2020-05-06 CC PACKETCon-imissioners' Court — May 06, 2020 REGULAR 2020 TERM MAY 06I 2020 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON MAY 06, 2020, THERE WAS BEGUN AND HOLDEN A REGULAR TERM OF COMMISSIONERS' COURT. 1. CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 10:13 A.M by Judge Richard Meyer. 2. ROLL CALL THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESENT: Richard Meyer David Hall Vern Lyssy Clyde Syma Gary Reese Anna Goodman Catherine Sullivan County Judge Commissioner, Precinct #1 Commissioner, Precinct #2 Commissioner, Precinct #3 Commissioner, Precinct #4 County Clerk Deputy County Clerk 3. INVOCATION &PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 & 3) Invocation —Commissioner David Hall Pledge to US Flag &Texas Flag —Commissioner Gary Reese/Vern Lyssy Page 1 of 4 Commissioners' Court — May 06, 2020 4. General Discussion of Public matters and Public Participation. N/A 5. Approve Lite minutes from the March 25, 2020 and April 08, 2020 Emergency Meetings. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: Gary Reesem, Commissioner Pct 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 6. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO.6) To approve an Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning. (RM) Pass 7. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 7) To approve a proposal from VideoMagistrate for video magistration system for all five Justices of the Peace at a cost of $600.00 per month (this is $150.00 per month for 4 Judges with the Stn Judge being complementary). (RM) Not approved at this time. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Page 2 of 4 Commissioners' Court— May 06, 2020 8. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO (AGENDA ITEM NO. 8) On the RFQ's. Request for Qualifications for Professional Engineering/ Architectural/Surveying Services, RFQ 2020.05, in support of the Calhoun County Greenlake Project. (GR) Motion made to reject all bids and send out for re -bid. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 9. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 9) To pre -approve expenditures by incumbent County or Precinct Officer(s) under Calhoun County's Policy of Compliance with LGC 130,908 Pass 10. CONSIDER AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION (AGENDA ITEM NO. 10) To authorize Commissioner Syma to sign a contract with Hurt's Wastewater Management, LTD> for the 2020 maintenance of Precinct 3 septic system. (CS) Motion made to award option #2. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Clyde Syma, Commissioner Pct 3 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Page 3 of 4 Commissioners' Court- May 06, 2020 11. Consider and take necessary action on any necessary budge adjustments. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Gary Reese, Commissioner Pct 4 SECONDER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese 12. Approval of bills and payroll. (RM) MMC RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese County RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Hall, Commissioner Pct1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct 2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Payroll RESULT: APPROVED,[UNANIMOUS] MOVER. David Hall, Commissioner Pct 1 SECONDER: Vern Lyssy, Commissioner Pct2 AYES: Judge Meyer, Commissioner Hall, Lyssy, Syma, Reese Adjourned: 10:22 a.m. Page 4 of 4 David Hall, Commissioner, Precinet 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Cary Deese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas met on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. in the Courtroom A, in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 204, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. Calhoun County, Texas Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Cler Page 1 of 1 I C4)n1rrrl rslumm, 4Co u t - F lnor8ealj ' leet9»g NIAHH (J I ?020 BE IT REMEMBERED TMAT ON MARCsfl 25t 2020o THERE WAS 01EGUN AND HOLDEN AN t. cALal �4 dRIOI�R `E'1rls rtrxetlrir,� was �Iletl to �rd�r nt t:ty� I'.M. F5y ��rc[ge Rl�i�rc! Meyer. 2. ROLL GALL. THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESEI4Tc Richard Meyer l Iviv ttill Vern Lyssy Clyde Syma Katy Reece Armes Gu man Cetfiefte Sulllvan �tauiAty Jud€�e Camrosstoner, rreetnct 4t`t Cammissvner, Precinct #2 mmissbaer, Precinct #3 eantmissiol mr, precinct #h Co rtity Clerk k eputy County Clerk t'�r�c: 1 ctt�2 Ct ¢�-.ri�i�sir ii r , A_niart LI l[a :�Yl�:y' Pe Molting 1+,+9AKi ", 20A) 3. Consider and take necessary action in hard #o the County response to the COVI✓ 49 emergency. Geneta UrSMSSWIl. C urfearr, L0 p,m. ,t a,m, beginning t93x26j2Q Employers to issue: tettess to "Esssentlal" workers for travel Skeleton c;reWr for offices - up to each de rtmeot Elected Official AclitrWstrativo Pay (Other Paid Leave to begitt 03/26/2020 Enact CuIfew to begin U11 20/,4U— 3U.AQ p.m. _ 4 a.m. tmtii iurtiaer notice, RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vern LySSYr Comn'ilssioner Pct 2 SECONDER: Gary Reese, Corer iWoner Pet 4 AYES; udge Meyer, Cgmmissiwier Nall, Lyss�y, Byers, Reese Enact Adrninlstra#itre Pay (ether Paid leave) effeeiiv� U3,,/26/�0�O ttE5UL7:" APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVERS F +lent Lysgy,Commissfoner,Pct 2 SECONDER: Mary Reese;, CotwnrnWowea' r.q 4 AYES 3udgcimeyer, Cor7 nissionO HAI, Lyssy, SS+ma, Ruse Adja�orneda is 55 Porn, li;.1nl 1_ 1 1wV11111111I MINIE41 n.. David Hall, Com missioner, Precinct 1 Vern Lyssy, Commissioner, Precinct 2 Clyde Syma, Commissioner, Precinct 3 Gary Reese, Commissioner, Precinct 4 Attached are the true and correct minutes of the above referenced meeting. s t Richard Meyer, Coun dge Calhoun County, Texas Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Clerk Page 1 of 1 . (001IviIssIone(5e oL,rI--Eril+rge'nv: Mee IIrip, APtrl1,? 8, 0210 @MERC�NCX MEETING 20'20 ARRYL (38i 20iiJ gE I7 REMEMdEREX) TFfl4l' ON Ap(iXL 08i �420i THERE WAS �E�UN AND F1t)L[)�PI AN EMERGENCY MEETING OF COURT. 1. GALL TYi iiXiil�tt � hls rneet�n� �kus calLci to arcta_r �l 17,3fl P.M. tr/ Jtat�gc! Rfclra�rl hley�t, 2. RQLt, CALL THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Rlehard Mnyer LXivid Hall Veen Lyssy lyde Syrna Cacary Reese ona Goodman Catherine Sullivan County judge Crarxurlissionrf°, Prvonct: #a Cr�mmissioner, Prednct #2 C)rnrnisslor, er, precinct 0.3 Ccrmmlsslonor, Prwinct #4 C unty Clerk f puty County L'ir f''tl�k-� fSt�L ( ilvimiss6u,)IICI"fir Cowl (-,ww g.