2002-04-25 e ORDER ON APPLICATION TO CLOSE AND ABANDON A PORTION OF A PARK AT ALAMO BEACH, CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY on the 25th day of April, 2002, aftcr notice in the newspaper and posting and pursuant to 317.001,3 I 7.002 and 317.003 of the Texas Local Government Code upon hearing, motion, second, discussion and unanimous vote the Court closed and abandoned a O. I 9 acre tract of San Atttonio Park and a .12 acre tract, more or less, being a part of Alamo Boulevard of Alamo Beach Townsite as per Plat or Record in Volume V, Page 01, Decd Records of Calhoun County, Texas, as set out in the attached survey from David W. Gann. Sam McCormick, is the owner of the real property located adjacent to the park and road abandoned, and said park property is described as being part of the Alamo Beach Townsite, being a 0.19 ace tract more or less and a part of San Antonio Park and a .12 acre tract being a part of Alamo 13oulevard, adjacent to Lot 9, Block 41 of the Alamo Beach Townsite as per Plat of Alamo Beach found in Volume V, page 0 I, Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas and as set out in the attached legal description and survey plat. No person appeared at the public hearing and voiced any objection to the action. e IT IS THEREFOR ACCORDINGLY ORDERED BY THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT that the 0.19 and .12 acre tract described in the attached legal description and survey plat BE AND IS HEREBY CLOSED AND ABANDONED to the adjoining land owner Sam McCormick on this the 25th day of April, 2002. , ".I [RS "~,i \ \.,.1i . .',',. \11 . . , . . . . . " (. ) , ~ .,,'. (? _f' "'._.{~,'\ . ..* /- 6',,_, ,', :t.,',:' . ....,.... .~-'f .....,<..- :t :',.' ';~ 'c' ~. ~'::~, 't, '~.' .' ~ Arlene N. M rshal Calhoun County Judge e 137 e e e Sam McCormick 0.12 Acre and 0.19 Acre Part of San Antonio Park, And Alamo Boulevard, Alamo Beach Townsite, Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS s COUNTY OF CALHOUN s DESCRIPTION of a 0.19 acre tract, more or less, being part of San Antonio Park of Alamo Beach Townsite and a 0.12 acre tract, more or less, being part of Alamo Boulevard as per Plat of Record in Volume V, Page 01, Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas. These two tracts being more fully described as follows: Tract One: 0,19 Acre BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for the Southwest corner of this 0,19 acre being described and being in the Northeast line of AlalllO Boulevard of the aforesaid Alamo Beach Townsite. Said found 5/8 inch iron rod bears N 790 13' 00" E, 70,00 feet from a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found marking the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 41 of the aforementioned Alamo Beach Townsite and also being the Northwest corner ofa 0.54] acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 234-238 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 10047' 00" W (Base Bearing), with the said Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard, same being the Southwest line of San Antonio Park, for a distance of 75,00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for the Northwest corner of this tract and the Southwest corner of a 0.185 acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 262-266 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 790 13' 00" E, passing at 35.01 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found on line and I'lf a TOTAL DISTANCE of 118,44 feet to a point for corner at the point of intersection with the existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay; THENCE, in a Southerly direction with the said existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay along the following courses and distance: S 270 58' 21" E, 6,71 feet, S 140 II' 14" W, 27.84 feet, S 040 09' 00" E, 34.23 feet, AND S 260 02' 18" E, 9.69 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, S 790 13' 00" W, passing at 47.27 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found on line for reference and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of 107.25 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CO NT AINING within these metes and bounds 0.19 acre, more or less, situated in and a part of the Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. Tract Two: 0.12 Acre BEGINNING al a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found marking the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 41 of the Alamo Beach Townsite. Said found 5/8 inch iron rod being in the Southwest line of Alamo 130ulevard and being the Southwest corner of this tract and the Northwest corner of a 0,32] acre tract of land described in Volume 288, Pages 234-238 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 10047' 00" W (l3ase Bearing), with the said Southwest line of Alamo 130ulevard, same being the Northeast line of I3l0ck 41, Alamo l3each Townsite, a distance of 75.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner, which is also the Northwest cornel' of said Lot 9, Block 41 and I 138 the Southwest corner of a 0.121 acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 262-266 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 790 13' 00" E, a distance of 70.00 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner at the point of intersection with the Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard; THENCE, S 10047' 00" E, a distance of75.00 feet with the Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard, to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner; THENCE, S 790 13' 00" W. a distance of 70.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 0.12 acre, more or less, situated in and a part of the Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. The foregoing DESCRIPTION was prepared from an actual on the ground survey made under my direction and supervision in November 200 I, and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief dl,((/~4- DA VID W. GANN REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO.3816 NOTE: 1) Bearings are based on the recorded Subdivision Plat of Alamo Beach in Volume V, Page 01 of the Calholln COllnty Deed Records. 2) Corners are as shown on the accompanying Survey Drawing. Job No, 2664-00 t 139 2 e e e LAVACA BAY VOL. 288, PC, 262-266 OFFICIAL RECORDS VOL. 288. PC. 234- 238 OFFICIAL RECORDS 77 8/ ;:::-. 1 ; . er, :? l L:! f.... er, ;;j BLOCK 58 DOWLING PARK 5 - vS (;! o' () '( V1tl.l'lo ~Do.QQ' 12S.Do. A-"1[-"11\10 ~u STOiv -"1 VEivU -"1 V E 'E:ivUE) NARCISCO CABAZOS SURVEY, A-3 ALAMO BEACH TOWNSITE VOL_ V. PG_ 01 . Denotes Fnd. 5/8" I.R. With Plastic Cap =PLAT= (;) Denotes Fnd. 5/8" I.R. ( ) Denotes Recorded Plat Name I. DAV/D W. GANN. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS l'HE RESULTS OF AN ON l'HE GROUN!) SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION IN NOVEMBER 2001, AND THAT CORNERS ARt' AS Sf/OWN HEREON. \'-'\t: O~.rc.t ""\:G\STc,~,.:U' ~:'~" ~ f'O..i< ... DAVID W.'GANt.i' . .. '.:~' '38'16' .~.:.. <.iAR"fSS\a~'OQ;- 'Vb SUR~t:'" Il /l;/ l' ,;jdc:t-(r-d"A DAVID W. GANN ----- REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 e NOTE: 1) MCTES AND DOUNIJS IJESl.'l/lPl'lON PRE'I'AI/EIJ W/TII T/IIS DI/AW/NC;. 2) lJEAJ//NGS AliE lJASEIJ ON T//E I/ECOlilJCIJ PLAT. 3) NO EASEMENTS WE'RE LOCATED OTHEI/ THAN TIIOSE SIIOWN HEREON. ~05 W. LIVE OAK 1-.361-552-4509 PORT LAVACA. TEXAS SAM McCORMICK BEING 0.12 ACRE ,J: 0.19 ACRE. },fORE OR LESS. SITUATED IN THE NARC/sea CABAZOS SURVEr, A-3, ALAMO BEACH TOWNSiTE. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS. G & W ENGINEERS, INC. n. b. a.w.o. rccom'd b. a.w.e. dote: 1\-08 01 !lellle: 1".. 100' 'ob no.: 2664-00\ draw In no.: 2664001P 140 141 e APPLICATION TO CLOSE AND ABANDON ROAD AND P ARK AT ALAMO BEACH, CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY: Sam McCormick is the owner of the real property located on the side of the roadway and park land sought to be closed and abandoned, which roadway and park are described as being part of the Alamo Beach Townsite, being a 0.19 ace tract of San Antonio Park and being a 0.12 acre tract of Alamo Beach Boulevard, as shown on the attached survey and as shown per Plat of Alamo Beach found in Volume V, page 0 I, Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas. Sam McCormick is making application to the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court for the abandonment of this road and park propcrty as described. A HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED IN COMMISSIONERS COURT FOR: The 25th day of April, 2002, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners Court Room, Calhoun County Courthouse, 211 S. Ann, Port Lavaca, Texas. At the hearing the Commissioners Court will determine whether the parks and roads should be closed and abandoned. All interested persons desiring to protest the closing and abandonment is DIRECTED TO APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE HEARING. e Notice of this Application to close and abandon roads and parks at Alamo Beach, Calhoun County, Texas, has been published in the newspaper of general circulation in Calhoun County, Texas, once a week for 3 weeks prior to the scheduled hearing and has been posted for at least 21 days before the hearing at the following locations: I. Courthouse Door in Calhoun County , Texas; 2. On the land sought to be abandoned at Alamo Beach; 3. On the door of the Circle H conveyance store near property. This application is singed by eight (8) property owners in Precinct One (I) of Calhoun County, Texas. This application is governed by 251.051 of the Texas Transportation Code and its following provisions and 317.001 of the Texas Local Government Code and its following provisions. (\)~j.~- 2./i)a'lf~. ~~ 3.0~~$z- !J--u~ ["d "'"-~} d~ 5 ~ ~_: 6. J; ~~ 7. .llet eo '~"-Ju~.., I 8.1JZt'(fA/ui" 4"'d/.ncC e Sam McCormick 0,12 Acre and 0.19 Acre Part of San Antonio Park, And Alamo Boulevard, Alamo Beach Townsite, Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. STA TE OF TEXAS !l COlJNTY OF CALHOUN S e DESCRIPTION of a 0.19 acre tract, more or less, being part of San Antonio Park of Alamo Beach Townsite and a 0,12 acre tract, more or less, being part of Alamo Boulevard as per Plat of Record in Volume V, Page 01, Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas. These two tracts being more fully described as follows: Tract One: 0.19 Acre BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for the Southwest corner of this 0.19 acre being described and being in the Northeast line of Alamo lloulevard of the aforesaid Alamo Beach Townsite. Said found 5/8 inch iron rod bears N 790 13' 00" E, 70.00 feet from a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found marking the Southeast corner of Lot 9, 13lock 41 of the aforementioned Alamo Beach Townsite and also being the Northwest corner of a 0.541 acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 234-238 of the Calhoun County Official Records; e THENCE, N 10047' 00" W (Base Bearing), with the said Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard, same being the Southwest line of San Antonio Park, for a distance of 75.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for the Northwest corner of this tract and the Southwest corner of a 0.185 acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 262-266 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 790 13' 00" E, passing at 35,01 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found on line and JClr a TOTAL DISTANCE of 118.44 feet to a point for corner at the point of intersectlon with the existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay; THENCE, in a Southerly dlrection with the said existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay along the following courses and distance: S 270 58' 2]" E, 6.7] feet, S 14011' ]4" W, 27.84 feet, S 040 09' 00" E, 34.23 feet, AND S 26002' 18" E, 9,69 feet 10 a point l'or corner; THENCE, S 79013' 00" W, passing at 47.27 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found on line tar reference and tar a TOTAL DISTANCE of 107.25 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 0.19 acre, more or less, situated in and a part of the Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. Tract Two: 0.12 Acre e BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found marking the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 41 of the Alamo Beach Townsite. Said found 5/8 inch iron rod being in the Southwest line of Alamo Boulevard and being the Southwest corner of this tract and tbe Northwest corner of a 0.321 aCre tract of land described in Volume 288, Pages 234-238 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 10047' 00" W (Base Bearing), with the said Southwest line of Alamo Boulevard, same being the Northeast line of Block 41, Alamo Beach Townsite, a distance of 75,00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner, which is also the Northwest corner of said Lot 9, Block 41 and 1 142 the Southwest corner of a 0.121 acre tract of land as described in Volume 288, Pages 262-266 of the Calhoun County Official Records; THENCE, N 790 13' 00" E, a distance of 70.00 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner at the point of intersection with the Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard; THENCE, S 10047' 00" E, a distance of75.00 feet with the Northeast line of Alamo Boulevard, to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap found for corner; e THENCE, S 790 13' 00" W, a distance ono.oo feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 0.12 acre, more or less, situated in and a part of the Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County, Texas. The foregoing DESCRIPTION was prepared from an actual on the ground survey made under my direction and supervision in November 2001, and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I''t~ o,F, rc-t <0'\: (-;11; r f R' :"'0- *:'<(-v 1i1 <",;..-1< . "DAVIDW.'GANN'" . >j,~' 3ill'6 'i~" -1' A: .^"fSS 10.. 'ci"'c "0 .sUR~'t..-\ jJ ad! . - ~LU ~f DA VII) W. GANN -;; REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 e NOTE: I} Bearings are based on the recorded SubdiVision Plat of Alamo Beach in Volume V, Page 01 of the Calhoun County Deed Records. 2) Corners are as shown on the accompanying Survey Drawing. Job No, 2664-00 I e 2 143 LAVACA BAY VOL. 288, PG. 262-266 OFFICIAL RECORDS S"itv VOL. 288. PG, 234- 2.38 OFFICIAL RECORDS DOWUNG p Af~K BLOCK 58 _L"i1\10 SiOtv "i Vttv "iV, Ut [tvUE.) NARCISCO CABAZOS SURVEY, A-3 ALAMO BEACH TOWNSITE YOLo Y. PG_ 01 . Derwtes Fnd. S/8" I.R. With Ptastic Cap =PLAT= o Derwtes Fnd. S/8" l.R. ( ) Denotes Recorded ptat Name I. DAV/D W, GANN. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION IN NOVEMBER 2001, AND THAT CORNERS ARE AS SHOWN HEREON. ... DAVID W.'i.;ANN" . .. '.:~' '38'1'6' .~.:.. ("i;,R^:tSS'o"':'O'i:.- 'YD SUR~'(..-\ 11 I 4dl-Ltltfi!- DAVID W. GANN ------ REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 e N01'lc': 1) MliTES AND nOUNDS DESCIIlI'TION PREPARED WITll TillS DRAW/NI;. 2) lJA'AIIlNGS AIlE BASED ON TllE RECORDED PLAT. 3) NO EASEMENTS WERE: LOCATED OTllA'R THAN TllOSE' SHOWN HE:REON. '05 W. L1VEOAK 1-361-552-4509 PORT LAVACA. TEXAS SAM McCOIlMICK BE/NG 0.12 ACRE .t 0.19 ACRE. MORE DR LESS. SITUATED IN THE NARC/SCO CABAZOS SURVEY. A-3. ALAMO BEACH TOWNSITE. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS. G & W ENGINEERS, INC. fl. b. a.W.D. recom'd b. a.w.e. dale: 11 DB 01 ,cole: \-... lOa' ob no.: 265-4 00\ drowln nc.~ 2664001P 144 BIDS AND PROPOSALS - SALE OF ETNYRE CHIP SPREADER FOR PRECINCT 2 AND SALE OF PANAORASCOPE MOTORIZED VIEW FOR MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Bids for the sale of the Etnyre Chip and Spreader and the Panaorascope Motorized View were opened on April 18, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller. The County Auditor read the bid for the sale ofthe Etnyre Chip spreader for Precinct 2 from A. K Gillis and son in the amount of $9,000 and the bid for the sale of the Panaorascope Motorized View for Memorial Medial Center from Diagnostic Equipment Sales, Inc. in the amount of $2,501. The Auditor said both bids are subject to sales tax. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the bid of A. K. Gillis and Son, Inc. in the amount of $9,000 for the Etnyre Chip Spreader at Precinct 2. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the bids of Diagnostic Equipment Sales, Inc. for the Panaorascope Motorized View at Memorial Medical Center in the amount of $2,501. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. )~ SINCE 1 E32S A.K. GILLIS & SONS INC. HEAVY HIGHWAY SITE EXCAVATION 218 COLLEGE STREET P.O. BOX 576 SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS 75483 V 803-8B5-31 24 F 903-885-7023 .. April 1,2002 County Judge's Office 3rd Floor Calhoun County Courthouse 21 I S. Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Re: Etnyre Chip Spreader To Whom It May Concern: We would like to offer a bid of$9,000.00 for the above referenced piece of equipment. Should we be the successful bidder, please contact us at the above address and/or phone. Sincerely, e A.K. Gillis & Sons, Inc. ~ LJJi Clay Walker Vice President CW/lkl 145 _ _ _ BEN H. COMISKEY. JR.. c.p.A. COUN1Y AUDITOR, CALHOUN COUNTY COUNTY COURTHOVSE ANNEX - ZOI W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TEXAS 77979 (512) SS3-4610 THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WANE TECHNICALITIES. REJECT ANY OR ALl- BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUlDELJNES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: (}iQQnfJ5-1,'c. Et",t""t1o?l 59/"'<; / :r',,& t7 ADDRESS: ij//;/ tJ/. C"r/7?~" tJ,; Vt:- ClTY,STATE.,Z1P: t3,J/~ {!.1?6se L,9. ;7'(/037 PHONE NUMBER: Jtz7 - .;lIt? - tJ'/..5'/ """.A>.. L."," All J''P- AUTHORlZEDSIGNATURE: ;/ A. TlTl-E: ft.">;.!",,,!- BID AMOUNT 1J 35tJ/, (JP 1 - RADX RANORAMASCOPE MOTORIZED VIEWER (MOVABLE) WITH VARIABLE LlGHT CONTROL MODEL MV4000A PURCHASED IN 1991 BIDS AND PROPOSALS - SWAN POINT PARK AND BOA T RAMP REPAIRS The County Auditor said the bids were originally suppose:l to be opened on April 18th, 2002, however, the advertisement showed the wrong date of April 25th so they are being opened today. Mr. Comiskey read the bid from Lester Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $57,500 and from Rudon Lease Service, Inc, in the amount of $81,150. The bids will be awarded on May 9, 2002. Commissioner Finster said they have been working on this project for eight years. Due to an agreement with the State of Texas, repairs will be funded by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department with matching funds from the General Land Office. After renovations, the State will transfer four or five acres of the park to the County and give an interlocal agreement for maintaining the rest He thanked Teddy Morris with Rudon for all his help in this matter. 146 . ;~'~~/t~ . :~. . ,l,1/ . . ~....~~tr~,,' Calhoun CourilY,~. BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONmoC.''';;" ., IW'OVE!Llalr8 \j~~"" . f1NAN POINT:/~~ . 00300:~',;1~ BID FORM ....;.: " " '.'.:,f .:;. .'....~'Hi < '. ":'~~ ., Bidding FInn: RuDen LeasJI' Service, 'iInc. Addre&s: 3500 'E Hwy 185 P 0 Bex 187 Seedrift, TX 77583 Clly, Stata, ZIp: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: : CALHOUN COUNTY BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVUENTS AT SWAN POINT - . THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: Calhoun County Commlssloner'. Court :m s. Ann Street . POrllavaca. Taxas 77979 e - 1. Pursuant to and In compllanc:e wlth the Invitallon to Bid and the proposed Contract Documanti datad Aug~t 2001, prepared by TllStengeer. Inc. relatIng to the above referenced project. the undersigned. hereby propos81 and egrees to fully perlorm !he wer!< wItln the Urne .lated haraln and In atrlclaccordance with the proposed Contract Documents. and addenda !herero. lor !he following .urn of money. . BAse BID A. BASE BID ITELl NO.1: All labor, materlals, .ervlcas. equipment and aD other lhlngs n8Cellary to dr8dge, by mechanical axcsvallon, malarlallrom San Antonlo Bay adjacent to !he Swan Point Boat Ramp lor the follovilng unit price: EaUmaled 1000 CV 0 $ 12.25 ICY . $ 12, 250 . 00 B. BASE BID ITEU NO. 2: All labor. matarlaIs. lervlcas. equipment end aD other tI1lngs naceaaary to complete.the ac;ope 01 wol1c lor !he Boat Ramp RenovaIIona In accordance with the plana and .peclllcallona lor the lollowlng lump sum price: . Thirty-five -Thou~and Nin~'Hund're.d DOUAAS e $ 35 ;~OD,.-OO' 003()()"1014 '(. 147 _ BOAT RAMP AND EROS~= IMPoVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 C. BASE BID ITEM NO.3: All labor, materials. servfces, equIpment and all things nec8S8lUy for compleUon of the scope of work for 500 LF of ElO810n Controllmprovemen18 at Swan Point, for' a lump sum prfce of: Thirty-three Thousand DOLlARS $ 33,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID: Eiahtv-one Thousand One Hundred And Fiftv DOLlARS $ 81.150.00 _ ADOIT1VE ALTERNATE UNIT PRI~E BID: AdditIonal labor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary 10 add addlUon8J Unear footage of Erosion Control RIp-Rap to the Scope of Wor!<. Contractor understands thaI the estimated quantity given Is for bidding pUrposes only and Is nOI a guarantee of the Quanuty of additional work that may be authorized. The decision to authorize additional work or not shaD be dependent on the avallability of funds for the project. Additional work, If authorized, may be from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of approximately 310 LF. Estimated310LFC $ 66.00 IlF .. $ 20,460.00 HIGHEST AMOUNT BID. being the sum of TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID at the estimated Quantity, on which the enclosed Bid Bond or Certified Check Is baSed.: One Hundred and One Thousand Six Hundred Ten DOLLARS $ 101,610.00 2. If awarded this contract, the undersigned will execule a satisfactol}' Constructlon Contract, Labor and Material Payment Bond, Performance Bond, and proof of insurance coverage with the Owner for the entire work awarded per the Contract Documents within 10 days after Notice of Award. It Is agreed that this proposal Is subjected to the Ownor's acceptance for 8 period of 30 days from the date of bid opening. _ 148 ---- .....---.-..- -..- . :~ ...:.......::; . ..,.....:( .," '.: ','(' .~.: '.,:.,~: .'. . .:~ . ..---~ .;~ .'~ :i .:~ 'f: ~~ , Calhoun ~ BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTa SWAN POINT 00300 3. BIDDER has examined the site and loeellty where the Work 18 to be performed, the legal requirements. (federal, stale and loea/laws, ordinances, rules and regulatfons). and the condltfona affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such Independent Investfgatfons as BIDDER deems necessary. 4. This Bid 18 genuine and not made in the interest of or on behan of any undisclosed person, firm or corporatfon and Is not submitted In conformity with ,,"y agreement or .rulee of any gt'OUp, assoclatfon, organlzaJlon or corporatlon: BIDDER has not directly or Indirectly Induced or sollcltad any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has notsollclled or Induced any P8llIOn, firm or a corporatlon to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. 5. The undersigned agrees to the foRowing: . A. . To fumish all labor, materials, equipment, and all other things necessary to complete It- work as shown and speclfled in the Contract Documents. . _ B. To substantially complete the Work within 90 calendar days efter the Contract Tlme commences, and be 100% completed and ready for final paymsnt within 10 calendar days alter the date of Substantial CompletIon. '. C. To s1a1l work 14 days after the Notice to Proceed. 6. Bidder accepts the provisions of the agreement as to liquidated damages In the event of failure to complete the Work on lime. 7_ Receipt of the following addenda is acknowledged: Daled No. No. Dated No. Dated 6. The following documents ara attached to and made a Condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid Security In the form of a B!d Bond Issued by an acceptable surety, certified check, or cashie~s check. B. Experience record. 9. . Communications concerning this Bid shall be delivered to the address of bidder InclCBted above. e Bidder agrees that the Owner has the right to accept or reject any or all bIds and 10 waive any and aIllnformallilias. 10. ClCl~rlll.~ of... . 149 ...._.",.~_...,-_.~ .... .::- J''''' . . . .: _ Calhoun . BOAT RAMP AND EROSION 00= IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 SUBMITTED ON 04/ 1 8 . 20.E.!!..... . , By 1(~ Signature President TItle RuDon Lease Service, Inc. Company Seal If Bidder Is a Corporation EXPERIENCE RECORD Ust 01 projects. similar to thilt covered by proposal. which BIDDER has succ8&SIully completed: Amount 01 Contract Award Tvoe of Work $605,000 Rock & Harbor Dale Com Dieted Owr1er Contact and Dhone no. '93 City of Seadrift _ Improvement Feb. $69,500 $24,000 Levee & Matts Mar. 'DO GBRA David Dodd Rock & Drainage Structures Aug. '01 WCIO#1 Harold Evans $10,000 Rock & Orainaqe Structures Apr. '02, CCDO#1 Ken Dolezal $16.000 Concrete Ramo Nov. '01 Tesoro Marine Ust 01 projects BIDDER In now engaged In completing: Amount 01 Contract Award Twe 01 Wor'K % Comolete Owner Contact and ohone no. None _ 00300- 4 of 4 150 e .'l:. Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 BID FORM Bidding Firm: Lester. ~r\'1-Rod-;r11' :en\!... Address: ~ 0 Ba) q 8'10 City, State, Zip: fORt- lChvCitQ --n::: '1'7Q1 q PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CALHOUN COUNTY BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVMENTs AT SWAN POINT e THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: Calhoun County Commissioner's Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas n979 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with the Invitation to Bid and the proposed Contract Documents dated August 2001, prepared by Testengeer, Inc. relating to the above referenced project, the undersigned, hereby proposes and agrees to fully perform the work witin the time stated herein and in strict accordance with the proposed Contract Documents, and addenda therere, for the following sum of money. BASE BID A. BASE BID ITEM NO.1: All labor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary to dredge, by mechanical excavation, material from San Antonio Bay adjacent to the Swan Point Boat Ramp for the following unit price: Estimated 1000CY@ $ q, 50 ICY = $ 9. 500. 00 . 8. BASE BID ITEM NO.2: All labor, materials, services. equipment and all other things necessary to complete the scope ,. work for the Boat Ramp Renovations in accordance with the plans and specifications for th" following lump sum price: -rWEIJiY - SIX T#oUSA-rvD F7(}~- /-fu;,}OfleD DOLLARS $ z 4-, 500. "0 , nn~oo- 1 of 4 151 .- _ Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 C. BASE BID ITEM NO.3: AJllabor, materials, services, equipment and all things necessary for completion of the scope of work for 500 LF of Erosion Control Improvements at Swan Point, fo(a lump sum price of: -rw~A./7'Y - OA./E -rfkJusmvp FluE Hl.hVIY2f':L> DOLLARS $ 2.1,500. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID: ;:::/,c T'r' - S 6::l/eAJ -rINu s~;) t= WIr rJf.#oI/>II- .r1> DOLLARS $ .s-7.500.oa ADDITIVE ALTERNATE UNIT PRICE BID: _ Additional labor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary to add additional linear footage ot Erosion Control Rip-Rap to the Scope of Work. Contractor understands that the estimated quantity given is for bidding purposes only and is not a guarantee of the quantity of additional work that may be authorized. The decision to authorize additional work or not shall be dependent on the availability of funds for the project. Additional work, if authorized, may be from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of approximately 310 LF. Estimated 3tO LF @ $ 43.00 ILF = $ /3,330.00 HIGHEST AMOUNT BID. being the sum of TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID and ADDITlVE ALTERNATE BID at the estimated quantity, on which the enclosed Bid Bond or Certified Check is based.: .5 e-III?Alr'r' -rHOu's";NP €1(;flr t'ft./IfIMt;{) -rHII2T7' DOLLARS $ 70, 830. .00 2. If awarded this contract, the undersigned will executa a satisfactory Construction Contract, Labor and Material Payment Bond, Pertormance Bond, and proof of insurance coverage with the Owner for the entire work awarded per the Contract Documents within 10 days after Notice of Award. It is agreed that this proposal is subiected to the Owners acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date of bid opening. _ 00300- 2 of 4 152 .e >. ',' <.:::'~~.: ",. Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 3. BIDDER has examined the s~e and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements. (federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations). and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as BIDDER deems necessary. 4. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and Is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has noi directly or indirectlY induced or sorlCited any other Bidder to subm~ a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has notsoficited or induced any person, firm or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for himseK any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. The undersigned agrees to the following: . A. To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and all other things necessary to complete tte work as shown and specffied in the Contract Documents. B. To substantially complete the Work within q 0 calendar days after the Contract Time commences, and be 100% completed and ready for final payment within / ~O calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion. 5. C. To start work 20 days after the Notice to Proceed. 6. Bidder accepts the provisions of the agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work on lime. 7. Receipt of the fol/owing addenda is acknowiedged: No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated 8. The following documents are attached to and made a Condition of this Bid: A- Required Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond issued by an acceptable surety, certified check, or cashier's check. . B. Experience record. 9. Communications concerning this Bid shall be delivered to the address of bidder indicated above. e 10. Bidder agrees that the Owner has the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any and all informatlities. 00300- 3 01 <1 153 - Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 SUBMITTED ON Ilr-J Zt;' . 20.QL. ~@~ ?Rts;d~n+ Trtle J&?,kl1. c..crr\"I\QL-t-\f\O, ,IhQ.. Company \ Seal if Bidder is a Corporation EXPERIENCE RECORD Ust of projects, similar to that covered by proposal, which BIDDER has successfuily completed: Amount of Contract Award Tvoe of Work S eQ_ . A H-o..ch O\P.r'\t Date Comcleted Owner Contact and chone no. e Ust of projects BIDDER in now engaged in completing: Amount of Contract Award Tvoe of Work % Comclete Owner Contact and chane no. 5' e-e.. fh-r a.ch ffi0'\-r- _ 00300- 4 of 4 154 BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY - INSTALL GRADE CROSSING IN BOYD AND SIKES ROADS IN PRECINCT 4 AND TRAFFIC PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION Ray Herman with Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway requested the Court's permission to cross Boyd and Sikes Roads in Precinct 4 for the proposed railroad crossing. They will reduce the curve in Boyd Road on the approach, raise the elevation approximately four feet and widen the existing road and put in cross-butt signs and lights all at the railroad's expense. On Sikes Road, they will modify the approach because the topping rail will be four feet higher than the existing road. At both locations, they will widen the existing roads where they cross the tracks, There will be crossing protection for cross-butt signs and auxiliary lighting. In future anticipation of putting in active warning devices or flashing lights, (Texas Department of Transportation requires a 20 foot right-of-way for flashing lights and both locations have only 16 foot right-of-ways), they will widen the easement now. They are working with Drainage District #10 on a ditch modification on Sikes Road to accommodate the easement widening. e Commissioner Finster stated he had requested all of this because both of these roads have unique problems. Sikes Road is a main thoroughfare for cotton modules and the railroad is right in the curve in Boyd Road Mr. Herman said streetlights will be installed on these roads. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to allow Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway to install railroad grade crossings at Boyd and Sikes Roads in Precinct 4 and realign a portion of Boyd Road to facilitate the proposed rail crossing; authorize the standard "X' cross-butt to be placed at Boyd and Sikes Roads, along with warning protection with auxiliary street lights, and to grant the contractor use of the county roads during construction; designate Mr. Ray Herman as the community liaison to work with the public on any issues that may arise with all charges to be at the railroad's expense. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FAIRGROUNDS PAVILION ROOF REPAIRS A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve the bidding specifications and authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids for repairs of the storm damage to the Fairgrounds Pavilion roof with bids to be opened on May 20, 2002 and awarded May 23, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BAYSIDE ESTATES SUBDIVISION IN SWAN POINT IN PRECINCT 4 PRELIMINIARY PLAT David Gann with G&W Engineers presented the preliminary plat of Bayside Beach Estates Subdivision in Swan Point in Precinct 4. It is a I65-acre development with 114 lots and a five-acre lake for owners' use. A proposed marina and boat ramp will have the first boat lift in Seadrift. Roads have been built to County specifications and there are forty-foot wide drainages, A public water system will be put in going through the City of Seadrift or GBRA will be asked to put in a water line or the contractor may put in a water system. If accepted by the City of Seadrift, the contractor will give the water system to them. They propose to have the project finished this year. The owner is David Ellers of Houston. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the preliminary plat of Bayside Estates in Swan Point. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 155 SUNILANDINGS SUBDIVISION/PORT ALTO AREA - DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC USE OF STREETS AND CERTAIN PROPERTIES e Commissioner Floyd discussed the Sunilandings Phase I Subdivision plat which was originally approved by the Court in 1971; the revised plat was approved in 1992. There are dedications of rights-of-way for public use on the plats. The developer was Anita Koop. She sold her investment to Paul Chen. In the Chen bankruptcy, some property was deeded back to Mrs. Koop, et al by Sheriff's Deed which included streets and canals. Mrs, Koop sold a certain property to Leonard Kunefke, Commissioner Floyd reviewed a case of the public's right to use this portion of the road, Owners of property who wanted to get in to mow were stopped by Mr. Kunefke and the Sheriff's Department called for assistance. Mr, Kunefke addressed the Court and presented some paperwork and an Order of Acceptance of Roads signed by Commissioner Lindsey. Mr. Kuenfke said landowners have to cross a flume to get to their property and it was all right with him. Commissioner Floyd suggested the County enlist an attorney to determine the public's interest in this and see what action the Court should take to protect this interest. He said acceptance of plats dedicated the rights-of-way to the public; acceptance of roads for maintenance is another matter. Commissioner Finster said the matter needs to be looked over by the County's attorney. The court needs to establish who owns the right-of-way, A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize himself to obtain legal counsel to clearly determine the rights, interests and properties of the public in Sunilandings and make recommendations on how to protect these rights. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE ELEVATOR CONTRACT WITH THYSSENKRUPP e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Judge to enter into a $5,292 contract with ThyssenKrupp Elevator for elevator maintenance. (Dover, the previous company, has changed ownership three times,) Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ThyssenKrupp Elevator January 14,2002 @ e CalhounCount'fc;ns Attn; 211 S. Ar1n Street Port lavaca, TX 77919 Route Nurn.: 0008 Contract: IF00372 Customer;; Serial;# 340038 d" d b )10 ourelevator(s) are due during the month 01 FebruarY Th" annual aEllnsp~ctlOn (as in I~tte ali 0; ther :nnual safety test as required by the Statp of Texas and 2002. The following IS our proposa ope 0 d b a aElll1spector and certifiedwlttl the State.. Thlscovers me Amenc,an Na_~~;:I.aS~;?I;S~~:::;~~uSs;~or~ination, notification, transportatlon, .,cnedul,ng, handling, ~~c~~n~g %~~~~ent5, prOVIding wnnen quOtations tor bringing eq(Jlpm~nrinto c<JmpllanCI:. 'h of: $16000 A.s authorized please sign and return one (1) We propa~e to pral/i1est~e sl~rvty~Sh~~etr.~:~~ns.or com-ments, please do n<'lt hesitate to tonl;;cl us copy 01 thiS proposa. ou ., ~ Elevators wllle.xerClse caution and care In ll'l<! perlOm1Clnc<! of lros lesling.. but will not be rnyssen.Krbl"p,P ,"ydamagedonetolhe building ~trlJctureorequlpmentoc::asloned bylhesetests, responsl eOf" Unless otherwise stated, Purchaser ilgleeS to PilY ilS follows: 1000.'0 upon completion. This Proposal IS submitted/or acceptance within ~O day.. Irom the date e~ec<.ited by Elevator Conllactor, . d - , (oval by an executive officel 0/ E1evalor Contractor will Purchaser's acceptarll:::! o/thl.s Pro,posal an Its .,pp Ih work,'erein desccibed. All prior represenlallons 01 conslJlute excluslve.ly an~ entirely .he Agreement IOr( v:rbal will be deemed 10 be merged herein. and no agreements re~ardln~d~~~ wor~ ;~:~~~e~~~~~ :liJ be r~cogrTrze-a unleu ma~e in writing and properly ~~~~t~d<ln~:\~thor p~rtie~~nsIT~iS ~'OctPOb:~::::~eC~I~Yrti~~n~~~~I~~S c;~~~ctO~~il~~e ~~a~~~:d ~: ~~ maintefl<ince contract c:.menty Ifl elle ' , Proposal. No agent or employee 5hall hal/e the autt10rity 10 waive or mOOlI)- any terms of Inis Agreement C HOON CO ThyssenKI1.lPP Elevator Corpora\.Jn ( OfflCeat:~9BearLafl.e1406 BY: ~,1:Jflw Phone: F~:c For Eleva,ors at: CalhounCountyC:hs 211 S, Ann Street Port Lavaca, TX 7797S Quantity: One iype:HYdro Test:~nnualf5year BY: Print Name: Arlene N. Marshall TITLE.: Ccnntv Judl!1! OAT2.J..L.1]1QL ?rinl Name; Dawn Folks --,i'PROVED BY: , d oordlnatlonforrulUreannual .. ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT. Tu inc:uGe. the cost of the inspector ,ee an C lJ"1 tes'..s we wilt increase the arno.um of your .11illntenance a;;reement S 12.GO per man .. Upon approval please imual and diHe. Initial Dale 156 J an, 15. 2002 10: 27 AM ThvssenKrupp Elevator-Corpus 077 No.9 7 0 6 P.2/1 e ~ ThyssenKrupp Elevator January 14, 2002 Calhoun County Cths Alln: 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, IX 77979 Route NUITh: 0008 Contract IFOO~7Z~ Customer # Serial # 340037 Phone: Fax: For Elevators at Calhoun County Cths 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, IX 77979 Quantity: One Type: Traction Test lA:imUal/ S year The annual QEI inspection (as Indicated above) for your erevator(s) are due during the month af February 2002. The following is our proposal to perform the annual safety test as required by the State of Texas and the American National Safety Code, witnessed by a QEllnspector, and certified with the State. This covers the cost of providing a QEI Inspector plus coardination, notification, transportation, scheduling, handling, processing documents, providing written quotations for bringing equipment into compliance. We propose to provide the services for the sum of. $160.00 . As authorized please sign and return one (1) COpy of this proposal.. Should you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. ThyssenKrupp Elevators will exercise caution and care in the performance of this testing, but will not be responsible for any damage done to the building structure or equipment occasioned by these tests. e Unless otherwise stated, Purchaser agrees to pay as Iollows: 100% upon completion. This Proposal is Subr.1illed for acceptance within 30 days rrom the date executed by Elevatar Contractar. Purchaser's acceptance of this Proposal and its approval by an executive officer of Elevator Contractor will constitute exclusively and entirely the Agreement for the work herein described. Ail prior representations or agreements regarding this work. whether written or verbal, will be deemed to be merged herein) and no other changes in or additions to this Agreement will be recognized unless made in writing and properly executed by bath parties. This Proposal specifically contemplates work outside the scope of any maintenance contract currently in effect between the parties; any such contract shail be unaffected by this Proposal. No agent or employee shall have the authority to waive or modify any terms af this Agreement. cALHOlJN10~TY Ii,' , I j ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation BY: r /)(7 j; V 2) 11 A A .d ~A. Office at. ~ Bear Lane #406 Signature of authorized official BY: ~ ~k:J Print Name: Arlene N. Marshall Print Name: Dawn Foiks TiTLE: County Judge DATE: 1/28/02 APPROVED BY: .. ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT: To include the cost of the inspector fee and coordination for future annual lests we will increase the amount of your maintenance agreement $ 12.00 per month. Upon approval please initial and date. Initial Date e ThYSliQIlKrupp 8evilor Corporation 34.9 Bear Lilnel40G CdrpU5 Chrisd, Tex-II! 18415 Telephone: 3al.,299-00~' aOO~J:34-a964 Fax: J6l--299.Q60:Z E-mail: dawnJolks@thyli5enkruppelevillol.com Internet: _.thYs:!Ol!nkttJppell!vBlar.~OITl 157 e Elevator Maintenance Agreement. To: Calhoun County 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (Hereinafter Purchaser) For: Calhoun County Courthouse-Jail Elevator 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 By: ThyssenKrupp Elevator 5449 Bear Lane, Suite 406 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 (361) 299-0033 e UNITS TO BE MAINTAINED Unit Quantity Manufacturer Type of Unit UnitlD or Serial # Number of Stops One (1) TKE (Modernization) Hydraulic Pass. FL 6411 Three (3) ThyssenKrupp Elevator agrees to maintain Purchaser's elevator equipment as ouWned in this agreement. We will endeavor to provide a comprehensive maintenance program to maximize the performance, safety, and life span of your equipment. e ThyssenKrupp Elevator (t 158 Elevator Maintenance Agreement ?Jl~s@l.s!ill@iH'ls:".,,~._,_.._, You will be billed twice per year, Jenuary 1 and July 1, per your request. Your responsibilities. Product information. You agree to provide ThyssenKrupp Elevator with current wiring diagrams that reflect all changes, parts catalogs, and maintenance instructions for tha aquipment covared by this agreement. You agree to authorize us to produce single copies of any programmable device(s) used in the equipment for tha purpose of archival back-up of the software embodied therein. These items will remain your property. Safety. You agree to instruct or warn passengars in the proper use of the equipment and to keep the aquipmant under continued surveillance by competent personnel to detect irregularities between ele'iatar examinations. You agree to report immedietely eny condition that mey indicate the need for correction before the next regular examination. You agree to shut down the equipment immediately upon manifestation of any irregularities in operation or appearance of the equipment, notify us at once, and keep the equipment shut down until the completion of eny repairs. You agree to give us verbal notice immediately and written notice within ten (10) days after any occurrence or accident in or about the elevator. YOLl agree to provide our personnel a safe place in which to work. We reserve the right to discontinue work in the building whenever) in our sole opinion, our personnel do not have a safe place in which to work. You agree to provide a suitable machine room including secured doors, waterproofing, lighting, ventilation and heat to maintain the room at a temperature of 50Clf minimum to 90ClF maximum. You also agree to maintain the elevator pit in a dry condition at all times. Should water or other liquids become present, you will contract with others for removal and the proper handling of such liquids. Other. You agree not to permit others to make alterations, additions, adjustments, or repairs or replace any component or part of the equipment during the term of this 159 agreement. You agree to accept our judgment as to the means and methods to be employed for any corrective work under this agreement. In the event of the sale, lease or other transier of the elevator(s) or equipment described herein) or the premises in which they are located, you agree to see that such successor is made aware of this agreement and assumes and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof for the balance of the agreement, and subject to termination as herein provided, or otherwise be liable forthe full unpaid balance due for the full unexpired term of the agreement. INDEMNITY CLAUSE Purchaser agrees to fully and completely defend, indemnify and hold harmless ThyssenKrupp Elevator Irom any and all claims and lawsuits (whether same is for personal injury, property damage or death of any person) asserted against ThyssenKrupp Elevator which allege to have a factual or legal basis in the servces contemplated by this contract; regardless of whether such actions arise from the use, operation, repair, installation) or condition of the equipment which is the subject of this contract or its machine room(s), hatchway(s), or component part(s}. Purchaser understands and agrees that its obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless exist regardless of whether it is alleged or proved that ThyssenKrupp Elevator is jointly or solely liable under theory of legal fault, inciuding, but not limited to negligence) gross negligence, strict liability, strict product liability, breach of warranty (whether expressed or implied) or breach of contract. Purchaser recognizes its obligation under this clause includes payment of all attorney's fees, costs of court and other expenses of litigation incurred by ThyssenKrupp Elevator, together with any and all damages (inciuding punitive damages to the extent allowed by law) awarded by court) jury or other competent authority, judgments, settlements, appeal bonds necessary to suspend judgment pending appeel, interest (pre-judgment and post-judgment) and attorney's fees awarded to an adverse party arising out of such e Page 3 of 4 claims or lawsuits. This indemnification obligation is the broadest allowed by law. You expressly agree to name ThyssenKrupp Elevator as an additional insured in your liability and any excess (umbrella) liability insurance policy(ies). Such insurance must insure us for those daims or losses referenced in the above paragraph. You hereby waive the right of subrogation. Other considerations. Items not covered. We do not cover cosmetic) construction, or ancillary components of the elevator system, induding the finishing, repairing, or replacement of the cab enclosure, ceiling frames) panels, and/or fixtures, hoistWay door panels, door frames, sills, car flooring, floor covering, lighting fixtures, ceiling light bulbs and tubes, main line power swTtCheS'e breaker(~), feeders to controller, hydraulic elevator Jack outer casing, buried piping, alignment of elevator guide rails, smoke and fire sensors, fire service reports, communication devices, security systems not installed by us, batteries for emergency lighting and lowering, air conditioners, heaters) ventilation fans and all other items as set forth and exciuded in this agreement. Annual price adjustments. As the costs we incur for providing elevator service increas€: and decrease annually, we will adjust the price of your service accordingly on an annual basis. We will adjust your monthly price based on the percentage change in the average rate paid to elevator examiners. This rate consists of the hourly rate paid to examiners plus fringe benefits and union welfare granted in place of or in addition to the hourly rate. Fringe benefits include pensions, vacations, paid holidays, group insurance, sickness and accident insurance, and hospital insurance. Pricing may also increase or decrease in the event the equipment is modified from its A present state. _ Overdue invoices. A service charge of 11h.