2002-12-12 ! i Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. EXECUTIVE SESSION - CONSULT WITII ATI'ORNEY - TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR POSITION The Court bein$ in open session in compliance with the pertinent provksion of Section 551 of the Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Govern Code, the County Judge, as presiding officer, publicly announced at 10:02 A.M. that a closed session would now be held under the provision of Sections 551,071 and 551,074 of the Texas Government Code for private consultation between the governing body and its attorney when the governing body seeks the attorney's advice regarding resignation of Tax Assessor-Collector, appointment process and possible appointment. The County Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of said closed session, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session. At the end of the closed session the meeting was reopened to the public at 10:43 A.M. Judge Marshall stated the Court had consulted with its attorney concerning the position of County Tax Assessor-Collector being vacant at the first of the year. A special session regarding this matter was scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at which time the Court will visit with Gloria Ochoa and Dora Garcia in a closed session. Judge Marshall requested that they submit resumes for review. e e Dr. Gloria Gonzales, sister of Dora Garica, spoke on her behalf, highlightin$ her accomplishments at the tax office for 23-24 years, bekng chief deputy for the last seventeen years. She also stated Dora's service to the community and recommendation by current tax assessor, Annette Baker. She read from the Texas Association of Counties 2001 Edition regarding duties of a chief deputy and she appealed to the Court for their consideration of Dora Garcia who is a Democrat. Lupe Gutierrez spoke as a representative of Hispanic organizations, Lulac, American GI Forum and Mexican-American Political Action Committee in support of Gloria Ochoa. Evelyn Burleson read a Resolution from the Democartic Club in support of Gloria Ochoa. No action was taken by the Court. HOLIDAY PAY REOUESTED BY TAMMY HERNANDEZ Tammy Hernandez, accompanied by attorney, Charles Hood, requested that she be paid for four and a half days holiday pay as she is still a county employee. The County Aud1tor cited the employee manual and the Fair Labor Standard and Medical Leave Act. He said Ms. Hernandez has no ~ay due for sick leave and her vacation is used up. Commkssioner Balajka requested an opinion from Tom Pollan, attorney, Mr. Pollan will review the employee manual and send opinion by December 30, 2002, Judge Marshall recalled that Ms. Hernandez requested reimbursement for milage for prior years. The Court disucssed this matter and Tammy said she would sign the purchase order which was not signed when previously submitted to the Auditor. The matter of holiday pay was set for hearing an December 30, 2002. The County Auditor will be the contact person for Mr. Pollan regarding the vacation/holiday pay issue. e 51.2 CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION AGRICULTURE AGENT - POSITION FILLED e Mr. Darrell Dromgools with the Extension Service distributed the resume of Zan Matthies, Jr., applicant for Calhoun County Extension Service A$ricultural Agent and highly recommended him for the posltion A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept Zan Matthies, Jr. to fill the Calhoun County Extension Agent positon effective January 6, 2003 at current salary and travel. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Richard ParriSh also gave his support for the selection of Me Matthies. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION SERVICES Judge Marshall said the check from the grant for the Matagorda Island Lighthouse restoration project in the amount of $130,000 will be processed so matching funds will be in the County's account by December 30, 2002. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that Rexco, Inc. be recognized as the low bidder for the construction in the Matagorda Island Lighthouse Restoration project. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, In discussion, Commissioner Floyd expressed concern that the uncommitted amount is small for this size project; he suggested taking out some options to ensure funds are there for the project. e T~~r~~2.lf~R ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL S&IlVICZI December 5, 2002 Arlene Marshall, Calhoun County Judge H. Floyd, Commissioner, Precinct 1 Michael Balajka, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Roger Galvan., Commissioner, Precinct 3 Kenneth Finster, Commissioner, Precinct 4 Adolph Novosad, Texas Department of Transportation Re: Matagorda Lighthouse Restoration Project. STP 2000 (642) TE The public bid opening for the subject project was held as advertised on December 5. 2002 at 10:00 A.M. at the Calhoun County Courthouse, The bid tabulation sheet is attached. Four bids were received and the apparent low bidder is REXCO, Inc. with a bid of SI,001,150.10. This appears to be within the available funds for construction. We are in the process of evaluating bids and vviIl present a recommendation to Commissioner's Court on December 12, 2002. A copy of each of the four bid proposals is attached for your information. If you have any questions, please call me and I vvill be happy to meet vvith you. Sincerely, e ;{, C---/ '7 Byron Cumberl:md, P .E. Ptesident BLe/ad Attadunents: Bid Tabulation Bid Proposals (4) 513 C,I1 ~ .~ BID TABULATION CALHOUN COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAT AGORDA LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECT STP 2000 (642) TE 10:00 A.M. December 5, 2002 Bid Exceptions Qualification Acknowledged Bid Bid Bidder's Name Form Statement Addendum #1 Security Amount Hunt Contractors Ltd.. Edna TX " - 0/ ./ Bond ~1. 4:2.<-4 /00.00 J&S Contractors Inc. - Brazoria TX ..; flo r.! > v ./ P-, 011 (1 .1, B,q" '730.00 Lomas Construction - San Antonio TX .; - ./ v 50.,<1 ~i, 121, orlo.oo ./ et:t"h;(y'S .1,001)15""0./0 REXCO, Inc. - Port Lavaca, TX v' - v' C;h<cJ(,. Signed: ~c~ Calhoun County Testengeer, Inc. Ic-~/ Signed: ;J"} N:IProposals/Matagorda Lighthouse 12/5102 e - e e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - EMERGENCY MEDCIAL SERVICES SUBSIDY Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, submitted the financial spread sheet of Memorial Medical Center and requested Emergency Medical Services subsidy in the amount of $46,208.61, After discussion, Commissioner Floyd requested this matter be reset for December 30, 2002. EMERGRNCV MEDCIAL SERVICES - IN'I'ERI.oCAL AGREEMRN'l' WITII MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Henry Barber, EMS Director, stated he had been authorized by the Court to negotiate a contract with Memorial Medical Center for ambulance services. The hospital board has approved the contract contingent on approval by the Court. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Memorial Medical Center and Emergency Medical Serv~ce~ and authorize the.County Judge to s~gn. Comm~ss~oners Galvan, Bala)ka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshal all voted in favor. BETWEEN -d~~ RECEIVED - EMS ~ o)3~OOC I NATURE DATE AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Mill CALHOUN COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the following MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER (hereinafter referred to as "FACILITY") and CALHOUN COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. (hereinafter referred to as "PROVIDER"), provides as follows: WHEREAS, FACILITY desires to maximize efficiency and service levels for medical transportation and has conducted an analysis of its medical transportation needs. Through this analysis, FACILITY has detennined that such needs will best be met through a preferred coordinated medical transportation system agreement with the PROVIDER; and WHEREAS, PROVIDER is in the business of providing medical and ambulance transportation and advanced life support professional services; and WHEREAS, FACILITY and PROVIDER recognize that the ground ambulance transportation needs of FACILITY will be evolving and therefore, it is not possible to defme all of the terms of the specific services required by FACILITY, which may be provided by the PROVIDER. The parties desire at this time to defme the transportation services to be provided by PROVIDER and to establish mechanisms under which PROVIDER may provide future services to FACILITY related to ambulance transportation services, including services to be developed through prioritization of pre-planned, scheduled, emergent and non.emergent ambulance calls initiated by FACILITY. The parties intend that if the future services outlined in this AGREEMENT are expanded, the parties will execute addenda, further defming the services to be provided; and WHEREAS, FACILITY and PROVIDER desire to enter into a long-term, agreement under which FACILITY and PROVIDER will jointly develop and PROVIDER will operate and/or coordinate a turn-key coordinated medical transportation system to serve all of FACILITY'S ambulance transportation needs utilizing existing reimbursement sources which maximizes the benefits ofa coordinated network; and NOW, THEREFORE, FACILITY and PROVIDER do hereby agree as follows: 1. SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROVIDER FACILITY has selected PROVIDER as its "preferred provider of medical transportation" services within the primary service area as defined by Section VIII below, through an analysis of the quality of ground ambulance transportation services that PROVIDER provides. Accordingly, during the term of this AGREEMENT and extensions hereto, PROVIDER agrees as follows: A. Services Provided PROVIDER agre~s to provide appropriate ambulance transportation and related services to FACILITY in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT and all addenda hereto. Requests by FACILITY for services which originate and lor terminate outside the bOUl1l.1aries of the primary service area as defmed in Ser:tion VIII below may by referred by proviGer to another licensed ground or air ambulance provider after appropriate coordination with and approved by Facilitj. (In this circumstance, PROVIDER will not be liable to the alternative ambulance provider for the payment of any charges, fees or professional service charges rendered ill association with such transport.) 515 e B. Emergency and Non Emergency lines Provider agrees to provide and maintain a telephone number for FACILITY to access PROVIDER for all FACILITY ambulance transportation requests covered by this AGREEMENT. This number is intended as a public number. PROVIDER will provide sufficient telephone lines and communication technicians to assure prompt answering of all incoming calls from FACILITY. PROVIDER'S telecommunication personnel will coordinate the required transportation services. PROVIDER will provide a lis1ing of emergency numbers, non.emergency numbers and pager numbers that can be utilized to contact the PROVIDER 24 hours per day seven days a week. C. Inter-facility Ambulance Transportation Services Provider will provide inter-facility ambulance transportation services and such other ambulance ground transportation services at 1he'request of the FACILITY. Inter.facility ambulance transportation services shall be defmed as ground ambulance transports originating at FACILITY and other facilities as FACILITY and PROVIDER may mutually agree upon in writing. Inter.facility transportation services ordered by FACILITY shall be ordered through the Emergency and Non Emergency lines described in the preceding paragraph. Compensation rates for each facility shall be listed in ADDENDUM A below. D. Applicable Standards PROVIDER agrees in the performance of the services, to be bound by, and comply with, (i) by 1he bylaws, policies, rules and regulations of FACILITY and the medical staff ofthe FACILITY facilities, as each may be amended from time to time (provided that such amendments do not materially increase PROVIDER's obligation hereunder or materially affect the [mancial or economic interests hereunder of PROVIDER), and (ii) the standards, rules and regulations of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (hereinafter referred to as "HHS"), the Texas Department of Health, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health care Organizations (hereinafter referred to as "JCAHO"), Medicare, Medicaid, and any other federal, state or local governmental agency or third- party payor, exercising authority with respect to, accrediting or providing reimbursement for FACILITY. e E. Etiquette PROVIDER, through its employees, shall treat all FACILITY staff and employees with proper respect, courtesy and professionalism. PROVIDER's employee's conduct shall at all times be appropriate and conductive to effective patient care and consistent with prevailing norms recognized and accepted throughout the community. F. Licensure PROVIDER covenants, represents and warrants to FACILITY that: (i) it and its employees are, as appropriate, duly licensed, certified, registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Texas and the county(s) outlined in Section VIII below to provide the services under this AGREEMENT, and agrees that they shall retain such licensure, certilica1ion, registration and good slanding status during the term of this AGREEMENT; (ii) each ambulance vehicle shall be registered and licensed according to state and local rules, regulations and laws; and (iii) each ambulance vehicle shall be staffed with certified and/or licensed personnel in accordance with state and local rules and regulations. G. Experience and Training e PROVIDER represents and W1rrants to FACILITY that its employees are professionally trained in emergency medical1echnician practice and will, during the term of this AGREEMENT, take all actions necessary to maintain such training. 51.6 e e e H. Training Provider agrees to conduct an in-house training program for field employees that significantly supplements the training that they received in their EMT training co~rses that meets or exceeds TDH standards. I. Vehicle Maintenance PROVIDER agrees that its fleet will be well maintained and response ready to provide services under this AGREEMENT. J, Access to Records Provider shall maintain a medical record, known as a "Patient Care Report," for each patient receiving services under this AGREEMENT. Said medical record shall be in such form and containing such information as required by the laws, ruled and regulations of the State ofTexas and JACHO. K. Good Faith PROVIDER agrees to act in good faith at all time in performing its obligations and implementing the provisions of this AGREEMENT, including negotiating alternate reimbursement practices and the terms of any addenda. L. Services Excluded Transports of a distance greater than ISO miles II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITY During the term of this Agreement and extensions hereto, FACILITY agrees as follows: A. Promotion of AGREEMENT F ACIL TIY will conduct an internal and promotional campaign to educate its medical staff members, employees and others making arrangements for ambulance transportation about the general terms of this AGREEMENT, including periodic updates and reminder notices. Specifically, FACILITY will use its best efforts to ensure that employees who requests ambulance transportation services are informed of and utilize the Emergency and Non Emergency lines and have been made aware ofthe preferred nature of this AGREEMENT. B. Promotion to Medical Staff Members FACILITY and FACILTIY'S medical staff members, including physicians providing services under managed care arrangements, are accountable under Federal COBRA regulations for the selection of an appropriate medical transportation provider. FACILITY shall communicate in a reasonable manner the general terms of this AGREEMENT to said medical staff members. C. Access to records FACILITY shall provide necessary records and information about patients to PROVIDER to facilitate the provision of appropriate services and data collection. This information shall include the provision of a face sheet if available and substantially complete at the time of PROVIDER'S services hereunder, on each patient transported at the time the transport is initiated. When face sheets are not available or are not subs1antially complete at such time, FACILITY shall designate a liaison who will be responsible for obtaining and forwarding face sheets for the PROVIDER upon request. 517 e The parties herein mutually agree that in the event that FACILITY'S billing procedures and/or files will allow PROVIDERS access to the patient database in such manner that is acceptable to both the FACILITY and PROVIDER. D. Good Faith FACILITY agrees to act in good faith at all times in perfonning its obligations and implementing the provisions of this AGREEMENT, including negotiating alternate reimbursement practices and the terms of any addenda. E. Patient Tracking FACILITY agrees to provide reasonable assistance to PROVIDER in the completion of PROVIDER'S authorization or utilization fonns, as appropriate, and to provide access to face sheets n accordance with Section II(D) above. III. INSURANCE PROVIDER shall, at no cost to or expense to FACILITY, carry a policy or policies of professional liability insurance, comprehensive general insurance, and medical malpractice insurance issued by an insurance carrier. IV. COMPENSATION A. Except as provided for in this AGREEMENT, neither FACILITY nor PROVIDER shall charge the other for services prnvider pursuant to this AGREEMENT, without mutual assent. e B. The rate schedule in ADDENDUM A herein shall represent PROVIDER'S full compensation for services provided under this AGREEMENT. Such charges must, at all times, comply with applicable. laws, rules and regulations. V, TERMINATION OR AMENDMENT AS THE RESULT OF GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS FACILITY and PROVIDER shall each have the right to tenninate or unilaterally amend this AGREEMENT, without liability, in order to comply with any order issued by any federal or state department, agency or commission, or any provision of law or of the JCAHO.or other accreditation organization which invalidat~s or is inconsistent with the terms of this AGREEMENT or which would cause one of the parties to be in violation oflaw. In the event FACILITY or PROVIDER is required to amend this AGREEMENT pursuant to this Section and the amendment is unacceptable to the other party, such party may choose 10 tenninate this AGREEMENT immediately without liability. VI. Term A. Tenn and Tennination Subject to each party's right of termination as set fo~ in ~t\rrs~h and below, this AGREEMENT sha)l.Wor,{I~", ~"'}" year commencmg at mlllmght 0 and tennmatmg at mldmght on~ (hereinafter referred to as "INIT L TERM"). 1. FACILITY or PROVIDER may mutually agree to tenninate this AGREEMENT in writing, with or without cause upon 30 days written notice; or 2. Except as provided for elsewhere in this AGREEMENT, with cause by either party upon default by the other party of any material term, covenan1 or condition of this AGREEMENT, where such default continues for a period of (30) days after the defaulting party receives written notice thereof from the other party specifying the existence of default: or e 3 Immediately if PROVIDER fails to maintain licensure as required in Section I, Paragraph G (ii) or (iii) herein. or fails to maintain insurance as required in Section III herein. 518 e e e B. Re-negotiation During the sixty (60) day period of prior to the end of the INITIAL TERM or any RENEWAL TERM, this AGREEMENT shall be subject to the review by the parties. During this 60.day period, the pariies agree to use their best efforts to meet together at mutually agreeable tlines to review and if appropriate to re.negotiate the terms of this AGREEMENT. If the parties agree to modify this AGREEMENT, such modifications shall be in writing and executed in accordance with Section XVII here of. VII. FORCE MAJEURE Provider shall be excused from performance under this AGREEMENT if for any period PROVIDER is prevented from performing any obligations pursuant hereto, in whole or in part, as a result of an Act of God, war, civil disturbance, catastrophe, court order, labor dispute or cause beyond its reasonable control, including shortages or fluctuations in electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning or fuel shortages, and such non-performance shall not be a ground for termination or default. PROVIDER will use its reasonable efforts under such circumstance to ensure that alternate services be made available should any of these conditions arise. In the event PROVIDER caIUlot obtain alternate services, FACILITY may exercise its right to contract temporarily with another service until PROVIDER is once again able to meet the needs of FACILITY. VIII, AREAS OF SEVICE PROVIDER will provide the services described herein to FACILITY anywhere within Calhoun and adjacent surrounding Counties and any other areas within the State of Texas up to 150 miles, as mutually agreed upon by both parties hereto. IX. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The relationship between the parties shall at all times be that of an independent contractors. No provision of this AGREE1v1ENT is intended to, or shall be construed to, render one party an agent, employee, servant, or partner of the other. Neither party shall represent to any third party or entity that is authorized to enter into any contract for or on behalf of1he other party. N:either party shall execute any contract for or on the behalf ofthe other, nor attempt to bind the other to any obligation, without the other party's written consent. FACILITY and PROVIDER shall not combine their business operations in any way, but instead shall maintain their operations as separate and distinct entities. PROVIDER'S employees shall not have any claim under this AGREEMENT or otherwise FACILITY for vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, Social Security, worker's compensations, disability or unemployment insurance benefits of any kind. PROVIDER'S employees shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges established for employees of FACILITY, such as vacation, sick leave, paid holidays, or severance pay upon termination of this AGREEMENT. FACILITY shall neither have nor exercise any control or direction over the method by which PROVIDER performs its work or functions; the sole interest and responsibility of FACILITY is to assure that their services contemplated by this AGREEMENT will be performed in accordance with the terms hereof. X. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS FACILITY and PROVIDER shall have the right to assign this AGREEMENT and to delegate all rights, duties and obligations hereunder, whether in whole or part, to any parent, affiliate, successor or subsidiary organization or company of FACILITY or PROVIDER only with consent of other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing, this AGREEMENT shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 519 e XI. PREFERRED STATUS FACILITY and PROVIDER agree and acknowledge that in order for PROVIDER to PROVIDE the most timely, efficient and responsive inter-facility ambulance transportation services, and for PROVIDER and FACILITY to provide the safest and most efficient care, that the inter-facility ambulance transportation services under this AGREEMENT shall be on the preferred basis as set forth here in. Except as set for herein, the inter-facility ambulance transportation services provided by PROVIDER hereunder are provided on a preferred basis and FACILITY agrees not to contract with any other companies, organiza1ions or agencies for such services during the term of this AGREEMENT. This preferred status shall not apply if this patient, the patient's guardian, third party payor, or the attending physician requests another ambulance service. XII. FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL In the event FACILITY desires to evaluate or implement developing a system for critical care ground transportation services, wheelchair transportation service. or other programs relating to ambulance ground transportation services, then FACILITY shall give PROVIDER written notice of such desire. Following such notice, FACILITY and PROVIDER agree to negotiate for a period 000 days, on a preferred basis, for PROVIDER to perform such services for FACILITY and its patients. XID. NOTICES Any notice required to be given pursuant to the terms and provisions hereof shall be in writing and shall be sent certified or registered mail or by hand delivery to the parties at the addresses set forth below or to such address which a party may designate by notice. e PROVIDER: Calhoun County Emergency Medical Services 216 E. Mahan Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 FACILITY: Memorial Medical Center 815 N. Virginia Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Either party may change its address to which notices are sent by a notice similarly sent. XIV. SEVERABILITY In the event that any part, term of provision of this AGREEMENT is, by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, held to be illegal, unconscionable, in conflict with any law of state where enforcement of this AGREEMENT is sought, or any public policy thereof, the validity of the remaining portion or provisions shall be construed and enforced as if the ' AGREEMENT did not contain the particular part, telm or provision to be invalid. XV, CONTROLLING LAW The interpretation and enforcement of this AGREEMENT shail be consis1ent with the laws of the Stale of Texas. In addition, the parties agree that if any legal action is commenced for enforcement of any term of provision of, or arising under or related to, this AGREEMENT, said action shall be preferably commenced on the state or federal courts located within the State of Texas, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts. XVI. MODIFICATION e This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire understanding of the parties hereto and no changes, amendments, or alterations shall be effective unless signed by both parties. That is, any increase or decrease in services must be mutually agreed upon in writing. SZO I 1_ _ _ XVII, HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE Each party to this AGREEMENT shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the other party and its conunissioners, managers, affiliates, shareholders, directors, trustees, officers, employees, and agents against all claims demands, suits judgments, expenses and costs of any and all kinds arising as a result of damages or injuries caused through the performance or failure of performance of this AGREEMENT by said PartY. XVIII. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT contains the complete AGREEMENT concerning the subject matler ofthis AGREEMENT between the parties and shall as of the effective date hereof, supersede all agreements between the parties pertaining to the same subject matter. The parties stipulate that neither of them has made any representation with respect to the subject matter of this AGREEMENT, except as set forth herein. The parties further acknowledge that any statement or representation that may have heretofore been made by either party to the other is of no effect, and that neither ofthern has relied thereon on connection with its dealings with the other. XIX, EXECUTION OF ADDITIONAL INSTRUMENTS Each party shaII at any time, and from time to time, at the other's request execute, acknowledge and deliver any reasonable instruction, instrument or acknowledgment that may be necessary or proper to cany out the provision 5 and intent of this AGREEMENT. XX. WAIVER AND SURVIVAL XXI. XXII. The failure of either party to insist upon strict compliance by the other with respect to any of the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT shall not be construed as a waiver, nor shall such course afaction deprive such party of the right thereafter to require strict adherence to the terms and provisions of this AGREEMENT. NON.DISCLOSURE FACILITY and PROVIDER agree to treat the pricing contained within this AGREEMENT as CONFIDENTIAL iNFORMATION and as PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL iNFORMATION pursuant to the provisions of Section XXIIi. CONFIDENTIALITY PROVIDER acknowledges that in connection with entering into this AGREEMENT and the services provided by PROVIDER pursuant to it, it will be acquiring and making use of confidential infonnation and trade secrets (hereinafter referred to as the "CONFIDENTIAL iNFORMATION") ofF ACILITY, which include, but are not limited 10, management reports, marketing studies, marketing plans, fmancial statements, internal memoranda, reports, patient lists and other material or records of confidential information. PROVIDER agrees that it will not, after the date hereof, and for so long as any such CONFIDENTIAL iNFORMATION may remain confidential, secret or otherwise wholly or partially, use such information except in connection with the performance of the duties pursuant to this AGREEMENT. . PROVIDER will not use or divulge the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to any 1hird party, unless: (i) FACILITY consents in writing to such use or divulgence; (ii) PROVIDER is under legal obligation to disclose such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; or (iii) such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION becomes available to the public by a reason other 1han a PROVIDER'S breach ofthis Section. PROVIDER acknowledges that a breach of this section would result in irreparable damage to FACILITY, and, without limiting other remedies which may exist for a breach ofthis Section, PROVIDER agrees that this Section hereof may be enforced by temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or following a trial on the merits. PROVIDER hereby waives the claim or defense that an adequate remedy at law for such a breach exists. The covenants contained in this Section shall survive any termination of this AGREEMENT for two years. 521 e FACILITY acknowledges that in connection with entering into this AGREEMENT and the services provided by PROVIDER pursuant 10 i~ it will be acquiring and making use of confidential infonnation and trade secrets (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION") which include, but are not limited to, management reports, marketing studies, marketing plans, financial statements, internal memoranda, reports, patient lists and other material or records of confidential infonnation. FACILITY agrees that it will not, after the date hereof, and for so long as any such PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may remain confidential; secret or otherwise wholly or partially, use such infonnation except in connection with the perfonnance of the duties pursuant to this AGREEMENT. FACILITY will not use or divulge the PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to any third party, unless: (i) PROVIDER consents in writing to such use or divulgence; (ii) FACILITY is under legal obligation to disclose such PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; or (iii) such PROVIDER'S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION becomes available to the public by a reasOn other than a PROVIDER'S breach of this Section. FACILITY acknowledges that a breach of this section would result in irreparable damage to PROVIDER, and, without limiting other remedies which may exist for a breach of this Section, FACILITY agrees that this Section hereof may be enforced by temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or following a trial On the merits. FACILITY hereby waives the claim or defense that an adequate remedy at law for such a breach exists. The Covenants contained in this Section shall survive any 1ennination of this AGREEMENT for two years. XXIII. NO INFLUENCE ON REFERRALS It is not the intent of either the FACILITY or PROVIDER of this AGREEMENT that any remuneration, benefit or privilege provided for under this AGREEMENT shall influence or in any way be based on the referral or recommended referral by either party or patients to the other party or its affiliated providers, if any, or the purchasing, leasing, or ordering of any services other that specific services described in this AGREEMENT. Any payments specified in this AGREEMENT are consistent with what the parties reasonably believe to be fair market value for the services provided. e XXIV, THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY The parties to this AGREEMENT do not intend to confer any benefits hereunder n any person or other legal entity other that the parties hereto, including without limitation any patients of PROVIDER or FACILITY, and no third.party beneficiary rights are in1ended to beereated hereby. XXV. NAME OR TRADEMARK Nothing contained herein shall confer upon either party hereto a license to use, or ownership of (i) the name of the other party hereto or any name under which a party operates, or (ii) any trade name, service mark or trademark owned by such party. XXVL THIRD PARTY PAYOR CONTRACTS PROVIDER will cooperate with FACILITY with respect to all programs established between FACILITY and health maintenance organizations, exclusive pro~ider organizations and other managed care programs. xxvn, NOTICE OF LITIGATION PROVIDER and FACILITY shall promptly notify the other in the event that any party learns of any threatened or actual litigation in which i1 is a party defendant in a case which involves serviced provided under this AGREEMENT. Within five (5) calendar days after being served with a summons,.complaint or other pleading which has been filed in any federal or state court or with any administrative or regulatory agency or after receiving notice of threatened litigation, the party so served or n01ified shan deliver copies of such document(s) to the other party. e XXvrn,HEADINGS AND CAPTIONS The headings and captions used in this AGREEMENT arc for the convenience of reference only, and to not for a part of this AGREEMENT. 522 e e e XIX. BINDING EFFECT The panies agree that this AGREEMENT shall not be binding upon either pany unless and un1il it is executed by an authorized representative of each party. FACILITY and PROVIDER represent that their representative signatory, whose signature appears below, has been and is, as of the date fIrst written above, duly authorized by all necessary, appropriate and applicable corporate legal action to execute this agreement: '. XXIX. AGREEMENT READ AND UNDERSTOOD The panies hereto have read and understand this entire instrument and acknowledge that they both have had competent legal counsel available to them in their review and execution of said AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panies hereto have executed this AGREEMENT Effective D';)J \C\ \ ad- ,ZUUL By: Titl Date: 1-1 - 20 --0 Z-- PROVIDER By:4tJhu/l ;;,~ Title: ~M~ Date: /c:z - / -0 Y ~) ~';) ^) } DY S\ti ~60 \'1 rv~ \~~ RECEIVED - EMS DO?'" 5Z3 ADDENDUM A COMPENSATON SCHEDULE AND BILLING PRACTICES I. A. Provider will bill its customary rates pursuant to this AGREEMENT. B. Where patients have third party coverage, inclorling Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance, PROVIDER will bill said insurance and accept as payments in full the amounts allowed by said third party coverage. In such cases, patients will only be billed for: (a) their co.insurance and deductible as determined by their third party coverage or where mandated by federal or local government: and (b) any services which said third party insurer determines are not covered by the termS of the patient's policy. e C. Where patients have no third party coverage, PROVIDER will bill the patients directly. D. FACILITY will only be responsible for ambulance services which: (a) are pre.approved and authorized by FACILITY (a request for ambulance transport by a hospital employee, wilI be considered as pre.approved and authorized by the FACILITY) (b) where FACILITY is legally responsible (c) where transport is requested by the FACILITY because patient has no other means of transportation II. For Ground Transports that are the legal responsibility of the FACILITY. the FACILITY will pay: Transports within the Calhoun and Surrounding Counties from one (1) through one hundred fifty 150 miles: Current Rate Contract Rate BLS Non.emergency Sase Rate: 270.00 189.00 BLS Emergency Base Rate: 432.00 303,00 ALS I Non. Emergency Sase Rate: 324.00 117.00 ALS I Emergency Sase Rate: 513.00 359.00 ALS II Emergency Sase Rate: 742.00 519.00 Mileage per Loaded Mile: 7.50 W e This payment schedule will be all inclusive of supplies and equipment and accepted as payment in full for any and all transports that are the legal responsibility of the FACILITY or 1hird party. Payment shall be received as defmed in section N. It is understood that these patients shan meet the existing Medicare guidelines for medical necessity for ambulance transportation and have the Certification of Medical Necessity completed for Provider. It is also understood, that for all non--emergency ambulance services where Medicaid is the primary payor, a Prior Authorization number will be obtained by the FACILITY. III. PROVIDER guarantees tha11he above contracted rates shall be effective for the duration this AGREEMENT. Thereafter, the rates shall be evaluated upon renewal of said AGREEMENT. IV. PROVIDER shall submit invoices to FACILITY on a per call basis for the services provided under the AGREEMENT. RMRRGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - RECOMMENDATIONS BY ALEXANDER BILLING RELATED TO COLLECTON OF BAD DEBTS Henry Barber, EMS Director, requested the Court to determine the best method of handling the collection of bad debts. The County Auditor said the Cou~t ~ay only determine if debts are uncollectable. Commlssloner Galvan suggested Mr. Barber submit a list periodically to the Court for review and determination. Commissioner Finster discussed indigent cases and ~ersons in charge of this ruling at the hospital. Mr. Comlskey said these are bills that have already been sent but not paid. Mr. Barber said he had one bill which ~oul~ be handled as a charity case and needed a determlnatlon. A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and second~d by Commissioner Galvan that Henry Barber, Emergency Medlcal Services Director, bring to Commissioners' Court on a quarterly basis information from Alexander Billing. regarding the collection of bad debts a~d EMS serv~ces. Commissioners Galvan, Baljaka, Floyd, Flnster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e 524 A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the recommendaton of Alexander Billing that the bill which Mr. Barber mentioned previously be a bad debt for EMS services. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e OODGE SEDAN AT ,TUVENII.E PROBATION DEPARTMENT - SURPLUS / SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare a 1992 Dodge Spirit 4-door sedan, GVW 2791 (Serial No. iB3XA461NF235002) as surplus/salvage and remove from the Juvenile Probation Department inventory. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ADDITIONAL COUNTY EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLAN OFFERED AND PAYROLL DEDUCTION APPROVED FOR PARTICIATING EMPLOYEES e John Hamstra with AIG VALIC addressed the Court regarding the 457 retirement plan for county employees. He submitted a list of 34 Calhoun County employees who expressed an interest in the plan; he said others were also interested. He requested AIG VALIC be approved as a provider. Judge MarShall stated the District Clerk informed her the persons in her office do not wiSh to participate. Commissioner Galvan was surprised to see his name listed. Mr. Hamstra stated he was confident he could get the reguired number of thirty participants. The County Aud~tor said this must be a county authorized plan and there must be an agreement with the county for the county to participate. Mr. Galvan asked his name be removed from the list as he had no op~ortunity to review the plan. Mr. Hamstra said the plan ~s in complete compliance with the new tax laws. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that the County Judge be authorized to sign documentation for an additional employee retirement plan offered through AIG VALIC and approve payment deduction for participating employees and at no cost to the County. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Commissioner Finster voted against and Commissioner Floyd abstained. DEERWOOD ESTATES SECTION 2 - FINAL PloAT APPROVAL POSTPONED e Charlie Summers, surveyor, presented the final plat of Deerwood Estates Section 2 for approval. He said the preliminary plat was approved as Port O'Connor Countryclub Subdivision. The owners have changed the name to Deerwood Estates Section 2. Mr Summers said water and sewer exist on Harrison Street; the plat contains the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District certificate but the MUD felt it was not necessary to sign this plat as they previously signed a certification and there was no new construction. Commissioner Finster stated the Court needs proof that water and sewer are available to these lots; does the water and sewer at Harrison Street have the capacity to supply these utilites. This agenda item was placed on the December 30, 2002 agenda so the MUD certificate could be obtained on the plat. THE COURT RECESSED AT 12:25 P.M. AND RECONVENED at 2:00 P.M. AGREEMRNT WITH SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORTING CONFINEMENT OF PERSONS RECEIVING SUPPLRMRNTAL SECURITY INCOME AND OTHER BRNEFITS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the Jail Administrator to enter into a Contract with the Social Security 525 Administration for reporting confinement of individuals receiving supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Retirement Survivors and Disability Benefits (RSDI). Commissioners Galvan, Balaja, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ,;:-.'