2005-04-28 Regular April Term Held April 28, 2005 THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i !i e COUNTY OF CALHOUN BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 28th day of April, A,D., 2005 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A,M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the foilowing members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E, Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the foilowing proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Baiajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the minutes of November 10, 2004 and March 24, 2005 meetings be approved as presented. Commissioners Gaivan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wendy Marvin Deputy Cou nty Clerk Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: The Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report was presented by Jamie Jacoby. Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator reported that the hospitai has had a busy first quarter with a $450,000 gain from last year at this time. Mr. Currier said in the last couple of years the hospital had not been able to keep up with the capital equipment needs and this is one are they are going to work on updating. Jed Johnson a family practitioner has recently been recruited for the Port Lavaca Clinic and will begin on July 18, 2005 and the Hospitai has also hired a Director of Clinical Services and she will be starting June 6, 2005. e ,-156 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR.TO-DATE SUMMARY MARCH 31,2005 e 1 ,167 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: MARCH 2005 . .BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND B-1LANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 1,839,708.31 2,460,209.37 1,829,955.45 2,469,962.23 MEMORIAL 17,511,25 22.3] 0.00 17,533.56 RESTRlCTED DONATION ]3,888.55 17.69 0.00 13,906.24 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,88600 139,23539 !39,I19.70 1,941.69 TOTALS $l,872,994.11 $2,599,484.76 $1,969,135.15 $2,503,343.72 BANK RECONCILIATION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERA TINa 2,469,962.23 0.00 376,088.44 2,846,050.67 MEMORIAL 17,533.56 0,00 0,00 17,533_56 RESTRlCTED DONATION 13,906.24 0.00 0.00 13,906.24 tNDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,941.69 O.ao 3,065.84 5,007.53 TOTALS $2,503,343.12 $0.00 $379,154.28 $2,882,498.00 e 2 _ ,.158 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LA V ACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT MARCH 31, 2005 _ YTO YTD YTD REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE NAME MONTH YTO AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT WILLIAM, GA 34,095.45 183,845.32 39,157,87 16,546,08 128,141.37 70% LlN, M.S, 243,349.39 629,721.43 255,910,49 56,674,93 317,136,01 50% SMITH, J.K. ] 06,458,04 257,320.32 70,444,28 23,158,83 163,717.21 64% MCFARLAND, T.R, 230,635,92 752,130,13 243,910,11 67,691.71 440,528,31 59% GRIFFIN, JEANNINE ]9,589,30 98,396,70 14,571.63 8,855.70 74,969,37 76% BUNNELL, D,P, 413,373,38 1,052,874,53 433,689.37 94,758,71 524,426.46 50% NlRATSUWAN ] 18,711.06 414,238.36 157,756.53 37,281.45 219,200,38 53% ARROYO-DIAZ, R. 272,912.41 662,334,26 256,879,15 59,6]0,08 345,845,02 52% CROWLEY, W 215,631.93 668,007,01 219,459.24 60,120,63 388,427,14 58% CUMMINS, M, 63,903,15 134,947,84 30,388.12 12,145.31 92.414.41 68% RUPLEY, M, 29,103,72 98,880,97 9,278.76 8,899.29 80,702,92 82% LEE,J 129,905,17 387,158,70 190,312,55 34,844,28 162,001.87 42% LEWIS, D 5,508.82 5,508,82 (3,370,10) 495.79 8,383,12 152% STEINBERG, R, 9,134,71 33,083.30 815.99 2,977.50 29,289,81 89% RAMOS LABORATORY (22,509,60) (91,002,14) 0,00 (8,190.19) (82,811.95) 91% VISITING PHYSICIANS 305,607,06 1,008,536.47 264,611.50 90,768.28 653,156,69 65% ER PHYSICIANS 768,605,04 2,167,375,86 393,107,08 195,063.83 1,579,204,95 73% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 1,352,52 1,532,27 141.30 137,90 1,253.Q7 82% OTHER 650,125,24 1,976,028.49 277,092,62 201,719,65 1,497,216.22 76% e TOTAL 3,595,492,7] 10,440,918,64 2,854,156.49 963,559.76 6,623,202.39 63% 3 e 469 5,106,20 5,043.53 1,552,11 88,611.26 75,558,80 67,610,87 84,975.73 88,572.35 79,329.40 120,245.34 162,995.86 137,530.01 11,839,13 9,886,88 8,568,83 4,867.18 3,424.32 4,285.71 148,757.84 121,499.22 140,656.48 ---------...-.- ----------~---- ----------~---- . . . . . . . . . . , 465,408.68 466,980.96 439,633.41 25,194.66 110,012.06 38,695.73 23,207.57 55,095.97 26,474.69 --------------- -.---.--------- --------------- 48,402.23 165,1D8 03 65,170.42 5,552,289.12 4,284,933.88 5,403,290,38 --------------- -------------.- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------.------- CURRENT ASSETS CASH OPERATING FUND IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT PETTY CASH MMP BOND PROCEEDS MMP HOSPITAL PORTION RESTRICTED DONATION MMP BOND SINKING FUNDI INTEREST TOTAL CASH......, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBT PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVABLE MISC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TIlIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE TIF GRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.. INVENTORIES RADIOLOGY--FILM LABORATORY CENTRAL SUPPLY SURGERY DIETARY MAINTENANCE Pll1\RMACY TOTAL INVENTORY. PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSv~CE PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES.. . . . TOTAL Cu1{RENT ASSETS. PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS FIXED EQUIPMENT MAJOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT MEI10RIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REPORTABLE BOND ISSUARNCE COST CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS LESS: ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL PROPEaTY, PLANT, & EQUIP TOTAL OlI.eESTRICTED ASSETS, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BAIJ\NCE SHEET AS OF; 03/31/05 THIS YEAR 03/31/05 LAST Y^<oAR 03/31/04 LAST MONTEl 02/28/05 2,536,445.30 772,126.77 1,837,1<18.34 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000,00 625.00 625.00 625.00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 13,945 B4 13,739.36 13,928.15 36 21 36.21 36.21 ....-..-..----- .-.--.--.------ ..----------_.. 2,556,052.35 791,527.34 1,8561737.70 4.,591,262.97 4,564,551.76 4,745,17D.75 12,283,861.001 (2,191,026.001 (2,l16,196.001 ,00 ,00 ,00 175,327,B9 207,499.79 161.669.10 1304.001 280,292.00 251,105.00 ,00 .00 ,00 ---_._~--_._--- --------------- -------~------- 2,482,425.86 2,861,317.55 3,041,748.85 32,142.60 8,837,744.87 3,260,557 ,03 10,126,929.66 900/501.27 ,00 ,00 (15,234,076.72) 32,14260 8,837,744.87 2,413,4B2,03 9,938, JBB ,1) 900,501.35 ,00 ,DO (15,131,000 68) 32,142,60 8,837,744.87 3,246,307.03 10,071,195.00 900,501,27 .00 00 (16,098,79834) 6,923,798.71 6,991,258.90 6,939,092.43 12,475,087,83 11,276,192.78 12,392,382.81 --------------- --------------- ---~----------- --------------- ~---------~---- --------------- e e 4 e e170 e e e CURRENT 11ABILllIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED PAYABLES ACCRUED PAYROLL ACCRUED RETIREMENT ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX THIRD PARTY PAYABLES RETENTION-CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ACCRUED VACATION/HOLIDAY/SICK CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION MMP BONDS REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT HOSP OBLIGATION FOR BONDS TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES. LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BONDS LONG TERM LEASE TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES. TOTAL LIABILITIES.... RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE. . . TOTAL UNRESTRICTED LIABILITIES. RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS. RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRI erED FUND BALMIeE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAB. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET AS Of, Ollll/O\ THIS YEAR 03/3l/0S LAST YEAR 03/31/04 LAST MONTH 02/28/05 477,294.50 527,844.71 517,305.46 69,409,08 \9,\42,02 120,\18,25 299,218.23 258,199.34 323.824.72 ,03 117.30) .00 638.74 3,38 636,\1 ,00 238,624.00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 310,109.32 29\,613,39 310,109,32 390,818.99 236,979.00 390,818.99 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .-------------- --------.-.---. --------..----. 1,547,488,89 1,616,788.54 1,663,213.25 ,00 1,115,17309 ,00 852,119 00 1,115,173.09 852,119,00 2,662,661.98 2,468,907.54 ------------~-- ----~----~----- --------------- --------------- 9,378,781.17 434,644.67 9,222,172.20 (414,886,961 _____w_________ ________.______ _________._____ 9,600,964.16 9,813,4.25.84 8,807,2&5.24 --------------- --------------- ---------~----- --------------- --------------- --------------- ,00 11128,20539 1,128.205,39 2,791,418.64 =======:f.======= 9,378,781.17 222,182.99 12,476,087.82 11,276,192.78 12,392,382.80 --~~----------- --------------- -~------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 17,533.56 533,63741 17 J 273 .21 533,637,41 551,170.97 550,910.62 17,53356 533,637.41 17,273.21 533,637.41 551,170,97 550,910.62 17,\11.2\ \33,637,41 551,148.66 17,511.25 533,637.41 551,148.66 5 471 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT Forthl103 Month Ending March 31, 2005 .....-.-....-- SINGLE MONTH ~___________.h._~____ ----___~__________.h__ YEAR TO DATE __ .__hn_________ Curren! Budget Prior Year CUrrent YTO Budget YTO Prior YTO e Operating Revenue Inpatient Revenue: Medicare 704,019.55 471,888.41 346,077.75 2,118,019.04 1,415,665,23 1,276,529.59 Medicaid 100,102,81 107,623,68 150,535.93 398,227.93 322,871,04 478,415.43 Other 272,628.71 339,626.63 217,921.84 743,292,85 1,027,540.61 782,555.73 Total IP Revenue 1,076.7S1.07 919,138.72 714,53552 3,259,539.82 2,766,076.88 2,537,500.75 YTO IP Revenue Variance 493,462,94 I 722,039.07 I Outpatient Revenue Medicare 1,199,668.61 877,385.15 903,390.49 3,440,368.41 2,632,155.45 2,614,711.77 Medicaid 270,600.79 236,458.40 242,519.17 818,257.54 709,375.20 669,242.08 Other 1,048,472.24 960,353.03 911 ,693,23 2,922,752,88 2.881,059.09 2,453,988,97 rotal OP Revenue 2,518,741.64 2,074,196.58 2,057,602.89 7,181,378.83 6,222,589.74 5,737,942.82 YTO OP R.evenue Variance 958,789,09 I 1,443,436.01 1 Total Operating RevenUe 3,595,492.71 2,993,335.30 2,772,138.41 10,440,918.65 8,988,666.62 8,275,443.57 YTO Total Revenue Variance 1,452,25Z.03 I 2,165.475.08 I Revenue Deductions Medicare Cant. Adj. (871,801.67) (782,719.00) (741,829,22) (2,S30,899,87) (2,272,410,00) (2,431,487.96) Medicare Pass.thru 70,486.73 50,000.00 69,447.87 121,614.73 150,000.00 170,240.59 Medicaid Cont. Adj. (223,897,19) (184,140,00) (213,933.01) (683,630,58) (534,600,00) (546,841.54) Indigent/Charity Cont. Adj. (203,834.27) (91,543.00) (98,675.57) (863,758,89) (265,770,00) (290,826.40) Bad Debt Expense (413,799,98) (176,483,00) (150,800,17) (983,559.78) (512,370.00) (529,889.99) e Other Deductions (77,858.41) (290,873.00) (234,511,10) (478,786.95) (844,470.00) (584,280.79) Total Rev Deductions (1,720,504.77) (1,475,758.00) (1,370,301,20) (5,179,019,12) (4,279,620,00) (4,213,088,09) Deducts as % of Oper Revenue 50.77%] 49.28%/ 52.97%1 Payments as % of Oper Revenue 49.23%1 50.72% I 47.03%1 Other Revenue Cafeteria Sales 7,407.48 7,657.00 8,652.21 22,308.78 22,230.00 25,281.23 Interest Income 2,955.77 1,250.00 1,314.39 7,983.76 3,750.00 1,399.80 Interest from Bonds 17.69 0.00 25,15 51.30 0,00 73.99 Interest from Hosp Portion 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mall Rental 0.00 0.00 7,432.90 0.00 0.00 21,770.75 Miscellaneous Income 14,759.85 2,917.00 12,210.35 27,528.69 8,751.00 20,625.39 Total Other Revenue 25,140.79 11,824.00 29,635.00 57,872.53 34,731.00 69,151.16 Net Revenue 1,900,12873 1,529,401.30 1,431,472.21 5,319,772.06 4,743,777.62 4,131,508.64 Page -1- 6 e -172 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 03 Month EndIng March 31, 2005 ------------ SINGLE MONTH -.- -_.~----- ------- YEAR TO DATE -----"- Current Budget Prior Year Current YTO Budget YTD Prior'1'TO e Operating Expense Salaries 633,800.75 596,595.00 584,739.92 1,846,724,SO 1,732,050.00 1,714,473,84 Employee Benefits 216,058.62 174,944.00 200,327,37 457,412.42 518,483.00 501,337.56 Professional fees 224,644.82 236,347.00 203,464.56 6S0,749.45 709,041.00 595,900.96 Plant Operation 49,582.17 35,592.00 38,714,87 125,004.44 103,740.00 103,920.45 Hospital General 52,779,32 65,825.00 51,416.86 145,964.33 172,475.00 132,899.27 Other Operating Expenses 397,687.99 453,648.00 382,046.43 1,362,387,10 1,335,606.00 1,126,116.84 Tolal Operating Expense 1,574,553.67 1,562,951.00 1,460,710.01 4,588,242.24 4,571,395.00 4,174,648.92 16,847,24 I 413,S93,32 I Net Operating Gain/(Loss) 325,575.06 (33,549,70) (29,237.80) 731,529.82 172,382.62 (43,140,28) Non-Operating Expense Depreciation 113,113.38 94,007.00 123,905,88 297,457.15 282,021.00 371,746.68 Cost Report Settlement 0.00 0.00 0,00 (572.00) 0,00 0.00 Contribution to County 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Total Non.Operating Expense 113,113.38 94,007,00 123,9D5.88 296,885.15 282,021.00 371,746.68 Total Operating Gain/(Loss) 212,461,68 (127,5S6.70) (153,143.68) 434,644.67 (109,638.38) (414,866.96) County Subsidy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Net Galn/(Loss) after Subsidy 212.461.68 (127,556.70) (153,143,68) 434,644.67 (109,638,38) (414,886.96) e Page-1- 7 _ ,173 ~... -.-1 ... e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF MARCH 31, 2005 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL MEDICARE 1,319,261 220,692 77,610 85,344 176,970 1,879,877 Percent 70% 12% 4% 5% 9% 41% MEDICAID 249,983 54,889 27,374 3,370 4,039 339,655 74% 16% 8% 1% 1% 7% BLUE CROSS 231,316 63,029 39,900 19,507 29,566 383,318 Percent 60% 16% 10% 5% 8% 8% COMMERCIAL 644,272 300,817 147,602 95.475 151,061 1,339,227 Percent 48% 22% 11% 7% 11% 29% PRIVATE 144,814 187,501 151,067 92,913 72,882 649,177 Percent 22% 29% 23% 14% 11% 15% TOTAL 2,589,646 826,928 443,553 296,609 434,517 4,591,254 Percent 56% 18% 10% 6% 10% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 38.57 March 40.92 February co e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPAR'l'MENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 ~----_._- SIN G L E M 0 NTH -.-------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BlIDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR OB NURSING STATION REVENUE e ROUTINE REVENUE 7,315,00 14,495.69 17,180,69) 149,531 28,875,00 43,487.07 114,612,07) 133.601 TOTAL REVENUE. 7,315.00 14,495.69 17,180,691 149,531 28,875.00 43,487.07 114,612.071 133.601 EXPENSES SALARIES 26,855.10 14,012,00 112,80,101 191.65) 81,436.09 40,680,00 140,756.09) 1100,18) OTHER EXPENSES 3,877,18 4,985.00 1,107.82 22 .22 12,388.76 14,701. 00 2,312.24 15.72 TOTAL EXPENSES 30,132.28 18,997.00 [11,735,281 161.771 93,824.85 55,381.00 138,443,85) 169,41) "..---._------ ---.-.------- ----._-------- _____.____OF__ ---_.--------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS (23,417.28) (4,501.31) 118,915,97) 1420.23) 164,949,851 111,893,931 153,055,92) 1446,07) MED/SURG NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 157,850.00 117,627.98 40,222.02 34.,19 446,595,00 352,BB3,S4 93,111. 06 2&.55 TOTAL REVENUE. 157,850.00 117,627.98 40,222.02 34.19 446,595.00 352,883.94 93,711.06 26.55 EXPENSES SALARIES 91,408,15 81,189.00 110,219.15) 112,581 254,379.18 235,710.00 118,669,181 17,92) OTHER EXPENSES 28,857,60 20,085,00 18,772,60) 143,67) 74,553.72 59,255.00 115,298,721 (25.81) TOTAL EXPENSES 120,265.75 101,274.00 118,991,751 118.751 328,932,90 294,965,00 133,967,901 111,511 ----- - ~-- - ---- - -- - - -- ~----. - -.. -- --. ~---- --.----..._--- .----....---.- .-----.----.-- NET GAlll/ILOSS 31,584.25 16,353.98 21,230.27 129.81 111,662.10 57,918.94 59,743.16 103.14 leu NURSING STATION REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 100,320.00 60,4.28.81 39,891.19 66.01 304.,526.00 181,286.4.3 123,239.57 67.98 OUTPATIENT REVEN 3,135.00 .00 3,135,00 ,00 3,135,00 ,00 3,135.00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. 103,4.55.00 60,4.28.81 43,026.19 71,20 307,661.00 181,286.43 126,374.51 ~9.1Q EXPENSES SALARIES 46,824,20 42,501.00 14,323,201 110,171 144,294.22 123,390.00 (20,904,221 116,94) OTIlBH EXPENSES 20,801.37 11,506.00 19,295,371 180,181 54,454. 72 33,907,00 120,547,72) 160.601 e TOTAL EXPENSES 67,625,51 54,007,00 113,618,571 125,21) 198,748.94 157,297.00 141,451.94) 126.351 -._-------._-- --- - - --~----- -----------..- -.-----...---- ...--.--...--- -.._---.------ NET GAIN/ILOSS 35,829.43 6,421.81 29,407.62 457.93 108,912.06 23,989.4.3 84,922.63 354.00 NURSERY NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 6,450.00 9,501.19 \3,051.19) \32,111 22,340,00 28,503,57 15,663,571 119.861 1'OT AL REVENUE. 6,450.00 9,501.19 13,051,19) 132,111 22,840,00 28,503.57 15,663.571 119.861 EXPENSES SALARIES 7,396.87 11,470.00 4,073.13 35,51 20,465,00 33,300,00 12,8l5,OO l8,S4 OTHER EXPENSES 1,042.14 2,255.00 1,212.86 53.78 10,637.29 6,630.00 14,007,29) 160,441 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,439.01 13,725,00 5,285,99 38.51 31,102.29 39,930,00 8,827,71 22,10 - - -_.~. - - -- -.~ -..-----..--- _.~----.... --- ---.....---... ------....---- ._---.._-.-... NET GAIN/ILOSS 11,989,011 14,223,811 2,234.80 52.90 18,262,291 (11,426,431 3,164,14 27. 69 9 e -175 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH -,-------, ------------ Y 2 A R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAl< },CTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ V.Ml SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 28,930,40 49,011,03 120,140.631 141.041 94,809.30 147,213 ,09 (52,403.79) 135.591 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 128,6ll,lS 141,834.16 119,221.011 Ill,OOI 395,901.00 443,504.28 141,603.281 110.1] 1 TOTAL REVENUE, 157,544.15 196,905.79 139,361.641 119.991 490,710.30 590,717.37 1100,007.071 116.921 EXPENSES SALARIES 40,522.00 42,346.00 1,824.00 4,30 120,572.67 122,940 00 2,361,13 1.:92 LEASE AND RENTAL 412 .50 583.00 170.50 29.24 1,237.50 1,749 00 511.50 29.24 OTHER EXPENSES 52,161.29 ll, J19 ,00 118,822,291 156,451 112,622.48 97,376.00 (15,246.48) 115,651 TOTAL EXPENSES 93,095.79 76,268.00 116,827.79) 122.061 234,432.85 222,065.00 (12,367,85) (5.56) ---------.---- ._-~.- ------- - ..~ ..-- - - -- -- ____wow_ow_ow. - -.. - ---~_.. -- ~ - ~ -. - - - - - - - -- NET GAIN/I LOSS 64,448,36 120,631.19 156,I89,4JI 146,511 256,211.45 36B,652,37 1112,314.921 130.4S) SWING BED REVENUE ROUTINE REVEN!JE 6,160.00 1,442.88 4,717.12 326,92 19, 79{). 00 4,32B,64 15,461.36 357,16 TOTAL REVENUE. 6,160.00 1,442. BB 4,717.12 326.92 19,790.00 4,328.64 15,461.36 357.18 EXPENSES SALARIES 119.09) ,00 19,09 ,00 104.88 ,00 1104,881 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 45,50 ,00 145,50! ,00) 45,50 .00 145,501 00 tOTAL EXPENSES 26.41 .00 126.41) ,001 150.38 .00 1150.J81 .00 -------------~ -*--~-------- -*~_._-------- - - - - - ~ - - * * - -.. -------------- --~~-~------~- NET GAIN/REVEN 6,lll,59 1,442.BS 4,690,11 325,09 19,639.62 4,328.64 15,310,98 353 71 OBSERVATION REVENUE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 5,540,00 ,00 5,540.00 ,00 21,130.00 ,00 21,130.00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 500.00 10,889.81 (10,389.81) (95.40) 2,975.00 32,669.43 (29,694.43) (90.89! TOTAL REVENUE. 6,040.00 10,889.81 14,849,81! 144,5JI 24,105.00 32,669.43 (8,564.43) 125.111 LABOR AND DELIVERY _ RIWBNUE INPATIENT REVENU 306,00 10,807.74 110,501.74) (gJ,16J 5,876.00 32,423,22 126,547,221 181.87) OlITllATIENT REVEN 102.00 1,023.05 1921. 051 190,021 BB4.00 3,069.15 12,185.151 (71.19) TOTAL REVENUE. 408.00 11,830.79 111,422,191 196.55) 6,760.00 35,492.37 (28,732.37) 180,951 EXPENSES SALARIES 6,982.35 14,756.00 7,773.65 52 68 23,515.96 42,B40 00 19,224 .04 44 81 OTHER EXPENSES 1,231.65 3,382.00 2,150.35 6J 58 7,127.17 9,78B 00 2,660.83 27 18 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,214 .00 IB,138.00 9,924.00 54 .11 30,743.13 52,528 ,00 21,884.87 4l. sa ----------.~-- - - - - ~ - - -, - - -- - - - - - - ~ *.. - - -- - - - - - ~. ~ ~ * ~ - -- -. - - -- -- -. -- ~- - ----- -- - ~_._~ NET GAIN I I LOSS (1,806,001 16,307,21) 11,49B.19! 123,16) 123,983,131 D7,135.63) (6,847.50) 139,961 10 e ~7" '1: 0 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E MaN T H --------.. --_.-._----- YEA R TO D ATE ............ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I '/AR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % V,ll.R CENTRAL SUPPLY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 3,709.00 45,853.48 142,144,481 191.911 46,526,54 137,560.44 191,033,901 (66.I7) e OUTPATIENT REVEN 1,102.65 12,105.55 (11,002.901 190,89) 9,725.60 36,316.65 126,591.05) 173.211 TOTAL REVENUE, 4,811.65 57,959.03 153,147,381 i91.69) 56,252.14 173,877.09 1117,624.951 167,641 EXPENSES SALARIES 1,294.51 1,240.00 (54,571 14.401 3,700,46 3,600,00 (100,46) (2,79) OTHER EXPENSES 13,101.381 15,277.00 18,]78.38 120.30 13,839.36 44,493.00 ]0,653.64 68.89 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,806,811 16,517.00 18,323.81 110,93 17,539,82 48,093,00 30,553.18 6].52 -------------- ------------- .------------- -------------- - ---- ~-------- ---~---------- NET GAINI (LOSS 6,618.46 41,442.0] (34,82].57) 184,021 38,712.32 US,7M.OS 187,m.771 169.02) PHARMACY AND IV THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 226,703,71 194,142 84 32,560.87 16.77 719,678.84 582,428.52 137,250.32 23.56 OUTPATIENT REVEN 148,16].5] 107,153 ,19 41,010.14 3e.21 376,499.32 321,-459.57 55,039.75 17 .12 TOTAL REVENUE. ]74,867.24 301,296 ,03 73,571.21 24.41 1,096,178.16 903,888.09 192,290.07 21.27 EXPENSES SALARIES 12,100.13 8,153.00 (31947 .1]) 148,411 31,963,98 23,670,00 18,293.981 135,04) PROFESSIONAL FEE 8,260.36 12,084.00 3,823.64 31.64 24,781.08 36,252.00 11,470.92 31.64 EXPENSES S5,780.41J S),)90.00 12,390.401 14.47) 191,761.99 155,066,00 136,695,991 123,66) TOTAL EXPENSES 76,140.89 73,627.00 12,513,89) 13,411 248,507,05 214,988.00 IJJ, 519,051 (15,591 ------------ ------------- - - --- -~-~-. --- --------~----- ._---.-------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 298,126,35 227,669.03 71,057.32 31.21 847,671.11 688,900.09 158,771. 02 23.04 CHF INFUSION THERAFY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OO'TPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 -------------- - - -. ~---~-- -- - - -~ --- -. - --.- ---~---------- -------------- ~----- -- - -- -~- NET GAINI (LOSS ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 11 e .177 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEN':'ER DEPARTMEN'I'AL INCOME S'I'A'rEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 01/31/05 --------- S I N G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ Y E 1 R T 0 OAT E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAA EMERGENCY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 38,281.50 36,293 24 1,988.26 5.47 144,738.00 108,879.72 35,858.211 32 93 e O\ITP A TlENT REVEN 214,838,25 119,842,39 34,995,86 19.45 594,143.50 539,527.17 54,6H.33 10. 12 TOTAL REVENUE. 253,119,15 216,lJS,63 36,984,12 17.11 m,819.50 648,406,89 90,472.61 )) .95 EXPENSES SALARIES 68,814.33 53,165.00 115,649,331 129,431 193,507.52 154,350.00 [39,151,521 [25, 361 PROFESSIONAL FEE 80,959.24 83,430.00 2,470.76 2.96 234,852,56 250,290,00 15,437 44 6, )6 LEASE & RENTAL 1,783.70 2,167.00 383,30 17.68 4,572.46 6,501.00 1,928.54 29. 66 OTHER EXPENSES 20,306,21 10,115,00 110,131.21) 199.511 61,923,79 29,694.00 132,229,16) 1108.53) TOTAL EXPENSES 171,863.54 148,937 00 122,926.541 115.39) 494,856.32 440,835.00 154,021.32) 112.25) --- ---- - - - ~--- ------------- -- ---------~-- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- -------------- ---------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 81,256.21 67,198.63 14,057.58 20.91 244,023,18 201,511.89 36,451.29 11 56 gR PHYSICIANS REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 27,536.75 19,066,49 8,470.26 44 .42 95,974.00 57,199.47 38,774 ,53 61 73 OUTPATIENT REVEN 169,984.50 131,058.01 38,926.49 29.70 489,869.00 393,174.03 96,694 ,91 24 59 TOTAL REVENUE. 197,521.25 150,124.50 47,396.75 31.57 585,843.00 450,373.50 135,469 50 iO 01 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 CITY SUBSIDY ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 00 .00 ,00 e TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------------- -- - --- - -~ ---- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 00 ,00 ,00 .00 00 ,00 .00 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 129,598.93 101,606,49 27,992.44 27.54 368,260,93 304,819.47 63,441 46 20.81 OUTPATIENT REVEN 340,261.52 25B,665.06 81,596.46 31.54 998,213.22 775,995.18 222,213 04 28 63 TOTAL REVENUE. 469,860.45 360,271 55 109,588.90 30.41 1,366,474 lS 1,080,814 65 285,659 50 264.3 EXPBNSES SALARIES 37,557.84 42,222.00 4,664.16 11.04 120,903.98 122,580.00 1,676 .02 1.36 LEASE & RENTAL 4,864.26 4,5]0.00 1334,261 (7.371 14,597.77 13,590.00 (1,007.77) n.4::.) OTHER EXPENSES 38,242.44 59,794.00 2l,S51. 56 36.04 148,144,61 175,697 00 27,552.39 15.68 TOTAL EXPENSES 80,664.54 106,546,00 25,881.46 24.29 283,646.36 311,867.00 28,220.64 9.04- -------------- ------------- -- - --- - - ~----- ------------ -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 389,195.91 253,125.55 135,470.36 53,39 1,082,827.79 768,947,65 313,880.14 40,81 12 e ,178 ~.EMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTHENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E H 0 NTH .......... --~--------- YEA R T 0 D ATE ............ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I V)R ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR BLOOD BANK REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 20,200.25 20,452,81 1252.561 (1.23) 47,538,50 61,358,4] Ill, 819,931 [22.521 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 12,682.25 6,818.01 5,864,24 86,01 30,647.50 20,454.03 10,193.47 49.83 TOTAL REVENUE, 32,882.50 27,270.82 5,611.68 20.57 78,186.00 81,812.46 [3,626,461 (4,4]) EXPENSES EXPENSES 11,195,23 6,758,00 [4,437,231 165,651 19,184.07 19,620.00 435,93 2.22 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,195.2] 6,758.00 (4,437.23) 165,651 19,184.07 19,620.00 435.93 2.22 -------------- ----------._- --- -- ---- ~-- -- -------------- ------------.- --------.----- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 21,687.27 20,512.82 1,174.45 5.72 59,001.93 62,192.46 [3,190,531 15 III OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENlJ .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,DO ,DO ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 --.------ ------------- -._----------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/(LQSS ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 SAFETY TESTING REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAINI (LOSS ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ELECTROCARD I OLOGRAPHY IEKGI REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 17,593.25 14,967.98 2,625.27 17.53 62,154.75 53,564,66 8,590,09 16,03 OUTPATIENT REVEN 58,105.50 45,766.64 12,338.86 26,96 148,497 .20 137,299.92 11,197.28 8.15 TOTAL REVENUE, 75,698,75 60,734,62 11,964,]] 24,63 210,651.95 190,864,58 19,787,37 10,36 EXPENSES EXPENSES ],828.32 2,966.00 [862,321 [29,071 7,081.06 8,838.00 1,756.94 19.87 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,828.32 2,966.00 [862,J2) [29,071 7,081.06 8,8]8.00 1,756.94 19.87 -------------- ------------- -----~-- --- --- ---------.-.-. -------------- ._-------.---- NET GAINI (LOSS 71,870.43 57,768,62 14,101.81 24.41 203,570".89 182,026.58 21,544.31 11.83 13 e ,179 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE -------- ACTUAL BUDGET S VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR RADIOLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 16,747.00 14,089.26 2,657.74 18.86 0,941 75 42,267.78 1,673.97 3.96 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 127,468.38 126,193.77 1,274.61 1.01 370,412 .91 378,581.31 (8,168.40) 12.151 TOTAL REVENUE, 144,215.38 140,28303 3,932.35 2.80 414,354 66 420,84.9.09 (6,4 94 .4~ l n.st,J EXPENSES SALARIES 46,622,57 49,66200 3,039,43 6,12 131,996.77 144,180.00 12,183.23 8.45 PROFESSIONAL FEE 2,895.00 2,500.00 1395.001 115,801 11,060.00 7,500.00 13,560.001 147461 OTHER EXPENSES 13,584.25 17,812.00 4,227.75 23.73 50,500.60 52,357.00 1.856.40 3.54 TOTAL EXPENSES 63,101.82 69,97400 6,872 .18 9.82 193,557.37 204,037.00 10,47g.63 5 13 ...--..---.--- --...-...__.- ._-----------. ..----.------- ------------.- -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 81,113.56 70,309.03 10,804.53 15.36 220,797,29 216,812.09 3,985.20 1. 83 NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 16,402,75 7,872,86 8,529.89 108.34 34,889.67 23,618.58 21,271. 09 47.72 OUTPATIENT REVEN 36,582,50 32,827.07 3,755.43 11.44 109,589.50 98,481.21 11,108.29 11.27 TOTAL REVENUE. 52,985.25 40,699.93 12,285.32 30.18 144,479.17 122,099,79 22,379,38 1832 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 5,518.20 8,149.00 2,630.80 32.28 12,879.14 24,006,00 11,126.86 46.35 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,51B.20 8,149.00 2,630.BO 32.2B 12, B79.14 24,006.00 11,126.86 46.35 --.._------._- --.. -~.. ---.- -----------_.- ---._--------- -------------- . ._--~ -- - - ---- NET GAIN/ILOSS 47,467.05 32,550.93 14,916.12 45.82 131,600.03 98,093.79 33,506.24 34.15 ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 7,461.26 5,613.52 1,847.74 32.91 16,574.02 16,840.56 1266,54) 11.58) OUTPATIENT REVEN 47,603.22 45,095.51 2,50"1.71 5.56 141,421.95 135,286.53 6,141.42 4.53 TOTAL REVENUE, 55,064.48 50,709.03 4,355.45 8.58 158,001.97 152,127.09 5,874.88 86 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e OTIlER EXPENSES 3,579.01 3,358.00 1221.011 16.581 12,204 52 10,026 ,00 12,178.521 121.721 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,579.01 3,358.00 1221. 011 16,581 12,204 52 10,026 00 12,178,521 121.721 -------------- ------------- -----._------- .------------- ----+--------- -------------. NET GAIN/IWSS 51,485.47 47,351.03 4,134.44 8.73 145,797.45 142,101. 09 3,696 ,36 2.60 CT SCAN REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 30,747 00 32,077.74 (1,330.74) 14141 79,857.00 96,233 22 (16,376.22) 117.011 OUTPATIENT REVEN 235,307 00 175,353.46 59,953.54 J4 19 626,314.00 526,060 38 100,253.62 19.05 TOTAL REVENUE. 266,054 ,00 207,431.20 58,622.80 28.26 706,171.00 622,293 50 83,877.40 13.47 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL ,00 22,000.00 22,000.00 100.00 .<)0 66,0'00.00 66,000.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 20,629.64 9,186.00 111,443.64 ) 1124,57) 46,457.63 26,694 00 (19,763.63) 174.0]) TOTAL EXPENSES 20,629.64 31,186.00 10,556,]6 33.84 46,457,63 92,694,00 46,236.37 49.88 ---._--------- -._--+------- -------------- -.-.--..------ -------------- -------._----- NET GAIN/IWSS 245,424.36 176,245.20 69,179.16 39.25 659,713.37 529,599.60 130, l13, 77 24 56 14 e '''0 :to MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --,------ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET S VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAA MAMMOGRAPHY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 30.01 130,011 1100,00) 75.00 90.03 115,03) (16. 69) e OUTPATIENT REVEll 6,815,00 6,627.92 241,08 3,]2 19,962,15 19,883,16 7B.99 .39 TOTAL REVENUE. 6,B75.00 6,657.93 217.07 3.26 20,037.75 19,973.79 63.96 ,32 EXPENSES OTIlER EXPENSES 426.28 1,659.00 1,232,72 74-30 4.,751.4.9 4,914.00 162.51 3,30 TOTAL EXPENSES 426,2B 1,659.00 1,232.72 74..30 4.751.49 4,914.00 162.51 3,30 ~- -.- - -.. ~--~- - ... - _.~---~- ~ ---.~---~ --.. --~--.-._----- ~-~----_._~-_. - - - -. - - - - ~ ~ - -- NET GAINIILOSS 6,448.72 4,998.93 1,449.79 29,00 15,286.26 15,059.79 226,4.7 1.50 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 16,970.77 11,943.99 5,026,78 42,08 21,465,21 35,m,91 18,366,10) 123.341 OUTPATIENT REVEl 113,691.5B llJ,193.2B 40,498,30 30.40 412,627.39 399,579.84 13,047.55 3.26 TOTAL REVENUE. 190,662.35 145,137.27 45,525.08 31.36 440,092 ,66 435,411.81 4,680.85 1.07 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENsES 3,600,95 34,411,00 30,816,05 89,53 18,052,35 103,005,00 24,952,65 24.22 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,600.95 34,411,00 30,816,05 89,53 78,052.35 103,005.00 24,952.65 24.22 --~-----.~--_. --.. ----.._-~ --~--------~.- ~~---..----._- ..------.----- -------------- NET GAINIILOSS 187,061.40 1l0,720.27 76, ]41.13 68.94 ]62,040.31 332,4.06.B1 29,6)).5D 8,91 ANESTHESIA REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 11,681,5D 29,012,56 111,385,061 139,161 55,614,75 87,217,68 131,542.931 (36 16) OUTPATIENT REVEN 99,519,25 14,446,18 25,072,47 3l.61 285,190,25 223,340.34 61,849.91 27 69 TOTAL REVENUE, 111,206,15 103,519,34 13,687.41 13.22 340,865.00 310,558.02 30,306.98 9 75 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 23,106,4) 41,552,00 11,945,59 43,08 116,145,48 124,956,00 8,210,52 6 51 LEASE & RENTAL ,DO 50.00 50.00 100.00 ,DD 150.DD 150.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 5,415,50 3,606,00 11,809,501 [50,18) 11,803.68 10,394,00 [1,409,68) [13,56) e TOTAL EXPENSES 29,121.91 45,308.00 16,186.09 35.72 128,549.16 lJS,500,OO 6,950,84 5,12 --~----._---~- - - ._---~---.~ ~.~-~----_._~~ ----~-_..~---- ----.--------- -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 88,084,84 58,211.34 29,813.50 51.31 212,315,84 175,058.02 37,257.82 21.28 DIALYSIS UNIT REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN 439,694 01 338,169.37 101,524.64 30,02 1,405,499,99 1,014,508 11 390,991.88 38.54 TOTAL REVENUE. 4.39,69~ ,01 338,169.37 101,524.64 30,02 1,405,499.99 1,014,508 11 390,991.88 38,54 EXPENSES SALARIES 33,619.12 28,489.00 15,130.12) 118,001 90,050.94 82,710,00 11,340,941 18,811 OTHER EXPENSES 66,471.50 51,490.00 114,981.501 129,09) 225,015,10 150,548,00 114,467.701 149.46) TOTAL EXPENSES 100,090,62 79,979,00 120,111,62) 125,141 315,066.64 233,258.00 (81,B08.64) 135,071 - - - ~.- - - - ._--~ ~---_..~--~-- ~-- --- ---. ~--- ---~-------~~- .~~--~-----_.- --._-~-._~---- NET GAIN/ILOSS 339,603,39 258,190,37 81,413.02 31.S3 1,090,433.35 181,250.11 309,183,24 39.57 15 e 481 MEMORIAL ~l)ICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MDN'rHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R TO OAT E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE IVAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAA CARDIOPULMONARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVEh1J 162,926.50 104,277.82 58,648.68 56.24 465,659.75 312,833 .46 172,826 29 55.24 e OUTPATIENT RE'VEN 38,958,50 31,471.04 7,487.46 23.79 99,099.75 94,413.12 4,686 ,5J 4 % TOTAL REVENUE, 201,885.00 135,748.86 66,136,14 48.71 584,759.50 407,246.58 177,512. 92 43 ,58 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 LEASE , REN'rAL 639.31 467.00 (172.31) 13U91 1,279.58 1,4lll.ll0 121 ,42 65 OTHER EXPENSES 36, ?BO.1S 31,671.00 15,109,181 116,131 98,329.14 94,911.00 (3,418.14) D .501 TOTAL EXPENSES 37,419.49 32,138.00 15,281.491 116,4J) 99,608.72 95,312.00 IJ, 296 ,12) (3 42) ---..--------- -------.--.-- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 164,465.51 103,610.86 60,854.65 58.73 465,150.78 310,934,58 174,216.20 56. 02 CARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .OD .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 00 .00 ,00 00 .00 ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 OCCUPATIONAL THERA~Y REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 443.50 244.87 198.63 81.11 2,230.25 734.61 1,495.61 203 5S OUTPATIENT REVEN 887.00 420,85 466.15 110,76 2,217.50 1,262.55 954. gs 75. 6J TOTAL REVENUE. 1,330.50 665,72 664.78 99,85 4,447.75 1,997,16 2,450,59 122 70 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 00 OTHER EXPENSES 742.50 500,00 1242.501 148,501 742 50 1,500.00 757 SO 50 50 TOTAL EXPENSES 742.50 500.00 1242,501 148,501 742 50 1,500.00 757 SO 50 SO ---- ---- --- --~ -----------.- ~------- --- -------------- - - -- ._--~----- --,----------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 588.00 165.72 422.28 254.81 3,705.25 497.16 3,208.09 645.28 PHYSICAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 29,377.00 18,157.44 11, 2lS .56 61.79 73,907.50 54,472 .32 19,435.18 35 67 OUTPATIENT REVEN 124,988.25 115,014.75 9,973.50 8.67 337,073.00 345,044.25 (7,971.25) ':2 3l) TOTAL REVENUE, 154,365.25 133,172 19 21,193.06 15.91 410,980.50 399,516.57 11, 46~ .53 2. 86 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 42,315 86 40,000.00 12,315.851 15,781 113,846 ,30 120,000.00 6,153 70 5 .12 OTHER EXPENSES 5,537.42 1,865.00 13,672,421 (196.91) 16,314. 8J 5,207.0C (11,107,83) (213 ,32) TOTAL EXPENSES 47,853.28 41,865.00 (5,988.281 114 JOI 130,161 .13 125,207.00 (4,954.13) 13 95,1 -------------- -- - - ~~- -- ---- --------.,,--- -------._----- ---------- ---------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 106,511.97 91,307.19 15,204,78 16.55 280,819.37 274,]ll9.57 6,509.80 .37 16 _ ,182 ME~10RIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDIliG 03/31/05 --..._--- SIN G L S M 0 NTH ---------- ----.._----- YEA R T 0 o ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 1l0,O63 .00 94,226,31 15,836,65 16,80 321,860,50 282,618,93 39,181 ,51 13,86 TOTAL REVENUE, llO,O63 00 94,226.)1 15,836.69 15.80 321,860.50 282,678.93 39,181 57 13 86 EXPENSES SALARIES 29,862 95 28,923,00 (939,951 13,24) 86,470.37 83,970.00 12,500,31) (2,91) LEASE [. REN"l'AL 2,041.45 83.00 11,958.45) (2359.57) 6,124.35 249.00 15,815.351 12359,51) OTHER EXPENSES 17,302.69 B,933 00 13,369,691 (24.18) 45,515,26 41,096.00 14,419.261 IIO,891 TOTAL EXPENSES 49,207.09 42,939.00 16,268.09) 114,591 B8,169,98 125,315,00 [12,854,981 110.251 ---._--------- -----.-----.- ---------.---- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN / (LOSS 60,855.91 51,287.31 9,568.60 18.65 183,690.52 157,363.93 26,326.59 16.72 HOSPICE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVEt'iUE. ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 --------- -------------- -------------- -------------- , NETGAIN/lLOSS-' .00 -.00 ;00 ,00 .00 ,QO-. ,00 ,00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 -------------- ------------- -------------- - - -- -- - - - --~-- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 NEW VIEW REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 ,00 00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ---,----- -------------- -------------- NET GAINI (LOSS .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 17 e 483 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS EKDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- -------.++-- YEA R T 0 OAT E ---------.-- ACTUAL BUDGET $ V~JUANCE I VAR ACTUAL Bu"DGET $ 1jARIMCE % V.~R CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 e TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 -------._+---- -----------.- -------------- -------------- --------.----- ------------.- NET GAIN/(LOSS ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OIETARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,326,94 13,206,00 1120,94) 1.91) 38,280,50 3B,340.00 59.50 .15 PROFESSIONAL FEE 1,462.50 1,667.00 204,50 12,26 4,062.50 5,001.00 938.50 18.76 OTHER EXPENSES 19,400.86 17,426.00 (1,974.861 1ll,33) 53,240.56 50,644.00 12,596,55) (5.12) TOTAL EXPENSES 34,190.30 32,299,00 [1,891.30) [5,B5) 95,583,56 93,985.00 (1,598.55) (1.70) -------------- -. - ----- --+~- -----+~ ---- --- -------------- -----------._- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS [34,190,301 (]2,299,OOI (1,891.30) (5.85) (95,583,56) 193,985,001 (1,598.56) (1.70) MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 13,696 ,57 17,794.00 4,097.43 23.02 49,544.73 51,660.00 2,115.27 4.09 LEASE & RENTAL 1,110.81 2,667.00 1,556.19 58.34 4,507.75 8,001.00 3,493.25 43.66 OTHER EXPENSES 5,475,26 4,312 ,00 (1,163,26) 126,971 15,541.05 12,742,00 12,793.05) 121,961 TOTAL EXPENSES 20,282,64 24, 77J, 00 4,490,36 18.12 69,593.\3 72,403.00 2,809.47 3.88 e CARE PROGlW1 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 326.64 .00 1326,64) .001 1,062.67 ,00 11,062.67) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 326.64 .00 1326,641 ,00) 1,062.67 ,00 (1,062.67) .00 MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SALARIES 12,604.69 11,501 00 (1,103.691 19.\91 36,995.21 33 ,39Q 00 13,60S.2.U 110,79) OTHER EXPENSES 1,353.73 2,732.00 1,378.27 50.44 4,119.78 8,048 ,00 3,928.22 48.80 TOTAL EXPENSES 13,958.42 14,233.00 274.58 1.92 41,114.99 41,08 ,00 323.01 .77 PhANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 45.00 54.00 9.00 16.66 135.00 162 .00 27. GO 16 55 ELECTRICITY 21,627.65 28,830.00 7,202.35 24,98 70,024.31 83,700 00 13,675.69 15 .23 WATER & SEWER 6,390.54 .00 (6,390.54) ,001 16,613.82 .00 (16,613.82) .00 GAS 15,581.43 ,00 115,581.43) .00) 15,581.43 00 125,581.43,1 .00 OTRER EXPENSES 5,937.55 6,708.00 770.45 11.48 22,649.88 19,878 .00 12, 77~ . BE) (13 94) TOTAL EXPENSES 49,582.17 35,592.00 (n,S90.Ii) 139.301 125,004.44 103,740 00 (21,264,44) 120.491 18 e c184 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STA~EMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 - - - - - -~~~ I N G L E M 0 NTH --------__ ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VAR GROUNDS EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES 225,53 ,00 1225,531 ,001 551.18 ,00 1551,181 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 225.53 ,00 1225,531 ,001 557.78 .00 1551,181 .00 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES 1,532.69 1,240.00 1292.691 123,601 4,099.35 3,600.00 1499,351 113,811 OTHER EXPENSES 115,373.29) 524.00 15,897.29 3033.83 1,234.82 1,557.00 322.18 20.69' TOTAL EXPENSES (13,840.60) 1,764.00 15,604.60 884.61 5,334.17 5,157.00 (177.17) IJ,4J) HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 22,350.20 25,079.00 2,728.80 10.BB 67 ,lB7. 77 72,810.00 5,622,23 7.72 OTHER EXPENSES 7,410.62 6.380,00 11,030,621 116,151 18,904.43 18,732.00 1112.431 1,921 TOTAL EXPENSES 29,160,82 31,459.00 1,698.18 5.39 86,092.20 91,542.00 5,449.80 5.95 LAUNDRY EXPENSES OUTSIDE SERVICES 5,605.52 6,833.00 1,227.48 17.96 19,715.29 20,499,00 783.71 3.82 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,605,52 6,833.00 1,227.48 17,96 19,715.29 20,499.00 783.71 3.82 SECURITY EXPENSES SALMIES 5,723.58 5,611.00 1112.581 (2,001 16,234.28 16,290,00 55,72 ,J4 OTHER EXPENSES 141.95 622.00 1119,95) 119,28) 2,844.58 1,610.00 11,034.561 151.151 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,465.53 6,233.00 1232,53) 13.731 19,078.86 18,100.00 197U61 15.401 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT e EXPENSES SALARIES 2,052.34 1,984.00 168,341 13,441 5,912.94 5,760,00 1152,941 12,651 OTHER EXPENSES 150.72 520.00 369.28 71.01 438.93 1,286.00 847.07 65.86 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,203.06 2,504.00 300.94 12.01 6,351.87 7,046.00 694.13 9.85 SOCIAL WORKER/DISC!1ARGE PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 4,960.00 5,673.00 713.00 12,56 14,400.00 16,470.00 2,010,00 12,56 OTHER EXPENSES 570.25 581.00 10.75 1.85 1,532.83 1,561.00 28.17 1.80 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,530.25 6,254.00 723.75 11.57 15,932.83 18,031.00 2,098.17 11.63 CJl.LHO\JN COUNTY INDIGENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,570.25 ,00 13,570,251 001 10,308.90 ,00 110,308,901 .00 OTHER EXPENSES (74.151 ,00 74.25 ,00 154.80) ,00 54.80 .00 COUNTY OFFSET 14,844.491 ,00 4,844 .49 00 Ill,231.l8) ,00 11,231.]8 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES (1,348.49) 00 1,348.49 ,00 1917.28) .00 917.2 8 ,00 19 e .185 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOM:: STA.TEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH --- ------._---- EAR T 0 D ATE -- ACTuAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VJlR:J:l'JICE % V.:"'II. BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 19,155,34 18,755.00 1400,34) 12.1]) 54,3S8.02 54,450.00 51.98 ,09 e LEASE & RENTAL 528.52 208.00 1320,52) 1154,091 1,394.31 624.00 (770.311 rU3 .H) COLLECTION EXPEN 5,108.44 3,167.00 11,941.44) 161.30) 10,223.31 9,501.00 1722,311 11 .60) OTHER EXPENSES 11,567.43 9,159.00 (2,408.43) 126.29) 24,811.64 27,074.00 2,262.36 5 35 TOTAL EXPENSES 36,359.73 31,289,00 (5,070.73) 116,201 90,827.La 91,64900 Bll.72 85 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 9,757.09 7,378.00 12,379.091 132.24) 26,500.73 21,420.00 (5,080.73) (23.71) OTHER EXPENSES 843.60 1,245.00 401.40 32.24 2,584.17 3,674.00 1,089.8] 29.66 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,600,69 8,623,00 11,911,69) 122.931 29,084. 90 25,DS4.DG 13,9SG,901 liS.901 DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,121.53 5,146.00 (2,975.531 (57.82) 23',165.80 14,940.00 (8,22580) (55 05) OTHER EXPENSES 11,587.82 12,045.00 457.18 3.79 37,105.96 36,001.00 11,104.96) 13 .06) TOTAL EXPENSES 19,109,35 17,191.0D 12,519,35) 114,64) 60,271.76 50,941.00 (9,J30.76) 119 .n) NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 9,760.39 8,990.00 (770.39) 18,561 27,750.32 26,100.00 (1,650.32) 16 .32i OTHER EXPENSES 2,411. 03 2,173.00 1238031 110,95) 5,828.37 6,263.00 434.63 6 .93 TOTAL EXPENSES 12,111.42 11,163,00 11,008,42) 19.031 33,578.69 J2,363 00 11,215.691 13 ,751 HOUSE SUPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 e INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES SALARIES 5,015.80 4,898.00 1111,80) 12.40) 14,961 ,16 14,220 00 (741 16) 15,211 OTHER EXPENSES 379.47 952.00 572.53 60.13 1,811 96 2,889.00 1,077. 04 37.28 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,J95,21 5,850.00 454,73 7.77 16,773 .12 17,109.00 335 .B6 1.96 EDUCATION EXPENSES SALARIES 3,924.54 4,805.00 880.46 18.32 11,377.71 13,950.00 2,572.29 1843 OTHER EXPENSES 1,645.45 1,774.00 128.55 7.24 3,772.55 5,010.00 1,237.35 24:, 69 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,569.99 6,519,00 1,009.01 15,33 15,150.36 lB, 960. aD 3,809.64 20.09 ACCOUNTING EXPENSES SALARIES 5, 78S. 78 6,076 00 290.22 4.77 16.873.46 17,640,00 766 54 4.34 OTHER EXPENSEES 3,131.57 3,500,00 368.43 10.52 12,700.14 10,425.00 12,275 14) (21.82) TOTAL EXPENSES 8,917.35 9,576.00 65B.65 6,81 29,573.60 28,065.00 (l,508. 601 {S,37) 20 e ,186 MEMORII.1 MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH .......... -- --- -- ~- --- YEA R T 0 D ATE ............ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 21,460.74 23,715.00 2,254.26 5,50 61,749.52 68,850,00 7,100.48 10. II e LEASE , RENTAL 1,546.70 125,00 (1,421.701 (lll1,361 1,640.10 375,00 11,265,101 (331.361 OTHER EXPENSES 20,293.01 38,269,00 17,97\,99 46.97 74,662,52 114,455,00 39,792,48 34.76 TOTAL EXPENSES 43,300,45 62,109.00 18,808.55 30.28 138,052.14 183,680.00 45,627.86 24.84 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,957.74 4,030.00 72.26 1.79 11,505.12 11,700.00 194.88 1.66 OTHER EXPENSES 558.78 782.00 223.22 28.54 1,135.02 2,307.00 1, 171.98 5UO TOTAL EXPENSES 4,516.52 4,812.00 295.48 6,14 12,640.14 14,007.00 1,366.86 9.75 HOSPITAL GENERAL EXPENSES WDRKMANS COMP IN 24,945,73 31,001.00 6,055.27 19,53 77,914,36 93,003.00 15,088.64 16.22 UNEMPLOYMENT INS 8,471.82 12,500,00 4,028,18 32,22 8,437,58 12,500,00 4,062,42 32.49 PROF LIABILITY I 8,896.17 9,000.00 103,83 1.15 25,771.26 27,000,00 1,228.74 4.55 LEASE & RENTAL 2,247.50 2,605,00 357,50 ll,72 5,709.70 7,815.00 2,105,30 26,93 OTHER EXPENSES 8,076.31 10,719,00 2,642,69 24,65 27,697,50 32,157.00 4,459.50 13.86 TOTAL EXPENSES 52,617.53 65,B2S.DD 13,191.41 20.03 145,530.40 172,475.00 26,944.60 15.62 HUMAN RESOURCES/PUBLIC RELATIO EXPENSES SALARIES 3,542.81 4,495.00 952,19 21.18 10,285.68 13,050,00 2,764.32 21.18 OTHER EXPENSES 3,156.45 5,314 .00 2,157.55 40,60 6,946,39 15,879,00 8,932,61 56,25 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,699.26 9,809.00 3,109.14 31.70 17,232.07 28,929.00 11,696.93 40.43 PURCHASING EXPENSES SALARIES 7,830.48 8,091.00 260.52 3.21 23,434.85 23,490.00 55,15 ,23 e OTHER EXPENSES 1,047,69 1,555,00 507.31 32,62 2,117,47 4,434,00 2,316,53 52.24 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,878.17 9,646.00 767,83 7,96 25,552,32 27,924.00 2,371.68 8.49 AUXILLARY EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES 1.37 ,00 11,371 .00) 19.57 ,00 119,571 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 1.37 .00 11.37) ,001 19.57 ,00 (19,57) ,00 PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 241.10 ,00 (241.10) ,00 EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 (241.10) ,00 241.10 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 .DO .00 .00 ,00 ,00 21 e 487 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMEN'T FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- - YEA R T 0 D ATE ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGE'!' $ V'RIANCS % V)}'.. MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REVENUE RENTALS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 e TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES. 2,539.75 ,00 12,539.75} ,001 7,128.59 ,00 17,128,691 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES. 2,829.45 00 12,B29,451 ,OO} 5,284,08 ,00 15,284.08) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,369.20 ,00 15,369,20) ,001 12,412.77 ,00 112,412.771 .00 -- -~--..... ..- ----_."------ -------------- -----------_.- -------------- . - -~. - - -- -. --. NET GAIN /1 LOSS (5,369.20) ,00 [5,369,20) ,00) (12,412 77) .00 (12,412 77) .00 SUBTOTAL GAINI 2,189,741 J1 1,559,687.30 630,054.01 40 39 6,171,256 97 4,803,248 62 1,368,008 35 28.48 OrnER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUCTIONS MEDI CARE CONTR A (871,801.67) (782,719.00) IB9,082.67) 11U81 12,530,899.B7) (2,272,410.00) (258,489.87) 111.37) MEDICAID CONTR A 1223,697,19) 1184,140,001 139,557.191 12l,4B} 1663,630,581 [534,600,001 1129,030,581 124.13) INDIGENT CONTR A 150,413,621 ,00 150,413.62} .00) 1151,081.551 .00 1157,081.55) ,00 CHARITY CARE 1153,420.651 191,543,001 161,877,651 161,591 1506,675,14) 1265,710.00) 1240,905,141 190,641 BAD DEBT EXPENSE (413,799.96) (176,483.00) 1237,316,96) 1134,47) 1963,559,761 (512,370,00) 1451,189,761 188.05) OTHER DEDUCTIONS 171,85B.411 1290,873 .00l 213,014,59 73,23 1478,786,951 (844,470 00) 365,683.05 43.30 TOTAL REVENUE 11,790,991.50) 11,525,758,00) 1265,233,50) 111.381 15,30D,6D.851 (4,429,620 001 (871,013.85) 119661 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS RETI REMENT 20,073.37 19,964.00 1109,37} 1,54) 59,8]2.24 57,960.00 (1,872,241 13231 HOSPITALIZATION 146,068.94 103,110.00 142,958,94) 141.661 248,490,80 309,330,00 60,8]9.20 19.56 LIFE INSURANCE 1,0]3.35 1,000.00 133.35) 13.331 2,957.11 3,000.00 42.89 1.42 DENTAL INSURANCE 725,00 3,000.00 2,275.00 75.83 5,190.50 9,000.00 3,809.40 42.32 LONG TERM DIS 2,026.21 2,229,00 202,73 9,09 6,188,62 6,681,00 498,38 145 PAYROLL CLEARING [593.02) .00 593.02 ,00 11,97],141 ,00 1,973 .14 ,00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 169,333.91 129,303.00 140,030.931 13U51 320,686.23 385,977.00 65,290.77 15.91 e TOTAL OTHER OP 1,960,325.41 1,555,061.00 130S,264,411 11B.44) 5,621,320,08 4,BI5,591,OO 1805,12],081 li6.73) OTHER REVENUE MEDICARE PASS-TH 10,486,13 50,000,00 20,486,73 40,91 121,614,13 250,000.00 128,385.21) 11B.921 CAFETERIA SALES 7,407.48 7,657.00 1249.52) 13.25) 22,308,78 22,230.00 78.78 ,35 INTEREST INCOME 2,955.77 1,250.00 1,705.77 136.46 7,983.76 3,750.00 4,233.76 112.90 INTEREST INCOME 17.69 .00 17.59 ,00 51.30 ,00 51.30 .00 INTEREST INCOME ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 14,759.85 2,917.00 11,842.85 405.99 27,528.69 8,751 00 18,777.69 214 57 TOTAL OTHER RE 95,627,52 61,824.00 33,803,52 54,67 179,4B7.26 184,731 00 15,243.741 12.331 __w.www_____.. ...