2005-12-22 Regular December Term Held December 22, 2005 THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 22nd day of December, A.D" 2005 there was begun and holden in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the Memorial Medical Plaza in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10;00 A.M" a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to- wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W, Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the minutes of September 22, 2005 and October 13, 2005 meetings be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Kenneth W, Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: The Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report was presented by Jamie Jacoby, I') c' n f;.b,~ e e e e e e NEi GAIN\(LOSS) YTD CKANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- (Incr) Deer Current Liabilities- IneT (Deer) Prepaid Expense- (Iner) Deer Inventory (Incr) Deer Long Term Liabilities Iner (Decr) TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DEeR PLUS: Depreciation T atal Cash- Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases NET CASH- INCR (DECR) MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY NOVEMBER 30, 2005 293,044 170,417 (4,057) 11,255 (579,542) 425,154 (108,884) 316,270 1,262,086 1,578,356 1,578,356 (495,635) 1,082,721 s- 1,082,721 1 283 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: NOVEMBER 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDlCAL CENTER: OPERA TINO 2,382.741.19 1,646,729.09 1,713,558.75 2,315.9] J.5 MEMORIAL 17,688.34 21.81 0.00 17,710,1 RESTRICTED DONATION 14,029.00 17.30 0.00 ]4,046.3 INDJUENT HEALTHCARE 1,Y27.9!l 16g,563.40 16l:i,15tU2 2J32,!':6 TOTALS .$2,416,386.51 $1,815,331.60 $1,881.717.27 $2.350,000.84 BANK RECONCILLA TION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS; CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,315,911.53 0.00 306,311.62 2,622,223.15 MEMORIAL 17,710.15 0.00 0.00 n,710.15 RESTRICTED DONA nON 14,046.30 0.00 0.00 14,046.30 INDIGENT HEAL THeARE 2,332.86 0.00 1,725.31 4,05H.17 TOTALS $2.350,000.84 $0.00 $308,036.93 $2,658.037.77 e 2 e "Qi (."IJ"-j: e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ,PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT NOVEMBER 30, 2005 YTD YTD YTIl REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE NAME MONTH YTD MfOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT W JLLIAM, G.A 68,244,65 788,478,77 87,905.58 55,193,51 645,379.68 82% UI'I, M.S, , 208,575.2] 1,862,996,87 589,736,93 130,409,78 1,142,850,16 61% SMlTH, JX 79,829,71 948,851.68 291,340,13 66,4]9.62 591,091.93 62% MCFARLAND, TR, 214,]71.22 2,345,989,90 548,096,73 ]64,219,29 1,633,673.87 70% GRlFFIN, JEANNINE ]2,801.45 227,653,86 34,047.47 15,935.77 177,670,62 78% BUNNELL, D.P, 277,785.31 3,548,602.38 1,27],318.88 248,402.17 2,028,88 U4 57% N1RATSUWAN 33,472.23 1,036,849,17 270,098.83 72,579,44 694,170,90 67% ARROYO,DIAZ, R, ]57,649,70 1,9]7,597.04 659,243.41 134,231. 79 ],124,]21.84 59% CROWLEY,W 250,922.57 2,460,468.75 639,418.54 172,232.81 1.648,8]7.40 67% CUMMINS, M. 20,573.47 344,042,91 86,133.02 24,083,00 233;826,89 68% RUPLEY, M. ] 1,972. 84 213,]81.09 22,449,52 14,922.68 175,808,90 820/\1 LEE,] 76,439,81 ],289,4]5.57 385,500,60 90,259,09 813,655,88 63% LEW]S, D 0,00 20,093,04 4,509.36 1,406,51 14,177,17 71% JOHNSON, J. 56,281.52 153,336,18 27,174.02 10,733.53 115,428,63 75% STEINBERG, R. 9,115,45 129,827.37 24,675.34 9,087.92 96,064,]2 74% RAMOS LABORATORY 3,502.36 (55,247.46) 0,00 (3,867,32) (51,380,]4) 93% VISITING PHYSICIANS 536,976,74 3,984,777.12 1,054,221.29 278,934.40 2,651,621.43 67% ER PHYSICIANS 676,300,70 7,821,628,06 ],497,455,54 547,513,96 5,776,658.56 74% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 2,479,06 32,440.93 1,480,6] 2,270.87 28,689.45 88% OTHER 204,515,15 5,284,]29.97 1,107,386.06 436,436.60 3,740,307.3] 71% TOTAL 2,90],609,18 34,355.113.23 8,602,191.86 2,47],405.43 23,281,515,94 68% 3 i)n5 ivD PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS FIXED EQUIPMEN'!' MAJOR MOVABLE EQIJIPMENT MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REPORTABLE BOND ISSUARNCE COST CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS LESS: ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIP TOTAL UNRESTRICTED ASSETS"", MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET AS OF: 11/30/05 THIS YEAR 11/30l05 32,142.60 a, 871, 116.87 3,012,54') .41 10,271,137,87 900,501.27 ,00 ,00 116,959,303,781 LAST YEAR 11/30/04 32,142.60 8,837,744.87 2,413,482.03 10,042,461.51 900,501.27 ,00 ,00 (15,697,397.871 LAST MONTH. 10/31/05 32,142.60 8,871,116.87 3,012,547.41 10,271,137.n 900,501.27 .00 .00 (16,852,013.48) 6 r 128 r 142 .24 --_._---..--. -- ------... - -- --- - - - ----~---- - -- 6,215,432.58 1l,7S7,4JJ,l6 6,528,934.41 11,799,443.82 --------------- ------------ 11,892,896.00 4 e l)'''!' r;,,('jO e e e CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED PAYABLES ACCRUED I'AYRotL ACCRUED RETIREMENT ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX THIRD PARTY PAYABLES RETENTION-CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ACCRtJED IlAi1lTlON!HOLJDAYISICK CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION MMP BONDS REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT HaSp OBLIGATION FOR BONDS TOTAL ClJRRENT LIABILITIES. . LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BOmS LOllG TER}! LEASE TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES. TOTAL LIABILITIES. RETAINED EPRNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO~DATE GAIN/LOSS TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE. TOTAL UNRESTRICTED LIABILITIES. RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS. RESTRICTED F'UND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAB. MEMORlliL MEDICAL CElITER BALANCE SHEET AS OF, 11/]0/0\ THIS YEAR 111]0/05 LAST YEAR 11/30104 LAST MONTH 10/3110\ 14,404.23 481,191.15 246,953.97 185,199.89 200,890.61 121,324.93 582,696.65 414,535.60 497,892.67 ,6G ,00 ]7.12 2BB.:31 573.04 ]81.65 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ]10,109.32 295,613.39 310,109.32 264,687.45 236,979.00 280,842.11 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 --- --~------~-- ---~----------- ---~-------~--- 1,357,366.45 l,629,B62.79 1,457,541. 77 ,00 ,00 .00 993,144.8] 852,3.19.00 1,006,928.11 --------------- ---------~----- --------------- 993,144.63 852,119,00 1,006,928,11 2,350,531.28 2,-482,001.79 2,464,469.88 :::::::::=====:,'"'' ==:::==:======:==: --------------- --------------- 8,981,748.17 9,222,172.20 6,981,748.17 425,153.11) 95,26:9.82 446,677 .94 ._-~--~------~~ ---.----------- ---._-----~---- 9,406,901.87 9,317,442.02 9,428,426,11 ------~-------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ----------~---- --------------- 11,757,433.15 11,799,443.81 11,892,89\,99 :::=:::=:===:=== :==:::::=:=:====:: ------~-------- --------------- 17,710.21 533,637.41 17,446.70 533,637.41 17,688.40 533,637.41 -. - - - - - -- ~ - -- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - ~ - - - -- -- ~ - -- 551,]47.62 5I1,08UI 551,325.61 :===::=::::====:::: =:=====:======= =============== 17,710.21 533,637.41 17,446.70 533,637.41 17,688.40 53],6]7,41 -----------____ _n_~___.______ ____~___.__.___ 551,]47,62 551,084.11 551,325.81 =:<:===="'=:=:<:== --------------- --------------- :=::::==::=:=== 5 11Ft! 1.~U , MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 11 Month Ending NOV9mber30, 2005 SINGLE MONTH ----- YEAR TO DATE - ------------ Current Budgel f:lriorYear CurrentYTD BUdget YTO Prior YTD Operating Revenue e Inpatient Revenue: Medicare 397,825.33 471,888.41 616,191.89 5,416,318.92 5,190,772.51 5,788,841.30 Medicaid 68,218.65 107,623.68 116,535.46 1,081,962.25 1,183,860.48. 1,414,344.28 Other 202,805.84 339,626.63 225,411.41 2,546.468.84 3,744,553.65 2,943,062.18 TotallP Revenue 668,849.82 919,138.72 958,138.76 9,044,750.01 10,119,186.64 10,148,247.76 Yrn IP Revenue Variance (1,074,436,63) 1 (1,101,497.75)1 Outpatient Revenue Medicare 804,129.53 877,385.15 ~ ,042,637.98 11,493,438.74 9,651,236.65 10,859,873.04 MecJicaid 275,472.27 236,458.40 312,355.91 3,013,415.66 2,601,042.40 2,812,240.62 Other 1,153,157.56 960,353.03 832,871.45 10,803,508,80 10,563,883.33 9,735,936.90 Total OP Revenue 2,232,759.36 2,074,196.58 2,187,865,34 25,310,363.20 22,816,162.38 23.408,050.56 YTO OP Revenue Variance 2,494,200.82 I 1 1,902,312.64 I Total Operating Revenue 2,901,609.18 2,993,335.30 3,146,004.10 34,355,113,21 32,935,349.02 33,554,298.32 YTD T olal Revenue Variance 1,419,764.19/ 800,814.89 I Revenue Deductions Medicare Cont. Adj. (373,099,35) (757,470,00) (640,030.77) (7,476,864,96) (8,433,166.00) (8,830,756.38) Medicare Pass*thru 231.00 50,000,00 75,000.00 382,280.12 550,000.00 591,810.00 Medicaid Cont. Adj, (240,215,80) (178,200,00) (335,749,65) (2,302,191.46) (1,983,960.00) (2,353,931.11) I ndigentlChacity Cont. Adj, (207,164,52) (88,590.00) (286,941,89) (2,01S,033,04) (986,302.00) (1,348,864.20) Bad Debt Expense (269,454,25) (170,790.00) (42,494,37) (2,471,405.43) (1,901,462.00) (2,322,963.55) Other Deductions (147,407,58) . (281,490,00) (145,847,75) (2,001,277.24) (3,133,922,00) (1,976,161.64) T ota! Rev Deductions (1,237,110.28) (1,426,540,00) (1,376,064.43) (15,884,492.01) (15,888,812.00) (16,240.866.88) e Deducts as % of Oper Revenue 47.35%) 49.91%/ 50.17%/ Payments as % of Oper Revenue 52.65%1 50.09%J 49.83%1 Other RevenUe Cafeteria Sales 8,387.33 7,410.00 8,024.84 84,835.19 82,498.aO 87,108.99 Interest Income 3,346.91 1,250.00 2,207.47 36,052.15 13,750.00 15,087.22 I nterest from Bonds 17.30 0.00 16,99 191.36 0.00 211.59 Inleresl fram Hosp Pori ion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mall Rental 0.00 0.00 1,000,00 50.00 0.00 63,232.40 Miscellaneous Income 7,049.60 2,917.00 15,350.00 113,870.47 32,087.00 121.563.83 Total Other Revenue 18,801.14 11,577.00 26,599,30 234,999.17 128,335.00 287,204.03 Net Revenue 1,683,300,04 1,578,372.30 1,796,538.97 18,705,620.37 17,174,872.02 17,600,635.47 Page .1_ 6 e l1N.i,) f..u:,] MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 11 Month Ending No....ember30, 2005 ---~~ SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO DA IT Current Budget Prior Year Curreht YTD Budget YTD Prior YTD Operating Expense e Salaries 632,111.91 577,527.75 605,705.68 6,877,731.07 6,428,157.25 6,556,956.79 Employee Benefits 175,571.30 172,827.00 133,960.38 1,766,371.20 1,909,567.00 1,501,647.92 Professional Fees 213,517.13 236,347.00 216,495.55 2,358,658.08 2,599,81T.00 2,293,807.56 Plant Operation 76,167.91 34,580.00 39,846.78 606,815.59 384,428,0() - 471,208.71 Hospital General 38,690.36 53,325.00 57,307.88 427,395.43 624,075.00 604,514,91 Other Operating Expenses 461,475.37 444,824.00 457,884.13 4,981,981.49 4,927,876.00 4,610,431.66 Total Operating Expense 1,597,533.98 1,519,430.75 1,511,200.40 17,018,952.86 16,873,920.25 16,038,567.55 145,032,61 I 980,385.31 I Net Operating Gain/{Loss) 85,766.06 58,941.55 285,338.57 1,686,667.51 300,951.77 1,562,067.92 Non-Operaling Expense Depreciation 107,290.30 94,007.00 81,008.47 1,262,085.81 1,034,077.00 938,144.10 Cost R.eport Settlement 0.00 0.00 96,739.00 (572.00) 0_00 528;654.00 Contribution to County 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Non-Operating EXpense 107,290.30 94,007.00 177,747.47 1,261,513.81 1,034,077.00 1,466,798.10 Total Operating GainJ(Loss) (21,524.24) (35,065.45) 107,591.10 425,153.70 (733,12S,23) 95,269.82 County Subsidy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nei Gainf(loss) after Subsidy (21,524.24) (35,065.45) 107,591.10 425,153.70 (733,125.23) 95,269.82 e e Page -1- 7 289 {,;) C"'''\ "'- <0 e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 2005 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL - MEDICARE 1,054,660 157,885 77,745 58,535 178,611 1,527.436 Percent 69% 10% 5% 4% 12% 42% MEDICAID 178,173 40,760 9,957 14,091 7,045 250,026 71% 16% 4% 6% 3% 7% BLUE CROSS 239,7li1 80.591 32,825 24,206 16,151 393,524 Percent 61% 20% 8% 6% 4% 11% COMMERCIAL 480,279 228,085 65,499 58,174 54,617 886,654 Percent 54% 26% 7% 7% 6% 24% PRIVATE 153,664 150,128 156,229 64,694 58,880 583,595 Percent 26% 26% 27% 11% 10% 16% TOTAL 2,106,527 657.449 342,255 219,700 315,303 3,641,235 Percent 58% 18% 9% 6% 9% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 37.48 November 40.37 October <Xl e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEN'BR DEPAR'l'MEN'rAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/30/05 _____un S 1 ]'V G L E M 0 NTH h_~~h~h ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL EUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VAR DB NORSI~G STA.'l'ION REVENUE ROmINE REvENUE 7,700.00 14,495.69 16,195,6SI (46,88) 120,0]0.00 159,452.59 139,422,591 (2U21 e TOTAL REvENUE . 7,700.00 14,495.69 (6,195,69) 146,'81 120,030.00 159,452,59 (39,422,59) 12U2) RXPENSES SALARIES 26,344,25 13,737.75 !l2,606.50) 191.761 287,414.41 151,295.25 (136,119.16) r89.96) OTHER E;{PENSES 5,046.96 4,BB2.DO 1164.96) lUll 140,595.72 54,061.00 (86,534,12) 1160,06) TOTAL ID:PENSES :3.1,191.21 le, 619 .75 (12,771.46) 16U91 428,010.13 205,356.25 1222,653.811) 1108,42) -~-------.-.~- -_.__._-----~ ----------~--- ---.--~------- ~-------~._--. ~----.-.~-~--- NET ""H/ (LOSS 123,691.21) (4,124.061 119,561,151 (414.461 (301,980,!)) (45,903,66) 1262,016,411 1510,921 MED/SURG l.fJRSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENuE 112,035.00 117,627 .98 (5,592,98) 14.151 1,297,060.00 1,293,907.78 3,152.22 ,24 TOTAL REVENUE , 112,035.00 117,627.98 15,592,,"1 14.151 1,297,060.00 1,293,907.78 3,152.22 .24 EXPENSES SALARIES 78,372.36 78,5"1D.00 191,64 ,25 873,794.,37 614,746.00 951.63 ,10 OTHER EXP&NSES 22,771.62 19,152.00 13,019.62) 115 ,28) 275,136.94 218,603.00 157,133.94) 126.13) TOTAL EXPENSES 101,143.98 98,322.00 12,821.98) 12,811 1,149,531.31 1,093,349.00 156,182,31) 15.131 -------~------ ----------.-- .------------. -.-------~---- -----------.-- ---~-- -._--~-" NET GAINI (LOSS Hl,891.02 19,305,98 18,414.96) (4UBI 147,528.69 200,558.7B 153,030.09) (26.441 leu NURSING ST'ATION REVENUE INPATIffi7 REVENU 70,015.00 60,428.!l1 9,5B6,19 15,B6 B04,036,OO 664,116,91 139,319.09 20.95 mITPA1'IENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 3,135.00 ,00 3,135.00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. 70,015.00 6Q,4.28.81 9,586.19 15.!l6 807,171.00 664,716.91 142,454.09 21.43 EXPENSES SALARIES 44,239,SB 41,lJQ,OO 13,109,58) 17.56) 4i7,llO,B5 457,914.00 129,306.85) 16,40) OTHER EX PENSES 10,574.44 ll,2!l2,OO 707,56 6,27 l3S,961l.84 124,939,00 (11,021.841 l8.8ll TOTAL EXPENSES 54,BIU12 52,412.00 (2,402.02) 14,581 623,181.59 S82,!l53.00 140,328,691 (6.91) ---------_.--- --.---------- --------.-.~-- ----~---._.-.- .._---.------- -~-.-_.. -. -.-- e NET GAIN/ILOSS 15,200.98 8,016,81 7,184.17 89,61 183,989.31 81,B63.91 lO2,125.4G 124.75 NURSERY NURSING STATION REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 5,815.00 9,501.19 !J,6'6,19) 138,19) 93,745,QQ 104,51).09 110,168.09) 110,301 TOTAL REVENUE, 5,815.00 S,501.19 IJ,6B6,19) !JB,18) 93,745.0G 104, S13. 09 [10.768.09) nO.30) EXPENSES SALARIES g,625.}) 11,100.00 11474.87 13.28 99,411}.61 12],580.00 24,169.39 19.5S OTHER EXPENSE:S 1,159.00 2,210.00 1,051.00 47.55 20,l1l4.1S 24,490.00 4,]05.85 17,SB TOTAL EXPENSES HI,784.13 13,310.00 2,525.87 IB,SI 119,594.76 148,070,00 28,475,24. 1:U3 - -- --~.-.---.- ....--.....-- -~------------ -.-._--.'----- ---.~----~-_.- ----~ -_._---~- NET GAIN! fLOSS 14,969,1l1 13, BOUI) (l,15G.32) !JO,'6) 125,849.76) (43,556,911 17,ID7.15 40.65 9 e 291 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATBMENT POR THE 11 MONTI1S ENDING 11/lDID5 -..-.-..- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ____~_h__ ----._------ YEA R TO DATE-- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM RBVEJi[JR INPATIENT REVENU 22,197.20 49,071.03 (26,B73,B3) 154.761 32'1,459.95 539,781.33 (212,321.38) (H.33J OUTPATIENT REVEN 114,539.80 147,834.76 (33,294.961 122,521 1,369,924.40 1,626,182.36 1256,251.961 115.751 e TOTAL REVENUE, 136,731.00 196,905,79 160,15B,791 130,551 1,697,384.35 2,165,963.69 (468,579,341 (21.631 EXPENSEs SALARIES 42,434.87 40,980.00 (1,454.671 13.551 449,932.77 456,244,00 6) 311.23 1.38 LEASE MID RENTAL 71l,oo 583.00 112B,001 (21.951 5,695.'96 6,413. DO 717.04 11.18 OOOR EXPENSES 24,591.97 32,439.00 1,847.03 24.19 359,872.22 360,546,00 PUB .18 TOTAL EXPENSES 67,731,84 74,002.QO 6,264.16 8.46 815,500.95 B23,2G).OO 7,702.05 .93 -~----------.- ----~-------. -----._------. ------_.------ -------------- ------.------- NET GAINIILOSS 6B,999,16 122,903.79 (53,904 ,631 (4J,B51 881,883.40 1,342,760.69 1460,m,29) (3.: ,32) SWING BED REVENUE ROUTINE REVENUE 3,220.00 1,442.ail 1,777.12 123,16 65,290.00 15,871.68 49,418.32 311.36 TOTAL REVENUE, 3,220.00 1,442.88 1,777 .12 123.16 65,290.00 15, an. 68 49,418.32 311.36 EXPENSES SALAAIES 75.69 ,00 175,691 ,001 180.57 ,00 11BO.57} .00 DTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 109.10 ,DO !10.9.10) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 75.69 ,00 175.691 ,001 289,67 ,00 1289.67) ,DO ---------~~--- --------~---- ---_._---_.~-- --_.~--._----- -~-------~-~-~ -~-------.---- NET GAIN/REVEN 3,144,31 1,442.88 1,701.43 117.91 65.000.33 15, an. 68 49,128.65 309.5':; OBSmtVATION REVENUE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENiJ 4,540.aa .DO 4,540.00 ,00 61,170.00 ,00 61,470.00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 10,88S.81 110,889.Bl) 1100.00) 5,000.00 119,787.91 (114,787.91) (95B21 TOTAL REVENUE, 4,540,00 10,BB9,il 16,34Ul) 159.30) 66,470.00 119,787,91 153,311.91) (44.51) LABOR MID DELIVERY REVENUE e INPATIENT REVENiJ ,00 10,807,7.4 110,B07,741 (100,001 7,190,50 118,885 I' Illl,59U4) 193,95) O[]TPATIENT REVEN 741.75 1,023.05 12BUoI (21.491 5,698,25 11,253 ,55 (5,555.30) (49.36) TOTAL RE1'SNUE, 741.75 11,830,79 111,089,041 193,731 12,888.75. 130,13B 59 (117,249.941 (go. OSI EXPENSES SALARIES 7,311.09 14,28D,OO 6,968.91 4B.BO 95,619.32 158,984 00 63,364.68 )9.85 OTRER EXPENSES (5,560,07) 3,237.00 8,797,07 271.76 28/544.95 36,114 .00 7,569.05 20.95 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,751.02 17,517,00 15,765.98 90.00 124,164.27 195,098.00 70,933.73 36.35 - -----~----~-- --~-----~~-- - --~----.------ ~-~---_._---~. _._~._~~----~- -----_.---~-~- NET GAIN/ILOSS (1,009.27) (5,6B6,21) 4,676.94 82.25 Illl,27S,521 (64,959,)1) (46/316.21) 171.30) 10 e 'lG') Nv~ MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OEPARTMEllTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR TIlE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/30105 --------- SIN G 1 E M 0 NTH _h__.__n ------------ YEA R TO OAT E ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR CENTRAL SUPPLY REVENlIE INPATIENT REVENU 1,977.36 45,853,48 143,816,12) 195,681 64,401.87 504,388,28 1439,986,411 187.23) OUTPATIENT REVEN 826.05 12,105.55 111,219,501 193,17) 17,031.90 133,161.05 1116,129,15) 187.201 TOTAL REVENUE, 2,803.41 57,959.03 155,155,621 195,161 ' 81,433.77 637,549,33 1556,115.561 181.22) e EXPENSES SALARIES 1,261. 77 1,200 00 161. 77) 15,141 13,821.44 13,360.00 1461.441 13.451 OTHER EXPENSES 309.32 14,831 ,00 14,521.68 97.91 26,345,56 164,925,00 138,579.44 84.02 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,571.09 16,031 00 14,459.91 90.19 40,167.00 178,285.00 138,118.00 77 .47 ~---- -._------ ___._r_______ -------------- ------._------ .------------- --------._---- NET GAIN! (LOSS 1,232.32 41,928.03 (40,695,71) 197.061 41,266.77 459,264.33 1411,997.56) (91.01) PHARMAcy AND IV THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVEND 152,423.99 194,142.84 141,718,851 121.48) 2,021,934.30 2,135,571.24 Illl,636,94) 15,32) OUTPATIENT REVER 122,776,17 107,153.19 15,622.98 14.58 1,423,816.25 1,178,685.09 245,131.16 20.79 TOTAL REVENUE. 275,200.16 301,296 .03 126,095,871 18,66) 3,445,750,55 3,314,256.33 1ll,494.22 3.96 EXPENSES SALA.lUES 12,861.97 7,890.00 14,911,97) 163,011 129,654.41 87,842.00 141,812.41) 147,591 PROFESSIONAL FEE 8,260.36 12,084.00 3,823.64 31.64 90,863,96 132,924,00 42,060,04 31.64 EXPENSES 57,448.00 51,089.00 15,759.001 (11.141 592,024..88 575,382.00 (16,64.2.Bel (2.B9! TOTAL EXPENSES 78,570.33 71,663.00 16,901.331 19,631 812,543;25. 796,148.00 (16,395,25) 12.051 --~----------- ------~------ ----._-------- ------------.- -------------- -------------- NET GAINIILOSS 196,629.83 229,611,03 133,003,20) 114.171 2,633,207,30 2,518,108.33 115,098.97 4.57 CHF INFUSION THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT Rt."VEN .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .'00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 e TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ----._---._--- .--.---- -- ---~ NET GAIN! (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 11 e 293 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/30/05 mmm SIN G L E M 0 NTH __mm__ ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR EMERGENCY ROOM REVRNllE INPATIENT REVENU 11,827.00 36,293.24 124,466,241 167,411 255,648.75 399,225.64 1143,576,891 (35.96) OUTPATIENT REVEN 193,053.00 179,842.39 13,210.61 7.34 2,234,993.25 1,978,266,29 256,726.96 12.97 e TOTAL REVRNllE, 204,880,00 216 ,135,63 111,255,631 15,201 2,490,642.00 2,377,491. 93 113,150.07 4.75 EXPENSES SALARIES 63,660.05 51,450.00 112,210.05) 123,731 728,6Q4.93 572,810.00 1155,794.931 i27.19) PROFESSIONAL PEE 79,437.90 83,430.00 3,992.10 4.7B 874,375.10 917,730.00 43,354.90 4.72 LEASE & RENTAL 1,209.66 2,167.00 95'1.34 44.17 18,308.79 23,837.00 5,528.21 23 19 OTHER EXPENSES 15,655.71 9,898,00 15,757.711 158.171 227,384.83 109,986.00 1117,398.831 nOG 73) TOTAL EXPENSES 159,963.32 146,945,ao 113,018,32) 18.85) 1,848,673.65 1,624,363.00 (224,310.65) (13 801 -------------- ------------- .------------- -------------- -------------- -----._------- N!:J' GAIN I I LOSS 44,916.68 69,190,63 124,273,95) 135,081 641,968.35 753,128.93 Illl,160.581 114.751 ER PHYSICIANS REVRNllE INPATIENT REVENU 9,968,00 19,066,49 (9,098,491 147,711 171,082.25 209,731.39 (J8,649,141 118,421 OUTPATIEN'I' REVEN 144,466.50 131,058.01 13,408.49 10.23 1,754,292.50 1,441,638.11 312,654.39 21.68 TOTAL REVENUE, 154,434.50 150,124.50 4,310.00 2.87 1,925,374.75 1,651,369.50 274,005.25 16.59 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVRNllE INPATIENT REVENU .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 CITY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 COmITY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .OD ,00 e -------------- --------.----- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------- NET GAIN/ILOSS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVRNllE INPATIENT REVENU 83,579.02 101,606.49 (18,027.471 117,741 1,101,612.37 1,117,671.39 (16,059.02) (.1..43) OOTPATIENT REVEN 298,541.51 258,665.06 39,876.45 15.41 3,391,270.51 2,845,315.66 545,954.85 19.28 TOTAL REVENUE. 382,120.53 360,271.55 21,848.98 6,06 4,492,882.88 3,962,987.05 529,895.83 13.37 EXPENSES SALARIES 44,329.99 40,860.00 13,469.991 18.491 454,542.25 454,.908.00 365.75 ,08 LEASE & RENTAL 6,473.22 4,530.00 (1,943.22) (42,891 55,275.94 49,830.00 15,445,941 (10.92) OTHER EXPENSES 55,160,45 58,566.00 3,405.55 5,81 640,479.44 649,137,00 8,657.56 1.33 TOTAL EXPENSES 105,963.66 103,956.00 (2,007.66) 11.931 2,150,297.63 1,153,875.00 3,577.37 .31 -------------- ----------._- -------------- --._---------- -------------- ------------ NET GAIN/ILOSS 276,156,87 256,315,55 19,841.32 7.74 3,342,585.25 2,809,112.05 533,473.20 18.9.9 12 e 00.,; IvI'Li~ MEMORIAL NEDI CA1 CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMElIT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING n/lO/ol __n_h__ SIN G 1 E M 0 NTH '-__.nhO -----.------ YEA R TO D ATE ..---..----. I.CTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAA ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR BLOOD BAt'l'K REVENUE INPATIENT RBVENU 19,984.00 20,452.B1 1468,811 12,291 179,981.00 224,9BO.91 144,999,911 120,00) OUTPATIENT REVEN 10,607.00 6,818.01 3,7B8.99 55.57 lJJ, 391,00 74,998.11 64,393.99 85.86 TOTAL REVENUE . 30,591.00 27,210.32 3,3l0,lB 12.17 319,373.00 299,979.02 19,393.98 6.46 e EXPENSES EXPENSES 10,344.24 5,SHI.OO 13,804.241 118.161 80,707.53 72,B12.00 17,891,531 110,841 TOTJ>.1 EXPENSSS 113,344.24 6,54.0.00 0,801.241 158,161 80,101,53 72,B12.00 11,m.111 110.84) -------.------ '------------ ------~-~--- ~-~---------_. --~-~-----~-~- -------.._---. NET GAIN/fLOSS 20,246.76 20,730.82 1464.061 12,131 238,661.41 227,167.02 ll,49fL45 5.06 OCCUPA'l'IONAL MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .oa .00 ,00 ,00 ,aD .00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,DO ,00 ,DO ,00 .00 ,00 ,DO ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,DO ,00 .00 ,DO ,DO ,00 ,DO EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL PEE ,00 ,00 .00 ,DO ,DO ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER E..1PENSES ,DO ,00 ,DO ,DO ,DO .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,DO ,DO .00 ,00 --~. --~---.-- --~--_._-_._-- -.---.-----.-. --.---.------- -------------- NET GAIN! (Lass .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ',00 ,00 .00 ,DO &AFETY TESTING REVENUE OU'IPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,DO TOTAL REVENUE, .00 .00 ,DO .00 ,0D .00 ,DO .00 &XPENSE5 SALARIES ,Do ,DO ,00 ,DO .00 ,00 .00 .00 OTIlER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,DO TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,DO .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 -------------- ------------- ------------.- ------.------- ---.---------. -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 e ELECTROCARD IoLOGRAPHY IERG! REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 11,735.00 14.,%7.93 (3,232.98) 121,191 190,653,75 1/3,30B.50 17 ,345.25 10.00 OUT~ATIENT REVEN 52,812.75 45,766.64 7,046.11 15.39 509,263,35 503 , 43:L 04- 5,830.31 l.15 TOTAL REVENUE. 64,547.75 60,734.62 3,813.13 6,27 699,917.10 676,741.54 23,175.56 EXPENSES 3.42 E.'\PENSES 2,585.34 2,946,00 360.66 12.24 29,569.68 32,486.00 2,916.32 8.97 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,585.14 2,946.00 3€O.66 12.24 29,5€S.611 32,486.0Q 2,916.32 8.97 ~----~----~..- .---.---...-- -~--~._-~.._-- --..._-_..._~. --.._-_..---~. -~._--_..-_._- NET GAIN!(LOSS 61,962.41 57,na.62 4,173.79 7.22 67Q,347.42 644,255.54 26,091.88 4.04 13 e 295 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL lllCcm STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTlfS ENDING 11IJOI05 ------.-- SIN G L E M 0 N r H ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D A [ E -- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VAR1l\NCE \ VAR AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VA.>? RADIOLOGY' REVENlJE INP.AtINl P..EVENU 5,807.CO 14,089.25 18,282,26) (58,181 107,4S1.00 154,9BLB6 (47,SOCl.86J (3064) OU1'PATrE:!T REVEN 201,036.63 126,193,17 125,157,141 119,931 1,271,796.85 1,388,131.47 1116,334-62) 18.38) e TOTAL lEVENUE, 106,843.63 140,283.03 133,439,40) 123.831 1,379,277 .8S 1,543,113.33 1163',835,481 (lUll EXPENSES SALARIES 50,111.97 48,060,00 12,051.91) (4.261 .524/217.26 5.35,068.00 10,850.74 2.02 PROFESSr iliAL FEE 3,360.00 2,500.00 1860.00) (JUO) 39,195.00 27 ,500. aD 111,695.001 1,42.52) OTHER EJ(IENSES l5,017,3S 17,453.00 2,435.62 11.95 157,585.65 193,477,00 25,891.35 13 JB TOTAL RKPENSES 68,489.35 68,OlJ,OO 1416,351 1,10) 730,997.91 756,045.00 25,047.09 3,31 -- ~ --. - ~ ~ - ~ -~- ~---------~-. -~---_._------ ~ -~ - ~--- ~ - - - - ~ ~~~~~~~-~~~-~- ~--~-~- -- - - --- NET G)dN/ (LOSS 38,354.28 72,270.03 133,915.75) 146,92) 648,279.94 787,068.33 (m,188,391 111,631 NUCLEAR 1a)IClNE REVENUE INPATlEln REVmm 2,402.50 7,612,86 15,410,36) 169.481 62,908.92 86,601.46 123,692.54) \27.25) OU1'PATIENI' REVEN 47,354.25 32/827.07 14,527.18 44..25 370,380.50 361,09').')7 9,282.73 2.57 TOTAL JIEVENUE, 49,'756.75 40,699.93 .9,056.82 22.25 433,289.42 447,699.23 (14/409.811 13.211 EXPENSES OTIlER E:UENSES 3,BO}.32 8,002.00 4,198.68 52.41 48,712.89 88,610.00 39,897.11 45.02 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,803.32 B,D02.00 4,198.6il 52.{7 48,712.89 88,610,00 39,897,11 45.02 ~----~~------- ------~~-~-~- ---------~..~- ~----~~-- .~.-. ~-----~-~~~--- -~--~---- - - --- NET GAIN! ILOSS 45,953.43 32,697.93 13,255.50 40.S] 384,575.53 359,089.23 25,487.30 7.09 ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT REVENll 4,809.25 5,613 .52 1804.11/ 114.321 70,799.06 61, 748.72 9/050.34 14.6S OUTPATIENT REVEN 46,368.2B 45,095,51 1,212.11 2,82 569,163,18 496,050.61 73,112.57 14.73 TOTAL REVSNtJE, 51,111.53 50,709.03 468.50 .92 639,962.24 557,799.33 82,152.91 14,72 EXPENSES t.EASE &: RENTAL ,DO ,00 ,DO ,DO ,DO ,00 ,DO .00 OTHER EXPENSES 3,167.97 3,342.00 174.03 5.20 42,541.63 3o,826,QO (S,715.63) (15,52) e TOTAL EJ:PENSES 3,167.97 3,342.00 174.03 5.20 42,541.63 36,826.00 15,715,631 /15,52) --~---- ------- _ ___.4___~_~_ ~~--~-----.--- --~--~_._._--- ------~~-~-~-- .~ -------- - -~- NET GAIN / (LOSS 48,009.56 47,]07 .03 642.53 1.35 597,420.61 520,973.33 76,447.28 14.67 CT SCAN REVENGE INPATIENT REVENU 28,031.50 32,077.74 14,046.24) 112.61) 362.312.25 352.855.14 9,45'L11 2.68 OUTPATIENT REVE:N 218,605.25 175,353.46 4],251.79 24.66 2,490,197.50 1,928, B8B 06 501,30S.44 29.10 TOTAL REVENUE. 246,636.75 207,431.20 39,205.55 18.90 2,852,509.75 2,281,743.20 570,766 .55 25.01 EXPENSES LEASE & ROOAL ,00 22,000.00 22,000.00 100.00 ,DO 242,000.00 242,000.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 21,414.18 8,896.00 (12,516 .lll) /140.65) 193,686.88 99,030.00 (94,656.88) (95,58) TOTAL EXPENSES 21,414 .18 30..898.00 9,483.82 30.69 193,686.88 ]41,030,00 14.7,343,12 43.20 -~----------~- .-.. ----~._., - ,-~-.- --- - --- -.~-~--- - .~-~- ,- -- ~---~~~--- -~--- - ~ - -- NET GAIN! ILOSS 225,222.57 176,533.20 4S,689.37 27,58 2,058,822.87 1,940,713.20 7lB, 109 .67 37.00 14 e i)(J;:~ !..,v'V MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMElIT101 INCDME STATEMENT FOR THE U MONTHS ENDING 11/30/05 --------- S IN G L E M 0 NTH '.'.'.".. '.'.'.'..'" YEA R TO D ATE ...........- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE IVAR AC'I'!1AL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR MAMMOGRAPar REVENUE INPATIOO REVEND ,00 30.01 130,01) 1100,001 235,QO ]][),11 f95.11) 128,81) OU'IPATIWT REVEN 9,559.00 6,627.92 2,931.0B 44 .22 82,074.00 72,907.12 9,166,88 12.57 TOTAL Bm;NUE. 9,559,00 6,657,93 2,901.07 43.57 B2,309,00 73,237,23 9,G7l.77 12,]8 e EXPlillSES OTHER EXprnSES 2,872,]] 1,6]8.00 11,234.33) 175,351 24,28U6 18,102,00 16,178,161 134.121 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,872.33 1,638.00 11,234,331 175,351 -24,280.16 18,102.00 16,118,16) 134,12) -~-~-----~-~-- .---------.-. -----.-_._---- --~---.------- ----.~-------- -----.-------- NET GAIN/ j1085 6,686.67 S,01S.S3 1,666.74 3UO 58,028,84 55, JJ5.l3 2,893,61 5,24 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT REVENV 4,371.25 11,943,99 17,572,741 163,401 79,551.54 1)1,383.89 (51,832.35) 139"51 OUTPATIENT REVEN 151,259,27 111,193.28 18,065,99 13 .56 1,596,401.42 1,465,126.08 131,275,34 8.96 TOTAL R1'1lENUE, 155,630.52 145,137.27 10,491.25 7,22 1,675,952.96 1,596,509,97 79,442.99 4.97 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 20,375.30 34,335.0D 13,959.70 40,65 212,569,84 378,013 ,00 165,443.16 43,76 TOTAL. EXPENSES 20,375.30 34,335.00 13,95S.70 40,65 212,569.84 m,Oll,OO 165,44.3.16 4J,'J6 -------------- - -----~-~-~-- -------.------ -------------- _w____________ -----._------. NET GAIN/lLOSS 135,255.22 llD,802.27 24,4.52.95 12,06 1,463,383,12 1,21B,496.9/ 244,886,15 2Cl,09 ANESTRESIA. REVEllDE INPATIENT REVFJru 12,472.75 29,072.56 116,599,BII 157.091 261,347.25 319,798.16 15',450,911 118,27) OUTPATIEN7 REVEN 79,653.25 14,446,78 5,206.47 6.99 937,470,25 818,:11.4.,58 118,555.67 14,47 TOTAL RMNUE, 92,126,00 103,519,34 111,193.3') (11,001 1,198,81'7.50 1,138,71.2.74 60,104.76 5.27 EXPENSES PRDFESSIONAL FEE 43,15B,66 41,652,00 11,506.661 13,61) 439,626.49 458,172,00 18,545.51 4.D4. LEASE & RRNTAL ,00 so,ao 50.00 100.00 ,00 550.00 550.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 3,808.22 3,423,00 1385,221 11125) S6,1l7,25 3B1260.00 117,B57,251 {4!i,G7) TOTAL EXPENSES 46,966,88 45,125,00 Il,an,88) I4.0B) 495,743,74 496,982.00 1,23B,26 ,24 ----~-~-~----- ------------- -------------- --.----------- ~___~_____~_w_ -------------- e NET GAIN/ILOSS 45,15U2 58,394.34 Ill,235,221 122,66) 703,013,76 641,730,74 61,343.02 9.55 DIALYSIS illlIT REVEllDE OlITPATIEN1 REVEN 385,246.25 338,169.37 47,076.88 13,92 4,410,097.10 3,719,863,07 690,234.03 18.55 TOTAL REVENUE. 385,246.25 338,169,37 47,D76.Bll 13.92 4,410,097.10 3,"J19,863,07 690,234.03 18.55 EXPENSES SALARIES 28,6SS.99 2'J,570.00 11,12\,981 (4.08) 327,287.45 3D6,946.DO 120,341.451 16,611 OTHER EXPENSES 6B, 385, 73 50,183.00 (18,203.73) 136,271 723, B(}4, 70 557,240.00 1166,564.7D) 129.891 TOTAL E:X?ENSES 97,082.72 77,753.00 119,329.721 (24.861 1,051,092.15 864, lB6, 00 1186,906.J51 (21.62) -~---------~-- -~ - -~----._-- --- ~- ~-.------ _____.._._w_._ --_._-.-----.- .~-.-----.---- NET GAIN{ (LOSS 288,163.53 260,415.37 27,747.26 1Q.65 3,359,004,95 2,855,677 .07 5Q3,327,88 17.62 15 e 297 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CllNTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTllS ENDING n!30/01 ......... SIN G L E M 0 N T R ....h.... ----_._---~- 'f EAR TO D ATE -- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ! VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE l VAR CAR1JlOPULMONARY REVl:NlJE INPATIENT REVENU 8.0,053.50 104,277.82 /24,224.]2) 123.23) 1,096,658.75 1,147,056.02 (50,397.27) 14.3.9) OIITPATIENT REVEN 15,694.00 31,471.04 (15,771.041 150,111 291,980.00 346,lBL44 (54,201.411 (lUSI e TOTAL REVENUE, 95,747.50 135,748.86 1<0,001,36) 129,46) 1,388, 6J8. 75 1,493,237.46 1104,598.71) (7.00) EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 LEASE , RENTAL 411,16 467.00 110,16) 12,J7) 6,11J.22 I, B1.00 11,616,221 (JU6( OTHER EXPENSES 31,748.15 ]1,6]7.00 1111.25) 1,351 360,609.10 348,143.00 i12,4li6.10) 13.58) TOTAL EXPENSES 32,221,41 32,104.00 1121.41( (,37) 367,]62.32 353,280.00 (14,082.32) IJ,981 --- --~-_._--_. ._-----~---~- -------.---.-. ------_...---- ---------p---- -------------- NET GAIN! ILOSS 63,522.09 103,644.81i (40,122,77) 138,71) 1,021,276.41 1,139 r 957 .46 (H8,681.031 (10.41) tARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVEllO ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,DO OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 00 TOTAL REVENUE, .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO 00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 0TlffiR EXPENSES ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,DO ,DO ,DO .00 ,DO ,00 ~--~~-~-~-~--- --~--~~---~-~ - -~---_._----- ---~------~--- -------------- ---------~---- NET GAIN! I10SS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO OCcuPATIONAL THERAPY REVEIlUE INPATIENT REVENU ,DO 244.87 1244,671 (100,00) 2,452.00 2,693.57 (241.57) (13.%) OUTPATIENT REVRN 887.00 42D.85 466,15 110.76 7,111,00 4,629.35 21B85.65 b2.33 TOTAL REVENUE. 887.00 665.72 221.28 JJ.2J 9,967.00 7,322.92 2,644.08 36.10 EXPENSES SALARIES ,DO ,DO ,00 ,DO ,00 ,DO .00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES ,00 500,00 500,00 100.00 1,507.50 5,500.00 3,992.50 72.59 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 500,00 500.00 100.00 1,507.50 5,500.00 3,992.50 12.59 ------~~---.~-~ ~-~~-~-~---_.~ ~~._~----~._~~ ------~---~--- - - - -. - - - - - ~ - ~- ~ - - - - - - - - ~ NET GAIN! (LOSS 887.00 165.72 721.28 435.24 8,459.50 1,1322.92 6,635.58 364.06. PHYSICAL THERAPY RE1IENUE INPATIENT REVENU 15,425.50 18,!57.44 (2,731. 94'1 115,041 221,244.00 199,731. 84 21,512.16 10.77 OUTPATIENT REVEN 145,206.25 115,014.75 30,291.50 26.25 1,369,683.45 2,265,162.25 104,521.20 8.26 TOTAL REVENUE. 160,63L75 133,172.19 27,459.56 20.61 1,590,927.45 1,464,894.09 126,O3}.36 B.60 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 40,700.00 40,000.00 1700,00) 11.751 4n,44UO 440,000,00 8,559.10 1.5.14 OTHER EXPENSES 7,778.89 1,594,00 (6,084.89) 1359,20) 68,414.46 19,193.00 149,221.46) !255.45) TOTAL EXPENSES 48,418 ,89 41,594.00 16,784.89J 116,27) 493,855.36 459,193.00 (40,662.361 i8.85) ~ - - - -. ~ ~ - -- - -- ~-~-------~-, -~----~------- - - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - ~ -- ~ - - ~ - - - - - ~,- -- ~~-~-~-~---~-- NET GAIN/ILOSS 112,152.86 91,478.19 20,674.67 22.60 1,091,072.09 1,005,701.09 85,371.00 i348 16 e 0G8' ;"'v MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE n MONTIlS ENDING nllol05 SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE _____h__h_ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAP. HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVEN1J ,00 ,00 .00 .CO ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 91,885.40 94,226.31 12,340.911 12,481 1,057,156.54 1,QJ6,489,41 20,667.13 1.99 TOTAL REVENUE. 91,885.40 94,226.n 12,340,911 12,481 1,057,156.54 1,036,489.41 20,667,13 1.99 e EXPENSES SALARIES 29,660.21 27,990.00 11,610,211 15,961 324,782.96 1l1,622,OO Ill,160.961 IU21 LEASE & RENTAL 2,349.01 83.00 12,266.011 (2730,13) -21,062.95 913 .00 (2G,149.S5) 12201.00) OTHER sx.PENSES 14,361.83 13,698.00 1663,631 14,B41 159,526.62 151,620.00 (7,906.62) 15,211 TOTAL EXPENSES 46,371.05 41,771.00 14,600,051 111.011 505,372.53 464,155.00 141,211,531 18,881 .------------- -----------~- -.------------ -.----------.- -----._------- -----------.-- NET GAIN! (LOSS 45,514.35 52,455.31 (6,940.96) (ll,231 551,784.01 572,334.41 120,550,401 13,591 HOSPICE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,OD ,00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO OTHER EXPENSES. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 TOT.A1 EAPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -----------._- ------------- -._-------._-- -----._----..- -.-----~-.__.- -------------- NET GAIN!ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DD ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO e - -----.~------ --~---------- ------------.- --------~----~ ---~-_.__._--- --------~----- NET GAIN! (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,OD ,00 ,00 ,00 ,OD ,DO NEW VIEW REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,DO TOTAL REVENUE. .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,OD EXPENSES SA1ARIES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 ,DO .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ------- -~--._- --- ~-- ._----. -----------._- ---.--.-.._--- ---~----~----~ -------------- NET GAIN/ lLOSS .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 17 e 299 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11130105 ._~------ BIN G L E M 0 NTH ____n__H ---------~-~ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACl'UAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VJl..R CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO .00 TOTAL REVBNUE, .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 e EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 PROFESSIOl!l!L FEE ,00 ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAt EXPENsES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 -------------- __~k_________ -------------- -------------- .- ----------- ~ --~----.-- ___A NET GAINj (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 DIETARY R1lVJlNIJE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVRN 100,00 .00 100.00 .00 320.00 .00 320.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. 100.00 ,00 100.00 ,00 320,00 ,00 320.00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,430.44 12,780.00 1650,44) (5,08) 145,373.63 142,284.00 (],089,6)) (2 17) PROFESSIONAL FEE 1,400.00 1,667.00 267.00 16.01 18,231,50 18,ll7,OO 99,50 ,54 OTHER EXPENSES 35,981.31 15,882.00 119,099.31) 1111,13) 239,508.36 187,876.00 151,63.2.36,1 127.48) TOTAL EXPENSES 50, Bll. 75 31,329.00 (19,482.75) (62,181 403,119.49 348,497.00 (54,622.49) (15.67) ----------~--- --- - ------~.. -------------- -------------- -------~--_.- . ---~ ------- --- NET GAINI (LOSS (50,711,751 1ll,l29,OOI 119,382,751 (61.861 (402,799.491 (348,497,00) (54,302.49) (15.58) MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 16,703.88 17,220.00 516.12 2.99 176,346.78 19l,716,OO 15,369.22 8.01 LEASE & REN'lAL 1,325,46 2,667,00 1,341.54 50.30 14,101.41 29,337.00 15,235.59 51.93 OTBBR EXPENSES 2,330.81 4,247.00 1,916.19 45.11 57,372.69 46,978.00 110,39-4.69) 122.12) MAL EXPENSES 20,360.15 24,134.00 3,773.85 15,63 247,820.88 268,031.00 20,210.12 7.54 CARE PROGRAM e EXPENSES OTHER EXI?ENSES 2,211.88 ,00 (2,211.881 ,001 8,820,14 ,00 18,820,14) .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,211.88 ,00 (2,211,881 ,00) S,820.B ,00 18,820.14) ,00 MAINTENANCE BXPRNSES SALARIES 14,519,41 11,130.00 13,389,41) 130.45) 154,749.81 123,914.00 130,835.81) (24.88) OTHER EXPENS8S 1,673.21 2,682,00 1,008,79 37,61 21,085,52 29,704.00 8,618.48 29.01 TOTAL EXPENSES 16,192.62 13,812,00 12,J80.621 (17 .23) 175,835.33 153,618.00 122,217.33) (14.45) PLANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 45.00 54.00 9.00 16.66 495 aa 594.00 99,00 16. 66 ELECTRICITY 54,490.23 27,900.00 (26,590.23) 195.301 362,673 .91 310,620,00 (52,053.91) (16 751 WATER & SEWER 8,704.20 ,00 18,704.101 ,001 81,856.78 ,00 (81,856.78) .00 GAS 6,166.63 ,00 (6,166,63) .00l 53,037.18 .00 (53,037.18) ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 6,761.85 6,626.00 (llS,85) 12.051 109,172.72 73,214 00 DS,958.72\ ('9 11) TOTAL EXPENSES 76,167.91 34,580,00 141,587,911 (120,26) 607,235.59 384,428 00 (222,807.59) (5i. 95) 18 e 'J.\10 V 1,,\. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ___h___U ------------ YEA R TO D ATE hhm___h AC'YUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE %VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR GROUNDS RXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER ZXP'/.NSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 8,755.75 ,00 1',755,751 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 8,755.75 ,00 1',755,751 ,00 e TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES 1,463.91 1,200.00 1263,911 121.991 14,381.99 13,360,00 11,021,99) 11,641 OTHER EXPENSES 262.85 519.00 256,15 49,35 4,19a,05 5,729,00 1.530.95 26.72 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,726.76 1,719.00 17,76) 1.45) 18,580.04 19,089.00 508.96 2.66 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 19,952.73 24;270.00 4,317.27 17 .78 240,872.64 270,206,00 29,333. ]6 10.85 OTHER EXPENSES 4,901.48 6,244.00 1.l42,52 21.50 70.l1U6 69,228.00 11,08U6I 11.561 TOTAL EXPENSES 24,854.21 30,514.00 5,659.79 18.54 311,184.50 339,434.00 28,249.50 8.32 LAUNDR'i EXPENSES OUTSIDE SERVICES 4,593.48 6,833.00 2,239.52 32.77 72,887.87 75,163.00 2,275.13 J.02 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,593.48 6,833.00 2,239.52 32.77 72,887.87 75,163.00 2,275.13 3.02 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 5,669.28 5,430.00 1239.2'1 14.401 63,687.52 60,454,00 13,233,521 15,341 OTHER E'XPENSES 758.]2 603.00 1155,321 125.751 11,068.64 6,710,00 14,358.641 164.151 TOTAL E1PENSES 6,427 .60 6,033.00 1394,60) 16,541 74,756.16 67,164.00 (7,592,161 fE.30) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 1,967.40 1,920.00 147 ,40) 12,461 21,04.3,06 21,376.00 332.94 1.55 e OTHER EXPENSES 356.72 387.0ll 3ll.28 7.82 2,901.53 4,664.0ll 1,762.47 37.78 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,324.12 2,307.00 117,121 1,741 23,944,59 26,040.00 2,095.41 8.04 SOCIAL WORKER/DISCHARGE PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 4,800.00 5,490.00 690.00 12.56 55,lB7.20 61,122.00 5,934 80 9.70 OTHER EXPENSES 367.20 497.00 129.80 26.11 5,419.27 5,733.00 313 73 5.47 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,167.20 5,987.00 819.80 13.69 60,606.47 66,855.00 6,248 53 9.34 Cll.LHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT ID;PENSES SAL.~IES 3,638 ,SO ,00 13,638.50) ,00) 41,758.84 ,00 (41,758 841 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 13.08 00 113.081 ,001 112,441 ,00 12 44 ,00 COUNTY OFFSET 13,428.40) ,00 3,428.40 ,00 141,957.781 ,00 41,957.78 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 223.18 ,00 1223,]g1 .001 (211,391 ,00 211.38 ,00 19 e rV~l"' " U\.i MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMEllTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/30(05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ----------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE ~ VA'R BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 22,089.75 18,150.00 13,939,151 121.10) 209,202.58 202,070.00 17,132.58) 13,521 e LEASE & mNTAL 414.52 208.00 1205,52) 199,281 4,595.30 2,288.00 12,301.301 1100.84) COLLEC"rION EXPEN 4,899.12 3,167.00 11,132.12) 154.09) 35,456.93 34,831,00 (619.93) 11.771 OTHER EX:PENSES 9,153.39 9,024.00 1139,39) 11.54) 101,548.34 99,806.00 11,742, ]4) 11741 TOTAL EXPENSES 36,566,18 30,549,00 16,011,181 119,69) 3SQ,B03.1j 339,001.00 111,802.15) 13.48) COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 9,649.78 7,140.00 12,509,181 /35,151 101,429.61 79,492.00 121,937. 611 (27.59) OTHER EXPENSES 1,394.07 1,208.00 1186.011 115,40) 9,987.36 13,536.00 3,548 64 25.21 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,043.85 8,348.00 12,695,851 13U91 111,416.97 93,028,00 118,388 97) 119.76\ DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,624.69 4,980.00 0,644.69) 173.18) 93,617.56 55,444.00 (38,173 .56) (68.85:' OTIlER EXPENSES 30,746.12 12,000.00 118,746,12) (156.221 215,515.99 132,181.00 IE3,334 .99) (63.04) TOTAL EXPENSES 39,371.41 16,980.00 122,391.411 1131.86) 309,133.55 187,625.00 (121,508 ,55) (64.76) NURsING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 8,806.34 8,700.00 1106,34) 11.221 97,585.24 96,860.00 1725.24) 174 ) OTHER EXPENSES 786.36 2,058.00 1,271.64 61.79 21,309.83 23,007.00 1,697.17 7.37 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,592 ,10 10,758,00 1,165.30 10.83 118,895.07 119,867.00 971.93 Bl HOUSE SUPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,DO ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 INFEcrION CONTROL e EXPENSES SALARIES 5,999.35 4,740.00 11.259,351 126 ,56) 59,307.89 52,772.00 16,535 89) 112.38) OTHER EXPENSES 442.14 934.00 491.86 52.66 7,517 .05 10,521.00 3,003 95 28.55 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,441.49 5,674.00 1761,491 113.52) 66,824.94 63,293.00 13,531 941 (5.55) EDUCATION exPRNSES SALARIES 4,147.24 4,650.00 502.76 10.81 48,398.65 51,770.00 3,371.35 f.51 O'l'HER EXPENSES 689.02 1,624.00 934,98 57.57 15,148.37 18,326.00 3,177.63 17.33 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,836.26 6,274,00 1,437.74 22 .91 63,547.02 70,096,00 6,548.98 934 ACCOIJN'lING &XPENSES SALARIES 5,875,35 5,880.00 4.55 .07 64,529,09 65,464.00 934.91 1.42 OTHER EXPENSEES 5,303.98 3,475.00 11,828,98) 152,63) 44,975.92 38,325.00 16,650.92) (17 35) TOTAL EXPENSES 11,179.33 9,355.00 11,824,J31 113,5DI 109,505.01 103,789.00 (5,716. all (5.50) 20 e 4')r~ ';. (JU-l~ MEMORlAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMEN'l FOR THE 11 l1Dl1TIlS E'IDING 11130105 ___h"___ S I H G L E M 0 N T R ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR MJMINISTR:J,TION EXPENSES SALARIES 22,598.36 22,950.00 351.64 1.53 253,097.00 255,510,00 l,41J,oo .94 LEASE & ~NTAL 796.70 125.00 1672,701 1537,36) 7,357.81 1,375.00 15,982.811 (435.11) OTHER Ex:PENSES J2,08'LOB 38,152.00 6,062.92 15.89 253,113.28 42O,13UO 166,995.72 39.74 e TOTAL EXPENSES 55,484.14 61,227.00 5,742.B6 9-.37 513,598.09 677,024.00 163,42S.n 24.13 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,944.86 3,900.00 144.861 IUS) 44,845.10 4.3,420.00 11,425.101 13.281 OTHER EX nNSES 374.61 7\i9.0D 394.]9 51.28 6,662.65 8,511.00 1,848.35 21.71 TOTA1 E{PENSES 4,319,4.7 4,669.00 349.53 7A8 51,5D7.75 51,9]1.00 4Z3 .25 ,81 HOSPITAL GE:NERAL RXPENSES 'flORl\MANS COMP IN 7,010.613 31,001.00 23,990.32 77 .3B 14],353.02 341,011.00 197,657.98 57.96 UNEMPLOnlENT INS 121.551 ,00 21.5\ ,DO 41,831.00 J7,5OO,OO (~,331. 00) (11.54) PROF LIABILITY I 13,266.30 9,000.00 (4,266.30) 147.40) 101,688.35 99,0'00.00 (2,688.35) 12.711 L~E & :RENTAL 871.10 2,C05.00 1,733.90 66.56 19,533.85 28,655.00 9,121.15 31.83 OTHER EXPWSES 17,379.% 10,719.00 16,660,961 162,141 119,310.64 117,909.00 ll,401.(4) 11.181 TOTAL EXPENSES 38,506.45' 53,325,00 14,E1B.51 27.78 425,716.86 624,D75.DO 198,358.14 31,78 HUMAN RESO\JRCES/POBLIC RELATIO EXPENSES SALARIES 3,866.19 4,350.00 483.81 11.12 J9,006,71 48,430.00 9,423.29 19.45 OTHER EXPENSES 6,460.40 5,293.00 11,167,401 122.051 3B,4.62.31 58,307.00 19,844 .69 34.03 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,326.59 9,643.00 1683.59} 17,081 7'7,469.02 106,737,00 29,267.9& 27.42 PURCHASING &XPENSES SALARIES 8,443.01 7,830.00 16lJ ,01) 17,52) 87, 538.12 87,174.00 1364.12) 1.411 OTHER EXPENSES 1,101.58 1,453.00 351.42 24.18 lo,B95.08 16,315.00 5,420.92 33.22 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,544.59 9,283.00 1261.59) 12,811 98,433.20 103,490,00 5,056.80 4.8a e AUXILLARY EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,DO ,DO ,DO .00 EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,DO 52.93 ,DO (52.93) ,00 TOTAL RXPENSSS .00 .00 ,DO .00 52.93 ,DO 152,9]1 ,00 PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,DO 358.6Q ,DO 1358.601 .00 EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 1358,601 ,DO 1SE.eO ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 21 e 303 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DBPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 11 MONTHS ENDING 11/3D/05 ........, S ] N G L E M 0 NTH '......... ._-.----.--- YEA R T D D A T t: ----- ACTUAL BUDGE:T S VARIANCE \\IAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAF. MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REVENUE RENTALS .00 ,00 .00 ,00 sO.GO .00 50.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,DO ,00 ,00 ,00 50,00 ,00 sO.ao .00 e EXPENSES SALARIES. 2,501.55 ,00 12,5D1.55) ,00) 27,318.54 .00 127,318.54) .00 OTHER EXPENSES. . l,4SB.47 .00 (1,498.47) ,00) 16,951.53 ,00 116,951.531 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,000.02 ,00 14,000,02) ,DOl 44,270,07 ,00 (44,270.07) .00 -------.-.---- -------.----- -------------- ----~_._-.-._- ,----.-------- .-.+---------- NE']' GAIN! (LOSS 14,000,02) ,00 14,000,021 ,00) 144,220.071 ,00 144,220.(7) 00 SUBTOTAL GAIN/ 1,431,392.9] 1. 602,563.55 1171,171.621 110,681 18,584,225.22 17,479,253.77 l,lO4,971.45 32 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUCTIONS MEDICARE com A 073,099.351 1757,470.001 384,370,65 50,14 (7,476,864.961 18,433.166.001 956/301.04 11 33 MEDICAID CONTR A 1240,215.601 1]7B,200,OOI 162,015.60) 134,801 12,302,191.46) (1,983,960.00) (318,231.46) 116.04) 1:NDIGENT CONTR A 145,921.161 ,00 145,921.161 .001 1557,483,451 .00 (SS7,433.4S) ,00 CHARITY CARE 1161,242,76) 188,550,00) 172,652,761 182, OIl 11,457,5'5.591 1986,302,00) (471,247.59\ 147.77) BAD DEBT EXPENSE 1265,454.251 1170,790,001 19B,66U5) 157,761 12,471,405.431 11,501,462,001 1569,943.43) (29.97) OTHER DEDUCTIONS 1147,407.561 (281,490.001 134,082.44 4? .53 12/001,277.241 (],BJ,922.001 1,132,644.76 36.14 TOTAL REVENUE 1},237,341.28) 11,476,540,001 239,198.72 16.19 116,266,772,1]) 116,438, B12 ,001 172,039.87 l.G4 EMPUlYEB BENEFITS fleA ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,OQ .00 .00 RETIREMENT 2fl,45L95 19,320.00 (1,134,551 15,671 232,816.82 215,096.00 (17,nO,a2) (8231 HOSI?ITALIZATION 1Q2,834.21 103,110,00 275./6 ,26 970,358.97 1,134,210.00 163,851.03 14.44 LIFE INSURANCE 1,061.51 1,000,00 161.511 16.15) 11,353.83 11,000.00 (353.83) (3.21) DOOAL INSURANCE 3,180,60 3,000.00 1180,601 16,021 25,975,22 33,000.00 7,024.78 21.26 LONG TERM Dr S 2,170.96 2,229.00 56.04 2.60 23,233.87 24,519.00 1,285.13 5,24 PAYROLL CLEARING 1173,651 ,00 173.65 ,00 1l,67UOI ,00 3,674.70 .00 TOTAL ElofilLOYEE 129,528.61 128,659.00 1869,611 ( .67) 1,260,064.01 1,417,825.00 157,760.99 11.12 e TOTAL OTHER OP 1,366,869.89 1,605,199.00 238,329.11 14 ,61 17,526,335.14 17/ 85t,fi37 .00 329,800,86 1.84 OTHER REVENUE MED1CARE PASS.Tll 231.00 so,OOO.OO 149,769,001 199.53) 3B2,280.12 550,000.00 (167,713,881 (10.49) CAFETERIA SAL5S 8,3B7.33 7,410.00 977.33 13.18 84,835.19 B2,49B.00 2,337,19 2.83 INTEREST INCOME 3,346.91 1,250.00 2,096.91 167.75 36,052.15 13,750.00 22,302.15 i62.19 INTEREST INCOME 17 .30 ,00 17 .30 .00 191.36 .GO 191.36 .GO INTEREST INCOME ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 7,049.60 2,917.00 4,132.60 141.67 113,870.47 32,087.00 81,783.47 254.88 TOTAL OTHER RE 19,032.14 61,577.00 142,544.86) 169.09) 617 ,229 .29 S7a,335,OO (52,IDS.Il) i9,00) ._----~------- ----.-------- -------.------ -------------- --.----------- - --~---- - - - -.- NET OPERATING 83,554.18 58,941.55 24,612.63 41.75 1, 67~, 618,37 300,951.77 1,373,666.60 456.44 "'''''''''',,='''=====:,,: ----.-------- "':"'::"':"'''':''':'''== -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 22 e, ('v, 4 . '.\'~" v'U' e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMEN'rAL INCOME STATEMElIT FOR THE 11 MONTIlS ENDING 11/30105 _______h SIN G L E ACTUAL BUDGET ----~------- YEA R T 0 ACTUAL BUDGET I VAR DATE---- $ VARIANCE M 0 NTH ---------- $ VARIANCE I VAR NON-OPERATING EXPENSE nEPRECIATION~LAN .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 DEPRECIATION-BUI 27,023.95 94,007.QO 66,9B:..{\5 11.25 299,716.24 1,034,077.00 734,360.76 71.01 DEPRECIATION-FIX 9,053,57 .00 19,053,571 ,001 98,797.07 ,00 (9),797,07) .00 DEPRECIATIQN-MAJ 71,212.78 .00 (71,212.78) ,001 863,572.50 ,00 1863,572.501 .00 DEPRECIATION-POR ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,CD .00 .00 ,00 CONTRIBUTION TO ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL NON-QPER 107,290..:'.0 94,OO'} 00 113,2B3.30) 114.131 1,262,085,81 1,034,011.00 1228,00B.B11 122.04) -------~------ --~-------~-- ----~--------~ -------------. ---_._--~----- -----.-------. TOTAL OPERATIN 123,736,121 (35,065,45) 11,329.33 3UO 412,532.56 1733,125,231 1,145,657.79 156,2) ==="=="'''''===='''' ------------- ""===:::====''''''''== ---------_.--- -------_.----- ------~------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- COON'TY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO ,00 .00 ------------~- -~-- ------~-- ----.--------- ------.------- -------------- ------.------- NET GAINI (LOSS (23,736.12) (35,065.451 11,329.33 32,30 412,532.56 1733,125,23) 1,145,657.79 156.27 ,,==,,====:::==:::== ------------- -------------- -------------- =::===="'=======" -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 23 ~,{H-, U\.OV '.......,..""', ~,,,... 1.........''''',..\1... ""(';;I~ I 1:::'"' CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 BUILDING MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENTS MEDICAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HOSPITAL PLAZA JANUARY Telemetry (leU) S 26.615.70 Pauen! Monitors (PACU) S 2,809.88 Patient Monitors (PACU) S 2.809.88 Patient Monitors (RadIology) 2.e09.88 $ 35,045.34 $ . FEBRUARY e Celling (Dietary) . 6,825.00 $ $ 6,825.00 $ MARCH Paved Parking Lot $ 14,250.00 Bariatric Bed (MedfSurg) 16.625.32 Irrigator [Surgery) 10,398.00 Cell Washer (Laborafory) 6,546.34 $ 33,569.66 $ 14,250.00 $ APRIL Paper Shredder (Administration) 7,490.68 Versa Care Bed (08) 5,914,37 15 Versa Care Beds (MedfSurg) 8a,715.55 $ 102,120.60 $ $ MAY $ $ $ JUNE Hematology Analyzer (Laboratory) 42,000.00 Hematology Malyzer (Laboratory) 36,592,00 Blanket Warmer (Ernergimcy Room) 7,969,41 Stress Console (Cardiology) 11,000.00 e ECG (Cardiology) B,OOD.OO Cabling for Phone System (Administration) 10,870.38 $ 116,431.79 $ $ JULY Video Gastroscope (Surgery) 18,160.00 VIdeo COlonoscope Single (Surgery) 19,760.00 Video COlonoscope Double (Surgery) 20,160.00 Printer and Image Mgmt 3,584.00 Video Processor 18,364.48 $ 80,028.48 $ $ AUGUST MR! Computer (RadiOlogy) $ 30,000.00 $ 30.000.00 $ $ 24 e ~r..r~ U'",: ~) e e e DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER October HeatedlRefrig Tr?y DeUvery Cart (DIetary) Quest Stress TreadmHJ (Cardlc) Electric Range (Dietary) ChJllerfor MRI (Radiology) Meta! Qoor NO\'ember Cafeteria Furniture (Dietary) SUBTOTALS GRAND TOTALS $ 467.459.53 $ 495.634.53 $ 28,175.00 $ 25 ')0'/' u\,..~, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR NOVEMBER 2005 DATE APPROVED NP & PATIENT e BY COUNTY AUDITOR REFUNDS 11/212005 (weekly) $ 287.959.47 11/1012005 (weekly) $ 183.477.57 11/16/2005 (weekly) $ 249,079,77 11122/2005 (weekly) $ (2,665,00) 11/2312005 (weekly) $ 243,16930 11/2912005 (weekly) $ 6,099,00 11/3012005 (weekly) $ 194,340.14 TOTAL $ 1,161.460.25 e 2004 2004 YYD 2005 2005 YTD Referral $ 206,323,73 $ 311,617,82 $ Charity $ 66,373.91 $ 597,092,91 $ 169,967.11 $1,466,398,53 Indigent $ 165,423.97 $1,233,573.98 $ 94,256.38 $1. 79l.202,66 26 e ~08,' V\"7 RIJ!J DATE:J2/07/05 TIME: 09:12 MEIlORill MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 11/02/05 THRD !J/02/05 BANK --CHECK-- _ - --- ----- ---__ ___ ________ __ __ __n ______ __ __n ____ CODE NOMBER DATE AIlOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ~~- --------.- ~--~ -- -- --- ------- -. -- ---~-- -- ------ -- -.. -- -- ---- -. ---- -. ---------- -- .------- -- ---_.-.._-... ---- -- .--- -- ------ ------........ --- A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP A/P Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP Alp Alp -~;: W;:/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 110585 11/02/05 110587 11/02105 110588 11102/05 110589 11102105 110590 11102105 110591 11/02105 110592 11/02105 !Jom 11/02/05 !J0591 11/02/05 !J0595 11/02/05 110596 11102105 110597 11/02105 110598 11102/05 110599 11/02105 !J0600 11/02/05 110601 11/02105 110602 11/02/05 11060) 11102/05 110601 11/02105 110605 11/02105 110606 11/02/05 110607 11/02/05 11060B 11/02/05 110609 11/02105 110610 11/02/05 110611 11/02105 110612 11102105 !Jom 11/02105 !J06H !J/02105 !Jom 11/02105 !J061& 11/02/05 !Jom !J/02/05 110618 11/02105 110619 11/02/05 110620 11/02/05 !Jom 11102105 110622 11102105 110623 11102/05 110m 11/02/05 110625 11/02105 !J0626 11/02105 !Jom 11/02105 110628 11/02/05 110629 !J/02/05 !Jom !J/02/05 110631 11/02/05 110632 11/D2/05 110633 11102/05 11D634 11/Q2I05 11D635 11IQ2/05 195.95 .00 10/856,82 J47,99 125.50 116.40 61.45 56,65 105.~0 1,467,56 121,79 232.81 J72.50 228.01 419,75 5J,35 1,920,68 12,166,45 686,95 591,80 1,998.00 7,!J5.J8 12,820.00 275,00 138.71 505.01 544,55 17J,15 4,263.00 149,00 750.06 311.48 2J5,71 1,041. 6J 1,510.40 90.85 297,74 19.32 2,650.00 21,84 13,47 990,00 767,65 1,061.51 1,741.00 273,00 28,183.76 538.51 3,50Q.00 57.53 ACE HARDWARE . PORTER I S VOIDED AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG AIRCAST INC MARY ALEXANDER MIMED me. CARDINAL HEALTH Al'LAC CARDINAL l!EALTH ANNotJllCE!!IBm'S PLUS NADINE ARNOLD AWE;SOMEPAGmG me B BRAUN MEDICAL INC BANKCA!lIJ CEm'ER E8TER BARRIENTES BAXTER llEALTHCARE CORP BECl\lWl COULTER INC BECKWITH ELECTHONIC ENG BOSART LOCK &: KEY !NC CAL COM FEDERAL CIlEOIT STEPllElI H, CAGLE CALHOUN COW!'Y CALHOUN CODlm PEST CON RUBY CAm'U CER'I'IFIED LABORATORIES . cmGUw WIIlELESS CITIZENS MEDICAL CENIER COMPUTER COMMAND CORPOR CONMED CORPORATION TIlE CotJllCIL CCl:lPANY CPSI HELEN DAVIS DELL FIlIANClAL SERVICES DELL MARKETING L.P. KATHERINE DIETZEL DLE PAPER &; 1?ACKAG!NG MISTY UDl'NER EL CAMPo REFRIGERATION MARIA FARIAS FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FARllAM STREET FINANC1AL FISHER HEALTHCARE FORT DEARBORN LIFE INC FRESENIlJS OSA MANUFACTIJ G T PICY.UP It DELIVERY GE HEALTHCARE FIN SRVS GV1F COAST PAFER COMPAN LLOYD LANE GOBER, MD P. H E BUTT GROCERY 27 IJ'F.l v,,,,,~J RUN DATE; 12/07/05 TllIE:09:12 mlORL!1 MEDICAL CElmR CHECK REGISTER 11/02/05 THRU 11/02/05 BAIlK.-CHECK-------___________________________________________0_ CODE NU!!BER DATE AMDtrnT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG -~--.~..~------~-~--------_._--------------------------------~----------------------------------------------.-._----._------- AlP 110535 11102/05 10,021.59 HAYES ELECT!l.IC SERVICE AlP 110637 11/02/05 11.50 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I AlP 110638 11/02105 54.90 HENRY SCHEIN INC. AlP 110539 11/02/05 14B.90 SALLY J RrCR:L AlP 110640 11/02105 55.35 HILL COUNTRY nAlR1ES AlP 110541 11/02/05 157.19 PAT HRAN.rCKY AlP 110542 11/02/05 ?S.OO IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 110543 11102105 235,00 INVIVO AlP 110544 11102/05 1,553.07 INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COM AlP 110545 11/02/05 1,085.21 INSTR1lMEll'rATION LABORAT AlP 110646 11/02/05 17,249,58 II/1'ELLAl'lED, INC AlP 110647 11/02/05 342.00 l'J\OLL LABORATORY SPECIA AlP 110648 11/02105 55.41 LAB SAFETY SU~P!.Y rNC Alp 110549 11/02105 4,130.18 LUKER PllARMACY MAN!GEM!! Alp 110650 11102/05 290,25 tYDIA'S PROFESSIONAL UN AlP 110651 11/02/05 50.00 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP 110552 11/02/05 14,300.01 _ORlAL MEDICAL CENrER AlP 110653 11/02/05 380.50 MALLINCKRODT INC AlP 110654 11/02/05 7,307.70 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRIIA AlP 110655 11/02/05 58.20 JANE MCCARIl AlP 110655 11/02/05 3,158,51 MctESSON GENERAL MEDICA AlP 110657 11/02/05 2,500.00 MBP.RI'l'I', KAWKINS &; ASSO AlP 110558 11/02105 145.30 MMC AUXILIARY AlP 110559 11/02/05 40,)4 LINDA MEYER AlP 110550 11102/05 2,800.00 NU'1'RI'Z'IO~ OPTIONS AlP 110551 11/02/05 34,99 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, IllC. AlP 110562 11/02/05 100,00 HARVEY OLASCUAQA AlP 110663 11/02/05 412,50 POPULAR LEASING AlP 110664 11/02105 478.44 Q1lEST DUGllOSTICS AlP 110565 11/02/05 194.80 R G &. ASSOCIATES me Alp 110665 11/02105 199,98 RADIO SHACK AlP 110667 11/02105 3,600.00 RADIOLOGY lJNLDlITEIl AlP 110568 11/02/05 89.94 RESFIRONICS AlP 110669 11/02/05 7,173,00 RCH PROTECT COOPERATIVE AlP 110670 11/02/05 225,39 TllJl RWOF CORPORATIOII AlP 110671 11/02/05 43.65 MAYRA SAllCHEZ AlP 110672 11/02105 1,011,91 SANOn PASTEIJR me AlP 110673 11102/05 7.28 PAULA SAWBERGER AlP 110674 11/02105 72.60 SHERWIN WILLIAMS AlP 110675 11/02/05 75.00 SHIP SHti'T't'LE TAX! SERYl AlP 110676 11102105 24.80 SMILE MAKERS AlP 110677 11/02/05 2,409.00 so TEX BLOOD IX TISSUE C AlP 110678 11/02/05 543.52 8T JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS AlP 110579 11/0l/05 50,70 STRICTLY BUSINESS AlP 110680 11/02/05 138,46 AllOW K STRAUSS Alp 110581 11/02/05 5, m.90 SYSCD - SAN ANTONIO, LP AlP 110682 11/02/05 26,611. 69 TEAll REHAB AlP 110683 11/02105 49.00 TESTE1lGEEK mc Alp 110584 11/02/05 2,533.10 TLC STAFFING AlP 1105S5 11/02/05 1,886.13 TEXAS HEALTH &; HUMAN SE AlP 110686 11/02/05 57,023.38 TEXAS CO << DISTRICT RET - e 28 e 310 RlJ!! DATE,12/07/05 TIlIE:09:12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CllECX REGISTER 11/01/05 THRO 11/02105 BA!CK--CHSCX--........_.__.._.________._.____________________.__ CODE lrolmER DATB AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCWG ~_w_~w_...~.___._~____~.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AIF !l05i7 11/02105 AlP !l06i! 11/02105 AIF 110689 11/02/05 AlP 110690 11/01/05 AlP 110691 11/02/05 AlP 11069l 11/01/05 AlP 110693 11/01/05 AlP 110594 11/02/05 e AlP 110m 1110Zl05 AlP 110696 11/02105 AlP 110697 11/02105 AlP 110698 11/02/05 A!P 110599 11/02/05 AlP 110700 11/01/05 AlP 110701 11/01/05 AlP 11070l 11/01/05 AlP 110703 11/02/05 AlP 110704 11/02/05 AlP 110705 11/02i05 AlP 110706 11/01/05 A!P 110707 11/02/05 AlP 110708 11/01/05 AlP 110709 11/0l/05 TOTALS: e e 135,a8 60.00 357.55 1,603,34 55,00 a2,56 27U9 147,97 142,50 400,00 la9.64 l19.45 4ao.00 144.94 19.10 li.17 9a6.46 29,10 106,10 72.05 2,344.7J 744.93 117.20 l87,959.47 TEXAS GOARANrEED STlJDEN TEXAS SOCIETY FOR MEDIC TIGER DIRECT, !NC, TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SOPP TORCH UNIFIRST KOLDINGS omFORII CITY CATALOG omTED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED WAY OF WHeW C as POSTAL SERVICE ELVA VELA VERIZOIl SOUTHWEST VANGUARD llEDICAL CONCEP VICTORIA TEACHING &: OFF MELISSA WlcrGllT WALlWlT COWllUNITY WA.STE l!lANAGEHENT ELIZABETH WESTBROOK ELlJE aoss . BLlJE SHIEL BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIEL LEE ALISRA BUlE aoss . BLllE SHIEL STATE FAJlll INSURAllCE CO 29 .1'llC .. u'; i ROlJ Dm: 12/01/05 TOO:09:13 IIDcmIAL lJEDICAL CElIl'ER CBECX REGISTER 11/10/05 TERU 11/10/05 BAllK--CRlCX-.-.------__________________________________________ CODE NllNSER DM'!! Al!OtmT PAYE!! PAGll 1 G1CltRllG .~_.~...~..._._-------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/? AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP ~/? ~/P '/P \/P ./P I/p I/p I/P 110710 11/10105 110711 11110/05 110712 11/10105 110713 11/10105 110714 11/10105 110115 11/10/05 110715 11/10105 110717 11/10105 110718 11/10/05 110719 11/10105 110720 11110/05 110121 11/10105 110122 11/10/05 11m3 11/10105 110724 11/10105 110725 11/10/05 110125 11/10105 110121 11/10105 110128 11/10105 110129 11/10/05 110130 11/10/05 110131 11/10/05 110132 11/10/05 110733 11/10/05 110734 11/10/05 110735 11/10/05 110735 11/10/05 110737 11/10/05 110738 11/10/05 110739 11110/05 110740 11/10/05 110741 11/10105 110742 11/10105 110143 11/10105 110144 11/10/05 110145 11/10105 110746 11/10105 110747 11/10/05 110748 11110/05 110749 11/10/05 110750 11110/05 110751 11/10/05 110752 11/l0/05 110753 11/10/05 110754 11/10/05 110755 11110105 110755 11/10/05 110757 11/10105 110758 11/10105 110759 11/10/05 .00 28,535,55 37,55 290.00 155.00 581. 2B 898,80 428.45 510.00 314.89 14,07 1,173,39 14.55 1,798.65 502.08 400,00 153.75 1,248.00 2,404,50 117.B7 750,00 187.13 1,241.41 8,848,56 6,709.14 382,52 203,22 123.58 97,73 l12,00 8,825,72 44.00 554.75 120,57 110.00 428,55 31.28 1,806,71 12,20 805.92 1,757,02 158.11 95.29 83,56 2,965.00 70,15 135.91 27,150,00 115.70 7,574.45 VOIDED Al!ERIS01JRCRllERGEN DRUG AERIFORM CORPORATION ANITA FRICKE - COtmTY C Al!I!lA A!RGAS-S01lTllWE8T CARDINAL llEALTll AIlERICAN ACADRMY OF PED Al!ERI CAN COLLEGE DF REA CARDINAL HEALTH NADINE ARNOLD EANl<CARD ClMBR ESTEll BARlUEN'l'RS BAX'!ER HEALTHCAllE CORP BEST WESTERN PORT LA,VAC CALBOUN Cotml'Y V!'W POST ROBY CAl/l'l1 CAlUlOLL SIGN MASTBRS CHDOSING TIlE EEST COL!!Y IWmFAC'mRING COR CCOOWIDOS! USA CONMED CORPORATION TIlE COOIiCIL COIlPAN! CPSI DADE BEBRING DONNA DAVIS HELEN DAVIS KATllEJUNRDIETZEL 00C1J!lENT CONTROL SYSTEM Tim DOCTORS r CENl'E'R FISIlER llEALTHCAllE "oree FLANNIGAN ROBERTS j ROBERTS &. ODEr GRNEVIEVE Sll'l'llERLAND GREENHOUSE FLORAL DESIG GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN R 2 BUTT GROCERY !!lYES !!L!:C'l'RIC SERVICE BEA1Tll CAR! LOGISTICS I BEA1THCARE RECOVERY ALL HEALTB FORCE lJEDICAL SALLY J HICKL HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES PAT HRANICKY IKON fINANCIAL SERVICES INFOW INC INGENIX PUBLISHING GROU ITA RESOORCES, INC SIlELLY JENNINGS LABCORP or AMERICA HOLD 30 '1~~' L'.L~"'" e e e R~ DATE:12/G7/G5 TIDlE:09:1J MEMORIAL MEDICAL CE~ITER PAGE 2 G1CXREG CDlECK REGISTE:R 11/10/05 THRU 11/10/05 B~--CHECR-_~________________.~___~__.___~___.__~___~_________ CODE NUIlBER DATE AllOUlll PAYEE ------~----~-----~-_._--_._-~~---------------------_.----~_._------------------_.-----....~----_._---~-------------~---------- Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp eAIP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A(P AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P A/P AlP AlP Alp A/P Alp AlP Alp Alp -/P IP AlP AlP A(P A/P AlP AlP AlP A(P A(P AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP e 110760 11110105 110761 ll/10105 110762 11/10105 110763 Wl0/05 110764 11/10/05 !l0765 11/10(05 !l0766 !l/10/05 !lom ll/10/05 !l0768 ll/10/05 !l0709 ll/10/05 !l0770 11/10/05 !lom !l110/05 !lom !l/10/05 !lom 11/10/05 110714 11/10/05 !l0775 11/10105 110775 11/10/05 !lom ll/10/05 110718 11/10105 110719 11/10105 !l07i0 11/10/05 110781 11/10/05 110782 11/10/05 110783 11/10/05 110714 ll/10/05 !l0785 11/10/05 110716 ll/10/05 110781 11/10105 110788 11110/05 !lom 11/10/05 !l0790 11/10/05 110791 11/10/05 110m 11/10/05 110793 ll/10/05 ll0794 ll/10105 110795 11/10/05 110796 ll/10/05 !lom ll/10/05 110798 11/10/05 !l0799 11/10/05 110800 11/10/05 110801 11/10105 110802 11110105 110803 11/10105 !l0804 11/10/05 110B05 11/10105 110806 11110105 110807 11/10105 110808 11110/05 110809 11/10105 !l0810 11/10105 4,130.18 1,400.00 9 ~ 701.66 1B6,85 .00 6,690,62 53,09 3,790.00 1,220,00 !l5.16 81.00 158.34 1,4B5.00 79.65 1,498.14 15,54 1,950.00 1,000.00 59.65 117.18 5,U5,75 59.70 379,20 313.20 218.53 35,38 1,080,41 35.72 m.97 100.00 59.90 4,257,55 757.93 10,000.00 530,48 129,90 375.53 417.00 125,00 162.27 85.00 134.99 161.99 8,432,88 37.93 83.91 175,00 42010 3,896.16 121,07 66.55 LUKER PlIAllIlACY IWlAGEIlE LYSTER HORNISH << ASSOC MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER MA.URITZ &: COUEY VOIDED MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA !JMS MERRITl', HAWKINS & ASSO MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTOm MMC AUXILIARY LINDA Mn"ER mCRO'J'EK MEDICAL DIe MIKESKA'S BARBECOE , CA NYPA NDCIlEALTH HARVEY 01ASCUAlJA PREMIER SLEEP DISORDERS POSTMASTER PROGRESSIVE DYNANICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QUILL R G & ASSOCIATES INC RADIOLOGY UNLIMITED RECEIVABLE MAnGEMENT, MAYRA SANCHEZ SOURCEONE HEAtTHCARE TE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SIGNY SIZER SOOTllWEST DECOR ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS SYSCO - S~ ANTONIO, LP STATE COMPTROLLER TEAM REHAB TLe STArFING TEXAS WIRED !!l1JSIC INC THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR C THE T SYSTEM. INC. PATTI THUMANN TRl-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP TRIPLE 0 SECURITY CQRPQ USA TODA.Y ELVA VELA VERIZO!! SOUTHWEST WAL.M!RT COMMUNITY ELIZABETH WESTBROOK CALHOUN COUNI'Y YMCA ZIMMER US, mc, BLUE CROsS &. BLUE SHIEL CARPENl'ER GlIEGORY FRIEDRICH DAVID H 31 <)1" 3 U" R~ DATE:l,/07/05 TlllE:09:13 !lEIlORU1IlEDICAL CENl'ER CHECK REGISTER 11/10105 THRU 11/10105 EA>lt--CHBCX--------____________________________________________ CODE NlllIBER DATE llMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKREG --- -~--._---- ------ -- --..---------------------..- -.-- -.---------. ---------------- ---- ---- --.--- ..----- ------ -. -~---- - -. --- --.- -.. -.. -.....- A/P 110811 11/10/05 AlP 11081, 11110/05 TOTALS: 147.37 HATAWAY ROEERT 185.75 HAYNES NELLIE 183,477,57 32 "YI:oj v' ":l e e e RU/f DATE: 12107/05 TI!lE:09:13 IlEMORIAL !lEDI CAL CE!l1'ER CIlECK REGISTER 11/16/05 TffRU 11/16/05 BA!f.K--CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOCNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG -----------._---~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP eA/P AlP AlP AlP Alp Alp Alp Alp Alp Alp Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP -~;: WA/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP e 110813 11116/05 110814 11/16/05 110m 11/16105 110816 11/16/05 110811 11/16105 110m 11116/05 110819 11/16/05 110820 11/16/05 110821 11/16/05 110m 11/16105 110823 11116/05 110824 11/16/05 110825 11/16/05 110826 11/15/05 110827 11/16/05 110828 11/16/05 110829 11/16/05 110830 11/16/05 110831 11/16/05 110831 11/16105 110833 11/16/05 110834 11/16/05 110835 11/16/05 110836 11/16/05 110837 11/15105 110838 11/16/05 110839 11/16/05 110840 11/16/05 110841 11/16105 110841 11/16/05 110843 11116/05 110844 11/16105 110845 11/16/05 110846 11/16/05 110847 11/16/05 110848 11/16/05 110849 11/16/05 110850 11/16/05 110851 11/16/05 110852 11/16/05 110853 11/16/05 110854 1l!16/05 110855 11116/05 110856 11116105 110857 11/16/05 110858 11116/05 110859 11116/05 110860 11/16105 110861 11116/05 110862 11/16/05 7,100,00 140.40 1.25 .00 18,949.13 53.89 1,438,00 219.38 51,411,77 . 1,129.12 468,88 102.95 155,28 443.53 1,668.42 464.11 169.95 1,998.00 7,115.38 9,769.84 150,84 779.04 398,00 114,00 409.00 493.55 932.80 137.13 619.20 669.35 483,29 207.10 29.10 518.06 44.82 70.81 99.96 6,166.63 779.62 90.34 2,776,61 1,591.41 119.99 1,009.53 149.39 230.99 263.84 337.50 52,40 167,86 A-l AUTOMATIC DOOR JJlDERSON CONSULTATION S ACE l!ARDWARE - PORTER'S VOIDED AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG ADVANCE WDIW DESIGNS ADl'-AUSTIN AERIFORM CORPORATION CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG .