2005-11-21 REGULAR NOVEMBER TERM NOVEMBER 21, 2005 e THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i !i !i BE IT REMEBERED, that on this the 21st day of November, A.D" 2005 there was begun and holden aUhe Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M" a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J, Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Piedge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the minutes of September 14, 2005 and November 10, 2005 meeting be approved as presented. Commissioners' Galvan, Baiajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Precinct 3 Kenneth W. Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Michael J, Baiajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk CANVAS RETURN OF NOVEMBER 8, 2005 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ELECTION: e Elections Admlni5trator Dora Garcia read the Canva5 of the November 8, 2005 Constitutional Amendment Election. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the Court accept the Canvass of the election and authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. 001 CANVASS OF ELECTION I, rIl.L I... / 1. p~, fe-- . . County Judll:e for Calhoun Countv. met on November 21,2005 with the Commissioners' Court. sitting as the canvassing board, to canvass the November General Election held on November 08, 2005 in Port Lavaca, Texas. I certify that the figures on the tally sheets correspond with the figures on the returns. Witness my hand this the -lL day of November 2005. 'nMdJJt~ Calhoun County J~ e Presiding Officer of Canvassing Authority 002 e e e e e e '. EARLY VOTING NOVEMBER 8, 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PROPOSITION TX. RAIL FOR 0 13 0 26 6 9 25 6 0 11 8 30 0 0 NO.1 RELOCATE AGAINST 3 24 0 21 3 19 14 9 2 8 13 15 0 3 PROPOSITION MARRIAGE MAN! NO, 2 WOMAN UNION FOR 0 34 0 42 9 22 36 16 2 20 21 44 0 3 AGAINST 3 5 0 5 1 7 4 1 0 1 3 8 0 0 PROPOSITION ECDNOMIC NO.3 DEVELOPMENT FOR 0 19 0 25 1 17 28 6 0 12 16 27 0 1 AGAINST 3 15 1 19 7 12 9 9 1 7 4 19 0 2 PROPOSITION DENIAL OF BAIL FOR 2 29 0 39 9 27 34 13 0 18 20 45 0 3 NO.4 AGAINST 1 8 0 9 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 0 0 PROPOSITION RATES OF NO.5 INTEREST FOR 0 15 0 28 4 12 22 11 0 6 13 16 0 0 AGAINST 3 19 1 18 5 16 16 4 1 14 7 30 0 3 PROPOSITION ADDITIONAL NO.6 MEMBER FOR 0 21 0 26 4 12 25 11 0 12 9 30 0 0 AGAINST 3 12 0 20 5 16 12 4 1 8 11 15 0 3 PROPOSITION LINE OF CREDIT NO.7 ADVANCES FOR 3 20 0 30 5 18 29 8 0 6 14 20 0 1 AGAINST 0 14 0 15 4 10 8 7 2 14 6 24 0 2 PROPOSITION CLEARING OF LAND NO.8 TITLES FOR 0 20 0 28 5 16 22 9 0 9 13 31 0 2 AGAINST 3 11 1 15 3 9 10 5 1 8 5 13 0 1 PROPOSITION SIX YEAR TERM OF FOR 0 10 0 20 3 10 22 7 0 6 11 21 0 1 NO.9 BOARD MEMBER AGAINST 3 22 0 24 6 16 15 8 1 13 8 22 0 2 o Q ~ -. EARLY VOTING PG,2 11/8105 EARLY VOTING ELECTION DAY GRAND 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS PROPOSITION FOR 2 39 42 10 8 1 4 17 2 11 3 273 NO.1. AGAINST. . 10 37 47 4 14 2 5 12 6 10 10 291 . . . PROPOSITION NO,2 FOR 9 76 83 12 22 2 11 26 8 17 12 527 AGAINST 3 8 13 2 0 1 0 3 0 4 2 74 PROPOSITION 8 33 41 12 12 1 7 16 1 11 5 299 NO.3 FOR 4 42 44 1 9 1 2 10 6 8 7 242 AGAINST PROPOSITON FOR 11 72 82 12 22 2 10 25 6 17 13 511 NO,4 AGAINST 1 8 10 2 0 1 0 4 2 3 0 64 PROPOSITION FOR 3 35 40 6 9 1 3 14 2 11 1 252 NO.5 AGAINST 9 44 46 . 8 13 2 7 12 5 9 10 302 PROPOSITION FOR 6 46 48 10 14 1 5 16 1 12 7 316 NO.6 AGAINST 5 27 39 2 7 1 4 11 6 8 6 226 PROPOSITION FOR 6 29 44 8 10 1 5 12 2 10 7 288 NO.7 AGAINST 5 47 44' 6 . 11 1 4 15 6 9 6 260 PROPOSITION FOR 5 44 47 7 11 0 4 14 0 10 4 301 NO.8 AGAINST 6 25 38 4 10 2 4 9 7 5 6 201 PROPOSITION FOR 2 24 49 9 9 0 3 14 1 10 0 232 NO,9 AGAINST 8 46 38 5 13 2 6 12 6 8 10 294 I o ~ ~ e e e e e e ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 8, 2005 . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PROPOSITION TX. RAIL FOR 19 35 2 25 9 20 40 20 4 12 25 87 4 8 NO.1 RELOCATE AGAINST 8 40 2 19 16 23 24 11 5 9 20 101 1 12 PROPOSITION MARRIAGE MANI NO.2 WOMAN UNION FOR 24 73 6 39 27 32 60 33 8 16 42 186 5 18 AGAINST 8 11 1 9 1 15 9 3 1 7 7 17 1 3 PROPOSITION ECONOMIC NO.3 DEVELOPMENT FOR 18 39 2 24 11 23 44 17 3 9 24 96 5 10 AGAINST 7 34 1 20 13 17 18 14 5 11 20 81 0 11 PROPOSITION DENIAL OF BAIL FOR 20 57 6 41 23 37 55 25 6 17 44 174 4 19 NO.4 AGAINST 6 18 0 5 2 6 11 7 2 4 3 21 1 2 PROPOSITION RATES OF NO.5 INTEREST FOR 13 31 1 23 6 16 31 11 5 7 23 84 2 7 AGAINST 14 41 2 22 16 25 32 19 3 13 18 104 3 13 PROPOSITION ADDITIONAL NO.6 MEMBER FOR 18 48 2 22 9 26 45 22 4 7 29 108 4 14 AGAINST 7 26 1 24 14 13 19 8 4 13 14 79 1 6 PROPOSITION LINE OF CREDIT NO.7 ADVANCES . FOR 15 42 1 28 12 19 40 19 5 11 31 106 4 13 AGAINST 11 35 1 17 11 24 25 15 4 10 14 75 1 7 PROPOSITION CLEARING OF LAND NO.8 TITLES FOR 12 45 2 26 17 24 39 16 5 14 25 104 4 5 AGAINST 11 30 1 16 . 6 15 22 14 3 6 15 61 1 12 PROPOSITION SIX YEAR TERM OF FOR 14 38 3 25 12 16 42 14 4 8 21 85 2 12 NO.9 BOARD MEMBER AGAINST 9 35 0 19 11 24 20 17 3 12 23 89 3 8 o e c.n ,,- ELECTION DAY PG,2 11/8105 ELECTION DAY EARLY VOTING GRAND 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS PROPOSITION FOR 7 68 38 35 32 1 10 23 11 90 58 683 273 956 NO, 1 AGAINST 8 61 39 27 47 2 8 22 14 100 83 702 291 993 PROPOSITION NO.2 FOR 12 127 72 60 69 2 16 45 24 217 132 1345 527 1872 AGAINST 5 17 15 11 12 1 2 2 4 22 21 205 74 279 . PROPOSITION . NO.3 FOR 8 81 46 39 28 '2 7 28 11 103 59 737 299 1036 AGAINST 7 41 31 19 48 1 11 17 . 11 75 72 . 585 242 827 PROPOSITON FOR 16 126 74 62 69 2 18 41 23 167 123 1249 511 1760 NO,4 AGAINST 0 8 9 4 8 0 0 5 4 27 19 172 64 236 PROPOSITION FOR 9 62 31 34 31 0 11 18 10 71 53 590 252 842 NO.5 AGAINST 6 60 43 28 43 2 7 25 17 115 82 753 302 1055 PROPOSITION FOR 11 80 43 40 37 1 11 24 10 101 63 779 316 1095 NO.6 AGAINST 4 43 29 23 39 1 7 20 15 77 67 554 226 780 . . PROPOSITION FOR 8 86 43 39 39 1 11 23 19 99 79 793 288 1081 NO.7 AGAINST 7 38 32 21 37 2 7 20 4 86 51 555 260 815 PROPOSITION FOR 7 77 44 42 51 2 13 25 20 93 70 782 301 1083 NO.8 AGAINST 8 41 27 18 23 0 5 13 2 75 57 482 201 683 PROPOSITION FOR 5 76 38 36 31 2 6 16 9 70 59 644 232 876 NO.9 AGAINST 9 45 34 24 41 1 12 26 15 106 66 652 294 946 o ~ cr;; e e e VOTING EOUIPMENT LEASE FOR LEASE OF NEW ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES: A.Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the voting equipment lease for the lease of the new electronic voting machines to other governmental entities be approved, with a cost of 3% of the total cost of each machine be charged. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e Voting Equipment Lease Basic Terms \)ate: Lessor: Calhoun County, Texas Lessor's Address: Calhoun County Court House , Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Lessee: City of Port Lavaca, Texas Lessee's Address: City of Port Lavaca , Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 e Equipment ( number) voting machines described as Term ( days): (number of days) Commencement Date: Termination Date: :Rent : $ Security Deposit: $ Permitted Use: election voting Clauses and Covenants A. Lessee agrees to - e 1. Lease the Equipment for the entire Term beginning on the Commencement Date and ending on the Termination Date, 2. Accept the voting equipment in its present condition "AS IS," the equipment being currently suitable for the Pennitted Use, . 00', 3, Obey (a) all applicable laws relating to the use of the voting equipment and (b) any requirements imposed by utility companies serving or insurance companies covering the Premises 4. Take reasonable care not to damage or destroy the equipment. 5. Purchase and provide at the renters own expense all ballots, software, programming and supplies necessary for the proper use of the voting machines, 6, Repair, replace, and maintain the voting equipment, nonna! wear excepted. 7. Return the voting machines to the County at the end of the lease tenn, 8. INDEMNlFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD LESSOR AND LIENHOLDER HARMLESS FROM ANY INJURY (AND ANY RESULTING OR RELATED CLAIM, ACTION, LOSS, LIABILITY, OR REASONABLE EXPENSE, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND OTHER FEES AND COURT AND OTHER COSTS) OCCURRING IN THE USE OF THESE VOTING MACHINES, THE INDEMNITY CONTAINED IN THIS PARAGRAPH (a) IS INDEPENDENT OF ANY INSURANCE, (b) WILL NOT BE LIMITED BY COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE STATUTES OR DAMAGES PAID UNDER THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT OR SIMILAR EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ACTS, (c) WILL SURVIVE THE END OF THE TERM, AND (d) WILL APPLY EVEN IF AN INJURY IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILTIY OF CALHOUN BUT WILL NOT APPLY TO THE EXTENT AN INJURY IS CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF CALHOUN COUNTY. B. Lessee agrees not to - 1. Use the equipment for any purpose other than the Pennitted Use, 2. Create a nuisance, 3. Permit anywaste, 4, Use the equipment in any way that would increase insurance premiums or void insurance on the equipment. 5, Change Lessor's equipment. 6, Alter the equipment. 7. Allow a lien to be placed on the equipment. C. Lessor agrees to - 1. Lease to Lessee the equipment for the entire T enn beginning on the Commencement e e e 008 Date and ending on the Termination Date, 2, Provide the Essential Services and instruction on the use and function of the equipment. 3, Repair, replace, and maintain the equipment as provided by the manufacture warranty on the equipment and to the extent of this warranty only, e D. Lessor agrees not to - 1, Interfere with Lessee's possession of the equipment as long as Lessee is not in defuult. 2. Interfer in any way with the election and the use of the equipment during the election ~eing held by the Lessee. E. Lessor and Lessee agree to the following: 1, Alterations. Any physical additions or improvements to the equipment made by Lessee will become the property of Lessor, Lessor may require that Lessee, at the end of the Term and at Lessee's expense, remove any physical additions and improvements, repair any alterations, and restore the equipment to the condition existing at the Commencement Date, normal wear excepted, 2, Abatement, Lessee's covenant to pay Rent and Lessor's covenants are independent. Except as otherwise provided, Lessee will not be entitled to abate Rent for any reason, 3, Insurance. Lessee and Lessor will maintain the respective PERSONAL PROPERTY insurance coverage's on equipment owned by them, being used by them or under their protection, possession or control. e 4, Release of Claims/Subrogation. LESSOR AND LESSEE RELEASE EACH OTHER AND LIENHOLDER FROM ALL CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES FOR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY WITIllN THE EQUIPMENT, AND LOSS THAT ARE COVERED BY TIIE RELEASING INSURANCE OR THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN COVERED BY THE REQUIRED INSURANCE IF THE PARTY FAILS TO MAINTAIN TIIE PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGES REQUIRED BY THIS LEASE. THE PARTY INCURRING THE DAMAGE OR LOSS WILL BE RESPONSffiLE FOR ANY DEDUCTIBLE OR SELF-INSURED RETENTION UNDER ITS PROPERTY INSURANCE, LESSOR AND LESSEE WILL NOTIFY THE ISSUING PROPERTY INSURANCE COMPANIES OF THE RELEASE SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH AND WILL HAVE THE PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE POLICIES ENDORSED, IF NECESSARY, TO PREVENT !NY ALIDATION OF COVERAGE. THIS RELEASEWIT.LNOT APPLY IF IT !NY ALIDATES THE PROPERTY INSURANCE COVERAGE OF THE RELEASING PARTY, THE RELEASE IN THIS PARAGRAPH Wll.L APPLY EVEN IF THE DAMAGE OR LOSS IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABll.ITY OF THE RELEASED PARTY BUT Wll.L NOT e 009 , APPLY TO THE EXTENT THE DAMAGE OR LOSS IS CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGUGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF THE RELEASED PARTY. 5. Alternative Dispute Resolution, Lessor and Lessee agree to mediate in good faith before filing a suit for damages, 6. Attomey'sFees. If either party retains an attorney to enforce this lease, the party prevailing in litigation is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and other fees and court and other costs. 7. Venue, Exclusive venue is in the county in which the Premises are located. 8. Entire Agreement, This lease is the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no oral representations, warranties, agreements, or promises pertaining to this lease or to any expressly mentioned exhibits and riders not incorporated in writing in this lease. 9. Amendment of Lease. This lease may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by Lessor and Lessee. 10. Limitation of Warranties. THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF ANY OTHER KIND ARISING OUT OF THIS LEASE, AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND 1HOSE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LEASE, I I. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this lease must be in writing, Any notice required by this lease will be deemed to be delivered (whether actually received or not) when deposited with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed to the intended recipient at the address shown in this lease. Notice may also be given by regular mail, personal delivery, courier delivery, facsimile transmission, or other commercially reasonable means and will be effective when actually received. Any address for notice may be changed by written notice delivered as provided herein, Calhoun County Texas Michael Pfiefer, County Judge City of Port Lavaca Texas Gary Broz, City Manager 010 e e e CALHOUN COU.. TEXAS - BID TABULATION FOOD SERVICE. CALHOUN COUNTY ADUL T DETENTION CENTER PERIOD OF CONTRACT: DECEMBER 5, 2005 THRU DECEMBER 5, 2006 e BEST PRICE _SAME PRICE WHEN SAME QUANTITY 'WHEN NO SIZE L1STED,GAVE TO COMPANY THAT LISTED SIZE. PFG BEN E KEITH FOODS o ~ ~~' IOESCRIPTION 10TAL APPROX: 'v' ~d n~ SIZE QTY, COST COST DESCRIPTION SIZE QTY COST COST FROZEN, GROUND BEEF80/20 B/10LB 1000LBS 1.59lB $1,590.00 FROZEN, GROUND BEEF80/2Q 8/10 LB 1000lSS 145lB__ $1,45000 --- FROZEN, BEEF BRISKET 1178LB 1000 Las 1.31 LB 1,310.00 FROZEN, BEEF BRISKET ~-~-.- ~~lBS __ ~- 140000 =---==,,~ ( -------- -- - -- FROZEN, BEEF SHOULDER CLOD 1f70la 100DlBS 1.BaLS 1,680,00 FROZEN, BEEF SHOULDER CLOD 4/18-20 LB 1000 LBS 225lB 2,25000 f--- - FROZEN, CUBEO BEEF, STEW MEAT 215lB 1000LSS 2.19lB '--. 2,190.00 FROZEN, CUBED BEEF, STEW MEAT 10lB 1000 lBS 270lB 269900 1,228,32 1,220.00 FROZEN; CHICKEN, WHOLE 1213LB 1000LBS .86LB 860.00 FROZEN, CHICKEN, WHOLE 1212.5-2,75 1000LBS .89LB 890.00 FROZEN, CHICKEN, BREASTS 4/10LB 1000Les 1.47 La 1,470,00 FROZEN, CHICKEN, BREASTS 4/10LB 1000LBS 1.42LS 1,415.00 --- FROZEN, CHICKEN, PULLED MEAT 1/10LB 1000Les 2.72LS 2,719.00 FROZEN, CHICKEN. PULLED MEAT 1/10LB 1000LBS 3,10LB 3,098.00 BACON, RAW, SLICED, BULK 1/30 600LBS 1.03lE'l 619.20 BACON, RAW, SLICED, BULK 1130 600LBS 1.30LB 7n.00 HAM, PRECOOKED, BUFFET STYLE 2110 500LBS 1.71 U3 8~~ HAM, PRECOOKEO, BUFFET STYLE 2110-12 LB 500LBS 1.69LS 845.00 l:iAUSAGE, t'UI<K, OV"V, SAU~ORl\,GROlrNl), BREAKfAST 215LB 500lBS 1.88lB 934.50 BREAKFAST 215lB 500lBS 2.l0la 1,096.50 .---- SAUSAGE, PORT, LINK, BREAKFAST 160/10Z 500lBS 2.01 la 1,009.50 SAUSAGE, PORT, lINK. BREAKFA$T 16110QZ 500LBS 2.89lB 1,444.50 --- CATFISH, NUGGETS, BREADED 1/10lB 1000lBS 1.21 La 1,210,00 CATFISH, NUGGETS. BREADED 1I10lB 1000lBS 1.50lB 1,497.00 FISH PATTY, BREADED, CORNMEAL 40/40Z 1000lBS 1.59 LB 1,590.00 FISH PATIY, BREADED, CORN~~ 10.LB 1000lBS 2.50LB 2,497.00 TURKEY, GROUND 2110 lB 400lBS .70 LB 280.00 TURKEY, GROUND 10lB 400lBS 1.30lB 519.20 TURKEY HAM, SLICED OR WHOLE 315lB 200lBS 1.03lS 206.00 TURKEY HAM. SLICED OR WHOLE 217-8.5 LB 200lBS 1.29lB 258.00 tViJJBURGER;"""PAl'T'i";-CR};RBRUJ[l:U, HAMHUHl,;;l:.K, t'Ar I Y, l,;HftJmROT[l:.U, T040Z 9012.50l 400lBS 1.98lB 792.00 T040Z 90130Z 400 lBS U7lB 717.36 HAMBURGf:R, PATIY, 3 TO" OZ 40/40Z 400lBS 1.54lB 616.00 HAMBURGER, PATIY, 3 TO 4 OZ 10lB 400 lBS UOlB 560.00 CHOPPED SEEF, BSQ SAUCE, 5--25# 615LB-=30LB 500lBS 1.50 LB 750.00 CHOPPED BEEF, BBa SAUCE, 5-25# AISLB 500LBS 1.99lB 994.75 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK FINGERS, 1 OZ 1WJ10Z 100 LBS 1.61 LB 161.00 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK FINGERS, 1 OZ 160/1 OZ -100LBS 2,10lB 209,80 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK, PEPPERED 4013.880Z 1000 EACH .40 EACH 400.00 CHICKEN FRIEO STEAK, PEPPERED 40/40Z 1000 EACH .73 EACH 723.75 om CHARBRmn Ml:.A1 t1Allt;, A(LBEEF .50Z 3201.50Z 400lBS 1.93LB 772.00 50Z 3201.502 400lBS 2.20lB 879.60 PORK PATTY, 4-5 OZ 4013.750Z 1000 EACH .37 EACH 370.00 ~:ATIY,4-50Z 40/3.750Z 1000 EACH .48 EACH 474.50 Vl:.Alt"AKMt:~IIY, ~Nt'AIIY,t;l:.ASORED~ 50Z 120140Z 1000 EACH .32 EACH 320.00 50Z 120140l 1000 EACH .58 EACH 574.50 HOTDOGS, All BEEF. 1011 1/10lB 500LBS . 1.67lB 835,00 HOTDOGS, All BEEF, 10/1 80120l 500 lBS 2.20LB 1,098.50 CORNDOGS, 3-40Z 48140Z 600 EACH .23 EACH 138.00 CORNDOGS, 3-4 OZ 48/40Z 600 EACH AOEACH 246.87 CHICKENfTlJRKEY HOmOY, 1011 415lB 500lBS .85lB 425.00 CHICKENfTURKEYHOTDOY, 1011 10lB SOOlBS 1.1SLB 57Q,50 BURRITO, BEEF & BEAN, 3-6 OZ 72140Z 1000 EACH .24 EACH 240.00 BURRITO, BEEF & BEAN, 3-6 OZ 72140Z 1000 EACH .32 EACH 320.4$ l;HIt:II.l:.N I I::NUl:.HliINUI,;;l,;;l:. I t;. ALL ,AC' MEAT 215lB 500lBS 1.55lB 775.00 MEAl 20lB 5CQlBS 1.30lB 649:50 CHICKEN PATIY, SEASONED,ALL CHICKEN PATIY, SEASONED, ALL MEAT 10013.30Z 500 EACH .25 EACH 125.00 MEAT B0130Z 500 EACH .30 EACH 161.73 SALAMI, BULK OR SLICED, 10# 216lB 200lBS 1.41lB 282.00 SALAMI, BULK OR SLICED, 10# 10 LB 200LBS 1,90LB 379.60 "PORI\, ::iAUSAAl,;;I::;l'1i.TTY , ", BREAKfAST, 1-2 OZ 160/10Z 500lBS 2.15lB 1,075.00 BREAKFAST, 1-2 OZ BLa 500LBS 1.B5lB 931.77 ~~~, , r,r, BREAKfAST, 1-2 OZ 4B6/1 OZ 500laS 1.20LB 600.00 BREAKFAST, 1-2 OZ 12811.250Z 500lBS 2.70LB 1,348.50 BISCUITS. FROZEN 60-100 CT 60f20Z 1440 EACH 6.09160 CT 146.16 BISCUITS, FROZEN 60-100 CT 60120Z 1440 EACH 13.95160CT 334.80 MUFFINS Co.RNBREAD 4f28CT 1440 EACH 21.0914-2BCT 271.22 MUFFINS CORNBREAD 7212.50l 1440 EACH 29.98172CT 599.60 MUFFINS, ASSORTED, FRUIT 1216CT 720 EACH 14.89/12-6 CT 148.90 MUFFINS, ASSORTED, FRUIT 48/40Z 720 EACH 32.97/48 CT 494,55 ~co e ~St:f;t:o '0 '" !!!. ctl (I) 3: ~ (O''-'C'''O 0 Lf) -'aa:g " ~~ O':J st < ~:; v;' [~~iJ( ~ i>' 3 3 -.... Ql :J,..,.Wo. '" -n0<(tl ~ ~ !!!._. C'" st o"'lil'< v;' ~~Vlg c: ::T0'3 3 C1> ~ 3 m !'