2005-10-27 Regular October Term Held October 27, 2005 COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i !i !i e THE STATE OF TEXAS BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 27th day of October, A.D" 2005 there was begun and holden in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the Memorial Medical Plaza in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A,M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J, Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Cierk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. PLAOUE PRESENTED TO COUNTY AUDITOR BEN COMISKEY: e Judge Pfeifer presented County Auditor Ben Comiskey with a plaque for his 24 years of service to the County. Ben read a speech to the Court and thanked everyone for their support over the years. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the minutes of September 8, 2005 meetings be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Michael J, Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk RECEIVE 2004 SAFETY AWARD FROM TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES: Ernest Galindo with Texas Association of Counties presented the Court with a Safety Award for 2004, e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: Buzz Currier read the financial monthly report for September 2005, 607 MEMORIAL MEOICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY . SEPTEMBER 30,~005' ~ NET GAIN\(LOSS) YTO 403,862 CHANGE IN INVESTMENT Accounts Receivable- 484,521 e (Incr) Oecr Current Liabilities- 278,463 Incr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (67,794) (I ncr) Oecr Inventory 3,160 (Incr) Oecr Long Term Liabilities (552,025) Incr (Oecr) 146,325 TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) OECR 550,187 PLUS: Depreciation 1,047.419 1,597,606 Total Cash- Incr (Decr) 1,597,606 e LESS Equipment Purchases (418,271) NET CASH- .INCR (DECR) 1,179,335 1,179,335 I e 608 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, SEPTEMBER 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISB UR.SEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEMURIAL MEDICAL CENfER: OPERATING 2,264,142.28 1,630,938.83 1,475,363.55 2,419,717.56 MEMORIAL 17,644.08 21.75 0.00 17,665.83 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,993.90 17.25 0.00 14,O11.l5 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,1l52.7!l Ul4,624.53 1 ll4,6oo. 10 1,877.21 TOTALS $2,297,633.04 $1,815,602.36 .$1,659,963.65 $2,453.271.75 BANK RECONCILIATION LESS.. CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,419.717.56 0.00 272,507.15 2,692,224.71 MEMORIAL 17,665.83 0,00 0.00 17,665.83 RESTRlcrED DONATION I 14,O11.l5 0.00 0.00 14,O11.15 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,877.21 0.00 1,725.31 3,602.52 TOTALS $2A53,271.75 $0,00 $274.232.46 $2.727,504.21 2 609 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORTLAVACA,TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 YTD Y1D YTD e REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE NAME MONTH Y1D AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT WlLLlicM, GA 61,320.47 638,403.24 84,384,05 44,688,23 509,33096 80% UN, MS, ]06,110,59 1.489,861.67 465,464.96 104,290.32 920,106,39 62% SMlT1( J.K. 78,590,14 767,923.29 224,835.58 53,754.63 489,333,08 64% MCFARLAND, T.R 200,928,07 1,972,373,18 471,080,04 138,066,12 1,363,227.02 69% GRfFFIN, JEANNlNE 19,185.82 200,717,59 28,762,66 14,050,23 157,904,70 79% BUNNEll, DP 294,848.48 2,961,335.93 1,068,700.76 207,293,52 1,685.341.65 57% NlRATSUWAN 54,895,03 938,194.36 246,362.97 65,673.61 626,157.78 67% ARROYO-DIAZ, R. 157,607,92 1,627,149,98 548,968.04 113,900.50 964,281.44 59% CROWLEY, W 181,082.47 1,998,170,08 519,798.18 139,871.91 1,338,499.99 67% CUMNINS,M 2,968,55 287,258,70 65,872.17 20,108.11 201,278.42 70% RUPLEY, M 10,678,58 185,165,80 20,788.15 12,961.61 151,4 ]6.05 82% LEE,J 90,180.39 1,120,376,69 354,384.45 78,426.37 687,565.87 6]% LEWIS,D 0.00 20,093,04 4,509.36 1.406.51 14,177.]7 71% JOHNSON, J, 13,030,07 43,337.52 J ,364,83 3,033,63 38,939.06 90% STEINBERG, R. 6,186.08 Il3 ,276.0 1 19,912.48 7,929.32 85,434.21 75% RAMOS LABORATORY 4,838,25 (63,692.58) 0.00 (4,458.48) (59,234,10) 93% VISITING PHYSICIANS 285.384.21 3,029,641.40 879,318.91 212,074.90 1,938.247.59 64% ERPHYSICIANS 759,013.54 6,288,079.35 1,213,700.43 440,165,55 4,634,213 .36 74% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 121.01 28,109,65 ],021.66 '1,967,68 25,120.32 89% OTHER 394,734.66 4,784,15559 1,005,822.34 303,986.52 3,474,34673 73% TOTAL 2,721,704.31 28,429,930.47 7,225,052.02 1,959,190.76 19,245,68769 68% e 3 e 6iO e e e CURRENT ASSETS CASH OPERATING FUND IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT PErn CASH MMP BOND PROCEEDS MMP HOSPITAL PORTION RESTRICTED DONATION MMP BOND SINKlNG FUND/INTEREST T0'lIl1 CASH"" ACCODN'rS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBT PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVABLE MIse ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE THIRD, PARTY RECEIVABLE TIF GRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.... INVENToRIES RADIOLOGY--FILM LABORATORY CENTRAL SUPPLY SURGERY DIETARY MAINTENANCE PHARMACY TOTll1 INVENTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSURANCE PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES. TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS. PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS FIXED EQUIPMENT MAJOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REPORTABLE BOND ISSUARNCE COST CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS LESS: ACCUMULATED DEPRECIA'lION TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIP TOTAL UNRESTRICTED ASSETS. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET AS OF, 09/30/05 THIS YEAR 05/30/05 2,412,899.80 5,000.00 625.00 ,00 ,00 14,050.75 36.21 _2,432,611.76 3,727,824.22 11,700,560,451 ,00 185,625.66 36'7,022.00 ,00 LAST YEAR 05/30104 660,167.99 5,000,00 625.00 ,00 ,00 13,842.43 36.21 679,671.63 5,846,117.14 12,753,800.001 ,00 301,556.10 1384,001 .00 LAST MONTH OS/Jl/oS 2,258,765.94 5,000,00 625.00 ,00 ,00 14,033.50 36.21 2,278,460.65 4,011,708.33 Il,S65,56Q,491 ,00 179,890.61 321,911.00 ,00 2,579,911.39 ~---~---------- ---~----------- -_#------------ 2,647,549.4.5 8,507,]] 98,421.56 78,441.73 121,818.29 11,413.11 5,202.36 138,885.90 3,353,489.24 5,508.99 101,728.]] 97,871.73 149,097.48 8,863.05 3,217.77 133,703.61 11,982,58 52,552,86 75,983.50 121,818.29 11,413.11 5,202.36 138,885.90 462,690.06 --~------------ - -------------- ---~----------- 457,838.60 47,715.74 91,561.39 499,990.74 66,445.66 52,803.51 --------------- --------------- ----------~---- 55,719.38 98,783.21 139,281.13 119,249.17 154,502.59 --------------- --------------- 5,614,494.34 4,652,400.78 5,538,351.29 ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 32,142.60 8,8)1,744.81 3,005,447.41 10,226,010.91 900,501.27 ,00 ,OD 116,744,637.43) ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''='''''''' 32,142.60 8,837,744.87 2,413,482.03 10,048,861.51 900,501.27 ,00 ,00 IIS,5l2,]]7.751 32,142.60 8,837,744.87 3,005,447.41 10,219,010.91 900,501.27 ,00 ,QO 116,63'7,731.27l 6,257,209.63 --------------- -----.--------- ---._---------- 6,357,115.79 11,871,703.97 -------~------- --------------- 6,700,614.53 11,353,015.31 =======..==="'=== 11,895,46'7.08 4 ==="'=========== 611 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BA1A!ICE SHEET 1lS OF, 09/30/05 THIS YEAR 09/30/05 LAST YEAR 09/30/04 LAST MONTH 08/31105 CURRENT LrABUTIES ACCOUNTS F.\fABLE 224,632.21 408,873.54 310,858.45 ACCRUED PAlABLES 203,054.18 126,581.26 128,610.09 ACCRUED PAlP.OLL 130,649.97 312,022.46 333,171.89 ACCRUED RE'llREMEN'l' ,47 ,00 .54 ACCRUED ST.ITE SALES TAX 365.91 4.90 494.88 THIRD PART! PAYABLES ,00 145,817 .00 .00 RETENTION-iIlNSTR.UCTION IN PROGRESS .00 ,00 ,00 ACCRUED VACA.TION!HOLIDAY/SICK :310,109.]2 295,613.39 310,109.32 CAPITAL LEMES OELIGATION 296,620.23 236,979.00 312,373 .56 MMP BONDS ,00 ,00 ,00 REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT ,00 ,00 ,00 HOSP OE1IGArrON FOR BONDS ,00 .00 ,00 ---~~~-------- - --------------- --------------- TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES. ............. 1,465,432.29 1,525,891.55 1,395,618.73 LONG TERM LIAlILITIES MMP BOND S LONG TERJ.l L&ASE ,00 1,020,661.81 TOTAL LON3 TERM LIABILITIES. 1,020,661.81 TOTAL LIJ\BILITIES, 2,486,094,10 RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS 8,981,748.17 403,861.69 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE. . 9,385,609,86 --------------- --------------- TOTAL LrnrnESTRICTED LIABILITIES.. 11,871,703.96 --------------- --------------- RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST 17,665.83 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS. 551,303,24 --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------~~~ --------------- --------------- 551,281.49 RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FUND BALAl1CE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE 11,665,83 533,637,41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAB.. 551,303.24 -------------~- ----~---~------ --------------- --------------- 551,281.49 ,00 852,119.00 852,119.00 2,378,010.55 9,2.22,172.20 (241,161,441 8,975,004.76 --------------- --------------- 11,353,015.31 "'''''''=~;========= 17,403.17 533,637.41 551,040.58 11,40Lll 533,637.41 551,040,58 e ,00 1,031,371.17 1,031,371.17 2,426,989.90 e, 981, 148.17 486,729.00 9,468,477.17 11,895,467.0'1 e 1'1,644.08 533,63'1.41 17,644.08 533,637.41 5 e 612 e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT Fortha 09 Month Ending Saptllrnber 30, 2005 Page-1. 6 613 SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO DATE --.-- Current BUdget ?riorYear Currenl YTD Budget YTD PriorYTD Operating Expense e Salaries 647,696,06 596,292,79 635,728,44 5,614,756.75 S,445,627,75 5,334,493.81 Employee Benefits 123,759.93 148,157.34 139,799,88 1,376,324'.25 1,353,170.72 1,233,202.06 Professional Fees 197,358,56 239,139,51 220,876,88 1,938,269.20 2,153,005,59 1;854,131.57 Plant Operation 61,586,70 34,661,41 87,689.35 470,679.62 312,428.13 394,611.32 Hospital General 18,980.71 50,583,34 64,819,86 347,905.95 455,250.06 499.443.15 other Operating Expenses 455,220,05 45S,318,79 510,999.32 4,148,179.84 4,134,448,53 3,727,010.25 Total Operating Expense 1,504,600.01 1,524,151.18 1,639,793.51 13,896,115.61 13,853,928.78 13,042,892.16 42,188,83 I 853,223.45 I Net Operating Gain/(Loss) 24,038.85 18,261.55 433,835,18 1,450,709.15 245,685,12 934,164.54 Non-Opernting Expense Depreciation 106,906.16 126,932.50 84,545,55 1,047,419.46 1,142,392,SO 772,863.98 Cost Report Settlemef1t 0,00 0,00 408,468,00 (572,00) 0.00 408,468.00 Contribution to County 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Total Non-Operating Expense 105,906,16 126,932.50 493,013<65 1,046,847.46 1,142,392.50 1,181,331.98 Total Operating Gain/(Loss) (82,867,31) (108,670.95) (59,178.47) 403,861.69 (896,707.38) (247,167.44) County Subsidy 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Gain/(Loss) afte~ Subsidy (82,887,31) (108,870,95) (59,178.47) 403,861.69 (896,707.38) (247,167.44) MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 08 Month Ending September ;SO, 2005 Page." 7 614 e e e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL MEDICARE 972,265 179,060 88,444 67,785 198,816 1,506,370 Percenl 65% 12% 6% 4% 13% 40% MEDICAID 261,530 70,389 9,252 1,378 7,401 349,950 75% 20% 3% 0% 2% 9% BLUE CROSS 177,893 54,063 32,818 39,249 36,809 340,832 Percent 52% 16% 10% 12% 11% 9% COMMERCIAL 490,257 238,872 100,648 80,023 53,538 963,338 Percent 51% 25% 10% 8% 6% 26% PRIVATE 159,573 172,294 134,922 81,502 19,035 567,326 Percent 28% 30% 24% 14% 3% 16% TOTAL 2,061,518 714,678 366,084 269,937 315,598 3,727,816 Percent 55% 19% 10% 7% . 9% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 39.03 September 41.39 August 00 en ~ C"Tl MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ~roING 09/]0/05 ______m SIN G 1 E M 0 NTH ____.___n ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ AC'l'lJAL BUDGE'!' $ VARlANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET S VARIANCE ~ liAR 08 NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 13,385.00 14,779.49 11,394,491 19,4]1 99,240.00 134,985.91 135,745,971 (26.481 e TOTAL REVENlJE, 13,385.00 14,779.49 11,394,491 19,431 99,240.00 B4,985.97 115,745,911 ('",m EXPENSES SALARIES 22,034.73 17,332.05 (4,702,681 127,lll 236,520.89 157,786.37 (78,734.521 (49.891 OTHER EXPENSBS 54,444.29 2,654.27 151,790,021 11951.191 - 118,23B.1l4 23,718.03 (94,520.81) (398.51) TOTAL EXPENSES 76,479.02 19,986.32 (56,492,701 1282,651 354,759.73 181,504.40 (173,255.33l 195.451 -------------- -._-_.------- -----_.---._-- -------------- ------------.- -------------- NE'1 GAIN I [LOSS 163,094 02) 15,206.83) 157,887,191 11111.751 1255,519.731 (46,518.43) (209,001.30) (449.281 MEDjSURG NURSING STATION REVENUE RODTlNE REVENUE 97,020,00 130,773.45 (33,753.45) (25,811 1,063,365.00 1,194,397.44 1131,032.441 110.971 TOTAL REVENUE. 97,020.00 130,77J.4.5 133,751.451 125,il) 1,063,365.00 1,194,391.44 1131,032.44) 110.97) EXPENSES SALARIES 66,474.35 76,849.34 10,374.99 13.50 715,753.39 701,890.68 (13,862.71) 11.971 OTHER EXPENSES 15,155.31 29,138.80 13,983.49 47.98 230,020.80 263,569.33 33,548.53 12.72 TOTAL EXPENSES 81,629.66 105,988.14 24,358.48 22.98 945,774.19 965,460.01 19,685.82 2.03 ~------- ------ ------------. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NE'1 GAINI [LOSS 15,390.34 24,785.31 19,394.971 137,901 117,590.81 228,937.43 1111,]46,621 148,631 lCU NURSING STATION REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 62,700,00 69,m.47 16,511,471 19,411 671,321.00 632,149.65 39,171.35 19 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 3,135.00 ,00 3,135.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, 62,700.00 69,213 .47 16,513,471 19,411 674,456.00 632,149,65 42,306.35 6,69 EXPENSES SALARIES 38,947,85 44,355.25 5,407.40 12,19 399,276,88 405,111,25 5,834.37 1.44 OTHER EXPENSES 10,000.74 16,968.74 6,968.00 41.06 116,892.94 153,511.05 36,618.11 2J 85 TOTAL EXPENSES 48,948,59 61,323,99 12,375.40 20.18 516,169.82 558,622.30 4.2,452.4.8 I.SS e -------------- ------~------ -------~------ -------------- -------------- ---------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 13,751.41 7,889,48 5,861.93 74.30 158,286.18 73,527 .35 84,758.83 115.27 NURSERY NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 12,IHUHl 10,285.65 2,454.35 23.86 79,015.00 93,942.25 [14,867.25) IIU21 TOTAL REVENUE. 12,740.00 10,285.65 2,454.35 23.86 79,075.00 93,942.25 (14,867.25) Il5,821 EXPENSES SALARIES 8,154.97 10,701.23 2,546.26 23.79 78,197.36 97,737.89 19,540.53 19.99 OTHER EXPENSES 1,016,11 2,228.54 1,212.43 54.40 17,875.09 20,249.62 2,374.53 E.72 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,171.08 12,929.77 3,758.69 29.07 96,07US 117,987.51 21,915.06 ::''C.Sl ._-----~------ -----------~- -------------- -------------- --------.._--- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 3,568.92 (2,644 .12) 6,213.04 234.97 116.997,451 124,045.261 7,041,81 29.31 9 e 616 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMEN'! FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09)30)05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE IVAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR SORGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM IlEVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ]2,222.00 62,563.29 130,341.291 148,491 281,260,70 571,411,46 1290,150,761 150,771 OUTPATIENT REVEN 95,512,75 168,077.42 172,564.671 143,171 1,126,373,85 1,535,101,30 1408,733.451 126,621 e TOTAl, REVENUE. 127,734.75 230,640.71 1102,905,961 144.611 1,407,634.55 2,lQ6,518.76 1696,884.211 133,171 EXPENSES 9ALARIES 42,085.32 50,444.01 8,358.69 16J57 364,343.B8 460,722.01 96,378.13 20,91 LEASE AND RENTAL 620.50 4,884,JJ 4,26J,6J 87.29 4,21J,96 43,958.97 39,685.01 90.27 OTIlER EXPENSES 21,983.61 43,251. 71 21,26B.Io 49.17 317,192.67 394,841.13 77,648.46 19.66 TOTAL EXPENSES 64,689,43 96,580,05 33,a90.62 34.]7 685,810,51 899,522,11 2lJ,711.60 23,75 -------------- .___w_______. -------------- -------------. -------------- -------------- NET GAIN} ILOSS 63,045.32 132,060.66 169,015,341 152,261 721,824,04 1,206,996.65 (485,172.61) 140,191 SWING BED IlEVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE J,500,OO 2,318.68 1,181.32 50.94 57,450.00 21,111,JO J6,272,70 171.28 TOTAL REVENUE. 3,500.00 2,318.68 1,181.32 50.94 57,450.00 21,177 .30 36,272.70 171.28 E.XPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 104.88 ,00 1104,881 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 109.10 .00 1109,101 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 213,98 ,00 IllJ,981 ,00 --~----~~----- ----~..~~---~ ~---.~------~- .~---~_._----- ----------._~- ----~~---~---- NET GAIN) REVEN 3,500.00 2,318.68 1,181.32 50.94 57,236.02 21,177.30 36,058.72 170.27 OBSERVATION REVENuE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 520.00 ,00 520.00 ,00 55,430.00 ,00 55,430.00 .00 OIITPATIENT REVEN .00 18,507.16 118,507.161 1100,001 5,000,00 169,032.05 1164,OJ2,051 197.041 TOTAL REVENUE. 520.00 18,507.16 117,987.161 197.191 60,430.00 169,032.05 1108,602.051 164,241 LABOR AND DELIVERY REVENUE e INPATIENT REVElm ,00 10,887.78 110,887,181 1100,001 7,190.50 99,441. 68 192,251.181 192,761 OIITPATIENT REVEN 1,115.75 1,366.61 1250.861 118,351 4,888.50 12,481.68 17,593,181 160,831 TOTAL REVENUE:. 1,115.75 12,254.39 111,138,641 /90,891 12,079.00 111, 92J, 36 199,844.361 189,201 EXPENSES SALARIES 8,220.14 16,503.37 8,283.23 50.19 79,463.09 150,730.69 71,267.60 47.28 OTIlER EXPENSES 2,525.63 2,880.45 354.82 12.31 30,463.22 26,315.10 (4,148.12) 115,761 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,745.77 19,383.82 8,638.05 4-4.56 109,926.31 ]77,045.79 67,219.48 37.91 --._--~~-~--~- ._--~-_._~--- -.. ~ ~-- - - - ~ -.- --~---._.._-_. -- _._-----_.~- ._--_._~.._-_. NET GAIN) ILOSS 19,630.021 17,129,4JI 12,500,591 135,071 197,847.311 165,122 ,4JI 132,724.88) 150,251 10 e 617 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTllS ENDING 09/30105 ____hh_ SIN G L E M 0 NTH _H____~h -~-~-----.-- YEA R TO D ATE ________u_ ACTUAL EUDGET $ VARIANCE IVAR AC11JAL EUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR CENTRAL SU!PLY REVENITE INPATIENT REVENU 2,S8BAS 62,BB.9~ 160,255,431 195,aa) 59,781.51 573,974.55 1514,193.041 189.5'1 OUTPATIEN1 REVEN 1,114.00 15,092.97 113,918,97) 192.611 15,315.85 137,849.04 1122,5lJ,19) 188.881 e TOTAL RllVElIUE, 3,702.45 77,936,91 174,234.46) 195.241 75,097.36 711, a23,59 1636,726.231 (89.45) EXPENSES SALARIES 1,264.59 2,a16,55 1,551.96 55,10 11,280,41 25,724,57 14 I 444 .16 56.14 arllER EXPl'llSES 1,a02,55 32,137.42 30,934.87 94.49 23,305.04 . 298,486.14 275,180.10 92.19 TOTAL EJ:PENSES 3,067,14 35,553.97 ]2,486.8] 91.37 3-4,586.45 324.,210.71 289,624.25 89.33 -----.---.---- ----._#------ -----.---._--- -------.-----. ._---.-------- __._________u NET GAINIILDSS 635.31 42,382.94 141,747,631 198.50) 40,510.91 387,012.88 1347,101.971 IB9.541 PHARMACY AND IV THERAPY REVEllUR lNPATIElIT REVENU 138,371.33 243,996,27 1105,624.941 143,281 1,705,007.65 2,228,499.32 1523,491.671 (23.49) OUTPATIENT REVEN 124,138.46 118,863.69 5,274.77 4.43 1,150,527.91 1,085,621. 71 64,906.20 5.97 TOTAL REVENUE, 262,509.79 362,859.96 110C,350,171 121,651 2,B55,5J5,56 3,314,121.03 1458,585,471 113.831 EXPENSES SALARIES 11,898.04 7,290.25 14,597.79) 163,061 104,614.01 66,584.23 (38,029.78) 157.21) PROFESSIONAL fEE 8,260.36 7,916.67 1343,691 14.341 74,343.24 71,250,03 (3,093.21) 14.34) EXPENSES 37,876,96 48,125.62 10,248.66 21.29 489,713.51 438,387.01 151,326,501 III 70) TOTAL EXPENSES 58,025.36 6L332.54 5,307.18 8,37 668,670.76 576,221.27 192,449,491 116.041 ---._---.~---- ------------- -------------- -------------- ------~_._-_.- -------------- NET GAIN/110SS 204,484.43 299,527.42 195,042,991 131.731 2,186,864.80 2,737,899.76 1551,034.96) 120,12) CHF INFUSION THERAPY REVENUE INPATIElIT RE1JENU ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,DC ,DC .00 .00 OOTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,DC ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,co .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 00 EXPENSES SALllRIES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 e OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 -------------. --~---------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN 1110SS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .CD .00 ,00 11 e 618 e 12 619 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTIoIENTA1 INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09/30/05 __...mo SIN G L E M 0 NTH __Omn.' ...........0 YEA R TO D ATE _u__ Acrl1AL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VAR ACTUAL BL1lGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR BLDOD BANK REVBNllB INPATIENT REVENU 19,374.50 14,219.32 5,155.18 36.25 144,869.25 129,869.77 14,999.48 11.54 OUTPATIENT REVEN 9,681.75 5,473.43 4,208.32 76.88 11-4,576.00 49,990.74 64,585.26 129.19 TOTAL .REVENUE. 29,056.25 19,692.75 9,363.50 47.54 259,445.25 179,860.51 79,584..14. 4.4..24 e EXPENSES EXPENSES 4,544.24 5,614.75 1,070.51 19.06 65,258.61 51,281.43 Ill,911,181 121.251 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,544.24 5,614.75 1,070.51 19.06 65,258.61 51.,281.43 Ill,977,181 121,251 -------------- ------------- -----------~-- -------------- --------~----- ---~----.._--- NET GHN/ILOSS 24,512.01 14,078.00 10,434.01 74.11 194,186.64 128,579.08 65,607.56 51.02 OCCUPATro}1~ MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIEN'f REVENU ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIEN'T REVEN .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DC 00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -----------.-- --~---------~ ------.._-._~- -------------- -----~---._--- -----._--- NET GAIN/ILDSS ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 SAFETY TESTING REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,DO ,DO TOTAL REVENUE. .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ------~~-.._.- --_.~------.- -~-------..._- ~-_.~--.._--~- ~~~----~----~- ~---~-- -- ----- NET GAIN/ILOSS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,CD .00 .00 e ELECTROCARDIOLOGRAPHY IEKGJ REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 12,385.25 37,096,32 14,131.07) 127,551 159,747.50 156,146.30 3,601.20 2.30 OUTPATIENT REVEN 43,028,50 49,233.48 16,3B4.9BI 112,56) 418,693.85 449,483.15 130,789.301 16.841 TOTAL REVENUE. 55,413.75 66,309.80 130,896.051 116,431 578,441.35 605,629.45 (27,168.10) I4.4B) EXPENSES EXPENSES 1,_766.55 2,882.60 1,116.05 38.71 25,205.02 26,388.62 1,183.60 4_41l TOTAL EXPENSES 1,766.55 2,882.60 1,116.05 38.71 25,205.02 26,388.62 1,183.60 4.48 .~--_.~~-_.~~- ~____.______M ..--...-._._-. ~_._~- --- ~--.~ _.~----.~---.- --.------ --~-- NET GAIN/ILOSS 53,647.20 63,421.20 19,180,001 115,411 553,236.33 579,240.83 (26,004.50) 14481 13 e 620 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPAR'IMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING OS)30)05 n~n____ SIN G L E M 0 NTH _mh____ ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VIR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VIR RAn I OLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REvENU 8,531.25 15,660.30 11,129.051 145,521 94,44.3.00 14.3,030.79 146,581,191 133,911 OUTPATlEm REVEN 99,120.39 96,948.24 2,172.15 2,24 1,048,204.43 885,460.61 162,743.82 lB.37 TOTAL RE\lENUE. 107,651.64 112,608.54 14,956,901 IUOI 1,142,647.43 1,028,491,40 114,156.03 11.09 e ElPENSES SALARIES 52,634.21 49,813 .69 12,820,521 15,661 425,680./8 454,965.01 29,284.23 6.43 PROFESSIONAL FEE 3,500.00 2,500.00 11,000.001 140,001 32,410.00. 22,500.DO 19,910,DO) (44.04) OTHER EXPENSES 16,895,44 12,64],56 14,247.881 1]3.581 160,011,]] 115,]69,96 144,701.371 138,741 TOTAL E)[PENSES 73,029.65 64,961.25 18,068,401 112,421 618,162.11 592,834,97 125,32],]41 14.211 ------...._--- .------------ ---------._--- -.------------ -------------- -------------- NET GAIN) fLOSS 34,621.99 47,647.29 Ill,Q2S,3D) i27.33) 524,485.32 435,656.43 88,828.89 20.38 NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 5,998,25 4,327.61 1,670.64 38.60 53,555.17 39,525.46 14,030.71 35.49 OUTPATIENT REvEN 28,982.75 38,609.30 19,626,551 124,9]1 294,265,50 352,6]1.58 158,366,081 116.551 TOTAL REVElWE. 34,981.00 42,936.91 11,955,"1 118.521 ]47,821.67 392,157.04 144, ]]5,]71 111.301 EXPENSES OTIlER EXPENSES 4,208.98 7,447.19 3,238.21 4].48 42,054.52 68,]44,83 27,280.21 39.Sl TOTAL EXPENSES 4,208.98 7,447.19 ],238.21 43.48 41,064.62 68,]44.83 27,280.21 39.91 -----~-------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------~ NET GAIN/ILOSS 30,772.02 35,489.72 (4,117,101 Ill.291 ]06,751.05 323,812.21 111,055,161 15,261 ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 6,724.75 4,779.86 1,944.89 40.68 58,6]5,56 43,656.20 14,979.36 34 .Jl OUTPATIENT REVEN 50,630.0] 46,760.49 3,869.54 8.27 466,926.08 427,079.03 39,847.05 , 3J TOTAL REVENUE. 57,354.78 51,540,]5 5,814 ,43 11.28 525,561.64 470,735.23 54,826,11 11 64 EXPENSES LEAsE & RENTAL .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 3,125.11 2,48').54 1637,57) /25,63) 36,248,55 23,094,54 113,154,011 156.951 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,125.11 2,487,54 1637.571 125,631 ]6,248,55 23,094,54 113,154,011 156.951 e --------~----- -- - --~------- -------------- ~------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 54,229.67 49,052.81 5,176.86 10,55 489,]13,09 441,640,69 41,672,40 9,JO CT SCAN REVENIlE INPATIENT REVENU 46,213.00 3],301.08 12,911.92 38.77 307,475.75 304,149.90 J,]25.85 1.09 OUTPATIENT REVRN 214,284.25 136, D51.44 78,232.81 57.50 2,058,300.25 1,242,603.11 815.,697.14 65.64 TOTAL REVENUE. 260,497.25 169,]52.52 91,144.73 5].81 2,365,776.00 1,546,753.01 819,022.99 52.95 EXPENSES LEAsE & RENTAL ,00 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00 ,00 180,000.00 180,000.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 28,628.25 7,974.0] /20,654,221 1259,011 157,478.76 72,565.65 (84,913 .11) 1117.01) TOTAL EXPENSEs 28,628.25 27,974.03 1654.221 12,J]1 157,418,76 252,565,65 95,086,B9 37.64 -------------- ---~ ---~----- - ------~- - - --- -----~._------ -----~~~------ -_._--~~~--~-- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 231,869.00 141,378.49 90,490.51 64.00 2,208,297.24 1,294,187.36 914il09.88 10 63 14 e 621 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09/30/05 m______ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ AcrrrAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % Vl>J\ MAMMOGRAP81' REVENlJE INPATIEN'[' RlIENU .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 155.00 264.03 (109,031 (41.291 OUTPATI~T I!VEN 5,535.00 5,846.02 1311.021 (5,321 64,245.00 53,393.52 10,851.48 20.32 TOTAL R.EV!IfUE. 5,535.00 5,846.02 1311.021 (5,32) 64,400.00 53,657.55 10,742.45 20,02 e EXPENSES OTHER EXpEN,iS 1,693.00 2,397.17 704.17 29.37 19,949.70 22,180.19 2,2.10.49 10 05 TOTAL E;):P&SES 1,693.00 2,,397.17 704.1'7 29;']'7 19,949.70 22,180.19 2,230.49 lO 05 ----~--------- _.----------- -------------- ,'-------------- --- ------~---- -----_.-----.. NET GAI"/I",sS 3,842.00 3,448.85 393.15 11.39 44,450.30 31,477.36 12,972.94 41.21 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT RE!ENU 14,565.25 10,631.04 3,934.21 37.00 64,955,27 97,096.71 132,14L501 133,101 OUTPATIEN'l' Rl\IEN 118,263.27 122,880.17 (4,616,901 (3.75) 1,311,129.38 1,122,)(\5.46 191,4.23.92 1i.D, TOTAL REVE5UE. 132,828.52 13],511.21 (682,691 1.511 1,378,684.65 1,219,402.2] 1591282.42 13.06 EXPENSES OTHER EXPBNSgs 28,886.55 ]1,594.52 2,707,97 8,51 IB8,771.95 283,983,22 95,211.27 33.52 TOTAL EXPEMSES 28,886.55 31,594.52 2,707.97 B.57 188,771.95 283,983.22 95,211.27 3),52 -------------- -----------,-- -------------- --------_.---- -------------- NET GAIN I (WSS 103,941.97 101,916.69 2,025.28 1.98 1,1B9,912.70 935,419.01 254,493.69 27.20 ANESTHESIA REVENlJE INPATIENT REVENu 29,120,25 37,444.55 (8,324.301 122,23) 230,387.50 341,993.59 1m, 606,09) (32 63) OUTPATIENT RlVEN 51,503.00 61,293,18 19,190,78) (14 ,541 161,323,00 614,616,56 146,706.44 23 ,86 TOTAL REVEllUE, 86,623.25 104,738,33 118,115.081 111,291 991,710.50 956,610.15 35,100.35 ,66 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 32,936,16 44,630,25 11,694.09 26,20 366,219,92 401,672.25 35,452 J3 8.82 LEASE & RENTAl. ,00 50.00 50.00 100.00 ,00 450.00 450 00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 4,270.12 3,228.15 11,041,971 (32,21) 49,304.16 29,728.17 (19,575.99) (65.84) TOTAL EXPENSES 37,206.28 47,908.40 10,702.12 22 ,33 415.524.08 431,850.42 16,326.34 3.78 -------- ~~---- ------------- -------------- ---.-..------- --._---------- -------------- e NET GAIN/IIllSS 49,416 .97 56,829.93 17,412,96) 113,041 576,186.42 524,759.73 51,426.69 9.80 DIALYSIS U>>IT REVENUE OtITPATIENT REVEN 317,782.00 336,017.74 (18,235,741 15,421 3,649,345.85 3,068,962.06 580.383 .19 18 91 TOTAL REVENUE. 317,782.00 336,017.74 118,235,741 15,421 3,649.345.85 3,06B,962.06 580,383 79 18 .91 EXPENSES SALARIES 27,012.26 26,739.43 1272,831 11.02) 270,861. 72 244,220,09 126,641.63) 110,901 OTHER EXPENSES %,868.:n 55117e.76 11,689,561 13.06) 616,286.25 502,490.78 (113,795.47) (22.64) TOTAL EXPENSES 83,880.58 81,918.19 11,962,391 12,391 887,147.97 746,710.87 040,437.101 (18.80) -~----------.- -._---------- -------------- .--.----..---- ---------_.--- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 233,901.42 .254,099.55 120,198.13) 17,941 2,762,197.88 2,322,251.19 439,946.69 18.94 15 e 622 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09/30/05 --------- SIN G L ~ M 0 N l' H .n_____.. ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ EUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL . BUDGET S VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL CARDIOPULMONARY REVENUE 13,37) INPATIENT REVENU 61,alS.25 106,295,33 144,480,081 14U41 93B, 096 .25 970,830.61 132,734.16) 19,292.50 21,885.90 12.593,401 111,841 257,326.50 199,891.17 57,BS.33 2B.73 OUTPATIENT REVEN TOTAL REVENUE. 81,107.75 128,181.23 (47,073.48) 136,721 1,195,422.75 1,170,721. 78 24,700.97 2.10 e EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO LEASE '" RENTAL 72264 500.00 1222,641 1440521 5,718.33 4,500.00 11,218,331 121.07) OTHER EXPENSES ]0,273.80 27,011.37 (3,262,431 112.011 296,750,00 243,444,71 (53,305.291 12U91 TOTAL EXPRNSES ]0,996.44 27,511.37 13,485,071 112,661 ]02,468.33 247,944.71 154,523,621 (21.99) - --~---------- ------------- --._---------- -------------- -----.-._----- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 50,111.31 100,669.86 150,558,551 150,221 892,954.42 922,777,07 129,822,651 13,231 CARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEll .aa ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 E1PENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------- ---~~- ------------- ~------------- -------------- --~----------~ -------------- NET GAIN! (LOSS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT P.EVENU 221.75 1,099.07 1871,321 119.821 2,452.00 10,0]8.09 17,5B6.091 115,571 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 1,126.75 IJ,126,751 IJOO,OO) 6,184.50 10,290.99 14,106.491 1l9.901 TOTAL REVENUE. 221.75 2,225.82 (2,004.07) 190,031 8,636.50 20,329.08 111,692,581 (57.511 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 315.00 SOO.DD leS.DO 37.00 1,507.50 4,500.00 2,992 .50 66.50 e TOTAL EXPENSES 315.00 500.00 185.00 37.00 1,507.50 4,500.00 2,992,50 66.50 -- -------~ ---- ------------- -------------- -------------- ----------~--- -------------- NET GAIN! (LOSS (93.25) 1,725.82 (1,819.07) 1105,401 7,129.00 15,829.08 (8,700,081 154,961 PHYSICAL THERAPy REVENUE INPATIENT REVENlJ 13,522 .00 26,084.16 112,562.161 1",161 172,784.00 2]8,235.32 165,45l.J21 121.411 OUTPATIENT REVEN 111,971.25 1J2,197.49 1226.24) (,20) 1,099,543.45 1,024,736.94 74,806.51 7.30 TOTAL REVENUE. 125,493.25 138,281. 65 112,188,40) 19,241 1,272,]27.45 1,262,972.26 9,355.19 ,74 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 34,803.21 37,500.00 2,696 ,19 7,19 350,058.21 337,500.00 112,558,211 13.12) OTHER EXPENSES 6,178.24 2,792.21 13,386.03) 1121.26) 53,151.82 25,008.87 128,142,951 (112 ,531 TOTAL EXPENSES 40,981.45 40,292.21 (689.24) (1.71) 403,210.03 ]62,508.87 140,701.161 111.221 -------------- ------------- - -- -- - - -- - ~ - -- -------------- ---_._----~-- . -----------~-- NET GAIN! (LOSS 84,511.80 97,989.44 113,477 ,641 (lJ,751 869,117.42 900,463,39 (31,345,971 13,4BI 16 e 623 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09(30/05 ----_.~-- SIN G L- E M 0 NTH ___h__m --.--------~ YEA R TO D ATE ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR HOMB HEALO CARE REVENllE INPATIEN'r' iEVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 OurPATIEm'REVEN 8-4,252.00 81,518.00 2,734.00 3.35 866,624..64 74.4,511.05 122,1J93.SS 15,:'9 TOTAL REVENUE. 84,252.00 81,518.00 2,734.00 3.35 866,624.64 744,531.05 122,093.59 16.39 e EXPENSES SALARIES 29,550.17 25,363.44 (4,186.73) 116,501 263,765.65 .231,652.78 f32,1l2.B7l 113.861 LEASE & R..EIn'AL 2,041.45 83.33 11,958,121 12349,831 16,364.93 749.97 (15,614,%\ 12082,011 OTHER EXPEllSES 16,]62.09 10,862.63 (5,499.46) 150,621 130,B79.75 98,300.40 (32,579.35) I]],HI TOTAL E:1PENSES 47,953.71 36,309.40 (11,644.31) 132.06) 411,010.33 330,703.15 (80,307,18) (24.28) ----._.---.--- -.----------- ---._--------- -------~------ -------._----- -------------- NET GAIR!IWSS 36,298.29 45,208.60 18,910,311 (19,101 455,614.31 4.13.,821.90 41,186.41 lO.CS HOSPICE REVENllE Ol!TPATIENl REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 FROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 00 OTHER EXPEIlSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL E){PENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------------- --~---------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------_.--- NET GAIN(IWSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENllE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTIlER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e ------_.------ ------------- -------------- ------- -~----- -------------- NET GAIN I110SS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 NEW VIEW REVENllE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,DO .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 -------------- ------------- ____w_____.__. -------------- -- --~- -------- ----------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO .00 17 e 624 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09130/05 --------- SIN G L E MaN T H _m______ ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACT\lAL BUDGET S VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR CHEMI CA1 DEPENDENCY REVENllB OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ----.._------- ----------_.- ----------.--- ------.------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN!(LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 DIETARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 120.00 ,00 120,00' ,00 120.00 ,00 120.00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. 120.00 ,00 120.00 ,00 120.00 ,00 120.00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,952.72 12,485.66 11,461.06) 111.74) 119,048.27 114,035,66 15,012,61) 14,39) PROFESSIONAL FEE 3,500.00 1,733.33 11,766.67) (101.92) 15,437.50 IS,59-9.97 162.47 1.04 OTHER EXPENSES 27,501.68 16,482.25 111,019,43) 166,R5) IB1,418.64 150,608.96 130,809,681 120,45) TOTAL EXPENSES 44,954.40 30,701.24 114,253.16) 146.42) 315,904.41 280,244,59 135,659,821 112,72) ----.--------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --~---- ------- NET GAIN! (LOSS (44,834.401 (30,701.24) [14,13J,161 146.031 1315,784.411 1280,244.591 135,539,82) 112,681 MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 15,123.91 21,267.13 6,143.22 28,88 143,124.53 194,239.79 51,115.26 26.31 LEASE [. RENTAL 596.11 2,666.67 2,070.56 77.64 12,262,42 24,000.03 11,737.61 48.90 OTHER EXPENSES 3,813.01 3,948.85 135.84 3,43 53,720.97 35,984.09 117,736,88) 149,29) TOTAL EXPENSES 19,533.03 27,882.65 8,349.62 29.94 209,107.92 254,223.91 45,115.99 17.74 CARE PROGRAM e EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 426.62 ,00 1426.62) ,00) 5,726.11 ,00 [5,726,111 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 426.62 ,00 1426,621 ,00) 5,726.11 ,00 15,726,111 .00 MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SALARIES 14,911.49 12,148.12 12,76J,37) (22,74) 125,170.13 110,952.78 (14,217.35) 112,8]) OTHER EXPENSES 3,155.60 2,044.84 (1,110.76) 154.121 16,380.65 18,581. 