% per month, orthe highest legal rate, whichever is less, shall apply to overdue accounts. If you do not pay any sum within sixty (60) days from the billing date, we may Elevator Maintenance Agreement also choose to do one of the following: 1) suspend all service until all amounts due have been paid in full, or 2) declare all sums for the unexpired term of this agreement tiimmediatelY and terminate this emenl. If ThyssenKrupp Elevator elects spend service, we shall not be responsible for damages or injuries to persons or property from the lack of service. Upon resumption of servics, you will be responsible for payment to ThyssenKrupp Elevator of any costs we incur as a result of the suspension of service. Non~perfonnance. lINon-performanceH is defined as our inability to remedy any deficiencies within thirty (30) days after receiving written notification from you. Other conditions. With the passage of time, equipment technology and designs will change. We will not be required to make any changes or recommendations in the existing design or function of the unit(s). We shall not be obligated to service, make renewals or repairs upon the equipment by reason of obsolescence, misuse of the equipment, another's negligence, loss of power, blown fuse(s), tripped stop switch(es), theft, vandalism, explosion, fire, power failure, water damage, storm, .ning, nuisance calls, acts of civil or ary authorities, strikes, lockouts, ects of ad, or any other reason or cause beyond our control. In the event any component of the elevator becomes obsolete or outmoded, or is no longer manufactured by the original manufacturer, it shall be your obligation to replece the obsolete or outmoded component at your expense. We will not be obligated to install new attachments or parts upon the equipment as recommended or directed by insurance companies, any governmental agency or authority, or any third party. Should your system require any of the safety tests on the commencement date of this agreement, ThyssenKrupp Elevator assumes no responsibility for the operation of the governor or safeties on traction elevators, or the hydraulic system on hydraulic elevators under the terms of this agreement until the test has been made. We shall not be liable for damage to the e building structure resulting from the performance of safety tests. Should the respective system fail any of the required tests, it shall be your sole responsibility to make necessary repairs and to place the equipment in a condition that will be acceptable for coverage under the terms of this agreement. In the event a third party is retained to enforce, construe or defend any of the terms and conditions of this agreement or to collect any monies due hereunder, either wrth or without litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs and reasonable attorney's fees. You hereby waive trial by jury and do further hereby consent that venue of any proceeding or lawsuit under this agreement shall be in Dellas County, Texas. In the event any portion of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, public policy or statute, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion of this agreement. Our rights under this agreement shall be cumulative and our failure to exercise any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit or waive any of said rights and any extension, indulgence or change by us in the method, mode or manner of payment or any of its other rights shall not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under this agreement. Acceptance. Your acceptance of this agreement and its approval by an authorized manager of ThyssenKrupp Elevator will constitute exclusively and entirely the agreement for the services herein described. All other prior representations or agreements, whether written or verbal, will be deemed to be merged herein, and no other changes in or edditions to this agreement will be recognized unless made in writing and properly executed by both parties. Should your acceptance be in the form of a purchase order or other similar document, the provisions of this agreement will govern in the event of a conflict. This proposal is hereby accepted in its entirety and shail Page 4 of 4 constitute the entire agreement as contemplated by you and us. No agent or employee shell heve the authority to waive or modify any of the terms of this agreement without the written approval of en authorized ThyssenKrupp Elevator manager. Accepted: By: ative) Matt Blair Date: (361L299-0033 ~/t /02- CALHOUN COUN1Y By: (Signature at Authorized Individual) (printed Of Typed Name) Title: Date: ThyssenKrupp Elevator Approval: By: Title: Branch Manager Date: 160 Elevator Maintenance Agreement. e To: Calhoun County 211 South Ann Street Port lavaca, Texas 77979 (Hereinafter Purchaser) For: Calhoun County Courthouse 211 South Ann Street Port lavaca, Texas 77979 By: ThyssenKrupp Elevator 5449 Bear lane, Suite 406 Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 (361) 299-0033 e UNITS TO BE MAINTAINED Unit Quantity Manufacturer Type of Unit Unit 10 or Serial II Number of Stops One (I) Otis Traction Pass. 340037 Four (4) ThyssenKrupp Elevator agrees to maintain Purchaser's elevator equipment as outlined in this agreement. We will endeavor to provide a comprehensive maintenance program to maximize the performance, safety, and life span of your equipment. e ThyssenKrupp Elevator . _ 161 Elevator Maintenance Agreement Special conditions. __._____~~......_w....,'.",.."'7''"''"''''''=~.,t!:I'''''''''.'''',.'''''-,-...~_ You will be billed twice per year, January I and July 1, per your request. ."ur responsibilities. .~duct information. Yau agree to provide ThyssenKrupp Elevator with current wiring diagrams that reflect all changes, parts catalogs, and maintenance instructions for the equipment covered by this agreement. You agree to authorize us to produce single copies of any programmable device(s) used in the equipment for the purpose of archival back-up of the software embodied therein. These items will remain your property. Safety. You agree to instruct or warn passengers in the proper use of the equipment and to keep the equipment under continued surveillance by competent personnel to detect irregularities between elevator examinations. You agree to report immediately any condition that may indicate the need for correction before the next regular examination. You agree to shut down the equipment immediately upon manifestation of any irregularities in operation or appearance of the equipment, notify us at once, and keep the equipment .ut down until the completion of any airs. You agree to give us verbal notice mediately and written notice within ten (10) days after any occurrence or accident in or about the elevator. You agree to provide our personnel a safe place in which to work. We reserve the right to discontinue work in the building whenever, in our sole opinion, our personnel do not have a safe place in which to work. You agree to provide a suitable machine room including secured doors, waterproofing, lighting, ventilation and heat to maintain the room at a temperature of 500F minimum to gOOF maximum. You also agree to maintain the elevator pit in a dry condition at all times. Should water or other liquids become present, you will contract with others for removal and the proper handling of such liquids. Other. You agree not to permit others to make alterations, additions, adjustments, or repairs or replace any component or part of the equipment during the term of this e agreement. You agree to accept our judgment as to the means and methods to be employed for any corrective work under this agreement. In the event of the sale, lease or other transfer of the elevator(s) or equipment described herein, or the premises in which they are located, you agree to see that such successor is made aware of this agreement and assumes and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof for the balance of the agreement, and subject to termination as herein provided, or otherwise be liable for the full unpaid balance due for the full unexpired term of the agreement. INDEMNITY CLAUSE Purchaser agrees to fully and completely defend, indemnify and hold harmless ThyssenKrupp Elevatorfrom any and all claims and lawsuits (whether same is for personal injury, property damage or death of any person) asserted against ThyssenKrupp Eiavatorwhich allege to have a factual or legal basis in the services contemplated by this contract; regardless of whether such actions arise from the use, operation, repair, installation, or condition of the equipment which is the subject of this contract or its machine room(s), hatchway(s), or component part(s). Purchaser understands and agrees that its obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless exist regardless of whether it is alleged or proved that ThyssenKrupp Elevator is jointly or solely liable under theory of legal fault, including, but not limited to negligence, gross negligence, strict liability, strict product liability, breach of warranty (whether expressed or implied) or breach of contract. Purchaser recognizes its obligation under this clause includes payment of all attorney's fees, costs of court and other expenses of litigation incurred by ThyssenKrupp Elevator, together with any and all damages (including punitive damages to the extent allowed by law) awarded by court, jury or other competent authority, judgments, settlements, appeal bonds necessary to suspend judgment pending appeal, interest (pre-judgment and post-judgment) and attomey's fees awarded to an adverse party arising out of such Page 3 of 4 claims or lawsuits. This indemnification obligation is the broadast allowed by law. You expressly agree to name ThyssenKrupp Elevator as an additional insured in your liability and any excess (umbrella) liability insurance policy(ies). Such insurance must insure us forthose claims or losses referenced in the above paragraph. You hereby waive the right of subrogation. Other considerations. Items not covered. We do not cover cosmetic, construction, or ancillary components of the elevator system, including the finishing, repairing, or replacement of the cab enclosure, ceiling frames, panels, and/or fDCtures, hoistway door panels, door frames, sills, car flooring, floor covering, lighting fixtures, ceiling light bulbs and tubes, main line power switches, breaker(s), feeders to controller, hydraulic elevator jack outer casing, buried piping, alignment of elevator guide rails, smoke and fire sensors, fire service reports, communication devices, security systems not installed by us, batteries for emergency lighting and lowering, air conditioners, heaters, ventilation fans and all other items as set forth and excluded in this agreement. Annual price adjustments. As the costs we incur for providing elevator service increase and decrease annually, we will adjust the price of your service accordingly on an annual basis. We will adjust your monthly price based on the percentage change in the average rate paid to elevator examiners. This rate consists of the hourly rate paid to examiners plus fringe benefits and union welfare granted in place of or in addition to the hourly rate. Fringe benefits include pensions, vacations, paid holidays, group insurance, sickness and accident insurance, and hospital insurance. Pricing may also increase or decrease in the event the equipment is modified from its present state. Overdue invoices. A service charge of 11h% per month, or the highest legal rate, whichever is less, shall apply to overdue accounts. If you do not pay any sum within sixty (60) days from the billing date, we may 162 Elevator Maintenance Agreement also choose to do one of the following: 1) suspend ell service until all amounts due have been paid in full, or 2) declare all sums lor the unexpired term of this agreement due immediately and terminate this agreement. If ThyssenKrupp Elevator elects to suspend service, we shall not be responsible for damages or injuries to persons or property from the lack of service. Upon resumption of service, you will be responsible for payment to ThyssenKrupp Elevetor of any costs we incur as a result of the suspension of service. Non-performance. IINon-performance- is defined as our inability to remedy any deficiencies within thirty (30) days after receiving written notification from you. Other conditions. With the passage of time, equipment technology end designs will change. We will not be required to make any changes or recommendations in the existing design orfunction of the unit(s). We shall not be obligeled to service, make renewals or repairs upon the equipment by reason of obsolescence, misuse of the equipment. another's negligence, loss of power, blown fuse(s), tripped stop switch(es), theft, vandalism, explosion, fire, power failure, water damage, storm, lightning, nuisance calls, acts of civil or military authorities, strikes, lockouts, acts of God, or any other reason or cause beyond our control. In the event any component of the elevator becomes obsolete or outmoded, or is no longer manufactured by the original manufacturer, it shall be your obligation to replace the obsolete or outmoded component at your expense. We will not be obligated to install new attachments or parts upon the equipment as recommended or directed by insurance corr.panies, any governmental agency or authority, or any third party. Should your system require any of the safety tests on the commencement date of this agreement, ThyssenKrupp Eievator assumes no responsibility for the operation of the govemor or safeties on traction elevato.., or the hydraulic system on hydraulic elevators under the terms of this agreement until the test has been made. We shall not be liable for damage to the building structure resulting from the performance of safety tests. Should the respective system fail any of the required tests, it shall be your sole responsibility to make necessary repeirs and to place the equipment In a condition that will be acceptable for coverage under the terms of this agreement. In the event a third party is retained to enforce, construe or defend any of the terms and conditions of this agreement or to collect any monies due hereunder, either with or without litigation, the prevailing party shall be entiUed to recover all costs and reasonable attomey's fees. You hereby weive trial by jury and do further hereby consent that venue of any proceeding or lawsuit under this agreement shell be in Dalla. County, Texas. In the event any portion of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, public policy or statute, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion of this agreement. Our rights under this agreement shall be cumulative and our failure to exercise any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit or waive any of said rights and any extension, indulgence or change by us in the method, mode or manner of payment or any of its other rights shall not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under this agreement. Acceptance. Your acceptance of this agreement and its approval by an authorized manager of ThyssenKrupp Elevator will constitute exclusively and entirely the agreement for the services herein described. All other prior representations or agreements, whether written or verbal J will be deemed to be merged herein, and no other changes in or additions to this agreement will be recognized unless made in writing and properly executed by both parties. Should your acceptance be in the form of a purchase order or other similar document, the provisions of this agreement will govern in the event of a conflict. This proposal is hereby accepted in its entirety and shall Page 4 of 4 constitute the entire agreement as contemplated by you and us. No agent or employee shall have the authority to waive or modify any of the terms of this agreement without the written e approval of an authorized ThyssenKrupp Elevator manager. Accepted: By: Matt Blair (361L299-0033 Date: ~!9 )0")" CALHOUN COUNIY By: (Signature of Authorized Individual) (Printed or Typed Name) Title: Date: - ThyssenKrupp Elevator Approval: By: TiUe: Branch Manager Date: INSURANCE SETTLEMENT FOR WATER DAMAGE AT COURTHOUSE ON DECEMBER 10. 