> 8 g:-, " C1> ~ q -. ",gg ~-C1> .5""" g"D> ,,!!!. '" 3 g=' 3,,@ -"'" ~'<" 0>0- " 0. ~ C1> C Ul", Gll?" '" 0. <~C1> '" 0. ""CT .. !:!:-< lij'gg a&'3 @~;l, ;, ~ {g. ". 6" 0 It " n '0 C1> :rCR~ "'t - " " -, tJ 5.~ a Vlc.@" ~"'~ "".1:: 8' ~ :f w 0.0:; -l ,-,:1. w " N ~ :z: 0.C1>0. m '" C1> Page 1 of6 28,993,80 35,637.84 e IDESCRIPTION A"""VA, 'VOAL ~rr", 10TAL SIZE OTY, COST COST DESCRIPTION SIZE OTY. COST COST , "'''''' ~^', , 'HAW'~^, 1-20Z 1/192CT 1440 EACH 18.37/192CT 146.96 1.20Z 6/20CT 1440 EACH n ~~~~~~~~_~ ~!___ 1,069,20 -I, ___n.... ---- ---- --- --''''- WAFFLES, RTS, 1-2 OZ, 144 COUNT 144/10Z 100 CASES 10.89 EA CASE 1,089.00 WAFFLES, RTS, 1.2 OZ. 144 COUNT 144/10l 100 CASES 14.29 1,429.00 -~--~-- .- PANCAKE MJX 1/25lB 200lBS 11.92/25LBS 9-5.38 PANCAKE MIX G/SLS 200LSS 14.88/6-5LB 104.16 .._~--,,-----,,-- ----- ~--- -- ------- - u. .--.-....--.---- .. PANCAKES, RTS, 4.5" 12/12CT 100 CASES 10.99/12-12 CT 1,099.00 PANCAKES, RTS, 4.5" 144 CT 100 CASES 16.98/144 CT .._,~.~~98.~~ BREAKFAST TACOS, HEAT&SERVE 90/2.250l 1440 EACH 18,10/90CT 289.60 BREAKFAST TACOS, HEAT&SERVE 3/30CT 1440 EACH 15.9713-30 CT ._.._.__~5~!3 POTATOES, DICED, HASHBROWNS 6/eLD 500 LBS 25.10/6-8 LBS 351.40 POTATOES, DICED, HASH8ROWNS 4/5lB 500 LBS 12.95/4-5 LB 323.75 llOTATOES;TRENCH-FKIt.::>, l.iKINI\lt. --------- PUIAIUf:S, f-RERCHTRlt:::>, \jKINl\.lt: --- CUT,5# 6/5LB 1000 LBS 11.99/6-5LBS 407.66 CUT,5# 6/5LB 1000 LBS 11.98/6-5LO ___~~2 ----- POTATOES, TATER TOTS, 5# 6/5 LB 500 LOS 17.98/6-5LBS 305.66 POTATOES, TATER TOTS,5#- 6/5 LB SOOLBS 15.9916-5 LOS 271.83 COOKIE DOUGH, BAKE & SERVE 320/1 OZ 100LBS 25.501320-1 OZ 127.50 COOKIE DOUGH, BAKE & SERVE 4781.67 OZ 100 Las 26.99/478 134.95 MIXED VEGETABLES, FROZEN, 10# 1/20 LB 1000 LBS 13.12/20LBS 656.00 MIXED VEGETABLES, FROZEN, 10# 1/20LB 1000 LBS 12.99/20 LO 649.50 _CORN, YELLOW, FROZEN, 10# 1/2DlB 1000 lBS 13.13/20 LBS 656.50 CORN, YEllOW, FROZEN, 10# 1120 La 1000 LBS 12.99/20 LB 649.50 - BROCCOLI, CUT, FROZEN, GRADE A 1/20LB 300 LBS 13.09i20 LBS 196.35 BROCCOLI, CUT, FROZEN, GRADE A 1/20 LB 300 LBS 12.99I2-LB 194.85 CAULIFLOWER, CUT FROZEN 12/2LB 300 LBS 20.01112-2 LBS 260.13 CAULIFLOWER, CUT FROZEN 1/20 LB 300 LBS 18.99120 LB 284.85 ZUCHINNI, SLICED, FROZEN 1/20 LB 300 L8S 11.89/20LBS 178.35 ZUCHINNI, SLICED, FROZEN 12/2 LB 300LBS 17.99/12-2 LB 233.87 v'~~"'>l:;"'UI\.-l:,r- Vl'V\~\;ll: ,",VI\.-l:, rI'\VL.l:'~, Int\vv 110: - SERVE; 4-8 OZ 70140Z 10 CASES 9.38170-40Z 93.80 SERVE, 4-8 OZ 70/40Z 10 CASES 9.99170-4 OZ 99.90 EGGS, WHOLE, FRESH, 15-30 DZiCASE 15DOZ 200 DOZEN 10.09115 DOl 141.26 EGGS, WHOLE, FRESH, 15-30 DZlCASE 15DOZ 200 DOZEN 10.98/15DOZ 153.72 EGGS, SCRAMBLED, BAGGED, 5# 6/5LB 2000 SERV 32.90/6-5LB 1,118.60 EGGS, SCRAMBLED, BAGGED, 5# 6/5LB 2000 SERV 30.9816-5 LB 1,053.32 CHEESE, CHEDDAR, SHREDDED, 5# 4/5LO 500 LOS 21.65/4-5LB 541.25 CHE~SE,CHEDDAR,SHREDDED,5# 4/5lB 500 lBS 45.97/4-5 LB 1,149.25 CHEESE, AMERICAN, SLICED,5#- 4/5 LB 500 LBS 31.70/4-5 LB 792.50 CHEESE, AMERICAN, SlICED,5# 6/5lB 500 LBS 64.18816-5 LB 1,102.96 OL~O, SOUDS, 3011# 3011# 500 LBS 11.80130.1# 200.60 OLEO, SOLIDS, 30/1# 30/1# 500 LBS 11.97130-1lB 203.49 OLEO, WHIPPED, CUPS, PC'S 5GM 1/900CT 500LBS 17.53/900CT 981.68 OLEO, WHIPPED, CUPS, PC'S 5GM 11900CT 500 LBS 13.991900 CT 783.44 MA.YONNAISE, GAL 4/1-GAL 10 GAL 15.99/4-1 GAL 47.70 MAYONNAISE, GAL 4(1..GAL 10 GAL 15.7614-1 GAL 47.28 APPLES,100-150/CASE 138CT 500 LBS 23.80/138 CT 357.00 APPLES, 100-1SOICASE 138CT 500 LBS 29.76/138 CT 446.40 ORANGES, 100-15O/CASE 138CT 500 LBS 17.20/138CT 258.00 ORANGES,100-1501CASE 138CT 500 lBS 18.99/138 CT 284.85 BANANAS, FRESH, 15-30 DZlCASE 40LBS 500 LBS 16.20140 LBS 210.60 BANANA.S, FRESH, 15-30 DZlCASE 40 lBS 500 LBS 15.99140LB 207.87 CARROTS, BULK, 25# 25 lBS 250 LBS 13.80125 LBS 138.00 CARROTS, BULK, 25# 50LBS 250 LBS 14.97/50 LB 74.85 PEPPERS, BELL, GREEN 25 LBS 200 LBS 15.99125 LBS 127.92 PEPPERS, OELl, GREEN 30 Las 200 LBS 16.99130 lOS 118.93 lElTUCE, CASE 1/24CT 300 Las 17.80124 CT 124.60 LETTUCE, CASE 48 Las 300 LBS 15.98/48 LBS 111.88 LmUCE, PRECUT, SHREDDED, 5# 4/5 LOS 300 LBS 14.7014-5LBS 220.50 LETTUCE, PRECllT, SHREDDED, 5# 4/5 Las 300L8S 10.99/4-5 LB 164.85 ONIONS, YELLOW, 50# 50 Las 200 LBS 11.25/50 lBS 45.00 ONIONS, YELLOW, 50# 50 LBS 200 LBS 13.99/50 LBS 55.96 POTATOES, RUSSET, 501 50 LBS 1000 LBS 12.90/50 LBS 258.00 POTATOES, RUSSET, 50# 50 Las 1000 LBS 10,99150 LBS 219.80 TOMATOES, WHOLE, FRESH, 25# 25 LOS 500 LBS 9.30/25 lBS 188.00 TOMATOES, WHOLE, FRESH, 25# 25 LBS 500 LOS 11.97125 Las 239.40 CELERY, STAlK, WHOLE aCT 100 LBS 5.7018 CT 96,90 CELERY, STALK, WHOLE 36CT 100 Las 18.98136 CT '",94 POTATOES, RED, WHOLE, SMALL, 501 50 LBS 200 LBS 18.80(50 lBS 75.20 POTATOES, RED, WHOLE, SMAlL, 50# 50 LBS 200 LBS 19.99/50 LBS 79.98 MILK, WHITE, 2%, 112 PINT 50/.5 20,000 EACH 16.00/50 CT 6,400.00 MILK, WHITE, 2%, 112 PINT 25/112 PINT 2(1,000 EACH 5.99125 CT 4,792.00 MilK, CHOCOLATE, WHOLE, 112 PINT 16/.5 20,000 EACH 8.08116 CT 7,600.00 MilK, CHOCOLATE, WHOLE, 1/2 PINT 181.5 20,000 EACH 6.08116 CT 4,792.00 MILK, WHITE, WHOLE, GAlLON 4/1..GAL 25 GALLONS 13.86/4-1 GAL 97.02 MilK, WHITE, WHOLE, GAllON 4/1-GAL 25 GALLONS 12.99/4-1 GAL 90.93 BREAD, WHITE, SLICED, SANDWICH 117CT 1000 LOAVES 8.77/1-7CT 1,254.11 BREAD, WHITE, SLICED, SANDWICH 8/240Z 1000 lOAVES 7.9818-240Z 997.50 TORTILLAS, FLOUR, 6 INCH, 50 CT 18120CT 5000 EACH 13.70/18-20 CT 191.80 TORTILLAS, FLOUR, 6 INCH, 50 CT 12124CT 5000 EACH 16.97/12-24'CT 305.46 APPlESAUCE,6I10 6110 120 CANS 18.0216-10 360.40 APPLESAUCE, 6/10 6110 120 CANS 18.9816-10 339.60 APPLE SLICES, 6110 8/10 120 CANS 23.89/6-10 477.80 APPLE SLICES, 6110 16110 1120 CANS 21.5916-10 I 431.80 PFG e BEN E KEITH FOODS e N <rl o 28,255.71 Page 2 of6 28,110.62 PFG mv 'V'AL DESCRIPTION SIZE QTY. COST COST REAL FRUIT PIE FILLING. 6/10 6/10 60 CANS 33.09/6-10 330.90 FRUIT COCKTAIL, 6/10 6/10 60 CANS 24.99/6-10 '249.90 CRANBERRY SAUCE, JELLlED,6Il0 6/10 30 CANS 35.57/6-10 177.85 ~:-saCEIl:lfITTGHTSYRUP-.- 6110 6/10 120 CANS 21.90/6-10 438.00 PEARS, SLICED, IN LIGHT SYRUP, 6110 6/10 120 CANS 23.7016-10 474.00 BAKED BEANS, 6/10 6/10 120 CANS 24.80/6-10 496.00 CREAM CORN, 6110 6110 120 CANS 23.30/6-10 460.00 WHOlE KERNAl CORN, 6/10 6/10 120 CANS 19.80/6-10 396.00 CARROTS, SLICED, 6110 6110 120 CANS 1~.39/6-10 327.80 NEW POTATOES, WHOLE, SMAll, 6/10 6/10 120 CANS 22.69/6-10 453.80 SQUASH, YEllOW, SLICED, 6/10 6/10 120 CANS 22,09/6-10 441.80 SPINACH, CHOPPED, 6110 6/10 120 CANS 19.9916-10 399.80 SWEETPOTATOESlYAMS, CUT, 6/10 6/10 60 CANS 21.99/&-10 219.90 GREEN BEANS, CUT, 6110 6/10 240 CANS 14.9916-10 599.80 PORK & BEANS, 6110 6/10 60 CANS 17.09/6-10 170.90 BLACK EYED PEAS, 6/10 6110 120 CANS 18,33/6-10 366.60 SWEET PEAS, 6110 6/10 120 CANS 25,39/6-10 507.80 JALAPENO PEPPERS, SLICED, 6110 6/10 30 CANS 17,81/6-10 89.05 TOMATO SAUCE, 6/10 6110 60 CANS 14.39/6-10 143.90 TOMATOPASTE,6110 6/10 30 CANS 21.80/6-10 109.00 TOMATOES, DICED, 6110 6/10 60 CANS 14.89/6-10 148.90 TOMATOES W/GREEN CHILES,6/10 ~2128 OZ __ 60 CANS 20.39/12-280Z -f--_101.95 MUSHROOMS, STEMS & PIECES 6/10 30 CANS 25.99{6-1~"_ 129.95 TOMATO KETCHUP, 6/10 8/10 60 CANS . 17.00/6-~_.__+----_~?~E MIXED VEGETABLES. 6110 6/10 120 CANS ~10 373.80 PICKLE SLICES, DILL, WAFFLE CUT 1/5 GAL 5 PAILS 12.48/1.5 GAL 62.40 PICKLE, SPEARS, DILL 115 GAL 5 GALLONS 22.99/1-5 GAL 22.99 PICKLE, RELISH, DILL 411-GAl 5 GALLONS 1Q.39f4-1 GAL 20.78 COLESLAW DRESSING MIX, 4/1 GAL 4/1-GAL 5 CASES 25.80/4-1 GAL ~~ WORCHESTER SAUCE, 8 OZ 4/1-GAL 1 CASE 23.30/4-1 GAL 93.20 ITALIAN ORESSING,12 OZ 4/1-GAL 1 CASE 22.80/4-1 GAL 91.20 ~OY SAUCE. 12 ~_____ .___ .!!~__GAL __ 1 CASE __ ~E/1-~~_~ __..__~9.00 ~Ba S.AUCE-,--~ GAL~~__~ ~~~~~____ ~GA!:.~~ 2~~~4.' G!-~ _----.!-01.95 OIL, VEGETABLE,S GALLON 1/35 lB 200 GAL 16,80/1-35 lBS ___ ___~~:..~~ ?_~~~A..r:-~~_____ ___ ~!~~_.__ ~~~~__ 19.80/1-35lBS 495,00 9!:: ?~.I~~~l~.~~ _ ___._ _. ___ ~~~ GAL ____1_1.0 _G_~_~___ 17.80~1..:_1_GAl j--.__ ..~7~.OO SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE, 12150 oz 12/500Z 60 CANS 33.10/12.500Z 165.50 __.m._ _,.. _ . ____ _,_u____, __,_" '___ _. ,.___ SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE, 24n,5 02 2417.50Z 72 CANS 15,80/24-7,50l 47.40 SOUP;'CREAMOF MUSHROOM: 1'E!SQ -------- f:~ -----,-.. ---- - _.,,_n -- - .----- OZ 12/~~~ OZ _ ~~ ~!-NS ___.~_2!~~]_?::'5_~?_ ___ _1_~_9~ SOllP~-CREAM-OF-CHICKEN,- --. ~~f0~~^-~.~~:E.- 6110__~..' -'-~_ .-'- ~:i~:~?==]~~~~~------- J;:;i,:~;:~~- --_.._~::::~ 10,525.47 e BEN E KEITH FOODS SIZE "CCny DESCRIPTION QTY. REAl FRUIT PIE FILLING, 6110 6110 60 CANS FRUIT COCKTAIL, 6110 6110 . 60 CANS CRANBERRY SAUCE, JELlIED,6110 8/10 30 CANS ,0"'"0", '" ",un, .'""r, 6110 6/10 120 CANS PEARS, SLICED, IN LIGHT SYRUP, 6110 6110 120 CANS BAKED BEMIS, 6110 6110 120 CANS CREAM CORN, 6110 6110 120 CANS WHOLE ~RNAl CORN, 6110 6110 120 CANS CARROTS, SLICED, 6110 6110 120 CANS NEW POTATOES, WHOLE, SMALL, 6110 8/10 120 CANS SQUASH, YELLOW, SLICED, 6110 6110 120 CANS SPINACH. CHOPPED, 6110 6/10 120 CANS SWEET POTATOESlYAMS, CUT, 6/10 6110 60 CANS GREEN BEANS, CUT, 6110 6/10 240 CANS PORK& BEANS. 6110 6/10 60 CANS BLACK EYED PEAS, 6110 6110 120 CANS SWEET PEAS, 6110 6110 120 CANS JALAPENO PEPPERS. SUCED, 6110 6110 30 CANS TOMATO SAUCE, 6110 6/10 60 CANS TOMATO PASTE, 6110 6110 30 CANS -c-- TOMATOES, DICED, 6110 6/10 60 CANS TOMATOES WIGREEN CHILES,6/10 12/280Z 60 CANS MUSHROOMS, STEMS & PIECES 6110 30 CANS TOMATO KETCHUP, 6110 6110 60 CANS MIXED VEGETABLES, 6110 6110 120 CANS PICKLE SLICES. DILL, WAFFLE CUT 115 GAL PICKlE, SPEARS, DILL 115 GAL PICKlE, RELISH, DILL 4/1-GAL -- ~WDRES~INGMIX,4/1 ~ ~~_ WORCHESTER SAUCE, 6 oz 12/50Z ------..------------ ---. ~ALIAN ~~~SIN3~_12 oz _'-___~_ SOY SAUCE, 120Z 1I1-GAL BBO SAUCE, 411 GALLON 4/1-GAL OIL, VEGETABLE,S GAllON 1I35LB OIL, CANOLA, 5 GALLON 1I35LB OIL, OLIVE, 1 GALLON 111 GAL SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE. 12/50 OZ 121500Z SOUP. CHICKEN NOODLE, 2417.5 OZ 2417,50Z 1soUP;1:REAM'OF MUSARUOM;127..- OZ 12150.5 OZ 1::;~~f',l,;K~ UI- -l,;HIl,;Kt:N, 12/500Z 5 PAILS 5 GALLONS 5 GALLONS 5 CASES 1 CASE 1 CASE 1 CASE 20 GALLONS 200 GAL 200 GAL 10 GAL 60 CANS 72 CANS 60 CANS ENCHILADA SAUCE, 6110 12150,50Z 60 CANS ~/13 8 O~_~~ CANS Page 3 of 6 e 'V,n. COST COST 25.9816-10 259.60 22.96/6-10 229.60 31.9816-10 159.90 16.9716-10 379.40 22.7916-10 455.80 22,9416-10 458.80 19.9816-10 399.60 16.9516-10 339.00 16.9216-10 338.40 17.7916-10 355.80 27.9816-10 559.80 28.69/6-10 373.80 20.9816-10 209.80 15.98/6-10 639.20 13.9616-10 139.60 17.94/6-10 358.80 19.8816-10 397.60 19.99/6-10 99.95 12.9516--10 129.50 21.97/6-10 109.85 14.97/6-10 149.70 19.59/12-280Z 97,95 25.9816-10 129.90 14.9816-tO 149.80 17.98/6-10 359.60 12.99/1-5 GAL 64.99 22.98/1.5 GAL -"'- 22.98 15.98/4-1 GAL 31.96 -- 25.98/4-1 GAL I-----~~ 11,99/12/50Z 143.88 p RfCE FIGUREO ON <4 GALLONS -------~ 14,59/12-80Z !..~2p RIC€ FIGURED ON (GALLONS 9.99/12-50Z 119.88 p RICE fiGURED ON (GALLONS -._- 19.95/4-1 GAL 99,75 13.98/1.35LBS 349.75 19.99/1-35lBS 499.75 55,99/6-1 GAL 111.98 - -. 31,97/12-500Z 159.85 13,95/24-7.50Z 41.85 ,,- - - 35.97/12-500Z 179.85 ----- 35.97/12-500Z 179.85 ---_._--- 21,97/4-1380Z 505.31 10,038,80 C"':l M o e e PFG e DESCRIPTION SIZE A.PPROX. afr. COST TOTAL COST CHEESE SAUCE,MIX, 4# PACKS 8/320Z 10 CASES 38.00/8-320Z 380.00 ..- PEPPER GRAVY MIX 8/320Z 12 CASES 11.90/8-320Z 142.80 "-.---..---..------.------,- u BROWN GRAVY MIX 6/130Z 12 CASES 15.80/6-130Z 189.60 CORNBREAD MIX, 5# BAGS 615 LB 200 LBS 17.99/6-5 LBS 125.93 ""." ---- QUICK OATS, 50# 50 LBS 600 LBS 16.BO/50 LBS 201.60 GRITS, INSTANT, 50# 50 LBS aOOlBS 16.80/50 LBS 201.60 --..- CAKE MIX, WHITE/SPICE, 6/5# 6/5l0S 120 LBS 16.70/6-5 LBS 74.80 --- CAKE MIX, CHOCO~TE. 615# 6/5 LBS 120 LBS 20.4016-5 LBS 6~:~O BROWNIE MIX, CHOCOLATE, 6/5# 615lBS 240 LBS 19.9916-5lBS 159.92 RAISINS, BULK, 2# 1130 LBS 20lBS 38.00/1-30 LBS 38.00 CREAMER, NON-DAIRY, 12/16 OZ 24/120Z 10 CASES 16.98/24-120l 189.90 ,",.0/1-1000 CREAMER, NON.DAIRY, PC'S 1/1000 CT 10 CASES cr 159.00 PASTA, ELBOW NOODLES, BULK 20 LBS 2{)OLBS 9.39/20 LBS ..~ PASTA, SPAGHETTI NOODLES, BULK 20 LBS 200 LBS 8.90120 LBS 89.00 PASTA, EGG NOODLES, BULK 10LBS 200 LBS 9.39/10 LBS 187.80 SUGAR, GRANULATED, 50# 50 LBS 1500 LBS 23.00/50 LBS 690.00 SUGAR, BROWN, 25# 50 LBS 100LBS 24.80/50 Les 49.60 lmm;-GENERAL~PURPOSE;WHITE, 50# 50 LBS 1000 LBS 8.99/50 LBS 179.80 RICE, WHITE, CONVERTED, 50# 50 LBS 500 LBS 11.89/50 LBS 118.90 BEANS, PINTO, DRIED, CLEANED, 50# 50 LBS 1000 LBS 21.00/50 LBS 420.00 CRACKERS, SALTINE, BULK 1/8LBS 200 LBS 16.99/1~8 LBS _ 424.75 POTATO CHIPS, RUFFLES, BULK 6120 OZ 200 LBS '2.4OI5-200Z 334.80 CORN CHIPS, FRtTOS, BULK 8/1 LB 200 LBS 11.90/a..1 LB 297.50 TORTILLA CHIPS, BULK 612 LBS 200 LBS 14.39/6-2LB 244.63 CEREAL, DRY, ASSORTED FLAVORS, '.......m. INDIVIDUAl SERVE 4811.1250Z 3000 EACH OZ 503.37 MUSTARD, SALAD, 4/1 GALLON 4/1 GAL 3 CASES 8.99/4-1 GAL 26.97 TEA BAGS, 2413 OZ 24/30Z 1 CASE 20.90/24-3 OZ 209.00 6f140Z 6/160Z 10 CASES 18.9016-180Z 189.00 WHITE VINEGAR, 4/1 GAL 611 GAL 3 CASES 8.8016-1 GAL 26.<40 LEMON JUICE, 411 GAl 411 GAL 2 CASES 17.20/4-1 GAL 34.40 TUNA FISH, 64 OZ 6166.50Z 20 CANS 36.09/6-66.5 OZ 144.36 PUDDING, ASSORTED FLAVORS, 6/10 6/10 10 CASES 18.80/6-10 188.00 DRINK BOX, ASST FRUIT FLAVORS 3110 PACK 10,000 SERVE 9.7013-10 PACK 3,239.80 PEANUT BUTTER, 5# 615LBS 100 LBS 23.30J6.5 LBS 93.20 SALT, BULK, 25# 25 LaS 500 Les 4.99/25 LBS 99.80 BEANS, DRIED, LIMA, 501# 20 Las 500 LBS 15.89/20 LBS 397.25 LEMON PEPPER SEASONING, 4/1 GAL 7 LBS 2 CASES 28.80/7 LBS 57.60 CREAM OF WHEAT, INSTANT, 25# 121280Z 350 LBS 38.90112~28 OZ 661.30 JELLO, INSTANT, ASST FLAVORS 121240Z 200 LBS 12.88/12-240Z 154.56 293.00 11,393.44 BEN E KEITH FOODS e DESCRIPTION SIZE APPROX. QTY. COST TOTAL COST CHEESE SAUCE,MIX, 4# PACKS 6/290Z 10 CASES 31.99/6-290.2. 319.90 --.".--------------- - ,-"--- ----- -_.-.-------- I PEPPER GRAVY MIX 6/240Z 12 CASES 11.59/6-240.2. 139.08 BROWN GRAVY MIX 6/130Z 12 CASES 14.2616-130Z 171.12 --~- ----.--.-- -----------. -------- ---------- ---- CORNBREAD MIX, 51 BAGS 6/5LB 200 Les 20.95/6-5 L5S 146.65 ------------ --.---...-.- ....~---- ....-. .-,....-..-- -.. .--. CUICK OATS, 50# 50LBS 600 LBS 16.98/50 LBS 254.70 ---~.~--"._----_._- --------.. -~._-_.,.- --,_..._------- . .._,"------"_._'.. GRITS, INSTANT, 50# 8/5 LBS 600LBS 18.94/8-5LB 284.10 --~---- .----- ---.- ---_.._~---- -. -- -- CAKE MIX, WHITE/SPICE, 5151 615LBS .~~LBS__ 18.93/6-5 LBS ___ __.!_5~~ --------~,. .,_._-".---~ ------.- CAKE MIX, CHOCOLATE, 6151 6/5 LBS 120LBS 28.98/6-5 LBS ---~~ 8ROWNIE MIX, CHOCOLATE, 5/5# 615lBS ~~o l~_~___ 31.8216-5LB8 254.56 -- RAISINS, BULK, 2# 24f150l 20 LBS 31.90/24-150l 31.90 CREAMER, NON-DAIRY, 12/16 OZ 24/120Z 10 CASES 24.90/24-120Z 249.00 13,96'HOUQ CREAMER, NON.DAIRY, PC'S 1/1000CT 10 CASES cr 139.60 PASTA, ELBOW NOODLES, BULK 20 LBS 200 Les 10.66/20 LBS 106.60 -~ PASTA, SPAGHETTI NOODLES, BULK 20 Les 200 LBS 8.60/20 LOS 86.00 PASTA, EGG NOODLES, BULK 10 LBS 200 LBS 7.67/10 LBS 153.40 SUGAR, GRANULATED, 50# 50 LBS 1500 Les 19.89/50 LBS 596.70 SUGAR, BROWN, 25# ~ 50 LBS 100 LBS 23.90/50 LOS 47.80 m. 6.76/50 lBS 50# 50 LBS 1 000 LBS 135.20 RICE, WHITE, CONVERTED, 50# 50 LBS 500 LBS 26.07/50 Les 260.70 BEANS, PINTO, DRIED, CLEANED, 50# 50 LBS 1000 LBS 29.92/50 LBS 598.40 CRACKERS, SALTINE, BULK - 24 SLEEVE 200 LBS 11.69-2~ SLEEVE 292.25 POTATO CHIPS, RUFFLES, BULK 611lB 200 Las 9.89/6 -1lB 336.26 CORN CHIPS, FRrTOS, BULl( 8/1 LB 200 LBS 11.16/81 LB 279.00 TORTilLA CHIPS, BULK 612 LBS 200 LBS 10.9716 2 LB 372.98 CEREAL, DRY, ASSORTED FLAVORS, INDIVIDUAl SERVE 4f350Z 3000 EACH 12.98/4-350Z 817.74 MUSTARD, SALAD,4/1 GALLON 4/1 GAL 3 CASES 7.5914-' GAL 22.77 TEA BAGS, 2413 OZ 32130Z 1 CASE 20.00132-3 OZ 200.00 !COOKl~ 61140Z 61160Z 10 CASES 14.69/6.160Z 146.90 WHITE VINEGAR, 411 GAl 4/1 GAL 3 CASES 5.89/4-1 GAL? 29.45 LEMON JUICE, 411 GAL 411 GAL 2 CASES 18.450/4-1 GAL '"',90 TUNA FISH, 64 OZ 6166.50l 20 CANS 66.1016-66.50Z 254.10 PUDDING, ASSORTED F~VORS, 6110 6110 10 CASES 17.79/6-10 177.90 DRINK BOX, ASST FRUIT FLAVORS 121240Z 10,000 SERVE 15.89/12-240Z 13,252.26 PEANUT BUTT~R, [}# 615LB$ 100 lBS 28.3918-5 lBS 113.56 SALT, BULK, 2511 25 LBS 500 LBS 3.1BnL8S 63.60 BEANS, DRIED, LIMA., 50# 20 les 500 LBS 14.69/20 LBS 367.25 LEMON PEPPER SEASONING,.4/1 GAL 25 LBS 2 CASES 58.89/25 La 117.78 CREAM OF WHEAT, INSTANT, 2511 12/280Z 350 LBS 22.58112-280Z 383.86 JELLO, INSTANT, ASST FLAVORS 121240Z 200 Les 16.59/12-240Z 199.08 281.90 ":j4 'ri o ? DlO NOT PRICE AS INO SERVINGS ? ? ? ? Page 4 of6 21,922.59 PFG ........ESCRIPTION SIZE ^'QTY, ' COST ~~; 14990 -16500 SAlT PACKS 600CT CASE 11.20}6OQCT 11200 PEPPER PACKS 600 CT CASE 23.981600 CT 239.8Q SUGAR PACKS 2000 CT CASE 9.8012000 CT 98.00 SUGAR SUBSTlTUTEPACI(S 3001.80Z CASE 15.8OJ300-.aOZ 158.00 KETCHUP PACKS 1000CT CASE 12.98110QOCT 129.80 MUSTARD PACKS 50014.50Z CASE 5.40/500-4.5 54.00 268.00 92.00 SALAD DRESSING (MIRACLE WHIP) 200/96 CASE 9.201200-96 1fRENCH;11lll<r ~u, RANCH) PACKS 200/126 CASE 9/10.8114.81 JEllY, FRUIT ASST FLAVORS PACKS 200/.5 CASE 8.2OJ2()(l-..5 SYRUP, MAPLE PACKS 11200CT CASE 8.94J1-200 CT SYRUP, SUGAR FREE PACKS 100/10Z CASE 17.301100..10Z HOT SAUCE, P\CAHTE PACKS 500196 CASE 8.90/500-96 TARTER SAuce PACKS 20_ CASE 6.101200-Q6 SWEET RELISH PACKS 200/96 CASE 6.801200-96 338.10 82,00 89.40 173.00 378.00 132.20 89.00 61.00 68.00 COCA COLA CAN 12 OZ DIET COCA COLA CAN 12 OZ DR PEPPER, CAN 12 OZ DIET DR PEPPER, CAN 12 DZ PEPSI, CAN 12 OZ DIET PEPSI, CAN 12 OZ ._~, 12 PK 6.80/ 12PK 6.80/ ---+- 12PK 6.601 _~ 12 PK 6.801 81.60 -- 12 PK NO BrD 0.00 - 12 PK NO BID 0.00 12~_ ::~~_~ 12 PK oz POWDER 49.99 81.60 81.60 DRINKING WATER, PURIFIED, 12 ~~ 2TI1:l. GATORAOE, 12 OZ, VARIOUS FLAVORS POWDER BAKING POWDER, 1# 6/5 t..BS ~ BAKING SODA, 1# 12/2 LBS ~ BEEF BASE, 25# 25 LBS ~ CHICK~~SE,25# _______~~~~_____ ~__" GROUND BASIL, 1# 12 OZ EA ------------_._---------~._-- --------- --- BAY LEAVES, 1# 120Z EA -----,. --,--, n~_-_f--._______ BLACK PEPPER GROUND, 5# SlBS EA 16.7()f6-5lBS 10.70/12.2l8S 25.80/25 LaS 26.10/25lBS ----- ----- 8.9Q/120l --._---- .