICKY EALISEK A/P 121747 05/10/07 645.00 LABOORP OF AMERICA, HOLD A/P i 121748 05/10/07 432.00 LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & W A/P 121758 05/10/07 834.54 LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC A/P 121759 05/10/07 4,583.52. LUKER PHARMACY MANAGEMB A/P 121760 05/10/07 40,781.10 M MOAIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121761 05/10/07 157.16 MALLINCKRODT INC A/P 121762 05/10/07 519.60 MARX'S PLUMBING PARTS A/P 121763 05/10/07 - 110.88 MAREETLAB A/P 121764 05/10/07 51.90 JANE MCCARN A/P 121765 05/10/07 85.25 MEDTRO14IC USA, INC. A/P 121766 05/10/07 1,244.09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121767 05/10/D7 4,894,28 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI A/P 121768 05/10/07 72.60 MMC AUXILIARY A/P 121769 05/10/07 141.14 LINDA MEYER A/P 121770 05/10/07 500.00 NOR= SCIENTIFIC INC A/P 121771 05/10/07 2,083.09 PER -SE TECHNOLOGIES A/P 121772 05110/07. 385.00 HARVEY OLASCUAGA A/P 121773 05/10/07 1,678,47 OYEX COMMUNICATIONS A/P 121774 05/10/07 234.14 ON -SITE TESTING SPECIAL A/P 121775 05/10/07 330.00 OUTBURST ADVERTISING A/P 121776 05/10/07 2,091.33 OWENS & MINOR A/P 121777 05/10/07 1,301.89 PC MALL A/P 121778 05/10/07 80.00 PHILIP THOMAB PHOTOGRAP A/P 121779 05/10/07 3,925.00 PREMIER SLEEP DISORDERS A/P 121780 05/10/07 226.50 POLYMEDCO INC. A/P 121781 05/10/07 1,119.73 PORT LAVACA WAVE A/P 121782 05/10/07 63.68 PRECISION THERAPEUTICS A/P 121783 05/10/07 691.20 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PU A/P 121784 05/10/07 251.40 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS A/P 121785 05/10/07 259,00 QUILL A/P 121786 05/10/07 125.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 121787 05/10/07 88.27 REGINA JOHNSON A/P 121788 05/10/07 5,144.08 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP A/P 121789 05/10/07 845.42 STATE COMPTROLLER A/P 121790 05/10/07 10,245.41 TEAM REHAB A/P 121791 05/10/07 1,002.32 TLC STAFFING A/P 121792 05/10/07 129.90 TEXAS WIRED MUSIC INC A/P 121793 05/10/07 434.77 TMYSSEiXRUPP ELEVATOR C A/P 121794 05/10/07 417.00 THE T SYSTEM. INC. A/P 121795 05/10/07 1,650.00 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 121796 05/10/07 85.00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO A/P 121797 05/10/07 846.40 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE A/P 121798 05/10/07 1,316.94 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P. PAGE 2 GLCKREG 35 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL. CENTER PAGE 3. TIME: 15:11 CHECK REGISTER - GLCKREG 05/10/07 TEED 05/10/07 BANK -CHECK -------___--_----, CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 121799. 05/10/07 278.40 UNITED STATES SURGICAL A/P 121800 05/10/07 164.42 ELVA VELA A/P 121801 05/10/07 100.65 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 121802 05/10/07 671.40 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 121803 05/10/07 61.00 VICTORIA COMMUNICATION A/P 121804 05/10/07 60.00 ELMA VILLARREAL A/P 121895 05/10/07 88.76 ELIZAEETH WESTBROOK A/P 121806 05/10/07 379.13 GRAINGER A/P 121907 05/10/07 1,623.76 WYETH A/P 121808 05/10/07 40.93 ZIMMER US, INC. TOTALS: 217,107.37 RUN. DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TINE:15:11 CHECK REGISTER 05/16/07 THRU 05/16/07 BANR--CHECK------------------------------------------' CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE -------------------------------------'---------------' A/P 121809 05/16/07 2.15 JOHN CARAWAY A/P 121810 05/16/07 227,62 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 121911 05/16/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 121812 05/16/07 22,642.35 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 121813 05/16/07 107,05 ABEC A/P 121814 05/16/07 824,13 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST A/P 121815 05/16/07 1,700.00 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 121816 05/16/07 51.00 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY A/P 121817 05/16/07 97.00 ARRANT HEALTHCARE A/P 121818 05/16/07 371.76 AAAMSCO A/P 121819 05/16/07 139.63 NADINE ARNOLD A/P 121820 05/16/07 63.60 ASCENT HEALTHCARE SOLUT A/P 121821 05/16/07 324.67 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INDUS A/P 121822 05/16/07 347.00 C R BARD INC A/P 121823 05/16/07 -1,213.57 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 121824 05/16/07 476.35 BECKMAN COULTER INC A/P 121825 05/16/07 328.70 BECKWITH ELECTRONIC ENG A/P 121826 05/16/07 1,200.00 BARBARA HEARD, LMSW-ACP A/P 121827 05/16/07 1,603.00 CAL CON FEDERAL CREDIT A/P 121828 05/16/07 10.00 CALHOUN COUNTY WASTE MG A/P 121029 05/16/07 131.44 RUBY CANTU A/P 121830 05/16/07 276.35 MONICA CARE A/P 121931 05/16/07 7,884.62 CR13GORY COWART, CRNA A/P 121832 05/16/07 551.49 COLLECTIONS INCORPORATE A/P 121833 05/16/07 1,050.78 COWD CORPORATION A/P 121834 05/16/07 - 878.40 SUDDENLINK MEDIA A/P 121835 05/16/07 147.88 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 121836 05/16/07 11,074.86 CPSI A/P 121837 05/16/07 676.60 ➢ADE HERRING A/P 121838 05/16/07 184.92 DONNA DAVIS A/P 121839 05/16/07 211.95 HELEN DAVIS A/P 121840 05/16/07 1,860.00 DEPUY ORTHOPAeDICS INC A/P 121841 05/16/07 25.00 DIAMOND INSPECTIONS-#2 A/P 121842 05/16/07 40.34 DHL EXPRESS NSA) INC. A/P 121843 05/16/07 2,565.75 DELL HARMING L.P. A/P 121844 05/16/07 - . 153.26 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 121945 05/16/07 52.93 DIE PAPER & PACKAGING A/P 121846 05/16/07 959,27 ENTIROCLEAN MGT SERVICE A/P 121847 05/16/07 130,16 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. A/P 121848 05/16/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 121849 05/16/07 14,491.13 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 121850 05/16/07 400,00 FORT BEND SERVICES, INC A/P 121851 05/16/07 161.78 FRESENIUS USA MANDFACTU A/P 121952 05/16/07 1,591.29 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS A/P 121853 05/16/07 91.00 G T PICKUP & DELIVERY A/P 121854 05/16/07 24,956,71 GE HEALTHCARE FIN SRVS A/P 121855 05/16/07 903.16 GETINGE USA A/P 121856 05/16/07 44.65 GO PROMOS A/P 121857 05/16/07 613.50 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN A/P 121858 05/16/07 241.77 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I PAGE 1 GLCKRSG 37 RUN DATEu06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 2 TIME;15t11 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/16/07 THRU 05/16/07 BANK --CHECK -------------------------- __________________________ CODE ----------------- NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P _---------------------------------- 121059 05/16/07 130.47 _---------------------- _--------- __________ SALLY J HICKL A/P 121860 05/16/07 34.97 PAT HRANICKY A/P 121861 05/16/07 4,854.53 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 121862 05/16/07 148.32 IMMOCOR, INC A/P 121863 D5/16/07 1,783,09 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COX A/P 121864 05/16/07 4,586.00 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT A/P 121865 05/16/07 794.48 INTEGRATED MEDICAL SYST A/P 121866 05/16/07 296.20 ISOPURE CORP A/P 121867 05/16/07 98.85 JAMIE JACOBY A/P 121868 05/16/07 161.87 JACK L. MARCUS, INC A/P 121869 05/16/07 322.28 JIM comm, LTD A/P 121870 05/16/07 643.00 JOHNSON & TOHWSON A/P 121871 05/16/07 294.65 SHIRLEY KARNEI A/P 121872 05/16/07 720.95 KYANNE MCILWAIN A/P 121873 05/16/07 109.75 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORA A/P 121874 05/16/07 5,384.62 LAKESIDE ANESTHESIA PLL A/P 121875 05/16/07 10.91 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES A/P 121976 05/16/07 1,228.55 LIFELINE SYSTEMS INC A/P 121877 05/16/07 31,435,73 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121878 05/16/07 46.43 TERRY W. MAD= A/P 121879 05/16/07 378.90 MALLINCKRODT INC A/P 121980 05/16/07 87.00 REBECCA MALONE A/P 121881 05/16/07 252.19 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS A/P 121882 05/16/07 262.96 CARRIE LYNN MARSHALL A/P 121883 05/16/07 5,384.62 TERRY WMCCLAIN CRNA A/P 121884 05/16/07 61.11 JANE MCCAAN A/P 1218B5 05/16/07 79.27 MCBEE ASSOCIATES INC A/P 121886 05/16/07 1,605.32 mEDRAD INC A/P 121887 05/16/07 18,05 ED MELCHER CO A/P 121888 05116/07 80.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 121989 05/16/07 166.01 IM1C AUXILIARY A/P 121090 05/16/07 376.80 LINDA MEYER A/P 121891 05/16/07 5.82 MELISSA MILLS A/P 121892 05/16/07 87.00 CHERYL MITCHELL A/P 121893 05/16/07 151.31 MOLDED PRODUCTS A/P 121894 05/16/07 1,553.61 OPEX COMMUNICATIONS A/P 121895 05/16/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 121896 05/16/07 5,279,01 OWENS & MINOR A/P 121997 05/16/07 14,090.06 PARRISH MOODY & FIRES, A/P 121898 05/16/07 266.03 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP- A/P 121899 05/16/07 19.30 PILLING WECK A/P 121900 05/16/07 1,000.00 U S POSTAL SERVICE A/P 121901 05/16/07 285.21 PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS A/P 121902 05/16/07 351.82 QUESET MEDICAL A/P 121903 05/16/07 207.20 ¢DILL A/P 121904 05/16/07 700.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 121905 05/16/07 950.00 ESHER DUNAGAN A/P 121906 05/16/07 731,20 RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS IN A/P 121907 05/16/07 166.15 MARIA D RESENDEZ A/P 121908 05/16/07 100.40 REGINA JOHNSON A/P 121909 05/16/07 76.64 ROSS PRODUCTS RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIM:15:11 CHECK REGISTER 05/16/07 THRU 05/16/07 BANK--CHSCK---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUPDIER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 121910 05/16/07 220.55 THE RUHOF CORPORATION A/P 121911 05/16/07 124.24 SIEMENS WATER THCHNOLOG A/P 121912 05/16/07 922.07 SANOFI PASTEUR INC A/P 121913 05/16/07 9,439.42 DR CRAIG SEAFFER A/P 121914 05/16J07 45,64 SHERWIN WILLIAMS A/P 121915 05/16/07 70.00 SHIP SHUTTLE TAR SERVI A/P 121916 05/16/07 1,129.94 CODY STEFFEK A/P 121917 05/16/07 1,552.00 SO TEX BLOOD R TISSUE C A/P 121918 05/16/07 32.77 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS A/P 121919 05/16/07 197.00 STRYKER SALES CORP A/P 121920 05/16/07 138.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS A/P 121921 05/16/07 87.00 ➢AHEM BETHANY A/P 121922 05/16/07 5,501.42 SYSCO - SAN AMWO, LP A/P 121923 05/16/07 78.80 SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDI A/P 121924 05/16/07 190.00 NICK STEPHENS A/P 121925 05/16/07 23,984.00 TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL A/P 121926 05/16/07 117.55 TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDEN A/P 121927 05/16/07 97.00 DEBRA TRAIB4ELL A/P 121928 05/16/07 2,842.57 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 121929 05/16/07 116.83 PAT TRIGG A/P 121930 05/16/07 7.52 TRI-WHOLESALE CO A/P 121931 05/16/07 70.00 DARLENE TRIPP A/P 121932 05/16/07 36.14 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS A/P 121933 05/16/07 229.81 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE A/P 121934 05/16/07 3,222.33 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P. A/P 121935 05/16/07 204.50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C A/P 121936 05/16/07 87.00 LYNNE VOSKAMP A/P 121937 05/16/07 167.33 ELVA VELA. A/P 121930 05/16/07 869.55 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 121939 05/16/07 22.00 THN VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 121940 05/16/07 720.50 THE VICTORIA COLLEGE -RE A/P 121941 05/16/07 103.00 PAN VILLAFUERTE A/P 121942 05/16/07 255.38 WALMART COMMUNITY A/P 121943 05/16/07 926.17 WATERMARK GRAPHICS INC A/P 121944 05/16/07 124.65 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK A/P 121945 05/16/07 300.00 WERLING ASSOCIATES INC A/P 121946 05/16/07 182.99 AmUEH WRIGHT A/P 121947 05/16/07 8,001,00 WINTHROP RESOURCES CORP A/P 121948 05/16/07 429.00 TAME WILLIAMSON A/P 121949 05/16/07 87.00 DEBORAH WFYUBSERT A/P 121950 05/16/07 98.50 ZIMMER US, INC. A/P 121951 05/16/07 348,40 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS C A/P 121952 05/16/07 133.35 BLUE CROSS E BLUE SHIEL A/P 121953 05/16/07_ 40.00 UNICARB A/P 121954 05/16/07 5,013.05 ACCENT - TOTALS: 260,495.67 PAGE 3 GLCKRRG 39 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 1 TINE:15:19 CHECK REGISTER GLCRREG 05/23/07 THRU 05/23/07 BANKI-CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYER AIR 121955 05/23/07 67.97 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 121956 05/23/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 121957 05/23/07 11,949.33 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 121958 05/23/07 329.00 ADVANCED HEALTH EDOCATI AIR 121959 05/23/07 310,44 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST A/P 121960 05/23/07 112.55 CARDINAL HEALTH AIR 121961 05/23/07 4,435.80 AFLAC A/P 121962 05/23/07 683.00 AMERICAN KIDNEY FUND AIR 121963 05/23/07 81.00 BNNOUNCEt,&NPS PLUS AIR 121964 05/23/07 82.25 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY AIR 121965 05/23/07 189.89 NADINE ARNOLD AIR 121966 05/23/07 312.12 ARROW INTERNATIONAL INC AIR 121967 05/23/07 204.01 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INDUS A/P 121968 05/23/07 1,408.00 BAR➢ PERIPHERAL VASCULA AIR 121969 05/23/07 1,265.13 BARTER HEALTHCARE CORP AIR 121970 05123/07 10,956.15 BECKMAN COULTER INC AIR 121971 05/23/07 30.75 B J BROWN Ale 121972 05/23/07 800.00 CAD SOLUTIONS, INC AIR 121973 05/23/07 143.08 RUBY CANTO AIR 121974 05/23/07 252.00 CYGNUS MEDICAL AIR 121975 05/23/07 515.00 CHOLESTECH CORPORATION AIR 121976 05/23/07 35.45 CINGULAR WIRELESS AIR 121977 05/23/07 150.00 CLIA LABORATORY PROGRAM AIR 121978 05/23/07 1,138.00 COMPUTER COMMAND CORPOR AIR 121919 05/23/07 142.86 CONEED CORPORATION AIR 121980 05/23/07 497.38 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 121981 05/23/07 5,811.97 DADE BEHRING A/P 121982 05/23/07 100.73 D'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIP AIR 121983 05/23/07 220.19 HELEN DAVIS AIR 121984 05/23/07 65.00 RITA DAVIS AIR 121985 05/23/07 77.75 KATHERINE DIETZEL AIR 121986 05/23/07 89.68 DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS BY A/P 121987 05/23/07 125.00 EL PATIO RESTAURANT AIR 121988 05/23/07 824.91 ENTERPRISS REND -A -CAR. AIR 121989 05/23/07 90,26 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP, AIR 121990 05/23/07 941,51 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 121991 05/23/07 44.00 JOYCE FLANNIGAN AIR 121992 05/23/07 521.46 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INSU AIR 121993 05/23/07 3,546.00 FRESENIUS USA NAMACTU AIR 121994 05/23/07 256.96 GARDENLAND NURSERY A/P 121995 05/23/07 12.61 BNPTY GARZA A/P 121996 05/23/07 3,227.05 GH HEALTHCARE FIN SRVS AIR 121997 05/23/07 23.91 90 PROMOS AIR 121998 05/23/07 318.90 GULF COAST PAPER COIPAN AIR 121999 05/23/07 81.61 H & S TECHNICAL SERVICE A/P 122000 05/23/07 27,48 H E BUTT GROCERY AIR 122001 05/23/07 34.37 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I AIR 122002 05/23/07 198.14 HEALTHCARR INDUSTRIES AIR 122003 05/23/07 156.60 HENRY SCHEIN INC. AIR 122004 05/23/07 101.85 SALLY J. HICKL m RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 2 TIME:15:19 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/23/07 THRU 05/23/07 BANK --CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ----------------------------------------- A/P 122005 05/23/07 120.81 ______________________________________________________. PAT HRANICKY A/P 122006 05/23/07 416.00 iKON FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 122007 05/23/07 185.92 INFOLAB INC A/P 122008 05/23/07 1,266.68 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT A/P 122009 05/23/07 174.21 IVAN$ A/P 122010 05/23/07 4,583.52 LUKER PRARMBCT MANAGEMS A/P 122011 05/23/07 500.00 MEMORIAL HERMANN HOSPIT A/P 122012 05/23/07 41,922.38 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 122013 05/23/07 111.00 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS A/P 122014 05/23/07 44.14 JANE MCCARN A/P 122015 05/23/07 2,100.00 MED ASSETS ANALYTICAL S A/P 122016 05/23/07 75.73 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 122017 05/23/07 587.35 METLIFE A/P 122018 05/23/07 2,642.95 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI A/P 122019 05/23/07 54.36 MMC AUXILIARY A/P 122020 05/23/07 90.21 LINDA MEYER A/P 122021 05/23/07 7,28 MELISSA MILLS A/P 122022 05/23/07 263.97 CHERYL MITCHELL A/P 122023 05/23/07 1,021.58 MUSTAIN & ASSOCIATES A/P 122024 05/23/07 50.00 NANT A/P 122025 05/23/07 29.10 MICHELLE NOVAE A/P 122026 05/23/07 50.00 0£FICE OF RURAL A/P 122027 05/23/07 106.95 ON -SITE TESTING SPECIAL A/P 122028 05/23/07 .00 VOIDED A/P 122029 05/23/07 8,732.60 OWENS & 14INOR A/P 122030 05/23/07 125.00 THE PANTRY A/P 122031 05/23/07 1,009.70 DR HEMAMALINI PILLA A/P 122032 05/23/07 288.94 SANDRA PINKERTON A/P 122033 05/23/07 207.20 QUILL A/P 122034 05/23/07 252.20 R G & ASSOCIATES INC A/P 122035 05/23/07 305,00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 122036 05/23/07 87.29 RELIANT ENERGY SOLUTION A/P 122037 05/23/07 119.90 REGINA JOHNSON - A/P 122038 05/23/07 521,88 SAN ANTONIO MARRIO T RI A/P 122039 05/23107 297.00 SENIOR STANDARD A/P 122040 05/23/07 181.12 SHERWIN WILLIAMS A/P 122041 05/23/07 339.00 SPECTRA LABORATORIES A/P 122042 05/23/07 235.22 SUN COAST RESOURCES, IN A/P 122043 05/23/07 4,301,62 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP - A/P 122044 05/23/07 95.00 STC-Hm A/P 122045 05/23/07 10,312.34 TEAM REHAB A/P 122046 05/23107 87.00 MATTHEW-TORRES A/P 122047 05/23/07 125.00 TRXANA GRILL A/P 122048 05/23/07 334.20 TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY A/P 122049 05/23/07 520.00 TXHIMA A/P 122050 05/23/07 450.00 THA A/P 122051 05/23/07 299.00 TIMBMED LABELING SYSTEM A/P 122052 05/23/07 229.35 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 122053 05/23/07 30.08 TRI-WHOLESALE CO A/P 122054 05/23/07 125.00 TROPICS WATERFRONT A/P 122055 05/23/07 112.42 MFIRST HOLDINGS 41 RUN DATE;06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME:15;19 CHECK REGISTER 05/23/07 THRO 05/23/07 BANK --CHECK ------------------------------------------ CODE NUMBER DATE. AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 122056 05/23/07 5,217.72 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P A/P 122057 05/23/07 144.05 - ELVA VELA A/P 12205B 05/23/07 1,533.88 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 122059 05/23/07 11.00 THE VICTORIA A➢VOCATE A/P 122060 05/23/07 285.27 WALMART COMMUNITY A/P 122061 05/23/07 1,172.03 WATERMARK GRAPHICS INC A/P 122062 05/23/07 S8.27 SUE WILLIAMS A/P 122063 05/23/07 35.41 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK A/P 122064 05/23/07 102.31 GRAINGER A/P 122065 05/23/07 640,95 YVONNE £ELKINS A/P 122066 05/23/07 49.69 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIEL A/P 122067 05/23/07 49.69 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIEL A/P 122068 05/23/07 219.05 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIEL A/P 122069 05/23/07 102.16 DYKES ELIZABETH A/P 122070 05/23/07 264.69 GEORGIA MIKOSH A/P 122071 05/23/07 133.45 LAKEDEN VAUGHN A/P 122072 05/23/07 125.00 OLASCUAGA OPRELIA TOTALS: 149,269.82 PAGE 3 GLCKREG 42 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 1 TIME:15:28 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/25/07 THRU 05/25/07 BANK --CHECK--------------------------------------------------. CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE .............................................................. A/P 122073 05/25/07 6,900.00 INTEGRATED REVENUE MAMA TOTALS: 6,900.00 43 RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE i TIKE;15:37 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 05/26/07 THRU 05/29/07 BANK --CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE -------------------------------------------- _______________________________.