2005-01-27 Regular January Term Held January 27, 2005 THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i e BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 27th day of January, A.D., 2005 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse In the Oty of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court to-wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. BalaJka Nell E. Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Prednct 1 CommiSSioner, Prednct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Oerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. HEAR REPORT FROM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: The Memorial Medical Center monthly finandal report was presented by Jamie Jacoby, CFO. Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, reported that they have received a grant from the Hospital Auxiliary to replace televisions In all patient rooms and they also plan to update the emergency room entrance as well as the dining room area. Buzz stated that the hospital has not replaced room furnishings in years. Judge Pfeifer wanted to express his appredation to Mr. Currier for a Job well done last year. e I I MEMORIAL ~~en~a~:L e ~~~~~ (361) 552-6713 CFO REPORT JANUARY 2005 I will primarily focus on the year-to.oote information since December 3 I is the end of our fiscal year. Cash: The operating account bas a balance of $1,373,002 at year end. This is a d= of approximately $200,000 over the prior month. This is due to a repayment to Medicare of $285,294 for the short year cost report period ending July 31, 2004. This repayment also increases our deductions from revenue for the year. However, this is an increase of approximately $460;000 over December 31, 2003. e Accounts Receivable: Our AIR is at $4,798,858 which represents 46.42 days of revenue. This is the least amount of days in receivable we have had in at least a year. Fixed Assets & Lease Obligatiolis: There is an increase of $826,000 in fixed equipment. This is recognition of the CT scanner leased in March. I booked the asseland the offsetting account is capital lease. Revenue: Total operating revenues are $36,812,603. This exceeds budget by $887,952 and the prior year by $1,771,178. Net revenues are $19,062,055. This exceeds budget by $226,237 and the prior year by $567,27.0. Deductions. from revenue as a percentage of revenue are almost identical to the prior year. However, if the last five months (critical access) are segregated from the previous seven months the percentage of deductious decreases by 5.6 percentage points. It is my hope that in 2005 we will see deductions as.a percentage of revenue more in the 45% range, rather than the nearly 51% percent that it is for 2004. If the lower percentage is realized this will have a significant impact on net revenues, and also net gains: Each one percent of deduction is approximately $368,000. . I., 5'77 Expenses: Total operating expenses are $17,392,749. This is below budget by $1,101,460 and below the prior year by $265,589. Non-operating expenses show a significant increase in depreciation over the normal month. This is due to the recording of the CT scanner and the related depreciation expense for ten months. There is also a current month prior cost report settlement amount of $170,880 due the hospital. This is because the audited 2003 cost report shows a receivable due from the intermediary. We have not received this payment yet; it is recorded as income, and a third-party receivable. Net Gain: The bottom line net gain for the year is $156,331. This is the first positive bottom line for thehospital since 1998. I want to remind you that these financials are subject to audit and that potential audit adjustments could change the bottom line. Sincerely, 5'78 e e e e e e Data Ingenix Premier, Inc. Advantage , Corp. 4.424 Sample 1,753 Sample 380 Sample MMC Thru December 2004 Variance Against Mean Percent Variance Against Mean Gtii~jjS_!l;\~_\~"~~t~.i~ifi~.;i'Ji.l?~ Excess Margin . 5.70% 5.11 % 4.20%. 8.76%. 3. ?6'l1'. ?5.0~.!<> "'~'~'N'~,!:i':_"lIifl>llit'''''''L__ . "'~""'''''"li_'''M:I''''WJ,~''i:ll~1ii\lil!li!ii511i1i :'~~1!~~~~~#~~~ ,"" ,,-~~~';;';%~MH~~, Cash on Hand (Days) 47.07 64.10 n/a 29.22 (26.37) -47.43% ~~~~~~~~j~!~-~ NPA-;;g.-P~ymentPeriOd( 65.43 48.10. . n/a" . 24,92 . (31.85) 56,10% .Wi"'''M",g'''~6i.~ -'-'i%\'iIJ!-"'~""iii>~l'tl!'li{j"iO""'iI'li_""~,"WI'~0:'l1~~""s,FiJll1l1'iiil!I\l,!l;~ii'ik (.}';fg~~,ffl!t~:t~!8L~tt,\~i!i~~~~>\l't~~'~~~:--;:i~f;"J."i\/'~'~;\f'"X!;I'~{-'~~t~, Capital Expense 6.64% 6.40% 6,90% 6.93% 0.28% -4.26% perating Margin: This profitability indicator shows the income derived from patient are operations. Profitability indicators measure the extent to which the organization is ing its financial and physical assets to generate a profit. xcess Margin: This measure goes beyond the operating margin to include all sources of income and expenses. Other sources of income besides those from patient care operations have become increasingly important to hospitals. urrent Ratio: This liquidity indicator shows the number of times short-term bligations can be met from short-term creditors. Because it provides an indication of the bility to pay liabilities, a high ratio number is one way short-term creditors evaluate their argin of safety. ash on Hand (Days): This solvency indicator measures the number of days an rganization can pay its cash operating expenses if none of the accounts receivable were olIected. This liquidity indicator shows the minimal survival period ofan organization. Days: A measure of the efficiency of the collections ftmction A vg. Pmt. Period: A measure of how efficiently an organization pays its bills. vg. Age of Plant: Indicates the fmancial age of the fixed assets of the hospital. The Ider the average age, the greater the short term need for capital resources. A measure of the capital structure and the degree of flexibility an t have in raisin ca ital. 5'79 Median CAH Texas 2002 Median CAH U.S. 2003 MMC Variance Current to Texas Variance %to Texas Variance to U.S. Variance %to U.S. ~tit_iS\liM~Bm~~lll Cash Flow Margin (2) 2.34 3.51 5.94 3.60 153.85% 2.43 69.23% l&~lJ.1'If"~1i~._~ Days Cash on Hand (4) 16.05 48.32 28.81 12.76 79.50% 19.51 -40.38% ~~~~~i'~lI OP Revenues to Total Revenues (6) 68.08 66.70 68.09 0.01 0.01% 1.39 2.08% '~~MIt~~~~~~~_ Medicare IP Payer Mix 77.23 79.02 57.40 19.83 -25.68% 21.62 -2736% ltt!ll"~~__~m-:___.~~ Medicare OP Cost to Charge 0.63 0.58 0,36 0.27 -42.86% 0.22 -37.93% llL!&~.1ii-~~~_~~1i~IlA~W___~ Salaries to Total Expenses 42.66 44.06 41.42 1.24 2.91% 2.64. 5.99% l&.,.~.....~. ~ '~"."'i ",' ,-g>tn ." , '_ _'._,:, "_ .... _ -.',.' _', '...n ,,' ~.. ,',., ". " ", c-,", _. - "__' " ;, ".'~"-'.:".'..'~ ..' ",', .. .....-. "",.... .,~' :,'.. .. --'.:- .. -.... :-- .... :.~.. (1) Net income/ Total Revenues (2) Net income-(Contrib., Depree., Interest)/Net Patient Rev.+Other Inc.-Contr., Inve.&Approp. (3) Current Assets/Current Liab. (4) Cash Balance/Exp. Per Day (5) Net Pat. Rev.lDays in Period (6) Total OP RevfTotal Pat. Rev. (7) Contr. Allow+DisclGross Tot. Pat Rev c:.n CJj o e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY DECEMBER 31, 2004 OPERATING REVENUE 19,062,055 LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES (17,392,749) 1,669,306 e CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- 33,103 (Incr) Decr Accounts Payable- (17,401) I ncr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (22,816) (Incr) Decr Inventory 4,222 (lncr) Decr (2,891 ) TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (lNCR) DECR 1,666.415 PLUS: Depreciation 1,155,201 Cost Report Settlements (357,774) 2.463,842 e PLUS: County Subsidies Hospital 0 Total Cash- 2.463,842 Incr (Deer) LESS: Equipment Purchases (970,381 ) NET CASH- INCR (DECR) e 1,493,461 1 581 . CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS . COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, DECEMBER 2004 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEM ORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING $1.577,752.12 .$1,935,02&:55 $2,139,778.55 $1,37].002.12 MEt.rlORlAL 17,446.70 22.17 0.00 17,468.87 RESTPJCTED DONATION 13,837.36 1/.58 0.00 13,85494 fNDIGENT HEALTHCARE 4,078.49 120,829.11 123,027.49 1,880.11 TOTALS Sl,6lJ,U4.6? $2,055.897.41 $2,262.806.04 $1,406,206.04 BANK RECONCILIATION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS: CHECKS BANK FOND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BAL4.NCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 1,373,002.12 0,00 468,826.86 1,841,828.98 MEMORIAL 17,468.87 0.00 0.00 17,468.87 RESTRlCTED DONATION 13.854.94 0.00 0.00 13,854.94 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,880.] 1 0,00 154.22 2,13433 TOTALS $1,406.206.04 SO.OO $469.08t.08 $1.875.287.12 2 58,2 e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAV ACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT DECEMBER 31, 2004 e YTD YTD YTD REVENUE CONTRACTIJAL WRITE-OFF NETRBVENUE NAME MONTH YTD AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT APOSTOL, C.F. 477.28 315,558.75 79,022.81 18,933.52 217,602.41 69% WILLIAM, G .A. 63,544.97 938,307.86 199,304.12 56,298.47 682,705.27 73% UN, M.S. 147,975.19 2,079,452.27 738,928.0J 124,767.14 1,215,757.13 58% SMITH, J.K. 119,802.12 1,216,943.07 378,584.99 73,016.58 765,341.50 63% CHEN 0.00 126,069.60 52,070.36 7,564.18 66,435.06 53% MCFARLAND, T.R. 281,393.87 2,840,515.83 809,902.3J 170,430.95 1,860,J82:57 65% GRlFFIN, JEANNINE 17,051.68 209,609.26 17,898.30 12,576.56 179,134.40 71% BUNNELL, D.P. 323,313.13 3,520,172.94 1,452,391.61 211,2JO.38 1,856,570.95 53% NIRATSUWAN 56,722.98 657,551.74 J6J,953.28 39,453.10 456,]45.35 69% ARROYO-DlAZ, R. J62,146.36 2,574,557.73 J,J 13,706.29 154,473.46 1,306,377.98 51% GJLL 0.00 507,981.40 337,610.22 30,478.88 139,892.30 28% WILLIAMS, W. 0.00 279,070.55 43,IJ8.99 16,744.23 219,207.33 79% CUMMINS, M. 55,214.01 502,740.88 126.296.90 30,164.45 346,279.52 69% RUPLEY, M. 12,074.47 206,178.44 44,597.98 12,370.7J 149,209.75 72% LEE, J ] 00,604.27 J,074,400.07 360,814.17 64,464.00 649,121.89 60% CROWLEY, W 119.544.52 739,096.14 0.00 44,345.77 694,750.37 94% STE]NBERG, R. (3,773.56) 106,622.26 22,540.06 6,397.34 77,684.87 73% RAMOS LABORATORY (14,J85.64) (63,911.59) (2.463.31 ) (3,834.70) (57,613.58) 90% VISITING PHYS]CIANS 332,575.42 4,914,976.75 ],06J,841.0J 294,898.61 3,558,237.] 4 72% ER PHYSICIANS 516,684.04 6,774,967.65 ],126,511.50 406,498.06 5,24J,958.09 77% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 36.12 13,663.69 4,685,08 8J9.82 8,158.78 60% e OTHER 967.103.66 7.278,077.9] 766,116.75 504,372.84 6,007,588.32 83% TOTAL 3.258,304.88 36,812,603.20 8.895,431.43 2,276,444.36 25.640,727.41 70% 3 e 583 II (I 2 IIIllOlliL lIIDlCAL CIIIID !AL.\lICBsml AS Of, 12/11/04 ms T1AR LASI T1AR LASI 110m 12/31/04 1l/ll/03 11/10/04 t'UGI!l' ASSZTS ClSll OPUlIll!GrDND l,m,002.11 m,5lB.53 1,571,152.11 e llIPllSICASIIACCOUllI 5',000,00 5,000.00 5,000.CO PErl! CASll 625.00 525.00 525.00 IIHP .OHD PRDCmlS .00 .00 .00 KKP rOSPITll. pomeN .00 .00 .00 HS-.tt!C'l'!D ro!l1TIOII' 13,891.54 13,H5.37 13,876.96 IDIP lORD smDl'G FDllD/IN'l'EREST lUI lUl 36.21 .....--........ _....un...... ......n.....__ ~OnJJ ass........... .................. 1, ~S2,SS7 .!"I m,9tS,ll 1,591,290.29 ACCOOMS UClIVlBL! PATlmT ACCOmrrS DCEIVlBLE L79I,m.50 4,e3U61.DB 5,330,9&8.11 ALLCIANCB POI BIJl DDT (1,210,359.00) (2,321,192.00) (2,511,753.00) PL.\ZI. SPlCIlLrY cr.MCS DC!IVAW .00 .00 .00 nse ACCOUNTS UClIVABLE lii,i18.14 191,250.19 213,llUl mRIl pAlIrr UcmABIJ m,296.00 2BO,19l.00 IlBl.DOI I1P WI!'! .00 .00 .00 -------..._--.- __un.....____ .......n..___. TOtAL ACCOUNTS llCEmBLl... .........,.. 3,Oil,m.14 MIl,7lUl 3,052,l1l.13 ImRTDmS L\DIlILOGY - -FILM a,lll.U 6,601.01 4,103.78 WOJA'roRY 73,312.05 67,091.78 111,1l9.70 CIIiTI/J, SUPPLI ll,116.l1 lS,m.68 1l,11l.03 S1lRGnY 137,530.01 162,995.16 IH,orJ.48 ,mID 8,568.83 9,BBi.88 8,m.OS 1IAIIlmWIC! l,285.71 l,m.ll 3,217.77 Pll/JOO.CY 1IO,656.l8 1ll;l99.21 llJ,701.61 _non_h._____ -.....-......-. .....n........ TOTl1 IliVEIl'lOII......................... 465,850.l8 410,072.81 501,506.12 PRlPAID mDlSES e PIIPAID mSURARCE l!,14U5 23,15l.76 56,712.60 pmAlO IDIlISES 22,111.36 35,H8.9O 53,825.31 __""0"__.... ___n...___n__ ......n....... TO'XlL PREPAID mERSES.................. 7l,m.71 53,103.60 116,531.31 TOTAL CURREll'T ASSETS...... .. .,.,........ 4,1lI,32UD i,5il,m.OS 5,270.509.4.1 "...:..."'."...".." """lEu".".."..... U:"""""''''':U'''''''' PROPERTY, PLANT, , IQUIPHKIIT IJliJl 32,141.50 32,142.60 32,142.60 BUILDINGS 8,131,744.81 8,837,144.87 8,83'1,744,87 FmD EQUIPMIR'l' 3.239,U2.03 2,4.13,482.03 2,413,482.03 MAJOR HOVABLE EOUIPKBHT 10,048,861.51 9,914,220.07 10,042,H1.51 mORIAL M!IlICAL PLW. 900,501.27 !OUOLl5 900,501.27 REPORTABLE BOND ISstLWlC! COST .00 .00 .00 COHSTltJCTION IN PRQGUSS .00 .00 .00. LESS: ACcmrtlIJ.TED DEPRJ:CIATION 115,!Il,i5LS11 Ill,755,25UO) (15,697,397.87) ..........---.. .._....n...... ---......._--.. TOTAL PROPERTY, PLAN'!, " EQUIP 7,1H,277.11 ',33B,S3L92 6,528,934.41 TOTAL mmSTlicnn Assns. . . . . . . ,. 12.11B,605.51 1l,BB1,7SU7 11, 79~ ,443.82 4 e 584 JmlOlm ImJIC11 CENTER BALAlICEBmI ASO',ll/ll/OI !RIS l!.U WllW WlllDll1'S 12/31/04 12/11/03 Jlm/04 CllRRilIT I.WlLITIES ACCOUlt'rS PAYABLE 525,48(.53 W,UU'J lSl,1l1.l5 ACOUlDPAYAlILES lUll.1l lli.001.53 100.m.61 ACC:RIm PAYROLL 254,B39.90 180.151.07 m.Sl5.60 ACCRUEIIRlTIIWlBln' .00 117.211 .00 ACCRUlD STATE sms TAX 8.Bi ll.1O m.Oi e !1lI1ID lARTY PAYABW .00 m,624.00 .00 RITENTIO~.COllmtTC'l'ION IN PROGRESS ,00 .00 .00 ACCRUED VACAT!ON/HOLIDAY/S!C! 310,109.32 m,m,IS m,m.ll CAPITJJ LWBS OBLIGATION .21 116,m.00 216,m.oo l!IIP HOIOS ,00 .00 .00 J!lPOiT.iRIJ: BOND DISCOtlH'!' .00 .00 .00 RaSP OBLIGATION POR BONDS .00 .00 .00 "............. ..-............ ............... fOTAL cunur LillILnIES............... 1,187,415.13 1.810,181.77 1,629,882.79 1llNG no LUBILlms !lHPBOl/DS .00 .00 .00 WNG I"Dll LlASE l,m,m.17 m,m.oo B52,lH.oO n.h__~_n.__. .-.---......... ....-....-.-... lOYAl WNG :rm Lill!1!T!XS.. .. .. ... .... l,m,m.ll m,m.oo m,m.oo TOTAL LIABILITD:S........... ............ 2,760,102.40 1,662,402.77 2,4a2,OO1.79 ........."......... ".."".........,,.. .""............ RRTAIllXD LWmlGS GMlli PmID BA11NClS 9,222,172.20 12,160,600,45 9,222,172.20 YW-TO-DATI GAIN/LOSS 156,111.00 IUll,m.lSI IS,IIS.1l .-......----... n.....~....... ..n._n....... TOTALGB!IiB.AL FllHD BALANCE.............. 9,378,5113.20 l,216,576.20 9,317,442.02 .""............ ..".."..."...... ""............. TOTAL DNRBSTRIcm LIABILITIES.. .. " . . . . 12,138,605,SO ll,m,m.ll ll,m,HI.ll .......""...."..... ."............: ..""...""...... RESl'Rlcm _ ASSYIS e IIEl!OlUAl _ 11,468.87 11,m.IS 11,m.l0 POlUIDSA TRUST SlJ,m.u SlJ,m,u 511,m.ll ..n......__... .......-....... ..n______..... TOTAL lBSTRIC'l'ED rmm ASSITS............ 551,106.18 550,1l6.l6 551,084.l1 "...."....."..... ................ ".."."......... RESTRIC'TEJl FUND LIABILITIES RESmCTID _ WINCE 11,468.Bl 1.051 l'J,44UO PORHOSA TRUST BALAliCE SlJ,m,ll 511,617.tl 511,617.tl .".n........_ _.n.....n..__ ...-.-...--.... TOTAL lESTRICTID TOND LIAB.. . , 551,10..28 SlJ,m.11 m,Oll,ll .........u'..'U"UI: :u.u"......... .:::........... 41 5 585 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For thlll12 Months Ending December 31. 2004 Page 6 586 41 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 12 Month. EndinG D8C11h'lbEir31,2004 SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO. DATE Current l3udgel Prior Year CUTTenl'YTD BudgetYTD PriorYiD Operating Expense e Sal,ries 647.260.89 616,169.23 579,412.55 7,204,217.68 7,274.259.00 7,109,726.03 Employee Be nefits 130,141.85 153,095,97 309,479,26 1,631,789.77 1,807,520.00 2,178,914.88 Prolesslonal Fees 225,270.86 239,139.39 211,299.55 2,519,078.42 2,870.674.00 2,587,957.88 Plant Operation 34,620.03 34,780.19 39,889.23 505,828.74 416,650.00 411,649.68 Hospital General 87,724.48 50.583.28 64,393.87 692,239.39 607,000.00 614,093.7.1 Other Operating Expenses 229,163.68 464.242.76 71,090.91 4,839,595.34 5,518,106.00 4,755.996.06 Total Operating Expense 1,354,181.79 1.558,010.80 1,275,365.37 17,392,749.34 18,494,209.00 17,658.338.22 (1,101,459.66)1 (265,588.68)1 Net Operating Gainf(Loss) 107,237.88 38,959.34 325,031.75 1,669,305.80 341,608.67 836,446.58 ':, Non.Operating Expense Depreciation 217,056.70 126,932.50 557,196.62 1,155.200.80 .1,523,190.00 1,940,948.83 Cost Report Settlement (170,880.00) 0.00 0.00 357,774.00 0.00 0.00 Contribution to County 0.00 0.00 1,819,522.00 0.00 0.00 1,819,522,00 Total Non-Operating Expense 46,176.70 126,932.50 2,376,718.82 1,512,974,80 1,523,190.00 3,760,470,83 Total Operating Gain/(Loss) 61.061.18 (87.973.16) (2,051,687.07) 156.331.00 (1,181,581,13) (2,924,024.25) County Subsidy 0,00 0.00 293,365.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Gainl(Loss) after Subsidy 61,061.18 (87,973.16) (2.345,052.07) 156,331.00 (1.181,581.13) (2,924,024.25) e Page,..,. 7 e 587 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF DECEMBER 31,2004 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL . I MEDICARE 1,278,561 201,173 111,545 40,878 168,749 1,800,906 Percent 71% 11% 6% 20/0 9% 38% MEDICAID 391,942 37,789 8,587 11,088 31.914 -c- 481.320 81% 8% 2% 20/0 7% 10% BLUE CROSS 201,601 61,271 31,881 32,724 57,834 385,311 Percent 52% 16% 8% 80/0 15% 8% COMMERCIAL 591,106 260,662 189,398 92,438 298,372 1,431,976 Percent 41% 18% 13% 6% 21% 30% PRIVATE 44,232 158,601 152,526 107,751 236,234 699,344 Percent 6% 23% 22% 15% 34% 14% TOTAL 2,507,442 719,496 493,937 284,879 793,102 4,798,857 Pei cent 52% 15% 10% 6% 17% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 46.42 December 51.90 November 00 c:.n GO Gf) e e e e 9 589 MEMm:AL MEDICAL eEllTER ~EPARTMEMTRL INCOnE STATE~I 1)1115105 09:35 A~ FO~ If[ 12 MONTHS ENOIllG 12J31JI)~ ---- S I ~. L [ KOMiH-- --c----- Y E il .:. i D D ATE ---------_- ACTlJAL DUDGE I YARIMCE %V1l!< AClUAL l\Ue\;EI ~ 'lilRIAMl[ % 'JilR SlltGEJ:I' AlIi:> mOVERY RllOK . R!:'IEIftJE rMf'ATlEHT fl:V!l!I 53.710.00 64,648. )q (11),938.74) (16.92) 61571131.20 763,272.13 (14B,241.JJ3) Cl9..4Zi OIlTf'ATmr I[VEII 143.704.05 173.6S0_01 (29.975.%) (11.25) i75317n1).b~ 2,05l),544.7~ C5lfh56B.09) (25..28) TOTAl RrotlE. 197.414_05 23Br32e.75 (41),914.70) (17 .16) 2,147,007.85 2,l.U3r816..97 (666.S09.12) (23.69) En'EHSES SllLARlIS 42,24B_ 77 527125.49 9,876..72 1B.9q 465..255.08 615,417./}1) 150,161.n 2q_q(l LEASE A1ID mAL 600.73 q,BSq.37 q,275.64 97.53 7r:.03..7e 58,612.00 51,308..22 87..53 o TIlER IDOSES 58r147 .41 Q4,6U_1)1 (g,S36_40) <3(\.34) ,132,121).45 527,315.02 145,185.57 27.53 TOTAL EDUlSES 1ll1,004.91 11)1,620.87 6lS. 96 .60 854r~9.e..!1 1,201,344..02 346.650.71 28..85 - ---- ---------- ---~- ----------- ------~ ---------- II1:T GADMLOSS 96,40)> .14 136.707.8S (4(I,298.7Q) <29.47) 1,292,319..54 1,6121'472.95 <32'),153.41i (19.35) SUlll~1lED RE\IEll1It Kll1lTDlE RE'IIlIIlE 7.800.00 2,395.97 5,404.03 225.54 31,12(1.00 2B, 287.92 2,,832.08 11.1_(11 TOTAL RE\'ElIJE. 7,,80(l.llll 2,3?~. 97 5,404.03 225.54 31,120,,00 28,237.92 2,832..08 10.01 EXf'ElISfS SAlllRlIS _00 .0(1 .IJO .{Ill 118.81 .on (118.81.\ .[10 rrTllt:R IDDlSES .00 .OD .IW .elO 253.95 ~(J(I (253.95) _00 TOTAL EXPlIsEs _0(1 .(1(1 .(l(r .Oll 372.76 _00 C~72.. 76) . Of! ---- ------- --~--- ------------ -------- -------~ II1:T CADl-'lE\lOl 7,,80U,,{I(J 2,39~.97 5,404.03 22S.;t4 3(/1 747 ...2~ 28,287.92 :;,459.32 8.1>9 08S!:iYAiIOlI I1VElIUE RElJOOIE Illf'ATIm o:nmJ 11,880.01) .1)1) 11.880.00 ./JO 33.165.J)J) ..00 33,165.01) .1)(1 Ill1TI'IlI1!l!T IOOl 1,425 .Ol) 19.124.1)6 (17.699 .06) (92.54) S8,131).01) 225,787.E (167,651.::::i (74.25) roTtlL REII!lIlL 13,.lllS.00 19.124.06 <5,819.1)6) CllJ.42) 91,295_0(1 225.737.33 (134.492.33) (59.56) LABOR AND DElIVERY REVfJIU!: Illf'ATIm f<OOIIJ 3,66B.00 11,25u.70 (7,532.70) (67.39) 6.8,036.50 13M3u_86 (M,IK36i (48.m llIlTF'IlTlOO 1in'Eii 53L,~(t 1,412.16 UlBO.66) (62.36) 18,0'1'5.25 16~672.61 1,372.64 8.23 TOTAl. REYBlJ[. 4,199..50 121'062.86 (9,463_36) (66.83) S6.081.75 149,503.47 (63~42L 72) (42.42) ElF'lJISES SlllAAIrS 7,.331..89 17.053_47 9,721.58 51..(10 98,305.42 201,341,(1(1 1(13.035.58 ~1.17 OTIfER !JP!JIli[S 3J'771..2S 2,973..91 (797..34) (26.81) 23,589.56 3:;,143.41 11,55}'.35 32_87 TOTAl!JPElSES 11,103.14 2U,.(t21 ~38 8,\l2~.2~ 44.56 121,894_98 236.484.41 114,S89.43 4S.Q, ---- -------- ------~ ------ ------ ---...-----~ IfET GAlJI/ (lOSS (6,903.64) 0,.364.52) 4611. SB ' ~ (35,813.23) (86.98(1_94) 51,167~11 58.82 U.';'oI 10 590 - 41 DEf'1lRf~ENiii[ - iiifOm:nsfiiTEKENT ')11151.)5 ))9:35I1}1j fOR nu: 11 nOlffils WIll. 121,111)4 ------SI~bLE KO.)H.~--- ----- YEA J, ) 0 D ATE --------. ACTllAl DUDm 1 VRP.IAKCE nAp. ACTIlAL OUOGn I VARIAN[E ~ VAR [EIlTRIlL SUPPLY REI'OOE rHl'mm mou ?;8,O05.66 64,938.73 (26~~33.07) (41.1[7:, 466.