\1!!SRICAN KIDNEY FM AMERICAN PIONEER AQUA BEVERAGE COMPANY KRISTY ARJ:oITN ASPECT MEDICAL SYSTEMS APJIISTRONG MEDICAL INDUS BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP CABLE ONE CAL COM FEDERAL CREDIT STEPHEN H, CAGLE CAIRNSTONE, INC RUBY CANrU CARTSENS CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CYGNUS MEDICAL CHUBB SECURITY SYSTEMS CONMED CORPORATION COX MEDIA SOllTllWEST DIV THE COUNCIL COMPANY cpsr cmooNS SOUTHEIW PLAINS DAVIS & WILKERSON P. C. HELEN DAVIS AMY DAY SOURCEONE HEALTRCARE TE DI-CHEM, INC. KATHERINE DIETZEL DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP l<lIrBX ENVIRQCLEAN MG"I' SERVICE FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTU GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS G . A ELECTRONIC GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN GUARANTEE SHOES HEALTH CA.RE LOGISTICS I SALLY J HIClL HILL-ROM HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES PAT HRAN! CKY 33 315 Rtr.N DATE:12/07/05 TOO:09:13 mORIAL MEDICAL CENlER CHECX llBGISrER 11/16/05 THRU 11/16/05 BANK '-Cl!ECJ(-- -- -- -- -. __ ______._ __ ___._._.___.____ .__.__ __ ______ CODB NOMBER DArE AMOllNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLcrJlEG -~_.~.~-------_._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..----- AlP 110863 !l/16/05 1,626,00 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS AlP !l0864 !l/16105 70.16 INFDL1Ill IOC Alp 110865 11/16/05 600.00 INCIPIENT HEALTHCARE SO AlP !lO866 IlI16105 1,539.36 INSTITUTIONAl TRUST COM AlP !l0867 11116/05 130.56 JIMSON, INC, AlP !lO868 !l/16/05 1,397.94 1ABCORP OF AMERICA HOLD AlP 110869 !l/16/05 7,490.50 LAKESIDE ANESTHESIA PC AlP !lOE70 11/16/05 1,048.65 LIFELINE SYSTE>lS mc AlP !lOEll 11116/05 464.46 LONE'S HOME CENnRS INC AlP 1lO872 !l/16/05 13,333.81 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CBNl'ER AlP llOm !l/16/05 93.37 MARKET POINT 111501812 Alp !lOS74 !l/16105 7,307,70 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRNA Alp 1lO875 11116105 64.02 JANE MCCARN AlP 110S76 11/16/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 1lO877 !l/16105 3,202,33 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA AI' !lOm 11/16105 1,135,75 !!ERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S AlP 1lO879 11116/05 16,400.00 !lERRITr, HAWKINS . ASSO AlP !lOSEO !l/16/05 1,212.90 !!ERRY X-RAY. SAN ANTONI AlP 110EEl 11/16/05 52,99 !lMC AUXILIARY AlP !lOm 11/16/05 54.32 LINDA MEYER AlP 110883 11/16/05 932,50 WOLTA FINANCIAL SERVI A/P llOEE4 ll/16/05 58.20 CRYSTAL 0, MOZLEY AlP 110B8S 11/16/05 2,074.96 NATIONAL BENEFITS PARTN AlP 1108E6 11116/05 249.00 NATIONAL SEHINARS GROUP AlP 110EE7 11/16105 999.99 FORGE!lJ' NETWORKS, INC, AlP 110888 11/16/05 150,00 PALIm'rl'o GBA AlP 110889 11/16/05 75,37 ROSA PEREZ AlP !lOE90 11/16/05 261,30 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS AlP !lOm 11/16/05 56,00 PILLnm WEeK A/P 110892 11/16105 159.00 POLmEDca lHe. AlP 110893 11/16/05 2,510.00 PORT LAVACA WAVE AlP 110894 !l/16/05 1,000,00 POSTMASrER AlP 110895 11/16105 6.9E POWER llLE=C A/P 110E96 11/16/05 119,40 QUILL AlP 110E97 11/16/05 167.EO R G i ASSOCIATES INC AlP !lom !l/16/05 27.16 MAYRA SANCHEZ A/P 110899 11/16/05 45.6, SEARS A/P 110900 ll/16/05 5,S68.,4 SOURCEONE REALTRCARE TE Alp 110901 11/16/05 S,159.00 S.T.E.D., INC. A/P 110902 11116105 96.19 SYNTIlE5 A/P 110903 11/16/05 3,754.S3 SO TaX BLOOD. TISSUE C Alp 110904 ll/16/05 523,00 SOUTHWEST PECOR AlP !l0905 11/16/05 269.00 SPECTRA LABORATORIES A/p 110906 11/16105 ,97,B3 ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS AlP 110907 11/16/05 90.00 STANFORD V'ActmJ:.l: SERVICE Alp 110908 11/16105 78.96 STRYKER SALES CORP '/P 110909 11/16/05 138.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS '/P llono ll/16/0S 4,121.05 SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP ~/p !l09ll lll16/05 55.89 THE SPORTS STOP ~/p 110912 llI16/05 5,693.48 TEXAS LINEN COMPANY LTD I/P ll09ll 11/16105 454.98 TLC STAFFING e e 34 e 31G Rnil DATR:12/07fQS T!l1E:09:13 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 11116/05 THRU 11/1,105 BAErK--CHECK_________.______~__~____________._.._______~______._ COD~ lWMBSR D!TE ANOom P!'iEE P!GS J GLCKREG - - - ---- --.. -~ -- -- -- --- - ------ .----- ------.----. ------ ---------- -------..--.----- ---.---------- ..-'---....--- -- ---- -- -- ---._- ---...- -- ----- !lP 110914 11/15105 !lP 110915 11116/05 !/P 110916 11/15105 !lP 110917 11/16/05 !lP 110918 11/16105 AlP 110919 11/16105 !/P llano 11116105 AlP 110m 11/16105 AlP 110m 11/15105 AlP 110m 11116105 !lP l1on4 11/16105 AlP 110m 11/16105 AlP 110926 11/16105 AlP 110m 11/15105 !lP 110m 11116105 AlP 110m 11/16105 !lP 110930 11/16105 AlP 110m 11116105 !lP 110932 11/16105 AlP 110933 11/16105 AlP 110934 11/16105 AlP 110m 11/16105 Alp 110536 11/16/05 AlP 110937 11/16/05 AlP 110m 11/16105 AlP 110939 11116105 AlP 110940 11/16105 AlP 110941 11/16105 AlP 110942 11/16105 TOTALS: e e e 9,075.00 35,00 231.20 2,333.07 41.2B 4,573.42 141.50 150,35 1,592.21 1,010.76 325,42 4,816.BO 30.56 129.73 229.05 111.00 1,679.72 250,00 16.55 J6.04 1,744.00 11.07 50,00 41.54 912,00 266.19 295.00 10.30 29.45 Z49,079.77 TOSHIBA AWlR!CA MEDICAL TEXAS TRAUllA COOR FORON TEXAS IlUARAl/l'EED STlJDEN TRI -STATE HOSPITAL SUPP UNIFIR$T HOLDINGS UNITED SERVICES tmr'l'ED WAY or C}J,HOON C ELVA VEL! VERIZON SOtl'l'llWEST THE VICTORIA. ADVOCATE - WALlllART COMl'1lJl/ITY WAD'SAO BRNEFITS ELIZASE'l'll WESTBROOK X-RAY GRAFIX YODNG PL1JI1llING CO ZIlIlMER US, INC. ONEIL VIVIAN HASCIll<E AmON HOUSWOR'l'll JOYCE IlAnlIE RAYBlJRIl SMALLEY ROTH AMAIMO JON MEDLIN 'WALTER l3' CARAWAN FRANCES CUN VIRGINIA DEGOLLADO SANTIAGO DD!AK TANYA LA!lSERT CANDACE ORTIZ JUANA 35 317 Rm;r DATE:12/07/05 Tll!E:09:12 ME!lORIAL MEDICAL CEIIl'ER CHECK REGISTEA 11/22105 TBRO 11122105 BAlft--CHECK____________________________________________________ CODE NlIMllER DATE A>lOOllT PAl'EE PAGE 1 G1CKllEO ~-. --.oO ~_~_____ __ w__._._____. _..__ __ __....__ ...________.... ___.. _______....__.. _____...... __ __ _____....._____ __ __.._.._ ________.._ .......___ _.. __ ....____ __ _.... AlP 110505 11/22105 TOTALS: l, 555. OOeR DAYSPRING TRAnIDlO 2,!65.00eR 36 "'HI. {.J/ ~ 'J' e e e RON OATB'12107105 TOO, 09,14 MEllORIAL MEnI CA1 CENrER CHECK REGISTER 1l/23/05 THRU 11123/05 BAlrK--CHBCK--------------______________________________________ conE NllllllRR DATE AMOlIlIr PAIEB PAGE 1 G1=G -----~--~~~---~--------_._---------._-_._----------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP A/P AlP Alp AlP -~;: .A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/p AlP A/P Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP e 110943 11/23/05 110344 11/23/05 110945 11/23105 110946 11/23/05 llom 11123105 110918 11123/05 llO949 1l/2l105 110950 11/23/05 110951 11123/05 110952 11123105 110953 11/23/05 110954 11/23/05 110m !l/23/05 11oS56 !l/23/05 110m 11/23/05 110958 !l/23105 110m !l/23/05 110560 11/23/05 110m !l/23105 110962 !l/23105 110963 11/23/05 110964 !l/23/05 110565 !l/2l/05 110566 11/23/05 110967 11/23/05 110m 11/23/05 110569 11/23/05 110970 11/23105 110S11 11/23/05 110m 11123/05 110913 11/23/05 110914 1112l/05 110m 11/23/05 110976 11/23/05 110971 11/23/05 110m 11/23/05 110979 11123/05 HoS80 11/23105 110981 11/23/05 110982 11123/05 110983 11/23105 110984 11/23105 110985 11/23/05 110986 11/23105 110967 11/23/05 110988 11/23/05 110989 11123/05 110990 11/23/05 110991 11123105 110992 11/23105 27.43 .00 27,253.41 7.53 291.50 3,154,04 1,357.37 74.50 . 209.83 5.31 2,203.88 1,453.83 526.17 487.48 228.92 66,50 993.20 190.12 434.06 98.84 130.70 81.32 77,040.00 360.46 502.94 6,200.00 95.76 24,956.71 375,00 559,59 208.35 123.H 34.45 80.56 71.16 713.00 116.00 70,16 170.70 286.34 119.80 595,00 72. 76 4,130.18 500.00 755.20 26 9.20 600.00 %.58 8,859,55 ACE HARDWARE ~ PORTER'S VOIDED AMERISOURCEBRRGEN DRUG CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG ACS A!'LAC CARDIllA1 HEALTH ASCP BOARD OF REGISTRY BALD\'I!N COOKS ESTER BARRIElfl'ES BAXTER E1EALTHCARE CORP BBCl'JlIAN COO1TER CAPITAL MARY BRADLEY BSC SUPPLY RUBY C'AIl'l'tJ CITIZENS MEDICAL CENTER THE COUllCIL COMPANY HELEN DAVIS DETAR HOSPITAL KATllERIIre DIllTZRL DIVERSIFIED BUS!!IESS SY OLE PAPER. PACKAGING llMCARE NOR'l'l! TEXAS FISHER !lEAL'l'llCARE rORT DEARBORN LIFE INSU GB MEDICAL SYSTEMS GARDENL.AND mmsE;'RY GR llEAL'l'llCARE FIN savs GREENHOUSE FLORAL DESW GtlLF COAST PAPER COMP-AN IlEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I SALLY J HICK! HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES JESUSITA S. HERNANDEZ PAT HRAmCKY INVERNESS MEDICAL - BIO IKON OFFICE SOL1JTIONS INl'OLAll INC IVANS ISOPURE CORP SHELLY JENNINGS?i-MED INC PAM !.AMBDElJ LUKER PHARMACY MANAGEME MEMORIAL HE1OO.NN HDSPIT MALLINCKRODT mc MAllRETLAH STEVE MARTIN JAl1E MCCARll MCKESSON GeNERAL MEDICA 37 319 I I , I , , I I RUN DATE:l2 JI7/05 TIllE:09 :14 MEMORIAL lIEDICAL CEllTSR CllECK REGISTER 11/23105 TllRU 11/23/05 BANJ(--ClmCR -,-----. -- -...._ ...._.._______ ._______ .m___m____ CODE NOMllEJ'lD!TE Al<OUNT PAYBE PAGE 2 GLCKRl1G --- --._-"---'~. -----..---.. -- -- ....--....-.. -.. -- -.. ....---- ..............----- -----.. --..- ---- -.. ..---....---..-....--.. -- -- ------ --..- -.............. --..........- --.. --- -.... AlP 11099311/23105 44,50 MEVISADGB AlP 110994-11/23/05 141.70 ~ON!C USA, INC. AlP llO%5 11/23/05 66,04 IlEGADM MEDICAL AlP 110996 11/23/05 74.17 ~CU1n' MEDICAL AlP 11099711/23/05 822.06 _ORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AlP ll09Sg 11123/05 5B7.35 Ml.'I'LIrE AlP ll0999 11/23/05 1,3B1. 79 !!ERRY X'RAY - SAN AllTON! AlP 111000 11/23/05 101.25 DC AUXILIARY AlP 111001 11/23105 122,22 LINDA mER AlP 111002 11/23105 500,00 I'llICI AlP 111003 11/23/05 335.65 MUSTAIN & ASSOCIATES AlP ll1004 11123105 165.25 MORGAN SCImIrIC INC AlP 11lD05 11/23/05 35.69 O!'FICE DEPOT CARD PLAN AlP ll1006 11/23105 36B,94 ON-SITE TBSTI~G SPECIAL AlP 111007 11/23105 205,40 OllTBURST ADVER'l'ISmG AlP ll100B 11123/05 ll9,80 DELPHINE PADRON AlP 111009 11/23105 102,20 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS AlP 111010 lJI23105 B6,90 PURIRED BOOK AlP ll10ll 11123/05 39.9B PITNEY BOWES mc AlP ll1012 11/23/05 60.00 PORT LAVACA WAVE Alp 111013 11/23105 260.83 THE PRESCRIPTION SHOP AlP 111014 11/23/05 39.80 QUILL AlP 111015 11/23/05 160,85 R G . ASSOCIATES mc AlP 11lD16 11/23/05 19.98 RADIO SHACK AlP 111017 11/23105 6,901. 77 RANDY'S FLOOR COOPAIlY AlP 111018 11/23/05 3,780.00 RADIOLOGY lJNLOOTED AlP 111019 11/23/05 B4.29 REMEL INC AlP 111020 11/23/05 457.70 RENAISSANCE AUSTIN ROTE AlP 111021 11/23/05 71173.1l0 RCH PROTEcr COOPEllATIVE AlP 111022 11123105 126.59 MArRA SANCHEZ AlP ll1023 11/23/05 4.00 SB.C AlP 111024 11/23105 7,551.19 SOURCEONE HEALTllCARE TE AlP 111m 11123/05 213.74 SRERWIl/ WILLIAIlS AlP 111025 11123105 66,40 SPS MEDICAL AlP 111027 1l!23105 18.72 ST JOllN RECORD PROOlW$ AlP 111028 11/23105 4,186.87 SYSCO ~ SAN ANTONIO, LP AlP 111029 11/23/05 20,25 STEllS CORPORATIOl/ AlP 111030 11123/05 196,30 ERIN TAYLOR AlP lll031 11/23105 10,000.00 TEAM REHAB AlP 111032 11/23/05 12,495.00 TOSHIBA AMERICA llEDICAL AlP 111033 1l!23/05 5,000,00 TEXAS HOSPITAL DiS EXCH AlP !l1034 ll/23/05 254.99 TIGER,DIRECT, INC. AlP !l1G35 !l123/05 216.89 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP AlP 111036 !l/23/05 285.68 PAT TRIGG AlP 111037 11123/05 33,94 IJNIFIRST HOLDINGS AlP 111038 11123/05 132.89 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE AlP 111019 11123105 2,116.19 VERIZOU SOD'l'HWES7 AlP 111040 11/23/05 259.50 V.ANGlJARD HEmCA1 CONCEP AlP 111041 11/23/05 29.10 MELISSA WRIGHT AlP ll1042 11/23/05 112,99 WALMART COMMUNI'I'Y AlP 111043 11/23/05 88.75 ELIZABETH WESTBFlDOX e e 38 e 320 RON DATE: 12/07/05 TIME: 09:14 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 11123105 TllRO lll23105 BAblK~.CHECK~.._~~.___..._.___~_~...___._........_._~_.._.___... CODE NU!lJlER DATE Al101JNT PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKllEG -.- --.......- ..-- -- --.. --..-. ~_.. ..-. ..._a....._..___ .....-..--- ....-..-..-.-..- ..-.- -- ....._........ ._.__.. ...._...._......_. ...__ .__. _... ....._...._..... _ _ __a.~ AlP 111044 11/23105 129.00 WORTH THE WAIT AlP 111045 11/23/05 470,33 ZIl!llER OS, INC. AlP 111046 11123/05 925.30 OLD SURETY LIFE AlP 111047 11/23105 B4,2B BARRERA MARIA AlP 11104B ll123105 356.41 ARREDONDO JESSIE R AlP 111049 11123105 16.74 CARAWAY NORVELL AlP 111050 11/23/05 114.63 QOIREY !:VE1l'N AlP 111051 11/23105 75.00 llER:IANIJEZ AIElIE _ AlP lll052 11123/05 66.B9 AETNA AlP lll053 11123/05 16,90 WYNN WINNIE FAYE AlP 111054 11.123105 3B.62 THORN KENNETll E AlP 111055 1l/23105 40.56 STEWART DORHAll AlP lll056 11123/05 1BO,Bl WILLOUGHBY BERT AlP 111051 11/23/05 B6,44 WOODLE ALFRED L AlP 11105B 11/13105 17.02 MEI'l'ZEN MARY AlP 111059 11/23105 494.82 WEHMEYER DONALD K AlP 111060 11/13105 189.19 rOESTER SHIRLEY AlP l!lO61 11/23/05 51.50 llOANG-LAI CllllN CllIH AlP 111062 ll/23105 10.59 NAVWO JANIE AlP 111063 11123/05 51.50 REDDING VIRGIL AlP 111064 11/23105 42.76 WI1J.IW FATRICIA AlP 111065 11/23105 12.00 SANCHEZ lIARY AlP 111066 11/23/05 lBO.OO CONNORS AMY AlP 111067 11/23105 14.29 COl'!'llY JOE W AlP 11106B 11/23/05 1,336.40 TEXAS DEPT OP STA'l'll llEA AlP 111069 11/23/05 2,665.00 DAYSPRING TRU1!1ING TOTALS: 243,169.30 - e 39 321 RIlN DJIl'!l:12107/05 TrME:09:15 lIEMDRIAL MEDICAL CENTER CllECK REGISTER 11/29/05 THRU 11129/05 ~--CBECK-------______________________________.______________ CODE NllMBER DATE AmOON'l' PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKllEG ......_~...._--~... -- _._~ _._--- ---......-....-....--.... .......-....---.. ....--.... .._-.. ...._-.... ....--....----...... ---..--- _.. ----..- ---- -- -- --.... --..-..-.. -..-.... -.. ............ -- - - AlP 111070 11/29/05 TOl'ALS, 6,099,00 STEPHEN H. CAGLE 6,Q99.00 40 ')0',,) CJ;:v..~ e e e RV!J D.\T&:12107/05 TW:09:15 MEMORIAL IlEDICAL CllmER CHECK REGISTER 11130/05 THRU 11/30/05 BAllK--CBRcK____________________________________________________ CODE NllMBER DATE AMDUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKllEG * ~- .~ ~~-~.~ ~~ ---* - - -- ---. ...-------- -. -------- ......_....-.. --..---..---..-.... .------"-..-------..-- ..---....-........---------....------ --------..- -- ----- AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AI' AlP AlP AlP AlP AI' AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AiP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP _/P I' AlP Alp AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP AlP AiP AlP kIP A/P AlP AlP - - 111071 11130105 1l10n 11130/05 1ll07l 11/30/05 111074 11130/05 111075 11130105 111076 11130105 111077 11/30105 111078 11/30105 , 111079 11130105 111080 11/30/05 111081 11130105 111082 11/30/05 111083 11130105 1110B4 11130/05 1l108S 11/30/05 111086 11130/05 111087 11/30/0S 111088 11130105 111089 11130/05 111090 11130/05 111091 11/30/05 111092 11130105 111093 11130105 111094 11130/05 111095 11130105 111096 11130105 111097 11130105 111098 11130105 111099 11130105 111100 11130105 111101 11130105 111102 11130105 Illl03 11130105 111104 11/30/05 111105 11/30/05 111106 11/30/05 111107 11/3:0/05 111108 11130105 111109 11130105 111110 11/30105 111111 11/30/05 111112 11130105 11l1ll 11130105 111114 11/30/05 111115 11/30/05 111116 11/30105 111117 11/30/05 111118 11/30/05 111119 11130/05 111120 11/30105 21.93 105,50 .00 14,461.63 43,93 383,34 52,00 1,636.95 41.90 551.02 173.98 107.00 16.92 619,04 21,398,13 47.50 42,56 1,941.00 110,00 131.92 520.54 8,704.20 750.00 760,25 486.80 323.96 307.72 116.B9 246.50 226.36 873.98 603.20 755.20 65,00 75,06 35.00 25.00 308.53 13.68 126.07 553.51 252.76 43.20 335.00 100,00 27.S4 156.20 7.% 26.86 416,00 ACE WDWARE ~ PORTER r S ACl'ION LUMBER VOIDED AMERISOURCEBERGEN DRUG AERIFORM CORPORATION CONSTELLATION NEW ENERG A!RCAST INC CARDINAL HEALTH AQUA BEVERAGE CONl'ANY AllROW IlIrEllW.TIONAL INC ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC C R BARD INC ESTER BARRIENTES BAXTER HEALTllCARE CORP 8ECl<IWl COOLTER INC BCOS SSM MEDICAL IOC CAL CON FEDERAL CREDIT CALHOUN CDD'NTY V'FW POST RUBY CA>1rlJ CINGULAR WIRELESS CITY or PORT !.AVACA COLDWELL BANKER. ROSSEtL CONl<ED CORPORATION THE COUl/CIL COOANY ellS I DADE BEHRING HELEN DAVIS DATEX~OHMEDA DELL F!!WICIAL SERVICES DEPUY ORTHOPAEDICS me DETAR HOSPITAL DELL MA.RKETING L. P. ANNE'l'l'E DELGADO KATHERINE DIETZEL DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS SY EC!'llG EQDAL DIAGNOSTICS FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FISHER H2ALTKCARE FIRST HEALTRCAJtE PRODUC FRESEN!US OSA l1ANlJFACTU GARDENLAND NURSERY GORDON N, STOWE & ASSOC GOLDEN CRESENI' RAe H E BUTT GROCERY HACH COMPANY HAYES ELECTRIC SERVICE HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I HEALTH FORCE IlEDICAL 41 323 RlJN DATE:l,)D7/05 TIllE,O'.15 MEMORIAL llEDICAL CEl!l'ER C!lECK REGISTER 11/30/05 TERn 11/30/05 SANX--CHECX_.__________________________________________________ CODS NUl!BEFl DATE AllOtlNl' PAYES PAGE , GLCKRSG .._~.-.._--_._-._._---------_.-----------------_._--_.-----------------------.-.---------------------------------------------------- AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP A/P A/P A/P AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP A/P A/P AlP A/P AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP Alp A/P AlP AlP A/P AlP AJP AlP AlP AlP llU21.. 11130/05 111122: 11/30/05 lll1l> 11130/05 ll1124 11J30/05 111125 11/30/05 111126 11/30/05 111l.27 11/30/05 ll1l28 11/30/05 ll1129 11130105 111130 11/30/05 111131 11/30/05 111132 11130/05 111133 11/30/05 111134 11130/05 ll1135 11/30/05 111136 11/30/05 111137 11130105 111231 11/30/05 111139 11/30/05 ll1140 !l/30/05 111141 11130/05 111142 11/30/05 111143 11130/05 111144 11/30/05 l1ll45 11130/05 lll146 11/30/05 ll1147 11130105 111148 11/30/05 111149 11/30/05 I111S0 11/30105 ll1l51 I1J30/05 111152 11/30/05 111153 11/30/05 111154 11/30105 111155 11/30/05 ll1156 11130105 111157 11/30/05 111158 11/30/05 111159 11/30105 111160 11130/05 111161 11/30/05 111162 11/30/05 111163 11130/05 ll1164 11/30/05 111165 11/30/05 111166 11/30/05 11110 11/30/05 111168 11/30105 111169 11/30/05 111170 11/30105 111171 11/30/05 127,07 121,38 27.89 125.03 789,00 70.49 1,504.33 25.00 27,89 4,537.72 38,00 600,00 20.25 30,167.66 7,307,70 30,56 ,00 6,705.35 159.00 1,588.30 162,00 89,73 226.25 1,237.50 66.65 2,800.00 151.44 100,00 126,19 137,52 100.00 412.50 1,000,00 119.40 359,05 407,50 1,180.56 19,40 2,501. 02 121.82 50,31 4,647,00 23.38 138.45 4,115.35 347.60 1,8B6,13 53,987.65 234.12 115.00 1,786.29 SALLY J llICKL HILL COlmTRY DAIRIES JESUSI'l'A S. IlERNANDEZ PAT HRANICKT IKON rINANCIA.L SERVICES INFOLAB INC IIlSTITtlTIOllAL TRUST CO>! I!m!llllATIOllAL EXECUTIVE GLElIDA G. JONBS K-llEll INC KEY SURGICAL IllC CARL KIM; THE LAllWROMAT NEMORIAL MEDICAL OEmR TERllr W MCCLAIN CRNA JANE llJ:CARN VOIDED MCKESSON IlENEAAL MEDICA MESA LAllORATORIES INC MERIDIAN PRGFBSSIONAL S ME>lCllACA S= LINDA mER nCRO ASSIST ( INC MIKESlCA1S BARBEctrE: &. CA MOORE MEDlCA1. NUTRITION OPTIONS MICllELLE NOVAK PATRICIA 0WElI !!ARVEl OLASCO.GA OPHELIA. C. OLASCUAGA HARVEY OLASCUAGA POPULAR LEASING POS'I'1!fAS'I'ER QUILL R G . ASSOCIATES INC RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS IN SAli'S CLUB DIRECT !lAIRA SANCHEz SOURCEONE llEALTHCAllE TE SHERWIN WILLIAMS SA-SO FULL LINE '04 SP/ SO TEX BLOOD (( TISSOE C ST JOHN RECORn PROGlW7S ANGELA K STRAUSS SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP TLC STAFFING TEXAS HEALTH &. !itlMAN SE TEXAS CO it DISTRIf:!' RET TEXAs GUA1WlTEED S'!'UDlm TE1.AS PUBLIC HEALTH ASS TRI-STATE EOSPITAL SUPP - - 42 - 0.')j Uj~4~ - e - R~ DATR:12/07/05 TlllB:09:15 m~DRm MEDICAl. CEN'l'ER PAGE 3 GLCl'JlEG ClJECK REGISTER 11/30/05 TRRU 11/30/05 BA'lK--eBBCK-___________.______________________________________. CODE NllJIEER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE ~____~__M__~_._~_______.______.______________________________________________________________________________________________ AlP 111172 11/30/05 AlP 111173 1113 0 I 05 AlP 111174 11/30105 AI? 111175 11/30105 AlP 111176 11/30/05 AlP 111177 11/30105 AlP 111178 11130/05 AlP 111179 11/30105 AlP 111180 11130105 AlP 111181 11130105 AlP 111182 11130105 A/P 111183 11/30/05 AlP 111184 11/30105 AlP 111185 11/l0105 TIJI'A1S: 41.60 33.94 121.16 141.50 lOO.OO 105.41 122,22 670.68 29,10 202.44 34,44 335.00 385.00 52.87 194,340,14 uSI :me UN!PIRST HOLDINGS OI>ITED PAllcn SERVICE OI>ITED WAY or CALHOON C OS POSTAL SERVICE REBECCA VARGAS ELVA' VELA VERIZQN SOUTHWEST MELISSA WHIGHT WALlWlT COll>lOllITY ELI2.AllE'l'l! WESTBROOK W!SCOWIN STATE LAEORAT YVONNE FELKINS ZIll!1lER US, me, 43 325 ",;,;~".~m8!.iMii6.~..ai)j(ti}nMW:~~N@;*{ij;~1$Wtdifgfiti1fft~~r1.fSQ~~.'i"? fltJi~'-;::";::J~;"""':i<<;';~" ~"':.; -.; ":\""" .~._;~:.: .'<-:'::.4.It.ltl.g1~~~1~0w~t,~t\ttl~4~~t~~~.fil;%1?~~~~ltti~.i~.~~:~ ~ >;:~" ~@*}~_~w~I1}i}il~t~~iiJi'1h~';#$~I~~t4~~~mi_7;81 ,'.,.,.::..:. ":'~11.'_ '.~"...~':':'~~~.i~M~~~~~f;*'IrtW$!fl#%%*~tm*i1Wt.I_{J;I{ , -," ,,'.,:".,-....;,>\,,>...;;,.;.,:.. 44 I) ".n u:~t> e e e e e e CIHCP MONTHLY FINANCIAUACTIVITY REPORT County Name CALHOUN Report MonthlY ear December '05 , Application/Case Data Cases 16 8 15 II. Creditable Expenditures During Report Month 1, Physician Service $ 12,895,54 2, Prescription Druos $ 34,547,93 3, Hospital, inpatient Services $ ~~ 12,878~03 4. Hospital, Outpatient Services $ 32,899,92 5, Laboratory/X-Rav Services $ 1,034,96 6, Skilled NursinQ Facilitv Services $ - 7. Family PlanninQ . $ - Subtotal $ 94,256.38 Equals (=) REPORT MONTHLY REPORT $ 94,256,38 FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $1 1,791,202,66 ~1vu)w uv 'cV' U-.),w~ Signature of Person Submitting Report ; ;)-Y-1J"') Date IMonica Escalante CIHCP Coordinator 61 I)t-"""~.'~ 021 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS NOVEMBER 2005 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE PATIENTS ADMITTED 97 111 1,265 1,251 ADMISSIONS FROM ER 21 71 399 676 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 3.77 3.36 3.49 3.76 PATIENT DA YS OF SERVICE 366 373 4,411 4,703 PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY* 48,80% 49.73% 52,67% 56,16% e AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 12.20 12,43 13,17 14,04 MAXiMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 20 21 27 27 MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 4 3 0 2 ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS 1,588 1,225 16,789 15,557 SWING BED DAYS 21 52 441 211 ICU PATIENTS ADMITTED 35 29 359 309 ICU PATiENT DAYS 63 58 758 661 08'S ADMITTED 9 12 141 168 08 DAYS OF SERVICE 20 24 314 392 PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS 2 4 48 46 PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE 8 8 111 99 NEWBORNS FOR MONTH 7 7 122 135 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.29 2.71 2.11 2.15 DA YS OF SERVICE' 16 19 258 290 MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED 58 55 670 623 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 4.21 4,29 4.11 4.44 DAYS OF SERVICE 244 236 2,753 2,769 MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED 10 19 198 222 e DA YS OF SERVICE 26 43 505 572 DEATHS 5 1 30 27 AUTOPSIES 0 0 2 2 SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 4 12 100 160 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 100 110 1,163 1,258 CESAREAN SECTIONS** 3 4 32 44 TOTALS 107 126 1,295 1,462 *Based on 25 beds 72 e 'JtC\':t',) u,,,>,j THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,550 1,456 18,888 17,6:;;8 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 698 744 8,541 8,438 TOTALS 2,248 2,200 27,429 26.096 LABORATORY: INPATiENT PROCEDURES 3,464 3,947 43,062 42,971 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 15,848 14,380 193,468 174,549 TOTALS 19,312 18,327 236,530 217,520 e RADIOLOGY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 61 136 1,160 1,529 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 578 550 6,868 6,477 BONE DENSITY 23 31 293 237 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 108 85 900 1,088 UL TRASOUNDS 137 127 1,742 1,568 CT SCANS 216 153 2,447 2,083 MAMMOGRAPHY 179 116 1,033 855 MRI 118 104 1,271 1,084 TOTALS 1,420 1,302 15,714 14,921 PHARMACY: IV SOLUTIONS DISPENSED 941 1,397 12,888 14,686 DRUGS DISPENSED 7,862 9,968 102,166 114,176 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 995 1,425 17.447 15,575 TOTALS 9,798 12,790 132,501 144,437 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,774 2,165 24,057 21,221 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 623 761 8,454 8.494 STRESS TESTS 9 7 58 38 EKGS 173 241 2,265 2,207 e EEGS 4 0 52 40 TOTALS 2,583 3,174 34,886 32,000 PHYSICAL THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 185 386 2,881 3,147 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 2,063 2,328 21,342 21,069 HOME HEALTH VISITS 118 66 1,143 1,357 TOTALS 2,366 2,780 25,366 25,573 73 e ',. 329 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR HOME HEALTH CARE: MEDICARE VISITS 763 739 8,871 S,888 OTHER VISITS 12 5 176 84 ST/SS 1 0 26 6 TOTALS 776 744 9,073 8,978 DIETARY: MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS 1,271 1,180 15,239 14,617 e MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA 3,649 2,959 36,264 34,514 TOTALS 4,920 4,139 51,503 49,131 COST PER PATiENT DAY WIO DEPR 4,364.85 4,007.05 3,858.30 3,406,76 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 4,599.18 4,816.46 4,240,68 3,742.43 BREAKEVEN WIO DEPRECiATION 11.55 9.92 11.90 12,66 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 12.20 12.43 13.17 14,04 PATIENTS ABOVE I BELOW BREAKEVEN 0.65 2.51 1.27 1.38 COST PER ADJ. PT. DAY WIO OEP. 1,006.14 1,220.38 1,013.70 1,630,90 INCOME PER ADJ. PT. DAY 1,060.16 1,466.89 1,114,16 1.791,60 e 74 e '1'1n (j ,G, 'V REOUEST FOR PLACEMENT OF SIGN ON COUNTY PROPERTY AT MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA: Ann McFarland spoke to the Court on behalf of the Gabriel Project, she is asking if the Court would allow a sign be placed on County property at the Memorial Medical Plaza. The location would be past the signs for Dr, Rupley and Dr, Cummings on Highway 35 going North. A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to allow the request for placement of a sign on County Property at Memorial Medical Plaza, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e AWARD BID FOR PHYS1CIAN AND NURSE MEDICAL SERVICES FOR THE CALHOUN COUNTY ADULT DETENTION CENTER AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN CONTRACT: Pass on this Agenda Item. AWARD BID FOR PROPERTY. CASUALTY & PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1. 2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31. 2006 AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN CONTRACT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to Award GSM Insurors as low bidder for Property, Casualty & Professional Liability Insurance for the period January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 and authorize the Judge Pfeifer to sign the contract, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ": ~ (!J .,,, ~Qc 0 ~ 0 ~~~ g~e"!.l~9~~8 q~ .. '" '" 0 q " " ~ li! 0'" " ,; SO 1lli! 0 ~ . =,~ m = :a,g !f "' i. ~ ~ g ~ li!~li!li!gH!f' ::t 11 :<i fi ~. " - ~ ~ >! 0 ~ e~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ." iii . ! g ",<0'" ",,,, "'"' "' "' wccr:om 0 iO 8fC8 88 88p8 8888lOf.!1i;8Q811l .;u:;...; ~~ ng) ;X- H~~~~~~~-'g ~1I1 e R!1~ ~~. ~ '"':. i !g -~ at ill' n~ .., fil~3'l~ ""<'II \Q r;l..- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ q '" ~ S e f 3l ~ g a ;; . g n () . ~ i ~ J " ~ ~ ;! E ,i o~.f~ 'i 8. 2- 8- P! ~ d~ ~ ~ii-81~ "iHd . ~ ~ ;5 c " Q <.> c " o ~ ~ ~ f il ~ ~ i .. .. " .. "' ~ ~ t ~ ;; i .r; ~ g ~ ~. i, ~ ~ * ! ~ ~ ~ ~~ :5. ~ ~ ~ .il.~ ~~ q"~ e~ hh H Hi), i: Hg! Ju i~Hi 5~ >- ~ ""seat..! ~ "I!; 'ill! It '" ." '" Ii It ~ . ~ ~::; · ~ i ~i ffi ~ j~~~~ ffi f5-~lf~i~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & i $ ~ ~,~ = i, 8 !~ ~i~g ~~6~~i~ ~~ fJijiljli ~~ ~q~O ~~s~~i2 ~~'" ~i~~~~f~ Ilsl~~I~i~~I~.~ ~I 1111!lj!~ ~1=~I~;IIIIII!lt ~o if:i!I.' ~~~IIIJI!IIIIIII IIIIJ!lllliil ~ ~~-~-~_~ mUQ ~ " . & ~ . .. E o 0 $ E E ~ I L ~ ,;~ I H i Iph~ ~ llo ~i 8- E "j~ l!. .g ~ a.; ~ g Ii ~ '*' 8t5~~ili "Plj &'" ~d" <~ " " ~ f . ~ . ~ . E . o f 1 · f ~j( :5%:;: g~~ ;..~ '"~~ 8:il~ "' "Jq..c, z)(!)l c...; c~) (\;' e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , " D , " n n " D " ~ , ~ -, o o " n " 4 " Sl IS) " :ry IS) # . L COmp&tltlve Sealed Proposal January 1, 2005 to January 1,2007 COVERAGES COMPANY LIMITS OEOUCTIBLE PREMIUM Property Argonaut $31,703,556.00 $2,500.00 $153,236,00 _ General Liabi/ily Argonaut $1,000,000.00 $0.00 Included Above _ $2,000,000.00 Auto liabllily Argonaut $1001 $300 1$100 $0.00 Included Above a Auto Physical Oamage Argonaut $1,713,600.48 $2,500.00 Included Above. Inland Marine Argonaut $3,502,114.65 $500,00 Included Above a Crime Argonaut $10,000 I $10,000 $250,00 Included Above. Windstonn TWiAlLandmark $31,652.82.5,00 $1,000.00 $129,296.75 H Airport Liability ACE $500,000,00 $0,00 $2,100,00 ++ Law Entorcemenl Aspen $1,000,000,00 $10,000.00 $15,775,00 ++ Ot1:lIlTenoe Farm Public Officials Diamond Stales $1,000,000.00 $10,000,00 $13,750,00 ++ Claims Made F01Tl1 Retro OS/26105 Pollulion Gulf $1,000,000,00 $5,000.00 $1,770.51 Claims Made Form Retro 01101/99 District Cler1< Evanston $100,000.00 $1,000.00 $795.52. .. Errors & Omissions Clalm:r. Made FOffil Retro07/f6JB4 County Cler\( Evanston $250,000,00 $1,000,00 $908,87 .. Errors & Omissions C(liims Made Form Retro 07116/84 ~ u ~ co n '" U ~ Page 1 e e e en co ~ tr '" LI !J '" L " tJ " :J n '" tJ " :J C> .J '" C> ~ ~ 0 ~ D 0 n ~ 0 D ~ ~ .. , ~ n 0 0 ~ Ii C~ ~ C:.:J " " ~ e e Boiler & Machinery Travelers $15,000,000,00 Various $3,500,00 EMS Property VFIS $136,671,00 $500.00 $961.00 *1 year $2,883,00 *3 year EMS General liability VFIS $500,000 /$1,000,000 $0.00 $3,991,00 '1 y"ar $11,973.00 '3 year EMS Auto VFIS $500,000,00 Liability $0,00 $46,223,00 "'1 year Comprehensive & Coillslon $1,000.00 $138,669,00 '3 y"ar Bonds (3) CNA $10,000,00 each $750.00 H+ Subject to Bond Applicalion TOTAL 2.006/2007 Annual Premium, $373,057.65 , Piease nole thaI (he EMS coverages are a package piJiicy as this is a program designed for EMS and coverages mus' be kepttogelher. 3 year p<>licy term is avanable subjec1to annual underwriting. · Please nole that all Argonaut coverages are a package policy and can not be seperalely written. .. Please note that County & District Clerk premiums are an ex1ension of ClJrrent policy premiums to expire 01101/07. ++ Please note that current Windslorm, Airport liability, Law Enforcement, Boiler & Machinery and Public Officials policies will be cancelled effective 01/01/06 and rewritten as per ltiis propiJsal, H+ Please note total bond premium is estimated subject to company underwnling NOTE: Flood policy needs to remain as written - Can POssibly be moved eff 1-1-06 subject to application and elevation certificate Page 2 -, ,- '-'~ "'~''''''''-''-'''L..I' TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES CALHOUN COUNTY December IS, 20.0.6 PRICING SUMMARY Coveral!'e Limits e (-H,-"c.. I:J::J/I::):J Deductible Contribution Auto Liability 100/300/10.0 None $35.765 Autoll1obile Pbysical DaIlIage Per Scheduled ValUes Per Schedule Cc Per Schedule Cc General Liability 100/300./1 DO None Total Workers' Compensation Property I Liability Package Discounts Note: This is a summary sheet only and does not take thr place of the proposalfonns enclosed. Please refer to proposal forms for details on coverages af/d optional deductihles offered, $11,802 $38,550 $86,117 $9,172 ~34 e e AWARD BID FOR INDIGENT DRUGS FOR THE CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT DRUG PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1. 2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31. 2006: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Award The Pharmacy as low bidder for Indigent Drugs for the Calhoun County Indigent Drug Program for the period January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, Commissioners Galvan, Bala)ka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, e CAlHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- 'CAlHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT DRUG PROGRAM I INVII A liON 10 BID BIDDER THE PHARMACY lB VIRGINIA PLACE PORT LAVACA BID ITEM loRUGS FOR INOIGENTS TX no70 , PfRIlDfROM: JANUARY 1,2006 PfRIlD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SU6MIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO; HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE. 211 S ANN ST, PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTEO IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED 81D-IDRUGS FOR INDIGENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WilL eE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFice AT: 10..00 AM, THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDEREO FOR AWARO AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPEO STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICA nONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,0001$300,000), ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS, DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS THE AMOUNT SHOWN SHOULD BE THE PERCENTAGE OF "AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK" THAT WILL BE ADDED OR DEDUCTEO FROM EACH PRESCRIPTION TO ARRIVE AT THE PRICE (INCLUDING CONTAINERS AND ALL OTHER COSTS) CHARGED THE COUNTY PER PRESCRIPTION. "AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK" WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY WHEN REQUESTED, EACH MONTHLY BILLING WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: PHARMACY NAME, DATE, PATIENT NAME, DRUG, AMOUNT, NEW OR REFILL AND PRICE. SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS fJEPARTMENT: ,. t; MEMORIAlMEDICALC#:R~/I~ ::::; Ili1JP c:f?~ h.;(j-d' /-f, The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this comPOlJY. corporation~ firm~ partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or 8idder~ and that the ~ontent$ of this bid as to prlces~ terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AIITII1IRIZID Sl:NATURE JUtE: ~~ ,,"J,h,J!- It 0 PRIIT NAME: A (I ~ Vl2 I~ l< - OATEOfBIl: 1;)- /'2- /0-5 - . TElIPUONE NUMBEB:=r {" 1- -; 5;}' - -2600 wPmSE UST ANY EXCEPTIlNS TO TIlE ABOVE SffCRATIlNS: Sunday, November 06,2005 IIIDDEB III PIlARMACY ')'7~ Vt;(1.. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET-lcALHDUN COUNTY INDIGENT DRUG PROGRAM I INVI' A liON TO BID BlOom THE PHARMACY 18 VIRGINIA PLACE PORT LAVACA BIO ITEM IORUGS FOR INIDGENTS TX 77878 I PEIlIJIJmOM: JANUARY 1,2006 PEIlIJIJTO: DECEMBER31,2DD6 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BIo-I DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS BIOS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSOA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARO AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENEO TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIOS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICARPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS: DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS THE AMOUNT SHOWN SHOULD BE THE PERCENTAGE OF 'AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK' THAT WILL BE AOOEO OR OEOUCTED FROM EACH PRESCRIPTION TO ARRIVE AT THE PRICE (INCLUDING CONTAINERS AND ALL OTHER COSTS) CHARGED THE COUNTY PER PRESCRIPTION, "AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK' WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY WHEN REOUESTED. EACH MONTHLY BILLING WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: PHARMACY NAME, DATE, PATIENT NAME, DRUG, AMOUNT, NEW OR REFILL AND PRICE. SEE ATTACH EO SPECIFICATIONS e DEPARTMENT: II CALHOUN COUNTY JAIL f) /fw/J - 7 I '2 fl'A.4/!.vne-'::::; A\A\PDf~ 7,)0-;0 i The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contracti that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid In collusion with any other or Sidder. and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said hid have not be~n communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of busf'ness prior to the official opening of this bid. AIITIIlIRIZID Sl:llA1URE 1ITlI: PRINT NAME: .4-1 (",,'Iv /t~~~/ rh"I.JT fLy( ,rIG DATEOfBll: nO. /7- Ie, " ffifPlIONf NUMBER: '" ([, ( - <; S ':J - J, b 0 () PUASlUST ANY EXCEPTIINS TO JH[ ABOVE SPfCRA TIINS: Sunday, November 06, 2005 IIIIlDElI 111 A1AHMACY e ~nn' ,',,/h .....".....v . CAlHDUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEET -ICALHOUN COUNTY INmGENT DRUG PROGRAM , INVITATION TO BID BIDDER THE PHARMACY 18 VIRGINIA PLACE PORT LAVACA e BID ITEM IORUGS FOR INDlGENTS TX n070 I PUIIJD FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERIJU TO: DECEMBER 31, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUOGE, 211 SANNST, PORTLAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED 810M ~ DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFCCE AT: 10:00 AM. THURSOA Y;. DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARO AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BrDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID OEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUOGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS Will BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN. TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANOlCAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSI61L1TY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDOER MUST PRDVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFfCA TIONS: DRUGS FOR lND1GENTS THE AMOUNT SHOWN SHOULD BE THE PERCENTAGE OF 'AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK" THAT WilL BE ADDEO OR DEDUCTED FROM EACH PRESCRIPTION TO ARRIVE AT iHE PRICE (INCLUDING CONTAINERS AND ALL OTHER COSTS) CHARGED THE COUNTY PER PRESCRIPTION. "AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK" WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY WHEN REQUESTED, EACH MONTHLY BILLING WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: PHARMACY NAME, DATE. PATIENT NAME, DRUG, AMOUNT. NEW OR REFILL AND PRICE. SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS e II !h.J/'- 7, I ~) . Au..'.pvf~ 7/1/0 The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid In collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any ather person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. DEPARTMENT: SHEJUFFS DEPY r/A- Il/I~~ AUlHORUID Sl:NA TURE TITlE: PRM NAME: _.4 lii'.-'tv ?10"^~ 7./4',,~ rite rJ T PIc DATE OF BII: /7-/'2../0) TlliPHONE NUMBER: 3(~ / _ :<:S-;,z - 2 {:, 00 , PlfASE UST ANY EXCEPTIINS TO THE ABOVE SPECIFICA TIINS: Sunday, November 06,2005 IIIDDIR !lIE I'IIAIlMACY e "'-'.'-; uJ . CAiHuUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEET-ICALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT DRUG PROGRAM I INVITATION TO BID BIDDER THE PHARMACY 18 VIRGINIA PLACE PORT LAVACA BID ITEM IDRUGS FOR INDlGENTS IX no70 r PEIOOIl mOM: JANUARY 1,2006 PEIOOIl TO; DECEMBER 31,2006 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE. 211 S ANN ST, PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BII>-I DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS BIDS ARE DUE ANO WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THECOUN1Y JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00AM, THURSDAY, OECEMBER IS, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARD ATTHE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BIO DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUOGE IN OETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RElIGION, AGE OR HANOICAPPEO STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPECIFICA nONS: ----------------------------------------------- DRUGS FOR INDIGENTS THE AMOUNT SHOWN SHOULD BE THE PERCENTAGE OF 'AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK" THAT WILL BE ADDED OR DEDUCTED FROM EACH PRESCRIPTION TO ARRIVE AT THE PRICE (INCLUDING CONTAINERS AND ALL OTHER COSTS) CHARGED THE COUNTY PER PRESCRIPTION. "AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE RED BOOK' WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY WHEN REQUESTED, EACH MONTHLY BILLING WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: PHARMACY NAME, DATE, PATIENT NAME, DRUG, AMOUNT, NEW OR REFILL ANO PRICE, SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS e ,. h.uP- 7/ Ie fQA ml.eA~ 7AiUP ~~ '},Jo?u The undersigned affirms that they are duly Quth"rized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned f1cr by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prier to the official opening of this bid. DEPARTMENT: HEALTH DEPARTMENT dc~..,.7I-J NUNT r// AUTBomzm Sl:NATURE ml!: PRffi NAME: /t I (0{' "" DATEOfBlI: /~ /2- /0 5 TEUPHONf NUMBER: 3' c:~ / - 5'5')., -;)60c7 PlfASE UST ANY EXClPTIlNS TO TIlE ABUVE SPECRAnoNS: Sunday,November06,2005 IIIDDEH III PIIARMACY e '1'70 ViV(J MINERAL OIL eALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS - BID TABULATION - INSECTICI80R MOSQUITO CONTROL JANUARY 1, 2006 TO JUNE 30, 2006 NAME OF VENDOR B&G CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC UNIVAR USA PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO ADAPCO e PRICE/UNIT $3,55/GAL $4,69/GAL OEPARTMENT COMMENTS ALL PRECINCTS ALL PRECINCTS PRODUCT COMES IN 50 GALLON DRUM DID NOT SEND REQUIRED COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON 2.55 GAL MINIMUM ORDER ALL PRECINCTS PER LOCATION, DELIVERY IN 2 DAYS ARO ALL PRECINCTS MALATHION -------------------------------~---------------------------------. $5,17/GAL $5,90/GAL UNIVAR USA B&G CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC ADAPCO DRUMMOND AMERICAN $24,24/GAL ALL PRECINCTS PRODUCT COMES IN 55 GALLON DRUMS $24.74/GAL ALL PRECINCTS $29.30/GAL ALL PRECINCTS . $37.73/GAL ALL PRECINCTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 0.55%-PYRETHRINS, 5.50%-PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE,1.1%- PERMETHRIN, 92.85%- INERT INGREDIENTS DRUMMOND AMERICAN ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 30%-PERMETHRIN CAS[52645-53-1];30%_ PEPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAS[51-o3, 6];40%-OTHER INGREDIENTS DIAMOND CLEANING EQUIPMENT BID FORM NOT SIGNED; OFFERING - KONTROL 2.2 SAME INGREDIENTS AS 4-4 BUT $O,OO/GAL ALL PRECINCTS AT 1/2 STRENGTH PRODUCT IS PACKAGED IN 2,S GALLON CONTAINERS; $152.00/GAL ALL PRECINCTS ITEM IS BID AT $152,00 PER GALLON ------------ ------ . B&G CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC UNIVAR USA ---- $103.00/GAL ALL PRECINCTS $114.74/GAL ALL PRECINCTS PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2,5 GALLON JUGS DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER 5 GALLONS PER PUBLIC HEALTH EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO $133.33/GAL ALL PRECINCTS ORDERlDESTINATlON ADAPCO $158.00/GAL ALL PRECINCTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4.14%RESMETHRIN, 12,42%-PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL, 83,44%- OTHER INGREDIENTS B&G CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT CO INC ,~:.,') f ' X,':~ ...... $82.35 ALL PRECINCTS -----------------------------------------------------------------. < g: 0-)::- g.a:::s: [c:g:g. -. lC 0. 0" ::J :::r C. :J @",~ro :: < :J VI QI Q III i3' If) . w'" 3 .P ~ QI ",,,,0. 0(1)(1) 0~C' ?' ?f"< -'n glS'o 3~3 "3 3 ~ ij;' -, '" tn .__ 5" ~g "(1)(1) (1)",~ VI O':I! G')"'~ "'3:~ <o~ '" '" '" ?~:::l m;:;:Q. ",0'" Qj"()~ ,=, 00 @"" ... q- a. ~2.[ (;tC)'cr n~'< ...~ g.n ,,(1)0 -, 3 "1;l3 ~.., -. ro -.(fJ ~ 0 '" 0. -. '" 0 " ...." 0."'(1) ...."~ ""Gl 0."'", <0-<< (1) ...'" .", " n5'NN _.00 (jJ'o;:t> ~ "':< '" '" = ~ 0. r- ." o ;J:l .... :z: m CALHOUN COUNTY, TX BID TABULATIONS: MINERAl OIL ITEM MINERAL OIL .. AIIIIIlI UW.. E .... IIPMIIIII IfI1IIAIIII CIIIUIIII __UlE IIlDllllAlE $3.55 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $4,69 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS PRODUCT COMES IN A 50 1/1/2006 6130/2006 AREA GALLON DRUM $5.17 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS DID NOT SEND REQUIRED 111/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & AREA COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON SUPPLY CO 2-55 GAL MINIMUM ORDER PER LOCATION, DELIVERY IN 2 DAYS ARO $5.90 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 1/1/2006 6130/2006 AREA .. AIUIII 0.. E aJlfI IIPMIIIII IfI1IIAIIII ClUDJI __UlE IIIDIII UlE $3.55 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $4,69 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA PROOUCT COMES IN A 50 1/1/2006 6130/2006 GALLON DRUM $5,17 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA DID NOT SEND REQUIRED 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON SUPPLY CO 2-55 GAL MINIMUM ORDER PER LOCATION, DELIVERY IN 2 DAYS ARO $5.90 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 .. AIIIIIlI 0.. E aJlfI III'MIIIII IfI1IIAIIII ClIINIlII IBIIIIIIl UlE IIIDIIIUlE $3,55 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA 11112006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $4,69 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA PRODUCT COMES IN A 50 1/1/2006 6130/2006 GALLON DRUM $5,17 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA DID NOT SEND REQUIRED 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON SUPPLY CO 2-55 GAL MINIMUM OROER PER LOCATION. DELIVERY IN 2 DAYS ARO <~"" $5,90 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 M~_:; C Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page 1 of2 e e e e e e ITEM MINERAL OIL III AMlIlIII UW III RI III8BI III'ABI1lIlIJ IEIIJIAIIIIl ClllIIlIIJI m-.UIE BlIllIlDAIE $3,55 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $4,69 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR PRODUCT COMES IN A 50 1/1/2006 6/3012006 AREA GALLON DRUM $5.17 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR DID NOT SEND REQUIRED 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & AREA COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON SUPPLY CO 2-SS GAL MINIMUM ORDER PER LOCATION. DELIVERY IN 2 DAYS ARO $5,90 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 1/1/2006 6130/2006 AREA III AMlIlIII UW III RI III8BI IIPA8IIIlIT IIJJIUIIIIl Cl/M._" __UIE IIIIlIIGUIE $3,55 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 111/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $4.69 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA PRODUCT COMES IN A 50 1/112006 6130/2006 GALLON DRUM $5.17 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 4-5 SEADRIFT AREA DID NOT SEND REQUIRED 1/1/2006 613012006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; PRICE IS BASED ON SUPPLY CO 2-55 GAL MINIMUM ORDER PER LOCATION, DELIVERY IN 20AYSARO $5.90 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 11112006 6130/2006 ~ ~, 1-..\ Wednesday, DecembeJ' 21,2005 Page 2 of2 CAlHDUNCDUNTY, TUAs DID SIHl-IINSECnCIDES roB MOSQUITO CONTROL I INVITATION TO BID ! ! ~ B&G CHEMICAlS & EQUIPMENT co INC ~ 1) MIKE NICIIDLS 1225 N POST OAK RD HOUSTON BID ITEM 'MINERAl DI BIDDER TX 71D55 I PBlI1IIIROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PElllDDTD: JUNE 30, 2006 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUOGE, 2115 ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX n979 BIOS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED B.ID- 'MINERAL OIL BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSOA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIOS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSOA Y, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIOS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY ODES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THI! SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDI! CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDrrJONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: MINERAL OIL DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY 8T 8T/UE ..43. 5S PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEI! ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEI! ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ; =?, 5'5: e PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON .3. !>S AREA .$3. 55 PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTlI!ATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ..., 3. 55" The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute .this contr~t, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to pricu, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other pe1'Son engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. ~wk N,'c) ()/J' AIIIlIllRIZEIl SlGllATIIIE _ TIIlf: PIIINT 1WE ,/If'Ja Sa/eJ ami '"7eU{I1I(-((/ J/i-edb;- DATElfBII: /.J - /e:) -0 S- TREPIIlINENllMIIER: (ItI.:) '}{)I- t 7tf/; o,-(ztJ)61J- Nil I'lfASE lIST AllY EXE8'TJD1tS TD 111 ABOVE SPIl:IJCATIlNS: Thursday, November 03, 2005 IlIIOlIl IItS ClIMICAIi & EIJIMNI CUING e '{L i ') U .t:l. e e e , ;, ;: ~ iB lie i':' ~ IvPRAY1.3 TOFREACHOFCHILDREN CALJTION FtMULATORU$EONL Y ~.~:;;~~";;~~~~...';'...~~....;.;~~-~.....- :. ,- .:"" lStiil8t8 : '~~~~.""'~ ....... .....;;~...~~.~.~:~:~2~~.'l~'.~~~~......' 9S'K.-:....~il.. . ' '. 74'SUS .....h................~~._...>>.-....._................_..~~....~~.~ 7~1:lbs. ............................................................... '."'-""""-_..' ~'::;=oli~ ,Uc8mie'Ntiniber #1837 Hannfullf awalIowecI. Avoid bleathlng _. .u~. AvoId~Clffocldorfood . '-', -,-" -,',', ,.. IF SWAlLOWED: IF OH 5l<IH:. " ", -'. ' ,'... -.. - - . ',- -"-. -', .. . soap and p/enIy ofwater. Conlacl IF IN EVES: STORA~';~ PROHIBITIONS: Do not CCllltamlnate water,.fciod;oife8il by 1l STORAGE: Slore In a cool, dfY 1000ed place out(ifreachofch flame. " , PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Pesllcide or.rinsellOlution Ihalcannotlle \I8eOliCcorllln to app/lc8b/e fe<klral. .!.Iite. or IocalprOcedui... ' Triple tlnceOtequiV8lenl Then oflerfortecycllng ott8concli In a .anl1afY landfill or by other epptOVed Stale and lOCal p 1ERMs Seliet's pualatl!ee is limited 10 the terms on Ihelebel The buyer """"pts the.product on BULKU.8.GAuoNs cr\p-- B-V ASSOCIATES, INC. 48845 Weet Rpad WixcJm, MI 48383 PH: 248 '48 4920 FAX: 248 '482684 _71~ 343 " e , '1L.~ ;'~ Vl;':!t e e e '.""\v:., L 3L15 ) ';IlYA~YOIlSelfH' , '.;Pilgia.3Qf5 ~' SECTI\:lNII\I1' CO~NEKJ', ';-....> ""J'"" Pe......... firol8cllQR i4!uum . !..,; -,.---~,;",: ~i";" .. _ll!!ir!, ~n'i7>);:; ,-." ' .-J, , e e 0:I0I6c:0\WpWln'MSDS\13.wpd '~~>,' - I')'j:~ tJ. ~1 u e e e ;; lWA,llP,nw 011 Series -""""'~~6 0re1:, Sl!CI'19N XI: M"'-'k:L.., -,.,' '~~~'~'f, Icitr " ~(AC<ii_HJ.____"_-,n,_ ""~" " , ..; ,;,- '-'j ~AioIly--j C) ,"'- 1 IlECTJON)fN: f;CQliQGl~ J~l'iW.nqli " 6;J<,;'-,:~i;?~1!Y._,r!:::~sf.'y:;m bm:-"- O:\Olfico~llASOsIl3."'Pd ',-' ,- "'''H0:.:;,f!','f'J.";:~~<fJ~,w~; t/ii!l;J:1KY ,~' 3117 ." '-, ~. j ~ BVA Sp,..y 0/1 Serf.. Pagn ofs MllllOneJReri1artca- ~~ii;i1~?,:OIo:n~~~~~:~~ P1sCt.\JMER o..w~ c". ...... .. O:\Clftice1\\\>wWMsos\1b1>d 3 ',;J;') , ":to e e e &AlHDUN &DUNTY. TEXAs BID SHEET -IINSECTlClDESFQRMOSQUlTO COffffiUL - . .. I INVIJATI8NTgu-UID ~{(f BIDDER UNlVAR USA BRIAN MCFAll PO BOX 96648 HOUSJON _m I1IM JMlNmALDIL JX n213 I PERIOD fROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PBlIDD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BIO ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORJ\BLE MICHAEL J PFElFER, CAl.HOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211SANNST,PORTUVACA TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-IMINEIlAL OIL I BIDS ARE OUE ANO WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUOGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBr;R 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENEO TO BIDDER, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COVNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINA.TE ON THEBASISOF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, . THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST "R()VI_D.ECALH()UN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFI.CA,.E OF INSURANCE (NANliNG .CALHI)UN Cc:'UNTY AS AN AI)DITIONAL INSU~ED) FO~ GEfolIl:~L_LIABILI:n($1100~,OOOj$_2.00:0,O,OO)r WOR~ERS. COMPENSATION" (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO iNSURANCE ($100,OOO/S100,OOO/S300,OOD). . " . .... . - SPECIFICA TIONS: MINERAL OIL --~--~------~~--------------- DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY ., IIlITPIIIE PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 _PRECINCT 4-P .. PRECINCT 4-S PRECINCT 2 FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O.CONNOR AREA SEADRIFT AREA SIX MILE AREA FOB.I?ESTlNATION; SEE ATTACHED SPE.CI.FICATIONS FOB D,~TINATI~N; SE?i! ATTA~HED S_P~CIFI~ATIONS_ FOB DESTINAT-ION; S'EE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GALLON tf.b?,&f <(,"h'f q,~"( 'f,6'1 <{,6 <; FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SE::E ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract; that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices; terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AIIIIIORIZEIJSlGNATIIIlIJTIlf:~~ ~ ;l# Vedv/' ~t!>"'-;cl/~r PRlNTNAME:~raifIJ1CFat/ DATEOFBIII: 1,;2:/t9--0S- TElfPHlINE NUMBER: 713 - 20 3 - 0 'I3G PlfASE lIST ANY EXCEPnDNS TO THE ABOVE SPECIfICATIONS: If, Prodact Co"" 8 $ ,',,; 0.:. $""0 cJ<r I,{)"J jI Drbm Thursday, November 03, 2005 IIIDDE8 IINIVABIISA e 3'19 &AUla CDUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEEI-IINSECDClDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL INUIT A TION TO BID I SAN ANJoMO BID ITEM IMINBIAL on. TX 78210 I DId No +- ~b{,L~(e d SLL~f'r\~+ ~ BIDDBI PUBUC HEALTH EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO PO BOX, t0458 PEIlIDD mOM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERIUD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID DN THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUOGE, 211 S ANNST, PORTLAVACA TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BIo-I MINERAL OIL BIDS ARE DUE AND WIU BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUOGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDA y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENEO TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDrrlONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPECIFICA nONS: MINERAL OIL ----------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DEI.IVERY /NT /NT I'IIJ:E PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 5,/1 e PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON S./7 PRECINCT 4-P PORT O.CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 5./1 AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $,{7 PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; see A1TACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON S.11 The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned IWr by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUllllllUZBlSll:llATlllEJTILE:' /)J~ PlllNTNAME:j'.JAI..:T~ Sc.. t-\W AI?..-z. DATEDFBDI: /lllblo~ TB..EPIlllNE NIIMB8I: 80 u .:l ~ If- 0 I Db PRIt6 IS BASE-I> ()N ,;I.~5~ ~Pr/.., /l1/tlflll14101 O~ I'~t{ U>CAT/Ot'J. fJt)..IVCII.'t IN ;! MY:' flTiD PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPIlIIHS TO THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS: NIJ((.: Thursday, November 03, 2005 IIIIlIIlII P1lIlIIC IULlH EIIUIPMOO & SllPI'l y CD e ~--o "',"-( U1L; CAlHOUN COUNTY, TExAS BID SHEET-IINSECTlCmES FOR MOSQUITO CONmOL I BIDDER ADAPCD 28DD S FINANCIAL CT INVITATION TO BID /~('c1 SANfORD eBln ITEM IMINERAL OIL FL 32773-8118 I PERIOD fROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERIOD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE [NV[TEO TO SUBM[T A B[D ON THE ABOVE [TEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PDRT LAVACA 1)( 77979 B[DS SHOULD BE SUBM[TTED [N A SEALED ENVELOPE PLA[NL Y MARKED: SEALED BID- 'MINERAL OIL B[DS ARE OUE ANO W[LL BE PUBLICLY OPEN EO IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER.15, 2005 BIDS W[LL BE CONSIDERED FDR AWARD AT THE COMM[SSIONERS' COURT MEET[NG ON: THURSOAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECE[VED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANC[AL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPEC/FICA nONS: MINERAL OIL ---------------------"-------------------------- DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY /NT /NT PIIJ:E PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 e PRECINCT 4-P PRECINCT 4-5 PRECINCT 2 FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR AREA SEADRIFT AREA SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEe ATTACKED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GALLON FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATIONj SEE' ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON $5.90/ga1 $5.90/ga1 The undersigned affirms that they are duly authcrized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or (ndivjdual has not prepared thl$ bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, - and that the contents of this bid as tl) prices, terms or conditions of said bid hove not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the offidal opening of this bid. AUTHORllEDSIGNATUnETIllE (~-rn~ 0<. 8, .J0\. v POINT NAME: JAMES L. BARR, VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT DATE Of BID: 12/12 /O~ TELEPHONE NUMBER: (800) 367-0659 PlEASE UST ANY EXCEPTIONS TBlIIE ABOVE SPECifiCATIONS: Thursday, November 03, 2005 ImlIUI AIIAPW e 351 , ADAPCOz'" more In contra January 1, 2005 RE: Additional Discount To Whom It May Concem: Order online and receive a 1 % discount'. "Altosid producll; excluded; maximum discount $250,00 per order. Please feel free to visit our website at www.mvadaoco.com where you can view MSDS and Labels, order online, and much more. Should you have any questions or immediate needs, please call me at (800) 367-0659 or email me at ibarrtmmvadaoco.com. Regards, jatrre6 .e !lJwvr, James L. Barr Vice President 2800 S Financial ct, Sanford, FL 32773-8118 800.367.0659" 407.330.4800" FAX 866.330.9888 "www.myadapco,com OIC..:,), u;"5/~ e e e e , -,'.,'., . ........ ULU OIL ACTIUE INGREDIENTS: 100% MINERAL OIL PACKAGED FOR ADAPCOt INC. 2800 S. FINANCIAL CT. SANFORD. FL 32773-8118 e REFER TO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET WARNING: Contains Petroleum' Products. Avoid breathing vapors or prolongad contact with skin or clQthlng. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not store above 120oF. Empty containers can be hazardous, keep closed. Do not reuse without commercial cleaning. e 5S GAL. NET WEIGHTlVOWME ULU OIL ; 3'''''- "'., vI,) '. !iErgon-West Virginia, Inc. Hyprene P70N Date of Preparation: January 31, 2002 Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 - Chemical Product and Com an Identification Product Name: Hyprene P70N Chemical Name: Paraffinic distillate, light, solvent dewaxed hydrotreated CAS Number: 64742~56-9 Manufacturer: Ergon - West Virginia, luc., P.O. Box 356, Newell, WV 26050 Company Coutact: Will Poe, Phone (601) 630-8319 (Vicksburg, MS) EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Ergon - WestVirginill, Inc. (601) 630-8319(Vickshurg, MS)Nonnal Business Hours Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 After Business Hours Section 2 - Com osition / Information on In redients A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by removal of nonna} paraffms from a petroleum fraction by solvent 'crystallization. It consists ofhydrocaroons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range oreIS through C30. It produces finIshed oil with a viscosity of.less than 100 SUS@ loooF. Ingredient Name Solvent Dewaxed Light Paraffinic Distillate, Hydroireated CAS Number 64742-56-9 In redient Solvent Dewaxed Light Paraffinic Distillate (petroleum) OSHA PEL TW A STEL 5 inglm3 None estab. (oil mist) none estab. none estab. ACGIHTLV TWA STEL NIOSH REL TWA STEL none estab. none estab. Section 3 - Hazards I.dentification ***** Emergency Overview ***** This product is a white (cle.r) Iiqnld. It will buru at elev.ted temper.tnres (.bove 360"F), Extiuguish fire with carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam or water fog. Do not point solid water stream directly into burning oil to avoid spreading. Wear full set of protective equipment including chemical goggles and gloves. Potential Health Effects % vol 100 NIOSH IDLH none estab. HMIS H 1 F 1 R 0 PPEi tSec.8 Inhalation: Low vapor pressure makes inhalation unlikely at standard temperatures and pressures. Mist or vapors may irritate mucous membranes. Exposure to high concentrations of .vapor may cause central nervous system depression. Eyes: This product' may cause irritation to the eyes. Temporary redness or burning may occur. Skin: Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause mild irritation and possibly dermatitis. Ingestion: Low toxicity. Will have a laxative effect if swallowed. Section 4 - First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Eye Contact: Flush eyes wi~ large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if eye irritation develops Of persists. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected area with a waterless hand cleaner. and/or soap and water. If irritation persists, consult a physician. Ingestion: lEthe material is swallowed, get immediate medical attention or advice ._ Do not induce vomiting. Notes to Physician: This material, if aspirated into the lungs, may cause chemical pneumonitis; treat the affected person appropriately. 3ti4 e e Hyprene P70N . Januarv; J. Section 5 - Fire-Fi2htin!! Measures NFPA Flash Point: 365 OF (185OC) ~ Flash Point Method: PMCC Burning Rate: Not determined Autoignition Temperature: > 600 of (>315OC) Lower Flammahle Limit (LFL): Not determined Upper Flammable Limit (UFL): Not detennined Flammability Classification: Not determined Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, fOaD\ carbon dioxide, water fog. Water may be ineffective in fighting an oil fire unless used by experienced fire fighters, General Fire Hazards: Fire and explosion hazards are moderate when this product is exposed to heat or flame. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon monoxide and. carbon dioxide. Decomposition of this Product may yield oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. Decomposition of this product ~y-yield .oxides of phosphorus. Wear Fire-Fighting Equipment/InstructioDs: Do not point solid water stream directly into burning oil to avoid spreading. fun set of protective equipment including chemical goggles and gloves, Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures . Containment Procedures: Contain the discharge material. Eliminate all sources of ignition or flammables that may come into contact with a spill of this material.. Clean-Up Procedures: Absorb with inert absorbent such as dry clay, sand or diatomaceous earth. Scoop up used absorbent into drums. Dispose of spent absorbent in an-approved industrial waste-l.andfiIL Do not allow the spilled product to enter public drainage system or open water courses. Thoroughly wash the area after a spill or leak clean.up. Evacuation Procedures: Isolate area. Keep unnecessary. personnel away. . Special Instructions: Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean.up. Surfaces may become slippery after spillage. Section 7 - Handlin!! and Stora!!e Procedures for Handling: A void getting this ~terial into contact with your skin and eyes. A void the generation of oil mi.sts. Wash hands after handling and before eating. Keep this product from heat, sparks, or open flame. Rei:ommended Storage Methods: Keep the container tightly closed and in a cool, well-ventilated place. When using this material, do not eat, drink or smoke. Do not store this material in open or unlabeled containers. Store away from strong oxidizers. Section 8 - Exposure Controls I Personal Protection Exposure Guidelines: A. General'Product Information ~ If oil mists are generated, observe the OSHA exposure limit of 5 mglm3. B. Component Exposure Limits ~ No ACGIH, NIOSH or OSHA exposure guidelines listed for the product's components. Engineering Controls: Use general ventilation and use local exhaust, where possible, in confined or enclosed spaces. . Eye I Face Protection: Wear chemical goggles or a full face shield. Skin Protection: Use impf:1Vious gloves for prolonged contact Wear oil-impervious gannents jf contact is unavoidable. The use of neoprene gloves is recommended. Respiratory Protection: If workplace exposure limit is exceeded use NIOSH-approved disposable dust! mist mask breathing apparatus for entry into confined space in the absence of proper environmental control. General: Use good hygiene when handling petroleum product. 31 2002 e Page2of4 e 3cc,:/:-- (1) H rene P70N Jannar 31 2002 Section 9 . Ph sical and Chemical Pro erties Physical State: Liquid Appearance: White (Clear) Odor: Hydrocarbon Odor Threshold: Not available Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Vapor Density (Air=l): > I Specific Gravity (llZO=l): 0,86 Water Soluhility: Nil Boiling Point: 560 - 760"F Melting Point: Not deterinined % Volatile: 2.56 % Evaporation Rate: < I (butyl acetate = I) pH: Not determined Section 10 . Stabili and Reactivi Chemical Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Hazard polymerization win not occur. Chemical Incomp.atibilities: This product may react with strong oxidizing agents. Conditions to Avoid (Stahility): High temperatures and open flame, H~dous Decomposition Products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide~ oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. , Section 11- Toxicolo 'cal Information Acute Toxicity / Target Organ Information: A, General Product I Component Information Product may be irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Repeated skin contact with this product may cause dennatitis or an oil acn~. Excessive inhalation of oil mist may caUSe accumulation of mineraI oil in the lungs accompanied by pulmonary fibrosis. B. Component LD50 I LC50 - No data availabldor product. Epidem.iology: No data available for product. Carcinogenicity: A. General Product I Component Information ~No data'available on the product as a whole. Prolonged and repeated skjn contact with some mildly treated or untreated mineral oils have produced skin cancer in laboratory animals. Note that USED oils tend to contain higher amounts of the cancer~causing aroma.tics, which have been linked to scrotal and lung cancer in humans. B. Component Carcinogenicity Listings - None of this product's components are listed by ACGlH, !ARC, NIOSH, NTP 0, OSHA. Teratogenicity I Reproductive Effects: No data available for the product as a whole. Neurotoxicity: High vapor! aerosol concentrations (attainable only at elevated temperatures) may cause central nervous system effects such as dizziness, drowsiness or headaches. Mutagenicity: No data available on this product as a whole. Other Information: Noinfonnation available. Section 12 - Ecolo 'cal Information Ecotoxicity: No information is available on ecotoxiCity of this product. Keep product out of sewers and waterw-ays. Environmental Fate: No information is available. Page 3 of 4 ,. 1')-- '. vGti e e J!yprene P70N . anuary, !L Section 13 - Di~osal Considerations u.s. EP A Waste Number & Desc.r:iptions: A, General Product Information - Material, if discarded, is not expected to be a characteristic hazardous waste under RCRA All waste must be handled in accordance'with local, state and_federal regulations. B, ComponeI?t Waste Numbers - No EPA Waste Numbers are applicable for this product's components. Disposal Instructions: Dispose of waste material according to Local, State, Federal, and Provincial Environmental Regulation. Section 14 - Transport Information Proper Shipping Name: Not regulated as a hazardous Additional Shipping Information: Not regulated materia!, International Transportation Regulations: Not Hazard Class: Not regulated regulated as dangerous goods. DOT ID No.: Not regulated Paeking Group: Not regulated DOT Shipping Label: None required Section 15 - Regulat()ry Information . u.s. Federal Regulatory Information: A. General Product Information - No additional information. B, Component Infonnation - None of this product's components are listed under SARA Section 302 (40 CFR 355 Appendix A),SARA Section 313 (40 CFR372.65) orCERCLA (40 CFR302.4). EP AlfSCA Inventory: The components of this product are listed under CAS No. 64742-56-9. . State Regulations: A, General Product Information - No'components require labeling under California Proposition 65. B. Component Information - None of this product's cQII).ponents are listed on the state Jists from CA. FL. MA. MN, NJ, P A. Other RegUlations: . A. General Product Information - No additional infonnation. B. Component Information - None of this product's components are listed on the Canadian Controlled Product Ingredient Disclosure List. Foreign Inve.ntories: The components of this product are listed under the following foreign inventories: European Union's EINICS No. 265-159-2 Australia's AICS No, 64742-56-9 Canada's DSL No. 64742-56-9 Phillipines' PICCS list Ves .' . Section 16 - Other Information . . Key I Legend . N -= no; Y:::; yes; ppm . parts per million; mg/m3 =: milligrams per cubic meter of air; ACGIH:::; American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration; TL V = Threshold Limit Value; NIOSH =: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health; NTP = National Toxicology Program; IARC = International Agency for Research on Cancer. Prepared By: Wi!lPoe Phone: (601) 630-8319 Supersedes MSDS Dated: January 1,2000 Revert back to original CAS,No. , add PICCS to list February 3,1999 Change date, add foreign inventories, change CAS.No. October 30,1998 New Disclaimer: Ergon -. West Virginia, Inc. believes this infonnation is accurate but not all-inclusive in all circumstances. It is t~e responsibility of the user to determine suitability of the material for their purposes. No warranty, expressed or implied, is given. J 31 2002 e Page 4 of 4 e 3u'1 < El . ERGON TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS HYPRENE P70N TEST DESCRIPTION ASTM METHOD TYPICALS VISCOSITY, SUS@ 1000F ASTM D 445 67.0 VISCOSITY, SUS @ 2100F ASTM D 445 35,] VISCOSITY, cSt @ 400C ASTM D 341 11.4 VISCOSITY, cSt@ 1000C ASTMD341 2.8 API GRAVITY, 600F ASTM D 1250 34.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY, 600F ASTM D 4052 0.8534 VlSC-GRAVlTY CONSTANT ASTM D 2501 0.8155 WEIGHT, 'lis/gal ASTM D 1250 7.106 MOLECULAR WEIGHT ASTM D 2502 318 FLASH POINT, COc, OF ASTM D 92 360 COLOR, ASTM ASTM D 6045 lO.S POUR POINT, OF ASTM D 5949 0 ACID NO. ASTM D 664 0.01 ANILINE POINT, OF ASTM D 611 207 , . SULFUR, wt % ASTM D 4294 <0.01 REFRACTIVE INDEX, 200C ASTM D 1218 1.4684 UV ABSORPTMTY @260nm ASTM D 2008 0.08 VOlA TIurr, wt %, 2250 F (Evap. Loss) ASTM D 972 2.48 FDA REGULATION 21 CFR 178.3620(c) PASS WATER CONTENT WTP-oP-001 PASS APPEARANCE WTP-OP-020 PASS CLAY-GEL, wt% ASTM D 2007 ASP HAL TENES <0.1 POLAR COMPOUNDS 0,1 AROMATICS 6.6 SATURATES 93,3 CARBON TYPE ANALYSIS, % ASTM D 2140 Ca 1 Cn 37 Cp 62 e e 9/20100 e 358 ----- e e e CAUlOUN COUNJY. IX BID JABIII.A11OfIS: MAlA.,. ITEM MALATHION . AIIIIII uw. .- aIIlfI III'Al1IIlIT 1fl1llA1IIIl 1:111.111111 IIfIlIBC DAlE IllDfIGDAIf $24,24 X GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS PRODUCT COMES IN 55 1/112006 6/30/2006 AREA GALLON DRUMS , $24,74 GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 111/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $29,30 GALLDN ADAPCO PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 AREA $37.73 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 111/2006 6130/2006 AMERICAN AREA . AIIIIIlI uw. .