---.---------- - --- ~~120~__ 30.20/5lB8 18.70 10.70 .__?~:8~ 26.10 -.----- a.'tlo 6.20 ----.---- 30.20 BLACK PEPPER, COURSE GROUND, 5# 1 LB EA 8.99/1 lB 44.95 .----- CllANTRO~___ BCT __ EA 5.20/6CT __~.20 CINNAMON, 1# 6 CT EA 16.90/6 CT 18.90 ---------- ----.- ----- .------------ ------ ------- - -- ---- CUMI~~,_1~ _ . _._ 11. La EA \~:~_O/l_LB 8.20 Cf'LERY SALT 1# 1lB EA 48011 LB I 4.80 ~;~~::;;::"-;R '~__ 1:_~:: _ -I~ _ --i~"-~;;r~- -- _';;; - _ _ __ _ _ _ i _ _ l _ __ _J 3,~607~ e BEN E KEITH FOODS JlillllililiiijESCRlPnON SIZE A.;~A, COST '~d; 13900 18425 SAlT PACKS 311000 CASE 5,69/3.1000 56.90 PEPPER PA.CKS 3/1000 CASE 9.8913-1000 98.90 SUGAR PACKS 2000 CT CASE 7.5912000 75.90 SUGAR SUBSTITUTE PACKS 3000 CASE 13.5913000 135.90 KETCHUP' PACKS 1000 CT CASE 20.56/1000 205.60 MUST~O PACKS 500J CASE 7.59/500 75.90 99.60 -~ 281.70 h",:,) 'F'i Co,? SALAD DRESSING (MIRACLE WHIP) 200/ CASE 7.671200 '\'^<~', 9.3919.3919.39 RANCH) PACKS 200/ CASE JELLY, FRUIT ASST FLAVORS PACKS 2001 CASE 6.19/200 SYRUP, MAPLE PACKS 11100 ICASE 7.59/100 SYRUP, SUGAR FREE PACKS 10011 OZ CASE 16.39/100-1 OZ 61.90 151.80 7.59l(2zSAMfASPfG PKGQTY 163.80 400.00 t6.0~.~SAMEQTY 150.00 5 e7I2OO=.oJX5ll(l(F$AME QTY 250.00 9lZ1200=.05X5OOl)<SAME QTY 83.70 B9.50 76-76 ---- 76.76 -+~ 76.78 0.00 HOT SAUCE, PICANTE PACKS TARTER SAUCE PACKS SWEET RELISH PACKS 2001 2001 200/96 CASE CASE CASE 12PK 12 PK 12 PK 12PK 12 PK ..___ 12PK 12 PK 9.721200 8.371200 8.95/200-96 6.39/ 6.39/ 6.39/ 6.3161 NOerD NO BID 8.561 w=z<-nc,,-- OZ COCA COLA CAN 12 OZ DIET COCA COLA CAN 12 OZ DR PEPPER, CAN 12 OZ DIET DR PEPPER. CAN 12 OZ PEPSI, CAN 12 OZ DIET PEPSI, CAN 12 02 DRINKING WATER, PURIFIED. 1202 -~ -----"'"" ___1~E2 105_00 GATORADE, 12 OZ, VARIOUS FLAVORS 24/11.6 Ol 12 PK BAKING POWDER, 1# 6/SlBS EA 28.88/Q.-5LBS 28.88 -------~._---------~------ -.-----.--- ._-----.- --~- '--.-- BAKJN? SOOA.:.~___ . ___ ..___ ~~__ EA 10.79/24--1 LB __2~ BEEF BASE, 25# EA 31.15/ 31.15 -----------~-- ---. - -" -- -,---_. - ----.--- ----. +---- CHICKEN BASE, 25# EA 25.061 25.06 -------._- GROUND BASIL, l' 120Z EA 8.39/120Z 8.39 ------ BAY LEAVES, 1# 1lB EA 5.59{1 LB 5.59 BLACK PEPPER GROUND, 5# 5 LBS EA 22.96/5 lBS 22.96 '-_._---'----------,-- ----'._- -.-- ------, ---..----, BLACK PEPPER. COURSE GROUND, 5# EA 33,591 33.59 ~:~2li~2;.=-- m ~ 1L8- . ~-=----Ii-i,;"B-T:--:--::-: ..:.~MINO< 1# 140l EA 5.3'6114 OZI \ _ 5_39 CELERY SALT, 1# 300l EA 4.69/300Z 469 ~:~gf~D~~~=m=_-: J~4ii:=J~=:~:-=~~-:()~~ 1- :;: Page 5 of 6 3.49417 e e e Pi=G DESCRIPTION sIZe QTY, COST COST GARLIC POWDER, 1# 190Z EA 7.01f190Z 7.01 ------ -- GARLIC, GRANULAR, 1# 220Z EA 8.01122 OZ 8.01 ,-- GARLIC, CLOVE, 1# NO BID 0.00 SEASONED SALT, LOWRY'S 1# SlBS EA 11.90fSLBS 11.90 NUTMEG, GROUND 1 # 160Z EA 6.99/160Z 6.99 ---"--'- ONION POWDER, 1# 200l EA 5.70f20 OZ 5.70 ONION, FtAKES, 1# 25lB$ EA 46.00f25lBS 46.00 -,- OREGANO, GROUND, 1# 1201 EA 6.8OJ1201 6.80 PAPRIKA, GROUND, 111 llB EA 6.10/1 La 6,10 PARSLEY FLAKES, 1# 1001 EA 10.0211001 10.02 POULTRY SEASONfNG, l' llB EA 7.80f1lB 7.60 PEPPER CORNS, 1# NO BIO 0.00 SMOKE, LIQUID, 10 OZ 1 GAL EA 12.20fGAL 12.20 TOTAL THIS PAGe 128.53 TorAl PAGE 1 28,993,80 TOTAL PAGE 2 28,255.71 TOTAL PAGE 3 10,525.47 TOTAL PAGE4 11,393.44 TOTAL PAGE 5 3,560.73 GRAND TOTAL 82,857,68 EXTRA ITEM BLUE BERRY MUFFIN 4-2acr 25.80/4-28 CT 25.80 QUANTITY OF LOWEST PRICES PFG BEK MEATS 25 7 OTHER FOODS 11 . 7 CHEESES/OLEOS/EGGS 4 3 FRESH PRODUCE 6 6 REFRIGERATED DRINKS 0 3 BREADS 1 1 CANNED FRUITS 0 7 CANNED VEGETABLES 7 13 FOOD STAPLES 30 25 PORTION PACKS 6 B CONVENIENCE DRINKS 1 5 SPICESISEASONINGS 16 11 107 96 "rr" IUI~L DESCRIPTION SIZE QTY, COST COST GARLIC POWDER, 1# EA 5.35/ 5.35 GARLIC, GRANULAR, 1# 1.5 LB EA 5.99/1.5LB 5.99 GARLIC, CLOVE, 1# 5lBS EA 7.99/slB 7.99 SEt\SQNED SALT, LOWRY'S 1# 5leS EA 9.89/5 L8S 9.89 ~- -------- ~----- -------- NUTMEG. GRQUND 1 # EA 9.79/ 9.79 ONION POWOER, 1. 2002 EA 4.5912002 4.59 --~- ._-------. ONION, FLAKES, 1# 3lB EA 7.69/3lBS 65.72 2 - OREGANO, GROUND, 1# -.- 1202 EA 5.19/120Z 5.19 .----- PAPRIKA, GROUND, 1# EA 5.65/ 5.65 -.. PARSLEY FLAKES, 1# EA --- 10.~__ _~9 - ------- --- POULTRY SEASONING, 1# 1202 EA 7.87/1202 7.87 PEPPER CORNS, 11 19.502 EA 7.99/19.502 7.99 SMOKE, LIQUID, 10 OZ 1 GAL EA 1 S.39f4-1 GAL 15.39 TOTAL THIS PAGE TOTAL PAGE 1 TOTAL PAGE 2 TOTAL PAGE 3 TOTAL PAGE 4 TOTAL PAGE 5 GRAND TOTAL Page 60f6 BEN E KEITH FOODS e '-0 'F"i o Sl3~8,33X7,89~SAME OTY 161.50 35,637.84 26,110.62 10,038.80 21,922.59 3,494.17 97,365.52 e e e AWARD BID FOR SALE OF MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER'S USED TREMETRIC'S HEARING BOOTH: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to award the bid for the sale of Memorial Medical Centers used Tremetric's Hearing Booth to Quality Control Testing. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS BID SHEET - INVITATION TO BID SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ATTN: KAY MCPHERSON 1065 COMMERCE ST, STE 1 C PORT LA V ACA TX 77979 SUBMIT 1 ORIGINAL AND 7 COPIES You are invited to submit a bid on the below item(s) to: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER. CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE Mailing Address: 211 S Ann St, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Phvsical Address: Memorial Medical Plaza, 1300 N Virginia, Port Lavaca TX 77979 Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked: SEALED BID - MMC EQUIPMENT SALE. Bids are due and will be publicly opened in tbe County Judge's Office at 10:00 AM, Thursday, November 17,2005. Bids will be considered for award during the Commissioners' Court meeting on Monday, November 21, 2005, Bids received after the opening time will be returned unopened to bidder, The Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities. reject any or all bids. to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County and to be the sole judge in detennining which bids will be most advantageous to the County, The Counly of Calhoun, Texas is an equal employment opportunity employer, The County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color. naTional origin, sex, religion, age 01' handicapped status in employment or the provision a/services. Calhoun County accept.~ no financial responsibility for an)' costs inC1l.rred by any proposerlbidder in the course of responding to these ~pecijicalions. "For inspection of equipment, contact Karl Janik, Memorial Medical Center, at 361-552-0389, Clinical EauiDment: . Tremetrics He.Jtng Boo!lb ModeJ # AR9S. Used in good condition. Sold As Is. Bid Amount .;<5" ' Non-Clinical EauiDment: . Lang Electric Double Convection Oven. Model # ECCO, 208 volt 3 phase. 40"w x 40"d x 61"h. Used in good condirion. Sold As Is, Bid Amount . Star Electric Fryer. Model # EM40, Double basket. 208 volt 3 phase, Used in good condition, Sold As Is, Bid Amount . Vulcan Gas Stove! Model # 60L. 6 bumers and grill with 2 standard ovens. Used in good condition, Sold As Is. Bid Amount The umursigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this bidlcOIUract, thai ddJ: company, l:orporation,fl~ parllJel'Ship or indJl1iducU has not prepared tlUs proposaV6id in colUaJon with alty other proposer 01' blddn, QlJd thai the l:OttU/US o/dlu proposaVbld as to prices. lenn.~ 01' cOhdJJib1JS of said propos: hlltle not been commu.nkaled by the urnumgtud nor by any employee (),. agent to lUty other peNon engQged in this type of bU&lnes rio,. to the 0 I opening oflhls proJW. Authorized Si&"nature & Title: Print Name.jjf.!J7t/.#PL~~ Telephone Number::3"1-5:::>3 7".f' ~ 017 AWARD BID FOR THE SALE OF MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER'S USED LANG ELECTRIC DOUBLE CONVEcnON OVEN: No bids received AWARD BID FOR THE SALE OF MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTEIl'S USED STAR ELECTRIC FRYER: No bids received AWARD BID FOR THE SALE OF MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER'S USED VULCAN GAS STOVE: No bids received AWARD BID FOR EMS TO PURCHASE ONEUTIUTY VEHICLE: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seco~ded by Commissioner Fritsch to awa~d the bid for the EMS Utility Vehide to Atzenhoffer as low bidder, Commissioners Galvan, BalaJka, Fritsch, Rnster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. Serving all of Calhoun County * Calhoun County * Emergency Medical Services EsrdJ/i.,;fwd JIiK(j }/overnber 15,2005 Honorable Mike Pfeifer Commissioner's Court 2 I I S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Ref; EMS Utility Vehicle Bid We received two bids forthe EMS Utility Vehicle. Atzenhoffer Chevrolet and Port Lavaca Chevrolet both provided bids that met the specifications. Atzenhoffer was the low bidder with $31,414 trade and extended warranty included in the bid. Port Lavaca Chevrolet was the second bidder with $31,836.3 trade and extended warranty included in the bid. I recommend that the Commissioner's Court award the bid to Atzenhoffer Chevrolet at the low bid price of$31,414 with the deliverydate being no earlier than January I, 2005 as specified in the bid. 216 E. Mahan Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 361-552-1140 361-552-6552 Fax IT'lVWAn r....hIFlnOA nF'tt/(!;:!I-Am~ e e e 018 CALHouN COUNTY. IWS BID SHEET- IVBIICLES I INVITATION TO' BID B1DDEII ATlENHDFFER CHEVROlfT -GEI)INC PO BOX 2509 VICTORIA e BID ITEM IEMS UTlUTYVDUClf e e TX 77902 l YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 S ANNST, PORTLAVACA TXn979 BIOS SHOULD BE SUBMITTEO IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- [gMS UTIUTY VEHICLE l BIDS ARE DUE ANO WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21,2005 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES, CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEPTS NO FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSER/BIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS, THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PROVIDE CALHOUN COUNTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (NAMING CALHOUN COUNTY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED) FOR GENERAL LIABILITY ($1,000,000/$2,000,000), WORKERS' COMPENSATION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW) AND AUTO INSURANCE ($100,000/$100,0001$300,000). .' . . . BID ITEM: EMS UTILITY VEHICLE ------------------------------------------------- SPECIFICA nONS: EMS UTILITY VEHICLE - 1 ORIGINAL & 7 COPIES OF BIDIPROPOSAL MUST BE SUBMITTED SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual ha.f not prepared this propasal in collusion with any other Proposer or Bidder, and that the contents of this proposal or bid as to prices, terms or conditions of said propasal/bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the oOn~9. f this proposal. r AunBJRIlIDSlCNATlIILTIIlf: J--- CEJ...tI..I1efJCla! S'4--J.-s PRINT NAME: DATE Of BUl: I TElfPlIlINE NUMBER: 36/ - J7 P ~ ct 9J 'l( :5 () f Ff1.~-- 3&:>/ -.~&f-t..c:'9'L/ P\fASE lIST ANY EXCEPTIONS TO TIE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS: Friday, October 28, 2005 IlIIIIIEB A1ZINIIlIIfIB CllEVlllllfJ.C1ll lie 019 " , CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS INVITATION TO BID Make & Descri!!,tion ofVehicle".(>{fered: c----. k!.O(')~ c.h.-evl!.) \\ 8 ()1~e.1}.v Specify Warranty: FI't ero!? t' - ? (0) Mo> ~ 5{ b fJOo 11;(~ Trade In Value: ,if:$ ~50. QU w 31 J-f1t.f.O? ) (" 0 j)R-YS ..- <?e j)/)y ~ G/I1 If. (0 i/I'V- jook / Total Price: e Estimated Delivery (Days): The vehicle we propose meets all oTihe specificatkms. A. Bid price must include aU titles, license, documentary fees, state inspections and any other fees. B. NO PAYMENT ON TIllS BID WILL BE MADE UNTIL EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: 1. MANUFACTURER'S CERTIF1CATE OF ORIGIN a. Assigned to: Calhoun County . 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 b. Odometer statement completed Co Signed by dealer 2. APPLICATION FOR TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Completed and signed by the dealer ' 3. INVOICE 4. COUNTYPURCHASEORDER a. Signed by Department Head b. Approved for payment by County Auditor Co Approved for payment by Commissioners' Court e The Cotnmissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, and accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County. Delivery of the vehicle must be made as soon after January 1, 2006 as possible. Failure to deliver the vehicle by the required tme may result in the cancellation of the bid and another bid will be accepted. ADDRESS: <S A ./1 NAME OF ,~ ~ I COMPANY: AT .zwrplJppe/l. \' h e~ ~& XJaLfr~RO ,.... -e. itS Co, CITY, STATE & ZIP: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE & TITLE: PRINT NAME: '0 /l- \1"0 PHONE NUMBER: 3 b I - 7790-2- --- (?O/U/fJ-e/P'C/;&Ies: ~I\I~ 57&-0/'61 e 0'70 'f~ - ! e e CHEVROLET CADIllAC MITSUBISID MAZDA ~, MARK OF EXCELLENCE A.I'.J\RD WINNER !l i{ ~CO to Svf3 UR Bft/JS A;o v: 18 '!-It ),OD~ Established 1926 3211 North Navarro p. O. Box 2509 Victoria, Texas 77902 361-578-0181 DAVID J. JANAK SalesConsultanl I I If A TZENHOFFER cm:VROLET CADILLAC 3211 NNAVARRO VlCfORlA, TX 77901~3346 ~,M, hRS 'locrf c,.1e 1[e1' 51 / Phone (361) 578-0181 Fax (361) 578-2841 f1 J) 'C. A <D L.A.J--e ()N. (;;)1<..0 ~ -eD. ;-:1.. -e.e:t. S;; (9 / F /.) tv/} 'R t> -etJ ~ /'he . glo ? J.e /t<l"C- ND If r Y us / e 'r-"- f) F 0-<9 "" f /4- ~ -e. - )--h e~ /UoJrlt I M /J1 e[)(/;'T -e.- / Y<- So LU-C- /?y 'rh-e 021 CALHOUN COUNTY (1) SPECIFICATIONS UTILITY VEIDCLE 2006 MODEL DescriDtion BGDY, LIFTGATE WITH LIFTGLASS, REAR DOOR SYSTEM .inclUdes rear-window wiper/washer PKG REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER " ,'SUSPENSION PACKAGE, PREMIUM SMOOTII RIDE GVWR, 7000 lhs. (3175 kg) 2WD WHEEL BASE : 130" EMISSIONS. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTs "'ENGINE, 5300 V8 l'R:ANSMISSION, 4.SPEED AUTOMATIC ,electronically controlled with overdrive and tow/haul mode e 'lllFFERENrrAL NO LOCKING REAR DIFFERENTIAL AXLE "RJ>AR AXLE, 3.42 RATIO ..AlC FRONT AND REAR WITII FRONT AND REAR CONTROLS INSIDE MIRROR COMPASS AND TEMP OUTSIDR MIRROR BLACK CAMPER STYLE POWER ADJUSTABLE, HEATED AND POWER EXTENDED 'FOG LAMPS ELECTRlCLOCKS I FACTORY KEYLESS (J) extra keys and rel110les FULL SIZE SPARE ANTILOCK BRAKING SYSTEM 4 WHEELS RECOVERY HOOKS iD~~~"l,.. r IJ '> 't ~l.e. D_ FACTORY SIDE STEPS UNDER DOORs . REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER ELECTRIC MIRROR'S TILT STEERING WHEEL ELECTIUC WINDOWSILOCKS ALTERNATOR 145 AMP - 1- 06 SUB SPECfFJCA TINS FINAL e e 0:22 ( 1..v\~~lIn0_ FINDER FLARES FRONT AND REAR (WHITE TO MATCH PAlN7) () -e-o- ~VL.- -.or-_ OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITIl GARAGEDOOR PANEL DOOR SIDE BODY MOLDING (WHITE TO MATCH PAIN1) 0<- ..J<e.0-. fN&t-'9it ~(.)- SOUND SYSTEM e AM\FM CD PLAYER, TIRES TIRES,P26SnORI6, ALL-SEASON TOURING, BLACK WALL & Full Size spare WHEELS BRIGHT MACIllNED ALUMINUM WHEEL 16 INCH / SEATS SEATS, FRONT CUSTOM CLOTH RECLINING BUCKETS, includes adjustable head restraints, inboard armrests. 6-way power adjustable driver seat, floor console and rear storage pockets SEATS, MIDDLE CUSTOM CLOTIl60/40 SPLIT-FOLDING BENCH .3- passenger with center armrest and rear passenger easy entry PAINT PAINT, SOLID WHITE ,,/'" ADDITIONAL OPTIONS AIR BAGS, SIDE-IMPACT, DRIVER AND RIGHT FRONT PASSENGER e COOLING, EXTERNAL TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER, AUXILIARY, INC heavy-duty air-to-oiJ TRAILERING EQUIPMENT, REA VY-DUTY ,includes trailer hitch platfonn, 7-lead wiring connector and adapter BA1TERY. SINGLE 770 CCA,Provides a 770 CCA lID cranking battery - 2- 06 SUB SPECrFlCA TINS FINAL e 0')3 ''; Prepared By: DAVIDJ e 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 SELECTED MODEL & OPTIONS SELECTED MODEL - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS Code CC15906 DescriPtion 2006 Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS MSRP $38,765.00 SELECTED VEHICLE COLORS - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS Code Description Intenor. No color has been selected. GUy C ID'rVl.-. - S-D U Extenor 1: No color has been selected. LV h IT-Go Exterior 2: No color has been selecled. .--- -- - -~ "- -- "---. SELECTED OPTIONS - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS CATEGORY ~ DescriDtion ~ BODY CODE ,:;,.')~;; BODY, L1FTGATE WITH LlFTGLASS, REAR DOOR SYSTEM, includes rear-windowwiperlwasher (STD) SUSPENSI.oN PKG . .\'t!iffIff' SUSPEN$ION PACKAGE. PREMIUM SMOOTH RIDE (STD) (Requires . 1/2 ton Models.) $0,00 e $0.00 EMI~U,7> ENGI~.\ ,;..'.w. EMISSIONS. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS $0.00 ENGINE, VORTEC 5300 V8 SFI FLEX-FUEL, capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (295 HP 1219.7 kW] @ 5200 !pm. 335 Ib.- ft.1452.3 N-m) @ 4000 rpm) (STD) (Requires 1/2 ton Models.) TRANSMIS~ON .d"" TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC, electronically controlled with overdrive and 10wlhaul mode (STD) (Requires 1/2 ton Models) DIFFERENTIAL $0,00 $0,00 Report content is based on current data version referenced, Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unft performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutOBook. DalB Version: 1062, DalB updated 111812005 10:26:00 AM @COPyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer F~e: November 11, 2005 10:29:55 AM Page 2 e 024 e e e Prepared By: DAVlDJ 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 SELECTED MODEL & OPTIONS SELECTED OPTIONS -2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS CATEGORY ~ Descriotion DIFF~mIAL GSO DIFFERENTIAL, LOCKING, HEAVY-DUTY. REAR AXLE '''GU6 REAR AXLE, 3.42 RATIO (STD) (Requires 112 ton Models. Upgradeable to (GT5) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio.) PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP . lSK PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP Includes (007) Console, floor, (A95) Seats, front Custom Cloth reclining buckets, (UQ7) Sound system feature, Bose Premium speaker system. 