2020-04-22 CC PACKETCommissioners' Couri—April 22, 2020 REGULAR 2020 TERM 0 APRIL 22, 2020 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON APRIL 22, 2020, THERE WAS BEGUN AND HOLDEN A REGULAR TERM OF COMMISSIONERS' COURT. 1. CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M by Judge Richard Meyer. 2. ROLL CALL THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESENT: Richard Meyer David Hall Vern Lyssy Clyde Syma Gary Reese Anna Goodman Catherine Sullivan County Judge Commissioner, Precinct #1 Commissioner, Precinct #2 Commissioner, Precinct #3 Commissioner, Precinct #4 County Clerk Deputy County Clerk 3. INVOCATION &PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 & 3) Invocation —Commissioner David Hall Pledge to US Flag &Texas Flag —Commissioner Gary Reese/Vern Lyssy Page 1 of 5 Commissioners' Court —April 22, 2020 4. General Discussion of Public matters and Public Participation. 5. Approve minutes from the following meetings: March 18, 2020; March 25, 2020; April 1, 2020; April 8, 2020 and April 15, 2020. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 6. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 6) To acknowledge the receipt of a check for $36,817.86 from the COVID49 stimulus CARES act and authorize the EMS Director to sign the attestation for receipt of these funds. (RM) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: ` David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 7. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 7) To appoint a committee to score the UP for Administration/Professional Services and the RFQ for Engineering Services for the Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT). (DH) Motion made to appoint Peggy Hall; Cindy Mueller; David Hall; Vern Lyssy RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Page 2 of 5 Commissioners' Court — April 22, 2020 8. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO (AGENDA ITEM NO. 8) To appoint a committee to score the RFQ for Professional Engineering/Architectural/Surveying Services for the Calhoun County Green Lake Project, RFQ 2020.05. (GR) Motion made to appoint Peggy Hall; Cindy Mueller; Richard Meyer; Gary Reese. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 SECONDER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 9. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 9) On Temporary Road Access Easement to Phillips 66 Carrier, LLC for access to Levee Road in Calhoun County, Texas and authorize Commissioner Reese to sign all relevant documents. (GR) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 SECONDER: Clyde Syma, Commissioner Pct 3 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 10. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 10) To approve the engagement of Armstrong, Vaughan, and Associates, PC, Certified Public Accountants to perform the audit of the County's financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2019 at an estimated fee of $51,900 and authorize the County Judge to sign. (RM) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Page 3 of 5 Commissioners' Court —April 22, 2020 11. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 11) On FEMA4485 DR -TX Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent and authorize the County Judge to sign. (RM) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 12. Accept reports from the following County Offices: 1. Sheriff —February 2020 (corrected) 2. Tax Assessor -Collector — March 2020 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER; Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct:1 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 13.Consider and take necessary action on any necessary budget adjustments. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Page 4 of 5 Con Imissioners' Court —April 22, 2020 14. Approval of bills and payroll. Indigent RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese MMC RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese County RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Adjourned: 10:19 a.m. Page 5 of 5 David Hall, Commissioner, Precinc2l Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Cary Reese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 104, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. lfichard Meyer, Coin Judge Calhoun County, Texas Anna Goodman, County Clerk ADepuLCIeVr Page 1 of 1 Ceaaui'tss_I+�tr��i:;' �i�utt — hair-I'� I; :Lii, Jt'Cr REfiUL/IR 3b�U'i'�RM17 0 +11ilPtiH 180 2d2U BF IT R�MfEMBLREri THAT ON MARCH 1�, �420a THERE WAS RIEf3UN ANl3 i-IOLfJE(V A REGULAR TERM OF COMMISMINCR5' COMM Tirfs rtrm�tlrtg vas calt�:ci to ardor at 1U;U[i fi.N1 iry' nudge Rici�ard f�ieyer. 2, Rt3LL CALL THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESENTi i�icEtard tMeyex Vid half Vern Lyssy Clyde Syma Gary Reese �inria Goodman f�atlwrino Sul%ean c'�raunty atrd�e miraissloner, Prr.CinCt # 4 Comirrlssionar, Prodnet #2 Commissioner, Prorinct #3 Cgmmimioner, Prodoa #R Cr�uniy Clerk f5cpur y County Glen•: 3. INVACATION >3E PLEDGE (1F ALLLCiIIANG� (AGENItrl1 TEh1 NU. 2 tit, �) inUtirAgticr?—c,€mrtrlsslntrer Uavfd Ha It Piedgc to ff5 �iac� 81 Tr�ras Flab — C,arnrr+issioner Gary Reese/Vt;rn Lyssy Yrs�4: I r�l`�J (:,rI I I I I I kni xIOF W i-,' (IYUI(- hol�'rtli 7A1r '!0Fin+ 4. General discussion of Pubilt ratters and Public Participation. 5. Approve the minutes tsf the February 210, 2020 in RI RESULM APPROVE® (UNANLi'a0U5j MOVER: Vern Lyssy, C€mtnls�;loner Pal SECONDEW Cary Reese] C OMIT11WOMIr PO 4 AYES; Judge Mey+alq,.C`+cirr7nnlssioner Hall, Lyssy, Syrua, Reese 6. CONSID€R APJt) TAltf NECESSARY ACT°IQN (At�EHTDA STEM NO.B) To authorize the Calhoun County Sheriff to renew an agreement with TransUnion far one (1) year beginning April i, 2020 for LE Ynvestlgative Purposes and authorize the County Judge to sigma (RM) ResGnded motion flue to 1235 not in+�uded v,+th c�ntraCt. RESULT. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] t'4ovgRt stern Lyssy, COMWsslonI.ot' kt 2 SECONbER; Gaiy Rem, Coinnilssl©ner Pd 4 AYES: ijidge Meyer, CpnymhAiOner Mall, LyasY, SYma; R 5t �. CCNSinER ANC iAKE NECESSARY ACTYON (ACBNC7A ITfI+O t+iQ, '�) Ta authorize a an in tbo avly uav of iG,BS3 Pram fire �,c neral Funs! ttr Boggy Bayou Nature Park Capital Fund Project Fund. (RM) APf'RCJWED [UNANIMOtlS) oavt�i W�sN, e~�i�rarlssiraner' P� J. Waxy Ruse, C.ornnalssloncr kt 4 Jcidge hloper, Caiwissloner Hall, tyss ', Selma, Reuse F'a�;e .2 of e3 (7ltl (III ;$i41111 iS ...0d[ — r'i.,1-F S. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO (AGENDA ITEM 140.8) To continue participation In T'AC NE13P ARTS Program and auttmrize fte County Judge to sign. (RM) RESULT; APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mt}YGRc 'Vern Lyssy, Commissioner PU Z SEGONCIER: David Hail, Commis5Jonkr Pct 1, AYESr 3udgja Meyer, Cxamrjtils,, coney Halt, Lysay, Syma, Reese 9. CCrNSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION .(AGENDA ITEM NO. g) To approve the Preliminary Plat or Live {Sale Bayou Ames. (GR) Terry Ittlikiicla of Urlmn Sur yang prvscntel plat,. RESULT; APPROVED (UNANIMOUS1 MOVER Vern LMy, Comm"ones Pct Z SECONDER: Oavid Hall, Commi, or Pct. 1 AYES: Judge Me'yr r, C6mmissione:r Hall, Lyn Sym I iteew ip. Cc)NSIbER AND TAKE NECES9AfIV' AGTICiN (AfaENDA ITEIN NOS 10) To approve the Ping) Plat of Lire Oak Bayou Acres. (GR) r��sutT: a�Rav�D (UNANIMGUSa NiOV€Rf nary owe d. FAIlssianar Pct 4 SECONOM David Hall, CQanmys§Dncr Pc(.I 71Y s Judge Maya, Commissioner Hall, 1 V'sw, �yrm, R£1�e 11. Public Hearitug on a Pekltlorr to v�ate tot 1iS5 of the American Towrnalte Su6diviion, SOadtift, Teas s rslative to tl9e plat renurtftf In d+�riuxtre Z, F►age 2 of the Plat Records of Calhoun County, Te"S, Henry oanysh pr��entr3ul t1ue potitlon+ Commenced: 1041 corn. Adjountid: 10.12 a.nrno i'ct�z�:# ili`ir t.'Qri f5' COLIIt - NV Zc4;-.f I :<s , 0.-;Xl 12 CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 12) To vacate Lot lips of the American Townsito Subdivision Henn 7 isanysh pr sentod thQ plat RESULT: APPROVED CUNANIMOIiS) MOVER: Gary Raumr Comnilsskarrer Rt 4 SECONDER, a do sym a, Ccaittrn8ssroner Pct 3 ►1YI S. judge Meyer, ComiYlissinner Hall, Lyssy, 5yma, Reese 13CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACiIArN (AQi;NC1A ti`EFA NOM,13) To approve the Preliminary Plat of Burke Subdivision (a raPlat lot 1105 of Um American Townsite subdivision, Seadrift, Texas relative to the plat recorded in Volume Z, Page 2 of the Plat Records of Calhoun County, Texas). Henry Denysh presented Plat. RESULT: APPROVED (UNANIIMOUS) MOV#R Gary gorse, Cominni!Alpher Pa 4 SECONDER: veii4ysIsy, Conimiss onsr f? t 2 AYES: Jud e Meyer, Corrimisyioner Hall, Lyssy, Syrna, Reese 1.4, CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 14) To approve the phial Pleat of Roseangely Subdivision, Magnolia Beach, being a replat of tot 0 ad joiniog 25' of Lot 7 on Block I of the Turpin Addition to Magnolia Beach situated in the Jose Maria Mancha Survok, Abstract No. 236 of Calhoun County, Texas according to the plat recorded In Volume Z, Pg.151 of the Calhoun County Plat Records, (Dlt) REStiLT3 APPROVED [UAlANiMOU�j INOVEIt: 6auld Hali, �mntisslor�r Pc� 3 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Comrnlssloner fact 4 AkES: judge die}der, (`oaatrnlsslnr er h°lall, Lyssy, Syria, Reese l'cag�,a d n t r3 fin1 iRIII is lonll, r' Cou l K4 rtl, 161 0 IS. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO,15) To accept a donation of 40' of 21 Inch pipe from Orion for BBQ pits at kiagnolla Beach valued at $250. (DH) RESULT: APPROVlD CUNA4~1INiO[lSj 4OVER4 David Hall, O)MInkslotler NX I BEGONE I k Vern I_yssy, C0,11 of glol)V( i'� t 2 AYES. )udga Meyer, Commissioner Hall, LYsSY, ryma, Reese I.6. CONSIDER ANfa TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO,1,5) To approve the specifications for the Request for Qualifications Professional Engineering/Architectural/Surveying Services, RFQ 2020.07, In support of Calhoun County of Calhoun County State and Federal Grants and authorize the County Auditor to advertise for these services. The RFQ will be duo by 2100 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and considered for award on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. (DH) RESULT. hPf'iiO'VEP [UAlikhlYl`ff'1lISj 40VE9, Davin Halle Camntlssioner Fct 1 SeCONTiEIi: Vern Ly W, Commisvviier Nct AYESt judge ly F."rii GCoMmissioner Flail, Lyr,:,y; SYMk RP= 17. CONSii7ER AN6 TAKE 11iECSARY' ACTiitiN (ACiENOA YTEM NO. 17) To approve the specifications for the Request for Fl opgsfs fnr Administration/Professional Servieesi RFP 2020.06, in support of Calhoun County of Calhoun County State and Federal Grants and authorize the County Auditor to advertise for these services, The RPP will be due by 2100 P.M. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and considered for award on Wednesday, April 2% 2020. (DH) �IEStlLT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYi'S. David Hail, Gornit5isslatt�r 1?Ci' t 1+erri Lyy, GrarrtttIsslgYrar11 ?rt u(t9a i4eypi, Cotrmissloner Halle Lyssy, Syma, Rees Fi��a:+of�7 ( n i+irr' CC;utt Nll9a°cli 18. CONSIDER. AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO.18) To pre approve expenditures by Incumbent County or Precinct Offlcer(s) under Calhoun County"s Policy of Compliance with LGC 130.908k (RMi) 2020 Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab Truck, VIN#XWWIKMU 105841 h? f 28 EtEWL10 AI 'ROrlED [UNANZMOUSj MOVER, David hail, C48Y1M 55iorler P(t f SECONbER: Cary Reese, cC72k9mbs1{otter KI 4 WES4 judge Meyer, Conir7i."loner Kali, Lyssy, SyMae Close 19. CONSIDER AND TAKE tJECE55ARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEMI NU.19) To authorize the Calhoun County Llbrarlan to apply for the Wainiart Community Grant Program to assist In the Purchase of materials for the Summer Reading PrograM (RMf) RESllLTt APPROVED (uNANTM[7tlS MOVER:: Gary Rcetie, Gr ralissivnW'P(1.4 SECONDE[ . Vern Lyssy, Co1r1mNsl(rne. Pct 2 AYES. j�dqe Meyer, (nrd )Mlanar liall, Lyssy, SYmar ItWWT 1!Q. CC}NSID£R AND TAldt NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO.20) To authorize the Calhoun County EMS Director to aPPly far lire Goldon crescent' Regional Advisory Council (GCRAC) Needs Assessment Grant for one (1) Rariatric Stretcher and three (3) Life Pack 15 Modems, (RM1) RESULTt APPitt)YED [tINANIMOtlS) MuvER: Cary Ike , Cammts aloner Pci A MCONDERt David Flail, Comrnlssloner Pt f AYESA judge Meyer, Colrrrrtisiloner Mall, Lyssyo Synia, Reese i�si(cf i3l'fJ .�irrull!5:>c;i�ert;++;.clout— l',•��rili 1u, �ii�i(� 2I.. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 21) To transfer a 4 drawer beige film cabinet from the County Clec•k's office to Veterans Services. (RM) RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] M01fER: Vern Lyssy, Comrnissio.per PCt 2 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Commifieinner PO 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commis.Monor Hall, Lyws,e 3Yma, Reese 22. CONSIDER AND TAKE fiE�ESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. x2) To dotara items from Memorial Medical Canter an the attached schedule as Write and authorize their disposaL (RM) (see list) RESUt'f; APPROVED. (UNANTMAU�a MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Ccimnrl%ionor Prt2 RECONDER:. David lino, Coon %Jcwier P& AYES: Judge Moyer, Commiss±aner Hall, LMV, SYrnn, Rees, x3. AC.eept rraporis frtiun the #oliotroi-ng County Offices: 1. Disitrfc Cleric � Eebrunry 2U2{i 2. justice of the Peace, Pst 5 � February Zt12(1 RESULT; ApPRQVED [UNAf+IIMOUs3 LOVER: Vern Cyssy, Coimmsswner I cl 2 SECONDER: Cary Rees:, Cowmn slar7cr Ind 4 AYES: Jrr lcle Mayor, Conlnls "ier Hall, Lyssy, 5yrria, Reer2sk? 24. CONSIDER ANfj TAKE NECESSARY ACTION. (AfiENDA III;M NO. 24) ctn any noeosry budget adjustments. (ftMy 2a�9 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] P40VER' Gary Reese, ccr yinilsskiner• I it 4 9 CONijER: Vern Lyssy, Corrl IiiiSS over PA 2 AYESP 1xige Moyer, CommIssimer Hall, Lyssy, 5yma, Reese (oil}i111551t;1 I Lie �Od-j (Jl-_,_ Fekl:.Irtal 1. �.:, A121) 2020 RESULT# APPROVED [UINANIMOUSI MOVER: Gary Reese, Com+n sio€lor Pct 4 SECONDER* Vern L:osy, Commhssiwer Pet' AYES; ludgo Mayer, Comm]Wonel' Hall, Ly sy, Si'ma, RoMe 25, APPROVAL a iCXLLS ANb PAYROLL, MMC fESULTa APPROVED [UNAf+fIMt7US] 0f3VER: Davio Hall, i orr aralssionor Pet 2 : SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Coammisslancr Pct 2' AYES: edge Mofer, Commissione€ Hall, Lywy, Symaj Roe= G+�trnLjr RESULT: APpROVEp [UNAMYl1 MOVER: bavid hull, Comnllsslom SECONgI R: PCE Pyrttai I ESUI.T: APPROVED .[UNANNO US] MOVER: Wvicl Hall, Commisslonor PCt 2 SECONDER' Vcraa Lyvy, barninissioncr Pct 2 AYi4Ss Judge Meyer, C-ommlusloner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Rcose 26. Adjourn to Exe€u[lv+„ Slc�rti. AtijR+nrnud: 14:�1 e,rn. 10201 TT. Executive Session: The Commissloners' Court shall gtr into Executive Session as authorized by V.T.C.A. Government Cade Chapter 551, Subchapter D. Following Is the subject matter of the executive Session and the Specific Sectlon of the open Meetings A41: permitting disetission/deilberation In Executive session. iection 551-070*s. A goverumeirt body may conduct a closed meeting eo deliberate the appointnxaut, employment, evaluation, reassignment; duties+ discipline, or dismissal of a member of an advisory body. 28. Convened Open Se�lon 11:1a a•m. 5. CiiNSYDER AND TAKE N€CE55ARY ACTTi7N oN MATTEiiS DiSCU55ED IN T1iE EXECUTIVE SESSION. Appoint the Follouviny members to kl hoard o,P Mnnagees for NfMC. Michael Chavana Dallas Franklin Reynrundo Tunz+on Kay. McPherson Slielid 1Diersohke RFSULT: APPROVED (UNJg NIMOUS] MOVER: Lary RQPQ we ConlmisOo ler Pct 4 58 ONDEit: Dmild Hall, Comitrissianer Pct i A1f1 5: fudge Meyer, CommIsis,fo ler Hall, I ,yssy, ,gynt7, Rene Adjourned: li:7 a.m. i'ai«s 9 of �3 David Hall, Commissioner, Precinc¢ 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Gary Reese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 104, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. P L Richard Meyer, Con Judge Calhoun County, Texas Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Clerk Page 1 of 1 t.;Cir�tia11551a:�,�Y�i's' i:crltrt �. hfl�r�(�,'���� ,�r]1.[7 .C"�.i1.e:k71.%.,�*`��.1 d 4J'J� II �a�.J'A9+�1'i�a.J�%�'is'A."�lCitr�?a �'3.A9L�.1'�A. R��U�AR ���� T� �E ii i't��1�MCf,�fYECI THAT" 0141+tARCH 18, 2U2Q., TH�ItE WAS EI�f�UM ANb Hf1LbF'N A It�GUtAIt T�Ett<4 OF Ca�1MY55I(iN�RS` rwtl[t-RT. 1. CALL TO ORIJiER .Ifi�us i7re�kdng t+��s c�ll�ci. k� �Pd�r ek tq;gq 11.N by ��rd fr;lr.�rd #pier. 2. ROLL. CALM 7H� �OLLOUVI<1NG h9�R�RS tAt�R� [�RES�r+(�'. Rraaaeri r4T�^y�+' [3�+1(t� �1�(I V�rir L+y�sy Glyda 5�yr�a hraraa clrrre�r Cet(icarrte 5UI(iv�h c�wnky Judq Caarrm(ssi�ner., 1'Pe�(r �;< C�reoml�s8�rner, ��ern�t: C.ewfifr�(JSiDrier, IrseCinct #✓3 (PCJfT}IY4(5Si[PnCPa r'GtC(il�t ���i Depu6:y C�utrLy Clerk s. Yravacanar� � ai.�n�� a� AL1.�CviANC {A�r�rrlaA irk rvc�. �, �. �> Tne�tlotr ..n. Carnmssloner (��vf�f NaEI Pled ka U� �rrrg �'�ex�s �1ag - C�rrarr7fsw(�+rr�r ry Ft�ese,�Ve�r7 1-Y' I'n�c 1 n�'7 �i. �eneiral Discussion aF Puhtic matters and Rublic Participatian. Clsrri Atiiinsan IF Flinn ResavrC�s Rltgrx€a Kakana . County Treasurer 71I1 Hendrickson � Sheriff Dapt 5. Approve the minutes of'M Miarch 4r 2020 and Mare 11, 2020 nzaotings. RESULT: APP'�(7vl�Cn [IJIUIkNiliQtiUS] h94VCR: Vera t.y~yst+, C�ammis�K�iter.(?et;2 SIECUNDOR: racy 6tec�se, Ccsmteoh stoner Pc€ p AYCS: Su�lye h4eyer, ti�i�glm��.lc>F'1cC tEail, Ly"�4`, Sym�, Ree:ye _ G. GdNSibiYR IINb'�AKC NCC�55ARY AC'YY�FI (AQI*NDA Iii;�9 ND. 6} Tn adept tl� Caranavirus +Quttsieelc (CCfVIf3-�9} hnlicy and Che Caih�run +�a�rntjr Carakintiiky s�f'Ope�rat➢ens Plan (CUSP}. (RM) R�S111,T:-` APPRQVC[} �UNJ�NYINiDU$] P�14VCR. Veit ips5yf taa��inis;,Io��r Pct2 SEC{INDER: G�sry It�f Cor�nf�sslen�r i 4 pY� ,� . lodge I�leyer, Ccircir�cis�iari�r H�IIf Ly�s'y, SY��r k� , ?, CC1N�a�Dilt AND TAKE N�eCESSARY ACiiQ%i {dCI:NDA YThM'i�liF. 7} Ta rei�r tho Dedaratlan aF >,1 state a� Disaster due to a Puf�rllc H$,ith E-margency. (KM} �uL`r: _� �.w�. APpItQV�D [UIVANIMU4IS} i~{)NUER: V€rTr I�Y�'Yr �°t�rnas�gr�er.#�t 2 E5: �ardge�Meyr3r, Co�ttrtrolssi4i Ii�II, i,Y��Yf ��f ite�ese F'FL�;L: 2 CiE 7 �. CON9IDEii AND TAKE NECESSARY AC'fltlN T(3 (AGENDA ITEM NO.8j To fltC'154 thr� County Cierit's ca'c�dt card limit tt� $5,U�. RE5111T9 IA PRI VED (KNANIMQU5� M0V9Ri Vern LlAsy, CoaimIW6kt& Pct 2 SE CINDER: Gary.lteese, C€ ITImis:sitiner PO 4 AY 5; )udge Meyer, Cornmissiatter H811, iyssy, SYMO, ROPW �. CONSxDE6i AND TAKE NECE55ARY ACTION (A[�iENDA ITEM NO. �) To renew the Wildlife. Trapper Contract with they Texas Wildlife Services Program and authorize the County fudge to Slgn. (VL) rs�sul.'r: SE�ONl�ER; i 11Y�S: SVI�D �lIl�iAN�I"I[�t#S� yssy, C:omtnissl�ttcrl'+et 2 1��19, C�nTr�issiarier �ci:1 P4e'yer, Cornfttl �r011ei' Hall, lU. CONSIDER AND TAKKE NECI;SShFLY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 30) TQ adtlpt tHn Rr_solution For tiperatbt�n Stone Garden Grant #or 2019 ant actorize ttte Cour�tY 3u�(9ct tt1 sign. (FtM} 1�E5Ui,T; APPRbVI�D [UNANIMOUSa 14�1:li��,t Gary lie�5�, .i'Ai$11T1i�5i4rl�r i3i.� SECONDER: ►�vicl H�kl, r=nt�7[�tissioner Pct i' AYES: tue Me'y'et'y C�ttlinlsstoTu�' f-1�11 Lys�y, �ymai, tip li. CONSIDER AND ThKE NEGE55ARYl1CTION (flGENDA ITEM NCI. lI) To accept Hte Operation Stony Garden Ctrarttfvr 2t}l9 in the amrrunt of RESULT: APP.RC►yED CuNnNlr�ous� R�IOV'Ei R: • bavltl HaN, Cramrttws5lraCtt;r Pit. � SEC ONDEI: Clyde, $ynsa, C om missiar s r fit f 3 AYESp Jut a.iTicbyer, Cammi�sioner Hall, Ly-sh SytTta, R fie i;niart-il5,iuu ��,`��:rc�r�—�P11�ur�i�!',,:��'�'(�� �,�. G�N9,TpEft AND TAKE Ni:GES�Aity ACTIUN (ACENIiA ITEM N0. 1Z) To avaChori�e Gan�missionaar Hati to ai�n avn �agi4 �caot Project Prapa�al Parr @rbn�EceryAPpraval for tragle SoouE ieaderslviP Prajet# for Garr t�uir�ry to he Iaax�ted at Magnoila Bcarfv Haar five tiirrl Walla. [Dii] __...__ _ l�ESU1.T. APPROVED CiiNANINIt3US] Mt7V1f:R: Csary� 13e�s�, ��nribv1s51nr�r�r #ci;�l- 9€C()NEvER: I��ttl f��li, Cnrrrr�is�is�n4r.:F�. �= AYESo J�ra#t,�e Mbar, �srrnrnlssla�es NaliR Lyssy, Syrrr�, R�e�U. i�. CONS�iSER ANb TAKE IVECES�ARY ACTION' (AGENDA ITiNt NC?, 13) To aErpravvo the aeifi<:atia�vs for love i�qur�t far {2ueiift`catinn� fnr Prafes�ionei ingina�ringJArcivit�ectural jSurveying S�rvrices for tive C�irioun County �raen ake Project, RFQ �(i2U.i�5 artd' avitht�ize #ite County Av�ditQr Est ivdvertlse far tite&tr �+�vwi�, The RFC will ire, durr iay 2:MI P.m�, Tuesdays Aprcil 28, �.f1�(i and can�ida�eai f0A' avn+ar�d OM Wedue�d�ay, May 6, 2ozp. RESULT.�,� �Y-� :APPttQVBD [iiN�1NYNiQIka� ,' MAVf~R: Vari 1-Y�Yfi Ccsnr[iirssro�ra+�..�Gk SECANaER: fravl� I°I�It, �:rrivvrE�l4ill�i• Pit � AYES: �r�d�� Meyer, Co�j�rvissle�r Mali, �-y�s�+, �+�a7a Reese i�. GON�YUER,Afid TAKE NEGf=SSARY ACTION (A�ENi7A ITEM NO. 14) Tar approve a tasa5e Agraaeemeavt vritiv Xerox G�arparati4uv for a Xerox CSt135T Capiar for Cailvaun County, Procinet �i itoad mod Bodge anti aushcvri:tte Corvrovia�ianer i�eosa to sign. (GR) _ F,M.._ IG.T: APPR���i�.�iVANIMtvUSJ ER: Gb1a1e 5Yr7�a,: i;vriienlssianel' R� � . _, >'NCs�R, Gary Rose, Gai�rrri�icrrver Prt A is ,iudg� Mr3yer, �4ennrlsslar��r Halt, I-YksV, 5yr��, Reese pni;c � Erl'7 I5. CONSIk7ER AI+E[l TAKE NECESSARY ACTION: (Ai�ENpA ITEM MO. �sj To approrre the fallowing work orders front r3&W Englnoering for work to btt cnrnplebed with. funds frotn the CUBr�-Ufi grant and authariae the County .lodge to slgtt: 1. A-1 county Enterncy Communication System 2. 6"1 Drainage Improvements along lane Road C-I Magnolia Beach Firer Station . 4. b-1 Drainage and sewer improvements in Alamo Beach 5. &I infrastructure at Litte Chocolate Bayou County Park RESULTT APPROVE© [UIVM111W UVJ MOVER. Vern Lyssy, C,ammissioner Pct Z $PPOWER: David Hail, Coo a:iisslorjar IIct I AYIES, 14 Meyer, commissioner Wall, Ley, Syma, kosr t.6, CCaMSiQER ANU TAKE NECE55ARV ACTiCiN' (A�aENOA STEM NO. t6j To p-apprigrre exp+�itdlturas hif incumbent County ar Prcaclnct OFfic:or(s) emdea• Calhoun Cotwnty's Policy of Canipliant� with LCC 1�0.9Qs3. (RMj No action i7. Apl• re�r•ks front the following r:�:tunty offlc�: i.. County Cterk� February zoxa �, Justice of the Peacer Pct � —February 2;(1�0 3. �ounky Treasurer --January �[l2U ttESUi,T: ' AppFtC1V'Ei} CUNANIMUUS] `t+lOVER; ' Ovid liz�ii, Cnmrnisslorlec' i`�L 1 SECOk�tiElt. �+�rrt �y3�y, Camrrtisai±r i'ce � . A,yEs: 3udg� Meyer, l�att!'ni;,slnnt�' Hall, C.ys>,', 5yrrr��r, lte�e - . _ ..- l'sr�ci d=s�sm�-il ��,i<� � r .' C.ou,� - I�fl�i� I�� :7, 2CH;?it I8. CQNSIDER AN17'f11K� �EC�SS/kltY AG7'xOIU {A�ENQA i7'�M NO. i8) On any necessary budflot Adjustments. (t�3) RESUti': 1kRRR�}V�( LUIVAN��1[]41�1 t�QV��: '�e�1n �.Y.�1,'�nmr�iss(can�M' F'cC 2 5�4`'AN!?�R: d��wic) H�IB, Brnrtitnis�iarier #nci 1 AYES: Jud��.k�leYer, Ctrrralnls�Eol��.Nall, I-Y�Y, 5ymar tieese �9, �pp+`av»1 of �iiils and payrroll. � XndB�e�t 6dESULT: AAPR�IIE� [la�lANxB�tAUS� MOVER'. C]aar'Id_ F>�all, Cramrals'�ar�n�r [+i`� SL�iN��R: U'c:rr7 >~y�y, Cal��enis�on�r, L !AYES: ]n� l�l�:ycf, Cn�ml sjcsn�i^ i-talC, �-y�Y, ��,, Breese A'Bt�1C _ � .� RE�iIiLT: r.ApPtiQVE� CUl''tANIMOUS� I MOVERp pavaci t4all, C�mXraissii�ta�r Pck src�Bvl�n�l�,: 1f�YI1 L"�S�j+r CORiff71S'S1L�19f:f �C� � AYES: ,ir�clgc;'M�y�r, CY��t1�Yiis�lo¢�er tEalf, Lyss}�, 5+fma, lease . County RI�suB.�r: n>R>Pe+�u�o.�ur��,�t�6� r�ot�v��a I���Ba FBall, eom�itts�iai SB=CUNI7�tt: 'Vern 4yssy, ��mis�ac AYES; 7ud€�� Nl�rj�r,.t;om�Bs: 2�i. l�cl}eurrn xo Exacutive Session:..-� it6:�� st.rn, (ItM) T"rs�c 6 raS�7 f:��� urrrL;,ic� erg. r:rvtll�E, � Cv�lii� �i ti+�s, J17�'17 71. Cttnvcnad [}pen Sc�son � E0.53 �.m 22. C�?NSZD�R A�� 7AitE NECrrSSnitY ACi�+aN (AGEi��l4 YT�w4 NQ� 7.3) t7n matters dlsc�us�ed in thq �cecwtive S�es�ian ltny McPh�rsQn r�ascincled nam�n�tidn >frvra the �aarcl tr# h4anagars nfi MM�. t►arre�► darns nominnt�d tQ fi11 vacarrcyr. ���u�.fi. ��p�,�v�s [un�araztwtrus� Mt}VERE 4vr�ry tteQs�e, ��sti'ar�lisslartQr 1'ct �} l��Ci�NR�ii� Davdd 1'CaIIF Carrn�irssi�nsr pc1 � 1kYlr5: Jurtge Nls'�r, Carnr�isaner Hall, L4�sY� �yri�i, it�ese Adjournc�dz i{?o55 �,nt. I������ `� ��i"7 I , 2 VIIIIIIIIJUMIRINjul David Han, Commissioner, Precinct 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Gary Deese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 104, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. 