2005-05-26 Regular May Term Held May 26, 2005 e THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i !i !i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 26th day of May, A.D., 2005 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. e APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the minutes of April 28, 2005 meeting be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: e The Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report was presented by Jamie Jacoby. Buzz Currier reported to the Court that the hospital is purchasing automatic doors to replace manual doors in one of the receiving areas, a large blanket warmer for the Emergency Room, two Scopes for the Operating Room and Software Upgrade for the MR!. 001 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY APRIL 30, 2005 NET GAIN\(LOSS) YTD 375,193 CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: e Accounts Receivable- 634,585 (Incr) Decr Current Liabilities- 366,458 Incr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (46,663) (Incr) Decr Inventory 1,855 (lncr) Decr Long Term Liabilities (486,348) Incr (Decr) 469,886 TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR 845,079 PLUS: Depreciation 489,515 1.334.594 e Total Cash- 1,334,594 Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases (191,811) NET CASH- INCR (DECR) 1,142,784 1,142,784 1 e 002 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS . COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT ~ONTH OF, APRIL 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE ~MORlAL MEDICAL CENTER, 2,469,962,23 1,926,930,72 1,875,190.32 2.521,702.63 OPERATING MEMORIAL 17,533.56 21.62 0,00 17,555.18 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,906.24 17.J4 0,00 13,923.3& INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,941.69 147,815,65 147,794.50 1,962.84 TOTALS $2,503,343.72 52,074,785.13 $2,022,984-.82 $2,555,144.03 ANK RECONCILIATION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,521.702.63 0,00 374.676.56 2,896,379,19 MEMORIAL 17,555.18 0,00 0.00 17.555.18 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,923.38 0.00 0.00 13,923.38 INDIGENT HEALTIlCARE 1,962,84 0.00 2,851.13 4,813.97 TOTALS $2,555.144.03 $0.00 $377.527.69 $2,,932,671.72 1 2 003 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT APRIL 30, 2005 YTD YTD YTD e REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE NAME MONTI! YTD AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT WILLIAM, G.A 78,082.81 261,928,13 47,060.47 20.954,25 193,913.41 74% UN, M,S. 208,618.47 838,339.90 325,426.74 67,067.19 445.845.97 53% SMITH, J.K. 70,399.56 327,719.88 86,064.51 26,217.59 215,437,78 66% MCFAJlLAliD,T,R. 227,239.50 979,369.63 290.548.35 78.349,57 610,471.71 62% GRIFFIN, JEANNINE 7,610,96 106,007.66 16,659.84 8,480.61 80,867,21 76% BUNNELL, D,P, 279,655.94 1,332,530.47 541,269,75 106,602.44 684,658,28 51% NIRATSUWAN 69,681.25 483.919,61 158,937,33 38,713.57 286,268,71 59% ARROYO-DIAZ, R. 189,151.36 851,485.62 316.348.23 68,118.85 467,018.54 55% CROWLEY,W 274,876,94 942,883.95 302.599.47 75,430,72 564,853.77 60% CUMM1NS, M, 32,049,51 166,997.35 38,643.25 13,359.79 114,994.31 69% RUPLEY, M. 15,215.24 1I4,096.21 10,196,08 9.127.70 94,772,44 83% LEE,J 193,187.17 580.345,87 264,353.26 46.427,67 269.564.94 46% LEWIS, D 12,1I4.51 17,623.33 4,269.63 1,409,87 1I,943.84 68% STEINBERG, R. 12,678.54 45,761.84 1,280.03 3,660.95 40,820.86 89% RAMOS LABORATORY 6,773.79 (84,228,35) 0.00 (6,738,27) (77,490.09) 92% VISITING PHYSICIANS 337,853.17 1,346,389.64 398,485.46 107,711.17 840,193.01 62% ER PHYSICIANS 623.547.48 2,790,923.34 543,163.27 223,273.87 2,024,486.20 73% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 1I.815.04 13,347.31 141.30 1,067,79 12,138,23 91% OTHER 508,024.80 2,484,053.30 366,255.07 229,714,64 1,888,083.59 76% TOTAL 3,158,576,05 13,599,494.70 3,711,702,04 l,lI 8,949,95 8,768,842,70 64% e 3 e 004 e _ e CURll.ENT ASSETS CASE OPERATING FUND IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT PErn CASH MMP BOND PROCEEDS MMP HOSPITAL PORTION RESTRICTED DOllATION M!lP BOND SINKING FUND/INTEREST TOTAL CASH..................... ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DRBT PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVABLE MISC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE THIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE TIF GRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE...... INVENTORIES RADIOLOGY h FILM LABoRATORY CENTRAL SUPPLY SURGERY DIETARY MAINTENANCE PHARMACY TOTAL INVENTORY.. ...................... PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSURANCE PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES.......... ........ TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS..... ............ ... PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS FIXED EQUIPMENT MAJOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REPORTABLE EOND ISSllARNCE COST CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS LESS, ACCOMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIP TOTAL UNRESTRICTED ASSETS... ......., "" MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SREET AS OF, 04/30/05 TIllS YEAR '04/30/05 LAST YEAR 04130104 LAST MOIII'I! 03/31/05 2,515,549.66 739,127.90 2,536,445.30 5,000,00 5,000,00 5,000,00 625.00 625.00 625.00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 13,962.98 13,756.20 13,945.84 36,21 36,21 36.21 --_._-------~-- --------------- --------------- 2,535,173.85 758,545.31 2,556,052.35 4,355,201.36 4,997,905.80 4,591,262,97 (2,102,273.00) (2,399,035.00) (2,283,861.00) ,00 .00 ,00 177,223.27 104,325,13 175,327,89 1304,00) 280,292.00 1304.001 ,00 .00 .00 --------------- --------------- --------------- 2,429,847.63 2,983,487.93 2,482,425.86 7,591. 71 2,952,50 6,106,20 92,176,64 61,040.56 88,617.26 78,518,12 97,626.95 84,975.73 120,245.34 157,175.52 120,245.34 11,839,13 8,355.69 11, B39.13 4,B67,'8 4,569.36 4,867,18 148,757.84 120,919.55 148,757.84 --------------- --------------- --------------- 463,995,96 452,640,13 465,408.6B 98,104,25 87,965,97 25,194.66 20,045.84 33,213 .98 23,207.57 --------------- --------------- --------------- 118,150.09 121,179.95 48,402.23 5,547,167.53 4,315,853.32 5,552,289.12 "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' --------------- --------------- "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''===== 32,142.60 32,142.60 32,142,60 8,837,744.87 8,837,744.87 8,837,744.87 3,260,557,03 2,413,482.03 3,260,557.03 10,002,360.50 10,000,814.44 10,126,929.66 900,501.27 900,501.35 900,501.27 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 116,186,733,12) 115,255,19U21 116,234,076,721 --------------- --------------~ --------------- 6,846,573,15 6,929,487.17 6,923,798.71 12,393,740.68 11,245,340.49 12,476,087.83 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 4 005 CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED PAYABLES ACCRUED PAYROLL ACCRUED RETIREMENT ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX THIRD PARTY PAYABLES RETEN'l'IONwCONSTRUCI'ION IN PROGRESS ACCRUED VACATION/HOLIDAY/SICK CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION MMP BONDS REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT HOSP OBLIGATION FOR BONDS TOTAL CURRENT lIABILITIRS." , LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BONDS LONG TSRM LEASE TOTAL LONG TSRM LIABILITIES", TOTAL LIABILITIES..........., ... ... ..... RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS IIEMORIAL MEDICAL CElITER BALANCE SHEET AS OF, 04/JO/05 THIS YEAR 04/Jo/05 399,202.29 114,147.91 JJ8,646,23 .14 502,96 ,00 ,00 310,109.32 390,818.99 ,00 ,00 ,00 LAST YEAR 04/30/04 462,968.83 35,654.10 J09,530.13 (11,301 (6.14) 238,624,00 ,00 295,613 .39 236,979.00 ,00 ,00 6.76 LAST MONI'H 03/31/05 477,294.50 69,409.08 299,218.23 ,OJ 638.74 ,00 ,00 310,109.32 390,818.99 ,00 ,00 ,00 1,553,427.84 ___w~__~www___w __w__www_______ ww___w_w____ww_ 1,547,488.89 ,00 I,OB6,338.61 1,579,352.17 ,00 852,119.00 ,00 1,115,173 .09 __w________ww__ _______________ __~__w_w~______ 1,115,173.09 1,086,338.67 2,639,766.51 852,119.00 2,431,471.17 =============== =============== =============== 2,662,661.98 9,378,781.17 375,192.99 9,222,112,20 140B,J02.BBI _~_________www_ ~______________ _______________ 9,378,781.17 434,644.67 TOTAL GENERAL FOND BALANCE.............. 9,753,974.16 8,813,869.32 9,813,425.84 --------------- --~------------ ------------~-- --------------- --------------- --------------- TOTAL UNRES'rRIC'I'ED LIABILITIES. . . . . . .. . . 12,393,740.67 11,245,340.49 12,476,087.82 RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS, RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND LIAB, , =============== =============== =============== 17,555.18 533,637.41 17,294.45 533,637.41 17,533.56 533,637.41 _____w_____w___ ______w________ ____________.__ --------------- --------------- 551,192.59 =============== =============== 550,931.86 17 ,555,IB 53J,631.41 17,294.45 5JJ,6J1.41 551,170.97 17,533.56 533,637.41 -.------~------ ___~_w_~_ww___w __~____________ ----------~~--- ----~---------~ 551,192,59 ======:=='Z:==== 550,9J1.86 --------------- --------------- 551,110,91 e e 5 e 006 e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 04 Month Ending Aprl1 3D, 2005 Page-1- 6 007 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 04 Month Ending April 30, 200S SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO DATE e Current Budget Prior Year CurrentYTD Budget YTD Prior YTD Operating Expense Salaries 600,047,2S S77,350,OO 575,803.99 2,446,771.75 2,309,400.00 2,290,077 .83 Employee Benefits 231.018.13 172,827,00 121,138.08 688,430.55 691,310.00 622,475.64 Professional Fees 198,622,27 236,347.00 192,872.20 849,371.72 945,388.00 788,773.16 Plant Operation 54,751.42 34,580.00 30,392.40 179,755.86 138,320.00 134,312.85 Hospital General 61,186.95 53,325.00 58,443.62 207,151.28 225,800,00 191,342,89 Other Operating Expenses 532,673.34 444,824,00 388,723.91 1,895,060.44 1,780,430,00 1,514,840,75 Total Operating expense 1,678,299,36 1,S19,2S3,OO 1,367,174.20 6,266,541.60 6,090,648.00 S,541,823,12 17S,893,60 I 724,718.48 I Net Operating Gain/(Loss) 132,606.32 59,119,30 130,781,52 864,136,14 231,501,92 87,641.24 Non-Operating Expense Depreciation 192,058.00 94,007,00 124,197.44 489,515.15 376,028.00 495,944.12 Cost Report Settlement 0,00 0.00 0,00 (572.00) 0,00 0.00 Contribution to County 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Non-Operating Expense 192,058.00 94,007.00 124,197.44 488,943.15 376,028.00 495,944.12 Total Operating Gain/(Loss) (S9,451.68) (34,887,70) 6,584.08 375,192.99 (144,526,08) (408,302.88) County Subsidy 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Net Gainl(Loss) after SUbsidy (S9,451,6B) (34,887.70) 6,584.08 375,192.99 (144,526.08) (408,302,88) e Page-1- 7 e .' " 008 e o o c..o e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF APRIL 30, 2005 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL MEDICARE 1,294,174 216,068 123,926 56,301 197,272 1,887,741 Percent 69% 11% 7% 3% 10% 43% MEDICAID 198,858 28,157 6,887 22,192 5,893 261,987 76% 11% 3% 8% 2% 6% BLUE CROSS 255,257 92,173 50.492 31,374 12,295 441,591 Percent 58% 21% 11% 7% 3% 10% COMMERCIAL 527,492 240,095 127,280 92.791 99,241 1,086,899 Percent 49% 22% 12% 9% 9% 25% PRIVATE 189,306 190,371 150,168 130,312 16,818 676,975 Percent 28% 28% 22% 19% 2% 16% TOTAL 2,465,087 766,864 458,753 332,970 331,518 4,355.193 Percent 57% 18% 11% 8% 6% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 39.32 April 38,57 March QO MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04130105 ..------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 OAT E ~--~---- AcruAL BUDGET S VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET S VARIANCE I VAR OB NURSING STATION RBVBNUB e ROUTINE RBVBNUB 12,705.00 14,495,69 11,790,69) (12,35) 41,580.00 57,9B2,76 (16,402,761 12B.2BI TOTAL REVENUE. 12,705.00 14,495.69 11,790,69) (12.35) 41,580.00 57,982.76 (16,402.761 128,2BI EXPENSES SALARIES 25,60B,31 13,560.00 112,04B,31) IB8.85) 107,044.40 54,240.00 152,804,401 197,351 OTHER EXPENSES 11,453.97 4,882.00 16,571.971 (134,61) 23,842.73 19,583.00 (4,259,731 121.751 TOTAL EXPENSES 37.062,2B IB,442 ,00 IlB,620.2BI 1100,96) 130,887.13 73,823.00 (57,064,131 177,291 ------~------- ._~--------~. -------------- -------------- -------------- ----~--------- NET GAIN II LOSS 124.357.2BI 13,946,311 120,410,97) 1517.211 IB9,307,131 (15,B40,241 (73,466.B91 1463.791 MEDISURG NURSING STATION RBVBNUB ROUTINE REVEllllE 117,040,00 117,627.98 15B7,9BI (,491 563,635.00 470,511,92 93,123.08 19.'/9 TOTAL REVEllllE. 117,040.00 117,627.98 (5B7,9BI (.491 563,635,00 470,511.92 93,123.08 19.79 EXPENSES SALARIES 76,155.06 78,570.00 2,414.94 3,07 330,534.24 314,2BO,OO 116,254,24) 15,171 OTHER EXPENSES 48,962.70 19,752.00 1'9,210.701 1147.8BI 123,516," 79,007.00 144,509,421 156.331 TOTAL EXPENSES 125,117.76 9B,322,OO 126,795,761 (27.251 454,050.66 393,2B7,OO (60,763,661 115,451 -------------- --_._------~- ---------._--- -------------- ------------~. -------------- NET GAINIILOSS (B,077,761 19,305,ge 127,383.74) 1141.841 109,584,34 77,224,92 32,359.42 41.90 ICO NURSING STATION RBVBNUB INPATIENT REVENO 80,465,00 60,428,81 20,036.19 33,15 384,991.00 241,715.24 143,275,76 59.27 OUTPATIENT REVEN 11,045,001 ,00 11,045,001 ,00) 2,090.00 ,00 2,090.00 .00 TOTAL REVEllllE. 79,420.00 60,428,B1 IB,991.19 31.42 3B7,OB1.00 241,715,24 145,365.76 60.13 EXPENSES SALARIES 43,283.73 41,130,00 12,153.73) 15,231 187,577.95 164,520.00 123,057.951 (14,011 OTBER EXPENSES 1O,I22,9B 11,282,00 1,159.02 10.27 64,577.70 45,189.00 119,388.701 (42,901 e TOTALEXPENSRS 53,406.71 52,412.00 1994.711 11.891 252,155,65 209,709.00 142,446,651 120,241 ---------~---- ----~------~- -------------- -------------- -------------- -----~-------- NET GAIN II LOSS 26,013,29 8,016.81 17,996.4B 224.48 134,925,35 32,006,24 102,919.11 321.55 NURSERY NURSING STATION RBVBNUB ROUTINE REVEllllE 7,860.00 9,501.19 11,641.191 117,271 30,700.00 38,004.76 (7,304.76) 119,221 TOTAL RBVBNUB, 7,860.00 9,501.19 (1,641.191 117.17I 30,700.00 38,004.76 17,304.76) 119,221 EXPENSES SALARIES 7,913 .23 11,100.00 3,186.77 28.70 28,378.23 44,400.00 16,021.77 36.08 OTHER EXPENSES 991.26 2,210.00 1,218.74 S5.14 11,628.55 8,840.00 (2,786,551 131.54) TOTAL EXPENSES 8,904.49 13,310.00 4,405.51 33,09 40,006.7B 53,240.00 13,233.22 24.85 ._-----~------ -...--------- ---~--~._----- ------------~- --------~----- -~------ - -- --- NET GAINI (LOSS (1,044.491 13,80B,B11 2,764,32 72,57 19,306,7BI 115,235,241 5,928.46 38.91 9 e 010 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE _____m____ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM RBVENDE INPATIENT REVENU 35,849.20 49,071.03 (13,m,831 (26.94) 130,658,50 196,284.12 (65,625,621 (33,43) e OUTPATIENT REVEN 127,490.50 147,834.76 (20,344.26) (13,761 523,391.50 591,339.04 (67,947.541 (11.49) TOTAL REVENUE, 163,339.70 196,905,79 (33,566,09) 117.04) 654,050,00 787,623.16 (lJJ, 573 ,16) (16,951 EXPENSES SALARIES 39,773,02 40,980.00 1,206.98 2,94 160,345,89 163,920,00 3,574.11 2.18 LEASE AND RENTAL 412.50 583.00 170.50 29.24 1,650.00 2,332.00 682,00 29.24 OTBER EXPENSES 46,743,80 32,439,00 (14,304.801 (44,09) 159,366,28 129,815.00 (29,55U8) 122.761 TOTAL EXPENSES 86,929.32 74,002.00 (12,927,321 (17.461 321,362.17 296,067.00 (25,295,17) (8.541 .------------- -----._------ -------------- -------------- --.----------- -------------- NET GMNI (LOSS 76,410.38 122,903.79 (46,493.41) 137,821 332,687.83 491,556.16 (158,868.33) (32,311 SWING BED RBVENDE ROUTINE REVENUE 6,160.00 1,442.88 4,717.12 326.92 25,950.00 5,771.52 20,178.48 349.62 TOTAL REVENUE, 6,160,00 1,442, B8 4,717.12 326.92 25,950.00 5,771.52 20,178.48 349.62 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 104.88 ,00 1104,881 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 .00 45,50 ,00 (45.501 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 150.38 ,00 (150,3B) ,00 ------.------- -._---------- -----------.-. -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/REVEN 6,160.00 1,442,88 4,717,12 326,92 25,799.62 5,771,52 20,028.10 347,01 OBSERVATION REVENUE RBVENDE INPATIENT REVENU 8,540,00 ,00 8,540,00 ,00 29,670,00 .00 29,670.00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN 1,000.00 10,889.81 (9,889,81) (90.81) 3,975,00 43,559.24 (39,584,24) (90,871 TOTAL REVENUE, 9,540.00 10,889.81 11,349,81) (12,39) 33,645.00 43,559.24 19,914.241 (22,76) LABOR AND DELIVERY e RBVENDE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 10,807.74 (10,807,741 1100,00) 5,876,00 41,230.96 (37,354.96) (86.40) OUTPATIENT REVEN 136.00 1,023.05 (887.05) (86.701 1,020.00 4,092.20 (3,072,201 (75,071 TOTAL REVENUE, 136.00 11,830,79 111,694,79) (98,851 6,896,00 47,323.16 140,427.16) (85,42) EXPENSES SALARIES 8,758.16 14,280,00 5,521.84 38.66 32,374.12 57,120.00 24,745.88 43.32 OTHER EXPENSES 1,608.44 3,237.00 1,628.56 50.31 8,735.61 13,025.00 4,289.39 32.93 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,366.60 17,517.00 7,150.40 40.81 41,109.73 70,145.00 29,035.27 41.39 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------.------ -------------- -------------. NET GAIN/ILOSS (10,230,601 15,686,211 (4,544,39) (79.91) (34,213.731 (22,821.84) 111,391.891 (49,91) 10 e 011- MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOO: STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------.----- YEA R TO D ATE ...--------- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR AcrTIAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR CENTRAL SUPPLY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENlJ 2,453.20 45,853.48 143,400,28) 194.641 48,979.74 183,413.92 1134,434,181 113,291 e Otl'I'PATIENT REVEN 939,75 12,105.55 111,165,80) 192,231 10,665.35 48,422.20 137,756,851 (77,971 TOTAL REVENUE. 3,392.95 57,959.03 (54,566.08) 194,141 59,645.09 231,836.12 (172,191.031 (74.271 EXPENSES SALARIES 1,250.75 1,200.00 (50.751 (4.22) 4,951.21 4,800.00 1151.211 (3.151 OTHER EXPENSES 1,702.45 14,831.00 13,128.55 88,52 15,541.81 59,324.00 43,782.19 73.80 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,953.20 16,031.00 13,077.80 81.57 20,493.02 64,124.00 43,630.98 68.04 -------------- ------------- -..---------~-- -------------- -------------- -----.-------- NIIT GAIN/I LOSS 439.75 41,928.03 141,488,28) 198,951 39,152.07 167,712.12 (128,560,051 (76.551 PHARMACY AND IV THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENlJ 224,581.62 194,142.84 30,438.78 15.67 944,260.46 776,571.36 167,689,10 21.59 OUTPATIENT REVEN 149,466.72 107,153.19 42,313,53 39.48 525,966.04 428,612.76 97,353.28 22.71 TOTAL REVENUE. 374,048.34 301,296.03 72,752.31 24.14 1,470,226.50 1,205,184.12 265,042.38 21.99 EXPENSES SALARIES 10,968.66 7,890.00 (3,078.661 (39.011 42,932.64 31,560.00 (11,372.64) (J6,031 PROFESSIOllAL FEE 8,260.36 12,084.00 3,823.64 31.64 33,041.44 48,336.00 15,294.56 31.64 EXPENSES 60,819.69 51,689.00 19,130.691 117,66) 252,581.68 206,755.00 (45,826,68) 122,161 TOTAL EXPENSES 80,048.71 71,663.00 (8,385.711 111,701 328,555.76 286,651.00 141,904,761 114,611 -----.--------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NIIT GAIN/ (LOSS 293,999,63 229,633,03 64,366.60 28,03 1,141,670.74 918,533,12 223,137.62 24.29 CHF INFUSION TIIERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 OOTPATIENT REVEll .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 11 _ 012 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MON'l'HS ENDING .0413.0/05 ---:----- SIN G L { MaN T H ______m_ ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------,----- ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR IDlERGKNCY ROOM REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO 15,023.00 36,293.24 121,270,24) 158.5.0) 159,761.00 145,172.96 14,588.04 10,04 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 200,288.75 179,842.39 20,446.36 11.36 794,430.25 719,369.56 75,060.69 10.43 TOTAL REVENUE, 215,311.75 216,1:15.63 (8lU8l (,38) 954,191.25 864,542,52 89,648.73 10.36 EXPENSES SALARIES 61,377,39 51,450,00 19,927,39) 119,291 254,884.91 205,800.00 149,084,91) 123.851 PROFESSIONAL FEE 78,321.68 83,430.00 5,108.32 6.12 313,174.24 333,72.0,.00 20,545,76 6.15 LEASE & RENTAL 1,418.57 2,167,.0.0 748,43 34,53 5,991.03 8,668.00 2,676.97 3{LBS OTHER EXPENSES 30,035.53 9,898.00 (20,137.53) (203.45) 91,959.31 39,592.00 152,367.31) 1132,26) TOTAL EXPENSES 171,153.17 146,945.00 124,208,171 116,471 666,009.49 587,780.00 17B,229.49) (13 .301 ------._-----~ ------------- --------~----- --------.----- -------------- -------._--._- NET GAIN II LOSS 44,158.58 69,190.63 125,032,051 136.171 288,181.76 276,762.52 11,419.24 4.12 ER PHYSICIANS REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO 9,476,50 19,066.49 19,589,991 150.29) 105,450,50 76,265.96 29,184,54 38.26 OUTPATIENT REVEN 154,809.75 131,058.01 23,751.74 18,12 644,678.75 524,232,04 120,446.71 22,97 TOTAL _, 164,2% .25 150,124.50 14,161.75 9.43 750,129.25 600,498,.00 149,631.25 24,91 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO .00 ,.0.0 ,00 ..00 .0.0 .00 ,0.0 ,0.0 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,.00 ,0.0 ,0.0 .0.0 ..00 .00 ,0.0 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,0.0 ..0.0 ,00 ,00 ..0.0 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,.00 .00 ,00 .0.0 ,.00 ..00 ,0.0 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 ,.00 ,00 ,0.0 ,.00 ,.00 ,.00 ,0.0 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,.0.0 ,00 ,00 ..00 ,00 ,00 ,.00 CITY SUBSIDY ,00 ,.00 ..0.0 ..00 .00 ,00 ,0.0 ..00 COUNTY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,0.0 ,0.0 ,.00 ,00 ,.00 e TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,0.0 ,00 ,00 ,.00 ,0.0 ,.00 .0.0 ------.--.--.- ---------.--- .--.---------- ------._-~---- -------------- ---~---------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,.00 .0.0 .00 .0.0 ..0.0 ,00 ..0.0 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO 91,.096.06 101,606.49 110,510.431 110,34) 459,356.99 406,425,96 52,931.03 13.02 OtITPATIENT REVEN 288,274.19 258,665.06 29,609.13 11.44 1,286,487.41 1,034,660.24 251,827.17 24.33 TOTAL _, 379,370.25 36.0,271.55 19,.098,7.0 5.30 1,745,844.40 1,441,086.20 304,758.20 21.14 EXPENSES SALARIES 39,189.69 40,860.00 1,670.31 4.08 160,093.67 163,440.00 3,346.33 2.04 LEASE . RENTAL 4,864.26 4,530.00 1334.26) 17.37) 19,462.03 18,120.00 11,342,.031 17,4.0) OTHER EXPENSES 62,771. 74 58,566.00 14,205,741 (7.181 210,916.35 234,263.00 23,346.65 9.96 TOTAL EXPENSES 106,825.69 103,956.00 12,869.69) 12,76) 390,472.05 415,823.00 25,350,95 6.09 -------------- ----.--.----- ----~-------.- -----.--.----- ----.--.------ ._--.--------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 272,544.56 256,315.55 16,229.01 6.33 1,355,372.35 1,025,263.20 330,109.15 32.19 12 e 013 MEMORIAL MEDICJ\1 CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04(30/05 --------- SIN G 1 E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACT1lAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR B100D BANK REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO 27,954.25 20,452.81 7,501.44 36.67 75,492.'75 81,811.24 16,318.49) (7.72) e ODTPATIENT REVEll 19,950,50 6,818.01 13,132,49 192.61 50,598,00 27,272 .04 23,325.96 85.53 TOTAL REVENDE. 47,904.75 27,270,82 20,633,93 75,66 126,090,75 109,083.28 17,007.47 15.59 EXPENSES EXPENSES 11,653,68 6,540,00 (5,lll,68) (78,19) 30,837.75 26,160,00 14,677,751 117.881 TOTAL EXPENSES 11,653.68 6,540.00 [5,lll,68) (78.191 30,837.75 26,160.00 14,677,75) [17.881 -------------- ------------- --._---------- ----~--------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/110SS 36,251.07 20,730.82 15,520,25 74.86 95,253,00 82,923,28 12,329,72 14,86 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENDE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 -------------- ------------- --._---------- ---._--------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 SAFETY TESTING REVENUE ODTPATIENT REVEll .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENllE, .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,DO e -----.-------- ---._-------- -------------- -.---.-------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,DO .00 .00 ELECTROCARlJI010GRAPIlY IEKG) REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO 18,178.75 14,967.98 3,210.77 21.45 80,333.50 68,532.64 11,800.86 17.21 Ot1rPATIENT REVEN 45,532.45 45,766.64 (234.19) (,511 194,029.65 183,066.56 10,963.09 5.98 TOTAL REVENUE. 63,711.20 60,734.62 2,976.58 4.90 274,363.15 251,599.20 22,763.95 9.04 EXPENSES EXPENSES 2,462.06 2,946.00 483.94 16.42 9,543.12 11,784.00 2,240.88 19.01 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,462.06 2,946:00 483.94 16.42 9,543.12 11,784.00 2,240.88 19.01 -----~-------- ---~--------- -------------- -------------- -.------------ -------------- NET GAIN/110SS 61,249,14 57,788.62 3,460,52 5,98 264,820,03 239,815.20 25,004.83 10.42 13 e ('1 ,f U..L..-'l.. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ElIDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ____m__n_ YEA R TO D ATE n__hm___ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCB I VAR RADIOLOGY REVENUE INl'ATIENTllEVEN\J 9,357.75 14,059.26 14,731.51) 133.5BI 53,299.50 56,357.04 13,057,54) (5.42) e OUTPATIENT REVEN 116,330.83 126,193.77 19,B62,94) I7.B1) 486,743.74 504,715,OB (18,031,34) (3.57) TOTAL REVENUE. 125,688.58 140,283.03 (14,594.45) (10.401 540,043,24 561,132.12 121,088.881 13.751 EXPSNSES SALARIES 43,657,09 48,060,00 4,402,91 9,16 175,653,86 192,240.00 16,586.14 8.62 PROFESSIONAL FEE 3,960.00 2,500.00 (l,460.00) 158.40) 15,020.00 10,000.00 (5,020,00) (50.201 OTHER EXPENSES 17,220.41 17,453.00 2)2,59 1.33 67,721.01 69,810.00 2,088.99 2.99 TOTAL EXPENSES 64,837.50 68,013.00 3,175.50 4,66 258,394.87 272,050.00 13,655.13 5,01 -------------. ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 60,851.08 72,270.03 (11,418:951 115.801 281,648.37 289,082.12 (7,433,751 12.57) NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVENUE INPATIENT llEVEN\J 972.00 7,872.86 (6,900.B61 IB7,651 35,861.67 31,491.44 4,370.23 13.B7 OUTPATIENT REVEN 24,577.50 32,827.07 IB,249,571 (25,13) 134,167.00 131,308,28 2,858.72 2,17 TOTAL REVENUE, 25,549.50 40,699,93 (15,150.43) 137.221 170,028.67 162,799.72 7,228.95 4.44 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 1,963.88 8,002.00 6,038.12 75.45 14,843.02 32,008.00 17 ,164.98 53.62 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,963.88 8,002.00 6,03B.12 75.45 14,84].02 32,008.00 17,164.98 53.62 -------------- ------------- ---_________w_ -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 23,585.62 32,697.9] 19,112,311 121.861 155,lB5.65 130,791.72 24,393,93 18,65 ULTRASOUND REVENUE INPATIENT llEVEN\J 6,634.02 5,613,52 1,020,50 18.17 23,208.04 22,454.08 753,96 3.35 OUTPATIENT REVEN 57,587,52 45,095,51 12,492.01 27. 70 199,015.47 1BO,3B2,04 1B, 633.43 10,32 TOTAL REVENUE, 64,221.54 50,709,03 13,512,51 26,64 222,223.51 202,B36.12 19,3B7,39 9,55 EXPSNSES LEASE & RENTAL .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES 7,lB2.13 3,342.00 13,B40.131 (114.901 19,386.65 13,368,00 (6,OlB.65) 145.021 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,182.13 3,342.00 13,B40,1)1 1114.901 19,386.65 13,368.00 16,018.65) (45.02) -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN / (LOSS 57,039.41 47,367.03 9,672.38 20,42 202,B36.B6 189,46B.12 13 ,368. 74 7.05 cr SCAN REVENUE INPATIENT llEVEN\J 35,213.25 32,077.74 3,135.51 9.77 115,070.25 128,310.96 (13,240.71) (10,311 OUTPATIENT REVEN 205,786.25 175,353.46 30,432.79 17.35 832,100.25 701,413 .84 130,686.41 18.63 TOTAL REVENuE. 240,999.50 207,431.20 33,568.30 16.18 947,170.50 B29,724.80 117,445.70 14.15 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL ,00 22,000.00 22,000.00 100.00 .00 BB,OOO,OO BB,OOO.OO 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 18,002,99 8,898.00 19,104.991 1102.321 64,460.62 35,592,00 12B,B68.62) 181.10) TOTAL EXPENSES 18,002.99 30,898.00 12,895.01 41.73 64,460.62 123,592.00 59,131.38 47.84 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- .------------- -------------~ NET GAIN/(LOSS 222,996.51 176,533,20 46,463,31 26.31 BB2,709.BB .706,132.BO 176,57UB 25,00 14 e ,015 MEMORIAL MEDICllL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FQR THE 4 MOIITIlS ENDING 04/IO/05 ___nun SIN G L E M 0 NTH ______uu ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ AcrtlAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAA MAMMOGRAPHY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENO .00 30.01 130,01) [100,001 75.00 120.04 145,04) 131,52) e O1lTPATIENT REVEN 6,968.50 6,621.92 340,58 5.13 26,931.25 26,511.68 419.57 1.58 TOTAL REVENUE. 6,96B,50 6,657.93 310,57 4,66 27,006.25 26,631.72 374,53 1.40 EXPENSES 0TlIER EXPENSES 1,211.86 1,638.00 426.14 26.01 5,963.35 6,552.00 5BB,65 B.98 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,211.86 1,638.00 426.14 26.01 5,963.35 6,552.00 5BB.65 8.98 -------------- ---_.-.---.-- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 5,756.64 5,019.93 716.71 14.67 21,042.90 20,079.72 963.18 4.79 MRI REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 3,956.75 11,943.99 17,987.241 166,871 31,422.02 47,775.96 116,353,94) 134.231 OlITPATIENT REVEN 151,892.06 133,193.28 24,698,78 18.54 570,519.45 532,773.12 37,746.33 7.08 TOTAL REVENllE, 161,848.81 145,137.27 16,711.54 11.51 601,941.47 580,549.08 21,392.39 3.68 EXPENSES 0TlIER EXPENSES 9,803.45 34,335,00 24,531.55 71.44 87,855,BO 137,340,00 49,484.20 36,03 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,803.45 34,335.00 24,531.55 71.44 87,855.80 137,340,00 49,484.20 36,03 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 152,045,36 110,802,27 41,243.09 37.22 514,085.67 443,209.08 70,876.59 15.99 ANESTHESIA RBVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 28,813.25 29,072 ,56 1259,311 [,89) 84,488.00 116,290,24 131,802,241 127,34) OlITPATIENT REVEN 91,226.25 74,446.78 16,779.47 22.53 376,416.50 297,787.12 78,629.38 26,40 TOTAL REVENllE, 120,039.50 103,519,]4 16,520,16 15,95 460,904.50 414,077.36 46,827.14 11.30 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL PEE 29,780.66 41,652.00 11,871.34 28.50 146,526.14 166,60B.00 20,081.86 12.05 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 50.00 50.00 100,00 .00 200,00 200,00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 2,755.49 3,423.00 667.51 19.50 14,559,17 13,817,00 1742.171 15,371 TOTAL EXPENSES 32,536.15 45,125.00 12,588.85 21,89 161,085,31 1BO,625,OO 19,539,69 10.81 e ---.---------- .------------ ------------.- -------------- -------------- ---------._--- NET GAIN/ILOSS 87,503.35 58,394.34 29,109,01 49.84 299,819.19 233,452.36 66,366.83 28.42 DIALYSIS UNIT REVENllE OUTPATIENT REVEN 420,122.43 338,169.37 81,953.06 24.23 1,825,622.42 1,352,677.48 472,944.94 34.96 TOTAL REVENUE. 420,122.43 338,169.37 81,953.06 24.23 1,825,622.42 1,352,677.48 472 ,944. 94 34.96 EXPENSES SALARIES 32,740.66 27,570.00 15,110.661 118.751 122,791.60 110,280.00 112,511.60) [11,34) OTHER EXPENSES 82,888.70 50,183.00 132,705,101 165,11) 307,904.40 200,731.00 1107,113.40) 153,391 TOTAL EXPENSEs 115,629.36 77,753.00 131,816.36) 14B.11) 430,696,00 311,011,00 1119,685.001 138,481 ----.--------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN II LOSS 304,493.01 260,416,31 44,016,70 16.92 1,394,926.42 1,041,666.48 353,259,94 ]],91 15 e 016 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MOIITIlS ENDING 04/30/05 nm____ SIN G L E M 0 NTH nn____n ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AcrtlAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR CARDIOPULMONARY RllVENlJE INPATIENT REVENU 90,303.00 104,277 .82 (13,974.821 (13.40) 575,962,75 417,111.28 158,851.47 38.08 e OUTPATIENT RBVRN 25,051.75 31,471.04 (6,419,29) (20,39) 124,151.50 125,884.16 (1,1]2,66) 11.37) TOTAL RllVENlJE. 115,354.75 135,748.86 (20,394.11) 115,021 700,114.25 542,995.44 157,118.81 28.93 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 LEASE & RENTAL 1,070.26 467.00 (603,26) 1129,17) 2,349.84 1,86B.00 (481.84) 125,79) OTHER EXPENSES 32,801.91 31,637,00 (1,164.91) (3.6B) 131,131.05 126,548,00 14,583,05) 13,62) TOTAL EXPENSES 33,872,17 32,104,00 11,768,17) 15,501 133,480.89 128,416,00 15,064.89) 13,941 .------------- --------._--- --------._---- -------------- ---_.--------- -._-----._---- NET GAIN/ILOSS 81,482.58 103,644.86 122,162,281 121.38) 566,633,36 414,579.44 152,053.92 36,67 CARDIAC REHAB RllVENlJE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 :00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXFrnSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 -------------. ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ----._-------- NET GAIN 1 (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REVENlJB INPATIENT REVENU ,00 244.87 1244,871 (100,00) 2,230.25 979.48 1,250.77 127.69 OUTPATIENT REVEN 1,108.75 420.85 687.90 163.45 3,326.25 1,683.40 1,642.85 97.59 TOTAL REVENUE. 1,108.75 665.72 443.03 66,54 5,556.50 2,662.88 2,893.62 108.66 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 500,00 500.00 100.00 742.50 2,000,00 1,257.50 62,87 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 500.00 500,00 100.00 742.50 2,000.00 1,257.50 62.87 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAINI (LOSS 1,108.75 165.72 943.03 569.05 4,814.00 662,88 4,151.12 626.22 PHYSICAL THERAPY RllVENlJE INPATIENT REVENU 18,947.00 18,157.44 789.56 LH 92,854.50 12,629.76 20,224,74 27,84 OUTPATIENT REVEN 125,515.75 115,014.75 10,501.00 9.13 462,588.75 460,059.00. 2,529.75 .54 TOTAL REVENUE. 144,462.75 133,172.19 11,290.56 8.47 555,443.25 532,688,76 22,754.49 4,27 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 37,562.69 40,000,00 2,437.31 6.09 151,408.99 160,000.00 8,591.01 5,36 OTHER EXPENSES 10,350,53 1,694.00 18,656.53) (511.011 26,665.36 6,901.00 (19,764.36) [286.39) TOTAL EXPENSES 47,913 ,22 41,694,00 16,219,221 (lU1) 178,074.35 166,901.00 (11,173.35) (6,69) -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 96,549.53 91,478,19 5,071.34 5,54 377,368.90 365,787.76 11,581.14 3,16 16 e 01?, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 m__m_ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACl'DAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAN ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAA HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 86,954.75 94,226,31 (7,271.561 (7,71) 408,815,25 376,905,24 31,910.01 8.46 TOTAL REVENUE. 86,954.75 94,226.31 (7,271.56) (7,71) 408,815.25 376,905.24 31,910.01 8.46 EXPENSES SALARIES 2B,471.24 27,990.00 (481.241 (1.71) 114,941.61 111,960.00 (2,981.611 12,661 LEASE & RENTAL 2,041.45 83.00 11,958,451 (2359,57) &,165.80 332.00 (7,833.80) (2359.57) O'I'HEREXPENSES 13,494.05 13,698.00 203.95 1.48 59,069.31 54,794.00 14,275,31) (7,80) TOTAL EXPENSES 44,006,74 41,771.00 12,235,741 15.35) 182,176,72 167,086,00 (15,090,72) (9,03) ---~---------- ------------- -----------~-- -----~---~---- --~----------- -------------- NET GAIN/lLOSS 42,948.01 52,455,31 (9,507,30) (18,12) 226,638.53 209,819.24 16,819.29 8.01 HOSPICE REVENiJE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENIlE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------------- -.----------- -------------- -------------- -----~-------- ------------~- NET GAINI (LOSS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 PRIMARY HEALTIl CARE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------------- ------------- --~----------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 NEW VIEW REVENiJE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TarAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ~------------- -----~-------- NET GAIN/ILOSS .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 17 e 018 18 e 019 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MDNTHS ENDING 04/30/05 ______n_ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- .----------- YEA R T 0 D ATE ___n___nn A= BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTDAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR GROllNDS EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 ,00 557.78 ,00 1557,181 ,00 TOTAL ExPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 557.78 .00 1557,181 ,00 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES 1,152.00 1,200.00 48,00 4.00 5,251.35 4,800.00 1451.351 19,40) OTHER EXPENSES 6,969.88 519.00 16,450,881 11242,941 8,204.70 2,076.00 [6,128,701 1295.211 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,121.88 1,719.00 16,402.881 1372 ,411 13,456.05 6,876.00 (6,580.05) 195.691 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALARIES 23,169.93 24,270.00 1,100.07 4.53 90,357.70 97,OaO.Oo 6,722.30 6.92 OTHER EXPENSES 7,552.88 6,244.00 II/308.BB} 120,961 26,457.31 24,976.00 (1,481.31) 15,931 TOTAL ExPENSES 30,722,81 30,514.00 (208,811 1,681 116,815,01 122,056.00 5,240,99 4.29 LAllNDRY EXPENSES ourSInE SERVICES 8,674.20 6,833.00 11,841.201 126,941 28,389.49 27,332.00 [1,057.491 1),861 OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,674.20 6,833.00 11,841.201 126,941 28,389,49 27,332,00 11,057,491 /3.861 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 6,218,25 5,430.00 1788,251 [14 ,51) 22,452,53 21,720.00 1732,531 13,371 OTHER EXPENSES S13 .92 603.00 89.08 14.77 3,358.50 2,413.00 1945.50) 139.181 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,732.17 6,033,00 [699.171 111.581 25,811.03 24,133.00 11,678.03) IU51 PERFORMllNCE IMPRDVEMENT e EXPENSES SALARIES 1,860.14 1,920.00 59,86 3,11 7,773.0B 7,6BO,OO (93.081 11.211 OTHER EXPENSES 750.63 387.00 /363,631 193,961 1,189.?6 1,673.00 483.44 28.89 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,610.77 2,307.00 1303,771 113,161 B,962,64 9,353.00 390,36 4.17 SOCIAL WORKER/DISCHARGE PLANIII EXPENSES SALARIES 4,BOO.00 5,490,00 690,00 12,56 19,200.00 21,960,00 2,760,00 12.56 OTHER EXPENSES 419.70 497.00 77.30 15.55 1,952.53 2,058.00 105.47 5.12 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,219.70 5,987.00 767.30 12.81 21,152.53 24,01B.00 2,865.47 11.93 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT mENSES SALARIES 3,503.30 .00 13,503,301 .001 13, B12,20 ,00 113, B12,201 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 13 .62 ,00 113 ,621 .001 141.181 ,00 41.18 ,00 COIlNTY OFFSET 13,26B,521 ,00 3,26B,52 ,00 114,499,901 ,00 14,499.90 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 248.40 .00 1248,401 ,001 1726.881 ,00 72 8.8 8 ,00 19 e ('>"'0 ; ~. "," V~, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH m___m_ ------------ YEA R T 0 OAT E ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 19,421.48 18,150,00 11,271.481 17.00) 73,819.50 72,600.00 11,219.501 11.67) e LEASE & RENTAL 336.52 208,00 1128,521 161.781 1,730.83 832,00 1898,831 [108,031 COLLECTION EXPEN 2,101.34 3,167.00 1,065.66 33.64 12,324,65 12,668.00 343.35 2.71 OTIlER EXPENSES 7,610,37 9,024,00 1,413,63 15,66 32,422,01 36,098,00 3,675,99 10.18 TOTAL EXPENSES 29,469.71 30,549.00 1,079.29 3,53 120,296.99 122,198.00 1,901.01 1.55 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 8,099.63 7,140.00 1959,63) Ill,441 34,600.36 28,560.00 16,040,36) (21.14) OTHER EXPENSES 635.56 1,208.00 572.44 47,38 3,219.73 4,882.00 1,662.27 34.04 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,735,19 8,348.00 1387,19) 14.63) 37,820.09 33,442.00 14,378,09) III ,09) DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,128.11 4,980.00 [3,148,111 163,211 31,293.91 19,920.00 (1l,373.91) 157,091 OTHER EXPENSES 12,387.38 12,000,00 [387,38) 13.221 49,493.34 48,001.00 [1,49),341 13,10) TarAL EXPENSES 20,515.49 16,980,00 13,535,49) 120,821 80,787.25 67,921.00 [12,866.25) 118,941 NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 2,547.42 8,700.00 6,152.58 70.71 30,297.74 34,800.00 4,502.26 12.93 0TIiER EXPENSES 1,304.91 2,058.00 753.09 36.59 7,133,28 8,321.00 1,187.72 14 .27 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,852,33 10,758,00 6,905,67 64.19 37,431.02 43,121.00 5,689,98 13.19 HOUSE SDPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TarAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES SALARIES 4,841.14 4,740.00 1103.141 [2,331 19,802.30 18,960.00 1842,30) 14.441 OTHHR EXPENSES 555.72 9)4,00 378,28 40.50 2,367.68 3,823.00 1,455.32 38.06 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,396.86 5,674.00 277.14 4.88 22,169.98 22,783.00 613.02 2.69 EDUCATION EXPENSES SALARIES 4,151.69 4,650.00 498.31 10.71 15,529.40 18,600.00 3,070.60 16.50 OTHER EXPENSES 795.81 1,624.00 B28.19 50.99 4,568.46 6,634,00 2,065.54 31.13 TarAL EXPENSES 4,947,50 6,274,00 1,326,50 23.14 20,097.86 25,234,00 5,136,14 20.35 ACCOUNTING EXPENSES SALARIES 6,363.91 5,880.00 [483,911 18,22) 23,237.37 23,520,00 282,63 1.20 OTHER EXPENSEES 3,409.30 3,475.00 65.70 1.89 16,109.44 33,900.00 12,209,44) 115.89) TOTAL EXPENSES 9,773.21 9,355,00 1418,211 14.471 39,346,81 37,420,00 [1,926.811 15.141 20 e 021 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR TIlE 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 21,601.42 22,950.00 1,348.58 5.B7 83,350.94 91,800,00 8,449.06 9.20 e LEASE & RENTAL 46,10 125,00 18,30 62,64 1,6B6.BO 500,00 [1,IB6.BOI [231.361 OTHER EXPENSES 36,033,35 3B,152,OO 2,118.65 5,55 110,695.87 152,607.00 41,911.13 27.46 TOTAL EXPENSES 51,681.41 61,227.00 3,545,53 5,19 195,733.61 244,907.00 49,173.39 20.07 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,B96.00 3,900.00 4.00 ,10 15,401.12 15,600,00 198,88 1.27 OTHER EXPENSES 1,160.11 769.00 1391.111 150.851 2,295.13 3,076.00 780.87 25.38 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,056.11 4,669.00 [381,111 18,291 17,696.25 la,G7G.OO 979.75 5.24 HOSPITAL GENERAL EXPENSES WORKM1ll!S COMP IN 24,822.B1 31,001.00 6,178,13 19.92 102,737.23 124,004.00 21,266.11 11.15 ONEMPLOY!olENT INS 15,315.90 ,00 (15,315.901 .001 23,753.48 12,500.00 (11,253,481 [90.02) PROF LIABILITY I 8,284.05 9,000.00 '715.95 7.95 34,055,31 36,000,00 1,944.69 5,40 LEASE & RENTAL 2,193.29 2,605.00 411.71 15.80 7,902.99 10,4.20.00 2,517.01 24.15 OTHER EXPENSES 10,417.36 10,719.00 301.64 2.81 38,114.86 42,876.00 4,761.14 11.10 TOTAL EXPENSES 61,033.47 53,325,00 (7,108,47) [14.451 206,563.87 225,800.00 19,236.13 8.51 HOMAN RESOURCES/PUBLIC RELATIO E:XPENSES SA!JlR.IES 3,428.58 4,350,00 921.42 21.18 13,114.26 11,400,00 3,685.74 21.18 OTHER EXPENSES 3,205.03 5,293.00 2,087.97 39.44 10,151.42 21,172.00 11,020.58 52.05 TOTAL EXPENSES 6,633.61 9,643.00 3,009.39 31.20 23,865.68 38,572.00 14,706.32 38.12 PURClllISING EXPENSES SALARIES 7,678.88 1,830,00 151.12 1.93 31,113.13 31,320,00 206.21 ,65 OTHER EXPENSES 881.92 1,453,00 511.08 39,30 2,999.39 5,887.00 2,887.61 49.05 e TOTAL EXPENSES 8,560.80 9,283,00 722.20 7.77 34,113.12 37,207.00 3,093.88 8.31 AUXILLARY EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 19.57 ,00 [19,51) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 19.57 .00 (19,51) ,00 PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES .00 .00 .00 .00 241.10 .00 (241.10) ,00 EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 (241.10) ,00 241.10 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 21 e ,') 'liJ I}. " ~ i-t'-' MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR Tlffi 4 MONTHS ENDING 04/30/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- _____nUn_ YEA R T 0 D ATE n___n_nn ACTUAL BDDGET $ VARlIINCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REVENllE RElITALS 50.00 ,00 50.00 .00 50.00 ,00 50.00 ,00 e TOTAL REVENUE. 50.00 ,00 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 50,00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES",.", . 2,4IB,2B ,00 \2,m,2BI ,001 9,546.97 ,00 19,546.971 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES.. 877.76 ,00 IB77.761 ,001 6,161.84 ,00 16,161.84) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,296.04 ,00 13,296.041 .001 15,70B,BI .00 II5,70B.B11 ,00 -----~-------~ -----------_. -------------- -------------- -----.__.----- --.----------- NET GAlN I I LOSS 13,246,041 ,00 13,246.041 ,001 115,65B.B11 ,00 II5,65B,B11 ,00 SUBTOTAL GAINI 1,665,663.55 1,602,741.30 62,922.25 3.92 7,836,920.52 6,405,989.92 1-,430,930.60 22,33 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUCTIONS MEDICARE CONTR A 1541,666,6BI 1757,470,001 215,BOl,32 2B,49 (3,072,566,551 13,029,m,OO) 142,6B6,551 11.401 MEDICAID CONTR A 120B,221.8BI 1178,200,001 130,021.8BI 116.841 1871,852,461 1712,800,001 1159,052.461 122,311 INDIGENT CONTR A 152,9l1.371 .00 152,9l1.371 ,001 1210,012,921 ,00 1210,012.921 ,00 CHARITY CARE 1154,521.561 188,590.001 165,931.561 174.421 1661,196,701 (354,360,00\ 1306,836.701 IB6,5B) BAD DEBT EXPENSE 1155,390.191 \170,790.001 15,399,Bl 9.01 11, 1l8, 949,951 168l,160.001 1435,789.951 163,791 OTHER DEDDcrIONS I31B,749,741 12B1,490.001 137,259,741 113,231 1797,536.691 (1,125,960.00) 328,423.31 29.16 TOTAL REVENDE 11,431,4B1.421 11,476,540,001 45,058.58 3.05 16,732,115.271 15,906,160,001 1825,955.271 113.981 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS RETIREMENT 19,431.60 19,320.00 1111.601 1,571 79,263.84 77,280.00 11,983.B41 12,561 HOSPITALIZATION 161,892.34 103,110,00 (58,782,341 \51.00\ 410,3B3,14 412,440,00 2,056.86 .49 LIFE INSDRANCE 1,018.31 1,000.00 I1B,311 11.831 3,975.42 4,000.00 24.58 ,61 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,031.40 3,000.00 96B,60 32.2B 7,222.00 12,000,00 4,778.00 39.81 LONG TERM DIS 2,100,79 2,229,00 128.21 5.75 B.2B9,41 8,916,00 62L59 1.C2 PAYROLL CLEARING 275.38 ,00 1275,381 ,001 11,697.761 ,00 1,697.76 ,00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 186,749,82 128,659,00 158,090,821 145.151 507,436,05 514,636.00 7,199.95 1.39 e TarAL OTHER OP 1,618,231.24 1,605,199.00 Ill,032.241 1.811 7,239,551.32 6,420,796.00 (818,755,32) 112,751 OTHER REVENuE MEDICARE PASS-TH 70,490.49 50,000,00 20,490.49 40.98 192,105.22 200,000,00 17,894,781 (3,94) CAFETERIA SALES 7,022.30 7,410,00 1387,701 15.231 29,:rn,OB 29,640,00 130B.921 11.041 llITBRES'J' INCOME 3,533,52 1,250,00 2,283,52 182,68 11,517.28 5,000.00 6,517.26 130.34 INTEREST INCOME 17.14 ,00 17.14 .00 66,44 ,00 66.44 ,00 INTEREST INCOME ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 2,691,60 2,917,00 1219.401 11,521 30,226.29 11,668,00 18,558,29 159,05 TOTAL OTHER RE 83,761.05 61,577 ,00 22,184,05 36.02 263,24B,31 246,30B,OO 16,940,31 6.87 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------.- NET OPERATING 131,193,36 59,119,30 72,074.06 121.91 860,61'7,51 231,501.92 629,llS,59 271.15 -------------- ------------- -------------- ============== =-=====:=:===== -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- 22 e 023 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEN'rER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR TlIE 4 MON'lllS ENDING 04/30/05 _______n SIN G L E ACl'UAL BUDGET MaN T H ---------- $ VARIANCE I VAR , ______un_. YEA R T 0 ACl'UAL BUDGET D ATE ,--------.-. $ VARIANCE I VAR NON-OPERATING EXPENSE DEPRECIATION-LAN ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 DEPRECIATION-BUI 27,476.05 94,007,00 66,530.95 70.77 109,662,30 376,028,00 266,165.70 70,76 DEPRECIATION-FIX 8,936.00 ,00 16,936,00) .00) 35,727.02 .00 135,727.02) ,00 DEPRECIATION-MAJ 155,645,95 ,00 1155,645,951 ,001 343,925,63 ,00 1343,925,631 ,00 DEPRECIATION.POR .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 CONTRIBUTION TO .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL NON~OPER 192,058,00 94,007.00 196,051.00) 1104.10) 489,515.15 376,028.00 1113,467,15) 130.161 -------------- ------------- -------------- -.------------ -------------- -------------. TOTAL OPBRATIN 160,864,64) 134,887.701 125,976.941 /74,451 371,1D2.36 1144,526, OBI 515,628.44 356.77 =============", ------------- -------------- -------------- -----.-------- ------------~- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------. COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 -------------. ....--------- ----.--------- ---------.---- -----------_.- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 160,664,64) (34,887.70l 125,976,941 174,451 371,102.36 1144,526,061 515,62B.44 356.77 -------------- ------------- ====:="'=:====: -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 23 02-1 e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR APRIL 2005 e DATE APPROVED NP & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR REFUNDS 4fl/2005 (weekly) $ 542,894,75 4/14/2005 (weekly) $ 186,402.12 4/21/2005 (weekly) $ 251,431.98 4/27/2005 (monthly) $ 132,720,29 4/28/2005 (weekly) $ 221,049,12 TOTAL $ 1,334,498,26 Monthly Payables for May 2005 $ 125,812,07 e 2004 2004 YTD 2005 2005 YTD Referral $ $ 211,799.47 $ 258,811. 70 $ Charity $ 72,110.27 $ 297,210.92 $ 151,738.53 $ 659,222.80 Indigent $ 142,973,91 $ 543,233.04 $ 185,860,83 $ 796,374.93 24 e 025 RON ~:05/06/05 TIl!lE:12:42 ImlORIAL !!BDICAL CENl'BR CHECK REGISTER 04/07/05 THRD 04/07/05 BAIIK--CBBCK----------------------------------------____________ CODB NllI!BBR DATE AI!01mT PAYEB PAGE 1 GLCKRBG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 107084 04/07/05 99,85 AllBEY PRESS COIIPANIBS AlP 107085 04/07/05 35,56 URIFORH CORPORATION AlP 107086 04/07/05 1,903,50 AllBRICAIl HOSPITAL ASSOC AlP 107087 04/07105 73.50 CARDINAL BEALTH AlP 107088 04/07/05 308,50 _OUNCBMBNTS PLUS AlP 107089 04/07/05 34,07 AQUA BBVBRAGE COMPANY AlP 107090 04/07105 148.96 NADINE ARNOLD AlP 107091 04/07/05 406,00 AWBSOIlB PAGING INC AlP 107092 04/07/05 1,009.88 UIIKCARD CEI/IER AlP 107093 04/07/05 39.69 BSTER BARRIBNTBS AlP 107094 04/07/05 552.43 BAxTER HEALTHCARE CORP AlP 107095 04/07/05 2,587,00 Bl!CK1WI COULTER INC AlP 107096 04/07/05 882.91 BCOS AlP 107097 04/07/05 .00 voroso AlP 107098 04/07105 14,396.22 BERGEN ERUNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 107099 04/07/05 45,56 B J BROWN AlP 107100 04/07/05 2,225.00 CAL Ca! FEDERAL CREDIT AlP 107101 04/07/05 9,365.72 CAlRNS'l'ONB, 1M: AlP 107102 04/07/05 12,820.00 WBOON COUJm AlP 107103 04/07/05 183.06 RUBY CANTU AlP 107104 04/07/05 1,000,00 CA.REERBUILDBR, LLC AlP 107105 04/07/05 91.85 CSBD/CASJI PROCESSING AlP 107106 04/07/05 313.00 CllUBB SECURITY SYSTHlJS AlP 107107 04/07/05 95.66 llBLISSA CllMPIAN AlP 107108 04/07105 140.13 HELm DAVIS AlP 107109 04/07/05 815.27 DELL FINANCIAL SRRVICES AlP 107110 04/07105 80.72 KATHBRINB DIETZEL AlP 107111 04/07/05 164,13 DLE PAPER i. PlCKAGING AlP 107112 04/07/05 151,512,00 B>lCAllB NORTH TEXAS AlP 107113 04/07/05 660.00 B!l'l SERVICES mc 1145 AlP 107114 04/07/05 84.50 FEDERAL BXPRESS CORP, AlP 107115 04/07/05 507.23 FISBER BBALTHCARB AlP 107116 04/07/05 42.00 JOYCE FLANNIGAN AlP 107117 04/07/05 1,018,31 FORT DBARBORN LIFE INC AlP 107118 04/07/05 24,00 FRESENIUS USA IWWFACTU AlP 107119 04/07/05 779,20 I'1lN BXPRESS INC AlP 107120 04/07/05 12.16 ESTBER DARcn AlP 107121 04/07/05 248,00 ROBERTS J ROBERTS i ODKF AlP 107122 04107/05 7,115,38 BRENDA GARzA AlP 107123 04/07/05 3,227,05 GE BBALTHCARB FIN SRVS AlP 107124 04/07105 559.67 GULF COAST PAPSR COllPAN AlP 107125 04/07/05 3,500.00 LLOYD LANE GOBER, MD P. AlP 107126 04/07/05 26,59 H B BIl'l'r GROCERY AlP 107127 04/07/05 33,23 THE B+H SYSTEM, INC AlP 107128 04/07/05 1,207,04 IlBALTH FORCE NBDICAL AlP 107129 04/07/05 127,17 SALLY J HIcn AlP 107130 04/07/05 62.06 HILL COtmTRY DAIRIES AlP 107131 04/07/05 113.52 PAT I!RAlIICKY AlP 107132 04/07/05 150.00 HYDRO !lASTERS CARPET AlP 107133 04/07/05 600.00 INCIPIE!ll' HEAL'I'BCARE SO _ e 25 _ 026 RnN DATB:05/06/05 Too:12:42 mORIAL MBDlCAL CEmER CBECK REGISTER 04/07/05 THRU 04/07/05 B1NK--CBECK------------------__________________________________ CODE NUMBER DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKRBG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP eA/p AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP eA/P AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 107134 04/07/05 107135 04/07/05 107136 04/07/05 107137 04/07/05 107138 04/07/05 107139 04/07/05 107140 04/07/05 107141 04/07/05 107142 04/07/05 107143 04/07/05 107144 04/07/05 107145 04/07/05 107146 04/07/05 107147 04/07/05 107148 04/07/05 107149 04/07/05 107150 04/07/05 107151 04/07/05 107152 04/07/05 107153 04/07/05 107154 04/07/05 107155 04/07/05 107156 04/07/05 107157 04/07/05 107158 04/07/05 107159 04/07/05 107160 04/07/05 107161 04/07/05 107162 04/07/05 107163 04/07/05 107164 04/07/05 107165 04/07/05 107166 04/07/05 107167 04/07/05 107168 04/07/05 107169 04/07/05 107170 04/07/05 107171 04/07/05 107172 04/07/05 107173 04/07/05 107174 04/07/05 107175 04/07/05 107176 04/07/05 107177 04/07/05 107178 04/07105 107179 04/07/05 107180 04/07/05 107181 04/07/05 107182 04/07/05 107183 04/07/05 107184 04/07105 1,544.13 27,150,00 4,130.18 500.00 50.00 1,185,19 35.00 7,307.70 50.05 169,08 84.24 ,00 8,660.85 598.61 835.60 65.61 166,61 19.41 2,004,79 3,250.00 576,00 138.46 98,05 16,168.10 40.00 2,951.00 5,010.00 159.00 412.50 750.95 6,034,04 152.19 55.00 210.30 5,000.00 138,46 4,682.58 1,U5.00 28,636.86 5,819,48 9,99 52,980.54 266,22 74.48 2,040,50 85,650.00 230.40 35.00 417,00 28,190.00 89.37 INSTITU'rIO!IAL TRUST com ITA RESOURCES, me LOI<ER PIWUlACY IW1AGEIlB IlI<HORIAL BERMAmI HOSPIT IlI<HORIAL IlEUlCAL CEII1'ER IIE!lORIAL IlEDlCAL CEmER IlALIGIIAIll' HYPHRTHERIIIA TERRY W MCCLAIN CR1lA IlATERA IIAURI'l'Z . COUEY JANE HCCAIlN VOIDED MCKE8S0N GENERAL IlEDlCA MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S IlERRY X-RAY- SAN AN'l'Om: LINDA HEYER ClmRIL MITCHELL MOORE WALLACE ITATIO!IAL BBIIEFITS pARm NUTRITION OnIONS OWENS . HINOR IlICBELLE ORTA ORIENTAL TRADIlIG co INC PARRISH HooDY i FIXES, PHILIP THOMAE PHO'!'OGRAP RMBRA FIlIANCE PREmER SLEEP DISORDERS POL YllEDCO IlIC, POPIlLAR LEASING R G . ASSOCIATES IlIe RANDY'S FLOOR COMPANY lWlLIlI SAYERS SHIp SIIll'I'l'LB TAXI SERVI SlIITH BLB=C co lHe SOUTHEAST TEXAS BOSPITA ANGBLA K STRAUSS SYSCO - SAN ANTONIO, LP BOLUeIBm', LtC TEAM REHAB TLC STAFFING TAlFORD KANOFACTURING, TEXAS CO . DI8TRl1;'l' m TI!XAS GLASS . TINTING TI!XAS OUAllAl1rBED 8TUDBlI TI!XAS HOSPITAL ASsoeIAT TI!XAS HOSPITAL IllS EXCB TI!XAS WI1lBD HOSIC INe TI!XAS SOCIAL SECURITY P TIlB T SYSTBH. lHe, TRAILBLAZER HEALTH BlITB PAT TRIGG 26 027 RUN !IATB:OSf06fOS TIME: 12:" 1lEl!0RIAL MIlDIClL CEIIlER CHECK REGISTER 04/07/05 TRRO 04/07/05 BAHK.-CHECK----------~------------------------------------.-___ CODB NlJEBBR DATE AMOtJm' PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 107185 04/07/05 AlP 107186 04/07/05 AlP 107187 04/07/05 AlP 107188 04/07/05 AlP 107189 04/07/05 AlP 107190 04/07/05 AlP 107191 04/07/05 AlP 107192 04/07/05 AlP 107193 04/07/05 AlP 107194 04/07/05 AlP 107195 04/07/05 AlP 107196 04/07/05 AlP 107197 04/07/05 AlP 107198 04/07/05 AlP 107199 04/07/05 AlP 107200 04/07/05 AlP 107201 04/07/05 AlP 107202 04/07/05 AlP 107203 04/07/05 AlP 107204 04/07/05 AlP 107205 04/07/05 AlP 107206 04/07/05 AlP 107207 04/07/05 AlP 10720804/07/05 AlP 107209 04/07/05 AlP 107210 04/07/05 wrALS: 45,00 36,88 21.98 176,04 464.50 152.50. 116.64 183,60 1,397,10 175,00 167,93 206,87 952.34 49.82 4.,665.80 24,30 164,00 742,50 276,61 991,50 2,979,65 22,66 986,78 246,08 173.66 99,21 542,894,75 TRIPLE D SEClJRI'l'Y CORPO OIIIFIRST HOLDINGS UNIFORM ADVANTAGE 0III'l'ED PARCEL SERVICE OIIITED SERVICES UNITED WAY OF CALHOUN C BLVA VELA VCS SECURm SYS'l'EIIS THE VIC'I'ORIA ADVOCATE TllB VIC'l'ORIA COLLEGE-Ell PAIl VILW'UBRTE WAL!!IART COlIIllrnI'l'Y WASTE IlANlGEIlBN'I SLlZABB'l'll WSS'l'BROOS PISERV BBALTH - TENNESS DEBORAH WI'l'TNEBERT YOO!lG PLtJllBING CO CHRISTINA ZAPATA-ARROYO AB'l'IIA ACCBN'l' ACCBN'l' IWlATBON OIL COIlPANY IlUIWiA INC IWlATEON OIL COIlPANY AB'l'IIA PORT LAVACA CLINIC ASSO e e 27 e (")8 .. '''--.1 ..-' RUN DATB:05/06105 TI!Ill:12:42 I:!EIlORIAL IlEDlCAL CEI/!'ER crmex REGISTER 04/14/05 THRU 04/14/05 ~--CBEex--.----------_._--_____________________________.____ CODE _ DATE 111000 PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKIlEG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP AlP AlP AlP eA/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP _/P IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 107211 04/14/05 107212 04/14/05 107213 04/14/05 107214 04/14/05 107215 04/14/05 107216 04/14/05 107217 04/14/05 107218 04/14/05 107219 04/14/05 107220 04/14/05 107221 04/14/05 107222 04/14/05 107223 04/14/05 107224 04/14/05 107225 04/14/05 107226 04/1'/05 107227 04/14/05 107228 04/1'/05 107229 04/14/05 107230 04/1'/05 107231 0'114/05 107232 04/14/05 107233 04/1'/05 107234 0'11'105 107235 04/14/05 107236 0'/U/05 107237 04/14/05 107238 04/U/05 107239 04/1'/05 107240 0'/14/05 1072'1 04/1'/05 107242 0'11'/05 107243 04/14/05 107244 04/14/05 107245 0'/1'/05 107246 0'11'105 1072'7 04/14/05 1072'8 0'114/05 107249 0'/14/05 107250 04/1'/05 107251 04/1'/05 107252 04/14/05 107253 0'/1'/05 107254 04/14/05 107255 0'/14/05 107256 04/1'/05 107257 04/1'/05 107258 04/14/05 107259 04/1'105 107260 0'/14/05 171,82 993,50 110,00 89,25 189.46 1,349.31 100,47 3,750.00 584.48 50.18 .00 5',273,33 207.00 35,00 500.00 188.33 157,50 162.41 55,00 24.95 61.83 18,570.97 724,3' 173,75 75.23 179,80 35.00 129.08 1U,37 1,015,12 199.98 25,999,49 26,33 ',U5,91 81.41 8'2.50 100,00 68,68 1,120.00 12,711,84 7,490.68 1,200.00 825,00 185,40 40',21 38,77 372.50 290,00 3,867.50 718,97 AERIFORE CORPORATION URGAS-SOOTllWEST CARDIIIllL IlEALTH AQUA BEVERAGE COIlPANY lWlIml A!IIlOLD AVElIrIS PASTEUR AVIS RBN'l'AL ARIlSTROllG WAREllOllSE . T BAXTER IlEALTHCAllE CORP BCOS VOIDED BERGlDI BR1JlIlSW1G DRaG CO CAL COM FEDBllAL CREDIT CALH01JlIl COIlIlTY CALHOUN COIlIlTY PES'r CON R!JIlY CAN'l'tJ DAVIS . WILKERSON p, C, IIELEN DAVIS DETAR HOSPITAL KATHERINE DIETZEL FEDBllAL EXPRESS CORP. GE 1:IEDlCAL SYS'rE!lS GULF COAST PAPER COMPAII SALLY J HICKL HILL COtlllTRY DAIRIES HOLIDAY INN RIVERWALK H HOSPICE FOIlIIDATION OF A PAT BRANICKY VICKY KALISEK LIFELIml SYSTEIlS mc LOWE'S HOME. CEm'ERS INC _ORIAL 1:IEDlCAL CENTER JAIIE MCCARN MCKESSON GENERAL 1:IEDlCA LINDA _ER 1lIN0LTA FIlWlCIAL SERVI CIlllRYL IlITCllELL RAQtlEL IlORALES OUTBURST ADVERTISll/G PHILIPS IlEDlCAL SYSTBIlS PATRIOJ' GROUP POSTllASTER PROGlWI REGISTRAR RECEIVABLE MANAGBMERI', SEARS SIlllRI<IN WILLIAMS SPEC"l'RA LABORATORIES STAllFORD VAClJUM SERVICE SYSCO - SAIl Al1l'ONIO, LP STATE CO>lPTROLLER 28 029 RlJlI DATE:05/06/05 TIl!IB:12:42 IIEIIORIAL lIEDlCAL CBIlIER CHRCK REGISTER 04/14/05 TERn 04/14/05 BANK--CBECK-----------------.------------....------------------ CODS _ DATE A!!101INT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKRBG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 107261 04/14/05 8.152.20 TBXAS LINBN COKPAHY LTD AlP 107262 04/14/05 10.000.00 TBAM REHAB AlP 107263 04/14/05 9.075.00 TOSHIBA AllBRICA IlSDlCAL AlP 107264 04/14/05 12.495,00 TOSHIBA AllBRICA IlSDlCAL AlP 107265 04/14/05 .125.00 PAT'I'I THUMANN' AlP 107266 04/14/05 74.31 ONIFIRST 80LOINGS AlP 107267 04/14/05 98.92 UNIFORl!l: ADVANTAGE e AlP 107268 04/14/05 170.91 BLVA VELA AlP 107269 04/14/05 1.364.49 VSlUZON AlP 107270 04/14/05 7,88 WALIIAHT CIlHIIDIIITY AlP 107271 04/14/05 77.76 BLlZABE'I'H I/ESTB800K TOTALS: 186,402,12 e 29 e 030 RtJ!T DATE: 05/06/05 TI!IE:12:43 MEl<ORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CHECK REGISTER 04/21/05 TBRD 0~/21/05 EANK--CHECK---------___________________________________________ CODE IIDMBER DATE AMOllIIT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP AlP AlP AlP eA/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A!P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP ./P IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 107272 04/21/05 107273 0~121!05 10727~ 04/21/05 107275 04/21/05 107276 0~121/05 107277 0~/21!05 107278 04/21/05 107279 04/21/05 107280 0~/21/05 107281 04/21/05 107282 0~/21/05 107283 04/21/05 10728~ 0~/21/05 107285 0~/21/05 107286 04121105 107287 0~!21/05 107288 0~/21/05 107189 0~/I1/05 107290 04/21/05 107291 0~/21/05 107292 0~/21/05 107293 04/21/05 107294 04/21/05 107295 04/21/05 107296 04/21/05 107297 04121105 107298 04/21/05 107299 04/21/05 107300 04/21/05 107301 04/21/05 107301 04/21/05 107303 04/21/05 107304 04/21/05 107305 04/21/05 107306 04/21/05 107307 04/21/05 107308 04/21/05 107309 04121/05 107310 04/21/05 107311 04/21/05 107312 04121105 107313 04121/05 107314 04/21/05 107315 04/21105 107316 04/.1/05 107317 04/21/05 107318 04/21/05 107319 04/.1/05 107320 04/21/05 107321 04/21/05 124.81 .3,080.57 240,00 32,96 580.80 ",214.71 836,99 3,381.66 93.79 ,00 7,043.52 167.24 19.57 1,018.00 144,59 91.85 133 .12 25,00 300.00 135.68 840,20 111,46 403,95 167,50 1,181.68 6,144.76 17.30 453.01 371. 61 69,09 104,00 7,115,38 24,956.71 610,96 56,41 91.3' 147,452.58 102.83 91.98 386.85 1,518.65 800,00 161. 59 190.27 100.00 21. 75 100,00 9,249.4. 7,307,70 32,'0 AERIFORII CORPORATION AG MICROSYSTE1!IS IlIC AllITA FRICKE - COlJNTY C ALL SAFETY Ii: SUPPLY AMIlRICAII KIDNEY PUIlD BANKCARD CENTER BAXTER lIEALTBCARIl CORP BBCKWITH ELECTRONIC EIIG BCOS VOIDED BERGEI/ BRUl/SWIG DRaG CO BEST l/ESTERN PORT LAVAC B J BROWl! CAL COl! FlIDllRAL CREDIT RllEY CANro CSRD/CAS' PROCESSING CRISTIlIA CANro HELISSA COIlPIAII DAVIS Ii: DAVIS, P.C. IIELEN DAVIS DELL PIIWICIAL SERVICES I<ATHllRnlE DIETZEL DIVERSIFIIID BOSINESS SY DLIl PAPER . PACKAGING llIORE NORTH TEXAS MEX PIIDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FORT DEARBORN LIFE IN'SU PDIl EXPRESS WC GE MEDICAL SYS'1'EMS, INF G T PICKQP . DELIVERY BRENDA GARZA GE lIEALTHCARIl FIN SRVS GULF COAST PAPER COOAII . E BO'l'r GROCERY SALLY J 'ICK!. BILL-ROE HILL COtlNTRY DAIRIES PAT IlRAllICKY IKON FIIWlCIAL SERVICES IllSTITOTIONAL TROST COIl I,E.S,A, IVAI!S JWE JACOBY VICKY KALISER Till! LAObOJROIlAT LOLAC COONCIL 1671 1lEE0RIAL lIEDlCAL CENTER TERRY W ECCLAIN CRlIA JAlIE ECCARIl 30 031 RON ~,05/06/05 TIll! , 12 , 43 1lEl!0RIAL MBDI CAL CEllrER CllIlCK REGlmR 04/JI/05 THRU 04/JI/05 BlUiK--CllIlCK-----------------___________________________________ CODS Nll!!lBBR DATE !MOM PAl'ss PAGS 2 GLCKRBG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 10732J 04/JI/05 AlP 107323 04/21/05 AlP 1073J4 04/J1/05 AlP 107325 04/21/05 AlP 1073J6 04/21/05 AlP 1073J7 04/JI/05 AlP 1073J8 04/JI/05 AlP 1073J9 04/JI/05 AlP 107330 04/J1/05 AlP 107331 04/JI/05 AlP 10733J 04/JI/05 AlP 107333 04/21105 AlP 207334 04/22/05 AlP 107335 04/J1/05 AlP 107336 04/JI/05 AlP 107337 04/JI/05 AlP 107338 04/21/05 AlP 107339 04/21/05 AlP 107340 04/JI/05 AlP 107342 04/JI/05 AlP 10734J 04/J1/05 AlP 107343 04/J1/05 AlP 107344 04/JI/05 AlP 107345 04/JI/05 AlP 107346 04/JI/05 AlP 107347 04/J1/05 AlP 107348 04/J1/05 AlP 207343 04/21/05 AlP 107350 04lJI/05 AlP 107351 04/21/05 AlP 10735J 04/JI/05 AlP 107353 04/21105 AlP 107354 04/J1/05 AlP 107355 04/21/05 AlP 107356 04/21/05 AlP 107357 04/21/05 AlP 107358 04/J1/05 AlP 107359 04/21/05 AlP 107360 04/21/05 AlP 107361 04/JI/05 AlP 107362 04121105 AlP 107363 04/JI/05 AlP 107364 04121/05 AlP 107365 04/21/05 AlP 107366 04/JI/05 AlP 107367 04/JI/05 AlP 107368 04/JI/05 AlP 107369 04/JI/05 AlP 107370 04/21/05 AlP 107371 04/J1/05 'l'O'rALS, 3,924,78 485,10 759,69 J,868,39 414,43 138,46 218.65 77.J4 146.70 38.09 236.50 859,37 138,46 4,778.12 643.04 49.00 673,49 135,00 1J7,90 15J,50 470,84 190,76 877.76 48.23 69,J6 50,00 J5,OO 172.55 60,95 189,00 JO,80 45,15 95,45 IJ,83 210,75 14J.50 131.33 59,69 100,00 J5.33 780.n 50.00 15,75 56.08 5J.33 97.00 57.60 71,J6 J5.00 376.25 J51, 431, 98 HCKBSSO~ GIlNBRAL !!BDlCA IllIDIQ HET1IFB !lBRIDWI PROFSSSIOIIAL S L1NDl IlBYER HICllIlLLS ORTA ROSA PRREZ PIT!lBY BOWES INC R G i .!.SSOCIATBS :we LINDA !tJDDICll:: SANDY RUDDICK STRYKER SALSS CORP Al/GELA K STRAOSS SYSCO - SAN Am'OOD, LP STERICYCLE, IHe TESTBNGBBR INC TLC STAFFING TiT COl!II!lJNICATIONS INC TEXAS GUARANTBBD STODBN UllITED WAY OF CALB01IN C VBA SOUTBWBST COl!II!lJNITY ELVA VELA VBRIZON SOllTBWBST WAt!WlT commTl' BLIZMBTB WESTBROOK X-lUTB INC 1lET00ER BBl'TY J ROSSELL MBRRILOO HOTLBY DANIBL AmIA URBSTI IlARTIN ONDREAS SANDRA SHAW JOHN P WMIG S IlRA!lICKY PAl'RICIA BUDSON EVA V MAYORGA TBREZA SMITH JEFFERY KBllFAUI'ER NANcr BAYES MARIANNA lJllITED BBALTBCARB IlBRlWlDEZ BS'l'l'Y SAJOOS LANYINE TAPLBY LINDA POPPLEWBLL LOUISE TBARLING ALLBI! IIDGIlNB ISBNBERGBR !IAlUlY LYNCH KAY PFBIFER BARBARA LYmi WALLACE BRYAN e e 31 e 032 ROI/ DATll:OS/06/05 TDIE: 12 :43 _CRIAL IlEDlCAL CENl'ER CHECK REGISTER 04/27/05 THRU 04/27/05 BANK--CHSCK-------------_______________________________________ CODB NtlIlBER DATE!EOOIlT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKllEG ~-._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP -AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP _A~: IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 107372 04/27/05 107373 04/27/05 107374 04/27/05 107,75 04/27/05 107,76 04/27/05 107377 04/27/05 107378 04/27/05 107379 04/27/05 107380 04/27/05 107381 04/27/05 107,82 04/27/05 107383 04117/05 107384 04117/05 107385 04/27/05 107386 04/27/05 107387 04/27/05 107388 04117/05 107389 04/27/05 107,90 04/27/05 107391 04/27/05 107392 04/27/05 107393 04/27/05 107394 04117/05 107395 041l7/05 107396 04117/05 107397 04/27/05 107398 04/27/05 107399 04/27/05 107400 04/27105 107401 04/27/05 107402 04/27/05 107403 04127105 107404 04127/05 107405 04/27/05 107406 04/27/05 107407 04/27/05 107408 04/27/05 107409 04/27/05 107410 04/27/05 107411 04/27/05 107412 04117/05 107413 04/27/05 107414 04/27/05 107415 04/27/05 107416 04/27/05 107417 04117/05 107418 04/27/05 107419 04/27/05 107420 04117/05 107421 04117/05 51.26 342.,5 27.50 1,092,45 5,295.59 99,50 845.,6 370.00 887,06 1,046.55 31,861.99 233.75 1,301.01 147.07 100,2, 1,165.14 73,59 ,00' 4,293,94 14,338.79 l,lD.08 496,62 16,686,88 146,99 928.00 417.75 453.91 159,,6 65.08 1>,627.74 165.11 66.72 ,37,,4 170,78 127,10 203.76 645.28 521.53 928.00 192.00 2,851.50 317.95 6,,56,01 479.51 79,80 146,24 1,901.15 443,83 63,80 128.45 ADVANCE IlEDlCAL DE8IGNS ADVANCED MEDICAL IIlNOVA AIRCAST IIIC liRFLOW CAllDllIAL HEALTH ARIWII' HEALTHCARE ARROW IIIl'ERNATIO!IAL IIiC ARTIlROCARH CORPORATIOI/ ASPECT IlEDlCAL SYSTEIlS C R BllUl INC BECKIIAIl COULTER IIIC 8ALLARD IlEDlCAL PRODUCT EOSTOH SCIEN1'IFIC CORI'O BOllHIl TREE MEDICAL, LLC BlUGGS CORl'ORATIOH COlOOID CORl'ORATIOI/ CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. VOIDED TIlE COOIICIL COMPANY CPSI DADE BEHRING DATEX-OHMEDA SOURCEOHE HEALTHCARE TE DI-ClmI, mc. EBI IlEDlCAL SYSTEI!S IIIC EDWARDS LlFESCIBlICES EQDAL DIAGNOSTICS EIIE COMPANY FISHER &: PAYKEL HEALTHC FRESEllIUS USA lWlUFACTU H &. S TECHNICAL SERVICE IlARBOR LI_ HARLEE MEDICAL TECH, IN HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS I HB!IRY SCHEIH mc, HOLLISTER mc lU'l'A MEDICAL SYSTBHS, I IHI'OW llIC lliXOMPARABLE INSTRDIDlHTATIOI/ WORAT mEGRATED MEDICAL SYST K-1!lEI) INC WCORl' OF AMERICA HOLD LDlVATEC CORPORATIOH L>IA HORTH A>lERICA IlAIHLIIlE !!BDlCAL IIIC I!ALLlliCKRDDT mc MARK'S PLOHBING PARTS IlARl<ETLAB IlEDlEADGE 32 033 RllN IlAT!:OS/06/0S TIIlB:U:43 l!EIIOJlIAL mEDICAL CEm'Ell CBBCK REGISTER 04/27/05 THRU 04/27/05 BANK--CHBCK-------------------------------_____________________ CODE lIlJEBBR DATE AlIOONl' PAJEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 107422 04/27/05 AlP 107423 04/27/05 AlP 107424 04/27/05 AlP 107425 04/27/05 AlP 107426 04/27/05 AlP 107427 04/27/05 AlP 107428 04/27/05 AlP 107429 04/27/05 AlP 107430 04/27/05 AlP 107431 04/27/05 AlP 107432 04/27/05 AlP 107433 04/27/05 AlP 107434 04/27/05 AlP 107435 04/27/05 AlP 107436 04/27/05 AlP 107437 04/27/05 AlP 107438 04/27/05 AlP 107439 04/27/05 AlP 107440 04/27/05 AlP 107441 04/27/05 AlP 107442 04/27/05 AlP 107443 04/27/05 AlP 107444 04/27/05 AlP 107445 04/27/05 AlP 107446 04/27/05 AlP 107447 04/27/05 AlP 107448 04/27/05 AlP 107449 04/27/05 AlP 107450 04/27/05 AlP 107451 04/27/05 AlP 107452 04/27/05 AlP 107453 04/27/05 AlP 107454 04/27/05 AlP 107455 04/27/05 AlP 107456 04/27/05 TOTALS: 112,65 1,258,90 1,061.16 683,24 665,15 52,73 88,75 127,44 51.02 279.27 822,22 78,00 130,56 596,07 781.80 232,06 214,50 62,83 230,00 25.44 91.50 859.23 377,96 277,95 514.52 271,74 190.80 154.69 6,823,65 79.31 217,59 106.44 30.52 95.31 1,260.89 132,720.29 IlEDIX PIWU!ACEt1TICALS A IlEDLEARII IlEDRAn INC MEDTRCl/lIC PRYSIO-COm'RO MEDTRCl/lIC USA, INC, - MORGAN SCIEIl1'IFIC INC IlK IlEDlCAL PRODUCTS, IN OZARK BIOmEDICAL, LLC ON-SITE TESTING SPECIAL PHILIPS IlEDlCAL SYSTBMS PILLING WECK PRODU~S FOR SURGERY IN PROIlOTIONSNOl1.ctII QUEST DIAGl/OSTICS RPC REPROCESSING PRODUC RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS IN ROES PRODU~S SCALS-TRONIX ACCESSORIS SIGIlA. 