2002-01-14 SPECIAL J ANUAR Y TERM HELD JANUARY 14.2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS i COUNTY OF CALHOUN i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of January, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City efPort Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court. within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit . Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner, Pet. I Commissioner, Pet. 2 Commissioner, Pet. 3 Commissioner, Pet. 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiancc_ .:;'75 BIDS AND PROPOSALS - ROAD MATERIALS AND 80-ACRE LEASE FOR HAY BALING The bids for (a) Item 304, Type PE (Topping Rock), Grade 4 (b) Type PB (Topping Rock), Grade 4 (c) Rip Rap material and (d) 80-acres ofland for hay baling were opened January 7, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller. The bids were tabulated and read to the Court by the County Auditor. ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK) GRADE 4 - BID TABULATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to award the bid for Item 304, Type PE (Topping Rock) Grade 4 to Vulcan Construction Materials. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e THE BIDS ARE TO BE PRICE PER TON. DELIVERED TO DESTINATION AND BASED ON APPROXIMATELY 10.000 TONS OR BETTER. THE PERIOD OFTIfiS CONTRACf WILL BE JANUARY 1,2002 TO DECEMBER 31. 2002. DELIVERY PERIOD WITHIN 4 DAYS AFTER PLACEMENT OF ORDER. ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 RAIL DELIVERY ONLY FOB DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE $ ?8.51/Too SIX MILE STOCK Pll.E $ 28. 91/Ton $ 28. 51/Too $28.51/Ton e OLIVIA STOCK Pll.E SEADRIFT STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE $?q .in/Too DATE: December 28. 2001 COMP ANY NAME: Vulcao Construction Materials. LP MAILING. ADDRESS: P. O. Box 791550 CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE: San Antonio. Texas 78279-1550 TELEPHONE #: (210) 524-3500 PRINT NAME: Pat Kerrv AUTHORIZED ~ / ~_ SIGNATURE ~21J!/(j"~ TITLE Sales Manager e _476 ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 RAIL DELIVERY ONLY )(< OVf \ro.cl b'l Q.,Us1l)Mef FOB DESTINATION PRICE PER TON e PORT LAVACASTOCK PILE S 1~ .1~ 'of SIX MILE STOCK PILE S 1 ~ .15" OLIVIA STOCK PILE S 1t l") 0'" SEADRIFT STOCKPILE S L~, 10" PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE S 1~, 16 l' DATE: ..~(l V'\ U(,vY\j ~) 111)7_ COMPANY (\ UA M' p NAME: ")'<Y\\IIV \ ,{If AS : I L MAILING I) 1\1\ ~ t\ \ \ (I I ADDRESS: WU G. \ \JO\){). 10ft .1D/_ CITY.STATE.ZIPCODE \hJC,-\c\f'/ ) TfXQ~ TELEPHONE#: &?-l)') ':)0/- (Y767 PRINT NAME: ~(N\'{\. S. 'IS Ion ts, -_PO IWOI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE , /l(P!pb'J 1+ e ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 RAIL DELIVERY ONLY OLIVIA STOCKPILE $ SEADRIFT STOCK PILE $ PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE $ DATE: , .;. .O,}. COMPANY ~ I I . NAME: 0'-\ cd I t'{ no+ !vi " '( --- -\-.1 ( e MAILING n ADDRESS: ~ . d ,DO'/.. I:J. '1 'f CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE: Cr ('9"00. 'r-X 77<f37 TELEPHONE#: q79 .l7~ <6701 PRINT NAME: SA de r AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE \ I . P , - . ,;77 ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 RAIL DELIVERY ONLY FOB DESTINATION PRICE PER TON SEADRIFT STOCK PILE $ .?1 'J,.t---- $ 3,1 :if- $ .?J~ $ :n JJ--- $ 33!2- e PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE SIX MILE STOCK PILE OLIVIA STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE DATE: /.. "J- cl:2 COMPANY NAME: p, eX C () T "..n:.. MAILING ADDRESS: 1104 J-tIL/)/tCn ",.. CITY,STATE,ZIPCODE: fOloT L.A/JAc'(J r?T,iP;---7"f)' /" TELEPHONE #: (3' J) .~.'(".2 - ,f 3' J PR1NTNAME: "AUc.F "Eel< Bu,j A Y AUTHORIZED ~ SIGNATURE::s...~ . ~ .e.. j<. ~ TITLE e TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK) GRADE 4 - BID TABULATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to award the bid for Type PB (Topping Rock) Grade 4 to Quality Hot Mix as the low bidder on three delivery and who tied for the bid for the other sites. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 FOB DESTINATIN PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE $ NO BID SIX MILE STOCK PILE $NO RIO SNO RIn ',0"" :-:_, OLlVLA STOCK PILE SEADRIFT STOCK PILE $NO BID PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE DATE: December 28. 2001 COMPANY NAME: Vulcan Construction Materials. LP e MAILING. ADDRESS: p" O. Box 791550 CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE: San Antoni 0, Texas 78279-1550 TELEPHONE #: (210) 524-3500 478 PRINT NAME: Pat Kerry AUTHORIZED ~ 1 ~_ SIGNATURE ~71J!;C= TITLE Salf" Managf'r TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 FOB DESTINA TIN PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE $ 1~ .ElJ $ 151. '?f) $ 1~ ,fjJ $ 1.g. 6D SIX MILE STOCK PILE OLiVIA STOCK PILE e SEADRIFT STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE DATE: <~r1 VI \)0-.-(\) ~ I ll'fJ7_ COMPANY ('- u M' p NAME: ()ffi\ll\'l ,VIe,s; ! L ~;~~~: 1bO t:,. Nopo. \ I &PJ. W'l CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE: \.hJc,,-\clf/ ) TfXDS TELEPHONE#: (~?-lj) ~CJ/- 6'7&7 PRINT NAME: jrN\\{\ S. ~\mits r?qOI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE , q~l /+ e TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 FOB DESTINA TIN PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE $ :n .;~ $ ,)3.SO $ )9, .J.)' $ Jg so 1 J.9.S!:> DeLveiJ ;1\ e'\~ c::tY~P ir<<;/.rs SIX MILE STOCK PILE OLiVIA STOCK PILE SEADRIFT STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE DATE: I .,} -o.}. COMPANY:'I LI. -- NAME: (y\.,\<lllt"( /TDf Nrl\( -N ( MAILING n ADDRESS: ~ . d. Dol( {,:;I. '-I 'i CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE:--..C r ("91'\00 . TELEPHONE #: '1 79 /7'-f37 PRINT NAME: e AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE \J .9. v ';79 TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 FOB DESTINATIN PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE SIX MILE STOCK PILE OLIVIA STOCK PILE SEADRIFT STOCK PILE $ 31 9J- .Jr $ 3) ~ $ 31 !J.- e $ .:JJ ~ 13~ .;:- PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE DATE: /- 7- d2 CONIPANY NAME: ~ E't C CJ .T ;4J c. MAILING ADDRESS: 1'04 ~n./)It.Cn n". CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE: pol. T L.AlJ A c.JI) 7'r).jij:s'~._-"P>''t '>, /. - - TELEPHONE #: (3'- 1) .<" (' ~ -.)3' I PRINT NAME: /jJ.Uc-F ~€Cl< .4...; II r AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE '$.~ ... p... D. c:::::> TITLE RIP RAP MATERIAL - BID TABULATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to award the bid for Rip Rap Material to Rexco, Inc. as the only bidder. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS \VD...L ACCEPT BIDS FOR DRY RIP RAP MATERIAL EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 2001 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2002 DESTINATION ESTIMATED TONNAGE PRICE PER TOTAL BID PRICE REOUIRED Iilli Precinct 1 200 tons Nn RTn Pon Lavaca NO BID Precinct 2 100 tons Six Mile Precinct 3 200100$ NO BID Olivia Precinct 4 1000 tons NO RIn Port O'Connor Precinct 4 1000 tons NO BID Scadrift FOB Destination delivery is required. Deliveries to be made to each pre.;inct at Commissioner's request. DATE Oecembp.r 1'8. /lnm NAME OF BIDDER: Vulcan ConstrlJrtinn Mrltpri;l1<; I P CITY, STATE. ZIP: Sil.n Antonin Tf"ll'il<; e ADDRESS: P. O. Box 791550 PRlNTNAME: Pat Kerry TITLE: Sales ManaQer TELEPHONE #: (('1 0) ~?4_ 'v;nn AUTHORIZED -Q;.. ~ SIGNATURE Tttl TITLE Sales Manaoer SPECIFICATIONS FOR DR RIP RAP lHATERlAL TOP SIZE: 15 Inch Rock weighing betwe~n 175 to 200 pounds with the following passing percentages: 480 1:5" = 100% passing 12" = SO% passing 10.' '" 40% passing 8" 6'% passing 4'. 4% passing 2"' ~~~ passing e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS WILL ACCEPT BIDS FOR DRY RIP RAP MATERIAL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2002 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2002 DESTINATION ESTIMATED TONNAGE PRICE PER TOTAL BID PRICE REOUIRED TON Precinct 1 200 tons ~ Port Lavaca . Precinct 2 100 tons I\t~~ Six Mile Precinct 3 200 tons ~ ~\(\ Olivia Precinct 4 1000 tons N6 bid Port O'Connor Precinct 4 1000 tons i\)o \bid Seadrift e FOB Destination delivery is required. Deliveries to be made to each precinct at Commissioner's requ~st. DATE \ \amYl y~ ~,llXYL NAME OF BIDDER: \Y\ ~tv\ V\ \ '{\ ~c; ) LL P ADDRESS: 11fj S. NopDJ, ~k, l1/L CITY. STATE. ZIP: U\J(}.\c\p/ ,le-ilo..S '1<60)\ PRlNT NAME: J.OY\ \1\ S. 'b\ MfS TITLE: ~{)j{\~~~ ~ TELEPHONE #: C'i '5 I ~ '7 1 TOP SIZE: 15 Inch Rock weighing between 175 to 200 pounds with the following passing percentages: 15" = I 00% passing 12" = 80% passing 1 0" = 40% passing 8" 6% passing 4" 4% passing 2" = 3% passing e 481 e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS WILL ACCEPT BIDS FOR DRY RIP RAP MATERIAL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2002 TIIROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2002 DESTINATION ESTIMATED TONNAGE REOUIRED Precinct 1 Port Lavaca 200 tons PRICE PER TOTAL BID PRICE TON tJ ~ ~iJ Precinct 2 Six Mile 100 tons Precinct 3 Olivia 200 tons Precinct 4 Port O'Connor 1000 tons Precinct 4 Seadrift 1000 tons ^)o ~i~ e FOB Destination delivery is required. Deliveries to be made to 'each precinct at Commissioner's request. DATE I -.) -0:1.- &ut"lL H ftot Mi'~ ~ NAME OF BIDDER: . --lv1c. ADDRESS: ~I!. ~CiX' /:Ji{i CITY. STATE. ZIP: ft ('q'1q~ \ I'-,x 77y]7 PRINT NAME: :h~ S ,,^,d~ r \ TITLE: \l. P. TELEPHONE #: t::r79 .)7 ~ ~1C11 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE R~~/"m V.D SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRY RIP RAP MATERIAL TOP SIZE: 15 Inch Rock weighing between 175 to 200 pounds with the following passing percentages: IS" = 100% passing 12" = 80% passing 10" = 40% passing 8" 6% passing 4" 4% passing 2" 3 % passing e - 482 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS WILL ACCEPT BIDS FOR DRY RIP RAP MATERlAL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, ZOOZ THROUGH DECEMBER 31, ZOOZ DESTINATION ESTIMATED TONNAGE PRlCE PER TOTAL BID PRlCE REOUIRED TON J.Z- .- Precinct 1 ZOO tons /~ ~1.31 p-- Port Lavaca Precinct 2 I' ~ 100 Ions PI-- ~~6' . Six Mile /CJJJ- 00 Precinct 3 200' tons Jj3 1tt ~ e Olivia ;- 00 Precinct 4 1000 tons ~ I~ 0' 0 ::.;- Port O'Connor co, Precinct 4 I&> o. 1000 tons /~) 0' 0 ;-- Seadrift FOB DeStin~tion delivery is required. Deliveries to be made to each precinct at Conunissioner's request. DATE /... ? - 02 / NAME OF BIDDER: ft F'f. C 0 .j: "v c:. . ADDRESS: 1/ 0 ~ /-1 J J. L) /{ ED 0,.. CITY, STATE,ZIP: 'oAT J..hvAtA" TF'tJH, .,7"1 PRINT NAME: 811 c.J C.F .q Gel< AI...I.9'f' TITLE: TELEPHONE#: (3' I) s ~2 - ~3 71 e AUTHORlZED SIGNATURi;p... UJ. ~ -1:!.TLE LJ SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRY RlP RAP MATERlAL TOP SIZE: 15 Inch Rock weighing beIween 175 10 ZOO pounds with the following passing percentages: IS" = 100% passing IZ" = 80% passing 1 0" = 40% passing 8" 6% passing 4" 4% passing 2" =: 3% passing LEASE OF gO-ACRE TRACT KNOWN AS THE LANGDON TRACT (LANDFILL/RECYCLE SITE) FOR HAY BALING No bids were received. Commissioner Balajka recommended this not be re-bid. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FUEL BIDS e The following bids were opened January 7, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller and read to the Court by Lesa Casey for fuel beginning January 16,2002 and ending Febru~ 15, 2002, and after reviewing said bids a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the bid of Mauritz and Couey for the automated card system fuel and the bid of Diebel Oil co. for fuel to be delivered. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ,183 FUEL Dln PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INOICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. e X APPROXIMA TE ~ TOTAL GALLONSIMO X 3800 = S:J.SJ/tc>(; , X 4000 - S~I~60e. X 2500 S-&,b!J.tLf:::, TOTAL BID PRICE S 'Z::U'/~.tJO THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FORA ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING JNWARY 16. 2001 AND ENDING FEBRUARY 15. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. PRICE/GALLON UNLEADED GASOLINE S . (j, 7 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE S r; ~ DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) s--L If _. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER, .Dr EE {;:j _ 6" to. J;y C. ADDRESS, PC>. F,by '7/ - CITY. STATE, ZIP f'/)P.T LAV~L,4 TZ /7'171 -,~ :'I;,-~ PRINT NAME, ~_ _ , AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, . V TITLE P f? €.:~. J 0 f:. JJr DATE' J - 1"] ~ D C-l- , I e FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER TH~ FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICA TED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE ~ TOTAL GALLONSIMO UNLEADED GASOLINE S .7M3<I X 3800 - s .1"lrQ. '1-t PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE s .81t>2<1 X 4000 s .1'f.53 GO DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) S ;7D(,7 X 2500 - $ 17M~. 7S' TOTAL BID PRICE S 8r4C!..i7 THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING JNWARY 16. 2001 AND ENDING FEBRUARY IS. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER, /f},lJwtl'ri< r L::"",.V , ADDRESS, f (J. /lD J' 17l!> 0 CITY. STATE. ZIP, !i/JX kUA-<A 'T. 77'77"1 PHONE NUMBER, ..sSZ- 7lJ~ <.f PRINT NAME, -;c; M I.a~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, ~ ~ TITLE, />1612- DATE~ /... <{...o L . 484 .,;--" e I FUEL BID PROPOSAL I IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETmVE BIDS FOR FUEL. WE THE UNDERSIGNED. AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL. ACCORDING TO THE A IT ACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS. USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM. TO THE COUNTY'S SHERlFF'S DEPARTMENT. PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR AVAILABILITY LOCATION: UNLEADED GASOLINE PRICE PER GALLON $ . 7~BL/- N'~ f f5('.1<1 MID GRADE $ PREMUIM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ DIESEL FUEL $ ,70 (p '7 LOCATION: ,)./1/1 W A"'.5-T'''' S.. (MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA.) THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 16. 200Z AND ENDING FEBRUARY 15. Z002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. e SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: ;f)Aut<"Z- <;;,' {J,UUV f ADDRESS: f! (J. Eo~ /700 CITY.STATE.ZIF: j?;~T /AtlI'IUJ TY 7Vi71 PHONE NUMBER: 052- 700<1- PRINTNAME -10/>"1 /Ec~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE~ V~ ~ TITLE: h.1,(L DA TE:---L: 'f. D "2- MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT e Saad Mikhail presented the following monthly financial report for Memorial Medical Center. 485 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY NOVEMBER 30, 2001 OPERATING REVENUE 7uA- LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- (Incr) Decr Accounts Payable- (Incr) Decr Prepaid Expense- (Incr) Decr Inventory TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR PLUS: Depreciation Contribution to the County PLUS: County Subsidies (EMS) Total Cash- Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases NET CASH- INCR (DECR) 486 15,600,813 (15,027,147) (455,324 ) (230,112) (82,531 ) 2,202 &~-;j ~e 573,666 (765,765) (192,099) e 1,739,413 o 1,547,314 54,250 1,601,564 (258,721 ) tit 1 ,342,843 1 DESCRIPTION JANUARY Right Angfed Forced - 45 Degree ( Surgery ) Burnisher ( Housekeeping ) Freight on Storz ENT Scope Equipment (Surgery) StenYzatJon Tray ( Surgery ) Pediatric Mist Tent (Cardiopulmonary) e FEBRUARY Yamaha 6600 Generator (EMS) HP Laserjet Printer ( Medical Records ) Food Bar (Dietary I Audio Equipment ( Specialty Clinic ) Orthopedic & Fracture Table ( Surgery ) Desk I Return I Chair ( CARE Program) MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 EQUIPMENT AMOUNT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS HOSPITAL MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA MARCH "8dIonar Interface ( lab ) 4,000.00 _...I(; Ortve Upgrade ( Data ) 3,240.00 BedsIde Pulse Oximeter ( Cardia) 2.061.12 Air Cooled Cuber & Ice 8m ( Dietary ) 2.442.00 FUe Cabinet ( Specialty Clinic ) 676.42 $ 12,419.54 $ $ $ e APRIL lnfusor Pump (Anesthesia ) 1.397.06 3M APe Codes (Health Infonnatlon ) 3.600.00 4.997.06 $ $ $ MAY Dictation Phone ( Radiology ) Canon NP-7130F Copier (Surgery) Video Imaging Char (Radiology ) Ice Machine (Emergency Room ) JU, Paper Cutter ( Materials Management ) ChIler UnI ( FIxed EqtApment ) e $ 893.00 1,099.00 111.14 232.50 1.213.02 3,548.56 $ $ 2,295.95 870.45 97020 13,615.00 23,435.00 (812.67) $ 40,373.93 $ $ 855.50 1.450.00 5.554.55 2,242.00 10.202.06 755.00 76,547.00 76.547.00 MMP INTEREST EXPENSE $ $ 2 -187 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 e DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT AMOUNT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS HOSPITAL MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA MMP INTEREST EXPENSE JULY HP Laserjet 22000 Prlnter ( Medical Records) 2000 Windows Server ( Business Offlce ) t123.SS 1.010.94 1.834.80 AUGUST Surge Protector ( CT I Radiology ) AudIometer AUDX ( Nursery l Stryker Surgery Equipment ( Surgery ) 4,154.00 4,523.00 18,898.97 27,575.97 SEPTEMBER Handswftch ( Surgery) Auto-Length wi Cart wI Nursery tray (ER l RAM.J(Data) Synthes Chuck ( Surgery) 189.79 3.119.66 1.127.00 809.76 5,24621 e OCTr '\ .holder(CT) parapac Transport Automatic ( EMS) HT 1250 Radios. 10. (EMS) InFocus Projector ( EMS) . ;; :.\,r"'"\. )'''' ' C~ 1.001.00 5,032.52 9.170.00 3,199.00 18,402.52 NOVEMBER paraPac Transport Automatic ( EMS ) MlnItor III VHF Radios - 18 ~ (EMS) Pocket Doppfer AddlUOll8t $$ for Parking Lot (MMP) 8,032.52 7.508.34 (48.57) 45.080.73 45.080.73 12,492.29 SUBTOTALS $ 137.093.03 $ 76.547.00 $ 45.080.73 $ GRAND TOTALS $ 213.640.03 $ 45,080.73 $ e PAGE 2 3 488 e CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: 'NOVEMBER 1001 BEGINNING ENDING FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE FUND MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: 1336.849.98 11.495.164.32. 11.481.379.78 1350.634.52 OPERATING 15.603.28 41.68 0.00 15.644.96 MEMORIAL 12.855.01 34.l5 0.00 12,889.36 RESTRICTED DONATION 1.052.85 80.440.62 a.,\/lI' 80.459.97 1.033.50 INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 64,300.06 43,810.04 I'" 108,110.10 0.00 CONSTRUCTION 2,427.21 0.00 2,427.2\ 000 CERTIFICATES OF 08LlG CONSTRUCTION 36.83 0.00 0.00 36.83 CERTIFICATES OF OaLlG INT & SKG SI,619,49\.OI SI,672.377.06 $380,239.17 $433,125.22 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: 'NOVEM~ER 2001 BANK RECONCILIATION LESS, CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS, CHECKS BANK BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE FUND MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: 312.))8.44 662.972.96 OPERATING 350.634.52 MEMORlAL 15,644.96 . 