- ... III'Al1IIlIT 1IfIIIIA1IIIl ~II IIfIlIBC tAlE 1l1llllUAIf $24,24 X GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 2 SIX MiLE AREA PRODUCT COMES IN SS 1/112006 6130/2006 GALLON DRUMS $24.74 GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/112006 6/3012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $29.30 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/112006 6/30/2006 $37.73 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 11112006 6130/2006 AMERICAN C.) Cf" o e ITEM MALATHION . AIIIIIII IIW. .. amJ III'AlIMBlT aElIllA1lIIII COIIIIIlTI ...1A1E IIIDIICIAIf $24.24 X GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR PRODUCT COMES IN 55 1/1/2006 6/3012006 AREA GALLON DRUMS $24.74 GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 1/112006 6/3012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $29.30 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 11112006 6130/2006 AREA $37.73 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 111/2006 6130/2006 AMERICAN AREA . AIIIlIIl .... .. IIIIU ..AlIMiIlI 1mIlA1lIIII CllIIIIIIII ....1A1E IIIIlIICUIf $24,24 X GALLDN UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA PRODUCT COMES IN S5 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 GALLON DRUMS $24.74 GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 11112006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $29.30 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 $37.73 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 4-S 'SEADRIFT AREA 1/1/2006 6130/2006 AMERICAN VVednesday, De~ber21,2005 Page 2 ot 2 e e CAUlDBN COUNTY, lIDS BID SHEET- JINSECllCIDES FQRMOSQUIlO CUNrROL 111I111. 10-10 1\,(cl BIDDER UNlVAft USA BRIAN M,CfALL PO QOX 96648 HOUSTON TX 77213 ellD ITEM lMlllATIIIllN I PBllDD mOM: JANUARY 1, ,2006 PDlIllD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE. 211 S ANN Sf, PORTLAVACA TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED:SEALEDBID-IMALATHION I BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM. THURSpA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER THE COMMISSIONERS'COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR AlL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN' DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. '" THE ll':'CCESSFUL. B.'DDER MU$'I' PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A G,EIt'l"fICATE OFIN$URANC,I! (NAr.I'r.G CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ~IlDI,.I()NAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL ~IABILlTY ($1,009,0~0/$2,000,000), WOR!(ERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW, AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). . , I -- '. --- - - - - -:- -~ -- -~- --- .......--. ---......,- - ~ -- ---- SPECJFJCA nONS: MALATHION SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING ISO NAME: MALATHION DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY /lIlT II/IT I'/UCE PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA fOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTAc;lf".D$~ECIFIC~TIONS GALLON ;;l'/.;:;Lf ePRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEe ATTACHED;SPECIFICATJONS GALLON ,;l'-{, '2.<1 PRECINCT 4wP PORTO.CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ~ <f. " '1 AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECifiCATIONS GALLON ;2 'f. 2 'i PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; seE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ,;J 'f. '2. 'i The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract~ that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any empioyee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AlITIIlIIUZBlSIGNATlDlEJJ1lf: &~ /~~t/ecfo..e.. SA?&e-ic;ft<,sl- PIlINTNAME: B/'/t2..1 /J1c;:a(( DATEOfBJD: I~-I-(a-os . TillPHONE NlIMBER: t3 2 - 3 ~ 6 - ;>3 ctl PlEASE UST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO TIIi: AIlllVE SPEJ:IfICATlBNS: iJrodt-"f cc.OJl-!;<'S ;^ Ss 44//o-d ]>/'1.,,..$ f v Thursday, November 03, 2005 IIIIIIBI UNlVJlBIISA e 361 c~ COUNTY. iExAs HI SHEET- JINSECllCIDES FOR MDSQURD CDNlROl INVITATION TO BID j R/~ cI I amOER B&G CJIEMICAlS & EQUlPftINT co INC MIlE NICHOlS 1225 N POSJ OAK RD _JON JX 71055 81J IlfM IMAlA11IIIN II'ERIllD FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 I'ERIllD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 - YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE. 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX T7979 BIDS SHOULO BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED Blo-lMALATH/ON BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID OEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONOING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSfUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIfICATE Of INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) POR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATI! LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPEC/FICA nONS: MALATHION SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING ISO NAME: MALATHION DIEPARTMENT, DESTINATIDN DELIVERY ., ., I'IJtE PRECINCT 1 fAIRGROUNDS AREA fOB DESTINATION; SI!E ATTACHED SPECIfICATIONS GALLON -$ .;) 1, ~- PRI!CINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA fOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ~ ~ '/,; PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR fOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON JJ .;) 'I , 7r' AREA ...B ;) 7'1 PRECINCT 4-S SEADRlfT AREA fOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON Lj~ PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEe ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON .k ~ 'I. 7'f The undtll'$igned affirms that tlreyare duly authorized ta execute this contract, that this company. corporation, firm. partnership or individual has not prepared this bid ill collusioll with any ather or Bidder. and that the contents of this bid as to pricu, terms or Ctmdltkms ,,' said hid hove not been cDmmunicated by the undersigned nor by any emplDyee or agent to any atlrer person engaged ill this type of busilless prior to the official opening of this bid. AUIIIIllllDISlWIlIIE.TIIl.E: ~ ~ - PIlDITNAItt: ~:K.. ;\!-C"'C/.r PlfASE IISJ ANY ElIEB'11ll11S TO TIE ABOVE SPECIICAnDNS: ~RJ qJJV 'k0/J/r(/ LY,"'e(/i~ DATEffllll: /,)- /,) -OS TntPIlONENUMIIEII: {fCc-oj '101-';71'6 c/- (7/3)6/,) - h// Thursday, November 03, 2005 IIJIlIII II&G CllMl:AlS & EQIftIIlT &U IIC e ~-: 3&:~ e - - 5I'EClMEIlLABEL " J i' J "_ 't j ~ i : UPDATES AVAILABLE AT WWW.GllEENBOCilK.NET..}... Cheminova ' I'HYSlCAL OR CJIEMrCAL IJAUIl1l$ , " , ' . ..' ,'.. '@" ..'.. ' -..wg;"""b.'~_ia'''''lIibeIDlgf...Ibc~~ Fyfanan .UL.V =r=..v:=,."':~"~=--pdDt~~~a04 CLTRAWWVOLUMECONCENTllATEINllECl1CmE, ,.STORAGE'ANJ)DlSPOSAL " "." , ACI1VEINGREDIEN'r'. ..... ., .' .. . .' 1'Il0l1ll1[ll(jNS:'DO..........~...... fi;i"j..r.o.tbf......ol'~"'- ' ~:;~;:::::.::;:::::::::::::::!:::::::::::::;:,~~~" ~~~"1W.'~;~l[~;~~~;~#'tS' ~~~.;;..;;;;...~~,.'..;.;;;.;;:;;rih;;;,;,;.:;.;;.;.;;h:.::....,. 100,<1%. :'~~~~~~~$l-',. ~_:9~1bii.'.~'per'pnon "", IIppl'OVedwaatedi8poal&cility, '_", ,~r;".,_.' h,,;q-, , EP'l:~#6i7ro,:l4"",. " """ .'i ,,' CON'J'AlNERDIlIl!'OS.UJ:__,_,ID_. .~".~lno<Ilmod<ofCbeloioov&." ~ """",.bl<- TripIo_.(..~t~.'I'bcu_tOt.~ KE..E..P'OUT OF'REACHOF CID',LDREN "," ~;",;..............t'"-'or.........,~..;~ " ".... '.', "", '" ".if_toy-ODd_~by,boDJiDg,~1laY"'.' cAUTION . '." ... . . . . ...' 'l1ob"..'....-.. '-.' ~..!l!<"''''''., .,'~.'.......Ia....<IdIOI~;. 'DIRECttdNsFOlfuSE ,"". ", ,. ,Y..";,,,,, ""." .' w.....,..~.~~OI'._~:~~.....lubjcdq,~ ~ (."".".,<,1'0" _ ",'I, aJwayi ~uIi.i.nU ...."foUl>>Wtliellbel...~ ~. It ie: aviolariollofF~1awtouacthiaprodud:iDam&Jmi;l'~r~~Mh." .', 11IiC!JlE0F ^MEDlc.u,,~W~VlN<1TQ1SI'II.(JQUCrJ ';:~~f..~~~i!\\>"~~,~~~,!~du>.~,' CALL TOLl. FREE, DAY ORNIGIl1;,.,l...sQO..1,~E:XT..;l.g.~",.c '''f..~:l'' ,...,,~-; '..:;....~, \" ....", ~',.._~" "'. . C'.'';;','' .-: ....., ''''\)<';'~:L !:;;c",'>i.:;V;/ ;",..-" ' , . 'lIfOSQUlJ'OCON'11WLlNPOPVLATEDANDlU/1l.4fj_c,',i ',.' FlRSI' AID . ..... ". ... .':u,."..,uiIMPOIrrANr NOTIQH'O lIE APPLIED ONLY BY TIWNED l'ER- TIYs~,ia-".-oiW:p~~rw~~.;""'i..~r' . _~:. :~()F~CBEALmOltGANJZ.\'J1ONS.-MOSQVrroABA'J'E. IFSWAlLO~...............,I'\...jrCUtlrol'Coi>la.. .. ';. ~~~,~LOI'EI<ATORS. . 1DiliXo.' ............ ' 'bY""." '..;;~~Of'_...V '.' I.'N , ,', TIC, ".'. ' ""'oolY''''',''-''-Ofy,_.'' . "",,",'-~:.~......, . 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A~1el>flbe..Fyi1IaonUL V -'-'_be~..' ....-- ~,j' 1'7:;,_.; ,f '.' _ ",""" 0'>''', ac::rosolu dePoattcdona ~by nlUWn.. the slide as t:IpJdly .;1JOSS'ibIc ------..... ...........- .' ,'.., ',."., ....,.':'.",.-, pc:rpeDdienlarduoughtbcaerosolclOOd:~~of6tolQ.t'eet,from:,the ==.:;:,~. -;.xt'~~~. F~~"... ~f~~..~;:tr~~....rbe. ~~::t,ttJ.jMd + 6O'K.P8O):,jo.'~~"Yritb; tbo(....~IOC:~ 1inI~,.lWl ij(\~-to.'in5ui1;'-~~Sfufe~Jna.ri~ta~~.. prealUtioosindic:atMon bocb this &u41be taak-mixcd~ No,Jaj,' -- lr.mlfertoa1ocation\Vhcn::~_--......tsCtmbe~:A~~'~ ahoWd ""-_ ~_ "'1lo~~--;_"::: during_aDd ....in.CO<1lip1ad<.....~...:Mjj.../',.," .labil.'-'~jomtilliifB_~"1'tIOt "'~'~'la8O AllboOghlabcl,.,................""l....Ibe"""""'I>=<lo44""__ ~;~]~tt~~~~~~a,~)~l~ ~..~,-~;:~ ~ ,~~~=r:r~~~'~u:~:a::~::~~=. A~~<>!;~'l"1'~~!l'~.;,;".,.,..:.,' ~~~po_al~boi8hl"'_._Ialive~ 3. DetendJaatiftof'F'yfuoaULVdtOpJdtb:tr" l\.< <,) ,I <t. A ~ with -.......-......1.. and. au =~..eze,uscd !:;'::..,~:~~~~--=, ~,niD.t~~"I:t' ~,:..?:;q~~~,~~..r~~~'\'~ ' divisiDnofihc .. wucaJil:l:atedlo-~3S~'",',''' ',' Al."""'iQO~'be~1JsUo1Iy;"",,,_.' ~,. ~~~~":.m=-~~=J:"~bf~ :t~~l~~Ul~=1tllins~:l~~~ "'_-"""aDd_.""""",. -di)riailimillio. ~,.... '.' 1'bi.~ ~-:il:Il:O.~-inUlt.tbeai"be ~ fur the _tof_...._..""'aIido<:Thol'yl..O'ft!LV,_il<ct<< fuf.llicme~1td,.'ItidC8'D'O..s/'~'in ,Tablt"I~~--itiVle'ion'of'the _""""'Y.......r.75_i(3.s_,.X...'O;S,........._~ . ThC~>fil::t<<folTEFLON~Ilidei'is-O:69:'-'rhe-~~ ._1tiven toe, ~ir1ide8;. wouIdbc,lhe au:ne f<<TEf'U)N~ slides '~'Jhc:vahiC ,1Or.each.~.diWsion:bas~ detmnmed.. 'Ibclmet!$1~ ~.~ad ptOOCMed:uUl:\l'able I~, 1hc.'tnaximum _lsoakulaWby"""""""'Ibe_oflbe,......drop""............. .. ' ., "Powered.by €&PPr..., " .. '. , ~,- , --0;" ;', ~ , .. ).1;; " . . .... I .D',,";;'~ ;1'~-~~L'lILi. ,; ~'!l.y ,< , )01'10$ :."" 'Il.i,~.... ,,,' -""""""'t-l 21 .. ~ .'), ",:t,'u At'.., ,""" " .. ~--)'OO<$J!I' '... \O<.louX:k4#;ibi"o/""'" " pytetbrin........_..... . '''~n.bio~~ droplot ~'i'''- .... ~""lIio''iiii>le'..'w4' .... 1'OLV"usOil aloiW;. ' ,,"- '- ";,' '," ,""" ;,i' " .', '!;' ':' 1.-,',': ,', j-; '" ,", '.--' ~ ',;; _; .";,, . _i i- DR</J.'Lm'SIZE"" ., '., 'oo 1.i1>il~i:<~~~j''''tl>i~.~.. .....,....,'1 ~~~l.e.,~~f3:t~~~~~~:: SO%_ahwetbeMMD, ' .,- 2. .SpraydtopktstbouktDOtClU::eCd32mu:mns.' ib~. 'lbreet~i&it'f~thWimriwr... diQpIobo(6'dn"'Io'u;Q(<Of200)...._n_'~.Ibe,MM!> ' dot$DOt~.1,7-.mii:lrotitodnodroplem~..,maxintumo("~ L>agoooabuplols.~by_.n- _~""'1Q4lIy ... objocIsin....bek poIhway, ond will_.~~ - .,'" , Do1Jll>.... ...U......t "'pyrigbt@ by C&P Pr...: AD rigbl> .......ed. " '1f~' Vv'1; e e - e e e .MATERIAl.'~.f'.IA:r'A'SHEe:t-i ; /, 3 ';-""';"'.v',1.; ;:;",'/}"'L FYFANON@ ULV ULtRA. LOW VOLUME cottCEH1RATE INSEC1l- ClIle Produc:t No.: 301 PnMIuct.....: FYFAN~ UlV ISO__ EPA Reg. No..: 67760-34 """"",,",,2D02 So, J IaausRlBlted RRSlApri 2000 Tab&eofCoNsntt.; 1. Jdt..4Iw1k.... allbe SubAl......Jf'l~..... aocI 01 ... """-'""""'- 2.~..._ 3.. Hazards 1dl..411L4... ., ._Ald_ 5,,,",-_ ..--- 7._...._ .._ea._- a _.... """""'" "-"'" '0,_.... -.,. 11.T__ '2.Ecat>glc&i---., 13. DispaseI Conaldendans 14."T~1nfonnation 15." Ragdaby InbmaIfon 16.& 0Iher~ Revt:Won: SetlIona ccntlliIq . f8IIiaion or new Infor... fI1BtlonlW8fl'llri:edIlllffh... 1. 1DEN11F1CA11OH OF lHE sus.. ST_ARAlIO. AND OF tHE cou.. l'AHYlUNIIEI<T_ [Xl "-' --fYFANOH"U1.V UL1RA LOW \IOl.1JIIE CClNCEIi1RAlE INSECT\. ClIle ""-,,,>,T_ No. ._,6. 0lh0t1nlonnoJion (lost_) -- ,"-VAA/S P.O..Bax.9 llK-7ll2Ol.ItoMg ......... _1n"'U",_VAINC. '700_23 Wayne, NJ 07470 2. ~no. ON INGREDI- ENn 2.1. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: CAS...., __ _, [(........... ~h__ ""- __a"~ S-{1.2&(~ O,<J.dmeI,y<_...... ISO__ CAS No.; 121-75-5 EC No. lEINEca No.~ _.7 EU Indu: No.: 015.041.()().){ -- ...,.. EmpkbI "'"-uk: ~OH1.Ot~ Cl\O'!-"'_f.N;~ H c"'o.... --.... I c~CQOCJt. _F"""",", u__....,.,. 2.3. .... lJM; lnr.edidde 2.4. E1J ~T~.. Xn;R22 2.5. Yt\{O ~I - .. .. CI8as III: SII(IltIy Haz- &R\ous 2.6. USA''1.ulfl:Uf,Jrt; TOd:ity~'It,SignaI VIant "'""'" 2.7. CIInada. HIllS RaUnga: HeaII1:1 "'""'- 1 ~, Pet'SOnlII Prdec5on: See 8.1. UPDATES AVAlLAllLE AT WWW,GIlEEN8OllIuII!"'-C.'. 3. HAZARDsIDEN11ACA'TIC!JN{H,,!:'H(c-:;<::',:,,:H .1.: ~~'~'~ 3.1. -. -_...~",""".....~t'~~""til'i',,!:~~..,..:.j\,.,..lIl1ii ~"J"__'dfl."""'''''' ...... --.rv.......,!""'~. "-ll><lClly"-;~""""",,,,;,~,,~,,,,,,,"V~~':"'~s;;,"_ cblebmdoncl"mareloxlc...s~CQI1I.l . '.' " ,. _",,_. _............,(U),o..........'..,,.....,'.'O''': ..'__.~~~~~ ' ---........body...--..".--=.......::....""-.....,j; ..=~ .... ~... -, CIo<hi>g......,.~-".:....... ..~d;:;.i\.IlIli.e~" -...............lkM-...........,akIn,,_.....""-al,...,__,. ..... WIIShed 1horoughIy.;,<:,~" '.',":.,~".! _~"1"~\"!: ~>1r.!!Jll'~S, ':~ ,lIklnI, prcMcIod wider ~.o.-_i:f3J, ;_~'........ . :--.;;:..dl_...~""~~.1~~~; ;::"-=:~I;;'P;~:"~I;':;""s;;,;,' ~';'-':;1~~cif~~ __==~~.;:~~~~;, -~'.........-,_'-I ,_11__..._"""""""",_."",,. --...........---.-.. "'-.. ""'""'.--~~~_. --a.ta'_.._"'""*",.... ,..._........-_.....,...""""._ _...""""'.....;..,~-u_, ,'~........_I_.1J), _....__. 3.3. tnu"_~"",~t.d MIansa; See 12.:lMg8~~~"""'''QIJ:l{AIMQuld-bodug.up. 4. "RRST AID IIEAaJRES .pI8oed In... ~... disposed din .......dm_ .,........... ......tA.._.~~.::;:;:"~=,=~ ClII.dclI;:U~).cH.tr',ho5pfIaI~."._, ~-~,~J~_lldUI.l'h_.. pH--(.....>-11~::""V~__be: ExpWn1hllt1heW:drn'hllslieerf8XpOMid~~'1 ~d8-..-prqler.14 ....... ,~!.. " ," ..-....oaapl ..-...-.-,". .......' ccndItian. ~ ~'\ltclfnitcfnllhe....~.7p- JolANtM..JHo.ANDt8JORAGE"'~V\ >\::1i,);.::..l-X~:)_;:-,'i 'Mwe FrfMon.. pI'8Mnl 7.1. Pnceuuona To _ T....,. 'u.ndIIng:'tSe8' If' bns8lhk1g ha UJpped, ~ ~. .,.l~.,,,, ,(PWSOn8I Protec:Iion, Section. 8. :VIJ,,'l t-:;.:.<_"!~W;; f81PbUan!hi ~ "'nil. ~~,~ 1'72. .", --~~ tl),8tt:::r.un_8todIIe:. -'.', j ..' dlhe~.~,._ ,""~.".._: .:.<(F"....ahaukI..UnNI:.~,nct...;,_~ H -".... 'iW-"iI'".....,..~. '_25'C'(Wf),n__........_,.", tneM~'IOmIt~. ....1hO-~penon.- 55" 0 (1~1'rF.)'.M;t;W:,cS-l!;IcIl~_8bow.."tsm.:(__; -''''~-.,_..._~W '__..,_ "".,'. .,. '.. ~"t~'n'~~~~pe.~;.=-~:~:.i~~'~~.~j"';',~~" S?J1W~~lf:~~=~~:;:~" ":hho.:;sei~'~;~:';::,: ":"'~'l':'-: '::~:)iON::,-,ji;,'; "",,;:,,\';'., L'~,,' :'- "'_:'.':' c." ~;,.,..-:,~ ,,,;. 4.2.Hotajo~ :'~_n"~.___._ ,~._-' -8.1 D filL... PriitiiClIOri:'4e:,' "-'''';'''''._L. -;';''"'-' _.J.........)...d/Oli~..~7ol1-. .~~.....i:l~r ",4'~ ==~~~" ,-.._-~ ,'~,~e'" ~~:.iiX'~'~mji~~'), '_;;-1\';'-"" .;~'.'\y.._':~vt;~.~'.:~.~;\:-:-:~:.s_'; 3~~t~.;;~t;:r~~"1!~~~!,'., ~::.~~~~=.":'!J.:;'~i::."..(~.~.~.~~, -."ilo!<Jlo_~i"',~""''''''''''n ~..!. "..l1inanO'~'''''~''''''''''' "'.i\illiiii.Pii!!P< "~"lIllllIl"_, """""'..~"','.-......"niiliiii""'_'i(lil'!ld4W......' :'~~.."""-~~Z~~;:;,,- .~~i~'~;=~"" phat8.....ot 1-- ,"': -,~ "". - (,_,_,_':,"llldnt.no -,J.~~. ...<'!t;,:, ~,-.~d~~~.:.i:',~~~~~~~I~i!~~~,~~~tt~,~.:,: -~(~//JI"k_,"___,....... --."".....~' 'w.; -*"b\4.""',.-....Iq<'~._ .'..'P.!'!..".,..!.~""'..""~ .. ~ ,~, T_,'O\lh._oli<lCjd..~..).,"',~~~,.,..,lt!Oiii,.ija"...,.ari<l...." -~~..UI'~..d. ..IBt.~-...hhand;.fIc:8Bitd-'M~8oBP8nd' A1.........d"'*"""-Y_...__ _-..........."""""...~ begivwl"Tr't ,-4lsIoxygenandtrenKl~ Nw. ~ 'tib'off aiII'..~.(-.~',aio!i shoes.' ...... """'-'--"'-.._orjy.., -"""""""-....._VERY --........job,Do:riol'_~ ClOSE SllPSMSlON OF THE PAnENT IS IND. _~, -_.......,ari<l--.,; CA.TED FOR AT lEAST 48 HOURS. DEPENDmG ~iMif1SOiitpMd.....~-~,1JM. . ON nte sevERITY OF POISONING. _ ,_ '. ' ' a. fIH'f8ICAI.. AND CHEJ8CAL-:~11qI ~ flRS.F1GHnNG IlEASUllEa 8.1. Phyii(oM.... "'I!I<!: .. . u . 5.1, .............-_-...: 9.2. _ _.,......~,~',.,", 'C', H": Dry c:hemlcaI orC*bon dkWde b amsI fiIw. WBW aa. Odour. Slghtl).arcmalcu:ldollf, i:''''.>q_U;)_,'' d;'o'" _..1oom"'...._ 9...~,_.2Jll;:C.,",....,.., ".'.. u.e'Mlt8rapraymbep~COf1tabera;cool. 9.5. BoIIna .......15&-;t51':;.(;,lItO.T.rntn-..Hg,(how-, -.......-..----... -,...,0."__,_;.'.."..,, and bdc deoornpos&Ion products, FQht... from pro.. 9.6. 8ptdfIc ~ 1.23 gImIld 20'0 ~kJcdon<X"mum.nPClMblu~ AWlkt 8.7'. V~~ 3.4)(1o-.iIlln-Hg~:IIiO.,.} hewyho&e.hwni. DikearealoprlMlntwatsrrunotr. 1..(x 10;"r':.1MtHg-flt.A5"C., . Fhmenahould....sIIl'.6.....d~8pp8ra- 9,8. ~ 16AcPal-tO.C "'''''''-clolI;ng, ,1lO.0"''',25'C",,' ". 5.2. HaanIoua Decompo.fUon or B)'pI'Gduc;ta Tn. 8.9. SoIubIIlr:Ia:WtIIer;::.:'t4a2,mgIlel2S.C . _' . ..., Tho__...._........." ..10. ''''-'In__ FYfaIIon".. au\pt'ide, ~ tbdde, CllI'bon monoxide, l;lIri)Qn .auble-kYmoR<Jrgahio.......'&tJCh_8rOmlidIctrr' --- ...........,-'_'n'Io~_ 6.S.UIlUSU-.lFhand~~SeQ10.1. l.i*I~eliphstlch)ldrllcarbona> e-'." ' . 'Y,'i' DatabaM-.and'foIJmd COpJ'right Cby CAP Pr8u. AU riQbts NMn>ed. -.. by C&P.PNoa. ,. 365 MATERW:,SAFEn:DATASHEErii " ;12 ~ ,- ;\f~_ '_,1, i UPDATES AVAlLAIII.E AT WWW.GRI$IISOOKiNE1. "2' , V.JU ~;jt~{);:lt~ 911 PartIIIon,eo.IIIc:*d.n~..Ib4.o1Nhlb...,t<-_'"I; . s60' _ _ ",_:;::;,.,;;,;;:>>; J~A..:;J'i!H .:.~: .,',-<..\, < ,14. . TRAHSPORTtNFOBMA1IOIln\~2:Q: ;;l;',.\A:'C"_~_ "'2p1l;~~~""""'""'~;21:.~~, UN~_O"'"""""",w'""",,,,,,,, 6ledWBtllr...., -i':t - ~?P~, ,'-~"'i.'",-" ;';. Pn:Ipw.8f:IIppInf:~:-,.crr.'''''''J__4aty:Hc~.! ..-.......'1~;,~.,'~"'~".....,. '-'~_'''.O'''_~). 9.13. ~L~'16-'le,,~!.;~,~~t"~l'\~:~;!rt:lNNo;:,t3082:,W_i-{-_: _'. ,.," _ "'_i> ~a'I:~_~'T-,:,~,~~~,~,-.---./-~,-;'~\~;jI1J'_-'- r ;,_)'-'_"~:"! 1t15. ~.-~~Nof~."::' - '=MuanI~;r'i:"lrl-~-' 10. SfABllJ1Y,ANI).~1 ~'~''''''7':..:"_.:>_.-...,,,.: :.,....._,..,:,'.'.:... ", 10.1. 'IIIiinriIII'';'' ,- '';''''1''-' ~;.,,:..- ",";", . :<::-,::,_,: ,.......PoILlt.IIt~:Matfne_~ Fyfanan.wI-......,........nlpkIywhenhee:illdtb~. 'OMDGCodlt}._ .1\ 1. '-". ...:\<o.,,:";,\~ d, _-,oo'c,,,,,.....,,,,-..-'tIiOHOt<,. "US_('OO"'~'"" \!:,.~..;:....;:~~....;;..;o.~~~;;;.; ,ilL .ASi!Jq~~'QllIt, denl:Ql'1"".Wet"'~_ti~ '15.1. M'llIErSI:,;;:.: ::~r."":J,. lRS_lI. -_i*J~:ll.*u~"W't'i~'Mifti1ir.:.'~i_ l"l,.m,UbeIrtg::"". ,.,<," ..lQao,........~1\~,Ui.~. ~~meIo:" '(8c:clJdIg.e88f3tttJEEC'.;amended):' ~;::";::::::~~ 'iii' "Xn" ' ? ".,,, ~":.~~.;....;,o;,.~...;..;:.;.;......',. '.."";,,,,. :"'"_.~,~~.;=~~;=~;;'>.,:~.j'>,:.-',.~;':;:;;,;"'-.':\,:::'j';::.!',.~: '~, .R___,Jt_" ysedatpH > 7.0Of~.6;Qr.' '-'-- ;:;'<..(1,-' ',,' ',-" ....flIlf....:<'s:at,'~c:Od.ct!lVlb~ 11. T())QCOlOGlCALINFOIUIMlONQ~\r-, .;:.~" . ":~i15~ .,1h~U:nIltV...".'. -. .. n" " tf.1. HeIlICI\;NaanIa:~1r 'I,j 0.:,'1' ."ffl;;i.f;.'~':,.. 1f.2.RoutII(s)ofEntry. '-.oll'""".','.", :OIKf..:,~.;;:~.. .\nge$Iar~*,ssr:n~- ~~-;'n:y:"~ HlJV-') ,,c"- :~;~~w,:,~~~lh , '~lh"",~A ~"'~ ::--' , _,,_,'000. ........,_..._.. ....;. ,'" ,,1,._ ..." ....., .........-..InWHOOBta:ShlIetINl1.o20..", ;.' ~'l ,,,'( ~, , WCo<lS/7ta"., ",,,, ".,,) .,"h. '"....". -,~'!l!!'~........"I"~..... ~::i ~~..~_~=blj':8th._:~ '~:-..::~~;~,~.1'~~,~,~. _..~....' '. ''''''''''''"" 1l!1o~:"'" ~:if. 11.5. ~_.wiii-.....h.~ Thi...... '~i'idt1~, "ilI'''...~... :-~':'...'"t"".i:.r~;.',' ';~~n~!1"'~by"CPR""k':I,;;"..,~, .'" =i~~~~~' .....~~,.;=~~:::..tw;i~jf; '1.7,T"'I.'nIcI\1I",flll,~,9f'~"_i.:;I:~~:,;,."."" 81fet:1sof'~'~.~:"'; -'r ,_", Wih'h""..' ""!1'HI:~J,L '.",_,,_,!.-f.. ".l""''''-__'~;',''''''''-': ,,,"" "'," 11.8. MVt.;ai15c1f);;".__, . : ~'~. )(#~,', ,'. :s...__ CJ IIedk:III T""'QIM/~'Ifi'1bil,'OS:" - 2. ECOC..OOICAI.INFORMNI"IONi<l'l :lIm,if' ,:H\.>f" ,,', 1-eoo.m 563~, l!:ld:"fl$3li--"')\W'tl101 ""'~'l9t3,');HJ"f ~l 4 ~~"...'. "a~"'L' 'n'~"""""""""""""'''''''-''''''U$::~...'''''.' ", ...,.-.- -.........".-. --V--JJIIIIU_..... ~-,'~~il'!;-', ~,,: "~':_,:;, -'::':",''- ,";_".';"-," ""'."::,:j.,, =-~'1:...JII~."'.'~.~.~~1i..':'_'''..~.~...;;,.....~~_~,fdt~~~~,1II~J~t _..,:"ilJl!l""'~~'. .~'''''.''''~'''''Eo''''''''"t'~lIl\iow.lio~..'.'. .'(",,"" ~.,~"~~""!")il:~,,,~,. lll835353' . 'Jl&IDeriIiiOiI<).' .... '.': '." ':" ....""'..=~ ."'iOoi'.......~ -""""-_"""'""'"1o~l/t5!i'El;C. ,." blliIy..~ ~iS~,::;,"' .....:\t......t.'~~,t:"..r..;Ql~~~~ Fyr.non.li1tildC:Wi, :-t..Ld),.~ .,_-aratltar1i:f)~;'bUf1ra~,~.-ei!!f'~;,~ =._.'. ,r~~3iIo:,!!!o..,.",...,.... '......._...~,""~"~..~." ":"";'.(; :-"'1, ",:"-f;i,",-..' ,-,' "t,.,--" -',."""-, NS. - J ,'^ "~", t::,.,~::~;-~-. "~~;n91,.;\:: ",'(' ....IAo:~ ' ',;, ."1~~l&glt ,'xI__ " "7'<-lDso,:~'.. .4ClO.,..,',"..,~.--',~"-.. ~qiIIiii)',." <.', 2~',p,;.............jo ~lDsO.bIiIa;i:ri( . ,........,.,..,~- ,3.,.___" SpII"'--""""",,""""""lIV-' stBtBWJd1OC8t~'ndibe~,"'_ "::..,..,,!~-,, Do not .....a.,.i....:waw.~#fN:by:~ <<._ ~ ,",,' '-' '~;;-"''''''--'-''''-!0-., 132. ConfIIInIi;~ ;"i"<~"i<"i Jr.:;': ~Relumkr~,tor'f9l!) ....... -. T.........(onq....I.nl). Thon_, hlC:)'C:lngc:r'--.cI........ '~~_dsp:iM.&'I In a aanIBry--. (If,~....A....~~I.adfowed.!by: ..........--,..........,ff_slal'. .............'-,............-..,."'" atal8lW1dbcal~m:JStwlolowed. ..... .~". ...... ._' .- '.w~.'~, ~,.~". d-;;\- ";".'~'- :'''.,; '/~":_'-,;,,,'''','-';';----;''''''h ,,; :'<:'<' , ",); 'Cl",,'" -)1;.' "::l.I" ""-..........._"'..byC&P-.. A1'_.......... -i,-',:; \~::. j '~:;k\~ --;"""',-":>'.-,','" :'~',-' ',l' "';;,^.,' " '-, ",.: ~ ;". ,;; e ',) , .-".,;;:"" ,- ;'1' <- ,""" J, '-I::(>~?'~',i ~~-, ii.~,,' j;' ~', .")" ,It H::-!.~l '_;>.~lW~i/,{-'-- ".~;. ':;J;>':~A, .:', (.:\,. ;): .w-,,~'-' "'Yo'; :'J.----, '". 1",1 "..".~: .'-- '.'(>1;.-' ":1'~ " , ',~<" '."'--'" : c' ;'~.'1 e "i' ""''1'''',. :~.j>', '--}~',; ~',L c';',;:,;'; '" ;;",-~ ~",r< "~'.i 1V( ~.I':-- ",;;"",-,"'" ,~<~ :) '''.,:><. .~ii ,\',' ,Power.d by-c&P PraL e '., ':V'S' uO e e e .sPECIMEN LABEL ..., -, In Table 1. the Wgcot drop.. __ had a _ of 19 W::ce divWooa.. ~ the tDlIXimum diametct 11 33.3 DUCro08 (19 x ?i!' - 33.3). To.......... the Mau Median ~ (MMD), 1hc aocumuIati", """""'""" from the last column in Table 1 are pIoUcd agaibst Ibc eycpicoe division (0) OIl arit:tmetic probabilityplpCru in F'1gUIC 1. Directly across frt:m the SO JlC"lCb1 point. on the _ is the Median droplet aizc in . divisionswhk:hmustbe.amvcrtcdtomicroos. In~ 1. 9~eyqricce ~ times the c:oavenion &ctor of 1.15 equals a Mass ~ Diameter of 16.1 tnkrons.. T_l _.CoumofFytimoo ULV AaooolllropJetslnlpinplonMXroocopc SIUIca Coated _ DRI-t1I.M - No. or DxN %olTotaI -- :DIviIM..(O)- _(I<) 11 xli - SlIm.(DXN) . , , '.31 ..31 2 10 20 1," 1>3 3 . 27 1.65 3.18 . 12 .. 2.93 6.11 , ., " '-'8 .'.69 a .2 n ... .,... 7 '" m 10.7 25.7. . 14 112 a.I> 32.64 . '" "" .'A ..... I' 19 190 11.61 59.65 11 14 ... 'A. ..,.. 12 I' 120 1.33 16.3' .3 a " 4,n 81.16 .. 4 ,. 3.42 14.3' ., 11 165 10.09 'U1 .a 2 32 1.96 96.., .. 2 36 2.2 ....3 19 1 19 1.16 ..... TOTAL ... 1636 ... .. were tUm II: 400x m~ ~'.. B8ch eyepiece divUioD. eqvab 1.75 ~(3.s~xdaeO.sllpfeld&ctor). Also fiJrusc in ~wi1b. the ,.,........,........t........aod. instructioas iaauc4 by the U.s.1lcpadmcm of AgricuIIwc fur _ """""""- To be..... only by or uodc:r the di:rcctim of~ ptn(JQDC} fC&' quanmtinc trcatmc::nI:I. DISCLAIMER Tbc label instructiona far tbcuac of this J.XOductreflcct Ibe opinionofcqJCrts baaed on field 1lSC and teats. The d:irtdions are believed 10 be rdiablc and 8boaId be foUowed~. However. it is impouibJc to elliDinatc aU risks inba<OlIy - - .... of It1is product. Crop injwy, .._ pam. damage. iDeff~ or other unimcudcd COG8eql.lC:Does may tauIt bcc:auie of such f.adoa as weather cooditioos. ptaCDCc of oCher ~ or the DWmCr of use or .pplicatiou, all of which are beyond Ihc cootrol of 0Icmin0va. All such mks_be~by"'_' CJJc:minova WUI'anis anIy that !he matc:ria1 coutained hemn conforms to the c:hcmi.caIdcscriptiouon abe1abc1andi&~fitfortbc use Cbetcindcac:ribcd wbco ..... in """""""" _ the .m..tioaa ro. use subject 10 ... mks_ to above. Any damages arising frmn . lKcacb. of dria wammty Iball be limited. to direct damages aDd IhaU DOt include ooasequential commercial damages IiIUCb aa Iou of profits oc values or any other 8pecial or ~ damages. OIEMINOV AmakesDOoIhcr~ OI'impIicd wammty ofFlTNESS or MER. OfANTAllIllTY. The saIc of It1is ........ doco not iocIodc a _ _ aoy paIcnt owned by Ch<minova. DRI-FILM is a tradc:ma:rk of Gc:nc:hl Electric Company Tm..ON is alnMicuw:k of E.L du.Poot de Ncmours Ie. Co.. Inc. MIBiOSD Database and format copyright @ by C&P Press. All rigbC5 reserved. UPDATES AVAILABLE AT WWW.GREENBOOK.NET 3 Powered. by C&P Press. " 36'1 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET-IINSECTlCIDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL INVIT A TION TO BID ~cV BIDDER AOAPCO 2800 S FINANCIAL CT I PERIOD FROM: JANUARY 1,2006 PERIOD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 e SANFORD BID ITEM IMALATHION FL 32773-8118 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORTLAVACA TXTT979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BIO, lMALATH/ON BIOS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDA y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIOS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY OOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFiCATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,OOO/$100,OOO/$300,OOO). - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- SPECIFICA nONS: MALATHION SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING ISO NAME: MALATHION DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY UIIll UIIT PRI:E $29.30/gale PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATIONi SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATIONj SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $29.30/gal PRECINCT 4~P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $29.30/gal AREA PRECINCT 4~S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $29.30/gal PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $29.30/gal The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTHORIZEOSIGNATURLTITlE: ~~ ,;;<. ~.J1^ PRINT NAME: JAMES L. BARR. VICE PRESIDENT VTCF: l'RF:STDfNT OATEOFBIO: 1? 11? los TllEPHONENUMBED: (800) 367-0659 PLEASE UST ANY EXCEPnONSTO THE AOOVE SPECIRCA liONS: Thursday, November 03,2005 mOOED ADAPCO e 368 KEEP THIS BOOKLET WITH CONTAINER AT ALL TIMIlS e . 5 LB. MALATIDON SPRAY ACJ1VE INGREDIENTS: MalatbiODO.lJ...dUnethylPbosphomditbj.oaIcOfdietbyl~.........n'llc:__..._ OTHER: INGREDIENTs-: ___._._..__._.._..___._.__...__________._______. TOTAL -c.oawn.XyIeoc lWlgc ~ Solw:ut Prato- -~'I'raclc:lDad:orPraWaIacolporatcd. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF WARNING-AVI Si usted DO c:miende fa etiquda, bosque. algukq pm! que~ br; c:xplique:;.uttcd c:a 1o)'OQ in dc:WL) 1bc:uae ollhis may be dispolCldofOll me OI"lIIaalpplO'VedwutcdispoAJ. r.cility. Offerfilr~or~~<<~udcLpo.eofia.aaicary.laodtiU.OJ"by e DIRECTIONS FOR USE wtouse isproductiaIDWlllCfiDcoaaisleatwi1hitalabe1UJg. . )VUl' orTribc,c:oaawtheagcnc)"l'I:8pOJWbIem~regulatiou.. 18...., WDlOOAQdwOl'kenerMbupel'lClU.eitherdiredlyerthnapdrilt. o..JYPnKected.lwldknllulybeia ~Quoal UwRaJ.ue.aw with the Iabe1iog and with the Worm Protcctioo StaQdud. 40 CFR pat 170. ThQI StaodanI ~ rcquiRmcuts foe wotkcnI 011 fama,. fulata. nurseric:a,. aDd pccahouacs, and the haJwf1ers of ~ peostIcidcs. It COQWns rcquiRmaata for tQiuiDg. aoIificatiou,.aad~lllIistaace. ItlllocootainslpecificiDllNctiomaades&:qltioullClWoioglotbeltatcmerdsODthia bbcl about pcnoual protcdive cqWpmad: (PPB). and ,..~ I J call) bJtaova1. 'I'hD ~ ill tb;" hax GIlly 'PPly 10 _ ofttlii product 1bat ~ covcred'bytbc Wodx:rPmcr:ctioa.StmdmL DoDOtUdcrOl' allo\Jv warbrcatry iato b'e:atcducu dl.uia& 1bc: R:Itrictod CDtry iDtctval (REI) of 12 hour&. PPE tequircd bearlyCDtry to tteatcd ucu that is)lCr!Dittcd......thc WIllbrPro&ec:tioa Stuldn aDd 1hlt iavoIvca CI;Jalact with anythiag that has been Iatcd, lUChuplatta,.m. III"water, is: CI:Mnlla,cbc:micaJ.~Pova.IUChUbmiarIaaliDa.Di.trilcnbber;.llOOpaIoruhbtror'rilom, 1boc.pJ:u. """ '~ N_A&riadtanl Uwlleqldrcmestta The teq\li:n:Inc:at in Ibis box apply to tIlICt ofthia pr9ducttbat &RI NOTwithio the IOOpC oflhe Work<<~ ScaadanI far -aricultlnl pcIticWr;s (40 CPR. hrt 170). 'Ibt wPS appIjca wbca.1his procIuc:t is \IIl:d to prod:uco ~ pIaats oa fmoa, f'or-..lWI'IICrica. or ~ Do DOt allow clilldrenor toecotact mrfacesWNiJ bas dried. R-lp-"-_ llcfctto IUppIcmcata] lahc1iDg altidcd "Al'PUCA1l0N 1lIROUGlI IlUUGAllON SYSTm.IS _ CHEMlGAnON'" for,*, dnctiODl for ...........~ DoDOtlpplydiilphldac:t1brou&hmyiniptloa,l)'Itc:als\lllkal1bcqp1l:roeml111bclliaa0Gc:bcaUaatioaillfoUoWcd. Page J of8 e 'l ~'i ub:1 , en, ....,. VEGEtABLEs: "RiJia......ol30p1L""..bJaro-I......, pb.o(\III'dIII'l:Iy.................~opQf.ld. BCIIllado ~~ wilIlllllifooD GrariagffcMiag of IJalcdA"'l' f..liage " pmhibitul. /' '\ Do_apply..,;:t:hin I dli'\....~ ~=- ~d.~~~."\1ww$t ,OPS Do-i;i~M_F~D ~~.~h~andb; ~~'II iaxasa'hlC' "(7"""""}'" -\. -'" /'... '\",... '\ T.......y...........~_? . \. Do_~~_~ . udoil. . "7. r \. .' ~ ~~.\,* ~ I ~IIIX t~~ ~~ +harVat. ror A '\ '-~ ~~~~~; " ""''-' \ Do""'...,"wi.....'...,.M.......,.~ '\: '\: '\." ~in<<wbodOl'IoIb::S1Ib. '\ 1%. ~~~ 10 cucumbcn..... pWtts are "llU-' " \.-~"'V"'_app/YwilhiAIlIoyol~ ) \ \"~-"\ )"" Da_lIpplywilltia2IdaysoC~ paalcy.widlia.7~"'~ . S'4riadYrdO(~. f'" I \, ~ DOIlOUpplywilhillJday.ofblrvest. '''' -, 1~.2 1 1.2,.. - -~ II-. (0.. ..... I..iI-. a- Na..,. a... w D:I.y e-. ......Cowpo:.-.lBIIcbyed >- o.,.B-.{CaIiIbalia._~ "'>l ....~.wlNrlo) - - ~ A,bidt,BelIa""bocdes.Blisb-becdea,~ r.-o b~ L .....bIII:tle,Wa:it::m1leal"-&: ''''- 1Y.t.2pta. '"'" 1Y.t.2pta.~ ItalSpido!:rmi!el. L"..... -...-.. W.airiD.IO UOOlo(......ll:!" 1lj,.2p1s. Q ,-, 1-' 1-2pt&. ~ioopcr.~eo~ ~IIlO6..Wd::rwollllD ''''-( ""'- -- 'r...\. \. 1-2p:r.. Cdeoy,Aa.: Aphids,SpidccIlliIli:S . "".... . .-- HartequiD.~buc Con(Swe::t} -..... "- / Aphidt,~ SqIIal;hviDeboftr "- ~ hnIty, Panaip. s.... Apbids./\. a-a. w*-'- /' \. -- /' ..-... / ~-~ 'i.~ _'\ (\ ,- \.. /' '> '\ V 1;:'~,""'"""7': t.= V " \ """"_........ \. \ \ ~_"'...d ....... ('-....J I gl~~1oapc, DI:w Mdaas, MllSbldoas, Peniat Nic:b. lIllII IlJbrirb of .... w...........1Ileir~) ''''- ''''- 0".2 ,-, ''''- 1%_2pt1.. ''''- , 2liplLialJOplloaso(_ft;od: ~.Jplb. of WI:lWperlOOO8lf,A.olbcd .... , " """" - \ \. v \ Q~ \ / ''''- - J-Zpla. ''''- \ ....... K 1Y.t.2pts. '""'- , ,~"'- Aphiok,Lealboppen.SpidcrIlliln """-- - ..... ""-"-- ............ .-. --- ......... Milt$,PhoridmdSciaridtlic:s -- -"""""-,-..-.. ...",- '''' 1~.2ptL """ - -- 1~-2pfa. ''''- OaioDI(I\d)....Oroaa} ODioa.-ecoa . -- llo!..2~pfa. 1~.2 lIleu-t(o.y.)~LucAppUcatIM. -- Do1l<ltappl)'wilbiRldayof~ e DoDO( 'MidUo.7 or.......... Donor .mhki)~'''''''', Do_ 'llilbial0 ofhmest. Do_tIppIy trilbia 7. or........... For ~GI~"_md&D ,.--.,. ia. die: Sod!. beiiB ""-1nIe ~ ....OIaadletpkaliQp....b:OlIQlmIof' GIla.... betia--ialcc:baw-- Do_ilRJiyMlbia7d.poo..n.:.t Do _aAJly widliq] dlIysol"hsNest Do Dot IppIy withio.]")'I of hanat. ........._- I;.,. oClrcAcl. ~ S:.IiIp u -- Do_-,.plywi1hiD 7cbysorlluw:ariagllead ~..witbiDI4d.pot~bf '"'- Do _1ppIy '" --...... p'-.. dry. Do_~wilhlRldayotlacveot.. e Make Iborougb.,.p.icuiom...1OOGa/U:r pif;:liac.pclIIibIo.R.-~.. ~,-uytwic:e.~Do_1ppiy withitll4l"oflwvesl. f.a:aroIof"*'PiDaaOll_mdfdl plaIiap&atbe8oldh......wllaatnre........ -..-.OIa~~...bCOlllrol.or :7 ~~~..:::~. Do Do_lfpZywitbillI day oflllm:at.Md:atlO ~__podIiMtklrona.. Do--wlYwilhia]d&)1ior~ Page 2 of8 e 3'/0 "'" ... ........ ...... ..... ....... ....- ,... ... 1~-2ptL , 1~.4J*. .. 1-2% ,. , ..... 2-2% '''' 1%_2 , N.2 ,.... mi.. "-- ....(Wbitc) - PabodliDcll.bup - Apbiok,~Spida-1IIMI e """"""' ........ .......... ... RiDe........... ItDtliakw. -- ........... -- T_ , -, "- .. ,.... .. " 1.2.... 10'", COYerlI ......M.... e Amlywoam, Cabbllp loopers, Elrwip.. o.daJ. ~SpidctIlliICl.,"lIlrip&.WlaitenieJ ~A.mI~c.bbqe~~1e&f' miDl::a, . WlIiWIic. ApbMIs., Ana~ Cabbqe Ioopen. ~ INf Irlin<:r . WhItdl>t$ Apbicb, Ama~ ~ Ioopoq, 0.--, ------ Ieal......Spidet1Dila,nq.,T-.liohllletame., .......... 1%_2pIL l%_ZptL Hi-II*- 1%.zJ*. T..... FRUIT AND NUT en,. ........... /oflrioIN ~CodIiacllllJlb,.l!Iaopca.bit....... . Softbrowa T -'c TIoohllo__OII .hued a--.brdof300 _dilate l'br1lllduretNes, A~ ~ uq.. I.ataia -'c. ~ . Soft~__ _dlI.... Col:m.ruzetr<<:s.. .--- -"'.. e lMcnaI(DII;p)U- L.tApplkadlla -- Do_lIppQrwilbiD )~ofbarvcst. ~ '_ . ofllllllW.cnlpfc&pu -- Do_lIppiywitbaaJ.ol~ DG_'l'P1__I.yaf........ DOIlOt ........3 ofNnoocst. Jlar~of~___1dl ,... iIl....So.6, bIPa... no__ 1fPOK,OD.cQa:pIIatiDp._kCOGtlolor GIbor~bIP"'-illlcd.IlfllC*.Do -lIltlIywilllia7.oCIaIrw.tlftlp_lIII lIe..lwilod<<'-l 1aiscnaI~..........~ lIIldlbll'Telt IJprayplaQ~.Do_'fPIy" ----....... JIIal*_ 6y. Do DOt.,py wlthirtJ ofbarvrst Spn,ypkatl~.Do_,,",wiIbio T on..- Spny pl.a~)'. Do _ awl1 wilIliD 14 of . '-J1eftuc:o:. Spqy,....Ibarouply.DoDOtlfplywillliD , ..,. """- 1at.o:nal(Dql}___Iat~ -- Do_.,pywitlUD.7daytoC-'--t. Doaoltllpplywilbia70111pon.rw.t. DoDOtlRJlywitbiDldllyofbcvat. Page3 of8 3'71 .". _c.oona.o ...."- ..... l-.-J.(o.y.) BetweN.....~ ...- .......... Bluebenyllla&PJls I pi. + I~ qts.. for IlK in lhI: N~ ooIy. Apply ialOO --. .... ....ofwDc:tpet"KR.Po.llOtapplywilhill 8QeNo.7 8bounorlmvest.. "'"- I , Do_ lwilhiDl """"" ....... '... '''' Makefinl:applatiolL~~.~~ applicMKm~h~da~~Of four applicuigas bas :S:.' Do DOl .. 0(1,1. -- .... ,"... ..... ... ~ aad~~)'S' ........ . - ,,; .' n.......""__lIkocOcuia..........-.IIrdor200 lendiholo:l OIluy(3weecIildTan) Bld:do=uy.......~bfiollc:l" I~J*. 6pl5.L DollOt~Y'thin3day$of...-..-....... P en.-. beetle I.. /' '\ '_~ Tbcr8leJ;b__c!II:rrit:l;_bDtcIOII.llllIIIdmIof<tOOpI_,..acrcdil_lIt'AY""'~__ DlI......ppty ~&\bs..ofJ9llaiMAU!li1Ul\pcl"~~~lnlcL .,...,._____.......ol.....---.~iD.*~ __," /,,----,\ ,........ an. Bt8ct.1Cak(1iap:....-broooW),CaIiforDi.rD:I I.I~.';/ '\~. \.~.Y:W~.T'""'\.-ia~\''''' Oapo:tnit .w.CiUicoIaIOllc,.I'IIrpleIiCale,SoftbroWlllClle. ~Y7' " "-'\ ~. ~"""ydIo,rxaJe ~ florkk lale.fbid&I'fId.:aJD 1 :=.., "......_n.;. /, '\ \"""'\. ' _~~~ ~ ;,. < -- ~ ~\. \. ~Y~hUvat) ncr-=__oodavsilllacdCllllllm:!mlofXlOplIoaspcr_dihuqnyfw lreeI.: ~ c-.GooICbcl:ries beed.os 1% J ao.......NitIIII ~ _ '\I ,\lpt.~ 2 _bualOQI--':'orZOO dilute DriDd hit.... V' fIief .' T' Tbe_....,....__ .... "\1IIIt~ywi71"orllllwsl. ..... .... ~-""- _'\ ~ , ['\""\ / I \ ...... \\\~----- f".... J ~~DlI':sbid,l.\dIypl&allaphid, ~ I l~ "n~~ I CoaccyJlaldlIOllc,.EunlpeanftultlecmiuJn, T__ ..... 1.2 3-6 - P:Iaam~~ 2pl1. 6ptL D~ .lIIIIIdwdof300...~_dilw:..,..fwlllMlntlfta..MAl..ATHlON-r_6vitt;p<'>lriDaOll.DeelariDes. IYt.2 be oatbedll. 0(___ tpl. Jpb.. DoDOt..,ply.......7day1on..rv.t. Do_1IppIy witbia 7-,.. of"""""" , '''' MW: full -.np IpplicaIioos It ~of~aboIatlbelutor June. Do_.lpplywitltio 1 d:lvs ofhlrvcst. ofKWalMALATIUON.cr'e1D tta:s. Ma be iedOQlbedo. olbarvat.. Applywbalbudsbegiarodcvdopmdrqom --r.thybellplliied...tbcdo.yoC -- AppIyan..rfiat~lIllPbqiJllo ...1l:b:bh.Yb.,.pplied...t/lI:~Iollluvesl:. ""'- " buod.....talIduIol300 acn':dil~ tor....lurelRa.Do_ -.... "- - w..... 1%-2 7%.10 Pa:aaf'hyllox.... ,".... ....... Pec._~W"''''fJy ,"... "'''' 11le__...... _b.x.l"".lWIdudof~ _dilllU: fOI"_lreeI:B-)SlI>elhi W..... ... W""" " 1\(,_) WMIId:"'fIy "... H~-3pb. be OQd>o>do.ol~ AppIy1rida~Ipn)'It.F_bail tp:aya,~s..Jey'as.-a..No.2~ No..7.dtbenleof24lL...._wilh MALA1HlON..M.,ybe.II(Ifllied.....,...rof '"'- A,pIyiD.SOOplbq;of'fllla"plI"lICIewDh ~typcIpD)'er..Fort.itllJlfllYJ, ~Staley'sS-a..No.2<<No.7 .d 1liO-I#Il! of 2 Ip. per _ with NAl..ATHION. May bellWlXd on lbeday of -- 3.4pb. Page 4 of8 '1"':'1 V 1'1" e e e FlEl.D CROPS AND PASTVRE AND RANCE GRASSES ""'" -- ..... &tIInaJ:~___t.tAppllcaafM'" - AppIytalll&l&iIl~.!yill"--... ~ --. --..... _ -':ma ia!be JWd.__.......ca____...... !Uy be IppUeIIlcalbl:d.y of ..... ao...leaf -.Ml. Vetdlbrucbi<l AUll1fir. --na --. ApQ;.k, ~ Lnu bu PttaIO oller.. ....,....... C\ovcrlea(-a Apia, Cata. ---. Caal ~ .... ThO 1~_1plL , '" 2-21'. 1I&_2plL e Caal(F....o..ia......) '.... '" ,"pO. "'"'" -- 1%~2pts.. ""'- -iIltben.-t-.JlIilkllaCeswilk),(,\l..A11DoN. ......--.Ied'wonla,Coclootpbid.c--.1cafwonn, CDIIaIt~~Ipidct.lllile,l..a:Ibappco. L Wltildl~ BolI_ ApbidI,eoa...~8pider1llitloo ,.. """'" L C....".oI_ 0.-("....4;. ~ .~ F-.~Wq., Tia:loCh,YdIow hsIun:_a.,., Glus;,mc1 On. "" ......."""""""'.-. -- s..u ana. ~, 0.. .".. - ........ v"'" Do_~willlia7""ol'--- r_,",~~.JD.., tA.... '=P ~ U .. OCIlbedaorban<ator Fer M! .o\wIy ....,.IIa._flll pJ.Imlp<<l,llOO "l-.ft. ...pIIiabl .r....l..... r<< 1,tlOf4" ca~..&:a__lIillI .u or -=II.. atouQd etc, Apply... hU..,. ovwtbr:.1ldce oI.......poul1ry droppiap. I'otc::&:.c:tMQOIIfd~....__.__,*-"" .......~............Do_..,qIoi,daJy~ ...... W_l..aa.................~ e ~bmlailllalldfeedwvvghs.. OUIaIlICl:Itll 11$" 1lII.1l<<\I{, 130.-.,..._ I pnta28,.m....NeIoi1..d:ic:.doil fko.Icat._oaIy-=r~IIooded_ ~_y -.....___......r....wfoC:n &h..~.... powD .sf<<~~. ....-..atllIldiIir:__ ~&ocw-................,...pcW).NU: iqsuft'"J<:iem'lWata"..oiiwbea 'aU-or . ~......Iow...UIlIIa__ 0f.I'I'D00R. 01lNAMENT.u.s ......~a-.t.c.....~ ---,.~---...~.....................~~ --.....~tne ..- Flnren.a.. TneI,.... b!,jarymay--F-,Itickory, ~ l..aaI.Jg, c-.Jr. m4C-.;.~~.._ofPItENTQX S 1.8 MALA11DoN SPlAY, qIIt.ap.y_"'~lIepOdedQq Bo.loa, ~&*IJlaidaabWIWM,.""'" SalaQ.l.atSpn&, ....PiDoaad"~ -a---...--..........~u.........--.......,.__lIIi&bI -.- .... ... ...... ApbidI,SpiderIdia )~pta.,.IQQ..OR2~perpl. .bizdJJodIllill<< &uwoodbfllliDcr , 100 OR' E...- pi. Ibout ..... ~ IDIC Ha. 1"pta.p<<100plc.0I.2~perpl a'=....- "- -.-.- 1 100 08.2 ~ Meal Whitdla Iii 100 OR.2 ""'- 2pl1...... 100.... 01. 2-...-... per pt. AppIy~..:aIeAUtlca...'"'.uw..~ T... , 100 OU Page 5 of8 e 3'13 .... .... ....... .......ocaleOl'1lwtenbo...,-'ec!.... ..... "ICIk.PiDeIc:dIcale I 100 Ok2 lIS IOOpL0R2 1 100 k.OR.2 2 100 Ok2 2 100 OR2 l 214prs.pc:rJOOpi.l.QRllleqlOOlDpc:tpl 2~ 100 OfU .. 100 ls.Ok<4 l 4pa.,.1Q()....Ok"~JIllI'pL -..bcDxalcaawkDba..:-1Ctlledon ..b=_lccaw\Cn:1Iav.eleltledoa10 '- ""'- .... '- lllopb./lOOp.la. e . 'ORNAMENTAL LAWN$Al'CDroRFAROUND11Ii:HOME ... .... ~..-..IIIll"", ~s.wt.p,Spdotpo. .....- Do_alJowdaildRDill1lateclaallPilllrilcei&dry. . ON AND AROUND cuu.. nurr AND Vl:crrABLE DUMPS .... 1lIoaopfliJa.... DriIl4 hit.... """"""", Ipny, e"- ...-. bo::l. caa, elie. 1llotou&bI,. bca.aIl.-cpiDc_lIetJris.Farl~waII,Boor lpmyiapllilaeleYllon,truckbcds.bo:o.cvsmadships' . . ll'aUa . . 1Iomo. For i:Dformation OIl dUB pqticido ~(mdvdiJ\ghc.ltb tontcmI,. mediCll emctgeucies, orpcsticide~). c.ll the NatiOll&lPc:RicidcTcJo::ommUDications Net-in:d:. J-80Q..S.S8..7378. ~ciDitlltioLDoDOt&etin~oa.ckin.{l('oo.(.lodUng.A"'fflid humans. UllC:oolywitb.dcquateva.ti1ati<xl. AfterusiDgtbisproductin ...... . totbiaproductacelistedbelow. If)'OUwaatmcnoptioos,followlhc:instmctionsfor ton -..dtldterlucllerJ __wear ~&hirt-.dIoogpaa.ts., ebcmicoJ vitOa, moe. plus soc:ts. aDd proteetive~. Diao:ud dotbiac and u4her ~ produd"CXIOl:CnlnIR. DoDO(mlletbcm. Fol1ow1Dl:ll.ufacture(s.inscructiomfor ue and bot WIIItt. aDdwasbPPE ftom~1a User Sdety R<<.DUSlftldalioDs drinking, cbewiug gum, using toblIcco oc asiDg the toilet. Remove cloChioJ ilnmediatdy if pesticide gets ioAde. Theo wasil RcmovcPPEimDw:dia~lyaftcrlilwd1io&thi1~ WMh~Ol.lt&i6=ofglovesbefO(eremovUlg.. MlIOODUposs:iblc, ...... ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS C Iq aDd aquatic liCe IIap o(lDIphibiaDi. For tenestrUd utes, do DOt lIpply dim::tfyto water, or to ~ when: lIllfface aJeU below * IQC;Lq hip Wlllet IDIlk. Drift aod nmoff.D\.ly be .bazudou,. to aqlllltic <XpGi5QD in amm: Jar tbe I.ppUcatioo site. diapoeiQc otequipmad. ~ 'IhisprOOoct is biP!ytoxk to bees exposed to dUm: tmItment on bloomiDg crops or weeds.. allow it to drift to bIOOmibgCltlplor~ifbecs IlRvisitinsthc trea1mcntatal. PHYSICAL OR CllEMICAL IIAZARDS e Page 60f8 e <)1'"4 01' e e e KEKP THIS BOOKLET wrm CONTAlNERAT ALL TIMES . 5 LB. MALATIDON SPRAY ACl1VE INGREDIENTS, MaJatbi.oDo.tklimethyl.plr.r.(' ~. l.i_je afditlbyi.J2lief<'v~"""it>,te ,______ OTRElt:INGREDIENn-: __~~_.,__.._.____.___.___._.__.______ TOTAL ~x___.._ PrnaqJ:. -kcgistc:nd'I'r:adcmm;o'PtCCIda~ KEEP OUT OF REACH OF WARNING-A SiWited DOcmicudc k etiquda.~...tlpicnpenque lie" c;cpIiqueaUltc:d eo. 1oj'llClinddail) o 1f~-I.:Irinkprompdy.laIze~Ofmilk.qg akoboL. Do not iaduce VOPUtiog as it may QlJIe upimioo ~ fti.w-WubueaimmediatdywitbtioapJ.lldwvmwalet. lf~t')'ft- 1d't)'e:I 8t'IJ de' hokId for adlll .6eo. UA.JilEGoNo.f5S.m Page 7 oI8 3'15 DIRECfIONS FORAPPIJCATION THROUGH IRRlGATION SYSTEMS. CHEMIGATION Prento~ 5 Lb. MalathIon Spray, EPA Reg. No. 655-m _-.SlA-_...,.___- piwt. "*n.l~ md \OW, tidll{wIal) RIll, tnJvockr, bisp,..ud.lCt"oc hand. ~ iDiptioa .,.can(.). Do l'd" 1Ipply thia pmduo:t ftuwgh any ~ ~ofirriptioDS)'llll::m. Crop irUmJ.1atJr: at d'....b.1:lIC8a, cr illclp1 peatkido rtaicb::I i!I: the crop caD -'t6om~~orl:l:::llcd........ Jf~hm:qaeItil:usabootcalilntiall.yoa;lboWd.o::lIlDdSlllO~ Scn:icccpccialistl.oqaipmcat - . btocbcte:xpt:tta. DolllOtCOlmtletanitripdaft~(~~I}'IItIDI)1dcdfor pc::stitidc IJIplic:Itioa; 10 .. pdJIk 1nu:r .,..aem \IlIlca tile pMicide label. JIft*:ribodIdtydcvic:csfotpabJicntl::r~WOia~ A p;noD ~lc of \br: cbemiptiaa I)'IIUD ad Rlp(lQaibk few.. ~OC'vude:t1be~ol...~~ahaII..lbe 'Y*mdowtt-mab::MCCIlIIly~thouJdtbc_____ CDEMlGATIONSYS'I'IMS CONN:E(.'TEDTO ~CWA1XRWAYS ~ ~Io...v._..M4baDl:Jterll:OllBJ'O~~~ IOpIillicwmrmpplitn.. 11lt:~~.pl"OYidWblllJrcn /JIve diJiFady ~ all od.er appticstioo and 'Wate:r R1R\1y . clo::drt& 10 -.blNCh.. ClJlbXJCtiCCL PubllcWldcrtyatem_.~fwtbeproyisioa1Q ~fW~ .U~4jfsochll)'*m.hu.k:ut ~ OC'rquladylQ'VtlS"'~ofltka\ltZ5~ Jltlcat60 of1he]TC'. Cbcmiptioa. rysIc:mI, ~ to fimctiood. v cr_"zuGC, ~bt~wmt~ introductioo. As an option to shoWdbe~iato. sldbe.~pby>>m lltJdlbetgporov diametu of1be eontrols: to DloDaticaUy shut 'l\fUcr,pvmp JDOWr Reps,. or in ~ wUc:r pm:sute deat:ae. to tile point .-. pump. ACt u. poAtivc ~ lPjmioo. ) dfcdM:1y dcsigoed and ~ ofllJ:ltUilb pmicides aDd ~ of being fitkd wjtft " f)'JIem Do l'IIOt lIpply when wind tpccd 6mrs drift bc)'llDlI tbc >>ea intmded for - SPRINKLER CHEMlGATION The JyJteDl QQI:It ~ aAmccio.W dIr:ct..m. ~ ftl&fYllw, a4 krw- Jll'CAQtedraia~~oa.a.krlJlItioR~trJprm::at'f\'ltCr 1OPft:l:l~..~. -~ Tho J'C'6clde iDjc:diorL 1llQIt eOatam a ~ Il\:itl:lmItie quidt~ daoct vaNe 10 pnM2It lhc:flaw offt'llid bd: tontd the- ibjec:tioQ pump. The pesticide injection pipeline' mUSt also nonnaUy closed, solc:noid-apetat.t valve 1 of Ibc injection pump and conneetc:d the sy _ fluid from bring ..- OW inigation syJJ1Cm is either a 01" manua e RlOOttmlended .lUDl.)Uflt of this prodv.ct ' and nceded. quantity (If water. shoWd not be tank~mixed with other pc:sticides, 01" fertili2:en unless. prior use has abown the COI1lbination injurious under your conditiOl:l8 of use. Q!1ow precautionary statements and directions for aU tank.-mix po><!-. 00. aU crops. use lA1ffich:nt: pllooage of watc:t to obtain. thorough and UDiform covaase. but DOt I.':aUe tUbOff, or c:xc::c:am, bclJice. This will ""Y ~ "" cquipmcot, poot pnoblem _ ...... of """ ........ Applkotioo of.... .. lea 1ban optim>I quamity of...... may le$UJt iJ1 decreasod cbemicaJ perfOl'lllllDCe, crop injury or illegal ......de .......... "- IIW product into the Urigatioo """'" uoifonnly during the period of operation. e Do not overlap application. Follow rccom.mcoded label mcs, tJlP1ication tUning,. qd other dnu:6.ons and precautions for crop bring ........ OmtinUOUs mild agitation of pesticide mature may be n<<ldcd to ...... . ....fom! oppIi<otioa, potti..wty if the supply lank <<qUireo a DUUJbet ofhoun: to.empty. ALL APPLICABLE RESTIlIcrtONS, PRECAtlTIONS, AND DlREcnoNS ON THE ErA REGISTERED PRODUcr LABEL MUST BE FOLLOWED. Tel..""""' Sl6-3U-1919 Page8of8 e 3'/6 e e Product: 6S5-777 PnlltOJ:OO 5 Lb. Mibtbln Spl'IY M.terhl S.fety D.bi Sbed U.S. Drp.,tmnt oft-boT (OSHA 29 CFR 1'10,1200) MsaUr'CNrtr'S Name; PnntisllDtorpontfll C. B. 2000 1I1....IP..k,NY 11001 TeltphDt N..btr. (516) JU.19:l9 Senion t. Chemtolldendlkatfau Prod.et: 655-771 !'rtatQX(lt):S Lb. Melatbioa Spray EPA Slpol Word: W ARNlNG A<1lv. Invcdl... (%): M<<lathi0ll(57%) (CAS' 121-75-5) CIl.mleaI N...., O,o.dimelbyldithiophosphale ofdielhyl ~ Cb.ml..lo...: (hpnopboophale _cidoMixture &d:fOD 2: CftmnMltimtlta(orm.tfoa 011 flWr'edlefttl OSHA ACGIH PEL TLV 10mg/M' 101llg/M' (SIdn) ('lW A) (SIdn) ('lW A) Xyleno Range Aromatic Solvent (CAS * 64742-95-6) (34%) s.. below CoataiN tbe foJIowina ~lll<d inpclients, by woisht (t)picel): 1,2.4- Trime<hyI_ (CAS 195-63-6) 32.0 Mil<0<I XyI.... (CAS' 1330..20..7) 3.0 C....... (CAS , 98-&2-") 1.5 E1hyI_(CASIlOO-4I-4) 0.5 Emul.mor(CAS'NlA)(6.0%) NID NID NTPIIAltClOSHA C.rclDM>en NoINclNo M.te'ml' Malathion ('lWA)ZS_ ('lWA) 100 ppm ('lWA) SO ppm ('lWA) l00ppm ~etlGI 3: JI'.,~rd. JdeafftlttdoD Roate:s otbpofare: lahaJ.doa: Ya$Jda; Yes 1acefdoa: Yes Acute .ad CllroRk ltqoqIY: Cause31e'fm' but m:vm:tole eye ~ M4lathjon if a ~ inhil>;..rof!owm"""""....loXicity. H........er.proloapd _1l~ex<:<edin&78F (25 C) _fOJllllliOD ofthc....1O:tic IIllll)'llorlbtlc-__ (Lll",ond,mt, 89 msIX&). Acuto_ to_lDIYclusedealh d..to_lnIlibitiOll. Rq><Iled _1o_iIIlllbitonlllclJ.._ODIDIY. wilboutMlllia&......lnctwed _1>ililytod.,..,ofmycbo_iIIlll'bitOt. Sigaoolldl}'Dlplom$of__ b-._ -niD&__blumd,,;,;on,piapcrintpupih.~lacbost. -breal!lInc. """"""'" r<YOlIlin& walorincofeyes. dtoolillgOlbothillgof_oIld-. muscl. __ oIld coma. Note to PhyoJd..: MalatbiOll, llpo:I npealod, praloapd OI..m..,....1DIY cause cholinc:stc:rase inhibition. Atropine iJ amidota1. Todd", Gf Miter IMIDnotienh" XyJelle ,RaD~ Anm.tIc SoIv.D" I!!bmlimhip __... 1ltD1nitotiaB.. tbe eyoo IUld tbe mp!mtoly tnoct. mil)' """" beodaches, cIi2zinea, -..besia, drowsiness, __1Uld _ central """.... SJ"!<m df_ includillgdeatb. SIdn ..,ntact JiequeatOl'praloapd """""may un-1Uld ..... de:malitis, JowOfllet ofloJ<idty, Skin eontIct IDlY __....uti:Jg dermatitis _on. ~ P.ce~1 ~ "'-l ....:r e P1'(lodud: ~717 Pmliox(l) S Lb. M'aI,thioD Spny _ ~Iightly iniloling but does not inj... eye, ~ S...u __ aspimtod intlltbe I<Sjlimoly 'Y""" d\lriJl8 inpliOD or VOIIlitIng may """" nu1d., ...ore pulmODmy iajury, possibly progrming to dadh. 1tmll1JUler. EYe oontact: May eaWJe; ircitation~ bu:ms. Skin Mnfsct May CllUIe inilolico. ProIoopdo<Rpeetodoldn__""""defiottIng,<hying.dtrmolitis.loIurlIli!llI; Mey ..... in:i1lllioo,ooughing,hoodocbe, __ Prolcmsed or'"J"'l'd_by inbol<tion _..... eomroI""""" 'Y""" dep<<uiOIl(CN~~ Symptoms ofeedy.,..- CNS depRosi<ln inclodo sl<fdineso, -. coofusioa, ~ beluMor. heodtclle......... di.onl>ea, vomftins. ~ and drowIiness. Tn ~ ClUeS, CNS depres:rion may cause stupor, coirvuhWns. ~_Cld___ ill&llIli9lI;.Mey""""........ vomiti:lg.di.onl>ea,apinolfon (bmolbing) ofJiquid, mist 0< _ intlllunp _..... aspirlliOll pneumonia, b~ bmg dema8' Cld.... __ SymptolllS ofoopimtlon p"...."..iA includ. coughing. - bl<alhit:g "'" bluUh_ Carda.,..udty: MeIolhion is not IiJlod by NTP ,!ARC or regulotod by O~HA as . cerciJloam MedkoI C.._.. Gea....nr "="""tod by E<pooaffi Rq><Iled _ toc_ inhihito<..uoh..lhispn>ductmoy, wilboutMlllia& couse"""'" _1>ililyto_ofmy cholinestmue iIIlll1>;..r, Stdi9.<C: Ffrst Aid . ColI.physiciaa. Poison CODlroI Center. or1fle NotioIteI Pesticido 1J:lb:maD0Il c.mor.. 1-800-858-7378, tbr treaUnetlt ecmoe. It rwlllowtd: Do not induoo vomiting un10ss told to do ao by. physician or Poison Coat:ro1 Cemcr. Do not gMl; anythiPs by mouth to III ~ous orCOttVl.llsing pcrBOtt.. It 011 ,kla. or doddac: Tab off _clathiIlg. Rinocotin_ly__furI5-20lllinutes, UlalWed:MovepelSOD ., _ air, Ifpel'lOD is not lnoothing cell 911 Or..ambuIanco, then p.. mtifieial n:spimlIon. ptefmblymoulh., l1lClUtb, ifp,..ible. UIa<ra: Hold'l" op.:undriDse f1owlY.oIldS"'ilY- """" fcrl5-20_ __Ieases,if_aflortbefim5minutes,__rinsiogc:ye. N...... pbyfldaa: MoIolbion uponnpealod, praloaged or carel...... _..... oho_ iohibition. AlraplneismlidotoL StttfOD 5: Fire JI'IPlrtlrw M~iRU'H _b Pol.' (Metltod U.ed): 113' F. closed cup. Flam_Ie LlmlfI: LEL: 1.9 VEL: 12,6 (80'- - oppraximale) Ex1IapilhlqM<dIa: DryehemJeo!, Co,. foom 01"-_. Avoid beavy__Io_ """"of...........""""11IllOlt Speebl Jl...IlIptla, Proe<<I.....: Koep_cool by Ipl'IYing with _If expclOed to fire. Fisht_hm 1lpWiad. Thlspestieldeis1O:tic'" oquIlio __ Cldoquaticlifio_of omplu1>~ Donotdioc!lalpem_~lhisprnduct....lal:cs,........ poads,eolUlliies, oceotlS orpublioWOletl. Do 1l0"...l1eavy_ of..-Inool<rlo _1J>l'Od oC..-.-, I1IllOlt W.., oelf_ breotbiag opponIIlIS. V....'" FIn..d ExpIasl,"1W:mlJ: M<<lathiOD dooompooef wbeIlh<ot<d eIme 1000 C. Explosi<ms of ""0<1 I:Olltain<n _ oocur, May p.. oll' climelhyl sulfoxide, IuIfur dioxide, CO, co, ..dphospboruope:JtOXid.llpo:Iexposutelobigh_. 1'...-2 e P.rodD&t: 6S5-777 'Prt.tOI.~ S Lb. MalatbJoa SpraT S~dlOb 6: AtddtbU,1 Relult Me-uuNs. .. " . Ww JOIl8J10ev0dlbirtand IOllipam.,__slov",suchu__,OIV~, protective eyowear such II goggles and shoes plll$ _. In<<>:l_~ """ -1OIJl1nloty protection to pmrent inhalation of vapors. Cover the spilled. material WIth p::wow amQlll:lb of ab_materiaI, such ..olay, diatomaccoll$ earth, sand ouawdust. Swoepup tba""""mlnoj'" absolbcDt _ a shovel and put 1ho sweepinp into a salvas- drum.' Dispcao ofwuu. ubelow. PI"", my loaking.-w.r into a.imilar drum or gWs oontainor. w ute d1spoJal mctbod: Pesticide wastel are toxic. Improper disposal of t,KCeN pesticide, .-y mbauro "'_ it a violation ofP_Law, If_ _ cannot be di>pose4 ofllr'" """'ding to label-.c:tionJ, eontact yourS"" Pesticide or Enviroomelllal Coolrol As=Y, 01 tba HatardoI>I Wasto ~e altho _EPARegionsl Otll.. furguid4nce, Co.laiD... d1spooal' TripI. rinse (or equivalent). Then olF<< fur m:yclio& OI........~ or ~ and dispooe of in a saoilary 1andfi11. or by _ prooed.... approved by State and JocaI authoritict. SeC'dOD 7: Ha.dlldl!' aDd Stann Prtca.dolll for ...dJI.a&: aDd.tor"ap: Do DOt~iMtJll wa1Cr. food 01 W. Wash haDdl.llJDI and face With soap aM water at\er use and before eating or StIlOking. :R.cll1ovt N'mkn.ll'IlrtM c10thing and wash with IOIP and bot water bcfo~ muc. . Other p...adoal: Hannfu! if swallowed. Avoid lnaIbing ofvapom. Avoid contact. with.skin. AvoW ('.nnbm~ ofwater. fted or foodmIffJ. PeriodiWly inspcd sioftd.materiaLs. ~ttion 3: 1l'~ ControJ.t.IPtnoDl1 ProtutlOll. ... . Retplrato". pnoledIoJI' U.. aollPP"VOd peJ1ioido "",_ ~ qajost lllplIOIlboIpho v~ . VutDaUa: Local ~Dlt: As required 10 meet TLV values. Spe<bJ: Nooe. M..,.h..."'at- MrequUed.tomcctlLVvaJl:ICS. 0II0m N_ .Prot"tm: Gloves;. Cbanical:resiatam suehu barrier lalninatc or Vitoa<rl Eye PYvl_o: Safety sIuoos cc sogsleL 00.. 1'"'-' eloWoS or equip....." WW,loog Jleeved shirt, Ion&pao<s. shoasllld_. Wo~P_ Wash1llorouoll>1Yetlerbaodlingllldbefilteeatill$ccllll<ll:iJqo p""", WOJIdI>Bwilb 1hio ptoducl fur loogperiod< of..... 0<.. a~ baJia. abou1d have &equeot blood .-or__levels. Ifthoc:llo_&Ilabe1owthocriti<alpoiol,..__ abouI4 be aIJowe<l uotilkbaJ been .~...... b:v- orblood_1bo.~ Ie..:a have _ to 00l'IIl0l. BefurelOOlOViog sloves. _lbem wi<hJO&pODd"-. .MaooaUpoSJlble,_ 1borousl>IY ODd cbanse 1nIo c1eao do<llin& SeedoD 9: Phvtfcsl and Chemitt:1 Pntnries DoWDS Polo" lI/l) Spedlk G.mty (U,o -I), 1.0604 VaporPrwtuo(lDDliI;.n lI/l) !'as' - , Pndud: 655--777 "'005 Lbo Maladal.. SP"Y e MeUm, Point: Vapor D...ily (Air -I): ltvaporadoD. RAt.t (Butyl Acetate. 1): SolubWty' ill Water: Appunnc:c aDd Odor: SectfDD 11): Stability nd Rutfk1tv S'abilltr- CODc11ttoDJ to avoid for tt.bW,>,: lI/l) lI/l) lI/l) Emulsifies, Waterwhitc to yellow Ii<}wd. men;a:ptM like odor. '.2') ;'...... C':J I:nom.,.tJbllity: BUlrdolU DttompOJlttoD or ByprodQctI: Stable. Avoid ~ at tcmperatlRS in excess of 7SoP,furbeatstllbility, Alblies. iron aod strong oxidizers. CO, CO" pbo<pOOnlS peotoxidt:. mall1OX01l, !fimelhyI_..,.uIWr and! oxides of nUro.FL wm not....... N.... dioxide, Huardow PolymcriudoB: CollclldoDl to avoid for B.t.zardolU Polym~doa: SutlOR 11: To:rh:oIMrltjolI11FormJtloD Ac::lltt TulcUy (MaJathloAt uupt whuc Doted): """do.: o.aI LO" (Rat) Derm..l: Dermal LDH (RAt) lalWado.o: _onLC" (Rat) Ey, ~bict: TbiJ productiJase:ven eye irritant SkiI Conbe&: This pJ"tldua is a mOlSaate primary skin irritant SkiD SeultiutlOD: Not.skiD JellSitiur Catelaepalclly: !ARC evaluation; ibe available data provide JlO _1bal maIalbiOll it likely to _a~riJlttobumaox R.epr06l1euv. JUruts: No, c.ffccb (ltl teptoductJoo are found. f(Jl'rnalathion in tats and rabbits at _...toxIcdooeJ. T...tosWelIr.No io&caIiorls ofteratoseoio _ ofmalalbiOllare fuund. M....tJlkll)': MalalbiOll it oot mutagonic. 5,500JIl8lKg >2,OOOJIl8lKg >5.1 mgIIJ 4 hour Stdtaft 12: ~tQIMrfet.t lDfono.d&.. MalalbiOll it biodoindabIe- 11 ~ ropid dqJradaIion m 1llo .........entllld in -- _piaola. No.adv...._IlOobo<r<edalooo<:cDlrali<ioup.toIOOlOlP'Lin__ _ piaola. o.Pdatlon...... boda aerobically and _b\<&uy, biological".. weD.. obiologically. UDder lllaIllIIoooditionJ maIadalOll it ofOlOdium mobility in fOil, but it degnIded rapidly. , Malalbi.. it toxic to fub, oqualio iov-.w.1IId aquatic Ii1i: Sl&&<il ofao'phibiaos. MalalbiOll ~ hiib1Y toxic to boo&. ' Ata.. toxidl)': Pi8b ._- IlWa I!ooeybee 96-hLC", RainbowTrout 48-h LC,., d4p/t1fI4_ LO... !lobwhitl: Quail 24-b LD,., topical 24-b LD,., oral 0.200 lOlP'L 1.0~ ~JIl8IKg 0.17~ 0.3S~ 1'&1',4 e e e Product: "'S.777 PrtatoJ{1t) 5 Lb. MlI.thioD Spny SerllOD 13: DkDCtSl1 ~uiderttfoD! Waste d~ method - fOllow label instructions for disposal of~ generated during use in compliance with F.lFRA product label. Container dispcnW; Triple rinse (oreqWvalent). Then offCr for lllC)'CJing 01' reconditioning. or punct:ure and dispose of in a smitaty IlltIdfill, or by other procedures approved by S... ond 10<0l ~... Sedf01t t.c~ T...Dlluort Ia1'tlrmltion DOT a.uuI",,",,,, COMBUSTIBL.E UQUlD. N,Q,S. (pE1ROLEUM NAP!rnIAJ. NAI993. rom. RQ' (MALATIlION) INSECTICIDES; <mmR UlAN !'OlSON, NMFC ITEM 102120 Not millable. Frelgbr CWaificltJoll: JauraltiOllllI T,..IIq&t'tlltioa: ~B 1~: Renlatorv ['Dformaflon OSHA S....r. This ptOduct is"",",",,", \lOdef Ihc _.(tho Fed"" OSHA Ilawd C_n Standard29 CFR 1910.1200, = S...." This product is ....."'Irom TSCAtogUl.tion undorFIFRA Section 3 (2) (D)(ii) y,be:ou.sodasapesticide, SARA ThJ~ m C3u.tme.1fOD: Seelioll102, _Iy l!BmnIous Sul>stsnces: EthyIa.nr.n. MiJood Xyloncs Seotion 311/312: Acute health -. chroni,ll<aIlh-, fi.._ SeoIion313cballlicala: _011(57%) (CASlI21-15-5) 1).4-Trimetb)'l_(10.88%) (CASH9S-{;3-6) MiJood~(Ul2%) (CASH 1l30-2D-7) eum.n.(0.5l%) (CASH98-82-8) EthyI1l<nzone(0'0017%) (CAS H 10041-4) Thu product eotItaia.. loDe uemJeaI or chemJrAk .ablta to tbe I"ejHprtiac rtqalrtareatl 0' Sttdoa 313 ofTkJe m uti or 40 CPR 312. AD,! toplet or redlttribatfoD or thb MSDS DtI!Il IDe"'." notice. CERCLA R.portable Qg..tlly: 17S.41b. of this tbnllula wbi<:b conlains 100 lb. ofmlllathion RCRAS..lu: 'lbdproductdoosnot.-manyRCRAlisoodba:mdo"'....... SeedOD 16: Other IlIrorm.tfo~ NFPAlburdRotillp: H",lth: 2 Fhm...bWty: n... Prq>o",,: Doeombor 3. 2002 S.pmedos: Docenlber 19. 1994 ..(- 2 n..otMtr- Rusoll: CompIctc ne ..ronaadoll u.d recomdludadollti coatallled: lIere1a are hued .paR data btUeml to be tOlTft't. Bcnrn>er, 110 p~a," or WIIn"aa'1 0' .a,. Jdlll!. cspnaed or JmpUed, fa: made ""II: m:ped to Ole bJfOl'lNdoD. eoJlbdDecJ .bere.bl. l'relltcaIP b . rectmn4 Indem.rk of rmrtll. IDeorponttcL VltODe b. ng:btend tftdfllW"kolnaPoat})ow El.tnomen. Plll'-5 ~ ,~ c.J;: cun coiwlY,1mS BID SIIEET-IINSECllCIDES FOB MOSQUITO CONTROL I BIIIIIfR INVII A liON 10 BID b: D NO+- _u,~ ~tzuo' ~ DRUMMUND AMERICAN TONY MC&ARIIAJI n06 LIVE OAK DR INEZ BlDITEM IMAlAnDON TX n868 I PERIOD mOM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERlODTU: JUNE 30, 2006 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN S1; PORT LAVACA ]X T7979 BIOS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED 810.1 MALA THION BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10;00 AM, THURSDAY, DEcEMBER 15, 2005 BIOS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: 7HURSDA Y, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIOS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE'COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDOER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL 81DDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADorrlONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LlA81L1TY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). Sff~~n~~rn~----------~------------------------- SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING ISO NAME: MALATHION DEPARTMENT, DESTINATION DELIVERY PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS CAlHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS BIO SHEET-IINSECTICIOES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL T'::;, unde~igMa aff?rms that they are duly authorized to execute this cot/tract, that this company. corporation. firm. pa. 'IIersh,p or indlVidu:z' has not prepared th,s bid in colll/$ion with any other or Bidder, and thot the contents of this bid as to pr;,ces, terms or condtf!ons ,of said hid have net been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to ony =-7;'~-b~d::::r~'M PIlINTIfAME: -a"7 M::o. i.. ' DATE Of BDl: /2-/)'-t)) PlEASE UST ANY EXCEPIJONSTQ 1IIE ABUVE Sl'fClllCATlONS: TRfPHDNE NlIMIlflI: ) '" 1- 9 UJ ~o '> '2 5' e 380 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY. TX BID TABULATIONS: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: O.55%.PYRfTHRlNS. 5.50%-PIPERONYL BUTOXlDE. 11%. PERMfTHRlN. 82.85%-INfRT INGREDIENTS ITEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: O.55%-PYRETHRINS, 5.50%-PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE, 1.1%-PERMETHRlN, 92,85%-INERT INGREDIENTS .A!IIIIII' IJW_ - -.0 III'AlIlIIT 1IlIIlA1IIIl ",~mm IBIIMIAII IIIDIlSIAII $0,00 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS OFFERING - KONTROL 2-2- 111/2006 6130/2006 AMERICAN AREA SAME INGREDIENTS AS 44 BUT AT 1/2 STRENGTH; Bid fonn not signed $152,00 ONLY BID GALLON DIAMOND CLEANING PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS PRODUCT IS PACKAGED IN 1/112006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT AREA 2.5 GALLON CONTAINERS; ITEM IS BID AT $152.00 PER GALLON _ AIIIlIII uw_ - aIIII IIPAlIlIIT IOIIIA_ "'_11 __1A1I BlIIIIIIAII $0,00 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA OFFERING - KONTROL 2-2- 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 AMERICAN SAME INGREDIENTS AS 4-4 BUT AT 1/2 STRENGTH; Bid form not signed $152,00 ONLY BID GALLON DIAMOND CLEANING PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA PRODUCT IS PACKAGED IN 1/112006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT 2,5 GALLON CONTAINERS; ITEM IS BlOAT $152,00 PER GALLON _ A!IIIlIl 1IlI_ - aIIII "AI!IIIIJ JUIJIA1IIIl alllLJlI ....1A1I IIIDIlSIAII $0,00 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA OFFERING - KDNTROL 2-2- 11112006 6130/2006 AMERICAN SAME INGREDIENTS AS 4-4 BUT AT 1/2 STRENGTH; Bid form not signed $152.00 ONLY BID GALLON DIAMOND CLEANING PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA PRODUCT IS PACKAGED.lN 1/112006 6/3012006 EQUIPMENT 2,5 GALLON CONTAINERS; ITEM IS BID AT $152,00 PER GALLON c..Y CT I-~; Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page1of2 c....:> 0) N e . ITEM ACI1VE INGREDIENTS: O.55%-PYRETHRJNS, 5.50%-PIPERONYL BUTOXlDE, 1.1%-PERMETHRJN, 92. 85%-INERT INGREDIEN1'S . AMIIIIIJ 1IW. III DEI 18'011III' 1EJ1IlA1III ClIIHII1 __DAlE BlllllCDAlE $0.00 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR OFFERING - KONTROL 2-2- 1/112006 6/3012006 AMERICAN AREA SAME INGREDIENTS AS 4-4 BUT AT 112 STRENGTH; Bid form not signed $152,00 ONLY BID GALLON DIAMOND CLEANING PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR PRODUCT IS PACKAGED IN 1/112006 6/3012006 EQUiPMENT AREA 2,5 GALLON CONTAINERS; ITEM IS BID AT $152,00 PER GALLON . AMIIIIIJ 1IW. .- IIIDII 11I'011III' IEJIllA1III _fa IBIIIM IAIE fIIIIltAIE $0,00 GALLON DRUMMOND PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA OFFERING - KONTROL 2-2- 11112006 6130/2006 AMERICAN SAME INGREDIENTS AS 4-4 BUT AT 1/2 STRENGTH; Bid form not signed $152.00 ONLY BID GALLON DIAMOND CLEANING PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA PRODUCT is PACKAGED IN 1/112006 613012006 EQUIPMENT 2,5 GAllON CONTAINERS: ITEM IS BIDAT$152,OO PER GALLON Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page2of2 e e cmiJNCOUfUY. TWS BID SHEET-IINSECTICIDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL ~ BIDDER INVIT A liON TO BIIJ ~ ,,;,) i>" DIAMOND Cl.EANIH& EQUIPMENT /"-1) ar tpf' PO BOX 1512 D. CAMPO IX 77437 -. m ITEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 0.55%- PfllIIIl fIIlIM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PfllIIIl TO; JUNE 30, 2006 PYRETHRlNS. 5.50%-P1PERONYL BUTOXIDE, U%-PERMETHRIN. 92.85%- INERT INGREDIENTS YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A 810 ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 5 ANN ST, PORTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- AC71VE INGREDIENTS: O,5S%-PYRETHRINS, 5.50%- PIPERDNYL BUTOXIDE, 1.I%-PERMETHRIN, 92.85%- INERT INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIOS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVEO AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDOER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY OOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANOICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN AODITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). _ S-;ec,F;;A-;';;;';:- ;'-CTIVEINGAEDiENi-&"O'7s%:PVR8HRiNS':5,;;;'-P;PERONYLBu,,;;XiDE:1.'1%:p'ERMErn"RiN. ;;;;-O/::;'NERTINGAEDieNi-S . SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING DEPARTMENT, DESTINATION DELIVERY JIJ1!I UNITPR'CE PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHEO SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 152, au PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 152..uO , 16200 PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEAORIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 1&2 00 PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON I ';2 au Sunday,Novernber06,2005 IIIIIll!ll IIIMIlIiD lIDliIIiB ElIlIIPMEI/I e ~8') v J CM.JIOUN-eIJUNJY, TEXAS BID SHEET-IINSfCnCIDES FOB MOSQUITO CONTROL I The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual hos not prepared this bid in collusion with any otlter or Bidder, and thot the conTents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions Dr said bid have Mt been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any ;:~;;;iiF-='::~3D5 TEllPIJllNE NUMBIR: q 7 Cj ~ '5 'f ?, -~ 0 B 7 PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPTIINS TO TIIf ABOVE SPfCIfICAJIINS: I' ',T'" ie" - '0.-+ P iodL~ d 1.5 fl u-,<",/u"') '" ' I '1 ___Ilu() 1)0",--<,: "C'.~ + k CC"'1.i-c~,{\.,"," rb" Sunday, November 06, 2005 BIBBfR DIMIINIJ CIfA/iINC EIlIllPMBiJ 3"-j -. C)~i: e e e eomlTEM e . CAUiDUNCOUNTY, TEXAS Bm SHEET-IINSECTlClDES FOR M_no CONTROL INUIT A TION TO BID I BDIDEB 1)1:>: d No-+- Sv~ n1 ~-J.- d f"G1"'~e.S g~I-'o'\e.. V4" .J) Not 0~3Yled ORUMMDND AMBUCAN TONY MCGARRAH 1186 LIVE OAK DR HZ e11VE PERIODRlOM: JANUARY 1,2006 PERIOD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 SANNST, PORTLAVACA TXn979 BI SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: O,SS'YrPYRETHRlNS, 5.5iWr PIPERONYL BUTOXlDE, 1.1%-PERMETHRlN, 92.8S%- INERT INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDOER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CAlHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUOOE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO 1HE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS iN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSAnON (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). sPi:.CiFiCAno;s7' AciiVEINGReDiE;";-OSs;ZPY'RETHRiNS:-;-SO%:PiPERCiNYLBUTOxiDit:;,1%-PERMETHRiN. 92,85%":iNERT'iNGReDiENi-s SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY !llm: /JNIT PRICE PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFiCATIONS GALLON ?.2, 'iJ PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATiONS GALLON 7'2. If> PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ~7.'1) AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON '2- 7. 4',>, PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON 'i- L.. Ii 5 {)ffCVI~y ""- 1~dv\t(Qr 2-2- S;Me- IN7I1'eJJt',..J-j Ci5 LJ-t;- f31.-t t- Pvt V-z- <; I-~w? fit Monday, November 07, 2005 "'2.. lIIIIII!B D1IlM\lIlND MIEWII , " 385 cAlitouN Coum. TEXAS BID SIIEEI-IINSECDClDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL I The under-sigtred affirms that they are duly autharized ta execute this contract, that this company, c()f'po1'Qtlon, firm, partnership or indMduol has not ptYf'OIYd this bid in collusion with OIly other or Bidder, ond that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms ()f' conditions of said bid hOVt! nat been cOllJlJlunicated by the under-signed nor by ony employee ()f' agent to any other per-son engaged In this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AIII1IlIllIlBI SlCllAtlIlE . TI1lI: I'RINT NAME: DATE Of BDI: THfPHlJIj( NlIMIlER: IUASf lIST ANY EXC8'IIIIIIS TO TII ABlIVf SPElHATIONS: e e Monday, November 07. 2005 IIlIIIJfJl DIlDloMllGlllMElllCAll e e e ?<j,9 /<Tl-{ asterLin B\ ~~IV.\~ BETTER PRODUCiS"BY DESIGN," " KONTROL 30'30 ,CONCENTRATE F6r:Mosaujtde~':;'flies'an'dGnats'-::' i .....:T_.......-..-.:.""'.-,~_""""* I I-"''':'==~;''~..._'::~'''''' ForAppie:llliQiiOi-ly-biPubk~!I1~OndT~~"" 1,Iooq"""~~ftI'Id~~QoClU!OConb<MP~ :r=-~-- -4:I.:'k~'<t,':'-""'~m ~;:=.~-=-~.~~~~::: =,S-~;Z~~~-;:o;.---'---""-"- ;::0;..-...... . r-.....-.._~~~_ -.......-----......."::;;e:......::"""- ":.:-"......:=.=.~ce_-r-...__.. --- -- ~l'-~_..)..,_><u- ::?':::::.'=...~:J::-,~.....___.__,__ :::.€;~~~~~-;.-' ~~~~= [ I(fipOUTOl'REAalof~ _ CAUTIoN I ""'-<<:AJ.IaoM.... -.J --...~~"'::.~..~ ........., KEEP OUT.OfIIV.CHOFCHIUlREH ,j "CAU,.ION. ---.J [ "'P~E{;AUCioll....usAAio,,"_""~"""'''''__''"'''''''''__ ..~--~...~ "NET CONTENTS: D30 GAL. 055 GAL, 0275 GAL D2.5G.o\L o NET CONTENTs. 30GAL DSSGAL 0275GAL 02.5 GAL. \ } ~ II --- 387 clog equipment ""C-_",',',,"'. Broad spectrum. Effectiveauair MosQuKoes, Gnats, Aies and fuiJ~ I. Versatile - Can be applied from uroundodif;" Field Tested, Field Proven, Efficacy of Permethrin at 1:1 and 1:5 pbo Ratios "AI the 1:5 mix ratio, the 2-13% increase in mortality wnuld nnl justify the (80%) increase in cost of application, We would therefore recommend a 1:1 mixed ratio and an application rate 01 O,OOllb a.iJacre minimum." J.C, Oukes and MJ, Greer Rorida A&M University Permethrin 1:1 and 1:5 Ratios "No signfficanl difference in mortality was observed between the 1:1 and 1:5 formulations - therefore, from a purely economic standpoinL this marginal increase in mortality may nol justify the increased cosl of using the 1:5 lormulalion:' R1 Groves: M,V, Meisch & R, Nunez e Journal of the AMCA, 1995 KDNTRDL 4-4 . , . Package Size. . . , , Product Number 2 x 2,5 gl bottle G85121 55 gl drum 685123 275 gl mini-bulk 685125 KDNTRDL 30-30 . Package Size. . , . . Product Number 4 xl gl.case 685126 2 x 2.5 gl bottle 685127 30 gl drum 685129 e " ~..,'- 388 e ("""" Q) c.;;, e e CAlHOUN COUNTY, TX BID TABULATIONS: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4.14%-RESMETHRIN.12.42%-PIPERONYL BUTOXlDE TECHNICAL 83.44%-OTHER INGRffilENTS ITEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4.14%-RESMETHRIN, 12.42%-PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL, 83.44%-OTHERINGREDIENTS BII AMOUNT LOW RII UNIT BIIDER DEPARTMENT DESTlNATIIN DELlVIRY BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE $82.35 ONLY BID GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS FOB DESTINATION; SEE 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS BII AMOUNT LOW BIl UNIT BIlDER DEPARTMENT DESTINATION DELlVIRY BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE $82.35 ONLY BID GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS BII AMOUNT LOW BII UNIT BllDER DEPARTMENT DESTINATIIN DELlVIRY BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE $82.35 ONLY BID GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS BII AMOUNT LOW BII UNIT BllDER DEPARTMENT DESTlNATIIN DElIVERY BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE $82.35 ONLY BID GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE 1/1/2006 6/3012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS BII AMOUNT LOW BII m BIIDER DEPARTMENT DESTINATION DELIVERY BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE $82.35 ONLY BID GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE 1/1/2006 613012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS - Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page 1 of 1 WHPUN CDUNTY. IEXAS 8m sum - JINSECTlCmES FOR MOSQUnO CONTROL I INVII A liON 10 BID .tS 'J [of' /~1 IIIIIIIEII B&G ClllMlCAlS & EQUIPMENT co INC MIlE NlIIILS 1225 N POSI OAK RD HOOSTlW IX 77055 e .IJEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4.14~-RESMEJHRIN. PERm fROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERm TO: JUNE 30, 2006 12.42HIPERDNYL BUTOXItE TECHNICAL 83.44~ INGRmmS YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORTLAVACA .TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4. 14%-RESMETHRIN, 12.42%- PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL, 83.44%-OTHER INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WIU BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 22. 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAl ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION IIN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE 1$100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFlCAT10NS' ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 4,14%-RESMETHRIN, 12.42%-PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL, 83,44%-OTHER INGREDIENTS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING DEJlAII7VENn DES'I'INAT'lON e DELIVERY 11I1 11I1 JIIIE PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS AREA SEADRIFT AREA SIX MILE AREA GALLON GALLON GALLON ..$ g~.35 ; $~'. ~;s .-k <1,), 3 r ..f <1'0 , JS PRECINCT 4-S PRECINCT 2 FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON ThuBday,November03,2005 IIIIfII I&C tmau & EQlIgNJ mil: e ,;' I)Q(l UvV C'AI.HlHJN CfJUNTV. IEXAS BID SHEET- tlNSECTICIOES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL I The UIIdersigned affirms that they ore duly authorized to execute this CDlltraCt. thot this CDlllfJD/IY- corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusl(JIJ with any other Dr Bidder, DIKI that the cDlltents of this bid os to prices, terms Dr c"""itioM of said bid haVf1 not been cDlllmunicotcd by the undersigned nor by any employee Dr agent to any other pers(JIJ engaged in this type of itt;Jj,!o/!:pDr to the offiJial opening of this bi~. / . AllJllJ/llZflSliNATUllfJIIIf: ~7~ - Sa(t'l ClI1c17&AI"l,CII lu/'tc;(" P8IfJIWI: A ',1-1 /\/,'{ tJ/J . DATElJ.~ -/,j-()$"' TEllPIIIIf . (J'IXlJ ?c/-f'J '(6 or6t.!.i~.lJ - rY/j P\W[UST AllY EXClPlIIG T8 -= ABUVI II'RRA~ e e Thursday, November 03, 2005 IDIfI II&C CIIIMIUU &fDlIIMBIl CD Ie e 391 " ~ " .,:' ,-', ". '.~. ", . " ' , ' ~ READY TO !/Sf mmHrrc riRErH,1KJ1D. FfXl ffFECTT'lf ADuLT IiiJsqufTO"Na.UDlNGOIIilANOPHa'iPITf ' RfSISTAIff 9'fr;i~ MIDGE {BITINGAND NlJlUJInNG),..\NC) WAC/( flY CON1TIa . /O.Bf APl>LIW BY IIOSOOITO AsAlEAIfNI'TilsrRu:rs. PlJBIJCHmTH OFfICIAlS AND OTHER TTIIoINED PfI. $IJNNl1'/N 1IOSOO1t0 t:cImIOI.._ ; " :, ,. CONrAlNs O,31l>'ga1 (36 giIJ.lJ' SlII'-l3t2 ~ D~ /bIga'I'" giIJ lJ' P/pfRQNYL BUTDXIDf " FDR AE/IIAL ANO'GROOND APPfJCI<TIOli e ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 'Resmethrin ...........,....;.,..,.,.........."..........,.... 4.1411; ''"Piperonyt IlutDXide Tectf1icah " ,.; , , . . :. : ' . . . . ,,'; . . , . . . . .. . . . . ... 12.42'1(, INERTINGREDIENTSt:....:,.., "":..;,......,.:..,,.......,...,..~ . ., '.' 100,OO'lb, "cMrans ~raUo: max. m (:t) cls and min. 701 (:1:) trans. "Eq.""