9 speakers, (UK6) Sound system feature. rear audio controls TIRES QMJ TIRES, P265170R16, ALL-SEASON TOURING, BLACKWALL(STD) (Requires 112 ton Models, Upgradeable to (QMK) Tires, P265170R16, all- season touring, wMe outfined-leller.) SEATING ~RANGEMENT . AS3 SEATS, REAR 3RD ROW CUSTOM CLOTH BENCH, 3-passenger, 1- piece removable (STD) (With 1S!< Preferred Equipment Group Upgradeable to (AS3) Seats, rear vinyl3rd row bench, when leather or vinyl interior is ordered) SEAT A95 SEATS, FRONT CUSTOM CLOTH RECLINING BUCKETS, includes adjustable head restraints, inboard armrests, &-way power adjustable driver sea~ floor console and rear storage pockets (Upgradeable to (A95) Seats, front leather appointed sealing surfaces reclining buckets.) (Requires 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group) SEATS, MIDDLE CUSTOM CLOTH 60/40 SPLIT-FOLDING BENCH, 3- passenger with center armrest and rear passenger easy entry (STD) (Wrth 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group Upgradeable to (A T5) Seats. middle leather appointed 60/40 splil-folding bench) AT5 TRIM _D CUSTOM CLOTH SEAT TRIM (STD) MSRP INC $0,00 $1,035.00 $0,00 $0.00 INC $0.00 $0.00 Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM Auto Book, Data Version: 106.2. Data updated 11/812005 10:26:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems CorporatiOll. All lights reserved. Customer File: November 11, 2005 10:29:55 AM Page 3 025 Prepared By: DAVlDJ 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 SELECTED MODEL & OPTIONS SELECTED OPTIONS - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS CATEGORY !<!!!!.!! Description PAINT Z'f1 PAINT, SOLID (STO) AIR CONDITIONING CJ3 AIR CONDITIONING, TRI-ZONE, MANUAL, individual climate seltings for driver. right front passenger and rear passengers, includes front controls (STD) (with 1SK Preferred Equipment Group Upgraded to (CJ2) Air conditioning, lri-zone, automatic when (CF5) Sunroof, power is ordered.) RADIO . 't:lBIl" SOUND SYSTEM, ETR AMlFM STEREO WITH CD PLAYER. includes seek-and-scan, digital clock, auto-lone control, speed-compensated volume and Radio Data System (RDS) (STD) (With 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group Upgradeable to (UC6) Sound system, ETR AMlFM stereo with in-dash 6-disc CD changer) OPTION DISCOUNT OPTION DISCOUNT (Requires PCV Smart Select Package) "DISCOUNT' . ADDITIONAL OPTIONS PCV SMART SELECT PACKAGE, includes (~ll"; sid<Hmpacf, (PDC) Cargo Package. (G80) Differential. locking and (Z82) Trailenng equipment, heavy-dUty .GROSS. CONSOLE, FLOOR, includes storage area, map pocket, cupholders and integrated 2nd row audio controls (Requires 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group) AIR BAGS, SIDE-IMPACT, DRIVER AND RIGHT FRONT PASSENGER (Always use safely belts and proper child reslrain1s. even with air bags. Children are safer when property secured in a rear seat See the Owner's Manual for more safely information) Cl\RGO f"ACKACt:. iI"lchtdes--eargo-shade;-cargo-net, \ic:lIyu lIId.tanu----..-- luggage rack center rails 007 AJ>7 PDC e MSRP $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 -$1,155,00 $1,155.00 e INC INC u -ll'IC Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual un~ performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 106.2, Data updated 11181200510:26:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporalion. All righ1s reserved. Customer File: November 11, 200510:29:55 AM Page 4 e 026 e e e Prepared By: DA V10J 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 SELECTED MODEL & OPTIONS SELECTED OPTIONS - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS CATEGORY 9!!!!t Descriotion ADDITIONAL OPTIONS UQ7 SOUND SYSTEM FEATURE, BOSE PREMIUM SPEAKER SYSTEM, 9 SPEAKERS. includes subwoofer in center console (Requires 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group) UK6 SOUND SYSTEM FEATURE, REAR AUDIO CONTROLS, includes dual headphone jacks (headphones not included), power ouUet and controls for volume, station selection and media (Requires 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group) . ZM9 UNIVERSAl HOME REMOTE, includes garage door opener, programmable (Requires lSK Preferred Equipment Group) BVE ASSIST STEPS. BLACK mounled between fronl and rear wheels Z82 TRAJLERING EQUIPMENT, HEAVY-DUTY, includes IraBering hitch platform, 7-lead wiring connector, aUXIliarylransmission oi cooler and trailer brake pre-wire harness KNP COOLING, AUXILIARY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER, heavy-duty air- Io-oil (Included and only avaBable with (Z82) TraBering equipment, heavy- duty. Standard on 3/4 ton Models.) OPTIONS TOTAL ~ INC INC $105,00 $395.00 INC INC $1,535.00 Report content is based on currenl data version referenced, My performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 106.2, Data updated 11/8/2005 10:26;00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved, Customer File: November 11, 2005 10:29:55 AM Page 5 027 Prepared By: DAVIDJ e 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS -- -- - -- -"-~----'---_.'~----.-._-.~--_..~----- EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS . City 14/hwy 19 (5.3L bl-fuel engine/4-speed auto trans) EXfERlOR . Luggage rack, roof-mounted, Black, side ra~s only (Center rails ava~able in (PDC) Cargo Package) . Bumper, front, chrome (Refer to Color Compatibility chart for Matte Black vs. color-keyed top pad) . Bumper, rear, chrome step, includes pad . Air dam, Gray . Grille, chrome surround . Headlamps, dual halogen composite, includes ftash-to-pass feature and automatic lamp control . Daytime running lamps, includes automatic exterior lamp control . Fog lamps, front, rectangular, halogen .' Mitrors, ou1slde rearview, foldaway, power adjustable, heated (May be substituted with (DPN) Mirrors, outside rearview, power, adjustable, heated, manual folamg and extending on 3/4 ton Models.) . Glass, Solar-Ray deep tinted (all windows except light tinted glass on windshield, driver and front passenger) . Wipers, intermittent, front, wet-arm with pulse washers . Door handles, Matte Black . Body, liftgate with Iiflglass, rear door s,stem, includes rear-window wiperlwasher e Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unft performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 106.0, Data updated 10/25/2005 8:37:00 AM OCopyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved, Customer File: November 02, 2005 10:20:50 AM Page 6 e /'\')f,') U,'''-wU e e e Prepared By: DA V1DJ .. 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS INTERIOR . Seats, front Custom Cloth 40/20/40 sp\~-bench, 3-passenger, driver and passenger manual reclining, outboard head restraints, center fold-down storage armrest, &-way power adjustable driver seat and rear storage pockets . Seats, middle custom cloth 60/40 split-folding bench, 3;>assenger wiIh center armrest and rear passenger easy entry . Seats, rear 3rd row Custom Cloth bench, 3-passenger, l-piece removable . Floor covering, color-keyed carpeting . Floormats, color-keyed, vinY' front and 2nd row, removable . Steering column, Tilt-Wheel, adjustable, includes brakeltransmission shiftintertock . S1eering wheel, leather-wrapped rim, Black . S1eerin9 wheel, mounted controls, includes audio and driver information center controls . Driver Information Center, monitors numerous systems . Instrumentation, analog, includes speedometer, odometer wiIh trip odometer, fuel level, volbneter, engine temperature, 011 pressure and tachometer . . Warning tones, headlamp on, key-in-ignition, driver and right front passenger safety belt unfasten, turn signal on . Tire pressure mon~oring system (does not apply to spare tire) . Windows, power, includes driver express-down and lockout features . Door locks, power programmable, includes lockout protection . Cruise control, electronic wiIh set and resume speed, includes telltale in instrument panel cluster . Keyless entry, remote, includes 2 transmijters, panic button and content theft alarm . Theft-deterrent system, PASSlock II . Air conditioning, tr~zone, manual, individual climate settings for driver, right front passenger and rear passengers, includes front controls (with lSK Preferred Equipment Group Upgraded to (CJ2) I\jr conditioning, trii-zone, automatic when (CF5) Sunroof, power is ordered) . Defogger, rear-window, electric Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual un~ performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 106.0, Data updated 10/25/2005 8:37:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: November 02, 2005 10:20:50 AM Page 7 029 Prepared By: DAV1DJ .. e 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT - 2006 Retail CC16906 4dr 1600 2WD LS - -"-~'-'-'----'._-- --..__.._._-_._----~-- .'---'----.----.---,-.--.--,.-- ..-..~~,...-_._- ".-"'--..--,--,--. ..' ----._---~. . Sound system, ETR AMlFM stereo with CD player, includes seek-and-scan, digital clock, auto-tone control, speed- compensated volume and Radio Data System (RDS) (W'1th 1 SK Preferred Equipment Group Upgradeable to (UC6) Sound system, ETR AMlFM stereo with in-<lash 6-disc CD changer.) . Sound system feabJre, 8-speakers . On Star, one-year of Safe and Sound service. Includes Automatic Notffication of Air Bag Deployment, Emergency Services, Stolen Vehicle Location Assistance, Remote Door Unlock, OnStar Vehicle Diagnostics, Roadside Assistance, Accident Assist and Remote Hom and Lights. Also feabJring Hands-Free Calling (OnStar services require vehicle electrlcal system (including battery). wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers, OnStar Vehicle Diagnostics available on most 2004 MY and newer GM vehicles. Diagnostic capability varies by model. VISit onstar.com for system limitations and details. If the order type is FOR, (UEO) OnStar, delete will be forced on,) . Power outlets, aUlDliary, 2 on instrument panel, 1 in cargo area, 12-vo1t . Mirror, inside rearview, 8-point compass, oulside temperature indicator and tight front passenger air bag status . Console, overhead mini includes map Iighls and rear seat HVAC controls (With 1SK Preferred EqUipment Group Includes sunroof controls when (CF5) Sunroof is ordered) . Headliner, cloth . VISOrs, padded, driver and passenger side with cloth trim, extends on rod, illuminated vanity mirrors and corner storage pockels on back of visors . Assist handles, front passenger and outboard 2nd row seals . Lighting, dome lamp, driver and passenger side door switch with delayed entry feature, cargo lamps, door handle or keyless remote activated illuminated entry, map lights in front and 2nd seat positions e Report content is based on current data version referenced. My performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM Auto Book, Data Version: 106.0, Data updated 10/25/2005 8:37:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved, Customer File: November 02, 200510:20:50 AM Page 8 e 0:]0 e e e Prepared By: DAVIDJ 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT. 2006 Retail CC1S906 4dr 1500 2WD LS MECHANICAL . Engine, Vorlec 5300 V8 SFI Flex-Fuel, capable of running on unleaded or up to 85% ethanol (295 HP [219.7 kW] @ 5200 rpm, 335 lb.-ft. [452.3 N-m)@ 4000 rpm) (Requires 1/2 ton Models.) . Transmission. 4-speed automatic, electronically controlled with overdrive and towlhaul mode (Requires 1/2 ton Models) , . Rear axle, 3,42 ratio (Requires 1/2 ton MOdels, Upgradeable to (GT5) Rear axle, 4.10 ratio.) . Rear wheel drive . Battery, heavy-duty, 600 cold-cranking amps, includes rundown protection and retained accessory power . Alternator, 160 amps (Requires 112 ton Models,) . Trailering wiring harness, 7 -wire .' GVWR, 7000 Ibs. (3175 kg) (Requires 2WD 1/2 ton Models) . StabiliTrak, stability control, includes Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires 112 ton Models.) . Suspension, front, independent torsion bar, and stabilizer bar . Suspension, rear, multi-link w/coU springs (Requires 112 ton Models) . Suspension Package, Premium Smooth Ride (Requires 112 ton Models.) . Tires, P265170R16; all-season touring, blaekwall (Requires 112 ton Models. Upgradeable to (QMK) Tires, P265170R16. all-season touring. white outiined-Ielter) . Tire, spare, full-size, 16" (40.6 cm) steel wheel located at rear underbody 01 vehicle, blackwall . Tire carrier, lockable, outside spare) winch-type mounted under frame at rear . Wheels, 4 -16"x 7" (40.6 em x 17.8 em) 6-1ug cast aluminum. includes steel spare (Requires 112 ton Models.) . Steering, power . Brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc. hydroboost . 31 gallon fuel tank . Key, single, 2-sided NOTE . "AlL STANDARDS ARE 2006 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED" Report content is based on current data version referenced, Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions, GM AutoBook, Data Version; 106.0, Data updated 10/2512005 8:37:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: November 02, 2005 10:20:50 AM Page 9 031 Prepared By: DA V1DJ _ 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 STANDARD EQUIPMENT 'r.''''~''''~__,,_,__ -- --'---_",_, .. _______ __, _.. ___~.__ _..~ _~_~ "__,~._,~ C"__' "__'.__._______ ___,__'_____ STANDARD EQUIPMENT. 2006 Retail CC16906 4dr 1500 2WDLS ..---..-.----.-----..-~.---.,--...-.--~.-,,----------,.----~~--~---.~--.--~.----.-------~--.----~______ ~__.T_"..____._~___..~ SAFETY . Brakes, 4-wheel antilock,4-wheet disc . Air bags, frontal. dual-s1age, driver and right front passenger, includes Passenger Sensing ~m (front passenger air bag status on inside realView mirror) (Always use safety bells and proper chBd restraints, even wi1h air bags. ChBdren are safer when property secured in a rear seat See the Owners Manual for more safety information) . Safety belts, 3-point, driver and front passenger, in all seating positions except center seating position in 1 st and 3rd row which are lap only . LATCH system, (Lower Anchors and Top tethers for CHBdren) for chBd safety seat . . StabBiTrak, stability control, includes Proactive Roll Avoidance (Requires 112 ton Models.) . Daytime running lamps, includes automatic exterior lamp control _ Report content is based on current data version referenced, Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook. Data Version; 106.0, Data updated 1012512005 8:37:00 AM @Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved, Customer File; November 02, 2005 10;20:50 AM Page 10 _ 032 e e e Prepared By: DAVlDJ 2006 Retail Chevrolet Suburban 4dr 1500 2WD LS CC15906 PRICING SUMMARY PRICING SUMMARY - 2006 Retail CC15906 4dr 1500 2WD LS Base Price Total Options: Vehicle Subtotal Advert/Adjustments Destination Charge GRAND TOTAL MSRP $38,765.00 $1,535.00 $40,300.00 $0,00 $875.00 $41.175.00 (J)E>If/eft./NST&-I/-eD, ~Db32 o~ eD, Q,f\1 pP. .3~8f()o, t.J57,,~. 3..2- I 0 $"'~ 't-. E}O 3~dlj-J.3?. "VgS-O.DO 3~3?~.3~ I W () YIV. I NS ~. ~ I . '1 S. -- ~ 3/ 414,0') Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performanc~related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. , J;:.'jtJ1f. ~yrlr [00,1<. ~ Ij) 1$ c.OO+) \ ~ ess Ifl(}J-e.. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 1062, Data updated 11/812005 10:26:00 AM @Copyright 1986.2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All righls reserved. Customer Fue: November 11, 2005 10:29:55 AM Page 1 033 , CAlHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS BID SHEET- IVBIICLES REVISED -INVITATION TO BID I BIIIIIER PURl lAVACA CllfVROLEJ B1BBRIIAIIWAV ISO I S k+e +-h.0f 35 PORI lAVACA BID REM ~EMS UTIlITY VBIIClf IX 77'Il9 l e YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A BID ON THE ABOVE ITEM TO: HONORABLE MICHAEL J PFEIFER, CALHOUN COUNTY JUDGE, 211 SANNST, PORTLAVACA TX77979 BIDS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLAINLY MARKED: SEALED BID- , EMS ImLfTY VEHICLE , BIDS ARE DUE AND WILL BE PUBUCL Y OPENED IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AT: 10:00 AM, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2005 BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD AT THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT MEETING ON: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2O/J5 BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THE OPENING TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO BIDDER. THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICAlITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO ACCEPT THE BID DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CAlHOUN COUNTY AND TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE IN DETERMINING WHICH BIDS WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE COUNTY, THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI1Y EMPLOYER. THE COUNTY DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN. SEX, REUGION. AGE OR HANDICAPPED STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES. CALHOUN COUNTY ACCEptS NO' FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED BY ANY PROPOSERlBIDDER IN THE COURSE OF RESPONDING TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS. *uu......u..u~. REVISED NOVEMBER 8. 2005 u..it,.,.":.;,...,,........... ~ dL- ~ BID ITEM, EMS UTlUTY VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS, EMS UTILITY VEHICLE .. 1 ORIGINAL & 7 COPIES OF BID/PROPOSAL MUST BE SUBMITTED SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------------- e The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this compony, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has f1Dt pre pored this proposal in collusion with any other Proposer or Bidder, and that the contents of this proposal or bid as to prices, terms Dr conditions of said proposal/bid have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee ar agent to any other person engaged in this type of ~~;v"...'frd~:;;.;;; "'$"" , P1EAiOSiiliEXCfllDvisTU11IAIIlM:$PaHAtIlNs: ' TIUPIIONEMlMBaI: 3.. (,; \." 5,. t Y"lq. Monday. November 07, 2005 BIlIIBI PIlRlIAVAJ:A CIIEVIlllIff e 034 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS INVITATION TO BID Make & Description of Vehicle Offered: I'...l, . n 'Z.e<;,lo ~('ot&' s.v-\:'~<Mr- ~""';::"\-J'-&>\)a",,~ ill~ Specify Warranty: ~..d., b ~d. 0<.1> G.