%ncy+10 refinp - AF'4{&L08 D20 3. Consider and take necessary action in regard to wing ail county beIes and boat ramps. Close all County owned fishing piers and all County beaches until April 15, 2024. seg nningl at ,CIA pan. tt4/09/2020 RESULT: APPRGIIER tUNANal"IVU ] MOVER: Veal �yssy, C V0MMj$qjQn.QrLPct SECONDER,: David Hall, COMMISM3c OrL.Pct l AYES: 7udga.Meyer, Comm&[,otter Hall, Lyssy, Symij Readss Close I(Ing Fisher Park wntil April 15 2d�o. epinning atDD p.m. 04/09/2020* RESULT APPROVED [UNAI XA()115, MOVER Gary lease, Commie idner- #xd 4 SECONDER: Vern Lymy, Colnmfsslanor Pct 2 AYES: 3ud. w Meyer, ter ollsslonw Hall, I_yssy, Syma, Reese ; Ckose Hatorltts Paidc until Agril t,5, �9��, Beglnnl�ng at 1:bo n.rn. 04/09/2020F RESULT: APPROVE[ [UNANIMOUS] COVER; Clyde Syma, Wmrrr inner P:ct 3 SECtYNDER, Vern LY, Coati-nissianer: Pov 2 ` AYES: ;edge Meyqr,Cornmlsslcner Hall# Lyssy, 5ynl4, R"Se Adjour►veeci: l:ail q.m. WHEREAS, on the 6th day of May, 202Q the Commissioners' Court finds that circumstances present in all unincorporated areas of the County create a public safety hazard that would be exacerbated by outdoor burning. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County that all outdoor burning is prohibited in the unincorporated area of the County for 90 days from the date of adoption of this Order. The County Judge may rescind this Order upon a determination that the circumstances that required the Order no longer exist Household Trash maybe burned in a closed or screened container. This Order is adopted pursuant to Local Government Code §352.081, and other applicable statutes. This Order does not prohibit outdoor burning activities related to public health and safety that are authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for: (1) firefighter training: (2) public utility, natural gas pipeline or mining operations; (3) planting or harvesting of agricultural crops; or, (4) burns that are conducted by a prescribed burn manager certified under Section 153.048, Natural Resources Code, and meet the standards of Section 153.047, Natural Resources Code. In accordance with Local Government Code §352.081(h), a violation of this Order is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00. ADOPTED this 6th day of May, 2020 by a vote of ayes and nays. Richard Meyer Calhoun County Judge ATTEST: Anna Goodman, County Clerk Deputy Page 1 of 1 i'MEOMAGTSTRATE. ORDER FO7tAri Cesunxer: Caloun Counvy Contact: lud e Richard Meyer Address: 211 5_ Amn `st_ Phone: 361 ws33-aW Plitt Lavua i'X 77979 l:`- 4wh Services: VideoNfagisua,te ('The "senyice(s)" , Services Fees: 1600.06 per mcmd6 payable in a&oamee; initialService Term! 12 ir>onths sub ect to the Bemis of $tctitam 3 haren tt. Sery iee Capacity. �9,� l.`Srr-$1Shc_b'�F»rbnih}�crjurigr—S�.Y.�''aCrauAt if t[rnep,l[iefendtrry .Ymplementatioa services: C'mmpamy will U&t eomtmerciaft reasanabla efforts to provide- Customer the Services. describeu* in the Statement of Work MSOW FT) attached as E i NI A Hereto t `implementation _',en6ces" )a and C3utomer shaD pay Caxtparry^ she brnplememtation Fee in aecvrd&ace with The teems herein. Implementation Fee intce-Yvne1: S No charge for online traininr This sistrate Services ,§.yeement k Aveememr } is entered into on Ibis dax of 2026 (ttie "Effective Date l between filetProwc LLC with a place of business at PO Box Wt Ckm Dose, 'TX 76041 (°"Ccmpana" % and the Customer listed above ("CuLtomer" ). This ,4areement iachsdes and inoorvorates the above Order Foam, as well as the attached Terms and Conditions and matains among other tbirss^ tuarrant4 disclaimers liability kmitations and tse limitations. Ibbm shall be no farce Or efkd to any different terms of any related. purchase order or similar Earns even it signed by the Parties after the dame bereof \atYrotec LLC: [CtirstnYnar�: fiatle: Ta21e:. T'ERNISA7tD CO IT102XS 1. SERVICES AM) SUPrO tT 1.1 Subject to die terms of this Agreement, Company will use cOmmercially° reasonable effortsw proiide Customer the Service& [in accordance with the Service Level Terms attached hereto as Exhibit B]. As part of the registration pre..:ess,. Customer will identity a user name and password fir Customer'S account_ Company merges the rtit�rt tO refuse registration of; er cancel passwerds it deems imappropriate. 1.2 "subject. to the tenors. hereof, Cmmpsrsy w"iU prawide Customer With reasonatle technical support sereitts in aTccordamce with the terms set forth in Exhibit C. 2. RESTRICTIO\S.A:1'If RESPt7\STi111,1TIES 2.1 Customer t+si11 not, direi`tly" or indirecih_ rtvent engineer, deccaapile, disassemble or otherwise attempt To dkcorter the source cede, object Lade or underlying strocture, ideas, kmon•-how- or acgcs thins re9et"ant M The Selvites err any SORWart, documentation or data related to the Services ('S ofrware') modijy�, traaslaTe, or create derivative works based all The .Services Or any Software (except to the extent expressly permitttd by CcmpanY. Ur authorized within the Services); use the Services or any Software fin timesharing or serx"rce tureau purposes or etherwLe for the bemefit of a third; or remorse Any proprietary notices or labels. 2.2 Further, Customer may net remove. or expert from the Lnited States or altiow* the export or re-export oSthe :Services, Software or anything related thereto, or Arty direct product. thereof in Violation of any restrictions, lawS er regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign kssets:Comtral' or Any Other United States or foreign agency or authority,. 4AL detirred in FAR section 2.101, the Software and documentation are cOmmerciAl items'• and according to MAR section 252.227-7015(a)(,l) and (5) are deemed w be "com mereial computer software" and "cormoeri.ial computer software documenmtLon" Consistent with DFAR ertiom 2V,7202 and FAR section 12.212, any use modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of such oo nmeraal software or commercial software documentation by The U.S. Government will to governed solely by the: terms of this Agreement and tall be prohibited except to the extent expressly, permitted by the terms of This Agreement. 2.� Cuitovaea represents, cOr�enaats, an6. Warrants that 't_ltitamer tG•ill use the Serb•sets only in compliance with Companys standard published policies then in effect (the Pal cy') and all applicable Laws and regulations. {Customer Serices. Altbo'ogh Company has no obligation to moniinr Cusw=er's use of the Stryices, Company* may do so and may pnntritit Amy use of the Services it beHeVeS may be (or alleged to 6t) in. violation of the foregoing. 