72 2,201.07 11.84 TOTAL EXPENSES 18,067.09 14.,192.96 13,874.13) 127,291 141,550.78 129,534.50 112,016,28) 19,271 PLANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE [, RENTAL 45.00 54.17 9.17 16.92 405,00 487,53 82.53 16.92 ELEC"I'RICITY 45,209.93 27,916.67 (17,293.26) 161.94) 269,757.33 251,250.03 (18,507.30) 17,361 WATER & SEWER 7,985.77 ,00 17,985,771 ,001 65,263.28 ,00 [65,263,281 ,00 GAS ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 42,146.38 ,00 142,146,J81 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES B,536.00 6,690.57 11.845431 (27.58) 93,527.63 60,690.57 132,837.061 (54.IO) TOTAL EXPENSES 61,776.70 34,661.41 127,ll5,29) 178.221 471,099,62 312,428.13 1158,671.49) (50.78) 18 e 625 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPlIRTllENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTJIS ENDING 09/10/05 .-------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH --------.- ------~._- -- YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ Vl\RIANCE %Vl\R ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR GROUNDS EXPENSES SALA1\IES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 56.79 ,00 156.791 ,001 6,359.95 ,00 16,359,95) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 56.19 ,00 156.791 ,00) 6,159,95 ,00 16,359,951 ,00 e TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALAlUES 1,460.98 1,119.83 1141.151 110.461 11,614.29 10,227.83 11, J86.461 (13-.55) OTHER EXPENSES 279.42 628.09 348,67 55.51 3,598,42 5,713.28 2,114.86 37.01 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,740.40 1,747.92 7.52 ,4] 15,212.71 15,941.11 728.40 4.56 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 21,034.56 21,182.46 11,852,101 18,741 1S7,476.99 193,466.46 14,010,531 12,071 0TIlER EXPENSES 6,704,18 7,107,66 403.48 5,67 59,605.01 65,056.38 5,451.37 8.37 TOTAL EXPRN'SES 29,736.74 28,290,12 11,448,621 15,121 257,082.00 258,522.84 1,440.84 .55 LAUNDRY EXPENSES OUTSIDE SERVICES 5,437.30 9,000.00 3,562.70 39.58 60,633.3) Bl,OOO.OO 20,366.67 25.14 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,437.30 9,000.00 3,562.70 39.58 60,63).33 81,000.00 20,366.67 25.14 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 5,573.26 5,380.58 1192.681 13,58) 52,476.04 49,142.58 13,333,46) (6.781 OTRER EXPENSES 599.78 625,73 25,95 4.14 6,226.10 6,151.72 (74.38) 11.20) TOTAL EXPENSES 6,173.04 6,006.31 1166.73) 12.77) 58,702.14 55,294.30 (3,407.841 16.161 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 1,799,88 5,909.84 4,109,96 69,54 17,206,78 53,976.50 36,769.72 68.12 e OTHER EXPENSES 134.87 1,005,73 870.86 86.58 2,170.87 9,920..88 7,750.01 78.1i TOTAL EXPENSES 1,934.75 6,915,57 4,980,82 72,02 19,377.65 63,897.38 44,519.73 69.67 SOCIAL WORKER/D1SCHlIRGE PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 6,547.20 7,058.68 511.48 7.24 45,427 .20 64,469,36 19,042.16 29.53 OTHER EXPENSES 500,86 724.72 223.B6 30.BB 4,672.63 6,909.81 2,237.18 32.37 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,048.06 7,783.40 735.34 9.44 50,099.83 71,379.17 21,279.34 29.81 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT EXPENSES SALARIES 4,484.51 ,00 14,484,511 001 33,802.18 .00 133,802.18) .00 OTHER EXPENSES 1108,711 ,00 108.71 ,00 145,991 ,00 45.99 ,00 COUNTY OFFSET {6,246.381 ,00 6,246.38 ,00 (34,581.121 ,00 34,581 .12 00 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,870.581 .00 1,870.58 ,00 (824.931 ,00 824.93 .00 19 e 626 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09/30;05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH --~----___ ________om YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AC'l'UAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 18,893.37 19,310.57 417.20 2.16 167,311.12 176,369.91 9,058.79 5.13 LEASE & RENTAL 336.52 150.00 1186,521 1124.341 3,730.26 1,350.00 12,380,26) 1116,31) COLLECTION' EXPEN 2,206.58 2,500.00 293.42 11.73 26,134.66 22,500,00 13,634.66) (16.15) e OTHER EXPENSES 6,927.16 9,663.36 2,7]6.20 28.31 84,046.21 87,755,21 3,709.00 4.22 TOTAL EXPENSES 28,]63.63 31,623.93 3,260,30 10.30 281,222.25 287,975.12 6,752.B7 2.34 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 8,237.26 8,542.62 305,36 3.57 80,275.48 78,022.62 12,252,861 12,881 OTHER EXPENSES 643.26 1,7Bl.91 1,138.65 63,90 7,491.79 16,189,71 8,697,92 53.72 TOTAL EXPENSES B,880.52 10,324.53 1,444.01 13.98 87,767.27 94,212.33 6,445,06 6.84 DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 9,747.22 2,634:10 11, m.121 1270,03) 76,155.71 24,058.10 152,097,611 (216,54) OTHER EXPENSES 31,051.45 12,116.66 118,934,791 1156.271 148,975.77 108,992,14 139,983,631 136.681 TOTAL EXPENSES 40,798.67 14,750.76 (26,047.91) (176,581 225,131.48 133,050.24 192,081.241 169,20) NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 25,798.16 8,370.00 117,428,161 (208,221 83,671.88 76,446.00 (7,225.88) 19.451 OTHER EXPENSES 2,123.42 2,046.61 176,811 13,751 19,232,52 18,665.83 1566,691 13,03) TOTAL EXPENSES 27,921.58 10,416.61 (17,504.97) 1168.041 102,904.40 95,111.83 17,792.571 18,191 HOUSE SOPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,DO ,00 ,DO .00 ,00 ,DO OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES e SALARIES 5,618.02 ,00 15,61B.021 ,001 47,679,08 ,DO 147,679.08) ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 742.79 ,00 (742 ,191 ,00) 6,331.52 ,DO 16,331.521 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,360.81 ,00 16,360,811 ,001 54,010.60 ,00 154,010060) .00 EDUCATION EXPENSES SALARIES 7,072.66 4,112.95 12,959,71) 171,961 39,905.74 37,564.95 12,340,791 . 16,23) OTHER EXPENSES 1,810.66 1,215.53 (595.13) 148,961 13,279.61 10,856.91 12,422,70) 122.311 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,883.32 5,328.48 13,554,841 166,711 53,185.35 48,421.86 14,763.49) 19,831 ACCOUNTING EXPENSES SALARIES 5,676.03 5,622.95 153,081 1,941 52,124.08 51,356,27 (1,361,81) 12,661 OrdER EXPENSEES 3,588.88 3,465.23 1123,651 13.561 36,003.84 31,287.96 14,715,881 115,011 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,264.91 9,088.18 1176.73) 11.94) 88,727,92 82,644.23 16,083,691 17.36) 20 e 627 21 628 e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHE ENDING 09/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH _~______u ------------ Y ! A R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BllDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VAR MEMORIAL MDlCAL PLAZA REVENUE RENTALS ,00 ,DO ,00 ,00 50.00 ,00 50.00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 50.00 ,00 50.00 ,00 EXPENSES e SALARIES .'. 2,173.91 .00 12, 113 ,91) ,001 22,281.24 ,00 122,281,241 ,00 OTHER E:XHNSES. 937.01 ,00 1937.01) ,00) 14,065.94 ,00 114,065.94) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,110.92 ,00 13,llO,92) ,00) 36,347.18 ,00 136, )41,18) ,00 -------------- ----------~-- -______.w_____ -------------- ~---~--------- ---------- ~ ~-- NET CAIN/ILOSS (3,110.92) ,00 13,110.921 ,001 136,297,181 ,00 136,291,181 ,DO StJBTOTAL GAINj 1,293,412.09 1,522,999.31 11l9,581,12) 115,011 15,486,925.69 13,976,978.18 1,509,947.51 10 80 OTHER OPRRlTING EXPENSES REVENUE DEIXJcrIONS MEDICARE CONTR A (608,025.29) (755, 7lB. 79) 147,693.50 19.54 16,SlO,152,921 16,902,231.391 382,078.47 5.53 MEDICAID CONTR A (190,279.48) 1161,317,151 128,962,331 117 ,951 11,816,396,511 11,473,363,lll 1343,033,40) 123,281 INDIGENT CONTR A 152,071,431 ,00 152,017.43) ,001 1481,611.401 .00 1481,611,401 ,DO CHARITY ORE 110],149,69) (89,836.67) 113,313.02) 114,811 (1,191,509.01) (808,530,03) (382,978.98) 141,361 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 19],331.421 1112,062,lJl 78,724.71 45.75 (2,958,m.66( 11,511,500.19( 1]86,111,811 124.61) OTHER DEDUCTIONS (161,567.42) 1235,966,961 74,399.54 31.52 11,693,014,89) 12,155,165,001 462,090,11 21.44 TOTAL REI/ENUE (1,208,436.73) (1,414,901.70) 206,464.97 14.5.9 /13,667,08].39/ 112,910,190, ]2) 1756,293.071 15.851 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS RETIREMENT 20,809.76 22,540.98 1,731.22 7.68 190,756,74 205,874.32 15,111.58 7.]4 HOSPITALlZA.TlON 51,228.66 73,77D.49 22,541.83 30.55 724,968.37 673,770.49 (SI,19?BS) (7.59) LIFE INSURANCE 1,097.19 1,024.59 112,60) 11.081 9,209.53 9,357.93 148.40 1.58 DOOAL INSURANCE 1,774.40 2,950.82 1,176.42 ]9.86 20,519.82 26,950.82 6,431.00 23.86 LONG TERM DIS 2,199.87 2,254.10 54.23 2.40 18,890.84 20,587.44 1,696.60 8.24 PAYROLL CLRARING 1375.47) ,00 375.47 ,DO 12,329,35( ,DO 2,329.35 ,00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 76,734.41 102,540.98 25,806.57 25.16 962,015.95 936,541.00 125,414,951 (2,121 TOTAL OTHER OP 1,285,171.14 1,517 ,442.68 232,271.54 15.30 14,629,099.34 13,847,331.32 (781,768.02) (5.64) e OrnER REVEN!JB MEDICARE PASS-TH .00 ,00 .00 ,00 382,049.12 ,00 382,049.12 .00 CAFETERIA SALES 7,882.52 7, 317.05 505.47 6.85 61,860,80 61,371,05 483.75 ,1) INTEREST INCOME 3,360.51 2,459.02 901.49 36.66 29,294.04 22,459.02 6,835.02 30.43 INTEREST INCOME 17.25 ,00 17 .25 ,00 156.21 ,00 156.21 ,00 INTEREST INCOME ,DO ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 4,111. 00 2,868.85 1,242.15 '43.29 104,567.52 26,202.19 78,365.33 299.07 TOTAL O'rHE:R RE 15,371.28 12,704.92 2,666.36 20.98 583,927.69 216,038.26 467,889.43 403.21 --~----~------ ~----~ ---- --- --~- -._~-_._-- ------~------- ~------------~ -~~---------~~ NET OPERATING 23,612.23 18,261.55 5,350.68 29.30 1,441,754.04 245,685.12 1,196,068.92 486.83 -------------- ------------- -------------- -~------------ """=,,========= ============== -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- 22 e 629 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDING 09/10/05 ...-....- SIN G L E ACTUAL BUDGET M 0 NTH ..-------. $ VARIANCE I VAR ----.-.----- YEA R T 0 ACTUAL HODGET D ATE --.--------- $ VARIANCE % VJ..R NON-OPERATING EXPENSE DEPRECIATH!i- LAN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 DEPRECIATIClI-SUI 27,054.35 ,QO 121,05U51 ,001 2:~5,639. 84 .00 (245,639.84) .00 OEPRECIATI<lHIX 8,994,40 ,00 IB,994.401 ,001 80,689.93 ,00 180,689.931 .00 DEPRECIATIOli-MAJ 10,851,4] 126,932.S0 56,075.09 44.17 721,089.69 1,142,392.50 421,302.81 36.87 DEPRECIATION-POR ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 CON'lRIEtlTIClI TO ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL N"ON-OPER 106,906.16 126,932.50 20,026.34 15.77 1,047,419.46 1,142,392. SO 94,973. 0' 8.31 ----~--------- ---------.--- -------------- -------------- ------------.- -------------- TOTAL OPERATIN 163,293,931 (108,670.95) 25,377.02 23.35 394,334.58 (896,701,381 1,291,G41.% In.Sl -------------- ...:==========: -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---~---------- -------------- -------------- -------------- COONTY SUBSIDY ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 -------------- ------------- --------._---- ------------.- -------.---._- -..-------._-- NET GAIN/ILOSS 153,293.931 1108,610,951 25,]77 .02 2J ,35 394,334.58 1896,707,381 1,291,041.96 143.57 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -----~-------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- _______4______ -----~-------- 23 630 e e e DESCRIPTION JANUARY Telemelry(ICU) Patient Monitors (PACU) Patient Monitors (PACU) Patient Monitors (Radiology) e FEBRUARY Ceiling (Dietary) MARCH Paved Parking lot Bariatric Bed (MedfSurg) Irrtgator(Surgery) Cell Washer (Laboratory) APRIL Paper Shredder (Administration) Versa Care Bed (OB) 15 Versa Care Beds (MedlSurg) MAY JUNE Hematology Analyzer (Laboratory) Hematology Analyzer (Laboratory) Blanket Warmer (Emergency Room) Stress Console (CardIology) ECG (Cardiology) Cabling for Phone System (Administration) eJULY Video Gastroscope (Surgery) Video Colonoscope Single (Surgery) Video Colanoscope Double (Surgery) Printer and Image Mgmt Video Processor AUGUST MRI Computer (Radiology) e FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 EQUIPMENT AMOUNT $ $ $ 26,615.70 2,809.88 2,809.88 2,809.88 35,045.34 $ $ $ 16,625.32 10,39a.00 6,546.34 33,569.66 7,490.6B 5,914.37 88,715.55 $ 102,120.60 $ 42,000.00 36,592.00 7,969.41 11,000.00 B,OOO.OO 10,870.3B $ 116,431.79 1B,160.00 19,760.00 20,160.00 3,584.00 1B,364.48 $ 80,028.48 $ , 30,000.00 30,000.00 BUILDING iMPROVEMENTS HOSPITAl $ $ $ 6,B25.00 6,825.00 $ 14,250~OO $ 14,250.00 $ $ $ $ MEMORIAL MEDICAL PlAZA $ $ $ s $ $ s 24 631 SEP"TEMBER D~CRIPTION SUBTOTALS GRAND TQrALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 EQUIPMENT AMOUNT $ $ 5> 397,195.87 5> 418,270.87 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS HOSPITAL $ 21,075.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PlAZA $ 25 632 e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR SEPTEMBER 2005 e DA TE APPROVED BY COUNTY AUDITOR AlP & PATIENT REFUNDS 9/1/2005 (weekly) $ 193,050:50 9/7/2005 (weekly) (weekly) (weekly) $ $ $ $ 199,639.42 9/14/2005 138,541.44 9/21/2005 177,511.84 9/28/2005 (weekly) 211,358,69 TOTAL $ 920,101,89 e 2004 2004 YTD 2005 2005 YTD Referral $ $ 203,511.87 $ 240,709.34 $ Charity $ 86,047.27 $ 463,827.66 $ 104,077.06 $1,198,131.41 Indigent $ 106,997.27 $ 895,612.06 $ 160,580.97 $1,545,679.73 26 e 633 RUN DATE:10/0S/15 TIl1IE:13:Z8 1!Ell0RIAL !!lEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 09/01/05 THRU 09/01/05 BAlIK --CHECK-- - -..---- ------__ __om no_ --------_____________m CDDE !lUMBER DAlE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG _w__ __..___~__ _ _'''__ ____....__ ______ ______ ______________ __ __ ______ __ _.. ______..___ ____ ______ ______ _____.. ____ ________ __ __.. ___ __a. ____ __ __.. AlP 109574 09/01/05 59.88 ACE HARDWARE .. PORTER I S AlP 109515 09101/05 .00 10IDED AlP 109576 09/01/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 109517 09/01105 28,051.07 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG AlP 109578 09/01/05 161.48 CONSTELLATION NEW EtlERG AlP 109579 09101/05 1,677.85 AIM rOR SUCCESS AlP 1095BO 09/01/05 41.45 ALIIlED mc, AlP 1095B1 09/01/05 502.B6 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 1095B2 09/01/05 675,30 CARDIlIAL HEALTH AlP 1095B3 09/01/05 2,971.89 BAXTER HEAi.THCARE CORP AlP 1095B4 09101/05 315.00 BCOS AlP 1095B5 09/01/05 341. 70 BALLARD MEDICAL PROOUCl' AlP 1095E6 09/01/05 30,3E B J BROWl! A/P 109587 09/01/05 151.47 RUBY CANl'U A/P 109588 09/01/05 505,01 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES AlP 1095B9 09/01/05 401.50 CIlANlIING L BETE CO mc AlP 109590 09/01/05 081,09 CING'ULAP. WIRELESS AlP 109591 09101/05 11,300.50 CITY OF PORT LAVACA AlP 109592 09/01/05 582.20 COOK MEDICAL INCORPORAT !.Ip 109593 09/01/05 .00 VOIDED VP 109594 09101105 2,400.53 THE COUNCIL COMPANY '/P 109595 09/01/05 53B,20 CPSI 'IP 109596 09/01105 ll.6B MELISSA CUMPIAN 'iP 109597 09/01/05 153,85 DADE BEHRING 'iP 109598 09/01/05 190.35 mEN DAVIS liP 109599 09/01/05 352.11 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES liP 109600 09/01/05 .2,467.28 SQURCEONE HEALTHCARE TE liP 109601 09/01/05 738,82 DELL I!lARKETmG L,P. ./p 109602 09/01/05 62,45 KATHERINE DIETZEL ./P 109603 09/01/05 44.15 DL8 PAPER Ii: PACKAGING .IP 109604 09/01/05 795,92 EQUAL DIAGNOSTICS .IP 109605 09/01/05 12,15 FEDERAL EXPRESS CDRP, .lP 109606 09/01/05 ,00 VOIDED IF 109607 09/01/05 6,912,77 rrSHER HEALTHCARE .lP 109608 09/01/05 18.00 JOYCE FLANNIGAN IF 109609 09/01/05 1,097,19 FORT DEARBORN LIFE mc /P 109610 09/01/05 4,800.00 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS IP 109611 09/01/05 593.75 ROBERTS I ROBERTS & COEr IP 109612 09/01/05 557.89 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN IP 109613 09/01/05 62.90 H E BU'M' GROCERY IP 109614 09/01/05 83,60 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I IP 109515 09/01/05 526.80 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL IP 109616 09/01105 149,85 SALLY J HrCKL /P 109617 09/01/05 743.00 HILS ROGAL & HOBBS Ip 109618 09/01/05 72,19 HILL COUNTRY DAlRIES Ip 109619 09/01/05 76,26 HOLLISTER llle 'P 10%2009/01/05 131.71 PA.T B.RANlCRY Ip 109621 09/01/05 149,35 HULL AnESTHESIA 'p 109622 09/01/05 910.00 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES 'p 109623 09/01/05 90.94 IIJFOLAB IIle e e 27 e 634 RUN'DATE:I0/06/05 TIME:1J:28 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 09/01/05 THRU 09/01/05 BANK-.CHECK-_..._....._____.....______._______,._....______.._. CODE NllMBER DATE AII0lll/r PAYEE PAGE 2 G1ClREG ----------------------------------..-------------..-------------..-------------..-----------------------------------------..------------.. AlP 109624 09/01/05 1,036,72 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT AlP 109625 09/01/05 133,32 JAMIE JAeon Alp 109625 09/01/05 41.58 JOHNSON SUPFLY AlP 109627 09/01/05 21.75 THE LAUNDROMAT AlP 109628 09/01/05 4,130.18 LOKER PHARMACY MANAGEME AlP 109629 09/01/05 19,036.37 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENl'ER AlP 109630 09/01/05 89.51 JANE 1lCCAl1N AlP 109631 09/01/05 .00 VDIDED eA/P 109632 09/01/05 7,671.91 MCKESSON GENERAL l1EDlCA A/P 10963309/01/05 280.93 MEDELA me AlP 109634 09/01/05 57.48 MERCURY m:orCAlt AlP 109635 09/01/05 945.00 MERRY X. RAY-SAN ANTONI A/P 109636 09/01/05 64.40 LINDA MEYER AlP 109631 09/01/05 m.50 MINOtTA FINANCIAL SERVI AlP 109638 09/01/05 47.38 MOORE MEDICAL AlP 10963909/01/05 1,418,96 MOORE WALLACE AlP 109640 09/01/05 142.52 MYRON L COMPANY AlP 109641 09/01/05 90,00 RAQUEL MORALES AlP 109642 09101105 2,103.87 NATIONAL BENEFITS PARTN AlP 109643 09/01/05 318.96 NATIONAL IllAGING SYSTEM AlP 109644 09/01/05 4,200,00 NUTRITION OPTIONS AlP 109645 09/01/05 193.74 MICHELLE NOVAK AlP 109646 09/01/05 7.99 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AlP 109647 09/01/05 184.16 HARVEY OLASCUAGA AlP 10964S 09/01/05 48,56 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CORP AlP 109649 09/01/05 3,058.00 RIVIERA FINANCE AlP 109650 09101/05 412,50 POPULAR LEASING VP 109651 09/01/05 900,00 POSTMASTER '/p 109652 09101/05 57B.55 R G . ASSOCIATES INC '/P 109653 09/01/05 3,500.00 RADIOLOGY UNLmTED 'IP 109654 09/01/05 8.51 MAYRA SANCHEZ 'IP 109655 09/01/05 5,529.63 SANOF! DIAGNOSTIC PASTE 'Ip 109656 09/01/05 27,64 SHERWIN WILLIAXS .IP 109657 09/01/05 90.00 SHIP SHUTTLE TAXI BERVI >lP 109658 09/01/05 3.90 STRICTLY BUSINESS -: 109659 09/01/05 21.87 SALLY STRYCKER 109660 09/01/05 4,549,21 SYSCO . SAN ANrONIO, LP IP 109661 09101/05 67.50 THE SPORTS STOP ,/P 109662 09101/05 931.73 TLC STAFFING ,/P 109663 09/01/05 53,034.37 TEXAS CO & DISTRICT RET ,IP 109664 09/01/05 50,00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT or LIC .IP 109665 09/01/05 279,84 TRI-STATB HOSPITAL BUFP .IP 109666 09/01/05 21.87 DARLENE TRIPP .IP 109667 09/01/05 38.13 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS IP 109668 09/01/05 63.94 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE IP 10966909/01/05 2.213.00 UNITED SERVICES /P 109670 09/01/05 177.80 ELV! VELA IF 109671 09/01/05 803,41 VERIZON SOOTHWEST /P 109672 09/01/05 119.97 WALMART COMMONITY IF 109673 09/01/05 17,01 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK Ip 109674 09/01/05 150.00 Z.SCAN INC 28 e 635 R1Jl! DATE: 101 06105 TIME:1):;!S MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 09101/05 TllRU 09101/05 BAItK--CHECK---..------___________________________,_____________ CODB NtlMBBR DATE AIlOI1NT PAYEE PAGR 3 GLCKllEG AlP 109675 09101/05 TOTALS: 153,00 THE GUARDIAN ~lrE INSUR 193,050.50 --------------....---------- -------------- -----------..---. -------------- ---- -- -------------.---------.... ---- ---------- -- --.... -------- --- 29 636 e e e RUN D...:10/06l05 TIME:13:28 li1EIlORIAL lIEDlCAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 09107/05 TREU 09/07/05 BANK--CHECK----________________________________________________ CODE: NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 G1CX11EG ~----..._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP -~~; WAlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp Alp Alp Alp Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP .: _/P '/p ~/p <lP \/P \/P liP ./P ,IP ./P ,IP .IP .IP .IP IP e 109676 09/07/05 109677 09/07/05 109678 09/07/05 109679 09/07/05 10968009/07/05 109681 09/07/05 10968209/07/05 109683 09/07/05 109684 09/07105 10968509/07/05 109686 09/07/05 109687 09107/05 109688 09/07/05 109689 09/07/05 10969009/07/05 109691 09/07/05 109692 09/07/05 10969309/07/05 10969409/07/05 10969509/07/05 109696 09107/05 109697 09/07/05 10969809/07/05 10969909/07/05 109700 09/07105 109701 09/07/05 1097Gl 09/07/05 109703 09/07/05 109704 09/07/05 109705 09/07/05 109706 09107/05 109707 09107/05 109708 09/07/05 10970909107/05 109710 09107/05 109711 09107/05 109712 09107/05 109713 09107/05 109714 09107/05 109715 09/07/05 109716 09/07/05 109717 09107/05 109718 09107/05 109719 09107/05 109720 09107/05 109721 09107105 109722 09/07/05 109723 09/07/05 109724 09/07/05 109725 09107/05 26.85 .00 12,863,03 1,908,98 41.25 15.59 158,45 101. 00 2,101.65 190,31 400.50 2,007.72 22,477.38 493;53 515.00 125,00 1,998.00 7,115.38 12,820,00 275,00 172,94 115.02 30.75 198,43 266.58 276.99 904,80 857.68 461.12 206.15 689,52 1,559.47 2,933.66 149.99 163.26 153.60 41,50 2,676.04 200.00 12.16 59.28 18,46 25,92 390.95 182,00 51.84 340.33 3,500.00 11,383.27 135.15 ACE HARDWAaE - PORTER'S VOIDED AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG AG MICR08YSTEMS IOC ANITA TRAPP MARIA AGO'ILAR AHIIlA AIRCAST IUC CARDlllAL HEALTH ASPEN' POBLISHERS me AWESOME PAGING rue BA1IXCARD CENTBR BECKMAN COULTER INC Beos BIOLUCENT BIO-LOGIC SYSTBllS CORP CAL COM FEDERAL CREDIT STEPHEN H. CAGLE CALHOON COUIIl'Y CALBOON C=Y PEST CON RUBY CAIIl'U eve INCORPORATED CHANNING L BET!: CO mc COLBY MANUFACTO'RING COR CONllED CORPORATION COOPBRSURGlCAL mc cox MEDIA SOO'I'HWEST DIV THE COUNCIL COOANY CPSI llELBll DAVIS DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES DETAR HOSPITAL SODllCEom lIEALTHCARE TE DELL IlARKETING L. p, KATHERINE DIETZEL DOLPHIN TALK DLE PAPER &: PACKAGING ""'EX EVENING LIONS CLUB !!ARIA FARIAS FASTEID COMPANY FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. CONNIE FIELDS GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS G T PICKUP &. DELIVERY MICHAEL GAINES GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN LLOYD LANE GOBERt MD P. HAYES ELECTRIC SERVICE HEALTH CARE LooISTICS I 30 637 HUN, UATE: lO/Dbl~S TIME: 13,;18 !lE!l0RllL IlEDICAL CElIl'ER CIlECK REGISTER 09/07/05 THRD 09/07/05 BANK - -CIlECK - - - -- _ . __ _ .__ __ __ ___ __ ___ ____ __ n _ _ ____ __ _ ___.. ____ C()DE NllMBER DAlE AMOlINT PAIEE PAGS 2 GLCKREG -~~~_._~--..- - -~~- -.._-~ -- -~..~---~.._.__.._....~._~~_..-._--~--- -~._-~.._--~----_..._. --~..-..__.._--~-~_.._~-~~.._---_..~- ------ -_.~-- -.. --- AlP 109726 09/07/05 77,76 SALLY J HICK! AlP 109717 09/07/05 216,00 HILL-ROM AlP 109728 09/07/05 77.82 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 109729 09/07/05 145.80 PAT llRAllICKY AlP 109730 09/07/05 49,38 INFOLAB INC AlP 109731 09/07/05 1,694,85 INS'I'I'I'OTIONAL TRUST COM AlP 109m 09/07/05 27,150.00 ITA RESOURCES, mc AlP 109733 091~7/05 259.00 JAMIE JACOBY AlP 109734 09/~7/05 163,35 JIMSON, INC. A/P 109735 09107/05 50.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 109736 09107/05 9,747,61 mOHIAL IlEDICAL CElIl'ER AlP 109737 09107/05 764,94 mLINCKROIYr mc AlP 109738 09/07/05 112.50 CARRIE LYNN MARSRALL AlP 109739 09M/05 7,307,70 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRNA AlP 109740 09IG7/05 !l.04 JARE MCCAllN AlP 109741 09/07/05 3,626.48 MCnSS~ GENERAL MEDICA AlP 109742 09/07/05 1,020,15 MarE! 6 14275 AlP 109743 09IG7/05 135,00 METHODIST HEALTHCARE SY AlP 109744 09/07/05 247.31 !lEM:ORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 109745 09/07/05 47.50 !OMS AlP 109746 09/07/05 2,337,83 IlERIDIAN PROFESSIIlNAL S AlP 109747 09/07/05 46.58 LINDA IlEYER AlP 10974809/07/05 76.86 MICROTEl MEDICAL mc AlP 109749 09/07/05 0.08 !!ELISSA llILLS AlP 109750 09/07/05 153,94 PATRICIA OWEN >lP 109751 09/07/05 318.65 POSITIVE PROMarIONS <lP 109752 09/07/05 13.06 POWER ELECTRIC \lP 109753 09/07/05 63,11 PRECISIIlN TllERAPEUTICS \lP 109754 09/07105 641,70 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS '/P 109755 09/07/05 174,75 R G &: ASSOCllTES mc VP 109756 09/07/05 201. 72 TEE RURor CORPORATION ,/P 109757 09/07/05 29,37 LINDA RUDDICK ,/P 109758 09/07/05 78.57 llAYRA SAIICHHZ ,/P 109759 09/07/05 124.20 SCJl.1JH GEAR '/P 109760 09/07/05 107,43 SIIERWIN WILLIAMS '/P 109761 09/07/05 3,S42,OO SO TEX BLOOD. TISSUE C '/P 109762 09107/05 32.49 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS IP '109763 09107/05 131,46 AllGELA B STRADSS IP 109764 09107/05 ~,985.21 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO I LP IP 109765 09/07/05 601.04 STERIS CORPORATION IP 109766 09/07/05 21,473,04 TEAM REHAB IP 109767 09/07/05 50,00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LIC IP 109768 09/07/05 285,90 TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY IP 109769 09/07/05 228.32 TEXAS GUARANTEED STODlllN' IP 109770 09/07/05 129.90 TEXAS WIRED IlOSIC INC IP 109771 09/07/05 417,00 THE T SYSTEM, INC. /P 109772 09/07/05 154.13 TIG~ DIRECT, !NC. 'P 109773 09/07/05 125.00 P A'I"I'I THUMANN Ip 109774 09/07/05 209.40 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP 'P 109775 09/07/05 85,00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO 'p 109776 09/07/05 831.00 TORCH 31 638 e e e RUN DATE:l0/06/05 TII:lE:13:28 MEMORIAL MED! CA1 CENI'ER CHECK REGISTER 09/07/05 THRO 09/07/05 EANK--CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCXllEG --~--~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- A/P 109777 09/07/05 79.41 UNIFIRST HOLDInGS A/P 109778 09/07/05 151.05 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE AIF 109779 09/07/05 142.50 ONITED WAY OF' CALHOUN C A/P 1097BO 09/07/05 152.2B ELVA VELA AlP 109781 09/07/05 1,397.72 VCS SECURITY SYSTBNS A/P 1097B2 09/07/05 72.50 VAl/GOARD MEDICAL CONCEP A/P 1097B3 09/07/05 127.24 PAll VILLAFlJERTE A/P 1097B4 09/07/05 177,15 WAL!lART COl!!lOllITY eA/p 109785 09/07/05 986,45 WASTE I!AllAGEl:IENT A/P 10978509/07/05 5,010,00 WAUSAU BENEFITS A/P 109787 09/07/05 281.22 THE WESTIN PARK CENTRAL A/P 109788 09/07/05 78,57 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK A/P 1097B9 09/07/05 175.00 CALHOUN COUNTY Yl>ICA A/P 109790 09/07/05 140.82 ZIMMER OS, INC, TGI'ALS: 199,639,42 e 32 e ,. 639 RUN DtTB:10/116105 TOO:13:,9 _ORIAL IlEDICAL CEl/l'ER CHECK RBGISTER 09/14/05 TRRO 09/14/05 BAJiK--CBECX-- -,----------------------------___________________ CODE NUMBER:D.h AlIOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ~-----------_..._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------ AlP 109791 09114105 3,130.00 ACTION LOllBER AlP 109792 OSl14/05 ,00 VOIDED AlP 109793 09114/05 8,984,52 Al!IBRISOURCEBERGBN DRUG AlP 109794 09114/05 51.30 ADVAllCE mICAL DESIilllS AlP 109795 09114/05 271.95 ABRIFORll CORPORATION A/P 109796 09114/05 76,00 AIM FOR SOCCESS, mc. A/P 109797 09/14/05 281.00 AllITA FRICKE - CO= C AlP 109798 09114/05 681.28 AIRGAS-S01l'l'IIWEST AlP 109799 09/14/05 122,36 CARDINAL IlBAL'l'H A/P 109800 09114/05 38.46 ALL SAFETY & SUPPLY AlP 109801 ~9114105 296.10 AQOA BEVERAGE COMPANY A/P 109802 ~9/14105 75.00 GARRY ARNOLD AlP 109803 09114/05 100.90 CRBAlUlINC AlP 109804 09114/05 749.21 BAXTER IlEAL'l'HCARE CORP ~/P 109805 09114105 95,00 Bcas A/P 109806 09114/05 978.38 BEST WBSTERN PORT LAVAC A/P 109807 09/14/05 10,089,93 CAJ:RNS'1'DNE, INC AlP 109808 09114/05 1,501.50 CALHOlJl/ COlJIII'Y EMS AlP 109809 09114/05 3,000.00 CALHOUN CTY COMMUNITY N A/P 109810 09114/05 103,87 R1JBT CAIm1 AlP 109811 09/14/05 133.12 AGAPITA CANTU .n 109812 09/14/05 ,00 VOIDED '/P 109813 09/14/05 2,363.02 THE COUNCIL COMPANY '/P 10981409/14/05 8,472.08 CPSI ~/P 109815 09/l1/05 192.81 MELISSA CUMPIAN '/P 109816 09/14/05 3,927,34 DADE BEHRING '/P 109817 09/14/05 190,82 HELEN DAVIS I/P 109818 09/14/05 847,59 DEPOY ORTIlOPAEDICS mc '/P 109819 09/14/05 4,648,96 SOURCEONE HEALTHCARE n: <!P 109820 09/14/05 14.91 KATHERINE DIETZEL liP 109821 09/14/05 44,15 OLE PAPER. PACKAGING liP 109822 09/14/05 71.08 EPS, INC. ./P 109823 09/14/05 113,54 E-z-n, Iue. ./P 109824 09/14/05 40,84 F ASTEIlAL COMPANY ./p 109825 09/14/05 28,96 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. ,IP 109826 09/14/05 21.55 FIRESTOm OF PORT LAVAC '/P 109827 09/lI/05 10,820.21 FISHER HEALTIlCARE '/P 109828 09/14/05 4,787.00 FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTO '/P 109829 09/14/05 18,570.97 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS '/P 109830 09/14/05 2,054.79 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAn IP 109831 09/14/05 168,00 HCS SEMINAR8 Ir 109832 09/l1i05 79,75 HAVEL'S INCORPORATED /r 109833 09/14/05 145,69 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I /P 109834 09/14/05 115,62 SALLY J HICKL Ir 109835 09/14/05 51.15 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIE8 rr 109836 09/14/05 98,42 PAT HRANICKY /P 109837 09/14/05 82,00 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES tr 109838 09/14/05 804.00 INl'EGRATRD MEDICAL 51ST IP 109839 09/14/05 1,522.00 INTELLAMED, INC IP 109840 09/14/05 55.00 IN'I'OXIMETERS e e 33 e 640 R1lll D.T",10/06/05 TIllE: 13:2l ME:IlORIAL >lEDlCAL CENl'ER CHECK REGISTER Ol/14/05 THRU 09/14/05 BANK--CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NtlMBER DATE AHOUNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKRBG -~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 109841 09/14/05 32.36 JAMIE JACOBY AlP 109842 09/14/05 170,00 VICKY KALISBK AlP 109843 09/14/05 42.00 LAIlCQRP or AMERICA HOLD A/P 109844 09/14/05 600.00 CQNMED LINVATEC CORPORA A/P 109845 09/14/05 m.80 LMA NORTH AMERICA AlP 10984609/14/05 4,130,18 LUKER PHARMACY llANAGEME AlP 109847 09/14/05 223.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEKTER AlP 109848 09/14/05 139.23 MAllRIOM' HOUSTON WEST L eAlP 109849 09/14/05 181.82 MAIJRITZ &: COUEY A/P 109850 09/14/05 54.52 JANE MCCARN AlP 1.09851 09/14/05 7,304.67 MCKESSON GENERAL MEUlCA AlP 109852 09/14/05 354,21 NEURAD INC AlP 109853 09/14/05 73.79 LINDA MEYER AlP 109854 09/14/05 932,50 mOLTA FINANCIAL SERVI AlP 109855 09/14/05 126.36 ClIERYL MITCHELL AlP 109856 09/14/05 1,573.72 IIDCllEALTH AlP 109857 09/14/05 100.00 OUTBURST ADVERTISING AlP 109858 09/14/05 2,611.33 PARRISH MOODY &: FIKES, AlP 109859 09/14/05 90.12 PHARnCY TRAINER, INC A/P 109860 09/14/05 4,375.00 PREIlIER SLEEP DISORDERS AlP 109861 09/14/05 120.00 PORT LAVACA WAVE AlP 109862 09/14/05 293.52 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS AlP 109863 09/14/05 266,60 RADIOLOGY mOOTEO AlP 109864 09/14/05 65,40 RECEIVABLE HANAGEMEm', A/P 109865 09/14/05 17.50 MARISSA RUBIO AlP 109866 09/14/05 27.02 LINDA RUDDICK A/P 109867 09/14/05 106.22 MAYRA SANCHEZ AlP 109868 09/14/05 7.05 PAIlLA SAWBBRGER AlP 109869 09/14/05 66.67 SCRUB GBAR AlP 109870 09/14/05 577,85 SHERWIN WILLIAMS AlP 109871 09/14/05 221.03 ST JOll>l RECORD PROGRANS 'iP 109872 09/14/05 3,361,12 SYSCO - SAN AllrONIO, LP \/P 109873 09/14/05 10,000.00 TEAM RBIlAB \lP 109874 09/14/05 688,82 TLC STAFFING 'IP 101875 09/14/05 50,00 TCDRS .: 109876 09/14/05 2,133,50 THERIlO HIOSTAS 10'877 09/14/05 25.11 PA'l'TI THUMANN IP 109878 09/14/05 1,916.80 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUFP ./P 109879 09/14/05 149.93 "LVA VELA ,IP 1098BO 09/14105 937,01 VERIZON SOUTHwEST '/P 109881 09/14/05 1,026.10 VANGUARD MEDICAL CONCEP '/P 109882 09/14/05 275.63 WALMART COllMllllITY IP 109883 09/14/05 65.33 HLlZABETH WESTBROOK IP 109884 09/14/05 169,78 W W GRA!J1GER INC IP 109885 09/14/05 580.00 WATER &: POWER TECHNOLOG IP 109886 09/14/05 35.38 ZIMMER USI INC. /P 109887 09114/05 75,00 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIEL IP 109888 09/14/05 248.33 WPS TRICARE FOR LIFE IP 109889 09/14/05 140,00 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS C IP 109890 09/14/05 99.50 MllTUAL OF OMAllA INSURAN Ip 109891 09/14/05 99,50 MllTUAL OF OMAllA INSURAN lTALS, 138,541.44 34 e 641 RUN DAT.:I0/0V05 TIllE:13:;;lj mrORIAL NEDICA1 CENl'ER CIlECK REGISTER 09/21/05 THaO 09/21/05 BAm: --CIlECK-- -------______ __ ____ __________________ ____________ COo, NUIlBER liTE Al<lJlJNT PAYE. PAGE 1 GLCKREG -~~~---..-._--~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/P 109892 01/21/05 100,00 ADRN AlP 109893 01/21105 85,77 ACE HARDWARE - FORTER t 5 Alp 109894 (J1/21/05 ,00 VOIDED A/P 109895 1l1/21/05 20,297.47 AMERISOORCEBERGEN OROG Alp 109895 111/21105 127.59 CARDINAL HEALTH AlP 109897 01121/05 1,145,82 CARDIllAL IlEALTH AlP 109898 01121/05 527,99 AMERICAn KIDNEY l'1lJlIl AlP 109899 01/21/05 1,085.70 AMERICAN KIDNEY FUND AlP 109900 09121/05 187.00 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY AlP 109901 09l2il05 48,74 AT&T AlP 109902 09121/05 22.50 AWESOllE PAGING INC AlP 109903 09/21/05 43,99 ESTER BARRIENTES AlP 109904 ~9121/05 1,901.29 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP AlP 109905 09/21/05 290.35 BCOS AlP 109905 09/21/05 1,453.83 BECKIIAN COULTER CAPITAL AlP 109907 09/21/05 570,51 .BUCKEYE INTERNATIONAL I AlP 109908 09/21/05 159.95 CABLE ONE AlP 109909 09/21/05 1,998,00 CAr. COl!! FEDERAL CREDIT AlP 109910 09/21/05 7,115,38 STEPHEN H, CAGLE AlP 109911 09121/05 232.32 RUllY CAm'O AlP 109912 09121/05 133,12 AGAPITA CANTO AlP 109913 09121105 279,55 CONIlED CORPORATION AlP 109914 09121/05 32.19 THE COONCIL COOANI' AlP 109915 09121/05 29,87 CllIIlMINS SOllTIlERN PLAINS ilP 109915 09/21/05 2,545,05 DADE BEERING I/P 109917 09121/05 119,22 !!ELEN DAVIS liP 109918 09/21/05 5,575,51 BOORCEONE IlEALTHCARB TE \IP 10991909/n/05 132,75 KATHERINE DIETZEL ./P 109920 09111105 35.00 MISTY DUFNER .IP 109921 09 Ill/OS 905,39 BNVIROCLEAN MGl' SERVICE .IP 109922 09 Ill/OS 38,81 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. .IP 109923 09/21/05 2,150.00 FARNAM STREET FINANCIAL .IP 109924 09/21/05 245,00 FIRESTONE OF PORT LAVAC .lP 109925 09/21/05 12,329,28 FISIlER IlEALTHCARB IP 109926 09/21/05 2,735.00 FRES~USURA~Aero /P 109927 09/ll/05 4,841.00 GE l!EDlCAL SYSTEMS /P 109928 09/21/05 50,00 ROBERTS t ROBERTS &: ODEF I' 109929 09/21/05 24,956,71 GE HEAL'l'HCARE FIN SRVS IP 109930 09/21/05 53,58 GENESIS WORLDWIDE ENrER IP 109931 09/21/05 505,88 GOLF COAST PAPER COIIPAN IP 109932 09/21/05 145,47 SALLY J HICKL IP 109933 09/21/05 59.09 HILL COUNTRY DAIRI'S IF 109934 09/21/05 125.09 PAT HRANICKY 'p 109935 09/21105 720,85 IKON rINANCIAL SERVICES 'P 109935 09121/05 82.86 INVIVO 'p 109937 09/21/05 49.38 INFOLAB INC 'P 109938 09/21105 89.35 ING~X PUllLISHING GROU 'p 109939 09/21105 1,666.16 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST CON 'p 109940 09/21/05 202.14 JAMIE JACOBY 'p 109941 09/21105 291.90 LIFELINE SYSTEMS INC e e 35 e 642 I\lJN'DA.TE:10/0V05 TI!lE:13:ZI _ORW IlEDlCA1 CElIrER CHECK REGISTER 09/21/05 TERn 09/21/05 EANK - -CHECK __ '. __ ___ ___ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ ___ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ __ __ _ _ ____ CODE NUMBER 1I.'l'E AIl0trnT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG ----- -- ---~-- -.---- -- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ---------------------- ..----- ------ -------------------------------..---- -- -- -- -- -..- AlP 109942 01/21/05 AII' 109943 0'/21/05 AlP 109944 Olll1/05 AlP 109945 01/21/05 AlP 109946 m/21/05 AlP 109947 01/21/05 Alp 109948 ~1/21/05 AlP 109949 Vl/1l/05 109950 Vl/21/05 e ~:; 109951 01/21/05 Alp 109952 01/21/05 AlP 109953 01/21/05 Alp 109954 09/21/05 AlP 109955 01/21/05 AlP 109956 01/21/05 AlP 109957 01/21/05 AlP 109958 09/21/05 AlP 109959 01121/05 Alp 109960 09/21105 AlP 109961 09/21/05 AlP 109962 09/21/05 AlP 109963 09/21/05 AlP 109964 09121/05 '/P 109965 09/21/05 AlP 109966 09/ll/05 '/P 109967 09/21105 Alp 109968 09/21105 AI' 109969 09/21/05 A/P 109970 09/21/05 'I' 109971 09121/05 'IP 109972 09/ll/05 'I' 109973 09/21/05 I/P 109974 09/21/05 II' 109975 09/21/05 'I' 109976 09/21105 ~P 10997709/21/05 ,.....,~' 109978 09/21/05 ,IP 109979 09121/05 ,/P 109980 09121/05 ,/P 109981 09/W05 .I' 109982 09/ll/05 '/P 109983 09/11/05 .I, 109984 09/11/05 .IP 109985 09/21/05 /, 109986 09/21/05 I' 109987 09/21/05 IP 109988 09111/05 IP 109989 09/21/05 IP 109990 09121/05 I' 109991 09/11/05 IP 109992 09/21105 orALS: e 406,83 1,044.92 4,130.18 500,00 3,433.33 7,307.70 59.66 4,447,80 49.75 708,42 70.04 737.72 45.59 66.93 234,16 30,00 159.00 2,741.02 160,85 407,50 92,64 674.66 234,01 198,72 3,584.00 96,50 138,46 293.56 4,293,61 6,847,44 98.15' 12,075,00 12,495,00 324,40 m.52 5,000.00 646.04 1,030.80 1,518.20 41.28 142.50 470,84 172.18 437.22 445,50 31.10 48.99 144.62 82.45 86.50 52.74 177,511.84 LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & w LIFELINE SYSTEMS mc LIJKEll PllAJlJ!!ACY lWIA= MEMORIAL HERIIANN HOSPIT MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENl'ER TERRY W MCCLAm CRNA. JANE MCCARN MCKESSON GENERAL 1!IEDICA MEDISAFE AMERICA LLC HEDRAD me IlEGADYNE IlEDlCA1 MEMORIAL MEDICAl. CENTER I<>IS LINDA MEYER HARVEY OLASCUAGA ROSA PEFtBZ POLYMEDCO INC. PURE AIR FILTER CO mc R G &: ASSOCUTES mc RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS IN MAYRA SANCHEZ SANOFI PASTEUR INe SRARS SHERWII/ WILLIAMS SO TEX BLOOD & TISSOE C SPEC"I'RA LABORATORIES ANGELA K STRAUSS 'SUSAN SAYERS SYSCO - SAN ANl'ONIO, LP TEXAS LIliEN COIIPANY LTD ERIN TAYLOR TOSHIBA AIlERICA IJEDlCAL TOSHIBA AmERICA MEDICAL TEXAS GLASS &:: TINTING TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDBN TEXAS HOSPITAL INS EXCH THYSSENKRtrPP ELEVATOR C THERMO BIOSTAR TRl-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP ONIFIRST HOLDINGS UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C VHA SOUTIlWEST COImlUIlITY ELVA VELA VERIZON SOUTHWEST VANGUARD EEDlCA1 CONCEP WALMART COMMONITY ELIZABETH WESTBROOK WESCOR INC DEBORAH WITTNEBERT YOUNG PLUMBING CO ZIMMER US I INC. 36 643 RUN DATE:I010 6/5 TIl!E:13:29 mORIAL !!IEDICAL CElIlIlR ClIECK REGISTER 09/28105 THRO 09128105 BANK: --CHECK. - --- ______ -- . ___ _. __ _ __ __. __ _ __. __ __ ._____ __ ______ CODE NllMBER DAt AlIOlmT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG _..__~.__M_._ __~________.________________________.___._._______.________________________________._.__________________________Me_MM. AlP 109m 0908/05 169,91 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER I S AlP 109994 09a8/05 ,00 . VOIDED AlP 109995 09 a8/05 26,932.45 AI!lERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG AlP 109996 ma8/05 68.80 AIR SPECIAL'!'Y . SQUIPIJE AlP 109997 09n8/05 299,71 CARDINAL lIEALTH AlP 109998 09118/05 3,024,28 AFLAC A/P 109999 09~8/05 154,20 CARDINAL HEALTH AlP 110000 09~8/05 29.15 ESTllR BARRIRNTES A/P 110001 09118/05 1,130.92 BAXTE.R IlEALTHCARE CORP AlP 110002 09/18/05 372,43 BEClIMAN COULTER IOC AlP 110003 09/18/05 326.13 8ALLARD IlEDICAL PROOO~ A/P 110004 09/18/05 84.88 RUBY CANTU AlP 110005 09/~/05 168,35 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES AlP 110006 09/18/05 214.00 CYGNUS MEDICAL AlP 110007 09118/05 499,01 CINGllW WIRELESS AlP ll0008 09/18/05 519,38 CITIZENS lIEDICAL CENTER A/P 110009 09/~/05 750,00 COLDWELL BANKER ROSSELL AlP 110010 09/~/05 226,99 COOPERSURGlCA.L me AlP 110011 09/~/05 1,182.38 TBE CODIICIL COMPANY AlP 110012 09/M05 811,24 CPSI A/P 110013 09/~/05 397.13 DADE BEHRING A/P 110014 09/la/05 155,20 .mEN DAVIS A/P 110015 09/2S105 226.36 DELL FIlIAllCIAL SllRVICES A/P 110016 09/28/05 1,477.64 DELL MARKETING L.P. AlP 110017 09/2S105 83,61 KATlIERINE DIETZEL ~/P 110018 09/21/05 400,74 DLE PAPllR . PACKAGING ~/P 110019 09/21/05 77,040.00 EIICAIlE NORTH TEXAS '/P 110020 09/21/05 113,55 E-Z-RM, INC. '/P 110021 09/21/05 646,85 FISBER BEALTHCARE 'iP 1100n 09/21/05 490.01 FORT DEARBORN LIrE INSU liP 110023 09/2S105 1,249.80 FRESEIlIUS USA llANOFACTU liP 110024 09/28/05 99,00 FRED PRIOR SEl!lINARS liP 110025 09/21/05 13,200.00 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS liP 110026 09/lS/05 860.50 GR lIEDICAL SISTEMS, 1m' ,IP 110027 09128105 143.00 G T PICKUp & DELIVERY ,IP 110028 09/28/05 49.53 G. NEIL CORPORATION ,IP 110029 09/28/05 52,10 GKL PROOO~S ./P 110030 09/28105 81.45 H E BUTT GROCERY .IP 1100ll 09/28/05 112.57 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I .IP 110032 09/28/05 118.83 SALLY J HICKL .IP 11003l 09/28/05 82.17 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES .IP 110034 09/28/05 335,38 RITA MEDICAL SYSTEMS I I .IP 110035 09/28/05 53.69 PAT HRANICKY IP 110036 09128105 49,38 INFOLAB INC IP llOOl7 09128105 336,11 I~llRlIETRO INDUSTRIES C IP 110018 09128/05 228,00 IVANS IP 110039 09/28/05 137.79 ISOPURE CORP IP 110080 09/l8/05 586.50 JOIlNSON . JOENSON IP 110041 09128/05 7,163.51 LABCORP OF AMERICA HOLD /p 110042 09/28/05 139.40 LSQ FUNDING GROUP e e 37 e 644 RUN DATE,10/06/05 Tm;:lJ:29 MEMORIAL MEllICAL CEN'I'ER CHECX REGISTER 09/28/05 THRU 09/28/05 BANK-.CHBCK____________________________________________________ CODE NUllBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCXllEG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 110043 09/28/05 49,50 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEm'ER AlP 110044 09/28105 5,006.24 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 110045 09/28/05 385.01 JANE MCCARN AlP 110046 09/28/05 4,814.56 MCKBESON GEJUiRAL MEDICA AiP 110047 09/28/05 222.06 MEnI -GARB CO me AlP 110048 09/28/05 709,36 MEDRAn INC AlP 110049 09/28/05 877.99 MBMOIUAL MEDICAL CENl'ER AlP 110050 09/28/05 657,61 METLIrE e AlP 110051 09ml05 137,50 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI AlP 110052 09/28/05 32.98 LINDA MEYER AlP 110053 09/28/05 473.67 MUSTAIN &: ASSOCIATES AiP 110054 09/28/05 85.69 PROGRESSIVE DYl/AMICS AlP 110055 09/28/05 105.60 QUART8R1lASTER AiP 110056 09/28/05 127,00 R G . A880CIATES INC AlP 110057 09/28/05 3,500,00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED AlP 110058 09/28/05 76.72 REMEL INC AlP 110059 09/28/05 126,74 RPC REPROCESSING FRODUC AlP 110060 09/28/05 250.05 RESPONSM PROVIDERS IN AlP 110061 09/28/05 89.94 RESPIROlJICS AlP 110062 09/28/05 7,173.00 RCH PaDTECI' COOPERATIVE AlP 110063 09/28/05 133.68 THE ROBor CORPORATION AlP 110064 09/28/05 8,200.13 SOURCEONE HEALTRCARE TE AlP 110065 09/28/05 44,00 SBIP SllU'l'l'LE TAXI SERVI Alp 110066 09/28/05 5,000,00 SOUTIlEAST TEXAS HOSPITA AiP 110067 09/2S/05 161.31 SYlITHRs AlP 110068 09/28105 4,335.00 SO TEX BLOOD &: TISSlJE C Alp 110069 09/28/05 3,881.42 SYSCO .. SAN AmONIO I LP AiP 110070 09/28105 10,000.00 TEAM REHAB AlP 110071 09/28/05 49.00 TESTllNIJEER mc AlP 110072 09/28/05 350.55 TLC STAFrING AlP 110073 09ml05 90.00 TEXAS DEPARTMENT or LIC AlP 110074 09ml05 75.00 TEXAS SOCIETY or INFEC'l' AlP 110075 09/28/05 39.21 TRI-AIlIM IlEALTE SERVICE AlP 110076 09/28/05 2,934,03 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP AlP 110077 09/28/05 420,00 TORCH _/P 110078 09/28/05 41.28 llNIFIRST HOLDINGS IP 110079 09/28/05 112.38 ELVA VELA IP 110080 09/28/05 527,24 VERIZON SOlJTllW!:ST ~/P 110081 09/28/05 24l.25 VANGUARD MEDICAL CONCEP liP 110082 09ml05 100,00 THE VICToRIA COLLEGE ~/P 110083 09/28/05 75.34 WALIlART COlIMDNITY \/P 110084 09/28/05 9,70 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK \/P 110085 09128/05 129,13 W W GRAINGER mc ./P 110086 09128105 71,73 ZIMMER OS, INC. ,IP 110087 09/28105 26,00 HIGllMARK BLUE SHIELD ,iP 110088 09/28105 45.45 FRICKE RUTH .ip 110089 09/28/05 581.85 BRADLEY SAMUEL .iP 110090 09/28105 75.39 NAVA GENEVIEVE BARRIEN ,iP 110091 09/l8/05 36.41 WILLIAMS JOSEPHINE M ,IP 110092 0912S/05 25.00 GARZA LAZAR! .IP 110093 09/28105 1,291.85 REFUND DEPARTMENT 38 e i 645 " R1llI,DATE:10/0 6/5 'Im:13:29 _ORill !lEDlCA1 CENTER CHECK REGISTER 09/28105 TllRO 09128105 BAIIK--CHECK----------------___________________________________ CODE NUIlBER J:lA1 AMD1llIT PAYEB PAGE 3 GLCKREG ----------------~------------------------------------------------.----------.----------------------------.------------------- AlP 11009409ne/05 AlP 110095 09n8105 AlP 110096 09ne/05 A/P 110097 09A8105 AlP 110098 D9A8/05 AlP 110099 D9A8105 AlP 110100 ()9A8/05 AlP 110101 ()9/18/05 AlP 110102 ~9!18/05 AlP 110103 ~9/18105 AlP 11010409/18/05 AlP 110105 09/18/05 A/P 110106 09/m/05 AlP 110107 09/18/05 'IF 110108 09/11/05 '/P 110109 09/18/05 ~/P 110110 09/JI/05 ~/P 110111 09/71/05 liP 110112 09/18/05 rorALS: 82,e6 91,10 56.42 28,12 50.00 1,042',23 255,75 274.99 69,07 41.01 8U8 59.00 245,77 88.50 20,00 27,99 278,10 670,90 40,69 211,358,69 lWl'l'IOOS RICK JOOS JAIlIe! RBI'UND DEPARTIlBNT LCINIlON..~OSEPHINE sTANGER AL LEWIS DAVID LOOJON JOSBPHINE llERIlES IlICHAEL J YORK MARY LEE SllW JOHN FRI CKH JOHNNY LEE MACIAS CLAUDIA NORA ME'l'LOCK LLOYD KHY JOYCE RUBIO IWtY IIELE!l NGUYEN VI WU JACK ROS~ELLO JOHN SERRILL VERONICA ... 39 646 e e e e .JW~_ - . -, '. - ~.: .' -', ,"" """ - .' . . - ~. - ,-;. .', ",,' " " -' , - ' ' ' , " " - ",' .. '. ~. .'- 1W~~~jl.'jr~~~ ....'mmm ,.,.. .... ,..mOCI!!. '... ,. .1 ~- e 40 e L _ 647 CIHCP MONIHLY .ElN.AN.CIALLACYITY..REPORT County Name CALHOUN Report Month/Year OCTOBER 2005 I. Application lease Data 1. Applications Approved DuringR-eport Month 03 2, Applications Denied DUring Report Month 03 J, Active Cases Denied During Report Month 37 Cases e II. Creditable Expenditures During Report Month I. Physician Services $ 19635.52 co 2, Prescription Drugs $ 33241.76 . 3. Hospita~ Inpatient Services $ 79585.32 4. Hospita~ Outpatient Services $ 26436.63 . 5. Laboratory/X-Ray Services $ 1722.17 6 Skilled Nursing Facility Services $ .00 7. Family Planning . $ . .00 . Subtotal $ 160621.40 ~j ff (}J Q r:fi<l'ltC -40.43 .Equals (-).REPOlIT MONTH TOTAL $ 160580.97 FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $ 1545679.73 e '.fVuJAAU0 ~~ Signature of Person Submitting Report !I) r (3-v'S Date Print Name and Title Monica Escalante CIHCP Coordinator 55 e L 648 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS AUGUST 2005 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE PA TIENTSWMITTED 109 125 1,060 1,033 ADMISSIO!S FROM ER 20 63 359 553 AVERAGE lENGTH OF STAY 3.12 4.02 3.43 3,78 PATIENT D~yS OF SERVICE 340 503 3,638 3,904 PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY' 45,33% 67.07% 53,11% 56.99% AVERAGE OAIL Y CENSUS 11.33 16,77 13.28 14.25 e MAXIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 21 23 27 27 MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 0 10 0 2 ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS 1,340 1,526 13,547 12,902 SW ING BED DAYS 31 21 387 123 iCU PATIENrS ADMITTED 29 34 297 255 ICU PATiENT DAYS 52 76 638 540 OB'S ADM IlTED 17 16 118 143 OB DAYS OF SERVICE 37 65 261 340 PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS 3 5 41 32 PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE 4 8 95 67 NEWBORNS FOR MONTH 15 12 102 118 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.27 2.92 2,11 2,14 DAYS OF SERVICE 34 35 215 252 MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED 52 64 553 517 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 3.60 4.45 4.10 4.44 DAYS OF SERVICE 187 285 2,269 2,294 MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED 22 26 170 184 eoA YS OF SERVICE 68 83 434 474 DEATHS 0 6 23 24 AUTOPSIES 0 0 2 2 SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 7 13 93 130 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 86 110 952 1,041 CESAREAN SECTIONS" 6 5 25 36 TOTALS 99 128 1,070 1,207 Based on 25 beds 66 e 649 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THiS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,548 1,731 15,614 14,591 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 787 815 7,068 6,896 TOTALS 2,335 2,546 22,682 21,487 LABORATORY, INPATIEffl PROCEDURES 3,377 4,584 35,710 34,972 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 15,885 17,330 159,904 142,639 TOT AS 19,262 21,914 195,614 177,611 RADIOLOGY; e INPATIENT PROCEDURES 75 154 1,031 1,249 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 585 570 5,620 5,320 BONE DEf.JSITY 26 22 242 184 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 70 111 714 925 UL TRASOUNDS 156 140 1,435 1,317 CT SCANS 221 212 2,025 1,768 MAMMOGRAPHY 68 84 758 660 MRI 102 117 1,044 884 TOTALS 1,303 1,410 12,869 12,307 PHARMACY; IV SOLU'TIONS DISPENSED 874 1,521 10,930 11,783 DRUGS DISPENSED 7,503 11,749 84,352 93,188 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 1,743 2,072 14,440 12,185 TOTALS 10,120 15,342 109,722 117,156 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,382 2,491 20,705 17,196 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 486 875 7,276 6,080 STRESS TESTS 5 4 46 29 e EKGS 164 243 1,860 1,759 EEGS 4 2 44 36 TOTALS 2,041 3,615 29,931 25,100 PHYSICAL THERAPY; INPATIENT PROCEDURES 161 223 2,258 2,403 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,756 1,773 17,420 16,747 HOME HEALTH VISiTS 116 131 903 1,172 TOTALS 2,033 2,127 20,581 20,322 67 e 650 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR HOME HEALTH CARE: " MEDICARE VISITS 686 857 7,299 7,345 OTHER VISITS 14 5 136 46 ST/SS 2 2 23 6 TOTALS 702 864 . 7,458 7,397 DIETARY: MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS 1,037 1,530 12,509 12,122 e MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA 3,525 3,197 29,005 28,624 TOTALS 4,562 4,727 41,514 40,746 DIETITiAN CONSULTS COST PER PATIENT DAY W/O DEPR 4,287.75 3,260.03 3,806.86 3,340.90 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 4,496.00 4,122.52 4,218.48 3,580,1 g BREAKEVEN WIO DEPRECIATION 10.78 12.33 11.89 13.23 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 11.33 16.77 13.28 14.25 PATiENTS ABOVE I BELOW BREAKEVEN 0.55 4.44 1.39 1.02 COST PER ADJ, PT. DAY W/O DEP. 1,087,80 1,074.70 1,022.32 1,553.84 INCOME PER ADJ, PT, DAY 1,140,63 1,359.03 1,132.86 1,665.12 e 68 e 651 DECLARE ORIGINAL SCOPE OF ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PROJECT AT COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT COMPLETE AND RLEASE RETAINAGE: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to deciare the Original Scope of Asbestos Project at Courthouse Renovation Project Complete and Release Retainage. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DECLARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AT MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR SALE: e A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Deciare the following items at Memorial Medical Center as Surplus and Authorize County Auditor to advertise for sale, Tremetrics Hearing Booth Model #AR9S, Lang Eiectric Double Convection Oven Model ECCO 208 Volt 3 Phase, 40" w x 40" d x 61" h, Star Electric Fryer Model #EM40 Double Basket 208 Basket 208 Volt 3 Phase and Vulcan Gas Stove Model #601 6 burners and grill with 2 standard ovens, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ALL INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR COUNTY PROPERTY AND LIABILITY. INCEPTION DATE FOR ALL COVERAGE IS JANUARY 1. 2006. BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT 10 AM ON DECEMBER 15. 2005 AND CONSIDERED FOR ACTION ON DECEMBER 22. 2005: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve Specifications and authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids for all insurance coverage for county property and liability. Inception date for ail coverage is January 1, 2006. Bids wiil be opened at 10 am on December 15, 2005 and considered for action on December 22, 2005, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Specifications filed with the County Clerk, APPROVE BID SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE FOR CALHOUN COUNTY EMS. BIDS TO BE OPENED AT 10 AM ON NOVEMBER 15. 2005 AND WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD ON NOVEMBER 21. 2005: e A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve bid Specifications and authorize County Auditor to advertise for Emergency Response Vehicie for Calhoun County EMS. Bids to be opened at 10 am on November 15, 2005 and will be considered for award on November 21, 2005. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, e 652 e e e , ~ CALHOUN COUNTY (1) SPECIFICATIONS UTILITY VEHICLE 2006 MODEL Description BODY, LIFTGATE WITH L1FTGLASS, REAR DOOR SYSTEM . includes rear-window wiper/washer PKG REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER SUSPENSION PACKAGE, PREMIUM SMOOTH RIDE GVWR, 7000 Ib,. (3175 kg) 2WD WHEEL BASE : 130" EMISSIONS, FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ENGINE, 5300 V8 TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC ,electronically controlled with overdrive and towlhaul mode DIFFERENTIAL NO LOCKlNG REAR DIFFERENTIAL AXLE REAR AXLE, 3.42 RATIO AlC FRONT AND REAR WITH FRONT AND REAR CONTROLS INSIDE MIRROR COMPASS AND TEMP II OUTSIDE MIRROR BLACK CAMPER STYLE POWER ADJUSTABLE, REA TED AND POWER EXTENDED FOG LAMPS ELECTRIC LOCKS I FACTORY KEYLESS (3) extra keys and remotes FULL SIZE SPARE ANTILOCK BRAKING SYSTEM 4 WHEELS RECOVERY HOOKS FACTORY SIDE STEPS UNDER DOORS REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER ELECTRIC MIRROR'S TILT STEERING WHEEL ELECTRIC WINDOWSILOCKS ALTERNATOR 145 AMP - 1- lIn SUB ~PH_'lFiCAnNS FINAl,_ 653 , FlNDER FLARES FRONT AND REAR (WHITE TO MATCH PAINT) OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITH GARAGE DOOR PANEL DOOR SIDE BODY MOLDING (WHITE TO MATCH PAINT) SOUND SYSTEM AMIFM CD PLAYER, TIRES TIRES, P265170R16, ALL-SEASON TOURING, BLACK WALL & Full Size spare WHEELS BRIGHT MACHINED ALUMINUM WHEEL 16 INCH ~ SEATS, FRONT CUSTOM CLOTH RECLINING BUCKETS, includes adjustable head restraints, inboard armrests, 6-way power adjustable driver seat, floor console and rear storage pockets SEATS, MIDDLE CUSTOM CLOTH 60/40 SPLIT-FOLDING BENCH .3- passenger with center armrest and rear passenger easy entry PAINT PAINT, SOLID WHITE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS AJR BAGS, SIDE-IMP ACT, DRIVER AND RIGHT FRONT PASSENGER TRAILERING EQUIPMENT. HEAVY-DUTY ,includes trailer hitch platform, 7-lead wiring connector and adapter COOLING, EXTERNAL TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER, AUXILIARY, INC heavy-duty air-to-oil BATTERY. SINGLE 770 CCA, Provides a 770 CCA HD cranking battery - 2- 0(, SUB SfJLC'II'l( YIINS ITNAL 654 e e e " EXTENDED WARRANTY GMPP 6 YEAR (0) ZERO DEDUCTIBLE, 100,000 MILE, MULTI DRIVER e DELIVERY DA TE Delivery shall be taken as soon after Januarv 1, 2006 as possible. TRADE IN 1997 SUBURBAN, OETERMINA nON OF ACCEPTANCE OF TRADE OFFER REST WITH COMMISSIONERS COURT. NOTE: 1997 SUBURBAN MAY BE VIEWED AT THE EMS STATION 216 E. MAHAN STREET, PORT LAVACA, TEXAS. CONTACT HENRY BARBER 361-552-1140 FOR APPOINTMENT AND QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE BID SPECIFICATIONS. I. TITLE RELEASE Prior to title release pictures shall be provided to Calhoun County EMS demonstrating the removal of the following: Calhoun County EMS Decals on all doors. Reverse EMS decals on hood, EMS decals on the rear doors. - 3- 06 sun SP!~C'iFlLATlNS FINAL. ie i. " 655 APPROVE BID. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALTS. OILS & EMULSIONS. INSECTICIDES/PESTICIDES l\.ND ROAD MATERIALS FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1. 2006 AND ENDING JUNE 30. 2006 AND FOR INDIGENT DRUGS FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1.2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31. 2006. BIDS WILL HAVE A DUE DATE OF THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 2005 AND WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD ON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22.2005: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve bid Specifications for Asphalts, Oils & Emulsions, Insecticides/Pesticides and Road Materials for the six month period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2006 and for Indigent Drugs for the period January1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, Bids will have a due date of Thursday, December 15, 2005 and will be considered for .award on Thursday, December 22, 2005. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. - e SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS 1. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct #1, Fairgrounds Area or 10bsites . Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or 10bsites Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Jobsites Precinct #4P, Port O'Connor Area or 10bsites Precinct #4S, Seadrift Area or 10bsites 2. The bid shall be in effect for a period of Six (6) Months Beginning January 1, 2006 and Ending June 30, 2006. 3. Materials shall meet or exceed TDOT Specifications for construction of highways, roads and bridges. Materials shall conform to the Texas Highway Department Item #300 entitled "Asphalt, Oils and Emulsions." If there are any other specifications, they are listed on the Invitation to Bid form, e The Bid Items are: -Item 300, Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions: [AC-5] Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions:(RC250) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Type CRS-2, Emulsified Asphalt (Cationic Rapid Setting) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Type CRS-2P, Emulsified Asphalt (Cationic Rapid Setting) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 4. Delivery shall be FOB Destination to 10bsite. All charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. 5. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to Specifications will be made in writing (Addendum) and sent to each person having a bid package. e 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse'Annex Building Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone: (361) 553-4610 Fax: (361) 553-4614 656 Page I of5 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED, 1. BIDDING e A. All bids must be on the "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Judge by 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005. A late delivery with an early postmark wiU not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery. The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Judge. Tf you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Judge's office at 361-553-4600 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening, Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005 at the following address: Physical Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge Memorial Medical Plaza 1300 N Virginia St Port Lavaca TX 77979 e MailinQ Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 211 S Ann St Port Lavaca TX 77979 C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw their bid before County acceptance of the bid without prejudice to himselflherself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge. D, Bids should show unit price. All charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. E. No change in price wiU be considered after bids have been opened, F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. Once the award has been made, the bids may be viewed at the Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 201 West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. Page 20f5 e 657 2. BIDS: Bids are for a six (6) month period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2006. 3, BID FORMS: The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is authorized to sirm for the business, 4. EXCEPTIONS: e If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Invitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manuallv sif!n it. 5. TAXES: The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. 6. AWARD Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. e B. Tn the event that the deliveries of the supplies or products covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, or in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications, Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach, 8. REJECTIONS: Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. Page 3 of5 e 658 e e e 9. BILLING: All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County. Commissioners' Court meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month to approve bills, No payment can be mailed out until approved by Commissioners' Court. 10. CONDITIONS PART OF BID: The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid. II. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed. The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder, I. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4. The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid B. . In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. 12. OSHA REOUIREMENTS: The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards asprovided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. 13, PROTEST PROCEDURES: Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: I. Name, mailing address and business phone nwnber of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any docwnentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. Page 4 of 5 659 The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court. If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Conunissioners' Court. Applicable documentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and information. If additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such information, The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final, e 18. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A. All governmental information is presumed to be available to the public, Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B, To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, 'IX 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax: 361-553-4614 ----- Page 5 of5 e 660 e e e ,; SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSECTICIDES/PESTICIDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL I. The County of Calhouri is requesting sealed bids for InsecticideslPesticides for Mosquito Control as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct #1, Fairgrounds Area or Jobsites . Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or Jobsites Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Jobsites Precinct #4P, Port O'Connor Area or Jobsites Precinct #4S, Seadrift Area or Jobsites 2. The bid shall be in effect for a period of Six (6) Months Beginning January 1, 2006 and Ending June 30, 2006. 3. Bid Items are: . Mineral Oil . Malathion - Active Ingredients: 96.5% Butanedioic Acid, [( dimethoxyphosphinothioyl)thio ]-diethyl ester, 3.5% Tnert Ingredients . Active Ingredients - 4.14% Resmethrin, 12.42% Piperonyl Butoxide Technical 83.44% Other Ingredients . Active Ingredients - 30% Permethrin Cas [52645-53-1] 30% Peperonyl Butoxide Technical Cas [51-03-6] 40% Other Ingredients . Active Ingredients - 0.55% Pyrethrins 5.50% Piperonyl Butoxide 1.1 0% Permethrin 92.85% Inert Ingredients 4. Delivery shall be FOB Destination to Jobsite. All charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. 5. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to Specifications will be made in writing (Addendum) and sent to each person having a bid package. 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca IX 77979 Phone: (361) 553-4610 Fax: (361) 553~4614 Page 1 of5 661 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED, 1. BIDDING A. All bids must be on the "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. e B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Judge on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005. A late delivery with an early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery, The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Judge. Tfyou choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Judge's office at 361-553-4600 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening, Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005 at the following address: Physical Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge Memorial Medical Plaza 1300 N Virginia St Port Lavaca TX 77979 MailinQ Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 211 S Ann St Port Lavaca TX 77979 e C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw their bid before County acceptance of the bid without prejudice to himself/herself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge, D. Bids should show unit price. All charges must be included in bid price, No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form, E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened. F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. Once the award has been made, the bids may be viewed at the Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 20 I West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. Page 2 of5 e 662 2. BIDS: Bids are for a six (6) month period beginning January 1,2006 and ending June 30, 2006. 3. BID FORMS: The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is authorized to sim for the business. e 4. EXCEPTIONS: If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Invitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manuallv sirm it, 5. TAXES: The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. 6, AWARD Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer, the County does not discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7, DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. e B. In the event that the deliveries of the supplies or products covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, or in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications. Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach. 8. REJECTIONS: Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. Page 3 of5 e 663 9. BILLING: All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County, Commissioners' Court meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month to approve bills, No payment can be mailed out until approved by Commissioners' Court. 10. CONDTTIONS PART OF BID: The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid. e 11. CONTRACT: A, No formal contract will be executed. The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. 1. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications '3. General conditions to bidding 4. The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. 12. OSHA REOUIREMENTS: The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. 13. PROTEST PROCEDURES: e Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: 1. Name, mailing address and business phone nwnber of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any docwnentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. Page 4 of5 e 664 e e e The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. Tf the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court. Applicable documentation and other infonnation applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and infonnation. Tf additional infonnation is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such infonnation. The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final. 18, PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A All governmental infonnation is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the infonnation. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested infonnation that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or infonnation for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B. To request infonnation from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax: 361-553-4614 o Page 5 of5 , 665 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD MATERIALS 1. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for road materials as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct #1, Fairgrounds Area or Iobsites Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or Iobsites Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Iobsites Precinct #4P, Port O'Connor Area or Iobsites Precinct #4S, Seadrift Area or Iobsites 2. The bid shall be in effect for a period of Six (6) Months Beginning January 1,2006 aftd Ending June 30, 2006. e 3. Materials shall meet or exceed mOT Specifications for construction of highways, roads and bridges. Tfthere are any other specifications, they are listed on the Invitation to Bid Form. The Bid Items are: .Type PB (ropping Rock), Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Type E (White Rock), No Precoat, Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Type E (White Rock), No Precoat, Grade 3 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Limestone-3/4 Inch to Dust Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 350, Type D (HotcMix Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Must Meet All TXDOt Specifications .Item 330, Type D (Pre-Mix Limestone) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications e .Item 304, Type PE (ropping Rock), Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 302, Type PE (ropping Rock), Grade 3 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 249, Type B (Flexible Processed Base), Grade 3:(Min PI 6) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 249, Type A Limestone, Grade 3 [1 Y, Inch] Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Dry Rip Rap Material Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications Tope size: 15" Rock weighing between 175 to 200 pOWlds Page I of6 e 666 4. Delivery shall be FOB Destination to Jobsite, All charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form, 5. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to specifications will be made in writing (Addendwn) and sent to each person having a bid package. 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact e Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Alln: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin Port Lavaca IX 77979 Phone: (361)553-4610 Fax: (361)553-4614 e Page 2 of6 e L 667 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDJrIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED, 1. BIDDING A. All bids must be on tbe "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. e B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Judge on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005. A late delivery with an early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery, The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Judge. If you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Judge's office at 361-553-4600 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005 at the following address: Physical Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge Memorial Medical Plaza 1300 N Virginia St Port Lavaca TX 77979 Mailinq Address - Honorable Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 211 S Ann St Port Lavaca TX 77979 e C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw their bid before County acceptance of the bid without prejudice to himself/herself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge. D, Bids should show unit price. All Charges must be included in bid price. No other charges may be added to the bid price when invoiced unless noted as an exception on the bid form. E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened. F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids, Once the award has been made, the bids may be viewed at the Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 201 West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. Page 3 of6 e 668 2. BIDS: Bids are for a six (6) month period beginning January I, 2006 and ending June 30, 2006. 3. BID FORMS: The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is authorized to sirm for the business. 4. e EXCEPTIONS, If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Invitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manually sirn it. 5. TAXES: The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. 6, AWARD Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer, the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. e B. In the event that the deliveries of the supplies or products covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, Ol"in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications. Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach. 8. REJECTIONS: Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. Page 4 of6 e 669 9, BILLING: All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County. Conunissioners' Court meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month to approve bill, No payment can be mailed out until approved by Commissioners' Court, 10, CONDITIONS PART OF BID: The general conditions of bidding defmed herein shall be a part of the attached bid, e 11. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed. The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. 1. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4. The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5, Letter awarding the bid B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. 12, OSHA REQUIREMENTS: The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. PROTEST PROCEDURES: e 13, Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: 1. Name, mailing address and business phone number of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any documentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. Page 5 of6 e 6'70 e e Ie The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court. If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court. Applicable documentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and information. Tf additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notifY the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such information, Thedecision of Commissioner's Court will be final, 18. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A. All governmental information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B, To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, IX 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax: 361-553-4614 r Page 6 of6 6'71 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INDIGENT DRUGS I. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for Indigent Drugs for the Calhoun County Indigent Drug Program for the following departments: (I) Memorial Medical Center (2) Calhoun County Health Department (3) Calhoun County Adult Detention Center (Jail) (4) Calhoun County Sheriff s Department 2. The bid shall be in effect for a period of twelve (12) months beginning January 1,2006 and ending December 31, 2006. e 3. The amount shown should be the percentage of "Average Wholesale Price Red Book" that will be added or deducted from each prescription to arrive at the price (including containers and all other costs) charged the County per prescription. "Average Wholesale Price Red Book" will be made available to the County when requested. Each monthly billing will include the following: Pharmacy Name Date Patient Name Drug Amount New or Refill Price that is charged to the County 4. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to Specifications will be made in writing (Addendum) and sent to each person having a bid package. e 5. Tf any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 553-4610 Page 1 of4 e 6'72 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED. 1. BIDDING e A. All bids must be on the "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. B, TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Judge on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15,2005. An early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery. The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Judge. If you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Judge's office at 361-553-4600 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All BIDS ARE DUE on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, December 15, 2005 at the following address: Phvsical Address - Michael J Pfeifer, County Judge Memorial Medical Plaza 1300 N Virginia St Port Lavaca TX 77979 Mailine: Address - Michael J Pfeifer, County Judge 211 S Ann St Port Lavaca TX 77979 C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw his bid before County acceptance of his bid without prejudice to himself, by submitting a written request e for its withdrawal to the County Judge. D. Bids should show total unit price. Any other charges should be noted as exceptions to the specifications. E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened. F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. Once the award has been made, the bids may be viewed at the Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex Building, 201 W Austin St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979. 2. BIDS: Bids are for a twelve (12) month period, beginning January 1,2006 and ending December 31, 2006. Page 2 of4 e 673 3, BID FORMS: The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is authorized to sim for the business. 4. EXCEPTIONS: Tf exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Invitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manuallv sif!.n it. 5. TAXES: The County is exempt from the Federal Excise Tax and the Sales and Use Tax, The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. e 6. . AWARD Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. BTLLTNG: All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. 8. CONDITIONS PART OF BID: The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid, e 9. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed, The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. I. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4. The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. Page 3 of4 e 674 e e e , Page 4 of4 10. PROTEST PROCEDURES: Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid Or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: 1. N arne, mailing address and business phone nwnber of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any docwnentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court. If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court. Applicable docwnentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such docwnentation and information. Tf additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party Or parties to the protest to provide such information. The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final. 11. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A. All governmental information is preswned to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by jUdicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B. To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building 201 W, Austin St. Port Lavaca, TIC 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax: 361-553-4614 6'75 PHONE INSTALLATION CHARGES TO TENANT OFFICE IN MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Judge Pfeifer to pay for the phone installation' charges for Dr, Cummins Office in Memorial Medical Plaza, Commissioners Galvan, ' Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ~ verDon EQ~~~~~~lsStb6~I~~D INVOICE DIRECT INQUIRIES TO: 1-800-535-1635 YI0000004390AS34242 .' 6/19/05 . ~.. . . TIN NUMBER S CUMMINS MICHELLE DR. H I 1300 N VIRGINIA ST P T PORT LAVACA TX 77979 o ~ CUMMINS MICHELLE DR. t 1300 N VIRGINIA ST T PORT LAVACA TX 77979 o 13 PAGE 1 .' 7/19/05 767.31 16-1337624 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 5 5 CUSTOMER CONTACT CUSJ_,JUCIiEiI F l'OIIMMI.NGS-.. CBR: 361-551-2565 " SHIP AND INSTALL 4 NEW VODAVI PHONES W/W I 1174907 THAT INSTALLED FOUR NEW CENT LINES LINES ARE 361 551 2565 361 551 2553 361 551 2567 361 551 2550 " DATE. 06/14/05 HOURS, 2.0 WORK COMPLETED. COMPLETED AS REQUESTED TOTAL HOURS, 2.0 CURRENT CHARGES: VODAVI SINGLE LINE TELE W/F/MW VODAVI 2-LINE TELE ADA/MWI/DAT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CHARGES LABOR TRIP CHARGE TAX: ST, TX CNTY, CALHOUN CITY, PORT LAVACA 708.84 708,84 70B.B4 6.2570 ON 0,50;( ON 1. SOX ON TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 478.B4 190.00 40.00 44.30 3.54 10.63 767.31 e . , -'-PLEASE-DETACH AND RETURN -THISPORTIOlfiiITH-YOURPA'fMENT--------------.---c-------- CHECK/CASH INV' AS34242 EFT INVI YI0000004390AS34242 AMOUNT DUE: $ 767.31 AMOUNT PAID: CUMMINS MICHELLE DR. 1300 N VIRGINIA ST PORT LAVACA TX 77979 PAYABLE TO, VERIZON PO BOX 650457 DALLAS TX 75265-0457 e y 1 00000043~0 0 AS34242 050b1~ 0000007b731 ~ .UDnAT4NT. D11=4!':1= nn NnT r.nMRINF Till!': P4YMENT WITH YOUR VERIZON TELEPHONE OR VERIZON WIRELESS E 6'76 e e e THE CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. APPROVE ADDENDUM :~~:~RTELEPHONE SERVICES: REOUEST FOR BID FO . . nded b Commissioner Fritsch to approve A Motion was made by Commissioner GalV~n ~;d ~~ requ~ for bid for Inmate Telephone Addendum No.1 for the Calhoun Cou~~ 5 F ~~c~ Fins~r and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, Services, Commissioners Galvan, BalaJ ,r , 1L/1i/cJ05 15:54 3615534614 CAL CO TREASU~ PAGE 02 ADDENDUM No.1 CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE REQUEST FOR BID INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES OCTOBER 18, 2005 The following change is to be incorporated into the Request For Bid dated Wednesday, October 12, 2005, Change #1: Page 4 of8, Item H -Minimum Technical Requirements, #lb & #lc will be deleted from the specifications upon Commissioners' COUrt approval on Thursday, October 27, 2005, This Addendum #1 must be acknowledved and included with your bid. I acknowledge receipt of Addendum #1 Signature ofautborized represent:qtive Dote 677 AWARD CONTRACT FOR COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT TO KRUEGER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF 54.659.600 WHICH INCLUDES THE BASE BID AND AL TERNATE#l: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to award Contract for Courthouse Renovation Project to Krueger Construction Company in the amount of , $4,659,600 which includes the base bid and Alternate #1. Commissioners Galvan, Bala)ka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, .AIA DocumentA10rM -1997 rd Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor e basis of payment is a STlPULA TED SUM e ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: The author of this document has added information needed for its completion. The author may also have revised the text of the original AlA standard form. An Additions and Deletions Report that notes added information as well as revisions to the standard form text is available Irom the author and should be reviewed. A vertical line in the left margin of this document indicates where the author has added necessary information and where the author has added to or deleted from the original AlA text. e This document has important legal consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. AlA Document A201-1997, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopteCl in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associa!ed General Contractors of America. uments consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, d other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to greement. other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications tion of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents e entIre an mtegrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 8. AlA Docurnent A101™-1997. Copyright @1915.1918, 1925, 1937, 195~ 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American InstiMe of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA Document 18 protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Ttestles. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution 01 this AJAe Document, or eny portion of It, may result In severe clvll.llnd crimInal penalties, and wlll be prosecuted to the maximum extent poS$lble under tne law. This document was produced by AlA software atl 0:13:43 on 1 0124f2005 under Order No.100018S498_1 whIch expiTes on 6/30106, and ls not lor resale. User Notes: 04025-Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) e 1 678 e 2 THE WORK OFTHIS CONTRACT clor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. 3 DATE OF CDMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL CDMPLETIDN date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated provision is made for the date to be fIxed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. ert the date of co ncement ifit differs from the date afthis Agreement or, ifapplicable, state that the date be fixe no roceed.) t of the Wark, the Owner requires time to flie mortgages, mechanic' s liens and other "me requirement shall be as follows: None measured from the date of commencement. Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than 330 calendar days from follows: lternatively, a calendar date may be used when coordinated with the date of ewhere in the Contract Documents, insert any requirements for earlier Substantial of/he Wo,k.) n 00801, Article 9 "Payments and Completion". Substantial Completion Date N/A e as provided in the Contract Documents. mages relating to failure to complete on time or for bonus payments for e ontractor the Contract Sum in cwrent funds for the Contractor's performance of the e Four Million Six Hundred Fifty-nine Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and Zero additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. AlA Document A1011M -1997. CoPyright <Cl1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 19n, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American InstlMe of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlAe Document Is protected by U,s. CopyrIght Law and international Treaties. UnauthoriZed reproduction or distributIon oflhls AlA. Document, or any portIon of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This documenl was produced by AlA software aI10:13:43 on 10/2412005 under Order No.1 000186498_1 which expIres on 6130/06, and is nol for resale. User Notes: 04025.Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) 2 e 6'79 Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract and are hereby accepted by the Owner: umbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to be made by subsequent to the e.xecution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the or each and the date when that amount expires) e Units SF Panel SF SF SF Each Price ($ 0.00) $ 75.601,f $117,OO/pane1 $ 32,40l,f $ 14,75/,f $ 76,30l,f $240,00 each r Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the elsewhere in the Contract Documents. h Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of 'on for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the fifth day of a month, t to the Contractor not later than the thirtieth day of the same month. If an Application Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner ays after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by the t Documents. The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract o ork. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the viewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. ndicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the plication for Payment. e f the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by g the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the Contract Sum o that portion of the Work in the schedule of values, less retainage of five percent ( 5%). Pending fInal detennination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in . ute shall be included as provided in Section 7.3,8 of AlA Document A201.1997; AlA DocumentA1011U_1997. Copyright C 1915.1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American InstlMe of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA. Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright law and International Treaties. 3 Unauthorlt8d reproduction or distribUtion of this AIA8 Document, or any portlon- of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 10:13:43 on 10/24/2005 under Order No.10Q0186498_1 which expires on 6/30f06, and Is not lor resale. User Note.: 04025-Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) e 680 e e e Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equip~nt deliv~red and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the c.ompleted cons~ctio~ ~or, If approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon 10 wntmg), less retainage offive percent (5%); .3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and aunts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment in Section 9.5 of AlA Document A201-1997. t amount determined in accordance with Section 5.1.6 shall be further modified under ntial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall detennine for incomplete pplicable to such work and unsettled claims; and AlA Document A20J-J997 requires release of applicable retainage upon Substantial ork with consent of surety, if any.) etion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the ditional amounts payable in accordance with Section 9.10.3 of AIA Document retainage, if any, shall be as follows: rial Completion of the entire Work. to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from ns and above, and this is not explained elsewhere in the Contract ns for such reduction or limitation.) val, the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for n delivered and stored at the site. the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shaH be made by the Owner to the performed the Contract except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct Section 12.2.2 of AlA Document A201-1997, and to satisfy other requirements, beyond final payment; and Payment has been issued by the Architect. payment to the Contractor shall be made no later than 30 days after the issuance of the te for Payment, or as follows: INATlON OR SUSPENSION may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AlA Document ~ 6.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of AIA Document A201-1997. AlA Document Al0ll11l-1997. Copyright ~ 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958. 1961, 1963, 1967. 1974. 19n, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights re8efV6d. WARN!flIG: This AlAe Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law Bnd international Treaties. 4 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution 01 this AlAe Docul7l6nt, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 10:13:43 on 10/2412005 under Order No.l000186498_1 which expIres on 6130/06, and is not for resale. User Notes: 04025-Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) 681 ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS re reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of AlA Document A201-1997 or another Contract the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract ments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated r in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is e ts under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, similar state and local consumer credit laws ner's and Contractor's principal places of business, the location of the Project and of this provision. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or g requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) tor's representative shall be changed without ten days written notice to the TRACT DOCUMENTS ept for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as e this executed 1997 edition of the Standard Fonn of Agreement Between Owner and ntAIOI-1997, ~ 8.1.2 The General Conditions are the 1997 edition of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AlA 997, mentary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated , and are as follows Document 00801 Title SupplemenraI General and Special Conditions Page. 00801-1 through 00801- 10 AlA Document Al01T11-1997. Copyright <Cl1915. 1918, 1925, 1937. 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. AU rlghts resented. WARNING; Tnls AlA- Oacumen\ Is pro\ect&d by U.S. Copyright Law and InternatIonal Treaties. 5 Unauthorized repl'CldUctlon or distribution of this AJA- Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and crimInal penalties, and wlll be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the taw. This document was produced by AlA software at 10:13:43 on 10/24/2005 under Order No.1000186498_1 whIch expires on 6/30106. and Is nol for resale. User Notes: 04025-Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) e 682 e ~ 8.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Section 8.1.3, and are as follows: . r list the Specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) d Exhibit A - Table of Contents of Project Manual Drawings are as follows, and are dated 01 August 2005 unless a different date is shown below: 'st the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) hed Exhibit B - Index List of Drawings e y, are as follows: Date 19 August 2005 23 August 2005 30 August 2005 06 September 2005 Pages 15 1 7 1 bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding d in this Article 8. nning part of the Contract Documents are as follows: None ts that are intended to fonn part of the Contract Documents. AlA Document A201- ements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample re not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They ed to be part of the Contract Documents.) s of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original elivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the the Owner. 1 W t2.(~ /' CONTRACTOR (Signature))' Kevin Krueger, President (Printed name and title) AlA Document Al0P" -1997. Copyright ~ 1915, 1918, 1925. 1937, 1951,1958,1961.1963,1967,1974,1977.1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights rnerved. WARNING: This AlA- Document Is protected by U.S. COPyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distrIbution of thIs AJAe Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil end criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maxImum extent possIble under thQ law. This docum6llt was produced by AlA software all 0:13:43 on1 0/2412005 under Order No.1000186498_1 which expires on 6/30106, and Is nol for resale. User Notes: 04025-Calhoun County Courthouse (2046073083) 6 e 683 EXHIBIT A CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Port Lavaca, Texas Bailey Architects, Houston, TX Project No. 04025 Table of Contents Page 00010 - 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 00010 Table of Contents ..................,....., 4 e BIDDING REQUIREMENTS 00110 00200 00400 00430 00432 Invitation to Bidders.... .................................... .............. 2 Instructions to Bidders .................. .......................... ................ .4 Bid Form - Lump Sum..........., ...................... ....................... 3 Supplements to Bid Form ......... ..................... ..... 5 Bid Bond ....................... ................... ......... 1 CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00520 00700 00801 Form of Agreement .............. .............. .............. .. 1 General Conditions. ................. ................. .............. ............... 1 Supplementary General Conditions .............. ...... ................ ............. 10 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01110 01210 01230 01250 01270 01290 01310 01320 01330 01400 01420 01458 01500 01571 01572 01573 01574 01575 01576 01578 01600 01700 01731 01732 01770 01781 01782 01820 Summary of Work................ ................. .............. ................. .........4 Allowances...... .............., ......................, ............. .2 Alternates... ............. .................. ................ ............1 Contract Modification Procedures .... ................. ........... 3 Unit Prices..... ............. .............. ....... ...... .2 Payment Procedures ............... ............... .. 5 Project Management and Coordination... ............... ........................... 6 Construction Progress Documentation ................ ........ 9 Submittal Procedures ...................., ................................... ..............10 Quality Requirements ................... ................................ .............. 8 References............... ............... ................ ...16 Testing Laboratory Services ............, ................ .............. 3 Temporary Facilities and Controls......... ............. ......8 NPDES Requirements .... ................... ............... ................ . 5 Erosion and Sedimentation Source Controls........................ ..............3 Filter Fabric Fence ....................... ................................ ..... 2 Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier... ............. ... 2 Stabilized Construction Exit............................................... ...2 Waste Material Disposal...................... ................... ....1 Ground and Surface Water Control..... .................. .................... .......3 Product Requirements.. ............. ............. ............... ........7 Execution Requirements........ ............. ............... ............. 7 Cutting and Patching ....... ................ ............. .....5 Selective Demolition.............. ................ .......... 7 Closeout Procedures ........................ ..................................... 4 Project Record Documents. ..... ........................ ....... ....... ....... .4 Operation and Maintenance Data... ..................... ....7 Demonstration and Training.. ............. ............. ................ ...5 e DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02080 02230 02240 02260 Piped Utilities - Basic Materials and Methods ............. ............... Site Clearing.. .............................................. Dewatering ............................. ................ Excavation Support and Protection .......... ......14 5 ..................3 3 e 684 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Port Lavaca, Texas Bailey Architects, Houston, TX Project No, 04025 Table of Contents Page 00010 - 2 02300 02361 02466 02510 02530 02553 02630 02741 02751 02764 02920 Earthwork .. ........................... ........ ...... ...............,..... ... 11 Termite and Pest Control.. ......00........ ..... .................................... ..... 4 Drilled Piers..... ......................... .......... .............. ............. .................... 8 Water Distribution. .......................... ................................,........35 Sanitary Sewerage ......... ............... ................ ................, ....... 22 Natural Gas Distribution................... ............................,........11 Storm Drainage ...,... .........................................32 Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving... .............. ...........................................11 Cement Concrete Pavement ... ............. ................................. ......... ..... 20 Pavement Joint Sealants .......... .............. ..........................................7 Lawns and Grasses... ................................ 6 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03300 03532 03930 Cast-In-Place Concrete .... ........................._..... .......3 Concrete Floor Topping ............._................ ..................................... .4 Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthening System ........................ .......8 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY 04810 04902 Unit Masonry Assemblies. .................... ........................ ......12 Stone Restoration and Cleaning ....... ................. .......................... ....10 DIVISION 5 - METALS 05120 05121 05310 05400 05500 05511 05521 05721 Structural Steel.. ................ ................ .......................................9 Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel, ....................................4 Steel Deck .,.................................., .........................,............., 2 Cold-Formed Metal Framing ......, ,............ ................................... ..... 8 Metal Fabrications .................. ................ ................................. .. 11 Metal Stairs .... ...................... .........................................9 Pipe and Tube Railings................ ...................................................... 3 Ornamental Railings.. ................... ....................................................8 DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 06402 Rough Carpentry ................. Interior Architectural Woodwork......... ............................... ..... 5 ...... 9 ..........h.................. DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07115 07210 07412 07534 07620 07720 07841 07920 Bituminous Dampproofing.................. Building Insulation ........ Metal Wall Panels............... PVC Single-Ply Membrane Roofing. Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Roof Accessories ... Firestopping .... Joint Sealants. ."""." ...-."'..,..,,3 ..................,.............,.... ..4 ".."".,." ..."..,.".." .., 11 ."...",..",.."""",...",.""..,,15 ..".."""""'..,."'."""..""",.9 ............,........................ ..4 ,.............,...,..........,.......,,9 ..,..",..,..,."...",.."",.",,9 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08111 08112 08211 08311 08411 08700 08800 Steel Doors and Frames ........... Security Steel Doors and Frames. Flush Wood Doors.. ........................ Access Doors and Frames............... .................................... Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts Finish Hardware ..... Glass and Glazing _. ...........-.................... .....11 ..9 ... 5 .... 5 ....,9 .....13 ....13 685 CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Port Lavaca, Texas Bailey Architects, Houston, TX Project No, 04025 Table of Contents Page 00010 - 3 08911 08952 Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls .............. Existing Aluminum Curtainwall Renovation .. .........9 ................... 5 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 09210 09260 09310 09402 09512 09651 09912 09960 Gypsum Plaster......... .......................... ....................7 Gypsum Drywall Assemblies.... .................... .. ......15 Ceramic Tile..... ............................. ............................................10 Epoxy Terrazzo .............. ............................. ............. ......... 6 Acoustical Tile Ceilings.. ..................... 8 Resilient Floor Tile.... ......................7 Painting. .............. ................................................. ..... . . .. 16 High-Performance Coatings... .............................................. ....8 e DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10125 10155 10200 10505 10520 10670 10671 10801 Displays and Signage ........................................................................ 4 Toilet Compartments ............ ....................... ................ ... ........3 Louvers and Equipment Screens .... ................................................... 4 Metal Lockers.............. ................ ............. ..................... .. .......... 5 Fire-Protection Specialties ........................ ................. 5 Mobile Shelving ..... ........,.,..... ............n......... ..n............6 Metal Storage Shelving.. 6 Toilet Accessories ............................ ............... ...... 2 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11132 11451 Projection Screens... .. .................. Residential Appliances .............. ...... 2 ...... 3 DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS 12484 12491 12494 Floor Mats and Frames Horizontal Louver Blinds Roll-up Shutters .... 3 ..........",...............""".,......3 ......,...".",'.............""", "..........,3 DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13900 Radio Tower. ....6 e DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14240 Elevator Renovations.. .......... 5 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15010 15060 15140 15200 15250 15400 15440 15500 15621 15672 15742 15820 15832 Mechanical and Plumbing General Requirements Mechanical Pipe and Pipe Fittings Mechanical Systems Pumps Vibration Isolation Mechanical Insulation Plumbing Systems Fixtures and Trim Water Heating Equipment Fire Protection Heating Watertube Boiler Air Cooled Water Chillers DDC Fan Powered VAV Terminal Units Air Distribution Equipment (Fans) Air Handling Units, Double Wall 5 5 2 3 3 8 3 4 2 5 2 3 3 e 686 CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Port Lavaca, Texas Bailey Architects, Houston, TX Project No. 04025 Table of Contents Page 00010 - 4 15840 15870 , 15931 15950 15980 Ductwork Air Distribution Devices Motor Speed Controller DDC Controls Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing 6 3 2 15 4 e DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16010 16050 16131 16140 16155 16160 16165 16167 16170 16181 16190 16405 16450 16460 16500 16601 16612 16721 16722 16950 General Electrical Requirements Basic Materials and Methods Pull and Junction Boxes Wiring Devices Motor Starters and Wiring Lighting and Appliance Panelboards Power Distribution Panelboards Switchboards Switches Fuses Supporting Devices and Hangers Temporary Electrical Service Grounding Transformers Lighting Fixtures Lightning Protection Engine Generator Set Fire Alarm System Security Camera System Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. Control Wiring 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 9 12 3 1 END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS e e 687 AI.OO A LOI A 1.02 A2Dl A 2.02 A 2.03 A 2.04 A 3.01 A 3.02 A 3.03 A 3.04 A 3.05 A 306 A 3.01 A 4.01 A 4.02 A 4.D3 A 5.01 A 5.02 A 503 A 504 A 505 A 5.10 A 601 A 6.02 A 6.03 A 1.01 A 102 AIl.DI AIl02 A 10.01 A 1101 A 12.01 , , LIST 06 DRAWINGS - all dated 01 August 2005 GOVER SHEET AO.oI INDEX SHEET AO.o2 CODE ANALYSIS CIVIL C-ID C-2D C-3D C- 3.1 GOVER SHEET AND NOTES UTILITY I 0RADIN6 PlAN DETAILS DETAILS STRVCWRAL 50.01 STROCT1!RAL NOTES 50.02 ST ANDARO DETAILS 51.01 PARTIAL FRAMIN6 PlAN 51.11 PARTIAL FRAHlJ0/6 PlAN - ELEVATION 5201 SECTIONS AND DETAILS 52.02 5ECTIONS AND DETAILS 53.01 DIA6RAM5 FOR FIBER l'IRAPPIN6 53.02 DIAGRAMS FoR FIBER "RAPPIJ0/6 ARCHITECTURAL DEHOLITION SITE PlAN SITE PlAN EGltJIPHENT YARD l SITE DETAILS DEHOLlTlON PlAN - LEVEL ONE , BASEHENT DEHOLlTlON PlAN - LEVEL TJ'oK) D&'OLlTION PlAN - LEVEL Tl<REE DEHOLlTION PlAN - PfNTH01J5E LEVEL l ROOF FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL ONE l BASEHENT FLOOR PlAN - LEVEL TJ'oK) FLOOR PlAN - LEVEL T1JREE FLOOR PlAN - PENTHW5E LEVEL l ROOF ENLARGED PlANS l INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ENLARGED STAIR PlANS AND SECTIONS STAIR DETAILS. INTERIOR DETAILS REFLECTED GEILlJ0/6 PlAN - LEVEL ONE l BASEHENT REFLEC. TED CEILlN6 PlAN - lEVEL mo REFLECrED CEILlN6 PlAN - LEVEL THREE l PENlliXlSE ROoH FINI5H 5CHEDLtE ROOH FINISH 5(.HEDUlE DOOR 5(.HEDUlE / DOOR l FRAME TYPES "'NOO" SCHEDUlE AND DETAILS EXISTING "'NDO" DETAILS PARTITION TYPES CA5EJooJORK ELEVATIONS CASEJooJORK ELEVATIONS CA5EN:JRK ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BUILDIN6 5ECTIONS i"iALL SECTIONS i"iALL SECTIONS EXTERIOR DETAILS ROOF DET AIL5 BUILDIN6 516NA6E F 8.01 HIGH DENSITY SHEL V1N6 PLAN of COURTROOM RlRNI5HlNGS F B.o2 FIRST FLOOR FURNITURE PlAN F B.D3 SECOND FLOOR FURNITlJRE PlAN F B04 TIJIRD FLOOR FLRNITlJRE PlAN EXHIBIT -B e MECHANICAL MP-I MECHAN.ICAL 4 PLUMBING SITE PLAN H 2.01 HECHANICAL PlAN - LEVEL ONE H 2.02 HECHANIC-AL PlAN - LEVEL TJooJO M 2.D3 MEO/MICAL PlAN - LEVEL THREE M 2.04 HECHANIC-AL PlAN - LEVEL FOUR H 3.01 HECHANICAL PIPING DIAGRAH H 4.01 MECHANIC-AL SCHEDUlES M S.ol MECHANIC-AL DETAILS M 6.01 HECHANIC-AL PlANS PIPING ELECTRICAL E 1.01 ELECTRICAL SITE PlAN E 201 LIGHTING PLAN - LEVEL ONE E 2.02 LIGHTING PlAN - LEVEL mo E 2.03 LIGHTING PLAN - LEVEL THREE E 301 PiJY'IER PLAN - LEVEL ONE E 3.02 PiJY'IER PLAN - LEVEL TJooJO E 303 PiJY'IER PlAN - LEVEL THREE E 4.01 FIRE ALARM PLAN - LEVEL ONE E 4.02 FIRE ALARH PlAN - LEVEL mo E 403 FIRE ALARM PlAN - LEVEL THREE ESDI ELECTRICAL DETAILS. SCHEDLlES E 5.02 ELEC TRICAL DETAILS l SCHEDUlES i l_ , . PLUM5iN0 P 201 PLlIMBlN6 PlAN - LEVEL ONE P 2.02 PlUMBING PlAN - LEVEL mo P 2.03 PLlIH61NG PlAN - LEVEL T1JREE P 204 PLlIMBIN6 PlAN - ROOF LEVEL P 3.01 PLlIHBING DETAILS P 401 PLlIHBIN6 RISER DIAGRAM P 5.01 PLlIMBING RISER DI1IGRAM e 688 APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NUMBER ONE FOR THE COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT FOR A CREDIT AMOUNT OF S80.150.00: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by. Commissioner Balajka. to approve fthe Chan e Order Number One for the Courthouse Renovation Project for a ~redlt amoun~o $80,{50, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfe,fer all voted In favor. e _;i .'.".' >x.::'/:" , '-,XC ::u,; 1>., "" .,. ':'.; '," "-+:5'Fii" .~.A,.I.... ..A.. '," ,4il ~""-,,;c"" - .," '.- .,.,.,', ". . ' r" ': >' '" .~:_~,; ;l'f;;~~~;;:f::i Document G.7G4 '", ,218.1."" ."\;_,,, . Order ',,',..,.; "-', . "- ....,..'.'.,., , ~etion as of the date of this Change Order theref~reis '.,' :~~,~~ft~:t~%,.~ r does not include ch{l"(lges in the Contract Sum,r;Qri~r.ag.t.Tim~4t;GU{ifil.lzt~# - . ed by Construction Change birective'Untirtlii~c.q_s~-'a1Ui:tq~:e}#life;~'!?fl:#:I:i~r~t~: hich-case a Change, Order is'executed ~o'supersedejf,.e;CQIi$p.;;ct{ph:f:JiAn i: :'. ~';;-;':>:':;:'c:'_-: -" ,;'i'~::"-;ii; THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWN~R, Don Krueger Construction CO. CONTRACTOR (Finn ~f7U!) 205 Profit Driv~ ' Victoria, Texas 77901 AOORESS , , '1 (;,.; If. I L... /' ~';'~:(Signolure) " ~ d . '1i~1 . ,0:>;,....""-...-. Kevin R. Krueger (Typed name) 10.... OATE -o( ,",.C"" '.;-....c;... CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA Contract Document, on which this text app~a~-ln_;~~D~,Ai, origi~a(~~u,r~~j~~a~::':~ changes will not be obscured. . ,", "_ " ::,::,'_::; ,"'_ ':,.::, ':'::;;:>~>: _:_, :.-"' ,',-.. ,ii,_,.','''<.._'__.'._,-'""_;".',''_',,,_, AlA Document G701T11 - 2001. Copyright @ 1979, 1987. 2000 and2Q01 by The American InstitUte of Arcl:1jtects_~- '~II rlgl1t8~~ea:':WAR,r~;II:f\l(i;Tiils:,:: AIA~ Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International ")"reaties. Unautt:Jo_rlzed reprc)'dUl?tlon:_()-"dl$lrj~l.l1I~Ii01\tJlis;AI"~;'Oo~'~nie'm,:-~ or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and c"mlnal penalties, and will be prQS8c;:Ut_l!Cf to the_ maX!~u~.~iite~ POS~fble,~~nd..f1t~,i,~w;-~:~):", ';',( ,; ,;, Purchasers are pennitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of this dOcument when completed. To reportcopyrighfvjoJation8'o~AIA'C6ntfacfti&\l.~etiis~;e;rnaiL;_' The American Institute of ArchJt&cts' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. ',_ i _c ':: :'.'1>::-;; ",:;'i";'- ;''''",''';:''-;-.. {~;) - ."", :,-:~:':\){~~}:~' ,0'" ":I,',r_,',. ::~f:? :i~f'~i , ~"', :'";,;- ..:-;{: 689 . AlA Document G70fM- 2001 Instructions Change Order GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose AlA Document G701 is for implementing changes in the Work agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect. Execution of a completed G701 indicates agreement upon all the terms of the change, including any changes in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time. Use of Current Documents Prior to using any AlA Contract Document, users should consult www.aia.org or a local AlA component to verify the most recent edition. e Reproductions This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of the AlA. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institut~ of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this document. The AIA hereby grants the purchaser a limited license to reproduce a maximum of ten copies of a completed G701, but only for use in connection with a particular project. The AlA will not permit reproduction outside of the limited license for reproduction granted above, except upon written request and receipt of written permission from the AlA. Rights to reproduce the document may vary for users of AlA software. Licensed AlA software users should consult the End User License Agreement (EULA), To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. CDMPLETING THE G701 FORM Description of Change in the Contract Insert a detailed description of the change or reference specific exhibits describing, in detail, the change to be made in the Contract by this Change Order. Include any drawings, specifications, documents or other supporting data to clarify the scope of the change. Determination of Costs Insert in the blanks provided, or strike out the terms in parentheses that do not apply, the original Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price; the net change by previously authorized Change Order (note that this does not include changes authorized by Construction Change Directive unless such changes were subsequently agreed-to by the Contractor and recorded'as a Change Order); the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price prior to;~ Change Order; the amount of increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price~ . ., .,;,\ and the new Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price as adjusted by this Change Order. ._~ ',:1 D' Change in Contract Time . .' . Insert in the blanks provided,- and strike out the unused terms in parentheses, the amount ,(in days) of the inc,reas or decrease, ~ any in the Contract Time. Also insert the date of Substantial Completion, in:Clu.ging'imy <ldt~~ - .. effected by this Change Order. . '<~'~r- .>....... .' .'. 'K) , , e EXECUTION OF THE DOCUMENT When the Owner and Contractor, in occurrence with- the Architect, have reached agreement on the change to be made in the Contract, including any adjustments in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed MaXimum Price) and Contract Time, the G701 document should be executed in triplicate by the two parties and the Architect, each retaining an original. AlA Document G701Tlol - 2001. Copyright ltl1979, 1987, 2000, and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA-Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AlAe Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penaltle$, and wlil be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Purchasers are permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of this document when completed. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. e 690 ~....., -. m I ~ III' -I ..it'll.;L~~ i -'1'i!1 _u _. BAILEY ARCHITECTS Calhoun County Courthouse Renovation Change Order #1 Summary 27 October, 2005 e Description of Items Value 1, Mechanical Yard Screen: revise vertical supports Deduct ($ 4,500) to 4 x 4 tube pipe in lieu of 6 x 6 tube pipe. 2. Ornamental Railings: substitute HDIINOX railing Deduct ($ 6,020) in lieu of specified HDI D-Line railing, 3. Glass Type 4: Revise material to Colored Glass Deduct ($ 6,100) in lieu of transparent Eco-Resin Panels 4. "General Use" Acoustical Ceiling Tile: substitute Deduct ($ 8,540) Celotex Sand Micro SHM-157 in lieu of Armstrong Tundra 301 5, "Toilets and Janitor Closets Acoustical Ceiling Tile: Deduct ($ 1,230) Substitute Sand Micro SHM-157 in lieu of Armstrong Ultima 1910, Note: Courtrooms shall receive Wood Veneer Ceiling Tiles as specified. 6. Acoustical Ceiling Grid: substitute Enviro-Grid 15/16" Deduct ($ 2,260) wi aluminum cap in lieu of Armstrong Prelude e 7. Mobile Shelving: provide SpaceSaver product in lieu Add $ 2,970 of Monte' product 8. Mechanical Shop Drawings: Delete requirement for Deduct ($ 3,090) mechanical shop drawings; all other specified submittals required 9. Bailer: substitute RBI Model DB 750 Boiler and all Deduct ($ 4,120) associated components in lieu of specified boiler 10. Air Handling Units: delete requirement for ultraviolet Deduct ($14,860) lights in AHU's, 11. Recessed Fioor Boxes: substitute Steel City floor box Deduct ($ 3,090) in lieu of specified FSR (equivalent model) 12, MSB Panel: substitute Square D "I-Line" panelboard Deduct ($ 3,605) in lieu of specified Switchboard type e 691 BAilEY ARCHITECTS Change Order #1 Summary, continued 13, Light Fixture A: volunteer deduct to provide specified Deduct ($ 2,060) 2 x 4 fixture e Light Fixture D: volunteer deduct to provide specified Deduct ($1,545) 14. coved fixture 15, Light Fixture E: provide alternate light fixture Deduct ($ 515) Lightolier JS4C232277S0 in lieu of specified 1 x 4 fixture 16, Light Fixture J: provide alternate light fixture Deduct ($ 515) LC Doane ST -3212-NCW-15/32- TP-K-D-277 in lieu of specified security fixture 17, Light Fixture Y: provide alternate light fixture Deduct ($ 3,605) FC LTG FCW5027-277-150MH-M-BK in lieu of specified exterior pole-mounted fixture 18. Light Fixture Z: provide alternate light fixture Deduct ($ 2,575) Lithonia KBA8-100M-SFC-277-H36-DNA in lieu of specified bollard fixture 19. Lightning Protection: delete scope of full building Deduct ($14,890) lightning protection, Provide adequate grounding of two rooftop towers, e Total Deduct Amount for this Change Order ($ 80.150) e 692 FINAUZE AND PURCHASE A0017 VALENnNE GARCIA. TRACT PT. 42. ACRES .934 AND AUTHORIZE COMMISSlONE~ BALAJKA TO SIGN ANY RELATED DOCUMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to finalize and purchase the property behind the Precinct #2 B~rnfor $SO,O?O, .93~ acres, Tract Pt, 42, A0017 Valentine Garcia Survey, and authorize Commissioner BalaJka to sign and related documents. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, e CHANGE ORDER #5 FOR THE CALHOUN COUNTY JAIL PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $142.771: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Change Order #5 for the Calhoun County Jail Project in th~amount of $142,77l. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. Change Order .AIA Document G701™ - 2001 PROJECT (Name and address): New County Jail Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca., T.X 77979 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and addte")' Don Krueger Construction Co. P,O, Box 3613 205 Profit Drive Victoria., Texas 77901 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 005 DATE: October 05, 2005 OWNER: 181 ARCHITECT: 181 CDNTRACTOR: 181 FIELD: 0 SPAWWU\XVVELL:D ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 03-24P I 0305W CONTRACT DATE: March 25, 2004 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction e THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) See attached: Proposal Request Number 016 $ Proposal Request Number 017 $ Proposal Request Number 018 $ 'Proposal Reuqest Number 019 $ Proposal Request Number 020 <$ Proposal Request Number 021 $ 1,267.00 15,187,00 3,696,00 7,592,00 1,400,00> 290,00 Proposal Request Number 022 <$ 2,352,00> Proposal Request Number 023 $ 10,428.00 Proposal Request Number 024 $ 103,979.00 Proposal Request Number 028 $ 2,866,00 Propo,.] Request Number 029 $ 679.00 Propo,.] Request Number 030 $ 539.00 The original Contract Sum was The net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be increased by Twenty-one (21 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is October 27,2005. $ $ $ $ $ 6,934,000,00 166,979,00 7,100.979,00 142,77LOO 7,243,750.00 Six (6) calandar days are for weather related delays occuring between May I, 2005 and September 30,2005. Ten (10) calandar days are related to PR # 017 and five (5) calander days are related to PR # 023. NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both. \:he Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CDNTRACTOR AND OWNER. e Pflu.ger Wiginton Hooker, PILC ARCHITECT (Finn name) 213 S. Lamar Blvd., Suite 300 Austin, 'IX 78704 S Don Krue.ger Construction Co. CONTRACTOR (Finn name) fit Drive Calhoun County OWNER (Finn name) J . Koch, AlA (Typed name) 0,;;: ,{~.. /1"7 /",,?:, DATE (Sig rute ~ Don Krueger t..eS 7i?ie (Typed name) {o '/3.C6 201 w. Austin Port Lavaca. TX 77979 ~Df.~S _ f\ f\ ~ "l'lL~ ~.~ BY (Signa~re) Michael Balaika (Typed name) DAt:/Z7/ (),) DATE 693 AlA Document 0701 TIll - 2001. Copyright 01979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Atchitecla. All r1ghta f888r'V8d. WARNING: This AJA- Document Is protect&d by U.S. CopyrIght Law and International Treatl... Unauthorized reproduction or dlatribuUon 01 thl. AJA- Document, or any portion 01 it, may ,"ult In sevare clvllllnd criminal P8nailles, and will be proaec:uted to the maximum extent poaaible und... the law. This document was produced by AlA software at 17:53:41 on 1011112005 unc:lerOrdel No.1000179625_5 which explrea on 5117/2006. and fa not for~!.~~__ .~, 1 .AIA Document G701'" - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): New County Jail Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca. TX 77979 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and addless): Don Krueger Construction Co. P.O. Box 3613 205 Profit Drive Victoria. Texas 77901 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 005 DATE: October 05, 2005 OWNER: 12:1 ARCHITECT: 12:1 CONTRACTOR: 12:1 FIELD: 0 SPAWMAXWELL: 0 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 03-24P 10305W CONTRACT DATE: March 25, 2004 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previousLy executed Construction Change Directives) See attached: Proposal Request Number 016 $ Proposal Request Number 017 $ Proposal Request Number 018 $ Proposal Reuqest Number 019 $ Proposal Request Number 020 <$ Proposal Request Number 021 $ 1,267,00 15,187.00 3,696,00 7,592,00 1,400,00> 290,00 Proposal Request Number 022 <.$ 2,352.00> Proposal Request Number 023 $ 10,428.00 Proposal Request Number 024 $ 103,979.00 Proposal Request Number 028 $ 2,866.00 Proposal Request Number 029 $ 679.00 Proposal Request Number 030 $ 539.00 The original Contract Swn was The net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The ConlIact Time will be increased by Twenty-one ( 21 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is October 27, 2005. $ $ $ $ $ 6,934,000.00 166,979.00 7.100,979.00 14Z,771.00 7,243,750,00 Six (6) calandar days are for weather related delays occuring between May 1,2005 and September 30, 2005. Ten (10) calandar days are related to PR# 017 and five (5) ca1anderdays are related to PR # 023. NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. PfIu~er Wiginton Hooker, PLLC ARCHITECT (Firm name) 213 S. Lamar Blvd.. Suite 300 Austin, TX 78704 AO SS fit Drive CalhOWl COWltv OWNER (Firm name) 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 AODRESS BY (Signature) Michael Balaika (Typed name) . Koch, AlA (Typed name) Oe-Jf,/~y /~ 'Zd~X DA'fI!: L6S76e ~ Don Krueger (Typed name) /O'/j'05 OATE OATE AlA Document G7011111_2001. Copyright C 1979, 1987,2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AlA- Document 1$ protected by U.S. Copyright Law and InternatIonal TreatIes. UnauthorlJ:ed reproduction or distribution of this AlA- Document, or any portion of It, fnay result In severe civil and crimInal penalties, and will be prosel;:uted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was pl'lXluced by AlA software at 17:53:41 on 10/1112005 under Order No.1 000179625_5 which expires on 5/17/2006, and is not for resale. User Notes: (3611907543) 694 e e 1 e e e e r PFLUGER W1GINTON HOOKER,PLLC ARCHITECTS f PLANNING CONSULTANTS u~@~OIJLJ~ ~ ^~~.\ \;;;L C){~ TO: SpawMaxwell DATE: O~r ", 2005 4321 Directors Row, Suite 100 JOB NO: 03-24P/0305W Houston, TX 77092 RE: New County Jail ATTN: Mark Crippen ITEM: Draft of Change Order # 005 with CO # 005 attachments WE ARE SENDING YOU items: o Shop Drawings o Copy of Letter I2J Attached o Under separate cover via the following o Prints o Pay Request o Plans o Samples o Specifications I2J Other ITEM NO. #OF DESCRIPTION I, oA;j COPIES 1 1 Draft of AlA Document G701 - Change Order # 005 with originals attachments....o- Lojs Pl?.JldD zt.8'1 -#30 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval I2J For your use o For review and comment 0 Resubmit _ copies for review o As requested o REMARKS: COpy TO:. SIGNED: DATE: 213 S.LAMAR BLVD., SUITE 300 I AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 I PHONE: 512/4764040 I FAX; 512/476-4289, I www.pflugerassociates.com 695 J Ii AlA Document G709'" - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROJECT (Name and address): New County Jail Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca. TX 77979 PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 028 OWNER: [g) ARCHITECT: [g) CONSULTANT: 0 CONTRACTOR: [g) FIELD: 0 SPAWMAXWELL: [g) DATE OF ISSUANCE: October 11. 2005 OWNER (Name and address): Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavac.. TX 77979 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: March 25. 2004 FROM ARCHITECT (NallU! and address): Pfluger Wiginton Hooker. PLLC 213 S, lamar Blvd., Suite 300 Austin, TX 78704 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 03-24P I 0305W TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): Don Krueger Construction Co. P.O. Box 3613 205 Profit Drive Victoria, TX 77901 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten ( 10 ) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Jnsen a written description of the Work): Provide and install chiller curb as per chiller mfgr. ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that suppon description): RFI 048, one (1) sheet. REQUESTED BY THE ARC~ (~ James R. Koch. AlA. Construction Administrator (Printed name and title) AlA Document 0709l111_ 2001. CopyrIght C 1993 and 2001 by The ArrH:mcan Institute of Architects. All rig" rnorved. WARNING: This AlA- Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treatl_. Unauthorized reproduction or dletributlon or this AlA- Document, or any 1 portion of It, may result In savant civil and criminal penaltJes, and wUI be ptOSeCuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA softwQre at 17:13:17 on 1011112005 under Order No.1000179625_5 which expires on 5/17/2006, ancIls not for resale. User Notes: (3824455643) 696 e e e e e e r PFL UGER WIGINTON HOOKER, PLLC ARCHITECTS I PLANNING CONSUL TANTS RFI Request for InterpretationlInformation Project Name: Architect's Project No.: Date Submitted: Submitted By: Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Drawings Reviewed: Specification Reviewed: Addenda Reviewed: RFI #48 New County Jail 03-24P/0305W 5/0512005 Jimmy Koch, AlA (512) 476-4040 jimmy@)Pflugerassociates.com yes yes yes Information needed: Please rovide a detail of the re uired Structure for the chiller unit. Contractor's interpretation of contract documents and recommendation regarding the infonnation requested.: On dramn M6.], the chiller unit is su arted b framin that is indicated b nChiller Su ort Structure _ see Structural drawin sft. The structural drawin s do not reference an raised structure to su ort the chiller unit. The closed detail is 14/S5.0 1, But this only references channels below the mechanical em-b. Architect's Response: "REF DETAIL 3/A5.01." The detail on AS.OI shows that the curb is to be supplied by the Chiller Manufacturer. Signature Date NOTE: Answers to RFl's by Architect shall in no way give authorization to Contractor to proceed with work that will increase contract time or construction cost. 21J sm.ITH LAMAR / SUITE 300 1 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 PHONE: 512/476-4040 FAX: 5121476-4289 697 . AlA Document G709TV - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 029 PROJECT (Name and address): New County Jail Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 DATE OF ISSUANCE: October 11,2005 OWNER: 181 ARCHITECT: 0 CONSULTANT: 0 CONTRACTOR: 0 FIELD: 0 SPAWMAXWELL: 0 e OWNER (Name and address): Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 CONTRACT FOR: General Constrnction CONTRACT DATE: March 25, 2004 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Pfluger Wiginton Hooker, PLLC 213 S.larnar Blvd.. Suile 300 Austin, TX 78704 ARCHITECT'S PRDJECT NUMBER: 03-24P I 0305W TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): Don Krueger Construction Co. P.O. Box 3613 205 Profit Drive Victoria, TX 7790 I Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten ( 10 ) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE DRDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description afthe Work):' e Provide and install change out of exhaust fan motors from 480V to 120V. ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that suppott description); One (I) sheet-RF[ 056. Three (3) sheets-Kruger Constrnction Cost Estimate. REQUESTED BY THE ARCU (S~ James R. Koch, AlA, ConstrUction Administrator (Printed name and title) AlA Document G709- -2001. Copyright C 1993 and 2001 by The American Institute 01 Architects. AJI rights reserved. WARNING: This AlAe Document Is protected by u.s. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction Of" distribution of this AlA- Document, or any 1 portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties. and will be prosecutecl to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AlA software 9117:06:27 on 10111/2005 under OrderNo.l000179625_5 which expires on 5/1712006, and Is not for resale. User Notes: (3261531546) e 698 r PFLUGER WIGINTON HOOKER, PLLC ARCHITECTS I PLANNING CONSUL TANTS RFI Request for Interpretation/Information e Project Name: Architect's Project No.: Date Submitted: Submitted By: Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Drawings Reviewed: Specification Reviewed: Addenda Reviewed: New County Jail 03-24P/0305W 6/27/2005 Jimmy Koch. AlA (512) 476-4040 iimmy(Q?pflugerassociates.com yes yes yes RFI #56 lnfonnation needed: Please advise where to circuit these two exhaust fans. If the 480v/3p is correct for these fans, they also require Starters. Please advise. Contractor's interpretation of contract documents and reconunendation regarding the infonnation requested.: In ASl # 5, the two 2 Kitchen exhaust fans are circuited off Panel L2A 120/208v and the make u air fan is Circuited to MCCA. The Kitchen Exhaust Fans (EF 7 & 8) are indicated to be 480v/3p and thus cannot be Circuited to Panel L2A e Architect's Response: Motors scheduled are to be YJ hp, 120 volt, for EF-7 & EF-8. ct".<: -L..'0 Signa~J "7 /?-~/ '2.<$)1) Date NOTE: Answers to RFI's by Architect shall in no way give authorization to Contractor to proceed with work that will increase contract time or construction cost. 213 SOUTH LAMAR BLVD. / SUITE 300 I AUSTIN, TX 78704 PHONE: 512/476-4040 FAX: 512/476-4289 e 699 llel Don Krueger Construction CO. PO Bo<3613 VirIon.. Texos 77903 Phone: (361) 573-5291 Fox: (361) 573-0162 R.ECEIVED August 29, 2005 Pfluger Wiginton Hooker PLLC 213 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704 ,.luG J I (3 ) pages f""ed to: 512-476-4289'>IFLUGeR ASSOCS, ,-," AUSTIN, TEXAS Hardcopy ( X ) will follow ( ) will not follow ' Attn: Jim Koch Project: New Calhoun County Jail Re: Project #: 0324P/0305W Contract #: 0407 Dear Jim: Enclosed is a Cost Analysis Form regarding changing the motors on EF - 7 and 8 from 480v to 120v, The previous Proposal Request indicates thaI these fans are 480v but the electrical power to the units is only l20v, The cost to make these changes is Six Hundred Seventy Nine Dollars ($679), Please advise if this is acceptacle as so we can order the replacement motors. Your earliest response is required. If you should need any additional information, please contact me at this office. cc: job, file Ene!. Cost Analysis Form 700 e e e New Calhoun County Jail Port Lmaca, Texas Change in Work - Cost Analysis Form Architect Project # :03-24P/0305W Project Title: New Calhoun County Jail Contractor: Don Krue~er Construction Co., Inc. Description of Change in Wark: Change motors on EF-7 and EF -8 at kitchen to 120v. Information provided on these fans in RFl and previous change order indicates that these are to be 480v DKCC Job #: 0407 Change Proposal #: Date: 29-Aug-05 Prepared: lee Approved: e Description Qnt'y Req'd Unit Labor Total Labor MIE Unit Total MIE Sub Unit Total Unit Other Subcontract I. KBM Air Conditionin?; . lis $0 $0 $557,00 $557 Bonds and Insurance I Is $0 $86.00 $86 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotals $0 $86 $557 e Remarks: Subtotal (Iabor+material+equipment) Plus OH&P (Firnt $10,000) 10%: .Insurance % of labor 10% Fringe Benefit: % of labor Sales Tax 8.25% of taxable items. Subtotal Subcontract Plus 5% of Line F SUOContract $86 $9 $0 $0 (A) (B) (e) (0) (E) (F) (G) $557 $28 Toml(A+B+C+D+E+F+G) PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING NO, OF DAYS TO OUR CONTRACT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS WORK: 0 DAYS $679 e 701 I. r~~1~ r,:;'. ~ . ICBM AIR CONDITIONING, INe. 1007 E NORTH ST VICTORIA, TX 77901 361/485-1687 361/485-1691 kbmilir@swbell.net e RE: CALHOUN COUNTY JAIL FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM TO: LESTER I KRUEGER CONST. FROM: ANDREA STEHLE DATE: 8/19/05 1 FAX: 573-0162 PAGES: 1 Message: The following is a price breakdown for the replacement motors and pulleys for EF-7 and EF-8, Motors and pulleys Labor 30% Taxes & Ins on Labor Subtotal 15% Overhead & Profit Total $354.00 $100.00 $ 30.00 $484.00 $ 72.60 $556.60 e Andrea Stehle 20230-97 p~r~IVED ':':-.'.'''",,~~ ~,~ AUG 1 9 2005 IT.';. . , ..,-J.( <., '--'~,. ::,:t- _ c:.;.c~:.., i...''''.' "",-"--'- o URGENT 0 REPLY ASAP 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REVIEW 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 08/19/2005 FRI 08:50 [TX/RX NO 5238] ~001 e 702 e e e . AlA Document G709'" - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 030 PROJECT (Name and address): New County Jail Calhoun County 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 OWNER: 181 ARCHITECT: 181 CDNSULTANT: 0 CONTRACTOR: 181 FIELD: 0 SPAWMAXWELl:18I DATE OF ISSUANCE: October 1 I, 2005 OWNER (Name and address): Calhoun County 201 W, Austin Port Lavaca. TX 77979 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: March 25. 2004 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Pfluger Wiginton Hooker, PLLC 213 S. Lamar Blvd" Suite 300 Austin, TX 78704 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 03-24P I 0305W TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): Don Krueger Construction Co. P.O. Box 3613 205 Profit Drive Victoria. TX 77901 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten ( 10) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing. of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WlTII THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insena written description a/the Work): Provide and install storefront door hardware to windstorm certification. Refer to RFI # 058. AITACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): RFI 058. seven (7) sheets. James R. Koch, AlA, Construction Administrator (Printed name and title) AlA Document G709T11_ 2001. Copyright .0 1993 and 2001 by The American Institute of Archileots. All rlghta I'M8tVed.. WARNING: This AlA. Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or dlatrlbutJon of this AlA- Docvment, 01' any 1 portion of it, may result In severe civil and cnmlnal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. ThIs document was produced by AlA. software at 16:59:47 on 10/11/2005 under Order No.l000179625_5 whlch expires on 511712006, and Is not for resale. User Noles: (2731095694) 703 r PFLUGER WIGINTON HOOKER,PLLC ARCHITECTS f PLANNING CONSULTANTS RFI Request for Interpretation/Information RFI #58 Project Name: Architect's Project No.: Date Submitted: Submitted By: Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Drawings Reviewed: Specification Reviewed: Addenda Reviewed: New County Jail 03-24P/0305W 8/1 Z/2OOS Jimmy Koch, AlA (512) 476-4040 iimmy@)pflugerassociates.com yes yes yes Information needed: In the specification (Hardware Set 7.01) and approved hardware schedule, we have certain hardware on the Aluminum entry doors. The specified hardwar3e has not been tested to meet the windstorm requirements For tlris project. Please review the attached list of hardware that has been tested & will meet windstorm Requirements. Please advise as so we can get the correct hardware and release doors/frames for fabrication. Contractor's interpretation of contract documents and recommendation regarding the infonnation requested: Architect's Response: ~:?~ c;.~~~lk~~~~~ ~~N~~ ~ ~<t~h SlgnatUi'e &/30/U><>S Date NOTE: Answers to RFI's by Architect shall in no way give authorization to Contractor to proceed with work that will increase contract riI1'Hi or construction cost. 213 SOUTH LAMAR, BLVD. I SUITE 300 I AUSTIN, TX 78/04 PHONE: S12/476~4040 fAX: SUj476-4L89 704 e e e e e e 08/12/2005 15:42 FAX 361 573 0162 DON KRUEGER CONST ~OOl Don Krueger Construction Co. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION No. 00058 PO Dox 3613 Victoria. Texas 77903 Phone: 361-573-5291 Fax: 361-573-0162 TITLE: Aluminum Door Hardware PROJECT:Nc\V Calhoun County Jail TO: Attn: Jim Koch Pfluger Wiginton Hooker PLLC 213 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 7&704 Phone: 5]2-476-4040 Fox: 512-476-42&9 DATE: 8/]212005 JOB: 0407 STARTED: COMPLETED: REQUIRED: 81I912005 REQUEST: ( Co) f'A'lo .('---J g /1'2../05 tee Pfluger Job 03-24P/0305W In the specifications (Hardware Set 7.01) and approved hardware schedule, we have certain hardware on the aluminum entry doors. The specified hardware has not been tested to meet the windstorm requirements foc this project. Please review the attached list of hardware that bas been tested & wiIl meet windstorm requirements. Please advise as so we can get the correct hardware and release doors/frames for fabrication ANSWER: Requested By: DOll Krueger Construction Co. Signed: Lester Colley Date: 8/1212005 E>IpeWI...~ "..Iofl , r.,- "",05 ~',: - 08/12/2005 15~42 FAX 361 573 0162 FROM :TEXAS Gl~ <AND TINTING Fax To< Lester p"", DON KRUEGER CONST 19Jooz FAX 1-1). ~~G1S720B2B Jul. 2S 2~2S 03~13PM P1 ~ 4103 North Navarro Victoria. TX 77901-2673 Phone: (800) 242-~OO7 Fax: (MI) 572-0026 From: Earl Smith Date: 7126/2f1J5 PageslS """""' JOb Fne Re: Calhoun .county Jail o Ul"!lent ce: o For Reviow o PJea9G Reply Lester. Please lInd auadled the infoonation you requested regarding the hardware that has been tested for elumlnum entrance" that have meet the TDI Wl/1dstorm Code. f).;.. 'l" ,.,..".,,~ !"':''15t. (A:,1 r :":{ 17903 c ":.' r::.(,-;, ~'-,...;.;.' -""'," .....:~_:...:...,. :. Q. r (j. r:,.d:~'-::".;: '.,,~.~~-..;... .:\..... .-':~J ~:' .-.-... :-:---:>,.-;:;(.;.\ ',.:.......r'l~:'ifM .JL~~J.. ;.~: 'Z-<c:.\~j ,. c o EC':"1'":,,,'d LJ ii, Ho:.d C!:ml~ &. Resuhm;t RECEIVED JUL 2 6 2005 ~:--~.=-~~~.=-'___-c_.____,.__ GRQSS ?JolT. C~E___ l 706 e e e e e e 0'8/1212005 15:43 FAX 361 573 0162 DON KRUEGER CO~ST IliOOJ FRCr1 :TEXA$ GLASS AND TINTING FAX 00. : 3615720028 Jul. 26 2305 83: 1:3PM P2 DADE COUNTY APPLlCAtlONS OPTIONS AND L.IMITATIONS MSD-375 DOORS FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT MAXI""" MAXIMUM Gl.AU SIZI! QU,AUFJED Dl!.SION DOOR BIZE oUSS PRE!JlUFtE D.LO. lIO.l'T, TYPES P.B.F. .INOLe PIlIR WxH +70/.-80 >42")(96" B4" x 96" 32 5116")( 82 3116" 1 B." 0, EorF LOCKING OPllONS ; ACTlVE LEAF AOAMS-IUTE 11150-505-3 POINT LOCK WITH OPnONALAR0408i LOCK tNDICATOR, CY~I CYlINDER & CY-31}lUMBlURN It.tACTlVE LEAF 2 E.',. FB-1%01 VRM FLlISH BOLTS HINCING OPTIONS TYPE QUAHTIlY BlITTS 1 1/% PAIR GEAR FULL LEIlGTH OFFSET PIVOT 1112PAIR PANIC EXIT DEVICES OPllOHS MANUI'"ACTURER ....... TYPE JACKSON CORPORATION 1286HR CONCEALEl> VERTICAL ROO JACKSON CORPORATION 2086 HR CONCEALED VERTICAL ROO YON DUPRIN 8~7HR CONCEALEl> VERllCAL ROO VaN DUPRIN 99%7 HR SURFACE MOUNTED VERTICAL ROD SA.RGf;NT 6410 CONCEALED VERTICAL ROO QUAUFIED GLASS TYPES FOR DOORS MANUFACTURER D. 9116" lAMINATED 6AF GLAS CONSISTING OF TWo 114" HS GlASS LITES SECURITY IMPACT GlASS AND 0.070 POLYCARBONATE INTERLAYER BE1WEEN TWO O.015ADHESIVE LAYERS BYSln E2 9/16" lAMINATED GlASS CONSISTING OF TWO 114" HS GLASS LITES SOLUTJA ANO 0.090 SOlUTlA SAFLEX PVB INTERlAYER. F. 9/1.-LAMINATED GLASS CONSISTING OF TWO '/4- HS GlASS UTES AND SOLUTlA SOLUTIASAFUiX HP .100 INTERLAYER. ..,. VlSTAWALLARCIII7FCTURAL PRODUCTS P8~A1-3 707 DON KRUEGER CONST 0&/12/2005 15:43 FAX 361 573 0162 FROM : TEXAS GLASS ~D TINT ING P8g& Af-4 FAX 1--1.). : 3615720028 IiiJ004 Jul. 26 2tlGS 03:13PM P3 MSD 375 HURRICANE IMPACT.RESISTANT ENTRANCES AND MODIFICATIONS GLASS SIZES GlllllS height Is based on 0-38 top and 0-71' bottom rails. GLASS SIZING FOR STANDARD DOORS Medium Stile MS0-375 3684 or 7284 . . . . . . . . 27 7l." x 71 '/4" 4284 or ll484 . . . . . . . . 33 'h" x 71 '14" 3696 or 7296 . . .. . . . . 27 '}a" X 63 '14" 4298 or 8496 .. . , .. . . 33 7Js" x 83 3/0" GLASS SIZING FOR SPECIAL SIZE DOORS Height.. Door opening dimension minus 12 1/0" WIdth (Single) '" Door opening dImension minus 8 'I.- Width (Pair) .. Door openln" dimension divided by 2 mInus 8 1/." v/STAWALl. ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS 9/04 " 7 l 08 e e e e e e 08/12/2005 15:43 FAX 361 573 0162 DUN KRUEGER CONST FROM : TEXAS GLASS AND T I NTI NG FA."-: NO. :351S720028 JuJ. 26 2BBS B3: 13P11 P4 I l ~ n STANDARD HARDWARE LOCATIONS FOR SERIES MSD-37S IMPACT DOORS ~~ -t , I I ~ / I I .... /' II " , II .. ,/ I I ~" / II " / II "' I J F=-~ 11 ~~t::-" . -- "', I , I ..... I I " I I " I J II 'I DOOR HEIGHT 84' 96' 1>I~""" 4321132" 4921f3T' il~ " d ,/ / // ~! ~ ~ l- r.> i'L Ii ~ ~o "'. ~~ D~ ~ 5~ 0 r I '" '" I l< :z is i:! ~ r I ~ MSD375 PANIC DOORS MANUFACTURER PANIC DEVice O"""X" , DIM...,. DiIoIOZ" JACKSON 1286 373116 37 1513Z 423/18 ..JACKSON 2088 373116 3715m "231'18 'ION DUPRlN 9927 3931ll 39 318 44316 VON OUPR.IH 9941 3915/18 393/8 A4 318 SARGENT 941D 51118 .. 318 423118 I 'I', '"' / -~ .. I , ~ / I \., " / I "- is I / r " ~ , I , " I / ~ I ~~ ''\., I / t3 '" J / .. w , I rl!s ~ ", J / :". .~ -,' :0'" -1= ., I I I --t l! :; .. c .. Q ... MSD3T53 POINT LOCK DOORS l4I005 tMIlUFACllJRER OESeRIPnOM PARU DlM .FB" I~TIONAL TOP FLUSH BOLT (FOR W TAU DOOR FB-1201-\lRM-90 2'Z' INTERNATIONAl. TOP FlUSH BOlT (FOR e.c" TAU OOOR) FB-12D1-VRM Ill" lNT€RNAnONA.l BOTTOM FLUS" UOL T (FOR ..../96" TAlL OOORl FB-1201.~M 10" - PSrJfJA1-6 709 08/12/2005 15:43 FAX 361 573 0162 DON KRUEGER GONST 141006 Fm1 : Te<AS GLASS AND TINT H.IG FAX ~D. :3615720028 Jut. 26 200$ B3: 14PM PS HURRICANE IMPACT.RESISTANT ENTRANCES & FRAMES POUCIES AND NOTES COMMON TO EACH PRODUCT (Unl"... otherwise specified) . Maximum Door size may not exoeed 4Z. X 96" for aingle and 84" x 96" for paIrs- . Reference Options end Umllations for MSD-375 Impaol-Resistant Doors on PagB A1-3. SWING IN DOORS ARE NOT OFFERED FOR IMPACT APPUCATIONS e . FG-5167 flat filler la required on door jambs at wall and Is not Included. TH-57 mill finish .crew ""line threshold is standard on all flnlshes, . Allow additional time for these doo", end frame., 80. HIgh Door. ..me prIce as 84". Not all IIams or finishes stocked In all locations. . 011815 only stocked in olear, bronze and black anodized foniaheo. Clear anodized finish will be fur- nished on <loons having a clear or painted finish. Attachment screws not Included. . Haavy duly closelll are recommonded for Impact <loors due to extra \!Ieight and size. . Door frames ere covered by NOA 04.0209.01 and NOA 04.308.02. . NOA for doors pending, . Ooons ehown In thl. book were not lasted fOl water Infiltr.tion, PAINT PRICING NOTE: White Finish I=or onletS or quotallonB. _ your .....gnad discount mullfpller{.) oppropri.to for tho oectIon(s) 'eganll... 01 quantity. e Flouropolymer or Aeronur F1nish.. For orders or quobdion. with the total lineal 2Ind entrance list price. fo( one color within the ranges shown below, UOB tho pricing In.lructIona Indicated. $0 to ;9.999,99 IIsslgned dlScDUIlt mulUpner(.) appropriate lor tho oectIon(s) plus a $1,200.00 list price .~d. 510.000.00 to 539,999.99 Asslgnod discount mulllpliar(s) spproprl8lolo' tho seeVon(s) with no extrall.t prlca add, $40,000.00 or Greale' Assigned d'l8Count I'Il\Jltipll.r{s) approptlote 10, the ceclion(o) With no extra list price add. or consult fe.ctary. ,,-"1-11 VISTAWALL Af<C;H/7COTURAL PRODUCTS !lJ1l4 . e P-l"0 ,1 e e e RENEW COASTAL LEASE NO. CL 20000005 FOR THE PARK AT THE E~D OF PARK ROAD IN SIX MILE: A Motion was. made by Commissioners Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to renew the Coastal Lease No. CL 200000005 for the Park at the end of Park Road In SIX Mile, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. The State of Texas Austin, Texas @CQPy RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE NO. CL20000005 STATE OF TEXAS s s s KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COlfNTY OF CALHOUN This Coastal Lease No. CL20000005 (the "Agreement") is issued by virtue of the authority granted in Chapter 33. TEX. NAY. RES. CODE ANN, and Title 31, TEX. ADMIN, CODE, Chapter 155 and all amendments thereto, and all other applicable statutes and rules, as the same may be promulgated and/or amended from time to time. ARTICLE I. PARTIES 1.01. In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the STATE OF TEXAS, acting by and Urrough the School Land Board and its Chairman, the Commissioner of the General Land Office (the "State"), hereby authorizes CalhOllll County (the "Lessee") whose address is 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TX 779794249, to use the "Premises" (defined below) for the purposes identified in Article V below, ARTICLE II, PREMISES 2,01. The coastai public land Lessee may use is described as follows: A portion of State Tract Number 2A, Lavaca Bay, Calhoun County, Texas (the "Premises"), The Premises are further described and depicted on Exhibits A, B, and C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2.02. I.essee acknowledges and agrees that when any authorized improvements are placed on the Premises, the location of such improvements shall thereby become fixed at such location and shall not be changed except by a written amendment to this Agreement. 