15.644.96 RESTRICTED DONATION 12.889.36 12.889.36 INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 1.033.50 1,033.50 CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 CERT OF oaLlo CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 CERT OF OaLiG INTEREST & SINKING 36.83 36.83 e Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, said the month was skewed based on extraordinary one-time expenses which has not been taken into consideration. A savings is anticipated by contracting for electrical services and a $3,000 a month savings concerning the physical therapy contract. The YMCA renegotiated contract had revenues rising from 10% to 15%. Memorial Medical Center charges EMS a 15% fee for doing their collections. The report reflects accounts billed but not collected. He mentioned the confusion as to the surplusing the X-Ray machine at the Plaza, which was in his October report. The Hospital Board has concurred with what was listed and later passed it. The minimum bid will be $23,000 (depreciated price). The machine was put there for the radiologist and proved to be a large expense for the hospital. He will get the actual figures on this. Commissioner Floyd ~uestioned the contract with Dr. Steven Carawan for office space rental through July 15 and a contract to provide x-ray services. Mr. Currier stated that is part of the dissolution agreement and the contract is no longer valid. Commissioner Floyd stated the contract would have to be revised because MMC would be obligated to provide x-ray services after getting rid of the equipment as the contract expires July 15tb Mr. Currier said he would work this out with Dr. Carawan and the contract would not have to be amended. EMS BUDGET ALLOCATION - REOUEST BY MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER e Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, said Memorial Medical Center is asking that the hospital be paid the EMS budget allocation funds prospectively. He said the Court has requested some reconciliation and the hospital asks for this to ease cash flow as it creates an operation hardship if they have to make payments and then be paid after the fact. He requested the funds be paid quarterly. They charge the EMS only for the billing (collections). 4~ Commissioner Floyd stated that the hospital had been advanced $650,000 in 2001 to offset the cost of EMS. Based on the November report of EMS cost there is indicated an overpayment of$135,000, If the November report is extrapolated to year-end it appears that the net cost of EMS will be $500,000 which will result in an overpayment of $150,000 in 2001. This overpayment in 2001 is more than adequate to cover the requested first quarter funds for 2002. The funds requested are for the operation of the hospital and not EMS. Mr. Currier replied that it is hard to separate the two; EMS is treated as a department of the hospital and there are a lot oflosses in the hospital. Commissioner Floyd suggested keeping expenses separate on the hospital and EMS. Mr. Currier said there is an excess because the hospital does the billing. e EMS and hospital finances were further discussed. A Motion was made by Judge Marshall to advance the EMS budget allocation quarterly as requested by the hospital. The Motion died for lack ofa second. Mr. Currier asked ifthere is some other format that can be used or is the hospital not to get the funds. Commissioner Floyd stated if EMS funds are being allocated for EMS, state EMS and not hospital; if hospital funds are needed, state hospital. Commissioner Finster said the Court has always been supportive of the hospital but the costs of EMS are needed. Mr. Currier said he would get the report to the Court on the cost of each. No action was taken by the Court. ,MEMORIAL , MEDICAL_CENTER . 815 N. Virginia Street ' " 'Pon Lavaca; TX 77979 (361) S 52.6713 January 2, 2002 e Mr. Ben Comiskey County Auditor 615 N. Virginia Port Lavaca, Tx. 77979 ,Dear Mr. Comiskey: . In accordance with your letter dated December 20, 2001, which outlines the information to be submitted by Memorial Medical Center regarding EMS subsidy to your office. I submit the following attachment, which shows expenses incurred on behalf of EMS as well as revenue received. While the attached report will show a surplus of cash over expense through November 2001; it does not include certain overhead expenses such as administrative support through Human Resources Department, Purchasing or other support departments of the'hospital. I believe if these costs were properly allocated that we would be operating within budget and not at a surplus. e Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, 490 16f7 " ' l! NG"DIlo Gl'CO' ~~ " ;: Sll"!l.~- ~ G "lI:",:n~ ~ r f'J " -.~~:3:i ... " Ii! ICI N 11 lI'l :g ,: ~ '''' .; .. <'> " :;;-~:: ~ 0" " NItl~CDUl Q - " ... ~~~ f'o!.~ 0..,.....1") >: "'" .,; 0l0l11 t? N" .; ... ~ "" '" .., 111") e. e. l'! , CO) --n .., t:IJ 11_ " ,,- ffi If ~ 0 , " " g II g " " 00___ g ~ " " II ~ " " ~~~ " ci ~ CO c 1\ ei ci .,; It w " " " " ! ~~~ w " " '~-----, Q " " II '" , " , w " " " ~iJI :; ,,- g " mO....NcD g - II.... ~ ~ H " ~ II ~ " q)1OG:lG:lr:l .,; . ./1. ci .,; -=."';cri 'fj It (0....11_ - I: ;:! ~ " , " m _ II lID Cl)CbIlD.... - " "I o Ul u ro :6 II I") .N_.... '" ~:in ~ ;U::::: % ~ U ;1; " " " , '" ~ I! 0 ~~[! ~ g;) lfi II 0 Cl';II"lCD....e " ~ " . II . 0 ....1lD4N......1O " :; II .; ....0110 g' '" ci .,; .....f'1.r"ieN ci " " .... 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I 2: _ _ _ .~I.I ft~O~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~?~:g =1~~~~~8S~~oo~~~~~i~~~~~a~~~~;~ ELECTION OF JUDGE PRO TEM FOR COMMISSIONERS' COURT Judge Marshall said election ofJudge Pro Tern for Commissioners' Court was placed on the agenda in error. According to law, there is no Judge Pro Tern, only a Presiding Officer who would I'reside.:irJ>lace ofherselffor that meeting, This was placed on the January 24, 2002 agenda, CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR RE-ROOFING PAVILION AT FAIRGROUNDS This agenda was passed to January 24, 2002, 492 8~ ' -~ i1 m " % ? e e e e e e ClAP AWARD (NOAA AWARD NO. NA170Z2174) A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize the County Judge to sign the necessary documents regarding the $510,564.00 ClAP Award (NOAA Award No. NAI70Z2174). Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. - ~--=- .=-:-~. . ~ll'OT~ ...,...~ .,. .. 3L <" : ~: UNITEC STATES CEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE \ ~ f National Oceanic and At:moapherlc Administration ..",,,,,,,,, OFFICE OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Coastal 1m act Assistance Program Award Notification RECIPIENT: Calhoun County 212 S. Ann Street, Suite 304 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 NOAA Award No. NA170Z2174 Accounting Code: 2ND3000/3A5BAF48/4113 Award Amount: $510,564 Award Period: 12/01/2001 - 11/30/2004 State ClAP Dated: August 28, 2001 CFDA: 11.419 Access Code: 99020 This is a Coastal Impact Assistance award. It represents an obligation of the Federal Government to provide financial assistance pursuant to 43 U.S.C. 1356a. The Secretary of Commerce has reviewed and approved the State's Coastal Impact Assistance Plan (ClAP), which is incorporated by reference into this award. Amounts received by Producing Coastal States and coastal political subdivisions may be used only for the purposes specified in the Producing Coastal State's Coastal Impact Assistance Plan. Payment under this award will be sent by electronic funds transfer after receipt of the attached Vendor Profile form which can also be accessed at the following website htto://www.rdc.noaa.qov/-acod/eftform.htm. The Vendor Profile Form must be completed and returned to the NOAA Finance Division before any transfer of funds can be made. This form can be faxed to that office at 301-427-3242 or 301-427-2035. In addition, we require the following enclosed documents to be completed and returned, if you have not already done so with this countersigned award document. Please complete the SF424B - Assurances or the SF424D - Construction Assurances, and the CD511, Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug Free Workplace Requirement and Lobbying. These documents as well as two copies of the Award Document (Grants and Finance Copy) must be returned to the NOAA Grants Management Division within 30 days. * By signing this award notification letter, you agree to comply with the following provisions which are incorporated by reference: Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions: NOAA Special Award Conditions; OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Government; 15 CFR Part 24, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, and .ra Local Governments, and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Government, !~,.. ~ and non-Profit Organizations. \ IJ 0:.",0,; ~ 1p......."'0,~ Printed on Recycled Paper RECIPIENT COPY RETAIN 493 t194 ", An annual progress report and Financial Status Report (SF-269) will be due 90 days after the anniversary date of your award, for the life of the award period (see attachments). Failure to submit any report may result in the suspension of the payments under this award. , Please be advised that you must keep this award document on file in accordance with 15 CFR Part 24.42. If the Government determines at any time that your application includes a false statement, the Government has the right to pursue any remedies allowed by law to recover the disbursed Federal Funds. The making of false statements may be subject to criminal penalties, including fine and/or imprisonment, under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and , 42 U.S.C. 3220. If you have any questions, please contact the NOAA Program manager for the technical issues or the NOAA Grants Management Specialist for administrative issues. NOAA Program Manager: Joshua Lott 301-713-3155 Josh.Lott@NOAA.GOV NOAA Grants Management Specialist: Alan Conway/Christine Brown 301-713-0922 1325 East-West Highway, 9th Floor Silver Spring, MD 20910 To the best of my knowledge and belief. all data in the ClAP are true and correct. The document has been duly authorized by the government body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. Date ~' , "_: '":, .~ u 201:: Recipient Date imas T. Liogys NOAA Grants Officer Enclosed NOAA Special Award Conditions DoC Standard Terms and Conditions Vendor Profile Form Assurances CD511 SF269 RECIPIENT COPY RETAIN e e e e e e , , NOAA SPECIAL AWARD CONDITION 1. Award payment shall be made through the NOAA Financial Assistance Disbursement System (FADS). In accordance with 31 CFR 205 (Treasury Circular 1075 "1977"), the Recipient shall: (1) maintain procedures for fund control to ensure that drawndowns are made only when actually needed for its immediate disbursement needs; (2) comply with timely reporting of cash disbursements and balances as required. If the Recipient does not adhere to these provisions, NOAA may revoke the unobligated portion of the federal award funds. Instructions for use of the FADS are attached. FADS is an automated system that allow Recipients to request funds using a touch-tone telephone. FADS will record Recipients' requests and process them automatically, subject to review by NOAA officials. Once approved, funds will be directly deposited in the Recipient organization's bank account. See award letter for the access code. 2. NOAA has issued a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) detailing the environmental impacts of NOAA's approval of the state Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) plans in 66 FR 57038. This EA is incorporated by reference. No funding, other than up-front planning and administrative costs, may be expended on any specific project identified in the EA as needing "further review" or consult under the Endangered Species Act, Magnuson-Stevens Act, or National Historic Preservation Act, until NOAA has completed the review of the specific project and informed the recipient in writing or electronic communication that the project may proceed. 3. This award supports the work described in the State's ClAP plan as referenced in the award notification letter and pursuant to guidance promulgated in 66 FR 51396 (10/09/01), and 66 FR 17151 (3/29/01). All of these are incorporated by reference. 495 4. An annual Progress Report must be submitted to the Program manager within 90 days of the anniversary date of each grant year throughout the duration of the award. This report will be used to keep the program up to date on the recipient's progress. The report should address the following: (1) the status of each project, including accomplishments to date, estimated time for completion, and expiration for any anticipated delays. (2) any approved amendments and/or extensions to the ClAP plans; and (3) for completion projects, submittal of relevant work products (e.g. report data sets, links to on-line photographs, etc.). If some or all the funds have been deposited in a trust fund, the trust fund must report annually on the uses of those funds. The Annual Progress Report submitted after the award has expired will be considered the final report and is due 90 days after the expiration date. 496 e e e e e e EFT fORM http://www.rdc.noaa.gov/-aCOd/eftfonn,htJ , This fonn is printable. When completed, please fax this fonn to 301-427-3242 or 301-427-2025. VENDOR PROFILE FORM ~...'.o"~""'" ,~ "t., la' ". ',. ". . , ~ # "'l:..~ .,.[;.j.,J.' ''>':I..!;>'Tc1'C'' The purpose of this fonn is to provide mandatory award and payment information for NOAA. This information is required as set forth in FAR 52.232-33, Mandatory Informationfor Electronic Funds transfer Payment, the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. and the Taxpayer Relief ACI of 1997. NOM will use the information only for the purposes stated in the references cited above and wiJl restrict aCCess to the data to authorized personnel who will use it only for the specified purposes. Until this information is received, our payment office will not make any payments. You, the vendor, are required to inform us of any banking changes that occur to ensure prompt payment of your invoices. Your payments may be delayed if the information you provide is not accurate. Please select one: _ New Vendor _ Change (complete bold areas. along wi changes) Name: Legal Name Calhoun County, Texas Acronym Or shortened name CAL CO TX (8 characters long or less) What type of Vendor are you (select one): rr:--""'''''' ... ""'-", --. -- . "-~""-=~_""""~~_"""'-=_____""""""""'''-'-___~''''''''''''''''''''''''''"__~ iLjl~~~l~i~~~~a~_~~~~_;CI!n.cti~!.._..________IL_JIi?~~ ~~Il~~'___'___11 !I._:!~!~~,,-n:~al_(J.":::rrlfI1:~t~~o~~IJl.JL;LOthe:_~.ta~~~L.o.ca.I..<:'.o~:':".':,,-nt_ -___t_ ;1~":~".J3.u.'in.:'.'.___ ______ _ _: :1 .Jl~~.i?~.l'f-,,~:!,!~t_Ag.~~___.L.:IFor~.~.E":'..tr~r~.c:.".,!,o~tio!'.__1 AI'>I".n:l'~!i.I_~~ll~"ti.o~._ ----'I :LJQ:""':t;oo~'w, '-- U~~"'-~_J]'"""':."~______I T":jPrivateyniversity. .:1_ _IINon-p~oli~l{!'.s!'it~_____~L. :[FederaI Government , l_I!~~a!.e/LCJ.Ca~~o_v't:.~~uc,,:i".~__J_ .' I.J Minority Owned and Operated Business Yes_ No~ Woman Owned and Operated Business Yes_ No...!.- What is your IndividuaVBusiness/Organization's mailing address and point of contact? Name Arlene N. Marshall, Calhoun County Judge Address line I 211 S. Ann Street Address line 2 Room 304 City Port Lavaca State Texas ZIP 77979 Country USA Phone 361.553.4600 Fax 361.111,4444 Internet E-mail address calhoun@tisd.net If paym.ent remit address is different than the mailing address, please provide it below: N/A 12/18/iOOl 9,06 AM 497 EFT fORM httP,//Www.rdc.noaa.gov/-aCOdJeftfOrme Name Address line I Address line 2 City State Zip Country Phone Fax Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)* ~i~z~~~:;:~:~::~::::jEi:~'h:" _h ~~ ~_ :~.~~ '''-,~~:~-=_~.~~~='::.,'''', :~~~'~~:. '=::\ 1,proprietorship w/ lor more emplotees) ....' _,_t.. 74-6001923 ,1 j~ent <;omJlanr. Name and TIN..N.um~e,:.. . :1 , ,. .._ . ..' ;IDi~ision or Subu.nitName and TIN.!"n.mb!r :! li!>uNS # (co[l\mercial vendor on.~) J e * The taxpayer Identification number is required by law. If you fail to provide us with this information, your payments may be subject to income tax withholding. Type of Entity/Account applicable to the TIN (See Form W.9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification. Specific Instructions Section). Select One: if- :~ssoc.. Club. R~ligio~s. h .: 'I'Charitable. Educationa!. or other 11 X iltax exempt org. (StatelLoca! ,._-"gOV!.. School. ~tc.) _. ._... i!.__:~evo:~ble ,savingsTru_st iLJ~~nership !iilBroker or Registered 1 JlNommee ill lAc count w/ ~e;t of' .d : '1IAgn~ulture m the name of a i "publtc enl1ty ,.~._,[ ,_. "eu_.' ..'.- -----. _ ........ ,D!<;ustodiatl_ Acct,~ lIlino~" :1 IISole Propr!etorship !Dlcorp~r~tion ----~-- --- ------ --.----------1 'C Joint Account (Two/more ; Persons) i . I , :1 - ---- \. -".~ -- 'I ..Jy al.i~ Trust/Estate. r-]Federal Government i i[]'--: -- ~-'-- , I I I , Do you require payment in foreign currency? Yes_ No~ Currency type? Please indicate the type of products you provide to NOAA. Services Only _ Goods Only_ Goods/Services_ e The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 mandates the use ofElectrcnic Funds Transfer (EFT) for 200 12/18/2001 9,06 AM 498 EFT FORM hltp:Jiwww.rdc.noaa.goVl-acodleftJonn.htm all Federal payments to recipients who become eligible to receive such payments 90 days after enactment, which is July 26, 1996. Federal agencies must grant waivers for this mandate to recipients who certify in writing that they do not have an account with a financial institution. Please select one of the following payment methods: ..-.-lL EFT (Automated Clearing House Payments (ACH)) e - Check (must submit wavier in writing to the Finance Office, along with this form) If EFT was checked, please provide the following financial information for EFT payments. (The ACH Coordinator at your financial institution can supply you with this information) Financial Institution Name IBC International Bank of Commerce Address 311 N, Virginia City Port Lavaca State Tpx,q~ Zip 77Q7q ACH Coordinator Name Phone Nine Digit RoutinwTransit Number (ABA#) 113105025 Type of Account: (select one): .-. ~."'-.- ~v_._~._"~~-_~._~_~_.-.._"._" - ".---'..--..----~--. ,....- ,.-~--......~-,- -- """-I !l If_lc:l1.~~~I!~~_ll~l'il1l11lJ.~r~" .l:no0234QtL ____ _ ____ . __ __ ___ _ _ _____ _. iC~i~J,~ ~~~_n~j>,/~_m~!___!l_____________________~_________________________~ e I certify that the information which I have provided on this form is correct. Name (type or print) Arlene N. Marshall Title County Judge Phone # 361.553.4600 Signature Date: January 7, 2001 [fi e \21\8/2001 9:Q6 AM 499 e ASSURANCES - NON-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS OMS Approval No. 0348.0040 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, incfuding time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden. to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0040). Washington. DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. NOTE: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions. please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authohzed representative of the applicant. I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project cost) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States and, if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizatlonal contlict of interest, or personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 994728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900. Subpart F). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.l. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. as amended (20 U.S.C. 991681- 1683, and 1685-1686). which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Pre...ious Edition Usable Act -of 1973. as amended (29 U.S.C. 9794). which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. as amended (42 U.S.C. 996101-6107). which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.l. 92-255). as amended. relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehenslve Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.l. 91-616). as amended. relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) 99523 and 527 of the Public Health ServiceAcl of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 99290 dd-3 and 290 ee- 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 993601 et seq.). as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and, m the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. e 7. Will comply. or has already complied. with the requirements of Titles II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally-assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply, as applicable, with prOVISIons of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. 