2002-08-27 SPEC:uu:. AUGUS'r 'rERM HELD AUGUS'r 27, 2002 e THE S'rATE OF 'rEXAS S 5 COUNTY OF CALHOUN S BE I'r REMEMBERED, that on this the 27th day of August, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City o,f Port Lavaca, saidCount:r 'and State, at 9:00 A,M'., a Special Term of theCommissl.oners' Court, within said Count:r and state, and.. there were present,onthis.,date the followLng members of the Court, to-wit: (ABSENT) Arlene N. Marshall County Judge Roger C. Galvan CoIlllllissioner,Pct.l Michael J. Balajka CoIlllllissioner,Pct.2 H. Floyd Commissioner,Pct.3 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner,Pct.4 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk following proceedings were had: Balajka presided in the absence of Judge (ABSENT) Thereupon the Judge Pro-Tem Mar6'hall. Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Judge Pro-Tern Balajka led the Pledge of Allegiance, e AIRPORT BEACON REPLACEMENT - EMERGENCY MEE:t'ING Judge Pro-Tem Balajka 'informed the Court this Emergency' Meeting is held as authorized by V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 551.045(b) (l) and.(2) to take necessary action to replace the beacon at the Calhoun County Ai~ort. The emer~enc:r and urgent public necessity requirLng this meet Lng LS potential danger to aircraft pilots and their passengers constituting a danger to Fuhlic health for an unforeseeable situation. Charlene Ra~lings, Airport Manager, said the airport runway must be closed at night. Charlie Crober, Building Maintenance Supervisor, received a quote of $9000 to replace the beacon from Hayes Electic Company. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by commissioner Galvan to transfer funds in the amount of $9000 from Commissioner Precinct *3 Machinery & Equipment Fund to Calhoun County Airport Fund Line Item 63530 MaChinery/Equipment Repairs. Commissioners Galvan and Floyd and Judge Pro-Tem Balajka all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION - WASTE MANAGEMENT 2003 BUDGE'r Judge Pro-Tem Balajka said he was told by Pat Kaiisek with Waste Management that she received no notice regarding her budget and excluded items. She asked that her budget be brought back into workshop so as to include the employee position which was cut from the budget. Commissioner Galvan said the budget was handled the way it was submitted. GENERAL DISCUSSION - CUSTODIAL WORK AT SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mark Daigle, Chief De~uty Sheriff, requested mopping, etc., custodial work Ln the Sheriff's office be done by the maintenance department since there are no trustees in the jail now. He will contact Charlie Crober. 'rHE COUR'r ADJOURNED AT 9:14 A. M. e 4