1I1l'ERIllTIONAL SOO'I'IlSTAR SUPPLY COIlPAI/ SPScrROH SURGICAL SUPPL ST JOlIN RECORD PROGRAMS STRYRBR SALSS CORP STSRJ:S CORPORATION TAYLOR-MED,LLC TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY TRI -AIm! REALTR SERVICE TRI-STATB HOSPITAL supp UAL UNITED STATRS SURGICAL UTAH IlEOlCAL PRODUCTS I VICTOR EQUIPIlENT W W GRAINGER INe ZDlIlER US, INC. e e 33 e 034 RON DATE:05/06/05 TI!!lE:12:43 _DRIAL EEDlCAL CEIIl'ER CHECK REGISTER 04/28/05 THRO 04/28/05 BANK--CHECK--------------______________________________________ CODE NOOER DATE AlilOONT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP _AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AI> AI> AlP AlP AI> AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP ..;: W/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 107457 04/28/05 107458 04/28105 107459 04/28105 107460 04/28/05 107461 04/28/05 107462 04/28105 107463 04/28/05 107464 04/28105 107465 04/28105 107466 04/28105 107467 04/28105 107468 04/28105 107469 04/28105 107470 04/28105 107471 04/28105 107472 04/28105 107473 04/28105 107474 04/28/05 107475 04/28/05 107476 04/28105 107477 04/28/05 107478 04/28/05 107479 04/28105 107480 04/28/05 107481 04/28/05 107482 04/28105 107483 04/28/05 107484 04/28105 107485 04/28/05 107486 04/28/05 107487 04/28/05 107488 04/28/05 107489 04/28/05 107490 04/28/05 107491 04/28/05 107492 04/28/05 107493 04/28105 107494 04/28105 107495 04/28/05 107496 04/28/05 107497 04/28/05 107498 04/28/05 107499 04/28/05 107500 04/28/05 107501 04/28/05 107502 04/28/05 107503 04/28/05 107504 04/28/05 107505 04/28/05 107506 04/28105 81.31 77,05 350.72 1,469.67 3,235,02 365,40 80,00 1,686.62 1,453.83 ,00 8,877.40 1,590,75 137.70 312.61 259,00 10,62 7,272.54 750,00 1,104,80 129.20 226,36 79,38 22.00 6,08 5.62 .00 15,339.99 42.00 191.52 3,227.05 531. 76 400.00 100.85 7,620.48 88.67 97.77 585.00 32.99 59.45 177.04 4,130.18 500.00 86,176.71 26.55 8,403.57 551.64 65,01 92.88 100,00 799.93 ACE WDWARE .. PORTER'S AERIFORM CORPORATION AIRGAS-SOOTIlWEST CARDINAL IlIlALTB AFtAC GARRY AllI/OLD ATD-AUSTIN BAX'I'ER HEALTHCARE CORP 8ECRlW/ COULTER IlIC VOIDED BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRUG CO ClLJlOtIN comm IllfS RUBY CAImJ CERTIFIED LABORATORIES CHUBB sECORrry SYSTIllfS CINGOLAR l/IRELESS CITY or PORT LAVACA COLDOIEl.L BANKER RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIE HELS!/ DAVIS DELL FINAlICIAL SERVICES nTHiRINE DIETZEL OOWl/1'OIiI/ CLIWIERS MARIA FARIAS FBDER1L BXPRESS CQRF. VOIDED FISRER IlIlALTBCARE JOYCE FLAIlNIGAN GARllBNLANll NURSERY GE IlIlALTECARE FIN SRVS G1lLF COAST PAPER COIIPAI/ IlIlALTE FORCE IIEDlCAL SALLY J HICK!. HILL-ROM HILL COtlN'l'RY DAIRIES PAT HRAIIICKY HYAT! REGEIlCY CINCINNAT IVAIIS ISOPORE CORP JAMIE JACOBY LllKER PI!ARIlACY IlAI/AGEIIE _ORIAL HERIlAIIII HOSPIT _ORIAL IIEDICAL CEIIl'ER STEVE MARTIN MCKESSON GENERAL EEDICA MIlIlORIAL IIEOlCAL CElll'ER L.nmA. MEYER IIDSTAIII . ASSOCIATES HARVEY OLASCUAGA OOTBURST ADVERTISING 34 035 RON DATB:05/06/05 TIHB:12:43 IlEIIORIAL IlBDICAL CEIlrER CHECK REGISTER 04/2S/05 TURD 04/28/05 BANK--CHBCK---------------------------------------------------- CODE NllI!BRR DATE >>IDum PAYEE AlP 107507 04/28/05 AlP 107508 04/28/05 AlP 107509 04/28/05 AlP 107510 04/28/05 AlP 107511 04/28/05 AlP 107512 04/28/05 AlP 107513 04/28/05 AlP 107514 04/28/05 AlP 107515 04/28/05 AlP 107516 04/28/05 AlP 107517 04/28/05 AlP 107518 04/28/05 AlP 107519 04/28/05 AlP 107520 04/28/05 AlP 107521 04/28/05 AlP 107522 04/28/05 AlP 107523 04/28/05 AlP 107524 04/28/05 AlP 107525 04/28/05 AlP 107526 04/28/05 AlP 107527 04/28105 AlP 107528 04/28/05 AlP 107529 04/28/05 AlP 107530 04/28/05 AlP 107531 04/28/05 AlP 107532 04/28/05 AlP 107533 04/28/05 AlP 107534 04/28/05 AlP 107535 04/28/05 AlP 107536 04/28/05 AlP 107537 04/28/05 Aip 107538 04/28/05 AlP 107539 04/28/05 AlP 107540 04/28/05 AlP 107541 04/28/05 AlP 107542 04/28105 AlP 107543 04/28/05 AlP 107S44 04/28/05 AlP 107545 04/28/05 AlP 107546 04/28105 AlP 107S47 04/28/05 AlP 107548 04/28/05 AlP 107549 04/28/05 AlP 107550 04/28/05 AlP 107551 04/28/05 AlP 107552 04/28/05 AlP 107553 04/28105 AlP 107554 04/28/05 Tal'AL8 : 68,50 279,00 475,04 1,068,00 1,000.00 643.75 11,449.00 4,462,63 10,000.00 352,54 20,502.00 89.31 113,14 212.96 792.60 189.54 3,973.14 279.86 15.00 24.30 98.74 44,96 555,30 150,00 108.92 15.00 13,26 93.48 380,86 48,25 48.88 210,00 62,69 97.91 16.00 300,00 17,93 306.75 104,93 20.00 58.11 525,00 134,20 200,25 70,42 44,50 50,00 2,357,75 221,049,12 PAGE 2 GLCKREG PAmRS(!;J DENTAL SUPPLY POLK CI'l"l DIRECTORIES POPULAR LEASING PORT LAVACA WAVE POS~R RANDY'S FLOOR COOANY SO TBX BLOOD &. TISSUE C SYSCO - SAN Am'ONIO, LP TEAll REIIAB TEXAS DEPT OF )lUIWl SIlR TEXAS IlDTDAl. INS1lRAIlCE PAT TRIGG UNInRST HOLDINGS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED SERVICES ILVA VELA VRHIZOl/ SOO'I'IIWEST VICTORIA COMM1lIlICATION VITAL STATISTICS IlELISS!. WRIGHT IiALIIART COImINI'l"l ELIZABETH WESTBROOK BRAND SCAFFOLDING VILLARRE.!.L STACY VILLARRE.!.L STACY 8ARl'JlR JOE DAGGS KRISTIE L HIGHl!lARJ< BLUR SHIELD BLUR CROSS" ELUR SHIEL ALA>lO TRANSIT CO NtlNLEY CAROLYlI CUELLAR CYNTIlIA K SAKER IWlY JO DUNCAN IlICllAEL BOYD TAl'lI!lIH ESCOBAR SOPHIE WILLOUGHBY I!LAIl PORTIS HBALTH AGUIRRE BAIlBAIlA POKLl/IlA AmIlm'B CHllI1 CHIOU LANG ODONNELL RICHARD PARKER !MILY MCCAULBY GARY BRETr PATRICIA DHBONA ANTIlOO SHELLY STEP!lANIE TRAILBLAZER e e 35 e ('3'" 'L! b RON~: 05/06/05 TIllE: 12:40 MEMORIAL IlEDICAL CENTER AI' OPEN DlVOICE LIST TBRU DUE DATE OF 05/25/05 PAGE: 1 AI'OPE/I VENDi.!WlE................",...... ..CLS,IIIVOICE#"...... .TRI/ DT,DIV DT,DUE DT.ex DT..PC..... ..GROSS"" .DISC",.. .IIO-PAY.., , ,...NE'r 1.1430 ADVAllCE IlEDICAL DESIGIIS III H SI668771 041905 ,040705 052505 51.26 .00 51.26 TCll'ALS,.."............,..,.."........".... : 51.26 ,00 51.26 1.1640 URCAST IIIC H 300031869 041905 033005 052505 101. 00 .00 101,00 e 1.1746 ALPlIA TEC SYSTB>IS II/C TOTALS.........,................ .............: 101.00 .00 101.00 H 147551 042505 033105 052505 133.82 .00 133.82 TOTALS........,......,.............,...".. ..: 133.82 ,00 133.82 1.1825 CARDINAL IlRALTH H 08101721 041905 040805 052505 138,17 .00 138.17 08101738 042505 041505 052505 445.32 .00 445.32 08101753 043005 042205 052505 744,94 .00 744,94 08101774 043005 043005 052505 367.14 ,00 367,14 TOTALS.,."" ,....", ,., ..,.' ".", ..,. '... ,.: 1695,57 ,00 1695,57 ,';1270 ARTBRCll'EK IIIC H 493525 041905 040605 052505 48.00 .00 48.00 TOTALS................."......"....,....... : 48,00 .00 48,00 A2276 ARTHROCARE CORPORATIOII H 11485177 041205 033105 052505 185,00 ,00 185,00 11491807 042705 042005 052505 355.00 .00 355.00 TOTALS",............................".... ..: 540,00 ,00 540,00 B0437 C R BARD IIIC H 55293891 041205 033005 052505 291,9l ,00 291.92 TOTALS....................................... : 191.92 .00 291.92 BI220 BRCKlW/ COULTER II/C e H 308514A1/56 042505 040605 052505 12811,24 .00 12811.24 515002 042505 041205 051505 2164.50 .00 2164.50 587659008 042505 033005 052505 574.00 .00 574.00 587659009 041505 033105 052505 326.20 .00 326.20 587659A1/30 042505 033105 052505 457.20 .00 457.l0 515944 043005 041905 052505 1100,00 ,00 1100,00 516580 043005 042505 052505 1004.00 .00 1004,00 587659A1/31 043005 042705 052505 702,80 ,00 702.80 587659A1133 043005 042705 052505 172,80 ,00 172.80 TOTALS",....".. ............,.....,..",..,,: 1931l.74 .00 19312.74 B1490 BALLARD l!IEDICAL PRODUCTS H 1722046 041205 032105 052505 221. 77 ,00 221. 77 TarALS..... ....... ......... .......... ........: 221.77 .00 221. 77 B1655 BOSTOII SCIENTIFIC CORPORAT Ii 906908177 041205 033105 052505 669.00 .00 669,00 906954746 041905 040605 052505 479,00 ,00 479,00 36 e 037 Rlll/ DATll: 05/06/05 TIIlB: 12:40 IlBMORIAL mEDICAL CBIl'I'BR AP OPEl! INVOICE LIS'r THRU DUE 0Al'B or OS/25105 PAGE: 2 APOPllN VENDi.II.IIlll..........."............ ..CLS,INVOICEI.........T1lIl DT,INV DT,DUB DT,CK DT, ,PC,.... ..GROSS,.., ,DISC.... ..NO-PAY,......._ 907081328 043005 042005 052505 2278.00 .00 2278.00 TarALS...,.......,..........,............,... : 3426.00 ,00 3426,00 B1800 BRIGGS CORPORATION M 2269713 RI 041205 040405 052505 49.38 ,00 49,38 TOTALS,.""..""""",..,..,."....."".. : 49,38 ,00 49.38 e B1834 BaN I!EDICAL INC M 361937 043005 042105 052505 171.50 .00 171.50 TarALS,........,..,.."......""......".." : 171.50 ,00 171.50 81835 BUCKEYE Im'ER!D.TIOHAL, me M 46396 041905 040605 052505 644.68 ,00 644,68 TarALS".",..,.,..,.",.",.,...,...,..,.". : 644.68 ,00 644.68 C1441 evc INCORPORATED M 541022 041205 040405 052505 370,78 ,00 370,78 TarALS.........,................."......,. ..: 370,78. ,00 370.78 Cl443 CYGNUS I!EDICAL M 16490 041205 040505 052505 227.00 .00 227.00 TarALS............."........................ : 227,00 ,00 227,00 C1970 CONIIIlD CORPORATION M 398768 041905 033105 052505 201.25 ,00 201.25 403075 041905 040605 052505 450,05 ,00 450,05 408502 042505 041305 052505 140.78 ,00 140.78 408793 042505 041405 052505 94.00 ,00 94.00 405373 042705 041105 052505 72.85 .00 72,85 405559 042705 041105 052505 92,00 .00 92.00 416041 043005 042205 052505 35,33 .00 35.33 TarALS.",.."",..."",...,.".,.....".,., : 1086,26 .00 1086,26 C2157 COOPBRSURGICAL mc e M 1120549 041905 033105 052505 426.82 .00 426.82 213447 043005 042705 052505 225.82 .00 225,82 TarALS.,..,........",.......,..,.........." : 652.64 .00 652.64 e2297 COVER ONE M 8630 042505 041105 052505 124,50 .00 124,50 TarALS............."....................".. : 124,50 ,00 124,50 C2450 THE COUNCIL COOANY M 07947 041205 033005 052505 323,69 .00 323.69 07976 041205 033105 052505 2.30 ,00 2,30 07977 041205 033105 052505 16,37 ,00 16,37 08026 041205 040105 052505 35.72 .00 35,72 08053 041205 040405 052505 12,94 ,00 12.94 08055 041205 040405 052505 19,48 ,00 19,48 08073 041205 040405 052505 4.12 ,00 4,12 08074 041205 040405 052505 171.17 ,00 171.17 37 e 038 e e e Rll!/ DATE: 05/06/05 TIME: 12:40 IIEMORIAL IlEDICAL CEIlTER AP OPEII INVOICE LIST TlIRU DUE DATE OF OS/25105 PAGE: 3 APQPEII VENDI,!IAlllE.""......"""........ ..CLS,INVOICEI......" ,TRI/ DT.INV DT,DDE DT.CK DT, .PC,.... ..GROSS... ..DISC.." ..NO-PAY......,.!lET 08107 041905 040505 052505 08150 041905 040605 052505 08151 041905 040605 052505 08152 041905 040605 052505 08153 041905 040605 052505 08220 041905 040705 052505 08232 041905 040805 052505 08235 041905 040805 052505 08359 041905 041305 052505 08370 041905 041305 052505 08371 041905 041305 052505 08372 041905 041305 052505 08395 041905 041405 052505 08481 042505 041805 052505 08482 042505 041805 052505 08483 042505 041805 052505 08521 042705 041905 052505 08592 042705 042005 052505 08602 042705 042005 052505 08632 042705 042105 052505 08641 042705 042105 052505 08687 043005 042205 052505 08763 043005 042605 052505 08765 043005 042605 052505 08766 043005 042605 052505 08767 043005 042605 052505 08824 043005 042705 052505 08852 043005 042805 052505 08853 043005 042805 052505 TOl'lLS........ ,.......,........., ..... .......: C2510 CPSI M 193690 041905 040605 052505 194139 041905 041105 052505 A0504061378 041905 040605 052505 194764 042705 041305 052505 195376 043005 042005 052505 TOTALS..................."".. .....,........: 00350 DADE BElIRDlG M 93325066 042505 040405 052505 93328620 042505 040605 052505 93330088 042505 040705 052505 93331242 042505 040805 052505 93340256 043005 041805 052505 93343369 043005 042005 052505 9344658 043005 042105 052505 T"'ALS..............."....",............. ..: 01243 SODRCEONE llEALTHCARE TECllI1 M 30090593317 042705 041105 052505 359.46 15.41 15,00 171.17 35,46 190.36 315.11 931.81 316.50 182,88 12.97 36,86 68.98 19.94 55.61 127.74 6,70 50.34 179,80 15.70 106,40 30,31 2,76 141.99 67,72 164.42 408.04 12.07 11.44 4638.74 340.17 220,00 11375.00 349.35 412,59 12697.11 3123.50 772.84 30,48 291,01 583.17 3381.38 2783,68 10966.06 4275.01 .00 359.46 .00 15,41 .00 15.00 ,00 171.17 .00 35,46 .00 190,36 .00 315,11 .00 931.81 ,00 316,50 .00 182,88 ,00 12,97 .00 36.86 .00 68.98 ,00 19.94 .00 55,61 ,00 127.74 .00 6,70 ,00 50.34 .00 179,80 ,00 15.70 ,00 106.40 .00 30.31 .00 2,76 ,00 141.99 .00 67.72 ,00 164.42 .00 408.04 .00 12.07 .00 11.44 ,00 4638.74 .00 340.17 .00 220.00 ,00 11375,00 .00 349.35 .00 412,59 .00 12697,11 ,00 3123.50 .00 772.84 ,00 30.48 ,00 291.01 .00 583.17 ,00 3381,38 .00 2783.68 .00 10966.06 .00 4275.01 38 039 RUN DATE: 05/06/05 T_: 12:40 IIB!!ORIAL IlEDICllL CEIIl'ER 1P OPEN INVOICE LIST TIlRO !lOB DATE OF OS/25105 PAGE: 4 APOPEN VEliDI.IW!IB......."............... ...CLS.INVOlCE'..".....M IYl',INV IYl'.DOE D'/,CK 1lT. ,PC.".., ,GROSS.." ,DISC".., .NO-PAY.."",.NET 30090608986 042705 041805 052505 4057,02 ,00 4057.02 30090608987 043005 041805 052505 259.03 ,00 259.03 30090625045 043005 042505 052505 3166.62 ,00 3166,62 TOTALS,....",.,.......,............."...... : 11757.68 .00 11757.68 01406 DI-CHEM, INC. . 27931 043005 042505 052505 110.19 .00 110.19 e TarALS...,........,.".,..,.,.,.".",.,.,.., : 110.19 ,00 110.19 E0700 EBI IlEDICllL SYSTBlIS INC m 6317239 041905 040605 052505 197.95 .00 197.95 6322457 042505 040805 052505 498.50 .00 498.50 6328834 042505 041205 052505 204,00 .00 204.00 TarALS........,......................,....... : 900,45 ,00 900.45 El090 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES m 429973 041205 033005 052505 165.00 ,00 165.00 TOTALS,........,.,..........., ........... ....: 165.00 .00 165.00 E1329 BOOAL DIAGNOSTICS m 0123171-DI 042505 040405 052505 847.64 .00 847 ,64 TarALS......."".......... ..................: 847.64 .00 847.64 B1330 EPS, DlC, m 0297200-IN 043005 042005 052505 70.90 ,00 70.90 TOTALS.."".",...,.."..""."....,.,..". : 70.90 .00 70,90 E1600 B-2-ElIl, INC. m 602065 041905 040805 052505 143.51 .00 143.51 TOTALS,.........................,......".... : 143,51 .00 143.51 E3205 ElIlB COIlP!NY m 302942 042505 041405 052505 79.68 ,00 79.68 TOTALS,.."",............. ....."...........: 79.68 .00 79,68 e F1780 FRBSENIUS USA IWIOI'At'I'ORIN m 92405731 041905 033005 052505 3600.00 .00 3600.00 92409961 041905 040405 052505 2000.90 ,00 2000,80 92424122 043005 041805 052505 2671.20 ,00 2671.20 92427072 043005 042005 052505 1344,00 ,00 1344.00 TOTALS",............"............"......" : 9616.00 ,00 9616.00 G0963 GENZYEE GENETICS . 5344246-1 043005 041405 052505 420.75 .00 420.75 5344396-1 043005 041405 052505 350,61 .00 350,61 TOTALS... .......................,............: 771.36 .00 771.36 G1265 GYRUS BNT LLC m 363989 041205 040405 052505 75,83 ,00 75,83 364537 041205 040505 052505 883.49 ,00 883,49 368139 042705 041805 052505 607,41 ,00 607,41 39 e "0110 U'"t ROIl DATE: 05/06/05 TI1!E: 1.1:40 IlBIlORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AP OPEN DlVOICE LIST THED DUE DATE OF 05/25/05 PAGE: 5 APOPEN VEIIllI.lIAIlE,..".."......"........ ..CLS.DlVOICEt......., ,TRII DT,IIIV DT.DUE DT.CK DT. ,PC..... ..GROSS,.., ,DISC..", ,lID-PAY...." ..NET TarALS...,................................... : 1566.73 .00 1566.73 H1135 IlEALTH CAllE LOGISTICS INC H 1416073 041205 040105 052505 145.69 ,00 145.69 1431088 043005 042505 052505 345.08 .00 345.08 1431089 043005 042505 052505 56,67 .00 56.67 e 1432934 043005 042705 052505 136.16 .00 136,16 TarALS..,.".",."..",."""",.,....,.." : 683.60 .00 683,60 H1700 HOLLISTER INC H 91744029 041205 033105 052505 76,26 .00 76,26 91751697 041905 041105 052505 59.35 ,00 59.35 TarALS..."...."........................".. : 135.61 ,00 135,61 H1780 RITA IlEDlCAL SYSTEMS, INC, H 322693 042505 041305 052505 325,52 .00 325.52 322976 042505 041505 052505 1265.36 ,00 1265..36 TOTALS....................................... : 159o.a8 .00 1590.88 H3405 HOLL ANESTHESIA H 0287377-IN 042505 041305 052505 149,35 ,00 149.35 TarALS........."............................ : 149.35 ,00 149,35 10501 IDBA REPS . 22733 043005 042605 052505 514,41 .00 514.41 TarALS.........,..........................." : 514.41 ,00 514,41 10521 DlVIVO RESEARCH INC. . 212642 042505 041405 052505 196.82 .00 196.82 TarALS.........".........................." : 196.82 ,00 196.82 I0951 IIIKOHPARABLE H 15162 041905 032905 052505 276.00 ,00 276,00 e 15279 041905 040605 052S05 450,00 .00 450.00 15108 042505 032405 052505 37.00 .00 37.00 15491 043005 042005 052505 276,00 ,00 276,00 TarALS,..".... ........ ...,..............,...: 1039.00 .00 1039.00 IlI00 INSTRllHENTATION LABORATORY H 9100184816 041205 033105 052505 192,00 ,00 192.00 9100185031 042505 040405 052505 1126,72 .00 1126.72 9100185032 042505 040405 052505 240.70 .00 240.70 TarALS,..".... ........................"....: 1559,42 .00 1559,42 Il127 IlmGRATED IlEDlCAL SYSTEMS 202128 041905 041105 052505 271,00 ,00 271.00 202458 041905 041205 052505 379.00 ,00 379.00 TarALS....."..,...........,.........,.....,. : 650.00 .00 650.00 Il230 II/I'ERIlETRO IllIJUSTRIES CORP H 40999 041905 040805 052505 171.62 .00 171,62 40 e 0.11 RDlI IllTB: 05/06/05 TIIIB: 12:40 MIlIIORIAL IIEDlCAL CEIlTER AP OPBII IIlVOlCE LIST THRU DIJB DATE or 05/25/05 PAGE: 6 APOPEIl VRNDI,IW!IE.....................".. ..CLS.INVOlCEI........ ,TRN DT.INV DT.DUB DT.CK DT, ,PC,..... ,GROSS", ..DISC"... ,NO-PAy"...., ,NET TOTALS....""""".,."",.",.""".,.", , 171. 62 ,00 171.62 11256 IIlrELLAMIID, INC W 71410 041905 040105 052505 937.50 .00 937,50 TOTALS....,...."......"..................,. , 937,50 .00 937.50 J1392 JDlSON, INC. e " YC908352 041205 033105 052505 130.56 ,00 130,56 TOTALS,...................."......""..".. , 130.56 ,00 130.56 JUOO JOlINSQN << JOIlNSON 3832908301 042505 041205 052505 2305.92 .00 2305.92 TOTALS,........ ...................."........, 2305.92 .00 2305.92 R0506 R-IIED INC W 1494 041905 030105 052505 19,95 .00 19.95 TOTALS............."...... ......,.......,..., 19.95 .00 19.95 L0700 LAIlCORP or Al!lERlCA HOLDING " 16989905 042505 040105 052505 6456.33 ,00 6456,33 17096528 042505 040105 052505 42,00 .00 42.00 TOTALS......."................".........." , 6498,33 .00 6498,33 IIl3 00 1lAJ00S SCISIIl'IFIC BOOKS W 10143580 043005 042505 052505 73,75 .00 73.75 TOTALS.,.."",.""""..."""".."".", , 73.75 .00 73.75 /!!l405 lflLLIllClUlODT INC w 7017384 041205 033005 052505 755.59 .00 755,59 7102217 042705 042105 052505 3S0.56 .00 380.56 TOTALS.......................,....,.."...... , 1136.15 .00 1136,15 "1511 IW<KE'l'LAB W Il15413 042505 031605 052505 75,65 ,00 75.65 e TOTALS..........,............................ : 75,65 .00 75.65 112310 IIEDELA INC " 2770605 041905 041205 052505 290,60 ,00 290.60 TOTALS....................................... : 280,60 ,00 290.60 112320 IIEDIHADGE " 167197 042505 041405 052505 29,70 ,00 29.70 TC1rALS........... ............................: 29,70 .00 29,70 112495 IIEDRAD INC H 137049017 041905 041005 052505 707,44 ,00 707,44 TOTALS,.."........"......",......."....,. , 707.44 .00 707.44 112499 _OIlIC USA, INC. W 6253640 041905 041305 052505 132.00 .00 132.00 6293747 042705 042005 052505 141. 70 .00 141.70 41 e nAil) th:.... RUN DATE: 05/06/05 TIl!lE: 12:40 IlEMORIAL HEDlCAL CENTER AP OPEN mvOlCE LIST THEQ DOE DATE OF OS/25105 PAGE: 7 APOPEN VENDj,IWIE.".."".......",...... ..CLS,IJiVOICEi........ .TIIII DT,IJiV DT,DOE DT.CE DT..PC..... ..GROSS,.. ..DISC..., ..IIQ-PAY........NET 11:I556 mEGADmE mEDICAL e 11:I644 mESA LABORATORIES IIIC 11:I659 MERRY X-RAY- SAN ANTONIO 11:I683 ImIII HEDlCAL 113331 HOORE HEDlCAL P1275 PEOPLE FRIENDLY PLACES, IN W e2180 POSITIVE PROl1lOTIOIlS P2397 PROI\1OTICiI1SNQW,COl1l Q0560 QDARTRRMASTER Q05n QUILL R1430 REMIlL INC e 6289756 043005 042105 052505 TOTALS,...... .............. ......,..........,: W 10395366 042505 041305 052505 TOTALS..""..""....,.,..,...."",.,.",., : H 0199396-IN 042505 041105 052505 TOTALS.."",.", ",", '." ,'.,., ,.,.,.."",: H 19684 042505 041405 052505 19686 043005 042505 052505 343997 043005 042505 052505 344174 043005 042205 052505 344738 043005 042705 052505 344739 043005 042705 052505 TOTALS..........."........"................ : H 3478878 041905 040505 052505 TOTALS......................... ..............: w 93710130 RI 042705 041305 052505 93717791 RI 043005 042005 052505 TOTALS,......,........."...............,.... : 14835 043005 042005 052505 TOTALS,.".",.",..,.,..,..,...".."..,..,. : H 02024113 043005 040505 052505 TOTALS..,., ,..,., ,..,.,.'" ,."., ,..,.,.", ,.: H 333409 043005 042905 052505 333410 043005 042505 052505 TOTALS,." ,..""., '. ,. ,."", "."" ,.,..",: H P600735200017 041905 041205 052505 TOTALS...........,..........., ......... ......: W 6656406 042505 041305 052505 TOTALS...................,." ................: H A71739 042505 040405 052505 202,00 ,00 202,00 475,70 .00 475.70 70.04 .00 70.04 70,04 ,00 70,04 157.00 .00 157.00 157,00 .00 157,00 195.00 .00 195.00 2940,94 .00 2940.94 746,00 ,00 746,00 277,00 .00 277.00 12,50 ,00 12,50 65.00 .00 65.00 m6.44 ,00 4296,44 303,89 .00 303.89 303.89 ,00 303.89 46.66 .00 46.66 29,95 ,00 29.95 76.61 .00 76.61 1487.00 .00 1487.00 1487.00 .00 1487,00 12,19 .00 12,19 12.19 .00 12.19 809.00 ,00 809,00 404.17 ,00 404.17 1213,17 ,00 1213.17 29.85 ,00 29,85 29.85 ,00 29.85 297.57 .00 297,57 297.57 .00 297,57 113,10 .00 113,10 42 r -. n43 RtlN DATIl: 05/06/05 mBmOlWlL l1II!DICAL CBN'l'BR PAGE: 8 'I'IllB: 12:40 AP OPEN MOICE LIST TBRO !lOB 0A'l'E OF 05125/05 APOPEN VBNDI.N1I!IB......................... ..CLS.MOICE'......" ,TRN DT,M DT.DOB DT.CK DT, ,PC..." ..GROSS,.. ..DISC.... ..NO-PAy......, ,NET A73237 042505 040505 n52505 788,94 .nn 788.94 TOTALS......."..........................".. : 902.04 ,nn 902,04 R1464 RPC REPROCESSING PRDDllC'I'S M 116859 043005 042505 052505 308.15 .00 308,15 TOl'ALS....... ............ ...... .., ......... ..: 308.15 .00 308.15 e 11.1468 RESPONSIVE PROVIDERS me M 0048270-IN 041905 033105 052505 3990,00 ,00 3990.00 0048348-IN 041905 041305 052505 407,50 ,00 407.50 0048554-IN 043005 042505 052505 207,50 .00 207.50 TDTALS, ".", ,.""""""" ,.""".""",: 4605.00 ,00 4605.00 R1880 TllE ROHOF CORPORATION M 3854316-IN 041205 031705 052505 133 ,03 ,00 133.03 3855772-IN 041905 040105 052505 224,65 .00 224.65 3857200-IN 043005 041405 052505 133,03 .00 133.03 TCn'ALS. " .. ...... .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. : 490,71 ,00 490,71 S1103 SCIEII'l'IFIC DEVICE LABS M 1302 042505 033105 052505 94.05 .00 94,05 TOTALS"..",..".".",.,.",."""",..". : 94.05 .00 94,05 S2347 SIN'l'IlES M 07447614RI 041205 033005 052505 169,96 .00 169,96 TOTALS."""",.,.,...,..,...".,...",.",. : 169,96 .00 169.96 S2490 SOUTIlWEST DECOR M 9845 042705 042005 052505 989.25 .00 989.25 TDTALS,....,.....""...."..........,..,.... : 989,25 .00 989.25 S2679 ST JOHN RECORD PROGlWIS M 01897760 041205 040405 052505 47.50 ,00 47,50 e 01898756 041205 040505 052505 161,60 ,00 161.60 01902647 042505 041105 052505 363.08 ,00 363.08 01903628 042505 041205 052505 389,78 .00 389.78 01907536 042705 041805 052505 47.50 ,00 47,50 01913419 043005 042605 052505 59,28 .00 59.28 TOTALS.., ,.".", '. ,."" ,."""""""",,: 1068,)4 .00 1068.74 S3940 S'l'ERIS CORPORATION M m0659 043005 042305 052505 261.00 ,00 261,00 TOTALS..",.,."".,.".",."",."".."", : 261.00 ,00 261.00 T0380 TAYLOR IIAJlB AMBllLAIlCE M 4510 043005 042705 052505 271,74 ,00 271. 74 TDTALS",."".,..,.".,..""".".",."... : 271. 74 ,00 271. 74 T1900 'l'BXAS BLB=CAL SUPPLY M 13363 041905 040505 052505 39,48 ,00 39,48 13419 043005 041905 052505 302,36 .00 302.36 43 e 044 RtnI DATB: 05/06105 TIl!B: 12:40 >UORIAL IIBDlCAL c_ AP OPBII IIIVOlCS LIST THRU DUB DATIl or 05/25/05 PAGS: 9 APOPBII VBNDi,!lAlIB.,..........,.."..,..... ..CLS.IIIVOICB#........ ,TRII DT.IIIV DT.DUB DT,CK DT, ,PC..... ..GROSS..., .DISC..... .IIO-PAY, ' ,.....NET TorALS....." ...,.."...... ...,... .........,,: 341,84 ,00 341.84 T2660 TIGER DIRBC'l', I1IC, W J009310501011 041205 040105 052505 67.99 .00 67,99 J009901601014 041905 041205 052505 42,98 ,00 42.98 TOTALS... ............., ...... ........ .... ....: 110.97 ,00 110.97 e T3190 TRI -STATIl BOSPITAL SUPPLY . . 1874425 041905 040805 052505 1951.60 .00 1951.60 1877774 041905 041305 052505 247,00 ,00 247,00 1883163 042705 042005 052505 1935.16 .00 1935,16 1883166 042705 042005 052505 24.00 ,00 24,00 1888420 043005 042705 052505 305.47 .00 305.47 TOl'ALS,.......... .............., ......,......: 4463,23 ,00 4463,23 V1000 VA!lGUARD MBDlCAL COIlCBPTS W 0343865-IN 043005 042605 052505 57.00 .00 57.00 0343908-IN 043005 042605 052505 138,60 ,00 138,60 TOTALS....................... ................ t 195.60 .00 195.60 V1700 VITAL SIGNS INC . 3037831631 042705 041905 052505 201.22 ,00 201.22 TOTALS....................................... : 201,22 .00 201.22 W1300 W W GRAINGRR INC . 973-624471-7 043005 042805 052505 177.26 ,00 177.26 TOTALS....................................... : 177.26 ,00 177,26 701005 ZIDBR US I !NC. W 930716 041205 033005 052505 87.16 ,00 87.16 959934 041905 040805 052505 136.42 .00 136.42 975389 042505 041405 052505 74.22 ,00 74,22 993642 042705 042005 052505 17,92 ,00 17,92 e TOl'ALS..."..".,...,.,.",."",.".",.,... : 315,72 .00 315,72 GRAND TOl'ALS, ' ,..............................: 125812.07 ,00 125812.07 44 e 045 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS APRIL 2005 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE PATIENTS ADMITTED 116 111 542 441 ADMISSIONS FROM ER 21 63 249 231 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 3.49 3.97 3.57 3.67 PATIENT DAYS OF SERVICE 405 441 1,937 1,617 e PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY' 54.00% 30.63% 64.57% 27.84% AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 13.50 14,70 16.14 13.36 MAXIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 21 20 27 27 MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 8 9 7 2 ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS 1,502 1,370 6,404 5,203 SWING SED DAYS 44 17 158 53 . ICU PATIENTS ADMITTED 34 32 139 102 ICU PATIENT DAYS 73 77 349 231 OS'S ADMITTED 15 17 51 74 OS DAYS OF SERVICE 34 35 114 155 PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS 2 1 27 13 PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE 10 2 69 28 NEWBORNS FOR MONTH 13 13 40 60 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2,00 2.15 1,85 2.07 DAYS OF SERVICE 26 28 74 124 MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED 58 54 290 203 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 4.53 4.91 4,37 4.43 DAYS OF SERVICE 263 265 1,268 900 e MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED 16 19 87 92 DAYS OF SERVICE 40 44 231 224 DEATHS 4 1 17 8 AUTOPSIES 0 0 1 0 SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 17 17 46 56 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 103 125 434 466 CESAREAN SECTIONS" 2 3 6 19 TOTALS 122 145 486 541 'Based on 25 beds 74 e "A~ V'tO THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,911 1,684 7,138 6,257 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 736 702 3,236 2,742 TOTALS 2,647 2,386 10,374 8,999 LABORATORY; INPATIENT PROCEDURES 3,904 3,720 17,754 14,763 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 18,120 16,306 72.213 60,453 TOTALS 22,024 20,026 89,967 75,216 e RADIOLOGY; INPATIENT PROCEDURES 93 157 641 532 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 645 550 2,546 2,141 BONE DENSITY 19 30 104 82 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 55 92 354 329 UL TRASOUNDS 167 152 608 581 CT SCANS 198 210 812 673 MAMMOGRAPHY 77 82 313 297 MRI 125 94 455 375 TOTALS 1,379 1,367 5,833 5,010 PHARMACY: IV SOLUTIONS DISPENSED 1,260 1,422 5,705 4,844 DRUGS DISPENSED 9,214 10,471 45,079 129,503 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 2,088 851 6,373 3,180 TOTALS 12,562 12,744 57,157 137,527 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 2,062 1,896 13,004 7,784 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 724 665 4,570 2,773 e STRESS TESTS 4 1 21 13 EKGS 198 176 920 677 EEGS 4 7 18 16 TOTALS 2,992 2,745 18,533 11,263 PHYSICAL THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 227 281 1,266 889 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,933 2,067 7,449 7,831 HOME HEALTH VISITS 100 112 453 516 TOTALS 2,260 2,460 9,168 9,236 75 e 047 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR HOME HEALTH CARE: MEDICARE VISITS 718 782 3,318 3,073 OTHER VISITS 12 4 56 27 ST/SS 6 1 15 4 TOTALS 736 787 3,389 3,104 DIETARY: e MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS 1,313 1,239 6,618 5,014 MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA 2,857 3,106 11,954 13,152 TOTALS 4,170 4,345 18,572 18,166 DIETITIAN CONSULTS COST PER PATIENT DAY W/O DEPR 4,143.95 3,100.17 3,235.18 3,509.52 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 4,471.37 3,396.72 3,681.30 3,483.16 BREAKEVEN W/O DEPRECIATION 12.43 13.29 13.92 13.46 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 13.50 14.70 16.14 13.36 PATIENTS ABOVE I BELOW BREAKEVEN 1.07 1.41 2.22 (0.10) COST PER ADJ. PT. DAY W/O DEP. 1,117.08 998.03 978.54 1,090.70 INCOME PERADJ, PT. DAY 1,205,34 l,093,50 1,113.47 1,082.50 e 76 e ,1<8' , j"" L ":t e .... e e APPLICATION TO CLOSE, ABANDON AND VACATE ALAMO BOULEVARD ADJACENT TO LOT 7 IN BLOCK 59, ALAMO BEACH TOWNSITE. CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the Order on Application to Close, Abandon and Vacate Alamo Boulevard Adjacent to Lot 7 in Biock 59, Alamo Beach Townsite, Calhoun County, Texas, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, File # 00092612 Vol 405 ia1 ORDER ON APPLICATION TO CLOSE, ABANDON AND VACATE A PORTION OF ROADWAY AT ALAMO BEACH, CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY on the 26th day of May, 2005, after the posting of notice of intent pursuant to Section 251.052 of the Texas Transportation Code, upon hearing, motion. second, discussion and unanimous vote,'the Court closed, abandoned and vacated a .11 acre tract, more or less, being a part of Alamo Boulevard of Alamo Beach Townsite as per Plat or Record in Volume V, Page 01, Deed Records ofCalhoWl County, Texas, and as set out in the attached survey by David W. Gann. Janet Weaver, is the owner of the real property located adjacent to the road abandoned and said property is described as being part of the Alamo Beach Townsite, being a 0.11 acre tract more or less and a part of Alamo Boulevard, adjacent to Lot 7, Block 59 of the Alamo Beach Townsite, as per Plat of Alamo Beach found in Volume V, page 0 I, Deed v Records of CaIhOWl County, Texas and as set out in the attached legal description and survey plat. No person appeared at the public hearing and voiced any objection to the action. IT IS THEREFORE ACCORDINGLY ORDERED BY THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT that the 0.11 acre tract described in the attached legal description and survey plat BE AND IT IS HEREBY CLOSED, ABANDONED AND VACATED to the adjoining land owner JANET WEAVER on this the 26th day of May, 2005. r:fUtdJ () ~ Michael J, PfeJofr ' COWlty Judge, CaIhOWl COWlty, Texas 049 ., File # 00092612 Vol 405 iL Janet Weaver 0.11 Acre Part of Alamo Boulevard Alamo Beach Townsite, Narcisco Cabazos Survey, A-3, Calhoun County Texas. STATE OF TEXAS !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i e DESCRIPTION of a O. I I acre tract, more or less, being part of Alamo Boulevard, Alamo Beach Townsite as per Plat of Record in Volume V, Page 01, Deed Records ofCa1houn County, Texas and is more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap located at the West corner of this 0.11 acre being described and being the North corner of Lot 7, Block 59, Alamo Beach Townsite. Said existing 5/8 inch ironrod also being the point of intersection of the Northwest line of said Lot 7, Block 59 with the Southwest line of Alamo Boulevard of the aforesaid Alamo Beach Townsite; THENCE, N 55. 10' 00" E, passing at 45.00 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap set on line for reference and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of70.00 feet to a point for comer at the point of intersection with the existing shoreline ofLavaca Bay; THENCE, S 19.27' 06" E, for a distance of37.38 feet to a point for comer in the existing shoreline ofLavaca Bay; THEN<;:E, S 35. 38' 22" E, in a Southerly direction with the said existing shoreline ofLavaca Bay a distance of38.96 feet to a point for comer; THENCE, S 55. 10' 00" W, passing at 15.63 feet an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap located on line for reference and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of 60.63 feet to an existing 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap located at the East comer of Lot 7, Block 59, Alamo Beach Townsite and in the Southwest line of Alamo Boulevard for the South comer of this O. I I acre being described; e , THENCE, N 34. 50' 00" W (Base Bearing), with the Southwest line of Alamo Boulevard and the Northeast line of Lot 7, Block 59, a distance of75.oo feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 0.11 acre. Ibis description and a plat were prepared from an actual on the ground survey made under my direction and supervision in January 2005. ~-,.L2~/ ." DAVID W. GANN ./ REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 -~~~-. I?' '\.~ . ._~" .<=.,,-'"'9' 'T}., ): "'. '(;G\s '<';i>:':'0'1< " .~ .~~ .-cC-. "0' t':: l:ti' ", t~,.. OA\hDW"GANi~'" \ .............. <, ":.<,' 3816 ": '..p~'<:. <...,. '?-;fSS \9.' 'oQ;;, 'liD SiiR\i~~ e lob No. 3842.001 050 ~ LA V ACA BAY e 5$ ~ 7 \ LINCOLN PARK I I --- --- --- J L ----- ~tItIQ ShorWln. (ALAMO 75.00 5 ~ 6 7 8 g 4 & 9 a 6 g b q g 8 a 2 150.00' 15 14 ~ 13 o q 11 ~ o q , r-. ~Z 15.00' 4:1- 75.00' (Il ::l W4: (Ill- ,50.00' i 75.00 g 3 a:: (Il a Z4: ::lw (Il -..J $ 2 a ~ IS p 1 ~ ~ BLOCK 96 2tf ""'" AJJE'I 75.00' . BLOCK . 5000' ~ - o 3 a 9 2<1 llIDC AJJE'I 75.00 10 18 17 16 15 14 g 1 & 12 75.00' 50,00' 50-00' 75.00" AVENUE ALAMO AVENUE) (HOUSTON NARCI~CO CABAZOS SURVEY, A-3 \ II IALAMP B~ACH\, TciWN~IT~ FLOC~ 95 BLOCK 60 \ V~L. \ V. f'G.\ 01 \ e 1 e SURVEY PLAT SHOWING 0.11 ACRE, BEING PART OF ALAMO BOULEVARD. ALAMO BEACH TOWNSITE AS PER THE RECORDED PLAT IN VOLUME V. PAGE 01 OF THE CALHOUN CO. DEED RECORDS NARCISCO CABAZOS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 3 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS E> LEGEND BGN~!ROt< ROll SET 5/8"'IRON ROO M1M P\AS1lC CIU' PLAT CALL . ( ) I, DA~D W. GAHN. REGISTERED PROfESSIONAL lAND SUll'lEWR, 00 NEREllY CER1IfY lHAT 1HE PLAT SHO\lN HfRfllN AND A FlELDNOTE DEscRJpnON PRePARED REPRESENts 1HE RESULT OF A SURVEY UADE ON THE GROUND UNDER ..y o IN JANUARY Of' 2005. . 3842-001 Oul JANET WEAVER G & W ENGINEERS. INC. DA,VU) W. GANN REGIS1ERfO PROffSSICNAL lAND SUR~ NO. 3816 G & W ENGINEERS, INC. · ENGINEERING · SURVEYING . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 205 w. UVE OAK ST. PORT LAVACA, lEXAS 77979 (361) 552~09 1801 7th ST., SUITE 290 BAY CITY, TEXAS 77414 (979) 3:!;}-7100 DRAlW BY; RECoW"D BY: DAlE:: SCN.E: NO.: n WI) D.W.G. JANUARY 25. 2005 1" _ 100' 3842.001 _ File # 00092612 Vol 405 ~i4 CERTIFICATE OF TRUE COPY OF PAPER OF RECORD STATE OF TEXAS !i !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN I ANITA FRICKE, County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas and Clerk of the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the Minutes of the May 26, 2005 meeting of said Commissioners' Court as the same appears on file in my office. Give under my hand and seal of said Court, at office in Port Lavaca, Texas, this the 26'" of May, 2005, ',':',J';,.: ANITA FRICKE, County Clerl~iaod' Commissioners' Court, Calh~,f '. Deputy !hi. Doolml bas bo>. l'!C!i.ed ~ !hi. Office 'Dr Recordi.g int. the Official Publi. RIooni~ lie do hmbr......lhat..d'n'tdi....i.iDal.du.to Ilact, Cffld, c,JJr, Sr, rlllti"'" Itigi.. Filed for Record in, Calhoun County Honorable Ilnita Fricke County Cl erk On'May f!7,.i!005 at 09,l7R ReceIpt Nu.ber - 494.56 By, Sharon lIright ~\t~~\ov-. \. \. \^io\- ePUrr ' "~') VL..'4 e e e APPROVE PHASE I OF THE SANCTUARY AT COSTA GRANDE SUBDIVISION IN PRECINCT #4: e Mr. David Gann with G & W Engineers, Inc. spoke to the Court in regards to Phase I of the Sanctuary at Costa Grande Subdivision Preliminary Plat. He stated that this will be a marina type subdivision with 75 acres of lakes in the first phase with a total of 150 acres of lakes in all. In Phase I there will be 426 lots and half of the iots will be water front. The lots will have public water and sewer systems and the lots will be the size that are required for that type of development. Phase I has a total of 803 acres. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the preliminary plat for Phase I of the Sanctuary at Costa Grande Subdivision in Precinct 4, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, See Attached Plat. e e 053 HIRE ROBERTS. ROBERTS &. ODEFEY TO REPRESENT CALHOUN COUNTY IN REINVESTMENT ZONE DESIGNATION AND TAX ABATEMENTS FOR RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST. TO BE PAID FOR BY RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST: The County received an application from Ridge Property Trust's for tax abatement for the Dow Chemical development project in Seadrift, Texas. This wiIJ be a 275,100 square foot distribution/warehouse facility that will create twenty to thirty jobs in Calhoun County. This site and facility shall be the first of several to be located in Dow Business Park and shaH attract other businesses to warehouse in this area. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to hire Roberts, Roberts and Odefey to represent Calhoun County in Reinvestment Zone Designation and Tax Abatements for Ridge Property Trust, to be paid for by Ridge Property Trust. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ADOPTION RESOLUTION IN RECOGNmON OF MEMORIAL DAY AT REOUEST OF AMERICAN LEGION: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Finster to Adopt a Resolution of Memorial Day at the recuest of American Legion. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, Memorial Day May 30th, 2005 WHEREAS, Three years '!Ifter the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans - the Grand Anny of the ~epubllc (GAR) - established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the g...ves of the war dead with flowers; and WHEREAS, General ,John Logan proclaimed in his General Ordet' No. 11 that Decoration Day would be observed on May 30, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery; and WHEREAS, It Is believed that May 30 was chose." because flowers would be in bloom all over the country; and WHEREAS, After World War I the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting In the CIvil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war; and WHEREAS.. Memorial Day is a day to remember with deep respect aU those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom; and WHEREAS, This day is dedicated to those who died fighting for the United States of America. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court, does hereby recognize May 30th, 2005 as MEMORIAL DAY a~d encourages all County citizens to pause wherever they are at 3:00 p.m. for the National Moment of Remembrance on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died In service to our nation. Signed and sealed this the 26th day of May, 2005. Michael J. pfeifer, County Judge Calhoun County, Texas Neil Fritsch, Commissioner Precinct No.3 Roger Galvan, Commissioner Precinct No.1 Michael Bal~ka, Commissioner Precinct No.2 e e e "~A UJ':t GENERAL DISCUSSION: Judge Pfeifer recognized Glenda Whatley who stated she resides at 5726 Hwy 185 Long Mott, Texas and is a resident of Calhoun County, She understood that Commissioners Court cannot be a party to any dispute she may have with any other elected officials. Mrs, Whatley read a statement detailing a conflict with the Sheriff and the District Attorney on May 2, 2005. This conflict was due to a civil matter with a Contractor from Victoria and Mrs, Whatley felt that Calhoun County elected officials should not have become involved in a civil matter between a Calhoun County resident and a Victoria business, . APPROVE BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS. AND ROAD MATERIALS FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1. 2005 THROUGH DECEMBER 31. 2005 AND TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. BIDS ARE TO BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 2005 IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AND ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD ON THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 2005: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Bid Specifications for Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions, and Road Materials for the period July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 and authorize County Auditor, Ben Comiskey to advertise for Bids. Bids are to be received by Thursday, June 16, 2005 in the County Auditor's Office and are to be considered for award on Thursday, June 23, 2005, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALT, OILS AND EMULSIONS I. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for Asphalt, Oils and Emulsions as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct # I, Fairgrounds Area or J obsites Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or Jobsites . Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Jobsites Precinct #4P, Port O'Connor Area or Jobsites Precinct #4S, Seadrift Area or Jobsites e 2, The bid shall be in effect for a period of six (6) months beginning July I, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005. " 3. Materials shall meet or exceed TDOT Specifications for construction of highways, roads and bridges. Materials shall conform to the Texas Highway Department Item #300 entitled "Asphalt, Oils and Emulsions," If there are any other specifications, they are listed on the Invitation to Bid form. e The Bid Items are: -Item 300, Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions:[AC-5] Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions:(RC250) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Type CRS-2, Emulsified Asphalt (Cationic Rapid Setting) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications -Item 300, Type CRS-2P, Emulsified Asphalt (Cationic Rapid Setting) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 4, Delivery shall be FOB Destination to Jobsite. 5. NO PERSON'has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to specifications will be made in writing and sent to each person having a bid package. 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact Calhoun County Auditor's Office CornthouseAnnexBullding Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone: (361)553-4610 Fax: (361)553-4614 c 055 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED. 1. BIDDING A. All bids must be on the "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnished by the County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. . B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Auditor by 10:00 AM, Thursday, June 16, 2005. A late delivery with an early postmark will not suffice. Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery. The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Auditor, If you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Auditor's office at 361-553-4610 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, June 16, 2005 at the following address: Calhoun County Attn: Ben Comiskey, County Auditor Courthouse AnnexBJdg 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca TX 77979 C. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bidder may withdraw his proposal before County acceptance of his bid without prejudice to himself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge. e D. Bids should show unit price, Any other charges should be noted as exceptions to the specifications E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened. F, Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. After opening, bids may be inspected in the Auditor's Office. 2. BIDS: A. Bids are for a six \6) month period. 3. BID FORMS: A. The "Tnvitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is !/l./thorized to sifm for the business, Page 2 of5 e 055 e e e 4. EXCEPTIONS: A. If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Tnvitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manuallv sif!n it. 5. TAXES: A. The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. 6, AWARD A. Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept .the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. B. In the event that the deliveries of the supplies or produ<;ts covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, or in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications. Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach, 8, REJECTIONS: A. Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. 9. BILLING: A. All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office, Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County. Page 3 of5 057 10. CONDITIONS PART OF BID: A. The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid. II. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed. The following will comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. 1. Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4, The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid e B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlling. 12. OSHA REOUIREMENTS: A. The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. 13. PROTEST PROCEDURES: Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest. The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: I, Name, mailing address and business phone number of the protesting party; e 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any documentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court. Page 4 of5 e 058 e e e If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court, Applicab]e documentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and infonnation. If additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such information. The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final. 18. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: A. All governmental information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or infonnation for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B. To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Ben H. Comiskey, Jr., County Auditor 20] W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phone: 361-553.4610 Fax: 36].553.4614 Page 5 of5 059 CAUlOUN CUONTY. TEXAS BID SHEET- IASPULTS. OILS AND EMULSIONS I INVII A liON 10 BID moorn BID ITEM ITEM 300. ASPHALTS. OILS AND PEIlIDD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 PEIUOD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 EMULSIONS: [A&-5J YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN ST, PORTLAVACA, TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTEO IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED:SEALED Blo..llTEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS: [AC-S] I BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIOS WILL BE CONSIDEREO FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNEO UNOPENED TO BIDDER, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPEO STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDrrJONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). e SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS: IAC-5] MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------------- IIPARTMHfT IBIIIATIIII IIlMIIY ,., ., PIIIt:E PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON _ PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GAl.LON PREGlNG<414S-S[;AgRIR"AREA---"-'-"--.f'08-Q;;SnNATjON.aY_TR1JGK.QRNER~.Q..jGBSR"-E---GAbWN------- _____._ PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON DATE Of BII: AlITIIORIlBI smNAT1IlI: AND TInE: PIUNT NAME: IIEl8W /lIE tINI'lETlIlY.-aJ PlEASE lIST ARY EXCEPTIONS TO TIE ABOVE SPECllCATJlNS: mEPIlONE NUMBER: Friday, May 06, 2005 BIDDER _ "(:0 U0 e e e CAUIDUN &DUNTY. TEXAS BID SIIEIT - IASPHAlTS. OILS AND EMUlSIONS I INUIT A TION TO BID Bloom BID IlIMIIlIM 300. ASPHALTS. OIlS AND EMULSIONS: mC250J I PERWD fHlJM: JULY 1, 2005 PBIIDD 18: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY. ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 WAUSTlN ST, PORTLAVACA TX779T9 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITIED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED:SEALEDBID-IITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS: I IIRC250) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALmES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMEO MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND . TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 300, ASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS: (RC2S0) MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPARTMEIIT IB1IIATIIIII IILIVBIY lIB IIIrITJIJ/1t:E PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE ~-._-----_._---------------_._----- - GALLON GALLON GALLON PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT#2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON FOB DESTINATION BY TRUCK DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON IIllIW 181E lIlIIPlETlIlY IB8J DATEOfIlll: AlIIIIORIZED SlGllATlIIE AND TnlE: PIIINT NAME: PI1ASE lIST ANY EXC8'IIIJNS TO TIf ABOVE SPECIICAT\lINS: TElIPIIONE NUMBER: Friday, May 06, 2005 IIIDDlB 061 CAUUJUN COUNfY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IASPHALTS. OILS AND EMUlSIONS INUIT A TION TO BID I Bloom BID RIM RIM aoo. TYPE CRS-2, EMULSm PERIOD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 PEIUODTU: DECEMBE 31,2005 ASPHAlT [CAnoNIC RAPID SETTING) YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTlNST, PORTLAVACA TX7T9T9 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALEO ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED:SEALEO BID"!:TEM 300, TYPE CRS-2, EMULSIFIED ASPHAL T 1 (CA TlONlC RAPID SEmNG) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE Rim TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR. NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION <IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). e SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 300, TYPE CRS-2, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 IIPAI\1MB(J IElTIA1Ill1 IIlIVEBY /NT _/BE e PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT#3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON DATEDfIlll: AIIIIIOIlIZEII SIl:NA1IIlE AND TIllE: PIIINT NAME: IIE18W TIlE l/IIIPIEllIlY-.m PlfASE UST ANY EXCEPIJONS TO TIE A88VE SPECllCATIONS: TREPHONE NUMBlR: Friday. May 06, 2005 IlIDDEB e U^'{;',') 'J_ e e e CAUUJUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IASPHALTS, OILS AND EMULSIONS INVIT A liON TO BID l BIDDER BID I1IM I1IM 300, TYPE CRS-2P, EMULSIRED PBUDD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 PBUDD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 ASPHALT [CAnONIC RAPID SIDING] YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: 8EN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITDR, 201 W AUSTIN ST, PORT LAVACA 1)( 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKEO:SEALED 810. ITEM 300, TYPE CRS-2P, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT I (CA TlONIC RAPID SETTING) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE A 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNEO UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPEO STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADOITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 300, TYPE CRS-2P, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (CATIONIC RAPID SETTING) MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS OUT OF 300 1IPABIr8T IBTJQnol IIllVBIY lIB GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON GALLON lIB 1III:E PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE IlEIDWTllElOMPlEllIlY-.m DATEOFIIDI: AUIIIORIZED SlGNATIIlE AND TITlf: P\IINT NANI: PlfASE lIST ANY EXCB'TIDNS TO TIE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS: TlliPIIDNE NUMBaI: Friday, May 06, 2005 /IlIJO!II 053 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD MATERIALS I. The County of Calhoun is requesting sealed bids for road materials as needed by the following Road and Bridge Precincts: Precinct #1, Fairgrounds Area or Jobsites Precinct #2, Six Mile Area or Jobsites Precinct #3, Olivia Area or Jobsites Precinct #4P, Port O'Connor Area or Jobsites Precinct #4S, Seadrift Area or Jobsites e 2. The bid shall be in effect for a period of six (6) months beginning July I, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005. 3. Materials shall meet or exceed TDOT Specifications for construction of highways, roads and bridges. Tfthere are any other specifications, they are listed on the Invitation to Bid Form. The Bid Ttems are: 'Type PB (Topping Rock), Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 'Type E (White Rock), No Precoat, Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 'Type E (White Rock), No Precoat, Grade 3 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 'Limestone-3/4 Inch to Dust Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 350, Type D (Hot-Mix Cold Laid Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications e .Item 330, Type D (pre-Mix Limestone) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 304, Type PE (Topping Rock), Grade 4 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 302, Type PE (Topping Rock), Grade 3 Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 249, Type B (Flexible Processed Base), Grade 3:(Min PI 6) Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications .Item 249, Type A Limestone, Grade 3 [1 Y, Inch] Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications 'Dry Rip Rap Material Must Meet All TXDOT Specifications Tope size: 15" Rock weighing between 175 to 200 pounds Page I of6 e iJ54 4. Delivery shall be FOB Destination to Jobsite. Bid prices should include all charges. 5. NO PERSON has the authority to verbally alter these specifications. Any changes to specifications will be made in writing and sent to each person having a bid package. 6. If any further information is needed concerning specifications, contact e CalhOIll1 COlll1ty Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Attn: Peggy Hall 201 W Austin Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone: (361)553-4610 Fax: (361)553-4614 e Page 2 of6 e 065 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DISQUALIFIED, I. BTDDING A. All bids must be on tbe "Invitation To Bid Forms" furnisbed by tbe County Auditor's Office and must be written in ink or by typewriter. e B. DUE - TIME AND DATE: Formal bids must be in the office of the County Auditor on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, June 16,2005, A late delivery with an early postmark will not suffice, Be sure you have allowed ample time for postal delivery. The County will not be responsible for the delivery of your bid to the office of the County Auditor, If you choose to send your bid by postal delivery, then it is recommended that you call the County Auditor's office at 361-553-4610 to verify receipt of your bid prior to bid opening. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids, All Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, .Tune 16, 2005 at the following address: Calhoun County Attn: Ben Comiskey, County Auditor Courthouse Annex Bldg 201 W Austin St Port Lavaea TX n979 C. WITHDRAWAL OF BTD: A bidder may withdraw his proposal before County acceptance of his bid without prejudice to himself, by submitting a written request for its withdrawal to the County Judge. D. Bids should show unit price. Any other charges should be noted as exceptions to the specifications. e E. No change in price will be considered after bids have been opened, F. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids, After opening, bids may be inspected in the Auditor's Office, 2. BTDS: A. Bids are for a six (6) month period. 3. BTD FORMS: A. The "Invitation to Bid Form" must be signed and dated by an officer (or employee) who is authorized to sifm for the business, Page 3 of6 e ,)56 4. EXCEPTIONS: A. If exceptions are being taken to any part of specifications, have them listed on the Invitation to Bid Form or on your letterhead and manuallv sirm it. 5. TAXES: A. The County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and State Sales and Use Tax. The bid price must not include the above mentioned taxes. e 6. AWARD A. Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. the County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. 7. DELIVERIES: A. Unless otherwise stated in the bid form or specifications, deliveries must consist only of new and unused merchandise. e B. In the event that the deliveries of the supplies or products covered in the proposal are not made within the number of days specified, or in the event that the supplies or products delivered are rejected, and are not removed and replaced within the number of days specified in the official notice of rejection, the County reserves the right to purchase said supplies from the next lowest bidder who meets the specifications. Upon any such breach of contract, the County reserves the right to proceed against the successful bidder and/or the surety on his bond for any and all damages occasioned by the breach, 8. REJECTIONS: A. Articles not in accordance with samples and specifications must be removed by the bidder at his expense. All disputes concerning quality of supplies delivered under this proposal will be determined by Commissioners' Court or their designated representative. 9. BILLING: A. All bills are subject to approval by the Auditor's office. Payment of all invoices will be made after the delivery and inspection of the item or items are satisfactory to the County, 10. CONDITIONS PART OF BID: A. The general conditions of bidding defined herein shall be a part of the attached bid. Page 4 of6 e 057 11. CONTRACT: A. No formal contract will be executed. The following wilJ comprise the contract between the County and the successful bidder. 1, Notice to bidders 2. General Specifications 3. General conditions to bidding 4, The signed Invitation To Bid Form with bid amount 5. Letter awarding the bid B. In case of conflict, the specifications shall be controlJing, 12. OSHA REOUIREMENTS: A. The vendor or contractor hereby guarantees to the County of Calhoun, Texas that all material, supplies and equipment as listed on the proposal, contract or purchase order meets the requirements, specifications and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and in force at the date hereof. 13. PROTEST PROCEDURES: Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who believes they are aggrieved in connection with or pertaining to a bid or proposal may file a protest: The protest must be delivered in writing to the Auditor's Office, in person or by certified mail return receipt requested prior to award. The written protest must include: 1. Name, mailing address and business phone number of the protesting party; 2. Appropriate identification of the bid or proposal being protested; 3. A precise statement of the reasons for the protest; and 4. Any documentation or other evidence supporting the protest and any alleged claims. The Auditor's Office will attempt to resolve the protest, including at the Auditor's option, meeting with the protesting party. If the protest is successfully resolved by mutual agreement, written verification of the resolution, with specifics on each point addressed in the protest, will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, If the Auditor's Office is not successful in resolving the protest, the protesting party may request in writing that the protest be considered by Commissioners' Court. Applicable documentation and other information applying to the protest will be forwarded to Commissioners' Court, who will promptly review such documentation and information. If additional information is desired, Commissioners' Court may notify the necessary party or parties to the protest to provide such information, The decision of Commissioner's Court will be final, Page 5 of6 ")C..8 ~ r ") . '-- ~I' e e e 18. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: e e e A. All governmental information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. B. To request information from Calhoun County, please contact: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Courthouse Annex Building Ben H. Comiskey, Jr., County Auditor 201 W, Austin St. Port Lavaca, IX 77979 Phone: 361-553-4610 Fax: 361-553-4614 Page 6 0[6 069 CAU10UN COUNTY, lWS BID SIHT- IRDAD MATERIALS INVII A liON TO BID I BIDDER OW ITEM ITEM 248. TYPE A UMESTONE. GRADE 3 PERIOD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 PERlODlD: DECEMBER 31, 2005 [1 V21NC11l YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY. ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-I:TEM 249, TYPE A LIMESTONE, GRADE 3 [11/2 I INCH] BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGr TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIOS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EaUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDe CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A ceRTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE '-AW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,0001$300,000). e SPECIFICATIONS, ITEM 249, TYPE A LIMESTONE, GRADE 3 [11/21NCH] ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAII1IIIO' 1U1IlA1III IIlIVERY ., 1Il#T1III:E e PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT#3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MilE AREA FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATIDN; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON TON DATEOfIlll: AlITIIlIIlIZHl SlGNAllIIE AlII TIIlf: PIUNT WE PlEASE lIST ANY EXC8'TIlJNS TO TII ABOVE SPECIlCATIONS: Il1I8W IIIE ltlIIPlETlIlY-.m TElfPHOJiE NlIMBEII: Thursday, May 05, 2005 BIDIIIR e 0,'0 e e e CAl.HOIJN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MA1ERIAlS INVII A liON 10 BID I owom BID I1fM I1fM 248, TYPE B OUXIBLE PROCESSED PEBIDD FROM: JULY 1, 2005 PEBIDD TD: DECEMBER 31, 2005 BASEl GRADE 3:IMINPl6J YOU ARE INVITEO TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORTLAVACA. TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- ~ITEM 249. TYPE B (FLEXIBLE PROCESSED BASE), ] GRADE 3:(MIN PI 6) BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDOER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALmES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUOGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 249, TYPE B (FLEXIBLE PROCESSED BASE), GRADE 3:(MIN PI 6) MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAII1MBIT IB1UnoN IlUVEBY /NT INlPllllE PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON TON /IElDW"lElIIIIPll1lIlY~ DATE OF B8I: AlIIHOIlIlED SlGllAT1IIE AND TIIlf: PRINT WE PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPJIONS TO TIE ABOVE SPECIICATIONS: TEI.EPflONE NUMBER: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IIIIIIIEJI 071 &AUIDUN COUNTY.1IXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS INVITATION TO BID I smUEB BID ITEM ITEM 302. TYPE PE croPPING 80ClO. Pf:IIIOD fROM: JULY 1, 2005 Pf:IIIOD TU: DECEMBER 31, 2005 GRADE 3 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-liTEM 302, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 3 I BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIOS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDrrlONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE! WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,0001$300,000). e SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 302, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 3 ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAIl1MHIT 1BTIIA1I1 IIlIVERY /NT /NT PIIIlE e PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT 4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON TON IIll/JW TIlE lOIItPIETlIlY-.m DATE If BIl: AUDIOR/ZBJ SIl:/IATIIlE AND TIIlf: PIIINT NAM:: PlEASE lIST ANY EXC8'IIIINS TO 111 ABOVE SPECIICATIONS: TB.EPIIlINI NUMDfR: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IIIDDIII e '1""19 '." ,"- e e e CAUIOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS INUIT A TION TO BID I BIOOEB BID ITEM ITEM 304, TYPE PE croPPING 8000, PBUOD fROM: JULY 1, 2005 PBUOD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 GRADE 4 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COM/SKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 WAUSTlN,PORTLAVACA, TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-liTEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 I BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGr TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CAlHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDmOIllAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPEIIISATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPEC/FICA TlONS: ITEM 304, TYPE PE (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 MUST MEET ALL TImOT SPECIFICATIONS IINIITMEIT ImIaTIDII II1IVEIIr /NT /NT J1I//&E PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON TON 118.DW1I1ElfI1IIPIET1IlY~ DATE Of BII: AlIIJIOIlJZIII SlGNAlIIlE AND IDlE: PIlINT WI: P\IASE lIST ANY EXCEPIIONS TO TIE ABOVE SPfCfICAlIINS: TElB'IlONE NlIMBBl: Thursday, May 05, 2005 BIDDOI ">'""13 VI CAUIOUN COUNTY, lWSBID SHEET- IROAn MAlERIALS INVITATION TO BID ( BIDDER Bm IIIM IIIIM 330, TYPED lPRE-MIX UMESTONB I PERIOD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 e PEIIIODTO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BIO ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA, DC 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-liTEM 330, TYPE D (pRE.MIX UMESTONE) BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDA Y, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS Will BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDmONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM 330, TYPE 0 (PRE-MIX LIMESTONE) ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAII1MHIT IB1J(Anoll IBlVEIIY PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE lIB TON INT PII1lE e PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON PRECINCT#4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON --PRE~NG+,fI2."SIX.MILIOAREA ' -"-"'OBDESnNATION,,TO.BEDEllVIORI:V-TO.JOBSITE__.__,_T.oN_______ DATEIIFIIII: AIIIIIlIIlIZHI S1CNATlIlE AND IDlE: PRINT WI: lIll8WlIlElIMfETlIlY-.Jl PlEASE lIST AllY EXCfPTlONS TO TII ABOVE SPECIICAnoNS: TElfPHONE NUMBER: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IlIIIDlR e 074 e e e CAUlDUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IRoAD MA1ERIALS INVITATION TO BID I BIDDER BID ITEM ITEM 350, TYPE 0 OIOT -MIX COlD LAID PERIOD IBOM: JULY 1, 2005 PERIOD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 ASPHALllC CONCREIE PAVEMENTl YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY. A TTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 ] BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED S1D-17EM 350, TYPE D (HOT-MIX COLD LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT) BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00AM, THURS.DAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: 10:00 AM, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS Will BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THECOUmy OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY A,S AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA TlONS' ITEM 350, TYPE D (HOT -MIX COLD LAID ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT) MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAII11IBIT IBTllATIlII IIlIVEBY lIlT /NT JiIIIfE PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA ------------------_.._------._._~._-._----._-_., . FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON --.._---_._--------_.