12ichard Meyer, C Calhoun County, Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Clerk Page 1 of 1 �� C�r,r��d��iissic,r-tir�r5' i:aj�i�rl-r�,.pril[a�t; 71.17L�1� PtE{�U'L14R 202Q TERM 0 ApRxIF iM�,F �2��� S� I7 I�IRMEMBEIiE� TNAi 4N AP�IL Q3r 2D20r TffER� 1NA9 �E4Ui� AINf3 N(iL���+t A t7:1��iULAR TERM QF CONIt�IS�IiiN�RS" G(JiIPlT. �.. CALL TO ORl7�ii Tl�i� rtieeting k�res called tc� order mt �I�.�a �„M � nudge ii4daard Nl�y�r. Z. Rt7LL GAOL THE FOLLtiWIMG MEHIBEFt� 1�A/ERiE P#tE�ENT: Rl�hard h�ey€r- m�vlit Hall Vera Lyssy ir��j�L' S'}rlTlil. nary Rye r`+:nraa cap�r��n C�ahc�ris7e �t�lllu�,r� rG.�tinty fudge Czaonntls�lan�er, Pt�cir��t�4 +�ammissie��rp I�r�cl�ct,��. �Uri1lTil'�S1G151erP. 1�rEydrlfA �i�� Comml.�sfaner, Precln�t #� �vunry �l�rl°. ilsuEy �L4ur��/ �;lerl� 3. IIVV1Ti�N & F►LECaGE �l" ALIECXANCE (AGECVbA xtEM fVG. 2 & 3) Iiaune,Atjgr� — C.�ra7trrols,lYsrser €7avld Mall (rledge to U� Flag � Tcxa� flag -, �e�nmassf�ee Gary Rcese�°J'c�rr� 1-'Y Pk��c� 1 t�i'[� i::�liru itisFafp� u�i ;':Gal n : - R;Pril £l 1, a20M 4. General Discussion of Public matters and puolle.i�aruipation. 5. Hear report from 1+714C for Fehrux'try 2020, aason A1191in presented report for MM1G. 8. COlBSIDl:R AND TAKC NECSARY AGTIQN (AGENDA iiEM NO. &) To authorize a loan In the amount of $240,000 from the General Fund to the Grants Fund for Operation Stone Garden FY 2019. (RM) RESULT, APPROVED (UIYAN><P1UU2] h101ti li4 Nivid lujail, Cotijrx lsslOner Frt. I SECONDER: Gam lt+�se, Cori isslarw>' Rct 4 Is AYES ]edge Meyrer, Gommt oner Hall, Lyssyt Sy maj R&SO 5t`. CiINSIDER ANd TAKE NECESSARY ACTI177iV (AGENDm �'i'EM iVCI. 7) On P9f4Aw4332-DR-TX Applicant's Attestation (or Duplication of Seneffts multi_project form and authorize the County judge to sign. (RM) Soo attached, Apenda Zte�rr Np. 7 ; , RESULT; ApPIiQV� [uNANxMOUS 40VER:_`' David I ]I, Cotramis])rtier Rcta. , SECtiNOR: bem Lyssy, Gorrarai�ssltaner.F'i� ,? judge Meyer, tti4T7 missl�UTt r W2II, Ly�ssy, Symo, Reese.,' Pra�r. � u1'd°i iM�mifirsfc:n�.S' �liCur �•,�.��F�il �1t ?(i�'E) 8. C�NSICiER AND TAfE FlECESS/ARY AQN iO (AGENDA ITEM MO.8} Tsa astthorizo n�ossaty permits to Pes'+theron, �l.0 on bsabal# of �autls Toxas Nf�L Pliaellnosr LLG tisa cro�s.roadways in Ptreeincts � and 4 (tisGad 4elow) with ao s" polymer- grade prapyEena plias31in4 anal authorize Cornmissloners lys�y and Raese� to sign. (VL) a. aay Mtdtsw farivsa b. Westerlund Grade Road +" old Landfill Road d. Sanders Road +a. Boyd Road #. Farlk Road g. Jesse Rigby Road SULT: pPPRtiVED [UAIANIFitIUS] OAR; Venn Lys5ye cGnvnis.0ones1 Pck 2 CQNQERs Compiii slomr act:4 1�E'$: judge mcyyrr, Hall, Lyssy, Synso, Reese 9. CONSIDCR AMfl TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEI+I No. 9) To acc�t the attached donations to thta Calhoun county Library for the n►osafh of Fehruary. (RNI� Sa®list. 1t�aUti: APPRt} �fUVER: Cary Ric �ECfJNpERs tvltl He AYES: xudge E~i YEP [tlNAN7MOUSj ; so; Gaa�,nti�siosteca?� 4.� I�, Ctst�7srssl�er Pct � sayer, C�mmi�s�net' I#all, Lyssy, Syst�a #tee 30. CONSII}ER ANR TAKE F#gCESSARY ACTi(7Pl (AGitVl>iA ITiaNI NE}. id) T'o declare ills: attached fterrrs firotrt titre Calhoun County Library as Ssarlaltss/Salvage and authorize the Coustty Llitrarian � dispssae of theirs. {R�i. se+e Llst RESULT: APRRtlV�a [UldAI+IYMS�l15] MUV€R: �V1cI Ha11, Cotsianissloner Ps.`k 1 SECON[>ER. Clydri S}rstt�r, CA�itirnlssls>iier Pick � AYES: 3ur3gh Meyer, �Crsrrrlr4sE�i�nsx Bell, iy';�s'y, Synroe, iKe�e I3nke � a7 i' �i r,-:r,rttrr�l',;itai`it:rs'rsai_iri:—t�r?rlipl.,7fJ�[1 il. �Of�•SxC�ER Ah1U TAKE tVECESSARY ACTIdN (AGENdA ITEM Ndr 1!) To declare the atteched items frgm the Calhoun County L.lbrary+ as Wemte and s�utharlxc t%e County Libr�►rl�n to dispose afi them. (RM) RESll:1 a !OVER* I , Catx1111, , l"I Pc# $yrna, [.s mnw Toner Prk 3 Meyer, 6rnM' i25Or*r Halir Lyss5l, S a, Rmle 12. CdN5IDEII �41VC1 TAKE NEG[SSARY ACTIOAi (AGE�117/1 ITEM Nd. I.�) Ta transfer tine attached equipment �1'r+n'# Elea County Llt�rnry to thrr e;ounty Museunti, (RMi) SeQ l.tsk �Estil�T.. ,a�t���v�� �ulaA�uxr�dus� 1Nil1l'ER;' ` Weiri Lyssy, Cunt%�ilssf�rner' Fri 2 SECpxV[sER: David Hall, Cgrairtissiixn� i�� � ; 13. CdNSI:[aER AN6 TAKE NBC€S�ARY'ttCTlt}N (AGENaA ITEM Nd.13) To trnrisfer fife srtt�clted aqulpment nrnm the county Clerk`s diflc+e to th® Slieriiifi's office. (RINI} See List - ;�zrsu�.T, APaRave� [unaNlMc�us� �+IOVER: Fern Syr Cvnarnissiae�Q[Pct 2 SECdNDER: C�avid. H�II, Ci�It31��Mssiortiai', Pct i AYES. Juctg��Meyer,ec��runls�tonerF{all, 14. CON$IDE€L AND TAKE Nt;CESSARY ACTION (�1GEPttSA ITEM N0.14} T�-a�apr�va oxp�+ndiCutras � taeumlretskCvuaty or Prectn�t ON�1eer(s) under° Caltt�rurt Cu€�ni}r's F"olcy � cam�ftert�e with t�C 1�4,gQ8. Na a kitsit t l� nd iS. Acc+t react front the faitowng County oift�c�; i. Tax A�essofi^CnlleCtaY � t=etyruary 2�20 LT: APp�ifJVt:[i Very Lyssy, NDER* C[yde Syma, C Judge Meyer] iG. Ci1NSIb�it AN[� TAKE NtrGESSARY ACTION CAGENt7A, ITEM NO. 16) iIn any net7essary budget adjustments, CRMj t��sutT: Apptimv�D (utyaNxr�r�usj $�E!lNDt;R: nary fte�se, �:csmtYBLiprrse' Pck �t , `' AYt:S; Jude �4eye:r, CorrimisslQder Hail, 4°y �s�', SYr�� tt�es� t_��n�i�i�4� irtut i �' t;�;�krrt — a;in G11 ' _I;kl� 17. AppE�avai of dills and payroll. MM� MtE ►Ul.'f': APPR.Q1f�l) [UNAN�M(IUS� MQ+IIf?Ft: I�avlti ki�311, Crn�lsstt��er Pc� �` SECd?IVDERa Vim Lyssy, �omrnlss[€r�t�r 1?Ck 2 AY�So . 3ud�� �try�i°, Coinmd,,..�+�ner Hall, Lys�y, 5yma, lase �.,. cw,nty ���a�. A�RpROV'�D CuIVAN><c�nus� Mf?VERe b�su�c� i��it, C:4ti�ra�issian�°r N� ?t " s'c-ctai�DER: �iUfr# Lyssy, �UEi9di1355tGE7�'f l�Cd AYES: ,7u� M�y�r, Canimis�lo�gr t•tall� Lyssy, SyE`�a, Ei�ese Rayroll ixES111�"l�: APPR(lVElS �UNAIVYM0U5j Kti)11E#0: I�avt�t Lt�)I, ��mPnls�f�iit�4' �'Ck SEC©NllEli.: Vern: Ly�y, �vn�r9�isslEere�r (?E;C`? _AYES: �udcle ��ca}rayar� �timpiiissiot��r Nell, L�{ss5,r, Syrra�k,,.1��5� A�r�urr�d; ��.�� a..m. I'¢t�ac. U ot'tt 191119IFFMIFIVII David Hall, Commissioner, Precinct 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Gary Reese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Com missioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners'Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 104, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. Richard Meyer, Coin Judge Calhoun County, Te as Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Clerk a £fI Page 1 of 1 I� � � � �- � ��,. i �PFtIt 41$, �OTO �� 1[i R���i+1�EltEp iHR'T Ott �PFrIL QBfi 20X0, TiilEli� WAu AI�QIlN ANb HUI.bEN A RE�il1�,AR TEREd GbhNiM�S'3I(1N�it�' COUaT. ?�. CALL "f`(i 4R(:1�R �"tais rn�tlttg was oat1ed to order �k 1.G;go A.P�9 py 3�adc�e R(ci�ard Meyer. a. RtiLL GILL 'iH� �gLL�WLNG a��h�s�i`ts WARE PFiE�ENia R+chard Mo}+cr t5�v�d lia�f t+�rra 1�y��y Clyde S`}j'rfla Gary Ram �,rtirs� c�oodrt�an e:�IJ�rarry Sutlts�ar7 cvuri�+ Jotd Gorx+anission�r, Arecirs�t#i �araam�ssiors�r, �'r�c�ncL• #� ��rF7t11Ori�r, �'f;CCr�CG �� Cc�mrriB�iaraer, Preciricl' A+ C(51atl�y �l�fii� i�rtrty �:r�ureGy C��rk �. XNVfJCA7#?N � i�Lrf�G� O� ALLi���AMC� (AG�NbA ITEM {�'�. � �i 3} Zu�uocatiora — t'�grr�ls�,kon�r R�v�d t�tl C�l�dge tag US rlacJ �, �"exa� �l -- �ornrn6sor�or Gary Re�se(Vern �+l'ssy Pc��,c 1 c:a1 � fF',43,. 2020 4. General Discussion or Pumic matters and public l*avWpation. 8. Public Hearing regarding amending the 20L9 and 2020 Calhoun County dgets, Commenced 1 O:OS a.m.. Cangice Villarreal of ilia County Auditor's office presented the amend ti to the 2019 and 2a20 4udgat " 6. C)NSYDER,RINL]'CAi(E NEC#�SSARY ACT>tiQN (AGENDA 1TI4M NIS. b� To authorize a loan in the amount of $2400GOO fmrn the General Fund to the Grants Fund for Operation Stone Garden FY 2019. (RM) �020 RESULT: APPItQNI k16VFR4 ICary Rohs ECOND12M CIS+ e; '!i AYES: fudge*e J,ANYMi1tISj sl�oWoner Frt A i �issloner rx�tnisslonr r Hall. Lvssv. Rvnma. Revesfl 7. Cf1NSI13Ett AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTYQN (AGENDA xTEf�f NQ. 7j �+a ren®w tha Calhoun County EMS Provider license with the Texas DSHS and authorize the County nudge and the ENS Director to sign both the. CCEMS Provider Application 2020 and the EMS Duration form. (RM) RESULTS A('pli()►fED [IJAtA1V;tht 1NQ+JER: �+turt� tY�s'r`: Carnrni5siat�F SECONDERB:. vld Hall, Con��iissl ne AYES: Jtacig iyr,oinrnllil 1'n�e 2 ❑Y 4 :t,,�iratissic�ners't:rttlrf-:�tii�rili}??.,?C;�tt �. Cfl4NSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACiFs?N Tf� (AGENDA ITEM NO. $) Ta pre -approve expenditures i+y in�mhent County ar Precinct tlffi�r(�} und+�r Caihaun aunty's Pali4y of Cernpiiunre with LGC i3{.gOS. (RM} a. Vuledr� Materials � $iJ,i�OU br h4artin Asphalt - �i],SrdQt! ttE51fL"'r ARRRtiVEl7 (G1VAN.IM![itiSa Mt7VERz 1�7vitl l-IaA, Gcak'n?nissloraer F'**k � SECOAI�ER: Gary items, C,cu1'�rtaissiara�t' �cl h AYES+ . ]ur�+�e Mcyer, �ck�tm3.�aiv�tor Hall Lyssy� Syrt,rt, i�a �J. C'ANSDf°R AND FAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGE111i�A ITEM ND. �) To approve the prapasal fur f�hase IR �- Enginesring 5ervires iar �&W Engineering far tine Six Ms`le Imat ramp upgra�fe and drotiging to be paid vrritt� Qt3MESA funds and authorize Cammissianer Lyssy Uo sign. (VI,) @SilinTa � � ApPR01i@D [t11HA,1VIM0US] _. #�I"O`ER: 'i�avid Hall. �h`ii��s'slVEter Pct � 5ECANDER: Gard Reese, �c�rrimier.�i�tar' i'ct9 ikYES: Ju[ige Meyei°; Calnr�)ksslon�r li�il: LYE`, �Ynta, Rye #0. [[FNSIDER AND TAKE NECE&SARI' AG'ftQN (AGEI+IpA ITEM... NO. AQ) ffn r, ressluikan deciarinca Aprii as Fair Hauling 3+Jonth far Ci�tIG-DR+grant fair housing cotnplian�t� (RM) ltEStiL7': APPROVED [411'IANIFI4l�15j #uttaVER:; r�avi� I°.ail, �'c�r�trrris51ctt7�,r Pet: SECON[)ER: Ciytt�e �Ym�, �r�r►rnis�orier��ct 3 AYES; ]�aige i�ley�rr'C�amml�sioi��7 Widl9, LYy, Sy'aYi�; Rt�S� ` �i. GOI+f alDEltAiyD TANS NECESSARY ACTYON (A{3ENDA L'TEM NO. �,7,) To declare tits attached i%t aP items Pram titre County Clerk's afiFice as waste end authodz�o their disgos�tiL (ltNi) iI£S#1RT;'. APpItQVC~i} [U�OAI�IMOUS} �14VElt~;='. : t�ar}t.i���se, Ci�k�ral�5idner i� 9 , .. �EC�Ni)�it: Vera Up?s5y'r t;ornjn�issl�rn�r Pet 2 AYESc �usfge,f��yer, �romrnloner Mali, t.y�Y, s�1�m�, i��s i'e. � OL �. Cfl4NSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACiFs?N Tf� (AGENDA ITEM NO. $) Ta pre -approve expenditures i+y in�mhent County ar Precinct tlffi�r(�} und+�r Caihaun aunty's Pali4y of Cernpiiunre with LGC i3{.gOS. (RM} a. Vuledr� Materials � $iJ,i�OU br h4artin Asphalt - �i],SrdQt! ttE51fL"'r ARRRtiVEl7 (G1VAN.IM![itiSa Mt7VERz 1�7vitl l-IaA, Gcak'n?nissloraer F'**k � SECOAI�ER: Gary items, C,cu1'�rtaissiara�t' �cl h AYES+ . ]ur�+�e Mcyer, �ck�tm3.�aiv�tor Hall Lyssy� Syrt,rt, i�a �J. C'ANSDf°R AND FAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGE111i�A ITEM ND. �) To approve the prapasal fur f�hase IR �- Enginesring 5ervires iar �&W Engineering far tine Six Ms`le Imat ramp upgra�fe and drotiging to be paid vrritt� Qt3MESA funds and authorize Cammissianer Lyssy Uo sign. (VI,) @SilinTa � � ApPR01i@D [t11HA,1VIM0US] _. #�I"O`ER: 'i�avid Hall. �h`ii��s'slVEter Pct � 5ECANDER: Gard Reese, �c�rrimier.�i�tar' i'ct9 ikYES: Ju[ige Meyei°; Calnr�)ksslon�r li�il: LYE`, �Ynta, Rye #0. [[FNSIDER AND TAKE NECE&SARI' AG'ftQN (AGEI+IpA ITEM... NO. AQ) ffn r, ressluikan deciarinca Aprii as Fair Hauling 3+Jonth far Ci�tIG-DR+grant fair housing cotnplian�t� (RM) ltEStiL7': APPROVED [411'IANIFI4l�15j #uttaVER:; r�avi� I°.ail, �'c�r�trrris51ctt7�,r Pet: SECON[)ER: Ciytt�e �Ym�, �r�r►rnis�orier��ct 3 AYES; ]�aige i�ley�rr'C�amml�sioi��7 Widl9, LYy, Sy'aYi�; Rt�S� ` �i. GOI+f alDEltAiyD TANS NECESSARY ACTYON (A{3ENDA L'TEM NO. �,7,) To declare tits attached i%t aP items Pram titre County Clerk's afiFice as waste end authodz�o their disgos�tiL (ltNi) iI£S#1RT;'. APpItQVC~i} [U�OAI�IMOUS} �14VElt~;='. : t�ar}t.i���se, Ci�k�ral�5idner i� 9 , .. �EC�Ni)�it: Vera Up?s5y'r t;ornjn�issl�rn�r Pet 2 AYESc �usfge,f��yer, �romrnloner Mali, t.y�Y, s�1�m�, i��s i'e. � OL 1. f>tiili5f�',71tYl���i { Cdp(�. — d-5;�71 + ��±�� 1 Gl,�:l,l 12, Apk ����rfs from #ha falfarving �Gounty Offices: �. Gode Enf€�rcentewtf �-- Elrst t�u.�lrter 2020 la. Fl�aotiPlatn �dmPnis#ra#ion �- �l�rdt �0�0 c. Sheriff's O�fic� �. March 20�#t RESULT: APPROVEi] �1JI�ANIMt�USj MOVER: V�+n Lyas}r, Gs�rrimissiurrer ICI: 2 SECONDER: i�av1�1 haiM, CQr�itpiss�rner Pci 1 AYES: lud�e t�'Y&r, Crntn�,sl�i�es' H?I�� Lyssy, Syma,.iiees 13. Ct#h15ICtER. AIVO TAKE. NECESSARY ACTION (AC�ENO/1 ITEM 11AO.13) can any neteffis�ry budget atcEjustmen#S. (RM) 14. Aap€avnl of hiEls arri:t ��yruMi. MMC IiE5ULT� APPRUVE6 CiJ�V wiOVER: � {i�vid �lai1, Cai�t7 `SECONt�ERp VG�YII I.yssY, �r.�in AYES: 3udge hl c�ys�r„ Cnr �Goun#y ' RESULT: MOVER, SECOf��IR AYES: ?' Adjourned; io:�� a.mi. &':'t�e� 4 �f c} David Hall, Commissioner, Precinct 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syama, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Gary Reese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 104, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. f r Richard Meyer, County Judge Calhoun County, Texas Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Clerk Page 1 of 1 [_rrrnr)Ii.itiif) aria' :pIf[ -• 1-4ul 1S, e!U,J0 REGElLAR 2�}Zfl TERM API�IL 35r Zifd 8E IT R£MEM6£itED TNATOM AP'RIL 15� 2020, THERE WAS d£Gt`JN pNd NdL6EN A REGULAR. TERM OF COMMISSIONEW COURT'. i.„ O14LL TO ORd�R 7't�ts mee?ttrtg way e:a16�rI'I;c� e�rdr=r at 10:AO,A,M Uy7wdg� Rtrlr�rd ��4eynro �. RaLL caL THE FOLLOWING MEMOERS WERE PRESENTt t�chard Myer David Hall fern t.yssy Clyde Syrna C.ea'yr Reese finny Goodman Cathertne Sultivan C,�uttty+ Judge GoartInIS5"tea-, Precinct #1 missloner, Preclnd #2 C ammisslofler, PreclmA, #3 £ammisstaner, Precinct #4 County Clerk iaePuly County aerk �, IPIVO�ATION � PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAPlC� �,A+LENDa ITN! Nf3.2 Bc 3) Invocattaan — Commissioner CaVld Hall Pledge?- � iiS Flag F.e Texas Flag m Cmm�tlsslon,�r Gary RseseJVern Lys�y tr{?I(,i E C7f ti � �:�,ra,�,��,,«��,����,:.as��<< .r��:,� � t�, ��:�.�„ 4. General �iscussan of Pub#c matters and public p�SrtiCdPrttlon. �. Cf1NSIQER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTiC7M +At3ENDA ITEM NiJ. 5) To extend or wee#ttd t:he emewg+erncy ordew #4 c#aye beaches and f#sliing piers in Calhoun aunty iio April 23, �O�l« (R{W) �es�ir#tE �a emergency i�r�der. lily �earl��� �rtd piers dre open �k 1:his time, 1tESl1tT� ppPlt(}1/E�A [UfP�NXi�OUS] P!1t3yER:: �awid �idl3r Cur�dri� �funet ��t i. S�GON[?�#i: Vera iySsy, Camr��ls�ton;�r f'�k AYE5» 1ud�e Mleyer� Cor��nissloht�' I�ix�ll� L,�+55y, �Yif1a� Rte G, C€lNSIl7�R ANt1 TAitir NECESSARY A�'i'Y[)N (,►1C,Ef3DA ITEM NO.6) 1`u accept the donation to Calhoun County of'.� �b4$ Ford FS.Si# � x 4 Recite TrucYc, VIN Y.F1YA'w57r{6gi1]�1#6�4, with a �raiue of $�fi,tKft! fwc�rn tir+� Pat# O`C+�rtnar, Te�rets ifalUnte<!r Fiwo Departnxeatt« (IC�R} 7. CONSIDER ANa TAKE NECESSAii`1P ACTIbN (A{sENI?A ITEM NCi. 7) To upgrade #�tc� Slr4aai�ta {Cade Rexi) ser►►ice Agreement for C!D11Ii?�ig pu6#ie heHith and safe%yr tr�es��ges attcF au4horl�a the CounRy �ud9+� to s#gn, ItESt#tT. ApP�OV'Ep [E#F#Al�ix�tOUSa ,.,. FiOVIcR; 6aty. Ewe, �YimisSi�rsar puk $ . SECONpERr #�avld, Hall, Camn�iSsiur�w Pvt � AYES: ". ,i�l€l�a l��:yer, Ctamtnl.�slnri�� Hall, l-'��sY� S��naK Rise I'agt Z cat �'i 5_.,,n��issir7 �� -;' r::cu..0 r - J;,h� it 1', t� �+.i s. CaMVSxaEMt AIVa TAKE. NEGE9SAiiY ACTLOM T[3 (AM�EMaA rrMp� Muo. 8) T'a �ppros� the Plnal P��ft of Lu�ck�a�noyor SupoluMsM�un, i� repMnt of Lots �. �ncM 2 in KMoek is of tha Port Q`Connor l'ownsMt� r�Matfve tc� the �%at rac�rdnsi in tlolume 2, p�� �; oM° tFin ataad Rt[:cords af.Galhvun Courrty, T�xasj, {e;R) ESULi: APPR,OjEp �UNANIh�I'111�� I{)VERi t���y tti, �a��ilalssMr�t�er P�t�.'� E�CONaER: Clyde Sjiiina, Crstne�twssicarf�r f��l � ' YIDS; )ucigt� 4�f�yc,C; Cornr�issione',Hall, I:;yssy, SyiTM�, Rye �« Ci1MVSIaEFt AAMM) TAKE NECESSARY ACTM31!V (11LlVaA X1'l�Myl MVt1.9) To pro-stpprove expenditure¢ Icy Mncumb®nMt County or Pr�c�ltCt t7Ffis3e[s) urNd�r Colitoun County"s Pnlicy of Compll�nce wMM:h M,�C 13M).'�lif. �RM3 Nrr r�c#ipn>teltert, �„�__��,..�F _. lO,Aaxxipt rr� from ttre fallowing County o�ires: a. County Clerk — M�4nrch �Q24 h, aistriiot Mork ` MWorch 2tM'�g +�. Juskic€ of tlto Pete � Pew 1, �, �� +#, & 5 d. County Treawrer � Fdsru�fry a024 .MLT APPRialiEa [tlMY111V�M�USj Ett: � :1l�rra Syr Cat�riiassianer:�Ct 2 iIYaEK: 15�vid I°Mall{ �:nmi��sian�r Pct 1, 3: Ju€ta� Meyerr �i�rsir�l$s1+m�r HaMI, �y�r,�,y, syrna, Ruse li, CM)NSIpEM2 ANp TAKE NEB&BABY ACi`M�OM�I {A�;E�blk ITEM NQ. il) (In flay necessary budgot ad3ustmarMts. (FiMj �Oz�M 1t;ESUM.T. ; AM?PM�oyEa [Mll'�IAMux4�MC�MJ�] NMiiVEN�: tasty t�sis,� C[�ItatnMs�ic�laei%fa�:t SI:CONa�ti: Vera l.yssy, �Oti�CY1JS51t�61�I' !?ri 2 , , 11YES: Judge. h'l�yer�, �r�nmisslan�r 1i�if, i-y�sy� Sy�pra Ruse ���� 3 ia{' .� t tslYlf`[kiS';�i7td I5° tia6hl`l` � 7"4ti'�11 a�, ��d.l�?I1 la. Approy�l �� 6i11� and p�►yroli!. mmc RESULT4 APPROVED LUNANIMQUS) f* UY(�Rp Wv1d Hall? Conintlssfoiter PcC it SECONDER: Veht LySsy, Ce rr6mf �l rner Prt AYES: sianer Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Judge County (RESULT* APPRQVE7 CUNANIMOUS]' I"Ovift o6vidmall, Cnirtnritssioner,PGA i. SECONDER: LMirn Lygc` Cowaa nls oner iTc�- 2 AYES: Jerdgof #e4 rr r rnlnroissisrr r IfaI1,,Lyssy, Syrna, Reese at Payroll IF RESULT. APPiCRCiVE1L1IUNAMM0441 1UVE4':+ t lLLL il'mislonr I ck. Z SE t"i11L11i, VGrrr L Spy, rnrnlsf�n l�Cl AYES: budge Byer, Comml ivru�x Hall? L+yssy, Synan, Reese Adjauma�; ;t1;1b a.m. Mae Belle Cassel From: cindy.mueller@calhouncotx.org (cindy mueller) <cindy.mueller@calhouncotx.org> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:02 PM To: Dustin.Jenkins@calhouncotx.org; Mae Belle Cassel; Richard Meyer; David Hall; vern lyssy; Clyde Syma; Gary Reese Cc: Lori McDowell; Donna Hall Subject: RE: CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Action Requir I think it should go on agenda. From: Dustin.Jenkins@calhouncotx.org (Dustin Jenkins) [mailto:Dustin.Jenkins@calhor __ `I Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:14 PM u To: Mae Belle Cassel <MaeBelle.Cassel@calhouncotx.org>; Cindy Mueller <cindy.mueller@calhouncotx.org>; Richard Meyer <Richard.Meyer@calhouncotx.org>; David Hall <David.Hall@calhouncotx.org>; vern lyssy <vern.lyssy@calhouncotx.org>; Clyde Syma <Clyde.Syma@calhouncotx.org>; Gary Reese <Gary.Reese@calhouncotx.org> Cc: Lori McDowell<Lori.McDowelI@calhouncotx.org>; Donna Hall <Donna.Hall@calhouncotx.org> Subject: Fwd: CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Action Required (Calhoun County Ems) Dear All, I am writing to notify both the Commissioners Court and the Auditor of the following: Calhoun County EMS has received $36,817.86 from the COVID19 stimulus CARES act, as noted in the below email. Either Cindy or myself will need to sign online for attestation of receipt of the funds. This money went into our account as a payment from the US Health and Human Services Stimulus on 4/10/2020, in the same way as payment for services rendered by CCEMS. Will we need approval to sign for attestation for receipt of these funds? Very Respectfully, J. Dustin Jenkins, DMIN, MBA, LP Director of EMS Calhoun County, TX From: "Lori.McDowell@calhouncotx.org (Lori McDowell)" <Lori.McDowell@calhouncotx.org> To: "Dustin Jenkins"<Dustin.Jenkins@calhouncotx.org> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:59:48 -0500 Subject: Fwd: CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Action Required (Calhoun County Ems) Dustin, FYI Below is an email I received regarding the stimulus money in the CARES act. There is a link in the message below that will require a signature of attestation of receipt of the funds. Donna research it earlier for me and we did receive a payment of $36,817,86 from the US Health and Human Services Stimulus on 4/10/2020, Thanks, Lori McDowell, BS, LP, EMS Coordinator, CADS Assistant EMS Director Calhoun County EMS 705 Henry Barber Way Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-1140 lori.mcdowell@calhouncotx.org CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. From: "UHG_US_Dept_HHS@ProviderEmail.uhc.com (UHG on behalf of US Department of Health and Human Services)" <UHG_US_Dept_H HS@ProviderEmail. u hc.COm> To: <lori.mcdoweil@calhouncotx.org> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 05:16:58 -0600 Subject: CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Action Required (Calhoun County Ems) f you are unable to read this message or see the images, view it online. CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Action Required Attention: Lori Mcdowell Organization: Calhoun County Ems IN (Last 3 digits): 923 Dear valued provider: Thank you for your tireless efforts during this critical time. President Trump is providing support to healthcare providers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The President signed the bipartisan CARES legislation that provides $100 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. Recognizing the mportance of delivering funds in a fast and transparent manner, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is distributing $30 billion of the relief funds immediately. These are payments to healthcare providers, not loans, and will not need to be repaid. Who is eligible for funds from the initial $30 billion? Billing entities who received Medicare fee -for -service (FFS) reimbursements in 2019 are eligible for this initial rapid distribution. Your organization qualifies and you will. automatically receive payment soon. How are payment amounts determined? Providers will receive a portion of the initial $30 billion distribution based on their share of total Medicare FFS reimbursements in 2019, Providers can obtain their 2019 Medicare FFS billings from their organization's revenue management system. How will payments be distributed? HHS is partnering with UnitedHealth Group to deliver funds. You will redeive payment within two weeks via Automated Clearing House (ACH). The automatic payments will come via Optum Bank with "HHSPAYMENT" as the payment description. Payments to practices that are part of larger medical groups will be sent to the group's central billing office. All relief payments are made to provider billing organizations based on their Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs). What action should 1 take? Within 30 days of receiving the payment, you must sign an attestation confirming receipt of the funds and agreeing to the terms and conditions of payment. Terms and conditions can be found on hhs.gov/providerrelief. The CARES Provider Relief Payment Portal for signing the attestation will be open the week of April 13, 2020, and will be linked from h hs.gov/providerrelief. Whom can 1 contact for more information? For additional information, please visit hhs.gov/providerrelief or call the CARES Provider Relief line at (866) 569-3522. Thank you for all you are doing to support and protect the American people during this difficult time. Eric D. Hargan Deputy Secretary United States Department of Health and Human Services Confidential. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission. For internal use only This email was sent to: lori.mcdowell@calhouncotx.org This email was sent by: UnitedHealth Group 9700 Health Care Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55343 USA Preference Center Unsubscribe (Privacy Policy Please do not reply to this email address; this mailbox is used for outbound email only. Calhoun County Texas J. Dustin Jenkins, DMin, MBA, LP Director of Emergency Medical Services 705 Henry Barber Way Calhoun County, TX dustinjenkins@calhouncotx.org (361)571-0014 Calhoun County Texas Calhoun County Texas 3avid E. Hall Grf1hortrr f`rxrtrrtty Co.wmisslofileip, 1'r°eciraed 91 ZQ S. ,+leeee Pori [Avoca, TX 77919 Hcrnoralsie Rickard Fuleyer Calhoun County Judge 211 S. Ann Fort Lavaca, TX 77979 E'361p *2 924? Fax (301)553-h734 irloase �laee tWeo #ollow�reg itoen tyre tfre coimrn�sNoreors" Court rhger�cla for #�rll 22nd, 2tJ2r5. t:onsider area take neeessary act�orb tc" aR1SoSrst zomr��ftiee to scam RFP For Ad m n'sstrat lost/P rofess�on M Sa r of ces and the R FCC For Eaginee ring Services for the Comm,u nIty )OVelopment Block Cxrant mitagatlon (CDi#&MIT) Sincer��l'yv Davl , mall CtCH/aut county comrnissllonor CountyolG,vlhoun Precinct � Agri l B, 2U20 kTanorabi,Q Richard Ni�yer Calhoun Cauz�ry judge 2� 1 S. Ann Par# Ixauaca, "i7C aT979 Dear judge lVfoy-er: Please pbace the foiowinc� ifisxn an the Cammis�iane�a' Cauxt Agenr#a for April'�2r ���{l, Crrnsider and take neceaaax�y aa[ion to appoint a aammittee to mare tk�e �'� for Profe$sianal �ngines�ngtAx'chite�la�lSurveying Servis�s for the Calhoun County Green Labe Prajeot, RFQ 2tl$C1.06, Sincerely, �� 43ary T)aase G?Rf at ".