.. St:(IJ,(l ;v~'S :b"USA '\\: >:'y/IIII1I1J' '\'in"?-'!'- SOCIAL SECURITY 2002 Commerce Victoria, Texas 77901 . November 20, 2002 Calhoun County Jail Tim Smith Administrator 211S.Ann Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Dear Administrator: In order to pay incentive payments, we need you to read over and sign the attached IPMOU and also the form SF 3881. Both of these need to be returned to me in the envelope enclosed. e Any questions can be directed to me at 363 576-0892 ex!. 211. Sincerely ~~ .5,(~ ~hington Office Manager e 526 e e e \,. \ Attachment 4 INCENTIVE PAYMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (IPMOU) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION AND THE Calhoun county Jail of Port Lavaca, Texas Article I, Purpose & Legal Authority The parties in accordance with sections 1611 (e) (I) (I) and 202(x) (3) of the Social security Act (the Act) enter into this agreement. The agreement provides the terms and conditions under which the reporting entity (Calhoun County) will provide to the Social Security Administration (SSA) information about certain confined individuals, on its own behalf and/or on behalf of other facilities/institutions for whom it will report as identified in Article III B.l of this agreement and under which SSA will pay facilities/institutions for information that results in the suspension of payments to certain confined individuals (see article II B) receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments under title XVI of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 1381 et ~, as well as suspension of benefits to individuals receiving Retirement Survivors and Disability (RSDI) benefits under title II of the Act, 42. U.S.C. 402 et seq. The responsibilities of each party to the agreement are also provided. Title XVI of the Act sets forth the conditions under which individuals are eligible for SSI payments. Title II of the Act sets forth the conditions under which individuals are eligible for RSDI payments. Based on sections 202 (x) (1), 202 (x) (3), and 1611 (e) (1) (A) of the Act (codified at 42 U.S.C. ~~ 402(x) (1), 402(x) (3) and 1382 (e) (1) (A) respectively), the Social Security Administration is required to limit/deny the payment of benefits to: any individual for any month during which he/she is confined to a jail, prison, or other penal institution or correctional facility under a conviction of a criminal offense; certain individuals (see article II C) confined by court order in an institution at public expense in connection with certain verdicts or findings with respect to such offenses; and to certain individuals who, immediately on completion of confinement based on a conviction of an offense, an element of which is sexual activity, are confined by court order in an institution at public expense based on a finding that such individual is a sexually dangerous person or a sexual predator or a similar finding (title II of the Act); or to any individual for any month throughout which the individual is an inmate of a public institution (title XVI of the Act) . _ 527 e 2 section 1611 (e) (1) (I) (i) and section 202 (x) (3) of the Act authorize SSA to enter into agreements described in those sections with a specified type of interested State or local institution (such as a jail, prison, or other penal institution or correctional facility or other institutions in which people are confined by court order at public expense). These sections of the Act provide the general terms and conditions under which, based on this agreement, the Reporter will provide information about confined individuals to SSA. SSA will also use the information provided by (<l~""u,~c,,'~J""Lunder authority of sections 205 (j) (1) (A), 205 (j) (5), 1631 (a) ( ) (A) (iii) and 1631 (a) (2) (E) of the Act which require SSA to revoke certification for payment of benefits to representative payees under certain circumstances and investigate and monitor the performance of such representative payees. (See also 20 C.F.R. 404.2050; 416.655). The incarceration or confinement of a representative payee is a circumstance that SSA will consider under the above referenced representative payee provisions. This agreement and any subsequent addenda supersede any similar agreement entered into previously under the above-cited statutory provisions by the reporter and SSA concerning disclosure of records of confined individuals or inmates of public institutions. e Section 552a{a) (8) (B) of title 5, U.S.C., as amended by section 402 (a) (2) of public Law 106-170 exempts this agreement, and information exchanged under this agreement, from certain provisions of the privacy Act, i.e., those relating to computer matches. Article II, . Defini tions A. "Confined" refers to individuals who are confined to a facility/institution described in Article I of this agreement under authority of law at any time during the period covered by this agreement. B. "Other Confined Individuals"{Title XVI Beneficiaries) are individuals who are confined to a jailor similar facility throughout any month during the period covered by this agreement. This individual remains confined if transferred from one public institution to another or if temporarily absent from such an institution, or resides in the institution as of the beginning of a month and dies in the institution during the month. e C. "Certain Other Individuals Confined at Public Expense" (Title II beneficiaries) are individualS confined by court order for more than 30 continuous days in any institution at public expense in connection with: 528 3 e (1) A verdict or finding that the individual is not guilty of a criminal offense by reason of insanity; or (2) A finding that the individual is incompetent to stand trial under an allegation of a criminal offense; or (3) A similar verdict or finding with respect to such an offense based on similar factors (such as a mental disease, a mental defect or mental incompetence). Such an individual is considered confined until (l) he or she is released from the care and supervision of such institution; and (2) such institution ceases to meet the individual's basic living needs. D. "Sexually Dangerous Individuals"'are individuals, who immediately upon completion of their prison sentence for a criminal offense (an element of which is sexual activity), are confined for more than 30 continuous days by court order in an institution at public expense. These individuals are confined in an institution based on a determination or finding that they are sexually dangerous persons, sexual predators, or similar determinations or findings. e E. "Representative Payee" means the person, agency, organization or institution selected (by SSA) to receive and manage benefits on behalf of an incapable (SSA) beneficiary. This includes a parent who is receiving benefits on behalf of his/her minor child. F. "Recordl1 means any it.em, collection, or grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an entity including, but not limited to, the individual's criminal history, name, Social Security number (SSN), aliases, date of birth, gender, date of confinement, place of confinement and prisoner or inmate status. G. "Disclosure" means the release of information (data) with or without the consent of the individual(s) to whom the information pertains. H. "Reporter Identification Code" means the four-character code assigned by SSA to the Reporter that is party to the agreement and that will report information on its own behalf and/or on behalf of other facilities/institutions identified in this agreement. e ~29 e 4 I. "Faoi.~i.ty Identificati.on Code" means the six-character code that SSA will assign to a facility or institution that confines individuals and is covered by this agreement. This code must be furnished with each submission of inmate data to SSA concerning the facility/institution's confined individuals in order for SSA to process any incentive payments due the facility/institution under this agreement. J. "Throughout a month" means that a title XVI individual is confined in an institution as of the first instant of a calendar month and stays through the last instant of the month. Suspension applies in any month throughout which an individual is confined as an inmate of a jail, prison, other similar facility or other such public institution. Example 1: If an individual enters an i~stitution on April 30 and is released on June 3, the individual would be confined throughout May. e Example 2: If an individual enters an institution on May 1 and is released on June 30, the individual would not have been confined in an institution throughout either Mayor June. Under the SSI program, an individual who is confined in a public institution is considered as remaining confined in a public institution if he is transferred from one such institution to another or if he is temporarily absent for a period of not more than 14 consecutive days. Also, an individual is considered confined in an institution throughout a month if he is confined in the institution as of the beginning of a month and dies in the institution during the month. K. "More than 30 conti.nuous days" means that a title II individual has been convicted and remains confined in an institution for a period of more than 30 continuous days following the conviction. Suspe~sion applies in any month in any part of which the individual is convicted and confined. Example l: Individual is convicted on April 28, enters an institution on April 30 and is released on June 3. The individual would be convicted and confined for more than 30 continuous days. Benefits would be suspended for all three months, April, May, and June. e Example 2: Individual is convicted on May 1, enters an institution on May 1 and is released on June 30. The individual would be convicted and confined for more than 30 continuous days in an institution. Benefits would be suspended for both months, May and June. 530 e e e 5 Article III, Description of Records to be Matched A. General l. The Reporter will identify confined individuals for SSA. 2. SSA will determine which of these confined individuals are receiving SSI payments, RSDI payments and/or acting as representative payees. B. Source of Reporter Records 1. These records are compiled from CitUtrJ<lJtJ (J){lNry J.tt(.. (the Reporter must list all of the facilities/institutions that are covered by this agreement for which it will report) . 2. A reporter may opt to qualify only for the payment of title XVI Incentive Payments. If the Reporter chooses that option, then the Reporter must provide the following data elements: a. Social Security number (provide all numbers the individual has been known to use) b. Name (provide all names the individual has been known to use); (Note: provide all known COmbinations of Social Security Number/Name identities); c. Date of birth (known or alleged); d. Confinement date, i.e., the date the inmate was admitted to the facility or the date custody of the individual began; e. Facility identification code; and f. Other identifying information as required in the attached Enumeration Verification System (EVS) User Package for Correctional Institutions. 3. A Reporter may opt to qualify for the payment of both title XVI incentive payments and title II incentive payments. If the Reporter chooses that option, then, the Reporter must provide. the following data elements: a. Social Security Number (provide all numbers the individual has been known to use); b. Name (provide all names the individual has been known to use) (Note: provide all known combinations of Social Security Number/Name identities); 531 e 6 c. Date of Birth (known or alleged); d. Confinement date, i.e., the date the individual was admitted to the facility or the date custody of the individual began; e. Date of Conviction for the criminal offense; f. Facility identification code; g. Other identifying information as required by the attached Enumeration Verification System (EVS) User Package for Correctional Institutions. 4. All records will be prepared and transmitted as prescribed in Article IV with clear identification of the facility/institution that is the source of such records. C. SSA Systems of Records e SSA will match the data from the Reporter for the purpose described in the following systems of records. The data will be matched against the: l. Supplemental Security Income Record (SSR) SSA/OSR 09-60- Ol03 2. Master Representative Payee File (09-60-0222) 3. Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (09-60-0090) 4. Master Files of Social security Number Holders and SSN Applications SSA/OSR 09-60-0058 (Alphident & Numident) Article IV, Functions to be Performed The information on confined individuals must be provided electronically (i.e., a computer tape, cartridge, diskette, or electronic transmission),' A. Type of Report The Reporter agrees that it will furnish SSA with (check one of the reports below): Report (s) (electronic file or paper report, if appropriate) containing the data elements/reporting requirements listed in Article III.B.2.for individuals whose confinement commences on or after March 1, 1997 for SSI recipients. (Title XVI Incentive Payment Agreement only. ) e or 532 e e e 7 Reports (electronic file or paper report, if appropriate) containing the data elements/reporting requirements listed in Article III.B.3.for individuals whose confinement and/or conviction commences on or after March 1, 1997 for SSI recipients and the confinement and conviction for RSDI beneficiaries commences on or after April 1, 2000. (Title XVI and Title II Incentive Payment Agreement.) B. Reporting Protocol Report data required to qualify for Title XVI and/or Title II Incentive Payments (See Article III B.2 or 3 for data to be reported to SSA on inmates.) 1. The first submission of data, whether done electronically or by paper, will be a total inmate population report, commonly referred to as a census report. 2. After census file is submitted to SSA, files are to be submitted monthly for the preceding calendar month. The monthly report should consist of: . data for those individuals who are admitted to the facility/institution at any time during the period from the first day of the reporting month to the last day of that month (e.g., newly admitted inmates)and/or, . data for those individuals already in the custody of the facility/institution who have subsequently been convicted since the facility/institution initially began reporting inmate data to SSA. C. SSA Actions on the Inmate Data Received After validating or locating the proper Social Security number, SSA will: l. Determine if the individual is receiving SSI or RSDI benefits. 2. Verify that the individual has received an SSI or RSDI benefit in the month preceding the first month throughout which such individual is an inmate; 3. Determine whether or not such individual is acting as a representative payee; 4. Investigate and determine whether revocation of representative payee certification is appropriate under applicable law as cited in Article I. 533 5. Verify that the individual has been confined throughout 'a calendar month for SSI or; convicted and confined for more than 30 continuous days for RSDI. 6. Notify the individual of the suspension action and provide the individual with an opportunity to contest the planned action under applicable regulations. 7. Suspend SSI and RSDI payments as required by law. 8. Pay the appropriate facility/institution as specified under Article V. 9. Provide the Reporter with a notice of the amount of the incentive payment, the payment date and the total number of suspended individuals, and a list of the individuals suspended. D. SSA Addresses for Submitting Data Files The Reporter agrees to send the data to one of the following addresses. If the Reporter prefers to ensure timely receipt of the data, files may be sent using FedEx. (Note: For diskette or large paper reporters, the address information for FedEx files differs from the regular mailing address since FedEx cannot be delivered to a P.O. Box. See below.) 1. Send tapes or cartridges to: SSA Attention: Outside Agency 2-F-9 National Computer Center 6201 Security Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21235-6201 2. Send diskettes to: SSA Division of Employer Services, OCO Metro West Building P.O. Box 33004 Baltimore, MD 21290-3004 FedEx address for diskettes: SSA OCO, Division of Employer Services, ATTENTION: Prisoner 300 North Greene Street, 5-E-IO North Building Baltimore, Maryland 21290-0300 Contact Name: Toni Klein Telephone Number: (410) 966-9207 534 - 8 e e e e e 9 3. Send paper listings that contain over 1000 names to: SSA Division of Employer Services, OCO Metro West Bldg. P.o. Box 33004 Baltimore, MD 21290-3004 FedEx address for paper reports: SSA OCO, Division of Employer Services, ATTENTION: Prisoner 300 North Greene Street, 5-E-IO North Building Baltimore, Maryland 2l290-0300 Contact Name: Toni Klein Telephone Number: (410) 966-9207 3. Establishing electronic transmission process: Contact Anita Cohen on (410) 965-5340 to establish electronic processes with SSA systems. Article V, Incentive Payment Process SSI (Title XVI) Incentive Pavments In accordance with section 1611 (e) (1) (I) (i) (II) of the Act, SSA will pay an incentive payment to a facility/institution covered by this agreement fer information on a confined individual which the Reporter furnishes to SSA within the time periods specified below, provided that the confined individual is: . Receiving an SSI payment for the month preceding the first month throughout which the confined individual is in such facility/institution; and . Determined by SSA to be ineligible for a SSI payment for such first month as a result of the information provided by the Reporter under this agreement. NOTE: See article III, B.2. for data elements required to qualify for Title XVI incentive payments as described above. RSDI (Title II) Incentive Pavments In accordance with section 202 (X) (3) of the Act, SSA will pay an incentive payment to a facility/institution covered by this agreement for information on a confined and convicted individual 535 e 10 which the Reporter furnishes to SSA within the time periods specified below, provided that the confined individual is: . Is receiving an RSDI payment for the month preceding the first month in which the confined individual is in a facility/institution; and . Determined by SSA to be ineligible for an RSDI payment for any part of the first month as a result of the information provided by the Reporter under this agreement. NOTE: See Article III, 8.3 for the data elements required to qualify for Title XVI and/or Title II incentive payments as described above. Payment of Incentives SSA will pay such facility/institution: e . $400 if the Reporter furnishes the information on a confined individual described above to SSA within 30 days after the date the individual's confinement in such facility/institution begins; and/or, . $200 if the Reporter furnishes such information to SSA after 30 days after such date but within 90 days after such date. . The dollar amounts above will be reduced by 50 percent if the Commissioner is also required to make a payment to the reporter with respect to the same individual under an agreement entered into under section 202 (x) (3) (8); and, conversely will be reduced by 50 percent if a payment is made with respect to the same individual under section 1611 (e) (1) (I) (I). If SSA cannot validate the SSN of a confined individual, SSA will take no further action. SSA will not pay an incentive payment for information concerning a confined individual if, prior to SSA's receipt of the information, SSA has already determined that the individual is ineligible for SSI or RSDI payments or in cases in which SSA's only action is to suspend the .individual from serving as a representative payee. e Payme~ts made by SSA under this agreement represent incentive payments accruing as a result of SSA's efforts in processing the data provided under this agreement when such data results in the suspension of SSI payments to confined inmates or confined and convicted inmates for RSDI payments. The time required for SSA _ 536 e e e 11 to complete the verification process, perform case development to determine whether suspension of an individual's SSI or RSDI payment is appropriate, and, complete the due process requirements that must be accorded an individual subject to a suspension action, may vary from case to case and may represent several months. SSA will pay incentive payments to a facility/institution on a monthly basis by electronic transfer of funds. The facility/ institution will name a financial institution and provide the information required on an Automated Clearinq House (ACH) Vendor/Miscellaneous Pavment Enrollment Form (SF 388l) to receive its incentive payments by electronic transfer of funds. SSA will provide the Reporter with a notice of the amount of the incentive payment, the payment date, the total number of suspended individuals, and a list of individuals suspended. Disputes involving these incentive payments will be considered by the Regional Prisoner Coordinator designated in Article IX. The Reporter should forward a written request describing the dispute in detail to the Regional Prisoner Coordinator designated in Article IX within 30 days of its receipt of the relevant incentive payment notice. Article VI, Records Usage, Duplication and Redisclosure Restrictions SSA agrees to use the information provided by the Reporter only to determine which of the confined/convicted individuals are receiving payments and to suspend these payments as required by law and to investigate and monitor the performance of representative payees under circumstances as described in Article I. SSA will adhere strictly to the provisions of section l611 (e) (1) (I) and 202 (xl (3) of the Act in any usage, duplication, or redisclosure of information provided by the Reporter under this agreement. As required by section 1611 (e) (1) (iii) (II) and section 202 (x) (3) of the Act, SSA will redisclose the information obtained pursuant to this agreement to any Federal or Federally assisted cash, food, or medical assistance program, for eligibility purposes. SSA will retire all identifiable records in accordance with the Federal Records Retention" Schedule (44 U.S.C. 3303a). For records the Reporter wants returned, SSA will return the Reporter's electronic files (magnetic computer tapes, diskettes or other electronic media) to the Reporter within 12 months. Paper reports will not be returned. 