... lD g,"" ibnylcarbltyl) (6.p<apylplP"'JnYll eIhet aM 2,""""" compoonds, tContalns PetrOleum ObtUlates. . PRECAUClON Al.CONSUMIDOR: Ii usted no lee Ingles, no use este producto hasta quela etiquetale hays '"'" aplicada ampIiamen,", " . . (lDTHE USER: Ifyoo cannot read rngJish;do not use th~ product until the label has been fully e>p1ained ~~ ' EPAREG, NO. 432-716 EPA EST. NO. KEEP OUT 'OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION FIRST AID .' . IF SWAlLOWED: Call a doctor or get medical attention. Do ""t Induce ~nlng.llo not give,anjthi"illl)' mouth to III u"""",,1oos pemn. AYOId Alcohol, lll~ product ","talllS aromatic petroleUm solvent. Aspiration may be a h8lllrd. . .iF O~SKfN: Wash withsoap and pfeotyof water. Get medical attention. See Side Panel For Additional Precautionary Starements For product information Call Toll-Free: 1-800-331-2867 e Incase of MetJkaJ enlergencies or health and safety inquiries or in case offire, leaking or damaged c:ontalnef'$,lnforrhation may be-obtalned bycalllng '.aop~334---1S77. NET CONTENTS: e , w '-V"..I V~N ;'~- e DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a viOlation of Federal law to use this prOduct in a manner inconsistent with its fabeling, " STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage Of disposal. Storage: Store product in original container in a locked storage area, Pestlci/Je DispOSal: Wastes resulting from the use ofthJs product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Cootaln..- Disposal: Triple rinse (or equivalenQ.'Thenoffer'for recYcling or Il!COIIditloning. or puncture and d~.9f fn a sanitary,landfill, or by other ptocedures. approved by State and Lcical authorities. .' READ ENTIRE LABa FOR DIRECTIONS For use only by tertlfied applicators or under the supeNision of such appIialf1lfs, fur II1e reduction ill annoyance rrom Book mosquko Infesta- tions and as a pan of a mosquito abatement program, IN THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA: Fotuse onIyby local distritts or other pub- Ik agencies which have entered into and_Qperate.Ul\lier. a cOOperative ag-eement with II1e llepartment 01 Publ~. Health pursuant'to SettioO 2426 of II1e Health and Salely Code. ' e This product is to be used for control of adult mosquitoes Oncluding "'Y"nop/lolphat. resistant spedesI, midges (biting and non-bIling) aoo bl,",ldhes by specially deslgned ain:raft capable of applying UlTRA LOW VOLUME of finished spray fonnulation or by ground applicatioo with non- ~aI Of mechanical spray equipment that can deriver spray particles wtttun the aerosol size range and at specified dosage levels. : ' NOTICE: This COOCentrate C3mot be diluted {nwater, Mix' well before using, ~VOid storing excess formulation in spray equipment tank beyOnd the period needed for application. . !" ('., -"r,,;' , , i;"~. :,<:_~~ ";.3>.: ''*;: 'c" . ^',~:<\'< . For best results, fog only when air currents are 2-8 mph (3,2,12,9 kph), It is p-elerable to fog eluting early morning and....-.lng lOIIl!fJ there.is less bree>e and _on CUlTents are minimal. Arrange to apply tile fog ill the direction with breeze to obtain maximum swath length and better dis- tribution Direct sptay head of equipment in a manner to insure even ms- tributlon of II1e fog throug1oul the ...... to be ~, Avoid prolonged inhalation offeg. . Where practical, guide the direction of the equipment so that the dis. <:harge nozzle is _Ilymaintained ata,dl5tance of.... than 6 feet (1.83 m) rrom omamenraJ p!antsand >15 fee! (1,5-.4,5 m) ",_e from painted "'lI"""- Temperature flhCtUatlons will requireperiodical'B<!jusl. ment of equipment to deliver the desired flow rate at the spec;ified,speed of travel The IIow nlte must be maintained to insure the distribution of the proper dolage 01 finished formulation. Spray patlis. t:ampsites. woodlands, athletic frelds. golf COU1SeS. swamps. . tidatll)1H'ShQ5, residenPaJ:~~!TtJ.u~!cipalitles around the outside of apartment buikf~.~urants, stores and warehouses. 00 not spray 00 aopland, feed '" foorjltuffs, Avoid direct spplialtion 0Vl!l' lakes. ponds and streams. . DIRECTiONS FOR 5TABU FlY,:H0R5f flY, Of ER ItY CONTROl: . Treat slvubbely and vegetation......1I1e _ flies may rest. Shrubbely aoo_lion _ stagnant pools, rnaOOy ar.....ponds and Shore lines may be ".-. AlJpllcation 01 this product to any body of wat..- is prohibited. . ' For control of adult lUes in residentiaf and recreational areas, apply this product undiluted at Uate of 178 nozlhr;,(5.26:LIhr) by use of a suitable ULV _ator triIYelling at ~mph (8 kph) or ~ta. rate of 356 fl ozlhr (10,~3 lJht) .While tn"../ling at 10 mph (16. kph), IYheo spraying. apply alroSS wind direction ~mateIy 300 ft (91.4 m) apart. Apply lOtlen winds I'lll19" from 1.10 mph (1,6.16,0 kph). Repeat for effe<. tivecontrol. . ULTRA LOW VOLUME APPLICATIONS Fa use In nonthermal UlV portable backpacl( equipment similar to the Hudson 8.P,. mix 70 ft oz (2068 mlj of this product with 1 gal (3,79 l) of DlRECT/ONS FOR AERIAL APf'UCATlDNS refined soybean oil, light mineral oil of 54 second viscosity or other suit. FOR USE: WITH I=IXED.WlNG AND ROTARY AIRCRAFT able solvent or dilUent. Adjust equipment to deliver fog particles of 18-50 ,~icrons ~,~,~~~~,_~at ~ ,~te d 4.~-8.50 n o;zof fi~ This product is used in spec~lIy designed aircraft capabLe of applying Ultra =~~.!~1":2~3!J~1..\,,~~~.'.~.fl:ll52~{ul.....tl(ivh/le:-,. =~~pl.llI1<f",., ~~""J!J.?""UIsta~ II!', ",-""ql.ofaduJt'!'~, ' . ,..",~,., ,'....'.,.,,,,,,'v.,,... .~equivalentto~,op35-t1:OO70',; ".;'""=""''IJ9." ,...........,......"., res, I~tspeclt!s), .,!,Idges tll\lln!j and .' , "lb8f.58P-I38VA(3,92-T.85~lphtsO,Ol05;'Oml0'W!,jn;"""nl' non:bltit)g)~b1adc/1les:- '.' ,:, "e ,"..' ", ,"'." " 'bUU}ki;~tech.l~'~1..1'!7~'2i~:gA11~j;,~~-:d~'~tiliion:'lr~:_)>':-;--~d~'~:;'-':;X~~;: /'/1:,:-',:,): {;"':- _:, :,'::\~~:;!:,~~. ;:"',;:~g4?"-<'''(\;::-::~~~:',~,\',j :};'::-: ,:;:~.'t~ II1ehlghefrateisrecommended..' ".'.. '. "'" lalap'Pllr......'>I1ou'.'1d be' ,mad OI:;'-'oi..... "....._ '__" "" -- " ",. ,-".. ",,,,-,~.."f1""__,,,_,',,", ep!'".., f,J,n,~... ,Y'1_~lIog0f"" . evening.App!ia\~'slIl\fildbemaile'~ '\~ttieiels:'ittii;1lroio ". Fortruckmouritedomthelma\1JLV"'1UiP~I~~i~"otECOHDor wi~:' ", '+,'.", 'OO'\,:,.,:' ",,, "..oo'oo e ','c .,-'.. v.c .':i;;t::.u '''.,'~ ,t"' i" .".- "'-,':-:.. ,,' ',-".; ',;': ',.h:~~;:; '~~i, ~,:(<,~,:-::,:,.-" " 393 It ~ rot recommended to make application when wind speeds exceed 10 ml11 (16 kph). Repeat applications should be made as necessary, Apply ~ably when temperatUres exceed SO"F (lO'C), May be used as 8 mosquito adulticide in reaeational and residential areas. and In municipalities. around the outside of apartment buildings. golf cou""," all1ietlc 11_ parts. campsites, woodlands. swamps. tidal marshes, and overgrown waste areas. Do not spray on aoptand. feed or fooclstuff5. Avoid direct application over lakes, ponds and streams. Ibal/A Wanted SBP.1382/PSO 0.00710.021 0.0035/0.0105 0,00175/0.00525 0.00117/0,00351 FlozjAo( Undiluted Spray to be Applied 3.0 (90 mO 1,5 (45 mO 0,75 (22.5 ml) O,SO (15 mil IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USE Read the entire Directions for Use. COnditions.. Disclaimer of Warranties and Umitatlons of Uabllfiy before using this product. If terms are: not aa:eptabI<. ""'"' the unopened product container al once, By using th~ product. user or buyer _pIS the following conditions, dis- claimer of warranties and limillItions of liability, - The <II_Ions for use of th~ product are believed to be adequate and shOuld be followed carefully._, because of mannet of use and other facton beyond Bayer EnvIronmentalldence~ <_oI,lt ~ impossible for Bayer EnvIronmentalldence to eliminate all risks ass0- ciated with the use of this product As a result. crop injury or 1- b always po53Ible. AJI5UtI\ lists shall be ll$UltlOd by the user or buyer. IlI5a '-"'l0f_ BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR lUI'UEIl, OF MElltHANTIIB1UlY OR Of FITNESS FOR A PARTICUlAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS LABEL No agent of Bayer EnvIr0rvnent81 StleMe ~ authoriz<d tomat<eanywananti<!sbeyond those contained herein or to modify the warranties contained herein. Bayer EnvIronmental Sdence disclaims any liability whatsoewr for special. inci. dental or consequential d8ll\llgei resutting ~om the use or handling 01 thbproclutt UIoITATlONS Of lIABIlIlY: THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER DR BUYER FOR ANY AND All105SES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES RESUlTING fROM THE USE OR HANDUNG OF THIS PROOUCT. WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WAA- RANlY, TORT. NEGUGENCE. STRICT UABIUlY OR OTHfRWISE. SHAll. NOT EXCEED THE PUPJW.SE PRICE PAID, OR AT BAYER eNVIRONMENTAL SCI. ENCE~ ElECTION. THE REPlACEMENT OF PRODUCT, OBayer AG, 2002 Scourge Is a registered trademar1l: or Bayer AG. SBP.l382 Is a reglstefed trademart of Valent BIoScIences Corporation. Bayer Environmental Science A Buslnez Group of Bayer CI'opStIente LP 95 Chestnut Ridge Road _Ie, NJ 07645 S4-12.sL-91D2 e e e , " VI) 04' . .. OJ Bayer Environmental Science SCOURGE~ INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-13821PB 4%+12'Y.l;g~MULA" . MSDS N~mb!lr.'OQ09ll!IQQ(l191, <"'0" '. ,,' ._.".....,..".. MSD~\1ll1$'i6r\3,4 e ':'~.i.'-;' s.:.~;..J:S ::i:~r-r }~:~<,< i'!-: - ",," :~<_.,:. ,:;::;j~,(\\/,,'f-' :, ."- .:')J, SECTlb,., 1.CH!M/CAlI>R()~UCT AND CQI/I~lNJQ'lA.~t)tli;~ .l.,<?:J.,JIU" .1= Product Name SCOURGJ INSI;CT1G1PI; WITH SBP-1~2/PB4%+12% FORMULA II Chemical Name Mixture; a.i.'s, resmetfum. plperonyl buloxide Synonym MSDS Number Chemical Family Chemical Formulation EPA Registration No. Canadian Reglstral. No. 191 432-716 Bayer I;nvlronmental Science 95 Chestnut Ridge Road . Montvale. NJ 07645 USA For Product Use Inlormation: (800)331-2867 Monday through Frtday(CRLF) 8:ooAM- 4:30PM(CRLF) For Medical Emergency contact DART: (800) 334-7577 24 HounliDay(CRLF) For Transportation Emergency CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300,24 HounliDay Product Use Description A ready to ~se synthetic pyrethroid for effective adult mosq~lto. mldg~ and bl~dc fiy control. ThlSProd~cthaS a 'l:!lSlricled lJIl8cla/lSlflcaUon and <:aQ I"l \Ised only by Certified Applicators or persons und.,. thesUpervfslon of such applicators. S~Cl1hN2. eOMPOJlITl()HIINF()R~TI-ft INGREt)I~NTS .;[ ",ConinorientNiimi,' ",1 ,,< CAS No. e Resmethrin Piperonyt butoxlde Other ingredients. including: NAPHTHA!.I;NE ltl4~ 51.{)3-l! J :. Z.o.,j', :.: i/ .., ',,-_ : '" ."'~, ,~ ~I;(Y;<~ . '., ~'cD~centniAon -& ~lgJt Minimum Maximum 4.1400 12,4200 83.4400 .91-20-3 0.6200 Page 1 of 10 Bayer Environmental Science A Business Group of Bayer CropSclence e " 301-. vi) ;I'*>'~ i'f.- - '.;' ~6 ( ft., , O~.7'V,(\ Q' '\ T'~ ".".~ _~ ....~~. 4 ':;a , a SCOURGE4P INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-13821PB 4%+12% FORMULA " .,;\~-) ff{'~' ,.}.n . _~ ~ .{{ .,; ., >-"; '" ,;.Ll MSDS Number. 000000000191 MSDS Version 3.4 SEcnON ~ ~S 1DENT1F1CAnON NOn:: Please 1&f9rto Section 11 for detailed tox/fl/JlOglcil/Jnf<JitnlJtk>n. ....'. ..' ....... .'. .. . .' . Eril&riJ&iiCV OverVIew 'Caution:'KE!epOJl\,o! uj;jfe'ai:hOfchffdran;Hazard to humans and domestic animals. This pesticide is highly' toXic to fish, e Physical State Odor liquid mild solvent Appearance golden, amber Immediate Effects Eye Skin Avoid contact with eyes. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with skin or Clothing. Wash lhoroughly wilh soap and water after handling. Ingestion Harmful if swallowed. 'Nohe k,n,.,,,, Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure Signs Ilnd"Symptoms' symptoms might include translenlheadache, dizziness, stuffy or runny nose and 'scratchy throat. SECTION 4. FIRST A1D,Mi:ASUJW> ,':,." Ey& "l'lush eyes with'plenty of water. Get medicarattel'ltiohlfirrilalion pen;ists. Wash with soap and plenty of water, Get medical attention. Call a doctor or get medical attention. Do not Induce vomiting. Do not give anything by moulh'to "an unconscious person. Avoid alcohol. This product contams aromatic petroleum solvent. Aspiration may be a hazard. e Skin Ingestion Note to Physician This product contains a synthetic pyrelhroid. This product contains a petroleum solvent. If Ingested and vomiting has not occurred, emesis should be induced with supervision. Keep patienfs head below hips to prevent aspiration, If symptoms such as loss of gag reflex. convulsions or unconsciousness occur befote emesis, gastrlc lavage using a cllffed endotracheal tube should be consid81ed. Do not administer milk, cream or other substances containing vegetable or animal fats, which enhance the absorption of lipophilic substances. If locelized paresthesia develops, the site should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Cold cream or a moisturizing cream has been successful In diminishing Page 2 of 10 e , 3~V~ 1..:.- _,V Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE4' INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-1382/PB 4%+12% FORMULA II MSDS Number. 0000ooo00191 MSOSV.....",3.4: . the sensations associated With localized paresthesia: , e ~ \..-. Flash Point SECTION 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media FIr9Flghllng Instructions Dust 'explosion Class > 93'C I > 199'F Method: Tagliaboe Closed Cup carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, foam . ,. 'N; in altyfire. w....r sell "COntained bteathlngappaiatuspr&sWr&:demal\d,( MSHAlNIOSH apPl'()Ved (oi'''4~iVilIent)and fuU protBclive gear:Keep upwind. . Isolate harilid erea, AVoid Inoalali~n of smQk~and filllieS;: Use water W fOatJ'r;,to ' reduce fum8$. Do not'louch spilled material, If possible, move contaln..rsfroni' area. Extinguish only II flow can be stopped. Use flooding amounts of water as a fog. Cool containers with flooding amounts of water from as far a distance as possible. Avoid breathing vapors, FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATIQN/RATING: NFPAlOSHA Class: 11I8 NFPA Rating (Fire): 1 Not applicable' General and Disposal SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RElEASE MEASURES e Land Spill or Leaks e Use proper protBcliv& equipment 10 inlnlmlze personat ..xposure(see SBcIion 8). TakE> all necessary aCtion to prevent and to remedy the effects of the spill. Ensure that the disposal is In coinpllan"" with Federal or local disposal regulations. SeE> SOOtion 13 foral1yapplicable Reportable Quantity (RQ) and other fed..ral regulatory Information:' Small Spill: Absorb with an'lriart Bbsorbent material such as granular clay, saw dust or pet litter. Sweep up carefully WIlUe avoiding lhe fonnation of a dust cloud. Pia"" in an approved chemical waste container for disposal. Rinse spill aroo with sm.ul amount of soapy water. Contain and absori:> the rinsat.. with in..rt : abSorbents andplaCll intO lhe sam.. diSposatcontitfner.. Ate!l ca'ribe wash6d wlthwato/to rem"v" the I"st lra"" residue, DonCltalloWwater td'c6ntllll\inate water:stJpplles or.ewerS.' . ". - Large Spill: Eliminat.. all Ignition souroos. Stop leak II you can do so without coming Into contact with spilled material. Dik.. far. ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. All eqUipment used to clean up spill should be grounded. Prev..nt ..ntry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. Infonn appropriat.. authorities immediately if contamination occurs. Contact Bayer for further asslstan"" if nOCllSsary. ,. . Pag..3of 10 I..:, 39', Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE~INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-1382/PB4%+12% FORMULA II MSDS Number. ?0ooooo00191 MSDS Ven;ioo 3.4 SECTION 7. HANDUNG AND STORAGE Handling Procedures, Storing Procedures Avoid contact with s1dn, eyes and clothing. ' Do not contaminate watar, food, or feed by storage or disposal, Store in ';riginal container. Keep in a locked storage area. e Worf<lHyglenlc Procedures Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. SECTlON8,.EXPOSURE-CONTROLSll'ERSONAL,~TEC110N . ,', .' Engineering Controls ControlalJ'bomeconoentrations below the exposure guidelines. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary. EyeJFace Protection safety glasses splash goggles or faOO'Shield Body Protection ChemlcaHeslslanlgloves (Neoprene, NItrlIe, PVC) other protective clothing to avoid skin contact Resplratol}' Protection Ensure adequate ventilation. If not adequate, use a chemical cartridge-type respirator approved by the National Institute of Occupational Haalthand .llafety. ~enerid:P~ol\ . Eyewa~ facIlity ilnd'satetYShower s~9"It!ib~<Jv~ilaple. E!<posure L!riilJ" . ' NAPHTHALENE "", 91-20-3 . , '~:;.,i;"c . ACGfH ACGIH. . .,NIOSH ,NIOSH OSHAZ1 OSHA Z1A OSHA Z1A US CA OEL US CA OEL TWA. STEL REL STEL PEL TWA . SrEL TWA PEL STEl 10ppm 15ppm 10ppm 10ppm 15ppm 10ppm 15ppm 10ppm 15 ppm 50 mglm3 75 mg/m3 50 mgim3 50 mglm3 75mg/m3 50 mglm3 75 mg/m3 e SECTION Q"PHYSICAL,ANDCHEMtCAl PROPERTIES ",c._" Appearance golden, amber Physical State.,.. liquid" Odor mild solvent Page 4 of 10 - 0QQ UvU e e e Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGEII!lINSECTICIDE WITH SBP.13821PB4%+12% FORMULA II MSDS Number. ??0oooooo191 MSDS Version 3.4. pH Not applicable Vapor Pressure Not available VapOrl>9ljsity(~r,,; 1) Spe.,lfic;!3ravljy Not available , 0,87 at 22 'C ~~-.Jl.!I!kJ).",slty 7.23lb/gal at 22 'C Bolling Point Not avallable MeltingIFreezing Point Not available Solubility (in water) insoluble Solubility (In Solvent/Oil) Not available Minimum Ignltlon Energy Not available (mj) <"i" Minimum ExplOsion Cone. (MEC) Viscosljy Not available; 34.3 cp 21'C Other Infonnatlon EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE = 1): Not available :lIMITEO OXYGENCONCENTRATlON (LOC): Nota\tailable ;''-'''" - SECTlON'10. STABIUTY AND'~CTfVIT'Y: "H,;;;: ,,':J' Chemical stability Slable Condltlons to Avoid extreme heat sources Qf-ignition Incompatibility strong reducing agents strong'OXidizingagents Hazardous Products of Decomposition ,Decomposition Type: thermal calt1onmonaxlde carbon dioxlde (CO2) Page 5 of 10 1..;..":- 399 Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE~ INSECTICIDE WITH SBP.1382/PBC4"1o+12% FORMULA II MSOS Number. 00000ooo0191 MSOS V:!lIS!on3,4 Hazardous Polymerization (Conditions to avoid) Will not occur SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION e Acute Oral Toxicity Rat 2,700 mg/l<g Slightly toxlc. Rabbit: > 2,000 mg/l<g Slightly toxic. Acute Inhalation Toxicity Rat > 2.64 mgJI4 h Ptactically non-toxic. Acute Dermal Toxicity Skin Irritation Rabbit: Slightly irritating Rabbit Non-lrritaling. Eyelnitatlon Sensitization Guinea pig: Non-sensitizlng THE ABOVE ACUTE TOXICITY DATA WERE DEVELOPED WiTH: Scourge'lnseclicide with SBP. 13821Piperonyl Buloxlde 18% + 54% MF Fonnula "(EPA Reg. No. 432-667), which contains 18% Resmethrtn and 54% Piperonyl BuIoxlde. NOTE: The severity classifications listed above are those of Bayer, and particularly for eye irritation, may not always coincide with EPA-mandated Precautionary Statements. . , THE TOXICITY DATAfMMEOlATELY. BELOW WERE DEVELOPEOWITH:resmethrtn and piperonyl butoxide, the active ingredients ,-- -'" ;:>c",-;'~-:d}f;(,<; '<"'f-'i;;'~I~:' -' , /":0,' :;-:,.,-. e Sub-Chronlc Toxl,,1ty ...,. TheNOEL established for resmathrtn ill a9lklayloHaIatiOliiitlldy with rats ""a. . . ~: " .;", ..'. ,'i:", ...,''':. ">:. :F'",:'JM91fflg::QI.(l,)f;m9ll\T.Illi;oN.QELforresmli1l5i1l'\.waii~O,rhjjJkglday.;In'lMdiet); when fed to dogs for 180 days, Rats tolerated diets containing 5000 !,pm of . plperonyl buloxide without adverse effects for 17 weeks. Chronic Toxicity Resmethrtn was not considered to be oncogenic based on chronic feeding studies conducted In rats and mice. A stalislically significant increase In the number of'benign liver tumors appeared in mice fed piperanyl buloxlde technical at doses which far exceed any anticipated daily human'intake, Independent and, Industry toxicological experts who have reviewed the data agree lhaUbe.findings:.of the study do, notindicalea " health rtsk to human beings. Assessment Carcinogenicity ACGIH NAPHTHALENE 91-2Q.-3 Group A4 Page 6 of 10 e L~JHI J...i'U Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE<IP INSECTICIDE WITH SBP.13821PS;4%+12% . FORMULA II ',,' MSDS Number. ??0oooooo191 MSDS V....lon 'l,4 ' e NTP NAPHTHALENE !ARC Piperonyl butoxlde OSHA None 91-20-3 51'()J.<; 3 Reproductive & Developmental Toxicity No effects on reproductive parameters were Observed when dietscontalnilllrup to 500 ppm resmethrin were fed to rats over twosucCesslve'generatlons. " Resmethrin Is not considered to be leratogenlcbllsed on studies conducted In rabbits and rats. Reproductive performance and offspring development In rats Were unaffected when piperonyl butoxlde was fed at dietary conoentrations of up to 1000 ppm OVer two successive generations. Piperonyl Butoxlde was not considered to be fetotoxic or teratogenic based on a study In rabbits. Neurotoxicity Resmethrin Is not considered to be a neurofoxlnbased on rat feeding studies conducted for up to 32 weeks. Mutagenicity <t' Resmelhrin is nof considered to bemulagenic based on in vitro studies . conducted with bacteria and .yeast "". ;i ....-., SECTION 12.ECOLOGICAl.JNFORMATION," '--,,;;,,"-' Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish Scourge Rainbow trout LC50: 2.40 ppb' ExpOl;~re Time: ,.96 h ~.:i;':>:': .~-/-.:> 'N~"<>: :,ii;~~~i}: :.,:,_'.,i;:;,;', ". SCOUrge . Bluegiil'slJrllish',': t.C50: 13.00 ppb Exposure Time: 96 h ',',' e Scourge Sheepshead minnow lC50: 8.80 ppb Exposure Time: 96 h Acute Toxicity to Aquatic Scourge Invertebrates Daphnia LC50: 0.10 ppm Exposure Limit 48 h Scourge Penaeus Shrimp LC50: 1.25 ppb Page70f10 e 401 Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGEf) INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-1382/PB 4%+12% FORMULA II MSDS Number. ??oo00000191 "MSDS 'yersion3.4 Exposure Limit 96 h Scourge American Oyster LC50: 1.79 ppm Exposure Limit 96 h e Toxicity Other.Non Mammal Tert; ,Species Acute Oral . Resmethrin California Quail . LD50: > 2,000 mgJl<g . Resmethrin, ,. . Japanese Quail LC50:>5.ooo ppm Resmethrin Mallard duck LC50: > 5,000 ppm Environmental This pesticide'ls highly toxiclQflsh. For tenestrial uses, do not apply directly to Precautions waler, or 10 amas whe/1l'surfacewaleris present, or to Intertidal areas below mean high water mark. Drift and runoff from treated sttes may be hazardous to · "fl~!)'Jii"iIdJ~'yillt<iI$"t;?i'js~ft;'ypu~$,\la~~f:isti;!i'i9:,Wildl~,~!#:JWb6fQ""> treating such watars. Do not contaminate water'.bY'c;ll>aningof.e<jt1lplnent Of ; ,i~~I,Qf1!i1lqlpi'f1l,lnt y,ulji\liatilrs; r "",' r":,. ',l'X.';'):', '" Ecological Information Dietary administration of resmethrin at 300 ppm for 23 weeks produced no adverse effects on reproduction In Bobwhlle Quail and in Mallard Duck. SECTION 13. DISPOSAl CONSIDERATIONS ,': ...., e General Disposal Guidance Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Pesticide Disposai: Wastes resulting from use. of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Container Disposal Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then Offer for recycling'or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities. RCRA Classlflcatlon Not Regulated under this Statute Page 801 10 e LW) :.t'Ut.., Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE411 INSECTICIDE WITH SBP-'1382JPB4%+12% ", FORMULA II MSOS Number. 00?0ooooo191 . MSOS Versloo"3,4 SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION e Proper Shippin9 Name, Non-Bu'k: Not DOT Regulated SEcnON15; REGULATORY INFORMATION US Federal EPA Registration No. 432-716 TSCA list Piperonyl butoxide 51-O3-ll NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 TSCA 12b export notification "'NoM'" '. .,..." SARA TWe III . section 302 - noUflcatlon and Information Norie ~...., 'k~"/)" - ,'c r SARA Tltie 1/1- section 313 - toxic chemIcal release reportlng Resmethrin 10453-86-8 1.0% Piperonyl butoxlde 51-03-6 1.0% NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 1,0% US Stalas Regulatory CA Prop65 This product does not contain any substances known to the State of California to cause cancer. e US Stalaright-to-know Ingredients Resmelhrin Piperonyl buloxlde NAPHTHALENE , . . 10453-86-8 51-03-6 91-20-3 NJ NJ CA, CT, IL, MN, NJ, PA, RI Canadian Regulalions Canadian Reglstrat. No. Canadian Domeslic Substance Ust Resmelhrin Piperonyl bUloxlde NAPHTHALENE 10453-86-8 51-03-6 91-20-3 Environmental CERCLA NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 Clean Water Seclion 307 Pllorlly Pollutants NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 Safe Drinking Waler Act Maximum Contaminant Leveis NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 100100 Page 9 of 10 e " 403 Material Safety Data Sheet SCOURGE@INSECTICIDEWITH SBP-1382/PB4%+12% FORMULA II MSDS Number. 0000ooo00191 . MSDS Version 3,4 International Regulations EU ClaSilllCi!tlO" < NAPHTHAlENE HannfulDangerous for the environment Harmful ~ swallowed. Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cau~;ldrig-telTI\ adve~e effl!C.ts hI the.aquatic envlrjjriment.. Keep out o! the reeCho! children, Wear suitable protective clothing and9loVes: .This.ma\enal'and Its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special Instructions/safety data sheets, European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances (EINECS) Resmeth~n 10453-86-8 PipetOllyl butoxide 51.{}3-6 NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 91-20-3 R Phrases ,.; S Phrases .',' SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION HMIS NFPA Health 1 1 Others o ..Flammabflity 1 1 " Reactivity 1 1 REVISED SECTIONS: MSDS REVISION INDICATOR: Company name Change. Print Date: 12/09/2002 SUpersedes MSDS, which is older than: 12/09/2002 This Information is provided in good faith but without express or implied warranty. Buyer assumes .811 responsibility for safety and use noUn accordance; with labellnstruclions. The product names are registered trademarks o! Bayer AG. Bayer Environmental Science Page 100f 10 ,~ 'l'f~4 LIii e e e e e e CALHOUN COUNTY. TX BID TABULATIONS: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 30%-PERMfTHWN CAS[52645-53-1~30%-PfPfRONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAS[51-03-6J;40r.-DTHER INGREDIENTS ITEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 3o%-PERMETHRIN CAS[S2645-S3-1]130%- PEPERONYL BUTOXlDE TECHNICAL CAS[S1-o3-6]140%-OTHER INGREDIENTS . AIIIlIlI 1.1II. - -.0 IIPAl1IIIIl IfI1IIAIJIlI aIIlUIDI ..-UIl BlDllrUIl $103,00 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 1/112006 613012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $114,74 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2.5 1/112006 613012006 AREA GALLON JUGS $133,33 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED 1/112006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT & AREA COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER S SUPPLY CO GALLONS PER ORDERlDESTINA TION $158,00 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS 111/2006 6130/2006 AREA .. AIIIlIlI 1.1II. - ... IIPAl1IIIIl 1fI1IIA1III CIIII-.II ..-UIl IIlIIIIClAIl $103,00 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/112006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $114,74 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2,5 11112006 613012006 GALLON JUGS $133.33 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED 1/112006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER 5 SUPPLY CO GALLONS PER ORDERlDESTINA TION $158,00 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA 1/112006 6/30/2006 .. AIIIlIlI II.. - ... III'AI1IIIIl IfI1IIAIJIlI ClIIIItIllII ..-UIl BIDIIr DAlE $103.00 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $114.74 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2,5 1/112006 6/30/2006 GALLON JUGS $133.33 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED 1/112006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER 5 SUPPLY CO GALlONS PER ~ ORDERIOESTINA TION c::;, $158.00 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA 111/2006 613012006 c.r. VVednesday, December 21, 2005 Psgelol2 ~'d.. (':::~ c: e ITEM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 30%-PERMETHRIN CAS[S264S-S3-1]:30%- PEPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAS[S1-03-6]:40%-OmER INGREDIENTS .. AIIIlIlI IJW. .... IIDEI IB'AlIIIIII IlII11AJIDI aIIIIIIIII IBIIIIIlUlE BlIIIlI DAlE $103,00 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 1/1/2006 613012006 EQUIPMENT CO INC AREA $114,74 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2,S 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 AREA GALLON JUGS $133.33 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED 1/1/2006 6130/2006 EQUIPMENT & AREA COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER 5 SUPPLY CO GALLONS PER ORDER/DESTINATION $158.00 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR 1/1/2006 6/3012006 AREA .AIIIIIII\' .... .... IIIIfI IB'AlIIIIII IlII11ATII ClMDII __Un: BlIIIlIIAIE $103,00 X GALLON B&G CHEMICALS & PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 1/1/2006 6/30/2006 EQUIPMENT CO INC $114,74 GALLON UNIVAR USA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA PRODUCT COMES IN 2-2,S 1/1/2006 6130/2006 GALLON JUGS $133.33 GALLON PUBLIC HEALTH PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA DID NOT SUBMIT REQUIRED 1/112006 6/3012006 EQUIPMENT & COPIES; MINIMUM ORDER S SUPPLY CO GALLONS PER OROER/DESTINATION $158,00 GALLON ADAPCO PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA 1/1/2006 6130/2006 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 2 of 2 e e IIDEI ~ _N COUNTY. TEXAS 8m SHEET-IINSECTICIDES FOR MOSQURO CONTROl INVIT ADON TO 81 tM B&G CIIEMIAlS & EQUIPMENT co 1ft: MIlE Nl:1IJI.S fl25 N POSI OAK RD _ION IX 77855 I tot6 -. ITEM AClIVE INGBEDIENTS: 3O',(-PEUEJIIRIN PlBII fBllM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PBIIITlI: JUNE 30, 2006 CASl52645-53-1J;3O',(-PEPERMYL BUlO_ TEC_AL CASl51-03-8WJX- OTIIR INGREDlfNJS YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 17ll7lI BIOS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 3O%rl>ERMETHRIN CAS[52645-63-1]:3/YK.-PEPERONYL B/JTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAS{51-<13:iJi'4O%oOTHER INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBUCL Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,2005 BIDS Will BE CONSIDEREO FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDEA. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT AWl OR All BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WIll. BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CAlHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COlOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVices. CAlHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBIUTY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST I'ROYIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR, GENERAL I.IABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMI'ENSATlON (IN ACCORDANcE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,000/$300,000). _SPECiFiCATION;- ACTrVEINGREDlet:ITs7 3O%:;ERMETHRiN ';:s'i52~J;;%:PEPERONYi. BUTOXiDE' -rEcHNiC'AL"c'AsiS;:o;:;:40%:"' -- OTHER INGREDIENTS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIODING SEE UNIT DEPJUlTMI!!.ItIT: DEISTINAnON DELIVERY PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 4-1' I'ORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS JllI1I . ~IT PRIce GALLON+MINI!AAc81t- lo}.. 00 -4 0 ()c GALLON + MJNI:HAl OIL '/ ...s_ -<< ., 00 GALlON+MI/J(R'~QJL /0.-:>- , ...g 00 GAU.ON+MI~t:IV\LUIL /03, GALLON + MIH,;rMI..OI~ 10 ..3. C>D Sunday. November 06,2005 ... IIUCIIIf&AIS &1lIUI'MIIIJ alII: e 40'; I .. " CAJ.IIM ~NTY. TEXAS BID SHEET- 'INSECTICIDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROl I , TIre undersigned affil'fllS that they a,.,. duly authDrized to execute tlris CDtrtrrrct, that this cDlllpany, cDrpaI'Dtion, firm, partfiership Dr indMduallras flat ",../XlfYd tltis bid in cm/lJSiDII witlr any other Dr Bidder, and that the cDlltents t>f this bid as tt> ,prices, terms Dr CDIIditiDns t>f said bid Ira"" IIDt been cDlllmunlcated by the undersigned IIDr by any employee Dr agent tt> any . t>fher pes"" engoged In fhis type of businus priDr fD the D(ficia/ opening t>f this bid. AuI_SlNAIIIII TITII: /d):{ ~ -- -5,~.f a.wl 7eC,(/1/rpt/ Lfr'red~ PIlIft'NAMf: ~;K~ M'cntJlf IATEII. /,).-(;,,}-05' 1~~l/o u TElfPBI MMlE1l: .i (Xl J 701- 97 y6 c7 r V IJ...I0<1 ',) - , '/11 JIlWfIm ANY~ mlllABOVElPRRA1DII: e e Sunday, November 06, 2005 II8lIIIl IlCC CRII:W &!IIlI'MfNI at II: e L~H(.1 :JtvU _.:'liM.R1AIC'...",.,. DATA SHEET ,;, "". -....:'<> "'...;;....'.. ~"...... ,.. , :. ,"', <,. " . -.i(; . . . ".~ seCTION t: PRODUCT AND COII!PAHYcUENTlRCATION . e PRODuCT NAME; EvoIuer 3l)..30 ULV EPA REG. NUMBER: 1&9-983 PRQOUCTNUMSER: 51030, 51031, 51032, 51033, 51034 IWrfUFA.CT\JRER; Value Garden Supply ADDRESS: P.O. Bo:x56S, St. Joseph, MO 64502 WESSITE: WWN,aI~.oom MANUFACTURER PHONE: (888) 6()3..1008 MANUFACTURER FAXPHONE: (952) 884-6149 EMERGENCY PHONE: (600) 858-1378 PROOUcrUSE: Foreffedlve con.troI 0( Adult~loe&._ Forapp/icatiorlby PubUc HssICtl OftidalaaridTralnea -"''''''''''''''-'''''''''''andOthet''''''''....ComroI............,., . ., , -:- '," ,", ,,,- SECTION 2: cO..POSIll():NllHFORMAnON ON .NGReo.eNTS INGM:DJl::NTS-. WJiQ. ~ OSHA 1WA OSHA stR ACGIH lWA ACGIN Sn::t_ Permethri.n: 52645-53-1 30.0% N/A NE NlA HE PiperonyI 8utnxlde: 51.Q3..ll 30.0% NlA HE ' NJA HE' \VhiteMlnenl.IOfI 8042-47...so <40.% ~ NJA 5mgI\C3 10mgiM3 . All ingredlonts.1o ~ > 1.0 % {O.1 % farcan::lnogens or IenJ.Cogene)!hat are pof.4InUaIly h8z8rdous per OSHA -.. NlA'" not ~ HE:= not established SECT10N 3.; ttAZARDS IDEM J"'}(;AnoN e EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Polerslial Health, E1JeGt$ ;~, f'OTEN1lALHEALTH-EFFECTS; E)/o,Mdakin Conl:Ilct, ~._Prolong8d-_a:~:~1tWn~_Wlth -....'*""......Iii_"'_~,_"""..........,__......pi_._. may~'8Idn~~~.~.~~~~ryerelittt8um,_--- '_"~-,"""""'_<_," ", ," SYIIPTOMs OF ACIJlE EXJ>OsuRE, la'i>>; "'"......."'..........., ''''''''''is.... ..'~ ioiImaJs.'...... ~ C8IltnII nenoos ay&Iem effecb wtth ~ that induda tIarrhea. salivation, bloody nose, 1lem:n and "_.....-~"'-..........Ilon__h~.~~. CARClNOGENICOY: PwtnetMn: A~~~oflungandllveru..mor;waaobMrved Infamafemioe _d""""'-"'375"""7"_._..-.. -~-"""''''''''''''''''''"","",-of . benign Uv9r_ttlrn(nin mice weJe cb:Mrved foIorMng-tfetim&h1gh dose &lCpO$InS.TIle ~ of1tllii ~ is ~a1d W\der nMew. The dosea atwNch h.monl YMeobserved;g~human dietaryk1take.At Iddp.ated detatyexpoaurelweia. ills highly ~ thst p1pet't1n)'l bubddellOuld reauftln _.........,...Ik,. eIfec:ta.;-1ARC has also oancIuded lhat thenlls no 8\IIdenoe for !he awdnogenldty of white ala when adminisCer1:ld b'f rot.lt8s other itJan by~l~. Thesal\oent:lsnolc:ardnogenicaooordlnglolheOOHA,~~~~, SECllON 4:. ARST AID MEASURES EYes.: Immedlat:ely ftuah ~ WIth large amoun13of-wal8r end continue lIushlng Will Irritation ~:H-lrritatlon pet'&ista, seek iTledk:eI atlQnlion (based on '8OI\oent). staN: Takeotrcontamlnaled dochinQ. Rinse skin irmlediateIYwlltl plenty dwaterfor 15 fo 20 rn-Inuter.. CaiI a Poi&on 0:KltrnI Canter for trealment acMce. . --. - . JNGEs11OH: Iml11Eldiately catl a phYSIdan or Polson Control Center or~. 00 not Induce YOmiung-'~ told bY a poboo oon~cent8rot. doc:t.or. Donotglye 8r))' ~_to.lheper&on. 00 not give anyihIng bymouUlklan-lIllOCIn$doos """"", EPA Reg. Number: 700;.983 ' ,"'. EvoIuer 30-30 Ul. V Rovis6ct-1005 e &i'HJ i:U.J II~. .. ...;~4ERIALSAFETYDATASHEET ~- -~f' - J(.- ',' ,I~e~ V"1r -~f INHALATION; The solvent in this produet has. . low vwpor ptesswe and Is !lOt $tpeCted b ~t iii} inhalation exposure ha'latd <:luring mbdng a1d~, FoIow tITettIorts foruse m produ:::t pac:Mglo~f\lrl1en applytrtg Ihls product NOll: TO PHYSICIAN: ContaIm petroleum disliUale - vomiting; may cause aspiration hazard SEClION S; f'1RE-FJGHTJNG MEASURES FLAIiIMABlUTY CLASSfFICATION: Nan4lammat>>e Uquld FlASH POtlIT; 200'" AUTOCGMOON lEMPERAlURE: NE EX1lHGUISHING MaHA.: Use water fog, dty chenl<:aI; foam or CO2 eJdlngulshlng media. SPECIAl. FIRE F1GHnNG PROCEDURES; Weer fuR protecllw dolhlng and aelf..l;:ootalned breathing apparatus. ~ nonesaenlild peraomel: from the ltf88 to ~ humen ~ to fire, scnoIW. fumes or produel:s of ~tlon. PteYentus&lJftc:lfltMiN;jaedbtJDdlngs,'erea -.tdequfpment \I\tiI de::lontamil\e.ted; UH8SIittiq water -1X*Ible to prevent spr9fIdof oontamliiat8d """"'. UNUSUAl. FIRE AND EXPl.O$ION HAZARDS: NFPA HAZARD a.ASSIF1CAnOH: ~ -.... , f& o REACTIVITY o ~ NlA NFPAtiAZARf;)RAnNGCODES: INSIGNIFICANT ~ MODERATE !illZ!1 ~ o 1 2 3 .. SECllON 8; ACaDe.NTAL-ftaEASE MEASUHJ:S SlEPS TO BE TAKEN IN ~ MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPIUS):'Wear chemical aafoot)' glJisses'Y.-ith.1de -.or-...........-gIows,."""""boob.loogoc_.....bno_Io{lMOfllcoo..._......... h'llI1erial FQult1ea~_~,theapDJ;wl1h8tlab8otbent~Uh as peUtter, Sweep Up 8OQ~1n lID'appIt1\fed <:ttemiCafcXlnWnei. WallhtH8Spi1..WfthwatEircontaWiig~~,~~~p8tHtter"'cttter~t ITl&IEIrial, JiWIlMlPtlPand J*Ioe bad'JemJta( contaInet. Se8ltheClOntlllner8ndhsf1dl8ln anapptOwd mannet"'. Aushlfle .. wfIh...._ fotem0Y9 any t8SidL1e. Do, ':'ot:_~ wash 'Mltvr,b ~.na" water &UPPl1es;.., _ SECTION 7: HANDLING AND 5TORAGE tiAfrfmJNGAHD ~ Sbe Chetna1efial kl.~~llled,MC:Wearee.oo:tdthe-meth ofchlldllllJ and don1lIslJcanlmlllb. DJ,not.atmlofood, ~ ar.kJbaotopufuc:ts,In-hd:Jtaoe-area Prevw1t811tlng, drinking. tobacco usage, III'ld toamedc appIcelblm 8f8a8 where,thete Is a-potentIaf.for8Xp0$U'81o the material. Nw8~- wash. thorooghly -- SECnoN 8; EXPOSURE CONlROlSIPERSONAL PROTEenoN The employee mUI5l wear ~ye doChlng end'reIat6d $llfety equipment Good ventilatiOn ahouk1 be Sufficlent for most conditions. PoIIttY8 praMn MIf c:ontainect tlnJralhlng apparalw should be used for coofIned apaces and high expo8l.1n3 aperdc)ns. The. employee stw;Md .oowe.- at !he end of the woncday. The empICIyee roost wear dean dofhe& eNf!1r'J day or aftec a apID If!he clothes become contaminated. /lNteys wash hands and face with soap and walet pI'lor lio ealing, drinking, smoking or using toftel fltCiIlties. It is best not to W98f oc:x-rtact Ien:se$ but UlSe safety prnscrlpticm glasses. SECl10N 9: PHYS1CAl AND CliEMlCAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Clear Amber ODOR: Slight solvent and Uoorice VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): Solvent - <1 'rflm Hg@ 7crF pH~NlA EPAReg.. Number. 7_ 2ot4 EvoIuet' 30-30 UL.V Rev1!ed; 10105 e e - 4iO .';~ERIAlSAFETY DATA-..e.. ._:,,'t{:j~\~-::~~~J '_ I~e~ "':'~f: PHYSICAl. STATE: Uquid BOIUNG POINT; HE IIEL TlNG POINT: NJA fREEZING POINT; N1A WA~ SOWEUUTY: on Solution will not mix In water SPEctFlC GRAVITY: Q.8,53O PERCENTVCllATJLE BY VOI...lJIIE; SoIWitJt 39% _ VISCOSITY: 600 cp& AUTO IGNITION: N1A OTHER sowBJimEs; HE e SEcnoN 10: STABJUTY AND REACTMTY STABIUTY; Stable INCOMPA11BUJTV (MATERIAL TO AYOlO): Flume, hest,lgnltion sources and strong oxkizsnr; or reducirlg agE,nis. HAZARDOUS POL YMERlZATION: WiD not OCOJr. SECTION 11: TOXICOlOGICAL INfORMATlON ACUTE ORAL EFfECtS: ~~loro(~: >500-~ .:5,OOO~~;,'(iemaJe)->5.~~. (rr:.) ACUTE DERMAL EFFECTS: Dermal LD50 (Rat); >2,000 mgIKg. CARCiNOGEHfCfTY: Permettvin: A Slalisllcally significant incnlase of lung and fivertwnors wuobsEirvedlitfermile'frdoe rec::eiW1g diets conbIInIng 375 and 750 mgl'KgfdaYCMlr 85 weeks. ~~ ButoxIde: Marginally hI!;;Ier WIcIdences of tIerJV'll.......tt.morsln mlc:ewerecbserwld foIowing lfetimehlghdose expoaures. T)1esigr6:enceofthls_obseMition Is questionab6e and..... hIYiew. The doies atWtilch tunOnI wenit oI:iSerWd gAliitly ext8OCied'hUmao dIetaiy ~.IU. atliclpaleddetary uposure 1ew;Jij; It .'hlgNy Unlikely IhaI p1peitlny1 bIibldde WOWd .....It'ln ~- effedil !ARC hasal8ooondudecllhattherelsno.evldence:furtiJe~qfwhl~oIIswhEtn__~ bxroufasother_~n by........""""'..-." The~Is""~_,""Io~OSHA_~........ EYE EFFECTS: MinimaUy iTltating: INHAlATION: 4-hc:u lC50 (Rat): >2.02 mgJL. SKIN CONTACT: Non-lnitating. SKIN $ENSIl1ZE: Permettuin Is 8 skin sens/tlzar in some individuals.. MUTAGENIC POTEN11Al.: Pennethrin and PIperonyl Butoxide did not produce any mutagenic eCfed& when testsclln the Ames _ REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD POTEN11AL; Permethm and PiperonylButoxlde were not teratogenic when leafed in rals. HAZARDous DECOMPOSI110N PRODUCTS.: Carbon IT1OnOJdde and/or carixln d1o>>de. Chlorine and hydrogen d1Ioride may be bmed. SECTION 12; ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION e Pennelhrin and p1peronyl bulaxide are highly toxic 10 fish and other aquallc Ofganlsms. Do not apply directly to water, or 10 areas VI'tl8f8 surface waller Is present or b Inl8rtidalllr8aa bekM- the mean high water maril; other then sa InslnJcted 0l'I !he product label Do not contaminate waler by disposing of equipment washwaIer. Apply thla product only as specified on "'IabeI, SECTJON 13: DISPOSAL CONSlDERAMNS WASTE DlSPOSAlIlETHOD: Do not reuse product containers. Dispose of product containers. waaIe oonlainers, and residues aocnding Ie Federal. Stale and kx:aI health and environmental regulations. EPAReg. Number: ,.~ 'of4 EVO/uer 3O-3OULV _'0105 e 411 II-a. ..-'.,'",'" -~ ,~,-,"<: - ..', . ',~~~iERIAL5AFETYDATASHEET .v,..Wi secnON 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION -oar HAZARD DESCRJP11oN: Not Regufated \) U.S Department of Tnmsportatlon SEcnoN 15: REGULATORY INFORMA.TION SARA 1JTL.E III CLASSlFICAnON: SectIon 3111312: Acute HeaIlh Hazard - Yes ChronIc Health Hazzm:l- Yes FnHazartl-No Sudden rdeaae at preMUre hazard - No __-No Sed:Ion 313 c:hecricals: _(30'lI) (CAS # 52l!45-53-1) ~ButoxIdo(30")(CAS#51.03-6) TSCASTA1:t,IS: ExemptfromTSCA. Ttila PrOduCt contains .. toxic c:hemlcal or chemicals IUbjC to tM reporting ntquh'Wnents of SectIon 313 ofmt.IU and of 40CFR 372. Any copIes.or redr.trlbutlon ofthJ. MSOS'mUst 1ncIud. thls notIc.. INDIVIDUAL. STATES: NlA ';" SECTION 18:0lHER INFORMATION "',;;" ..,..... .-'C,"";,.. ,,_ ',..-. .. " -, This i1fmn8iion' tSProWi&d in_ gQOd fBl!h. bUf~'eXpreseor InipIIed Warrwdy:ForadditlonallnforrnlrtkJn, refer to the Arnerlclln ~ of Ga..8in-,tel,1l:d Industi1arH~ (ACGIH) docuri'lentatlon otlLVs (TInshoId UmltValues) for Indvidual oo..,...........tsand the DOT Emergency Response GuIdebook. EPA;Reg. Number: - 4of4 EvoIuer 30-30 ULV Revised; 1005 "'1'-"1 Ll ;~ e e e e e e AlIProe ~ AcINe "'" -, ~ - lCAS52ll45-53-1} '..................................._......,.._,.......,...,.......... 3O.llllo I'fpenlollf_T_ lCASS1-o:HlJ_.._..........,..,...,._.........._....~,... 3O.ll'l\ =~::.:'::.=::::~2:::::::.:,:::.:::::.::::::::::,:.::.:::.:.::.::'::::.::,' I~: "tonlaOIa__ Conlalns2..I5lls.al,~and2..I5lba.a.l.A_~ EPAAeiJ.Nclo769-1II3 WElt. fh 44616-11)-1 IIU3i383 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION 51'-"_"",, buoquo .~....que""lII!IIkIue..-.._ IllYOUcb"'_tha_,Illd_lD~llDyou,,~, IIlSr All a or. IV SWAl.UI'6tIk ..-1ddlDby.___.._, Do"'\lIWIlq'lqUdlDtbl -- Do"'\lIWI~brmoull1lD"__ 1'011&11I ""'OII_~ IIIlllIabiy <II....... M~15lD20_.taIl.___.._...__, --:_lllio__"_wllhYOU"","c:aD1ga__ -"-"'_QOillgb"_ Youmay.......,1-axJ.a.731lI... ---- 1IlIIE1ll-___-...lIi1QlI1lIJ__ I'IlS:AUIIOIlAImlBlBRS 1IAlNIIlS1O__DOIlISJIC~ --W--.._lI1rolV1..........._ ...,.....-..""'*'u. -I\mugliywllh""'and__ eaIIng,'"*i1g.,,-QlIIl.uoIng_...1I3I/V"'_ -"""CIlllIa<:lIl1llJ_llIirVlc_In....-.... -.......-...--....... ~1IAlNIIlS Thls_la__lD1lsh..._ -,lD...._......._la_..lD _mlII<. Donat8l1lll'1___ ....... 1lriIl"'l1Illlllll1llJbe_lD nat-__lDllitllD Ilonct___lIisposIng Boow.nlnu: Thls_la~ """,...-.llonat8l1lll'11Ns -_.. actiwlywblliJg the m~"'''20m.pA F'aIInlD_.....IBIlol_lI1lIJl1I8IIt..__,&.... ....-~_lDtheAorlal~_"'lIIJslabeI.__U1.V mlybeusod........-wllh.__,.a.eo1D1OO""""'.-.,_ "'..._at..........-ll9636ft,az.of__lI.V""_1loIh _and_lIpIlications-be--..._lsl8oalllllnlOM.P.H. .... -_...tllo'W~"'''''llI.lI1i:lN''_''-'''II1IsIabeI, -_II.V"'-~~ldod""_....unlow_~V.}_.. ---(alldfog)"--~and__"_"'1lIl8 -,..-andl8a8alional....__,___...-n:1lIdI .........._.._"""""""-.--.1/01I__ ......~-...lli8llIrlItms.and__...... 1lo""'/lIlIIIY1lia ......._'OOfeell3O"""""'rt_...llr88ms.IOOIlESTIIllII.TS__ 1MlQIiloes"-"'-_and_-"'_1D1c8epog1l1a logdoselD"'_a,g.alCl___"'wi1d_not_lI1enlDm~, "AJilaIlioosllJrlngtlloC:OO(_ofnight...8SIIy-.g........~_, Repeat -"""'-byl'lillJc__...~~OlslrId:l. ?!c.",...Il!!f'~ ElIAI' u.e..'.'..~.;~~~B::U\I,'~.> ;'.,U .'.-:':"'-"":~~c"-'. ,.,.:or~on.y.';';~~OI'licIi.is.nd;:trabied~' ,p....... ....01.........."'" A................Dislriclsaild~...'.' .......... ......,.,..,.... .............-... ." '. )1'.""'" ,:-;Ii, ;," ':":":~\";;~:il;~~:":":;;:'-':_':~';lr:~'.:,',~~.~.~':-; Evoiuer HULY'Is An All 'rlllllJlh\lll'e;Qu/ektcllackdown;. ':o;O::~u.e~~ -, ~~ ')jA ""~iloes, IllliIIg and Blackfties, <ij,,;.~ ~~=;a~" "'"(~', ,'>,:-;? 'fi' ;'i, ,'_ :J>)_ _, -', "'llnPitalzaof_"fog" w1lbewryar.l ~Tt:nl!,J~ _, _ . 11lJCI(MQIllSlC'lllidiI/'lIllDoliJbllf1OllllSullable_ '~~I '~OO""'>1~_<lilI.Ilt8nolI1or., '..*"",*.., '_"'=~'andltudQe~\Il~.' Dcii1qt , ,~: ... .1>01"",,",_ Mos-_at .'1!lOilIlo 'II> .. '1'I1r.,."",~.1lAHD ,,~, ._. ".' _ ..j.;"..... ". """""'" uae t( -l*....\I. .liOilQI.....l'fd\l1;al.,-..gtPllOd. .~z:'Do~'tJ,".. '1oIiin--~10mlla;l>OI' """'uae .,' ~and " '. "ClIIIlIiilIil'~""""lDliilie" "''':.~~.==tll48~VatOl10175lDo.~8SI/l; . _~IkIbdde,..*l~~ t ~~~~ :":'~:i '._:,; ,_;_~':~.)i:~,;f'_?:~ ~~,~;~:~:~,.,~:.~:.~,~",_<;_,;r':''-i~:,-- i!' ", ~-l&"':1lACIIi>ACIC FIIiltI)pHISr!lJllltBl . ....1n_=e-v;~~'~rl'POlIJ!l-~ . ,~~.'M:!'Il'''''~4~1o::"",V~ijO~~. ~": '~!i30"'t'@~ .......!ri~.liIIi...__tli;:, ;;;;.r"':lJf~ ~,-~~tilt.l.lsoOJlO175'" ~~~~=!;i~~~-;==~ -...Ilat..._......of,~a.l~""""!'l'I!cllDIIdoa.lIa~ ' >";"!;)~ U i1~{;.':i )i() ;[;-',,;,/,. ,::',;';i.i~' ;;ij,'i ':- :;~\^' '..Jli -:j:;." -':'1;i1'f\'~', . ",:." : "y:",;';i!'iu"-ifi'--'--..~fQIJ""-APfIUCA11DN' "'~;i;;"'-.( -',;::>:.>':, ~,~_be!lUJe:l>l"~~.4~..~"""""'rtJll1lduc>1g ~=:~..~'~~3fi~~;5lIT't:~~. i,.r Wtd!n'....foat.l!OW,. . l8Iat~~!'-=.....O.9636lxa16o 0I~~.~'e.!1lilir&da<<><l_~~iiW' ,....1ldlioito/.' ;(l9I ',b ~;tiOlIoot_llt"",,,.j"1'hI""bl~~1leolgniil -"""""'rtllllP~I.Ll1lAUl<<l~l!!~_W'atthe_T8bIe :;"'1I1lIJ"'~. "!':'.~E.'~~ ".8!\!11............" ~~..,. . ~~~... ..:.~...~;~:.' ,......., !;aij;~""~~' .." "''=!lixIda' ' -"..- ." ''''Jil....;;c'.'~'L.:.''''''''','' .' ,4I\d." C\lnIo,I.... . . "":,,.. !3f"Y~~,~~"""~!,;":_~~~,..',::,,,::_~ ' .... -, . ~";~~v~i:l~~.':'~';;'..J.;.';"i' ~~IQiil' tii:ci\tiit............1lieit1nd.,....''i~~, ." ~~.J1_l1Id'....~'tuch.M:Iina.ldtil-.... camp;ilas,iIiilliI'ai\ili:'1IltiOti:fIilIdI;-__;j.liiil\llIlii*"~," QanIonoi~.....-.;..;a~'lWlSli_i~~~,. l004aitI3O_}0t1lol1'boot1rO~''''"_iOllUIfIi1rlatwhin ',...iaitol """""'-"_lDk8llpIngtllol>gdoselDfIIe-. /IejIoat -1IIl"""'-endidbtlUllldllllllllt!_..Ilooqlito__ T~~,~Ml1Qesand_11los8l1lll'1__II.VlIli1Vanr_ ~"'Y;~~~rt~.RllI-Il1oml8I_l>gllilh_ ~,l!tilI~i"1'it;30m_"_and.""'__IMMllJ"15 1D'20-'(dIojIlaIa_IlOlIllClld50m_lIndlBaoU1en5lfoofdropoohllukl'" _sm-.wllh8ll~awaII1_of300taot. l\llonappljlngthlspr_ UlIdilulad 8PfI/y 81. IIow <8l8 rt0.54121D 5.1816...... ""_81 811__ _oflDM,P.H. lMao_"'_lDD,OOl75f11D.Ol85_cit_ ~1."'o.00175lD~Ol85_Ill!>OrolIlI_a.l.per_ K.__ 413 ~~ ~ ',,1 i$!i,; "'"''l.f,,''''l' ",., ~ ,- ',',j" '~"'1f~\'J~, ,,'t.l <~ '~ ' ~,- ~)" l1i "" ~. ..~,-".., j,,~?J :iii.i:,y /i:{~/""i~il "'~,;:",g'''1X~C ' " ''''''<::'_J~~~~~ e i:'lgr"filJ1:"") ,c.~ :,' \ '," ,. - " - ~ ~ '., , , " ;.~~" ;,:, '''.' ~ .\...: .]i.. " :\'.~ '_~~~"" e is!! ' -. ~~1" \;"" >'" , ~, .r :.:' L',-"C__, EPARIlg:N.l76!Hla3 -EPAEstlt>. 4461&-1olO-1 , ValUIl Ganllin SlIppy. . St \!OSePiMO 64502 .' .'hM12s383 -, . . '. >'d:',-I, ," ,.;,.",",.'", ','i' e 414 ~AlBOUN COUNTY, TEXAS 8ID SHEET - bNSECnCIDES FOR MOSQUitO CONTROL INVIJAJIUNJII-UID I B1DDfR UNlVAft USA BRIAN,MCfAll PQQQ.I(.Q6648 HOlI$TON TX n213 ACllVE ~1ENts: ao%-PERr.1rnmIN CAS152fi45-53"1J:30%-PEPERONVl:BUTOXIDE TEmINICALCAS15HJ3-fiW%-DTHER INGRmIENTS 4& fiID ITEM FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006, PERIOD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITEO TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHJ!EL J PFEIFER, CAUlOUN COUNTY JUOGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALEO Blo.. ACT/VEINQREDIENTS: 30%-PERMETHRlN CJ!S[521!*53-1J:3.0%-PEl"I#RONYL BUTO}CIDE TECHNICAL CAS 51-D3-6 ;40",(,..OmER INGREDIENTS BII)in(REOUE AND WILl: BE'PUBLlCL Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:0IJ J!M,rHURSDA Y, DECEIIlBER 15, 2005 .. BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICAUTIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN OI'TERMINING WHICH BIOS WILLBEMQSTADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, REUGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS.IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SER\IICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYCOSTSiNCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER INTHI'COURSE OF RESPONDiNG TO THESE SPECiFiCATIONS, . . ..", , , THES\lCCESSI'UL BIDDERM.!I.~:r "!l9YI~Ig~~Y;I_()U~C()UNTY.w1TH A CERTII'ICA'I',I; !IF,~N~lJl!A'''CI; ,(NAMI!I(,;.CA~H()"N COUNTY AS AN A,DDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENEIlAL LIAlil~ITY ($1,DDD,~DO/~2,OO~,ODO),WORKI;RS' C!lMPeNSATi~ll (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AU'I'O.lNSUIlANCE ($~clD,OOO/$100,OllOI$3DO,OOO). sP"ECtFiCifiOiis7' AC'fiVE'INGRE;5iENi'5:"3'O%:p'ERMETHRiN CAs15i64s:53:1J;30%-PEPERONYL irUi'OXibErECHNiCALCAS151 :03-6j;4ii%:- - - - OTHER IN.GREDIENTS' . '. . SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING DESTINATION DELIVERY e D,,"ARTMENT: PRECINCT-1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P UNIT UNIT PRICE FAIRGROUNDS AREA, c OLIVIA AREA POR-':- O.CONNOR AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this bid. in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been c"mmunicated by the undersigned no,. by any employee or agent t" any other person engaged"in this ty, e af busln,s il)~ to I)fficiall)pening I)f this bid. AUIHORlZEDSlGNATImUll1.E: cfae. )",,! < PIlINTNAME: Ed.:", mer,,// DATEOfIlOl: Idl -J;;t-o::r TEIfPHlIHf NUMIIBI: !? 32. 33{' 330 0 PlEASE UST .m EXCfPl\ONS TO 1lIE ABOIIf SPEClFlCAnoNS: prnd,u.f (?O?U'S i,v' c::l- ,;J,S.JG//ottJ jlJJS FPB9fWfll~f..1loN;~~\,.;. '\ TT;'\~~~D ,SPECIFICATIONS '. - "."'" . ~. ".-." ,..., FOB DESTINATION; SEE AITACHEDSPECIi=ICATIQNS',;., FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIC:lNS' GALLON ., G)\.ll.ON GALLON IN.N /1'1.7'1 ./1 '1;1'1 ~~ '/. ?<f l/. 71 Tuesday, December 06, 2005 IlIIIDIll UNlVABIISA e 415 &AulDUN CDUNTY. TEXAS BID SIIffi - hmllClDES FOR MOSgUITO CONTROL INVITATION TO BID I WOOER PUBUC HEAlTH EQUlPMINl & SUPPLY CO PO BIIX W458 e BID ITEM ACnvE INGRmms: 30HEHMEfllRIN 1EIIIDD FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PBIIllD TD: JUNE 30, 2006 CASL52645-534J;30Y.-PEPERUN\'lBUTOXIDE TEeIlNlCAI. CAS[5HI3-8W1r.-oTHER INGREDIENTS YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BIO DN THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PDRTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 30%-PERMETHRlN CAS[52S45-53-1J:30I\.,PEPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAsi51-o3-61:40%-OTHER INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00AM, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 200S BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARO AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005 (:, BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR. NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION. AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,OOO,OOO/$2,OOO,OOO),.WOkKERS' COMPE:NSATION (IN ACCORDAHCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100:000/$100,000/$300,000). SAN ANTONIO IX 78210 b:d ~o-l-~rn~--+ ~O(.,&~('ed Cnp;e.s e SPECiFiCA"'fi5Ns: AC'fiVEINGREDiENtS:30%=PERME'rFiRiN CASCsi64s:5j:'jJ:30%=PEPERONYt BuToXibErEcHNiC'ALCASlsl:ro..aJ;4O'%:- _ _ _ OTHER. INGREDIENTS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDI'nONS OF BIDDING DE;PARTME;NT: DE;SnNAnON DELfVE;RY UNIT h'lINll!Tt.ltIj oiWEk,. 5 a-I'\ j,.,t--oNs A5~ OR.1J(:;e./1>f;:-$T: FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALtON OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PORT O'CDNNOR FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA UNIT PRICE; PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON PRINT NAME: U e Ll c. DATEOflllD: p~~, lJ. 1-t;Jo!l TElEPIIONENUMBER: / </(00 J.'iN 0/0'- PlEASE UST ANY EllCEI'TIIINS TO TIlE ABOVE SPfCIFICATIONS: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 IllIllIBl I'II8IJI:IIillIHf/lIJlPMHIl&8UPP1YCll e o 41'/ ~-I~' r- ~~ J', }'_ (' )< '" r- " Professional-Mosquito Control Products Since 1947 Dec. 9, 2005 MAIN OFFICE P.O, Box 10458 San Antonio, TX 78210 210,532,3846 1.800.284,0106 FAX 210'532'97e Fort Worth 817.233.8000 FAX 817,568,6881 Web Site: wwwPHESCO,com E-Mail phesco@phesco.com Public Health Equipment & Supply Co. Inc. Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer Calhoun COunty Judge 211 S. Ann St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Judge Pfeifer and County Ccmnissioners '!his has reference to the attached bid inVitation etr1titled "Insecti- cides For fusquito Control".and the item 30% Pennethrin;' You have our guarantee that our Bianist 30+30, pennethrin is a stable product,that will remain stable without change ,in cOlor. Bianist 30+30 is labelled for stonn drain treatment and can even be used on sane =ops. We pr6vioo this warranty because we have seen bids that exclude sane brands of pennethrin because of problems with those products with separ- ation, leaving a dark, thick c:anponent in a container. If you have any questions regarding out product, please =ntact me. e Sincerely, b~ Walter Schwarz INSECTICIDES. RODENTICIDES . HERBICIDES SPRAYERS-OUSTERS' FOGGING APPLICATORS (ULV & THERMAL) e 418 e ~ ~ ~ ACTM INGREDIENTS: Permethrln (S.Phenoxyphanylj methyl {+/-) cis, tranS-3-(2,2-dichlorethl3nyJ)_2, 2-dimethyl cyclopropanecarboxyla\e .., ."..., ..... ..... "'., ....... ... ..,..,.".. ,.. ..",.... .." ....., ,....". . PiP&fOrry1 ButoxJde, Technical." .. OTHER INGREDIENTS.. 30.00% 30.DO% ......w.............. 40.QDo/. 100:00% Ccmilins 2.52 potlnds 01 Permettlrin and 2.52 pounds of Piperonyl Buto xide per gallon. 'fQuivaJenttoBO% (butylcarbityl) (6.propylpiperol1yl)ettlerano 20% related compounds ..Contail1s a petroleum di$lmate CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN See attached for addUonal PrecautIonary Statements. EPA EST, No. 8329-IL-Ol NET CONTENTS: EPA Reg. No, 8329-42 LOT NO. Manufactured By CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PRODUCTS, INC. 159 N. GAROEN AVENUE. ROSELLE, ILLINOIS 60172 BIOMIST is a Registered Trademe.r1o; of Clarke Mosquito COfIlrol Products, Inc,. NOnCE: ~eller m~1lS l\(I .warranly, ~~ss~d or impli~d, cOllCemlng the use of th!spfodUct otfler than as Indicated 011 the label. Suvar USUllle uselhandfmg of tillS mato:nal wMn Ust alidfor Mmllirlg Is CIlmrary to label Instroctions. er 1 0 mffiiJfes. Ralllllvtl oontact. knses, It Illllsen\, alhr the flm 5 a corrtrofcenterOl"doctorforttWnuJnt~. lVage Illadlcate4lf matIfif.I wu takl. ""'rully. '1DmmllO mlY C#III' IIplra- PftfCA\mtUWlY SlAnMENTS t1mROS TO K\lMAItS AMO DOMESTlC ANIMAlS . Caulloa. causes modera16 eye Irrftatlw.Hatmfw If swalloww, allsorbet1tl1rotlpll $\do ormh8led. Avoid cOlltact With skin, eyes orclothing Avoid breathJllQ vapor or spray mist Wash thoroughly wJth soap and water after lIall\ffi~ and bef~ ealinO, drlnklng, chew/1lO (Jljm, or Using lobaceo. Profong~d or Ireqoonlly repeat. ed sklo contact may cause aJlergk: reactions In some lndivtduals. Rtmovttontamillaled tlDlhlng and washbelorereuse. fMVlRONMOOAl HAZARDS Thlsproductls:eMmelytGlictaliSllalldaQualitlll'lar1abra1es.OonatapplYdlrecllytowafer,toareaSwheresUrlaC6water/spresentortomteriidaJareas befo",: the mean high water lllafl<:. Q(ll'lllt awI'1 wnall wealtw tl)odillons favor drlft Irom lreate<l areas. DrIfI and runaff from treated areas may be llawdous to a9ua~c oroanlsms In neighboring areas. OaMt oontamillil.lt wal&! when dl$p{lslnll 01 equipment wasllwafers. This product Is highly toxic to b6es expased to . direct treatm~nt an blooming crolls or ~e4s. Do not iiIlfl!~ tNs product Dr allow ~ to dM to blooming crQPs or weeds whlhl b~s art actMlIy vlsltiog the treat- mentarea.DonotaUowspraytreatmentto4flft<IfI!laS(lIreI211t\,cmPlam1lottJarlhan crops tlSled),or water supplies. PlftSlCAl. OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS Do not use ar store nell: Mat or OIWII flame. Aasllpolrrt minimum 01300 "F. DIRECnONSFORU$E nlllvlolllltanoIF,d,ra:llIWloUlfthl''lrolluctln.lllaDlIIrlncoastlttntwltltUlllhtlltte. CONOITIOHS and IlATES to USE lor MOSQUrro COMTl\Ol Permelhrin Ap~~~~ales FI.at.Blomlsf30f30UlV Pou(ldsperAcre per Acre 5MPH 1OMf'H 15MI'H 0,0185 9.' ',0 9.0 1.0 0.0092 I.' 3.0 4.' 0,' 0,0031 0.' 1., 1., 0.16 eI'MI5T@''''''Lv''""mm,",,,,oe'PP''''''""''''"OIl<''OW.' oo",lI"m". "",oIloold Idol Id oo",,,'.dll" mo"o"o", Id '''Id.,;''.1 aflll Ifcleatlonal areas and oltrer ar~ilS lhese Insects aewr, such as but not Ilmiled ta parks, campSites. woodlands, athletrc fields. golf courses. reslden!ial anm am:! mun!clpa<<tles, gaf~enS, J:rlaygfwM~. lecraalianal areas and Qverarown wa51e areas_ Do not apply !hIs prod~ct within 100 {eet (30 meters) of lakes ard slrllams for be~l fesuMs Ireal when mosQlJrtoas ara rnosl ac1ive and weather conditions are conducIve 10 keeplna Ine spray Cloud olo$e to the ground. An in\,'er- slon 01 ail \empelal\Jfes anc a !i\illt bleel~ h; J:rlelerab\e DUlIng appticalions, arouno wino speeds should not exceed 10 MPH, App!icatIo~ after suns~t or before sunrise Is usuallyprelelable. BIOMIST$ 30~31) lJLV can be apptied over spedlic grow'rng crops and range 111aS5eS prior to harvest for the cantrol ot adult mOSQUitoes wjtilln or adjacent 10 the~areas.ApJ:r<<calloocanon\Yb~madewtrerelhaIOlloWlnll'cropsMeoresenl Almotld Caullfiower Range Grasses Pear Apple Cherry Leafyl'eaetabieS{excemBrasslcal Pepper,bell Broccoli Com. fodder Leltuee,head Soybean Bfusselssprol11s Corn,loralle Mushroom Tomato Cabbaae Corngra)n Onion,dryllulb VegetabIes,cucurbil. group 9 Ce\el)l Eggplant Peact! Walnut In ItlOlreatmefl/otcomlls, fe~dlots,swlnelols,poultryrangesandzooseoveranyexpoSeddrinking water. drlnking lounlains and animal feed belore acplicatioo. Aerosol dropler sile of BIOMIST~ 30f30 ULV application may be delermIned usio" generally accelltahle llIet!mds such u, ~ulIlGt limited 10, A.I.M,S,; PC.[lC. HI, or Teflo(l$coated glass slides. When using coated IIlass slides, an adequate I((llume of air $hauW be sampled by uslllg, far el2mllle, rotatif'l\} slille Impinllers. Depending on the apparatus Used, lollow manulaclurer's instruclions lor obtaining dropiet measurements, Slides shnuld be e~amined mlcroswlll~ally !Irl~ tM dlameferaftt!e droplets measured in microns. Slides should be scann ed unWal least 200 droplllls hal/llbl1eoslled_Asoread(actofot(l,66 sl\outd be lfSed 10 correct droplet diameters. The aptlmum droplel sile ranllels 110m 81020 microns valume m6dian diameter (VMD}. l1lV Honlbtl'ill" Almel (Cald ftllI) ~pl/'IUen - Greund Application: Apply BlOM1ST$ 30~30 UlV uslflll any stan\!afd Ul\lllrclln~ .wl!cator callable 01 jlfO- duclng a nonthermll aerosol spray with a VMD af B la 20 mlcrons_ No more t!lan 3% al the dro!llets sllllukl eXf:ttd 5(l microlls, Apply ulld\lute~.1 a 1\ow lale of 1,0 to 6.0 fluId aunces per minute, and an average vehlclesoeed a fl0MPlt((ao1fferel\tveNclespeedlsused,alIjUsllate~cc(lldinlllY.TllBsefatesareequiv' alenltoO.0031 to 0.0lB5 pounds Of Permethrln and 0 0031 taO.DlB5poundsofPiVeronyi8utoxldepetaere.Vaf\Jfl(lWrateaa.OldifICtc~6\letatiolldeIlSIt)'aml mosquito population. Use lIigher flaw rale I~ heavy vegetation or 'NIwn populallOlls are hlgll, BlDMIST(/ll30~30 ULV may also be allllUed by dUutifl\j with a s~il. able salvenf such as minerai 011 andapplyinll soas notfo exceed 0.01 85 pounds Permell1rIn per acre. ThefoIIoWinllch.artsrellre-sentsomesu-westeddll tltllJo ami apptlcaUon rates far ground UlV apJ:rlieallallS. If an alternate dilution rate Is ~sed. adjust flow rate aCCQrdin~ly. fOR A 1:2 81DMfST 34~O UlV/sOlVEt{T OllUTIOH RATIO Mix ane (llllart 810MIST@ 30~30 with two (2) pans solvfnl2ll~ aj}flly al the loMowlng rales. APlllicatlonRales F1.oz./Min. , 6.0 3.' Permet!uin Pou[l(!s!ler!\Cre FI.oz. Blomlst30~30 UlV per Acre 13.007 0.0035 0.0017$ 1.0 ,., 0_25 Fl.ol.81omlst30+30UlV J:rerAcre 1.6 ,.. 04 fOflA1:BIIOI/lIST50+3DUl"'ISIllV~MTDILUnOMRATlO Mi~ one (1) 1lM16IQMIST$ 30+3Q with 6'i9h\ (8) parts solvent and apply atlhe tollowing rales. Appljcallon Rates A.oz, 8iamist 30~3IJ UlV HoLIMin perAere 5MPH 10MPH 15MPH 0.0062 9.0 18.0 27,0 3.lt 0.0031 4.5 9.0 13.5 1.5 0.0015 2.25 4.5 6.75 0.75 Forproperappllcattafl,moomthtel\Ul{ImemSOlhaltl\llllOnleislltleasI4'f,leelabweQTOUlldlevelanddirecledout the back althe vehlde. Fanure to follow ~abovtdlmf{onsmayresultlnreOOeedefftcttV&ness. ULV ttomlllnMl "'ruSe! {Coltl F01It Artpllc.atlDll - MrIaI Appl1caUGn: 8l0MIST~ 30f30 LllV may be applied undilute4 at rales 0.33 fo 1.0 1I.01. BtOMIST@ 30~O ULV Il6f acf9 by flxtd WlII\J 01' I'lltaly alrcraft equlppad With SIlitable UlV application equipment. 1l10MIST4I130+30 ULV may alsa be diluted wIth a suit- abhl cobMnt Well as mkleral 0<< llI\d apjltied by aerial UlV equipmmt $0 lol'lll as 1.0 nuid aunce per acre 01 IlIDMIST<It> 30f-30 ULV Is not exceeded, Aerial appJi- caIIon sl100kl be made at an altitude b&lnw 300 faet aM al a 10lWard sp&e~ mcnsary to achieve a dropletVMO at 20 to 50 mlcrans, with no mare Illan 2.5% &.(eNding 100 m(crO!1s. Qa Mt apply WI\8rI \1f'lIIln\! w!nd ~eds exued 10 MP-H. Aerial at'Jpllcalians sha>> onty be made when recommended by puMe llealtll affIclalssndtralnedpet'liooneIGtfl\O-tl.lu!toabatsme!Udl$lrlctsand~fmo.squl1.l)controlptl)\jrall'lS 1M R.ORIOA: OallOt apPly by alrcraft &;(teJl\ In emergency s~uatlons and with the approval ot tha Rorida Department 01 Agriculture &. Consumer Services. liMn UlV MOlllulto CuAtto' App"caIlOM: Far control 01 restlog or f1yJr;g adult mosquitoes In areas SUCh as utilitv tunnels, sewet'li, storm dralns and catcll llas1Ils,plptchaSe6,undergroundbasements, underground passages, parking decl:s, crawl spaces or uninhabited buildings, apply BIOMISTQlI30+30 UlV undl- luted u$ln~mecllal1lca1logget'li, haOlHl81d or lruck-maunted UlV equipment. or thermal foa~ers suitable lor this appllcallon. Apply BIOMISW 30t30 ULV at nt1$uPlabll1notellceedinll00185tbspermelllnnperacre STORAGf &. DISPOSAL Do nat contaminate foad,leed,orwalllrbYSlllrage ardlsposa1. PESTICIDE SmRAGEAND SPILL PROCEQURES: Store uprlgllt at l"lJOI\\ temperatufe. Avo\d exposUfsto eX\Tllme temperatures. In case al spill or leakaae, soak up with an absorbent material such as $and, stwdust, ea.!'tIl, fuller', eMtll, etc. Dlspose of WIth ctmnlcal wast~ PESTlClOEOlSPOSAl: Pestk:ltlt,sPllY mb(\\lTtI Of rinse watel lI1al cannot be used accord Inato label Instrucllonsmust badisposed Of at or by an approvad wuted(sposalfac!l!ly. CONT~HERDISPOSAL:Mela!contalners-frjplerinseareqUlValent,thenofferlorrecycllngarreconditloning,orpunctureanddlspos80flnasanitaryland- fill, or b}' o\her p'Ot;~rlures aplllov811 by state and local allthoritles. Plastic containers -triple rinse. or equl'lalsnL then offer for recycling or rt'<<lndillonlng, or Il\Int!ule 2IId dispose of In a sanllary lafldllil, arby Inclnerallon, or it allowed by stale and 10C$1 allt/wrilies. by bumlng_ If bumed, stay oul 01 smoke. Then d,s, p0S6al III a sallltatylam>>m ort1)'a1trerapproved slate and iocalprocedures. IN CASE OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CAll THE INTERNATIONAL POISON CONTROL CENTEA 1~OI}2.1H753 JNCASEOFTRANSPOATATIONEMERGfNCY,CAllJNfO_TflAC1.g00_5S3_50S3 FOR MORE IHFaRMATlOfl. tAll: 1-101J..nw'l1 01/05 BIOMIST@ 30+30 UL V Alternative Conditions' and Rates to USe For Mosquito Control. See Product L.abel for complete directions for use and additional suggested dilution rates. Always read the product label before handling. Suggested Rates to Use Biomist 30+30 Undiluted for Mosquito CtJntrol r---' --.-- Application Rates Permelh,ln/PBO FI.oz.Jmlnute FI.OL Blomlst pounds/Acre .5MPH 10MPH 15 MPH 20 MPH 30+30 per acre 0.0185 3.0 - 6.0 9.0 12.0 1.0 0,0092 1.5 3,0 4.5 6.0 0.5 0.0031 -- -----.- 1.0 1,5 2.0 0,16 0.5 SugJl~sted Rates for an 8% (Dilution Ratio 1:2.75) Product Permelhrln/PBO poundsl Acre 0.007 -i:HJ035 -0.0015 - Application Rates Fl.oz. FInished F1.oz.Jmlnute Spray per acre 10MPH 15 MPH 20 MPH -aT 12.1 16,2 1,3 - 4.0 6.1 8.1 0.67 T7 2.6 3.5 0.3 5MPH 4.0~. 2.0 0.9 . Suggested Rates for a 4% (Dilution Ratio 1:6.5) Product " r---"---"'-- AppllcaUon Rates ' Permethrin/PBO FI.oz. Finished I pounds/Acre FI.oz.Jmlnute Spray per acre 5 MPH 10 MPH 15 MPH 20 MPH . 0.007 8,1 --r--16.2 24-2 32.3 2.7 0.0035 4.0 8.1 12.1 16.2 1.3 0.0015 1.7 - 3.5 5,2 6.9 0,6 Suggested Rates for a 3% (Dilution Ratio 1:9) Product r--~- Application Rates Pennethrin/PBO F1.oz, FiniShed pounds/Acre Ft,oz.lmlnute Spray per acre 5MPH 10 MPH 15 MPH 20 MPH 0.007 10:8 21.5 -- ~2.3 43.1 3.6 0.0035 5.4 10:8 16.2 21.5 1,8 r------- 0.0015 2.3 4,6 6.9 9,2 0.76 >SI!Jlfl.E!~t!!_d Rates for a 2% (Dilution Ratio 1:14) Product PennethrlnlPBO pounds/Acre 0:007 0.0035 o.OiH Application Rates Fl.oz. Finished F1.oz.Jmlnute PH 15 MPH 20 MPH Spray per acre .5 48.8 65,0 5.3 .3 24.4 32,5 2,7 .0 '~o.4 ''',,, 1,1 5MPH 10M 16.3 32 8,1 16 3.li-- .r:: .~} ~.;o :Jl.,-, .'. e - e . CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- hNSECTlCIDES FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL I BIDDER ADAPCO 2800 S FINANCIAL CT INVITATION TO BID 11,-ir/ , e BID ITEM ACTIVE INGRmIENTS: 30%-PERMETHRIN FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PERIOD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 CAS[52645-53-1k30%-PEPERONYL BUTOXIDE TECHNICAL CAS[51-03-6J;40%-DTHER INGREDIENTS . YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 30'YrPERMETHRIN CASI52645-53-1j;30%-PEPERONYL BUTOX/DE TECHNICAL CAS[51-03-.';40%-OTHER INGREDIENTS BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUN'lY JUOGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUN'lY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE DR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIOE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,OOO,OOO/$2,DOO,OOO), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SANfORD FL 32773-8118 e DEPARTMENT, sn~~n~~Acm~~~~NTuTh~ffiM8HR~~m~~~~%-~Th~YLWTo~OEcHN&n~~~~~~--- OTHER INGREDIENTS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING DESTINATION DELIVERY PERMANONE 30-30 UNIT UNIT PRICE FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $158.001 gal PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON $158.00 I gal The undersigned affirms that they ore duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporati()n~ firm~ partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. AUTHORlZEDSIGNATlIBfJTlU: ~-CA r7. w."'-.J'L->\ VICE PRESIDENT PRlNTNAM!: JAMES L. BARR, VICE PRESIDENT OATEOFIlID: 12/12/05 IillPHONf NUMBER: (800) 367-0659 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4~P FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GALLON $158.DD/o:al $158. DO/gal $158.00 I ~al PLEASE UST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECU'lCATIONS: Tuesday, December 06,2005 IIIIIIlEIl AIJAPl:Il e 421 FOR APPLICATION ONLY BY PUBLIC HEALTH OFFlaALS AND TRAINED PERSONNel OF MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICTS AND OTHER MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAMS :I- CONTAJNSAN AU.TfMPERATURE. QU/Cl( KNOCKDOWN, LOW ODOR. NON<ORROSlVE SYNERGIZED SYNTHETIC ?YRETHROID . FOR CONTROL Of AOULT MOSQUITOES Iii RESlOE,,"AL AIiO RECREATlOIW AREAS ,.. FOR IJSE A.GAINST BmNG AND NON.SmNG MiDGES ANa SLACK FLIES ... COfo/TAfNs 1.5 LBS. A.I. PERMETHRIN!GAllON .. CONTAINS 2.5 LBS. A.I. P/PERONYl BUTDX1DJ1GALLON e ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Permethrin (3-Phenoxyphenyl)methyl (+1-) Cisltrans-3-(2,2-dichloroethyl)-2, 2-dimelhyl cyclopropanecarboxylate' ...,.'..""",'.,..,'.,....", .30,0% Piperonyl Butoxide Technical" . . . , ' , , , . . . . , , , . . , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , . . , . , .30.0% INERT INGREDIENTS: .'."'..."'.""""...,.,.,."'.""'...".1!1QlO TOTAL: ",.,.,.,.....,....".,."..."",.",.",.",."", 100.0% *tisftrans isomer ratio: mill. 3576(+/.} dsafld max. 65~ (+/-) trans. -Equivalwt to 38.1O'K {butyk:arbityl (6-propylpiperony~ ether and 9.53% related compounds. EPA REG, NO. 432-12~5 EPA EST. NO. SEE SIDE/BACK PANEl FOR ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHilDREN CAUTION Si us.ted no intiende (a etiqueta, busque algien para que se la explique a usted en detalle (If you do not understand the label get someone to explain It to you in detail), FIRST AID IF 5WALLOWEO: + Immediately call a Poison Control Center or doctor. · Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. .. 00 not give any liquid to the person. .. Do not S!';ve anvthinQ: bv mouth to an unconscious oerson. IF INHALED: .. Move person to fresh air. e .. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-ta-mouth if possible. . .. call a Doiso" control center or doctor for further treatment advice. - IF IN EYES: .. Hold eye open and rinse slOWly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. t Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. t Call a ooison control center or doctor for treatment advice. IF ON SKIN: .. Take off contaminated clothing. .. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15~20 minutes. . Call a noiso" control center or doctor for treatment advice. Note to Phvskian: Contains Petroleum Distillate-vomiting may cause aSPiration pneumonia Have the product container or label with you ~hen calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800- 334-7577, Net Contents: In case of Medical emergencies or health and safety inquiries or in case of fire, leaking or damaged containers, information may be obtained b callin 1-800-334-7577, e 4.22 e e e PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals CAUTION. Causes moderate eye damage injury. Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after uSing and before eating or smoking. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Remove contaminated clothing and wash bef9re reuse. Environmental Hazards This product is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to inter- tidal areas below the mean high water marl" Do not apply when weath- er conditions favor drift from treated areas. Drift and runoff from treated sites may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equip,ment washwaters. This prod. uct is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are actively visiting the treatment area. Do not apply when wind speeds exceed 10 mph. Physical And Chemical Hazards 00 not use, pour, spill or store near heat or open flame. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food or fe(d by storage or disposal. Storage: Store product in its original container in a cool, dry, locked place designated for such insecticides and out of reach of children. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. In case of spillage, soak up with absorbent material such as sawdust, or fullers earth, sweep up and place in a labeled container and dispose of as follows: Pesticide Disposal: Wastes resUlting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Container Disposal: CONTAINERS ONE GALLON OR SMALLER: Do not reuse container. Wrap containers in severa/layers of newspaper and dis. card in trash, CONTAINERS LARGER THAN ONE GALLON (Metal) Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recycling or reconditioning or punc- ture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other approved State and Local procedures. (Plastic) Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recy. cling or reconditioning or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or incineration, or if allowed by State and Local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. . DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsis- tent with its labeling. PERMANONE 30-30 is recommended for application as an Ultra Low Volume (U.l.V.) nonthermal aerosol (Cold Fog) to control adult mosquitoes in residential and recreational areas where these'. insects are a problem; such as but not limited to parks, campsites, woodlands, athletic fields, golf courses, residential areas, municipalities, gardens, playgrounds, recre- ational areas and overgrown waste areas. Do not apply this product with- in 100 feet (30 meters) of lakes and streams. Do not allow spray treatment to drift on to pastureland, cropland, poultry ranges, or water supplies. For best results, treat when mosquitoes are most active and weather condi. tions are conducive to keeping the fog dose to the ground, e.g. cool tem- peratures and wind speeds not greater than 10 mph. Application during the cool hours of night or early morning is usually preferable. IN FLORI. DA: DO NOT APPlV BV AIRCRAFT EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER SER- VICES. ... \ THERMAL AEROSOL FOGGING Refer to dilution chart in HOW TO APPLY Section TRUCK MOUNTED: Apply PERMANONE 30-30 using thermal logging equip- ment. Dilute with a mineral oil (viscosity aVAH) or another suitable non- phytotoxic diluent. 