__._---_._----------_._-------~---~----_._._----_._----~._-_._---_..- FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA lIll/IW 111E PJ/III'tEllIIY-.m DATE OF BIl: AIIIIIlIRIZBJ lIGNA TlIIE AND TDlf: PIlJNT IWE PlfASE UST ANY EXCEI'IIONS TO TIf ABDUl: SPECIICAnoNS: TEIfI'HlINE NllMBal: Thursday, May 05. 2005 IIIIIDlII 075 CAUIUUN COUNIY, TEXAS 8m SHEET- IROAD MAlERIALS INVITATION TO BID ~ BmBER BID REMILlMESTDNE-3/4INCII TO DUST I PERIOD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 e PERIODTO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA 1)( n979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BIo-I LIMESTONE-314/NCH TO DUST BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVEO AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIODER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG!- TO WAIVE TECHNICALmES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY ANO TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL UABIUTY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STAT!! LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,OOO/$100,OOO/$300,OOO). SPEC/FICA TlONS: L1MESTONE-314 INCH TO DUST ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPARTMEIT IBfI(ATU IfllVEIIY IlWT fIIIl P1IIlf PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON -, --TBN---- e PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE -'----f'REGlN~2.--SIJ(_MIL.e.AREA... -..,. , ,-, FOB DESTJNATJGN,.TO.BE'DELlVEREO-TGJOBSITE IIllI/W m IUIl/IIfETllIY IIIIE81 DATEDfIlDl: Al/TIIlIIUZED smllllE AND TIllE: PRINT NAME: PlIASE lIST ANY EXCEPIIlINS TO TIlE ABOVE SPECIICAnoNS: TBIPHONI NUMBER: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IlIIIDIB e 076 CAlHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET - IROAD MATERIALS I INVII A liON 10 BID BIDDER e BID ITEM ITYPE E lW1DTE ROCIO, NO PRECOAT, . GRADE3 I PfBIOD IROM: JULY 1, 2005 PfIlIlJO TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BI/).I TYPE E (WHITE ROCIQ, NO PRECOAT, GRADE 3 BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUOITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSOA Y, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG~ TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPECIFICA nONS: TYPE E (WHITE ROCK), NO PRECOA T, GRADE 3 ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TImOT SPECIFICATIONS IIJIAR1MEIIT 1D1IIA1IIN II1IVERY e PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE IN1 TON lIlT PIIIt:E PRECINCT #3 OLIVIA AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON PRECINCT#4P PDRT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON --PRECINCT #4S-SEAORIFT-AREA-- -- - -FOB-DEST1NA"r10N;4'0'BE-DEt1VE-ReEl'T0-;J0BSITi:---"-----T0N-- PRECINCT #2 SIX MILE AREA FDB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON DATE Of IlIl: AlITHlIIUlBI SIGNA T1DlE AND IDlE: PRINT IWE IIE16W 1B IE lIJM/IlE1lIlY-.n P\fASE lIST ANY EXCEJIIIONS TO TIE ABOVE SPECIfICATIONS; TillPIIONE NUMBBI: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IIIDDEB e 077 CAUlOUN COUNTY.1EXAS BID SHffi. IROAD MATERIALS I INVITATION TO BID BmOER BID ITEM 1= ~ ROel(]. NO PRECOAT, I PERIOD FROM: JULY 1, 2005 e PEIlIDD TO: DECEMBER 31,2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 WAUSTfN,PORTLAVACA TXn979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BIO-I TYPE E (WHITE ROCK), NO PRECOAT, GRADE 4 BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE Ar 10:00 AM, THURSDA Y. JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WIll. BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDA Y, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER, THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGr TO WANE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR All. BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST AOVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WIll. BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PRDVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDmONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WrrH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPEC/FICA nONS: TYPE E (WHITE ROCK), NO PRECOA T, GRAOE 4 ----------------------------------------------- MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPEC/FICA TIONS IIPAIl1MBIT Il11JIAlIDlI IIUVBIY /NT INT PII1t:E _ PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT#3 OUVIAAREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON ''f0N '.,.-_, -- ..--.-"'.,-.. PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE ---i>RE61NGT#4S'SEAElRIFr-AREA-- . -- - F0B'0ES'HNAT10N,'fBllEDElWERED-T0J0BSlTE' PRECINCT#2 SIX MILE AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON DATEDfBII: AlIIIIIIRIZEO SlCNAllIIE AIID TIIlf: PRINT IIMI:: IIEI8W 1lJ IE ltIMPlE1lIlY IBBJ PlEASE lIST ANY EXCEPIIOHS m TIE A8UVE SPECfJCAIIOliS: TB1PIIlINE NlIMBf/l: Thursday, May 05,2005 IIIDDBl _ ". '""S. Ut e e e CAlllDUN COUNTY, TIXAS BW SHEET- IROAD MATERIALS I INVII A liON 10 BID BIDDER BW ITEM ITYPE PH nUPPING RUCKl. GRADI 4 I PERIOD fROM: JULY 1, 2005 PERIOD TO: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO; CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUDITOR, 201 WAusnN, PORTL.AVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED; SEALED BID- 'TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 BIOS ARE DUE ANO WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDA Y. JUNE 16, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIG!- TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALNOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITN STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS: TYPE PB (TOPPING ROCK), GRADE 4 MUST MEET ALL TImOT SPECIFICATIONS IIPAIIlIIBT 1B1IIA1IDI IIUVEIIY - _PIllE PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT#3 DLlVIAAREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT#4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE PRECINCT #4S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION, TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE TON TON TON TON PRE.cING.T-#2-,SIX-MILE;ARI'A., . "..-I"OB,DESTjNA:rJONrT'OSE-OB.I'JE-RcD-TO_JOBSi+E__..,__-40N____~--- DATE OF BII: AlIIII1IIlIZED SlGNAllIlE AND TIIlI: PIIINT IIAAI: /IB8W TlIE~1Y1IIIIEIJ PI.fASE UST AHY EXCIPTIONS m TIE ABOVE SPB:IICAlIDNS: IREPIIlINf N1IMBER: Thursday, May 05, 2005 IllIlIJEB 079 . CA1l1DUft COUNIY, nxAS 8ID SIIfET - IROAD MATERIAlS ( INVII A liON 10 BID BmOER om ITEM IDRY RIP RAP MATERIAL I PERIOD mOM: JULY 1, 2005 e PElllDDTD: DECEMBER 31, 2005 YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, ATTN: BEN COMISKEY, COUNTY AUOITOR, 201 W AUSTIN, PORT LAVACA TX n979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-IDRY RIP RAP MATERIAL BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE AT 10:00 AM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIODER THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGr TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX. RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: DRY RIP RAP MATERIAL MUST MEET ALL TXDOT SPECIFICATIONS TOP SIZE: 15" ROCK WEIGHING BElWEEN 175 TO 200 POUNDS IIPARTMEIIT 1B1IIA1IIN IIlIVERY IN1 TON TON TON TON IIIW1 J1I/Jt:E PRECINCT #1 FAIRGROUNDS AREA PRECINCT#3 OLlVIAAREA PRECINCT #4P PORT O'CONNOR AREA PRECINCT#4S SEADRIFT AREA FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE FOB DESTINATION; TO BE DELIVERED TO JOBSITE e PREGlNG+#2--.-SIX-MllEAR!iA__ -', f{)B-OE.sT~NATjON;.T{).J3E_DElJVE_Rlill+QJQBsl:no--, --,-,-:rON--. llEl8W 1QlElIlIII'IElEIlY~ DATEDI'IlII: AllTIlDRlZED SIGNA TIllE AND 1IIlE: PIlINT lAME: PlfASE lIST ANY EXCfPIJONS TO TJf: ABOVE SPfClIICAnoNS: TElfI'IIONI NlIMBfR: Thu~day,May05,2005 IIlllllElt e ;-,Ij;,.-::O \JU Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will receive bids for the following items for All Precincts: "Asphalts, Oils & Em uIsions "Road Materials e Sealed Bids are due on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, June 16, 2005. AI! bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope aud clearly marked with the name of the bid item. Calhoun County does not accept faxed or emailed bids. Any bids received after the due date and time will be retwned unopened, Sealed bids mav be hand delivered or mailed to: CALHOUN COUNTY AnN: Ben Comiskey, County Auditor Courthouse Annex 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca TX 77979 Bids will be considered for award on Thursday, June 23, 2005 during a regular Commissioners' Court Meeting. Invitation to Bid FOrnIS and Specifications may be obtained from the Auditor's office at the Courthouse Annex Building, 20 I West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 or by calling Peggy at 361-553-4610, Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive all tecbnicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in deternIining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. Calhoun County reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a period of 60 days from the date of opening bids. e The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. The County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. BEN H COMISKEY. JR., CPA COUNTY AUDITOR CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Run Dates: Wednesday, June 1,2005 Wednesday, June 8,2005 Wednesday, June 15, 2005 Bill To: Calhoun County Auditor Courthouse Annex 201 W Austin, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 e 081 APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LlGHT BALLAST ANDCEILlNG REMOVAL SERVICES AT THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Specifications and Authorize County Auditor, Ben Comiskey to advertise for Bids for Asbestos Abatement and PCB Light Ballast and Ceiling Removai Services at the Calhoun County Courthouse. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Request for Proposal for Asbestos Abatement, PCB Light Ballast and Ceiling Removal Services Calhoun County, Texas May 20, 2005 Calhoun County Auditor's Office 20] West Austin Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 _ e _ U", Q'i U~ I. e II. III. IV. V. VI. e Table of Contents Section P.oQe Notice to Bidders....................,...,.........,...,..,..........,.......... ............................. 3 Overview... ..,..,.. ....,...,.... ......'..,...,............... ...........................................,..... ... 4 Schedule of Events ..,.........,.........................,......,...,..................................,...4 Scope of Services ......................,...............,...,................,.....,...,........:........... 5 General Requirements ....,.....,......,......,..,.....,...........................,...,................6 Instructions to Bidders ................,..,......................................,......,......,..,........7 VII. Attachments Attachment A - Execution of Offer .......................................................... 12 Attachment B - Bid Form ............................................................................14 Attachment C - Project Specifications .................................................... 17 Attachment D - Company Qualification Statement .............................18 Attachment E - References ....................................................................... 19 Attachment F - Safety Performance ........................................................20 RFP for Asbestos Abotemenf Services e poge 2 of 20 083 Section I - Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will receive proposals for: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, PCB LIGHT BALLAST and CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING shall be held at 10:00 AM, Tuesday, June 7, 2005 in the lobby of lhe Calhoun County Courthouse located at 211 S. Ann Street. Port Lavaca, Texas. AlIendance at this meeting by all prospective bidders is required ond is a prerequisite to providing abonafide bid. SEALED BIDS are due on or before 2:00 PM. Thursday, June 23, 2005 at the County Judge's office, 1300 N. Virginia Sfreet. Port Lavaca. Texas 77979. At thaf time, all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Courtroom located at fhe same address. The bids will be considered for award on Thursday, June 30, 2005 during a speciol session of Commissioners' Court. All bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope and c1earty marked: Sealed Bid _ Asbestos Abatement Services. Colhoun County does not accept faxed bids. Any bids received after the due date and time will be retumed unopened. Sealed bids may be hond delivered or mailed fo: CALHOUN COUNTY ATTN: Honorable Michael J. Pteiler, County Judge 1300 N. Virginia Sfreet Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Bid documenls for this project may be obtained by prospective bidders from the Colhoun County Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex, 201 West Austin Street. Port Lavaca, Texas 77979, or by calling Peggy Hall a1361-553-461O. Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive all technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Colhoun County, Calhoun County reserves the right to withhold the award ot the Contract for a period of 60 doys from the date of opening bids. The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer, The County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color. national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision ot services. BEN H. COMISKEY, JR" CPA COUNTY AUDITOR CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 3 of 20 e e e ;'),R~ "- \.....'...l.. Section II - Overview The Calhoun County Commissioners have authorized the complete renovation of the existing County Courthouse located in Port Lavaca, Texas. Due to the extensive scope of courthouse renovations, aU County departments currently residing within the courthouse will be relocated to a temporary focility in June 2005. e The work for this RFP includes the proper removal and disposal of all identified asbestos- containing materials (ACM) from within the building, lhe proper removal and disposal of PCB-containing fluorescenllight ballasts and the removal of non-ACM ceilings in various areas of the building. Please note that not all of the ceiling materiols identified for removol are asbestos- containing (refer to drowings included with the project specifications). Whether asbeslos-contoining or no1. the work includes the removol and disposol of 011 lights. r,,<lures; grids, supports, lathe, oir diffusers, etc. from the ceiling areas unless they are part of the building's ,main structural system, The purpose of this RFP document is to quality the successful bidder ond establish a total fixed price for providing asbestos abatemen1. PCB ballast removal and ceiling removal services to occomplish the courthouse renovation project. Section III - Schedule of Events EVENT e Issue RFP Pre-Bid Meeting (mandatory) Deadline for Submitting Written Inquiries about the RFP to the Project Consultant Sealed Bids Due Evaluation & Recommendation Contract Award Issue NTP Submit IO-Day Notification to TDSHS Asbestos Abatement RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services e DATE 5/27/05 6/7/05 (l0:00 am) 6/17/05 (5:00 pm) 6/23/05 (2:00 pm) 6/24/05 6/30/05 (special session ot Commissioners' Court) 7/1/05 7/5/05 7/19/05 - 8/19/05 (project must be completed on or before 8/19/05) Page 4 of 20 085 Section IV - Scope of Services 1.0 GENERAL Calhoun County (County) is seeking a single asbestos obatement contractor (Vendor) that possesses the proper licenses, personnel. qualifications, experience and financial resources to provide the asbestos abatement, PBC ballast removal and ceiling removal services. The successful vendor will be expected to property remove and dispose of all identified (either in the initial surveyor as the project proceeds) ACM, identity, property remove and dispose of all PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts, ond remove and dispose of the non-ACM ceiling materials identified on the drawings. The Vendor will be responsible for moving and protecting various components wilhin the building. These components are identified in the project specificotions. The required work will be performed in one phase, The work is scheduied to begin July 19,2005. 2.0 COUNTY RESPOSIBILmES The County will be responsible for the following Items: A, The legal right-of-entry to conduct the work. B. Providing water and electricity to the building. C. Designating parking and dumpster placement locations and/or restrictions. D. Alerting the Vendor of any restrictions or special access requirements regarding the site prior to mobilization. E. Alerting the Vendor of any known environmental conditions at the site (i.e., hazardous materials or processes, specialized protective equipment requirements, unsound stnuctural members, etc.) prior to mobilization. RFP for Asbestos Abotement Services Page 5 of 20 086 e e e Section V - General Reauirements _ 1. Vendor will supply all required supervision, workers, vehicles, lifts, equipment, dumpsters, products, building protection materials, tools, and of her supplies and labor which will be required to execute the required services for the County. 2. Vendor will follow the instructions and directions of the County ond its Project Manager where one is designated. 3. Vendor shail carry full coveroge (100%) liability insurance for damage to properly/assets owned by the County, 4. Vendor shall fake necessary ocfion to adhere to all facility requirements pertoining to the protection of fixtures, woll surfaces, elevators, etc. S. Vendor shall provide clean 3/B-inch hord-tempered masonite sheets as runners on 011 terrazzo surfaces or as required by the County. All sheets of mason/fe musf be taped 10 prevent sliding. Removal of building protection otter project completion is required. 6. There will be no smoking inside the building by an employee of the vendor at any time, 7. The vendor must provide adequate protection for its equipment and ail work, and shall provide such suitable safety appliances as may be needed to safely perform all work. 8. Vendor shall ensure its employees ond ogents perform all work under stringent safety precautions. 9. Vendor shall compiy with all applicable federal, stote, and local laws, rules, regulations, or orders issued by any public authority having jurisdiction. 10. Vendor shall obtain the appropriate City, County or Stote permitls), if any, required by the ordinonces of the City, County, or State for the performance of the work. 11. The vendor will coordinate ond attend a pre-abatement and post-abatement walk- through with the County ond, as applicable, the County's General Contractorls). The purpose of the wolk-through is to identity any pre-existing as well as abotement related damage to the building and interior improvements. The costs of all abatement related damage will be borne by the abatement vendor. 12. The vendor will not use equipment with sfeel wheels. Defective equipment will be removed from the job immediately. _ RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 6 at 20 e 087 Section VI -Instructions to Bidders 1.0 QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES All questions prior to the submittal deadline concerning this Request lor Proposal IRFP) must be submitted in writing by facsimile or email to: Kevin Maloney (Project Consultant for Caihoun County) 713-690-8989 (phone) 713-690-2055 (fax) kpmalonev@terracon,com 2.0 ADDENDA Response(s) to inquiries which directly ollect an interpretation or change to this RFP will be issued In writing by addendum and transmitted to all parties recorded as having received the RFP. All such addenda, issued prior 10 the submittal deadline. sholl be considered part of the RFP, and the respondent shall be required to consider and acknowledge receipt of such in its submittal. The deadline for submitting written inquiries about the RFP to the Project Consultanf is 5:00 pm, Friday. June 17.2005. Respondents receiving this RFP other lhan directly from Calhoun County are responsible for notifying Calhoun County that they are in receipl of a submittal request and are to provide a name and address in the event an addenda is issued. Only formal written addenda are binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. The respondent must acknowledge all addenda by indicating receipt of each directly on the Bid Form (see Attachmenl- B). 3,0 EXECUTION Of OFFER Respondents must complete, sign and return the attached Execution of Offer as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company olficial(s) authorized to commit such submittals. Failure fo sign and return this form will subject your submittal to disqualification. Please complete the Execution of Offer form Attachment _ A. 4.0 BID fORM Respondents must complete, sign and return the attached Bid Form as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company official(s) authorized to commit such submittals. All pricing provided on the Bid Form will be considered to be final and will remain in effect for the term of the contract periOd which is anticipated to be no more than six (6) months. All pricing shall include, but not be iimifed to. applicable taxes (if any). labor, supervision, moterials. insurance, overhead & profit. etc. Please orovide reauired oricina information on Attachment - B. RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 7 of 20 e e e 088 5.0 COMPANY QUALIFICATION STATEMENT e Respondents must complete, sign and return the attached Company Qualification Statement as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company official(s) authorized to commit such submittals. Vendor shall furnish basic company organization and contoct information, The vendor must certify that it has provided Asbestos Abatement Services for at least the previous two (2) consecutive years. Furthermore. the vendor shall certify that it is licensed with the Texas Department. of state Health Services os an Asbestos Abatement Contractor. Please orovide comoonv information and certificotion on Attachment- D, 6.0 REFERENCES Respondent must provide three (3) client references for whom similar services have been completed within the last twelve (12) months, References shall include client name. address. telephone number, fax number, contact person and email address, Vendor must agree to authorize clienfs to furnish any information required by the Counfy to verify references and for determining the quality and timeliness of previous work performed. Please provide client reference information on Attachment _ E. 7.0 SAFETY Calhoun County requires thot a safe workplace is maintained while products and services are provided. The respondent shall confirm the type ond frequency of regular safety meetings conducted with its employees and agents. Vendor shall provide Workers Compensation Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) information issued by the Insuronce carrier for the past four (4) years: 2004, 2003, 2002, ond 2001. The EMR's and carriers will be verified by the County. Please orovide sofetv information on Attochment -F. 8.0 INSURANCE e The successful Bidder must provide the County with a Cerfificate of Insurance for General Liability ($1,000.000/$2,000,000), Workers' Compensation (in accordance with State Law) and Auto Insurance 1$100,000/$100,000/$300,000). All poliCies shall contain a provision naming Calhoun County (and its officers, ogents and employees) as Additional Insured parties on the original policy and all renewols or replacements during the term of this agreement. All policies must contain a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement to the effect that the issuer waives any claim or right in the nature of subrogation to recover against the County. its officers. agents or employees. Please provide a Certificate of Insurance indicatina coveraae that is currentlv in place. RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 8 ot 20 e 089 9.0 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND Upon receipt ot a letter of intent to award a contract. Bidder shall provide Performance and Payment Bonds as outlined below. A Payment or Performance Bond is not required on contracts of $25,000,00 or less unless otherwise slipulated in Special Condilions. A Payment Bond is required if the total Confract Sum exceeds $25,000.00, The Poymen1 Bond is solely for the protection of those supplying lobar, materials and/or equipment in the prosecution of lhe Contract. A Performance Bond is required if the total Contract Sum exceeds $100,000. The Performance Bond ensures faithful performance of the Contract. 1. Each bond shall be executed by a corporate surety or corporate sureties duly authorized to do business in the Stote of Texas, acceptabie to the County, and on forms approved by the County. Normally, the County will consider acceptoble any corporate surety quolified to do business in Texas. If any surety upon any bond furnished in connection with the Contract becomes insolvent. or otherwise not authorized to do business in this State, lhe Vendor shall promptly furnish equivolent security to protect the interests of lhe County and of persons supplying lobor, materials and/or equipment in the prosecution of the work contemplated by the Confract. 2. Each bond shall be accompanied by a valid Power-of-Attorney (issued by the surety company and ottached, signed ond sealed, with the corporale embossed seal. to the bond) outhorizing the ogent who signs the bond to commit the company to the terms of the bond, ond stating (on the face of the Power-of- Attorney) the limit, if ony, in the totol amount for which he is empowered to issue a single bond. 10.0 TAXES Colhoun County is exernpt from Texas Sales ond Use Tax. Vendor shall not include an assessment of these taxes in their proposal. A tax exemption certificate will be provided by the County to the successful bidder at contract award. 11.0 IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT The successful vendor shall provide, upon request. appropriate identification and employment eligibility documents ond complete Form W-9 to meet requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. 12.0 FORM OF AGREEMENT The form of agreement between the County and the successful vendor will be AlA Documents A I 05 & A205. Standard Form Of Agreemenl Between Owner And Contractor, And General Conditions Of The Contract For Construction _ 1993 Small Projects Editions. RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services poge 9 of 20 e e e 090 13,0 AWARD OF CONTRACT e After Bids are opened, the Bids will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the Bid prices and overall responsiveness to the RFP requirements. The County reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a periOd of 60 days from the date of opening Bids and no award will be made unli1the County is satisfied as to the responsibilities of the low Bidders. Until final award of the Contract. the County reserves the right to rejeel ony or all Bids or proceed to do the work otherwise in the best interest of the County. The Commissioner's Court makes no guarantee that an award will be made as a result of this RFP and reserves lhe right to accept or reject any or all submittals, woive ony , formalities or minor technical inconsistencies, or delete any item/requirements from this RFP when deemed to be in the best interesl of Calhoun County. Representations made within the qualifications submittal ond any subsequent proposal will be binding on the respondent. Calhoun Counly will not be bound to ael by any previous communication or information submitted by the respondent other than this RFP. 14.0 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The person or persons, partnership, company, firm, associotion or corporation to whom a contract is awarded shall within 10 calendor days after such oward, sign lhe necessary ogreements entering into the required Contract with the County, No conlract shall be binding on the County until it has been execuled by lhe County or County's duly authorized representative, and delivered to the Contractor. 15.0 RFP SUBMITIAL Respondent must provide one (1) original and two (2) copies of the RFP submittal, completed and signed. RFP submittals are to be prepored on 8 Y, x 11 paper and stapled in the upper left corner. e Respondent must submit the following documents accurotely and fully completed in order to be considered as a potential service provider. Due to the time element, the depth ot RFP documentation and the window required for review and evoluation, should responses be found to be incomplete, vendors will not be afforded the opportunity to correct or alter responses unless specifically requested by the County. A. Execution of Offer - Attachment A B. Bid Form - Attachment B C. Company Quaiification Statement- Attachment D D. References - Attachment E E, Safety Pertormance - Attachment F F. Certificate of Insurance (indicating current coverage) RFP for Asbestos Abotement Services Poge 10 of 20 e 091 Section VII - Attachments The following affachments are provided for the vendors use in responding to the RFP requirements. Attachment A - Execution of Offer Attachmenf B - Bid Form Attachment C - Project Specifications Attachment D - Company Qualification Statement Attachment E - References Attachment F - Safety Performance RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page II of 20 n'lj'1 U:Ji,:;" e e e AHachment A EXECUTION OF OFFER THIS EXECUTION OF OFFER MUST BE COMPLEIED, SIGNED, AND REIURNED WITH THE RESPONDENT'S RFP SUBMITIAL. FAILURE TO COMPLEIE, SIGN, AND REIIRN THIS EXECUTION OF OFFER MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE ENTIRE RFP SUBMITTAL. e SIGNING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY VOID THE SUBMITTED QUALIFICATION OR ANY PROPOSAL. AGREEMENT. OR OTHER CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE SUBMISSION OF THE RESPONDENT'S RFP SUBMITTAL. A FALSE CERTIFiCATION SHALL BE DEEMED A MATERIAL BREACH OF CONTRACT AND, AT THE OPTION OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MAY RESULT IN TERMINATION OF ANY RESULTING CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER. By signature hereon, the respondent otfirms that he has not given, nor intents to give ot any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, tuture employment. gift, loan, gratuity. special discount, trip, or fovor to a public servant in connection with this submittal. By signature hereon, 0 corporate respondent certifies that it is not currently delinquent in the payment of any Fronchise Taxes due under Chapter 171, Texos Tax Code, or that the Corporate respondent is exempt trom the payment of such taxes. or that the corporate respondent is an out-of-state corporation that is not subject to the Texas Franchise Tax, whichever is opplicable. By signature hereon, respondent represents and worrants that: Respondent is 0 reputable company regularly engoged in providing products and for services necessary to meet the terms, conditions and requirements of this RFP; Respondent has the necessary experience, knowledge, abilities, skills, and resources to satisfactorily pertorm the terms, conditions, ond requirements of this RFP; e Respondent is aware of, is fully informed about, and is in full compliance with 011 applicable federal, state, county. and local laws rules, regulations and ordinances governing the proposed project or service; Respondent understands (i) the requirements and specifications set torth in this RFP and (ii) the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement under which respondent will be required to operate; Respondent. if selected by Calhoun County, will maintain insurance os required by the Agreement: All statements. information and representations prepared and submitted in response to this RFP are current, complete, true, and accurate. Respondent acknowledges that Calhoun County will rely on such statements, intormation, and representations in selecting the successful respondent. If selected by Calhoun County as the successful respondent. respondent will notify Calhoun County immediately ot any material changes in any matters with regard to which RFP tor Asbestos Abatement Services Page 12 ot 20 e 093 Attachment A respondent to which to which respondent has made a statement or representation or provided information, By signature hereon. respondent certifies that fhe individual signing this document and the documents made part of the RFP is authorized to sign such document on behalf of the company ond to bind the company under any agreement or other contractual arrangements which may result from the submission of respondent's submittal. Submi1ted and Certified By: Vendor's Name Authorized Signature Slreel Address Printed Name City, State, Zip Code Title Telephone Number Date facsimile Number RFP tor Asbestos Abatement Services Page 13 of 20 ''''lOA '-_ v'f e e e Attachment B BID FORM Pursuant to the Instructions to Bidders. the undersigned has thoroughly examined the RFP Documents and the Site, understands the work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work as provided in the RFP Docwnents and subject to the observation and approval of the Owner, and binds themselves on acceptance of this bid by the Owner, for performing and completing the said work within the time stated and to furnish all required guarantees for the following prices: e . Please note that not all of the ceiling materials identified for removal are asbestos- containing (refer to drawings included with the specificatious). Whether asbestos- coutainiug or uot, the Base Bid includes the removal aud disposal of all lights, fIxtures, grids, supports, lathe, air diffusers, etc. from the ceiliug areas uuless they are part of the building's main structural system. BASE BID (removal aud disposal of all ACM, PCB-coutaining fluorescent light ballasts and non-ACM materials iu accordance with Asbestos Abatement Specifications) The Bidder herewith submits a Not-to-Exceed Bid of (ARUs included) Dollars ($ ) UNIT PRICES: The Bidder herewith submits unit prices for reductions or additional units of Work that may be identified by the Owner or General Contractor during the course of the Contract, or within sixty (60) days follOwing fmal completion. Unit prices are for complete removal and disposal of the follOwing items: Material e HV AC vibration isolators, per I.f. Floor tile and mastic. per s.f. Walllceiling texture/joint compound, per s.f. Sheet vinyl flooring materials, per s,f. Thermal system insulation, per \.f, Transite panels, per s.f. Window glazing materials, per I.f. Window/door caulk materials, per \.f. Non-asbestos ceiling materials, per s.f. PCB-containing light ballasts, per ballast in excess of 30 Non-asbestos floor tile and mastic materials, per s.f. Minimum trip charge: (to be applied if work force is no longer at site) RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services e Unit Costs $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 140f20 095 Attachment B Anticipated Project duration Calendar Days Note: There is water and electricity at the site. PROJECT SCHEDULE: The Bidder submits the following work schedule: Start Date: Project is scheduled to begin July 19, 2005 Stop Date: , Project must be completed by Angust 19, 2005 Alternate Bid #1 - Remove and dispose of all HV AC duct work (non-ACM) from the building. This includes any hangers, irxtures, supports, etc. that is associated with the duct work. The Bidder herewith snbmits a Not-to-Exceed Bid of DoUars ($ ) Anticipated Project dnration Calendar Days Alternate Bid #2 - Remove and dispose of all asbestos-containing window glazing material from the two main I" floor entryways and the windows at the l't floor Tax Assessor's area. The glass will be disposed of; however, the window frames mnst remain intact and undamaged. The Contractor will perform the removal and disposal in accordance with current local, state and federal regulations. The Bidder herewith submits a Not-to-Exceed Bid of (ARUs included) DoIIars ($ ) Anticipated Project duration Calendar Days RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 15 of 20 096 e e e 097 Attachment B ADDENDA: This will acknowledge receipt of the following addenda which are part of the RFP Documents: Addendum No. Addendum No. e CONTRACT TIME: The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site of the Work and has carefully examined the RFP Documents pertaining to the Work covered by the above Bid, and he further agrees to commence work on the specified day and to substantially complete the Work within the allotted time frame, subject to such extensions of time allowed by contract. The undersigned Bidder agrees that his Bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 60 calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving the bids. The undersigned Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to r~ect any or all Bids and to waive any informalities in the Bidding. Vendor's Name Authorized Signature Street Address Printed Name City, State, Zip Code Title Telephone Number Date Facsimile Number e RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 16 of 20 e Attachment C ASBESTOS ABATEMENT and PCB-CONTAINING LIGHT BALLAST REMOVAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Attached RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 17 of 20 098 e e e A<<achment D COMPANY QUALIFICATION STATEMENT e Company Full Name: Street Address: City, State and Zip: Telephone No.: Facsimile No,: Federal Tax ID No.: TDSHS license No.: Years in Business: Years ot Current Ownership: Representative's Name: (legally authorized) Tille: Signature: Date: E-Mail Address: Please indicate appropriate response to the following: e 1.) Hos vendor provided Asbestos Abatement Services tor at leost the previous two (2) consecutive years? YES_ NO_ 2,) Is the vendor licensed and in good standing with the Texos Department of State Heallh Services (TDSHS)? YES_ NO_ RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 18 of 20 e 099 REFERENCES REFERENCE ONE Client Name: Client Type: Address: Contact Name I Tille: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: Contract Period: Scope ot Services: REFERENCE TWO Client Name: Client Type; Address: Contact Name I Tille; Telephone No.: Facsimile No.; Contract Period: Scope of Services: REFERENCE THREE Client Name: Ciient Type: Address: Contact Name I Tille: Telephone No,: Facsimile No.: Contract Period: Scope ot Services: RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Attachment E Page 19 of 20 e _ _ ",no 1-U Attachment F SAFETY PERFORMANCE Calhoun County requires lhat 0 sate workplace is maintained while products and services are provided. Please provide the following information regarding your safety procedures ond performance. e 1.) Does your firm conduct regular safety meetings with supervisors, workers, etc.? YES_ NO_ (Detoil Type & Frequency) 2.) Please provide your firm's Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR) information for the following years. 2001 EMR Rate 2002 EMR Rate 2003 EMR Rate 2004 EMR Rate e RFP for Asbestos Abatement Services Page 20 of 20 e 101 lrerracan Consulting Engineers & ScIentists Terracon Consultants, Inc. 11555 Clay Road. Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77043 Phone 713.690.8989 Fax 713.690.8787 www.terracon.com ASBESTOS ABATEMENT and PCB-CONTAINING FLUORESCENT LIGHT BALLAST REMOVAL SPECIFICATIONS For Calhoun County Courthouse 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas Prepared for: Calhoun County 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Terracon Project No. 92037435B May 18, 2005 Terracon 11555 Clay Road, Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77043 Kevin P. Mal ney Sr. Project Manager TDSHS Lic. ND. 10-5547 DeliYering SUccess for Clients and Employees Since 1965 More Than 70 Offices Nationwide 102 e e e SCOPE OF WORK - ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Project: Calhoun County Courthouse 211 South An n Street Port Lavaca, Texas Terracon Project No. 92037435B e Any TDSHS-Iicensed Project Manager of HBClTerracon is hereby authorized to perform the necessary visual inspections as required by TDSHS. I. Material, Quantity and Locations Schedule of Asbestos-Containing Materials to be Removed 9" x 9" floor tile and associated Various locations throughout NF 20,000 s.f. mastic (various pattems) Brown mastic associated with Various locations throughout F 21,500 s.f. l' x l' white ceiling tile Surge tank insulation wrap Penthouse NF 75s.f. Pipe elbow and fltting insulation Various locations throughout F 1,OOOI.f, Pipe insulation - straight run Possibly in various locations F 100l.f, throu hout Gray window glazing material Various locations on 1" floor NF 260 I.f. e 1 The quantities and locations listed are estimates only. The contractor will perform work for materials indicated, regardless of actual quantities. * Please note that not all of the ceiling materials identified for removal are asbestos-containing (refer to drawings included with these specifications). Whether asbestos-containing or not, the work includes the removal and disposal of all lights, fIXtures, grids, supports, lathe, air diffusers, etc. from the ceiling areas unless they are part of the building's main structural system. II. Work Practices A. Respiratory Protection During the removal of the asbestos-containing materials, the workers will be required to wear, as a minimum, half-face respirators equipped with filter cartridges designed for asbestos-containing dusts and mists, vapors, and color coded in accordance with ANSI Z228.2 (1980). Certification that the workers have been fit tested in accordance with current OSHA guidelines will be provided as part of Worker Documentation, e 103 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No, 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 2 IOC lrerracan B. Protective Clothing During removal, work clothes will be wom by the workers. Boots and gloves will be A available to each worker as needed, Work clothes will consist of fire retardant. ., disposable, full-body coveralls, head covers, boots, and rubber gloves in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 and ANSI Z41, Sleeves at wrists and cuffs at ankles will be secure, Work clothes will be properly disposed of at the conclusion of the work. Eye protection and hard hats will be available as required by applicable safety regulations and will conform to ANSI 87.1 and 89.1. Authorized visitors, including the consultant's on-site representative, will be provided with suitable protective clothing, headgear, eye and respiratory protection, and footwear whenever they are required to enter Work Area. C. Removal The Contractor will perform the removal and disposal in accordance with current local, state and federal regulations. Materials, except for the pipe insulation materials that can be removed using glovebag methods, and the flooring/mastic materials that can be properly removed under negative pressure with critical barriers and 4' splash guards, will be abated with wet removal techniques in full containment. Full containment includes as a minimum: 6-mil polyethylene critical barriers, two 4-mil polyethylene layers on walls (where applicable), one 4-mil polyethylene layer on ceilings (where applicable), two 6-mil polyethylene layers on floors (where applicable), attached three-stage wet decontamination unit, and negative pressure ventilation system. Additionally, where feasible, a viewing window will be constructed that measures approximately 18"x18" and will permit the viewing from outside the containment of at least 51 % of the abatement work area. Poly sheeting will be in accordance with applicable requirements for dart impact and tear resistance. All non-movable objects that remain in the work area will be protected with two layers of 6-mil plastic sheeting. Suspected asbestos containing debris will be either wet wiped or vacuumed with a HEPA vacuum prior to completion of containment construction. Negative air machine units with HEPA filtration, in sufficient number to provide a negative pressure of at least 0.02 inches of water column differential between the containment and the outside, as evidenced bv manometric measurements, and a minimum offour containment air changes per hour, will be operated continuously for the duration of the project. 104 e e Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 3 IOC lrerracon e Mastic will be removed with soap and water and/or a low odor mastic remover utilizing manual methods. Solvents with a flash point of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or below will not be used. Mastic remover will be placed onto the concrete slab and worked with brushes, scrapers, or an electric buffer. Sawdust or a similar absorbent material will be used to soak up mastic slurry from the floor. Following removal of the absorbent, the concrete slab will be cleaned with soap and water. The waste resulting from the removal operations will be double-bagged, labeled and disposed of in accordance with the guidelines discussed in item D of this section. Glove Bag Method e 1. Place two layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting below and in the vicinity of the abatement area. 2, Place one layer of duct tape around area to be abated at points where glove- bag will be attached. 3. Place tools in bag. Attach and use glove-bag in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, unless more stringently specified herein. 4. Insert sprayer wand through water sleeve. Seal water sleeve tightly around the wand to prevent leakage. 5. Use smoke tube and aspirator bulb to test seal. Gently squeeze glove-bag and look for smoke leaks. Seal leaks and retest. 6. Wet the asbestos-containing material within the glove-bag with amended water prior to removal. Utilize a minimum of two asbestos workers per glove- bag. 7. Carefully cut and remove asbestos-containing materials within the glove-bag. Exercise care to avoid cutting bag while removing asbestos-containing materials. 8. Thoroughly wet removed material and glove-bag with amended water. 9. After removing asbestos-containing material, wet clean all surfaces to remove residual accumulated material. Continue wet-cleaning until surface is free of visible material. 10. Remove tools thrj)ugh glove or tool pouch by inverting, twisting glove, taping at twist to seal, and severing glove at midpoint of tape. 11, Collapse glove-bag by inserting HEPA-vacuum. Twist bag several times at the top of bag. Twist and tie to secure, 12.Place appropriately labeled 6-mil bags around glove-bag. Score glove-bag above taped seal to remove and place inside 6-mil bag. Seal 6-mil bag around disassembled glove-bag. e 105 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 4 I-OC lrerracon D. Disposal 1. Once the ACM is removed, it will be double-bagged and labeled in accordance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and OSHA guidelines. .- Pre-printed Generator Labels will be affixed to each bag prior to being placed in _ the lined waste disposal dumpster or trailer. 2. The bags will be labeled in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 (f) of OSHA's Hazard Communication standard, and will contain the following information: DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD 3. The area between the bag-out decontamination unit and the prepared waste receptacle will be regulated with barrier tape during bag-out operations. The waste dumpster or trailer will remain secured during all other periods. 4. The waste will be disposed in an approved landfill. The waste will be transported to the landfill in lined closed-top receptacles by a TDSHS-licensed transporter. Verification of disposal at the landfill will be provided to the Owner by Contractor via the TCEQ Waste Manifest. E. Air monitoring 1. PCM baseline, area and/or clearance sampling will be conducted in accordance with the NIOSH 7400 Protocol, counting rules A, and current TDSHS requirements, A minimum of three baseline samples will be collected from each floor (including the basement and penthouse), The minimum volume for baseline and clearance samples is 1,250 liters. e III. Construction Notes The Contractor will be responsible for filing the original10-day notification and any subsequent amendments, The Contractor will be responsible for paying the required ARUs. The Contractor is to be current and in good standing on all asbestos abatement notification fees. The Owner reserves the right to verify Contractor's standing. The Contractor will be responsible for routing water and electricity to the work areas. Electricity and water are to be provided by the Owner. e 106 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18,2005 Page 5 IOC lrerracan The Contractor will perform no abatement or disturbance of asbestos-containing materials unless the Consultant/Project Manager is at the job site and has acknowledged that work can commence. e The Contractor will not initiate abatement activities or otherwise disturb asbestos at the site until the site preparation has been inspected and approved by the Consultant/Project Manager. The Contractor will be responsible for securing the work area while abatement activities are being performed, The Consultant/Project Manager will perform a final visual inspection of the area after the Contractor has removed all debris and other materials from the work areas. If any suspect debris is identified at this time, these materials/areas will be wet wiped and/or vacuumed with a HEPA vacuum by the Contractor prior to the Contractor leaving the site. The Contractor will strive to keep damage to existing surfaces to a minimum. The Contractor will be held responsible for damage caused as a result of the prep, abatement or demolition activities. This is especially important with the wood panel walls, wooden benches, desks, fixtures, trim, etc. in the 2nd floor courtroom areas, and the window frames on the 1st floor. To keep damage to a minimum, no spray glue, nails, etc. may be used on the wooden walls, fixtures, etc. e The Contractor will be responsible for carefully removing, protecting and stDring the wooden benches that are present in the 2nd floor courtroom areas. When abatement and demolition have been completed in these areas, the Contractor is. responsible for returning the benches to the courtroom (they do not have to be re-installed). Contractor parking and disposal dumpster areaswill be as designated by the Owner. The Contractor will keep work and parking areas clean. Prior to any asbestos abatement activities the Contractor will provide a licensed electrician to provide power lock-out and tag-out of all circuits to be affected by the asbestos abatement activities. Lock-outlTag-out must meet OSHA 1910.147 requirements. The Contractor will install one fire extinguisher, with a minimum NFPA rating of 10BC (dry chemical), within the containment area for every 3,000 s.f.. or fraction of containment area. Additional fire extinguishers will be installed in the Equipment Room and Clean Room, e 107 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 6 IOC lrerracon The Contractor will conduct a safety meeting for Contractor's employees with emphasis on operation of fire extinguishers and emergency exits in case of fire, Contractor's employees will not wear protective clothing and equipment in areas of _ the building outside the work area except during bag-out operations. ., Contractor will have posted emergency phone numbers for the site supervisor, fire department, and police. Contractor will store a minimum of volatile substances on the job site and in fire resistant containers only. The ConsultanUProject Manager will not be responsible for site safety, or the ways and means utilized by the abatement contractor. Ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) units will be installed on all electrical circuits used within the regulated area(s). The Contractor will exhaust any negative pressure ventilation system to the outside of building unless authorized by the Contractor/Supervisor. Contract documents, general conditions and insurance requirements have been provided to the Contractor by the Owner. All wastewater, including that from the decontamination shower, will be filtered through a 0,5-micron filter prior to disposal. Submittals required for proper execution include but are not limited to the following: e IV. Contractor Submittals Pre-Construction Submittals (submitted to ConsultanUProject Manager) Regulatory Notification Information Fire Action Plan Emergency Phone List Project Schedule Copy of Written Respirator Program which conforms to 29 CFR 191 O.134(b) OSHA Material Safety and Data Sheets (Product Handling) Negative Initial Exposure Assessment (if applicable) e '0,8 ~ Jr ~. Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 7 lOC lrerracon e Construction Submittals (submitted to Consultant/Project Manager before start of work on-site) Accreditations: Worker, Supervisor, Transporter(s) NESHAP Training Certificate Personal Air Monitoring Lab Results List of Workers Worker Registration Certificates Medical Examination Results Worker Training Certificates Respiratory Fit Test Certificates Certificates of Worker Acknowledgement Proiect Closeout (submitted to Owner) Contractor's Daily Log Waste Disposal Manifest Copies Certificate of Completion Releases, Occupancy Permits (if applicable) Personal Air Monitoring Lab Results Resubmissions Revise submittals as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate any changes which have been made other than those requested by Consultant/Project Manager. e Contractor Responsibilities Illegible submittals will be rejected and returned for re-submittal. Schedule submittals according to general flow of Work and so as to allow for adequate and timely review of submittals by Consultant/Project Manager. Review submittals prior to submission and submit to Consultant/Project Manager in accordance with provisions herein. Verify field measurements, construction criteria, catalog numbers and similar data. Coordinate submittals with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's responsibility for errors or omissions is not relieved by Consultant/Project Manager's review. Contractor's responsibility for deviations from requirements of Contract Documents is e 109 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courlhouse Tetracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 7 fOC lrerracon Construction Submittals (submitted to Consultant/Project Manager before start of work on-site) Accreditations: Worker, Supervisor, Transporter(s) NESHAP Training Certificate Personal Air Monitoring Lab Results List of Workers Worker Registration Certificates Medical Examination Results Worker Training Certificates Respiratory Fit Test Certificates Certificates of Worker Acknowledgement e Proiect Closeout (submitted to Owner) Contractor's Daily Log Waste Disposal Manifest Copies Certificate of Completion Releases, Occupancy Permits (if applicable) Personal Air Monitoring Lab Results Resubmissions Revise submittals as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate any changes which have been made other than those requested by ConsultantlProject Manager. Contractor Responsibilities Illegible submittals will be rejected and returned for re-submittal. e Schedule submittals according to general flow of Work and so as to allow for adequate and timely review of submittals by Consultant/Project Manager. Review submittals prior to submission and submit to Consultant/Project Manager in accordance with provisions herein. Verify field measurements. construction criteria, catalog numbers and similar data. Coordinate submittals with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's responsibility for errors or omissions is not relieved by Consu/tantlProject Manager's review. Contractor's responsibility for deviations from requirements of Contract Documents is e 110 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Terracon Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 8 IOC lrerracan not relieved by Consultant/Project Manager's review, unless Consultant/Project Manager is notified of deviations in writing at time of submittal, and gives written review of specific deviations. e Work which requires submittals will not begin until submittals have been reviewed and approved by Consultant/Project Manager. If required, reproduce and distribute copies after Consultant/Project Manager's review. Consultant/Proiect ManaCler's ResponSibilities Review submittals within two working days or indicate in writing reasons for reviews which require additional time, Review for conformance with design concept of project and information given in Contract Documents. Indicate results of review and return submittals to Contractor for distribution. Review of separate items does not constitute review of an assembly in which items function. c;onsultant/Project Manager is not responsible for job site safety or the ways and means utilized by the Contractor. Consultant/Project Manager is not responsible for verification of field measurements, construction criteria, catalog numbers and other similar data. e V. Products - to be provided by the Contractor Amended Water: Provide water to which a surfactant has been added. Use a mixture of surfactant and water which results in wetting of the ACM and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material. Disposal Baas: Provide as a minimum, individual, 6-mil thick, leak-tight, manufactured polyethylene bags. Disposal Baa Labels: Provide labels with Owner's name, Contractor's name, Project site address and the following warnings and labels, in accordance with TCEQ, OSHA and USDOT regulatory requirements. Labels will be lettered with indelible ink. Polvethvlene Wrap: Provide minimum 6-mil polyethylene sheeting as a wrapping for large sections of rigid waste material. Provide minimum double layer of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting for floors. Provide minimum double layer of 4-mil polyethylene sheeting for wall areas. e 111 Asbestos Abatement Scope of Work Calhoun County Courthouse Tem/con Project No. 920374358 May 18, 2005 Page 9 IOC lrerracon Removal Encapsulant: Provide a penetrating type encapsulant designed specifically for removal of ACM. Utilize an encapsulant that will meet or exceed the results produced by use of Amended Water, as described above. Spraver: Provide a hand pump type pressure-can garden sprayer fabricated out of either metal or plastic, equipped with a metal wand at the end of a hose that can deliver a stream or spray of liquid under pressure. Mastic Remover/Solvent: Solvents with a flash point of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or below will not be used. SCOPE OF WORK - PCB..cONT AINING FLUORESCENT LIGHT BALLAST REMOVAL (a) The scope of work includes the proper removal, transportation and disposal of all light ballasts containing PCBs. For bidding purposes, assume that thirty (30) fluorescent light ballasts contain PCBs. (b) All fluorescent light ballasts shall be considered to contain PCBs unless specifically labeled .PCB Free". Using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), segregate ballasts from fixtures and place in drums for proper transportation and disposal. Contractor shall provide waste manifests for disposal of all PCB ballasts. 112 _ e _ e CAUlOUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEET- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SmVICES ~ INVITATION TO BID BIIOER AAR lNe DANIEl. O'BRYAN 12221-8 FM 529 HOUSTON TX n041 BID ITEM ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UGHT BAllAST AND CBUNG REMOVAl smVlCES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO, CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN, HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE 1300 N VIRGINIA PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 ] BIDS SHOUlD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED, SEALED B1D'I~SBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LlGIfT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLlQ Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT, 2:00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AfTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS 15 AN EQUAl EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' CDMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIRCATIONS: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES SEE ATTACHED IIPARTMENT IIfSTINATION 8IJ PRICE e CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE e 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 18ElOW TU BE CllMPlHED BY 8IJDE8J DATE Of BID: AlIlIIlIIUZID SlGNATlIIE AND TUlf: POIHT NAME: PlEASE lIST Alft EXCEPTIONS TO 1IIE ABOVE SPECUlCAlIINS: TElfPHONE NUMBED: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 BlDDffi AAllIHC 113 CAUlOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SERVICES I INUIT A TION TO BID BIIIDfII ABATEMENT SERVICES INC BRIAN OWSTDW 9417 ST VINCENT AVE SHREVEPORT LA 71106 e _ITEM ASBESTOS ABAlIMENT AND PCB UGHT BAUAST AND CUG REMOVAL SERVICES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO, CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN, HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE 1300 N VIRGINIA PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED, SEALED BID. I~SBESTOS ABA TEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST I AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT, 2,00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 200S BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 200S BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RJGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY ANO TO BE THE SOLE IUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY OOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,0001$300,000). SPECIFICATIONS, ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES SEEATIACHED ----------------------------------------------- IIPARTMENT DESTINATION 8IJ PRICE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 e DATE IIf BID: AHIBOIlIlED SlGNATlIlf AND TIfIf: PRINT NAME f8BDW TO BEC1IMPlElED IY 8IIDERJ PlEASE lIST ANY ElIOO'TIlINS m TIlE ABOVE SPEClHCATIIHS: TillPlIlJNf NUMBER: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 BBlDER ABAIIMENISERVlt:fS INC e 114 e CAlBOUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHID- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SmVICES I INVITATION TO BID BlIOm ARC ABATEMENT DEVIN JOHNSTON 6630 ROXBURGH DR, SIE 130 HOUSTON TX 77041 BID ITEM ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UCHT BAllAST AND CElUNG REMOVAL smVlCES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO, CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN, HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE 1300 N VIRGINIA PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED, SEALED BID'I~SBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UGHT BALLAST I AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND Will BE PUBUCL Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT, 2,00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2005 BIDS Will BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME Will BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNiCAlITIES, REJECT ANY OR All BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS Will BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CAlHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RElIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL UABIUTY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALlAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES SEE ATTACHED IIPARTMBCT DESTINATION 81/ PRiCE e CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE e 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 DATE Of BID: AIITIllIIIIZED SIGIIA T1lIE AND TIIlf: PRINT NAMf: {8BOW TO BE &OMPIE1lJJ 8Y 8IIDERJ PlfASE lIST ANY EJO:fPIJllHS TO THE ABOVE SPfCUICAmNS; TElfPUONE NllMBER: Tuesday. May 24, 2005 B1DDlR AIle ABAm.IINI 115 I CAlBDUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SERVICES I INVITATION TO BID HIlDER CST ENVIRONMENTAL INe JON WOODARD 14010 INTERDRIVE WEST HOUSTON TX 17lJ32 e Bm ITEM ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UGHT BALlAST AND CHUNG REMOVAL SERVICES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN: HONORABLE MICHAEL] PFEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE 1300 N VIRGINIA PORT LAVACA TJ( 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID-I~SBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST I AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLla Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY IUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 2:00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE JO, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE REnlRNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIOS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST AOV ANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BA5IS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STAniS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,0001$100,000/$300,000). SPECIRCATlONS: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES SEE ATTACHED ----------------------------------------------- IIPARlMENT IlESIINATION 81/ PRICE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 e l8HOW m BE CIIMPlETE6 8Y 81JDERJ DATE OF BID: ADIBORIlID SlGNATDOE AND TUlE: PRINT NAME: PlEASE lIST ANY EmPTIONS TO TIlE ABOVE SPEClHCAmNS: TElfPIIONI NUMBER: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 B1IlDER CST EHVIHDNMINIAlINC e '1g l.LV e CAUlOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEff- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SERVICES I INUIT A TION TO BID BIIDER HAZARD ASSESSMENT LEADERS lNe DAVE GRUNIGEN 5311 PETTY ST HOUSTON TX 11001 BID ITEM ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UGUT BAllAST AND CHUNG REMOVAl SERVICES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO, CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN, HONORABLE MICHAEL J PfEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE IJooN VIRGINIA PORT LAVACA TX 77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED, SEALED BID-I~SBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB UGHT BALLAST I AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT, 2,00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23,2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON, THURSDAY, JUNE JO, 2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY. THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,0001$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN I ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). ----------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BAlLAST AND CEILING REMOVAl SERVICES SEE ATTACHED IIPARTMENT DESTINATION 86/ P8I:E e CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE e 211 S ANN ST, PORT LAVACA, 1)( 77979 DATE Of BID: AIIIBlIIlIZID SIGNA TlIlf AND Tmf: PRINT NAME: l8lIOW TO BE COMPlElED 8Y 8IIDEBJ PIfASE lIST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE SPECUlCATIINS: TE1IPIlUNE NlIMBfR: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 IIIIID6l IIAlAlUI ASSrnMOO IfADEBSIIil: 117 CAlHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEfT- IASBESTOS ABATEMENT SmVlCES ( INVITATION TO BID HIlUm TEXAS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL INC RON VANGRDER 4623 STHFANllN HOUSTON TX 17041 e OID REM ASBESTOS ABAIIMENT AND PCB UGUT BAUAST AND CEIlING REMOVAL SERVICES YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO, CALHOUN COUNTY, A TTN: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, COUNTY JUDGE I Joo N VIRGINIA PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 ] BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED, SEALEO B1D.I~SBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT, 2:00 PM, THURSDAY, JUNE 2J, 200S BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWAFJ> AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON, THURSDAY, JUNE JO, 200S BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REIECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NAnONAl ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). SPEClRCAnONS: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AND PCB LIGHT BALLAST AND CEILING REMOVAL SERVICES SEE A IT ACHED ----------------------------------------------- IIPARTMOO DESTINATION 68/ PRICE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 211 SANN ST, PORT LAVACA, TX 77979 e 18HOW m IE COMPlEllJJ BY 6110ERJ DATE OF BDI: AIIIIIllRIZED SIGNA 1lIIE AND Tmf: PRINT NAME PlIASE UST ANY EXJ:EPTDINS m m ABOVE SPECIFICAmNS: TEllPIIONE NUMBER: Tuesday, May 24,2005 BIIUEB lIXAB IMM1INMIIIIAL ClJNIROL INC e 118 e e e 11110 ~ J> ")>- ~~VlC>)> ... ::r- r .... \.0" .... ~ Ir e;-'" -i. e:- r. c I ' () n n (>1- ~ ~ #- r T -;-.