537 e 12 Article VII, Notice, Verification and Opportunity to Contest SSA agrees to verify information obtained under this agreement prior to initiating any adverse action against an individual. Pursuant to its applicable regulations, SSA will inform the individual by written notice that it has received specified information indicating that the individual is confined under the jurisdiction of a named prison system or is an inmate of a public institution beginning (month/vear) and that, by law, SSI payments and/or RSDI benefits must be suspended. SSA will afford the individual the opportunity to contest and submit information concerning the planned action and to appeal a determination by SSA to suspend payments in accordance with applicable regulations. SSA is responsible for determining the most suitable representative payee to receive title II and title XVI payments. For title II and title XVI actions under the representative payee provisions cited in Article I of this agreement, in addition to notices provided to any affected Social Security beneficiary or SSI recipient, that the representative payee receiving notice has 30 days to contest the Agency's decision to change representative payee for the affected beneficiary or recipient based in part on the current payee's incarceration or confinement under applicable provisions of the Act and regulations requiring revocation of certification of payment to certain representative payees and monitoring of representative payee performance by SSA. e NOTE: SSA's final decision on the representative payee issue does not affect the eligibility or entitlement of the individual to the continued receipt of Social Security benefits or supplemental security income payments. In the event that there is any adverse effect on the monthly benefits payments to the beneficiary or recipient as a result of this match, if a decision is made to change the representative payee, the beneficiary or recipient will receive notice of the change as provided in sections 205(j) (2) (E) (ii) and 163l(a) (2) (B) (xi) of the Act. Article VIII, Term of the Agreement This agreement supersedes any previous agreement(s) between SSA and the facility/institutions identified in this agreement effectuating the exchange of prisoner information for the purpose of enforcing section 1611 (e) (1) (A), 205 (j) (1) (A), 205 (j) (5), l63l(a.l (2) (A) (iii),1631(a) (2) (E), and 202(x) (1) of the Act. e This agreement shall be effective upon the signatures of both parties and shall remain in effect until terminated by either of the parties. The agreement may be terminated upon written 538 e e e 13 notification by either party 90 days in advance of the termination date. Article IX, Persons to Contact A. The SSA contact for questions concerning this incentive payment agreement is the Regional Prisoner Coordinator in SSA's Dallas Regional Office at the following address: Ed Hromatka/Larry Mayo MOS, Center for Disability Room 670 1301 Young Street Dallas, TX 75202-5433 (214) 767-4281 FAX (214) 767-1452 E-mail: ed.hromatka@ssa.gov/ B. The SSA contact for policy questions concerning the incentive payment provision is: Judy Sale Office of Program Benefits 3-A-26 Operations Building 640l Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 (410) 965-8581 FAX (410) 597-0146 C. For technical questions concerning the computer operation itself, contact: Anita Cohen Team Leader, Client Identification Branch 3-L-16 Operations Building 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 2l235-6401 (410) 965-5340 FAX (410) 966-4159 E-mail: anita.m.cohen@ssa.gov D. The Reporter contact for the incentive payment provision is: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX E. The Reporter contact concerning technical questions regarding the electronic file process is: 539 NAME: Larry L. Ooten ADDRESS: 2002 Commerce, Victoria, Texas 77901 TELEPHONE: 361 576-0892 ext 211 FAX: 36l 576- 3545 F. The Reporter contact for questions concerning the incentive payment accounting information is: NAME: Larry Ooten ADDRESS: 2002 Commerce, Victoria, Texas 77901 TELEPHONE: 36l 576-0892 FAX: 361 576-3545 Article X, Signature In witness whereof, the parties execute this agreement, FOR THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION BY DATE (TITLE) FOR THE REPORTER BY DATE (TITLE) 540 14 e e e BIDS AND PROPOSALS - AWARD BIDS FOR ASPHALT. ~ILS ~ EMULSIONS - INDIGENT DRUGS - INSECTICIDES - P_PE _ _ ~ MATERIALS - LIME - RO~ MATERIALS - TIMBERS The following bids were tabulated by the County Auditor'S Office and read to the Court by Ben Comiskey. Bid Tabulation - Indiaent Drllas e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to reject the bids received on Indigent Drugs as the bids received were not bid in the same method. This is to be re-bid in a percentage amount. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BID TABULATION FOR INDIGENT DRUGS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY FOR 01101/03 - 12/31103 BIDDER AMOUNT TO BE ADDED TO AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE THE PHARMACY $-1.00 ~ THE PRESCRIPTION SHOP LESS 5% e Bid Tabulation - Timbers A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to reject all the bids received on timbers. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BID TABULATION TIMBERS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY FOR THE PERIOD 01101f02 -12/31102 leeA TREATED TIMBERS #2 TREATED TIMBERS eeA 21/2Ibs. CONROE WOOD PRODUCTS HICKS POOT COMPANY GEMINI KENNEDY FOREST SAW MILLS PRODUCTS INC. PRICE PER TIMBERS ~ pleces,1Z" x 12", 20 Feet Long -22 pieces, 6" x 16",16 Feet Long -60 pieces. 3" x 12", 20 Feet Long $2eO.50 $162.10 $70.e4 $264.00 I 237.55" I NO 48.00 ~A $142.21 BID 1 59.39' I (A) ROUGH CUT TIMBERS ICREOSOTE TIMBERS # 2 TREATED TIMBERS .16Ibs. CREOSOTE TREATED PRICE PER TIMBERS -6 pieces. 12" x 12", 20 Feet Long .22 pieces, 6" x 16",16 Feet Long -60 pieces, 3" x 12", 20 Feet long NO BID $285.06 $167.55 $71.27 $285.12 $159.87 $72.96 e ITREATED ROUND PILES -16 LaS. CREOSOTE tREATED PRICE PER TIMBERS .12.12" BUTTS X 30 FOOT LENGTH 1188.05' INO BID $264.00 $197.00 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICA TED BY AN ASTERJCK .. . .. 541 Bid Tabulations - A~phalt. Oil & Emulsions. Insecticides. Pine and Road Mater~als A Motion was made by Commissioner Balaj~a and seconded gll Commissioner Galvan to accept the low b~dsdon ~sp~ait, and Emulsions Insecticides, Pipe, and Roa Ma.er~~ s. (Low bids are'indicated by an Asterisk !*) bes~d~ ~td Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, F~nster an Ju ge Marshall all voted in favor. BID AWARD FOR ASPHALT, OILS. & EMULSIONS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY PERIOD TO BE COVERED BY BID IS 01/01/03 -12/31/03 GULF STATES ASPHALT CO., L.P. ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS, EMULSIONS: (RC 250) FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTINA nON GALLONS PER DESTlNA nON Unit Price Total Per Gallon Bid Price Freight Chanze Total Price Total Per Gallon Bid Price BYTRIICK' 25.000 GALLONS TO PORT LA V ACA 25,000 GALLONS TO SIX MILE 15,000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA 1.800 GALLONS TO PORT O'CONNOR 60,OOOGALLONS TO SEADRII'T 5 92 5 .92 5 .92 S nohid 5 .92 $23000.00 523 000.00 5 13.800.00 1 555200.00 $.08 $ .10 $ .07 $ .10 $ 1.00 S 1.02 $.99 $ .1.02 525.000.00 $25 500.00 $]4850.00 56\.200 00 TOTAL $ 126.550.00 PRlCE PER FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00 ITEM 300, ASPALTS, OILS and EMULSIONS: (AC-5) GALLONS PER DESTINATION FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTINATiON Unit Price Total Per Gallon Bid Price Freight Chal"2"e Total Price Tolal Per Gallon Bid Price BY TRUCK: 15,000 Gallons to Olivia 5~ 59750 LQL 5.72 510800 PRICE PER HOUR FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00 542 e e e MARLIN ASPHALT PRODUCTS ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS, EMULSIONS: (RC 250) . e GALLONS PER DESTINATION FOR SHIPPING POINT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON am PRICE FOR DESTINATION FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL Q!M&!; PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK: 25,000 GALLONS TO PORT LA V ACA 25,000 GALLONS TO SIX MILE 15,000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA 1,800 GALLONS TO PORT O'CONNOR 60.000 GALLONS TO SEADRIFT $ 9150 $ .9150 $ 9150 $ 9150 $ .9150 $ 22 875.00 $22875.00 $ 13 725,00 $ I 647.00 $ 54 000.00 $ .0596 $ . 063 S .063 $ .1903 $ .0596 $ .9746 $ .978 S .978 $ 1.1053 S 9746 S 24.365.00 .. S 24.450.00 .. S 14.670.00 . S 1.989.54 01" S 58.476.00 .. TOTAL $123.950.54 PRICE PER HOUR FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00HR AFTER FIRST TWO HOURS ITEM 300, ASPALTS, OILS and EMULSIONS: (AC-5) FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTINATION GALLONS PER DESTINATION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL Q!M&!; PER GALLON BID PRICE e BY TRUCK 15,000 Gallons to Olivia $ .64 S 9600.00 U1Q.. $ .707 S 10.605.00 '" PRICE PER HOUR FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00HR AFTER FIRST TWO HOURS "NOTE: IF PUMP & HOSE IS NEEDED ADD $50.00 PER TRUCK LOAD PRICE IS BASED ON 5,200 GALLON MINIMUM LOAD 2 e .543 e CLEVELAND ASPHALT PRODUCTS, INC. ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS, EMULSIONS: (RC 250) FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTlNA TlON GALLONS PER DESTINA nON UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL CHARGE PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK: 25.000 GALLONS TO PORT LA V ACA 25.000 GALLONS TO SIX MILE 15,000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA 1.800 GALLONS TO PORT O'CONNOR 60,000 GALLONS TO SEADRIIT $ 1.05 $ 1.05 $ 1.05 S 1.05 $ 1.05 $ 26.250.00 $ 26.250.00 S 31.500.00 S 1.890.00 $ 63.000.00 $ .1076 $I.IS76 $ .1076 $1.1576 S .1076 $1.1576 $ .2989._ $1.3489 S .f076 $1.1576 $28.940.00 $28.940.00 $17.364.00 S 2.428.02 569.456.00 TOTAL $ 147,128.02 PRICE PER FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00 IHR ITEM 300, ASPALTS, OILS and EMULSIONS: (AC-5) e FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTINATION GALLONS PER DESTlNA TlON UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL CHARGE PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK: 15.000 Gallons to Olivia $_..72 $ 10800.00 $ .1076 $.827 $ 12414.00 PRICE PER FOR DEMERGE: $ 40.00 IHR e 3 544 BRIDGES ASPHALT PRODUCTS, INC. ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS, EMULSIONS: (RC 250) e FOR SHIPPING POINT FOR DESTINATION 'GALLONS PER DESTINATION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL CHARGE PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK: 25,000 GALLONS TO PORT LA V ACA 25.000 GALLONS TO SIX MILE 15000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA 30,000 GALLONS TO PORT O'CONNOR 30,000 GALLONS TO SEADRIFT $ 1.0S $ 1.05 S 1.05 $ 1.35 $ 1.05 $ 26.250 S 26.250 $ 15.750 $2.430 $63.000 $ .07 S 1.12 S .07 $ 1.12 $ .07 S 1.12 $_.L $ L55 S.07 $ 1.12 $ 28.000 S 28.000 $ 16.800 $ 2.790 $ 67.000 PRICE PER FOR DEMERGE: $50.00 IHR TOTAL $ 142,790 ITEM 300, ASP AL TS, OILS and EMULSIONS: (AC-5) GALLONS PER DESTINATION FOR SIIIPPING POINT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FOR DESTINATION FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL CHARGE PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK: 15000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA $ .8S $12.7S0 $.07 $ .92 $ 13.800 e 4 e 545 ,-- e PERFORMANCE GRADE ASPHALT ITEM 300, ASPALTS, OILS and EMULSIONS: (AC-S) GALLONS PER DESTINATION FOR SIlIPPING POINT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PER GALLON BID PRICE FOR DESTINATION FREIGHT TOTAL PRICE TOTAL CHARGE PER GALLON BID PRICE BY TRUCK 15000 GALLONS TO OLIVIA S .83 S 12.450.00 S .06 s~ S 13.350 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERISK" * " e e 5 546 e PERFORMANCE GRADE ASPHALT 409-986-7740 BRIDGES ASPHALT PRODUCTS 972-487-2118 FAX 972-276-9846 MARLIN ASPHALT PRODUCTS 361-289-1707 GULF STATES ASPHALT CO. 800-662-0987 CLEVELAND ASPHALT 800-334-0177 FAX 936-628-6602 e 6 e 547 e BID TABULATION FOR INSECTICIDES FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 -12/31/03 IACTlVE INGREDIENT: MALATHION 40-55 Gallon Drums B&G WILBUR UNIV AR Chemicals ELLIS CO. USA Per Gallon $22.00 $23.97 $21.60 . Total Bid Price $48,400.00 $52,734.00 $47,520.00 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK ..... IACTIVE INGREDIENT: RESMETHRIN CONCENTRATE 20 . 5 Gallion Pails Per Gallon B&G Chemicals $95.00 . Total Bid Price $9,500.00 e NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK ..... IBIOMIST 30+30 ULV CONCENTRATE INGREDIENTS: PERMETHRIN PBO (SYNERGIST) Public Health Equipment & Supply Co., Inc. Biomist 30+30 Per Gallon 1199.00 . 1 Mineral Oil 40 - 55 40-55 Gal. Drum Per Gallon $5.95 B&G Chemicals Brand bid on Perm X 30 + 30 ULV Per Gallon $178.57 Brand bid on Kontrol 30-30 Per Gallon UNIVAR USA $178.00 Mineral 01140 - 55 40-55 Gal. Drum Per Gallon $2.89 Brand bid on Sun par 107 40-50 Gal. Drum Per Gallon $2.72 e NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK..... 5.48 e e e BID TABULATION FOR INSECTICIDES FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 -12/31/03 IpYRANHA SPACE SPRAY 1-10 HP CONCENTRATE Diamond Cleaning Equipment Per Gallon I 11200. I NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK"." Sanders Supply $175.00 549 e WILBUR ELLIS COMPANY 979-543-6205 UNIVAR USA 832-386-3300 B & G CHEMICALS 713-682-4411 800-901-9746 PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIPMENT 800-284-0106 DIAMOND CLEANING EQUIPMENT 979-543-3687 SANDERS SUPPLY 979-543-1007 979-541-9494 e e 550 i I I_ I BID TABULATION PIPE FOR CALHOUN COUNTY JANUARY t, 2003 - DECEMBER 31, 2003 CORRUGATED GALV ANTIZED METAL PIPE (14 GAUGE) (PRlCE PER FOOT) CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS 12 Inch 151nch 18 Inch 24 Inch 30 Inch 36 Inch 42 Inch 48 Inch 52 Inch 72 Inch 4.63 5.81 7.03 9.40 11.85 14.22 16.65 22.30 25.05 33.70 . NOTE: CORRUGATED ARCHED PIPE _ 12 INCH 15 INCH 18 INCH 24 INCH 30 INCH 36 INCH 42 INCH 48 INCH 52 INCH 72 INCH NO BIDS 6.34 7.45 10.10 12.67 15.04 17.53 23.50 26.50 34.60 CORRUGATED PLASTIC CULVERT PIPE PRICE PER FOOT 12 inch 15 inch 18 inch 24 inch NO BIDS _ 551 - 552 e CONCRETE PIPE - NO BIDS 15 inch 18 inch 24 inch 30 inch 36 inch 42 inch CONTECH CONSTRUCTION WILSON CULVERTS BID WAS RECEIVED LATE. 281-893-6012 e e C':l In l,.' BID TABULATION ROAD MA TERIALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 - 12/31/03 ITEM 249, TYPE B (FLEXIBLE PROCESSED BASE), GRADE3; (MIN PI 6) MARTIN LEWARD CW&A MARIETTA PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN ANDERS INC. MATERIALS GRAVEL. CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 8.20' 9.80 9.00 SIX MILE STOCK PILE 8.20' NO 10.80 NO NO 9.00 NO NO BID BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE 9.55 9.50' 10.00 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 9.05' I 12.50 10.00 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE I 10.00' I 13.50 10.50 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK ITEM 249, TYPE A (LIMESTONE), GRADE 3 FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 14.10 17.25 12.50 14.00 1200' SIX MILE STOCK PILE 14.25 17.25 12.50 14.25 12.00' NO NO NO OLIVIA STOCK PILE 14.95 17.75 BID 13.00 14.95 12.00' BID BID SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 14.95 16.75 12.50 14.95 12.00' PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE 15.85 17.75 13.50 15.75 13.00' NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK..... e e e e e BID TABULATION ROAD MA TER/ALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01101103.12131103 e LIMESTONE (3/4" TO DUST) CW&A INC. MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN GRAVEL, CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS LEWARD ANDERS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 14.10 17.25 12.50' 14.10 13.00 SIX MilE STOCK PILE 14.25 17.25 12.50' 14.10 13.00 NO NO NO BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PilE 14.95 17.75 BID 13.00' 14.75 13.00 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 14.95 16.75 12.50' 14.75 13.50 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE 15.85 17.75 13.50' 15.95 14.00 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK..... ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 (A) unit weight 2,100 Ibs per cubic I 29.01' I yard NO NO NO NO NO BID BID BID BID I 29.51' I BID I 30.91' I I 28.61' I I 30.51' I FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE $32.51 SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO BID $32.51 OLIVIA STOCK PilE $33.48 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE $32.84 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PilE $34.05 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK..'.. 