--__ A/P 121689 05/29/07 1,338.82CR BANKCARD CENTER TOTALS: 1,338.82CR ::I RUN DATE:06/06/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME: 15:12 CHECK REGISTER 05/30/07 TURD 05/30/07 BwK--CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER --------------------------------------------------------------- DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 122074 05/30/07 1,338.82 B2'?db` OF AMERICA.- A/P 122075 05/30/07 - 11.64 JANICE COEDS A/P 122076 05/30/07 1,603.00 C.9A, COM FEDERAL CREDIT A/P 122077 05/30/07 68.87 RUBY CANTO A/P 122078 D5/30/07 7,884.62 OR13GORY COWART, CRNA A/P 122079 05/30/07 103,20 DOHNA DAVIS A/P 122080 05/30/07 203.70 SEMEN DAVIS A/P 122081 05/30/07 89.19 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 122082 05/30/07 13.58 MARIA FARIAS A/P 122083 05/30/07 50.93 BETTY GARZA. A/P 122084 05/30/07 5.82 SHELLEY HUDDLESTON A/P * 122085 05/30/07 125.62 SALLY J HICKL A/P 122091 05/30/07 69.99 PAT HRRN m- A/P 122092 05/30/07 1,716.23 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COX A/P 122093 05/30/07 28.50 JAMIE JACOBY A/P 122094 05/30/07 5,384.62 LAKESIDE ANESTHESIA PLL A/P 122095 05/30/07 2,509.58 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 122096 05/30/07 5,384.62 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRNA A/P 122097 05/30/07 37.83 JANE MCCARN A/P 122098 05/30/07 300.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 122099 05/30/07 70.33 LINDA MEYER A/P 122100 05/30/07 246.00 MITZI PAYNE A/P 122101 05/30/07 3,960.00 NUTRITION OPTIONS A/P 122102 05/30/07 5,500.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 122103 05/30/07 166.15 MIA D RESENDEZ A/P 122104 05/30/07 297.79 SIGNY SIZER A/P 122105 05/30/07 138.46 ANGELA K STRADES A/P 122106 05/30/07 40,00 NICK STEPHEN$ RIP 122107 05/30/07 112.78 TEXAS GUARANTEED RIDDEN Alp 122108 05/30/07 204,50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C A/P 122109. 05/30/07 167.81 ELVA VELA A/P 122110 05/30/07 31.13 SUE WILLIAMS A/P 122111 05/30/07 53.84 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK A/P 122112 05/30/07 182.99 AMBER WRIGHT A/P 122113 05/30/07 1,500.00 DEBORAH WITTMEBERT TOTALS: 39,802.14 PAGE 1 GLCKREG 45 �nan'Glal4Cla�s E ��g�'eixal�AcCoixnts :�,��,r..h��. E� � tx e_ t* L` }}4�� 1 „sue*? I+'ittan' fat C1as "I" tiI ous ? ccolint's ._ $ 8 '4 7�5` ry ,� A„ i+.-=.z�, x:d �4L «... Via, ti� Q2 ''L�l�ass, {�� deferral ccou is � 4 , $Ghantp l ortTh`Year'`f 2'00 �$9 2 EN CIHCP MONTHLY FINANCIAL/ACTIVITY REPORT COUNTY NAME Calhoun REPORT MONTHIYEAR June-2007 I. Application: f Case Data II. Creditable Expenditures During Report Month 1. Physician Services $ 11,891.95 2. Prescription Dru s 3. Hospital, Inpatient Services $ 2,637.20 4. Hos. ital, Ou . atient Services. $ 44,569.88 5. Laboratory / X-Ray Services $ 528.76 6. Skilled Nursing Facility Services $ - 7. Family Plannin $ - Subtotal $ 90,871.64 CIHCP Refund $ - Equals (=) REPORT MONTH TOTAL $ 90,871.64 FISCAL YEAR TOTAL Signature of Person Submitting Report $669, 905.74 6/8/2007 Date I Print Name and Title Monica Escalante CIHCP Coordinatorl .E APPROVE BID SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON THE FOLLOWING ROAD MATERIALS: FLY ASH, TOP WASH AND TOPPING FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JULY 26, 2007 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2007. BIDS WILL BE DUE THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007 AND CONSIDERED FOR AWARD ON THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2007: A Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve Bid Specifications and authorize the County Auditor's Office to advertise for bids on the following road materials: fly ash, top wash and topping for the period beginning July 26, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007. Bids will be due Thursday, July 19, 2007 and considered for award on Thursday, July 26, 2007. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. PEPPY NAIL 201 W. AU TREET AOAM R MACHICEX LUCY M 010, CPA PORT LAVACA. TEXAS 71979 AMY C RAWLINSON ?T ASSISTANT AUDITOR TELEPHONE (3611553-4610FAR13611553-4614 ASSISTANT AUDITORS To: Bidder Re: ROAD MATERIALS • FLY ASH • BOTTOM ASH • TOP WASH • TOPPING The "BID PACKAGE" consists of the following: • Invitation To Bid Form The original and 1 copy of this form must be returned in sealed envelope. The sealed envelope must be marked: "Road Materials" If you have additional information regarding your product, please include two copies of this information. • Specifications for Road Materials • General Conditions of Submitting Sealed Bids to Calhoun County, Texas • Copy of ad — "Invitation to Bid" If you have questions, please contact Commissioner Vern Lyssy, Precinct 2, 361-552-9656. Questions regarding the bid Packages can be answered by calling Peggy at 361-553-4610 in the County Auditor's Office, 201 W Austin St, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS BDIDER BID ITEM IFLY ASH INVITATION TO PE=FRU* JULY 26, 2007 PERMIDTD: DECEMBER 31, 2007 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 301, PORT LAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- IFLYASH I BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2007 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERIBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFICATIONS: FLY ASH Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product DEPARTMENT. DESTINAT/ON DELIVERY Aw AWAW PRECINCT I FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 411` PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD AREA PRECINCT 4S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTROW10 SIGNATURE TITLE PRINT NAME DATE Of BD: TELEPHONE NUMBER - PLEASE LIST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECRATIONS: Friday, June 22, 2007 BMUEN CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS BDIDER BID ITEM IROTTOM ASH INVITATION TO PERED FROM: JULY 26, 2007 NAER ilk DECEMBER 31, 2007 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 301, PORT LA VACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- IBOTTOMASH I BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10.00 AM, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2007 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERIBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: BOTTOM ASH Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product DEPARTMENT• DESTINATION DELIVERY A% AWAff PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD AREA PRECINCT 4-2 SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINT NAME: DATE OF BE: TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE LAST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS - Friday, June 22, 2007 BEER CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS BIBBEB BID ITEM ITOP WASH INVITATION TO BID PERIOD FRO* JULY 26, 2007 PERIOB TR: DECEMBER 31, 2007 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 301, PORT LA VACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ITOPWASH BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10.00 AM, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2007 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFICATIONS: TOP WASH Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product DEPARTMENT. DESTINATION DELIVERY Mff AJ AW PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE -TITLE- PRINT NAME PLEASE LIST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS: DATE Of BID: TELEPHONE NUMBER Friday, June 22, 2007 B UER CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS BIDDER BID ITEM ITOPPING INVITATION TO BID PERIODFROI& JULY 26, 2007 PEpIOD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2007 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 301, PORT LAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- TOPPING BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2007 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: TOPPING Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product DEPARTMENT. DEST/NAT/ON DELIVERY M7 MW PRECINCT i FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICTIONS YARD The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE: POINT NAME PLEASE UST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS: DATE OF BIO: TELEPHONE NUMBER: Friday, June 22, 2007 BIDDER SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD MATERIALS 1. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for road materials as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct #1, Fairgrounds Area or Jobsites Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or Jobsites Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Jobsites Precinct #4-P, Port O'Connor Area or Jobsites Precinct #4-S, Seadrift Area or Jobsites 2. The bid shall be in effect for the period Beginning July 26, 2007 and Ending December 31, 2007. 3. Materials shall meet or exceed TDOT Specifications for construction of highways, roads and bridges. If there are additional specifications, they are listed below and/or on the "Invitation to Bid Form." The Bid Items are: -Fly Ash Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product. -Bottom Ash Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product. -Top, Wash Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product. -Topping Calhoun County reserves the right to conduct random sampling of pre -qualified materials for testing and to perform random audits of test reports. County representatives may sample material from the manufacturing plant, terminal, shipping container and any other source they deem necessary to insure reliability of the product. Page 1 of 6 4. Delivery shall be FOB Destination to Jobsite. All charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. 5. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to specifications will be made in writing (Addendum) and sent to each person having a bid package. 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone: (361) 553-4610 Phone: (361) 553-4614 Page 2 of 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED. 1. BIDDING ► SUBMIT the following: Original and 1 copy of ONLY the Invitation to Bid Form (No other forms are needed UNLESS you have information regarding your products.) A. All bids must be on the "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Judge on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, July 19, 2007. A late delivery with an early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery. The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Judge. If you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Judge's office at 361-553-4600 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, July 19, 2007 at the following address: Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 2115 Ann St 3rd Floor, Room 301 Port Lavaca TX 77979 ► Mark outside of sealed envelope: SEALED BID — "Road Materials" C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw their bid before County acceptance of the bid without prejudice to himself/herself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge. D. Bids must show unit price. All Charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened. F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening (acknowledgement) of bids. Once the award has been made, the bids may be viewed at the Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 201 West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. Bid Tabulations will be sent to each vendor that returned a bid and upon request. Page 3 of 6 Bids are for the period beginning July 26, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007. 3. BID FORMS: The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other Vendor, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. 4. EXCEPTIONS: If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the "Invitation to Bid Form" or on your letterhead and manually sib. 5. TAXES: The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. 6. AWARD Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. B. In the event that the deliveries of the supplies or products covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, or in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications. Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach. Page 4 of 6 8. REJECTIONS: Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. 9. BILLING: All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County. Commissioners' Court meet the 2d and 4a' Thursday of each month to approve bills. Each County Department is responsible for submitting their purchase orders for payment and the purchase orders are due by 4:00 PM in the Treasurer's Office the Thursday before each Commissioners' Court Meeting. No payment can be mailed out until approved by Commissioners' Court. 10. CONDITIONS PART OF BID: The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid. 11. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed. The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. 1. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4. The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. 12. OSHA REQUIREMENTS: The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. 13. PROTEST PROCEDURES: Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. Page 5 of 6 The written protest must include: Name, mailing address and business phone number of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any documentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court. If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court. Applicable documentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and information. If additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such information. The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final. 18. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A. All governmental information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B. To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Attn: Cindy Mueller, County Auditor 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax:361-553-4614 Page 6 of 6 INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the County of Calhoun, Texas will receive bids for the following Road Material items for the Period Beginning July 26, 2007 and Ending December 31, 2007: Fly Ash, Bottom Ash, Top Wash & Topping SEALED BIDS are due in the Judge's office on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, July 19, 2007. Mailing/Physical Address: Michael J Pfeifer, County Judge, 211 S Ann, 3rd Floor, Ste 301, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Invitation to Bid Forms and Specifications may be obtained from the Calhoun County Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 201 W. Austin St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979 or by calling Peggy at 361-553-4610. Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. The County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. CINDY MUELLER, COUNTY AUDITOR CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS APPROVE THE INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 BY RUTLEDGE CRAIN, CO. P.C., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Independent Audit Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2006 by Rutledge Crain & Company, PC Certified Public Accountants. Commissioners Galvan; Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. OFFICE BUILDING AND LOCATION FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT #5: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve an Office Building and Location for Justice of the Peace, Precinct #5 with one change being the locking system and utility hookups of the Office Building. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. THE HARBOR CHILDREN'S ALLIANCE & VICTIM CENTER TO UTILIZE SMALL PART OF CALHOUN COUNTY LIBRARY PROPERTY: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to approve The Harbor Children's Alliance and Victim Center to utilize a small part of the Calhoun County Library Property. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. EXCESS FLOOD INSURANCE QUOTE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to not accept the extra coverage for excess Flood insurance. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL WITH APPRISS FOR CALHOUN VINE PROGRAM: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Service Agreement Renewal with Appriss for Calhoun VINE Program. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. June 4, 2007 The Honorable Michael Pfeifer Calhoun County 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 301 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Judge Pfeifer. I"; �Aai rss Technology to serve and protect V10401 Linn Station Road ED Louisville, KY 40223-3842 1 1 502-561-8463 800-816-0491 MikeICUU7 www.appriss.com Ca//7oUn CO eifer I117ty iUd9e This letter is to walk you through the 2008 renewal process for the VINE (Victim Information & Notification Everyday) program. Your original service period will end as of August 31, 2007. Soon you should be receiving your Maintenance Contract from the OAG to cover these costs going forward for renewal through August 31, 2008. We would like to have all Service Agreement Renewal's back to our office no later that June 29, 2007, so we have plenty of time to process. In addition, we have attached a few items that will require action on your part to complete the process. A description of each and any action required follows: Exhibit R-04 Maintenance Renewal. This item shows the Total Renewal Amount that the OAG agrees to cover. The OAG has received a copy of this document and has confirmed the dollar amounts and expiration date. This document is for your information. Service Agreement Renewal. This agreement is between Appriss and Calhoun County County. The cost of the renewal should agree with Exhibit R 04. Please sign the enclosed documents and return one copy to Appriss, one copy to the OAG office and retain one copy for your records. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 800/816-0491 ext. 3850 or Kevin Schickel your Account Manager at 800/816-0491 ext. 3903. Sincerely, Appriss Inc. Colleen G.1leslin Sales Administrator Enc. Provider of the VINEO Service Exhibit R-04 Maintenance Renewal Automated Victim Notification Services Calhoun County Category: Pilot - Small Subject to the terms and conditions included in the Agreement, this Exhibit R-04 Schedule of Payments shall describe the payments that Customer shall pay to Appriss. Maintenance Amount. Customer shall pay Appriss a maintenance amount for the Renewal of Services determined as follows. This Renewal will extend services through August 31, 2008. Jail Court Annual # of Months Total Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Through Maintenance Amount Amount Amount 8/31/08 Amount Due $5,728 $1,011 $6,739 12 Months $6,739 Out of Scope Costs! These services will be billed directly to the County and may not be reimbursed by the Office of the Attorney General's Grant Program. Additional costs will be incurred for out of scope work. There will only be three events that constitute out of scope work: (1) if Customer moves their facility requiring Appriss to move interface equipment and telephone lines, then a site move charge will not to exceed $1,500; (2) if Customer changes its booking system and replaces it with another system for which the Appriss has already built an interface, then there will be a one time charge not to exceed $3,000; and (3) third if Customer changes its booking system and replaces it with another system for which the Appriss has not built previously an interface then there will be a one time charge not to exceed $5, 000. 1. Customer Facility Move 2. Change of Booking System 3. Change of Booking System to to vendor -standard system non -Vendor -standard system not -to -exceed $1,500 not -to -exceed $3,000 not -to -exceed $5,000 Additional Services2 Any services, not covered by this Agreement and provided by Appriss shall be billed to Customer at the following rates: Standard Hourly rate Overtime Hourly Rate not -to -exceed $160 / hour not -to -exceed $175 / hour Services After Termination. Subject to the terms and conditions included in the Agreement, the cost of Services provided by Appriss to the Customer shall be governed by the following payment terms. Following either the expiration or termination of this Agreement, then Customer shall pay Appriss an amount equal to 1/12th the then current Annual Maintenance Fee, for each month that the Customer elects to receive the Services. Customer may elect to receive the Services for any increment of months up to the maximum time period stated in the Agreement. 1 based on subsection V. Out ofscope cost far county changes in the Service Price section of the Vendor Certification. 2 prices as defined in the Appriss's Price Proposal dated August 15'", 2002. R-04 Service Agreement Renewal Notice county copy DATE: CUSTOMER NAME: LOCATION: PROJECT TYPE: ORIGINAL SERVICE AGREEMENT DATE: SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL DATE: SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL TERM: June 5, 2007 Calhoun County 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 301 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Calhoun County VINE Service March 8, 2005 September 1, 2007 12 Months NEXT SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL DATE: September 1, 2008 PROJECT PRICING: $6,739 This Service Agreement Renewal Notice, unless specifically noted in the Contract Changes section below, extends all pricing, service terms and other contract provisions of the prior contract period. No interruptions in delivery of Service will occur in relations to this Service Agreement Renewal. Contract Changes: None Special Note: Please refer to the Out of Scope Costs referenced in the attached Exhibit R-04 Maintenance Renewal. This is not a contract change, but a reminder of costs that may be incurred when making booking system replacement and/or changes. AUTHORIZATION: APPRISS, INC 6/05/07 S nature Date Thomas R. Seigle Vice -President of Government Sales CUSTOMER BY: �i Signature IrI Date Title Name h OFFICE of the ATTORNEY GENERAL GREG ABBOTT Texas VINE Annual Maintenance GRANT CONTRACT Fiscal Year 2008 Calhoun County SAVNS GRANT CONTRACT Maintenance Contract THIS GRANT CONTRACT, including all attachments, exhibits and schedules attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the Agreement), is made and entered into by and between Calhoun County ("COUNTY") and the Office of the Attomey General of Texas ("OAG"). COUNTY and the OAG may be referred to in this Agreement individually as a 'Party" and collectively as the 'Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, agreements and conditions herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE; CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain COUNTY in a statewide system that will provide relevant offender release information, notification of relevant court settings or events, promote public safety and support the rights of victims of crime. To accomplish the public purpose, the OAG will reimburse COUNTY for certain cost incurred in the implementation and operation of its portion of the statewide crime victim notification service ("SAVNS") To ensure a standard statewide service to all interested counties, including COUNTY, the OAG will reimburse COUNTY for eligible expenses related to services delivered to COUNTY by the vendor certified by the OAG to provide certain services to the COUNTY. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Statewide Automated Victim Services was published November 28, 2005. After an evaluation of proposals, the OAG identified and certified a single vendor to provide statewide automated victim services. The certification is stated in that certain document dated January 13, 2006 and entitled: Vendor Certification for the Statewide Automated Victim Notification Service. This document is hereinafter referred to as the "Certification" and is expressly incorporated herein by reference. The vendor certified to provide the services is Appriss, Inc., a Kentucky corporation authorized to do business in Texas ("Certified Vendor"). This Agreement documents the requirements, conditions, obligations, limitations, and other terms for the COUNTY to be eligible for cost reimbursement by the OAG as shown in Exhibit A. 1.2 Construction of Agreement. The provisions of this Section 1 are intended to be a general introduction to this Agreement, and to the extent the terms and conditions of this Agreement do not address a particular circumstance or are otherwise unclear or ambiguous, such terms and conditions are to be interpreted and construed consistent with the objectives, expectations and purposes stated in this Section 1. All Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto are hereby incorporated by reference herein in their entirety for all purposes. 2. COUNTY OBLIGATIONS Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doe 2.1 Services Agreement. COUNTY will execute a Services Agreement with the Certified Vendor to provide services consistent with the Certification document. The COUNTY Services Agreement will include terms and conditions that are intended to provide the COUNTY such rights and remedies as are necessary to ensure the delivery of the services in accordance with the Scope of Services section herein. For the convenience of COUNTY, a template services agreement is made available to COUNTY. The OAG is not acting as an attorney for the COUNTY, therefore the COUNTY is advised to have attorneys of its choice to review and modify the template services agreement to protect the interest of the COUNTY and to assure that the services will be delivered according the Certification document. The contract between the COUNTY and Certified Vendor is referred to as "Services Agreement". 2.2 Maintenance. COUNTY agrees to maintain the services in a manner consistent with the Scope of Services and the COUNTY Maintenance Plan. 2.3 Maintenance Plan. By January 1, 2008 COUNTY shall send a copy of the COUNTY Maintenance Plan to the OAG that at a minimum is designed to: I. Make available offender information that is timely, accurate and relevant to support the victim notification services; 2. Verify the Certified Vendor's performance according to COUNTY Services Agreement; 3. Satisfactorily discharge such COUNTY obligations as described in the COUNTY Services Agreement; and 4. Identify and commit of staff resources and equipment necessary to maintain the services as further described herein. 2.4 Monitoring of Services; Statewide Stakeholders. COUNTY will inspect, monitor and verify the performances required of the Certified Vendor. COUNTY will reasonably cooperate with and participate in Statewide Stakeholders meetings and efforts to monitor and improve the services on a statewide basis. COUNTY may reasonably agree to designate third -parties to assist COUNTY and the other Statewide Stakeholders, in the overall monitoring, inspection and verification of the Certified Vendor's performances. 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 Statewide Deliverables. The services are described by two sets of documents: (1) the Statewide Deliverables, and (2) the COUNTY Deliverables. The Statewide Deliverables describe the services and structure of the victim notification system on a statewide basis. The OAG may update or modify the Statewide Deliverables from time to time by the OAG; with input from the Statewide Stakeholders Committee, when appropriate. The Statewide Deliverables include: S-01 Service Specification S-02 Questionnaire Template S-03 Statewide Implementation Plan S-04 Stakeholder Communication Plan Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 2 S-05 Call Center Infrastructure S-06 County Implementation Plan Template S-07 Web Sites(s) S-08 Statewide Promotions Package S-09 Internal Test Guide S-10 Statewide Implementation Status Reports S-11 Service Level Standards S-12 Service Performance Reports V-01 Vendor Certification The Statewide Deliverables are incorporated herein by reference. 3.2 COUNTY Deliverables. The COUNTY deliverables reflect the Statewide Deliverables, as customized to meet the specific needs of COUNTY (COUNTY Deliverables). COUNTY deliverables include: C-02 County Implementation Plan C-03 County Infrastructure C-04 Application Interface C-05 Customer Verification Plan C-06 County Support Document C-07 County Promotions Package C-08 Production Notice C-09 County Web Access County will implement these deliverables through the COUNTY Services Agreement. After these deliverables are completed and approved by COUNTY, these COUNTY deliverables are incorporated herein by reference. 3.3 Service Levels. Certain standards and levels of performance to be provided by the Certified Vendor to COUNTY are described in the Statewide Deliverable S-11, Service Level Standards and the COUNTY Services Agreement. Other standards and levels of performance are described in the other Statewide and COUNTY Deliverables. COUNTY will inspect, monitor and verify the performances required of the Certified Vendor. The COUNTY will: 1. Execute a County Services Agreement Renewal Notice with Appriss, the Texas SAVNS certified vendor, for the current State of Texas Fiscal Year. 2. Each month, inspect, monitor and verify the performances required within Section 4 of the County Services Agreement and Sections 2 and 3 of this OAG Agreement. 3. Verify, record and file at least eight information and notification events each month. At least three of those events must be notifications and all must include court Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 3 information if available. 4. Verify that the County input data (the jail and court data elements used by the SAVNS system) is entered accurately and in a timely basis. The standard to define whether the data is timely and accurate should be determined by the County Auditor or the person in the COUNTY who assumes these independent responsibilities if other than the Auditor. 5. Establish a County VINE log for the purpose of recording all problems noted with the system; to whom the problem was referred, and when the problem was resolved 6. Provide periodic written reports (forms provided by OAG) describing COUNTY monitoring, findings, usage, problems and observations as requested by the OAG. 7. The County Judge may delegate the responsibility for assuring these activities are accurately reported to the County Auditor or the person in the COUNTY who assumes these independent responsibilities if other than the Auditor. 8. Allow on -site monitoring visits to be conducted by OAG or its authorized representative. 3.4 Data Extract. To the extent permitted by law, COUNTY agrees to provide the OAG with a copy of data transmitted by COUNTY to the Certified Vendor. COUNTY authorizes the Certified Vendor to directly provide such data to the OAG. The Parties agree that this data may be used to monitor COUNTY performance and the Certified Vendor's performance. This data may be used for such other purposes allowed by law. The data will be provided in such electronic format (including, but not limited to, an XML extract) as requested by the OAG. 3.5 COUNTY Scope of Services Obligations. For the purpose of this Agreement, the requirements, duties and obligations contained in the Statewide Deliverables, COUNTY Deliverables, Service Levels and other requirements of this Section 3 are collectively referred to as the "Scope of Services". As a condition of reimbursement, County agrees to faithfully, timely and in a good -and -workman -like manner implement and maintain the services in compliance with the Scope of Services. 