2.3 Customtc shall be respansib.le far attaining and era,ntarnnwg any. equipment and antdlery services .needed to eoantet to,. access or ctherTrriSe trse the SSeY�'iee5, including, without limitation, Internet seivice, routers, hardware, servers, softare, operating SyS•ctms, networking, web, servers add The Ike (c011ectiveh", "Equipment": Custorrvtr shall also le responsible ibr .maintaining the security of the Equipment, m Custoer Accaunt, pass+yurds (ineluding but not limited to administrative and user passwords) and files, and 2br all uses of Customer account or the Equipment with Or without Customers knowledge or consent PIT 9. CONENTIAUTY; PROPRIETARY RIGHTS 3.1 Each patsy (The "Iteeeiaimg Party"'p understands that the other party' (the "Disclosing: Parts"} has disoltned or may, ctisclose business, technical or finan6fil information relating to the Disclosing Partyus busineu (;hereinafter referred to as "Proprietary Information'" of the Disclosing Party). Prropr:uetary, laformatson of Company imeludes ruin-pcblk information regarding features, fumetion"tg sod performance of the Service. Pmprietary information of Customer inclodeS non-publie data prodded byCuswmer to Company" to enable ire provision Of the Services (:,Customer DAWT). The Receiving Party agrees: (i) to take reasonable precautions to protect such Prcpretsf• Information, and (ii) not to use (except in performance of the Serlicas or as otherwise permitted herein) or divulge to amy third person any such Proprietary Information. The Disclosimg Party agrees that the foregoing Shan mat apply with rtspett in ar±y information after five (5) year following the disclosure thereof m' or any adbrmatiom that the-RectINIrg Pacan document (a) is or becomes generally available To the public, or (b) was m its possession or known ty it prior w receipt from the Disclosms Pam", or fee was rightfully disclosed to it wi&Wltrestrieti6z by a rd party, or (d) was independently' developed without use of any T'roprietary� Information of the Disclosing Part;, or (e) is reriuixed to be disclosed by law, sof various aspects of dot Services and related systems and tetlmologies (imcludimL without limitation, information toncemmg Customer Data and data derived therefrom), and Company mill be fret (during and after the term htrtaf) to (i) use such informatiom and data TO improve: and enhance The Services and for alter devOopmemt, diagnostic and correctives purposes in connection with t'he Services and other Company offerings, and (ii) disegosesuch data sole ry in aggregate or other de -identified form in connection with it busmhtss. No rights or licenses are granted except as expressly set fbrth herein. �- i°lti`lr`24CE\TOFFEES N.i C:ustamer will pay Comply d,t thta applitablt foes described in the OrderForm urthe Services and Implementation Stryeel in 9tconismee with the terms therein (the "Fees"j. If Customer's use of the Semites exceeds the Semite Capacity sat fcrdi o•n the Order Form or otherac'ise requires the payment Of additional tees (per the terms of this Agreement), Ctustozzer shall be biped, for such usage and Customer agrees to pay the Additional fees in the roamer provided herein,. Company reserves the right to change the Fees cc applicable changes and to instima new charges and Fees at The endof the Initial Service "Term or then-Wrrtnt renewal term, upon thirty* (30) dap prior notice to Customer (which may be sent by email). If Customer believes that Company has billed Customer incorrectly, Customer must contact Company no later Sian 60 days after are closing date on the first billimg statement in which &e error gar problem appeared, in order to receive an Austffient or credit. Inquiries should be direettd to Company "s customer support department 4'2 Ce+mpany may aEiaase to list through an invoice, in tx$ieh raze, Ertl pay~btent for itll'oiteb issued in wry given mandi must be rectived by Company thirty (34; days after the mailing date of the imilaite. Unpaid amounts are subject to a finauace charge of 1.5% per month on any° outstanding balance, or the maximum permitted by aaw, whichever is lower, plus ail expensesof collection and ms'y result in immediate termination of Service. Customer shall be responsible for all taxes associated v;^hb Services other than U.S. taxes based an Company's net income. 5. TER.\[ aL"rT! TFCt`MK:ii'it7ti 5.7 Subject to esker termination. as piavided beloac, this Agreement is for aht Tnieiat Strvitt 'Term tin speeifued in the Order Form, and shall. be automatically renewed Eric additional periods of the same duration as tht Initial Service Term (capectiuely the " rerm"), unless either party requests termination at least thirty (10) days prior to the end of the then- eurremt term. 5.2 In addition to any other coned"sea it may hw;'a, either party may also tarminatt slats. Agreement upon thirty rM) days' notice (or R*imvw. notice m the ease of nranpayment'g, ifi'the other pact); materially breathes., any. of the termsor etuditioids of this Agreemerot Customer will pay in full for the Services up to And me3uding the 'last day an which the Services are provided.Upon Any termination, Company ny11 make all Ll.stomer Data a ailable to Customer for etectromit retrieval fur a period of linty (30) days, but thereafter Company may, but is not o6 igated to, delete stared Customer Data. All sections of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination wilt survive termimation, including, nuhout limitation; accrued rights to payment, confidentiality obligations, warrants` disclaimers, az 3 limitations of liability. 6. `Ci'aA�"Y'Y llCSCLA �[ETi C+�pany shall use reasonable affects crosistent with pres•aiiiag imdustry standards to maintain the Services in a manner w1lich minimizes errors and interruptions in the Stviicts ami shall perform the Implementation Services in a prnfessionat and workmanlike manner. Services may be temporarily Available for scheduled maintenance or for unscheduled emergency maintenance, either by Company or by laird -party pmv iders;, or because of other causes beyaond Company's aeasonsble control, hot company shall use reasonable effortsto idt advance notice in writing cr by e-mail of any sche&led s eice diseaption- HGNITE'i'ER, COMPAKY DOES NOT t AN1LANT THAT THE SMVICES WILL BE CTI Tt TERRTPTED OR ERROR FREE; 3vOR TIDES TT MAKE §t 4 WART aMY AS TO THE MULTS THAT NLAX DE GBTAMIED FROM USE OF TIE SM110ES. EXLCEPT AS ES PRESSLY SET FORM Ih THIS SEC'TIC'n, THE SERVICES AMD afkLEMENTATIO'N SERNICES ARE I"FOVIDED ' ikS IS•• ANM C0'OANTY 13ISCLALMS AL 1t:sRii.A TIES, &NPRESS OR IMPLiEI3, il+iCii.:'Ilihtr; Bur SdOT" LIMITED TO; II)PLIEIS Mrk�TIES OF ?dERCMA6NTw4JKU'I'Y AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICL LP.Tt PCRPOS€ AND hU4-INTRIhL`rEy.IENT- 7.. L�s'YkEIL`ti:CTY Company shall hold Customer harmless from liability- to tlrim3 parties resulting from infringement b}• the Service of any 1JniTed States patent or any copyright or misappropriation of any trade secret, provided Company is promptly- notified of any and all threats, claims and proceedings related thereto and given reasonable assistance and the opportunity to assume sate control user defense and setdememt; Company will not be responsible far any stadtment it does not approse in waiting. The foregoing ob"sigatioas do net apply with respect to portifMs or components of the Service () not supplied. by Company, {u'j made in aa'holt or part in accordance with Customer specifications, fiiil that are madifitd after delivers by Company, (it;l combined with other pcaducas, processes or materials cohere the alleged infringamuem relates to such toenbivation, (Vj '%-,here Customer continues apegeri y infrrgiag attivity after being notified Thereof or after Eeing informed of modifications that wmild have avoided are alleged infringement, or (vi) where Customer's use of the Serrvite is not strictly in actcrdanee with this ?.gatemen, ff, dine to a claim of Iinfringement the Services are Mid by a court of eornpeteat jurisdietiomto be or are believed by Company to 'be mlrmgimg, Company =kvvz. at its opuun and expense fal =plate Or mmcdil�= the SeYVi€e To be ndorinfringing WVIded that Such modification a replatemext contains substaetially similar feature. and RmCtionality; Ibj obtain for Customer a license to coatimue using the Service, or ?ty if neither of the foregaring is commeniaDy practicable, terminate thise4 xftment and Customers rigbL hereunder and provide Customer a refund of any prepaid, unused fees far the Ser%ice. S. LLIiiT.a';tlti\ OE' LY.a81"LiTY :wOT'sifITHST:4;.h'DL�aG A15'THTtxG TO T'HE CONTRARY, EXCEPT FOR BODILY INAI Y OF A PERSONv CO:IPANY AND ITS S TPLIERS oTNICLI DMa I :+ BUT NOT L MED TO ALL EC71INAE?d'T Asv"D TECHNOLOGY SUPUERSj, OFFICERS, AFFMUTES, REPRESENTATIVES, CO1 MakCTORS AND agl.OYEES SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LLABLE WITH RESPECT TO ANC" SI781ECT \LA.TTER OF THIS AGREEMENT OR TEiLV3 AND CONDITIONS RELATED THFRETO UN'DEk AN`Y CONTRACT', t4ELtLIGENCE, STRICT L%1BILiT'Y Chit OTHER THEORY_ (A) FOR ERROR OR WTERRL,`PTION OF USE OR FOR LOSS OR ib'ACCLIL4.CY Oita CORRUPTION' OF DATA OR COST OF PROCILYREmEI�T OF SL'BsTITum C= DS; SERVICES OR TECHNOLOGY OR. LOSS OF TiLTSINESS; iBj FOR ANY INDIRECT, EXLMPLARk, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL ll lvtikGES; (C")FOR ANY MATTER BEYOND COMPANY'S REASONABLE CONTROL; OR l'D) FOR ANY JadOUNTS THAT, TOGETHER WITH _ MOUNTS ASSOCL&TELt SFITIi ALL OTi3E; CL iS, EXCEED THE FEES PAID BY CUSTO aSER TO COMPANY FOR THE SERi ICES UNDER THIS 4GiiEEMENT IA THE I,'. MONTHS PIZiOR TO THE .zLCT THAT GAVE RISE TO THE LIABILITY: IN' EACH CASE. WHETHER OR NOT CONIPAMY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DA`s;A6EI 4- :�YtiCFLl<:L'�iYC}C:S If any preti^isian cf this Agreegc>~t is found t,5 6e unenforeeazle or intaiid,. That prov`isian will 6e limited.or t'liminated tithe minimum extent neceszar a so That Ibis Atereement will otberwise remain in full forte and effect and mforceakle. This Agreement is Mar assignable, transferable or suSli€ensab3le by Customer m eatceptwit7rCcmpamy°spricrv,-rittmeCns�t Compan}may transfer and assign s ;� of its rigbm and obligation u®der ibis Agreememt w.°iThsai Consent. This Agvreement is the cumplete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of Ike parties and supersedes and cancels all Fweiouswritten. and oral avreememts, Communications and other uodersTaddasgs relating to the subj e€t matter of This Agreement, and ELMall waiVers and modifications must s a in a %citing signed by both parties, except as otherwise pro ided herein_ No agen€y, parinersbipt joint venture, or employment is created as a result of ibis Agreement and Customer does not have any authorirx of any Lind to kind Company° in any respett w'batsoever. In any action or proteedurg to enforce rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party' will 6e entitled to recover costs and attorneys' fees_ All motives under this Aj, reement will be in wrilmg and will be deemed to have been rlulyr.given when retei-ved, if personally delivered; when re€eipt is eleetrans"catly� oenf=ned, iftransmitted by fatsirmile Or e-mail; the day ailes it is sent, if seat far next day delivery by reoogni2ed overnight de[ivae service; and upon receipt, if sent certifiedOrregmeredmail,returnreceiptregoested. This ?�treemt shall be governed by the laws ofthe State of Texas tvidmuz regard. to its Connie][ of Saws pro'visians. The parties shalI Work together it stood faith to issue at least cue mutually' agreed upon press release within 40 days of the Effective Date, and Customer otherwise agrees to reasonably cooperaw with Company to sense as a refereote account upon request. Each parry hereto consents and submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of airy state court located in Somervell Cor,nry, Texas for any atticns, suits or proceediag4 arcing out of or relating To this :.4reenlent. FX111R1T:4 4l2tentenl. of Nark Pro"I ri user atGGlivis Ccjnv stc"Tomerfbrmsfoxonlineuse usTomer Training (iaitial and eagoing) lyroviding docemienEart sm aud. &UpparT fi r...%IIJDI°r s Scrtrice l.cwei'Terms Tke Serzi€es shall, be ara l,able ft., measured monthly, exciitd g scbed�ted m:,intenance. Further a S dowcntime resulting from outages of third party connections or ratilities or other reasons beyond Company's control ecill also be excluded from any such cal€ulatiGn. [wise pees sole and exclusive remedy, and Company's entice liabi2lry, in .connection with 9w.ice availability, shall, be that for each period of downtime lasting longer than one hdur, Company wM credit Customer equal to (1) day prorated sere for each period of 60 or more consecutive minutes of dowbtime; provided that no more than one such Credit w3R accrue per day. Downtime sball begin to accrue as soon as Customer (with notice m Ce mpany) reoagnises that dotsntime is talcing place, and continues mtil the srai.e6i3ity` of the Services is restored. It order to rtutaye dolcmd=e credit; Customer most notify Company in 'Miting within 21 hours from the dime of downtime, and failure to provide sucb notice will forfeit the right to receive downtime credit. Such cTedita may not be redeemed for rash and shall trot be eurnulative beyond a total of credits for one 4) week of Service Fees in any one (1) calendar month inany event. Compw