____.w..._ --...-._---... .w.___________ ..._______ww._ ...._____...w. NET OPERATING 325,043.42 133,549,701 358,593.12 1068.84 729,424.15 172,382.62 557,041.53 323.14 -------------- ------------- ____w________~ ----------~~-- --------~----- -------------- ------~------- ~------------ -------------- ----------~--- ------~------- ------------~- 22 e 488 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 3 MONTHS ENDING 03/31/05 ~.CTUM, IN G L E E1l1l3ET ACTUAL M 0 N T n ------.--- $ VARIANCE \ VAR YEA R TO BUDGET D ATE ------------ $ VARIANCE ~ \lAP NON-OPERATING EXPENSE DEPRECIATION-LAN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 e DEPRECIATION-BUI 27,480.34 94,007.00 66,526.65 ~O. 76 82,386.25 282,021.00 199,534.75 70 78 DEPRECIATION-FIX 9,029.30 ,00 (9,029.30) .001 26,791.02 .00 126,151.021 ,00 DEPRECIATI0N-MAJ 76,603.74 .00 116,603,141 ,001 188,279.88 ,00 (188,279.88) .00 DEPRECIATION-paR ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 CONTRIBUTION TO ,00 00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL NON-OPER 113,113 ,38 94,007.00 (19,106.38) 120.321 297,457.15 282,021.00 115,436,151 15.411 ---~-- - - - ----. ---------._-- ---._--------- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - -- -------------- -------------- TOTAL OPERATIN 211,930.04 (127,556.70) 339,486.74 266.14 431,967.00 1109,638.381 541,505.38 493.99 -------------- ----------._- -------------- -~------~----- -------------- -------------- ----------~--- -----------~- -~------------ ----------~--- -~----~------- -------------- COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 ,00 ,00 .GO ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .---.----.---- -----.-.----- ..----..-.---- _._-..-------- -.---.---.-..- ------.-.----. NET GAIN/ILOSS 211,930.04 1121,556,101 339,486.14 266 14 431,%7.00 (109,638,381 541,605.38 493 99 ---._--------- --------._--- -------------- -------------- =.;=.;=.;=.;"=.;""""",,,,'" ---------._--- -----~-------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ----~--------- e e 23 ,189 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR MARCH 2005 DATE APPROVED AlP & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDiTOR REFUNDS 3/3/2005 (weekly) $ 360,754,51 3/10/2005 (weekly) $ 149,27021 3/17/2005 (weekly) $ 107,014,85 3/23/2005 (monthly) $ 119,149.78 3/24/2005 (weekly) $ 195,137,36 3/31/2005 (weekiy) $ 257,627,38 TOTAL $ 1,188,954.09 Monthly Payables for April 2005 $ 132,720,29 Referral 2004 $ 2005 YTD $ 2004 YTD $ 222,733,01 2005 $ 286,120.83 Charity $ 80,219.22 $ 225,100.65 $ 151.738,53 $ 507.484,27 Indigent $ 116,452,64 $ 400.259.13 $ 159.629,26 $ 610.514,10 24 -190 e e _ RUN OATE:04/11/05 TIME:16:11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/03/05 THRO 03/03/05 BAJ;K--CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOM PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG -~------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 10652603/03/05 10,09 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S AlP 106527 03/03/05 41,49 AERIFORM CORPORATION A/P 106528 03/03/05 101.49 CONSTELLATION NEW ENE.RG AlP 106529 03/03/05 2,122.61 AG MICROSYSTEMS INC .: 10653003/03/05 348.67 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST 10653103/03/05 89,25 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY 10653203/03/05 560.00 ATO-AUSTIN AlP 106533 03/03/05 466.00 AWESOME PAGING INC AlP 106534 03/03/05 37.26 ESTER BARRIENTES AlP 106535 03/03/05 2,762,38 BAXTER HEALTHCAHE CORP AlP 10653603/03/05 129,64 BeDS A/P 106537 03/03/05 43,451.25 BERGBN BRUNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 106538 03/03/05 12,848.00 CALHOUN COUNTY AlP 10653903/03/05 275.00 CALHOUN COUNTY PEST CON AlP 10654003/03/05 9,303,25 CALHOUN COUNTY EMS AlP 106541 03/03/05 176.99 RUBY CAlII'U AlP 106542 03/03/05 312.61 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES Alp 106543 03/03/05 1,499.68 CINGULAR WIRELESS AlP 106544 03/03105 173,15 CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER AlP 106545 03/03/05 150.66 HELEN DAVIS A/P 10654603/03/05 1,041.63 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 106547 03/03/05 557,99 DETAR HOSPITAL AlP 10654803/03/05 73,39 KATHERINE DIETZEL AlP 106549 03/03/05 317.10 DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS SY AlP 106550 03/03/05 40.00 THE DOCTORS I CENI'ER AlP 10655103/03/05 385.80 DLE PAPER &: PACKAGING AlP 106552 03/03/05 80,784,60 EMCARE NORTH TEXAS Alp 10655303/03/05 6,311. 08 ENI'EX AlP 106554 03/03/05 54.36 EMERY-PRA'I'T COMPANY AlP 10655503/03/05 220.25 FACTS AND COMPARISONS . 106556 03/03/05 22.30 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 10655703/03/05 ,00 VOIDED 10655803/03/05 6,144.77 FISHER HEALTHCAHE AlP 10655903/03/05 1,033.35 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INC A/P 10656003/03/05 53.19 THE FRAME SHACK AlP 106561 03/03105 298.00 FRED PRYOR SEMINORS AlP 106562 03/03/05 432,60 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS Alp 10656303/03/05 3,227,05 GE HEALTHCARE FIN SRVS AlP 10656403/03/05 1,764,26 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 10656503/03/05 3,500.00 LLOYD LANE GOBER, MD P. AlP 10656603/03/05 63.98 H E BUTT GROCERY Alp 106567 03/03/05 826.24 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL AlP 106568 03/03105 92.75 SALLY J HICEL AlP 10656903/03/05 1,183.00 HILL-ROM AlP 106570 03/03/05 111.77 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 106571 03/03/05 108.54 PAT HRANICKY AlP 106572 03/03/05 78,00 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 106573 03/03/05 676,17 INKOMPARABLE AlP 106574 03/03/05 210,00 I.E.H.A., INC. AlP 106575 03/03/05 85.95 J & M AIRCRAFT SUPPLY, 25 e 491 RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME:16:11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/03/05 THRD 03/03/05 B~--CHECK---~________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 10657603/03/05 583,80 LIFELINE SYSTEMS IHe AlP 106571 03/03/05 50.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CE!/lER AlP 106578 03/03/05 10,292,23 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 10657903/03/05 799.42 MAINE STANDARDS CO. I 1L AlP 106580 03/03/05 740.60 MALLINCKRODT INC AlP 10658103/03/05 443.23 MARK'S PLOMBING PARTS AlP 10658203/03/05 83.43 JANE MCCARN AlP 106583 03/03/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 106584 03/03/05 8,678.37 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA AlP 10658503/03/05 843.18 MEDIQ AlP 106586 03/03/05 1,480,00 MERRY X-RAY - SAN ANTONI AlP 106587 03/03/05 57,51 LINDA MEYER AlP 10658803/03/05 90.00 MINOLTA FINANCIAL SERVI A/P 106589 03/03/05 86,90 RAQUEL MORALES AlP 10659003/03/05 1,930,27 NATIONAL BENEFITS PARTN AlP 106591 03/03/05 2,600.00 NUTRITION OPTIONS AlP 106592 03/03/05 62,48 OPHELIA C. OLASCUAGA AlP 106593 03/03/05 366.98 ON-SITE TESTING SPECIAL A/P 106594 03/03/05 220.00 OUTBURST ADVERTISING AlP 106595 03/03/05 419.00 PERDlOO BEACH RESORT AlP 10659603/03/05 693,00 RIVIERA FINANCE AlP 106597 03/03/05 412,50 POtlULAR LEASING AlP 106598 03/03/05 1,104.90 PORT LAVACA WAVE AlP 106599 03/03/05 1,000,00 POSTIlASTER AlP 106600 03/03/05 85,64 PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS AlP 10660103/03/05 166.50 R G & ASSOCIATES INe A/P 106602 03/03/05 38.97 RADIO SHACK AlP 106603 03/03/05 3,590.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED AlP 106604 03/03/05 828,80 SAM I S CLUB DIRECT AlP 106605 03/03/05 922.22 SAN ANrONIO EXPRESS-NEW AlP 106606 03/03/05 50,17 SHERWIN WILLIAMS AlP 10660703/03/05 1,383.00 SO TEX BLOOD &. TISSUE C AlP 10660803/03/05 19,830.08 STAFF CARE AlP 10660903/03/05 4,639,93 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP AlP 106610 03/03/05 149.50 TIlE SPORTS STOP AlP 106611 03/03/05 24,674,61 TEAM REHAB A/P 106612 03/03/05 1,014.83 TLC STAFFING AlP 106613 03/03/05 52,394,36 TEXAS CO & DISTRICT RET AlP 10661403/03/05 352,54 TEXAS DEPT OF KOMAN SER AlP 10661503/03/05 565.80 TEXAS GLASS & TINTING AlP 10661603/03/05 20,104.00 TEXAS MtlTUAL INSURANCE AlP 10661703/03/05 1,684,37 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR C AlP 106618 03/03/05 265.59 TIGER DIRECT, INC. A/P 106619 03/03/05 95.00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO AlP 106620 03/03/05 73.76 ONIFIRST HOLDINGS AlP 10662103103/05 172.50 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE AlP 106622 03/03/05 609.50 UNITED SERVICES AlP 106623 03/03/05 113,40 ELVA VELA AlP 106624 03/03/05 1,253.67 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE AlP 106625 03/03/05 111.72 WALMART COMMUNITY AlP 10662603/03/05 43.34 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK e e 26 e -192 RUN DATE: 04/11105 TIME:16:11 MIDl0RIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/03/05 THRU 03/03/05 B~--CBE~K-.----______________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKREG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI? 106627 03/03/05 AlP 106628 03/03/05 A/P 106629 03/03/05 AlP 106630 03/03/05 AlP 106631 03/03/05 AlP 106632 03/03/05 ep 106633 03/03/05 10663403/03/05 AI: 106635 03/03/05 AlP 106636 03/03/05 AlP 106637 03/03/05 AlP 106638 03/03/05 AlP 106639 03/03/05 AlP 106640 03/03/05 A/P 106641 03/03/05 AlP 106642 03/03/05 A/P 106643 03/03/05 AlP 106644 03/03/05 TOTALS: e e 4,309.76 23,00 110,65 822.71 24.40 51. 60 175,50 40,00 630,65 263.84 37.84 52,32 429,93 87.52 214,04 149,56 362,75 99.35 360,754,51 FISERV HEALTH - TENNESS BASTA DONNA D BEAVER STEPHANIE SUZAN BEELER JACK E DDS CAIN ROLAND S HOLMES W DWAIN FALCON GREGORY SR GARZA MEYDA FIELDS CONNIE L YANG LIU ZHONG BERGER SHERYL !lAIRD PEGGY WU YUNG CHING CHI BELL GARy w WU YUNG CHING CHI DOUGLAS DALLIS CALLISON MARTHA G FLOURNOY RON 27 493 RUN DATE:04/11/05 TIME: 16: 11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CE~ER CHECK REGISTER 03/10/05 THRU 03/10/05 BA!<K--CHECK--------____________________________________________ CODE NUl1BBR DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG _~____~_w_.______________________________________________________._____________________________________~____________________________ AlP 10664503/10/05 35,56 AERIFORM CORPORATION AlP 10664603/10/05 610,40 AXRGAS-SOUTHWEST AlP 106647 03/10/05 192,00 AFLAC AlP 10664803/10/05 39,30 NADINE ARNOLD AlP 10664903/10/05 2,949.27 BANKCARD CENrER AlP 10665003/10/05 6,08 ESTER BARRIENTES AlP 10665103/10/05 1,647,56 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP AlP 106652 03/10/05 ,00 VOIDED AlP 106653 03/10/05 21,239.23 BERGEN BRITNSWIG DRUG CO A/P 106654 03/10/05 49.20 BOSART LOCK ~ KEY INC AlP 106655 03/10/05 949.00 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPO AlP 10665603/10/05 24.43 B J BROWN AlP 106657 03/10/05 2,425.00 CAL COM FEDERAL CREDIT AlP 106658 03/10/05 9,155.60 CAIRNSTONE, INC AlP 106659 03/10/05 181.04 RUBY CANI'U A/P 10666003/10/05 123.28 CERTIFIED PROSTHETICS &; AlP 106661 03/10/05 91.85 CSED/CASH PROCESSING AlP 106662 03/10/05 160.38 HELEN DAVIS AlP 10666303/10/05 59.17 KATHERINE DIETZEL AlP 106664 03/10/05 8,00 OOWNTOWN CLEANERS AlP 106665 03/10/05 26.64 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. AlP 106666 03/10/05 42.00 JOYCE FLANNIGAN AlP 106667 03/10/05 6,08 ESTHER GARCIA AlP 106668 03/10/05 106.25 ROBERTS, ROBERTS &; ODEF AlP 10666903/10/05 7,115.38 BRENDA GARZA AlP 10667003/10/05 666.50 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 106671 03/10/05 9,60 E E B1lTT GROCERY AlP 106m 03/10/05 315,00 HHAtTHCARB FINANCIAL AlP 10667303/10/05 70,07 SALLY J HICKL AlP 106674 03110/05 90,08 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 106675 03/10/05 101.37 PAT HRANICKY AlP 106676 03/10/05 600,00 INC!PIENT HRALTHCARE so AlP 106677 03/10/05 1,449.19 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COM AlP 106678 03/10/05 111.00 INTEGRATED MEDICAL SYST AlP 10667903/10/05 27,150.00 ITA RESOURCES, INe AlP 106680 03/10/05 60,00 KROLL LABORATORY SPECIA AlP 106681 03/10/05 130.00 VICKY KALISEK AlP 106682 03/10/05 255,66 PAM LAMBDEN AlP 106683 03110/05 4,130,18 LUKER PKARMACY MANAGEME AlP 10668403/10/05 18,762.94 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 10668503/10/05 7,307,70 TERRY W MCCLAIN eRNA AlP 106686 03/10/05 241,83 MAURITZ . COUEY AlP 10668703/10/05 62.37 JANE MCCARN Alp 106688 03/10/05 2,180.13 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA AlP 10668903/10/05 148.73 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEm'ER A/P 106690 03/10/05 1,049.40 MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S Alp 10669103/10/05 56,70 LINDA MEYER AlP 106692 03/10/05 71.10 CRYSTAL O. MOZLEY Alp 106693 03/10/05 225,00 NANT Alp 106694 03110/05 138.46 MICHELLE QRT! e e 28 e .194 RUN DATE:04/11/05 TlME:15:1l MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/10/05 THRU 03/10/05 BAllK--CHECK-------_____________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOM PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG .------.-.----------------------~----.-__~________w__________________~______________________________________________________________ AlP AlP A/P AlP A/P A/P -AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP -AlP IP IP Alp A/P AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP AlP Alp Ie 10669503/10/05 10669603/10/05 106697 03/10/05 10669803/10/05 10669903/10/05 10670003/10/05 106701 03/10/05 10610l 03/10/05 10670303/10/05 106704 03/10/05 106705 03/10/05 106706 03/10/05 106707 03/10/05 10670S 03/10/05 106709 03/10/05 106710 03/10/05 106711 03/10/05 106712 03/10/05 106713 03/10/05 106714 03/10/05 106715 03/10/05 106716 03/10/05 106717 03/10/05 106719 03/10/05 106719 03/10/05 10672003/10/05 106721 03/10/05 10672203/10/05 106723 03/10/05 106724 03/10/05 10672503/10/05 106726 03/10/05 10672703/10/05 10672803/10/05 10672903/10/05 106730 03/10/05 106731 03/10/05 106732 03/10/05 106733 03/10/05 106734 03/10/05 106735 03/10/05 106736 03/10/05 106737 03/10/05 106738 03/10/05 106739 03/10/05 106740 03/10/05 106741 03/10/05 106742 03/10/05 106743 03/10/05 106744 03/10/05 10674503/10/05 40.00 95.40 2,400,00 269,24 85,64 181.20 89.98 41.60 262.14 193,66 74,52 6,00 3,297,00 55,76 349,50 138.46 4,177,96 605,73 10,000.00 2,063,88 875,00 141.96 114,80 417.00 55,25 22 9.81 172,50 3,495.00 138.51 1,364,49 128.20 35,82 952.34 59.94 47.55 943.00 175.00 40,00 246.00 67.40 123.26 118,02 169.93 137.23 58,06 31.34 398,65 44.65 22.58 96.13 52.31 PEERSON FLORIST KRrSTY PELECH PREMIER SLEEP DISORDERS PITNEY BOWES INC PRDGRESSIVE DYNAMICS R G & kSSOCIATES rNe RADIO SHACK RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED THE ROHor CORPORATION SHERWIN WILLU.MS TRACI SHEFCIK SHIP SHOTTLE TAXI SERVI SO TBX BLOOD . TIBSUE C SOUTHWEST TEXAS BQUIPME SPECl'RA LABORATORIES ANGELA K STRAUSS gyseo - SAN ANTONIO, LP STATE COMPTROLLER TEAM REHAB TLC STAFFING TBXAS DEPT OF H1JMA/l SER TEXAS GUARAUrBED STUOEII TEXAS WIRED MUSIC INC THE T SYSTEM. INC. TIGER DIRECT, INC. UNIFORM ADVANTAGE UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN ELVA VELA VBRIZON PAM VILLAFUERTE WALMART COMMUN:ITY WASTE MANAGEMENT ELIZABETH WESTBROOK WYNDRAM ARLING'l'ON WATER . POWER TECHNOLOG CALHOUN COlJlm YMCA SPBNCBR LINDA TREVINO STELLA BLUE CROSS BLUS SHIELD THE ESTATE OF KING FISH LAMB STEVE SCHMIDT GEORGE VOSKAlIl' LYNNE SPICER VIRGINIA PENA BENITO TREVINO STELLA SALCINES JUAN RAMPMEIER NORMA WHITE SIMON J MAGELUZZO JOHN F JR 29 ,195 RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TlME:16:11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEl<rER CHECK REGISTER 03110105 TffRU 03110/05 EANK-.CHECK....----_...__............._......__.......____..... CODE NUMBER DATE !MOONT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCRREG ~~----.._-._----_._----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 106746 03/10/05 AlP 106747 03110/05 AlP 106748 03/10/05 AlP 106749 03/10/05 AlP 106750 03/10/05 Alp 106751 03/10/05 AlP 106752 03/10/05 AlP 106753 03/10/05 AlP 106754 03/10/05 A/p 106755 03/10/05 Alp 106756 03/10/05 TOTALS: 78,31 118.00 243,57 80.82 200.00 140,76 136,05 53,58 21.10 17.61 175,30 149,270.21 LOYA ROOSEVELT SANCHEZ ADIlELIA TAPLEY BEVERLY JENRINS ANDREW TANNER ELAINE E PETRZELRA FRANR TANNER ELAINE E IlElTeR DWIGHT L ELLIOTT SHIRLEY MCGUIRE MICHAEL PATRIe JENRINS PATRICIA 30 ,.196 e e _ ROIJ DATE: 04/11/05 TIME:16:11 MEMORIAL !rIEDlCAL CENTER CllECK REGISTER 03/17/05 THRU03/17/05 BANX-~CHECK--__________~_______________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG -------------------------------..---------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. AlP 10675703/17/05 304,11 AC1'IVE ~ARENT!~G PUBLlS AlP 106758 03/17/05 26,78 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER I S AlP 106759 03/17/05 231.56 AERIFORM CORPORATION AlP 106760 03/17/05 385.00 APPLIED MEDICAL _/P 106761 03/17/05 118.00 ACS IP 106762 03/17/05 308,00 ANITA FRICKE - COUNTY C AlP 10676303/17/05 349,35 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST AlP 10676403/17/05 187,49 CARDINAL HEALTH AlP 10676503/17/05 781.41 BeDS AlP 106766 03/17/05 15,638,40 BERGEN BRDNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 106767 03117105 150.00 COEY'S AUTO &: WRECKER S AlP 106768 03/17/05 165,65 RUBY CANl'U A/P 106769 03/17/05 55.00 DAVIS &: DAVIS, P.C. AlP 106770 03/17/05 13.43 DATASEARCH AlP 106771 03/17/05 136.89 HELEN DAVIS AlP 10677203/17/05 60.63 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 106773 03/17105 159,54 MIST'i DUFNER AlP 106774 03/17/05 1,351.24 EMCARB NORTH TEXAS AlP 10677503/17/05 10,156.45 FISHER HEALTHCARE Alp 106776 03/17/05 18,570.97 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS AlP 106777 03/17/05 314,00 ROBERTS, ROBERTS & ODEF AlP 106778 03/17/05 361.84 GOLF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 10677903/17/05 174.00 H E BUTI' GROCERY AlP 10678003/17/05 1,621.44 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL A/P 106781 03/17/05 151.88 SALLY J HICK!. A/P 106782 03/17105 16,625.32 HILL-ROM AlP 106783 03/17105 86.28 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 10678403/17/05 123,69 PAT HRANICKY AlP 10678503/17/05 82,00 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS AlP 106786 03/17/05 152,09 JAMIE JACOBY AlP 10678703/17/05 1,088,35 LIFELINE SYSTEMS INC .: 106788 03/17/05 4,113,14 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEtlrER 106789 03/17/05 78.98 JANE MCCARN 106790 03/f7/05 42,12 LINDA MEYER A/P 106791 03/17/05 842.50 MINOtTA FINANCIAL SERVl AlP 106792 03/17/05 64,06 RAQUBL IIORALES AlP 106793 03/17/05 3,500,00 FOR &: ASSOCIATES ARCHIT AlP 106794 03/17/05 363.98 QUILL AlP 106795 03/11/05 181.20 R G & ASSOCIATES INC AlP 106796 03/17/05 140,16 RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT, AlP 106797 03/17/05 399.98 SEARS AlP 10679803/17/05 91.53 SIGN! SIZER Alp 10679903/17/05 4,076.77 SYSCO ~ SAN ANTONIO, LP AlP 106800 03/17/05 21. 05 ALL YSON SWOPE AlP 106801 03/17/05 603,12 STERICYCLE, INC A/P 106B02 03/17/05 6,797.52 TEXAS LINEN COMPANY LTD AlP 106803 03/17/05 1,057.56 TLC STAFFING AlP 10680403/17/05 12,495.00 TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL AlP 10680503/17/05 175.00 TORCH AlP 106806 03/17/05 220.95 UNrCOL, INC. 31 Ie 497 Rurl DATE:04/11/05 TOO:16:11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/17/05 THRU 03/17/05 BAIOK--CHECK---------------_____________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------.-------------------------~------ AlP 106807 03/17/05 AlP 106808 03/17/05 AlP 106809 03/17/05 AlP 106810 03/17/05 AlP 106811 03/17/05 AlP 106812 03/17/05 AlP 106813 03/17/05 AlP 106814 03/17/05 TfYI'ALS: 37.43 197.64 845.28 9.85 6.08 20,66 600.00 101,50 107,014.85 ONIFIRST HOLDINGS ELVA VELA VERIZON SOUTHWEST WALMART COMMUNITY ANGELICA WALTHER ELIZABE'l'H WESTBROOK DEBORAH WITTNEBERT CALHOUN COUNrY YMCA 32 ;}98 e e e RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16: 11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03123105 THRU 03123105 HA>JK--CHECK---_________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ~------------------~--._---.._------------._-------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 10681503123105 51.26 ADVANCE MEDICAL DESIGNS AlP 106816 03/23105 261. 00 APPLIED THERAPEODICS IN AlP 106817 03123105 128,50 AIRCAST INC AlP 106818 03123105 334,00 AIR SPECIALTY & EQUIPME _/P 10681903123105 m.32 AIV f INC. IP 106820 03123105 4,061. 70 CARDINAL HEALTH AlP 106821 03123105 1,050,00 ARTHRarEK INC AlP 106822 03/23105 573,00 ARTHROCARE CORPORATION AlP 10682303/23105 696.41 C R BARD INC AlP 10682403/23105 13,851.07 BECKMAN COOLTER rNe AlP 10682503/23105 53.15 BELTWAY MEDICAL INC AlP 106826 03123/05 660,00 BIOLOCENT AlP 10682703/23105 200,70 BALLARD MEDICAL PRODUCT AlP 106828 03/23105 1,669,00 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPO AlP 10682903/23105 145,53 BOONO TREE MEDICAL, LLC AlP 106830 03/23/05 487.26 BUCKEYE INTERNATIONAL I AlP 106831 03/23105 168,35 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES AlP 106832 03/23105 684.32 CODONICS INC AlP 10683303/23105 509.73 COLBY MANOF ACTURING COR AlP 106834 03123105 605.16 CONMEn CORPORATION AlP 106835 03123105 143.67 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. AlP 106836 03123/05 61l,OO CONSTROCTION SP8CIALTIE AlP 10683703123105 ,00 VOIDED AlP 106838 03/23/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 106839 03/23105 3,601.40 THE COum:IL COMPANY AlP 106840 03/23105 12,220,18 CPSI AlP 106841 03/23105 5,483.92 DADE BEHRING AlP 106842 03/l3105 14,878.59 SOURCEONE HEALTHCARE TE AlP 106843 03/23/05 928,00 Ear MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC Alp 10684403123105 113,50 E-Z-EM, rNe. AlP 106845 03/23105 102,64 EME COMPANY .: 106846 03/23/05 6,539,10 FRESENIU8 OSA MANOFACTU 10684703123105 22.40 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INF 10684803/23105 136,16 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I AlP 106849 03123105 171.84 HENRY SCHEIN INC. AlP 106850 03/23105 1,235.00 HILL-ROM AlP 106851 03/23105 59,35 HULLISTER INC AlP 106852 03/23105 941.10 RITA MEDICL SYSTEMS, IN AlP 106853 03/23105 269,12 INVIVO RESEARCH rNe, AlP 106854 03123105 90.94 INFDLAB INe AlP 10685503/23105 168,00 Im\OMPARABLE AlP 10685601123105 2,122.93 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT AlP 106857 03/23105 1,489.50 INTEGRATED MEDICAL 5YST Alp 10685803/23105 308,50 INrOXlMETERS AlP 106859 03/23105 809.11 KIMBALL MIDWEST AlP 106860 03/23105 228.02 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC AlP 10686103/23105 4,131.90 LASCORP OF AMERICA HOLD AlP 10686203/23/05 65.60 LEE MEDICAL INTERNATION AlP 106863 03/23105 300,00 LINVATEC CORPORATION Alp 106864 03/23105 319.20 LMA NORTH AMERICA 33 e L199 RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME:16:11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENI'ER CHECK REGISTER 03/23/05 THRU 03/23/05 BAb1K--CHECK----------__________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE: PAGE 2 GLCKREG ---------._-~-----~-------.._--------------_._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 106865 03/23/05 AlP 106866 03/23/05 AlP 106867 03/23/05 AlP 106868 03/23/05 AlP 106869 03/23/05 AlP 106870 03/23/05 AlP 106871 03/23/05 AlP 106872 03/23105 AlP 106873 03/23/05 Alp 106874 03/23/05 AlP 106875 03/23/05 AlP 106876 03/23/05 AlP 106877 03/23/05 Alp 106878 03/23/05 Alp 106879 03123105 AlP 106880 03/23/05 AlP 106881 03/23105 AlP 106882 03123105 AlP 106883 03/23/05 AlP 106884 03/23/05 AlP 106885 03/23/05 AlP 106886 03/23/05 AlP 106887 03/23/05 AlP 106888 03/23/05 AlP 106889 03/23/05 AlP 106890 03/23/05 AlP 106891 03/23/05 TOTALS: 2,452.33 92,37 147.60 193.05 140,08 62,00 1,241.20 76,86 134,19 6,205,01 5,512,86 28,00 365,50 60.54 489.90 188.18 49.99 81.31 291,00 973,27 272.94 506.96 7,959,75 619,06 63,39 6,280.01 647,30 119,149.78 MAJORS SCIENl'IFIC BOOKS MARKET POINT I W501812 MEDIBADGE MEDTRDNIC USA, INC. MEGADYNE MEDICAL MESA LABORATORIES INC MERRY XRAY-HOO MICROTEK MEDICAL INC NASCO NK MEDICAL PRODUCTS, IN PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS PILLING WECK POLYMEDCO INC, PRECISION THERAPEUTICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUILL R & 0 BATTERIES INC RPC REPROCESSING PRODUC ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS TAYLOR-MED,LLC TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY TIlERIIO BIOSTAR TIGER DIRECT, INC. TRI-ANIM HEALTH SERVICE TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP ZIMMER US f INe. 34 500 e e e RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TlME:16:12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/24/05 THRU 03/24/05 B~--CHECK.