4. GENERALSTANDARDS 4.1 Limitation of Liability, Service Period (Term) and Option to Extend Service Period (Term). Those provisions of this Agreement are contained in the attached Exhibit A. 4.2 Federal and State Laws, Rules and Ordinances. COUNTY will comply with all applicable federal and state statutes, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars and Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), as applicable. 4.3 Applicable Laws and Regulations Regarding Funding Sources. Where applicable, federal statutes and regulations, including federal grant requirements applicable to funding sources, shall apply to this Agreement. Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 4 COUNTY agrees to comply with applicable laws, executive orders, regulations and policies as well as the Uniform Grant Management Act of 1981 (UGMA), Texas Government Code, Chapter, 783, as amended, and UGMS, as amended by revised federal circulars and incorporated in UGMS by the Governor's Budget and Planning Office. COUNTY also shall comply with all applicable federal and state assurances contained in UGMS, Part III, State Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreement §_.14. (Exhibit B) 4.4 Signature of County on this Agreement. The signature of the authorized representative of COUNTY is a certification by the COUNTY to comply with the applicable certifications and assurances, as stated in this Agreement, including the attached Exhibits. 5. REIMBURSEMENT 5.1 Grant Contract Not Entitlement or Right. COUNTY understands and agrees that reimbursement from grant funds is not an entitlement or right. COUNTY further understands and agrees that it may not be reimbursed for costs incurred during the grant term or expenses paid during or subsequent to the grant term unless the COUNTY strictly complies with all terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement. COUNTY understands and agrees that it will not be reimbursed for the cost of vendor services provided or delivered before the commencement date of this contract unless approved by OAG. 5.2 Reimbursement; COUNTY Service Contract. In accordance with the provisions of the attached Exhibit A, the OAG will reimburse COUNTY such actual, reasonable and necessary amounts expended, subject to the limitations in Section 4.1, for the COUNTY Service Contract. 5.3 Reimbursable Cost; Generally. Upon evidence of satisfactory compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the OAG will reimburse COUNTY, subject to the limitation of liability in Exhibit A, for such actual, reasonable and necessary amounts expended in the performance of this Agreement. Only those costs allowable under applicable cost principles are eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. The COUNTY acknowledges that it is a sub -recipient of state and/or federal funds. Therefore, the following cost principles, audit requirements, and administrative requirements shall apply: Cost Principles** Administrative Requirements** Audit Requirements** OMB A-87 as modified by OMB A-102 as modified by OMB A-133 as modified by UGMS UGMS UGMS Uniform Grant Management Uniform Grant Management Texas State Single Audit Standards (UGMS) pursuant to Standards (UGMS) pursuant to Circular Texas Government Code Texas Government Code Chapter 783 Chapter 783 ** If federal funds are identified in Exhibit A, additional exhibits may be attached. Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc Copies of these documents referenced above will be provided to the COUNTY by OAG upon request and are incorporated by reference as a part of this Agreement. Before incurring any out-of-state travel expenses, the COUNTY must obtain prior written authorization for that travel from the OAG. To be eligible for reimbursement under this contract, a cost must have been incurred or obligated by the COUNTY within the applicable contract period prior to claiming reimbursement from the OAG. Costs incurred by the last day of the applicable contract term must be liquidated no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the applicable contract period. If the COUNTY expends $500,000 or more in state or federal financial assistance during its fiscal year, it shall arrange for a Single Audit of that fiscal year. The audit must be conducted by an independent auditor and must be in accordance with the applicable government auditing standards, the Texas State Single Audit Circular and the UGMS published by the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning. For the purposes of this contract, the audit provisions of OMB Circular A-133 shall apply to county contracting entities. If the COUNTY is expending less than $500,000 in total state or federal financial assistance during its fiscal year, it shall arrange for an annual independent financial audit in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards of that fiscal year. For purposes of this Article, the COUNTY shall comply with the applicable OMB _Circulars with the following modifications: All references to "Federal Grantor Agency(ies)" shall be expanded to read "Federal or State Grant Agency(ies)." All references to "Federal Grant Funds" or "Federal Assistance" shall be expanded to read "Federal and State Assistance;" "Federal Law" shall be expanded to read "Federal or State Law;" and all references to "Federal Government" shall be expanded to read "Federal or State Government," as applicable. In procuring any audit services required by this contract and/or by law, the COUNTY shall comply with applicable state procurement procedures, as well as any requirements found in UGMS regarding such procurement. COUNTY will not supplant [use funds from this Agreement to replace or substitute existing funding from other sources that also supports the activities that are the subject of this Agreement] but rather shall use funds from this Agreement to supplement existing funds. COUNTY shall use the funds from this Agreement to increase state or local funds currently available for aparticular activity. COUNTY will make a good faith effort to maintain its current level of support. COUNTY may be required to submit documentation substantiating that a reduction in local funding, if any, resulted for reasons other than receipt or expected receipt of funding under this Agreement. The COUNTY shall submit to the OAG two (2) bound copies of any and all applicable audit reports, management letters, and management responses. Such reports, letters, and responses must be submitted on or before whichever of the following dates occurs first: Thirty (30) days after the issuance of the audit report; or Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doe 2. Within nine (9) months after the end of the audited fiscal year for those COUNTY whose fiscal year begins on or after October 1. The COUNTY shall provide physical access, without prior notice, and shall direct any contractor and subcontractor to likewise grant access to all program delivery sites to representatives of the State of Texas and/or the OAG. 6. Invoice for Reimbursable Cost 6.1 Time Period and Form of Invoice. COUNTY should refer to the attached Exhibit A for specific invoicing procedures and specific requirements. The form of any invoice for reimbursement of expenses submitted under this section must comply with such invoicing requirements and such detail and supporting documentation that the OAG may from time to time require. The OAG is under no obligation to reimburse COUNTY if supporting documentation is not provided on a timely basis. Each invoice presented must include the OAG's contract number. The invoice must identify COUNTY's Texas Identification Number (VIN), a description of the expense, and a notation that the requested reimbursement in regards to the Crime Victim Services Division, Victim Notification Services Grants. 6.2 Timing of Invoice. The COUNTY shall submit its claims for reimbursement to the OAG within twenty (20) calendar days following the end of the month that a reimbursable expenditure was incurred. The COUNTY may submit a make-up claim as a final close-out invoice not later than the earlier of (1) forty-five (45) calendar days after termination; or (2) forty-five (45) calendar days after the end of a state fiscal biennium. 6.3 Direct Deposit. The COUNTY may make a written request to the OAG to be placed on Direct Deposit status by completing and submitting to the OAG the State Comptroller's Direct Deposit Authorization Form. After the direct deposit request is approved by the OAG and the setup is completed on the Texas Identification Number System by the State Comptroller's Office, payment will be remitted by direct deposit and the OAG will discontinue providing the COUNTY with copies of reimbursement vouchers. 6.4 Excess Payments; Refund; Setoff. Payment under this Agreement will not foreclose the right of the OAG to recover excessive or unallowable payments from the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall refund to the OAG within thirty (30) calendar days from date of the OAG's request to repay the GAG any funds the COUNTY claimed and received from the OAG for the reimbursement of costs which are subsequently determined by the OAG to be ineligible for reimbursement. The OAG will have the right to withhold all or part of any future payments to the COUNTY to offset any reimbursement made to the COUNTY for any excessive or ineligible expenditures not yet refunded to the OAG by COUNTY. The OAG may withhold reimbursement(s) from either this contract or an expired contract between the parties with the same funding source, in amounts necessary to fulfill the repayment obligations of the COUNTY. 6.5 Limited Pre -Reimbursement Funding to COUNTY. In lieu of the reimbursement processes Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 7 addressed above, the OAG, may, at its sole discretion, provide limited pre -reimbursement funding for reimbursable expenses to COUNTY. The provisions of this Agreement are contained in the attached Exhibit A. NOTICES 7.1 Information, Excluding Invoices. All correspondence, reports or notices, except invoices, must be submitted to: Texas SAVNS Project Director Office of the Attorney General Crime Victims Services Division, Mail Code 004 Post Office Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 7.2 Invoices. All invoices must be submitted to: Grants/Contracts Financial Management Office of the Attorney General Crime Victim Services Division, Mail Code 005 Post Office Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 8. TERMINATION 8.1 Termination for Convenience. Either Party may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part, without recourse, liability or penalty, upon thirty (30) calendar days notice to other party. 8.2 Termination for Cause. In the event that COUNTY fails to perform or comply with an obligation of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, the OAG may, upon written notice of the breach to COUNTY, immediately terminate all or any part of this Agreement. Termination is not an exclusive remedy, but will be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided in equity, by law, or under this Agreement. 8.3 Rights Upon Termination or Expiration. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the OAG will not reimburse COUNTY, if after the notice of termination or expiration of this Agreement, the COUNTY thereafter receives services from the certified vendor. If the COUNTY terminates for convenience under section 8.1, or if the OAG terminates under section 8.2 before the purpose of this Agreement is accomplished, then the OAG may require the COUNTY to refund all or some of the grant funds paid under this Agreement. The following terms and conditions survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement: Section 3.4, Data Extract; Section 4.1, Limitation of Liability; Section 9, Intellectual Property; Section 10, Audit; Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc Section 18, Governing Law and Venue. Upon the OAG request, the COUNY shall deliver to the OAG all work product, deliverables, equipment, all files, records, reports, data, intellectual property license or right and other documents obtained, used, prepared or otherwise developed by COUNTY in the performance of the scope of work authorized by this Agreement shall vest in the OAG, and upon request of the OAG shall be delivered to the OAG within thirty (30) business days after expiration or termination. The OAG is granted the unrestricted right to use, copy, modify, prepare derivative works, publish and distribute, at no additional cost to the OAG, in any manner the OAG deems appropriate in its sole discretion, any component of the work product or other deliverable made the subject of this Agreement. Any termination of this Agreement will also be forwarded by the terminating party to the Certified Vendor. 9. Intellectual Property. The COUNTY understands and agrees that where funds obtained under this Agreement may be used to produce original books, manuals, films, or other original material and intellectual property, the COUNTY may copyright such material subject to the royalty -free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license which is hereby reserved by the OAG and COUNTY hereby grants to the OAG or the state (or federal government, if federal funds are expended in this grant) government. The OAG is granted the unrestricted right to use, copy, modify, prepare derivative works, publish and distribute, at no additional cost to the OAG, in any manner the OAG deems appropriate in its sole discretion, any component of such intellectual property made the subject of this Agreement. The COUNTY may publish at its expense the results of its contract performance if it first obtains prior OAG review of that publication or the applicable federal agency. Any publication (written, visual, or sound) must include acknowledgment of the support received from the OAG and the appropriate state or federal grant, if applicable. At least three (3) copies or more if requested, of any such publication must be provided to the OAG or the applicable federal agency. All copies shall be provided by the COUNTY free of charge. 10. AUDIT RIGHTS; RECORDS RETENTION 10.1 Duty to Maintain Records. COUNTY shall maintain adequate records to support its charges, procedures, and performances to OAG for all work related to this Agreement. COUNTY also shall maintain such records as are deemed necessary by the OAG, OAG's auditor, the OAG and auditors of the State of Texas, the United States, or such other persons or entities designated by the OAG, to ensure proper accounting for all costs and performances related to this Agreement. 10.2 Records Retention. COUNTY shall maintain and retain for a period of four (4) years after the submission of the final expenditure report, or until full and final resolution of all audit or litigation matters which arise after the expiration of the four (4) year period after the submission of the final expenditure report, whichever time period is longer, such records as are necessary to fully disclose the extent of services provided under this Agreement, including but not limited to any daily activity reports and time distribution and attendance records, and other records that may show the basis of the charges made or performances delivered. 10.3 Audit Trails. COUNTY shall maintain appropriate audit trails to provide accountability for Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 9 updates to mission critical information, charges, procedures, and performances. Audit trails maintained by COUNTY will, at a minimum, identify the supporting documentation prepared by COUNTY to permit an audit of the system by tracing the activities of individuals through the system. COUNTY's automated systems must provide the means whereby authorized personnel have the ability to audit and to verify contractually required performances and to establish individual accountability for any action that can potentially cause access to, generation of, or modification of confidential information. COUNTY agrees that COUNTY's failure to maintain adequate audit trails and corresponding documentation shall create a presumption that the services or performances were not performed. 10.4 Access. COUNTY shall grant access to and make available copies of all data extracts described in Section 3.4, paper and electronic records, books, documents, accounting procedures, practices, and any other items relevant to the performance of this Agreement and the operation and management of COUNTY to the OAG, the State of Texas, the United States, or such other persons or entities designated by OAG for the purposes of inspecting, auditing, or copying such items. All records, books, documents, accounting procedures, practices, and any other items, in whatever form or media, relevant to the performance of this Agreement shall be subject to examination or audit in accordance with all contract performances and duties, all applicable state and federal laws, regulations or directives, by the OAG, the State of Texas, the United States, or such other persons or entities designated by OAG. COUNTY will direct any contractor to discharge COUNTY's obligations to likewise permit access to, inspection of, and reproduction of all books and records of the subcontractor(s) that pertain to this Agreement. 