>72.81 766,695.95 (:.(II),38.14) m.m ourrAlID!T mOf 5,550.80 15,S%..ll6 (1O,04S.26) (64.40) 104,152.70 104,134;13 (79,981.4>) (43.431 TOTAL REV!J!lJE. 43,556.46 lJO,S34.79 (36,978. HI (45.91) 571),525..51 9>0.830.08 (381),304.57; m.99) EXPElISES SAlJlRIES 1,271.67 2,910.44 1,6,8. n 56.31) 15,06,.49 34,362..00 19,2<)8.51 56.16 IHIIER UPU/5rs 10 ;386 .01 n. ?N.85 23.,88.84 . 69.24 16>,477.52 ,98,673.18 23"5,195..66 58.99 TOTAL EXPD!SES il.,657.68 ,6,61l:i.29 ~,1)27.61 68.22 178.541.01 433,')35.18 154,494.1) 58.76 ---------- -------- ----------- ------ ----------- m GIlIM/(LIlSS 31,8'13.78 43,849.50 (l1r9~1).72) (27.25) 391.984.51) 517,79Q.90 <125,810..40, (14.29> e PHAA1lACY lllID IV 7HERAPV ~VEHUE IWPIllID!T REVElIU 20,916.46 252,12$1.5(1 (28,213.1)4) <11.18! 2,426,525.51 2,976,154.59 (55(l,229..(.!Z) (18.'i1l) OUlPATIDfr p.EVfJI 10~,197.71 122T825~gn (18,::;28~O9) m.OS) 1,.4(14708~.54 1,45(1,137 .(1(1 (46, lI47 046) (3.17) TIlTIlL RrVElWE. 32a,214.17 314,.955.30 (46.741.13> (12.46) 3,S311,m.ll 4,426,891.59 (596,276.48) (13.46) Ul'EllSrS SilLAmS 9,857.40 7.533.26 (1,324.14) <30.35) 112,793.7~ 8a,9~1.00 (23,852.74) . (26.81) PRtlF!SSIOKAL FEE a,45M6 7.916.63 (533.83) (6.74) 96,757.48 95,(1(10.00 (1,751.48) (1.84) W'ElISES 15,.643.26' 49, 7M. 72 34,lI66.4Q 68.53 617,398.17 585.572.07 (41,826.10) (7.14) TIlTIlL EXPOSES 33,.951.1tt 65,159.61 31,.ZOB.47 47.89 836,949.39 T69.513.07 (67.Q36.32) (8.m ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- -------- --------- m CAIH/(LOSS 2?4,263.((\ 309,.795.69 (15,532.66) (5.0D 2,9n,665.72 3,657,318.52 (663,712.80) Cl8.14) (Ifr INfUSIOK TIIERIlf'Y RElIElllIE INPATIDfr i:[\l!J!U .00 .J)I) .1)0 .1)1) .1)0 .1)1) .1)1) .00 OlITl'ATIrIlT i:[1I!J! .(11) .1lJ) .1)1) .1)0 .{l1l .J)J) .V/) .J)ll TOT IlL REV!J!lJE. .1)0 .00 .00 .1)0 .1)1) .OJ) .1)(1 .00 O:rr~ES SflUlms .00 .lIP .00 .00 .1)0 .00 .o!) .1)0 OTHER EXPEKSES .(11) .I}l) .1)1) .1)1) .j)J) .00 .01) .1)(1 roTAl fl/'!J!S[S .00 .1.10 ,(10 .1)1) .1)0 .00 .(1) .1)0 --- ----- ------- ------- ---- ----- KET GIlIM/(LIlSS .1)1) .OJ) .])1) ./)I) ..un .I)/) .Illl .0lJ e 11 e t, 591 ~EllG~IAL IlEDICAL CEllTER DEf'A~TllOOAL INCOIl[ STATEIlENT Oll15/tl5 09=35 AM FOR THE 12 HOmS EllOm 12/31/04 ~--SIHGLE nO#TH----- ----------- YEA R i 0 D I< i E --------- AClllliL BUDGET ! VARIANCE %VAR ACTUAL rrUOID I VARIANCE % VAR EIlrnDrY ~ ~ IIlI'ATlOO RmII 3Q.,,422..(I(\ 26,1'1(1..02 12..281M9l1 Q6.98 457,857.,37 3mh62Cl.% 149,236.Qj 4B.35 allTP1lTlOO r<m 17:i,Z29..50 151,On.4(1 24"H7.10 1~.97 2..202,731.26 1,783,.9.65..24 418,866.02 23.48 TOTAl. kE1/El!E. 213,,651.50 177 ,232.42 36,419.08 20.54 2,660,598..63 2,092,486.20 56u,102.43 27.1Q EXmSrS SAlARIrS 68,,598.97 53,.423.33 (1~,.17~.M) (2S..Q(l) 6n,316.86 63(1,740.00 (61,~6.86) (9.76) f'llOfESSlDllt'll fIT 85,235.52 76,666.63 (8,568.89) (11.m 934,.459 .24 nO,UOCI.(I(1 (14,459.24) (1.57) LIJlSE I REJiTl 1.903.(13 2,(1(/(1..(1(1 96.97 Q.84 21,.(135.01 24,(100.00 2/164.99 12.35 lrTIl!l ElPEilSll 24,,514.84 9,tl29.2B (15,,(l8S.56) (159.98) 1"5(1,932.01 1l1,1l56.79 (39,.075.22) <34.93) e TOTAl. EXf'Efl!:S 180,252.36 141,519.24 <38" 733.12) C27 .36) 1, m, 74!-.12 1,606,596.79 (112,146.33) (6.64) --- ------ --- ------- -------- --------- 1IET GAlli/Was 33.39'J.14 3~,7B.1S G::0314.(I4) ((;.47) 861,84:i.~1 4')~78S9.41 455,956.1(1 112.33 Et PH'/SIClllHS REmur m'ATIOO ~U 277977.2S 121093.63 15,.883.62 131.3> 297,671).25 142,782.72 1QQ,BB7.53 101.47 OUTPATIOO RElf:H 140,.475..75 12l.l163E.25 19,837.51) 16.44 1r6521667."57 1,424,3m.67 228,357.70 16.03 roTAI. iMlIE. 1687453..1)1) m,m.88 35,721.12 26..91 l,940rID .62 1,567.1)92.,9 3Br2'15.23 23.81 Ellam{V IIElIIlAL sUI'm REVOOIE IJIl/'llTIOO i:E\IOOI .(10 .(In .(10 .(10 .(If.1 .(10 .(1(1 .on OUTf'ATlOO RID .00 .(10 .00 ..uo .00 .1)(1 .(Itl .00 TOTIi. RE\!Ell[. .(1(1 .Of.! .(1(1 .(1(1 .00 .(to .00 .00 EXF'ElISES SIlWIES .Oll .(j(! .1)0 .00 .(10 .(1(1 "..00 ..0(1 tEIlSE I kElfT At <058.11) .00 558.11 .00 (756.13) ..IJO 75i."B .00 Olla EXPDrSrS ;0(1 .(1(1 .00 .00 173.85 .00 (173.Il:i) .1)(1 [I1'I1ilIllS:ro'l .(1(1 .(10 .(If.! .0(1 .(1(1 .00 .(1(1 .00 CIlIIIlT'ISIIllSII>Y .00 .f.QI .0(1 .(~I .0(1 .(1(1 .00 .(lU TOTAl. EXPElli'ES (558.11) .(1(1 ?i8..11 .00 (582.28) .00 582.28 .0(1 --- ------- ------- ------- ------ --------- MET GAINI (LltS 558.11 .V(l 55S.ll .00 502.28 .(to ~82.2a .(lU LAllORAlllRV 1 PAflfOLOGV RE\!ElWr IlfNHlOO REVElU 114,225.20 104,231.94 M07.34 9..5B 11216,577.29 1,230,(81).1)5 (14.102.76) (1.14) OUTI'AIIOO ROO( 265,259.48 228,819.20 36,44').28 15..92 3,26,,398.22 2, )1)1,544.77 561,853.45 20.79 roTIIL Il!:VEllIE. 37'),494.76 333,057.14 q6"q~!7.62 13.93 4.479.975.51 3,932,224.82 547,750.69 13.91 EXPEllSES SAillW 45,435.96 45,099.83 <336.13) (.74) 498,267.13 532,469.011 34,201.8-7 6.42 lBISE 1 RElfHlL 3..557..25 '1,750.0(1 1,192.75 25.11 56,389.U5 57 ,000.01) 61il.95 1.117 OTH!l' EIPEllSES 99.892.73 55,201" 96 (44,690. m (80.95) 696,996.61 654,915..81 (Q2.080.8IJj (6.42) roTAL EXPENSEs 148,ll85.94 1JJ5,n:i1.79 (4~,83'4.1S) (41.72) 1,251,652.79 1,244,384.81 0,267.98) (.58) ----- ------- ----- ------ -------- e !lET GAIIt/(LOSS 23/),598.82 223,1)1,1535 2,593.47 1.13 3,228,322.72 21687,840.01 540,482.71 20..11) 12 59,2 e e Ie 13 593 IlfJfllRIllLilEDIClllmm PEl'ARTHEHTAl INCOIIE STATEllEHT 01/15/(~ (f9:3~ Afl FOR THE 12 ~Oi1lHS ENDIH. 12131/(14 --SH.l[ ~ONTH---- ----'---- V EAR T (I n ATE ----------.. ACTUAL OUOttr I VARIANCE %VAR ACTUAL BUDGET i VARIANCE ;; 'JAR killlIOlOG'l f(E\IElIIIE IilWATIEl!T I<BEiW 13,11'l6.00 16,182..32 G.136.>2\ (19.30) 145,35ij..l~ 191,(I~. 73 (q~. 705..58) (23..92) Ol.fTl'AlIERT kID! 11610176..22 !(~I, 179.06 1~,9%.36 1'.96 1,376.776.98 1.182.768.57 194.008.41 16.4(1 TOTAL f<EVE!UE. L.~~Z22.22 116,362..18 12.86.(1.04 11.(15 1,522,127.13 1,373.,&24..3(1 148.302.83 Hi.79 amsrs SALARIES 42,779.78 51,474.15 8,694.37 16.89 547.630.04 607,721..(10 6(1,0%.% 9.88 PforofISSIDlh\l FEE ,,101.8(1 2,5f.l(l.Ou (6(11.00) (24.07) 31,602.72 30,000.00 (1,602.72) (5..34) OTHER EXl"EllliS 2:5,.427..48 13,033.08 U2,394.4rn (95.(19) 189,934.42 1,4,083.64 (3,,8,0.78) (23..26) TOTAL EXmES 71,309.06 67.007.23 (4.301.03) (6A1) 769,167.18 791.010.64 22,643.46 2_3'5 e ------- ------ -------- -------- ------- Ilf7 GAIlf.r(IOSS 51,91:..16 fJ9,354.?5 8.558.21 1?34 1~Z,9S~.9~ 582,013.66 170,946.29 29.37 .UC U'AR I[J)ICM: REI/OOlE DfrATIOO RElEl!U T,162.2S 4,471.85 2,091).43 60.16 104.727.76 52r796.77 51,nl).99 98.36 O/!Tf'llTIOO Ri\J[I! 26,661).50 39.8%.27 (13,235.77) m.m <172.394.68 471,033.42 1,361.26 .28 roTAl.~. 33,822.78 44.368.12 (10,545.34) (23".76i 577,122.44 S23r830..19 Sr292.25 10.17 EFOISES OTllEl: IlPOO!S 4,665.70 7.683.,1 3,n17.B1 39.27 51,058.97 91,284.011 40,225..Jj3 4'1.06 TOTAL rIPElSEs 4,66'.70 ],683.51 "il17.1ll 39.27 5t,tlse. n 91,284.(1) 40.225.03 44.06 -------- -------- -----_..-- --- --------- Ilf7 GAIl!/ (lOSS 29.157.011 36.684.61 <7,527.53) (20.m 526,063.47 432.S46 .19 9~,517 .2B 21.62 Ul. TRAS1lImD REYOOJE 1lIPATlElIT l:EI[JW ~,,8tJ9.26 &1,939.21 910.05 1B.42 70,(168.21 S8,314A8 111753.73 2({.15 Ol1TPATIDIT RI'IEI4 38.746.52 <18.319.17 (9,572.65) (19.81) 533,530.10 570.4TI.06 <36.947.16) (6.47) TOTAl. RE'JEMlE. 441'59S.7S 53,25a.38 (8,662..6(1) (16.26) (,03.598.91 628,792.34 ~25,193..43) (4..(11)) OPEltSES lEIlSE t l:EIl1 II. .1II1 .00 .0\1 .00 .00 .00 .1)(1 .00 OTfIER ElI'El!SES 14,114.43 2,570.46 m.543.97) (449.1(1) 48,41'.34 30,848.00 (17.567.34) (5(,).94) TOTAL OPEHSES 14,114.43 2,570.46 m.543.97) (449.10) 48,415.34 3U,848.00 (17 ,567 .34) (56.94) -------- ------- ------ -------- lfE'T WJ/(lISS 3OT481.~ 5(h61J7.n (20,2(1(,.51) (39.86) ~S,lB3.~ ,97,944.34 (42,76(1.77) (7.15) CT S(A/{ REVEJIUl: IllPA T1Dff' REVOOl 39,310.50 3Ml1.11 4,899.39 14..23 ,96,061~. 7S 41)6,21,.21) CliJ,212.QS) {2.51> llUTPtlTIOO ROO 151,m.M 140,,86.47 11),621.53 7.SS 2,245,246.41) 1,659,327.49 ,85.<118.91 3'5..26 TOTAL REVEillE. 196,518,'0 174,997.58 15,520.92 8.86 2,641,31)7.1, 2,066,1UO.69 m,21)6.46 21.84 EFf;lSES l[llSE 1 9TAl (13.1,076.24) 2(1,(11)(1,,1)1) 156r076.24 780.38 17.'138.01) 24J)yl)J~).I)I) 22.2T~62..I}1) 92..73 OTlll:R IlPOfSES 56,014.72 8,192.70 (<17 ,822.02> (583.71> 1<13,462.31 90,900.00 (46, 56231J (48.05) TOTAL EXPoors (80.1161.52) 28,192.70 108,254.22 383.97 160,91)).31 336,91m.00 175.999.69 52..24 ----- ---- ----- -------- e m GAIlf/(lOSS 270,580.02 146.804.88 123,715.14 84.31 2,480,406.84 1,729,200..69 751,206.15 43.44 14 e 594 e 15 595 KElIORIAL IfEDICAL COOER DEPARTIlEllTAL IJI(IJI[ STAmm 01/15/05 f.l9:~5 AM FOR THE 12 KONTHS ENOTH. 12/3!/U~ ---snnE KOHiH--- --------'-- V E A ~ T 0 D (; T E ---'---- IlClUAL BUDGE; t VARIAM([ % 'll\R ACTUAL Duom I VARIAMEE , VAR CAROIOP1llJUtilm REVElIUl: lJIhlTIOO 1/EFJIlJ 130?462..50 109,838.51 20,623.99 18.n 1.1811893.80 1,2%.302.96 (114,909..08) (B.86i OIJTl'ATIOO RPIOI 33,378.50 22,61~.43 10,763.07 47.59 329,662.06 267,OU7$ 62,65<1..B 23.46 TOTAL RE'iEllE. 163,841.UO 132,453.9'1 31,387.06 23.69 lr511,~.94 !,563,810.89 (:J2,254.9~) (3.34) !)ms!:S SlllARlrS . (If.! .(1(1 .on .00 .nn .0(1 .(1(1 .on LEASE I RooL 934.q9 50n.OO (43Q.q9i (36.89) ;i,36S.14 6,(100.0(1 m.M 2.19 OlllEl:rnuSlS 35,429..17 27,(1'59.46 (3,369.71) (30.93) 372,953.(17 324,625.00 (4B..328.07) (14.88) TOTAl EXPEmS 36,363.66 27;r;;S9..q6 (8,804.2(1) (31.9'1) :n8,821.-21 330,6.25.00 (~B,1%,21i 04.57) _ ----- ------- ------ ------ --------. ----------- m GllDf./(IOSS 127,477.3Q 10Q,89~.4B 22,5B2.86 21.52 1,.132,73tl.. T3 1,233,185.89 <100,.451.10) (B_W CrtilD!ll( REllAll WiEllIE IHfATIOO RE'DW .1)0 ,llU .00 .lll) .01) .00 .1)1) .1)1) OUmTIffi KIWI .1)1) .(11) .f)1) .00 .fln .1)(1 .00 .1)(1 TOTAl !MIll:. .')ll .no .00 .1)1) .00 .on ,01.1 .Ot'! !)I'ElISES SAlARIES .OJ) .1)1) .1)0 .1)1) .1)1) .1)1) .(11) .(1) om EXP!:HS!! .00 .J)I) .00 .01) .I)n .on .(ll) . (II) ruTAL EXPE!ES .1)1) .1)(1 .00 .00 .00 .J)J:I .J]J) .J)O ----- -------- ----------- ---------- ----------- /lET GAIll...(lDSS .1)0 .J)J) .(10 .1)0 .00 ,00 .I)fl .00 OECllPAlllOOlL lIIERAP\' RMHI[ Dll'l\TIOO ICE'llIll 1~059. 75 l,L'I5.69 m.9~) (6.60) 1r),1~.7~ 13,408.54 G,262.79) (24.33) OlJ'Tf'ATIffi REID! .00 1,164.32 (1,164.32i (100.(1(') ~,831.07 13,746.38 (8,914.51) (64.84) lOTAl lEVFJlJE. 1,l)s9.7S 2,300.01 (1,240.26) (53.92) 14.9TI.62 27.154.92 (12,177 .30) (4~.0~) ElPEISES SAlAmS .0(1 .00 .00 .00 .0(1 .00 .(1(1 .Oll OTIIER EXPElISES 645.00 50U.00 (145.0(0 (2'.J.00) 2.557.50 6.,000.(11) 3,4112.5(1 51.37 TOTAl EXPf1IS!:S 640.0(' 500.(1(1 (145.00) (29.UOi 2.557.50 6,0(1).0(' :',442.5(1 57.37 ----- ------- ---- --------- IIET GIlIlIr (LOSS 41A.75 1,80ll.('! (1,3B~.26) (76.95) 12..420.12 21,154.92 (8, nQ.8(1) (41.28) PHYSICAL TlI!:RllI'I ~EV!JIJJ!: IllI'ATIDlT ffiIElIl1 31 ,roll. 75 26,953.63 10.l55.12 38.41 273.011.25 318,226.74 (qs,215.49j (lQ.20) OUTPATmT mrII 117,1)31).50 115,937 .41) 1,1)93.10 .9Q 1,</ll1,814.QO 1.368..809..23' 3>,1,)5.17 2.41 TOTAL REVIJIlL 1.54,339..25 1~2,1l91.1)3 11.448.22 8.01 1,..674.825..t;5 1,687.030.97 (12.210..32) (.72) ffi'EllSES PROrESSlllIMl m: 41,882.70 37,SO').I)O (4.382.. 73) Cll.68) ~Q9,327 .38 QsO,OI)I).OO 672.62 .14 OTIIER moors 10,162.25 2,874.Q6 (7,227.79) (251.4'l) 30,342.56 33,Q')J).llU ~,r;57.4q 9~15 TOTAL mrnrs s1.98~. 98 40, 37M6 (11,610.52> (28.7Si 479.669.9~ 483,400.00 3,730.06 .71 _ - ----- --- -------- ----- -------- m Gllll/I(LOSS 102,354..27 1Jl2,516Sr (162.30) (.15) 1,195,1%.71 1,203.635.97 (8,480.26) (.71)) 16 _ , 596 DEPii~TmTAL -Di[O~'STAmElf[ 01115/0~ (w:35 At! fllR THE 12 IWHTHS EMDIH. 12/31104 --------- SIN G l E N 0 ~ T H ---------- -YEAR T 0 OAT E --------- ACTUAL [<uom I YARIA/KE % YAR ACTUAL BUObET I VARIANCE i: \JAR IIOIIE nTH (ME RE\'!llIE Ii'WAllOO RE'lEWU .{It! .00 .00 .00 ..(10 .00 ~(I(j .00 DUTPATIDT REVEJi 98,76D.00 B4.23~.27 14~~24.i3 17..24 1.20U.927.70 994.~19.S9 206,408.11 ,20.7S TOTAl REOE. 98,76(1.(10 84.2..\5.27 14.524.7'3 17.24 1.2(11],927.7(1 994, 519.S-9 2U6.40S.11 20.75 amSES SAlAIQIS 31.408.31 26.208.39 (~rl,)9.92) m.84) 347.190..70 309,434.0(1 (37.756. ?Ol {12..20) . LEIlSE I RENTAL 27041.45 83.37 (1.958.08) m~8.66) 2,565..35 1,00(1.00 0,565.35) (15(,.58) 1l1lIE!: rnnsrs 16,456.56 1(1,990.56 (5,466.00) (49.73) 171,459.07 131,119.15 (t:ftJ,339.92) <30.76) TOTAl EXPDlSES 49.906.82 37.282.82 (12,62il.O(l) m.86) ~21, 215..62 441,553.15 m,662.47) <18.04) ---- ------ ---------- ----- ---~---- ------- HET QUl!/(LOSS 48,853.18 t:t6,9~Z.4~ l,S'(UL73 4.04 679,712.08 552,960..44 126,745.64 22.92 e IlOsrm IEIlEIillE Otm'A TIDlT ID'EH .00 .011 .00 .00 .1)),) .Lm .I)J} .00 ruTAl REVENUE. ,J)I) .1)1) .J~I .m.! .01) ..JJIJ .J~) .[1(1 Elf'EHSES SAl.ARlES .1)1) .J.lO .(11) .00 .00 .1)0 .(01 .1)0 PRllf!SSmN.lL fEE .J.lJ! .OJ) .1)(1 .I)!.J .1)11 .00 .1)1) .00 OT8EI: EXPOSES .00 .1)(1 .00 .!IO ..00 .011 .1)1) .(J(J ruTAL wrnrs .01) .1.i0 .0(1 .0(1 .])(1 .OJ) .J)I) .00 ------- -------- -------- ------- ---- --------~ HEr GllIlI/(LDSS .1)0 .1)0 .G(I .I)n .00 .00 .on .(10 PI<IIW1I' HtJlL TH CAll tEVEHllE IlUTPA OOT REVEll ..00 .00 .00 ..(1(1 ..00 .00 .(1(1 .r;o 101A1. lIEVElWE. .0(1 .00 .00 .0(1 .(1(1 .00 .(1(1 .00 EXPElISES SAlARIES .(10 .(1) ..on .00 .lilI .M .(10 .{!(i orm EXPElISES .00 .(11) .0(1 ..(to .00 .(10 .(10 .u(I 11lT1ll. EXPDlSES .0(1 .(1(1 .fJll .(11) .uO .00 .(1(1 .[10 - ---------- -------- ------ ------ ------- /lET WII/(lOSS .00 .011 .0/) .(10 .11f) .00 .0(1 .(m !!Ell YIDI REl'EMlIr OIffi'flTIEllT REI'EJI ..1)ft ..0(' .m) .1)0 ..01) .(1) .00 .1,10 TUTAl REYEHUE. .01) .1)1) .00 .01) .00 .ml .00 .Oil Elf'ElISES SALARIES .1)11 .00 .00 .(u) .00 .0(1 .J)J) .1)0 PROIISSI1lllAL fEE .00 .(1(1 .1)0 .1)1) .00 .00 .00 .(10 OTllEl: EXPOSES .00 .1)1) ,Of) .00 .JJO .0(1 .01) .Oil TUTIll. WOSES .ill) .I)J) .(U) .1)1) .00 .OJ) .1)1) .00 ---- ------- -------- ------ ----- ------ HEr GIlrMI (LllSS .1)0 .1)1) .00 .1)1) .1)1) .01) ./.Jl) .0(1 e 17 e 597 18 e 598 ntnUKlHL fitllllAL Lt~ltK DEPARTMENTAL I"EDnE STA1EME"1 nll15/(1~ (19'30 A~ toR '[HE 12 IWHTHS EHDIlfG 12/311U4 ----- SI N G LE ~ONTH---_- -----y(.l T 0 OAT ( --------- ACTilIIL OUD.ET I YARIAHEE % ~AR ACTUAL DUD.ET I YARIAIIEE ;; ~AR ~lllilIDS rxmsEs S~ARIES .UU .OU .I)U .(It) .(1) .OU H(lt) HOf.! OTHER EXI'EllsEs 27065.2B .(J(t (2,065.28> ~(tlj) 8,991 ~36 .0(1 (8,997.36) .(1(1 TOTAL EXPElISES 27065..2B .00 (2,(165.26) .011) 8,997 .36 .(1(1 (8,997.36) .00 . TRllIffif'OUATION EXPEHSES SAlARIES 1,639.61 1,157 H17 (482.50) (41.69) 14.903.21 13,662.1)1) (1,241.21) (9.08) o 1m EXPElfSES 17,691.JlO 643.20 (1),047.110) (2650.Q6) 22,929.68 7,627.77 (15,3111.91) (200;60) roTAL EXl'!:HS!:S 19,330.67 1,600.37 (17.530.30) (91l.70) :'1,832.59 21,28f/.77 (16,543..12) 07.70> e HOUSEl:W'IlI. EXf'EJiSES SAlARIES 19,95:>.48 21,B88..54 1, 933.1)(} 8.83 236,360.56 258,426.(11) 22,065.44 B.53 OTHER EXPDlSES 6,595.30 7,267..(16 671.76 9.24 76,OS9.05 86,846.12 10,781'.(17 12.o!I2 TOTAL EXPEliSES 26,.55Cl.78 29,lS~.6J) 2,.604.82 8.93 312.419.61 3t15,274.12 327854.51 .9.51 LAUHDR\' EXPEHSES OUTSIDE. SE!:\lI([S 7.530.26 9,OOOHJ)O 1,461. ?q 16.24 83,226.27 108,lmo.oo 24,773,7:' 22.93 OTIf[R EXPEliSES 35.40 ..DO m.40) .01)) 35.40 .00 <35.40) .1)(1 ruTAl EXPEliSES 775TI.66 9,01)0.00 1,426.34 15.84 83,261.67 106,OmJ.I)J) 24,738..33 22.90 SECllRID Elf'DISES SAlAI.'lIS 5,,674.59 5,559..92 (114.67) (2.M) 677795.80 65,643.(11) (2,152..80) (3.m OTHEI: EXI'EllsEs 582..08 643.26 61,16 9~51 4,271.45 ap213~97 1,942..32 23.64 TOTAL EXf'EHSES 6,.256.67 6,203.18 <53.49) (.86) 7M67.45 73,856.97 (210.48) (6) PEl.'fIlRllllll{E IllI'RlWEIlDIT EXf'EIiSES SAlAAII:S 17882..21 6,106.83 4,224.62 69.17 23,08Jl.81 72,100.01) 49,019.19 67.98 OTllEl: EXPElfSES 148.60 1,028.06 879.46 05.54 3,51j~56 13,242.73 9,729.17 73.46 rurAL EXPEIiSEs 2,031).81 7,134.89 5,lJJ~.OO 71.53 26,594.37 SS,3o!12~T!. 58,748.>6 ~.83 SOCIAL \lOI(l:El(1~lS(HAIlbl: Pl.!IOI Elf'EllSES SAlAI.'lIS 4,960.(10 7,293.98 ,,333.98 31.99 55,983.76 86,116.00 30,132.24 34.99 OTHER EXI'EllsES 379 .44 742~55 363.11 48.90 4,5%..29 9.l81.63 4,585..34 49.94 lDTAL EXPEHSES ,,339.4~ 8,036.53 27697 .09 ..~ r' 60,58(1..05 95,291.63 34,717.58 36.43 "'.;)0 [AlIlOUl! (Olliffi' IlIDIGm txrmES SAlAAII:S ,..655.38 ..00 G,65SH38) .(0) 39,723..57 .OJ) (39.723.57) .00 OTHER ElI'ElfSES 25.10 ..1)0 m.l0) .00) 287.31 .(1) (287.31) .M COUltTV OffSET [3,274.92) .01) 3,274.92 .1)0 <39.515.82) .00 39,515.82 .01) e TOTAl EXf'!:IISES 403.56 .J)J) (Q03.56) .00) 495.06 .m) \495.1)6) .1)1) 19 e l 599 NEllOIffiIL "EDIeAL mID DEPART"ElfTAL IlICOIlE STAmm 01115/05 09:35 A" fOR THE 12 "ONTHS ElIDIIf. 12/31/04 --SIHGLE "0 NT H YEA>: T 0 OAT E -------- ACTUAL BUDGCT $ VAiUAHCE % YAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIflllCC % 'JAR BUSINESS DF1ICE EII'BI8ES SlllJlR'IES 19,,377.23 19,954.26 :iTI.03 2.89 2201556.42 2)~,5a9.0(j 1~,(t32.5& 6.38 LEASE t /:OrAL B6.52 15(1.(10 (186.52) (124.34) 4.752..92 1,80fJ.rJ(r (2;<9~2..92) (164.05) E lIlliCno. !JI'9 3,57~.2'l 2.5(10.00 (1,074.29) (42.97) 34,745.76 3fJ,.(IlJU.O(l (4. 74~.. 76) (l~_a1) OlJiEl: ElPOOEs 1l,88l,84 9.803.31 (2,078.:m (21.20) 118,700.10 117 ,,100.;23 (L599..n7) (1.36) TOTAL WEJlSES :;:;,169.88 32,.4(11.5'7 (2.762.31) (8..52) 378,755.20 384,.489.23 ::;,734..03 1.49 COIllllOOl:ATDIIs e EX1'EJ(SES sllUlm g,.432.b1 8,827.38 39'1.77 4.47 9B,057.86 104,221).1)(1 6,162.14 5.91 o lJiEI: ElI'EleES 1,289.58 1,838..(1) 549.22 29.86 12,1%.45 Zl,62~.22 M27.77 43.59 TOTAL OOtllSES 9,722.19 10,666.18 943.99 B.g5 11U,254.31 125,844.22 15,589.91 12..3B DIln pRO(Esm. ElPElf8ES SAlARIES 5,591.32 2,721.90 (2,869..42) (105.41) 6(11644..00 32,136.00 (28:1508.(1(1) (8S.71) OTHER ElPDISI:s 11,083.22 12.l08.47 1,(f25.2~ 8.46 142,80$1.36 145,.300.74 2,491.38 1.71 TOTAL OFIl!SES 1.,67Q.54 14,830.31 (1,844.17) <12.43) ')03,453..36 177 ,436.7~ (26,rJ16.ti2) (14.66) IIllRSm fIDIIllISTRAITOll EXPEllSES SALAm M52.28 8,649.01) (803.28) (9.28) 109,319.48 102,114.(U) (7 ,265~48) (7.1V O~ mooe:s 1.121.04 2,07IJ.65 94J1..1 4S.8. 19.154.49 24,91)3.78 5.749..29 2:'..08 ruTAl 0P!Jl8ES 1O..m..;32 10,,719.65 146.33 1.30 128.533.97 127,1)17.78 (1.516.19) (1.19) HIlllSE S1II'EIMSOR EXPElISES SALARIES .00 ,00 .(111 .(10 .00 .on .on . (IV OTHER OPEilSEs .()(I .(If) .00 .00 .on .(10 .(!(l .00 TOTAL OI'EHSES ..(1) .(1(\ .00 .00 .()(I ..[l[! .(10 "(10 IlIFlITIOH COIlTROL EXPEllSES SALARIES 4,573.29 .00 (I:j.573.29) .(1)) 55..:j14.67 .00 (55 ,'11.4.67i .1)0 O~ ElPOOiES 633.42 .1)1) (m.m .1)1l) ],569.84 .00 (7,569.84) .1)(1 TlITAL EXPBSES 5,.206.71 .00 (5,.206.71) .1)1)) 62.984.51 .(1) (62,984.Sli .0(1 lllUCAITlJI! ElPElI8ES SIlUlRI!:S 4.49~.44 4.25(1.(15 (244.39) (5.75) 49,,722..86 50.178..(1(1 455.14 .90 O~ ElPEllSlS 962.54 1,226.06 263~52 21.49 2!h419.(17 14".449.56 ~5,969.~l) (41.31) TOTAL rnasrs 0,456.98 5,476.11 19.13 .34 70,141.93 64,,627 ~56 (~,514..37) (8.m ACCOIlHTII> e CXI'EJlSES SALAm 5,943.41) 5,810..39 (133.1)1) (2..28) 67.368.75 68,61l0.00 1,231.25 1.79 GTHIl ElPDlS!ES 6,017.42 3,490.50 (2.526.92) <72.39) S7.769~o3 41.734.15 (16,1)3S.48) (38.42> TOTAl OPEIStS 111960..82 9.jO)).89 (2.659.93) (2S.59) 125,138.38 110,334.15 (14,804.23) (13.4li 20 e 600 M~nUK!HL ntU1LHL LtJllK DEPAmmAL IHlO"E STATDlElH . (r1l15/(I~ fJ9:35<1Jl fOR THE 12 ~ONTHS EHDIlIb 12131104 ------ S ! N b L E ~O~TH--- ---VEAR T 0 OAT E ---------- RCTUAL BUIXH $ V~RIAH[[ % V~R HCTUAL BUDGET $ YARIAMCr , VAR ADamaSTRlmOW aroSES 309.459.93 255, ~5.0(l (54,104.93) (21.18) SALARIES 43,18(1,46 211628.43 (2h5~2.D3) (19.1>4) LEIlBE I RENTAL 41>.70 100.00 53.3(i 53.30 13,707.20 1.200.00 (12.507..20) (104.2.26) 01HEk IDEMSES 16,538.41 3fh 797 .21 22,258.80 57.37 320,;01.69 46~,267.57 144,765.88 31.11 TOTAL ElPElIsts 59" 165.57 60.52'5.64 760.07 1.25 643,/W.8..82 121,,822.57 78,153..75 10.82 IlllSIHlSS OEVUOPIIEHT EXPElISES SI'<LAAIES 3,982.78 4,1)03.06 20.28 .50 ~11,ll68.26 47.262.1)0 (2,806.26) (5.93> OTHER EXPElISES 311.54 671. TJ 361).19 53.62 ~,m.3iJ 7,6JJ2.55 2r443.25 32.H e ror~L f:XPfHSEE 4,.29432 4,674.79 380.47 8.13 55,227.56 54,864.55 (363.01> (.66) HOSPITAl GEmAL ElPElISES IIORJ(IIUIS CIlIIP IN 34,.229.59 26,6~6.63 (7,562.96) (28.36) 39'1,057..95 32fJ,000.OO (7'1,057..95) (23.14) UlIDtl'lOl'llEl!T IllS 9,,091..27 4.166.03 (4,924.64) (118.19) 40,(11)7.10 50,,(I110.fJO 9,99~..9(l 19.98 f'l:Of llAIm.nY 1 25,,226.36 7,916.63 <l7, 3(19.73) (218.65) 121,24.2.32 95,000.0(1 (26,,2<12.32) (27.62) LEASE I mmL 2,.223.00 2,7S0.01) ~27.(Il) 19.16 25,5%.17 33,0fJfJ.0(< 7,403.83 22.43 OTlIEJ( EIPEliSrS 16,740. % 9,083.37 (7,657..59) (84.30) 109,416.52 109,000.0(1 (qj,6.52) (.38) lOTAl EXPDlsts 87,511.18 50,583.26 (36,921 .9<) <73.(1(1) 690,320.06 607,000.00 (83,320.06) Cl3. 72) Hl.Il!Alt lI:SOURC(S/rUBUC RELATIO EXPEllSES SilLllW 3,,542.92 ~(21)6.65 1,663.73 31.95 41,198.90 61,472.J)l) 20,,273.10 32..97 OTHEl: EXPEllSES 1.600.97 5,129.66 3,521).69 68.63 25,056..52 62,532.90 37.476.38 59.93 TUTAL EXrmrs 5..1~..89 10,336.31 5r18'l.42 50.15 66,255.42 124,ml4.90 57,749.48 46.57 f1li:CHllSIHC EXPEllSES SAl./lRlIS I,.BtrJ..67 (1,008.67 193.00 2.47 88,589.81 94~ ~~4..(1(1 ~,%~.19 6.30 OTHE!: IDEllSES 1,,062.18 1,18IJ.53 118..35 H1..D2 12,194.3~ 14,,442.46 '),248..12 15.56 lOTAl ElT'EJlSES 8..872..85 1),189.20 316..