--_~______________________________________________. CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG -~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 106892 03/J4/05 133.32 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER1S AlP 106893 03/24105 35,56 AERIFORM CORPORATIDN A/' 106894 03/24/05 14.01 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG AlP 106895 03/24/05 291.50 ACS et 106896 03il4/05 69,00 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION IP 10689703/24/05 3,068,82 AFLAC AlP 10689803/24/05 687.50 AMERICAN KIDNEY FOND A/P 106899 03il4/05 77 .35 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY AlP 10690003/24/05 174.96 NADINE ARNOLD AlP 106901 03/24/05 1,479.56 AVENI'IS PASTEUR AlP 106902 03/24/05 3,690.28 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP AlP 106903 03/J4/05 54,12 BCOS AlP 106904 03/24/05 1,453,83 BECKMAN CDULTER CAPITAL AlP 106905 03/24/05 21,115,49 BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 106906 03/24/05 2,385.78 BEST WESTERN PORT LAVAC AlP 106907 03/24/05 108,35 BOSART LOCK & KEY INC AlP 106908 03/24/05 2,225,00 CAL COM FEDERAL CREDIT AlP 106909 03/24/05 121.10 RUBY CANl'U AlP 106910 03/24/05 91.85 CSED/CASH PHOCESSING AlP 106911 03/24/05 10,12 CINGULAR WIRELESS AlP 106912 03/24/05 166.80 CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER AlP 106913 03/24/05 67.50 PAM COLLIER Alp 106914 03/24/05 1,500.00 COLDWELL BANKER RUSSELL AlP 106915 03/24/05 16.90 CINTAS UNIFORM Alp 106916 03/24/05 258,00 CROSS COONl'RY EDUCATION AlP 106917 03/24/05 185,49 HELEN DAVIS AlP 106918 03/24/05 67,50 PATRICIA G DELGADO A/P 106919 03/24/05 1,014,48 DETAR HOSPITAL AlP 106920 03/24/05 1,640.14 DELL MARKETING L.P. AlP 106921 03/24105 89,71 KATHERINE DIETZEL AlP 106922 03/24/05 52.00 DLE PAPER & PACKAGING .: 106923 03/24/05 96,00 EN! EMERGENCY NURSES AS 106924 03/24/05 17.64 FEDERAL _ EXPRESS CORP. 106925 03/24/05 7,040,69 FISHER llEALTHCARE AlP 106926 03/24/05 388,54 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INSU AlP 106927 03/24/05 1,046.37 FOWLER ENERGY COMPA.~ Alp 106928 03/24/05 48,00 G T PICKUP & DELIVERY AlP 106929 03/24/05 95.76 GARDENLAND NURSERY AlP 106930 03/24/05 225,00 ROBERTS, ROBERTS << ODEr AlP 106931 03/24/05 7,115.38 BRENDA GARZA AlP 106932 03/24/05 96,00 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 106933 03/24/05 336,25 GUYTON LITIGATION SUPPO AlP 106934 03/24/05 35,01 H E 8m GROCERY AlP 10693503/24/05 2,650.56 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL Alp 10693603/24/05 41. 12 SALLY J HICK!.. Alp 106937 03/24/05 129,57 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 106938 03/24/05 98.82 PAT HRANICKY AlP 106939 03/24/05 304,85 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 106940 03/24/05 1,431.47 INSTITO'TIONAL TRUST COM AlP 106941 03/24/05 57,02 HlrERNATIONAL BANK OF C 35 e 501 RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME:16:12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/24/05 THRU 03/24/05 BA}JK--CHECK~---------~___._____________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 106942 03/24/05 1,S75,OO INTELLAMED I INC AlP 10694303/24/05 77. 00 JAMIE JACOBY AlP 10694403/24/05 60.00 KARL JANIK AlP 106945 03/24/05 150.00 VICKY KALISEK AlP 106946 03/24/05 291.90 LIFELINE SYSTEMS INC AlP 10694703/24/05 10,000.00 DR DAVID LEWIS AlP 106948 03/24/05 359.95 LYDIA'S PROFESSIONAL ON AlP 106949 03/24/05 491.76 MEMORIAL HERMANN HQSPIT AlP 106950 03/24/05 37,223,58 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENI'ER AlP 106951 03/24/05 67,50 CARRIE LYNN MARSHALL AlP 10695203/24/05 7,307.70 TERRY W MCCLAIN eRNA AlP 106953 03/24/05 89.91 JANE MCCARN AlP 106954 03/24/05 ,00 VOIDED AlP 106955 03/24/05 20,238,07 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA AlP 10695603/24/05 30.45 MATTHEW BENDER &: CO. I IN AlP 106957 03124/05 124,19 MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITIONA AlP 10695803/24/05 485.10 MEDIQ AlP 106959 03/24/05 79,92 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 10696003/24/05 759,69 METLIFE AlP 106961 03/24/05 1,330.20 MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S AlP 10696203/24/05 658,02 MERRI'M' f HAWKINS & ABsa AlP 106963 03/24/05 81.00 LINDA MEYER AlP 106964 03/24/05 67.50 CHERYL IlI'l1::HELL AlP 106965 03/24/05 1,210,95 NDCHEALTH AlP 10696603/24/05 42.28 OWEIIS & MINOR AlP 106967 03/24/05 211. 86 HARVEY OLASCUAGA AlP 106968 03/24/05 138,46 MICHELLE ORTA AlP 106969 03/24/05 411. 00 PORT LAVACA WAVE AlP 106970 03/24/05 1,200.00 POSTMASTER AlP 106971 03/24/05 10,64 POWER ELECTRIC AlP 106972 03/24/05 174,25 R G & ASSOCIATES INC AlP 106973 03/24/05 560.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED AlP 106974 03/24/05 811.40 SAN ANTONIO SIL YER REeQ AlP 10697503124/05 3,966,00 SO TEX BLOOD &: TISSUE C AlP 106976 03/24/05 138.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS AlP 106977 03/24/05 3,687,41 gYSCD - SAN ANTONIOj LP AlP 106978 03/24/05 10,000,00 TEAM REHAB AlP 106979 03/24/05 49.00 TESTENGEER INC AlP 10698003/24/05 2,495.81 TLC STAFFING AlP 10698103/24/05 135.00 T&.T COMMUNICATIONS INC AlP 106982 03/24/05 9,075.00 TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL AlP 106983 03/24/05 67,50 MATTHEW TORRES AlP 10698403/24/05 352.54 TEXAS DEPT OF HUMAN SER AlP 106985 03/24/05 125.53 TEXAS GUARANl'BED STUDEN AlP 10698603/24/05 900.00 TSHHRAE A/P 106987 03/24/05 250.00 PATTI TIlUMANN AlP 10698803/24/05 525,00 TORCH AlP 10698903/24/05 73.76 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS AlP 106990 03/24/05 486,66 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE AlP 10699103/24/05 152.50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C AlP 10699203/24/05 473.46 VHA SOUTHWEST COMMONITY e e 36 e 502 RUN DATE:04/11105 TlME:16:12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 03/24105 THRU 03/24105 B~K--CHECK-___________________________________________________ CODE NUHBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 106993 03/24105 AlP 106994 03/24/05 AlP 106995 03/24/05 AlP 106996 03/24/05 AlP 106997 03/24/05 AlP 106998 03/24/05 eA/P 106999 03/24/05 AlP 107000 03/24105 AlP . 107001 03/24/05 AlP 107003 03/24/05 AlP 107004 03/24/05 AlP 107005 03/24/05 AlP 107006 03/24/05 AlP 107007 03124/05 AlP 107008 03/24/05 AlP 107009 03124/05 AlP 107010 03/24/05 AlP 107011 03/24/05 AlP 107012 03/24/05 TarALS: e e 157.14 3,281.10 1,319.21 24.30 83.38 1,610.00 1,194,67 51.03 67.50 792,00 211.23 780,00 554,97 20.72 104.28 86,58 876,00 144,50 534,57 195,137.36 ELVA VELA VERIZON SOUTHWEST THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE MELISSA WRIGHT WALMART COMMUNITY THE WALRAVEN CO WASTE MANAGEMENT ELIZABETH WESTBROOK DEBORAH WITTNEBERT REFUND DEPARTMENI' REFUND DEPARTMEm' DAVID DIERLA!1 ACCENT CARTER DIANE J AT1'N: CLAIMS ANDERSON ROBERT PALMER RICHARD CEATRAM ROBERT GENE VASQUEZ DAVID 37 503 RON DATE:04/11/05 TlME:16:12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENrER CHECK REGISTER 03/31/05 THRU 03/31/05 B~--CHECK---------________________________~__________________ COVE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 107013 03/31/05 151.00 WB SALES OEPARTMENr A/P 107014 03131/05 23.71 AERIFORll CORPORATION AlP 107015 03131/05 20,567,27 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG AlP 107016 03/31/05 520.00 APPLIED MEDICAL AlP 107017 03131/05 350.04 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST AlP 107018 03/31/05 613,08 ALEXA HOTEL AlP 107019 03/31/05 1,630.52 BAXTER IlEALTHCARE CORP AlP 107020 03131/05 574.00 BECRMAN COULTER INC AlP 107021 03131/05 116,00 BAY COFFEE SERVICE AlP 10702203/31/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 107023 03/31/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 107024 03/31/05 34,409.04 BERGEN .BR1JNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 107025 03/31/05 275.00 CALHOON COIJlll'Y PEST CON AlP 107026 03131/05 162.00 RUBY CAl/l'U AlP 107027 03/31/05 480.95 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES AlP 107028 03/31/05 1,.276.59 CINGU1AR WIRELESS AlP 107029 03/31/05 173.15 CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER AlP 107030 03/31/05 6,390.54 CITY OF PORT LAVACA AlP 107031 03/31/05 133.12 CRISTINA CAl/l'U AlP 107032 03/31/05 136.49 HELEN DAVIS AlP 10703303/31/05 226.36 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 107034 03/31/05 67,03 KATHERINE DIETZEL AlP .107035 03131/05 427.90 DLE PAPER &; PACKAGING AlP 107036 03/31/05 50,00 ECFMG AlP 107037 03/31/05 24,956,71 GE IlEALTHCARE FIN SRVS AlP 107038 03/31/05 959.59 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN Alp 107039 03/31/05 44.64 H E BUTT GROCERY AlP 107040 03/31105 2,080.85 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL AlP 107041 03/31/05 179.42 SALLY J HICKL AlP 107042 03131/05 50.93 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 107043 03/31/05 144,99 PAT HRANICKY AlP 107044 03131/05 78,00 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 107045 03131/05 155.59 IVANS Alp 107046 03131/05 382.40 JEANETI'E DEBORD Alp 107047 03/31/05 279,00 LORMAN EDUCATION SERVIC AlP 107048 03/31105 4,130,18 LUKER PIlARMACY MANAGEME AlP 107049 03131/05 71,375.03 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENI'ER AlP 107050 03/31/05 27.14 JANE MCCARN AlP 107051 03/31/05 1,701.99 MCKESSON GENERAL MEOICA AlP 107052 03/31/05 10,398.00 MEDISAFE AMERICA LLC AlP 107053 03131/05 605,07 TIlE MENGER HOTEL AlP 107054 03/31/05 540.96 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENrER AlP 107055 03131/05 2.649.70 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI AlP 107056 03/31/05 111. 78 LINDA MEYER AlP 107057 03/31/05 90,00 MINOLTA FINANCIAL SERVI AlP 107058 03/31/05 7.74 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN AlP 107059 03131/05 2.500.00 PDR << ASSOCIATES ARCHIT AlP 107060 03/31/05 45.50 KRISTY PELBCH AlP 10706103/31/05 48.94 PITNEY BOWES INC AlP 10706203/31/05 1,000.00 POSTMASTER e e 38 e 504 RUN DATE: 04/11105 TIME:16:12 MEMORIAL -MEDICAL CENl'ER CHECK REGISTER 03/31/05 THRU 03/31/05 BAJ<K--CHECK------______________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOVNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKHEG ----------_______w__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AlP 107063 03/31/05 AlP 107064 03/31/05 AlP 107065 03131105 AlP 107066 03/31105 AlP 107067 03/31105 AlP 107068 03/31/05 _IP 107069 03131105 IP 107070 03/31105 AlP 107071 03/31/05 AlP 107072 03/31/05 AlP 107073 03131105 AlP 107074 03/31/05 AlP 107075 03/31/05 AlP 107076 03/31/05 AlP 107077 03/31105 Alp 107078 03/31/05 AlP 107079 03/31105 AlP 107080 03/31/05 AlP 107081 03131105 AlP 107082 03/31/05 AlP 107083 03/31/05 T01'A1S: e e 145.19 115,58 3,545,00 89.94 14,250.00 193,85 3,953.01 2,987.06 8,488.44 20,466,00 735,00 40.00 250,00 143.89 122.63 203,72 742.75 132,69 103.68 6,810.00 811.01 257,627.38 PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS RADISSON HOTEL MARKET S RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED RESPIRONICS HEXCO INC SERVICE SUPPLY OF VICTO SYSCO - sm ANrONIO, LP TLC STAFFING TAC UNEMPLOYMEm' FUND TEXAS MUTUAL INSURANCE TEXAS SOCIETY FOR MEDIC TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO TORCH CONFERENCE UNIFORM ADVANTAGE REBBCCA VARGAS ELVA VELA VERIZON SOUTHWeST WALMART COMMUNITY ELIZABETH WESTBROOK WYETH DR. STEVEN YOUNGER 39 5'05 RIT!; DATE: 04/11/05 TIM!:: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THRU DUE DATE OF 04/21/05 PAGE: 1 APOPEN VEND#.NAME..,...................... ..CLS.INVOICE#...,.... .TRN DT.INV Dr.DOE DT.CK DT. .PC,..,. ..GROSS".. .DISC...,. .NO-PAY...,... .NET A1430 ADVANCE MEDICAL DESIGNS IN M SI661444 033105 032405 042105 51.26 ,00 51. 26 TarAtS..........,............,..."......,.., : 51.26 .00 51.26 A1417 ADVANCED MEDICAL INNOVATIO M 1106 030805 112305 042105 88.41 .00 88,41 1149 031505 030405 042105 253,88 .00 253.88_ TarAtS, . . . . , . . , . . , , , . . , , , , , , . , , , , . , . . . . , . . . . , : 342.35 .00 342.35 A1640 AIRCAST INC M 300021962 033005 031605 042705 21,50 .00 27,50 TarALS, . . . , , . . , , . .. , , . , , . . . . , .. , , . . . , , . . . , , , . : 27,50 ,00 21.50 A1642 AIRFLOW M 4410A 033105 031605 042105 1092,45 ,00 1092,45 TOI'ALS..'..'.."....'...'...."..'...'.'..... : 1092,45 ,00 1092.45 A1825 CARDINAL HEALTH M 08101636 030905 022805 042705 1415,19 .00 1415,19 08101651 033005 031105 042105 926.52 .00 926.52 08101661 033005 031805 042105 802.83 .00 802.83 08101681 033105 032505 042105 1219.51 ,00 1219.51 08101100 033105 033105 042705 931.54 ,00 931.54 TOI'ALS......"....'....'...'..',........'.... : 5295,59 ,00 5295.59 A2227 ARlZAN1' HEAI.THCARE 1422666 033005 031605 042105 99,50 .00 99.50 TarALS, , , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , . . , " . . , , . " " .. . , : 99.50 ,00 99.50 A2260 ARROW INI'ERNATIONAL INC M 2011812 030105 022405 042105 535,12 ,00 535.12 2100053 033105 032905 042105 310.24 .00 310.24 TarAtS............... ...... ................, ,: 845.36 .00 845.36 e A2216 ARTHROCARE CORPORATION M N476891 032105 030905 042105 185.00 .00 185.00 N419249 032205 031605 042105 185.00 .00 185.00 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 310.00 ,00 370,00 A2346 ASPECT MEDICAL SYSTEMS M 128920 030105 022305 042105 443.53 ,00 443.53 130218 032205 031005 042105 443.53 .00 443.53 TCYrALS....................,.................. : 881,06 .00 881.06 B0437 C R BARD INC M 29190853 031505 030905 042105 649,63 ,00 649.63 55211604 031505 030905 042105 396,92 .00 396.92 T01'ALS....,.................................. : 1046.55 ,00 1046.55 E1220 BECKMAN COULTER INC M 585116AN13 030905 022405 042105 211,55 .00 211.55 40 e 506 RmN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16:09 llEMORIAL MEDICAL CEm'ER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST TREU DUE DATE OF 04/27/05 VEND#.NAI1E,........., .............., ,CLS.INVOICE#.... .... .TRN DT,INV IJI'.DUE DT.CK DT. .PC. .... ..GROSS.. ...DISC..... .NO-PAY...,... . NET PAGE: 2 APOPEN e B1490 BALLARD MEDICAL PRoaucrs 587659AN25 030905 om05 042705 587659AN26 030905 022105 042705 587659AN27 030905 om05 042705 308514AN55 032105 030405 042705 399100FL01 032105 030305 042705 658798AN01 032105 030805 042705 404368FLOl 033005 031005 042705 585716AN14 033105 032405 042705 585716AN15 033105 032405 042705 585716AN16 033105 032405 042705 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . : M 1709950 032105 031005 042705 1714229 033005 031705 042705 TOI'ALS...'....."..'...'........"'....'..... : B1655 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORAT M 906736888 032205 031105 042705 906764098 033005 031505 042705 906735726 033105 031105 042705 TGrALS. , . . . . . . , . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . ,. .. , . : E1680 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC B1BOD BRIGGS CORPORATION .970 CONNED CORPORATION C1992 CDW GOVERNMENT/ INC. C2450 THE COUNCIL COMPANY e M 50078965 033105 032305 042705 TorUS....................................... : M 2241955 RI 032105 030905 042705 2243757 RI 032105 031005 042705 TOTALS....................................... : M 368661 030705 022305 042705 374681 031505 030305 042705 375029 031505 030305 042705 380697 032205 031005 042705 380836 032205 031005 042705 369487 033105 022405 042705 385138 033105 031605 042705 391400 033105 032305 042705 392388 033105 032405 042705 TOI'ALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : 574,00 278.60 172,80 12558.10 132.85 89.60 123,56 9224,57 7500,49 989.87 31861.99 125.00 108,75 233.75 307,76 185.50 807,75 1301.01 147.07 147,07 40,44 59,79 100,23 35,33 7),16 92.14 72,85 92.00 92.00 492.78 142,03 72,85 1165.14 M RE13750 031505 030305 042705 73,59 TGrALS,.... ................... ...............: 73.59 M 06985 07052 030705 022505 042705 030705 022805 042705 555,66 66.69 .00 574.00 .00 278.60 ,00 172.80 ,00 12558,10 .00 132.85 ,00 89.60 ,00 123.56 .00 9224,57 .00 7500,49 .00 989.87 .00 31861.99 .00 125.00 ,00 108.75 ,00 233.75 ,00 307.76 ,00 185.50 ,00 801.15 .00 1301. 01 ,00 141.07 ,00 147,07 ,00 40.44 ,00 59,79 ,00 100.23 .00 35,33 .00 13.16 ,00 92.14 .00 72,85 ,00 92.00 ,00 92 .00 ,00 492,78 ,00 142.03 .00 72 .85 .00 1165,14 ,00 73.59 .00 73.59 ,00 555.66 ,00 66.69 41 50? RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16 :09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST TllRO DOE DATE OF 04/27/05 PAGE: APOPEN VEND#.NAME... ...................... "CLS.INVOrCE#...... ...TRN DT.INV Dr.DUE DT,CK DT. .PC...., ..GROSS.", .DISC.." ..NO-PAy....... . NET C2510 CPSI 07079 030805 030105 042705 42.90 .00 42,90 07138 030805 030205 042705 404,68 .00 404.68 07142 030805 030205 042705 67.49 .00 67.49 07143 030805 030205 042705 120,95 ,00 120.95 07154 030805 030205 042705 9,80 ,00 9,80 07178 030805 030305 042705 15.41 .00 15,41_ 07228 030805 030405 042705 130,00 ,00 130.00 07229 030805 030405 042705 245.00 .00 245.00 07264 030905 030705 042705 21.44 .00 21. II 07265 030905 030705 042705 16,00 ,00 16.00 07267 030905 030705 042705 21.78 .00 21. 78 07271 030905 030705 042705 51.52 ,00 51.52 07339 031505 030905 042705 72,38 .00 72.38 07359 031505 030905 042705 538,14 .00 538.14 07387 031505 031005 042705 3,92 .00 3.92 07394 031505 031005 042705 39,29 .00 39.29 07440 032105 031105 042705 32.52 .00 32,52 07552 032205 031605 042705 570,14 ,00 570.14 07597 032205 031705 042705 549.18 .00 549.18 07599 032205 031705 042705 79,01 .00 79.01 07598 033005 031705 042705 27,83 ,00 27,83 07654 033005 031805 042705 73,32 .00 73.32 07685 033005 032105 042705 39.91 .00 39,91 07148 033105 030205 042705 25.57 .00 25.57 07700 033105 032205 042705 19.75 .00 19.75 07701 033105 032205 042705 20.61 ,00 20.61 07773 033105 032305 042705 381.32 ,00 381. 32 07880 033105 032805 042705 51. 73 .00 51. 73 TorALS. ,......,,'...... .........,...... .....,: 4293,94 ,00 4293.94 M 188031 030705 022505 042705 231.12 .00 231.12 187872 030905 022305 042705 348,84 .00 348.84 e 189027 030905 030205 042705 368.73 .00 368.73 A0503031378 031505 030305 042705 11044,00 ,00 11044.00 189525 032105 030705 042705 198.00 .00 198.00 189885 032205 031005 042705 335,56 .00 335.56 189700 033005 030905 042705 284.07 .00 284.07 190805 033005 031605 042705 380.97 .00 380.97 190959 033005 031705 042705 365,16 ,00 365.16 191459 033105 032305 042705 401.88 ,00 401.88 192541 033105 033005 042705 380.46 .00 380,46 TorALS..",.,....",..,...",..,...,."".,.. : 14338,79 ,00 14338.79 M 93301409 032105 031005 042705 992,29 .00 992.29 93308164 033005 031605 042705 101.40 ,00 101.40 93275681 033105 021405 042705 39,39 .00 39.39 TorUS. . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . , . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1133.08 ,00 1133,08 M 12398548 030905 030305 042705 406.60 .00 406,60 00350 DADE BEHRING D1150 DATEX-OHMEDA 42 e 308 RON DATE: 04/11/05 T!l~: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDIC.\!' CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THEU DUE DATE OF 04/27/05 PAGE: 4 APOPEN VENDI.NAME,.....,...,....,..,......, .CLS.INVOICEI...,.... .TRN OT,INV OT,DDE DT,CJ< OT, ,PC,.... ..GROSS... ..DISC..... .NO-PAY....... .NET 12406430 033005 031705 042705 90,02 ,00 90.02 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , , : 495.52 ,00 495.52 D1243 SOORCEONE HEALTHCARE TECHN M 30090499670 030805 022805 042705 259,03 .00 259.03 30090515153 031505 030705 042705 259,03 ,00 259,03 e 30090515154 031505 030705 042705 438.55 .00 438.55 30090530448 032205 031405 042705 259.03 ,00 259.03 30090545274 033005 032105 042705 4303.98 ,00 4303.98 30090499671 033105 022805 042705 3370,72 ,00 3370.72 30090509057 033105 030305 042705 250.21 ,00 250.21 30090530449 033105 031405 042705 3231. 77 ,00 3231. 77 30090545273 033105 032105 042705 1976.45 ,00 1975.45 30090550093 033105 032805 042705 2328,09 .00 2328,09 TOTALS. , . , , . . , . . . , . , , , , , , . , , , . , " , , , . . , , , ., , , : 15585,88 .00 16685,88 01405 Dr-CHEN, INC. W 27552 032205 030805 042705 145.99 .00 145.99 TOTALS,.............."..".... ..,..... ......: 145.99 ,00 145.99 E0700 EEl MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC M 5278587 033005 031705 042705 928,00 .00 928.00 TorALS.'."....,.'............'.'.......'.... : 928.00 .00 928,00 E1090 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES M 418730 033105 031805 042705 417,75 .00 417,75 TOTALS. , . . . , , . . , . . , , . . , . . , . , . . , , . ., , , , , , , , , .. : 417.75 ,00 417.75 E1329 EQUAL DIAGNOSTICS M 0121550-IN 030905 021805 042705 453,91 ,00 453.91 TarALS....................................... : 453.91 ,00 453,91 E3205 EME COMPANY e M 299883 030805 030305 042705 79,58 .00 79.58 300375 032105 031005 042705 79,58 ,00 79.58 TOTALS,........ .........."...... ........ ....: 159,35 ,00 159.35 F1403 FISHER , PAYKEL HEALTHCARE M 10153385 030905 030205 042705 55.08 .00 55.08 TOTALS, . . . , . . . . , . ., , . . , , . . , , . . , ,. . , , , ., , , ,. , , : 55,08 ,00 55.08 r1780 FRESENIOS USA MANUFACTURIN M 92379954 031505 030705 042705 5733,50 ,00 6733.60 92395621 033105032105042705 6597,40 ,00 6697.40 92407495 033105 033105 042705 195,74 .00 196,74 TCII'A1S..............................o........ : 13527,74 ,00 13627.74 H0025 H & S TECHNICAL SERVICES, 9362 033005 031405 042705 165,11 .00 165.11 TarALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 165,11 .00 155,11 H0945 HARBOR LINEN W 5106924 032105 030805 042705 65.72 .00 65.72 43 e 509 RON DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEN'l'ER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST TIlRO DOE DATE OF 04127/05 PAGE: 5 APOPEN VENDI,N1IME......................... ..CLS, INVOICE#.. ..... ..TRN DT.INV DT,DOE DT.CR DT..PC...... .GROSS.... .DISC.... ..NO-PAy...... ..NET TO'rALS, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 66.72 .00 66.72 H0959 HARLEE MEDICAL TECH. INC. 3804 033105 033105 042705 337.34 ,00 337.34 TarALS.............,......................... : 337,34 .00 337.34 H1135 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS INC 170.78_ M 1409841 033105 032305 042705 170.78 ,00 TarALS""""",.,..",....,.",.",.....", : 170.78 .00 170.78 H1269 HHNRY SCHEIN INC. 6536471-01 033005 031505 042705 127.10 ,00 1l7,10 TarALS, ,. , . , , , , . . . , ., , , ., , , . , . . . . . . , , , , . . . . , . : 127.10 .00 1l7.10 H1700 HOLLISTER INC M 91721593 032205 031005 042705 127.50 .00 127.50 91721594 032205 031005 042705 76,26 ,00 76,26 TarALS,.""""",.."".."""....,.,.,... : 203.76 .00 203.76 H1780 RITA MEDICt SYSTEIIS, INC. M 319563 032105 030905 042705 322.64 .00 322.64 320152 033005 031605 042705 322,64 ,00 322.64 TarALS"....".......",....."",.""".... : 645.28 .00 645.28 10950 INFOLAB INC M 2059587 030905 030205 042705 132.22 .00 132.22 2062688 032105 030905 042705 215.49 .00 215.49 2072331 033105 033005 042705 173.82 .00 173.82 TarALS, . . .. . . " . ' ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , , , , . : 521.53 ,00 521.53 10951 INKOMPARABLE M 14634 032205 022205 042705 168.00 .00 168.00 14736 032205 030205 042705 138,00 .00 138,00 e 14796 033005 030705 042705 13 6.0 0 ,00 136.00 14901 0lJ005 031105 042705 84.00 .00 84.00 14993 033005 031705 042705 206.00 .00 206.00 15015 033005 031805 042705 53.00 .00 53,00 14998 033105 031705 042705 106.00 .00 106.00 15060 033105 032205 042705 37.00 .00 37,00 TarALS, . , , . .. . , , . , , . , . . . , . , , . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . , , : 928.00 ,00 928,00 11100 INSTRllMENTATION LABORATORY M 9100181604 032105 030105 042705 192.00 .00 192,00 TOTALS..............,....................,... : 192,00 .00 192 ,00 11127 INTEGRATED MEDICAL SYSTEMS 195099 032105 031005 042705 2047.50 .00 2047,50 196734 032205 031705 042705 804.00 .00 804.00 TarALS,..................".................. : 2851.50 .00 2851.50 K0506 K-MED INC W 1486 030805 022805 042705 317.95 .00 317.95 44 _ 310 RUN tATE, 04111105 TIME: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THRU DUE DATE OF 04/27/05 PAGE: 6 APOPEN VENDi .NAME......,...............,.. ..C1S.INVOICEi......., ,TRN or,INV or.DUE or.ex or. ,PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC.... ..NO-PAy....". ,NET TarALS......,.....,......"",.......,.,.,... : 317.95 .00 317.95 L0700 LABCORP OF AMERICA HOLDING M 16821487 030905 022605 042705 6300,01 ,00 6300.01 16895370 030905 022605 042705 56.00 .00 56.00 TOTALS....................,.................. : 6356.01 .00 6356.01 _1430 LINVATEC CORPORATION M 4110547 032105 030905 042705 313,55 ,00 313.55 4120092 032205 031605 042705 165,96 .00 165,96 TarALS. . . . , . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . , , , . . .. .. . . . . , . , , . . : 479,51 ,00 479.51 L1438 LMA NORTll AMERICA M 293214 032205 030905 042705 79,80 ,00 79,80 TDTALS",....."""...,.",...",..,..".", : 79.80 .00 79,80 M1346 MAINLINE MEDICAL mc 'I 89136 032105 031005 042705 94,73 ,00 94.73 89319 032205 031605 042705 51.51 .00 51.51 TOTALS...................... .................: 146,24 .00 146,24 Ml405 MALLINCKRODT INC W 6946907 032205 031005 042705 1505.18 ,00 1505.18 6969484 032205 031605 042705 210,45 ,00 210.45 6977007 033005 031805 042705 185,52 ,00 185,52 Tar!LS.""",.,....,.""""",.""."",. : 1901.15 .00 1901.15 M1500 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS M 427398 031505 030905 042705 10,88 ,00 10.88 427895 032105 031105 042705 83,00 .00 83,00 428090 032205 031105 042705 349,95 .00 349.95 TDT!LS,......"",.......,.,.,." ,.....,.....: 443.83 ,00 443.83 _511 MARKETLAB W n05979 030705 022305 042705 63,80 ,00 63,80 Tar!LS....."