~f f ~:1-\..... t?"""", I-'- <::-( \jeJ." ~ c\e.. .: .ie.r Trade In Value: "c\.\M.<>o ~ e Total Price: \JU,.. ce-\... ()V\ \'1 <\ 30, ~-O\. ~ '? , '->J"'. ,,"""--~ 't s-: '\1S'.o 0 ,le.sr (',.JJf. Estimated Delivery (Days): ~~ ~~'\' ~"~ 1'-4u..r~ tLo. ~O(~4.~ 'eLf 6>.rL'( <.r a>/ ';".[- \J.)cl!: ",tFf k The vehicle we propose meets all of the specijicafions, bv.1+-, A. Bid price must include all titles, license, ,documentary fees, state inspections and any other fees. e B. NO PAYMENT ON TIDS BID WILL BE MADE UNTIL EACH OF TIlE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: 1. MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN a. Assigned to: Calhoun County 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 b. Odometer statement completed c. Signed by dealer 2. APPLICATION FOR TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Completed and signed by the dealer 3. INVOICE 4. COUNTY PURCHASE ORDER a. Signed by Department Head b. Approved for payment by County Auditor c. Approved for payment by Commissioners' Court The Commissioners' Court reserves the right to waive technicalities, reject any or all bids, and accept the bid deemed most advantageous to Calhoun County. Delivery of the vehicle must be made as soon after January 1,2006 as possible. Failure to deliver the vehicle by the required tme may result in the cancellation of the hid and another hid will he accepted. NAME OF COMPANY: ((.0 \..~........ ~<'<>\.~<\- \SC)~ \\,,,,,,-\ sS- ')..~ \ ADDRESS: CllY, STATE & ZIP: Q.,A L...w 0..:.."., t"- 1 j '/. '7 ') L ~ , I:!'f~~.~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE & TITLE: PRINT NAME: \;)~'(\ ",', 5 c:L """'~S PHONE NUMBER:_ 3('\~ 5')z..-~'9 e !W5 ~'lllb'lrl) Tuesday, November 15, 200fCHEVROLET BUICK PONTIAC GMC 1501 Highway 35 South Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Phone (361) 552-2944 Fax (361) 552-8554 www.ptlavaca.com Calhoun County 201 W Austin St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Sir: Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your EMS vehicle. There are a couple of things I do need to make you aware of. First is that the 2006 Suburban model year is goin9 to be a very short model year. The impact of this is that if a Suburban is not ordered by early December at the latest it will not get built If that is the case then the only way to supply one will be to find one out there that comes closest your specifications rather than exactly. The second thing is the extended warranty. 1 would like to make you aware that the reason for the extreme high price on the bid is that there is an over $2,000 surcharge on a. GMPP warranty for emergency use, I apologize for the cost but, wanted to make you aware of the reason behind it. I have enclosed the way that I would order the vehicle 10 meel your specifications. Again I would like to thank you tot the opportunity to bid on your business, Sincerely, C-/, -. Dennis Thomas Commercial Sales Manager 036 e e e e e e . \J1V.l .l...1li;;(l.ll.:;;l VV V.l.lU -- , GM: Dealer," ;'1 . rage 1 or L dennis thomas PORT LAVACA CHEVROLET November-QS-2005 WORKBENCHES ADDRESS BOOK I NEWS & INFORMATION HOME PLAN & FORECAST MANAGE INVENTORY .U:IU:I:ImiiU!iIli!!I......_Main > Order Vehicles > Configure a New Vehicle: Summary ORDER VEHICLES Configure a New Vehicle: Summary 1. Choose Model 2. Choose Options LOCATE VEHICLES suppa DELIVER VEHICLES RE 3. Summary Review the vehicle configuration information in order to ensure that it is correct. If you need to make a change click "Back" to return to the Configure a New Vehicle: Select Options screen. Click "Submit as Preliminary Order" to submit this configuration as a preliminary order. Click "Salle in Stored Configurations" in order to store this configuration. Click "Cancel" to cancel the entire configuration. Note: A submitted preliminary order is at Event COde 1100 (Preliminary Order Accepted). Model Information Model Year: 2006 Division: Chevrolet Retail Trudi: Model: CC15906 - Suburban: 1500 2\oV[) DAN: Priority: 99 Stock No: Quantity: 1 Preferred Equipment Group t PEG: 1SK MSRP: $41,350.00 Invoice: $36.601.33 GMS: $35,462.08 Supplier: $37,054.50 Color Primary Color: SOU - Summit White Exterior Color Trim 920: 92D ~ Custom Cloth, GraylDark Charcoal Options 15Z: 1SZ-0ption Package Discount AG1: AG1 -SeatAcljuster, 6-lf.Iay Power (Driver's Side) AJ7: Al7 -PJr BagS, Side-impact, Driver and R Front Passenger AS3: AS3 - Seat, Rear - Bench 3rd Row AUO: AUO - Keyless Entry, Remote 839. 839 - Carpeting -load Floor 885: B85 - Moldings, Bright Body Side C36. C36 - Auxiliary Rear Heater III.... Oe<ilerliersioo ., ,iJ Allocation Group: SUBURB Order Type: TRE-Retail Stock Charge-to: 203653 Ship-to; 203653 BFC: ??oo1 BFC: ??oo1 A95; A95 - Seat High Bade Bucket Driver and Passenger AJ1 - Glass: Deep Tinted AP9 - Cargo Net AT5 ~ Seat Rear Center, Folding 830 - Floor Covering: Color Keyed Carpet with Floor Mats 871 - Wheel Flares eVE - Assist Steps C49 ~ Defogger, Rear \Nindow, Electric Ai1; AP9: AT5: 830: 871; eVE: C49: https:llwww.autopartners.netlappslnaowb/naowb/ordervehicle/ov_04.do I@ RELATED lIN~ VieW My Allo. Consltalnts VIew My Slot Configuratiol View Whafs I 1l/5/2005 037 '-JJ.V.L .LI\J(U'l;;;.L 1IY V.L.LU rage; L. 01 L. C5W, CSW-'(NW Rating 7000 Lbs CJ3, CJ3 - Climate Control. Manual - Multi--zone OFS, O~5 - Mirrot lIS RN-U Sons- OLS, DL8 - Mirrors. OIS. Power. Heated CompassfTemp E52: E52 - Llftgate with WiperNo/asher DT4; DT4 - Smoker's PacKage G80: G80 - Locking Differential, Rear FE9, FE9 - Federal Emlsslons JL4: JL4 - Stabilitrak - Stability Control GU6: GU6 - Rear Axle. 3.42 Ratio KNP: KNP - Transmission Cooling System K34: 1(3.( - Cruise Control M30: M30 - Transmission, 4-Speed Automatic l59: L59 - Engine,Vortoc 5300 V8 POC: POC - Cargo Package (E85.EthanoI Flex Fuel Compatible) QMJ: QMJ - Tires: P26SnOR16 BW e PCV, PCV - Smart Select Package SAF: SAF - Lock., Spare Tire PF9: PF9 - Wheels Cast Aluminum usa; UBa - Radio, AMlFM stereo, CD, Ckx:k RYJ: RY J - Cargo Shade, R_ctable UK3: UK3 - Redundant Radio ControlslMessage TOO, 196 ~ Fog lamps, Front Center-steering VvheeI UEL UE1 - Onstar Communication V1K: V1 K - Bar, luggage Carrier Center Cross System V54; V54 - Luggage,Carner Roof, Black UK6, UK6 - Rear Seat Audio COntrol Z82: Z82 - Trallering package V22: V22 - Grille, Chrome Deluxe ZY1' ZY1 - Solid Paint Application VB3: VB3 - Bumper. Rear Chrome Step ZW1, 'ZW7 - SUSpension Package: Smooth FWe ... Save In Stored Configurations - - t North American Order Wor1<bench is intended solely for business use by GM Dealers, Pricing shown is for illustration purposes only. Refer to GMPricing.com for official GM Price schedules. GM pricing is subject to change by GM at anytime, without notice. OrderWl::ltkbench: FAQs.) SIt&Map I feedback Privacy Policy I Tenns of Use (CI2004 General Molors Corporatic e https://www.autopartners.netlapps/naowb/naowb/ordervehicIe/ov_04.do 11/5/2005 e 038 e e e CHANGE ORDER REOUEST NO. ONE BY LVI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC IN THE AMOUNT OF $525 FOR ADDmONAL WORK ABOVE THE CONTRACTED SCOPE OF WORK FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve Change Order Request No. One by LVI Environmental Services Inc. in the amount of $525.00 for additional work above the contracted scope of work for Asbestos Abatement at the Calhoun County Courthouse Renovation Project.. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. l."':~' 5:....0:::;;; .. . '-- -:--_.~... SERVICES': . Catil\dILVI Env~SC[Vi<:"" Iru:. 16018 UnivClllity Oak SanAnronio, TX78249 lleb (210)~126 Fax: (210)479-3947 -1' I' Request for Chanl:!e Order TeD'aeon 11555 Clay Road, suite 100 Houston Texas 77043 Date; 11/08/05 RE; Calhoun County Court House Attention: Kevin Maloney Dear Mr, Maloney CcrtifiedIL VI request to submit a change order for additional work above the contracted scope at the above referenced project. In the amount of$525,OO for 75 If of TST (Thermal System Insulation), at the proposed $7.00Ilffor TSI removal. David Daugherty, .~ ~~oo~ CcrtifiedlL VI ..... ^ "'N'._..P "" A{l(>.c..J hy: 1L/J~ K...,,;~ i1 11~ I.~<-t le...v..rcl C-o'"",\ JI('1ll.oo~ Hou."On San Anrooio . D.Ilas . EI Paso 039 . REAPPOINTMENT TO GULF BEND CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES: . I.ka d ded by Commissioner Fritsch to re- A Motion was made by Commlssionedr eeBa at~ ~ ;~;rustees Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, appoint Mark Daigle to the Gulf Ben n er r . Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OIL SPILL RESPONSE AND AUTHORIZE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN: . d b Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve ~~~~~;~dm:gr~~ent for Hazardous Materials and Oi.1 Spill Response and .~uth~riz~ J~~;e Pfeifer to sign, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fntsch, Finster and Judge Pfe. er a vo e favor. CALHOUN COUNTY MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT In consideration for the benefits, each member will receive under this agreement and to fulfill the requirements set forth in Section VI, paragraph 9, d(6) of Annex Q entitled "Hazardous Materials and Oil Spill Response" issued by Calhoun County which states that for off-plant incidents of hazardous material releases, industry will: "provide resource list and appropriate plant personnel, necessary equipment, manpower and technical assistance as needed." The parties signing below agree as follows: 1, The purpose of this Mutual Aid Agreement is to provide the signatories to this Agreement as members of the Calhoun County Mutual Aid Agreement with a procedure to mutually assist one another as appropriate, in accordance with ANNEX Q entitled "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE" in the event of a major hazardous materials release in Calhoun County. 2. This agreement does not cover and does not require, infer or obligate any member to provide personnel or equipment to another member in any emergency. 3. No person or member is obligated by virtue of entering this agreement to provide any equipment to another member in the event of an emergency, The agreement is designed to provide a list of resources available at a facility which may be requested by another member in the event of an emergency. 4, Each member will provide a list of equipment and materials which could be useful in the event of an emergency including, but not limited to, firefighting equipment, firefighting foam, respiratory equipment, chemical monitoring equipment, machinery, trucks etc. (EQUIPMENT) Each member will also provide a list of the plant personnel with phone numbers of the persons responsible for evaluating and providing assistance as appropriate in the event of an emergency. (RESPONSIBLE PERSON) 5. 6. Upon a request for assistance to an emergency by a member to the RESPONSIBLE PERSON, identified in paragraph "5" above, the RESPONSIBLE PERSON will determine whether such EQUIPMENT identified in paragraph "4" is available to be loaned, It is recognized that each member is entitled to reserve sufficient material and equipment identified in paragraph "4" above to protect its own premises and 9-15-05 e e e 1 040 CALHOUN COUNTY MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT personnel before lending any equipment in an emergency to another member. This decision is exclusively that of the management of the prospective lender of EQUIPMENT. 7. Any member requesting assistance and the party who is experiencing the hazardous materials release agrees to indemnify and hold harmless any lender of such EQUIPMENT harmless from any claim or action for any damage, injury or loss sustained as a result of the use of such equipment in an emergency except to the extent such damage, injury or loss was the result of gross negligence or intentional action by the lender. e 8, It is understood that any member loaning EQUIPMENT in an emergency makes no warranties or representations as to the EQUIPMENT'S operation and condition except to the extent that such lender agrees not to loan any EQUIPMENT known to be defective. 9. Any member requesting assistance from another will be solely responsible to: a) determine the resources necessary to respond to the emergency b) identify the location of the EQUIPMENT from the list identified in paragraph "4" c) contact the RESPONSIBLE PERSON identified on the list developed in paragraph "5" e d) arrange for pickup and delivery of such EQUIPMENT 10. Any member receiving EQUIPMENT under this agreement is obligated to return the same in similar working order as received and will be responsible for damage, replacement and/or loss of such EQUIPMENT. In the event a governmental party is the requestor and receiver of the EQUIPMENT, then the governmental party shall by every method available be obligated to seek to recover the EQUIPMENT in similar working condition and cost of any damage of loss or replacement of such loaned EQUIPMENT from the party or parties responsible for the hazardous material release. 11. Any party may withdraw from this Mutual Aid Agreement upon giving 30 days written notice to each other member. WHEREFORE, the undersigned agree to be members Df the Calhoun County Mutual Aid Agreement and be bound by the foregoing terms and conditions, 9-15-05 2 e 041 . CALHOUN COUNTY MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA INNOVENE USA LLC CALHOUN COUNTY FORMOSA PLASTICS CORPORATION 76 SEADRIFT COKE DOW CHEMICAL 9-15-05 BY wtI TITLE ()f~(;JS Ml#f/d-U- DATE /0/'1/0) f , BY aLJ? -Ld TI-i{ Ge....~'""'- ftv..-y<!r' DATE rl?olo~ DATE BY TITLE DATE BY TITLE DATE 3 0(12 e e e OIL. GAS AND MINTERAL LEASE FOR LOTS 8 AND 9 BLOCK 182 SEADRIFT TOWNSITE. CITY OF SEADRIFT. CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS: Pass on this item at this time. e PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ABANDONMENT OF A 23.94 ACRE PORnON OF LOT 2 SEcnON 9 BLOCK F CALHOUN CATTLE COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION OF THE PORT O'CONNOR PASTURE. IN THE MAXIMO CAMPOS LEAGUE. ABSTRACT 4 CALHOUN COUNTY TEXAS: Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding the abandonment of a 23.94 acre portion of Lot 2 Section 9, Block F Calhoun Cattle Company's Subdivision of the Port O'Connor Pasture, in the Maximo Campos League, Abstract 4, Calhoun County, Texas, at 10:30 A.M. Commissioner Finster asked that the minutes refiect that this property is in Seadrift, and reference Bay Club at Falcon Point Ranch. Mr, Terry Ruddick stated that the Preliminary Plat has been approved by Commissioners' Court and he has received no comments from the public. Judge Pfeifer closed the hearing at 10:32 a.m. ABANDON A 23,94 ACRE PORTION OF LOT 2, SEcnON 9 BLOCK F CALHOUN CATTLE COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION OF THE PORT O'CONNOR PASTURE. IN THE MAXIMO CAMPOS LEAGUE. ABSTRACT 4 CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS: Pass on this item at this time. APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR BAY CLUB AT FALCON POINT RANCH. PHASE II. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED BY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ON OCTOBER 13. 2005 AS FALCON BAY CLUB SUBDIVISION PHASE II: Pass on this item at this time. COUNTY REPORTS: e The County Clerk, Dlstrict Clerk and County Treasurer presented their monthiy reports for October 2005 and the Extension Service presented their monthly reports for the months of September and October 2005, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor e 043 . . .~ flO ANITA FRICKE - COUNTY CLERK MONTHLY REPORT RECAPITULATION OFFICE FUND - OCTOBER 2005 CIVIL FUNDS County Fees County Clerk's Fees Recording Probate Civil Total County Clerk's Fees Judie's Fees Probate Civil Total Judge's Fees Probate Fees (Education Fees) Sheriff's Fees Jury Fees Law Ubrary Fees Beer Ucenses Appellate Fund (TGC) Cou~ Reporter Fees Civil Indigent Fees Record Management Fees (County Clerk) Record Management Fees (County) Security Fees (County) Bond Forfe~ures Subtolai County Fees $14,055,00 240,00 480,00 . $14,775,00 30,00 60,00 90,00 30,00 240,00 110.00 630,00 0.00 90,00 270,00 240,00 2,440,00 240.00 731,00 0,00 $19,886,00 . state Fees Judicial Fund Marriage License Fees Birth Certificate Fees Total state Fees SUBTOTAL OVerpmt of Filing Fees to be Refunded by Co. Clk, TOTAL CIVIL FUNDS COLLECTED 720.00 170.50 108,00 $998.50 $20,884.50 0,00 $20,884,50 CR/MINALFUNDS $5,639.50 + $1,564.00 Total Criminal Court Costs & Fines + Pre-T-rial Diversion Fees TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED (As per ACS Report) Bank Interest Earned $7,203,50 TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED Less Refunds for Overpayment of Filing Fees ADJUSTED FUNDS RECEIVED Plus Re-Dapos~ of NSF Checks (Not recorded In ACS) Less NSF Checks (Not recorded in ACS) Co, Clerk Check # 957 AMOUNT DUE COUNTY TREASURER Page 1 of2 $28,088.00 31.66 $28,119.66 0.00 $28,119,66 0.00 0,00 $28,119.661 e e e 044 e e e ':~ DISBURSEMENTS CK# 949 950 ANITA FRICKE - COUNTY CLERK MONTHLY REPORT RECAPITULATION (con't) OFFICE FUND - OCTOBER 2005 Pavable To Rhonda Kokena, Co Treas VOID CASH ON HAND OFFICE FUND. Beginning Book Balance Funds Received Disbursements Plus Redeposit of NSF Checks Less NSF Checks Ending Book Balance $27,040,64 28,112,66 -27,035,30 $26,116,00 Descriotion Sept 2005 report Amount $27,035,30 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $27,035.30 BANK RECONCILIATION OFFICE FUND Ending Bank Balance Outstanding DeposUs- Outstanding Checks- Plus Other ltems- Less Other ltems- Reconciled Bank Balance $27,500,34 688,00 (70,34) $28,118,00 ... ..-......--..-.. ..-. ..-. ..-. ..-.... -....-....-....-....- ....-... -... -.. -- ....-.... -.-- CASH ON HAND. TRUST FUND Beginning Book Balance Funds Received Disbursements Ending Book Balance ~-d~ $320,062,87 0.00 (1,416,00) $318,646,87 SUBMITTED BY: Anna Fricke, County Clerk BANK RECONCILIATION TRUST FUND Endin9 Bank Balance $318,646.87 Outstanding Deposits- 0,00 Outstanding Checks- 0,00 Reconciled Bank Balance $318,646,87 -See Attached APPROVED BY: Michael J, Pfeifer, County JUdge Page 2 of 2 045 or, . . CALB01lII C01lllTI, TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SlIlIMARY OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACC01lllT REMITTANCES ~dob..