2001 e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept the insurance selllement in the amount of $8, I 58 for water damages in the courthouse occurring December 10, 2001. Commissioners Galvan. Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 1.63 e e e EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BILLING - APPOINT CALHOUN COUNTY'S MEDICARE REPRESENTATIVE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to appoint Henry Barber as Calhoun County's authorized Medicare representative for Emergency Medical Services billing purposes, Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. (The Court approved the letter on County Judge Arlene Marshall's letterhead for Medicare purposes.) April 23, 2002 To Whom This Concerns: Effective July 1, 2002, Calhoun County will be the sole owner and operator of Calhoun County Emergency Medical Services. Calhoun County has the authority to legally and financially bind Calhoun County to the laws, regulation and program instruction of Medicare. Sincerely, Arlene N. Marshall ANM/rm 211 South Ann Street. Suite 304. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phone 361-553-4600 Fax 361-553-4444 e-mail:calhoun@tisd.net www.tisd.net/-calhoun 164 AUDIT ENGAGEMENT LETTER WITH RUTLEDGE. CRAIN AND COMPANY. PG A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize the County ~udge to sign the audit engagement letter with Rutledge, Crain and Company, PC for servICes for the years ending December 31, 200 I through 2003 at a fee of $20,750. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. w RUTlEDGE CRAIN & COMPANY, PC CEFlTII'1EO pueuc ACCOUNT ANrs 2401 Garden Park CouIt SU<le Fl "'fingu,n. rex.s 750'3 Apri12S,2oo2 Calhoun COUIIty. Texas clo Ben H. Co~, Jr., CPA, CoUllty AuditoT CotlI1ty Courthouse ADnex 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 We are pleased to confilD1 oW' understanding of the services we are to provide Calhoun County, Texas (the "County") for the years ended December 31. 2001 through 2003. We will audit the general purpose financial statements of Calhoun CouIlIY. Texas as of lIIId for the year ended Deceinbet" 31, 2001. We IIlIdmtand that the tiuanciaIstalemems will be pre!ellTed in accordaaee with the financial reporting model in effect prior to that described in CASe Statement No. 34 for the yfttS ended SeptClDber 30, 2001 through 2002 an4 in acc:ordance wi!h GA.<;B Statement No. 34 for the year ended September 30, 2003. Also, the document we P'"l''''''' will include the following additional information that will be subjected to the auditing pI'OC'lCiures appliod in Our alJd;t of the general pwpose financial S!lltCments: Our engagement to provide audit services for the fiScal )'eaIS cndod December 31. 2001 through 2003 is subject to an annual review of our satisfactory perfotmance I. Scbedul.. of expeuditureS of tederal awards, 2. GASB required. supplementary pension iDfomration, and 3. Coml7iniDg .r.ae.""IItS by ftmd type. iJldividual fund or account group statements. supporting scbedules included within the County's comprehensive annual nnam;ial report (CArn). The document will also include the following additional information that will DQt be Mj~t to lhe auditing 1'fO'Cd\ll'C$ applied iD our audit of the gtneral purpose financial statements, and for which our auditors' report will di.sc~"" an opinion: I. COllll%y Auditor's i~ letter. 2. Tables inchldcd in the statistical section of the County's CAFR "adil Objedives The objective of our aodit is the ~iOll or aD opinion as to wh<:tlrer yout goenera1 purpose financial slatI:ments are fairly pruentel!, in all maU:ria1 respe<:l1i, ill comonniry with accoun!ing principles generally accepted in the United States uf America, 8lId to report on !he .IlIirmlss of the additional information refmed to in the fitSt paragrlltlh when considered in relation to the general. Ilurpose financial statemems taken as a wholc_ Tho: objective also iacIudcs reporting on- . """"' (8"/ aE6-9989 ~ ArnerlclIll'lIN:lSll,lNl ~ cer~r,w ~.-.r:ClClUnbrftS TeqaSocietrf:JI~"'bIlc..ACClCU.r"IUln. """(817)88"~ 165 e e e e e e Calhoun County. Texas April 25. 2002 - Internal control related to the fi11lUlcial statements and compliance with laws, regulations. andllle provisions of contIllc1s or grant il8'=eDl$, noncomplialll:C with which could have a material effect on the finallcial statements in accordance with Governrrumt Auditi"K Sturu.kvd.. lnlemal control related to major Progl3IlIS and an opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) on compliance with laws.. Rgulaticms, and the provisions of conlIllclS or grant agrcemenlS tbat could have a direct and matuial effect on each major progr.un in accor~ with the Single Audit Act Ame:ndmQlls of 1996 and OMB Circular A-13:l. Audil.. uf States, Local (imlemmffflls, and Non- Profit Organ/;altoflS. The reports on izrtems.l control and compliance will each indude a $latcmc:ntlbat the JqX)rt is intctldcd for the information and US<! of management, federal awarding apcics, and if applicable, pass.-through entitics. Our audit will be conducted in ,"Oldance with auditing standards gcnc:rally aa:epted in the: Unitc:d States of America; the $tandards for finaacial a~ co<dained in Guvernmeffl Auditing Standards. issued by the Comptroller Gc:aaal of the United SUW:s: the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996; and the provisions of OMB Cimllar A-133, and will include: tests of accounting n:cords. a dclermiDation of major program(s) in accordance with Circular A-133, and other procedurcs we COIlSider nGoe "'"I to enable us to e:xprcss sw:h an opinion and to render the RqUi~ IqlOtlS. If our opinion on the gcncral pw:posc financial statements or the Single Audit compliance: opinion is othcI' than lIIIqualified, we will fully discuss the noasons with you in ad..ancc. If, for MY reason, we are ullllble: to complete the audit or aN unable to form or have nOt formed an opiniOll, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a rqxm as 11 result of this engagement. Muagement Respolllibilities Management is responsible for es1ablWUng and msintaining intema1 control and for <:omplianl'C with the provisions of contracts, agrcemenrs. and grants. In fulfilling this rcspollS1bility. estimates and juclgtnem$ by llIllDlIgement are rcqllired to assess the expected benefits and related costs of the controls. The objectives of internal control are to provide lDlIIIlIl:emlll\l with n:asoaabIe, but nut absohlle, assurance that assets at<: safeguarded agai""1 loss from lIII&ut1wrizeci use or disposition, that tranSaCtions are cxCl;Utcd in accordam:e witb JDaIIlIgement's authorizalioas and recorded properly to petmit the prepamion of I._etal purpose financial "'..""'_s in ac:eordanl:e with generally ~cpted accounting principles, and thax fed.:ral award plOgrams are managed in compliance with applicable laws and r"l.'IIlations and the provisions of conlJ8CtS and gram agreements. Management is responsible for making alllinancial TIOCOrds and reJaled information available to us. We understand that you will provide us with such infonnation requin:d fOl" Ollt' audit and tbar you ate rcspoasibJe for the accuw:y and completeness oflhat infonnation. We will advise you about appropri= ac:counting principles and their application and will assist in !be preparation of your fillllDCial statements, including the schedule ('If ~ of federal aWlllds, bat the responsibility for the fllWlCiaI statements temains with you, That responsibility includes the eslablisbment and mainte.oanee: of adequate reoords and effcc:tive internal control over fUlllncial ~porting and compliance, the scllX:tion and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is lCSpOllSiblc for "4ustinn the fmancial s"ffrni Ir mrm IllIiIiII mi~iillliIllmnn nnl1 fnr mnfinninJ rn 111 in fir '';:JJlo;c:n~f,m t",""," lnat UHP 01W0t!) or An}' 'UAeO~c:tcCI mlUtatcm.c.DU .a.a&i....a-.l l"y u. Uu&i~ lbL: 2 166 Calhoun County, Texas April 25,2002 e =ellt engagement anel pataWllllto the latest period pn:semcd ar~ immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate. to !he general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. AdditionaUy, as required by OMB Cin:u1ar A-133, it is management's respollS1bility to follow up and take coneclive action OIl reported audit fllldings and to prepare a summary schedule of prior audit findings and a eorrective actiOll plan. Alldir Procedures.-Geueral An audit includes "~..,;n~ on a 11:51 basis,. evidenc:e supporting tile amoUIlls and disclosW'eS in the linanc:ial sr.au:mems; therefore. our audit will involve judgment about the lIumber of trall$BCtions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perro"" the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assarance about whether the finllftcial SUltcmCDl$ = fia: of material misstatement, whClher caused by error or fraud. As required by the Single Audit Act AmcndmClllS of 1996 and OMB Circalar A-I 33, our audit will include 1est aftllUlsal:tiO!lS related 10 major fcderaJ award programs for compliance with applicable laws and teguIations and the prcMSiODS of contracts aud grant agreements. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance and because we will not perform a detailed exemination of all traJlsactions, Ibm: is a risk that material errors, fraud, other illegal acts, or noncompliance may Cll:ist and not be detectccI by us. In addition, an audit is not designeclto detect immaterial errors, fiaud, or otha' iIIc:ga.1 acts or illegal acts thuI do not have a diJect eff= 011 the geoeraI purpose fillllllCial statements or to major PI'vl;I....s. However, we will infurm you of BUY material eml<S and my fuwd that comes to our a=ttOIt. We will also inform you of any other illegal acts that come to our attention. unless clearly inconsequential. We will include such matters in the reports required for a Single Audit. Our ~nsibility as auditors is /imited to the period covered by our audit a%ld does not _ extend to maucrs that might arise during any later periods for which we are llOt engaged as auditors. .- Our procedures will include tes1S of documentary evidence SIlpponing the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include lC:SlS of the physical e:xistence of ilMmlOrics. and direct lXlnfumation of receivables and cenain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors. and fiIIanciaJ institutionS- We will request written repteSelItatiODS from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this iDquiJy. At the cvnclusion of our audit, we will also requii-e certain written l'CprelSentations from you about the financial S1lIrement.s and related mattCtS. Audit Pl'OC:ed~"'~a( Coll1rols In p1aJUJing and perfonning our audit, we will consider the inTmIal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to detmDiDe the =. timing, and extl:IIt of OUl' auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing out opinions on the Couaty's gcne:al purpose financial statements and on ils compliance with requiremeurs applicable to major Jl1'OgntnlS. We will obtain an undemanding of the design of the relevant conWIs and whether Ibey have been placed in operation. and we will lL~ eoIIlrOI risk. Tests of controls may be peri'onned to test the ~ of c:enain contrOls lhat we consider re~ T9 ~liIll: mil lIctcl:1ine I':mlr.\ lITlI! mum !bat are III3teriaI to the gene<aI purpose financial ~'b and to p....~..ti"l! and detcl;ling rnisstaTetIlems resulting Uom illegal ~ and other oonc:otllpliau= matters that have a direct and material effect on the genenU pulJlOSe financial slatemcmlS. Tests of controls relative to the g=eral purpose financial sratcmeDts are required only if control risk. is assessed below the l1WIimum level. Our tests. if pmfom>ed, will be less in scope than would be ncccssary to reoo.:r an opinion on intemat comro1 ~ e 167 e e e Calhoun County, Texas April 25. 2002 lInd. al:cordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on intemal control Wued pwsuanl 10 (joverrrment Auditing Stalllkrds. As n:quired by OMB Circular A-13J, we wi1\ perform tms of controls to evaluate tlte effectiveness of the design and operation of controls t!Iat we COI15ider relll"ant to pn:venting or det""t.ug material noncompliance with compliance requin:melllS. applicable to each major fede<al award program. However, our tests will be IcSli in 5CQpe tban would be necessary to render au opinion on those controls and. accordingly. no opinion will be e>:pn:ssed in our report 011 intcmal eontrol issued pursuant to OMB Circular A-J33. An audit is not designed to provide ~ on ink:mal control or to identify repoItablc conditions. However, we will infOl'lD the govemiDg body or lWdit commitlce of any ~ involviug internal control and its operation that we consider to be tepOl1llble: conditions under standards established by the AmerlcaD Instirme of Certi.tied Public A~llIlllIIItS. Reportable ~OZI.S involve mauers coming to our attention reIatiag to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the inIema1 comrol that, ill our judgmc:nt, could ~scIy affect tlte entity's ability 10 =on!. prvcess, summarize. ami n:port financial dala co""i~'tent with the assertions of lIWIllgement in the gcn..r.l! purpose financial slatemcnts. We wi1\ also inform you of;my llQtm:pol1llbIe conditions or other matters involving intmlaI contrOl, if ;my. as tajuired by OMB Circular A-133_ Audil Procedu.