2 ~ If.l IlJ BID TABULATION ROAD MA TERIALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 - 12/31/03 ITEM 330, TYPE D (PRE-MIX LIMESTONE) CW&A INC. MARTIN MARIETTA PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALllY MATERIALS GRAVEL, CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX LEWARD TEXAS VULCAN ANDERS SOUTHERN MATERIALS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE I 31.51" I 33.50 SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO NO NO NO NO NO I 32.01" I 33.50 BID BID BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE I 33.41" I 33.50 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE I 31.11" I 33.50 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE I 33.01" I 33.50 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK U" U ITEM 350, TYPE D (HOT-MIX COLD LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT) FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE I 35.50" I SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO NO NO NO I 35.50" I NO BID NO NO BID BID BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE I 35.50" I SEADRIFT STOCK PILE I 35.75" I PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE I 36.75" I NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK U" U 3 e e In L~ L1 e e e BID TABULATION ROAD MA TERJALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 - 12/31/03 0' TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 CW&A INC. MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS LEWARD PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN ANDERS GRAVEL. CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 32.51 28.50' I 32.51 NO NO 28.50' I NO NO NO BID BID BID BID BID 33.48 28.25' I 32.84 28.25' I 34.05 29.50' I SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE SEADRIFT STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK ..... RIP RAP MATERIAL FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LA V ACA STOCK PILE SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO BID 49.00' NO NO 49.00' NO NO BID BID BID BID 49.00' 55.00' 53.00' NO BID NO BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE SEADRIFT STOCK PILE PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK"'" 4 ~ Ln. ll~ BID TABULATION ROAD MA TERIALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 - 12/31/03 TYPE E, (WHITE ROCK), NO PRECOAT, GRADE 3 MARTIN CW&A MARIETTA INC. MATERIALS PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN GRAVEL, CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS LEWARD ANDERS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 22.00 I 19.25" 22.00 22.00 SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO 22.00 NO I 19.25" 22.00 22.00 NO NO BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE 22.50 I 19.75" 21.00 22.00 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 21.50 I 19.25" 22.00 22.00 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE 22.50 I 20.25" 23.50 23.00 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK""" TYPE E, (WHITE ROCK), NO PRECOAT, GRADE 4 MARTIN LEWARD CW&A MARIETTA PRIHOOA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN ANDERS INC. MATERIALS GRAVEL. CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 22.00 I 19.25" I 22.00 22.00 SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO 22.00 NO I 19.25" I 22.00 22.00 NO NO BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE 22.50 I 19.75" I 21.00 22.00 SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 21.50 I 19.25" I 22.00 22.00 PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE 22.50 I 20.25" I 23.50 23.00 NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK"'" 5 e e ~ In l/) e ell CIl r:J) RAIL DELIVERY ONLY BID TABULATION ROAD MA TERIALS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY 01/01/03 - 1V31/03 ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 MARTIN C W & A MARIETTA INC. MATERIALS LEWARD PRIHODA SANCHEZ QUALITY TEXAS VULCAN ANDERS GRAVEL, CO. MATERIALS HOT MIX SOUTHERN MATERIALS & SONS FOR DESTINATION PRICE PER TON PORT LAVACA STOCK PILE 29.01* SIX MILE STOCK PILE NO NO NO NO NO NO 29.51* NO BID BID BID BID BID BID BID OLIVIA STOCK PILE 30.91* SEADRIFT STOCK PILE 28.61* PORT O'CONNOR STOCK PILE 30.51* Note: unit weight 2,100 Ibs. Per cubic yard. NOTE: LOW BID IS INDICATED BY AN ASTERICK" *.. 6 e e e ~ tn l.r':) MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 361-853-7331 PRIHODA GRAVEL CO. 979-234-5124 :>. ~'O :>. Q)'O 0 >1 .0 ~ ;:l >1..... III H Olll '00 U Q)" Ill..... ".<:: Q) Q)'-' 'OQ)'-''-' tn"O >1'0 ~ >1 ::;: III '0 tIl H ..... '0 ..... Ill..... >1 >1 III :>. N.o Iio >11ll .0'-' '0 ..... tIl .....:>. Q) - tnM '0 '0 "..... ,,'0 Q)O.....Q) ;:l>1Q):>' .oo.o'OIllO~O '" >1::;: .......... ..... '00 Q).....1io Q) _..... U.....<:: Q) ;:lLn III Q) 0'-''0 - ...."'tIltll [':l 'OtIlQ)~ " :>.tn'O..... Ill.o." 01-<>1 >1.0 III 4-1113,,, m rl Or-! . ;:l~ Q)Q)'-'Ill" 'O>1Q)Ill.<::;:l ~O Q) Ill.....~'-'......... ~ ~..,~." Q)-Ill ~ ..... Q) Ill'-' 5;:l >1.... Q)tn".....O'Q)....III U>1 1llQ),-, ~>1 Q)",.-I \...I o:l U tIl Q)rl...-l ,,'0 Q) U:>..<:: III >1'-''' III tIl'-''''O Q)Q).... Q) Q) " ~>1o,o"tIl'-' Q)'O 0'-'''0''0 ~ >1 ..... Ill.... Q) ~ III . tIl >1 U >1 . tIl "tIllll :>.0..... '0 '" 0..... ~ '0 >1.......... -.-to.w Sri Q) cU to ftS .00..... 5 III j..l o,tIl '" '0 0" ell 5..... ..... tn ;:lU 5UO 5'j >1 -~ "0 5.u .....\0 :>'Q) '-' 0'<:: ~....:>,.o >1 ;:l.....U tIl o j..l 0 ell..... " ....." >1 Q)..... 0 III ..... Q) ;:l '0 tIl Q) .::;: o,ooelltll,C....." .... 5u 5..... j..l Q) Q) Q) Q) 5.o'Otn Q)uQ)tIl5"Q)'O'O ,C Q),C ell 0 O..........;:l E-<O'-'~u....O'O.., SANCHEZ MATERIALS 210-649-3100 QUALITY HOT MIX (PLANT 1) 979-578-8701 (PLANT 2) 979-543-6464 TEXAS SOUTHERN, INC. 576-2159 VULCAN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 210-524-3500 LEWARD ANDERS & SONS INC. 979-247-4360 e e e e I FUEL BID PROPOSAL I IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE ATTACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMA TED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR A V AILABILITY LOCATION: UNLEADED GASOLINE ~RICE.P~~LLON }JIll 9~S- 1t./ $ MID GRADE $ PREMUlM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ DIESEL FUEL LOCATION: "J1I2. W. fl(.br'..J Sr. (MUST BE WITHiN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA.) e THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING DECEMBER 16,2002 AND ENDING JANUARY 15, 2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. , NAME OF BIDDER: /Yl1t<.,jP-, J'L. 5 G...e'1 ADDRESS: p() .I3Dlt~7C 0 C1TY,STATE,ZIP: PMl-T tf-C..~, 7K 77 97 'i PHONE NUMBER: SS7.- 7004- PRINT NAME: ----;;1'1 I..~~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ~~ ~ TITLE: f!;.., CJ/'eIL. P16/l . DATE: / z.-/2/02.- e 560 FUEL BID PROPOSAL e IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. UNLEADED GASOLINE PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $~ $ .~-~ $ .~{ PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE = TOTAL GALLONS/MO DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) X 3800 $ 3D7R.Pi!J X 4000 $S-pt>,D D X 2500 $2.tJ7".b~ , TOTAL BID PRICE $ ~S73.0C> THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING DECEMBER 16, 2002 AND ENDING JANUARY 15.2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEP ARA TE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. e NAME OF BIDDER: DIE f) r'l !5IL C..... k ADDRESS: PD. A D ~ '7 I ClTY,STATE,ZIP: f6fq-' J AII)4.f;,14~. -z.7lf7tf PHONE NUMBER: -S.\ .2 - "}, d.- '2 if PRINT NAME: S,4"" ..oI~ -Ir-'-il--t1- AUTHORIZED ..nIGNA:ru~d~-1 Pliltt' TITLE: f4.M.e~~ DATE: / )- S~ e; ~ e 561 C FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICA TED IN THE SPECIFICA nONS. PRlCElGALLON X APPROXIMA TE ~ TOTAL e GALLONSIMO $ . (5Rs' X 3800 $ .3.3b3.0i> UNLEADED GASOLINE PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ .98~ x 4000 $ ?9i10.tJiJ DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ ,qo.J- X 2500 $ jl.3.Sv. ()O TOTAL BID PRICE $ '1~.s-..z. DO THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING DECEMBER 16. 2002 AND ENDING JANUARY IS. 2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALWWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED 00 NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAMEOFBIDDER: If)"u/Un' ~'(;,"""1 ADDRESS: po. BoY: /'700 . CITY,STATE,ZIP: Po/Z.-T LtwAc.4: T.,. 11~ 7'7 PHONRNUMBER: srz- 700tf PRINT NAME: -;OM J.e-~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ~ DATE: R). , t'1fV1l. fI1(,/L , {1.-/j../O..... e TITLE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the Mi~ut~s of November 8, 2902 be approved as distributed. Comm~ss~oners Galv~n, Bala]ka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted ~n favor. Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pet. 3 Leror B~lk, Commlss1oner, Pet 1 Kenneth F~nster Commissioner, Pet. 4 M~ehael J. Bala]ka Commissioner, Pct. 2 SlUrley Foester Deputy County Clerk PUBLIC NUISANCE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - FILL POSITION Commissioner Balajka discussed the Public Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer position saying the criteria states this should be held by a licensed peace officer. The ad to be published should list the required qualifications. The applicants will be interviewed by Commissioners Floyd and Balajka. The County Auditor will run the ad twice. The cut-off date is December 3l, 2002. Resumes are to be sent to the County Judge's office. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the job application for Public Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer as submitted and authorize the County Auditor to publish the ad twice with the cut-off date of December 3l, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e 562 e Job Tille: Code Enforc:ell:l8nt Oflic:er Princlpte DutIM and R8JIpon.,bRItIN: 1. Vlsuafty Ind physically inlP8d8 properties for compliance with County cedes. 2. Investigates complain18 about code violations; conducts research to determintl ~rahip. 3. Works w1tt1 pUblic to en.ure complience when violatlo"l_ e.", fl:!~nd. Responds to inllulrles about code enforcement (&lues. Preparti . cases for comp~ance actions and Justice court prosecutions. Presents ca...' before ~propriate BOlrd/Comm188ion and testifies In court. 4. Provides ovel'l~ht andlor prcject man.gement on contracted coda compliance wotk. Coordlnetaa compliance action with other departmenta or' agencies a. nllCOl8llry. 5. Prep.rea end maintains recordl on code enforcement activities. 8. Preperes ~ndence and notifications as required for code enforcement aClllvlll4ls. 7. Parforms dutl8ll in a ute and orderly manner, complying with all County and depaJtmenlal ufety rules and policies. 8. Regular attendance at work and amv" on time. 9. Performs all other job-related duties as IIl1igned or al become epparent. 10. AbUily to get alonll with other employee. and the public. e PlJyalcatlffd I!1WtIOll,,*,taI Condltlon~ Ability to driva a vehlcle tel and from various wolle slt8s. Ability to walk fer extended periode of time while Ilerforming inepaction duties. EmployPe must frequently 11ft and carry m.terials weighing up to 25 pound. and 6-C;CliaIOnallv.lHts materials weighing up to $0 pounds. Employee may have to push IInd or pull I maximum force of 100 pounds. Employee wiD COlM1unlca18 verbany, hear, explanations. and visually Inspect plans and wolle. Must be able to climb laddel'l for building and trench inllPectlona. Must be able to walk on Ilippery, loose, uneven, and sloped ground. Employee will be exposed to traffic hazards and danpltlUs construction situations_ InCludlts indoor and OUldOOf wor1t in seasonal temperatures ae waN as In adverse conditione auc" as extreme cold, heat, heights, and noise. Employee will WOr1t in and near trenches and be exposed to mechanical Ilra, chemical. etecbiClli, radiation, I...r, Insect. andlor animal hazards; and fumes. odolll, water. mud, 8IId dust Required Contac&8: Employee COOtdlnams code enforcament activitieS with otl\er County departmen18 and outlllde agencies. Employee works with contractors and the general public regarding compliance actlonll. Some contaell will be confronbllional or .ct.oera.ria' in nature. Requ'", Ou~"'cllflon., Knowledae. AbilitiH. and,Skills- Ability to underablnd ordir'lancell and procadurel. perform mathematical cllculatlons and read mapa Ind platll. Ability to read. write, and eommunical9 effectively in person, by Illlephone, and in wrltlng. Ability to operltll personal computers, 2-way communications eqUipment and photogl'8ClhlcJvideo equipment. Knowledge of computer software to Include Microsoft Word and Outlook (e-mell). It Minimum Education. Exoertencea and Certification- ,"-- .: . ".~_. High School diploma or GEO and mllst be allaa,t 21 yeara of age, Must hOI" Bllslc Peace OfIlcer license and be actively commiSlioned through a working deplrtment withIn the county. Valid rell8l drivers license with driving record that meets County guidelines. (Optional) A minimum of one-year college or technical vocationa' training, and a Code Enforcement training certlficatll. 563 SWAN POINT PARK RENOVATIONS IN PRECINCT #4 - CHANGE ORDERS Commissioner Finster stated change orders on the Swan Point Park renovations should have been approved earlier; Jody Weaver who was working on the project left Testengeer, Inc. to work for the city and the change orders have not yet been approved. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the three change orders as submitted by Testengeer, Inc. for survey, core permit and additional site inspections for a total of $2,655.40. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e COASTAL IMPROVEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - ADMINISTRATION OF GRANT Commissioner Finster stated the grant money for the Coastal Improvement Assistance Program has been received from NOAH and administration for same is now needed. A motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to hire Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission for administration of the Coastal Improvement Assistance Program grants and authorize the County Judge to sign the letter agreement. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. LeTTER 01' AGR:EF;MF;NT BeTWF;EN THE CoUNTY 01' CALHOUN, TEXAS AND TIlE GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION e nus AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO by ~d between tb.e County of Calhoun, Texas hereinafter called County), wing herein by Arlene N. MarShall: <?,unty Judge, hereunto duly authoriud, and the Golden C~escent K~giona.l Planning CO~lSSlO?- (GCRPC), (hereinafter called Commission), acting herem by Pm1ck~, Kennedy. ExecutIve Du-eC1or. WHEREAS, the County desires to t'ngage the Commission on retainer basis to render :rn:istance and services in connection with administration of NOAAlT au General Land Office COas't:U l~pr.overnents grants; and WHEREAS the Commission will be responsible, 2.t the request of the COI.l.Dty, for administering parti.dulars of me NOAA/Texas General Land Office Coastal Improvements contracts the County is currently awa.rded. 1. NOW, lHEREFORE, the panies due mutually agree as follows: Compensation and Method of Payment. . F.or tbe services r~:aderl:d by the Commission, the County will reimburse the Comnussl~n as amou~t-~"" t? ex~e~d ~o d:r.Ousruld dollars (i2.000.00) for adminjstntive services. AdmrnlstratlVC acuvl:1es include, but are not limited to; reporting, draw requests, filing, preparing and submitting amendments and genenoJ guidance. ). Time of Performance. The serv'i<:,es of the Commission sh2l1 commence on December 12 2002, and shall tetmwte upon completion of NOAA/Texas General Land Office' COQ.lraJ Improvements contral:tS. AU of the, services, required. and performed hereunder shall be completed in a manner conSl!tent With established guidelines. Termina.tion. Either pany to this contract may terminate this contract by giving ~ thirty (30) day written notice to the other party; :all work completed up to such termination shall ~ the properry or the County of Calhoun. IN WITNESS, whereof, the County Judge bas executed this agreement this the 12th day of December 2002. e 2. COUNTY 01' CALHOUN du.u.ulr. ~~A.P~' f-L- Arlene N, M hall, ounty Judge 564 e PORT 0' CONNOR BEACH FRONT PUBLIC PARK IN PRECINCT #4 - ARMY CORP TO CONDUCT SURVEY A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize Commissioner of Precinct #4 to sign an agreement allowing the Army CORP to conduct surveying at the public park on the front beach of Port 0' Connor. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. In discussion, Commissioner Finster stated this appears to be a re-route of the Intracoastal waterway. TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO CAPITAL PROJECT/NEW JAIL - RECLASSIFICATION OF LOAN FUNDS A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to reclassify the $37,678.00 prior transfer from the General Fund to Ca~ital Project/New Jail as part of the $500,000. loan author~zed on November 27, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Baljaka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. TWO BROKEN CHAIRS - SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to delare one secretary chair and one executive chair, both broken, as salvage. (They are not included in the County inventory but stored in Room 216.) Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. COASTAL LEASE NO. CL870002 RENEWAL (ESPIRITU SANTO AND BARROOM BAYS) A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to renew Coastal Lease No. CL870002 (Espiritu Santo and Barroom Bays) with the State of Texas and authorize the County Judge to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e Texu General Land Office November 27, 2002 ~'~"^"^^O,< .~T . ',_' 1, ~;' ::'It:_~,-_~, \~;>-j Calhoun County c/o Hon. Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge 211 South Ann Port lavaea, TX 77979-4249 .R. rr'l=\'\/'Cn ,Cu._l l.-.' r.c:', (}::. ~<) David Dewhurst Commilswner Re: .'-\r:e;1il :\], :',,1;::,~in_'l Calht~l!n (;'-'-l::,t'l c!l:;~,!:) Renewal of Coastal Public Lands Coastal Lease No. CL870002 Esprilu Santo Bay and Barroom Bay, Calhoun and Matagorda Counties, Texas Dear JUdge Marshall: According to OUf records, the above-referenced Coastal Lease from the School land Board for the use of Coastal Public Land owned by the Permanent School Fund has an expiratlon dale of April 7, 2003. Please complete the enclosed application and affidavit and relum them to the General Land Office, TAMU~CC, Natural Resources Center, Suite 2400, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412+5599, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of this letter. Also enclosed is Exhibit C from the most recent contract. If you would like to make modifications andfor additions to the permitted structure, please indicate those changes on the drawing and return it with the application and affidavit. You do not need to sond any money at this time. Your Coastal Lease will be reviewed and an on-site inspection may be conducted to determine compliance with the current contract. e Please note that placement of unauthorized structures andfor failure to obtain the required authorization from this office for the use of Coastal Public land may subject the responsible party to civil penalties andfor removal of unauthorized structures by the Stale with recovery of removal costs from the responsible party or placement of a lien against the adjacent littoral property (V.CTA. Natural Resources Goda, Section 33.112, 33,3021, and 51.302). Mitigation costs may also be assessed when necessary to compensate for damage to natural resources, If you have any questions, please call me at (361) 825-3030. Corpus Cl1risti field Office Texas A&M--COfPUS Christi Natural Resources Center 6300 Ocean Drive Suite 2400 CorpusChristi,Texas 78412-5599 361-825-3030 Sincerely, f?--tflJIIIlJr ~~WU-, Asset Inspection _ 565 e STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE GLO ID: CL870002 Expiration Date: Aoril 7. 2003 Please type or print in the blanks below all applicable information. If information requested is not applicable, Indicate by placing N/A in the blank. ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL LEASE FOR WHICH YOU HA VE APPUED IS CONTINGENT UPON VERIFICA TION OF THE INFORMA TION SUBMIrrED, PA YMENT OF APPROPRIA TE FEES, AND COMPUANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE REGULA TORY REQUIREMENTS (see attached notes); Date: e I. Applicant Information (Responsible Party Under Contract): A. Name: Calhoun County Mailing Address: 211 South Ann City/State/Zip: Port Lavaca. Texas 77979-4249 Telephone: (361) 553-4600 B. Please list any changes to demographic information above in the spaces provided below if applicable: Name: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: Home (-l Cell Phone (_) E-mail Address*: II. Signature of Applicant: Calhoun County Work (_) Fax(_) By: (Signature) (Title) e Date: (Printed Name) *Information collected by electronic mail and by web forms may be subject to the Public Information Act; however; email addresses of those who correspond with the GLG are confidential and may not be disclosed unless the sender agrees to such. Page 1 566 STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN COASTAL LEASE RENEWAL AFFIDAVIT The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath, states as follows: 1. The undersigned is the grantee under Coastal Lease No. CL870002 (the "CL"); 2. The undersigned has applied to the General Land Office (the "GLO") to renew the CL for an additional term; 3. The undersigned has complied with all of the terms of the CL during its term and has complied with all of the guidelines and ruies of the GLO and the School Land Soard (the "SL8'') applicable to the CL; 4. The undersigned has not made any improvements, additions, or modifications to the Premises, as shown on Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, during the term of the CL, without the advance written consent of the GLO; and 5. The undersigned acknowledges that the SL8 and the GLO will rely on the truth of the statements contained herein in issuing the renewal of the CL. In the event that any of the statements herein prove to be untrue, the renewal CL shall be subject to immediate termination, which will require that the undersigned remove all structures from the Premises. GRANTEE: Calhoun County By: (Signature) (Title) Date: (Printed Name) ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of . by of (Name) (T7tle) ,a (Company Name) (State) (Business entity type) on behalf of the (Business entity type) Notary Public, State of My commission expires: Page 2 e 567 Calhoun County CL870002 State Tract's 240, 241, and 242 October 28, 1999 By: Jay Veselka Exhibit C e Barroom Bay and Espiritu Santo Bay Marsh e<" ~3<1' ~_________h_______________________ Mid- Marsh .