~ 3.44 1(10,784.15 108,996.46 8,212..31 7.53 AUX~ EXPEllSES SALmES .00 .])j) .M .1)1) .01) .00 ..1)1) .00 EXPENSES 3..32 .J)!) (3.32) .00) 85.74 .m) (8~.74) .1)0 TUTAL EXrOOES 3.32 ,,/)1) (3.32) .OJ)) 85.7~ .1)(1 (S,.74J ,00 PLAZA SPEC1JlLTV ELI/lICS SAURIES .00 .00 .00 .00 493.30 .00 (493.3(1) .00 aroSES .0(1 .(11) .00 .(1(1 (493.30) .(10 493.3(1 .00 TOTAl ElPElIsts .(UI .(UI .(10 .(11) .(10 .00 .(10 ..(II) e 2] e 601 MElUlRIlll. IlEDICAL COOfJ: DEf'ARTllOOAL mop[ SIATEKrUT 91/15/1)5 09:,5 AN fOR THE 12 ~mmlS oom 12/31/1)~ -- 51 H . L E M 0 H. T H ---------- ----- V E.~ f: T 0 D ATE --------- AWIilL BUDGET I YARIAN([ % YAk ACTUAL BUDGET > VARIANCE ~ VAf: IlEIWWL 1IO![1lL PUl2!l REvrH!IE ROOALS .1)(1 .00 .00 ~JJJ) 63,232.40 ,I~) 63,232.QI) .nu TOTAl lE'ItIlll:, .o/) ..OJ) .Oil .1)(1 63,23~..':1O ,ill) 63, 232.. 4fi ..on EXFEIlSES StlLARlIS.. ...... 2,253.45 .on (2,253.45) ..00) 37,422.06 .OJ) <31,422..1)6) .un o THE!: mtm.. 1.057.01 .on. (1,1)5? .UD .Oi)) 14a,955.l)5 .Oil (148.955.05) .on TOTAl arosE!: 3,310.46 .1)1) (3,,10,46) .1)0) 186,317 .11 .00 <186,377.11) .00 ---- ----------- ..---.-- ------ ------- --------- /lET GAIIf.l(UlSS (3,310.46) .01.1 (3,~10.46) .ill)) <123,144.71) .1)0 (123,144.7l) ..00 e S1JllTlJT1lL i:lDf1 1,S'88.630.66 1.590,860.41 397,770.2:i 25..00 20,578,477.06 18,681.441.87 1,.897 ,O3~..19 10..15 OTHEI: oPEI:AW WEllS!] RElI!JllE O!JlOOIOUS /fEl)IriliE Coot A (1,366,752.67) <780,909.41) (585,843.26) (75.02) (10,197,509..1)5) (9,219,769,Oil) (977,740.Do) (1<).60) KEPIrAro com A (164,729.88) (166,694.37) 1. 964. 49 1.17 (2,518,660.. 99) (1.968,069.001 <SSil,S9i.?9) <27.97) IllllIbllT Coot A (2'),718.01)) ,1)0 m,778.00) .00) ( 4011. 77G. 99) .01) (408,m.99f . OJ) CHAIUT'I CIIRE (216,338.14) (89.836.63) (126,001.51) (140.81) <11"186,203..35) (1,078,040.00) (108,163.35) (10.03) BAD DEBT amsE 46,519 .19 <177.797.54; 22~, 316. 73 126.16 (2,276,444.36) (2,,099,158.00) (177,,286.36; (3.44) OTllEl: DEJ)fJ(1!OitS <172,650.94) (2431"83'2.52) 71,181.58 29.19 (21'148r812.58) (2,878,797.00) 729,984.42 25.35 TOTAL ~ (1,903,730.44) (1,459,071).47) (444,059.97) <30.47) (18,736,407.32) (17,243,833.1)0) (lr~2r'57q.32) <8.65) EIlf'tOYII D9lEIITS RETIREIm 28,543.42 23,,292.35 (Zr251..07) (22.54) 249,,(J27.26 275,000.00 251' 972. 7~ 9.44 lIDSfTIALIZATIDlI 50,116.89 76.229.51 26,112.62 34..25 786,318.77 9UU,000.00 U3,681.E 1.2..63 LIFE IJSlJJ(AJ([ 9~..4~ 1,058.74 93.29 8.1ll 11,308.38 12,500.(I(t 1,191.62 9.53 DElI1 AI. DSIIRIIIICE 1,947.70 3.049.18 1,101.48 36.12 27.619.68 36,0(llJ.00 8,.38(1.32 23..21 lOlG 1fJ:llDlS 2701-9..58 2,.329.23 309.65 13.29 25,534..42 27~S(l{l.(JO 1,,965..5B 7.1~ PA'/l1Dll CLEilmG <m.82> .(11) 135.~ .(~I (166.51) .1)0 166..~1 .00 TOTAl EIlrUIYII 83,.457 .22 10:;,9'59.(11 22,.501..79 21..23 1,099,642..(11) 1,,251,(1(1(1.(10 151,35S.otr 12.09 TOTAl llTIfER 8P 1.987 ,lB7.66 1,5651'(/29.48 (422.l08.18) (26.97) 19..836,045'..32 18,494,833.00 (1,341,216..32) 0.25) OTHE!: RI:VEIIIII: l!E>>Il:iliE PASS- T!I 46,696.00 .00 ~6,696.00 ..1)1) 638,SI)6.00 .00 638,506.1)0 .00 (IlrrrmA SAlLS 7,147.80 7,622.95 (475.15) (6.23> 94,256.79 90,01)0.01) 41'256.. 79 4.72 Il!rm:sT IJ/(Il[ 2,218.85 2,540.98 (322.13) (12.67) 17.306.07 30,1)00.1)11 (12r693.9~) (42.31) Ilfi'EREST Il!(1l[ 17.58 .1)0 17.S8 .01) 229.17 .01) 229.17 .00 Il!rm:sT Il!(1l[ .00 .l)1) .00 .DI) ..1)0 .00 .01) .00 !lIS(El.LAICI:llllS III 50,765.00 2,96M8 47,800.52 1612.44 172,328.83 3:i.UfJfJ.OO 137,328.83 39236 TDTIlL OTHD: RE 106,845.2..' 13,128.41 93,716.82 713.84 922,620.86 lS5,01)l).1)1) 767,626.86 49:;.24 ---- ----- ------ ------ ------- NET Of'DATIlG 108,288.2..' 38,959.34 69,328.89 177.95 1,66S,0~.61) 341,61)8.87 1~323~445. 73 387.41 ---- ----- ---- -------- =---==== --------- -------- ---- ---------- ----------- e 22 e 602 nr:.nUI\.Ltll.. m:.U.i.lHL LtJIIt.1\ DEl'ARTKElHAL IIICIlKE STAmm fOK THE 12 !OiffHS rnIll\; 1213]/(14 Ul/15/lJ5 09=35 AM ----5I~GL[ ACruAL DUDm flOlTH--- t VARIANCE % VAR 'lEAf,: TO DATE-"------ BUDm I YARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL klI/!-oyrn1TI/ll; illEHSE !}I/'[(UlATIIllH.AH .tuJ .0(1 .01.1 ..tlO .00 .0(1 ..0(1. .00 !}IPREClATIOlHllIT 27,.472.61 .0(1 (27..47.2.61) ..(1(1) 356,093.50 .(1(1 C356..,.09::.sm .(1(1 DIPREEIATIDlHll 132,780.86 .Oll (132,780..86) .lIO) 241,3u9.16 .OJ) (241,369",18) .(J(J DIPRECIJllIllIHIAJ 56.803.23 126,932.50 7(1,129...27 55.24 557,738.12 1.~23,190.rj(i %5,.451.88 63.38 DEPREaATIOll-f'tlR .0(1 .(IIJ .(1(1 .00 .00 .(1(1 .00 .00 (llHTRlllIITION TO .00 ..(In .Of.! . (fll ..(1(1 .(1(1 .(t(f .on TOTAl IIllHf'Ek 217.fJ56.70 126,932. sn (90,124.2(1) <71.(0) 1,155,.200.80 1,523,.19(1.00 36i"989.;!f.l 24.15 ---- ---------- ------ ------- ------ ------ TOTAl OPEl:Aill <l08,768.47) (87,913.16) (20,795..31) (23..63) 509,S~.BO (1,181,581..13) 1,691.434.93 lQ3..15 ----- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------- ==--==~==== --- --------- ------ ------- ------- e [DUm SlIIlSlDV .00 .(~.1 .(10 .00 .lJO .110 ..(J(f .Of! ------- ------ ------ ---- ------- HE7 O/lIII/(LDSS (1(18,768.47) (87.973.16) (20, 7~'531) (23.63) 509,83.80 (1,181,581.13) 1,691,.434.93 143...15 --:--=.:;: ---------- =----=;;= ------- ----------- --------- ------------ ---------- -----... -------- e ~' _0 e 603 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR DECEMBER 2004 DATE APPROVED AlP & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR REFUNDS 1212/2004 (weekly) $ 285,636.71 12/9/2004 (weekly) $ 272,046,38 12/16/2004 (weekly) $ 125,444,99 12/2212004 (monthly) $ 137,163,97 12/23/2004 (weekly) $ 122,336.69 12130/2004 (weekly) $ 442,659.77 TOTAL $ 1,385,288.51 MONTHLY PAYABLES FOR JANUARY 2005 $ 149,321.64 Referral 2004 $ 2005 2005 YTD $ $ $ $ 2004 YTD $ 222,846.24 Charity $ 200,493.32 $1,185,682.01 Indigent $ 107,483.44 $ 107,483.44 $ 172,064.14 $ 172,064,14 24 604 e e e RON DATE:Ol/l4/05 TIlIE:09:05 _ORill MEDICAL CEllrER CIlECK REGISTER 11/01/01 TRRV 11/01/04 BANR--CHECR-------_____________________________________________ COllE NUMBER DATE UOlllIT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCl<Rl:G --~----~..~._--------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP eAIP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e;: AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP 1I./P ifE' 1l./P !/P e 105128 1l/01/04 105119 1l/01/114 105130 1l/03l04 105131 11/0l/114 105131 11/01/04 105133 11/DJ/04 10S13411/0J/04 105135 11/01/04 105136 11/01/04 105137 1l/01/04 105138 12/02/04 105139 1l/01/04 105140 11/01/04 105141 12102/04 105141 1l/01/04 10S143 11/01/04 105144 11/01/04 105145 11/02/04 105146 11/01/04 105147 1l/0J/D4 105148 11/01/04 105149 1l/0l/04 105150 11/01/04 105151 1l/0l/04 105151 11/02104 105153 11/0l/114 105154 ll/Dl/04 105155 12/02/04 105156 11/01/04 10S157 11/01/04 10S158 11/02/04 105159 11/01/04 105160 11101104 10S161 1l/01/04 105161 1l/0J/04 105163 12102/04 105164 11/02/04 105165 11/0J/04 105166 13103104 105167 11/01/04 105168 1l/02/04 105169 11/0l/04 105170 11/03104 105171 11/0l/04 105171 11103104 105173 1l/02/114 105174 12/02/04 105175 11/02/04 105176 1l/02/04 105171 12102/04 23.71 70.00 504.90 1,522.56 249.53 11,664.24 20.00 2,683.00 102.68 91.85 1,747.37 6,722.00 100,00 57.46 35.16 766.15 79,608.00 29.64 96S.45 7,115.38 175.00 1,500.00 786.94 58.85 58.58 170.00 88.78 52.94 18.00 92.95 4,300.00 1,439.36 191.90 4,130.18 11,038.18 7,307.70 186.74 39.10 11,515.67 68.34 90.00 1,913.58 1,600.00 100.00 487.50 138.46 100.00 1,200.00 141.16 165.00 AERIFOllMlIWECO-PORT LAV CARDINAL HEALTH A>lERICAll KIDNEY l'tJ!lJl BAXTBR HEALTIlCARE CORP BCOS BERGEN BRtlNSWIG DRUG CO BEIIIllm BROTHERS, IllC Cl1 COM FEDERAL CREDIT RUBY CAIll'tJ CSEnlCASH PROCESSIIIG CIllGULAR WIRELESS .cm OF PORT LAVACA CIlIS'rDlA CAIlTU mEN DAVIS WIlERINE DIETZEL DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS SY EIlCAJl! !IORTH TEXAS FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FOIlT DBARBORII LIl'E IllC BRJIIllA GAIlZA GORIlOll N. STOWE . ASSoc GJlEENJlOUSE l'LORAL DBSIG GOLF CGAST PAPER CGIIPAN H E BtI'M' GROCERy S.AZ.LY J HICXL HILL-ROM BILL COlJNTRY DAIRIES PAT BRWcn IltON OFFICE SOLUTIONS INGENU PUBLISllIIIG GROU IIICIPIW IlEALTIlCARE SO IIlSTI=OlIAL TRUST COM LIl'ELI!iE SYSTHlls mc LllKER PIIARMACY IWIAGEIIE !lEIIORIAL MEDICAL CEllrER TERRY W 1!!CCLllN CRN! MAT DEPar JAIIE IlCCARN MCKESSON GRNERAL -MEDICA LDlDA MEYER mOLTA rIlWlCUL SERVI IU\TIONAL BENEfITS P!RTf< NllTRITION OPTIONS HARVEY OWCUAGA OUTBURST ADVERT:tSING IlICIlELLE ORTA PAM PARJUSB POSTMASTER PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS THE PUBLIC RECORD BULLE ,- .~ 605 R1lN llA'rE: 01 IUD5 1'D!l!:09 :OJ IlEMDRlli lII!DICAL C!Ill'Ell CRECK REGISTER 12/02/04 T![RU 1,/0,/04 BAIlX. -CIlIlCl: _ -. -- -- ---. -- _ --- .-. _ _. _.._.. __ __ __ __ _u_ _ _ . _ _. u__ CODE IIOOlll< aTE Al!CIlm PAYEE PAGE l GLCKllEG --_.~--__a_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AlP 10517S n/02/04 3,500.00 RADIOLOGY ommm AlP 105179 ~101104 55.81 ROSS PRODUCTS AlP 10S18D UI02/04 46.32 SlIERw.m WILLIAMS Alp 1051B1. U102/04 2,875.00 STAl'F rOOD SERVICE! INC AlP 105182 11/02104 3,182.27 SISCO - SAN Am'ONIO I LP AlP 10S183 1J102104 10,000.00 TBAM RllHAB e Alp 105184- 1J102/04 13.99 TAFFORD lW/tlI' AC'I'ORING . AlP 105185 1J102104 50/210.16 'l'EXASCO'DIS'l'RIC'l'Rll'r A/P 10S186 lV02/04 164.94 'l'EXAS GUAlWIl'!l!lD S'l'UDEN AlP 105187 11102/04 8,299.00 'l'EXAS HOSPITAL ms urn AlP 105188 lV02/04 19,363.00 'l'EXAS IlDTUAL I21Sl11WlCE AlP 105189 UI02/04 125.00 PATTI THUlW:m Alp 105190 ll102/04 31.98 UNIFORl! ADVWAGE AlP 105191 ll10ll04 285.47 llNITl!D PARCEL SllRVICll AlP 105192 lJI02104 61.50 tmI'l'ED WAY or CALHOON C AlP 105193 Il102/04 131.24 ELV! VELA AlP 105194 12102/04 175.00 '!'II1l VICTORIA COLLBGlHlM AlP 105195 12102104 391.76 WA'l'BllIWlK. GJlApHICS mc AlP 105196 1.2/02104 12,179.48 USERY JIlW.TH - TBll!IBSS AlP 105m 12102/04 7.50 I'IWI WILSOI/ AlP 105198 12/02/04 112.90 DEBOIWl WI'l'I'liBBllRT TO'I'ALS: 285,636.71 e 26 e 60S RlDJ DATE: 01/14/05 TIl!!:09:05 BORIAL lIEDl CAL CEl/l'ER CHECK REGISTER 12/09/04 THRO 12/09/04 BAUK--CllECK--------____________________________________________ CODE NDllBER DATE A!ICDllT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKllEG .. -. -------.... - ---------- ---------- ---- --..--- -- -.. --..------....-....-..........--......------.....-------..----------- -------- ------ -- -- ---------- __ __w AlP AlP AlP AlP AI! Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AiP AlP AlP -~;: WAiP AiP AlP Alp AiP AiP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP A/P e e 105199 12/09104 105200 lll09104 105201 12/09104 105202 12/09104 10520) 12/09/04 105204 12/09/04 105205 ll109/04 105206 lll09/04 105207 12/09/04 1D520B 12/09/04 105209 11109/04 105210 11109/04 105211 12/09/04 105112 12/09/04 105213 11109/04 105214 11109/04 105215 ll109/04 105216 12/09/04 105217 12/09104 10521B 12/09/04 105219 12/09/04 105220 12/09104 105221 11l09/04 105222 12/09/04 105223 12/09/04 105224 12/09/04 105225 12/09/04 105226 12/09/04 105227 12/09/04 105'2B 12109/04 105229 12109/04 105230 12/09/04 105231 12/09/04 105232 11109/04 105233 12/09/04 10S234 12/09/04 105235 12/09104 105236 12/09/04 105237 12/09/04 10523B 11109104 10S239 11109/04 1052411 W09/04 105241 11109/04 105242 12/09/04 10524) 11109/04 105244 11109/04 105245 12/09/04 105246 12/09/04 10S247 12/09/04 1D524B W09/04 57.0B 59.27 25,3Bl.6) 974.10 797.94 120.00 175.00 107.10 410.00 1,671.50 9.1B 210.10 157.20 29,072.16 1,304.10 15,000.00 12,B48.00 275.00 14B,92 585.95 100.90 100.00 9B.26 39.31 915.B8 135.00 56.17 41.50 5.10 13.BB 14,6BD.34 32.00 1,591.41 56.25 3,227.05 7,B75.00 704.63 3,500.00 119.36 54.74 64.40 12.99 27,150.00 17B.2B 90.00 4B.DO 4,130.1B 50.00 15,297.71 B.54 ACE HARDW1R.B .. PORTER'S ABRIFORM/IWRCO-PORT LAV COlISTELLATION NEW RllERG AIRGAS-SOOTIIlORST mRIW KIlllm F1lND AIlNOtlIICElmTs PLOS APIC AQOA BBVERAGE COl1lPAIlY AWllSOIIE PAGING INC BANKCARD CENl'ER BSTER BARllIE!lTllS BJXTRR IlULTHCARE CORP R.lCIlRLLR BRlIAVIDES BBRGBlI BRtl!ISWIG DRUG CO BEST WBS'I'BRN PORT LAne THE BACK OFFICE CALHOtl!I comm CALHOUN CClUlIrY PEST CON ROBY CAIlTlJ CBR'l'IFIBD LABORATORIES 'CBlRLC1M'E SWOBODA CI'I'Y or PORT LAVACA IllllJlli DAVIS RI'l'A DAVIS Dl!LL FIIWICIAL SBRVICES OATAl< BOSPITAL lW'Bl!RIIlE DIB'l'ZRL DLE PAPER. PACXAGIl/G lWW FARIAS FBDBRAL EXPRESS CORP. FISRER IlULTHCARE JOYCE FLA!lIi!GAN GE lIIEDICAL SYSTEllS ROBERTS, ROBBRTS. ODRI' GE BllALTHCARB FIN SRVS G . A ELBC'I'ROIIIC GOLF COAST PAPER COMP.IlI LLOYD LANE GORR, !m P, R E Btl'l'r GllOCBRY SALLY J AICXL BILL COIJ!ll'RY DURIES PAT IlRANICKY ITA RESOURCES, INC JAMIE JACOBY nOLL LABORATORY SPEm . THE KIPLINGER LETTER LtJF;BR PIlARMACY llAIlAGBIlE llllOOBIAL IlEDIGAL CEIlI'ER 1lEIl0Rlli IlEDI GAL CEIlrER STEVE IlARTIN 27 607 RUN DA'l'!:01/t4/05 Tm:0!:15 IlEl!OIUAL MEDICAL = CIlECX REGISTER 12109104 TERn 12109104 BAIlX--CRBCX-.---------__.______._________.._._...______________ CODE !lmJmSR. DATE Al!OUNT PAm PAGE I GLCKllEG ...--.._-.._._--------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP lDS149 12109/04 23S.86 JAIlE IlCCARll AlP 105150 12/09/04 . 1,528.91 MCXBSSOI/ GmP.AL MEDICA AlP 105251 12/09/04 232.07 Ill!DTRQNIC PIlYSIO-COl/l'IlO AlP 105m 12/09/04 500.00 mOll.IAL DUICAL CBl/l'ER AlP 10S253 12/09/04 756.71 IIllRIIlIAN PIl0FBS8ION1L S A/P 105m 12/09/04 70.04 LIIlDA DYER A/P 105155 12/09/04 34.99 RETWQRl SOLtlTIONS, mc. A/P 10S255 U/09/04 IS &. 25 OWENS i MIHOR A/P 105257 U/09/04 10,854.56 PAJUUSH mOODY << FIDS, A/P 10S158 U/09/04 225.00 PIll!JlSOI/ FLORIST A/P 1052S9 12109/04 412.50 POPDLlR LRlSING A/P 105260 12/09/04 32S.00 PRIIIB INDUSTRIAL A/P 105161 12/09/04 230.00 PRQGRBSSlV! BOSINESS PO A/P 105261 12/0U04 593.05 R G . ASSOCUTES me A/P 105163 !.l/09/04 155.00 WIOLOGY ONtDlITED AlP 105254 12/09/04 149.53 RECEIVABLE &NAGDENT I AlP 105265 !.l/09/04 7,500.00 ROIIBR'I' msn i ASSOCIA A/P 105266 !.l/09/04 39.46 SBBRIIIN WILLIAIlS A/P 105167 !.l/09/04 50.00 SHIP SBtI'I'TLB TAXI BERVI AlP 105268 !.l/09/04 1,750.00 SI!I!IBRS mmIOL SYSTDS AlP 105269 12/09/04 149.00 SXIL!.PATE Sl!II!IIARS A/P 105270 12/09/04 12,455.00 SO TBX BLOOD &: TISSUE C A/P 105271 m09/04 15,256.25 STAI'l' CAllE A/P 105271 m09/D4 4,038.48 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP AlP 105m 12/09/04 558.67 STATE COJ!PTROLLER AlP 105274 12/09/04 26,987.50 TIWl RBllAB AlP 10S275 12/09/04 585.00 TLC STAI'l'mG AlP 105176 12/09/04 447.00 LOCDOX TEXAS DEPT OF AlP 105217 12/119/04 2,B75.0D TEXAS GWS . TIIITIllG A/P 105278 12/09/04 59.95 TEXAS WIllBD IlOSIC me AlP 105179 12/09/04 6,400.00 3m PDL7478 A/P 105180 12/09/04 B5.00 TRIPLB D SBctJRITY CORPO A/P 10S1Bl 12/09/04 111.26 UNIFIRST ROLl>INGS AlP 105282 12/09/04 22.50 UROLI'l'HIASIS LABORATORY A/P 1052B3 12/09/04 300.00 us POSTAL snvzCE AlP .1051B4 12/09/04 148.92 ELVA VEL!. A/P 1051B5 11109/04 196.80 'I'HE VICTORIA ADVOCA'I'E A/P 10S2B6 12/09/04 400.00 TBB VIC'IORIA COLLEGE A/P 105287 12/09/114 237.40 LYNNE VOSlWIP AlP 105288 12109104 38.92 IlELISSA WRIGHT AlP 105189 12/09/04 450.92 WALJWl.'I' COMIlUIllTY A/P 105290 12/09/04 9S2.34 WASTE !IAIlAGEI:!EIlT A/P 10529l 12/09/04 52.22 WWBTH I9llSTBROOR A/P 105292 12109/04 175.00 CALIlotm comm mCA AlP 105293 12/09/04 1,758.58 SHELLY ZAVALA AlP 10S294 12109/04 33.92 llBI'1lHD DRPARTI:IllIIl' AlP 105295 12/09/04 32.22 VESLE! MAXINE AlP 105296 12/09/04 12.08 PAL!mR GEORGE A/P 10S297 12/09/04 18.37 FLOORNOY RON A/P 105298 12/09/04 13.29 lWlllR SllARRDN A/P 105299 12/09/04 60.57 FnLl>S JYM e e 28 e 608 e e e RUU DATB:Ol/1410S rm:09:05 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CE!lrER CRECK REGISTER 12/09/04 TERU 12/09/04 BAlrK--CBECK-__________________________________.________________ CODE NllllBER DATE AIllOtlNT PAYE! PAGE 3 GLCXREG ~.. -. ------------ -- ---_______ _______h_..____ ______________ ____ __________________________________ ________________ ______ ____________ __.. AlP 105300 12/119/04 AlP 105301 12/09/04 AlP 105302 1l/09/04 TarALS: 300.00 115.51 1l.D5 272,046.38 xu DEllIN KEllPER GARY PEllA JANE 29 609 RllIl DATE:Ol(11/05 Tm:09,~ mIOlUAL MEDICAL CEIIl'ER CllllCX RBGISTBR 12/16/04 TIlRU 12/16/04 BANK--CllICK_ _nn_____ ---------n___.-____n_n_n__________n_ CODE lIl1IlBBR. DATE UOt:IlT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKUG ~-. .---.......... -.----- -..-- -..........--....--..:----------..................----..----..-----.. ..-.... ..............--__.._______......m__.. ___..____ __ ____ _______..... __.. ___.. AI' la5303 12/16/04 200.00 AACC AlP 105301 Ll/16/04 55.Bl ABBcm WORATORIllS AlP 105305 Ll/16/04 10'-13 ACE RlRDW1R.B .. PORnR I S AI' 105306 Ll/16/04 647.51 AERIFORM/IWEeD-PORT LAV AlP 105307 Ll/16/04 1,000.00 A!'PLIED lIEDICAL AI' 10530B 12116/04 2,111. 67 AG MCSOSYST!l!IS YliC AlP 105309 12/16/04 418.00 . ANITA PRICX! .. COt7NTf C A/' 105310 12/16/04 349.35 AIRGAS-S_ST A/' 105311 12/16/04 517.58 CAJlD!IlI.L llIWI!ll A/' 105312 12/16/01 37.S0 ~UU~~J~ PLUS AlP 105313 12/16/04 338.00 AQUA BEVERAGE coom A/' 105314 12/16/04 812.25 AVBNl'IS PASTEUR liP 105315 12/16/04 ll.96 ESTER BARRISIlTl!S liP 105316 12/16/04 2,407.0B IlAX'I'ER IlElLTlICARB CORP AI' 105317 11/16/04 9,B49.94 BBllGllll BRtmSliIG DRUG co AlP 105318 11116/04 l5.0D BOBLS BlWWlG . 'OWER T liP 105319 11/16/04 2,B33.00 CAL COlt FEDSRAL CREDIT AI' 1053.0 12/16/04 16S.9B RUBY CAJm1 AlP 105321 12/16/04 91.85 CSllD/CARB PROCESSIlIG liP 105322 12/16/04 106.42 IlI!LIlN DAVIS AlP 105323 !J/16/04 lSD.67 RITA DAVIS l/P 1053.4 !J/16/04 125.75 DELL l'IWCIAL SERVICES AlP 105325 12116104 63.00 PATRICIA G OI!LGlDO A/' 105326 !l/16/04 1,177 .16 SotIRCl!Om IIl!ILTBCARE TE lIP 105327 1l!l6/04 44.68 UTll!RINB DrmllL AlP 10S328 12116/04 &,109.5& llm'1lX lIP 105329 !l/16/04 10.20 IIlRIA FARIAS lIP 105330 12/16104 1,719.51 FISBER IlElLTlICARB AlP 10S331 11/16104 96.00 JOYCE I'LlIlNIIlAlI lIP 105332 11116/04 421.47 GE lIBDICAL SYST!!IS A/' 105333 11116/04 4B.00 G T PICKUP . DELIVERY AlP 105334 1.1/16/04 7,115.38 BRBHDA GARZA A/P 105335 1111&/04 37.75 GUtF COAST COLLECTIONS A/P 105336 12/16/04 691.21 GULl' COAST PAPER COIlPAlI AlP 105337 12/16/04 63.74 H E Btl'TT GROCERY AlP 10533B 12/16/04 570.07 RUES ELECrRIC SBR'IICE A/P 105339 12/16/04 132.30 IllWI1'll FORCE 1Ill0ICAL A/P 105340 1./16/04 84.66 SALLY J IlICKL AlP 105341 12116/04 47.98 HILL COUI/l'RY DlIlUES lIP 105342 12116/04 90.24 PAT IlRAIlICKT AlP 105343 12116/04 B2.00 IKON FIlWiCIAL SBRVICES A/P la5344 12116104 1,440.46 IIlSTI'l'llTIO!IAL TRUST COlI 1/' 105345 12/16/04 150.00 l'J!Il/. VBNTOllBS, LLC A/, 105346 12/16/04 291.90 LI!'BLYliE SYsmrs me AlP 10S347 12/16/04 1,086.01 LI!'BLYliE Sysmrs IllC lIP 10S34B 12/16/04 500.00 MBllIDRIAL HERJWlN HOS?tT 'IF 105349 12/16/04 6,532.64 _ORm IIllOICAL t:!NTER VP 105350 12/16/04 7;307.70 TERRY W mcCLAIlI CRIiA 'IF 10535112/16/04 291. 77 1!WJR.ITZ i: COUEY VP 105352 12/16/04 59.B4 JA!ll !ICCARB e e 30 e 610 ROlO ~'01/14/05 Tm'09,05 _ORUL HEDIClL CEl1'l1lR CHECX REGISTER 1l/16/04 TlIRU 12/16/04 8Al1K--CEECK-------_____________._______________________________ CODE NUQER DATE llllOONT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCltREG AlP 105353 1l/16/04 .00 VOIDED AlP 105354 12/16/04 5,493.90 MCKESSON GENERAL HEDICA AlP 105355 1l/16/04 185.00 I<EIIORW, HEDICAL CEIIrER AlP 105356 ll/16/04 1,108.56 HERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S AlP 105357 ll/16/04 36.04 LINDA HEYER AlP 105358 12/16/04 8".50 HIllOLTA rIN.INCIAL SERVI AlP 105359 ll/16/04 1,325.00 l1IlCHUL'l'H e AlP 105360 ll/16/04 1,120.15 OWBllS . HIllOR AlP 105351 ll/16/01 129.88 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN AlP 105352 ll/15/04 m.45 MICHELLE ORT! A/P 105363 1l/16/04 21.00 LINDA PEREZ AlP 105364 ll/16/04 1,400.00 PRDIiR SLEEP DISORDERS AlP 105365 12/15/04 1,000.00 POS2>!ASTBR Alp 10536612/16/04 275.00 WACHOVll SECURITIES AlP 105357 ll/16/04 74.00 RENTAL SERVICE CORPORAT Alp 1053.8 ll/16/04 22.75 R G . ASSOCIATES Die Alp 1053.9 ll/1./04 264.80 RADIOLOGY UliLDlITED AlP 105370 12/16/04 139.98 SEARS AlP 105371 ll/16/01 160,40 SIlI'l'H ELBC'!'RIe CO IIIC AlP 105372 ll/16/04 376.50 SPECTRA LABORATORIBS AlP 105373 ll/16/04 7,473.75 STA!'!' CARs AlP 105374 ll/16/04 3,991.34 SISCO - SAN AN1'OIlIO, LP AlP 105375 ll/16/01 946.ll S'I'BRICYCLE, me AlP 105376 ll/16/04 6,460.69 TBlW LIliBli cOIlPm LTV AlP 105377 ll/16/01 10,000.00 TBAH REIWl AlP 105378 ll/16/04 461.25 TLe STAPFmG AlP 105379 ll/1./04 12,195.00 TOSHIBA .llIBEICA IlEDICAL AlP 105380 ll/16/04 1,723.00 TBlW GLASS . TINTIIlG AlP 105381 ll/15/01 107.92 TBlW G1IAlWIrl!BD STUnBl/ AlP 105382 ll/16/04 1,906.38 TROGRBBll-CIlBJ<LAWI1 AlP 105383 ll/16/04 70.45 1lIlIFIRST HOLDIliGS AlP 105384 12116/04 51.50 OlrrTED WAY OF CALHOuN C AlP 105385 ll/16/04 113.90 BLVA VELA AlP 105386 ll/16/04 .00 VH!UZON SOllTIlWBST eA/p 105387 12/16/0' 350.00 TIlE VICTORIA COLLBGE-8Il AlP 105388 ll/16/0. 200,99 VICTORIA _CATION AlP 105389 ll/15/04 78.20 LYmlE VOSlWlP AlP 105390 12116/0. 