[3. E[iu !'!7 - .ar-xAssft, Toxas 7'7�15� — cirtoi€. 4nn�.r�sc �.+c,�ih��1�:`��x,Sit,e - 4:��+1 } 7t35-3141 � Fix {ib I } 2$.S.�Gd2 1 �r�r��rt�r �r�zrtma��sinzaer t;'�trt� t}P al �'�J#ac�aa � �'�°��ltacd Ix�zil 1, �4d Honorably ti�harrl 14'ley�r ��lttc�taro. �r�urary Jxtclg� 211 "�.11:rtt1 Part Y,a�rs��,'1'X i7�'� El�..Pt�[v��i 1'I'�h2 hoar att�lcl� �1s3y�Y: Plaa�� �lao;e tl�a� #'allsv�nc� tterse ora thy antn7isssaners' �t�urt,t�igerlda far Aral 2�, �41�4. eritsed�r anal t.o�k� re���s�ary actaaatt c�aa °P,�r�tP�r�ry' F�ttrad 1%��gs Faag�sra�rat tv pltalHPs �lf� l��rricr, L'l�� for a�cc�ys to l,�v�:a Ro�c� i� C�lltouat aunty azad authar9�e iwaaraataissian.er �tees€r tv �e€�n docua�y:tats� Sincerely, �as-y b. R��s G�"7RIa# F'.ti, lash I � i' — Setuitid6, Cc�:;�s � h AR 1-- �n"inia $,tll� l `t.�i'_�;9t�P,1}1�3.V�i� ' I;?h a y 7f+9. � 6.a l —Cis I,iit 1 4 71�9-3tOJ NOTICE OF CQNFIDENTIAISTY RIGHTS:IF YOUARE A NATURAL PERSON; YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF TIME FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER TEMPORARY ROAD ACCESS EASEMENT STATE'OP'I'EXAS § § COUNTY OF CALHOUN § r�- 'I'lus Temporary Road Access Easement (the "Easement" ), dated the L:. day or npri12020, by and between Calhoun County, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", whether one or tnore), whose mailing address is 211 S. Ann Sr, Suite 301, Port Lavaca, TX 77979, and Phillips 66 Carrier %LC, whose ndfiress iS 2331 City\VestBlvd. Houston, Texas 77042, and its successors and assigns (such entity and Sts'successors and assigns are collectively referred to as the "Grantee"), For TEN DOLLARS (510.00).and other goodand valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor does lierebv GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, TRANSFER and CONVEY to Grantee, subject to the terms and conditions stated herein, a non- exclusive right of entry and access in, to; through, on, over,,and.across Giantor's. property along that certain access road.more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A" and referenced as "25' snide Tecnporary'Acccss.Easement" therein (the "Access Road'•. • Tlilg Easement is provided for the sole pmpase and non-exclusive use of Grantee and its employees, designees, congactors, successors, and assigns, and all'those acting by or on behalf of it,. for the tight of ingress, egress, entry and access in, to, through, on, over, and across Grantor's property along the Access Road for initial construction, of Grantee's 16"pipeline across Grantor's;property. and. ;noother property, This Easement and all of Grantee's rights. hereunder shall terminate upon the completion. of pipeline constiuuction activities, butvo ]ongex than hvo (2) years from the date of esccddon herein. Upon.the termination of this Easement, Grantee shall have no further rights hereunder:. Upon,corripletioit of the,pipdine cottstmcdon activities, Grantee agrees to repair the roadbed so as to Icave the Access Road ns ne.�r.as xcasonnhly practicable in tlic same condition as it was prior to the initial use by Grantee hereunder, and.Grantee shall thereafter have no further obligadon to rcp:ur the Access Road. At the point of intersection ofthe Access Road with, Grantee shall keep the gate rlosed'and locked at all times when not passing through the gate, if there is a gate. If thegate entrance at tins location is not sufficient to accommodate Grantee's vehicles and equipment,, Grantee agrees to reconfigure the entrance as necessary for Grantee's use oftheAccess Road, at Grantee's expense: All 2020-01261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 2 of 8 plans and specifications will be subject to approval by Grantor, slid approval shall not he unreasonable, conditioned or delayed. Grantor reserves die right to use the Access Road for all purposes that do not unreasonably interfere with the rights herein granted. Grantee agrees to promptly repair any and all damage done to de Access Road to the extent such damage was caused by its exercise of any tights granted hereby. Grantee understands that Grantor has not inspected the condition of the Access Road and the surrounding properties of Grantor. Grantee's right to enter Grantor's property and utilize the Access Road is on an "AS IS" basis and at the sole risk of Grantee atidh respect to the condition of Grantor's property'and the Access Road in its current condition, with all defects, if any, subject however to the obligation to repair and restore the Access Road as set forth above. Grantee shall use the Access Road solely for the purposes specified in this Easement. 'There shall be no firearms, hunting, fislvng or fishing equipment on the Easement or the surrounding properties of Grantor by Grantee, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, invitees, guests or representatives at any time. GRANTEE SIIAL.L DEFEND, INDE14NIFY, PROTECT AND HOLD I-IARMLFSS GRANTOR, GRANTOR'S HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, 'TRANSFEREES, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LESSEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AS NXTU. AS TRUSTEES, BENEFICIARIES, RELATIVES, PARTNERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND RELATED OR AFFILIATED ENTITIES FRONT ANY AND ALL LIENS, CLAIMS, DEIYI1NDS, COSTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES, ACCOUNTANT'S FEES, ENGINEER'S FEES, CONSULTANT'S FEES AND EIPERT'S FEES), EXPENSES, DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION FOR DAI%IAGES BECAUSE OF INJURY TO PERSONS (INCLUDING DEATH) AND INJURY OR DANLrAGE TO OR LOSS OF ANY PROPERTY OR IIvIPROVEAfENTS TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE ACTS AND/OR OMISSIONS OF GRANTEE. It is understood and agreed, that the liabilities of Grantee for damages and/or indemnification as prescribed in this Easement shall survive termination, cancellation, and/or expiration of this Easement, such that Grantee and its transferees or assignees with remain liable after such termination, cancellation, and/or expiration for any damages or indemnification to the extent that a claim for such damages or indcmhrification is based on a condition, action, occurrence, omission or event taking place or etisting prior to such termination, cancellation, or expiration for which Grantor has a right to indemnification under the provisions of this Easement or for damages pursuant to this Easement. This Easement shall be binding upon and shall be for the benefit of the heirs, successors, representatives and assigns of Grantor and Grantee, whether assigned, devised or otherwise transferred in whole or in part by either party, All modifications to this Easement must be in writing and signed by both parties. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights, privileges and authority hereby granted unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, and Grantor does hereby agree to warrant and defend said Easement unto Grantee, its successors and assigns. This Agreement and all of its terms, 202M1261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 3 of 8 provisions and obligations shall be covenants running with the land affected thereby and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Grantor and Grantee and their respective heirs, executors, a thnirdstrators, successors and assigns. [Intentionally Left Blank] 2020-01261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 4 of 8 EiMCUTED and effective as of the l.Sf day of April 2020. GRANTOR: 13y: 1 GRANTEE Phillips G6 Caaicr, LLC Bill A. Hallett Printed Name Attomey in Fact Title ' AGANO�[VLEAGEMENT STATE OF TEAS § § COUNTY OF, CALHOU4N § p On this 0,2C day of 2020, t personally appeared, who, being by me d ly sworn did say that he/sh' executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed it as his/her free act and deed. °0��r��o ; AARIL TOWNSEND �az}1PubGc in and for the Sta[c of �4�,t7•,fix Notary Puhllc, State of Tezes •"•• � Comm. Expires 05.15,2021 �4 en10`"� Notary ID 126901898 (Potit Namc of Notary Public F-lc[e) 4 2020-01261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 5 of 8 ACICNQWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEG1S COUNTY OFHrTRIZIS On this �S�rr day of PRI L 2020„ I1 Ilatit7i known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be die person whose mme is subscribed as Attorney -in - Fact, of Phillips GG Carrier, UC, and acknowledged that he, as such Attorney -in -Fact, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument as the act of his principal for the purposes herein contained, by signing the nainc of the said Limited liability Company by himself as Attorney - in -Fact. NOT.ARy PUR SC xgeav**4i1t6 TERRY MOSSON y MyNotmyIDSi2MI36 Notary public la'and for Harris County `+F yt E�1�es Ogobor 18, �21 yyyyA o rip 2OPOSED 16' I PIPELINE0_I, 111' - NDO 2020-01261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 7 of 8 LHOUN COUNTY, TEXASBit > a mm BARBARA N WELDER R • •'+�': •' NON-EXEMPT OTIP A MARITAL TRUST_.�.'..��.- �JI ,ror�` • ' m` Bo -� VIC tlN iy> MAP,. .PLAN HORZ:, 1"=40' %sS S° Foa Qist , 27' - HOD EXIT ERAI NOTES: COORDINATES ARE RASED ON TEXAS STATE 1. PLANE, BOOTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAP 834 U.S. F00T, 2. E[EVATIS ARE. CAL ON DATUM, 3. HORIZONTALLY STATIONS ARE LOCAL AND HORIZONTALLY A A BASED: INTERSECTION IS LOCATED AT N 13404347/LAT, 28.589570 1 E 2639907/LONG,.-96,907764 t.2A.20 "LANCE N. THOMAS o� 122252 f Q. •, a°FfsyCf.€".SEq o��� . AL EN 200' PwFi1HE WARNING, . .......... ... NATURAL ...::...........................,....,,.,.., .. :.........•.... .SIGN IT•IP.�.... •. " " GME .. .., .I .,..., ... 20 .. ,4. .. ... ..... ...:. .... . .. ,..., •... ,.,,.. ............ ..,. .. ...3 . ..,.; .. ,.... .. ,...•.. .......... .... 4 4 A I I p 1. k p L q 9 1 1 . 4 h4 0 4 .,. p. .... 0 -20 821 ...,,..,,•.,,. PROP OSED 16" ' ,......:...............,..,,.,. .......... .......• -60 PIPELINE,•. 18" D,D, 0.469' W,7.3 API •5L GR,;X65 STEEL LINE PIPE, FEE PLUS AND .COATED 8 1+00� 2+00 3+00 PROFILE Ip�I 55L GR, X65 STEEL, _ i HDRZ: 11"=40' - �_h'I LwCV L` x 0,469"W.T. VERT: I" 5.000 P.S.I. ' I EL�I�7 ' �,1 „NV 6p'am;, ,180 P.S,I,G. A7 120'F .1 FBE PLUS ARO COATED n ETHANE (LIQUID) �Am W. Ro GA15 10-07-19 C26 PIPELINE PROJECT SIC PROTECTION: YES WMEDOY; SGMc CAM 10-07-1sED PROPOSED i6° PIPELINE )LLED BLOCK VAL ES VIA GPM LEAK AUTOMATICALLYuxIE: r...a� ' wa: CONSTRUCTION CROSSING: PERMIT i0N SYSTEM LEVEE ROAD 2020-01261 04/22/2020 11:54:59 AM Page 8 of 8 FILED AND RECORDED � OFFICIAL. PUBLIC RECORDS 2020-01261 EM Fee: $0.00 04/22/2020 1:54 AM csulllvan Anna Goodman County Clerk Calhoun County, Texas Mae Belle Cassel From: cindy.mueller@calhouncotx.org (cindy mueller) <cindy. g> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 10:42 AM To: Mae Belle Cassel Cc: Clyde Syma; david.hall@calhouncotx.org; Gary Reese; Richard Meyer; vern lyssy, Sara Rodriguez•, Fraser@avacpa.com; Mike Peralta; fraser@avacpa.com Subject: Agenda Item Request Attachments: Calhoun County Engagement Letter.pdf Please place the following item on the agenda for April 22, 2020: • Consider and take necessary action to approve the engagement of Armstrong, Vaughan and Associates, PC, Certified Public Accountants, to perform the audit of the County's financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2019 at an estimated fee of $51,900 and authorize the County Judge to sign. Cindy Mueller County Auditor Calhoun County 202 S. Ann, Suite B Port Lavaca, TX 77979 V: 361.553.4610 F: 361.553.4614 Clndv.muellerPcaihouncotx.org ,'"t.ratt ltcitl� 1,raueI A ss ttrritah \Qare la t9. 2112t1 Cuhuaun Cc+utsiv. Texas C_ou.nty Counhousc Annex 1I: 202 S. rtnaa, Suite R Port Lavaca. TX 77974 Dear County C'ontmissinncr and :49tttutgeanctata it - t 11111 w W .01l r'[kit tl ,,,i, i ta,<„b Yuea ktave rcxluestrd ifutt we audit the linaucial stiucancuts of Urc gaycniaut:nt:ct urtiyitics, ea,=la major funtl- and the aggregate remaining fiend iniitruation Of Czrlhttnm County, as of Dcceniher 3h. 2019, and for the year ilten ended and the related notes to the financial statements, which oulleciively compnsc Calhoun Countv's basic financial sfaientents as listed in Uae table of cuntcnts We are pleased to ctnfirin tier accc-ptance and our understanding of this audit cnt;agemcrit by naeans of aliis letter. Our audit will be vo idniz Led %ith talc objm ivc of expressing un opinian an each apininn moil. In addition. we trill. •radii the entity's campEimoce over naajar fi_dcml award pn�pt:uni fto-r tfae peritid ended €?ceember 31, 2019. We .are pleased to canfirm our acceptami: and our undrrsfanding of this audit cngAgeinew by rucnns of this letter. Our audit will be ctrndu tcd with the ubjcctive of our expressing un t>liinioia on each opinion unit and an opinion on eaatpliance regarding the entity's major rcderal award programs_ Atx:ounting princi€sire gcnerslltaccepted •en Uic i3nitcd .!.',netts tsI',hnaacrica. ICJ.S. G:iAP,j:ts prnnaalgatcd by the Govertimwntal Accounting Standards Board (GASB) rectouc tint certain required supplenten[ary inhumation IRSIl, such as management's dkeussion and analysis fA9E?.SAD and budgctary compnriatni informatiora$e presented to suppEcnicna the basic financial statcuirms. Such hiformation, although not a part oi'the basic fina.u;iai staicruems.. is required by lie GASH who considers it to be an essential part or Financial reporting for placing !lie basic; financial statements ui an approphatc uperabomil, economic, or heistorieat context. r't_5 parr or our engagemem, we will apply certain Battled prttccrfurins to Calhoun Cougtty`s RSI in accordance with auditing, standards gencrallyv accepted in the United States of Acncrtc_rt (I_I,S. 6AAS� Ulm !ignited procedures will consist nfinyuisies of numagemcm regarding their nxibo is ttr measurement and presentation, amd comparing. the information for uoaasistenev withmtnagcntcnt responses to our €oqunrnes, We will rot mpress an opinion or pravide any assurance on the RSI. 77tc ro-llaicing; RSI is required by E?encrally accepted accounting principles rind will be.sukim-led w cenain limited procedures. but will not be audited: 11 Muuag;cnicnt's Discussion and Analysis '_j T€e Schcdaele of Revenues, Expenditures anti Claangu, in Fanid iialancc- Rudgct ai :4ctual- C,cstcral Fund a l Schedules of Contributions and Chaages - Defined Bcnefit Pension Plan SteppEcmensary iulurtnutitui triltcr than R51 will accompany Calhoun Countv's basic CaeanebtE staicmctnts, t4'c wdl sulrjeci the foE€arving KuppletnentarrinfitrretuUtion to Uic atatfitinft praccdetrc""> applied En seer audit or the basic financial statements and certain additiututl procedures, including comparing and rtmonciling Bach infurnimion directly to the underlying accounting Lind other records used io prepare the finamnal itaiciree nts an to die financial staterncnts iltetnsclvn, and other additional procedures in accordance wilh auditini; stauc az& generally accepted in the United States of Amcrica_ tiWc intend w provide an opinion all the following supplenwiitaary intiin•ination fn relatl"ran to the financial smienitnts as a whole: 'III r'.Sae.r ftuFdEll5�aiir Itl¢ +U.,ivaran�Ciae,'1'exr, C=§WS 1. Cornp:uati a Balance -Sheet and Siaicmc-nts of Revenues, Fxpcndituics and Changes in Fund Balatiec - Major Funds Corniciitting Balance Sheets and Ssatemerats of Revenues, f xpcoditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Nontuaj or Funds 3. Comparative Statements of NCE Pn91iin7t, Siatemcnfs of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position, and Suacracnts of Cash Flows, - DiscnKcly Presented E nserlorisc Fund 4, Budgetary Comparison Schedules - Nocu apor Special Revenue Funds, Dclit Service Fund 7. Combining Siaternent of Fiduciary Assets and Liabiltdcs ( Schedule of E%pendiimes of Fedcntl Awards Schedule of F xpenditu res of Nedcral 1a ards Ak'c toil] sitbjcct slit sehce&ale crf cep.^nditur� at• federal ash•ards to tltc auditing; prc*ceySur€s aprplied in otu audit of the hasic financial statement-., and certain additional procedures, including comparing and ncaaneiling the schedule to ilie underlying accusing and other recitrds mod to pre}wue the linancutl statements or to the financial staicatensa themselves, and additional procedures in acconiance fettle auditing siandardi genmIly cioccpted in the United `hates of America. We intend iei provide an cry»niott in whether the schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented fairly in all material respects in relation io the financial siauements as a tsholc IData Gdketion Farni Prior to the c-Anakpletion of our mpigernent, the will complete the sections of the Data Crllcetiun Forti that are our responsibility. The form will summarize our audit findings, amounts and conclusions. It is rcwiagcmaartt s responsibility to submit a reporting package including financial statements, schedule ,of expenditure of federal awards, suninivyy schedulc of prior audit findings and cx%rrective action plan along with the D ita Collection Form to the federal audit clearinghouse. The financial reporting package mast Ise test searchable, utiencrypicd, and unlocked. Otherwise, die reporting package will not be accepted by ;lie federal audit clearinghouse, We will assiss you in the cleeirnnle submission and certification. You may request liam us ccpics of air report for.youto include with the reporting package sub mined to pass- tlittnl'gh enthic& The Data Coilectiion Forru is required to be submitted w0cin the earlier of 30 days after receipt of our audits' reports or nine numths after the end of the audit period, unless spccificalty waived by a federal cognizant or oversight agency for audits. Data Collection Forms submitted untimely are one of die tacioa in assessing progratns at a Higher risk. Audit of the Financial Statement. We still conduct our audit in accordance tvitb auditing standards ; emmuliy accepted in the United Stases of America fU.S. GAASj, the standards applicable to financial -audits contairied in Gavernmew audirmn Shutdandt, issued by the CompErnllcr Geneaal of thc'United States of America; ttie audit requirements of ride 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations;CFEt_I Party 200. LFm#bim Aeboimisrxaritv Reeptir-ernwots, Cov Ariraa.ipks, and ,3udr Requiremfans fiir redepal Awards gUnifami Cruidariccf, 7lmse standards and the thkil'nrno Gu:idanuc require that we plan and itcxiixrin the audit uo obtain reasonable assurance about wbctber the basic financial stutcmems are fire from material misstatement_ An audit involve. perfonning proxcdures to obtain audit czsddanec about the asn<runts and dkelosures in flu: haul.:iai st ueanents :Ali audit also includes evaluating the aippropriatenecs of accounting li ilicies used and the masonatblertcss of signiliwrm accounting estimates made by munal cincnt, as %sell as evaluating the overall prey€nterti-In a,i' the financial stascntents. The procedures s:elctted depend on the auditor's judgment, including Elie asscs:mcsii 014 the risk- of material ¢u statentem of tlic financial statements, whether due tee em r, fraudulent rinancial rcporttrin, misappropriation of raawls, or violations of laws, governincntal reinnlabon:., grant agncerucnts, or riattratctual agreeincnts. ,hn rtaadil also uicludcs cva@otnti¢g the approprzmtcncss :af atcsesunt€n� palicics used mnd sire rcasonahlcztcsx oC sis n.ificrtnr accotrnsink, estimates nr:idc by nutn:tpemcnt, ms avell as ea^aluating tire t}t'u'al l prescnuatiY?n arf a}te EitsmacimE statrmcnts. 11` appropriate, uur prsreerturr-s as-i11 Urerei'ore incFude tcs;s ul' alucunaentar} tvidcncc rlru support alrc transautioars recorded in tie accutnts, tests of pBY}sical ezisttnec Y?C invtntorics, aard direct cortiirrriation of cash, investments, mnd ecrtmi¢ other assets quad liabllii€es by corresponcicRce avidr crrdittrrs and linmm,ial instituti:ans_ its part cat' uur audit process. avc wi@E rs:quest xa;itrcn rcprescntaaitsns Psamti }•c+ur atturttey.;, and the}' me3y hill you !iu acsperndenp At fire eursc][tsiYw of the ;tudif. aa'e aal l@ 3156 rCgtrL'St V"e[am laY aF1AttCR rCpl"eSental]tanS trnasY }'<Yll 3EanU1 d'ae JlnmrnkaE SSatC7nCaatfi aaad CClalCd an.idacrs.. 13.:causc a@` the inherent ]kfm[nusans of an audit, te�eyJaer aaBt}Y the inlacrt:nt Iinusativnts irf ints.^anal cnn[r+?t, oat unavoidah@e ris3t Urmt some uratcriml ntisstatcntcaYts ntmy soot Ere detected exists. even Unugh the atuiit is. lrreaperiy lalmnttcd mnd Pacrtiarmed in aecisrdm¢ce arialY U.S. GA,'4S and {eotx'rurrzetu .tu�litlar�; .Starirdrar•,ic uC Ute{.'itsrsptrollcrGcvacral:isE"Uvc Unded Statex srPrintcrica. ha nura:mg Y:+ur risk assessnr,:ttts. 1t�e consider isttcrnaE c,3tatrul rrlevuns to the entisy'a prcFamraiinn mnd fair prr.;crYi:uer?rY rU' Uac 1'ituneinl stateanents in order n? dcsif:R atedtt procfidttres that are mpprcrprintc in the etreuantutnccs, boa nut for rite purpose. eat' cspressing; mn opin@nn on Ute e13'tvut•cncss of trite rndty`s isttt:nad ccanarol lioweaer, vse aa'ill comnauniv:utc to }YYu in writiul; e:otscerning, atr}' signiticaset dcf }cicmeies trr tYrrldcriup wrakncs es in iattertral s.outnal relevant to alit audit of 1}Yc fmmncial statenacnls []wt. ave ilavc idcnulied rEurkng the atYdit O[u' audit respas1sihilits� as auditors ix, of oouesr, limited to ilau period crrvered ka,y nor audit m¢cE dries rnia exiensC ta? arty erther periods: �t'e as•iBl issue a arriiten rcpsxrt araarnY csunpEction of uttr audit uC Calktaun Cnunty's basic linaam:ial saatnncnts. C}ur rcpnn ssilE be addressed to aiec gove.'xein� 6v+d}' ;?f C.nElw?uu Coetna}. �Ve c;annat E?rut�ide a�s¢rmnce Uuu umttadlfied cpirriurts ++ail] he �pe'esscd. {'.ier-natr tfences. nary mr€sc in cchisPr it is ntwcrzury tax us to modil� twr trpinions, :rdei an cfaaphmsis-oE;maater or +rtltcr•nrtettct• paragrupirlsE. 1!; k?r u¢y reas.?n, avc me uathle ao ca?ntplctc dts avalit srr:ire narahlc to Jnt'm ot• ttavr aYat G?rnred aaEtiniuns, are may decltnc in exErn�ss iapinitrna iU ao isfiare a irpun as a rcfiult ial'ttrs eaagmbcmcnt. In nccYrrdmnac w4lth dre n:e@uireurcrtts ul' C�Ivcrrsnr.na.aorliiti{ay SpoitdearJs. we tviFl also IssMfe a tc'rittcr? repeit iEcscrihiaY� fire scope oE' ntfr testing ov:^r Bntcnrml ctrntml over tttiaRcial rclroa.tirtt; arrd c+vcr unicrlali:uaac tivith liars, rcpu@atitms, and praa•isintu of grants and contracts, Bncluding Uac results nJ' alas aestirrg. ]fow'erer, proaidinig un sapiniou on ittdernal cntttra?E and coary?Eianc� its°er limm�cral repartitrg aaill nor[ he mta t+hjcctivc nE' tire audit mnd, altcrcfore, nn such iipinion aviJl ire Ez7rressed ,4udii of R[mjnr Pro�rmm Cnmplimace Ctur austit is!' Calluaua Casuist}"'s naajsx lcdcsai award progranr{sl cotttl?limrfY;c av i€€ he tnmde En mcivrrdanee w•iUr Ute resivirenfcsrots oi• Urc Sinl;le Actdit .Act, ms nmcndeiJ; sari Ufe Lttii'.xsa [iuitLuicc, and aw•ill in..iudc sests of accounting records, a (lcierminution of atutjor pro¢ranas in aucordance widlt the Unilbrm Guidance anif other prooedures are twnsidcr mccssary to enable us to express an opinion on major federal avasrd program compliance and to render the required reporas. We cannot provide ussura nix that an ururiodiEicd s4)irJiM on c.unphunec will be -expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is nevcssar} tour us to modify our opinion or withdraw €roan the CripjI.CrTICTIL t3nil'nrraa Guidance requires ;But We also plan plYm and. perfirrm 9lYe fYuriit Ssr ohdmin reasonable asswastce atxrtu avtseiJaer the cratily hos coRrp@ied atith applieablc @mans and regul;atiuns and the praausinns oJ' emtvau;ts ;end ant igrecattcnts sppldcmlrle to majorfederal awvkrd programs. our prsrredure; will consist oCdcterminine ?major fedcr:r@ pn?grauv4 and performing aloe fkpplicmhlc procedures described in Use U.S. Office of 'vtttnal;erricnt and Budget 0411B Courpllearrev Suppiciti rtr l'ar klre types of compliance requirenic¢ts tlut could lime it direr, and material effect on each of the cnUt%`-s mayna prograins_ The purpose of Uni4c pmsxdur-es will be arr express an opinion on the cnt"rt}''s compliance with req mcnuirements applicable to each rf its major programs in our report tin aupiianve issued pursuant to the Unit'nrrn Guidance. 