00 not exceed the maximum rate. May be applied at speeds of 5 mph up to 20 mph. -For speeds 15 mph and higher use vari- able flow apparatus. For use with hand carried andlor lawn mower fog- gers, apply at rates up to but not exceeding O.007Ibs. A.L per acre. Do not wet foliage since certain oil base formulations may be phytotoxic. Do not fog when wind conditions exceed 5 mph. Use a well-maintained and property calibrated fogger. Fog downwind. Apply Permanone 30-30 to deliver up to but not exceeding 0.OO7Ibs. permethrin per acre and up to but not exceeding 0.007/bs. Piperonyl Butoxide per acre. UlV NON-THERMAL AEROSOL (COlP FOG) To control Mosquitoes, Midges and BJad:jlies apply PERMANONE 30-30 using standard U.l.V. ground equipment capable of producing a non-ther~ mal aerosol spray with droplets ranging in size from 5-20 microns mass median diameter (MMD). The largest droplet should not exceed 50 microns and less than 5% of the drops should be below 5 microns. This product may be applied undiluted at a flow rate of 1 fluid ounce per minute and a vehicle speed of 10 mph. If a different vehicle speed is used adjust accordingly. These rates are equivalent to 0.003 pounds Permethrin and 0.003 pounds Piperonyl Butoxide per acre. Vary flow rate according to vegetation density and mosquito population. Use higher' flow rate in heavy vegetation or when populations are high. Calibrate equipment to ensure the proper flow rate. PERMANONE 30-30 may also be applied by diluting with a suitable solvent such as mineral oil and by applying so as not to exceed the maximum pounds of active ingredient per acre as shown in the first column of the Conditions and Rates Chart. The following charts present recommended dilution and per acre rates for ground UlV applications. If an alternate dilution rate is used adjust .the flow rate accordingly. AS A BARRIER SPRAV USE A "BACKPACK" ULV UNIT PERMANONE 30-30 may be applied as is, undiluted or diluted (see dilution charts in uHOW TO APPLY" section) using a mineral oil or other suitable non-phytotoxic diluent. For use in non-thermal UlV portable backpack equipment apply PERMAN ONE 30.30 with apparatus adjusted to deliver ULV particles of 50-100 microns mass median diameter. Use 0.1 lb. A.I.lacre and a 50 It (15.2 m) swath while walking at a speed of Z mph (3.2 kph). Whether applied undiluted or diluted ensure that not more than (0.1 lb.) is applied per acre, HOW TO APPlV For proper application mount the fog applicator so that the nozzle is at least 4.5 feet above ground level and directed out of the back of the vehi- cle. Failure to follow the above directions may result in reduced effec. tiveness. Aerial applications should be done using aerial U.L V. equipment capable of producing droplets with a MMD of 50 microns or less with no more than 2.5% exceeding 100 microns. Flow rate and swath width should be set so as to achieve not more than O.007Ibs. permethrinJacre. 1:4 or 1:8 Dilution Rates for Permanone 30-30 o " '! / For a 1:4 Permanone 30-30/Solvent Dilution Ratio Mix one (1) part Permanone 30-30 with four (4) partS solvent and apply at the follOWing 'ates Pounds/Acre Application Rates Permethrin/ FL Ounces Finished Spray Piperonyl Butoxide Per Minute . 5 mph 10 mph 15 mph S 10 15 2.5 5 7.5 1.25 2.5 3.7 Fl. Ounces/Min. Per Acre o 0.0064 0,0032 0,0016 1.65 0,83 0,41 , ~ ,AI'J3- &.Jj/wl" For a 1:8 permanone 3D-30/SOlvent Dilution Ratio Mix one (1) part Permanone 3D-30 with eight (8) parts solvent and apply at the following rates permethrin Application Rates Pounds/Acre FI. Ounces Finished Spray 5mph 10mph 15mph 9 18 27 4.5 9 13.5 2,25 4.5 6.75 , o 0,0064 0,0032 0,0016 FI. Ounces/Min. Per Acre 3,0 1,5 0.74 o IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USE Read the entire Directions for Use, Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and limitations of liability before using this product. If terms are not acceptable, return the unopened product container at once. By using this product, user or buyer accepts the following conditions, dis- claimer of warranties and limitations of liability. CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate and should be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate aU risks asscociated with the use of this product. Ineffectiven_ or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use application, a(l of which are beyond the control of Bayer Environmental Science. All such risks shall be assumed by the user or buyer. OISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABIlI1Y OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS LABEL No agent of Bayer Environmental5cience is authorized to make any warranties beyond those contained herein or to modify the warranties contained herein. Bayer Environmental5cience disclaims any liability whatsoever for special, inci. dental or consequential damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. LIMITATIONS OF L1A81L1TY: THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER OR BUYER FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES,INJURIES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OFTHIS PRODUG, WHETHER IN CONTRAG, WAR- RAN1Y, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRIG L1ABILl1Y OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, OR AT BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCI- ENCE'S ELEGlON, THE REPLACEMENT OF PRODUG. @Bayer AG, 2002 Permanone is a registered trademark of Bayer AG. Manufactured By: Bayer Environmental Science A Business Group of Bayer Crop Science LP 95 Chestnut Ridge Road MontvaJe, NJ 07645 Perm 30-30-SL-10/02-ENG e e t!/) ,I ....L~--t e e e Bayer Environmental Science USOS Number. QOOOIlOOO11'llof PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Version 1.1 SECTION 1_ CHEMICAL PROOUCT AND OOIIPANY INFORIIAlION Product Name Chemical Name Synonym MSDS Number Chemical Family Chemical Fonnulatlon EPA Registration No. Canadian Reglstrat. No. Bayer Environmental Science 95 Chestnut Ridge Road Montvale. NJ 07645 USA PERMANONE 30-30 1704 Mixture Mixture 432-1235 For Product Use Information: (800)331-2867 Monday through Friday(CRLF) 8:00AM- 4:3OPM{CRLF) For Medical Emergency contact DART: (800) 334-7577 24 HourslDay(CRLF) For Transportation Emergency CHEMTREC: (8OO) 424-9300 24 HourslDay , Product Use Description Permanone 30-30 ULV is recommended for application as an Ultra Low Volume (U.L V.) nonlhermal aerosol (Cold Fog) to control adult mosquitoes. biting and noo-biting midges and blacldlies in residential and recreational areas. IIJ SECltON 2. ~"UIfJlNFORIIAlION ON lNGREIlENTS Comoonent Name CAS NQ, Concentration % by Wel9ht IIiDImum IIIaxIt..u... 30.??oo 30,??oo 40.??oo Permethrin Piperonyl butoxide Inert Ingredioots 52645-53-1 51-Qa-a Page 10ra Bayer Environmental Science A Business Group of Bayer CropSciance 425 Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Number. 000000001704 MSOS Ve<sion 1.1 SECTION 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION NOTE: Pleasa refer to Saction 11 for detailed toxicoJogicallnfonna/ion. Emeraancy Overview CAUTlON. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Health: Harmful if swallowed, absorbed through skin or inhaled. Prolonged or frequenUy repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing vapors, Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Environmental: This product Is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates and highly toxic to bees, . liquid e Physical state Odor Mild sassafrass-type Appearance Thick, dm ember Routes of Exposure Ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. Immediate Effects Eye Causes moderate eye damage injury. Skin Hannful if absorbed. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. SlighUy irritating. Ingestion Inhalation Harmful if swallowed, Hannful if inhaled. Chronic or Delayed Long-Term See Section 11 for carcinogenic/oncogenic information on piperonyl butoxide and pennethrin. e Medical Conditions None known. Aggravated by Exposure SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EJe Hold ... open and rinse slowly and genIIy with _1Dl' 15-20 minules. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes. then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. ~ Skin Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes, Calla poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.' Do Ingestion Page 2 of 8 - L1 '}i: A "",V e :- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Number. 0000??oo1704 MOOS VSl$lon 1.1 Inhalation not give anything by mouth \0 an ul\CXlllscious person. Move person to fresh air. If pemn is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, petferably mouth-to-mout!' if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advICe. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment This product contains a pyre\hroid. If a small amount is ingested (or if treatment is delayed) oral administration of large amounts of activated charcoal and a cathartic is probably sufficient therapy. Do not administer milk, cream or other substances containing vegetable or animal fats, which enhance the absorpl\on of lipophilic substances. Note to Physician IIIlI _ SEC'I1ON S. FIRE FIGHTING -"'StIRES Flash Point 129 'C/U4 'F TCC Suitable Extinguishing Media Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam or water. Fire Fighting Instructions As in any fire, wear salf-contained breathing apparatus pressure-<:lemand, MSHNNIOSH approved (or equivalent) and full prolllctlve gear. SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES General and Disposal Soak up with an absorbent material such as sawdust or fuller's earth, sweep up and place in a labeled container. SECTION 7.1fANDUHG AND SiORAGE Handling Procedures Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mIst. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Do not use, pour, spill or store near heat or open flame. Storing PrCH:edures Do not store at temperatures below 40'F (4.S'C). If this material has been exposed to temperatures below 40'F (4.S'C) there may be precipitation. Check for crystalization. If evident, warm to 80'F (26.S'C) and thoroughly mix before using. DO NOT USE OPEN FlAME. Store product inits Original container in a cool, dry, locked place designated for such insecticides and out of reach of children. Avoid exposure 10 extreme Page 30f 8 '.' ~. 42'1 Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Number. 0000??oo1704 MSDS Ve",ion 1.1 WorltlHygienic Proceduras temperatures. Wash thoroughly with soap and water alter using and before eating or smoking. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. SECTION8.EXPOSURECONTROL~ERSONALPROTECTION t:~4'aca P.~1 Safely gIasse$ or lJOll!IIes Body Protection Impervious {Jloves. Exposur. Limits None Established , SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearant;:. Physical State Thick, dark amber liquid Mild sassafrass-type 8.1837 Ibslgal Odor Bulk Density Solubility (In water) insoluble SECTION 10. STABILIty AND REACTIVITY Chell..... StaIJlIIty SlabIe Page 4 of 8 .1QQ 1("CJ e e e e e e Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Number. ?0ooooo01704 MSOS Version 1.1 Incompatibility Strong oxidizlng agents. Hazardous Polymerization (Conditions to avoid) SECTION 11. lOXICOU)GICAL UIFORIIATION Will not occur Acute Oral TOXicity Rat LD5O: 1,250 mglkg . This data was obtained using Perrnanone 31% Butacide 66% Manufacturing Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% permethrin and 66% pipemnyf butoxide. rat (female) L05O: 396 mglkg Thls data Was obtained using Pennethrin, the active Ingredient. Acute Dennal Toxlclty Rat L050: 2,020 mglkg Thls data was obtained using Permanone 31 % Butacide 66% Manufacturing Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% permethrin llnd 66% pipemnyf butoxide, rat (male) L050; > 5,176 mglkg This data was obtained using Pennethrin. the active ingredient. Acute Inhalation Toxicity rat (female) L05O: > 4,000 mg/kg This data was obtained using Permethrin, the active ingredient. Skin lnitation Rat LC50: 4.39 mg/l (4,0 h) This data was obtained using Pennanone 31.% Butacide 66% Manufacturing Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% pennethrin and 66% piperonyl butoxlde. Rat: LC50: 17.56 mg/l for DOT purposes (1.0hr) This data was obtained using Perrnanone 31 % Butacide 66% ManufactUring Concentrata; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% pennethrln and 66% piperonyl butoxide. Rabbit SlighUy initaijng This data was obtained using Permanone 31 % Butacide 66% ManufactUring Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% permethrin and 66% piperonyl butoxide. Eye lnitation Rabbit: Tox Category IIlMildly irr1tating. This data was obtained using Pennanone 31% Butacide 66% Manufacturing Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% pennethrin and 66% piperonyl butoxide. Sensitization Guinea pig: Sensllizing Page 501 8 .11.']0 J.;4.,.;J Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 Chronic Toxicity Assessment Carcinogenicity ACGIH None NTP None IARC Permethrin Piperonyl butoxide OSHA None MSDS Number: 0?0ooooo1704 MSDS Ver.;;ion 1.1 This data was obtained using Permanone 31% Butacide 66% Manufacturing Concentrate; EPA Reg. No. 432-1150, which contains 31% permethrin and 66% piperonyl butoxide. A statistically significant increase in the Incidence of lung and liver tumors was ObseNed in female mice receiving diets containing 375 and 750 mg/l<gIday of permethrin technical over 85 weeks. A statistically significant increase in the number of benign liver tumor.;; appeared In mice fed piperonyl butoxide technical at doses which far exceed any anticipated daily human intake. Independent and industry toxicological experts who have reviewed the data agree that the findings of the study do not indicate a health risk to human beings, 52645-53-1 51-1)3-6 3 3 SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION E:mriranmeataI Precautions This producI is """",,,..Illy toxic lo fish _ aquatic aganisms. For Iel.esb... uses, do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below mean high water mart<;, Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from areas treated. Drill or runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic Qrganisms in neighboring areas. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of equipment wash waters. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops 01 weeds. Do not apply this product or allow II to drift to blooming crops 01 weds while bees are actively visiting the treatment area. Do not apply when winds speeds exceed 10 mph. Page 6 of 8 LU:O ....u. e e e e e e Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 30-30 MSDS Number: 0000??oo1704 MOOS Version 1.1 Environmental Fate This data was obtained using Permelhrin, the active ingredient. Log P: 6.10 Soil Absorption Koc: 277000 Hydrolysis HL, days: Stable (pH 5 end pH 7); 242 (pH g) Photolysis HL, days: 110 (water); 104 (soil) Soil Deg HL. days: 39.5 (Aerobic); 197 (Anaerobic) SECTION 13, DISPOSAl CONSIDERATIONS General WID.I "l~ Guidance ~ Disposal: Wastes resulting 1ioIn use of lhls product may be '*"1.-.<1 of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. CONTAINERS ONE GALLON OR SMALLER: Do not reuse container. Wrap containers in several layers of newspaper and discard in trash, Container Disposal CONTAINERS lARGER THAN ONE GAlLON (Metal) Triple rinse or equivalent. Then offer for recycling or reconditioning or puncture end dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other approved Stale and Local procedures, (Plastic) Triple rinse or equivalent. Than offer for recycling or reconditioning or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or incineration. or if allowed by Slate and Local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. RCRA Classification SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not DOT regulated SECTiON 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Federal EPA Registration No. 432-1235 TSCA list Piperonyl butoxide 51-D3-€ TSCA 12b export notifit;ation None SARA Title III . section 302 . notification and Infonnation None SARA Title III . section 313 . toxic chemica' release reporting Pennethrin 52645-53-1 Piperonyl butoxide 51-03-6 US States Regulatory 1.0% 1,0% Page 7 of 8 431 Material Safety Data Sheet PERMANONE 3D-3D MSDS Number. 000??oo01704 MSDS Version 1.1 CA Prop65 , This product does not contain any substances known to the State of California to cause cancer. This product does not contain any substances known to the State of California to cause reproductive hann. e US Slate right-to-know Ingredients Pennethrin Piperonyl butoxi<!e 52fl45.53-1 51~3-6 NJ NJ Canadian Regulations Canadian Regltltral. No. Canadian Domestic Substance Ust Piperonyl butoxide 51~3-6 Environmental CERCLA None Clean Water SeelIon 307 Priority Pollutants None Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant Levels None International Regulatlons EU Classification None European Inventory of existing Commercial Substances (EINECS) Pennethrin 52645-53-1 Piperonyl butoxide 51 ~3-6 SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION e REVISED SEC11ONS: MSDS REVISION INDICATOR: Company name change. Print Date: 1211112002 Supersedes MSDS. which is older than: 1211012002 This infonnation is provided in good faith but without express or implied warranty. Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with label Instructions. The product names are registered trademarks of Bayer AG. Bayer Environmental Science Page80f 8 e d:12 ..IiI.Vr-.... e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS RECAP OF LOW BIDDERS PERIOD: JANUARY 1, 2006 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 e ASPHAL TS. OILS AND EMULSIONS FOR PERIOD: JANUARY 1, 2006 TO JUNE 30,2006 DELIVERY: FOB Destination, To Be Delivered To Jobsite Bid Item Bid Amount I Unit Low Bidder Department Comments AC-5 For All Precincts: Prices based on 5,000 gallon delivery minimum; Demurrageg charge of $50/Hr after 2 free Hours $1.883 I Gallon Cleveland Asphalt Products Inc Precinct #1 Precinct #2 Precinct #3 Precinct #4P Precinct #4S ~ Cleveland Asphalt only Bidder ~ Valero Mktg would not commit to 6 months nor include freight; Current price =$1.30 wlo freight ~ Gulf States Asphalt would not commit to 6 months -----------------------------------------------------------------. Not a Bid Price $2,3561 Gallon For All Precincts: Current Price is subject to change Dally due to price volatility of the naphtha used to make RC-250, Prices based on 5,000 gallon delivery minimum; Demurrageg charge of $50/Hr after 2 free Hours RC250 ~ Cleveland Asphalt Price Subject to Change Dally ~ Valero Mktg would not commn to 6 months nor include freight; Current price =$1.85 wlo freight ~ Gulf States Asphalt would not commit to 6 months ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleveland Asphalt Products Inc Precinct #1 Precinct #2 Precinct #3 Precinct #4P Precinct #4S ~ C..::; ~ Paoe 1 of2 NO'l> 8:E:;: "'0'0 . -. 0: n&o' o '" " 3 Ul :E ~6'e: ~"'3 o'iJ;'D> " "0 a. '" ::r'" UlD>O' --< ~lri n <003 OJ=: " II> 3 ... OJ-- &' 1t !H. - 0 '" m" ~3~ .. ffi- GJ ..,.. -. 01 ::1.0 <" Gr"D> nil>" ?" 0' Dl -n~" _.,.,. c.. ,,::r ~C1l~ "'"0 n ~ '" 0 . c.i :::!. 5- 5.8.~ .......... cD>O' 0."-< IOCn (I) Dl 0 -u-<! 3 ~r3 ca'NCft' ...,. o!::2. ",00 =0\.::) < '" '" o::r ~ fa" a ::I! a.c" _..lQ :4- " ::r", .....~ iil'c .....0 < " 0"'> ~ w:2: OD> - ~ a. "'J> o=: oJ> ~~ ~l!l C Gll/l ." o J> ~ ... ~ C':,: ..t... e CALHOUN COUNTY,TEXAS RECAP OF LOW BIDDERS: JANUARY 1, 2006 TO JUNE 30, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CRS-2 ~Cleveland Asphalt bid $1.376/gal based on 5000 gal minimum and demurrage at $501hr after 2 free hrs ~ Gulf States Asphalt would not commit to 6 months -----------------------------------------------------------------. $1,191 Gallon Performance Grade Asphalt Precinct #1 Precinct #2 Precinct #3 Precinct #4P Precinct #4S CRS-2P ~C/eve/and Asphalt bid $1.656/gal based on 5000 gal minimum and demurrage of $50/hr after 2 free hrs ~Gulf States Asphalt would not commit to 6 months .----------------------------------------------------------------- $1,46 I Gallon Performance Grade Asphalt Precinct #1 Precinct #2 Precinct #3 Precinct #4P Precinct #4S e e P~",Q? ,..f? . CAlHOUN COUNTY.1IXAS BID SIIEET-IASPHALTS, DIS AND EMUlSIONS INVII A liON 10 BID 8 ~b/Y) ~++~d l~~ I BDIDER ClfVBAND ASPHALT PRODUCTS INC RET l NOLAN, SAlES MAMa PO BOX 144a SIIEI'IIEIIIJ TX 77371 e BID ITEM IAC-5 I PfBIDDIIIDM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PfBIDDTO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BIO ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX n979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-IACoS BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOEREO FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN OETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCiAl RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2.000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,000/$300,000). SPEC/FICA TlONS: AC-5 MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICA noNS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS -----------------------------------------~----- DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY lIlT lIlT P/lJlE PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS a PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFiCATIONS _ AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS *** Prices based on 5000 gallon minimum delivery The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized ta ext:cute this contract, that this company, cOrp6ration, firm, partnership "" indMduol has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, ond thot tM contents of this bid as to prices" terms or conditions of said bid have not "en communicated by the undersigned nor by Q/lY employee or agent to any other person engoged in this type of bUSiness prior to the offidal opening of this bid. Clev d alt ducts,Inc. ?O.Box 1449, Shepherd, Texas 77371 AII1IIlIRlZBl SlGllAllIlE JIllE: Sa 1 e s Ma nag e r Amff~ Robert L. Nolan GAl.lON $1.883 *** $1.883 *** $1.883 *** GALLON GALLON GAlLON GALLON $1,883 $1.883 *** *** DATEOfIllll: 1?/l'i05 ~~ 800-334-0177 FAX# 936-628-6602 after 2 free hours. PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPTIlINS TO lIE ABOVE SPECIfIUTIONS: *** Demurrage cha~",,e of $50.00 I hr Tuesday,O~ober25,2005 IIlIJOlB CIfVBJIMI ASI'lWT FIlIIllU&IS INC e c 435 - - ~.n~ \l\IERO 7tf MARKETING AND SUPPLY COMPANY ok ~TING AND ~UrrLY COMPANY Judge Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 211 SAnnSt. Port Lavaca, Tx 77979 Dear Mr. Pfeifer Johnie A. Goodman Area Sales Manager Asphalt Markrting P.O. Box 4606. Corpus Christi, TX 78469 361-2S9-3270. Fax: ,361-299-3546 cell: 36J-442.3909 johnie.goodman@valero.com Valero is pleased to have the opportunity to quote asphalt to Calhoun County for your material needs for the year 2006. Due to the volatility in the crude market, this year we are not quoting fInn prices for the year. With us not quoting firm prices we feel it will allow Valero to supply Calhoun County with the best prices in the market without having to put hidden escalators in the bid, All products will be sold on a daily rack basis. This means that prices may change at any time with the prices going up or down: Pricing at this time,are as follows. AC-5 is at $1.30 gallon ,RC-250 is at $1.85 gallon. At this time we are not selling CRS-2 or CRS-2P, These prices are FOB Valero in Corpus Christi. If you would like to give me a call I will give you several truckers phone numbers to call for freight. Again we appreciate the opportunity to quote your asphalt needs for the year 2006 and if you have any questions or comments feel free to give me a ~all. Sincerely Valero Marketing and Supply <;?~~~ Johnie Goodman Area Sales Manager .-..\0+ rJ\ .e..c.+ $:f'ec..5 b c>eS ' '\ --....... ~-\-\CLC+ Wew.. lei \"\0+ Do (.IT' p" <,,) ~y 1.0 ('r\.<.Y"o"')-\--hS T ~-( rY\ r \ ce...:> AND {::: (e: 3'h.+- l\,o t- : f\c-Iv.A<Ul ~s , .... -- 4_> ", 'd< ...uv - e . . CAl,HOUN COUNTY. TEXAS Bm SIHT- 'ASPHALTS. OD.S AND EMUlSIONS I BDlDER INVITATION TO BID 3 u..b", ,cUed I~~ ClfVB..AND ASPHALT PR_TS INC RODBlT L NOlAN. SALES MANAGER PO BOX 1448 SllfPI/BlD e BID ITEM IRC250 TX Tr.fJ1 I PBlIOD fROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 I'IRlOD llI: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALl/OUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT I.AVACA TX n979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED S/D-IRC250 , BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS Will BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22,20<15 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME Will BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CAlHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WIL.L. BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CAlHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDOER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). SPECIFICA nONS: RC250 MUST MEET All TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS ------------------------------------------------ DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY INT INT/WE GALLON $2.356 *** GALLON $2.356 *** " GALLON $2.356 *** PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 e PRECINCT 4.p PRECINCT ~ FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR AREA SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS *** Prices based on 5000 gallon minimum,deliY~ry The undersigned affirms that they ore duly allthorized to execllte this contract, that this comp4ny. corporation, firm, p4rtnership or individual has not ptv:pared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid os to prices, terms or conditions of sold bid haW! not been comnwnicoted by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. Cleveland As r d c .0.Box 1449 Shepherd,Texas 77371 AlIIIIllRIZBJ SIliIfATlJIE JITLE: Sa i e s Ma nag e r PlllNTNAME: Robert L. Nolan FOB DESTINATION;SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON *** $2,3% $2.356 *** DATEOfBDl: 12/15/05 TEl.EPIlUNE IillMII8l: 800 - 3 3 4 -0 1 77 PlfASE IJST ANY EXCB'1IDIiS TD T1HB8VE SPEJ:D'lCATIONS: FaX# 936 -6 2 8 - 6 6 0 2 *** Demurage charge of $50.00/hr after 2 free hours Current price is subject to chage daily due to the price volatility of the naphtha used make RC-250. to Tuesday, October 25,2005 IIlIIIBI ClmlAMI ASI'IIAlT l'IIllIIlIGISlN& e 43', - - ...n... V\lI'Ro 'K MARKETING ANu ~UPPLY COMPANY ~k \UERO 7lfMARKEnNG AND SUPPLY COMPANY Judge Michael J Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge 211 S Ann St. Port Lavaca, Ix 77979 Dear Mr. Pfeifer Johnie A. Goodman Area Sales Manager AsphAlt Marketing P,O. Box 4606 . COtpus Christi, TX 78469 361-.289+3270. Pax; 361-299-3546 Cell: 361-442.3909 johnie.goodman@valero.com Valero is pleased to have the opportunity to quote asphalt to Calhoun County for yom material needs for the year 2006. Due to the volatility in the crude market, this year we are not quoting firm prices for the year, With us not quoting firm prices we feel it will allow Valero to supply Calhoun County with the best prices in the market without having to put hidden escalators in the bid. All products will be sold on a daily rack basis. This means that prices may change at any time with the prices going up or down. Pricing at this time are as follows. AC-5 is at $1.30 gallon, RC-250 is at $1.85 gallon. At this time we are not selling CRS-2 or CRS-2P. These prices are FOB Valero in Corpus Christi. If you would like to give me a call I will give you several truckers phone numbers to call for freight. Again we appreciate the opportunity to quote yom asphalt needs for the year 2006 and if you have any questions or comments feel free to give me a call. Sincerely Valero Marketing and Supply s2:~y~ Area Sales Manager b C>€.S NO+ ~ ~e...+ S:pe c. S -........ C!.Pn k c+ \'\0+ De> . CL ~<" !.o (Y\. L5YY~'" h S WOt..L\d ( ~~( JY\ Pr:ces) ANt> t:'re;~l~ n. 0 t- ~ f\ c..l ud <2.A :5 '> .8,-"., Lld:G e e e BIDDER PBlfORMANcE GRADE ASPHALT TOMMY AlEXANDER PO BOX m lAMARQUE TX 77568 e BW ITIM ICRS-2. EMUlSIFIED ASPHALT I ,(CADONIC RAPID SfTTING) . , CAUl8UH &9UNlY, lWS BID Sm-lASPIlALTS, OU AND EMULSIONS INVIT A liON TO BID Su-6rYl ; +-{.ed I Ccvp~ Q;~ I PEIl/IID FROM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PBUlIII TO: JUNE 30, 2006 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CA/..HOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX n979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED Blo-lcRS.2,.EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID I 'SETTlNG) , BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM. THURSDA Yo DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Yo DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AN( COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORkERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS: CRS-2, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DELIVERY /lIlT ., PI/I:E e PRECINCT 1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON t- /. f 9 PRECINCT 3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON i- /, /9 PRECINCT 4-P PORT O'CONNOR FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON t:. I. 19 AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON tJ. 19 PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON ~ I. ( '1 The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract. that this company. corporation. firm. portnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder. and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid have nDt been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. c--. ~) AlI1IIllIIIZID SWlAlIIIUITlf: 'v... t. '7 H' '" t PIlINTNAIlI: ?:;;;,rrry /J!I!I'I4,vdt!.1L DATEDfBlD: 11-17-"~ TEI.EPlIlJHE NUMBER: ( #'0 , ) .,86 - 7 7~ PlIASE lIST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO ~ ABOVE SPEC8lCATIIINS: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 IIIIIIWI PfIlfIIIIMANI:f I:lIJIDl' UPIIAU e '. 439 . CAUlOUN COUNtY, lIXAS81D SHEET-IASPHALTS, OD.S AND EMULSIONS' I BIDDER ClIVB.AND ASPHALT PRODUCTS INC ROBERT L MH.AN. SAlES MANAGER PO BOX 1448 mllERD INVITATION TO BID 3u. 6m', -/-+ed 1 Co-ft Qn L( TX n311 e BID ITEM CRS-2. EMULSIfIED ASPHAlT PEIlJOD mOM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PBIIDD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 [CAnONIC RAPm SEJTlNGJ . YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEfFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANNST, PORTLAVACA rxn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED 81D-ICRS-2, EMULSIFIED ASPHAL T (CA nONlc RAPID I SETTING) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSOAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIOS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR All BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,OOO/$100,OOOI$300,OOO). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICAnONS: CRS-2, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) MUST MEET ALL TImOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS DEPARTMENT: DESTINATION DEl./VERY lIlT DIIT/VE $1,376 *e $1.376 *** $1.376 *** FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRlFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS *** Prices based on 5000 gallon minimum delivery The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this c""tract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or Individual has not prepared this bid In collusi"" with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid how: not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other pI!1'SD17 engaged in. this type of business prior to the official opening of this bid. Cleveland As d s, ne P.O.BOX 1449, Shepherd, Texas 77371 AIITIIllIIIZED SWlA1IIIE.JIJlf: Sa 1 e sMa nag e r PRlNTNAME: Robert L. Nolan DATEDfBDI: 12/15/05 lBlPIIOfIE /IllMBEII: 800 - 3 3 4 - 0 1 77 PlfASE lIST ANY EXC8'IIIINS TO TIlE AIlIlVE SPEJ:IFICATIONS: Fax # 9 3 6 - 6 2 8 - 6 6 0 2 *** Demurrage charge of $50.00/hr. after 2 free hours PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DeSTINATION; SEE! ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATIONj SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON $1.376 $1.376 *** *** Tuesday, October 25.2005 BIIIlIBI CIfVIIMIl ASI'IIAlT I'IIIDIIICIS INC - LNO . CAlHOUN COUNlY. TEXAS BID SHEET -IASPHAlTS. OILS AND EMIII.SIONS INUIT A TION TO BID I BIDDER PERfORMANCE GRADE ASPHALT TOMMY AlfXANDm PO BOX 7b/ l.AMARQUE TX 77568 0~b(Y1 :+-ted I CoM~ e BID ITIM CRS-2P. EMULSIIED ASPHALT PfftlDO mOM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PEIIIlIDTB; JUNE 30, 2006 (CATIONIC RAPID SEJTING] - YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANNST, PORTl.AVACA TX77BTB BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTEDINA SEALED ENVELOPE Pl.AiNLYMARKEP: SEJiLEl.lBIl).ICRll-~'EAfUL$tFIEDA'spIfA/,.T(CA1IONlC RA"IO I ' . . . .' SETTING) '. BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT:. 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 2005 BiDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,2005 BIDS RECEIVEO AFTER THE OPENING TIME WiLL BE RETURNED UNOPENEO TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICAliTIES, REJECT ANY OR AlL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINA TEON THE BASIS OF RACE. COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCiAl RESPONSiBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDD.ER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICA.TE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CA.LHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000.000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,000/$300,000). SPEC'FICA TlONS: CRS-2P, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) MUST MEET ALL n<DOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 SEE A IT ACHEO SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT, DESTINATION DELIVERY IN1 /llIT P/II:E /: I. 'f'- l' ,. il-l. f i. 'f-l. } /. ifC /. tt.t. e PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR 'AREA SEADRIFT AREA SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DE$TINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GAlLON PRECINCT 4-S PRECINCT 2 FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON It: I The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this canrpany, carporati<>n, firm, partnership or Individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any ather cr Bidder, and that the contents of this bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said bid ha\le not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any eJ1/ployee ar agent to any ather person engaged in this type of business priar to the official opening of this bid. ~ a AUIIIlJII/ZID SlGHATIIlf1lTlE: )- J ~';<1 - -- PIllNTNAME: /'_#11( Y /4/EYi4cJdGL PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPIJDNS TO DIE ABOVE SPECflCAnoNS: DATEOfIllD: /1';"11-0r THfPIIDNE NlIMDER: (~tilt) <" , - 77.'/.0 Tuesday, October 25, 2005 IIIIIIIfB PfIIIlIBMAIa:I'GIlADU81'1fALT e 4'11 ,CAlHOUN COUNtY, TEXAS BID SIIID-IASPUALTS, OILS AND EMUlSIONS I INVIT A liON TO BID BIII8\ CLEVDMD ASPHAlT PR_TS INC ROBERT L NIIlAN. SALES MANAGER PO BOX IW SI\EPIIERD TX m71 BID ITEM ICR8-2P, EMUI.SIfIBJ ASPHALT I mAllONIC RAPID SfT1ING) , -Su.brn:-I4ecl , I Cn?y ()1iL~ PElll8D mOM: JANUARY 1, 2006 PEIIlDD TO: JUNE 30, 2006 e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEiFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA TX 779T9 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALEO BIIJ. ICRS.2P, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT ICA nONlC RAPID I ISETTlNG) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10,00 AM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSOA Y, DECEMBER 22, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPlOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCiAl RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENEIlAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS' CRS-2P, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) MUST MEET ALL TXOOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS DEPARTMENT, DESTINATION DELIVERY fIIfIT UItIT IVE $1.656 *- $1.656 *" $1.656 *** FAIRGROUNDS AREA OLIVIA AREA PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT 4-S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION: SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS PRECINCT 2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS *** Prices based on 5000 gallDn minimum delivery The undel'$igned affirms that they are duly authorized f>1 ex<<ute this contract, that this company. corporat;,,,,, firm. partnership or individual has not prepared this bid in collusion with any other or Bidder, and that the contents of this bid os to prices. terms or conditions of said bid have not been communlcoted by the undersigned nor by any etnployee or agent to any other person ell9"'ged in this type of business prior to the officiol opening of this bid. Cleveland As 0 ets I .,P.O.BOx 1449, Shepherd, Texas 77371 AUTIItIRIlED1IGIIAllIlf JITIf: S a I e sMa n a e r PRIIfNAME:' Robert L. Nolan DATEUfBUI: 12/15/05 TB.fPIIlINE NUMBER: 800 - 3 3 4 -0 1 77 PlIASE lIST ANY EllC8'llllNS TO THE ABOVE SPRIFICATIONS: FAX # 936 ~6 2 8 - 6 6 0 2 *** Demurrage charge Df. $50.00/hr, after 2 free hDurs PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 4-P FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS FOB DESTINATION; SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON $1.656 $1.656 *** *** Tuesday, October 25, 2005 IIIDIIBl &lfVIIMtIftSl'HAlTPIIlJIJUI:JSIN& e iI,i) Ll.!,'W e e e .--- December 12, 2005 Calhoun Co. Attn: Peggy Hall Re: Asphalt, Oils Dear Ms. Hall, GS"C GULl' STATES ASPHALT co., LP. Thank you for your request for a bids on A.>1'luill Malerws. At th!;' pH,sellt'time, we have decided not to commit to a on year, fixed price, This is due to the vOIlltiIily oftl1<O prices ofthcnsphalts <md other products th are made from cn.uie, We will continue to malce asPlla1t paVIng proOUClS lUltl st;Ullicw,,~ LL~ ",......... ."=k,,t.pn~o. Cristina Pena Paving Sales . \f J .g&fYl ~I (!a/led And -rof. -1'he1 }o +is on'I' ~+ ,:){i (lfFd:J no-!- ~Jis, , c6}: II. ~o( $,i'i- , '/JiJJ) t&~;1t1 +- (Jj/ 300 CHRISTY PLACE P,O. BOX 508 SOUTH HOUSTON, TX. nS87-0S08 SALE:S 800,662.0987 MAIN 713,941,4410 FAX 713.947.4906 Z0 39\1d 531\15 O\iS:J 6P6PLP6ETL L~:0t ~00Z/0!/Z! 4,13 AUTHORIZE AND APPROVE THE TRADE-IN OF 1997 FORD '/4 TON F-250 TRUCK. VIN #3FTHF25H1VMA51216 AND FOR PURCHASE OF NEW 2006 C-2500 HD PICK-UP FOR PRECINCT #1: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize and approve the trade-In of a 1997 Ford 3f4 Ton F-2s0 Truck VIN #3FTHF25H1VMAs1216 and for the purchase of a new 2006 C-2s00HD Pick-Up for Precinct #1. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPROVE THE FOLLOWING TRAVEL FORMS FOR USE IN COMPLYING WITH SECTION 16 OF THE CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS PURCHASING POUCY AS PASSED BY COMMIS"~ONERS' COURT ON SEPTEMBER 15. 2000 AND AMENDED ON DECEMBER 29.2000 AND JANUARY 13. 2005: IN COUNTY TRAVEL FORM. TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO.1. 2. 3. AND 4 AND AUTOMOBILE REPORT FORM: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the following travel forms for use in complying with Section 16 of the Calhoun County, Texas Purchasing Policy as passed by Commissioners' Court on September 15, 2000 and amended on December 29, 2000 and January 13, 2005: In County Travel form, Travel Expense Form No.1, 2, 3 and 4 and Automobile Report Form. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS AUTOMOBILE REPORT IN COUNTY TRAVEL COUNTY EMPLOYEES USING PERSONAL AUTOMOBILE SECUON A - GENERAL INFORMATION Department: Period: To e County Employee Responsible For Vehicle: SECUON B - MILEAGE Total Miles Driven On County Business . from page 2 IRS Mileage Rate For 2006 X .445 Reimbursement Requested $ . from page 2 ".. Please prepare a Purchase Order for the above amOQnt and submit to the County Treasurer for reimbursement. SECllON C - CERTIFICATION I (employee) certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above information is aeeD?te. and complete and that, UpOIl request, I have been provided with Internal Revellue Publication No. 463 and that I have the records reauired to SUDDOr! the above. I also understand that !hese records are subject to eutninatioD by the County Auditor and the Internal Revenue Se~ce. If my records are ~ed by either the County Auditor or the Internal Revellue ServIce and are found to be madequate or incomplet~ I agree to reimburse the County for any expenses or disaUowed mileage incurred because of the examination. CERTIFIED CORRECT: SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE TITLE e The above named employee is hereby authorized to submit this travel expense report form. SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL OR DEPARTMENT HEAD Page J of Z 4ii4 AUTOMOBILE REPORT CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS IN COUNTY TRAVEL .. This page may be used for your convenience of keeping track of your mileage ~' DATE: PERIOD FROM: TO: e NAME OF EMPLOYEE SUBMITTING REPORT: DEPARTMENT & POSITION: This is a request for reimbursement of expe....es I have incurred using my personal automobile in the conduct of my duties during the period listed above. e MONTHLY SUMMARY OF MILEAGE INCURRED EXCLUSIVELY ON COUNTY BUSINESS DATE ACnVITY BEGINNINGIENDING MILEAGE MILES --------------------------. -----------.._---------------------------------------~ .-------------------------------------- .-------------------- -------------------------. ----------------------------------------------------- ...------------------------------------- ...---------------- ------------..------------. ---------------..------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- .------------------ ------------------------.., ------~---------------------------- ------------- ----------- -~---._-----~---..._....._-~.. ----~-------------------------.._--._-------------.-_. .-----...---------------.------------- .----.-------------- -~--------------~--------, ----~------------------_._-------._---------._----_. .------------------...---..----------....-- .--------.---------- ~------------------------- --------..-------------------------------------------- --------------------~---._------------- .-------------------- -----------------~---.._--_. ----.._------------------------._--.._-------------~--- .-------------...------.------------------ ._----~-------._----- -----~----------~-------.. ---_._-------------~---.._-----.._--.._--.._---------~--- ----------.---...------------------------- ._--------~---------- ------~--------------~---. -----------------------..------.-----------.---------- ----------.-------------------------..--- .---------..---------- ------.._--...._------_..~---_. ------------..------.--------------..---....---------..--. ._-.._-----~-------------------------~--- ._--------~---.._---- ------~------------------_. -.------.----------.---..---..------....----------------. .--..----------------- - -------------- ---------~--------------~, -----------------------.---..----------..-------..-----. ...-.._---------~--------------.._--.._----- ._-.__.._------~------ ----------~-------~-_.~-~... .._---.._-----~---._---------------------._-~---._----- .--..---------..--------.----------------- .------.-------...--- --..--------------..-------. -~-------------------------.._--.._---------._--_._---- ---~--------------.._--.._-----.._--.._---_.. .--....--..---------..-- ---..----------------------. ---------------------------..--------------..-:--..-.-..-- .----------..------.....--------..---------- ._-~--------------.._- ----.--------..---...-------. -~--------------~----------._-----------------.._--.._. .-------------------------------..------ '--.._-------------~-- ~------------------------- ----------------~---._---------.._---_.._-------.._---_. .------..-------------..----------..------ ._-.._--~----------._- ---~---._---------~---._--, -----..----------..---.....-..--..--....---.---..-----...---..-- -------.---..----------...----------------- ._-----~---._-------- --~---.._-------------..._--. ---------.---------------------..--------------..---..-- -----------..---------..---..------...-- ..------------- "----------------- ------.._---------.._-------------~---..._--.._-----.._- ------------.-;:OTAi:-i.iiLEAGE---- .----------..---..----- IRS Rate January 1, 2006 X .445 + AMOUNT OF REIMBURSEMENT \ h + Transfer these amounts to page one. Employee ana Official or Department Head must both sign. Revised December 22. 2005 P~2of2 e '. 4/1iJ . TRAVel EXPENSE FORM NO.1 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ANY OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL NAME: DEPARTMENT: PURPOSE OF TRAVEL: (Complete in detail) DESTINATION: DEPARTURE DATE: RETURN DATE: e ..----------------------------------.-------.----------------- SECTION 1 MEALS & LODGING: "Claim maximum amount OR actual expenses, provided Detailed & Itemized Receipts are submitted with this report MORNING NOON EVENING MEAL MEAL MEAL LODGING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM DATE $5.00 $7,50 $10,00 $50.00 D $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL MEALS AND LODGING: h I .,---.--------------'----------------------------------------.-e SECTION 2 TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION AIRLINE, BUS, TRAIN (Attach travel ticket) PERSONAL AUTO MILES @ .445 CENTS PER MILE OTHER TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE: (Complete in detail and attach receipts) TOTAL TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION: $ $ $ 1$ ..------------.-------------...-,-...-----,-------,--------------- Page 1 of2 e !~'I' -.;:,.I.J..U e e e .,_'_1_...-;___...-_____""_,___*_..._...._____,_...._,___,_______,_______._ SECTION 3 . OTHER EXPENSES CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES: (Attach receipt and $ copy of conference program) OTHER EXPENSE: (Explain and attach receipts) $ TOTAL OTHER EXPENSE: 1$ ...--....-"-.-'-....---'-..-----------,---,-----------.-..-..-.-----,..--- TOTAL TRAVEL EXPENSE FROM SECTION 1 (meals & lodging): $ TOTAL TRAVEL EXPENSE FROM SECTION 2 (travel & transPomllion-mileag $ TOTAL TRAVEL EXPENSE FROM SECTION 3 (other expenses): $ DEDUCT TOTAL TRAVEL ADVANCE (IF ANY): $< DEDUCT TOTAL COUNTY CREDIT CARD CHARGES (IF ANY): $< 1$ > > I TOTAL REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT: IMPORTANT NOTE: ~ All Receipts, InclUding credit carcl receipts, must be itemized (a detailed receipt). A receipt with just a total will not be paid until an itemized receipt Is provided. ---!:!~~-~~-~~.!E-!5!.!..-~-f}.!!..~!E!~t.!_cf..!e:.q_t:;!p.!J_<:..~E__y.rh~!!_~~~-~~!~jit~_~~,____________________________. CERTIFICATION BY EMPLOYEE ~ I certify that the expenses as shown in Section 1, 2 and 3 are true and correct statements of expenses incurred by me while traveling out of county on official county business, Signature of Employee Submitting Report CERTIFICA nON BY OFFICIAL OR DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ I certify that the above named employee received proper authorization for out of county travel. I have examined the requests for reimbursement on this travel expense form and approve same for payment. Signature of Official or Department Head RevilHld C)e(:umbor 12, 2005 Page 2 of2 4ifl ~ , TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO.2 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS PRISONER TRANSPORT REPORT NAME: DEPARTMENT: ....--------"-----.---.-----..-..-------------....---------------. SECTION 1 EXPENSES INCURRED IN TRANSPORTING PRISONERS e NAME OF PRISONER: CASE NO,: NAME OF PRISONER: CASE NO.: NAME OF PRISONER: CASE NO.: NAME OF PRISONER: CASE NO,: PRISONER(S) TRANSPORTED FROM: TO: DEPARTURE DATE: ARRIVAL DATE: PRISONER EXPENSE REPORT: -Include all Detailed & Itemized Receipts MORNING NOON EVENING MEAL. MEAL MEAL LODGING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM DATE $5.00 $7.50 $10,00 $50,00 I TOTAL MEALS AND LODGING: 1$ OTHER PRISONER EXPENSE (Explain in detail and attach itemized receipts) TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ e 1$ .--.-------------;---------.-,,-------,-------------------- Page 1 of2 e 4iiS e e e SECTION 2 "*-'-----'---------._------,-,---*-------,_._--------"-*-- ~ OFFICER EXPENSE REPORT: ....Claim maximum amount OR actual expenses, provided Detailed & Itemized Receipts are submitted with this report MORNING NOON EVENING MEAL MEAL MEAL LODGING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM DATE $5.00 $7.50 $10,00 $50,00 TOTAL MEALS AND LODGING: OTHER OFFICER EXPENSE (Explain in detail and attach itemized receipts) TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 1$ Is I I ..---------...-'-------..---,---.,,---.-.---,,---...-..---------...---- TOTAL PRISONER EXPENSE FROM SECTION 1 $ TOTAL OFFICER EXPENSE FROM SECTION 2 $ DEDUCT TOTAL ADVANCE (IF ANY) $< > DEDUCT TOTAL COUNTY CREDIT CARD CHARGES (IF ANY) $< > TOTAL REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT 1$ I IMPORTANT NOTE: ~ All Receipts, Including credit card receipts, must be itemized (a detailed receipt). A receipt with just a total will not be paid until an Itemized receipt is provided. Please ask for an itemized receivt, even when using a credit card. CERTIFICATION BY EMPLOYEE: I certify that the expenses as shown on this travel expense form, Form No.2, are true and correct statements of expenses incurred by me while traveling out-of-county on official county business, Signature of Employee Submitting Report CERllFICA liON BY OFFICIAL OR DEPARTMENT HEAD: I certify that the above named employee received proper authorization for out of county travel. I have examined the requests for reimbursement on the travel expense forms and approve same for payment. Signature of Official or Department Head R.vis~ December 22, zoos Page 2 of 2 4dO f.; __ ...:1 , TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO.3 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS STAKEoOUT /INVESTIGATION REPORT NAME: DEPARTMENT: SECTION 1: ~-_,_,___~__-----,_'__-._._-_..._._,-------,-------------,--- STAKE..QUT AND INVESTIGATION EXPENSE .. Attach Detailed & Itemized Receipts. - NOTE: Meals and other expense directly related to slake-<lut and investigation duties will be reimbursed by the County only when such duty prohibits normal meal-time schedule, You may claim expenses as instructed on TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO, 1, ~ NATURE AND LOCATION OF STAKE-OUT TOTAL STAKE-OUT EXPENSE INVESTIGATION EXPENSE MEAL EXPENSE $ $ $ $ $ 1$ DATE NAME OF OFFICER AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (Meal expense for Out-<ll-County Officers) Attach Detailed & Itemized Receipts TOTAL INVESTIGATION EXPENSE TOTAL STAKE-OUT & INVESTIGATION EXPENSE - SECTION 1 ...----...-..-----------..-,-----...-,-----..-,-..---..---...-.-----,--- Page 1 012 e '",. -- 450 .' SECTION 2 ...--------------.---..---,---.---------------.,,--------------- OTHER STAKE-OUT AND INVESTIGATION EXPENSE .. Attach Detailed & Itemized Receipts NOTE: Any additional expense incurred for the purpose of stake-out and investigation must be listed in detail and proper receipts attached. DATE NAME OF OFFICER AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY MEAL EXPENSE TOTAL OTHER STAKE-OUT & INVESTIGATION EXPENSE - SECTION 2 $ $ $ $ e $ 1$ ...,-------------------------,,---------------------,,--------- TOTAL STAKE.OUT & INVESTIGATION EXPENSE FROM SECTION 1 TOTAL OTHER STAKE-0UT & INVESTIGATION EXPENSE FROM SECTION 2 DEDUCT TOTAL STAKE-OUT & INVESTIGATION ADVANCE (IF ANY) DECUCT TOTAL COUNTY CREDIT CARD CHARGES (IF ANY) TOTAL REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT: IMPORTANT NOTE: ... All Receipts, including credit card receipts, must be Itemized (a detailed receipt). A receipt with Just a total will not be paid until an itemized receipt is provided. Please ask for an itemized receiot, even when using a credit card. $ $ $< $< > > '$ I CERTIFICATION BY EMPLOYEE: e I certify that the expenses as shown this travel expense form, Form No, 3, are true and correct statements of expenses incurred by me while traveling out-<:lf-county on official county business, Signature of Employee Submitting Report CERTIFICATION BY OFFICIAL OR DEPARTMENT HEAD: I certify that the above named employee received proper authorization for out of county travel. I have examined the requests for reimbursement on the travel expense forms and approve same for payment. Signature of Official or Department Head Revi$ed December 22, 2005 Page 2 of 2 e !H-') qiJl. e e e TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO.4 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ADVANCE TRAVEL ExPENSE REQUEST NOTE: In order to receive an advance on travel expense, this form must be completed and submitted to the County Treasurer, along with a signed P.O., by the deadline set for submitting bills for the Commissioners' Court meeting closest to your departure date. Upon return to Calhoun County, TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM NO.1 MUST be completed and submitted to the County Treasurer, along with any refund due the County. Or, if actual expenses exceed the amount of the advance, attach another PO for the amount of additional expense incurred. TRA VEL EXPENSE FORM NO. 1 MUST be completed and submitted to the County Treasurer even if actual expenses equal the amount of the advance. NAME: DEPARTMENT: PURPOSE OF TRAVEL: DATES OF TRAVEL: I request an advance for travel expense in the amount of $ IMPORTANT NOTE: ~ All Receipts, including credit card receipts, must be itemized (detailed receipts). A receipt with just a total will not be paid until an itemized receipt is provided. Please ask for an itemized receiot, even when using a credit card. CERTIFICATION BY EMPLOYEE: I certify that the Advance requested on this Travel Expense Form NO.4 is a true and correct statement of expenses estimated to be incurred by me while traveling out of county on official County business. I understand that If I do not subsequently submit a completed TRA VEL EXPENSE FORM NO.1, this amount will be withheld from my pay, Signature of EmploY6G Submitting Report STATEMENT OF OFFICIAL OR DEPARTMENT HEAD: The above named employee is hereby authorized to submit this travel expense report form for the purposes stated hereon, Signature of Official or Department Head ReVl.ed December 21, 2005 Page 1 of 1 /::".--- 453 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS AUTOMOBILE REPORT COUNfY EMPLOYEES USING COUNTY AUTOMOBILES SECTION A-GENERAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT VEHICLE DESCRJPTION PERIOD FROM TO COUNTY ID NO e COUNTY EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBLE FOR VEffiCLE TIlE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO TInS VElllCLE (CHECK ONE BOX ONLY): [] llIIS VEHICLE IS USED 100% FOR COUNlY BUSINESS (COMPLETE SEcrrON D). [) llIIS VEHICLE IS USED 100% FOR COUNTY BUSINESS EXCEPT FOR COMMUTING (COMPLETE SEcrrON B & 0). [) llIIS VElUCLE HAS PERSONAL USE OTIIER 1HEN COMMUTING (COMPLETE SECTION C & D). . SECTION B-(;OMMUTlNG llIISVEHICLE WAS USE FOR COMMUTING IRS COMMUTING CHARGE TOTAL TO BE INCLUDED IN EMPLOYEES EARNINGS SECfION C-PERSONAL USE TOTAL MILES FOR PERIOD BUSINESS MILES FOR PERIOD DAYS 3.00 PERSONAL MILES FOR PERIOD e CALCULATION OF AMOUNT TO BE INCLUDED IN EMPLOYEES EARNINGS: PERSONAL MILES= (DIVIDED BY) BUSINESS MILES= X FAIR RENTAL VALUE SECl10N D-CERTIFICA TION I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE AND THAT I HAVE BEEN PROVIDED WITH INTERNAL REVENUE PUBLICATION NO. 463 AND THAT I HAVE THE RECORDS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE ABOVE.' I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE RECORDS ARE SUBJECT~TO EXAMINATION BY THE COUNTY AUDITOR AND THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. IF MY RECORDS ARE EXAMINED BY EITHER THE COUNTY AUDITOR OR THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE AND ARE FOUND TO BE INADEQUATE OR INCOMPLETE I AGREE TO REIMBURSE THE COUNTY FOR ANY EXPENSES INCURRED . BECAUSE OF THE EXAMINATION. CERTIFIED CORRECT SIGNATURE TITLE e , " 454 e . e IMPLEMENT THE AMENDED AND RESTATED 457lBl GOVERNMENTAL PLAN DOCUMENT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY'S DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM WHICH WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 2006: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Adopt the Amended and Restated 4s7(B) Government Plan Document for Calhoun Cou~t'(s Deferred Compensation Program which will become effective January 1, 2006. CommIssIoners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AMENDED AND RESTATED 457(b) GOVERNMENTAL PLAN DOCUMENT Effective January 1, 2006 The Plan consists of the provisions set forth in this document, and any loan amendments which are incorporated as if fully rewritten herein, and is applicable to each Public Employee who elects to participare in the Plan, The Plan is effective as to each such Public Employee upon the date he becomes a Participant by entering into and filing with the Administrator the Participation Agreement referred to herein. ARTICLE I Definitions 1.01. The following terms shall, for purposes of this Plan, have the meaning set forth below. (a) ADMINISTRATOR means Nation,,~de Retirement Solutions, Inc.' (b) ACCOUNT BALANCE means the bookkeeping account maintained with respect to each Participant which reflects the value of the deferred Compensation credited to the Participant. .including the Participant's Annual Deferrals, the earnings or losses of the Participant's account (net applicable account expenses and fees) allocable to the Participant. The Account Balance includes any Plan Sponsor contributions linder Section 4.01, any Eligible Rollover Accounts(s), any plan-to-plan transfers, and any account established for a Beneficiary after a Participant's death. If a Participant has more than one Designated Beneficiary at the rime of the Participant's death, then a separate account shall be established and maintained for each Beneficiary. (c) ALTERNATE PAYEE means a person entitled to receive a benefit under the Plan through a Domestic Relations Order, as defined in IRC Section 414(P)(8). (d) ANNUAL DEFERRAL means the amount of Compensation deferred by a Participant during a calendar year of Compensation and any contributions by the Plan Sponsor to the Participant's account. (e) BENEFICIARY means the person(s) properly designated by a Participant under Section 8.01 Dcsignarion of Beneficiary, or) if none, the Participant's estate, which is entitled to receive benefits under the Plan after the death of the Participant. (I) COMPENSATION means all cash compensation for services to the Plan Sponsor, including salary. wages, fees, commissions, bonuses, and overtime pay that is includible in the Public Employees gross income for the calendar year, plus amounts that would be cash Compensation for services to the Plan Sponsor includible in the Public Employee's gross income for the calendar year but for a Compensation reduction election under IRC Sections 125. 132(1), 401(k), ' 403(b), or 457(b), including an election to defer Compensation under Article n Ejection to Defer Compensation of the Plan, (g) EUGIBLE RETIREMENT PLAN means an individual retirement account described in IRC Section 408(a), indi,~dual retirement annuity described in IRC Section 408(b), a qualified trust described in IRC Section 401 (a). an annuity plan described in IRC Section 403(a) or 403(b), or an eligible governmental plan described in IRC Section 457(b). e Nll:tionwide Retirement SolutiQns, Inc, Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and RLstated 4S7(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11,2005 I NRJ-0103AO 455 (h) EUGIBLE ROLLOVER ACCOUNT means the separate bookkeeping account(s) maintained by the Administratot within the Plan fot a Participant for amounts of eligible rollovet contributions under Section 6.01 Eligible Rollover Contributions to the Plan, (1) EUGIBLE ROLLOVER DISTRIBUTION means an Eligible Rollover Distribution as defined in IRC Section 402(c)(4), including Eligible Rollover Distributions to a surviving Spouse under IRC Section 402(c)(9). e Gl INCLUDIBLE COMPENSATION means a Public Employee's actual wages in box 1 of Fonn W-2 for a given year'for services performed for the Plan Sponsor) but subject to a maximum of $200,000 (or such higher maximum as may apply under IRe Section 401(a)(11)) and increased (up to the dollar maximum) by any Compensation reduction election under IRC Sections 125, 132(1), 401(k). 403(b), or 457(h), including an election to defer Compensation under Section 2.02 Election Required for Participation. (k) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR means any person receiving any type of Compensation from the Plan Sponsor or any of its agencies, departments~ subdivisions or instrumentalities for which services are rendered pursuant to one or more 'Written or oral contracts, if such a person is not a Public Employee. (1) IRC means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now in effect or as hereafter amended. All citations to sections of the Code are to such sections as they may from rime to time be amended or :renumbered. (m) NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE means any age thar is on or after the earlier of age 65 or the age ar which Participants have the right ro retire and receive, under the hasic defined benefit pension plan of the employer (or a money purchase plan in which the Participant also participates if the Participant is not eligible to participate in a defined benefit plan), immediate retirement benefits without actuarial or similar reduction because of retirement before some later specified age. However, the Normal Retirement Age shall not be later than age 70 y,. Alternatively, a Plan may provide that a Participant is allowed to designate a Normal Retirement Age within these ages. For purposes of the special Section 457 catch-up in Section 3,03 Special Section 457 c,~tch-up limitation, an entity sponsoring more than one eligible plan shall not permit a Participant to have more than one Normal Retirement Age under the eligible plans it sponsors. . Special Rule for Eligible Plans of Qualified Police or Firefighters, An eligible plan with Participants that include qualified police or firefighters as defined under IRC Section 415(b)(2)(H)(ii)(I) may designate a Normal Retirement Age for such qualified police and fuefighters that is earlier than the earliest Normal Retirement Age designated under the ge'neral rule above) but in no event may the Normal Retirement Age be earlier than age 40. Alternatively, a Plan may allow a qualified police or firefighrer Participant ro designate a Normal Retirement Age that is between age 40 and age 70 'I,. (n) P ARTIeIP ANT means an individual who is currently deferring Compensation or wbo haspreviously deferred Compensation under the Plan by salary reduction and who has not received a distribution of his entire Account Balance under the Plan. Only individuals who perform services for the Plan Sponsor as a Public Employee or Independent Contractor may defer Compensation under the Plan. ,IQ Natioowide Retirement Solutions, Ine. 2 Consolidated Sttndard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Plan Docmnent November 11, 2005 . !! r:;r~ .tVV e e e (0) PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT means the application to enroll and participate in the Plan that is completed by the Public Employee and provided to the Administrator. The Participation Agreement form for this purpose shall be provided by the Administrator and will have no effect until it is signed. filed with the Administratot by the Participant, and accepted by the Administrator prior to the Participant's death. . (P) PLAN means the Plan fot Puhlic Employees as set forth in this plan document and as it may be amended from time to time. (q) PLAN SPONSOR means the county, municipality, or other instrumentality of the State, which is an eligible governmental employer pursuant to IRC Section 457(e)(I), for which services are performed by Public Employees, and which participates in this Plan. (r) PLAN YEAR means the calendar year in which the Plan becomes effective, and each succeeding calendar year during the existence of the Plan. (s) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE means any person who receives any type of Compensation from the Plan Sponsor for services rendered to the Plan Sponsor (Including, but not limited to, elected or appointed officials and salaried employees). (t) SEVERANCE FROM EMPLOYMENT means the date on which the Participant dies, retires or otherwise has a Severance from Employment with the Plan Sponsor. An Independent Contractot;' is considered to have a Severance from Employment with the Plan Sponsor upon the expiration of the contract (or in the case of more than one contract,. all contracts) under which senr:ices are performed for the Plan Sponsor if the expiration constitutes a good-faith and complete termination of the contractual relationship. An Independent Contractor shall not be considered Severed from Employment with the Plan Sponsor, and shall not receive any benefits hereunder unless (i) at least 12 months have expired since the date on which the last contract pursuant to which the Independent Contractor provided any services to the Plan Sponsor was terminated, and (ii) the Independent Contractor has performed no services for the Plan Sponsor during the 12-month period referred to herein either as an Independent Contractor or Public Employee. (u) SPOUSE means a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife, as defined under Title 28, Chapter 15, Section 1738 of the United States Code. (v) VALUATION DATE means each business day/the last day of the calendar month/the last day of the calendar quarter/ each December 31, 1.02 Gender and Plurals. Whenever used herein, the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural unless the provisions of the Plan specifically require a different construction. ARTICLE II Election to Defer Compensation 2,01 Eligibility to Participate. Each Public Employee shall be eligible to participate in the Plan and defer Compensation hereunder immediately upon becoming employed by the Plan Sponsor. 2.02 Election Required for Participarion, A Public Employee may elect to become a Participant by executing a Participation Agreement and consenting to defer a portion of his Compensation by a IV NationWide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 3 Consolid;!ced Standard 457 Plan Amended and Rescated 457(b) Governmental Pbm Document November 11. 2005 457 reduction of salary of the Annual Deferrnl amount specified in the Participation Agreement, signing i~ and filing it with the Administrator, A Public Employee, by filing the Participation Agreement with the Administrator, agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the Plan, The Administrator may establish a minimum deferral amount, and may change such minimum deferral amounts from tinie to rime. The Participation Agreement shall also include designation of investment specificatio.ns and a designation of Beneficiary. Failure of the Participant to properly execute the Participation Agreement will cause any designation of Beneficiary thereon to be invalid. Any Beneficiary election shall remain in effect until the Participant files an executed amendment \vith the Administrator pursuant to Section 2.05 Amendment of Participation Ejections e 2.03 Information Provided by the Participant, Each Public Employee enrolling in the Plan should pro,.;de to the Plan Sponsor at the time of initial enrollmen~ and later if there are any changes, any information necessary or advisable for the Plan Sponsor to administer the Plan, including) without limitation, whether the Public Employee is a Participant in any other eligible plan under IRC 457(b), 2.04 Commencement of Participation. A Public Employee shall become a Participant as soon as admin..istratively practicable following the date the Public Employee files a Participation Agreement pursuant to Section 2.02 Election Required for Participation, or is participating as otherwise pennitted by law. Such election shall become effective no earlier than the calendar month following the month in which the election is made. However, a new Public Employee may defer Compensation payable in the calendar month during which the Participant first becomes a Public Emplpyee if a Participation Agreement providing for the deferral is entered into on or before the first day on which the Participant performs services for the Plan Sponsor. 2.05 Amendment of Participation Elections. Subject" to other provisions of the Plan, a Participant may at any time revise his participation election, including changes to his invesnnent direction and changes to his Designated Beneficiary. Changes to the investment direction shall take effect once accepted by the Administrator. 2.06 Amendment of Annual Defenal Election. A Participant may revoke an election to participate and may amend the amount of Compensation to be deferred by filing with the Administrator a revocation or amendment on a form and in the procedural manner approved' by the Administrator. Any amendment which increa.ses or decreases the amount of Annual Deferrals for any pay period shall be "effective only if an agreement providing for such an amendment is entered into before the beginning of the month in which the pay per;iod commences. Any revocation or amendment of the Annual Deferrals shall be effective prospectively only. Any amendment of the Annual Deferrals, unless the election specifies a later effective date, shall take effect as of the first day of the next following month or as Soon as administratively practicable, if later. e 2.07 Leaves of Absence. Unless a deferral ejection is otherwise revised, if a Participant is absent from work by leave of absence, Atinual Deferrals under the Plan shall continue to the extent that Compensation continues. 2.08 Participant Disability. A disabled Participant may elect to defer Compensation during any portion of a period of disability to the extent the Participant has actual Compensation (not imputed compensation and not disability benefits) from which to defer to the Plan and has not had a Severance from Employmen~ as determined by the Plan Sponsor. 