--Colllpliance Our audit will be conducted in ~ with. the SllIJIdards rcfen-ed 10 in the section tilled Audil Objectives. As part of oblainiog rcasouable assuranl:e about wbetber the b'CllCtal pwpose financial statements are free of material misstucmenl, we will perform tests of the County' s compliance with applicable laws aud lqlIIlations and the provisions of contIllcts aDd agreements, including grant agreements. However, the objective of those procedures will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will 1101 express such an opinion in our report on compliance issued pursuant to Guvernment Audiling Stant.larrk OMS Circular A-133 requires thai we also plan and pcrfonn the audit to obtain r~le assW'lll1ce about whctber the auditee has complied with applicable Ia~ and tegtllauOIlS aDd the provisions of COnll'aC1S and gr.ml agreements applicable to ll1l!ior PJOgrams. Our procedures will COfISist of the applicable procedures descnlx:d in the OMB CimJar A-133 Canrp/i(Ql'", Supplement for the type$ of compl.i.ance reqwrements that could have a direct and mllteriaI effect of each of till: County's major plogi.....s. The paxpose of those procedures will be to express an opinion 011 the County's compliance wilh requirements applicable to major prolJr'4IDS in our repon on compliaJlce issued pIIm18IIt to OMB Cin:ular A-l33. Audit AdmiDistraIioa. F ea, and Other We u.udeIst:md that your employees will p<epan: all cash, atcounts receivable:, or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. At lhe conclusion of lhe en~ent, _ will complete Ihe appropriate ~01lS of and signlbe D8f8 Cclleclion Form thai $UII1IZW'iz.es our audit findittp. We will provide lIl1 original and print-ready master of our reports ... the COUQty; ~, it is m_.nt'~ te$pon.oibility ... $UbnJil the: rcponiD& pa~ 4 168 Calhoun County, Texas April 25, 2002 e tillCluding financial stltemenl5, schedule of ~tures of fedcIaI awards, sWllll1'8lY schedule of prior audit findings, auditors' reports, and a corrective action piaD) along with the Data Collection Fonn to the designated fe:clctal clearinghouse lIIllI,. if approprilllc, to pass-through entities. The Data Collection Form and the reporting package must be $llbmitted within the: =lic:T' ono days after m:eipl oflhe auditors' reports or nine months after the end of the lIloldit period, unIC$S a longer period i. agm:d to in adva)lCe by lhe cogWzant or oversight ~ for audilS. AI the conclusion of the engagement, we will provide infonnatiun to management as to when: the fll!lO"ing pae:kages shou1d be submitted and the number 10 submit. The workpapers for this engagement are the property of Rutledge Crain &. Company, PC and constitute confidential information. HQWe\'ef, _ may be re<JIICSlCd 10 make certain workpapen available to a gllIDlor agency pumIlIIlt to alllbority gi\lllll to it by law or regulation. ll" requested, access to sue:h woikpapers will be provided under the supervision of Rutledge Crain &. Company, PC personnel. Furthem1on:, upolI request, -we may provide photocopies of selected workpapcrs to a grantor agCllcy. The grantor agency may intend, or dcQde, 10 distribute the photocopies or intOrma'tion contaillCd therein to others. ineludiDg other ~mental ageocies. The workpapen for this engagement will be retained for Il minimum of five years afte:r the dale the auditors' report is issued or for any additiollal period rcqucstcd by the County's Ovasight Agency for audit If we ate aW3l'e thal II tederal awarding agency, pass-tIlrougb entity, or auditl:c is COntlOSting an audit fmdiag, we will comacr the party(ies) c:ontestiDg the audit fmdillg for guidanc:e prior 10 destroying 1he 'l'lWkpapers- We expect to begin our audit on apprw;........y lwre 3, 2002 and to issue our reports no later tIi8n August IS, 2002. Our f= for lhcsc services will be at our standard hourly sares which we have estimated will not exceed $20,700 includingS2,S7S for preparing and printing lile CAFR. Our standard hourly rates val'}' according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience level of the petSOlUlCl assigned to your audit. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progr=cs and ate payable on presentation. In accordanl:e with our firm policies, work may be suspeuded if your account becomes 30 days or more overdue and may not be resumed until your account is paid irl fuIllf we elect to tenninate our senicc:s for llODl"')'ment, 0Uf eugagcment will be deemed to have been completed even if we have not completed Oil!' report. Yau will be oblilli't<:d to colllP""'....~ us for all time e"pended and 10 reimbwse us for all oul-<<-pockct costS through the date of termination. The above fee is based on anticipstccl cooperation from your personnel and ~ assumption that UDcxpccted cin;umstanc:es will llot be encoUlltered during the audit. If signitiQ/lt additional time is ncccs53iY, we win cIiscuss it with you and atrive at II new fee estimate before we incur the additional costs. e Government Auditing Sllmdatds require thai we provide you with a copy of our most =t quality contrOl review report. Our 1998 peer review NpOrt accompv.aies this letter as Auachmcnt A. We appreciate the oppol'lUllity 10 be of service to Calhoun CountY, Tt!lClI.S lIfld believe this letter aceurately summarizes the sigJtificanllerm.< of OW' engagement. If you have my questions, please let us know. If you agJCC with the terms of our engagement lIS described in tlris letter, please sign tlte CIIclosed copy and return it to us. V7Jtruly~ f( ~ c.-.... - * t-rc. J.1t- s e 169 Calhoun Cowrty, Texas e April 25. 2002 e e RESPONSE: This lcll.er correctly sets forth the understandiag of Calhoun County, Texas By: Title: Date: 6 170 Allacbmcot A Quality Review Report: ~-'-Cl'jIl-- CERALD D. NELSON. P_c. CD'm'IIDfWUt' 4C:COWfT.l'f1' M(:..aa~ caMfIlUGAP. nus,,,,,, .17......., rQ:",""4JC~ I'-MAJL:...... 8..1:::.--r-'" WACOODlCl! _w. HWY. ...SlJI1'Ii"2 _co.. l'IirAS 7WU ....- e Jan....E7 2', In, To tile Sbilrellolde~ Ratledge. Cl'a1n , ~7. P.C. 1 IIaYe revtewd tile syatM of qllaltty contzol f~ tbe K1:OlDIting and auditlnq prKtlee of IoU..,.,.. cralll 'COIlPMY. P.C. Itlle firal in df...,t for: tlle}leU endft 8eptellber 30. 1"'. A ays1:n of q....Ut:r CGlItr:ol ~es the flo'.. ot1JanlUtlOMl .truet"". ..ad tM policies adopted aflll pr0cc4lZnS establ1l1he4 to provide It Vlth rllllsollOible _lIraaee Of COll(llying witll profeasional staAaudB. fte el_"t.. of qval1ty control are dUCl:ibcd 10 tile Stateaenta on OUllty COIItral SUll4arc1s .!lSlIe(I by tIl. ~lC3n Institute o! e..:tlfied PlIl1lic lIl:cOllnUIIU (AICPA). TIle deSlCJII of the .)'Stea alld cOlIIpllance vitI! I t are tl>e Z'Il5POII8UllIlty of tile f1l:.. Ify r"~lb1l1ty Is to une... an oplalon 011 tile deai'Jl'l ve tile systea. alld tile fita's capUanee vitll the 1I"te. beaed VA 111' r,..,lew. Ily nvI... &6 ClllIbcted I. ac:cor4lDce "Ita atMOirrds elItabUslIed II)' tile Peer levle" 8o&l:d of the AlCPA. 10 pedoral.q w:r ,.vl.." 1 vbtalaed an UJldcrsAlldllllJ Of the !I~ of quaUty contrvl for tM Ura'. acclNntll1'l ucJ u41tlAg pncUce. III oddltlOIl. 1 tuted cOIIIPUallCe llltA tile ura's 'lull ty cCNltrol polIcIes and proc:.ctares to tile exteDt J considered ..ppr:opdete. 'lit..... tests covered the appliQtlo," of the fir.... poltd.. aad pcocedut.. on s.lectelS e"'JD9_Db. kcaue lIlY review - _Ii OD selective testa. it _ld DOt ....c.llSullr dIsclose dl _tile...... 111 tile "ystea vf Ilualltr colltnl o~ all iutanee. of lac); vf e_11a_ vitls it. lecause tlIere an inlle%_ l111itatl_ t. ue effeetl_ of "111' .pUoo of qual1ty collaol. depututes frlla tbs 81'lJM IIiIY occur alld DOt lie eteetecJ. Jl1S0. (l%o1,"10n of allr eYolllllilt101l of a 5JStea of quaUty cOIltrol to flltllre p.dool. is svb~ect to tIlo! ~1sk tbet tile .)'!It.. of q....lity <:aatul 5Y IleeooIe 11l8ftquate beea_ Of c:~ I" condltl_. or beea".. the de~ee of COIIPlla_ vltll the polleies or procodures lilY deteriorate. III II}I opll11oll. tile llystea of quality cOllt,ol flU: the aceODlltinq end ....,Utlnq practice ot 11It~. craIn , CPlCNtIlJ'. ,.C.. III effeet for tile )ear Well Septubu 30. 1998. _ betll de:si9M4 to _t tile rcqainanta vf the ql18l1t:y eontrol st.tlldards for an accooatllllJ e04 e04ltlq practice ..t_Usbe4 by tile AlaA aIld ,.. c:vlIPlIed with 4UlJIq tile YNr then elided to novl4e tbe fino witb r.asonab~ assatenee of COIIPlyi'''J sUb \ltofesslo081 st.tDducls. e ~-_."i>.#'~ ~~ IlBULD D. IIILSCII. P.C. e 2002 COUNTY SALARY ORDER VICTIM COORDINA TORILIAISON AMENDMENT REGARDING CRIME This agenda item was passed to May 9, 2002, THE NUMBER 16 WAS OMITTED ON THE AGENDA. 171 e e e APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the minutes of January 24, 2002, January 28, 2002, January 31, 2002, February 14,2002, February 21, 2002 and February 28, 2002 be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor Arlene N. Marshall County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pc!. 3 Roger C Galvan Commissioner, Pc!. I Kenneth W, Finster Commissioner, Pc!. 4 Michael 1. Balajka Commissioner, Pc!. 2 Rachael Crober Deputy County Clerk USE OF COUNTY BUILDINGS AT FAffiGROUNDS The Court discussed scheduling problems of buildings at the County Fairgrounds. It was suggested buildings not be rented out during the weekdays and the Courts should have precedence. Commissioner Finster suggested a temporary amendment be put in place for this. Amendment of the rules will be put on the agenda for the next meeting. CALHOUN COUNTY RURAL RAIL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT - APPOINTMENT / REAPPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to reappoint the members of the Calhoun county Rural Rail Transportation District and designating by a committee member draw; three members will serve a one year term and two members wi\1 serve a two year term and thereafter, members wi\1 be appointed for two year terms, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all w'ed in favor CALHOUN COUNTY RURAL RAIL DISTRICT Name Initial Appointment Term Expires David A. Besio P.O. Box 247 March, 2000 March, 2002 Lolita, Texas 77971 Carl D. Bond P.O. Box 1007 March, 2000 March, 2002 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Cherre Walker Cain P.O. Box 1580 March, 2000 March, 2002 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Allen E. Douglas 408 Washington Street March, 2000 March, 2002 Seadrift, Texas 77983 Robert H. Van Borssum P.O. Box 397 March, 2000 March, 2002 Point Comfort, Texas 77978 172 "FRIENDS OF THE CALHOUN COUNTY MUSEUM" ESTABLISH AND OBTAIN 501 (C) 3 STATUS A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to recognize the ''Friends of the Calhoun Couttty Museum" and to support their efforts in obtaining a 501 (c) 3 status. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VICTORIA CITY-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the County Judge to enter into an Environmental Public Health Services Agreement between Victoria City-County Health Department and Calhoun County. Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN VICTORIA CITY-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (VCCHD) AND CALHOUN COUNTY The Victoria City-County Health Department agrees to provide Environmental Public Health Services to the Calhoun County Department as specified herein: I. Food Establishment Inspection Program (Includes SpeclalfTempofary Events) A. Food Establishment Inspections will be conducted in Calhoun County and the incorporated cities of Port Lavaca, Point Comfort, and Seadrift in accordance with local regulation and state regulation. e B. Food Establishment Applications, Bills and Permits will be issued by VCCHD. C. Permit fees will be paid at the following locations: I. Port Lavaca food establishments submit payment to Port Lavaca City Hall. 2. Point Comfort food establishments submit payment to Point Comfort City Hall. D. Renewing Permits 1. Port Lavaca food establishment permits will be located at Port Lavaca City Hall to be issued upon payment of annual permit fee. 2. Point Comfort food estabiishment permits will be located at Point Comfort City Hall to be issued upon payment of annual permit fee. 3. Calhoun County food establishment permits will be issued by VCCHD annually. E. Heimlich Maneuver posters and copies of Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER) will be provided by VCCHD to Calhoun County Health Department to be sold at a cost of $2 for the poster, $5 fOf the TFER, or both for $6. This revenue is kept by Calhoun County. F. All food establishment program records will be kept at VCCHD. II. On-Site Sewage Facility (OS SF) Program A. OSSF Inspections will be conducted in Calhoun County in accordance with local regulation and state regulation. e B. OSSF Applications, Inspections and Permits will be issued by VCCHD. C. OS SF Permit fees will be paid at VCCHD. D. All records will be kept at VCCHD. E. Monthly OSSF reports will be completed by VCCHD and submitted to state regulatory agency and Calhoun County auditor. III. Additional Inspections/Investigations 173 -IV e e A. Daycares and Foster Homes under Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services licensure. B. Public Swimming Pools and Spas C. Schools D. Enforcement of Texas Health and Safety Code, Title 5, Subtitle A, Chapter 341, "Minimum Standards of Sanitation and Health Protection Measures". E. Assist with Mosquito Surveillance. All Environmental Health Program information such as applications, guidelines, brochures, etc. will be provided by VCCHD to Calhoun County Health Department, Port Lavaca City Hall, Seadrift City Hall, and Point Comfort City Hall for availability to residents. VCCHD will provide water sample containers and forms but will not transport water samples. V, Monthly OSSF Report will be submitted to the Calhoun County Treasurer by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. VI. Quarterly Program Services Reports will be submitted to Calhoun County Judge, Calhoun County Auditor, Port Lavaca City Manager, Point Comfort City Mayor, and Seadrift City Manager. An Annual Program Services Report will also be submitted to the above officials. In executing the services, the Victoria City-County Health Department acts as the agent for Calhoun County. Calhoun County shall reimburse the Victoria City-County Health Department at a fee of Fifty Four Hundred Dollars ($5,400.00) per month due and payable, in advance, on the first (1 st) day of each month. This agreement shall be valid beginning ,2002. Either party may terminate this agreement with thirty (30) days written notice. Signed the day of ,2002. CALHOUN COUNTY VICTORIA COUNTY Arlene Marshall County Judge Helen R. Walker County Judge PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FOR BIOTERRORISM- GRANT APPLICATION Dr. Bain Cate explained the grant application for local public health preparedness and response for bioterrorism Calhoun County is eligible for about $50,600 for FY 2003 through this grant according to the County's population. Dr. Cate said no matching funds were required by the County, This will be a three-year agreement for $50,600 a year. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize the County Judge to act on behalf of Calhoun County to sign the grant application for local public health preparedness and response for bioterrorism to the Texas Department of Health. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 174 e e e Grant Application and Worksheet for Local Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Overview This document is the grant application and work plan for local and regional health departments applying for Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism funds, It is based on the critical and enhanced capacities set forth in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (eDC) Cooperative Agreement for Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism (www.bt.cdc.gov/Dlanning/cooDagreementaward).Itis the intent orTexas to align our efforts closely to national bioterrorism assessment and planning efforts. This document consists of four parts: Part I: Background Information on the for Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Funds (pages 1-4 in the pdffile); Part II: Grant application and worksheets for the rapid assessment of each ofthe major focus areas, description of grant-related activities, timeline, deliverables and budget (pages 5-46 in the pdf file version); Part III: Overall grant budget comprised of information from each of the focus areas (pages 47 - 48 in the pdffile version); PartlY: CDC suggested activities to build the capacity for public health preparedness and response for bioterrorism (pages 49-54 in the pdr file version). Part I Background Information Purpose of the Funds The Texas Department of Health announces the availability of funds to upgrade local public health jurisdiction preparedness for and response to bioterrorism, other outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies. Eligibie recipients may request support for activities under the following focus areas. Regardiess of the number of focus areas for which support is requested, recipients must complete worksheets for all areas and clearly demonstrate how capacities will be achieved. The contract term for funds will be June 1,2002 - August 30,2003. All contract activities must be comoleted bv AU2ust 30. 