--!;~-- J' <.J, W --- __ 'u :!Z ("'~- g ~ ~ , -;- 1-;-13 7- ~ ~ ;.- ?- )-- ~ r- :. V' ~ ~ -t- ""t'"'- 'C ::r- r: ('; r> r ____.-0 ~ ~--- ) "- o ~ 8 G G @) :> S /;' CiI 0i . < . G G () ~ J' o . > + . 1--..1' "~Cr2="-"'''}~ - - - -- , " . _~ II I, III II II " " , ,j 17 .. , -" , "- n ~ ~- I I !....:...:c/,.. 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I : J : ,1t-~ I II I n ----:( ~.J ......u-Jf", IT , :1 rn ,L ...:;:,,11 I i'l :: I I ,_-11' , ' ! ",- , , " : l'-~ -----r._.J_____nnn_L__nn.:_ _~ Ir-I-----------I--------- -~ II I . " ' " " " " 'L l_ G 8 8 @ , ri " , .t--- " , e 8 ~ (') -----0 e \II -+- Ii 'V Q "\ , 1-", - -----G \"11 I ': ,: :: I I I : I I I"" f----+--------l-----t--(:r--nt---~-_: I I r, f--' Ir-----r-------- -----T-.J L_~ I I,_J L___J "--__...-L____ .Jl I I L r~! : 1\,..., I J ~--~--+-~-~-'H-~-----~- I ' I I I I I , I t----+---c-:r , , ' " I r-~ I I' I : L_, I' i :.( I' , , , : : I , , ' " , , 1'\f~l_A ,~-\:.~--~ :' I: II' I) II: :1 'I I' 'I I' :1 ': III I) F'~----__-':I ~----~--'"l , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ___-.J e /J '. @ I , I , r r---l , , , , , , , , , , l___j @ '00 J_I-.Ji~ APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR SELF-INSURED AND FULLY INSURED PACKAGES FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE: Pass on this Agenda Item. PUBUC OFFICIALS UABILITIES INSURANCE OUOTES: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Public Officials Uabilities Insurance Quote/Proposal with the total Premium being $16,844,50 and Authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign the Application and the Fee Disclosure Form, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Insurance Proposal e Calhoun County, Texas Calhoun County Annex Presented by: e GSM INSURORS 123 PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY Company: Houston Casualty Company - A+ Best rated Limits: $1,000,000.00 $10,000.00 Deductible: Including Employment Practices Uability - Wrongful EPL deductible Is $10,000.00 Policy is based on annual assets of $65,200,000. Terms & Conditions: Annual Policy, Claims Made Form, Retro date is inception, Defense Costs are in addition to limits of liability, Broad Form Coverage - See attached Policy Comparison and Definitions/Exclusion Endorsement. TOTAL PREMIUM: $16,844.50 lc)A ':;"1: e e e HOUSTON CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY e PUBLIC OFFICIALS FORM HIGHLIGHTS .:. CLAIMS MADE, WITH FULL PRIOR ACTS .:. DUTY TO DEFEND .:. EXPENSES PAID IN ADDITION TO THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY .:. TERRORISM COVERAGE INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE .:. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COVERAGE INCLUDED .:. NON MONETARY CLAIMS ARE COVERED .:. NO EXCLUSION FOR FRONT OR BACK WAGES .:. BROAD FORM DEFINTION OF THE NAMED INSURED e .:. POLICY CAN BE ISSUED FROM ANY CURRENT APPLICATION WHICH INCLUDES WARRANTY QUESTIONS- NO SPECIFIC COMPANY APPLICATION REQUIRED. WE DO NEED A COPY OF THE MOST RECENT AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT. .:. LIMITS TO $5 MILLION e 125 PUBLIC OFFICIALS POLICY COMPARISON PUBLIC OFFICIALS GENERAL STAR HOUSTON NATIONAL/INDEMNITY CASUALTY Form Type Claims Made Claims made Prior Acts (Retro date) Full Prior Acts ves Defense Costs In addition to the limits of yes liability Definition of Insured -Entity yes -Elected/appointed officials -Members of boards -All Emolovees and Volunteers Civil Rights Coverage Included in definition of yes wron~ful acts Punitive and Exemplary Included by endorsement at sublimited Damages Coverage no additional cost Tail Coverage: A - 50%, 75%, or 87.5% t2 months for 75% A-Cost respectively B - Right to Purchase B. if company or insured C - Length cancels or non--renews C -12to 36 months Employment Related Practices Covered covered Coverage Professional Employees Included in definition of same insured Pri mary VS. Excess Primar\' Primarv Consent to Settle Clause Included Pay on Behalf or Pay on Behalf same Reimbursement Form number and edition date GSI PO-02 (8/98) 2001 Other 1. Bodily Injury exclusion Yes does not include mental anguish and emotional distress 2. Defense coverage for non- No sub limit monetary employment claims up to $50,000 3. Back wage coverage No limitation on front or back available wages We believe thia brief interpretive comparison fairly represents the policies at the time made. It is suggested you m.ake your own comparison. Refer to the policies ~or speoific iutoraatlon OD ooverage, exclusions and limitations. Please Dote all items mentioned under the General Star policy may not be available to.all accounts. e e e .ro.~ " "~O J..':;" Endorsement ORGANIZATION: e In consideration of the premium charged, it is hereby understood and agreed that the Policy'a.Non-Profit Organization Liability ~nsurance form NP0002 (10/01) is amended as follows: SECTION III. DEFINITIONS Definitions F. and H. are deleted in their entirety. Definitions C., D., and E. are amenaed to read as follows: C. INSURED means the ORGANIZATION and 1. All persons who were, now are or shall be lawfully elected or appointed officials, or employees while acting for or on behalf, of the ORGANIZATION; The insurance afforded by this Policy shall not extend to any independent contractor or any person working on retainer. 2. Commissions, boards, or other similar units, and members and employees thereof, operated by and under the jurisdiction of such ORGANIZATION and provided for in the ORGANIZATION'S total operating budget as submitted to the Company; e 3. Volunteers acting for or on behalf of, and at the request and under the direction of the ORGANIZATION; or 4. Officials and employees of the ORGANIZATION serving at an outside tax exempt entity at the request of the ORGANIZATION. D. LOSS means the amount paid by the Company on behalf of the INSURED for damages, judgments, and settlements with respect to CLAIMS for which coverage hereunder applies. LOSS shall not include the following: 1. Any amount which the INSURED is not legally obligated to pay; 2. Civil or criminal fines, penalties, sanctions or taxes, or the multiplied portion of any multiplied damage award, or any matters which maybe deemed uninsurable under -the law pursuant to which this insurance shall be construed; 3. Punitive or exemplary damages where such damages are not insurable because of state or federal law; 4. Any fees or other charges of any INSURED including but not limited to salaries, overhead or-benefit expenses of any INSURED; e 127 Endorsement page 2 of 3 5. Payments, commissions, gratuities, benefits or any other favors to or for the benefit of any full or part-time domestic or foreign governmental, quasi-governmental or armed services officials, agents, representatives, employees or any members of their family or any entity with which they are affliated; 6. Payments, commissions, gratuitites, benefits or any other favors to or for the benefit of any full or part-time officials, directors, agents, partners, representatives, principal shareholders, owners, employees, affilitates, or any customers of the ORGANIZATION or any members of their family or any entity with which they are affiliated; 7. Political contributions, whether domestic or foreign; and 8. The return of any profit, advantage, gain or remuneration to which any INSURED is not legally entitled. E. ORGANIZATION means the municipality, governmental body, department or similar unit which is named in Item 1 of the Declarations, I. WRONGFUL ACT means any error, misstatement, misleading. statement, act, omission, neglect or breach of duty committed, attempted or allegedly committed Or attempted, by any INSURED, individually or otherwise, in an INSURED capacity, including WRONGFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. SECTION V. EXCLUSIONS EXCLUSION C. is amended to read as follows: based on or involving bodily injury to, or sickness, disease, death or emotional distress of any person, false arrest, wrongful detention or imprisonment, malicious prosecution, libel. slander, defamation of character or invasion of privacy, wrongful entry, eviction or other invasions of the right of privacy, infringement of copyright or trademark or other unauthorized use of title6 plagiarism or misappropriation of ideas, or loss of use of, damage to or destruction of any tangible property including diminution of value orlosB of use. TO the extent a CLAIM is made for WRONGFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES, emotional distress is deleted from this exclusion. EXCLUSION F. is amended to read as follows: baaed on an actual or alleged violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and any amendments thereto or similar provisions of any federal, state or local statutory law or common law or administration of any employee benefit plan or self-insured fund. _ e _ 128 e e e Endorsement Page 3 of 3 SECTION V. EXCLUSIONS is further amended to add the following additional EXCLUSIONS: J. based on or involving inverse condemnation, temporary or permanent taking, adverse possession, or dedication by adverse use: K. based on or involving strikes, riots or civil commotions; L. based on or involving the operation or activities of any schools, airports, transit authorities, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes or other health care operations, utilities, housing authorities, jai~s or detention facilities, law enforcement agencies, or fire fighting authorities unless specifically designated as an ORGANIZATION in Item 1 of the Declarations or by any endo~sement attached; M. based on Dr involving any debt financing, including but not limited to bonds, notes, debentures and guarantees of debt; N. based on or involving the determination of assessed values, the formulation or calCUlation of tax rates, the collection of taxes, or the formulation or calCUlation of tax refunds~ SECTION VII. OTHER CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENTs A. LIMIT OF LIABILITY, DEDUCTIBLE AND OTHER INSURANCE is amended to add the following additional conditions: . 4. Coverage provided to any INSURED serving at an outside tax exempt entity at the request of the ORGANIZATION is specifically excess of any indemnity or insurance available to such INSURED by reason of serving the outside tax exempt entity, including any indemnity or insurance available from or provided by the outside tax exempt entity. 5. The Company's obligation to pay punitive or exemplary damages. as LOSS, where such damages are insurable, shall be subject to a Sub-Limit of Liability of $25,000 in the aggregate which is part of and not in addition to the Limit of Liability stated in Item 4. of the Declarations. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Endorsement effective 6/03/04 Policy No. POL9999999 Endorsement No. 999 by (Authorized Representative) NP0095 129 UNITED NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY DIAMOND STATE INSURANCE COMPANY HALLMARK INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND PUBLIC ENTiTY LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAIMS MADE POLICY This application is for a policy that states that the limit of liability can be exhausted by the payment of defense expenses or loss. The deductible is the amount of each claim that the Insureds must pay prior to the Insurer making any payment This deductible payment is reqUired for either defense expenses or loss, whichever comes first The Insurer does not have any obligation or duty to defend any Insureds. 1. Name of Public Entity . Calhoun County 2, Mailing Address 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, Texas City 77979 State Zip Code (361) 553-4610 3, Telephone No. 4, Name & Tille of person designated to receive notices from the Insurer !len H. Caniskey, Jr., CPA County Au1itOI: 5. Date Established 1846 6. Population 20.647 7. No. of Employees 185 full-time, e 8. Total amount of outstanding bonds 19,305,00) Current Bond Rating S&P A+. tl:xx:ly's Al How many years has this bond rati~9 been in effect? ~If less than 5 years, please explain any change. tl:xx:ly 5 ~s raised fran A to Al in Zoo3 20 part-. In the past 5 years, has there been any default on the principal or interest of any bond? If yes, please explain. Yes NOL s, Is professional liability insurance in force for the following employees? F286 (1211998) Page 1 of4 130 e Emolovees A. Attorneys B, Engineers C. Architects D. Accountants E, ~ Sheriff Total number I n force Yes No x Yes_ No~ Yes_ No-.x....... Yes_ No~ Yes --X-- No _ law EnforcelIE1t Liability e Professional Liability coverage for any of the above may be available from this Insurer. For further consideration, please submit a professional liability application for each class of employees that might need a distinct and separate policy. ' 10. The following entities are not covered by this policy unless specifically named by endorsement. If coverage is needed, please so indicate for further consideration by the Insurer, and please provide any necessary information. A separate submission will be required for those that require separate policies. By endorsement to this ooliey Separate Polley No coverage needed A. Schools B. Airport c. TransitfTransportation Authority D. Hospital E. Nursing Home F. Housing Authority G, Utility " " " " " " " 11. Is pUblic officials liability insurance now in force for the Public Entity? If yes, please provide Yes current insurance company Policy Term Limit $ Deductible $ Premium $ 12. Is General Liability Insurance now in force for the Public Entity? If no, please explain. No""::' Yes~ No e 13, In the past 5 years, has public officials or similar liability insurance been declined, cancelled, nonrenewed, or rescinded? If yes, please explain, Yes_ No~ 14. In the past 5 years, has the Public Entity or any person to be insured by this policy been the subject of any investigation by any regional, state, or federal regulatory agency? If yes, please explain. Yes _ No--,,- 15. In the past 5 years, has the Public Entity been operating under any court orders? If yes, please explain, Yes No~ F286 (12/1998) Page 2 of4 e 131 16, Are there any pending complaints or investigations involving employee hiring, compensation, promotion, demotion, or termination of employment? If yes, please explain. Yes_ No~ 17. Are there any pending complaints Involving the Americans with Disability Act? If yes, please explain. 18, In the past 5 years, has there been made, or there now pending any complaint or dispute involving the approval or failure to approve any construction projeels in excess of $500,OOO? If yes, please explain. Yes 19, In the past 5 years, has any claim been made, or is any claim now pending against the Public Entity or any person to be insured by this policy? (If yes, please attach loss information inclUding year of loss, brief description of loss, amount paid, defense expenses paid, and open reserve,) 20. Is the Public Entity or any person to be insured by this policy aware of or have any knowledge of any fael or circumstance which could lead to a claim under this policy If yes, please explain. A complete CPA Audit must be attached to this Application, unless this requirement is changed by agreement ofthe Insurer. Si~J d vlf!~ F286 (12/1998) Yes No~ N02 Yes~ No Yes No~ Page 3 of 4 100 0h.. e e e e (Must be signed by the Chairman, President, Mayor or Presiding Official on behalf of all Insureds) County Julge TRle 5/31/2005 Date The signer of this application, authorized and acting on behalf of aU Insureds, declares that all statements and information provi:fed by the Insureds is true, complete and accurate, It is agreed that this application is the basis of and becomes a part of the po6cy, should a policy be issued. The signing of this application does not require the signer to purchase Insurance, nor does the review of this application require the Insurer to issue a policy. If a quotation is provided by the Insurer, the terms and conditions may not meet bid specifications. ANTIFRAUD WARNING NOTICE TO ALL APPLICANTS: Any person who knowingly files an application for insurance or statement of ctalm containing any materially false infonnation or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent inSurance act which is a crime and also punishable by civil penalties in certain jurisdictions. NOTICE TO NEW YORK APPLICANTS: Any person who knowingly and with intentto defraud any insurance company or other person files on applicaijon for insurance or a statement of claim containing any materially false informaijon, or conceals, for the purpose of misleading, information concemlng any fact material, thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime, and shall also be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed fIVe thousand dollars and the stated value of the claim for each violaijon. NOTICE TO OHIO APPLICANTS: Any person who, with intent to defraud or knowing that he is facilitaijng a fraud against an insurer, submits an application or files a claim containing a false or deceptive statement is guilty of insurance fraud, . NOTICE TO PENNSYLVANIA APPLICANTS: Any person who knowingly and with intentto injure or defraud any insurer files an appllcaijon or claim containing false, Incomplete or misleading information shall, upon conviction, be subject to imprisonment for up to seven years and payment of a fine of up to $15,000. NOTICE TO TEXAS APPLICANTS: Any person who makes an intentional misstatement that is material to the risk may be found guilly of Insurance fraud by a court of law, To be completed bv Producer: Submitted By Producer e Tax I.D. No. (in states where required) Surplus Lines License No. F286 (12/1998) Page 4 of 4 e 133 ::lilq PENDING OR THREATENED LITIGATION, CLAIMS AND ASSESSEMENTS AGAINST CALHOUN COUNTY AS PREPARED BY SHANNON E. SALYER, ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ON APRIL 27, 2005 Anita L. Koop and husband Terry J. Cox In 2000 a dispute erupted between Anita L. Koop and Conunissioner H. Floyd over a drainage easement in the Port Alto area of Calhoun County. On April 27, 2001 suit was filed in the I3Sth Judicial District Court by Anita Koop and her husband Terry J. Cox against W. H. Floyd, individually and in his capacity as County Commissioner, Calhoun County and the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County. Cause number 2001-4-13963 went to trial on April 28, 2003 and after a few days of trial the matter was settled for $10,000.00. The trial court entered a take Nothing Judgment on November 5, 2003. Gina A. Lucero with Ireson & Weize1 P.C. (713-228-1160) represented Calhoun County. The allegations were that the County had built a road, on the Plaintiff'li property without consent and was claiming other property and using it illegally as a dniinage easement. In addition there was a complaint about weight limits on the local county roads and a removal of acu1vert from the Plaintiff's property. Claints were made for Declaratory Judgment, Negligence, Trespass, Wrongful Taking, Slander ;of Title, Tortuous mterference with Business Relations and Intentional Misrepresentation. All relief was denied and the Plaintiffs granted a drainage easement to Calhoun County. The suit was defended and covered under the general liability policy, This case is settled and is no longer a claim or threatened claim against the County. Jeffrey R. Jarrard vs. Calhoun County et 31 On May 25, 2002 a neighbor called the Calhoun County Sherifrs Office complaining of a loud underage drinking party that was going on next door. A group of deputies responded to the home where the party was going on. A number of minors, who had been consuming alcohol, ran from the scene when the officers arrived. The parents of the minor, who's home was being used for the party, were not home and were out of town. Jeffery Jarrard while running across a neighbors pasture was caught by deputies. He was arrested and charged with evading a police officer a Class B misdemeanor. He bonded out of jail the next morning. He later hired an attorney and filed a Motion to Suppress Evidence on his criminal. charge. Charges were later dismissed against him and several other minors who were running from the scene because the County Court a Law Judge ruled that there was lack of probable cause to search the premises without a warrant and suppressed the evidence gained by the entry and search. On May 21, 2004 (almost 2 years later) suit was filed by Jeffery Jarrard in United States District Court in Cause number V-04-47 against Calhoun County, Calhoun County Sheriff's Office, B.B, Browning, individually and as Sheriff along with several named deputies. Claim is made that the Sheriff and his deputies violated the Plaintiffs rights under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and for malicious prosecution. The case is still pending and is being defended by Philip A. McKinney with McKinney and Associates, 361-879-0300 out of Corpus Christi, Texas. The law enforcement liability policy is providing coverage and a defense of this claim. Phillip A. McKinney has offered $10,000.00 to settle this case. He does not think that .. <)/1 .L,)''l e e I e this is a viable case and that it has negligible value, 1 would not estimate air}' financial exposure to the County in regards to this claim, Richard "Skip" Hughes vs. Calhoun County and Roger Galvan, Commissioner' e On July 9, 2002 a dispute erupted between Richard "Skip" Hughes and Calhoun County Commissioner Roger Galvan. Mr. Hughes placed a number of fence posts on a county road easement known as Ocean Drive North. This road way has been in existence at the same location and maintained by Calhoun County as a paved county road since 1962. After warnings and letters the Commissioner removed the fence posts from the road easement. Suit was filed on November 18, 2004 (over 2 years later) against Calhoun County and County Commissioner Roger Galvan in Cause Number 2004-11-14710 in the . 135th Judicial District Court of Calhoun County, Texas. Claims are being made tha1 such actions by the County Commissioner constitute a taking without due process of law, . conversion, trespass and inverse condemnation. Suit is also brought. for declaratory judgment and under 28 USC 1981 for the violation of the Plaintiffs civil rights. Plaintiff claims that the road should not be where it is, and tha1 he is owed money damages for the . . use of his land. John W. Griffin is defending this suit. AnSwer has been filed but no other action taken in this suit. He.is with the firm of Houston, Marek and Griffin out of Victoria, Texas. His telephone number is 361-573-5500. The case is not set for trial. I anticipale a Motion for Summary Judgment being filed by the Defense to conclude the matter. No insurance carrier is providing a defense or coverage for this suit. This suit has little or no value. The costs of the posts by the Plaintiffs own admission is not more than $100.00. The road has been there for over 20 years and was so located when the Plaintiff bought his lots, The suit was filed beyond a 2 year statute of limitations. The exposure to the County on this case is for attorney's fees to defend the suit. 1 would not expect these fees to exceed $10,000.00. Leonard Kunefke and wife Vanessa Kunenfke vs. Calhoun County, Texas. e On April 17 , 2002 a dispute erupted in the Port Alto of Calhoun County between Commissioner H. Floyd and Leonard Kunefke. Leonard Kunefke was blocking a road known as Dolphin Drive and not allowing other landowners in the area to pass thru to their property. Dolphin Drive is a platted road in a subdivision known a Sunny Landings. This subdivision was originally platted back in 1984 but never fully developed. The developers eventually went into bankruptcy and Leonard Kunefke purchased several road easements in a bankruptcy sale. He claimed ownership of Dolphin Drive along with several other undeveloped but platted streets in the subdivision. Deputies from the Calhoun County Sheriff's office restored order and Leonard Kunefke removed his blockade of Dolphin Drive, The matter was not settled however and suit was filed against Calhoun County on April 12, 2004 (almost 2 years later) in cause number 2004-4- 14575 in the 24th Judicial District Court of Calhoun County, Texas. Claims are being made for declaratory judgment, slander of title, injunction and damages. On November 23, 2004 a Summary Judgment was granted in favor of Calhoun County. This Judgment is now being appealed by the Plaintiff to the 13th Court of Appeals in Corpus Christi, Texas, John W. Griffm is defending this suit. His telephone number is 361-573-5500. In 2 e lc)'- 0;) addition to denying all relief to the Plaintiff the trial Court granted Calhoun County a $10,000.00 judgment for attorney's fees against Leonark Kunefke under the Declaratory Judgment statute. There is no insurance carrier providing a defense or coverage for this suit. I anticipate that the Court of Appeals will affirm the trial Courts ruling. The only exposure to the County on this case is for attorney's fees. I would estimate that total attorney's fees for the appeal and the trial court not to exceed $20, 000. 00. Terry Tinkey vs. Calhoun County e On July 13, 2004 the Calhoun County Flood Plain Administrator filed a complaint against Terry Tinkey for the construction of a home in the flood plain below the base flood elevation. Terry Tinkey was eventfully found guilty by the Justice of the Peace and fined for Failure to Appear and for Violation of the Calhoun County Flood prevention order. He hired counsel and threatened to sue the County for violating his civil rights and inverse condemnation. After several letters he bas now agreed to just sell the properly. The real property and the offending structure are now on the market for sale. The County bas taken no further action. Assistant District Attorney Shannon E. Salyer is defending this matter. There is no insurance carrier to deftnd the County or provide coverage for this claim. No suit has been filed. This attorney is the same attorney who represents Skip Hughes. He threatens litigation and only occasionally follows through I do not anticipate any exposure to the County on this claim. It is frivolous. Lewis Edwards vs. Calhoun County This suit is pending in County Court at Law Number One in cause number 04-CV-194. On May 30, 2003 it is alleged that Luis Edwards slipped while getting out of a hot tub at the Memorial Medical Center Plaza. The suit is being deftnded by the Medical Liabjlity Policy available to Memorial Medical Center. This suit is in my opinion frivolous. I do not see any liability or exposure to the County. The statutory defenses set out in the Texas Practice and Remedies Code are going to be impossible for the Plaintiff to avoid. There is no misuse of tangible personal properly here. Brian Jackson with Davis and Davis is defending the suit. His telephone number is 512-343-6248. The case is not set for trial. I anticipate a small nuisance value settlement to conclude this matter. This will be paid by the insurance carrier and leave no exposure to Calhoun County. e Tammy Hernandez vs. Calhoun County Self Insured Workers Compensation Fund A former director of the Harbor is suing on a worker's compensation claim. The suit is pending in Calhoun County Court at Law and is set for trial again this summer. Andrew Z. Schreck is the attorney handling the matter for the Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund, His telephone number is 713-468-6664, Charles Hood is the attorney for the Plaintiff. Tammy Hernandez is claiming in this suit that pressure brought on her by Dan Heard caused her to have a mental breakdown. She is not able to point to a specific traumatic event, just some telephone call from a lady in Austin who told her that she thought that Dan Heard was out to get her job. This was during the period of time that Tammy was opposing the District Attorney's Office in obtaining a grant to help pay for a 3 e ", '),.., 1. db e Victim Witness Coordinator. Tammy had performed this function in the past, although she did not work in the Office of the District Attorney and did not have access to the information in the District Attorney's fIles. During the history of this worker's compensation claim Tammy Hernandez has blamed her mental breakdown on the loss of her husband's job and the rape and sexual molestation of her son by her brother. Only after hiring Charles Hood and filing a workers compensation claim has she tried to link her mental breakdown to some action by Calhoun County. Ibis is a frivolous suit The trial Court should have granted summary judgment but has not Tn my opinion the only financial exposure to the County is for attorney's fees. These fees should not exceed $10.000.00 and I am not sure how the Self Insurance Fund handles this reimbursement. e 4 e 137 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SERVICE FEES AND REIMBURSEMENTS Our agency may provide certain services that you request or that are necessary to place or maintain your insurance. Articles 21.35A and 21.25B of the Texas Insurance Code authorize us to charge a fee for services if we obtain your written consent prior to providing the service or incurring the expense. The fee may be charged in addition to any commission we may receive from the insImmce company providing the insurance coverage. The pUlpOse of this Disclosure Statement is to agree with you that if we perform any of the following services in your behalf, you agree to pay the amount indicated as compensation for the services provided or expenses incurred. e You may call the Texas Department of Insurance at 1-800-252-3439 to obtain information on how to file a complaint if you have a complaint regarding these fees. Category of Services Description of Services Fee for Each Service to be Provided Printing or Reproduction $ NO CHARGE Electronic Mail or Telephone $ NO CHARGE Transmission Special Delivery or Postal $ NO CHARGE Cost Similar to the Above $ NO CHARGE Services Motor Vehicle Records We will provide a copy $ NO CHARGE Of the record(s) to vou (actual cost only) Photographs of Property $ NO CHARGE (actual cost onlv) Inspection Fee Subject to sales tax $ NO CHARGE Agent Fee (in addition to Subject to sales tax $ Commission) Agent Fee (in lieu of $ 1,000.00 Commission) TOTAL FEES $ 1,000,00 Sales Tax (if applicable) $ TOTAL CHARGE $ 1,000.00 e I agree to pay the fees specified above to GSM INSURORS. Signed~<<J?n ft:;t Date ,<)- 3h~f' County Judge e '. ')8 .l..) - ~-- --- - e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System OWNER and VENDOR agree as follows: gg3:gl> 3::> CD3 ::> :;: ~ <to 3@oQ,lct. 1j;"n ~,("'J 0 Vl"""Q!..i"'I":J Q'O':s:Er:e ......., """I W ~ Ql~""C VI ~~~~~ <-::2 ro QI ~~Ecr ?~QlC:'< OJ V1 -'12' 1.....1 QI......:J3c: iii"'-tg:(1)g \";;;O.......ro::3 ro @......Ql,.,. ':E30':)i( ~;::;:o"""l~ -'::Tc: QCD ~c;t~:;=; ..:7 ffi'" 00 5- :n8':5V1 ~3~nro fti-0028 """I:::J ....:::J ~ ~~..%~ a.~:::Jn 1.....IM'a.og c: -. c:--' ~~~~~ :)i(<14iii3 n> -, rtl-. it@g:;o!3, ...,...v'rtlrtlO QI_Ql:J:::J =~3~~ <0~QlCi) ~~a.O:QI CDo30'< a. .., :::J QI 1_. Z ~ "'tJ::::I ::::10'"1;"""'" 01';:+ tn&. 0 <!lQl(tl)> o c: :J A.~ ""0 a. -'"0 to ,..,. :J ""'t """I CD C!.. 0 Ql ""'t c: ;%: g-~9:QI . ::>::> cr l.C a. ~ Vl ::T - CD 10 ::> 4.1 THE CONTRACT 4.1,1 This contract consists of this Agreement and the following annexes, Annex 1 - Hardware Annex 2 - Software Features and Services Annex 3 - Installation Schedule Annex 4 - Pre and Post-Cutover Change Prices Annex 5 - System Specifications Annex 6 - Complete Proposal Document 4.2 DEFINITIONS 4.2,1 Calhoun County is referred to herein as "Owner'; Telecom Installation SeN/ces, Inc, is referred to as "Contractor," 4.2.2 "System" means a total voice communications system consisting of Hardware and a license to use the generic software, The Hardware and Software components, as described in attached Annexes 1 and 2, respectively, shall perform as a fully working system in accordance with the System Specifications in Annex 5. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "procure' shall mean to obtain. This may be accomplished through a purchase, lease, leaselpurchase, rentai or in any manner which Owner deems appropriate. 4,2,3 "Cutover' means the date upon which the System is installed and operable and when all terminals and telephones are working in conjunction with the System such that the Owner can safely and fully utilize the Work for ~s intended purpose, ,..."" (....) CD Confidential and Proprietary tiXopyright2003 TECI.KNOWLEDGE CONIULTINQ CORPORATION 1 CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4,2.4 "Acceptance Date" means the date when the System, including without limitation all peripheral components, performs in full accordance with the specifications set forth in the proposal document, the Contractor has completed all training, testing and related work, the Contractor has submitted to Owner documents establishing payment or satisfaction of all obligations arising out of its performance of the Work, together with an application for final payment warranting that all payrolls, invoices and claims for labor, services, materials andlor equipment have been paid or otherwise satisfied, the Contractor delivers copies of any and all manufacturer warranties for the material and equipment installed in the project, and Contractor receives written notice from Owner of such acceptance, 4,3 THE WORK 4,3,1 The work to be provided by Contractor shall include furnishing the System and all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, transportation, and services necessary, or incidental, to the installation and operation of the System. Contractor shall provide and pay for all supervision, financing, labor, materials, tools, equipment, insurance, mobilization, demobilization, quality control and services to properly and timely perform the work consistent with the terms of this Contract Agreement and all Change Orders and all other agreed amendments thereto that are expressly designated amendments to this Contract Agreement and signed by both Owner and Contractor 4,3,2 Owner shall be continuing business operations on the project site while ttle work is being performed, Contractor agrees to take all reasonabie measures to ensure that its work does not interfere with Owner's present telephone service and/or its business operations, Contractor agrees to cooperate with Owner and Owner's employees to minimize any disruption and interference reiated to Contractor's performance of its work, 4.3,3 Contractor shall use its best skiil and attention at all times to timely and properly complete the work in a superior and workmanlike manner utilizing the care ordinarily exercised by first class contractors performing similar services and work or similar scope within the State of Texas, I-'> r!;'" o Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 2 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONBU LT.O "'ORATION e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4,3.4 All work shall be performed by Contractor as an independent contractor and not as an agent, employee or partner of Owner, Contractor shall be solely responsible for, and have exclusive control over, (a) the construction means, methods, tools, techniques, sequences and procedures of the Work and (b) the acts and omissions of its employees, subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, suppliers and their respective agents and employees, and other persons or entities performing portions of the work for or on behalf of the Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Any instruction or direction by Owner with respect to the work shall be deemed to relate to the results the Owner desires to obtain from the work, and shall in no way affect Contractor's status as an independent contractor as described herein, 4,3,5 The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting or other alterations required to compiete the work or to make its parts fit together properly. The Contractor shall not damage or endanger a partially or fully completed portion of the work or Owner's property, 4,4 SURVIVABILITY 4.4.1 The terms, provisions, representations, and warranties contained in this Agreement shall survive the delivery of the equipment, payment of any lease or purchase price and completion of the work. 4.5 NOTICES 4,5.1 All notices to Owner under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed duly given upon delivery if delivered by hand (against receipt); or, three (3) days after posting if sent by certified mail, retum receipt requested to County Judge Michael Pfeifer, 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas, 77979, provided that proof of such delivery is evidenced by an executed Retum of Service signed by an authorized representative of Owner. t-* ,r:.. i-" Confidential and Proprietary liXopyright 2003 3 ""I"ECHKNOWLEDGE CON.ULTlNQ CORPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4.5.2 All notices to Contractor under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed duly given upon delivery if delivered by hand (against receipt); or, three (3) days after posting if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to Telecom Installation Services, Inc, 1605 Highway 181, PMB 203, Portland, Texas 78374, or such other address as Contractor may designate in writing by notice pursuant thereto. 4,6 REMEDIES 4,6,1 The duties and obligations imposed by this Contract Agreement and the rigl1ts and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. Nothing herein shall constitute, or be construed to be, an election of available remedies so as to exclude any remedy provided by law, 4,6,2 No action or failure to act by the Owner shall constitute a waiver of a rigl,t or duty afforded Owner under the Contract Agreement, nor shall such action or failure to act constitute approval of or acquiescence in a breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing, No course of action shall constitute a modification of this Agreement. 46,3 The Owner may, in the exercise of its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement if the Contractor: 1. refuses or fails to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper materials to diligently prosecute tile work; 2. fails to make prompt and full payment to Subcontractors or suppliers for materials or labor in accordance with the respective agreements between the Contractor and its Subcontractors and suppliers; 3. fails to perform any portion of the work within the Contract Time, including any other time schedule set forth in the contract documents; 4, disregards or violates any Laws applicable to the project or work performed in connection therewith, including, without limitation, OSHA regulations and Workers' Compensation laws; 5, disregards the instruction of the Owner (when such instructions are based on the requirements of the contract documents); ~ f-;-~ (0 Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 4 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON'U~CO"O'AT'ON e e --- e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 6. file, records or allows anyone claiming by, through or under Contractor to file or re,cord a lien or other claim against Owner, Owner's loan proceeds, if any, the PrOjElct or the Project Site without promptly removing and discharging same as required under the Contract Documents, 7, fails to properly and timely perform any portion of the Work in strict accordance with the terms hereof or any other contract documents; 8. becomes insolvent or makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; 9. becomes the subject of any legal proceeding to reorganize or arrange its financial affairs or a receivership; 10. breaches or violates any re,presentation or warranty set forth in the Contract Documents; or 11, otherwise does not fully and timely comply with the Contract Documents in any material respect 464 When any of the reasons described in Subparagraph 12,1 exist, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Owner, and after giving the Contractor seven (7) days advance written notice, terminate this Agreement and the employment of the Contractor-hereunder and do any of the following, subject to any prior rights of any applicable surety: 1. take possession of the Project Site and of all materials located thereon owned by the Contractor; 2. accept assignment of subcontracts and Sllpply contracts relating to the Work on terms and conditions acceptable to the Owner; 3, finish the work by whatever reasonable method the Owner may deem expedient, in which event, upon written request of the Contractor, the Owner wili furnish to the Contractor a detailed accounting of the costs incurred by the Owner in finishing the work; and finish the Work by whatever reasonable method the Owner may deem expedient, in which event, upon written request of the Contractor, the Owner will furnish to the Contractor a detailed accounting of the costs incurred by the Owner in finishing the Work, and 4, recover from the Contractor, or deduct from any sums then owed to the Contractor, all losses, damages, penalties and fines, and all reasonable attorneys' and other professional fees and costs suffered or incurred by Owner, directly or indirectly ariSing from Contractor's default. j-lo ~-$d. C.oJ Confidential and Proprietary @COPyright 2003 5 "'J'ECHKNOWLEDGE COH_ULTINGl CORPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4,6,5 When the Owner terminates the Agreement for one or more of the reasons stated within Section 4,6, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive further payment on the Project for Work then performed until all amounts owed to the Owner pursuant to the terms hereof have been fully paid and the existence of a balance due Contractor has been estabiished by Owner, If the costs of finishing the Work and related damages, inciuding compensation for engineering and other professional services and expenses made necessary thereby, and other charges incurred by Owner exceed the unpaid balance of the total contract price, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner immediately upon demand by Owner. This obligation for payment shall survive termination of the Agreement. 4.7 SEVERABILITY 4.7,1 In the event anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not effect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed so as to most closely approximate the economic effect and intent of the invalid provision, 4.8 LITIGATION EXPENSES 4,8,1 If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Contract Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the recovery of its reasonable attorneys', engineers' and other professional fees, costs, and necessary disbursements, in addition to any relief to which it may be entitled, 4.9 HOLD HARMLESS 4.9,1 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Contractor agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Owner, its agents, servants, employees, Trustees, directors, officers, successors, assigns, representatives, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the "Owner Parties"), harmless from and against any and all claims, liens, debts, accounts, contracts, promises, agreements, cross actions, causes of actions, demands, actions, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, of every kind and character, at law or in equity (collectively, the "Claims"), including without limitation by enumeration the f--.. ri;;;'" ~ Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 6 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON8ULTINCi CORPORATION e e e _ _ e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System amount of any judgment, penalty, interest, CClurt costs and legal fees incurred in connection with the same, or the defense thereof, directly or indirectly arising out of, incidllnt to or reslJiting from, whether in whole or in pllrt, the acts or omissicms of Contractor, its agents, represent,ati'le'l, suCC,.s'lors, a!lsi9ns, servllnts, employees, suppliers and/or subcontractors, nm OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR TO PFtOTE,CT AND DEFEND THE OWNER PARTIES SHAL.L APPLY TO All. CLAIMS EVEN IF SUCH CLAIMS ARISE. FROM OR AI~I: CAUSED IN PART BY THE CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE OF ANY OWNEI~ PARTY, HOWEVloR, THE CO~lTRACTOR'S OBLlGArlONS UNDER THIS INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT INCLUDE T'HE DUTY TO INDEMNIFY ANY OWNER PARTY AGAINST THAT PORTION OF ANY CLAIM, DAMAGE, LOSS, LIEN, CAUSE OF ACTION, SUIT AND/OR JUDGMENT CAUSED BY THE SOLE OR CONCURRE,NT NEGI.IGENCE OF SUCH INDEMNITEE. 4,9.2 Contractor assumes and agrees to ind,.mnify, demand and keep harmless Owner, its agents and employees from and against any and all Claims arising on account of or in relation to the ordering, acquisition, delivery, installation, possession, maintenance, condition or operation of any portion of the System and b:fwhomsoever used or. operated, during the term of this Agreement with respect to that portion of tha System the loss, damage, destruction, removal, return, surrender, sale or other disposition of any portion of the SY'ltem or any part thereof, 4,9,3 In the event of any demands, claims, dllmages, liability, losses, liens, causes of action, suits or jUdgments being lls!;erted against the project or Owner allegedly based on acts or omissions that may give rise to a claim for indemnification by Contractor under Section 4.9, the Contractor, at its expense, shall a'lsume and conduct, on behalf of the Owner (and the other Owner Parties), with due diligence and in good faith, the defense thereof with counsel satisfactory to Owner; provided, however, that Owner shall have the right, ,It its option, to be mpresented by advisory colJnsel of its own selection and at its own expense, In the event of failure by the Contractor to fully perform such obligations in accordance with this Section, Owner, at rts option, and without relieving Contractor of its obligations hereunder, may so perfoml and all costs and expenses so incurred by Owner in that event shall be reimbursed by Contractor upon demand, together with interest on the same from the date any such expense was paid by Owner until reimbursed by Contractor, at the highest applicable iawful rate of interest. In case Contractor is required to defend Owner pursuant to an indemnity hereunder, Owner shall be entitled ! Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 7 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON8ULTINO CORPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System to control the defense thereof and the obiigations contained in this Section continue beyond the termination of this Agreement if a liability occurred during the term of this Agreement. 4.10 PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 4,10,1 In return for the timely and proper performance of the work in the manner required by the contract documents, and subject to the other terms and conditions of this Contract Agreement, the Contractor shall be paid by the Owner the sum of $51,777,00 ("Price"), subject to additions and deductions for changes in the work according to the terms of the contract documents, The following payment schedule shall apply: ~ 15% of Price on System Ship Date ~ 15% of Price on System Delivery Date ~ 30% of Price on Cutover ~ 30% of Price on Acceptance Date ~ 10% of Price on the 30th day after Acceptance Date as Statutory Retainage 4,10,2 The Contractor warrants that title to all material and equipment covered by an appiication for payment wili pass to the Owner on the earlier of incorporation of the specific material or equipment into the Project or upon payment by Owner pursuant to an application for payment for such material or equipment. Regardless of the location of the material and equipment or the passing of titie to Owner, the risk of loss of such material and equipment shall remain with the Contractor until finai completion of all work. 410,3 At a minimum, each application for payment shali show the amount then claimed to be due as well as ali previous payments that have then been made to Contractor, and evidence satisfactory to Owner that Contractor has paid all persons or entities supplying the Contractor with labor, materials or services in connection with the work, , ' I'-" ,r.. (.)1 Confidential and Proprietary @:Copyright 2003 8 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON'U. COR'ORAT'ON e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.10.4 4,10,5 4.10,6 4,10.7 1-* ri:" 0') Voice System Contractor shall furnish with each application for payment waivers of lien for itself and, beginning with the second application for payment, for each of its Subcontractors, together with such other forms as required by Owner in order to assure an effective waiver of mechanics' or materialmen's liens in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas, Should any Subcontractor fail or refuse to furnish a release or waiver of lien as required by Owner, Contractor shall immediately furnish a bond, satisfactory to Owner, indemnifying the Owner and the project from and against any lien or potential lien. Each application for payment submitted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be a representation and warranty by the Contractor that all of the work, and the delivered items which are covered thereby, have been properly performed in accordance with the contract documents or otherwise properly comply with the terms hereof, and that each Subcontractor and supplier who supplied labor or materials included within that application for payment has been paid in full for said materiais and labor. Without limiting Owner's other rights and remedies hereunder, payments otherwise due Contractor may be withheld on account of defective work not remedied, claims filed or asserted against the project, owner and/or owner's property, reasonable evidence indicating a probability of the filing or assertion of claims, failure of Contractor to make payments to all persons or entities supplying the Contractor with labor, material or equipment in connection with the work, or a reasonable doubt that the work can be completed for the balance then unpaid or within the contract time. No payment made by the Owner under this Contract Agreement shall constitute, or be construed as, an acceptance of any defective, deficient or improper work or material. By executing this Agreement, Contractor represents that it has visually examined the Site, including the existing improvements on the Site, and, based on such examination, has found the Site and existing improvements acceptable for the purposes of performing the Work as required by, and according to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONIULTING CORPORATION 9 ----- CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4,11 CHANGES 4,11.1 From the effective date of this Agreement until ten (10) consecutive days prior to the date scheduled for Cutover ("Change Period"), Owner may make changes in the configuration of the System, Hardware changes or changes in the customer database shall be permitted only on a case-by.case basis, at the discretion of Owner, after the end of the Change Period until Cutover. 4.11,2 When Owner desires any addition or deletion to the System, it shall notify Contractor of same in writing, Contractor shall then submit to Owner within three (3) business days Contractor's written Change Order ("Change Order") for Owner's approval, authorizing the change, The Change Order shall state whether the change shall cause a change in the Price, or the time required by Contractor, or any aspect of its performance under this Agreement. Contractor shall initiate changes only upon receipt of the Change Order signed by Owner, 4.11.3 Owner shall not be liable for restocking charges for Hardware which is delivered to the Installation Site but not installed as the result of a Change Order, Owner shall make reasonable attempts to identify reduced Hardware requirements prior to delivery to the Installation Site, 4,11.4 Contractor shall, if requested by Owner, (a) submit its detailed estimate of the value of any estimated time involved in any such change, including unit cost and (b) furnish detailed records of costs or savings actually realized as a result of any such change. If any such changes diminish the quantity of Work to be done, they shall not form the basis for a claim by Contractor for loss of anticipated profits, Changes will be billed (in the case of additions) and credited (in the case of deletions) in accordance with the provisions of Annex 4, 4,11.5 Minor software configuration changes, such as line class of service, station numbers, line ringing, pick-up group arrangements, database forwarding arrangements and the like which are required for the "fine tuning" of individual station design, will be provided by Contractor to Owner at no charge for the first three (3) weeks after Cutover or twenty-one (21) consecutive days, whichever is greater These changes will be provided within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of a written 1<-:'- H~~ --l Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e e 10 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON'U. CO",ORAT'ON e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.11.6 4.12 4.12,1 4,12.2 ~ H,';a, Q) Voice System request for the change by Owner or its representative. Should the ability of Contractor to effect said changes be impaired by system malfunction or any other cause, the three (3) week period for changes at no charge will be ex1ended on a day- for-day basis for each request day that the changes are delayed, Owner agrees to submit changes to Contractor in multiples whenever possible, Contractor shall for ten (10) years following Acceptance Date provide, on request, additional cabling and equipment functionally equivalent to those items acquired under the terms of this Agreement, for lease or sale to Owner at prices then in effect, but in no event shall such prices be increased by more than the annual Consumer Price Index, calcuiated at a simple rate of increase, for each year (prorated in the case of a partial year) from Acceptance Date to the date of such order. PERMITS, LICENSES, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS Any and all permits, licenses and other fees that pertain to the System and the Work of Contractor required by federal, state, county or municipal laws, or other govemmentai entities or authorities, shall be promptly secured and paid for by Contractor. All other applicable permits or fees required by law, ordinances, tariffs, and regulations shall also be paid by Contractor. Contractor must promptly give and post all notices necessary in connection therewith, Contractor shall strictly comply with all applicable federal, state, county or municipal laws, regulations, ordinances, directives and codes which are in effect at the date of execution of this Agreement and which place obligations on Contractor with respect to its performance under the terms of this Agreement. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONSULTING CO"POflATIOH 11 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.13 4.13.1 4,13,2 4.13,3 4,13.3.1 ~ riA (:;,) Voice System LIABILITY INSURANCE Contractor shall at its own expense purchase from and maintain in a reputable company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the State of Texas, such insurance as will protect Owner, Owner's property, the project and Contractor from claims set forth in this Section which may arise out of or result from Contractor's operations under the Agreement, or for which Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by Contractor or by a Subcontractor or a Sub- Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The insurance required hereunder shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against Owner or, if applicable, the Owner shall be listed as an additional insured. The policy or policies of commercial general liability insurance required hereunder from the Contractor shall be primary as to any insurance or self-insurance programs of the Owner. Coverage shall be maintained without interruption from the date of commencement of any of the Work until date of Final Payment and tenmination of any coverage required to be maintained after Final Payment and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be correcting, removing or replacing Defective Work. Notwithstanding the above, the insurance required herein shall be on an occurrence basis, Contractor may provide the coverage required herein through the use of a primary liability policy or through a combination of primary liability and umbrella liability policies; however, the total limit of liability shall not be less than the limits stated herein. Such insurance shall be written to include the following coverages and for not less than the following minimum limits, or greater if required by law: Worker's Compensation, Occupational Disease and Employer'S Liability Insurance: a. State Statutory limits b. Applicable Federal (if any) - Statutory limits c, Waiver of subrogation in favor of client Confidential and Proprietary @)Copyright 2003 e 12 TECH KNOWLEDGE O.NOU. c.",...".o e -- e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System d, Employer's Liability. Bodily Injury by Accident. $1,000,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease - $1,000,000 each employee Bodily Injury by Disease - $1,000,000 each policy limit 4,13.3,2 Commercial General Liability Insurance including, as minimum coverages; ~ Premises - Operations Liability ~ Products and Completed Operations Liability ~ Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement ~ Blanket Contractual covering Contractor's Indemnity Obligations ~ Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted a, Special Requirements: 1) Property Damage Liability Insurance shall provide "X, C, and U" (explosion, collapse and underground hazard) coverage as applicable. 2) Products and Completed Operations shall be maintained for one (1) year after final payment. 3) The term "caused by accident" if used in bOdily injury coverage shall be replaced by the term "occurrence." 4) The term "caused by accident' if used in property damage coverage shall be replaced by the term "occurrence," f-4 CJ1 o Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 13 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONeULTING CORPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System b, Limits of Liability: 1) $4,OOO,OOO.OO-Each occurrence as respect to BOdily Injury liability or Property Damage Liability, or both combined. 2) $4,OOO,000.OO-General Aggregate. 3) $4,OOO,OOO.OO-Products/Completed Operations Aggregate. 4) $4,OOO,OOO,Oo-Personal and Advertising Injury. 5) Limits shall apply to Project Site only by insurance endorsement. 4,13,3.3 Automobile Liability Insurance: a, Special Requirements: 1) All owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles including the loading or unloading thereof, 2) The term "caused by accident" if used In bodily injury coverage shall be replaced by the term "occurrence," b, Limits of Liability: 1)$4,OOO,OOO-Each occurrence as respect to Bodily Injury Liability or Property Damage Liability, or both combined. 4,13.4 Contractors insurance policies shall state that they are primary and not addition to, or contributing with, any other insurance carried by, or for the benefit of the Additional Insureds. Any such insurance maintained by the Owner shall be excess of I-'- 0'1 J-..'o Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 14 ""J'ECHKN'OWLEDGE C.N'U. C.R'.RATI,N e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.13.5 4,13.6 4.13.7 4.13.8 j-.;. C)l (v Voice System that maintained by Contractor andlor Subcontractors. Each liability policy of Contractor and/or Subcontractor shall contain a "separation of insureds" provision stating that, except for limits of liability, the poiicies shall operate as though separate policies had been issued to each insured, Contractor's insurance policies must be further endorsed to the foliowing entities as additional insureds ("Additional Insureds"): (i) Calhoun County, Port Lavaca, Texas Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Owner shali be filed with Owner prior to COmmencement of the Work. These Certificates and the Insurance policies shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Owner and Design Professional, except for nonpayment of premium which shall be ten (10) days written notice, If any of the foregoing insurance coverages are required to remain in force after final payment and are reasonably available, an additional certificate eVidencing continuation of such coverage shall be submitted with the final Application for Payment. Information conceming reduction of coverage shali be furnished by Contractor with reasonable promptness in accordance with Contractor's information and belief. Owner may inspect any or all policies of insurance at reasonable times, Certificates of Insurance for the above coverages shall be submitted in duplicate to Owner prior to the start of construction, along with a copy of all insurance policies described herein. In the event of any claim made against any insurance policy of Owner, Contractor shall pay Owner's deductible under Owner's property insurance for any claim caused by Contractor's or Subcontractor's actions or inactions, The deductible amount of Owner's property policy for this Project is $5,000 per claim. If Owner or insurer increases the required minimum deductibles above the amounts so identified or if Owner elects to purchase this insurance with voluntary deductible amounts, Owner shall be responsible for payment of the additional costs not covered because of such increased or VOluntary deductibles. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONeULTING COflPOJlATION 15 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4,13.9 4.14 4,14.1 4.14.2 Voice System Contractor is responsible for determining that Subcontractors are adequately insured against claims arising out of or relating to the Work and that the Additional Insureds are listed as Additional Insured's in Subcontractor's policies, The premium cost and charges for such insurance shall be paid by each Subcontractor. NEW EQUIPMENT Contractor warrants that ali cable, connectors, telephones, circuit cards, processors, and all ancillary and support equipment shall be new and of best quality, No used or reconditioned equipment shali be installed. Contractor shall provide, upon request, a certificate assuring that ali equipment and components of the System are "newly built" and are not used or reconditioned. 4.15 DELIVERY AND RISK OF LOSS 4,15,1 4,16 4,16,1 , ' F--:3 c..n (....? Risk of loss or damage to any portion of the System, shall pass to OWner as of Acceptance Date, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, except where the damage or loss is due in whole or in part to any act or omission of Contractor, its empioyees, agents, and/or subcontractors. PATENT INFRINGEMENTS Contractor agrees to indemnify, protect and hold Owner harmless with respect to any suit, claim, or proceeding brought against OWner alleging that OWners use of the System constitutes a misuse of any proprietary or trade secret information or an infringement of any United States patent. Contractor agrees to defend Owner against, and hold harmless from any such claims and to pay ali litigation costs, all reasonable attorneys' fees, settlement payments and any and all damages Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e 16 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON.ULTINO CO....Ofl.ATION e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.16,2 4,16,3 4.17 4,17.1 4.18 4,18,1 1-'0 c.rr ~ Voice System awarded or resulting from any such claim provided, however, that Owner shall, after receiving notice thereof, promptly advise Contractor of any such suit, claim or proceedings. In the event that an injunction is obtained against Owner's use of the System arising in whole or in part from such a patent suit, claim or proceeding, Contractor shall; at ~s option and at no cost to Owner, either: (a) procure for Owner the right to continue using the portion of the System enjoined from use; or (b) replace or modify the same so that Owner's use is not subject to any such injunction. In the event that Contractor cannot perform under the preceding paragraph, Owner shall have the right to return the System to Contractor upon written notice to Contractor and receive a full refund of all funds paid to Contractor, and Contractor shall be liable to Owner for all actual and consequential damages incurred by Owner as a consequence of Contractor's inability to perform, PUBLICITY Any publicity giving reference to the sale, installation and/or operation of the System, whether in the form of press releases, brochures, photographic coverage, or verbal announcement, shall be only with the prior written approval of Owner, FORCE MAJEURE Should Contractor's performance of a critical activity be materially delayed by fire, power failure, embargo, riot, tornado, earthquake, hurricane, flood of 100-year or greater severity, strike of a national scope against the project site, or any unreasonable delay by a govemmental authority, and the delay caused by such event could not have been avoided or mitigated by Contractor by any reasonable method or action, Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of the Contract Time for a period equal to the amount of the length of such delay, provided that Contractor shall use all reasonable efforts to remove such causes of non-performance. Confidential and Proprietary @COPYright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONIULTII>U1 CORPORATION 17 CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4.19 TIME DELAYS 4,19,1 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE IN CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE OF ITS DUTIES UNDER THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT. It is hereby understood and agreed by and between parties hereto that it is and will be difficult or impossible to ascertain and determine the actual damage which Owner shall sustain in the event of and by reason of such delay, and it is therefore agreed that Contractor shall pay to Owner the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500,00) per day for each and every day's delay beyond the time prescribed in Annex 3 . Installation Schedule in finishing the work at any location as liquidated damages. Contractor agrees to promptly pay to Owner the liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same is not paid, agrees that Owner may deduct the amount thereof from any money due or that may become due under the terms of this Agreement. 