2.09 Protection of Persons Who Serve in a Uniformed Service. A Public Employee whose employment is interrupted by qualified military service under IRC Section 414(u) or who is on a leave of absence for qualified military service under IRC Section 414(u) may elect to make additional o Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 4 Consolidated Stand:u:d 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(1) Governmental Plan Document Novemb~[ 11, 2005 e ,o;C"Cl L1:;)U e e e , Annual Deferrals upon resumption of employment with the Plan Sponsot equal to the maximum Annual Deferrals that the Public Employee could have elected during that period if the Public Employee's employment with the Plan Sponsor had continued (at the same level of Compensation) without the interruption or leave~ reduced by the Annual Deferrals. if any. actually made for the Public Employee during the period of the interruption or leave. This right applies for five (5) years following the resumption of employment (or, if sooner, for a period equal to three times the period of the interruption or leave). ARTICLE III Limitations on Amounts Deferred 3,01 Basic Annual Limitation. The maximum amount of the Annual Deferral under the Plan for any calendar year shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the Basic Annual Limitation or (u) the Participant:, Includible Compensatiou for the calendar year. The Applicable Dollar Amount is the amount estahlished under IRC Section 457(e)(15) applicable as ,et forth below. 2002 2003 2004 2005: 2006: $11,000 $12,000 $13,000 $14,000 $15,000, adjusted for cost-of-living after 2006 to the extent provided under IRe Section 415(d). 3.02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, A Participant who will attain age 50 or more by the end of the calendar year is pennitted to elect an additional amount of Annual Deferrals, up to the maximum Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferrals for the year. The maximum dollar amount of the Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferrals for a year is as follows: 2002 2003 2004 2005: 2006: $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5.000, adjusted for cost-of-living after 2006 to the extent provided under the IRe. 3,03 Special Section 457 Catch-up Limitation. If the applicable year is one of a Participant's last 3 calendar yeats ending before the year in which the Participant attains Normal Retirement Age and the amount determined under this Section 3.03 exceeds the amount computed under Sections 3.01 Basic Annual Limitation, and 3.02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, then the Annual Deferral limit under this Section 3,03 shall be the lesser of: (a) An amount equal to 2 times the Section 3.01 Basic: Annual Limitation for such year; or (b) The sum of: (1) An amount equal to (A) the aggregate Section 3,01 Basic Annual Limitation limit for the current year plus eacb prior calendar year beginning after December 31, 2001 during which the Participant was a Public Employee under the Plan, minus (B) the aggregate amount of Compensation. that the Participant deferred under the Plan dUring such years, plus t&'J Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 5 Consolidated Scmdard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 45?(h) Govcmmenul Phn Docwnent No\"cmbec 11,2005 II r-c '1 ();J (2) An amount equal to (A) the aggregate limit referred to in IRC Section 457(b)(2) for each prior calendar year beginning after December 31,1978 and before January I, 2002 during which the Participant was a Public Employee, determined without regard to Section 3,02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, and this Section 3,03, minus (B) the aggregate contributions to Pre-2002 Coordination Plans for such years, However, in no event can the aggregate deferred amounts and contributions be more than the Participant's Compensation for the calendar year, e 3.04 Special Rules, For purposes of this Article III, the following rules shall apply: (a) Participant Coveted By Mote Than One Eligible Plan. If the Participant is or has been a Participant in one or more other eligible plans within the meaning of IRC Section 457(b) for a given year, then this Plan and all such other plans shall be considered as one plan for purposes of applying the foregoing limitations of this Article Ill, For this purpose, the Plan Sponsor sball take into account any other such eligible plan established by the Plan Sponsor, (b) Pre- Participation Years. In applying Section 3.03 Special Section 457 Catch-up Limitation, a . prior year shall be taken into account only if 0) the Participant was eligible to participate in the Plan during all or a portion of the year and (ii) Compensation deferred, if any. under the Plan during the year was subject to the Basic Annual Limitation described in Section 3.01 or any other plan ceiling required by IRC Section 457(b). (c) Pre-2002 Coordination Years. For purposes of Section 3.03(b)(2)(B), "Contributions to Pre- 2002 Coordination Plans" means any Plan Sponsor contribution, salary reduction or elective contribution under any other eligible IRC Section 457(b) plan, or a salary reduction or elective contribution under any IRC Section 401 (k) qualified cash or deferred arrangement, IRC Section 402(h)(1)(B) simplified employee pension (SARSEP), IRC Section 403(b) annuity contract, and IRC Section 408(P) simple retirement account, or under any plan for which a deduction is allowed because of a contribution to an organization described in IRC Section 501 (c) (18), including plans, arrangements or accounts maintained by the Plan Sponsor or any employer for whom the Participant performed services. However, the contributions for any calendar year are only taken into account for purposes of Section 3,03(b)(2)(B) to the extent that the toral of such contributions does not exceed the aggregate limit referred to in IRC Section 457(b)(2) for the year. e (d) Disregard Excess Deferral, For purposes of Sections 3.01 Basic Annual Limitation, 3,02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, and 3.03 Special Section 457 Catch-up Limitation, an individual is treated as not having deferred Compensation under the plan fOf a prior tax~ble year to the extent Excess Deferrals under the Plan are distributed, as described in Section 3.05. To the extent that the combined deferrals for pre-2002 years exceeded the maximum deferral limitations, the amount is treated as a Correction of Excess Deferrals under Section 3.05 for those prior years,; 3.05 Correction of Excess Deferrals. Cal If Annual Deferrals credited to a Participant's Account Balance during the current Plan Year exceed the limitations described above as determined by the Plan Sponsor, the Administrator shall return the excess as directed by the Plan Sponsor as soon as administratively practicable after the Admin.istrator is notified that there is an Excess Deferral. ibl Nationv..ide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 6 Consolidated Standard 457 Pbm Amended and Rest:il.tw 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November t 1, 2005 e 1- () '-1.:'UV e e e 3,06 (b) If the Annual Deferral on behalf of a Participant for any calendar year exceeds the limitations described above as detennined by the Plan Sponsor, or the Annual Deferral on behalf of a Participant for any calendar year exceeds the limitations described above when combined with other amounts deferred by the Participant under another eligible deferred compensation plan pursuant to IRC Section 457(b) then the Annual Deferral, to the extent in excess of the applicable limitation (adjusted for any income or loss in value, if any, allocable thereto), shall be distributed as soon as administratively practicable by the Administrator at the determination and direction of the Plan Sponsor. Deferrals After Severance from Employment, Including Sick, Vacation, 'and Back Pay Under an Eligible Plan. A Participant who has not had a Severance from Employment may elect to defer accumulated sick pay, accumulated vacation pay. and back pay under an eligible plan. Such amounts may be deferred for any calendar month only if an agreement providing for the deferral is entered into before the beginning of the month in which ~e amounts would otherwise be paid or made available and the Participant is a Public Employee on the date the amounts would otherwise he paid or made available, in accordance with Section 2.02 Election Required for Participation, and Section 2.03 Commencement of Participation. In addition. to the extent permitted by law, deferrals may be made for former Public Employees with respect to Compensation described in Treasury Regulation Section 1.415(c)-2(e)(3)(u) (relating to certain Compensation paid within 2 V2 months following Severance from Employment), Compensation described in Treasury Regulation Section 1.415(c)-2(g)(4) (relating to Compensation paid tei Participants who are permanently and totally disabled), and Compensatiou relating to qualified military service under IRC Section 414(u), ARTICLE IV Plan Sponsor Contributions 4,01 The Plan Sponsor may contribute to the Plan for Participants. Plan Sponsor contributions shall vest at the time such contributions are made. For purposes of administering Sections 3.01 Basic Annual Limitation, 3.02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, and 3.03 Special Secrion 457 Catch-up Limitation, Plan Sponsor coutributions shall apply toward the maximum deferral limits in the Plan Year that such contributions are made. - ARTICLE V Distribution of Benefits 5.01 Benefit Distributions at Retirement or Other Severance from Employment, Except for Iu- Service Distributions from Eligible Rollover Accounts under Section 5.07, Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawals under Section 5,08, and Voluntary In-Service Smaller Account Distributions under Section 5.09, or otherwise specifically allowed by the Plan, distributions from the Plan may not be made to a Participant earlier than: (a) the calendar year ",which the Participant attains age 70 V,; or (b) the calendar year in which the Participant retires or otherwise has a Severance from Employment. All irrevocable elections of a benefit commencement date by a Participant or a Beneficiary made prior to January 1, 2002 and defaulted distributions (other than a defaulted distribution to an annuity option) may be voided at the election of the Participant or the Beneficiary. <<:l Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc, 7 CO[lSolidated St:mdard 457 Plan Amended and. Restlted 457(b) Govemmenul Pl;m Documetlt November 11, 2005 481 5.02 Election of Benefit Commencement Date. A Participant may elect to commence distribution of benefits at any time after retirement or other Severance from Employment,- as determined and confirmed by the Plan Sponsor by a notice filed with the Administrator before the date on which benefits 3ie to commence. However, in no event may distribution of benefits commence later than the date described in Section 5,04(2) Required Beginning Date, 5.03 Forms of Distribution - Benefit Payment Options, Benefits shall be paid in accordance with the payment option elected by the Participant. Payment, method of payment, and settlement options are available as provided by each of the available investment specifications. The Participant shall elect the method of payment based upon the options then available under the Plan, including but not limited to lump sum distributions, periodic payment by fixed amount, periodic payment by fixed time period, partial lump sum payment or purchased annuity. A Participant or Beneficiary who has chosen a payment option. other than the purchased annuity option, shall have the ability to change his payment option subject to any restrictions or limitations imposed by the Plan, the Administrator, an investment option provider, any regulatory agency, or as otherwise required by lav,t. e 5.04 Required Minimwn Distributions, All distributions under the Plan must comply with IRC Section 401 (a)(9) and the regulations issued thereunder. The provisions of this Section 5.04 ,,-ill apply fot purposes of determining required minimum distributions for calendar years beginning with the 2003 calendar year. The term Designated Beneficiary as used in this Section 5.04 shall have the mearfng set forth in Treasury Regulation Section 1.401 (a)(9)-4, (a) Requirements of Treasury Regulations Incorporated into Plan. All distributions required under this Section 5.04 will be determined and made in accordance with the Treasury Regulations under promulgated under IRC Section 401 (a) (9). (b) Required Beginning Dare. The Participant's entire interest will be distributed, or begin to be 'distributed, to the Participant no later than the Participant's required beginning date, which is to begin no later than April 1 following the calendar year in which the Participant attains age 70 'I, or has a Severance from Employment, whichever is later. (c) Death of Participant before Distributions Begin, If the Participant dies before distributions begin, the Participant's entite interest will be distributed, or begin to be distributed, no later than as follows: (1) If the Participant's surviving Spouse is the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary, distributions to the surviving Spouse VJill begin by December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the Participant dies, or by December 31 of the calendar year in which the Participant would have attained age 70 %. if later. e (2) If the Participant's surviving Spouse is not the Participanes sole Designated Beneficiary, distrihutions to the Designated Beneficiary will begin by December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the Participant died. (3) If there is no Designated Beneficiary as of September 30 of the year following the year of the Participant's death, and there are no other Designated Beneficiaries, the Participant's entire interest will be distributed by Decemher 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Participant's death. <0 Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 8 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(b) GO\'etnmenl'al Plan DOCunJffit November 11, 2005 e tJ.;;') ......Vt',_ e e e (4) If the Participant's surviving Spouse is the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary and the surviving Spouse dies after the Participant but before distributions to the .s~ving Spouse begin, this Section 5.04 will apply as if the surviving Spouse were the PartlC1pant. (d) Requited Minimum Distributions during Participant'. Lifetime, During the Participant's lifetime~ the minimum amount that will be distnbuted for each distnbut10n calenw year 15 the lesser of: (1) the quotient obtained by dividing the Participant's Account Balance by the distribution period in the Uniform Lifetime Table set forth in Section 1.401 (a) (9)-9 of the Treasury Regulations, using the Participant's age as of the Participant's birthday in the distribution calendar year; or (2) if the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary for the distribution calendar year is the Participant's Spouse, the quotient obtained by dividing the Participant's Account Balance by the number in the Joint and Last Survivor Table set forth in Section 1.401 (a)(9)-9 of the Treasury Regulations, using the Participant's and Spouse's attained ages as of the Participant's and spouses birthdays in the distribution calendar years. (e) Death On or After Date Distributions Begin and Participant Survived by Designated Beneficiary. (1) if the Participant dies on or after the date distributions begin and there is a Designated Benefidary, the minimum amount that vrill be distributed for each distribution calendar year after the year of the Participant's death is the quotient obtained by dividing the Participant's Account Balance by the longer of the remaining life expectancy of the Participant or the temaining life expectancy of the Participant's Designated Beneficiary, determined as follows: The Participant's temaining life expectancy is calculated using the age of the Participant in the year of death, reduced by one for each subsequent year. (2) If the Participant's surviving Spouse is the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary, the remaining life expectancy of the surviving Spouse is calculated for each distribution calendar year after the year of the Participant's death using the surviving Spouse's age as of the Spouse's birthday in that year. For distribution calendar years after the year of the surviving Spouse's death, the remaining life expectancy of the surviving Spouse is calculated using the age of the surviving Spouse as of the Spouse's birthday in the calendar year of the Spouse's death, reduced by one for each subsequent calendar year. (3) If the Participant's surviving Spouse is not the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary, the Designated Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy is calculated using the age of the Beneficiary in the yeat following the year of the Participant's death. reduced by one for each subsequent year. (4) No Designated l1eneficiary. If the Participant dies on or after the date distributions begin and thete is no Designated Beneficiary as of September 30 of the year after the year of the Participant's death, the minimum amount that will be distributed, in accordance with Section 8.01 Acceptance of Beneficiary Designation by Administrator, for each distribution calendar year after the year of the Participant's death is the quotient obtained by dividing the Participant's Account Balance by the Participant's remaining life expectancy calculated using the age of the Participant in the year of death, reduced by one for each subsequent year. I{) Natiomvide Retirement SoJUbons, Inc. 9 Consolidated SCUldard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Plau Document November 11. 2005 463 (f) Death before Date Distributions Begin and Participant Survived by Designated Beneficiary, If the Participant dies before the date distributions begin and there is a Designated Beneficiary) the minimum amount tha.t will be distributed for each distribution calendar year after the year of the Participant's death is the quotient obtained by dividing the Participant's Account Balance by the remaining life expectancy of the Participant's Designated Beneficiary. (1) No Desig=ted Beneficiary. If the Patricipant dies before the date distributions begin and there is no Designated Beneficiary as of September 30 of the year following the year of rhe Participant's death, distribution, in accordance with Section 8.01 Acceptance of Beneficiary Designation by Administrator, of the Participant's entire interest will be completed by December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Participant's dea~. e (g) Death of the Surviving Spouse before Distributions to Surviving Spouse are Required to Begin. If the Participant dies before the date distributions begin, the Participant's surviving Spouse is the Participant's sole Designated Beneficiary, and the surviving Spouse dies before distributions are required to begin, this Section 5,04 will apply as if the surviving Spouse were the Participant. (h) Election of Payment Option. If a Participant or Beneficiary fails to elect a payment option that meets the requirements ofIRC Section 401 (a)(9). the Administrator will initiate such a distribution. A Participant or Beneficiary who has chosen a payment option? other than an .annuity option, shall bave the ability to change his or her payment option. , 5.05 Order of Prioritie~) This Section 5.05 has been prepared in accordance with Treasury Regulations p,omulgared underIRC Section 401 (c) (9). To the extent.there is a conflict between Section 5.04 or this Section 5.05 and the IRC, the provisions of the IRe and applicable Treasury Regulations shall prevail. For any calendar year. a Beneficiary may elect distribution of a greater amount (not to exceed the amount of the remaining Account Balance in lieu of the amount calculated using the formula set forth in Section 5.04. 5,06 Death Benefit Distributions. If the Participant dies before the benefits to which he is entitled under the Plan have been paid or exhausted. then the remaining henefits payable under the Plan shall he paid to his Designated Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall have the right to elecr the time and form of distribution of such benefits, subject to the limitations set forth in the Plan. 5,07 Amount of Account Balance. Except as provided in Section 5.03 Forms of Distribution. the amount of any payment under this Article V shall be based on the amount of the Account Balance on the preceding Valuation Date. e 5.08 In-Service Distributions from Eligible Rollover Accounts. If a Participant has an Eligible Rollover Account 'attributable to eligible rollover contributions to the Plan, the Participant may at any time elect to receive a distribution of all or any portion of the amount held in the Eligible Rollover Account. 5.09 Unforeseeable Emergency Distributions. (a) Distribution. If the Participant has an Unforeseeable Emergency hefore retirement or other Severance from Employment, the Participant may elect to receive a lump sum distribution equal to the amount requested or. if less, the maximum amount determined by the Admin1strator to be pennitted to be distributed under this Section 5.09. iO Nationwide Retirem~nt Solutions, Inc. 10 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan ' Amended and Re$tat~d 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 e 464 e e e (b) Unforeseeable Emergency Defined, An Unforeseeable Emergency is defined as a severe financial hardship c;f the Participant resulting from: an illness or accident of the Participant, the Participant's Spouse, Dr the Participant's dependent (as defined in IRC Section 152(a)); loss of the Participant's property due to casualty (including the need to rebuild a home following damage to a home not: otherwise covered by homeowner's insurance, e.g., as a result of a natural disaster); the need to pay for the funeral expenses of the Participant's Spouse Ot dependent (as defined in IRC Section 152(a)); or other sirnililr extraordinary and unforeseeable citcumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of the Participant, or as otherwise permitted by law. For example, the imminent foreclosure of or eviction from the Participant's primary residence may constitute an Unforeseeable Emergency. In addition, the need to pay for medical expenses, including non-refundable deductibles, as well as for the cost of prescription drug medication, may constitute an Unforeseeable Emergency. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Section 5.09, neither the purchase of a home nor the payment of college tuition is an Unforeseeable Emergency. (c) Unforeseeable Emergency Distribution Standard. A distribution on account of Unforeseeable Emergency may not be made to the extent that such emergency is or may be relieved through reimbursement or compensation from insurance or otherwise, by liquidation of the Participant's assets, to the extent the liquidation of such assets would not itself cause severe financial hardship, or by cessation of deferrals under the Plan, or as otherwise permitted by law. (d) Distribution Necessary to Satisfy Emergency Need, Distributions because of an Unf6reseeable Emergency may not exceed the amount reasonably necessary to satisfy the emergency need (which may include any amounts necessary to pay any federal, state. or local income taxes or penalties reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution). 5.10 Voluntary In-Service Smaller Accoutlt Distributions. A Participant who is an active Public Employee of the Plan Sponsor may request to receive a distribution of the combined total Aruma! Deferrals under the Plan if the following requirements are met: (a) The Participant's total Annual Deferrals in the Account Balance under the Plan does not exceed $5.000 (or the dollar limit under IRC Section 411(.)(11), if greater); and (b) The Participant has not previously received a voluntary in-service smaller account distribution under the Plan; and (c) There have been no Annual Deferrals under the Plan with respect to the Participant during the two-year period ending on the date of the in-service distribution. ARTICLE VI Eligible Rollovers and Plan-to-Plan Transfers 6,01 Eligible Rollover Contributions to the Plan, (a) Incoming Rollover Contributions. A Participant who is a Public Employee and who is entitled to receive an Eligible Rollover Distribution from another Eligible Retirement Plan may request to have all or a portion of the Eligible Rollover Distribution paid to the Plan. provided. (1) the Eligible Rollover Distribution is made entirely in the form of U.S. dollars, and, (Q Nationwide Retirement Solutions Ine 11 Consolidated Stllndard 457 Plan ' . Amended and ReStated 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 465 (2) the Participant demonstrates to the Administratot's satisfaction that the amount is a qualifying Eligible Rollover Distribution under IRC Sections 402(c)(4), 403(a)(4), or 408(d)(3), (b) Definition of Eligible Rollover Distribution, For purposes of Section 6.01 (a) Incoming Rollover Contributions, an Eligible Rollover Distribution means any contribution of all or any portion of a Participant's benefit under another Eligible Retirement Plan to the Plan, except that an Eligible Rollover Distribution does not include; (1) any inst>llment payment for a period of 10 years or more, e (2) any distribution made as a result of an Unforeseeable Emergency, or (3) For any other distribution, the portion, if any, of the distribution that is a required minimum distribution under IRe Section 401 (a) (9). (c) Separate Account for Eligible Rollover Contributions. The Plan shall establish and maintain for the Participant an Eligible Rollover Account for any Eligible Rollover Distribution paid to the Plan from any Eligible Retirement Plan that is not an eligible governmental plan under IRC Section 457(b). In addition, the Plan shall establish and maintain for the Participant an Eligible Rollover Account for any Eligible Rollover Distribution paid to the Plan from any Eligible Retirement Plan that is an eligible governmental plan underIRC Section 457(b). 6.02 Pennissive Rollovers to an Eligible Retirement Plan. A Participant or the surviving Spouse of a Participant (or a Participant's former Spouse who is the Alternate Payee under a Domestic Relations Order, as defined in IRC Section 414(P)) who is entitled to an Eligible Rollover Distribution may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Administrator, to have all or any portion of the distribution paid directly to an Eligible Retirement Plan specified by the Participant in a direct rollover. 6.03 PIan-to-PIan Transfers to the Plan of Eligible Govemmemal457(b) Assets. (aJ Pennissive Plan-to-PIan Transfers. At the direction of the Plan Sponsor, the Administrator may permit a class of Participants who are Participants in another eligible governmental IRe Section 457(b) Plan to transfer assets to the Plan as prov:ided herein. Such a transfer is permitted only if the other Plan provides for the clit:ect transfer of each Participant's interest therein to the Plan. Transfers from other eligible deferred compensation Plans (as defIned in IRC Section 457) to the Plan will be accepted at the Participant's request if such transfers are in cash. e (b) Effect of Transfers on Annual Deferral Umitations. Any snch transferred amount shall not be subject to the limitations of Section 3,01 Basic Annual Limitation, 3,02 Age 50 Catch-up Annual Deferral Contributions, and 3.03 Special Section 457 Catch-up Limitation, as an Annual Deferral, provided however, that the actual amount deferred during the calendar year under both Plans shall be tak,n into account in calculating the maximum Annual Deferral for that year. The amount so transf~rred shall be credited to the Participant's Account Balance and shall be held, accounted for, administered, and otherwise treated in the same manner as an Annual Deferral by the Participant under the Plan, (c) Required Documentation for Transfers to the Plan. The Administrator may require such documentation from the other Plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer in accordance (:I Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 12 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and Resb.ted 457(b) Government:ll Plan Document November 11, 200s e 4&G e e e with IRC Section 457(e)(10) and Treasw:y Regulation Section 1.457-10(b) and to confirm that the other Plan is an eligible governmental plan as defined in Treasw:y Regulation 1.457-2(f). 6.04 PIan-to-PIan Transfers from the Plan to another Eligible Governmental 457(b) Plan. (a) Outgoing Plan-to-Plan Transfers Pursuant to Severance of Employment. At the direction of the Plan Sponsor, the Administrator may permit a class of Participants and Beneficiaries to elect to have all or any portion of their Account Balance transferred to another eligible governmental plan within the meaning ofIRC Section 457(b) and Treas. Reg. 1.457-2(f). A transfer is permitted under this Section 6.04(a) for a Participant only if the Participant has had a Severance from Employment with the Plan Sponsor and is a Public Employee of the entity that maintains the other eligible governmental 457(b) Plan, Further, a transfer is permitted under this Section 6.04(a) only if the other eligible govemmental457(b) pian provides for the acceptance of plan-to-plan transfers with respect to the Participants and Beneficiaries and for each Participant and Beneficiary to have an amount deferred under the other plan immediately after the transfer at least equal to the amount transferred. (b) Outgoing PIan-to-PIan Transfers While Employed. If the Plan Sponsor offers an eligible governmental 457(b) plan other than the Plan, and such other plan accepts transfers, the Participant may transfer the Account Balance in cash from the Plan to the other plan. (c) Limitation of Liability. Upon the transfer of assets under this Section 6.04, the Pian's liability to pay benefits to the Participant or Beneficiary undet this Plan shall be discharged to the extent of the amount so transferred for the Participant or Beneficiary. The Administrator may require such documentation 'from the receiving plan as it deems appropriate or necessary to comply with this Section 6,04 (for example, to confirm that the receiving pian is an eligible governmental plan under paragraph (a) of this Section 6,04, and to assure that the trnnsfer is permitted under the receiving plan) or to effectuate the transfer pursuantto Treas. Reg. 1.457-1O(b). 6.05 Permissive Service Credit Transfers. (a) If a Participant or Beneficiary is also a Participant in a tax-qualified defined benefit governmental plan (as defined in IRC Section 414(d)) that provides for the acceptance of plan-to-pIan transfers 'With respect to the Participant or Beneficiary, then the Participant or Beneficiary may elect to have any portion of the Participant's or Beneficiary's AccOUIlt Balance transferred to the defined benefit governmental plan. A transfer under this Section 6,05(a) will not be treated as a distribution and, therefore, may be made before the Participant has had a Severance from Employment. (b) A transfer may be made under Section 6.05(a) only if the trnnsfer is either for the purchase of permissive service credits (as defined in section 415(n) (3) (A)) under the receiving defined benefit governmental plan or a repayment to which IRC Section 415 does not apply by reason ofIRC Section 415(k)(3), , . ARTICLE VII Domestic Relations Orders 7.01 Receipt of Domestic Relations Orders. When the Plan Sponsor, Administrator, or Plan receives a Domestic Relations Order (DRO), judgment, decree. or order (including approval of a property settlement agreement) that relates to the provision of child support, alimony payments, or the marital I\) Nationwide Retirement Solutions Ioe 13 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan ' . Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 4&'7 property rights of a Spouse or former Spouse, child, or other dependent of a Participant is made pursuant to the domestic relations law of any State, then the amount of the Participant's Account Balance shall be paid in the manner and to the person or persons so directed in the DRO as the Alternate Payee, Such payment shall be made without regard to whether the Participant is eligible for a distribution of benefits under the Plan. The Administrator shall establish reasonable procedures for detennining the status of any such decree or order and for effectuating distribution pursuant to the DRO. (a) The Administrator shall notify the Participant and Alternate Payee of the receipt of the DRO, and e Upon receipt of a DRO: (b) Within a reasonable time, the Administrator will follow the procedures adopted by the Plan Sponsor to determine the validity of the DRO. In the event the Administrator believes that the DRO is acceptable) it will process the DRO in accordance with the Administrator's procedures_ If the DRO does not appear to be acceptable, the Administrator may contact the Plan Sponsor for a final determination and instruction regarding final disposition of the DRO. 7.02 Validity ofa DRO. For purposes of this Article VII. a valid DRO is a judgment, decree, order, or approval of a marital property settlement made pursuant to a state domestic relations law (including cotnmunity property law), relating to the property rights of a Participant and Alternate Payee, In addition, the DRO must: (a) Create or recognize the existence of the right of an Alternate Payee to all or a portion of the benefits payable with respect to a Participant under the Plan; (b) Clearly specify the following information: (1) The name and last known mailing address of the Participant and Alternate Payee covered by theDRO;and (2) The amount ot percentage, or the manner in which the amount or percentage is to be determined, of the Participant's benefits to be paid to the Alternate Payee; and (3) The number of payments or period to which the DRO applies; and e . (4) The Plan to which such DRO applies, (c) Provide a form of payment to the Alternate Payee that is pennitted under the Plan; and, (d) Not require the payment of benefits to an Alternate Payee which are required by a prior DRO to be paid to another Alternate Payee. 7,03 Processing of a DRO. If it has been determined that a DRO applies to a Participant's account, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Plan Sponsor, the Administrator shall comply with the DRO. The Administrator may place a restrictive hold on a Participant's Account Balance while it detennines the validity of, and/or processes a DRO. The Administrator shall establish a separate Account Balance for the Alternate Payee and transfer the assigned value or benefit from the Participant's. account into the Alternate Payee's separate Account Balance. e; Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 14 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Pl2.n Document November 11, 2005 e " 468 e e e 7,04 Rights of an Alternate Payee to Receive Distributions. The Alternate Payee is entitled to receive distributions immediately upon the establishment of the separate Account Balance pursuant to Section 7,03 Processing of a DRO, Commencement of distributions must begin no later than April 1 M follo\\wg the year in which the Alternate Payee attains age 70 %. Distributions made to an Alternate Payee are reported as taxable income to the Alternate Payee in the calendar year in which the distributions are received by the Alternate Payee, State taxes, if applicable, and federal taxes will be withheld from any distribution on the Alternate Payee's Account Balance based upon the tax withholding elections of the Alternate Payee. The Alternate Payee may not'make any contributions to the account but is permitted to designate Beneficiaries for the Account Balance and to exercise exchanges among the invesanent options as pennitted by the Plan. 7,05 No Liability for Prior Distributions. In the event that it is determined that a DRO is valid and the Participant has begun receiving distributions from the Plan, the :Alternate Payee must commence distributions within sixty (60) days following the date the DRO is determined to be valid. The Administrator shall only process a DRO to the extent possible based upon the then current value or benefit in the Participant's Account Balance. ARTICLE VIII Designation of BENEFICIARY 8.01 Acceptance .of Beneficiary Designation by Administratot. The Participant shall have the right to file with 'the Administrator. a signed, written beneficiary or change of beneficiary form designating the person or persons who shall receive the benefits payable under the Plan in the eYent of the Participant's death. If the Participant dies without baving a valid beneficiary form on file, the benefits will be paid to the Participant's estate or as otherwise required by applicable state law. A change in the Beneficiary designation shall take effect when the election is accepted by the Administrator, and must be on a form and in the procedural manner approved by the Administrator, 8.02 Participant Obligation to File Beneficiary Designation Form. The Participant accepts and acknowledges that he has the burden of executing and filing with the Administrator prior to the Participant's death a proper beneficiary designation form. ARTICLE IX Investment of Deferred Amounts 9.01 Designation for Investment. Deferred Compensation amounts shall be delivered by the Plan Sponsor to the Administrator or its designated agent for investment pursuant to the Participant's, Beneficiary's, or Altetnate Payee's investtnent specifications. 9.02 Participant's Investment Specifications. The Plan Sponsor shall use the Participant's, Beneficiary's, or Alternate Payee's investment specifications to determine the value of any deferred compensation account and/or Eligible Rollover Account maintained with respect to the Participant as if the amounts had bee;p invested according to such specifications. Any change in the investment direction, whether it applies to amounts previously deferred, contributed, rolled over, or transferred, ' or amounts to be deferred, contributed, rolled over, or transferred in the future, shall only be effective prospectively and shall be effective on a date consistent with, in conformance with, and subject to any restrictions, limitations, or fees imposed by the Plan Sponsor, the Adnlinistrator, an investment option provider, any regulatory agency, or as otherwise required by law. (iJ Nationwide Retitement Solutions, Jne. 15 Con$o/idated Standard 457 Plan l\mended and Restated 457(b) Gove.mmen~ Plan Document November 11, 2005 4o~ After the death of the Participant, the Participant's Designated Beneficiary shall have the right to amend the Participant's, or the Beneficiar;ls, own investment direction by signing and filing \vith the Administrator an amendment on a form and in the procedural manner approved by the Administrator. Any change in an investment direction by a Beneficiary shall be effective on a date consistent ~th, in conformance with, and subject to any restrictions, limitations, or fees imposed by the Pl>.n Sponsor, the Administrator, an investment option provider, any regulatory agency, or as otherwise required by law. 9.03 Participant Account Credits and Debits. All interest, dividends, charges for premiums and administrative expenses, and changes in value due to market fluctuations applicable to each Participant's Account Balance shall be credited or debited to the account, All dividends will be reinvested.in the associated investment option. e 9,04 Limitations on Transfers and Exchanges, The Plan Sponsor and the Administrator may adopt rules and procedures to govern Participant elections and directions concerning a Participant's, Beneficiary's. or Alternate Payee's investment specifications and may impose limitations on transfers and exchanges from one investment option with the Plan to another. These rules and procedures shall be in addition to any established by investment pro"lride.rs to the Plan. The Plan Sponsor and the Administrator may decline to implement any investment instructions for a Participant, Beneficiary, or Alternate Payee where they deem appropriate. ARTICLE,X Administr~tion of.Plan 10.01 Exclusive Benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries. The Plan Sponsor may at any time amend, modify or terminate the Plan under Section 13.01 Amendment and Termination, without the consent of the Participant (or any Beneficiary or Alternate Payee thereof); provided, however, that the assets of the Plan shall be held for the exclusive benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries at all times, 10.02 No Third Party Interest in Plan. Any companies that may issue any policies, contracts, or other forms of investment media used by the Plan Sponsor or specified by the Participant, are not parties to this Plan and such companies shall have no responsibility or accountability to any Participant, Beneficiary, or Alternate Payee with regard to the operation of this Plan. 10.03 Tax Consequences of Participation in Plan. The Plan Sponsor and the Administrator do not represent or guarantee that any particular Federal or State income, payroll, personal property, or other tax consequence will occur because of participation in this Plan. The Participant, Beneficiary> or Alternate Pa.yee should consult with his own representative regarding all questions of Federal and State income, payroll, personal property, or other tax consequences arising from participation "in this Plan. e 10,04 Appointment of Agents, The Administrator shall have the power to appoint agents to act for and in the administration of this Plan and to select depositories for the assets of this Plan. 10.05 Construction, This Plan shall be construed, administered, and enforced according to the Constitution, laws of the state in which the Plan Sponsor resides, and the IRe. 10.06 Total Agreement. This Plan and any properly adopted amendment or modification shall constitute the total ~eement or contract bet\V"een the Plan Sponsor and the Participant tegarding the Plan. No orai statement regarding the Plan may be relied upon by the Participant. <<;l Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 16 Consolidated Standard 457 Pan Amended and Restated 457(b) Govetnmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 e n, Ii Lj IV e e e 10.07 Effect of Adopted Plan Amendment, This Plan and any properly adopted amendment or modification shall be binding on the parties hereto and thill respective hetts, administrators, trustees, successors, and assignees and on all Participants, Beneficiaries. and Alternate Payees. ARTICLE XI Authority of Plan Sponsor and Administrator 11.01 Authority Binding on Participants, Beneficiaries, and Alternate Payees. The Plan Sponsot, the Administrator, or their respective agents shall be authoriied to resolve any questions of fact necessary to decide the Participant's right under this Plan and such decision shall be binding on the Participant, Beneficiary, and any Alternate Payee, provided, however, that assets of the Plan shall be held for the exclusive benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries at all times. 11,02 Authority to Interpret Plan. The Plan Sponsor, the Administrator, or their respective agents shall be authorized to construe the Plan and to resolve any ambiguity in the Plan. 11.03 Investment Losses. The Participant specifically agrees not to seek .recovery agroust the Plan Sponsor, the Administrator or any other employee, contractee, or agent of the Plan Sponsor or Administrator for any loss sustained by a Participant, a Beneficiary, or an Alternate Payee for the non-performance of their duties, negligence, or any other misconduct of the above-named persons, except that this paragraph shall not excuse fraud or wrongful taking by any person. 11.04 Suspension of,Benefit Payments. The Plan Sponsor, the Administrator) or their respective agents, if in doubt concerning the correctness of their action in making a payment of a benefit, may suspend the payment until satisfied as to the correctness of the payment or the identity of the person to receive the payment or allow the filing in any State court of competent jurisdiction, a suit in such form as they consider appropriate for a legal determination of the benefits to be paid and the persons to receive them. The Plan Sponsor shall comply with the final orders of the court in any such suit and all Participants, Beneficiaries, and .Alternate Payees consent to be bound thereby insofar as it affects the benefits payable under this Plan or ~e method or manner of payment. 11.05 Hold Hannless. The Plan Sponsor, the Administrator, and their respecrive agents are hereby held ha.rm.less from all court costs and all claims for the attorney's fees arising from any action brought by any Participant, Beneficiary, or Alternate Payee under this Plan or to enforce his rights under this Plan, including any amendment, modification or termination hereof. 11.06 Litigation. The Administrator shall not be required to participate in any litigation concerning the Plan except upon written demand from the Plan Sponsor. The Administrator may compromise, adjust Qr effect settlement of litigation when specifically instructed to do so by the Plan Sponsor. 11.07 Exclusive Benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Plan, including any annuity conttact issued under the Plan, in accordance with IRe Section 457(g), all amounts of Compensation deferred pursuant to the Plan, all property and rights purchased 'With such amounts, and ~ income attributable to such account, property, or rights shall be held for the exclusive benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries under the Plan and shall be held in a trust, in an annuity contract, as defined in IRe Section 401 (t), or in one or more custodial accounts. For purposes of this paragraph: (a) a trust must be established under the Plan pursuant to a written agreement that constitutes a valid trust under the law of the state in which the Plan Sponsor is located, ~ Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 17 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 4S7(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 f-' __ 4'('1 (b) an annuity contract shall be issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in the state where the contract was issued and may not include any life, health or accident, property casualty ot liability insurance contract, and (c) the custodian of any custodial account created pursuant to this Plan must be a bank, as described in IRe Section 4:D8(n), or a person who meets the non-bank trustee requirements of paragraphs (2)-(6) of Section 1.408-2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations relating to the use of non-bank trustees. ARTICLE XII Miscellaneous e 12,01 Non-Assignability. Except as provided in Article VII and Section 12.02 IRS Levy, the interests of each Participant and Beneficiary under the Plan are not subject to the claims of the Participant's or Beneficiary's creditors; and neither the Participant nor any Beneficiary shall have any right to sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise convey the right to receive any payments hereunder or any interest under the p~ which payments and interest are expressly declared to be non-assignable and non- transferable. Furthermore, in accordance Section 522 of the Bankruptcy Abuse Protection and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ('~the Act), retirement funds that are in a fund that is exempt from taxation under IRe Section 457 may be exempted from an individual's property estate for purposes of the Act. 12.02 IRS Levy. . Notwithstanding Section 12,01 Non-Assignability, the Administrator may pay from a Participant's, Beneficiary's, or Alternate Payee's Account Balance the amount that the Administrator finds is lawfully demanded under a levy issued by the Internal Revenue Service \Vith respect to that Participant, Beneficiary, or Alternate Payee or is sought to be collected by the United States Government under a judgment resulting from an unpaid tax assessment against the Participant, Beneficiary) or Alternate Payee. 12,03 Mistaken Contributions. If MY contribution (or any portion of a contribution) is made to the Plan by a good faith mistake of fact, then within one year after the payment of the contribution, and upon receipt in good order of a proper request approved by the Administrator, the amount of the mistaken contribution (adjusted for any.income or loss in yalue, if any, allocable thereto) shall be returned directly to the Participant or, to the extent required or pennitted by the Administrator, to the Employer. - ARTICLE XIII Amendment and Termination 13.01 Amendment and Termination. The Plan Sponsor may at any time modify, amend, suspend, or terminate the Plan in whole or in part (tncluding retroactive amendments) or cease deferring Compensation pursuant to the Plan for some or all Participants. In the event of such an action, the Plan Sponsor shall deliver to each affected Participant a notice of such modification, amendment, or termination or a notice that it shall cease deferring Compensation; provided, however, that the Plan Sponsor shall not have the right to reduce or affect the value of any Participant's Account Balance or any rights accrued under the Plan prior to such modification, amendment, termination, or cessation. 13.02 No Effect of Plan on Employment of Participants, Neither the establishment of the Plan nor any modification thereof, nor the establishment of an account, nor any agreement bet~.7een the Plan Sponsor and the Administrator nor the payment of any benefits, shall be construed as giving to any Participant or other person any legal or equitable right against the Plan Sponsor except as herein e Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. 18 Consolidated Standard 457 Plan Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November t 1,2005 e -'l':q tj I i~ e e e provided, and in no event shall the terms of employment of the Public Employee, Independent Contractor, or Participant be modified or in any way affected. 13,03 Interptetation. TIlls Plan is intended to be an eligible deferred compensation Plan under IRC Section 457, and shall be interpreted and administered in a manner consistent with the IRe. This Plan may be amended to the extent that it may be necessary to confonn the Plan to the requirements of IRC Section 457 and any other applicable law, regulation, or ruling, including amendments that are retroactive to the effective date of the Plan. In the event that the Plan is deemed by the Internal Revenue Service to be administered in a manner inconsistent with the Internal Revenue Code, the Plan Sponsor shall correct such administration. ARTICLE XIV Prior Plan If the Plan Sponsor has akeady accepted and adopted the Plan (the "Prior Plan'), as defined by IRC Section 457, then the Plan Sponsor intends that this Plan shall amend and restate the Prior Plan. In such event, this Plan shall apply to all Participants in the Prior Plan on the effective date hereof, and also to each Public Employee who elects to participate in this Plan on and after the effective date hereof. Article XV Effective Date TIlls Plan shall be effective as of January 1, 2006. (Q Nationwide Retirement Solutions Ioc Consolidated St=.dard 457 Plan ' , Amended and Restated 457(b) Governmental Plan Document November 11, 2005 19 4'73 DETERMINE WHICH COUNTY EMPLOYEES. IF ANY. ARE TEMPORARY UNDER TEXAS COUNTY llr. DISTRICT RETIREMENT SYSTEM REOUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 2006: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to determine which County Employees, if any, are Temporary under Texas County & District Retirement System Requirements effective January 1, 2006. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. PASS ORDER SETTING MAXIMUM ~ALARIES. MAKING VARIOUS APPROPRIATIONS. SETTING VACATION POUCY AND SICK LEAVE POUCY. SETTING POLICY ON PAYMENT OF HOSPITAUZATION INSURANCE PREMIUM. SETTING HOLIDAY SCHEDULE AND SETTING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS POLICY MATTERS: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to Pass the Order Setting Maximum Salaries, Making Various Appropriations, Setting Vacation Policy and Sick Leave Policy, Setting Policy on Payment of Hospitalization Insurance Premium, Setting Holiday Schedule and Setting.other Miscellaneous Policy Matters. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. /(P 2006 ORDER PASSING MAXIMUM SAlARIES. MAKING MONTHLY APPROPRIATIONS, AND PASSING HOLIDAY SCHEDULE WHEREUPON,onmotionby COmiTliRRinnp.r FinRt-p.r ,secondedby CnmmiRRinnl!T Balajka. ,and unanimously carried. on the ---22.nd... day of np("p1mnp'Y" . 200.5... the Court ordered the following Order be adopted and entered: The various officials, supervisors, and permanent employees will be compensated for the Calendar Year 2006 not to exceed the following amounts: SEE SALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHED (Salary Schedule contains salaries for the Juvenile Probation Department and the Boot Camp. These departments are administered by the Juvenile Board and are not included in the County's Budget or Financial Statements; however. the State Statutes indicate that these are employees of the County. These salaries are included for informational purposes only.) e All County employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis (annual salary divided by the number ofbi-weekly pay periods in the year). Each of the officials named herein shall fix the compensation of the employee(s) authorized for his qepartrnent within the maximum amounts authorized by this Order. Each of said officials will complete and deliver the payroll fonns to the County Treasurer to indicate the pertinent information for all employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act who were employed during the pay period; he will also see that the necessary exemption certificates and other information are furnished to the County Treasurer so that proper deductions may be made and records compiled for Federal Withholding Tax, Social Security Tax, Group lnsurance, and Retirement Plan. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE SEE SALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHED 10 addition. employees are paid an overtime rate of one and (me-half times the above rates. An employee on call is paid an hourly rate of $1.00. Amounts shown in the attached Salary Schedule are for budgeting purposes only. PART.TIME OR TEMPORARY HELP The various officials/supervisors will be allowed to employ extra help at the following maximum hourly rates: )- Clerical Help in County Offices $ 6.00 ,.. Road and Bridge Precinct Labor $ 6.00 )- Building Department Labor $ 6.00 :> Waste Management Department Labor $ 6.00 }. Skilled Help $ 10.00 )- Heavy Equipment Operators $ 12.00 )- Mechanics $ 9.00 }. Bailiffs $ 11.40 :> Emergency Management Coordinator $ 15.52 :> Librarians-Part-Time $ 10.00 Payments may be made up to the amount authorized in each department budget, approved by the Commissioners Court in the 2006 Budget. The officials/supervisors affected by this Order will not obligate the County for the payment of any compensation in excess of the extra help allowance without prior authorization of Commissioners Court. Thes~ employees will be considered part-time or temporary employees of the County and will be subject to Federal Withholding Tax and Social Security Tax deductions. e APPROPRIATION FOR .JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OFFICE, PRECINCT 5 An annual allowance of $3,600 will be paid from the General Fund to Justice of the Peace of Precinct 5 for e~penses of office, at the bi~weekly rate of $138.46. Page No. 1 L'ft';"1 .: I ~t 2006 ORDER PISSING MIIIMUM SAWIES. MlIING MONTHLY APPROPRIATIONS, IND PISSING HOLlDIY SCHEDULE APPROPRIATIONS FOR TRA VEL ALLOWANCE Officers, agents or employees of the County will be reimbursed for actual traveling expenses while out of the County on official County business or in attendance at conferences relating to County government up to the amount authorized in the 2006 budget for this purpose in ~cordance with the County's purchasing manual. Reimbursement will be requested on the travel form available in the office of the County ., reasurer and wiII be filed, with supporting documentation, in the County Treasurer's Office within one month after the trip has been made. Certain personnel wi1J be reimbursed for actual traveling expenses in the COW1ty in amounts not to exceed the appropriations authorized in the 2006 budget, Mileage reimbursement for the use of personal automobiles, which have been authorized, will be computed at the current rate set by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes with the following exceptions which will be paid a bi-weekly set allowance as follows; County Judge Constables Nuisance Enforcement Officer $192.31 Bi-Weekly $]92.3] Bi-Weekly $192.31 Bi-Weekly APPROPRIA nONS FOR CALHOUN COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT Payable in quarterly installments from the General Fund to the Calhoun County Tax Appraisal District: QUARTERLY Appraisal Services Collection Services $36,217.00 $]4,133.00 HOLIDA Y SCHEDULE The Court set the fo!Jowing holiday schedule for the calendar year 2006: e Good Friday~ Y2 Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Friday, April 14 PM Monday, May 29 Tuesday, July 4 Monday, September 4 Friday, November 10 Thursday, November 23 & Friday, November 24 Monday, December 25 & Tuesday, December 26 Friday, December 29 PM Monday, January ],2007 Christmas Day New Year's Eve- 'l2 Day New Year's Day However, it was agreed that if any of the above holidays should fall on a non. working day the employees should be allowed to observe the nearest working day preceding or following the holiday, as shown above. ' POLICIES PERTAINING TO SICK LEAVE, JOB RELATED ACCIDENTS, AND VACATION WILL BE FOLLOWED AS PER EMPLOYEE POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL. Page No, 2 e 4'15 t~ ~-~ C.> e r.................................................i006..S.ALARy..S.CHEDULE.................................................., ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: BU/WING MAlNTEN.4NCE TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $34,564 $0 SUPERINTENDENT $34,564 $10,538 $45,101 3-EMPLOYEE-FIJU, TIME $28,935 $0 TECHNICIAN $28,935 $8,822 $37,756 3-EMPLOYEE-FlJLL TIME $28,935 $0 TECHNICIAN $28.935 $8,822 $37,756 3-EMPLOYEE-F'\JlL TIME $26,130 $0 CUSTODIAN $26,130 $7,966 $34,097 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,130 $0 CUSTODIAN $26,130 $7,966 $34,097 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26.130 $0 CUSTODIAN $26,130 $7,966 $34,097 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,130 $0 CUSTODIAN $26,130 $7,966 $34.097 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,130 $0 CUSTODIAN $26,130 $7,966 $34,097 5-EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR \ $10,800 $0 EMPLOYEE $10,800 $3,293 $14,093 99-OTHER $204 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $204 $62 $266 99-0THER $102 $0 QVERmfE-PREMIUM PAY $102 $31 $133 Sum $234,190 $0 $234,190 $71.399 $305,588 DEPARTMENT: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT#I TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfED OffiCIAL $8,058 $0 CONSTABLE $8,058 $2,051 $10,109 98-0TIJER-ELECTED $5,000 $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE $5,000 $1,273 $6,273 Sum $13,058 $0 $13,058 $3.324 $16.382 DEPARTMENT: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfED OFFICIAL $8,058 $0 CONSTABLE I $8,058 $2,051 $10,109 98-0THER-ELECfED $5.000 $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE $5,000 $1,273 $6,273 Sum I $13,058 $0 I $13,058 $3,324 $16,382 Wednesda.y, December 14, 2005 NOTE: EMPLO EE MED C L BENEFITS E NOT INCLUDED BOVE P'dge I of 17 e ~ """"--.( ., --...:.; ......,.."'....."'..............................-...."''''............'''.............'''........................"'................"'........"'.........."'''''''..,...... 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 1 -ELECTED OFFlCIAL $8,058 $0 CQNST ABLE $8,058 $2,051 $10,109 98-0TIlER-ELECTED $5,000 $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE $5,000 $1,273 $6.273 Sum $13,058 $0 $13,058 $3,324 $16,382 DEPARTMENT: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED DFFlCIAL $8,058 $0 CONSTABLE $8,058 $2,051 $10,109 98-0TIfER-ELECfED $5,000 $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWA~CE $5,000 $1,273 $6,273 Sum $l3,O58 $0 $13,058 $3,324 $16,382 DEPARTMENT: CONSTABLE.PRECINCT #5 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED OFFICIAL $8,058 $0 CONSTABLE $8,058 $2,051 $10,109 98-0TIIER-ELECfED $5,OQO $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE $5,000 $\,273 $6,273 Sum $13.058 $0 $13,058 $3,324 $16,38Z DEPARTMENT: COUNTYAUDITOR TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $50,250 $0 AUDITOR $50,250 $9,082 $59,33\ 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $38,298 $0 AUDITOR-FIRST ASSISTANT $38.298 $6,922 $45,220 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,481 $0 AUDITOR ASSISTANT-COMPLIANCE $29,481 $5,328 $34,809 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29.481 $0 AUDITOR ASSISTANT-PA YROLUPURCHASlNG $29,481 $5,328 $34,809 Sum $147,509 $0 $147,509 $26,659 $174,168 Wednesday, December 14, 2()Q5 NOTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page 2 of J7 ~ -- ' cD e r.""""..."""..."".....""............"i006"S.ALARY"SCHEDULE""""..."...,,",,.""... "....... "..""..., ~..............................,.............................................................................................,...................................................................... DEPARTMENT: COUNTY CLERK TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED OffiCIAL $48,248 $0 COUNTY CLERK $48,248 $8,541 $56,790 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 DEPUTY .CHIEF $29,453 $5,323 $34,776 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $26.685 $0 DEPUTY 1 $Z6,685 $4,823 $31,508 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DEPUTY 1 $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DEPUTY 1 $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $25,345 $0 DEPlIIY z $25,345 $4,581 $29,926 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $22,124 $0 DEPUTY 2 $22,124 $3.998 $26,123 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $21.980 $0 DEPUTY 2 $21,980 $3,972 $25,953 5.EMPLOYEE.TEMPORAR\ $960 $0 EMPLOYEE $960 $173 $1.133 99,OTHER .$1.717 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $1,717 $310 $2,027 99.OTHER $858 $0 OVERTIME-PREMIUM PAY $858 $155 $1,013 Sum $230,742 $0 $230,742 $41,523 $272.265 DEPARTMENT: COUNTY COURT.AT.LA W TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSESI POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 1 -ELECTED OffiCIAL $105,527 $0 JUDGE $105,527 $16,076 $121,602 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $41,265 $0 COURT REPORTER $41,265 $7,458 $48.723 4-EMPLOYEE-PARTTIME $7,500 $0 JURORS-PETIT $7,500 $665 $8,165 5.EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR $3,900 $0 EMPLOYEE $3,900 $705 $4,605 Sum $158,191 $0 $158,191 $Z4,904 $183,095 DEPARTMENT: COUNTY JUDGE TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I.ELECTED OFFICIAL $55,656 $0 JUDGE $55,656 $9,853 $65,509 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $)5,000 $0 I HUMAN RELATIONS OFFICER $35,000 $6,326 $41,326 3-EMPLOYEE-FllLL TIME $29.453 $0 I OFFICE MANAGER $29,453 $5,323 $34,776 5'EMPLOYEE'TEMPORAR~ $916 $0 EMPLOYEE I $916 $166 $1,082 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 OTK EMPWYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED An VE Page 3 of 17 e I-~ ,( (;C; ~.......,.................,.......................,_..................................................................................".............,............................ 1 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE !I................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: COUNTY JUDGE TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 98-0TI-fER-ELECTED $5.000 $0 AUTOMOB~EALLOWANCE $5,000 $885 $5,885 Sum $126.025 $0 $126,025 $22,552 $148,577 DEPARTMENT: COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I.ELECTED OFFICIAL $48,959 $0 TAX COLLECfOR $48,959 $8,667 $57,6Z6 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIM:E $29,473 $0 DEPUTY-CHIEF $29,473 $5,327 $34,800 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 ADMINISTRA TlVE DEPUTY $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FUl.l.. TIME $26,685 $0 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPUTY $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 5-EMPLOYEE-- TEMPORAR $5,000 $0 EMPLOYEE $5,000 $904 $5,904 Sum $136,803 $0 $136,803 $24,543 $161,346 DEPARTMENT: COUNTY TREASURER TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELEerED OffiCIAL $48,248 $0 TREASURER $48,248 $8,541 $56.790 3-EMPLOYEB-FULL TIM:E $28,920 $0 DEPtITY -CHIEF $28,920 $5,227 $34,147 3.EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DEPlITY $26,685 $4.823 $31,508 Sum $103,854 $0 $103,854 $18,591 $122,445 DEPARTMENT: CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3.EMPWYEE.FULL TIME $63,299 $0 AITORNEY-FIRST ASSISTANT $63,299 $l1MO $74,738 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIM:E $55,369 $0 A1TQRNEY $55,369 $10,007 $65,375 3.EMPWYEE.FULL TIME $41.159 $0 lNVESTIGATOR $41,159 $10,631 $51,790 3.EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $33.951 $0 VICflMS ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR $33,951 $6,136 $40,087 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 NOTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page40f 17 ,C& (1) Co e Inllllllllllllllllllllllllll,IIIII.I.,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'''1111111111111111'1111111111'11111111"1'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'..11111.1.,11.1111 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................................................................................,...... DEPARTMENT: CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $28,919 $0 SECRETARY LEGAL $28,919 $5,227 $34,146 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $28,048 $0 SECRETARY. LEGAL $28,048 $5,069 $33.117 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $28,048 $0 SECRETARY LEGAL $28,048 $5,069 $33,117 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,438 $0 ADMINISTRA 11\'E CLERK $26,438 $4,778 $31,216 5-EMPLOYEE- TEMPORAR $2,741 $0 EMPWYEE $2.741 $495 $3,236 99-0THER $3,333 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $3,333 $602 $3,935 99-0TIIER $1,667 $0 OVERTIME-PREMillM PAY $1,667 $301 $1,968 SUm $312,971 $0 $312,971 $59,755 $372,727 DEPARTMENT: DISTRICT CLERK TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfED OffiCIAL $48,248 $0 DISTRICT CLERK $48,248 $8.541 $56.790 3~EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 DEPUTY -CHIEF $29.453 $5,323 $34,776 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,715 $0 DEPUTY - CHILD SUPPORT $26,715 $4,828 $31,543 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $23,079 $0 DEPUTY. CHILD SUPPORT $23,079 $4,l71 $27.250 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $21,980 $0 DEPUTY $21,980 $3,972 $25,953 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $21,980 $0 DEPUTY $21,980 $3,972 $25,953 Sum $171,456 $0 $171,456 $30,808 $202,264 DEPARTMENT: DISTRICT COURT TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 4-EMPLOYEE-PARTTIME $12,500 $0 JURORS-PETIT $12,500 $1,109 $13.609 4-EMPWYEE-PARTTIME $3,750 $0 JURORS-GRAND $3,750 $333 $4.083 4-EMPWYEE-PART TJ1...fE $110 $0 JURY COMMISSIONERS $110 $10 $120 5-EMPLOYEE,TEMPORARl $11,400 $0 BALIFP $11,400 $2,945 $14,345 99-0THER $500 $0 MEAL ALLOW ANeE $500 $90 $590 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 OTK EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVEe Page S of 17 e k'A. Cl) l...', r' ~.................................................._............................................................................................................................. ~ 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ~..........................,........................................................................................................................................................................ DEPARTMENT: DISTRICT COURT I I I TOTAL - I I SALARY SALARIES I TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES! POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS Sum $28.260 $0 I $28,260 $4,487 $32.747 DEPARTMENT: ELECFIONS TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES> POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OffiCIAL $34,096 $0 ADMINSTRATOR $34.096 $6,162 $40.258 4-EMPLOYEE-PARTTfME $12.00Q $0 JUDGES/CLERKS-ELECI10N $12.000 $1.065 $13.065 5.EMPLOYEE-TEMPOl $24,00Q $0 EMPWYEE $24.000 $4,337 $28.337 99.0TIlER $12 $0 MEAL ALLOWANCE $12 $2 $14 Sum i $70,108 $0 $70,108 $11.566 $81,675 DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2.APPOlNTED OFFICIAL $17.510 $0 ADMINISTRATOR $17,510 $3,165 $ZO.675 3-EMPLOYEE-FUll. TIME $26,882 $0 OFFlCB MANAGBR $26.882 $4,858 $31,740 Sum $44,392 $0 $44,392 $8,023 $52,415 DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2.APPOlNTED OFFICIAL $56.050 $0 DIRECTOR $56,050 $14,478 $70,527 3.EMPWYEE-FUll. TIME $52.784 $0 DlRBCTOR.ASSISTANT $52,784 $13.634 $66,419 HMPLOYEE.FUlJ.. TIME I $31.H4 $1,500 SUPERVISOR $32,614 $8.424 $41,038 3.BMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $30.540 $1,500 SUPERVISOR $32,040 $8,276 $40.315 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $26.613 $1.500 SUPERVISOR $28.113 $7,262 $35,375 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25.626 $1,500 CREW LEADER $27.126 $7,007 I $34.133 3.EMPLOYBE.FULL TIME $25.626 $1,500 CRBW LEADER $27,126 $7.007 $34.133 Wednesday, De<:ember 14, 2005 NOTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page 6 of 17 ",db Cr.; {~' e ......'.."........"'.'.'...'..'.................2006..S.ALARY.'S.CHEDOLE",....................".,',.,...,......."....,"'] ...............................................................................................................................................,..................................................... DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $25,626 $1,500 CREW LEADER $27,126 $7,007 $34.133 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $1,500 P ARAMEDlC $27,126 $7.001 $34,133 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $1.500 PARAMEDIC $27,126 $7,007 $34,133 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25.926 $6,697 $32,623 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $25,626 $300 PARAMEDIC $25,926 $6,697 $32,623 4-EMPWYEE-PARTTIME $46,097 $0 EMPLOYEE $46,097 17.666 $53,763 99-0THER $194,267 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $194,267 $42,072 $236.339 99-OTIJER $77,740 $0 OVERTIME-PREMIUM PAY $77,740 $19,197 $96,937 99-0TIJER $16,056 $0 SALARY ON CALL $16,056 $4,147 $20,203 99~ER $200 $0 MEAL ALLOWANCE $200 $52 $252 Sum $838,978 $14.100 $853,078 $Z07,119 $1,()60,l96 - --- DEPARTMENT: EXTENSiON SERVICE SALARIES EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES, 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL I $9,366 $0 I COUNTY AGENT 2-APPOINTED OFFlClAL $9,092 $0 I CEAFCS AGENT 2.APPOINTED OFFlClAL I $5,614 $0 MARINE AGENT 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME I $l2,473 $0 YOlJ1W4-H COORDINATOR 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 OFFICE MANAGER 5-EMPWYEE-TEMPORAR'l1 $11,300 $0 ! EMPLOYEE 99.0TIJER I $72 $0 'I MEAL ALLOWANCE Sum $97,369 $0 ,- TOTAL SALARY AND BENEFITS $12,270 $11,911 $7,354 $38,342 $34,776 $13,342 $85 TOTAL SALARIES $9,366 $9,Q92 $5,614 $32,473 $29,453 $11,300 $72 $97,369 POSITION TOTAL BENEFITS $2,%5 $2,820 $1,741 $5,E69 $5,323 $2,Q42 $13 $20,712 l $1l8,OEI Page 7 of 17 Wednesday, December 14. 