991501-1508 and 7324-7328) e which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 4248 (Re.... 7.97) Prescribed by OMS Circular A.102 500 e 9. Will comply. as applicable. with the provisions of the Davis- Bacon Act (40 V.S.C. gg276a to 276a-7). the Copeland Act (40 V.S.C. 9276c and 18 V.S.C. 9874). and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 99327- 333), regarding labor standards for federally-assisted construction subagreements. 10. WilJ comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 V.S.C. 991451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955. as amended (42 U.S.C. 997401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523); and, (h) protection of endangered spedes under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (P.L 93- 205). e 12. Will comply. with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 V.S.C. 991271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. as amended (16 U.S.C. 9470). EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 99469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544. as amended. 7 U.S.C. g92131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will comply with the Lead~Sased Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 994801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. 17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMS Circular No. A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL TITLE APPLICANT ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED e Standard Forro 4248 (Rev. 7-97) Back 501 e .OMS Approval No. 0348-0042 ASSURANCES. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348.0042), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. NOTE: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions, please contact the Awarding Agency. Further, certain Federal assistance awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, 8. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act and the institutional, managerial and financial capability of 1970 (42 U.S.C. ~34728-4763) relating to prescribed (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share standards for merit systems for programs funded of project costs) to ensure proper planning, under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in management and completion of the project described in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of this application. Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900. Subpart F). 2. Will give the awarding agency. the Comptroller General of the United States and, if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers. or documents related to the assistance; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will not dispose of, modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property title, or other interest in the site and facilities without permission and instructions from the awarding agency. Will record the Federal interest in the title of real property in accordance with awarding agency directives and will include a covenant in the title of real property aquired in whole or in part with Federal assistance funds to assure non- discrimination during the useful life of the project. 4. Will comply with the requirements of the assistance awarding agency with regard to the drafting, review and approval of construction plans and specifications. 5. Will provide and maintain competent and adequate engineering supervision at the construction site to ensure that the complete work conforms with the approved plans and specifications and will furnish progress reports and such other information as may be required by the assistance awarding agency or State. 6. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 7. Witt establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain. 9. Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 994801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead. based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. 10. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to non. discrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. as amended (20 U.S.C. 991681- 1683. and 1685-1686). which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended (29 U.S.C. ~794}, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps: (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. 996101-6107). which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age: (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255). as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616). as amended. relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) 99523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 99290 dd-3 and 290 ee- 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Tille VIIt of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 993601 et seq.). as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing: (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and, Q) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. Previous Edition Usable Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Foam 4240 (Rev. 7.97) Prescribed by OMS Circular A-1 02 502 e e e 11. Will comply. or has already complied. with the requirements of Titles II and H' of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal and federally-assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L 91- 190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. (i(i1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955. as amended (42 U.S.C. (i(i7401 et seq.); (9) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523); and. (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. as amended (P.L. 93-205). 12. Will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. (i(i1501-1508 and 7324-7326) which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 13. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis. Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. (i(i276a to 276a-7). the Copeiand Act (40 U.S.C. S276c and 18 U.s.C. (874). and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.5.C. Sg327- 333) regarding labor standards for federally.assisted construction subagreements. 16. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. g(i1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 14. Will comply with flood insurance purChase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 17. W1I1 assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. as amended (16 U.S.C. (470). EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. (is469a-1 et seq.). 15. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the 18. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMS Circular No. A- 133. "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. " e 19. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and pOlicies governing this program. SiGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICiAL TITLE APPLICANT ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED SF-424D (Rev. 7-97) Back e 503 FORM CD-511 (1)91) e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBiliTY MATTERS; DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS AND LOBBYING Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest..Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature on this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 15 CFR Part 26, "Govemmentwide Debal1T1ent and Suspension (Nonprocurement)" and "Govemmentwide Requirements for Drug.Free Workplace" and 15 CFR Part 28, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance win be placed when the Department of Commerce determines to award the covered transaction, grant or cooperative agreement. 1. DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBiliTY MATTERS As requested by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 15 CFR Part 26, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at15 CFR Part 26. Sections 26.105 and 26.110 - (1) The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; . (b) Have not within a three.year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property: (c) Are not presently indicted for or othelWise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1) (b) of this certification; and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this ap- plication/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) tenninated for cause or default. (2) Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. 2. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Alternate I. Grantees Other Than Individuals As required by the Drug.Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 15 CFR Part 26, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 15 CFR Part 26. Sections 26.605 and 26.610- A. The grantee certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the un- lawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's 504 workplace and speCifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about-- (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug~free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and em- ployee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; e (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be en- gaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will-- (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; (e) Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d){2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to the Director, Office of Federal Assistance, Office of Federal Assistance and ManagementSupport. HCHB Room 6054. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Notice shall include the identification numbers(s) of each affected grant; (f) Taking one of the fOllowing actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d) (2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted- (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including tennination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or e (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, Jaw enforcement, or other appropriate agency; Us.coMM..ocS1-1115 e e e (9) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). and (D. B. The grantee shall insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance: (Street address, city, county, state, ZIP code): Check 0 if there are workplaces on file that are not iden- tified here. Alternate II. Grantees Who Are Individuals As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 15 CFR 26, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 15 CFR Part 26, Sections 26.605 and 26.610- (A) The grantee certifies that, as a condition of the grant, he or she win not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribu- tion, dispensing, possession, or Use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity within the grant (B) If convicted of a criminal drug offense resulting from a violation occurring during the conduct of any grant activity, he or she wiU report the conviction, in writing, within 10 calendar days of the conviction, to the Director, Office of Federal Assistance, Office of Federal Assistance and Management Support, HCHB Room 6054, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. When notice is made to such a central point, it shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant. 3. LOBBYING As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S, Code, and implemented at 15 CFR Part 28, for persons entering into a grant, cooperative agreement or contract over $100,000, or loan or lean guarantee over $150,000, as defined at 15 CFR Part 28, Sections 28. 105 and 28.110, the applicant certifies that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No FederaJ appropriated funds have been paid or wiJ! be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an offICer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, ~Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying, ~ in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers OncJuding subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agree- ments) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Statement for Loan Guarantees and Loan Insurance The undersigned states, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that If any funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or em. ployee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this commitment providing for the United States to insure or guarantee a loan, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LlL, ~Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,. in accordance with its instructions. Submission of this statement is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required statement shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above applicable certification(s). NAME OF APPLICANT AW ARD NUMBER AND/OR PROJECT NAME PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 505 e 1. Federal Agency and Organizational Element to 1Nhict\. Report is Subm[tted FINANCIAL 5T A TUS REPORT (long Form) (Follow instructions on the back) 2. Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number ASSigned By Federal Agency OMS Approval No. 0348.0039 P"'1 ~ pages 3. Recipient Organiza~on (Name and complete address. IOOuding ZIP c:ode) 4. EmployerldenlificalionNumber 5. Recipient Account Number or loenlilying Number 6. Final Report eYes IJ No 7. Basis CCash IJAecrual a. FundingtGranl PeriOd (See instructillns) From: (Monl/'t. Day. Year) lTO: (Month, Day, Year} 9. Period Covered by this Report From: (Month, Day. Year} To: {Month, O~. Yeal} 10. Transactions: I PreviouslvReMrted I This Period '" CumulatIVe a. Totaloutlays b. Refunds,r!lbates,etc. c. Program income used in accordance with the deduchon a~emiiltive c1. Net outlays (Line a. less the sum of lines /) and c) Recipient'. share of nit outlay.. consIstIng or: e. Third party (In-kind) contribUtions f. CIDer Federal awards autflorized to be used to malc/1this award g. Pl'O\Iram income used in .ccordanee with the matching or cost shilrincraltemative h. A1lotherrecipientoutlaysnOlshownonlinese,forg e i. Total recipient share of netoullays ($i.Jm of lines e, f. g and h) j. Federalshalaofnetovtl~(lined!e$Slinl1j} k. TolalunliquidatedobligatiOfls f,:'t..~ ':"';":3"9~ :!:j;li~?~~f;~~t ~_l~~' ~~~{~~~~t!:~~~5~:~f~~ij~i:: I. Recipient's share of unliquidated obligillions m. Federal sharIJ of unliquidaled obligations n. Total Federal share (sum oI/inesj and m) I.;.)~f,;:'";.", - X. -.- '~'Jt~.,,~ f'j{:4~~~'~~~~.J -/;r:..'~1::'.:;<: ~:~~t.:,":;~~lf~ffJ;~\ ~;t~~:.~i%~si~i~~~ ~~~;-;~~~~ ~. Tc'.a\Feder.1\fundsautholi~lorlrnsfund\ngperioO s. Undisbursed program income r~W-I~ -;;'~ffii';~l~~:lli-~..."t tr~j~6~;e:h~~~?;~':PJt ~~~~(1~~ftJ:!1:h ~~;~;':~itf.~~;~-f ~:~~~Ji}lh~} ~~-~~[~ffi~: p. Unobligated balal'lCe of Federal funds (Une 0 minus line nJ Program Income, consisting of: Q. Disbursed program income shown on lines c andlor g aboVe r. Oi$bursed program inccme using the aQdition alte-matNfl l Total program income realiZed (Sum oflinesq, rand 5) .. Type of Rate (Place ")(" in appropriale bOx} Dprovls;onaJ Rate I 0 I . CFlxed FedaralShare 11. Indirect Expense b. B... IJ Predelermlned d. TolalAmount IJ Final 12. Remarks: Attach any exp/anafions deemed neCessal}' or informalion required by Federal sponsoring agency in compliance with governing/egis/alion. e 13. Certification: I certify to the best of my knowledge and beU,f that this report Is correct and complete and that all outlays and unlllluJdated oblloatlons are for the ~umose5 set forth In Ihe aWilrd documenb. Typed or Prinled Name and Tille Telephone (ma code. number and eldeflSKln) Signature of Auttlcrized Certrtying Official Dale Repcrt Submitted. Previous EdilionUsable NSN 7540.o1412-428S 269-104 Sla;ldard Form 269 (Rev. 1-97) Prescribed by OM6 Circulars "-10'2 al"ld "-110 200-498 P,Q.139 (Face) 506 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT (Long Form) Public ,repOrting burden for this collec:~ol1 01 informa~on is es~mated 10 average 30 minutes per r&sponse, ioctuding rime forreVlfJ'wing instruaioos, searching existing dala SOU~. galhenng and maintaining the data needed. and COmpletmg al'ld reVIeWIng the collecllQn of information. Send comments regarding lhe burden esbmate or any other aspect of this collection 01 infonnation, including $uggmions'OI redvcing this~. 10 the OffICe at Management aM Budget, PaperwOf!( Reductic:ln Project (0348-0039), Washington. DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. e Please type or print legibly. The following general instructions explain how to use the form itself. You may need additional inforT11ation to complete certqin items correclfy, or to decide whether a specific item is applicable 10 this award. Usually, such information will be found n the Federal agency's grant regulations or r, the terms and conditions of lhe award (e.g., how to calculate the Federal share, the permissible uses of program income, the value of in-kind contributions, etc.). You may also contact the F ederaJ agency directly. ~ Entl)' 1, 2 and 3. Self-explanatory. 4. Enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. 5. Space reserved for <:In account number or other identifying number assigned by the recipient. 6. Check yes only if this is the last report for the pertod shOwn in item 8. 7. Self.explanatory. 8. Unless you have received other instl1.lctions frQm the awarding agency, enler the beginning and ending dates of the current funding period. If this is a multi.year program, the Federal agency might require cumulative reporting through consecutive funding periods. In that case, enter the beginning and ending dates of the grant pertod, and in the rest of these instructions, substitute the term "grant period" for "funding pertod," 9, SeJf-exPJanatoty. e 10. The purpose of columns, t, II, and Ul is to snow the effect of this reporting period's transactions on cumulative financial status. The amounts entered in column I will normally be the same as thOse in column IU of the previous report in the same funding period, If this is the first or only report Of the funding period, leave columns I and I blank. If you neea to adjust amounls entered on previous reports, footnote the COllJmn I entry on this report and attach an explanation. 1Da. Enter total gross program outlays, Include disbursements of cash realized as program income if that income will also be shawn on lines 10c or 10g. Do not include program income that will be shOWn on fines 10ror 10s. for reports prepared on a cash basis, outlays are the sum of actual Cash disbursements for dired costs for goods and services, the amount of indirect expense charged, the value of in-kind contn'butions applied, and the amount of cash advances and payments made to sUbrecipients. For reports prepared on an accrual basis, outlays are the sum Of actual cash disbursements for direct charges for goods and services, the amount at indirect expense incurred, the value of in.kind contributions applied, and the net increase or decrease in the amounts owed by the recipient for goccls and other property received, for services performed by employees, contractors, subgrantees and other payees, and other amounts becoming owed under programs for Which no current services or performances are required, such as annuities, insurance claims, and Other benefit payments. e Item Entry 10b. Enter any receipts related to olJlIays reported on the form that are being treated as a reduction of expenditure rather than income. and were not already netted out of the amount shown as outlays on line 10a. 10e. Enter the amount of program income that was used in accordance with the deduction alternative. Note; Program income usEXl in accordance with other altematives is entered on lines q, r, and s. ReCipients reporting on a cash basis should en/ar the amoun! of cash income received; on an accrual basis, enter the program income earned. Program income may or may not haVEl been included in an applicatiOn bUdget and/or a budget on the award document. If actual income is from a different source or is significantly different in amount, attaCh an explanation or use the remarks section. 