2,03. LESSEE HAS INSPECTED THE PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AND ACCEPTS THE SAME "AS IS", IN ITS EXISTING PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITlON. THE STATE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF RABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ANY OTHER WARRANTY WHATSOEVER NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE STATE AND LESSEE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF T/{E TERM "GRANT" IN NO WAY IMPLIES THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS FREE OF LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES ANDIOR PRIOR RIGHTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO LESSEE THAT ANY PRIOR GRANT ANDIOR ENCUMBRANCE MAY BE OF RECORD AND LESSEE IS ADVISED TO EXAMINE THE RECORDS IN T/{E ARCHIVES AND RECORDS DN/SION OF T/{E GENERAL LAND OFFICE, 1700 NORT/{ CONGRESS AVENUE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701.1495, AND ALL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE PREMISES ARE LOCATED, LESSEE IS NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF THE STATE REGARDING ANY ASPECT OF T/{E PREMISES, BUT IS RELYING ON LESSEE'S OWN INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES. CL20000005 JCrow renewcl.doc V 2.0 711 ARTICLE III. TERM 3,01. !his Agreement is for a period of five (5) years, beginning on December 1,2005. and ending on November 30, 2010" llIJ.less renewed or terminated as provided herein. ARTICLE IV, CONSIDERATION AND TAXES 4.01, As consideration (the "Consideration") for the right to use the Premises, Lessee agrees to pay the State the SlUll of~eDty-fiv'e And 00/100 Dollars ($25.00) as an application fee, No other consideration is required 4.02. In. addition to the above, Lessee shall pay and discharge any and all taxes, general and special assessments, and other cliarges which during the term of this Agreement may be levied on or assessed against the Premises or any improvements constructed or installed thereon (the "Taxes"). Lessee shall pay such Taxes at least five (5) days prior to the d2teof delinquency directly to the authority, official or entity charged with collection, Lessee may, in good faith and a 1 i~ sole cost and expense, contest any Tax and shall be obligated to pay the contested amount only if and when finall:y determined to be owed, ARTICLE V, USE OF THE PREMISES 5.01. A. In connection with Lessee's use of the Premises, Lessee may construct and/or maintain the following improvements: a public park construction of a 2,05 acre (89,280 square feet) area of fill and bulkhead; an 8' x 200' wooden walkway with an 8' x 100' T-head, and a 4' x 50' wooden walkway, encumbering a total of2,600 square feet; a 15' x 75' concrete boat ramp and a 25' x 25' concrete boat ramp, encumbering 1,750 square feet; two areas of concrete rubble rip-rap encumbering an additional 18,060 square feet; a dredged channel (25' x 200'), encumbering 5,000 feet; for a tolal project encumbrance of 116,690 square feet, as depicted on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Improvements"), Lessee shall not use the Premises for any other purpose without prior written consent from the State, which consent may be granted or withheld in the State's sole discretion. Lessee is specifically prohibited from using or permitting the use of the Premises for any commercial or illegal purpose, Provided the State does not unreasonably interfere with Lessee's use of the Premises, the State may use or pennit the use of the Premises for any purpose consistent with Lessee's use of the Premises, B. Lessee shall comply, and cause its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors and invitees to comply, with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all governing authorities with Jurisdiction over the Premises, Lessee is specifically notified of its need to comply with laws and regulations enacted for the purpose of protecting and preserving public lands and waters, C. Lessee shall pennit the State's agents, representatives, and employees to enter into and on the leased premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection and any other reasonable purpose necessary to protect the State's interest in the leased Premises, D, Lessee may not charge any holder of a valid mineral lease or other grant of interest from the State for surface damages for the use of the leased Premises. All such damage payments shall be made directly to the State, Lessee, however, may seek compensation for damages to personal property iu an action against the holder of a valid mineral lease or other grant-of-interest issued by the State. This damage limitation in no way limits the liability of third parties in an action at law for damages inflicted upon Lessee by acts of negligence. E. Except as otherwise provided herein, Lessee shall have the right to file a criminal complaint or institute civil proceedings to protect Lessee's right of possession and leasehold interest in the leased Premises. F, Lessee shall use the highest degree of care and all appropriate safeguards to prevent pollution of air, ground and water in and around the Premises, and to protect and preserve natural resources and wildlife habitat. In the event of pollution of or damage to natural reSOlirces in or around the Premises which is the result of an act or omission of Lessee, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, and/or invitees, Lessee shall immediately notifY the CL2000000S jcrow 2 renewc1.doc V 2.0 e 712 State and undertake all required and appropriate action to remedy the same. Lessee shall be liable for all damages and/or nitigation to the Premises and public lands and waters as a result of such act or omission. e G, LESSEE IS EXPRESSLY PLACED ON NOTICE OF THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966, (PR-8'!-66, 80 STATUTE 915; ~470) AND THE ANTIQUITIES CODE OF TEXAS, CHAPTER 191. TEX. NAT. RES. CODE ANN. AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY SITE, OBJECT. LOCATION, ARTIFACT OR OTHER FEATURE OF ARCHEOLOGICAL. SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL OR HISTORIC INTEREST IS ENCOUNTERED DURrNG THE ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS AGREEMENT, LESSEE WILL IMMEDIATELY CEASE SUCH ACTIYlTIES AND WILL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE STATE AND THE TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION, P.O. BOX 12276, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711, SO THAT ADEQUATE MEASURES MAY BE UNDERTAKEN TO PROTECT OR RECOVER SUClI DISCOVERIES OR FINDINGS, AS APPROPRIATE. 5,02, A., Lessee's use of the Premises is subject to compliance with the following covenants, obligations and conditions (the "Special Conditions"): None. B, Prior to undertaking construction or installation of Improvements on the Premises, Lessee shall provide written notice of the terms of this Agreement, including the Special Conditions, to each person or entity authorized by Lessee to perform any such activity on its behalf. Lessee shall retain a copy of each such written notice provided to its agents, representatives, employees, and/or contractors under this provision and, if a dispute arises concerning construction or installation of the Improvements, Lessee shall provide the State with a copy of all applicable notices within ten (10) days of the State's written request. Lessee's failure to maintain and provide each required written notice shall constitute a default under this Agreement. 5,03, IT Lessee fails to maintain and/or repair Improvements in good condition and repair, such failure shall constitute a defaull under this Agreement and the State may, at its option, terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Lessee or pursue a remedy under Section 51.3021, TEX. NAT, RES. CODE ANN. and all amendments thereto, If Lessee constructs improvements other than those authorized in Article V, such improvements shall constitute illegal structures and the State may, at its option, terminate this Agreement or pursue a remedy under Section 51.302, et seq" TEX. NAT, RES, CODE ANN, and all amendments thereto, ARTICLE VI. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBLEASES e 6,01. LESSEE SHALL NOT ASSIGN THIS AGREEMENT OR THE RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN, OR SUBLEASE ANY . PORTION OF THE PREMISES, IN WHOLE OR PART, TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE STATE, WHICH MAY BE GRANTED OR WITHHELD IN THE STATE'S SOLE DISCRETION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL BE VOID AND OF NO EFFECT. AND SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL NOT RELIEVE LESSEE OF LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE VII. INDEMNITY 7,01. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW, LESSEE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE STATE, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, CONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES (THE "INDEMNIFIED PARTIES") HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, PROCEEDINGS, ACTIONS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIABILITIES, A WARDS AND EXPENSES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY CLAIMS (THE "CLAIMS") WITHOUT LIMIT AND WITHOUT REGARD TO THE CAUSE OR CAUSES THEREOF OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES, THAT MAY RE BROUGHT, INSTITUTED OR AWARDED ON ACCOUNT OF OR GROWING OUT OF ANY AND ALL INJURIES OR DAMAGES. INCLUDING DEATH, TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY RELATING TO OR RESULTING FROM, DIRECn Y OR INDIRECTLY, (I) ANY OCCURRENCE IN, UPON, AT OR FROM THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, OR (II) THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF. TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL LOSSES THERETO, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION. ALL COSTS OF DEFENDING AGAINST. INVESTIGATING AND SETTLING THE CLAIMS. IT IS THE EXPRESSED INTENTION OF THE PARTIES HERETO THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION 7,01 IS AN INDEMNITY BY LESSEE TO INDEMNIFY AND PROTECT CU0000005 \ JCrow , \ , 3 renewcl.doc V 2.0 e 713 THE ElDEMNIFIED PARTIES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THA"'~GLlGENCE IS A CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE CLAIM. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL HAVE NO APPLICATION TO ANY ~AIM WHERE THE CLAIM RESULTS FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE STATE. LESSEE'S OBLIGATION OF INDE:IllNITY SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL SURVIVE EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE VIII. DEFAULT, TERMINATION AND EXPIRATION 8,01. [fLessee fails or refuses to remedy a default under this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the State's written notice specifying such default, the State may tenninate this Agreement by sending written notice of tennination to Lessee in accordance with Article IX. Upon the effective date of such notice, this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations except for those accruing prior to the effective date of termiJJation and/or those which specifically survive tennination of this Agreement. 8,02. Unless waived in writing by the State prior to termination of this Agreement, Lessee shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days from the termination date, remove all personal property, structures and improvements (including, witho'Ullimitation, the Improvements) from the Premises and restore the Premises (and all other property affected by Lessee's removal activities) to the same condition that existed prior to the placement, construction, or installation thereof on the Premises. Lessee's activities shall be conducted in accordance with General Land Office guidelines in effect at the time of such activity, including, without limitation, specific techniques required for protection of natural resources and mitigation, or payment in lieu of mitigation, for damages resulting from removal activity. Upon such tennination Lessee shall notifY the State in writing within ten (10) days following completion of Lessee's removal and restoration activity, Lessee's obligations to perform or undertake any specific activity under this Agreement, including the foregoing removal provision, shall survive termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE IX. NOTICE AND INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 9.01. A. Any notice given under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and either delivered by hand, by facsimile or sent by United States first class mail, adequate postage prepaid, if for the State, to Deputy Commissioner, Asset Inspection, 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1495, and if for Lessee, to Calhoun County, 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TIC 77979-4249. Any party's address may be changed from time to time by such party by giving notice as provided above, except that the Premises may not be used by Lessee as the sole notice address. No change of address of either party shall be binding on the other party until notice of such change of address is given as herein provided. B, For purposes of the calculation of various time periods referred to in this Agreement, notice delivered by hand shaIl be deemed received when delivered to the place for giving notice to a party referred to above, Notice mailed in the manner provided above shaIl be deemed completed upon the earlier to occur of (i) actual receipt as indicated on the signed retum receipt, or (ii) three (3) days after posting as herein provided, 9,02. Lessee shall provide written notice to the State of any change in Lessee address within ten (10) business days of such change. 9,03, Lessee shall provide the State with information reasonably requested in writing within thirty (30) days of such request. ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ]0,01. Neither acceptance of Consideration or any other sum payable under this Agreement (or any portion thereof) by the State. nor failure by the State to complain of any act or omission of Lessee, shall constitute a waiver by the State of its rights under this Agreement. Waiver by the State of any covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the State, Waiver by the State shall be limited to the act or omission specified in writing and shall not constitute a waiver of any other covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under this Agreement, whether of the same or different subject matter. CL20000005 jcrow 4 renewcl.doc V 2.0 e 714 e e e 1 O,OZ, All monetary obligations of the State and Lessee (including, without limitation, any monetary obligation for dam"-ges for any breach of the respective covenants, duties or obligations of either party hereunder) are performable exchL-Sively in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 1 O,O} , This instrument, including exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement between fue State and Lessee and no prior written or oral Or contemporaneous oral promises, warranties or representations shall be binding, This Agreement shan not be.mended except by written instrument signed by the State and Lessee. . CL20000005 Jcrow 5 renewcl.doc V 2.0 ~, 715 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and the Seal of Office. LESSOR: THE STATE OF TEXAS LESSEE: Calhoun County By: :tM-IL,..f ~ -A/ /- (Signature) ~ By: JERRYE. PATTERSON Commissioner, General Land Office Chairman, School Land Board Michael J. Pfeifer (Printed Name) Date: Calhoun County Judge (Title) Date: October 27, 2005 APPROVED: /." Cerntents, JUt tJ.-./ Legal --rr / Deputy: Executive: CU0000005 jcrow 6 renewcLdoc V 2.0 716 e e e e ~ Lavaca Bay Tide: Normal Visibifity: l' Unvegetated Submerged Unvegetated Submerged 15' Wide Concrete Rubble Rip-rap " ~ z " ,,!-.., 350 It Natural Sand Beach .,-;, "> ?10 ~~ . ~ z " " . Private Land Road TITLE: Calhoun County I CL20000005 COMPANY: Texas General Land Office DRAWING SCALE: 1in: 20ft ':~ DATE OF INSPECTION: 07-27-2005 CREATOR: ml1arding EXHIBIT C , . ~ . . 717 Title: Calhoun Coun / CL20000005 Com an : General Land Office Scale: 1 in. = 60,000 ft. Date of Ins ection: 7/27/2005 Creator: mhardin Exhibit A " e e e 718 e e Title: Calhoun Coun / CL20000005 Com an : General Land Office Scale: 1 in, = 2,000 ft, Date of Ins ection: 7/27/2005 Creator: mhardin Exhibit B e 719 LONE STAR UBRARIES GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $3.894.00: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the Lone Star Ubrarles Grant Award in the amount of $3,894, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted in favor, ADOPT I!ESOLUTION DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 2005 AS HOME CARE MONTH IN CALHOUN COUNTY: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to adopt the Resolution designating November 2005 as Home Care Month in Calhoun County, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, e WHEREAS, . WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS. WHEREAS, , .,_~H_"__"'" ~._.~.._=="_' ",=~,'"~'==,-,"-'_C""-'__." -,.. '~""RESOLUTION HOME CARE MONTH Home care is the preferred method of health care delivery among a growing number ofjleople who are disabled, elderly and chronically ill. Blending the professional care of the hospital setting with the warmth of the home environment, home care offers many people the opportunity to live with their families and friends while receiving the care they need_ The Texas Association for Home Care (T ARC) with more then 500 members who provide home care and other community support services throughout the Lone Star State, is working to keep Texans proud and independent. The support network formed by this dedicated group of home care professionals will continue to playa vital role in health care delivery for many Texans. e The hard work and dedication of home care providers helps ensure a better quality oflife for individuals and their loved ones, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas does hereby declare November, 2005as in Calhoun County; and "Home ,Care Month" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioners' Court calls upon all citizens to commit to learn more about home care options and to recognize the hard work and dedication of home care providers. /Jw<JJ Q- ~ Michael J. PfeIfer, Co ty udge C County, Texas V\fY\l1'~",".O ~.\)~ Michael Balajka, Commissi er Precinct No, 2 e g. .,_ I ,....~ (.,.<.J. .;i'i....,17... . Kenneth W. Finster, Commissioner Precinct No, 4 720 APPROVE AMENDING PLAT FOR BAY CLUB AT FALCON POINT RANCH - PHASE ONE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve Amending Plat for Bay Ciub at Falcon Point Ranch - Phase One. Commissioners Gaivan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finsterand Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. See attached Plat e e e Ii 721 APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR UNDA WELCH HAWES ADDmON: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Final Plat for Linda Welch Hawes Addition. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. See attached Plat 722 e e e ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 2005 AS HOSPICE MONTH IN CALHOUN COUNTY: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to adopt Resolution designating November 2005 as Hospice Month in Calhoun County, CommiSSioners Galvan, Balajka; Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, e WHEREAS, ~----~-----RESOLUTION-'--- HOSPICE MONTH Dealing with a terminal illness is frightening and difficult, as patients and their families often face emotional, physical, financial and social stress; and Hospice programs provide a caring environment to treat the full range of needs of terminally patients and their loved ones; and This compassionate care is delivered in a variety of settings, including freestanding facilities, nursing homes and hospitals; most often, though, hospice care is provided in private homes; and Services are provided by physicians, nurses, counselors, social workers, and trained volunteers who provide medical care and support not only patients, but also families; and Working under a coordinated, physician-directed plan of care, hospice involves specialized programs including medical, nursing, home health aide, volunteer, bereavement, social, spiritual, and other appropriate services; and To increase the public's awareness of the services and mission of hospice care, the Texas Association for Home Care has joined the Hospice Association of America and hospice providers to designate the month of November for an awareness campaign. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas does hereby declare November, 2005 as in Calhoun County; and "HOSPICE MONTH" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioners' Court calls upon all citizens to recognize the countless volunteers and professionals who extend invaluable support to patients and their families in their hours of greatest need. e '1u<~~ fJ~ ~ Michael J. fei r, ounty Judge Ca oun County, Texas '-VY\.~ ~ Michael Balajka, Co sioner Precinct No.2 ~~. r4~~. Kenneth W. Finster, Commissioner. Precinct No.4 Ne' Fntsch, Commissioner Precinct No.3 723 HEAR REPORT FROM AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD AND TAKE ANY ACTION DEEMED NECESSARY: Willie Wooldridge spoke on behalf of the Airport Advisory Board he stated that they had a meeting last week and they discussed fuel storage system and they recommend upgrading the system. They are also recommending expanding the ramps and reskinning the Hanger, these could be done with matching grant programs, The airport has a lot more corporate traffic coming in and the T-Hanger that Mr. Stanger has built is complete, ENTER INTO A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH AARC ENVIRONMENTAL INC FOR OUARTERL Y INSPECTIONS OF FUEL SYSTEM AT THE CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to enter Into a service contract with AARC Environmental, Inc for Quarterly Inspections of the Fuel System at the Calhoun County Airport. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, . SERVICE CONTRACT This Service Contract, dated as of October 5. 2005 is between County of Calhoun Calhoun County Airoort ("Client") and AARC Environmental, Inc. ("Company"). The primary Client contact name is Mr. Michael Balaika. The primary Company contact name is Jim Sayles In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: 1. Work to be Rendered Client. A. Subject to all the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement, Company shall perform the work as described on Schedule I attached hereto (the "Services") and incorporated herein. While some activities may occur at the Ghent's site, this agreement calls for performance by both parties in Harris County, Texas. The parties agree that the majority of the Company's services will be performed in Harris County, Texas, and that payment will be made in Harris County, Texas. B. Client agrees to fully cooperate with Company in its performance of this Work Agreement. If Client fails to timely and reasonably cooperate and to provide any reasonable accommodations, including the provision of necessary information, then Company will have the option of tenninating this Service Contract pursuant to Section 8 hereof or delaying or suspending performance. C. Upon demand by Company, Client agrees to provide adequate assurance of performance. 2. Payment. Client shall be invoiced for the Services in accordance with the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference and in accordance with the invoices sent by Company. Payment for all fees, charges and reimbursements invoiced to Client shall be made to Company, in Harris County, Texas, by check on or before such dates as are required therefor. Time is of the essence with respect to payment for the Services. In the event of errors or disputes in billing, Client will promptly pay the undisputed portion of any such billing upon presentatiQu of invoice. Client has no right of set off. Payment shall be made at the address of the Company stated in Section to. UDless otherwise specifically stated in Exhibit B, payment Cis due twenty (20) days after the earlier of; (i) Company's invoice is deposited in the U.S. Mail or other carrier, or (ii) the Client receives such invoice. 3. Term. This Work Agreement shall be effective as of date above and shall continue in full force and effect thereafter wtil terminated in accordance with Section 8 hereof (such date of tennination herein after referred to as the "Termination Date"). 4. Dispute Resolution, Indemnity and Warranties. A. Client will save, defend, and hold harmless Company for all fees, charges, and reimbursements due Company under this Service Contract and from and against any and all loss, costs, damage, claims, dues, or debts arising out of Client's negligence or any performance under this Service Contract. B. The Client1s sole and exclusive remedy against Company shall be limited to monies actually paid to Company under this Service Contract. C. Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and governmental orders or regulations bearing on their respective duties or obligations hereunder. D. In the event Company is requested by Client or compelled by subpoena to give a deposition, testify at trial, respond to any subpoena, give expert or witness testimony, participate in an individual, investigative or administrative proceeding, produce documents to any third party or provide any other type of response arising from perfonnance under this Service Contract, Client is responsible for all attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred by Company in that endeavor and shall compensate Company. e e e 724 e e e ~ E, The parties agree that the Company shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or third part)' damages arising out of this Service Contract. Client understands and- agrees that the laws, orders, rulesl and regulations which underlie Company's advice and work for or to Client are frequently subject to change. Company's services, advice, and work are based on its understanding of current legal requirements and Company has no further duty to warn or advise Client as to such changes, amendments, or modifications after suspension, completion or termination of this Service Contract. All goods, work, and/or services are transferred or rendered to Client "as is." All warranties are expressly disclaimed. There are absolutely no warranties, further representations, or guarantees whatsoever that accompany this Service Contract, either express Of implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, F. This agreement shall be governed by and construed lUlder the laws of the State of Texas. The parties agree that venue for any litigation between the parties regarding the performance andior nonperformance of any obligation arising under this Service Contract shall lie in the courts of Harris County, Texas. Although this is a contract for services, this Service Contract shall be governed to the maximum extent practicable under the provisions of the Texas version of the Uniform Commercial Code. The parties agree to consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in the State of Texas. The parties agree that this contract shall be performed in Harris County, Texas and payment shall be deemed made in Harris County, Texas. 5. Relationship Between the Parties. A. Company is and shall be deemed to be an "independent contractort! with respect to Client. Nothing herein shall be construed as establishing or creating any employee/employer relationship between the parties, partnership, or joint venture. Company acknowledges that it is not entitled to any of Client's employee benefits and is solely responsible and liable for the payment of all income, employment, and occupational taxes and withholdings for sen'ices rendered hereunder. B. Client expressly agrees that until the fIist anniversary of the Termination date, it will no~ directly or indirectly, hire, entice, employ, contract, divert, take away, or attempt to hire, entice, employ, contract, divert, or take away, any present or former employee, contractor, subcontractor, officer, agent, or representative of Company without the express prior \Vritten consent of Company which consent may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of Company. Breach of this provision will entitle Company to injunctive relief. 6. Confidentiality. A. Upon written request by the Client, Company will keep confidential all information received from or obtained or disclosed by Client to Company regarding Client ("Confidential Infonnation"), until the third anniversary of the Termination date, whether or not such information is separately stamped, marked, or indicated in any other manner to be confidential; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to (i) information that is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, (ii) information that is or becomes available to Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents on a non-confidential basis prior to its disclosure by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, and (iii) infoffilation that is required to be disclosed by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents as a result of any applicable law, rule or regulation of any govenunental authority or stock exchange. B. Company will not use such specific information, fmdings, or conclusions to or for its own use or benefit, but may appropriate general findings or conclusions to update or modify its materials without reference to Client. 1. Non-Assignment. Client may not 3:Ssign this Service Contract or its rights or duties hereunder without the express written consent of Company which consent may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of Company, 725 , 8. Termination. A. This Service Contract sball terminate when all work is completed and all amounts due to Company have been fully collected, as determined by Company, if not sooner tenninated by Company in accordance with Section 8.B. below. The estimated time for completion identified in any exhibits is merely an estimate and Company does not guarantee completion within such time. B. Upon the occurrence of any of the following Events of Default, Company may, at its option, terminate this Service Contract by notice to Client delivered in accordance with Section 10 hereof. For purposes hereof, each the following events constitute an "Event of Default ": (i) the occurrence of any default by Client of its obligations hereunder, (ii) a court having jurisdiction in the premises enters a decree or order for (a) relief in respect of Client in an involuntary case under any applicable bankrnptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, (b) appointment or a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee or similar official of Client or for all or substantially aU of the property and assets of Client or (c) the winding up or liquidation of the affairs of Client, (ill) Client (a) connnences a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect or consents to the entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under any such law, (b) consents to the appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian,.trustee or similar office afChent or for all or substantiaJ1y all of the property or assets of Client or (c) effects any general assignment for the benefits of creditors, (iv) failure of Client to timely make any payment to Company, (v) failure of Client to provide information to Company or to cooperate with Company in the performance of this Contract, and (vi) failure of Client to provide adequate assurance as requested by Company. C. In addition to applicable Events of Default described in 8.B. above, in the event that Client is a sole proprietorship, Company may, at its option, terminate this Service Contract upon the death of the proprietor by notice to Client delivered in accordance with Section 10 hereof, D. In the event of termination under Sections 8.A., 8.B. or 8.C., Company shall be relieved ofall further responsibility or obligations hereunder and Client shall promptly pay to Company the proportional amount of fees, including costs, expenses and profits for all of Company's performance already provided to Client and for all of the costs associated with preparing to handle the work under this Agreement. This does not limit Company's rights to enforce the Contract and obtain any legal or equitable remedies. E. Termination of this Service Contract merely terminates the obligation for further performance by Company. Clienrs obligation to pay Company and other obligations herein shall survive tcnnination. F. Client may terminate this Service Contract only for failure ofperfonnance. In the event Client believes Company is failing in its perfonnance, Client must provide written notice to Company via Certified Mail. Return Receipt Requested speciiying the failure(s). Company will then have fifteen (15) days from the date 'of receipt to cure any such failure(s). If the failure(s) are not cured within the fIfteen (15) day notice period, Client may send a second notice by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, terminating the Service Contract fifteen (15) days from the date this second notice is received. Client may only tenninate this Agreement after notice and upon failure of Company to cure. If Client terminates this Service Contract, it will still be liable for all work done on the project, on a proportional basis as determined under Section g,D. 9. Force Majeure. Company's timely performance due under this Service Contract shall be excused to the extent that Company is delayed or prevented in its performance due to an a.ct of God or force majeure, failure of labor, materials or equipment, significant weather, governmental authority preventing performance, Client's failure to cooperate, Client's ineligibility for a pennit, and all other events beyond the reasonable control of Company. 726 e e e e e e . 10. Notice. Any and all notices shall be given in writing by overnight courier, registered letter or facsimile which shall be addressed, or sent, to the respective addresses as follows (or such other address as Company or Client may specify): Client: County of Calhoun Calhoun County Airport 4876 FM 3084 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Tel: 361 552-5223 Fax: Company: AARC Environmental, Inc. 2500 Wilcrest, Suite 460 Houston, Texas 77042 Tel: (713) 974-2272 Fax: (713) 339-2272 All Notices shall be deemed effective and received (i) if given by facsimile, if received before 5:00 p.m., C,S.T.. when such facsimile is transmitted to the number specified above and receipt thereof is confirmed, and if received after 5 :00 p.m., C.S, T" then the following day; (ii) if given by overnight courier, on the bnsiness day immediately following the day on which such notice is delivered to a reputable overnight courier service; or (iii) if given by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, when such notice is delivered at the address specified above. . 11. Authority to Execute. The signatories each warrant and represent that they have full power and authority to execute this Service Contract and thereby fully bind the respective parties. 12. Miscellaneous. A. This Service Contract and all exhibits or schedules attached hereto represent the full, entire, and complete understanding of the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof; all such other agreements, contracts, or understandings are completely merged herein or are otherwise deemed null and void. The parties agree that they are not relying on anything not written into this Agreement, and certainly no oral representations, in entering into this Agreement. This Service Contract may only be amended, modified or altered in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties. B. If any term, provision, covenant, or restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the tenns, provisions, covenants and restrictions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. C. Headings contained in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way defme, limit or extend the scope or intent of this Agreement or any provisions hereof. D. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original and all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement of the parties hereto. E. The waiver by Company of any part of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of any other part, or as a permanent or continuing waiver of that provision. 727 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed and delivered this Service Contract as of the date fIrst written above. [AARC ENVIRONMENTAL, INe] By: Name: Jim Sayles Tide: Rell:ional Mana2:er Date: [COUNTY OF CALHOUN CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT] By '-~,~, ?-...D~ Name: Mr. Michael Babika Title: Commissioner Precinct 2 Date: I I '04/ o~ 1 I 728 e e e e e e EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF WORK/SERVICES STORM WATER PERMIT MAINTENANCE SERVICES Quarterly Inspections (3 Per Year) . Conduct Inspections To Document Implementation Of Plan Cost $350.00 Per Quarter Annual Review of Plan Update Plan To Take Into Consideration Major Changes To Operation Cost: $450.00 729 EXHIBIT liB" FEES AND CHARGES Fee Schedule for the services mentioned in exhibit "A" Terms of Payment $350.00 Due Upon Completion for Quarterly Inspection January-March, 2006; $350,00 Due Upon Completion for Quarterly Inspection April-June, 2006; $450.00 Due Upon Completion for Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation July-September, 2006; $350.00 Due Upon Completion for Quarterly Inspection October-December, 2006. 