...... ...........,..............: 63.80 ,00 63.80 M2320 MEDIBADGE M 160803 032105 030905 042705 128,45 .00 128.45 TDT!LS. . . . , , , , . , . . . . . . , . . ., , , , , " . . . . . . . . . . . , : 128,45 .00 128,45 M2460 MEDIX PHARMACEUTICALS AI'lER M 42272 032205 030205 042705 112.65 ,00 112.65 TDT!LS. . . . . . , . , , , " ,. " , , . . . , . . .. , , , . , . . . , , , , : 112.65 ,00 112.65 M2465 MEDLEARN W 85871 033105 022105 042705 835.95 ,00 835,95 89542 033105 032105 042705 422.95 .00 422.95 TCII'ALS.'.'..'.....'.'."".'.............'." : 1258.90 .00 1258.90 M2485 MEDRAD mc M 137027983 030805 022705 042705 1061.16 .00 1061.16 45 e 511 Rrrn DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIET TIlRU DOE DATE OF 04/27/05 PAGE: 7 APOPEN VENDi.NAIm......... '" ........,......CLS.INVDICEi.... .....TRN DT.INV DT,DUE DT.CK DT..PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC.... ..NO-PAy......, ,NET TOTALS..................................,..,. : 1061.16 .00 1061.16 M2497 MEDTRONIC PHYSIO-CONTROL M PC615406 033005 031605 042705 305.22 ,00 305.22 PC601714 040405 022505 042705 378.02 .00 378 .02 TDTALS,.........,..........................., : 683.24 .00 683,24_ M2499 MEDTRONIC OSA, INC. W 6114937 032105 030805 042705 193.05 .00 193,05 6145458 032205 031605 042705 100.00 ,00 100.00 6m962 033105 032305 042705 137.10 ,00 137.10 6173502 033105 032305 042705 103,00 .00 103.00 6187742 033105 032805 042705 132.00 ,00 132.00 TDTALS. , , . . , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , " . , , , . , , , , . . , .. . . : 665.15 ,00 665.15 M2645 MMS 396244 000 030905 030205 042705 52.73 .00 52.73 T01'ALS....................................... : 52.73 .00 52.73 M4230 MORGAN SCIENTIFIC mc M 9954 032205030105042705 88.75 .00 88.75 TOI'ALS. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . : 88.75 ,00 88.75 N1601 NK MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC M 019635 031505 030305 042705 127.44 .00 127.44 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . , . ., .. : 127.44 ,00 127.44 01201 OZARK BIOMEDICAL, LtC M 150231 032205 031605 042705 51. 02 .00 51. 02 TOTALS....................................... : 51.02 .00 51.02 01410 ON-SITE TESTING SPECIALIST W 1596 033105 032805 042705 279,27 .00 279.27 e TOTALS........................,.............. : 279,27 .00 279.27 P1475 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS HS W 9000359383 030705 022505 042705 400.00 .00 400.00 9000362171 030905 030305 042705 116.80 ,00 116.80 9000364187 031505 030805 042705 260,62 .00 260.62 9000369411 033005 031805 042705 44,80 ,00 44.80 TDTALS.".."..".......,....,..."..."."" : 822,22 ,00 822.22 P1650 PILLING WECK M IV769874 033105 032305 042705 78 .00 .00 78 .00 TDTALS,..,....,..,.,..."....,..".........,. : 78,00 ,00 78.00 P2350 PRODUCTS FOR SURGERY rNe M 249600 032205 031505 042705 103.08 ,00 103.08 250128 033105 032205 042705 27.48 .00 27.48 TDTALS, . , , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , . , . , , , , ., " , . . , , . , . " : 130.56 .00 130.56 P2397 PROMOTIONSNOW.COM M 327364 033105 030805 042705 596.07 .00 596,07 46 e 312 ROli DATE, 04/11/05 TIME, 16,09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THRU DUE DATE or 04/21/05 PAGE, 8 APOPEN VEWi.NAME"....................... ..CLS.INVOICEi....,... . TEN DT,INV DT,DUE DT.ex DT. .PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC..., ..NO-PAy.....,. . NET TDTALS. . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . , , . , . , , , . . , , . . , . . . , " ,.: 596.07 .00 596 .07 Q0570 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS W 9107261256 030905 022405 042705 55.80 ,00 55.80 9107491154 030905 022405 042705 84.00 .00 84.00 9107733131 033105 032905 042705 558.00 .00 558.00 e 9107847116 033105 032905 042705 84.00 ,00 84,00 TOl'ALS......'..'......'.'....,..'..'....."'. : 781.80 .00 781.80 R1464 RPC REPROCESSING PRODUCTS M 112898 032205 030905 042705 73.01 .00 73.01 1138 71 033105 032105 042705 159,05 ,00 159,05 TOTALS"."..""."."..,.".."",.."..... : 232,06 .00 232,06 R1468 RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS INC M 0047a04-IN 031505 030905 042105 121.25 .00 127,25 0048011-IN 033105 032305 042105 81.25 ,00 87,25 TOTALS....................................... : 214,50 .00 214.50 R1800 ROSS PRODUCTS M 917228554 033105 032305 042105 62,83 ,00 62,83 TOTALS..,..,..,......".,...,...,..".".,. ,.: 62,83 ,00 62.83 S1100 SCALE-TROmx ACCESSORIES M 1\2129 033005 032205 042105 230.00 ,00 230.00 TOTALS. , . , . . . , . . , .. .. . . , . . . . . . , . . ., . . . , . . , , , . : 230,00 ,00 230.00 S2101 SIGMA I1IrERNATIONAL M 061703 033105 033105 042105 25.44 ,00 25,44 T01'ALS....................................... : 25,44 ,00 25,44 52346 SOUTHSTAR SUPPLY COMPANY M 223036 032105 030105 042105 91.50 .00 91.50 ~598 SPECTRUM SURGICAL SUPPLY I TOTALS. , . . . , . . , , . . . . . , , . . , , . . , . .. .. , , , , , , , . . , : 91.50 ,00 91.50 M 346195 032105 030805 042105 859.23 ,00 859,23 TOTALS",....".."..,."""......,..",.,.. : 859,23 ,00 859.23 S2679 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS M 01874581 030905 030105 042105 193.11 .00 193,1\ 01888194 033005 032105 042105 42.39 .00 42.39 01863087 033105 021105 042705 34.58 ,00 34.58 01817571 033105 030405 042105 101,88 .00 101.88 TOTALS..........................,............ : 317 ,96 .00 311.96 52830 STRYKER SALES CORP M 842575A 033005 031105 042705 217 ,95 ,00 217 ,95 TCYI'ALS...........................,........... : 217 ,95 ,00 217 ,95 53940 STERIS CORPORATION M 1174597 033005 031705 042705 147.65 .00 147,65 47 e 313 RUN DATE: 04/11/05 TIME: 16:09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AI OPEN INVOICE LIST THRU DJE DATE or 04/27/05 PAGE: 9 APOPEN VEND#.NAME,.....,.....,.."...,...., ,C1S,INVOICE#........ ,TRN DT.INV !Yr,DUE !Yr.CK !Yr. .PC...., ..GROSS.,,' .DISC...., ,NO-PAy".,... ,NET 1174821 033005 031705 042705 6.04 .00 6.04 1184389 033105 032405 042705 352.60 .00 352.60 1184395 033105 032405 042705 8,23 .00 8.23 TCII'ALS'...'....,..'.'....'..'.,'........"." : 514.52 .00 514.52 T0381 TAYLOR-MED,LLC . 4339 031505 030905 042705 271. 74 .00 271.74e TarALS. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , , , , . , . . . . . . . . : 271.14 .00 211. 74 T19DO TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY M 13201 032105 030705 042705 190.80 .00 190.80 TOTALS. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . : 190.80 .00 190.80 T3lJO TRI-ANIM IIEALTII SERVICES I M H'I'H50592432 031505 022805 042705 91.30 .00 91.30 H'I'H50824319 033105 032305 042705 63,39 .00 63.39 TOTALS...............,.....................,. : 154.69 ,00 154,69 T3190 TRI-8TATE H08PITAL SUPPLY M 1846243 030805 030205 042705 1214.69 .00 1214.69 1845339 030905 030205 042705 8.40 .00 g,40 1851572 032105 030905 042705 814.62 ,00 814.62 1856815 032205 031605 042705 1285,21 .00 1285.21 1856749 033005 031605 042705 50.50 .00 50,50 1862325 033005 032305 042705 1771.07 .00 1771.07 1861377 033105 032305 042705 8,40 ,00 8.40 1867042 033105 033005 042705 1610,76 ,00 1670,76 TarALS..""""""...""".""""""", : 6823,65 ,00 6823.65 U0080 UAL 585746209 031505 030405 042705 79,31 .00 79,31 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : 79,31 ,00 79,31 U1390 UNITED STATES SURGICAL e M 93417581 032205 031005 042705 217,59 .00 217,59 TOTALS..................,.................... : 217,59 ,00 217,59 U1800 UTAH MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC M 427116 033005 031705 042705 106.44 .00 106,44 'l'OTALS...'....."..'....'..'.....'.'.'.'..... : 106.44 ,00 106,44 V1055 VICTOR EQUIPMENT 5057489 SI 032205 031705 042705 30,52 .00 30,52 TarALS,............ ................"........: 30.52 .00 30,52 W1300 w w GRAINGER INC M 180-2170S0-1 033005 032205 042705 95,31 .00 95.31 TOTALS...................,................... : 95,31 ,00 95.31 Z1005 ZIMMER US, INC. . 817957 031505 022305 042705 122.02 .00 122.02 48 e 314 RtIN DATE: 04/11/05 TIllE: \6:09 I1EMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN INVOICE LIST THRlJ DOE DATE or 04/27/05 VEND# . NAME , ........................ ..CLS,IINOICE#........ .TRN D'r.IIN D'r,DlJE DT,CJ( D'r..PC..... ..GROSS... ..DISC.. _. ..NO-PAY. _..... . NET PAGE: 10 APOPEN 849358 03\505 030405 042705 863222 032\05 030905 042705 884895 033005 031605 042705 885927 033005 031605 042705 908435 033105 032305 042705 TorALS."..,..............,............ ......: e GRAND TOTALS.................................: e ,e 885.98 73.98 104.72 49.73 24,46 1250.89 132720,29 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 885.98 73,58 104.72 49.73 24,45 1250.89 ,00 132720,29 49 315 ,',..rJi""';A"""'ltft;\1;':'f.~;)II'<-;"":";"'I,'t't"''';''i'''''oci''f.,i:'':t;''i;>>;'I 'i'N.' "'I <>'~II';t!"',!l,i'i,jlJ"I\'~:ii226' '5'2'3'f"A5'1 ,.r.;;"Ulf~jf'jV'.\:;!J.i'!t.,-'4',~~-~9:lQi'fi1~f~MAfi:rn;::J::;r,a~lfJlm;:!:"ito.::~~:,~So'i:~~j",;l1l~*r""::".;,,ij:.1:i:,!:d:~::i:L<:""'I:: _._'. 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The league has its own bylaws that were established in 2003 the same rules apply as with the school no pass no play. The league attracts youth from 7'" to 12'" grade from Calhoun County to enhance their basketball skills and participate in tournaments across the state of Texas, A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to Adopt a Resolution of Support for Youth Basketball League. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ENDORSING THE CONCEPT OF A YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE AND ENCOURAGING THE DEVELOPMENT THEREOF WHEREAS, the Port Lavaca/Calhoun County Youth Basketball League allows for the establishment and operation of a local youth basketball organization; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said league is to develop a program where youth ages 12 to 18 will have an opportunity to compete and gain the fundamentals necessary to participate in basketball competition; and WHEREAS, this organization will encourage and promote all activities and will benefit all children coming to its attention who are in need of its services: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT: THAT the Court hereby endorses the concept of the Youth Basketball League and encourages the development of said program in Port Lavaca and Calhoun County, PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 28th day of April, 2005. ,-"\f\\ ~ it" . 0 ~i2~. 0 ~ Michael Balajka, Commissioner 1)\: Precinct No.2 /1 "" i/j , ,;e,f /, i. ,;' it.j {/T/I, /dY'.I' , N, il Fritsch, Commissioner Precinct No.3 L/rud tJ :L~-c Kenneth W. Finster, Commissioner Precinct No.4 317 JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE OF PORT LAVACA FOR RV SPACE AND UTILITY CONNECTIONS MAY 22 TO MAY 30.2005: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the Junior Service League of Port Lavaca for RV space and utility connections May 22 through May 30, 2005, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Shelley Veselka with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen presented the Court with a picture of the Calhoun County Courthouse that was published In the County Progress Magazine. Judge Pfeifer accepted the picture and thanked Mr. Veselka on behalf of the Court, e ~:ND THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSI~~ERS' iOUR~ R~.;ES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING FAIRGROUNDS 8< AGRICUL T E BUI DIN F LITIES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Amend the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court Rules and Regulations conceming the Fairgrounds and Agriculture Building Facilities. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT RULES & REGULATIONS CONCERNING FAIRGROUNDS & AGRICULTURAL BUiLDING FACILITIES (Effective 04-28-0~ 1. The Calhoun County Commissioners' Court shall have exclusive right to the use of the Fairgrounds and Agriculturai Building facilities and may relinquish this right to state and federal and agriculturai agencies (Texas Dept. of Public Safety, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Texas Generai Land Office, U,S, Post Office, Farmers Home Administration, Federal and State eiected officials) for regular or special meetings, 2, The following entities shall be allowed to use the Fairgrounds facilities at no charge: Calhoun County Extension office, Calhoun County Fair Association, Calhoun High School Future Farmers of America (FFA), Calhoun County Boy Scouts of America, Calhoun County Girl Scouts of America, and W,H, Bauer. Entities renting office space in the Agriculturai Building shall be allowed a maximum of six meetings per year at no charge, This currently inciudes the Farm Service Agency (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA), and the Shellfish Sanitation Department-Texas Dept. of Health. e 3, The following entities shall be allowed to use the Fairgrounds facilities with no security deposit or rental fee, but they must pay a 525,00 key deposit: Caihoun County Emergency Medical Service, Caihoun County Sheriff's Department, YMCA, Calhoun Sandettes, Caihoun High School Cheerleaders, Athletic Boosters, United Way, City of Port Lavaca (includes Police Department), and non-profit civic organizations, 4, Fees for the facilities are as follows: Agriculture Building Auditorium, , , Bauer Meeting, , , , , , , , . , , Bauer Exhibit Building Barn Area. , . Bauer Meeting Room and Barn. . . . . Entertainment Pavilion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,00 $125,00 $100.00 $225,00 $100,00 5. For pubJjc use of any facility, application for use plus the security and key deposit must be made by an adult person at least 10 days prior to requested use with the County Extension Office Manager, 8 a,m, - 12:00 noon, and 1:00 - 4:30 p,m" Monday through Friday; forms will be provided by the Office Manager, To guarantee the reservation, the deposits must be made at the time of application. Arrangements for emergency meetings may be made by calling the agent at 552-9747 at the same hours as shown above, Such person, at the time of making the reservations, shall be the person responsible for assuring that these rules and regulations are followed by those persons using the facilities. Failure to use the reserved facilities will resuit in ioss of deposit. 6, No county grounds or facilities shall be used for any unlawful purpose, No group or activity shail cause a disturbance of the peace, or result in damage to the building furniture, floors or the adjacent grounds, The Court shall have exclusive right to deny access to those persons or groups who would tend to create a disturbance, However, the Court shall not discriminate against any iegal minority whether race, religion, national origin or other wise, e 7. No alcoholic or malt beverages shall be permitted on the premises. 8. Any sponsoring organization using the facilities shall execute a release and indemnify the County from any damage to property, or injury to any person arising out of the use of facilities, 9. Failure by the responsible party to pay for all damages occasioned by them in their use of the facilities will bar them from all future use of the facilities. 318 10, The Caihoun County Judge, Calhoun County Precinct 1 Commissioner, or the Calhoun County Extension Coordinator may waive rental fees in the case of unexpected emergency rentals, 11, Exceptions such as power outages, sewer problems, unclean building, etc, may result in rental fee waiver. e 12. Any organization, company or individual who willfully destroys the property in any way will be barred from use of the facilities by order of the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court. 13, Each sponsoring organization must provide its own supplies (refreshments, utensils, cups, projectors, VCR, PA system, etc,), 14, Any changes in the normal seating setup will be the responsibility of the person reserving the building. The user shall be responsible for setting up tabies, chairs or other physical change in seating and table arrangements. Furniture must be returned to normal seating setup at conclusion of event. 15. The Office Manager of the Calhoun County Extension Office shall schedule all meetings and functions, giving preference to applications as provided by these rules and regulations, 16, A copy of the rules and regulations shaii be provided to each user when application for use is made, The user shail read the rules and regulations and comply with said rules, 17, Any organization, company or individual who fails to abide by any of the rules and regulations set forth shall forfeit the right to future use of any of the facilities and shail be subject to liability as described by these rules or as otherwise provided by law, 18, it Is the responsibility of the renter(s) to clean the building directly after the renter conciudes their scheduled event. Cleaning of the building shail include leaving It in the same condition as it was prior to the renter's event. e e 519 , Calhoun County Building Rental Information Sheet /I:;:,\!:., Date: ----.J_/20_ o Bauer Exhibit Building o Agriculture Building Auditorium o Fairgrounds Pavilion o Show Barn e o Bauer Exhibit Building & Barn For your information if building is rented during the weekend, Rented Not Rented Friday Saturday Sunday o o o o o o It is the responsibility of the renter, as per the renlal agreement, that the building should be cleaned and left in a usable condition after the event has concluded in which it Was rented. Cleaning supplies are located in the storage rooms of the Bauer Exhibil Building near the res/rooms. For emergency contact during the weekend concerning the building please contact one of the following individuals: Roger Galvan, Calhoun County Commissioner Precinct] 361- e Charlie ember, Calhoun County Maintenance 36]- Zan Matthies, County Extension Agent 361-920-0139 For Office Use Only Satisfactorv Ullsatisfactorv Trash 0 0 Kitchen 0 0 Floors 0 0 Bathrooms 0 0 Room Setup 0 0 e 320 List of Changes Regarding Rules & Regulations Concerning Fairgrounds & Agricultural Building Facilities Rule 2 e . 'all Calhoun County Departments' was added, while corresponding listed departments was removed because the new term is descriptive as a whole, . W, H. Bauer was changed to W. H, Bauer Jr. Rule 3 . the words' or rental fee' was added to clarify this rule. . two county departments that were listed were removed Rule 4 . 'one day rental of was added to the first line to clarify that all fees are for whole day rentals. . Fees were changed to simplifY record keeping and rental procedures RuJe4 . Office manager ofthe Calhoun County Extension Office was designated as the primary contact for scheduling since that is the only full-time employee that has no outside office responsibilities. Rule 10 . Rule was added to set the building as a facility for service in the case of arising emergency rentals. Primary contacts for this service were set as the Calhoun County Judge, Calhoun County Precinct I Commissioner, or Cn I houn County Extension Coordinator. e Rule 11 . Rule was added because problems have arisen in the past. These include power outages, etc. There was not a guideline in previous rules that dictated procedl c in these circumstances. Rule 18 . A sJ' cific set of instructions for the renter regarding cleaning ofthe building afieJ ill event or activity was not addressed even though a security deposit was, ollected, Based on this rule, a specific five-part checklist was developed to clarify this issue, e 321 SIGN COASTAL LEASE AUTHORIZING A PUBUC BOAT RAMP ON STATE TRACT NO. 132 IN PRECINCT #4: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the Coastal Lease authorizing a Public Boat ramp on State Tract No. 132 in Precinct #4 and authorized Judge Pfeifer to sign the Lease. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e The State of Texas Austin, Texas COASTAL LEASE NO. CL20040007 STATE OF TEXAS g Ii g KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF CALHOUN This Coastal Lease No, CL20040007 (the "Agreement") is issued by virtue of the authority granted in Chapter 33, TEX. NAT, RES. CODE ANN. and Title 31, TEX. ADMIN. CODE, Chapter 155 and all amendments thereto, and all other applicable statutes and rules, as the same may be promulgated and/or amended from time to time. ARTICLE I. PARTIES 1.01. In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the STATE OF TEXAS, acting by and through the School Land Board and its Chairman, the Commissioner of the General Land Office (the "State"), hereby authorizes Calhoun County (the "Lessee") whose address is 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249. to use the "Premises" (defined below) for the purposes identified in Article V below. ARTICLE II, PREMISES 2,01. The coastal public land Lessee may use is described as follows: A portion of State Tract Number 132, Hynes Bay, Calhoun County, Texas (the "Premises"), The Premises are further described and depicted on Exhibits A, B, and C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, 2,02, Lessee acknowledges and agrees that when any authorized improvements are placed on the Premises, the location of such improvements shall thereby become fixed at such location and shall not be changed except by a written amendment to this Agreement. 2,03, LESSEE HAS INSPECTED THE PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AND ACCEPTS THE SAME "AS IS". IN ITS EXISTING PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITION. THE STATE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ANY OTHER WARRANTY WHATSOEVER NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. THE STATE AND LESSEE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF THE TERM "GRANT" IN NO WAY IMPLIES THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS FREE OF LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES ANDIOR PRIOR RIGHTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO LESSEE THAT ANY PRIOR GRANT ANDIOR ENCUMBRANCE MAYBE OF RECORD AND LESSEE IS ADVISED TO EXAMINE THE RECORDS IN THE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS DIVISION OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE, 1700 NORTH CONGRESS A VENUE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 7870/-1495, AND ALL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE PREMISES ARE LOCATED. LESSEE IS NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF THE STATE REGARDING ANY ASPECT OF THE PREMISES, BUT IS RELYING ON LESSEE'S OWN INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES, CL20040007 jcrow newel.doc V 2_ I -::')2 JI-v e e e ARTICLE III. TERM 3,01. This Agreement is for a period of five (5) years, beginning on February 1,2005, and ending on January 31, 2010, unless renewed or tenninated as provided herein, ARTICLE IV, CONSIDERATION AND TAXES 4,0] - As consideration (the "Consideration") for the right to use the Premises, Lessee agrees to pay the State the SUm of T....enty-five and 00/100 DoIIars ($25,00) as an application fee. No other consideration is required. 4.02. In addition to the above, Lessee shall pay and discharge any and all taxes, general and special assessments, and other charges which during the tenn of this Agreement may be levied on or assessed against the Premises or any imprevements constructed or installed thereon (the "Taxes"). Lessee shall pay such Taxes at least five (5) days prior to the dale of delinquency directly to the authority, official or entity charged with collection. Lessee may, in good faith and at its sole cost and expense, contest any Tax and shall be obligated to pay the contested amount only if and when finally detennined to be owed, ARTICLE V. USE OF THE PREMISES 5.01. A. In connection with Lessee's use of the Premises, Lessee may construct and/or maintain the following improvements: a public boat launch/ramp facility consisting of a 100' x ISO' access channel comprising an encumbrance of 15,000 square feet: two areas offill, one 50' x 220' and one 70' x 280', comprising an encumbrance of 30,600 square feet; a I' x 50' timber bulkhead comprising a total encumbrance of 50 square feet, and an 8' x 1,600' band of crushed concrete rip-rap comprising an encumbrance of 12,800 square feet: for a total project encumbrance of 58,450 square feet, as depicted on Exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Improvements"). Lessee shall not use the Premises for any other purpose without prior written consent from the State, which consent may be granted or withheld in the State's sole discretion. Lessee is specifically prohibited from using or pennitting the use of the Premises for any commercial or illegal purpose, Provided the State does not unreasonably interfere with Lessee's use of the Premises, the State may use or pennit the use of the Premises for any purpose consistent with Lessee's use of the Premises. B. Lessee shall comply, and cause its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors and invitees to comply, with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of alI governing authorities with jurisdiction over the Premises. Lessee is specifically notified of its need to comply with laws and regulations enacted for the purpose of protec1ing and preserving public lands and waters, C. Lessee shall pennit the State's agents, representatives, and employees to enter into and on the leased premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection and any other reasonable purpose necessary to protect the State's interest in the leased Premises. D. Lessee may not charge any holder of a valid mineral lease or other grant of interest from the State for surface damages for the Use of the leased Premises. All such damage payments shall be made directly to the State. Lessee, however, may seek compensation for damages to personal property in an action against the holder of a valid mineral lease or other grant-of-interest issued by the State. This damage limitation in no way limits the liability of third parties in an action at law for damages inflicted upon Lessee by acts of negligence. E, Except as otherwise provided herein, Lessee shall have the right to file a criminal complaint or institute civil proceedings to protect Lessee's right of possession and leasehold interest in the leased Premises. F, Lessee shall use the highest degree of care and all appropriate safeguards to prevent pollution of air, ground and water in and around the Premises, and to protect and preserve natural resources and wildlife habitat. In the event of pollution of or damage to natural resources in or around the. Premises which is the result of an act or omission of Lessee, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, and/or invitees, Lessee shall immediately notify the CL20040007 jcrow 2 newcLdoc V 2.1 523 State and undertake all required and appropriate action to remedy the same, Lessee shall be liable for all damages and/4lr mitigation to the Premises and public lands and waters as a result of such act or omission. G, LESSEE IS EXPRESSLY PLACED ON NOTICE OF THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966, (PB-89-66, 80 STATUTE 915; ~470) AND THE ANTIQUITIES CODE OF TEXAS, CHAPTER 19t, TEX. NAT. RES, CODE ANN. AN/} A.LL AMENDMENTS THERETO. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY SITE, OBJECT, LOCATION, ARTIFACT OR OTHER FEA"JURE OF ARCHEOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL OR HISTORIC INTEREST IS ENCOUNTERED DUlUNG THE ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS AGREEMENT, LESSEE WILL IMMEDIATELY CEASE SUCH ACTIVITIES AND WILL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE STATE AND THE TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION, P.O. BOX 12276, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711. SO THAT ADEQUATE MEASURES MAY BE UNDERTAKEN TO PROTECT OR RECOVER SUCFlDISCOVERIES OR FINDINGS, AS APPROPRIATE. 5,02. A, Lessee's use of the Premises is subject to compliance with the following covenants. obligations and cond ilions (the "Special Conditions"): 1. All maintenance dredging activities are to be confined within the limits of the authorized excavation areas. 2. All dredged material (spoil) authorized by this instrument shall be placed and contained on private property above the limits of mean high water, and Lessee waives any right to claim ownership of Coastal Public Land as a result of artificial accretion caused by deposition of dredged material. 3, Lessee shall notifY the General Land Office, Corpus Christi Field Office in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to undertaking any maintenance dredging activities occnrring during the term of this contract. 4, Silt curtains are to be installed prior to beginning any dredging action, and shall be maintained around the perimeter throughont the duration of all dredging activity to minimize turbidity levels within adjacent waters. 5. Depth of the dredged area authorized herein shall not exceed six (6) feet below High Water Mark. Over-dredging for advance maintenance is specifically prohibited. B, Prior to nndertaking construction or installation of Improvements on the Premises, Lessee shall provide written notice of the terms of this Agreement, including the Special Conditions, to each person or entity anthorized by Lessee to perform any such activity on its behalf. Lessee shall retain a copy of each such written notice provided to its agents, representatives, employees, and/or contractors under this provision and~ if a dispute arises concerning construction or installation of the Improvements, Lessee shall provide the State with a copy of all applicable notices within ten (10) days of the State's written request. Lessee's failure to maintain and provide each required written notice shall constitute a default under this Agreement. 5,03, If Lessee fails to maintain and/or repair Improvements in good condition and repair, such failure shall constitute a default under this Agreement and the State may, at its option, terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Lessee or pursue a remedy under Section 51.3021, TEX. NAY. RES, CODE ANN. and all amendments thereto. If Lessee constructs improvements other than those authorized in Article V, such improvements shall constitute illegal structures and the State may, at its option, terminate this Agreement or pursue a remedy under Section 51.302, et seq" TEX. NAT. RES. CODE ANN. and all amendments thereto, ARTICLE VI. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBLEASES 6.01. LESSEE SHALL NOT ASSIGN THIS AGREEMENT OR THE RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN, OR SUBLEASE ANY PORTION OF THE PREMISES, IN WHOLE OR PART, TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE STATE, WHICH MAY BE GRANTED OR WITHHELD IN THE STATE'S SOLE DISCRETION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL BE VOID AND OF NO EFFECT, AND SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL NOT RELIEVE LESSEE OF LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. CL20040007 JCrow 3 newcJ.doc Y 2.1 _ 324 e e e ARTICLE VII, INDEMNITY 7,01- LESSEE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE STATE, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, OFFICERS, AGENTS. REPIllfSENTATIVES, CONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES (THE "INDEMNIFIED PARTIES") HARMLESS FROM AND AGA1NST ALL CLAIMS, PROCEEDINGS, ACTIONS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIABILITIES, AWARDS AND EXPENSES WIL>o.TSOEVER, INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY CLAIMS (THE "CLAIMS") WITHOUT LIMIT AND WITHOUT REGARD TO THE CAUSE OR CAUSES THEREOF OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES, THAT MAY BE BROUGHT, INSTITUTED OR AWARDED ON ACCOUNT OF OR GROWING OUT OF ANY AND ALL INJURIES OR DAMAGES. INCLUDING DEATH, TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY RELATING TO OR RESULTING FROM, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: (I) ANY OCCURRENCE IN, UPON, AT OR FROM THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, OR (II) THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL LOSSES THERETO, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL COSTS OF DEFENDING AGAINST, INVESTIGATING AND SETTLING THE CLAIMS. IT IS THE :EXPRESSED INTENTION OF THE PARTIES HERETO THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION 7.01 IS AN INDEMNITY BY LESSEE TO INDEMNIFY AND PROTECT THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF TEE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS A CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE CLArM. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL HAVE NO APPLICATION TO ANY CLAIM WHERE THE CLAIM RESULTS FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE STATE. LESSEE'S OBLIGATION OF INDEMNITY SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL SURVIVE EXPIRHION OF THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE VIII, DEFAULT. TERMlNATION AND EXPIRATION 8,01. If Lessee fails or refuses to remedy a default under this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the State's written notice specifYing such default, the State may terminate this Agreement by sending written notice of termination to Lessee in accordance with Article IX, Upon the effective date of such notice, this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations except for those accruing prior to the effective date of termin.tion and/or those which specifically survive termination of this Agreement. 8,02, Unless waived in writing by the State prior to termination of this Agreement, Lessee shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days from the termination date, remove all personal prop~rty, structures and improvements (including, without limitation, the Improvements) from the Premises and restore the Premises (and all other property affected by Lessee's removal activities) to the same condition that existed prior to the placement, construction, or installation thereof on the Premises, Lessee's activities shall be conducted in accordance with General Land Office guidelines in effect at the time of such activity, including, without limitation, specific techniques required for protection of natural resources and mitigation, or payment in lieu of mitigation, for damages resulting from removal activity, Upon such termination Lessee shall notifY the State in writing within ten (10) days following completion of Lessee's removal and restoration activity. Lessee's obligations to perform or undertake any specific activity under this Agreement, including the foregoing removal provision, shall survive tennination of this Agreement. ARTICLE IX, NOTICE AND INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 9.01. A, Any notice given under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and either delivered by hand, by facsimile or sent by United States first class mail, adequate postage prepaid, if for the State, to Deputy Commissioner, Asset Inspection, 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1495, and if for Lessee, to Calhoun County, 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249, Any party's address may be changed from time to time by such party by giving notice as provided above, except that the Premises may not be used by Lessee as the sole notice address. No change of address of either party shall be binding on the other party until notice of such change of address is given as herein provided, . B. For purposes of the calculation of various time periods referred to in this Agreement, notice delivered by hand shall be deemed received when delivered to the place for giving notice to a party referred to above. Notice mailed in the manner provided above shall be deemed completed upon the earlier to occur of (i) actual receipt as indicated on the signed return receipt, or (ii) three (3) days after posting as herein provided, CL20040007 jcrow 4 newel.doc V 2.1 -2r- J ;) 9.02. Lessee shall provide written notice to the State of any change in Lessee address within ten (10) business days of such change. 9,03, Lessee shall provide the State with information reasonably requested in writing within thirty (30) days of such requ est. ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.01. Neither acceptance of Consideration or any other sum payable under this Agreement (or any portion thereof) by the State, nor failure by the State to complain of any act or omission of Lessee, shall constitute a waiver by the State of its rights under this Agreement. Waiver by the State of any covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under thi Agreement shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the State. Waiver by the State shall be limited to the act or omission specified in writing and shall not constitute a waiver of any other covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under this Agreement, whether ofthe same or different subject matter. 10.02, All monetary obligations of the State and Lessee (including, without limitation, any monetary obligation for damages for any breach of the respective covenants, duties or obligations of either party hereunder) are performable exclusively in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 10.03. This instrument, including exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement between the State and Lessee and no prior written or oral or contemporaneous oral promises, warranties or representations shall be binding. This Agreement shall not be amended except by written instrument signed by the State and Lessee, CL20040007 jcrow 5 newcl,docV2.1 e 326 e e e IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and the Seal of Office. LESSOR: THE STATE OF TEXAS By: JERRY E. PATTERSON Commissioner, General Land Office Chairman. School Land Board Date: APPROVED: Contents: JJ.!- ~( Legal: J :V Deputy: ~} / !-/ Executive: LESSEE: Calhoun County By (l~~fLJ~~r Michael J. Pfeifer (printed Name) Calhoun County Judge (Title) Date: April 28, 2005 CL10040007 jcrow 6 newcl.doc V 2.1 327 40~":' \'0.;./,. Z' :..:;J; /;/'-~'"j"../--"'<:',- ,. v~ \', ,_.' _\ .~, /~)'<' "\'''''~" "'.' ,<'" ",,"-' ",-,~ ", ' , ti:.J'..~ . "~~' ',....' 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'y'\, l.t,,. ..>:,~;~i::;: .; " " .' , / \. .. \::: e Title: Calhoun County / CL20040007 Date of Inspection: 04/08/2004 Company: General Land Office Creator: Maren Harding Scale: 1: 60,000 Exhibit A e 328 _ e e Title: Calhoun County / CL20040007 Date of Inspection: 04/08/2004 Company: General Land Office Creator: Maren Harding Scale: 1: 3,000 Exhibit B --- 529 I i , I I i I ! i I I Hynes Bay Unvegetated Submerged l' x 50' wooden bulkhead Tide: Normal Visibiiity: l' * -4' HWM 50' x 220' fill area 100'x150' I Access' .. ChimneJ I . 70' X 280' fill area Unvegetated Submerged Basin Dredged from uplands ro)(imate horeline ,A..pP M Natural S "daN (,WI Stale 60U Q. .... E!! o , '1:> ,f;?, ~ <: 1t1./!} oQ (l) o ti a ~ co 0 ....- () ",,'1:> _ (l) OO-C '" 2 () 4,60 Acres, Part of Tract 23, Abstract 4, Maxima Campos Survey Upland Elevation: 4' HWM Upland Vegetation: Manicured public park I I I TITLE Calhoun County I CL20040007 i COMPANY: Texas General Land Office I DRAWING SCALE 1 in : 20ft DATE OF INSPECTION: CREATOR: mharding 4-8-2004 I C-j ., -EX:-\:E:T 330 i i I I I I II e e ACCEPT THE DEED ON 2,18 ACRES IN THE SANTIAGO GONZALES SURVEY A-19 TO CALHOUN COUNTY: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept th,e Deed on 2:18 acres, in the Santiago Gonzales Survey A-19 to Caihoun County from the Port o Connor Munrclpal Utllrty Dlstnct. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. e File # 00092027 Vol 401 ~~ DEED WITHOUT WARRANTY THE STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That PORT O'CONNOR MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a special purpose district and body politic (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and Dther good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid and caused to be paid in the manner hereinafter stated by CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED, e BARGAINED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents do GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY unto the said CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), the following described property, together with all improvements thereon situ- ated, to-wit: The tract or parcel of land located in Calhoun County, Texas, and more particularly described by metes and bounds on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, being 2.18 acres, more or less. This conveyance, however, is made and accepted subject to any and all validly existing reservations, encumbrances, conditions and restrictions, relating to the hereinabove described property as now reflected by the records of the County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. e -1- 531 File ft 00092027 Vol 401 i~3 Provided, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein (including the use herein of the terms "grant" and "convey"). this is a Deed without Warranty, and the conveyance hereby effected is made and given WITHOUT WARRANTY by Grantor to Grantee. ~).. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, this instrument is executed on this the 14 day of JApd-,2005, e PORT O'CONNOR MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT BY:~~~~~ Te dy Haw ,President Board of Directors Grantee's Address: c/o The Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse 211 S. Ann Street, Ste 304 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ W. This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ day of I Anrll , 2005 by Teddy Hawes, President of PORT O'CONNOR MUNICIPAL UT~, a special purpose district and body politic, on behalf of said district. _ e~ <IIQlNNA GAAFE 1UCK;ii~ . . NoIaryPuttc.SIIIe<AilD..U. ~ "'~~lIpl't, ....., MARCH 13,2008 -2- e ;::.32 File # 00092027 Vol 401 ~~ Exhibit A e STATE OF TEXAS s COUNTY OF CALHOUN s DESCRIPTION of a tract or parcel of land containing 2.18 acres, situated in and a part of the Santiago Gonzales Survey, A-19, Calhoun County, Texas. Said 2.18 acres described as being in and a part of a 91.73 acre tract of land described in Exhibit "A" of a deed recorded in Volume 185, Pages 440-447 of the Calhoun County Official Records. This 2.18 acres is more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set in the Northeast line of the aforementioned 91.73 acre tract for the North corner of this 2.18 acre tract being described. Said set 5/8 inch iron rod bears S 260 03' 52" E, 390.05 feet from a found 5/8 inch iron rod marking the most Northerly corner of the aforesaid 91.73 acre tract; THENCE, S 260 03' 52" E, a distance of 398.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at a point of angle in the Northeast line Df the aforesaid 91.73 acre tract; THENCE, S 630 56' 08" W, a distance of 238.20 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the South comer of this tract; THENCE, N 26003' 52" W, a distance of 398.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the West corner of this tract; e THENCE, N 630 56' 08" E. a distance of 238.20 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 2,18 acres, herein designated as TRACT THREE, situated in and a part of the Santiago Gonzales Survey, A-19, Calhoun County, Texas. NOTE: 1, Bearings based on the recorded deed of 91.73 acre tract in Vol. 185, Pages 440-447, Calhoun County Official Records, 2. Subject tract is labeled "TRACT THREE" on the attached drawing identified as "EXHIBIT B." -3- e 533 File # 00092027 Vol 401 ~5 Exhibit B I? r . e >e ..; ~ g ~ ii ~'O , ... ,., ~ ~ '" Co 'b'j, - ,"" '" 'i'.. " ~ " eo 00 .laCR6$ T.N.AC'T TWO . . I-~ ,$; * " o.o.s:TRr(:T I ~- ,'" :! H '" '" ~.oo A.CR~'::;l ;rJlt44C'T OlvlP tl3fJ.Pll1 a. .. d a ~t ~~ '" -" P,.Q.B. lIiIS1U'B' oI~7.18' CA!.H;JlJN CCUk TY ., S.:5 ACRE"S !JH''fI!JrT .A~ ....0\.. I~B, PC. 5"':-51) orrf(;J,I~i.. R~COR()~ s ar$~.- "If ,., 8rn'~~" B .. f)o_lI. .. ~ .. .. 1'!!I:'nio. e"l;rlnq) ,. &~"'I!I'~o-"" 61;:.~::" To Po't"t. Q 'Con:noT" e .-1/3.5 . $ ,~'.s?;Q" Jt" .5.38."Z. ., 1,1f, PCRT O.':JttIN~ wUNlC,PAl ",-nvT'Y {;/'S"r.'?,'c"t O.,:iiS ACR~ -TrClIl'r J ~ CX1'4'SlT ""," \lUL 223. Po.. 1tf_I'4 C"1'lC/.JJ.. RcCOROS J. b.4'11ID r. CLHN. ... .rvrJJ:S'f'6/U. 1'ACn ~1flD~AI. LAI"P .sUlt'fI'Yg.A ,po HIaRrRY r::,ER71Y'Y '!'HAT TIl/t Jl'Ll'l' s~r." ItEMO.'" 1lE1'N~~N'!"S THE IU..~:; (.lJ" AN rJH THr WWU/'ig S..J,....ry M.4.:Jr rll'lD~1C II"t 1I1~,,'''';4/'JlJ ~rJ"ZJa'Il>..C" IJof '''4Rt:N '~l1rJ. ..,,'!J rNAT C,(J~'E~ ARZ /oS Sj{tJ'IIN B61cSrJ.V -4- e :73<1 J ~ e e e File # 00092027 Vol 401 p~ 1hi._Ib.1."'''....i''''by lhi.DffiClfor Radi'l ill. Ihr Dfficlil Publi< IoctIdL II! '" IImby ..... lbt . '" Ilfl dill.Ti.i..h du 10 Racr, IiHd, lAir, So. O'lIltiOJa! IliliL Filed fDr Ret:Drd i.: CdlhDu, CDunt y HonDr.bJe Rnita Fricke County Clerk Dn:Rpr EB,.ZOOS at 11 :37R Receipt Nu.ber - <8965 By, SharD. J/rig.t ~'n~~~~ Dlpu Y - 335 ADOPT RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A $10 MILLION DOLLAR CONGRESSIONAL EARMARK TO ASSIST TEXAS PUBLIC TRANSIT OPERATORS WITH VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Adopt the Resolution in Support of a $10 Million Dollar Congressional Earmark to assist Texas Public Transit Operators with Vehicie Replacements, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. e RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF TIIE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY IN SUPPORT OF A $10 MILLION DOllAR CONGRESSIONAL EARMARK TO ASSIST TEXAS PUBLIC TRANSIT OPERATORS WITH VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS. WHEREAS, the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission (GCRPC) is a Texas Public Transit Operator in the State of Texas; WHEREAS, the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission, which is comprised of the following counties: Calhoun, DeWItt, Goliad, Gonzales, 1ackson, Lavaca, Matagorda, and Victoria; is designed to meet the local transportation needs of these communities; and WHEREAS, the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission's Public Transportation Program provided 137,744 trips and traveled over 908,000 miles in Fiscal Year 2004; and e WHEREAS, Public Transportation depends on GCRPC's ability to provide customers with dependable equipment and service. This earmark will help GCRPC to continue providing necessary public transportation services to the many citizens of Texas who either choose to use our service or have no other transportation alternatives; and WHEREAS, the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission has a vehicle inventory of thirty-seven (37) vehicles serving the above areas, and of which eighteen (18) of these vehicle has satisfied their useful life or will satisfy their useful life in 2005 and are eligible for replacement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner's Court of Calhoun County supports the efforts by the Texas Public Transit Industry to pursue a Congressional $10 million dollar earmark for Vehicle Replacements. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ~ day of April .2005, SIGNED: ~~~Jl' e ATTEST: (ilifl~ 11~ / 336 ALLOW DELMAR SCOTT TO INSTALL A NEW SEWER LINE THROUGH POWDERHORN LANE, ST, JOSEPH AND OMAHA STREETS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to allow Delmar Scott to install a new sewer line through Powderhorn Lane, St. Joseph and Omaha Streets. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. AUTHORIZE KENNETH CLARK TO PLACE AN ELECTRIC ~NE IN TW~LOCAnONS UNDER COMMERCE AND 7TH STREET IN PORT O'CONN R IN COMP ANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND VICTORIA CO-OP: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to authorize Kenneth Clark to place an electric line in two locations under Commerce and 7th Street in Port O'Connor in compliance with National Electrical Code and Victoria Co-Op. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. EXTEND TAYLOR STREET IN PORT O'CONNOR TO REPLACE EARLIER ACTION BY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ON EXTENDING 9TH STREET DATED JANUARY 5TH, 2005: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to extend Taylor Street in Port O'Connor to replace earlier action by Commissioners' Court on extending 9'" Street dated January 5th, 2005. Commissioners Gaivan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER #1 ON AIRPORT FENCING IN THE AMOUNT OF $3.900: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Change Order #1 on the Airport Fencing in the amount of $3,900. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, CALHOUN COUNTY 201 West Austin Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Pu,cha,. O,der No. 4 909 4 . VENDOR Nome: '0ft ~r\y'\, Address: Department: e Address: City: City: State: Zip; State: Zip: Phone: Phone: ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY. TOTAL (~ &~ ~<.qbo .01 . , IS!? / - tj'qq_ '73/'1S- . . '. . . , . . . . (}Lii- Z"I;>,3d Taxes - Stote/County Deducted - TOTAL =_, .~ e <I ;;1...1) -oS I\} I/JD.bu I APPROV At APPROVAL / DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVED APR 2 6 Z005 COUNTY AUDITOR SIGNATURE DATE 717 Jv "''lli' .-,..,....- e 177376 StATEMENT ,. TO . . "c....,c., _ 338 EXTENSION SERVICE - DISTRICT CLERK - COUNTY TREASURER - COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR - MONTHLY REPORTS: The Extension Service, District Clerk, County Treasurer and County Tax Assessor/Collector presented their monthly reports for March 2005 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept said reports as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer ail voted in favor, e TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONER'S COURT Agent - Alexis Trott CEA-FCS Monthly Report - March 2005 ~ *Out of County Travel 3 Selected Ma' or Activities Date Dail Account I Project LlFE Workshop #1; Discuss independent living, goal setting, and course ex ectations. 2 Attended the CRCG (Community Resource Coordination Group) Meeting, Co-Chair; networked with other local a encies and entities; marketed Pro'ect L.I.F.E, ' " Training for Marine Agent and 4-H Coordinator on county reports and office management. Monthly Re orting. . Office Management. Project LlFE Workshop #2; Discussed Attitude/Res onsibili . Month! Re ortin . Office Mana ement. EEA Volunteer Mana ement. Pick up supplies, EEA Council Meeting, Commissioner Galvan's Meeting Room, 9;00 am, Fix the 2005 EEA Yearbook, co and disburse. Office Conference, ' Miles 8.4 Contacts 21 8.3 23 11.9 16 e 4 7 8,0 18 30 8 4-H Leader Meeting regarding Clothing & Textiles Project and 12.8 31 Fashion Show, Project LlFE Workshop #3; Canceled due to sick participants. Pro'ect LlFE Committee met to Ian second Mentor trainin , ". rRl.m-. '. . l! . 9 Site visit to mc Bank to set up money management program with 17,9 229 Project LlFE April 7, Set up and confinn speaker for EPC Banquet & Dinner April 7, Meeting with Memorial Medical Center's Education specialist to discuss possible children's nutrition and physical activity EXPO and Walk, and collaborating with the FCS/BL T Advisory Board, Revise and print FCS newsletter(200); Send out FCS/BLT Advisory Board Invitation letters for March 31. 