will onky apply a credit to the montb u1righ the incident ocrnured. Company `s b:ockimg of data eominunieatucns or other Service in accordance with its policies shall not be deemed to be a failure af'Company to provide adequate service le eels under this Agreement F till Rl"P C' Support terms Carmpizyts1prilyeideEeSupporttoCwtomertiate lepl5one,emC,me anEmait?ds_«.aeas4eSaragthehatraa'7:0{� throagh ?:d 0 pm Central (CDT) time, with the exclusion otFederal Holidays �' Satpport Ho rY F). Cusmm�r ma} initiate a helpdes� t cCcet bttrsr a Support i3Qrar y ealLias the to17-free suppari line ar tiny t me bti^ emsii ng or wbmittnr as He pDtzk: ticket oalime at xs vn _ a accsasstrafie-rasa C'.tsmpaeg utl3 use eosrinterciatlx^ rea:crsble e2€ortsA� raspamd ea all �elpdesk tickets u4ilsin tis3e 4>:j $u'ane:5 dap. h CERTIFICATE *. INTERESTED ♦' lull OFFICE WE QNLY • OF e _. .. all bmln�a Ne i } i 1 1 j 11 } services , 1 ..LL �II I CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORnn 1295 loft Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2020-611556 NetProtec, LLC. Glen Rose, TX United States Date Filed: 04/24/2020 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. Calhoun County Date Acknowledged: 06/16/2020 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identity the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 00001001 IT Web Services Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Pa rty Cit State, Countr lace of business Y, Yip ) check a licable ( Pp ) Controlling Intermediary NetProtec, LLC. Glen Rase, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the _day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d a ryy D. Reese County Commissioner County of Calhoun Precinct 4 April 29, $Q20 Honorable Itiehard 141oyer Caalltoun County judge II S. Ann Fort Lavaca, TX 77979 1,5ear Jut�ge Meyer: Please place the Following iterrt on the Cotnrrait:si�rners° Couz# Agenda for May S, 2020. • Consf�ler and take nec«a�sary action on the RFCs, lt+squest for t�ualiy►caHons for Professional 1 ngineering/Arcliitectural/Survoying Semmes.. RM 2020.05, in support of the Calhoun County Green lake Projem Sincerely, Csary >7. Reese GT}R/at RFt2 302Q.05 Professional Engineering/Architectural/Surveying Services RfQs were opened at 2:AA PM, Tuesday, Aprli 28, Zi}241n the Cou" ytudge`s office, Aue to CiA1lID 19 and pursuant to tfre Suspension t7rder by Governor Abbott, the Public Opening was closed to protect the public and county employees from potential exposure to the CDronavirus ICf3W'I049) and was available to the Public by a Zoom Meeting. Zoom meeting information was sent to all vendors that received a RFQ packet and was also posted on the County's website. 5 rtE[i!s+uvere received 1. Anchor QEA I.LC {Austin, TX) 2_ + & W Engineers, Inc 4Pkrrk Lavaca, �?tj 1 Moffatt & Nichol (The Woodlands, TX) Q, Mott MacDonald (Austin, TX) 5, Urban Engineering (Victoria, Tx) Actor revlewine the RECIs. 1, Anchor QEA, LLC Did not. return proof of Professorial Liability Insurance 2. G & W Engineers, Inc, • Did not return copy of Annual Report {last 2 years of audited financial statements 3. Moffatt & Nichol • Litigation 4. Mott MacDonald • Did not return Certification Regarding debarment & Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters form • Did not return copy of Certificate of insurance for Professional Liability 5. Urban Engineering • Did not return copy of Annual Report (last 2 years of audited financial statements) Clyde y. C allioun. County Commissioner, Precinct 24627SUIC HWY, r73�'OhrAt Rc-i - lffiue. (sr>i) 893534c Fsnai6: 1r��v e N nlal . jjvUQjSd Aril �7r �tk�CD t-i�tncsrai�le itic1t�rd 11�eyer Calhoun county Judge 21 $. Ann Part Lavaca, TX 77979 Rin: Agenda tterrti €tear Fudge Meyer, t�Eeese dace the ic�IlttwanF� i#ern arl ithov �amctroicsont;e's Caurt �gerl+�a far 4vla+� �� ��7il, • Picase Consuder anc! take Mccessary Act#on farCsytnanissit�ner Syma t� s€gte contract Ewitit Hurt's Wastewater Management, LT®, for 2020 maintenance of Pct, 3 septic system. S€n�er�ly, Clyde Syana Cornmissioner Pct. 3 �iurt's Wastewater Management, Ltd. P.O. Box 6621321 Hwy 172 Gana4o„ T1( 77942 C7ati;; �112.1t2f12t1 To: t':Aiiloa it Cc�drafy PCT- � 24627 St, Hwy 172 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phcme; (sgGjl9-$d47 Fox: (: p$1) 771-M52 4vWw,hurtswastewaler,t' m t:aatteact Perlad ---«-_ Mart bate. 2M 212d211 End bate: 2112)2D21 Pem�iE �': 2fip8-973 (Phone: Subdivsion: Y'nrranrytxped; swrpl0 Site: 2027 St, Heavy 172, Bari Lavaca, TX "17970 County Calhoun: :i.st5 .oar yrgar _ cr+p awry d tmtlnit.� Installora Ltilin Marshall InstaNd: a3 02008 Agency-. Victoria County Health Dept, - Environmental I. n sUleeteislar�i� agenenl. Ltd. Migisfand: 1 non+coo r - 00 SVP king Krry.., ark: atasr iarma of hWnionance Controrz t.) Three (;) is+�pactitm , ter yroar {al test one uvory 4 Monft)l, Inspodiona Include a*xolinont and boavir rot¢ of tixl rnecWr�� gal, oleclrical and ottior ap ftrible components to ensure taro fain Lion, This includes Inspecting the contrail panel, aerators and fUlars Rem atMen6'(opair costa will be charged direa:lly to lire homeowner. A Hurrs Wasleewaier Monagemem, LW. employee will visit the site witrttn 48 tiours of a problem being reported, rnspe4t ons may be performed anytitne during the month Uiey ato direr, with a i<vo week grace pursed before and after ttad nrQnitb Uw. Iriepeclions are due, 2.) The horneom*r is responsible for maintaining a chlorine re.0lual of a[ least I r Ira the trealrneill sy:elern, This ran too acr-.orrcgaahed by usvV chlorine (oalclum hyl»csikxte) tahlets w systems de signed oilli a lallol Olairirristor: $*;nrrr rV Pool lot m.