730 e e e e e e ROUTINE ~RPORT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM GRANT FOR FY2006 FOR AIRPORT AWOS AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to appr~ve the routine Airport Maintenance Program Grant for FY 2006 for AIrport AWOS and .authonze Ju~ge Pfeifer to sign, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT FOR ROUTINE AIRPORT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (State Assisted Airport Routine Maintenance) TxDOT Project No.: AM 2006PTLA V TxDOT CSJ No,: M613PTLA V Part I - Identification of the Project TO: The County of Calhoun, Texas FROM: The State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation This Grant is made between the Texas Department of Transportation, (hereinafter referred to as the "State"), on behalf of the State of Texas, and the County of Calhoun, Texas, (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor"). This Grant Agreement is entered into between the State and Sponsor shown above, under the authority granted and in compliance with the provisions of the Transportation Code, Chapter 21. The project is for airport maintenance at th.e Calhoun County Airport, Part II - Offer of Financial Assistance 1. For the purposes of this Grant, the annual routine maintenance project cost, Amount A, is estimated as found on Attachment A, Scope of Services, attached hereto and made a part of this grant agreement. State financial assistance granted will be used solely and exclusively for airport maintenance and other incidental items as approved by the State, Actual work to be performed under this agreement is found on Attachment A, Scope of Services. State financial assistance, Amount B, will be for fifty percent (50%) of the eligible project costs for this project or $30,000,00, which ever is less, per fiscal year and subject to availability of state appropriations, The Sponsor may request the State to provide mowing services, services to be provided at the discretion of the State, However, mowing services will not be eligible for state financial assistance, Sponsor will be responsible for 100% of costs of any mowing services, Page I of 12 A VN4.301.DOC (9/2006) 731 Scope of Services, Attachment A, of this Grant, may be amended, subject to availability of state funds, to include additional approved airport maintenance work. Scope amendments requiresubmitta1 of an Amended Scope of Services, Attachment A, Services will not be accomplished by the State until receipt of Sponsor's share of project costs. Only work items as described in Attachment A, Scope of Services of this Grant are reimbursable under this graut. e Work shalI be accomplished by August 31,2006, unless otherwise approved by the State, .2, The State shall determine fair and eligible project costs for work scope. Sponsor's share of estimated project costs, Amount C, shall be as found on Attachment A and any amendments. It is mutually understood and agreed that if, during the term of this agreement, the State determines that there is an overrun in the estimated annual routine maintenance costs, the State may increase the grant to cover the amount of the overrun within the above stated percentages and subject to the maximum amount of state funding. The State wilI not authorize expenditures in excess of the dollar amounts identified in this Agreement and any amendments, without the consent of the Sponsor. 3. Sponsor, by accepting this Grant certifies and, upon request, shall fumish proof to the State that it has sufficient funds to meet its share of the costs, The Sponsor grants to the State the right to audit any books and records of the Sponsor to verifY expended funds. Upon execution of this Agreement and written demand by the State, the Sponsor's financial obligation (Amount C) shalI be due in cash and payable in fulI to the State, State may request the Sponsor's financial obligation in partial payments. Should the Sponsor fail to pay their obligation, either in whole or in part, within 30 days of written demand, the State may exercise .its rights under Paragraph V - 3, Likewise, should the State be unwilling or unable to pay its obligation in a timely manner, the failure to pay shalI be considered a breach and the Sponsor may exercise any rights and remedies it has at law or equity, e The State shall reimburse or credit the Sponsor, at the financial closure of the project, any excess funds provided by the Sponsor which exceed Sponsor's share (Amount C), 4, The Sponsor specificalIy agrees that it shall pay any project costs which exceed the amount of financial participation agreed to by the State, It is further agreed that the Sponsor will reimburse the State for any payment or payments made by the State which are in excess of the percentage of financial assistance (Amount B) as stated in Paragraph II-I. Page 2 of 12 A VN4301.DOC (9/2006) e "'!i'l2 IV e e e 5. Scope of Services may be accomplished by State contracts or through local contracts of the Sponsor as determined appropriate by the State, All locally contracted work must be approved by the State for scope and reasonable cost. Reimbursement requests for locally contracted work shall be submitted on forms provided by the State and shall include copies of the invoices for materials or services, Payment shall be made for no more than 50% of allowable charges, The State will not participate in funding for force account work conducted by the Sponsor. 6, This Grant shall terminate upon completion of the scope of services. Part III - Sponsor Responsibilities I. In accepting this Grant, if applicable, the Sponsor guarantees that: a, it will, in the operation of the facility, comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, procedures, covenants and assurances required by the State in connection with this Grant; and b. the Allport or navigational facility which is the subject of this Grant shall be controlled by the Sponsor for a period of at least 20 years; and c. consistent with safety and security requirements, it shall make the airport or air navigational facility available to all types, kinds and classes of aeronautical use without discrimination between such types, kinds and classes and shall provide adequate public access during the period of this Grant; and d, it shall not grant or permit anyone to exercise an exclusive right for the conduct of aeronautical activity on or about an airport landing area, Aeronautical activities include, but are not limited to scheduled airline flights, charter flights, flight instruction, aircraft sales, rental and repair, sale of aviation petroleum products and aerial applications, The landing area consists of nmways or landing strips, taxiways, parking aprons, roads, airport lighting and navigational aids; and e. it shall not enter into any agreement nor pennit any aircraft to gain direct ground access to the sponsor's airport from private property adjacent to or in the innnediate area of the airport. Further, Sponsor shall not allow aircraft direct ground access to private property. Sponsor shall be subject to this prohibition, connnonly known as a "through-the-fence operation," unless an exception is granted in writing by the State due to extreme circumstances; and f it shall not permit non-aeronautical use of airport facilities without prior approval of the State; and Page 3 of12 A VN4301.DOC (9/2006) 733 g. the Sponsor shall submit to the State annual statements of airport revenues and expenses when requested; and h. all fees collected for the use of the airport shall be reasonable and nondiscriminatory. The proceeds from such fees shall be used solely for the development, operation and maintenance of the airport or navigational facility; and 1. an Airport Fund shall be established by resolution, order or ordinance in the treasury of the Sponsor, or evidence of the prior creation of an existing airport fund or a properly executed copy of the resolution, order, or ordinance creating such a fund, shall be submitted to the State. The fund may be an account as part of another fund, but must be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole, All fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations must be deposited in the Airport Fund and shall not be diverted to the general revenue fund or any other revenue fund of the Sponsor. All expenditures from the Airport Fund shall be solely for airport purposes. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsequent grant or loan by the State unless, prior to such subsequent approval of a grant or loan, Sponsor has complied with the requirements of this subparagraph; and J. the Sponsor shall operate runway lighting at least at low intensity from sunset to sunrise; and k. insofar as it is reasonable and within its power, Sponsor shall adopt and enforce zoning regulations to restrict the height of structures and use of land adj acent to or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to heights and activities compatible with normal airport operations as provided in Tex. Loc. Gov!. Code Ann. Sections 241.001 et seq. (Vernon and Vernon Supp.). Sponsor shall also acquire and retain avigation easements or other property interests in or rights to use of land or airspace, unless sponsor can show that acquisition and retention of such interest will be impractical or will result in undue hardship to Sponsor. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsequent grant or loan by the State unless Sponsor has, prior to subsequent approval of a grant or loan, adopted and passed an airport hazard zoning ordinance or order approved by the State. 2, The Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall save harmless the State, the State's agents, employees or contractors from all claims and liability due to activities of the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees performed under this agreement: The Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall also save harmless the State, the State's agents, employees or contractors from any and all expenses, including attorney fees which might be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting claim or AVN430LDOC (9/2006) Page 4 of 12 734 e e e e e e 6, 7, liabilities which might be imposed on the State as the result of those activities by the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees. , !. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of this Grant shall be evidenced by execution of this Grant by the Sponsor. The Grant shall comprise a contract, constituting the obligations and rights of the State of Texas and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the project and the operation and maintenance of the airport. If it becomes unreasonable or impractical to complete the project, the State may void this agreement and release the Sponsor from any further obligation of project costs. 4. Upon entering into this Grant, Sponsor agrees to name an individnal, as the Sponsor's Authorized Representative, who shall be the State's contact with regard to this project. The Representative shall receive all correspondence and documents associated with this grant aiJ.d shall make or shall acquire approvals and disapprovals for this grant as required on behalf of the Sponsor, and coordinate schedule for work items as required. 5, By the acceptance of grant funds for the maintenance of eligible airport buildings, the Sponsor certifies that the buildings are owned by the City and/or County. The buildings may be leased but if the lease agreement specifies that the lessee is responsible for the upkeep and repairs of the building no state funds shall be used for that purpose. Sponsor shall request reimbursement of eligible project costs on forms provided by the State. All. reimbursement requests are required to include a copy of the invoices for the materials or services. The reimbursement request will be submitted no more than once a' month. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Agreement shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Transportation Code, Chapter 21, constituting the contractual obligations and rights of the State of Texas and the. Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the airport maintenance and compliance with the assurances and conditions as provided. Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the State's written Notice to Proceed issued following execution of this agreement. . . A VN4J01.DOC (9/2006) Page 5 of 12 L _ 735 PART IV - Nomination ofthe Agent I. The Sponsor designates the State as the party to receive and disburse all funds used, or to be used, in payment ofthe costs of the project, or in reimbursement to either of the parties for costs incurred. 2. The State shall, for all purposes in connection with the project identified above, be the Agent of the Sponsor. The Sponsor grants the State a power of attomeyto act as its agent to perform the following services; e a. accept, receive, and deposit with the State any and all project funds granted, allowed, and paid or made available by the Sponsor, the State of Texas, or any other entity; b, enter into contracts as necessary for execution of scope of services; . c, if State enters into a contract as Agent: exercise supervision and direction of the project work as the State reasonably finds appropriate, Where there is an irreconcilable conflict or difference of opinion, judgment, order or direction between the State and the Sponsor or any service provider, the State shall issue a written order which shall prevail and be controlling; d, receive, review, approve and pay invoices and payment requests for services and materials supplied in accordance with the State approved contracts; e. obtain an audit as may be required by state regulations; the State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from TxDOT directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction ofthe legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. e f reimburse sponsor for approved contract maintenance costs no more than once a month, PART V - Recitals I, This Grant is executed for the sole benefit of the contracting parties and is not intended or executed for the direct or incidental benefit of any third party. Page 6 of 12 A VN4301.DOC (912006) e "1:16 IV e e e 2, It is the intent of this grant to not supplant local funds normally utilized for airport maintenance, and that any state financial assistance offered under this grant be in addition to those local fimds normally dedicated for airport maintenance. J This Grant is subject to the applicable provisions of the Transportation Code, Chapters 21 and 22, and the Airport Zoning Act, Tex. Lac. Gov!. Code Ann, Sections 241.001 et seq, CV emon and Vemon Supp,). Failure to comply with the terms of this Grant or with the rules and statutes shall be considered a breach of this contract and will allow the State to pursue the remedies for breach as stated below. a, Of primary importance to the State is compliance with the terms and conditions of this Grant. If, however, after all reasonable attempts to require compliance have failed, the State finds that the Sponsor is unwilling and/or Wlable to comply with any of the terms of this Grant, the State, may pursue any of the following remedies: (1) require a refimd of any financial assistance money expended pursuant to this Grant, (2) deny Sponsor's future requests for aid, (3) request the Attorney General to bring suit seeking reimbursement of any financial assistance money expended on the project pursuant to this Grant, provided however, these remedies shall not limit the State's authority to enforce its rules, regulations or orders as otherwise provided by law, (4) declare this Grant null and void, or (5) any other remedy available at law or in equity. b. Venue for resolution by a. court of competent jurisdiction of any dispute arising under the terms of this Grant, or for enforcement of any of the provisions of this Grant, is specifically set by Grant of the parties in Travis County, Texas. 4. The State reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Grant at any time prior to acceptance by the Sponsor. The acceptance period cannot be greater than 30 days after issuance Wlless extended by the State. 5, This Grant constitutes the full and total understanding of the parties concerning their rights and responsibilities in regard to this project and shall not be modified, amended, rescinded or revoked unless such modification, amendment, rescission or revocation is agreed to by both parties in writing and executed by both parties, 6, All commitments by the Sponsor and the State are subject to constitutional and statutory limitations and restrictions binding upon the Sponsor and the State (including Sections 5 and 7 of Article 11 of the Texas Constitution, if applicable) and to the availability of fimds which lawfully may be applied, Page 7 of 12 AVN4301,DOC (9/2006) 1.0_ ...,nf-j IV' Part VI - Acceptances Sponsor The County of Calhoun, Texas, does ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, agreements, and all terms and conditions of this Grant. Executed this 13 day of October ,20-0 ~ rN1J1I1Lw toess SIgnature County of Calhoun. Texas Sponsor 'lOttJcJ ~ ~4v Sponsor Signature Deuuty County Cle~k Witoess Title Calhoun County Judge Sponsor Title Certificate of Attorney I, Shannon Salyer , acting as attorney for Calhoun County Texas, do certify that I have fully examined the Grant and the proceedings taken by the Sponsor relating to the acceptance of the Grant, and find that the manner of acceptance and execution of the Grant by the Sponsor, is in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Dated at Calhoun County Wuvl~~ W ess Signature De ut Count Clerk Witoess Title A VN4301.DOC (9/2006) , Texas, this 13 day of October ,20~. ttorney's Signature Page 8 of 12 L' 738 e e e e e e Acceptance of the State Executed by and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs and grants heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Date: ..--... Page 9 of 12 A VN4301.DOC (9/2006) 739 Attachment A Scope of Services TxDOT CSJ No.:M613PTLA V P A. VEMENTS $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 e GF:NERAL MAINTENANCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PA.VEMENT MARKINGS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 GR.ADINGIDRAINAGE $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS - A WOS $2,340.00 $1,170,00 $1,170.00 MISCELLANEOUS $1,000.00 $500,00 $500.00 Total $3,340.00 $1,670,00 $1,670.00 Accepted by: County of Calhoun. Texas ~~Si~ Title: Calhoun COllnty Judge Date: October 13, 2005 e Notes: (explanations of any specifications or variances as needed for above scope items) MISCELLANEOUS - Sponsor to contract for NADIN interface. A WOS repairs/parts rep lacement Only work items as described in Attachment A, Scope of Services of this Grant are reimbursable under this grant. Page 10 of 12 A VN430 J .DOC (9/2006) e 740 e e e CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORT FUND TIDOT CSJ No.: M613PTLA V The County of Calhoun does certifY that an Airport Fund has been established for the Sponsor, and that all fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations will be deposited for the benefit of the AiIport Fund and will not be diverted for other general revenue fund expenditures or any other special fund of the Sponsor and that all expenditures from the Fund will be solely for airport purposes. The fund may be an account as part of another fund, but m[st be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained eamings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. The County of Calhoun. Texas (Sponsor) By:~..J rW<r Title: Calhoun County Judge Date: October 13, 2005 Page 11 ofl2 A VN4301.DOC (912006) 741 DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TxDOT CSJ Number: M613PTLA V The County of Calhoun designates, Michael Balaika, Commissioner. Precinct I/? (Name, Title) as the Sponsor's authorized representative, who shall receive all correspondence and documents associated with this grant and who shall make or shall acquire approvals and disapprovals for this grant as required on behalf of the Sponsor. County of Calhoun, Texas (Sponsor) By: /IViAJ fl~ ~/" I~ Title: Calhoun County Judge Date: October 13, 2005 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE Mailing Address: 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Overnight Mailing Address: 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Telephone/Fax Number: 361-552-965.6/361-552-6664 Email address (if available): commish2@tisd.net Page 12 of 12 A YN430] .DOC (912006) 742 e '----" e '-' e , BAlJUICI BICllm WINSI BAlJUICI INT!RIST !ARNID 7NI2DDS & TBANSf1BS & TBAlISf1BS B/30/100S OPERATING $14,819,719,00 $ 3,208,379.36 $ 5,821,398.73 $12,205,699,63 $ 1,754,50 $ 2,708,64 $ 104,400.63 COMB HOSP REV & TAX CERT OF OBLlGI&S 353,648,78 5,407.58 243,426,25 115,830,11 1,327.85 CONSTRUCTION FUND (JAIL) 4,155,715.40 783,829.59 1,792,842.95 3,146,702.04 924.23 31,276.58 CONSTRUCTION FUND SERIES 2003.1 & S (JAIL) 982,005,14 15,226,24 758,731,88 238,498,50 2,276,39 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION SERIES 2004 5,124,537.32 41,123,87 197,344,65 4,968,316.64 307,71 40,816.16 CERT OF OBLlG.CRTHSE REN.I&S SERIES 2004 140,215,44 2,703.81 123,135,01 19,784.24 80.49 CALHOUN CO, DISASTER GRANT FUND 1,00 . . 1.00 IMPREST JURY. DISTRICT COURT 1,802,56 1,946.72 948.00 2.801.28 8,63 IMPREST JURY. COUNTY COURT 2,119,71 440,84 522.00 2,038,35 10.64 MEMORIAL MED CTR OPERATING 2,487,822.31 4,983,892.50 5,051,997.25 2,419,717.56 9,690.30 MEMORIAL MED CTR MEMORIAL 17,599.21 66,62 17,665,83 66.62 MEMORIAL MED CTR RESTRICTED DONATION 13,958.31 52,84 14,011.15 52,84 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 2,085,30 478,974.44 479,182.53 1,877.21 68,17 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #6 13,478.31 57,84 - 13,535,95 51,41 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #8 56,121,37 1,123,71 5,765.18 51,479,90 208.40 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #10. MAINT & OPER. 36,729,S4 307.21 5,016.47 52,020,28 134.34 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #10.1 & S 2,491.04 131,9S . 2,622,99 9,74 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 . MAINT & OPER. 141,168,73 4,768.45 23,023,51 122,913.87 509,35 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 -I & S 68,828.25 954.37 - 69,779.62 262.13 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 - RESERVE 60 437.58 190,94 . 50 628,52 190,94 SUBTOTALS $28,470,681,30 $9,629,577,48 $14,503,334,41 $23,496,924.37 $5,927,59 $14,717,73 $176,493.S7 TAXES IN ESCROWIOPER FUND\ . . $0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 TOTAL $28,470,681.30 $9,629,577.48 $14,503,334.41 3496,924.37 $S,927,59 $14,717,73 $176,493,57 e e CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE INVESTMENT REPORT QUARTER EHDlHG SEPTEMBER 3D 2005 e IAVERAGE RATE 3.18%1 r.;:,- OfRTIFlC 8AIAIICI PUBCHASISI 8AIAIICI DAn ISSUID 7NllDn WITIIDBAWAlS B/30/2001 70000-94257 6/1212002 . . 0 70000-94580 9/6/2002 - - 0 70000-94893 10/1312002 - . 0 70000-95024 11/1912002 - - 0 7??oo-95032 11/1912002 . . 0 70000-95601 3/18/2003 - . 0 70000-96322 913012003 4,000,000 (1,000,000) 3,000,000 70000-96594 11/1912003 3,600,000 (2,500,000) 1,000,000 70000-97256 4/2112004 . . 0 70000-97876 8/2312004 4,750.000 4,750,000 70000-98388 1112212004 7,416.633 7,416,633 70000-98937 212512005 3 000 000 - 3 000 000 TOTALS $ 22 666 633 , (3 500 000 " 19166633 -1 ~ ~ -, 1.60%1 1.50%1 OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) OPERATING OPERATING CONSTRUCTION (COURTHOUSE) OPERATING OPERATING ll/S'!ll>S' a3~5 @2,nl-<' - ~ '" -i ::!!cr9:@ o::J::JQI ~rol.OV"I .. .., < c "Tl:tl~@ -. -. -..., ~~~~ (D =r::::J (I) ~ 10 '" ",!:f", ro ::::J cu Dl ;:l a.r"'t"3fif .......Vl(Da. t: e!.... =r a.a.D:l([) (Q ..., .., ..., roro~3 Jl"88:o roito" -. ::J r"'t" ~ .::; ~c-~- Q.)roQl~ =cuLn(1) i3~~'8 ""''''00..;:+ ~[~Q' " -< iil'~S'~ C3~3-g ;" m 3 ~ ~~. g ...,. -..., (D. 0 N !?-~o ~o b'll/:;;' 3DT::J 3...... a. in@5' 5- g: i< "a. ro", Ul II! ro (j)1;;~ '" " ~ <0.(1) g: ~ '8 - ~ '" " a. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FUND AIRPORT MAlNfENANCE APPELLAlE runICIAL SYSTEM ANIMAL CONfROL-CA WS CClSDISEADRIFTICO. ROAD PROJECT CHAMBER TOURISM CE.NIER COURTHOUSE SECURITY DONATIONS FAMILY PROTECTION FUND lUVENJLE DELINQUENCY PREVENTIONFUND GRAmS HWY 87IFMI090 JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #1 LA'!ERAL ROAD PREClNCT #2 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCf #3 LAlERAL ROAD PRECINCT #4 LAW LIBRARY LAWENF OFFICERS SID. EDUC, (LEOSE.: roc COMMUNITY CENTER RECORDS MANAOEMENT-DISTRlcr CLERK RECORDS MANAGEMENr-COUNIT = RECORDS MOW & PRESERVATION ROAD & BRIDGE GEl'-mRAL ROAD &BRIDGEPREClNCT#3 ROAD MAINTENANCE PREClNcr #4 SHERIFF FORFEITED PROPERTY CAPITAL PROl-COASTAL IMPRO~ CAPITAL PROl-COURTHOUSB RENOV ATlOI< CAPITAL PROl-NEW EMS BillG CAPITAL PROJ-NEW JAIL BIDG CAPITAL PROl-PARKING LOT CAP PROJ~PCT 1 RD RECONSf -STORM CAPPROJ-PCT 1 RDRECON. TCDPDR#723037 CAPPROJ-PCT 2 - srORMREPAlRS CAPfTALPROJ-RB INFRASTRUCIURE eAPIT AI.. PROJ-SW AN POINT PARK eAPIT AI.. PROJ-AlRPORT .IMPROVEMENT n CAPrr AI.. PROJ-MOLD REMEDIATION CAP PR01-HATERmS PRK BOAT RAMP-S"IRM REI CAPPROJ-PORT ALTO PURL BEACH-STORM REf ARREST FEES BAlL BOND l<1:!.ES (HH 1(40) CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS (NEW) CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTTIUTE CRIME STOPPERS FUND CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION ELECTIONS CONTRAcr SERVICE FINES AND COURT COSTS HOLDING FUND FUGTI1VE APPREHENsION INDIGENT CIVIL LEGAL SERVICE JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS) JUDICAL PERSONNEL TRAINING IUSTlCE OF THE PEACE ClEARING SU.Bl'OTALS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 20.527,36 1.257.99 138.87 223.16 166,841.26 128,471.88 315.00 7,081.55 73,072.44 808,200.33 17,989.94 3,679.95 3,679.95 3,679.95 3,679.95 73,743.70 9,986.62 6,407.58 195.89 106,205,72 74,2A 1.43 416,791.68 11,268,53 14.567,70 1,057.01 61,899.64 512,644,47 000 80,543,81 403.906.18 20,581.17 17,796.13 32,73248 74,720.40 4,66279 858.83 33.148.15 30,384.78 0.00 795.00 945.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,469.09 9.537,56 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 32,120.76 Page 1 of 3 BECEIPTS 57.20 168.51 0,00 0.00 0.00 2.050,34 840.68 15.00 19.73 1,692.49 2,252.25 722.60 10.26 10,26 10.26 10.26 1,360.51 27.83 17.86 38.05 4,260.97 734.88 23,368.39 31.40 40,60 2.95 0,00 20,996.61 0.00 384.770.61 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 58,168.53 0.00 0,00 0.00 232.00 1,140.00 8,815.61 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 193.00 120,04 0.00 15.320.63 MONTH OF, AUGUST 2Oll5-'-::::> ENDING DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE 1,660.99 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 3.00 593.10 0.00 0,00 22.165.15 0.00 205.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 889.58 1,514.89 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 275.61 31,745.91 0.00 384,770.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0,00 40.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 873.44 18,923.57 1,426.50 138.87 0.00 223.16 168,888.60 128,719.46 330.00 7,101.28 52,599.78 810,452.58 18.507,13 3,690.21 3,690.21 3,690.21 3,690.21 75,104.21 9,124.87 4,910.55 233.94 11 0,466.69 74,976.31 440.160.07 11,299.93 14,608.30 1,059.96 61,624.03 501,895.17 19,196.25 0.00 80,543.81 403,906.18 20,581.17 17.796.13 32,73248 74,720.40 62,831.32 858.83 33,148.15 30.384.78 231.00 1,935.0U 9,721.04 0.00 0.00 0,00 4,469.09 9.537.56 0.00 193.00 120.04 0.00 46.567,95 e 744 e e e COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, AUGUST 2005 FUND FUND BAlANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE OPERATING FUND - BALANCE FORWARI; $ 13,271,26271 $ 1,271,912.28 $ 1.977.508,70 $ 12,565,666.29 JUVENILE CRIME & DELINQUENCY - 0,00 0,00 0.00 JUVENILE PROBATION RES1TIUTION 476.10 155.74 40,00 591.84 LIBRARY GIFT AND MEMORIAL 48.181.56 352.12 0,00 48,533.68 MISCELLANEOUs CLEARING 3Z4.88 6,216.21 1,179.57 5,361.52 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 2,225,00 0.00 noo 2,225.00 :HAlb L:J v 1L .Nib t'UNU O1U.UU l,l:lZUIU V.W 2.,4:.'lUSU SUBTITI.E C FUND 0.00 3,774.52 0.00 3,774.52 lTME P AYMENfS 177.78 933.23 0.00 1,111.01 1RAF'FICLAWFAll..URE TO APPEAR 0,00 456,03 0,00 456.03 UNCLAlMl:ill YKUYlli<TY J,4b:t.:n. U,(JU U,(JU J,4bZ.ZZ BOOT CAMP/JJAEP 82.938.58 34,321.13 7,278.51 109,981.20 JUVENll..E PROBATION 255.600.51 19,145.55 25,540,14 2A9,205.92 SUBTOTALS , ",603;:09,34 , 1,339,088,01 I' 2.011.546,92 $ 12,992,801.03 TAXES IN ESCROW 0,00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 13,665.259.34 $ 1,339,088.61 $ 2,011,546.92 $ l2,992,80L03 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OFOBLIG. 356,626.38 1,455.55 0,00 358,081.93 CONSTRUCTION (lAn..) 4,071,314.94 761,044.12 1,384,770.61 3,447,588.45 CONSTRUCTION (lAn..) SERIEs 2003 -I & S 990,670.70 3,868.76 758,731.88 235,807.58 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION FUND SERIES 2004 5,012,289.18 10,279,44 19,568,00 5,003,000.62 CERT. OF OB-CRTHSE REN. I&S FUND SERIEs 2004 141,817.96 593.25 122,585.01 19,826.20 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANI' FUND 1.00 0,00 0,00 1.00 JURY lMPREST-DIS'lRlCf COURT 1,182.09 '1.73 324,00 860.82 JURY IMPREST+COUNTY COURT 1,985.48 3.58 234.00 1,755.06 TOTAL OPER & OTHER. CO. FUNDS 1$ 24,241147.07 1$ 2,116 336.04 4;197,760.42 1$ 22,059,722.69 MEMORlALMEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,259,175.92 $ 1,806,161.47 $ 1,801,195.11 $ 2,264,142.28 MEMORlAL 17,621.63 22.45 0.00 17,644.08 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,976.09 17.81 0,00 13,993.90 INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 1.838.23 109,962.99 109,948.44 1,852.78 TOTALS $ 2.292,611.87 $ 1,916,164.72 $ 1,911,143.55 $ 2,297,633,04 DRAINAGE DISTRICTS NO.6 13,495.85 $ 23.43 $ - $ 13.519,28 NO.8 57,107.98 73,65 5,713.18 51,468.45 NO. 100MAlNfENANCE 36,897.16 60,71 4,975.47 31.98240 NO. 100DEBT SERVICE 2,579.62 13.00 0,00 2.592,62 NO. l1-MAlNTENANCEJOPERATING 142,912.29 993.86 10,134.95 133.771.20 NO. II-DEBT SERVICE 69,340.32 22731 0,00 69,567.63 NO. II-RESERVE 50,501.84 64,34 0.00 50,566.18 TOTALS $ 372,835.06 $ 1,456.30 $ 20.823,60 $ 353,467.76 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATIONDIST. MAlNfENANCE AND OPERATING 134,485.77 $ 2,859.68 $ 8,703.80 $ 128,641.65 . TOTAL MMC, DRAINAGE DIST. & NA V. DlST. $ 2,799,932.70 $ 1,920,480.70 $ l,94O,670.95 $ 2,779,742.45 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1$ 24,839,465,14 Page 2 of 3 745 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, AUGUST 2005 LESS: CERT.OF DEPI FUND OUTSTNDG DEPt PLUS; CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE OPERATING '" $ 12,992,801.03 $ 11,455,957.33 $ 348,973.62 $ 1,885,817.32 JURY 1MPREST.DI=cr COURT 860,82 0,00 1,158.00 2,018.82 JURY IMPR.BST~COUNIY COURT 1,755.06 0.00 938.00 2.693.06 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANT FUND 1,00 0.00 0.00 COMB, HOSP, REV, & TAX CERTlF. OF OBUG, 358.081.93 301.65 0,00 357,780.28 CONSTRUcnON (JAIL) "'''' 3,447,588.45 3,000,002.50 0.00 447,585.95 CONSTRUCTION (lAlL) SERlES 2003.1 & S 235.8(17.58 914.95 0.00 234,892.63 COURTHOUSE RENQV. FUND SERIES 2004 "'.c 5,003.000,62 4,750,002.50 0.00 252,998.12 CERT. OFO:B-CRTIiSEREN. I&SFUND SERIEs 2004 19,826.20 113.68 19,71252 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER; OPERATING 2,264,142.28 0.00 140,089.91 2,4l}f,232.19 MEMORIAL 17,644.08 0.00 0,00 17,644.08 RES1R1CTED DONATION 13,993.90 0.00 0,00 13,993.90 INDIGENT HEALTIlCARE 1,85Z,78 0.00 1,725.31 3,578.09 DRAINAGE DISTRICT: NO.6 13,519.28 0.00 0.00 13,519.28 NO,8 51,468.45 0.00 5,713.18 57,181.63 NO. 10 MAINTENANCE 31,98240 0,00 4,975.47 36,957.87 NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE 2.59262 0.00 0.00 2.592.62 NO. 11 MAINTENANCEIOPERATING 133.771,20 288.37 0.00 133,482.83 NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE 69,567.63 48.14 0.00 69,519.49 NO. 11 RESERVE 50,566.18 0,00 0.00 50,566.18 CALHOUN CO. NA VlGATION DlST, MAINTENANCE/OPERATING ......~ 128,641.65 0.00 0.00 128,641.65 TOTAlS 24,839,465.14 19,2()7,629.12 503,573.49 $ 6,135,409.51 . CDs. OPERATING FUND $11,416.633.36 .. CD. CONSlRUCTION (JAIL) $3,000,000 ... CD. COUR1HOUSE RENOVATION $4,750.,000,0.0 .... TIIE DEPOSITORY FOR CAlJIOUN CO. NAVIGATION D1STRIcr IS FIRST VIcrORIA NATIONAL BANK. pORT LA V ACA TIIE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTIlER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE . PORT LA VACA e RHONDA S. KOKENA COUNTY TREASURER Page 3 of 3 e 746 e _,:!~~nce }?,a!ance FUND NAME 07/rJ1/rJ5 ReceIpts DIsbursements 09130105 General $ 11,1"4,455 1$ 1.476,133 ~ 4,248,310 ~ 8,352,278 Airport Maintenance 24,557 179 7,699 17,038 Appellate Judicial Systerr 631 934 0 1,568 Animal Control - CAWS 139 0 0 139 CCISD/SeadrifVCo . Road Project 14,8S2 0 14,852 0 Chamber Tourism Center 223 0 0 223 Courthouse Security 183,084 8,371 25,420 166,035 Donations 127,788 8,488 933 13S,341 Family Protection Func 255 120 0 375 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Funl 7,063 60 0 7,123 Grants 54,343 54,353 51,397 57,299 Hwy 87/FM 1090 606,061 6,828 0 612,886 Justice Court Technolo9) 17,300 2,397 567 19,131 Lateral Road Precinct 1 3,670 31 0 3,701 Lateral Road Precinct 2 3,670 31 0 3,701 Lateral Road Precinct :3 3,670 31 0 3,701 Lateral Road Precinct 4 3,670 31 0 3,701 Law Ubrary 69,220 7,055 0 76,275 Law Enforcement Officers standard Education {LEaSE; 10,239 82 1,169 9,152 Port O'Connor Community Centel 8,172 2,344 5,812 4,705 Records Management ~ DIstrict Clerk 138 159 - 297 Records Management - County Clerk 95,802 18,002 6 113,796 Records Management & Preservation 72,717 3,959 1.479 75,198 Road & Bridge General 351,337 106,909 0 458,246 Road & Bridge Precinct 3 11,239 95 0 11,334 Road Maintenance Precinct .tl 14,529 123 0 14,652 Sheriff Forfeited Prope~ l,OS4 9 0 1,063 Capital Projects - Coastal Improvements 72.420 0 11,096 61,324 Capital Projects. Courthouse Renovatlor 511,287 200,010 195,716 515,581 Capital Projects - New EMS Buildin~ 19,196 0 0 19,196 Capital Projects. New Jail Buildin& 0 1,042,843 1,042,843 0 Capital Projects - Parking Lot 80,544 0 0 80,544 Capital Projects - Pct. 1 Road Reccn. - Storm Repair 403,906 0 0 403,906 Capital Projects. Pct. 1 Rd. Recon.- TCDP DR#723037 20,581 0 0 20,S81 Capital Projects. Pct. 2 ~ Storm Repairs 17,796 0 0 17,796 Capital Projects - Road &. Bridge Infrastructure 32,732 0 0 32,732 Capital Projects - Swan Point Park 74,720 0 0 74,720 Capital Projects - Airport Improvement II 4,663 58,169 0 62,831 Capital Projects - Mold Remediation 859 0 0 859 Capital Projects - Haterius Park boat Ramp - Storm Repair 33,148 0 0 33,148 Capital Projects - Port Alto Public Beach - Storm Repail 30,385 0 0 30,385 Elections Contract ServiCE 6.466 236 2,233 4.469 Fines and Court Costs Holding FUn< 9,538 0 0 9,538 Justice of the Peace Clearinr; 36,567 213 3,482 33,317 Ubrary Gift & Memorial 48,004 757 0 46,761 Miscellaneous Clearin& 20,769 15,942 36,191 520 Boot Camp/JJAEP 93,813 41,698 22,627 112,885 Juvenile Probatior 252,848 80,669 87,246 246,271 Combination Hosp. Revenue & Tax Certificates of Obligatio! 353,849 5,408 243,426 115,830 Construction (Jail; 4,155,715 763,830 1,792.843 3,146,702 Construction (Jail) Series 2003 - Interest & Sinklnf 982,005 15,225 756,732 238.499 Courthouse Renovation Fund Series 200~ S,124,537 41,124 197,345 4,968,317 Cer.t Of Ob-Courthouse Ren. 1&5 Fund Series 200" 140,215 2,704 123,135 19,784 Calhoun County DIsaster Grant FUn( 1 0 0 1 Imprast Jury - District CoUr1 1,803 1,947 948 2,801 Imprest Jury. County Coun 2,120 441 S22 2,038 Memorial Medical Center. Operatin& 2.487,822 4,983,893 5,051,997 2.419,718 Memorial Medical Center. Memorla 17,599 67 0 17,666 Memorial Medical Center - Restricted Donatiom 13,958 53 0 14,011 Memorial Medical Center ~ Indigent Healthcan 2,085 476,974 479,183 l,8n Totals $28,061,851 $9,450,926 $14,407,209 $23,l05,S69 CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE STATEMENT OF BALANCES e We the undersigned County Judge and Commissioners in and for Calhoun County, Texas hereby certify that we ha made an ex . lion of the County Treasurer's quarterly report, filed wnh us on this day and have Iou the same be rrect and in due order . ~.~t><.. enneth W. Finster, Commissioner Pet ~ SWORN TO AND SUBSCI3J~ BEFOR~nty Judge, and County Commissioners 01 said Calhoun Count~ each respectively, on this ~ day 01 r, 2001 _EFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day per appeared Rhonda S, Kokena, County Treasurer, Calhoun County says that the wnhin and foregoing re ort is tru and orre, ' Rh nda S. Kokena, Cou y T easure FILED FOR RECORD AND RECORDED THIS cJ.r day ofDJe,be;.r, 2005, ~~~ Anita Fricke, County Clerf 747 ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: Claims totaling $1,776,660.13 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same,a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: e Claims totaling $2,048,293.28 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEAL THCARE: Claims totaling $168,118.09 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer ali voted in favor. ISSUES RELATING TO THE NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Kevin Krueger and Lester Colley with Krueger Construction were present to answer any question regarding the New Jail Construction Project. Commissioner Fritsch asked why the project was so far behind schedule Lester Colley stated that the rain in the early part of the project had a huge impact on the project, also there was a week lost due to the Hurricane. The actual completion date was scheduled for today and Krueger is saying at this time it looks like late January will be the completion date, ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT: Judge Pfeifer spoke regarding the Courthouse Renovation Project he stated that Krueger Construction will have crews on site this coming Monday, Lester Colley will be overseeing this project for Krueger Construction. The roof needs to be stabilized and this will be one of the first things done on this project. e ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF'S MOTIVATION FUND: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Gaivan to accept the following donations to the Calhoun County Sheriff's Motivation Fund; Doycar Vending for $11.45 and Mrs, Lucille Bolling for $200, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, DECLARE AS SALVAGE AND REMOVE FROM THE COUNTY JUDGE'S INVENTORY A LEXMARK OPTRA R+ LASER PRINTER. INVENTORY #401-0044: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Declare as Salvage and remove form the County Judge's Inventory a Lexmark Optra R+ Laser Printer, Inventory #401-0044. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DECLARE AS SURPLUS/SALVAGE AND REMOVE FROM PRECINCT #4 INVENTORY A DOCUMENT WORKCENTER - FAX/COPIER/SCANNER - SN #T9R-126756: A Motion was made by Commissioner Fin5ter and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Declare as Surplu5/Salvage and remove from Precinct #4 Inventory a Document Workcenter - Fax/Copher/Scanner - SN#T9R-12s7s6. Commissioners Galvan, Baiajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Court adjourned at 11:10 a.m, 748 HEARINGDATE:Thursday, October 27,2005 COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 r:n ~ r- 1111111111111111I111111111111111111I11I111I11I11I1111I11I11111111111I111111111111I11111111111IIIIII1IIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-POINT COMF DEPARTMENT NO: 320 AMENDMENT NO: 929 REQUESTOR:NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVEIIUE REVEIIUE EXPENDmIRI EllPEIlDIJURE IICREASE ACCT ND ACCT NAMf GRANT NO GRANT NAMf flCREASE DECREASE _EASE DECREASE IDECREASB 53980 SUPPlIES/OPERATING EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $612 $612 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $499 $499 AMENDMENT NO 929 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $1,111 AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-POINT COMFORT TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $1,111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 340 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR:COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDIIURE EXPENDIIURE IICREASf ACCT ND ACCT NAMf GRANT ND GRANT NAME flCREASE DECREASE f/CREASE DECREASE IDECREASB 53980 SUPPLlESIOPERA TING EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $40 $40 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $40 $0 ($40) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $40 $40 $0 AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-5EADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $40 $40 $0 1II11111111111111111111111111111fllllllllllllllIJIIIJlIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111I11I111I11I1111I111111I11I111111I1111I1111I1111I111I111I11I11I11I111I111111I11I11111I1111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 IAMENDMENT REASON: loveRDRAWN ACCOUNTS AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR .-~-_._--------_._--------_._--- EXPENDITURE EXPENDDURE IICREASE DECREASE RIND BAl DlCREASE IDECREASEJ ,~C~ NO _______~~~~_j___ Wednesday, October 26,2005 GRANT NO GRANT NAME REVINlIE flCREASE REVENUE DECREASE Page 1 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 o L":> f'- I 11I11I11I11 1II111111111111111111111111111U1II1II1II1I 1I1111111illllllllllllflllllll 1II11111ff1l1ll 1IIf111 I III 1111I I 111111I11I1 11I111111111111111I11I111111111I11111I111111111I111111111111111111I111111I1111I111111I11I1111111111111II DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR4COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNDBAl REVENUE RMNUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ftCIIEASE ACCTNO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDfCREASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $25 $0 ($25) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $650 $650 65471 REPAIRS-PLAZA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $625 $0 ($625) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $650 $650 $0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL $0 $0 $650 $650 $0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COMMISSIONERS COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 230 !AMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl REVENUE RMNUf EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE "CllfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME "CREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE mECREASEI 63290 LEGAL NOTICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $35 $0 ($35) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $478 $478 64520 PATHOLOGIST FEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $443 $0 ($443) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $478 $478 $0 COMMISSIONERS COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $478 $478 $0 1111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 600 Wednesday, October 26. 2005 Page 2 of 21 COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE:Thursday, October 27,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 ,~ u-;, f'~ 11111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1III11IIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 600 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUNDBAL REVE1/IJf BEVE1/IJf EXPEPIIIlIIIIf EXI'fNDIRIIlE INI:JlEASE ACCT ND ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME Ii1:REASE DECREASE t1CREASE DECREASE mECftfASEJ 53995 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $90 $0 ($90) 60332 AUTO ALLOWANCES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $90 $90 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $90 $90 $0 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $90 $90 $0 11I11I111111111I1111I11I111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I11I11I11I1111I11I1111I11I11I111I111I11I11111111111I1111111I111111I111111111I1111II 111111I II I 11I1 1111I11I11 1I111111111J1I1II1II 11I11I11I1 1I1111111111111111111111111111111J1JJJJJJJJJJJJJ DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUND 8AL REVE1/IJf REVE1/IJf EXPEPIIIlIIIIf EXPENDITURE t1CREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO CRANT NAME t1CREASE DECREASE L'lCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $120 $0 ($120) 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $120 $120 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $120 $120 $0 COUNTY CLERK TDTAL $0 $0 $120 $120 $0 11I111I11I11111I11111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I1111I111I111I111111I11I111I1111111I11I111111111I11I111111111I1111I1111111I11I1111I11111I1111I11I11I11I11111I111I11I11111I11I11I11I11I11I111111111I11I1111I1111I11I11I11I111I1111I11I1111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT.AT-LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 MENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME REVENUE t1CREASE REVENUE DECREASE EXPENDnURf EXPENDITURE INCREASE DECREASE fUND BAl INCREASE mECREASEJ Wednesday, October 26,2005 Page 3 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 N L~ r- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1IIIIIIIII1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111II11III1IIII1 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT.LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 [AMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND BAt REVENUE REVENUE EXPEMlIlURE EXPENDITURE IiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IiCREASE DEGREASE IiCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $93 $0 ($93) 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $93 $93 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $93 $93 $0 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW TOTAL $0 $0 $93 $93 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIIIIIII111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 I,AMENDMENTNO: 935 I REQUESTOR:COUNTYAUDITOR [AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDIfURE EXPENDIIDRf IiCllEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IiCREASE DECREASE IiCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 51536 BAlIFF-TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $4,725 $4,725 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $126 $0 ($126) 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPlIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $56 $0 ($56) 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $8,967 $0 ($8,967) 60053 ADULT ASSIGNED-OTHER lITIGA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $482 $0 ($482) 61460 COURT REPORTER-SPECIAL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $182 $182 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $4,724 $4,724 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $9,631 $9,631 $0 DISTRICT COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $9,631 $9,631 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111II11IIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 630 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 4 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 C"':} L~ r.. i :iJ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIJJJJJJJJJJJJIJIIJJJJJJJJlIIJIIJIJlIJIUI"U""""'IIIIIIIIIIUU"'UmlllflllfllflflIffUIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11III DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 630 MENDMENT NO: 91T REQUESTOR:MICHAEL J. PFEIFER IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME ICREASE DECREASE ICREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 AMENDMENT NO 917 TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 MENDMENT NO: 919 REQUESTOR:MICHAEL J. PFEIFER IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RlNDRAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDIlURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE ICREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53470 RADIO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 62690 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT NO 919 TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $700 $700 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 51574 51613 51616 51920 ACCT NAME SALARIES PART-TIME OVERTIME BASE PAY OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY GROUP INSURANCE GRANT NO 999 999 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT NO GRANT NO GRANT REVENUE INCREASE $0 $0 $0 $0 REVENUE DECREASE $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDIJURE ICREASE $5,860 $6,254 $3,127 $0 EXPENDITURE DECREASE $0 $0 $0 $19,903 RIND HAl ICREASE mECREASEJ ($5,860) ($6,254) ($3,127) $19,903 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 5 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 ~ Lt:> i'- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1II1III1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11II1IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNOSAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE mEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME rlCREASE DECREASE rlCREASE DECREASE WECREASEI 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $430 $430 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $430 $0 ($430) 66192 TElEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $433 $0 ($433) 66600 UTILITIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $867 $0 ($867) 67120 VEHICLE FUEUOIUSERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,362 $0 ($3,362) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $20,333 $20,333 $0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL $0 $0 $20,333 $20,333 $0 1111I11I1111I111I11I1111I111111111111I111111I11I111I111I11I11I11I11111I1111I11I11I1111111I11I11111I11I111111I111I11I1111111I11I11I1111111I11I111I11111111111111I11111I1111I11I111I111I11111111I11I111I1"11I11I1111111I11I11I1111I1111I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO: 110 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNOSAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENIlII1IIlf EXPENDITlI8E rlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IiCREASE DECREASE rlCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $36 $0 ($36) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $36 $36 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $36 $36 $0 EXTENSION SERVICE TOTAL $0 $0 $36 $36 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111III1II1II1II11111111111I11111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-POINT COMFORT DEPARTMENT NO: 660 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 6 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1D 1D 1- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-POINT COMFORT DEPARTMENT NO: 660 AMENDMENT NO: 929 REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAt REVENUE IlfVEIilIE EXPENDIIlIIIE EXPENDIIURE lNalEASI: ACCT ND ACCT NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME .CREASE DECREASE .CREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $991 $991 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $4,919 $4,919 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,000 $0 ($2,000) 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $612 $0 ($612) 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $499 $0 ($499) 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $991 $0 ($991) 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,919 $0 ($4,919) AMENDMENT NO 929 TOTAL $0 $0 $9,021 $5,910 ($3,111) FIRE PROTECTION-POINT COMFORT TOTAL $0 $0 $9,021 $5,910 ($3,111) 1 III 11I111111I11I111I111I1111I11111I11I11I11I111I 11I11I11I1 111111I 111I1111I1111I111I11I 1 11I11I 11I1 1I111U1 1 III 11I111I11I11I1111 1111111I1111111111111I111I1111111111I111111111I111111I11111I1111I1111I11I1111I11I111I111I11I11I1111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR:COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUND BAl REVENUE I\EVENlIE EXPENDITURE EXPENOIJURE .WASE ACCT ND ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME .CREASE DECREASE .CREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53980 SUPPLlESIOPERATING EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $25 $0 ($25) 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $25 $25 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $25 $25 $0 FIRE PROTECTION-SEADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $25 $25 $0 11111111I11111I11I11I11I1111I11I111I11I111111I1111I1111I11I111111I111I11I11I111111I11I111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111I11111111I111111I11111111111I111I11I111I11I11111111I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I111111111I1111111111I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: HIGHWAY PATROL DEPARTMENT NO: 720 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 7 0121 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 :0 In r- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111II1IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III11III1IIII1 DEPARTMENT NAME: HIGHWAY PATROL DEPARTMENT NO: 720 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNODAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDDURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IICREASE DECREASE I'lCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $14 $0 ($14) 60970 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $14 $14 . AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $14 $14 $0 HIGHWAY PATROL TOTAL $0 $0 $14 $14 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JAIL DEPARTMENT NO: 180 !AMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNO BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDRURE EXPENDITURE IICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IICREASE DECREASE IICREASE DECREASE mECREASEI 51613 OVERTIME BASE PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $220 $0 ($220) 51616 OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $110 $0 ($110) 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $330 $330 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $8,741 $8,741 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $330 $9,071 $8,741 JAIL TOTAL $0 $0 $330 $9,071 $8,741 1111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 Wednesday, October 26,2005 Page 8 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 f'-- In 1'''' 1111II11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: .JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR:COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS -~ mND BAt IIEVENIJE RMNUE EXPENDITlIIIE EXPENOIIOII.E IIICIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO CHANT NAME IIICREASE DECREASE I'/CREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $80 $0 ($80) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $80 $0 ($80) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $80 $0 ($80) 111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: .JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 ~MENDMENT NO: 928 I REQUESTOR:JAMES Iv. DUCKETT IAMENDMENT REASON: I.JUDGE DESK & CABINET mND BAt REVENUE REVENUf EXPENDrrURE EXPENDITURE I'/CRfASf ACCT NO ACC' NAME SIIANT NO SIIANT NAME IICREASE DECREASE IIICREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,400 $0 ($1,400) 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $700 $700 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 64790 POSTAGE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $400 $400 AMENDMENT NO 928 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,400 $1,400 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS mND HAl REVEllUE REVENUE EllPENOIIURE EXPENDITURE ItCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME I'/CREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE mECREASEI 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPlIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $27 $0 ($27) 54020 DUES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $27 $27 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $415 $0 ($415) Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 9 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 GO Uj r- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIII111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR (AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS mND BAL REVENUE IIIVINUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDDURE WCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GJlANT NO GJlANT NAME rlCllEASE DECREASE IVtREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $442 $27 ($41S) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $1.842 $1.427 ($415) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 470 !AMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS mNDBAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDllURE EXPENOIIUIIE WCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME WCREASE DECREASE WCREASE DECREASE WECREASEJ 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $187 $0 ($187) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $187 $0 ($187) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $187 $0 ($187) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 480 IAMENDMENT NO: 932 I REQUESTOR:JAMES DWORACZYK IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 63500 66476 ACCT NAME MACHINE MAINTENANCE TRAVEL IN COUNTY GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT RMNUE rlCllEASE $0 $0 IIIVINUE DECREASE $0 $0 EXPENOIIIIRE IVtREASE $0 $765 EXPENDIIURE DECREASE $765 $0 RIND BAl WCREASE IDECREASfJ $765 ($765) Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 10 0121 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 OJ I1:l 1'- 11I111111I11I11I111I111I11I1111I111111111111111I11I1111I11I1111I111I1111I11I11I11I1111111111111I111111111I1111111I11I11I111111I11I111111111I11111111111111I11I11111111I11I11I11I11I111I11I11111I111I11I11111I11I11I11I111I11I1111I111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 480 ~MENDMENT NO: 932 I REQUESTOR:JAMES DWORACZYK IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER -, fUND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENOIIURE EXPEMIIIURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAMf GRANT NO GRANT NAMf INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ AMENDMENT NO 932 TOTAL $0 $0 $765 $765 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR; COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS AlND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPEMIIIURE EXPENOIIIJJlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAMf GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DfCREASE INCREASE DfCREASE lDECREASEJ 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES' 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $43 $0 ($43) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $43 $0 ($43) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $808 $765 ($43) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII11IIII1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111III1III1II1I11111111111111111111111I111111111111111II1JIIIIIIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #5 DEPARTMENT NO: 490 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS AlND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDIIURE EXPENDIIURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAMf GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCllEASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $55 $0 ($55) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $55 $55 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $55 $55 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #5 TOTAL $0 $0 $55 $55 $0 Wednesday, October 26,2005 Page 11 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 o '_0 1.'- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1IIIIIIII1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIIIIII111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 !AMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUND HAL REVEHUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDnURE llalEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE IlCREASE DECREASE !DECREASEJ 63070 JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $940 $0 ($940) 63073 JUVENILE ASSIGNED-OTHER lITI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $6 $0 ($6) . 63110 JUVENILE DETENTION SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $946 $946 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $946 $946 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $946 $946 $0 1II1111111l11111lllUIIIIlIIllllllUIIIIUIIlIIlUlIIIUIIIUIIIIIIUIIlIUlUIIIIUltllllllllllllUIIIIIIUIUlllllIllUllllIUlllUllItmlllllllllllUllllllllltllllllllllllUlIlIIlIlIlllllllllmumllmulIlI1IIImlll"lmll DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO: 140 IAMENDMENT NO: 933 I REQUESTOR:NOEMI CRUZ IAMENDMENT REASON: ITO ALLOW FOR MACHINE MAINT. BILLS & SEADRIFT LIB. SUBSCRIPTIONS fUNDBAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDlTUHE EXPENDITURE IlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE IlCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 54030 PUBLICATIONS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 64790 POSTAGE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 AMENDMENT NO 933 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 LIBRARY TOTAL $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 11I11I11I1111I11I11I111111111111I11111111I1111111I11111111111111111I11111I11I11I11111111I11111111I11I11111111111111111111I11I111111I11I11I111111111I11I1111111111111111I11111I11I11I11I111111111I1111I111I11I11I1111I11I111I11111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 12 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 i{~ e.o r- nlllllllUlllllllnlllllllllllllllllllnllllllllUlUlllllllllllllllllllmmmlllllllllnllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.. DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 914 REQUESTOR:MICHAEL BALAJKA AMENDMENT REASON: PER COMM. COURT ACTION 10/13/05, AGENDA ITEM #21 fUND8AL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURf EXPENOIlURE IIC1lEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCIlEASf DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE DlECRfASEJ 49221 SALES-COURTHOUSE SALVAGE 999 NO GRANT $8,996 $0 $0 $0 $8,996 AMENDMENT NO 914 TOTAL $8,996 $0 $0 $0 $8,996 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: /OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAt RmNlIE . REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE IICI\EASE ACCT NO_ ACCT NAME GIIANT NO GRANT NAME IiCREASE DECREASE IiCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 44150 FEES-SERVICE STATE COLLECTI 999 NO GRANT $0 $187 $0 $0 ($187) 44150 FEES-SERVICE STATE COLLECTI . 999 NO GRANT $0 $80 $0 $0 ($80) 44150 FEES-SERVICE STATE COLLECTI 999 NO GRANT $0 $415 $0 $0 ($415) 44150 FEES-SERVICE STATE COLLECT! 999 NO GRANT $0 $43 $0 $0 ($43) AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $725 $0 $0 ($725) REVENUE TOTAL $8,996 $725 $0 $0 $8,271 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I111I111111111111I11111111111111I111111I11I11111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 ::MENDMENTNO: 924 I REQUESTOR:H.V. BENAVIDES IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53510 53640 53992 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES JANITOR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS GRANT NO 999 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT NO GRANT RlNO HAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENOIJURE EXPENDIIURE WCREASE WCREASE DECREASE IICREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ $0 $0 $0 $3,300 $3,300 $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) Page 13 of 21 e e Wednesday, October 26, 2005 e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIIJlIJIIIJIJlIJIIIJIIIIIIJJlIIIJllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIJJIJIIIJlJIIIJIIJJlJlIIIIIIIJJJJlIIIIIIIUllllllllllmIJIIIIIII11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 IAMENDMENTNO: 924 I REQUESTOR:N.Vo BENAVIDES IAMENDMENT REASON: JLlNE ITEM TRANSFER C\l (0 i- 111111111I11I111I11111111I1111111111111111I111111I1111I1111I11I11I11111111I11111111I1111111111111I1111I111111I1111I11111111111111I1111I1111111I1111111111111111I1111I11I11I111I1111I111I1111111111I11I1111I11I11I1111111I11111I111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 !AMENDMENT NO: 914 I REQUESTOR: MICNAEL BALAJKA IAMENDMENT REASON, IPER COMM. COURT ACTION 10/13/05, AGENDA ITEM #21 ACCT NO 73302 ACCT NAME G1lANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT REVENUE INCREASE $0 REVENUI DECREASE $0 EllPENOnURE INCREASE $8,996 EXPENDnuRE DECREASE $0 RIND BAl INCREASE mECREASB ($8,996) LAND Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 14 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111III1III1IIIII111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllU DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 C":l r..o r- AMENDMENT NO: 914 REQUESTOIbMICHAEL BALAJKA AMENDMENT REASON: PER COMM. COURT ACTION 10/13/05, AGENDA ITEM #21 RIND BAl REVENUE RfVENUf EXPENIIIJURE EXPENIIIJURE INCREASE Acel NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! AMENDMENT NO 914 TOTAL $0 $0 $8,996 $0 ($8.996) AMENDMENT NO: 925 REQUESTOIbAMANDA GUILLEN lAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDIlURE EXPENDlfURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 53210 MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES- ." 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $800 $0 ($800) 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 53595 TOOLS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT NO 925 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,100 $1,100 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $10,096 $1,100 ($8,996) 1111I1111111111111111I11I111I111I11I111111111111111I1111111I1111I111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1IIII DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 929 REQUESTOR:NEIL FRITSCH lAME NOME NT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53020 53520 ACCT NAME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TIRES AND TUBES GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT RmNUI INCREASE $0 $0 REVENUE DECREASE $0 $0 EXPENDITURE INCREASE $588 $0 EXPENDITURE DECREASE $0 $2,000 RIND BAl INCREASE mECREASEJ ($588) $2,000 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 15 of 21 e e e e 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 Wednesday, October 26,2005 Page 16 of 21 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111I11I11111111111111111I1111I1111I11111111111I11111I11111111111I11I11I11I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 ~MENDMENTNO' 918 I REQUESTOR:A.MAY IAMENDMENT REASON: JUNE ITEM TRANSFER RlNIl BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENOITORE EXPEllDllURE IHCllEASE ACCTND AI%T NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME IHCREASE DECREASE "CREASE DECREASE lDECREASEJ 53210 MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,000 $0 ($5,000) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $6,925 $6,925 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $115 $0 ($115) 53610 BUILDING SUPPLlESIPARTS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $60 $0 ($60) 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $250 $0 ($250) 66590 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) AMENDMENT N0918 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,925 $6,925 $0 !AMENDMENTNO. 934 I REQUESTOR.APRlL MAY [AMENDMENT REASON. ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVBIUE IlEVBlUE EXPENDIIURE EXPENOII1IRE IHCREASE ACCTND ACCT NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME "CREASE DECREASE "CREASE DECREASE mECREASB 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5,630 $5,630 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 53540 GASOLlNElOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,000 $0 ($2,000) 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,330 $0 ($2,330) AMENDMENT NO 934 TOTAL $0 $0 $5,630 $5,630 $0 AMENDMENT NO. 935 REQUESTOR,COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE "CREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME "CREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE mECREASEI 51740 VACATION PAY ON TERMINATION 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,568 $0 ($1,568) Wednesday. October 26. 2005 Page 17 of 21 e e e It:) f1:> r... i ,-..::~ e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 CD t.o r- 1111I111111'IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIUI"IIII.IIIIIII"IJllJlJIJIII1I',IIJJIJJIJIJIIJJJJJJI",IIIIIII'",IIJIJJUJJJJIIIIJlIlIUIIIII",1I111J111111111111111'11I11111111111I111111111111I11111111111111111111111I1' DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS IUND BAl REVENUE RffiNUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDDURI IiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IiCREASE DECREASE IiCREASE DECREASE mrnEASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,568 $1,568 AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,568 $1,568 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $14,123 $14,123 $0 111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 IAMENDMENT NO: 935 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCTNlI 51613 51616 51620 51700 53020 53430 63500 63530 63740 64790 66192 ACCT NAME OVERTIME BASE PAY OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE MEAL ALLOWANCE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES MACHINE MAINTENANCE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR MEAL ALLOWANCE POSTAGE TELEPHONE SERVICES I I GMKr NO GMKr NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL RIND BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDIIURE EXPENIIII1IRE IiCIIEASE IiCREASE DECREASE IiCREASE DECREASE [DECREASEJ $0 $0 $4,134 $0 ($4,134) $0 $0 $1,736 $0 ($1.736) $0 $0 $2,871 $0 ($2,871) $0 $0 $14 $0 ($14) $0 $0 $116 $0 ($116) $0 $0 $1,291 $0 ($1,291) $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $0 $0 $20 $0 ($20) $0 $0 $0 $14 $14 $0 $0 $0 $1.801 $1,801 $0 $0 $394 $0 ($394) $0 $0 $10,576 $1,835 ($8,741) $0 $0 $10,576 $1,835 ($8,741) Page 18 of 21 SHERIFF TOTAL Wednesday, October 26, 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 f'- r .t:) 1- 11111I11I1111I111I111I111I11I111I11I111111111111I11I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I111I111I1111111111I11I111111111111I111111I1111I11I11I11I1111111I11I11111111111I111111I1111I1111I11I111I11I1111I11I111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11111111I11I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 380 AMENDMENT NO: 915 REQUESTOR:PATRICIA KALlsEK IAMENDMENT REASON: ISHORTAGE FUND 8Al RMNUf RMNUf EXPENDITURE EXPENOIfURE IICIIEASf ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME mEASE DECREASE IICIIEASE DECREASE IDECREASEl 60332 AUTO ALLOWANCES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 63200 LANDFILL CLOSURE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT NO 915 TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $8,996 $725 $89,667 $79,946 ($1,450) FUND NAME. AIRPORT FUND FUND NO: 2610 11111I11I11I1111I1111I11I1111I11I111I11I1111I11111I1111I11I111111I11I11I111111I11I111I111111I111I11I11I111I1111111111111111I11I11I11I11I11111111111111I11I11I11I111111I11I111111I11I111111I11I11I11I111I11I1111I111111I111I11I11I11I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 935 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL AIRPORT FUND TOTAL FUNDBAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDDURE EXPENDITURE IICREASf L'lCREASE DECREASE IICREASE DECREASE WECREASEJ $0 $0 $0 $175 $175 $0 $0 $175 $0 ($175) $0 $0 $175 $175 $0 $0 $0 $175 $175 $0 $0 $0 $175 $175 $0 FUND NO: 5115 ACCT NO 63530 65180 ACCT NAME MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR RADIO MAINTENANCE GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 935 TOTAL FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVA TION 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1III1IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 19 of 21 e e e e FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENO VA TION FUND NO: 5115 a) (~ ['- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1I1II1III111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111IIIIII1IIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1IIII1III11 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 IAMENDMENT NO: 920 I REQUESTOR:MARK CRIPPEN IAMENDMENT REASON: IPER REQUEST OF SPAW MAXWELL, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER _.....1 ACCT NO 63735 80005 ACCT NAME MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 920 TOTAL fUNDBAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE IICREASE IICREASE DECREASE IICREASE DECREASE mECRfASEl $0 $0 $5,000 $0 ($5,000) $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 FUND NO: 5136 NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVATION TOTAL FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING 11111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 !AMENDMENT NO: 921 I REQUESTOR:MARK CRIPPEN IAMENDMENT REASON: IPER REQUEST OF SPAW MAXWELL, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER fUNDBAL IlEVINUE REVENUE EXPENOJruRE EXPENDITURE IICREASE ACGT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IICRfASE DECREASE IlCIIEASE DECREASE mECREASEl 60220 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $47,200 $0 ($47,200) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $8,227 $0 ($8,227) 64945 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $45,200 $45,200 70660 BUILDING-JAIL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,324 $0 ($2,324) 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $12,551 $12,551 AMENDMENT NO 921 TOTAL $0 $0 $57,751 $57,751 $0 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Page 20 of 21 FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING FUND NO: 5136 ~ f.o r... 1111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 922 REQUESTOR:COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR OCTOBER REVENUE mND 8Al REVENUE REVENUE EXPENOIIDRE EXPENDmIRE ftCllEASE ACCTND ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCIlfASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! 46010 INT INC-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 999 NO GRANT $9,494 $0 $0 $0 . $9,494 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $9,494 $0 ($9,494) AMENDMENT NO 922 TOTAL $9,494 $0 $9,494 $0 $0 NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $9,494 $0 $67,245 $57,751 $0 CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING TOTAL $9,494 $0 $67,245 $57,751 $0 Grand Total $18,490 $725 $162,087 $142,872 ($1,450) '-',_..1 Wednesday, October 26,2005 Page 21 of 21 e e e