4.20 4.20,1 4.20,2 ~ en c..n Should the Work be delayed by any cause which Owner, in its sole judgment, deems justifiabie, then the time for completion of the Work may be extended for such time as Owner may approve in writing, SAFETY All work, labor, services and materials to be furnished by Contractor shall strictly comply with all Laws, including without limitation, the rules and regulation of the Occupational Safety and Heaith Administration, now or hereafter in force or effect. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to protect its empioyees and others from safety, environmental or heaith hazards associated with the work and Contractor agrees that the prevention of accidents to workers performing the work is solely its responsibility. At all times, Contractor shall use best available practices to properiy train and supervise its employees to avoid accidents. The Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among its Subcontractors, empioyees, sub-subcontractors, suppliers and other persons carrying out the Work, The Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not skilled in tasks assigned to them. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e 18 TECH KNOWLEDGE co.o.. CO",ORATOO. e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4,20,3 Whenever the performance of the Work will result in an unsafe condition or a vioiation of any Laws, the Contractor shali immediately stop work on that portion of the Project and immediately notify the Owner. The Contractor will not proceed with such Work unless and until such unsafe condition or violation of Laws has been fully remedied. In the event of an emergency affecting safety of persons or property, Contractor shall immediately and reasonably act in its discretion to prevent the threatened damage or injury. Contractor agrees that the prevention of accidents to workers performing the Work is solely its responsibility and it shall use best available practices to properly train and supervise its employees to avoid accidents. Contractor shall adopt a suitable written safety plan covering all workers on the Project and take all steps required to implement and enforce the provisions of such plan, 4.21 SUBCONTRACTORS 4.21,1 In the event Contractor elects to subcontract any of the instaliation of the System, the names and addresses of all proposed subcontractors shall be fumished in writing to Owner prior to commencing any work. AIi subcontractors must be accepted and approved by Owner in writing; any such acceptance and approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If, in Owner's reasonable judgment, any Subcontractors fall to perfonm the work In strict accordance with the specifications, then Contractor, after due notice from Owner, shall diSCharge such Subcontractor; however, this discharge shall In no way release Contractor from its Obligations and responsibility under the tenms of this Agreement. 4.21.2 Every Subcontractor shali be bound by the tenms and provisions of this Agreement as far as they are applicable to their Work. Nothing contained herein shall create any contractual relations between the Subcontractor and Owner. 4,21.3 Contractor shall be fully responsible to Owner for the acts and omissions of its employees, agents, and/or Subcontractors. ~ (JT CJ) Confidential andProprietary @Copyright2003 19 "T'ECHKN'OWLEDGE CON'ULT1NQ CO'U'OIlATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4.22 LABOR DISPUTES 4,22.1 Each party shall notify the other promptly in the event of any actual or potential labor dispute which will or may delay the timely performance of the Work hereunder. 4,23 OVERTIME 4.23.1 It is anticipated that the System may be installed and Cutover occur during other than normal business hours. Contractor shall provide Owner With any required overtime Work, both during Cutover and any other time deemed necessary by Owner to accommodate ~s normal operations, at no charge beyond the Price set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall coordinate the work schedule with Owner so as to minimize disruption to the business activities of Owner. 4.24 BUILDING DAMAGES 4.24,1 Contractor shall be liable and responsible to Owner for any damages to the Building caused by its Work hereunder and that of its employees, agents, and/or Subcontractors, All repairs shall be made at the soie cost and expense of Contractor, and only after inspection and approval by Owner. Contractor shall fire-stop all fire rated penetrations created or penetrated by Contractor, its employees, agents, and/or Subcontractors, Contractor shall seal all penetrations created or penetrated by Contractor, its employees, agents, and/or Subcontractors. 4.25 CLEAR AWAY 4,25,1 Throughout the progress of the Work, Contractor shall keep the working area free from dust and debris of all types, and shall daily remove from the premises, in a manner reasonably acceptable to Owner, all refuse resuiting from any Work being done by it. At the completion of the Work under this Agreement, Contractor shall remove from and about the project all waste materials, rubbish and Contractor's tools, equipment and machinery, and leave the premises in a ciean and finished condition, to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner, ~ c.n --1 Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 20 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON.U~CO"O'AT'ON e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4.26 CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER 4,26,1 Among other services provided under this Agreement, Contractor shall: a, At all times during the progress of the work, Contractor shall provide a project manager skilled and experienced in the installation of the type of voice systems being provided under this Agreement who shall be actively included in the System implementation and who shall serve as the main point of contact for Contractor, This project manager shall not be reassigned from this project without the prior written approval of Owner, Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld so long as the replacement project manager is equally experienced and skilled in the implementation of systems of the type being provided under this Agreement. b. Contractor shall participate in all departmental design interviews that will be conducted to determine the final station and overall system hardware and software configuration, Contractor design personnel shall be skilled and , experienced in designing and implementing systems of the type being provided under this Agreement. c, Contractor shall provide departmental design summaries that will describe the final departmental and overall System designs. The form of these summaries shall be as mutually agreed upon by Owner and Contractor. d, Contractor shall issue all necessary orders to the local telephone utility including, but not limited to, new or reterminated trunk orders, disconnects of existing services as necessary, moves of cable entrances and/or main distribution frames, and any other necessary trunking and related orders. Such orders shall be reviewed and approved by Owner or its representative in writing prior to issuance, e, After execution of this Agreement, and until final completion of the work, Contractor must attend a minimum of one (1) meeting every two (2) weeks, or more often as reasonably requested by Owner, with the Owner or its representative to report on the status of the System and the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for keeping minutes of the meetings in a form satisfactory to Owner, and Contractor shall issue copies of the Minutes to all attendees within four (4) business days of each meeting. ~ CJ1 Q) Confidential and Proprietary OCOPyright2003 21 "'J'ECHKNOWLEDGE CONtULTINO CORPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.27 4.27.1 4,27,2 4.27,3 4.28 4,28,1 r-';' CJl (;::) Voice System f, Owner reserves the right to require Contractor to replace the project manager at Owner's sole discretion, g. Nothing contained in this Section 4.26 shall be construed as a limitation on Contracto~s responsibilities in producing all Work necessary for the complete and satisfactory installation of the System, MATERIALS AND APPLIANCES Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, transportation, and other facilities necessary for the proper perfonmance and timely completion of the Work, Contractor shall verify conditions at the Building, particularly door openings and passages, to avoid building any items too large for openings. Any pieces too bulky for existing facilities shall be hoisted or otherwise handled with apparatus as required. All special handling and equipment charges therefor shall be paid by Contractor. Owner shall fumish and provide any necessary temporary power and lighting required to facilitate the installation of equipment. Owner shall furnish and provide reasonable means of entry and storage space to permit scheduled delivery of equipment. EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND DESIGN Contractor shall submit in writing to Owner for approval, within ten (10) days of the execution of this Agreement, details of any custom design, including equipment layout details and cable terminations, pertinent to the System. Owner shall respond in writing in a timely manner and shall not unreasonably withhold approval of the design. This submittal shall include the following: Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e 22 TECH KNOWLEDGE c..'u. CO.'...TIO. e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System a. A detailed layout of the Communications Equipment Room showing exact location of equipment cabinets, batteries, battery chargers, distribution frames and similar equipment. The submittal shall also include the requirements for backboards, electrical outlets, lighting, grounding, air conditioning and any other environmental needs; and, b, Detailed drawings of any internal modifications to any standard manufactured components used within the System, c, Cross-connect matrices from switch tails to riser and outside plant cables. d, Final-as-built documentation shall be provided to Owner in AutoCAD format according to AlA and the project architect's standards. 4.29 RIGHT TO INTERFACE 4,29.1 Owner shall have the right to connect the products contracted for to any equipment manufactured or supplied by others that is compatible wtth the System, Such equipment shall include, but not be limtted to, peripheral equipment, other computers, communications equipment, terminal devices, and the like. Owner may require that Contractor supply the specifications for interface and supervise the connection, If such a connection is likely to interfere in any way with Contracto~s abiiity to perform proper maintenance, then Contractor shall notify Owner at least five (5) days prior to any such connection, f-do c.n o Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright2003 23 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON.ULTINQ CORPORATION ---- - --- - ----- ------ ~----- --- - --- -- ---- --- --- -- -- --- - -- CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System 4.30 ACCESS CODES 4.30,1 Owner shall have complete access to and control of all access codes, including remote maintenance access of the telecommunications systems, 4.31 WARRANTIES 4,31.1 Contractor warrants that all work performed by Contractor shall, after Cutover, be free from all defects and deficiencies of material, equipment and workmanship and will strictly conform to the requirements of the contract documents, for twelve (12) months from the Acceptance Date ('Warranty Period"). 4.31.2 Contractor warrants that, provided the Software is not materially and adversely altered by Owner, the Software shall fully and properly function during the Warranty Period as specified in this Agreement. 4,31.3 Contractor warrants that the System shall perform as specified in Annex 5 - System Specifications, 4,31.4 The terms of the warranties of this Contract Agreement shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other warranty or remedy required by law or the contract documents, and shall be interpreted to require Contractor at its expense to cure all defective, deficient or nonconforming work within a period of not less than one (1) year after the Acceptance Date, or longer if otherwise required by the contract documents. The Contractor shall correct such Work promptiy after receipt of written notice from the Owner. If the Contractor fails to do so within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, Owner may correct it, and Contractor shall repay Owner the reasonable cost of such corrective work upon demand, Owner may offset such costs of correction against any payments then or later due Contractor. Any corrective work shall itself be so warranted by Contractor for a period of one (1) year from the date such corrective work is performed, I-lo C;,;"') J-ol'. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 24 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONeULTINO CORPORATION e e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.31.5 4,31,6 4,31.7 4,31.8 4,31.9 4,31.10 f-"o c:.~ l\) Voice System Owner shall be entitled to make "moves, adds, and changes" (as those tenms are commonly used in the telecommunications industry). No such moves, adds, or changes shall be deemed to be alterations of the Software for purposes of Contractor's warranty hereunder, so long as such moves, adds, and changes are carried out in conformity with the training procedures and programs which Owner elects to receive from Contractor. Prior to making any moves, adds, and changes, Owner's representative shall have successfully completed a move, add, and change training class, Owner agrees to maintain a hard copy printout and a Narrative Log that shall include dates and explanation for all moves, adds, and changes. In the event that additional System components installed are price listed at or above $500,00, those components shall be given a twelve (12) month warranty period, independent of the Warranty Period for the System, commencing with the date of acceptable perfonmance of those components. In the event that Contractor elects to perfonm field repair on defective components of the System and such repaired components continue to experience failures adversely affecting the System, Contractor shall upon Owner's written request, replace such defective components rather than continuing to perfonm field repairs. Contractor shall agree to keep and make available to Owner an inventory of all components necessary to repair and perfonm routine maintenance on the System for the duration of the MaintenancelWarranty Period, as such tenm is defined in Section 4.37 of this Agreement. Contractor's failure to fully and promptly perfonm and effect repair of the System as set forth in this Section 4,31 shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and Owner may avail itself of any and all remedies available at law or equity. Confidential and Proprietary @COPyright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE 25 CON8ULTINCI COIlPORATION CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.32 4.32.1 4.33 4.33,1 4,33,2 4,33,3 ~ C"l W Voice System DISASTER AVAILABILITY In the event the System or any component thereof is rendered permanently inoperative as a result of a natural or other disaster, Contractor shall deliver and install a replacement system within three (3) days from the date of Owne~s request. In such event, Contractor shall waive any delivery schedule priorities, and to make the replacement system available from the manufacturing facility currently producing such equipment, or from inventory. The price for replacement equipment shall be the Price payable under this Agreement, or if unit prices have not been established for damaged parts, the Price shall be as mutually agreed by Owner and Contractor, but in no event shall the Price exceed that offered other customers ofthe Contractor for similar equipment. STATION USER AND OPERATOR TRAINING After the System is installed and working, but prior to Cutover, training sessions shall be provided by Contractor at the I nstallation Site for Owne~s personnel. Training shall include: a. Instruction programs which shall include a description of the features and functions available on the telephone equipment purchased by Owner. If Owner elects not to have certain features available on the System used by its personnel, the training materials and program shall be adapted to exclude those features or functions; b, Hands-on use of the various types of station equipment purchased by Owner; and c. Instructions on telephone etiquette, as approved by Owner, Training shall be held at times suitable to Owner, including, if necessary, sessions during evening or night shifts to accommodate personnel schedules, Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e 26 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONIULTINlJ CORPORATION e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.33.4 4.33.5 4.33,6 4,33,7 4.33,8 4.33,9 4.33,10 ~ CJ) .... Voice System Owner may elect to have simultaneous training sessions to ensure that all users are trained as near to Cutover as possible, No trainer shall give more than six (6) sessions per day without Owner's consent. During the seven (7) days after Cutover, Contractor shall provide trainers, at Owner's discretion, who will visit each area on all work shifts for additional training assistance as needed. Owner shall designate representatives who will receive more extensive training on System features, telephone etiquette, trouble-reporting procedures and the basics of system design, These representatives will, whenever possible, be individuals who will aiso attend the design interview sessions. At Owner's discretion, Contractor shall provide a training session for these representatives to acquaint them with the basic System functions and features prior to the final design interviews, Fifteen (15),days prior to Cutover, Contractor shall produce a complete written training plan including: a. Sample materials to be used; b. Training syllabus; c. Names of the lead training coordinator as well as assistant coordinators and back-up trainers to be utilized in the event of illness or other incapacity of any designated trainer; and d, Training session schedules. Contractor shall provide a complete "dry run" training session for Owner's review and approval of materials and methods to be used. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Contractor shall provide training materials in an amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the number of stations provided in the System by individual type of station, Confidential and Proprietary OCopyright2003 TECHKNOWLEDGE CON'ULTIHG CORPORATION 27 CONTRACTAG~:EMENT 4,33.11 4,33,12 4.33,13 4,33.14 4,33,15 4,33,16 1-;" O':l c.Jl Voice System Training shall be provided by Contractor personnel ski lied and experienced in the openation of the System and skilled at teaching, Contractor agrees that the courses and materials used in fulfiliing this Agreement shall remain available to Owner as long as the equipment and software to be delivered hereunder remains installed and is in use by Owner. Charges for such courses (to the extent not agreed by Contractor to be furnished at no cost) shall be at Contractor rates then prevailing, provided that such rates shali not exceed current rates by more than an increase of six percent (6%) per year, calculated at a simple rate of increase, Contractor agrees to make available, for a minimum period of six (6) years following the date Contractor provides written notification to Owner that the equipment is out of production but in no case less than ten (10) years from the date of this Agreement, all materials used by Contractor in any and all training courses taught by Contractor connected with the use, operation, or programming of such equipment. Such training materials shall include, but not be limited to, student materials such as syllabi, agendas, tests, and teaching materials such as instructors manuals, audio visual aids, test results, and the iike, Contractor shall provide training for those employees of Owner who shall serve as console attendants, Contractor shall provide with each consoie an Attendant Console User Guide which describes the manner in which the features and services that are available on the attendant console are to be operated, Live hands-on console training shali be provided by Contractor one (1) week prior to Cutover. Contractor shali provide a fully qualified trainer who shall be available to assist the attendants for a minimum of five (5) business days, beginning at Cutover. Contractor shali provide refresher training for each console attendant two (2) weeks after Cutover, Such training shall consist of at least two (2) hours assistance on working consoles, Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright2003 e 28 TECH KNOWLEDGE co.... CO.....T'O. e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4,33.17 4,33.18 4,34 4,34,1 4,34,2 ..... en en Voice System Owner shall make reasonable efforts to make all personnel available for training prior to Cutover, Owner shall not incur any additional cost beyond the Price for the training services and materials specified in this Section 4.33. PRE-CUTOVER TESTING Upon completion of installation, Contractor shall test the System in accordance with the applicable installation manuals, copies of which are to be delivered With the hardware components of the System. Owner, or Owne~s designated representative, may witness all such tests at the Installation Site. At such time as all such tests have been completed to Contracto~s satisfaction, Contractor shall give Owner written notice thereof together with all supporting documentation. If Owner notifies Contractor in writing of deficiencies in the results of such tests, Contractor shall not proceed to Cutover until such material deficiencies have been corrected to Owne~s reasonable satisfaction. As part of System testing, Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Owner or its representative that: a, All purchased System features operate properly; b. All switching and call processing systems, such as voice messaging, function properly; c, All ancillary equipment interfaced to the System, such as call accounting, paging, facsimile and/or recording devices, are operating properly; d, The attendant consoles function properly; e, All station equipment has been installed, detailed with typed, clearly-legible labels, and is functioning properly; Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE COH'ULTfNQ CORPORATION 29 CONTRACT AGREEMENT Voice System f, All trunk lines which are not in use on the existing System, but which will be added at Cutover, have been tested with the local telephone utility; and g. A plan for shifting any required existing trunks from the existing telephone equipment to the System has been developed and coordinated with the local telephone utility. 4.35 CUTOVER 4,35.1 The "Cutover Period" begins with Contractor's notit;e as set forth in Section 4,33.1 and ends at the Cutover Date. Contractor shall ensure that personnel skilled and knowledgeable in all aspects of System operation are present at the Installation Site during the Cutover Period, These personnel, or their shift replacements, shall remain on site until such time as Owner and Contractor agree that no major operational deficiencies exist. 4,36 ACCEPTANCE 4,36.1 Owner shall have thirty (30) days after the final phase of Cutover to notify Contractor in writing of any known defects or deficiencies in Contractor's work which Owner deems unacceptable. Such unacceptable work may include, but are by no means limited to: system failures and downtime; intermittent problems, such as continued call cutoffs; and, inoperable important ancillary equipment or the failure of any feature. The System shall not be accepted by Owner until all known defects or deficiencies have been corrected by Contractor, which Acceptance shall not be unreasonably wilt1held. 4,36,2 With respect to any known defects or deficiencies which Owner reasonably deems unacceptable, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the correction thereof, After Contractor notifies Owner in writing of correction of such particulars, a "Cure Period" of fourteen (14) days shall elapse before such correction may be deemed to be successful. Should the unacceptable condition reoccur within the Cure Period, the Cure Period shall begin again, f-io (j"') -.J Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 30 TECH KNOWLEDGE COHaULTINO CORPORATION e e e e _ _ CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.36.3 4.36.4 4.36.5 4,36,6 f-'" (J'l (Xl Voice System Owner shall make reasonable efforts to notify Contractor of unacceptable conditions upon discovery of the condition, If the System is not accepted by Owner within the Acceptance Period and any extension thereof by a Cure Period, Contractor shall, at its own expense, replace any defective part or parts of the System, including the entire System, if necessary, If the System is not accepted by Owner within ninety (90) days of Cutover, Owner may, at its option, reject the System entirely and Contractor shall return all payments made up until the point of rejection (less the cost of cable, any other equipment which is retained at the option of Owner, and associated installation labor), Contractor shall not remove the System for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days, or until a suitable replacement system is installed and working, Upon completion of all work to the satisfaction of Owner, Owner shall promptly notify Contractor of its acceptance in writing. Before the System is accepted, Contractor must provide the following: a, In conjunction with Owner or its representative, a complete physical audit of the cabling components and all other System components. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "audit' is defined as an actual count of all contractual components, b. Traffic information on all trunk groups in hourly increments for a period of at least three (3) consecutive weekdays and a weekend, The traffic measurements will be for a daily period from 7 a.m, to 12 a.m. (midnight), c, Complete information concerning the features and class of service of each working station line. Documentation must be presented in such a manner that Owner can, without physically auditing stations or cable runs, be able to determine the location of all stations and lines as well as the routing of cable serving all stations. This would include permanently marking all backboards as to cable and terminal numbers, Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONeULTINO CORPORATION 31 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.37 4.37.1 4,37.2 4,37,3 4,37.4 }-olo G""'l CD Voice System MAINTENANCEIWARRANTY During the Warranty Period as defined in Section 4.31, Contractor agrees, at its expense and at its option, to either repair or replace ("Service") any defective or deficient hardware (including any hardware installed at Cutover) and any added during the Warranty Period, Contractor's obligation under this Section 4,37 is conditioned upon: (a) the Hardware not having been materially and adversely altered or repaired by any party other than Contractor without Contractor's written consent; (b) the defects not being the result of abuse, misuse, or improper storage, installation, maintenance or operation by any entity other than Contractor (including use in conjunction with equipment electrically or mechanically incompatible); and (c) the Hardware not having been materially damaged by fire, explosions, power failure, any act of God, or any other cause whatsoever not attributable to an act or failure to act by Contractor, its employees, agents, and/or Subcontractors, Contractor shall dispatch personnel to the Installation Site to perform Service to respond to a request for either: a, Routine service within twenty-four (24) hours (excluding weekends and nationai holidays); or b, Emergency service within two (2) hours (without regard to the time of the day or the day of the week, inclUding holidays) of request therefore, An emergency shall be deemed to exist when problems incurred in using the Hardware [except for (a) isolated failures of Individual telephones and (b) the failure of other components of the Hardware which are not required for the processing or completion of telephone calls] materially Interfere with the normal conduct of Owner's business or when Owner declares an emergency, The number of persons who can declare an emergency shall be limited and their names or titles shall be mutually agreed in writing in a document signed by both Contractor and Owner, A request for service when an emergency does not exist shall be deemed to be a request for routine service, Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e 32 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONIULTINq CORPORATION e e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.37.5 4,37,6 4.37.7 4,37.8 ~ --J o Voice System It is hereby understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that continued telecommunications service is essential to Owner, and that it will be impossible to detennine the actual damage which Owner will sustain in the event of and by reason of delayed maintenance service response. It is agreed therefore, that remote diagnostics will take place within 90 minutes of a request for service. In the event the problem cannot be resolved by remote means, Contractor shall respond to service calls within 3 hours. Contractor shall pay to Owner the sum of $800.00 for each one (1) hour time period or part thereof in excess of the emergency response time set forth in this Section 4,37 or for each eight (8) hour period in excess of the non-emergency response time set forth in this Section 4,37, as liquidated damages dUring the Warranty Period or for any SUbsequent period of the life of the System during which full maintenance is perfonned on a time and materials basis, During any year in which a maintenance contract is in force, Contractor agrees to pay a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the monthly maintenance fee for each one (1) hour delay in emergency response or each eight (8) hour delay in non-emergency response as liquidated damages, Upon Owner's written request, Contractor shall perfonn the installation of additions to the System. "Additional Services" shall include services perfonned by Contractor pursuant to Contractor's written Service Orders, and shall be perfonned by the Technician during such time that the Technician is not perfonning routine or emergency service, and Owner shall only be charged Contractor's standard material and/or hardware charges for the Additional Services, Should Owner require Additional Services of a volume that cannot be perfonned by the Technician during such time that the Technician is not perfonning routine or emergency service, Contractor shall assess the work required and provide a cost estimate and a time schedule to Owner. If Owner, after such notifications, desires the Additional Services, Owner shall execute a Change Order in writing. Contractor shall agree to keep an inventory on Owner's site of all components necessary, in Contractor's reasonable judgment, to repair and perfonn routine maintenance on the System for the duration of the Warranty Period, Such inventory shall not be removed from the site except under emergency conditions. Removed parts shall be restocked as soon as possible, Owner shall be promptly notified of any such removal. The first year maintenance rate (after the Warranty Period) shall be $7,896.00. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright2003 TECHKNOWLEDGE CON.ULTINQ CORPORATION 33 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.37.9 4,37.10 4.37.11 4,37.12 4.38 4.38,1 ~ -] l-'> Voice System During the life of any 'Warranty/Maintenance Period" Service Contract between Owner and Contractor covering the System, if Contractor modifies and/or changes the Software to correct a problem in the Software design, such modified and/or changed Software shall be provided and licensed to Owner without charge. Contractor shall, upon request, provide to Owner such current diagrams, schematics, manuals, and other documents necessary for the maintenance of the System by Owner or its Subcontractors. There shall be no add~ional charges for such maintenance documents. Subject to the availability of components from the manufacturer (Nortel), Contractor guarantees with this provision the availability of long-tenm spare parts for all equipment acquired under this Agreement for a minimum period of six (6) years following the date Contractor provides written notification to Owner that the equipment is out of production, but in no case less than ten (10) years from the date of this Agreement. Such sales shall be made at prices then in effect, but prices shall not be increased by more than six percent (6%) per year, calculated at a simple rate of increase, for each year between the date of acceptance of the equipment herein contracted for and any order for such parts. Only new standard parts shall be used in effecting repairs. SEPARATE CONTRACTS Owner reserves the right to let other contracts incidental to the installation of the System (for example; the installation of voice and data cabling, electrical circuits, backboards, conduit, air conditioning, etc.), and Contractor shall afford any such contractors reasonable opportunity for the installation and execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate its work with theirs as required. Confidential and Proprietary @:Copyright 2003 e TECH KNOWLEDGE 34 CON'.. COR.O..TION e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.39 4.39.1 4,39,2 4,39,3 4,39.4 4,39,5 4,39,6 F-" -1 N Voice System GENERAL Neither party may assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. Any changes to this Agreement requested by either Owner or Contractor may only be affected if mutually agreed upon in writing by duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended nor shall any rights of a party to it be waived except by such writing, The rights and obligations of the parties and all interpretations and perfonmance of this Agreement shall be govemed in all aspects by the laws of the State of Texas, This Agreement shall be govemed by the Unifonm Commercial Code as adopted by the State of Texas except to the extent this Agreement provides otherwise, The place of perfonmance of this Contract Agreement shall be Comal County, Texas, and all disputes concerning or arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved in the District Courts of Comal County, Texas, This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution thereof by Owner and Contractor. In the event that Owner decides to finance the equipment, all deposit moneys paid to Contractor shall be refunded to Owner upon payment in full to Contractor from the financing company and Owner's payment obligation under the Purchase Agreement shall then be null and void, This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. The Contract Agreement shall not be modified or altered in any way other than as specifically provided herein or by a written document prepared subsequent to the date hereof and executed by Owner and Contractor. Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 TECHKNOWLEDGE CON.ULTIMO CO....OllATION 35 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 4.40 4.40.1 4.41 4.41.1 Voice System SURETY BONDS If requested, the Contractor shall furnish separate performance and payment bonds to the Owner. The Contractor shall be bondable and will provide performance and payments if requested by the Owner. Each bond shall set forth a penal sum in an amount not less than the Contract Price. Each bond furnished by the Contractor shall incorporate by reference the terms of this Contract as fully as though they were set forth verbatim in such bonds. In the event the Contract Price is adjusted by a Change Order executed by the Contractor, the penal sum of both the performance bond and the payment bond shaH be deemed increased by like amount. The performance and payment bonds furnished by the Contractor shall be in form suitable to the Owner and shall be executed by a surety, or sureties, reasonably acceptable to the Owner. AUTHORITY Each individual executing this Contract Agreement on behalf of hislher respective party represents and warrants that he/she is the lawful representative of such party and has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of said party, Each party further acknowledges that it has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their representatives being thereunto duly authorized, f-" ~J I..J Confidential and Proprietary @;Copyright 2003 e 36 TECH KNOWLEDGE CONIULTINQ CORPORATION e e e e CONTRACT AGREEMENT CALHOUN COUNTY By: 111//4 f) ?N Name: 41,d, ,,<! :r ,;:y,., {'.. Title: (,(.u~ ~-<v Date; <;- Jr...-tfC' TION SERVICES By: Name; A'. /JaJtre Uje 5al'<.s Pjf#q,.e.r .s//9/:J..cXJS' Title: Date: ..... -.] ~ Confidential and Proprietary @Copyright 2003 e Voice System 37 TECH KNOWLEDGE CON8ULTINO CO".ORATION , . TECHKNOWLEDGE c: 0.... U ~ TIN a c: 0 II" 0 It... T ION PROJECT MEMORANDUM To: Judge Michael Pfeifer, Calhoun County Mark Crippen, Spaw Maxweil Peggy Hall, Calhoun County From: Dave Jacobs Date: May 20, 2005 Subject: PBX Configuration, Contract and Payments Confiquration This is to update you on our progress toward installation with Telecom Installation Services, Subsequent to bid award by Commissioner's Court, TechKnowledge has: ./ Negotiated cost reductions in the amount of $16,307 01' Eliminated some unnecessary equipment 01' Recommended the purchase of two optional components, These actions have resulted in changes to the configuration and pricing, which are both reflected in the attached invoice from TIS and the table below: Hardware Upgrade Software Upgrade Attendant Console $1,440 Battery Check $600 $600 Training $16,000 $3,000 Warranty $6,866 $6,866 Maintenance $7,896 Shipping $260 $260 Switoh Talis 200 $66,884 $46,092 Optional Items OTM System Admin $8,092 $3,786 Voicemall Upd.ate $1,900 Totals $64,976 $61,777 $10,744 Excluded from original bid, but determined to be necessary -$1,440 Not Required -$12,000 Scope clarification 47,.896 2nd Year Maintenance -$20. -$10,792 -$4,307 As you can see, we have added two options TechKnowledge strongly recommends, yet kept the overail cost well within our budget. These amendments add only $949 to the original bid amount and TechKnowledge recommends approving this change, TechKnowledg6 Consulting Corporation 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1350 Houston, Texas 77046 Phone 713-840-7800 Fax: 713-840-7801 Email: info@techknJg.com 1,..,~ , '(;) e e Contract You may remember contract terms reviewed by the county and issued with the RFP, In their response, Telecom Installation Services indicated they required two amendments: e . Paragraph 4.37.5: The contract requires a prompt response to an emergency service cali, and there is a financial penalty should the vendor's be late in responding. The original contract called for a two hour emergency service response and a penalty of $1,000 per hour for each hour late, TIS is offering a 3 hour response and a penalty of $800 per hour for each hour late, provided they first have an opportunity to dial into the system and attempt remote diagnostics, This is fairly typical in the industry TechKnowledge recommends accepting this change, . Paragraph 4.37.11: The originai contract language requires the vendor to make parts and service available for 10 years from the date of cutover. Since TIS is a distributor and not the manufacturer, they requested we amend the language to reflect that fact. We trust you concur with this change, . TechKnowledge has prepared a revised contract with those provisions highlighted for your consideration and recommends amending the TIS contract as requested. Pavment The attached invoice shows the terms of payment that are consistent with the attached contract TIS has already orderd and delivered equipment to the site, and $15,533,10 is already due, Since there will be some time between Commissioner's approval and the due date of the cutover amount, TechKnowledge recommends preparing a check for $31,066,20 and issuing it upon PBX cutover, As always, we're happy to visit with you at your convenience if any questions arise, e TECH MOWLEDGE COlilau LTIHCI COII.ORATlON e 176 Telecom Installation Services Inc. TIS Southwest 1605 Hwy 181, PMB 203 Portland, TX 78374 Toll Free: 866-772.7226 Fax: 361-334.1615 Invoice No. 821 INVOICE """" Customer Name Calhoun County Address 211 S Ann City Port Lavaca Attn: Dave Jacobs Date P,O, No, Rep SITE: 5/1212005 State TX ZIP 77979 Wayne Page Qty Description Unit Price TOTAL 1 System Expansion/Upgrade $25,742.00 $25,742,00 1 Software Upgrade $10,744.00 $10,744.00 1 Battery Check $500,00 $500,00 1 Warranty $5,856.00 $5,856,00 1 Meridian Mail Modifications $1,900,00 $1,900,00 1 System Management (OTM) $3,785,00 $3,785,00 1 Training $3,000,00 $3,000,00 Tenns of Payment 15% on System Ship Date $7,766,55 15% on System Delivery Date $7,766,55 30% on Cutover Date $15,533,10 30% on Acceptance Date $15,533,10 10% 30 days after Acceptance Date $5,177. 70 $51,777,00 SubTotal $51,527,00 r Payment Details ] Shipping & Handling $250.00 0 Direct Deposit Taxes State, Local $0.00 0 Check Discount $0,00 0 Credit Card TOTAL $51,777.00 e Name CC# Expires 10ffice Use Only IJI&.I e. -~ "..' -~~i Please Pay from this Invoice NURTEL "Quality and Excellence remain long after cost is forgotten" TECH KNOWLEDGE CON. U ~'" Nile 0 R,,,,, ATl 0 N e 1''''7 ...1 e e e APPROVE AND SIGN CONTRACT WITH INFINITY COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE LOCAL AREA NETWORK EOUIPMENT FOR THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Approve and Sign Contract with Infinity Communications for the Local Area Network Equipment for the Calhoun County Courthouse Renovation Project, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CONTRACT NUMBER: 0425-3-RR _ - 5/25/05 (Project #) (Date) ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Customer Name: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Customer Contact: Ms. Pe!:tgy Hall CONTRACT FOR SERVICES TIllS IS A CONTRACT BE1WEEN CUSTOMER AND "ICT": Contractor: Tnfiniti Connnunications Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 3407 Victoria, Texas 77903 (ICn Name and Title of Contact: Ron Reger Telephone: 361/576-1153 AND CUSTOMER: Name of Customer: Calhoun County Auditor's Office Address: 201 West Austin Street, Suite 304 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Name and Title of Contact: Ms. Peggy Hall, Assistant Auditor Telephone: 361/553-4610 Social Security or Tax Payer ID#: (HEREAFTER "CUSTOMER") ICT AND TIIE CUSTOMER (collectively, the 'Parties' and each a 'Party') AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. leT'S DUTIES. The Contract, who represents tbat the ICT is qualified and willing to perform the services described below as an independent ICT shall: as detailed in the 'RFP - DATE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE' 2. PAYMENTS. A. COIDoensation. For all of the services described above and all goods and materials supplied by the TCT, the Customer shall pay TCT a fixed price total of $16,623.00 (Sixteen thousand six hundred twenty three and no cents). B, Tenus of Pavment. The Customer shall pay the ICT 90% (ninety percent) upon equipment installation and the remaining 10% will be due after trainins is complete, NET 30. Rev. 05/05 178 2 3, TERM OF CONTRACT. This Contract shaIJ begin on Mav. 2005 ("Commencement Date") and shaIl remain in effect until Mav. 2006 ("Expiration Date"), or until the work required is satisfactorily COIIIpleted, whichever COllIes first. Any extension beyond the Expiration Date must be in writing and signed by the Customer, 4. PERFORMANCE OF WORK. lCT is qualified and willing to perform the services descn'bed above as an independent contractor in accordance with the highest standards ofICT's profession or craft and to the satisfaction of the Customer. ICT .hall not be paid for any work found by the Customer to be a unsatisfactory. _ 5. LIABILITY/INSURANCE. The work to be performed under this contract shall be performed entirely at ICT's risk. ICT agrees to indemnifY. defend (with counsel approved by the Customer) and hold harmless the Customer for any and all liability, claims, judgments or loss (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising in any way out of the performance of this Contract, including but not limited to those arising out of or alleged to arise out of the negligence of the Customer, ICT shall carry appropriate workers' compensation, hazard and liability insurance coverage written on an occurrence basis during the term of this contract, Upon request from the Customer. ICT shall have the Customer named as an additional insured on lCT's policy and provide the Customer with evidence that the appropriate insurance coverage is in effect, 6. TERMINATION AND REMEDIES, The Customer may cancel this Contract at any time upont two weeks written notice. Should this occur, payment for work satisfactorily completed shall be adjusted accordingly. In addition, if TCT defaults in performance of the duties under this Contract, whether for circumstances within or beyond the control of ICT. the Customer may immediately terminate this Contract by writtl'l1 notice to ICT. Should terminate occur as a result ofICT's default, the Customer shall be entitled to damages from ICT resulting from ICT's default and shall be entitled to offset any amounts payable to ICT for work satisfactorily completed against such damages. The balance of amounts payable to ICT for work satisfactorily completed, if any, shall be paid to lCT. Notice shall be given to addresses mentioned on Page J. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties intend that an independent contractor-client relationship will be created by this Contract, The conduct and control of work will lie solely within the purview of lCT. ICT is not to be considered an agent or employee of the Customer for any purpose, and a no joint venture or principal-agent relationship exists. ICT and employees of ICT are not entitled to any _ of the benefits that the Customer provides for its employees. Neither the Customer nor ICT shall have any right, power, or authority to create any obligation, expressed or implied on behalf of the other. 8. ASSIGNMENT/SUBCONTRACT. ICT may not assign or transfer this Contract or subcontract for the work to be performed without prior written consent of the Customer. 9. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND DATA. All rights, title, and interest to and including the rights of copyright in any reports, studies, photographs (and negatives), computer programs, drawings, writings or other similar works or docwnents, along with all supporting data and material (collectively the "Works"), produced under this Contract are "works for hire" in accordance with the definition of that term under the copyright laws of the United States. ICT hereby unconditiooaIly assigns, and at any time in the future upon request shall assign. all rights and interests of any sort, including without limitation, all copyrights and other intellectual property rights, in and to the Works produced under this Contract. The Customer shall have the sole and exclusive right, title and interest (including copyright interest) in the works. Upon request from the Customer, leT must deliver to the Customer all Works not delivered to the Customer under Section I "JeT's Duties". ICT may use the Works only with the prior written approval of the Customer; and any use of these materials or data shall include an acknowledgement that the Rev. 05/05 2 e 179 e e Rev. 05/05 e materials or data are the property of the Customer. ICT warrants to the Customer that ICT shall uot infringe the intellectual property rights of others in the performance of this Contract and agrees to indemnifY the Customer and hold it harmless from and against all demands, claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from any action by a third party against the Customer relating to the Works. 10. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, During the course of the performance of this Contract, ICT may have access to materials, data, strategies, systems, or other infonnation relating to the Customer and its programs, which is intended for internal use only. Any such infonnation acquired by ICT shall not be used, published, or divulged by leT to any person, firm, or corporation or in any advertising or promotion regarding ICT or LCT's services, or in any manner or connection whatsoever without first having obtained the written pennissiou of the customer, which permission the customer may withhold in its sole discretion. II. TAXES. ICT agrees to be responsible for any and all filing and payment of taxes and for compliance with any and all provisions and requirements arising under any applicable tax laws of Texas. 12. OTHER PROVISIONS. NOT APPLICABLE. INFINlTI COMMUMlCATIONS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (lCT) CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS By: !'fJ,d..(;Pk~ Print Name S~~ J Pf+ Title: Vice President '1 I -r. (I J TIt e: L. "'-/W.,. ~., ~f Date: May 24, 2005 Date: <)- ;)fj-05 INFINlTI COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. State of TEXAS County of VICTORIA, Texas ?n this 24th day of Mav. 2005, Larrv Ormsby personally appeared before me, to be the signer of the above IDStrumt, ...... ""..--.. ~IYJ Iili a ~oft' J^ , Ie' RAMONA E. LAYTON SIgnature ofNotaty ublic 7 Y\.J MY COMMISSION EXPlRES Ram E Lavt f Dna. _on ' APRIL 2, 2006 Name ofNotaty printed, typed or stamped My Commission Expires Aoril 2. 2006 3 180 Calhoun County Calhoun County, Texas State of TEXAS County of Calhoun On this 27th of May. 200S. Michael J. Pfeife"personally appeared before me, to be A the signer of the above instrument, and helshe acknowledged !bat helshe signed it. _ J. .(~-"/ 12~. l , Signature of Notary Pulllil<..J Susan Riley Name of Notary printed, typed or stamped My Commission Expires 04-18-08 e Rev. 05/05 4 e 181 e APPROVE AND SIGN CONTRACT WITH WALD RELOCATION SERVICES. LTD. FOR MOVE MANAGEMENT AND RELOCATION SERVICES FOR CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $129.000: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to A~prove and Sign Contract with Wald Relocation Services, L TO. For move management and relocation services for Calhoun County Courthouse Renovation Project in the amount of $129,000. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, STANDARD SERVICE AGREEMENT CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS This agreement is made and entered into this May 06, 2005, by and between: Service Recipient: Calhoun County, Texas GO County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse 211 50uth Ann, 5uite 304 Port Lavaca. TX 77979 Service Provider: e Wald Relocation Services, L TD, 8708 W, Little York Road #190 Houston. Texas 77040 Service Details: The Service Provider agrees to provide the Service Recipient with the following services: Move Management and Relocation Services The Service Provid,'r will perform all services in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) document dated April 14, 2005, A copy of the RFP document, as executed by the Service Provider, is attached as Exhibit A and is made a part of this Agreement. The Service Provider is bound to the terms and conditions as specified within the RFP. The parties agree that in addition to the aforementioned services they may agree upon other services from time to time (colledively called the "ServicmU), Service Term: This Agreement shall commence on May 06, 2005 and shall remain in effect until Services are completed in full and approved by Calhoun County, Texas. It is anticipated that the service term will end no later than 16 months from the date of this agreement. This Agreement will also be subject to termination as provided hereinafter. e Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement and of every part hereof. No extension or variation of this agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision. Compensation: In return for the Services provided, the Service Recipient will compensate the Service Provider in the amount of $129,000, Compensation will be payable as follows: 1,) at the compietion of Move Phase 1 - $63,500,00 2.) at the completion of Move Phase 2 - $65,500,00 182 Business Expenses: The parties agree that the Service Provider shall not be reimbursed for expenses incurred with regards to the Services provided. The compensation provided takes into consideration any and all expenses to be incurred by the Service Provider. Return of Materials: The Service Provider shall return to the Service Recipient any property, documentation, records, or other confidential information belonging to the Service Recipient upon the termination of this Agreement. Termination: The obligations of the Service Provider under this Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of the Service Provider ceasing to be engaged by the Service Recipient or the termination of this Agreement by the Service Recipient or the Service Provider. General Provisions: Entire Agreement - It is agreed that there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting Agreement except as expressed herein. Assignment - The Service Provider shall not in any manner of capacity whatsoever assign or otherwise transfer obligations incurred under this Agreement without the written consent of the Service Recipient. Modifications - Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing and signed by both parties to the Agreement. Capacity of Party Providing Services - The parties agree that the Service Provider is providing a service and is not an employee while performing the Services under this Agreement. The parties further agree that this Agreement does not create a partnership between them, Notice - All communications arising from the terms of this Agreement will be made in writing and served by registered mail. The addresses for any communications to be delivered to the parties appear on the top part of this agreement, or to such other address as to the parties may agree. Legal Expenses - In the event of a iegal action brought forward by either party to enforce or cnstrue any term of the Agreement, the winning party shall be entitled to their legal costs, Insurance - Service Provider will carry all insurance required by the laws of Calhoun County, the State of Texas and the United States of America. Service Provider will provide Calhoun County with insurance certificates for all insurance showing Calhoun County as additional insured. Permits and Licenses - Service Provider will acquire all permits and licenses required by the laws of Calhoun County, the State of Texas and the United States of America. Service Provider will provide Calhoun County with copies of all required permits and licenses. Headings - Headings are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Rather, headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only. Unenforceability of Provisions. In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, all other provisions will nevertheless continue to be e e e 183 valid and enforceable with the invalid or unenforceable parts severed from the remainder of this Agreement. Governing Law - Th is Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas without regard to the jurisdiction in which-any action or special proceeding may be instituted. The jurisdiction for any action or special proceeding is agreed to be Calhoun County, Texas. e Ratification - This agreement was ratified by the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at a special meeting and the County Judge was authorized to sign the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Service Agreement this May 06, 2005 and signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: SERVICE RECIPIENT: SERVICE PROVIDER: CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS W'4~itv'n~'~ By: . ~1. Printed Name: Peter M, Morris ' By: '-{II4j ~ ffI~ Printed Name: Mike Pfeifer Title: County Judge ;S~II ~O( Date: Title: Relocation coZt Date: 0 ~ k ;a::o S-- , , e e 184 II II t'f.th 611 It. Request for Proposal for Move Management and Relocation Services Calhoun County, Texas April 14, 2005 Calhoun County Auditor's Office 201 West Austin Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 185 e e e I. e II. III. IV. V. VI. e Table of Contents Section Page Notice to Bidders .",.... .,.".,..",,,.,,,,,,....,,......., ......,.. .....".."".."...."."...,.""...." 3 Overview.,.....,.. ,.,.".,..",. ".,."..,.. ,.,""'"...".............".."......"......."...."".....,.,,, 4 Schedu Ie of Events",..,,,..,,........,...,,,.. '"."....""..,..".",..".......,..."."..,........."... 4 Scope of Services".....,...,.......".......",,,...,,,, ,...".....,'"....""..",..............,,,,, ,..." 5 General Requ i rements ..,,, ,...",,,. ,.".""." "..""..."..".... ,...""""..."...".""...""".9 Instructions to Bidders ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.."""".""""".".""".""".11 VII. Attachments Attachment A - Execution of Offer""""."...."".""""".."",."."...".""..."""".16 Attachment B - Bid Form""".""."."""""".".."."..."."...."."........."."".".."" 18 Attachment C - Company Qualification Statement ,,,..,,..,,,,....,,...,,.....,,...,,..,,20 Attachment D - References,,,,,,,..,,. ""'"...",....,....,....,,,..,. ,.....,.......,...".".......21 Attachment E - Safety Performance"""."..."...".".,,,...,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,..,,..,,.,,....,,...22 Attachment F - Sample Agreement ,."...".."."....".".."...".."...".."......",.."..,,23 RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services e Page 2 of 25 186 Section I - Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will receive proposals for: MOVE MANAGEMENT & RELOCATION SERVICES MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING shall be held at 9:00 AM, Thursday, April 21, 2005 in the Commissioners' Courtroom located on the second floor of the Calhoun County Courthouse. Attendance at this meeting by all prospective bidders is required and is a prerequisite to providing a bonafide bid, SEALED BIDS are due on or before 2:00 PM, Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at the County Judge's office, 211 5, Ann Street, Suite 304, Port lavaca, Texas 77979, At that time, all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Courtroom located on the second floor of the Calhoun County Courthouse, The bids will be considered for award On Tuesday, May 03,2005 during a special session of Commissioners' Court. All bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope and clearly marked: Sealed Bid _ Move Management & Relocation Services. Cafhoun County does not accept faxed bids. Any bids received after the due date and time will be returned unopened. Sealed bids may be hand delivered or mailed to: CALHOUN COUNTY ATTN: Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge 211 S. Ann SI., Suite 304 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Bid documents for this project may be obtained by prospective bidders from the Calhoun County Auditor's Office, Courthouse Annex, 201 West Austin Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 or by calling Peggy Hall at 361-553-4610. Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive all technicalities, reject any or all bids, to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in determining which bids will be most advantageous to Calhoun County. Calhoun County reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a period of 60 days from the date of opening bids, The County of Calhoun, Texas is an Equal Empioyment Opportunity Employer. The County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in employment or the provision of services. BEN H. COMISKEY, JR., CPA COUNTY AUDITOR CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 3 of 25 e e e 187 Section" - Overview The Calhoun County Commissioners have authorized the complete renovation of the existing County Courthouse located in Port Lavaca, Texas, Due to the extensive scope of courthouse renovations all County departments currently residing within the courthouse must be relocated to a temporary facility in June 2005. e The existing departments to be relocated include the County Clerk, County Tax Assessor, Elections Administrator, Sheriff, District Attorney, County Judge, Emergency Operations, Code Enforcement, Commissioners' Court, and Building Maintenance. Several other County departments that used to reside at the courthouse have already been relocated to various locations in Port Lavaca. These departments include the District Clerk, District Court, County Court at Law, and Sheriff Detectives. It is anticipated that the courthouse renovation may take between twelve to sixteen months to complete. At the compietion of the courthouse renovation project all of the County departments noted above will require relocation back to the courthouse. The purpose of this RFP document is to qualify the successful bidder and establish a total fixed price for providing move management and relocation services to accomplish the various relocations described above. Section III - Schedule of Events EVENT Issue RFP DATE 4/14/05 Pre-Bid Meeting (mandatory) Sealed Bids Due 4/21/05 (9:00 am) 4/27/05 (2:00 pm) 4/27/05 - 4/29/05 e Evaluation & Recommendation Contract Award 5/3/05 (special session of Commissioners' Court) Issue NTP 5/4/05 Phase 1 - Move Management Services 5/5/05 - June 2005 (tentative) Phase 1 - Relocation June 2005 (tentative) Phase 2 - Move Management Services Phase 2 - Relocation May 2006 (tentative) June 2006 (tentative) RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 4 of 25 e 188 Section IV - Scope of Services 1.0 GENERAL Calhoun County (County) is seeking a single Relocation Vendor (Vendor) that possesses the qualification, experience and financial resources to provide comprehensive Move Management and Relocation Services, The successful vendor will be expected to manage the relocation of County departments from the existing County Courthouse to a temporary facility and then provide the return reiocation of various County departments back to the Courthouse approximately 12 - 16 months later. The required relocations will be performed in two distinct phases - Phasel and Phase 2, Both phases will require similar move management and relocation services to be provided. Phase 1, anticipated to occur in June 2005, will include the relocation of existing County departments within the County Courthouse to a temporary location, Phase 2, anticipated to occur in the summer of 2006, will include the reiocation of County departments from multiple temporary locations back to the County Courthouse. 2.0 MOVE MANAGEMENT The successful vendor will be responsible for coordinating and managing the entire relocation process. The vendor will be expected to demonstrate successful experience in developing and coordinating comprehensive move management plans. Vendor responsibilities related to move management may include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Designate a vendor representative to plan, schedule, coordinate and manage the entire move process in association with the County's Project Manager B. Develop and coordinate a comprehensive plan for the move; identify activities to facilitate the move; identify critical issues impacting the move and provide recommendations for resolution of the critical issues. C. Prepare drawings, layout plans, inventory lists and/or other documentation as may be required to indicate the origin and destination location of all relocated furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E). D. Prepare an inventory and associated coding system for all FF&E to be relocated. E, Meet with each department head and thei r staff to review the specific details of the relocation process. Provide instruction rega~ding Owner responsibilities and vendor responsibilities. F. Develop a color-coded labeling system and install all necessary origin and destination signage notations. C. Provide training sessions and written instructions to County employees in the proper use of the labels during the scheduled move meetings, H. Coordinate the inventorying, iabeling, dismantling. moving, and reinstallation of all FF&E to be relocated, I. Manage and coordinate follow-up and support services required during the post-move phase. Post-move services may include minor furniture adjustments, claim settlements, and removal of trash and/or move debris. 