~, 2.-00S) ~bj9~ Remittance to County Treasurer: Road and Bridge General Fund: Fines Bond Forfeiture General Fund: District Clerk's Fees Sheriff's Fees Jury Fees Law Library Fund: C.J.P.F.: L.E.o.s.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C.: Juv. Crime Prev.: Time Pay Fee: Civil Indigent Filing Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.M.L: A.J.S.F.: ~4."5 DO 'Z.. It-7S ()n . I I~~ '>7 I "0 on '0.0(") I .3"Z.c+. '+7 , 2.."\-s.Oo e l~&.~7 g .&:1 27 \~ ~.s3.gq. 'l., \~ 1\ 0 .5' t:.s on s,. r..{. #I M l"e r. 2..DOS' F.r,,... TOTAL REMITTANCE TO C01lllTI TREASURER: Interest: 2..0S :lS 00 7.112 l~ on '+ t!U..s CfL' , ~ttance to Others: OUt-of-County Sheriff's Fees: State: C.A.R. Fund: 2..Cj/oo z.~o.OO TOTAL REMITTANCE TO OTHERS: S?.l 00 54-'" ~z. . e TOTAL EXPENDITIlRES: ENDING IlALANCE: IS '2..02 gq.. / TOTAL: Reconciliation With Cash in Bank: Balance in Checking Account: OUtstanding Receipts: OUtstanding Checks: OUtstanding Criminal Receipts: '\ 755. '\z. s ~ '5 .& I "24t7 00 :s:z.'.sc ~ 0\".". , TOTAL: OUtstanding Checks: c.l(lf.'Uc.- G..\lIlU.aa... -~O.Do , d" I",~,.',\ _ 6.raa K..s.. ~ .00 c.k..~ '2 ol\-S:'b:...Hu-_ . so c..t.'tlot.cl4'_T<<rrA.,,-+a.._lnn no c.Jl."''Z.~sa. -"..,.-."1..,, _ '''0.00 c.k...a.Z?I(._l.""I\A.._I" {"JrJ d"2.,A__ _ 1.,.,......-".....00 d......Z71l.~_A..,.I!l^_ .......rm c.~" '2.'L&'" -If 1 '....0 C. _ l.sb 00 '\ 7S-S.~'2... APPROvwf?~tIh. ~ PAMELA MARTIN HART OVE DISTRICT CLERK RECEIVED: MICHAEL PFEIFER C01lllTI JUDGE TOTAL: S'Z4,.so e 046 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS DISTRICT CLERK SllHIlA:RY OF CASH TRANSACTIONS IN FEE ACCOUNT RECEIPTS <9 <:to b"~J z..oOS) r . . D~strict Cleyk's Fees: Certified Copies Criminal Court Civil Court Stenographer Records Management Fund Courthouse Security Fund Civil Indigent Filing Fee Sheriff's Fees: Civil Court Civil Jury Jury Fees: Law Library Fees: C.J.P.F. L.E.O.S.: C.V.C.A.: J.P.T.: C.S.: B.A.T.: C.R.F.: Fugitive Appr. Acct.: C.C.C.: Juv.. Crime Prev..: Time Pay Fee: Abused Children's Fund: C.M.I. A.J.S.F.: F. ,.."'. TOTAL FEES: Bond Forfeiture: Fines: Criminal Court C.A.R. Fund: State: Other Collections: Reimbursable Costs <K, to 22.8.3- c.fC.. .f=z.'2.Sq._ cl:.:-i l:t.8s - c:t.....1...2.8c:. - d~.;t 2..7A. 4t - d...72'&8 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS: INTImEST EAIDlRD: BRGIIINING BALANCE: TOTAL RESOURCES: '83.00 137.&'\0 I 787 00 , 2..2.5 CD L 8.32.84- J 2...33: 't:l 1\"2.. 2..3 '&500 c (Q)~p 5'20. '\00 14-0.00 'GD 4-0 Iso 00 :C;'2S" tJrl IS-S{'}'!C: , "'2.... 17,2.3 "'2...75.'5 I .c,,, g, 13 (.of,! 70.00 1....6(') ~ 32.8.407 3. 2S"1 Stl- , 7C.S 00 GO.OO 2~.O(") 2.4- 00 z.~ Do ISO 00 '!,{)O 2.'11.00 'I C;.. 0\ , :S.'ll -,%5'0.'\'2 IS, 2.02 8'l- 047 Co9~ CALHOUN 0 Y, TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: OCTOBER 2005 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BAL4NCE AIRPORT MAINtENANCE 17,037.90 51.14 516.08. 16,573.56 APPELLATE JUDICIAL SYSTEM 1,565.79 114.75 0.00 1,680.54 ANIMAL CONTROL-CA W~ 138.87 0.00 0.00 138.87 CHAMBER TOURISM ~__._.. 223.16 __.....Q.OO ___0.00 . COURTHOUSE SECURITY 166JtU.96 1,651.26 0.00 J67,686.22 DONATIONS 135,341.14 622.05 103.70 135,859.49 AMll.. Y PROTECfION FUNI:: 375.00 15.00 0.00 390.00 1UVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION FUND 1,122.62 21.63 0.00 7,144.25 ORANTs 57.299.28 154.14 6,976.14 50,477.28 HWY 871FMI090 812.888.22 2,468..52 0,00 815,356.74 GENERAL HA V A COMPLIANCE 0.00 238.192.60 0.00 238.l92.60 JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY 19,130.92 58.8.72 0.00 19.719.64 JUSTICE COURT BUIlDING SECURITY F1JN[ 0.00 26.38 0.00 26.38 lATERAL ROAD PRECINCT #1 3,701.30 3,590.10 3,679.95 3,611.45 LATERAL ROAD PRBCINCI ~ 3,701.30 '3,590,10 3,679.95 3,611.45 TBRALROADPREC1NCT ~ 3,701.30 3,590.10 3,679.95 3,611.45 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCf #4 3,701.30 3,590,11 3,679.95 3,611.46 LAWUBRARY 76,214.92 1,00163 0.00 n,276.55 LAW ENF OFFICERS STD. EDDe. (LEOSE) 9,152.29 27,79 0.00 9,180.08 roc COMMUNITY CENTER 4,704.78 14.29 1,374.18 3,344.89 RECORDS MANAGEMBNT-DlS'lRICT Cl.ERI< 297.14 35.90 0.00 333.04 RECORDS MANAOEMENl'.COUN1Y CI..ERI<. 113,796.12 3.05057 2,85124 113,995.45 RECORDS MGMT & PRESBRV ATlON 75,197.59 639.80 226.79 75,610.60 OAD &- BRIDGE GENERAL 458,245.76 21,439.55 0,00 479,685.31 ROAD &- BRIDGBPRBClNCT #3 11,333.89 34.42 0.00 11,368.31 DAD MAINTENANCEPRECINCf #4 14,65220 44.49 0.00 14,696.69 s1:iERJFp FORFEITED PROPERTY 1,063.15 3.23 0.00 1,066.38 CAPITAL PROJ..cOASTAL IMPROVEMENT:: 61;324,03 0,00 1,600.00 59,724.03 CAPITAL PROJ-COURTIlOUSE RENOV ATIOl" 515,581.42 90,166.53 88,600.85 517.147.10 CAPITAL PROJ"ELEcrrON MACHINES 0,00 89,521.40 0,00 89,52140 CAPITAL PROJ.NEW EMS Bl..DCi 19,196.25 0.00 0,00 19,196.25 CAPITAL PROJ-NEW JAIL BI..DC: 0.00 810,18281 810,182.81 0,00 CAPITAL PROJ-PAR.Kll{G L01 80,543.81 0.00 0,00 80,543.81 CAPPR,OJ-PCI lRDRECONST-STORM 403,906.18 0.00 0.00 403,906.18 CAP PROJ.PCT 1 RD RECON. TCDP DRN723037 20,581.17 0,00 0.00 20,581.17 CAP PR.oJ.PCf 2. STORM REPAIRS 17,796.13 0,00 0.00 17,796.13 CAPITAl. PROJ-RB INFRASTRUCI1JRI 32,732.48 0,00 0.00 32,732.48 CAPITALPROJ-SWANPOINT PARI' 74,720.40 0,00 0.00 74,720.40 CAPITAL PROJ-AlRPORT IMPROVEMENT D 62.831.32 390.00 3,655.00 59.566.32 CAPITAL PROJ-MOlD REMEDIATIO:t' 858.83 0,00 0.00 858.83 CAP PROJ.HATElUUS PRK BOAT RAMP.sTRM REI 33,148.15 0.00 0.00 33,148.15 e CAPPRQJ.PORT ALTO PUl3.L BBACI:I-STORM REI 30,384.78 0,00 0.00 30,384.78 ARREST FEES 735.77 415.15 1,150.68 0.24 BAll,. BOND l"HBS (HB 1940) 4,305.00 U,OO 4,305.00 0,00 CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS (NEW: 19,611.99 7,086.28 26,698.27 0.00 ELECTIONS CONTRACT SERVICE 4,469.09 0,00 0.00 4,469.09 AND COURT COSTS HOlDING FUNI: 9,537.56 0,00 0,00 9.537.56 ll'IDlGENT CIVIL LBOAL SERVICE 458.00 124.00 582.00 0.00 nmIClAL f1JND (ST. COURT COSTS: 285.23 139.68 424.91 0.00 rumCAL PERSONNEL TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CLEARING 33,317.19 (2,293.67) 1,183.02 29,840.50 SUHTUTAl....S o. ._~---~-----_..._-_.._-_._._----_.-~--_.._._..... ._---_._-_._----_._---------~_. ..... --.----....---- Page 1 of3 e OL18 e e e COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTI! OF, OCTOBER 2IlilS FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BAlANCE OPERATING FUND - BALANCE FORWARI: $ 11,775.283.83 $ 1.647,963.21 $ 2,373.560.10 $ 11,049.686.34 JUVENIlE CRIME & DELlNQUENCY 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 !UVENll.E PROBATION RESTITUTIOI' 726.82 70.00 796.82 0.00 UBRARY GIFT AND MEMORIAl 48,761.14 188.07 418.01 48,471.2Q MISCELLANEOUS CI..EARlNG 520.43 3,716.90 3,115.34 1.121.99 REFUNDABLE DEl'OSrrs 2,225.00 0,00 0.00 2,225.00 ;::)lA.'1h t,;LVlLl"bb.t<UNU 4,l:ttl.4U J.HS;)"OI) -' _.).~Hl.ISU .--,-- ",...~. . .~ -- 7;2120"9' . . Z.m:13 9~79L22 ===_...... 0.00 TIME PAYMENTs 3,235.34 1,283.29 4,518.63 0.00 TRAFFIC LAW FAILURE TO APPEAF 1.991.09 1.152.81 3.143.90 0.00 UNCLAiMt:'..lJ YKVYhKT:t ::S,4t>:t..-.:-t V.OO V,OO ::S,%:.t:a BOOT CAMPIJJAEP 112,834.61 342.80 3,684.50 109.542.91 1UVENILE PROBA nON 246,270.86 11,960.86 29,607,68 228,624.04 SUBTOTAl.S " 12.Z06,699.b3 , 1.670,442.67 , 2,434.008_0\1 , 11,443,133./0 TAXES IN ESCROW O,OIl 0.00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 12,206,699.63 $ 1,670,442.67 $ 2,434,003-60 $ 11,443J133.70 COMB. HOsP. REv, & TAX CERTIF. OF OBUQ. 115,830.11 1,0119,99 0,00 116,920.10 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) 3.146,102.04 859,685.51 1,660,182..81 2.346,204.14 CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 -1 & s 238,498.50 3,196,31 666.50 241,028.31 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION RJND sElUEs: 2Q04 4,968.316.54- 15,80951 &&,600.&5 4,895,525.20 CERT. OFOB~CRTIlSER.EI"f.l&S FUNP SERIEs 2004 19,7S4,24 43.0.88 O,OIl 20,215.12 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANT FUNI: 1,00 0,00 0,00 1,00 JURY IMPREsr -DISTRIct COURT 2,801.28 451 346,00 2.459.85- JURY WPRES'f..COUNTY COURl 2,038.35 3.73 51200 1.470.08 TOTAL OPER & OTHER CO. FUNDS 20,700,671.6.9 2,550,"3.17 4,l&4,37Ci.76 , 19,066.9S8.10 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER, OPERATING $ 2,419,117.56 $ 1,576.998.37 $ 1,613,974.74 $ 2,382,141.19 MEMORIAL 17,665.83 22,51 0_00 17,688.34 RESTRICTED DONATION 14,011.1$ 17.85 0,00 14,029.00 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,8n.Zl 127,921.75 127,870.98 1,927.98 TOTALS $ 2,453,271.75 $ 1,704.960.48 $ 1.741,845.72 $ 2,416,38651 DRAlNAGEDISTRICf5 NO, 6 $ 13,535.95 $ 42.39 $ 97.76 $ 13,480.58 NO.8 51,479.90 51.67 14,435.23 37,096.34 NO. 1D-MAINTENANCE 32,020.28 54.21 15.30 32.059.19 NO. l()..DEBT SERVICE 2,622.99 1284 0,00 2,635.83 NO. II-MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 122,913.67 1,453.84 8,43243 115,915.0& No. l1-DEBT SERVICE 69,n9.62 306.19 O,OIl 70,OS5..S1 NO. l1-RESERVE 50,628.52 64,50 0,00 50,693.02 TOTALS $ 342,980,93 $ 1,985.64 $ 22.9&0,U $ 321.985.85 CALIIOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING $ 123,743.84 $ 2,104.35 $ 11,403.82 $ 115,044.37 TOTAL MMC, DRAINAGE DIST, & NA V. DlST. $ 2,919,996.52 $ ],709,650.47 $ 1,776,230.26 $ 2,853,416.73 TOTAL AU.. FUNDS $ 21,920,314.83 ------~-----_._----~-----------_._----_._-,-------~--------, Page 2 of3 049 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FUND OPERATINGf JURY lMPREST -DlSTRlCT CCURl PJRY IMPP.E~TCOU~YR-1-,,- CALHOUN CO. DISASTER CJRANT FUN[ COMB. HasP. REV: & TAX CERTlF. OF OBLIO. CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) U CCNSTRUcnON (JAlL) SERIES 2003 -1 & S COURrnouSE RENOv. FUND SERIES 2004'" CERT. OF OB-CR11ISB REN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 MEMORlALMBDICAL~ OPERATING MEMoRlAL RESTRICI'ED DONATION lNDIOENTHEALTIlCARE DRAINAGE DISTRICT; NO.6 NO,8 NO. 10 MAlNI'ENANCE NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE NO. 11 MAlNl'ENANCEIOPERATING NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE NO. 11 RESERVE CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DlST MAINTENANCEJOPERATING ..., TOTALS $ LESS, CEKr.OF DEPI FUND OUTsrNDG DEPI BALANCE OTHER ITEMS 11,44~,133.7Q $ 11,361,759.23 $ 2,459.%5 0.00 -----t;4-1. 1.00 0,00 116,920.10 13.72 2.346.204.74 3,000,000.00 241,028.31 45.65 4,895.525.20 4,750.000.00 2G,215.12 12.67 2,382,741.19 0,00 17,68834 0,00 14,029.00 0,00 1,927.98 0,00 13.,480.58 0.04 31,096.34 0,00 32,059.19 0,02 2.635,83 0.02 115.935,0-& 1.41 70,085.81 1.25 50.693.02 0.00 115.044.37 0,00 21,921>,374.83 19,111,834.01 MONTH OF, OCTOBER 2005 PLUS; CHECKs OUTITANDlNG BANK BAL.4NCE 128,838.45 $ 810,212.92 1,108,00 ---1;3'14:00 3,567,&5 2;344:0& 0,00 1.00 0,00 810,182.8L 0.00' 116,906.38 156,387.55 240.982.66 83,600.85 0.00 234,126.05 20,20245 219,767.22 2,602.508.41 0,00 11.688.34 0,00 14,029.00 1,725.31 3.653.29 0,00 13,480.54 0,00 31.096.34 0,00 32,Q59.11 0,00 2,635.81 0,00 115,933.67 0.00 10.084.56 0,00 50,693.02 0.00 115,044.37 1,851,596.64 4,660,137.46 . CDs-OPERATING FUND $10.416,633,60 .. CD - CONSTRUCflON (JAIL) $2.150,000 ... CD - COURTIlOUSE RENOVATION $4,750,000 .... THE DEPOSITORY FOR CAUlOUN CO. NAVIGATION DlSTRICf IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FORT LA V ACA THE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. PORT LAV ACA, e ~";!^~. ~~ COUNTY TREASURER --~----~---~------- -~------ Page 3 of3 e 050 e e e Selected Major Activities Since Last Report September 2005 · Denotes Night or Weekend Activity Dale Sep 1-2 Sep5 Sep6 Sep? SepS Sep9 Sep 12 Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 19 Sep 20 Sep21 Sep 22 - 23 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSTONERS COURT 69.8 miles Dailv Account Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture. and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. County Holiday, Extension Office Closed. Calhoun County Cattlemen's College. Class 2 - 26 attended, Class was held on site al a local producer's ranch. Specialists and agent presented information regarding range management and stocking rates. Participants were taughl how 10 assess/estimate forage quantity and quality. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele conununication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. D~] 1 Judges and Commissioners Conference planning meeting, Victoria. Attended the Coastal Coordinating Council with local officials and Marine Agent to present information regarding possible conununity development projects. Office Management. Responded 10 clientele inquiries reg.,.ding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and. emails. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits. and emails. Professional development, attended class for Ph.D, Calhoun County Cattlemen's College, Class 3 - 25 attended. Class was held on site al a local producer's ranch, Specialists and agenl presented infonnalion concerning rotational grazing and forage determination. Participants also loured a working rotational grazing system. Office Managemenl, Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and entails. Junior Liveslock Committee Meeting. Agriculture Building Auditorium -17 attended. Committee discussed the up<:oming show and assigned volunleer duties for implementation of the 2005 show. Office Management.. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emaiIs. Office Management, Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clienlele conununication methods involved phone cans, office visits, and emails. Professional development, attended class for Ph.D, Fall Faculty Conference, Jackson County Services Building. Edna. District administration presenled information regarding program planning. Meeting ended prematurely due to Hurricane Rita. Cattlemen's College, Class 4, cancelled due 10 hurricane. Prepared office materials and equipment for possible Hurricane. Evacuated due to unsafe work environment, Hurricane Rita. Or- " Ul Date Sep 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29 - 30 Dailv Account Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails, Reorganized office after hurricane preparation. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls. office visits, and emails. Cancelled Cattlemen' s College, Class 5. due to lack of preparation due to hurricane. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture. horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Home Visit (I). Port Lavaca ~ assisted homeowner with turfps questions and problems. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. e 87 Community Educational Outreach Summary FarmlRanch Visits 124 420 o o Office Visits o Phone Calls Home Visits E-mails & Correspondence o 200 o 4-H Livestock Project Visits 4-H Newsletters News Releases AgINR Newsletters Continuing Education Units (CEU) August 2005 Upcomiug EventsJActivitieslPrograms Date Oct 4 actS Oct 9 Oct 1I - 16 Oct 25 Oct 26 - 27 Oct31-Nov I EventlActivitv/Pr02ram Calhoun County Cattlemen's College, Class 6, Bauer Exhibit Building. !PM Steering Committee Meeting, Placedo, TCCA Heifer Prospect Show, Fairgrounds, Calhoun County Fair, Fairgrounds. Calhoun County Cattlemen's College, Classes 4 & 5, Agriculture Building. South Texas Farm and Rancb Show, Victoria. e . Zan atthi s Jr., M.S. COlIDty Extension Agent Agriculture/Natural Resources Calhoun County e 052 e e e D-360 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION The Texas A&M University System MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF TRAVEL Calhoun County Extension Agent - Agriculture I Natural Resources Name: A. Zan Matthies Ir" M.S. County: Calhoun - 057 Title: County Extension Agent - AGtNR Month: September, 2005 Date Travel Description Miles Meals Lodging Sep6 Cattlemen's College, Six-Mile Area CT Sep8 Coastal CO()Tdinating Council, T AMUCC, Corpus Christi CT Sep II Judge's and Commissioners Conference Planning Meeting, Victoria CT 7,95 Sep 13 Cattlemen's COllege, PM 2541 CT Sep ZO Fall Faculty Conference, Edna 64,2 Sep 28 Home Visit (1), Port Lavaca 5,6 TOTAL 69.8 $7.95 $0,00 *** CT = County Truck County Truck Usage Summary Beginning Mileage Ending Mileage 10,911 Total Driven 9,424 1,487 Other expenses in field (list): I hereby certifY this is a true and correct report of travel (mileage) and other expenses incurred by me in performance of my official duties for the month shown. Date: October 1, 2005 Signed: 053 Monthly Output Septemberj200s A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. County Extension Agent - Agriculture/Natural Resources Calhoun County Correspondence ("') .. Mailed 6 copies of monthly reports to Commissioners, Judge and Darrell Dromgoole on 6 09/09/05. .. Mailed 120 to Fair Supporters on 9/10/05, .. Mailed Supporters of the Youth Builders Organization a letter for information on the Calhoun County Fair on 09/14/05. .. Mailed ScholarsWp Fund information to to Dr. Dale A. Fritz in Bryan. TX. 1 120 60 .. Mailed Eligibility Forms and Memo on the Eligibility Forms on 9/30/05. 150 '" Mailed a memo to Cattlemen's College Participants on schedule changing for Hurricane 25 Rita on 9/28/05. Faxes (..) .. Faxed Test Variety information to Corpus Office on 9/07/05 1 .. Faxed Shirt information to Garments to Go for Cattlemen's College Shirts on 9/02/05. 1 Newsletters (b) b 4- H Newsletters 200 b b Facility Management (Dates Rented to General Public) 09/30/05 054 e e e e e e , ,.. TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO~ISSIONER'S COURT Bill Harvey County Extension Agent-Marine Monthly Report - October, 2005 NOV 1 fj 2005 SIt d M' A f 'ti Mike Pfeifer *Out of County Travel e ec c a.lOf C IVI es r.~lh~ ,,.... Date Daily Account -"Y~8':' Miles Contacts 1013 Office administration 0 3 10/4 Met 'With Sherri Krause, Travis Middle School, concerning science 14 14 cooperative projects on Matagorda Island, Met with Port Comfort ..E.oup regardin,g, starting skateboard club there 1015 Met with Port Lavaca Skate Crew 0 65 1016- Preparations for Calhoun County Fair 0 10 10/7 10/11- Calhoun County Fair 0 150 10/15 (approx.) ]0117- Sick Leave 0 0 10/]8 10/19- Program development in Office 0 5 10/21 10124 Preparation for new employee traini~ To Seadrift for site visit 54,9 8 101251 New Employee Training in Edna and Victoria. Meeting with Dr. 160 80 10/26 Elsa Murano in Victoria. 