17 , Wrote recommendation letter for senior 4-H member. 10 4-H Volunteer Management. Attend Seadrift EEA Club meeting, 44.7 22 handed out 05 Yearbooks, and talked about artificial swecteners, Program preparation, Project LlFE Workshop #4; Parenting and Child Development. Mailed out Diabetes Type 2 education material to community member, Project LlFE Mentor Training, 5 attended & 3 facilitators, ]1 Healthy Aging Conference committee Meeting Cancelled and 14 rescheduled due to delay of materials, Office Conference meeting e regarding office responsibilities for county employees, Write Go Texan scholarshi winner news release. ]4 Office Conference. Review ~f';1liJ&~:%~r~r:f~Ffk{~:t\Wtj Research arentina strona willed children to assist client in CPS case. ]5, ]6 District II EEA Spring Conference, Victoria, TX, Drove to 317.2* 29 Houston for Houston Livestock Show, 539 " 30 31 Total Dail Account Miles 4-H Clothin and Textiles Pro'ect met at leader house, 4-H Plus (4-H reporting system) Training for county staff via Centra S m osium, Meeting with Commissioner Galvan regarding Bauer Building Rental and Pavilion, and to give an update on progress of Project LIFE. Meeting with United Way representative regarding EPC ~~:_et:~~J~~~~__lml Sent Go Texan Scholarship news release and Living Well Campaign news release to Port Lavaca Wave. Date 17 18 21 22 23 Project LIFE Workshop #5: Child/Sexual/Spousal Abuse Prevention, 4-H Sport Fishing Orientation; 4-H Councii Meeting; 4-H Parent Leader Association Meetin . Office Management. Confirm speakers for Project LIFE W orksho s, Project LIFE Workshop #6: Decision MakingIProblem Solvin ime Mana ement. Attend the Fair Board Meetin Good Frida 24 25 28 29 roject LIFE Workshop #7: Substance AbuselRelationshipslBoundary Settin , Iud e Calhoun Count Round u , Attend CCY Meeting, CCISD Admin, Building and do a 16.4 presentation on Project L.I.F.E, to increase the collaborative effort with community .entities and CCISD. Commissioner's Re orts for March, ~'JlEiflilJl'jJ!Jl_mr.ll:~E~] J ttended 4-H Ambassador Meetin . County Staff Performance Review, FCSIBLT Advisory Board 15.0 Meeting, at MMC Community Room, to plan Healthy Kids, Healthy Families EXPO and Walk. Project LIFE Worksho #8: 5i~~;:~~~~-~}~~~i~q9J-~~s~~~~~~~~~~,-Ill~~~1t 9~~$t'?u;g~J;gmg~m1J:(s9, n$)JW;!l.:!IQgp,f9r{t1kll])Y ;ijaiclir&"~!t~}i!Q)~ 12.9 13.4 110,2* 28 597.1 Contacts 10 8 33 29 20 25 42 44 22 694 e e e 340 Community Educational Outreach Sumn 62 Office Visits 79 Phone Calls 326 Emails & Correspondence 3 News Releases 200 FCS Newsletters "Healthy Habits" 2 Home Visits 22 Site Visits 282 4-H Newsletters 0 4-H Project Visits 92 B1. T Match Hours - Calhoun Staff Totals 3 Continuing Education Units (CEU) , e lary TlU VEL: In county,-, . Out o[CqJiniy...:. . ,99.7 miles , 427.4 miles Total /-"<--, ',:.':.','-- ""-.- .-".-,', '. 597.1 miles, April 2005 Upcoming Events/Activities/Programs Date 2 5 5,7,12,14 6 7 15 e 16 23 27 28 Event/ Activities/Pro!!ram YMCA National Healthy Kids Day, 10:00 - 2:00 pm 4-H County Fashion Show Project L.I.F.E. Workshop Series, Old Harrison Building, 1:00 - 3:00 pm CRCG (Community Resource Coordination Group) Meeting, Co-Chair Extension Program Council (EPC) Annual Banquet, Formosa Guesthouse Project L.I.F.E. Graduation, Bauer Building, 7:00 pm District Round-Up, Calholll1 High School College Station, Consumer Decision Making Contest (Committee Member) CCY (Concerned Citizens for Youth) Meeting Walk Across Texas Training TTVN, Corpus Christi Alexis N, Trott County Extension Agent Family & Consumer Sciences 4-H Coordinator Calhoun County ~Jr4f- e 341 ~ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SllMKARy OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUlIT /<( i Remittance to County Treasurer: Road and Bridge General Fund: Fines Bond Forfeiture General Fund: District Clerk's Fees Sheriff's Fees Jury Fees Law Library Fund: C.J.P.F. : L.E.O.S. : C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C_: Juv.. Crime Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Civil Indigent Filing Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.H.I.: A.J.S.F.: F e.b1"1.I...4 "\I 'Z-D()S Interest: F.f'.A.. II TOTAL REHITIANCE TO COUNTY TREASURER: REHITTAIlCES (MMd., "-005) 17 't01, 52. , I~ '101,"2. '2. S33 1<. '.3'1<;-,00 qO 00 3 2.." 7. It.. , l..aQ .00 e 4-7S.SS '2.... r. I' sz. 7q Sits 2...1 s "-7 U't.IO 8 S Of) 5.2.8 4-a.OQ /0,'1'1 '1s.00 '>.2. 80't,'lS . Remittance to Others: Out-of-County Sheriff's Pees: State: C.A.R. Fund: 3>5 00 '+75_00 TOTAL REHITTAIlCE TO OTIlERS: SIO 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: ENDING BALANCE: 2...3 'l4-, 'i s- . e TOTAL: '+2701";,8 , Reconciliation With Cash in Bank: Balance in Checking Account: Outstanding Receipts: Outstanding Checks: Outstanding Criminal Receipts: lq OS, ,13 ~ "-3100 G. tt-7. SO 14- 503 Z.3 . TOTAL : Outstanding Checks: c.1(. '* I&&e:. - Ga.IIC1I.1.l." _ .l.O.OO I c.~.'1f 1'\,+.3 - 6rt'loK..s _ 'Z. no c.K,f;: 2-011 ~ S+.. +-iLl' ~ . So c./(.:~ 1.0' I ~t4"""i\+ ~ _ IOn on c.k....2.2..SZ ~ H.e..,.t\ad@'l _laD 00 dC.. *" 1.2 ";Jl' - c:...lkDU.... rr. S"IJ..- '0.00 '1<....'t...''''I_ O...ll.~ C.a.rtlftrl- _~~ 00 c.\C..#c U'2 -l..cU.:)~D Cn S~~ -12.000 lq OS, 13 c..K+ z..u,.l - t'\Oft+~t..........y c.. a.f\<;+ ~ so .00 c:.1(......'2.u.l.4-_r.t.lw..lI c.., c...i\<;+ -so.oo APPROVED:'Y~~ ,(.....,/~ PAMELA HARTIN GROVE DISTRICT CLERK RECEIVED: HICIIAEL PFEIFER COUNTY JUDGE TOTAL: '1/.7, SO e 342 e e e ~ .~ CALHOUN COllNTY. TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SUIl!IARy OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUNT District Clerk's Fees: Certified Copies Criminal Court Civil Court Stenographer Records Management Fund Courthouse Security Fund Civil Indigent Filing Fee Sheriff's Fees: Civil Court Civil Jury Jury Fees: Law Library Fees: C.J.P.F. L.E.O.S.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: ll.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C.: Juv. Crime Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.M.I. A.J.S.F.: F.".A. TOTAL FEES: Bond Forfeiture: Fines: Criminal Court C.A.R. Fund: State: Other Collections: Reimbursable Costs c.k:. +zzo::;g Cal'nrluf\ G. sbt.r-,.f'.(: C.ll.+Z'HI . l'\l:I..l\.:..~ en CnnS..w..b\t. cK.. 2..2..'7, Itt..+~'\/) Co S~c...;~~ ::...~::; ~O~~~:i.~ C.C"",Mk ... ('4 l . CoM1D.\.11!... TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS: INTEREST EARNED: llEGINNING BALANCE: TOTAL RESOURCES: RECEIPTS (MAC<-h, "OOs) 12.'.00 S05,2.7 I q.q 8 ,00 , I," 5. Of) 2. 2.'14-,2.7 '4-07,'S 14-8,IGo /4-S.0t"'l '00 00 110,00 71000 'lO.M 38" 00 s, e,'l-4- Z~, S" '-3 ,It. 1010 s-l , G: ~S 315,80 '.3' s~ CD ItS Of") , 2.7S q.<; , II '8':; .2.e , 71n ()() '0,00 SS,C"'Jr-, 12.0.0D Sf') CY-I SO.OO 33,;" 00 ('1 nO?, z. 3 , 'I,SO 2..3 (. R4- q5 . It.. 701, ,& . 343 BAlAHCE RECEIPTS EXPENSE BAlAHCE INTERESTIARNED ln/2DD5 ~ TRANSfERS ~ TllAlCSfERS 3/31/2DD5 ,".." OPERATING $7,812,109,9S $ 17,752,818,17 $ 7,497,301.48 $18,067,626.64 $ 1,669,89 $ 4,646,34 $ 88,344.56 COMB HOSP REV & TAX CERT OF OBLlG I&S 305,84 7,64 91,19S,10 46,426.25 348,616.49 1,282,95 CONSTRUCTION FUND (JAIl) 6,273,263,95 1,032,604,83 2,145,641.96 5,160,226,82 1,273.09 31,331.74 CONSTRUCTION FUND SERIES 2003-1 & S (JAil 677,518.98 49,912,84 650,298,15 277,133,67 3,353,96 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION SERIES 2004 5,598,166,95 283,835.35 417,747,32 5,464,254,98 139.51 33,695,64 CERT OF OBLlG-CRTHSE REN-I&S SERIES 200 207,581,95 82,110,12 152,550,24 137,141,63 167,85 TAX ANTICIP NOTES I&S 375,00 375,00 0,00 - CALHOUN CO, DISASTER GRANT FUND 1,00 - - 1,00 IMPREST JURY - DISTRICT COURT 2,798,91 1,053,34 1,380,00 2,472,25 11.05 IMPREST JURY - COUNTY COURT 2,184,82 1,010,73 1,278,00 1,917,55 9,34 MEMORIAL MED CTR OPERATING 1,373,002,12 5,919,328,10 4,822,367,99 2,469,962,23 7,456.91 MEMORIAL MED CTR MEMORIAL 17,468.87 64,69 - 17,533,56 64.69 MEMORIAL MED CTR RESTRICTED DONATION 13,854,94 51,30 - 13,906,24 51.30 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 1,880,11 423,641,63 423,580,05 1,941.69 61,58 DRAINAGE DISTRICT lIB 14,405.53 626,96 70.70 14,961.79 54.32 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #8 47,020,71 9,089.44 163.40 55,946,7S 191.21 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #10 - MAINT & OPER, 29,770,32 6,651.12 125.20 36,296.24 125,04 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #10 - I & S 49,338,97 1,837,64 4,175,00 47,001,61 175,66 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 - MAINT & OPER. 131,617.62 47,262,92 29,962.44 148,696,10 511,30 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 - I & S 59,695,66 7,862,20 - 67,756,08 236.38 DRAINAGE DISTRICT #11 - RESERVE SO 064.03 185,39 - 50 249.42 18S,39 SUBTOTALS $22,868,168.25 $25.711,141.67 $16,195,463,18 $32,383,846,94 $7,317.72 $14,35004 $153,372,14 TAXES IN ESCROWIOPER FUNDI $8 771 499,69 (8771499,69 0.00 0,00 TOTAL $31,639,667,94 $16,939,642.18 $16,195,463.16 $32,363,646,94 $7,317,72 $14,350.04 $153,372.14 CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S OffICE INVESTMENT REPORT QUARnR ENOING MARCH 31, 2005 IAVERAGE RATE I Cod ~ ~ BAlANCE 2DD5 PURCHASES/ BAlANCE CERTIFICATES Of DEPOSIT DATEI.SSUED 111/20D5 WITHDRAWALS 3/31/20D5 70000-94257 6/12/2002 - - 0 70000-94680 91612002 - - 0 70000-94893 10/1312002 - - 0 70000-95024 11/19/2002 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 0 70000-95032 11/19/2002 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 0 70000-95601 3/18/2003 - 0 70000-96322 9130/2003 6,000,000 (1,000,000) S,OOO,OOO 70000-96594 11/19/2003 7,000,000 - 7,000,000 70000-97256 4/21/2004 - 0 70000-97876 6/23/2004 5,500,000 (250,000) 5,250,000 70000-98368 11/22/2004 7,416,633 - 7,416,633 70000-98937 2/25/2005 3,000,000 3,000,000 TOTALS $ 26,916,633 $ (1,250 000 $ 27,666 633 e e 1,50%1 150%1 3.01%1 OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) OPERATING OPERATING CONSTRUCTION (COURTHOUSE) OPERATING OPERATING ~M~~ ~ .TIFIED INVESTMENT OFFICER _ e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, MARCH 2005 . BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE GENERAL $ 14,611,763.19 $ 475,966.41 $ 1,200,259,06 $ 13,887,470.54 AIRPORT 1WNTENANCE 61,094.31 10,568.51 2,244.12 69,41&.70 APPELLATE JUDICIAL SYSTEM 2'37.15 175,55 0.00 462.70 ANIMAL CONTROL-CAWS 138.87 0.00 0.00 138.87 CCISD/SEADRIFT/CO. ROAD PROJECT 14,852.32 0.00 0.00 14,852.32 CHAMBER TOURISM CENTER 223.16 0.00 0,00 223.16 COURTHOUSE SECURITY 177,728.88 1,851.52 0.00 179,580.40 DONATIONS 128,689.95 972.03 0.00 129,661.98 FAMILY PROTECTION FUND 90.00 45.00 0.00 135.00 JUVENlLE DELJNQUENCY PREVENTION FUND 7,000.41 13.37 0.00 7,013.78 GRANTS 55,448.09 1,911.93 114.60 57,245.42 HWY 87/FM1090 1,093,464.92 2,088.90 0.00 1,095,553.82 roSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY 14,427.54 983.43 0.00 15,410.97 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #1 3,637.79 6.95 0.00 3,644.74 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #2 3,637.79 6.95 0.00 3,644.74 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #3 3,637.79 6.95 0.00 3,644.74 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #4- 3,637.79 6.95 0.00 3,644.74 LAW I1BRARY 66,203.62 1,351.47 0.00 67,555.09 LAW ENF OFFICERS SID, EDUC, (LEOSE) 9,143.66 2,064.24 0.00 11,207.90 POC COMMUNITY CENTER 6,508.60 487.43 1,211.45 5,784.58 RECORDS MANAGEMENT -COUNTY ClERK 92,992.19 2,381.65 7.55 95,366.29 RECORDS MGMT & PRESERVATION 71,171.73 947.58 403.47 71,715.84 ROAD & BRIDGE GENERAL 252,016.43 129.227.50 0.00 381,243.93 ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCT #3 . 11,139.41 21.28 0.00 11,160.69 ROAD MAINTENANCE PRECINCT #4 14,400.77 27.51 0.00 14,428.28 SHERlFF FORFEITED PROPERTY 1,044.90 2.00 0.00 1,046.90 CAPITAL PROJ-COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS 66,6:34.64 0.00 0.00 66,634.64 CAPITAL PROJ-COURTIlOUSE RENOVATION . 506,770.31 50,209.21 49,241.10 507,738.42 CAP PROJ.UTlLE LEAGUE PARK-STORM REPAI - 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL PRO].NEW EMS BLDG 19,196.25 0.00 0.00 19,196.25 CAPITAL PROJ-MAGNOliA BEACH EROSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL PROJ-NEW JAIL BLDG 0.00 284,595.41 284,595.41 0.00 CAP PROJ-PCT 1 PIERS-STORM: REF AIR - 0.00 0.00 0,00 CAP PROI-l'CT 1 BULKHEAD-STORM REPAIR - 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL PROJ-PARKlNG LOr 80,543.81 0.00 0.00 80,543.81 CAP PROJ-PCT 1 RD REGONST .STORM 405,531.18 0.00 1,625.00 403,906.18 CAP PROJ.PCT 1 ROAD SIGNS--STORM REPAIR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAP PROJ-PCT 1 RD REGaN. rCDP DR#723037 23,994.87 0.00 3,413.70 20,581.17 CAP PROJ.PCT 2. STORM REPAIRS 17,796.13 0.00 0.00 17,796.13 CAPITAL PROJ-RB INFRASTRUCTURE 32,732.48 0,00 0.00 32,732.48 CAPITAL PROJ.SWAN POINT PARK 74.720.40 0.00 0.00 74,720.40 CAP PROJ.SWAN POINT RD - STORM REPA1R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL PROJ-AIRPORT IMPROVEMEN'T II 67,479.49 0.00 0.00 67,479.49 CAPITAL PROJ-MOLD REMEDIATION 3,726.40 0.00 726.03 3,000.37 CAP PROJ-HATERlUS PRK BOAT RAMP-STRM RI 33,148.15 0.00 0.00 33,148.15 CAP PROl-PORT ALTO PUBL BEACH-STORM RE. 30,384.78 0.00 0.00 30,384,78 CAP PROJ.SEADRlFT FlRE TRUCK 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 ARREST FEES 655.66 571.13 0.00 1,226.79 BAlL BOND FEES (HB 1940) 735.00 1,965.00 0.00. 2,700.00 CONSOLIDATED COURT COST 13,711.39 12,302.19 0.00 26,013.58 CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 6.18 5.28 0.00 11.46 CRlME STOPPERS FUND - 0.00 0.00 0.00 CRlME VICTIMS COMPENSATION 596.37 475.55 . 0,00 1,071.92 ELECTIONS CONTRACT SERVICE 4,284.27 0.00 58.39 4,225.88 FINES AND COURT COSTS HOLDING FUND 9,046.56 0.00 0.00 9,046.56 FUGITIVE APPREHENSION 66.28 52.79 0.00 119.07 INDIGENT CNIL LEGAL SERVICE 274.00 151.00 2.00 423.00 JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS) 203,03 255.26 0.00 458.29 !UnrCAL PERSONNEL TRAINtNG 25,57 21.16 0.00 46.73 ruSTICE OF THE PEACE CLEARING 48,486.55 5,272.06 743.95 53,014.66 SUBTOTALS $ 18,b7,131.01 I' 98o,991.D " 1,544,64>.8, , 1/,;>99,4fo.3.J Page 1 of3 545 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF; MARCH 2005 BEGINNING ENDiNG FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE OPERATING FUND - BALANCE FORWARD $ 18,157,131.01 $ 986,991.15 $ 1,544,645.83 S 17,599,476.33 JUVENILE CRIME & DELINQUENCY 6.43 5.27 0.00 11.70 l1JVENILE PROBATION RESTITUTION 391.10 55.00 0.00 446.10 LffiRARY GIFT AND MEMORIAL 47,433.51 90.61 182.07 47,342.05 MISCElLANEOUS CLEARlNG 9,204.68 15,212.24 19,050.06 5,366.86 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 2,225.00 0.00 0.00 2,225.00 STATE CIVIL FEE FUND 3,467.90 1,946.60 0.00 5,414.50 SUBTITLE C FUND 6,501.71 5,364.13 0.00 11,865.84 TIME PAYMENTS 1,666.10 2.021.51 0.00 3,687.62 TRAFFIC LAW F AlLURE TO APPEAR 900.64 1,282.30 0.00 2,182.94 UNCLAIMED 1'RU.P.ER'lY 2,913.44 246.00 a.oo 3,159.44 BOOT CAMP/JJAEP 109,103.09 208.43 8,256.29 101,055.23 lUVENILE PkOBATION 290,374.56 11,614.72 16,596.55 285,392.73 SUBTOTALS $ 18,631,319.17 $ 1,025,037.97 $ 1,588,730.80 S 18,067,626.34 TAXES IN ESCROW 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING- FUNDS $ 18,631,319.17 . I,02S,Oj7.97 $ 1,588,730.80 $ 18,067,626.34 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERUF. OF OBUG. S 392,840.33 S 4,202.41 $48,426.25 . 348,616.49 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) 5,434,648.11 10,174.12 284,595.41 5,160,226.82 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERlES 2003 _ I & S 952,394.09 13,303.81 0.00 965,697.90 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION FUND SERIES 2004 5,499,369.64 14,126.44 49,241,10 5,464,2$4.98 CERT. OF OB-CRTHSE REN. 1&8 FUND SERIEs 200 134,094.24 3,047.59 0.00 131,141.83 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES I&8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANT FUND 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 JURY IMPREST~DISTRlCT COURT 1,756.62 1,045.63 330.00 2,472.25 JURy lMPREST-COUNTY COURT 1,183,03 1,004.52 270.00 1,917.55 TOTAL OPER. & OTHER CO. FUNDS $ 31,047,606.23 $ 1 071,942.49 . 1,971.593.56 $ 30,147,955.16 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER, . OPERATING 1,839,708.31 $ 2,460,209.37 $ 1,829,955.45 $ 2,469,962.23 MEMORIAL 17,511.25 22.31 0.00 17,533.56 RBSTRlCTED DONATION 13,888.55 17.69 0.00 13,906.24 INDIGENT HEAL TIICARE 1,886.00 139,235.39 139,179.70 1,941.69 TOTALS $ 1,872,994.11 $ 2,599,484.76 S 1,969,135.15 $ 2,503,343.72 DRAINAGE DISTRICTS NO.6 14,900.42 $ 125.07 $ 63.70 $ 14,961.79 NO.8 55,056.93 941.82 52.00 55,946.75 NO, lO-MAINTENANCE 36,048.96 288.28 41.00 36,296.24 NO. IO-DEBT SERVICE 46,770.39 231.22 0.00 47,001.61 NO. II.MAINTENANCElOPERATING 159,966.47 4,484.17 15,552.54 148,898.10 NO. ll-DEBT SERVICE 66,951.44 806.64 0.00 67,758.08 NO. 11-RESEIWE 50,185.49 63.93 0.00 50.249.42 TOTALS $ 429,880.10 $ 6,941.13 $ 15,709.24 $ 421,111.99 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING 154,193.69 $ 9.682.89 S 6,168.65 $ 157,707.93 TOTAL MMe, DRAINAGE DIST. & NAV. DIST. $ 2,457,067.90 $ 2,616,108.78 $ 1,991,013.04 $ 3,082,163.64 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 33,230,118.80 e Page 2 of3 e 346 e e Ie COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: MARCH 1()O5 BANK RECONCILIATION LESS: CERT.OF DEP/ FUND OUTSTNDG DEP/ PLUS, CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE OPERATING .. I 18,067,626.34 I 17,368,049,10 I 225,182.15 I 424,759.39 JURY IMPREST-DlSTRlCT COURT 2,472.25 0.00 760,00 3,232.25 JURY IMPREST-COUNTY COURT 1,917.55 0,00 I,OS3,OO 2,975.55 CALHOUN co. DISASTER GRANT FUND 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 COMB. Hasp. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF ORUG. 348,616.49 1,430.53 48,126.25 395,312.21 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) ..... 5,160,226.82 S,OOO,OOO.OO 284,595.41 444,822.23 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 - I & S 965,697.90 4,611.36 0.00 961,086.54 COURTHOUSE RENOV. FUND SERlES 2004 ... 5,464)54.98 5,250,000.00 49,241.10 263,496.08 CERT. OF O.B.CRTHSE REN. 1&S FUND SERIES 200 137,141.83 1,049.08 0.00 136,092.75 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES !NT & SKG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,469,962.23 0.00 376,088.44 2,846,050.67 MEMORIAL 17,533.56 0.00 0.00 17,5:33.56 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,906.24 0.00 0.00 13.906.24 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,941,69 0,00 3,065.84 5,007.53 DRAINAGE DISTRICT; NO.6 14,961.79 2.64 7.00 14,966.15 NO.8 55,946.75 230.66 52,00 55,768.09 NO. 10 MAINTENANCE 36,296.24 2.40 41.00 36.334.84 NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE 47,001.61 2.06 0.00 46.999.55 NO. 11 MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 148,898.10 587.83 0.00 148,310.27 NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE 67.158.Qg 114.38 0.00 67,643.70 NO. 11 RESERVE 50,249.42 0.00 0.00 50,249.42 CAllIOUN' co. NAVIGATION DIST; MAINTENANCEJOPERATING ..... 157,707.93 0.00 0.00 157,707.93 TOTALS I 33,230,118.80 I 28,126,080.04 S 988,217.19 S 6,092,155.95 . CDs-OPERATINGFUND $17,416,633,60 .. CD - CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $5,000,000 ... CD - COURTIlOUSE RENOVATION $5,250,000 .... TIlE DEPOSITORY FOR CALHOUN co, NAVIGATION DISlRlCT IS FIRST VICTORIA NATIONAL BANK _ PORT LA V ACA TIlE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTIIER COUN1Y FUNDS IS IN1ERNATlONAL BANK OF COMMERCE _ PORT LA V ACA ~~I'J0~ COUN1Y TREASURER Page3 of 3 547 CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE STATEMENT OF BALANCES t:SafahctJ _~<:!~nc:e FUND NAME 01101105 ReceIpts DIsbursements 03/31/05 General $ 3,854,222 $ 15,328.478 $ 5,295,229 $ 13.887,471 Road & Bridge General 359,093 322,151 300,000 381,244 Road & Bridge Precinct 3 11,095 66 0 11,161 Hwy 87 fFM 1090 1,089,102 6,452 0 1,095,554 Road Maintenance Precinct 4 14,343 85 0 14,428 lateral Road Precinct 1 3,623 21 0 3,645. lateral Road Precinct 2 3,623 21 0 3,645 Lateral Road Precinct 3 3,623 21 0 3,645 Lateral Road Precinct 4 3,623 21 0 3,645 Juvenile Probation 144,386 196,192 55,185 285,393 Boot Camp/JJAEP 112,118 11,270 22,333 101,055 Airport Maintenance 35,896 40,230 6,708 69,419, Library Gift & Memorial 47,060 464 182 47,342' Law Library 63,772 3,783 0 67,555 Capital Projects - Road & Bridge Infrastructure 32,732 0 0 32,732 Capital Projects. Airport Improvement II 69,294 0 1,815 67,479 Capital Projects - Parking Lot 80,544 0 0 80,544 Capital Projects. New EMS Buifding 19,196 0 0 19,196 Capital Projects. New Jail Building 0 1,145,642 1,145,642 0 Capital Projects. Magnolia Beach Erosion 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects. Swan Point Park 74,720 0 0 74,720 Capital Projects - Mold Remediation 367 5,000 2,367 3,000 Capital Projects - COl.lrthouse Renovation 504,748 170,737 167,747 507,738 Capital Projects - Coastal Improvements 77,138 0 10,503 66,635 Capital Projects - Little League Park - Storm Repair 64 0 64 0 Capital Projects. Pct 1 Piers - Storm Repair 22 0 22 0 Capital Projects. Pct. 1 Bulk.head. Storm Repair 10 0 10 0 Capital Projects. Pct. 1 Road Signs. Storm Repair 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects. Pet. 2 - Storm Repairs 17 ,796 0 0 17,796 Capital Projects - Swan Point Rd. . Storm Repair 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects - Halerius Park boat Ramp. Storm Repair 33,148 0 0 33,148 Capital Projects - Port Allo Public Beach - Storm Repair 30,385 0 0 30,385 Capital Projects - Pet. 1 Road Recon. - Storm Repai 408,656 0 4,750 403,906 Capital Projects - Pet. 1 Rd. Reccn.- TCDP DR#723037 33,370 0 12,789 20,581 Capital Projects. Seadrift Fire Truck 12,000 0 0 12,000 CCrSD/SeadriftlCo . Road Project 14,852 0 0 14,852 Port O'Connor Community Center 7,056 2,173 3,444 5,785 Chamber Tourism Cenler 223 0 0 223 Fines and Court Costs Holding Fund 9,047 0 0 9,047 Donations 126,930 3,253 522 129,662 Animai Control - CAWS 139 0 0 139 Sheriff Forfeited Property 1,041 6 0 1,047 Records Management - County Clerk 87,414 7,967 15 95,366. Records Management & Preservation 70,955 .2,.212 1,451 71,716 Courthouse Security 174,582 5,017 18 179,580 Grants 52,250 8,780 3,785 57,245 law Enforcement Officers Standard Education (LEOSE) 8,305 3,088 185 11,208 AppeJJate Judicial System 951 463 951 463 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Fund 6,972 41 0 7,014 Justice Court Technology 20,968 2,204 7,762 15.411 Elections Contract Service 4,284 0 58 4,226 Justice of the Peace Clearing 700 53,90B 1,583 53,015 Miscellaneous Clearing 28,614 376,541 399,787 5,367 Combination Hosp. Revenue & Tax Certificates of Obligation 305,848 91,185 48,426 348,616 Construction (Jail) 6,273,264 1,032,605 2,145,642 5,160,227 Construction (Jail) Series 2003 - Interest & Sinking 877,519 301,911 213,732 965,698 Courthouse Renovation Fund Series 2004 5,598,167 283,835 417,747 5,464,255 Cer.l Of Ob.Courthouse Ren. I&S Fund Series 2004 207,582 82,110 152,550 137,142 Tax Anticipation Notes. Interest & Sinking 375 0 375 0 Calhoun County Disaster Grant Fund 1 0 0 1 Imp rest Jury - District Court 2,799 1,053 1,380 2,472 Imp rest Jury. County Court 2,185 1,011 1,.278 1,918 Memorial Medical Cenler. Operating 1,373,002 5,919,328 4,822,368 2.469,962 Memorial Medical Cenler. Memorial 17,469 65 0 17,534 Memorial Medical Center. Restricted Donations 13,655 51 0 13,906 Memorial Medica! Center - Indigent Healthcare 1,880 423,642 423,580 1,942 Totals $22,429,000 $25,833,096 $15,671,996 $32,590,100 We the undersigned County JlJdge and Commissioners in and for Calhoun County, Texas hereby certify that we have made an. examination of the County Treasurer's quarterly report, filed with us on this day and have found the same to be correct and in due order. Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge Neil E. Fritsch, Commissioner Pet 3 Roger Galvan, Commissioner Pet 1 Kenneth W. Finster, Commissioner Pet 4 Michael Balajka, Commissioner Pet 2 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, County Judge, and County Commissioners of said Calhoun County each respectively, on this _ day of , 2005. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Rhonda S. McMahan, County Treasurer of Calhoun County says that the within and foregoing report is true and correct. Rhonda S. McMahan, County Treasurer FILED FOR RECORD AND RECORDED THIS _ day of ,2005. Anita Fricke, County Clerk e e e 348 , SUMMARY TAX ASSESSOR-COLI~CTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR: arch d,OQS Title Certificate Fees $ 6,682.00 Title Fees paid TxDOT $ 4,262.00 Title Fees Paid County Treasurer Salary fund $ 2,420.00 e Motor Vehicle Registration Collections $ 123,145.24 Disabled Person Fees $ 135.00 Postage $ 91.00 Paid TXDOT $ 2,772.00 Paid County Treasurer $ 116,442.82 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 4,156.42 Motor Vehicle Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 387,831.62 Paid State Treasurer $ 387,831.62 Special RoadlBridge Fees Collected $ 14,232.00 Paid TXDOT - RIB Fees $ 426.96 Paid County Treasurer - RIB Fees $ 13,805.04 Texas Parks & Wildlife Collections $ 1,530.00 Paid Texas Parks & Wildlife $ 1,377.00 Paid County Treasurer salary fund $ 153.00 State Beer & Wine Collections $ 1,472.00 Paid Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission $ 1,442.50 Paid County Treasurer salary fund $ 29.50 e County Beer & Wine Collections $ 295.00 Paid County Treasurer, county beer & wine $ 280.25 Paid County Treasurer, salary fund $ 14.75 Renewal Fees for County Beer & Wine $ 10.00 Paid County Treasurer -renewal fees $ 10.00 Additional Postage - Vehicle Registration $ 4.40 Paid County Treasurer - Additional postage $ 4.40 Interest earned on P&W $6.11 and Refund -0- Accounts $ 6.11 Paid County Treasurer - Int. on P&W & Ref. $ 6.11 Interest earned on Office Account $ 185.52 Paid County Treasurer-Nav. East $ .90 Paid County Treasurer-aU other districts $ 184.62 Business Personal Property-Misc. Fees $ 160.93 Paid County Treasurer $ 160.93 Overpayments $ :to,887.17 Current Tax Collections $ 108,791. 