3.0 RELOCATION SERVICES The successful vendor will be expected to provide the County with traditional rerocation services and materials. This will include, but not be limited to, the provision of project supervision, moving RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 5 of 25 _ _ _ 189 vans, van drivers, movers, packers, packing materials, moving labels, various packing supplies, and building protection materials. The selected vendor wiil also be required to provide cased goods furniture disassembly and reassembly, modular systems furniture installers and metal shelving i nstallers/mechan ics. e The relocation services anticipated for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 will include, but not be limited to, the relocation of all furniture, fixtures, artwork, contents and equipment (i.e. PC's, printers, copiers, fax machines, AN equipment, tack boards, marker boards, mechanical file systems, typewriters, paper shredders, refrigerators, ice makers, microwaves, etc.) except as noted in Paragraph's 5 and 6 below, Developing a detaiied inventory and corresponding layout of all FF&E items to be relocated is the responsibiiity of the vendor and wiil not be provided by the County. The successful vendor will be responsible for providing all cartons, recommending quantities, sizes and styles of special cartons, and providing guidelines on special packing requirements, if necessary. Contractor will provide packing materials to the County at least one (1) week prior to the move date. In addition, the vendor wiil be required to provide a "smooth-set" crew consisting of one (1) supervisor and six (6) movers One day following each move, 4,0 LOGISTICS OVERVIEW MOVE PHASE 1 A. Origin (Calhoun County Courthouse) 1, Address - 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 2, No. of Floors - 3 primary floors + Basement + Penthouse 3, Estimated No, of Occupants to be Relocated _ 50 4, Loading Facilities - Lobby @ Ground Level 5, Vertical Transport - Small Elevator & Central Public Stair e B, Destination (Memorial Medical Plaza) 1. Address - 1300 N. Virginia Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 2. No. of Floors - 1 floor 3. Estimated No. of Occupants to be Relocated _ 50 4, Loading Facilities - Lobby @ Ground level 5. Vertical Transport - N/A C. Schedule 1. Date - June 2005 (exact date to be determined) 2, Duration - 3 days 3. Time Frame - Mon. - Fri. / 8a _ 5p 4, Notes - (Day 1) move all departments located @ level 1. (Day 2) move County Judge & Emergency Operations @ level 3, Distrkt Attorney, Commissioners' Court & Code Enforcement @ level 2 and Jaiier's High Density filing system and associated fiies @ ievel1. (Day 3) move Buiiding Maintenance @ Basement and remaining FF&E MOVE PHASE 2 A, Origin #1 (Memorial Medical Plaza) 1, Address - 1300 N, Virginia Street, Port lavaca, Texas 77979 RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 6 of 25 e IDO ::J 2, No. of Floors - 1 floor 3. Estimated No. of Occupants to be Relocated - 60 4. Loading Facilities - Lobby @ Ground Level 5, Vertical Transport - NIA B, Origin #2 (County Fairgrounds) 1. Address - County Road 101, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 2. No, of Floors - 1 floor 3, Estimated No. of Occupants to be Reiocated - 2 4. Loading Facilities - Ground Level 5, Verticai Transport - N/A C. Origin #3 (Marina) 1. Address - 106 S. Commerce Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 2. No, of Floors - 1 floor 3, Estimated No, of Occupants to be Relocated - 2 4. Loading Facilities - Ground level 5. Vertical Transport - N/A 0, Destination (Calhoun County Courthouse) 1. Address - 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 2. No. of Floors - 3 primary fioors + Basement + Penthouse 3. Estimated No, of Occupants to be Reiocated - 64 4, Loading Facilities - Lobby @ Ground Level 5, Vertical Transport - 2 ea Medium-Sized Elevators + Central Public Stair + Fire Stair E. Schedule 1. Date - Summer 2006 (exact date to be determined) 2. Duration - 3 days 3. Time Frame - Mon. - Fri, / Ba - 5p 4. Notes - (Day 1) move County Clerk, Tax Assessor, Eiections Administrator. District Clerk, District Court, and Sheriff. (Day 2) move County Judge, Emergency Operations, Commissioners' Court, Code Enforcement, Detectives @ Origin #3, and County Court at Law @ Origin #2, (Day 3) move Building Maintenance and remaining FF&E 5.0 SPECIAL NOTES The following unique conditions related to the proposed relocation services are to be noted and included in the vendor's pricing: A, Relocation of FF&E items associated with the "Jail" function of the Sheriff's department is included in the Phase 1 move. However, please note that these items will not be included in the Phase 2 move as the Jailer and his staff will have been relocated by the County to the New Jail prior to the Phase 2 move date, B. The Sheriff's Jailer currently utilizes a high-density mobile shelving system located in the Courthouse. This system and its associated files are to be relocated by the vendor to Memorial Medical Plaza as a part of the Phase 1 move. Please note that this filing system is to be reassembled as a "static" (non-movable) shelving system at the Memorial Medical Plaza iocation, This filing system wiii not be reiocated during the phase 2 move, RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 7 of 25 e e e 191 C. Existing Courtroom furniture such as pews and Judges Benches located in the Courthouse will not be included in the Phase 1 move. D. Existing Kitchen equipment and cookware in the abandoned Jail at the third floor of the Courthouse will not be included in the Phase 1 move, 6.0 COUNTY RESPOSIBILlTlES The County will be responsible for the following items: e A. Provide Floor Plans for Furniture Placement B. The County will be responsible for coordinating the relocation of the following items: 1. PC's and hardware associated with the County Clerk's ACS network 2. PC's and hardware associated with the Tax Assessor's RTS network 3, PC's and hardware associated with the County's Centrai Network Server 4, Central Phone Equipment (PBX) S. E911 Equipment 6, Radio Console equipment located in the Sheriff's Dispatch area 7. Radio communication and transmission equipment located in the Penthouse 8, Weather Satellite equipment located in the Emergency Operation Center 9, Vending machines e RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 8 of 25 e 192 Section V - General Requirements 1. Vendor will supply all supervision, vehicles, drivers, movers, packers, packing materials, dollies, lifters, bins, building protection materials (origin and destination), all required tools, shrink-wrap and other supplies and labor which will be required to execute the reiocation services for the County, 2. Vendor wHl follow the instructions and directions of the County and its Project Manager where one is designated. 3. Vendor shall carry fuil coverage (100%) liability insurance for damage to property/assets owned by the County, 4, Vendor's transport vehicles must be enclosed, weather proof, and have a lift capable of properly accommodating the safe transport of proposed FF&E items to be relocated, 5, Vendor shall take necessary action to adhere to all facility requirements pertaining to the protection offloors, wall surfaces and elevators, 6. Building protection is required at all origin and destination locations. The vendor must provide and install coverings on all vulnerable corners, walls, door facings, elevator cabs and other areas aiong the route to be followed during the move, Duct tape or masking tape must not be placed on the floors, walls, doors or door jambs. Use blue removable tape only. 7, Vendor shall provide clean 3/B-inch hard-tempered masonite sheets as runners in all building lobbies, elevator lobbies, and primary corridors incurring most traffic or as required by the County, All sheets of masonite must be taped to prevent sliding. Removal of building protection after each move will be determined by the County. 8. Vendor shall provide services for de-installation. packing and re-installation of desktop computers, telephones, special equipment, etc.. County personnel wiil perform the back-up and shutdown procedures for all equipment. Vendor will be responsible for disconnecting all removable cords, cables, mouse, mouse pad, keyboard, keyboard trays, monitors, switches, drives} tape drives and other accessol)' equipment, including printers, faxes, etc.. Vendor shall reconnect all computer, printer and PC related peripheral devices and perform a "boot-up" verification of final connection. 9. Vendor shall relocate all computers, printers, scanners, electronic equipment, etc within specially designed wooden containers (machine carts); within corrugated tri-wailed gondoias or properly wrapped with pads and strapped to interior van walls with logistic straps. All mover vehicles used for moving these items will have air-ride suspension. 10. Vendor shall remove content of all bookcases, filing cabinets, storage cabinets, and racks during transport and use reasonable best efforts to restore such contents in their original order upon reaching their final destination. 11, There will be no smoking inside the Origin and Destination buildings by an employee of the vendor at any time. 12, All vendor employees will be in identifiable uniform or wear identifiable badges, 13. The vendor must provide adequate protection for its equipment and all work, and shall provide such suitable safety appliances as may be needed to safely perform all work, All trucks used on this project are required to be "airMride", have current inspections, and service. 14, Vendor shall ensure its employees and agents perform all work under stringent safety precautions. 15, Vendor shali comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, or orders issued by any public authority having jurisdiction. RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 9 of 25 e e e 193 e 16, Vendor shall obtain the appropriate City, County or State permit(s), if any, required by the ordinances of the City, County, or State for the performance of the work. 17, The vendor will coordinate and attend a pre-move and post-move walk-through with the County and, as applicable, the County's General Contractorls). The purpose of the walk-through is to identify any pre-existing as well as move related damage to the building and interior improvements. The costs of all move related damage will be borne by the relocation vendor, 18, The vendor shall identify any items that will not fit in the eievator cabs at both locations and make arrangements with the County to resolve. 19, The vendor shall be responsible for the disassembly and/or reassembly of any case goods, files, furniture, and marker boards and placing nuts, bolts, screws, etc., in a bag and taping to the item. 20. The vendor will not use equipment with steel wheels. Defective equipment will be removed from the job immediately, 21, Packing and loading at both locations will include removing from the County's premises all empty vendor provided containers, packing materials, and other debris accumulated incident to packing and unloading. 22. All artwork will be pad wrapped and transported in padded "panel. carts". The same specialty crew that handles these items at origin will unpack these items at destination. 23, All marker boards will be prepared by removing and placing all nuts, bolts, and screws in a plastic bag taped to the back of the board, These boards will be transported in padded "panel carts". Same marker boards will be installed at the new office. 24. All equipment (computers, monitors, keyboards, typewriters, printers, and miscellaneous office machines) will be transported in "machine carts" specifically designed for these items. These carts must be totally enclosed or shrink wrapped for transportation. Equipment will be placed in the correct locations as indicated by room signs or equipment location forms. 25, All files, books, and periodicais will be transported in "rolling book carriers" that will have shrink wrap for transportation. Specialized, experienced crews provided by the vendor will be required to load and unload these items. The same crew that packs these items at origin will unpack these items at destination to ensure proper order as designated by the Department. 26. The vendor shall provide full blanket wrapping of all private office case goods furniture, 27. The vendor shall provide project coordinators with two-way radios during all phases of the move. e 28, The vendor shall provide and coordinate traffic control requirements with the appropriate city authorities. 29. The vendor will be responsibie for removing any doors necessary in order to remove or install large items and for replacing the same door, 30, Vendor will not be allowed to place boxes on top of furniture and not stacked higher than 3 boxes. 31, A final walk through at the end of the move will be conducted to ensure all items are in the correct location. All offices are required to have boxes and furniture in an organized state. The vendor will be required to straighten offices and move items to their correct iocation BEFORE vacating the destination location. RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 10 of 25 e 194 Section VI - Instructions to Bidders 1.0 QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES Ail questions prior to the submittal deadline concerning this Request for Proposal (RFP) must be submitted in writing by facsimile or emaiJ to: Mark Crippen (Project Manager for Calhoun County) 713-346-0939 (phone) 713-222-1414 (fax) mcrippen@spawmax.com 2.0 ADDENDA Response(s) to inquiries which directly affect an interpretation or change to this RFP will be issued in writing by addendum and transmitted to ail parties recorded as having received the RFP, All such addenda, issued prior to the submittal deadline, shail be considered part of the RFP, and the respondent shall be required to consider and acknowledge receipt of such in its submittal. Respondents receiving this RFP other than directiy from Calhoun County are responsible for notifying Calhoun County that they are in receipt of a submittal request and are to provide a name and address in the event an addenda is issued. Only formal written addenda are binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. The respondent must acknowledge all addenda by indicating receipt of each directly on the Bid Form (see Attachment - B). 3,0 EXECUTION OF OFFER Respondents must compiete, sign and return the attached Execution of Offer as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company official(s) authorized to commit such submittals, Failure to sign and return this form will subject your submittal to disqualification. Please complete the Execution of Offer form Attachment - A. 4.0 BID FORM Respondents must complete, sign and return the attached Bid Form as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company official(s) authorized to commit such submittals, All pricing provided on the Bid Form will be considered to be final and will remain in effect for the term of the contract period which is anticipated to be no more than two (2) years, All pricing shall include, but not be limited to, applicable taxes (if any), labor, supervision, materials, insurance, overhead & profit, etc.. Please provide required pricing information on Attachment - B. RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 11 of 25 tor) _ ~.t e e e 5.0 COMPANY QUALIFICATION STATEMENT e Respondents must complete, sign and return the attached Company Qualification Statement as part of their submittal. This form must be signed by a company official(s) authorized to commit such submittals. Vendor shall furnish basic company organization and contact information. The vendor must certify that it has provided Move Management and Relocation SelVices for at least the previous five (5) consecutive years, Furthermore, the vendor shall certify that it is licensed and registered with the Texas Department of Transportation and that it is in good standing with a valid TxDOT number. Please provide company information and certification on Attachment - C. 6.0 REFERENCES Respondent must provide three (3) client references for whom similar services have been completed within the last twelve (12) months. References shall include client name, address, telephone number, fax number, contact person and email address. Vendor must agree to authorize clients to furnish any information required by the County to verify references and for determining the quality and timeliness of previous work performed. Please provide client reference information on Attachment- D, 7.0 SAFETY Calhoun County requires that a safe workplace is maintained while products and services are provided. The respondent shall confirm the type and frequency of regular safety meetings conducted with its employees and agents. Vendor shall provide Workers Compensation Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) information issued by the Insurance carrier for the past four (4) years: 2004, 2003, 2002, and 2001. The EMR's and carriers will be verified by the County, Please provide safety information on Attachment - E. 8.0 INSURANCE e The successful Bidder must provide the County with a Certificate of Insurance for General Liability ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), Workers' Compensation (in accordance with State Law) and Auto insurance ($100,000/$100,000/$300,000). All policies shall contain a provision naming Calhoun County (and its officers, agents and employees) as Additional Insured parties on the original policy and all renewals or replacements during the term of this agreement. All policies must contain a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement to the effect that the issuer, waives any claim or right in the nature of subrogation to recover against the County, its officers, agents or employees. Please provide a Certificate of Insurance indicating (overage that is currently in place. 9.0 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND Upon receipt of a letter of intent to award a contract, Bidder shall provide Performance and Payment Bonds as outlined below. A Payment or Performance Bond is not required on contracts of $25,000.00 or less unless otherwise stipulated in Special Conditions. A Payment Bond is required if the total Contract Sum exceeds $25,000,00, The Payment Bond is soieiy for the protection of those suppiying labor, materials RFP .for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 12 of 25 e 196 and/or equipment in the prosecution of the Contract, A Performance Bond is required if the total Contract Sum exceeds $100,000, The Performance Bond ensures faithful performance of the Contract. 1. Each bond shall be executed by a corporate surety or corporate sureties duly authorized to do business in the State ofTexas, acceptable to the County, and on forms approved by the County. Normally, the County will consider acceptable any corporate surety qualified to do business in Texas. If any surety upon any bond furnished in connection with the Contract becomes insolvent, or otherwise not authorized to do business in this Statel the Vendor shall promptly furnish equivalent security to protect the interests of the County and of persons supplying labor, materials and/or equipment in the prosecution of the work contemplated by the Contract. e 2. Each bond shall be accompanied by a valid Power-of-Attorney (issued by the surety company and attached, signed and sealed, with the corporate embossed seal, to the bond) authorizing the agent who signs the bond to commit the company to the terms of the bond, and stating (on the face of the Power-of-Attorney) the limit, if any, in the total amount for which he is empowered to issue a single bond. 10.0 TAXES Calhoun County is exempt from Texas Sales and Use Tax. Vendor shall not include an assessment of these taxes in their proposal. A tax exemption certificate will be provided by the County to the successful bidder at contract award, 11.0 IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROl ACT The successful vendor shall provide appropriate identification and employment eligibility documents and complete Form W-9 to meet requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 12.0 FORM OF AGREEMENT The form of agreement between the County and the successful vendor will be Calhoun County's Standard Service Agreement. Please refer to Attachment - F for an example of the County's Standard Se1Vice Agreement. e 13.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT After Bids are opened, the Bids will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the Bid prices and overall responsiveness to the RFP requirements. The County reserves the right to withhold the award of the Contract for a period of 60 days from the date of opening Bids and no award will be made until the County is satisfied as to the responsibilities of the low Bidders, Until final award of the Contract, the County reserves the right to reject any or all 8 ids or proceed to do the work otherwise in the best interest of the County. The Commissioner's Court makes no guarantee that an award will be made as a result of this RFP and reserves the right to accept or reject any or aU submittals, waive any formalities or minor technical inconsistencies, or delete any itemlrequirements from this RFP when deemed to be in the best interest of Calhoun County. Representations made within the qualifications submittal and any subsequent proposal will be binding on the respondent Calhoun County wiil not be bound to act by any previous communication or information submitted by the respondent other than this RFP. RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 13 of25 e 19'7 14.0 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The person or persons, partnership, company, firm, association or corporation to whom a contract is awarded shall within 10 calendar days after such award, sign the necessary agreements entering into the required Contract with the County. No contract shall be binding on the County until it has been executed by the County or County's duly authorized representative, and deiivered to the Contractor. e 15.0 RFP SUBMITTAL Respondent must provide one (1) originai and two (2) copies of the RFP submittal, completed and signed. RFP submittals are to be prepared on 8 Yz x 11 paper and stapied in the upper left corner, Respondent must submit the following documents accurately and fuiiy completed in order to be considered as a potential service provider. Due to the time element, the depth of RFP documentation and the window required for review and evaluation, should responses be found to be incomplete, vendors wi/I not be afforded the opportunity to correct or alter responses unless specifically requested by the County. A. Execution of Offer - Attachment A B, Bid Form - Attachment B C. Company Qualification Statement - Attachment C D, References - Attachment D E. Safety Performance - Attachment E F. Certificate of Insurance (indicating current coverage) e RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 14 of 25 e 198 Section VII - Attachments The following attachments are provided for the vendors use in responding to the RFP requirements. Attachment A - Execution of Offer Attachment B - Bid Form Attachment C - Company Qualification Statement Attachment D - References Attachment E - Safety Performance Attachment F - Sample Agreement RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 15 of 25 199 e e e Attachment A \] EXECUTION OF OFFER THIS EXECUTION OF OFFER MUST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED, AND RETURNED WITH THE RESPONDENT'S RFP SUBMITTAL. FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETIRN THIS EXECUTION OF OFFER MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE ENTIRE RFP SUBMITTAL. e SIGNING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY VOID THE SUBMITTED QUALIFICATION OR ANY PROPOSAL AGREEMENT, OR OTHER CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE SUBMISSION OF THE RESPONDENT'S RFP SUBMITTAL A FALSE CERTlFICATIO SHAll BE DEEMED A MATERIAL BREACH OF CONFLICT AND, ATTHE OPTION OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MAY RESULT IN TERMINATION OF ANY RESULTING CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER. By signature hereon, the respondent affirms that he has not given, nor intents to give at any time hereafter, ony economic opportunity, future employmen1. gift, loan, gratuity, special discount. trip, or favor to a public servant in connection with this submiftal. By signature hereon, 0 corporate respondent certifies that it is not currently delinquent in the payment of any Franchise Taxes due under Chapler 171, Texas T ox Code, or that the corporate respondent is exempt from the payment of such taxes, or thot the corporote respondent is on out-of-state corporation that is not subject 10 the Texas Franchise Tax, whichever is applicoble. By signature hereon, respondent represents and worrants that: /~.;, Respondent is a reputable company regularly engoged in providing prOducts and lor services \f:!ff!fJ necessory to meet the terms. conditions and requiremenls of this RFP; Respondent has the necessary experience, knowledge, abilities, skills, and resources to sotisfactorily perform the terms, conditions, and requirements of this RFP; e Respondent is aware of, is fully informed about, and is in full compliance with all applicable federal. state, county, and locollaws rules, regulalions and ordinonces goveming the proposed project or service; Respondent understonds (i) the requiremenls and specifications set forth in this RFP and (ii) the terms ond conditions set forth in lhe Agreement under which respondent will be required to operate: Respondent, if selected by Calhoun County, will maintoin insuronce as required by the Agreement; ,-~ \:.Jj) RFP for Move Management fWarn~Selvices,ltd. e ". ~'O .:oJ Attachment A '\ , All stotements, information and representations prepared and submitted in response to this RFP are current, complete, true, and accurate. Respondent aCknowledges that Caihoun County will reiy on such statements, information. and representations in seiecting the successfui respondent. If selected by Calhoun County as the successful respondent, respondent will notity Caihoun County immediately of any material changes in any matters with regard to which respondenl to which to which respondent has made a statement or representation or provided information, By signature hereon, respondent certifies that the individual signing this document and the documents made port of the RFP is authorized to sign such document on behalf of the company and 10 bind the company under any agreement or other contractual arrangements which may result from the submission of respondent's submittal. Submitted and Certified By: Wald Relocallon Services. LID Vendor's Name d~,) / . ,.,.,. .... Authorized Signature 8708 W. UIIIe York Road #190 SIreel Address Peter M. Morris Prinfed Nome ,~ VJ1JJ1 Hou~on.Texas77040 City, State. Zip Code Relocation Consultant Ti1le 04-26-2005 ~ Date / 713-512-4800 X4845 Telephone Number 713-512-4881 Facsimile Number RFP lor Move Management {W'al cJm'lOOM Services, U~. (1"1 __. J J<-..'\..'_. e e e Attachment B -i BID FORM DATE: e TO: Calhoun County, Texas RE: Move Management and Relocation Services Gentlemen: Pursuant to the Instructions to Bidders, the undersigned has thoroughiy examined lhe RFP Documents ond the Site, understands the work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work as provided in the RFP Documents and subject to the observation and approval ot the Owner, and binds themselves on acceptance ot this bid by the Owner, for performing and completing the said work within the 1ime stated ond to furnish all required guarantees for the following pnces: MOVE PHASE 1 (June 2005) Move Manaaement . The Sum of 51.500.000 DOLLARS Relocation Services The Sum of 562,000.00 DOLLARS e ALTERNATES: Alternate No.1 - Perform Relocation Services after-hours and/or on weekends Add the Sum of S79,eee.QQ 8,OOQ,DO DOLLARS RFP for Move Management fWaram1O_Smvices, Uu. e "cl') ~~,- -) ~ Attachment B MOVE PHASE 2 (mid-to-Iate 2006) Move Manaaement The Sum ot 1,500.00 DOLLARS Relocation Services The Sum ot $64,000.00 DOLLARS ALTERNATES: Alternate No.2 - Perform Relocation Services otter-hours and/or on weekends Add the Sum ot $711,099.9& &,0"0.00 DOLLARS ADDENDA: "" wi' od<~.d"" ,"'"" "':V odd"",o whl," a" "", 01 I'" '" D<x,"~"", NONE as of 4/25/2005 @ 5:00 PM Addendum No. Addendum No. CONTRACT TIME: The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site ot the Work and has caretuliy examined the RFP Documents pertaining to the Work covered by the above Bid. and he further agrees to commence work within 5 calendar days otter date ot written notice to proceed (NTP) and to substantially complete the relocation effort of each Move Phase (1 & 2) within three (3) calendor doys, subject to such extensions of time allowed by contract. The undersigned Bidder agrees that his Bid shali be good and may not be withdrawn tor a period of 60 calendar days atter the scheduled closing lime for receiving lhe bids, The undersigned Bidder understands thot the Owner reserves the right to reject any or ali Bids and to waive any informalities in the Bidding. RFP for Move Management fWar~R~1n_Services, ltd. ?:)3 ,,-'V'l e e e e ~''',.' ..""f!tJ ~~ e e Attachment B Wold Relocation Services, LTD Vendor's Name -----.... ~ ~I ~4~' fj\ut r1zed Signature PeterM.Morris ~ Printed Name ' 8708 W. Uttle York Road #190 Street Address Houston, Texas 77040 City, State, Zip Code Relocation Consultant TIlle 713-512-4800 X4845 Telephone Number 04-26-2005 Date 713-512-4881 Facsimile Number RFP for Move Management fWaflmfiiooServices, UD. 2D4 Attachment C 1 COMPANY QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Company Full Name: Street Address: City, State and Zip: Telephone No,: Facsimile No.: Wald Relocation Services, LId 8708 W. lillie York Road Houston, Texas 77040 713-512-4800 -4845 713-512-4881 e National Common Carrier: Affiliation or uVan Line": Mayflower Transit Mayflower Transit Federol Tax iD: TxDOT Operating No.: 76-0517955 005447368C Years in Business: Years of Current Ownership: Ten Years Ten Years p~erM.MOrriS~ ~ I({f!6 Representative's Name: (legally authorized) Title: ~Ignature: Date: E-Mail Address: 04/26/2005 Peter.morris@Waldrelocation.com e Please Indicate appropriate response to the tollowing: 1.) Has vendor provided Move Management and Relocation Services tor at least the previous five (5) consecutive years? YESXXX NO_ 2.) Is the vendor licensed and registered with TxDOT and is the vendor in good standing with a valid TxDOT number? YESXXX NO_ RFP for Move Management {Waf6RalllteDServices, Un. e 205 e ~":'" .','-,,1"".0:" 'i~' e e Attachment 0 ') REFERENCES REFERENCE ONE Client Name: Client Type: Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 011 & Gas 1201 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, Texas Beth Fruge 832-636-7287 Address: Contact Name / Title: Telephone No.: Facsimile No,: Contract Period: Ongoing - 5 years Management, Relocation and Warehousing Scope ot Services: REFERENCE TWO Client Name: Client Type: Address: Contoct Name / Title: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: Contract Period: M H M R A (Harris County) Mental Health 7000 Southwest Freeway - Houston TX Oscar Garcia 713- 970-7303 Ongoing - 4 years Management, Relocation and Warehousing SCope of Services: REFERENCE THREE Client Name: Client Type: Address: Contoct Name / Title: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: Contract Period: Occidental Chemical Corp. 011 & Gas 5 Greenway Plaza, Houston Texas Tony Wade 713-215-7598 Ongoing - 3 years Management, Relocation and Warehousing Scope of Services: RFP for Move Management ~arcJRo~SefVices, U~. 205 Attachment E -\1 SAFm PERFORMANCE Calhoun County requires that a sate workpiace is maintained while products and services are provided. Please provide the following information regarding your sately procedures and performance. 1.) Does your firm conduct regular safely meetings with supervisors. drivers. and movers? YESXXX NO_ (Detail Type & frequency) Wald Relocation has monthly and on-site. projed specific site meetings to ensure safe. legal. and efficient work and labor practices. Such meetings are required and part of our safe and sound work culture and employment criteria. 2.) Please provide your firm's Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rote (EMR) information for the following years, 2001 EMR Rate 0.89 ~ 2002 EMR Rate 0.81 f,;~<i' . 2003 EMR Rate 0.88 2004 EMR Rate 0.91 RFP for Move Management fWa"miOOooSelVices, Un. rn.-, /::..,.:1.) t e e e Attachment F SAMPLE ACREEMENT e STANDARD SERVICE AGREEMENT CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS This agreement is made and entered into this March 29, 2005, by and between: Service Recipient: Caihoun County, Texas C/O County Judge Third Floor Calhoun County Courthouse 211 South Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Service Provider: Ace Movers Victoria, TX Service Details: The Service Provider agrees to provide the Service Receiver with the following services: Moving furniture and equipment from Calhoun County Courthouse to Memorial Medical Plaza and move furniture and equipment from Memorial Medical Plaza to Calhoun County Courthouse. e The parties agree that in addition to the aforementioned services they may agree upon other services from time to time (collectively called the "Services"). Service Term: This Agreement shall commence on Friday, June 10, 2005 and shall remain in effect until Services are completed in full and approved by Calhoun County, Texas. This Agreement will also be subject to termination as provided hereinafter. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement and of every part hereof. No extension or variation of this agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision. Compensation: In return for the Services provided, the Service Receiver will compensate the Service Provider in the amount of. Compensation will be payable upon completion of the services. Business Expenses: RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 23 of 25 e 208 Attachment F The parties agree that the Service Provider shall not be reimbursed for expenses incurred with regards to the Services provided. The compensation provided takes into consideration any and all expenses to be incurred by the Service Provider. Return of Materials: The Service Provider shall return to the Service Receiver any property, documentation, records, or other confidential information belonging to the Service Receiver upon the termination of this Agreement. Termination: The obligations of the Service Provider underthis Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of the Service Provider ceasing to be engaged by the Service Receiver or the termination of this Agreement by the Service Receiver or the Service Provider, General Provisions: Entire Agreement-It is agreed that there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting Agreement except as expressed herein. Assignment-The Service Provider shall not in any manner of capacity whatsoever assign or otherwise transfer obligations incurred under this Agreement without the written consent of the Service Receiver. Modifications-Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing and signed by both parties to the Agreement. Capacity of Party Providing Services-The parties agree that the Service Provider is providing a service and is not an empfoyee while performing the Services under this Agreement. The parties further agree that this Agreement does not create a partnership between them. Notice-All communications arising from the terms of this Agreement will be made in writing and served by registered mail. The addresses for any communications to be delivered to the parties appear on the top part of this agreement, or to such other address as to the parties may agree, Legal Expenses-In the event of a legal action brought forward by either party to enforce or cnstrue any term of the Agreement, the winning party shall be entitled to their legal costs, Insurance-Service Provider will carry all insurance required by the laws of Calhoun County, the State of Texas and the United States of America. Service Provider will provide Calhoun County with insurance certificates for all insurance showing Calhoun County as additional insured. Permits and licenses-Service Provider will acquire all permits and licenses required by the laws of Calhoun County, the State of Texas and the United States of America. Service Provider will provide Calhoun County with copies of all required permits and licenses. Headings.Headings are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Rather, headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only. Unenforceability of Provisions-In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, all other provisions will nevertheless continue to be RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 24 of 25 e e e '"'1"9 ,.:~,J Attachment F valid and enforceable with the invalid or unenforceable parts severed from the remainder of this Agreement. Governing Law-This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State ofTexas without regard to the jurisdiction in which any action or special proceeding may be instituted. The jurisdiction for any action or special proceeding is agreed to be Calhoun County, Texas, e Ratification-This agreement was ratified by the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at a regular meeting and the County Judge was authorized to sign the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Service Agreement this March 29, 2005 and signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ace Movers Calhoun County, Texas e RFP for Move Management & Relocation Services Page 25 of 25 e '"'10 ~;~ / CALHOUN COUNTY AND Computer Command Corporation agree as follows: 1.0 THE CONTRACT 1,1 This Cable Systems Agreement (herein referred to as this "Contract", this "Agreement" or this "agreement") consists of this Agreement and the following annexes. Annex 1 - Fioor Plans Annex 2 - Cabie Routing Detail (Included in Statement of Work) Annex 3 - System Specifications (Copy of Statement of Work) Annex 4 - Complete Contractor Proposal Document and Clarifications (Includes any proposal clarifications submitted during contra~t negotiations) 2,0 DEFINITIONS 2,1 CALHOUN COUNTY is referred to herein as "Owner'; (Computer Command Corporation) is referred to herein as "Contractor." 2.2 "System" means a total voice and data communications cabling system. The hardware (herein called "Components") as described in the attached Annexes shall perform as a unified, working system, and shall' hereinafter be referred to as the "System," 2.3 "Cutover" is the date(s) upon which all testing of the System has been completed and is ready for the connection of all telephones and data devices, which will work in conjunction with it. 2.4 'Completion Date" is the date upon which all work shall be 100% complete to Owner's salisfaction including, but not limited to, the installation of all cables, jacks, face plates, racks, patch panels, connector blocks, and labels included at the effective date of this Agreement. All testing and site clean up shall also be completed prior to Completion Date, The current Completion Date for the project is June 3, 2005, ~',) i--l' I-" e e r e *nOJ)> ~g5.3: ~::Jt/)g. N~..o'5' :;:g"'''' oc:g:E . ~:J ~ g5@3 3~A-~ 3 C1> :E C1> ~. ~ j:j: C" -'::s ::r-< oonn :J < O. 0 G:~33 U"I 0'''03 g?:J ~ Vi' <""tI ~!:!l. Ot ~ 0 _,,~, g ffi 0ll+3;;' Q!.. -.3 OJ Q.I:JQl_ ~a.:J ~. QjCCl.7\ ... Q; n 01 ~~ Q ~ 1if:;::" 0. :::;rocrX: .... 3...., () "TI0,..,.o S' ii. ~ 5- Vl_rom ~3:-g.a. Q,lrooC" :J o..:J"< 0. @. C1> n l....I_DlQ c .,,::J 3 0.-0.3 1.0 ~ 0.._. (1)0l~~ "'U -. W 0' fb'::JQ::J ~Sto-~ ....,(1)=(;) Ql Ol ::J III =3tO <" < 0 0' III o C ...., ::::I ii::::lrtrt 0.. rt ::r 0 -. ~(t);:t:> " Q" 03' _"0 < ~a 00< ;'""l 3 (D e e e 2,5 "Acceptance" or "Acceptance Date" means the date that all work required by this contract has been fuily completed, all documents have been furnished to Owner, all areas used by Contractor have been cleared, and Contractor's surplus material, tools, and equipment have been removed from Owner's premises to Owner's absolute satisfaction and Owner has evidenced the same in writing to Contractor, The current Acceptance Date for the project is June 30, 2005, 2,6 'Reiocation Date" means the date, which the client wiil move in the new facility. 3.0 THE WORK 3,1 The work (collectively, the 'work") to be provided by Contractor shall include furnishing the System and ail labor, supervision, materials, equipment, transportation, and service necessary, or incidental to, the installation of the System as described in the attached Annexes, 3,2 Ail work shall strictly conform to the requirements of this Contract In the event of a conflict between the proposal package and the Contract, said Contract has precedence. 3.3 The work shall be strictly supervised, the Contractor bearing full responsibility for any and all acts or omissions of those engaged in the work on behalf of the Contractor. 3.4 The Contractor hereby warrants that ail labor fumished under this Contract shall be competent to perform the tasks undertaken, that the product of such labor shail yield only first-class results, that ail materials and equipment provided shail be new and of high quality, that the completed work will be complete, of high quality, without defects, and that ail work strictly complies with the requirements of this Contract and any attachments to this Contract. Any work not strictly complying with the requirements of this Subparagraph shall constitute a breach of this Contract 3,5 The Contractor shail, at no cost in time or money to the Owner, correct work rejected by the Owner as defective or failing to conform to this Contract Additionally, the Contractor shail reimburse the Owner for ail testing, inspectidns and other expenses incurred as a result thereof. 3,6 OWNER'S RIGHT TO SUSPEND CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE 2 l\) ~ (\J a, The Owner shall have the right at any time to direct the Contractor to suspend its performance, or any designated part thereof, for any reason whatsoever, or without reason, for a cumulative period of up to 30 calendar days. If any such suspension is directed by the Owner, the Contractor shall immediately comply with same. b, in the event the Owner directs a 'Suspension of perfonnance, through no fault of the Contractor, the Owner shall pay the Contractor as full compensation for such suspension the Contractor's reasonable costs actually incurred and paid, of: (1) demobilization and remobilizatron, including such costs paid to subcontractors; (2) preserving and protecting work in place; (3) storage of materials or equipment purchased for the Project, including insurance thereon; (4) perfonning in a later, or during a longer, time frame than that contemplated by this Contract 3,7 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER The Owner may terminate this Contract in accordance with the following terms and conditions: a. The Owner may. for any reason whatsoever, terminate performance under this Contract by the Contractor for convenience. The Owner shall give written notice of such termination to the Contractor specifying when termination becomes effective. The Contractor shall incur no further obligations in connection with the work and the Contractor shall stop work when such termination becomes effective. The Contractor shall also terminate outstanding orders and subcontracts. The Contractor shall settle the liabilities and claims arising out of the termination of subcontracts and orders. The Owner may direct the Contractor to assign the Contractor's right, title and interest under termination orders or subcontracts to the Owner or its designee. The Contractor shall transfer title and deliver to the Owner such completed or partially completed work and materiais, equipment, parts, fixtures, information and Contract rights as the Contractor has. When terminated for convenience, the Contractor shall be compensated as follows: 3 l\c) ~ W e e e e e e (1) The Contractor shall submit a termination claim to the owner specifying the amounts due because of the termination for convenience together with costs, pricing or other data required by the Owner or the Architect, If the Contractor fails to file a termination claim within one (1) year from the effective date of termination, the Owner shall pay the Contractor, an amount derived in accordance with Subparagraph (3) below; (2) The Owner and the Contractor may agree to the compensation, if any, due to the Contractor hereunder; (3) Absent agreement to the amount due to the Contractor, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the following amounts: (a) Contract prices for labor, materials, equipment and other services accepted under this Contract; (b) Reasonable costs incurred in preparing to perform and in performing the terminated portion of the work, and in terminating the Contractor's performance plus a fair and reasonable allowance for direct jobsite overhead and profit thereon (such profit shall not Include anticipated profit or consequential damages); provided however, that if it appears that the Contractor would have not profited or would have sustained a loss if the entire Contract would have been completed, no profit shall be allowed or included and the amount of compensation shall be reduced to reflect the anticipated rate of loss, if any; (e) Reasonable costs of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of subcontracts or orders pursuant to this Paragraph. These costs shall not include amounts paid in accordance with other provisions hereof, The total sum to be paid the Contractor under this Subparagraph shall not exceed the total Contract Price, as properly adjusted, reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made, and shall in no event include duplication of payment (4) If the Contractor does not perform the work, or any part thereof, in a timely manner, suppiy adequate labor, supervisory personnel or proper equipment or materials, or if it fails to timely discharge its obligations for labor, equipment and materials, or proceeds to disobey applicable law, or otherwise commijs a violation of a material provision of this Contract, then the Owner, in addition to any other rights it may have against the Contractor or 4 (\,) ~ *'" others, may immediately terminate the performance of the Contractor and assume possession of the Project site and of all materials and equipment at the site and may complete the work. In such case, the Contractor shall not be paid further, until the work is complete, After final completion has been achieved, if any portion of the Contract Price, as it may be modified hereunder, remains after the cost to the Owner of completing the work, including all costs and expenses of every nature incurred, has been deducted by the Owner, such remainder shall belong to the Contractor, Otherwse, the Contractor shall pay and make whole the Owner for such cost. This obligation for payment shall survive the termination of the Contract. in the event the employment of the Contractor is terminated by the Owner for cause pursuant to this Subparagraph and it is subsequently determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction that such termination was without cause, such termination shall thereupon be deemed a Termination for Convenience and the provisions for Termination for Convenience described above shall apply, 4,0 SURVIVABILITY 4.1 The terms, provisions, representations, and warranties contained in this contract shall survive the delivery of the equipment and payment of any lease or purchase price. 5.0 NOTICES 5.1 All notices to Owner under this Agreement shall be deemed duly given upon delivery, if delivered by hand (against receipt); or three days after posting, jf sent by certified mail, return receipt, requested to: Calhoun County 211 S. Ann Street, Suite 304 Pori Lavaca, Texas 77979 Attn: JUdge Michael Pfeifer or such other address as Owner may designate in writing by notice pursuant thereto. All notices to Contractor shall under this Agreement be deemed duly given upon delivery if deiivered by hand (against receipt); or three days after posting if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to: 5 (\) ~~ CJl e e e e e e Computer Command Corporation 708 E. Goodwin Victoria, TX 77901 or such other address as Contractor may designate in writing by notice pursuant thereto. 6.0 REMEDIES 6,1 In the event of any material breach of the Agreement by either party which shall continue for 30 or more days after written notice of such breach shall have been given to the breaching party by the aggrieved party, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to avail itself of any and all remedies specifically set forth in this agreement and any and all remedies available at law or in equity, and, in addition: a. If the aggrieved party is the Owner, to suspend its performance under the payment schedule of the Agreement for as long as the breach continues uncorrected; and b. If the a9grieved party is the Contractor, to suspend performance of all its obligations under the Agreement for so long as the breach continues uncorrected. Contractor is not entitled to disable the cabling system while disputes are being discussed. 6,2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, any dispute arising pursuant to or in any way related to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be settled by arbitration at a mutually agreed upon location in Houston, Texas; provided however, that nothing in this paragraph shall prevent either party to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for emergency relief pending final determination of a claim by arbitration in accordance With this Section, All arbitration shall be conducted in accordance With the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association in force at the time of any such dispute, by a panel of three arbitrators, one selected by Owner, one selected by Contractor and the third selected by the other two arbitrators, Each party shall pay its own expenses associated with such arbitration, including the expenses of any arbitrator selected by such party and 50% of the expenses of the third arbitrator, provided that the prevailing party in any 6 (\:) j-... CJ"J arbitration shall be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable attorney's fees and expenses (inciuding without limitation, arbitration expenses) relating to such arbitration, The decision of the arbitrators based upon written findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be binding upon the parties and judgment In accordance with that decision may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, In no event shall the arbitrators be authorized to grand any punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind whatsoever. 7.0 SEVERABILITY 7.1 In the event one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this agreement shall be construed so as to most closely approximate the economic effect and intent of the invalid provision. 8.0 LITIGATION EXPENSES 8.1 The parties hereto agree that in the event of litigation to enforce the terms, provisions, and covenants herein, to terminate said Agreement, to collect damages for breach or default, or to enforce any warranty or representation herein, the prevailing party shall be entitled to all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with said litigation. 9.0 HOLD HARMLESS 9.1 The Contractor agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Owner, its agents, servants, employees, Trustees,. directors, officers, successors, assigns, representatives, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the ~Owner Partiesn), harmless from and against any and all claims, debts, accounts, contracts, promises, agreements, cross actions, causes of actions, demands, actions, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, of every kind and character, at law or in equity, whether past, present or future whatsoever (collectively, the "Claims"), including without limitation by enumeration the amount of any judgment, penalty, interest, court costs and legal fees incurred in connection with the same, or the defense thereof, for or in connection with loss of life or personal injury, damage to property, and without limitation by enumeration all other claims or demands of every character whatsoever arising out of, or incident to, or in connection with, or resulting from the activities of the Contractor, its agents, representatives, successors, assigns, servants and employees, or its subcontractors and their 7 ~\) ~... ......J e e e e e e agents, representatives, successors, assigns, servants and employees, or in connection with this contract or the work to be pelformed, services to be rendered, or materials to be furnished under or in any way in connection with this contract. However, Owner agrees that Contractor will not be Hable for any injury, loss, damage or expense, which is caused by Owner, its employees or agents. 9.2 Contractor assumes and agrees to indemnify, demand and keep harmless Owner, its agents and employees from and against any and all Claims arising on account of or in relation to the ordering, acquisition, delivery, installation, possession, maintenance, condition or operation of any portion of the System and by whomsoever used or operated, during the term of this agreement with respect to that portion of the System, the loss, damage, destruction, removal, return, surrender, sale or other disposition of any portion of the System or any part thereof, 9.3 In case Contractor is required to defend Owner pursuant to an indemnity here under, Owner shall be entitled to control the defense thereof and the obligations contained in this section continue beyond the termination of this agreement if a liability occurred during the term of this agreement. 10.0 PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 10.1 Owner shall procure and Contractor shall provide the System. The price for the. System including the installation thereof at Owner's site located in Port Lavaca, TX (the "Installation Site") and the warranties, training, and all other obligations of the Contractor described in this Agreement, shall be $21,421.40. The following method of payment will apply: a. Owner will pay as follows: . 10% of contract price at contract signi.ng . Contractor will invoice the Owner less 25% monthly for all work accomplished in the related month, Owner will pay the invoice on net 30 terms. . Owner will pay the remaining 25% of the contract at Acceptance, 8 l'0 j-.lo Go b, A final certificate, together with a certificate of final completion stating that the work has been fully completed in compliance with the terms of this agreement, the contract documents, and authorized modifications of the same to Owner's entire satisfaction shall be provided to the Owner within fifteen (15) days after the work is completed, If Owner does not accept such final certificate, it shall, within ten (10) days after the date of such formal acceptance, provide in writing with Owner detailed objections thereto, which shall be duly considered. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of such objections, Owner shall in its sole discretion determine the validity of such objections and the whole amount accruing to Contractor as shown on the final certificate, subject to the determination of Owner, and less amounts retained under Subsection d, below, shall be due and payable to Contractor, c. There shall be retained from such final payment, or from any payments due Contractor under this contract, all amounts that may be expended by Owner for work done or materials furnished in carrying out any of the work done under this contract that Contractor has failed to perform according to the terms hereof or to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner or its designated agent, all amounts including, without limitation, all amounts that may be necessary to pay for labor, tools, plant, and materials engaged and used in the work and for which Contractor has failed to timely pay, plus any amounts attributable to penalties, late charges or the like; all sums that Owner is entitled to retain as liquidated damages in case the contract is not completed within the time specified; and all other sums that, by the terms of the contract or any laws of the State of Texas, Owner is or may be authorized to reserve and retain. d, Delivery to Contractor of the final certificate and the final payment by Owner to Contractor shall be a release of the Owner Parties from all Claims to Contractor for anything done or furnished for, or relating to the work, or for any act, omission, neglect, fault, or default of any of the Owner Parties or of any person relating to, or affecting the work through any of the Owner Parties. e. Delivery to Owner of a statement of payment and release of any Builder or Mechanic's lien by any sub-contractor employed by Contractor to supply materials or perform work in connection with this Agreement. f. If the Owner, in good faith, disputes the computation of amounts due and owing, Owner shall not be required to pay all charges, which are in dispute, Failure to notify Contractor in writing of the amount in dispute within forty-five (45) days of receipt of a disputed invoice will result in the charges being deemed correct. Owner and the Contractor shall 9 I\J ~~.4 (.Q e e e e e e use their best efforts to resolve the disputed amount within ninety (90) days of the due date, If. the disputed amount or any portion thereof is resolved in favor of Contractor that portion so resolved shall be immediately due and payable, 10.2 The Price includes state and locai taxes due in connection with the furnishing and installation of the System. 10,3 Until the price is paid to the Contractor by the Owner, the Owner shall not sell or lease the System or take affirmative action to allow any liens or encumbrances to attach to the System. 10.4 Title to the System shall pass to Owner upon payment and shall be good title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. 11.0 CHANGES 11.1 When Owner or its designated agent desires any addition or deletion to the System, it shall notify Contractor's Project Manager (herein defined). Contractor shall then submit to Owner or its designated agent within three (3) business days, Contractor's Change Order for Owner's approval authorizing the change. The Change Order shall state whether the change shall cause a change in the Price or the time required by the Contractor for any aspect of its peliormance under this Agreement. Contractor shall initiate changes upon receipt of the Change Order signed by Owner. 11.2 Changes will be billed (in the.ease.of additions) and credited .(in.the. case- of deletions)- in -accordance with Annex 4. 11.3 Minor changes such as re-configunng lines and the like which are required for the "fine tuning" of individual station design will be provided by Contractor to Owner at no charge for seven consecutive days after Completion Date, and then after, at nonnal Time & Material (herein defined) rates, 11.4 Contractor agrees for two years from the date of Acceptance by Owner here under, to provide on request additional cabling equipment functionally equivalent to those items acquired under the terms of this Agreement, for lease or sale to Owner at current Time & Material rates (herein so called) ($35 for re9ular lime and $52,50 per hour for overtime and Materials at cost + 10%), 11,5 A 5% yearly escalation rate (for five years) shall apply to the hourly rates quoted in preceding paragraph, A 10% yearly escalation rate (for five years) shall apply to the material rates, but in no case shall the material rate charges exceed the 10 l\J 1.,.) o amount charged to Contracto~s other customers, To verify this, Owner will retain the right to select an Independent third party to randomly audit Contractor's invoices for price comparison, Proposed fixed price work which is a blend of hourly and material rates shall have a 7% yearly escalation rate (for five years), 12.0 PERMITS, LICENSES, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS 12,1 Any and all permits, licenses and other fees that pertain to the System and the work of the Contractor required by federal, state, county or municipal laws or other government entities or authorities shall be obtained and paid by the Contractor, The Contractor must give all notrces necessary in connection therewith. 12.2 The Contractor shall compiy with all applicable federal, state, cou~ty, and municipal laws, regulations, ordinances and codes, which are in effect at the date of execution of the Agreement and which place obligations on the Contractor with respect to its performance under Agreement. 13.0 LIABILITY INSURANCE 13,1 Contractor shall, while performing the work, carry and maintain the following types of insurance to protect itself and Owner against damages vvhich may arise from operations under this Agreement, whether such operations are by Contractor or its subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by contractor or its subcontractors, vvith an insurance company or companies satisfactory to Owner with minimum limits of not less than the following amounts: (a) Statutory Worker's Compensation and Empioyer's Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each accident. The coverage specified in this subparagraph shall apply to all of Contracto~s personnel performing the work. It is expressly understood and agreed that all persons employed, directly or indirectly, in connection with the work performed by the Contractor shall be considered to be the employees of the Contractor andlor its subcontractor and not the employees of Owner. (b) Automobile Liability Insurance covering all vehicles (whether owned, rented or borrowed) used in the performance of the work with a minimum Combined Single Limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), (c) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering all operations, including liability coverage for all mobile equipment (if any) used in the performance of the work, contractual liability, products/compieted operations, II 1.0 l'<) i-" e e e e e e broad form property damage coverage, independent contractors (for work sublet), pollution, cross liability and explosion (X), collapse (C) and underground (U) hazards with a minimum combined single limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), (d) Excess Umbrella liability Insurance to totai, at a minimum, Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) when combined with the limits in subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this Section, 13,2 All policies specified in Section 13,1 shall expressly waive subrogation against Owner, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliated companies and all their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, (hereafter sometimes referred to as ~Owner Group"), The policies specified in subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) of Section 13.1 shall by endorsement inciude Owner Group as an additional insured for Contractor's operations under this Agreement. 13.3 All poiices above shall be primary to poliCies purchased and maintained by Owner All policy deductibles and retentions shall be for the account of Contractor, 13.4 Prior to commencing the work, Contractor shall furnish Owner with certificates of insurance evidencing the above coverage and endorsements and containing the following statement. "Thirty (30) days' notice will be given to.Calhoun.County.before material change in, or cancellation of, this poiicy shall be effective. " 13,5 Upon request, Contractor shall make available in its office each such policy for inspection by Owner Contractor further agrees to provide the Owner with any special insurances and additional coverages or limits which the Owner may by notice to Contractor require, the reasonable cost thereof to be reimbursed to Contractor by Owner. 13,6 Contractor hereby waives any rights to recover against Owner for loss of or damage to any of Contractor's owned or rented equipment, materials, and tools that may be used in the performance of the work. Any insurance carried by Contractor or any of its subcontractors on such equipment, materials or tools shall provide for a waiver of subrogation against Owner Group. 12 l\) to tv 13,7 Where use of subcontractors has been approved by Owner, Contractor shall require each such subcontractor to obtain and maintain adequate insurance and furnish Owner acceptable evidence of such insurance upon request. Any deficiencies in such coverage shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. 13,8 If any defense, indemnity or insurance provision contained in this Agreement confiicts with, is prohibited by or violates public policy under any federal, state or other law determined to be applicable to a particular situation arising or involving any work hereunder, it is understood and agreed that the conflicting, prohibited or violating provisions shall be deemed automatically amended in that situation, effective ab inftio, to the extent -- but only to the extent - necessary to conform with, not be prohibited by and avoid violating public policy under such applicable law and so as to still accomplish as nearly as possible the intention of such proVision as originally written, The parties hereto declare it is their intention that the defense, indemnity and insurance provisions of this Agreement be binding and enforceable in any given situation arising hereunder to the maximum extent permitted by the law appiicable in that situation, 13.9 The consent of the Owner to the risks and amounts insured as shown in this Section 13 shall not be considered as a limitation of Contractor's liability under this Agreement or an agreement by Owner to assume liability in excess of said amounts or for risks not insured against. .. 13.10 Contractor shall make aU payments to its employees, agents and/or subcontractors in accordance with the applicable requirements of unemployment, old age, and other insurance and social security provisions of the Federal, State, and Municipal governments and all other governing bodies, whether enacted at the time or prior to the execution of the Agreement or during the progress of the work, and shall assume all liability for the compliance with the requirements thereof, with respect to its employees, agents and/or subcontractors. 13.11 Prior to the Acceptance Date, Contractor shall obtain, maintain and keep the System insured against all risks of loss or damage from every cause whatsoever including, without limitation, loss by fire, theft, "mysterious disappearance,~ collision, earthquake, flood and such other risks of loss as are customarily insured against on the type of System here under by businesses of the type in which Contractor is engaged, in an amount not less than the replacement cost of the System. Contractor agrees if Contractor shaH fail to procure, maintain and pay for such insurance, Owner shall have the right but not the obligation, to obtain such insurance on behalf of and at the expense of Contractor. In the event Owner does obtain such insurance, Contractor agrees to immediately repay Owner for all costs thereof. tJ l'\J t-,;) c...:J e e e e e e 14,0 NEW EQUIPMENT 14,1 The Contractor warrants that all cable, equipment, connectors, ancillary and support equipment and any other equipment relating to the work or the System will be new. No used or reconditioned equipment will be installed, 14,2 Contractor shall provide upon request a certificate assuring that all equipment and components of the System are "newly built" and are not used or reconditioned. 15.0 DELIVERY AND RISK OF LOSS 15,1 Risk of loss or damage to any portion of the System, shall pass to Owner upon Acceptance by Owner, pursuant to this Agreement, except where the damage or loss is due in whole or in part to Contractors negligence or willful misconduct. 