122.04 WALMART CO!IlIlmITf AlP 105391 ll/16/04 24.48 ELIWE'l'H WESTBROOK AlP 105392 ll/16/04 335.00 WISCONSIII STATE LA.IlORAT AlP 105393 12/16/0' 55.17 HOLT JO_ AlP 10539. 12/16/04 31.94 SXBLTON 8E'l'l'Y I AlP 105395 ll/16/04 50.21 TllOIlPSON REBECCA AlP 105396 ll/16/04 54.40 8ATSON llELISSA , AlP 105397 ll/16/04 20.(2 8AXER P 10L D JR I AlP 105398 1l/15/04 48.50 REYES ANl'ONIA AlP 105399 ll/16/04 152.10 IlIXULA GLADyS I Alp 105400 ll/16/04 216.00 WILQ rRITZ AlP 105401 lU16/04 109.40 MAllGlW1 1llTl'HBW AlP 105402 1U15104 20.33 SULLIVAN SKERRY AlP 105403 12/16/0. 119.8. REHD PERRY 2 I I 31 I I e I I ~-- -- ---- ---- -------------------- ---.._----------------------..-~ .--- -------------- --.-------..---------- -------------- ---- -------. ----- 611 Rm PATE:Dl/1VOl TnIE:09 :01 _01lIAL EBllICAL CDl'ER ClII!CJ( REGISTER 12116/04 TBRU 12116/04 smK..-CHECX-.....---........__...._______.._______..._____........__..__.._____.. COOE !illlem IlTE AlllJ1JNT Plm PAGE J GLCXREG ---------....--......--.......................-........------------..-----------------..--..........-------..........---..----..-----------------------------------..-- 11' 105404 nl16104 lIP 105405 ll/16104 lIP 105406 ll/16/04 TOl'ALS: 66.35 81.89 36.73 125,444.99 BR!TT PATRICIA lJ.lRl.Ey JESSIE L KOLIBA IVA e e 32 e 61.~2 ROll DATE:Ol; 14/15 TIllE:09: 06 HEIlOIUAL lWlICAL CElmR CHECK REGISTER 12/22/04 TBRU 12/22/04 B.ANK:- -CllECK-- --._ _____________. __..___ __ ________________________ CODE NUIlBER Dl'lt A!lDUIlT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCXllEG -----------------------..---------....-..........---..--........-------------....-----------------------------..-------..----------------------..-..--- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP . AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P A/P AlP A/P AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP A/P A/P A/P A/P AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP a:: ./P AlP 'A./P A/P <lP <lP liP \/P \/P liP '/P I.!P lIP liP .IF ./p I. 105407 121l2/04 105408 121l2/04 105409 12112/04 105410 . 12/ll/04 105411 12/lU04 105412 12/l2/04 105413 12/12/04 105414 12/l2/04 105415 12/12/04 105416 12/l2!04 105417 12/12/04 105418 12ml04 105419 12m/04 105420 12/l2!04 105421 12/12/04 105422 12/12/04 105423 121l2/04 105424 12/m04 105425 12!l2/04 105426 12/22/04 105427 12/22/04 105428 12/21/04 105429 12/21/04 105430 12/22/04 105431 12!;/l/04 105432 12/21/04 105433 12/21/04 105434 12/21/04 105435 12/2l!04 105436 12/2l!04 105437 12/22104 105438 12m/04 105439 12/22/04 105440 12/22/04 105441 121ll/04 105442 12/22/04 105443 12122/04 105444 12/22/04 105445 12/22/04 105446 12/22/04 105447 12/22/04 105448 12/22/04 105449 12/22/04 105450 12/22/04 105451 12/22/04 105452 12/22/04 105453 12/22/04 105454 12/22/04 105455 12/22104 105456 12/22104 54.63 101.00 2,092.86 413.79 99.50 871.00 1,109.80 36,494.57 5,872.00 303.87 309.00 74.74 375.75 186.90 213.00 152.50 218,63 907.16 727.93 697.19 .00 .00 3,984.81 19,698..97 8,679,49 10,038.J6 71.98 107.37 56.74 79.00 67.46 532,00 455.02 111.03 103.07 1,071.37 6,182.21 53.38 494.82 349.25 147.00 273.78 32.79 127.50 370.64 1,220.77 90.55 326.00 2,451.82 133.00 ADVANCE HBDICAL DESIGNS AIRW'r IIIC C1RllIlllL IlEALTH A!lSTERDAM PRINTING Er. L1 ARIZANr IlEALTllCARE llTlIROCAllE CORPORATION C R BARD me BECJQWl COllLTER IIIC BIom INC BALLARD rmoICAL PRODUCT BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPO BRISTOL-!!YBRS SQmB CO BaN IlEDIC1L lNC r:v EVOL11/ION CYGllUS IlEDIC1L CllANNIllG L Bm co INC COLBY lWroF1C'l'lJRING COR COIlllED CORPORATION cow GDViBlIImlT, INC . COOK IlEDIC1L INCORPORAT VOIDED VOIDED TIlE C=n. COl!PANY CPSI DADE BE1llU!IG SOUllCEOIlE IlEALTIlCAllE TH DI-CHE!d:, me. .DClCC!fBNT COllI'ROL SYSTE!lJ EDiWlDS LIFESCIENCES ELEerRO IlEDIC1L EQUIP C ELSEVIER SCIENCE USA BPDfED EQUAL DlAGlIOSTICS E-Z-EM, INC. 001 r:;:SHER i PAYXEL HEAtTHC FRESENIUS OSA IWltlFACTiJ GENESIS WORLDWIDE Em'ER GYRUS 1lNl' LLC IWlLBE HIlDIC1L TECH. IN HAVEL'S :mcORPORATED llEALTB CAllE LOGISTICS 1 HOBART SALES . SERVICE HOLLISTER lNC ll1l1L mSTllEsn INVIVO RESEARCH lNC. mow. IlIC INKOl!PA1lABLE INSTRlJlIENTATION WOllAT INTEGRATED HIlDIC1L SYST 33 613 RlllI Dm:DlIl4/D5 Too:09:06 I!BIlORIAL lIEDICI.L CEllIER CHECK RlGISTllR 12122104 THRcr 12122/04 BA!n!--CHECK____________________________________________________ COlla _R OATE 00llN'r PAIEB PAGE l GLCKREG .. ----------- --- --------------------..--------------- ------ ---------------------- ..--- ---.. -- ---- ------ --..- ---- ------ -- ---- -- -- --- - -.. -_.. AlP 105457 11/22/01 AlP 105458 12122101 AlP 105159 llml04 AlP 105460 12/22101 AlP 105461 12122101 AlP 10540J 11/22/04 AlP 105163 12/2l/04 AlP 105461 11/2l/01 AlP 105465 Ll122/04 AlP 105466 12111/04 AlP 1054&7 1l/22/04 AlP 10546B 12122104 AlP 105469 12/2l/04 AlP 105470 Ll/22101 AlP 105471 Ll/ll/04 AlP 105472 Ll/22/04 AlP 105473 12/22/04 AlP 105474 12m104 AlP 105475 12/22/04 AlP 105476 l2I2l/04 AlP 105477 12/11/04 AlP 105478 12/22101 AlP 105479 l2I12104 AlP 105480 12/12101 AlP 105481 12/22/04 AlP 105482 12/22/04 AlP 105483 12122/04 AlP 105481 12/22101 AlP 105485 12122104 AlP 105486 1l/22/04 AlP 105487 12/22/04 Alp 1054S8 12122/04 AlP 105489 12/22/04 AlP 105490 12122/01 AlP 105491 12/22101 AlP 105492 12/22/04 AlP 105493 12/22/04 AlP 105491 12/22/04 ~IP 105495 12/22/04 rO'rALS: 161.50 98.07 5&7.83 135.00 225.58 4,446.30 300.00 1,713.,0 153.B9 1B6.08 279.78 100.05 206.95 721.44 284.10 ll9.40 2l2.00 76.86 191.35 171.95 131.00 4l8.00 278.97 2,542.l9 178.81 295.31 lI5.55 424.60 27.47 1,OlO.38 l56.7l 64.67 221.29 500.65 428.l5 127.99 4,578.20 4,909.00 1,135.98 1l7,163.97 IIIIOXIMBTERS JIllSON, INC. JEDIll!O nOLL LABORATORY 8PEeIA LA! 81F!.'I'Y SUPPLY IOC LA!CORP or AIlERICA BOLO LINVA'mC CORPORA'l'ION IJl1 NOIl'l'll AIdI!llICA KUSH mmn IIIDliI!ST Se!EllCR 310= Ill!DI!I.A me Ill!DIBADGE Ill!DLBAIlN IlEDRlIlIIIC MEDTRONIC OSA, me. Ill!G1DYIlE IlEDICAL !Il!SA LABORATORIES Il1C IIICRO'rElt Ill!DICAL mc 'I'IlE 1Il0RGAN LIlNS IlOLOllO PROllllC'l'S _GAll SCIBm'IFIe Il1C NCCLS ON-SI'l'E TBSTIllG SPECIAL QOEST OIAGl/OS'I'ICS R << 0 BATTBEIES Il1C RII!l!L Il1C RPC REPROCESSING PROQUe RB8P01lSM PROVIOBRS IN S1!iTJIES ST JOlIN RlCORO PROOIWS S'I'1lmlll SALES CORP StJllIIEOICI.L nc STBRIS CORPOIl1T!ON TEXAS BLllCTRICAL SUPPLY 'I'IlERIIlO BIOSTAS TRI -ANIIIl IlEALTE SBRVICE 'l'1U. -STATE BOSPlm supp WATEP. << POWER TEClI!IOLOO ZII!n!mR OS, INC. e e 34 e 614 RD![ DATE:01114105 Tm:09:06 llEIIORllL IlEDI CAL CEllFER CllBCX REGISTER 12/23/04 THRO 12/23/04 B11T.R--CBEct-__~________________________________________________ CODE NllmBER DATE AMOM PAYEE PAGE 1 GLOOlEG --- -------.._--------- -------------- -.. ------ -- -------------- -------------- -- ---- ----------------.------ ---------- ------ ---- -------- --.. AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp e AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP _/P IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP Alp Alp Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP e 105496 l2I23/04 105497 l2I23/04 105498 11/23104 1054991Ul3104 105500 12/23104 105501 12/23/04 105502 1lI23/04 105503 11/23/04 105504 11/23/04 105505 11/23/04 105506 12/23/04 105507 11/23/04 1055081Ul3/04 105509 12/23/04 ID55101Ul3/04 105511 ll/23/04 105512 12/23/04 105513 11123/04 105514 12/23104 105515 ll/23/04 105516 11/23/04 1055171Ul3/04 105518 l2I23/04 105519 12/23/04 105520 12/23/04 105521 12123/04 105522 12/23/04 1055231Ul3/04 105524 12/23/04 105525 12/23/04 105526 12/23/04 105527 12/23/01 105528 12123104 105529 12/23/04 105530 12/23/04 105531 12/23/01 105532 12/23/01 105533 12/23/01 10553412123/01 105535 12/23/01 105536 12/23/01 105537 12/23104 105538 12/23/01 105539 12/23/04 105540 12/23/01 105541 12/23/04 105542 12/23/04 105543 12/23/114 105544 l2!23/04 105545 l2!23/D4 1,085.00 25,281.58 898.80 100.00 2,878.45 8.89 507.79 70.38 375.26 176.18 .00 30,861. 74 1,127.89 139.7. 149.00 11.96 266.82 133.12 149.26 2,551.83 7l.88 281.60 1,154.40 136.20 11.30 490.05 17,080.45 4.11 l,266.12 47.61 58.52 370.80 75.82 147.82 53.28 301.85 102.37 1,130.18 ',846.74 27.51 8,789.49 757.69 915 . 41 63.58 10.32 88.25 49.99 804.00 1,165.80 203.00 lBBCl'l'r LABORATORIES COlISTELLATIOlI NEIl SllERG CARDlliAL llEALTIl BLAZE AIlADOR ArLAC AHNOONCEMBNTSPLOS ASPBlfPOBLISl!BRS mc ESTER BARRIENTES RAXTBR IlRALTIlCARll CORP .sces VOIDED BERGRll BR1lIlSWIG DROG CO BIO-IIED PLOS me ;!iOlJr c.wro CARllBR TRACK CIIIGtlLAR WIRBLBSS COLLECTIONS DlCOlU'ORATE ClUSTIIIA CAImJ lIELBN DAVIS DIC'l'APBOOll KJ.TllBRINE DIETZEL DLE PAPD. i PlCnGING EIlCARE lIORTIl TElWi E Z GRAPH or VIt'rOlUA I FEDERAL mRESS CORP. PORT 1lBARB0RN LIrE msu OR IlEDlCAL SYBTEHS R01IERTS 1 RDBBRTS k ODBI' GOLP COAST PAPER COIlPAN H ! BU'I"I' GROC!RY TERRy HARGUS IlEU.TIl PORCE IlEDlCAL SALLY J HICKL llILL C01lllTRY DAIRIES PAT IIllAliICKY Il<01I FINANCIAL SERVICES IVANS LllKSR PIlAlllIACY IIAIlAGEHE IlE!lORIAL ""DlCAL CElll'ER JAliE IlCCARlI MCKESSON GENERAL IlEDlCA IlETI.IF! IlEJUDIAII PROrESSIO/IAL S LIIIIlA IlEYBR POWE> EL1l=C R G . ASSOCIATES mc RADIO SBACl( RANDY t S FLOOR COMPANY SYSCO .. SAN ANTONlO, LP TIlIl SPORTS STOP 35 615 RUN DATE:Dl)lV05 T!D:09<O' !IBIIORI1L IIIlDIm C!I1l'BR Clll!CK REGISTER . 1.1.3/04 THRU 1.1.3/04 BAm--CJlJ!CX-- --_________________ ____________._________________ CoPE _ IlTE WONT PAm PAGE 2 GLCXllEG -...--.....--.-----....-......------------..---..--....--....-----..--...----------------------------------------------------....----------------------- AlP 105545 lJ123/04 AlP 105547 lJ/23104 AlP 10554S lJ/23/01 .A/P 105549 11/23/04 AlP 105550 11/23/01 AlP 105551 11/23/01 AlP 105552 1l/.3/04 AlP 105553 11/23/04 AlP 105554 12/23/04 AlP 105555 12/23/04 AlP 105556 12/23/01 AlP 105557 ll/23/04 AlP 105558 12/23/01 AlP 105559 1l/.3/01 AlP 105560 11/23/04 TOI'ALS: n3.76 1,103.37 145.00 249.75 3,495.00 446.00 95.54 B97.6B l,OB5.16 33.00 3B.OB 51.53 41.48 1.15.00 20.48 1.12,336.69 S'I'UICYCLE, INC' . TLC STAl'!'ING TBlW W!lU!D MOSIC IllC PAT TRIGG llllIVERSm or WISCONSIN us POSTAlo SERVICE ZLVA VELA Vl!RIZOI1 S01lTIIWl!ST Vl!RIZOl1 THE' VICTORIA ADVOCATE LnmE VOSlWlP WALIlAR'l' COl!IllIJmTY ELIW!Tll WESTBROOK XEROX CORPORATIOI1 lnGBMlRK BLUE SHIELD 36 616 (It (It e RlJlJ DATE: 01/14/05 TIIlE:05: 06 MEIIORIAL IlEDICAL CEIll'ER CllBCK REGISTER 12/30/04 TBRD 12/30/04 BAUI--CllBCK-_________________________________,_________________ com NIJllBER DATE.ll>lDlJIIr PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG --- ------ ------ ---- -- ----- --------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- -- -- -----.. -------..--------.. AlP AlP AlP AI? AlP _AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP _A/P IP /P .AJp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP W AlP !I./P Ie I 105551 12/30/04 105562 12/30/04 105563 12/30/04 10556< 12/30/04 105565 12/30104 105566 12/30104 105561 12/30/04 10556! 12/30/04 105565 12/30/04 105510 12/30/04 105571 12/30/D4 105512 12130104 105513 12130104 105514 12/30/01 105515 12/30104 105516 ll130104 105511 12/30/04 105m llI30/01 105575 12/30101 105580 12/30/04 105581 12130/01 105582 12130/04 105583 ll130104 105581 12/30101 105585 12130104 105586 ll130/04 105581 ll130/114 105588 12/30104 105585 12/30/04 105590 12/30/04 105591 12130/04 105552 12130104 105593 12/30/04 105551 12130104 105555 12130/04 105596 12/JO/04 105551 12130104 105558 12130101 105599 12130/DI 105600 12/30/04 105601 12/30101 105602 12/30/04 105603 12130104 105604 12130/04 105605 12130104 105606 12/30104 105601 12130101 105608 12/30/04 105605 12130/04 105610 12/30104 14.98 112.41 35.56 108.75 325.00 52.50 111.45 64.54 1,143.05 1,453.83 .00 26,110.72 415.00 2,683.00 88.14 51.85 1,903.72 346.30 5,072.17 413.46 105.82 66.61 266.85 365.04 95.00 401.05 11,014.06 1,115.38 24, 95&. 71 472.37 11.16 61.32 32.211 80.4! 5,081.81 1,412.94 14.44 26.52 14,070.;11 140.l! 1,301.70 58.14 66.95 4,560.75 1,530.01 15.56 90.00 .101.54 635.00 138.46 ACE .HARDWARE .. PORTER f S ADVANCED llBALTE EDOCAT! AERIrORM/IWECO-PORT LAV COIISTELLATIOII """ EIlERG lIlERIClN COLLEGE or REA 1IllBRICAN TV &; APPLIANCE AQUA BEVERAGE COIlPAllY BS'l'IlR BARRIENTES IlAXTBR llBALl'IlCAllB CORP BBCIQW/ COULTBR CAPITAL VOIDED BERGBJl BROIISWIG DRlJG CO BIOSotlRCE BIOLOGICAI..S I c.u, COM l'EDERlL CREDIT ROBY c.imu CSBD/CASH PROCESSING CIuGUL1R WIRBLBSS CITIZENS MEDICAL =ER cm or PORT LAVACA camxrs IlELEN DAVIS KATllBRIIlB DlB'l'1:EL DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS BY BllBASSY SllITES E t GRAPB or VIt"I'ORIA I FISBER HBAL'l'HCARE GE MEDICAL SYSTE>lS BRBlIDA Il1RZA GB llBALl'IlCARB rIN SRVS GllLF COAST PAPER COMPAN B E Bll'M' GROCERY SALLY J HICK!, II!LL COU!lTRY IlAlRlES PAT IIR1NICKY INVIVO RESBARCE IOC. USTlTOTIONAL TRUST cO!< IVANS VEIIlJS KING mrORlAL llBDICAL CENl'ER llALI.lIICKROOT INC TI!RRY . MCCLAIN CRIIA JANE IlCCJRN !JCGOWAN MERPRISES, IN MCKESSON GENERAL IIBDICA IlBDRAD me LIllDA IIBYER mOLTA rll/ANCllL SERVI OWENS lr. mOR OCTBllRST ADVERTISING MlClll:LLE ORTA 37 617 RUN'DA'I'Il:Ol/14J05 rI!lE:09: 05 moRIA1 IlEDIW CElIrEll CHECK REGISm 12110104 mu 12/10/01 sm.-CHECK- --'------_n_n_____....____..__._________n_____ CODE N1lIIBER Ilil'l! _ PAYEE PAGE 2 GLcm:G ------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 105511 UI30m 412.50 POPllUR LEASnm AlP 105512 12130/04 1,000.00 POSTXASTER AlP 105613 12130/04 140.76 PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS AlP 105514 11130/04 149.00 R G . ASSOCIATES mc AlP 105515 11110/04 89.94 RESPIROIlICS Alp 105515 11130/04 4,"'3.99 SYSCO - SAN ANromO, LP e AlP 105517 12/30104 30.50 TIlE SPORTS STOp Alp 105518 ll/30/04 10,000.00 TB1Il RBIWl .Alp 105619 1l/30/04 49,00 TES'l'BIIGl!IlR mc AlP 105520 1l110/01 260.00 TX DSPT or S'rATE lIBALTH AlP 105511 ll/10/04 124.72 TEXAS G111RAlmED STODBII AlP 1056ll ll/30/04 l85,l94.00 TRULSWBIl lIBALTll ENTE. AlP 105623 12/10104 61.50 UllI'l'BD WAY or WHOllN C AlP 105524 ll/30/04 150.00 os POS'rAL SERVICE AlP 105525 12130104 109.14 !LV! VELA AlP 105526 ll/10/04 4,557.55 VBlIUClI SOllTHWBS'r AlP 105517 12130/04 78.l9 WALIW<T CC!!I!IllliITY AlP 105518 ll/30104 653.69 WATBIlIIAllK GIlAPllICS I!lC AlP 105529 1l/30/04 36.04 BLIZAB!'l'Jl llEllTBMOR AlP 105610 ll/10/04 1,811.91 W W GRAIllGER mc rorAL8: 44l,659.77 e 38 e 618 RUN DATE: 0l/14/05 TOO: 09:03 MEIIORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THRU DUE DATE OF 01 fl. f 05 PAGE: APOPEN ~.nAME..... ...... .......... .... ..CLS.!NVOlCEI...... ...TRN DT.INV DT.DUE DT.a! DT. .PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC.... ..NO-PAY........~ A1554 APPLIED TllERAPEUDICS mc . 16721 121504 120104 012605 261.00 ..00 261.00 TCYrALS....................................... : 26l.00 .00 261.00 A1640 AIRCAST INC M 300000301 122104 1208D4 0126D5 101.00 .00 101. 00 TOTALS....................................... : 10l. 00 .00 101.00 e A1692 ALCAVIS, IlIl'ERNATIDllAL M 16864 122104 120604 012605 14.94 .00 74.94 TC11'ALS....................... ,............. ,.; 74.94 .00 14.94 A1705 ALIMED INC. a 3884234 121504 112204 012605 153.95 .00 153.95 TCYr1I.S....................................... : 153.95 .00 153.95 A1732 ALLEN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, mc 155846 123104 122204 012605 5687.88 .00 5687.88 TCYr1I.S....................................... : 5687.88 .00 5681.88 A1165 Al!IERICAN ASSOCIATION . 84949 121604 l1l204 012605 5107.00 .011 5101.00 TOTALS................,.,.,.,................ : 5107.00 .00 5107.00 Al825 CARDINAl, IlEALTH a 08101405 121304 111904 012605 819.45 .00 819 .45 08101430 121504 113n04 012605 566.59 .00 566.59 08101449 122104 121004 012605 1918.30 .00 1918.30 08101469 123104 121704 012605 359.54 .00 355.94 08101482 123104 122404 012605 285.50 .00 285.50 TOTALS... .................... ................: 3950.18 .00 3950.18 A.2276 ARTHROC1RE CORPORATION M N448419 121504 120304 012605 171.00 .00 177.00 e N44581l 121504 1208114 012605 171.00 .011 171.00 TOT1I.S....................................... : 354.00 .00 354.~0 l..l346 ASPECT IIEDlCAL SYSTEMS a 122102 122104 120804 012605 443.17 .00 413.11 TOTALS........ .'..............................: 443.17 .00 443.11 '0137 C R BARD mc a 29135536 121504 120801 012605 32 6.3 8 .00 326.38 552075B 121504 120801 012605 70.00 .00 70.00 55207918 121504 120801 012605 184.00 .00 184.00 29113435 122104 121404 012605 32 6.3 8 .00 326.38 55212818 122104 121404 012605 ))3.10 .00 333.70 TOTALS.............................,......... ; 1240.46 .00 1240.46 :1220 BECKMAN COULTER INC M 581655AN16 121604 112504 012605 574.00 .00 514.00 39 e 619 Rll!1 DA'1'!: 01/14/05 Tn1!: 01:03 !IBl!JORllL l:lEDlCAL CEN'l'ER AI OpllN INVOICE LIST THRn IlllE DATE or 01/26/05 PAGE: l AIJOPEN VENllI.mm. ...................... ....CL5.!NVOICllI.........1'Illl DT.II1V DT.DUE DT.CK 01. .PC...... .GROSS... ..DISC... ...NO-PAY.."... .NET 40 e 620 RUN DATE: Dl/l4/D5 TIn: 09:03 !IEIIORIAL I!E!lICAL CElmR AP OPEN INVOICE LIST mu DOE DATE or 01/26/05 PAGE: 3 APOPEN VEml!.l1AIlE.......................... .CLS.INVOICE!.........TRN DT.INV DT.DUE. DT,Cl( DT. .PC...... .GROSS.... .DISC..... .NO-PAY....... .NET TDTALS....................................... : 481.26 .00 481.26 B2051 BYRNE MEDICAL M 0009321-IN 121504 120304 012605 154.14 .00 15<.14 TDTALS....................................... : 154.14 .00 15<.14 ClOD CERTIFIED LABORATORIES M 962802 123104 122804 012605 168.35 .00 168.35 e 962803 123104 122804 012605 216.00 .00 216.00 962804 123104 122804 012605 m.OO .00 219.00 TOI'ALS..'..'...,'..'...'....'...'.......'.... : 663.35 .00 663.35 CH43 CYGNUS IlEDICAL M 15190 123104 1222114 012605 213.00 .00 213.00 TDTALS....................................... : llJ.DO .00 213.00 CH85 CHOOSING THE BEST W 19313 121304 113004 012605 2000.25 .00 2000.25 TDTALS....................................... : 2000.25 .00 2000.25 C1850 CODONICS INC M 060231 122904 121404 012605 421.98 .00 421.98 TGrALS..... ...... ............ ................: 421.98 .00 421.98 C1910 CONMED CORPORATION M 300261 121304 112404 012605 101.15 .00 101.15 300869 121304 112404 012605 549.00 .00 549.00 311103 122104 120904 012605 33.12 .00 33.12 311391 122104 120904 012605 91.62 .00 91.62 316134 122904 121504 012605 211.29 .00 217 .29 318482 122904 121104 012605 m.35 .00 212.35 319382 123104 121804 012605 12.05 .00 12.05 321833 123104 122104 012605 251.40 .00 251.40 322669 123104 122204 012605 36.10 .00 36.10 e2151 COOPERSURGICAL INC TDTALS. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . .. .. : 1691.28 .00 1691.28 M 1063811 122104 120804 012605 225.82 .00 225.82 TGrALS. . . . . . '" . . ., . . . . . . " . . .. .-. . . . . . . . . " . . : 225.82 .00 225.82 C24511 THE COUNCIL CD>lPA!Il M 04405 121304 120104 012605 54.00 .00 54.00 04421 121301 120101 012605 131.98 .00 131.98 04451 121304 120204 012605 2.16 .00 2.76 04452 121304 1202114 012605 10.66 .00 10.66 04456 121304120204 012605 63.88 .00 63.88 04491 121304 120304 012605 246.18 .00 246.18 04527 121304 120604 012605 30.20 .00 30.20 04528 121304 120604 012605 m.69 .00 139.69 114529 121304 120604 012605 5.64 .00 5.54 04565 121504 120704 012605 2.11 .00 2.11 41 e 621 RlJN DATE; 01/14/05 Tm; DI:03 ImlllRIAL lIEIlICAL CBlITER AP OPEN INVOICE LIS'I' THRU m DATE OF 01/26/05 PAGE: 4 APOPEI1 vmDf .N.IIlE.. ....................... ..CLS.INVOICEI.........TRN llT.INV llT.llUE llT.CK llT..PC...... . GROSS. ... . DISC.. ... . NO-PAY ........lIET C251D CPSI 00350 DADE BEI1RI!IG D1120 DAY TmERS me D1150 DATEX-OHmEDA 04606 121504 120804 012605 104.84 .00 104.84 .04613 121504 120804 012605 5.80 .00 5.80 04615 121504 120804 012605 2.90 .00 2.90 04631 121504 120804 012605 573.96 .00 573.96 04656 121504 120904 012605 m.ol .00 329.01 04714 121504 121004 012605 130.00 .00 130.00 e 04721 121604 121004 012605 108.50 .00 108.50 04723 121604 121004 012605 11.51 .00 ll.51 04767 1.21604 121304 012605 27.86 .00 27.86 04768 121604 121304 012605 9.14 .00 9.14 04784 121604 121404 012605 15.79 .00 15.79 04846 122904 121504 012605 ID.Sl .00 10.81 04855 1.22904 121504 012605 588.53 .011 588.53 04868 l22904 121604 012605 49.00 .00 49.00 04876 122904 121604 012605 36.54 .00 36.54 04911 122904 121704 012605 6.06 .00 6.06 04930 122904 122004 012605 31.04 .1111 31.04 05018 123104 122204 012605 39.68 .110 39.68 05019 123104 122204 012605 11. 78 .00 11. 78 05020 123104 122204 012605 13.77 .00 13..77 05037 123104 122304012605 14.98 .00 14.98 05060 123104 122704 012605 231.39 .00 231.39 05085 123104 122804 012605 36.82 .00 36.82 "l'OTALS....................................... ; 3076.81 .00 3076.81 M 177678 121304 120204 012605 221.00 .00 221.00 177405 121504 113004 012605 318.75 .00 318.75 178086 121504 120704 012605 2700.00 .00 2700.00 178447 121504 120904 012605 124.80 .00 124.80 A0412061178 121504 120604 012605 10954.00 .011 10954.00 178268 122104 120804 012605 491.64 .00 491.64 178869 122904 121504 012605 423.81 .00 423.81 e 180091 123104 122204 012605 401.88 .00 4111.88 180698 123104 122904 012605 287.13 .00 287.13 180737 123104 122904 012605 440.00 .00 440.00 TOTALS....................................... ; 16363.01 .00 16363.01 M 932086211 121604 120204 012605 696.99 .011 696.99 93215134 121604 120904 012605 11198.25 .011 1098.25 93223168 123104 121704 012605 1039.36 .011 1039.36. 