10d, e, f, g, h, I and j. Self-explanalory. 10k. En!er the Iota! amount of unliquidated obligations, inclUding unliquidated obligations to sUbgrantees and contractOrs. Unliquidated obligations on a cash basis are obligations incurred, but not yet paid. On an aCCrual basis, they are obligations incurred, but for which an outlay has not yet been recorded, Do not include any amolJnts on line 10k that have been included on lines 10a and 10j. On the final report, line 10k must be zero. 101. Self-explanatory. 10m. On the final report, line 10m must also be zero. 10n, 0, p, q, r, Sand t. Self-explanatOly, 11a. Self-ell.planatol)'. llb. Enter the indirect cost rate in effect during the reporting period. 11 c. Enter the amount of the base against which the rate was applied, l1d. Enter the total amount of indirect costs charged during the report period. 11e. Ef'lIer the Federal shar& of tha amount In 11d. Note: If more than one rate was in effect during the perioo shown in item 8, attach a SChedule showing the bases against which the different rates were applied, the respective rates, the calendar periods they Wl;!re in effect, amounts af indirect expense charged to the project, and the Federal share of indirect expense charged to the project to date. SF.28geack(Rev.7.97) 507 e ATTACHMENT B NOAA ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARD AWARD CONDITIONS A. The Recipient shall submit all refund checks to the Department of Commerce (DoC) accounting office identified below. All checks must contain the name of the DoC funding agency, award number. and no more than a two-word description to identify reason for refund. For example - Interest Earned, Program Income. Credit. Excessive Drawdown. etc. . U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Finance Division. OFA232 20020 Century Boulevard Caller Service #7025 Germantown. MD 20874 301-427-2034 B. Program income earned during the award period shall be retained by the Recipient and shall be added to funds committed to the award and used for the purposes and under the conditions applicable to the use of the award funds. If applicable. the Recipient must request prio'r approval from NOAA to purchase equipment costing in excess of $5.000 per unit and having a useful life of more than one year. This condition applies to equipment not specifically identified and justified in the Recipient's proposal and approved budget. D. If applicable. cost sharing is to be calculated on the basis of the total financial award to the Recipient. The Government does not recognize funds made in overmatch subsequent to making an award. e C. E. Notwithstanding Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions. Section L.02d., when a recipient uses foreign flagged air carrier(s) for travel. the recipient must submit the certification required by the regulations implementing the Fly America Act (41 CFR Part 301-10) to the Grants Officer in the same frequency as the Financial Status Report (SF-269). This certification may be in any format and may even be the internal travel form used by the recipient which highlights and justifies the use of a foreign flagged air carrier (see 41 CFR 301-10.142). The certification must include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Traveler's name; Dates traveled; The origin and the destination of the travel; A detailed itinerary of the travel. name of the air carrier. and flight number for each leg of the trip; and A statement explaining why one of the exceptions in S 301-10.135, S 301-10.136. or S 301-10.137 was met. or a copy of your agency's written approval that foreign air carrier service was deemed a matter of necessity in accordance with S 301-10.138. e 508 October 2001 e e ~€.Ni OF Co ~ ~% ~ ~ o ~~ ~o Q ~ ~ * I~I * ~ cJ ?- ~ ~() ~<<; SlATES Or: ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS e 60S e DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page PREFACE .................................................................. 1 A. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .01 Financial Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .02 Award Payments .................................................. I .03 Federal and Non-Federal Sharing ..................................... 2 .04 Budget Changes and Transfer of Funds Among Categories ................. 2 .05 Indirect Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .06 Incurring Costs or Obligating Federal Funds Beyond the Expiration Date ................................................ 4 .07 Tax Refunds ..................................................... 4 B. PROGRAMMATIC REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 e .01 Performance (Technical) Reports ..................................... 5 .02 Unsatisfactory Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .03 Programmatic Changes ............................................. 5 .04 Other Federal Awards with Similar Programmatic Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .05 Non-Compliance with Award Provisions ...............................6 .06 Prohibition Against Assignment by Recipient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .07 Disclaimer Provisions .............................................. 6 C. NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS .............................. 6 .01 Statutory Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .02 Other Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 D. AUDITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .0 I Organization-Wide, Program-Specific, and Project Audits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .02 Audit Resolution Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 E. DEBTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .01 .02 Payment of Debts Owed the Federal Government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Late Payment Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 e i - 510 e e e F. NAME CHECK ....................................................... 10 .oI Results of Name Check................ .. .... ....... . .... .... . .. ... 10 .02 Action(s) Taken as a Result of Name Check Review ..................... II G. GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) ............................................... II H. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ........................................... II I. LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II .01 Statutory Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I] .02 Disclosure of Lobbying Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II J. CODES OF CONDUCT AND SUBA WARD, CONTRACT, AND SUBCONTRACT PROVISIONS.. ... . ... . .. .. .. '" .. . .. .. ..... ... .. 12 .01 Code of Conduct for Recipients ..................................... .12 .02 Applicability of Award Provisions to Subrecipients ...................... 12 .03 Competition and Codes of Conduct for Subawards.. ..... .'. . .. ... .... ... . 12 .04 Applicability of Provisions to Subawards, Contracts, and Subcontracts ................................................. 13 .05 Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .06 Subaward and/or Contract to a Federal Agency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 K. PROPERTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .01 Standards... . . .. .. .. ........ .. .. . . .. .. .. ..... " ........... ... .. . 14 .02 Real Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 L. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS .................................. 15 .01 Criminal and Prohibited Activities ................................... 15 .02 Foreign Travel ................................................... 15 .03 American-Made Equipment and Products ............................. 16 .04 Intellectual Property Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 .05 Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States ........................... 19 .06 Research Involving Human Subjects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 .07 Federal Employee Expenses ........................................ 20 .08 Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .09 Minority Serving Institutions Initiative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ii 511 e PREFACE The recipient and any subrecipients must, in addition to the assurances made as part of the application, comply and require each of its contractors and subcontractors employed in the completion of the project to comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, executive orders (EOs), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, terms and conditions, and approved applications. This award is subject to the laws and regulations of the United States. Any inconsistency or conflict in terms and conditions specified in the award will be resolved according to the following order of precedence: public laws, regulations, applicable notices published in the Federal Relrister, EOs, OMB circulars, Department of Commerce (DoC) Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions, agency standard award conditions (if any), and special award conditions. Special award conditions may take precedence over DoC standard tenus and conditions, on a case-by-case basis, when allowed by the DoC standard tenu and condition. Some of the DoC tenus and conditions herein contain, by reference or substance, a summary of the pertinent statutes, or regulations published in the Federal Rel!ister or Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), EOs, OMB circulars or the assurances (Forms SF-424B,424D). To the extent that it is a summary. such provision is not in derogation of, or an amendment to, any such statute, regulation, EO, or OMB circular. e A. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS .01 Financial Reports a. The recipient shall submit a "Financial Status Report" (SF-269) on a semi-annual basis for the periods ending March 31 and September 30, or any portion thereof, unless otherwise specified in a special award condition. Reports are due no later than 30 days following the end of each reporting period. A final SF-269 shall be submitted within 90 days after the expiration date of the award. b. Unless otherwise authorized by a special award condition, all fmancial reports shall be submitted in triplicate (one original and two copies) to the Grants Officer. .02 Award Payments a. The advance method of payment shall be authorized unless otherwise specified in a special award condition. The Grants Officer determines the appropriate method of payment. Payments will be made through electronic funds transfers directly to the recipient's bank account and in accordance with the requirements of the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. The DoC Award Number must be included on all payment-related correspondence, information, and forms. e 1 10/01 512 e b. When the "Request for Advance or Reimbursement" (SF-270) is used to request payment, the recipient shall submit the request no more frequently than monthly, and advances shall be approved for periods to cover only expenses anticipated over the next 30 days. When the SF-270 is used, the recipient must complete the SF-3881, "ACH Vendor Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form," and return it to the Grants Officer. c. Advances shall be limited to the minimum amounts necessary to meet immediate disbursement needs. Advanced funds not disbursed in a timely manner must be promptly returned to DoC. If a recipient demonstrates an unwillingness or inability to establish procedures which will minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds and disbursement or if the recipient otherwise fails to continue to qualify for the advance method of payment, the Grants Officer may change the method of payment to reimbursement onlv. .03 Federal and Non-Federal Sharing a. Awards which include Federal and non-Federal sharing incorporate an estimated budget consisting of shared allowable costs. If actual allowable costs are less than the total approved estimated budget, the Federal and non-Federal cost share ratio shall be calculated as a percentage of Federal and non-Federal approved amounts. If actual allowable costs are greater than the total approved estimated budget, the Federal share shall not exceed the total Federal dollar amount as reflected in the Financial Assistance Award (CD-450) and Amendment(s) to Financial Assistance Award (CD-451). e b. The non-Federal share, whether in cash or in-kind, is expected to be paid out at the same general rate as the Federal share. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Grants Officer based on sufficient documentation demonstrating previously determined plans for or later commitment of cash or in-kind contributions. In any case, the recipient must meet its cost share commitment over the life of the award. .04 Budget Changes and Transfer of Funds Among Categories a. Requests for budget changes to the approved estimated budget in accordance with the provision noted below must be submitted to the Grants Officer who shall make the final determination on such requests and notify the recipient in writing. b. Transfers of funds by the recipient among direct cost categories are permitted for awards in which the Federal share of the project is $100,000 or less. For awards in which the Federal share of the project exceeds $100,000, transfers of funds must be approved in writing by the Grants Officer when the cumulative amount of such transfers exceed 10 percent of the current total Federal and non-Federal funds authorized by the Grants Officer. The 10 percent threshold applies to the total Federal and non-Federal funds authorized by the Grants Officer at the time of the e 2 10/01 513 e transfer request. This is the accumulated amount of Federal funding obligated to date by the Grants Officer along with any non-Federal share. The same criteria applies to the cumulative amount of transfer of funds among projects, functions, joint ventures, consortia, activities. and annual costs when budgeted separately within an award. Transfers will not be permitted if such transfers would cause any Federal appropriation, or part thereof, to be used for purposes other than those intended. This transfer authority does not authorize the recipient to create new budget categories within an approved budget unless the Grants Officer has provided prior approval. c. The recipient is not authorized at any time to transfer amounts budgeted for direct costs to the indirect costs line item or vice versa, without written prior approval of the Grants Officer. .05 Indirect Costs a. Indirect costs will not be allowable charges against the award unless specifically included as a line item in the approved budget incorporated into the award. (The term "indirect cost" has been replaced with the term "facilities and administrative costs" under OMB Circular A-21, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions.") e b. Excess indirect costs may not be used to offset unallowable direct costs. c. If the recipient has not previously established an indirect cost rate with a Federal agency, the negotiation and approval of a rate is subject to the procedures in the applicable cost principles and the following subparagraphs: I. The OIG is authorized to review cost allocation procedures and negotiate indirect cost rates on behalf of DoC for those organizations for which DoC is cognizant' or has oversight. The OIG either will negotiate a fixed rate for the recipient or, in some instances, will limit its review to evaluating the procedures described in the recipient's cost allocation methodology plan. The recipient shall submit to the OIG within 90 days of the award start date, documentation (indirect cost proposal, cost allocation plan, etc.) necessary for the OIG to perform its review. The recipient shall provide the.Grants Officer with a copy ofthe transmittal letter to the OIG. 2. When an oversight or cognizant Federal agency other than DoC has responsibility for establishing an indirect cost rate, the recipient shall submit to that oversight or cognizant Federal agency within 90 days of the award start date the documentation (indirect cost proposal, cost allocation plan, etc.) necessary to establish such rates. The recipient shall provide the Grants Officer with a copy of the transmittal letter to the cognizant Federal agency. e 3 10/01 514 e 3. If the recipient fails to submit the required documentation to the OIG or other oversight or cognizant Federal agency within 90 days of the award start date, the Grants Officer may amend the award to preclude the recovery of any indirect costs under the award. If the DoC OIG, oversight, or cognizant Federal agency determines there is a finding of good and sufficient cause to excuse the recipient's delay in submitting the documentation, an extension of the 90-day due date may be approved by the Grants Officer. 