2007-01-25Regular January Term THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF CALHOUN § Held January 25, 2007 BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 25th day of January, A.D., 2007 there was begun and holden in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to -wit: Michael J. Pfeifer CountyJudge Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Vern Lyssy Commissioner, Precinct 2 Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER — MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, presented the Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report. recewables are'usti over 41. a fractional: increase in days.. NET The net operating gain for December was $160,008, and the net gain after depreciation was $58,771. Year-to-date operating gain is $1,240,888, and net loss after depreciation is $52,224. Conversion from a PPS hospital to a critical access hospital put us on a payment mechanism from Medicare of 101% of cost. This payment of cost does not apply to two departments, they are; dialysis and home health. Dialysis is paid on a fee schedule and home health is based on a diagnosis related payment amount. This means that each of these departments utilizes costs, such as administration, overhead, capital; that would otherwise be reimbursed. This is part of what we mean -when we say that dialysis loses money. There is foregone reimbursement. The other part of this is that we get paid slightly less than 22% of billed charges. Based on a 22% payment rate for charges, the dialysis unit created a direct loss of $44,000 in 2006. We are awaiting the analysis from Parrish, Moody & Fikes of what the foregone reimbursement within the cost report is. espectfully sub ed i am e y, CPA Chief Financial Officer MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER GRAPHIC BALANCE SHEET $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 j $2,000,000 $1,500,000 a $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 $520,000 $500,000 rn $480,000 $460,000 $440,000 D $420,000 $400.000 $380,000 CASH 2O05-2006 MONTH 2005 -!- 2006 INVENTORIES 2005-2006 9 g' 'Itq 40 41y G G 9G SF c 45 MONTH 2005 -�2006 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 11 11. 8111 1/1 111 1111`W • ,000,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 ,00 i MONTH 11 11. MONTH �--2005--F-2006 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 2005-2006 MONTH 2005 FUND BALANCES 11 11, 1 111 10 611 / 11�2 11 1/1 a :11 111 c_a' MONTH 11 0 0 C, v N m cc tf) N O � V) o N N Cl) N Nt O o N C 0 ti O �. 0 N coi O o o to v CN W N I- N 0000 O V co- 't r- r M� O O O O M r r e^ r CM O _ co n ^ O O f0 N et 00 to CM co O0 O 176 oo M ro U) r, Lf)00 co O 7 0� to 0 ry r r r e" N O ^ 0 to ti ) N �d � N Oro O M to O tl�M 00 N - a00 M N c00 t0 N It r` � O v M r r r r T l7 N .OD �7 O � t0 ^ N . o o 0) o c N N cc) O r 0) co OODD LO N a0 M N t0 N t0 0 M t0 c0 O N� Ch T T r T O Clr coOD I- to O ^ It 0 T M n t0 r t— N o) � r l� 0) cM C'7 CM na' CC) 00 uui � N rn Oco co O to t0 00 V N r r r CA � O N r ^ O ODD CO') ��- r to O 00 N r O0 W T i` tf1 C) O . tp LO co c N C.) -q' N ... M t0 ti ti ao N r r r N 0) N > U N C CL a) > om ^ H N = a) v cm i). y LL' :+ a) a) « wca O 0-0 Z O Z O C. .......... . :.:.3 LC 14 .......... : :: O:::,D CD v0'P!: ici: OiEiO 0 !i O ff[0 ii0iiiiEi`:i O :::::.:: : O :: O ::0 :: O O :::0:::::::: ......................... ::: MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY DECEMBER 31, 2006 NET GAIN\(LOSS) YTD CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- (Incr) Decr Current Liabilities- Incr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (Incr) Decr Inventory (Incr) Decr Long Term Liabilities Incr (Decr) TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR PLUS: Depreciation Total Cash- Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases NET CASH- INCR (DECR) (519,285) 2,649 (45,106) (60,432) (362,507) (52,224) (984,681) (1,036, 905) 1,293,112 256,207 256,207 (448,101) (191,894) 1 NAME WILLIAM, G.A. LIN. MS. SNM, J.K. MCFARLAND, T.R. GRIFFIN, JEANNINE BUNNELL, D.P. NIRATSUWAN ARROYO-DIAZ, R. CROWLEY, W CUMMINS, M_ RUPLEY, M. LEE, J JOHNSON, J. SHAFFER, C. STEINBERG, R. RAMOS LABORATORY VISITING PHYSICIANS ER PHYSICIANS NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN OTI]ER TOTAL MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT DECEMBER 31, 2006 REVENUE MONTH YTD 91,092.81 911,18an i zz'943_77 1,645,291.64 750.50 328,063.41 222,956.08 3,146,162.02 25,456.81 185,980.03 415,485.72 3,690,163.11 97,422.80 1,056,977.60 185,519.38 2,163,868.24 339,463.08 3,539,263.58 28,333.52 430,500.18 16,513.30 230,495.50 66,063.22 1,299;193.91 13,090.40 513,673.84 68,864.37 136,311.02 2,050.42 112,057,67 933.16 47,356.63 612,533.65 7,623,807.06 735, 998.91 8,598,367,69 529.30 14,200.75 157,993.51 2,602,546.00 YTD CONTRACTUAL AMOUNT 137,190.10 677,919.97 138,969.27 841,452.86 10,768.01 1,428,176.15 381,803.73 805,854.65 1,110,456.97 1.00,862.20 74,829.59 426,508.45 145,406.70 38,210.69 20,676.80 33.93 2,846,796.35 1,606,248.61 3,693.55 477,278.94 3,193,984.71 38,275,460.69 11,273,137.52 YTD WRITE-OFF AMOUNT 54,670.85 98,717.50 19,683.80 188,769.72 11,158.80 221,409.79 63,418.66 129,932.09 212,355.81 25,830.01 13,829.73 77,951.63 30,820.43 8,178.66 6,723.46 2,841.40 457,428.42 515,902.06 852.05 296,008.72 YTD NET REVENUE GENERATED 719,319.86 868,654.17 169,410.34 2,115,93 9.43 164,053.22 2,040,577,18 611,755.22 1,228,181.49 2,216,450.80 303,807.97 141,836.18 794,733.82 337,446.71 89,921.67 84,657.41 44,481.30 4,319,582.29 6,476,217.02 9,655.16 1,829,259.34 2,436,383.60 24,565,939.57 PERCENT 79% 53% 52% 67% 88% 55% 58% 57% 63% 71% 62% 61% 66% 66% 76% 94% 57% 75% 68% 70% 64% 3 88 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET 01/14/07 01:17 PM AS OF: 12/31/06 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR LAST MONTH 12/31/06 12/31/05 11/30/06 CURRENT ASSETS CASH OPERATING FUND 398,974.49 2,429,295.27 159,247.76 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 1,600,000.00 .00 1,600,000.00 IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 PETTY CASH 625.00 625.00 625.00 MMP BOND PROCEEDS .00 -00 .00 MMP HOSPITAL PORTION .00 .00 .06 RESTRICTED DONATION 24,316.20 14,103.79 14,298.04 MMP BOND SINKING FUND/INFEREST 36.21 36.21 ------------ --------------- 16.21 ------------•-- TOTAL CASH ....... I ........ I ............. 2,018,951.90 2,449,064.27 1,779,207.01 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 4,406,016.84 4,156,066.30 4,455,045.33 ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBT (1,578,046.63) (1,975,043.49) (1,518,046.63) PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVA91, 420.20 .00 420.20 MISC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 188,145.24 130,492.91 117,479.66 THIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE 276,040.31 249,278.99 276,040.31 TIF GRANT .00 .00 .00 _--- TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ............... --------------- 3,292,575.96 --------------- 2,560,796.71 ---------• 3,210,938.87 INVENTORIES RADIOLOGY --FILM 2,833.10 7,365.76 3,022.49 LABORATORY 93,627.86 79,137,83 100,236.06 CENTRAL, SUPPLY 79,199.07 78,008.61 75,715.76 SURGERY 126,917.78 115,569.70 126,917.78 DIETARY 12,374.81 9,595.32 12,374.81 MAINTENANCE 3,659.22 3,183.52 3,659.22 PHARMACY 173,164.06 137,883.38 --------------- 173,164.06 -------------- TOTAL INVENTORY. ........................ -••••• ----- 491,775.90 431,344.12 495,090.98 PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSURANCE 24,414.53 23,829.85 31,546.06 PREPAID EXPENSES 63,400.02 18,877.81 197,044.07 ............. TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES .................. --------------- 87,814.55 --------------- 42,707.66 229,590.13 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS .................... 5,891,118.31 --------------- --------------- 5,483,912.76 --------------- --------------- 5,773,826.99 -------------- --------------- PROPERTY, PLAN) & EQUIPMENT LAND 32,142.60 32,142.60 32,142.60 BUILDINGS 8,921,124.87 8,871,116.87 8,921,124.87 FIXED EQUIPMENT 3,278,527,41 3,278,527.41 3,278,527.41 MAJOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT 10,545,596.24 10,123,491.67 10,519,014.34 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA 900,501.27 900,501.27 900,501.27 REPORTABLE BOND ISSUARNCE COST .00 00 .00 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS .00 .00 .00 LESS: ACCOULATED DEPRECIATION (18,512,256.81) (17,220,862.49) (18,405,019.11) ........... TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIP - ----------- -- 5,165,635.5E ----------•---- 5,984,923.54 --- 5,266,291.32 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED ASSETS ............... 11,056,753.89 11,469,836.30 11,040,118.31 4 1EMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET 01/14/07 01:17 PM AS OF: 12/31/06 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR LAST MONTH 12/31106 12/31/05 11/10/06 CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 208,769.63 279,142.20 290,131.98 ACCRUED PAYABLE$ 131,675.23 105,355.74 122,518.05 ACCRUED PAYROLL 484,325.80 423,357.75 427,449.29 ACCRUED RETIRE;4EN'I' 36,117.52 .14 36,111.55 ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX (1,669.83) 2B1.87 (819.49, TBIRD PARTY PAYABLES .00 .00 .00 RETENTION -CONSTRUCTION IN PROCESS .00 .00 .DO ACCRUED VACATION/HOLIDAY/SICK 292,330.45 292,330.45 292,330.45 CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION 309,321.45 357,633.83 309,321.45 NNE BONDS .00 .00 .00 REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 HOSP OBLIGATION FOR BONDS .00 .00 .00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES ............... --------------- 1,460,871.25 --------------- 1,458,222.59 --------------- 1,477,049.29 LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BONDS .00 .00 .00 LONG TERM LEASE 565,559.49 868,065.68 531,515,59 TOTAL LONG TEP14 LIABILITIES ............. 505,558.49 868,065.68 531,515.59 TOTAL LIABILITIES ....................... 1,966,429.74 2,326,288.26 2,008,S64.87 RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE.........,.. TOTAL UNRESTRICTED LIABILITIES........ RESTRICTED F121D ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS........ RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAR......... 3,142,548.04 8,919,014.17 9,142,548.04 152,223.83) 221,266.87 (110,994-60) --------------- ........ ------- --------------- 9,090,324.15 9,160,281.04 9,031,553.44 11,056,753.89 11,486,569.30 11,D40,118.31 ------------------------------ --------------- 18,000.60 17,732.77 17,917.70 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637.41 --------------- --------------- --------------- S51,638.01 551,370.18 551,615.11 18,000.60 (.23) 17,977.70 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637.41 551,638.01 533,637.18 551,615.11 rJ Operating Revenue Inpatient Revenue: Medicare Medicaid Other Total IP Revenue YTD IP Revenue Variance Outpatient Revenue Medicare Medicaid Other Total OP Revenue YTD OP Revenue Variance MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 12 Months Ending December 31, 2006 _----- -- SINGLE MONTH --- ----- - ------ YEAR TO DATE --- -�--�- ------- Current- Budget Prior Year Current YTD Budget YTD Prior YTD 568,978 601,385 441,026 5,680,708 7,216,619 5,857,345 126,089 114,547 126,278 1,167,308 1.374,562 1,208,240 277,453 255,304 330,961 3,272,127 3,063,642 2,877,370 972,520 971,235 898,205 10.120,142 11,654,823 9,942.955 Total Operating Revenue YTD Total Revenue Variance Revenue Deductions Medicare Cont. Adj. Medicare Pass-thru Medicaid Cont- Adj. IndigenttCharity Cont. Adj. Bad Debt Expense Other Deductions Total Rev Deductions 939,405 1,101,775 886,477 62,473 275,559 224,545 1,219,587 889,599 1,137,284 2,221,465 2,266,932 2,248.307 3,193,985 3,238,168 3,146,513 (917,917) (682,606) (761,395) 155,366 40,000 116,331 (166,762) (207,890) (520,173) (72,370) (207,567) (120,141) (179,013) (266,501) (131,187) (234,625) (189,757) (161,375) Deducts as % of Oper Revenue Payments as % of Oper Revenue Other Revenue Cafeteria Safes Interest Income interest from Bonds Interest from Hosp Portion Mall Rental Miscellaneous Income Total Other Revenue Net Revenue (1,415,320) (1,514,320) (1,577,939) 7,662 8,000 7,907 8.774 3,333 4,082 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,791 17,833 (33,325) 44,244 29,167 (21,318) 1,822,909 1,753,014 1,547,256 Page -1- (1,534,681) 177,187 11,454, 728 13,221,297 12,379,916 1,851,869 3,306,704 3,237,961 14.848,719 10.675,186 11,940,793 28,155,317 27,203,187 27,558,671 952,130 596,646 38,275,459 38,858,010 37,501,626 (582,551) 773,833 (9,199,435) (8,191,268) (8,238,259) 505,561 480,000 498,611 (2,055,759) (2,494,684) (2,822,364) (1,644,848) (2,490,798) (2,135,174) (2,436,384) (3,198,014) (2,602,592) (2,492,044) (2,277,079) (2,162,652) (17,322,908) (18,171,843) (17,462,431) 46,58% 4a,00%1 47.89% 53.42% 52.00% 52.11 °6 103,646 96,000 92,743 75,899 40,000 40,134 212 0 209 0 0 0 243 0 50 187.168 214,000 80,545 367,168 350,000 213,681 21,319,720 21,036,167 20,252,876 9 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 12 Months Ending December 31, 2006 -------- SINGLE MONTH --------- Current Budget Prior Year Operating Expense Salaries 712,877 660,307 619,478 Employee Benefits 247,788 163,635 158,789 Professional Fees 214,153 210,024 218,024 Plant Operation 60,698 37,208 68,567 Hospital General 34,881 51,667 6,447 Other Operating Expenses 386.504 491,522 573,327 Total Operating Expense 1,656,901 1,614,364 1,644,633 Net Operating Gain/(Loss) 166,008 138,650 (97,377) Non -Operating Expense Depreciation Cost Report Settlement Contribution to County Total Non -Operating Expense Total Operating Gainf(Loss) County Subsidy 107,238 130,833 107,108 0 0 0 0 0 0 107,238 130,833 107,108 58,770 7,817 (204,485) 0 0 0 Net Gain/(Loss) after Subsidy 58,770 7,817 (204,485) Page -1- --- YEAR TO DATE - - -- Current YTD Budget YTD Prior YTD 8,042,709 7,846,687 7,497,209 2,434, 761 1,963,623 1,925,055 2,853,762 2,520,289 2,578,682 778,172 446,500 675,383 405,116 620,000 433,842 5,564,313 5,898.263 5,564,816 20,078,833 19,295,362 18,662,988 783,471 1,415,846 1,240,886 1,740,805 1,589,888 1,293,112 1,570,000 1,369,194 0 0 (572) 0 0 0 1,293,112 1,570,000 1,368,622 (52,226) 170.805 221,267 0 0 0 (52,226) 170,805 221,267 7 w WLL 1— Z W U a U W J a 0 m w m W J . m W o (j N W r M co W- Z W m U W U W Q 00 za Q N o- o O o CO o r Zp J �N(PI`C CO00 ce) 00 Q r IT CD N N Co T N O CN C or oI` o F N Ti oa o T o CM O o co o MLo N N U�M.� cCOr0 OM. r M O d 0)N W r M M(D T-- NI--NI_rtf)d0M O (M `I I� r O r (c IO c-- (h I- r CO a0 N N to I- N O o CC) w o Ip m I-- � tnCO q*COr rrrto0 M�--, �- M Nr(D�- M P-r rn T" N M N (MD r r r � CD (D N o 0o C00 U-)o U30 NOOOT-m MM OO Nf` (D r L r Cf) r r N a-- N p r 0 O O � O M N N CO M (e) rNOM 0r-O(10c-M CA CO LC') I` CM M (:) CD T-- tl' O N (O Lo N U N M �f N r N J Nw a) w 2 Q 0 U V U � U U L U a U o/ t_ U CL L� 2i a L Q a- J d D o 2 m a ma -0 U > clz AIIM 9 Rl PATIENTS ADMITTED ADMISSIONS FROM ER AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY PATIENT DAYS OF SERVICE PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY* AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS MAXIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS SWING BED DAYS ICU PATIENTS ADMITTED ICU PATIENT DAYS OB'S ADMITTED OB DAYS OF SERVICE PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE NEWBORNS FOR MONTH AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY DAYS OF SERVICE MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY DAYS OF SERVICE MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED DAYS OF SERVICE DEATHS AUTOPSIES SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES CESAREAN SECTIONS" TOTALS *Based on 25 beds MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS DECEMBER 2006 THIS MONTH THIS MONTH 132 32 3.66 483 62.32% 15.58 23 8 1,586 35 33 99 19 54 4 8 16 2.19 35 70 4.29 300 20 57 5 .0 120 19 3.28 393 50.71 % 12.6 B 21 3 1,377 �j 32 79 16 31 1 2 14 2.00 28 67 3.40 228 19 52 3 0 THIS YEAR TO DATE 1,426 302 3.53 5,034 55.17% 13.79 24 4 17,613 344 374 892 173 386 14 34 142 2.12 301 719 4.30 3,090 209 521 37 1 LAST YEAR TO DATE 1,385 418 3.47 4,804 52.50°% 13.13 27 0 18,166 450 391 837 157 345 49 113 136 2.10 286 737 4.04 2,981 217 557 33 2 14 12 128 112 84 90 1,221 1,253 7 5 52 37 105 107 1,401 1,402 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,124 1,427 18,182 20,315 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 762 818 9,068 9,359 TOTALS 1,886 2,245 27,250 29,674 LABORATORY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 4,670 4,598 48,760 47,660 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 11,362 14,940 211,586 208,408 TOTALS 16,032 19,538 260,346 256,068 RADIOLOGY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 110 95 1,116 1,255 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 707 602 8,183 7,470 BONE DENSITY 33 23 345 316 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 66 77 1,097 977 ULTRASOUNDS 140 131 1,858 1,873 CT SCANS 202 236 2,878 2,683 MAMMOGRAPHY 119 188 1,171 1,221 MR I 120 109 1,373 1,380 TOTALS 1,497 1,461 18,021 17,175 PHARMACY: IV SOLUTIONS DISPENSED 1,346 1,177 13,946 14,065 DRUGS DISPENSED 10,764 . 9,239 107,613 111,405 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 1,644 460 16,790 17,907 TOTALS 13,754 10,876 138,349 143,377 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,592 2,227 21,987 26,284 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 560 782 7,798 9,236 STRESS TESTS 5 5 111 63 EKGS 222 208 2,310 2,473 EEGS 1 3 34 55 TOTALS 2,380 3,225 32,240 38,111 PHYSICAL THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 284 189 3,272 3,070 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,616 1,917 27,558 23,259 HOME HEALTH VISITS 69 60 1,454 1,203 TOTALS 1,969 2,166 32,284 27,532 10 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR HOME HEALTH CARE: MEDICARE VISITS 709 710 9,254 9,581 OTHER VISITS 5 39 227 215 ST/SS 0 0 12 26 TOTALS 714 749 9,493 9,822 DIETARY: MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS 1,486 1,337 16,216 16,576 MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA w 3,354 3,549 43,688 39,813 TOTALS 4,840 4,886 59,904 58,889 DIETITIAN CONSULTS COST PER PATIENT DAY W/0 DEPR 3,430.44 4,180.71 3,988.64 3,884.55 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 3,774.14 4,411.65 4,235.15 4,254.66 BREAKEVEN W/O DEPRECIATION 14.02 11.98 12.94 11.91 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 15.58 12.68 13.79 13.13 PATIENTS ABOVE / BELOW BREAKEVEN 1.56 0.70 0.85 1.22 COST PER ADJ. PT. DAY W/O DEP. 1,044.52 1,193.43 1,054.17 1,027.27 INCOME PER ADJ. PT. DAY 1,149.17 1,259.35 1,119.32 1,125.15 11 09 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PM FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR 08 NURSING STATION REVENUE ------------ YEAR TO DATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ROUTINE REVENUE 21,560.00 19,486.22 2,073.7B 10.64 151,215.00 233,834.86 (82,619.96) (35.33) TOTAL REma. 21,560.00 13,486.22 2,013.78 10-64 151,215.00 233,834.86 (62,619.86) (35.33) EXPENSES SALARIES 27,695.74 28,891.62 1,201.88 4.15 323,426.29 339,659.00 16,232.71 4.77 OTHER EXPENSES 9,034.24 4,634.50 (4,399,74) (94.93) 113,951.60 55,614.00 (57,431.60) (103.27) TOTAL EXPENSES 36,729.99 33,532.12 (3,197.86) (9,53) 436,477.89 395,273.00 (41,204.89) ------- ------ (10.42) -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS (15,169.98) ------------- •------------- (14,045.90) (1,114.08) (8.00) ------------- (285,262.89) ------------- (161,138.14) (123,824.15) (16.70) MED/SURG NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 132,825.00 138,152.53 (5,327.53) (3.85) 1,460,305.00 1,657,829.81 (197,524.811 131.91) TOTAL REVENUE. 132,825.00 138,352.53 (5,327.53) (3.85) 1,460,305.00 1,657,829.61 (197,524.81) 111.911 EXPENSES SALARIES 86,587.52 89,436.61 2,849.15 3.18 1,010,093.05 1,051,225.04 41,131.99 3.91 OTHER EXPENSES 21,254.05 21,425.62 171.57 .80 269,641.55 257,107.00 (12,534.551 (4.87) TOTAL EXPENSES 107,841.57 110,862.29 3,020.72 2.72 1,279,734.60 1,308,332.01 28,597.44 2.18 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 24,963.43 ------------- 27,290.24 --- -------- (2,306.81) (8.45) - --- 100,570.40 349,497.77 (16B,927.37) (49.33) ICU NURSING STATION REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 97,185.00 90,711.21 6,473.79 7.13 967,670.00 1,088,533.86 (120,B63.86) (11.10) OUTPATIENT R3iW .00 .00 .00 .00 1,045.00 .00 1,045.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. 57,185.00 90,711.21 6,473.79 1.13 968,715.00 1,088,533.86 (1191818.86) (11.00) EXPENSES SALARIES 62,031.75 49,188.37 112,846.38) 126.11) 599,167.85 578,150.00 (21,017.85) (3.63) OTHER 3DUPENSB.S 15,841.09 11,697.26 (4,143.83) (35.42) 212,781.99 140,368.00 (72,413.99) (51.50) TOTAL EXPENSES 77,875.84 60,B85.63 (16,990.21) (27.90) 811,949.84 718,518.00 (93,431,84) (13.00) NET GAIN/(LOSS ••---- 19,309.16 ------------• 29,825.58 ------------- (10,516.42) (35.25) -------------- 156,765.16 -------------- 370,015.86 -------------- (213,250.70) (51.63) NURSERY NURSING STATION ROUTINE REVM E 12,040.00 7,193,60 4,846.40 67.37 104,195.00 86,323.97 17,811.03 20,70 TOTAL REVENUE. 12,040.00 7,193,60 4,846.40 67.37 104,195.00 86,323.97 17,871.03 20.70 EXPENSES SALARIES 18,181.50 8,219.50 (91962.08) (121.201 140,098.20 96,611.00 (43,487.20) (45.01) OTHER EXPENSES 057.70 3,160.64 2,302.34 72.86 21,433.05 37,929.00 16,495.95 43.49 TOTAL EXPENSES 19,039.28 11,380.11 (7,659.14) (67,30) 161,531.25 134,540.00 (26,991,25) (20.06) -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS (6,999.28) -------------- (4,186-54) ------------- (2,812,74) (67.181 ------------- (57,336.251 .............. (48,216.03) -------------- (9,120.22) (18.91) 0 12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14107 01:17 RN FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 -------- S I N G L E H O N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T 8---------- -- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR ACTUAL MET $ VARIANCE 1 VAR SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT RBVENO 37,873.45 30,616.19 7,257.26 23.70 3BB,579.20 367,394.94 21,164.26 5.76 OUTPATIENT REVEN 96,811.70 125,083.13 (28,212.03) (22,60) 1,309,851.30 1,501,003.55 (111,152,25) (7.40) TOTAL REVENUE. 134,685-15 155,699.92 (21,014.77) (13.49) 1,778,430.50 1,868,398.49 189,967.99) (4.81) EXPENSES SALARIES 49,667.38 50,720.38 1,061.00 2.09 556,801.39 596,253.00 39,451.61 6.61 LEASE AND RENTAL 711.00 412.50 (298.501 (72.36) 0,581.51 4,950.00 (3,631.511 (73.36) OTHER EXPENSES 21,246.69 32,948.42 11,701.73 35.51 316,463.71 395,3B5.00 78,921.29 19.96 TOTAL EXPENSES 71,625.07 84,099.30 12,464.23 14.82 881,846.61 996,588.00 114,741.39. 11.51 -------------- ------ NET GAIN/(LOSS 63,060.08 71,610.62 (8,550,541 j11.94) 896,583.89 871,810.49 24,173.40 2.84 SWING BED REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 4,200.00 .00 4,200.00 .00 45,350.00 .00 45,350.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. 4,200.00 .00 4,200.00 .00 45,350.00 .00 45,350.00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES 3.89 .00 (9.89I .60) 47.52 .00 (47.S2) .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .DO .00 .00 :00 TOTAL EXPENSES 9.89 .00 (9.89) .00) 41.52 .00 (47.52) .00 NET GAIN/REVEN 4,190.11 .00 4,190.11 .00 45,302.48 .00 45,302.40 .00 OBSERVATION REVENUE REVENUE INPATIENT RBVENU 11540.00 .00 1,540.00 .00 32,600.00 .00 32,600.00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. 1,540.00 .00 1,540.00 .00 34,600.00 .00 34,600.00 .00 LABOR AND DELIVERY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 4,622.00 1,376.85 3,245.15 235.69 7,197.25 16,521.98 (9,324.73) (56.43) OUTPATIENT REVEN 945.75 243.72 702.03 288.04 10,653.75 2,924.53 7.729.22 264.28 TOTAL REV6IRIE: 5,567.75 1,620.57 3,947.1E 243.56 17,851.00 19,446.51 (1,595,511 (B.20) EXPENSES SALARIES 10,866.38 7,818.00 (3,04B.38) (38.99) 101,580.60 91,891.00 (11,609.80) (12.72) OTHER EXPENSES 3,760.12 879.13 (2,881.59) (321.77) 40,965.78 10,550.00 (30,415.761 (288.301 TOTAL EXPBNSES 14,627.10 8,697.13 15,929.97) (68.18) 144,546.58 102,441.00 (42,105.581 (41.10) -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS ------------- {9,059.35) ------- (7,016.56) ------- (1,992.79) (28.01) -------------- (126,695.58) ------------ (82,994.49) -------------- (43,101.091 (52.65) 13 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PM FOR THE 12 MOM ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M 0 N T 11---=-----------------• Y E A R T O 0 A T R ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ° VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR CENTRAL SUPPLY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 10,600.90 11,476.99 (876.09) (7.63) 39,502.BO 137,724.98 (90,222.19) 171.31) OUTPATIENT REM 2,074.40 2,548.73 (474.331 118.61) . ll,117.65 30,504.98 (19,467.33) (63.64) TOTAL REVENUE, 12,675.30 14,025.72 [1,350.421 (9,62) 50,620.45 168,309.96 (117,689.511 (69.92) EXPENSES SALARIES 1,428.16 1,250.00 (178.161 (14.25) 17,884.53 15,000.00 (2,884,531 (19.23) OTHER EXPENSES 8,329.43 32,928.88 24,599.45 74.70 36,214.89 355,147.00 358,932.11 90.83 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,757.59 34,110.88 24,121.29 71.4S 54,099.42 410,147.00 356,047.58 86.80 NET GAIN/(LOSS --------- 2,917.71 --------------------------- (20,153.16) 23,010.87 114.47 -------------- (3,478.971 -------------- (241,811.04) - ------ 238,358.07 98.56 PHARMACY AND IV THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 192,939.82 221,260.44 128,321.62) (12.80) 2,486,603.39 2,655,125.72 (168,522.33) (6.34) OUTPATIENT REVEN 134,604.68 125,698.50 8,986.18 7.14 1,626,146.51 1,508,382.00 118,361.51 7.84 TOTAL REVENUE. 327,623.50 346,958.94 (19,335.44) (5.57) 4,113,349.90 4,163,507.72 (50,157.82) (1.20) EXPENSES_ SALARIES 13,109.64 11,224.63 11,885.01) 116.79) 154,704.32 134,696.00 (20,008,321 (14.85) PROFESSIONAL FEE 9,167.04 8,063,12 (1,103.92) (13.69) 105,803.22 96,757.00 (9,046.221 (9.34) EXPENSES 59,510.06 57,707.25 (1,802.81) (3.12) 725,962.55 692,487.00 (33,475.551 (4.83) TOTAL RXPENSES -------------- 81,786.74 76,995.00 (4,791.741 (6.22) 986,470.09 923,940.00 (62,530.09) (6.16) NET GAIN/(LOSS 245,836.76 ------------- 269,963.94 -------------- 124,127.18) 18.93) -------------- 3,126,879.81 -------------- 3,239,567.72 -------------- (112,687.91) (3.47) CHF INFUSION THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 AO .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(10.SS .00 ------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 .............. .00 -------- '00 --•----------- .00 .00 14 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 IN FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M 0 H T H---------- ---•- - Y E A R T O D A T E ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCES VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE : VAR EMERGENCY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT RUM 17,270.50 41,458.19 (24,179.69) (58.32) 190,714.50 497,496,94 (106,784.44) .(61.66) OUTPATIENT REVEN 209,293.25 193,129.86 16,163.39 8.36 2,434,117.75 2,317,557.99 116,559.76 5.02 TOTAL REVENUE, 226,571.75 234,588.05 (8,016.30) (3.41) 2,624,632.25 2,815,056.93 (190,224,68) (6.75) EXPENSES SALARIES 70,703.91 78,499.50 7,795.55 9.93 817,125.49 922,667.00 75,541.51 8.18 PROFESSIONAL FEE 80,952.16 78,284.37 (2,667.79) (3.40) 961,898.68 939,412.00 (22,486.681 (2.391 LEASE & RENTAL 2,322.04 1,524.00 (798,04) (52.361 27,366.05 18,288.00 (9,078.05) (49.63) OTHER EXPENSES 15,993.00 21,548.51 51555.51 25.78 253,354.61 258,583.00 5,228.39 2.02 TOTAL EXPENSES 169,971.11 179,B56.38 9,885.27 5.49, 2,089,744.03 2,138,950.00 49,205.17 -------------- 2.30 14ET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- 56,600.64 ------------- 54,731.67 -------------- 1,868.97 3.41 -------------- 535,087.42 ... ----------- 676,106.93 (141,019.51) (20.85) ER PHYSICIANS REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 14,104.50 27,639.09 [13,534.59) (48.96) 129,303.25 331,662.42 (202,365.17) (61,01) OUTPATIENT REM 171,904.25 151,744.55 20,159.30 13.28 1,939,148.00 1,620,939.16 118,208.82 6.49 TOTAL REVENUE. 186,008.75 179,384.04 6,624.71 3.69 2,068,451.25 2,152,607.60 (84,156.35) (3.90) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LRASE & RENTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 CITY SUBSIDY .00 .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 CODNTY SUBSIDY .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- .00 ------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 116,001.70 108,659.94 7,341.76 6.75 1,220,382.14 1,303,918.84 (83,536.70) (6,40) OUTPATIENT REVEN 278,177.11 307,044.40 (28,867.29) (9.40) 3,771,534.81 3,684,534.01 87,000.80 2,36 TOTAL REVENUE. 394,178.81 415,704.34 (21,525.531 (5,17) 4,991,916.95 4,98B,452.85 3,464.10 .06 EXPENSES SALARIES 41,585.79 41,311.12 (1,274.67) (3.08) 511,063.81 495,733.00 (15,330,81) (3.09) LEASE & RENTAL 390.71 4,840.12 4,449.41 91.92 72,941.05 58,081.6D 114,860.05) (25,56) OTHER EXPENSES 42,021.30 29,859.50 (12,161.80) (40.731 780,306.28 358,314.00 (421,992.28) (117.77) TOTAL EXPENSES 84,997.80 76,010.74 (B,987.06) (11.82) 1,364,311.14 912,128.00 (452,283.14) (49.571 NET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- 309,181.01 ------------- 339,693.60 -------------- (30,512.591 (8.98) -------------- 3,627,605.81 -------------- 4,076,324.85 -------------- (448,119.04) (11.00� 15 040RIA1 MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PH FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M O N T R---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE i VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR BLOOD BANK REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 31,027.50 16,666.96 14,360.54 86.16 220,663.00 200,003.56 20,659.04 10.32 OUTPATIENT REVEN 13,362.75 12,499.99 862.16 6.90 114,319.50 149,999.99 (35,680.491 (23.78) TOTAL REVENUE. 