10.5 Location. Any audit of documents listed in Section 10.4 shall be conducted at the COUNTY's principal place of business and/or the location(s) of the COUNTY's operations during the COUNTY's normal business hours and at the OAG's expense. COUNTY shall provide to OAG and such auditors and inspectors as OAG may designate in writing, on COUNTY's premises (or if the audit is being performed of a subcontractor, the subcontractor's premises if necessary) space, office furnishings (including lockable cabinets), telephone and facsimile services, utilities and office -related equipment and duplicating services as OAG or such auditors and inspectors may reasonably require to perform the audits described in this Section 10. 10.6 Reimbursement. If an audit or examination reveals that COUNTY's invoices for the audited period are not accurate, COUNTY shall promptly reimburse OAG for the amount of any overcharge, unallowable or excessive amount. 10.7 Reports. COUNTY shall provide to OAG periodic status reports in accordance with OAG's audit procedures regarding COUNTY's resolution of any audit -related compliance activity for which COUNTY is responsible. 11. Independent Contractor Status and General Liability Provision. COUNTY shall be deemed to be an independent contractor hereunder and shall not be considered or permitted to be an agent, servant, joint venturer, joint enterpriser or partner of OAG. COUNTY agrees to take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that each contractor of COUNTY will be deemed to be an independent contractor and will not be considered or permitted to be an agent, servant, joint venturer, joint enterpriser or partner of OAG. All persons furnished, used, retained, or hired by or on behalf of COUNTY or any of its subcontractors shall be considered to be solely the employees or agents of COUNTY or such subcontractor, and COUNTY shall be responsible for ensuring that there is payment of any and all unemployment, social security, and other payroll taxes for such persons, including any related assessments or contributions required by law. Maintenance Grant (12 month) Fy 08- 5-9-07 150pm.doc 12. Publicity. COUNTY and/or COUNTY's contractors shall not use the OAG's name or refer to the other Party directly or indirectly in any media release, public service announcement or public service disclosure relating to this Agreement or any acquisition pursuant hereto, including in any promotional or marketing materials, without first obtaining the written consent from the OAG. This section is not intended and does not effect COUNTY's obligations and duties under the Texas Open Meetings Act and/or the Texas Public Information Act. 13. Amendment. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended in any way except in writing, signed by an authorized person of the Parties for that express purpose. Any properly executed modifications or amendments of this Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and it presumed to be supported by adequate consideration. Any attempted modification or amendment of this Agreement that does not comply with this Section will be deemed voidable at the sole option of the OAG. 14. Non -waiver. The failure of any party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms or conditions herein, irrespective of the length of time for which such failure shall continue, shall not be a waiver of that party's right to demand strict compliance in the future. No consent or waiver, express or implied, to or of any breach or default in the performance of any obligation under this Agreement shall constitute a consent or waiver to or of any breach or default in the performance of the same or any other obligation of this Agreement. No term or provision of this Agreement or of any document incorporated herein by reference shall be deemed waived and no breach shall be deemed excused unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the Party claimed to have waived or consented. 15. Partial Invalidity. If any term or provision of this Agreement, or of any document incorporated herein by reference is found to be illegal or unenforceable, and provided such term or provision does not render this agreement void, then, this Agreement, and each incorporated document, shall remain in full force and effect and such term or provision shall be deemed to be deleted. To the extent permitted by law, the Parties shall imply a provision to accomplish the Purpose of this Agreement and to the extent possible, accomplish the purposes of the deleted provision. 16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the Exhibits, reflects the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter therein described, and there are no other representations (oral or written), directives, guidance, assistance, understandings or agreements between the Parties relative to such subject matter. 18. Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement is made and entered into in the State of Texas. This Agreement and all disputes arising out of or relating thereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to any otherwise applicable conflict of law rules or requirements. Except where state law establishes mandatory venue, COUNTY agrees that any action, suit, litigation or other proceeding (collectively "litigation") arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement, or the matters referred to therein, shall be commenced exclusively in the Travis County District Court or the United States District Court in the Western District and Austin Division, and to the extent permitted by law, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts for the purpose of prosecuting and/or defending such litigation. COUNTY hereby waives and agrees not to assert by way of motion, as a defense, or otherwise, in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that (a) COUNTY is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of the above -named courts, (b) the suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or (c) the venue of the suit, action or proceeding. 19. Official Capacity. The Parties stipulate and agree that the signatories hereto are signing, executing and performing this Agreement only in their official capacity. Office of the Attorney General of Texas Attorney General or his designee Date: Calhoun County, Texas . i by:M vi Judge Michael Pfeifer' Date: � - /y ^ °' f EXHIBIT A — Maintenance Grant FY 2008 Grant Contract - SAVNS Calhoun County Population Size: Small The OAG will reimburse COUNTY for allowable SAVNS expenditures as follows: Maximum Total Grant Funds Event Cost for Jail Cost for Courts Number of Available Months Standard Maintenance $ 5,728 $ 1,011 12 $ 6,739 Phase Service Period (Term). The Service Period (Term) of this Agreement shall commence on the later of September 1, 2007 or the date of the signature by the OAG executing this Agreement, (being the date shown on this Agreement as the date executed by OAG); and unless terminated earlier as provided by another provision of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate August 31, 2008. The maximum number of months is provided above. If this Agreement does not commence before September 1, 2007, then the portion of any partial month thereafter will be a prorated amount of the monthly amount as determined by the OAG. The OAG is not obligated to pay for services prior to the commencement or after the termination of this Agreement. No commitment of grant funds is permitted prior to the first day or subsequent to the last day of the Service Period (Term). Nothing herein shall prevent the parties from revising the Service Period (Term) of this Agreement by a written amendment. Option to Extend Service Period (Term). This Agreement may be extended for an additional Service Period (Term) by a written amendment executed with the same formalities as this Agreement. Limitation of Liability of the OAG. The parties stipulate and agree that the total liability of the OAG to COUNTY for any type of liability directly or indirectly arising out of this Agreement and in consideration of full, satisfactory and timely performance of all its duties, responsibilities, obligations, liability, and for reimbursement of all expenses, if any, as set forth in this Agreement or arising out of any performance herein shall not exceed SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE and N01100 DOLLARS ($ 6,739)for the Service Period (Term) described in this Agreement. The parties stipulate and agree that any act, action or representation by either party, their agents or employee that purports to increase the liability of the OAG is void, without first executing a written amendment to this Agreement and specifically amending this provision. The parties acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Agreement will be interpreted to create an obligation or liability in excess of the funds currently stated in this Agreement. The parties stipulate and agree that funding for this Agreement is subject to the actual receipt of grant funds (state and/or federal) appropriated to the OAG and such funds are sufficient to satisfy all of OAG's duties, responsibilities, obligations, liability, and for reimbursement of all expenses, if any, as set forth in this Agreement or arising out of any performance pursuant to this Agreement. The parties further stipulate and agree that the grant funds, if any, received from the OAG are limited by the term of each state biennium and by specific appropriation authority to the OAG for the Purpose of this Agreement. Time Period and Form of Invoice. It is possible that a change to the Texas statutory provisions may occur that would require a change in the service model presently employed by the State of Texas to accomplish the SAVNS system. In the event there IS No CHANGE to the Texas statutory provisions that would require a change in the service model presently employed by the State of Texas to accomplish the SAVNS s, s� The OAG's liability to pay and the COUNTY's ability to seek reimbursement will be in (1) time -period of up to 12-months period of time. Upon submission and approval of the COUNTY's request for reimbursement, the COUNTY will receive up to the full amount of "Total Grant Funds Available" as noted above. 1. The COUNTY may submit requests for reimbursement from the OAG for the period of time from September 1, 2007, (or a later date if this Agreement is not commenced by September 1, 2007), to August 31, 2008, COUNTY may submit, in accordance with this Agreement, a request for reimbursement to the OAG within twenty (20) calendar days of the COUNTY receiving an invoice from the certified vendor for the period of time covering September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008. In the event that there Is A CHANGE to the Texas statutory Vrovisions that would require a change in the service model presently employed by the State of Texas to accomplish the SAVNS system: To allow for greater flexibility to address this possible situation and allow for a transition to a different service model, the OAG's liability to pay and the COUNTY's ability to seek reimbursement will be divided into two (2) six- month periods of time, rather than the one (1) 12-month period of time. Therefore, COUNTY will receive up to one-half of the "Total Grant Funds Available" as noted above per each six-month intervals of time. COUNTY must submit requests for reimbursement from the OAG in the following sequence and manner: 1. For the period of time from September 1, 2007 (or a later date if this Agreement is not commenced by September 1, 2007), to February 28, 2008, COUNTY may submit, in accordance with this Agreement, a request for reimbursement to the OAG within twenty (20) calendar days of the COUNTY receiving an invoice from the certified vendor for the period of time covering September 1, 2007 to February 28, 2008. The certified vendor's invoice is valid when it is dated after the OAG execution date of this Agreement. 2. For the period of time from March 1, 2008 to August 31, 2008, the COUNTY may submit, in accordance with this Agreement, a request for reimbursement to the OAG within twenty (20) calendar days of the COUNTY receiving an invoice from the certified vendor for the period of time covering March 1, 2008 to August 31, 2008. The certified vendor's invoice is valid when it is dated on or after the first day of February 2008 and payable on March 1, 2008. Complete invoice submission instructions are described in the Texas VINE Program Request Procedures for FY 2008 Maintenance Expenses packet. Limited Pre -Reimbursement Funding to COUNTY. This limited funding is not preferred and will be strictly allowed, if at all, upon a showing of the following: 1. The COUNTY must submit written documentation supporting its request: a. A fully executed County Services Agreement Renewal Notice with the certified vendor for the time period covered by the pre -reimbursement funding request; b. An invoice from the Certified Vendor which includes the dates covered under the Standard Maintenance Phase; c. A completed OAG form titled Verification of Continuing Production; d. An invoice to the OAG that complies with the requirements of the OAG Template Invoice; and e. A written justification explaining the need for pre -reimbursement funding. The COUNTY should submit an invoice to the OAG no sooner than forty-five (45) days and no later than thirty (30) days before the COUNTY'S obligation to pay matures. The OAG will not provide pre - reimbursement funds any sooner than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the payment becoming due and payable under the COUNTY Service Contract. Exhibit Applicable to this Agreement. Exhibit B, is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and is applicable to this Agreement. The COUNTY agrees to strictly comply with the requirements and obligation described in Exhibit B. Exhibit B The Uniform Grant Management Standards ("UGMS"), Part III, Section .14; Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, State of Texas, establish the following assurances applicable to recipients of state grant funds: (1) COUNTY must comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 573, Vernon's 1994, by ensuring that no officer, employee, or member of the applicant's governing body or of the applicant's contractor shall vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree of affinity or the third degree of consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee authorized to employ or supervise such person. This prohibition shall not prohibit the employment of a person who shall have been continuously employed for a period of two years, or such other period stipulated by local law, prior to the election or appointment of the officer, employee, or governing body member related to such person in the prohibited degree. (2) COUNTY must insure that all information collected, assembled or maintained by the applicant relative to a project will be available to the public during normal business hours in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, Vernon's 1994, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by law. (3) COUNTY must comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Vernon's 1994, which requires all regular, special or called meeting of governmental bodies to be open to the public, except as otherwise provided by law or specifically permitted in the Texas Constitution. (4) COUNTY must comply with Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, which prohibits payments to a person who is in arrears on child support payments. (5) No health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency may contract with or issue a license, certificate or permit to the owner, operator or administrator of a facility if the license, permit or certificate has been revoked by another health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency. (6) COUNTY that is a law enforcement agency regulated by Texas Government Code, Chapter 415, must be in compliance with all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education pursuant to Chapter 415, Texas Government Code or must provide the grantor agency with a certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education that the agency is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. (7) When incorporated into a grant award or contract, the standard assurances become terms or conditions for receipt of grant funds. COUNTY shall maintain an appropriate contract administration system to insure that all terms, conditions, and specifications are met. (8) COUNTY must comply with the Texas Family Code, Section 261.101 which requires reporting of all suspected cases of child abuse to local law enforcement authorities and to the Texas Department of Child Protective and Regulatory Services. COUNTY shall also ensure that all program personnel are properly trained and aware of this requirement. (9) COUNTY will comply with all federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to the nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) §§ 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 cc-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VM of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and 0) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. (10) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply, with the provisions of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. § § 276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. § § 276c and 18 U.S.C. § § 874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. § § 327-333), regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction sub agreements. (11) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (P. L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. (12) COUNTY will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Political Activity Act (5 U.S.C. § 7321-29) which limit the political activity of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. (13) COUNTY will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, as applicable. (14) COUNTY, as applicable, will insure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project are not listed on the Environmental Protections Agency's (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. (EO 11738). (15) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. Section 102 (a) requires the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition proposed for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. (16) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of federal actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clear Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93- 523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). (17) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. (18) COUNTY, as applicable, will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-I et seq.). (19) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89- 544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. (20) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 4801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead -based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residential structures. (21) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with Public Law 103-277, also known as the Pro -Children Act of 1994 (Act), which prohibits smoking within any portion of any indoor facility used for the provision of services for children as defined by the Act. (22) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with all federal tax laws and are solely responsible for filing all required state and federal tax forms. (23) COUNTY, as applicable, will comply with all applicable requirements of all other federal and state laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. (24) COUNTY, as a signatory party to the grant contract, must certify that they are not debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs. (25) COUNTY must adopt and implement applicable provisions of the model HIV/AIDS work place guidelines of the Texas Department of Health as required by the Texas Health and Safety Code, Ann., Sec. 85.001, et seq. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF POINT COMFORT FOR THE REGULATION OF SUBDIVISIONS IN THE CITY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to enter into and Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the City of Point Comfort for the Regulation of Subdivisions in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF CALHOUN § This Interlocal Cooperation Contract is made and entered into by and between the City of Point Comfort (hereinafter "City"), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly elected City Council, and pursuant to resolution thereof, and Calhoun County (hereinafter "County"), acting by and through its duly elected Board of Commissioners, and pursuant to resolution thereof. WITNESSETH: 1. This agreement is entered into between the City and the County pursuant to TEX. GOV'T CODE §791.001 et seq and TEX. LOCAL GOV'T CODE §242.001, et seq. The purpose of this Interlocal Contract is to provide for the regulation of subdivisions in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, which area is currently regulated by County. The parties agree to the terms below. 2. The City by law has an extraterritorial jurisdiction of one-half of one mile. 3. Texas Local Government Code §242.001 provides that City and County may enter into a written agreement that identifies the governmental entity authorized to regulate subdivision plants and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. 4. This contract must be amended by City and County if necessary to take into account an expansion or reduction in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of City. Cityshall notify County of any expansion or reduction in City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. 5. County hereby designates City the exclusive jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of City and to regulate subdivisions under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212, Subchapter A and other statutes applicable to municipalities. 6. This agreement shall be effective from the date that the last party to the agreement approves it, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of one year from such date. This agreement may be extended by mutual agreement and resolution of the City and the County for unlimited additional terms of one year each. There shall be no limit on the number of extensions, provided that both parties agree. 7. Each party to this agreement has adopted a resolution authorizing the presiding officer of each of the respective parties to this agreement to execute said agreement, which agreement shall be binding upon both the City and the County, their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS by the Mayor of the City of Point Comfort and the County Judge of Calhoun County on the dates hereafter stated. CITY OF POINT COMFORT Pam Lambden, Mayor Date of Execution: to - / a - 0 7 ATTEST: A� CAWS Charlotte Felkins, Secretary COUNTY OF CALHOUN —4,( ayL= Mike Pfeifer, Cou4y Judge Date of Execution: 6 - ),Y-67 ATTEST: "mb-C, Anita Fric e, County Clerk APPOINTMENTSIREAPPOINTMENTS TO CALHOUN COUNTY WESTSIDE NAVIGATION DISTRICT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to reappoint Jack Campbell, Jr. and Teddy Hawes to the Calhoun County Westside Navigation District. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. West Side Calhoun County Navigation District And Development Corporation Long Mott, Texas Jack Campbell, Jr. P.O. Box 633 361/785-4111 Original appt: 6/00 Seadrift, Texas 77983 Term expires: 6/07 Teddy Hawes P.O. Box 393 361/983-2708 Original appt 10/93 Port O'Connor; Texas 77982 Term expires: 6/07 Walter Pilgram, Jr. 6348 Hwy 185 N 361/785-6492 Original appt: 6/68 Port Lavaca TX 77979 Term expires: 6/08 APPOINTMENTSIREAPPOINTMENTS TO GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to reappoint members to the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission Advisory Committee Members. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY Advisory Committee Members Regional Emergency Communications Advisory Committee 2/06 10106 Henry Barber P A John Brown A A Rob Thigpen P P Michelle Pyle (New member as of 5/07) Regional Environmental Resources Advisory Committee 10105 2/06 Patricia Kalisek P P Oscar Pena A P Matt Wickham A P Comm. Vern Lyssy (New member as of 3/07) Regional Health & Human Services Advisory Committee 9/05 1/06 3/06 Leslie Farmer -- P P Connie Hunt -- P P Dana Nichols A P Tiney Browning (New member as of 4/07) 5/06 7/06 11/06 2/07 P A P P P P P P A P A P 8/06 2/07 3/07 4/07 P P P P A A P P A P A P A Regional Homeland Security Advisory Committee (3 MEMBERS ONLY ON THIS COMMITTEE 9/06 4/07 5/07 Sheriff B.B. Browning P A P Ed Matsis A A P Ladonna Thigpen (New member as of 5/07) Regional Public Protection Advisory Committee 4/06 5/06 4/07 5/07 Sheriff B.B. Browning P A P P Cindy Rains P A P A Mayor Jack Whitlow (New member as of 6/07) Tim Smith (New member as of 6/07) NOTE: Please note vacancies above. Some committees have not been at full capacity for several years due to resignations or non - participation. Please consider attendance records when making nominations for committee membership for the next two fiscal years. 06/11/07 RGS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Regional Health & Human Services Advisory Committee (RHIISAC) Membership requirements for the RHHSAC denote that a majority (more than 50%) of members shall be 60 years of age or older and minority older individuals shall be represented at least in proportion to their number in the region. Regional Public Protection Advisory Committee To meet federal requirements, the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office requires that the Committee be made up of the following: --law enforcement -Juvenile justice --drug abuse prevention --nonprofit organizations --victim services --mental health --prosecution/court --education --concerned citizens or parents Also, the Committee must not have over 51 % of the membership from any one area listed above. Please consider the above when submitting your nominations for the Regional Public Protection Advisory Committee. Regional Homeland Security Advisory Committee To be eligible for membership an individual must reside in the county he or she represents. Also members must be appointed from the following categories: — Experience and/or training in disaster planning; — Large and small law enforcement departments; — Large and small fire departments; — Large and small emergency medical providers; — Private industry; — Public Health community; — Education. GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES I) Regional Emergency Communications Advisory Committee (RECAC) (formerly the EMS/9-1-1 Advisory Committee) The declared objective of this committee is to actively support and assist the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission and Board of Directors in the development of a regional emergency medical services/E9-1-1 system for the seven county region, including recommendations regarding program strategies and basic goals, planning, policies and procedures in the emergency service fields. 2) Regional Environmental Resources Advisory Committee (RERAC) (formerly the Regional Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee) The policy of this committee is to actively support and assist the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission and its Board of Directors in the planning, development and implementation of regional and -local es iron.iental issues and plans. 3) Regional Health and Human Services Advisory Committee (RHHSAC) (formerly the Area Advisory Council on Aging) It is the major objective of this committee in support of the Area Agency on Aging, to provide comprehensive region -wide aging planning and other services as mandated under the Older Americans Act of 1965 (as amended) and other applicable law(s) and regulations. Specifically, this shall include, but not be limited to, providing comprehensive programs which include a full range of health, education, and social services for older Texans who need them in the Golden Crescent Region. 4) Regional Homeland Security Advisory Committee (RHSAC) The primary responsibility of this committee is to assist the GCRPC in the development, implementation, review and update of a comprehensive plan to serve the needs of the region in the event of terrorist activities, and to evaluate and make recommendations on grant applications. 5) Regional Public Protection Advisory Committee (RPPAC) (formerly Public Protection Committee) The policy of this committee is to actively support and assist the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission and its Board of Directors in the planning, development and implementation of criminal justice related activities. APPOINTMENTSIREAPPOINTMENTS TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to reappoint to General Assembly and Board of Directors of Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION GENERAL ASSEMBLY & BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVES [Board Member denoted with an asterisk(*)] MEMBER COUNTIES FY'07 CALHOUN COUNTY Commissioner Roger Galvan* Commissioner Neil Fritsch DEWITT COUNTY Commissioner Curtis Afflerbach Commissioner Alfred Rangnow* GOLIAD COUNTY Commissioner Ted Long* Judge Harold Gleinser GONZALESCOUNTY Commissioner Kevin T. LaFleur Commissioner Kenneth O. Whiddon* JACKSON COUNTY Commissioner Johnny Belicek Commissioner Wayne Bubela LAVACA COUNTY Commissioner Mark Zimmerman Commissioner Charles Netardus* VICTORIA COUNTY Commissioner Wayne D. Dierlam* Commissioner Chris Rivera COUNTY REPORTS: The County Treasurer presented her monthly report for April 2007 and JP 5 presented her monthly report for May 2007 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. LHOUN COUNTY,TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: APRIL 2007-Revised BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE GENERAL $ 16,909,531.75 $ 690,427.58 $ 1,116,137.00 $ 16,483,821 33 AIRPORT MAINTENANCE 31,158.19 282.50 1,481.84 29,958.85 APPELLATE JUDICIAL SYSTEM 637.43 342.71 0.00 980.14 ANIMAL CONTROL -CAWS 147.47 0.63 0.00 148.10 CHAMBER TOURISM CENTER 236.96 1.01 0.00 237.97 COUNTY CHILD WELFARE BOARD FUND 1,296.83 35.51 0.00 1,332.34 COURTHOUSE SECURITY 120,833.96 2,504.63 0.00 123,338.59 D.A. GUN VIOLENCE PROSECUTION PROG. 16,094.05 68.44 0.00 16,162.49 DONATIONS 156,079.58 1,478.42 783.51 156,774.49 FAMILY PROTECTION FUND 1,157.19 109.92 0.00 1,267.11 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION FUND 7,610.58 32.36 0.00 7,642,94 GRANTS 66,188.97 13,079.63 0.00 79,268.60 HWY 871PM1090 554,510.57 2,358.10 0.00 556,968.67 JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY 16,951.64 650.82 0.00 17,602.46 JUSTICE COURT BUILDING SECURITY FUND 2,397.55 114.81 0.00 2,512.36 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT#1 3,679.87 15.65 0.00 3,695.52 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT#2 3,679.87 15.65 0.00 3,695.52 LATERAL ROAD PRECINC7#3 3,679.87 15.65 0.00 3,695.52 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #4 3,693.48 15.11 0.00 3,709.19 PRETRIAL SERVICES FUND 29,649.07 2,379.58 0.00 32,028.65 LAWLIBRARY 87,236.70 2,750.98 1,109.50 88,878.18 LAW ENF OFFICERS STD. EDUC. (LEOSE) 12,320.57 704.79 335.87 12,689.49 POC COMMUNITY CENTER 24,027.75 2,727.18 1,138.05 25,616.88 RECORDS MANAGEMENT -DISTRICT CLERK 1,081.18 266.77 0.00 1,347.95 RECORDS MANAGEMENT -COUNTY CLERK 26,415.12 4,487.09 0.00 30,90121 RECORDS MGMT & PRESERVATION 16,484.59 1,610.40 0.00 18,094.99 ROAD & BRIDGE GENERAL 490,681.02 127,388.94 0.00 618,069.96 ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCT #3 12,110.35 51.50 0.00 12,161.85 ROAD MAINTENANCE PRECINCT#4 575.27 2.45 0.00 577.72 SHERIFF FORFEITED PROPERTY 1,135.99 4.83 0.00 1,140.82 TEAM COMPATIBILITY FUND - HAVA 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 CAPITAL PROD -COURTHOUSE RENOVATION 478,679.05 1,932.36 256,052.91 224,558.50 CAPITAL PROD -NEW EMS BLDG 19,196.25 0.00 0.00 19,196.25 CAPITAL PROJ-NEW JAIL BLDG 0.00 9,324.73 9,420.73 (96.00) CAPITAL PROJ-PARKING LOT 80,543.81 0.00 0.00 80,543.81 CAP PROJ-PCT 2 - STORM REPAIRS 17,796.13 0.00 0.00 17,796.13 CAPITAL PROD -RE INFRASTRUCTURE 32,732.48 0.00 0.00 32,732.48 CAPITAL PROJ-SWAN POINT PARK CAPITAL PROD -AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT 11 74,720.40 59,566.32 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,720.40 59,566.32 CAPITAL PROI-EMER COMM SYS 369.312.20 0.00 196,393.78 172,918.42 CAPITAL PROJ-MOLD REMEDIATION 858.83 0.00 0.00 858.83 CAP PROJ-HATERIUS PRK BOAT RAMPSTRM REP 33,148.15 0.00 0.00 33,148.15 CAP PROJ-PORT ALTO PUBL BEACH -STORM REP 30.384.78 0.00 0.00 30,384.79 CAP PRO]- CO CLERKS RECORDS 40,697.25 0.00 0.00 40,697.25 CAP PROD -DISTRICT CLERKS RECORDS 74,508.75 0.00 0.00 74,508.75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1,300,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,300,000,00 ARREST FEES 1,360.00 509.15 1,869.15 0.00 BAIL BOND FEES (JIB 1940) 1,740.00 780.00 2,520.00 0.00 CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS (NEW) 21,406.79 11,613.29 33,020.08 0.00 ELECTIONS CONTRACT SERVICE 15,127.00 (34.71) 0.00 15,092.29 FINES AND COURT COSTS HOLDING FUND 8,455.31 0.00 0.00 8,455.31 INDIGENT CIVIL LEGAL SERVICE 518.00 2,46.00 764.00 0.00 JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS) 292.07 204.34 496.41 0.00 JUDICIAL SUPPORT FUND 4,504.16 2,760.36 7,264.52 0.00 JUROR DONATION -TX CRIME VICTIMS FUND 66.00 6.00 66.00 6.