15.2 Contractor hereby assumes ,and shall bear the entire risk of loss (including theft and requisition of use) or destruction of or damage to any portion of the System from any and every cause whatsoever, whether or not insured, until the Acceptance Date. No such loss or damage shall relieve Contractor from any obligation under this agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect In the event of damage to or loss or destruction of any portion of the System, Contractor shall promptly notify Owner In writing of such fact and shall, at the option of Owner (a) place the same in good repair, condition and working order, or (b) replace that portion of the System with like equipment in good repair,-conditionand workingorder,--acceptable to Owner and transfer clear title to such replacement equipment to Owner, whereupon such equipment shall be subject to this agreement and be deemed part of the System for purposes hereof, 15.3 Delivery and installation arrangements and costs are the sole responsibility of Contractor. Contractor agrees that Owner shall not be obligated to accept receipt of any portion of the System until Owner has confirmed its compliance with the terms hereof. Contractor agrees to hold Owner harmless from specific performance of this agreement and from damages, if for any reason, a supplier fails to deliver or delays in delivery of any portion of the System or any portion of the System is unsatisfactory for any reason whatsoever. Contractor agrees that any delay in deiivery of any portion of the System shall not affect the validity of this agreement or the obligations of Contractor here under, 16.0 INFRINGEMENTS 14 IV l:-::> ~ 16,1 Contractor agrees to indemnify, protect and hold Owner harmiess from any claims, expenses or damages with respect to any suit, claim, or proceeding brought against Owner alleging that Owne~s use of the System constitutes a misuse of any copyright, proprietary or trade secret or an infringement of any United States patent. Contractor agrees to defend Owner against any such claims and to pay all litigation costs, all reasonable attorney's fees, settlement payments and any damages awarded or resulting from any such Claim; provided, however, that Owner shall, after receiving notice thereof, promptly advise Contractor of any such suit, Claim or proceedings, but Contractor shall have sole control thereof, 16,2 In the event that an injunction is obtained against Owner's use of the System arising in whole or in part from such a patent suit, claim or proceeding, Contractor shall at its option and at no cost to Owner, either promptly; (a) procure for Owner the right to continue using the portion of the System enjoined from use; or (b) replace or modify the same so that Owner's use is not subject to any such injunction, so long as such replacement or modified System, or portion thereof, are similar functionally and provide equivalent performance. 16.3 In the event that Contractor cannot perform all its obligations under the preceding paragraph, Owner may require Contractor to remove the System or, at Owner's option, any infringing portion thereof, at Contractor's expense and in the event of such removal, neither party shall have any further liability or obligation under this Agreement, except that Contractor shall refund within fifteen (15) days after removal the depreciated value of the System or any infringing portion thereof as carried on Owner's books at the time of written notice to remove. 17.0 PUBLICITY 17.1 Any publicity giving reference to the sale, installation and/or operation of the System, whether in the form of press releases, brochures, photographic coverage, or verbal announcement, shaH be only with the prior written approval of Owner. 18.0 FORCE MAJEURE 18,1 Except for the financial inabiiity to perform, if the performance of this Agreement, or any obligation here under, is interfered with by reason of any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the party affected, including, without limitation, fire, explosion, power failure, acts of God, war, revolution, civil commotion, acts of public enemies, or changes in any law, order, regulation, ordinance or requirement of any governmental or legal body or any representative of any such governmental or legal body, then the party affected shall be excused from such performance on a day-for-day basis to the extent of such 15 l0 l'') r:J1 e e e e e e interference (and the other party shall likewise be excused from performance of its obligations on a day-for-day basis to the extent such party's obligations related to the performance so interfered with), provided that the party so affected shall use reasonable efforts to remove such causes of non-performance. 19.0 COMPLETION DATE AND TIME DELAYS 19,1 At Completion Date all work shall be 100% complete to Owner's satisfaction including, but not limited to, the installation of all cables, jacks, face plates, racks, patch panels, connector blocks, and labels included at the effective date of this Agreement All testing and site clean up shall also be completed prior to Completion Date, Extensions to the Completion Date may be granted in writing for change order work, at Owner's discretion, if requested at time of change order authorization. 19,2 It is hereby understood and agreed by and between parties hereto that time is of the essence in the Agreement and Owner will suffer damage if the System is not fully complete by the Completion Date, that it is and will be difficult or impossible to ascertain and determine the actual damage which Owner will sustain in the event of and by reason of such delay; and it is therefore agreed that the said Contractor will pay to Owner the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000) per day for each and every calendar day's delay beyond the completion date as liquidated damages; the Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same is not paid, agrees that said Owner may deduct the amount thereof from any money due or that may become due under this Agreement. Should the work be delayed by any cause, which Owner in its sole and absolute judgment deems justifiable, then the time for completion of the work may be extended for such time as Owner may approve in writing. Contractor agrees that the liquidated damages set forth herein are reasonable in light of the anticipated harm caused by delay in fully completing the work and that such damages are not unreasonably large, This remedy shall be in additiOn to any other rights or remedies Owner has under this Agreement. 20.0 FAILURE TO PERFORM 20,1 In the event the Contractor fails to perform any obligation under this Agreement and fails to cure such failure within three (3) consecutive days there after, then Owner may withhold all moneys due and payable to Contractor without penalty, until such 16 to ('0 en failure to perform is cured or finally adjudicated and pursue any other rights or remedies to which it is entitled here under or at law or in equity, 21.0 SUBCONTRACTORS 21,1 Subcontractors shall not be utilized on any phase or on any portion of this project. Failure to comply shall be considered a breach of contract. 22.0 OVERTIME AND TECHNICIAN STAFFING 22.1 It is anticipated that portions of the System will be installed during evening and weekend hours, Confractor shall make technician resources available to perform any required work in order to meet Completion Dates and Relocation Dates and to accommodate the construction schedule at no charge beyond the Price. Contractor shall coordinate the work schedule with Owner so as to minimize disruption to business activities of Owner. Contractor agrees to notify Owner within 24 hours should they become aware of any potential delays caused by Owner, Owner's subcontractors, or other trades working on the jobsite. Owner shall be notified 48~hours before Contractor starts any overtime work. 23.0 BUILDING DAMAGES 23,1 Contractor shall be liable and responsible for any damages to the building or any other improvements caused directly or indirectly by the work here under, Repairs of any kind required shall be timely paid for by the Contractor, or the cost of which shall be deducted from the total amount owed to the Contractor. 23,2 Contractor shall fire-stop all fire rated penetrations, Contractor shall seal all penetrations. 24.0 CLEAR AWAY AND SURPLUS CABLE 24.1 Throughout the progress of the work, Contractor shall keep the working area free from dust and debris of all types, and daily remove from the Installation Site in a manner reasonably acceptable to Owner, all refuse resulting directly or indirectly from 17 /\) (\,) --1 e e e e e e any work being done by it. At the completion of the work under this agreement, Contractor shall leave the entire Installation Site in a clean and finished condition to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner. 24,2 Owner requests the right to retain surplus cable up to the proposed footage, if Owner chooses to discard any surplus cabie, then Contractor shall safely and timely remove the surplus cable. 25,0 CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER 25,1 Among other services provided under this Agreement, the Contractor shall: a, Provide and name a project manager (the .Project Manager") skilled and experienced in the installation of the type of voice, data, and fiber optics system being provided under this Agreement who will be actively included in the System implementation and who will serve as the main point of contact for the Contractor. The Project Manager must be available on-site, daily, throughout the installation period, This Project Manager shall not be reassigned from this project without prior approval of Owner. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld so long as the replacement manager is equally experienced and skilled in the implementation of systems of the type being provided under this Agreement. b. . Owner may.require Contractor. to replace the"Project Manager at its own discretion. c. After execution of the Agreement the Project Manager must attend, at a minimum, one weeklv oroiect status meetina as reasonably requested by Owner or its designated agent, with Owner or its representative to report on the status of the System and the work. Contractor may be responsible for keeping minutes of the meetings, at Owners request, In a form satisfactory to Owner and will issue copies of the minutes to all attendees within two business days of each meeting, d, Nothing contained in section (26) below shall be construed as a limitation on Contractors responsibilities in producing all work necessary for the compiete installation of the System. 26,0 MATERIALS AND APPLIANCES 18 l'0 Z..:> (Xl 26,1 The Contractor shail provide and pay for ail materials, labor, tools, equipment, transportation, and other facilities necessary for the performance and compietion of the work, Contractor shail verify conditions at the Instailation Site, particularly door openings and passages, to avoid building any items too large for openings. Any pieces too bulky for existing facilities shail be hoisted or otherwise handled with apparatus as required, Ail special handling equipment charges shail be paid by the Contractor. 26,2 Owner shail furnish and provide any necessary temporary power and lighting required to facilitate the instailation of equipment. 26,3 Owner shall furnish and provide reasonable means of entry and storage space to permit scheduled delivery of equipment and materials. 27.0 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND DESIGN 27.1 Contractor shail submit to Owner for approval, within 7 days of the execution of this Agreement, details of any custom design, including riser designs, patch panel layouts, wiring racks and other equipment layout details, pertinent to the System, Owner shail respond in a timely manner and shail not unreasonably withhold approval of the design. 28.0 WARRANTIES, LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY 28.1 Contractor warrants that the Hardware will, after Cut over, under normal use and service, be free from equipment defects for 20 years as provided by the manufacturer and 10 years for faulty workmanship from the date of Acceptance by Owner, here under ("a Warranty Period"). Owner's remedy under this warranty is to require Contractor to perform the services described in the Maintenance Section of this Agreement, subject to the limitations thereof, and such remedy is conditioned upon Contractor receiving written notice of such defects or faulty workmanship from Owner within thirty (30) days of the Warranty Period. Performance of such services by Contractor shail not extend the Warranty Period, 28,2 Contractor warrants that the System shail be able, during the Warranty Period, to accommodate the voice and data communications specified in Annex 3. Owner's remedy for breach of this warranty is to require Contractor, after written notice of such breach, to install at no cost Owner, such additional Hardware and/or Software as is required to accommodate the specified level of traffic, The installation of additional Hardware andlor Software shall not extend the Warranty Period. 19 /\) I'J CD e e e e e e 28,3 Owner shall be entitled to make "moves and changes" (as those terms are commonly used in the communications industry), so long as such moves and changes are carried out in conformity with the training procedures and programs which Owner elects to receive from Contractor. 28.4 Owner agrees to maintain a hard copy printout and a narrative 109 in a form reasonably acceptable to Contractor, which includes dates and explanation for all moves and changes. 28,5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event that additlonai System components installed are priced at or above $500, those components shall be given a 20 year manufacturer's warranty Period, independent of the Warranty Period for the System, commencing with the date of acceptable performance of those components, 28,6 In the event that Contractor elects to perform field repair on defective components of the System and such repaired components continue to experience repeated failures, Contractor will upon Owner's written request, replace such defective components rather than continuing to perform field repairs. 28.7 Contractor shall agree to keep an inventory of all components necessary to repair and perform routine maintenance on the System for the duration of the Warranty Period, and in the event a maintenance agreement is negotiated between Owner and Contractor, for the duration of such agreement, Contractor will stock such inventory components for at least five years -from the date of Cut over. 28.8 Contractor's failure to perform and effect repair of the System as set forth in this section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and Owner may avail itself of any and all remedies available at law or equity, 28.9 If the System is not properiy installed, does not operate as represented or warranted by the Contractor, Owner shall have the right, in ,addition to any other remedies, to make any claim on account thereof against Contractor and/or any supplier or manufacturer and shall not be obligated to pay any of the payments under this agreement allocated thereto or shall be entitled to immediate reimbursement thereof. Contractor hereby assigns to Owner, for the purpose of making and prosecuting any such claim, any rights, which Contractor may have against the supplier andlor manufacturer for breach of warranty or other representation respecting any part of the System, Contractor further acknowledges and agrees that Owner, in executing this agreement, has relied upon the terms, provisions and conditions contained herein. 20 1\) C.J o 28,10 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event Owner discovers at any time any latent or similar defect (a "Defect') which relates to any portion of the work or the System, then, in such event Contractor's warranty obligations shall extend to such Defect regardiess of when the same is discovered and Contractor shall promptly repair or replace the same at no cost to Owner. Furthermore, Owner's acceptance of the System or any part thereof or the occurrence of the Acceptance Date shall not be deemed to have waived any of Owner's right to require Contractor's repair or replacement of any Defect, This provision shall survive termination of this agreement. 29,0 PRE-CUT OVER TESTING 29,1 Upon completion of installation, Contractor shall, after five (5) days prior written notice to Owner, test the entire System in accordance with the applicable installation manuals, copies of which are to be delivered with the hardware components of the System, Owner, or Owner's designated representative, may witness all such tests at the Installation Site, At such time as all such tests have been completed to Contractor's satisfaction, Contractor shall give Owner written notice thereof. If Owner notifies Contractor in writing of deficiencies in the results of such tests, Contractor shall not proceed to Cutover until al/ deficiencies have been corrected to Owner's reasonable satisfaction. 29.2 As part of System testing, Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Owner or its representative, among other things, that: 8. All copper connections show continuity end to end. b, All impedance tests have been performed, c, All grounding tests have been performed, d. All pin assignments are consistent from outlet to patch panels or connector blocks. e, Ail cable equipment has been installed, detailed with typed, clearly legible labeis, and has passed all tests. 30.0 CUTOVER 21 l\~ C-.J I-'> e e e e e e 30,1 Contractor shall ensure that personnel skilled and knowledgeable in ali aspects of the System are available to be dispatched to the Instaliation Site during the move period. 30.2 Contractor shali have resources available via "on cali" for the move weekends and following Monday and Tuesday, After Tuesday, Owrer shali not unreasonably keep Contractor's technicians on-site if the System is deemed to be performing properly, 30,3 Owner reserves the right to deiay the Relocation Date and associated activities by notifying Contractor within five business days of the change by following the procedures in 5.0. 30.4 Contractor shali defer to Owrer or its designated agent's judgement during the cut-over weekend and provide technician resources as required to successfully cut-over network systems and Voice systems to the cabling System. 31,0 ACCEPTANCE 31.1 Within 30 days after the last day of the final phase of Cut-over, Owrer shali notify Contractor in writing specifying in reasonable detail those particulars which Owner deems unacceptable. Such unacceptable particulars may include, but not be limited to, system failures and downtime; intermittent problems; inoperability of important ancillary equipment or the failure of any cable function. The System shall not be accepted until all.such.particulars.are corrected. .Acceptance will not be unreasonably withheld. 31.2 With respect to any particulars, which Owner reasonably deems unacceptabie, Contractor shall promptly proceed with correction thereof. After Contractor notifies Owner in writing, of correction, a cure period of (14) consecutive days shall eiapse before such correction has been deemed to be successful. Should the unacceptable condition recur within the cure period, the Cure will begin again until such time as an effective and acceptable cure has occurred. 31.3 Owner shall make reasonable efforts to notify Contractor of unacceptable conditions immediately upon discovery of the condition. 31.4 The failure of Owner to notify Contractor within thirty (30) consecutive days, after the last day of the final phase of Cut over, of any knowr defect which Owrer deems unacceptable, shali be deemed a waiver thereof of such defect by Owrer. 22 1:\,) C..,) l\.) 31.5 If the System is not accepted by the Owner within sixty (60) days of Cut over due to defects as a result of Contractor's performance, Contractor shall, at its own expense, replace any defective part or parts of the System including the entire System, if necessary. If the System is not accepted by Owner within ninety (90) days of Cut over due to defects as a result of Contractor's performance, Owner may, at its option, within one hundred twenty (120) days after Cut over, reject the System entirely and Contractor shall return all payments made up until the point of rejection (less the cost of any equipment which is retained at the option of Owner, and associated installation labor, which equipment cost and installation labor shall be reasonabiy determined by Owner) regardless of whether or not Contractor shall have possession of such payments, Contractor shall not remove the System for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or until a suitable replacement system. is installed and working, 31,6 At the end of the thirty (30) day Acceptance Period or upon the successfui completion of any cure period extending the Acceptance Period, Owner shall promptly notify Contractor of acceptance in writing, 31,7 Before the System is accepted, Contractor must provide to the Owner or its representative, a complete physical audit of the cabling components and all other System components, For the purpose of this agreement, the term audit is defined as an actual count of al[ contractual components. 32.0 MAINTENANCE 32.1 During the Warranty Period, Contractor agrees at its expense and at its option to either repair or replace ("Service") any defective hardware (including any hardware Installed at Cut over) and any added durtng the Warranty Period, 32.2 Contractor's obligation under this section is conditioned upon the Hardware not having been altered or repaired by any party other than Contractor or its subcontractors or its selected representatives, employees, agents, or independent Contractor, without Contractor's written consent, and the defects not being the result of mishandling, abuse, misuse, or improper storage, installation, maintenance or operation by other than Contractor (including use in conjunction with equipment electrically or mechanically incompatible) and upon the Hardware not having been damaged by fire, explosions, power failure, any act of God, or any other cause whatsoever not attributable to an act or failure to act by Contractor. 32.3 Contractor shall dispatch personnel to the I nstallation Site to perform Service to respond to a request for either: 23 {\) (." c..,) e e e e e e a. Routine service within 24 hours (excluding weekends and Contractor's holidays); or b, Emergency service within four hours (without regard to the time of the day or the day of the weeK, including holidays), of request therefore, An emergency shall be deemed to exist when a system failure impacts more than 10% of installed cable locations, or when an emergency is declared by the Owner, 32.4 For a period of five (5) years, commencing the day after the expiration of the Warranty Period, Contractor agrees to offer Owner ongoing maintenance on a time and materials basis, for repair or replacement services by an on-site technician in accordance with Contractor's then-current terms and conditions. The charges for such service shall be at the then current rates and in no case shall the charges exceed the amount charged Contractor's other customers for the same type of work. 32.5 Contractor agrees to make available upon 30 days written notice by Owner, a training program (either in-house or on Contractor's site) for a sufficient number of trainee maintenance personnel supplied by Owner to provide Owner with sufficient capability to perform all necessary equipment maintenance. Such training program shall be similar to that given by Contractor to its own maintenance staff, n being intended thereby that the completion of such training program will enable Owner or its subcontractor to maintain the equipment at levels comparable to those established by Contractor personnel. 32.6 Only new standard parts or parts equal in performance to new parts will be used in effecting repairs. 33.0 GENERAL 33.1 Neither party may assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights here under without the prior written consent of the other party, However, without the other party's written consent, either Owner or Contractor may assign its rights and responsibilities to any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate. Further, Contractor or Owner may, without the consent of the other, make an assignment of this Agreement pursuant to a merger or sale of all or substantially all of its assets, In the case of a permitted assignment, notice must be given to the other party prior to the effective date of such assignment. The assignee of such assignment will succeed to all rights and obligations of the assignor, Notwithstanding any assignment neither Owner nor Contractor will be released from any obligation here under. 24 l\) C'..J ... 33,2 Any changes to this Agreement requested by either Owner or Contractor may only be effected if mutually agreed upon in writing by duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto This Agreement shall not be modified or amended or any rights of a party to it waived except by such a writing, 33,3 Faiiure by either party at any time to require performance by the other party or to claim a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as affecting any subsequent breach or the right to require performance with respect thereto or to ciaim a breach with respect thereto, If one part of this agreement is deemed to be invalid, then, other portions will remain in effect and will remain valid. 33.4 The rights and obligations of the parties and all interpretations and performance of this Agreement shall be governed in all aspects by the laws and courts of the State of Texas, 33.5 This Agreement shall become effective on the last date of execution thereof by Owner and Contractor, 33,6 In the event that Owner decides to finance the equipment, all deposit moneys paid to Contractor shall be refunded to Owner upon payment in full to Contractor from the financing company and Owner's payment obligation under the Purchase Agreement shall then be null and void, 33.7 By affixing signature to this document. Owner accepts Contractor's offer as specified in this agreement. 33.8 Contractor and Owner agree that Contractor shall perform its duties under this agreement as an independent Contractor. Personnel employed by Contractor who perform duties related to this agreement shall remain under the supervision, management and control of Contractor and shall not in any event be considered employees of Owner. 33.9 a. Contractor agrees that all information communicated to it with respect to the System is confidential, whether that information was directly or intentionally communicated, and whether the information relating to the System was gained by Contractor or its personnel. Contractor agrees that all information, conclusions, recommendations, reports, advice or other documents or information generated by Owner pursuant to this agreement is confidential. 25 l\~) C..J CJl e e e e e e b. Contractor agrees that it shall not disclose any confidential information to any other person unless specifically authorized in writing by Owner to do so. If Owner gives Contractor written authorization to make any disclosures, Contractor shall do so only within the limits and to the extent of that authorization. c, Contractor shall use its best efforts to prevent inadvertent disclosure of any confidential information to any third party, Contractor shall instruct its personnel to keep that information confidential by using the same care and discretion that they use with similar information designed by Contractor as confidential. d. Contractor agrees that all of Contractor's obligations with respect to the confidential information shall survive the termination of this agreement and any relationship with Owner. e. Contractor shall not use any confidential information except when specifically authorjzed in advance by Owner. f. Contractor agrees that copies of confidential information shall not be made without the express written permission of Owner and that all such copies shall be returned to Owner with the originals at the termination of this agreement. g. At Owner's request, Contractor shall promptly return to Owner all confidential materials at the conclusion of the work on the project to which the materials relate, or, if no work is performed, at the time Contractor ceases to be involved with that project. 33,10 Owner and Contractor agree that all original material including the System and all related printed materials comprising or referring to the System originated and prepared for Owner by Contractor pursuant to this agreement, shall belong exclusively to Owner and that Owner shall have the exclusive right to protect the System by any means, 33.11 Contractor represents and warrants to Owner that aU information supplied to Owner by Contractor is true and correct. 33,12 Contractor will not create, place, permit to be created or placed, or through any act or failure to act, acquiescence in the placing of, or allowed to remain, any mortgage, pledge, assignment, lien (statutory, constitutional or contractual, Including, without limitation, imposition of a mechanic's or material men's lien arising in the ordinary course of Contractor's business), security interest, encumbrance or charge or conditional sale or other title retention agreement on or with respect to all or any part of the work, the System or the Installation Site, Z6 tV C,-' CJ) 34.0 AUTHORITY 34,1 Each party has full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement; and the person signing this Agreement on behalf of each has been propefry authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement. Each party further acknowledges that it has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their representatives being thereunto duly authorized, Computer C mmand Corporation , i By: 1\ -V~I~ Title: Date: Owner: CALHOUN COUNTY ~::;: ~,f'f' /' .5 . 10-0> By: Title: Date: 27 l\) C.) -.1 e e e -. f ~eleted: 11 ACCEPT SETTLEMENT OFFER FROM TRIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,306.24 FOR 1999 FORD PICKUP (IN #5100108, BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTI TOTALED BY FIRE APRIL 12, 2005 AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO EXECUTE POWER OF ATTORNEY AND REUNOUISH TITLE TO INSURANCE COMPANY: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded Judge Pfeifer to accept the settlement offer from Trident Insurance Company in the amount of $7,306,24 for 1999 Ford Pickup (IN #5100108, Building Maintenance Department) totaled by fire April12, 2005 and authorize the County Auditor to execute power of attorney and relinquish title to insurance company, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, Phone 361.5534610 Fax 361-553-4614 eoaud@tisd,net County Auditor Calhoun County Memo To: County Judge Mike Pfeifer Cindy Mueller ~ N/A Fro"" cc. e Date: May 16, 2005 He: Agenda Item(s) Please place the follOWing item(s) on the Commissioners' Court agenda for May 26, Z005: . Conslderand take necessary action to accept settlement offer from Trident Insurance Company In the amount of $7,306.24 for 1999 Ford pickup (lnv#510. 0108, BUilding Maintenance Department) totaled by fire April 12 2005 d Ih' the County Auditor to execute power of attomey and relinqUiSh tiUe to i~:~raanuce orn:e company, Altachmenls (5 pages) e 238 tJ:L . ICIl-U,-2005 07:1Sa, From-TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES 110S4111iS T-T19 P,OOI/005 F-17S ~ FR TIER ~U STERSe OF CORPUS CHRISTI 513G/Dubrook Corp", C"'isl~ Tuas 784(U l'hon<' 36;( 852-3855 P.O. So:< 3297 Co",u: Christi, To_ 18463 Fa;r, 161 852-3561 ~(JrpliSthJirli@frOrtlieradjusrtrs.eorn. Mal' 9, 2005 7671 -e Trident !Muronce Company P.O, aO)!; 460729 San Antonio, TX 78246 To Faxtr Attentien: JesieMnldonade. Sent vi.. e-mail to imaldonado@tridentlusurance.:net and l:eguJar mail. Re: In.sun:d: Claim nU1l1ber: Our File number: Date OflOBS: Calhoun County IX 22400. FAI-Fll/l28-000I035, 4-12-05. EnclosLU'eS: 1. Frontier Photos - 1999 Ford 1'150 Pickup truck. 2. Frontier Photos - Bumed rools that had been sto=! inside pick up truck. 3, Copy of 5-9-05 E-mail to C & D Auto part$for salvage value quote. D""1' Josie, DAMAGE APPRAISAL: The insured vehicle is an obvious tow loss due to fire damage.. It Bppe.... that the fire starred in the engine compartment area and .pread into the cab, I was not able. to verify the \'IN II beeau.. of the fire damage, The vchicle is presently located at tile Calhoun County Landfill and is not drawing storage ob.arges, e ACTUAL CASB VALUE SURVEY: The ACV of the vehicle", $9,806,24 based on the average of the following vemcles andNADA retail quote plus 6.25% sales t3:l(; $9,995.00 - Ed Payne Moton - Weslaco, IX ~ VIN # IFIZFI72. 25XKA5XKA~6 2 1-877-450-9495; Mileage 9995 ~ $9,991.00 . Champion Lincoln Mercory. 19630 NW Freeway, HoustoIl, TX 779()2 Stock II XKA44978; 57.000 mileage. S8,998.00' Legacy MOlor Can;, 22413 Katy Freeway, Kat)', TX 77450; 1-888-504-0415; Mike Gibson. Mileage - 84,496. e :)?0 ,,~,u~ , e e e ......,..,.... '-''-' """''"''''''''-'' ~""'~ tl~ 10-MarZ005 OT:Z9," From-TRI DENT INSURANCE SERVICES ZI094Z8183 T.r99 F,00z/005 F-ZI5 --/ ~' Page2 of 2 Letter to Josie Maldonado - Claim #22400. May 9, 2005 $7.488.00 - Toyota of Kiu"en, 400] East Centrnl T."... Ex.prassway. KUleen, TX 76543; Mileage 94,442., $9.675,00 - NADA Retail Value - May 2005 $46,147,00 - Total divided by 5 quotes equals $9,229.40 $9.229.40 x 6.25% sales tax equats $576.84. $9,229.40 -- Average Value $ 576,~ - Soles Tax $9,806.24 .- Total SALVAGE V ALOE: r have requested C & D Auto Pans of VictOria, Tex.a.. to glvc a salvage quote. r will forward thIs tQ you with Our next report. SinCerely, t1Jf~ A.DJUSTERS of Ca<pus Christi, Laredo and Victoria John M, Bll.lTOn ~ ~J\ U [UDJ (0 ~. Olf' ~061 r/J ~ J C\ ~ (ie))< ~ Y' ~ cj! L //fJc", ~ "\ r] I 1\/0' L ~~ ~4 6 \~ t)lJ . ~&.~~ ~ ~o.: D- ~ ef?O 1J"?-~ f\\?P 240 . IO"M~Z005 07:30am From-TRIDENT iNSURANCE SERVICES Vehicle Appraisal Retail v.. ' --' ZIOsmm N.A.D.A. Officlal Used Car Guide Vehide Appraisal Retail Value 5/9/2005 1999 FORD TRUCK F150 Plclrnp. va Sty(..lde "WS" .'Rea:lort~ Southweirem Ma.y. 200S VJN; N.A.D.A. B... RetoU Mil03ga ( 2Ii,OOO ) Accc~ories $7,225 $2,500 .$50 N.AJJ.A. Reran V:alue $9,675 Optional EqWj>ment: Bcd UOC! S7S WJaut enu.5'C ConrroI OpdonTo~ -$50 AD NAn"" vnIUe$ an: rept'infl!'d widl pami$Sion Of N.A.D.A. amaln1 Ultd. Cwo CMIIo~ ~MpIU1Y Copyrlvt C NADASC 1000 http://www.nada.com/bZbIYVlUsectOlr/tepom/retailval.htm T-719 p.nOl/OOS F-Z1S Page 1 ofl '-' -$115 5/9/2005 2,t'll ... ~- ~" e e e , e e e ID-I.I~-2DD5 D7:3Dam From-TRIDeNT iNSURANCE SERVICES ',\laY-CI-ZDOS D2:41". PID~~D.wro PAm Moko M>ol.! 1M. Co. Pboo. ~. """'" 1.Ix:IUNl l.l~' SOLD row ~CJ No;:] 'Demllp;" .. .QQ:lt _&:Slmap' Pof4 Cllod; . ~0 ~-\~ ........................ "'....1'"""........,,'-,, 2103418183 T-T39 P DD4/DDS F-m ,........'- t:Jo loIlleJ 161!7liIZ8 NBB C& 0 AUTO PAAI$ -..sltlf Ie:; .2C!; W. MDcI<InJlblr<! . 1'1_. '1lIuo 7790~ . AAJ11 ~s '~-~5'8 pIn UP SID Mooe C]:q {r50 Mo4.J f~~i"~"'';~h'' ,,?,Tb~ - t.-'~ ~~:J(" a. \~ c~~-rt( ~f- !.i~p !;",.. Tn ~~I.-ttIW'!l..aS ...."" y..c: ~,o ~"Slzt W.1>l.! ~;GPoI> ::J..::.....~ Sl..O<l P .ODIIIWI F-Ieg f"'\A!2 ~'1: I --. --.................. ..........4.0 . , JD-M.~2005 OT:30am Frem-TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES 2103428183 T-T39 P.005/005 ,-ITS ~A~ ~BJJ2r,~1~J~ , ~<",b<r Argg~~~~ CIBiIll Number, # Z2<roO lmured: CALHOUN COUNTY, 1"EXA!l POWER OF ATTORNEY I!We ,CALHOUN COUNTY, TX, owner(s) of motor vehicle: Year: 1999, Make: FORD, Type: TRUCK, Model: F150, identification Numba(VIN'#): IFfZFl720XKA78361,License Plate number:, State ofTX, by this instrument constitute and appoint Trident Insurance Services, as my/our and lawful attorney, for melus and in my/our name to assign title to said motor vehicle and/or to execute all necessary written instruments in cDnnectiDn therewith and to whomsoever as may designated by my/our said attorney. Executed on this the day Owner: CALHOUN COUNTY,TX Su.bscn'bed and Sworn to before me this day of , . - Notary Public County of State of My Commission Expires: P,O. Box 460729 Sa" AntOnio, T"".. 78246-07~9 (210) 342-8808 (21 OJ o~1-399~ fa:< jmaJdonadC@trldcntin'!uranee.net ,,....,'-''- tJb 243 e e e APPLICATION TO CLOSE AND ABANDON 10 FOOT ALLEY IN BLOCK 520BAYSIDE BEACH ADDmON: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to approve the Application to Close and Abandon a 10 foot alley in Block 520 Bayside Beach Addition. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e File i 00092€>> 13 Vol 405 ORDER ONAPPLICATION TO CLOSE AND ALLEY IN BE IT REMEMBERED THAT THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY on the ~ day of -,.111 t ,2005, after notice and posting and pursuant to Sections 251.051 and 251:052 fthe Texas Transportation Code upon hearing, motion, second, discussion and unanimous vote the Court dosed and abandoned a 10 foot strip of land in Block 520 and shown as an alley on the recorded plat of the Bayside Beach Addition in Volume Z, Page 39 of the Calhoun County Plat Records and as set out in the attached meets and bounds description and Drawing showing the location of Clifford Street which is incorporated herein by reference as if set forth at length. Shannon E. Salyer and wife Gwen L Salyer, are the owners of the real property located adjacent to the alley to be abandoned, e No person appeared at the public hearing and voiced any objection to the action. IT IS THEREFORE ACCORDINGLY ORDERED BY THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT that the 10 foot strip of land shown as an alley in Block 520 of the Bayside Beach Addition described in the attached legal description and dmwing BE AND IS HEREBY CLOSED AND ABANDONED to the adjoining land owners Shannon E. Salyer and wife Gwen I. Salyer on this the z.(,+-'" day of JJ"o.~ . 2005. ~9~ Michale J. Pre' r Calhoun County Judge e ~5 244 , File i 00092E,13 ~ol 405 10 FOOT WIDE ALLEY IN BLOCK 520 BAYS/DE BEACH ADDITION DESCRIPTION Df a 10 foot wide alley in Block 520 as shown on the recorded plat of Bayside Beach Addition in Volume Z, Page 39 of the Calhoun County Plat Records, situated in and a part of the Benito Morales Survey, A-28, Calhoun County, Texas, Said 10 foot wide strip described as follows: BEGINNING at the West Corner of Lot 18, Block 520 of the said Bayside Beach Addition and being in the Common Survey Line ofthe Benito Morales Survey A-28 and the A. Zimmerman Survey, A-247, for the North corner of this 10 foot wide strip of land; THENCE, in a Southeasterly direction with the Southwest line of Lot 18 thru Lot 1, Block 520 to the point of intersection with the North line of George Avenue as shown on the recorded Plat of Bayside Beach Addition; THENCE, in a Westerly direction with the North line of George Avenue to the Southeast corner of Lot 35, Block 520 Bayside Beach Addition; THENCE, in a Northwesterly direction with the Northeast line of Lot 35 thru Lot 19, Block 520 to the North corner of said Lot 19 at the point of intersection with the common survey line between the Benito Morales Survey, A-28 and the A. Zimmerman Survey, A-247; THENCE, in a Northeasterly direction with the said survey line to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; BEING a 10 foot wide alley in Block 520 as shown on the Recorded Plat of Bayside Beach Addition, Benito MDrales Survey, A-28 , Calhoun County, Texas, #3638,0010 ~ ''''115 .~...... .. ~ e e e e e e 00092613 ~ BAY Gop-oA 10-A1'A --------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----,----- --- ----;----i----- '. BEN MILLERS POINT SUBD. VOL. Z, ,PC. 36 \. ,.r. : ">T, '0". ,.'''~ I CO'" ~ '0'" ,~ '." I. \ ... , -- )7 \ \~;5; !'>1IE ~\__n__ ---- ---- Un ----- h~_ un ____L___ ---- --~i~n- ~i~ -:h\ to=<,.. 'l/::::.. o_-z~,\ t~~ ~:;:~ "? 0"\ f)'ti :8 :yo- ~\ 8, !"> 9 AI \ " Ii L'~ v> 00 -" _\ c.. )7 \ _\-1.)7 0 , . '" <:) """\)'" -.:,.. o Y' 0' . . 1--z.' ~I , , , , ---, - ~,_' ---r-- -T- - : ~ =:: l \ I - ..,I I I '0'" \ fl :...\l ,..\,.,.,', '0'" : ill ~~ \ : : : I i6...,' I I I ~~'" q I I .--_ .........<>..t. _...J__ __1...___ ~~f I 'l:f;ll r>O~ o > 9 > . [ NORTH OCEAN DRl'E (OCEAN DRi~ . ' '. \ 'P . . \1.l:: :::::. ~ \ ..,. t>' ...,,\.. 'e,.. '::>!'- -"'" \.. t):' \ ~\ .. ~ \-:;>:\ ~ "<" ~ \ ~~ .. .;d. '\ iO)< . ~ ...... ....,"" . , ~ \ ~ ~ .;d. ~.. tIo";, ~ \ .... ~ . " . . . " . /- . . MARSH AREA . , , . . . , , . . . , , , . , '- . . . . ~ CRAPHlCSCALE j. L: " i '.'.I'l . ,-.... . ~ ~ DRAWING SHOWING THE LOCATION OF A 10' ALLEY IN BLOCK 520 OF BA YSIDE BEACH ADDITION ~7 i of /ii. ,tiP ~#~ ...;", ,fili1 ~~ !~ &~ ,. ~ po "''''6 ~':i: File ~r 00092b13 Vol 405 ~ CERTIFICATE OF TRUE COPY OF PAPER OF RECORD STATE OF TEXAS !i !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN I ANITA FRICKE, County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas and Clerk of the Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the Minutes of the May 26, 2005 meeting of said Commissioners' Court as the same appears on file in my office, Give under my hand and seal of said Court, at office in Port Lavaca, Texas, this the 26'" of May, 2005. 'l>\\fj:1 ,,<,, .'\. '.:;.....,.,. ..;. ." ,~--:'<:"" . >- ANITA FRICKE, County Clerk, ~\ijf!~r,!B.!,th~",; , Commissioners' Court, Calhp~ .c:o,~~~s...~ ::~i j\~~l~~*;l~j?t?~[};:;.:: J,~ ~......."'..'''\,.,. . )i/;r ..'1!~;;:;1~{':,:":,_\:,)-,,t~~~~~,- ,..? .~t .~.. X'"::> De~~ ,;' S U"}" \"''..<'"'' " , . ~n::m,,, 'IMr.Ji~tt ~i'~/r. ,~..,.-lI1al..dl..tdistri.ioal....1o kt, Crttd, I:.lor, St. or Il1lionallrigin. Filed for Record in: Calhoun County Honorable Jhrlta Fricke County Clerk Dn:/liiy' 27,?005 at B9:17~ Rece,pt Nu,ber - 49456 By, Sharon lIright ~~~~Rfr~)~~'~\ "~"'J .,(".!"::: f e e e ALLOW THE COUNTY JUDGE TO APPLY FOR VARIOUS AND MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS CONCERNING BEACH AND BAY ACCESS AND HIRE GCRPC'S TO APPLY FOR GRANTS ON THE COUNTY'S BEHALF NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF $10.000: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Com~issioner Balajka to allow Judge Pfeifer to apply for various and miscellaneous grants concermng Beach and Bay acce~~ and hire GCRPC'S to apply for grants on the County's behalf not to. exceed the amount of $10,0 . Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor, e APPROVE 100% COUNTY REVIEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ISSUED ON APRIL 11, 200S, A Motion was mQde by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Approve 100% County Review Construction Documents issued on April 11, 2005, CommiSSIoners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster all voted in favor. INTERGOVERNEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARANSAS COUNTY AND CALHOUN COUNTY REGARDING HOUSING OF CALHOUN COUNTY PRISONERS IN THE ARANSAS COUNTY DETENTION CENTER: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between Aransas County and Calhoun County Regarding Housing of Calhoun County Prisoners in the Aransas County Detention Center and authOrize Judge Pfeifer to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer all voted in favor. .. Aransas County Sherifrs Office Sheriff Mark Gilliam Q e INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARANSAS COUNTY AND CALHOUN COUNTY REGARDING HOUSING OF CALlIOUN COUNTY PRISONERS IN mE ARANSAS COUNTY DETENTION CENTER. On the hereafter referred to the COUNTY OF ARANSAS, TEXAS hereafter referred to as "ARANSAS ". ENTERED INTO TIlE FOLLOWING Agreement concerning the incarceration of overflow prisoners of CALHOUN County, Texas hereafter referred to as " CALHOUN' and said Agreement is set out in full hereafter. 1. ARANSAS COUNTY hereby agrees to. house overflow prisoners incarcerated by CALHOUN if space is available. The availability of the space shall be determined by the ARANSAS County Sheriff in accordance with the current jail regulations as set out by the Texas commission on Jail Standards concerning the separation and categories of prisoners. ARANSAS shall assess a fee for housing said prisoners at the rate of$40.00 per day per prisoner and ARANSAS COUNTY shall bill CALHOUN on a monthly basis for said cost in an itemized statement showing the number of days per each individual prisoner housed in ARANSAS COUNTY. The day the irunate is booked into the facility will be charges. The day the inmate is booked out will not be charged. 2, CALHOUN shall pay for any and all hospital and health care and prescription drugs provided to any prisoner housed by ARANSAS for CALHOUN, Non prescription medication will be administered without charge. e 3. CALHOUN hereby agrees to comply with all booking procedures of ARANSAS COUNTY, ARANSAS COUNTY hereby agrees to 'furnish CALHOUN a cOpy of those specific procedures. 4. ARANSAS and CALHOUN hereby agree that ARANSAS will not honse any il1iured prisoners unless CALHOUN has furnished an acceptable medical release signed by medical personnel, certi1ying that the prisoner may be incarcerated. Ote.: 361-729-2222 Fax 361-790-0164 301 N, Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 )18 -~ . - Aransas County Sherifrs Office Sheriff Mark Gilliam 5, ARANSAS further agrees that should a prisoner be injured while being housed by ARANSAS within (10) hours notifY CALHOUN of said injury and provide CALHOUN with copies of all incident reports relating to said injury e 6. The ARANSAS County Sheriff reserves the right to refuse or remove any inmate from the ARANSAS County Detention Center if it is in the best interest of ARANSAS County, CALHOUN shall promptly arrange to take custody of its prisoners if so requested by the ARANSAS County Sheriff. 7, CALHOUN agrees to assume responsibility for all transportation of CALHOUN prisoners housed in ARANSAS County 8, All agreements between the parties are set out in this Agreement and no oral agreement not contained herein shall be enforceable against either party. 9. The County of Calhoun agrees to bring with each inmate delivered to the Aransas County Detention Center all packets, jail cards, arrest reports, classification data, and other information in possession of The county of Calhoun regarding each inmate, and has the duty to advise the County of Aransas of any known dangerous propensities, medical necessities, and medical conditions of each inmate. 10, The County of Calhoun shall be fully responsible and liable for all suits, claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's arising out of the County of Calhoun's performance or non-performance of the services and duties herein stated, but to the County of Calhoun and specifically excluding the actual incarceration of inmates by The County of Aransas. The county of Calhoun retains full liability for each inmate until that inmate has been processed and booked into the Aransas County Detention Center. e 11, The County of Aransas shall be fully responsible and liable for all suits, claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising out of The County of Aransas' performance or non-performance of the services and duties herein stated, but only in regards to the actual holding and incarceration of prisoners by The County of Aransas in the Aransas County Detention Center and Specifically excluding the transfer of prisoners to and from The County of Aransas. Of c.: 361-729-2222 Fax 361-790-0164 301 N. Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 e ).~g .~'.p ......... e e e '. Aransas County Sherifrs Office Sheriff Mark Gilliam 12, This Agreement shall be for one (1) year from date of acceptance by CALHOUN and shall be subject to renewals thereafter or renegotiation whichever is deemed necessary, If either party deems renegotiation of the contract is necessary, that party shall notify the other party at least sixty (60) days in advance of the termination of this Agreement. By: ACCEPTED, APpreVED AND WITNE;SSED, our hands on this the ~ 'T day Of-.a.r1U ~ ,2005, Aransas County of Calhoun By 7VluL~~ ~ County Judge ( ,Ofc.: 361-729-2222 Fax 361-790-0164 301 N. Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 250 ACCEPT INTERUBRARY LOAN POUCY FOR THE CALHOUN COUNTY UBRARY: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to accept Interlibrary Loan Policy for the Calhoun County Library. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, AUTHORIZE THE CALHOUN COUNTY UBRARY TO APPLY FOR A VERIZON READS GRANT IN THE AMOUNT $20,000 FOR COMPUTERS. BOOKS. SOFTWARE AND TRAINING: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to authorize the Calhoun County Library to apply for Verizon Reads Grant in the amount of $20,000 for computers, books, software and training; Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. RENEWAL APPUCATION ON COASTAL LEASE CL2000000S. LAVACA BAY. CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the renewal application on Coastal Lease CL2000000S, Lavaca Bay, Calhoun County, Texas. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPUCATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE e GLOID:CL20000005 Expiration Date: November 30. 2005 Please type or print in the blanks below all applicable information. If information requested is not applicable, indicate by pfadng NfA in the blank. ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL lEASE FOR WHICH YOU HAVE APPUEO IS CONTINGENT UPON VERIFICATION OF THE INFORMATION SUBM~ PAYMENT OF APPROPRIATE FEES, ANO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS (see attached potes). J I Date: 01 (), 0.5 I. Applicant Infonnation (Responsible Party Under Contract): A. Name: Calhoun Countv Mailing Address: 211 Ann Street. Suite 304 City/State/Zip: Port Lavaca, 1)( n979-4249 Telephone: 310 I - 55J. -1/.Iou, B. Please list any changes to demographic information above in the spaces provided below if applicable: Name: Mailing Address: aty/5tate/Zip: Telephone: Home <---J Cell Phone L......J E-mail Address*: U. Signature of Applicant: Calhoun Countv Work <---J Fax <---J e m. By: V\['{\~kQ ~S2'#~ . (Signature) M,,- he.~ i~Do-\a'~' - (Printed Name) ('A>~W\.''.,SIDr-e r- ~J d- (TItle) Date: 'f)\ lOj 'D~ ')h,1 )-....l.>_~_ "li1fbrmatlon aJI/edr!d by ~ 111811 iNK! by _ km>s fIIiIY be suiied Ir> /he Public InfDrmatlon A<t' however, omaH -*A<=d "'those who "",.t:>pCt1d with /he GLO are<Dnflden/Jillllnd may net be dlsdased unless /he sender agrees Ir> such. e e e STATE OF lEXAS COUNlY OF (,(L\nOOf\ ~ ~ ~ COASTAL LEASE RENEWAL AFFIDAVIT The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath, states as follows: 1. The undersigned is the grantee under Coastal Lease No. Cl2000000S (the "0.'1; 2, The undersigned has applied to the General Land Office (the "GLOj to renew the a. for an additional term; 3. The undersigned has complied with all of the terms of the a. during Its term and has complied with all of the guidelines and rules of the GLO and the School Land Board (the "SLBj applicable to the a.; 4. The undersigned has not made any improvements, additions, or modifications to the Premises, as shown on Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, during the term of the a., without the advance written consent of the GLO; and 5. The undersigned acknowledges that the SLB and the GLO will rely on the truth of the statements contained herein in issuing the renewal of the CL In the event that any of the statements herein prove to be untrue, the renewal a. shall be subject to immediate termination, which will require that the undersigned remove all structures from the Premises, GRANTEE: Calhoun County By: ~~ bJJ.~ (Signature) m\C"a('_~ D~\~~ (Printed Name) rl'T1~.~ pj- ~ (Title) Date: DI/ {'II J () <' t f . ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF fr'LtJ.,<' COUNlY OF t (J-1J,'ntil.J(\ !i !i This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 7 day of :)'lly , dD~. by (I .' {), elF') l [)tVhVI, ,"~I DfllL<: t"a l' -I (\e.t .... of r.ll~~' 0-:l1)Vdf{\1'YlPrrt' (Busi-::tss entity type) m;r J:uuj &/ti-l ttL, " ,Ill _ (Name) fl 1.L&VI /)I )(1 Llm ()4y , a 7i.XIAS (Company Name) (Slate) r~~~~M~ on behalf of the ~aItL JJJ1tJ&. Notary Public, State of 7lUJ-S My commission expires: /JJo..y .23, ;;!lJfY1 P"'OP' 252 l\,) CJl C.V e 25' x 200' channel 3'high Wooden bulkhead 15'wide concrete rubble rip-rap T ~"d':~n:!~::1 ! j~''-~'.'':~'!';'~ : ,'.'\1,;1'''''; . e B~~t't~ i1 c ! t ~ ~ r .,,' c:' jj ,g!d ~~ ~i ~! .........ntt..i....... .:L Insert ,15'wlde concrete rubble rip-rap 4' x sot dock 4! high concrete bulkhead ~ New boat ramp 15' x 75' 350 It.natural sand beach State Owned Lands Paved area ~ n ; & Lavaca Bay 350 !t.natural sand beach Paved area 8" concrete border Wetland g 0:: ~ ~ Vi ... ft.'" Road _ Culvert TITLE: Calhoun County (CL20000005) Company: Texas General Land Office ~~~~~~ DATE OF INSPECTION: 4/4i2000 Creator: SBU3cr.ae EXH;SIT C ,.' .' .,." ............ " ,.".,.,. Private Property .,' .,' ~..., ,# ./ 8" concrete border ,...., .' .... ......... .,." ..... .' .' e e e TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE NOTES: 1. This application must be accompanied by an Easement Renewal Application Fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) 2, The application will be reviewed by the GLO Field Office to verify site conditions. Lessee will be advised regarding term length, spedal conditions, and payment amounts, It will then be submitted to the Texas School land Board (SLB) for consideration. If approved by SLB, a contract will be prepared and sent to Lessee for signatures, 3. lessee is advised that in accordance with the easement agreement, unless renewed on a timely basis, hold-over occupancy beyond the expiration date of the easement is subject to increased lease payment amounts. ' 4. lessee Is advised that in accordance with provisions of the easement agreement, if the agreement is not renewed, all private property and man-made improvements must.be removed and the premises returned to pre-easement conditions within 120 days of the expiration date. 254 RENEWAL APPUCATION ON COASTAL LEASE CL960002, LAVACA BAY, CALHOUN COUNTY. TeXAS: " ' d seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve A Motion was made by commlsslolner Fn~ct9:~002 Lavaca Bay Calhoun County, Texas. :~~~:::~:~p~~:~~ ~~I~~:~~ri;~~~eFinster and Judge Pfeif~r all voted in favor. e STATE OF TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPUCATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE GLO ID: Cl960002 Expiration Date: November 01. 2005 Please type or print in the blanks below all applicable information, If information requested is not applicable, indicate by pladng N/A in the blank, ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL LEASE FOR WHICH YOU HAVE APPUED IS CONTINGENT UPON VERIFICATION OF THE INFORMATION SUBMrTTED, PA YMENT OF APPROPRIATE FEES, AND COMPUANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS (see attached notes). Date: 06/16/05 I. Applicant Information (Responsible Party Under Contract): A. Name: Calhoun County Mailing Address: 211 Ann Street. Suite 304 City/State/Zip: Port Lavaca, 1)( 77979-4249 Telephone: B. Please list any changes to demographic information above in the spaces providcd below if applicable: Name: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: Home ( ) Cell Phone L-) E-mail Address*: II. Signature of Applicant: Calhoun County Work ( ) Fax ( ) III, BY~ (Si na ure) CommisRjonp-r_Pr~t. 3 (Title) Neil E. FRitsch (Printed Name) Date: 06/16/05 "Information collected by electronic mail and by web forms may be subject to the Public Information Act; howevet; email addresses of those who correspond with the GLG are confidential and may not be disclosed unless the sender agrees to such. Page 1 (~c;) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Calhoun ~ ~ ~ COASTAL LEASE RENEWAL AFFIDAVIT The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath; states as follows: e 1. The undersigned is the grantee under Coastal Lease No, CL960002 (the "CL "); 2. The undersigned has applied to the General Land Office (the "GLO") to renew the CL for an additional term; 3, .The undersigned has complied with all of the terms of the CL during its term and has complied with all of the gUidelines and rules of the GLO and the School Land Board (the "SLB") applicable to the CL; 4. The undersigned has not made any improvements, additions, or modifications to the Premises, as shown on Exhibit C, attached hereto and Incorporated herein by reference, during the term of the CL, without the advance written consent of the GlO; and S. The undersigned acknowledges that the SLB and the GLO will rely on the truth of the statements contained herein in Issuing the renewal of the CL. In the event that any of the statements herein prove to be untrue, the renewal CL shall be subject to immediate termination, which will require that the undersigned remove all structures from the Premises. GRANTEE: Calhoun County " (st)~~ Neil E. Fritsch (Printed Name) Comm;ssioner_Pr~r ~ (Title) Date: 06/16/05 ACKNOWLEDGMENT e STATE OF Texas ~ ~ COUNTY OF Calhoun This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 16 Neil E. Fritsch (Name) Calhoun County (Company Name) day of June 2005 . by (State) Cornmissione.t" (rttle) County Government (BUSiness entity type) of .-a:- Texas on behalf of the Calhoun County Government (Business entity type) JOYCE DOfjSETT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES September14,2~ d-l.#.C:;;:r-;~ NOta:?' PUblil:, State of Texa R My commission expires:' 09 / 14 /0 5 Page 2 e 256 ~ .- "'pp....'{. ~~~0. .~rA:t~A ) / , -- ~,<-,.,' '-". .-1 ftl"'''n<~J ( " \? l ".T. o-oel CONCRETE BOtiI N>r\\" / (~5JigrFJJ~)~I.,W Cl. CUI\VE DATA T = 20.62' R ~ 30'-0" t:. = 69' 00'00" LC- ;I6.1J' r.1i.1S~.tJl:l(.N; l___.-__ ----" '. e I"" W~AyJ (stE SHEET' 2 FO~ PW{) I I 2,'1..2-00 . BREAKwATER 1'$0 (SEE SHEET ~ FOR DETMS) OISTAliCE ERO VOLUME CUMUUTlVE :;')(2(,5' STATtON BtIWEElI,ft ~Ra.. sf BFt'WtEM. cv VOlI.lHt:.t'( kt;;ss 0f00 63 \ ,;j~€L ):E SI\5eT I <H-45 45 62 104.2 104.2 5 foR X+SftlS) 0+81 36 SO 74.7 178.9 1 1+00 19 50 35.2 214.1 . 304.8 1+50 50 48 90.7 e ..., 2+00 50 40 8I~5 386.3 tt~S' 2+50' 50 15 50.9 437.2 1 2+65 15 0 4.2 441.4 (SAY 445 Cl ,.., ,.", 1 EXHIBTT C County of Calhoun CL960002 SCALE: r'~l/O' ~"';=;-',~, OWiGE OktlEll NO. 2 (RO>I~ B~,o..n"" Plan> Kdlo<&y Boot Rt.mp F.dIrty -lNo'P ~ #F10)D(Al9S-13')72~ aM. ~ Put. ~0Jh<xIn ea..,-T= ()cl> No. 9l5-l,OIS) e "'1')...) r.::L.' ! e e e TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF COASTAL LEASE NOTES: 1. This application must be accompanied by an Easement Renewal Application Fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25,00) 2. The application will be reviewed by the GLO Field Office to verify site conditions, Lessee will be advised regarding term length, special conditions, and payment amounts, It will then be submitted to the Texas School Land Board (SLB) for consideration, If approved by SLB, a contract will be prepared and sent to Lessee for signatures, 3. Lessee is advised that in accordance with the easement agreement, unless renewed on a timely basis, hold-over occupancy beyond the expiration date of the easement is subject to increased lease payment amounts, 4. Lessee is advised that in accordance with prOVISions of the easement agreement, if the agreement is not renewed, all private property and man-made improvements must be removed and the premises returned to pre-easement conditions within 120 days of the expiration date. Page 3 258 AUTHORIZE THE PLACEMENT OF UNDERGROUND CABLING, BY LAWARD TELEPH~NE EXCHANGE. IN PORT ALTO ON PORT STREET AS INDICATED ON ATTACHMENT #1. A Motion was made by Commissioner Fritsch and seconded by Commissi?ner Finster to authorize the placement of underground cabling, by Laward Telephone Exchange, In Port Alto on Port Street as indicated on Attachment #1. Commissioners Galvan, Bala]ka, Fntsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. 05/18/2005 13:52 13618935309 CALHOUN CDUNTV PCT 3 laWard Telephone EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED Commissioners Court Calhoun County Port Lavaca, Texas Dear Commissioners; La Ward Telephone is seeking permission to extend its communication service in the Port Alto area in Calhoun County. The purpose of this upgrade is to provide service to a fuel station being installed by Mauritz & Couey next to the marina on Port Street, and any future growth in that area. The project supervisor is Nick Strauss, Plant Manager at the La Ward Telephone Exchange, Inc. The construction will be done by La Ward Telephone Exchange Inc. employees. The method and manner used to install the communications cable is will be to Direct Bore beneath existing county roads. placing HDPE Schedule 80 pipe under all road crossings. Direct Plowing along side county right of ways with Open Trenching limited to areas where cable risers are placed above ground, All cables will be placed at a minimum depth of at least 36" inches. The County roads included in this project are listed below: Port Street "further shown by attachment # 1" La Ward Telephone understands the nature of constrUction along County Roads and Right of Ways" Safety rules and practices shall be strictly observed and followed at all times. Nick Strauss Plant Manager, La Ward Telephone n...J. ,,~.. . .5- /f;- 0.5 P.O, Box 246 12991 Stale Hwy 172 La Ward, Texas 77970 (361) 872-2211 Office (361) 872-2501 Fax e PAGE 02 e e 259 A -H-ac.h /Y1.e^ t ~ .1 ,(j e ,..".. ~ ,i''(~ ',W"') ,0 " ~pfi;r'[~ifs: ?G €I <i .5 / .', E c 'f,) '.::'-; '" oj} E \ .. e 260 TEMPORARILY CLOSE OLD SEADRIFT HIGHWAY IN PRECINCT #4 FOR REPAIRS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to temporarily close Old Seadrift Highway in Precinct #4 for repairs, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and JUdge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO OPTION I OF SECTION 204: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to correct Typographical Error in the Subdivision Regulations pertaining to Option I of Section 204. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor, PASS ORDER ON AREA DESIGNATION FOR TRUSTEE SALE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to pass Order on Area Designation for Trustee Sale, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Jud.ge Pfeifer allvoted infavor, May 26, 2005 COURTHOUSE - AREA DESIGNATION FOR TRUSTEE SALE ORDER THE STAlE OF lEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN WHEREAS, the Courthouse is going to be moved to the Memorial Medical Center Plaza on the corner of Virginia Street and Texas State Highway 35 during the week of June 13,2005 and Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code requires that real property sales take place at a location at the Courthouse which is designated by the Commissioners Court and the standing order dated October 29, 1987 designates the foyer of the Courthouse facing Ann Street as the designated location; NOW THEREFORE, upon motion and second and unanimous vote BE IT ORDERED BY THE COMMISSTONERS COURT that the place designated for holding foreclosure sales after June 10, 2005 is: Hallway next to the Southwest Entrance at the location of the Calhoun County Clerk's Office in the Memorial Medical Center Plaza on the comer of Virginia Street and Texas State Highway 35Port Lavaca, Calhoun Connty, Texas P ASSESED AND APPROVED by the Commissioner's Court of Calhoun County Texas on this the 26th day of May, 2005. By: '-1Yl - Michael Balajka, ommissioner, Prec. 2 ~if~ N il Fritsch, COmmi~ Prec. 3 ~A'~r.( 1</" . A~ 'Kenneth Finster, Commissioner, Prec. 4 e e e Jr.1 '"-.1".....,;_. e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: APRIL 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE GENERAL S 13,8g7,322.78 S 797,851.65 S 1,357,948.16 S 13,327,226.27 AIRPORT MAINTENANCE 69,418.70 158.67 1,969.39 67,607.98 APPELLATE JUDICIAL SYSTEM 462.70 56.06 0,00 .518.76 ANIMAL CONTROL-CAWS 138.87 0,00 0.00 138.87 CClSD/SEADRIFr/CO. ROAD PROJECf 14,852.32 0.00 0.00 14,852.32 CHAMBER TOURISM CENTER 223.16 0.00 0,00 223.16 COURTHOUSESECURIfY 179,580.40 1,325.20 0,00 180,'X}5.60 DONATIONS 129,661.98 245.58 4,478.50 125,429.06 F AMIL Y PROTECTION FUND 135.00 45.00 0.00 180.00 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION FUND 7,013.78 16.03 0,00 7,029.81 GRANTS 57,245.42 539.74 673.55 57,111.61 HWY 87/FMI090 1,095,553.82 2,.504.04 295,762.50 802,295.36 JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY 1.5,410.97 1,049.35 199.99 16,260.33 LATERAL ROAD PREeING[ #1 3,644.74 8.33 0.00 3,653.07 LATERAL ROAD PRECINcr #2 3,644.74 8.33 0.00 3,653.07 LATERAL ROAD PRECINcr #3 3,644.74 8.33 0,00 3,653.07 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCI' #4 3,644.74 8.33 0.00 3,653.07 LAWUBRARY 67,555.09 539.41 0.00 68,094.50 LAW ENF OFFICERS STD. EDUC. (LEaSE) 11,207.90 25.62 275.32 10,958.20 pac COMMUNTIY CENTER 5,784.58 3,588.22 748.39 8,624.41 RECORDS MANAGEMENT .DISTRICf CLERK 0.00 77.50 0.00 17.50 RECORDS MANAGEMENT .COUNTY CLERK 95,366.29 217.97 0,00 95,584.26 RECORDS MGMT & PRESERVATION 71,715.84 494.01 0,00 12,209.91 ROAD & BRIDGE GENERAL 381,243.93 141,190.13 300,000.00 222,434.06 ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCT #3 11,160.69 25.51 0,00 11,186.20 ROAD MAINTENANCE PRECINcr #4 14,428.28 32.98 0,00 14,461.26 SHERIFF FORFEITED PROPERTY 1,046.90 2.39 0.00 1,049.29 CAPITAL PROJ..COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS 66,634.64 0,00 2,000.00 64,634.64 CAPITAL PROJ.COURTHOUSE RENOVATION 507,738.4'2 106,837.21 105,676.70 508,898.93 CAPITAL PROJ-NEW EMS BLDG 19,196.25 0,00 0,00 19,196.25 CAPITALPROJ-NEW JAlLBLDG 0.00 48,383.87 15,066.32 33,317.55 CAPITAL PROJ.PARK.ING LOT 80,543.81 0,00 0.00 80,543.81 CAP PROJ-Pcr 1 RD RECONST-STORM 403,906.18 0.00 0.00 403,906.18 CAP PROJ.PCI' 1 RD RECON. TCDP DR#723037 20,581.17 0.00 0.00 20,581.17 CAP PROJ.PCT 2 - STORM REPAlRS 17,796.13 0.00 0,00 17,196.B CAPITAL PROJ.RB INFRA.STRUcrURE 32,732.48' 0.00 0.00 32,732.48 CAPITAL PROJ-SW AN POINT PARK 74,720.40 0,00 0.00 74,120.40 CAPITAL PROJ.AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT II 67,479.49 0.00 62,816.70 4,662.79 CAPITAL PROJ-MOLD REMEDIATION 3,000.37 0.00 743.95 2,256.42 CAP PROJ-HATERIUS PRK. BOAT RAMP-STRM REP 33,148.15 0.00 0.00 33,148.15 CAP PROJ-PORT ALTO PUBL BEACH-STORM REP 30,384.78 0.00 0.00 30,384.7a CAP PROJ-SEADRIFr FIRE TRUCK 12,000.00 0,00 11,972.00 28.00 ARREsT FEES 1,226.79 532.93 0.00 1,759.72 BAIL BOND FEES (HB 1940) 2,700.00 1,155.00 385.50 3,469.50 CONSOLIDATED COURT COST 26,013.58 0.00 2,601.36 23,412.22 CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS (NEW) 0.00 12,109.90 1,210.99 10,898.91 CORRECI'IONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 11.46 0.00 1.15 10.31 CRlME STOPPERS FUND 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 CRlME VICfIMS COMPENSATION 1,071.92 0.00 107.19 964.73 ELECTIONS CONTRAer SERVICE 4,225.88 0,00 0.00 4,225.88 FINES AND COURT COSTS HOLDING FUND 9,046.56 491.00 0,00 9,537.56 FUGITIVE APPREHENSION 119.07 0.00 11.91 107.16 INDIGENT CIVIL LEGAL SERVICE 423.00 22.00 445.00 0,00 JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS) 458.29 0.00 0.00 458.29 JUDICAL PERSONNEL TRAINING 46.73 0.00 4.67 42.06 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CLEARING 53,014.66 (4,784.16) 1,275.53 46,954.97 SUBTOTALS S 17,599,328.57 $ 1,114,766.19 2,166,374.77 , 16,547,719.99 Page I of3 2("2 -..10 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT ~lONTH OF: APRIL 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE OPERATINO FUND - BALANCE FORWARD $ 17,599,328.57 $ 1,114,166.19 $ 2,166,314.77 $ 16,541,719.99 JUVENILE CRIME & DELINQUENCY 11.70 0.00 1.17 10.53 JUVENILE PROBATION RESTITUfION 446.10 0.00 0.00 446.10 LIBRARY GIFf AND MEMORIAL 41,342.05 253.21 0.00 47,595.26 MISCELLANEOUS CLEARING 5,366.86 6,835.20 9,395.86 2,806.20 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 2,225.00 0.00 0.00 2,225.00 STATE CIVU.. FEE FUND 5,414.50 855.00 6,269.50 0.00 SUBTITLE C FUND 11,865.84 5,040.42 845.33 16,060.93 TIME PAYMENTS 3,687.62 1,787.13 2,737.39 2,737.36 TRAFFIC LAW FAILURE rOAPPEAR 2,182.94 1,139.01 1,107.31 2,214.64 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 3,159.44 0.00 0.00 3,159.44 BOOT CAMP!JJAEP 101,055.23 210.46 9,698.46 91,567.23 nJVENILE PROBATION 285,392.73 11,691.82 21,408.20 269,676.35 SUBTOTALS $ 18,067,478.58 $ 1,142,578.44 $ 2,223,837.99 $ 16,986,219.03 TAXES rn ESCROW 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 18,061,418.58 $ 1,142,518.44 $ 2,223,837.99 $ 16,986,219.03 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX. CERTIF. OF OBLIG. 