3 Also, as nyuircd by the Unifcrnn Guidancc, WC will pC116 nr tests rrf controls to CNAUate tlsc cil'ectiV£nc s cl' Ow dcsipil and operation of conrrnls that the consider relevant to preveming or detecting material sco-tu oTnpleatirc with compliallee rcquircTncnis applicable io caeb of the entisy's niajcr federal award nc%gran-is, llowevcr. trot tests will lie less in scope than avould be nccrssary to rerider vn cyainion on these controls anal, accordingly. no opinion will Ire expressed in our report, �§'£ will issuc a report on cAn tpliance Thai will include tin opinion or disclaiirer of opinitat regarding lice entily's major icderal award progarets, and a repot on internal controls over compliulwcc char will rcp.u' :t11y significant deficiencies and rant€tral wealuess£tu idcnttlt£d; llttwel'€r, such report will not express an i±pin ion on internal Control_ Compliance with saws and Regularians As previously discussed, as pan of obtaining rcasonable assurariec about wile her the batik financial slatcntients are ii£e of Material anissfntentcnt. we will perform tests of Calhoun Courn 's cLunplionve with The provisions of applicable lat+s, regulations, contrateis, and agre£nicrim I-lowever, the objective of oua audit will not be io provide an opinion on overall eontpliancr: and we will not cxprcas such an opinion- Managentuat's Responsi.tiilllies tier aaniit will be conducted on the basis that ntanagen3ent aekrEiiwledgc and understand than they have respensibilhti t s. For dre preparatitm and fair presentation of die nnancial statements iri ace�rdance with ac�rotmeng Aria Ales generally accepted in the United States of elmerita;. b. For the design,iaplemeataition,andmaintenanceofinternalcoacrolreletanttothepreparationandhair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatanmt, whether dae to gaud or tarn; c For identifying, in its aceouats, all feral wA%ards received and expended diiring tine period and The federai programs under vdiich tbeywere received, including federal auzirds and funding incre Eacats messed pries to December 26, 2014 (if an}�, udrhose re Lived is accordance n ish the Uiailorm frtadaCce (generaly received after Dezember 26, 201.4); d For maintaining recants that adequataly idedtify'the so-arce and apphCaticm a RJOds far federally forded acunties; e. For preparing the scheddte of expenditTxes of federal awards (including notes add noacash assistance received) in accordance with the lntiibm¢ Guidance; f For the design, implementaCon, and maintenance of intenalconuol:over federal awards; g_ for establishing and ma ntaining.e32ctove internal cxnirol over federal awards that provides reasonahfe aisuranee that The nonfederal emityis managing federal awards in compliance wA federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the tkderai awards; h. For identifying and ensuring Tbarthe emity eci plies %id, federal statutes, regulations; and the terms and coaditicas of #ederal auardprograms and implementing systems designedtoachicte compliance with applicable federal stances, regalatic as; and the terms and codditioas offederal award programs; i. For disclosing ac^urately, currently, and completely the financial results of each Aderal award in accordance witP, the requirements ofthe award, j. For ideatiS lug aadpmciding report copies ofpreeious audits; attestaticm engagements, or other =dies that directly relate to the objectives ofthe audit, ia£ludingwhether related recommendations have been implemented; k- For taking prompt attune wtea instance-, ofneaccmphaace are identified; a For addressing the Endings andre£nrnmendations ofaaditers, fb establishing and maintaining a process to track the status of such f clings and recommendations and taking cerrective action on reported audit rsndmgs fiom pricy periods and preparing a sinmarcr schedule of prior audit findings; rri For fall wing. up and taking carrective action on pert year audit findings and prepas;,ag a eorrectiz,e action plan sir such findings; a. For submitting the reporting package and data collection. ibrm to the appropriate parties; o. For ^"t`;"g the autiittr acsara efanp sigr�i8c ens ccabtractcr rzlatianships aitere she eontract� is zesponssGle %r goraxam compliance; p. To provide us twith: 1 j kcress to all information of tairich is aware that is relevant to the preparation and Air presentation of the r'iiancial statemmes, and releaant to Aderal award programs, such as records, documentation, and otber matters; 2) we mar request fiom [management} for she pmrpose of It a audit; and 3) Lkrestricted acmes to perstms %ithin The entity from w om we determine it necessary to obtain audit evidenee. q. For adjusting the financial statements to correct matez aimissratemenas and eamtii m rig to us in the mmagement representation liner that the of tcts of aay uncorrected misstatements aggregated byes during the current engagement and pertaining to the etirrent year period(s) under audit are immaterial, both ortdsviduallyand in the aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole; r. Fen socepsanee of nonanest seroices, mclud iag identifying due proper panel m oro-ersea aonanest wort; s. For maintaining adequate records, selecting and apph isag acid uating principles, and saf carding assets; c For ink min g as of any "O%YA or suspected fraud affacr ng tht mdry invvalvirig m ma ; employees with significant role in in€emal control and others tkilere frarid could bare a material eMet on compliance; u. For the accuracy and cempietmess of all i4f[vmati06 provided; v. Fos taltin¢ reascxable measltrzi to safeguar3 goiected persorlallyidentifiabla and other seasisiv+x initamatiow and w-. For con rming yu s understanding of your responsibilities as defined in this laver w us in your i6'i;b rop;rd kl the suppiletnenaar} inportuation referred 10 abow•c, you ;tckncrwstedgr and undrrs[atul ynor respsatls;iililhy (ul lbr the preparation of the supplementary inlLvination in accordance watth the a pplic;lblc ct'itcrta, (h) to provide us with the appropriate %Fiittcn represenlations regastfing .supprEemcot;trr infornuttion, jcE to inchlde our report can the suppluncntary inib munion in any document that contains the 5uppEGnemary hiformathyn and dial iRdkeates that vve have reported Oil Ruch supplernentary information. aM (d} to pr[` Cnt the supp icincntury inlOnntnton Nvltll the andriled financial starrinems, or If file s npplelncalary lnfolination Willnot he prescried cw'tih ilte audited. finauc:ial &tatcanclits• til make the aWilted icn;xncial sta[clncnts readily avuuablc to the intended uses of'the supplcincnlary infea,-mnuon no later tham the dale of issuance by you or tee supp6cnrentary an 'otmxntion aml trjr repari tlercwan. As prin of our ;nedii proccs, uc willrequest from nlanasemcnt, written confirmation Concerning rprescntations, made to us to confection With the audit We tnta• reeft,at,sC assisinnwc I'rnin your eulpEggecs lit puepraring coulrnlu[iuns and that they w� ill locate ;any dvicunecn?s or invnirk^s sclectccl by us 1'ot tcsnn� If you inacnd to publish or otherwise rcpnsdtuc the finalaCial siritcsrtents and nuzke rcicrcnCr to rti<tr [irna, you agree to pttrviafe us wvish planers' prrcints nr nustixs for{,etc revievv arui ulfElrinvnrl bts6orc ptintmg Yota also Li rec to providc us hail[ a copy of tit, final reproduced material ibr our applaovul hefiare it is di grd}wnCA, I•ecs and 1`imttit; tichaualn F. Fruscr is the cn};a�cnlcnt plartner' Eca- t1C audit serw°kzs spaci:iEied to this Icttls'. tart rc�pottsillilitics inrllude sxlpervising rlrulsrrtang, Vaughan E. Assoektltes,.P.t;.'ssertiicca peri'arnlcd as pun oI this engagenicut and sigating or aslthoTizinh anther qualifed firm tc{'ateseniutiv'c to sign ties audu FCpt77t. f)ui tees arc based on the amountof time requirLd at various Icve€s of responsibilihy, plus actual nut -of - >ticket exI)CB'i . Invoices will be tendered every two weeks and arc payable upon presentation, We csthuate that our iec for the audit will be SS 1,9tl£i, plus an additional 53.50b for tlta CAFit tie applicable). Ne Will nofl, IN you immeduitely of any circumstances we encounter that could signiticautly aflect this iatisial fee estimate. 'c47acmcver possible, we Will attempt io use Calhoun { ounty's Personnel to assist in he preparation of schedules and analyses Or accounts. 77ai5 effort wu.ld substvtuatly reduce our time dequireatents and facile mic die urticly conclusion oftbe audit tither 4[afiery During the cxiurse:of rite engagcnicut we Wray costtuduncute tcit.h yutt us yeas Itessctttncl t i;a 1`ax car c-nautt, and you should be aware that colurnunicatian In those mediunts contains a risk of misdirected or intereepied commmaicatians. '["hc audii dc4tesmcn[acian hits this rraga}ltn7eni is the prapert}• irF Arn7strnnn, 'ktaupitan Rc .1,ssacitsics, P.C'. urul c'oustft:uacs confidential infinmatiarn I'iot ever, we Wray be requested to make certain audit laicunirrntitiort avafloblc to federal agencies :urd the ILL& Government Accounit'ability £Juice pursuant to auibordty ptvcn iu it by law or regulation, or to peer rcvic%,vcrs. if requested, atxess to such audit daicLoucroalion will lie Provided usher the supervision of Armstrong. Vaughan & Associates, }xrscannct Fulibw.mnrc, upou request, we utay provide co}Tics of w1ccied audit docustictatauc+n to these ugcneies and rcgulaltoes- The retlulators and agencies teary emend, or decide, it) distribute the topics of infomaation Contained therein to otltcrs. including other govcrnducsuad agencies, FurWer, we xvill be available Burin}; nc� year to ec�usult tvttlt you on financial managc7itent ant! aux.oturting natters of"a Tout hic Mrurc. During slit courxc o9'the aitdii, tvc oat}ubscrie .ipportuni7ies f'tu• eecrnonty in, or intlxrovect cunuols over. your operaticos. We aril] bring such matters tee the attention of the aPPr,apriate level of m231iged7tc111. tither orally or in writing, �4'c afsee to a:.lin our tutees d,ictm7cntatinn � i{'tsrk papers I'ur a period ol'as Ic:tst five vrars k"">-om rite date ut' Our rcPort. .At the ,;onelusion nt' our audit engt};Caren' , the will ecrtnrttunfcate to the coutuy t:outtn:il the iiillcrwing signilieaur tiodualls foam the weeder: • Out view about rite qualitasivc aspects of tfte eniity's sif,77irtrana acwuuGng practical; • Sif;niticl7nt difficulties, it'ruap, crx�nunicred during the audit; • Uncctrscctcd ntisstamments, oilier Ibim tliisc the believe Lire nii9al, if uny; • Disaf*rccntcnis with utanagement, if any: • 0tlter findings or issues, if anyt arising from site audit than are, in Our Pro]'essional judgment, signilicym and relevant io t1 ise charged with governance regarding their oversipht of the tivancial rtyiarting proocss: • 'Materiat l' orycetetl dnLRS3.3Gen1C'17[.9 that 'Were-broupiltt to the attention of mat tgcincut a4 7l SC5ull UI oiar audit procedLues; Rcpresentaunns We requested frcan management; • Management's ccnsultatioets with uilicr accountants, i f any; and • Significant issucs, hf any, arising. from the audit that were discussed, or alit subject of et,rrespoudci7cc, with masetgemcnt en e47:.ordance with rite^ reilt7isemants of Gr}romvrtrtaee,t atieelrrrr{r Sa'rrrtedrrrrls, we halve attached n copy oh -our litters czternal peer rcvhc+v report ol'our firm lsr yviur consicM7atiouattd files_ lIFdrly diapucc a:iscs aurong the pasties hervu, 171a pvnio; rat;rce ici fiat Try is good faith to wutc @lte dip to by, med,iasiraiu acHnunisPecwi Liy rhi: Autedican lks tinaflon A"mlviuituu murder its Rifles fi,r Nok, Wvnnl Acenu mint, and Related Services Duiputcs. hrrbrc restirtirip 5o liaigadon. 1 su en+ts ot`sny auuedution pstiuceding. �Ouffl be shrucd equally by all psi es. umt All H .rcucrnatlatit &Wadi agycc-riiak xny nfi3purc aver f es t:1rn•� bav I JCCOUtuianr aco the t>liCIA zs•alH he auuhnidtcd for jesolusion hry arbilratidin in acca danve witli tiie HHulcs, fm ProksNiusnaH A"oun ing and Relaied Scrvicc, Disp,iu c.:if i9ru American Arh'tssadon Asgodausin Sueli ar{}oration ahall be binding and t'trial. In agrcciaug to aTNtruflorL vve {yot.h ack,11mvledge uxit, in altcevent of a dispute over roes chmgLd b}° S2rc accoearniurt, .each sal` us is piv^ing up the right to havr ilie di putrderided in a coun of law bctc)re a lodge a fury' and ui tc rd we are acacpai ing the U.W of ar{racrautirs fear resoltuEson. Pl 3sc sigh vtt{ renxrn a circla sed m�ipy �rl tluis {cttc7 ¢t? indi� ate gnsur ac;krnSviHg uie-nC �E: snrF utaernacna W01, Hie iurdan9cU1iMts f0F w;uz audits of tare eimmi l ststirmc," s, uainpliance r-rvcn WmitiT feder d ivor-rid {artrgrn.ruis istclucHirr1; OUT rcR{aectiVe srRpoasilailities. �R�� apapx�:ia>e alit ui�pco-rfnnisu tti:� lie, n-f sec'~�iee Cua Ch�iceuut Ccruuut;,au+i helie�etltis {ce.er mccurtteh„ suuutnivi}esiltcFir gni-ieamtenat orourengupenw1w '6°zrr' tidily' } ottz>;, v fttdnsresni<. ti°aug3ratu &=4ssi>rini:cR. �-C'- RE'SPtPN:G;_ 'H•hrs lu:iEer r�ji'rt�rE}= setc Ciaralr i.hc ruiticssaandiat� pf d:'mlhuun t chum+. r35:_ •GicFe: Date: dv I flI'ti _ — - t Iilk] 1111ll i 111C;ti l-i•+T;�I+I a. it la„tr_rl...•,let .,, f. • i., It..., _I I .L1 1•.. hi r,. I I ,111!I'A ,,lo, •.,.-..,. ..Ir, 11-,1„ s,..r, Ikt lanrt rin tint 1� I Ili "sSgxtrmr Wf Qllilkllev i AII[VAI •Algni, l f , isl n1c Slulydlirdd4.a e7 rlplaErrsn;, 'Vu}Yplw�.e A,�f:xlrlYaz, ,..,d etic i'..:t .ifi9,r-Vfff,ni,avir,If(.kasils.d L•u6u,. ,1...Lull till pit , U : t;a vt, N�vu •rol-xi ilr+< nyllrw ul" ynBklly emiA9nit 14n 111c ;¢rMlnling ne4l rcn'illrn� �rnraY;i nI M1n»Ilr+nif: uildlo •, a ,+.M+SfuIII l if? P.C. iilie• linty) cn arfccrdm IIIc yenrrnitcxt mnliAl bI, N1Ifill rpaa rrvletor wilt eflydurlaal ill n' anlnluc IciIII IL•m ti4ulfL,u-41n fea NeflvrlIAt! ovitl R.Avaidli'g(Ill k'cr_ licvio to III lnt7lirltud fill lie B'n�t Utirview linsast Oft lie A€ucrisnit 1411*nli5I I G'a'11111rd hthdw ,tAiiwimiamf- A unvu•unrY of Ifnv 1u411>`, u6f€cil5xfn, s.milY, Inu'slntici5c aF, nlai Ikv. i!rs4ochtrl:5 poi dinnn`+I lu n �yetrvn f+.>ivigri; nLa tit+'eUriletl in Ih,T 8111lvimlle liki 5r in• AYf3LGClo,i!tfltJRF-tYUlb}lill'} 'IIII;,uded au I;xI111f1111LIL5i1 IPi 11erW U111.1penvilt°, ISICiltii{gIl ill i LAW 111:lli Ilowl ILI 4;lY:liinik In >tilLll\rillslj,' fill upplinlible It'tlli:siillit:dk ouldlink't• AF ifly+ arcowa 111 till,I ISY it iNei ickoult•ei 1if Julciviinto n 1-+Iar le5'ICI•t4 vatitig I�YIVItrb iGftAituitlloltils t I i, I•ini4 l`I rY�ilYillkilifil 141f Altaiifniny{ II KY>LGill Ell itilnl FiY 4 EdIl11:Ii lliKl oetiilhlynlif 16'iLil 11 Rf1 S�ltrr ldc I.III' ti[i91 t41P,141s7,rSUtlillke` IiS mOnceof p itaiiynllig aaui I ulinlillp Is etl!Ill'JINAit}154dS11 oil plbsdsiu llrSx lti.11011nl CIIIIIJIN-c5 it fill enllcrial mtIlecil. The Ifrlll ix 41AaI Il:el'lmikohlo kif u:wdlnikng nol iimli 115 lsmnlldfy wiucdi'nl4 VillOfpvnlulss civeindik Al lull kx5r6>fnutd dr rekvdlvd 'ne u nifflmilIs tttilh IIIA611(oll eixsulalda, Wliul edll�f','lrlill,?F hilt for itii wdillltlg WV-4k aels6F ifs ill systole 01*1111>111y vixnlrillf Willy k'eer kSusfewcfr5 It" paussGbllkay p)ur wSIXnlxibilaly It Ila napics:, fill illtiuLLlnuu the drxkgu of Ilie xy_;ull, of aprAIity A"inL1lviii JIM La, hi litIIt rrlliyl lsltnei5cillf Isawtl of urer (tvic5r I(oloweik tivkvulium atilt ilurls3clpi'aElnua L,agtnlNalcrxr, =rrLn•Ieu 6n fie ilw lsiulucletl aY�*nkelncylln lrecFulves:Imwlcr tilnv:rrnu...1 ,AiiaN6{t, t+.aov&t ki afit: Iwil"p. null hi 11 re ulihil lowtor ill£ Single ASuCrI Ad Afl it ISlel of ltili pm, tc4 Antv13ifCIus:ideea„ul tr"vl24xAlly rrpukNlnt}' c-tdiitt'b tw rauasluvliunlrrl fly Isla t7rut,.ik apl5libable, id ak:!I,rurinAnp, pile nnLma llwl irgra-Yui atl"rin'pa'ncednnt5- olllallivtl to tills all-ilir,n, Ifll ayAltic4 s,( glllGly fxgd Bel iL$ fllu' ir:'1YMI1611kY; diYil 011lill111F. jlraTgi<� nk A6PiYrkitn4);1 t'r I -m J. r1n 'ni�a, C,r;! nem fuI if. rl pf.-ue aaulmE hlmcli ]5, .tiY T, Las Inset sfadul5lyvlrglp{rlt,l nlya C1011114nd Will1 to f}1kiyulc life (Fill 'AfilN mmiuinen of perinnwility flono eirmil ip, Of ilmilblio11y, if it ai d#eckde luny is iiw0 xetfdlnl6la Iw till flow-fr ll mycal till 1 nls re avzcc it I All till ol'poyx. FuisA lideb <li lfd falrr,,•(tesfiuPLO AnrlJitilp_ Vili>�Iuul& hswleiirra l p_f¢J¢f,�till Il+af it ik.er Lne•iew tiller uipAl, rjr L14 L4'rit k 311m>:Ilsfff xica, 11. C .I,•�f',u: I ,�.. r:u,l , �. �6-..,,-i �, e:,>.> 1,.,. ...,fp.�,,,. vas .-r,.,.;, . .•�•...�. n,,,...,., Mae Belle Cassel from: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: cindy.mueller@calhouncotx.org (cindy r Thursday, April 16, 2020 2:13 PM Mae Belle Cassel ladonna thigpen; Clyde Syma; david.hal vern lyssy Agenda Item Request Grant Terms and Conditions.pdf; Designation of Subrecipient Agent.pdf Please place the following item on the agenda for 4/22/2020: Beyer; • Consider and take necessary action on FEMA-4485 DR -TX Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent and authorize County Judge to sign. Cindy Mueller County Auditor Calhoun County 202 S. Ann, Suite B Port Lavaca, TX 77979 V: 361.553.4610 F: 361.553.4614 Cindy muellerCa�calhouncotx.or� GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Brant Agreement (dens€st€nq of these terrris and COnufflon5 and all exhibits) is made and entered into by and belvreen the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDENI), an agency of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as " TDEhV and the grant recipient, car v_,_,.;, , hereinafter referred to as Lh4 "Subreeipient° Furthermore, TDEM and the Sue.*recipient are ooltaclively hereinafter referre4 to as the "Parties." All subawards made under this grant agreement are subject to the saute terms and conditions below. Subreelpient may not assign or transfer any €nteress in this Grant without the express, prior writte,t oonsant of Tf3EM and f�€ €SrFEMA. a. Tbie lerm Recipient and pass -through entity have the same meaning as "Grantee," as used in governing statutes, regulations, and DI ISIFEMA guidance. b. A Recipient is also a "non4loderal entity` for grants administration purposes, c_ A Subrociplertl is also knovirt as. a `Subgrantee" as used in governing siawlas regulations and DF-W FEMA guidaneme- d. A Subrecip€ant is also a "nonfederal entity" for grants administration purposes. e. The "Grant" referred to In this agreement is a subgrant to the Subreciptent passed lhru front TCtEM to the SubraCipient. f. Certifying Official will be the Mayor. Judge, or Execulive it authorized to execute thase grant terns and Conditions, and to subnia changes of Subrecip ant Agents. f. Projects acid any Subsequent versions for those projects accepted by the Subrecipieni and subsequiantly obligated or deobligated by DflSlFEMA are considered subawards to this grant agreement. p,, StaW,eiarA of R. rfnrrrsanr_e_ Subraeipienl shall perform all aClivitiies as approved by TDEM. Any �:lianga to a project shall receive prior wrcttan approval kiy TCtEfJI and, if rertuired, by FEMA. Subrecipierit shall perform all acliuitias In accordance with all terms, provisions and requlren•ients sat forth in this Grant, including but riot lirrtited to the following Exhibits: 1, Assurances— Non -Construction Programs, here€natter referred to as "Exhibit A' 2. Assurances— Construction Programs, hereinafter referred to as "Exhibit B` 3_ Certifications for Gratin Agreements, hereinafter referred to as `Exhibit C' A. Sfala of Texas Assurances, hereinafter referred to as "Exhibit U' b. Environmental Review Certification, hereinafter referred to as "Exhibit E' G_ Additional Grant Conditions, heretnafter referred to as "Exhibit F" t_ Additional Grant Certifications, hereinafter referred to as "Exhibit G` & Reyuasi for Information and UocurriontMion referred to as. "Exhibit 1-1" D. Failure to RerfQrim, in the event SubraCipient fails to inapteutten°G and r:anipleCe 'tie prcjeot(s approved and awarded, or er9ntpl}� with any provision of this Grant, SubreCipiant serail ba liable to TDEM for an Amount not to exceed the award amount of this Grant and may be barred from applying for or receiving additional DRSIFEMA grant program funds Pe,�e 1 or 20 TDEAi-,4�ril 2�e� GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS or any other grant program funds administered by TDEM until repayment to TD1110 is made and any other compliance or audit finding is satisfactorily resolved, in addition to any other remedy specified in this Grant Failure to limely implement and complete projectsmay reduce future funding in additional DH&IFEMA andlor other grant programs administered by TDEM. C_ Funding ohligationa. TDEM shall not be liable to Subrecipient for any costs incurred by Subrecipienl1hat are not allowable costs. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Grant, the total of all payments arid, outer obligations i:ricurred by TDEM under this Grant shall not exceed the total eurim[ative award amounts listed on the Subawards (pfrifocts and subse-quen, versions). 2. Subrecipierit shall contribute the match funds listed on the sub ward_ Subrecipiertl shall refund to Tt3t=M ae7y turn of these: Grant funds lttaa bras been dstermined by TDEM or DHS1FEMA to be ar overpayment to Subrecipiarit or thaw. TDEM determines has rtot been spent by S:ubreci:piem in accordance with this GranL No refund payment(s) shall be made from twat, state or lederat Grant funds unless repayment with Granit funds is specifically permitted by statute or reguial.on. Subreciplenl shall make such refund to TDEM within thirty (30) calendar days after TDEM requests such refund U. Performa:nce Perfod. The oerforrnanca period ft7r th€s Grant is listed on the subauvard letter for each oroieoL All oroiects shall be completed within the performance aerfodf AND all reimbursement renuests shall he submitted to TDEM within 60days of the end of the nerfnrmance is Lied. 5ubreci-pient shall have expended all Grant funds arid. subrniiled' reirtbursemerit requests, invoices and any supporting documentation to TDUAI within 60 days of the end of the performance period. TDEM shalt not be obligated to rehinbuise expenses hnrureod after the performance period or submitted after the deadline. E. tlnfform Administrative F2 ouirements, Gost Prinofnslsamd Au:dit R:enuirements_ Exeepa as specifically mtdtdified by late or this Grant, Subreeipient shall adms"Is tWE this tyrant through compliance With the most recent version of all applicable laws and regulations, including} but not IimEted to MES program tegislafion, Federal awarding agency regulations, and the terns. and conditions of this Gram_ A non-exclusive list is provided below [not all may apply in every projectsj: + Public Law 93-268. as amended (Stafford Act) 44 CFR, Emergency Management and Assistance + Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 + OMB Regulations 2 CFR, Grant and Agrisemeris Executive Older 11988. F.loociptain Management + Executive! Order 1199C1, Protection of Wetlands + Executive 0ider 12372, lrstergovemma-vital Review of Programs and Activ Kies « Executive Order 125 ti9, Debarment and Suspension « Executive Order 12612, Federalism « Executive Order 126.9el, Seismic Design « Exocutiva Order 120 t, Environmental Justice « Coastal Barrier Resources Act., Public Law 97-348 SirgtaAudi[ Act, Public Law 989 502 « Sandy Recovery lmprovernent Act publications Page 2 ut 20 Ga,�tvr rERn�s ANo ccat�orrYorts + 16 U.a.�:. � �7U, tJalioatat tNisluric f'raseruation Ae + ifi U.�.�;_ 153i, �ndariyered �peaieS Acl ftefarena:es + F�CJIA prugran5 pubtiF:alioats., gwid�ince rend policies F. Strr_. Reau[remenEa: for r=rank_ Swbreeipient sitaif a:rirt5ply with all alher federal, state, anal tatr:al la'a�s and ragutatiur5s applicable to tt5fs Grartt including tauf nett lirrtiteal to the IaV,'s and She regulattmns pran5uigaied in T'axas Govere5n5ent G'Ftda, G,ltapter f�.�, t.trYifwrett grant and GcrFtteact l�lanagemantr 4UGCd�j at:_ tl l:G'+�vr yr 1u_;rxindCrv. s tata.tx. u6Jtbrcar�urerltarS lJ��atraFiturants. tidf and lha program Stale Adrrtirtislratiwe Mart, availalsle at: ititus:trclaaerJs. tdart5.m.tas_uu'a Swbr6+sipiani shall, In addition to the assuraFia:as. and a:ertificaticrts, s:Fantply mod reaiuira eaa:tt of its swba;ontracturs emiTloyad iri ttte urirrrplatiran of the prujart to c�trnply tuitt5 all appli:�abla statutes, reg�ulati�rns, executive order$, GCv�g erculaAs, terrt5s and conditions wf tltis Grant and stye approved apptieatiur'a. Grand funds rosy nwt be avrardad to ur expanded by aa5y entity wtta;t5 pardornts pwkitivat pulling_ 1"his pruhibitlon dues not apply to a pull conducted by an aa:adernic nsiitutiun as part of the irt55atwtlun's academic Mission ll5at is nett uonduutad for Ctra bene{it of a paftieular can+Jidale trr party. Csr�unl funds may roll ba axpartded by. a wnit of lor,aB gor�arnmartl unless the follr�e�ertg kintilations and repurli,nt� requlrenrents are satisfied: 1. Texas General Apprupria5cons Aci, Art.. 4X, Parts 2 and �, exFiept ihare is nu raqutren5ent fur Increased salaries fur local gzyv'arnmanS arttptoyees: 1. Texas Guvernntartl �FSde Seclioa5s�`�.