2005 OTE.. EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLU ED ABOVE e .~ CD <.:,..:i ~...................."".."..""""...""""'_..""""""""",...""..."".,,........,,..,,"",,........"..""...""...""...........,..."......""..."".." ~ 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ,........................................................................................................................................................................,.......................... DEPARTMENT: FLOOD PLAIN ADMINISTRATION TOTAL SALARY - SALARIES TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2.APPOINTED OFFICIAL $17,510 $0 ADMINISTRATOR $17,510 $3,165 $20,675 Sum $17,510 $0 $17,510 $3,165 $20,675 DEPARTMENT: HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $38,787 $0 DIRECTOR OPNURSES $38,787 $8,244 $47,031 3+EMPLOYEE-RlLL TIME $31,334 $0 LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE $31.334 $6,660 $37,993 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $29,453 $0 LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE $29.453 $6,260 $35,713 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29.453 $0 OFFICE MANAGER $29,453 $5,323 $34,776 5.EMPLOYEE- TEMPORAR' $1,200 $0 EMPLOYEE $1,200 $217 $1,417 Sum $130,226 $0 $130,226 $26,704 $156,930 DEPARTMENT: HIGHWAYPATROL TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $25,443 $0 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $25,443 $4,598 $30,041 Sum $25,443 $0 $25,443 $4,598 $30,041 DEPARTMENT: JAlL TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $35,800 $0 ADMINISTRATOR $35,800 $9,247 $45,047 3.EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $32,039 $0 CORPORAL (SHIFT SUPERVISORS) $32,039 $8,276 $40,315 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $32,039 $0 CORPORAL (SHIFT SUPERVISORS) $32,039 $8,276 $40,315 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $32,039 $0 CORPORAL (SHIFT SUPERVISORS) $32,039 $8,276 $40,315 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $32,039 $0 CORPORAL (SHlFT SUPERVISORS) $32,039 $8,276 $40,315 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $31,424 $0 PRIVATES (ASSISTANT SHIFT SUPER VISOR) $31,424 $8,117 $39,541 . Wednesday, December 14,2005 NOTE: EMPWYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page 8 of 17 ~t;z, (lj ~ e "'111.11.11............"1..1111111111.111....."11111111111...1.nlllllll""IIII"III'IIIIIIIIIIII'II'I"IIIIII'1I1111111IIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIII'I'IIJI...II..I..'..II....I...I.....II...."'.,"U 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE .....u...................nnn................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: JAIL TOTAL - SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $31,424 $0 PRIVATES (ASSIST ANT SHIFf SUPERVISOR) $31,424 $8,117 $39,541 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $31,424 $0 PRIVATES (ASSISTANT SHIFf SUPERVISOR) $31,424 $8,117 $39,541 3-EMPWYEE.FVLL TIME $31,424 $0 PRIVATES (ASSISTANT SHIFf SUPERVISOR) $31,424 $8,I17 $39~41 3.EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30.964 $0 ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK.JAILER LICENSE $30,964 $7,998 $38.962 3.EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 COOK-JAILER LICENSE $30,964 $7.998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 COOK-JAILER LICENSE $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 DEPUTY-TRANSPORT $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30.964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7.998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAD...ER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30.964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE.FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE,FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7.998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38.962 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,96Z 3-EMPLQYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPWYEE.FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7,998 $38,96Z 3,EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30.964 $7,998 $38,962 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $30,964 $0 JAILER $30,964 $7.998 $38,96Z Sum $908,93\ $0 $908,931 $234,777 $1,143,708 DEPARTMENT: JUSTICE OF PEACE-GENERAL EMPLOYEE TYPE 4-EMPLOYEE-PARTHME SALARIES I SALARY LICENSES $400 POSITION TOTAL SALARIES $400 TOTAL SALARY AND BENEFITS I $435 $0 JURORS-PETIT TOTAL BENEFITS $35 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 OTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BEN FITS ARE N TIN LUDED ABOV Page 9 of J7 e ~ "'"' \_;JJ:J '.n ................................................. ' It,............................................................ ................................................................. 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ........................................UU.H.................................................................................................,.................................................. DEPARTMENT' JUSTICE OF PEACE.GENERAL TOTAL . SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS Sum 5400 50 5400 $35 5435 DEPARTMENT' JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECINCT #1 - TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfEO OFFICIAL $27,585 50 JUSTICE OF PEACE $27,585 $4,883 $32,469 6-EMPLOYEE-PARTTli\ifE_ $12,500 50 CLERK.JP COURT $12,500 52,259 $14,759 Sum 540,085 $0 $40,085 $7,142 $47,228 DEPARTMENT' JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS l-ELECfEO OFFICIAL $27,585 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE $27,585 $4,883 $32,469 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $24,233 $0 CLERK-JP COURT $Z4,233 $4,380 $28,612 Sum $51,818 $0 $5\,818 $9,263 $61,08\ DEPARTMENT: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINIT #3 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS l-ELECfEO OFFICIAL $27,585 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE $27,585 $4,883 $32,469 6-EMPWYEE-PART TlME- $16,000 $0 CLERK-IP COURT $\6,000 $Z,892 $18,892 Sum $43,585 $0 $43,585 $7,775 $51.361 DEPARTMENT: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINIT #4 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfEO OFFICIAL $27,585 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE $27,585 $4,883 $32,469 WedllC,Sday, December J4, 2005 Page 10 of 17 NOTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE I'~ (1) (,;.;") e r......""..,........"'......................"'2006..S'ALARy..SCHEDULE...................................."'.........'" ,.....................................................,.......................................................................................................................................H..... DEPARTMENT: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT#4 TOTAL . SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 6-EMPLOYEB-PARTTIME- $12,500 $0 CLERK-JP COURT $12,500 $2,259 $14,759 Sum $40.085 $0 $40.085 $7,142 $47.228 DEPARTMENT: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #5 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED OFFICIAL $27,585 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE $27,585 . $4,883 $32,469 6-EMPLOYEE-PARTTIME- $8,000 $0 CLERK-JP COURT $8.000 $1,446 $9,446 98-OTIlER-ELECTED $3.600 $0 OFFICE ALWW ANCE $3.600 $637 $4,237 Sum $39,185 $0 $39,185 $6,967 $46,152 DEPARTMENT: JUVENILE BOOT CAMP TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3,EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $35.348 $0 DRILL INSTRUcrOR-CHIEF $35,348 $6,614 $41,962 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,927 $0 DRILL INSTRUCTOR-ASSISTANT $30,927 $5.787 $36,714 Sum $66.274 $0 $66.274 $12,402 $78.676 DEPARTMENT: JUVENILE COURT TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECfEO OFFICIAL $3.881 $0 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW JUDGE $3,881 $687 $4,568 I-ELECfED OFFICIAL $3,881 $0 COUN1Y JUDGE $3,881 $687 $4.568 I-ELECTED OFACIAL $1,714 $0 I COUNTY CLERK $1.714 $303 $2.017 Sum I $9,476 $0 $9,476 $1,678 $11.154 I Wednesday, December 14, 2005 OTE: EMPLOYEE'" ED/CAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOV e Page 11 of 17 e ~ (;l) ~ ~"..."...""""""....""""...."'....""'_..".......,,..,,..,,"""""""'''''''''''''',,..'''''''''""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ~ 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ~........,.......................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: JUVENILE PROB4TlON TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $43,515 $0 PROBATION OFFICER-CHIEF $43,515 58,143 551,658 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $35,465 $0 PROBATION OmCER 535,465 $6,636 $42,101 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29.453 $0 OFFICE MANAGER $29.453 $5,323 $34,776 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME 529,453 50 PROBA TlON OFFICER I $29,453 $5,511 $34,964 Sum $137;886 $0 $137,886 $25,613 $163,500 DEPARTMENT: LJBRARY TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $34,096 $0 DIRECWR $34.096 $6,380 $40,476 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 DIRECWR-ASSISTANT $29,453 $5,511 $34,%4 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $28,919 $0 LIBRARIAN-YOUTIl REFERENCE $28,919 $5.411 $34.331 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $25,443 $0 LIDRARlAN - CLRCULA nON $25,443 $4,761 $30,204 5-EMPWYEE- TEMPORAR $25,480 $0 EMPLOYEE $25,480 $4.768 $30,248 6-EMPLOYEE-PARTTIME_ $15,600 $0 LIBRARIAN-BRANCH $15,600 $2,919 $18,519 6-EMPLOYEE-P ART TIME-I $15.600 $0 LmRARIAN-BRANCH $15,600 $2,919 $18,519 6-EMPLOYEE-P ART TIME-I $15,600 $0 LIBRARIAN-BRANCH $15,600 $2,919 $18,519 6-BMPLOYEE-PART TlME- $819 $0 LIBRARIAN/CUSTODIAN-TEMPORARY $819 $153 $972 6-EMPLOYEE-PART TIME-I $819 $0 LIBRARlANICUSTODIAN-TEMPORARY $819 $153 $972 6-EMPLOYEE-PARTTlME_1 $819 $0 LIBRARIAN/CUSTODIAN-TEMPORARY $819 $153 $972 99-OTIIER $25 $0 MBAL ALLOW ANCB $25 $5 $30 Sum $192,673 $0 I $192,673 $36.054 $228,727 DEPARTMENT: MUESUM TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $21,692 $0 DIRECWR $21,692 $4,059 $25,751 5-EMPLOYEE- TEMPORAR $2,678 $0 EMPLOYEE $2,678 $501 $3,179 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 NOTE: EMPWYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCl.UDED ABOVE Page 12of17 .bo 0:.; r-,-, ~) :e r...............................................2006..SALARy..S'CHEDULE'........'..............".."""""'........"',, 'I................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: MUESUM TOTAL SAlARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS Sum $24,370 $0 $24,370 $4,560 $28,930 DEPARTMENT: NUISANCE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL SAlARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFlCIAL $34,892 $0 NU~ANCEENFORCEMENTOFFlCER $34,892 $9,013 $43,905 99-0THER $5,000 $0 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE $5,000 $1.292 $6,292 99.oTHER $100 $0 MBALALWWANCB $100 $26 $126 Sum $39,992 $0 $39.992 $10,330 $50,322 DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL SAlARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS l-ELECfED OFFlCIAL $46,844 $0 COMMISSIONER $46,844 $10,452 $57,296 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34,750 $0 FOREMAN $34,750 $12.606 $47.356 3-EMPLOYEE.FULL TIME $32,680 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $32,680 $11,855 $44,535 3-EMPLOYEE-PULL TIME $31,505 $0 FOREMAN-ASSISTANT $31,505 $11,429 $42,933 3.EMPWYEE.FULL TIME $30,612 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-LIGHT $30,612 $11,105 $41,717 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,025 $0 OFFICE MANAGER $30,025 $5,426 $35,451 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,022 $0 EMPLOYEE-MAINTENANCE $30,022 $10,891 $40,914 5-EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR $14,316 $0 EMPLOYEE $14,316 $5,193 $19,509 99-0THER $2,470 $0 COMPENSA1DRY TIME PA Y $2,470 $896 $3,366 99-0TIJER $19 $0 MEAL ALLOWANCE $19 $7 $26 Sum $253,243 $0 $253,243 $79,861 $333,103 DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 SAlARIES EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LlCENSESI TOTAL SALARY AND I BENEFITS TOTAL SALARIES TOTAL BENEFITS POSITION Wednesday, December 14, 2005 OTE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NO INCLUDED ABOV Page 13 of 17 e ~ CD c.c1 ..............,..,...........,..,.........,......,_..,.......................................................................""""",,,,,,,"'....."'''',,,,.......,,,,...,,. 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BiilDG'E:p/iEci'NcT'ii..'............".... ,'.. ,........,..,............. ......................................,.."....................",..,..,..,............ .." I TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS l-ELECTEO OffiCIAL $46,844 50 COMMISSIONER $%,844 $10,452 $57,296 3-EMPLOYEE-AJLL TIME $35,090 5240 FOREMAN $35,330 $12,8\1 $48,147 3-EMPWYEE~FULL TIME $32,680 $240 EQUiPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $32,920 $11,942 $44,862 3-EMPLQYEE-FULL TIME 530,887 $240 EQUiPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $31,127 $11.292 $42.418 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,473 $600 EQUiPMENT OPERA TOR-HEAVY $31,073 511,272 $42,345 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TlME $30.473 $360 EQUiPMENT OPERA TOR-HEAVY $30,833 511.185 $42,018 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,473 $360 MECHANIC $30,833 $1l.185 $42.018 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TlME $29.453 $0 OFFICE MANAGER 529,453 $5,323 $34,776 5-EMPWYEE-TEMPORAR1 $15,387 $0 EMPLOYEE $15,387 $5,582 $20.969 Sum 5281.758 $2,040 $283,798 $91,049 $374,848 DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 . TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED OffiCIAL $46,844 $0 COMMlSS[ONER $46,844 $10,452 $57,296 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TlME $35,340 51,440 FOREMAN $36,780 $13.343 $50,123 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $31.735 $1,200 EQUiPMENT GPERATOR-HEAVY $32,935 $ll,948 $44,883 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,473 $360 EQUiPMENT OPERA TOR-HEAVY $30,833 $11,185 $4Z.0I8 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,473 $0 EQUiPMENT OPERA TOR-HEAVY $30,473 $ll,054 $41,527 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 OFFlCE MANAGER $29,453 $5,323 $34,776 5-EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR $25,000 $0 EMPLOYEE $25,000 $9,069 $34.069 9'-OTHER $16 $0 MEAL ALLOWANCE $16 $6 $22 Sum $229,334 $3,000 $232,334 $72,380 $304,714 DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS I-ELECTED OffiCIAL $46,844 $0 COMMISSIONER $46,844 $10,452 $57,296 3-EMPLOYEE-FlJLL TIME $35,090 $0 FOREMAN $35,090 $12,730 $47.820 Wednesday, December 14. 2005 NOTE.. EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page 140(17 .c.. r i"", ',,I,.J o e i..'.""'.."".".."..'.'...""""..'...'..".2006..S.ALARy..S.CHEDULE...................,',..,.......................... s................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: ROAD AND BRlDGE-PRECINCF #4 TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $31,815 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $31,815 $11,541 $43,356 3-EMPLOYEE-FUU TIME $30,414 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $30,414 $11,055 $41,528 3-EMPWYE&FULL TIME $30,473 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $30,413 $11,054 $41,527 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30.413 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $30,413 $11,054 $41,521 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $30,413 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERA TOR-HEAVY $30,413 $11,054 $41,5Z1 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,573 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-LIGHT $29,573 $10,728 $4(},302 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,513 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-LIGHT $29,513 $10,728 $40,302 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $29,573 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-LIGHT $29,573 $10,728 $4O,30Z 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $29,573 $300 EQUIPMENT OPERA TOR -LIGHT $29.873 $10,831 $40,710 3~EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $29,513 $0 MECHANIC $29,573 $10,728 $40,302 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 OFFICE MANAGER $29,453 $5,323 $34,776 5-EMPLOYEE--TEMPORAR $28,863 $0 EMPLOYEE $28.863 $10,471 $39,334 99-0TIlER $376 $0 COMPENSA 1DR Y TIME PAY $376 $136 $$12 99-0THER $37 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $37 $13 $50 99-0THER $18 $0 OVERTIME-PREMIUM PAY $18 $1 $25 Sum $442,254 $300 $442,554 $148,641 $591,195 DEPARTMENT: SHERIFF SALARIES EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES I-ELECTED OFFICIAL $48.248 $0 SHERIFF 3-EMPWYEE-PULL TIME $45,692 $0 DEPUTY-CHIEF 3-EMPLOYEE-FUU TIME $39,410 $0 LIEUTENANT 3-EMPLOYEE-PUU TIME $35,785 $0 INVESTIGATOR 3-EMPWYEE-PUU TIME $35,785 $Q INVESTIGA 1DR 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $35.185 $0 INVESTIGA lDR ]-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $35,785 $0 INVESTIGA IDR 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $35,785 $0 INVESTIGA 1DR 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $35,185 $0 SERGEANT Wednesday, December 14, 2005 TOTAL SALARY AND BENEFITS $60,532 $51,494 $49,665 $45,029 $45 ,029 $45,029 $45,029 $45,029 $45,029 TOTAL SALARIES $48,248 $45,692 $39,470 $35,785 $35,7&5 $35,785 $35,785 $35,785 $35,785 TOTAL BENEFITS $12,284 $11.802 $10,195 $9,243 $9,243 $9,243 $9,243 $9,243 $9,243 POSITION OT INCLUDED ABOVEe Page]5 of 17 TE: EMPLOYEE MEDICAl, BENEFITS ARE e .,.~ q;, ;...", """'" " " """ " "." " '"'' " "" "........._" " "" "" "..." """""..."""................... ......................................................................~ 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ~ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................., DEPARTMENT: SHERlFF TOTAL SALARIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $35,785 $1,200 SERGEANT $36,985 $9,553 $46,539 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $35,785 $0 SERGEANT $35,785 $9,243 $45,029 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $35.785 $0 SERGEANT $35,785 $9,243 $45,029 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $34,891 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34,891 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34,B91 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3-EMPLQYEE-FULL TIM:E $34,891 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIl\.fE $34,89] $0 DEPUIT $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3.EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34,&91 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9.012 $43,904 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $34,891 $0 DEPUTY $34,B91 $9,0\2 $43,904 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34,891 $0 DEPUTY $34,891 $9,012 $43,904 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $34.891 $1,200 DEPUTY $36,091 $9,322 $45,414 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $27,803 $0 ADMIN[STRATlVE ASSISTANT $27,803 $5,025 $32,828 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $27,803 $0 ADMINIS1RA TIVE ASSISTANT $27,803 $5,025 $32,828 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $3\ ,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $3 [,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $3[,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 3-EMPLOYEE-FULL TIME $26,685 $0 DISPATCHER $26,685 $4,823 $31,508 4-EMPLOYEE-PARTTIME $2,000 $0 EMPLOYEE $2,000 $333 $2,333 5-EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR $12,000 $0 EMPLOYEE $12,000 $3,\00 $15,100 99-OTHER $14,453 $0 ADDffiONALPAY-REGULAR RATE $14,453 $3,733 $18,\1'.6 99-oT11ER $7,173 $0 OVERTIME-BASE PAY $7,173 $1,853 $9,026 99-0THER $4,473 $0 COMPENSATORY TIME PAY $4,473 $1,155 $5,628 99-OTIIER $3,586 $0 OVERTIME-PREMIUM PAY $3,586 $926 $4,512 99-0THER $22 $0 MEAL ALLOWANCE $22 $6 $28 Sum $1,028,923 $2,400 $1,031,323 $249,295 $1,280,617 Wednesday. December 14,2005 NOTE: EMPWYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS ARE NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Page 16 of 17 iJ;;" 1"'''''- ,J...; ("...;.\ e 111111111111""""11111""'11111""""11111111'"111"1"'11"'"111""111111111111"'11111111111111111'1111"'1"1111111"'1111111111"'11111111""111"'1111111"1111111"1'1'111111"'111 2006 SALARY SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEPARTMENT: VETERANS SERVICE TOTAL . SAL4RIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS ,-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $9,408 $0 VElERANS SERVICE OFFICER $9.408 $1,700 $11,108 Sum $9,408 $0 $9,408 $1,700 $11.108 TOTAL SAL4RIES SALARY TOTAL TOTAL AND EMPLOYEE TYPE SALARY LICENSES POSITION SALARIES BENEFITS BENEFITS 2-APPOINTED OFFICIAL $35.800 $0 SUPERVISOR $35,800 $13,674 $49.474 3-EMPWYEE-FULL TIME $29,453 $0 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-HEAVY $29.453 $11.250 $40.703 5-EMPLOYEE-TEMPORAR' $3,000 $0 EMPLOYEE $3,000 $1,146 $4,146 Sum $68,<53 $0 $68,253 $26.069 $94.322 Wednesday, December 14,2005 DEPARTMENT: WASTE MANAGEMENT Grand Total $6.847.250 $21.840 $6,869,090 $1.656,4<;2 $8.525,552 aTE: EMPLOYEE ME ICAL BENEFITS ARE N T INCLU EDABOVEe Page 17 of 17 ACCEPT APPROXIMATELY 60 ACRES IN PORT O'CONNOR, TEXAS (BOGGY BAYOU) FROM DOMINION OIL COMPANY: Pass on this Agenda Item, APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR PELICAN'S LANDING IN PORT O'CONNOR. TEXAS: e Mr. Ruddick spoke to the Court in regards to Pelican's Landing in Port O'Connor, Texas, also Mr. Lack was present in Court. The drainage and preiiminary plat have been approved and also Mr. David Roberts has signed off on the plat. Mr, Ruddick stated that the road issue has been cleared up with the Port O'Connor MUD and Commissioner Finster would like a Letter filed with the Final Plat. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the Final Plat for Pelican's Landing in Port O'Connor, Texas. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. See attached Plat. e e 493 PASS ORDER PLACING COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICIALS ON SJlI ARY BASIS FOR 2006: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Pass Order Pladng County and Precinct Officials on Salary Basis for 2006. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY ORDER PLACING OFFICIALS ON SALARY BASIS On Motion by Commissioner Finster seconded by , and carried, that the following order be Commissioner Galvan entered: At a regular term of the Commissioners' Court in and for Calhoun County, Texas, held in the regular meeting of said Court in the County Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Texas, on the 22nd day of December 2005, with County Judge Michael J. Pfeifer presiding and Commissioners Roger Galvan, Michael Balajka, Neil Fritsch and Kenneth Finster present and with Wendy Marvin, Deputy County Clerk, in attendance, there having come on for hearing the matter of determining whether county and precinct officers shall be compensated on a salary basis for the calendar (fiscal) year 2006, it was ordered that all county and precinct officers and their deputies, clerk and assistants be compensated on a salary basis for the calendar (fiscal) year 2006, and the County Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this order with the State Comptroller of Public Accounts in Austin, Texas, on or before January 31, 2006. IT IS SO ORDERED this 22nd day of December, 2005. COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS By: 'n1ulj~ cZ, ~ Michael J. Pfeifer, un. d e ATTEST: Anita Fricke, County Clerk BY:~ffiJNJAv Deputy erk e e e &(,11,'1 ...;.L': :l e e e REPRESENTATIVE TO DE-GO-LA RC&.D COUNCIL FOR 2006 AND DE-GO-LA RC&.D BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to appoint Commissioner Fritsch as the Representative to De-Go-La RC&D Council for 2006 and De-Go-La RC&D Board of Directors Representatives, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. .. <De-go-La ~ceConse-tion atuf<DewWpment \Pr<>ject, Inc. 2601)(zaka, Suite 6 1-'ictoria, '1'<>cas 77901 fDesionation rif iDirectorsftip IDe=n5er 9, 2()()5 Calhoun CountY - Calhoun County Commissioners Court The following person is currently designated to represent your county on the De-Go-La RC&D Board of Directors: Roe:er Galvan Member of Calhoun County Commissioners Court Will the individual listed above continue as the designated director for your county? NO (Indicate Yes or No) If the individual will not continue to represent your county, please list their replacement. Name Commissioner Neil Fritsch Address 2467 St. Highway 172 Port Lavaca IX 77979 Phone 361-893-5346 Please indicate who will represent your organization to the De-Go-La RC&D Council for the coming year. Name Neil Fritsch Address 2467 St. Highway 172 Port Lavaca IX 77979 Phone Number 361-893-5346 Authorized Sjgnature~~ g-P~ Sponsoring Organization Calhoun County ~ransas, lJJee, CtUfwun, iDe'Witt, 'Fayette, qofiad; qrmzafes, Jac/(jon, 1(flrtWS, Lavaca, Live Oa/i, 9.tc'.Muffen, Wuece.r, ~, San Patrido, atuf o/ictoria Caunties rif'1'<>c11.5 495 COUNTY REPORTS: The County Treasurer, Extension Service, County Clerk, lP 4 and JP 5 presented their monthly reports for November 2005 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that sa.id reports be accepted as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. LV 'f J~r::-I..-P'){ dol CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS CALIHJUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: NOVEMBER zoos BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE KEcEurS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE I' ',.,,,,):'",vo I' 'O",,">,Y4 > ,,,w,,a." :> 12,533.72 AJRPORT ldMITENANCE 16,573.56 52.77 4,087.61 APPELLATe J\l)IClAL SYSTEM 1.680.54 165.35 0.00 1.845.89 AMMAl'-COr..'!ROL~CAWS 138.87 0,00 0.00 138.87 CHAMBER. "TOJRlSM CIlNIER 223,16 0,00 0,00 223.16 COURTHOtJSliSECURITY 167,686.22 1.770.68 . 0.00 169,456.90 DONATION'S 135,859.49 4,451.18 0,00 140;316,67 FAMlL Y l'lLO'lEcnONFUND 390.00 15.00 0.00 405.00 JlJVEN!LE DEJiNQUENCY PREVENTIONFlJND 7.144.15 12.75 0.00 7,167,00 GRANTS 50,477.28 160.73 3,795.39 46,84262 HWY 87JFM:I0n 815,356.74 2.596,21 295,76250 522,190.45 GENERAL ElAVA COMPUANCE 238,192.60 0.00 233,192.60 0.00 mSTICE COUliI' TECHNOLOGY 19,719.64 529.66 1,055.3"8 19,193.42 JUSTICE COUliI' BUIlDING SECURITY FUND 26.38 6289 0.00 89.27 LATERAL R.OADPREClNCT #1 3.611.45 11.50 0,00 3,622.95 LATERAL 1<.0"", PRBCJNcr 112 3,611.45 11.00 0.00 3,622.95 LATERAL 1<.0"", PRECINCT #3 3,611.45 11.50 0.00 3.622.95 LATERAL 1<.0"", PRBClNCl' iI4 3,611.46 11.50 0,00 3,622.96 FRBTRIAL SIffiVlCES)'UND - 1,564.00 0.00 1564.00 LA WLlBRA.R~ 77,276.55 1.401.06 0.00 18,677.61 LAWENFOFFICERS STD. EDUC. (LEOSE; 9,180,08 29.23 286.00 8.923.31 POC COMMUNIT CIlNIER 3,344.89 2,635.65 1,36154 4,619.00 RECORDs MANAGEMENT -DISTRIcr CLERK 333.04 83.56 0.00 416.60 RECORDS MARAGBMBNI'-COUNfY CLERK 113,995.45 2,802.98 3,627.18 113.171.25 RECORDS MGMT & PRBSERV ATION 75,610.60 800.87 494.20 75.911.27 ROAD & BRIDGE GENERAL 479,685.31 19,035.82 0.00 498.721.13 ROAD & BRIDGBPREClNCT #3 11,368.31 36.20 0_00 11,404.51 ROAD MAINTENANCE PRECINCT #4 14,696.69 46.80 0.00 14.743.49 SHBRIFFFORFmBD PROPERTY 1.066.38 3.40 0,00 1,069.78 CAPITALPROJ-COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS 59.724.03 0,00 22,000.00 37,724.03 CAPITAL PROJ.COURTIlOUSE RENOV ATIOr-: 517.147.10 9,552.74 7.906.07 518.793.77 CAPITALPI<.OJELECTION MACHINES 89,521.40 0.00 89.521.40 0.00 CAPITAL PROJ-NEW EMS BLDO 19.196.25 0,00 0.00 19,196.25 CAPITALPROJ..NEW JAIL BillG 0,00 83.60 83.60 0.00 CAPITAL PROJ-PARKING LOT 80,543.81 0,00 0.00 80.543.81 CAP PROJ-PCT 1 RD RBCONST-STORM 403,906.18 0,00 0.00 403,906.18 CAP PROJ-PCT t RD RBCON, TCDP DR!t723037 20,581.17 0,00 0,00 20..581,17 CAPPROJ-PCT 1- STORMREPAlRS 17,796.13 0.00 0.00 17,796.13 CAPlT AL PROJ-RB !NFRASTRUCTIJRE 32,732.48 0,00 0,00 32.732.48 CAPITAL PROJ.sW AN POINT PARK 74,720.40 0.00 000 74,720.40 CAPITAL PROMIRPORT lMPROVEMEN!' n 59.566.32 0,00 0,00 59,566.32 CAPITAL PROJ-MOLD REMEDIATION 858.83 0.00 0.00 858.83 CAPPROJ-HATIRIUS PRE: BOAT RAMP-STRM RBI 33,148.15 0.00 0,00 33,148.15 CAP PROJ-PORT ALTO PUBL BEACll-5TORM Rill 30,384.78: 0.00 0.00 30,384.78 ARREST FEES 0.24 338.9D 0.00 339.14 HAiL Bo.ND.H:iliS (HB 194U) 0.00 l,tili:O.OO 0,00 1,61':QW CONSOLIDATED COURT cosrs (NEW) 0,00 6.299.65 0.00 6.299.65 ELECTIONS CON'TRAeI' SERVICE 4,469.09 0,00 0.00 4,469.09 FINEs AND COURT COSTS HOLDING FUND 9,537.56 0,00 0.00 9,53756 INDIGENT CIVIL LEGAL SERVICE 0.00 262.00 0,00 262.00 JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS) 0.00 126.50 0.00 126.50 JUDICAL PERSONNEL TRAlNlNG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUSTICE OP THE PEACE CLEARING 29,840.50 892.53 1,238.23 29,494.75 SUlJ'l'OTA.l..S , H. , ;' ',OIV.'O'''' I' >~'>,"L'O e e Ie Page J of 3 i!Qt: ....'L/V ~ e COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, NOVllMllER 200.5 ~"U"'~ FUND FUND BAlANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BAlANCE OPERATlN'G FUND - BALANCE FORW ARJ: $ 11.049,686.34 $ 340,290.65 $ 1.870.134.43 $ 9~19.842.56 JlIVENJLE CRlME & DELINQUENCY 0,00 0.00 0..00 JUVENlLE l?R.OBATIONRESTmmON - 0,00 0.00 0,00 LIBRARy o-1F1 AND MEMORIAl 48,411.20 21934 0.00 48,690.54 M1SCE~OUS CLEARING 1.121.99 168,426.68 169.441.48 107.19 REFUNDAI<:LEDEPOSITS 2,225,00 0.00 0.00 2.225,00 ~ fALh UYLL l'!.!.l.:<: 1<UNV u,w 1,Y41f,:W u.w 1,94g.JU SUBTIl1.E CRiND 0,00 1,78'9.58 0.00 1,789.58 TJME PAYJdENrs 0.00 1,350.75 0,0{) 1,350,75 TRAFFIC LA. WFAlLURE TO APPEAl> 0.00 1,180.03 0,00 1.180.03 UNCL1\l.1\lli..l.J11<.ut'tKf)' J,40Z.:t:.t um U.W :5,4tfl.:n: Boar CAMPmAEP 109,542.91 348.8'0 7;339,74 102.551.97 JUVEN1I..E P:ROBATION 228,624.04 13.022.97 20,754.79 220,892.22 SUBTOTALS $ 11.443,133.70 . 528,577.30. $ 2.0<;7,670,44 > 9)04,U40_56 TAXES IN ESCRow - 7,255,811.00 0.00 7;155.811,00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 11,443,133.70 $ 7,784,388.30 $ 2,067,670.44 $ 17,159.85L56 CO}..ffi, B.OS:P. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF DEUG. 116.920.10 $ 154,416.73 $0.00 271.336.83 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) 2,346,204.74 9,238.69 83.60 2,355,359.83 CONSTRUCTION (JAn...) SERffiS 2003 ~ 1 & S 241,028.31 520,741.58 0.00 761.769,89 COURTHOUSERENOV ATIONFUND SERlES 20~ 4,895,525.20 24,904.12 7,906,07 4,912.,523,25 CERT. OF OB.CRTHSE REN. 1&:5 FUND SERIEs 2004 20,215.12 154,171.97 0.00 174,387,09 CALHOUN co. DISASTER GRANT FUND too 0,00 O,QO 1.00 JURY lMPRES'T-DlSTRlCT COURT 2;459.85 3.81 894.QO 1.569,66 JURY lMPRES'T,COUNl'Y COURT 1.470.08 3.07 D,OO 1.473.15 TOTAL 01'lm. & OTHER CO. FUNDs ~ 19,1l6 58.10 $ 8,647,868.ZT $ 2,076,554.11 1$ 25,638 Zl2.26 MEMORlAL MEDICAL CENTER, OPERATING 2,382,741.19 $ 1.646.729.1)9 $ 1,713.558.75 $ 2,315.911.53 MEMORIAL 17,688.34 21.81 0,00 17,710.15 RESTRlCIED DONATlON 14,029.00 17.30 0.00 14,046.30 INDIGENT HEAL THeARE 1,927.98 168.563.40 168,158.52 2,332.86 TOTALS $ 2.416,3'6,51 $ 1,815,331.60 $ 1,.881.717.27 $ 2,35D,OOO_84 DRAINAGE D.IS'fRICTS NO.6 13,480.58 $ 1,073,73 $ 168.44 $ 14,385.87 NO.8 37,096.34 4,419.37 194.62 41,321,09 No. lO-MAlNTENANCE 32.,059.19 2,848.06 0,00 34,907.25 NO. 10-DEBT SERVICE 2,635.83 3.25 0.00 2,639.08 NO. I1-MAlNfEN.A:N"CElOPERATING 115,935.08 41,975.70 3.197.80 154,712.98 NO. ll-DEBT SERVICE 70.085.81 6,944,13 0.00 77,029.94 NO, ll-RESER..VE 50,693.Q2 62,50 0.00 TOTM.,S $ 321,985.85 $ 57,326.74 $ 3,560.86 $ 375,751.73 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING 115,044.37 $ 65,473.41 $ 9.431.43 $ 171,086.35 TOTALMIvIC, DRAINAGE DIST, & NA V. D1ST. $ 2,853,416.73 $ 1,938,131.75 $ 1,894,709.56 $ 2,896,838-92 TOTAL All. F1JNDS $ 28,535,111.18 e Page 2 of 3 e )Ie'; '-:l J' , COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT NOVID\1BER 2005 BA LESS: CERT.OF DEPI FUND OUTSTNDG DEN PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BAL4NCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BAlANCE OPERATINOI I 17,159,851.56 I 16,316,568.83 I 42&,482.55 $ l,271,765.28 IVRY IMPRBT-DlSTRlCT COURT 1..569.66 0.00 1,015.38 2.585.04 JURY lMPRBT~COUNfY COURT 1,473.15 0,00 913.91 2.387.06 CALHOUN 0). DISASTER GRANT FUND 1.00 0,00 0.00 1.00 COMB. HOS:f,REV. &TAXCERTIF. OFOBUG. 271,336,83 0.00 0.00 271,336.83 CONSTRUC11ON (lAn.) ... 2.355.,359.83 2,150,000.00 0.00 205,359,33 CONS1RUC'llON (JAlL) SERIES 2003 _ I & S 161,769.89 0,00 0.00 761,769.89 COURTII01J$.RENOV. FUND SERIES 2004 .*~ 4.912.523.25 4,750,000.00 (2,545.21<) 159,977.97 CERT. OF OE-CRTHSE REN. 1&5 FUND SERIES 2004 174,387.09 0.00 0.00 174.387.09 MEMORIAL lOIDlCAL ~ OPERATING 2,315,911.53 0.00 306,311.62 2,622,223.15 MEMORIAL 17.710.15 0,00 0,00 17.710.1:5 RESTRlCTE!l DONATION 14,046.30 0.00 0.00 14,046.30 IND]O= lJRAL'IRCARE 2,332-86 0.00 1,725.31 4,D58.17 DRAINAGE Dl.<ITI<ICT: NO.6 14,385.81 0.00 168.44 14,554.31 NO.8 41,321,09 0.00 126.89 41.447.98 NO; 10 MAI.Nf.ENANCR 34,907,25 0.00 0.00 34,907.25 NO.lODEB1SERVICE 2,639_0' 0.00 0,00 2,639.08 NO, 11 MAINrENANCEK>PERATING 154.712.98 0.00 0.00 154,712.98 NO, 11 DEB1SERVlCE 77,(J29.94 0.00 0.00 77,m9.94 NO. 11 RESERVE 50,755,52 0.00 0.00 50,755.52 CAillOUN Co. NAVIGATION PlST: MAINfENANCEJOPERATING ....'*~ 171,086.35 0,00 0.00 171,086.35 TOTAlS $ 28,535,111.18 23,216,568..83 736,198.82 6,054,741.17 . CDs - OPERATING FUND $16,309,246,63 .. CD - CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $2,150.000 ... CD - COURTIlOUSBRENOVATION $4,750,000,00 .... THE DEPOSITORY FOR CAl1!OUN CO. NA \lIGATION DISTRICT IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK _ PORT LA V ACA. THBDEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE _ PORT LA V ACA. ~,l~ COUNTY TREASURER Page 3 of3 e e ~q;3 ;. ..; i. e e e TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION. EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONER'S COURT Agent - Alexis Trott CEA-FCS Monthly Report-November 2005 ELT Match Time *Ouf of County Travel dM' A . 'f Selecte ajor ctJVJ Jes Date Dailv Accouut Miles Contacts I Thank you letter to VFW Board for 4-H. Attend Port Lavaca EEA 8.3 12 Club Meeting. Review applications for BLT Program Assistant I position. (BLT -, 2.0) Proiect L.I.F.E. planninl! meetinl!. 2 Facilitate the CRCG Meeting and Project L.I.F.E. Task Force 10.4 21 Meeting. Lunch with county judge. Schedule interviews with interviewees. Office Conference. (BLT- 1.0) 3 Meeting with Office Manager and Youth Coordinator then 16 conducted interviews for the BL T Program Assistant position. ffiLT- 6.0) 4 Help facilitate the Calhoun County EEA Council, who hosted 44 . educational programs (learned at state conference), for all EEA members. Meeting with 4-H Club Manager. A verbal offer was made to the preferred candidate for the BL T Program Assistant position. Wrote a formal written offer to provide candidate. Sent news release to Port Lavaca Wave for 4-H SK8 Crew Parents' Meeting. (BLT- 1.0) 7 FCS 2006 Planning Conference, Edna, TX rescheduled. Unable to attend for personal illness, 8 Prepare documents for new hire and conducted a meeting with her to ]1.3 53 fiII out paperwork. introduce new employee website for benefit and policy information. Attended a Workforce Development Workshop hosted by Victoria College. networked with local industrial plant representatives and Community Development Coordinator for Calhoun County, Facilitated the 4-H Parenti Adult Leader Association Meeting. (BL T-1.5) 9-10 South Region 4-H University, Edna, TX. Networked with other . County 32 youth development professionals in Extension and attended Vehicle professional development classes to enhance Calhoun programming. (BLT-3.5) II County Holiday 14 Sent letter to all applicants for the BL T Program Assistant position. 35 Prepare and send off Program Assistant time sheet to state office, Submitted purchase orders to BL T Program Manal?er. (BL T- 3.0) 14-18 Attended the Nutrition Symposium in San Antonio, Texas. (BLT- County 82 34~) . Vehicle 21 Attend the ABC (All Babies and Children) Provider's Conference 168.4' 21 Planning Meeting (formerly know as the Tri- County Child Care Conf,) in Wharton, Texas. 22 Organized and set-up Program Assistant's office space, Set-up HUB 22 vendor accounts for Calhoun BL T program. Submitted travel for state reimbursement. Training for Program Assistant. (BL T _ 8,0) 499 Date Dailv Account Miles Contacts 23 Office Management. (BLT- 2.0) 30 24-25 County Holiday 28 Office Management. Correspondence with Regional and State BL T 41 Office regarding travel, new hire.,. (BL T - 3.0) 29 Calhoun County EEA Council attended the TEEA training 10,6 66 workshop in Brenham, Texas. Trained assistant on setting up budget through Quicken, worked on travel for state, submitted County staff match report to auditor to sign, load BLT documents on assistant's computer, and prepare and submit payroll for BL T program assistant. Facilitated a Project L.I.F .E. Workshop on Child Development and Grief at Sea Greens Apt. Homes, and introduced BLT Program Assistant to collaborators and narticiDants, (BLT-5,O) 30 Prepare and submit United Way funding proposal for Calhoun 4-H 6,1 15 and youth program. Office Conference. Program Assistant training on perfonnance documentation, including [\Scal and quarterly reports. Trip to auditor for forms to be signed and other documentation. (ELT- 3.0) TntaJ 215.1 49(1 ~ r:~ r" "'. H ......,,,,\'v e e e e Community Educational Outreach Summ 51 Office Visits 96 Phone Calls 290 Emails & Correspondence 2 News Releases 0 PCS Newsletters "Familv Forward" 0 Home Visits 51 Site Visits 0 4-H Proiect Visits 73.5 BL T Match Hours - November 0 Continuing Education Units (CEU) ary TRAVEL: In County - Out of County - 46.7 miles 168.4 miles Total 215.1 miles December 2005 ,Upcoming EventslActivitieslPrograms Date Event! ActivitieslProl!ram Project L.I.F.E. Task Force Meeting, Extension Office, 10:00 am. 5 Calhoun County EEA Christmas Luncheon for a1110ca1 supporters, Bauer Exhibit Bnilding, 12:00 pm, 7 CReG (Community Resource Coordination Group) meets at Old Harrison Building at 10:00 am. 8 DIl 4-H Fashion Show Committee Meeting. Port Lavaca, TX, at 10:00 am. 12 TExAS Planning & Reporting Training for BLT Program Assistant and Youth Coordinator via Centra. 19 Meeting with Regional Program Director for FCS in Wharton, Texas, at 10:00 am. 23-26, 30 County Holiday e CIA ~t2bY dffV ~ Alexis N. Cordova County Extension Agent Family & Consumer Sciences Calhoun County - 501 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONER'S COURT Bill Harvey County Extension Agent-Marine Monthly Report -November, 2005 *Out of County Travel I Se ected Maior Activities Date Dailv Account Miles Coutacts 11/] Recreational Angler survev meetimr in Port Lavaca 0 3 11/2 Office Administration 12 14 11/3 TPWD Public Hearing regardine guide license reauirements 0 3 11/4- To Aransas Pas for program delivery 0 8 11/6 1117- Program development and office administration 0 8 U9 111]0 Meeting with Port Lavaca Sk8 Crew Parents 0 25 Met with staff from Port Lavaca Wave 11/11 Program development and office administration 0 3 11/12- Annual Leave 0 0 U120 11/2] Preparation for employee traininl" 0 8 U/22- Program development and office administration 0 8 11/23 11/24- Thanksgiving Holidays 0 0 11/25 11/28 Preparation for employee training, program development and 6 32 oto<rram administration 1lI29 To Wharton for program delivery 150 30 11/30 Office administration 0 0 162 4142 28 Office Visits 85 Phone Calls TRAVEL: 3]9 Emails & Correspondence In County - 12 ] News Releases Out of County - ISO Marine Newsletters Home Visits Total 162 4 Site Visits BLT Match Hours Continuing Education Units (cEiYl r.~n ') Vi".;'j.... e e e December 2005 Upcoming EventslActivities/Programs Date Event! ActivitieslProl!ram 12/1 12113 Commissioner's Conference in Edna Agent accountability training e Name Bill Harvey Title County Extension Agent-Marine Calhoun County e e 503 ANITA FRICKE - COUNTY CLERK MONTHLY REPORT RECAPITULATION OFFICE FUND - NOVEMBER 2005 CIVIL FUNDS Countv Fees County Clerk's Fees Recording Probate Civil Total County Clerk's Fees Judge's Fees Probate Civil Total Judge's Fees Probate Fees (Education Fees) Sheriffs Fees Jury Fees Law Library Fees Beer licenses Appellate Fund (TGC) Court Reporter Fees Civil Indigent Fees Record Management Fees (County Clerk) Record Management Fees (County) Security Fees (County) Bond Forfeitures Subtotal County Fees $14,670,00 160,00 600.00 $15,430,00 16.00 110,00 126,00 20.00 320.00 22,00 895.00 0.00 125,00 390.00 205,00 2,440.00 205,00 695.00 950.00 $2t,823,OO state Fees Judicial Fund Marriage License Fees Birth Certificate Fees Total state Fee. SUBTOTAL Overpmt of Filing Fees to be Refunded by Co, Clk, TOTAL CIVIL FUNDS COLLECTED 1,040,00 170.50 72,00 $1,282,50 $23,105,50 $23,105,50 CRIMINAL FUNDS $7,080.50 + $1,005.00 Total Criminal Court Costs & Fines + Pre-Trial Diversion Fees TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED (As per ACS Report) Bank Interest Earned $8,085,50 TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED Less Refunds for Overpayment of Filing Fees ADJUSTED FUNDS RECEIVED Plu. Re-Deposil of NSF Checks (Not recorded in ACS) Less NSF Checks (Not recorded in ACS) Co. Clerk Check # '15',L AMOUNT DUE COUNTY TREASURER Page 1 of2 $31,191.00 40,78 $31,231.78 0,00 $31,231.78 0.00 0,00 $31,231.781 e e e ,.-~, i 'l,'! #.- Ut."i e - - DISBURSEMENTS CK# 951 ANITA FRICKE - COUNTY CLERK MONTHLY REPORT RECAPITULATION (con't) OFFICE FUND - NOVEMBER 2005 Pavable To Rhonda Kokena, Co Treas CASH ON HAND, OFFICE FUND Beginning Book Balance Funds Received Disbursements Plus RedeposIT of NSF Checks Less NSF Checks Ending Book Balance $28,118,00 31,231,78 -28,119,66 $31,230,12 Descriotion Oct, 2005 report ~ $28,119,66 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $28,119.66 BANK RECONCILIATION. OFFICE FUND Ending Bank Balance Outstanding DeposITs- Outstanding Checks- Plus Other Items- Less other Items- Reconciled Bank Balance .-.. -..... -....-..-...-.... -- --...-.... -.. -. --.... -.. --. ---..-.... -.... --.. -....- CASH ON HAND TRUST FUND Beginning Book Balance Funds Received Disbursements Ending Book Balance $318,646,87 0,00 (266,666,66) $51,980,21 ~~N~e-~ SUBMITIED BY: AnITa Fricke, County Clerk BANK RECONCILIATION TRUST FUND Ending Bank Balance Outstanding Deposits- Outstanding Checks'" Reconciled Bank Balance -See Attached $30,263,46 1,037,00 (70,34) $31,230,12 $51,980,21 0.00 0,00 $51,980.21 ~p/~~ APPROVED BY: iCh el . Pfeifer, County Judge Page 2 of2 r:,-,)r.- ul"i) DEC-7-2005 10: 11 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC'! ENTfR COURT NAME: E/'ITER MONTl1 OF REPORT ENtER'\'EAll ,Of' IlEPORT CODE AOM NISTRA ION FEf _ ADM B.R~1" !I~COHO~ TESTING - eA OONSOI.IOP<1'ED COORT COSTS -CCC COURtHOuSESEeUR~-CHS . JUSTICE COURT SECURITY .Fl<E - JCSF , ". CJP CORfl,Ec'110NAlW\NAOEMENT INSTITUTe - eMI , CASH BONOS CHILD SAFEtY - OS CRIMEVlCTIMs CQMPENSATfON - CVc PPSCll'illl.1JR!$ TO APPEAl< - OMNI. OPSC I'UGITIVE APPREHENSION - FA . . CR GEN!$RALREVEI/U!$-GR JUVENILE CRIME & O!$LINOUENCY - JCD . JUSTice CoURT PERsoNNEL TRAINING. JCPT JUROR SERVICE FEE - ~SF ~OCALARRE$TFEES-I.AF LEMl lEOA LEOC OC~ 'P~~s & WlLOlIFe ARREST FEES .PWAF , .STATE ARReST FEES -SAr . SIlBTITLE C - SU6C , TAr TECtlNQ~OGY FUND. TF TRAFFiC - 'TF'C TIME PAY/,jENT _ TIME LOCAL" STATE WARRANT FEES- WRNT ClVILINOIGENT FILING FEeS .INDF COLlECTI<WSERV1eE FEE..:Mv1iA - CSIlV . . CML FILING FEES - CVFF ,PEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE - OOC . DEFEFlRED FEE- OFf FILING FEE - Ff FlUNG FEE SMAll. C~IMS - FFSC SERVICE fEE - Sf Ol1T-OF-COUNTY SERViCE FEE , 'EXPIRED ReNEWAL- EXIlF EXPUNGEMENT FEE - EXPo ABSTilACTOF~UO<lEMENT-AOj . WRIT OF POSSESSION. wep lOCAL FINES ;.-FINE I.ICeNSE &WEI(;HT FEES -LWI' , .. Pp.RKS' & WILDLIFE FINES - PWF Si'A TeElTIVNRES1llAINEO ci'lILO FINE _ SEA Ol/!ORPAYMENT - OVER . REStITUTION - RES PARKS lW!~OW~i;'WATER SAFE1Y FINES'WSf WCIl tOtAl ActUALMeNEY IIECEI\!liD 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 lOO(XXXXXX JUSl'ICE OF f'/1ACE; NO: 4 XXXXXJooo( NOVEMeER' XXXXXJooo( 2005 AMOUNT Ra\f16Qt;J9101f05 ' $8~3,54 $89,10 $19:78 .SO.6.1 $1fU9 $60,00 ~e.oll ! 10.61 $2,43 $19,11 $37:~8 , $25,00 '<47.20 $294,70 '$92,1<4 $28.'8 $181.f< $tl0.63 .$2.00 .'$5.00 '$8S,QO >$10.150 , $80.00 ; $1,902.,00 $334.00 $26.00 $A.....52.00 PE;: AMOUNT TO-TAl WARRANT.fEES : ._ "" 1.t()~63 EN1'ER'.,"c),C~L:~~rf~NT.FI;E!~l;;_'i;G,:;,;@,,:l).AA!J~'ECORDOHTor;.LP:A.cie"Q"F"HlU.c:6i.rNmYSOFTwAAEMO.PEPORT STATf.WARAAI'lT FEes _' - -, 110.63)flEC~~~.~~~~~~OF!'l~~.~_v_~~~~:"R_!~T. DUE TO OTHERS, DUE TO- CCISO_~50% Qt F.lnfton ',jV.casel -; OI.iETO OAResT1TU,IOi'l F\.lND .... . , REFUNOOFOI/!ORPAYMENTS 9VT.oF.CeONfi SERVICE FEE CASH BONDS T9.AI. DUE TO OTHERS AMOUNt _ .,.,... . ;'t<:,-,:~g"'-::?":t~p~~O:f ~INClUOir: 0, REQUESlmGD1SBURSEMENT co,_'- :'> ..:.i'~.o.oO) ~lNClUOE P.O.REM&1'JNGOISSURSEt.4ENT ;, ":"-l:.rY-;O:90~ PIDSe INClUDE P. O. REOlJi;STlNG OISBU,RSEMEHT :'0;00: PlEASE1NCLU[lE P,Q.REOUESTlNGDISBURSEMEI'IT .' -;",'-0;015::' PlEASE INClUDE p, 0. REQUESTING [)Jsay~~~ (IF R....~u~eol 0, ...,... S4.~5Z.00 P.2/9 e 0-00 * 1.365-00 + 1,320-00 + 110-00 + 1,657.00 t 4,452-00 . 0-00 e r:i"'> (> :'Jt,' v.;.. V DEC-7-2005 10:12 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.3/9 MONTHL Y REPORT OF COLLECTIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS 1216/2005 COURT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE NO, 4 MONTH OF REPORT: NOVEMBER YEAR OF REPORT: 200S ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT CR 1000-001-45014 FINES 2,016,00 CR 1000-001-44190 SHERIFF'S FEES 184,24 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: e DEFENSIVE DRIVING 5.00 CHILD SAfeTY 0,00 TRAfFIC 29.48 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 85,00 EXPUNGEMENT FEES 0,00 MISCElU\NEOUS 0.00 CR 1000-001-44364 TOTAlAOMINISTRAT1VE FEES 119,48 CR 1000-00144010 CONSTABLE FEES-SERVICE 60,00 CR 1??o-o01-44064 JP fiLING FEES 10.00 CR 1000-001-46010 INTEREST 0,00 CR 1000-999-20743 DUE TO STATE-JUROR SERVICE FEES 79.11 CR 1000-999-20744 DUE TO STATE-SEATBELT FINES 0.00 CR 1000-999-20746 OUE TO STATE-DVERWEIGHT FINES 0,00 CR 1000-999-20770 DUE TO JP COLLECTIONS ATTORNEV 0_00 TOTAL FINES, ADMIN, FEES & DUE TO $2,468.83 CR 2670-001-44064 COURTHOUSE SECURITY FUND $69,10 CR 2720-001-44064 JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND $19.78 CR 2719-001_ JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND $92,14 CR 7544-999-20747 DUE TO PARKS & WILDLIFE 283.90 CR 7544-999-20748 OUE TO P & W - WATER SAFETY 22.10 TOTAl DUE TO TX PARKS & WILDUFE $306,00 STATE ARREST FEES DPS FEES 31.57 paw FEES 5.00 T ABC FEES 0.00 CR 7020-999-20740 TOTAl STATE ARREST FEES 36,57 CR 7070-999-20610 CCC-GENERAL FUND 92,14 CR 7070-999-20740 Cce-STATE 829.30 CR 7860-999-20610 STF/SUBc-GENERAl FUND .14.74 e CR 7660-999-20740 STF/SUBC-STATE 279.97 CR 7950-999-20610 TP-GENERAL FUND 90.72 CR 7950-999-20740 TP-ST ATE 90.72 CR 7460-999-20610,015 CIVIL INDIGENT LEGAL-GEN, FUND 0,10 CR 7480-999-Z0740-015 CIVIL INDIGENT LEGAl-STATE 1,90 CR 7970-999-20610 TUFTA-GENERALFUNO 20,00 CR 7970.999-20740 TUFTA-STATE 40.00 TOTAL COURT COSTS & ARREST FEES $1,496,15 OR 7544-999-20759 JP4 CLEARING AceT $4,452,00 DUE TO OTHERS (PulCh... Onle,. Attchd) CALHOUN COUNTY ISO 0,00 OA - RESTITUTION 0,00 REFUND OF OVERPAVMENTS 0.00 OUT-OF-COUNTY SRVC FEE 0.00 CASH BONOS 0.00 TOTAl DUE TO OTHERS $0.00 TOTAL COLI.ECTED-ALL FUNDS $4.452,00 LESS: TOTAL TREASUER'S R.ECEIPTS $4.452.00 Revised 9/01/05 OVER/(SHORT) SO.CO e 5\fi DEC-7-2005 10:12 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.4/9 DEPARTMENT: J, DWORACZYK, JP#4 DATE: 12/6/2005 VENDOR # 7603 TO: TEXAS PARKS" WILDLIFE ACCOUNT .NUMBER 7544-999-20747-999 TOTAL a PRICE _ $260,10 PARKS & WILDLIFE FINES - JP#4 NOVEMBER 2005 SEE ATTACHED FORM FOR TICKET INFORMATION COUNTY AUDITO APPROVAL ONLY TOTAL 260.10 OR SERVICES SHOWN ABOVE ARE NEEDfD IN THE DISCHARGE OF MY OFFICIAL NO I CE THAT FUNDS A AVAILABLE TO PAY THIS OBLIGATION, /.:J-. :7 -O..s RTMENT HEAD DATF- I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE ITEMS OR SERVICES WERE RECEIVED BY ME IN GOOD CONDITION AND REQUEST THE COUNTY TREASURER TO PAY THE ABOVE OBLIGATION. BY: DEPARTMENT HEAD 12/6/2005 DATE .r:;;~~~ {:~~ <.YiJ;U e e e CJ1 <::> c.c JUSTICE OF PEACE NO, 4 PARKS & WILDLIFE ANES NOVEMBER 200S Docket # 2005-327 2005-328 Citation # e e REPORTED BY THE OFFICE OF JUDGE DWORACZYK Officets Name Violator's Name Offense A791439 CHAMBERS TONY DINH ILLEGAL CRAB TRAPS A791440 CHAMBERS THAO NGUYEN ILLEGAL CRAB TRAPS TOTALS Plea Fine County C~eck It Amounl of C~eck $ Court Total 85% of Dale of Date of Costs/Fees Fine Fine to PW Arrest Disposition $ 153,00 $ 57,00 $ 210,00 $ 130,05 11/7/2005 11/21/2005 $ 153,00 $ 57,00 $210.00 S 130.0S 11/7/2005 11/21/2005 $ 306,00 $ 260.10 ~ , -J ,. 'nJ ~ C" .... G> .... f\) ." ;0 ~ '-< o >:: o ;0 D n N ~ 1) n '" .... b'{ .... -J m ()) nJ .... \ll -< o ffi w '" '" .., .., 1J VI , <.0 DEC-7-2005 10:13 FROM: J DloIORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.6/9 DEPARTMENT: J, DWORACZYK, JP#4 DATE: 12/6/2005 TO: TEXAS PARKS oS: WILDLIFE WATER SAFETY VENDOR # 7604 ACCOUNT NUMBER 7544.999-20746-999 WATER SAFETY FINES - JP#4 NOVEMBER 2005 TOTAL PRICE $22.10 SEE ATTACHED FORM FOR TICKET INFORMATION TOTAL $22.10 HE ITEMS OR SERVICES SHOWN ABOVE RE NEEDED IN THE DISCHARGE OF MY OFFICIAL AVAILABLE TO PAY THIS OBLIGATION, ;'J-?__ 0..:(" TME T AD DATr-' CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE ITEMS OR SERVICES WERE RECEIVED BY ME IN GOOD CONDITION AND REQUEST THE COUNTY TREASURER TO PAY THE ABOVE OBLIGATION, BY: DEPARTMENT HEAD 12/612005 e DATE e r:; ,-; 1':0 v.l e CJ'! ,..., ,...' e JUSTICE OF PEACE NO, 4 e REPORTED BY THE OFFICE OF JUDGE DWORACZYK Amount of Check $ PARKS & WILDLIFE WATER SAFETY FINES NOVEMBER 2005 Docket # 2005-324 Citation # Officer's Name Offense NO VALID MOTOHHUAI REGISTRATION Violato(s Name A0719906 DAVID HEARD WESLEY HUNT TOTALS County Check # Plea Court Total 85~. of Dale of Date of Fine CostslFees Fine fine to PW Arresi Disposition $ 26,00 $ 57,00 $ 83.00 $ 22.10 11/612005 11/14/2005 $ 26.00 $ 22.10 :i1 () , -;J. ~ (J) .... OJ .... UJ "'1 13 ::r '-< f! o 55 l::i -< '" "U n .A .... w (J\ .... -J OJ (}1 ru .... -J U) -j o l:iJ w -" -" A -" ." '-J , U) DEC-7~2005 10:13 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.8/9 12/06/2005 Money Distribution Report: JP peT 4 CA1HWN COUNTY FOR NOVEMBER 2:005 Page -._~~-.....~..._.-._----...._.....~........_...~...~.-...................---.....--------.........---------.---...~...._----------_. Receipt cause/Defendant I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Total I I I I I I I 3925424 19512 11/02/2005 I FI~E 20.00 I I I I I I 20.00 BLA~TOH. !CATHLEEN I I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925425 2005-309 11/02/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CNS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I 'USC 30.00' 170.' VU, QUANG THE I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I FINE 80.00 I I I I Money O<'de, I I I I I I I 3925426 19848 11/03/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5,00 I TIHE 25.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 243.00 I 320.00 TURNER, BRAfjOON MARCUS I I I I I I I C..h I I I I I I I 3925427 19847 11/03/2005 I TFC 0.6B I CCC 9.09 I CH. 0.6B I SAF 1.14 I TIME 5.68 I TF 0.91 I 65,00 TURNER, BRANDON MARCUS I SUBC 6.82 I fINE 40.00 I I I I I ca.h I I I I I I I 39254ZB Z005-299 11/03/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CNS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 I Tf 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSf 4,00 I 110.00 JUREK, CODY LAYNE I FINE 53.00 I I I I I I Pe'..nal Cheek I I I I I I I 3925429 2005-304 11/03/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CNS l.oO I SAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSf 1.00 I 90.00 CALLAWAY, JOI<ATHAN PAUL I JSf 4.00 I fINE 6.00 I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925430 Z005.305 11/07/2005 I TfC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAf 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30,00 I 160,00 LUNA. ANTHOI<Y JOSEPH JR I JCSF T.OO I JSF 4.00 I FINE 70.00 I I I I C,O<l-Card/Trnsfr I I I I I I I 3925431 2005-310 11/07/2005 I TFC 3,00 I CCC 40.00 I eNS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 120.00 VICKERS, DANNIE LEE I JCSF T.OO I JSf 4,00 I FIHE 30.00 I I I I Cash;.,'s Check I I I I I I I 3925432 2005-313 11/07/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSf 4.00 I 130.00 SHAHHON, CHRISTOPHeR LEE I FIHe 73.00 I I I I I I Ca.h I I I I I I , 392543320OS.314 11/07/2005 TfC 2,34 I CCC 31,11 I CKS 2.33 I LAF 3.B9 I TF 3.11 I suec 23.33 I 70.00 SHANHON, CHRISTOPHER LEE JCSF 0,78 I JSF 3.11 I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 3925434 2005-322 11/07/2005 cce 40,00 I CHS 3.00 I .WAf 5.00 I IF 4.00 I JeSf 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 110.00 NUHT, GREGORY DAVID FINE 53.00 I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I e 3925435 2005-Z6O 11/08/Z005 TIME 25.00 I FINE 120.00 I I I I I 145.1 HAGEL, "AOE ALLAN I I , , I I M""eyOrde, I I I I I I 3925437 2005-3080 11/09/2005 OOC ;.00 I I I I I I 5.00 !<ONNIG, "EGORY MICNAEL I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 3925438 2005-290 11/09/2005 JCSf 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I , I I I 5.00 WILLIAMS, JOSHUA DARELL I I I I , I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925439 2005.297 11/09/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I LAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00' 110.00 BARTELS, KELCIE LANE I FINE 53.00 I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925440 CV-05-00B 11/1412005 I SVC 60.00 I FF 10,00 I Clf 2,00 I I , I 72,00 SLOSOJAH, "1~L1AM P. I I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925441 2005-324 11/14/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I ~AF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSf 4.00 I 83,00 HUNT, IiESlEY J I"SF 26.00' I I I I I Ca.h I I I I I I I 3925442 2005.277 11/15/2005 I TFC O.ZB I cce 3.64 I CHS 0.27 I LAF 0.45 I TIME 2.27 I TF 0.36 I 40.00 KEY. ROBeRT PRESTON JR I SUSC 2.73 I FIHE 30.00 I I I I I Ca.h I I I I I I I e 512 DEC-7~2005 10:13 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.S/S 12/06/2005 Honey Distribution Report JP pcr 4 CALHOUN COUNTY FOR Nove'BE' 2005 Page 2 -~~--_.._~_._--._~.-._-_.._-..._-~--._-._-_....._-._---.-..._-..--_.-.-.----_.-._._._--_.._--.~....--.._-----.--..------..---------- Receipt Cause/Defendant I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount , Code Amount I Code Amount J Code Amount I Totat , I I I I I I 39254432005'276 11/15/2005 I TFC Z.16 I cee 29.09 I CHS 2.16 I lAF 3.64 I TIME 16.18 I TF 2.91 I ao.oo KEV, RO"RT PRESTON JB I SUSC ZI,BZ I I I I I I Cosh I I I I I I I 392~444 200~'21a 11/15/2005 I TIME 25,00' FINE 40.00 I I I I I 65.00 MOELLER. "RON "ICHAEL I I I , I I , e "onev Order I I , I , I I 3925445 2005-326 11/17/200~ I rFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00' TF 4.00 I suae 30.00 I 95.00 OEBUSK, JAMES THOMAS 'JCSF 1.00 I JSf 4.00 I FINE 5,00 I I I I Personal Cheek I I I I I I I 3925446 2005.328 11/21/2005 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF ~.OO I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 210.00 NGUYEN, THAD XUAH I PWF 153.00 I I I I I I C.sh I I I I I I I 39254472005.327 11/21/2005 I ccc 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 1 210.00 OINH, TO/<Y THAI I PWF 153,00 I . I I I I I Cash 'I I I I I I ~92S44a 2005'3Z3 11/21/2005 I TFC 3,00 I ccc 40.00 I CNS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I Tf 4,00 I 5uac 30,00 I 200.00 GONZALES, CHRISTOPHER AHORE I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I FI.E lIO.OO I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 3925449 Z005'~20 11/2Z/2005 I TFC 3,00 I CCC 40.00 I CRS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I rF 4.00 I SUBC 30,00 I 135.00 BAUHANN. EOWARD CRAIG I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I FINE 45.00 I I I I C.shier's CheCk I I I I I I , 39254502005.325 11/23/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CNS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 I IF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 110.00 D'BUSK, JAHEs THOMAS I F'HE 53.00 I I I I I I Cash I, I I I I I 39Z5451 2005'051A 11/Z6/2005 I JCPI 2.00 I CVC 15.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCD 0.50 I cHS 3,00 I 422.00 PATTERSON. KESLEY GARR.TT I CHI 0.50 I WRNT 50.00 I TF 4.00 I OPSC 30,00 I OPSF 295.00 I I Honey Order , , I I I I I 3925452 2005'051 "/28/2005 I TFC 3,00 I CCC 40.00 I CRS 3,00 I SAF 5.00 I WR.T 50,00 I TIHE 25.00 I 260.00 PATTER50., KESlEY GARRETT I TF 4.00 I SU8C 30.00 I OPSC 30.00 I FI.~ 70.00 I I I Honey Order I I I I I I I 39Z5453 2005'311 11/28/Z005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30,00 I 160.00 FAZ, RoaERT 5 JR I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4,00 I FlNE 70.00 I I I I HoneyO'der I I I I I I I 39254542005'2ZZ 11/28/2005 I TlHE 2S.00 I Fl.. 95.00 I'DFf as.oo I I I I 205.00 e aUCHANAN, TRAVIS HUGH JR I I I I I I I C.shler's Che<k I I I I I I I 925455 19334 11/26/2005 I JCPT 0.43 I CVC 3.19 I CCC 3.61 I FA 1,06 I JCO 0.11 I CHS 0.64 I Z60.00 "ORAlES, RICHARO EBIC I CHI 0.11' SAF 1.06 I WRHT 10.63 I TIHE 5.31 I TF 0.85 I FIHE 2S3.00 J Cash I I I I , I I 39Z5456 2005'344 11/26/Z005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5.00' TF 4,00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4.00 I 85.00 ERaEN, GLEN OAVID 'PWF 26.00' I I I I I HoneVOrder I I I I I I I 3925457 2005.351 11/29/2005 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I lAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I JCSF 1.00 I JSF 4,00 I 110.00 8mMAN. HOWARD DALE I FINE 53,00 I I I I I I Personal Cheek , I I I I I , e 513 DEC-7-2005 10: 15 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 351 785 2179 TO; 5534444 P,l/6 1 Z/06/Z005 Money Distribution .Report Page 3 JP peT 4 CALHOUN COU~TY FOR KOVEMBER 200S ~--~---~---------._------------.-------._._._---_...-.-----..----..---.-.------.----------..----.-------------.-------.-..-----.---- The following totals represent - Ctlsh and CheCKS Collected Type Code Description Count Retained DisblJrsl!d Money-Totftls The following totats represent - Cash and Checks Collected e COST eee CONSOLIDATED COU~T COSTS Z5 65.36 768,18 853.54 COST eHS eHS Z5 66.10 0.00 66.10 COST eMI eMl 2 0.07 0.54 0.61 COST eve eve 2 1.82 16.37 18.19 COST DPSC DPS FAILURE TO APPEAR COURT COST-QM>>fE 2 6D.DD 0.00 60.00 COST FA FA 2 0.61 5.45 6.06 COST JCD JeD 2 0,07 0.54 0.61 CCST JCPl' JCPT 2 O,Z5 2.18 2.43 COST JeSF JUSTICE COURT SECUR(TY fUND 19 18.78 0.00 18.78 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 19 0.00 75.11 75.11 COST LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 9 37.98 0.00 37.98 COST I>UAF TEXAS PAftKS & UllDllFE 5 20.00 5.00 25.00 COST SAF DPS 10 33.76 8,44 42.20 COST SU8t SUBTITLE C II 13.24 251.46 264.70 COST TF tECHNOLOGY FUND 25 88,14 0.00 88.14 COST TFe TFC 11 26.48 0,00 26.48 COST TIME TIME PAYIlEUT FEE 10 90.72 90.72 181.44 COST ~RUT ~ARRANT FEE 3 110.63 0.00 110.63 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE CRIVING I 5.00 0.00 5.00 FEES OFF OEFERREO FEE 1 85.00 0.00 85.00 FINE DPSF FTA FINE 1 295.00 0,00 295.00 FINE FlUE FINE 2Z 1,597.00 0.00 1,597.00 FIHE PUF PAR~S & YILDLJFE FINE 3 50.10 263,90 334.00 FINE ~SF ~TER SAFETY FlUE 1 3.90 22.10 Z6.00 OTNR CIF CIVIL INDIGENT FEE 1 0.10 1,90 2.00 OTHR FF FIliNG FEE SC 1 10.00 0.00 10.00 OTNR sve SERVICE FEE , 60.00 0.00 60.00 Money Totals JZ Z,760.11 1,531.89 4,Z92.DO e The fallOWing totals represent - JBit Credit and Community Servjce COST cce CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST eHS eHs 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST CMI eMl 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST eve eve 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST OPSC DPS FAIlUQE TO APPEAR COUR1 COST-OHHJE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST FA FA 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JeO JeO 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JCPT JCPT 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST JCSf JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST LAF SIiERI ff J S FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST Pl.'AF T~XAS PA~kS & UllOll~E 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST SAF O.S 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST SUBC SUBTI HE e 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TF TEC\iNOlOGY FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 e c:-. . 014 D<;C-7-2005 . 10: 17 FROM: ,J DWDRACZYK PC4 12/0612005 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 Honey Distribution Report JP peT , CAL"OU~ COUNTY FOR NOVEMBER 2QQS P.2/6 Page 4 -~----._-~---------------_._--_._-~--._--.__._-._-._--..-............-----...---....---..---....--.--........------------------.---- The following tota1s represent - Jail Credit end COlt1tKJnhy Service TyPe Code Description Count R~tained Disbursed Honey-Totals COST TFC TFC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TIME T IHE PAYMEIlT FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 eCOST IJRNT \,IARllAIH FEE 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FEES OOC DEFENSJVE DRlVIN~ 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES Off DEFERRED FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 FINE OPSF FTA FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FUIE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 fiNE WSf WATER SAfETT FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 OTHR ClF CIVIL INDJGENT fEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 OTHR Ff FIll NG fEE SC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 OTHR SVC SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 Credit Totals 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 The following totals represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURl COSTS 1 4.00 36.00 40.00 COST CHS CRS 1 3,00 0.00 3.00 COS1 CHI CM, 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST CVC eve 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST DPSC OPS FAILURE TO APPEAR tOURl COST-OMNJE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST " fA 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST JCD JCO 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COST JCPT JCPT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 1 1.00 0.00 1,00 COST JSf JUROR SERVICE FUND 1 0.00 4,00 4.00 COST lAf SIiERIFF.S FEE' 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 COST PWAf TEXAS PARXS & W'lOllfE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST SAf OPS 1 4.00 1.00 5.00 COST SUBC SU8TlTLE C 1 1.50 28.50 30.00 .ST 1F TECHNOLOGY fUND , 4.00 0,00 4.00 OST TFt 1FC 1 3.00 0,00 3.00 COST TIME TIME PAYMfNT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST \.Ilun I.lARAANT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 fEES Off DEfERRED FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE OPSF FTA fINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 1 70.00 0.00 70.00 fINE PWF PARKS & WILD~IfE FINE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY fINE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 OTHR elf CIVil IH01GENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 OTHR FF fILING FEE SC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 OTHR SVC SERVICE fEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Total$ 90.50 69.50 16<l.00 The followtng totals repr~sent Combined Money and Credits e 515 DEC-7-20~5 10,17 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 12/06/2005 Money Distrfbutlon Report JP PCT 4 CALHOUN COUNT' FOR HOVEMBER 2005 TO: 5534444 P.3'6 Page 5 ----~~~~~-~-_.__....._-------.--_.__._-._._-_.._--._-----.._-.._---_._-.._~----_._-------_._-----._-...._---.-..-------------------- The tot towing totota r-epresent Corrbined Honey and Crectits Typo Code Oeser- i pt I on Count Retained 0; sbursed Money-Totals COSI CCC CONSOtlOAIEO COURT COSTS 26 89.36 804.18 893.54 e COST CHS CHs 26 69, '0 0.00 69.10 COST CMI CMI 2 0.07 0.54 0.61 COST cve evc 2 1.82 16.37 18.19 COST DPSC OPS FAILURE TO APPEAR COURT COST-OMHIE 2 60,00 0,00 60,00 COST FA FA 2 0,61 5.45 6.06 COST JCO JCD Z 0,07 0,54 0.61 COST JCPT JCPT 2 0,25 2.18 2,43 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 20 19,78 0.00 19.78 COST JSF JU~ SERVICE FUND 20 0.00 79.11 79.11 COsT LAF SHERIFF'S FEE 9 37.98 0.00 37.98 toST PWAF TEXAS PARKs & WI lOll FE 5 20.00 5.00 25.00 COST SAF OPS " 37.76 9.44 47.20 COST suec SUBTITLE e 12 14.74 Z79,90 294.70 COST TF TECHNOLOG' FUND 26 92.14 0.00 9Z.14 COST HC HC 12 29.48 0.00 29.48 COST TINE TIME PAYMENT FEE 10 90.72 90.72 181.44 COST WltNT WARRANT FEE 3 110.63 0.00 110.63 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 1 5.00 0,00 5.00 pees OFF DEFERREO FEe 1 85.00 0.00 85.00 FINE DPSF FTA FINE 1 295.00 0.00 295.00 fINE FINE FINE 23 1,667.00 0.00 1,667.00 FIHE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 3 50.10 283,90 334.00 FINE \lSF UATER SAfETY F1HE 1 3.90 22.10 Z6.00 OTHR CIF CIVIL rNOIGENT FEE t 0.10 1.90 2,00 OTHR FF FI~IHG FEE SC 1 10.00 0.00 10.00 OTHO SVC SEAVIl:E FEE 1 60.00 0.00 60.00 Report Totals 33 2,850.61 , ,601.39 4,452.00 e r:" ~" f)o 01..) e DE.C-7~2<\05 ' 10: 17 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.4/6 1U06/Z005 Money Ot&tribution Report Page 6 JP PCT 4 CALHOUN COUNTY FOR NOVEMBER 2005 .~..~...-._.._-----...._._-._---._--._------......_------..........--.--.---...............---------............----.....---........ DATE PAYMENT' TYPE FINeS tWllT-COSTS FEES BOIJOS RESTIlUTION OTHER TOTAL 00/00/0000 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cerds & Tran~fer~ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ~ 09/01/1991 Cash & Checks Cotlect~d 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all COllections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 09/01/1993 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1995 Cash & Chec~s Collected 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Colte~tions 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1997 Cash & Checks Colleeted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of oIl Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1999 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Jail Credits & Camm Servlce 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/0112001 CS5h & Checks COllected 273.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 Jeil tredits & COtmI Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~09/01/20D3 Total of all Collectlons 273.00 27.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 Cash & CheCks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of atl Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01/011200' Cash & ChecKS Collected 933.00 584.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1.602.00 Jail Credits & Camm Service 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 lotal of all Collections 933.00 584,00 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.602.00 09/01/Z005 Cash & Checks Collected 1,046.00 1,267.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 72.00 2.390.00 Jail Credits & Comm Servi~e 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 70.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 Total of all Collections '1116.00 1,357.00 5,00 0.00 0.00 72.00 2,550,00 01/01/2006 Casn & CheCKS Collected 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail CredIts & Comm servIce 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cred; t Cards & TrBnsfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Totel of at! Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 TOTAl.s C~sh & Checks Cott~~t~d 212$2:.00 1,878.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 72.00 4.'292.00 Jail Credits & Conrn Servic:~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 70.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 Tft~~1 ~# ~II r~II~~~,~~~ ''".,'0.... t 04:0 ...." ~M OM OM .,., no t. /.it., I'l^ ~ 51'1 DEC-7-20~ 10:18 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 1 361 785 2179 TO: 5534444 P.5'6 12/06/200'5 Honey Distribution Report JP peT 4 CAlHOUN COUNTY FOR NO~EM8ER 2005 Page 7 ~--~._-_.-.~..-.-.-.---.-....-._-._--._..-..-.-.--._.........--.....--....-----.------.....---.--...-----...--.-.-..-------.--.--- DATE PAVMENT - TYPE FIKES CCKJRr- COSTS FfES BONOS R:fSTrruTloN OTHER TOTAL State of Texas Quarterly Reporting Totals Oescription Count Coll~cted Retained D i sbur.sed State Comptroller Cost and fees Report e Section f: Report for Offense$ Committed 01-01-06 Forward 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-01-05 12-31-05 19 751.11 75.11 676,00 01-01-04 08-31-05 11 16Ull 16.16 145.64 09-01-01 12-31'01 6 8.51 0.85 7.66 09-01.99 - 08-31-01 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 09-01'97 - 08-31-99 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-01-95 - 08'31-97 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-01'91 - 08'31-95 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 Bbi' 80nds fee 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DNA T@sting Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 EMS Traum. Fund (EMS) 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 Juvenile ~robation Diversion Fees 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 State Tratf;c fees 12 294.70 14,74 279.96 Section II: As Appljcabl~ State Police Officer fees 16 72.20 57.76 14.44 Faflure to Appear/Pay Fee$ 2 60,00 60.00 0.00 Judicial fund ~ Const County Court 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Judie;al Fund - Statutory County Court 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Motor Cerrier Weight Viotations 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Time Payment Fee 10 181.44 90_13 90.77 Report Sub Total 76 1,529.76 315.37 1,214.41 Stete Compt~otter Civil Fees Report CF: Birth Certificate Fe&s 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 e CF: Marriage License Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Oeclaretjon of Infonmal Mar-riage 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cf: Nondisclcsu~e f_es 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Juror DDnat{ons 20 79.11 0.00 79.11 CF: Justice Court Indfg Filing Fees 1 2.00 0.10 1.90 tF: Stot Prob Court Indig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Stat Prab Court Judic Filjng Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 Cf: Stat Cnty Court Jndig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 CF~ Stat CMty COurt JUdfc filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Cnst C"ty Court lndig Filing F~es 0 .0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: Cnst Cnty Court Judie Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 eF: Dist Court District & Family law 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 CF: Dist Court Otner Divo~e/Fftmily Law 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CF: p;st Caurt (ndig Filing Fees 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report Sub Total 21 81,11 0.10 81.01 lotal Due For This Pe~jod 97 1,610.89 3\5.47 l,295.4Z THE STATf OF TeXAS County of Cel~oun Before me, the undersigned authority, this day per~onatty appeared Jamet Dw~ractyk. Justice ot the Peace, Precinct 4, Calho~n Coynty. Texas, who being duty $worn, deposes and says that the above ~"A Inr_nn;nn r.nnr~ Ie ~r.~ .