2003. Funds will not be available for carry-over OUfDoses. A. Preparedness Planning and Readiness Assessmeot: Establish strategic leadership, direction, assessment, and coordination of activities to ensure statewide readiness, interagency collaboration, local and regional preparedness for bioterrorism, other outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies. lJ:l ~ B. Surveillance and Epidemiology Capacity: Enable state and local health departments to enhance, design, and/or develop systems for rapid detection of unusual outbreaks of illness that may be the result ofbioterrorism, other outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies. Assist state and local health departments in establishing expanded epidemiologic capacity to investigate and mitigate such outbreaks of illness C. Laboratory Capacity-Biologic Agent: Ensure that core diagnostic capabilities for bioterrorist agents are available at all state and major city/county public laboratories. These funds will enable state or major city-county laboratories to develop the capability and capacity to conduct rapid and accurate diagnostic and reference testing for select biologic agents likely to be used in a terrorist attack. INITIATIVE TO BE COORDINATED WITH BRUCE ELLIOT, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, (512) 458-71 II, x7760 D. Laboratory Capacity-Chemical Agents: Supplemental funds to support this Focus Area are not available iNITIATIVE TO BE COORDINATED WITH BRUCE ELLIOT, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, (5l2)458-71II,x7760. E. Health Alert Network/Communications and Information Technology: Enable state and local public health agencies to establish and maintain a network that will: a. support exchange of key information and training over the Internet by linking public health and private partners on a 24/7 basis; b. provide for rapid dissemination of public health advisories to the news media and the public at large; c. ensure secure electronic data exchange between public health partners> computer systems, and d. ensure protection of data, information, and systems, with adequate backup, organizational, and surge capacity to respond to bioterrorisrn and other public health threats and emergencies. F. Communicating Health Risks and Health Information Dissemination: Ensure that state and local public health organizations develop an effective risk communications capacity that provides for timely information dissemination to citizens during a bioterrorist attack. outbreak of inrectious disease, or other public health threat or emergency. Such a capacity should include training for key individuals in communication skills, the identification of key spokespersons (particularly those who can deal with infectious diseases), printed materials, timely reporting of critical information, and effective interaction with the media. G. Education and Training: Ensure that state and local health agencies have the capacity to: a. assess the training needs of key public health professionals, infectious disease specialists, emergency department personnel, and other healthcare providers related to preparedness for and response to bioterrorism, other outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies; and b. ensure effective provision of needed education and training to key target audiences through multiple channels, including academic institutions, healthcare professionals, CDC, HRSA, and other sources. - e ~ I'- -rl 2 e e e e Elieible Recivients All 254 counties in Texas will receive benefit ofCDC Bioterrorism Grant funds to build public health preparedness and bioterrorism response capacity. All eligible recipients will be governmental entities. These recipients are encouraged to subcontract with members of their local public health system to enhance their local preparedness and response capacity. Participating and non-participating local health departments that carry out the following services Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 121.006 Local Public Health Reorganization Act are eligible recipients. Eligible recipients should offer: (I) personal health promotion and maintenance services; (2) infectious disease control and prevention services; (3) environmental and consumer health programs; and (4) public health education and information services. In addition, eiigible recipients must also provide a majority (6 or more) ofthe Ten Essential Public Health Services (as suggested in the CDC Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Cooperative Agreement, State and Local Collaboration Section). Texas Essential Public Health Services (Section 121.002 (I), Texas Health & Safety Code) 1. Monitor the health status of individuals in the community to identify community health problems. 2. Diagnose and investigate community health problems and community health hazards. 3. Inform, educate and empower the community with respect to health issues. 4. Mobilize community partnerships in identifying and solving community health problems. 5. Develop policies and plans that support individual and community efforts to improve health. 6. Enforce laws and rules that support individual and community efforts to improve health. 7. Link individuals who have a need for community and personal health services to appropriate community and private health providers. 8. Ensure a competent workforce for the provision of essential public health services. 9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services in a community. 10. Research new insights and innovative solutions to community health problems. 3 r-- r-- 'f'"'I e e e .. :;'o~g:nc= (1looog= 0'" ;.;;- C (i" ~ .., Sl ::.: O::t 0'". ~ 0. 0 '=-'" 0 0 ., (ll 3 0 :1. U'J '"1 0 (.fl r.n p;I (j ~""o3~Q ..., (t) ..,,, Q. = g Vl g 2. ~.= r.nO_::r-...._ 3 :::I - 0 0'-' (1l ~ .., Vl I"tI tOI=.,g-olZlrn "'<: :::r .., c :::r og~o-~ :::r -, _..., _. o r.n 0 (1) :::l o 0.: :::l c;l I)Q ~ (tl ~ 1r p) 0" g, 5.. 0 :. c..s-cr::a o (11 (1) :::I (1l :::t _. (') (;'l3 ::l a 8 n c,l o C'D .., ::z. c. S-3e:gg <1l ~:::I en c,l 0'" _. a 0. - o g (tl _.0- a.ll,)o.~o <D - ~ p;I a.. .., cr _. ~ (1) ....0 ;." .., ::I C c,l:;:: tl:I g, g :::I :::;: 3 c,l .., o..:::r o ~ ::r 9. :::: ..," ..,:r ('tI 0'" n 0 ~ ? S. g ,; (:;' g;e.:a:::o _ c,l ..... cr 0 o' 0 ~ ~ '"1 ~ Q PJ :r- Q --5.0:::1 ~go~~ ~ E..~.::r' c,l . 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'" og.~"2S-"'" n"O Et:4t'1l 5 '"' c,l cr -.I)Q ..., :i ::t ::::-: S. a (Il '< 3 ~ -g ~ 03. o <1l ............... 0 ~ ::I ::I .....:r'::I ..........OQ~oa ""'O"Tl~-~o.. g. C - 0 3~ _. _::I 0 ("l n: n' ~ ~ a ~ ~ :t~;:g-~~ Cl...,<1l:::.:-Gfl ~ (') ~ ..... -.0 .....0;::;'=r3~ =r ~ ::::r 0. _. ~ "'t:I::I 0..('1) (;"0 n: ='('1) "g c....,.... _('1)"'0...,_..... v Gfl ~ ..... 0 ~ ~ So ~ 3 Q _. 8..a3g-= ::I::::rgc;;--g~ ~ ~ ....." 0- ("l Gfl <:. (') -..... ~ 0 ~ g n' ~ :::I 0..::r'::I ::::r ~ 0.. 0 <1l ..... ('1) <: :::I Gfl ..... ~ ::r- ::0 0 ('1) a ;::;' n' ~.....~.....:r':r' "'0 :r::l 0 I:Il (') o~o..;4('1)o ::I ~ I:Il :i"::;! c ~ ~ 3 OQ (i' a ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~. ..., n (')..... Gfl ~ ;: if .;- a ~. o <1l ~ C C ::J 0" tl:I :::s :=:cro ~. =I ;:::" 0 ....' :r ..., g:r:gg.gn! .....0..0 ('1) _cro 3 .g 2' Eo g: g' -'::1 " ;;- 0 0" ::s 3 ..... 3 ; ~ :;. Cl Q 0 ':t, <: tl:I ::I ~ 0.. -< ('1) ..... ..... 0 ('1) ('1) ..... (')~""Ui"...,=r 0::;....._('1)0 S == g- :r as. 2 ...,. CJ' ~ ~ 8 "'0 -:<= ('1) 0 ~ ~ 0.." 3 --. ~'g~~Q g:g.~::o S.~~g3 o ..... cy ~ ('1) o..o~-~ o~~~s- ;:. Gfl 0 0 ('1) "scr"i;fg. "9 ('1) 5.' 0 ~ -0.. -" CJ's- ::I ('1) ~oS-~Q ::J ..., ('1) n _. l1> .2. ::;' g ;- e. ('1) -g ..... :I. S-~o-'<P ::I _ ('1) ~ d 0.. o' e; ::J 0.3, n! g- "Gfl (ii' 8 ~ a ~ (ii' "Gfl 0 s- 2 tl:I ~ a (') 3 ::I _. ~ 0"' 0 e: st."O C'Ci :E o _ ~ ..., v :::r':=" n 0 " ,;-~'9.,2 :.: I:Il ~ 8 ::::s - 0 <: ~ _. c ~ :=;:::1 ..... ~ ~ :::r' ':t.~ .....-:;.('\)0 :r' 0 ('\) Gfl ('1) 02<-=:::I g; -(ii' ~ 8 C' ~ o' :::; ::; :::I a = 0 ~ ~:r~9~ Commissioner Balajka said he was contacted by Fire Chief Raymond Tennison concerning a county-owned pumper truck used by Station #2 which has several problems. Taker #1 truck is unsafe on the road, has bad tires, is badly rusted in several places, is hard to start, has a leaky tank, has improper emergency lighting. Chief Tennison does not want to get rid of it but he would like to purchase a new one through a lease contract. Ninety nine percent of its use is by the County; the City will not use it. Tanker 3 I is more for water supply outside of fire hydrants. It not in use, firefighters will have to wait for Point comfort, Seadrift, and Port O'Connor to assist in fires at the beach. Commissioner Galvan suggested it be brought to his precinct barn for whatever repairs they can make and he will make recommendations back to the Court. He will also contact City Manager Gary Broz on the matter. " ::::: ~ -= " .. " '" >< ~ '" 0- " .. ~= " 0..0 s= " '" o t"' ~ ::r: ~~ o o '" " ~ :;:. " .:; ~ o -0 " " " :;:. " 2' " 0.. ~ -. ~ ,; 0 ,,~ ::to ~ 3 ~ " ~ 0::; ~ _. :.Q " 0 ~ -, pre- ::1 " .: " '" 0 " " ~ " ~ '" o ~. :::' E: (ii' ~ (j tI (j ~- " " 0.. >-l tI :r: ~- S. " a ;;- ~ ;;- " 178 APRIL 2002 YOUTH ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH - PROCLAMATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to proclai~ .the month of Apri~ 2002 as A!cohol Awareness Month in Calhoun County. CommIssIOners Galvan, BalaJka, Floyd, Fmster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e APRIL 2002 YOUTH ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH u_',_' _,.._u'. _ ..,; WHEREAS, the lives of too many young Texans have already been lost and too many others jeopardized to ignore the problems associated with illegal underage drinking; and, WHEREAS, illegal underage drinking significantly contributes to health problems, health care costs, crime, violence and other serious problems in our County; and WHEREAS, curbing juvenile drinking and driving while intoxicated (DW1) violations tit are two of the most important issues facing our community; and WHEREAS, education and prevention initiatives introduced through the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission's Project SAVE (Stop Alcohol Violations Early) are intended to decrease the problems named above; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County is committed to wotking for the prevention of alcohol use by our Youth under 21 years of age and joins state-wide initiatives that draw attention to this effort; NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court, do hereby proclaim the month of April as "YOUTH ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH" in Calhoun County. We also call on all citizens, other govemment agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, hospitals, and schools to promote awareness of the problems associated with illegal underage alcohol use and to seize this opportunity to establish s afer and healthiernonns regarding alcohol use by young Texans. Together, we can stop alcohol violations early. We must do it now, not later! e Michael Balajka, Co Precinct Two Kenneth W. Finster, Commissioner Precinct Four H. Floyd, Commissioner Precinct Three 179 TEMPORARY ANIMAL SHELTER IN PRECINCT #1 - SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the "temporary animal shelter" in Precinct #1, Inventory #620-0001 as salvage. Precinct #1 will complete demolition work In discussion, Commissioner Galvan stated he wants to take this off the insurance roll. He also gave permission to Mark Daigle with the Sheriff's Department to temporarily house some stray sheep there. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e MOTOROLA SPECTRA RADIO AT PRECINCT #4 - TRANSFER TO MAGNOLIA BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to transfer a Motorola spectra Radio (at Precinct #4 office but not on Precinct #4 inventory), Model No. T83GXA7HA9A.K, Serial No. 67IARUOOI8 to Magnolia Beach Fire Department. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 1985 HYSTER COMPACTOR IN PRECINCT #4 - DECLARE AS TRADE-IN A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to declare a 1985 Hyster 612B vibrating compactor, Serial No, BVI71CI754F as trade-in. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ITEMS IN VARIOUS DEPARMENTS - SAL V AGE/SURPLUS A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to declare the following items numbered 29 through 38 as surplus/salvage. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e 29. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Emergency Management assets surplus salvage: Asset No. 406-0093 Asset No. 406-0025 30. Discuss and take necessary surplus/salvage: Asset No. 495-0058 Asset No. 495-0048 Asset No. 495-0064 Asset No. 495-0084 Programmable translator, Model No. 26700 16 Frequency Radio, SyntorX Model No. T73KAJ04BK action to declare the following County Auditor assets Cassette recorder Calculator PCFund Software Fundware Software 31. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Adult Probation Department assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 570-0031 Asset No. 570-0037 Asset No. 570-0013 Asset No. 570-0011 Asset No. 570-0015 Asset No. 570-0018 Asset No. 570-0025 Asset No. 570-0026 Asset No. 570-0048 Asset No. 570-0052 Asset No, 570-0049 Asset No. 570-0064 Asset No. 570-0067 Asset No. 570-0069 e Shelf unit Couch Adding machine (broken) Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair (broken) Shredder (traded in on Asset No. 580-0093) Adding machine (broken) Typewriter (broken) . VCR (broken) Coat station Desk 150 32. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Extension Service assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 665-0027 Asset No. 665-0029 Asset No. 665-0033 Asset No. 665-0175 Asset No. 665-0195 IBM Selectric III typewriter Computer and printer Computer Computer Microphone e 33. Discuss and take necessary .action to declare the following Health Department assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 635-0060 Asset No. 635-0052 Asset No. 635-0046 Asset No. 635-0 I 00 Asset No. 635-0101 Asset No. 635-0 I 04 Asset No. 635-0156 Asset No. 635-0160 Asset No. 635-0161 Asset No. 635-0164 Asset No. 635-0170 Asset No. 635-0179 Chairs (in storage) Metal bookshelf (in storage) Canon CP 1008D calculator (in storage) Canon Model BP 1210 calculator (in storage) Desk light (in storage) Typing table (in storage) Cash register (in storage) Computer (in storage) Epson LQ-IOIO printer (in storage) Computer (in storage) Fax machine (in storage) Computer (in storage) 34. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 454-0018 Asset No. 454-0028 Asset No. 454-0035 Asset No. 454-0019 Chair Metal rack with shelves Typewriter Typewriter e 35. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 456-0009 Asset No. 456-0040 Desk Typewriter 36. Discuss and take necessary action to declare Port O'Connor Ambulance Department assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 524-0040 - Two radios 37. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Port O'Connor Fire Department asset surplus/salvage: Asset No. 547-0039 - Encoder (does not work) 38. Discuss and take necessary action to declare the following Tax Assessor/Collector assets surplus/salvage: Asset No. 499-0097 Asset No. 499-0071 Asset No. 499-0020 Asset No. 499-0198 Chair Chair Cabinet Computer e EXTENSION SERVICE - JP #3 - JP #4 - MONTHLY REPORTS The Extension Service, JP #3 and JP #4 presented their monthly reports for Marsh, 2002 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said reports be accepted as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted itt favor. 