44,390.25 29,166.95 15,223.30 52.19 334,982.50 350,003.95 (15,021.451 (4.29) EXPENSES EXPENSES 3,405.00 7,583.00 4,178.00 55.09 61,200.70 90,996.00 9,795.30 10.76 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,405.00 7,583.00 4,178.00 55.09 81,200.70 90,996.00 9,795.30 10.76 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 40,905.25 --------------------------- 21,583.95 19,401.30 89.88 ............. 253,781.80 -------------- 259,007.95 -------------- (5,226.15) 12.011 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 ------------- .00 -------------- 00 .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 SAFETY TESTING REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 ------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 -------------- .00 ----------- .00 ---------- .00 .00 ELECTROCARDIOLOGRAPHY (EKG) REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 17,513.25 14,915.97 2,591.28 17.41 174,461.50 178,991.91 (4,530.47) (2.53) OUTPATIENT REVEN 36,306.25 34,804.98 1,503.27 4.31 489,008.46 417,659.98 71,42B.47 11.10 TOTAL REVENUE. 53,821.50 49,720.95 4,100.55 8.24 663,549.95 596,651.95 66,89B.00 11.21 EXPENSES EXPENSES 1,577.29 .00 (1,577.291 .00) 26,333-75 .00 (26,333.15) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,577.29 .00 (1,571.29) .00) 26,333.75 .00 (26,333.75) .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 52,244.21 ------------- 49,720.95 -------------- 2,523.26 5.07 -------------- 637,216.20 -------------- 556,651.95 -------------- 40,564.25 - 6.79 16 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PH FOR THE 12 MON"THS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M O N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE k VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE k VAR RADIOLOGY REVENGE INPATIENT REVENU 13,429.00 9,435.47 3,993.53 42.32 126,467.50 113,225.97 13,241.53 11.69 OUTPATIENT REVEN 119,311.42 106,610.99 12,700.43 11.91 1,423,608.93 1,279,332.98 144,275.95 11.27 TOTAL REVENUE. 132,740.42 116,046.46 16,693.96 14.38 1,550,076.43 1,392,558.95 157,517.48 11.31 EXPENSES SALARIES 55,826.45 46,728.37 (9,098.08) 119.471 644,796.51 560,740.00 (84,056.51) (14.99) PROFESSIONAL FEE 5,455.00 122.50 (5,332.50) (4353.06) 51,793.10 1,470.00 (50,323.40) j1423.36) OTHER EXPENSES 26,723.85 52,664.25 25,940.40 49.25 270,216.32 631,971.00 361,694.68 57.23 TOTAL EXPENSRS 88,005.30 99,515.12 11,509.82 11.56 966,866.23 1,194,191.00 227,314.77 19.03 NET GAINJ(LOSS 44,735.12 16,531.34 28,203.78 170.60 583,210.20 198,317.95 384,832.25 193.98 NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 8,814.35 5,762.98 3,051.37 52.94 77,185.16 69,155.9E 8,029.18 11.61 OUTPATIENT REVEN 22,255.25 30,999.98 (8,744.73) (28.201 422,212.41 311,999.98 50,212,43 13.49 TOTAL REVENUE. 31,069.60 36,762.96 (5,693.36) (15,481 499,397.57 441,155.96 58,241.61 13.20 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 2,164.24 10,590.00 B,425.76 79.56 46,209.24 127,080.00 80,870.76 63.63 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,164.24 10,590.00 8,425.76 79.56 46,209.24 127,080.00 80,810.76 63.63 NET GAIN/{LOSS 28,905.36 26,172,96 2,732.40 10.43 453,188.33 314,075.96 139,112.37 44.29 ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 8,222.50 6,014.87 2,147.63 35.35 73,671.19 72,899.98 771.21 1.05 OUTPATIENT REVEN 42,854.79 17,413.98 (4,559.19) (9.61) 600,980.24 568,967.9E 32,012.26 5.62 TOTAL REVENUE. 51,077.29 53,468.85 (2,411.56) (4.50) 674,651.43 641,867.96 32,783.47 5.10 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 4,535.68 1,163.00 (3,372.691 (289.99) 43,001.27 13,956.00 (29,045,27) (208.12; TOTAL EXPENSES 4,535.68 1,163.00 (3,372.681 (289.99) 43,001.21 13,956.00 (29,045.27) (208.12; NET GAIN/(LOSS 46,541.61 52,325.85 (5,784.241 (11,05) 631,650.16 627,911.96 3,738.20 .59 CT SCAN REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 52,365.25 32,412.83 19,952.42 61.55 454,602.75 388,955.94 65,646.B1 16.87 OUTPATIENT REVEN 191,176.75 211,101.9E (11,325.23) (8.20) 2,838,809.50 2,533,223.98 305,585.52 12.06 TOTAL REVENUE. 246,142.00 243,514.81 2,627.19 1.07 3,293,412.25 2,922,279.32 371,232.33 12.70 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 6,490.25 14,273.00 7,782.15 54.52 143,116.49 171,276.00 27,959.51 16.32 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,490.25 14,273.00 7,782.75 54.52 143,316.49 171,236.00 27,959.51 16.32 NET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- 239,651.75 ------------ 229,241.81 -------------- 10,409.94 4.54 --------- 3,150,095.76 ------------- 2,750,903.92 -------------- 399,191.04 14.51 17 NEMORIAL NEDICAL CENTER DEPAR7HENTAL INCOR STATENBNT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 SINGLE NONTN---------- ACIDAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR MN040GR M REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REM 12,831.25 7,321.10 TOTAL REVZNUS. 12,834.25 7,321.10 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 4,110.38 2,421.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,110.10 2,421.00 NET GAIN/(LOSS 8,723.87 4,900.10 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT REM 24,852.25 6,987.97 OUTPATIENT REVEN 134,801.25 134,144.9E TOTAL RUM. 159,659.50 141,132.95 EXPENSES am EXPENSES 12,866.99 91819.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 12,666,99 9,813.00 NET GAIN/(LOSS 146,792.51 131,313.95 ANESTHESIA REVEOE INPATIENT REVENU 26,951.25 19,797.34 OUTPATIENT REM 54,6B1.00 89,958.24 TOTAL REVENUE. 81,632.25 109,755.58 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 37,307.12 39,583,37 LEASE & RENTAL .00 35.88 OTHER EXPENSES 3,466.54 3,119.86 TOTAL EXPENSES 40,774.26 42,739.11 NET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- 40,657.99 ------------ 67,016.47 DIALYSIS UNIT REVENUE OUTPATIENT MEN 417,561.34 436,297.87 TOTAL REVENUE. 477,561.34 436,297.87 EXPENSES SALARIES 38,998.91 32,335.00 OTHER EXPENSES 44,241.75 54,004.02 TOTAL EXPENSES 83,240.66 86,339.02 NET GAIN/(LOSS -------------- 394,320.68 ------------ 349,958.85 01/14/07 01:17 PN ----------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR .00 .00 210.00 .09 210.00 .00 5,513.15 75.30 125,119.25 87,851.99 33,267.26 42.42 5,513.15 75.30 125,329.25 87,851.99 33,477.26 42.65 (1,659,381 (69.78) 38,500.06 29,051.00 (9,448.06) (32.52) (1,689,381 (69.7B) 38,500.06 39,052.00 (9,448.06) (32.52) -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 3,823.77 70.03 86,929.19 58,759.99 28,029.20 47.66 17,864.28 255.64 157,389.79 83,855.97 73,533.82 87.69 662.27 .49 1,648,095.82 1,609,739.98 39,355.84 2.38 18,526.55 13.12 1,805,465.61 1,693,595.35 111,889.66 6.60 (3,047.99) (31.04) 144,446.76 117,828.00 (26,618.761 (22.59) (3,047.99) (31.04) 144.446.76 117,828.00 (26,618.76) (22.591 15,478.56 11.78 1,661,038.85 1,575,767.95 85,270.90 5.41 7,153.91 36.13 305,182.50 237,567.91 67,611.53 28.46 (35,277.24) 139.21) 887,371.00 1,079,499.98 (192,128.981 (17.79) 120,123.33) (25.62) 1.192,553.50 1,317,067.95 (124,514.45) (9.451 2,275.65 5.74 541,306.99 475,000.00 (66,306.991 113.95) 35.88 100.00 35.95 431.00 394.05 91.42 (346.68) (11.111 63,380.84 37,437.00 (25,943.84) (69.29) 1,964.85 4.59 604,724.78 512,860.00 (91,856.781 (17.91) (26,158.48) (39.03) 587,828.72 804,199.95 (216,371.231 (26.901 41,261.47 9.45 5,049,350.52 5,235,574.99 (186,224.47) (3.55) 41,263.47 9.45 5,049,350.52 5,235,574.99 (186,224.47) (3.55) (6,663.91) (20.60) 386,811.28 388,020.00 1,148.72 .29 9,762.27 18.07 155,518.81 648,050.00 (107,468.81) (16.58) 3,038.36 3.58 1,142,390.09 1,036.010.00 (106,320.091 (10.26) 44,361.83 12.67 3,906,960.43 4,199,504.99 (292,544.561 (6.96) 18 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M 0 N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 3 VAR CARDIOPULMONARY 01/14/07 01:17 PM - Y E A R T O D A T E ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR INPATIENT RBVENU 103,805.70 138,668.54 (35,062.84) (25.24) 1,019,409.40 1,666,422.81 (647,013.41) (38.821 OUTPATIENT REVEN 151288.25 41,236.08 (25,947.83) (62.92) 325.923.20 494,831.97 (168,908.77) (34.13) TOTAL RBVBNUE. 119,093.95 180,104.62 (61,010.67) (33.67) 1,345,332.60 2,161,254.18 1815,922.18) (37.75) EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .60 .00 00 LEASE 6 RENTAL 521.75 640.00 11B.25 18.47 8,411.15 7,690.00 (731.15) (9.52) OTHER EXPENSES 32,440.9E 36,137.36 3,696.38 10.22 411,135.12 433,647.00 22,511.88 S.19 TOTAL EXPENSES 32,962.71 36,777.36 3,814-63 10.37 419,546.27 441,327,00 21,780.73 4.93 NET GAIN/(LOSS 66,131.22 143,327.26 (57,196,04) (39.901 925,786,33 1,719,927.7E (794,141.45) (46.17) CARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 OD .00 .00 AO .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS GO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 221.75 .OD 221.75 .00 3,572.75 .00 3,572.75 00 OUTPATIENT WEN 887.00 '00 887.00 .00 1,096.00 .00 7,096.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. 1,108.75 .00 1,108.75 '00 10,668.75 .00 10,668.75 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES OD .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 2,325.00 .00 (2,325.00) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 2,325.00 .00 (2,325.00) .00 NET GAIN/(Loss 1,108.75 ,00 1,108.75 .00 8,343.75 .00 8,343.75 .00 PHYSICAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 22,080.75 22,200,54 (199.79) (.69) 282,060.00 267,366.15 14,693.85 5.49 OUTPATIENT REVEN 122,555.75 111,347.11 11,208.64 10.06 1,890,672.50 1,336,164.99 554,707.51 41.51 TOTAL REVENUE, 144,636.50 133,627.65 11,008.85 9,23 2,172,932.50 1,603,531.14 569,401.36 3S.50 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 40,428.60 39,583.37 (845,43) (1.13) 605.002.97 475,000.0D 1130,082.97) (27.38) OTHER EXPENSES 8,005.67 6,848.61 (1,157.06) (16,89) 95,668.00 62,182.00 (13,506.001 (16.43) TOTAL EXPENSES 48,434.47 46,431.9E (2,002.49) (4.31) 700,770.97 557,182,00 (1.43,588.97) (25.77) NET GAIN/ILOSS 96,202.03 87,195.67 9,006.36 10.32 1,472,161.53 1,046,349.14 425,812.39 40.69 19 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATE14ENT 01/14/01 01:17 PM FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/11/06 S I N G L E M O N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T R ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 81.50 .00 81.50 .00 859.50 .00 659.50 .00 OUTPATIENT RRVEN 81,474.60 97,700.98 (16,226.38) (16.60) 1,144,966.10 1,172,411.98 (27.445.881 (2.34) TOTAL REVENUR. 81,556.10 97,700.98 (16,144.88) 116,52) 1,145,825.60 1,172,411.99 (26,586.301 (2.26) EXPENSES SALARIES 31,426.67 29,360.75 12,065.92) (7.03) 373,571.56 352,329.00 (21,242.56) (6.02) LEASE & RENTAL 2,388.01 2,102.25 (285.76) (13.59) 28,987.26 25,227.00 (3,760.26) (14,90) OTHER EXPENSES 11,560.82 18,818,25 1,257.43 38.56 179,599.53 225,819.00 46,219.47 20.46 TOTAL EXPENSES 45,375.50 50,281.25 4,905.75 9.75 582,158.35 603,375.00 21,216.65 3.51 ------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 36,180.60 --------------------------- 41,419.73 (11,239.13) 123.70) -------------- 563,667-25 -- -------------------------- 569,036.98 (5,369.73) 1,94) HOSPICE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ..00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 DO .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENUE OUTPATIEENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 _00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 ------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 ......-------- .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 NEW VIEW REVENUE OUTPATIENT REM .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 Do .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 ------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 -------------- .00 .00 tzil M&40RTAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT O1/14107 01:11 PM FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 ------ S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------- ------------ Y E A R T O D A T E ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 -00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DIETARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 .00 .00 520.00 .00 520.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 .00 .00 520.00 .00 520,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,664.06 13,895.25 231.19 1.66 171,694.33 166,743.00 (4,951.33) (2.96) PROFESSIONAL FEE 1,225.00 1,420.13 195.13 13.74 20,069.60 17,042.00 13,027.601 (17.761 OTHER EXPENSES 19,846.19 17,938.76 (1,907.43) (10.63) 231,824.40 215,266.00 (16,558.401 (7.69) TOTAL EXPENSES 34,735.25 33,254,14 (1,481.11) (4.45) 423,588.13 399,051,00 (24,537.331 (6.14) ------------- ---------------------------------------------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS (34,735.251 (33,254,141 (1,481.111 (4.45) (423,068.33) (399,051.00) (24,017.33) (6.01) MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 17,950.93 17,3B7,00 (563.93) (3,24) 200,285.99 209,644.00 8,35B.01 4.00 .LEASE & RENTAL 2,485.58 1,508.37 1977.21) (64.78) 28,631.80 18,100.00 (10,531.801 (58.18) OTHER EXPENSES 2,747,62 31995.SO 1,247.68 31.22 34,458.61 47,946.00 13,497.39 28.13 TOTAL EXPENSES 23,184.33 22,890.87 1293,46) (1.28) 263,376.40 274,690.00 11,313,60 4:11 CARE PROGRAM EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 15.00 .00 115.00) .00) 27,180.36 .00 (27,180,36) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 15.00 .00 (15,00) .00) 27,180.36 .00 (27,180.361 .00 MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SALARIES 8,187.18 10,833.37 2,046.19 18.88 176,447.08 130,000.00 (46,447.08) (35,72) OTHER EXPENSES 910.00 10,770.38 9,B60.38 91.55 21,672.53 129,245.00 107,572.47 83.23 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,697.18 21,603.75 11,906.57 55.11 198,119.61 259,245.00 61,125.39 23.57 PLANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 45.00 .00 (45.00) .DO) 540.00 .00 (540.00) .00 ELECTRICITY 36,617.48 26,666.63 (9,950.85) (37.31) 462,827.74 320,000.00 (142,927.74) (44,63) WATER & SEWER 3,189.05 6,000.00 2,210.95 36.84 75,100.95 72,000.00 (3,100.95) (4.30) GAS 8,900.00 4,541,63 (4,358.37) (95.96) 81,769.29 54,500.00 (27,269.291 (50,03) OTHER RXPENS39 11,496.01 .00 {11,446.01) .00) 158,274.18 .00 (158,274.18} .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 60,847.54 37,208.26 (23,639.28) (63,53) 178,512.16 446,500.00 (332,012.16) (74.35) 21 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:13 PH FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M 0 N T H--- ------ --•••- Y E A R T O D A T E----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR GROUNDS EXPENSES SALARIES .00 1,517.50 1,517.50 100.00 .00 1B,210.00 18,210.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 5.00 949.49 944.49 99.41 3,853.1E 11,393.00 1,539,82 66.17 TOTAL EXPENSES 5.00 2,466.99 2,461.99 99.19 3,853.18 29,603.00 25,749.82 86.98 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES 1,314.13 1,235.97 (78,26) (6.33) 17,746.95 14,930.00 (2,916,95) (19.66) OTHER EXPENSES 155.48 340.37 184.89 54.32 6,868.86 4,084.00 (2,784,86) (6B.18) TOTAL EXPENSES 1,469.61 1,576.24 106.63 6.16 2416l5.81 19,914,00 (5,701.81) (30.14) HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 21,195.63 23,538.50 2,142.87 9.95 257,91B.65 282,462.00 24,543.35 3.68 OTHER HXPENSES 6,222.61 14,105,89 7,883.28 55.88 78,634,93 169,272.06 90,637.07 53.54 TOTAL EXPENSES 27,418.24 37,644.39 10,226.15 27.16 336,553.58 451,734.00 115,180.42 25.49 LAUNDRY EXPENSES OUTSIDE SERVICES 8.40 .00 (8.40) .00) 10,511.25 .00 (10,511.25) .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DO TOTAL EXPENSES 8.40 .00 (8.40) .001 10,511.25 .00 (10,511.25) .00 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 6,%7.80 4,865.38 [1,842.42) (31.86) 69,570.64 58,385.00 (11,185.64) 119.151 OTHER EXPENSES 515.47 437.02 (18.45) (3.71) 6,048.42 5,966.00 (82.421 (1.381 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,223.27 5,362.40 (1,860.871 (34.70) 75,619.06 64,351.00 (11,268.06) (17.51) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 6.625.96 2,010.63 (4,615.231 (229.54) 61,728.29 24,128.00 (37,600.29) (155.83) OTHER EXPENSES 497.09 256.37 (240.72) (93,89) 8,909.93 3,076.00 15,913.931 (192,26) TOTAL EXPENSES 7,121.95 2,267.00 (4,B55.95) (214.20) 70,718.22 27,204.0D (43,514.22) (159.95) SOCIAL WORKER/DISCHARGR PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 5,108.80 5,000.00 (108.80) (2.17) 59,052.80 60,000.00 947.20 1.57 OTHER EXPENSES 390.83 470.00 79.17 16.84 6,384.30 5,640.00 (144.30) (13.19) TOTAL EXPENSES 5,499.63 5,470.00 (29.631 (.54) 65,437.10 65,640.00 202.90 .30 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,904.68 3,674.88 {229.80) (6.25) 46,733.10 44,099.00 (2,634.10) (5.97) OTHER EXPENSES (2,944.301 447.62 3,392.32 157.85 (2,159.55) 5,371.00 7,530.55 140.20 COUNTY OFFSET (3,596.83) .00 3,596.83 .00 (46,528.39) .00 46,528.39 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES (2,636,85) 4,122.50 6,759.35 163.96 (1,954,84) 49,470.00 51,424.84 103.95 22 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PM FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T R ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE $ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 20,275.04 19,488.50 1786.54) (4.03) 238,217.07 233,062.00 (4,355.071 (1.861 LEASE & RENTAL 1,086.41 500.00 (586.411 (117.28) 13,437.63 6,000.00 (7,437,631 (123.961 COLLECTION EXPEN 7,869.80 3,150.00 14,119.80) (109.86) 70,061.50 45,000.00 (25,061.50) (55.69) OTHER EXPENSES 9,160.01 9,417.25 57.24 .60 120,786.82 113,007.00 (7,779.82) (6,88) TOTAL EXPENSES 38,591.26 33,155.75 (5,435.51) (16.39) 442,503.02 397,869.00 (44,634.021 (11.21) COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 10,101.20 8,667.12 (1,434.08) (16.54) 114,091.26 104,005.00 (10,086.26) 0.691 OTHER EXPENSES 933.74 1,300.50 36B.76 28.35 13,B41.39 15,606.00 1,764.61 11.30 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,032.94 9,967.62 11,065.32) 110.68) 127,932.65 119,611.00 (8,321.651 16.95) DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 7,950.98 8,205.62 254.64 3.10 106,539.36 98,461.00 (8,072.36) (8.19) OTHER EXPENSES 9,599.99 11,141.00 1,541.01 13.83 148,495.13 133,692.00 (14,803.13) (11.01) TOTAL EXPENSES 17,550.97 19,346.62 1,795.65 9.28 255,034.49 232,159.00 (22,875.491 (9.851 NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 8,995.56 8,903.75 (91.811 (1,03) 108,492.94 106,845.00 (1,647.94) (1.54) OTHER EXPENSES 1,156.63 681.13 (475.50) (69.81) 24,998.03 0,174.00 (16,824.03) (205.821 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,152.19 9,584.88 (567.31) (5.91) 133,490.97 115,019.00 (18,471.97) (16.05) HOUSE SUPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES SALARIES 5,277.39 51000.00 (277.39) (5,54) 65,291.30 60,000.00 (5,291,301 (8.81) OTHER EXPENSES 1,045.03 762.88 (282.15) (36.98) 12,177.55 9,155.00 (3,022.55) (33.01) TOTAL EXPENSES 6,322.42 5,762.88 (559.54) (9.701 77,468.85 69,155.00 (8,313.85) (12.02) EDUCATION EXPENSES SALARIES 5,142.70 4,436.12 (706.58) 115.92) 59,400.31 53,233.00 (61167.31) (11.58) OTHER EXPENSES 2,424.77 1,406.38 (1,018.39) (72.41) 21,379.80 16,817.00 (10,502.801 (62.23) TOTAL EXPENSES 7,567.47 5,942.50 (1,724.97) (29.52) 86,780.11 10,110.00 (16,670.11) (23.17) ACCOUNTING EXPENSES SALARIES 6,676.06 6,524.25 1151.81) (2.32) 74,307.79 78,291.00 3,983.21 5.08 OTHER EXPENSEES 4,910.32 3,572.49 (1,337.83) (37.441 48,921.12 42,869.00 (6,052.42) (14.11) TOTAL EXPENSES 11,586.38 10,096.74 (1,489.64) (14.75) 123,229.21 121,160.00 (2,069.211 (1.70) REVENUE MANAGEND7 EXPENSES SALARIES 6,587.05 .00 (6,587,05) .00) 6,597,05 .00 (6,587.05) .00 OTHER EXPENSES 8,064.56 .00 (B4O64.56) .00) 53,260.68 .00 (53,260.GE) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES (14,651.61) .00 (14,651.61) .DO) 159,B47.731 .00 (59,847.73) .00 23 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATENENT 01/14/07 01:17 PM FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 - S I N G L E M 0 N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE : VAR ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 22,219.37 24,608.37 2,3B9.00 9.70 264,681.76 295,300,00 30,618.24 10.36 LEASE & RENTAL 1,772.10 958.37 (811.73) (84.901 1B,637.94 11,500.00 (7,137.941 (62.06) OTEER EXPENSES 17,689.03 49,046.24 31,357.21 63.93 361,797.88 S86,554.00 226,756.12 38.52 TOTAL EXPENSES 41,680.50 74,612.98 32,932.48 44.13 645,117.58 895,354.00 250,236.42 27.94 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 5,132.44 3,938.28 (1,194.06) (30.31) 51,320.74 47,261.00 (4,059.74) {8.59J OTHER EXPENSES 390.28 189.74 399.46 50.58 4,345.47 9,476.00 5,130.53 54.14 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,522.72 4,728.12 (794.60) 116.80) 55,666.21 56,737.00 1,070.79 1.88 HOSPITAL GENERAL EXPENSES WOREMANS COMP IN 7,124.88 30,090.00 22,875.12 76.25 85,494,61 360,000.00 214,505.39 76.25 UNEMPLOYMENT INS 14,907.85 6,000.00 (8,907.85) (148.461 53,221.70 72,000.00 18,778.30 26.08 PROF LIABILITY 1 7,131.53 9,333.37 2,201.84 23.59 104,886.55 112,000.00 7,113.45 6.35 LEASE & RENTAL 880.90 .00 (880.90) .00) 13,232.90 .00 (13,232.90) .00 OTHER EXPENSES 4,761.36 6,333.26 1,571.90 24.81 147,379.54 76,000.00 (71,379,541 (93.92) TOTAL EXPENSES 34,806.52 51,666.63 16,860.11 32.63 404,215.30 620,000.00 215,794.70 34.80 HUMAN RESOURCES/PUBLIC RELATIO EXPENSES SALARIES 3,758.98 3,570.63 (188,351 (5,27) 43,636,41 42,B48.00 (788.41) (1.84) OTHER EXPENSES 3,229.87 4,433.76 1,209.89 27.25 69,892.48 53,2.78,00 (16,614.48) (31.181 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,988.85 8,010.39 1,021.54 12.75 113,528.89 96,126.00 (17.402.89) (18.101 PURCHASING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,988.68 8,008,37 (980.31) (12.241 98,690.55 96,100.00 (2,590.551 (2.691 OTHER EXPENSES 723.44 1,323.37 605.93 45.58 14,947.85 15,952.00 1,004.15 6.29 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,712.12 9,337.74 (374.38) (4.00) 113,636.40 112,052.00 (1,5B6.401 (1.41) AUXILLARY EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES 23.11 .00 (23.11) 00) 385.43 .00 (385.431 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 23.11 .00 123,11) .00) 305.42 .00 (385.43) .00 PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 24 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT 01/14/07 01:17 PN FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31/06 S I N G L E M O N T H---------------------- Y E A R T O D A T E ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE : VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REVENUE RENTALS .00 .00 00 .00 243.00 .00 243.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, .00 .00 .00 .00 243.00 .00 243.00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES........ 2,604.08 .00 (2,604.09) 00) 32,247.11 .00 (32,247,11) .00 OTHER EXPENSES.. 867.86 .00 (867.86) .00) 12,312.54 .00 (12,312,54) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,471.94 .00 (3,471.94) .00) 44,559.65 .00 (44,559,651 .00 NET GAIN/(LOSS (3,471.94) .00 (3,471.94) .00) 144,316.65) .00 (44,316.65) .00 SUBTOTAL GAIN/ 1,751,529.44 1,737,767.03 13,762.41 .79 20,162,065.32 20,930,207.99 (168,142,67) (3.67) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUCTIONS MEDICARE CONTR A 1917,917.06) (682,605.74) (235,311.32) (34.47) (9,199,435.051 (8,193,268.00) (1,008,167.05) (12.30) MEDICAID CONTR A 1166,761.99) (207,890.37) 41,128.38 19.78 (2,055,758.511 (2,494,684.00) 438,925.49 17.51 INDIGENT CONTR A (34,379.201 .00 (34,379.20) .00) (05,197.16) .00 (605,197.161 .00 CHARITY CARE (37,990.80) (207,566,50) 169,575.70 81.69 (1,039,651.14) (2,490,799.001 1,451,146.86 59.26 BE DEBT EXPENSE 1179,012.711 (266,501.13) 87,488.42 32.82 (2,436,3B3,60) (3,19B4O14.00) 761,630,40 23.91 OTHER DEDUCTIONS (234,624.64) (189,756.62) (44,868.02) (23.641 (2,492,043.66) (1,277,079.001 (214,964.66) (9.44) TOTAL REVENUE (1,570,686.401 (1,554,320.36) (16,366.041 (1,05) (11,828,469.121 (18,651,843.001 823,373.88 4.41 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FICA 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RETIREMENT 23,963.90 30,796.63 6,912.73 22.12 295,707.66 369,560.00 73,852.34 19.98 HOSPITALIZATION 173,178.55 B0,000.00 (93,17B.551 (116.47) 1,478,627.10 960,00D.00 (518,627.10) (54.02) LIFE INSURANCE .00 1,000.00 1,00D.00 100.00 14,205,75 12,000.00 (2,205.75) 08.36) DENTAL INSURANCE 1,045.40 .00 (1,049.40) .00) 31,851.49 .00 (31,B51.49) .00 LONG TERM DIS 2,304.45 2,166.63 1137.82) (6.361 27,631.16 26,000.00 (11631.16) (6.27) PAYROLL CLEARING fl,272.39) .00 11272.39 .00 (1,105.211 .00 1,105.27 .00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 199,243.91 113,963.26 (85,280.651 174.831 1,846,917.69 1,367,560.00 (419,357.89) (35.05) TOTAL OTHER OP 1,769,930.31 1,668,283.62 (101,646.69) (6.09) 19,675,381.01 20,019,403.00 314,015.99. 1.71 OTHER REVENUE MEDICARE PASS-TH 155,366.36 40,000,00 115,366.36 288.41 505,561.49 480,000.00 25,561,49 5.32 CAFETERIA SALES 7,662.29 8,000.00 1331,71) (4.22) 103,645.97 96,000.00 7,645.97 7.96 114TEREST INCOME 8,773.58 3,333.37 5,440.21 161.20 75,899.17 40,000.00 35,899.17 89.74 INTEREST INCOME 18.16 .00 18.16 .00 212.41 .00 212.41 .00 INTEREST INCOME ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 27,790.80 27,833.26 9,957.54 55.83 187,167.86 214,000.00 (26,832.141 (12.53) TOTAL OTHER RE 199,611.19 69,166.63 130,444.56 188,59 812,486.90 830,000.00 42,496.90 5.11 NET OPERATING 181,210,32 138,650.04 42,560.2E 30.65 1,359,165.21 1,740,804.99 (381,639.78) (21.92) 25 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTNENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 12/31106 --------- S I N G L E M O N T H ---------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR NON -OPERATING EXPENSE DEPRECIATION -LAN .00 .00 .00 .90 DEPRECIATION-RUI 27,293.17 130,833.37 103,510.20 79.13 DEPRECIATION -FIX 9,053.57 .00 (9,053.57) .00 DEPRECIATION-MM 70,890.90 .00 170,890,90) .00 DEPRECIATION-POR .00 ,00 .00 .00 CONTRIBUTION TO .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL NON-OPER 107,237.64 130,833.37 23,595.73 18.03 TOTAL OPERATIN 33,972.66 7,816.67 66,156.01 846.34 COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 .00 .00 .00 -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS 73,912.68 ------------- 7,816.67 .............. 66,156.01 846.34 01/14/01 01:17 PM ------------ Y E A R T O D A T E--------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE 4 VAR .00 .00 .00 .00 325,788.58 1,570,000.00 1,244,211.42 79.24 108,642.84 .00 (108,642.84) .00 858,680.64 .00 ' (858,680.64) .00 .00 .00 .00 -00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,293,112.06 1,570,000.00 276,BB7.94 17.63 66,053.15 170,004.99 (104,751.84) 161.32) .00 .00 .00 GO -------------- ---------------------------- 66,053.15 170,804.99 (104,751.84) (61.32) MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 BUILDING MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS MEDICAL DESCRIPTION _ AMOUNT HOSPITAL PLAZA JANUARY Bladder Scanner (Mod Surg) $ 10.950.00 DinaMap(EmergencyRoom) $ 5,873.00 DinaMap (Emergency Room) $ 5.873.00 $ 22,696.00 $ S FEBRUARY $ $ $ MARCH Tims 1000 Dicom System (Ultrasound) $ 12.990.00 Dual Monitor Megal-Pixel (Radiology) $ 9.268.22 $ 22,258.22 $ $ APRIL May Washer/Disinfector (Surgery) 24,529.50 MRI Patient Monitor (MR]) 24,500.00 $ 49.029.50 $ $ June Mammo Processor (Radiology) 11,650.00 $ 11.660.00 $ $ JULY CT Scanner Upgrade (Radiology) 24,229.09 Glass (Patio) 66,745.00 $ 24,229.09 $ 66,745.00 $ AUGUST DinaMap Patient Monitor (Emergency Room) 5,665.60 H002 Monitor (Dialysis) 15,305.43 Web Server Upgrade (Radiology) 22,500.00 Clarity Screener Software (Nursery) 20,521.00 Mammomat System 65,819,00 Custom Interiors (1 st Floor Main Corridor) $ 9,995,00 $ 86,340.00 $ 9,995.00 $ ' SEPTEMBER Total Care Bed Frame (ICU) 9204.55 Total Care Bed Frame (ICU) 9,204.55 Ultrasound Echo Machine (Ultrasound) 110,000,00 $ 128,409.10 $ $ OCTOBER Sterile Processing System (Surgery) $ 13.458.71 $ 13.458.71 $ - $ NOVEMBER Patio Cover (Outside Atrium) $ 6.640.00 $ $ 6,640.00 $ DECEMBER $ $ $ - SUBTOTALS $ 364.720.62 $ 83.380.00 $ 27 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 BUILDING MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS MEDICAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HOSPITAL PLAZA GRAND TOTALS $ 448,100k6 28 SUMMARY OF INDIGENT, CHARITY AND BAD DEBT CLASS "O" AND "X" Dec-05 2006 YTD Dec-06 2006 YTD REFERRAL $ 212,890.27 $ 127,379.85 CHARITY $ . 