--- //........ Saluria Bayou .~ C;: Espiritu Santo Bay " a; '" ..: '" ",- '" ri ~ "l ". .!!'~ r ~:- 0 (:ijC\{ ;2 :;;1::; . gJ- 0 ("f 1 ."'- ;;; ",- ~. e ';2- Big Bayou Barroom Bay ( COE Disposal . ,~ ~l .'0 ~ '.~ -:--t,>) 0.", ::1;'", ~'''' ;::.~ ~ ~ e Intracoastal Waterway Port 0' Conner . 568 e e TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE NOTES: 1. This application must be accompanied by an Easement Renewal Application Fee of Fifty Dollars ($25.00) 2. The application will be reviewed by the GLO Field Office to verify site conditions. Lessee will be advised regarding term length, special conditions, and payment amounts. It will then be submitted to the Texas School Land Board (SLB) for consideration. If approved by SLB, a contract will be prepared and sent to Lessee for signatures. 3. Lessee is advised that in accordance with the easement agreement, unless renewed on a timely basis, hold-over occupancy beyond the expiration date of the easement is subject to increased lease payment amounts. 4. Lessee is advised that in accordance with provIsions of the easement agreement, if the agreement is not renewed, ali private property and man-made improvements must be removed and the premises returned to pre-easement conditions within 120 days of the expiration date. Page 3 ~;69 e Texas General Land Office June 21,2000 David Dewhurst Commissioner Calhoun County 211 South Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249 Re: Coastal Lease No. CL 870002 Dear Sirs: e Enclosed is a fully executed original of the referenced coastal lease authorizing dredging portions of Espiritu Santo and Barroom Bays in Calhoun and Matagorda Counties. If you have any questions, please call me at (512) 463-5251. Sincerely, Jim Crow Lease Supervisor End: 1 Stephen F. Austin Building 1700 North Congress Avenue e Austin, Texas 78701.1495 512-463.5001 570 e e The State of Texas Austin, Texas RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE NO. CL870002 STATE OF TEXAS s s s s KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF CALHOUN COUNTY OF MATAGORDA This Coastal Lease No. CL870002 (the "Agreement"), is issued by virtue of the authority granted in Chapter 33, TEX. NAT. RES. CODE ANN. (Vernon Supp.), Title 31, TEX. ADMIN. CODE, Chapter 155 (West), and all other applicable statutes and rules, as the same may be promulgated and/or amended from time to time. ARTICLE I. PARTIES 1.01. In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the STATE OF TEXAS, acting by and through the School Land Board and its Chainnan, David Dewhurst, Commissioner of the General Land Office (the "State"), hereby authorizes Calhoun County ("Lessee") whose address is 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249, telephone number (512) 553-4600, to use the "Premises" (defined below) for the purposes identified in Article V below. ARTICLE II. PREMISES 2.01. The coastal public land Lessee may use is described as follows: A portion of State Tract Numbers 240 and 241 in Espiritu Santo Bay, Calhoun County, and 242 in Barroom Bay, Matagorda County, Texas (the "Premises"). The Premises are further described and depicted on Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2.02. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that when any authorized improvements are placed on the Prem ises, the location of such improvements shall thereby become fixed at such location and shall not be changed except by a written amendment to this Agreement. 2.03. LESSEE HAS INSPECTED TilE PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPIIIC CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AND ACCEPTS TilE SAME "AS IS", IN ITS EXISTING PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITION. TilE STATE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ANY OTHER WARRANTY WHATSOEVER NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN TillS AGREEMENT. TilE STATE AND LESSEE IIEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TIIAT USE OF THE TERM CL87Q002 Jcrow .u)"".(.. ;( /::', ," n /'.f {._ iC ......."'. <..-.." ;;: ...,.t.. .,."'d rcnewcl.doc v],O elf ./[;.-" 571 e "GRANT" IN NO WAY IMPLIES THAT THIS EASEMENT IS FRI.\,; OF LIE1:", FN,;l'M3KANCES AND/OR PRIOR RIGHTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO LESSEE THAT ANY PRIGR (;RANT AND/OR ENCUMBRANCE MAYBE OF RECORD AND LESSEE IS ADVISED TO EXAMINE THE RECORDS IN THE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS DIVISION OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE, 1700 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701.1495, AND ALL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY AND STATE IN WHICH THE PREMISES ARE LOCATED. LESSEE IS NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF THE STATE REGARDING ANY ASPECT OF THE PREMISES, BUT IS RELYING ON LESSEE'S OWN INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES. ARTICLE III. TERM 3.01. This Agreemenl is for a period of five (5) years, beginning on April 8,1998, and ending on April 7,2003, unless renewed or lerminated as provided herein. ARTICLE IV. CONSIDERATION AND TAXES 4.0 I.. As consideration ("Consideralion") for the righllo use the Premises, Lessee agrees to pay Ihe Slale Ihe sum of Twenty-Five And 00/100 Dollars ($25.00) for use of the Premises. The Consideration is payable upon execution of the Agreement. No olher paymenl is required. 4.02. In addition to the above, Lessee shall pay and discharge any and all taxes, general and special assessments, and other charges which during the term of this Agreement may be levied on or assessed against the Premises or any improvemenls constructed or installed thereon ("Taxes"). Lessee shall pay such Taxes at least five (5) days prior to the date of delinquency directly to the authorily, official or entily charged with collection. Lessee may, in good faith and at its sole cost and expense, contest any Tax and shall be obligated 10 pay the contested amount only if and when finally determined to be owed. ARTICLE V. USE OF THE PREMISES 5.01. A. In conneclion wilh Lessee's use of the Premises, Lessee is authorized to maintain the following improvements: a channel dredged in two sections to a depth not to exceed -5.5" MHT. Section (I) is approximalely 600' long and 88' wide in State Tract 242, Barroom Bay; and Section (2) is 2000' long and 88' wide in State Tract 241, Espiritu Sanlo Bay for a total encumbrance of228,800 square feet. Timber markers will be mainlained at 500' intervals along the channel in Slale Tracls 240 and 241 of Espirilu Santo Bay and 242 of Barroom Bay, as depicted on Exhibit C attached herelo and incorporated herein by reference ("Improvements"). Lessee shall not use Ihe Premises for any olher purpose wilhout prior written consent from the State, which consent may be granted or withheld in the State's sole discretion. Lessee is specifically prohibited from using or pennitting Ihe use of Ihe Premises for any commercial or illegal purpose. Provided the Stale does not unreasonably interfere with Lessee's use oflhe Premises, the Slate may use or permit the use of the Premises for any purpose consistenl wilh Lessee's use of the Premises. B. Lessee shall comply, and cause ils officers, employees, agents, representalives, contraclors and invitees to comply, with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all governing aUlhorities with jurisdiction over the Premises. Lessee is specifically nOlified of its need 10 comply with laws and regulations enacted for Ihe purpose of protecting and preserving public lands and waters. C. Lessee shall permit the Slate's agents, representalives, and employees to enter into and on the leased premises at all reasonable times for Ihe purpose of inspection and any other reasonable purpose necessary to protect Ihe Slate's interest in the leased Premises. D. Lessee may not eharge any holder of a valid mineral lease or other grant of interest from the State for surface damages for the use of the leased Premises. All such damage payments shall be made CL870002 2 rcnewcl.doc v LO Jcrow 5'i'2 e e directly to the State. Lessee, however, may seek compensation for da:nag..;s to ;Je:"sonJ.I property in an action against the holder of a valid mineral lease or other grar.t-of-iPlerect issl.e.1 hy the State. This damage limitation in no way limits the liability of third parties i" an &clio,l at law for damages inflicted upon Lessee by acts of negligence. e E. Lessee shall use the highest degree of care and all appropriate safeguards to prevent pollution of air, ground and water in and around the Premises, and to protect and preserve natural reSQur.ces and wildlife habitat. In the event of pollution of or damage to natural resources in or around the Premises which is the result of an act or omission of Lessee, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, and/or invitees, Lessee shall immediately notify the State and undertake all required and appropriate action to remedy the same. Lessee shall be liable for all damages and/or mitigation to the Premises and public lands and waters as a result of such act or omission. F. LESSEE IS EXPRESSLY PLACED ON NOTICE OF THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966, (PB.89-66, 80 STATUTE 915; 9470) AND THE ANTIQUITIES CODE OF TEXAS, CHAPTER 191, TEX. NAT. RES. CODE ANN. (VERNON 1999 SUPP.). IN THE EVENT THAT ANY SITE, OBJECT, LOCATION, ARTIFACT OR OTHER FEATURE OF ARCHEOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL OR HISTORIC INTEREST IS ENCOUNTERED DURING THE ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS EASEMENT, LESSEE WILL IMMEDIATELY CEASE SUCH ACTIVITIES AND WILL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY GRANTOR AND THE TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION, P.O. BOX 12276, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711, SO THAT ADEQUATE MEASURES MAY BE UNDERTAKEN TO PROTECT OR RECOVER SUCH DISCOVERIES OR FINDINGS, AS APPROPRIATE. 5.02. A. Lessee's use of the Premises is subject to compliance with the following covenants, obligations and conditions (the "Special Conditions"): I. 2. 3. 4. e 5. All maintenance dredging activities are to be confined to the limits of the existing channel. Impacts to seagrasses along the edges of the channels are to be strictly avoided. Depth of the dredged area authorized herein shall not exceed .5.5' HWM. Lessee shall notify the Texas General Land Office, Corpus Christi Field Office in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to undertaking any maintenance dredging activities occurring during the term of this contract and thirty (30) days upon completion. Lessee will assume responsibility for any impacts to emergent or submerged vegetation occurring outside the existing channel. If Lessor determines that impacts have occurred, Lessee shall restore and/or mitigate at a 3:1 ratio by planting three (3) square feet of vegetation for each square foot impacted at a site to be approved by Lessor. 6. All dredged material (spoil) authorized by this instrument shall be placed and contained on private property above the limits of mean high water, and Lessee waives any right to claim ownership of Coastal Public Land as a result of artificial accretion caused by deposition of dredged material. 7. Navigation aids, consistent with U.S. Coast Guard guidance, shall be installed and maintained by the Lessee upon completion of construction. B. Prior to undertaking maintenance, repair or modification actIVItIes with regard to the Improvements on the Premises, Lessee shaIr provide written notice of the terms of this Agreement, including the Special Conditions, to each person or entity authorized by Lessee to perform any such activity on its behalf. Lessee shall retain a copy of each such written notice provided to its agents, representatives, employees, and/or contractors under this provision and, if a dispute arises concerning construction or installation of the Improvements, Lessee shall provide the State with a copy of all applicable notices within ten (I0) days of the State's written request. Lessee's failure to maintain and provide each required written notice shall constitute a default under this Agreement. CL870002 Jcrow 3 renewcJ.doc vLO e 573 I e 574 5'.03. If Lessee fails to maintain and/or repair Improvements hJ toad c'Jn::Ution ~nd :-e;:>air, such failure shall constitute a default under this Agreement and the State may, at it, opti0n, te.-n,in.!e this Agreement upon written notice to Lessee or pursue a remedy under Section 5 i .3021, TEX. NA T. RES. CODE ANN. (Vernon Supp.). If Lessee constructs improvements other than those authorized in Article V, such improvements shall constitute illegal structures and the State may, at its option, terminate this Agreement or pursue a remedy under Section 51.302, et seg., TEX. NA T. RES. CODE ANN. (Vernon Supp.). ARTICLE VI. ASSIGNMENTS and SUBLEASES 6.01. LESSEE SHALL NOT ASSIGN THIS AGREEMENT OR THE RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN, OR SUBLEASE ANY PORTION OF THE PREMISES, IN WHOLE OR PART, TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE STATE, WHICH MAY BE GRANTED OR WITHHELD IN THE STATE'S SOLE DISCRETION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL BE VOID AND OF NO EFFECT, AND SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE SHALL NOT RELIEVE LESSEE OF LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE VII. INDEMNITY 7.01. LESSEE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE STATE, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, CONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES (THE "INDEMNIFIED PARTIES") HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, PROCEEDINGS, ACTIONS, DAMAGES, JUDGMENTS, LIABILITIES, AWARDS AND EXPENSES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY CLAIMS ("CLAIMS") WITHOUT LIMIT AND WITHOUT REGARD TO THE CAUSE OR CAUSES THEREOF OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES, THAT MAY BE BROUGHT, INSTITUTED OR AWARDED ON ACCOUNT OF OR GROWING OUT OF ANY AND ALL INJURIES OR DAMAGES, INCLUDING DEATH, TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY RELATING TO OR RESULTING FROM, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, (I) ANY OCCURRENCE IN, UPON, AT OR FROM THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, OR (II) THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL LOSSES THERETO, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL COSTS OF DEFENDING AGAINST. INVESTIGATING AND SETTLING THE CLAIMS. IT IS THE EXPRESSED INTENTION OF THE PARTIES HERETO THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION 7.01 IS AN INDEMNITY BY LESSEE TO INDEMNIFY AND PROTECT THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS A CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE CLAIM. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL HAVE NO APPLICATION TO ANY CLAIM WHERE THE CLAIM RESULTS FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE STATE. LESSEE'S OBLIGATION OF INDEMNITY SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL SURVIVE EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE VIII. DEFAULT, TERMINATION and EXPIRATION 8.01. If Lessee fails or refuses to remedy a default under this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the State's written notice specifYing such default, the State may tenninate this Agreement by sending written notice of tennination to Lessee in accordance with Article IX. Upon the effective date of such notice, this Agreement shall tenninate and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations except for those accruing prior to the effective date of tennination and/or those which specifically survive termination of this Agreement. 8.02. Unless waived in writing by the State prior to termination of this Agreement, Lessee shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days from the tennination date, remove all personal property, structures and improvements (including, without limitation, the Improvements) from the Premises and restore the Premises (and all other property affected by Lessee's removal activities) to the same condition that CL870002 4 renewcl.doc v 1.0 Jcrow e e e e existed prior to the placement, construction, or installation the.~-':Jf on the Prem;sl""s. L~ssee's activities shall be conducted in accordance with General Land Office gu:delin"s il' effeot a. ti,e time of such activity, including, without limitation, specific techniques requireJ for protection of natural resources and mitigation, or payment in lieu of mitigation, for damages resulting from removal activity. Upon such termination Lessee shall notify the State in writing within ten (10) days following completion of Lessee's removal and restoration activity. Lessee's obligations to perfonn or undertake any specific activity under this Agreement, including the foregoing removal provision, shall survive termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE IX. NOTICE AND INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 9.0 I. A. Any notice given under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and either delivered by hand, by facsimile or sent by United States first class mail, adequate postage prepaid, if for the State to Deputy Commissioner, Asset Inspections, 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1495, and if for Lessee, to Calhoun County, 211 South Ann, Port Lavaca, TX 77979-4249. Any party's address may be changed from time to time by such party by giving notice as provided above, except thatthe Premises may not be used by Lessee as the sole notice address. No change of address of either party shall be binding on the other party until notice of such change of address is given as herein provided. B. For purposes of the calculation of various time periods referred to in this Agreement, notice delivered by hand shall be deemed received when delivered to the place for giving notice to a party referred to above. Notice mailed in the manner provided above shall be deemed completed upon the earlier to occur of (i) actual receipt as indicated on the signed return receipt, or (ii) three (3) days after posting as herein provided. 9.02. Lessee shall provide written notice to the State of any change in Lessee address within ten (10) business days of such change. 9.03. Lessee shall provide the State with infonnation reasonably requested in writing within thirty (30) days of such request. ARTICLE X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.01. Neither acceptance of Consideration or any other sum payable under this Agreement (or any portion thereof) by the State, nor failure by the State to complain of any act or omission of Lessee, shall constitute a waiver by the State of its rights under this Agreement. Waiver by the State of any covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the State. Waiver by the State shall be limited to the act or omission specified in writing and shall not constitute a waiver of any other covenant, duty or obligation of Lessee under this Agreement, whether of the same or different subject matter. 10.02. All monetary obligations of the State and Lessee (including, without limitation, any monetary obligation for damages for any breach of the respective covenants, duties or obligations of either party hereunder) are performable exclusively in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 10.03 This instrument, including exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement between the State and Lessee and no prior written or oral or contemporaneous oral promises, warranties or representations shall be binding. This Agreement shall not be amended except by written instrument signed by the State and Lessee. e CL870002 Jcrow 5 renewcl.doc v 1.0 575 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and the Seal of Office :his _ _ day of THE STATE OF TEXAS LESSEE: Calhoun County By: ~ fu.illhwuu- David Dewhurst, Commissioner General Land Office Chairman, School Land Board By: fu~~'Af .;?/?1 ti L~A-"l C (Signature) b-I'l-:ZOOO Arlene N. Marshall (Printed Name) County Jud~e Date: March 10. 2000 APPROVED: 1~. 