[1Cui. '}5ti.[]G5, crud 5'�fi.�lit[i, wt5�ch prutuibiAs uslrtg any money or vahi�cle to support the candidacy of ;�ruy perrrtn far' uifrce, iatfiwenr.:Ictg pws:ItlValy tab nagaaiMel}' the payrrt•ant, loan, or g'cft to a person Far pwlltical crganizatlictn for apolitic-al pclrpuse. artd using Grant funds to i:nfiwenue ttte passagir ur de{eel r]{ Iegistatl0n Yni:llldJrig not a5$ISting wlth the ltandlrtg Fif a ttl;byl$t, Far wSing GraFil funds try pay doves tw an urgarticatloa'r witty a raa�isSerad lobbyist;. :3. Faxes Government L'oda SeuSluns 2113.Q11 and �1113.101, vrMich prwhilrits u'aing Grant funds to �eurxipensaf6 any entployae vvhu uses alcuhuli� tSuveAages oct a��tive duty and fsubAacipient rosy not use Grant funds to puruhasa act alF:ottolia: beverage and ntay nut pay ur reimburse arty travel expanse far art alcFahol'ic beverage:. 9. Taxa;s General Appropfiations AGt, ACI. IX. Section ii.13.. 'xttlCtS YegwlraS �w �reClpiartL to make #34'$r}' a{{Or, t0 c1ltdLrt �aa}' p6r1<{irrTSdnCe t2r€jtL IaV�LIS a5S `dr�^IritBd 14itI1 ttSIS r�r�ni. i15a:lLLdlatg parf[Frmanee rnll6Sl[anaS, milestone llnte llamas, and r8tatad perlt7fntanCe reporting teuuiraman5s, and 5. General Approprialluns Act, Art. IX, Sections l.fli and 7.Lt2, and Texas Guv'arrtrruant Gode ��iL�.q(]aai, 5uhich rea{uiras that ttti:s Grant rosy only ba expanded if Swl.reoipian5 tirnaty crsrnpletes ana! fllas ifs rc�pwrts. 1. Use of Funds. Dl ISfFEh1A GraFtt {urtds rttay only Lea used fur She purposes sat forth in this Uranl, and shall t,e consistent with the StatutFary aulttrrrity fFar this ^F3rarel U`rant funds rn;zy nos ba used fur ntatcttirtg funds. for Father)=ederal grantsJcarrperafive agraantants, lobbying, or inSerVartlia.l5 in Federal raqutatury or adjwdieir5ory proceedings. In adafitfort.. Fa,�e 5 ar 20 TEEM —Api51 �2: Gf2ANT TERAAS ANO CQiFJIpfTIDNS Federal funds Wray oust ba used Ca sue the Fadaral yraaerrtrnerut err arty ranter gravarnr,tertt eettlty. 2. Federal Erttralavea F'rerttibstian_ f=edaral arnptrayaes are prahibitad diraetly benafitirrg front any funds under then Crant. ;�. ;;uints ai Cesntacts. Vditttirt idt calendar Days ai arty chanye. SuLracepiant shaft itertify Tf]�fuf ai arty change in dasigrtatad ai Subracipiertt.4ge,tits as suL^mltteai during the axer�,stian of ittis agraentartt, artd any subsequaett chartx�as swbntitded by Swbrecipiertt. In tits aaartt a Sulste+:ipiant hife.s a cansultartt lra assist lllarrt with retartagicty its f'rrttlic akssi:startaa yrartts, they roust ba listed on the fJasigrtatad SuGrecip'cant rlyertt Frarnt. TUECa9 svii% direst ali cxarrespandaotca ter rite Swbrecipiant but wiI@ cc: tlta ctartsuitant etrt all arrtael exchanges. the Sut.recipiant �n�ill tta responsible fete sharing wriisan carctrnu:rricatians vrith itte cansuliant. Fha oubrecipianl vrifl rarrtaert the prirotary paaint of corttaei artd rttust ba iatctudad Ir, ail dacisian ,ttaking aetiaitias. .1. t7f.PRlS hfuretber_ Subraclpiertt caetiiirbtts itls 6ata Universal Nurrtbaring Syslerrts fUUNS} Nuettbar is accurate acid is registered art Sants.gay. The GUNNS Nuntb$r is the nitre digit nurrtbe�r estabtisFtad and assigned by Uun and Eiradstraat. Cnrw, at S[iG;(Qts•*��11 eyr 5_ Central Cantractar Rauistratian and Ueti�aersal tdenti[ier Raawirerrtenls. S,Lbrecipient ntaintaen:s ghat it Itas registered art the System fear At++ard tVlanagarrtant iSA.tv1} at wwva.sartt.uuv err otttat federally aslalalished seta fur cantractar registraterarr, and erttared T'F��ta4-required infarntaiirarL. Subrecipfanl shall keep current, artd than raviavv artd update the irufrarettatiaat at feast anrtuaity. Suttreaipient shall keep infarrrtatiort currant in the S�1ht database urtii the later of �.vhert it subrrtits this Granl's ferret frrtanciaf report ar receives itrtal Grant award payntaetL Swbrecipiant agrees that it shall net rttaka any swftatvard agraarnent or carttract related to this G-rant withaut first abtainicty ttte vertd�rr,,`subawardae's ettartdatary f3U�Na otwntbar. Sde Saciian §2�tg.;�2 of @tu16 2 C.F.R. 5_ f�aaartirtcr Total Ca3rn¢sensatirarr of Subracraiant Etcacutivas.l C.F.f�. §200.331; sea F�hfA Irtfe>rritatlan P3ultetiet 354]. a. Applicability and what to rapart: Subraeipient shall rapart xuhelltar ;5ubrar:epiant received $�5 rttiltian or ctterre in FaderaS prrar',urarttant contracts ar Ebnartc`r.ai assisiartca subject is the 1'rarespaiancy Aci par 2 C.F.R. ;2fiL.�31. S�ubraeipient shall reprart wh6ther f3Ct��, ar rttare of Swbreaipiertt's annual grass reaenues ware irartt Faderai praeurentent earttracts ar Federal 1%rtaneiat assistance. Cf Subraeepiant artswars `yes` to heath questlorrs, Suhracpient sEtail report, slang with SwErreciptant's SUNS eturttber, the nacttes and total carttpensatlan {sea 1? �C.F.f�. §�2<3.4©�(cj4�yj fear each ai Swbrecipiant"s five most hrghly aarrtpartsated executives far the pras:eediny cantpiatad fiscal year. b. L"Jltere and when to reprsrt: Swbracipiant shaft report executive rater carnpansatiart at w�ww.sarn.uaa ctr ether fadaralGy astabtisheef replacarnanf seta. icy signing then tarani, Swttrecipiant cftrtifles that, ff raywira€f, Subrar�piant's jursdielitrn has. already registered, entarari tlta ratt,uirad infarmati�art, and shah keep infetrmatiart in the SAP�d catabase {:c,rrant. attd update the iniarrrtatiaan ai least annually far sash year until iha Inter crf wharf t6ta jurisdiction s.ubrnit:s Its Tinal iinanaial eepart ar recalves f€nai payment. Swbreeipiant agrees- that it .sftall rtral ntaka a.ny .sud,award agreernant err curttract withaut first attaining the sut�wardea's mandatary GUNS nwm�bar. !. f3atarrrtart�t artd Susr}ansion. Subracipiant shall crarrtply with Exacuteae Jrdar 1254fi and 125Fig, mrttictt pravida preatac:tian agaenst waste, fraud, and abwsa by debarring tar Page 3 ut 20 TQEA4—A}7iil ['u�`e� GRANT TERAAS AND GQfJDITIOMS suspend':ing thoae persarts deeetred irres,ponsifrle in their dealings with tt'te Federal gower'nr€tent. £3. Uirert [;'eraesii_ A corttpteted direct deposit forrrr fmrrt Suhrecipient shall tre provided to irLt€ht, prior to rereiwi€tg any payments under the provisions of this �ranl The diirect deposit forrtt is currently avaifaExle al grants.lderrt.texas.gov under kestsuroes,�'PuFylir Assistart�:e. r3_ Proreriw i�iarraoernenl and lnwantorv. �uL+recipicni shah ertaint�tn proper:y;inwentory records which, ar rrtlnirnunt, shall Inclu�fe a description of the property, a serial numtser or other iafentiiicaLion nunrlxer, the source of property, vrho holds title, the acquisition dace, iha cost crf the propeaty, lire percentage of Federal participation in the roar of the property, rh6 location, use and cr rtd':itCtsn of the pr€tperly, and any ultimate disposition dare @nctutlirig ills dale of dcsposal ant sale pairs of the property- Sutyrecipiertt shall develop artd irrtplerttent a rorttrol systerrt try prevent loss, darrtage or theta of property and Subrt3epienr shalt inwesigata arrd d�unrent arty foss, darttage or theft of property funded unaler This f3raruL 1t�. Site V'Isiis. fat°iSiFEMA artdror TU�trJl, thtrougtr its aulhori2ed representatives, have rice right at all reasonatrla times to make site visiis io revlety prokecl aceornptisttments arrd rt�arraa�errtent contcoC systems and to provide suer lecftrtiral assistance as nary tie required. tf any site visit is rttadfl by [7iIStFEt41A art the premises of Sutrrecpienl or a r:3ntraetor under this Gant, Subreciplent shall provide and shall require its cortlractors to provide all reasonable faollries anr3 assistance for the safety astd convdnience �f the gowernr€tent representatives in tfte perforrnanc8 of their d'utles. Alf site visits and evaluations shall the perPcsrnted in such a nranruar that wlLl net unduly delay the vrork. t{. Rracurernerrt And G�ntrActina. Procurements. Sutrreciplenl shall rontply whit all applocatsle federal, state, and I€rcal laws and rec}uirernents, uneludi€tg but not tlretitad to proper eontpsllteve soEicitation processes where required, for any procurernont which ulitizes federal funds awarded under this. Grant in accordance with 2 C.F.R. 200. 318-326 and Appendix II to Fart 200 (A•C) and (E-J) 2_ Contract Provisions. All contracts executed using:, funds awarded under this errant shall contain the contract provisions listed under 2 C_F,R, 200-326 and Appendix II (A). Uniform Administrative Requirernenis for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. 3. Procurement activitiesmust follow the most resirictive of Federal, State arid': Local proeurertrenL regulations: a_ Procurement by rnicro purchase b. Procurement by smait purchase c. Procurarrtent by sealed bid d. Procurement by competitive proposal e_ Procurement by non-competitive proposal, sgletw when the award: of a contract is unfeasible under the other methods -rho State must be contacted for approval to use a noncompetitive procurerr€ent method.. Failure to follovr eligible procurement methods will result in inallgible c:aysis. Ocher types of agreernants for services must have State approval prior to use or execution. A copy of the C )cnt procurement policy must be provided to the State before Initial payment Page s sr zo TDEAi-fy9iil 2�•i�' GRANT TERMS ANQ CONdIT14NS Thr� cost plus a percentage of cost crud percentage of construction ca�sl rtlethcids of wnlracifng are inet[a+6le. MUSt perfr�rrtt eosUpPice analysis far everp� pruGur6ment action in excess aP the Scrttplcdieat fxequhstlion '�hresl�id. Mist negotiate profit as a separate element xvtrare aequirbrl. �. �vidartce of rton-d�vbarrcte¢ti for vcxndors riiust be �Geuntcroted thrw�ugti. ti+1r'rive+F4v.sa¢tt.+ie��tGurtal''Gubl¢�,�'St�t4i and_ rt tu'�"xnrw xvindu x .,late 1x uslCaruCuranter'iL¢rrrtict''uendUr uecir�r'rrt�i¢t+'e�debarredt artd Sllhrrtttted fr3r reVlex4. h. Gontpiy white rules raloted 1G uetderut6lited businesses �srrtatl end rrti¢is�rit}� businesses. aroriteit's enterprises a¢td labor surp6ua firms at 2 r=:FFt 2a7{t.;�21 MaltilOrt rlU, �WbfeCtplefiti xv�ilt be nt�tniiored pa�ric:d!it-e.lty by E�deret, srata� crr icic�al ectlitie.s, t,uitt progrartintaticrily a:rtd financiatly, tci ensurs that projent gaols, GbFr3Gtves.. perfeerntanca rcqulrecnen[s, timelines, rrritQSiorte eoniplethran, budget, and. nsther program -related criteria .are n'ieL Tf]€fat', or its auittaarirr3d represent�ttiv�e, r¢>,srxrves ttte rit7hii to perfrarfitt periodic deskJcrffice- based and,`or ort-site eti�iniiurng: of SubrecipiertCs eorrtpllartce xvith this Grant rrnd of ilia adequacy arrd ttmelhness ttf SuttreciptenNs perforrn�ater3 pursuant tee this t;ra�nt. t"tifter aath rion�itoririg; vrsl4 hf ttte rttonitcsrrrtr� visit rea`e�its de�fici€rncies tit Subrecipient's perfGrrmanee under taus Grant., a mGnhicsrhng rep�iri viol to provided to the SutireCiphant and shall include requirements for the tirttety v:orraiti�n of such deficiencies by Subrecipient. Eaih.ure by, Subre�cipient to take action specified tat the rnontterrtng report rttay be fi°aruse for suspensiutt rrr terrn'rnatioru of thus Grant pursuann tea the Suspensioct andtor Terntirt¢iiirrn Sec[itiri Iteraln. �- i. t'4rudit of Federal acid Sta[e t=ands. �u6raGpient shall arrana�e tcrr ilia �trictrntans:e rif sn annual financial and corttpllartce audit o[ funds received and periorntances rertdared u¢tder this Uran+, as. required by the SingBc� rtudli Ae.t �CIMI"3 � �G.F_R. 10k7�_�attt, fParni�arty A- 1:i3). Subre�:ipiertt shalt eorttply�, as apptieahlrt, avuth: Texas Govarnrtiand S�rfe. Ghaptec AYt;3, thte Untfaxrrri Grartt tafartagert�emi Siartdards {UGM1�a;t, iite State Unttorm Adittinlstrattve f�aqu@reirrents far Grants and �ooperative �tg:reantants. 2. fZi4ltt to Autfit. Suttracipiaiit stiatl give the U¢r6ted Mates Deparintent rif E tontefand Securitu ;'UliS}, Feder�il Eniergectcy fSAartagerfiten7 rAgenGy fFELti4A},the Cc�trrptrs�lte:r General of ilia Ldnited Mates, the 1'axas State Audito€. TC1Eht., or any Gf their duty autlittri;ted: cepresetttatives., access to anal Chte fgltt iu conduct a linanoiat or e-rsm�pli�anc� audit eat G,r;rnt fu¢tds received anal perforat�cta:es rendered under tNtfs Grant Subra+:ipient sita�lt pernitl TUptJI or its autttorit�8d representative to aud'¢t Srxbrecepient`s records.. Sutrreciplent shell praavide anN d�cuniettls, ntateriais or inforrrraion necessary to taeil7tate suttht akldtt. 3. SuEtt+6r:irJiert'`s Liablllty fcr Uusatlowed Costs. Subrecip[ant understands and agrees heat It shalt tse liable to 1'UF�41 fur any¢ ecists disellov�ed pursuant to arty finarrciai oa' ooeitpllartGe audits} of these funds. Subreciptsnt furtkter understands and ae}rees 98tad rela,tbursenient to TC7f=M tit such dtsal'IGwed +rusts shtel I be paid Ley Subrec�pient t=aQe s ar zo TDEht -April �':2+,] GRANT rERN1S AN[l CONOMrC4r�ts front funds that were Hart preratded ur otherwise rnade� available to S, ebraa:epiant pursuant tG-this Grant c:,r any other federal ecintract �4. Subrecirilent's E=ac:i':IilatiGn of Audit Subrecipfenl sttal:l take such aetiean to iaciVitafe the perlorrttanee of such audit�s� coeidueted pursuant fo this Section as TDI=fv1 may requere �tf Subrecipir�nt SuL'reclpVen[ shall ensure that this clause cotu:erninrd the authority to audit tuetds recaiivt+d irtrfirr±ctly by subeorttractors tttrougM Swbrecipient artd tMe requirement te, cxwperate ks tnctuded lit any subcontract it awards. �. Mate Auditnr's CCause_ SubreCipient understands lhaf accepkrnCe of funds under this Grant acts as accaptarar.� rr! the authearity Gf the Stale Auditarr's r3ffice� to rtrittilluct err audit ur rove-sti�jatiort Vrt grrtnectiGn vrittt [base funats. SubreCipient furtEter agrees to eoeperate fatly with the State Auditcit's Office in the cGnefue:i cif the audit car 6rtvestigaliort, iru:Vudiing providirt{i all records requested. Subrecipiertl s+talC ensure lltal this clause cittnCerntatg th6 State Audilar's Ctffire's authority tr. aueilt [ands and the requlrentent to rer:rperate fullp� vrittt the Slate Auditerr's rJffice is. ina.luited in any subgrants ur sutscontracls it am�ards. Additl�tnalty, the Slate AuditGr's f3dCice shall at any time have access to and the rights to exarni.ne, audit, excerpt, and lransuri:tae any pertinent hrsoks. dueurt7ents, w�+rkinq papers, and recnrds Gf Subracipieitt relaCBrtq to Chis Grartt. t'C. Retention anal Accessi6ilily nfi Records. 1_ fietentian cif fiecarda_ Subrecipiertt sMaVl fGClo�a� ots awn internal ratentaion policy, Gr the state"s retei�ution policy, tivhiCtteVer ls. striaster_ At a rrtinirttum, the subrecipfant shai'I maiitlairi frs`cal retards and supp�trting dueurnertfation for aIV expenditures. of this Grarrt's funds pursuant to the applicable �f[v1P3 2 C.F_fi. Subpart f�—Post FederalAward 6�equirertsitts, §�(]fi.3��-3�'7. and this vrarat. Subree:ipient shall raisin lhase rc?cerds and any supporting documentation for a rnminirrtum nd three �;tj years front the Eater erf the cGntpletiart of :his proJect's publit, arbjectiva. subntissiGn Gf thr� final expenditure repcirl, any litigation, dispute, Go' audit ftecerrds sh�Cl be retaVrred ferr three �3'I years after any reaV estate enr aqutpntent final disptasitian_ The C�hES +ar TbEtJI may direct Subrecipiertl t+� refatrr documents ur to transfer cryrtalrt records 9G Ut9S�FEMA oust�rrfy urban UIiSa'F�MA determines that the rac�rrds possess Corti terra retertfion value_ 2. Ac:cess to t�ecrrrds_ Subreaipient sYralt give tCte UnVted States Lrepartmen[ of fiortta�land Sea:urlty, the L`c�retptroiBer Ganerai of the LPniteeE states, file Texas. State Auditor, TE7EC14, car any of ifs duty authnrirr�d rapraseitlalives, aGeess to sell the riej:ttt to examine all rooks., acx:Gurtts, records, re�arts, fives, GtHer papers, things or property' br}lortginy to or ier use by Subrecipient pertaining to lttis Grant irte0udlnq reecrrds eoeicernirtp the past use e,f Gtt�CStFEMA funds_ Such riyh4s to accsss sltalE cxrntietue as Cerrtg as fhe rec�rrds are retained by Subreeipien� L� 1. Eylod�iCleafiern. E7�E•CSf FE6v1A or T[]�fv7 tttay ntoeTity fills Grant after an award has been made. Uitce nartlVicatCarn Etas Leer[ made In writinr�, any subsequent. request for funds Ind.lcates' Subreeipienf's acceptartee of the changes fG [Ells Grant. Aety alteration, additiori, err defaticrn to [hie Grant by Subrec6pient is not wand. 7. Etfect of Ghancaes in FcderaE aavd State Laws. Any altrrratiorts, add3llons, or delefians to this Grant that are required by eltanges In fr�deraE artd state Vavrs, retiuEatiGns or policy are. autcrntatiealty inr�rarparalarf inter tttfs Grant wathout written amerxCmeeit tsa this Grant and shalt/ Lecrtrna effaa.tive upnn the date dasignatecl Ly such iavr err rerjulation. Vn the eueni it6ESlF�D.�IA r7r Ti�1FtUl determines that ehangErs are necessary ter fills Gra:ni alter an award has L^een made, VneCuding changes to the periexl of perferrmanee car terms sell r:�rrrditions, Subreefpi0nt shall be notnfied o! tits eYranyes Vn writing. C7etca nertifacation Mar Page ' 4f 20 T�Ehe —AptSl 2�C �RAHr ri=_Rintrs a�in �ca�►oMrl4rfs heart, made, any sutrasequant raituas+, dtrr funds wild indi+:attt ;�ubrecipiant's acoep[anc,t of the changes to tlitis. Grant. 3. Susoensirin. In lha want Swtrracipient fails lit eatnply with any term of this. C�ractt, T[it=hi enay, upon written natifiaa4ian to �ubta�ipiant, suspend this Grant. frt vrttalH car in par,,, tivitJ'rholcf payrrtants. to ^suEirecipfant artd prohi�rit Subrscipiant front irteurrng arjdiCiaital otCigatinns of this Grants. Punds. �_ Tar'mirtatiovl. Tf}EA>j shall ha�ra 9ha rix�ht to tbrrttinala this t�rartt, in whole ar in part, at any trrre Ltafora the and of the Parforrnanea F�arfod, if TDEtvI detarmin€�s that SuMreeipf�enl has failed Co ca�mply with any farm of this. Grant 'Tf7�Art shaRl peoadde wrfttert etatice of fhe ierntGrration and include: a. The raasart{s} fur such tirrrninattart:. b. Tha affective date a6 'such 19rrnittatiarl; .and c_ In th,e Casa of partial terrt�inatlan, the portfatn of this Grant to ksa terrnirtated: d. Appeal may bd rtnade to fire Lteputy �hlaf of thra T6xas Dia�fsion of 6rnsrgeneA, hdana�arneni - Fi€,covary � fafftlgation. P,�1. €nforceeneest_ tf Subracipienl n,atariafly farts io camply wtth attp� farm of this Gram, whether stated in a federal ar state s.tatrrta ce rsgulatiart, an assurance, in a skate ptan or applkcation, a rtcatiee of award, 6r etsawhara, TD�6JI or t711�1t=EhfA ntay takd one ar' mane of the fallloa,virty actisins, as appropriatd in tkta elrcurnstartces: �. Increased nt�nitarung of projects and require add'itfatnal firtartcfat and parfGrrrtaetea reports. 2. fiaquire alb pa}�ntants as rairnttursarttems rather Chart advaatca payments 3. TarrtpctrariEy withhold �rayntents parrding cbrrectran of 'ftrte ai'�rficientr 9. C3isallow or deety use of funds and sttatchtnq credit for elf or part of this eosl of the aCtiu•itp• rar aetion etot in campl'rancc�; 5. f�aquast f7fiSt�Efut,4 to whoEly or partiatlyr da-tabli�gata fuetdlirtg far a prryact r�. Tarnporarily wrltthrtld casft payments pendtnsd carraction of the datfciency by subrer:tpieni ar ntara sev�are enfarcernent action Fry Ta�hf ur �tht�; F�AAA; r. V4'ithtrtotd further awards for ttte a�ranl prcu ram t3. Take ether remedies that ,hair be iagr:rily available rrt taking art. enfareernirnt aa:ttcan, TfJEl41 vriM pravide �autrtracipfent an opportunity fur a hearing, appeal, or critter adrninistratitra pros:+3eding to �vh�iclt Sukrracipcertt is entitled urtdar any statutd or raidulation appltttab[e Co the at,tia�n involved. TMa costs of Suttrt�cipiant resulting front obkirgattisns irtcurretl tay �uLareeipiant during a suspension ar after terminatiian of this Grant ar€� not aGlawabta uutless '�Uf=h4. or of 1St��hVA €rxpressly authorises tharrt in the notice of serspansion or terntfnatibn ar subs,�quanaty. C}thar Subracipi$n.t cxtsts during suspfrnsfcan nr attar termination tvhicit err nacassar•y and etot reasona6Cy avoidable era aliotuable ih + Tha oasts resutl front abligations �a�ktich �e�ae�2 properly Incurred key Subreelpent before th€t afigctva date ttd suspansfctn or tarmietafinn, era net in anticipation of it, and in the ea:sa ai a terrninatfan, era non-urncaClabCa; and + Tha carats uroulif ba allowabEe if ittis ixrant were riot susp€trtdad or expired nurrnafly at the detd of the funding parted in which the terrrtirtatfon takes affea:ts, Tha anforcernent ratnadias idantitlied in this secliort, i,ts:ftrding suspensiaan aitd termination., do not preclude SuttreCipi+},tt front itaing sutrtjact ter 'f]ebannent and Susf.�ertsion` under €.O. asge s ar 20 T�Eh1-.SprSl 2�Ge9 r;aaHr r�Rn�s �rvo cQraolr�orts 12'aR9. x C.F.Et, Appendix lC to Fart 2U}[a, (Ij. hl. Cb.nfiicts of Intereest. Tkra sulireoipient vrli'I rttainiakn ueriften standards of c-trnduet ceverirtc� conflicts of inierast and',. yeivarnkrtg ttie aeikrins of its entpkuyaes engaged in lkta selection, award and ad':minisiraiiun of efantracis anck will esiabllsh safeguards to protirbit arotptoyaes frorer using their positions fnr a purpose iltat ct)nstitutas or presents the aµpearanc.a cf personal ear ocgank,�ational eonfkict cf interest or personaC grain. O. Ckbsinn of this Gr:�>it. TGEAA will class eacli subaward altar receiving a61 required fl:rial ctiocuri'rnrttaii.)n front lha SubreerpianL If She dose out review and recoricikiai'rort imdica�les ikiar Subretipientos rn+reel addEtica6i�rl funds, TCiEM sviil sand tkia firiaC pap�rrrarti auttar�iaiicali�� iu �ubrecipierrl. If Subrecipertt skid riot u.se alt the funds received, FCtEfai w�ikl recover ttte aroused fund At ttia corropialioci and Gosure of all Subraeipienf`s projects 4sut,awardsl, TUEh.0 vrltl request ikia Subreeipiarit to Geriify the e�ainplatirtrn of all projects tsuba�vardsj iri acwratanca of tt�ia grants ternis and u5nditkc7ris to state ttir3ra are no further ckairrts under this subgranl. 1"he closeout od this grant doe-s rtot afPec: 1. [�k•lSFF�Rv1A rar T[7�1v1's rigktt to disallow crests and recover funds ort the basis of a later audit or otktar rewi�Ptu�; �. Svbraeipieni's obligation Co return any funds due as a ra-salt ctf later refunds.. corraetioi'rs. or other, transacii�sns; �. iKecords ralenlicn wquiraetients, property ntanagarrtent raquireniants, and audit requiraniants, as seC forth harairt; and A. Aeiy otktar provisions cf this Grant ilia; impose contkrtaing obligations on Subracipierrt or tRiat govern tkta rights and iiotiktatiGns of tkia parites to this Grartt after tkia erpiration or larniiriati6aL a?f thi5 �,Pan9. p. Notices.. Ali noitcas and oilier corrtmunJcatirins pertaining io this agreaRtent shall be dalkvared in akati:ironu: forrmai andrar tiv'rilirtg aruf shall Fie lrarrsrnitted try fax, a=rrraik, persurtal hand-daliuery (and reGeiptad foPj or deposited in this United Stales Malt, as cart'sfied mail, return receipt requested artCl postagie prepaid, to t@ia otherpart��. Page 9 uF 2tl TOEPvi—.4afil i�2v GRANT TERIMS i4ND GUND'ITID'NS EXHlBUT A ASSURANCES - N4N•C©NSTRUCTl4N PF2�GRJ4MS Sec StJ'rndard Farm 424B A• the duty eutrrar2ed representati•re r,# Sunf26ipiat6t,. k aarGM Ynat SunlYGipiatYt Ha:� tna la+q-:J G. mgrt;r :D G9pr tr Fxr:d Gsbs•:rr¢ and rG ra2t,,tr<:I, mata;:nal a<c 5nancal Cofi,tiut; ,;;•t':.ding, �fsa :uR'S«,::G 9¢j :n¢ nr.- Fatlarol 9he'¢ U pfC;GC C]5:7 Tt w,suro L*a:af flGnrtng, r'GragGmh•:: antl CDr:F1:;CA .� Ti Criy¢& aa; �Dztl in :na �'�rant. 2. WG �iw :M 7¢pG:^.mcr.: a+. HDrn:Vantl BGCun:7, :ra Tana D;�cian W E,�arg:rcr Pdcnag¢rM:r-.3'..G'-{r^CfLd:r CanarGl gi:hz Un?aa S:a:a and, A a.^.. rDanv;.,:na F.:i:a, thfCu^�h G,7Y auVrC.fi2ad fa(YY.anta'iea, GCmai :D and :h2 filth: :C cam:^G tll fCCirtl:, L":Skr, faFaro, C! KCC MGi_'a rGIY.26 Y.+:fi9 +afar, and nib a¢vC�iah a troCar aa:a'n,2ng ara:am in GCmrtGnca u;h gane,'ang oem�:ad G=Lti•_{;ifr� rand:raz er agao-rrG-�Gc'S„ra. a. '.tel :svi:Eah alGrQuarea to prLri:it Gr�r:lDro¢: 4am v:;ng :Mir rmistn: ±;.r G QurfSa¢ diet CM1'3:ri:-La C{ �+,giG,15 :ha Gf`f`0afanCG q1 QafaDnGl Gf Crganaa5cna? mnFtt ofrccr:r qr paraaa�sl gan. 4. t`,'ili inisa:a and Ch"fl¢:a :ha nCdc xi'li;', Yta ar�Ec¢54 'Sma Nc,^^a afar ram;C: nt �trwrtl ;.+. ma o�am'rg Ggane,: "a. 'di6 ar:Clr ui:n to ;r�naLM.arnmarcsl ?Gr:tnnal AC: Gi 14T9 f.^s US.C. �6�+:72E�7Es'rohr,vg :D prasyiCatl arantlltlatarm:r.:ra:vma Ptr pfagr:ma b nd:C under Cn¢ at7a 79 asx:aa rn' raguYdrav a�Gq:3ad in A.