93224719 123104 122004 012605 529.72 .00 529.72 93226187 123104 122104 012605 2256.7J .00 2256.73 93227726 123104 122204 012605 13.58 .00 13.58 TOTALS....................................... ; 5634.63 .00 5634.63 M 53653578 121504 120604 012605 18.99 .00 18.99 TOTALS....................................... ; 18.99 .00 18.99 M 12349865 122904 121504 012605 36.02 .00 36.02 42 e 622 RUN DATE: 01/14/05 Tm, 09:03 IlEIIORUL MEDICAL CEN'l'BR AP OPEl! INVOICE LIST '!lIRU DUB DATE or DIm/os PAGE: 5 APOPllN VENDI.lWlE....... .................. ..CLS.INVOICEI.........TJlN llT.INV llT.DllE DT.CK DT..PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC.... ..NO-PAy....... . NET TOTALS....................................... : 36.02 :00 36.02 D1243 SOURCEONE lIEAL'l'lICAllE 'l'ECIlN N 8384795 121304 112904 012605 93.02 .00 93.02 8387522 121304 113004 012605 2065.12 .00 2065.12 8399838 121504 120704 012605 2iu8 .00 234.98 8402121 121504 120804 012605 602.35 .00 602.35 e 8399837 122104 120704 012605 93.86 .00 93.86 8411982 122904 121404 012605 3033.42 .00 3033.42 ~ 419818 122904 121704 012605 5475.96 .00 5475.96 8425729 123104 122104 012605 2582.01 .00 2582.01 8431063 123104 122304 012605 469.96 .00 469.96 8431064 123104 122304 012605 147.80 .00 147.80 TOTALS.......................;............... , 14798;48 .00 14798.48 D14D6 DI-CHRM. INC. W 27114 121504 120604 012605 218.36 .00 218.36 TOTALS....................................... : 218.36 .00 218.36 Dl752 DRUI1l!Il!ID Al!ERlCAN CORP W 2756699 123104 122204 012605 160.44 .00 160.44 2756700 123104 122204 012605 157.80 .00 157.80 Tal'ALS... .................... ........... ....,: 318.24 .00 318.24 E0700 EBI MEDICAL SYSTEMS IIIC M 6062426 122104 120904 012605 6295.00 .00 6295.00 'I'OTALS....................................... : 6295.00 .00 6295.110 E1090 EDWARDS LIFESCIEflCllS M 330798 122904 121504 012605 85.00 .00 85.00 TOTALS................................. .... ,.: 85.00 .00 85.00 E1241 ELSEVIER SCIENCE USA 60143156 122904 120904 012605 485.60 .00 4S5.60 e 60171337 122904 121004 012605 194.85 .00 194.S5 60269073 123104 121704 012605 180.00. .00 180.00 TOTALS........................ ...............: 860.45 .00 860.45 E1329 EQUAL DIAGNOS'l'ICS M 01l9D77-IN 123104 121404 012605 412.42 .00 412.42 TOTALS....................................... : 412 . 42 .00 412.42 UllO EPS, INc. M 0288745-IN 121504 120304 012605 135.71 .00 135.71 Tcr.rALS........,......,....................... : 135.71 .00 135.71 ~3205 DE COMPANY M 293507 121304 120204 012505 79.00 .00 79.00 295150 123104 122804 012505 79.00 ,00 79.00 TOT~LS....................................... : 158.00 .00 158.00 '1403 rISllER . PAYKEL llEALTHCAllE M 111138128 121504 120704 012505 120.08 .00 120.08 43 e 623 RON DA'l'E: ~l!14/05 'IDlE: ~l:03 lIEllOlUAL mlClL. CENTER 1> OPllI1 II/VOlCE LIST TIlIW DUE DATE OF 01/26/05 PAGE: 6 APOPEN VEliDI.Il1lIE. -....................... ..CLS.II/VOICE!........ .TlUIllT.INV Dr.OtJE Dr.CK OT. .PC..... ..GROSS.... .DISC..... .NO-PAY....... .NET TOTALS....................................... : 120.08 .00 120.08 F1780 FRESmIllS USA IWIOFACTURIN . 92280198 121304 112904 012605 ms.so .00 3938.80 92285231 121304 120204 012605 48.00 .00 48.00 92289182 121504 120104 012605 244.21 .00 244.21 e 92295653 122104 121304 012605 4039.10 .00 4039.10 92295651 122104 121304 012605 11.00 .00 11.00 92301951 122904 121104 012605 184.98 .00 184.98 92305244 123104 122104 012605 111.56 .00 111.56 TOTALS..... ..................................: 8644.25 .00 8644.25 G0100 GE !IIlD:IClL SYSTmIS W 200438820 121504 120104 012605 155.15 .00 155.75 TOTALS.......... .............................: 155.15 .00 155.15 G0120 GE I!BO:IW SYSTmIS, INFO T 5424185 123104 122201 012605 143.50 .110 143.50 5425219 123104 121701 012605 15.20 .1111 15.20 TOTALS....................................... : 218.10 .00 218.10 R0405 REST FITMESSPRODUCTS W 42584 122904 120104 012605 14.95 .00 14.95 TOTALS. ......................................: 14.95 .00 14.95 RI050 HAVEL'S meORPORATED . 00659351 123104 121704 012605 139.00 .00 139.011 00659814 123101 122704 012605 131.00 .00 131.00 TOTALS....................................... : 216.00 .00 216.011 R1269 IlEllRY SCIlEIll me. 4161825-01 121304 112904 012605 290.60 .00 290.60 TOI'ALS................................. ......: 290.60 .00 290.60 e 109511 INFOLAB me M 2011956 121304 120104 012605 131.81 .011 131.81 2029172 123104 122801 012605 131.81 .011 131.81 TOTALS....................................... : 263.14 .00 263.14 10951 INKOMPARABLE M 13341 121504 111904 012605 168.00 .00 168.00 13361 121504 112204 012605 168.00 .011 168.00 13480 121504 120104 012605 53.00 .00 53.00 13563 123104 120104 012605 136.00 .110 136.00 13>49 123104 121404 012605 1JB .00 .00 13UO TDrALS................,....................,. : 663.00 .00 663.011 10m IliGENIx PUBLISIlING GROUP W 8141061 123104 120704 012605 us .95 .00 119.95 TOTALS....................................... : 119.95 .00 119.9 5 n031 INIlOVATM LABORATORY ACRY W 34081 123104 120604 012605 38.50 .110 38.50 44 e ,. 624 RUli DATE: 01/14/05 TIllE: 09:03 IlElIORIAL !IEllICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST TllRU IlUE DATE OF 01/26/05 PlIlE: 7 APOPEN VEI/D#./WIE......................... ..CLS.INVOICEI........ .TRIl OT.INVDr.DUE Dr.CK Dr. .PC...... . GROSS. ... .DISC.... ..NO-PAY....... .NET 3m4 123104 122704 012605 42.55 .00 42.55 TerALS..................................... ..: 81.05 .00 Sl.05 11100 INSTROMENTATIDN LABORATORY ~ 3100172158 121604 113004 012605 2109.02 .00 2109.02 TaI'ALS....................................... : 1I09.02 .00 2109.02 e I1l60 IIIrOXlMETERs ~ 158198 123104 ll1604 012605 37.50 .00 37.50 TOTALS............,................... .......: 37 .50 .00 37.50 J1392 J1lISON, INC. . YC906435 122104 121504 012605 225.l8 .00 2l5.28 TO'I'ALS.......'.....'..........,.,'... .... ....: 2l5.l8 .00 ll5 .28 J1405 JED>lSD ~ m889DI ll1304 112904 012605 374.18 .00 374.18 33848101 122104 121304 012605 2000.85 .00 2000.85 TerALS....... ...................... ..........: 2375.03 .00 2375.03 LI17011 LABCORP OF AMElUCA HOLDIllG ~ 16327040 121304 l1l704 012605 4l.00 .00 4l.00 16317106 111304 112704 012605 3888.54 .00 3888.54 16461763 123104 010105 011605 5l16.00 .00 5l16.00 16513606 123104 010105 012605 84.00 .00 84.00 TerALS......................... ............ ..: 9230.54 .00 9230.54 L1295 LEEDS INSTRDImlT IIIC . 32\464 123104 120704 012605 178.00 .00 178.00. 326535 123104 120904 012605 316.00 .00 316.00 TIlrALS....................................... : 494.00 .00 494.00 L1438 _ NORTH A>lBRICA . 274898 121504 120804 012605 159.60 .00 159.60 e 277346 122904 122004 012605 79.80 .00 79.80 TerALS........................... ............, 239.40 .00 l39.40 41439 LIFE'I'EC, mc . 208720 121504 120804 012605 2585.41 .00 2585.41 TarALS....................................... : 2585.41 .00 2585.41 L1696 LONG'S ELECTRONICS, INC. . 566807 ll1504 120804 012605 217 .90 .00 117 .90 TIlrALS....................................... : 217.90 .00 217.90 <1511 llARKETLAll . 1063153 121504 112904 012605 95.45 .00 95.45 TOTALS............;.......................... : 95.45 .00 95.45 12280 IIEAD JOllNSON NlJ'I'RITIONALS 900323892 Il3104 ll2804 011605 41.39 .00 U.39 45 e 6')~ 1<,..<..1 RON DATE: 01/V05 TIm: 09:8 lDORIAL IIElJICAL CEI1Il!R AP OPEN INVOICE LIST TllRe DOE DATE OF 111/15/05 PAGE: 8 APOPEN VllNDI.IW!IE.. ........................ .CLS.DlVOICEI.........TRN OT.INV DT.DllE DT.Cli DT..PC..... ..GROSS.... .DISC.... ..NO-PAY....... .NET TC/I'ALS....................................... : 41.39 .00 41.39 112320 llEDIBWGll M 147550 123104 111304 011505 142.45 .00 142.45 Tal'ALS............... '... ,.,..................: 142.45 .00 142 .45 112324 TIm I!EDIClL INS'l'IT!1'l'B e M 4105 111904 111504 011505 184.80 .00 184.80 TOTALS................. ...... ............ ....: 184.80 .00 184.80 112485 !!IEDRAD me M 90897557 123104 111104 011505 1854.00 .1111 1854.00 TC/I'ALS....................................... : 1854.00 .00 2854.00 112499 !!IEDTRON:IC lSA, Il/C. w 5788099 121504 110304 011505 53.05 .00 63.05 5791715 121504 120604 011605 63.05 .00 53.05 5803774 111504 110804 011505 192.35 .00 192 .35 TC/I'ALS....................... ...... ..........: 418.45 .00 418.45 113331 l'IDOllE IlEDIW W 93570423 I!I 121504 110704 011505 48.90 .00 48.90 TaJ'ALS. ............................""".. ,,: 48,911 .110 48.90 NI1320 NCCLS w 14913 123104 121504 012505 200.00 .00 100.00 TC/I'ALS........... ........".."..".".......: 100.00 .00 100.00 P1875 POLlI!ElJCO me. M 00539273 123104 111904 011505 159.00 .00 159.00 00539310 123104 111904 011505 47 .50 .00 47.50 TorALS....................................." : ,06.50 .00 2116.511 )0560 QOAllTEllJJAS'1'S e M P597402001019 121904 11,004 012605 107.50 .00 107.611 TC/I'ALS........................."............ : 107.60 .00 107.60 10570 QDEST DIAGNIlS'l'ICS W 9105127816 121604 112604 011505 501.10 .00 501.20 9106238593 121504 112504 012605 84.00 .00 84.00 9106690014 123104 121904 011505 418.50 .00 418.50 9105711995 123104 112904 012505 84.00 .00 84.00 TC/I'ALS.........................."...."..... : 108S.70 .00 108S.70 0571 QDES'!' DIAGNOSTICS . 9105370594 121604 112504 0126115 275.81 .00 275.81 TorALS."................"......".......... : 275.81 .00 275.81 0572 QUILL w 4045071 122104 121501 012505 31.98 .00 31. 98 TaJ'ALS....................,.....,.... ........: 31.98 .00 31. 98 l454 RPC REPROCESSING PRODUCTS . 105336 122104 120904 011605 150.84 .00 1511.8' 46 e 626 RUN DATE: 01114/05 TIl!E: 09:03 IJEJ!lORIAL MEDICAL CEIIl'ER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST mo DUE DATE or 01/26/05 PAGE: 9 APOPEN ~.NAME..................... .... ..CLS.~OICE!...... ...TRN DT.INV DT.DUE DT.CK DT..PC. ......GROSS. ....0lSC.. ....NO-PAY.. ..... .NET TOTALS....................................... : 150.11 .00 150.84 R1468 RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS INC M 0046222-IN-J J21304 lJ3004 012605 4035.00 .00 4035.00 0046294-IN 121504 121004 012605 22.70 .011 22.70 0046317-lN 122104 121101 012605 106.75 .00 406.75 onI6443-lN 122904 121001 012605 106.75 .00 406.75 e TOTALS............... ,....,.. ..... ...........: 4871.20 .00 4871.20 R1880 THE RURor CORPORATION M 3844365-lN 123104 110904 012605 222.11 .00 222.71 TOO'ALS................,............ '... .'.....; 222.71 .00 222.71 S2DD2 SA-SO FULL LINE 104 SP!SUM " 3612383 121304 112504 012605 192.76 .00 192.76 TOTALS.........................,. ............: 192.76 .00 192.76 S2347 SYllTIlES " 07210216lU 121504 120304 012605 135.80 .00 135.80 07222781RI 122104 120904 012605 27.55 .00 27.55 TOTALS........... '...., .......... .......... ..-: 163.35 .00 163.35 S2679 ST JOlll/ RECORD PROGlWlS M 01809028 121304 113004 012605 110.37 .00 110.37 01819058 122104 121301 012605 55.19 .00 55.19 01817992 122904 121004 012605 201.19 .00 204.49 01821323 122904 121504 012605 158.00 .00 158.00 01825578 112904 122101 012805 7U5 .00 74.85 01826634 113104 122204 012605 18.88 .00 16.88 01827652 123104 122304 012605 154.42 .00 154.42 TO'I'ALS. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. " .. .... .. 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'.': 224.45 .00 224.45 T1900 TEXAS ELEt'rlUCAL SUPPLY " 12593 121504 112304 011605 181.62 .00 181. 62 12702 122904121304012605 143.10 .00 143.10 12727 122SD4 121604 012605 214.20 .00 214.20 47 e 627 ROll DATE: 01/14105 T!llE: 01:03 1IllNORIAJ. llEDlCAL CENTER AP OPEll DlVOlCE LIST TBRU DUE DATE OF 01/l6/05 VENDI.lW!Il:. ........................ ..CLS.IIIVOlCEI.. .......TR!I DT.Il1V DT.DOE DT.CX DT..PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC..... .NO-PAY........NET PAGE: 10 APOPEN 48 628 e e e e RlIlJ DATE: 01/14/05 'mIE: 09:03 mDRIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEIl IlNOICE LIST me DUE DATE OF Dl/l6/DS vmrn.lIAIlE....... .. ................ ..CLS.mvOlCE#.........TlUl DT.INV DT.DOE DT.CK DT..PC..... ..GROSS.... .DISC.... ..NO-PAy...... ..NET PAGE: 11 APOPEN 580527 121604 120804 012605 605125 122904 121604 012605 616950 122904 122004 012605 . TOrALS........... .................... .........: GRAIID TorALS............... ........ ..........: 58.97 46.77 621.47 1002.79 14ml.64 .00 .00 .00 .00 58.97 46.77 621.47 1002.79 .00 149321. 64 49 629 REFERRALS FORT-HE MONTH OF DECEMBER FINANCIAL CLASS N . REFERRAL ACCOUNTS FINANCIAL CLASS 0 . REFERRAL ACCOUNTS FINANCIAL CLASS I. INHOUSE ACCOUNTS FINANCIAL CLASS X . MEDICARE ACCOUNTS TOTAL CHARITY FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER CHARITY FOR THE YEAR OF 2004 $ $ $ $ 112,807.65 58,551.68 35,636.10 15,850.81 $ 222,846.24 $ $ 200,493.32 1,185,682.01 50 630 e e e PRESENTATION BY KEEP CALHOUN COUNTY BEAUTIFUL TO CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER KEN WENSKE: Shannon Salyer and Cindy Partida with Keep Calhoun County Beautiful presented Kenneth Wenske Code Enforcement Officer with a certificate of appreciation for the work he has done with keeping Calhoun County Beautiful. Kenneth wanted to thank the Commissioners' Court, Sheriffs Office and District Attorney's Office for heiping make his job easier. . e APPROVE WILUAM HARVEY TO FILL THE CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT- MARINE POSITION: Mr. Darrell A. Dromgoole and Mr. Ralph Rayburn with Texas Cooperative Extension Service presented to the Court William Harvey as the candidate to the County Extension Agent-Marine position. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Appoint William Harvey to fill the Calhoun County Extension Agent-Marine effective February 14, 2005 at the current salary and travel expense. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. HEAR HISTORICAL COMMISSION REPORT: Judge Pfeifer read the Historical Commission Report, Cherre Cain was unable to be in Court. The Calhoun County Historical Commission met on January 11, 2005 and elected new officers, Cherre Cain as Chairman, Dean Johnstone as Vice Chairman, Georgeanne Cormier as Secretary and Phil Thomae as Treasurer. They will have scheduled monthly meetings on the 2"" Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Calhoun County Museum. The Halfmoon Reef Lighthouse interior will be finished early February at which time the exterior of the building will be restored to insure and protect Its original and historic vaiue. The committee has voted to make the lighthouse into a picture museum of eariy days of Calhoun County. There will be no furniture and the pictures will be framed copies of the originals hung on the walls. The Chamber of Commerce will open and close the building each day and there will be no paid employees to man the lighthouse and tours by the Calhoun County Museum will be scheduled during peak seasons. e APPOINT HISTORICAL COMMISSION CHAIRMAN FOR TWO YEAR TER~ A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Appoint Cherre Cain as the Historical Commission Chairman for a two year term. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Frtisch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPOINT TWO ~EMBERS TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY LI~RA'~.Y BO~RD: A Motion was made hy Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Appoint DiAnn Sabin and Virginia Schmidt as members to the Calhoun County Library Board. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Frtisch, Finster and judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPOINT JUDGE PRO-TEM: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Appoint Commissioner Galvan as Judge Pro-Tern. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. REOUEST BY DISTRICT CLERK THAT $5.00 ~F F~~ ~~L~~C;:E~ ~ ~OUNTY UNDER HB 1905 BE KEPT BY THE DISTRICT CLERK' RE RAE Ii T PRESERVATION MANAGEMENT FUND: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Approve the request by the District Oerk that $5.00 of fees collected by County under HB 1905 be kept by the District Clerk's Records Management Preservation Management fund. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPROVE THE BID SPECIFICATIONS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY ~~:i OFFICE TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS IN THE PORT LAVACA WAVE AND THE Ell ADVOCATE FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA FOR T~no~~ OF THE COUNTY OFFICES WHILE THE COURTHOUSE IS UNDERGOING RENIDL___: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Approve the Bid Specifications and to authorize the County Auditor's Office to Advertise for Bids in the Port Lavaca Wave and Victoria Advocate for the Renovation of the Memorial Medical Plaza for the use of the County Offices while the Courthouse fs undergoing renovations. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeffer all, voted In favor. 631 REPLACE PAYMENT SCHEDULE (PAGES) OF CONTRACT EXECUTED ON FEBRUARY 12. 2004 FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES WITH GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMICCTON WITH AMENDED PAYMENT SCHEDULE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to replace payment schedule (page 8) of Contract executed on February 12, 2004 for Management Services with Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission with amended payment schedule. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted in favor. PART m - PAYMENT SCHEDULE The County of Calhoun shall reimburse the Golden Crescent Regional Planning CoJ:11mission for management services provided fur completion of the following project milestones perthe following maximum eonlr.lct llII10unt 1. Establish & maintain record keeping system (including genl:ral project mBlllgement) $ 3,500.00 2. Complete Environmental Review and Assessment $ 3,000.00 3. Review bid documents and assist with bid/contract award. Contractor Ye1itication. $ 2,000.00 $ 3,500.00 4. Construction Phase 5. Complete Quarterly Status Reports. $ 2,000.00 6. Close-out reports including final public hearing. S 3.500.00 $17,500.00 TOTAL ADMINlSTRATION In the event of contract tennination, pa)'lneIlt shall be rendered for services performed OIl B. pro ralll basis. ~: The County Is teiponsible for payment of the audit for this project. 8 632 (It e e e e e DESIGNATE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE ON DE-GG-LA RCaD BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 2005: . . ste d nded by Commissioner Balajlea to A Motion was made by Commissioner Fin r an seco De-G La RC&D Board of designate Commissioner ~~n as ~Gae ICoun~~~fa~=v~~~r an~ Judge Pfeifer all voted in Directors for 2005. Commissioners van, " , favor. DESIGNATE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE ON DE-GO-LA RCaD COUNCIL FOR 2005: .. Bal "lea d econded by Commissioner Finster to A Motion was made by Commissioner aJ an s . D G La RC&D Coundl for . Co Iss' er Galvan as the County Representative on e- 0- designate ~mi lon, G I an Bala;1ea Fritsch Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. 2005. Commlss oners a v, " , De-yo-La 'Resource Conservation aruf'Devefoyment Project, Inc. 2601 .Jl.zaLea, Suite 6 'Victoria, Texas 77901 'Designation of'Directorsliiy January 5, 2005 Calhoun County - Calhoun Countv Commissioners CoUrt The following person is currently designated to represent your county on the De-Go-La RC&D Board of Directors: ROller Galvan Member of Calhoun County COmmissioners CoUrt Will the individual listed above continue as the designated director for your county? Yes (Indicate Yes or No) If the individual will not continue to represent your county, please list their replacement. Name Address Phone Please indicate who will represent your organization to the De-Go-La RC&D Council for the coming year. Name Roger c. Galvan Address 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone Number 361-552-9242 Authorized Signature ~~, jJ 9 ~ f Sponsoring Organization Calhoun County Aransas, 'Bee, Ca{/ioun, Dervitt, :fayette, Go{taa, Gonzales, jadison, Xarnes, Lavaca, Live Oak, :Mc:Mur[en, Nueces, 'Refugio, San 'Patricia, ana 'Victoria Counties of Texas 633 CALHOUN COUNTY TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE BUYBOARD: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Approve Calhoun County to become a Member of the Buy board. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. lnterloeal Agreement Page 10[5 e INTERLOCAL PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT for the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative This Interlocal Participation Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative ("Cooperative"), an administrative agency of cooperating local governments, acting on its own behalf and the behalf of all participating local governments, and the undersigned ,local government of the State of Texas ("Cooperative Member"). The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate compliance with state bidding requirements, to identify qualified vendors of commodities, goods and services, to relieve the burdens of the governmental purchasing function. and to realize the various potential economies. including administrative cost savings. for Cooperative Members. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Cooperative Members are authorized by Chapter 791, et seq., The Interlocal Cooperation Act of the Government Code ("the Act"), to agree with other local governments to form purchasing cooperatives; and WHEREAS, the Cooperative is an administrative agency of local governments cooperating in the discharge of their governmental functions; and e WHEREAS, the Cooperative Member does hereby adopt the Organizational interlocal Agreement, together with such amendments as may be made in the future, reflecting the evolving mission of the Cooperative and further agrees to become an additional party to that certain Organizationallnterlocal Agreement promulgated on the 26th day of January, 1998. NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the undersigned Cooperative Member in consideration of the agreement of the Cooperative and the Cooperative Members to provide services as detailed herein does agree to the following terms, conditions. and general provisions. In return for the payment of the contributions and subject to all terms of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Adopt Organizationallnterlocal Cooperation Agreement. The Cooperative Member by the adoption and execution of this Agreement hereby adopts and approves the Organizationallnterlocal Agreement dated January 26, 1998, together with such amendments as may be made in the future and further agrees to become a Cooperative Member. 2. Term. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on the date executed and signed and shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The terms, conditions. and general provisions set forth below shall apply to the initial term and all renewals. e http://www . (asb. org/buyboard/new _ users/interloeal.html 10/14/2004 634 e e e Interlocal Agreement Pagelof5 3. Terminatioll. a. By the Cooperative Member. This Agreement may be terminated by the Cooperative Member at any time by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Cooperative; provided all charges owed to the Cooperative and any vendor have been fully paid. b. By the Cooperative. The Cooperative may terminate this Agreement by: 1. Giving ten (10) days notice by certified mail to the Cooperative Member if the Cooperative Member fails or refuses to make the payments or contributions as herein provided; or 2. Giving thirty (30) days notice by certified mail to the Cooperative Member. c. Termination Procedure. If the Cooperative Member terminates its participation during the term of this Agreement or breaches this Agreement, or if the Cooperative terminates participation of the Cooperative Member under any provision of this Article, the Cooperative Member shall bear the full financial responsibility for any purchases occurring after the termination date, and for any unpaid charges accrued during its term of membership in the Cooperative. The Cooperative may seek the whole amount due, if any, from the terminated Cooperative Member. The Cooperative Member will not be entitled to a refund of membership dues paid. 4. Payments. a. The Cooperative Member agrees to pay membership fees based on a plan developed by the Cooperative. Membership. fees are payable by Cooperative . Member upon receipt of an invoice from the Cooperative, Cooperative Contractor or vendor. A late charge amounting to the maximum interest allowed by law, but not less than the rate of interest under Section 2251.021, et seq., Texas Government Code, shall begin to accrue daily on the 31st day following the due date and continue to accrue until the contribution and late charges are paid in full. The Cooperative reserves the right to collect all funds that are due to the Cooperative in the event of termination by Cooperative Member or breach of this Agreement by Cooperative Member. b. The Cooperative Member will make timely payments to the vendor for the goods, materials and services received in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and related procurement documents. Payment for goods, materials and services and inspections and acceptance of goods, materials and services ordered by the procuring party shall be the exclusive obligation of the procuring Cooperative Member. 5. Cooperative Reporting. The Cooperative will provide periodic activity reports to the Cooperative Member. These reports may be modified from time to time as deemed appropriate by the Cooperative. http://www . tasb.orglbu yboardlnew _ users/interlocal.htrnl 10/14/2004 635 Interlocal Agreement Page 3 of5 6. Administration. Cooperative Member will use the BuyBoard purchasing application in accordance with instruction from the Cooperative; discontinue use upon termination of participation; maintain confidentiality and prevent unauthorized use; maintain equipment, software and testing to operate the system at its own expense; report all purchase orders generated to Cooperative or its designee in accordance with instructions of the Cooperative; and make a final accounting to Cooperative upon _ termination of membership. ,., 7. Amendments. The Board may amend this agreement, provided that notice is sent to each participant at least 60 days prior to the effective date of any change described in such amendment which, in the opinion of the Board, will have a material effect on the Cooperative Members participation in the Cooperative. . GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Authorization to Participate. Each Cooperative Member represents and warrants that its governing body has duly authorized its participation in the Cooperative. 2. Bylaws. The Cooperative Member agrees to abide by the Bylaws of the Cooperative, as they may be amended, and any and all reasonable policies and procedures established by the Cooperative. 3. Compensation. The parties agree that the payments under this Agreement and all related exhibits and documents are amounts that fairly compensate the Cooperative for the services or functions performed under the Agreement, and that the portion of gross sales paid by participating vendors enables the Cooperative to pay the necessary licensing fees, marketing costs, and related expenses required to operate a statewide system of electronic commerce for the local governments of Texas. 4. Cooperation and Access. The Cooperative Member agrees that it will cooperate in compliance with any reasonable requests for information and/or records made by the Cooperative. The Cooperative reserves the right to audit the relevant records of any Cooperative Member. Any breach of this Article shall be considered material and shall make the Agreement subject to termination on ten (10) days written notice to the Cooperative Member. 5. Coordinator. The Cooperative Member agrees to appoint a program coordinator who shall have express authority to represent and bind the Cooperalive Member, and the Cooperative will not be required to contact any other individual regarding program matters. Any notice to or any agreements with the coordinator shall be binding upon the Cooperative Member. The Cooperative Member reserves the right to change the coordinator as needed by giving written notice to the Cooperative. Such notice is not effective until actually received by the Cooperative. 6. Current Revenue. The Cooperative Member hereby warrants that all payments, contributions, fees, and disbursements required of it hereunder shall be made from current revenues budgeted and available to the Cooperative Member. http://www . tasb. org/buvboard/new users/interlocal.html 10/1412004 636 e e Interlocal Agreement Page 4 of5 e 7. Defense and Prosecution of Claims. The Cooperative Member authorizes the Cooperative to regulate the commencement, defense, intervention, or participation in a judicial, administrative, or other governmental proceeding or in an arbitration, mediation, or any other form of alternative dispute resolution, or other appearances of the Cooperative and/or any past or current Cooperative Member in any litigation, claim or dispute, and to engage counsel and appropriate experts, in the Cooperative's sole discretion, with respect to such litigation, claim or disputes. The Cooperative Member does hereby agree that any suit brought against the Cooperative or a Cooperative Member may be defended in the name of the Cooperative or the Member by the counsel selected by the Cooperative, in its sole discretion, or its designee, on behalf of and at the expense of the Cooperative as necessary for the prosecution or defense of any litigation. Full cooperation by the Cooperative Member shall be extended to supply any information needed or helpful in such prosecution or defense. Subject to specific revocation, the Cooperative Member hereby designates the Cooperative to act as a class representative on its behalf in matters arising out of this Agreement. 8. Governance. The Board of Trustees (Board) will govern the Cooperative in accordance with the Bylaws. Travis County, Texas will be the location for filing any dispute, claim or lawsuit. e 9. Limitations of Liability. COOPERATIVE, ITS ENDORSERS (TEXAS ASSOCIA TlON OF SCHOOL BOARDS, TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES, AND TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE) AND SERVICING CONTRACTOR (TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS) DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OR USE OF COOPERATIVE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. COOPERATIVE, ITS ENDORSERS AND SERVICING CONTRACTORS, HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN REGARD TO ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCT OR SERVICE FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT IN REGARD TO ANY AND All CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER PARTY SHAll BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 10. Merger. This Interlocal Participation Agreement, Terms and Conditions, and General Provisions, together with the Bylaws, Organizationallnterlocal Agreement, and Exhibits, represents the complete understanding of the Cooperative, and Cooperative Member electing to participate in the Cooperative. II. Notice. Any written notice to the Cooperative shall be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, and delivered to the Associate Executive Director Financial Planning, Texas Association of School Boards, Inc., P.O. Box 400, Austin, Texas 78767-0400. 12. Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and venue shall lie in Travis County, Texas. http://WWW.tasb.org/buYboard/new_users/interlocaJ.htmI , 10/14/2004 e 637 lnterlocal Agreement Page 5 of5 13 Warranty. By the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the undersigned individuals warrant that they have been duly authorized by all requisite administrative action required to enter into and perform the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, acting through their duly authorized representatives, sign this Agreement as of the date indicated. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COOPERATIVE: e TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE, as acting on behalf of all other Cooperative Members By: Gerald Brashears, Cooperative Administrator Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY COOPERATIVE MEMBER: Calhoun County (Name of Local Government) / Date: 1- -7 -I)) ,________ By: Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge Printed name and title of authorized representative Coordinator for the Cooperative Member is: ]len Comiskey Name 201 W. Austin Street Address e Port Lavaca City Texas, 77979 (zip) 361-553-4610 Telephone 361-553-4614 Fax coaud@tisd.net E.mail http://www . tasb.orglbuyboard/new _ users/interlocaI.html 10/14/2004 e 638 e e e ACCEPT 1.93 ACRES AT THE END Of BAUER ROAD fOR COUNTY RIGHT-Of-WAY: A Mollon was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster Accept 1.93 aaes at the end of Bauer Road for Calhoun County Right-of-Way. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Anster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. ACCEPT 2.0 ACRES AT THE END Of BAUER ROAD AS A GIFT fOR A PROPOSED PARK: A Mollon was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to Accept 2.0 acres at the end of Bauer Road as a gift for a Proposed Park. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Anster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. . File I 00090229 ~9 Vol 392 ,.. NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FORM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBUC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S UCENSE NUMBER. GIFT DEED Date: November 2, 2004 Grantor: Marta R. Bethel and Christine Anderson Grantor's Mailing Address: 2355 Marion Anderson Road, Fiot Springs, Arkansas 71913 Grantee: Calhoun Ccunty, Texas Grantee's Mailing Address: 211 N. Ann, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas 77979 Consideration: Love and Affection. Property fmcIuding any improvements): TRACT I: A tract or parcel of land cont.iniTlg 2.00 acres, situated in the Valentine Garcia Survey, Abstract 17, Calhoun County, Texas, and being . more fully described by metes and bounds description on Exhibit "A' attached. TRACT II: A tract or parcel of land containing 1.93 acres, situated in the Valentine Garcia Survey, Abstract 17, Calhoun County, Texas, and being more fully described by metes and bounds description on Exhibit "B' attached. - Other Exceptions to Conveyance and WlIlTlII1ty: 1. EIl<P111ents, rights-of-way, and prescriptive rights, whether of record or not; all present1y recorded restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions, oil and gas leases, mineraI severances, and other instruments, other than liens and conveyances, that affect the property; rights of adjoining owners in any walls 3nd fences situated on a common boundary; . any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines; any encroachments or overlapping of improvements; all rights, obligations, 3nd other matters em.n.ring from and existing by reason of the creation, establishment, maintenance, 3nd operation of the Calhoun County County-Wide Drainage District. 2. Taxes for 2004, the payment of which Grantee assumes; 3nd subsequent assessnreJits for that and prior years due to change in land usage, ownership, or both, the payment of which Grantee assumes. . Grantor, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, gives, grants, and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all NO TITLE OPINION MADE BY THE DRAFl'SMAN 639 File I 00090229 Vol 392 ~'0 and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Grantor hereby binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, adminiotrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the property to Grantee and Grai;tee's heirs, executors, adminiotrators, successors, and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to .... warranty. .. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. ~R. (f]~ MARTA R. BETHI!.:L /t5L;;;Z;;;R ~A~ ( ~ INEANDERSON THE STATE OF ARKANSAS fi COUNTY OF G-o.r\aJ\.C\ fi ~ :S~'t ClaO~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ day of No ,ember, 2004-, by MARTA R. BETHEL. of Arkansas THE STATE OF e ~~~~~~~~ Notary Publi~, SUi f Arkansas Prepared in the Law Offices of: Ty Zeller Attorney at Law 131 N. Virginia Port Lavaca, Texas 77rn9 e 6110 VALENTINE GARCIA SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 17 FIELDNOTE DESCRIPTION 2.00 ACRES F'ile , 00090229 Vol 392 ~'1 e STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF CALHOUN } All of that certain tract or parcel containing 2.00 acres situated in the Valentine Garcia Survey, Abstract No. 17, Calhoun County, Texas and being a part of Lot 12 of the Phillips Investment Company Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume Z, Page 35 of the Calhoun County Plat Records and being part of that same property described as 59..1 acres in a Co-Trustees' Deed from James F. Kolar & Olga C. Kolar, Co- Trustees of the Kolar Family Trust, to Marta R. Bethel and Christine Anderson, recorded in Volume 285, Pages 264-267 of the Official Records of Calhoun County, Texas. This 2.00 acres is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap located at the West comer of said Lot 12 and at the North comer of Lot 40 and at an angle point in the Southeast line of Lot 11 of the said Phillips Investment Company Subdivision; ie THENCE North 390 00' 00" East (Base Bearing) [North 390 East, Deed Call and Plat Call], with the Northwest line of Lot 12 and the Southeast line of Lot 11, a distance of 1271.60 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap set for the West comer and the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this 2.00 acres being described; THENCE North 390 00' DO" East [North 390 East, Deed Call and Plat Call], continuing with the Northwest line of Lot 12 and the Southeast line of Lot 11, pass an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap located on line at a distance of 312.67 feet and continuing a total distance of 332.67 feet to the existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay at the North comer of Lot 12 and the East comer of Lot 11 for the North comer of this 2.00 acres being described; THENCE with the Northeast line of the said Lot 12 along the existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay with the following meanders: South 380 22' 04" East. a distance of 70.62 feet; South 480 40' 36" East, a distance of 101.09 feet; South 860 21' 57" East, a distance of 81.99 feet; . South 550 17' 15" East, a distance of 67.60 feet to the East comer of this 2.0 acres being described; THENCE South 51043' 33" West, pass a 60d nail set on line at a distance of 59.00 feet for reference and continuing along an existing fence a total distance of 383.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap set in said existing fence along the North side of an existing road leading to Lavaca Bay for the South comer of this 2.00 acres being described; I I Ie I THENCE North 480 40' 36" West a distance of 219.79 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing within these metes and bounds 2.00 acres. This tieldnote deicription and a plat were prepared from a survey made on the ground under my direction in October 2004. ~ G ENGINEER, David W. Gann Registered Professional Land Surveyor, No. 3816 EXHIBIT A 9317-(l38 641 PH1L!JP:a ]j\j'J E:a9f JI]EJ,rf File i _90229 Vol 392 LIlt _II "- .IN/282 C.C.D.ft '51 !.$,,,,r)tt c,u <if . """.\lOY. ,.44' ottO ..~ (BIo.st t,,}9'E 0'00 ~ l'I~9'O "1.6 I, )> < )> () )> ~~'1..61' ]] Vl (,I ,,0> oIJ 'N Ol " NO """ . fTl -,'fI:J-t "y)~V'" . \,1".60 .. ~i .q~ '!l~ z ll1~ ,>>" , ~i ~- r~ .... S 0-. ;:; ::IE ~ III " -l'- ~ ...~ ~ g>> '!!,O_ !\~.... l'<l ..(7). 'i (TI ~ 2.00 ACRES tn~\11P ,ANY CD ~ll.anl'}]~]nN !:i '" :...s "'- I t-" - Ill;.: ~~ . ... "" ~ d'.. - (TI 59.00' (N.8't--2!<<~ ~ OF' ~ ACRES] ---- ---- . . . .S51'43'33"W . . 383.98' ';:) $. EXISTING ROAD SHELl AND GRAVEL . . . . . lJ~a t.. G.. P.. ft " I Lrtt t~ ENhbil ~. 59.'~ 1 285/26., c.c.O-'t ;;; ~~ ~ '" ~ f:i5' i;)"; ~ ~ " 'i' ~ " ~ 2.00 ACRE SURVEY VALENTINE GARCIA SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 17 CALHOUN COUNT~ TEXAS LEGEND o [XfSTlNG 5/B~ IRON ROD 'M TH PlASTIC CAP o sri 600 N,I.'l BEING A PART OF LOT 12 OF lHE PHIWPS INVESTMENT COMPANY SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN VOlUME Z, PAGE 35 OF 'THE CALHOUN COUNTY PLAT RECORDS AND AlSO BEING APART OF lHE SAME PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS 59.1 ACRES IN A CO-lRUSlEES' DEED FROM JAMES F. KOLAR AND OLGA C. KOlAR, CO-lRUSlEES OF lHE KOLAR FAMILY TRUST, TO MARTA R. BElHEL AND CHRISllNE ANDERSON RECORDED IN VOLUME 285, PAGE 264 OF 'THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS. . S[T 5/8" IRON ROO YllTH PLASl1c CAP [XISnNG WIRE rENtt PLAT OR DEED CALL -,- [J I. [)....\I\[) w. GAWN, RtClS'TEREO PROFESSIONAl. LAND SURVEYOR, 00 HERtBY CERTlF'Y THAT THE Pt.A T SHOWN HEREON AND A nELONOTE DESCRIPTION PREPARED REPRESENTS THE RESULT ~ A SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY DIRE:cn N OCTOBER OF" 2q04. ; EXHIBIT A G & W ENGINEERS, INC. . ENGINEERING . SURVEYING . ARCHllECTIJRE . PLANNING G W ENGINEERS. INC. DAVID W. CANH REGlS1EREQ PROfESSfONAl :'. LAND SUR'Vt'l'OR NO. 3818\' ., (361) 552-4509 (979) 323-7100 SCAL.E: 205 W. LIVE OAK ST. PORT LAVACA. TEXAS 77979 '801 7th ST.. SUITE 290 BAY CITY. TEXAS 77414 ORA"'" BY: RECOU'O BY: DA Tt: J.H.D. HAD. OCT. 5. 