0 Content: .u:/ Legal: ~~,/. ~puty: _~ . Executive: & STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN Before me a notary public on this day personally appeared Arlene N. Marshall who aclmowledged that she did sign the foregoing instrument, and aclmowledged to me that she executed the same for the uses and purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND and official seal this loth day of March, 2000. ~I cC ....".CL_ c~ Notary Public, State of Texas RITA MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Mil co:,,:,:":.~i(jn Exoires 01-26-2003 .C',.,-,,,,,,,," CL870002 }crow 6 renewcJ.doc v 1.0 576 e G G UI<.TED ST~T(S Df.PHnMEHT OF THE 'NTERIOR ,';(OLCClC~L SUR~~Y 59 PORT ,:.r. ~'''.~~.~L!~Dk'_''G' e . ~~ ,""'~~ ' .~..." ~ -! ..." ......... ", 92 10 .. .. .', -" .(o.: .' .. 9/ /09 . ~ ~ ; 'fl" )~--= '. e = ..............:..... """ ............................ ' //6 -,err- ~? " o .. " T fJ5 "" 134' .ESPIIl'TUSANTOAI<O BAftROOMBAYS, MATAGOROA BAY .............................. ",." ,,,.,. ~",,",-", .., .", " '''"'''-'''''.'''''''''.". .. SW39'oo"381W "T 114 "5 .~ -.-113 ~~~ --;::-- , ,,,,.,,..J,,, ,..""1........,,, .ii! / .... ,.... .~,.."' r-."..."' '"'_.....J..... ~...,....", '''' ........ ...~. , :-:'.. " ".." ...........". .., ." -~~:' ":::,:,'.~:::: - - ~- - - '-'0. ,. ~i '~ .i ~,,~" ""'00< ". ./ ,...,' :~-;- ':co,,';:" :;.~::~.;::.::::~~:~:::~:'~...~~:..:"...~. ~.~:. '..~ '.~:...~:.:7.:::::. ;.;:.: .:.::~ '.. .." .'::.:. 'i~:~.::2:;j,:~;1.~,~.:=:~'!:~Q:..:~::0;;.:.~.... "0" e Callioun County CL870002 Exhibit A 55 5< 5J ,., ........._".". 6_ a~ CllS-'US SUBMERGED AREA MAP NO. 2896"133 SUSOI..c '. <,v= '.."NC<'~ -I ESPIRITU SANTO, MATAGORDA, AND BARROOM BAYS IN CALHOUN COUNTY GEN(RAl l~NO Ofl,el . a05 .RMSTRONG CO""'S5.C'~;~ ......'u.'" , GO 59 sa , 577 ''-~ // '-/. -~ . // #) e / , ~. . ! ? '-. ~:.. '....-: I * [, ~ 4\.. '~ ~\l '". '. ';'l;~\ ~,... ~;.:.. , . ~~. ~yV") ..~ . ....... ~i$ ~ I..., ,~' ~ .",.., ":'r~.~:,~-.., i '!\'<{~i' '~~;:; ,'. ;. '(...........,1'1.(. "i!r..! . _...... r};~~,_~~~,.;"~ .' ' I ':''':;>;:'';;'lr:~,~,:;O ,",C . . ';. ~"., '. ,.~, '~.'" f "'. .,' "~J< '" .' ~ ! ref'\ !/-"~:;..:'>';~i.:, r """t';':1t~ ~,~, ,,.... " ~-"- -.' c. ~ ", "'.. , . \,.~ '. ..~." -':..,"} -.' - ~. ~ "',;,;rl;I'.~ '. "'- '.. '""---I 1#\ - ~ .' - " .....'.;.ct.", , . ,. 4 ,-'~_. '.. "<", :'..; 4" ';,.,,'. ' ,"7. "'~t.o I ::(: ~'''lo'~p , .~ tJJi:tJ1or:f.'~'.ff/: N;~~;"~' ':Pl ti ;'l./:''''f': t ....\~-" ' ,i /'<.' w, \1:% .~ ' .1/ ~~J~ '..,:'%i"~" , . ~ &;" .; ,--- "- "", ~A'... Sll8 '\":...,.;: ~. . t<J,ed , > J .< .i~.' ',i "'~~'L e ~ ~'-.. " . 1__' , '. ,'.. --......,. ~ '7>'. _. e 578 Calhoun County CL870002 State Tract's 240, 241, and 242 October 28, 1999 By: Jay Veselka Barroom Bay and Espiritu Santo Bay e Exhibit C c,y," Marsh . \\\ . .\..: .. .j .. ./. C..... _.......__..... !J,aftriel ..- ........--............ ..../' / t:I>' . ~". ~". nl.').' A~~'" <1>;"" '].o')-~'J!" ~ .\'" n!;)'<" ".... ."\oJ' ~<'" .bo' ~",.. . ~ Espiritu Santo Bay " ",' ., ,..: ., ",' ., .,' ~ .E:J. ~ ~:;} c 1lJ"! ff. ~~ . . ~- 0 - lIj .~ N :?f ,,' - !;!.. Big Bayou Mid- Marsh Barroom Bay e -88' x -200 ' . I ~ ~~ "0"' '.~ -'", · '0-0:11 :3',..... ~.'" ;;:..~ ~ " ( COE Disposal ( ---..... Intracoastal Waterway Port 0' Conner . e INSURANCE SETTLEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LIGHTNING DAMAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the insurance settlement in the amount of $452.04 for lightning damage on October 22, 2002 in Precinct #3. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. S!;f) ORDER SETl'ING DAY OF WEEK AND LOCATION OF COMMISSIONERS COURT FOR V"RIU> 2003 A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to adopt the Order setting day of week and location of regular term of Commissioners' Court for the 2003 calendar year, being the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10:00 A.M. at the County Courthouse or Bauer Exhibit Building. Commissiioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and JUdge Marshall all voted in favor. ORDER SETTING DAY OF WEEK AND LOCATION OF REGULAR TERM FOR COMMISSIONERS' COURT FOR 2003 CALENDAR YEAR e Motion by Commissioner Roger Galvan, seconded by Commissioner H. Floyd, and carried, that the following order be entered: At a regular term of the Commissioners' Court in and for Calhoun County, Texas, held in the regular meeting of said Court in the County Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Texas, on the Ith day of December, 2002, with CouhtyJudge Arlene N. Marshall presiding, and Commissioners Roger Galvan, Michael Balajka, 'H. Floyd and Kenneth Finster present, and with Deputy County Clerk Shirley Foester in attendance, there having come on for hearing the matter of determining the day of week and location of the regular term of Calhoun County Commissioners' Court for t he calendar and fiscal year, 2003, it was ordered that the regular term shonld be the second and fourth Thursday of each month. The location of such meetings will be the Commissioners' Courtroom located in the County Courthouse, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas or Calhoun COUllty Fairgrounds Bauer Exhibit Building. IT IS SO ORDERED this 12th day ofDeoember, 2002. COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS By:~~4~-I, Arlene N. arshall, County Judge e ATTEST: MARLENE PAUL, County Clerk .~~ 'ii,'i 1/' '/ .... \. ..." ,d,;. ,. ..;:j;~..;.,,,,..,.,;. iI~.Cle :. ;:,~:~~/~"::-<::'-'~,;~:>:)1:~\? 'I'; , > ."-.."i~\j.,.>,,, ~> '::; :j:t,,;:-~;:~~.,:'r~ -~~:~:iL~~&:t.' 'I" Y', ."..'l/~"',e'~";':'!)'! . e, -,;:, > l/lll;ti;~~,::;."t~::':~~l~~{r.~~ / V'c;nj';{lf;'\ . ...,';-- ~ ~SB~OR-COL~ - D~~~g CL~~ - ~ :~ #3 _ $ ~4 - JP #5 - ION _ E 0 OFFTCRR - MONTHT.y REPORTS e The Tax Assessor-Collector ~resented her report for October, 2002 and the Distr~ct Clerk, JP #1, JP #3, JP #4, JP #5 and Extension service, presented their reports for November, 2002, and the Public Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer presented his re~ort through November, 2002. After reading and verify~ng same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Flo~d that said re~orts be acce~ted as presented. Commiss~oners Galvan, Bala]ka, Floyd, F~nster and JUdge Marshall all voted in favor. 580 e DONATION FOR ADOPT-A-BEACH PROGRAM A Mo~io~ was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Comm1ss~oner Floyd to accept a donation in the amount of $250.fr~m BP Chemicals for the Adopt-A-Beach Program. Comm~ss~oners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS - JAIL/SHERIFF COUNTY AUDITOR - COUNTRY TREASURER ~g=IO~S ~OURT (3) COMMISSIONER PCT #3 - WASTE __, _. _ #_ DISTRICT ATTORNRY - COMMISSIONER PCT #1 i2i - R~ #1 R&B #2 - COMMISSIONRRS PCT #2 (4) - R&B #2 - R&B #3 _ COMMISSIONER..<; pC'\' #4 - R&B #4 - HIGHWAY PATROL - AIRPORT- COMMISSIONER PCT #4 A Mo~io~ was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Comm~ss~oner Galvan that the follow1ng Budget Adjustments b~ approved. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, F~nster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 1- BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VAroOUSDEPARTMENTS DATE: 12/11/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 e GLACCOUNTNO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME BUILDING MAINTENANCE JANITOR SUPPLIES GARBAGE COLl.FAIRGROUNDS REPAlRS.AG BLDG, FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS-COURTHOUSE & JAIL UTILITIES-COURTHOUSE & JAIL COMM/S$ONERSCOURT 100o-23D-65320 REDISTRICTING COUNTY CLERK 1000-250.63920 MISCELlANEOUS 1000.250.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES ELECTIONS ELECTION SUPPLIES TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESIfRAVEL TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY CONTRACT SEIWICES TRAVEL OUT OF"COUNTY MACHINE MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY MEDIcAL SERVICES 1000-345-53980 SUPPLIES/OPERATING EXPENSES 1000-345-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1000-350.53970 MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 1000.350.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES COUNTY COURT MENTAL COMMITMENT SERVICES DEFENSE ATTORNEY IN LUNACY COURT REPORTER-SPECIAL COUNTYCOURT-AT.LAW 100D-410-63380 LEGAL SERVICES.COURT APPOINTED DISTRICT COURT 1000-430.63380 LEGAl SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED CONSTABLE PRECINCT NO.5 1000-620.53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 1000-620-72500 EQUIPMENT.RADIO Tota/ for GENERAL FUND 1000-170.53640 1000.170-62670 1000-17D-65450 1000.17D-65454 100o-17D-66604 381 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 48 926 600 (1,955) (2,231) FOR LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED 6 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (6) 1000-270-53361 1000.270-66310 1000.270.66316 1000-270-61240 1000-270-66496 1000-270-63500 96 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (300) (300) (760) (300) 1,564 121 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (121) 48 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (48) 1000-400-63800 1000-400.61640 100D-400-61460 481 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (400) (81) 2,031 AS NEEDED APPROVED 200 AS NEEDED 500 FOR NEW llGH BAR (500) o DEe 1 2 2002 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL B DGET 581. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-180.64910 1000-180-86316 1000-180.64880 1000-760-63920 1000-760-63020 1000-760-66192 1000-760-66498 1000-760-53210 1000-760-83630 1000-760-66316 1000-760-53540 1000-760-53992 1000-760-53430 1000-760-60360 '- 582 & PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT TOTAL SHERIFF MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY GAS/OILJDIESEL SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS DEPARTMENT TOTAL Totsl for GENERAL FUND ET 6.451 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1,022 (15,906) (8.433) 204 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 335 1,644 151 9 22 1,182 3.288 282 342 974 8.433 o APPROVED DEe 1 2 2002 ~e e ... --.:.~.... e e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET ~ APPROVED DEe 1 2 2002 583 II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II TO: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: C~. ~~JOJ.J-..... (Departme~making this request) Date: /2-- '7-02-- I request an amendment to the ;2 0 <7.2----- budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ~~---:---~-- ------------- ------------------- ,,~:~ -r-5J~OO \~ ~" ~~ -3/-'> ,ffV __~ /(JdO-2JO~665/6 /mJ-;!/O -SifJ20 r, Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: DEe 1 2 2002 $ - eJ- c=cc=c=c=c=== I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~~~V ~~_ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): - 584 e ~ e 41 e e e ,..-. I IIBlJDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II 5 To: Calhoun County commissioners' Court From: (I 0 "'- W'-- (',-j- (Department making this request) Date: l (, J-c,- O~ I request an amendment to the dO o;;;z.. budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL.Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ----------------~- ------------- ------------------- ---3il- {.,3JD :z,,~ i.o?,:l'iv -2:;0. Dv 'cl7{,SJ p b-tJ J lj hJ..7 19 So'87'f'CJO (b..n;t. et"ch on <'~~) LI'5,cJ. St'I,/'Ll::, L'~r'ct n~h u.~ ~OV[D -.= DFr: 1 ? ZOO? [ - Net change in total bUdget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ {J r understand that my budg~t cannot be amended as requested rrntil Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: r::t.'L~1llt~J<- Date of cornmission~rs' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger acCount(s): 585 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST AMENDMENT AMOUNT 200 ADDITIONAL AMOUNT NEEDED FOR (200) REGISTRATION FEES FOR MIKE PFEIFER Total for GENERAL FUND o ~b1:,,-- ~tl,_ o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET , ---,-,:"'--"-" '~'-'-'-",,~ j.\... P ,~;'! f, \7;:::;--0' ~, if l{., :'vt: ----..-- ,- ,.----::--- DEe I? (002 S8G e Co e e e e e IIBUDGET AHENDIUlNT REQUEST~ From: To: Calhoun County commissioners' Court (lO/'YLN- Crf (Department making this request) Date: /CJ.. - 3- 0,,"- I request an amendment to the ,;)00 ~ (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # ----------~SS5D C> 30 &" ;X' ;) 30 - t" '17:10 Account Name ------------------ 109;) c ~v.i &rvJces /"cY.J l-oC"jC Net change in total bUdget for this department is: other remarks/justification: ~- , t budget for the Amendment Amount --....-----......--- ScJdd + ScJ oj $ -0- Reason ------------------- r:P J-iI ~ -;,53 c. I tPPF{O\lFD I-L ore '2 "" ]: r understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Co~issioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of Official/department head: -7t?"* ~~ /..v<--- Date of Conuuissioners' Court approval: t2t.--U7-- )1<\ ",",V~F-:.6'('<,j /~-1:2-0:;L Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 587 e ~ ~UDGET J\MENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Comr.,iss iO:1ers' Court From: Precinct 3 Date: (Oe.I'''-t:'tment maJ.:ing this request) 12/04/02 I request an amendment to the 2002 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the <:~ J~==~':~! _~_ 230-63503 Amen~ment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Maintenence-Communi- $1,000.00 x:ation Network 230-65320 .!'edistricting <$1,ooo.oij;> - IOd~<!){)-oa $')1 .00 DEe 1 e 560-53630 Insecticides/ pesticides 'Ii) ~?b~CJ.'t9>7 560-73400 Machinery Equipment . Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: s -0- ------------- ------------- I understand that my -budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' court approval is obtained. signature of official/department head: ~ ~~ '-. Date of Commissioners' Court approval: 4t Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 588 e e e I CalhouT:1 County Cornrn:i.ssJoners I Court -0cdc-~___________ (JDepartmem: mak,.ng this reauest) I _ ~fh_______ To: Prom: Date: ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] . -----'---- q I request ari amendment to the ~Q~..__. budget:. for the \ ye-a-r;~ following 1.iJne i.tems in my dE~pa:('t{nent; GL Account Iii ---_.~_...._---,~- 310 {d'),~24j SID.~!;l_QQj '--'-~-'---i ------- , -----! , '--.___,i .,---------- --_.~---_.. Amendment -- - ~=S~::~!: _l!~~." .... ___ ~:.?::::!: _,"." ~ ~-Q1e~-- -71} ./XL___ dM1JjffJiY(J:lI)M> --- -~_fl0.____ -_._-_._----_...~-.~~---- -------...-.- -----_.~.-.._---_._~-- ---.----.----.- ~---------- --_._--,~--~~_.._.__.- -------..-- Reason --------------____A' yt/tA flA1d iiI i~.~ fePROViill-- ------ __ ~E" I 2 20~~____ ------.--.------ ---~-----'----_._---- ----..----.---.-..-- -.----.-------- -------_.~--_. Net Change i~ total budget for this depqrtment is: Other remark~/justification: :;; =",,,,-Et::====== -------.---------- ---~------_.__. -_._--~-.......--------_._-"--,-,.__._-_._"------_._---------~_._----_._------ .T understand !':hat H1Y budget cannot be amended as r'equested until Commissioners' Court approval i8 obtaineD Signature of loffidal/depilrtment head: J::'~Q,,~.k.~[[__.____.____ Date of Commi!ssioners! cI)urt approval: ~--'----~'------"--- .-.------.....-..__.____.___u_.__.__.__.,_.._._.__. ---_._--_.._._._~------- ._._---------~_.-._- I Date posted t,o General Ledger account (8) : -.--..-------.---- 589 e ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTij \0 To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: JUSTICE COURT PCT. 5 CALHOUN COUNTY (Department making this request) Date: 12,110/2002 I request an amendment to the 2002 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # -_......--------- -----------_...----~ ------~------ Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ---------------~--- 4<10--61340 63500 Copy Machine,"Lease -294.~ transfer to telephone 66192 Machine Maintenance -134.00 Telephone Service + 428.~ transfer to telephone shortfall teleohone e services APPR()\/r:r- I -,- ---'--~'::! - UEC ) 2 2002 - J -- Net change in total budget for this department is: -u- $ =~~~==1:0======= Other remarks/justification: Changes in telephone services, brought on an unexpected short fall in telephone service account. will not need funds in #61340 & 63500, for 2002. I understand that my budget cannot be amended Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Corn~iaaioncra' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account{s) : ~550 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: December 9, 2002 I request an amendment to the 2002 (year) following line items in my department: 11 budget for the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount 510-53020 General Office Supplies + $ 25.00 510-61340 Copy Machine Lease + $272.00 + $122.00 - $419.00 510-70500 510-66980. Books - Law Witness Fees Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------- Reason - -t~- ;;'y- f~; -n-ecessary- expenses .. "- APPROVFf) . . .......- DEe 1 2 2002 I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' Court approval is obtained.~ , .~~ ~ Signature of official/department head: ~~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 591 e l~ !IBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII From: To: Calhoun county commissioners' Court ~=n~ / .?J/Io ~/tJ '^ Date: M :/1:./ this request) I request an amendment to the ~t?o? year following line items in my depattment: GL Account # 5.,0- 5'.3'1'15' .5<# - .53b30 6r;-~-.53rfq .5 9<1- .535,q tJ .5'#- 5N~rJ 5Y-tJ- ~tJ.J.;I,o .51& - tPtG If A .5'#- .I3'~-? 0 budget for the Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- --------------- YM<i/~ ":.brAu.1<<<du/:AA77 . ~ I . - -q'.A2<' ' /q~ e~n~PA ~AU~Md~ /511. ~iuM . /~/'I.ku..,!RA/)/m ..50(}- ~ ~;;-=? .3S0 //~tJ - ~6~- - / 7.s- --- . /;:{~ - / cJ --- \ -'v Net change in total budget Cor this department is: $ -0- Other remarks/Justification: ( understanej l:hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Stgnature of official/department head: 1~?t>>C~) e Date of Commissioners' Court approval: D.aJ:.e po.s.r.e.d t.o GeDe.J:al Ledger account (s) : 592 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court Feorn: i!~----~ I!d-.#-I (Department making this request) Date: /~ () </- 0 d-- I request an amendment to the .;( V'i-'O\ (yeae) following line items in my department: 13 budget for the [ unders~an(j l:hal my budget cannot be amended as requested until CommisSioners' Court approval is obtaIned Scgnature of offLcLal.(department head: . /~c.~) Date oE Commissioners' Court approval: GL Account # Account Name Amendment Amount ------------------ ..5~() --6'"45",;( 0 6;10 53550 ~.jt,PaUc ~~oo- X.wm~ ~Pf,.;?tJo. '>- , Net ctlange in total budget [or this department is: s -0- ------------- -----~------- O~tler remarks/justification: Reason APPROVEf ute 1 Z 2002 D.al:.e p.o.sJ:.e.d t.o Gene.ra.l Ledger account (s) 593 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST o ~~"'-~ o 594 APPROVED DEe 1 2 2002 e ty, fa e e e e I:) BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000.520.90005 (900) 1000.550.53510 900 AUCTION PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF PCT 2 ITEMS o APPROVED -- DEe 1 2 2002 595 ;:" " e '. ,~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTij I~ ;~ >;", ~o: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: (1)]. to. 9G\;- '"* ~ (Department making this request) Date: n-5-o~ I request an amendment to the ..:Go()J......, (year) department: budget for the following line items in my 55D- (ob5d.D !55b-(p151D ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ~~-~c:c:c:~~!_L ~ ~.JtP\plV\eN ~WoJ IdO.DO <,ctD.ctf7 e APPROVED I ,to 12 "'2 - ~ I Net change in total budget tor this department is: other remarks/justification: $ -8- ============r.:: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: _~\~~ . Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 596 "t" ~ ~~., ~"', ~' f' f;- r;' , I' ;~k lP;r 1{:'\ , ~BUDGE~ AMENDMENT REQUEST~ ~1 e To: Calhoun County Court From: ~ his request) Date: }:J...-5-o;L I request an amendment to the aVO;).., budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Aooount # Aooount Name ------------- --------j--------- 5!5D ~13tOD .rvtOlcJi. ~ fj/J/,LJ' 55D-~3l):W lJrl:::. f _bes ~------------ ------------------- Amendment Amount Reason < 5CD-a3) SOQ.DO APPRC)ir:r"'\ _ v t:!} -- UEC 1 2 2002 e Net ohange in total bUdget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: $~ ------------- ------------- I understand that my bUdget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: [; ~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e 597 ~~: " 10-. ", 1:. .. I'. . I:," {J. : ,'t'o " ~:' : W'.f e I~ ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTij To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court M to. p~ ~::z (Department making this request) From: Date: 10l.