82,445.96 $ 1,548,844.49 $ 41,024.71 $ 1,036,345.78 INDIGENT $ 115,318.31 $ 115,318.31 $ 147,485.20 $ 147,485.20 29 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR DECEMBER 2006 DATE APPROVED A/P & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR REFUNDS 12/6/2006 (weekly) $ 392,539.47 12/13/2006 (weekly) $ 211,636.34 12/14/2006 (refund) $ 221.80 12/20/2006 (weekly) $ 274,443.49 12/27/2006 (weekly) $ 237,155.06 12/29/2006 (cancelled cks) $ (5,011.64) TOTAL $ 1,110,984.51 30 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 1 TIME:10:08 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 12/06/06 THRU 12/06/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 119019 12/06/06 19.83 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 119020 12/06/06 .00 VOIDED A/P 119021 12/06/06 40,261.60 AMERISOURCHBBRGEN DRUG A/P 119022 12/06/06 7.47 CONSTELLATION NEVI ENERG A/P 119023 12/06/06 176.56 APPLIED MEDICAL A/P 119024 12/06/06 8,156.00 AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOC A/P 119025 12106/06 535.04 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 119026 12/06/06 276.42 CARDINAL HUM A/P 119027 12/06/06 27.40 ANNOUNCEMENTS PLUS A/P 11902E 12/06/06 51.00 AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY A/P 119829 12/06/06 378.83 ASCENT HEALTHCARE SOLUT A/P 119030 12/06/06 390.12 AWESOME PAGING INC A/P 119031 12/06/06 107.00 BARD MEDICAL A/P 119032 12/06/06 1,551.80 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 119033 12/06/06 315.50 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPO A/P 119034 12/06/06 145.95 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC A/P 119035 12/06/06 167.98 BSC SUPPLY A/P 119036 12/06/06 12,820.00 CALHOUN COUNTY A/P 119037 12/06/06 166.43 RUBY CANTO A/P 119038 12/06/06 181.65 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES A/P 119039 12/06/06 3,929.25 CHOOSING THE BEST A/P 119040 12/06/06 637.15 CINGULAR WIRELESS A/P 119041 12/06/06 518.28 CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119042 12/06/06 132.50 CLINICAL & LABORATORY A/P 119043 12/06/06 630.00 COOK MEDICAL INCORPORAT A/P 119044 12/06/06 867.69 SUDDENLINK MEDIA A/P 119045 12/06/06 286.31 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 119046 12/06/06 1,477.59 CPSI A/P 119047 12/06/06 7,043.76 DADE BEARING A/P 119048 12/06/06 212.71 HELEN DAVIS A/P 119049 12/06/06 5,213.00 DISGNOSTICA STAGO, INC A/P 119050 12/06/06 200.00 DIAMOND J A/P 119051 12/06/06 36.02 DHL EXPRESS (USA) INC. A/P 119052 12/06/06 258.92 DI-CHEM, INC. A/P 119053 12/06/06 47.74 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 119054 12/06/06 153.60 DOLPHIN TALK A/P 119055 12/06/06 315.00 DUBIN MEDICAL INC A/P 119056 12/06/06 4,301.29 ENTEx A/P 119057 12/06/06 1,749.00 FDA-MQSA PROGRAM A/P 119058 12/06/06 5,064.31 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 119059 12/06/06 132.00 TOYCE FLANNIGAN A/P 119060 12/06/06 5,267.19 FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTU A/P 119061 12/06/06 65.00 G T PICKUP & DELIVERY A/P 119062 12/06/06 10.24 BETTY GARZA A/P 119063 12/06/06 708.76 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN A/P 119064 12/06/06 139.65 GUARANTEE SHOES A/P 119065 12/06/06 4,265.00 GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL S A/P 119066 12/06/06 3,500.00 LLOYD LANE GOBER, MD P. A/P 119067 12/06/06 9.62 H E BUTT GROCERY A/P 119068 12/06/06 200.00 ANTHONY HAMILTON 31 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 2 TIME:10:08 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 12/06/06 THRU 12/06/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 119069 12/06/06 1,985.36 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL A/P 119070 12/06/06 449.00 HOUSTON KAPLAN CENTER A/P * 119071 12/06/06 137.51 SALLY J HICKL A/P 119077 12/06/06 86.50 PAT HRANICKY UP 119078 12/06/06 6,700.00 INTEGRATED REVENUE MAN& A/P 119079 12/06/06 15,928.49 INTELL&MED, INC A/P 119080 12/06/06 196.80 JACKSON COUNTY HERALD A/P 119081 12/06/06 135.25 JAM E JACOBY A/P 119082 12/06/06 770.00 KAVV-TV A/P 119083 12/06/06 180.00 KROLL LABORATORY SPECIA A/P 119084 12/06/06 13.50 LABCORP OF AMERICA HOLD A/P 119085 12/06/06 46.00 LEEDS INSTRUMENT INC A/P 119086 12/06/06 4,583.52 LUKER PHARMACY MANAGEME A/P 119087 12/06/06 172.30 ANJELITA LOPEZ A/P 119088 12/06/06 50.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119089 12/06/06 31,541.29 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119090 12/06/06 100.00 &LICE MORALES A/P 119091 12/06/06 99.24 JANE MCCARN A/P 119032 12/06/06 5,000.52 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDIC& A/P 119093 12/06/06 51.55 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119094 12/06/06 3,159.35 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI A/P 119095 12/06/06 58.43 MMC AUXILIARY A/P 119096 12/06/06 24.48 LINDA MEYER A/P 119097 12/06/06 22.26 MELISSA MILLS A/P 119098 12/06/06 2,208.45 NATIONAL BENEFITS PARTS A/P 119099 12/06/06 3,500.00 NUTRITION OPTIONS A/P 119100 12/06/06 82.80 NURSE-DRI A/P 119101 12/06/06 100.00 MICHELLE NOVAK A/P 119102 12/06/06 33.82 OWENS k MINOR A/P 119103 12/06/06 125.00 HARVEY OLASCUAGA A/P 119104 12/06/06 80.00 OUTBURST ADVERTISING A/P 119105 12/06/06 160.00 PALACIOS BEACON A/P 119106 12/06/06 102.60 KRISTY PELECH A/P 119107 12/06/06 9.19 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS A/P 119108 12/06/06 3,925.00 PREMIER SLEEP DISORDERS A/P 119109 12/06/06 165.36 POLYNEDCO INC. A/P 119110 12/06/06 17.98 POWER ELECTRIC A/P 119111 12/06/06 179.40 QUILL A/P 119112 12/06/06 600.00 REVENUE a BUSINEss A/P 119113 12/06/06 202.75 R G & ASSOCIATES INC A/P 119114 12/06/06 53.40 VERONICA RAGUSIN A/P 119115 12/06/06 5,500.00 RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED A/P 119116 12/06/06 11,441.15 REGIONAL CARE, INC A/P 119117 12/06/06 7,172.00 RCH PROTECT COOPERATIVE A/P 119118 12/06/06 1,562.50 RICHARD SHELTON A/P 119119 12/06/06 155.02 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS A/P 119120 12/06/06 290.00 STANFORD VACUOM SERVICE A/P 119121 12/06/06 3,579.98 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP UP 119122 12/06/06 3,000.00 SOLUCIENT, LLC A/P 119123 12/06/06 45,456.76 TEAM REHAB A/P 119124 12/06/06 1,688.41 TLC STAFFING 32 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIM,lo.-08 CHECK REGISTER 12/06/06 TSRU 12/06/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/P 119125 12/06/06 469.00 THOMSON AMERICAN HEALTH A/P 119126 12/06/06 101,706.82 TEXAS CO & DISTRICT RET A/P 119127 12/06/06 129.90 TEXAS WIRED MUSIC INC A/P 119128 12/06/06 417.00 THE T SYSTEM. INC. A/P 119129 12/06/06 15.98 TIGER DIRECT, INC. A/P 119130 12/06/06 100.00 PAM THUMMN A/P 119131 12/06/06 64.90 TRI-ANIM HEALTH SERVICE A/P 119132 12/06/06 634.50 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 113133 12/06/06 85.00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO A/P 119134 12/06/06 72.28 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS A/P 119135 12/06/06 3,009.61 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P. A/P 119136 12/06/06 307.24 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE A/P 119137 12/06/06 2,089.51" UNITED STATES SURGICAL A/P 119138 12/06/06 150.41 ELVA VELA A/P 119139 12/06/06 329.62 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 119140 12/06/06 22.00 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 119141 12/06/06 640.44 WALMART COMMUNITY A/P 119142 12/06/06 1,141.56 WASTE MANAGEMENT A/P 119143 12/06/06 21.81 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK A/P 115144 12/06/06 225.00 DEANNA WOLXEN A/P 119145 12/06/06 2,530.00 WINTHROP RESOURCES CORP A/P .119146 12/06/06 67.65 ZIMMER US, INC. A/P 119147 12/06/06 243.78 BLUE CROSS & BLUR SEEL A/P 119148 12/06/06 751.85 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SEEL A/P 119149 12/06/06 1,327.94 BLAND ALVIN TOTALS: 392,539.47 PAGE 3 GLCKREG RUN DATE;01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME:10:09 CHECK REGISTER 12/13/06 THRU 12/13/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE --------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 119150 12/13/06 16.84 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 119151 12/13/06 .00 VOIDED A/P 119152 12/13/06 15,888.71 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 119153 12/13/06 193.94 ADVANCED HEALTH EDUCATI A/P 119154 12/13/06 2,000.00 AGMEDNET INC A/P 119155 12/13/06 352.00 ANITA FRICKE - COMM C A/P 119156 12/13/06 28.32 MARIA AGUTLAR A/P 119157 12/13/06 1,769.24 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST A/P 119158 12/13/06 715.46 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 119159 12/13/06 94.00 ANNWNCEmm PLUS UP 119160 12/13/06 92.37 BANKCARD CENTER A/P 119161 12/13/06 486.94 BANKCARD CENTER #2 A/P 119162 12/13/06 105.64 BANKCARD CENTER A/P 119163 12/13106 3,694.15 BARTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 119164 12/13/06 161.04 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC A/P 119165 12/13/06 1,803.00 CAL COX FEDERAL CREDIT A/P 119166 12/13/06 5.00 CALHOUN COUNTY WASTE MG A/P 119167 12/13/06 137.06 RUBY CANTU A/P 119168 12/13/06 7,884.62 GREGORY COWART, CRNA A/P 119169 12/13/06 108.00 JULIA CHAVANA A/P 119170 12/13/06 184.09 CONMED CORPORATION A/P 119171 12/13/06 347.63 THE COUNCIL COMPANY A/P 119172 12/13/06 9,410.44 CPsi A/P 119173 12/13/06 30.00 MELISSA CUMPIAN A/P 119174 12/13/06 3.56 KYLIE DA009 A/P 119175 12/13/06 211.02 HELEN DAVIS A/P 119176 12/13/06 115.66 DELL MARKETING L.P. A/P 119177 12/13/06 125.75 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 119178 12/13/06 77.61 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 119179 12/13/06 38.99 ENTERPRISE REND -A -CAR A/P 119190 12/13/06 1,822.18 ENVIROCLEAN MGT SERVICE A/P 119181 12/13/06 3,130.00 FARNAM STREET FINANCIAL A/P 119122 12/13/06 208.00 FIRST HEALTHCARE PRODUC A/P 119193 12/13/06 400.00 FORT BEND SERVICES, INC A/P 119184 12/13/06 407.46 FRESENIUS USA MANOFACTO A/P 119185 12/13/06 1,591.41 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS A/P 119186 12/13/06 39.61 BETTY GARZA A/P 119187 12/13/06 765.00 GORDON N. STOWE & A990C A/P 119189 12/13/06 247.14 GENEVIEVE SUTHERLAND A/P 119189 12/13/06 84.00 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN A/P 119190 12/13/06 405.68 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I A/P 119191 12/13/06 130.39 SALLY a HICKL A/P 119192 12/13/06 442.88 HOBBY LOBBY A/P 119193 12/13/06 84.86 PAT HRANICKY A/P 119194 12/13/06 1,641.00 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES A/P 119195 12/13/06 93.03 INFOLAB INC A/P 119196 12/13/06 1,973.05 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COX A/P 119197 12/13/06 28,804.00 ITA RESOURCES, INC A/P 119198 12/13/06 49.00 JAMIE JACOBY AIP 119199 12/13/06 154.68 JACK L. MARCUS, INC PAGE 1 GLCKREG 34 RUN DATE:01/12/07 TIME:10:09 BANK--CHECK----------- CODENUMBER DATE ---------------------- A/P 11920012/13/06 A/P 119201 12/13/06 A/P 119202 12/13/06 A/P 119203 12/13/06 A/P 119204 12/13/06 A/P 119205 12/13/06 A/P 119206 12/13106 A/P 119207 12/13106 A/P 119200 12/13/06 A/P 119209 12/13/06 A/P 119210 12/13/06 A/P 119211 12/13/06 A/P 119212 12/13/06 A/P 119213 12/13/06 A/P 119214 12/13/06 A/P 119215 12/13/06 A/P 119216 12/13/06 A/P 119217 12/13/06 A/P 119218 12/13/06 A/P 119219 12/13/06 A/P 119220 12/13/06 A/P 119221 12/13/06 A/P 119222 12/13/06 A/P 119223 12/13/06 A/P 119224 12/13/06 A/P 119225 12/13/06 A/P 119226 12/13/06 A/P 115227 12/13/06 A/P 119228 12/13/06 A/P 119229 12/13/06 A/P 119230 12/13/06 A/P 119231 12/13/06 A/P 119232 12/13/06 A/P 119233 12/13/06 A/P 119234 12/13/06 A/P 119235 12/13/06 A/P 119236 12/13/06 A/P 119237 12/13/06 A/P 119238 12/13/06 A/P 119239 12/13/06 A/P 119240 12/13/06 A/P 119241 12/13/06 A/P 119242 12/13/06 A/P 119243 12/13/06 A/P 119244 12/13/06 A/P 119245 12/13/06 A/P 119246 12/13/06 A/P 119247 12/13/06 A/P 119248 12/13/06 A/P 119249 12/13/06 A/P 119250 12/13/06 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CRUM CHECK REGISTER 12/13/06 THRU 12/13/06 ----------------------------------------- AMOUNT PAYEE 315.95 K-MED INC 48.72 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 4,583.52 LUKER PHARMACY MANAGEME 29,828.15 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER 380.12 MALLINCKRODT INC 34.00 MANUEL LAW OFFICES 5,384.62 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRNA 60.52 JANE MCCARN .00 VOIDED 11,182.06 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA 158.00 MKDIBADGB 193.01 TERESA MILLER 533.96 MEDRAD INC 72.25 MEDTRONIC USA, INC. 300.00 mmoRIAL MEDICAL CENTER 11250.59 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI 31.26 HE AUXILIARY 45.84 LINDA MEYER 164.68 MICROTEK MEDICAL INC 151.25 MICRO ASSIST, INC 1,362.32 MOORE WALLACE 150.00 NFPA 540.00 PATRICIA OWEN 3,341.03 OPEX COMMUNICATIONS 993.54 PARRISH MOODY & FIKES, 58.95 PATTERSON DENTAL SUPPLY 239.20 QUILL 76.96 R 6 D BATTERIES INC 77.45 R G & ASSOCIATES INC 1,235.48 RAM'S FLOOR COMPANY 63.69 RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT, 104.28 RELIANT ENERGY SOLUTION 70.00 RENEE DUNAGAN 166.15 MARIA D RESENDEZ 219.77 THE RUHOF CORPORATION 124.24 SIEMENS WATER THCHNOLOG 107.50 SHIP SHUTTLE TAXI SERVI 22.75 SONNY'S PORT -A -BUILDING 51000.00 SOUTHEAST TEXAS HOSPITA 138.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS 5,347.05 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP 777.94 STATE COMPTROLLER 23,984.00 TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL 114.80 TEXAS GUARANTEED MEN 1,376.25 THYSSBNKRUPP ELEVATOR C 733.89 TIGER DIRECT, INC. 1,497.87 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP 23.98 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE 5,630.52 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P. 70.57 UNITED STATES PLASTIC C 198.50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C PAGE 2 GLCKRBG 35 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME:10:09 CHECK REGISTER 12/13/06 THRU 12/13/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMom" PAYEE --------------------------- A/P 119251 12/13/06 ------------------------------------ 320.00 US POSTAL SERVICE A/P 119252 12/13/06 164.65 ELVA VELA A/P 119253 12/13/06 972.02 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 119254 12/13/06 225.60 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 119255 12/13/06 5,384.62 SAMUEL N. WEBER A/P 119256 12/13/06 240.19 WALEART COMMUNITY A/P 119257 12/13/06 33.82 ELIZABRTH WESTBROOK A/P 119258 12/13/06 701.41 WOLTERS KLUWER HEALTH, A/P 119259 12/13/06 182.99 AMBER WRIGHT A/P 119260 12/13/06 5,676.00 WINTHROP RESOURCES CORP A/P 119261 12/13/06 300.00 SHELLY ZAVALA A/P 119262 12/13/06 115.36 ZIMMER US, INC. TOTALS: 211,636.34 PAGE 3 GLCKREG 36 RUN DATE.01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIME:10:09 CHECK REGISTER 12/14/06 THRO 12/14/06 BANK --CHECK------------ -------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ------------------------------------------------------ A/P 119263 12/14/06 221.80 HIGHMARK BLUE SHIELD TOTALS: 221.80 PAGE 1 GLCKREG 37 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MffilORIAL MEDICAL CENPBR PAGE 1 TIME:10:10 CHECK REGISTER GLCKRRG 12/20/06 THRU 12/20/06 BAW--CHHCX ---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- UP 119264 12/20/06 120.05 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 119265 12/20/06 194.20 ACTION LUMBER A/P 119266 12/20/06 .00 VOIDED A/P 119267 12/20/06 16,600.42 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 119268 12/20/06 4,006.15 AIR SPECIALTY & EQUIPME A/P 119269 12/20/06 33.54 ALL SAFETY & SUPPLY A/P 119270 12/20/06 1,473.45 AMERICAN BYDNBY FUND A/P 119271 12/20/06 73.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS PLUS A/P 119272 12/20/06 194.90 AQUA BEYBRAGR COMPANY A/P 119273 12/20/06 167.83 ]WINE ARNOLD UP 119274 12/20/06 39.52 BANKCARD CHUM A/P 119275 12/20/06 195.00 BARD PERIPHERAL VASCULA A/P 119276 12/20/06 605.63 BARTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 119277 12/20/06 249.82 BARNES DISTRIBUTION A/P 119278 12/20/04 338.10 BECKMAN COULTER INC A/P 119279 12/20/06 167.98 BSC SUPPLY A/P 119280 12/20/06 85.75 BSN MEDICAL INC A/P 119281 12/20/06 208.26 RUBY CANTB A/P 119282 12/20/06 321.95 MONICA CARR A/P 119283 12/20/06 285.67 COIBMTY PATHOLOGY ASS A/P 119284 12/20/06 79.52 COLLECTIONS INCORPORATE A/P 119285 12/20/06 151.47 CONMED CORPORATION A/P 115296 12/20/06 362.02 THE COUNCIL COMPANY AN 119287 12/20/06 564.12 CPSI A/P 119288 12/20/06 210.49 HELEN DAVIS A/P 119289 12/20/06 75.07 KATHERINE DIETZEL AN 119290 12/20/06 40.75 DLE PAPER & PACKAGING A/P 119291 12/20/06 242.10 ELSETIER SCIENCE USA A/P 119292 12/20/06 79,609.00 EMCARE NORTH TEXAS AN 119293 12/20/06 34.38 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. A/P 119294 12/20/06 11,408.73 FISHER HEALTHCARE A/P 119295 12/20/06 64.00 TOYCE FLANNIGAN A/P 119296 12/20/06 4,601.00 FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTU A/P 119297 12/20/06 39.00 G T PICKUP & DELIVERY A/P 119298 12/20/06 95.76 GARDENLW NDRSERY A/P 119299 12/20/06 16.02 BETTY GARZA A/P 119300 12/20/06 43,462.53 GS HEALTHCARE FIN SRVS A/P 119301 12/20/06 522.26 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN A/P 119302 12/20/06 50.65 H & S TECHNICAL SERVICE A/P 119303 12/20/06 99.67 H B BUTT GROCERY A/P 119304 12/20/06 95.68 SALLY J HICKL A/P 119305 12/20/06 37.60 PAT BRANICKY A/P 119306 12/20/06 6,296.19 IKON FINANCIAL, SERVICES A/P 119307 12/20/06 192.00 INSTRUMENTATION LABORAT A/P 119308 12/20/06 130.90 JACK L. MARCUS, INC A/P 119309 12/20/06 799.40 KYANNE MCILWAIN A/P 119310 12/20/06 5,712,21 LABCORP OF AMERICA HOLD A/P 119311 12/20/06 2,106.00 LEEDS INSTRUMENT INC A/P 119312 12/20/06 4,583.52 LUKER PHARMACY MANAGEME A/P 119313 12/20/06 500.00 MEMORIAL HERMANN HOSPIT RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER TIMB:10:10 CHECK REGISTER 12/20/06 THRU 12/20/06 Bw--CHECK-r -------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE - ------------------------------------------------------------- A/P 119314 12/20/06 30,957.95 2I=RIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119315 12/20/06 293.32 CRYSTAL MOZLEY A/P 119316 12/20/06 38.00 TERRY W. MADDUX A/P 119317 12/20/06 556.05 MARKS PLUMBING PARTS A/P 119318 12/20/06 82.77 JAMB MCCARN AN 119319 12/20/06 4,174.42 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA A/P 119320 12/30/06 748.00 MBDTRONIC PHYSIO-CONTRO A/P 119321 12/20/06 66.30 MBDTRONIC USA, INC. A/P 119322 12/20/06 1,777.81 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONI A/P 119323 12/20/06 36.56 MC AUXILIARY A/P 119324 12/20/06 01.44 LINDA MEYER A/P 119325 12/20/06 898.85 MUSTAM 6c ASSOCIATES A/P 119326 12/20/06 1,200.00 XARY NEVAREZ, LSW-BSW A/P 119327 12/20/06 153.80 OFFICE COMMDTICATIONS S A/P 119328 12/20/06 147.00 PHILIP THOMAB PHOTOGRAP A/P 119329 12/20/06 1,100.05 PORT LAVACA WAVE A/P 119330 12/20/06 1,200.00 U S POSTAL SERvia A/P 119331 12/20/06 234.98 PROFESSIONAL UNIFORM CE A/P 119332 12/20/06 28.96 QUARTERMASTER A/P 119333 12/20/06 424.98 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS A/P 119334 12/20/06 272.51 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS A/P 119335 12/20/06 334.80 QUILL A/P 119336 12/20/06 190.55 R G &ASSOCIATES INC A/P 119337 12/20/06 213.75 RPC REPROCESSING PRODUC A/P 119338 12/20/06 529.04 SANOFI PASTEUR INC A/P 119339 12/20/06 297.00 SENIOR STANDARD A/P 119340 12/20/06 212.29 SHERWIN WILLIAMS A/P 119341 12/20/06 5,409.00 SO TEX BLOOD & TISSUE C A/P 119342 12/20/06 351.00 SPECTRA LABORATORIES A/P 119343 12/20/06 49.37 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS A/P 119344 12/20/06 1,084.11 Dmmm BETHANY A/P 119345 12/20/06 4,965.42 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP A/P 119346 12/20/06 272.21 TAYLOR-MED,LLC A/P 119347 12/20/06 10,000.00 TEAM REHAB A/P 119348 12/20/06 2,071.63 TLC STAFFING A/P 119349 12/20/06 1,944.87 TEXAS HEALTH do HUMAN SE A/P 119350 12/20/06 447.00 LOCKBOX TEXAS DEFT OF A/P 119351 12/20/06 10.68 CASSANDRA TOVAR A/P 119352 12/20/06 88.50 TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY A/P 119353 12/20/06 1,706.72 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 119354 12/20/06 15.13 DARLENE TRIPP A/P 119355 12/20/06 2,500.00 TORCH A/P 119356 12/20/06 36.14 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS A/P 119357 12/20/06 131.89 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE A/P 119358 12/20/06 2,162.46 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, L.P. A/P 119359 12/20/06 3,715.00 UtI[TED SERVICES A/P 119360 12/20/06 153.53 BLVA vELA A/P 119361 12/20/06 1,816.46 VERIZON SOUTHWEST A/P 119362 12/20/06 22.00 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE A/P 119363 12/20/06 266.70 WALMART ComUNiTY A/P 119364 12/20/06 512.00 WISCONSIN STATE LABORAT PAGE 2 GLCMG 39 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEMR PAGE 3 TIME:10:10 CHECK REGISTER GLCRREG 12/20/06 THRU 12/20/06 BANK --CHECK ---------------------------- ------------------------ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/P 119365 12/20/06 440.38 WINTHRoP RESOURCES CORD A/P 119366 12/20/06 43.25 zn=R us, INC. A/P 119367 12/20/06 333.80 HIGH = BLUE SHIELD TOTALS: 274,443.49 40 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 1 TIMB:10:10 CHECK REGISTER GLcXREG 12/27/06 THRU 12/27/06 BMW --CHECK ---------------------------------------------------- CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P 119368 12/27/06 159.09 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S A/P 119369 12/27/06 .00 VOIDED A/P 119370 12/27/06 26,408.25 AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG A/P 119371 12/27/06 64.96 AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST A/P 119372 12/27/06 3,992.69 AFLAC A/P 119373 12/27/06 1,154.00 AT&T A/P 119374 12/27/06 16.43 AUTO PARTS & MACHINE CO A/P 119375 12/27/06 548.22 BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP A/P 119376 12/27/06 1,437.37 BBCKKw coumm ur A/P 119377 12/27/06 1,803.00 CAL COX FEDERAL CREDIT A/P 119378 12/27/06 490.00. STEPHANIE CAVAZOS, L.M. A/P 119379 12/27/06 283.91 RUBY CANTU A/P 119380 12/27/06 7,884.62 GREGORY COWART, CRNA A/P 119381 12/27/06 6.14 CINGULAR WIRELESS A/P 119382 12/27/06 3,789.05 CITY OF PORT LAVACA A/P 119383 12/27/06 750.00 COLDWELL BANKER RUSSELL A/P 119384 12/27/06 3,664.35 cOMPOTER COMMAND c0RPOR A/P 119385 12/27/06 487.62 CPSI A/P 119386 12/27/06 2,254.81 DADS HERRING A/P 119387 12/27/06 415.00 JANETTE DEBORD A/P 119388 12/27/06 21.40 KATHERINE DIETZEL A/P 115389 12/27/06 200.00 EL CAMPO MEMORIAL HOSPI A/P 119390 12/27/06 507.89 ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTIC & A/P 119391 12/27/06 469.03 FORT DNA RBORN LIFE INGO A/P 119392 12/27/06 2,913.75 ROBERTS, ROBERTS & ODEF A/P 119393 12/27/06 134.84 BETTY GUM A/P 119394 12/27/06 77.90 GULF COAST PAPER Comm A/P 119395 12/27/06 99.90 RUSS ELECTRIC SERVICE A/P 119396 12/27/06 1,209.60 HEALTH FORCE MEDICAL A/P 119397 12/27/06 69.98 SALLY J RICKL A/P 119398 12/27/06 97.63 PAT HRANICRY A/P 119399 12/27/06 711.00 IRO& FINANCIa SERVICES A/P 119400 12/27/06 2,195.16 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST CON A/P 119401 12/27/06 15,928.49 IRMLAMBD, INC A/P 119402 12/27/06 183.37 IVANS A/P 119403 12/27/06 1,337.40 LIFELINE SYSTEMS INC A/P 119404 12/27/06 81,823.28 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER A/P 119405 12/27/06 5,394.62 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRNA Ale 119401 12/27/06 88.56 JAQE MCCARN A/P 119407 12/27/06 587.35 METLIFE A/P 119408 12/27/06 361.84 MMC AUXILIARY A/P 119409 12/27/06 50.73 LINDA MEYER A/P 119410 12/27/06 1,892.51 PEA-SB TECHNOLOGIES A/P 119411 12/27/06 .125.00 HARVEY OLASCUAGA A/P 119412 12/27/06 7.00 PHILIP THOMAS PHOTOGRAF A/P 119413 12/27/06 100.70 POLYMEDCO IOC. A/P 119414 12/27/06 1,000.00 U S POSTAL SERVICE A/P 119415 12/27/06 2.99 POWER ELECTRIC A/P 119416 12/27/06 131.93 PROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS A/P 119417 12/27/06 36,513.20 RELIM ENERGY SOLUTION 41 RUN DATE01/12/07 MffiHORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PAGE 2 TIEB:10:10 CHECK REGISTER GLCKREG 12/27/06 THRU 12/27/06 BANK --CHECK----------------------- _------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P A/P A/P UP A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P A/P 119418 12/27/06 119419 12/27/06 119420 12/27/06 119421 12/27/06 119422 12/27/06 119423 12/27/06 119424 12/27106 119425 12/27/06 119426 12/27/06 119427 12/27/06 119428 12/27/06 119429 12/27/06 119430 12/27/06 119431 12/27/06 119432 12/27/06 119433 12/27/06 115434 12/27/06 119435 12/27/06 119436 12/27/06 119437 12/27/06 A/P 119438 12/27/06 A/P IL9439 12/27/06 A/P 119440 12/27/06 A/P 119441 12/27/06 TOTALS: 70.00 RE= DONAGAN 166.15 HARIA D RESENDEZ 975.40 CODY STEFFSK 305.64 ST TORN RECORD PROGRAM 138.16 ANGRLA K 9=99 6,124.22 SYSCO - SAN Ammo, LP 10,000.00 TEAM REHAB 252.01 TEXAS DEPT OF HMMAN SER 117.52 TEXAS GOARAHPSHD STUDEN 1,406.07 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPp 114.11 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS 195.50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C 149.10 THE UNIFORM CONNECTION 470.00 US POSTAL SERVICE 185.12 ELVA VELA 306.34 VERIZON SOUTHWEST 118.36 VBRIzoN WIRELESS 5,384.62 SAMUEL N. WEBER 4.97 WALMART COMMNITY 19.14 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK 29.47 GRAINGER 182.99 AMBER MIGHT 2.00 YOUNG PLUMBING CO 622.4D REGIONAL CARE, INC 237,155.05 42 RUN DATE:01/12/07 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENPER PAGE I TIME:10:10 CHECK REGISTER GLC%REG 12/29/06 THRU 12/29/06 BANK --CHECK- --- --------------------------------------------- CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE A/P * 116353 12/29/06 4,583.53CR LMMR PHARMACY zMMm A/P * 117772 12/29/06 81.89CR CLARIoA nai A/P * 117859 12/29/06 .183.23CR HARLEY Lmm BORDEN A/P 118904 12/29/06 163.000R ALCO SALES & SERVICE Co TOTALS: 5,011.64CR 43 �6fr'iT�i.�?w r w '.�. dL q�'"Ti�7ti„ ^"���{ 'y�� � sc,y �r"'J F (n ♦c..� �`�i''^ .a Y+: �;�nan�a]. Gad �,.��,��'�,:��_��,,'�.�� �:� �� x•;�; ��r��� ����,., �"e:..� �rS�..,.. ,..: il�a�.���2��,�1a��I��.?�� . 'll: , .R.+•'�iC'�.. } �l�G����'%��S�'f%v>�fe7�.�u�Gr7'�w,.. •"'� ` yr �;J�rytfj ���X'�" `�z=,fii .��'• `^�_ ,Y �rs�' `� s£,� X (' J CI��FFF'''' t j'� -x �y —r—� /�gqsttY��P; . .re.•. - .�,r.,.4n<..w...l3,. W.�,.i5i� ..,e'i��_'�".:>uk�.:¢7.� � k rsu�.Y.n,��en...�'.YJl�eri� .%.i>,._%r.A.,TV� �,o£r.�'�m+.e*..tF.�.x•J..n.kr�i.'aaafs d� i t 3 � vJ� 1�.*�. �'� tr w r M��r vv� nts f f rro s� rr arrt< �r �x �?he rr%xiytfh o 3ll ce be pSJ _ c e, _ .,. �r�. �h �., ..�„�.,,,.�. u�r-a....�„e,.t;.,.: d^., ,.mow �.. ,-a.- ,.� NR.?x �1.✓�..:�:.y.�`��_..a,,k x�x..., � �*. ,.a.�,�. susv co- , ...s,..n s x xc 44 CIHCP MONTHLY FINANCIAL/ACTIVITY REPORT COUNTY NAME Calhoun REPORT MONTHNEAR January-2007 I. Application /.Case Data I.HJCJ Applications Approved During Report Month 12 Applications Denied Durin Report. Month 27 Active Cases Denied During Report, Month 28 11. Creditable Expenditures During Report Month 1.. Physician Services $ 16,654.99 2. Prescription Drugs $ 32,633.4.3 3. Hospital, In atient.Services .. $ 60,254.14 4. Hospital, Outpatient Services $ 37,354.72 5. Laboratory / X-RayServices $ 587 92 6. Skilled Nursing:facility Services $ _ 7. Family Planning$ Subtotal $ 147,485.20 CIHCP Refund $ _ Equals (=) REPORT MONTH TOTAL $ 147,485.20 FISCAL YEAR b� TOTAL $ 147,485.20 Signature of Person Submitting Report 1 /1212007 Date Print Name and Title Monica Escalante CIHCP Coordinator APPOINTMENT FOR CHIEF OF STAFF FOR MEMORIAL MEDICAL STAFF 2007: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to appoint Dr. Reza Malek as Chief of Staff for Memorial Medical Staff for 2007. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE GULF BEND MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATION COLLABORATIVE: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Resolution in support of the Gulf Bend Mental Health Transformation Collaborative. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health reported in 2003 that the system of care in America remains fragmented, disconnected and often inadequate; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County, like many counties in Texas, is faced with a mental health crisis with far too many individuals with mental illnesses unable to access appropriate care, and local jails and state prisons are now over crowded with individuals who are inappropriately incarcerated and without appropriate treatment; and WHEREAS, the time has come for our nation's mental health system to be fundamentally transformed in order to ensure that mental health services and supports are less fragmented and better integrated with services provided by health, criminal justice, education and social service agencies; and WHEREAS, the Texas Mental Health Transformation Initiative funded by the Federal Government and sponsored by Governor Rick Perry, recognizes that behavioral health issues permeate all aspects of community life, and desires to address these issues at both the state and local levels through a Request for Applications process for funding of local community collaborative projects; and WHEREAS, Gulf Bend Mental Health Mental Retardation Center is the local community mental health authority designated by the Texas Department of Health Services to plan and coordinate the delivery of public mental health services on behalf of Calhoun County; and WHEREAS, Gulf Bend Mental Health Mental Retardation Center and Calhoun County have demonstrated an ability to facilitate meaningful and positive change through the use and implementation of data sharing processes, protocols, and technology that successfully addresses service gaps and barriers to the timely access of mental health services and supports the effective and efficient delivery of mental health services to the community through local collaborative projects including the Gulf Bend Jail Diversion Task Force, the Gulf Bend Access Partnership, and the Local Homeless Coalition; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County considers the transformation of the local behavioral health system a priority and wishes to join the state of Texas in this project to become a model community for mental health system transformation in Texas, and hereby designates Gulf Bend Mental Health Mental Retardation Center the named legal entity to file an application to the Texas Health Institute for funding of a local Mental Health Transformation Community Collaborative Project and serve ag the.contractor on behalf of Calhoun County, and the region including DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Lavaca, Refigio, and Victoria counties; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners' Court pledges the support of its leadership and commitment to explore better uses of current resources as well as identifying additional needs and hereby designates Donald L. Polzin, Executive Director for Gulf Bend Mental Health Mental Retardation Center, to serve as Calhoun County's liaison with Texas Health Institute and charges him with the responsibility of receiving all communications related to the project, administering the project in accordance with application requirements, and filing of timely reports to the Commissioners' Court and the Texas Health Institute over the course of the project period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Calhoun County Commissioner's Court hereby endorses this application. in support of the Gulf Bend Mental Health Transformation Collaborative and envisions this as the first step toward positive transformation of the local mental health system of care through a regional working partnership of stakeholder entities. ADOPTED this 25"' Day of January, 2007 by Calhoun County Commissioners' Court. Calhoun Michael I. Pf fer, u Judge Pct. 1 Neal ritsch Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 3 Vern Lyssy Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 2 ✓�//vrr Cd . ��fiico�'G Kenneth W. Finster Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 4 PRESENTATION DISCUSSING THE PROGRAM PROGRESS OF THE CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION PROGRAM OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS: Zan Matthies, County Extension Agent gave a presentation discussing the program progress of the Calhoun County Extension Program over the last four years. REQUEST OF CEA-FCS AND 4-H & YOUTH COORDINATOR FOR COUNTY CREDIT CARD FOR TRAVEL AND FUEL FOR COUNTY VEHICLE FOR OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL: A Motion was made by Commissioner Fritsch and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to approve the request of CEA-FCS and 4-H & Youth Coordinator for County Credit Card for travel and fuel for County vehicle for Out of County Travel. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Page 1 of 3 CALHOUN COUNTY CREDIT CARD POLICY AND PROCEDURE The Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure is a mutual effort intended to delegate both authority and responsibility for small dollar purchases to front line people who are in the best position to know what they need. However, as a public entity Calhoun County is expected to be able to demonstrate to the public that we are spending our money wisely. All participants are responsible to ensure that the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure can withstand the scrutiny of the press, the public and auditing. Your participation in the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure is a convenience that carries responsibilities along with it. Although the card is issued in your name, it shall be considered Calhoun County property and shall be used with good judgment. Your signature below verifies that you understand the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure agreement outlined below and agree to comply with it. To request a Credit Card, the following agreement should be filled out and properly executed. It should then be submitted to the County Judge's Office for an order issued by Commissioners' Court authorizing the issuance of the Credit Card. After the Commissioners' Court Order is issued, the requestor should submit an executed copy of this agreement to the County Treasurer who will arrange for the County's Depository to issue the Credit Card. The Credit Card's limit is $5,000.00. AGREEMENT ■ The Credit Card is provided to the Cardholder based on their need to purchase business related goods and services. The card may be revoked at any time based on change of assignment or at Commissioner's Court sole discretion. ■ The card is for business -related purchases only; personal charges shall not be made to the card. ■ The Cardholder is the only person entitled to use the card and is responsible for all charges made with the card. ■ The credit card billing will be sent directly to the County Treasurer and will be paid promptly by the County Treasurer. After payment of the credit card billing a copy will be sent to the cardholder for reconciliation and approval. A copy of the cardholder's reconciliation will be sent to the County Auditors Office promptly (within 5 days of the cardholder receiving the billing copy). Improper use of the card can be considered misappropriation of Calhoun County funds, which may result in disciplinary action, up to, and including termination. The following is a nonexclusive list of Credit Card purchases that are prohibited: Page 2 of 3 o Personal Expenditures. o Cash advances or refunds. o Sales tax except in cases where State law does not exempt local governments. o Entertainment of any kind, including the purchase of alcohol or patronage of drinking establishments. o Purchases under contracts, unless an emergency exception is granted. o Separate, sequential, and component purchases or transactions made with the intent to circumvent State law or County policy. o Purchases that are split to stay within card transaction limits. o Transaction amounts greater than cardholder's transaction limit. ■ The cardholder is expected to comply with internal control procedures in order to protect Calhoun County assets. This includes the Cardholder keeping vendor receipts/invoices, reconciling Credit Card monthly transaction statements, sending a copy of the credit card monthly reconciliation (with receipts/invoices attached) to the County Auditor's Office, and following proper card security measures. ■ The Cardholder is responsible for reconciling their Credit Card monthly transaction statement and resolving any discrepancies by contacting the supplier or the Calhoun County Treasurer. • The Cardholder shall immediately report a lost or stolen card by telephone to the County's Depository and to the Calhoun County Treasurer. ■ The Cardholder must surrender their card to the Calhoun County Treasurer upon termination of employment (i.e. retirement or voluntary/involuntary termination). At this point no further use of the Credit Card is authorized. In return for the purchasing authority delegated to the cardholder and in consideration of the cardholder's responsibility to properly steward public resources the Cardholder agrees to undertake the following responsibilities: ■ To purchase ethically, fairly, and without conflict of interest and to seek the best value. ■ To promptly reconcile statements and make any needed accounting adjustments. ■ To promptly report to the Calhoun County Auditor any suspected misuse of the Credit Card. To avoid payment of sales taxes. ■ To ensure that transaction documents are obtained and attached to the Cardholder Statement of Account, and to retain these records and attach them to the request for payment. ■ To comply with the terms and conditions of this Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure Agreement and any Purchasing Procedure, Policy or Guide that may be subsequently issued. The use of a County Credit Card for travel expenses does not relieve the cardholder from turning in proper travel expense reports. ■ Inform merchant of sales tax exempt status; Cardholder will be responsible for reimbursing any sales tax amount to Calhoun County except in cases where State law does not exempt local governments.. Page 3 of 3 ■ To protect and safeguard the Credit Card. The undersigned parties agree that should they willfully violate the terms of the agreement or be negligent in use of the card the Cardholder will reimburse Calhoun County for all incurred charges and any fees related to the collection of those charges. The undersigned parties further understand that this card is to be used for Calhoun County business purposes only and is not to be used to circumvent the competitive bid process. It is a violation of State law and Calhoun County policy to make purchases separately, or over a period of time, that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase. The Cardholder is the only person authorized to use this card. Improper or personal use of this card may result in disciplinary action against the undersigned parties, including termination or criminal prosecution. Credit Cards are issued to an individual only at the direction of the Commissioners' Court. It is understood that the Commissioners' Court may cancel the Cardholder's privilege to use the Credit Card at any time for any reason. The Cardholder will return the Credit Card at any time for any reason. This policy and procedure concerning the use of Credit Cards by Calhoun County employees was adopted by the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court on the 13th day of October 2005. Person requesting Credit Card: JWuM 29 2007 Date Approved by Elected Official/Department Head: Michael J. Pfeifer Name (printed) )7q4 J A2:�� Signature January 25, 2007 Date Jeremy W. Rounsavall Name (Printed) P.O. Box 86 Department Mailing Address Port Lavaca, TX 77979 City, State, Zip Code Please attach a copy of the Commissioners' Court Order approving this Credit Card request. Page 1 of 3 CALHOUN COUNTY CREDIT CARD POLICY AND PROCEDURE The Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure is a mutual effort intended to delegate both authority and responsibility for small dollar purchases to front line people who are in the best position to know what they need. However, as a public entity Calhoun County is expected to be able to demonstrate to the public that we are spending our money wisely. All participants are responsible to ensure that the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure can withstand the scrutiny of the press, the public and auditing. Your participation in the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure is a convenience that carries responsibilities along with it. Although the card is issued in your name, it shall be considered Calhoun County property and shall be used with good judgment. Your signature below verifies that you understand the Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure agreement outlined below and agree to comply with it. To request a Credit Card, the following agreement should be filled out and properly executed. It should then be submitted to the County Judge's Office for an order issued by Commissioners' Court authorizing the issuance of the Credit Card. After the Commissioners' Court Order is issued, the requestor should submii an executed copy of this agreement to the County Treasurer who will arrange for the County's Depository to issue the Credit Card. The Credit Card's limit is $5,000.00. AGREEMENT ■ The Credit Card is provided to the Cardholder based on their need to purchase business related goods and services. The card may be revoked at any time based on change of assignment or at Commissioner's Court sole discretion. ■ The card is for business -related purchases odly; personal charges shall not be made to the card. ■ The Cardholder is the only person entitled to use the card and is responsible for all charges made With the card. ■ The credit card billing will be sent directly to the County Treasurer and will be paid promptly by the County Treasurer. After payment of the credit card billing a copy will be sent to the cardholder for reconciliation and approval. A copy of the cardholder's reconciliation will be sent to the County Auditors Office promptly (within 5 days of the cardholder receiving the billing copy). hnproper use of the card can be considered misappropriation of Calhoun County funds, which may result in disciplinary action, up to, and including termination. The following is a nonexclusive list of Credit Card purchases that are prohibited: Page 2 of 3 o Personal Expenditures. o Cash advances or refunds. o Sales tax except in cases where State law does not exempt local governments. o Entertainment of any kind, including the purchase of alcohol or patronage of drinking establishments. o Purchases under contracts, unless an emergency exception is granted. o Separate, sequential, and component purchases or transactions made with the intent to circumvent State law or County policy. o Purchases that are split to stay within card transaction limits. o Transaction amounts greater than cardholder's transaction limit. • The cardholder is expected to comply with internal control procedures in order to protect Calhoun County assets. This includes the Cardholder keeping vendor receipts/invoices, reconciling Credit Card monthly transaction statements, sending a copy of the credit card monthly reconciliation (with receipts/invoices attached) to the County Auditor's Office, and following proper card security measures. ■ The Cardholder is responsible for reconciling their Credit Card monthly transaction statement and resolving any discrepancies by contacting the supplier or the Calhoun County Treasurer. • The Cardholder shall immediately report a lost or stolen card by telephone to the County's Depository and to the Calhoun County Treasurer. ■ The Cardholder must surrender their card to the Calhoun County Treasurer upon termination of employment (i.e. retirement or voluntary/involuntary termination). At this point no further use of the Credit Card is authorized. In return for the purchasing authority delegated to the cardholder and in consideration of the cardholder's responsibility to properly steward public resources the Cardholder agrees to undertake the following responsibilities: • To purchase ethically, fairly, and without conflict of interest and to seek the best value. ■ To promptly reconcile statements and make any needed accounting adjustments. ■ To promptly report to the Calhoun County Auditor any suspected misuse of the Credit Card. • To avoid payment of sales taxes. • To ensure that transaction documents are obtained and attached to the Cardholder Statement of Account, and to retain these records and attach them to the request for payment. • To comply with the terms and conditions of this Calhoun County Credit Card Policy and Procedure Agreement and any Purchasing Procedure, Policy or Guide that may be subsequently issued. The use of a County Credit Card for travel expenses does not relieve the cardholder from turning in proper travel expense reports. ■ Inform merchant of sales tax exempt status; Cardholder will be responsible for reimbursing any sales tax amount to Calhoun County except in cases where State law does not exempt local governments.. P4ge 3 of 3 ■ To protect and safeguard the Credit Card. The undersigned parties agree that should they willfully violate the terms of the agreement or be negligent in use of the card the Cardholder will reimburse Calhoun County for all incurred charges and any fees related to the collection of those charges. The undersigned parties further understand that this card is to be used for Calhoun County business purposes only and is not to be used to circumvent the competitive bid process. It is a violation of State law and Calhoun County policy to make purchases separately, or over a period of time, that in normal purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase. The Cardholder is the only person authorized to use this card. Improper or personal use of this card may result in disciplinary action against the pndersigned parties, including termination or criminal prosecution. Credit Cards are issued to an individual only at the direction of the Commissioners' Court. It is understood that the Commissioners' Court may cancel the Cardholder's privilege to use the Credit Card at any time for any reason. The Cardholder will return the Credit Card at any time for any reason. This policy and procedure concerning the use of Credit Cards by Calhoun County employees was adopted by the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court on the 13th day of October , 2005. Person requesting Credit Card: Extension _ Department Name Signature January 29, 2007 Date Approved by Elected Official/Department Head: Michael J. Pfeifer Name (printed) Signature January 25, 2007 Date Bet 1. Bowman Name (Printed) P.O. Box 86 Department Mailing Address Port Lavaca, TX 77979 City, State, Zip Code Please attach a copy of the Commissioners' Court Order approving this Credit Card request. TRANSFER INVENTORY OF BRUSH CHIPPER INVENTORY #665-0034 AND COMPUTER SYSTEM INVENTORY #665-0199 FROM EXTENSION SERVICE TO PRECINCT #1: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to transfer inventory of Brush Chipper, Inventory #665-0034 and Computer System Inventory #665-0199 from Extension Service to Precinct #1. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. HEAR HISTORICAL COMMISSION REPORT: Cherre Cain gave a report on the Calhoun County Historical Commission. APPOINT HISTORICAL COMMISSION CHAIRMAN FOR TWO YEAR TERM: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to appoint Cherre Cain - Chairman, Larry Nichols - Vice Chairman, Kristen Hadley — Secretary and Phil Thome — Treasurer to the Calhoun County Historical Commission for a two-year term. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST TO VACATE A 2.29 ACRE PORTION OF OUTLOT 2, OUTBLOCK 32, PORT O'CONNOR TOWNSITE OUTLOTS: Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding the request to vacate a 2.29 acre portion of Outlot 2, Outblock 32, Port O'Connor Townsite Outlots at 10:43 a.m. There were no public comments. Judge Pfeifer closed the Public Hearing at 10:44 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST TO VACATE A 3.648 ACRE TRACT COMPROMISED OF A PORTION OF OUTLOT 3 (1.824 ACRES) AND A PORTION OF OUTLOT 4 (1.824 ACRES), OUTBLOCK 32 PORT O'CONNOR TOWNSITE OUTLOTS• Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding the request to vacate a 3.648 acre tract compromised of a portion of Outlot 3 (1.824 acres) and a portion of Outlot 4 (1.824 acres), Outblock 32, Port O'Connor Townsite Outlots at 10:45 a.m. Lynn Smith and Bill Moore spoke from the public they do not want a street to go thru, the property owners bought the property knowing it was a dead-end street subdivision and that is the way they want it to stay. Judge Pfeifer closed the Public Hearing at 10:47 a.m. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION, AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $1,500 AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Texas Settlement Region, authorize payment of $1,500 and authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CONTRACT Between CALHOUN COUNTY And TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN WHEREAS, Calhoun County, hereinafter COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, has determined that the expenditure of county funds proposed herein is one which serves a public purpose and has further determined that the State of Texas, by its Constitution or by its state statutes, either implicitly or explicitly, has conferred upon COUNTYthe authority, the power and the jurisdiction to accomplish the uses for said funds as proposed herein, infra. Having found the above elements fully satisfied, COUNTY may contract with a private nonprofit corporation so that they may use said public funds for the purposes contemplated herein, but only if the expenditure is to accomplish "county business" (which encompasses matters of general concern to county residents) and only if COUNTY assures itself that the funds to be transferred by this contract are subject to adequate contractual or other controls to ensure that expenditure of said county funds for the public purpose stated herein will be accomplished and so long as COUNTY received adequate consideration for the county funds to be provided by this contract. WHEREAS, The Texas Settlement Region, a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter referred to as TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION, is engaged in promoting tourism in our region based upon our history, culture and natural attractions and providing an economic development area for the betterment of Calhoun County, and desires to enter into such a contract for the provision of certain services for the COUNTY; said services being considered by both parties to this contract as fair consideration from the TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION to COUNTYi.n exchange for the funds transferred hereby. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED THAT: 1. Payment by County: In consideration that the services described below to the residents of COUNTY, TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall be entitled to a sum not to exceed $1,500.00 per annum. Such amount shall be disbursed by COUNTY to TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION on or after January 1, 2007, upon written request for TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION. 2. Services: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall provide services through their Victoria Office to promote tourism in our region based upon our history, culture and natural attractions. 3. IRS Classification: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGIONS Internal Revenue Service, non-profit classification is 501(c) (3) and its IRS EIN is 74-2864719. 4. Most Recent Financial and Performance Reports: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall submit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION'S most current independent financial audit or end -of -year financial report of all expenditures and income for the period of TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION'S fiscal year ending in calendar year 2006, within 60 days of the approval of this contract. TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a performance review by which TEXAS SETILEIVIENT REGION gives details of services provided and clients served for the previous COUNTY fiscal year ending on December 31, 2006, on or before March 1, 2007. 5. Prospective Financial and Performance Reports: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall submit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION' independent financial audit or end -of -year financial report of all expenditures and income for the period of TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION' fiscal year ending in calendar year 2006, within thirty days following its receipt by TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a performance review by which TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION gives details of services provided and clients served for TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION' fiscal year ending in calendar year. 2006, by March 1, 2007. 6. Term: The Term of this contract is to begin on January 1, 2007 and end on December 31, 2007, unless earlier terminated by either party on thirty days written notice. 7. Books and Records: All books and records of TEXAS SET j1JENT REGION shall be open for inspection during norm business hours to any member of the public, the Calhoun County Auditor, and such persons as may be given that authority, in writing, by the Commissioners' Court, provided, however that this clause shall in no way be construed to override the provision of the Federal Privacy Act or other state or federal law or regulation concerning the disclosure of confidential or privacy matters. 8. Effectiveness: This contract is effective upon approval by Order of the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court. 9. Non -Discrimination: TEXAS SETTLEAVIENT REGION agrees to operation under a policy of non-discrimination with regard to the provision of said services. Such policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, color., handicap, disability, national origin, language, political affiliation or belief or other non -merit factor. Any act of discrimination shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 10. Sexual Harassment Prohibited: TEXAS SE]=MENT REGION agrees to adopt and maintain a policy that prohibits sexual harassment. Any act of sexual harassment constitutes a material breach of this contract. 11. Applicable Laws: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION agrees to comply with any and all applicable laws, local, state and federal, regarding work hours, safety, wages, social security benefits, and/or workers compensation. This clause places a duty to meet the requirements of such laws only if the law itself places such a duty on TEXAS SET AIENT REGION Any act in violation of any of those laws or ordinances shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 12. Default: a. In the event either party shall fail to keep, observe or perform any covenant, contract, term or provision of this contract to be kept, observed or performed by such party, respectively, and such default shall continue for a period of ten days after notice thereof by the non -defaulting party to the other, then in any such event the non -defaulting party shall be entitled to terminate this contract. b. No delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, power or privilege shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege constitute such a waiver nor exhaust the same, which shall be continuing. No notice to or demand on either party in any case shall entitle such party to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances, or constitute a waiver of the rights of either party to any other or further action in any circumstances without notice or demand. 13. Successors and Assigns: This contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided that TEXAS SEI-MEMENT REGION may not assign this contract without COU=S prior written consent. 14. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be enforceable in, and venue shall be in, Calhoun County, Texas. 15. Notices: Any notice or communication hereunder must be in writing, and may be given by registered or certified mail, if given by registered or certified mail, same shall be deemed to have been given and received when a registered or certified letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mail; and if given otherwise than by registered mail, it shall be deemed by haven been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom it is addressed. Such notices or communications shall be given to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below. Any party hereto may at any time by giving ten days written notice to the other party hereto designate any other address in substitution of the foregoing address to which such notice or communication shall be given. 16. Severability: If any terns, covenant or condition of this contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract or the application of such tern, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term, covenant or condition of this contract shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 17. Relationship: The parties hereby agree that this is a contract for the administration of the Program and hereby renounce the existence of any other relationship. In no event shall COUNTY have any obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to any debts, obligations or liability of TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION, and TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION shall have no authority to. bind COUNTY to any contract, matter or obligation. No duties of COUNTY are delegated to TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION by this contract and any provision which is or may be held to be such a delegation shall be of no force or effect. 18. Modification; Termination: This contract may be amended, modified, terminated or released only be written instrument executed by COUNTY and TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION, except as herein otherwise provided. 19. Total Agreement: This contract is a total and complete integration of any and all undertakings existing between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements, promises or representation between them. The headings of the various paragraphs of this contract are for convenience only, and shall not define, interpret, affect or prescribed the meaning and interpretation of the provisions of this contract. CALHOUN COUNTY TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION NOTICES COUNTY: TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION: Calhoun County Judge P. O. Box 1132 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 301 Victoria, TX 77902 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, Anita Fricke, County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas, certify that the above coltraci was accepted and agreed to by the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County on -5-0q By: D puty Clerk Date: t - Mg - 0-00 ALLOW BLACKBERRY ISLAND, LP TO DRAW DOWN ITS LETTER OF CREDIT HELD BY THE COUNTY AS SECURITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE CARACOL SUBDIVISION AS A RESULT OF THE PARTIAL COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS, AS CERTIFIED BY URBAN ENGINEERING• A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to sign a resolution to allow Blackberry Island, LP to draw down its Letter of Credit held by the County as security for the construction of certain public improvements within the Caracol Subdivision as a result of the partial completion of certain improvements, as Certified by Urban Engineering. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS APPROVING DRAW DOWN FOR BLACKBERRY ISLAND, L.P. WHEREAS, the Calhoun County Subdivision Regulations require a Subdivider of Land to post appropriate financial security for 110% of the construction costs of certain infrastructure proposed in a Final Plat, as a condition for the filing of a Final Plat of record by the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court; and, WHEREAS, the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court approved the Preliminary Plat of CARACOL on July 13, 2006; and, WHEREAS, the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court approved Blackberry Island, L.P.'s irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $1,556,500.00; and, WHEREAS, Blackberry Island, L.P., the Sub -divider of CARACOL requests from the Commissioner's Court permission to draw down a portion of the irrevocable letter of credit because it has completed a portion of the work as certified by Urban Engineering; and, WHEREAS, the Calhoun County Subdivision Regulations and the Court's resolution on August 10, 2006 allows for this draw down; and, WHEREAS, Urban Engineering has certified Pay Estimate 1 and Pay Estimate 2 in the total amount of $253,986.19. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN: The Calhoun County Commissioner's Court hereby approves BLACKBERRY ISLAND, L.P.'S request to draw down the irrevocable letter of credit held in escrow with the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court in the amount of $228,587.57, which is 90% of Pay Estimate 1 and Pay Estimate 2. The Calhoun County Commissioner's Court further ORDERS that the remaining funds as evidenced by said irrevocable letter of credit shall remain in holding by the Calhoun County Judge in escrow to ensure the completion of certain infrastructure as depicted in the Final Plat; PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, on this 25th day of January, 2007. Calhoun County Neil It. F itsch Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 3 ATTEST: ANITA FRICKE CALHOUN COUNTY CLERK By: an d nut'. , Wendy Ma in, Deputy Vern Lyssy Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 2 Kenneth W. Finster Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct. 4 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION - PROPERTY TO BE DISCUSSED MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA: The Court, being in open session, in compliance with the pertinent provisions of the Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Government Code, Section 551, Subchapter D, the County Judge, as presiding officer, publicly announced at 10:50 a.m. that a closed session would now he held under the provision of Section 551.072; a governmental body my conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property in deliberation if an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third party. Property to be discussed is Memorial Medical Plaza. The County Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of said closed session; this meeting would be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session. At the end of the closed session, the meeting was reopened to the public at 11:05 a.m. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded Commissioner Fritsch to authorize the Judge Pfeifer to sign the Contract that was proposed in closed session. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DETERMINE NUMBER OF PUBLIC MEMBERS/DESIGNATED COUNTY OFFICIALS TO COMPOSE SALARY GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE:_ A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to appoint three members to the Salary Grievance Committee. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. SELECT PUBLIC MEMBERS OF SALARY GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE FROM GRAND JURY LIST: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to appoint Wesley Clay Brett, Rosie Padron and Jack Dempsey Campbell, Jr. to the Salary Grievance Committee from the Grand Jury List. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. RENEW SERVICE CONTRACT BETWEEN CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT AND AARC ENVIRONMENTAL: A Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to renew the Service Contract between Calhoun County Airport and AARC Environmental. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. SERVICE CONTRACT This Service Contract, dated as of January 11, 2007, is between CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT.. ("Chent) and AARC Environmental, Inc- ("Company'). The primary Client contact name is . The primary Company contact name is Jim Savles. In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: Work to be Rendered Client. A. Subject to all the terns and conditions of this Service Agreement, Company shall perform the work as described on Schedule I attached hereto (the "Services') and incorporated herein. While some activities may occur at the Client's site, this agreement calls for performance by both parties in Harris County, Texas. The parties agree that the majority of the Company's services will be performed in CALHOUN County, Texas, and that payment will be made in Harris County, Texas. B. Client agrees to fully cooperate with Company in its performance ofthis Work Agreement. IfClientf & totimelyand reasonably cooperate and to provide any reasonable accommodations, including the provision of necessary information,then Companywill have the option of terminating this Service Contract pursuant to Section 8 hereof or delaying or suspending performance. C. Upon demand by Company, Client agrees to provide adequate assurance of performance. Payment. Client shall be invoiced for the Services in accordance with the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference and in accordance with the invoices sent by Company. Payment for all fees, charges and reimbursements invoiced to Client shall be made to Company, in Harris County, Texas, by check on or before such dates as are required therefor. Time is of the essence with respect to payment for the Services_ In the event of errors or disputes in billing, Client will promptly pay the undisputed portion of any such billing upon presentation of invoice. Client has no right of set-off. Payment shall be made at the address of the Company stated in Section 10. Unless otherwise specifically stated in Exhibit B, payment is due twenty (20) days after the earlier of, (i) Company's invoice is deposited in the U.S. Mail or other carrier, or (ii) the Client receives such invoice. Term. This Work Agreement shall be effective as of date above and shall continue in full force and effect thereafter until terminated in accordance with Section 8 hereof (such date of termination herein after referred to as the "Termination Date"). Dispute Resolution, Indemnity and Warranties. A. Client will save, defend, and hold harmless Company for all fees, charges, and reimbursements due Company under this Service Contract and from and against any and all loss, costs, damage, claims, dues, or debts arising out of Client's negligence or any performance under this Service Contract. B. The Client's sole and exclusive remedy against Company shall be limited to monies actually paid to Company under this Service Contract. C. Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and governmental orders or regulations bearing on their respective duties or obligations hereunder. D. In the event Company is requested by Client or compelled by subpoena to give a deposition, testify at trial, respond to any subpoena, give expert or witness testimony, participate in an individual, investigative or administrative proceeding, produce documents to any third party or provide any other type of response arising from performance under this Service Contract, Client is responsible for all attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred by Company in that endeavor and shall compensate Company. E. The parties agree that the Company shalt not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or third party damages arising out of this Service Contract. Client understands and agrees that the laws, orders, rules, and regulations which underlie Company's advice and work for or to Client are frequently subject to change. Company's services, advice, and work are based on its understanding ofcurrent legal requirements and Company has no further duty to warn or advise Client as to such changes, amendments, or modifications after Page 1 of 6 suspension, completion or termination of this Service Contract. All goods, work, and/or services are transferred or rendered to Client "as is." All warranties are expressly disclaimed. There are absolutely no warranties, further representations, or guarantees whatsoever that accompany this Service Contract, either express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. F. This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Texas. The parties agree that venue for any litigation between the parties regarding the performance and/or nonperformance of any obligation arising under this Service Contract shall lie in the courts ofHarris County, Texas. Although this is a contract for services, this Service Contract shall be governed to the maximum extent practicable under the provisions of the Texas version of the Uniform Commercial Code. The parties agree to consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in the State of Texas. The parties agree that this contract shall be performed in Harris County, Texas and payment shall be deemed made in Harris County, Texas. Relationship Between the Parties. A. Company is and shall be deemed to be an "independent contractor" with respect to Client. Nothing herein shall be construed as establishing or creating any employee/employer relationship between the parties, partnership, or joint venture_ Company acknowledges that it is not entitled to any of Client's employee benefits and is solely responsible and liable for the payment of all income, employment, and occupational taxes and withholdings for services rendered hereunder. B. Client expressly agrees that until the first anniversary of the Termination date, it will not, directly or indirectly, hire, entice, employ, contract, divert, take away, or attempt to hire, entice, employ, contract, divert, or take away, any present or former employee, contractor, subcontractor, officer, agent, or representative of Company without the express prior written consent of Company which consent may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of Company_ Breach of this provision will entitle Company to injunctive relief. Confidentiality. A. Upon written request by the Client, Company will keep confidential all information received from or obtained or disclosed by Client to Company regarding Client ("Confidential Information'), until the third anniversary of the Termination date, whether or not such information is separately stamped, marked, or indicated in any other manner to be confidential; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to (i) information that is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, (ii) information that is or becomes available to Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents on a non -confidential basis prior to its disclosure by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, and (iii) information that is required to be disclosed by Company or any of its officers, directors, employees oragents as a result of any applicable law, rule or regulation of any governmental authority or stock exchange. B. Company will not use such specific information, findings, or conclusions to or for its own use or benefit, but may appropriate general findings or conclusions to update or modify its materials without reference to Client Non -Assignment. Client may not assign this Service Contract or its rights or duties hereunder without the express written consent of Company which consent may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of Company. Termination. A. This Service Contract shall terminate when all work is completed and all amounts due to Company have been fully collected, as determined by Company, if not sooner terminated by Company in accordance with Section 8.B. below. The estimated time for completion identified in any exhibits is merely an estimate and Company does not guarantee completion within such time. B. Upon the occurrence of any of the following Events of Default, Company may, at its option, terminate this Service Contract by notice to Client delivered in accordance with Section 10 hereof. For purposes hereof, each the following events constitute an "Event of Default": (i) the occurrence of any default by Client of its obligations hereunder, (ii) a court having jurisdiction in the premises enters a decree or order for (a) relief in respect of Client in an involuntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, (b) appointment or a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee or similar official of Client or for all or substantially all of the property and assets of Client or (c) the winding up or liquidation of the affairs of Client, (iii) Client (a) commences a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect or consents to the entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under any such law, (b) consents to the appointment ofor taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, Page 2 of 6 assignee, custodian, trustee or similar office of Client or for all or substantially all of property or assets of Client or (c) effects any general assignment for the benefits of creditors, (iv) failure of Client to timely make any payment to Company, (v) failure of Client to provide information to Company or to cooperate with Company in the performance of this Contract, and (vi) failure of Client to provide adequate assurance as requested by Company. C. In addition to applicable Events of Default described in 8.B. above, in the event that Client is a sole proprietorship, Company may, at its option, terminate this Service Contract upon the death of the proprietor by notice to Client delivered in accordance with Section 10 hereof. D. In the event of termination under Sections 8.A., B.B. or B.C., Company shall be relieved of all further responsibility or obligations hereunder and Client shall promptly payto Company the proportional amount of fees, including costs, expenses andprofitsfor all of Company's performance already provided to Client and for all of the costs associated with preparing to handle the work under this Agreement. This does not limit Company's rights to enforce the Contract and obtain any legal or equitable remedies. E. Termination of this Service Contract merely terminates the obligation for further performance by Company. Client's obligation to pay Company and other obligations herein shall survive termination. F. Client may terminate this Service Contract only for failure of performance. In the event Client believes Company is failing in its performance, Client must provide written notice to Company via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested specifying the failure(s). Company will then have fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt to cure any such failum(s). If the failure(s) are not cured within the fifteen (15) day notice period, this Service Contract is terminated. Client may only terminate this Agreement after notice and upon failure of Company to cure. if Client terminates this Service Contract, it will still be liable for all work done on the project; on a proportional basis as determined under Section 8.D. 9. Force Majeum. Company's timely performance due under this Service Contract shall be excused to the extent that Company is delayed or prevented in its performance due to an act of God or force majeure, failure of labor, materials or equipment, significant weather, governmental authority preventing performance, Client's failure to cooperate, Client's ineligibility for a permit, and all other events beyond the reasonable control of Company. 10. Notice. Any and all notices shall be given in writing by overnight courier, registered letter or facsimile which shall be addressed, orsent, to the respective addresses as follows (or such other address as Company or Client may specify): Client: CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT 4876 FM 3084 PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 5120 Company: AARC Environmental, Inc. 2500 Wilerest, Suite 460 Houston, Texas 77042 All Notices shall be deemed effective and received (i) if given by facsimile, if received before 5:00 p.m., C.S.T., when such facsimile is transmitted to the number specified above and receipt thereof is confirmed, and if received after 5:00 p.m., C.S.T., then the following day; (ii) if given by overnight courier, on the business day immediately following the day on which such notice is delivered to a reputable overnight courier service; or (iii) if given by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, when such notice is delivered at the address specified above. Page 3 of 6 11. Authority to Execute. The signatories each warrant and represent that they have full power and authority to execute this Service Contract and thereby fully bind the respective parties. 12. Miscellaneous. A. This Service Contract and all exhibits or schedules attached hereto represent the full, entire, and complete understanding of the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof; all such other agreements, contracts, or understandings are completely merged herein or are otherwise deemed null and void. The parties agree that they are not relying on anything not written into this Agreement, and certainly no oral representations, in entering into this Agreement. This Service Contract may only be amended, modified or altered in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties. B. If any term, provision, covenant, or restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated- C. Headings contained in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit or extend the scope or intent of this Agreement or any provisions hereof. D. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original and all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement of the parties hereto. E. The waiver by Company of any part of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of any other part, or as a permanent or continuing waiver of that provision. above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed and delivered this Service Contract as ofthe date first written [AARC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC] In Name-- Jim _Sayles Title: Regional Manager Date: January 11, 2007 [CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT] By: Name: Michael Pfieffer Title: County Judge Date: S f(f f Page 4 of 6 EXHIBrr A DESCRIPTION OF WORK TPDES STORM WATER PERMIT MAINTENANCE SERVICES: Annual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Training (2006) • Records generated for your files • Video and interactive slide presentation • Reviews and handouts provided • Meeting State and Federal Regulations Cost: $450.00 Per Training Quarterly Inspections (4) • Conduct inspections to document implementation of plan Cost: $275.00 Per Quarter Annual Review of Plan (2005, 2006) • Update plan to take into consideration major changes to operation Cost: $450.00 Per Review Page 5 of 6 Exhibit B Schedule of Payment for Services Shown on Exhibit A $450.00 Due Upon Completion of Annual Review Oct -Dec, 2007-2011; $350.00 Due Upon Completion of Quarterly Inspection Jan -March, 2007-2011; $350.00 Due Upon Completion of Quarterly Inspection April -June, 2007-201 l ; $350.00 Due Upon Completion of Quarterly Inspection July -Sept 2007-2011; $450.00 Due Upon Completion of Annual Pollution Prevention Training 2007-2011. Page 6 of 6 POLICY OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 130.908 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE: {A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to accept the Policy of Compliance with Section 130.908 of the Texas Local Government Code. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. POLICY OF COMPLIANCE Section 130.908 Texas Local Government Code Calhoun County, Texas BE IT RESOLVED, after Motion, second and unanimous vote of the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court that the following is the official policy of Calhoun County in regards to the bills incurred by outgoing County officials and Precinct Officers: Section 130.908 of the Texas Local Government Code states: If an incumbent county or precinct officer is not re -nominated or is not reelected to the County or precinct office of a county, during the time following the date the results of the official canvass of the primary or election returns are announced, the commissioner's court must approve any expenditure by the incumbent county or precinct officer who was not re -nominated or reelected that is over an amount set by the commissioner's court. Amount The amount set for this purpose is any bill in the amount of $500.00 or more. Officers County or Precinct Officers who shall comply with this policy and State statute are: County Judge County Commissioner Constable Sheriff Treasurer Justice of the Peace County Tax Collector County Clerk District Clerk Separate Bills Bills or invoices are not to be broken up into separate bills or invoices in amounts below $500.00 to avoid this policy. Delayed Bills Bills and invoices are not to he held or delayed in presentment for payment to avoid this statute and policy. Pre -approval Bills and invoices incurred in an amount of $500.00 or more must be pre -approved by Commissioner's Court or they will not be paid. Any financial obligation incurred by an outgoing Precinct or County Officer in an amount of $500.00 or more not pre -approved will become the personal responsibility of the outgoing Precinct or County Officer who incurred this bill or invoice. All such bills or invoices in an amount of $500.00 or more will be pre -approved by use of a purchase order approved by Commissioner's Court prior to incurring the bill, debt or financial obligation. Election The election referred to in this policy shall mean the general election unless there is not an opponent in the general election. Where the incumbent looses the primary election and cannot run in the general election then the incumbent must comply with this policy from the date of the primary election. If the incumbent decides not to ran for re-election then the election will be the primary election. Compliance Verification The non -renominated or non -reelected County or Precinct Official will provide all documents requested the County Auditor to ensure compliance with this policy and statute. Entered this the 25 day of January , 2007 by the Calhoun County Commissioner's Court. Michael Pfeifer County Judge LEASE AGREEMENT WITH XEROX FOR COPIER FOR ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to approve the Lease Agreement with Xerox for Copier for Elections Department and authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. LEASE AGREEMENT Full Legal Name Customer Name (Bill to) COUNTY OF CALHOUN DBA/Name Overflow ELECTIONS OFFICE Street Address 211 S ANN ST Box#/Routing City, State PORT LAVACA, TX Zip Code 77979-4203 Tax ID# Customer Name (Install) COUNTY OF.CALHOUN DBA/Name Overflow (if req'd) ELECTIONS OFFICE Installed at Street Address 211 S ANN ST Floor/Room/Routing City, State PORT LAVACA, TX Zip Code 77979-4203 County Installed In Calhoun Customer Requested Install Date 02/05/2007 Lease Payment Information E R XI.q� Check all that apply ❑ Assoc./Coop. Name ONegotiatedContract #:071763101 ❑DSAContract #: - ❑ Value Added Services: ❑ Attached Customer- P.O. #s: Supplies: Lease: ❑x State or Local Government Customer Int. Rate: 17o Total Int. Payable: $ Replacement/Modification of Prior Xerox Agreement Agreement covering Xerox Equipment Serial# (or 95#): is hereby ❑ modified ❑ replaced Effective Date: Comments: Lease Information Lease Temt : 48 months ZSupplies included in Base/Print Charges ❑ Refin. of Prior Agtmt.: ❑ Xerox (95#): ❑ 3rd Party Eq. Amt Refin: $ hit Rate: % Total Int Payable: $ Product (with serial number, if in place equipment) Purchase Option Down Payment Prev Install Fin'I I huem WCM20I 22PPM COP/PR/SCAN/FX $FMV $ 1)2TRAY J )DRCINST . $ 0 El S El 72.18 : MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENT (excl. of applic. taxes) Price Information Periodic Base Charge $ Charge Meter 1: Prints ] - + $ Prints t72.18Print $ Prints $ Print Charge Meter 2: Prints 1 - Is Prints $ Periodic Min.# of Prints (based on Meter 1 Print Charges) ❑ Purchased Supplies ❑ Cash ❑ Fin'd Min. Lease Payment Freq. (periodic, excluding excess meter charges) ❑ Monthly ❑Quarterly ❑ Semi -Annual ❑Annual ❑ Other Min. Lease Payment Mode ❑Advance ❑ An ears ❑ Adjustment Period Period A - Mos. Affected: Period B - Mos. Affected: Periodic Base Charge Periodic Base Charge $ Print Charge Meter 1:� Print Charge Meter 1: t ` Prints I - $ Prints 1 - Prints $ Prints $ Prints - $ Prints $ Print Charge Meter 2: Print Charge Meter 2: Prints I - Is Prints I - $ Prints Is Prints $ Periodic Min.# of Prints Periodic Min.# of Prints (based on Meter I Print Charges) (based on Meter I Print Charges) ❑ Application Software Reorder # Qty Description lPrice Software Title $ Initial License Fee ❑ Cash ❑ Finance Annual Renewal Fee ❑ Support Only $ Total Price = $ Total Initial License Fees = ❑ Trade -In Allowance Model/ Total Allowance Applied to: ❑Trade -In Equip. Balance: ❑Price of Replemnt. Equip.: Agreement Presented By: Xerox Name: Harvey G Brewer Phone:(361)575-5931 FOR AUTHORIZED HQ INTERNAL USE ONL)': Accepted: Xcro�L Colpo:atiou h 1`: (S Grrir:arc r;(Aaduv'i,drl Si riser'I Title: — Date: \VorkshcccG3.)404 Unit:I I/l6!N10709:08:57 Www.xerox.com ❑ K-16 Billing Suspension (check 1 as required) Months affected ❑ June only ❑ July only ❑ August only ❑ June - July ❑ July - August Additional Options (check all that apply) ❑ Run Length Plan ❑x Fixed Price Plan ❑ Per -Foot Pricing ❑ Extended Service Hours: Description: / $ 0 mo. ❑x Attached Addenda: 54105 TX(1) ❑ Other Addenda: CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT (CONSISTING OF 7 PAGES INCLUDING THIS FACE PAGE) Auth. Signer Name: Michael J. Pfeifer (Please Print Nmne gfAuthorizeel Signer) Signature: X (JIM 0 Date: tgsarrnc n( « u r-.ea rgner) Attth. Signer Tide: County Judge Phone: (361)553-4444 E-Mail: ZTax Exempt ("Must attach Sales Tax Erenrption Certificate) Xerox Form# 51860 (05/2005) 1/16/2007 Page I of 7 GENERALTERMS: The following terms apply to all lease transactions: I . PRODUCTS. The term "Products" shall refer collectively to all equipment (the "Equipment"), software, and supplies ordered under this Agreement. You represent that the Products are being ordered for your own business use (rather than resale) and that they will not be used for personal, household or family purposes. 2. NON -CANCELABLE LEASE. THIS AGREEMENT iS A LEASE AND IT CANNOT BE CANCELED OR TERMINATED EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, AND YOUR OBLIGATION TO MAKE ALL PAYMENTS DUE OR TO BECOME DUE SHALL BE ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL AND SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY DELAY, REDUCTION, SET-OFF, DEFENSE, COUNTERCLAIM OR RECOUPMENT FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, IRRESPECTIVE OF XEROX'S PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. ANY CLAIM AGAINST XEROX MAY BE ASSERTED SOLELY AGAINST XEROX W A SEPARATE ACTION. 3. LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PAYMENT, TAXES & CREDIT HISTORY. A. The lease term for this Agreement shall commence upon installation of the Equipment; provided, however, for customer -installable Equipment, the lease tens for this Agreement shall commence upon delivery of the Equipment. B. Invoices are payable upon receipt and you agree to pay Xerox each Minimum Lease Payment, all Print Charges and all other sums due as follows: (i) if the invoice displays a due date, payment is due and must be received by Xerox on or before said due date, or (ii) if the invoice does not display a due date, payment is due and must be received by Xerox no later than thirty (30) days after the invoice date. Restrictive covenants on instruments or documents submitted for or with payments you send to Xerox will not reduce your obligations. C. You shall be responsible for any and all applicable Taxes, which will be included in Xerox's invoice unless you provide proof of your tax exempt status. "Taxes" shall mean any tax, assessment or charge imposed or collected by any .governmental entity or any political subdivision thereof, however designated or levied, imposed on this Agreement or the amounts payable to Xerox by you for the billing of Products, Print Charges, services and maintenance of any kind; Taxes include, but are not limited to, sales and use, rental, excise, gross receipts and occupational or privilege taxes, plus any interest and/or penalty thereon, but excluding any personal property taxes and taxes on Xerox's net income. if a taxing authority determines that Xerox did not collect all applicable Taxes, you shall remain liable to Xerox for such additional Taxes. D. You, to the extent required by applicable law, authorize Xerox (or its agent) to obtain credit reports, make such other credit inquiries as Xerox may deem necessary at any time, furnish payment history information to credit reporting agencies, and release to prospective assignees of this Agreement or any rights hereunder credit - related information Xerox has about you and this Agreement. 