4. Regardless of any approved indirect cost rate applicable to the award, the maximum dollar amount of allocable indirect costs for which DoC will reimburse the recipient shall be the lesser of: (a) The line item amount for the Federal share of indirect costs contained in the approved budget of the award; or (b) The Federal share of the total allocable indirect costs of the award based on the indirect cost rate approved by a cognizant or oversight Federal agency and current at the time the cost was incurred, provided the rate is approved on or before the award end date. .06 Incurring Costs or Obligating Federal Funds Beyond the Expiration Date e a. The recipient shall not incur costs or obligate funds for any purpose pertaining to the operation of the project, program, or activities beyond the expiration date stipulated in the award. The only costs which are authorized for a period of up to 90 days following the award expiration date are those strictly associated with closeout activities. Closeout activities are normally limited to the preparation of final progress, financial, and required project audit reports unless otherwise approved in writing by the Grants Officer. b. Unless otherwise authorized in 15 CFR 9 14.25(e)(4) or a special award condition, any extension of the award period can only be authorized by the Grants Officer in writing. Verbal or written assurances of funding from other than the Grants Officer shall not constitute authority to obligate funds for programmatic activities beyond the expiration date. c. The DoC has no obligation to provide any additional prospective funding. Any amendment of the award to increase funding and to extend the period of perfonnance is at the sole discretion of DoC. .07 Tax Refunds Refunds ofFICNFUT A taxes received by the recipient during or after the award period must be refunded or credited to DoC where the benefits were financed with Federal funds under the award. The recipient agrees to contact the Grants Officer immediately upon receipt of these refunds. The recipient further agrees to refund e 4 10/01 515 e portions ofFICAfFUT A taxes determined to belong to the Federal Government, including refunds received after the award end date. B. PROGRAMMATIC REQUIREMENTS .01 Performance (Technical) Reports a. The recipient shall submit performance (technical) reports in triplicate (one original and two copies) to the Federal Program Officer in the same frequency as the Financial Status Report (SF-269) unless otherwise authorized by the Grants Officer. b. Unless otherwise specified in the award provisions, performance (technical) reports shall contain brief information as prescribed in the applicable uniform administrative requirements incorporated into the award. .02 Unsatisfactory Performance Failure to perform the work in accordance with the terms of the award and maintain at least a satisfactory performance rating or equivalent evaluation may result in designation of the recipient as high risk and assignment of special award conditions or other further action as specified in the standard term and condition entitled "Non- Compliance With Award Provisions." e .03 Programmatic Changes a. The recipient shall not make any progranunatic changes to the award without prior written approval by the Grants Officer. b. Any requests by the recipient for progranunatic changes must be submitted to the Grants Officer who shall make the final determination and notifY the recipient in writing. .04 Other Federal Awards witb Similar Programmatic Activities The recipient shall immediately provide written notification to the Federal Program Officer and the Grants Officer in the event that, subsequent to receipt of the DoC award, other financial assistance is received to support or fund any portion of the scope of work incorporated into the DoC award. DoC will not pay for costs that are funded by other sources. e 5 10/01 516 e e e .05 Non-Compliance With Award Provisions Failure to comply with any or all ofthe provisions of the award may have a negative impact on future funding by DoC and may be considered grounds for any or all of the following actions: establishment of an account receivable, withholding payments under any DoC awards to the recipient, changing the method of payment from advance to reimbursement only. or the imposition of other special award conditions, suspension of any DoC active awards, and termination of any DoC active awards. .06 Prohibition Against Assignment by the Recipient Notwithstanding any other provision of the award, the recipient shall not transfer, pledge, mortgage, or otherwise assign the award, or any interest therein, or any claim arising thereunder, to any party or parties, banks, trust companies, or other financing or financial institutions. .07 Disclaimer Provisions a. The United States expressly disclaims any and all responsibility or liability to the recipient or third persons for the actions of the recipient or third persons resulting in death, bodily injury, property damages, or any other losses resulting in any way from the performance of this award or any other losses resulting in any way from the performance of this award or any subaward or subcontract under this award. b. The acceptance of this award by the recipient does not in any way constitute an agency relationship between the United States and the recipient. C. NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, handicap, age, religion, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The recipient agrees to comply with the non-discrimination requirements below: .01 Statutory Provisions a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of \964 (42 USC 99 2000d et seq.) and DoC implementing regulations published at \5 CFR Part 8 which prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin under programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance; b. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 use 99168\ et seq.) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex under Federally assisted education programs or activities; 6 10/01 517 e c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC ~ 794) and DoC implementing regulations published at 15 CFR Part 8b prohibiting discrimination on the basis of handicap under any program or activity receiving or benefitting from Federal assistance; d. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ~~ 6101 et seq.) and DoC implementing regulations published at 15 CFR Part 20 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance; e. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC ~~ 12101 et seq.) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability under programs, activities, and services provided or made available by state and local governments or instrumentalities or agencies thereto, as well as public or private entities that provide public transportation; f. Any other applicable non-discrimination law(s). , Parts II and III of EO I 1246 (30 FR 12319,1965) as amended by EO 11375 (32 FR 14303,1967) and 12086 (43 FR 46501,1978) require Federally assisted construction contracts to include the nondiscrimination provisions of g 202 and 203 ofthat EO and Department ofLaborregulations implementing EO 11246 (41 CFR ~ 60-1.4(b), 1991). e .02 Other Provisions D. AUDITS Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, 5 USC App. 3,~ I et seq., an audit of the award may be conducted at any time. The Inspector General of the DoC, or any of his or her duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the recipient, whether written, printed, recorded, produced or reproduced by any electronic, mechanical, magnetic or other process or medium, in order to make audits, inspections, excerpts, transcripts or other examinations as authorized by law. When the OIG requires a program audit on a DoC award, the OIG will usually make the arrangements to audit the award, whether the audit is performed by OIG personnel, an independent accountant under contract with DoC, or any other Federal, state or local audit entity. e 7 10101 51.8 .01 Organization-Wide, Program-Specific, and Project Audits tit a. Organization-wide or program-specific audits shall be performed in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, as implemented by OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." Recipients that are subject to the provisions ofOMB Circular A-133 and that expend $300,000 or more in a year in Federal awards shall have an audit conducted for that year in accordance with the requirements contained in OMB Circular A-133. b. Pursuant to 15 CFR g 14.26 ( c) and (d), DoC requires for-profit recipients of awards that exceed $100,000 in Federal funding to have a program-specific audit performed. If DoC does not have a program-specific audit guide available for the program, the auditor should follow Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards and the requirements for a program-specific audit as described in OMB Circular A-B3 g .235. A copy of the program-specific audit shall be submitted to the OIG at the following address with a copy of the transmittal letter to the Grants Officer: Office ofInspector General U.S. Department of Commerce Atlanta Regional Office of Audits 401 West Peachtree Street, N.W., Suite 2742 Atlanta, GA 30308 tit c. Recipients expending Federal awards over $300,000 a year and having audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-B3 shall submit a copy of organization-wide or program-specific audits to the Bureau of the Census, which has been designated by OMB as a central clearinghouse. The address is: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 120 I E. lOth Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132 .02 Audit Resolution Process a. An audit of the award may result in the disallowance of costs incurred by the recipient and the establishment of a debt (account receivable) due DoC. For this reason, the recipient should take seriously its responsibility to respond to all audit findings and recommendations with adequate explanations and supporting evidence whenever audit results are disputed. 8 10/01 e 519 e b. In accordance with the Federal Register notice dated January 27, 1989 (54 FR 4053), a recipient whose award is audited has the following opportunities to dispute the proposed disallowance of costs and the establishment of a debt: I. Unless the Inspector General determines otherwise, the recipient has 30 days from the date of the transmittal of the draft audit renOIt to submit written comments and documentary evidence. 2. The recipient has 30 days from the date of the transmittal of the final audit reooct to submit written comments and docwnentary evidence. There will be no extension of this deadline. 3. The DoC shall review the documentary evidence submitted by the recipient and shall notifY the recipient of the results in an Audit Resolution Determination Letter. The recipient has 30 days from the date of receipt of the Audit Resolution Determination Letter to submit a written appeal. There will be no extension of this deadline. The appeal is the last opportunity for the recipient to submit written comments and documentary evidence that e dispute the validity of the audit resolution determination. In addition, an appeal does not preclude the recipient's obligation to pay a debt that may be established. nor does the appeal preclude the accrual of interest on a debt. 4. The DoC shall review the recipient's appeal and notifY the recipient of the results in an Anoeal Determination Letter. After the opportunity to appeal has expired or after the appeal determination has been rendered, DoC will not accept any further documentary evidence from the recipient. No other administrative appeals are available in DoC. 5. An appeal of the Audit Resolution Determination does not prevent the establishment of the audit-related debt nor does it prevent the accrual of interest on the debt. If the Audit Resolution Determination is overruled or modified on appeal, appropriate corrective action will be taken retroactively. An appeal will stay the offset of funds owed by the auditee against funds due to the auditee. E. DEBTS .01 Payment of Debts Owed the Federal Government Any debts determined to be owed the Federal Government shall be paid promptly by the recipient. In accordance with 15 CFR ~ 21.4, a debt will be considered delinquent ifit is not paid within 15 days of the due date, or if there is no due date, within 30 days of the billing date. Failure to pay a debt by the due date, or if there is no due date, within 30 days of the billing date. shall result in the imposition of late payment charges as noted below. In addition, failure to pay the debt or establish a repayment agreement by the due date, or if there is no due date, within 30 days of the billing e 9 10/01 .520 e e e date, will also result in the referral of the debt for collection action and may result in DoC taking further action as specified in the standard tenn and condition entitled "Non-Compliance With A ward Provisions." Funds for payment of a debt must not come from other Federally sponsored programs. Verification that other Federal funds have not been used will be made, e.g., during on-site visits and audits. .02 Late Payment Charges a. An interest charge shall be assessed on the delinquent debt as established by the Debt Collection Act (31 V.S.C. 3701 et seq.), as amended. The minimum annual interest rate to be assessed is the Department of the Treasury's Current Value of Funds Rate. This rate is published in the Federal Rel!:ister by the Department of the Treasury. The assessed rate shall remain fixed for the duration of the indebtedness. b. A penalty charge shaJl be assessed on any portion of a debt that is delinquent for more than 90 days, although the charge will accrue and be assessed from the date the debt became delinquent. c. An administrative charge shall be assessed to cover processing and handling the amount due. d. State and local governments are not subject to penalty and administrative charges. F. NAME CHECK A name check review shall be perfonDed by the OIG on key individuals associated with non-profit and for-profit organizations, unless an exemption has been authorized by the Inspector General, such as the exemption authorized for Economic Development Districts designated by the Economic Development Administration. .01 Results of Name Check DoC reserves the right to take any of the actions described in section F.02 if any of the following occurs as a result of the name check review: a. A key individual fails to submit the required FOnD CD-346, "Applicant for Funding Assistance;" b. A key individual made an incorrect statement or omitted a material fact on the FOnD CD-346; or c. The name check reveals significant adverse findings that reflect on the business integrity or responsibility of the recipient and/or key individual. 10 10/01 ~21 e .02 Action(s) Taken as a Result of Name Check Review If any situation noted in F.O I occurs, DoC, at its discretion, may take one or more of the fonowing actions: a. Consider suspensionltennination of the award; b. Require the removal of any key individual from association with the management of and/or implementation of the award; and/or c. Make appropriate provisions or revisions with respect to the method of payment and/or financial reporting requirements. G. GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) The recipient shall comply with the provisions of EO 12549, "Debarment and Suspension" and DoC's implementing regulations published at 15 CFR Part 26, Subparts A through E, "Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)," which generally prohibit entities that have been debarred, suspended, or voluntarily excluded from participating in Federal nonprocurement transactions either through primary or lower tier covered transactions. e H. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE The recipient shan comply with the provisions of Public Law 100-690, Title Y, Subtitle D, "Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988," and DoC implementing regulations published at15 CFR Part 26, Subpart F, "Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)," which require that the recipient take steps to provide a drug-free workplace. I. LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS .01 Statutory Provisions The recipient shall comply with the provisions of Section 319 of Public Law 101-121, which added Section 1352 to Chapter 13 of Title 31 of the United States Code, and DoC implementing regulations published at 15 CFR Part 28, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." These provisions generally prohibit the use of Federal funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal government in connection with the award, and require the disclosure of the use of non-Federal funds for lobbying. .02 Disclosure of Lobbying Activities e The recipient receiving in excess of$100,000 in Federal funding shall submit a completed Fonn SF-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," regarding the use of non-Federal funds for lobbying. The Fonn SF-LLL shan be submitted within 30 days following the end of the calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that requires 11 10/01 522 e e e disclosure or that materially affects the accuracy of the information contained in any disclosure form previously filed. The recipient must submit the Forms SF-LLL, including those received from subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors, to the Grants Officer. , J. CODES OF CONDUCT AND SUBA WARD, CONTRACT, AND SUBCONTRACT PROVISIONS .01 Code of Conduct for Recipients Pursuant to the certification in SF-424B, paragraph 3, the recipient must maintain written standards of conduct to establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain in the administration of this award. .02 Applicability of Award Provisions to Sub recipients The recipient shall require all subrecipients, including lower tier subrecipients, under the award to comply with the provisions of the award including applicable cost principles, administrative, and audit requirements. .03 Competition and Codes of Conduct for Subawards a. All subawards will be made in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practicable, open and free competition. The recipient must be alert to organizational conflicts of interest as well as other practices among subrecipients that may restrict or eliminate competition. In order to ensure objective subrecipient performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage, subrecipients that develop or draft work requirements, statements of work, or requests for proposals shall be excluded from competing for such subawards. b. The recipient shall maintain written standards of conduct governing the performance of its employees engaged in the award and administration of subawards. No employee, officer, or agent shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a subaward supported by Federal funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization in which he/she serves as an officer or which employs or is about to employ any of the parties mentioned in this section, has a financial interest or other interest in the organization selected or to be selected for a subaward. The officers, employees, and agents of the recipient shall neither solicit nor accept anything of monetary value from subrecipients. However, the recipient may set standards for situations in which the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value. The standards of conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards by officers, employees, or agents of the recipient. 12 10/01 5~3 c. A financial interest may include employment, stock ownership, a creditor or debtor relationship, or prospective employment with the organization selected or to be selected for a subaward. An appearance of impainnent of objectivity could result from an organizational conflict where, because of other activities or relationships with other persons or entities, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice. It could also result from non- financial gain to the individual, such as benefit to reputation or prestige in a professional field. .04 Applicability of Provisions to Subawards, Contracts, and Subcontracts a. The recipient shall include the following notice in each request for applications or bids: Applicantslbidders for a lower tier covered transaction (except for goods and services under the $100,000 simplified acquisition threshold and where the lower tier recipient will have no critical influence on or substantive control over the award) are subject to 15 CFR Part 26, Subparts A through E, "Govenunentwide Debannent and Suspension (Nonprocurement). In addition, applicantslbidders for a lower tier covered transaction for a subaward, contract, or subcontract greater than $100,000 of Federal funds at any tier are subject to IS CFR Part 28, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." Applicantslbidders should familiarize themselves with these provisions, including the certification requirements. Therefore, applications for a lower tier covered transaction must include a F onn CD-SI2, "Certifications Regarding Debannent, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-- Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying," completed without modification. b. The recipient shall include a statement in all lower tier covered transactions (subawards, contracts, and subcontracts), that the award is subject to EO 12549, "Debannent and Suspension" and DoC implementing regulations published at 15 CFR Part 26, Subparts A through E, "Govenunentwide Debannent and Suspension (Nonprocurement)." c. The recipient shall include a statement in all lower tier covered transactions (subawards, contracts, and subcontracts) exceeding $100.000 in Federal funds, that the subaward, contract, or subcontract is subject to Section 319 of Public Law 101-121, which added Section 1352, regarding lobbying restrictions, to Chapter 13 of Title 31 of the United States Code as implemented at 15 CFR Part 28, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." The recipient shall furth~ require the subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor to submit a completed "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities" (Fonn SF-LLL) regarding the use of non-Federal funds for lobbying. The Fonn SF-LLL shall be submitted within 15 days following the end of the calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that requires disclosure or that materially affects the accuracy of the infonnation contained in any disclosure 13 10/01 524 e e e e e e form previously filed. The Form SF-LLL shall be submitted from tier to tier unlit received by the recipient. The recipient must submit all disclosure forms received, including those that report lobbying activity on its own behalf, to the Grants Officer within 30 days following the end of the calendar quarter. .05 Minority Owned Business Enterprise DoC encourages recipients to utilize minority and women-owned firms and enterprises in contracts under financial assistance awards. The Minority Business Development Agency will assist recipients in matching qualified minority owned enterprises with contract opportunities. For further information contact: U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency Herbert C. Hoover Building 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20230 .06 Subaward andlor Contract to a Federal Agency a. The recipient, subrecipient, contractor, and/or subcontractor shall not sub-grant or sub-contract any part of the approved project to any agency or employee of DoC and/or other Federal department, agency or instrumentality, without the prior written approval of the Grants Officer. b. Requests for approval of such action must be submitted to the Federal Program Officer who shall review and make a recommendation to the Grants Officer. The Grants Officer shall make the final determination and will notify the recipient in writing of the final determination. . K. PROPERTY .01 Standards The recipient shall comply with the property management standards as stipulated in the applicable uniform administrative requirements. .02 Real Property The recipient shall record liens or other appropriate notices of record to indicate that real property has been acquired or improved with Federal funds and that disposition conditions apply to the property. 