10/27 PrCJgfam devel~ment and site visit in Indianola 28 4 10128 Met with Port Lavaca Rotary Club 6 32 10/31 Program development 0 0 9/16 Development of program materials 0 7 9/19 District J I trainil1g in Victoria 0 40 9/20- Hurricane Rita evacuation. 0 0 9/27 9128- Office administration 0 5 9129 9130 To Corpus Christi for prooram deliv,,-l2' 0 4 262,9 427 118 Office Visits 70 Phone Calls TRAVEL: 359 Ernai]s & Correspondence InC()untyc 102.9 1 News Releases Olit of County ~ 160 Marine Newsletters Home Visits . Total 262.9 5 Site Visits BL T Match Hours Continuing Education Units (CEU) 055 .. - October 2005 Upcoming Events/Activities/Programs Date Event! Activities/Prol!I'am Name Bill Harvey Title County Extension Agent-Marine Calhoun County Or-,;:~ l)u e e e TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTMTY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSTONERS COURT October 2005 Selected Major Activities Since Last Report 440.2 miles · Denotes Night or Weekend Activity e Date Dailv Account Oct 3 Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Professional Development, attended class for Ph.D, Oct 4 Calhoun County Cattlemen's College, Class 6, Bauer Exhibit Building - 21 attended. Participants at this program were introduced to National Animal Identification and premise registration. Those that attended were provided an opportunity to register their ranches according to new regulations. Oct 5 !PM Steering Committee Meeting, Placedo. Attended the faIl committee meeting with local producers who are members of this committee. !PM research and demonstration projects were reviewed in addition to the 2005 actual budget. Oct6-7 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 11- 16 Oct 17 e Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct20-21 Oct 24 Oct25 Oct 26 e Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. * TCCA Prospect Heifer Show, Showbarn, Fairgrounds. Volunteers sponsored a prospect heifer show for regional exhibitors. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. * Calhoun County Fair, Fairgrounds. Assisted volunteers with management of the Calhoun County Fair, Livestock Show, and facilities. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Professional Development, attended class for Ph.D. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Travis Middle School Garden Club, Port Lavaca - 16 attended, Presented information regarding the importance of soil samples and how they should be taken to ensure an accurate representation of sample site. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4.H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Professional Development, attended class for Ph.D, Calhoun County Cattlemen's College, Classes 4 & 5 [make-up] - 24 attended. Specialists and agent presented information regarding herd management and health management of beef cattle herds. South Texas Farm and Ranch Show, Victoria-attended a meeting with other agents form District II to meet Dr. Elsa Muran, Vice Chancellor ofTAMUS. Murano discussed the relevance of Extension to the future of agriculture in Texas. 05'7 Date Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 31 Dailv Account South Texas Farm and Ranch Show, Victoria - 42 attended. Preseuted a Private Applicator Training to individuals desiring to obtain a pesticide applicator's license. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Validated market goat projects for the IIll\ior shows. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture, horticulture, and 4-H. Clientele communication methods involved phone calls, office visits, and emails. Professional Development, attended class for Ph.D. e 56 Community Educational Outreach Summary FannlRanch Visits 142 210 o o Office Visits o o Home Visits Phone Calls E-maiIs & Correspondence o 4-H Livestock Project Visits News Releases 222 4-H Newsletters AgINR Newsletters o Continuing Education Units (CEU) Date November 2005 Upcoming Events/ActivitiesIPrograms Navl Nov3 Novl0 Nov 17 Event/ActivitvlProl!ram T AES- TCE CARES Conference, Corpus Christi. Extension Row Crop Committee Meeting. Bauer Exhibit Building. Calhoun County Fair Board Meeting. Bauer Exhibit Building. Calhoun County Junior Livestock Committee Meeting. e Nov 22 Calhoun-Victoria County Demonstration Update, Bauer Exhibit Building. Nov 24 - 25 County Holiday, Thanksgiving. tthies Jr., M,S, COlUlty Extension Agent AgriculturelNatural Resources Calhoun County e 058 D-360 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION The Texas A&M University System MONTHL Y SCHEDULE OF TRAVEL Calhoun County Extension Agent - Agriculture / Natural Resources Name: A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. Title: County Extension Agent - AGINR County: Calhoun - 057 Month: October , 2005 e Date Travel Description Miles Meals Lodging Oct 3 Retrieve Office Supplies & Furniture, Victoria & College Station 37\.6 Oct 4 Routine Office Travel, Port Lavaca Area 11.7 Gct5 IPM Steering Committee Meeting. Placedo Z9,6 Oct 11-26 Calhoun County Fair, Port Lavaca CT Oct 19 TMS Garden Club, Port Lavaea 6,8 Oet2S Routine Office Travel, Port Lavaca Area 12,6 Oct 26 - 27 South Texas Farm and Ranch Show, Victoria CT 15,00 Oet28 Routine Office Travel, Port Lavaca, Area 7,9 TOTAL 440.Z $15.00 $0.00 ... CT = County Truck County Truck Usage Summary Beginning Mileage Ending Mileage Total Driven 10,911 12,360 1,449 e Other expenses in field (list): South Texas Farm and Ranch Show Registration _ $14.00 I hereby certifY this is a true and correct report of travel (mileage) and other expenses incurred by me in performance of my official duties for the month shown. Signed: UZan lesJr CEA-AG/NR Calhoun County Date: November 3, 2005 e 059 Monthly Output October/2005 A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. County Extension Agent - Agriculture/Natural Resourees Calhoun County Correspondence ('"') '"' Mailed a letter to tbe GBRAAttn: Herb WitIiff about two weatber stations on 10/05/05. 1 '"' Mailed a letter to FNBAttn: Dell Weatbersby about two weather stations on 10/05/05. Mailed a letter to IBCAttn: Hany Frankson about two weatber stations on 10/05/05. Mailed a letter Moreman GinAttn: Teddy Kallus about two weatber stations on 10/05/05. Mailed monthly reports out to Commissioners, Judge and Darrell Dromgoole on 10/07/05. Mailed Dwayne Mumphord a copy ofhis CEU certificate on 10/26/05' Mailed a memo to Cattlemen's College Participants on schedule changing for Hurricane Rita on 10/30/05, '"' '"' '"' '"' GO Faxes (..) .. Faxed Dr. Livingston 2 pages on 10/10/05' 2 .. Faxed Calhoun County Fair Jr, Livestock Show eutries and information to numerous 50 businesses in town. Newsletters (.011) "" 4-H Newsletters 222 Office Conferences Dates: 10/26/05 Facility Management (Dates Rented to General Public) 10/22/05,10/29/05 1 1 1 6 1 25 000 e e e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED: Claims totaling $8,278,329.23 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e HOSPITAL BILLS: Claims totaling $1,200,548.59 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Gaivan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. INDIGENT HEALTH CARE: Claims totaling $156,442.86 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ISSUES RELATING TO NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Mark Crippen stated that the Jail project has 101 approved days of deiay, January 13th is the day that the Contractor says they will be complete with the Jail Commission approving the facility. The new parking lot is being worked on now. Financially everything looks great. The block walls are done and the walls are being painted. ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT: The agreement was signed on October 27th. The Contractor has 330 days to reach substantial completion. The County should be able to move back into the Courthouse on September 22, 2006. Insurance claim is still being pursued, e ACCEPT $25 DONATION FROM GLENN MAREK TO CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT IN MEMORY OF MARIA SPARKS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept a $25 donation from Gienn Marek to the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department in Memory of Maria Sparks, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in Favor, TRANSFER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM PRECINCT #4 INVENTORY TO PRECINCT #2: 1. Tar pot 2. Implement Shredder serial #M3s56 serial #sOBA01047 A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the above items be transferred from Precinct #4 Inventory to Precinct #2 Inventory. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer ali voted in Favor, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in Favor. e Court adjourned @ 10:45 a,m. 0",' 01 o 0-..' t\.:;, e , 10~ FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111I1111IIIIJlJIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIUUlItlIlIIllIlIlIfIllIfIIIIUffllllllflllllllfllffllllfllllllUIfUlIIIUlf DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 340 AMENDMENT NO. 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON. 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlIID HAl IIIVEl/lf IIIVEl/lf EXPENIII1IIE EXPEl/IIIIIIE IIIl:IIfASE ACCTIIll ACCT/IAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME lKCREASE DECREASE INalEASE IltIlEASE IERfASE) 53980 SUPPlIES/OPERATlNG EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $51 $51 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $51 $0 ($51) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $51 $51 $0 AMBULANCE OPERATlONS-SEADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $51 $51 $0 11111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111I11111111I111I111I1111111I111111111111111I11I111111111111111I11111111111I1111111111111I11111111111111I11I111I111I1111I1111I11I111I111111I11I1111111I1111I11I11(111111I1111I11111111I11I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO: 170 AMENDMENT NO. 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlIID HAl IllYEMlE IIIVEl/lf EXPENIII1IIE EXPENIITlIlE INCREASE ACCTIIll ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IlECREASE INCREASE IICREASE DlCREASEJ 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5,140 $5,140 65471 REPAIRS.PLAZA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,140 $0 ($5,140) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $5,140 $5,140 $0 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL $0 $0 $5,140 $5,140 $0 1IIIIIIIlltlIlJlJIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIUUIIIIII1IIlfllllUflflllflllllflflllffUllflUIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COMMISSIONERS COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 230 IAMENDMENT NO: 968 I REQUESTOR. COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCTNO REVENUE JllalEASE FUND 8Al INCREASE IDECBfASEJ REVENUE DfCBfASE EXPENDITURE EXPENOIIURE IHalEASE DECREASE ACCfNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME Monday, November 21,2005 e _e10f17 e o O'J ~ e e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARING DATE: Monday, November 21, 2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1I11111111111111JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllIfIIIIJ111111I11I11111111111111111111,',1,',1111"',',."',11111I11111111111111111111111111I11I1111111111111111111111I1111I11I111111111111111111111I11111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: COMMISSIONERS COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 230 AMENDMENT NO: 968 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPEHII11IlE EXPENIIIlIlE INCIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GIlANT NO GIlANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE IIClIEASE lIICREASEJ 63290 LEGAL NOTICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $160 $0 ($160) 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $305 $0 ($305) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $465 $465 AMENDMENT NO 968 TOTAL $0 $0 $465 $465 $0 COMMISSIONERS COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $465 $465 $0 111111I111I111111I1111111111I111111111111I11111111111111111I11I111111111111'111111I1"'"111111111111111111111111'111111111111111I1111111111I1111111111111111111I11111111I11I1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIJlflllllltlIII DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 600 AMENDMENT NO: 9'14 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPEIIIIIlIlE EXJIEIiIIIIIlE IICREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME CIIANT NO GIlANT NAME INCREASE OEl:llEASE INCIlEASE IIClIEASE OECREASEJ 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) 53995 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $20 $0 ($20) 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $70 $70 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $70 $70 $0 CONSTABLE.PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $70 $70 $0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIII(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11I111111I1111I11111I11111I1111111I11I1111I11111111111111111I11111I1111111I11111111I1111111I'111111'1""1"1111111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 Monday, November 21,2005 Page2of17 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111I1111I11I1111111111111111I11I1111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I1111I111111111111111I1111111I11I11111111111111111111I1111I11111111111I111111I111111111111111111I1111111I1111I111111111111I111111111I11I1111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY CLERK DEPARTMENT NO: 250 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl IIIVBU IlMNlI EXPEJIIIIIIIE EXP9IIIIlIlE IIICIlEASE AWN8 ACCTNAME GRANT N8 GRANT NAME INl:IUSE IGIIfASE INl:IUSE IGIIfASE IIGIfASEl 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $106 $106 66322 TRAINING-REGISTRATION FEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $106 $0 ($106) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $106 $106 $0 COUNTY CLERK TOTAL $0 $0 $106 $106 $0 11111I11I11I11I11I111111111111I111111111111111111111I11111I11I111111I1111111111111111111111111111111I11I1111111I1111I11I11111111111111111111111I11I11I1111111111I111I11I11I11I11I11I111I11111I111I111I1111I11111I1111111111I111111I11I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT.AT.LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO: 969 REQUESTOR: JUDGE ALEX HERNANDEZ IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVEIllE REVEIllE EXPEIIIIIlIIf EXPEIOIlIlE IIC1lEASE AWNO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INQIfASE IICIlEASE oo:REASE OEI:lIEASE IIBIlWEJ 63050 JUDICIARY FUND EXPENDITURE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $209 $209 66322 TRAINiNG-REGISTRATION FEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $209 $0 ($209) AMENDMENT NO 969 TOTAL $0 $0 $209 $209 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl RmHlf IIMIIllE EXPEJIIIIIIIE EXPENOIIURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME oo:REASE DECREASE oo:REASE DECREASE lIIC1lEASEl 0 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,566 $0 ($1,566) 0'; 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,566 $1,566 ~ AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,566 $1,566 $0 e Monday, November 21, 2005 e _ge30f17 e o O-J CJ1 e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111'11111111111111111111111111111111I111III11IIII1111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111I11111111I111111111111I111I1111111111111111111I111111I11111111111111111I11I11111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT.AT.LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW TOTAL $0 $0 $1,775 $1,775 $0 1111I111I11111111I1111I11I1111I1111I11I11I111111111111I11I1111I11I11I11I11I11I11I111111I11I11I1111I11111I111I11I1111111111I11I1111I111111111I11I11I11111111I11111111I111111I11I11I11I11I1111I1111I11I11I111111I11111I11I11I1111I1111I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAt REVENUE REVENlJE EXPElOIlIIE EXPEIDIIlIlf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DfCIIEASE INCREASE IICIlEASE IIICIIEASEJ 53030 PHOTO COPIESISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $368 $0 ($368) 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,931 $0 ($1,931) 60053 ADULT ASSIGNED-OTHER L1TIGA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) 61460 COURT REPORTER-SPECIAL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,349 $2,349 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,349 $2,349 $0 DISTRICT COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $2,349 $2,349 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT NO: 270 MENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS AlND HAl REVENUE IlMNlIE EXPENIITlIIE EXPEIIDIT1IIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCIIEASE DECIlEASE INCIIEASE IICIlEASE IDfCIIEASEJ 63290 LEGAL NOTICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $121 $0 ($121) 66496 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $121 $121 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $121 $121 $0 ELECTIONS TOTAL $0 $0 $121 $121 $0 1111111111I11I11I111111I11111I11I1111I11I1111111111111111I111111I1111I11I111111I1111111I11I1111111111111IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111II11I DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 Monday, November 21, 2005 Page 4 of 17 o c,.