4. BASIC SERVICES. As a mandatory part of a lease, Xerox (or a designated services) will provide the following Basic Services under this Agreement (unless you are acquiring Equipment for which Xerox does not offer Basic Services; such Equipment to be designated as "No Svc."): A. REPAIRS & PARTS. Xerox will make repairs and adjustments necessary to keep Equipment in good working order (including such repairs or adjustments required during initial installation). Parts required for repair may be new, reprocessed, or recovered. B. HOURS & EXCLUSIONS. Unless otherwise stated, Basic Services will be provided during Xerox's standard working hours (excluding Xerox -recognized holidays) in areas within the United States, its territories, and possessions open for repair service for the Equipment at issue. You agree to give Xerox reasonable access to the Equipment Basic Services shall cover repairs and adjustments required as a result of normal wear and tear or defects in materials or workmanship (and shall exclude repairs or adjustments Xerox determines to relate to or be affected by the use of options, accessories, or other connected products not serviced by Xerox, as well as any non -Xerox alterations,. relocation, service, supplies, or consumables). You agree to use Equipment in accordance with, and to perform all operator maintenance procedures for Equipment as set forth in, the applicable manuals provided by Xerox. C. INSTALLATION SITE & METER READINGS. The Equipment installation site must conform to Xerox's published requirements throughout the term of this Agreement. If applicable, you agree to provide meter readings in the manner prescribed by Xerox. If you do not provide Xerox with meter readings as required, Xerox may estimate them and bill you accordingly. D. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT. if Xerox is unable to. maintain the Equipment as described above, Xerox will, as your exclusive remedy for Xerox's failure to provide Basic Services, replace the Equipment with all identical product or, at Xerox's option, another product of equal or' greater capabilities. If a replacement product is provided pursuant to this Section, there will not be an additional charge for the replacement product and, except as set forth in the section of this Agreement titled "MAINTENANCE COMPONENT PRICE INCREASES", there will not be an additional charge for Basic Services dining the then -current term during which Basic Services are being provided. E. CARTRIDGE PRODUCTS. if Xerox is providing Basic Services for Equipment utilizing cartridges designated by Xerox as customer replaceable emits, including copy/print cartridges and xerographic modules or fuser modules ("Cartridges"), you agree to use only unmodified Cartridges purchased directly from Xerox or its authorized resellers in the United States and the failure to use such Cartridges shall void any warranty applicable to such Equipment. F. PC/WORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS. In order to receive Basic Services and/or Software Support for Equipment requiring connection to a PC or workstation, you must utilize a PC or workstation that either- (1) has been provided by Xerox or (2) meets Xerox's published specifications. G. DELIVERY AND REMOVAL. Xerox will be responsible for all standard delivery and removal charges. You will be responsible for any non-standard delivery or removal charges incurred. 5. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER & WAIVERS. XEROX DISCLAIMS, AND YOU WAIVE, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The parties intend this Agreement to be a "finance lease" under Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code. Except to the extent expressly provided, herein and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you waive all rights and remedies conferred upon a lessee by said Article. 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY. Xerox, at its expense, will defend you from, and pay any settlement agreed to by Xerox or any final judgment for, any claim that a Xerox -brand Product infringes a third parry's U.S. intellectual property rights, provided you promptly notify Xerox of the alleged infringement and permit Xerox to direct the defense. Xerox is not responsible for any non -Xerox litigation expenses or settlements unless it preapproves them in writing. To avoid infringement, Xerox may modify or substitute an equivalent Xerox -brand Product, refund the price paid for the Xerox -brand Product (less the reasonable rental value for the period it was available to you), or obtain any necessary licenses. Xerox is not liable for any infingement-related liabilities outside the scope of this Section including, but not limited to, infringement based upon a Xerox -brand Product being modified to your specifications or being used or sold with products not provided by Xerox. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Xerox shall not be liable to you for any direct damages in excess of $10,000 or the amounts paid hereunder, whichever is greater, and neither party shall be liable to the other for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or relating to this Agreement, whether the claim alleges tortious conduct (including negligence) or any other legal theory. The above -stated limitation of liability shall not be applicable to any specific indemnification obligations set forth in this Agreement. Any action you take against Xerox must be commenced within two (2) years after the event that caused it. 8. ASSIGNMENT. A. If you wish to assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement, you shall provide a written notice to Xerox of such request for consent, with said notice including the name of the proposed assignee. Your request to assign this Agreement will be granted by Xerox if: (1) you are not in default under this Agreement or any other agreement with Xerox; (2) the proposed assignee agrees to the section of this Agreement titled "LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PAYMENT, TAXES & CREDIT HISTORY" as applicable to it, for the purposes of the proposed assignment; (3) the proposed assignee meets Xerox's then current credit criteria for similar transactions as determined by Xerox in its sole discretion; and, (4) you and the proposed assignee execute a writing, in a form acceptable to Xerox, confunihtg said assignment. Assignment by you requires the written consent of Xerox and may not be accomplished by operation of law. B. Xerox may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, to a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Xerox, or to a person or entity for the purposes of securitizing a pool of assets or as part of a third party financial transaction without prior notice to you; provided, however, any proposed assignment to a person or entity not identified previously in this sentence shall require your prior written consent. In the event of an assignment permitted by the preceding sentence, Xerox, without notice to you, may release information it has about you related to this Agreement. Each successive assignee of Xerox shall have all of the rights but none of the obligations of Xerox hereunder. You shall continue to look to Xerox for performance of Xerox's obligations, including the provision of Basic Services, and you hereby waive and release any assignees of Xerox from any such claim relating to or arising from the performance of Xerox's obligations hereunder. You shall not assert any defense, counterclaim or setoff that you may have or claim against Xerox against Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2005) 1/16/2007 Page 2 of 7 any assignees of Xerox. In the event of an assignment by Xerox, you shall rent payments due in accordance with remittance instructions of the assignee. 9. MINIMUM LEASE. PAYMENTS. Each Minimum Lease Payment (which may be billed on more than one invoice) includes a Periodic Base Charge, and may include a Periodic Minimum Number of Prints. The Minimum Lease Payments, along with any additional Print Charges for prints made in excess of the Minimum Number of Prints, cover your cost for the use of the Equipment and its maintenance (provided as Basic Services), 10. MAINTENANCE. COMPONENT PRICE INCREASES. Xerox may annually increase that amount of the Minimum Lease Payment and Print Charges you are charged for maintenance of the Equipment (the "Maintenance Component"), each such increase not to exceed 10%. (For state and local government customers, this adjustment shall take place at the commencement of each of your annual contract cycles.) 11. TITLE, RiSK & RELOCATION. Title to the Equipment shall remain with Xerox until you exercise your option to purchase it. Until you exercise your option to purchase the Equipment, you agree that: (a) it shall remain personal property; (b) you will not attach any of it as a fixture to any real estate; (c) you will not pledge, sub -lease or part with possession of it or file or permit to be filed any lien against it; and, (d) you will not make any permanent alterations to it. The xisk of loss due to your fault or negligence, as well as theft, fire or disappearance, shall pass to you upon shipment from a Xerox controlled facility. The risk of loss due to all other causes shall remain with Xerox unless and moil you exercise your option to purchase the Equipment. Until title passes to you, all Equipment relocations must be arranged (or approved in advance) by Xerox and shall be at your expense. While Equipment is being relocated, you are responsible for all payments required to Xerox under this Agreement. Equipment cannot be relocated outside of the United States, its territories or possessions until you have exercised the Purchase Option indicated in this Agreement. If you acquire title to the Equipment, you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the export of any commodity, technology and/or software. All parts/materials replaced, including as part of an upgrade, will become Xerox's property. 12. DEFAULT & REMEDIES; LATE CHARGES & COLLECTION COSTS. A. For any payment not received by Xerox within ten (10) days of the due date as set forth herein, Xerox may charge, and you agree to pay, a late charge equal to the higher of five percent (5%) of the amount due or $25 (not to exceed the maximum amount permitted by law) as reasonable collection costs. B. You will be in default under this Agreement if (1) Xerox does not receive any payment within fifteen (15) days after the date it is due or (2) if you breach any other obligation hereunder. If you default, Xerox, in addition to its other remedies (including the cessation of Basic Services), may require immediate payment, as liquidated damages for loss of bargain and not as a penalty, of: (a) all amounts then due, plus interest on all amounts due from the due date until paid at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (not to exceed the maximum amount permitted by law); (b) the remaining Minimum Lease Payments in the Agreement's term less any unearned finance, maintenance, and supply charges (as reflected on the lessors books and records); (c) a reasonable disengagement fee calculated by Xerox that will not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the amount in (b) above (said amount is available from Xerox upon request); and (d) all applicable Taxes. You also shall either (1) make the Equipment available for removal by Xerox when requested to do so by Xerox and, at the time of removal, the Equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered (reasonable wear and tear excepted), together with any related software, or (2) purchase the Equipment "AS IS, WHERE IS" and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION OR VALUE by paying Xerox the Purchase Option and all applicable Taxes. Xerox's decision to waive or forgive a particular default shall not prevent Xerox from declaring any other default. In addition, if you default tinder this Agreement, you agree to pay all of the costs Xerox incurs to enforce its rights against you, including reasonable attorneys' fees and actual costs. 13. CARTRIDGES. Cartridges packed with Equipment and replacement Cartridges may be new, remanufactured or reprocessed. Remanufactured and reprocessed Cartridges meet Xerox's new Cartridge performance standards and contain new and/or reprocessed components. To enhance print quality, the Cartridge(s) for many models of Equipment have been designed to cease functioning at a predetermined point. in addition, many Equipment models are designed to function only with Cartridges that are newly manufactured original Xerox Cartridges or with Cartridges intended for use in the U.S. Equipment configuration that permits use of non -newly manufactured original Xerox Cartridges may be available from Xerox at an additional charge. Cartridges sold as Environmental Partnership ("EP") Cartridges remain the property of Xerox. You agree that you shall return all EP Cartridges and may return other Cartridges to Xerox, at Xerox's expense when using Xerox -supplied shipping labels, for remanufacturing once such Cartridges cease functioning. 14. EQUIPMENT STATUS. Unless you are acquiring Previously Installed Equipment, Equipment will be either (a) "Newly Manufactured", which may contain some recycled components that are reconditioned; (b) "Factory Produced New Model", which is manufactured and newly serialized at a Xerox factory, adds functions and features to a product previously disassembled to a Xerox predetermined standard, and contains both new components and recycled components that are reconditioned; or, (c) "Remanufactured", which has been factory produced following disassembly to a Xerox predetermined standard and contains both new components and recycled components that are reconditioned. I5. LEASE OPTIONS. The following options are available for Equipment subject to this Agreement. . A. PURCHASE OPTION. If not in default, you may purchase the Equipment, "AS IS, WHERE -IS" and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION OR VALUE: (i) at the end of the lease tenn for the Purchase Option indicated on the face of this Agreement (i.e. either a set dollar amount or the Fair Market Value of the Equipment at the lease term's conclusion ["FMV"]), plus all applicable Taxes, or (ii) any time during the lease term by paying: (1) all amounts then due; (2) the remaining Minimum Lease Payments in the Agreement's term less any unearned finance, maintenance, and supply charges (as reflected on the lessor's books and records); (3) a reasonable disengagement fee calculated by Xerox that will not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the amount in (2) above (said amount is available from Xerox upon request); (4) the applicable Purchase Option; and (5) all applicable Taxes. B. RENEWAL. Unless either party provides notice at least thirty (30) days before the end of the lease term of its intention not to renew this Agreement, it will be renewed automatically on a month -to -month basis at the same price, terms and conditions and billing frequency as the original Agreement. During this renewal period, either party may terminate this Agreement upon at least thirty (30) days notice. C. LEASE TERMINATION. Upon termination pursuant to B. above, and if you have not purchased the Equipment, your shall make the Equipment available for removal by Xerox when requested to do so by Xerox and, at the time of removal, the Equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered (reasonable wear and tear excepted), together with any related software. '16. PROTECTION OF XEROX'S RIGHTS. You hereby authorize Xerox or its agents to file, by any permissible means, financing statements necessary to protect Xerox's rights as the Equipment Lessor. Xerox, on your behalf and at your expense, may take any action required to be taken by you tinder this Agreement that you fail to take. 17. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES & COVENANTS. Each party represents that, as of the date of this Agreement, it has the lawful power and authority to enter into this Agreement, the individuals signing this Agreement are duly authorized to do so on its behalf and, by entering this Agreement, it will not violate any law or other agreement to which it is a party. You are not aware of anything that will have a material negative effect on you ability to satisfy your payment obligations under this Agreement and all financial information you have provided, or will provide, to Xerox is true and accurate and provides a good representation of your financial condition. Each party agrees that it will promptly notify the other party in writing of a change in ownership, if it relocates its principal place of business or changes the name of its business. 18. NOTICES. Notices must be in writing and will be deemed given five (5) days after mailing, or two (2) days after sendung by nationally recognized overnight courier, to the other party's business address, or to such other address designated by either party to the other by written notice given pursuant to this sentence. The term "business address" shall mean, for you, the "Bill to" address listed on the first page of this Agreement and, for Xerox, our inquiry address set forth on the most recent invoice to you. 19. FORCE MAJEURE. Xerox shall not be liable to you during any period in which its performance is delayed or prevented, in whole or in part, by a circumstance beyond its reasonable control, which circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following: act of God (e.g., flood, earthquake, wind); fire; war; act of a public enemy or terrorist; act of sabotage; strike or other labor dispute; riot; . misadventure of time sea; inability to secure materials and / or transportation; or, a restriction imposed by legislation, an order or a rule or regulation of a governmental entity. If such a circumstance occurs, Xerox shall undertake reasonable action to notify you of time same. 20. MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement as to its subject matter, supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and written agreements, and shall be construed under the laws of the State of New York (without regard to conflict -of -law principles). You agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts in Monroe County, New York. In any action to enforce this Agreement, the parties agree to waive their right to a jury trial. If a Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2005) 1/16/2007 Page 3 of 7 court raids any term of this Agreement to be unenforceable, the remaining terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect. Boar parties may retain a reproduction (e.g., electronic image, photocopy, facsimile) of this Agreement which shall be admissible in any action to enforce it, but only the Agreement held by Xerox shall be considered an original. Xerox may accept this Agreement either by its authorized signature or by commencing performance (e.g., Equipment delivery, initiating Basic Services, etc.). Ali changes to this Agreement must be made in a writing signed by both parties; accordingly, any terms on your ordering documents shall be of no force or effect. The following four sentences control over every other part of this Agreement and over all other documents now or later pertaining to this Agreement. We both intend to comply with applicable laws. In no event will Xerox charge or collect any amounts in excess of those allowed by applicable law. Any part of this Agreement that would, but for this Section, be read under any circumstances to allow for a charge higher than that allowed under any applicable legal limit, is limited and modified by this Section to limit the amountschargeable under this Agreement to the maximum amount allowed tinder the legal limit. If, in any circumstances, any amount in excess of that allowed by law is charged or received, any such charge will be deemed limited by the amount legally allowed and any amormt received by Xerox in excess of that legally allowed will be applied by us to the payment of amounts legally owed under this Agreement, or refunded to you. SOFTWARE TERMS: The following additional terms apply only to transactions covering Application Software and/or Xerox -brand Equipment: 21. SOFTWARE LICENSE. The following terms apply to copyrighted software arid the accompanying documentation, including, but not limited to, operating system software, provided with or within the Xerox -brand Equipment acquired hereunder ("Base Software") as well as software specifically set out as "Application Software" on the face of this Agreement. This license does not apply to any Diagnostic Software or to any software / documentation accompanied by a clickwrap or shrinkwrap license agreement or otherwise made subject to a separate license agreement. A. Xerox grants you a non-exclusive, non -transferable license to use the Base Software within the United States, its territories, and possessions (the "United States") only on or with the Equipment with which (or within which) it was delivered. For Application Software, Xerox grants you a non-exclusive, non- transferable license to use this software within the United States on any single unit of equipment for as long as you are current in the payment of any indicated software license fees (including any Annual Renewal Fees). You have no other rights to the Base or Application Software and, in particular, may not: (1) distribute, copy, modify, create derivatives of, decompile, or reverse engineer this software; (2) activate any software delivered with or within the Equipment in an unactivated state; or, (3) allow others to engage in same. Title to the Base and Application Software and all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in it shall at all times reside solely with Xerox and/or its licensors (who shall be considered third -party beneficiaries of this Agreement's software and limitation of liability provisions). Base and Application Software may contain, or be modified to contaur, computer code capable of automatically disabling proper operation or functioning of the Equipment. Such disabling code may be activated if: (a) Xerox is denied reasonable access to the Base or Application Software to periodically reset such code; (b) you are notified of a default under any term of this Agreement; or, (c) your license is terminated or expires. B. Xerox may terminate your license for any Base Software (1) immediately if you no longer use or possess the Equipment or are a lessor of the Equipment and your first lessee no longer uses or possesses it, or (2) upon the termination of any agreement under which you have rented or leased the Equipment. C. If you transfer possession of the Equipment after you obtain title to it, Xerox will offer the transferee a license to use the Base Software within the United States on or with it, subject to Xerox's then -applicable terms and license fees, if any, and provided the transfer is not in violation of Xerox's rights. D. Xerox warrants ttrat the Base and Application Software will perfomr in material conformity with its user documentation for a ninety (90) day period from the date it is delivered or, for software installed by Xerox, the date of software installation. Neither Xerox nor its licensors warrant that the Base or Application Software will be free from errors or that its operation will be uninterrupted. 22, SOFTWARE SUPPORT. During the period that Xerox (or a designated servicer) provides Basic Services for the Equipment but in no event longer than five (5) years after Xerox stops taking orders from customers for their acquisition of the subject model of Equipment, Xerox (or a designated servicer) will also provide software support for the Base Software under the following terms. For Application Software licensed pursuant to this Agreement, Xerox will provide software support under the following terms provided you are current in the payment of all Initial License and Annual Renewal Fees (or, for programs not requiring Annual Renewal Fees, the payment of the Initial License Fee and the annual "Support Only" Fees). A. Xerox will assure that Base and Application Software performs in material conformity with its user documentation and will maintain a toll -free hotline during standard business hours to answer related questions. B. Xerox may make available new releases of the Base or Application Software that primarily incorporate coding error fixes and are designated as "Maintenance Releases". Maintenance Releases are provided at no charge and must be implemented within six (6) months after being made available to you. Each new Maintenance Release shall be considered Base or Application Software governed by these Software Terms. New releases of the Base or Application Software that are not Maintenance Releases, if any, may be subject to additional license fees at Xerox's then-cun-ent pricing and shall be considered Base or Application Software governed by these Software Terms (unless otherwise noted). Xerox will not be in breach of its software support obligations hereunder if, in order to implement, in whole or in part, a new release of Base or Application Software provided or made available to you by Xerox,, you must procure, at your expense, additional hardware and/or software from Xerox or any other entity. You agree to return or destroy all prior releases. C. Xerox will use reasonable efforts, either directly and/or with its vendors, to resolve coding errors or provide workarounds or patches, provided you report problems as specified by Xerox. D. Xerox shall not be obligated (1) to support any Base or Application Software that is two or more releases older than Xerox's most current release or (2) to remedy coding errors if you have modified the Base or Application Software. E. For Application Software, Xerox may amrually increase the Annual Renewal and Support -Only Fees, each such increase not to exceed 10%. (For state and local - government customers, this adjustment shall -take place at the commencement of each of your annual contract cycles.) 23. DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE. Software used to maintain the Equipment and/or diagnose its failures or substandard performance (collectively "Diagnostic Software") is embedded in, resides on, or may be loaded onto the Equipment. The Diagnostic Software and method of entry or access to it constitute valuable trade secrets of Xerox. Title to the Diagnostic Software shall at all times remain solely with Xerox and/or Xerox's licensors. You agree that (a) your acquisition of the Equipment does not grant you a license or right to use the Diagnostic Software in any manner, and (b) that unless separately licensed by Xerox to do so, you will not use, reproduce, distribute, or disclose the Diagnostic Software for any pu*se (or allow third parties to do so). You agree at all times (including subsequent to the expiration of this Agreement) to allow Xerox to access, monitor, and otherwise take steps to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of the Diagnostic Software. GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER TERMS: The following additional terms apply only to lease transactions with state and local government customers: 24. REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES, FUNDING, TAX TREATMENT & PAYMENT. A. REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES. You hereby represent and warrant, as of the date of this Agreement, that: (1) you are a State or a fully constituted political subdivision or agency of the State in which you are located and are authorized to enter into, and carry out, your obligations under this Agreement and any other documents required to be delivered in connection with the Agreement (collectively, the "Documents"); (2) the Documents have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by you in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations (including, but not limmited to, all applicable laws governing open meetings, public bidding and appropriations required in connection with this Agreement and the acquisition of the Equipment) and are valid, legal, binding agreements, enforceable in accordance with their terms and the person(s) signing the Documents have the authority to do so, are acting with the full authorization of your governing body and hold the offices indicated below their signatures, each of which are genuine; (3)'the Equipment is essential to the immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary function by you within the scope of your authority and shall be used during the lease term only by you and only to perform such function; and, (4) your obligations to remit payments under this Agreement constitute a current expense and not a debt under applicable state law and no provision of this Agreement constitutes a pledge of your lax or general revenues and any provision that is so construed by a court of competent jurisdiction is void from the inception of this Agreement. B. FUNDING. You represent and warrant that all payments due and to become due during your current fiscal year are within the fiscal budget of such year and are included within an unrestricted and unencumbered appropriation currently available for the lease/purchase of the Equipment, and that it is your intent to use the Equipment for the entire lease term and to make all payments required under this Agreement. In the event that (1) through no action initiated by you your legislative body does not appropriate funds for the continuation or this Agreement for any fiscal year after the first fiscal year and has no funds to do so from other sources, and (2) you have made a reasonable but unsuccessful effort to find a creditworthy Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2005) 1/16/2007 Page 4 of 7 assignee acceptable to Xerox in its sole discretion within your general organization who can continue this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated. To effect this termination, you shall, thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which your legislative body does not appropriate funds for such upcoming fiscal year, send Xerox written notice stating that your legislative body failed to appropriate funds and that you have made the required effort to find an assignee. Your notice must be accompanied by payment of all sums then owed through the current year to Xerox under this Agreement and must certify that the canceled Equipment is not being replaced by equipment performing similar functions during the ensuing fiscal year. In addition, you agree at your expense to return the Equipment in good condition to a location designated by Xerox and that, when returned, the Equipment will be free of all liens and encumbrances. You will then be released from your obligations to make any further payments to Xerox beyond those due for the current fiscal year (with Xerox retaining all sums paid to date). C. TAX TREATMENT. This Agreement has been accepted on the basis of your representation that Xerox may claim any interest paid by you as exempt from federal income tax tinder Section 103(c) of the Code. You agree to comply with the information reporting requirements of Section 149(e) of the Code. Such compliance shall include, but not be limited to, the execution of 8038-G or 8038-GC Information Returns. You hereby appoint Xerox as your agent to maintain, and Xerox agrees to maintain, or cause to be maintained, a complete and accurate record of all assignments of this Agreement in form sufficient to comply with the book entry requirements of Section 149(a) of the Code and the regulations prescribed thereunder from time to time. Should Xerox lose the benefit of this exemption as a result of your failure to comply with or be covered by Section 103(c) or its regulations, then, subject to the availability of funds and upon demand by Xerox, you shall pay Xerox an amount equal to its loss in this regard. At the time of execution of this Agreement, you shall provide Xerox with a properly prepared and executed copy of US Treasury Form 8038 or 8038-GC. D. PAYMENT. Your payment is due within thirty (30) days of our invoice date. ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following additional terms apply only to the extent that you have agreed to one or more of the options described below: 25. CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES INCLUDED IN BASE/PRINT CHARGES. If this option has been selected, Xerox (or a designated servicer) will provide you with black toner (excluding highlight color toner), black developer, copy Cartridges, and, if applicable, fuser ("Consumable Supplies") throughout the term of this Agreement. For full -color Equipment, Consumable Supplies shall also include, as applicable, color toner and developer. You agree that the Consumable Supplies are Xerox's property until used by you, that you will use them only with the Equipment, that you will return all Cartridges to Xerox for remanufacturing once they have been run to their cease -function point (at Xerox's expense when using Xerox - supplied shipping labels), and that at the end of the term of this Agreement either (a) you will return any unused Consumable Supplies to Xerox (at Xerox's expense when using Xerox -supplied shipping labels)or (b) destroy them in a manner permitted by applicable law. Should your use of Consumable Supplies exceed Xerox's published yields for these items by more than 10%o, you agree that Xerox shall have the right to charge you for any such excess usage. When requested by Xerox, you agree to provide meter readings and inventory of Consumable Supplies in your possession. 26. REPLACEMENT / MODIFICATION OF PRIOR XEROX AGREEMENT. If this option has been selected, this Agreement will replace or modify a prior agreement between you and Xerox covering the specified equipment. If it is a replacement agreement, the prior agreement shall be null and void. If it is a modification, the prior agreement shall remain in effect except that any terms presented um this modification agreement that conflict with, or are additive to, any of the terms in the prior. agreement shall take precedence over the terms in the prior agreement for the balance of the Agreement. In addition, modifications requiring a reamortization of you payments may include a one-time administrative/processing charge that will appear on your first bill under this revised arrangement. rights it has to these products (which rights shall revert to Xerox if you breach this Agreement). You agree (I) that these products are not covered by Xerox's obligation to provide Basic Services; (2) to maintain it service agreement for these products with a service provider acceptable to Xerox throughout this Agreement's term; (3) to pay all personal property taxes related to these products; and (4) to assign to Xerox any rights you have to these products until title passes from Xerox to you (which, subject to any software licenses surrounding the acquisition of these products, shall occur when you obtain title to all Xerox -brand Equipment covered by this Agreement). 28. FINANCED SOFTWARE TOTAL. If this option has been selected, the initial license fees for any Application Software set forth in this Agreement shall be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If you breach this license or any of your obligations regarding the Equipment, the fill amount of the initial license fees shall be immediately due and payable. 29. FINANCED SUPPLIES TOTAL. If this option has been selected, the cost of any supplies you have purchased under this Agreement shall be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If you breach any of your obligations regarding the Equipment, the full amount of the supply costs shall become immediately due and payable. 30. REFINANCE OF PRIOR AGREEMENT. If this option has been selected, the balance of your prior indicated agreement with Xerox or a third party shall be paid for through your Minimum Lease Payments. If your prior agreement is with a third party, you hereby acknowledge that you have the right to terminate the agreement and agree to provide a statement from the third -party identifying the equipment at issue and the amount to be paid off (as well as a statement from you identifying the payee and mailing address for your payoff check). If your prior agreement was with Xerox, the use of this refinance option shall render your prior agreement null and void. If you breach this Agreement, the full amount of your prior agreement balance shall be immediately due and payable. 31. ADJUSTMENT PERIOD. If this option has been selected, your Minimum Lease Payment and/or Print Charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the information contained in the Adjustment Period portion of this Agreement; as a result, your initial payment(s) shall be different from those payable during the balance of this Agreement. 32. K-16 BILLING SUSPENSION. If this option has been selected, the Maintenance Component of your Minimum Lease Payment and Print Charges will be. suspended each year during the months indicated. During these months, you agree that you will not use the Equipment and that Xerox shall not be responsible for providing Basic Services on it. If Xerox provides Basic Services during the K- 16 Billing Suspension period, you will be billed at Xerox's then-cun-ent Time and Materials ("T&M") rates for such Basic Services. 33. TRADE-IN EQUIPMENT. If this option has been selected, you are providing equipment to Xerox as part of this Agreement ('"Trade -In Equipment") and the following shall apply: A. TITLE TRANSFER. You warrant that you have the right to transfer title to the Trade -In Equipment and that it has been installed and performing its intended function. Title and risk of loss to the Trade -In Equipment shall pass to Xerox when Xerox removes it from your premises. B. CONDITION. You warrant that the Trade -In Equipment is in good working order, has not been modified from its original configuration (other than by Xerox), and has a UL label attached. You agree to maintain the Trade -In Equipment at its present site and in substantially its present condition until removed by Xerox. C. ACCRUED CHARGES. You agree to pay all accrued charges for the Trade -In Equipment (up to and including payment of the Final Principal Payment Number) and to pay.all maintenance, administrative, supply and finance charges for this equipment through the date title passes to Xerox. 34. RUN LENGTH PLAN. If this option has been selected, the first ten prints of 27. XEROX AS FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARY. If this option has been selected, each original (per run) are recorded and billed on both meters with all subsequent you are leasing specifically identified products that were selected by you and that prints recorded and billed on Meter A only. are not sold by Xerox in the normal course of its business. If you have signed a 35. FIXED PRICE PLAN. If this option has been selected. Xerox will forego its purchase contract for such products, by signing this Agreement you assign your right to increase the Maintenance Component throughout the initial term of this rights but none of your obligations under such purchase contract to Xerox. With Agreement. regard to these products, you agree that Xerox is leasing them to you "AS 1S, 36. PER -FOOT PRICING. If this option has been selected, all Print Charges will WHERE IS" and that XEROX HAS NOT MADE, AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE, be billed on a per -foot basis, with each linear or square foot, as applicable, equal to ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES one print. WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, (a) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR 37. EXTENDED SERVICE HOURS. If this option has been selected, Xerox will PURPOSE OR NON -INFRINGEMENT, and (b) ANY REPRESENTATION OR provide Basic Services during the hours Indicated, with the first number WARRANTY REGARDING THE PRODUCTS' SUITABILITY, DESIGN, establishing the number of eight -hour shifts covered and the second establishing the CONDITION, DURABILITY, OPERATION, QUALITY OF MATERIALS OR days of the week (e.g., 2 x 6 would provide service from 8:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M., WORKMANSHIP, OR COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OR Monday through Saturday). The cost of this enhanced service coverage will be APPLICABLE LAW. Xerox assigns to you, to the extent assignable, any warranty Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2005) 1/1612007 Page 5 of 7 billed separately and, as such, is not included in your Minimum Lease Payment or Print Charges. 38. ATTACHED ADDENDA. If this option has been selected, you acknowledge that one or more specified addenda (as indicated) have been provided to you. These addenda, which provide additional terms relevant to the transactions covered hereunder, are hereby fully integrated into this Agreement. 39. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT. If this option has been selected, the Products identified in this Agreement are subject solely to the terms contained in (a) either (1) the identified Negotiated Contract for a lease transaction or (2) if there are no such terms in the Negotiated Contract, the terms set forth in this Agreement, and, if applicable and notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Negotiated Contract, (b) the "Additional Terms" portion of this Agreement for the selected option or options to the extent the subject matter of any such selected option is not addressed hi the Negotiated Contract. 40. DSA CONTRACT NUMBER. If a DSA Contract Number has been inserted, the Equipment and/or software identified in this Agreement are associated with the Services being provided under the referenced Document Services Agreement ('DSA"), but such Equipment and/or software are subject solely to the terms contained in this Agreement. For customer support tools to manage your account online, visit your Account Management link @ www.xerox.com Xerox Form# 51860t&c (05/2005) 1/16/2007 Page 6 of 7 XEROX-6 AGREEMENT ADDENDUM (TEXAS GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY AS LESSEE) This ADDENDUM ("Addendum") amends the agreement between you and Xerox to which it is attached (the "Agreement'). The parties agree to the following terms: I. Under the heading of the Agreement titled "GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER TERMS", the Section titled "FUNDING" is deleted in its entirety and the following is inserted in its place: FUNDING. You represent and warrant that all payments due and to become due during your current fiscal year are within the fiscal budget of such year and are included within an unrestricted and unencumbered appropriation currently available for the tease/purchase of the Equipment, and that it is your intent to use the Equipment for the entire term of this Agreement and to make all payments required under this Agreement. In the event that your legislative body does not appropriate funds for the continuation of this Agreement for any fiscal year after the first fiscal year and has no funds to do so from other sources, this Agreement may be terminated. To effect this termination, you shall, thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which your legislative body does not appropriate funds for such upcoming fiscal year, send Xerox written notice stating that your legislative body failed to appropriate funds. Your notice must be accompanied by payment of all sums then owed through the current fiscal year to Xerox under this Agreement. In addition, you agree at your expense to return the Equipment in good condition to a location designated by Xerox and that, when returned, the Equipment will be free of all liens and encumbrances. You will then be released from your obligations to make any further payments to Xerox beyond those due for the current fiscal year (with Xerox retaining all sums paid to date). Except as specifically amended by this Addendum, all of the other terms set forth in the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Xerox Form# 54105_TX (0512005A) 1/16/2007 Page 7 of 7 APPROVE PAYMENT TO SPAWMAXWELL COMPANY FOR INVOICE #2951.32 fOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $384: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy to approve the payment to Spawmaxwell Company for Invoice #2951.32 for additional services in the amount of $384. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. 03/02/2007 12:27 3615534614 CAL CO TREASURER PAGE 01 /-//-l`1 / CALHOUN COUNTY 201. West Austin Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 VENDOR Name: Address: y4 3a ���► c1�oc5 r � City: �,•-S�r��J State: ��i4 Zip: 1109 Phone: 3j-mac a(-;L-Qlbf`� Purchase Order No. 063187 CHECK REQUISITIOWI PURCHASE ORDER Department , . a Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION NOW ml �r TIIF ITEMS OR SERVICES SHOWN ABOVE ARE NEEDED IN THE DISCHARGE Taxes - State/County Dedficted OF M OFFICIAL DUTIES AND I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AVATLABLE TO PAY THUS OBLIGATION. I CERTIFY THAT TFI$.d%BOVE PPEMS OR SERVICES TOTAL WERE RECEIVED BY ME IN GOOD CONDMON AND REQUEST THE COUNTY `t TREASURER TO PAY THE ABOVE OBLIGATION. AL -%pp iO ED JAN 19 2007 .vOUNTY AUDITOF APPROVAL J DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGNATURES 1 DATE SIGNATURE DATE 03/02/2007 12:27 3615534614 CAL CO TREASURER PAGE 02 SpawMaxwell C 0 M P A N Y Housron • Ausrin • .ba[1as INVOICE DATE: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 INVOICE: NO.: 2951.32 BILL TO: Commissioner M, Balaika Calhoun County 201 West Austin Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 FROM: Mark Crippenv PROJECT NAME: Calhoun County New Jail - CM Services SMX PROJECT NO! 2951 DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED: For Construction Management services performed during the period November 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006: Basic Services: Fees spew a ao - Courthouse & Jail lnterfare 5127,177 Additional Services: 1mwMaxwel I - F"s Adtltl CM Serv. per M. Balaika Hourly Reimbursable Expenses: SnawMaxwell - xvonses � Courthouse & )ail Inrerfare $199 sQawmlymeli - Sub ensujra.R e 5384 $127,177I so $1 n!a i Courthouse & Jail interface so $0 $01 $0 s127,376 $384 g1a9,94Z $0 Total Amount Due this Invoice: $394 THANK YOUI 4321 Directors Row, Suite 10O - Houston, Tccas 77092 - 713.222.0900 Fax: 713.222.1414 www,spawrriamvell..com 03/02/2007 12:27 31S15534614 CAL CO TREASURER PAGE 03 SpawMaxwell C O M P A N Y Houston - Austin I .Dallas INVOICE - DETAIL For CM services performed during the period November 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006: COURTHOUSE & )AIL INTERFACE FEES - BASIC SERVICES Staff D c rip i n Bouts Principal 0.00 Sr. Project Manager 0.00 Project Manager 0.00 Estimator/Scheduler 0.00 Superintendent 0.00 Project Coordinator 0-00 0.00 FEES - ADDITIONAL SERVICES (I-lourly per M. 8alaika) 5�,ff Description ): mirs Principal 0.00 Sr. Project Manager 0.00 Project Manager 3.00 Estimator/Scheduler 0.00 Superintendent 0.00 Project Coordinator 0.00 3.00 EXPENSES Equipment Meals Lodging Printing Courier Miscellaneous SUBCONSULTANT FEES N/A Bate 19 SiSS.oD $0.00 $118.00 $0.00 $128.00 $0.00 $118.00 $0.00 $118.00 $0.00 $68.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mt 1919 $158.00 $0.00 $138.00 $0.00 $128.00 $384.00 $118.00 $0.00 $118.00 $0,00 $68.00 $0.00 $384.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 X 10% $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 x 10 io $0.00 $0.00 4321 Directors Row Suite 100 - Houston. Texas 77092 • 713.222.0900 - Pax: 733.222,1414 • www.spawmaxwell.com 03/02/2007 12:27 3615534614 CAL CO TREASURER PAGE 04 Timesheet Edit Report - by Job CALHOUN CO. JAIL - CM Job # 2951 Cost Code Employee Regular Overtime Payend Date 91549 12026 CPIPPEN, MARK 3.00 0.00 CRIPPEN, MARK TOTAL 3.00 0.00 ai o.00 12/17/2006 Run Date: 05-Jan-07 1 DECLARE TELECOMM INSTALLATION SERVICES AS SINGLE SOURCE TO EXPAND NORTEL SYSTEM AT CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to declare Telecomm Installation Services as a single source to expand Nortel System in Calhoun County Courthouse. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. COUNTY REPORTS: The Extension Service, District Clerk and JP 4 presented their monthly reports for the month of December 2006 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to accept said reports as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Texas Cooperative Calhoun County Extension Office EXTENSION186 CR 101 (physical) • P.O. Box 86 (mailing) • Port Lavaca, TX 77979 The Texas F arm university system (361) 552-9747 • (361). 552-6727 (fax) • http://calhoun-tx.tamu.edu EXTENSION AGENT ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT Activity Report For: A. Zan Matthies Jr.; M.S. County Extension Agent Agriculture / Natural Resources Selected Major Activities Since Last Report Month December 2006 * Denotes Night OR Weekend Activity 0.0 Miles Driven Date Activity Report Dec 1 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H 6? youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 4 Office Management. *Calhoun County 4-H Council Meeting, Agriculture Building Auditorium -- 10 attended. Council met for its regularly scheduled business meeting. Dec 5 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 6 Traveled to Victoria with FCS Agent to purchase office supplies. Site Visit (1), Six -Mile Area — checked new landowner's property renovation and offer technical consultation regarding additional procedures needed. Dec 7 * Row Crop Committee Meeting, Bauer Exhibit Building --10 attended. Committee met for scheduled business meeting to discuss upcoming programs and review past programs. Additional business items included support concerning 2,4-D deregulation for Calhoun County. * Junior Livestock Committee Meeting, Agriculture Building Auditorium --14 attended.. Committee met for a regularly scheduled meeting to discuss the 2007 Junior Livestock Show to be held during the Calhoun County Fair. .Items of importance included judge's selection and possible rule changes. Dec 8 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 11 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 12 * Calhoun County Cattlemen's Association Board of Directors (Beef Cattle Extension Committee), Wagon Train Restaurant -- 3 attended. Committee met for regularly scheduled business meeting to discuss the annual banquet and support of 2,4-D deregulation for Calhoun County. Date Activity Report Dec 13 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 14 * Leadership Advisory Board, Bauer.Exhibit Building -- 5 attended. LAB met to discuss county issues, review program activities, and identify possible new members. Dec 15 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. ,Dec 18 - 19 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, home horticulture, natural resource management, and 4-H & youth development. Clientele included landowners, homeowners, and volunteers. Contacts with the county extension office and county agent were made via office visit, phone call, email, etc. Dec 20 Annual Leave. Traveled to members of Commissioners' Court to submit resignation. Dec 21 - 22 Annual Leave. Dec 25 - 26 County Holiday, Extension Office Closed. Dec 27 - 28 Annual Leave. Dec 29 County Holiday, Extension Office Closed'/2 Day. 113 - Office Visits 0 - AG / NR Newsletters 113 - Phone Calls 0 - 4-H Newsletters 170 - E-Mail & Correspondence 0 - Ranch & Farm Visits 7 - News Releases 0 - 4-H Livestock Project Visits 0 - Continuing Education Units (C.E.U.) 0 - Homeowner Visits (Horticulture) Upcoming Events For January 2007 Date Upcoming Event Jan 1 County Holiday, Extension Office Closed. Jan 24 Administrative Meeting with District 11 DEA. Jan 25 Commissioners' Court Program. Jan 26 Annual Leave. Jan 29 - 31 Annual Leave_ January 8, A. ran..Maffies Jr., M.S. Date Cou ty Extension Agent Agriculture / Natural Resources Calhoun County 2007 Texas Cooperative Extension Texas AW University System Monthly Schedule Of Travel Calhoun County Extension Agent Agriculture / Natural Resources Name: A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. Title: CEA- Agriculture/Natural Resources County: Calhoun County Month: December 2006 Date Travel Description Miles Meals Lodging TOTAL 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 CT Denotes Use of County Vehicle County Truck Usage Summary Beginning Miles Ending Miles Usage 30,706 31,415 709 Other Expenses (Listed) Cost TOTAL $0,00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct report of travel (mileage) and other expenses incurred by me in performance of my official duties for the month shn. 8-Jan-07 A. Zan Ma ies Jr., M.S. Date County Extension Agent Agriculture / Natural Resources Calhoun County i 1 1 v f— v Mu Qi a� c Q) v z 1:5:11 v l l 1 - I'v 1 iLL EiEivi Ni 1E1E;z;z i i i i i imt i 4— w 1 N 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 v 'c- j i"i� V1 N ti i v i i iN i i 0 iLn v ✓ QiNi CiviNi�iOivia3 Q/ IQI I�t l lJ 1+--'I U j10i4 > �1 �ICr11y1-IXiCI QJ p0 t �1 N j 0 -..C: J Z vi-0 ID 0i i�i0 ) Q) i�i`-li Cif i �1�1ti1 �1 10.1�1 iV 0i"iE1C /i >-i�iNiQliQ W TI�I VI Q� 1 1�1 pl 1� Lij miC�irvC� i:) 1 E Z Clm i.�t[Q14t_tpi Iv Q)i L,i vi t/1 �i��Q)iti�vi vi—i 7� QJ Q i QJ r- �-�- I v I Q I Q l I i 1- i H C I r t N l I I p l V! I l i 0 61 ri Q�O�CiCi�iE C Oi"i Qli viQi '{GQ :Li� d1U lU IJ tZ IZ iViIiV, Ln 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 rqw U CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SUMMARY OF .CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUNT REMITTANCES (p&ae-mbe 20a6) COO, Remittance to County Treasurer: `� Road and Bridge General Fund: Fines 3 797. 4-2 Bond Forfeiture 3 7R 7 . 4-2- General Fund: District Clerk's Fees l 405. 18 Sheriff's Fees 2z3.7(„ Jury Fees do.nD _ Z 688_`til Law Library Fund: 2 t O . o0 C.J.P.F.: i L.E.O.S.: C.V. C.A.: Zq 7.tl5 J.P.T.: to :.75 C.S.. B.A.T.: C.R.F. . Fugitive Appr. Acct.: Z-7.4.7 C.C.C.: 4(+z.44 Juv. Crime Prev.: 1.57 Time Pay Fee: I37.30 Civil Indigent Filing Fee: gb Qp Abused Children's Fund: _EPA C.M.I.. _TSF ZZZ.00 A.J.S.F.. 3-RF tt tq 30..00 �iovah.bar 7-ao4 Interest.: a sF U %Ct _ l 04 TOTAL REMITTANCE TO COUNTY TREASURER: -Z '13 t . A O!• Remittance to Others: Out -of -County Sheriff's Fees: 24i� State: 3 70.00 C.A.R. Fund: TOTAL REMITTANCE TO OTHERS: 34c1,0p TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 3 yS gy -T ENDING BALANCE: t7 7 7 + . 3 8 TOTAL: Reconciliation With Cash in Bank: Balance in Checking Account: bank AIttl<s earri.,( L( .Roa. 21 13.00 Outstanding Receipts: oud-r $gory. A?ove"N�gs 7-W1 48. D(7 Outstanding Checks: t_ci+arg. 6ac.K -(eQ a 44-1 -So Outstanding Criminal Receipts: s 045.75 t�ct�ar -rr�n� TOTAL: Outstanding Checks: e-KA M( C-Allnwy - 30.00 Cl_�1 Z367. N06son-2-4.D0 APPRO ;; slC,lk f9�}. of, Ks - 2. PAMELA MARTIN TGROVE cK�b zott S+0+1et - ,�_ DISTRICT CLERK tt;#izsz A��„ar��,-lBo.oQ RECEIVED: el: * a2.74 1 116.00 . _ • MICHAEL PFEIFER COUNTY JUDGE TOTAL: CALHOIiN COUNTY, TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SUMMARY OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUNT District Clerk's Fees: Certified Copies Criminal Court Civil Court Stenographer Records Management Fund Courthouse Security Fund Civil Indigent Filing Fee Sheriff's Fees: Civil Court Civil Jury Jury Fees: Law Library Fees: C.J.P.F. L.E.O.S.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.. B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C.. Juv. Crime Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.M.I. A.J.S.F.: TOTAL FEES: Bond Forfeiture: Fines: Criminal Court C.A.R. Fund: State: Other Collections: Reimbursable Costs CK * 2367 - TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS: INTEREST EARNED:' BEGINNING BALANCE: TOTAL RESOURCES: RECEIPTS (bd-cemqtr� 2-Wt.) 64-3.g0 110.00 F M 45. 00 7S F z. q 6.00 Z-&F 9 . 7$ TS F 1,78 1 1133 1 q- 6. R4 _ 4t. SG 753.Q 365.00 284�.OG 1 2 . *-S s 2s. 26 2.8 7 157.75 z.61 SS. DO 4 Lie D. 4ta r 3 574. -15'_ 480.DO z4..OD at 05Q.Z! 8.70G..84: JAH-15-2007 1G:32 FROM:CALHOLIN JP4 3G17SSP179 Tn: ffl SS7aaaa JAH-15-2007 1G:32 FROM:CALHOLIN JP4 3617852179 TO:3615534444 P.2/16 ENFERCt7URT,�t;�fol�• XXX�MJC7Jt >y.ytT{C€i©�PbAM1�GN�� Y r.- � :. - ENTC-fdh'IQIJTti E11T5FF CErF$ OF Rl PFTo rrj i M. L x .. .� AT3MI�TlS'p�I'A`r1gNiRF�. •M f,�,�,il"'s kc.�' �jev+&¢dTTb1A35 coNso�ltisT,Es ao�Po�,psa� �a "��„a��L cauRTrloLrs�rr,'s;=�rl�� ery� �--�s it"' JU57iGF C4G}FZ T 6�TkdRYj3:Fibil .H!CSF. s a` CORRECTI0NAL,MA'H){f,EI9tEj+lT1V5'i`IFUT':=: _��j ftR�iVi�..'i`jylf''�N5/ii<I1I' �! I�E+r� f T n st�rtuL�9Pt£7rAAwFA��°kSd Fl{T1 rEAR{ TQJi ;PAC t4�ti31¢ Jt1.V[NtL'E'',f,RTM l3k,�,tNGiLYfeN�1( JUSrIC "G:9,yr3FtrEf saN�l>a i hirv�t 'r x13R©R SE vJCEp L®L"AL,AI�fjESxT',fi° l ��a 7aFPRRES31fFeS?i:ti(f:,�k;`;'.';::1°+ ` <r TECNNtjLp�Y•J'iJtd�.'!iF o ���tqa TfiAFFIC-3f cL ti; plg6j TiM�, R ?`M,1,%`C• rl rtilL1fl - L,'©:CA4&s7nTE1v[f7F�£ks.+vJf#Fiy. n rt4q•. i1-Vlli'tJILb't!'lt='�GI :r• - .PI4u�E�si�ti!LW- `�fF�r�SIYE`AC�f�G',. •. itS`�>„D(x�`-Er��"'5=�34g ,F; _."=�':_Li '13C7l1+ifGEi'lA141FE'E?f�'0 I V ' •FIj,ItJG FFE..'s. LLCLAjy'C?,S•- C ` ^C �( 4�J3;0j;y��siutef� i2S; ;.. IRLD RENEWAE?Gr'N �; ' Y Sk +' olWx stile M. !,l�IMENI A-j -_ '��;�!J, .•�.k r - - Ai P;YKjSS`9tVIC13�.I �- -Ra''-..: SE -T L`r]{R,F7TC9TRsiIN Cli110 flkt� SE RESTiFi{0N:yi$7 PARRS & W(WI-IFEWA." Sr'•FIjFE� y4S "a j? ; j 5;LDxf TYOTA'L,70.CWAC-M0NEY$ 0EI?%);0'''9+SZ;B, i} :- ti: TYPE:.: T TTAC'(NAR DFL•F..>; ,S.'q.f :C;>t=;;:_C.. ......._.. ..._;; .9lr,' '15Qfl TOTAL PAGEOF MLS.000NTRr SOFMARFTdO REPORT s/,TEJ q Ts€ dG"0.UD 1t-CORD 0NTOTALPAGE OF10LlCOUNTRY $OFrwAAENOflEYUNT j)t1E TO CjSD Sp / d�€li(E 2}H lV fAS S r 'pjly PLEISEINRUDt P. O. RE°UESNNG DISOIIRSalEfIT gUET0bR ESTTTf7TI0f�Ft7h113 Uttj PLEASEINrAUDED0REOUESTINGOISOURSEMENT fiEFUND-0F,OV��PAt{M N " bad PLEASEINCLUDC P D REOVESTING0I$0URSEMENf OUTY}j"C©U,NTYS RVIG�h`tt; =iA �a� T PLEASE INCLUDE P.O.REOLTMIGO IURSDAENf GASHDgN6S u � "';A;PLEASEINCLUDEPO.REOUESTINODISuuRSEMENTpEREOURED) T�7rA4Gt7�✓TQtSTfii' Sri WWI �ASGkcRSiiiC-��1�_,7Si'Yc�tzi�pOO•i�Ti:;ISr�ca�z_-j'� z�'ik?•710tj, •:�;. _ RE©15- s: I1 Celcuirio from ACTUAL Treawrcre Rece is - - - a, tp?,'r.'A.�'ryF `sue l ,.: :. �;ii�?�•?�':� L, I $ s, _� . ,�;i:. - . JAN-15-EO07 16:32 FROM:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 TO:3815534444 P.3,16 MONTHLY REPORT OF COLLECTIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS 1/1512007 COURT NAME- JUSTICE OF PEACE NO. 4 MONTH OF REPORT: DECEMBER YEAR OF REPORT: 2006 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT CR 1000-00145014 FINES 2.507.95 CR 1000-001-44190 SHFRIFFS FFFS 27018 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: . DEFENSIVE DRIVING 30.00 CHILD SAFETY 000 TRAFFIC 30.00 ADMINISTRATIVE. FFFS 170.00 EXPUNGEMENT FEES 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS D.00 CR 10OD-001.44364 TOI AOAOMINISTRATIVF FEES 230.00 CR 1000-001-44010 CONSTABLE FEES -SERVICE 0.00 CR 1000-001.44064 JP FILING FEES D.00 CR 1000-001.46D10 INTEREST 0.00 CR 1000.999-20741 DE TO STATE -DRIVING EXAM FEE 000 CR 1000-029.207,14 DUE TO STATE-SEATBELT FINES 4B 00 CR 1000-999-20740 DUE TO STATE -OVERWEIGHT FINES 0,00 CR 1000-999-20770 DUE TO JP COLLECTIONS ATTORNEY 0.00 TOTAL FINES, ADMIN. FEES & DUE TO STATE $3,056.13 CR 2670-001.44064 - COURTHOUSE SECURITY FUND $126.11 CR 2720-001.44064 JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND $35.04 CR 2719.001-44064 JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND $152.14 CR 7544.999-20747 DUE TO PARKS & WILDLIFE 1.681.30 CR 7544.999.20748 DUE TO P S W - WATER SAFETY 233.75 TOTAL DUE TO IX PARKS & WILDI IFE S7.915.05 STATE ARREST FEES DPS FEES 39.00 P&W FEES 21.00 TA13C FEES 0.00 CR 7020-999-20740 TOTAL STATE ARREST FFFS 60.00 CR 7070-999.20610 CCC-GENERAL FUND 152.14 CR 7070-999-20740 CCC-STATE 1,36975 CR 7860-999-20610 STF/SUBC-GENERAL FUND 15.00 CR 7860-999.20740 ITFISURC-STATE 285.00 CR 79SM99-20610 TP-GENERAL FUND 61.50 CR 7960-999-20740 TP-STATE 87.50 CR 7480-999-20610 CIVII. INDIGENT LEGAL-GEN. FUND 0.00 CR 7480-999-20740 CIVIL INDIGENT LEGAL -STATE 0.00 CR 7970-999.20610 TUFTA-GENERAL FUND 2000 CR 7970-909-20740 TUFTA-STA1E 40 00 CR 7$05-999-20610 JPAY - GENERAL FUND - 2220 CR 7505-999-20740 JPAY -STATE 125.80 CR 7857-999-20610 JURY REIMS. FUND- GEN. FUND 12.91 CR 7857-999-20740 JURY REIMS. FUND- STATE 116.23 TOTAL COURT COSTS & ARREST FEES 52,393 53 DR 7544.999-20759 JPd CLEARING ACCT S7,678.00 DUE 70 OTHERS (Purchase Orders Aftchd) CALHOUN COUNTY ISD 0.00 DA- RESTITUTION 0.00 REFUND OF OVERPAYMENTS 0.00 OUT -OF -COUNTY SERVICE FEE 0.00 GASH BONDS 0,00 TOTAL DUE TO OTHERS 30.00 TOTAL COLLECTED -ALL FUNDS 37.678.00 LESS: TOTAL TREASUER'3 RECEIPTS $7.678.00 Revised 7/31106 OVER/(SHORT) nn s0.00 JAN-15-2007 16:32 FROM:CALHOUN JP4 3G17852179 T0:3615534944 P.4,16 S6867 DATE: 1/1 To-. TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: J. DWORACZYK, JP#4 VENDOR # /603 ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL PRICE 7544-999,20747-999 PARKS & WILDLIFE FINES - JP#4 $1,739.95 JULY 2006 SEE ATTACHED FORM FOR TICKET INFORMATION TOTAL $1,'139.95 COUNTY AUDITOR APPROVAL ONLY THE ITEMS OR SERVICES SHOWN ABOVE AR NEEDED IN THE DISCHARGE OF MY OFFICIAL OUT AND I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AILABLE TjO PAY THIS OBLIGATION. DEPARTMENT HEAD DAT I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE ITEMS OR SERVICES WERE RECEIVED BY ME IN GOOD CONDITION AND REQUEST THE COUNTY TREASURER TO PAY THE ABOVE OBLIGATION. BY: 1115/2007 DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE JAN-15-2007 16:33 FP.OM:CALHOUN JP4 3617952179 TO:3615534444 P.5,16 O 4 C IV (p ID to t0 p O O O O 00 O 0 0 8 O pp too c� `° g 0 `O (y No N N N N N N N N (`Oi7 trl N N O N O ^ S D o N i r g N 1 CN r a a 0 IDm 0 0 o g CD o S o o S o N N N N N N N 0 N o g o N N N 0 0 N N o Y N N r U T o Ud ° o a - - ^ - - ^ -- - '` c v m w h (7 T o In 7 C Q a m y °� m w m e0 �• � '^ � � N � � � C � o op m c'f � N ri t'f � C6 O � Oi � � U ¢ U. w a a N to .