The state of i'exos,
Uounty of ualhoun.
On this 13th day of April, A. D. 1933, at 0,
negular Meeting of the ~ommissionersi Court of uolhoun uounty. Texas, 0
quorum being present, the returns of an election held on the first
Soturday in April, A. D. 1933. the some being the 1st doy of soia
month, in the various ~ommon ~chool uistricts of tilis uounty, for the
purpose of elocting Gounty ~chool ~rustees. were canvassed, ond the
following persons, having received 0 mojority of the votes cost at
soid elections, were found to be and are hereby declared elected to
the office of, ~chool ~rustee for their respective uommon ~chool Dis--
tricts, by the number of votes set opposite their nomes, to-wit:
,lJ. lJ. Boyd,
(;ounty Judge.