14 10/01 $25 e L. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS .01 Criminal and Prohibited Activities. a. The Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act (31 U.S.c. gg3801-3812), provides for the imposition of civil penalties against persons who make false, fictitious, or fraudulent claims to the Federal government for money (including money representing grants, loans Or other benefits). b. False statements (18 U.S.C. gg287 and IDOl), provides that whoever makes or presents any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements, representations, or claims against the United States shall be subject to imprisonment of not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided by 18 U.S.C. g287. c. False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3729 et seq.), provides that suits under this act can be brought by the government, or a person on behalf of the government, for false claims under Federal assistance programs. d. Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (18 U.S.C. g874 and 40 U.S.C. S 276c), prohibits a person or organization engaged in a Federally supported project from enticing an employee working on the project from giving up a part of his compensation under an employment contract. e .02 Foreign Travel a. The recipient shall comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act (49 USC 9 40118). The implementing regulations of the Fly America Act are found at 41 CFR 99301-10.]31 through 301-10.143. b. The Fly America Act requires that Federal travelers and others performing U.S. Government-financed foreign air travel must use U.S. flag air carriers, to the extent that service.by such carriers is available. Foreign air carriers may be used only in specific instances, such as when a U.S. flag air carrier is unavailable, or use of U.S. flag air carrier service will not accomplish the agency's mission. c. Use of foreign air carriers may also be used only ifbilateral agreements permit such travel pursuant to 49 USC g 40 lI8(b). DoC is not aware of any bilateral agreements which meet these requirements. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the recipient to provide the Grants Officer with a copy of the applicable bilateral agreement ifuse of a foreign carrier under a bilateral agreement is anticipated. d. If a foreign air carrier is anticipated to be used for any part of foreign travel, the recipient must receive prior approval from the Grants Officer. When requesting such approval, the recipient must provide a justification in accordance with guidance provided by 41 CFR 9301-10.142, which requires the recipient to provide the Grants Officer with the following: name; dates of travel; origin and e 15 10/01 5Z6 e destination oftravel; detailed itinerary of travel, name ofthe air carrier and flight number for each leg of the trip; and a statement explaining why the recipient meets one of the exceptions to the regulations. If the use ofa foreign air carrier is pursuant to a bilateral agreement, the recipient must provide the Grants Officer with a copy of the agreement. The Grants Officer shall make the final determination and notifY the recipient in writing. Failure to adhere to the provisions of the Fly America Act will result in the recipient not being reimbursed for any transportation costs for which the recipient improperly used a foreign air carrier. .03 American-Made Equipment and Products. Recipients are hereby notified that they are encouraged, to the greatest extent practicable, to purchase American-made equipment and products with funding provided under this award. .04 Intellectual Property Rights a. Inventions. The rights to any invention made by a recipient under a DoC financial assistance award are determined by the Bayh-Dole Act, Pub. L. 96-517, as amended, and codified in 35 D.S.C. g200 et seq, except as otherwise required by law. The specific rights and responsibilities are described in more detail in 37 CFR Part 401 and in particular, in the standard patent rights clause in 37 CFR g401.14. e I. Ownership. (a) Recipient. The recipient has the right to own any invention it makes (conceived or first reduced to practice) or made by its employees. The recipient may not assign its rights to a third party without the permission of DoC unless it is to a patent management organization (i.e., a university's Research Foundation.) The recipient's ownership rights are subject to the Government's nonexclusive paid-up license. (b) Department. If the recipient elects not to own or does not elect rights or file a patent application within the time limits set forth in the standard patent rights clause, DoC may request an assignment of all rights, which is normally subject to a limited royalty free nonexclusive license for the recipient. DoC owns any invention made solely by its employees but may license the recipient in accordance with the procedures in 37 CFR Part 404. (c) Inventor/Employee. If neither the recipient nor the Department is interested in owning an invention by a recipient employee, the recipient, with the written concurrence of DoC Patent Counsel, may allow the e 16 10/01 527 e inventor/employee to own the invention subject to certain restrictions as described in 37 CFR S 401.9. (d) Joint inventions. Inventions made jointly by a recipient and a DoC employee will be owned jointly by the recipient and DoC. However, DoC may transfer its rights to the recipient as authorized by 35 U.S.C. S 202(e) and 37 CFR S 401.10 if the recipient is willing to patent and license the invention in exchange for a share of "net" royalties based on the number of inventors (e.g., 50-50 if there is one recipient and DoC employee). The agreement will be prepared by DoC Patent Counsel and may include other provisions, such as a royalty free license to the Government and certain other entities. 2. Responsibilities. The recipient has responsibilities and duties set forth in the standard patent rights clause, which are not described below. The recipient is expected to comply with all the requirements of the standard patent rights clause and 37 CFR Part 401. e (a) Reporting. Within two months of when the recipient reports the invention, the recipient will send the invention disclosure to DoC Patent Counsel (HCHB Room 4613, Washington, DC 20230, telephone: 202- 482-8097) and the appropriate DoC program office. (b) Electing. Within two years of reporting the invention to DoC, the recipient will notifY DoC Patent Counsel of its decision whether or not it wishes to own the invention. (c) Filing. Within one year of notifying DoC that it wishes to own the invention, the recipient will file a patent application (either a provisional or non-provisional) and promptly send a copy of the application to DoC Patent Counsel. Any foreign or international application must usually be filed within 10 months of the first filed application in the United States. The recipient will ensure that any U.s. application contains the required statement of Government support. The recipient will also promptly send the required confinnatory Government license to DoC Patent Counsel who shall record that license in the Patent and Trademark Office. If the recipient decides to discontinue the prosecution of any patent application or not pay a maintenance fee or defend a reexamination, it shall notifY DoC Patent Counsel of that fact in sufficient time (but not less than 30 days) for the Government to respond to any outstanding requirement or letter from a patent office. However, if the recipient is filing a continuing application, it needs only to notify DoC Patent Counsel of this and provide a copy of the continuing application with the appropriate confinnatory license. Upon issuance of any application, the e 17 10/01 5Z8 recipient will promptly provide a copy of the patent to DoC Patent Counsel. e (d) The recipient should send any request for an extension of time to DoC Patent Counsel in advance of the expiration of the time period. b. Patent Notification Procedures. Pursuant to EO 12889, DoC is required to notifY the owner of any valid patent covering technology whenever the DoC or its financial assistance recipients, without making a patent search, knows (or has demonstrable reasonable grounds to know) that technology covered by a valid United States patent has been or will be used without a license from the owner. To ensure proper notification, if the recipient uses or has used patented technology under this award without a license or permission from the owner, the recipient must notifY the DoC Patent Counsel at the following address. with a copy to the Grants Officer: Department of Commerce Office of Chief Counsel for Technology, Patent Counsel 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Room H-4613 Washington, D.C. 20230 c. Data, Databases, and Software. e The rights to any work produced or purchased under a DoC Federal financial assistance award are determined by 15 CFR 9 24.34 and 15 CFR 9 14.36. Such works may include data, databases or software. The recipient owns any work produced or purchased under a DoC Federal financial assistance award subject to DoC's right to obtain, reproduce, publish or otherwise use the work or authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish or otherwise use the data for Government purposes. d. Copyright. The recipient may copyright any work produced under a DoC Federal financial assistance award subject to DoC's royalty-free nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish or otherwise use the work or authorize others to do so for Government purposes. Works jointly authored by DoC and recipient employees may be copyrighted but only the part authored by the recipient is protected because, under 17 U.S.c. 9 105, works produced by Government employees are not copyrightable in the United States. If the contributions of the authors cannot be separated, the copyright status of the joint work is questionable. On occasion, DoC may ask the recipient to transfer to DoC its copyright in a punicular work when DoC is undertaking the primary dissemination of the work. Ownership of copyright by the Government through assignment is permitted by 17 U.S.C. S 105. 18 10/01 e 529 e .05 Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States. Pursuant to EO 13043, recipients should encourage employees and contractors to enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs when operating company-owned, rented or personally-owned vehicles. .06 Research Involving Human Subjects. a. All proposed research involving human subjects must be conducted in accordance . with.l5 CFR Part 27, "Protection of Human Subjects." No research involving human subjects is permitted under any DoC financial assistance award unless expressly authorized by the Grants Officer. b. No research involving human subjects is pennitted under this award unless expressly authorized by Special A ward Condition, or otherwise in writing by the Grants Officer. c. Federal policy defines a human subject as a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (I) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information. Research means a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. e d. DoC regulations, 15 CFR Part 27, require that recipients maintain appropriate policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects. In the event it becomes evident that human subjects may be involved in this project, the recipient shall submit appropriate documentation to the Federal Program Officer . for approval by the appropriate DoC officials. This documentation may include: I. Documentation establishing approval of the project by an institutional review board (IRB) approved for Federal-wide use under Department of Health and Human Services guidelines, see 15 CFR ~ 27.103; 2. Documentation to support an exemption for the project under 15 CFR S 27.1 01 (b); 3. Documentation to support deferral for an exemption or IRB review under 15 CFR S 27.118; 4. Documentation ofIRB approval of any modification to a prior approved protocol or to an informed consent form. e e. No work involving human subjects may be undertaken, conducted, or costs incurred and/or charged for human subjects research, until the appropriate 19 10/01 530 documentation is approved in writing by the Grants Officer. Notwithstanding this prohibition, work may be initiated or costs incurred and/or charged to the project for protocol or instrument development related to human subjects research. e .07 Federal Employee Expenses. Federal agencies are generally barred from accepting funds from a recipient to pay transportation, travel, or other expenses for any Federal employee unless specifically approved in the tenns of the award. Use of award funds (Federal or non-Federal) or the recipient's provision of in-kind goods or services, for the purposes of transportation, travel, or any other expenses for any Federal employee may raise appropriation augmentation issues. In addition, DoC policy prohibits the acceptance of gifts, including travel payments for Federal employees, from recipients or applicants regardless of the source. .08 Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects. e Pursuant to EO 13202, "Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects," unless the project is exempted under section 5(c) of the order, bid specifications, project agreements, or other controlling documents for construction contracts awarded by recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or those of any construction manager acting on their behalf, shall not: a) include any requirement or prohibition on bidders, offerors, contractors, or subcontractors about entering into or adhering to agreements with one or more labor organizations on the same or related construction project(s); or b) otherwise discriminate against bidders, offerors, contractors, or subcontractors for becoming or refusing to become or remain signatories or otherwise to adhere to agreements with one or more labor organizations, on the same or other related construction project(s). .09 Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Initiative. Pursuant to EOs 12876, 12900, and 13021, DoC is strongly committed to broadening the participation ofMSls in its financial assistance programs. DoC's goals include achieving full participation ofMSls in order to advance the development of human potential, strengthen the Nation's capacity to provide high-quality education, and increase opportunities for MSls to participate in and benefit from Federal financial assistance programs. DoC encourages all applicants and recipients to include meaningful participation ofMSls. Institutions eligible to be considered MSls are listed on the Department of Education website. 20 10/01 e 531 e FADS Financial Assistance Disbursement System e Grantee Instructions Revised July 31, 2001 e 532 e 3 3 <I 5 5 7 3) . . . . . . . 7 e 8 8 10 12 13 J.3 e 2 What if I have a problem? Cash management Vendor Express Addendum record security How to request a user ID How to use FADS Access code Requesting funds (option 1) Checking the balance (option 2) Checking your last transaction (option Benefits What is FADS? TABLE OF CONTENTS ccs What is FADS? Financial Assistance Disbursement System (FADS) is the system used by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to disburse Federal funds to recipient organizations. FADS enables you to request funds using any touch-tone telephone. An automated system will process your request, telling whether it is within the available balance for that financial assistance award. FADS makes payments through the Department of Treasury's Vendor Express program. The funds you request will be transferred through the Automated Clearing House network. The funds will be deposited directly into your organization's bank account-- normally within four working days of your request. Benefits + Prompt availability of funds. + An easy-to-use method to request funds via any touch-tone phone. + Instant access to the available balance of your grant. + Funds deposited directly in your organization's bank account. + Ability to inquire as to the date and time of your last transaction. 