^�:Grdii A Dt G?PA5 $:and:rd: itr c MzrY. $Ia:m�� Ct ?araann:l ACm:^JirradCn r,5 CF_R. 99q, 8uL�an Ft 6. 515h a±m r .h cl' Fadarol a,rh:Ga rtla:ra :a nG dia`S'anihiSCn. R;aa :'..�da tu: a�G rx L'rY.¢tl .] (o ,'la 4 i Gi �. Ei,il Ryhta eta Ci'4E� iP;L 63.3E4', atici6 FrDr:Cry e:cetrina!:en Lii 7�. #-`Goa Cf ,CGG, gDler n' na3tcal ci,�n; ';C!T?Ja D: Gi dix EtluSdCf Ar:GrdmxriY ;A i972, os Gmantlad i20 Uz::_. jj:iE85-5E88, ens 1E8E-aEBE and=� C.F.R. =a,: `u4%, ,nhitli CrMiMta tlr 3imo AiDh M, d1G CxiiF Cf 9ak; (C} EatCCv: Eq>: CiS.4 R.GhaC37si:;an Ae tF '.4F3, as :r^.andod 1,g9 u.8.G. �i 9-7, �„;riN, frUmS;�, CiaMm.'ratia� en a¢ ta:i: CP handitfaa; (a4tha Agz aaYimtfa:iC,; A_ U i975, ;a atna`CGa I,�Y U.cx:_ ��E iEh�1675, .xM1b*, pmtrtr!: CS:tfir':natGr: u,'ty CG9;a ¢P aQa; 107 _�¢ Drug }:Cuaa �6ffrs ens Trs:r'an: Ae Gt i4F4 (_' L 94.4EE7, c] aa,:,7tlatl, ral» rcg rn r.�tlaa'r:na•;en en rx" tGaa et Ch.� oboe; }i'I s�¢ (;G'hi¢naf&�ra A'�sDMJ ..;Cara and AIGtiJ'!Uam=Yeran:�.i@, Tf:L]"Vi: and RahaYilrar -, ter at 197E 'i?.L. 41-6tE7, a3, Gmantlzd, ,><!Ging :D rwndacrim,•sti�•, to:na Casio i! aiGd7fJ cCu:a G' a?.ctrhdi:m; fgti �g543 ana E4' tt the ?uC'vt H¢Gl:h San:�e¢ X� G7 191^r r43 UE.C. ��299d:'-3 artl :9Dz:-SF, Ga Gmanda8, rala:ng i] C3fiRdGr:5a5:f M alvL`Rai and tlfv� ;t 9¢ F»err. ¢ ..n_a ;n T,da 'lll Gi +rya G it ir;grcs AL. � 14E< (.C2 fr:E.i:'_ F>y.3EL-1 a.. a.C;7: Ga�am.,:.cad, rvi»ng ,a n:r,5:cim;n...G� mY;<Gaa, rcnta? rx 5fancng !� hau:irq; f;' am D:n:r f,x*d'aefrc�»Cn ft-].i;icm -:n :hz sfar3Rt a'::rz;a, undGr'nn�7� agroxrnrn'xr Fatlarol a:aa:an:a a CGing n1atl:.; ana fj?±na rogue .�meh]7 G2 err! G'l:at nahSa.`1S.:5i"LFi DA YwLuialabwt,iCh ma f aPf4f :] d'.G ap fxmiDh. 7. 5i50 C:✓�*iy m' FGa':Jr:GC,' LGmC6ad ,ri:n'.ha roqu�ra"A::a ai 7'dF:a II arrd III ct>•s Un='rrm Rene»en ,uaamnta ana Raal ? rn�Gry 3,e".r-is•�u ?,:Jr,aV kC: st 147E 1� = 9i-E:E7 whif3l ;nwida kr „,ir and aquivCla roes-G�:: M t:¢nG•a capoa:c cr'ntcaa prDp:r; is oLk.�rotl m a roast M Fatlaml Gr rodarair-a:9Y.GGi f`I, �'faf±a. TFan:. faaurGmanu CQ91y •s ai ifiAfi3`S in rGGI G,>:parr7 ax,.irad Rr ; m�:L: ewtcazx nga'tlt;aG S FGdarol pGr Cip»qn in fvfd:ya:.. fr. 'A•iJ LSmj_`Fr,, a: GCC6cstJa. rc;Y, E{afaiw:a et:na rs:M AU fi ?78:G. �' iEGi. iE45 and 734=-Ts`461 wtiek.lirtt ra pHifmJ GC.iS¢z at iunt>.ra:a „tca¢ onrr.;tr ¢frFlCgr'an[ asi'ri:aa era 'frvotl i•. whetra Gr in Fc: iv:h FG-0arcl F�naa. 9. YYI Dcmt,A, r. a; fiimCl¢, w7:n Y-a Frwa2ra td ih¢ _•eei:$attr, Xs: t4G U'_.u. $�3 a D'e7EG 5, 9'.;i Cepa."Grn_..yt:j.G U.S:G. �2 cC antl §8 U E:.','.� � ond:#rz Cn'ar_i'Lt,'mKHwroantl 8Gla:J•Bnntla'daAC:{iG U.E'.C. su�323-388y rogardir� lacc,• amndaroc kr rodaro7va:aa:ad L{Ta:ruC'Kxn suC.o6rwoman:G. -u. h',51i �rn;'f,:, iT cfif6CaNa, ,dth iDDtl in:uronta euftnaaa raquirGmarc:a Ct BxSG; Sd21.G} Gi ?.,a Flced ]aa:vr=�cxgmn AL: CP i9?31?.L. ir3.33='! uiv.i.fi r:Guy a¢ ratiCiGf.'a ih i 9f�al aDCv` hazofG Graa :D par 3Ca:a. �ri'la frL�ram .cC Y. tyrcnaaa 1cw.i :*aruanm iP :ha :C:a- CCY. t4 'irouafla G{in::fv..ii7 and a:gva::tns 51G,G:0 cr mC{.. . 'd_iA [ir^:fij 'ai9, G,•edpfc"ii::4i i'andafda'nh'Ch mG_i C'G pN:Cfih¢,7 i'.�'L_in: v:ra Mitu,•y; ia? ;3a::uSf+]-Di":n„rcrrardGi qu:Jrf cerrrCl m¢a:,.r:a �ntlar 7s tia;Cnal Er,�Drram;a? ?U�1 .Xz± A 19E9 f?:i. 9i-19E Ga amxnd:5 Dr- :2 "l7.8.C. -3ii at rsq. arrd E'xaLu6eG CiC::r IEC;� i 1E1G7 „hsn aavtl�h¢: r� 6`�'1:"�J gDa3 Gdd O']mduro4 it .'D:¢C:Y.d an1G,:� A9 ¢rraCDnMGi:; in:iuSi � �^fU¢L';Gn ;igyna: fa:,lGl daaavro. TC CtryFr'rri'ti rJE°A (C{ j�;3 S,rGr,:cuFparad.ci,;a., bHE-FESdA rcC�;roa •hs GMircrJnan 7 Gaf�L'•; ;] C: tavia'netl antl avlua:ad Ca1Dli 3nai iC'fw5 An ilia LL{Y:t9:Cn; iL' ,xe'fea;on Dt urJa:np ta56t'sa q.:rsuan::o 'eC• ii738; rcl frG'aW.en ct-nC.".Gnd: r.`uroua•.::D EO i199; ld? Gb:� i:r:•n �? P.>:.]tl h6:ild: in Ao]dtloire t, atm,eann wim c+] 114i8; (,07 casuro,•aa Gi Crvjac Lu,:i.-aner raY ma ot."f],od fixv manag:,�':ant reg:nm tle�al;yaC �faaf Y9 CGGY:GI igna #Aie":Ggimani 'M-. C� 1472 '+,E: U.$.G. js�i{=7 r. aaq ,•; Ifl c]r#ly ,,;:h s,G .:Joan F;r k= G 1977., i;2 U.S.G. ��Ti01 G? Laq. Gra Exas�4,t Cre:r t973&5 MD,rdi.4lCrPa Cra:a:'Jtf, ti Gf cfharti^:maa ai 9^a qua6:,r' et n:. rauaA'. GJr raa,uma:G CiL+ui:a Futf+: h;.ah:h and na;4irc sa;,d t�` ra:anng antl martarang 3ia LtGmiml, Chj'at@, cfa :co�ml in:atr^,r Li :na na5m'a afnr,r., ;@` snszLiix•, c� �ntlafgrL•r7a awre:v Ct tlnnr�g ,tiara! untlzr ma Sala Tirini6ng 'h'G:ai A- Di 19iz, a: o•:antlxd i?J_.9'3c2,7; Grd, (#:i MyxLm U:ndang:raa :Baca: ardor i�a Entlanga-xd S¢acaa Fc^. Gi i473, as om¢rnaG (.=.L. 93- 49E+. .. ''/?JI cGnMy w.;ri :ha V,T>=Grd $mn'c Ri,aro Ac: at t9ES f1E U.S.G, g�i^<71 a: aaq:brad:ad ti yYC;a^3in� CCHy^Cfi¢n:a G'fCtan::Gl LGr'rL'fan'i, gitl7G raiCv-il 'nil9 Grd a]a,7:e iiynia a;+azr-: %6. '45'3Ja¢aa:7.o ao�e'ca'�ag:e+::r in aa:udng C]ir/'L:i.C¢a,tn 3atiM iCE Di thG :Y6DnrJ Hi:gSde ?roazhYdhn AC: W 19EE, a; am¢hdaY {if U.E:C. ��79't Ea 7*,543 i;daci�ta:'Ln and fr�a_;�+cf hicgr✓_• Fr:K��7oa?, ar.Y �a Arena:UCgml cne Hutgh_?.rcszrruDn Gct M 14Tc t1E U.B r. F,�-E:a.1 a: aaq.;•. ;. 'eSd cs{^Ctr rc:Y: ?l 6 ?.E; =_' C.F.R. �'_, srd :7.3 PdGnagzmrc ?:r:-:ire C'iS.C�".'. I;�irGC5va1 ragams`+j �a y^,CIaCSDM1 Gi human iuC,GC:C i^rvCr+a] �n r¢GaafGn, d¢ri1CCma'::, Ghtl ridaNtl acu;i¢: 9ufC�C Ci !ha eror:. °R¢:aa.�r' maa;� sg::amrc ;rvriyGSDn, ina�a:ng roawra,, CavJofr',zrc:, a:a:�:fy+, ana o.,:Ju»qn tla:;gnad :G aG,e¢�tg cr GLrrrtv,: iG g,Gnarol W-+:+.latlgz. Saa virar;,•z Lr atldianal fr:-raiG'a itr inLlud-i g Rvnana in :M. nar'.c, Arognan: wM'. tn. antl trzp-sva 55,Gfm- ES, fna:w'::r: yfi+.Cper. G;'.; and etatlron ,;E�tpar ];'. -EGG aaD a:a:a and 2efd bw ixr rasaa�rn-�. fau:tC:y r'r:adaSt. 'E.. 04'ef C^�"�+,: w7 i^G L�"[{a-;s Anir.:l ria:.:rG ia.:: Gt 1LEE f?_L 55-5==, a1 Gr`antl¢d,' U.B.C. ��2541 G^. a:r._7 wPith roq,�rac the nfTe~•,"n YAntlama U sra GPd 5•aa]Wnt'6:Y {,-iCta'V ariina."] Ci:S :G LSf+l�ta�>=GI aNa, uaaa Y. ra:aarM,irGa9jDt:ad L'?r'W'AruSGli?, V:kTi Ei;ad tq:M Xr:•iC aCNrrl�fa :D Ta 3u',.a Mr Cafe Grs Uaa N LGCCrutr;r .%•rircaa antl =uC6C 'r.'a:J':h EL-r im ?C6tr and J?C+:rnmGri?AfrSf,:IG RGgGrting :n¢ a=•.ra Gaff Ua¢ Gi Rti�'GI:. '.6. 4: it D�rcµlr'n:J: th>z Lza5.5xaztl =ain:=Caehi� ?ro�,:,r:;m AC: r13 U.$.G. ��<881 G: a:�*i: xFr� ; rChCY.: the Paz cW IStlGaad fcird V, ten:ntio_ t', Cr r:tzL;r:a:tn qt rosidaha RruLh,roa. i. 'htil LG�ti::G ha (:flafmatl i"a t:quifatl ffiGntial antl O]m:SanD:. audS in GrxrdG,°xa •mS't: $�rgla Xudz X��am:rdman:: eP 19:E are' � u$ c:':xlai La. A•133 +nDw iJYJ$ 4 C.f.R. •sil6.E991, 'Xuci:a V Exr.Ga, LCLiI LD,arrnanr.. Gnd 'Jtn-Prom Crgar,�a:sna' `8. 'lei:l LtmLfy u,}n at Gfp6C21a raC_:r¢man:: t1 aJ Ghaf FGa¢fG: i,v;, Gxaa,sra rw�:r:, ��¢gJa:rra, grcnt }uid:rxtix, and poicaa gD,arc;ng the 3ronL TfiFnl — L rtr.: 'a,�`lri F&ge 4'3� tlf 24 GRAMT TERMS AND CONpITf4lM8 EXHI@i'T B ASSIk'RAF�G�S - C4MSTRUGTIQM PR©GRAMS See Stand�rcl ��srm �2AQ ,4s tag tluly autnarzad rzeresentative o0 3uhraainieat,.1 oaAity chat 5ueireaipierrt ,. Naz Ta :agxt a17.9rtt}' iP apFtY TCr FCtlarai x3515taf'C, arC ane IRsiTM�Yia marYabl'I'al ar�3 tinir[isi L3Fih11,:j lircllkding funds sgmticrr» paYtna rcr-Fa7sra! shsrs of pr�!c91 costs; [araun^ FraF�r glirrlrs�, managcmaM xndcomFlstlan Prprc{Gct�acsafltGtl In tots Grara. VlL1 gh•s inc C•zparsnsrt c1 Hpmclxrva Scn.ntr,', tna Tams Grislcn aT Em,er6areay tAana&emsra, hs CPmFt+nlS^r E:rrsrsl v; ira iJrtl:a Statas xroa, i appr9grtxtc, lie Sian, aia aghi'� m[amina all ractras, hpc•Ys, p¢parc, Pr tlarJsmacks rzaaxtl U inls C-rsr,t artA wJl sstaPlsh a FrPFcr sc=aJrtlrg systsm Ir, ac9traxlx« wtM gansraay' ato:Pka arxaJrtang stxrcrez or a5s:nnr alractivas. _. va+ nct etspasa Pi, mcsrlY ss uss oT, pr msrgs 97e Cann et tra rsxl Fraacrty' Sig: [r G75a(IrJxresl In the sits a7tl tactltlaz'ainla:a PanS,35Un sr,7 rstr4:s.:9ns inm m¢ axarairg agency.:Y'al reecrd the Padaal xW amlrg agarCl' �Patltiai ana Y+11 Intiitle a apY¢nari In tt7a iila eT rzal FrPparLy' A-,3J'daL" In tihoL- G' �M1 p,Y7 wPtn -Gdarsl aSSStar,CC `kD1dS T] assJra n9nclstrVnir,snPn gldJrg Iva uzat'r JTa GT Sn�Orsni x. tR'la romgY'riM dna raa:llmn•,..Mz aT va aszlstarcc awartl+� ag:r:9'p 'nitY r¢gana ioa,s drat:-rp7. rzvLz�x xri aF7AYmxI ai -ara'h:Ctlnn puns antl spen7�.�atlecs. 5. 4Y'10 gra YtSa and maYfia'n : C�mpatam xri atlagl.+Ma affL9C{rha sugmizlan ai tha ecr3ive11on sha M ansJre ih7-t tnc xm,p!sis ynark. cPrRrms x�7 ma xF-FrcNad alms antl spc��^sacrs and wll iJmlzh Pragresin:a raF9rL^ and w37 9-uiar Infcrntati[n as may' a: rajur:d ty' tha a.+ardtng ar,�c»rp 9r 5fa�. 5.. 5VI7 Inttata arts c9analsta 7R wtte: whhln th4 appl'catda tlma 7amR attar raaaiGi pT aFFra':al of tlta iA4relnq a�YCJ. ,. vini asiaaest,sate{uarasm prordrAtamptyecsircm uzlcgttulrPostuans Tcr a FLrpcsa ttai c9ris7iuias orgrzsanrc ina app:arar:na cf parccr:ai cr afgardaxtanal gan17C{ 9liraarc3t Cr Pcrsanil LWYi. 9. 47l] romF1Y'aith, ina Int:rgaYcmman� PVSanral Act Ct i9?G (42 U.5 C. i'y47i3�77163) rlxtlng to prcscritctl s1aru'r6s of mil sysiams fcrFrcg^srrsTJrdatl 7nticr cos cA ass 19 sta7ulss prrgqu;at'.vs zpacifwd In .r+FRanrJ; A PT CPI'A's Sfisraardz tar a 1,7^.nf-Sy'stsm 9T P:tzanncl Atrrirlstgin lR C.F.R. EUa, SPtizt Fj, _. 1471t pampy'.iith T7a LcaGEa.^ad ?alni Paxcrdng,�rcvartcn Ac7 (a2 1.5.G. ��3991 ct sett':{ u'H9n ProhltzRs tl^a usa ei'�xtlbasad F�knt In rorsiru:9cn 9r rztszNl'laton cf ras'sasnca sinch:res. 5a. Vrl,l romPly'aHn atl=cc:ral ziahJks re�thg is ncr,�s9rtminxtlan Tnasa Intiutla tu: xrz mi Im9aa aa: I;aj Tlila'r1 of ana G'rii RIgtC Act M 1964 fP.L. 99-352) whlsri pmMClts dkcrrrJrai'.m pn 1na tasls 9trxs�, rolar cr ratlPnat cM1gn; �;t7 Tlta Lk Pi ina Eatcs9cn prrtsnamsinis U, 19?g., as xm,a,d:a ��?G LI.S.C. ygi 69ti 1693, ar�d 169E-i 6ES and 31 C1,R. ?art i9j, 'rtden ArCTtt':8 dscrrnirotan 9n 1fIC. tasis aT 3ak; {aj SctUan d9< d trs RanaPHtaticr, lie? cr 19P_, as srimectl ('2B} U.S.C. �793;♦ •aticrl FrcrJGtts dlzp•IminxfiPn 9n tlia Easis ct naM'sxps; iN}'9'la ,s.6rs t11s_vmhitix, Ati U 1973, xs xmanaxa (4 u.S.C. ��6161i-5197j, �atyaF--• Prohb� alsiAmY.aGiln an lira oas3 cT aga; l:) z7a +]nJg Atsuss Ortl-�a arc' 7raatm�a Aai pt 3972 (P.L. 9L+!H;,L s a'+iarrr-+tl nx�9rg 1P ncrd�G!LTlratler. en fYra 9a515 .� arag aail5a; {F iris Camprzn,srdlVa AIJktiPl.at.uzs xra AJrohiilsm Praxand9n, TrzatrnaM1arc rzhsalmatpn Act of tiE7o ;P.L 914a16a, as xrranacd, rzlatlng tc rrs,dtscrrriratt:n on tta Gxss c4 a;c9n9i ahcsa cr xipphcl'Srnr; ,fig) ��123 and <7 N ±te P1:t11c Haati Ser�ica Act 9T i913 {43 iI.S.G. �4237de-3 ar.9 29Caa,3), xs xrtaandad, rclxtlr�. � c9nildcrtlaL•1,T aT alPchal and Ce J(' ia�za patlaM x9crdz; yiii Title tiK!I of ina Gwt Righm .$Pt n} 1E69 (42 ^J.S:C. ��v7Ji rr zagy)• as. smcatl¢d, rclatlng iP ncrYaLMminxtlnR to the sxla, esnlxl arthancrg 9T'nc�Ylnp; ilj xr.�' Ptner n9ha5CAminxtlen grGhiSUnS Y, ina sF'aCme a'v1Ela(ij LY 7ar wtJen agrzCmiYM1 to Faa:fa' aSililaf.{':. Is t:ir;] maCfi' arts (15 ina rzgUramcr,� aT am' cthar nardsrrta7'nxtwn ztaaJa{si xln�.-r'� ma{ ssp:y 1� 1YS' agrcrdiient 11. 'la ilcemP+ly'pr ras alr:a7}•c9mpllctl'w9it,thC regJlrcrnanL�^cRTikas liens :tl oTha Urdiamn .?.alnaatlPn Asslzisnca and R,aal Progeny' A.94Usticr. 2a7ek3 Act pT 1670 ,P.L. 9i-946) whdcn prodaa Tcr tar xna epUtatda ir:2alar.{ CT paripr6 tllSpSacctl at 45t}}sa prcpsr,J IS a^r7J.rzd a+ a re5lJL ei Fcttarzl and txc:rxirf=aszistaa pragrams. Tts:sc regJlrcmanis app�� a all IMarasis'r, rax: prop:ry sC.7Urctl ter FrPIa� F+-rpdsas rzgaratass aTFatlersl paNei9atan.h aurcrasas. 13. 'ee'1l pamgt}"ai1h 7',a Frnislpns Cf:ha Hatpn 'c1.i511.S.C. ;'�1564-15C3 ant 7324-,'=�j xfih�h, Im' :he pet�ical sai?rleas c4 amFIP'ycas 'offs: pnr,.*pa! amgdPymicri aat•.mss ara Turiatl h Nh9:a ar t•, pari '..itr. Fctluzl iunca: 13. 'h':tl 9crnprtr, as. aFrAl3aaia, wltri tnc FraYdlars 'PT ina Oieis-6aidR1 Ae^. ;4D 1J.S.C. y§2'6a w 279a-7j. ins C.PFalantl.4M {40 u.S.C. g"s'SP ar,±: 7 9 iJ.5.C.. �W i<)„aet7 8f¢ CenrectNf�Pna Herz an7}Saf:ty' Stareres Aa7 �,ae li+.S.G. ��3s7- 333j icaarart7lxMr stxrtlardz tarTsaarslrl- asslst:tl censi>tixton wq,as7re;4nsnts. 1G. 'aY'MI romF1g '+.stn acatl hyJrsree:C purctaasa ra4�nrr+d'L• aT w:ticr 163{a; 9T1ra Flpca D6as"x :PrOBa9tlan Ac{ 5'.15Ti j? � . 93-3?4j xtr._r", rzgUres mlPlants � a '.peeai 9Paa ha=artl xr:a to FxtlalFms n trc pro-�Yxrr, and in FtYCniSa 71aaa Insuranoa T 1na igtal aasi aT nv.ratl: mratnick9n antl acqusitlan Is $1 G,Pa] crmara. 75. 'rYil C91;1ptf xi'1'1 artM'�'ri'rrr'.aM11xl Liar �al'di 'rtl..n may C:' Fr:scnP:c' pursuarc to irJ7 Talvxing: {al Instiut9n oT cr;'drcrrm:rtai aurt.:j=.nirc� ITIaa5UF3 �a:r'"41a NaYEP 3I d5drtnmEY,'� P611ej Ank Cf i%9 (P. L.91- 199) xz amantl:a try 42 IJ.S.C. 4311 :t sag. antl Exacuth�^ Orc>cr {E01 i 15i4 x'n'9h as27.75r1a5 natler� F+?IIC�i >3aas xha g'+aeetl'Jnxs. M Frckax ind ^.nha-e_z tha amAranmanl, mclurdng prolaston agalnsi nafura� tl�ssrcrs; qa} r7.:ilca6pn 91'xiclxtlr�• 7ailCias Fvr3¢an; to EC 11'36;'�c;, prc'szc5[n of 'watlarc's pursuam !n EO 1ti93G; ,;tlt avatuallpr, ai ttacc haairas Ih T'�99agliYii In ict9rEin^a WYin ii7' Tii999; �C �- a9r13ahti 9f Rrycct C9hLstar'a5' w,M tha xFprc`.':tl Stata manxgcrosi Frcyrzm tlea•auPad ts•,de Ha Coas+sl £cra JAaragsmcri Ack W. 1373 ;i6 il.S.L fij�1451 e9 sae;.K if} ccnprp xlth n•� Csaan tr A91 ci i97?, f4a L;.S.C. •§�?46i xtzw:. ana ExccUilre On7ar i 1739j F21.4Yng tprtnc prc=ctacr. 9T arm aMafxamaM ct +na gtattr' aT ma nxtlPn's air reY11rCG: tL prC71'91e FUaie t•�:6th anawe:tara ana 5]r rzslartq xn6 rnsnla!n'ng ira eha.nsvl, pnyslcal, antl rArde�Jax7 6aagrtf oT 9ra rr-.'�fi'z waters; ,gj pfetaMCn C' LY,dangmWna SCUM13z 91 tlrinY.ng M4f:r �nCar in: Saf: S?tlrMing '4Nratcr Av CT i97d, as amcraaa {P.L. 63-52at; arc. fh} px�7spdcn 9T anaaro�srza sgadss untl:rirs Endxngarza 5psdas. Act c! 19?3, as arnarca7 {P.L. 33:c951- ia. 'h'kl [t,mpiy"Hitt', tha lkttl arc 5CVil9 Rt/cr-. ?ct W ':5z3 (,16 L'S:C. �5g1 P71 ck sag.} .,•:,WJitl 5a Fratacttng Sim➢an:rrs art an'f�ta' NRnperaFns oTinc rvRonal'rA!d ar9 scaMp rh+srs sy'si�n. i?, 'l:tl assist pia aw'a',9ng aSsrl_,t In azsunng iamFllan^x witn Saclbn l9E pT tl^a FFatu,al F'Jsicit9 Presarrairn Act Y i966, as: amcr,tlad (":E J.5.C. ,T�17ay EO ii59a Qdsnffnatlen ana prnla^'trn at nsecrn prcpam:s), antl thR ArW eNgglcil ana FJs1Prs:: Prazcf-naU'9n Ac[ M 1974 jiE J.S,C. §�469a-L ci sagj 19. :Ykl 3usa in Ca par:Pm',atl th:: rzSUrea Mar+�al ana Cimplxr9t aJ d'�S In is9rdar�ca xrrn tha SY,gh7 Aratt.A,ct.Amahamcr's U 19E5 xna Ci4b Clrcxllxs tSn. A-i33 fnP'a• OIAEL 2 C.F.R.2G4.9G9), `AL'Ci� MSaias, Laaa _snmmaras, ana Non-PrcSt Orgarr.�.a-icra.` 19. :L'il C9rnPt5' w.7v ali appicatla tagUt:rnanC ct a:l ptr:r Fatlarei lax's, :sea9trNa crass, r:-gLlitlgr.3, grant guldarca xra Fdt� as 69•rcrn;..rva tnls •2rzrt. Tr1Fni — Gnr" ^rl'1n Razz tt of 20 GRAMT TERMS AND C4NQiT1CaGV$ Exhibit C �ertifieations for gaol Agreements Tne- under���ne�d, as Gna aumcnzetl oY�eiat, cer[ifiae the voila+ving to the Cast aG hiart1a r kncxladpe snv Geliei. ,t rtc Federal appropriatetl tunas n8•re �eery paid or w;i ne Fe;d by er ert teftaiT of tna undarsiprratl tJs arty perrGn Ter �nnuana-np er at[eir�pting tG innuenGe an ctrcer ar emple;ree at an agents,✓, a baamaer ct Canpress, an otficer or employes et canprass, ur an errrpr�yea or a kdami:er of Congras3 in Gcnnecton w>ih the awartling uT any Fetlaral :antract, trre making of any Feda rat grant, the rra�ing at any Federal Loan, ine entering nto eTarcv ccoperatve apreemant, antllna ex2ensicn, continuation, ranawat, a,nendment, ar mcdi[datnn of anp Federal Gtnro-aci,. grant, (Garr, ar eeoperatti•re apreemant. B. tT s�rty Tuntls other then Fetlaral approrriated funds Nava Caen pa.kT or v,•ill Ce pai�4 to any person Ter intluancinp ar attenlptnp tc inFuerrde an oTfi�r or amp!Gyee o6 any apenGy, a AtarnCer ct eengres3, an cttcer or eriplcyee ei G•�rtpress, or are emptogee er a hiernberat Certg�rese in cert:rred[rAn w:,th tress Fadaral can;racxr,prarh, loan, orGce�rati•reapraarnent, the undersignetl snot! aamplata and SubfrQ Stantlard FGnr,-LtL C`c3G:_^aufe Di Lo?17ying AGtivitiea, in 9Cxefdan.�Ge +,vtith ih^ inStruGtiGn4. C. Tne unsersipned shah require ihatthe hanguage oT tnis cen,7�t=.en� prahihitinp-s�CCying ba induded in the awarGti da+^uments Lora':; sut�swards at a,<_r t� rs f,=nCluding s�u:i:contraats, sucprants, and convadts ernder grants, loans, antl eaoperatve apreercien[sy and that all subreGipient; shall dert;Tj ar'ltl aisGs_se a�+rd:�npg. Tn;s ee�t:TiGatien is a rraler;a! repraseniattan of `13:dt upon •arhiCn reliance �aras placed when this transa Mrom was mace 4r entaratl =n;a. Submission et m;s cartrcatien is a prerrquisse for rna�ing or e.nte�ing irita tn�s ti•anaaGtiGn ;✓,posed Cy SectiGn 1558, 7:tle ?1!, U.S. Dada. My persGn •sno fail to Tile the re>yu3red Gert;t�atier� mall Ce su:c;� M to a ei•+ I penalty of nit. W_ss than 310,O�D and frot more titan St00,000 Tor E&oft sus:h failure.. 6. As requirLd ey Exeixrtive Graar 12559,. Ce_armant antl Suspans.>an., anal irt7plerrta�ntad at 25 G.F.R. Fait 67, tar prespau�ive partaipancs in primarydovereatrensactens,as datinetlat23C.F.R. Part67, vrGlion 67-st;ti. r;Federai CertiTcaticn],tna Sucrecipiant Ge;tifr?s that it and , principals arts •re:nd•3rs: t. kra net uecaf�ed, auspanae�tl, pfepGsetl TGr tlebafmant, dadefed inelipibla, $anta�lced. M a denial oT Faders' CenaT.:i$ by' a State crFedera9 Deurt, iNvalunCa:city eXGiutled tfom dC•refatl transactions tty any Fedefal depaftmant 8i apanG/. Subfacipen; Gsrt ac:ess dei<arment interma�on Cy going to- w,+�u.�.sam.aG•: and the State aataarretl t�endar List at:- ,�N,� ,• nc.N statz i<r ucraraeu�enrentrdrdslhr2nd9r GertOttnan4@�Mabaired. Have no[ x�itn�n a three-year perir� :preceding info Grant teen, dGnv�dW_G ei or hatl a Cvvil jutlprnena rentleretl apainsi anent Mr st_•r�rr;�s'en at fraud or a cnrn:nal ottansa �n cGrrnaaGan •witn �5btaining, ataernpting tc Gbta;n, cr �rtorrning a puGlic (Fetlaral, SCata, er Iddatj transact�an dr rxn3eek under a pu:L••'�iv tfaneaCtion, v�"�etiGn oT Fetlaral ,�? State ant :rust stat;t;es Gr cnmrniss:_,', at emba2zleratent, tneE, Tcrgaep•, briCary, falstt:caticn Gr destruction oT raGenis, making Tnlse statame.nts, Gr :re.:ei•a�np sta'en praparty; 3. a-e not piesentty iR�:'iGCE: tOf dr etherlviSe Gnn`,irteFw elf GisNilly Ch&rpetl by a gGMemmentel entity i Federal, �.&te, df IGGSIJ with rr_rc�m.ss:en of any dttna otianses anuma�rrtetl in parapraphtC}(21 u€trrisceriT:;mot>3n; 9, Efave Hots witR;n a three-year parted preceding this Gran[ had +une er ✓.tore puClic transactions f,Fede.+al, State, or IGwip terminated:; ter u"§u3e er daf3wl;: or 5. 4'There Suhredipiarrt is unablr CG Gertity tsa any Gt the statement✓ �n tnis darlifiGitian, ha a? -she Brta+l etlaGn bn exptanatnn to art=s G.anZ {Federal CerGf�^atierc. E. Federal tunds •aria Ca usew tG supplement exist;rtg Tuntls, and tib•ill n7t repiaGe (supplant] funds =.hat navy been apprapnated tci the ss:me purpose. 8�^_:recipient rY�y ba recruired. to supply tleeumentation dart:tyinp that a .reduction in non-Teder�.i �YNu:roes oeourraa ter reams etitertitan Yna receipt dr ex}tactsd receipt otteaaral funds. F. 3ubrac=pieni wet ;�arnp-y .ultra 2 C.F.R. Pori tad, SutFa�.rt C as a condition of teGe;ving prartt Tuntls antl Subracipient w;ll ?e:,�u�re su Ht rn_ mplianGe in a rry subgrents or Gerrtract at the next liar. � SuCrec,ptent'soill com.p'ry with the F?rup-Tree rNcrkRzce .A�, in Subpart B Dt 2 C.F.R. Part a001. K 3uCraG�p�n=, is not tlalinquent on sny Fader&1 cte:et.. E�rnplas a6 rala•rwnt deM induda delinquarr[ pay ref! bntl other taxe3, auGit tli��."riJ�svant3-°5,, antl LErreTd 04t'rpapr�nan[6- Sfa i:'!AB CifGL�:�f h-28 8nd TGtnl SF-$2�1„ iterrr NulnbaP t? Tad adliGclnal :feTarMaiit7n and guidance. t Suorac;p'ent •xill Gornpiv •aritn all app:^able re�;u:!renients eT a.l sine✓ tederai laws, a�eeL^utiM�a orders,. iYgulet!ore, progrmro� and adrn,restrati•re reyuiramenir, p�Iirzes antl any Gmer rayuirarmants gdvem�tg mis Grant. ,l. SubfeG:;O�ent undefsCa�nds'that Tai�r�fe to rsSntpiy w:MTh any et iha rrfe've aSeur3rl :s's rr�dy fesuit in suer arrsion, tarminati'�n �r feduGSi�R ei funds in 4hiS Grant. Pagel t2 Gt 20 TnFnr _ Anr.. �mn GRUNT TER5A8 ANC GOMOITf[)�1S E94HIBPT D Stste at Texas As�surar,ces AS the Quip• autnnrzea rEresentaTi•re oEsunrBCiCi@ht t certiM tiist sunrevipiern 1. Stall wnpty x•�ih Texas Gn•: crnnent Cade, Chapter 573, by ensuing that.no offa:_r, empdy=e, cr menber of the a'ubrcapient's a'; crnrnc body or cf the Subrxip<ent's mrlrGior shall •,•nlc ar c,anfvm the empbyneri of any perzon related •ahhin the sewnd decree cf afim'ty ar the third degree of ccnsanguindy tv arty mr_rntrer ofihe �aaerning body ar?n a ny other Dior or cmp ayes authorized to cm�pav nr sups r�'se suvh ,persnn. This prchib"dtan shall not prahi6:n the enpla}meni of a person •a'ho shall have been cnnairuausly empin;,•ed for a period cf tna years, ar such other period stipulated ti5• kcsl ova priaa id the a cotton or apperntmerrt :Ef t'he ci5car, errplvye_, or govern ng 6ndy nenber rc�ted to such persnn in dhc pmhiaiM_d dsgrx. 2, Shall insure mat ai infornvt�sn cale�ed, assc rhlcd, cr main'aned 6y the Subrccpicn? relative so a. pscject w+11 be avaiablc a the publi: doing rcrnal b�siress hours m txnpliantc x''th Bexrs Goxmmeri Cadc, Chapter 552, anl_ss othern•ise exprcss:h' prohibited 'try aw'. 8. Shall cam.a�r with T.,.•,,: �r•cmnent Cale, Chapter 551, whzch r�uires all scu'ar, spec;, or called mxtings cd govern:menml bv_i'r_s tt be open tr ?he public, exrcpt as otherwise prnvLied 6y taw• cr specdralty permitted 6n the Texas Ccnstiiutivn. 4. Stall wnply a�th a'o-=C;an 231 -�+7E, Teaas Family Cade., which prchibes payments Yn a p:rsvn wfin is in arrears on chid suppcn payments.. 5. Sha1 nrr. car^.rur with nr ;ssr:e a license., cenifioate, or permit a ?hs ovancr, operaanr, m adminis?rotor of a facJdy S the Subrec:pier. e a heath, human servrr_s:, puh5c safety, or lax erfnrcement agerx:y and the license, perm'a, or rrrtficaL- has 6sn rcvokc: b}• arw.ihr_r hea31•� and humor, services agercty or p�41c safety or lax• rnfvramert a5-ncy. E. 3ha3 tarr,ply with all rues adopted b}• the Tcras Commission on'Law' Enfcremerl pursuard to Chaptes 1707, Texas Craunauora Ccde, nr shall prdvidc tie Erarlvr agency •nth. a. cerlii:•catx;n irvm ht+e Tess Cbnmiss�an cn Late Enforcement that the agency is in rite pmress of achie•,•ing ccnpliancc •r{nh such rums nihe Subracip�ent is a :�w enfvrseman zr�en� iegumtsd by Texas Grczupatinrs Codt, Chapter i 7di. 7. SIa3 fcllan.� a3 assurnnnes. k'i hen inrcrparcted irin a grant award or anLaG, standard assurnnccs tantained in the appicatioo patkace bet-nmcterms or Aeditons far receipt cfi grant fords. Administeaing lint=agcnc�s and subrccipients shall maintain an apprnprinr_ tor,„rant admin+s+ua7ien sps?_m is insure that all aerra, carditk.ns, and specificat�cns arc mat i Sae UGAeS Sc.-livn _ 9E far adc�innal guiasnce cn rrnva=t provisansj. E. Sha1 amply wit}: the Texas P'am;;r• Cade., �ctinn 281.iGi, which requires retrvrting ci all susp_ried rases: cf child house. to :coat nw� erfnrcement auihaities an_ an 3.he'fexas Qepartme nt aF C3tild Pruterif.= and fcegu�tcr}' Ser:iccs. Suhretip"ent shall also ensure that z;' program persnnncl arc pro�riy 3ra"shed and arrarc. of this requircrnenL 9. Spat cvmp}p with a] fe�eral sasirsies relating io nardiscrimina6on. These ;ncLde b�! are nvi Jsrrited ?v: {a) T!h V'I of the Cvli Rights .Act of 1 �� iF'.L. •9f3-3521, •shop p�rch3hits d'acrimirat'van on the basis of rave, coVar, cr rativnnl vr;ggin; i 6) Title k.1{ of the Education Amcndme,rts of t?i 2,. as amcndcd i24 U �:C.:y§'4 S9i-7�E83, and 'i385-1Efl&3, which prahit}•^Ls discrn nation nn ih� oasis of sex; riot Scctinr, 5a1d of 2hr_ Rehz6ililatioe Ari of 19 T 3', as amended f29 L;r.S.C. §T34j, which prahitirts d'aar'rnination or: tfie basis of handicaps and ttre hncricara x�Li Qisabilities .+t.-t aF 199C+ inctud ng Titers li, [I, and III of the Amermns-sith Qaaaility Actwhich prshib-ra recpienas Tram dis.