% must not be used In the aerobic system designed tar csaprine tablets bei=se they a "trosion of the components of the system, Al the lime of a service alaspecoon, the * lee repreeen NIIVO'AH 100r9r the tiemWVn0"°6f the arhlurinotor dces a ail. Cwtoin cuff cWill labletsor ",Muir chlorine (whichever Is slr,Twnhla) In erfarpiwaly dsinfecl the wastfw'aaer. 3:y'fhe required routine reporting of system oWallan and lunation to the local nutty. rdy, aas required by `r raqu Callon, Will be towered by the polity; Any sedtional v-esits, inspeetiorm or sample collevtiwaa required by spec4o Counly Agencies,'TCEtj or say other regulatoty ationcy, in ycrarjudadidian Witt not be covered by the poky. 4. The contract may be voided if NON -BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS are used th ttre system, 5 l All Commerraat sysieme will have a BOO and TSS test parforrned annual y. Additional charges will be charged to owner for BOD xLW IOSS t€yting, this warranty Is stdttly Ilro led ice ilia above term auto dues nett wAudo the tcwst of roplacomont corrWexpenis, ckilmne or pumping of sludge build-up. The malnlenano. pulley Inch rlos latch charqes wily iorrrAYaai routine inspecVoras and rrialntersarxe. Additional r arsine r: R44 are not covered tj the p0llcy4 soWiice dMornined to caused by abuse or neglect is net covered by liar policy. Failure 10 pay fclr service call, labia, arWor replammont calmp(mo nis net covered under Warranty Will waid contract. VIOLA NONS Include MA;lhrlg off ire clocbic current to the systent for more than 24 hours, disconnecting I" alarm eystern, levoileiing vantliatiort, to the valor, overloading the system above its ,rated aaeracity, Infriodixing excessive arms of haraiko matter Vilo the gslem, or any olher ivrer) of unusu* abuse, 'the hopteowner agrees; to provide HuW% WafiteWalor hlanagemrant Ltd, with all gate combinatiora, keys, etc, nocassaay io on assess to the aystera for the p4spose or cz .4utttnp routine inspections of seRilce calls prior to the alert data of this contract and notify lfun"s Wasleweler Maraagemearl :tmrnedlalely with Any etsontos and provide the mwcon*oinaiioris of keys. By signing ihss form, both rnalntonance prow er and hormeavmer agree ire Me lairmpi of this policy, THIS trOUCY DOTS MDT INCLUDE PUh PIKft SLUDGI TROM UNfT IF NECESSARY, Plea a check ywr contrast preference: S250,0 , etvice contract curdy; no ctibrire (hameownar nviest InslaE uewrl adrlwirv) S320M Service contract Wild chlorine vided Please include yow payret04wrliaPl a4n*d contlean, Elaine r3wrlar: Clete: pnWatr FtaaYs ar!"aalew�rlar laano�crtinnt Ltd,( ���rr��e,��� �� ������� �r��xi�s ���� �� _. _ s�i� d`JSID�R� hJns. A- � Md � � 4�i4�P �f4 St71tli�Kk''Y7 �C?8. f�����. � �i{k9l.lf �{�tX1�'JiGB t4n9., "a. �. 1, �� slf?i G IP $iBfA me £i0 !I`E4tl�Yt$Id Ideti. �����.14.�f� ��^ ��,-�E��s d,anifir NtlBnlS06: fi t4afld4 PP bil#Ii1H�P9�e1Y�IGY nlEnq f+xrrv.. and 3ts4 ally, aSa[a a1KP UaYriUa7f •M HIA lYitB$tit54 �nKh'X'9. p�atm a[ buelEtets�� ��i?-d74�tSi8 hqut'S N!d5;1'YiOttiR M�1EPtS4fIR'P7t, LTD parad+a. w X UtviPeti �3a�es glad: 2 Nabtc oP ®ov4rrnm � 4?iklRlr or sRAtC aget�P _._ a paxy Ea - � c+s -. r �. d _... s -;�3t23+"2g2L1 6cing Glad. C,.fi.�4',ISiry �iY}May', IQkr1i' .. _ E1i1M ,itGGli{�r/I4d�4d: _._ g Pmwl�tldert#)nc-ai9on rtambnr us�Pfty iiare gmrNnmaC 4ntieyarsr�oea a�enty to beak tar tden713y qrs c+nritre�P, and1��P4a rlan4e�ticcM al tlw serul4es� gemPs, aralh4n PmF�n3r t[a:t4 prirvPdKri {I�]f1@P ilia t6iitPstk, :-�t� SdpEiG Sy�rttiT'a 71a¢iitfirt�rut� ___._._ _.. _.._ __-- _-- NsAuraotirrla� � 8#�t*m M tnearsstasf taneky ttry, 5rat�e, �C�witerry Q{sinrx at Bite6Utsss7 �ctnreEc app4la�la9 �mmrd ' PmPerr�itie _._ 4hack coiy If tixau is t2m i�rtpara®tad RnrCy: Vfy name'vs �,� r .�i°s'y��� ,,,,_,,; anci any dot of Midi ds ._.. AAy�tldre�l� ____ _.._u�_. .. _� ...____ ._,..,:� (sl�rteJ {t#,P'p Py+j1a\ Czls Wds ¢k+luNry} il�itt�'a uPttlar�. allyt ai pgPJury th. 1ha irxsr3a6hq r�ticm arl� soamcC. „�—� rxue+dad i� �+�'�e- Cwarriy� s1nt� �f ���,'"'S` a� Hie dey+� _ ���_� i >hl $�+! 5�En�lurn uG eSuhsed t aAnnn! r»(cnri2ad-:tir,� �� er. ry. r�rursml �rertas fth�+Adetl ity v �[7t�.R Cn rrus9iufr wvr�.e�t,�tErtw.Px.�s Vs n Vl, i.,2atimal7+� Z= -1— M= c�- Z= = u = yy f1 J e^ !4 � 0 A h? X _ 4 w -. .III I I i &„ta t Rm T AU�U� M� rm I n� ♦i{r<{A: lll�lX 5rt',. '0y FpryR4i;qd; k341371.20 `. dAa":tLl P�r4Y4ar 5Rfewi F"o�-;wt C` 'k.aiil:i':8-�l F6P4:SX r[gv'. 5.r:wtvc$nrA5I#p tp,:+'d i. TOTAL PAYABLU, PAYROLL AND ELECTRONIC BANK PAYMENTS 14ZH t.26' TR�i4a���i eE.T+��E�p FNC��-tiJ�E�I#V� ttr�P,�� 4r, 202e.( WJc r?}tecatf v kV lb` U:"4vz Wsk- rngrervt;i cll M o SU wTce g alr4vvl ter' iau 4 :! �. F.W{k !„tA,RC [!� ArtV� k,,. � :r:��:q?°h f re�k HeO' �we� a�asr e;an iri daffi. i�-Y5s1aa�;.'i F vs q c r r � Sam w 404C _gin eme w 14 yff,, 22 TOTAL TRANSFERS BETVVffN fUNDS s 6olaso-62: 5tv7 r N--4 �l .as;d s� H7r�7u1 LYP� igaAt9er 1e�m?w 3 5a-Sr2om ufl-Is.?xrsrTrr:S$rr � F�^4,04 41 5^42020 F.CA RWwa Vic 133 44 'r D24) 3'tk3ts 26.0UN9 TOTAL NURSING HOME EXPENSES 1,669.4i I' k! 3 toy' 1 9k �xjri W�d�+x:p Lu4P. dp FYb dA r§ a r s"p rR ie^, li737 Tit1*l. i, r r t 7' !"„firta 4:�:.*�^i �e2;rp r`rR aw 4ir Cn�rlY I�Y.,.-?%i. dr �'F f.s•-:ras�, L�-e .a$ .' i..,#-.'wG v r LkU i.0,LT:a'.k._.. .ti'I. I.vr. fii3. dl U-D e�Lr it bF; 9 : 3-L b7o*Y7 S.#_ . F4a,4EL:'a^A'Ati . V5621 G V4�1 Lv !_WITF-!,.,v Ti tkI Q3 Par el'I &. 04 Cann x [F Parr aa�z5.5. Cxr cd€` r�rt. jwe rnih {.r...^ 0 fi t; h,.W" M "'a„§'t 1,13 iip ell r5 Nsw C•uNI f,4"du-eaj$ 9.OTFT'$ l T. twv Zi# frT'•t;' �,73"; 'l�' d r " rt �? Pk* ;l.v. v. jw:^'b"a'.'.1 RIit L2 "A, a'?7 m_a.C�'�atxd:f F�7,.;5`z r`rre �E �{�� '�'� d��, �; °#�� •y��.. 1 .t 40 't co '3i:[a 3m, vt 4`0'MFCr h4a_..G '?w iAm Pay 'C EL 4 i? RmA v "t'.^r. zef iGttir::€'c O TAvi ka; @r'rp U`i h_V as Ul l tl+p * 14 €VA, difkw4 l k5_S S. O1„Z43?11:1 VA^ 4xr. rVxs$ Vcvq .vre'1' his d'ar' Pc=Farg= tts�raw' an rriti pws �'a'p hkr'# �w9 u€' ? npyy 4 a�, m MFiSt; , <ri ^u!' 4�{ Age 2 CT 5l I rin.:;%- .,,ih 4.}--' ncry vla— trs ..W±N wlo 74a, . r, 0,r"7m d . a.Ym H3 VIS kid e.*3.A;atrq.6.s,. a.fF..nA"#; ^,z..rd Orr. L: i'Ki, ,x� CAA CC41 4 ape Tmn tint %-_,= 0d, [ .� N Cr•- A D Fsp &ix.,rss d".arc ri.4 d rs� U' AI l:;s^'$M1 hL2.: -:3. fl'd:,A] i74 T'a n4- ^, 5,.: >>ne s ,Ctrrr.,s-r.;e Tia i CI t ra' [hd rk- F 4 C?Y� Ct PaY ;';@' d. ,:c. ,^.. iw_ w'•'k+ not rns.,:r .r_I ram;*Jlap As?A r±ax'i: Fvss-a;,-a 4: t-r? d•dasnrsa I .es PAy, t2'67 Mnl 4t 4l4 d:,t-..v1, v's rr. Tmn CA vw Fm r.:� .., r a+V rJa s B.t-=,'- h di.3 P -rs s"my tick i7ti i.` u ViATE rt ME ATMUKT }aim:, C. ,se x±dn' `x-a Yt�zax'.m 'ar t ,e',Yx.rxy Pw_'T="mod Net ir�}3' iJi#; d.4h tiS.� 'y$j iK ntC6D 0,IX t4lry CA] Tra': D Fw N r.a C'ri C- F' Pay cm"A*y CASH 9_ r2'. �'n: :uer"ak�� d!u :<-::Y XF;eZ1s ti q?Tfi.cd I;P iM C 90 F Y t7.E�" t;tCA NO ilNYD CLA A,l ADAIMYT 4TNT, *EM-,CU-. r_ rxf C lo4i i,+aea a , r, vurlp ,gym a r4 vialme I. q,[tz+ !"rim 5dk1Y 'd"S:I�A,kid.%d' c ¢.'iTS Jl i'a ,rA _lrytm I:,vEm "Ti 'rd VAV ra:-,: a µh: rrPzx argr i:;rm SAnz C�m a r _s CI s,y C±4 NOR CjTr 4.4, Cd Pita ^a±psa I..�,:rr,.�:.' P*I Flaw Per;'. rw[ .7f. rl�LI i.„. ...5+rm :} PtA cja; na WJ Ie 4"a3 kAA(7_:: ;3 E,¢_r. r,14`11-v:'nq -10 4-4.59 fr„rrd 0Q °s21�r9..lf`� Qr-;: ,4H CU ,is�°;""*.-*ski ,. Celle IN CA, I y".`. 6Iiz;u f+kO 0 Ofit °ijl zI t.: a xir 05 Y=r ..u-,+ Rata x Frog Cty,A7." ray TI{art CA Ptv, rn,* Crc Cr�A V Pap 0&7.sg F-FIj {'s:Ce,Cag gt Sip' „,L ic : Ip R� .%>'X Ci�1=Ai1++.=-7' Pizrr;n. 4.73C•fi=- fk;,,�Y {t-` P.r; k`'�Y tiazfl 'ti tF; 7aFi Fri rn 7 "" a.` Cyl La 4.mr Y.,a.::,,ij.a Pia; `?.