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CLEARING 44,528.65 14,855.99 4,I16.56 54,668.08 $ 21,319,425.80 $ 896,121.75 $ 1,633,569.91 $ 20,581,977.64 SUBTOTALS Page I of 3 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: APRIL 2007-Revised BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE OPERATING FUND -BALANCE FORWARD $ 21,319,425.80 $ 896,121.75 $ 1,633,569.91 $ 20,581,977.64 JUVENILE PROBATION RESTITUTION 1,533.28 1,535.61 2,724.28 344.61 LIBRARY GIFT AND MEMORIAL 51,767.30 220.14 0.00 51,987.44 MISCELLANEOUS CLEARING 10,920.94 9,358.50 16,462.07 3,817.37 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 2,225.00 0.00 0.00 2,225.00 STATE CIVIL FEE FUND 4,975.10 3,510.80 8,485.90 0.00 JURY REIMBURSEMENT FEE 1,227.38 441.16 1,669.54 0.00 SUBTITLE C FUND 6,628.30 1,918.12 8,546.42 0.00 TLVIP. PAYMENTS 3,680.70 2,312.08 5,992.78 0.00 TRAFFIC LAW FAILURE TO APPEAR 4,027.70 1,542.94 5,570.64 0.00 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 2,116.28 9.00 0.00 2,125.28 BOOT CAMP/JJAEP 161,064.40 680.94 6,984.21 154,761.13 JUVENILE PROBATION 212,854.75 21,850.77 30,177.83 204,527.69 SUBTOTALS $ 21,782,446.93 $ 939,501.91 $ 1,720,182,58 $ 21,001,766.16 TAXES INESCROW 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 21,782,446.93 $ 939,501.81 $ 1,720,182.58 $ 21,001,766.16 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF OBLIG. 299,490.02 1,563.99 0.00 301,054.01 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) 457,997.97 1,438.80 9,32,433 450,112.04 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 - I & S 1,088,665.98 6,515.24 0.00 1,095,181.22 CERT. OF OB-CRTHSE REN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 289,645.89 1,951.10 0.00 291,596.99 TOTAL OPER. & OTHER CO. FUNDS 23 918 JA6.79 $ 950 970.94 1729 507.31 23139 710.42 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING $ 1,830,616.64 $ 1,702,195.51 $ 1,522,094.14 $ 2,010,719.01 MEMORIAL 18,067.20 22.27 0.00 18,089.47 RESTRICTED DONATION 14,329.47 17.67 0.00 14,347.14 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,405,081.50 4,742.13 110,110.64 1,299,712.99 $ 3,268,094.81 $ 1,706,977.58 $ 1,632,204.78 $ 3,342,867.61 TOTALS DRAINAGE DISTRICTS NO. 6 $ 7,297.99 $ 24.77 $ - $ 7,322.76 NO. 8 54,905.89 1,263.78 0.00 56,169.67 NO. 10-MAINTENANCE 43,534.27 96.93 48.75 43,582,45 NO. 11-MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 163,206.80 7,627.34 9,808.37 161,025.77 NO. 11-DEBT SERVICE 70,693.45 1,131.29 0.00 71,824.74 NO. 11-RESERVE 50,249.99 61.95 0.00 50,311.94 TOTALS $ 389,888.39 $ 10,206.06 $ 9,857.12 $ 390,237.33 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING $ 184,353.20 $ 4,032.70 $ 15,830.78 $ 172,555.12 TOTAL MMC, DRAINAGE DIST. & NAV. DIST. $ 3,842,336.40 1721216.34 $ 1657 892.68 $ 3 905 660.06 I Is 27,045,370.48 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Page 2 of 3 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: APRIL2007-Revised BANK RECONCILIATION LESS. CERT.OFDEP/ FUND OUTSTNDGDEP/ PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHERITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE OPERATING* $ 21,001,766.16 $ 20,263,463.73 $ 430,073.84 $ 1,168,376.27 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF OBLIG. 301,054.01 204.66 0.00 300,849.35 CONSTRUCTION (SAIL) ** 450,112.04 425,000.00 9,324.73 34,436.71 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIFS 2003 - I & S 1,095,181.22 900.67 0.00 1,094,280.55 CERT. OF OB-CRTHSE BEN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 291,596.99 326.29 0.00 291,270.70 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,010,719.01 1,600,000.00 186,068.19 596,786.20 MEMORIAL 18,089.47 0.00 0.00 18,089.47 RESTRICTED DONATION 14,347.14 0.00 0.00 14,347.14 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE$$ 1,299,712.99 1,000,000.00 1,822.11 301,535.10 DRAINAGE DISTRICT: NO.6 7,32176 0.00 0.00 7,32176 NO.8 56,169.67 80.16 0.00 56,089.51 NO. 10 MAINTENANCE 43,582,45 11.34 0.00 43,571.11 NO. 11 MAINTENANCRIOPERATING 161,025.77 601.75 0.00 160,424.02 NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE 71,824.74 94.34 0.00 71,730.40 NO. 11 RESERVE 50,311.94 0.00 0.00 50,311.94 CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DIST: MAINTENANCE/OPERATING**** 172,555.12 0.00 0.00 172,555.12 TOTALS $ 27 045 370.48 $ 23 290 692.94 1 $ 627 289.87 $ 4 381976.41 * CDs - OPERATING FUND $20,152,105.39 / CD - 6 MILE PARK $66,406.33. ** CD- CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $425,000 ****. THE DEPOSITORY FOR CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DISTRICT IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK -PORT LAVACA. $ CD - MMC OPERATING FUND $1,600,000 $$ CD - MMC INDIGENT HEALTHCARE FUND $1,000,000.00 THE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE - PORT LAVACA. ♦ CD - 7000567910 (held in heu of bond) CALHOUN COUNTY/ DH TEXAS DEVELOPMENT- $4,940,311.92 ♦ CD - 7000568755 (held in lieu of bond) CALHOUN COUNTY/ DH TEXAS DEVELOPMENT- $2,991.773.43 RHONDA S. KOKENA COUNTY TREASURER Page 3 of 3 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 E PAGE 01 Date: June 18, 2007 Judge Nancy Pomykal Justice of the Peace Pct. 5 Collections for the Month of May, 2007 Calhoun County Commissioners Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Fax no: 553-4444 Commissioner's Court: Attached is a report of all collections for my court for the month given. Faxing-2—Pages including this cover. Signed:. 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 02 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Page 1 Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5. Calhoun County ------------------------------I----- Receipt Cause/Defendant -------------- 1 Code I Amount 1 Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount Total 0372942 07-04-0076 05/01/2007 I JSF 3.00 I I TFC 3.00 I I CCC 40.00 I 1 CHS 4.00 i I LAF 5.00 I TF I 4.00 WALKER, DEVON AARON JCSF 1.00 1 JPAY 4.00 I FINE 200.00 1 SUBC 30.00 1 I 294.00 Cash 0372943 07-03-0059 05/03/2007 I JSF 3.00 I TFC 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 LAF 5,00 TF 4.00 YOUNG, KIMBERLY IAURENCE I JCSF 1,00 I JPAY 4,00 1 0001 10.00 AF 1,00 1 SUBC 30,00 1 I 1 105.00 Money Order 0372944 07-04-0062 05/07/2007 JSF 3.00 TFC 3.00 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 90.00 REDDING, ALBERT BRYAN 1 JCSF 1.00 I JPAY 4.00 I FINE 26,00 1 Cash I I I 0372946 07-04-0083 05/07/2007 1 JSF 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 I I SAF 5.00 I 1 TF 4.00 I I JCSF I 1.00 1 136,00 GONIALES, MARY F'LORES 1 JPAY 4,00 1 FINE 74.00 1 I 1 1 Cash I 1 I I 0372947 06-07-0154 05/07/2007 I JSF 4.00 1 TFC 3.00 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 3,00 I 1 SAF 5.00 I I TF 4,00 1 383.50 WILLIAMS, DEANNA C JCSF 1.00 JPAY 4.00 I FINE 201,00 1 SUBC 30.00 1 CSRV 88,50 Cashier's Check 0372M 07-05-0101 05/10/2007 1 JSF 3,00 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 1 104.00 CLIKNSCALES, SHAWN I JPAY 4.00 1 DSC 10.00 SUBC 30.00 I SAF 5.00 I I I Cash 0372949 07-05.0095 05/10/2007 1 JSF 3.00 I CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I SAF 6.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1,00 135.00 CHRISTENSEN, ROSA LEE JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 74.00 I I I I Cash 1 I I I 0372950 07-02-0022 06/10/2007 SFEE 100,00 I WEFF 10.00 I I I I 1 110,00 HAWES, TEDDY DBA POC HARDWARE I I I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I 0372951 07-02-0021 05/10/2007 SFEE. 100,00 1 WEFF 10.00 I I I I I I 110.00 HAWES. TEDDY DBA POC HARDWARE I I I I Personal Check I I I I 1 0372962 07-04-0084 05/10/2007 1 JSF 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 JCSF 1-00 135,00 CARRILES, FILOMENA I JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 74.00 I 1 I I Cash 0372953 07-05-0092 05/14/2007 1 JSF 3,00 1 TFC 3,00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 1 SAF 5.00 1 IF 4.00 1 150.00 HAWES. DAVID J 1 JCSF 1.00 I JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 56.00 I SUBC 30.00 I I Personal Check I I 1 I 0372954 07-05-0091 05/14/2007 1 JSF 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 SAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1.00 1 115..00 HAWES, DAVID J 1 JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 54.00 I 1 Personal Check I I I I I I I 0372955 07-05.0093 06/14/2007 JSF 3.00 CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I 13S.00 EVANS. BOBBY JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 74,00 I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0372956 07-04-0081 0S/1,512007 1 JSF 3.00 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 4,00 SAF 5,00 TF 4,00 JCSF 1.00 I 135,00 OLSOVSKY, DARRELL JPAY 4.00 FINE 74.00 I I I Money Order I I I 0372957 07-04-0060 05/16/2007 1 JSF 4.00 1 CCC 40,00 1 CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 TF 4,00 I JCSF 1.00 1 115.00 SCOTT, MARY I FINE 54.00 I JPAY 4.00 I I 1 Personal Check 1 I I I I I 0372958 07-05-0094 05/21/Z007 I JSF 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1,00 1 135,00 NELSON. VALERIE MAE 1 JPAY 4,00 I FINE 74,00 1 1 1 1 Cash I I I I I I I 0372959 07,04-0062 05/21/200/ 1 FINE 5.00 SUBC 30.00 i ( 1 1 35.00 REDDING, ALBERT BRYAN I I I Cash 1 1 1 1 I I 0372960 07.04-0082 05/21/2007 1 JSF 3,00 I CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 1 SAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1.00 136.00 BORJAS, DAVID I JPAY 4.00 I FINE 74.00 1 1 Cash I I I I 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 03 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Page 2 Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5, Calhoun county ---------------------------- Receipt Cause/Defendant ------------------------------- I Code Mount 1 Code Amount Code --- Amount -`------------ 1 code Amount ----------- ( Code Amount 1 --------- Code Amount 1 --------- Total 0372961 07-05-0096 05/22/2007 1 JSF 3.00 I CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1.00 1 135.00 LIBERSAT. DAVID DANIEL 1 JPAY 4.00 I FINE 74.00 I I 1 I I Personal Check 0372962 07.04-0065 05/21/2007 1 JSF 2.33 1 TFC 2,34 1 CCC 11,25 J CHS 3,13 1 LAF 3.91 1 TF 3.13 50.00 TORRES, CHARLES ERIC I JCSF 0,78 1 JPAY 3,13 I I I I Personal Check 0372963 05-12-0377 05/21/2007 I FINE 60.00 1 DSC 2.50 SUBC 7.50 1 CSRV 3.00 1 I 1 73.00 EDWARDS, MICHAEL ALLAN I I I Personal Check 0372964 07-05-0103 05/21/2007 I JSF 3.00 ( CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4,00 1 SAF 5.00 ( TF 4.00 I JCSF 1,00 1 135.00 KEELAND, BURDETT W Ili 1 JPAY 4.00 I FINE 74,00 I I I Personal Check i I 0372965 07-05.0008 05/21/2007 1 JSF 3.00 1 TFC 3.00 CCC 40,00 ( CHS 4.00 I LAF 5.00 1 TF 4,00 I 225,00 BROESCHE, GERALD WAYNE 1 JCSF 1.00 I JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 131.00 I SUBC 30.00 1 I Cashier's Check I I I I I I I 0372966 07-05-0100 05/21/2007 I JSF 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1,00 1 100.00 MITCHELL, ROYCE 1 JPAY 4.00 I FINE 39-00 1 I I I Personal Check I 0372967 07-04-0073 05/21/2007 JSF 3.00 TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 1 104.00 TERRY, CHARLES JCSF 1.00 I JPAY 4.00 I DSC 10.00 I SUBC 30.00 Money Order I I I I I 0372968 07-05-0086 05/24/2007 1 JSF 3,00 TFC 3.00 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 4.00 I LAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 145.00 CASTILLO. ROUGELIO MENDOZA I JCSF 1,00 JPAY 4.00 1 FINE 51.00 1 SUBC 30.00 1 1 1 Personal Check I I I I I I 0372969 07-05-0102 05/31/2007 I JSF 4.00 1 CCC 40,00 1 CHS 3.00 1 PWAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 JCSF 1.00 1 90.00 BAKER, DAVID JPAY 4.00 I NSF 29.00 I I I Personal Check I I I I I I 0372970 07-05-OIOS 05/31/2007 1 TFC 3.00 1 CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I DFF 54.00 i 100.00 CADDELL.. JOHN I SUBC 30,00 I I Personal Check I I I I 0372971 07-04-0080 05/31/2007 JSF 3,00 TFC 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 I CHS 4,00 1 SAF 5,00 1 TF 4,00 i 104.00 GREENFIELD, RYAN ANDRE 1 JCSF 1,00 I JPAY 4.00 1 DSC 1.0.00 1 SUBC 30.00 Personal Check I I I I 0372972 07-05-0112 05/31/2007 I JSF 4.00 1 CCC 40.00 CHS 3.00 1 PWAF 5.00 1 TF 4,00 JCSF 1.00 136.00 RATH- STEPHEN JAMES 1 JPAY 4.00 1 WSF 75.00 I I Personal Check I I 1 0372973 06-10-0258 05/31/2007 I JSF 3.00 1 CCC 40,00 I CHS 4.00 1 SAF 5.00 TIME 25.00 1 TF 4.00 1 690,2.5 FLORES, JORGE A. I JCSF 1.00 I JPAY 4,00 I FINE 604.25 I I Money Order I I I I I 0372974 06-10-0258 05/31/2007 I FINE 690,26 I ( I I I I 690.25 FLORES. JORGE A. Money Order I 0372975 07-05-0087 05/31/2007 JSF 3.00 CCC 40.00 CHS 4.00 1 LAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 JCSF 1.00 305.00 FLORES. FELIPE REYES JPAY 4.00 FINE 244.00 1 1 1 I I Jail Credit I I I I I I 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 04 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Page 3 Judge Nancy Portlykat Pct. S. Calhoun County The following totals represent - Cash and Checks Collected Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money -Totals The following totals represent - Cash and Checks Collected COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 26 103.13 928.12 1.031.25 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 27 102.13 0.00 102.13 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 27 26.78 0.00 26,78 COST JPAY JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 26 15,47 87.66 103.13 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 26 8.14 73.19 81.33 CAST LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 6 28,91 0.00 28.91 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 2 8.00 2,00 10.00 COST SAF DPS 19 76.00 19.00 95.00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 27 107.13 0.00 107,13 COST TFC TFC - 12 35.34 0.00 35.34 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 1 12.50 12.50 25.00 FEES 0001 DEFENSIVE DRIVING 1 10.00 0.00 1.0.00 FEES AF ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 1 1,00 0.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 2 91,50 0.00 1.00 91.50 FEES OFF DEFERRED FEE 1 54.00 0.00 54.00 FEES DSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09/05 4 32,50 0.00 32,50 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 2 200.00 0.00 200,00 FEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 12 16.88 320,62 337.50 FEES WEFF WRIT OF EXECUTION FILING FEE 2 20.00 0,00 20.00 FINE FINE FINE 22 2.837.50 0.00 2,837,50 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 2 15.60 88,40 104.00 Money Totals 32 3.802.51 1.531.49 5,334.00 The following totals represent - Jail Credit and Community Service COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 1 4,00 36,00 40.00 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 1 4.00 0.00 4.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 1 1,00 0.00 1.00 COST JPAY JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 1 0.60 3.40 4,00 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 1 0.30 2.70 3,00 COST LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 1 5,00 0.00 5.00 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 COST SAF DPS 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 1 4.00 0,00 4.00 COST TFC TFC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES 0001 DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES AF ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES OFF DEFERRED FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES DSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09/05 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES WEFF WRIT OF EXECUTION FILING FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 1 244.00 0,00 244.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 05 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. S. Calhoun County The following totals represent - Jail Credit and Community Service Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money -Totals Credit Totals 1 262.90 42.10 305.00 The following totals represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST JPAY JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST LAP SHERIFF'S FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST PWAF TEARS PARKS & WILDLIFE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST SAP DPS 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST IF TECHNOLOGY FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TFC TFC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES 0001 DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES AF ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 FEES DFF DEFERRED FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES DSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09105 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES WEFF WRIT OF EXECUTION FILING FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FINE FINE. FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 FINE WSF WATER SAFFTY FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 The following totals represent - Combined Money and Credits COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 27 107,13 964.12 1,071.25 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 28 106.13 0.00 106.13 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 28 27.78 0.00 27,70 COST JPAY JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 27 16.07 91.06 107.13 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 27 8.44 75.89 84.33 COST LAP SHERIFF'S FEE 7 33.91 0,00 33.91 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 2 8.00 2.00 10.00 COST SAP DPS 19 76.00 19,00 95.00 COST IF TECHNOLOGY FUND 28 111,1.3 0.00 111.13 COST TFC TFC 12 35.34 0,00 35.34 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 1 12.50 12.50 26.00 FEES 0001 DEFENSIVF DRIVING 1 10.00 0.00 10,00 FEES AF ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 1 1.00 0.00 1.