62 Penalty and Interest - Current Roll $ 6,359.71 e Discount for early payment of taxes $ Delinquent Tax Collections $ 23,106.69 Penalty & Interest - Delinquent Roll $ 8,673.73 Collections for delinquent tax attorney $ 4,823.24 Advance - F M & L taxes $ 291.90 Advance - County AdValorem Taxes $ 144,155.67 Paid County Treasurer - Nav. East $ 1,306.31 Paid County Treasurer - all other districts $ 12,065.04 Paid County Treasurer - Delinq Tax Arty, Fees $ 4,823.24 549 . Summary Page 2 Payment in lieu of taxes $ Paid County Treasurer. Navig. East $ Paid County Treasurer. All other districts $ BoatIMotor Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 7,012.30 Paid State Treasurer $ 6,661.68 e Paid County Treasurer, Salary fund $ 350.62 Special Farmers Fees Collected $ 60.00 Paid State Treasurer, fanners fees $ 60.00 Hot Check Collection Charges $ 15.00 Paid County Treasurer, hot check charge $ 15.00 Overage on Collection! Assessing Fees $ Paid County Treasurer, overage refunded $ Escheats $ Paid County Treasurer-escheats $ $ 705,510.28 $ 705,510.28 TOTAL OF ABOVE RECEIPTS PAID TO COUNTY $ 705,510.28 #~ eX t)1I~ GLORIA A. OCHOA Tax Assessor-Collector e MICHAEL J. PFEIFER County Judge e 350 e e e ISSUES RELATING TO THE NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Mark Crippen reported to the Court that there have been no weather delays in. April and the contract completion date is September 27~. Mark stated that this date is not when the contractor is going to be finished, the contractor at this time is looking at the middle of November as the completion date. The contractor is hopeful that he will gain time when he starts working on the Inside of the jail and bring the completion date up to the middle of October. The tilt walls are 95% complete and the roofing will begin next week over the kitchen area. As of to date 3.7 miilion has been spent on the project and the budget looks good. ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS PROJECT: Mark Crippen reported to the Court that at Memorial Medlcai Plaza everything is moving right along on schedule, the drywalls are hung, doors are hung, and lighting and power is going in. Mark spoke with A&A Constructors yesterday and they feel they will be finished on schedule on June 4'" and the move date is Monday, June 13"" Mark also presented a rough sketch of a parking lot for the Courthouse this parking lot would add 73 parking spaces to the Courthouse. Judge pfeifer asked the Court if anyone had a problem with moving forward with this and everyone agreed we needed more parking area. DECLARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM SEADRIFT FIRE DEPARTMENT INVENTORY AS SURPLUS/SALVAGE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to declare one 1978 Chevrolet Fire Truck - Inventory #546-0002 VIN #CCE668V112975 from the Seadrift Fire Department Inventory as surplus/saivage, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted in favor. ,. " Kenneth Jf:, Finster CoUDI>' CommissioDer (O\IDly \>fCallio\ID . Precinct 4 . Apri!II, 2005 Ho00rab1e Michael Pfiefer . Calho\ID CountyJudge ' 21I S~ Ann . 'POrt,La=a. Texas 77979 RE: AGENJ)A ITEM Dear Judge Piiefer:. Please place the following item(s) On the ComInissioner's Court agenda for April 28, 2005.' . DecIare following items from Seadrift Fire Depanmcnt invenloly as surplus/salvage. 1978 Chevrolet Fire Truclc-in"entol}'ll546-0002 VIN# CCEb68V112975 Sincerely, ~ev-,~ Kenneth W. Finster P.O. Bod7'7 . Seadrift.TX779B3. ....U:..mmllb@liJu...1341l.7e-3141:F0134117_. 351 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 III1IIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 AMENDMENT NO: 764 REQUESTOR: CHARLES CROSER AMENDMENT REASON: 2005 FORD RANGER PICKUP (INV. #510-0122) RIND BAL IlEVEIIlI REVENIE EXPENIITlIIE EXI'ENDITlIIE IIiCIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIiCREASE IICIIEASE IIiCIIEASE IICIIEASE DECREASE> 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $15,913 $15,913 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $15,913 $0 ($15,913) AMENDMENT NO 764 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,913 $15,913 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVENIE REVENIE EXPENIIITIIIlE EXPENIIITIIIlE IIiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIiCREASE IICREASE IIiCREASE DECREASE IDECREASE> 65450 REPAIRS-AG BLDG, FAIRGROUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,548 $0 ($1,548) 65454 REPAIRS-COURTHOUSE AND JAI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,548 $1,548 AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,548 $1,548 $0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL $0 $0 $17,461 $17,461 $0 1111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 590 AMENDMENT NO: 758 IAMENDMENT REASON: REQUESTOR: KENNETH WENSKE IREPAIR VIDEO CAMERA c.>! CJl tV ACCT NO 53430 63920 RIND BAL IIEVENlIE REVENIE EXPENOITIIIE EXPENIITIIlE INCREASE INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IICIIEASE lIECIlEASEI $0 $0 $0 $205 $205 $0 $0 $205 $0 ($205) $0 $0 $205 $205 $0 e Page 1 of 11 e ACCT NAME LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 758 TOTAL VVednesday, Apnl 27,2005 e ::t'a':t> -, - 3: Groo 9- ;;, !:t. , '" 0 ,,<0 '" 5' 0) :E ~Clll m 0. V> ..,~ 3 "'~'" "'>0. o.o.m l....I~'o" a5i-< <03n m m 0 "",3 iil'Gr3 ~ U' iii' .., ctl SQ. '" '" 0 -'0 " <"'0 ~ oall nr~=r a.o.~ -, m '" '" ~ ~V>'" OJ ti ::::l ~(i)o. :'"'l VI l/) m m " n ,.0 a." .f6- nO. Ocr 3'< 3n -, 0 i:l 3 5' 3 ~ ~. ~ -, V> 0 G)'" '" m - ~ ~ ~ ,'" Gf ",n ",::r -~ ~,::r @l':. , ~ ::r m III C C Gl !!l ,. 8 c !!l ~ m Z !iJ e C,.;f CJl W , '. e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 590 CONSTABLE.PRECINCT#2 TDTAL $0 $0 $205 $205 $0 ItllUnmlllllllUllllllllllUlllmmlUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllJllllIlllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1I1I1111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAt RfVENll IlEVENIE EXPEIIIIJ1IIE EXPENIITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCIlfASE IECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICREASB 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $361 $0 ($361) 61000 COMPUTER RENTALS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $361 $361 AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $361 $361 $0 COUNTY CLERK TOTAL $0 $0 $361 $361 $0 1111I1111I11I11111111111111I11I11I111111111I1111111111I111111I1111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO: 110 MENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAt RfVENll REVENIf EXPENIITlIlE EXPENOITIDIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IECREASE INCREASE IECREASE IDECREASEJ 60336 AUTO ALLOWANCES-COAGENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $35 $35 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,399 $1,399 66500 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY-COUNT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $35 $0 ($35) 71650 EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,399 $0 ($1,399) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $1.434 $1.434 $0 EXTENSION SERVICE TOTAL $0 $0 $1,434 $1,434 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I111I1111I11I111I111I111111111I111111111I111111I11111I111111111I11I11I1111I111111111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 VVednesda~AprtI27,2005 Page2of11 C,,>I CJl ... e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIJlJIJJJJJIJIJJJIJII'IIIII,mllll"IIII1I1U'''''''II'''"lflllllllllflffllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS HIND BAl IlEVENlI IIEVENIE EXPEHIIT1IlE EXPENIITIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IICIIEASE IIICIIEASB 53640 JANITOR SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $55 $0 ($55) 53970 MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $55 $55 AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $55 $55 $0 HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $55 $55 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIJJJJlJJJlIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllII""IIIII"""'"llllllllllllllfIIllIlfUIIIIIIUlfIIIIIIIIUIfIIIIIIIII 11111 I 111111I111I I DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 AMENDMENT NO: 765 REQUESTOR: CELESTINE V. MENCHACA !AMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RlNDBAL IlEVENlI REVENIE EXPEHIIT1IlE EXPENIITIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DD:REASE INCREASE IICREASE lIBREASB 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,304 $0 ($2,304) 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPlIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $436 $436 54020 DUES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $240 $240 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $528 $528 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 AMENDMENT NO 765 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,304 $2,304 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,304 $2,304 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIII"""UlIIllllfllUIIIIIIIUflUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11I11111I1111I111111I1111I111111111I1111111111I11111I11111I1111I11I11I11I11I11111111I11I11I1111111I111111111111I11111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 VVednesday,ApnI27,2005 ee30f11 e e C.' f (..ll (..ll e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON. IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl IIEVBtlI IIEVEII1I EXPEIiIIJ1IlE EXPEIiIIJ1IlE INC8EASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CHANT NO CIIANT NAME INC8EASE IEC/lfASE INC8EASE IECllEASE IIBIIEASB 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $443 $0 ($443) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $443 $0 ($443) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $443 $0 ($443) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIfllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 480 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND 8Al IIEVEIIlf IIEVEIIlf EXPEIiIIJ1IlE EXPENIITlIIE INC8EASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CIIANT NO CIIANT NAME INC8EASE IECllEASE INC8EASE IECllEASE IIICREASB 64230 OMNIBASE PROGRAM SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $83 $0 ($83) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $83 $0 ($83) JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $83 $0 ($83) 111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111I111111111111I11I1111I111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII11111I11I1111I11111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 63070 63380 IIEVEMIE INC8EASE $0 $0 RIND BAI. INC8EASE DmlEASB ($1,304) $1,304 IIEVEIIlf IECIlEASE $0 $0 EXPEIiIIJ1IlE INC8EASE $1,304 $0 EXPEIiIIJ1IlE IECllEASE $0 $1,304 ACCT NAME JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI GIIANT NO 999 999 CIIANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT VVednesday,April27,2005 Page4of11 C)l CJ1 en e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111I1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111IJIIIIIJIIJIIIIIJJIIIJIIIJIIJIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIII"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIUIlIfIIUlIUIflIlIllIfIIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND HAl. RIVEII\E RIVEII\E EXPEIIOOIIIE WEIIII1lIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICREASEI AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,304 $1,304 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $1,304 $1,304 $0 """"IIIllllllllllllUUlIUlIHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11I11I11I111I11111I111I111I11111I11111I11I11I11I1111I111111111I111111I11I11I1111111111I11111I11I11111111111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: MUSEUM DEPARTMENT NO: 150 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR [AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND HAl RIVEII\E REVENIE EXPENIITIIIE EXPENIII1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE lDECRfASEI 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $249 $0 ($249) 66612 UTILITIES-MUSEUM 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $249 $249 AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $249 $249 $0 MUSEUM TOTAL $0 $0 $249 $249 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJJIIJJJIJJIIIUIIIIIIIIUUllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIUIIIIUlIHfllllllllllllf11I11111I11I11I1111111111I11I11I111111I11I111111I11I11111I11I1111111111I111111111111I11I1111111111111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 44150 49152 IlEVENlI INCREASE $526 $951 RIND 8A1. INCREASE IIICREASEI $526 $951 REVENIE IICREASE $0 $0 EllPElilllJlllI INCREASE $0 $0 EllPEN1IlTII\E DECREASE $0 $0 ACCT NAME FEES-SERVICE STATE COLLECTI WORKERS COMPENSATION REI GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT VVednesday, Aprll 27,2005 e _e50f11 e c.il c.J1 ~ e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BA/. IlEVBI\I RfVENII EXPfNIITIIIE EXPEIIDITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CRJINT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IBREASE INCREASE IICREASE IIBIIEASEJ AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $1,477 $0 $0 $0 $1,477 REVENUE TOTAL $1,477 $0 $0 $0 $1.477 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJlllUIIIIIIIJllllllllllllllllllUIIlUlllllUIIUlIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 MENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BA!. IlEVBI\I IlEVBI\I EXPfNIITIIIE EXPEIIDITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO CIIANT NAME INCREASE IBREASE INCREASE IICREASE IIBIIEASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $145 $0 ($145) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,244 $1,244 64370 OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $559 $0 ($559) 65458 REPAIRS-FAIRGROUNDS BALL P 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $540 $0 ($540) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,244 $1,244 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,244 $1,244 $0 """""'lII"'"""UlUllffUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111I111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 MENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO IlEVBI\I IN1:IIEASE RIND 8A/. INCREASE IllECREASD IlEVBI\I IICREASE EXPENIIIlIlf EXPENOOIIIE INCREASE IIEC8EASE ACCT !lAME ~NO CIIANT NAME VVednesday, Aprtl 27,2005 Page6ofll FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111I11111111I111I111I111111111I111111111I1111111I1111111111111111I11111I11111111I1111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111I111111I1111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND HAl. IlE1/EIiIE REVENIf EXPEIIII1lIlE EllPENIITlIIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INCREASE IICRfASE IIICllEASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $6,818 $6,818 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,361 $0 ($5,361) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $398 $0 ($398) 64370 OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $998 $0 ($998) 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $61 $0 ($61) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,818 $6,818 $0 ROAD ANDBRIDGE.PRECINCT#2 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,818 $6,818 $0 1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U11I1II1II1II1II1II1I1II1II11II1II1II1II1I1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1I1I111I1I111111111111111lllUIIHlUlIlImlluUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIUlllllllllllllllll1l11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 766 REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: IUNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAI. IlE1/EIiIE REVENIf EllPENOIIIIIE EXPENDlTlIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IICRfASE IDECREASEJ 53610 BUILDING SUPPLlESIPARTS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,500 $0 ($1,500) 60520 BUILDING REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 AMENDMENT NO 766 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,500 $1.500 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND 8A1. c..f REVENIf RIVENIf EXPENDlTlIlE EllPENDlTlIlE INCREASE CJl ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE OECIlEASE INCREASE IlECllEASE IDECREASEJ GO 51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $16 $0 ($16) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $16 $16 e VVednesdaY,AprilZ7,2005 e _e70111 e ()f CJ1 CD e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(1111I1111I11I111111I11I11111111I111111I1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlHD BAl REVE!III REVE!III EXPBIlI1IIlf EXPBIlI1IIlf IIICRfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE IIl:RfASE IDECIlEASEJ AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $16 $16 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,516 $1,516 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlHD BAl REVE!III REVE!III EXPENIITIIIE EXPENIITIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CllANT NO CllANT NAME INCREASE IlECIlEASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECIlEASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,934 $1,934 53580 PIPE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,934 $0 ($1,934) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,934 $1,934 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,934 $1,934 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 51700 51899 REVE!III INCREASE $0 $0 RlHD BAl IIICRfASE OICIIEASEJ ($51) ($951) IIEVENIf IlECIlEASE $0 $0 EXPEIOTlDIE INCREASE $51 $951 EX!'EN/ITm[ IIl:RfASE $0 $0 ACCT NAME MEAL ALLOWANCE WORKERS CaMP ADJUSTMENTS GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT VVednesday,Apnl27,ZOO5 Page80fll Cf OJ o e -" .,. FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111I111I1111I11I11111I111I11I1111111111111I111111111111I111I1111111111I111I111I11I11111I11I11I11I11I11111I11I11I11I1111I11111111I11I11I111111I1111I11I11I11I1111111111I11I11I11I11I11I11111111I111111111111I11I1111I11I11I11I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAf. IlEVEIIIt REVENIE EXPEIOIlIlE EXPENIITIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IBRfASE INCREASE IICIlEASE lDECIIEASEJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $63 $0 ($63) 60360 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,101 $2,101 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $520 $0 ($520) 74052 VEHICLES-3 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,467 $0 ($1,467) AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,052 $2.101 ($951) SHERIFF TOTAL $0 $0 $3.052 $2.101 ($951) GENERAL FUND TOTAL $1,477 $0 $38,463 $36,986 $0 FUND NAME AIRPORT FUND FUND NO: 2610 11I1111I11I11111I1111I11111111111I111111I1111111I11111111I11I11I11I111I111111I11I1111111I1111111I111I111111I11111111111III1I11I11I1JJJJJJJIJIJIJllUlIIIJllIIIIIIII""""""I1I1I1I1I1I11I1I1I11""IUIIIIIUlIfIllIlIllUflflUlIlI DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 768 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 60520 65180 RIND HAf. IIE1lEIH REVENIE EXPEHDl1IIRE EXPENIIllJRE INCREASE INCREASE IECREASE INC8fASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ $0 $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 $0 $52 $0 ($52) $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 FUND NO: 2719 _090111 ACCT NAME BUILDING REPAIRS RADIO MAINTENANCE GRANT ND /:RANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 768 TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL AIRPORT FUND TOTAL FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Wednesday, Apri/27, 2005 e e _ FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND NO: 2719 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 761 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR MARCH REVENUES RIND BAL IIElIENUE RfVENlE EXPEIIIIIlIlf EXPEIOI1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IICREASE IDECllEASEl 70751 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #1 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $72 $0 ($72) 70752 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #2 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $451 $0 ($451) 70753 CAPITAL OUTLAY -JP PCT #3 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $206 $0 ($206) 70754 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #4 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $203 $0 ($203) 70755 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #5 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $51 $0 ($51) AMENDMENT NO 761 TOTAL $0 $0 $983 $0 ($983) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $983 $0 ($983) AMENDMENT NO: 761 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR MARCH REVENUES RIND BAL REVENUE REVENII 00'ENIITIIIf EXPENIIT1IIE INCIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IlECREASE INCREASE IIECREASE OIECREASEl 44061 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECI 999 NO GRANT $70 $0 $0 $0 $70 44062 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $439 $0 $0 $0 $439 44063 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $200 $0 $0 $0 $200 44064 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $197 $0 $0 $0 $197 44065 FEES-JUSTICE DF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $50 $0 $0 $0 $50 46020 INT INC-JUSTICE SYSTEM 999 NO GRANT $27 $0 $0 $0 $27 AMENDMENT NO 761 TOTAL $983 $0 $0 $0 $983 c.J/ REVENUE TOTAL $983 $0 $0 $0 $983 en JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTAL $983 $0 $983 $0 $0 1-10. VVednesday, Apnl 27,2005 Page 100111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 Cd m tv e FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVA TION FUND NO: 5115 11I11I1111I11I1111I11I11I1111I111111111111I11I11111I11111I111111I11111I1111I111111I111111I11I1111I11I1111I111I111I11111111I11I1111I11I111I1111I11I111111I111I11I1111I11I1111111111I1111111111I11I1111I11I111111I11I11111111111111I111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 760 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ~D,'" J; BU[lET FOR MARCH REVENUES FUND BAL REVEN\I REVEN\I EXPENIITUlE EXPENIITIIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT HAMI CRANT NO CIIANT HAMf .INCRE.4SE IECIlEASE INCREASE IBIIEASE IDECllEASD 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,565 $0 ($3,565) AMENDMENT NO 760 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,565 $0 ($3,565) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $3,565 $0 ($3,565) ""III","U",IIUlllllllflIIIIIIUlIIUIIII I 1111I11I11I111I1111I1111I11I11I1111I1111I11I 1111 II 1111I1111I111I111111 I 1111 11I111111I111111111I1111111I11I111I111111111I11111111I1111111111I1111I11111111I111I11I11I11I1111111111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 760 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET. FOR MARCH REVENUES FUND BAL REVEN\I REVENII EXPE!IDIT1Ilf EXPENIITIIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT HAMI CRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IlCOIASE IIECOIASEI 46010 INT INC-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 999 NO GRANT $3,565 $0 $0 $0 $3,565 AMENDMENT NO 760 TOTAL $3,565 $0 $0 $0 $3,565 REVENUE TOTAL $3,565 $0 $0 $0 $3,565 CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVATION TOTAL $3,565 $0 $3,565 $0 $0 Gland Total $6,025 $0 $43,063 $37,038 $0 VVednesday,Apnl27,2005 _el10111 e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: Claims totaling $1,166,596.70 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: Claims totaling $2,163,078.43 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEAL THCARE: Claims totaling $165,803.71 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. The Court recessed until 1:30 p.m, INSURANCE WORKSHOP: e John Debler with GSM Insurance introduced to the Court Kevin Chambers with Boon-Chapman. Mr. Chambers presented to the Court a report on self-fundjng insurance. His company deals with private, public and governmental agencies throughout the Southwest. In Victoria his company at this time has several clients including Victoria County Independent School District, Victoria County and Citizens, He said there are advantages and disadvantages with being self-funded a few of the advantages are opportunity to save money with reduction in premium taxes, interest income on claim reserves and the actuai claims may be less than expected, Disadvantages of being self-funding are reimbursement nature of the contract, fragmented services - confusion as to who does what and who is responsible, asset exposure from legal regulatory and contractuai liabilities and there is no guaranteed renewal. (See attached Insurance Report) Court was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. e 563