3 534 e e e e e e How to use FADS FADS is easy to use. Begin by calling our toll-free number from any touch-tone phone: 1,-800-437-8328 If you are in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area or you can't use our toll-free number, then dial our local number: 301-763-4424 If you are on the Federal Telephone system (FTS) , please use our FTS number: 763-4424 Once you're on-line, the system will ask you for your five-digit user 10, followed by a "I" sign: o o o o o o Each person authorized to use FADS has a unique user 10. (See the "How,to request a user ID" section for more information.) once you've entered your valid user 10, you will be asked to choose from the following primary options: o to request funds ~ to check the balance on a grant ~ to check the last transaction o when you are finished 4 535 e More information on each of these options follows. Please no~e that after you complete one of these functions, FADS will return to this main menu and give the chance to exercise another option. For taster response: Once you gain familiarity need not wait for instructions. You may enter at any time, even while a message is playing. immediately to the choice you enter. with FADS, you the correct codes FADS will respond Access code Each financial assistance award in FADS has a numeric access code associated with it. You must use this access code whenever you obtain information about or request funds for that award. The access code information will be sent to you at the time of the grant award. (See Exhibit 1.) Requesting funds (option 1) Once you indicate that you wish to request funds, FADS will prompt you for the access code associated with that grant: o o o o o o After you've entered a valid access code, FADS will ask you for how much money you are requesting. Enter that amount in whole dollars. (Don't enter dollars signs, commas, or decimal points-- just the numbers.) e OJIJIIIE The system will check the amount you enter against the available balance for that award. If the amount is more than the balance, FADS will ask you to try again. If not, FADS will read the amount to you and ask you to confirm it by pressing "1". FADS will then ask you to confirm that the request is for immediate needs by pressing "1". Your request is subject to review by NOAA officials. Under normal circumstances, you may expect federal funds to be deposited in your organization'S account within four working days. 5 e 536 EXHIBIT 1 ACCESS CODE NOTICE Department of commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grant Award Access Code Identification Form e Date: 02{01{91 Grantee No: 123456789 Grantee Name: Sample grantee Address: 1234 Main st. City: Anytown state: Me Zip Code: 12345 Award Number: (award number) project Title: ------------------------------------------------------------ Access Code: 12345 ------------------------------------------------------------ e NOTE 1: The Access Code identified above is to be used to gain access to the Financial Assistance Disbursement system (FADS) for the purpose of requesting an advance of grant funds. Refer to the FADS Grantee Instructions for additional information on the use of the code. NOTE 2: If information on this form is incorrect, please notify the Department of Commerce, NOAA, Grants Management Division. 6 e 537 Checking the balance (option 2) once you indlcate that you wish to check the balance on a grant, FADS will prompt you for the access code associated with that grant: D D D D o o After you've entered a valid access code, FADS will tell you the current balance for that grant. Checking your last transaction (option 3) If you indicate that you wish to check the last transaction for a grant, FADS will prompt you for the access code associated with that grant: . o o o o o o After you've entered a valid access code, FADs.will tell you the status of your last funds request for that grant. If the request has not yet been processed by NOAA, FADS will give you the opportunity to cancel the request. Please note that your opportunity to cancel transactions is limited. We normally review all fund requests at 9 a.m. each work day. After reviewing those requests, we start processing them at 1 p.m. that day for payment. You have only up until that time to cancel the request. . 7 538 e e e How to request a user 10 e Each person must be assigned a user ID before he or she can use FADS. Use the FADS Disbursement Request User Authori~ation form to request user IDs. (See Exhibit 2.) Fill out a separate form for each person. You may photocopy the form, if necessary. However, signatures must be original. The form should be signed by the authorizing' official for your organization. Security The security of the funds available to your organization is dependent upon the proper use of the access code for the grant and the user ID for the person requesting funds. Safeauard these two nieces of information accordinalv to nrevent anv unauthorized transfers of funds. e Treat the user ID as a sensitive piece of information. Request user IDs for only those persons that need access to FADS. In normal circumstances, no more than two or three persons would need access to the funds for a particular grant. Each person's user ID should only be known to that person. Use block 5 on the user authorization form to restrict people to only the grants for which they are responsible. Submit a user authorization form to revoke the user IDs of any employees who leave your organization. Take similar precautions with the access codes for your grants. Reveal an access code only to people who will be using FADS in connection with that grant. Don't post the access codes on a bulletin board or any other public place. 8 e 539 ,-."""_.... .............w...;ac:u...:.... nca.....G.w.. User Authorization f'taUonaI UoMnac: .na A"'-u~he~6t.. Admh~.&.n e Financial "-nee Disbursement System (FADS) This 101m IS ID I)e c:ampletlld by the rec:iIlient.s Chief executive officer O"designallld "'p'.....aau... In<I returned tt1: U.S. Depanment of CommercelNOAA Finance Services Division OAlll2Xl 20020 Century Blvd. Caller Service No. 7025 Germantown, MD 20874 1. Type 01 FunoIan: 10 New Use, 30 Terminate Use, 20 AddlChange Authority 3. ~u.r.~""lfIll ".". M:I.: (1I'Id&.Ot .. CQlfI orr.c. ~.... cry, s.... IIDI ( ) 4, __"'___"__ Tu"" 10.-, .- 5. Authorized to request funds tor. o All awards tor this organization o Only awards listed below: e 6. Signmn.. Daa: x I authorize the person identified above to access FADS via the Voice Response System. 7, ApProved by~-. tIlIoI I ~ No.: ) 0I'f0 ~___ cry. a.m. lIP CDlIItI Si9'ICld " 0..; x e The rnaJang of any tatse It8I8I'MrrL SUDmi:Iaion of ~ -~ or tran:srnCSsion 01 trauduIent intonnaon by ~ mMnS may resua: in NYenI aminal sanctJons unaer Federal Law. 9 ..,..""'" 540 e e e . Vendor Express Vendor Express is Department of the Treasury's Direct Deposit program for organizations receiving payment from the Federal Government. Payments are made electronically through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network for deposit directly into your organization's bank account. Before we can transfer funds to you via Vendor Express, we must have a completed Vendor Profile Form on file. The purpose of the form is to provide mandatory award and payment information for NOAA. Return the completed form to us. Both you and your bank should keep a copy of the form. If your bank information changes, notify the Finance Services Division immediately at 301-427-2034. Then complete a new Payment Information Form and return it to us. Vendor Express provides identifies the payment. "electronic check stub" work out with your bank your bank with information which This information is contained in an called the addendum record. You need to how you will receive this information. Payments are transmitted to your bank in the Cash Concentration or Disbursement Plus (CCD+) format. 10 541 _. . . v,~... This form is printable. httPjlwww.rdc.noaa.BoVI.aCodlCftfonn.. When completed, please fax this form to 301-427-3242 or 301-427-2025. VENDORPROF~EFORM ci'~",,","""~i" t~"'\ t 9 '#, .'~ '':'. q- '-"~'le:-.r- The purpose of this fonn is to provide mandatory award and payment infonnation for NOAA. This infonnation is required as set forth in FAR 52.232.33, Mandalory Infonnationfor Elecu-onic Funds transfer Payment. the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. and the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. NOAA will use the infonnation only for the purposes stated in the references cited above and will restrict access to the data to authorized personnel who will use it only for the specified purposes. Until this infonnation is received, our payment office will not make any payments. You, the vendor, are required to infonn us of any banking changes that occur to ensure prompt payment of your invoices. Your payments may be delayed if the information you provide is not accurate. Please select one: _ New Vendor _ Change (complete bold areas. along wi changes) Name: Legal Name Acronym or shortened name (8 characters long or less) What type of Vendor are you (select one): ..'.....I.=...~....,..c;;;S""............""'"'...c;....~.....~......., [........~"""""'.....;""."....~=..""r";'r...=. """"",",..""'"",.."..::,",."""",""~,,,,","";c ,:Small Disadvantaged Business i:IndividualllOther Small Business .."["..............................................................................."1"..................................................................................1.........1.......................................................................... il IStateILocal Government - Hospital .1 iOther StatelLocal Government . . Large Business , ,.. ... -'" ............." ..-...-......... ......................., ----..--'" -.---'-' _______.__mo-umuu__m____ ...... ......--.----..-- '--- -----. "_____ _'. _ ____ _' ..u___ "mmum. UUmum...w___.wu.. :ll.:::::~::,rF?~:~?~~:~~?~:~:~~~:?~~::::::::.::::::::::::{:::.::..i[~?~~~~:~:~?~~~~?~.?~.:~?ry~~~~??:.] r.":"": f~~~.~~~?~~:?~:~~~:~~~:::::..::~....:..:.:..:.... ;il[:~:J.~~;.i~.~.~.;...:t...:~..~..::~~t~;...~~..:::::~::..::."[n.:.::.:.;.[~~~~.;:~~~~.~~:::::t:...:..:.:....~.:.::..:~.::..::.:..:.I[:~.:....:II.~.::.....~~:~...;:.~~:.'~:'::.~..:.~:::::':..:.:'.~:...:..:..:::....::: :1 iPrivate University . .:Non-Profit Hospital :; Federal Government . "1"""'''''''''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(""..n........ ............ .................................. r"~'" ... ............ ....... ......... .... ....... ......... ... ...... llStatelLocal Gov't . Education ! ; i ::; -'"-''' .... . .: . e Minority Owned and Operated Business Yes_ No_ Woman Owned and Operated Business Yes_ No_ What is your IndividuaI/Business/Organization's mailing address and point of contact? Name Address line I Address line 2 City State ZJP e Country Phone Fax Internet E-mail address 11 542 nLlp... ...,.... .fUC.noaa.goVl-aCOlJ!c.lUonn.htm . If payment remit address is different than the mailing address. please provide it below: . Name Address line I Address line 2 e City Zip Country Phone Fax State Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)' .:.....w,.....................,...,'................,...,.,...........,...,.,.,.......,..............,.......... ...IS~l'I..(in~i"idllalls()le.pro pri~t()rship)... i EIN (Corporation/partnership/sole ; proprietorship w/lor moreemplo)'ees) .. IIPllre~t~ompanx. N ;mea~dl'iNNlIlDb~r ... .. III>ivision.orSubunit.l'I.ame.and.TIN Nllmber. III>Ul'l.~#(cOlDmercial.vend()r only) .. · The taxpayer Identification number is required by law. If you fail to provide us with this information, your payments may be subject to income tax withholding. e Type of Entity/Account applicable to the TIN (See Fonn W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification. Specific instructions Section). Select One: . --~?::r-- ~=~~-:~:-r--~~~;:~-~-=~:':--- .r:.,:Ji~~.tffk~:~:~.0,~.~i,'.f~:~i~:::::::~,::::~i~ii~~~J;~~;~~~,?,~:::::::::::::::::-r:::Jr~;~~~~~~~~;;:::::::::::::::::.:::::::J 'r' .._...~.................................................................. ........... --_. r............-.................................................................. r......... . . Broker or Registered i. C' . . ., . , : orporalion ,. , ..."""L"",~~~,~,~~"""""'''''''''''''''''''''''".....,,'''',J,'''''',.,,''''""","""""""".""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,).,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,.",,,....................... Do you require payment in foreign currency? Yes_ No_ Currency type? Please indicate the type of products you provide to NOAA. Services Only _ Goods Only_ GoodslServices_ 11 A e ::;43 EFT FORM hnp.IIWWW..dc.noaa.80V/-aCodICflfonn.Je The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 mandates the use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for all Federal payments to recipients who become eligible to receive such payments 90 days after enactment. which is July 26, 1996. Federal agencies must grant waivers for this mandate to recipients who certify in writing that they do not have an account with a financial institution. Please select one of the following payment methods: _ EFT (Automated Clearing House Payments (ACH)) _ Check (must submit wavier in writing to the Finance Office. along with this form) If EFT was checked, please provide the following financial information for EFT payments. (The ACH Coordinator at your financial institution can supply you with this information) Financial Institution Name Address City ACH Coordinator Name State Zip Phone e Nine Digit Routing/Transit Number (ABA#) Type of Account: (select one): ""..-...-.-.-.-.-.-.......':'- ....-......'...-.-".".-....-.........'...".,.,.,."','.'... .............._....-.-.-.......,.....,...,...,.,.....,';""'''''''''''''-'-''''','.'. !LiChecking Account Number ;:nis~~i;~~~~~~~~~;~~;.................... ............................ .-......................_.....-..,;,,,.;.,.;...'......."-"';';"'''';';''''''';'''''.',.''-'''.' I certifY that the information which I have provided on this form is correct. Name (type or print) Title Phone # Signature Date: ~ e 11 B 544 e e e , .. , Addendum. record Each payment transmitted to your bank is accompanied by an addendum record which contains identifying information. How each bank communicates this information to its clients varies. This information might appear on your bank statement. The addendum record from FADS tells the grant from which the funds were transferred, plus the date and time of. the request. ACH addenda records can be up to 94 characters long. The format of the record is governed by the American National Standards Institue (ANSI) X12.4 syntax. The first three positions are always "705". The next 80 positions are available to provide information about the payment. FADS puts the grant number, the date requested, and time requested here. The last 11 positions are reserved for the special addendum sequence number (4 positions) and the entry detail sequence number (7 positions). Here is a sample of what your bank receives: 70SRBF*ca*NA1&FS0001\DTH*097*910&1S*142S\0001987&S43 where, "705" always occupies the first 3 positions, "REF" is ANSI Segment Identifier Code for Reference Numbers, "CR" is ANSI Reference Number Qualifier code for Customer Reference Number, "NA16FS0001" is the grant number, "\" terminates the segment, "DTK" is ANSI Segment Identifier Code for Date/Time Reference, "097" is ANSI Date/Time Qualifier code for. Transaction creation, "910615" is the date of the funds request (June 15, 1991), "1425" is the time (2:25 p.m.) of the funds request, "\" terminates the segment, "0001" represents the special addendum sequence number, "9876543" represents the entry detail sequence number 12 545 Cash management FADS is designed to make Federal funds available to your organization within four working days of receiving a request. Therefore, your organization should request funds based on immediate disbursement requirements and promptly disburse funds to minimize the Federal cash on hand in accordance with policies established in Treasury circular 1075. NOAA will monitor drawdowns to ensure that recipient organizations are maintaining minimal balances of Federal funds. Each request for funds will receive a post audit review by NOAA to determine that payments are in compliance with Federal quidelines. What if I have a problem? Your primary points of contact with NOAA are the Finance services Division and the Grants Management Division. If you are having trouble connecting with FADS, if you have a problem with your user ID, or if you are concerned about the status of a payment you should have received, call the NOAA' Finance services Division at 301-427-2034. When the system is down, the Finance services Division has the capability to take your requests over the phone. If you haven't received the access code or if your grant has been suspended, call the Grants Management Division at 301-713-0922 or 301-713-0942. 13 MARCH 2002 JOINT PRIMARY ELECTION RESOLUTION This agenda was passed to January 24, 2002. CALHOUN COUNTY LmRARY BOARD APPOINT/RE-APPOINT MEMBERS This agenda item was passed to January 24, 2002. RENTAL AGREEMENT VIDEO CAMERAS FOR SHERIFF'S PATROL CARS A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to ~::~ the rent~ agreement, for si~ Video cameras for the Sheriff's Department patrol . d authonze the Shenffto sIgn same. Commissioners Galvan Balajka, Flo d Fmster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ' y . 546 ". . ., ,\ e e e e e. .... ......~ .- .. ;1'1eC~f ~ ..~ . ~ ;1l.c.r', ~,. 4".. LJ.<. 1S s..t/o -f{lq~u,.) C~..t<. K,S ~~"20 Stul4lb/lfU lit 7:.""66"S4641'{ 7>..J".ts 7>~.. (81~) <181-2880 ~ (at~) <lat-<J028 " RENTER N""",.. Calhoun County. Tx Ikpt: Sberiffs Deputmcbt Address: 211 South Ann City Port Lavaa I Tens 77979 RENTAl AGREEMENT A1tlw: Sherlll' BB Browning. U John Brown Fax Number. 361-553-4668 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT QTY UNlTPRICE TOTAL PRICE J-tnk iDClIr video GVD-2OO Sony Player Micropbone aDd Cable 6 I 1 $3775.00 $800.00 No Charge $22,650.00 $800.00 No Charge TOTAL RENTAL PRICE: $23.450.00 TOTALNUMIIER OF MONTHLy PAYMENTs Tblrty...ix blonths AMOUNT OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS U5UB Yearly PayJl1enl: $7,816.66 TERMs Renta hereby agrees 10 rent 10 renter the above.<foscribed equipment subjeclto the tcms. provisiOllS. conditiOllS and ogreemCllts hereinafter set forth in this ogreemCllt 1. Said equipment is rented beginning and for the lenDs specified above and =ta acknowledges that upon delivery of said equipment McCoy's LA WLINE. Inc. bas fulfilled its obligatiOllS of performance under this "'"tal ogreemCllt except for any requirements hereinatltr.. atated. 2. Renta agrees to make the monthly rental payments specified above starting on the 1 st day of the month following receipt of said equipment and equal successive payments on the first of each month thereatltr until the rental agreement i. completed or Icnninsted. 3. Upon completion of the rental ogreemen~ said equipm...t is to be returned to the Renter, or to its order in good worlcing condition. less nonnaI wear and teor. Upon the receipt of said equipment by the renter, r~nter will be under no obligation 10 malee any further payments. 4. During the term of the rental &greemen~ renta will not be liable for any cost ofrepain or replacement of said cqwpment., unless such cost are a result of abuse. accident. unauthorized use, acts of God. etc. while in the possession of the renter. 5. In the event that the renter fail. 10 make payments \\11en due. reIllet may assess a late charge equal 10 I IS% per month of the amount past due. 6. Renter may C8llC<!1 this Rental Agreanent only with McCoy'. LA WLINE. Inc. by giving 30 days..ntten notice and returning equipment 10 McCoy's LAWLINE. lnc. in good condition, less nonnaI wear. tear and depreciation. Upon proper return. Renter sbalJ have no obligation CO make pa)'lllenta coming due atltr the notice period. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this lease this _day of year -' ~ By: Renter. McCoy's LAWLINE. In" 15 South Highland Chanllte, Ie.. 66720 By Radar Service & Sales" LED Warning Lights ". Speed Trailers & Signs" Lidar. Non-Chemical Flares. {n-Car Video Tel: (800)423-5583 Fax: (316) 431-0028 Email: saleS@policeradar.com Web: www.policeradar.com e BUDGETADJUSTMENTS-VARIOUSDEPARTiMENTa)_COUNTY AUDITOR COMMISSIONERS COURT (2) - RABIES CONTROL JP PCT #1 DISTRICT ATTORNEY (3) COMMISSIONER PCT #1 (4) - R&B PCT #1 R&B PCT #3 COMMISSIONER PCT #4 - R&B PCT #4 - CONSTABLE PCT #2 CONSTABLE PCT #3 - VETERANS SERVICES - GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS/INDIGENT HEAL THCARE - MOLD REMEDIA nON CAPITAL PROJECT FAffiGROUNDS STORM RECOVERY CAPITAL PROJECT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Co~~ssioner Floyd that the following Budget Adjustments be accepted as presented. COlllimsslOners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 547 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST I e I -------] ~ 0 ~ 0 0 I ,. 