181 DONA nONS TO CALHOUN COUNTY FOR BEACH CLEAN-UP A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept donations from Formosa for $5,500, $10 from Johnny's Used Cars and $40 from Texsun Construction to Calhoun County for the Beach Clean up, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. I Ie I BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - REVENUES - DISTRICT ATTORNEY - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS - JAIL - SHERIFF/JAIL - COUNTY AUDITOR - ELECTIONS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - WASTE MANAGEMENT - R&B PCT #4 - SHERIFF - MOLD REMEDIA TION CAPITAL PROJECT A motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the following Budget Adjustment be approved. Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor I BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: REVENUES DATE: 4117102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 112,816 APPROVED APR 2 5 2002 e 182 , BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: DISTRICT A TIORNEY DATE: 4/17102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 Total for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED APR 2 5 2002 e e 183 GL ACCOUNT NO. 1000-XXX-51940 110 140 150 170 180 190 200 210 250 260 270 350 380 410 420 430 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 710 720 760 780 790 1000.360-60640 e 3 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 4122/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 ACCOUNT NAME-WORKMENS COMPENSATION DEPARTMENT NAME EXTENSION SERVICE LIBRARY MUSEUM BUILDING MAINTENANCE JAIL OPERATIONS COUNTY AUDITOR COUNTY TAX COLL~CTOR COUNTY TR~ASURm COUNTY CL~RK COUNTY JUDGE ELECTIONS H~AL TH D~PT WASTE MANAGEM~NT COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW DISTRICT CLERK DISTRICT COURT JUSTICE OF PEACE PCT 1 JUSTIC~ OF P~AC~ PCT 2 JUSTICE OF PEAC~ PCT 3 JUSTICE OF P~AC~ peT 4 JUSTIC~ OF P~AC~ peT 5 JUV~NILE COURT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ROAD AND BRIDG~-PCT #1 ROAD AND BRIOGE-PCT #2 ROAD AND BRIOG~-PCT #3 ROAO AND BRIDGE-PCT #4 CONSTABLE PCT #1 CONSTABLE PCT #2 CONST ABL~ peT #3 CONST ABL~ PCT #4 CONSTABLE PCT #5 EMERG~NCY MANAG~M~NT FLOOD PLAIN ADMINISTRATION HIGHWAY PATROL SH~RIFF CRIM~ VICTIM ASSISTANC~ V~T~RANS S~RVIC~S INDIGENT H~AL THCARE CAR~ OF INDIG~NTS 4 17 2 171 164 8 7 4 11 5 2 28 76 9 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 13 270 309 157 467 5 5 5 5 5 3 1 2 492 1 1 APPROVED APR 2 5 2002 (2.272) LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR 2001 ADDITIONAL WIC PREMIUM Total for GENERAL FUND o -a_. .1d_''''' ~~'{~~~ NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET .' o 184 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ACCOUNT NAME PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES PRISONER lODGING-OUT OF COUNTY JAILERS WORKERS COMP ADJUSTMENTS MEAL ALLOWANCE TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 185 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 2.458 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (2.458) (781) REQUIRED BY PAYROll 781 30 (30) o APPFIOVED APR 2 5 2002 e L( e e e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-180-51650 1000-180-51965 1000-760-51650 1000-760-51965 1000-001-43175 JAil S.T.E.P. WAVE GRANT PAY BENEFITS PAID BY GRANT SHERIFF S,T.E.P. WAVE GRANT PAY BENEFITS PAID BY GRANT REVENUE FEDERAL GRANT-S,T.E.P. WAVE 165 38 1,102 250 (1,555) Total for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET APA 2 5 ~ s 186 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 187 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 121 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (121) o APPROVED APR 2 5 2002 e (y e e I BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST AMENDMENT AMOUNT 1.413 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (PENDING REIMB, FROM (1.413) ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT FUND) e e o o APPROVED APR 2 5 2002 188 e 'is BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 189 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 2,057 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (2,057) o APR 2 5 Z002 e e ~--'-----.'._'---"---'-'--."-ll ~uDGET- AME~MENT REQUEST'li .~--'-'~~-----_.-'_---o-_~==_=,J g I e-~'O: CalJ:oun County ComrnLS8JOnerS I Court E rum: ---Lt)cviL-~~W1L-l__.__u__ <gepart.men:: making f:'i~is request) APPROVED -- APR 2 5 2002 Date: ~q,OL___ I request af) amendment to the -~a7,_u budget: ,year; following l~ne items in my department: tor the GL Account ;ij; -----------.~- -----------------.~ ------------- ---------------~--- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ~kom..c_j 2ID__la.3~ -~--- =-~= .~_._----! -----.---------- ------.--,...-- --------- ---.-----.----.-.---- --..----.------ --.----1 --------------- ------.----- --~-'----,_._~_.-._,- -----.-; ._-~--_.__._~--"._.- ._-~----_.._---- ..---..------------ _.._-"..._--_._---~--- -.---..---------- ---~---_._--_. -------,-----~-_. ------'---'---' ------- Net change i4 total budget for this department is: Other remark~/justification: $ -G- ====:.::=::;::;;:;::::::::.::::::::: ._-~--------<------~-'-_._-----,_._--,----------_._----------~~_._--------- I urlderstand that my budget cannot: be anlended as requested until Commissioners I Court. approval is obtain.ed. Signature of :official/depdrtment head; _..P~_~____.._ Date of Commi!ssioners) C\)u.rt approval; ___0..__-._.---..------------ --._'_._------------_._,~--,-- Date posted to General IJedger account{s): e - lS0 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Totat for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET APA 2 5 2002 191 e /0 e e ! / BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: SHERIFF DATE: 4/24/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 Total for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET APR 2 5 2002 e e 192 ,. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Total for FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUOGET APPROVED APA '5 ~ e 193 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions. REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25/02 BUD207 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25/02 (II p~t2,) Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND REDUCE BUDGET TO REVENUE STATE T ABACCO 112,816.00 ACTUAL AMOUNT SETTLEMENT RECEIVED 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR REVENUE FEDERAL GRANT-S,T.E.P. 1,555.00 GRANT WAVE 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND POST AGE REIMB. BY DA REVENUE MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 57.00 HOT CHECK RESTITUTION Total GENERAL FUND 1,612.00 112,816.00 1000 5210 4/25/2002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD lNCREASE TO ACTUAL NO DEPARTMENT RECOVERIES-INSURANCE 149,990.00 REMEDrA TlON ADVANCE ACCEPTED BY COMM.CRT 4/11/02 Total CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD 149,990.00 0,00 5210 REMEDlA TION APPROVED Report Total APR 2 5 2002 151.602.00 112,816,00 D.le:412410203A~_07PM e e Page:l 'lj' C"l ...--1 e Date: 4f24102Ol:4S:SIPM Page:] l!) ~ ...-i CJ:) ~ ~ APPROVED CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25 2 BUD207 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25/02 APR 2 5 2002 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Tr":'lsaction Description DeptTitle GL Tit! Increase Decrease 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANS-PENDING ELECTIONS ELECTION JUDGES & CLERK 1,413.00 REIMB. FROM ELECTION CONTRACT FUND 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMlUM-2001 ELECTIONS WORKMENS 2.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 HEALTH DEPARTMENT WORKMENS 28.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT CLINIC DRUGS 2,057.00 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 2,057.00 1000 412512002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR INDIGENT HEALTH CARE CARE OF INDlGENTS 2,272.00 200 I ACTUAL ADDTL W /C PREM. 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-lOOI WASTE MANAGEMENT WORKMENS 76.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVERTISING 50.00 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER WASTE MANAGEMENT LANDFILL CLOSURE 50.00 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADOTL PREMIUM-200l COUNTY COURT -AT-LAW WORKMENS 9,00 ACTUALPAVROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 DISTRICT CLERK WORKMENS 8.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM.lOOI DISTRICT COURT WORKMENS 3.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4125/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 JUSTICE OF WORKMENS 2.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL PEACE. PRECINCT # I COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2DOI JUSTICE OF PEACE WORKMENS 3.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL PRECINCT#2 COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 JUSTICE OF WORKMENS 2.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL PEACE.PRECINCT #3 COMPENSATION 1000 4125/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMlUM-2001 JUSTICE OF WORK MENS 2.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL PEACE-PRECINCT#4 COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM.200I JUSTICE OF WORKMENS 2.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL PEACE-PRECINCT #5 COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM.2001 JUVENJLE COURT WORKMENS LOO ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 DISTRICT AlTORNEY WORKMENS 13.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND POSTAGE REIMB. BV DA DISTRICT AlTORNEY POSTAGE 57.00 HOT CHECK RESTITUTION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 ROAD AND WORKMENS 270.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL BRlDGE.PRECINCT #1 CO~ENSATION 1000 412512002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-200l ROAD AND e WORKMENS 309.00 e - ACTUAL PA YROLL BRIDGE-PRECINCT # COMPENSATION Dale: 4f24/02Ol:45c51PM PaQe,2 e __ CALHOUN COUJ'iTY. TEXAS At-'t-'HUV Unposted "ransactions . EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25/0 " 7 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 4/25/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Decrease -~ --- 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 ROAD AND WORKMENS ACTUAL PAYROLL BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES 714.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND WORKERS COMP 714.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 ADJUSTMENTS 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 ROAD AND WORKMENS 467.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 90,00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERYIEQUIPMENT 90,00 BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 REPAIRS 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 CONST ABLE.PRECINCT # I WORKMENS 5.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 WORKMENS 5,00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 WORKMENS 5.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-200l CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 WORKMENS 5.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM.2001 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #5 WORKMENS 5.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-200t EMERGENCY WORKMENS 3.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 FLOOD PLAIN WORKMENS 1.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL ADMINISTRATION COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 HIGHWAY PATROL WORKMENS 2,00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR SHERIFF S.T.E,P. WAVE GRANT PAY 1.102.00 GRANT 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF MEAL ALLOWANCE 7,00 tOoo 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 SHERIFF WORKMENS 492.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR SHERIFF BENEFITS PAID BY GRANT 250,00 GRANT tOOO 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 7.00 COUNTY 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-2001 CRIME VICTIMS WORKMENS 1.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL ASSISTANCE COMPENSATION 1000 4/25/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDTL PREMIUM-200l VETERANS SERVICES WORKMENS 1.00 ACTUAL PAYROLL COMPENSATION DlI1C: 4n4lO2 OJ:45:51 PM Pagel i" tJ) 'l"'1 ~ ;0 ~..., ~ ~ -..., (')." " " NO N N 00 o c '8 O~ 0_ ~O ~ 0 0 0"- " ~ " il ..., 0 8 11: ::: am i'i ~ l?!~ ~ '" " ~ ~ ~ '" '" ". 0 0 " 0 0 N N e fii(') ;0(') ;0(') 0 ." m;;; ~?; gJ c E:~ 0 s:_ ~ m..., m..., m- Ol ;! a,. S2F: a:;! ;;; s:r ,. S:r r " ...,." ...,." ...,." ." -;0 -;0 0;0 ~8 ~e zB '2 01 01 01 a (') ~ (') ..., ..., s: s: s: 0 0 0 r r r a a a e >- > -0 -0 -0 ::0 :0 '" U'I 0 ~ < m 0 0"" ....., .,,0 "'0 ,.", 25'" ac N" ;;8 -< '" zm F (')..., r 01;0 '" 01 ,. s: ." ,. ." Z ;0 0 a < 01 01 ;0 a z z 0 0 a a m 01 ." ." ,. ,. ~ ;0 ..., s: s: 01 iz1 z ..., ..., ;:: o r a ;0 m ;:: 01 a ~ o z ,. a C '" ..., m '" '" '" 01 '" :S (') IJi 5' ~ ;;: :;; " ~ ;;: ~ '" ~ 0 v. '" '" '", 0- '" '" ~ '" 0 ~ 0 '" ~ <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 0 0 0 0 0 a " 0 " '" '" ~ . '" '" 0 .; '" '" w 0 w <0 Co <0 0 0 0 e 1i' " ~ o r 2 " ~ ~ ~ o. o a " . q -i" 15 o c 0 ~ ~ " ~ OJ OJ C c ~ a~ NO 0- ~::' " \? OJ 0 C " t: 8 ~ 15. <3 01 " ..., ~ ,. 01 8 a ?;J C 01 '" '" 6~ ..., ;:: 1 >=< B~ '" C"" ." ~ ,. 0 ;::'" '" 01 '" Z N ..., '" '" 0 ." N 0 '" ~ '" '" 0 N 198 ACCOUNTSALLOWED-COUNTY Claims totaling $549,468.87 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL Claims totaling $3,101,074.73 for Hospital Operations were presented by the county Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL INDIGENT HEALTHCARE Claims totaling $64,169.35 for Hospital Indigent Healthcare were presented by the County. Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION Commissioner Floyd stated he met with Kathryn Ray of Ray Associates, Inc. last Friday to discuss the contract regarding the county position and salary study. Connie Hunt commended the Sheriffs Office on the task force at the beach area. e Judge Marshall mentioned change in the Minutes after they had been approved by the Court. She said the changes had not been authorized, for example, the January 14, 2002 Minutes. Commissioner Floyd stated that all changes were done prior to the Court's approval of the Minutes. She said she would check on that. Judge Marshall said the Court was invited to dinner at 6 P.M. at the Exhibit Building on Saturday prior to the goat show. Judge Marshall said she received a letter from Officer Ruben Hernandez resigning as Code Enforcement Officer and asked for input on having someone to do code enforcement. Commissioner Galvan said he would like to see the Sheriff's office take complete control of code enforcement. Commissioner Floyd said he had a call from someone who said they had been informed by the Judge's office that the commissioners would be responsible for that. After more discussion of the problems with code enforcement in the county, Commissioner Floyd suggested putting the issue to be discussed on the May 91h agenda in a closed session regarding personnel code enforcement including Ruben Hernandez. Commissioner Floyd asked about the letter regarding indigent care the Judge was to send to the funeral homes and cemetery associations. Judge Marshall stated she had sent the letters but had no replies as yet. Commissioner Floyd said he would tell the cemetery association inquirer to price the cost for services, etc. based on the attachment you had put with the letter. e THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 12:25 P.M. 199