-rinira_ng an the 6sis cf d6n'n:tit}• in the operation cf public taffies, pubic and priraN irenspartat�on sr�siems,. places of public acvmm-�dntinn, and reriain teatirg enthics, �: U.S.C. �§ i21t11-i 2213; ,fdJ the .Age Qiscrimirxtticn hot of 1?7<-as amended iG2 u.S.C- §58103-E70TJ, which prvhbiL- discimiraiinn on the basis cf ace; {ej the Drug Abcs Cff'.e nrd 5reatmcat Ari of 1972 ip'.L. 92-�55;1, as anerded, relatng to nnndisvininaGnn an the 6as� of drug abuse; ffy tha Carnprehersivc A'zchol .abuse and nvJhol'em Prcveniao, Trea':marz, and P.ehacilitntivn Art of 1970 P.L-91.6�E�),. as amended., relniirag an the nnndiscrininatian on the frosts of alcnect abuse yr a'aaholem;. fg) �$•523 and 52' of the Pul•.Sc Haath Ser4ire i'et cf 5912 fb2 � S.C- �2?C�dd-3 and 2Ea7ee-3;�, ns amended., relating tt confdential;ly of alcoh.l and dreg abuse patieri retards; fh,� Tt.'e 'Vitt ai the Civil Rights Ari cf 198E !d2 U.S.C. 6�3Ex71 et seq.l, as amerced, relniirg w--� ntrndiscdnination vn dhe sak., renaai, or fnarcing of pausing; ti) any other rccndiscrimiraticn provisions in the sprcific stamtai s; under wh',n apacatan for Federaiassistince is Ixing nave; and (� the requircmr_nLs of any other nnrdisc: nnatian statute{s} which may apply to m:a Grant. iC+. Shs�t camphj, as applirab4e, w',h the provisions of the tava•3acon Ari f�.1 U.S.C. y'�278a 10 2?Ea-i i, the Copelar.i ,'<at d':4 U.S.C. �2i Ea and 18 U-S.C. �6?d}, and F:a Cnntra¢tYdvr� Hn,!•rs and SaretY Standards hot r;S�C U.S.C. �§327-333;?. regarding bbor standards rr federally asssaed carstr�ction scibagreements. 1'. Shal cnmaty with r_rauirrmrnts of the pmNisior�s of ape Uniform Ralocatian.�ssstar,.: and Real Prcperly;v�uisitbns .'t-t.af 197u 'p._.. y1- d•YS, x•hictr prco-��c for fair and equiLsble 62atnent.� persons dap�c=d cr whcae property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally ass;s?ed programs- These req uirements appFy to a�l irrterefls n real prcpery acqui*ed for prajrtt purpnscs re8ardtess cf Federa'i pnnicipaticr in purchases. 12. Sha.9 amply•nslh the prcv:amens cfthe Hatch pnlaical Activity Aet35�U.S.C-�§+321.91. which limitie pdi:.calaiivig•�af enplayees�whcse princ�aal enphynr_nt rrfioites arc funded in who'e cr n pars xr3h Federal fund¢. 13. Spa.! rampty with the minimum wzge and maximem hcura pmv;s:orts cf the F_dera7 Fair Labor Stanc4rds het and tee IrtLrgc�rernmen•ss., Pcrramnel hat aF 19+'Q, as appScable. Rage 13 �t 20 TnCi.l _ G n� . 'ln'Jn GRANT TERMS AND C�NDITIQNS 1S. "^.'Hall ;nsur_ that the fadPiies order tz cm+rnr+hip, ha, er sager; isiaH which shall be. utilced in thr_ a-campshment m tic projaa arc not IisN_d on the Er-.; ircnmen�al Pro{ection,.ger•:y's f EP.A) lot of 5tiolaiing Facilities and that;i will notfir the Federal grarv!or agency of :he rxrpt of any conmur>xthn fion the Gire.-tor afi the EPA Cifica of Federal hclivt'r_s indicating ihaia feciL"ty ta. 6e used in the. pvjs.-i is ancer ecnsidcrat'an for listing by the Eph. i EC t 173e3Y. 1�. Shall rrrnply •Nhh thefload "snsurarce purchase require rt;snis xSection 1A2in)cf the Flood aisastar Prceciian het of t9T3, Pubic Lan' Ss 2&t..E.ectian i t]2i'aj recuires the purchase of:load insurance in mmmun;ias whom sud•i insurance a as,ailab:e as a condifian for the recrpt of any Fedaal financial assatanrr_ for wnstruutian ar ecruisnun propcmed for use n any area dhat has hoer, identfed by the Secretary of the Gepanment of :i'aus;ng and 'ii:rhar. Oevelapneni as an area ha,•ing speaal f'cod kasrds. i6. Shall ccnply wth envrorn•errtal s+.nndards vnhhh may be prescribed pursuant to the mIl7n�ing: fat instAution cf envrormental gwlity coniru� measures under the Natanal Environmental Pcc}• Act cf 1 �d9- IP_L. ffi-13U) and Exeatere 6rder iEQ 1 S14; fb� ramification of valaiirg faolitas purstant to EC ?i?336; fcl prcte.•-li-an cf nctisnds purscarrt tc Eti 118y:7; fd�, eval�atian of icon hazards in fnadplains in acccrdanre vaith _C) 11l35; fej assurance cf pre}ect ean�slercy a•.�tla the aQpravcd state managemcri program dc: e'cpcd under the Caas"sl gone hlaragement Act cf i$ri' i1& L!.S.C.. �y1A51 et sea.i; dF} aansarm:dy of federal actior3 is State #Gear .h�ir} tmpkm enmtar. Pans under Scotian 17$Ic5 of the Cear,Sr .Lt of 15'S5, as amended id& U.S.C. $�7�.Ai ai seq.j; 1.g) pratectiar, of uraderErourd s-aurcez of drinkin 4 •n'ater under the Sate Orir.`r.irrd 'h''ater.Acl of i$7�, as amend fPIL. ad-523�}; and jhj prcteclian of enrangcred specrs under the Endangered Speces.Aet of 79'� &, as amended ip_L.. -0.2DS�1. 17. Shall compFy with the 41';'d and Sxr�:c Rrrer ,4.t of 19$$ It$ U.S.C. �1271 et seq.;: rented to przrie.-tirg ca+raorcnG cr prrcrtia'� wrnpdnents of the natiora; •M•:.! and saenic� ri2rs sys:•iem. 1$. Shall asssathe awarding agexyin assuring xmplianr_n!7haectan lt$oftt_`W'ai>.-.nal Historic Preserati:n Ast o-i 59$$, as arnenced itd U.S.C. �-;� t7;, EQ 1 i $-0 fidentifcatan and protectcn cf historic prcpenicsj, and the Archaeal..gical and H a;or"a Preser,ati:n .Acr v'' 197< f3&� U.S.C. §&i$?ert et sec.j. 18. Shall camp}• with the LabomtorF hn�mal 'a4'elfare het of ig$E ip.L. tl5-S'�4, as amerdet, 7 U.S.C. "g&2131 et seq.) w_nich rcqu ies the minimum standards of care and treatment for vartehrate aninvls bred far gmmercei sale, used in research, Cranspdned cammer tally, ar azhid"red th ih_ public according to the Guide far Care and Ur_ of LaharnidM1r .�nimat and publr. :health Sena:ce Pa!Icy and �Gomrnment PrSncipals Prr_garding the Carr and L'se afhr,;mals. 2G. Shall con;pty a+dh the Lend-9ased Patna R�soning Rreveniian A.ct f42 U.a_C. ��-iBAt ai seq.j anc�H prohihits the use of fad•Sasev pain h canstnadcn or rehabilitation of resic'e ntal siruu-fuses.. 2?. Shall comply with Ahe Pro-Chidren het of i4?C'� ipubf� Lava 1L+3.27^�,. which proh hits smoking viithin acy porlior. of any indoo-r facility used for ilcc prw.ision of aeM-res for children. 2F. Shall cam,ply with all federal tax laws an_ are sooty respansib� farfiilinE a:5 regclred sv;e and federal taxfonns. 23. .Still camp• •a.•ith all applscaGle requrernerts of a.! other federal znd state loos, execuiiva orders, regulations, and policies govern rag •.his pn.gram. 28. had ;is priccipals arc eli5ble to participate and'have naf'hcen sub¢cted to suspcnshn, debarrneni, orsimiar rnelgibiliydetermined byany federal,. state, cr tics; goverrnen�.l eraiity an_ it is not listed an a state or federzl governmr_nt's termram vaalch list ns cascr�aec, �m Exerutl�rc Crrder 13224. Entt'r_s inelig3'vle fax federal procurement have Excicaions lated a{hicni:ihw,v,r.sa-n.c�:v7a:n.aL`sub!i.r�@.{,+. 25. Shall:adopt and implesrentappteable provisions afiihe rr�del HI'J.�'AIOS wags pace guidelines of the Texas Department cf Yeahh as required by The Texas Health and Safety Code. hr.n... 3e:. �ES.Au?,. et seq_ Page to Of 20 GRANT TERMS AND CUNC11TIi?NS �XHIDIT E Envir4rlmenrtgl Rev9ew .4s the duly authaf+xed ieMesantaiive BTSunreaipient,. t aefbtry that SunfeGipient i. 'rri�I 84ses4 ns Ted�e tS.?iV Tunded pra;ect3 Tar �L?entail irTC�,^.L t.�. enY�:tdfement8l f�E).'*. u:fGe. ana SO:SG^.r�piL ^_f-fii@S. 2. Sha�� Subm�i any re+�v":tad screening Torm{sj as SCan a4 passible antl Shall Comply Veitn deaC!lnes esianlisned 2-y TOEt+i. Tim:elines far fine Environments:) Planning ana t�isttlr.: Pr>?:.eruatiem EHP} review process cvIi vary' casetl upon fine ocmplexay oT Cne pra;ect and fine patents) tar envlranmentrxl ar h staricel impaal. 3. snac; include su[TiC,EnT review;Jme witn�n � pNje>ii ms:.nagernent plan to txx�ply with EHP re,`;,;wiremen[4. Initi£ltian oT any aGtiviay ^vr��+r t0 completion ai FEhrAs EHP rev;e•a•'v+ill rasu;t ?n a rmrro�mpliance Fntlinp and Tf]Eh{ v: ill not auihorSxe ar release Grant funds Mr non-r�amptiant prajecis. 4. a4 scan as passible span rhsoeving ibis Grant, shalt provide ;niarmatian to TDE41 to r�4ist tt•iln the legally-reauifed EHP review and [censure camplianae with app::cabla EHF :aws antl Ea'eauG•ee Grtlers yEGt currently using the FEhdA EHP Sareeninp Four Gt.1S Number AeEw-r/tTS�FEFdA Fong r124-0.01 an6 suem�Crng �7, w4?h a>I smpporiinp Cr_,:umert?at�n, to TOE47 Tai review. These EHP rer{uiremerrts incSuve nut xire not lniitea to the Yati�nai EnvSrMnhental RaGcf ,4+�t, the ;Vat:�nar Hetatie Preservat;an A�?, the Endangered Speaias.�;ct, EG i t€ri?&- Fladtp�i,h a+ianagemenr, EG'71996 -Pre?ectian of Wetlands, antl EG i `e29S•— Environmental Ju4tSSe. Sm;~.recipient shall earnpfY wain all Federal, Slate, antl )oral EE{G iet{uire.ments and snaJ obtain a,pp�ihable perm�is and aearanee4. 5. snarl hat undert7��a aim, asCNity-irarn [ne project anal v;au;w res;:t h• pr<uund 4'••!;3t�rtTMsm:e, iaailiN matliTaatan, er purena4e snG use ai sMnar e�uipmerrt �wiahaut the prior approval oT FE3.tA. Tne4e :;nclude'Aut are hat ;mite : to aammu�ni.^atans iawers, enysicel seau�r:?y enhSnaernent4 inVolv:;np gNund d�:I4t�rbanit, new aanstrud:an, antl rraduiaaGon4 to ou:•!ding>.. 6. sna�,.� carnply with all mitigation arireatment rr;easures terr,r;rea tar the proeec[ as the Je4utt o6 EEhiA's EHP feView. Any cnan�,es as an a,:piovad protect tlescript4n wiu re;,u ire re-e•rauetian 7af comptsnca with EHP requaremants retare the project can pr�;aed. 7. iFgraund d Stu:ri+ing aC:iv2iles aR:uf duffing pra•�IX impwmentaaian,. Suatea�0ieni shall e:nsufe manttoring ai ptauntl dis=.uraanc� and -�T any p^tent�a; arenealagiv`aa de40urc�s are disaavefe6, Subrecpie6n?shau immediately cease GansttuCiian in that Brea anal n^ti4y FE 6AA and?ne appropr�sta state Hsstarical RreserraGon Glfice. Page iS of 20 �ta,�rar r�artns anl� cc�tvoiria�ts tsXHIBI'T F Add'btional Grant Cortd'ktiona 1. AdF.fitkonal darntags rsquirins� a new F'ublkc Assistance project 9t� be writtsrt must is reported within [iU days fatluws•irtg ttte F'rajeel Scupiny ntttr3finy� with the state- Federal iea.rrr_ 2. All urark eitust be done prior to ills appravc�d project cantpletion deadkine ass,gned to eacft f�raject (F'Uta). Should additional tune be reported, a tints extsnslon request rttust be subettitted wrttich: a) Islantkfies the prajed.:ts repotting an sxtensiust. b_j Explaiets thr3 reason tar art exte.nsart. c_} Inclic:ates the perc:enlage of avork that Itas been ec3ntpleierl_ r1_j f�rovidss an anticipaieri costtpleitan dais.. The reason for sot extension muss oe basr�d on extenuating ctrcuntstancss or unusual' pr'saject requirecttertts that ors beyond ills conical �rf your j,urisdicaian�organratian_ Failure i6 suhrnit a lime extension regruesi 60 days prior to the end of the period of }aerfsrrmance may result in reduci"tort ar withdrawal +a6 federal. funds for approved work. ;3, Any.srgnificacttrhange to a project': approved Scope of LWork oust be reported and appraveck tttrouylt TtJEA�i and F�fatA br3iare startins� ills project. Failure io da so wlil jeopardkre grant fonaYing. The SubreClpient shall suLntrl requNsts for cost overruns requlrkng addltlonaV obtir�aikons to Tt7�tvt� w8to xvitt tarvrard to FEfwtA frar revievr and approwaG prior to incurring costs. �. Fhe f"roject Completion antd �€+rdtt�caiion E'ieport rttust tie submitted fo TUEbi rnrithin 6Q tta.ys of all approwed work being completed for each prujeeL If any project regorres the purchase rat Insurance as a eandrtion of receiving federal toilets, a copy of the current policy rrttrsf be attached to this reprart, ar Guplts:aikon sat E}r3neG:ts fount certifying other Tunds •mere received to cxarnptsle the project 5, A cost overrun appeal un small F'oblic Assistance projects rttust be reported tea the Texas Division of Entergancy htanagertaent (TCtP=fv1 j tvithln faq days of et�ettpdeting the last srrtalt project in order tea be considered for addetiortal fuetdlrng_ r3� Appeals may bs tiled an arty deterretlnatian made by F�hAA ar TEtElvi. ABI Appeals must bra subntltted to t'[.> AAA within �t3 days irorrt rereiwing woritaan notice of lire action you wkstt to appeal. should you wrish to appeal a deternttrnattsan conl.lined In the project ap�licatron, the ki(7 days tvIIB start. tits dot+ ills appikaatlan is signed. Appeals flat Alternative r3roJects wr141 be swbjeel to the leans of the stsyned agrertrnteett for ilia Alternative f�roject. fsublle Assistance program projects wilt not reeelve iun€ling until elk of ills requtrentertts identified in [he cornrrtems sectisan cat tits Projr?cl Vdarksheet are ntr31. �, 'Muu stay requssi a payment of funds art projects by htitkatiotg a Request for f2eirntbu6serttent (fRFft'4 in t'LtEtJI''s grant P,Aanagentent SystNnt fGP�IS) or an Advanrx of Funds Bequest (AFf�j, acid urr�,6utiinr� doaumentatian supporting your request_ Small publkc Assistance projects are paial upon obligafkon and vritl be initiated by TC7��ht persoatnel_ €'aymertts for open prajeats must be requester! at least quarterly if expenditures have been marts in that quarter_ J. SetLrestipir§nil walk be r'equlred to subnnkt quarterly project reports (t�pRj for open large projects using TLtEhi's GhAS. Maur assigned Grant Coardlnator wilt r:aardknate the due slates for your specNie rep�risng. Publiti Assistastce progran� :malt projects era typically exempt from quarterly reportini}, hawrrr4er TD-Elul reserves the right to require �pfts on any :malts requiring a RQp extension. Tits first quarterly replan will trs due at tits end sat thra tirst full quarter iollowing the quarter in which the project was obligated. fVo quarteriiNs are required far projects that Subrsepient has rniicated a closeout request artsi has provided a eertilicate of Caamplstiaet_ Failure tG submit required quarterly reports tar two or more quarters can result in r�vithhokfirtg ear deobligation sat funding for Subrecipisnts untltall reports era subntiued and up=to•date. P&�8 tc ar 20 Gf2A- NT TERfttiS AND CONDITIraNS 1(�.Su@racipianas axpsindiny $Ys[7,Ufl{3 or rnora in total Fad€�rat finaetciaJ asststanca in a fiscal year will t7e raqu'erad to provide art auwlt rttadia in acccrrda:rtca vriah t?Ja1f# flrtHarnt rauidanca: Gost F�rinciplas, Audit, and Admirtistrativa Requirarttertts for Fadaral Awards, Subpart �. A copy rsf ttta vingla audit .must ba subntittad ao your cognizant Stara agency or iUEM within nine ntontEts of ttte and of atta suLtir6clpana's Pisc.al year. C:onsuit with ye7ur Pletanciai raffCe:et ragaad6nc� this requirentartt Cf noa requirdr% to submit a sirtgta audia, a Ibtteir roust t,e sent to TUEfvt ear[Ifp•Iny: to this. 11.Subraeipiands wil6 not make any aware{ ao eery paray wttCch is disbarred or susperrtdad., or is olltartivisa excluded frorri partir:Cpaaion in tlia Federal assistance prtrgrarns tECt 12g, [labarstt�nt and Susprrnsi�rr). Subrecipiarrt rttusk rttairttaist documantattcan 4alidalietg rceviaw df dsibarmana fist 09 al'gfble contractors. 12.Subres:ipiart9s must keep record of r3quipnte�rtt acquired by federal funds frar the life tycC$ of [tta equiprttant. A lif+} cycle foe most equlprrtanl will ba three yr�ars, but could ba longer. td the fair rnarkaa value of a piece of equipnt�rnl is vafuad ewer SS,t}t70, F�I'�A adll have the right to a portion of proceeds i6 iequprrt+�nt is sol�J. tf ahe fair srrarkat value tjf a piece of aqulpmant is leas than �ti,oC�O. the property can atltar he reiainad, sold os d€,signatisd as surplus wath no further obtigatiort eo f=6144r't 13.T'[}Ehf �n�ill L•� using the rtat•r F�Ju1q F*ublic Assistartca Delivery IL4odal to dacititata ttta writing eaf projac:t m�orksttarrts (F'ortai}. Subriacapient ~,yell lac+ rasponsibt�a for astabtisJting and rttaintaening an active aec�unt in she F"ortal and to provide and upload tirtlety, ail iniorrnaaion requested that is needed tea awrite accurate proFacf worksha6ts. The F'ctrtat wilt provide alto Subraeiipiant vesetaility of the -entire project writinig Mrrcass. 1rF. T"[�Ff.f w•iCl Jae using its rtaw Grarat Ai�anagarne,na System (Giv1S} for Subra�piertt grant rnanaye�ttenl (uirtctrorts. Sutarecipiant milt access Gh.J'S to iniCiatt3 Requests for Reietgburserttants (RFRj. �tdvanea of Funds Requests ;AFR}. Tirna �xtertseons., Scope astct �sasa chartgas requests, Quarterly Reports, Projr�ct Glosaauis, Appeals, and other ilartts der3ntad necessary lay T[7f=d.�. Requested Fesrtits anrJ processes may ba aafjustad and changed to acersrnmodata [�faES preacesscts artd raquerantants. Subraeipiant agrees to monitor UP.%� as necessary ao prcap$t6y rtta;rtaga and cantplala a,n�ard€ed fnro�acts under tttisagraantant 1Ei.1 CFR �gt7.2iti(ay;;t5;, � GfiR �t1L7.33i(aj{1J�aciei} and (ar{�) sttak6 r€sfierar�ca ao inderbct eosa rases. Ftta Sukarecipiertt rttay use ilte neycrtiatrrd, trtditact Cetst Rate ap�rroved by ifs cogetizanl ayane:y, or• Wray use the 10�:• da rntneettis rate of ntc�'llfeed ,oral dlriecteosts jAdTf�Qj! gran par § �f7tE_.k�fiA} when recaiuiru} h.4anag��rrrtarta �r�ats. R&gc+ f? �r 20 GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIC3NS EXHIBIT G hilatate ceritt'�eatio,� Additianai Gfiant Certifca#mans 3u.c-recipiant certifies that it has tha at,ilitytc rnaat ar exceetl tha castshare rewired Tyr all suaa�u�.rds F!a,P_at;Y and arn:ensr�ents tvarsions} underthis GrantApreernent. �i� licatian aA'� " $3stetnent. 3a�ere,�piant cert'Cies than has not dean, nar{�,�ilithera ha, a dupli:xtion oinaneEr�; tar this pnSjeG^:. 4Aatr� Cart?u�tran '> Fadaral �etrt[}�2asura v;�cteGpiant aattiEie6 that it is" Rat dalinquant an any Fadaral Dat7t. M- l'{. L i � '� 1 .�,p�iiant eafiE'�as that ittrcere is a eaainterranc� Agreamant naeded is r this EaG ty rx�ng ct that agreemem? •Trill ,�. rovidad to SdEEo-1_ Fadaral Earecutire Order Y'E898 camplianaa ,tiquJremaMs — IE theta ate any ccncantra2ians ai iaw inoama �r minority popmla?ions in or naarma HP�GR prvjaet 1. .Appik;ant �ruTtes ahat the HP�t�F prajaat result �riiii nat result in a disare^�rfiianate'ry high ar 8drer3e et[eet an ;MN :n;a�re ar r�inor'ty �apu�,tians_ �C ft <.. .r,,eeiaant c�rlii�s that &etien wire be taken M en•ura achievement oiermiran�ro,antal :uat;Ca Fat lox• incema anc minority popul>nians ralatetl to trts HAlGF prajaet Ra�.e 19 ei 2c� bequest tot' lntormation and Doculmirentation Policy and Guideline It is cru€ial to the success of the overall Grant I'ragram and to the timely completion alai closure of awarded projects that timelines be established for providing information and documentation. TDEM has developed a framework to support this endeavor following a progressive series of communica tiaras for the Subrecipient (Rfl). TDEM will work with you tluoughout the RA process as communication is the liey to your success. RFI Tfineiines First Informal Request The primary contact for the Subrecipient will! receive the RFI via email; with five business daps to respond. Second tnfofmal Request A second email to the primary contact will be sent with an additional five business days to respond. Third Informal Request A phone call wiff be made to the primary contact with a third email requesting the information to be provided within five business days. The Regional Section Administrator and State Coordinator Will he copied: Fourth Forma[ Request The Supervising Program Director of Recovery will issue a certified; letter to the highest ranking official highlighting previous requests and an additional ten days to provide the requested information. Final Formal Request A final request by certified letter will be issued by the Deputy Assistant Director of Recovery, Mitigation, and Standards, or the Assistant Director ofthe Texas Division of Emergency Management to the highest ranking official giving the final ten business days tat respond or deobligation of the project will begin, Final action If the RFI is not sufficiently answered, the project will be deobligated, and any previously paid funds must be returned to TDEM. fteferen€e: RldS Services Grant Program Request for information and Datumentation august 2917 laase MmAl t:yr €aM nxniuit, aukrr¢sssnGrJtghrsg you hav4 reicelved gnarrt:. und€mland them, and agreQ to abide by thrum, ssurancras— hdmila orsstru:C:Or) rocgr'arna, hOffilnaltWf iadUrred to as ExhlDllA" �ssuea�ne�:y — �,an�truet�r�n �'rar�rarns, her�Iriaft�:r rad�re�d f� a's ° E�dtf�Nt �'� _ [:artihicrstt�rru fir Gra.rtt t�grmarrser>,ls, kt�rrairuadtc r r�rferred t� as "Exhih,it i:' �tat€r �;f T'exas assurances, ht�:ratna�tar rafr�rrad lr} as "Exhsitrit Cl` Envira.rt�r�sr�nial ��vir�,aa fv�rtldir�59iun. kser�usahir3r reCtrreid *:� a� "LxhiF�it E ,4�tdi9ie�nah Granl �rartrliCirarts. kr�ryiitadtar'rru�Pe�rrad tta as "Exhh�it �' ,hcldi�ionaG Grant G�rt`cflr�atl�rs:,, havrr�iesaftr�r radarc'ad uas `Exltibut�, fda�uessfasr Ir•�fa�rerra�tian arced' �i��ue+t��tati,•a r�rPerrad ;a�as "Exhibct i l' t'kt:d� ���ts�tr;E, aer�tl d~5 atlsiri� Lr�+' a;ld t�C�:s a���l �raeu�ld�d���. d' CaTittyling official Date Rafe s0 ffi 2Q T[?E'A — aeaterttbef i61� Tex�� �iui�an Qf Emergency Management Pr1iY��f'y ��}111t��t S4Yttt�l#tf�Er44: �..gtrld74Gf11",€d4kt1#}P C]sasEef htutrY6ef¢s�,1��5 [tR-TX vrent PeYxyraaYt:.#:;i?'d?D-1� ��im�ry� lltg�text 5.�r�+es �� t�#tv prttrta fd+�Ilt�t CP(CQltpii[C #ssr Jtrdt��6i5: NanYc: h�irh�re# �3, hw#�Y�P P�ffleefdurYiher.S61-�5�-�i�i7 pasifiiotY jJ'mft Ti t[c_ Caunty Budge Fa x Flvni her: �'1-553-d� �6� tart',�et6zafi,IotYfefMt{rtoyer.�&:ihr:un �turti3F Leif Ftueuu�el:,59:-92q-1�8J0 EeYtael ` nditesd.nme� ergi�lhaufPr_'t5c arv� The ('rftiia r� hgeeYE 5+a'lll have Full t; M S access S�st�tt$�'yr A��e�fi 5�rves �� t�3ti s��eandarV �41j3tt 1�# 60t'tQaLt #fit prt�j��`S� t�iante: L€3C7'ttrtt'6i�' F&�ig�p�n QfFlce #�aana'Iser� 3�1-55-3-44�3d1 Pa�sitioat�l�ttTTtte EMiG Fax �lurtiLreA�;3�1-553-1�69�: f�f��AYiYet14AY�`e•fTti1�0.'�`Ef:�Slhi}Ilf'p C�'417n'[j' L-kTl� �LICh9�4i: - Enta"rt' I'adonns.shi��en��ehcuncatx,arg Thy SecandaayR ltdertit Yt+ll3tavc fwlt utu9S access I�rimary.fin��ce l4g�tvk �ea�wes a��PtQ fas�i�ae�r pc�iuft a€c��ta�tfe�r #tn�n�i�t rai�at�rs. t�tame: �ictdy @b1U8Gl�t CI#ficg �lvbnt�ee_ �r1�ti53-�tfi90 I�Ti19tIU[N.{'.tittl TktRe': CL+lEnty /R.itd'*18f Fax �turn�.Lfer: ���, yr„�.✓-sQ a'l� t�f�attiaatimcYfe•rutplatrer.�sthaurt�nurrts� Lell @tuArYbea: E€utael'* cifYdy�.rYua�er�cslhauncr�.�r�t The Pramary FGnance L�trttawc tivi###Pave #uttt�t415 access �srtify�ng �€ii�l 5ertre� �� ��te r#�i��� ra�ar�ntatltt� zkf tlac or��ttl�aCt�tu, P�tt?�t p�ss€ss;ti;Eue at�t�ctr�tgf a� aa�li�at�#t�trds & raster it t� rcYettr�st�fA�r-t1t� �iN�atTf�,�BRtYFP� htarYte_ �I L'15�kfd �. iu#'��'�T t3#flee 414tfla€3ed:8�a-�`�-��Y(y Ita�s.itio€A,+'Yab TtRe� Gouniy+ .kud Fax �Jurrt Eref �:3�f-553-4�6��t ar�aYYirati4aY+°erreta3oyr<f=Cgfhduro G�untp Lelt htutotFier ErYta:bt` r�ltard:ftte�er�cslh�un�t*9xrarg ihrf5-rAc�:ess (�Ick it FtYI6 F Read Qn1Y� I�' hJAtne l�� Ttar abae�r?nmary+oRd'arcandsr� .�gertsarr faaae�r.F aLthase'cst;o- ezrtvteand /t%3h� op�piYizi�n err bnaActjaf ttfis crgarsceisn ,'arthe,aurpase �{ abta-Fn1np rerta?�r sta2� and �'rarrdt firramaiatassista"nar+rm3er,�r Rabrre a` Ste�`ardhv�sirrBre'1rF, 8lrrerg_aep;Rssfstanar,�c� R@�3rtraia sasv ga""-2�f as Kmsndcd+ crdt�erw^iYs agnifobtr�t'r�reary �n�nstat�t�rfrt aad'iYrt Gkrti{tnf� riadcrr awthani4d to reprEseni arts art ror iM+u atr� rsfsirAarar s+r �s+7 ��nanciot aperair'ays �ertp{Wing ia,taas prom x+i:ta zhe 5ta�te:a�3exas. Th�e',4aiiaiarpf Agent w�Vt ,havr�wtttariip fa add arrrxnete users Y5'j:tArr; rhr 7`rnas SYiri,s3rs nf�,re�enct'Ataram ementfl�£1.t}Giassth6cnA ernrmY.SYstnr6 �7uFS �ora:N rarsu: '�GNcste; ,A61 email ad€�re',5ses trltrf, �� ettyi�{ue to trsea r� v€1 {hhw3tbe 5 Friaya�.r, 3ua;�e,. Yis'- E%eC>gGve OifeCi+�f v1itM tFt�.auttte9ifty to dttiiagat� R'unCt � enxer irttst cortt; acts far the ar�an �aaeonj ���a�d �-C� ��r ��i�>:,r��a�te ��t� .an. wde�har 5{5 L � Texas �iw���n of Er�er�en�cy IVia�r�a��ment a+�s't�n�ft�afr� c�� �uk�rec��i�nt A�+�r�t Alternate Ccrn�a�ts (4pltonf�� 3uhr�clE,l�nt: �alllr�ilt1-F:;€acirlty C?Is35tir P�'uenCYec¢s�:t1..9i�� �R.-��f �,rsnt f+rn�.�ra€a: GQ"�1D-9'F3 �l0#i3�tid#Q Contact f_fst a€sy�ddidic�nal.�otatatt herd PJa,a,e; �8t1d��T;E ti/1R��PF�:7� Q#Pisa Nuitrher 3�1.55;�-J£1G� I+ms)tion�kta6TktCe:lst.4salatanlCmcamyA�sditar Fax:dur'rsFiex.�£H-S53-�481�t �r�anF¢atianFenipinpexCslha�un County Celk7+tunb�ex. Emai,f' uandic�:4�li�rresi�asiheanr�tu.ur� GI�tS Access (�+f�&: 1a Falk !IC f�eatl C�raly �i tdc+ne 1;� If this c:�nnt.1R repfac,�4 an cx9si3ki� c,alltiiet, wrrt+� tlaelr aaltle �ela4v, �aclYer�vlse+ ieav� kalank zYr' ln,rk Np'A �lilterr�ate Ccxntact Crs# pry �daiitfcrna) calltact 3titr� Pdanie: CitHce h7cen5ftrrr� i�m51tIS5n�%tCihTitke: :Fa:x i+If7rK,iied: t�r:5aniratimeYjan7p9,YlYer Sail P3uatiu6lar E�nael` �hk5 Ace�ss (pick �r Folk �' fte�d C9rriy �! N�rrYe i1 If til f5, ECl lit�i't repfare5 all t37£I�i$kF;1 ccrntaet,: 4vtit�+B�Air' 11am9� ia-rti���u, �tdl�r'k4'f5fi, deaYt�tt1a nk ar rreark i�+iFS /Pl�tilt"EkatB CQM�Ct f.is't ak►y'�ddltiarriaf:�tslCtact ia�re P�Iantr=: t1#Pisa d9�rnhee_ I'msitiom{Snh Trtke: Fax �]unaL�aa: war�a.nizatiorr/ernrpla},er� ��I'i bFuanknerz Ecrla'ei` CdPvCS Access �plek t j Fudk � kCead €3iwiy 'I,J Pdane '�l If tllfs ec,nt�ct r+zpEac�s eln exist§€tg rtYrlta€t; 4vriteS�lY�it nsm,q baic�ov:, .�Ctlarti,+ris�, reav+a t�lank c,r rrlark id,tA Awiternate Ccknts�tt C.Isr at�� additicnai ecrkltact flea P'tar�e_ r3F#Iee hYtrm{lar: Pmsitir�rY!