0_ i I- '~ , I - ~'_.._ _"H~ -, ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME COMMISSIONERS COURT 1000-23lJ.53D20 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 132 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100lJ.230-65110 PUBLIC NUISANCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (518) 100lJ.230-83350 LEGAl SERVICES 386 EXTENSION SERVICE 100lJ.11lJ.60338 AUTO ALLOWANCES-MARINE AGENT 14 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100lJ.110-60340 AUTO ALLOWANCES-YOUTH COORDINATOR (920) 100lJ.11lJ.71850 EQUIPMENT .cOMPUTER 461 100lJ.110-65192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 445 HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1000-130-63920 MISCELLANEOUS 441 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1()()().13lJ.707SO CAPITAL OUTLAY (441) UBRARY 1000-140-66620 UTILITIES-PORT O'CONNOR LIBRARY 107 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1()()().140-66610 UTILITIES-MAIN LIBRARY (107) MUSEUM e 1()()()'150-65472 REPAIRS-MUSEUM 181 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-1_12 UTILITIES-MUSEUM (161) BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1 OOlJ.17ll-5361 0 BUILDING SUPPLIESIPARTS 220 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100lJ.17Q.53640 JANITOR SUPPLIES 347 1000-170-65454 REPAIRS-COURTHOUSE & JAIL 476 - 1000-17Q.66602 UTILITIES-AG BLDGlFAIRGROUNDS 44 1000-170-83S00 MACHINE MAINTENANCE (1.087) JAIL 100lJ.18Q.53955 GROCERIES 2.484 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-18Q.51S01 JAILERS (19.512) 1()()()'1 GROUP INSURANCE (7.357) 1()()().18Q.51540 TEMPORARY (962) 1()()()'130-63920 MISCELLANEOUS (1.053) 1000-180-64880 PRISONER LODGING-OUT OF COUNTY 26.410 SHERIFF 1000-760-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 173 LINE ITEM T 1000-760-51516 SERGEANT (10.576) 100lJ.760-53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 217 1000-760-53540 GAS/OIUDIESEL 3.104 1000-760-53992 SUPPLIEs-MISCELLANEOUS 190 1OOlJ.760-603SO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 5.145 1()()().760-61310 COPIER RENTALS 168 1000-760-66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1.579 FIRE PROTECnON-PORT LAVACA 1oo0-87lJ.53980 SUPPLIEs/OPERATING EXPENSES 100D-67lJ.729SO EQUIPMENT-TURNOUT CLOTHING FIRE PROTECnON-SEADRIFT 1000-690-53980 SUPPLIEs/OPERATING EXPENSES SO LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-890-65740 SERVICES (SO) e Tolal for GENERAL RIND 0 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET .2 TNAM -, AMENDMENT AMQY!fi L 1 - - --JI ---~- I REASON ...., i 1 ..-1 o .. . 02 " 548 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 1/10/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2001 r-------- _.~-~ ----l __J _J I e , I I L .... _ t ~ - ~ . REASON lL---- _~ _______J AMENDMENT AMQ!!tlI e ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME COUNTY CLERK 100ll-250-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.016 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100ll-25ll-610oo COMPUTER RENTALS 3.587 100ll-25Q..63920 MISCELLANEOUS 21 100ll-250-64790 POSTAGE 167 10D0-25ll-51920 GROUP INSURANCE (4.791) COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 10D0-2Q0..617oo DELINQUENT TAX ATTORNEY FEES 124 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 10D0-2Q0..63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE (124) ELECTIONS loo(}.27(}.53361 ELECTION SUPPLIES 52 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-27ll-53110 COMPUTER SUPPLIES (52) MISCELLANEOUS 10D0-280-62872 INSURANCE-LIABILITY & PROPERTY 1.573 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 10D0-280-62870 INSURANCE-LAW ENFORC. LIABILITY (4.832) 10D0-280-66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 3.259 AMBULANCE OPERATION5-SEADRIFT 1000.340-&5740 SERVICES 40 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1 00(}.34(}.5321 0 MACHINERY PARTs/SUPPLIES (40) HEALTH DEPARTMENT 100ll-350-66250 TITLE XX FAMILY PlANNING 12 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100Q.350-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (12) WASTE MANAGEMENT 100ll-380-71720 EQUIPMENT -CONCRETE PAD 12 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 100Q.38(}.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (12) COUNTY COURT 1000-40D-83800 MENTAL COMMITMENT SERVICES 536 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-4()(}.6338() LEGAL SERVICE5-COURT APPrD (500) looo..4Q0..61460 COURT REPORTER-SPECIAL (36) DISTRICT CLERK 1000..420-72700 EQUIPMENT -5TAMPIMAIL MACHINE 52 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-42(}.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (52) DISTRICT COURT 1000-430-63380 LEGAL SERVICE5-COURT APPrD 1.400 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-430-51536 BAlIFF-TEMPORARY (1.400) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PCT #1 IllOO-45O-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 426 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000..450-70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY (143) 100D-450-51920 GROUP INSURANCE (283) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PCT #2 1000-460-53030 PHOTO COPIEs/SUPPLIES 255 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-460-71650 EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER (255) Total for GENERAL FUND 0 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET .2 e ;). 549 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 ACCOUNT NAME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES POSTAGE TRAVEL.IN COUNTY PHOTO COPIESlSUPPLlES CONTRACT SERVICES TRAINING REGIST. FEESlTRAVEL Total for GENERAL RIND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET c~~ ~~ SIGNA TU E OF ELECTED ~AUDEPARTMENT HEAD 550 e e e e e e IIBUDGET AMENDMENT Il,EQUJ:lS-r11 ':Co: calhoun County commissioners' ~~~A?,//?~ (Department making this From: Date: /.2 -,;)(.-(1/ Court ~ request) I request an amendment to the ..2 c;?t1 ~ (year following line it~s in my department: .... I tf budget for the GL.Account # ------------- Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- ~.Jo (,S"I/t! :130 5"yQ;;)D .4~ ~M1~~ <to<!tJ > AJ.M{:/.J.-/ ~ tJO~ Reason ----;;;~/j-d5-f-- Netcbange in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarkS/justification: $ c:CJ-- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested ttntil Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: .~1~ ~~/~dO~.::2 Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : '. 551 ~.I e 5 II BUDGET AHENDIUlNT n.EQUEST II 'ro: calhoun County commissioners' Court /'T " .:' /J. ~ (..t'~L7-n/~ ~ (Department making this request) From: Date: /. ?_(?k- I request an amendment to the ~ <\) 0 I year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL.Account # ------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- ;;t/P~ ~~ AIL> *. ~~ <;;;0.20) .{ dO. D'2. /!o. -if IS ~'17' .Q j" (,:l :J.JZ) 0I3CJ $31.:l() e Net change in total bUdget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ ~ I understand that my budget cannot be amerided as requested rrntil Commissioners' Court approval is obtaine~. ft ~ Signature of official/department head: ~~ Da"!:e of Commissioners' Court approval: 1-l'o'--d-2- e Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 552 (s; BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNty COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RABIES CONTROL DATE: 111102 e BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2001 AMENDMENT ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT MISCELLANEOUS !51,m ,0 APPOINTED OFFICIAL '\.10.600.00 1 TEMPORARY < 8.000.00) SOCIAL SECURITY <'2.188.00'> GROUP INSURANCE <9.456.00'> RETIREMENT ~2,632.00) WORKMENS COMPENSATION . :n'fl.ql) FEDERALIST ATE <1SS.00) UNEMPLOYMENT 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES <500.00) 53320 ANIMAL FOODlSUPPLIES <'800.00'> 5J480 SAFETY II. PROTECTIVE SUPPLIES <200.00> 53530 YARD SUPPLIESlREPLACEMENTS ~ 200.00' 53540 GASOLlNElOIIJDIESEUGREASE ~OOO.OO) 53640 JANITOR SUPPLIES 700.00'7 53915 FILM SUPPLIES 14lI.00 .., 53965 MEDICAL & CHEMICAL SUPPLIES <600.00) 5J992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS <1.000.00 > 53995 UNIFORMS ./. 300.00-, 54010 DUES & SUBSCRlP'TlONS (100.00) 60520 BUILDING REPAIRS (700.00) 62330 EDUCATIONAL TRAINING <.!50.~ PROORAMS 62510 EQUIPMENT RENTAL .(350.00'1 e 63410 LICENSE/CERTIFICATE FEES <:50.00') 63530 MACHINERYIEQUIPMEl>IT <600.00'7 REPAIRS 63772 MEDICAL SERVICES-HUMAN <;300.00) 64790 POSTAGE < 60.00) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES j 70000) 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY ,1.500.00) 66600 UTILITIES ~2.000.00') 66740 VETERINARY SERVICES 1.130.00) 66830 WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 1,000.00) 70700 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT ~ .000.00'" 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY ~400.00 '> 72500 EQUIPMENT-RADIO 200.00') Total for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET o It 553 1- II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ~ If LltL 12/1 <<L Ill- I (Department making this request) Date: Q~7~m~ I request an amendment to the ;2t10 I budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # ---..--------- Account Name Amendment Amount ------------- Reason 45D~1015D '-f&J - tJ8fJ.1 D i:~-~ ------------------- < L/5 7.fJD ) + J../5 7./J 0 CiJ;lJtu;t rLUnur:J- ~ ~ IP~ . ~ u..t..n'L ~ e Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ============= I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: ~1/~ _ Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 554 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: 1J~'(t- ~ (Department making this request) Date: I ~d--OJ- I request an amendment to the .;loo I (year) following line items in my department: r; budget for the GL Account II ------------- .51 0 -/olf'7~O ~ Net change in total budget for this department is. Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ============= 1 4 2002 I understand that my budget cannot be amended as reqUested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 555 II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST)/ q To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney's Office (Department making this request) Date: January 7. 2002 I request an amendment to the 2001! (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # Amendment Amount Reason ------------------- to pay for travel expenses for Dan W. Heard for TDCAA ELected Prosecutors Course Account Name -~ralnrng7Trave~----- Out of County + $142.00 - $142.00 510-66316 510-66498 Travel-Out of County Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. ~ Signature of official/department head: ~ ~ _ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: --- ./ r Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 556 e e e e e e IIBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney's Office (Department making this request) Date: January 7, 200~ I request an amendment to the 2001 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the ~!O_~===~~~_~_ 510-70500 Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- Books-Law + $256.00 510-66980 Witness Fees - $256.00 Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------- Reason to pay for n~cessary law books and updates )0 I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' Court approval is obtained. ~ . Signature of Official/department head: ~~~~ ~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): ...---- (' 557 I \ e IIBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII TO: Calhoun County commissioners' court From: L~;:~ /!d- / (Department making this request) Date: IA t5Z.q 0 / I request an amendment to the ~O 0 1 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL AcCount # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- --~---------------- ~ ~)//!..aU c;1~j1.e (}d/-/JJ:/~"q' /,;J. ~IJ- ~Ad'tO~e/~..p- rt,/d?.f--> 5'<1.- /7fL - 5<10 q,~ttJo 6<ftJ S.?fl9.;J- 5</0 ~;J.tttJ S</I) 5'35/0 e Net change in total budget for this department is: s -C}--- ------------- ------------- Other remarks/justification: r understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department hea.d: -;t'~~r~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e DaLe p.as..t:e.d t.o General Ledger account (s) : 5.58 e e e \J-, IIBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court Prom: L....L/~"....L~ J1;f- I (Department making this request) Date: /:J., 27-.80/ I request an amendment to the c:< OeJ / (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ---------------- 5~-.53,;>.1() .5tjo - 5.3 "1 fc:J. ..sy() -53 ~ /0 /l!~c/ U )..s::'I',d~ ( 71..:-- .-?,...,( ~ .6-i" d' 9'e-- , li/ /<(tJ -( 3.3/ - >- tIel ctlange in total budget for tllis department is: s - 0 - ------------- ------------- O~l'er ren1arks/Justiflcatlon: I underslanc! l;hat my budget cannot be amended as reque~ted until Comm15s10rlers' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: 7'~av/~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: DaLe posted to General Ledger account(s) 559 IIBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II From: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court To: LJLn__~u-x Ar J. (Department mak ng this request) Date: /;J, .>I '7 0 / I request an amendment to following line items in my the .,;l, () 0 / (year) department: budget for the GL Account II 5<10 - 73<100 .s-<;/() -..53.5? () .:)</0 - ~~ /~ L . .5<;LtJ - .53~ c,[ 0 .:5</0-537fd<. .5sLa- ,/~ 5/D 21tJ =~3.;;l!O ...fh2.=-..E5LJJ Amendment Account Name Amount .31- 15: - 61 - .3/3 . Ie; -4~,;l. /~. ~ /dt) - dcf~ 1/3- . ~~€...h~e~~ (~~/3 - > j!/uj4f'r~fl#u.f/ ~ J~d.v...u. r;~~~. Yl(-<<U.-. ,;:~.~ Net cllange in total budget [or this department is: $ -0- ------------- ------------- Ott1er ren1arks/Justiflcatlon: t3 e -------~=~~~~-- [ understancl t.hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commisslorlers' Court approval is obtained. Signature o( official/department head: '7'~ad{d".Af) Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e DaLe posied to Genecal Ledger account(s): 560 ~ e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun "County Commissioners' Court Frbm: LJjm~" ~~ &L~I (Department mak ng this request) Date: /.:ld<9' 0/ " I request an amendment to the ~ t) t) I year) following line items in my department: It{ budget for the ------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- --------------- [ understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obta),ned. ,JO Signature of official/department head: )<(Y. ~,:u//'~-4 ) Date of Commissioners' Court approval: GL ACCount # 1>"'fO 6.35 a <:> 5</0 5.3 9'7':> ..5"'10 535/0 ~("~'7fi~~ ~AA""...) .,#,a~ P ~c/ 7"'" / <ltJ e51 .:{ y(.;? -('!,!';{ - > Net change in total budget [or this department is: s -cJ- Other remarks/justification: ------------- ------------- DaLe posted to Gene.r:al Ledger account(s): 561.. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 6- ACCOUNT NAME BUILDING SUPPLlESlPARTS ROADIBRIDGE SUPPLIES GARBAGE COLL.-MAGNOLIA BEACH REPAIRS-INSURANCE RECOVERY UTILITIES-PARKS RECOVERIES-INSURANCE Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN OTAL BUDGET e e 562 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST J(P o !! 563 !IBUDGE'l' AKENoHEN'r a.EQuEs'l'll /1- To: Calhoun county Commissioners' Court From:~.t 4 (Department making this request) V4~D2 Date: I request an amendment to the ~()()I budget for the ~ following line items in my department: GL AccouD't # ------------- l\lIIendlllent Account Name l\lIIount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 59D-5?:,Odi) 5'10- 535q5 5'10 - 53/P1D &f#'f~~ /6. DO /(pn.(X) I h.no 5'10-5~IO < ;tll- > lY1a'~ v Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: .....[)-- $ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested nntil Commissioners' court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: ,/ e -Date 'posted to General Ledger account(s): 564 e e e I~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TOlal for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAl BUOGET AMENOMENT AMOUNT REASON 2.315 RECUIREO BY PAYROll (2.315) 111 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (111) PPROVED JAN 1 4 2002 565 ~BODGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: C ~n, PcJ:: ~..L (Department making this request) Date: 1-1-o~ following line ~OO( (year) items in my department: budget for the I request an amendment to the e fq GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 5Go --t. OMJ...- 54,0--- 1'\?>9'15' sqo -11.500 (1J-o 00 W(lN,(J ~ ~-~ Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ============= e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): - 566 , II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII ;;Zo To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ~ PJ--tF3 e (Department making this request) Date: r -1-0)..., I request an amendment to the ~ <:lOI year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account It ------------- Account Name Amendment Amount Reason ~oo~53LfJ3() ------------------ ~~ ------------------- too- ~a3J)" Jl~_ l.. 1"19 '/ 1 4 2002 e Net change in total budget for this department is. Other remarks/justification: $ -\C) - =::;=========== I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e 567 e ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII ;L{ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: V e.hA~ ~uv.Y (Department making this request) Date: I-~ ---OJ...; I request an amendment to the ;(c,ol (year) following line items in my department: budget for the ------------- Amendment Account Name AmOunt Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- ::1.<-1 <;Jd. ) / ~7 ~ GL Account # 1jo- 53KJ J.-O 11<10- _t)IC, LO ~o- G.fu,31~ e Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ============= I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 568 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ~:>. Tota1.for RIND NET CHANGE IN TO Al BUDGET o 2 '-0. APPROVED JAN 1 4 2002 569 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST d.?l · Tolal for FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET ~PPROVED 1 I ., JAN I 4 2002 - e e .570 e e e ~Lf BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST o 2 APPROVED JAN 1 4 2002 571 572 ]~ ~~ s8 00 ...- ~ ~ SO o~ ...~ S (:. " 8. .:I i "'~ ~ ;:: ] ~~ ii 88 <:!<:! EE ~ i ~ ~>- ~~ <0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ a ~ ~ ;; " ~ it c ~ ~". ~~ ~8 i31i! ~~ ~~ e ~ ~s ...~ ~s ~!~ ~ t;i ~ g ~-!il o~... <.> . ~ ~~s ~o.~ '" ~~ .... 11.... .... "'0 -J~ 5 I .1 ... 5 ",:>: ~.. ",'" ~ ~5 ~U ;S~ ~ ~~ I ~ r--. fl ct. '":t- ~ ~+- ~-\J Q..<.. o r-6Cl.. <<)~ ~ o ." ;:: ! o ." ;:: 6 II ~I ~8 I~ 8~ l:l~ I o ;z I I (J Ii! -. ~~".'-. - Q .----.) UJ t I > i Qi i ..... I 0:: - - I ; 0;;' ' :2:': i Q; <C , -,. 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",,0 ~ ~ 8 ~~~8 88 0 0 8 888 88880008 0 ]10 ~8 0 8 8 0 0 0 o 00888 ~2 - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -------- - 578 Claims totaling $71,194.19 for year 2002 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 579 e Claims totaling $552,695.42 for year 2001 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 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Cate, M.D. . do solemnly . swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Public Health Authority o[Calhoun County of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God. .~ c::.. ~ Affiant >,~:1!:.2~ ~~;ubsc,ri~ob~~e '."" ,~\~. . ",~,.\UIlER~;f!~\! '\..'> .nu_. ....j~)llj \(~:~~1;~:' '. ',~~"'1~~f~~.~<~t . ,-^ ..b .\, ..... .~~ ~I~!:,:~\' me by affiant on this gAd- day of e Signature of P on Administering Oath Ar/~/?1c.- N H~)u II Printed Name &CUI7~1e- Title See Reverse Side for Instructions RevisedAugust 1999 Fonn #2204 580