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 2 91.50 0.00 91,50 FEES DFF DEFERRED FEE 1 54.00 0,00 54.00 FEES DSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09/05 4 32.50 0.00 32.50 FEES SFEE SERVICE. FEE 2 200.00 0,00 200.00 FEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 12 16.88 320.62 337.50 Page 4 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 06 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5, Calhoun County The following totals represent - Combined Money and Credits Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money -Totals FEES WEFF WRIT OF EXECUTION FILING FEE 2 20.00 0.00 20,00 FINE FINE FINE 23 3.081.50 0.00 3.081,50 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 2 15.60 08,40 104.00 Report Totals 33 4.065.41 1,573.59 5,639.00 Page 5 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 07 06/18/2007 Money Distribution Report Page 6 Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5, Calhoun County DATE PAYMENT -TYPE FINES COURT -COSTS FEES BONDS RESTITUTION OTHER TOTAL 00/00/0000 Cash & Checks Collected 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Jail Credits & cam Service 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1991 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1993 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1995 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 09/01/1997 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 MO 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1999 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Jail Credits & Cow Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 09/01/2001 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Cow Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 MO 0,00 09/01/2003 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Cow Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01/01/2004 Cash & Checks Collected 2,941.50 1,646.00 746.50 D.00 0.00 0.00 5,334.00 Jail Credits & Coma Service 244,00 61,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 305,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 3.185,50 1.707.00 746.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,639.00 TOTALS Cash & Checks Collected 2,941,60 1,646.00 746.50 0.00 0.00 0,00 5,334.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 244,00 61.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 305.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 3.186.60 1,707.00 746.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,639.00 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 08 06/18f2007 Money Distribution Report Page 7 Judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5. Calhoun County __ _____ _____________________ DATE PAYMENT -TYPE FINES COURT -COSTS FEES BONDS RESTITUTION OTHER TOTAL State of Texas Quarterly Reporting Totals Description Count Collected Retained Disbursed state Comptroller Cost and Fees Report Section I: Report for Offenses Committed 01-01-04 Forward 26 1.031.25 103.13 926.12 09-01.01 - 12-31-03 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 09-01-99 - 08-31-01 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09.01-97 - 08-31.99 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 09-01-95 - 08-31-97 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-01-91 - 08-31-95 0 0.00 O.DO 0.00 Sail Bonds Fee 0 0.00 0,00 0-00 DNA Testing Fees 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 EMS Trauma Fund (EMS) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Juvenile Probation Diversion Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jury Reimbursement Fee 26 81,33 8.13 73.20 State Traffic Fees 12 337.50 16.88 320.62 Section 11: As Applicable 21 105.00 84,00 21.00 State Police Officer Fees 0.00 Failure to Appear/Pay Fees 0 0.00 0100 Judicial Fund - COnst County Court 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Judicial Fund - Statutory County Court 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Motor Carrier Weight Violations 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Time Payment Fee .1. 25.00 12.50 12.50 Driving Record Fees 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 Judicial Support Fees 26 103.13 15.47 87.66 Report Sub Total 112 1,683.21 240.11 1,443.10 State Comptroller Civil Fees Report CF: Birth Certificate Fees 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 CF: Marriage License Fees 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 CF: Declaration of Informal Marriage 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Nondisclosure Fees 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 CF: Juror Donations 0 D.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Justice court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 CF; Stat Prob Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Stat Prob Court Judic Filing Fees D 0,00 0.00 0.00 CF: Stat Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Stat Cnty Court Judic Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 CF: Cnst Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 CF: Cnst Cnty Court Judic Filing Fees 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 CF: Dist Court District 6 Family Law 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF; Dist Court Other Divorce/Family Law 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Dist Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 CF: Family Protection Fee 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Judicial Support Fee 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report Sub Total 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 Total Due For This Period 112 1,683.21 240AI 1.443.10 THE STATF OF TEXAS Before me. the undersigned authority, this day County of Calhoun County personally appeared Nancy Pomlyka I. Justice Ot the Peace, Precinct No S. Calhoun County, Texas, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above and foregoing report is true and correct. 06/17/2007 05:41 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 09 Witness my hand this & day of A.D, Texas DECLARE SURPLUSISALVAGE 14 WINDOW UNIT AIR CONDITIONERS FROM THE OLD SEADRIFT SCHOOL BUILDING ON 6TH STREET, SEADRIFT, TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to declare surplus/salvage 14 window unit air conditioners from the old Seadrift School building on 6U Street, Seadrift, Texas. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DECLARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF PROPERTY FROM THE INVENTORY OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (SEE LIST): A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to declare the following items of Property from the inventory of Emergency Management (see attached list). Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. :P., S_� Calhoun County Emergency Management oeH`" M4HyCPyy 211 South Ann Street, Suite 301 W Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249 * * Phone: 361-553-4400/Fax: 361-553-4444 n S� "`h�Ux oo°� a -mail: emermgt&tisd.net June 28, 2007 To: Commissioners Court Fr: Emergency Mgmt. Re: Fixed Asset Inventory Report Commissioners Court, Please remove the item listed below from the Fixed Asset Inventory Report Dept # 630 Emergency Management. Description: file cabinet Description detail: 7 drawers Inventory: #406-0079 Request to salvage -damaged Description: Kenwood Radio Description detail: Kenwood Mobil Radio Serial # Ken760H Inventory: #406-0133 Request to salvage -damaged Description: Port Description Detail: DITTO 3200 Parallel Red, External Inventory: #406-0088 Request to salvage -damaged Description: Repeater Maker Description Detail: Inventory: #406-0126 Request to salvage -damaged County Emergency Management 211 South Ann Street, Suite 301 Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249 Phone: 361-553-4400/Fax: 361-553-4444 e-mail: emermgt@tisd.net Page 2 Description: Speaker Description Detail: Kenwood SP-230 Serial: #2100186 Inventory: #406-0003 Request to salvage -damaged Respectfully, Mary Ann Bonuz CC: Auditors Office/ Amy EXECUTIVE SESSION — CAUSE NO.2006.4.15036; GLORIA ANN OCHOA, TAX ASSESSORICOLLECTOR OF CALHOUN COUNTY AND THE TEXAS COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: The Court, being in open session, in compliance with the pertinent provisions of the Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Government Code, Section 551, Subchapter D, the County Judge, as presiding officer, publicly announced at 10:50 a.m. that a closed session would now be held under the provision of Section 551.071; a governing body seeks the attorney's advice wit respect to pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, and matters where the duty of the governing body's counsel to his client pursuant to the Code of Professional responsibility to the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Act. Discussion will include matters related to Cause No. 2006-4-15036; Gloria Ann Ochoa, Tax Assessor/Collector of Calhoun County vs. Calhoun County and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The County Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of said closed session, this meeting would be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session. At the end of the closed session, the meeting was reopened to the public at 11:11 a.m. A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to find that the approval of the settlement agreement is for the direct accomplishment of a legitimate public purpose, including but not limited to the following: to resolve all issues alleged in or resulting from the Ochoa suit; to resolve all issues alleged in or resulting from the pending of Calhoun County against Western Surety Company and Ms. Ochoa regarding the public official bond of Ms. Ochoa, to avoid risk and expense associated with time consuming litigation regarding the issues involved in the Ochoa suit, a suit against Western Surety Company, or other litigation, and the provisions of the settlement agreement and promissory note, and other facts and circumstances, provide sufficient conditions and controls to ensure payment of the monetary obligation by Ms. Ochoa and to establish a legitimate public purpose. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED COUNTY: Claims totaling $282,093.48 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED — HOSPITAL; Claims totaling $1,985,591.72 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED — INDIGENT HEALTHCARE: Claims totaling $95,620.32 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. PO LU =H Q __ t1 = Z, =0 =CH_C = G =0 LC =0 =1Y W =a N W =z W =H W 2 Z _a ck 2 6 wap cq ism " 6 O o 6 z W m Q z Q pj d V o W W dJ LL T O a O NJ O OI_�� W LL 0 J J H N 7 M z F z W G H LL Z O a W 19 0 N vw O = 0 _0 z 9 z c� = d =W _ O = j Q tt °Wts O W F �T. V =111 =a N =Z r =F =W Z LLI IL 2 h�C z O a W 19 m m ON 6 V awl 'hm x W �=6 0 0 0 0 60 m w 0» yx W w C 0 0 0 0 W �IfA EA fA fA W e e eee z W =O W U LL LL z O O W Q 0 xyw 6 Q zz z z H H Q tO w CS 0 7 z z 0 U F z n O C1 t� a z O a H ul W z W m 6 B� � � ( B § � /o z ;� k 2 §© ` z 2 �U § k� L ELLI § o �® U §z § B \ � A lu LLI §IC i % § � k§ � z § § § e2 0 2 k � | § z !� § |© ` z =U § !o . )■ o /) § B /Z � LU ■ � §g & k2 2 2 kLu � k 03 ■§§ " B_&2 �eo� B 7$$m 21 § k / § t % )� §" |o §z ■� !z )§ )� )2 )§ §777// §§7¢kk -§ §f\a22\ \ � §■ -C � ASS& cc§§\ z § El I22 ■ § 2 � § ° IL ■ o [_ lu w§ a k §�§/ z 2 S ®2> « oP ® )() W eoo « 4 § § §§§( & ■ z k § § k$ =z §z E� §z )§ )Ig )CL )§ § B k � (� @ )z ` k§ §LLI /z §� \LLI § §k � 2 \° k § ■ O 0 I 2 J CC uj LU c3 LU Z Z CD a) __° = to =0 =Z =z =W °Ig IL =W = O -L J =H =_Z =0 C1 � W j =� p Y. =W a N =z =W Z a 2 =G g W W O O w fR = W Q O O O O C m N N - y W O O O O Q —a as N N N = p w O m 4J (9 64 W W6 = ao pW 00 O� 00 00 =T 0 0 0 0 G 4I00 4 U = 0 4 C%i ma =z m w Vj fA =z L�j�yj W 00 00 OQ 0 E 0 O O O O CI _-1 = W�Wlffl fA H3 EA W piW�SII 2 IQ- - �'. �.. O Q �z z W - COz z z z aaz yr = ; ¢m¢¢ (D(3g o = p ���c� H Z Z Z U = V (a0000 z e F z e V ILLU = W tit Qrnrnrnrn CC _ a 3 z EL z a W QQ Q w _J Q =a a W W W z = i UA w Q Z w IL z 60 =a y z Q¢w y W w =z " y 0 < Q .�U =_f a ra 1-UQ 111 a¢ =Z C W z1-U)�= LLI =a o z �rnn O �rn�^on Q�� =W W W Q uoi LO O O = O O = T = Z J J - 0 0 M J_ - � Q - 2 Z =W =z _UA =Z =W =M N. -W 71 G m a 6 ae 03 W 06 GO Z C9 fA 6 W O ` lea c y FS = V V 6 Z 69 =T Z = Z LL _— __ z 06 W W W w C W gig a a y e =W W J C O ea IL x J J = VJ C t� H W O lu Z rn =W O a BZ Z -W W w LLI U W -1Y NJ j =2 ;Z a N z QW =Z ° W > EW C 19 o Z Z Cc W W O = a a O di co co m 0 O w m Z W w _ U) =0 =Z =_CWC = G =_a =W O Z =W = W V Nl O Z a =z z =0 � W =W O =a N ZO =Z r to =z =W ? 19 H Z W a o 0 Z 0 6 ae e�p O C W C EE - m B W 0 ea 0 ea min III i 6 z z cs � z z w LLJ 6 0 h- d 6 } W IrW O F CL FL w a — x B = LLLyyy o W EA = ui O C 6 u Z =_ Z W =a =_d _0 �W0 =N 'V O = ci = IU z z Cc _I O Cc tt f z rn a 3 � a C =W O = =a N z Q> Ir o o =Z =WLU O z 4 e O d O ZLU = a a 0 0 a O 0 n i Z J CC LU W g Z Z =N Q =Z � e ci a =W L cW V y Z O =m j V =Z a a =a Z _p �a =0 ° =W 0 =a Nz O =Z w N =Z °W Z W W N =_LLId \2 CZLl 0 � C i z z 0 0 0 0 z z CO w LU 6 0 x J �- a C } w ¢w 0EL wa O O O O O O Io 14 a 0 zZ U W Q a w 0 m 0 Q 0 Q 0 Ir 5� W O =Z o =V � =W =d a W V W =0 C z O 0 _� 00 =Z a a a 3 _p =a ° _1 W =W 0 ea N =Z o 0 _� a =W Z It Z W t W 2 Q a LO �I eltfl Hi f9l fA. W w J a a x LU � w ea �ry C Ic In 06 0 QO CC 0 to =0 =Z LLI IL =W = 0 IL =LL =W =x to °W =Z = F- =Z =W = Q 4' O O Z Z =0 _ =0 = Z =H =Z =a =W =G =a =a =W =H =111 =Z Z =W =_a =W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = p 0 0 W p O Ln O L[1 M N rn N In fR fR f9 = 6 W ,r am, M V M N OD .- M Y} = C pWq m 0 In 9II e� 69 O O O O O O O O O O O = W O O WM [fl fA EAR fA NM EH 6?EH �y O O O O O O O O O O O CO =_ Oi W O O OC W O N O fR M fA rn N N fl 1l 0_ W EA O W M d' N M EA T T N� = O dpl N C N V lfl ffJ lfl W a L Z .ei Hi 6i Ni di fR O� Q = z W CJ WaJ x � _ Z g x u� 0000o00000 0 0 =W u� 00 �lNFnE»E»»f»6r,(»vier(a 14 eQ =_a =W o 0 wE»F»v3�Fnfne»F»<»fn vi � _G WiAFnF» v3 J J J IQ— H F C W pp O Fp = O W LL 2 Q p w HFH h I—HHHH Z y Q = HH z z z z z z z z z ti 2 z z Z ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 2 W = Z p ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢W Z = , ¢¢ tt y 000000000 Z - U VJ 00 h z z z z z z z z z W =_ H F z z p Z e =Z O Z e h z rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn `� =W h = rn m (q O-rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn W O �rnrn W V Qrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn =�L W V =rnrn o a _m o a W z a =a W z cc w a = W cca0 cc =p w0�Zzw 2 -Z w > p¢Wgza_ L _ > cm> O m aig��Z)� ={11 O ��rt N p 6irwap22Ecz O =a N p 6wz N ��Oz wzz�a 0, =Z y >0 = F. Q ¢ 2 w w a O F'- (L ¢ _ wao��aa�n`n ¢ =W Z �w 2 I- ra< U)2E2�a � =F i CZ Cc 0 0 0 0 N O O O O Z ju -� :'i G Z O N V R N M rn O M N rn O O ��o ov rn n nrnn Q -a C O ��r Z Z v M M M M M V = a 2 Z v O O W W c o m m m co Z =W W W Q m m QQ LL w e 2 =§ k ko k 2 2z � !2 It )2 )§ 2 ) § ) LLI k k )� ( §z )§ )� kL k§ k Ez LL I..kB rc .« k )l- ® )w q §■ � §« % B& a■ ) k■ 6 )cy) k §a 2 §z kUA §■ )� B2 B§ \ . , § lu / o j� 10 U. 6� § lu §) k ;o © §z 2z B B . §L 19 % � §g % !« § & z (§ % § / � / e § B § k 2 § PETITION TO VACATE A 0.96 ACRE AND A 0.62 ACRE PORTION OF BLOCK 37, ALONG WITH ADJACENT 20, WIDE ALLEY, PORT O'CONNOR TOWNSITE, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2, PAGE 1 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Petition to Vacate a 0.96 acre and 0.62 acre portion of Block 37, along with adjacent 20' wide alley, Port O'Connor Townsite, as recorded in Volume 2, Page 1 of the Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR PORT O'CONNOR TOWNSITE, BLOCK 37, RESUBDIVISION NO. 1: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Final Plat for Port O'Connor Townsite, Block 37, Resubdivision No. 1. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CLOSE WATER STREET BETWEEN 13TH STREET AND 15TH STREET AND 14TH STREET BETWEEN WATER AND COMMERCE STREET JULY 20.21, 2007 BETWEEN THE HOURS 12:00 PM TO 2:00 AM FOR THE POCO BUENO FISHING TOURNAMENT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to authorize the closure of Water Street between 13t^ Street and 15th Street and 14th Street between Water and Commerce Street July 20-21, 2007 between the hours of 12:00 PM and 2:00 AM for the Poco Bueno Fishing Tournament. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. AUTHORIZE PORT O'CONNOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO HOLD FIREWORK DISPLAY ON FRONT BEACH IN PORT O'CONNOR ON JULY 7, 2007: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to authorize Port O'Connor Chamber of Commerce to hold firework display on Front Beach in Port O'Connor on July 7, 2007. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Ann Marie Odefey and Curtis Watson spoke to the Court in regards to a temporary retaining wall that is being put up at the Caracol Subdivision. Court was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.