2004 1- :2 60' NO.: 6/12 ~1z e e e EXHIBIT ''B'" \i'ALENTINE GARCIA SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 17 FJELDNOTE DESCRIPTION 1.93 ACRES File i 00090229 Vol 392 ~h e STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF CALHOUN } All of that certain tract or parcel containing 1.93 acres situated in the Valentine Garcia Survey, Abstract No. 17, Calhoun County, Texas and being a part of Lot 12 of the Phillips Investment Company Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume Z, Page 35 of the Calhoun County Plat Records and being part of that same property described as 59.1 acres in a Co-Trustees' Deed from James F. Kolar & Olga C. Kolar, Co-Trustees of the Kolar Family Trust, to Marta R. Bethel and Christine Anderson, recorded in Volume 285, Pages 264-267 of the Official Records of Calhoun County, Texas. This 1.93 acres is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap located at the West comer of said Lot 12 and at the North comer of Lot 40 and at an angle point in the Southeast line of Lot 11 of the said Phillips Investment Company Subdivision; THENCE North 390 00' 00" East (Base Bearing) {North 390 East, Deed Call and Plat Call], with the Northwest line of Lot 12 and the Southeast line of Lot 11, a distance of 290.38 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap set in an existing fence along the North side of an existing road leading to Lavaca Bay for the Northwest comer of this 1,93 acres being described; e THENCE North 51" 43' 40" East with said existing fence a distance of 996.80 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap set at the South comer of a 2.00 acre tract surveyed for a County Park and at an angle point in said fence for a comer of this' 1.93 acres being describfld; THENCE North 51" 43' 33" East, with the said existing fence and the Southeast line of said 2.00 acre tract, pass a 60d nail set on line at a distance of 324.98 feet for reference and continuing for a total distance of 383.98 feet to the existing shoreline of Lavaca Bay to a point at the East comer of said 2.00 acre tract for the Northeast comer of this 1.93 acres being described; THENCE with the Northeast line of the said Lot 12 along the existing shoreline of 'Lavaca Bay with the following meanders: South 550 17' 15" East, a distance of 33.09 feet and South 280 42' 10" East, a distance of 15.92 feet; to the East comer of this 1.93 acres being described; THENCE South 510 09' 24" West, along an existing fence on the South side of the aforesaid existing road leading to Lavaca Bay, pass at 50.00 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap set o~ line for reference and for a Total distance of 1671.15 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,. containing within these metes and bounds 1.93 acres. e f2 //Jd ~ 1>&WEN~~C. ,"~~~!.:~-l"-1 DavidW. Gann ,,:>,'':G\Srtli'~:l'... *..'<l-"~ '''''. Registered Professional ~ Land Surveyor, No. 3816 . . : DAVID W.'GANN' . . . "':i" 3iii6 .. ~< . <i' .o.~tss\~~'~ 4'o'suRilt": -"'" RECORDER'S ME"OAANou" rvv. AU. OR PARTS OF THE TEXT ON THJS ""VVUMSNT WAS NOt CLEARlY LE 8.\nSFACTORY RECOADAT~.lE FOR This fieldnote description and a plat were prepared from a survey made on the ground under my direction in October 2004. iii. ~ Ius ... raitol""lbi. Offla fa- ~iDIIlboIllfidllPlbl~...... IIodo hnIIJ_lIIol.d1l11dillrilililtdltlt .... CIeed, OOa-, Sol ..lIalial il'ip. FilHf fDr fIIco1'd in: Calh.un Countr Hon.rob], lI",t. Friel" C.unty CI,rI< On:J.. l1,i!1I/l5 .t BJ:S!IP RlClipt lOJ,btr - 4~ By, Sh....n j/rit/it G~C\~\\.\Nt puty 9317.Q38b ',. 643 RENEW CONTRACT FOR AWOS SYSTEM FROM CLH INCORPORATED AT THE CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT: A Motion was made by Commissioner BalaJka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to renew Contract for AWOS System from Q.H Incorporated at the Calhoun County Airport and authorize Commissioner BalaJka to sign Contract. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer an voted In favor. Zlink Service Agreement Between CLH, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CLH") the City of Calhoun (hereinafter referred to as "Customer") hereby agree to as follows: 1. Service: Zlink Service (the "Service") is an automated weather dissemination service provided by CLH to airports and state aviation agencies for distribution of the Automated Weather Observation Systems (A WOSs) in the field to the Weather Message Switching Center Replacement ("WMSCR"). Zlink provides a state-of-the-art communications link to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for distribution of weather observations to Flight Service, air traffic control, Direct User Access Terminal System (DUATS), the National Weather Service and all commercial weather sources. TIrroughput to WMSCR will occur every 20 minutes, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, per FAA Specification. 2. Charges for Service: Attachment A hereto contains the current charges for Zlink Equipment and Service. 3. Taxes: Customer shall be responsible for any applicable sales, use, gross receipts or customs taxes or fees associated with the Service. 4. Currency: All charges and payments are in U.S. Dollars. 5. Termination: Either party may terminate this Service Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other. 6. Responsibilities: a. CLH shall activate Zlink service within 60 days of receipt of order, and Customer agrees to pay promptly for activation and service as specified on Attachment A hereto. b. Maintenance of Equipment hereunder shall be provided as part of the Service by CLH. CLH's Customer Service Representatives are available during normal business hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CST Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays recognized by CLH. c. CLH is not responsible for damage to the Zlink interface due to Acts of God, Lightning, Weather, Vandalism, moving of any equipment related to the A WOS, any damage caused by humans other than by CLH personnel, or any damage outside the control of CLH. CLH will make the repairs to the system for such problems at a cost of $50 per hour plus materials. d. CLH is not responsible for consumable items including,but not limited to, batteries, printer ribbon, and paper. e. CLH is not responsible for A WOS subsystem failures. This includes modem, telephone lines, sensors and interfaces on the A WOS. CLH will make every effort to notify the airport if an A WOS failure has affected Zlink performance. f. CLH is responsible to provide the A WOS Observation to WMSCR. CLH can not insure the performance of the FAA NADIN system, WMSCR, or any other government and commercial vendors. 3/03 I 6tH e e e e e e I 7. Shipment Tenus: All equipment will be shipped to Customer F.O.B. 6300 - 34th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450, or from the vendor's location if it is a direct shipment. CLH will invoice Customer for shipping charges. 8. Miscellaneous Provisions: a. CLH, from time to time, may establish reasonable rules, regulations, policies, programs, and procedures relating to the Service. The Service provided hereunder is for Customer's use as an end user and is not to be resold. b. The tenus of this Service Agreement shall supersede and replace the provisions of any purchase order, work order, or document of similar import, which Customer may submit in connection with the Service. c. Service may be provided hereunder by CLH or any affiliate. d. This ~ervice Agreement shall be assignable by CLH to a parent company, subsidiazy, or an affiliate upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Customer. 9. Standard installation includes up to 8 hours oflabor, 200' of coax, and standard satellite mount (non-penetrating roof mount, extended wall mount, canopy mount, or close-in wall mount). Additional requirements such as utility marking, additional cable, non-standard satellite mount (ground mOWlt, pole mount, tall pole mount, and ridge mast mOWlt), trenching, line of site problems, or any installation requiring greater then eight hours labor will be an additional charge. Upon receipt of your order, CLH will conduct a survey of your facility to detennine whether a standard or non-standard mOWlt can be used. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto intending to be bound has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Agreement on its behalf as of the Effective Date. The person executing this docwnent hereby certifies that the Customer name set forth below is the full, complete, and correct name of the entity entering in to this agreement. Customer: Cn\\tlu.!\ ~.f>~"'*'tr CLH, Inc. (CLH) Address: a 0 \ vJ, ~-t; (\ 6300 - 34th Avenue South 1\ L, Minneapolis, MN 55450 ~bt"\ \'-",hlA-"f( T-f li'l,G AA...:Wjl,)I._~~A- Signed By: '"1Y\~~ 0.. Q {0,.Q~~ Signed By:~)"}::P1/f.A"ifT Name: M, <- ~CA e,\ i3,. \ ""} .. Name: Cheri 1. Havnes Title: (\)"'M.', S<;i oVle\ ~c;\ ~ Title: President Date: 0\ I ::li- O~ Date: January 3. 2005 3/03 2 645 \ Attachment A To Zlink Service Agreement Charges for Service 1. Monthly Service and Maintenance Fee Contract Dates: 1/21/05 - 1/20/06 3/03 $195.00 per month 3 6,16 e e e Page 2 1/3/2005 Cust # CAL e ity of Calhoun tJ I/...u 3-61 - ~-~~d - ;;)-93 ? C .4J-r?.-t:/ A-v GJ Ifr/ /77/f//.~o?/P Airport Address: ~ t? Co :;L h'I ~ 0 ~ c/ "0 ~7 :')~ f:/'( A- /!-t:?,r{ 7i 1'7115 . .RAnl'l:J 6 A' m C-1J1 /-I- A /I-..J Billing Phone Number: ~/ 55 =3 - C/~ ZtJ Billing Fax Number: -:< h / 5~ 3 -';16/ q Billing EmailAddress: -- R 1/Jt!/7?~ ~77?I-:>, N c r dol w. A.....s77 A.J ~~ / r.e <;;t::'/~-c. Airport Manager: Phone Number: Email Address: Billing Contact: 77'7 7 I e Shipping Address (if different from above): 'I;,.... ~~ Please choose One of the following options for billing: o Monthly ~uarterly o Semi-Annually o Annually New Purchase Order Number: o Purchase Order No.: ... )f None CLH, Inc. e 6li7 REOUEST BY VERIZON COMMUNICAnON TO EXTEND BURIED SERVICE WIRE ALONG WESTERLUND GRADE ROAD: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Co.mmissloner Finster to Approve the request by Verlzon Communication to extend buned service wire along Westerlund Grade Road. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Rnster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. January 19, 2005 ~ Ver'70n 223 N. Colorado Port Lavaca, TX 71979 361/552-2355 NOTICE OF COMMUNICATION LINE INSTALLATION TO TIm COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY ATIENTION: COUNTY JUDGE Formal notice is hereby given that VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS will construct a communication line within the right-of-way of a County Road in CALHOUN County, in PORT LA V ACA, Texas as follows: VERIZON PROPOSES TO EXTEND BURJED SERVICE WIRE ALONG WESTLUND GRADE ROAD. TIm PROPOSED WIRE WILL BEGIN 1463' SOUTIIEAST OF MCDONALD ROAD, AND WILL EXTEND SOUTIfWEST FOR 260'. TIm SERVICE WIRE WILL TIffiN EXTEND UNDER TIm ASPHALT, VIA A 40' BORE, TO TIm SOUTIfWEST SIDE OF WESTLUND GRADE ROAD. TIm PROPOSED WIRE WILL BE EXTENDED 2' INSIDE THE RIGID OF WAY, AND WILL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 12" DEEP. The location and description of this line and associated appurtenances is more fully shown by five (5) copies of drawings attached to this notice. The line will be constructed and maintained on the County Road right-of-way in accordance with governing laws. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, it is expressly understood that tender of this notice by VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS does not constitute a waiver, surrender, abandonment or impairment of any property rights, franchise, easement, license, authority, permission, privilege or right now granted by law or may be granted in the future and any provision or provisions so construed shan be nun and void. Construction of this line win begin on or aft"':, JANUARY 24, 2005. By Verizon aSP Engineering Dept Address. 223 N. Colorado Port Lavaca, Tx 77979 e e e 6(18 e V~9~f. ~ ,J( IIl.D~ ,FA"'- kO 1;.I'(Il~ e ( \ ~ ~ . Southwest Division/Valley District _REA W.O_No. TA)C'OIST ENG'NQ BY . If J/fUJi?'" OAT!! /-I'1-0S ~.. . VeTl70n D....~'C...... ov Sl:ArF none LOCATION fC'.tJ,er LI'h/.+e.." , 7X DESCRIPTION t.ALHOUA/ up';"" Ah,nF/c.4n PlI'cC/IVCr#'-z.. BV;(IEO W/~E:. APPROVED BY DATE DATE e 6L19 SHERIFF. MONTHLY REPORTS: The Sheriff presented his Jail Report for 2004 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Anster and seconded by Judge Pfeifer to accept said report as presented. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. COUNTY OF CALHOUN SHERIFF B. B.BROWNING , 211 SOUTH ANN STREET PORT LAVACA, TEXAs 77979 C!cm.mli:id fa C!c .dV~ e e "taln <?"!.c:e ~~~) ~~.~~~ 650 . JAN,18,2005 3:30PM GAL CO SHERIFF DEPT NQ,643 P.2 e Calhoun County Jail. 2004 Annual Activity Report 1) Inmates Booked In 1532 2) Imnates Released 1550 3) Inmates Transported 1730 4) Number ofTransport$ 459 5) Transport Miles 34,644 6) Transpon Hours 1069 7) Average Out of County 79 Population e 8) High Population 115 0\-\0<< 9) Low Population 69 06-U-04 10) Average Daily Population 85 Total 2004 Out ofColIDty &pense $1,260,871.29 o...1lOliDdudo.._ ,,-'""'_ COUNTY OF CAlHOUN SHERIFF B. B. BROWNING 211 SOUTH ANN STREET PORT LAVACA, TEXAS n979 CDmtnlI:.t:ui tc CD dV~ Maln OffIce (361) 553-4646 'e 651 JAN.18.2005 3:30PM CAL CO SHERIFF DEPT NO. 643 P.3 e Calhoun County Jail .2003 Annual Activity Report 1) Inmates Booked In 1744 2) Inmates Released 1768 3) Inmates Transported 1918 4) Number of Transports 519 5) Transport Miles 41,840 6) Transport Hnurs 1151 7) Average Out of County Popull!tion 79 8) High Population 106 e 07-~ 9) Low Population 71 "17.<13. S-17~ 6-J-llJ 10) Average Daily Population 87 2003 Out of County InIllate Housing Expenses $1,291,986.57 Doc:5!K1tirdudtmo:Uc:al oru:a...-b.~ t;qtcnIaJ e 652 e JRN.1B.2005 3:30PM GAL CO SHERIFF DEPT NO. 643 P.4 653 JAN. 18. 2005 3: WPM CAL CO SHERIFF DEFT NO. 643 P.S e Calhoun County Jail 2001 Annual Activity Report 1) Tnm~t~ Booked In 2045 2) Inmates Released 1974 3) InnuttesTransported 899 4) Number of Transports 291 5) Transport Miles 17,839 6) Transport Hours 627 7) Average CCSO Jail Population o:opoejtyi5 44 8) Average Out of County Population 52 'e 9) High Popu1ati,on 141 00I0b0t21111ld 27 10) Low Population 66 ,'""- 2 11) Average Daily l>opulation 96 2001 Out of County Housing Expenses $680,01$.00 doq lICIt...bIc....o..t_ e 6~-'1 0-t e e e ..,. < Calhoun County Sheriff's Office Racial Profiling Statistical Report January 1, 2004 thru December 31,2004 Table 1: Detention Disposition by Race Disposition Asian/Pacific Islander % 01 Race % of Disposition Bisek % of Race % 01 Disposition 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% - 0 0.0% 0 0,0% IT_ 11 61.1% 2.0% 17 42.5% 3.1% lWarned (W-') 7 38.9% 1.6% 23 57.5% 5.1% 18 100.0% 1.8% 40 "100;0%:. .3.9%. Tolal of Race 01 all De1entlona I Tolal .:. oIRoce . . oIa!IQelentlona Dlspool1Ion Hispanic % 01 Race % of DIapoaiUon While % 01 Race % of Dlaposltfon 6 1.5% 42.9% 8 1.5% 57.1% Released 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 216 52.8% 38.9% 311 56.5% 58.0% Warned (WriIIen) 187 45.7% 41.7% 231 42.0% 51.8% 409 100.0% 40.2% 560 100.0% 54.1% Total oIRoce 01 all De1entlons Total . ofRaee 01 aJlDetentiona Dlsposltfon i~ve American % 01 Race % 01 Dlaposltfon 0 0.0% Released 0 tT::-1ed 0 0.0% lWarned (W-') 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% Tolal 01 Race 01 all De1entlona D1aposltion Tolal% Number 1.4% 14 Rekoased 0.0% 0 r_ 54.8% S5Ii .v.rned (Written) 44.1% 448 100.0% 1017 655 .. . Table 2: Search Status by Race Sean:hS1alus Asian % of Race % of Search Black % of Race % of Search Consent_ 0 0.0% 0.0% 1 2.5% 2.3% No Search 17 100.0% 1.9% 39 97.5% 4.4% Probable Cause Search 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 17 100.0% 1.8% 40 100.0%. 4.z% Total of Race of all DetentIons Total of RaCe Of. all Detet1tIoos Hlapanlc % of Race % of Search While % of Race % of Search Consent Search 27 7.1% 81.4% 18 3.1% 38.4% No Search . 345 91.3% 38.5% 494 96.3% 55.2% PiobabIe Cause Search 8 1.8% 88.7"" 3 0.8% 33.3% 378 100.0% 38.9% 813 100.0% I 84;1% Total of Race . of all Ilatentlons Total of Race of allllatentlona Sean:hS1alus _ American % of Race % of Saarch Consent Search 0 0.0% No Search 0 0.0% PiobabIe Cause Search 0 0.0% 0 0;0% 0.0% Total of Race. of all Detentions SearchSletua Total % Number Consent Search 4.6% 44 No Search 94.4% 896 _ Cause Search 0.9% 9 100.0% 948 656 e e It e e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST 1lARlll&lJATE: 1I2712l105 IIAIIIJIG TYPf: IIBIW IlIIICEJ YfNI: 2JIII4 AMENDMENT NO: 651 AMENDMENT REASON: 12131104 ACCOUtffS PAYABLE. 2005 DEPARTMENT BUDGET WilL BE REDUCED ACCORDINGLY. REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-MAGNOLIA BEACH /lID IIll: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 640 ACCT 110 ACCT!fAME 53210 MACHINERY PARTSlSUPPUES 85740 SERV1CES IIEVEIlIf lIIalEASE $0.00 EXI'9lIIIlIIf EXI'9lIIIlIIf IIIC11EAS( IBIlWI $38'.00 $0.00 IIEVBlII IGIEAIE $0.00 $0.00 CRAKT NO CRAKT NAME 199 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANl' $0.00 $85.00 $0.00 "'0'''' ::1._:;:: ~[8: , :> 0 .,,10 :> :i' '" :IE l'l-COI C '" 0. In ...~ 3 01"'01 :>6:0. 0. '" RID BAL I...I\OOOiOC" cCo< GIWE .g.~g "'", IIICIlEAIEJ ::!it:> 3 ($38'.00) '" lit 3 ~ -- ($85.00) !1l i!!!. 01010 ='0 ii (_.00) <"C ~ [~&' RINII BAL aa: S'OI@ GIWE QJ"U)Qt IIICIlEAIEJ <'" :> Oma. $4,'82.00 ;" In $27.00 [~ . 0. $4.208.00 a ~~ RINII BAL 3g INCIIWE ~3 IIICIIfAIEJ g2. $'.00 ~ !K ,0 $'.00 &/& $1.00 ~Gl :>!!!. , < $1.00 &'~ $1.00 as: ~l!l. 1$27.00) ~ '" $3.00 $1.00 . ($'44.00) ARE PROTECTION-MAGNOLIA BEACH TOTAL ~oo ~oo _.00 ~oo DEPARTMENT NO: 1 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE ACCr 110 ACCT!fAME .uo.ao STATE TOBACCO SETTlEMENT 43CUO STATE TOBACCO SETTlEMEfIT IIEVEIlIf INCIIWE $4,182.00 $27.00 $0.00 IIEVEIlIf IBllEAIE $0.00 EXI'9lIIIlIIf EXI'9lIIIlIIf III1:IIWE IBIlWI $0.00 $0.00 CRAKT NO CIWIT!lAME .999 NO GRANT '" NO GRANT $0.00 REVENUE TOTAL $4,209.00 $0.00 DEPARTMENT NO: $0.00 540 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AAD BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 . .cr') c",'1 '-l ACCT NO ACCT lAME CRAKT NO CIIART NAME 53210 MACHINERY PAR7SlSUPPUES 99. NO GRANT 53590 !NGNS 099 NO GRANT 53Sl17 TREES 899 NO GRANT 53810 BUILrnNG SUPPUESlPARTS 899 NO GRANT S3i4O JANITOR SUPPUES 899 NO GRANT 53902 SUPPU~~CELLANEOUS 899 NO GRANT B052S BUILDING RePAlRS-INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT RFC".oVFRV 62510 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 898 NO GRANT 821160 GARBAGE COLL-MAGNOUA BEACH 199 NO GRANT YVednesday. January 26. 2005 IIEVENII IIEVEIlIf fXI'fNIIJIIIE EXI'9lIIIlIIf INCIIWE IBIIEAIE III1:IIWE IBIlEAIE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 ~oo $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $'.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $'.00 so.oo $0.00 $144.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 1 0110 0") c.n CJ) e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST IfAlUHGDAIf: V27/21105 IIAD lYPE: Il8IUII IIIIm YEAR: 2lIII4 AMENDMENT NO: 651 AMENDMENT REASON: 12/31104 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. 2005 DEPARThlENT BUDGET WILL BE REDUCED ACCORDINGLY. FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT 111 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RIIID NO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO, 540 ACCTNO ACCINAME ..... ununes r.RAIIJ NO CIIAIIT NAME ... NO GRANT RmNlf IIIJ:RWE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 IIfVEMf IBIIWE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 fIPEfmIII EXI'EMIIIIIE IIIClIfAIE IB/IWE $0.00 $12.00 $0.00 $0.00 $57.00 $1.00 RIIID BAI. INCIIEASE OBIIEAIEI $12.00 $57.00 $1.00 ($15.00) AlND8N. IIICIIfASE IIBIIEAIEI $50.00 $3n.oo $551.00 $187.00 $200,00 ($4,838.00) $3.00 $1.00 $9.00 $3.00 $3.00 $13..., ($7T."') 66814 UnUTIeUARKS 73910 ROOF-MAG.BEACH FIRE STATION.. IN~.RFC:OVFRY 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT ROAD AND BRlDGe-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT. #2 $0.00 $0.00 $111.00 $81.00 DEPARTMENT NO, 550 ACCI NO ACCJ NAME 50585 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR IPRFr:INr':T~' 51910 SOCIAL SECURITY CIIANl NO CRAKT NAME 991 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 51950 FEOERAUSTATE UNEMPlOYMENT 999 NO GRANT 53020 GENERAL OfFICE SUPPLIES 99t NO GRANT 53510 ROAD" BRIDGE SUPPUES 8U NO GRANT 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 9O. NO GRANT 53580 PIPE 199 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 53595 TOOLs 53610 BUIWING SUPPUESJPARTS 53830 INsecnclDESIPESnCIOES t98 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 53840 JANITOR SUPPUES 899 NO GRANT 53992 SUPPUES-MISCELlANEOUS 999 NO GRANT Wednesday, January 26, 2005 e IIfVEMf IIEV6IIf fIPEfmIII EllPEIOIlIIf IIIaIWE IBID. IIIEIIASE IBIIfASE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $..... $0.00 $0.00 $0." $3n.