~c C-sm Pa. Ct,.. T0141 �A e"4 N Ibx Cii ri<1",-iw P'6rq' K3{G�4r iP�r.�TiJ'. 9p; Pay Nof pikC1? .'Sr OW rTFl v*.1 70 °4=iT Qe Q02 It>13 4 i'l!y?9,`.:. 54: G J4:C.IXi Cr'aV' C" 5 d`=wC:TA! ikyr:t #ass C.«.nkafrt. h -fat NO 0 a'P'_:4 0 R" �� ta1rFA Lg a p :Y.Y.S}F'L*in 59J'dla T^.i: 4..': C;,ftv wA Tran C1 urr Dj rn Co.. dG''`�A E3 Fay' A.Aerm VF1<,ra.tr3: P 'NILFr k�-A lusir,ra. Tr # sa ^.7, sb9 05 _:S! Y it yri 0 N 54 r. F,17� C.Fmf` INT PZp dug Y liS4 KrVa1, C": n47, tl'F"< T. !C* I14�4 e8'v.'wx Bararw Ovkiz Par r'.z. i.p �.'tT4.!LP4`9 U CzeFl nl t rmn Ir'A F-,r D!P G`� im iF�.x Ck PI?* Grass, D t fi"u Pay Fall 4 xa d!�I173.5.. C.r=71.-" UIa.^;t as'1 C42o F_a"El7 I'd vh.Y3 amA F;t. k s:Cui .IWV4%:..a fi rrm I.teon C2aC v,.-ae r. ;y' NO 9 `6 `� is r:_M' Pe9.-& r,S`+Xi VCMIA,IA Tf,a TFFkT `.t k,-�-a Ik t'F .; 9i4 i,. TpI rA '=nx [r3 ^sy. CM p:.7s?xiw O T',9'P' ,yt ,l1d_;,<• x..E'ip,'W .w1 d4h) YF I'i k FO Nf. 002+ G03 13'1R+di;T Ew-Wit„.k. WkTiR T FFC OWA DOIF, s r!=1,*.. {A'M Tap II)F91 41 Tl 1374i TC1. 'k?�-.E� a' 4.�'�i� Fi�°•°u:. Ck�#s 4=rsY Ca3e! 'F 14,0 k PS.At;rI kd'EY, TWAPF, u !t4�in uzwt uj, IA IFaj- fSee;a LM�."x-0 r4n kt3x 293 81:'2'N�$Y^..}y A 1e3. e `r Cs=} ikz' 41D qj dF OF fY?I IL Page eonI sza u.��;gu; P s•.r1: r`':•�r , i %.i .i,-,; rke.. Wve*'[ :L:. •; i:+ al r'..fg nl '.i:i: .". a_ ,.Yt.,2xf Qk-kt R:t 1 Y'.. i"•' t 91 .'.k3 r:411`.#: 1 2 h r } #I W2- ..r r4�A,w M�n7a €+;tv5-9 QC.''4 r,raJ. V�k FF?7•0i 5:" to l;`c'..-_, i;-4 E3 YC6zk?.e9 3^'x3:`f. tlCF Jldl .1 ~x :'19 a•: ",m 771 ., ikt-2'w ,u. r4,'FT :P EA"ZZlrj ,. G"f A 3 54Orp °3rz,ai�t�5. 9 Yk2? M e ' 9P":'z.. r+. !;1 *�.1 J s.,' Y3 ;i"" f1 eu 0 loci NJt 7l :tk s ara, y"r"5?E wr-m`e`Z�: lDel 70 '14d:..11 0 ro n.i3 3'a rt p.: tv, a .'ai:""_ .... F1. E 57J ..,1`tvN 1,!: 'ems r`_i t�sz7. 'a ;,yt. •,e c« 4" a, :Ki tn•'eT t S.. :mu.::;i"e"i Fy1 f.t i rslea 7 2 1 1 3 rv7: ul �t d 1'. r. Al 76rr _*-,r�� � 7«R=^�:`?,"i�t '?if„ kr'.�Ea .£4.",�7 fi t:di. 41:E`e"# tl7•E1 k:.::. �9Waasxd{s.£ 7tftli �r&cd Nadi a unaC� t-9 t;;:i9 Y-1•mtt=..@7.9 f di. F w.;J4'`.?k 1 v-4?tg -rng U DO, t' 17.491 73 4'ssrP,a VTf, NAa� CA;Lz PAY K,•>A',' C:E 41 .14Pb_�di.0 E., 7 P4f`FB' (,J kAB ':krY'Y VA `e;fts CA vw EM L-.e V' CxS' A U Paw pia A D u"o tk RNkv .a 4AL I) �yj Q Ins*Tss 1.aw2s.:sri ?�—P`fff Nel d1ldvr i a;;wfvT PAPER ICCWP1MO� 4 Qm 091 a,F.:PA 4 g^ t"aw ra133'k'v:6' PirSr.:s? 1'1'«$:'s B'aa Yam`; a Ce vrr` ,l 7fa rA Pro rm Da� sY4. cl-k� D P�-r rjr .ms c iy fa PtY r�l fr+xl fn 4Ai:. 11 s,1=1 ,sd 34:v�, CO 44rr }_.suss$ wvZ4 11 • r_ry i ULF r_CAW PEG [C4kAL ;, ri€a3 t.[ Ilk) 1; Oji _tip' J Vf W MN P 7"�: T'tR Cl+=""k. Ls Pw Tlo'mLg r:e�m gmlg 1: %;ar Pig lafit k ib'3bs,_ai Ftp3}, v izt:2VIC . 7 k`=5r< 1 SSFJ 4dp �+. CO) 1;1 Y 154540, , '�4+:?.rh:.P m«.Aa,ti �`� •r a d� Fx' ��aa a.. C*: '.-rsa, F&Y N@q ter [sd`Eix.a;C-9",i 4j444, 0 D2 .2: r „1 4Ff Q Pine §: of i I yea v�x B -4,rw IJ Gu TWL+,,�T . w d :;`% 4.YM 'k-, 7 r i`. h .17(2 'e:L "+'4a. f1 h:t3 n':tiv ,d5ir, 'rztn: S"�mrv"Sa"-�_Pxau-rs�; k. ��ras r'i-..s>g i,s!e.,w{ 7rf; T'�y. •CS:.f plts=t;. 4¢.M1rgktsdFxt.aA r3,�L'i: 33j "Y'Rr ":t,X<+ �a 4y 4714-s F. g i:.4,4i CIK . t,' Pay G�C n NT" P x, 'pl L .-.7c" adzi=1 h4rylW B11 UPaj, ?pT 4 R, Rj.C2 'Lek-aTR. r1t Of`tak4. ttT'J:_*x',T3 qco $rfl$ 'fides" dA'da*.4x Pal u t411 vt 118 hLLE u w vB k1}tJ£t +at `m..'-L=a''A1 UPC , 5",rW:A P1 Let CND W� UR,. C'heaori ie Pet ,r4sm'ta. ski aoi hva-pvli, '9; 2' fdI k dN �lik 96,E 4e 01,,- 4,Y eras+xa 0 IkA acm a .31v'F Epl,I :: Vo`.,.a5cx 'caxf tv= 714 Na., : t.i 1821 11 G1: �J.Ixfi k k lla, 7 va_i:0 MUD Xm.9a.Slfj 14 NJ 4'T y:N r' rfza ,s * G=1¢ rt Fcas C az F r IN D'- On, R":tr:-* 9) P'aV d P,s• A43 Nwo 2 J W' m,'k sl + p-L, k r - a !''L't 1' :2 P5 x::! `r iKj Q fir'g-a::r raara Er:.axea_c Ps`a'x•:.a G+aas Ca .;r.zr', aw:.-as,r .`-w k¢ f"1£.a'!,!a �.s•:;a B? C`wa r to �a k ,.,_i o r;: p lea Fq—e U:4yx�iq >•.{,i§Tfil OSs�j91m 17'v etd�i.yRR��.}��'- f- 9 r,4ffp.,! Te*R CA krxr R CA. N C. 4' to Et Nrj ur:2.?1 pav °m vi'. r;] r IM c.5 a. ,. .. R ia: tit i.kir} x, �.t&.;;',x�,u A'ZW,2l?,*Y�.:.0 45 FaS 0W' 0i,X`j is uh x,..:.. B %tis B'a'a',fk�«+' t>t #'�_� �,.!*'l,7'titt7;•FtY'R .,__. F xs:FFf.}#x7i2 1;7 C�t.,Y"1 f 5;I a3 B'F a: 0J 2La WP r3'T:7'�G�i I aa' a• :.: PY1T"oc'k I,.±r..1; '`1 iM=.ie�:, � �±y. � Y;a-, I. G2+ %+ a�a 0 00 ip 011, is":4A 0O'D i'>;�� 453,'ti�d,;.' 4,.a I:•a,'i'w ,1 +A }t P lh . s'•�'a`� K,adb {Y3' +f Wiz' a� �:;1 I �F i;t�ra,'-47SS', I'.�''g yGd :9 r:-. �.,'i;�L"til• 7'�s" li rill ta?d5gx, jai=?3�t.fC:S wi Yv;=t Kt=; ,ia r_zI : 3 j7 4:.... ,54e, �LflE 4 ry:➢,r_t�+�fli� a'- ��o-srzr¢� .d,'afl�e 4°:"sE`� t'-t5 yey 'c?Ifl',1 71''�-e.:.. ='z1a*NJE-S E`Xjl Tmu:R 174 W tii••,� I}is.i F.tdi rl ,. Pi'R g9 0 W k rse} .'F G76 m ;:St:$ q=Sek'ki"Y"i "A..-� 7�.T.'S or 13Ii It A, Nit tr � F1-: 31 trlr rir�y-r x. L'1 4-a0 kSA�.42V YS1,D 9;C#5 O'00 3iI A:.:F I'rYr w•; R •' rvd,'e` "r"''�I Ir�'9 d 70 *s 145cm LS T- °➢ [titi OW v*'"xs.J.,&i MAVgi 'NN 54142 'rr ro a'k`li1 +at�Na4.K� 5 75.77 &, tp7i ='itS Chit PIT corm u01 kYaN bl dIt 'L=� .Ab Pew 9s;L`� Na Pay N+a4 r'S z 29j,� C`kCA Iren a4 2700 ;i�;.' R„1 0 m rya 01 r S: M, is@Si flai i�^iFft 41; AJt'�a?. fv Cr'si'-�' ��. ix1. 1 r�4 F>Rac+.:ET„a$i. 4F-�w„c gbt'rtiL;�3 AE 4rt 4 Ytiy �. I44s �i ,.4 LWN 4ZJILe_rsF il'R? yS Ut Cta°r� rRx r�kr'' ..3v a:=% tr fiE':Y'>✓ .'I' fL.4.e a�.'.,er:+ G„5ji'a e%'t.G' @irf9'i` 1�143:_� kYY'sitTa T e &6r' tk '$'+ P tirte;E7• �. , di a :;nrs "� _5.: ' P t M! 4P-. 0 ids k m i,.:' `,:E.�F_ ,"i $-:. ?'k S;.°sue �`£F .-`.' i?3 n k;R`I� sfs L$ a ,^; L7F—,l ,. azSL ;TmAa ti. d¢' AIM 210: S?d fa �'R3 If'a`r�pkT+r,'�'ET U%4,iNTi1,144.V c.. g4121 , ,`sL it`-c+ iw,,EZ,. :;,i_i7 Trev 7&3'45: 0013 isa�s_��r�a'r L44: .1; WA 7 0M, CFI 6`'" r` x,s"%. P AT e2t»AL FAAAM LIFE' IN-tiPWWE a M @cc,• LX 0 tYA t tIz�k 0 Pw 1k L:z,:cce€-st 711.:�& 7�6^F:+,�*" 'Jae' b_ s Yd,�,-�XTJ PEw� Tran F-a Lid CA,� rA CIo4u L7 P*ry§"kum .•`wf 3r 't�Nsp •s1 r'7B .. ns. l' ._ 7a4 „�7 kc.'T`3" =f 4re ;ap rCki 0We 4+ix7gl. 8 '.""Gxn.• 7G,i.uaa.. P`-�s= Cka '.".s'+ C2&tea D reaq cmve,§ b Pm ,7�s�'�*e� s.��*.ft �'P'x,; ;s Ae�rr;� ,fa,�'='.c (t�c•.s�:'r7 Q,�--:mot ^�'y'2,Jx"13 R5#o-a;r=5, k6+k; I'.�;4 ✓.-s7. 'Cy p�_+ P T:a : ra a-. ra> ..p D RNS3: ,Gw tsa ,-P.'2%uk.7.tx. F'wx C6,. DI P; ,. ' Lm 1Clcm� Cp P4s-d' e :'+s. Cn.s, ..x t. oc i? DO i1w Asa S ;Aa tx f3 60-2 i :' i i$ 4x;,8•m..k v' ,AY:Bt tT5 cS"sh` e i":sd' C .:; ' WITIE S, NA,'NA,'A 4V4 cysMMARA yt 01 '�r* CH Cry Cie Gi'h:ea D Pa- Q1", . C :Tz, ly' "�W b "L:1 ars 'b 6z.t! 6.$dnSL,. d }J:.e. Ghn.sCYET.. Cvi=CC�c s-. #i`7 i"C S'F"#NiL '�ST�ij. yip t.3Y' I lai 4 Em lsn: N Nq�. 