`Pa6 Title: Fax Naae�ilrar: Lrr�an€�atimmf�rY�p1o�^e�r� [�Il f�uecx�ier; EcYrauf` C, PVtS access (ktE& 2J FuIP � R.eaY1 Ltnly Y�1 taea€Ye r if this �e,nta�;t rrpPas.r�s an ,�lrist7CY� r_saCstaet, 4urite tiCirir rraY>te b+�lar4v., 4°itll�rarfse, leave >rrlank re mark tJ+fA sd,i�:�arip'e• �1tCrsiuC�,rtliW7i��tave,reaMto�nd'',cats.'tdrSso���iy�rvnGnull'�;pfrritraarx,et,icinemgtozhsspFr,nt'wi2FrtR¢St�s3e�}`iaxc�z. �GVK9 � �i �Pii.��� �Clti:l'�:5��5 (71E.W5::ff tk2� 4.Pk7(tjl.k{'_ "a��.ik5:€!d" 9�,r�'ii`��f� �,. ��gnetttre og;4+�rti# i�`g (3��6�i Wkt!nt 1W��a>n�e f�at� t,+;u.ibe & h5aymi, lutlg�, 8r�>;eeutrve �irrecterwith-then scathe ririf t�erbngaie funds & enwar into tontsacru:terthe mr�a�rrisatzOnl SeYlTsrn Lit 2c U tnstr�ltt;ions '6he aeslgnat"aan af'Sutrcee:ipie.nt,4�ent {bSA� farrTa is dt�lded Tntsa twra pages, the Primary �aautacts Qaa�� and the a�at6csnai Alternate Gcantae:ts page, �he� secand 6a�ge Is net rer.Tuired if there are na additF�anal cca•ntarts Cea Hat, in the Treader of the dracaarnent, list ttae name saf.the s�abreciplent the argarrt�atlan appiy6ng Far tie �t'ant�, as'wef6 as the d65aster nr.amtaers and grant pragrern this Casa applies to {the disasternuRru6.aer !s 4 d6glt� long arrd assig€aed by �EEUTA. far eacample, tlarrr6carce!-iarvey is 4��;. �'6ae;geant pYagras�a 6s either PA €ear i�ubiic,fiss6stacsae nr HR+tGi' fflr 6�a.�ard Q�cet�gat6�rn Grant Proga'am<� Aflultlp6e disasters may iae lister€ an ane 1�5t� as. bang as speriflr dEsaster nun7bers are indicated, * Nane of the pvsltians an the p�r6�nary cantare page may be heft YrlanCf. 6�a�ever, the.. same p�ersean rr�ay heald anuVtlp�Ee,persit(c�ras. C�ontae»ts may be le6't b6ank can the addltlaarra8 rantact 6aag;e. • If a thfird party ctrnsr�lta¢tt�caantraetorls listed cart the 135&> the agenc+� that they are empicayed by sTrauld be busted lea tlae Carganfcatlan/�abtplayer ffel6. • .hll ccsntacts �ee�(re a +:irrie{�e etn�il a+�eQress, �;dd6ttcaraatly, cataracts can the �Sr�, �annat share rite saa'n+e �ernall address, fall rc�ntacts rr-rust Taa�re a pheane number fi{steel: Grantirtg a c�antart feall Grants P�lanaget�ent,sgrstem {�d"v75� ace;ess wIQTa61a��� tFiern era perfa�rrat teaks attach as s�.ibs�alttir6g �uarrer6y repasts and recruestln reBrraiaurserraents, tirn� eaeteras6e7ns and srape;�rest rr,�ueGlfecat7€ae€5 c+rr6t6alra the StaEe cat `texas grant Marsagementsystem an �aeha���f the subrec6#alent, Grarttura� a ce`!ntart dead Only access vuill a6utavu a caratart rta v&e+,v lnfearmar6dn lra �a(v'65„ brat they wi6l ncat Yae able to edit any existing 6nfcarrnatt€an themselves. * 'the Pri�aary, Seccandary, and ininance Age�nrs �ifil always >ae granted fu66 GhuTS access fear ai! grants +�r(tialn the faragram selerter6. • �'he senbrecils6ent sera segues& tEtat GhlxS acacess �e added. tar reveaked frsam a rcantact at any time �f`the need arises, w tkae Certifying �afficial rn�,aast be an lnt�ivudual wdQ�ra passessses the aeatta�orityP to sabigate farads grad enter intca err.rarraats an taefiTaTf cat ties subrecip6ent. + 63eath p:a;ges� I@ apfalira#alef afrhe flSFt €resat be signed grad t6dted }�tlie eertlf�iaag tafQ�arEaR. If a Heart i�s� Qs subnuatted vvrlth a different persran9istet6 felt a,pds6tTean can the primary rcantact sheet, t6xe raid raarataCt laa�6ding fihat pasttitary wu'ill be rernaved, �f a nesnr ranta�ct us. added +gin the aciditlanal reanYatts pale;, nc+ raid c�rritarts varlQ he remaued artless they are 5Qeeefle�i 3n tii� fi�lrl nratvirl�ri_ ;N"R;KlrFR FEB. 2O2O } ,4 t7FFICE MONTHLY REPORT BAIL BOND EEL $ 010W CIVIL FErz $ 235,00 JP#9 $ 21969,Q0 JP#2 $ 694,CY0 J $ -- . JP#4 $ _ 249,00 JP#5 $ PL MUN. $ - COUNTYGOURT SEADR11=r MUN. { PG MUM $ OTHER _ $ _ PROPERTY SALES $ - DISTRICT $ y GASH BOND $ TOTAL $ 7,4414 �4 pT,f `c SUMMARY TAX ASSESSOR -COLLECTORS MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 2O20 COLLECTIONS DISBURSEMENTS Title Certificate Fees 553 $ 71264400 Title Fees Paid TXDOT $ 4,489.00 Title Fees Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 29765,00 Motor Vehicle Registration Collections $ 1445297,42 Disabled Person Fees $ - Postage $ Global Additonal Collections $ 58,29 Paid TXDOT $ 62,368.71 Paid TXDOT SP $ 18,249,03 Paid County Treasurer $ 58,056.42 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 4,412.55 DMV CCARDTRNSFEE $ 1,210.71 $ - OLAddilonalCoilections $ - GLOBAL (IBC) Credit/Debit Card Fee's $ 978,20 GLOBAL Fees In Excess of Collections $ 290,80 MERCH SERVICES STATEMENT $ - Additional Postage- Vehicle Registration $ 6,19 Paid County Treasurer- Additional Postage $ 5,19 Motor Vehicle Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 5811634,00 Paid State Treasurer $ 681,634.00 Special Road/Bridge Fees Collected $ 18,470,00 Paid County Treasurer- R/B Fees $ 18,470,00 Texas Parks & Wildlife Collections $ 4,105.00 TPW GLOBAL CC TRANSACTION FEES $ 50,44 GLOBAL ADDITIONAL COLLECTIONS $ - Paid Texas Parks & Wildlife $ 39694,50 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 410,50 P&W CCARDTRNSFEE $ 50,44 GLOBAL Addilonal Collections $ - GLOBAL (IBC) Credit/Debit Card Fees $ 116,16 GLOBAL In Excess/Shortage of Collections $ (65,72) BoatlMotor Sales& Use Tax Collections $ 76,318,17 Paid State Treasurer $ 72,502.26 Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund $ 31816,91 TABC 5% CO COMMS FOR MONTH OF $ - TABC 5% CO COMMS FOR MONTH OF MARCH 2O20 $ 12,00 Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund $ 12,00 County Beer & Wine Collections $ 2,310.00 Paid County Treasurer, County Beer & Wine $ 21194,60 Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund $ 115,50 INTEREST EARNED ON OFFICE ACCOUNT $ 93,33 Paid County Treasurer, Nov. East $ 93,27 Paid County Treasurer, all other districts $ 0.06 INTEREST EARNED ON PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACCOUNT $ 18,94 Paid County Treasurer, Interest on P&W Ace $ 18,94 INTEREST EARNED ON REFUND ACCOUNT $ 0,26 Paid County Treasurer, Interest on Refund Ace $ 0,26 Business Personal Property - Misc. Fees $ 653.02 Paid County Treasurer $ 653.02 Excess Funds $ 11088,29 Paid County Treasurer $ 1,088.29 Overpayments $ 1.42 Current Tax Collections $ 96,284,62 Penalty and Interest - Current Roll $ 8,296.94 Discount for early payment of taxes $ 4.60 Delinquent Tax Collections $ 10,007.92 Penalty & Interest- Delinquent Roll $ 62780,07 Collections for Delinquent Tax Attorney $ 31844,03 Advance - FM & L Taxes $ - Advance - County AdValorem Taxes $ 116,702.99 Paid County Treasurer - Nay. East $ 157.21 Paid County Treasurer- all other Districts $ 49506,17 Paid County Treasurer - Delinq Tax Atty. Fee $ 39844.03 Payment in Lieu of Taxes $ - Paid County Treasurer- Navig. East $ - PaidCountyTreasurer- All other Districts $ - Special Farmers Fees Collected $ 85.00 Paid Slate Treasurer, Farmers Fees $ 85.00 Hot Check Collection Charges $ - Paid County Treasurers, Hot Check Charge $ - Overage on Collection/Assessing Fees $ - Paid County Treasurer, overage refunded $ - Escheats $ - Paid County Treasurer -escheats $ - TOTAL COLLECTIONS $ 954,414.35 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL OF ABOVE RECEIPTS PAID TO STATE AND COUNTY Aa�=z nwk KER I BOYD Tax Assessor -Collector $ 954,414.35 $ 964,414,36 RICHARD H. MEYER County Judge W sir IN C] i n z_ _ 7 0ON _ 00 _ M MOW OF fb tA to g 5k53� to rn II. C] i n z_ _ 7 0ON _ 00 _ M MOW OF fb tA to g 5k53� to rn II. NOR MEN WER RON MEN low iA RON lost mool IMIN alml Alml OWN Vast 1101 lowl 11111 MEN Mal NOR MEN �M m= M = NEW NOR lows Ems Sam MEN mon loop OEM mool OEM g � _ PRO 1010 MEN MEN PRO NEW MEN RON Ems mool NOR ONE MEN _ E r9 ITi __ NOR MEN MEN Ems MRS RRR owe ORR NOR SHOP mom MEN PRO 0 ~_ !` uj 4` $e t ry�m� {si tfi fd -w +, Mom J, Ctowioy. D,0. QED phww*uy(mwbmpadllit, eigl O f�1MconfofoN # a. Pd W44wv suowAcAil ?asp ettmf t�fMC Ptof#svoml F60% i'ad tavww ClkMc As is inglolim Associates, PA OtFA. Eye CUOJW R tanta Psa� d�pa=s��P c �f 40,64 .77 2fw#.0 f „23-5 01 05.43 2.2 1330 Colo m a ,Uic.t. 4kt^rnZS 44 Cats Source Totate Report InuotA 0440V20 COVAM IM196M wi i(Ir Cho Rvak Dais 04MM.1020 IhmoWi WOW= Fix, Wime Omop Ifavot UfAaft Caro Foe 'Vendor AN l? * souree 0044tiption A U* Immm Mai q Fi: d 27i 2 7F 2501.01 e4427 68 021,00 Tt7TAi ,�iti,di �15�;' 4aarN;t�t irwdl.�ry.�.7cr�r^�Yva+s�)�aep��b�`n�(E EWItoun uunly � �krsix t� c�v.-�e ffia€itntl rim vx���a� ��xr�, �axstn iasli€ Eli ou m4g,20 ��tAi 5 A.�stv�7 �� Y a+k69mi' MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECKREQUEST APR 13 cous _.- ----------- El hfvk ZAik �A I. V_ � Alp, 0 MA ctwfi gr aum to L*fm bI44 Cm tin a- ww ma lim w too) IW:AM 1417% is (rim 11=11041 1oo is $1= 441 1 9 94 41011I1. 441M tV Ud II# €v 11104 #fiat'* w 3 IIM of nkit t4&Fa7 it M,4m mou 001, 0 t4- 441000 rM J Into W OI.dMat t4:f11t a 45.44 k3d.403 IkF.o, 441tkP, S 9214,w 04010f s4e#3sM 110 *114M Ult MI .; 1u,W 44now w$ 11MOMM 01JI44 fo 19A 112UNM W Ji- 441 11 moflt0f0I '€.4 5Imtot101101t Is i7,m wLrw=11.t4. 1,304 OI.Ylo w %X*o4tli WWII t# WOO OXIMoOX CMM ,44 45 %wit.4 r IAM,M t1 IWI Wail It .tom mWUL Vk ft ;O1 sok�w 4ru a VIM M4 €1 Mil U€ W to cma OWN= If lot 0tltl;t01 tit 3 $011..W tlfi<k'M 1001 Is Cm amMott 1t4 I4- I4f:. t}. €4fltiN W t t0M4104 WWII "IM is Costs awl"m 13M 1k,W M144 40 Imo* 8 4MA" flf"01 "Wir IN cm 11JUMM it, If Is OAT "into IV 04"A+t 3bJ'#&M "Ita.0 is C $4 3- At, 44 4 Mf"140k 111' 3 $4 €d4 OfIV9 41AWI Is p UCW t&I.tat• l t4 10 S Wool" UP14rdt 4 W15 It m -W 1II.:a4= IN'll; 0144114 to I f4MAN UDI dot "It-14 to f . mm A N tal"M 114 t %10# w thf3104 "MA tt M ',- 0.37 03'^1.. (k HAO ILY $a rRAW W3114 tilt4i It arm NWIMPA A IN 01"(44 e lam Ohliw 1041 ri ft • ,. MA-.. 4: Ito 4"I 4.4^" itl ,'t0 ISI $ %mowfial$I9 will 0 wjAr 140. 4.W "14140 PA $ tO;F:sM W1144 U90Is MM MUM IF3'.s4- III .W HAV0 €gx 6 t#1N W "1)kin - 4I440 tt M€Siht2 M,w t7CRV 010ift XV F SDI tvik4p t twoAt in FAM MLMB 411f1oo 44 414 #o114 m 54144,4441"13f41 4t1 I IN fflt;W VKWM f54a.:5_xvfW.. P$T"M w t ifi "'Wo WIV14 UNMIX n , r 3 It W 4 W MI'll, to I kio AliIti"14 4tsftt i=t MWr tottgllaya "44.. "14-- w0ion ILT 1 5#i4 *4 OVIi,F11 544YIt it CM KKMM PI,It• 4 Rot 16 WA$ ?IA 9 i9.m WA tFPtIfT4 UKOIx cm SAMM M., :-" M11AR=- K,10fu w I M144 W 011If of $494 3.t 1 01.11 441 t9-' 3404 i 4244 014 €kf. UR :gill If 3. oo € AIJ W44 to 9 90"1014 ON 1104, 14 is nm '. a - - 151.4I= I5f.W 4014H to & gift, Wu 01111" A", 41 tm MUM1WRIfT 10,44 ftiol ri t AM W € 11 41 14KP tf W07 It 4#n t1f4#F10I at F "1ati,04 011414 U*U As im mmilm foiM4 MI.W Ye{a m 311 _ b °RM OW tolillib# 14 I4 It V �.. A4.t1= 3 suer W40141, rj- t t0I0I. 4 tI14B,raa 44t14 I1 rDm wMmmus t$ 'k#; it W #14010 K F ,t04 0i'lum 91A 4 II CM 0XIMLIn tuooW III Ilm wtam I&I I mut.w TIAM A4 31104 41a Jtoo WN #fA044 9-10 4*4 #ijF3,jk It"D 4C k4, 4I 7�. �w4wof A I 4�EC ,M fo3I0tig 14444; (A WMAS fuP www 4I l"t win a IF{2: a 0 4I.f VAI ! RNA w 1011fif WIN At ��y�t� "Isom WIVA 441"t CA ICS I4,FI 01"M PiJ 4410 #4 43dtON tltli4 €1 1000 HiKiff lut 011 tAt41fit 00 Tin tun 4M:4 4 WA §09A4 w SbtWo* 1tws a WAIL W 1hP16r" 101n 11 wA m uff:.tTw 464fiP ak 4' to 3id'J4 O 940i4 S4b14-.414F 491kVA 100Y 0, N3 n @# 44 f4.4 4t"J f8.;f4! 20,40 W44 W Ptl t4 3A aF do N(1410 KA 41 96-40 01tHm,, 94:30 a4-40 OVUM t 14,4,4 N- All 4'tS'49M pa 5't4$F4+44 &M3€da�f' i4�4et �, 4i€.%„� 4f4,. i0 f�i1� G UM tot 3JfWI$ qW4 A I an A§4.F1 M,4B WHO* ' Wit 161 4ft4> I 54" W 'M 4A TO 4st'"HAO 14W to rf4unt W44 to 01% to a: N K KWID m '.44iclo4 APd1wn u"r 4. ImWita. q JOIN b4 AI *09 40 L 94 to 04ti..f" ' "pf a MR W" W,:$4 "M40 04 4of4,404 19MM SOM A4 fin t!f 44 414 04 404414o 4% 1t4."4 xktnjit `gn-t4 Ir > 1-1.91 MIT WTW- 0 0 FM MR, 10 III -Mill mfine on F3.4'F Wo 0114140 to MU M 4110J`N 544414 W On P4.4$. *T 4 FS;t#&f44 im it 4o 40P413=1 3A4 44 3 OR, 3.95 SM 4 f0 14G f40 w3i M aRMW UfUl, it Cm 49,40 0,0 afmits, to W&4 W 4ldW5.t W40 tit an 4144 tAla J'M* RA 17204 40f 48 001 kwu PC 31 -it A B4.i§ ttw" " "A t--914 Ott 4t)Q,t43 "11sl m j= &,11 111 fi4 61r1 14 fu Maszl 144m a an afs.za 111-" "mW f WK 401 Witsal wxftT ti' ant S'iA 4f 1'4 0 olf Mt1 M 5614;etZ1 ±itlt-g oS CM 60 3.,i4 WOM no g 14m441 un suluf Q im 44t.'tf W44 44f44f t14# imi 4F m.w 44014 K On M 49... F9 ak Its Eri.RA" SV4013 144'44l PC on i1.44 F4,fi4 19.`f ..t''74 "A V41 , k MUM 14vi) m an 4Ftt4%. 0,, 441'4�f #fJi 4. 4 4sJiSSf T $%>444 +*Ft r41 Hii A j 5t4Y4 aw 4tff:'11a3 mml v an 4N21,H ll'$.1$ 44s40" Ilk #trio 9$i Sta4°1 R 4141M tT an 019 110 14,E f43. PA 4tt14 f V14104 Him (A an w 44 334-to f4JY. em PA it mt 13t+RR!'d'0 "Till tr an 11.34 4,t,4x 44,f M FJ- M0 & t1444d�4"4 441111 CA M 3#4 `4. M,21 41,loy' 1 no tMI tO F;JW A WIN w CHI 4yt it tt V 00010 146n% to F1a41,9J4 4ion4 ex d IVI t.4t 0414010 ju F9;o1144 F1t tb4 a OR ?A 11 +13J44'. 9 no W010 31,r f44 U114 f14.f4 45P.1e foWel rA V01ccI$w s1sw28 31nu ti; an F.54 4.44- %).WW P. Wif to "10f44 5A711 CA an 43.vt 0,IN VVIC'44 PA snam.w 31t001 bill{! PI an 10.0 4r••41W% to 9 B4 40 t5Mf$ g4offt 97 .- 4,'€4 A511 6114010 44.1. tfjt4'_44'd Ffs0Ffi3 "rk7p€9!Id 6ff f1# 3 f>t 1fi649'P P WILM, 11i'OfsJ4 5043 N Un W11001 f t4.4#9 4ffti41 %T[Tv a, an tf O4¢KA4 to }FkY4 m Fkdntfa sAnur, Yf an 111 At M 41 GfhOw Kit Z; ffov. Source Totals Report i idd € !0 ,20 CAA indigent Heafth Cato V1. ° fky -. 4 9.e� e�tl.:V!! �r4i�d 4.6 014 Phy '; fttia 146ww 02 pmlrtfo�Qn Mal 31 nuf4i i' chmics a,1r4g.00 35094 13 MAM = Inpaunt 1400 3% -gel M007 16 14 i . 110i Oulpalml 414611,02 16,120 tl 1s Mnx . idf Uft 4V1.00 expondilufaa 11OC324..51 41�913 11 16 464 75.. Grand Total 1 t0 01i4 is 41164 1a; 'ae.1�4.57 n �ar;;;arw rohruary arch API may Jutw lily Aligust We"ttwo r to"4r Novombor Deftniber +5 2 a 1 t 2 0 0 1 �. C�aaar,�ry �9kC�1 j�rr§t Jul* Jlif Augusi Odobolf Novembtf Decembei M4ki40ty Avg 2 ecemtwi 2019 A uw PROSPERITY BANK SEAtVUM"t irate kw x t likC �•t� 1,P§dkk,Pk+ �� CAL CO r Oia-1di R4jALP<AXC R1 LAVACA U 77 M 92a�S r5,��.G`4�It k:.i7�WkZtt.��7 �U7?i"� ��F'p'h5 y� ° `�t'4 it!w.�dwf+Ei' dPF�t, �Td�r`k4ti+ kA6'w4E1"i.. k�SS' AF3k�d;M1ti'{tA� trIPGsA�A'f�t�# rite Ow WOW# of ytttat atf ixmvt AM at Watt • dfy it Ow Infovail m hm chigVed kP A6a� t�eskrss +'o- � � p�rtC%'€�84kr'ktal�k 1tw PhOCAt i6d&ol nt to* hairwil liv hmm AdA*Vts of Ow bLnk 1 Otaow Tt* diwrfi 4kctow + fet u Wwol [ tkttdre ti a cud fripTOlms € ved to k1w tKnl Tw by tbv Yt"Wmt zit' PIRAlk "smfew lP AP+� Ekn�st 6� d �t7ar�st�tt eaa � EKA c�ttktr< A COPY csi ttm- Nafrr �" cOAkk7 AMC Of 1fKQTP rCR4Wr cat A COt 09X0 d"atttWfvt AM An Ks ! arvr,�e eft+tk Ate, kt a &cabte } aa�:r Cektx CFra<i it�AAa kits. E p�. an aA�`,Vd �vraP At#,� Stmakrea. tkP,� f CI M to R t�t•�a s PT,�RA to#i74 S<. td$..6� t%3 d Y-dt? Skis. si T�3i5 ta7•N S�P.�T�.�F k� tr7=t� �t3•a:'=b k7Ur Wtt atb'b,.1; 5 TOTAL PAYABLES, PAYROLL AND tLEICTROMC BANK PAYMENTS 2078479AS `f MEMORIAL �MTMWL=-0 �"U R ^, I V 411 I;!lP 492I KV0261 4r`2 02020 412 UAVO T1k3.{is :V axii ' w€ d S41s 4a IM,'GI E i '+7.-�h'i'f'C3"�i SrL-f.,,7kq IkKagSrei ?ACB Pgcsrjij.dxrl xis! '-' as Amvoc €at..rcea .A re}"t; Fy paxY ' 49CA V5 nAjj 0 .'S:. Rzra�s�R� �l��Rt�Qrl� �a�k R��gm�oTts d.' Q VIX' Cicw ll C aA a Lech PEE Alctliw QQ TOTAL PAPA , PAYROLL AND ELECTRONit 13 Rc PAYMENTS T. 7SA xF�LN:F�R� 13E,i��. ��,fP+dR�S•d'�gJ��I� #�i 41 143� 2a,20 vjIJ;r. � i ., 4f 4x, The Cgescc4ti i2.wru7ems ri Nk 'r*ar,�i+� 4s'-V9 ..W sp;Ft, + H'3: �. t L". -ko l_ m k Heaqtuu [rTru. rarA: r 1.641mv t mrft ro M10C art � l,'F k - 0 471Rr 02tr UTi 91.77 Lp 9: :.!:,-r &.... t'No {3ri: ILI a$ t d4P r ,,. e p7vc; FEE ltaxas, rl yn •,.r'v5 !n~.Pii w'l 6r_': ND AC' GSSE C'-4 RE 'ir. 4CKI Q%) 0 �A) aka'. Vi F# lorqa` {.ter_,. R ar4 Pay 4.r ,LA t w Aja.k5 a i a,,. t1� ! x^"a r r>!_Aa,. d L�+ y: 0A w my CaT � Ex c c, tcr4 o it „ f;o r;l Gw ms J,. Pdk .V w r � 1`4�`t'ru'EY% 4jw :,�•x7 Dank x C4 . qcf 2 24�44. a*tt: ra.�P :.ex;; . e {, 116 x.:,.. CVO €f u rArP'Ai F cl-VIu taA;2 ;v Fr2 it 0 Qxf f.au crrr I;• 1`, a:XYGGJEN' `ak-a :p-ahi Kormtor 41 ; - G,z: [Kw�; 4 �jM,-asap' NVI AST * P,:2-=!AR 4, t L c,:.. U..f'k';#4 CWJ 146 i jrx 0 pm e a7 3,4p t ; U sse .F r,, es�r�xa Tram DA sTe EA Lam Ot 4;Pa5 * a P6p f"eM gul i#ss=,�;r.:' 4 nam GdA F4T.i7 rAr6.t-f�. t s3 ,`m G_V1lt n"NI f,-W5 'rj 0 rx.k 0Mu riq EMIA ALLY'SM IRAK-wt ?,tom L7 as u"k".; 0 W € 46S rW .18 AAXIA BEVI-PAXil v CAOAIPAI} f a. m 47e —o Tm Ca` 0�I.tY $. fW,,+ 6s P41 CBEs e [xi!ex.cgq !6:_•€',aJ pttiF 000 Wv I -:s S irouh ,C '. a [ .,`£9t;d h.V.� L: IX fir re2t. : f 1N i, 'tdYA T CP, ACIF OKKI,A: tie`,4EP4ulE CCIA'APAW 2tw 4: N. OOCI Lr dS- Vq� , To a° n {fin hj; r<A2- ,4u-r i C. 3'RA'a.If 8A1 idr• %�EK! k<''. e N6 Caraxaa l Yait<T' D'a. Cm cAsi % D 3"ae , cvi *A> rf W'Pa"d" tom' A#W20 klV2 /"iu, HA d::l' D Im lrsv+�-. -� Tr,Na'1 kt�rep.Tas' "kr'? �xGy�� iissxr^a: d�" F:r-{ dri a d T Ai,NT� u PAA-1 A Rt'. t'R#om (',;81'. A�'k,4 t egi i ix 13:49 fv t't %fR` 4i9`€XI, LIUDe ?.+$"-t CvA.Xu_Tf_n atom': g . m... hrral,, O 6t :§ R'wn III uri P}^.. Gkv rl Cr*;* ID Piz' Gkemt {J;s: Y: A •Y:?, c'Tf NO -�42 i h .p..'' V„�e'�' 5ra C`�'"�:'S O T�2IV 39f, Kgr7 2r' G, (o A} `,.iTi 7 .. ,a�:r�r (�C�NTRAC 1[.'ti3`sM 1:6 w.. tNts13,..+%A,N:.x9:*' 382a:F 01 m#;.., ,. rl F9 E . r&ibr':F=4kC: ilVI SsII(Ai.44ri G. WAvvm ,.. Fs.a;A 143'S 1510�Rlj ES Fyk.-j.T n"'S I1-S 1;Ayrraa["Fs4 I ,� C"P Lh.. EFT, C?WN, v rag rs3vc'sj, Lxv kel rdog d,t,A<Y_v �«; 4#dA ,✓Fri{�.'9 xi7 �1.#,i i7 e.te ,&' .'ni. F�No 07 E.. 1.'.S741 CY"t`U411 500 S F t_'v; °'f37,Ce }.Cki ifi vl? t l+}Fo:v hl lar,�_ t_Fr, gra Tit tv-� �[ii Ckat G,: Qt D Pit 1;:»cs.. CI:^"=_*.a,!r-k "{.,y k"Ry ! COi'a+iy�b£�,EA'>xeF,t$:titi Pit, . 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Cr Ua f,1 i!tvl ct�ra {d pa) tf^ sx D,� -m GY ; Pal, Ppr�•q od'I.1m 0441 t %31 913.:s <� 0AW ll 12ill 3.00 0 0 ..x, `,' rasiaxiu< Nm room E�ffqtwa I b, JoA ti;=4, Nr ne, It t j F'?:z.'a' tell f7R:.`Frus i, ai rid ay±l t!Efi' +Lk.ai"o cliss kWAN f fm h v Ut CrK)a 15 r"qld` n A�. u k _-a"aj Nuh 'rsk. :W NJ T2' nd 1�n^ry.;"E 4'7e kkA '.. '."v"'r}dl-c7}:`xa: 1'475�2q ,iqu All 0 AM oImJ 4$ � k11'1`i , is 2 E3'r .• rka IO 29 r014691� Ud.;a"Zo Ell d9 0gYJ i;1. �s;.A1 ..a,.254zo s,-; rF vil raa Q ;YK) 40 CTr „ 211,34F+ k"P114"am Cir:�;yIT9Atrr7 r:s W; 41 n: kx'+ .� �t!•&'�,r�� ,xti �.^,zu� �� x....�+;1� I r �,: 'F ra,7, '�,.'�� t �.in n.:: i 3<+ =='S .W 7 I�r^s3d w s.'VpLv2u pull VM GLVAVV, 1 n 4y. ; Gs7 21 p5 1 4 4-A . t r.v & i'a 4wte� W 04s M r gpt' 'z "mot _:., WIx. 0 €c33 t 6"?O Ew e°%'cr_i 7 0)..Td .`t DI 4 A r`r;€ft:. irkr VW ) CAI 1 W,22) tl lm €.„+ ..°,',' i :FT 5':y± i 29 t. P 5.. u1�rGai'lylg'� �� 3kcx,; r - -; VVyiO um i'r::o cA%,,,T.7,, lip ..44 Giort 1S ^aT y kq hht WMYN't,173:al' cWzla1.`Zu`tii T°.v:0.dy' IJ:ti4'+J fl yn„r l r#*a .- I-5:;Ksll kit Et C$+ 73T FIEa"„fl'a nY>1:h 4' S k.!-.P'' I` :? #i519 r'4, 7tia:. "5v td.n �FwtA 4W42W p Y. '=R. P*j rfA 7rcZ-f,1 ,r:a t7H G'_vs r? FSuMC; @f`a$ +i+rug 1�rA ea-7. +a :$ 7,42H oyeV, jr.Gll� _r-kPVs 5MAFEE GF'aY`Ta'.r I .aur V41.+Cd_AS B+J-.A, k TaVi -Al 3.2. FA.Xti QQ%.:.. 4f19 d4W F ,T5 On GrSfw_`$de �' 4£flFo dydx"�` a4v V a':1aea? .�46..P't4}&i tmi'd_'ARE5 vsIT A711,Ia;'C y::... w KW;*+ C� e TmnEm 1s" Vt 31 l rug k€ 9 PAY dot DaO MSZA ff, ,,.zA. 0491 K2P,*._t w '+k1t47X70 a3'7V2-Ed0420htw 41.ist s4s,js , 9tw t5 `J*w w >s:. x' 'ram - RJ +5 MKYAWA u' i2kf €ice# ki t j8 skFrk+ $W A.4(6;,�§d zaN I!Ag 3A lGm r+�, !AgAn _ ,t�ti; 'l+'•a€' e0 W'�ex $aal^ CTm a'13i u C AV wALST1FP[YTO A= ?'-¢ 4e`L+L1LAd1aA_ 'sko£tt ! t' s.-u_. Tram Cal i-�'L€i 4: C:9 E #,'..z V h q' jl��4, D&aa .Od m�.Ao "' ' 1 720 AL, l.nV�'Sd.nzW M aa'l^" Wrq >i w' S 41S 4a@ gt L .;. xc fsl5"G 6 i1f I I �:42'a pl ya.eg.�nt.�..r3Tr 'S''#3i' .,x i t/3l.'}1 M ?L'>a*f F+.9 ;'z?. �.IY'4`E:.i: �F'xt3•: + {wA sra.y Y.y k .RY.:18 KAM-TfI Wyt'It ��I`� i. ..�a�=�E: Gi aj 043aj Vmnknrt i:.7 Picas Lw,, W BJ4 Un* C±M Z?*CA 0 V.av u. ,m CEr nt-.�-�* P#o Pay 1 AJ} 4;1 53 U v,Uv f".2T»in'+51 I�.. S�=] �S :;'u GIo iLtI fi4CV'`sr K; CA*22c,) iY r"3M •,t .7.0 i%3'; Ty."t} r wM wTgXAp Pp'y .� P, n�E From'. drma_u,€T1. N2 Pdy I,LY'"a] 4.9YP�"�L1a-!1i f'S 3}Y-f; , 14s r<S'.„a 4.v; t;# 9;x=-�:xd `1a��2�- pia sa I'a:N•C5n5� Tkan DI I..,M LALk. Ali vooss Lm�t* •%1 Yi+:s-F".1rA he 7p'l.'Ks j I_'.d+ YAt r }^a him au 15- i 4?f�l^i 5_= )'Wz #ia Ss �... vorrlo.A' i rz 491 %'t`va'.'d.Hr Pr,L'ftt5$ ,.55f CN"1{ ZA fmx2 FaF Yi t4' F Mix..a_v 4F{yxg. '>.aY [iLPi KKi ra n Os V# 'la'v':et a 0iwkl+a a'a:€.:a. ray d_.;.r Y 1 Axe r ., "OeWrr,. rir€a; rya fit' krv&.c4 u:"raru-+x.r: 7rar'xi>M J- t!1 f:p,,~rr ry, i; rt?s.x. B't PAD 0b'1-4° u'�•s wl ftr.:. PAV "P� "945 r§= aW' V-! I1„ N a4 2?6rW 11�4 ..e`ti, rp atia P CAta ..rcw art' "u €2MT'`LT kx_a. * d.E 4,. r,.}`fxe. 15 A @F„ 1_h`'iM'yTURS N 241 X1 fork.? �� ; N1i, T+ar vgi l:wv "v''#y's=k P ti:: i RS1 pare (:IZAS V; STAA tlVWN-is zz Tra7 gY trz (A rup P_-1 U 44+'e'- 0 Pay rj- siA4 f.}s�,'.�. ,..y tv' Pay No. L�Id;tia�"}r06 r<..: A;#, ,'2'�i %S ,' N,-• ;1 VI i 1QQ 2t2bt F3 14 i4.4 29 q. A".l R:rTo,'41C i ljf'iYrS I.f,,.`Ur4kr?m U4,34F M7A?k4,ANI'S `e..aAM I,:"a Al M. ry 09 2e 88W 71 nu14T2 M a' Tr U T e` k-,-: cs C; i T i afs 91 k':� Lk ILlr Ex D: e k fr Vmj terms L x '.. .e' ti PW r.9 6�rk7aA It: "r 5213 U ar'<Aa+ rl.1 i.3 221 P:�G .44. fl Car..l 4 +�';; 540 60 Y 'A•• k TgLih4hrtdm i'ffr`t:.�A i' ITAS gy'da,'.P.ay fW 1 And"U 0 ri. Ipi Y'S W M XDn r, sir. x4elp •M, MPrs 9-ax Vm:ara R -r a r_ m F' C 'dI!.A ifr-J ktAN9 IN IgViTiNIG CO 4P Cc, :. ,A,^& Ts ax B_`tf ism fm r,14uo i Fitz+. , tY f'Ay €;zags D-,A kk€a's Nam'-F`a3' 15.77i�gWg' .IL262* U3A 4&,3 43 Lk l" 443 ,r. Rai I Llit w , 71 'S.A, r' � I.'rgdY a: 2. %V?9 h7vT':Ln_rtte t l Mr, rro Tt AS A'•'e x..ka' Tee' -VI f&..av4f F wrw Pue x3, c=:A:Fs„ J ti&f Pay 'f3;3t.'. tft I,att}arl+4e+P:h'Tia = e u.a•, ;, r,'. .+ t i.7r "t ;Y Alf Lit Vct 3sY Vu-. :kr 0" Wray T:o: R,rr%6 ;rfr 1:s9.„tea d 1'ra.i f:s a cv. fi_f'i D. Ctm ls¢._a L§ F 'F, C-rs, @A ,:aa k. °.S:tr -4 4M tr::`3T R„til a' -y ,,. IF.0 4ll'u_'.f 1. r_t a: _4 irk":-5 f,ur.Af iwj I:AF.'i•• 4:,T .. ita: % iif O JI} ^l rq 3F1;" F ;p i i a} f! SP:i ;fie rP' a a ,^ 3 ,i;Iitn ku.,� f 5'd`:°a :`3a ;:+. eat i k f � ..,,.: Ot sr.2fk WA L3 hr�.f r i qr,�A3 �r a.-7; 3 €a;'a t _ 3 kiNIT �0 k "i 4a: 61 4 iJli!4,. ,yl rl.,P.is x as--1 yy44„'i: j010 ib f';l`P 4011 b'+��sF_-�-�:.�a-z d���•. at Pt".�3; �`vfr f:-i. e.•; �"t! 'w,;�-�"'r-� nY�f. M217£ 5d.,�s;T::;aSCNSt—DtISAI SajA K.'& W'ity; 234 €.a$ :9ui;, I, r4xs d?.kim FsJ'a1'._ffic rm ENM c C- ten,- U pw c tr-x: a rI-A24Y W Wv:h5d hki f33T,Na ,J CA 'I ry2 I "k1 &T 'd{sa'ri",5e'4 v4:A'a$A $ti dy' f 5 'g%1• aTion WNr kv* f:t- n ^ IT Fir 3Ao Eq rl ' N 6.4t�j %w f"a) is.•.: tltltVi. 'FlrWL.rJ Cali W1r 1f? 7u 'I DO 3FjJ: ft,Z"�Ca f r„li;`g t i +Mt:)N FEES W.3r 2g50C:1 I:f MI 1:L*.i ;.P ov iqA v. +:.k?FY, w, ,.. T:o.3t f`:4.3 hw" w'467szo 3.70 �AL %U 7! j :Tl?1 :%A e... D*Ko.'t-N 45-5f&1': Ski Vevw;�Zvl Y S'rj*i Kay . r .:k^.1. Pal rntoo,. htr"ir�'F P.€ C'Y• r"i-L' :*. Sd,F.rr'Y"'}; ,a 17PC, @!1 1mm 01 6ra E'.1 [ M D" C >z b Pay =vwWA fo`,*-FftF' !kea k$a`fl i a aus a w v2AJ 4$$2&21 Q4`-r1r`aJ xI e? 'i 0A) fAll, , f , j r„Y`.,2c" !i-"1 AA! "J 11ZAj- jjr rye t7' V ru l� „ &u4P Pt . _. 1 GK,%9 S.T% ..: " 1`ysd,(5� M crI tAt•:',k,_ W z' d as-5 oq ul Qq vl:. i.:x�G 7.-Y iv ..: v 4¢'v<i,"+i € 7.y f -..' f i7_u R •n C'; v ..d, :"'t'4`';I c § ZOO 08 ;1 W Qi Yl Tra t,. 1 f*M3%qA,"w ,- r'tc t 4w F312 7A-N UA 2s 32M .'_TiB e r)i i4... >: gba 69 a. psi; : t ^, xv t ' f' 1n., L b i.'T -`iFs, Y•z ,g : _ b ;f Wt r'K�LD � tW I A e.Nl. 07YI1;-;'�7 V. e -4 :fin VI MjoE:xa G kA',197417 t"' cwl �.7.1 rlDgl I,.0rr: a—' i'101 L§'' -A'74d. r, 1;U;I St:.":^4l'if S 4i A 31tvtAtM CS Al �TVLWU �r_;Fta:l.iffi�: f24 &r ZjzUA U Fi�.tJ •k., i'�'.9 i;,.$s'+ ;� C+� AF3�':��� i.o-b'x «-�`.X S tPPUESsliPputs I ;aC,�$d;F�A C!*?xG„�axLryk,•",i %7"�d5 m77; :y+1^rd^y.IL.^ 9F e ,rra'fi ,. tAG.yk s+l c„St� 'w 64;r *l F,IJL p'uEG ..e Fa -1 a,,: x? 1r �kY tkg I'r- +d nu'WMp- .rIUIP:v �#2Sy, 4i2q Lo-§ r''%'42 fir.C,'i'rttkj SUMP DES W x.4a li,:: I g A ri r!ri "a.nr;k SA m.t-k a W r r r A.,; 6.y?, .s. drti lg J.U'4r "<f`ti, `b3 ji ., a'xsi '; w 4�A ;r €91 r MA ff le. its'f s �fi: rj etif;} an rs` La � _I)ifs: ,va4ti xu C477rm li!5 � ,. �, ,.3:{.. �, In lL�hy lr,'- p#aak*wr Rd: "r€! i^r,_..; '1^ ;r, ::"el i`r, R" P `im drl .•# �7 Ne13 f", ..% kff_I J',"%-k4;2:v 1':R; l...I'-A Y.s{,119PAO i s*1 S t,t ri Rt :k`1 ddA 1:S- 8,f.+43. !)OT&CAJ Cj R!J-14L e �niv'ir.+E3 Cx: ,s W4 li Gl 01 alvUl De DB n,,.`r=E DPaq.. tJvw, [T,&NAzm,, ve Fw URI tkY, I7 1 eAA W. b ua pW2�u 22i:3F 1 R'A'n N^kk it, 5.'a'7D t't rv7 ma 11.4v� N::smtt Np ;!el�Y=i pdi Pk GY Y-&n,�Y.�"':t'rt;Pq'i�3',5=2�prrxv#iR��a6. k hii xIftC�IIu f w& lZ58 kr 3 u';. 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