-5-D~ I request an amendment to the 2002- budget for the (year) following line items in my department: ~;-~~!:'~~~~-~- ------------------ ---,---------- ------------------- Amendment Account NAme Amount ReAson 55o-53qq~ 550 - o3f.aCfO mIse" SL)~ JI1 m~ ( S;J{J(J/es 55.00 <55:0lJ) EO o Net change in total bUdget tor this department is: other remarks/justification: $--6 ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. I ~~^ ..~~~ Signature of official/department head: t:~~~tf/ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: ~ Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 598 l~' ' )~~ ,', ,-", \ r?' c ;-. ~ i~~ B " ;i~, }, j!r~: ff~- . "'-'.'-'_'.'_.~_. .........._e- .~......".-~...',~.~__..._"'.,.,.~._.~....,,_._._ ~BODGET AMENDMENT REQOEST~ )q To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court (k~~l)f\ C'AJu~~ 9refJJ\Ct ft;{ (Department ma ng this request) be(l.Qxy\hf'J 51 0;;;' - From: e Date: I request an amendment to the " ~ DO f budget for the year following line items in my department: GL Aooount # --....-.................-.. AlIlendment Aooount Name AlIlount Reason ------...---...-...----- ----...-------- ------------------- 5so - ~w~ot \)'hh-\-le5 :150- 00 55D-tfrlQl,a14 ?~(k5- D-h1the> <;)..')0.00) DEe e Net change in total budget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: ~ -e- ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: c:Ul~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e 599 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e 20 AtcL~OVED 1---------____ '-' c" i <- Lvv2 e e 600 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ell e NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET e e o r I I .__.,._._---.~_. ..-.-.-.. ~" r ~""" ':." \,/ t~ L) /, I l_ l....c.. 601 -- ~ !IBUDGET AMENDMENT R.EQUEBTI] To: CalhOU(\~Ounty Commissioners' Court From: ~~ (Department making this request) Date: lJ,- 4- 0:1 I request an amendment to the ~()()~ budget year following line items in my department: for the GL ACcoun't # ------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 1\lIlendlIlent Aceount Name 1\lIlount Reason 5!JV.531030 5'70- 535QS 6'70- 53500 ~ ~~ .700,fX) 5n(), CO i500, CO ~A~{) ,a'p.1'rl ~ Vf-\N e 5'7D53510 KM ~ Bu-d~ < J// DO,OO) ~ DEC12 am t .' Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0 - ---------- ----------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as Comm""oooc,' CO"C' .,'co.., ,. Ob"'00d~ Signature of official/department head: . . V'-" Date of Comm1ssLoners' Court approval: requested nntil -L-~ CJ e . Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : . 602 e e e C:Z3 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 4 DATE: 12/11/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 APPROVED DEe 1 2 2002 _ 603 ~- Je{ e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II From: To: Calhoun County commissioners' Court H/6!fWAy P/9772.DL (Department making this request) Date: IZJZ-/tJ~ I request an amendment to the '2002- (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # ------------- ,,) d-Cr- .57803 SF=! J 0 5/CJ2.D Sf q 50 c:'f,.'f7Ce. ~Ul;,,~ UJJ<f~ " 1j3""d...O budget for the Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- ~B5- ~ 72_. SouAt.- t:.leVGPllS ~ ~~ n; ~15- /::~~.p - 301 q..j3- !3elVf:FIT5- Re:Tl2b7J;lt!15 - 172. f)3 Se!.Vit:~-S - 7J::""~Tlj - C; ~ . ./dJ C~. .- 1kP:~ee "'(!/\.vI .J ~ f ~ &J1~..y' d..; i /; cJ c;~.~v&~~ 1'11q () R ~~ -5'73.83 -/15, t/--B- r '~, 1 1"'\'1 , ~ _-.0- Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ =jp=~lJ2== I understand that my budget cannot Commissioners' Court approval is un ~l signature of official/department head: e Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 604 e e e Jt)' BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: AIRPORT DATE: 12/11/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 265 357 (622) o ET 2 APPROVED -------.--.--.-- DEe 1 2 2002 605 e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQl1ESTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ?d ~ c{-- (Department making this request) APPROVED [~-_._-~ DEe 1 ~ 2002 ...--- Date: 1'2 - ) 2 - Z () D"L- I request an amendment to the ;]OO:J- budget fo he (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # ~ 5'-;-~-5~~~O 55u - 535/D Account Name Amendmen t Amount Reason f ~ 7S!~' '-':r<.- Jo,o(X).~ ~ / .J' '36, 000 / e Net change in total budget for this department is:. Other remarks/justification: $ -0 =:::::::::=:::::::::=:::::::::::: e I understand that my budget cannot be amended s requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 606 e. e -30 P"-'jLS CIOd- + CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS cl5 fC-arf"cZ j Unposted Budget Transactions. EXPEND.ADJUSThfENTS FOR 12112/02 BOO262 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/12/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Oept Title aL Title Increase Decrease 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE JANITOR SUPPLIES 381.00 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE GARBAGE 48.00 COLL.FAlRGROUNDS 1000 121l2/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE REP AIRS.AG BLDG. 926.00 FAIRGROUNDS 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIRS-COURTHOUSE 600.00 AND JAIL 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE UTILfI1ES-COURTHOUSE 1,955.00 AND JAIL 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRJSONER LODGING.QUT 15,906.00 OF COUNTY 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 6,451.00 SERVICES 1000 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 1,022.00 COUNTY 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTY AUDITOR GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 800.00 1000 1211212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY AUDITOR PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES 800.00 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND INVESlMENT OFFICER COUNTY TREASURER GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 315.00 TRAINING 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND INVESTMENT OFFICER COUNTY TREASURER TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 315.00 TRAINING COUNTY 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND BOND ELECTION NOTICES COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL NOTICES 874.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDffiONALAMOUNT COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL SERVICES 200.00 NEEDED FOR REGISTRATION FOR MIKE PFEIFER - 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND PO #22536 COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL SERVICES 50.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND BOND ELECTION NOTICES COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL SERVICES 874.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT MAlNTENANCE-CO NETWORK 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDffiONAL AMOUNT COMMISSIONERS COURT MISCELlANEOUS 20007 NEEDED FOR ')-;., REGISTRATION FOR MIKE = PFEIFER i " , , --") 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND PO #22536 COMMISSIONERS COURT POSTAGE LL'~~ 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT REDISTRICTING .'> ial 1,000.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR LEGAL COMMISSIONERS COURT REDISTRICTING 2,231.00 SERVICES-COURT 8 1< APPOINTED '" m 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTY CLERK GENERAL OFFICE UPP 0 6.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY CLERK MISCELLANEOUS 6 0 ~ 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER ELECTIONS ELECIlON SUPP S 96 0 D<ttc;12l1110205;22;2QPM Page: I ~ .C/'l 0 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS r:tJ Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12112/02 BOO262 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/12/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GL Title Inerease Decrease 1000 1211212002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS CONTRACT SERVICES 760.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS MACHINE MAINTENANCE 1,564.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS TRAINING REGISTRATION 300.00 FEESiTRA VEL 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 300.00 COUNTY 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 300.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EMERGENCY MEDICAL GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 121.00 SERVICES 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPL~OPERATING 121.00 SERVICES EXPENSES 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.00 1000 12112J2002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 48.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND YEAR.END WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTO ALLOWANCES 71.00 REIMBURSEMENT 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND YEAR.END WASTE MANAGEMENT LANDFILL CLOSURE 71.00 REIMBURSEMENT 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT COURT REPORTER-SPECIAL 81.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT DEFENSEATIORNEYIN 400.00 LUNACY 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT MENTAL COMMlTIMENT 481.00 SERVICES 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED COUNTY COURT.AT-LAW LEGAL SERVICES-COURT 2,031.00 APPOINTED 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED DISTRICT COURT LEGAL SERVICES-COURT 200.00 APPOINTED 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF COPY MACHINE LEASE 294.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF MACHINE MAINTENANCE 134.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TELEPHONE SERVICES 428.00 -' PEACE-PRECINCT #5 = 0Tl 1000 1211212002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPU n 25.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATIORNEY COPY MACHINE LEASE ~ m.OO:::n! 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT AITORNEY WllNESS FEES .'" idl 419.00 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE rrEM TRANSFER DISTRICT A TIORNEY BOOKS-LAW ~122t<1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND AUCTION PROCEEDS FROM OTHER FINANCING GAINILOSS ON SALE OF co' 900.00 SALE OF PCT 2 ITEMS ASSETS '" m 1000 \211212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRlDGB SVPPL s 0 22.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TIRES AND ruBES 175.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 Date: 12fllI02D5:22:2DPM e e Page: 2 e e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/12/02 BUD262 - BUDGET ADJUSlMENTS FOR 12/12/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LUMBER 2,200.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND INSECTICIDESIPESTICIDES 1,120.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND JANITOR SUPPLIES 126.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCEUANEOUS 665.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UNIFORMS 350.00 BRIOOE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUILDING REPAIRS 10.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUILDING REPAIRS 2,200.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LEGAL SERVICES 2.946.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TELEPHONE SERVlCES 500.00 BRlOOE-PRECfNCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UTILITIES 22.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND AUCTION PROCEEDS FROM ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 900.00 SALE OF PCT 2 ITEMS BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 404.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND llNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TIRES AND TUBES 500.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND JANITOR SUPPUES 5S.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND llNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCEllANEOUS S5.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND llNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUllDING REPAIRS 720.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1p 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL 720.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 = L~O' rn 4ili1 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MISCEllANEOUS ("') BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 :FJ 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UTIUllES .,-> , ~e BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 "" < 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UllLlTIES.P ARKS = 250.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 ~ m 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND llNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY AND 0 500.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 EQUIPMENT \J) 0 Dal:e;I2III!020S:22:20PM Page: 3 c.o ~ ~ o Fund Code 1000 lOOO 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 lOOO 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSlMENTS FOR 12112/02 BUD262. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/12/02 Effective Date Fund Title Transaction Description 12/1212002. GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1211212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1211212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12/1212002 12112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER 12/l2/2002 1211212002 1211212002 1211212002 12/12/2002 12/1212002 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 1211212002 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 12112/2002 12112/2002 12112/2002 12112/2002 12112/2002 Datc,121111020S,22:20PM LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL FUND FOR NEW LIGHT BAR GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND FOR NEW LIGHT BAR LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER e Dept Title ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #3 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #3 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #3 ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECI1\lCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRlDGE.PRECINCT #4 CONSTABLE.PRECINCT #5 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #5 HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY PATROL SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF e GL Title Increase Decrease ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES INSECTlCIDESIPESl1CIDES 10.400.00 SUPPLIES.MISCELLANEOUS 36.00 UTILITIES 48.00 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES TIRES AND lUBES 1,500.00 TOOLS 500.00 INSECTlCIDESIPESTICIDES 700.00 MISCELLANEOUS 404.00 POSTAGE 5.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT 500.00 SUPPLIES EQUlPMENT.RADIO CLERK SOCIAL SECURITY GROUP INSURANCE RETIREMENT i I ).> GENERAL OFFICE SUI LIES II = 1,7f900 I MISCELLANEOUS ~ 2.31~ TRAVEL IN COUNTY _ X GENERAL OFFICE SUP LIES ]V 31 ~ MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLlES I 8 : LAW ENFORCEMENT r-.> 3tm SUPPLIES 0 GASOLlNE10lllDIESEI GR. 3,28800 SUPPLIES-MISCELLAN OUS 282.00 AUTOMOTIVE REPAlI< 974.00 84.00 10,400.00 2.700.00 409.00 500.00 573.00 175.00 3.019.00 172.00 96.00 Pag<::4 e e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/22/02 BOO262. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/12/02 Fund Effective Cod, Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MACHINERYIEQUIPMENT 22.00 REPAIRS 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MISCELLANEOUS 204J){) 1000 12/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF TELEPHONE SERVICES 1.644.00 1000 12/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 1,182.00 COUNTY 1000 1211212002 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 151.00 Total GENERAL FUND 52.690.00 52.690.00 1000 2610 12/1212002 AIRPORT FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL 622.00 2610 1211212002 AIRPORT FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT MACHINERYIEQUIPMENT 265.00 REPAIRS 2610 12/1212002 AIRPORT FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT RADIO MAlNTENANCE 357.00 Total AIRPORT FUND 622.00 622.00 2610 Report Total 53,312.00 53,312.00 1):- 1_.,.., o u ." I C-, 1-0 I - I Xl I ~ I~ o r::; .... .... Date: 1211 110205:22:20 PM Page:S ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY Claims totaling $966,224.85 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION e Judge Marshall said the next Commissioners' Court meeting is December 30, 2002. Commissioner Floyd asked if the Court received the reports from Ray & Associated which he sent regarding the salary study. Commissioner Finster mentioned the foreman's job description and having no response to his opinion. Commissioner Galvan said the Bauer Exhibit Building roof should be completed soon and the Memorial Medical Plaza appraisal should be in next week. Commissioner Finster said the old building in Seadrift offered for a library was looked at by an architest and packets will be sent to the Court concerning same. Commissioner Finster said he is not happy with the County's safety program. Sheriff Browning said 85 Christmas card were mailed from his office and had been inadvertantly stamped by the postage machine. He has personally replaced the stamps. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 2:55 P.M. e SPECIAL DECEMBER TERM HELD DECEMBER 17, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 17th day of December, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 9:00 A.M., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court, w~thin said County and State, and there were present on thlS date the following members of the Court, to-w~t: Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan MiChael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner,Pct.l Commissioner,Pct.2 Commissioner,Pct.3 Commissioner,Pct.4 Deputy County Clerk e Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. 612 e EXECUTIVE SESSION - TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR POSITION The Court, being in open session, in compliance with the pertinent provisions of Section 551 of the Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Government Code, the County Judge, as presiding officer, publicly announced at 9:01 A. M. that a closed session would now be held under the provisions of Section 551.074 to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer or employee, unless such officer of employee requests a public hearing. (Meeting with applicants for the position of Tax Assessor-Collector.) The County Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of said closed session, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session. At the end of the closed session, the meeting was reopened to the public at 10:44 A.M. e Commissioner Floyd thanked each Court member individually on our closed session and expressed our dissatisfaction in being placed in the position of having to make this decision. Had Mrs. Baker's letter of resignation been received in mid-September, this could have been placed on the ballot and the ~eople made the choice. Because if was not received in a t~mely manner (middle of November), we are being placed in this position and we each expressed that we felt the decision should have been left to the people. We spoke to our attorney who said our options were to make a decision and appoint someone to fill the unexpired term or not appointment anyone and then the existing tax assessor-COllector will continue in her office being paid salary and benefits without having to show up. We truly wish the decision could have been left to the people. Commissioner Finster said he agreed with that a hundred per-cent. Commissioner Floyd stated what make it more difficult is because they are two hi~hly qualified people. We have spend a fair amount of time ~n deliberation and everyone recognized that they are both qualified for the office and it was not an easy decision for the Court. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that Mrs. Gloria Ochoa be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Calhoun County Tax Assessor-Collector beginning effective January 1, 2003. In discussion, Commissioner Finster said this was not easy to choose between two highly qualified persons. We had only certain criteria that we could go br to make that choice. In the eight rears I've been in off~ce, this is one of the hardest ded~cions I've had to make and I feel this should have been the public'S Choice. Both are fine peoo~le and this in no way reflects on either. Comm~ssioner Balajka also said this was not an easy decision. e Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION Commissioner Finster thanked the Court for pulling together. Roger Martinez thanked the Court for their decision. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 10:50 A.M. 613