� N d O O p O O O O O o G O O pp O pp O O O O p pw O p H LL O O O N N N N N N O O O o O Obi o 00 Q 00 ID r o d O P O O O O 'O O O tC p O O O O O O O » U m t0 f0 t0 tD p tp0 tp CO ID w b tD fD tp tD /� tp }Y N � U en rsr � N csJ fA M 09 w f9 FA 49 w Vi eA H eg en V O O p O o 0 O O O O O O O O QO O O O O O 0 p a y0 M C (A W O O2 Q2 O2 O2 W m r N C J .2 Q N to tT Q O � 0 O 2 m f� m O 6 f7 O 1. Q ❑ b4 lA to N W 09 fA Fg V) •ff to 69 Vi In 69 H M fiJ b9 VT N7 ❑ � � m m � O b Lu U o (/i u" Vl v' to u' U7 w W C/J w to tl V Boas osooLOL o�0�0-XO i LL ❑ �otow� ~ tn3 to .n ;L J . M z r N rC) t-"-wol-QC -o owOu-ow❑ ow OafOrtntrcnz wC��C��a: 0w00'oa��- 00ui�0 a re O m o¢O waw 2aWtW.<wo2Waw¢"w zjofU}0u0<wc3u000;QWdiQowwO ztq 2QZO w w O '-4m UWNoNo--lU�NnNoOZ6U o oWawuu Ntn❑ <0-0w mN w 2w(n-tV0000nh(0(n j?jy�%W�E(n WWtW0 V)WX wa Fa- U4-t IIC lnh� ��n =t❑ona �m OzozOn. F-tnoIOOto❑WW o- -J}ODIL:D L ❑zozzmozozoz00zozoz' z tL 70.❑Qz id ❑ a 70:D a. �a0a to dOzn_O �OZ E m Z w z q w W x �? (� O ¢ x vi K ❑ Z. O z O ui ui ❑ 0 Z v�i o w a W Q z J ] a Z j ni 0 0 0 O d- D m o o O Ld R' a fr u_ to W w o z r Z O w � NS 5 0 m 0 ia iL a j} Z ZoX G, > T mZOz L Nd a x Y {Y Y Y W W W n y W -' Y N coY 0 Z coZ z l'J O 0 X a O Ota O ? w 0Z a s a 2 z z Z h U� O 2 O a J w U Y t7 z m S O O O m U ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ p s U Q N w 't a ° t3 N voi a w w rn ut`i ro W u°i o uOi o w W N U a 4 Q a Q Q S Q Q Q 1 4 4 Q 4 _m 0 Q d O tL O U 0 01 R z 2 tNo O 0 Q O 0 , VDqq tqD t` RN 04 1 v n - O p N N n 4 O m 0 Q c O 0 q m T rJ eo tb to Itip o tb loco 0 LOW � J a� O O O p O O P O O o O N N N N N N N N N N O N b q O N N N O O N N 0 O N O N JAM-15-2007 16:33 FROM:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 TO:361.5534444 P,6 16 9 DATE_ 111512007 VENDOR # 7604 TO: TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE HATER SAFETY J. DWORACZYK, JP#4 ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL PRICE 7544-999-20748-999 WATER SAFETY FINES - JP#4 $233.75 JULY 2006 SEE ATTACHED FORM FOR TICKET INFORMATION TOTAL $233.75 COUNTY AUDITOR APPROVAL ONLY THE ITEMS OR SERVICES SHOWN ABOVE ARE NEE IN THE DISCHARGE OF MY OFFICIAL DUTIES I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AVAll11 E TO PAY THIS OBLIGATION. T ENT HEAD "T CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE ITEMS OR SERVICES WERE RECEIVED BY ME IN GOOD CONDITION AND REQUEST THE COUNTY TREASURER TO PAY THE ABOVE OBLIGATION. BY: 1115/2007 DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE 3m15-ee S:a Rq:Gwyws4 312212 m:36I5534444 E eG \) ) ( \ , \ co( \ \\ 0 / c 2 0 ! ; f § / \gz, w \ { �) - - - - 7 a± .\ \ / ID U. °\ { } \_ U. / Q 2 0 W. 0: z r o ƒ / o tu ) e c } / X \ E o 2 ) XLe ƒ § / §§§ ±a.\ 2 §\/ [ \ ` . m % @ In @ 0 § £ w z @ ` 0 L ° ) o o § S k » \$ G \ § \ § -2 § o > z 7 0 0 T- 0 0 0 § ai \ \ } \ § @ \ ( OC4 0 q 7 \ ; [ ( ( -C \ C.a. .k d \| { � JAN-15-2007 16:33 FP,CII:CALHOUN JP4 3G17952179 TO:3615534444 P.8'16 01/15/2007 honey Distribution Report Page I JP PC1 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------- _____ - ---Receipt Cause/Defendant I Code Amount ( Code Amount I Cade Amount (,Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount ( Total I I I ! I 3925930 2006-398 12/01/20D6 ] CCC 40-00 [ CHS 3,60 ( PWAF 5.00 [ IF . 4.00 ] JCsF 1.00 1 JSF 4.00 ( 97.00 YOUNGBLOOD, HALTER NAYNE ] PUF 36.00 ( JPAY 4.00 [ I I ] [ cash 3925931 2006-379 12/01/2006 I FINE 3.00 ] 1 j ] I ] 3-00 YOUNGSLOOD, WALTER NAYNE ( I ] I I I I Cash I I I I ( I ] 3973932 2006-347 12/OS/2006 ( FINE 41.00 I JPAY 6.00 1 ] ( ( ( 45.00 ORSAY., TIMOTHY JAMES Honey Order 3925933 2006-349 12/04/2006 ( CCC 40.00 ( CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 ( TIME 25.00 ( IF 4.00 ( JCSF 1.00 ( 155.00 ORSAK, TIMOTHY JAMES ] JSF 4.00 j FINE 73.00 ] ! I Money Order ! I I I I I 39ZS934 2006-380 12/04/2006 [ FINE 25.00 ] JPAY 4.00 1 ( I ] 1 29.00 KNCUPPER, CARROLL UAYNE [ I I Personal Check 3925938 2006-376 12/04/2006 ] FINE 96.00 ( JPAY 4,OD ( ( ( 1 ( 100.00 VILLARREAL., ROSALEE ( 1 ( I I I ] Money Order 3925939 2006-340 1Z/04/2006 [ CCC 40.00 ( CHS 3.00 1 LAF 5.00 1 WRNT 50-00 I TIME 25.00 I IF 4.00 j 190-00 URESTI, MICHELLE ELAINE ( JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I FINE 54.00 ] JPAY 4-00 1 ] [ Jail Credit ( I I I ! I [ 3925940 2006-413 12/05/2006 ( CCC 40.00.1 CHS MO I PUAF 5.00 I IF 4.00 [ JCSF 1.00 ( JSF 4.00 ( 140.00 BOCANEGRA, JOSE M ] HSF 79.00 I JPAY 4.00 Cash I I I I I I 3925941 2006.431 1Z/05/2006 ] CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 ( SAF 5.00 j TF 4.00 ( JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 i 300.00 PLUMMER, DIANA HURLEY ] FINE 154.00 I OFF 85.00 I JPAY 4-00 ! ( 1 Cash 3925942 2006-362 12/05/2006 j TFC 3.00 j CCC 40-00 1 CBS 4.00 I LAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 ,1 225.o0 YOUNGBLOOD, ERIN MICHELLE ( SUBC 30-00 ( JCSF 1.00 I JSF 3.00 I FINE 106.00 I JPAY 4.00 _ ] Cash 3925943 2006.421 12/06/2006 I CCC 40.00 ] CHS - 3.00 ( PWAF 5.00 IF 4.00 [ JCSF 1.00 ] JSF 4.00 [ 95.00 HALL, MELVIN ALVIE I JPAY 4.00 ] PHF 34.00 1 Cred-Card/Trnsfr I I I I I 3925944 2006.327 12/0612006 I JPAY 4,0D j PHF 151.00 ( ] I 1 1 155.00 VILLAFRANCA, VICTOR LUIS Money Order 1 ( I I I 1 I 3925945 2006-1,28 12/06/2006 I TFc 3.00 ( CCC 40-DO [ CNS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I IF 4.00 ( SUBC 30.00 [ 104.00 uOoVLR, C•RIK LADON j JCSF 1.00 I JSF 3.00 ] DDC 10.00 (-JPAY 4.00 1 { Money Order 3925946 2006-438 12/061ZO06 I TFC 3.00 ] CCC 40.00 I CMS 4.00 [ SAF 5.00 1 IF 4.00.1 SUBC. 30.00 1 145.00 GILMORE, GILL H 1 JCSF 1.00 1 JSF 3.00 1 FINE 51.00 ( JPAY 4-00 ] I I Cash 5975947 7.006-150 12/07/20D6 1 CCC 40.00 1 CHS 3.00 ( PVAF 5.00 ( IF 4,00 1 JCSF 1,00 1 JSF 4.00 ( 100.00 NGUYEN, THAD DUC ] PHF 39.00 1 JPAY 4.00 Cash I I I I I I E 3925940 Z006-414 17./07/2.006 I TFC 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 ] CHS 4.00 1 LAF 5.00 1 TF 4.00 1 SUBC 30.00 ] 104.00 JOHNSON, TRACEY LYNN I JCSF 1.00 1 JSF 3.00 ( ODC 10.00 ( JPAY 4,00 ] 1 1 Cash ( I 1 I ] I I 3925949 2006-351 12/07/2006 ( CCC 1.39 CHS 0.11 [ LAF 0.18 TIME 25.00 I TF 0.11, 1 JCSF 0,OL 1 100.00 LEWIS, DONALD JESS ( JSF 0.14 1 FIN£. 73.00 1 ( I I I Cash 3925950 2006-44.1 12/07/2006 ( CCC 40.00 ] CHS 3.00 I PUAF 5.,00 1 TF 4.00 ( JCSF 1.00 1 JSF 4.00 1 200.00 IIINOJOSA, EDWARD PONCIO ] PWF 139.00 1 JPAY 4.00 Cash I I I I I I JAN-15-2007 16:33 FROM:CALF101-IN JP4 3617e52179 T0:3615534444 P.9�16 01/15/2007 Money Distribution Report Nqe 2 JP PCT 4 FOR DF.CEMBF.R 2006 Receipt Cause/Defendant } Cnde Amount I Code Amount, Code Amount I Code Amount } Code Amount } code Amount } 'total I I } I 1 f 3925951 2006 440 12/07/2006 I CCC 40.00 } CHS 3.00 } PWAF 5.60 } TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 ( JSF 4.OD } 200.00 MUNOZ, AURELIO VALLEJO I PWF 139.00 I JPAY 4.00 I } Cash I I I I 1 I I 3925952 2006-436 12/11/2006 } CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 } PWAF 5.00 I TF 400 I JCSF 1.00 1 JSF 4.00 J 200.00 . MUNOZ, HOMERO PADILLA j PWF 139-00 I JPAY 4.00 I I I I cash 1 I I I I I I 3925953 2006-442 12/11/2006 [ TFC 3.00 } CCC 40.00 ( CHS 4-00 } LAF 5.00 } TF 4.00 } SUBC 30.00 } 290.00 VA70UEZ, UBALDO MORALES I JCSF 1.00 ( JSF 3.00 I FINE 111.00 j OFF 85.00 } JPAY 4.00 Money Order I ( } I I I I 3925954 Z006-434 12/11/2006 I TFC 3.00 [ CCC 4D.00 } CHS 4.00 } SAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 } SUBC 30.00 ( 165.00 TORRES, BLAS DEL£ON } JCSF 1.00 I JSF 3.00 } FINE 71.00 } JPAY 4.00 [ I I Money Order J } I I 3925955 2006.389 12/12/2006 i FINE 36.00 i JPAY 4.00 i I J i + 40.00 BEAVER, JOSEPH STANLEY III Cash ( I I } [ 3925956 2006-448 12/13/2006 } CCc 40.00 I CHS 3.00 } PWAF 5.00.( TF 4.00 i JCSF 1.00 i JSF 4,00 i 114.00 ORTIZ, JOAQUIN ALBERTO } JPAY 4.00 I PWF 53,00 Cosh I I I I I 3925957 2006-457 12/13/2006 } CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 } pWAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 } JSF 4.00 j 200.00 TOVAR, RANULFO JARHAILLO J PWF 139.00 I JPAY 4.00 Cash 3925950 Z006-446 12/18/2006 I TFC 3:00 } CCC 40.00 I CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 1..00 } SU8C 30.00 } 165.00 REYFS, JOSE Luis } JCSF 1.00 I JSF 3.00 } FINE 71.00 I JPAY 4.00 I I I Money Order I I I I I } 3925959 2006-294A 12/18/2006 [ JCPT 2.00 } CVC 15.00 ( CCc 17,00 I FA 5.00 I JCD 0.50 I CHS ..OD I 422.00 PIERCE, 1UTHER ALLAN J CHI 0.50 } TF 4.00 I DPSC 30.00 ( DPSF 344.00 j I Money Order 3925960 2006-294 12/18/2006 1 CCC 40.00 } CHS 4.00 I PWAF 5-00 } WRNT 50.00 } TIME 25.00 } TF 4.00 J 201.00 PIERCE, LUTHER ALLAN I DPSC 30.00 I JCSf 1.00 I. JSF 3.00 I PWF 35.00 I JPAY 4.00 } } Money Order } } I I I } 3925961 2006-437 12/18/2006 I CCC 40,00 J CHS 3.00 ( TF 4.00 I JCSF 1-00 }JSF 4.00 I WSF 33.00 J 94.00 CORIINAS, ROJELIO H } JPAY 4,OD I PWAF 5,00 Cash I } 3925962 Z006-455 12/19/2006 [ CCC 40.00 j CHS 3.00 }PWAF 5.00 17F 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 }JSF 4.00 j 761,00 KRAUS, JAMES WILLIAM JR I PWF 200,00 I JPAY 4.00 I I cash I I I I I I I .5925963 2006-454 12/19/ZO06 [ CCC 40.00 I CHS �3.00 } PWAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 } JCSF 1.00 } JSF 4.00 I 200.00 DANAJ, DRITAN NMN [ PWF 139.00 I JPAY 4.00 } I I I I Cash I ( l I I I } 3925964 2006-462 12119/2006 I CCc 1.0,00 I CHS 3.00 } PWAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 } JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4,00 I 200.00 MILL, BLEDAR I PWF 119.00 } JPAY 4.00 } I I I I Cash I I I I } I I 31925965 2006-460 12/19/2006 } CCC 40.00 [ CHs 3.00 I PWAF 5.00 j tF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 200.00 RODRIGUEZ, GUILLERMO GON2AL ( PWF 139.00 } JPAY 4.00 ( I 1 I I Cash } I I I I I I 3925966 2006.466 12/19/2006 } CCC 40.00 } CHS 3.OD I PWAF 5.00 } TF 4.00 I JCSF 1-00 I JSF /..00 I 200.00 HENRIOUEZ, EVAHIVALDO ESCOBAR I PWF 139.00 } JPAY 4.00 } J } } Cash } } I I I I I 3925967 2006-427 12/20/2006 } TFC 3,00 ( CCC 4D.00 [ CHS 4.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 } SUBC 30.00 } 10..00 GARCIA, JOE CARLOS } JCSF 1.00 ( JSF. 3.00 } DDc 10.00 I JPAY 4.00 } Money Order 3925968 2006-4,73 12/20/2006 I CCC 10.00 I CHS 3.00 PWAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 } JCSF 1.00 J JSF 4.00 I 145.00 DELGADO, JOSE CASTILLO �, [ WSF 84.00 I JPAY 4.00 j } I } Cash } I I I } } I JRN-15-2007 16:33 FROl9:(ALHOLIN JP4 3611852179 TO:3615534444 P.10, 16 01/15/2007 Moncy.Distribution -Report page 3 JP PCT 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 --------•----------------------------- Receipt Cause/Defendant ( Code ---------- Amount ............... I Code Amount I Code ------------- Amount I Code ------------------ Amount I Cede Amount ----------------.. ) Code Amount I Total 3925969 2006-639 12/20/2006 I CCC 40.00 ( cns 3,00 j PWAF 5.00 ( TF 4,00 JCSF 1-00 JSF 4,00 140.00 E.DWARDS, HERBERT LYNN JR. I JPAY 4.00 I USF 79.00 I i i i Personal Check 3925970 2006.371 12/20/200b ] CCC 40.00 ] CHS 3.00 ] LAF 5.00 I TF 4-00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 208.00 CERVANTES, CIPRIANO S. ( FINE 151-00 + ( I I I Per:onBI Check I I I I ] 3925971 2006.371 12/20/2006 FINE 93.00 JPAY 4.00 CERVANTES, CIPRIANO S, + i i i i ; i 97.00 Jait credit 3925972 2006-364 1Z/20/2006 ] CCC 40.00 ] CHS 3.00 ( LAF 5.00 ] TIME 25.00 ( TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I 115.00 JARAMILLO, IRMA NAVARRO ( JSF 4.00 ( FINE 33.00 ) ( I I I Personal Check ( I I I 3925973 2006-:S64 12/20/2006 ) FINE 221.00 I JPAY 4.00 I ] ) ( ] 725.00 JARAMILLO, IRMA NAVARRO Jail Credit 3925974 Z006-4-75 12/27/2006 I CCC 40,00 ] CHS 3.OD ] PWAF 5.00 ( TF 4.00 ( JCSF 1.00 ( JSF 4.00 I 200.00 SALAZAR, ALFONZO GARCIA PWF 139.00 JPAY 4-00 Cash i i 3925975 2006-367 t2/27/2006 J TIME 25.00 I SEAT 96.00 ( JPAY 4.00 ( I ( I 125.00 RAMIREZ, JULIA ISABEL Money Order 3925976 2006-390 12/27/2006 ( CCC 40-00 ( CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5.00 ] TF 4.60 ( JCSF 1.00 ] JSF 6.00 ) 97-00 CAMPOS, ALESANDRO VASQUEZ ( PWF 40.00 Money Order I ] I ) I I I 3925977 2006-425 12/27/2006 I TFC 3,00 ) CCC 40.00 ] CHS 4.00 ( SAF 5.00 ( TF 4.00 I SUBC 30,00 I 165.00 MARSHALL, JOHN ROBERT I JCSF 1.00 ( JSF 3.00 ] FINE 71.00 ] JPAY 4-00 ] Cashier's Check 3925978 2006-479 12/27/2006 ) CCC 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I TF 4.00 ] JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4-00 ] PWF 139.00 ] 200.00 BOCANEGRA, SALVADOR S ( JPAY 4,00 ] PWAF 5.00 I I I I ] Cash ] I I I I I I 3925979 19319 12/27/2006 I JCPT 2.00 ( CVC 15.00 ( CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCD 0.50 I CHS 3.00 I 345.00 GALLAWAY, JIMMY LEE 111 I CHI 0.50 I WRNT 50.00 ) TF 4.00 I FINE 248.00 I I Cash I ] I { I ] I 3925960 19208 12/2>/2006 j JCPT 2.60 ] CVC 15-00 ] CCC 17.00 ( FA 5.00 ] JCO O:50 ( CHS 3.00 I 380.00 GALLAWAY, JIMMY LEE 111 I CM[ 0.50 ( LAF 5.00 ] WRNT 50.00 ) TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 253.00 Cash I ( ] I I I ) 3.926013 2006-426 12/29/2006 ( TFC 3.00 ( CCC 40.00 j CHS 4-00 ] SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30,00 I 205.00 BYZINSKI, HENRY JAMES ] JCSF 1.00 I JSF 3.00 ( FINE 111.00 ] JPAY 4-00 I I I Cred-Card/Trnsfr ( I ( I I I I 0 •TAN-15-2007 16:34 FRGM:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 T0:3615534444 P.11%16 01/15J2007 Honey Distribution Report Page 4 ---------------------- -----------....------------------'--------------- JP PCT 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 The following totals represent - Cash and Checks Collected ------------------ ---_..........----------------------- I'A)e Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money -Totals The following totals represent • Cash and Checks Collected COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 37 137.24 1.235.15 1,372.39 _ - COST CHS CHS 37 119.11 0.00 179.11---- COST CHI CHI 3 0.15 1.35 1-50 COST CVC CVC 3 4.50 40.50 45.00 COST DPSC DPS FAILURE To APPEAR COURT COST-OMNIE 2 19.80 40.20 60.00 COST FA FA 3 1.50 13.50 15.00 COST JCD JCD 3 0-15 1.35 1.50 COST JCPf JCPT 3 0.60 5.40 6.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 34 ..33.04 0.00 33-04 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 34 12.22 109.92 122.14 COST LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 7 30.18 0.00 30.1B COST PUAF TEXAS PARKS 8 WILDLIFE 20 80.00 20.00 100.00 COST SAF DPS 6 32.00 6.00 40.00 451. ov COST suet SUBTITLE C 9 13.50 256.5D 270-00 _ COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 37 144.14 - 0.00 COST TFC TFC 9 27.00 0.00 27.00 _;, o COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 7 87.50 87.50 175-00 COST URNT WARRANT FEE 3 150.00 - 0.00 150.00 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 3 30-00 0.00 30.00 FEES Oft oEFERRED FEE 2 170.00 0.00 170-00 FEES JPAY DISTRICT JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 35 Z1.00 119.00 140.00 FINE DPSF FTA FINE 1 344.00 0.00 _/-F+.C° FINE FINE FINE 18 1,667.00 0.00 1.,667.00 / �' j:_:a �� fr•Y •� V FINF PWF PARKS 8 WILDLIFE FINE 17 291.60 1,652.40 1.944.00 /iJr7 {,G'1J FINF. SEAT SEATBELT FINE 1 48-00 48.00 96.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 4 4.1.25 233.75 275.00 Money Totals 44 3,505-48 3,872.52 7,378.00 '+` " a L,-a the following totals rcpresent - Jail Credit.and CoDmunity Service :DST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 1 4.00 36.DO 40.00 :DST CNS CNS 1 3.00 0.00 3.00 )DST C.Mt CM) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 ;OST CVC CYC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .DST DPSC OPS FAILURE TO APPEAR. COURT COST-OMNIE 0 0.00 0-00 0-00 :OST FA FA 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 ;OST JCD JCD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 :OST JCPT JCPT 0 0.00 MO 0.00 ;OST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 1 1.00 0.00 1.00 :DST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 1 0.40 3.60 4.00 ;05T LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 1 5-00 0.00 5.00 'DST PWAF TEXAS PARKS $UILDLIFE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .OST SAF DPS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 ;OST SUBC SUBTITLE C 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 :DST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 1 (.CO 0.00 4.00 :OST TFC TFC 0 D.00 0.00 0.00 JAN-15-2007 16:34 FR0M:CRLH0IJN JP4 3617852179 70:3615534444 F'.12,16 01/15JZ007 Money Distribution Report JP PCT 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 Page 5 The following totals represent - Jail credit and Community Service Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money -Totals COST. TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 1 12.50 12.50 25.00 COST WRNT WARRANT FEE 1 50.00 0-00 50.00 fFFS DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 FEES OFF DEFERRED FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES JPAY DISTRICT JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 3 1,80 10-20 0.00 FINE DP$F FTA FINE 0 0.00 0-00 12.00 0-00 FINE FINE FINE 3 368.00 0.00 368.00 FINE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 0 0.00 0,00 I INE SEAT SEATBELT FINE C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE USF WATER SAFETY FINE 0 0-00 0.00 0-00 Credit Totals 3 449.70 62.30 512.00 The following totois represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 2 8.00 TZ.00 80,00 COST CHS COS 2 7.00 0.00 7.OD COST CMI CM[ 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST CVC CVC 0 0.00 0100 0.00 COST DPSC OPS FAILURE TO APPEAR COURT COST-OMNIE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 - COST FA FA 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST 7CD JCp 0 0,00 0.00 0.013 COST JCPT JCOT 0 0.00 0,00 0-00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 2 2.00 0,00 2-00 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 2 0.70 6.30 7.00 COST LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST PWAF TExAS PARKS & WILDLIFE i 4-OD 1.00 5.00 COST SAF DPS 7 4.00 1.00 5.00 COST SUBC Sl13TITLE C 1 1.50 28.50 30.00 COST TF TECRNOLOCY FUND 2 8-00 0100 8.00 COST TFC TFC 1 3.00 O.Do 3.00 COST TIME T1MF PAYMENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST WRHT WARRANT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 - 0,00 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES OFF DEFERRED FEE 0 0-00 0.00 0.00 FEES JPAY DISTRICT JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 2 1.20 6.60 8.00 FINE DPSF FTA FINE 0 0-00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 1 111.00 0,00 111.00 FINE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 1 5.10 28.90 34.00 FINF. SEAT SEATBELT FINE 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 'FINE WSF ,WATER SAFETY FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 2 155.50 144.50 300.00 The following totals represent • Combined Money and Credits COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 40 149.24 1,343.15 1,492.39 COST CHS CAS 40 129.11 O.DO 329.11 COST CM[ CMI 3 0.15 1.35 1.50 JAN-13-2007 16:34 FROM:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 TO:3615534444 P.13�16 1)1/15/2007 Money Distribution Report Pbgr 6 JP PCT 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 '---- ------------------------ ------------- Thefollowing totals represent - Combined Money and Credits Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money-Totols COST CVC CVC 3 4.50 40-50 45,0D COST DPSC DPS FAILURE TO APPEAR COURT COST-OMN1E 2 19.80 4D.20 6060.00 COST FA FA 3 1.50 13.50 ,00 COST JCO JCD 3 0.15 1.35 1.50 COST JCPT JCPT 3 0.60 5.40 6.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 37 36.04 0.00 36.04 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 37 13.32 119.82 133.14 COST LAF SRERIFF'S.FEE 8 35.18 0.00 35.18 COST PWAF TExAs PARKS a WILDLIFE 21 84.00 21.00 105.00 COST SAF DPS 9 - 36,00 9.00 4.5.00 COST SUBC SUBTITLE C 10 15,00 285.00 300,00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 40 156.14 0.00 156.14 COST TFC TFC - 10 30.00 0.00 30,OQ .COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 8 10D.00 100.00 200.00 COST WRNT WARRANT FEE 4 200.00 0.00 200.00 FEES DDC DEFLNSIVE DRIVING 3 30.00 0.00 30.00 FEES DFF DEFERRED FEE 2 170.00 0-00 170.00 FEES JPAY DISTRICT JUDGE PAY RAISE FEE 40 24.00 136-00 160.00 FINE DPSF FTA FINE 1 344.00 0.00 344.00 FINE FINE FINE 22 2,146,00 0.00 2,146.0o FINE PWF PARKS 8 WILDLIFE FINE 18 296.70 1,681.3D 1,978.00 FINE SEAT SEATBELT FINE 1 48.00 48.00 96.00 FINE WSP WATER SAFETY FINE 4 41.25 733.75 275.00 Report Totals 49 4,110-68 4,079.32 8,190.00 JAN-15-2007 i6:34 FRON:CALHOUN JP4 3617952179 T0:3615534444 P.14'16 01/15/2007 - Money Distribution Report JP PCT 4 FOR DFCEMBER 2006 Page 7 OATE PAYMENT -TYPE FINES COURT -COSTS FEES BONDS RESTITUTION OTHER TOTAL 00/00/D000 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 D_00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 09/01/1991 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm service 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 D_oD 0.00 0.00 0.0D 0,00 09/01/199's Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.DO - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1995 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits 8 Corm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,nO Total of all collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1997 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.OD 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of ail Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0,00 09/01/1999 Cash 8 Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0.01) 0100 0.00 O,DO 0.00 Credit cards I Transfers 0.00 O.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of ail Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OD 0.00 09/01/2001 Cash & Chetks Collected 501.00 224.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 725.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards 8 Transfers 0100 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 5D1.00 2Z4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 725.00 09/01/2003 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 01/01/2004 Cash 8 Checks Collected 3.825.00 2,488.00 340.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 6,653.00 Jail Credits & Cortm Service 368.00 132.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 512.00 Credit cards S Transfers 145.00 147.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 Total of all Collections 4,338.00 2,767.00 360.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,465.00 TOTALS I Cash & checks Collected 4,326.00 2,712.00 340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 378.00 Jait Credits & Comm Service 368.00 132.00 12.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 512.00 Credit Cards 8 Transfers 145.00 147.00 8.00 O.OD 0.00 0,00 300.00 Total of all Collections 4,839.00 2,991.00 360.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.190,00 JPN-15-2007 16:34 FROM:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 TO:3615534444 P.15,15 01/15/2007 Money Distribution Report Page D JP PCT 4 FOR DECEMBER 2006 '............. DATE PAYMCNT-TYPE FINES COORT-COSTS FEES BONDS RESTITu1loN OTHER TOTAL State of Texas ouarterly Reporting Torols Description Count Collected Retained Disbursed State Comptroller Costand fees Report Setrion 1: Report for Offenses CoRmitted - 01-01-04 forward 42 1,441.39 1d4,14 1,297.25 09-01-01 12.31-03 12 80.00 8.00 72.00 09-01.99 08-31-01 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09.01-97 - 08-31-99 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-01-95 - 00-31-97 0 0-00 0-00 0.00 09-01-91 - 08.31-95 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bail Bonds fee 0 0.00 0.00 0100 DNA Testing Fees 0 0-00 0.00 0.00 EMS Trauma Fund (EMS) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Juvenile Probation Diversion Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jury Reimbursement Fee 36 129.14 12.91 114.23 State, Traffic fees 10 300.00 15.00 285.00 Section I1: As Applicable State Police officer Fees 30 150.00 120.00 30.06 Failure to Appear/Pay Fees 60.00 19.80 40.20 Judicial Fund - Count County Court 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Judicial Fund - Statutory County Court 0 0.00 0.00D,00 Motor Carrier Sleight Violations 0 0.00 0.00 0-00 Time Payment Fee 7 175.00 87.50 87.50 Driving Record Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Judicial support fees 37 148.00 22.20 125.80 Report sub Total 176 2,403,53 1.29.55 2,053.98 State Comptroller Civit Fees Report CF; Birth Certiticate Fees 0 0-00 0.00 O.OD CF: Marriage License Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Declaration of informal Marriage 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Nondisclosure Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Juror Donations 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Justice Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Stax Prob Court Indig Filing Fees 0 DAD 0100 0.00 CF: Stat Prot Court Judie Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Star Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Slat Cnty Court Judie Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Cnst Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Cnct Cnty Court Judic Filing fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 - CF; Dist Court District & Family Law 0 0.00 0,00 D.00 CF: Dist Court Other Divorce/Family Law 0 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 CF: Dist Court Indig Filing fees D 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report sub Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.00, Total Due for This Period 17e, 2,483.53 429.55 2,653.98 THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Calhoun Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared Jame* Dworaczyk, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Calhoun County, Texas, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above JAN-15-2007 16:3A FROM:CALHaJN JP4 3617e52179 TD:3615534444 F.16,16 and foregoing report is true and correct. Uitncss ¢ry hand this ay of f cc of the Peace, PrecincT o. 4 Calhoun Count/y, Texas Subscribed d auorn to thjs %day, of Calhoun County, Texas JAN-15-2007 16:32.FROh1:CALHOUN JP4 3617852179 7 : 3615534444 P.1 16 Pg, ACCOUNTS ALLOWED — COUNTY: Claims totaling $305,395.95 were presented by the County Treasurer for the year of 2006, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Claims totaling $168,911.23 were presented by the County Treasurer for the year of 2007, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Lyssy that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioner Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED — HOSPITAL: Claims totaling $1,669,130.97 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioner Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED — INDIGENT HEALTHCARE: Claims totaling $155,004.48 were presented by the County Treasurer, and after reading and Verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioner Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS PROJECT: Judge Pfeifer stated that we are finally hereto We should have long distance restored by tomorrow. ACCEPT DONATIONS TO EMS: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to accept donations to EMS from Bobby Neuman $50, James Stephens, Jr. $30 and Jeanette Dunn $15. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Lyssy and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Budget Adjustments. Commissioners Galvan, Lyssy, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: Court discussed that the dedication of the Courthouse would be sometime in March. Court adjourned at 11:30 a.m. - o 0 m C wc t � W W = x v - OWC W O coo N W � _ O x O KEW a o yM 6w 0 Z �LLJ e°°a Z = H ,12. a UL ^W o 0 W w 64 il) L 4 W y O _ O 6 W 'W fii H i r = r7 C 661 C = °zz V = N O,O F.. z z Z e W 0- =V 0 a¢ 0 =y w W O _ p ■■ C) =W o � 6 _LU Q A z 12z 4 U > = Z 0 H co Q co U' = Z •. 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