348,616.49 2,707.70 0.00 351,324.19 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) 5,160,226.82 14,094.80 48,383.87 5,125,937.75 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 - I & S 965,697.90 8,344.40 0.00 974,242.30 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION FUND SERIES 2004 5,464,254.98 13,493.34 105,676.70 5;n2,071.62 CERT. OF OB-CRTHSE REN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 137,141.83 1,735.63 0.00 138,877.46 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANT FUND 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 JURY lMPREST -DISTRICT COURT 2,472.25 3.87 374.00 2,102.12 JURY IMPREST~COUNTY COURT 1,917.75 1,718.22 1,448.00 2,187.97 TOTAL OPER & OTHER CO. FUNDS $ 30,141,807.60 $ 1,184,816.40 $ 2,379,720.56 $ 28,952,963.44 . MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING $ 2,469,962.23 $ 1,926,930.72 $ 1,875,190.32 $ 2,521,702.63 MEMORIAL 17,533.56 21.62 0.00 17,555.18 RESTRICI'ED DONATION 13,906.24 17.14 0.00 13,923.38 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,941.69 147,815.65 147,794.50 1,962.84 TOTALS $ 2,503,343.72 $ 2,074,785.13 $ 2,022,984.82 $ 2,555,144.03 DRAINAGE DISTRICTS NO.6 $ 14,961.79 $ 26.35 $ - $ 14,988.14 NO. 8 55,946.75 184.81 0.00 56,131.56 NO. lo-MAINTENANCE 36,296.24 495.90 0.00 36,792.14 NO. lo-DEBT SERVICE 47,001.61 373.56 0.00 47,375.17 NO. II-MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 148,898.10 3,621.13 1,391.59 151,127.64 NO. II-DEBT SERVICE 67,758.08 656.82 0.00 68,414.90 NO. II-RESERVE 50,249.42 61.95 0.00 50,311.37 TOTALS $ 421,111.99 $ 5,420.52 $ 1,391.59 $ 425,140.92 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST. :MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING $ 157,707.93 $ 3,418.53 $ 6,693.89 $ 154,432.57 TOTAL :MMC, DRAINAGE DIST. & NA v, DIST. $ 3,082,163.64 $ 2,083,624.18 $ 2,031,070.30 $ 3,134,717.52 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 32,087,680.96 e e Page 2 of3 e 2C') VoJ e e e COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT I MONm OF: APRIL 2005 BANKRECONCIUATION LESS: CERT.OFDEP/ FUND OUTSTNDG DEPI PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BAlANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BAlANCE OPERATING .. $ 16,986,219.03 $ 16,724,208.09 $ 732,557.17 $ 994,568.11 JURYIMPREST-DISTRICT COURT 2,102.12 0.00 998.00 3,100.12 JURY IMPREST -COUNTY COURT 2,187.97 1,715.07 1,554.00 2,026.90 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANT FUND 1.00 0,00 0.00 1.00 COMB. HOSP. REv. & TAX CERTIF. OF OBLIG. 351,324.19 526.87 0.00 350,797.32 CONSTRUCITON (JAIL) .. 5,125,937.75 .5 ,000,000.00 48,383.87 174,321.62 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 - I & S 974,242.30 1,728.74 0,00 972,.513.56 COURTHOUSE RENOV. FUND SERIES 2004 .... 5,372,071.62 5,2.50,000.00 105,676.70 227,748..32 eRRT. OF OB-CRTHSE REN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 138,877.46 442,13 0,00 138,435.33 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,521,702.63 0.00 374,676.56 2,896,379.19 MEMORIAL 17,555.18 0.00 0,00 17,555.18 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,923.38 0.00 0,00 13,923.38 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,962.84 0.00 2,851.13 4,813.91 DRAINAGE DlSTRICf: NO.6 14,988.14 0.91 0,00 14,.981.23 NO.8 56,131.56 0.22 0.00 56,131.34 NO. 10 MAINTENANCE 36,792.14 408.56 0,00 36,383.58 NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE 47,375.17 288.71 0.00 47,086.46 NO. 11 MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 151,127.64 634.92 34.86 150,527.58 NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE 68,414.90 108.67 0.00 68,306.23 NO. 11 RESERVE 50,311.37 0,00 0.00 50,311.37 CALHOUN CO. NA VlGATION DIST: MAINTENANCE/OPERATING .... 154,432.57 0.00 0.00 154,432.57 TOTALS $ 32,G81,680.96 $ 26,980,062.89 $ 1.266,132.29 $ 6,314,350.36 . CDs-OPERATlNGFUND $16,416,633,60 .. CD - CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $5,000,000 *** CD - COURTHOUSE RENOVATION $5,250,000 .... THE DEPOSITORY FOR CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DISTRICT IS FIRST VICTORIA NATIONAL BANK _ PORT LA V ACA. THE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE _ PORT LA V ACA. ~GJD~ COUNTY TREASURER Page 3 of3, "CA ~U"t SUMMARY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR: APRIL 2005 Title Certificate Fees $ 6,643.00 Title Fees paid TxDOT $ 4,188.00 Title Fees Paid County Treasurer Salary fund $ 2,455.00 Motor Vehicle Registration Collections $ 86,787.31 e Disabled Person Fees $ 140.00 Postage $ 97.00 Paid TXDOT $ 26,619.54 Paid County Treasurer $ 56,601.21 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 3,803.56 Motor Vehicle Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 383,023.19 Paid State Treasurer $ 383.023.19 Special Road/Bridge Fees Collected $ 12.792.00 Paid TXDOT - RIB Fees $ 383.76 Paid County Treasurer - RIB Fees $ 12.408.24 Texas Parks & Wildlife Collections $ 2.655.00 Paid Texas Parks & Wildlife $ 2.389.50 Paid County Treasurer salary fund $ 265.50 State Beer & Wine Collections $ 1,794.00 Paid Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission $ 1.755.75 Paid County Treasurer salary fund $ 38.25 County Beer & Wine Collections $ 805.00 e Paid County Treasurer, county beer & wine $ 764.75 Paid County Treasurer, saIaryfund $ 40.25 Renewal Fees for County Beer & Wine $ 12.00 Paid County Treasurer -renewal fees $ 12.00 Additional Postage - Vehicle Registration $ Paid County Treasurer - Additional postage $ Interest earned on P&W 9.26 and Refund --0- Accounts $ 9.26 Paid County Treasurer - Int. onP&W & Ref. $ 9.26 Interest earned on Office Account $ 197.14 Paid County Treasurer-Nav. East $ .43 Paid County Treasurer-all other districts $ 196.71 Business Personal Property-Misc. Fees $ 295.39 Paid County Treasurer $ 295.39 Overpayments $ 3.04 Current Tax Collections $ 43.992.90 Penalty and Interest - Current Roll $ 3.825.24 e Discount fOr early payment of taxes $ Delinquent Tax Collections $ 5.380.22 Penalty & Interest - Delinquent Roll $ 2.174.52 Collections for delinquent tax attorney $ 1.D3.02 Advance - F M & L taxes $ 23.51 Advance - County AdValorem Taxes $ 49.457.43 Paid County Treasurer - Nav. East $ 299.42 Paid County Treasurer - all other districts $ 5.595.56 Paid County Treasurer - Delinq Tax Atty. Fees $ 1.133.02 ,"\ C r- ~UJ Summary Page 2 Payment in lieu oftaxes $ Paid County Treasurer - Navig, East $ Paid COWlty Treasurer - All other districts $ BoatIMotor Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 8.828.47 e Paid State Treasurer $ 8.387.05 Paid County Treasurer, Salary fund $ 441.42 Special Farmers Fees Collected $ 75.00 Paid State Treasurer, farmers fees $ 75.00 Hot Check Collection Charges $ 45.00 Paid COWlty Treasurer, hot check charge $ 45.00 Overage on Collection/Assessing Fees $ Paid County Treasurer, overage refunded $ Escheats $ Paid County Treasurer-escheats $ $ 560.707.70 $ 560.707.70 e TOTAL OF ABOVE RECEIPTS PAID TO COUNTY ~/A ) 4 QtPLfi,,-- GLO A. CHOA Tax Assessor-Collector $ 560.707.70 ~~~f1tr Couuty Judge e 256 , \ . 1 CALllDUN COUNTY. TEXAS DIS'lRICT CLERK SllHHARY OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUNT Remi.ttance to County Treasurer: Road and Bridge General Fund: Fines Bond Forfeiture General Fund: District Clerk's Fees Sheriff's Fees Jury Fees Law Library Fund: C.J.P.F.: L.E.O.S.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C_C.: Juv. CriJlle Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Civil Indigent Filing Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.H.I.: A.J.S.F.: KAt c..h '2..0 OS' Interest: F.r.". " TOTAL REHITTANCE TO COUNTY TREASURER: REKlTTANCES -~P~IL) "'-oos II: '8' z.€ z. 850.08 , 7\0.00 ~O 00 Remittance to Others: OUt-of-County Sheriff's Fees: State: C.A.R. Fund: TOTAL REHITTANCE TO OTHERS: TOTAL EXPENDITURES: ENDING BALANCE: TOTAL: Reconciliation With Cash in Bank: Balance in Checking Account: OUtstanding Receipts: OUtstanding Checks: OUtstanding Criminal Receipts: TOTAL: . OUtstanding Checks: eK.:i.I&R'_ G4UOW"y_ 30.00 c.k.+-"'ll-..1_ &"1:],.,1(.1._ 't... 00 d(..'U>II_'!:....a-4.IIt,.~ . ~n e.1'-.+'l.O" -T4I'rA...+ G, _lOO.Oo c.~..,1.C;:" .. M.u".-J.., _ tllo.oo eK +:z...u.ll- - C4\J..'ol'" 1I Cr. -.so ,Or"'l c:..~..'Z.~~_w"'.r4-It..... 6.. ... '7S 00 c:.K..."..l:llt_ Calk..wl. Co.-CO.DO TOTAL: '1-'17 S() 1\,g~,28 , 3 ";0 Of< / 3&S,on e S,g, '1-'1- 'l.S7S '3, " I Olo sl I '-.3s 31S go I4-S.DO ',3<:. S~ (')(") q ~() 4-o5.Do l~ '171 '13 '2.2.000 '1\0.00 '130,00 l~ "'101.73 , e 32. 4S,0'l , I:? 3' 3 .3' 4- 3'17. ''1 \'\0 g .'18 , t,f-.:r7.S0 g.3s..~ 8'1 ;t: '~ APPROVED . . . IJ~' Pamela Hartin Har~ District Clerk RECEIVED: Micbael Pfeifer County Judge e "r';"'1 ~U( e .. t District Clerk's Fees: Certified Copies Criminal Court Civil Court Stenographer Records Management Fund Courthouse Security Fund Civil Indigent Filing Fee Sheriff's Fees: Civil Court Civil Jury Jury Fees: Law Library Fees: C.J.P.F. L.E.O.S.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C.: Juv. Crime Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.H.I. A.J.S.F.: F.r."'. TOTAL FEES: Bond Forfeiture: Fines: Criminal Court C.A.R. Fund: eState: Other Collections: Reimbursable Costs c~ 4F 77'S; - "'1........ a,. s,...;~c c.."''' Lt.'-" - D.a \la...~ c.. GtA.S'\.l.le. c.K..:ft:''Z.'Z.''R_.d.......I:... c~(.y c.1(.* Z.?l.q -c....I\.IL." r~ c:~,.i~ e TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS: INTEREST EABNED: BEGINNING BALANCE: TOTAL RESOURCES: GAL!WUN COUNTY. TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SlIIlKARy OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOIlNT RECEIPTS - MItIL, 2.00S 140,00 SqQ. II ( qss ~fl , ISO 00 <.;'55.4.1 30&.75 110.'3 l{)S ()() g 77,'1-0 100.00 <(72.4.n G;D On ~S{) nn 4-lf'\ 4-@, IR 7.1\ ,*"S.4.3 72.."'t.g~ q...s:1 2...2 g 02 '1-,4.3 4-.s. ()t\ q.s 00 <:,0'1.3.3"1 C 788,2..0 , S7rl 00 '70:::.00 ~s On 3tJ On C::n Or> 2.7 D on 13 171. 5'1 / " 7"7 1'1 OR' on , 32.. ..., S' 0'1 / 268 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page JUDGE GARY U NOSKA JP#3 APRIL '05 MONT~lY REPORT ----_.------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Receipt Cause/Defendant I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount [ Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Total I I I I I I I 0041952 Z005-29845 03/31/2005 I SFEE 60.00 I INOF 2.00 I FFEE 15.00 I I I I 77.00 TRAN, CATHERINE I I I I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I I 0041953 2003-28192 03/31/2005 I ~RNT 50.00 I TIME 25.00 I FINE 26.50 I CSRV 43.50 I I I 145.00 HYATT, PAMELA GAY I I I I I I I e Cash I I I I I I I 0041954 2004-29447 03/31/2005 I JCPT 2,00 I CVC 15,00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0.50 I CMS 3.00 I 548.60 WILSON, ISAAC PAUL I CMI 0.50 I ~RNT 50.00 I TF 4.00 I OPSC 30.00 I DPSF 295.00 I CSRV 126.60 I Cash I I I I I I I 0041955 2004-Z9107 03131/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CMS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I 300.00 WILSON, ISAAC PAUL I DPSC 30.00 I SUBC 30.00 I FINE 160.00 I I I I Jai l credit I I I I I I I 0041956 2004-29107 03131/2005 I FINE 60.00 I CSRV 108.00 I I I I I 168.00 WILSON, ISAAC PAUL I I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 0041957 2004-28936 03131/2005 I TFC 1.86 I CCC 25.00 I CMS 1.88 I LAF 3.13 I ~R,NT 31.25 I TIME 15.63 I 100.00 WEBB, CHRISTO~HER ALLEN ITF 2.50 I SUBC 18.75 I I I I I Jai L Credit I I I I I I I 0041958 Z004-28936 03131/Z005 I TFC 1. 14 I CCC 15.00 I CMS 1.12 I LAF 1.87 I ~RNT 18.75 I TIME 9.37 I 80.00 WEBB, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN I TF 1.S0 I SUBC 11.Z5 I FINE 20.00 I I I I Cash I I I I I I , 0041959 2004:Z8937 03131/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CMS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 I ~RNT 50.00 I TIME 25.00 I 200.00 WEBB, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ITF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I FINE 40.00 I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 0041960 2004-Z8936A 03131/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 CMS 3.00 I ~RNT 50.00 , TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 403.00 WEBB, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN I FINE 273.00 I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 0041961 2005-Z9717 03131/2005 I TFC 3.00 I cce 40.00 CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I 330.00 CARA~AY. LESLIE CHRISTINE I SUBC 30.00 I FINE 220.00 I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0041962 2005-29837 03131/2005 I TFC 3,00 I eee 40.00 CMS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 95.00 CHEN, CHANGCH I I DOC 10.00 I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0041963 2005-29850 03131/2005 I SFEE 60.00 I rNOF Z.OO FFEE 15.00 I I I I 77.00 e KOLISA. ERWIN LANELLE I I I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I 0041964 2005-29771 03131/2005 I TFC 1.37 I ecc IB.18 CMS 1.36 I SAF 2.27 I TIME 11.36 I TF 1.82 I 50.00 SALDANA, FRANCISCO I SUBC 13.64 I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 0041965 2005-Z9852 04/01/2005 I ece 40.00 I eNS 3.00 SAF 5.00 , TF 4.00 , FINE 243.00 I I 295.00 ANTONIO, LUCIANO VELASCO I I I I I Jail Credit I I I I I 0041966 Z005-29788 04/01/2005 I TFe 3.00 eee 40.00 CMS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUSC 30.00 I 135.00 HAN, CHOONG Y. I FINE 50.00 I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0041967 Z004-29570 04/01/2005 I FINE 135.00 I I I I I 135.00 PENLEY, HAROLD LEE I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0041969 2005-29B64 04/04/2005 I SFEE 60.00 INDF 2.00 I FFEE 10.00 I I I I 72.00 CARY CONSTRUCTION I I I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I 0041970 2005-29803 04/04/2005 I TFC 3.00 cee 40.00 I CMS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 125.00 BAKER, TAYLOR EASON I fINE 40,00 I I I I I I Corrm Service I I I I I I I e 269 05/09/Z005 Money Distribution Report Page 2 JUDGE GARY W NOSKA JP#3 APRIL '05 MONTHLY REPORT --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------- Receipt Cause/Defendant I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Totat I I I I I I 0041971 2005-29773 04/04/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40_00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 95.00 GONZALEZ, ROBERT I DOC 10.00 I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I 0041972 2005-Z9634 04/04/Z005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 155.00 SIMPSON, GLENDA ANN I FINE 70.00 I I I I I e Money Order I I I I I I 41973 Z005-29817 04/04/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I suec 30.00 I 95.00 GARZA, BRYAN LEE I DOC 10.00 I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0041974 2005-29734 04/05/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 lAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I suec 30.00 I 195.00 NICHOLSON, CASEY lEE I FINE 110.00 I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 0041975 Z005-29844 04/05/2005 I CCC 40_00 I CNS 3.00 I PWAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I PWF Z5.00 I I 77.00 HENDERSON, RONALD l I I I I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I I 004'976 Z005-29836 04/05/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 1'5,00 HILL, BRENT WAYNE I FINE 30.00 I I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I I 0041977 2004-29408 04/06/Z005 I FINE 50.00 I I I I I I 50.00 lONGORIA, RYAN RENDON I I I I I I I Personal Check. I I I I I I I 0041978 2005-2984Z 04/07/2005 I EXRF 10,00 I I I I I I 10.00 1.1000, JAMES C. I I I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I I 0041979 2004-Z9502 04/07/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I 120.00 HARVEY, ERIC RYAN I suec 30.00 I FINE 10.00 I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I I 0041980 Z005-29738 04/07/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 195.00 SAYERS, DANELLE LYNN I FINE 110.00 I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I 0041981 2005-Z9770 04/08/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I SAF 5,00 I TF 4,00 I SUBC 30.00 I 155.00 PALACIOS, MELISSA ANN I FINE 70.00 I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I I 004'98Z Z005-297S0 04/0B/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 215.00 ~ lEBOURGEOIS, TOOD M I FINE 130.00 I I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I I 1963 2005-Z9m 04/11/2005 I TFC 3,00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 ITF 4,00 I SUBC 30.00 I FINE 110.00 I 195.00 CERINICH, PETER I LAF 5.00 I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I I 0041984 2005-29613 04/11/Z005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I SU8C 30.00 I '55.00 SANCHEZ, JOOY LEANNE I FINE 70.00 I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I I 0041985 2005-29856 04/11/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 95.00 STEADMAN, STEPHEN KENNETH I DOC 10.00 I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I I 0041987 2004-28812 04/12/Z005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I WRNT 50.00 ITF 4.00 I 240.50 BARRIOS, CINTy MARIE I SUBC 30.00 I FINE 50.00 I CSRV 55.50 I I I I Personal Check I I I I I I I 0041988 2003-28446 04/12/2005 I JCPT 0.12 I CVC 0.88 I TFC 0.18 I CCC 1.00 I FA 0.Z9 I JCO 0.03 I 182.00 HERNANDEZ, JAIME ALFRED I CHS 0.18 I CMI 0.03 I SAF 0.29 I WRNT 50.00 I TIME 25.00 ITF 0.24 I Personal Check I SUBC 1.76 I FINE 60.00 I CSRV 42.00 I I I I 0041989 2005-29859 04/12/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5_00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I 105_00 ARREOLA, GERARDO I FINE 20.00 I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I I e ')~o ',.' { 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page 3 JUDGE GARY U NOSKA JP#3 APRIL 105 MONTHLY REPORT --------~--------------------_._---._----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Receipt Cause/Defendant [ Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount Total I I I I I 0041990 Z004-29Z78 04/12/2005 I CCC 40.00 1 CHS 3.00 PI.IAF 5.00 ITF 4.00 I PUF 48.00 I 100.00 HllLIET, MICHAEL ANTHONY I I I I I Money Order I I I I I 0041991 2005-29884 04/12/2005 1 INDF 2.00 I FFEE 10.00 I I I lZ_00 WOLF POINT RANCH, LlC I I I I I e Personal check. I I I I 0041992 2005-29875 04/14/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 TF 4.00 I suec 30.00 105.00 MARCELINO, MAR I FINE ZO_OO I I I Money Order I I I I 0041993 2005-29874 04/14/2005 I TFC 3.00 1 CCC 40.00 CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 TF 4,00 I suec 30.00 135.00 MARCELINO, MAR I FINE 50.00 I I I Money Order I I I I 0041994 Z005-2987Z 04/14/2005 I EXRF 10.00 I I I 10.00 JAMES, BOBBY LYNN I I 1 I Cashier's Check I I I I 0041995 2005-29871 04/14/Z005 I -TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 CHS 3.00 I LAF 5.00 TF 4.00 I suec 30.00 300.00 JAMES, BOBBY LYNN I FINE 215.00 I I I Cashier's Check I I I I 0041996 200S-29851 04/14/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 CHS 3_00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I OOC 10.00 95.00 FUSILIER, RAPHAEL JR. I LAF 5.00 I I I I I Money Order 1 I I I I I 0041997 2005.29771 04/14/2005 I TFe 1.36 I CCC 18.18 I eHS 1.37 I SAF Z,27 I TIME 11.37 I TF 1.82 50.00 SALDANA, FRANCISCO I SUBC 13.63 I I I I I Cash I I I I I 0041998 2005-29862 04/15/Z005 I TFC 3.00 I cce 40.00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5_00 ITF 4_00 SUBC 30_00 195.00 NEW, SCOTT ALAN I FINE 110.00 I I I Money Order I I I I 0041999 Z005-29843 04/15/2005 I EXRF 10.00 1 I I 10.00 WOOD, COLBY J. I I I I Personal Check: I I I I 004Z000 2005-Z9767 04/15/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 SUBC 30.00 195.00 WILLIAMS, DAVID WAYNE JR. I FINE 110.00 I I I Money Order I I I I 0042001 2004-28667 04/15/2005 I TFC 0.68 I eec 9.10 I CHS 0.68 SAF 1.13 I TIME 5.68 TF 0,91 25.00 e MAUER, KATHY MICHELLE I SUBC 6.82 I I I Cash 1 I I I 004200Z 2004-Z9408 04/15/2005 I FINE 50.00 I I I 50.00 lONGORIA, RYAN RENDON I I I I Cash I 1 I I 0042003 2005.29800 04/18/2005 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 SUBC 30_00 195.00 MCGREW, STEVEN RAY I FINE 110.00 I I I Cash I I I I 0042004 Z004-29557 04/18/2005 I FINE 110.00 I I I '10.00 MIRELES, JERRY RAY I I I I I Money Order I I I I I 0042005 2005-Z9736 04/19/2005 I EXRF 10.00 I I I I 10.00 KEEGAN. BRIAN LEE I I I I 1 Money Order 1 I I I I 0042006 Z005-Z9735 04/19/Z005 I EXRF 10_00 I I I I 10.00 KEEGAN, BRIAN LEE I 1 I I I Money Order I I I I I J042007 Z004-29201 04/19/2005 1 URNT 50.00 I FINE 100.00 I REST 60.97 I I 210.97 ARRIAGA, ANDREA A. I I I I I Cash I I I I I e 271 05/09/2005 Money Oistribution Report JUDGE GARY W NOSKA JP#3 APRIL '05 MONTHLY REPORT Page 4 Receipt Cau$e/Defendant ..--------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 004Z008 2002-26279 04/19/2005 YEBSTER, WILLIAM ROBERT Cash 0042009 2002-Z7347A 04/19/2005 SALINAS, JUAN _ Cash ~42010 ZOOZ-27347 04/19/2005 SALINAS, ,JUAN Cash 0042011 2002-Z6978 04/19/2005 SALINAS, JUAN G. Jail Credi t 0042012 2002-Z6981 04/19/Z005 SALINAS, JUAN G. Jail Credit 004Z013.2002-26981 04/19/Z005 SALINAS, JUAN G. Cash 0042014 ,200Z-26980A 04/19/2005 SALINAS, JUAN G. Cash 0042015 Z002-26980 04/19/2005 SAl. I NAS, JUAN G. Cash 0042016 2002-26979 04/19/2005 SAL I HAS, JUAN G. Cash 004Z017 2004-Z8580 04/19/2005 GUILLEN. CARLOS JR. Cash 0042018 2004-29533 04/20/Z005 SOTO, OSCAR ROLANDO Honey Order 00420'9 Z005-29741 04/Z0/2005 _ROJAS, ERIKA SHARELl Personal Check: 20Z0 Z004-29390 04/Z0/2005 ROWDEN, KEITH R Money Order 004Z0Z1 Z004-29404 04/Z0/2005 KLEIN, JEFFREY ROBERT Money Order 00420Z2 Z005-29722 04/Z0/2005 LEUrS, MICHAEL TIMOTHY Money Order 0042023 2005-29878 04/20/2005 ZAZZARA, MICHAEL S. Money Order 0042024 2004-Z917Z 04/21/2005 ROBINSON, DUSTIN CHARLES Conm Servi ce 0042025 2004-29171 04/21/2005 ROBINSON, DUSTIN CHARLES Corrm Service I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount I I I I TIME 25.00 I FINE 85.00 I I I I I I I I JCPT 2.00 I CVC I CMI 0.50 I ~RNT I I I JCPT 2,00 I CVC I CHS 3.00 I CMI I I I JCPT 2.00 I cvc I CMI 0.50 I lAF I I I JCPT 0.88 I CVC I CMI 0.22 I lAF I I I JCPT 1.12 I CVC I CMI 0.Z8 I lAF I I I JCPT 2.00 I CVC I CMI 0.50 I URMT I I I JCPT Z.OO I CVC I CMI 0.50 I lAF I I I JCPT 2.00 I cvc I CMS 3.00 I CM1 I I I TFC 3.00 I CCC I SUBC 30.00 I FINE I I I ccc 40.00 I CHS I PWF Z5.00 I CSRV I I I TFC 3.00 I CCC I FINE 110_00 I I I I FINE 155.00 I I I I I I TFc 3,00 I I SUBC 30.00 I I I I CCC 40.00 I CHS I I I I I TFC 3.00 I CCC I OOC 10.00 I I I I CCC 40.00 I CHS I I I I I ccc 40.00 I CHS I I I I I code Amount I Code Amount Code Amount I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0.50 CHS 3.00 I 50.00 I FINE 198.00 I I I I I I I 15.00 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0.50 I 0.50 I lAF 5.00 I ~RNT 50.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 130.00 I I I I I I 15.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0.50 I CHS 3.00 I 5.00 I ~RNT 50.00 I if 4.00 I FINE 253.00 I I I I I I I 6.6Z I CCC 7.50 I FA 2.21 I JCD 0.2Z I CHS 1.32 I 2.21 I ~RNT 2Z.06 I if 1. 76 I I I I I I I I 8.38 I ccc 9.50 I FA 2,79 I JCO 0.28 I CMS j.68 I 2.79 I ~RNT 27.94 I IF 2.24 I FINE 53.00 I I I I I I I 15.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCD 0.50 I CHS 3.00 I 50.00 I if 4.00 I FINE 198.00 I I I I I I I I 15.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0.50 I CHS 3.00 I 5_00 I ~RNT 50.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 53.00 I I I I I I I 15.00 I TFC 3.00 I CCC 17.00 I FA 5.00 I JCO 0,50 I 0.50 I lAF 5.00 I ~RNT 50.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 30.00 I I I I I I 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I ~RNT 50,00 I TF 4.00 I 70.00 I CSRV 61.50 I I I I I I I I I 3.00 I P~AF 5.00 I TIME Z5.00 I TF 4,00 I OPSC 30.00 I 39.60 I I I I I I I I I I 40.00 I CHS 3_00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5_00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 50.00 I I I I I I I I I I 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4_00 I FINE 28.00 I I I I I I I I I I I 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I SUBC 30.00 I I I I I I I I I I I 3.00 I ~AF 5.00 I TIME Z5.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 53.00 I I I I I I I I I I I 3,00 I lAF 5.00 I TIME 25.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 243.00 I I I I I I I I I I I e 272 110.00 Z91.00 235.00 355.00 45.00 110.00 295_00 155.00 135.00 Z66.50 171.60 195.00 155_00 160.00 105.00 95.00 130.00 320.00 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report JUDGE GARY W NOSKA JP#3 APRIL '05 MONTHLY REPORT Page 5 Receipt Cause/Defendant .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 0042026 Z005-Z9910 04/21/2005 LOZANO, RENE R. Personal Check. 0042027 Z004-Z9374 04/ZZ/Z005 AMEJORADO, PATRICIA H. Cash 0042028 Z004-29407 04/22/2005 COLIMA, PABLO ANTONIO Money Order 0042029 2005-29811 04/22/2005 lOPEZ, SANDRA ELIZABETH Cash 0042030 Z004-29509 04/25/2005 RASBURY, CASEY L PersonaL Check. 004Z031 Z004-29510 04/Z5/2005 RASBURY, CASEY L Personal Check. 0042032 2002-26345A 04/25/2005 GARZA, SANDRA lEE Personal Check 0042033 2002-Z6345 04/Z5/2005 GARZA, SANORA LEE Personal Check 0042034 2005-29858 04/25/2005 COBB, ERIC CHRISTOPHER Money Order 0042035 2005-29909 04/25/2005 ROCHA, ROBERT Money Order 0042036 Z005-29896 04/25/2005 SCHROEPFER, GERALD THOMAs Honey Order 0042037 Z005-29898 04/28/2005 GARCIA, JOSE Cash QCJ;2038 2005-29642 04/28/2005 0000, DAVID RAY Cash I Code Amount I Code AmoUnt I I I EXRF 10.00 I I I I I I TFC 0.28 I CCC I SUBC 2.73 I FINE I I I TFC 3.00 I CCC I FINE 70.00 I I I I TFC 3.00 I CCC FINE 200_00 I I TFC 3,00 I CCC FINE 50.00 t I TFC 3.00 I CCC FINE 50.00 I I JCPT 2.00 I CVC CMI 0.50 I SAF I JCPT 2.00 I CVC CM! 0.50 I SAF I TFC 3.00 I eec FINE 110.00 I I 10.00 I I I 3.00 I CCC 10.00 I I 3.00 I CCC 70.00 I I fiNE 70,00 I I I I I I EXRF I I I TFC lODe I I TFC I fiNE I I I I I Code. Amount I I I I 3_64 I CHS 40.00 I I 40_00 I CHS I I 40.00 I CHS I I 40.00 I eHS I I 40.00 I CHS I I 15.00 I CCC 50.00 I YRNT I 15.00 I CCC 5.00 I YRNT I 40.00 I CHS I I I I I 40.00 I CHS I I 40.00 I CHS I I I I I I Code Amount t I t I 0.27 I SA> 0.45 I I 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I I 3.00 I SAF 5_00 I I 3.00 I SAF 5.00 t I 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I I 17.00 I FA 50.00 I TF I 17.00 I FA 50.00 I TF I 3.00 I SAF I I I I I 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I I 3,00 I SAF 5_00 I t I I I 5.00 4.00 I Code Amount I I I I I TIME I I ITF I I ITF I t t TF I I ITF I I I JCO 0.50 I FINE 198_00 I I JCO 0.50 I FINE 53.00 I ITF I I I I I ITF I I ITF I I I I I I Code Amount I I I I Z.27 I TF I I 4.00 I I I 4_00 I I I 4.00 I I I 4.00 I 4.00 4.00 4.00 I I I I I 0,36 I I I SUBC 30,00 I I I SUBC 30.00 I I I SUBC 30.00 I t I SUBC 30.00 t I I CHS 3.00 I I I CHS 3.00 I I I SUBC 30.00 t t t I I , 30.00 I I I SUBC 30.00 I I I I I I I I SUBC I I I I I I I I )~ -eo \l A<v-t\. d.QQS- ~<'1'6\oU l<~ 1-. ~~ - ~ ~ ~UC{(.DC )&..J),.D ~ ~~"\. - ~ t't,\-o... ~ 'l"r--ai...u B. ~ - ~-d 4. q/)Io 'Y\tdL-4( '-I"U..u--~ -^~ ~ ClV\ ~ ~ ~.J Ur-~ -u,~",,-c& cL.Jv ~ <l>~ ~# 5,00 4.00 5.00 10.00 50,00 155,00 e Z85,OO 135.00 135.00 345.00 155.00 195.00 10.00 95.00 155.00 e 70.00 e ",..,') t:../J 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following totals represent Cash and Checks ColLected Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money-Totals COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 56 185.06 1,665.54 1,850.60 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 56 15.37 138,29 153.66 COST CHI CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 10 0.44 3.87 4.31 _T CVC COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS OF CRIME 10 12.93 116.33 lZ9.26 os~ DPSC OMNI 2 19.80 40.20 60.00 FA FUGITIVE APPREHENSION 10 4.31 38.77 43.08 COST JCO JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 10 0.44 3,87 4.31 COST JCPT JUDICIAL AND COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 10 1.73 15.51 17.24 COST lAF SHERIFFIS FEE 12 54.66 0.00 54.66 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 3 12.00 3.00 15.00 COST SAF OPS 37 169,13 4Z.28 Z11.41 COST suec SUBTITLE C 43 58.00 1,101.83 1,159.83 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 55 200.89 0.00 ZOO.89 COST TFC TFC 45 lZZ,Ol 0.00 12Z.01 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 14 132.53 132.52 Z65.05 COST WRNT WARRANT FEE 17 796.69 0.00 796.69 fEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICE FEE 7 476.70 0.00 476.70 fEES DOC DEfENSIVE DRIVING 7 70.00 0.00 70.00 FEES EXRF EXPIRATION RENEWAL FEE 7 70.00 0.00 70.00 FEES FFEE FILING FEE 4 50,00 0.00 50.00 FEES INDF I NO I GENT FEE 4 0.40 7.60 8.00 fEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 3 180.00 0.00 180.00 FINE DPSF OPS FTA FINE 1 295.00 0.00 295.00 FINE FINE FINE 52 4,660.50 0.00 4,660.50 FINE PWF PARKS & WILDLIfE FINE 3 14.70 83.30 98.00 REST REST RESTITUTION 1 60.97 0.00 60.97 Money Totals 77 7,664.26 3,392.91 11,057.17 The following totals represent . Jail Credit and Community Service COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 8 24.95 224.55 249.50 -~ CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 8 2.1Z 19.08 21.20 CHI CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 2 0.08 0.64 0.7Z CVC COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS OF CRIME 2 2.17 19.45 Z1.62 COST oPSC OMNI 1 9.90 20.10 30.00 COST FA FUGITIVE APPREHENSION 2 0.73 6.48 7.21 COST JCO JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 2 0.08 0.64 0.72 COST JCPT JUDICIAL AND COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 2 0.29 2.59 Z.88 COST lM SHERIFF'S FEE 5 20.34 0.00 ZO.34 COST PIJAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST SAF DPS 3 12.00 3.00 15.00 COST SUBC SUBTITLE C 3 3.94 74.81 78.75 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 8 28,26 0.00 28.26 COST TFC TFC 3 7.86 0.00 7.86 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 4 45.3Z 45.31 90.63 COST WRNT WARRANT FEE 3 103.31 0.00 103.31 FEES CSRV COLLECtION SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES DOC DEfENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES EXRF EXPIRATION RENEWAL FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 e '"'''"lA ..:::; t 1,:1. 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page 7 .------...------------------------------.-...--------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. The following totaLs represent - Jai L Credit and Community Service Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money-TotaLs FEES FFEE FILING FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FEES INOF I NO I GENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 e FINE OPSF DPS FTA FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 6 99Z.00 0.00 992.00 FINE PYF PARKS & YILDLIFE FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REST REST RESTITUTION 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 8 1,253.35 416.65 1,670.00 The following totals represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST CMI CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 COST CVC COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS OF CRIME 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST DPSC OMNI 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST FA fUGITIVE APPREHENSION 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST JCD JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST JCPT JUDICIAL AND COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST LAF SHERI FF I S FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST PWAF TEXAS PARKS & WilDLIFE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST SAF OPS 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST SUBC SUBTITLE C 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TFC TFC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 COST WRNT WARRANT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICE FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES EXRF EXPIRATION RENEWAL FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES FFEE FlUNG FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 e FEES INDF INDIGENT FEE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES SFEE SERV I CE FEE 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FINE DPSF OPS FTA FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE FINE FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINE PYF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REST REST RESTITUTION 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Totals 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 The following totals represent Combined Money and Credits COST CCC CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 64 210.01 1,890.09 2,100.10 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 64 17.49 157.37 174.86 COST CMI CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 12 0.51 4.52 5.03 COST CVC COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS OF CRIME 12 15.09 135.79 150.88 COST DPSC OMNI 3 29.70 60.30 90.00 COST FA FUGITIVE APPREHENSION 12 5.03 45.26 50.29 COST JCO JUVENILE CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 12 0.51 4.52 5.03 e "''"''5 /, _I. 05/09/Z005 Money Distribution Report Page 8 '-------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------- The following totals represent Combined Money and Credits Type Code Description Count Retained Disbursed Money-Totals COST JCPT JUDICIAL AND COURT PERSONNEL TRAINING 12 2.02 18.10 ZO.12 COST LAF SHERIFf'S FEE 17 75,00 0.00 75.00 .~~ PI.IAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 3 12.00 3.00 15.00 SAF DPS 40 181.13 45,28 226.41 ST SUBC SUBTITLE C 46 61.93 1,176.65 1,238.58 OST TF TECHNOLOGY FUND 63 229.15 0,00 229.15 COST TFe TFe 48 129.87 0.00 129.87 caST TIME TIME PAYMENT FEE 18 177.84 177.84 355.68 COST I.IRNT WARRANT FEE ZO 900,00 0.00 900.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICE FEE 7 476.70 0.00 476.70 FEES DOC DEFENSIVE DRIVING 7 70.00 0.00 70.00 FEES EXRF EXPIRATION RENEWAL FEE 7 70.00 0,00 70.00 FEES FFEE FILING FEE 4 50.00 0.00 50.00 FEES INDF INDIGENT FEe 4 0.40 7.60 8.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 3 180.00 0.00 180.00 FINE DPSF OPS FTA FINE 1 295.00 0.00 295.00 FINE FINE FINE 58 5,652.50 0.00 5,652.50 FINE PUF PARKS & IJIlDLJ FE fINE 3 14.70 83.30 98.00 REST REST RESTITUTION 1 60.97 0.00 60.97 Report Totals 8S 8,917.55 3,809.62 12,727.17 e e 276 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page 9 --------~~~-----------------------------~-----------------------------.-----------------------------------------------------.------- DATE PAYMENT - TYPE FINES COURT -COSTS FEES BONDS REST nUT JON OTHER TOTAL 00/00/0000 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1991 Cash & CheCKS Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1993 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1995 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1997 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1999 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/2001 Cash & Checks Collected 998.00 833.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,831.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 253.00 147.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 1,251.00 980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,231.00 09/01/2003 Cash & Checks Collected 86.50 155,00 85.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.00 e Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Total of all Collections 86.50 155.00 85.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.00 01/01/2004 Cash & Checks Collected 3,969.00 4,100.00 769.20 0.00 60.97 0.00 8,899.17 Jail Credits & Comm Service 739.00 531.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,270.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 4,708.00 4,631.00 769.20 0.00 60.97 0.00 10,169,17 TOTALS Cash & Checks Collected 5,053.50 5,088.00 854.70 0,00 60.97 0.00 11,057.17 Jail Credits & Comm Service 99Z.00 678.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,670.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 6,045.50 5,766.00 854. 70 0.00 60.97 0.00 12,n7.17 e ",/1") ,c t 4 05/09/2005 Money Distribution Report Page 10 DATE PAYMENT-TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL State of Texas Quarterly Reporting Totals Description State ComptrolLer Cost and Fees Report _tlen I: Report ior Offenses CellIni tted 01-01-04 - Forward 09-01-01 - 1Z-31-03 09-01-99 08-31-01 09-01-97 08-31-99 09-01-95 08-31-97 09-01-91 08-31-95 Bail Bonds Fee DNA Testing Fees EMS Trauma Fund (EMS) Juvenile Probation Diversion Fees State Traffic Fees Section II: As Applicable State Police Officer Fees Failure to Appear/Pay Fees Judicial Fund - Const County Court Judicial Fund - Statutory County Court Motor Carrier Weight Violations Time Payment fee Report Sub Total State Comptroller Civil Fees Report CF: Birth Certificate Fees CF: Marriage License Fees CF: Declaration of Informal Marriage CF: Nondisclosure Fees CF: Juror Donations CF: Justice Court Indig Filing Fees .F: Stat Prob Court lndig Filing Fees F: Stat Prob Court Judie Filing Fees CF: Stat Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees CF: Stat Cnty Court Judie Filing Fees CF: Cnst Cnty Court Indig Filing Fees CF: Cnst Cnty Court Judie Filing Fees CF: Dist Court District & Family law CF: Dist Court Other Divorce/Family law CF: Dist Court Jndig Filing Fees Report Sub Total Total Due For This Period e FINES COURT-COSTS FEES BONOS RESTITUTION Count Collected Retained Disbursed 99 1,874.90 187,50 1,687.40 63 327.56 32.76 294.80 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0_00 0.00 0 0_00 0.00 0.00 43 1,159.83 57.99 1,101.84 40 226.41 181.13 45.28 2 60.00 19.80 40.20 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 Z65,05 132.54 132_51 261 3,913,75 611.72 3,302.03 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0_00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 8.00 0.40 7.60 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 8.00 0.40 7.60 Z65 3,921.75 612.12 3,309.63 OTHER ?"'J8 -I TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN ~S COURT Agent - Alexis Trott CEA-FCS Monthlr. Report - April 2005 MAY 16~~ 'Out of County Travel Mike Pfeifer Selected Ma' or Activities Date Dail Account I Sent 4-H Roundup information to District Office. Mana ement. es Contacts 21 e Office 4,2 2 13.1 156 4 (5,0), and 4-H volunteer management during the YMCA National Health Kids Da . EEA Council Meeting regarding plans for Soup and Salad 5.1 Luncheon/recruitment effort. Informal Office Conference regarding plans for EPe Banquet. Attended Intercoastal 4-H meeting, Port O'Conner, Pick u artici ation awards for Fashion Show, Project LIFE Committee Meeting regarding mentor/participant 16,2 matching, Project LIFE Workshop # 9: Preparing for the workplace, CCISD Computer Classes, Higher Education, and GED program; collaborated with CCISD Technology Director and Parent Liaison. Calhoun County 4-H Fashion Show, 7 members participated, 2 leaders 'ud ed, Attended the CRCG (Community Resource Coordination Group) 13.1 Meeting, Co-Chair; networked with other local agencies and entities to staffa new case regarding family of6 (male, 12, deafmute). Office Mana ement, Project LIFE Workshop #10: Money Management, including "How 46.9 to save money when you don't have a dime to spare" g me came to help me present the Money Smart (FDIC) program, Collaborate with mc marketing director to offer free training for individuals who teach money management in surrounding area. Tour of Formosa Plastics, followed by intetpretation event and volunteer reco ition event, or the Annual EPC Ban uet. Office Mana ement, Attended the Harbor Picnic; 4-H offered community service volunteers to help raise money for local children's alliance and victim center. EEA Volunteer Management at Commissioner Galvan's Meeting Room. Office Management. Monthly Reporting, Assist 4-H Coordinator with a 4-H Parent Meeting for Intercoastal Club to help reestablish parent involvement, member responsibility, and general b laws. 21 5 77 6 34 7 91 8 9 16 19 e 11 36 12 32.4 22 168.3 * (2.5) Collaborated with Memorial Medical Center Education Department. Attended the Tri-County Child Care Conference Committee Meeting at Wharton Junior College, United Way Board Meeting - presented an update on 4-H involvement with other communit and outh or anizations, and u comin events. e ....-9 ' T / .;:, ( . e e 28 29 e Date 13,14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 Dail Account Traveled to and from College Station. ' TX with Aransas __ Agent for the FCS portion of New Faculty Orientation, Project LlFE Workshop #12: Health Education opportunities presented by the Education Director at Memorial Medical Center, Medicaid preparation and retaining education presented by Texas Health Steps, and W.I.c. education materials handed out by Extension office, Attended the Healthy Aging Conference Committee Meeting to finalize details for May 19 Conference in Victoria, DC, Supply shopping for office and Project LIFE program graduation, Project LlFE Graduation Dinner to recognize program participants and inrerpret the importance of continued education, (5 received com letion certificates Sho for su lies for District 11 Round U District 11 Round-U in Port Lavaca, Assisted in coordinating and implementing community Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Benefit Lunch/Dinner. Project LlFE Committee Meeting. 4-H Council Meeting and Parent Leader Association Meetin Consumer Decision Makin Office Conference - Office Management. Train Marine Agent on how to complete COUll travel re orts. 4-H Parent Leader Ticket Drawin . District II and 9 Consumer Decision Making Committee Meeting and Set up for contest, District 9 Office and Kleberg Building in Colle e Station. District 9 and I I Consumer Decision Makin Contest. Monthly reporting. Training for Marine Agent and 4-H Coordinator on county reports and office management, Send EEA Council Meeting postcards, Make EEA Soup and Salad Luncheon Tickets. Send FCSIBLT Advisory Board information via email. 4-H Ambassador Meetin Send CRCG (Community Resource Coordination Group) Minutes and Agenda out. Take BLT Food Guide Pyramid back to District 11 Office in Co us Christi. Sent EEA Council Meetin Reminders, CY (Concerned Citizens for Youth) Meeting. 4- H Scheduling meeting with 4-H Coordinator to plan summer programming with 4-H, YMCA, and other outside programs, organize and schedule youth leadership and parent leadership trainings, and discuss monthly reporting process, CRCG Documentation. Sent news release to Port Lavaca Wave. Office Management. Attend Commissioner's CO~auer ExhIbIt BUlldmg RIle Changes. ~~Staff 2005 Bud et Meetin . EEA Volunteer Mana ement. Office Management. Project LlFE Committee Meeting. Attend the C,A.R.E. (MMC) Task Force Meeting, Prepare Project LlFE life skills and mentoringprogram package/curricula for FCS RPD to share state wide, Miles 89.0 County Vehicle 14.7 26,3 464.9* 211.3* 26.1 Contacts 45 37 16 23 11 32 20 16 IS 12 49 25 21 280 Date Da~ Account Miles Contacts 30 Judlle at District II 4-H Fashion Show, Ro~ort, Texas. 124.7' 29 Total 1256,2 844 ~n~~ .:" ()..t e e e Community Educational Outreac umm 73 Office Visits 168 Phone Calls 298 Emails & Correspondence 1 News Releases 0 FCS Newsletters 3 Home Visits 301 Site Visits 283 4-H Newsletters I 4-H Proiect Visits 12 BLT Match Hours Continuing Education Units (CEU) e h S ary May 2005 Upcoming Events/Activities/Programs Date 2 3&4 5 6 12 14 e 17 18 19 Event! ActivitieslProe:ram EEA Council Meeting District 11 4-H Retreat & Financial Resource Management Training, Calhoun County, Bauer Community Center BLT Proposal Training via TTVN, Corpus Christi Travis Middle School Career Fair TEAFCS Dll Association Meeting, Port Lavaca, Tropics Restaurant Family Fun Day - (hosted by FCS Advisory Board) at Seagreens (10:00- 12:00 p.m.) D 11 Supervisory Training, Victoria EEA Soup & Salad Luncheon, Bauer Exhibit Building Healthy Aging Conference, Victoria 27 BL T Quarterly Meeting via TTVN in Corpus Christi ()!Q ']C&J{t-- Alexis N. Trott County Extension Agent Family & Consumer Sciences 4-H Coordinator Calhoun County e ?R'J ....u.... ISSUES RELATING TO THE NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Mark Crippen reported to the Court that there were no weather delays in May, The Contract completion date is October 6, but as of now the contractor is looking at the middle of November as the completion date, The walls are up, boilers, chillers, air handlers and duct work are going in and the roof deck is over the kitchen. ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS PROJECT: Mark Crippen reported that the Memorial Medical Plaza is nearing completion and that cleaning up is going on by the contractor. On June 8th 911 will be moved to the Plaza. The Departments are ahead of schedule with the move with boxing things up and also destroying what needs to be. The Public Notice has also been posted for the move. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY BILLS: Claims totaling $1,462,114,29 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL BILLS: Claims totaling $1,650,462.31 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEALTH CARE BILLS: Claims totaling $190,136.28 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e e e ')00 ~,U0 e 1'.:; to ,.p. FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111I111111I11I11I111111I11I111I1111I11I11111I1111I1111I11I11111I111111I11111111111I11I11I111I11111111111I111111I1111I111111I111111I1111111I111111111I11I11I11I111I11I11I1111111I11I11I11I11I111I11I111111I1111I1111I111111I111111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: COMMISSIONERS COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 230 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR [AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND 8AL REVENUE REVEIllE EXPENIIITlJRE EXPEIIIIT\IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECllEASE INCREASE IICREASE IDECREASEJ 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $185 $185 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $185 $0 ($185) AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $185 $185 $0 COMMISSIONERS COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $185 $185 $0 1111I11I11I111111I11111111111111111111111I11111I1111I1111I11I11I111111111111111111I11I11I11I1111I1111111I1111I111I11I11111111I111I11111I1111111I11I111111I11I111111I11I11I111111I1111I111I11I11I111I11111111I11I1111I11111I1111I1111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY AUDITOR DEPARTMENT NO: 190 AMENDMENT NO: 784 REQUESTOR: BEN COMISKEY IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAL REVENUE REVENII EXPENIIITlJRE EXPENDI1IIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEI 66310 TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESIT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 71650 EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 AMENDMENT NO 784 TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 COUNTY AUDITOR TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIJJJIJIIJIIIJlIIIIII'11II1I'IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIl'1I11111'''"I11I1I11UIIIIIHfUIIIIUlumlllulIlIIlIllIlIIlIIllIlllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO REVENUE INCREASE RIND 8AL INCREASE lDECIIEASEJ REVEIllE DECREASE EXPENDITlDlE EXPENDI1IIIE INCREASE DECllEASE ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Page 1 of 12 l\) (:0 C..1l e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1III1IIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RJIiD BAL REVEIIlI REVENIE EXPENIIT1IIE EXPEJlIITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IICREASE IDECREASB 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 COUNTY CLERK TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT-LAWDEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RJIiD BAL REVENIE REVENII EXPEIiII/ImE EXPENOIllDIE IHCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE IICREASE IDECREASEJ 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $125 $0 ($125) 63360 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $125 $125 AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $125 $125 $0 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW TOTAL $0 $0 $125 $125 $0 111111I11I1111111111I11I11111111I1111I1111111111111111111111I11I11111111111111I11I11I11I1111111111111111111I1111I11I111111111111I11I111111111111111111111I11I111111I1111I1111111111I11I11I1111I11111111111I11I111111111I11I111111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO REVENUE INCREASE RIND BAL INCREASE IDECIlIASEJ REVENIE OECllEASE EXPENOIllDIE EXPENOITIJIIE INCREASI: IICIIEASE ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME Wednesday, May 25. 2005 e _9020112 e l\) Qj 0') e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11II1I1I1I11111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111U1U1II1I1I11((1I1I111II1I1II1I1I11I1I1I111II11II1I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIHD HAl. IIEVENUf REVEII\I EXPEIIDII1IIf EXPEIiIITUlI INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT ND GRANT NAME INCREASE IECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICIlEASEJ 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,000 $0 ($1,000) 60051 ADULT ASSIGNED-INVESTIGA TIO 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $900 $0 ($900) 60053 ADULT ASSIGNED-OTHER L1TIGA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 DISTRICT COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 111111111111I11111I111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICEDEPART MENT NO: 110 AMENDMENT NO: 778 REQUESTOR: A. ZAN MATTHIES IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 60330 66460 RIND 8Al REVENIIE REVENII EXPENIITlBlE EXPENOITlIIE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDUREASEJ $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 ACCT NAME AUTO ALLOWANCES-CEAFCS AG TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY CEAFC GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 77B TOTAL EXTENSION SERVICE TOTAL 1111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllUlIlIIlIUlUIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIII11IIIIIIIII1IIIIIImUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 Wednesday, May 25. 2005 Page 3 of 12 ;\,,) CP) -.J e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: HEALTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 350 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR [AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIIiD BAL REVINlf REVENII EllPENII1lIIE EXPENIIITlIlE IIICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IIC1lEASE IIICIIEASE DECREASE IIBRfASEI 63774 MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 66608 UTILITIES-HEALTH DEPARTMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 HEALTH DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: INDIGENT HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT NO: 360 AMENDMENT NO: 785 [AMENDMENT REASON: ACCTNO 60640 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR ITRANSFER TO PAY BILLS FOR HURRICANE DAMAGES/RENOVATION/REMODELlNG AIRPORT BUILDING I RIIiD BAL INCREASE IDEl:REASEI $30,000 $30,000 REVENUE INCREASE $0 $0 REVENII IIC1lEASE $0 $0 EXPENIIIT1IlE INCREASE $0 $0 EXPENDI1lIlE DECREASE $30,000 $30,000 ACCT NAME CARE OF INDIGENTS GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 785 TOTAL INDIGENT HEALTH CARE TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 [AMENDMENT NO: 790 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 63070 REVENUE INCREASE $0 RIIID 8AL IIICREASE IDEl:REASEJ ($1,000) REVENII DECREASE $0 EXPENOI11IIIE IIICREASE $1,000 EXPENDI1IIIIE IICREASE $0 ACCT NAME JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY GIlANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT Wednesday, May 25, 2005 e _9040112 e 1'0 Go Go FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 Iflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND HAl. REVENlII REVENIE EXPENIITlIlE EXPEIIIITIIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO CIlANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICIIEASEJ 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1IIIII1111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 AMENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND HAl. REVENlII REVENIE EXPENIITlIlE EXPETIIIIlIIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICIIEASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,025 $1,025 64370 OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,025 $0 ($1,025) AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,025 $1,025 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,025 $1,025 $0 11I1111I11I11111111I1111I1111111111I11I11I111I1111I111I1111111I11I1111111111111I1111I1111I111111I11I111111I11I11I11111111I1111111111111111I111I11I11I11111I1111I111I111111I11I11I11I1111I111I1111111111I1111I11I111111I1111I11111111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 AMENDMENT NO: 777 REQUESTOR: AMANDA GUILLEN IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53510 REVENlII INCREASE $0 RIND BAI. INCREASE IDECREASEJ $400 REVENII DECREASE $0 EXPENOITIIlE INCREASE $0 EXPETIIIIlIIf DECREASE $400 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES GRANT NO .999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Page 5 of 12 l\J 0') co e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Thursday, May 26, 2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111I111I1111I11I111111111I111I1111I11I111I111I111I1111I111111I11I11I111I1111111I111I111111I11111I1111I11I111I111I11I111111111111I111111I1111111111I11111I1111I11I111111I11I11111111I111111111111111111111I111111I11111111111I111I111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 IAMENDMENT NO: 777 I REQUESTOR: AMANDA GUILLEN IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl RfVINlI REVENII EXPEItIlIT1IRE EXPENIlIIIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIIEASE INCREASE IECREASE OICREASEJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $400 $0 ($400) AMENDMENT NO 777 TOTAL $0 $0 $400 $400 $0 IAMENDMENT NO: 790 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl REVENlI REVENIE EXPENIfI1IIE EXPENIIIIIIE IIICIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIIEASE INCREASE IECREASE OICREASEI 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) AMENDMENT NO 79Q TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 TOTAL $0 $0 $900 $900 $0 111111I111I1111111111111111111111I1111I1111111111111111I1111I1111111111111111111I111I11111111111111I11111I111I111111111111I11111I11I11111I11111I1111I111111111I11111111I11I11I11111111I111111I1111I1111111I11111111I11I1111111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 IAMENDMENT NO: 789 I REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53020 63920 73400 REVENUE INCREASE $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENOITURE INCIIEASE $1,000 $0 $5,000 $6,000 RIND BAl INCREASE IIJB:IIfASEJ ($1,000) $6,000 ($5,000) $0 ACCT NAME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 789 TOTAL REVENII DiGiiillE $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPEItIIIT1IlE /fCIIEASE $0 $6,000 $0 $6,000 Wednesday, May Z5, 2005 e .age60f1Z e l\J cD o FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIIIIIII111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $0 1111111111I11I11I111I111I11111111I11I11I11I111I1111I11I111I11I111I111111I11I11I111I11I111I1111I11I111I11111111I11I11I11I11I11III 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1l1l1ll1ll11ll1l1ll11ll1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1 11I11 1111I11I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 MENDMENT NO: 790 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RDiD BAl REVENUE REVENIIE EXPEIIIITlIIf EXPENIIlTIIIE IHCIlEASE ACCT 110 ACCT NAME CRANT 110 llIlANT NAME INCREASE ImlEASE IHCIlEASE IICIIEASE DmlEASIJ 51620 ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RAT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) 60360 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $600 $600 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $400 $0 ($400) 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,989 $1,989 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,589 $0 ($1,589) AMENDMENT NO 790 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,589 $2,589 $0 SHERIFF TOTAL $0 $0 $2,589 $2,589 $0 11111I111I11I111I111111I11I111I1111I11I1111I11111I11I11I11I11I11I11I111111111111I11I11I1111I11I11I111111I11I11I111111I1111111I11111I1111I1111I111I1111111111111I11I11I1111I111111I11I11I11I11111I111111I11I11I11I1111I11111111I11I1111I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: TRANSFERS DEPARTMENT NO: 800 AMENDMENT NO: 785 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: TRANSFER TO PAY BILLS FOR HURRICANE DAMAGES/RENOVATION/REMODELING AIRPORT BUILDING RDiD BAl IHCIlEASE OIECIlEASEJ ($30,000) ($30,000) ACCT NO 98010 REVENUE INCREASE $0 $0 EXPENOIT1DIE DECREASE $0 $0 REVENlI IBIIEASE $0 $0 EXPENIITIIlE INCREASE $30,000 $30,000 ACCT IIAME TRANSFERS TO AIRPORT FUND GRANT 110 GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 785 TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $45,524 $0 $45,524 ($30,000) $0 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Page 7 of 12 l'0 (.0 I-" e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Thursday, May 26, 2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME AIRPORT FUND FUND NO: 2610 11111I11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 IAMENDMENT NO: 785 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR I IAMENDMENT REASON: ITRANSFER TO PAY BILLS FOR HURRICANE DAMAGES/RENOVATION/REMODELlNG AIRPORT BUILDING I RIND BAI. INCREASE lIIECREASEJ ($2,370) ($27,630) $30,000 $0 ACCT NO 60520 65464 91010 ACCT NAME BUILDING REPAIRS REPAIRS-INSURANCE RECOVER TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FU REVEN\E INCREASE $0 $0 $0 $0 REVEN\E IICRIASE $0 $0 $0 $0 GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 785 TOTAL IAMENDMENT NO: 786 IAMENDMENT REASON: Am NO 53210 53905 60520 62860 63530 65180 65620 66600 EXPENIIT1IIE INCREASE $2,370 $27,630 $0 $30,000 EXPEIIIIIURE DECREASE $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR ILINE ITEM TRANSFER TO PAY BILLS FOR HURRICANE DAMAGES/RENOVATION/REMODELING RIND BAl INCREASE lIIECRfASEJ $1,500 $1,700 ($12,249) $2,450 $1,000 $600 $1,999 $3,000 $0 ACCT NAME MACHINERY PARTSISUPPlIES OTHER SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIRS INSURANCE-AIRPORT LIABILITY MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR RADIO MAINTENANCE RUNWAY REPAIRS UTILITIES IIEVENII INCREASE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 REVEN\E IICRIASE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPEIIIIIIIlE INCREASE $0 $0 $12,249 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,249 EXPEIIIIIURE IICREASE $1,500 $1,700 $0 $2,450 $1,000 $600 $1,999 $3,000 $12,249 GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 786 TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL AIRPORT FUND TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,249 $42,249 $42,249 $42,249 $0 $0 FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND NO: 2719 11111I111I111111I111111I111111111111I11111111111111111I111111I111111I111111I1111I111111I11111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I11111111111I11I111111I11I11I11111I1111I1111111111I111111111111111111I1111I1111111111111111111111I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 e .age80f12 e FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND NO: 2719 11I1111I1111I1111111111111I1111I11111111I111I111I111111111I1111I11I111111111111I111111111111111I111111111111I11I11I111111111111111I111I11I11I11I11I111111111I11111111I11I11111I11111I11I111I11I11111111111111111111I11111111I1111I111III DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 783 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES RIIID BAL REVENUE REVENII EXPEIIIIT1IlE EllPENOlTlllE IHCllEASE AID NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICIlEASEJ 70751 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #1 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $88 $0 ($88) 70752 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #2 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $438 $0 ($438) 70753 CAPITAL OUTLA Y-JP PCT #3 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $275 $0 ($275) 70754 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #4 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $174 $0 ($174) 70755 CAPITAL OUTLAY-JP PCT #5 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $74 $0 ($74) AMENDMENT NO 783 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,049 $0 ($1,049) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $1,049 $0 ($1,049) 1111I11I111I11I11I111I11I111I11I1111111I1111I111111111I11I11I1111I11I111I1111I111111I111111I111111111111I11I11111111I11I111I11I11I111111111I111111I11I11I11111111I1111I1111I111I1111I1111111I11111I11I1111I111111I11111111I111111I11I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 783 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES RIIID BAI. REVENUE REVENII EllPENDIIlIIf EllPENDIIlIIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIICIIEASEJ 44061 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECI 999 NO GRANT $85 $0 $0 $0 $85 44062 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $423 $0 $0 $0 $423 44063 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $266 $0 $0 $0 $266 44064 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $168 $0 $0 $0 $168 44065 FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI 999 NO GRANT $72 $0 $0 $0 $72 46020 INT INC-JUSTICE SYSTEM 999 NO GRANT $35 $0 $0 $0 $35 AMENDMENT NO 783 TOTAL $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $1,049 REVENUE TOTAL $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $1,049 l\.J JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTAL $1,049 $0 $1,049 $0 $0 t;,.",) l\.) Wednesday, May 25. 2005 Page 9 of 12 l0 (::) 1:.0 e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Thursday, May 26, 2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVA TlON FUND NO: 5115 1111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1IIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 IAMENDMENT NO: 779 I REQUESTOR: MARK CRIPPEN IAMENDMENT REASON: IAS REQUESTED BY SPAW MAXWELL CO., CONSTRUCTION MANAGER RIND BAL REVENUE REVEIllE EXPENIITlIlE EXPENOITIIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE lDECREASEJ 60230 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER-COURTH 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $11,340 $0 ($11,340) 64020 MOVE COORDINATION AND MAN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $8,473 $0 ($8,473) 64320 OTHER SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $54,000 $54,000 71030 CONSTRUCTION-COURTHOUSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $119,369 $0 ($119,369) 71087 CONSTRUCTION-TEMPORARY FA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $30,980 $0 ($30,980) 72800 EQUIPMENT-TELECOMMUNICATI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $80,100 $0 ($80,100) 73120 FURNITUREIACCESSORIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5,970 $5,970 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $190,292 $190,292 AMENDMENT NO 779 TOTAL $0 $0 $250.262 $250,262 $0 IAMENDMENT NO: 780 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES RIND BAL REVENllE REVEIllE EXPENIITlIlE EXI'ENOITIJlE IIICIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE lDECREASEJ 60005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $14,653 $0 ($14,653) AMENDMENT NO 780 TOTAL $0 $0 $14,653 $0 ($14,653) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $264,915 $250,262 ($14,653) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1III1IIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 IAMENDMENT NO: 780 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES ACCT NO REVENUE INCREASE EXPENDIT1JIIE EXI'ENOITIJlE INCREASE OECllfASE RIND BAL INCllfASE lDECREASEl ACCT NAME GRANT NAME REVEIllE DECREASE GRANT NO Wednesday, May 25, 2005 e .0100112 e l\J c.., ~ FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVA TION FUND NO: 5115 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 780 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES ACCT NO 46010 RlNDBAI. IIEVENUE REVENII EXPENIITIIIE EXPENIIT1IIE INCREASE INCREASE IGIEASE INCREASE IGIEASE IIICllEASEJ $14,653 $0 $0 $0 $14,653 $14,653 $0 $0 $0 $14,653 $14,653 $0 $0 $0 $14,653 $14,653 $0 $264,915 $250,262 $0 FUND NO: 5136 ACCT NAME INT lNG-GENERAL GOVERNMENT GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 780 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVATION TOTAL FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1II1IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIUlllllllllllllllllmltlllllllllllllllllllllll DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 781 REQUESTOR: MARK CRIPPEN AMENDMENT REASON: AS REQUESTED BY SPAW MAXWELL CO., CONSTRUCTION MANAGER RIND BAI. IIEVBIUE IIEVBIIE EXPEIIDI1IDIE EllPEItmTUIIE IHCIlEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECllEASE INCREASE IlECllEASE IIB8EASEJ 60220 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,500 $0 ($4,500) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $58.955 $58,955 64945 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $22,500 $0 ($22,500) 70660 BUILDING-JAIL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $122,514 $0 ($122,514) 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $90.559 $90,559 AMENDMENT NO 781 TOTAL $0 $0 $149,514 $149,514 $0 Wednesday, May 25. 2005 Pagal1 of 12 ('..J (0 C'..11 e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Thursday, May 26,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING FUND NO: 5136 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIHJIIIIIIIIJIIIIJIJJIJIJJJJIIJIJIJJIJJJIIJIJJJJJJJIIIJIIJIJIUJJIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIJJJJIJIJlIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIII. DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 IAMENDMENT NO: 782 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES RIND 8A1. REVENUE REVEN\I EllPEllll11lRE EllPEIlIl11IRE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEI 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $12,833 $0 ($12,833) AMENDMENT NO 782 TOTAL $0 $0 $12,833 $0 ($12,833} NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $162,347 $149,514 ($12,833) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1III DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 IAMENDMENT NO: 782 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IADJUST BUDGET FOR APRIL REVENUES RlNDIIAI. REVEN\I RMNII EllPENIITIIIE EllPHillT1llE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IllECREASEI 46010 INT INC-GENERAL GOVERNMENT 999 NO GRANT $12,833 $0 $0 $0 $12,833 AMENDMENT NO 782 TOTAL $12,833 $0 $0 $0 $12,833 REVENUE TOTAL $12,833 $0 $0 $0 $12,833 CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING TOTAL $12,833 $0 $162,347 $149,514 $0 Grand Total $28,535 $0 $516,084 $487,549 $0 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 e t1ige120f12 GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: Judge Pfeifer and Mark Crippen met with Plantation Live Oaks about where to move the pecan and oak trees, e Court adjourned at 11:25 a,m. e e 296