4A Cfwx D Pft co' " f: , O V4 d.8 a d €W Rl ,.E.litz, c64-`�"�- wl i.CfaS.70 0r;R3 -44AI SALE 1 Y==C r3^e T(A ;�'; d�.eF'bi�h' P$�h're"_.'. h�es"33• �is+'�_eaf �' tt'N If dY1'Y_-'E!'eS 8ot33 YP Eti Pt*J ew3{ idcY' +gip dGai' °a P ty JP+€ 1-'e:aR-.. sa C.Pzn e�.rt -� - Ce r-Pr �7n �t Wit+ Caa C;t � ^,t• F_ .a x C 'ear » Fly "kzE E It 14 1501 51: 0,7a I Yl 'M d_... SaS x't.�G7. r4� V WL R a a:A: _IFi E 31 3ld 0 rail 0 OY e Ir,+.r,.sraP4 f,..�sxru,za Tram tl% t-em GH �fw, D1 ch=*0 P1�G�m C�^'-'�: �-' f�."afa°tr N7.49 tY rdr'1. ,ltr '� t.,d..��. .:it7 Iis is �@Ca} r:Nrh t5� 1ti Wvaa*,.'u�" a-�vF �rt;�. Eda: •-..� � aE.�. s.YE,,...,�:,:x RGFt=:a�.: ak`�g. viy, d,srt qgntw I'.PS) P6A-iEp•§:4'36 fI @. TAYf t6 ° :'*'- t' 'A'd Tit k";; IN lvw Em rD P sy ,L vt* Nfid ivf REk.,.4tid sc'ncll FT. r�A Fay 'es. jiIC E]' .SN,P 131%�R 9P_ TA-M Mj.vAGJE ;fib 49 Cv tl'NfYN fb 'Yr Vkf* Vrtw�,Uo Nnmv Lei:. F ';r awm gr;mfm E�, V..q 7Ya, Cm C:n *. Cr Pay U'Ry 40 7f,"9ad3''1_ go W WAI ftit `at.AEMt F Fin Ey r'sry rJcr t1-0,Me 4'e�w. as 4; ua�`d.Yr P6�=.r dtaa �'s R"aR' a;s�i inretPf; C re°°#w "t! Rr:=zd Y . l?i ^T' A i u PAY Co.em ri'„i 1 r T,€'e-72W� ' �„ ,' (U,2Aw2 ..-V.: WP Wl V 1,2ti 7'.1 8. s ti Fk t•f ,1 r w � $ .: 4ac-F'✓'CSz,P{u-�a:Ss 7�s.-T� ;`a^�� {r7.^a:#�9 *ea�.�lsti, stet: �y,Trv'ti',P fi;y Rd�PR.J P1 C,";d...': 5d7N1JT d;,tEv E}}f 2:.1hy:P'3 47 !s.'6 dr 5.�n '.itx�p= Po cw� 1�y ='ai pa'R E T.(k.S EiLtiC410C Cf" �. 17Le, Dq 6,"n' I., P• ,it P.sy G��s i.r _.r_ar kF:xP.:s:�¢ 'drt Ski.?5P sd Res, 7fI r ?o"Cs74), -: Efi.•C fi t4m k"'', :8 F":.6.r'% Ocep c7.iyk @.i"" jxlt ..' M, oot NO "V'6,'i."u<t tAkl E"f:sfs':�d Ekvc'±¢ •`°'svK.t fl 1'ir_L;tl" Y�P:xj mot P Raj 59%j TH TEMk"_LhXt A 8 c4.5UE X'EN iL,t3?040 i7C4 'fT0 N'M'rr ff:Li KY, `- a FM Mz9 t•A. d'.NW.5k L'N Raxj GA' 9'W`L.s:P37 d$?i-Pqv �2 e O.U2 W� CA8 VN- &1-,`i••'2'a5 SK:. D1 ; rYctabfriz 1ttfu °Cex-e'as as s Qh�s: :A�t4 Rk_Ts;R ."i N r..iO4',° H. 8L �4 rt CnJ `*aX} ' r 11p of Y 'y'�r �. 5Y 4�a-.ttAS-trt�-ca is M1r'ur 7 45"ffiSFR i I`>,zr-�N' ,, �;vdz 4"€ ri'1•7'� x r.:s,7F-:�, �`?"_;'s;� �p;.YJ""� 4x 5�.A r�r.Ct.'r r3'. ��. d 7fi'ss :�ti'r'sr"d�:F-it _t>': i�lafM17'i1�iE'e' t:` ��'�3% d-.: r�F.=Po ,-✓t [�..7iAs<;21r,; 3'a,fi1 [�% rA 9.'�!'° Ya'r,4JAIi id iM p3 , bs i.it> as°3 °ru. a^5°r "tea 41 uf4 0 LU a L "= M i. (I ftp N_ci = tda:.. f:x m r;`=zc:+.� &iRi°Kilt: %.r.lfs. I A.t#,0, P, NI ?`}. r,... Ii 6 4 4 %.ICE AS `x"}'"kak,"AGE C.i 'I r " ;.. CxT1- I i+.aaa N 6-".r N OF Courk L15 P'arF Qrre� r W gfvum APO E- � l l -kw°7,. � ;`r '� 1 i -U r k :� l : r i p :s L .gam ate;-,. t��Ilw F wr-e, _wrps§ 12:4&0 SLIN CrE m-..Jk..e4A *S�as d: aB'"ia V'`t' 's eJ-S,72 gall co 4�Cnc� � YA't *::✓.F C�]i`k-e �L4€3. �'4�'L �"4�3.' p. SYf i;AdAft OfE: d``4,° Of4.na[_ I:*w;4a z'.nr^.'a ra tw4p, NA V^q C'rl ty, � ®1r q„ * v ps,' U/, GQ t2VA 04 `? 2_. I.t,:i,"m&L-2 �Lml tx8k5&j 0,.W VIAP4:wkm;UP KcA t`L1F 7��Al �,7a,., fie, II I, A,"prFcs,:aS'k fmo,+*c' �m ,_ 01 '171 Camp, 7; 10 9ID WV 07yJ.. AFRU€ iSURRt`,E # 4, 'iI p`T`Ip.rk k't'k- ti arspa i.P.?r.fir d;.e;r:.e. g3eers Err' r M4-t +ra; EA cam.-' EM €fi:^t DI. Et T"ZV Gx� r %il.£i 7AL99� "-, >, krr A+� Ela as " [,4yzya l:A PY 1 Cot E w(M rs A Cm. f`..d4_ A U rav 010'rH 8&40" N, 1) AIJ Tt�x d'7p tom+ Fier ['fr' `- Na=M;r�1�a:ay p+a., A'II� II Lit 1? 11 YaE?�-xE "c"L -'rx iir'i...3• 3 ��1 I.,.r,�j rhK=.IJ S if`ryiSt 1. Tbr (,44 CP i.... I f Ar, 01 'e'r. IN " �Lq I_�?...i" %. PA`p' uo l3 :.;; {a.k:2i;. _ids rt ifEre" , tkfi� f:i: 7o.n L'_"i.•:i`�., idPii"stlP Z'PcaT FM P...b; d 0 Ism' Y,3 rCa;"&:3 20 CaJ t4".. CjV k,4'aq I z ;l _ [ i s3'tw'i+ Piz£ffi3p fl*,'!r'?IC+Fr �'41'R4 f.t4 ;;•: 1.54i 4"'' nl a. P-`3p' 1w Hu�:y BtT s'aFrf':.:11�1i'#''F[.FJ'Rtq.,vek S:d,. i`F 32 1`i°t 13s'i_.r <^A taLY Il.li Er, ILf7 k Ia?69R"'..'2 'nd<7€LC=IAKA +r 1•"a L :aff C ,;rFo-s'A T• " N "'r U S vKt IN C �,z G Payr Gerttb-a, L ���e Iio pg °ems :Da37a3', g; s :sC-?t 3?t!t SM IlvI x„ZT 17 K;'p. i=va 'Ga ; q 6 .. d-44C�Aterra 1,; :.#....mo t, ci t mix jl Lit la_s}e� l'4YL3 }k 64 L.m:'.w€ AIW 94,4'r:1:.59i»=1 p ..-- [:+6:'ay t io cw I v,.'l1m� t 5I �a.:P lb co 54;KWV. L'L:_r .,, r'd'a-' erg' (W16220 crint 11,6wr^} w14 1) M 0ffjr "'r Pf r, Llt�.y..kat ro-t�st �.'Lit,.Jav n4.Ai„^Y97 }:a3r3i^TA4 it "'N m'" ;, F 7'r1 rsk, I%a41CF5r 17 `d 1365t: LxR1..$E; )AW ;rR „ u;'sz+H L1L,04ftRti' .'.'..t,:.174 ru,1 a+s?.'.0 cv�,t n;3x: t. Pc r:.c r.rb ::"'4z, I. i-C=YW lily f2' L 22? A.F r-k.'t 23) 4.a- iA? M RU &4 iD W. 0 Fra .:i 44 1. &d'X'_r. #S;;P�D crt;:P 9a Nk cgc€G 'P rSqlfptln" r(Yx=3;rm vfy K� M^l. Cain, Far L11 i, to W4,14-cil7t`,A k-I}VANT&SLI .,: L c ul Dk A Ew. cAlc*. >v"" Pay Csn�, Cvvr kxm Nda a-,� pwe 5'bT; 7; q9 hl CO n€ ND n A s l:-151 n 1'j t4 pd 2s3 Ds ;1 E L%l FuL t1 r kll. V5 H A 3i4xida'!7 a Y, ut @x#'4'1 2'.} _ !'£ire I r_,1 wl ajg. lx_p } e 1' ao I z OVL IAI S r I `l .d§ 'r`"-i. ".<P •�Si' yid A, r ii i�ti:4 :n» u f i gel i,„ A':� F:ugi:ssu krr a:,t l.;mr >r P,za;r�-^^, Cia :#'.� 3 e=�., 7 8n:1 a'ry No i.I.a@iTEC Ak'l LA5FL.CP,;- payer:. 14o..7F IV, 7 V'+=-d.x* VAYtir,.e Nkff^N v+'Y+S9 k'rt F'r.,: �=. i,;x,a9xW 9'ca'rrrc=sU' M1za fif 15:a CM' 0.e A,A Of A.:t�k a'a kP;rl GjreFn S1�, ,-n r° fWr Paa : a r' kv 0 Fs (1, CK, ur : C.3,'4` CNLL f, M- L �a`L""M v 33itiFPa.'=8A "i3ht* '4i✓ r..5 Y a.P"�-P:�'eTi''�. 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It HI: .—.y Rz --'°ato„eF v.en 13'Adtie :T�.54 t t. �Bl. �.&+Fir@m r la i±tt5aa"u �Y4+�:a4�nwsz:Qes n at Y�41. k3Jk%siN.r� .f+. i Rfim#>7& tTl+3'W.�sfe �$'v.m..-eB (i t$ 4 tv tlQ�i a�i7Rit3 ENY,3aYY� l2.1,Ri� tv � wmwa� .. .:a . wy a» I ma. mmv �;' r' �e�,Fuva,,a��:>i.,t�t•ai��ni�s�t�,:rarr-� .vata __ el ell I — ell ell ell Xe ell :i a ,s �� „ ass �,•,�, MAY 05 t "I H1 (f Rif OM Ck l gmw7i::;„5p & @:8:7%-riA UIPP t.2 3 A �j L.aP543 d jjigNrn Cal r �i MAY Fut &+.dry,ITU A'l OUPP 1 Z ' Lapia p IL a gs+ C roc: "4CC a,FC1 t �uemarW Ma9tsal d'�etCes d�krdCe 3--21J2t 14Y 0 ct IT Saiera Call lln J4neetv Irw May G, 2020 2020 APPROVAL LIST - 2020 BUDGET COMMISSIONERS COURT MEETING OF BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD FROM APPROVAL LIST REPORT PAGE FICA MEDICARE FWH NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL - CHILD SUPPORT AT&T MOBILITY CITY OF SEADRIFT GBRA REPUBLIC SERVICES #847 05/06/20 I7 $1415952.16 P/R $ 51,215.32 P/R $ 11,977.64 P/R $ 35,931.51 P/R $ 41147,00 P/R $ IA37.76 A/P $ 278.94 A/P $ 80.25 A/P $ 357.74 A/P $ 89599 TOTAL VENDOR DISBURSEMENTS: '$ ` 2485274.11 TOTAL?PAYROLL AMOUNT:' $ - TRANSFER FUNDS FROM MONEY MARKET TO OPERATING ACCT AIP S I,250,000.tl0 1 TOTAL TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS: ' $ 1,250,000A / TOTAL AMOUNT FOR APPROVAL: $ 1,498,274.11 " s r, ..r s / � « f 4