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $551.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $187.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $<).00 $0.00 "'838.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0." $3.00 $0.00 $0." $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0." $..00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $.... $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $..00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7T.00 $0.00 Page 2 of 10 e e CJj c.n t{;; e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST 1IAJlINCOAlI: 1121 mDIi IEARIIIC 1lPf: RmUIl IIlIIIB mR: 2lIll4 AMENDMENT NO: 651 AMENDMENT REASON: 12/31104 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. 2005 DEPARTMENT BUDGET WILL BE REDUCED ACCORDINGLY. FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ACCJ NO ACCT NAME 82510 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 83350 LEGAL SERVICES 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 83920 MISCELlANEOUS IIEVENII INCIIEAII: So.oO So.oO CHANT NO CIIANT NAME 199 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 199 NO GRANT $0.00 It99 NO GRANT $O.DO $O.DO $0.00 $O.DO $4,200.DO $4,200.DO ...... Ul1U11ES 899 NO GRANT 88814 UTlLmES.pARKS 899 NO GRANT ROAD AND BRlDGe.pRECINCT 12 GENERAL fUND AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL TOTAl. TOTAl. AMENDMENT NO: 652 AMENDMENT REASON: 12/31104 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE.pRECINCT 111 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RlNII NO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 580 IIEVENII ACCJ NO ACCT NAME CIIANT NO CIIANT NAME INCIIWE 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPUES 898 NO GRANT 10.00 eo332 AUTO ALLOWANCES 898 NO GRANT SO.OO 85180 RADJO MAINTENANCE ... NO GRANT 10.00 72500 EQUIPMENT -RADIO 898 NO GRANT So.oO CONSTASLE-PRECINCT tI1 TOTAL 10.00 IIEVENII IBIlEAIE $O.DO IO.DO IO.DO IO.DO SO.DO EXPEriIIIIIIE EXPEriIIIIIIE INCREASE IBIIEASE SO.DO $1.DO 1825.DO SO.DO SO.DO 1825.DO SO.DO "OO.DO $1.00 $382.DO RIlID BAI. INCIIEAII: OBIIEAIEJ $1.DO ($825.DO) _.DO $1.00 (l443.DO) Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Page 3 of 10 ~ 0') o e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGO ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST 1fABllmlAlE: 1/2112OO1i IUBC 1YI'E: IIBWII IIlIllIJ YEAR: 2l1li4 AMENDMENT NO: 652 AMENDMENT REASON: 12/31104 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #5 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR /IIlD lID: 1000 DEPARTMENT. NO: 620 ACCJ /lO .u&J IIAMf 53020' GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 60332 AUTO ALLOWANCES IIEVfIIlI IIC1:IIfASE 1<>.00 1<>.00 1<>.00 1<>.00 $0.00 CIIAIT /lO CIIAIT IIAMf 998 NO GRANT 899 NO GRArft 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE It99 NO GRANT 998 NO GRANT 88318 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 72500 EQUIPMENT-RADIO 899 NO GRANT CONSTABLE-PRECINCT fI6 TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE IIEVfIIlI IBRfASE 1<>.00 1<>.00 1<>.00 1<>.00 1<>.00 EXPEIIIIIlII EXI'ENIIIlIIE oo:IIEASE IBIIfAIE 1<>.00 $50.00 $356.00 $0.00 $00.00 $77.00 $1.00 RIIGI BAl IIIl:REASE IIBIIWEI $50.00 ($350.001 $00.00 $77.00 $'.00 ($'38.001 $0.00 $0.00 1<>.00 $0.00 $0.00 $351.00 $2'8.00 DEPARTMENT. NO: 1 IIEVfIIlI IIEVfIIlI EXPfJIIIJ1IIE EXPfJIIIJ1IIE GIIAI/J IIlI IaIMT NAME INCREASE IBRfASE IIICREASE IBRfASE 899 NO GRANT $138.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 888 NO GRANT $443.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REVENUE TOTAL $581.00 $0.00 1<>.00 $0.00 GENERAL FUND TOTAl $581.00 $0.00 $1.181.00 $800.00 AMENDMENT NO 852 TOTAL $581.00 $0.00 $1.181.00 $800.00 .u&J NO .u&J NAME 43040 STATE TOBACCO SETTLEMENT 43040 STAlE TOBACCO SETn.EMENT RIIGI BAl IIIl:REASE IIBIIWEI $138.00 $443.00 $581.00 $0.00 $0.00 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND NAME: AIRPORT FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RIND lID: 2610 DEPARTMENT. NO: 999 RIIGI BAl IIIl:REASE IIBIIWEI $224.00 Am NO .u&J NAME 60520 BUILbING REPAIRS IIEVfIIlI oo:IIEASE $0.00 IlIIAI/T NO IaIMT NAME 998 NO GRANT IIEVfIIlI IBRfASE $0.00 fXIIENIIJIIIf EXI'ENIIIlIIE III1:IIEAIE IBIIfAIE 1<>.00 $224.00 Wednesday.Janua~26,2005 Page 4 of 10 e e e CJ") a) l-'> e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAl UST 1fAIlINGDATE: I127I2Ol11i IUIlIIIC IYPE: BIUII IIlIICEJ YEAR: 2lID4 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND NAME: AIRPORT FUND DEPARTMENT. NAME: NO DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RIIII NO: 2610 DEPARTMENT NO: 888 Am /10 AJ:CT!IAME 85180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 86600 UTIunes CIIANJ NO CIIANJ!IAME 899 NO GRANT 899 NO GRANT NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL AIRPORT FUND TOTAL FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT IIEVEIIlI 1IICIIEAa: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 IIEVBIII IBIlWE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 EXPEIIIIIlIIE EIlJIElOJlIlf IIICIIWE IBIlWE $175.00 $0.00 .....00 $224-00 $224-00 $0.00 $224-00 $224.00 RIIII HAl. IIICIIEASE IIBIIWEI ($115.00) (.....00) $0.00 $0.00 Am NO ACCJ lAME 63210 MACHINERY PARTSlSUPPUES CIIANJ NO CIIANJ lAME 899 NO GRANT 85740 SERVICES It98 NO GRANT AMBULANCE OPERATlONS-8EADRIFT TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE IIEVEIIlI IIIl:IIWE $0.00 $0.00 RllllIIO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO. 340 IIEVBIII IBIlWE $0.00 $0.00 EXPEIIIIIlIIE EIlJIElOJlIlf IIICIIWE IBIlWE $0.00 $22.00 $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $22.00 DEPARTMENT NO. 170 $0.00 Am 10 ACCJ !lAME 86802 ununES-AG BlDGlFAJRGROUNDS CIIANJ NO CIIANJ!IAME 891~OGRANT ... NO GRANT 86804 ununes.cOURllIOUSE AND JAIL BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL DEPARTMENT. NAME: COUNTY CLERK IIEVEIIIf H:IIWE $0.00 $0.00 IIEVBIII 1BIIfAa: $0.00 $0.00 EXJIEIDJ1IIE EXI'BiIIJ1IlE IIICIIWE IBIIfAIE $529.00 $0.00 $0.00 $529.00 $0.00 $0.00 $529.00 $529.00 DEPARTMENT NO. 250 ACCT NO ACCJ !lAME 51820 GROUP INSURANCE 81000 COMPUTER RENTAlS CIIANJ NO CIIANJ!IAME 999 NO GRANT H9 NO GRANT Page 5 of 10 Wednesday. January 26, 2005 IIEVEIIIf IIfCIIEAIE $0.00 $0.00 IIEVEIIIf IBIIfAIE $0.00 $0.00 EXI'BIIIIIIlE EXPfNIIllIIE IIICIIWE IBIIfAIE $0.00 $',"8.00 $1.....00 $0.00 RIIII HAl IIfCIIEAIE IIBIIEASEI $22.00 ($22.00) $0.00 RIIII HAl. IIICIlEASE IIBRfASEI {$...'OO) $529.00 $0.00 RlllllHAl IIICIIWE lIBIIWEI $1.118.00 ($.,....00) COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST 1EAlllNCllATE: 1I2112l1D1i IfAIlIIIUYPE: IBIlAII IIIIIIIT YEAR: 2lI04 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK IUIIIIID: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO, 250 IUNII HAl II'IJ:/IWE IIBIlEAIEJ $0.00 BEVEIIII IIEVBIf fXPBIIIJlIIE fXPBIIIIIIIE II'IJ:/IWE BIEAIE IIICIDIE BIEAIE $0.00 SO.OO $1,118.00 $1.118.00 DEPARTMENT. NO: 200 ACCT NO ACCT NAME CIIAIT NO CIIAIT!IAME COUNTY CLERK TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY. TAX COLLECTOR IUNII HAl IIICIDIE IIBIlEAIEJ (K38S.00) (K38S.00) RmME INJ:IIEAIE $0.00 BEVEIIII BIEAIE $0.00 EXPBIII11IIE EXPENIIRIIE IIICIDIE IBIlEAIE l4.385.00 $0.00 ACCT NO ACCT NAME 81700 DELINQUENT TAX ATTORNEY FEES CIIAIT NO CIIAIT!IAME 999 NO GRANT COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 l4.385.00 $0.00 DEPARTMENT NO: 160 DEPARTMENT NAME: DEBT SERVICE IUNII HAl IIICIDIE IIBIDIEJ $9.00 ($9.00) $0.00 BEVEIIII INCIlEAIE $0.00 BEVEIIII BIEAIE $0.00 $0.00 EXPBIII11IIE EXPBIII1lIIE INCREASE BIEAIE $0.00 $9.00 ACCT NO ACCT NAME 62900 INTEREST CIIAIT NO mANT !lAME "9 NO GRANT 84873 PRlNCIPAL-cAPITAL LEASES 999 NO GRANT $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $9.00 DEaT SERVICE TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 DEPARTMENT NO: $9.00 510 DEPARTMENT. NAME: DISTRICT ATTORNEY RlNII 8M. INCIlEAIE IIBIIEARJ $185.00 BEVEIIII INJ:IIEAIE $0.00 $0.00 BEVEIIII IBIIfAIE $0.00 $0.00 EXPBIII11IIE EXPBIII1lIIE IIICIIEAIE IBIIfAIE $0.00 $'85.00 ACCT NO ACCT NAME 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES CIIAIT NO mANT NAME 998 NO GRANT 70500 BOOKS-lAW 999 NO GRANT $185.00 $0.00 ($185.00) $0.00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $185.00 $185.00 DEPARTMENT. NO: 345 DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES HIND HAl INCIIEAIE IIBIlEAIEJ ($187.00) BEVEIIII INCIlEAIE $0.00 BEVEIIII IIaIEAIE $0.00 EXPBIII11IIE EXPBIII1lIIE INCIlEAIE BIEAIE $197.00 $0.00 ACCT NO ACCT NAME 53980 SUPPLlEs/oPERATlNG EXPENSES CIIAIT NO mANT NAME 999 NOGRANT OJ <:7) c.~ Wednesday. January 26. 2005 Page 6 of 10 e e e e e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST 1fARlllt:llAlI: 112712005 IIAIIIJIG 1YPE: IIfIWII IIIIIlIJ YEAR: 2004 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES RINII NO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 345 RINII BAI. IIfl:IlEAIE IIBIIWEJ (s...., IIEVEIIII INCIIfAIE $0.00 $0." $0.00 IIEVEIIlf IBIIEAIE $0." $0." $0... EXPEIIIIJ\IIE EXPIIIIIIIIIE INr:REAIE IGlEAIE S.... $0." ACCT NO ACCT lAME 83530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS I:RAKJ NO I:RAKJ /lAME 998 NO GRANT 86505 TRAVELJDUESlSUBSCRIPTfONS 88800 UTILmes 899 NO GRANT 899 NO GRANT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL $0." $883.00 $983.00 sm.DO $0." (S777.oo) SO.OO so." $0." $083." S.83." DEPARTMENT NO: 350 DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT RIIID BAI. IIICREAIE 0BIlEASEJ $2t1.00 IIEVEIIII IIICIIEAIE $0." $0." IIEVEIIlf IBIIEAIE $0." $0." EXPEIIIIJ\IIE EXPIIIIIIIIIE IIIalfAIE IGlEAIE $0.00 $28.00 ACCT 10 ACCT lAME 51820 GROUP INSURANCE I:RAKJ NO I:RAKJ /lAME 899 NO GRANT un4 MEDiCAl WASTE DISPOSAL 191 NO GRANT HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL $26." $0." ($26...) SO." $0." $0... $26." $26... DEPARTMENT NO: 450 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.pRECINCT 111 RINII BAI. INCREAIE 0BIlEASEJ $47." (S35...) ($12.00) $0." IIEVEIIlf IIICREAIE $0." IIEVEIIlf IBIIEAIE $0." $0.00 $0." EXPEIIIIJ\IIE EXPEIIIIJ\IIE INCIIfAIE IBREAIE $0... $47." ACCT NO ACCT /lAME 51810 SOCIAL SECURITY I:RAKJ NO I:RAKJ /lAME 89t NO GRANT ..... DUES 998 NO GRANT 8lHI NO GRANT so.oo $35.00 S12.oo $0." $0." 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES $0." JUSTICE OF PEACe..pRECINCT lt1 TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT tI2 $0." $0... $47." $47.00 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 RIIID BAI. INCIIfAIE lBIlEAIEJ $147.00 IIEVEIIlf IIICIIEAIE $0." $0." IIEVEIIlf IBIIEAIE $0.00 $0... EXPEIOIIIIf EXPEIIIIJ\IIE INCIIfAIE IBREAIE $0.00 $147.00 ACCT 10 ACCT /lAME 51810. SOCIAL SECURITY I:RAKJ NO CIIANT lAME ... NO GRANT ... NO GRANT 0") 0") ~ 51820 GROUP INSURANCE $0... $183.00 $183.00 Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Page 7 of 10 C':i c::rJ ~ e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL UST IfAIIIlIGllAII: 1127J2005 IIABIIYPE: IDlAII 1IlIIlITYWI: 2IID4 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSnCE OP PEACE-PRECINCT #2 ACCT NO ACCT lAME 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPUES IIEVBIII IIICIIEAlIE 10.00 10.00 CRAKJ 110 aIAIIT lAME 999 NO GRANT 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES HI NO GRANT JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT tI2 TOTAL DEPARTMENT. NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #3 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RJIIIJIIO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 IIlVEH IBIIEAIE 10.00 10.00 EXPEIIII11IIE EXPEIIII11IIE IIICIlEAlIE IBIIEAIE 10.00 $12.... "'....0 10." 10.00 10.00 _... _... DEPARTMENT NO: 470 ACCT NO ACCT lAME 11920 GROUP INSURANCE IIEVEIIlI IIICIlEAlIE 10.00 10.00 CRAKJ NO CIIAlIT lAME 8t9 NO GRANT 84230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES '" NO GRANT JUSTICE OF PEACe..pRECINCT #3 TOTAL DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT tI4 IIEVEIIlI IBIIfAlIE 10." 10." EXPEIIII11IIE EXPEIGIIIIlE IIICIlEAlIE IBIIEAIE 10.00 $ol2." $42.00 10." 10.00 10." $42.00 $ol2." DEPARTMENT NO: 460 ACCT NO ACCT lAME 51920 GROUP lNSURANCE IIEVEIIlI IIICIIWE 10.00 CRAKJ NO CIIAlIT lAME 989 NO GRANT 84230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT JUSTICE OF PEACe.pRECINCT #4 TOTAL DEPARTMENT. NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT. tIS $0.00 REVEIllE IBIIEAIE 10." 10." 10." EXPEIIII11IIE EXPEIIIIIIIIf IIICIlEAlIE IBIIEAIE 10.00 $12... $12.00 10.00 10.00 $12.00 . $12." DEPARTMENT NO: 490 IIEVEIIlI REVEIllE EllPEIIIIl1IIE EXPEIIIIII.IIE ACCT 110 ACCT lAME CRAKJ 110 CIIANT NAME IIICIlEAlIE IBIIfAIE IIICIlEAlIE IICIIEAIE 51920 GROUP INSURANCE en NO GRANT 10.00 10.00 10.00 $12.00 84230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT 10.00 10.00 $12.00 10.00 JUSTICE OF PEACe.pRECINCT tI6 TOTAL 10." 10.00 $12.00 $12.00 RJIIIJIW IIICIIWE IDIEAlIEJ $126.00 (_.00) $0.00 RJIIIJIW IIICIIWE IIBIIEAIEJ $ol2.00 ($ol2.00) 10.00 RJIIIJIW IIICIlEAlIE lIBIIEAlIEI $12.00 ($12.00) 10.00 RIIID BAI. IIICIIWE IIBIIEAIEJ $12.00 ($12.00) $0.00 Wednesday. January 26. 2005 e Page 8 of 10 e e e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAl UST IOIIIImAIE: II21I2OBi IDRlNC l\'Pf: RElUAII _(nEAR: 2lI04 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY fUIID NlI: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO. 140 fUIID BAl IIICIIWE IIBIIWEJ $6ol7.00 ($237.00) ($10.00) ($27.00) ($87.00) 1_00) ($243.00/ $0.00 IIEVEIII INalEAIE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REVEllE IBRfAIE ".00 EXPEIIII1lIIE EXPEIlIIIIIIE IKCIIEAIE IBRWE ..... $6ol7.00 ACCTNO ACCT /lAME CHANT NO CHANT /lAME 51130 RETIREMENT 889 NO GRANT 54030 PUBUCAT10NS D99 NO GRANT 83920 MISCELlANEOUS 99S NO GRANT 84t70 PROGRAMS: SUMMER/AUTHOR VISITS 899 NO GRANT 66'02 TELEPHONE SERVICES 899 NOGRAHT 66"" unlmeS-SEADRIFT UBRARY 899 NO GRANT 70550 BOOKS~RARY 899 NO GRANT ".00 $237,00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 $21.00 $0.00 $87.00 $0.00 $43.00 $0.00 $243." $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $847.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ".00 $6<T." DEPARTMENT NO: USRAAY TOTAl DEPARTMENT. NAME: REVENUE fUIID BAl IIIC8EAIE IIBIlWEJ _"00 _"00 IIEVEIIlE IICIIEAIE -.... IIEVEIIII IBRWE $0.00 EXPEIIII1lIIE EXPEIlIIIIIIE IIICRWE IBRWE $0.00 $0.00 AI:CT NO ACCT /lAME .1150 TAX ArrORHEY COMMISSIONS CHANT NO CHANT /lAME "' HO GRANT REVENUE TOTAL _"00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DEPARTMENT. NO. 560 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT 113 fUIID IW. INl:IIWE IIBIlWEJ $172.00 ($112.00) $0.00 IIEVEIIlE IIICRWE $0.00 $0.00 IIEVEIIII IBRfASE $0.00 $0.00 EXPEIlIIIIIIE EXPEIlIIIIIIE IIICIlEASE IBIIfASE 10.00 $172.00 ACCT NO ACCT /lAME 53510 ROAD & BRlOGE sUPPuss CHANT NO CIIAIIT /lAME 1lI9 NO GRAHT 999 NO GRANT ...... PERMITS $172.00 $0.00 R.OAD AND BRJDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAl DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT. 114 10.00 $0.00 $172.00 $172.00 DEPARTMENT. NO: 570 Ct;l cn c.. ,. fUIID IW. IIIC8EAIE IJB!!!AIEI IIEVEIIlE NmIE IIEVEIIII IBRfASE WIfIDIIIIlE EXPEIIII1lIIE INCIlWE IBIlfASE ACCTNO ACCT /lAME CHANT NO CHANT /lAME Wednesday. January 26. 2005 Page 9 of 10 ~ O? r::r. e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGO ADJUSTMENT APPROVAl UST IfARlllClJAIF: I/21I2OD5 IfAR TYPf: IIBIUII IIIIICEJ YEN/: 2lIlI4 AMENDMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.pRECINCT fI4 HIID Nll: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO. 570 ACCT NO ACCT IIAMf 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES IIfVBII INaIEASE $0." EXPEHII1IIIE fJPUIIIJlIlE JIIC/IWE IBIIfAIf $0'" 120~00 IIfVBII IBIIE.UE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0." CIIAIT NO CIIMI' IIAMf 998 NO GRANT 82510 EQUIPMENT RENTAl 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE HI NO GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1..... $43." $0.00 $0." $0." 998 NO GRANT 88800 UnUTIES ... NO GRANT 12.... ROAD AND BRIDGe-PRECINCT M TOTAL $0." $0.00 $10.... $105.00 DEPARTMENT. NO. 760 DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF ACCT NO ACCT IIAMf 50415 DISPATCHER IIEVEIIIf IIEVEIiIf EXI'fIiIIIIIIE fJPUIIIJlIlE CIIAIT NO CIIMI' IIAMf INaIEASE IBIIE.UE JIIC/IWE IBIIE.UE 999 NO GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1...00 999 NO GRANT $0." $0." $11." $0.00 ftt NOGRAHT $0." $0." $28." $0.00 899 NO GRANT $0." $0." $7.... $0." SHERIFF TOTAL $0." $0.00 $184." $184." GENERAL FUND TOTAL $4,3<1.... $0." $9,014.00 $4,...... AMENDMENT NO &eo TOTAL $4,3<1'." $0.00 $.,238." $4,873.00 Grand T Qtal $9,155.00 $I." $1.,223." $T ,ou... 53030 PHOTO COPIESISUPPUES 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPUES 53995 UNIFORMS Grand Total We<lnesday, January 26. 2005 Pag.,0O/10 e e IllllllBAL IIlCIIWE 0BJIfASEJ $20'.00 ($1"'00) ($43.") ($28.001 $0." fUND BAL IIlCIIWE IIBIIWEI $1...00 ($11.00) (12..00) (57...'ll) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 e OJ 0". -1 e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LIST IlAlllUlAII: II21I2OlJ5 IfAIIIB lYIf: IIBIW IIIIIIIr YEAII: _ AMENDMENT NO: 653 AMENDMENT REASON: TO PROPERLY CHARGE DEll MARKETING PO#40604 (COMPUTER) FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME.; HIGHWAY PATROL REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RINII NO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 720 ICCT NO ICCJ NAME 86192 TElEPHONE SERVICES 71650 EQUIPMENT raAIIT NO I:IIANT NAME 899 NO GRANT too NO GRANT f<<GHWAY PATROl GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT NO 853 TOTAl TOTAl TOTAL AMENDMENT NO: 659 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND NAME: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT NAME: WASTE MANAGEMENT IIEVEl& INalElSE SO.OO IIEVBGE IBIIWf SO.OO EXPEIIII1lIIt EXPEIIII1lIIt IIIHIIE IBIIWf $0.00 $1,010.00 HIND BAL INCIIWE /IBIIWf) $1,010.00 ($'..'..001 SO.OO SO.OO SO.oo ICCT 110 ICCJ NAME 66182 TELEPHONE SERVICES 86318 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY raAIIT NO CWJ NAME too NO GRANT too NO GRANT WASTE MANAGEMENT GENERAl FUND AMENDMENT NO 659 Grand Totaf TOTAl TOTAl TOTAl Grand Total II1lBIlE INCIIEIIE $0.00 SO.OO so... $......00 SO.OO SO.oo $,,,'..00 $1,010.00 SO.OO $,,,'..00 $1,010.00 SO.OO $,,,'..00 $''''..00 HIND BAL llCalEIIE /IBIIWf) $5.00 ($5.00) SO.OO $..00 $..00 $..00 Wednesday. January 26. 2005 Page 1 Of 1 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR RINII NO: 1000 DEPARTMENT NO: 380 II1lBIlE /BIlWE so.oo EXPEIIII1lIIt EXPEIIII1lIIt INCIIfIIE IBIIEASE so.oo $.... $.... SO.OO SO.oo so.oo so.oo SO.OO $..00 SO.OO $0.00 $..00 $..00 $0.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $5.00 $5... $0.00 $1,015.00 $,....... ISSUES RELATING TO THE NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Mark Crippen gave a report relating to the New Jail Construction Project he stated that everything is looking good financially. The Contract completion date shows the middle of September and the contractor is showing middle of November. The walls have started going up and the Contractor forecast that this could help catch them up by about a month. The foundation is nearly complete. e ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS PROJECT: Mark Crippen gave a report on the Calhoun County Courthouse Renovations Project he stated that the funds look good on this project and the bid specifications being approved and authorized to go out for bid is a big milestone and it will only go forward from here. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: Claims totaling 438,026.34 for year 2004 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. COmmissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. . Claims totaling $1,419,993.17 for year 2005 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Frtisch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: e Claims totaling 1,689,363.60 were presented by the COunty Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster, and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEAL THCARE: Claims totaling $176,238.19 were presented by the COunty Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Frtisch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Commissioner Galvan Is still working on getting the leases back from the doctors at the Memorial Medical Plaza. Court adjourned at 11:05 a.m. e 668