~ ~~~ra~~ e 518 e e e DEC-7-2005 10:18 FROM: J DWORACZYK PC4 U;tness my nand this Subscribed .02. ce of the Peace, Precinct No. 4 CQ(noun County, re~as Calhoun County, Texas 1 361 785 2179 -' TO: 5534444 P.6/6 519 ~L~l~/L~~~ !l:qq jbl-j~j-Lqbl CALHUUN ~U ~Cl ~ C'Abt. 01 ~J Judge Nancy Pomykal Justice ofthe Peace Pct. 5 Collections for the Month of ~ovember 2005 , Date: December 14, 2005 Calhoun County Commissioners Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, IX 11919 Fax no: 553-4444 Commissioner's Court: Attached is a report of all collections for my court for the month given. Faxing 8 Pages including this cover. Signed: t:~'~,i1 V;~V e e e e e e R:~~;~~';;~~~;~~;~~~;~~'---'-'-""'i-~~~-~~~'i-~~-~~~'i';;~~'~~~~-i'~d:'~~~-i-~~~'~~~-i'~~~'~~~~-;-----~~~;;- I I I I I I I 037251705-11-0324 11/0112005 I SfEE 60.00 I IFEE 2,00 I FlLl 15.00' r I I WELLS FARGO BANK, CIO WlGLEY & I I I I I I I Cashier's Check I , I I I I I 037251805-11-0325 11/03/1005 I SFEE 60,00 I lfEE 1,00 I FIll 15.00 I I 1 I 6UTlER, JAMES 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Person,l CneCK I I I I I I I 037251905-07-0208 1110712005 I CCC 2.00 I TIHE 25.00 I WSF 25,00 I , I , HAREK. I)QNALO CARSON JR. I I I I I I I Cash I I I , I I I 037Z520 05-03-0080 11/08/2005 I CCC 4D.00 I CHS 3,00 I LAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I PINE 143.00 I I CHRONlS rER, APRlI HARlE I I I I I I I Cashier's Check I I I I I I I 0372521 05-04-0107 11/0812005 I CVC 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I TF 4.00 I F1NE 243.00 I LAF 5.00 I I WAL~ER, CORY ALWl I I I I I I I Cashier's Check I I I I 1 I I 0372S2~ 05-04-0106 11/06/2005 I CVC 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I TF 4.00 I FIME 243,00 I LAF 5,00 I I STAFFORD. R(U6EM GLENN I I i I I I I Cashier's Cheel; I I I I I I I 03725Z3 05-11-0319 11/08/2005 I JSF 4,00 I TfC 3,00 I cec 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I LAf 5.00 I Tf 4.00 I TRAN. VIU HUNG I JCSF 1,00 I FINE 10.00 I SU6C 30,00 I I I I MonejOrder I I I I I I I 037252405-Q3-0060 11110/2005 I FINE 100,00 I I I I I I CWlOltlSTER. APRIL MARrE I I I I I I I J,i 1 Credit I I I I I I 1 03725~S OS-II-033a JC 11/16/Z005 I SFEE 60,00 i lFEE 2.00 I fIll 15.00 I I I I BOECKER, GARY E. I , ill I I Cash I I I I I I I 0372526 05-03-0073 11/16/2005 Ieee 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I PWAF 5,00 I TIHE 25.00 I TF 4.00 I ~F ~5.00 I BUCCHINO, STEPHEN JN1ES I C$RV 30.60 I I I I I I Cashie" s Check I I I I I 1 I 0372527 04.07-0215 11/16/2005 I CCC 40,00 J CHS 3,00 I PWAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I WSF 25,00 I CSRV 23.10 I ELlNER, DEREK D. I I I I I I I Cashier's Check I I I I I I I 037252B 05,11.0346 SC ll11B/200S I SFEE 60,00 i IfEE 2,00 I Flll 10,00 I I I I Si'!1TIJ, RUSSELL GFORGt I I I I I I I Personal Ch""k I I I I I I 1 0372,290S-06-0187 11/18/2005 I fINE 27.00 I 5UaC 30,00 I I I 1 I GURLEY, CfiARLES FRAN~LEN 1lI I I I I I I I Cash I I I I I , I 037253005-0a-0296 11/21/1005 I JSF 4,00 I CCC 40.00 I CH5 3,00 I PWAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I JCSf ],00 I NAVAREZ, KEVlN D i PWF 75.00 I I I I I I COIll1l Service I I I I J I I 037253105-11-0339 11/21/2005 I JSF 4,00 I TFC 3.00 I crc 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I LAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I lABAY, l'W<Y PECHACE~ I JCSF 100 I DSC 10.00 I SUlK 30.00 I I 1 I Porsona) Check I I I I I I I 0372532 2001-12-0412 11123/2005 I JCPT 2,00 I CVC 15.QO I CCC 17,00 I FA 5,00 I JCQ O.SO I CHS 3.00 I MCCOY, STEVEN I CHI 0,50 I lAF 5,00 I Tf 4.00 , FrNE 184.00 I CSRV 59,00 I I Cashier's Check I I I I I I I 0372~3 2001-12'0411 !l12312005 I JCPT 2,00 I cve 15.00 I CeC 17.00 I FA 5,001 JCl) 0,50 I CHS 3,00 I M COY, STEVEN I CHI 0.50 I LAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I FINE 184.00 I CSP,V 59.00 I I Cashier', ehee, I 1 I I I 0172::,\OS-05-0121 11l23/200S I He 3.00! CCC 40.00 I C/.IS 3.00 I LA!=" 5.00 I Tf 4,00: FINf. 10.(10 I L lAMS, DEANNA e i SUBC 30.00 I CSRV 28.50 I I I I I Cashier', Check I I I I I I I ~~/~~/LWO~ ~~;44 .:ItlL-:Jb.:l-.!4-b.1, ~ALHUUN ~u ~~j ~ t-'Abc. 02 121l4!20G5 Money Distr1bution Report JUdge Nancy P~<.l Pet. 5 Calhoun Co. No', Report 521 Page 1 77 .00 77 ,00 52,00 195,00 295.00 295,00 160,00 100.00 77.00 13Z,60 100.10 72,00 57.00 132,00 100,00 2~5,OO 295.00 123.50 ~~~!~/~~~~ !1;~~ ..:lbl-':ItI.::l-"'-J.bl ~ALHUUN CU ~C\ ~ 12/14/2005 Honey Oistribution Report Judge Nancy PomyKal Pet,S Calhoun Co, Nov. Report i"A"'t. B3 page 2 R~ipt Cause/Defendant ------~_.._----------_._-----------_.----_._---.----.-----..------------------.--------------------.---.-----~--- ---.--------.-.--- Total I Code Amount , Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I i I I I 037253505-11-0341 11/23/2005 I JSf 4.00 1 eee 40,00 I CHS 3.00' P~F 5.00 I TF ROORlGU<Z, MICHAEL JAMES I PWF 43.00 I I I I person.l e~c~ I I I I J 0~72S36 05-09-0303 I1/Z3/2005 I JSf 3,34 I TFC 2,50 Ieee 33.33 I eHS 2.50 I lAf WAnD, ROBERT WAVNE I JeSf 0.83 I I I I Personal Check I I i I I 0372537 05-11-0332 11/23/2005 I Jsf 4.00 \ cce 40.00 I CH5 3.00 I LAF 5.00 I TF CLAY, G(RAlD R08FRT I FINE 83.00 I I I I Honey Order I I I .1 I 0372538 05-08-0269 11/28/2005 Ieee 40,00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAf 5.00 I TF 4.00 I WSF MCRAY, STEVF.H C I I I I I Person,l Check I i I I I 037~39 05-11-0353 1\/2912005 I JS, 4,00 Ieee 40.no I CHS 3,OQ I PWAF 5.00' Tf R08INSOH, 116 L I?WP 43.00 I I I I person.l Chock I I I i I I Code """un' I 4,00 I JCSf 1 00 I I 4 17 J Tf I I 4,00 I JeSF 1 00 \ I j3,OO I CS~V 25,50 I I 4.00 I JeSf 1.00 I I 3.33 r:.-,;)' "./ v,..,.... 100.00 50,00 14e 110.50 100 00 e e ~~/~~/LUU~ ~~.~~ .:\0..L-:l0.:\-":;40.l. GALHUUN GU ~GI 0 C'Abtc 04 12/14/2005 Honey Distribution Report Page 3 Judge N,ney Pomykal Pct, 5 C,lhounCo, Nov. Report _~.~~~A__~~__~~~~_~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~_~~____.______.______~________.~__.___.._________________~__.____~___._._,_______~________~___.~_~ The following totals represent _ Cash and ChecKs Collected Typo Code Description Count Rehi ned Oisbursed Honey-Totals T~e following totals represent _ Cash and Checks COllected e COST CCC CONSOLIOATEO COURT COSTS 14 46.94 422, 39 469.33 COST CHS COllRTHOIJSF SWJRIH 15 44.50 0,00 44.50 COST CHI CORRtCI10NAL MllNAGEMENT INSTITUTE 2 0,10 0.90 1.00 COST cve COMP[N~TION TO VICTIMS 0> CRIME 4 11.00 99.00 110.00 COST >A FUGIVITE APPREHENSION 2 1.00 9.00 10,00 COST JCD JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINOUENCY 2 0,10 0.90 1.00 COST JCPT JUDICIAL AND COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 2 0.40 3,60 4.00 COST JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 6 $,83 0,00 5.83 COST Jsr JlIROR SERVICE FUND 6 0,00 23.34 23.34 COST I AF SHERlfT'S I.U 10 49.17 0.00 49.17 COST PIlAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLI>E S 20.00 5.00 25.00 COST TC TECHNOLOGY FUND 15 59,33 0.00 59.33 COST TFC iFC 4 11,50 0.00 11,50 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 1 15.00 25,00 50,00 FfES C$Rv COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 6 12S,70 0.00 215,70 fEES OSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09/05 I 10.00 0,00 10.00 FEES FIll FILING FEE 4 55,00 0,00 55,00 FEES rFff INOIGENT rEE 4 8,00 0,00 6.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE I'EE 4 240.00 0.00 240,00 >EfS SUlle sue .r ITlE C 4 6,00 114.00 120.00 FINE FINE FINE 9 1.167,00 0.00 1,187.00 I'lNE PWF PARKS & W1LOLIFE FINE 3 16.65 94.3S III ,00 nNE "Sf WATER ~FHY nNE 3 12,45 70,55 83,00 Money Tota 1 s 21 1,035,67 868,03 2,903,70 The following totals represent - Jail Credit ijnd Community Servlce COST cec CONSOLIDATED COURI COSTS 1 4_0Q 36,00 40.00 COST CHS CQURTHOUSE SECURITY I 3.00 0,00 3,00 COST CMI CORRECTIONAL HANAGEMEN I INSTITUTE 0 000 0,00 0,00 eCOST CVC COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS OF CRIME 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST FA FUGIVITE APPREHENSION 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JCO JVVENIlE CRIME ANO OElINOUENCY 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 COST JCPT JUDICIAl ANO COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST ,JCsr JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUND 1 1.00 0,00 1.00 COST JSF JUROR SrRVICE FUND I 0.00 4,00 4.00 COST LAr SHERIff'S FEE 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COST PI.IAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE J 4.00 1.00 5,00 COST Tf TECHNOLOGY FUND I 4,00 0,00 4.00 COST Trc TFC 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COST TIME TIME PAYMLNI fEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 0 000 0.00 0.00 FEES OSC ORIVER SArETY COURSE 09/05 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FEES FlU FlUNG FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES IFEE INDIGtNI FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FEES SFEE SERVICE ~EE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 e 523 ~4/~~fL~O~ ~~;qq -:ibl-':U::Lj-;L'Ibl ~ALHUUN ~U ~~I ~ r'Abt. 05 12/1412005 Honey Distribution Report Pilge 4 judge Nancy Pomykal Pct. 5 Calhoun Co. Nay. Report -----.---...--------.-----.---------.-----------.------------------ -------------------_.__._----~------------ -------------------- The fa 110101; ng tota 1 s represent _ Jail Credit afld COlTJJlunity Service Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Honey~ Toto 1 s FFES SUBC SUB TITlE C 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FINE FINE FINE 1 100.00 0.00 100.00 e fINE PWF PAR'S a WILDLIfE FINE I 1],25 63,75 75,00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY fINE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 2 127.25 104,7S 232.00 The following totals represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers OOST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 OOST OIl C~REC1IONAl MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST CVC COMPENSA1ION 10 VICTIMS OE CRIME 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST fA FUGIVITE APPREHENSION 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST JCO JUVENIle CRIM( AHO DELINQUENCY 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 OOST JCPT JUDICIAL ANO COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 COST ,JCSF JUSTICE COURT SECURITY FUNO 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COS1 JSF JUROR SERVICE FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST LAF SHEHIW S FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST TE TECHNOLOGY FUNO 0 0,00 0,00 000 COST TFC TFC 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 COST TIM' TIME PAYMENT FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FEfS CSRV COLLlCTION SERVICES FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES OSC OH1VfR SAf(TY COURSE 09105 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES FIll FIUNr, FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES IrE[ INOIG,NT FfE 0 0.00 o 00 0.00 '((S SF(E SE:RVICE: fEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES SU6c SUB TITLE C 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 FINE FINE FINE 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 FINE PIIF PARKS & WILOlIFE FIN, 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 e FINE WS, WATER SA,ETY FINf 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 0 000 0.00 000 The following totals represent ~ Combined Honey and Credits COST cce CONsoLlOA TED COURT COSTS 15 50.94 <58 ,39 509, 33 COST OiS COIIRrI/oUSE SECURITY 16 47,50 0,00 47.50 COST CHI CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 2 o 10 0.90 1.00 COST CVC COMPENSATTON TO VICTIMS OF CRIME d 1l 00 99.00 110 .00 COST FA FUGIVIT[ APPREHENSION 2 1.00 9,00 10.00 COST JCD JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 2 0.10 0.90 1.00 COST JCPT JUOICIAL AND COURT PERSOHN,l TRAINING 2 0,40 3.60 '.00 COST JCSF JVSTICE COURT SECURITY fUNO 7 6.B3 0,00 6,83 COS1 JSf JUROR S,RVICE FIINO 7 0.00 27.34 27,3' COST LAF SHERIEf'S EEE 10 49.17 0.00 49,17 COS" PIlAf TEXAS PAHKS & WILDLIFE 5 2' .00 6.00 30.00 COST Tr TECHNOlOGY FUND 16 63.33 0.00 63,33 e r--'- I!:! ',,,~~! '-"....."'JL lL{l~!~tl~~ 11:44 3bl-~tij-L4bl CALHUUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 1'16 12i!4/2005 Money Distribution Report Judge Nancy Pomykal Pet. 5 calhoun Co. Nov. Report Page 5 ---------~-----_._~~--p~---------------~--._----~--._-._~~P-~.~~.~-_._--~----~--_._-----------~--P--~--._---___~__~_~_______.____~__ The fol1o\rl1ng tote's represent Combined Money and Credfts Type Code Oeseri pt i on CQunt Retained Oi sbursed Hooey-Totals COST TFe TFC 4 11. SO 0,00 11.50 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 2 25.00 Z5,OO 50.00 e FEfS CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 6 225.70 0.00 22S.10 fEES DSC DRIVER SAFETY COURSE 09/05 1 10,00 0,00 10.00 FEES FlU FILING FEE 4 55,00 0,00 55.00 FUS IFEE INOIGENT FEE 4 8,00 0.00 8.00 FllS SfEE SERVICE FEE 4 240.00 0,00 240,00 FEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 4 6,00 114,OO 120.00 FINE FINE FINE 10 1.287.00 0,00 1.287,00 FINE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 4 27.90 158,10 166.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 3 12.45 70,55 63,00 Report Tot,) s 23 2,162,92 972.78 3.136.70 e e ~"~1.- U;;:'U J. L.! l.:;/ :L1::l,ljO ll: qq Jb1-':Itl':;-L4bl CALHUUN CU ~CI 0 ~AbC: 87 12114/2005 Mon~y Distribution Report Page 6 JUdge Nancy Pon1y~a 1 Pet. 5 ca 1 hOlJn Co. Nov. ReDort -------._-_._~----------------------------------_._------..----.----..--..--------..-------- -----.-------------------------------- DATE PAYMENT-TYPE FINES COURT -COSTS FEES BONDS RESTITUTION OTHER TOTAL 00/00/0000 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Credlt C~rds & Transfers 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/0111991 Cash & Checks Collected 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 - Jqil Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Totol of aJI Collections 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 09/0111993 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credfts A Comm Service 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 CrediL Ca~d5 ~ Tra~sfe~s 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 O.OlJ 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09101/1995 Cash & Ch~cks Collected 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 000 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Ser~lce 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 o 00 o 00 0910l/1997 Cash & Checks Collected 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Jail Credits & Comm S~rvice 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 C~edlt Cards & lransfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Total of a11 Co1J€ctions 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 o 00 000 000 09/01/1999 Cash & Checks Col reeled 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.(10 0.00 0.00 JaO Credits &; Corrm 5erv1ce 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 O. DO Credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 o 00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 09/01/2001 Cash & Checks Collected 36B.OO 104.00 IIB.OO 0.00 0.00 o 00 590 00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 Credl t Cd rds & Transfers 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Total ot' all Co"l1ections 36B.00 10A.OO liB 00 0,00 000 0,00 590.00 09/0112003 Casn & Checks Collected 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 - Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Tr~nsfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 0.00 a.oo 0.00 0.00 o 00 0.00 0.00 01/01/2004 Cash & Chec~s Collected 774.00 419.00 167,70 0.00 0.00 0,00 1.360.10 Jail Credits & Comm Service 100.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 100,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 o 00 0.00 Total of all C011ecLions 074.00 419,00 167.70 0,00 0.00 0.00 1,460 70 09/0l/2005 Cash & Checks Collected 239,00 341.00 373,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 953.00 Jail Credits & Comm Serv1ce 75.00 57,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 132.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 314.00 398.00 373. 00 0,00 000 0,00 1. OB5 00 01/01lZ006 Cash &. CheCKS Co t I ectcd 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 000 Jijil C~edits & Comm Servi~e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTALS Cash & Chec" Collected 1.381.00 864.00 pb8,/0 o.uu o 00 0.00 2.903,70 Jail Credi,ts & Coom $erv1 c:e 175.00 57.00 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 23200 Credit cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 o 00 0.00 000 000 0.00 Total of all Collections 1.556,00 921.00 658.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,135.70 e ~(.W U,:,,,V ~~{~~/LU?~ ~~.~~ ..::ID1.-:lO.,;)-..:::,+01. ~~LHUUN VU [~l ~ r-'Ab'c. 08 lUJ4/,Oos Monil?Y 01str1butlOf1 Report Judge. Nancy POtl\YKa 1 Pet. 5 Ca 1 houn Co _ NOlo'. Report Page DATE -~--~~---~-~~~~~-~--~--~--~~~---~~~-~~~~~-~~~-.._-------~-----~---~---'~~'._-~~-_.__._--~-----~~._~~~~'A~~~.__._~_~_~_~_____._~___ PAYMENT - TWF FINes COURT-COSTS FEES BONOS RESTITUTION omER TOTAL Shte of Texas Quarter')y Reporting Totals Description Count Col1ected RetcinecJ Disbursed S~te Comptroller Cost ana fees Report e Section I: Report for Offens~s Commltted Ol~()1'06 Forwara 09-01-05 12-31-05 01-01.0' OB.31.0& 09-01'01 12-31-03 09-01.99 08-31-01 09-01-97 Oa-JI-99 09-01-95 08-JI.97 09-01-91 OB-31-95 Ba i J Bonds fee OWl Testing fees EMS Tr,uma Funa (fitS) Juvenile Probation Oiver~ion rees state Traffi~ Fees lotal Due for This Period 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 6 Zn,33 23,33 210.00 8 282,00 28,20 253,80 12 80,00 8.00 72.00 0 000 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 0 000 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 U.OO 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 U 0,00 0.00 0.00 4 <20.00 6.00 114,00 0 25,00 20,00 5.00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 2 50,00 25.00 25,00 37 790.33 nO,53 679,80 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 U,OO 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 6 Z3,34 0,00 23,34 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 000 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 6 2334 0.00 23.34 43 8l3. 67 nO,53 703.14 section <I: As App]jcable State Police Offlcer F~es Failure to Appear/Pay Fees Judi C1 a 1 Fund - Const County Court Judi e:1 a 1 Fund . Statutory County Court Hotor Carri~r ~ei9ht Violations Time PayltRot fee Report Sub 10ta 1 e State Comptroller Civil fees Report CF: Birth Certificate Fees CF: Marriage llcense Fees CF; Declaration of Iofonmal M~rriage CF: Nondisclosure Fees CF' Juror Donations CF: Justice Court Ind19 Filing fees Cf: Stat Prob Court lndig Flling ~ees CF: Stat Prob Court Judie Filing Fees CF: Stat Cnty Court Indjg riling Fees Cf: Stat Cnty Court Judie Fl1ing Fees CF: Cnst Cnty Court lndig Filing Fees CF; Cnst Cnty COurt Judie Fil)ng Fees CF; Oist Court District & Family law CF: Dist COurt Other Di~Qrce/Fami1y l~ CF; Dist Court lndig Fi1ing Fees Report Sub T ota 1 THE: STATE or TEXAS !11,>;fore me, the UtHjp.rsignM authority. this t:l~y County of Calhoun County personallY appeared Nancy P~~al. JUstlce of the Peace, flrecfnct No S, Calhoun County, Texas, \od1o being duly s~rn. deposes and says that the abo~e 'n!}!jf"'Jo'''r''''frt is true and correct, .._,."-'""~."" 6k . 'O~w. ~ e 527 ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: Claims totaling $2,321,721 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: Claims totaling 1,S91,063.23 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Baiajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEAL THCARE: Claims totaling $98,645,38 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan, and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. REOUEST BY CALHOUN COUNTY EMS TO DECLARE GATEWAY COMPUTER SN#001835885 AS SALVAGE AND ALLOW THE HARD DRIVE TO BE DESTROYED DUE TO HIPAA PATIENT RELATED INFORMATION: A Motion was made by Commissioner Fritsch and seconded by Commissioner Finster approve the request by Calhoun County EMS to declare one Gateway Computer SN#00183s88s as saivage and ailow the hard drive to be destroyed due to HIPAA Patient related information. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DECLARE AS SURPLUS/SALVAGE ONE TOSHIBA DIGITAL COPIER. SN BB960S17. INVENTORY NO. 23-0169 AND REMOVE FROM PRECINCT #3 INVENTORY: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to declare as surplus/salvage one Toshiba Digital Copier, SN #BB960S17, Inventory No, 23-0169 and remove from Precinct #3 inventory. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. DECLARE AS SURPLUS/TRADE IN ONE (1) 1993 FORD PICKUP. SN lFTEX15N9PKA49059. INVENTORY NO. 23-0089 IN PRECINCT #3: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare as surplus/trade In one (1) 1993 Ford Pick-Up, SN #lFTEX15N9PKA490s9, Inventory No, 23- 0089 in Precinct #3, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e e e 5']0 ':';"'0 e en ('\..; (.Ci w~ FUNDNAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIInllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-MAGNOLIA B DEPARTMENT NO: 300 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAl llEVENlf: REVEH1I EXPfMIIURE EXPEIlII1IIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE ~CREASE INCREASE IICIIfASE lIBIIEASEJ 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $828 $0 ($828) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $828 $0 ($828) AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-MAGNOLIA BEACH TOTAL $0 $0 $828 $0 ($828) 111111111111111I1111111111111111111'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I1111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 340 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAl llEVENlf: REVEH1I EXPEMII1IIf EXPEMII1IIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIIfASE INalfASE IICIIfASE lIBIIEASEJ 53210 MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $71 $71 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $71 $0 ($71) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $71 $71 $0 AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $71 $71 $0 11111I1111111I11111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111I111I11111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCT NO 63920 IIEVENlI INImSE $0 RIND BAl INalfASE lIBIIEASEJ $149,000 REVENUE IICIIfASE $0 EXPEMII1IIf INCREASE $0 EXPENOIIIIlE IICIIfASE $149,000 ACCTNAME MISCELLANEOUS GRANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 1 of 24 en \::,.) <.:;;) e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIIIIIII"""IIIIUIIIIIIIIIII((((1I11111f111ll1l1l1ll1l1l1l1ll111111111111111ll1l111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR [AMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIIID BAL IIfVE& IIf1IElIlI: EXPErIIITIIIE EXPB/JIJII/f rtaIfASf ACCT NO ACCT NAME GIIAHT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IECllfASE INCREASE IICIIEASE IIICIIEASEI 65471 REPAIRS-PlAZA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $12,000 $0 ($12,000) 66602 UTILlTIES-AG BLDG/FAIRGROUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,000 $0 ($5,000) 66615 UTILITIES-PlAZA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $132,000 $0 ($132,000) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $149,000 $149,000 $0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL $0 $0 $149,000 $149,000 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJJIIIIUIIIJJJJJJJIJIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIUII"mUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1UlIIIIIIUIIIIIII'UfUIIIIIIIIIII'IIf'IfIIIIIIIIIIIIUIllIlIfIlIllIIIllIllIlIlIlIIIllIflIlIIllIIIlIIlIIl1111111111111111111111111111I1111111. DEPARTMENT NAME: COMMISSIONERS COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 230 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT ROOJ BAL IIfVE& IIfVE& EXPEIIIII1IIE EXPENIITI.IIE IIlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IECllfASE INCREASE IICIIEASE IIICREASEJ 63290 LEGAL NOTICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $201 $0 ($201) 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $150 $0 ($150) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $351 $351 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $351 $351 $0 COMMISSIONERS COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $351 $351 $0 1111I11I11I11I11I1111I11I1111111111I111111111111111111111I111111I1111I1111111111I111I111111I11I111I111111111I1111I11IIIIJJIJIIIJJJlJlIIJJIIIJIUlIIJlIllIlIllIllIlIlIllIllIlIllIllIlIlIllIlIlIllIlIllIllIllIU""UUUIllIlIlIfI'IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 600 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e eage 2 of 24 e en (+::) ~' FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111I11I11I11111I1111111I111111111I11I11I1111111111111111111I111111.,11111111111111I1111I11111111111111111I111I111I111"'1111111111111'11111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 600 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAL IIMNlf REVENlI EXPEIIIITlIlE EXPEIIIITlIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME INmEASE IICl1fASE INClIfASE DECREASE lIBREASB 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $365 $0 ($365) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $27 $0 ($27) 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $72 $72 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $320 $320 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $392 $392 $0 CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $392 $392 $0 IlllIlIIlIlIIllIIlllllllllllllIIllIIlIIlIIlIlIllIIUlIIllIllIIlIllIlIIlllllIIlIlIIllIlIlIIlIIlIIlI1IIIIIIIIIIInllllllllllllllllllll"'III'1II1I11II1I1111I1I1I11111II11II1I1I1I11111I1I1111111I111I111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY AUDITOR DEPARTMENT NO: 190 AMENDMENT NO: 1001 REQUESTOR; COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND HAl. IIfVEMI IIEVENIf EXPEIIIITlIlE EXPENDITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIICIIEASE DECREASE INClIfASE DECREASE OIEClIEASB 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $810 $0 ($81 0) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $910 $910 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) AMENDMENT NO 1001 TOTAL $0 $0 $910 $910 $0 COUNTY AUDITOR TOTAL $0 $0 $910 $910 $0 11111111111I1111I11111111111111111I11111111111111111I111111I1111I1111I111I111111I11111I111I1111111I111I11I11111111I11I1111I11I111111111111111I11111111I1111I111I11111I111111I111111111111111111I11111I11111111"'111"11111111I1111I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 Wednesday, December 21,2006 Page 3 of 24 <:.i) C~..i {~ e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111I11111111111I11I11111111I1111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111I11I111I11I11I11I11I11UIIIIIJJJJIlIllIIJUIUlIIJIIIIIIIlIllIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUII""111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 !AMENDMENT NO: 1020 I REQUESTOR: ANITA FRICKE AMENDMENT REASON: TO PURCHASE ENVELOPES RIItD BAL REVEIIII IIEVHH EXPEDtlIlE EXPEl/IITlIlE INJ:REASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIICREASE IBIIEASE I11I2\EASE IBIlEASE lIB\lEASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,800 $0 ($1,800) 53030 PHOTO COPIEs/SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,800 $1,800 AMENDMENT NO 1020 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,800 $1,800 $0 COUNTY CLERK TOTAL $0 $0 $1,800 $1,800 $0 11111I111I1111I111111I1111I111111111111I11I1111111111I1111I111111I11111111111I111111I11I111111I11I1111I1111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111111111111I11I1111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111I11I111I11I1. DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO: 1015 REQUESTOR: ALEX HERNANDEZ AMENDMENT REASON: FOR COURT REPORTER'S LICENSE RENEWAL FEES RIND 8A! IIEVBIII REVENlI EXPfJDDlIII: EXPEl/IITlIlE INtIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAMI GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIICREASE IICIlEASE IIICREASE IBIIEASE lImlfASEJ 54020 DUES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $110 $0 ($110) 63050 JUDICIARY FUND EXPENDITURE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $261 $261 63050 JUDICIARY FUND EXPENDITURE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $110 $110 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $226 $0 ($226) 66322 TRAINING-REGISTRATION FEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $35 $0 ($35) AMENDMENT NO 1015 TOTAL $0 $0 $371 $371 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCTN6 60050 60053 REVEIIII INI2\EASE $0 $0 RIND 8A! IIICIIEASE IDECREASEJ ($1,900) ($30) REVENlI IICREASE $0 $0 EXPENIIITUllE EXPENDIJ\IIE INCIIEASE IICREASE $1,900 $0 $30 $0 eage 4 0124 ACCT NAME ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE ADULT ASSIGNED-OTHER UTIGA GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT e Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e crt C:~"; W FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO. 1021 REQUESTOR. COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: /OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND 8AL IlEVINII REVENlI EXPEIIIITlIIE EXPEIIIIT1IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IllalEASE IICREASE IllalEASE IICREASE OlECIIEASB 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,900 $1,900 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $30 $30 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,930 $1.930 $0 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW TOTAL $0 $0 $2,301 $2,301 $0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111I111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111I1111111111111111I11I11111I11I111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY .JUDGE DEPARTMENT NO: 260 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAl IlEVINII REVENlI EXPEIIIITlIIE EXPENDITlIIE IIICIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INWASE IICIIEASE IIll:REASE IICIIEASE lBlEASB 51930 RETIREMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT ND 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 COUNTY JUDGE TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 11111111I11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111I111111111111111111'111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY TREASURER DEPARTMENT NO: 210 AMENDMENT NO: 1022 REQUESTOR: COUNTY TREASURER IAMENDMENT REASON. ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCI NO IIEVlH INalEASE RIND HAl INCREASE IDECllfASEJ REVEIIII DECREASE EII'ENImalE EXPENOIlIIIE INCREASE DECREASE ACCI NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 5 of 24 \,J'! c:,.;; ~~ e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11I11I1111I11I11I1111I1111I11I11I111111I11I11I11I111111I11I1111I11I11111111I11I111111111I11I11111111I1111111111I11I111I111I1111111I11111111I111I1111111I111111111111I1111I11I11I11I1111111I11111I11I111I1111111I11I111I111I111I111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY TREASURER DEPARTMENT NO: 210 AMENDMENT NO: 1022 REQUESTOR: COUNTY TREASURER IAMENDMENT REASON: JUNE ITEM TRANSFER AIIIOBAL REVElIII REVElIII fXPENIITlIIf fXPENIITIIIE IIDEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IECIIEASE IIHIEASEJ 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $6.500 $6,500 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,000 $0 ($5,000) 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) AMENDMENT NO 1022 TOTAL $0 $0 $6.500 $6.500 $0 COUNTY TREASURER TOTAL $0 $0 $6,500 $6,500 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT NO: 510 !AMENDMENT NO: 1014 I REQUESTOR: DAN W. HEARD AMENDMENT REASON: FOR NECESSARY LAW BOOKS & UPDATES RIND 8Al REVElIII IIfVENlI EXPfNIIIlJlE EXPElGIIIIIE INCREASf ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IBREASE INCREASE IBREASE IDUllIASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $418 $418 70500 BOOKS-LAW 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $418 $0 ($418) AMENDMENT NO 1014 TOTAL $0 $0 $418 $418 $0 DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOTAL $0 $0 $418 $418 $0 III 11I11111I11111I I 111I11 1111I111I111I 1III1I11IJIIIIIJJIIIJIIIJIIJJIJIIIJlJUJUUlUUIllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlII"""'''''''' "U",lIIl1flfllllllllllfllllUlfllllllllllllllflUlIlllIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIllIIlIllIIlIIlI DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e eage 6 of 24 e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: jOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIIlD BAL IIEVENlI: IIEVENlI: EXPENIII1Ilf EXPENIITlIlE INCIlEASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IBREASE INCREASE IICREASE OICIIEASEJ 51533 JURORS-PETIT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $4.200 $4,200 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,200 $0 ($4,200) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $4,200 $4,200 $0 DISTRICT COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $4,200 $4,200 $0 1I1I1I1I"'''''''''flllllfllHlllllfIllIIlIllllllllllllllllIlIIlIlllIllllllllllllll111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I1IIIII1 DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR lAME NOME NT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RlIIO BAI. REVENlE REVENlE EXPENIII\IIE EXPENIITlIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GIlANT N1I GRANT NAME IIICREASE IBREASE INCREASE IBREASE IIICIIEASEJ 50815 PARAMEDIC 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 50825 CREW LEADER 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,000 $0 ($3,000) 51570 SALARIES ON CALL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 51574 SALARIES PART-TIME 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 51616 OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,000 $0 ($3,000) 51950 FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMEN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $600 $600 53980 SUPPLlES/OPERATING EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 64400 OUTSIDE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,210 $0 ($2,210) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $390 $0 ($390) c..n 66590 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,800 $2,800 l..A-i 67120 VEHICLE FUEUOIUSERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,800 $0 ($2,800) Coli AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $13,400 $13,400 $0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL $0 $0 $13,400 $13,400 $0 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 7 of 24 01 \'--1....) W e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111I11111111111111111111111I11I1111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I1111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I111I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO: 110 AMENDMENT NO, 1016 REQUESTOR: A. ZAN MATTHIES, JR. IAMENDMENT REASON, ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND HAl IIEVEIIlI IIIVENlI EXPENIIII.IIE EXJIEIfIIIIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INmEASE DEASE IIDEASE REASE IIECREASEJ 60340 AUTO ALLOWANCES. YOUTH CO 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $250 $250 66460 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTYCEAFC 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 66462 TRAVEL.YOUTH COORDINATOR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $250 $0 ($250) 66500 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY-COUNT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $250 $0 ($250) 67120 VEHICLE FUEUOIUSERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $250 $250 67120 VEHICLE FUEUOIUSERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 AMENDMENT ND 1016 TOTAL $0 $0 $600 $600 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND HAl IIEVEIIlI REVENIE EXJIEIfIIIIIIE EXJIEIfIIIIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INmEASE IGIEASE INmEASE IIECIlfASE IIICIIfASEJ 51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $11 $0 ($11) 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $11 $11 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $11 $11 $0 EXTENSION SERVICE TDTAL $0 $0 $611 $611 $0 "'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION.MAGNOLlA BEACH DEPARTMENT NO: 640 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCl NO 65740 REVENUE INCllIASE $0 RIND BAl INCllIASE IIBREASD $828 REVENII IlCREASE $0 GRANT NO 999 EXPENIITIIIE EXPENIITIIIE INCllIASE DECRIASE $0 $828 eage 8 of 24 AGel NAME SERVICES GRANT NAME NO GRANT e Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e CJ1 ;;;..;: -.J. FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111''''"111I1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111I111111111111111111111I1111"11""'1111111I111111111I11111111I11I1111I11I111111I111111I1111111111111111111I111111111111I1111111I11I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-MAGNOLIA BEACH DEPARTMENT NO: 640 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTORz COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: /OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RlND BAL REVEIllf !\EVEIIII EXPEIIIITlIIf EXPEIIIIIlIIE INCIlfASE ACCT NO ACCT HAME GRANT HD CIlANT NAME INCREASE IBIlEASE INCllfASE IICllfASE IDECIlIASB AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $828 $828 FIRE PROTECTION-MAGNOUA BEACH TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $828 $828 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIII"IIIIIIIIII'IIIII',I',11111I111II1I1I1I1I1I1II11I11I1I1I11I111I1111I1111111111111111111111I11I1111I11111I1111111111111111I11I111111111I11111I1111I111111111111I111111I11I1111I11I1111111111111I11I11I11I111111' DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION.SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUEBTORz COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RlND BAL IlEVEIftf IlEVEHlf EXPfHIIIIIlE EXPEIOTIIlE IHCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO CIlANT NAME INCREASE IBIlEASE INCREASE IBIlEASE OGIEASB 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $520 $0 ($520) 72445 EQUIPMENT-PUMP FOR FIRE TR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $520 $520 AMENOMENTNO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $520 $520 $0 FIRE PROTECTION-SEADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $520 $520 $0 111111111111I11I11111111I11I111I111I11I11111111111111I1111I1111I111I11I1111I111111111I11I111I11I1"1111111111111I111111I11111111111I11111I11I11111I11I111111I111I11I11I11I11I111I1111111I1111111I1111I111I11I111I111I111111I1111I1111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 AMENDMENT NO: 1013 REQUESTOR: DANA NICHOLS, RN IAMENDMENT REASON: jFOR GENERAL OFFICE USE ACCTNO 53020 61820 IIfVEIIII INCREASE $0 $0 RlND BAL INWASE IDECIlIASEI ($3,300) $3,300 IIfVEIIII IBIIIASE $0 $0 EXPEMIIlIIE I/ialfASE $3,300 $0 EXPEHIIItIIE DECREASE $0 $3,300 ACCTHAMf GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES DIRECT NURSING CARE CIIANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 9 of 24 <:J1 ,'~ ", . .!:..-j GZl e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllIIUlIJIJIJIIJIIIJIIUlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111I1111I11I111I11111111111111I11...11111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111I1111I1111IIIIJUJlJllJlJlJlIIlIUnlU DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 AMENDMENT NO: 1013 REQUESTOR: DANA NICHOLS, RN AMENDMENT REASON: FOR GENERAL OFFICE USE R1ND8AI. RmIIII IIfWilI EXPfIiIIIlIlE EXPHlIIIIIlE IIIl:IlEASE ACCT NO Acel NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIIl:IlEASE IBIIfASE IIICIIEASE IBIIfASE IIBIIEASD AMENDMENT NO 1013 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,300 $3,300 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND 8AL IlfV9III IIfWilI EXPElIIITIIIE EXPHlIIIIIlE IHCIUSE ACCT NO AceT NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME IIft:IIEASE IGlEASE IIIl:IlEASE IBIIfASE IIBIlfASEJ 53970 MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $290 $0 ($290) 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $170 $0 ($170) 62480 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $460 $460 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $460 $460 $0 HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $3,760 $3,760 $0 1111I11I1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I111111111IIJ11II1UUIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllfllfllllllllfllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: HIGHWAY PATROL DEPARTMENT NO: 720 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR. COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON. IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT AceT ND 60970 66192 RIND BAL IlEVEIIII IIfWilI EXPENOIIIlIIE EXPENOIIlIIE INI:REASE GRANT NO GRANT NAME INl:IIfASE IICREASE IllWASE IJECllEASE IDECREASD 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $8 $0 ($8) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $8 $8 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $8 $8 $0 HIGHWAY PATROL TOTAL $0 $0 $8 $8 $0 e _.100124 ACCT NAME COMPUTER MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES VVednesdaY,Decernber21,2005 e CJ1 C";,; c.c FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 JIJJJJJJJJUlIIUJlllIlIIlIIIIIU"U"""'"""UIIUlIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111I11 11111111 I 11I11I1111I1 111I111111I11I1111I11I11I111I1111I111111111I11I111I1111111I11I1111I11I111I11I11I1111I111I1111111111I1111I111I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: INDIGENT HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT NO: 360 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIIID 8M REVEIilI REVEIilI EXPEIIIIT1Ilf EXPEIIIIT1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IBIlEASE INCREASE IICIlEASE DBREASEJ 60640 CARE OF INDIGENTS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $119,201 $119,201 AMENDMENT ND 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $119,201 $119,201 INDIGENT HEALTH CARE TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $119,201 $119,201 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111I11111I11111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I1111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JAIL DEPARTMENT NO: 180 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: /OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIIID 8M REVEIilI REVEIilI EXPENIITIIIE EXPEIIIIT1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INCIIEASE IICIlEASE DBREASEJ 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $20,030 $20,030 64880 PRISONER LODGING-OUT OF CO 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $6,400 $0 ($6,400) 64910 PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $8,600 $0 ($8,600) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,000 $35,030 $20.030 JAIL TOTAL $0 $0 $15,000 $35,030 $20,030 IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIJIIIJJJlIJII"III11"'"I1I1I1I1"'''''''''''''IIUIUIUIllIfIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIlIlIIIlIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Page 110124 c.n N~,' 1"-' --' e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT FlIMI BAL IIEVENII REVENII EXPENIIl1IIE EXPfIIIIT1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME lNalEASE RIlEASE INCREASE IICIIEASE DmlEASEl 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2 $0 ($2) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $52 $52 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111I11111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE"PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 460 AMENDMENT NO: 1019 REQUESTOR: TANYA D/MAK IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER FlIMI BAL IIEVENII REVENII EXPENIII1IIf EXPENIIIlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IECIlEASE INCREASE IECIlEASE lIlECREASEJ 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3 $0 ($3) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3 $3 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $262 $262 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $262 $0 ($262) AMENOMENT NO 1019 TOTAL $0 $0 $265 $265 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $265 $265 $0 IIII1III11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 470 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 _ge120124 e e CJl ~~:;{1 /""- FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 "1111111I1111111111I111111111I1111111I111111111111111111111I11111111I1111111I1'11"1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIII1ll1II1I1I11I1I11II1II1II11II1I1II1II11U11I111111I1II11I1I111II1 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 470 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT fU/ID BAL IIEVOOI IIEVOOI EXPBIIII\IlE EXPBIIII\IlE IIICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME I/lQIfASE IBIlfASE I/lQIfASE IICREASE I/ICREASEJ 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2 $0 ($2) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $102 $102 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $102 $102 $0 JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $102 $102 $0 1I111I1II1II1I1I1I1tI1I11I11I1II1II11I1II11111""'IIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIlJIllllllllllllllllllfII111I11I11I1111111I111I1111111I11111I11I111I1111I11I11I11I11I111I11I1111I11I11I11I1111I11I111I1111111111I111I111111111I11"11111I111I11I11I11' DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT R1NDBAl IIEVOOI IIEVOOI EXPEIOIlIlI EXPENIII1IIE IIICIIfASE ACCT 110 ACCTNAME GRANT 110 GRANT NAME IHCREASE IICRfASE INCIIfASE IBIIfASE IDECllEASB 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $20 $0 ($20) 63070 JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,200 $0 ($1,200) 63073 JUVENILE ASSIGNED-OTHER LITI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $26 $0 ($26) 63110 JUVENILE DETENTION SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,246 $1,246 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,246 $1.246 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $1,246 $1,246 $0 11111I1111I111111I1111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I111I11111111,',111111111I1111I1111111111111111111111I1111I111I11I11111I111111I11I11I1111111I111I111I11111I1111I11I1111I11111'111111I1111I11I1111111111111111111111111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO: 140 Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page 13 of 24 . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInlllllllJJlIJlllllllllllUlllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlfllflllfllllfUIIIIUlUlllllllllllftlltlllllf1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111I111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO: 140 AMENDMENT NO: 1010 REQUESTOR: NOEMI CRUZ IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAL RrnMf RfVEIIII EXPEliIITlIIE EXPENIIIlIlE IIIGIlEASE ACCTND ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME lNaIfASE 1Il:IlfASi: oomsE 1ICftEASi: IIBI\fASE) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $35 $0 ($35) 53030 PHOTO COPIESISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $45 $45 53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $35 $35 53110 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $239 $239 53110 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 54020 DUES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $20 $0 ($20) 54030 PUBLICATIONS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $296 $296 60430 BOOK REPAIRS AND BINDING 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 62630 FIRE & SECURITY SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $326 $326 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $749 $749 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $22 $22 64790 POSTAGE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $257 $257 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,442 $2,442 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $82 $0 ($82) 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $441 $441 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $82 $82 70550 BOOKS-LIBRARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,072 $0 1$5,072) 70550 BOOKS-LIBRARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $59 $0 ($59) 70550 BOOKS-LIBRARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $45 $0 ($45) 71650 EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $59 $59 AMENDMENT NO 1010 TOTAL $0 $0 $5,313 $5,313 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAL <;)1 RlVENlf RfVEIIII EXPlNIII1IIE EXPENOITlIIE IHCIlEASE ~':~-j ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRAIIT NO CHANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEl ('\;, 66618 UTILITIES-POINT COMFORT lIBR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $37 $0 ($37) e Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e _90140124 e CJ'l ~. CJ FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIJIIUlIIIIIIIJIIJIIII',I'UllUIlIUIIIUlUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I11I111111111I111111111111I111I1111111' DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO: 140 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIHD BAI. REVEIlIf REVEIilI EXPENIII1IIE EXPfIiIII1Il[ IIICREASE ACCTNO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IHaIEASE IECIIEASE IItCIIfASE IICREASE IUEASEJ 66620 UTILITIES-PORT O'CONNOR LiBR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $37 $37 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $37 $37 $0 LIBRARY TOTAL $0 $0 $5,350 $5,350 $0 IIIfflUlllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllltlllllllJllIlIUlUmllllUUIIUUIIUllllf11IlflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllnmUJIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT NO: 280 MENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAL REVEIlIf IlEVENII EXPENIII1IIE EllPEImlIlE IICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT 110 GRANTIlAME IItCIIfASE IICREASE /IICREASE IICIlEASE IIBIlEASEJ 62862 INSURANCE.AMB MALPRACTICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $9,999 $9,999 62872 INSURANCE-LIABILITY AND PROP 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $129,200 $0 ($129,200) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $129,200 $9,999 ($119,201) MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL $0 $0 $129,200 $9,999 ($119,201) 11I1I1I1II11IIffllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll..1I1I11I1I111II1II11IIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: MUSEUM DEPARTMENT NO: 150 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCT NO 51920 REVEIlIf IItCIIfASE $0 RIND BAI. INCIlfASE IIBIIfASEJ ($2) IlEVEIIll imifAsE $0 EXPEIOIlIlE INCREASE $2 EllPENDITlIIE IICIlEASE $0 ACCT NAME GROUP INSURANCE GRANT 110 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page 15 of 24 or ~, ~ e . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllUlllltlllllfltlIIIJIJIIIIIIIIIIIUlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I1111111I1111I11111111I111I11I11I11I1111111I11I11111111111I1111I11I1111I11111111I1111111I11111111I1111111I1111I11I" DEPARTMENT NAME: MUSEUM DEPARTMENT NO: 150 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RllillHAL IIEVEIIII IIEVEIIII EXPEIiIITlIIf EXPENIIT1Ilf INt:IIEASE AmND ACCT NAME liIlANT NO GRANT NAME INI2IEASE lIalEASE INI2IEASE IBIlfASE 0BREASfJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 MUSEUM TOTAL $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I1111111I111111111I11I111I11I111I1111111I111I1111I1111I11I11I111111I1111111111111I111111I11I11I111I11I11I11I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NUISANCE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 725 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAL IlEVENlI IlEVENlI EXPENIIJIIlf EXPENIIJIIlf INCREASE ACCTND ACCT NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INI2IEASE IBIIEASE IlIEtIIEASEJ 51920 GROUP INSURANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2 $0 ($2) 51940 WORKMENS COMPENSATION 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 NUISANCE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I11111111111111111111111111111f1I1IfIlIlIllIIIlIflIUlUl1IlIlII11111II11I11lI1IJlIIIJIIIIIJIII111I1111I1111I111111111I1111I11I1111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 AMENDMENT NO: 1008 REQUESTOR: H. BENAVIDES IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53510 IIEVEIIII lNalEASE $0 RIIiII BAL INCREASE lDfCREASEJ $2,565 IlMNlJE IICREASE $0 EXPENOITlDlE JNalEASE $0 EXPENDIT1lIlE lIalEASE $2,565 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES GRANT NU 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e . _90160124 e CJ1 ~" c.r: FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111nllllllllll111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 AMENDMENT NO: 1008 REQUESTOR: H. BENA VIDES jAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND 8A! RPIE11l1 IlEVUIII EXPEIIIIT1IIE EXPEIIIIT1IIE IIICIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INalfASE OECREASE llIEC8EASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $376 $376 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $605 $0 ($605) 53590 SIGNS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $376 $0 ($376) 53992 SUPPLlES-MI SCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 64370 OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,460 $0 ($1,460) AMENDMENT NO 1008 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,941 $2,941 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR; COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND 8A! RmIIII RmIIII EXPEIIIIT1IIE EXPBIIII1IIE \IIl:IIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INCREASE DECREASE llIEC8EASEJ 51630 COMP TIME PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 51940 WORKMENS COMPENSATION 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $5.000 53210 MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $150 $0 ($150) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $13,852 $0 ($13,852) 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 53540 GASOLlNE/OILIDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $8,894 $8,894 53610 BUILDING SUPPLIEs/PARTS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 53630 INSECTICIDES/PESTICIDES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $310 $0 ($310) 64370 OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,382 $0 ($1,382) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,894 $15,894 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $18,835 $18,835 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllIIUlUIIUllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I111I1111I1111111I11111111111I11I111I11111111111111I111111I11111111111111111111I1111111I11111I11111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I11111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 Wednesday, December 2',2005 Page 17 of 24 . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 '11I11I11I11111111111111111111I111111I11I11I11I1111I111111I111I1111I1111111111I11I11I11I11I11I111I111111I11I111I11I11I111111111I11I11111111I111111I1111111111I11111I111111111111111111I111I11111111I11I111I111111111111111111111I111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 AMENDMENT NO: 1012 REQUESTOR; AMANDA GUILLEN lAME NOME NT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RINIl BAI. IlEVEIIIE IlEVEIIIE EXPEKIITlIIE EXPEKIITlIIE IIICIUSE ACCTND ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IllmEASE IICREASE IIIIJ1EASE IICIlEASE lIECIIfASEJ 53210 MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 53210 MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 53550 LUMBER 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5 $0 ($5) 63530 MACHINERYIEQUJPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $too $0 ($100) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 70760 CAPITAL OUTLAY-INSURANCE RE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 70760 CAPITAL OUTLAY. INSURANCE RE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 AMENDMENT NO 1012 TOTAL $0 $0 $1.605 $1,605 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,605 $1,605 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIJJJJJJlJIIIIJlllllmlllIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII",II""II'II"IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 1009 REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER FRITSCH, PCT. 3 IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAt IlEVEIIIE IlEVEIIIE EXPEIIDITIIIE EXPENOI1URE INCfIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAMI II/C/lEASE IICREASE I/IQIEASE IIECIlfASE IDECllfASEI 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 53630 INSECTICIDESIPESTICIDES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 60520 BUILDING REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,400 $2,400 c.n 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,725 $1,725 :;,-,~~ 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $980 $980 Cj 64640 PERMITS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $30 $0 ($30) 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,125 $0 ($4,125) e Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e ege 18 0124 e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 ',11111I111111I11I1111111I11111I1111I11111111111111111I111I111I1111111I1111111111111111I11I111111IfIlllllllllfllllllllllllItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIJUJlllllllllllllllllllllllUIUlI11111111111111111I1111111111I11I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 MENDMENT NO: 1009 REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER FRITSCH, PCT. 3 IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIHD BAl IIEVEMI IIEVINII EXPENIIT1IlE EXPENIIT1IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME JNalEASE ImIEASE IllalEASE BlEASE OICIIEASEJ 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,950 $0 ($2,950) 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $10,000 $0 ($10,000) AMENDMENT NO 1009 TOTAl. $0 $0 $17,105 $17,105 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAJ. REVEIGI IIEVBIlI EXPENIITlIIE EXPENIITlIIE IIICIlEASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IllalEASE IBIIEASE INmEASE IBIIEASE OICIIEASEJ 66476 TRAVEL IN COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $76 $76 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $76 $0 ($76) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAl. $0 $0 $76 $76 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $17,181 $17,181 $0 1l1I1II1II111II1I1I1I1I1II1II1U1I1II1I1II1II11II1I1I1II111II1II1I1II1II1I1I11II1I1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1II11I1I11I1II1I1I1II1II11I111I11I11111111111I11I11I11I11I111I1111I1111I11I11111111I1111I11I11111I11I1111I1111111I1111I11111111I1111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 ~ENDMENT NO: 1017 I REQUESTOR: APRIL MAY IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl IIEVEMI REVEIIlI EXPENIlIJUIIE EXPENIlIJUIIE INmEASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO CRANf NAME INl1IfASE IBIIEASE INmEASE BlEASE OICIIEASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPliES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $665 $0 ($665) CJl 53210 MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLiES 999 ND GRANT $0 $0 $2,500 $0 ($2,500) ~~; 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPliES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3,195 $3.195 -"-J. 62664 GARBAGE COLL-POC PARKS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $270 $0 ($270) 62676 GARBAGE COLL-SEADRIFT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $270 $270 VVednesday,Dacember21,2005 Page 19 of 24 . FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111I111111I111I111111111111111111111111'1111111"1111I111I11I11111111I11111111I111111111I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllmnllllnnIJlIIIIIIIIIUII'IIUIUIIlIfI11I111111I111111I1111I11I1111. DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 ~MENDMENT NO: 1017 I REQUESTOR: APRIL MA Y !AMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl. IIEVENlI IIEVENlI EXPIMIIlIlE EXPElOlIIIf INCIIfASE ACCTNIl ACCT NAME GIlANT NIl CWT IIAME IHCIlEASE IBRfASE IIll:IIEASE IBRfASE OIEClIEASEJ 66590 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $30 $0 ($30) AMENDMENTN07lJ17 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,465 $3,465 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR lAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAI. IlfYEIllf IIEVENlI EXPBmlIlE EXPEIlIITIIIE INCIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIICIIfASE IICIlEASE INCREASE IICIlEASE OJECREASEJ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $300 $300 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,765 $3,765 $0 11111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlfJlIIII""'lIllIfflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111I11I11111111I11111111111111I1111I. DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAt REVENII REVENlf EXPENOOlDlE EXPENOII1IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IIICRfASE If CREASE INCREASE IRIlEASE !DECREASE! 50855 PATROL SERGEANT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5.000 $0 ($5.000) ell 51930 RETIREMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,000 $0 ($3,000) ~ 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) Ci) 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,700 $0 ($1,700) 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $360 $0 ($360) 53540 GASOLINElOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $7,000 $0 ($7,000) e VVednesday,Oecember21,2005 e c..n ,~, CD , e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 .1111111I1111I11111111111I1111I1111111111I111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I11111111I11I111IIIIIIIIIIIUlUlllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHlltllflllllllltllllll1IIIIIIIUlfllllllllllIJIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 AMENDMENT NO: 1021 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIIID BAl REVEJiII RfVENII EXPEHIITIIlf EXPEHIITIIlf INCREASE ACCT/lO ACCTNAME GRANT /10 GIlA/IT NAME INCREASE IIC1lEASE INCREASE IBREJlSE IIIC1lEASEJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $130 $0 ($130) 61310 COPIER RENTALS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $740 $0 ($740) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $610 $0 ($610) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $290 $0 ($290) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $700 $0 ($700) AMENDMENT NO 1021 TOTAL $0 $0 $20,030 $0 ($20,030) SHERIFF TOTAL $0 $0 $20,030 $0 ($20,030) GENERAL FUND TOTAL $0 $0 $397,905 $397,905 $0 FUND NAME AIRPORT FUND FUND NO: 2610 II1II1IU1l1ll1ff1lf1ll1ll1l11ll11l1l1l1l1l1l11ll11l111l1l11mm1llnllUU1f1l1lfU1l1f1ll1ll11l1111l11IIIIIUllllfIIllIIlIlIlllIIlIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIIllIJIIllIlIlllIJlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIUItUlIlIlIlIUlUummlllllllll111I11I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 1023 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCT/IO 64320 65180 RIIID BAt. IlEVBtII RfVENII EXPENOIIURE EXPENOIIURE INCIlEASE INCREASE IIEl:IIfASE INCREASE IBREJlSE OIEl:8fASEl $0 $0 $0 $180 $180 $0 $0 $160 $0 ($180) $0 $0 $180 $180 $0 $0 $0 $180 $180 $0 $0 $0 $180 $180 $0 FUND NO: 2719 Page 21 of 24 ACCT NAME OTHER SERVICES RADIO MAINTENANCE G8ANT /10 GIIA/IT /lAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 1023 TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL AIRPORT FUND TOTAL FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Wednesday, December 21,2005 CJ1 C." ,~! -'.}\ o e . FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND NO: 2719 1IIIIIfllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIlIllllUllllllllllItIIIIIIIIII11I11111I111I111111111111I11I1111I1111I111I11111I1111I11I11I11I1111I111111111I111111111111I111111I1111I11I11111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 !AMENDMENT NO: 1007 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: RECORD NOVEMBER REVENUE ALLOCATION RllfIIBAI. IlfVEMf IlEVBIII EXl'ENIIIlIlf EXPEIIIITlJlE INCIlEASf ACCT NO AceTNAME GII.OO lID GRANT NAME IHalEASE IBIlfASE INCIlfASE IBIlfASE IllalEASEJ 70751 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #1 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $27 $0 ($27) 70752 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #2 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $287 $0 ($287) 70753 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #3 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $77 $0 ($77) 70754 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #4 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $62 $0 ($62) 70755 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #5 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $76 $0 ($76) AMENDMENT NO 1007 TOTAL $0 $0 $529 $0 ($529) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $529 $0 ($529) 1111111I111111111I1111111111111111I11111111I1111I1111111111I11111111I1111111111111111I11I11I11I111I1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1IIIIIIIIflIJIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 1007 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: RECORD NOVEMBER REVENUE ALLOCATION ACCT NO 44061 44062 44063 44064 44065 46020 RJIlD 8A1. RmMI IIEVENlf EXPEIiIII1IlE EXPEJIIITIIIE INt:IlEASE I/fCIIfASE IBIlEASE INl:REASE IICREASE OIECRfASB $24 $0 $0 $0 $24 $252 $0 $0 $0 $252 $68 $0 $0 $0 $68 $55 $0 $0 $0 $55 $67 $0 $0 $0 $67 $63 $0 $0 $0 $63 $529 $0 $0 $0 $529 $529 $0 $0 $0 $529 $529 $0 $529 $0 $0 ege 22 of 24 ACCT flAME FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI INT INC.JUSTICE SYSTEM GRANT NO GRANT HAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 1007 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTAL Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e e c.n c,.n ,,""'~"" FUND NAME POC COMMUNITY CENTER FUND NO: 2736 11111111111111I1111I111I111111111111I111111"111"'1"'11111111"1111I11111111,',.,111111111111I11111111I111111111I1111I111111111111I1111111I11I1111I11I1111111111I11I11I11111111I1111I111111111111111111111111',11,',111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 1024 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT ACCT NO 60870 66616 RIND BAl RmIfII IlEVEIIlI EXPfKIITlIlE EXPEIlOOlIIE INCIIIASE \NalEASE IBIIfASE INalEJlSE IBIIfASE omuSEl $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 FUND NO: 5105 ACCTNAME CLEANING-P,O.C, COMMUNITY C UTILlTIES-POC COMMUNITY CEN GRANT NO CIlANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 1024 TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL POC COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS 111111111I1111I1111I1111111I1111I1111I11I11I11111111111I11I111I1111I111111I1111111111111111111111,',11111,',111111111111I11111111111111I11I11I111I11I111111111I11I11I111I111111I1111I11I11111111I11I111I1111I111I11I111I11111111I11I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 1011 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: TO COMPLETE LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING PROJECTS ACCT NO 71085 73180 73304 73345 73441 fUIIIIBAl IIEVfHlI IIfVBIlI EXPENIIJIIIE EXPENIIIlIIE IN\:IIEASE INalEASE IICIItASE IIICREASE IBIIfASE IIBIIEASEl $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,344 $5,344 $0 $0 $6,124 $0 ($6,124) $0 $0 $17,000 $0 ($17,000) $0 $0 $0 $15,780 $15,780 $0 $0 $23,124 $23,124 $0 $0 $0 $23,124 $23,124 $0 $0 $0 $23,124 $23,124 $0 FUND NO: 6010 Page 23 of 24 ACCT NAME CONSULTANT IMPROVEMENTS-EROSION CONT LANDSCAPING LIGHTING PICNIC T ABLESJRESTROOMS CIlANT NO CRANT /lAME 475 SWAN PT,EROSION RESP/PI 475 SWAN PT,EROSION RESP/PI 475 SWAN PT.EROSION RESP/PI 475 SWAN PT.EROSION RESPIPI 475 SWAN PT. EROSION RESP/PI AMENDMENTND10ll TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL FUND NAME MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERA TING Wednesday, December 21,2005 CJ1 ". j -, "", (-..;; e . FUND NAME MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERA TING FUND NO: 6010 IJIIJIIIJllJlJJlIIJIJIIllIlJlllumUJIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'UlllllllllllllllllllllfIIl111I111I1111I111I1111111111I111111I111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I11111111I1111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 ENDMENT NO: 1018 REQUESTOR: JAMIE JACOBY ADJUST REVENUE TO ACTUAL AND ADJUST RELATED EXPENSE ACCOUNTS RlIiDBAL RfVEM( RfVEM( EXPEIOIIIIE EXPERIITII\( INCIlfASE ACCTN1I ACCTNAME GIlAIIT NO GIlAIIT NAME INalEASf IBIlEASE INmEASE IlECllEASE IImIEASEJ 49230 PATIENT REVENUES 999 NO GRANT $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,500,000 51800 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $450,000 $0 ($450,000) 64265 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100,000 $0 ($100,000) 64675 PLANT OPERATION 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $240,000 $0 ($240,000) AMENDMENT NO 7078 TOTAl- $1,500,000 $0 $790,000 $0 $710,000 NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1,500,000 $0 $790,000 $0 $710,000 MEMORIAl- MEDICAL CENTER OPERA 77NG TOTAL $1,500,000 $0 $790,000 $0 $710,000 Grand Total $1,500,529 $0 $1,212,238 $421,709 $71 0,000 egO 24 of 24 Wednesday, December 21, 2005 e e c.n <.;.11 W tJ~ FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1I111111111111111U111111111111111111111111111111J1I1JJJJIJIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIlIlIlIlllffflIfIfUIIIHfUIIIIII11I1111I11I11I1111111I1111111111I11I11111111I1111I11I11I111I11I1111I1111111I11I11I1111111111111111I111I111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 AMENDMENT NO: 1025 REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER FINSTER, ,.CT. 4 jAMENDMENT REASON: IRECLASSIFY POSITION RIND 8AL RmNlI REVEIIII 00'EIlIII1IlE EXPENIIJ1IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME &//ANT NO GIIANT NAME INCREASE IICIIEASE INmEASE IICIIEASE lIBIlEASB 50075 ASSISTANT FOREMAN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $32,680 $32,680 50565 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA TOR ( 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $30,473 $0 ($30,473) 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,207 $0 ($2,207) AMENDMENT NO 1025 TOTAL $0 $0 $32,680 $32,680 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 1026 REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER FINSTER, ,.CT. 4 AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST FOR TCDRS RECLASSIFICATION RIND HAL RmNlI RmNlI EXPENIIJ1IlE EXPEIIII1lIIE INCREASE ACCTNO ACCTNAME &//ANT NIl GIIANT NAME INCREASE IICIIEASE INmEASE IICREASE lDECIIEASB 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $6,656 $6,656 51545 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $6,656 $0 ($6,656) AMENDMENT NO 1026 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,656 $6,656 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $39,336 $39,336 $0 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $0 $0 $39,336 $39,336 $0 Grand Total $0 $0 $39,336 $39,336 $0 Wednesday, December 21,2005 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Judge Pfeifer congratulated Sheriff's Department on the big drug bust that happened yesterday. Peggy Hall with the Auditor's Office stated that road materials were not abie to be awarded at this time they would be done at a later date. Mark Daigle stated that the Indianola Fishing Center contacted him regarding "No Wake Signs" that they would like put up at their property, John Debler with GSM Insurors spoke to the Court in regards to some new benefits that the County Employees will be able to receive by utilizing Memorial Medical Center for their medical needs. Court adjourned at 11:00 a.m. r-:r. 'I u:)':-t e e e