~ ~ e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111I111111I111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS IllNIIBAI. REVENlI IlEVENlE EXPENII1lIIE EXPENII1lIIE INt:IIEASE AcallO ACCT /lAME GRANT liD GIIANT /lAME DlmEASE DEmEASE INt:IIEASE DECllEASE IDECllEASEJ 50815 PARAMEDIC 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,539 $1,539 50825 CREW LEADER 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,539 $0 ($1,539) 61710 DEPARTMENTAL REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $241 $0 ($241) 63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $611 $0 ($611) 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $852 $852 AMENDMENT ND 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,391 $2,391 $0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TDTAL $0 $0 $2,391 $2,391 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO: 110 AMENDMENT NO: 963 REQUESTOR: A. ZAN MATTHIES IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER fUNJJ BAl. IIEVENIIE IIEVENIIE EXPENII1IIIE EXPENOII1IRE otCREASE ACCTNO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME DlmEASE DECREASE DlmEASE DECREASE IllECllEASEJ 66500 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY.COUNT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 67120 VEHICLE FUEUOIUSERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 AMENDMENT NO 963 TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 EXTENSION SERVICE TOTAL $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 111111I11111111I111I11I11111111I11111I111111I11111111I1111111111I111I11I1111111111111I11I1111I11I1111I11I11111111I1IIIIIIIIIIJIIIJJJJJIIIJIJJIJlJIJJJJIJJUJJJJJJIJIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIJlllIIIIIIIIll'" DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION.SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 Monday, November 21, 2005 _esot17 e e o o-J ...:E , ' e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlllllflIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIIJII'IIIIJIIUlIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111nllllllllllll1,',11,'1111111I11111111,',11"",111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I1111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION.SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BA1 RmNUE IlEVEIIllE EXPEIlIII1IIE EXPENIIIlIlE IIICIIfASE ACCT NO ACCTHAME CIIANT NO GRANT NAME IHCIIEASE DECREASE IIICIIfASE IICIIEASE IIlEClIEASB 53960 SUPPLlESIDPERATiNG EXPENSE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $256 $0 ($256) 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $256 $256 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $256 $256 $0 FIRE PROTECTION.SEADRIFT TDTAL $0 $0 $256 $256 $0 11111111111111111111111I1111111I1111111111111I111111111111111I11I11I11I1,"',11111,'11I11111I11I11111111111I1111I1111111I11I11111111111111I111I11I11I1111111111111111I11I111111I11111I1111I1111I11111111I1111I1111"1111111I'1111I11"1' DEPARTMENT NAME: INDIGENT HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT NO: 360 !AMENDMENT NO: 960 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY JUDGE IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BA1 REVEHIIE REVEHIIE EXPEIlIII1IIE EXPEHIIIlIIf IHCIlEASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME CIIANT NO CIIANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE IIICIIfASE DECREASE lImIEASEJ 60640 CARE OF INDIGENTS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100,442 $0 ($100.442) AMENDMENT NO 960 TOTAL $0 $0 $100,442 $0 ($100,442) INDIGENT HEALTH CARE TOTAL $0 $0 $100,442 $0 ($100,442) 1IIIIIlUUlUIUlUIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllflIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlllllIfIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I1111I111I1111111111I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JAIL DEPARTMENT NO: 180 AMENDMENT NO: 955 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: CORRECTION FOR ADJUSTMENTS FOR 11/10105 ACCT NO 53955 REVENUE INCREASE $0 RlHD BA!. IHCREASE lImIEASB ($9,240) REVENUE DECREASE $0 EXPENOIIlJHf IIICIIfASE $9,240 EXPENOIIlJHf DECREASE $0 Accr NAME GROCERIES CIIANT NO 999 CIIANT NAME NO GRANT Monday, November 21,2005 Page 6 of 17 <:::> ,,,., ",",,' w e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Monday, November 21,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJIJIIIJIIlIJlIlIIIIIIllllJIIIJIIIIJIJlJIJIIIJIIIIIIIIIUUUIIIIIIIIUlIIIUJlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJlJlIlIIUlIIllJlIlIlIlIUlIIIUltlllIlIlIlIIlI1 DEPARTMENT NAME: .JAIL DEPARTMENT NO: 180 jAMENDMENT NO: 955 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ICORRECTION FOR ADJUSTMENTS FOR 11/10/05 ACCT N9 IIEVBftf INmEASE $0 RlriD BAL INCREASE lIICREASEJ ($9,240) I\MIU IBI\fASE $0 EXI'EIlIIIlIIE IIIaIEASE $9,240 EXI'EIlIIIlIIE IBIlfASI: $0 ACCT NAME SRANT NtJ GIIARf NAME AMENDMENT NO 955 TOTAL jAMENDMENT NO: 11/74 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR !AMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlriD BAL IIMNlf IIMNlf EXPfNIITlIIE EXPEIm\IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME SRANT NO GIIAIIT NAME INCIIEASE IBI\fAlf INCIIEASE IfCIlfAlf Dm\fASEJ 53460 PRISONER CLOTHING/SUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $53S $535 53955 GROCERIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $22,498 $22,498 64910 PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $535 $0 ($535) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $535 $23,033 $22,498 JAIL TOTAL $0 $0 $9,775 $23,033 $13,258 11111I1111111I11111111111111I111111I1111I1111111111111111I11111111I11I11111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111I111I1111111I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: .JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #5 DEPARTMENT NO: 490 IAMENDMENT NO: 959 I REQUESTOR: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT #5 IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 51930 53020 66316 ~ INCIIfASE $0 $0 $0 $0 RlNO BAl INCREASE lDECREASEJ ($10) ($125) $135 $0 REmIf DEmfASE $0 $0 $0 $0 EXI'fNDI1llRE lNalEASE $10 $125 $0 $135 EXPENOIIlDlE DEmfASE $0 $0 $135 $135 ACCT NAME RETIREMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN GRANT NtJ GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 959 TOTAL Monday, November 21,2005 _9070117 e e o OJ c..c e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111"1"'1111""1111111111"'111111"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I1111111111I11I11I11I11I11I11I1111111I11111111111I11I111111111111I1111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE.PRECINCT #5 DEPARTMENT NO: 490 JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #5 TOTAL $0 $0 $135 $135 $0 1111111111111111111"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"111111"1111111111111111111111111"111111I11I11I11I11111I11111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UII111"'1'1 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RJHD BAt REVENlf REVENlf EXPaIIIIlIIE EXPBIDII1IIE INClIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT' NO GRANT' NAME INCIIEASE IICIIEASE IIICREASE IICIIEASE IIIECIlEASB 63070 JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $375 $0 ($375) 63110 JUVENILE DETENTION SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $375 $375 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $375 $375 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $375 $375 $0 11111111111111111111111111111""1111111111111111111111111I111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111nlllllllllllll1111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111'11111111"11111"1111111I111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT NO: 280 AMENDMENT NO: 960 REQUESTOR: COUNTY JUDGE jAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNT RIND BAL REVENlf RmNlI EXPEIOIlIIE EXPEItII1IIII INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT' NO GRANT' NAME IItCIlIASE IICIIIASE IliCllIASE IlECllIASE IIGIEASB 62870 INSURANCE-LAW ENFORCE MEN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $12,175 $12,175 62872 INSURANCE-LIABILITY AND PROP 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $17,267 $17,267 62884 INSURANCE-VEHICLE AND EQUIP 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $71,000 $71,000 AMENDMENT NO 960 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $100,442 $100,442 Monday, November 21,2005 Page 8 of 17 o .....} o e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Monday, November 21,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11I11I1111I111I11111I11I111111111I11I11I11I111111I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I111I11111I11I1111111111111I11I11I11111111I1111I11I11111111111I1111I11I111I111111111111I11I11I111I111I11111111I1111I111I11I111I111I11I11I111I11111I11111111I11111 DEPARTMENT NAME: MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT NO: 280 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIIiD BAI. I\EVHttI I\EVHttI EXPENOII1IIE EXPENOII1IIE INQlEASE Am NO AccrNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INQIEASE IICREASE IIICREASE IICREASE IIICREASEl 62872 INSURANCE-LIABILITY AND PROP 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $51 $51 62878 INSURANCE-SURETY BONDS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $51 $0 ($51) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $51 $51 $0 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL $0 $0 $51 $100,493 $100,442 111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111I111I1111111111111111111111111111111111'111111111111111111111111111I11I11111I11I1111111111IIJJJIllIIIIlJlIJllJlIlJIlIlIlIJllIJlJlIIlIlJlJUltIIllIJIIllIllllIlIIJlUllIIl1 DEPARTMENT NAME: MUSEUM DEPARTMENT NO: 150 IAMENDMENT NO: 961 I REQUESTOR: GEORGE ANN CORMIER IAMENDMENT REASON: ITRANSFER FUNDS FOR NEW COPIERlTEMP HELP RIIiD BAI. REVENUE REVENUE EXPENIIIIIIE EXPENII1IJIlE IIlCREASE ACCT NO . ACCTNAME GRANT NO GllANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE IIICREASE IICREASE lIIC1lEASB 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63210 LASALLE ODYSSEY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $999 $999 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,469 $1 ,469 65472 REPAIRS-MUSEUM 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,532 $1,532 66612 UTILITIES-MUSEUM 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 66612 UTILITiES-MUSEUM 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 71650 EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $6,000 $0 ($6,000) AMENDMENT NO 961 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,500 $6,500 $0 MUSEUM TOTAL $0 $0 $6,500 $6,500 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I111I11I1111I111I111111I111111I11111111111111111111111111I11111111I1111111'.11I111I111"1111111111I1111I1111I1'11I11111I11111111'11111I'1111I1111'11"1"'11I111111111I1" DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 Monday, November 21, 2005 e9090f17 e e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111I11I1111I11111111I1111I11111I111111I111I1111I11I11I11111I1111I11I111I111I11I111111111I11I11I111I111111I11I11I1111I11I111111I1111I11I1111I11I11111I1111I11I11I11I11I1111111I11I11I11I11111111I11I1111111I11I1111I11111111111111111I111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 955 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: CORRECTION FOR ADJUSTMENTS FOR 11/10/05 RIHD BAI. REVENII IIEVENlJE EXPE/IIIITIDIE EXPENIITUIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE lIBREASEl 41150 TAX ATTORNEY COMMISSiONS 999 NO GRANT $9,240 $0 $0 $0 $9,240 AMENDMENT NO 955 TOTAL $9,240 $0 $0 $0 $9.240 AMENDMENT NO: 911 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ISALE OF SCRAP METAL RIHD BAI. IIEVENlJE IIEVENlJE EXPENIITUlE EXPENIII\IlE INcREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IIIfCREASEl 49221 SALES-COURTHOUSE SALVAGE 999 NO GRANT $288 $0 $0 $0 $288 AMENDMENT NO 971 TOTAL $288 $0 $0 $0 $288 REVENUE TOTAL $9,528 $0 $0 $0 $9,528 AMENDMENT NO: 914 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAI. REVENIlE IIEVENlJE EXPENIITUIlE EXPENII11BIf INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCIIEASE DECREASE IIIfCREASEl 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $830 $0 ($830) 51630 CaMP TIME PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $830 $830 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $11 $11 0 53510 ROAD & BRiDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $400 $400 ~ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $11 $0 ($11) ~i, 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) Monday, November 21, 2005 Page 10 of 17 11111I1111111111I11111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 <::> :"l (\"i e COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Monday, November 21,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR jAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RJND BAL REVENII IIEVENII EXPEIlIII1IlE EXPEIlIII1IlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GIIAIIT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,241 $1,241 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,241 $1,241 $0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 IAMENDMENT NO: 962 I REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER, PCT #2 IAMENDMENT REASON: JLINE ITEM TRANSFER ACCT NO 53210 53510 53520 53540 53595 53597 53610 53630 53992 62510 63920 64670 ACCTNAME MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES TIRES AND TUBES GASOLINE/OI L/DIESEUGREASE TOOLS TREES BUILDING SUPPLlES/PARTS I NSECTICIDES/PESTICIDES SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICALS RIND BAL REVENII REVENlI EXPENIIIIIlE EXPENIITIIIE INCREASE GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICREABE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $650 $0 ($650) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $650 $650 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $250 $0 ($250) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $850 $0 ($850) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $850 $850 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 AMENDMENT NO 962 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,850 $1,850 $0 Monday, November 21, 2005 e _e11 of 17 e ~ -..1 l;..;; e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111"1111111111111111111"11111111111I11111I11I1111111I11111111111I111111111111111111111I111111111I1111111I111111111I111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'1 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 AMENDMENT NO: 971 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: ISALE OF SCRAP METAL RIND BAL REVENlI REVENlI EXPEIOI1IIf EXPENIIlIIlE IiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IlCREASE INCREASE /IECIlEASE IIBIIEASEJ 73302 LAND 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $288 $0 ($288) AMENDMENT NO 971 TOTAL $0 $0 $288 $0 ($288) AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVEMI REVOIIIE EXPEIIIIl1IlI EXPEIIII11IIE INalEASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCllUSE /IECIlEASE INCREASE IGIEASE IDECREASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $122 $122 53640 JANITOR SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $91 $0 ($91) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $31 $0 ($31) 66600 UTILITIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $85 $0 ($85) 66614 UTllITIES.PARKS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $85 $85 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $207 $207 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 TOTA~ $0 $0 $2,345 $2,057 ($288) 1111111I111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111I111111I11I11I11I111111I1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53510 66498 IIIVENUE INCREASE $0 $0 RIND BAL IiCIIEASE lIlIClIEASEl $380 ($380) IIIVENUE iCiifAi $0 $0 EXPfNDI/IJ8E INCREASE $0 $380 EXPENIITlIIf IGIEASE $380 $0 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY GRANT NO 999 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT NO GRANT Monday, November 21, 2005 Page 12 of 17 COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARINGDATE: Monday, November 21,2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 20D5 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111JIIIlIIIlIIIlIIIIJIIIIJIIIJllIIIIIJJJlllJlIIIJIJIJIIJJIIIIIIIIJIJJIIIIJIIIIJIJIIIJJlIIJJllJIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIJIJJlIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIUUIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RllID BAl IIfVEIIIf RfVENlIE EXPENIITlIl[ EXPfNDIllIIE INCIIfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GIIANT NO GIIANT NAME INalfASE IBREASE INalfASE IICREASE OBRfASEJ AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $380 $380 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 $0 $380 $380 $0 1IIIIIIIJIIIIJIIIIIJIJlIJJJJlIIlJlllllUIJIIIIIIIIIJUIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIUlIUIIIIJlIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIJllUI11111111111111I1111'11I1111I11I111111I111I1'1111111I111I111111I111111I'"1111I111I11111'11I1111I11I1111111111I111I1111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 IAMENDMENT NO: 965 I REQUESTOR: APRIL MA Y IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND 8Al IIfVEIIIf RmNlf EXPENIITlIl[ EXPENIITlIIE /NCIIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GIIANT NAME INCIlfASE IlECllEASE INCREASE IlECllEASE lIR/lEASD 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $7,400 $7,400 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $600 $0 ($600) 53540 GASOLINEJOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,500 $0 ($3,500) 62510 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,300 $0 ($3,300) AMENDMENT NO 965 TOTAL $0 $0 $7,400 $7,400 $0 IAMENDMENT NO: 970 I REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER, PCT #4 IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVENUE REVENUE EXPENIIITIIlf EXPENIIIIIIIf INCJlIASE ACCT NO ACCT NAM!: GIlANT ND GIlANT NAM!: INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 50075 ASSISTANT FOREMAN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $28,318 $28,318 ~ 53550 LUMBER 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 53590 SIGNS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,300 $2,300 "",,1 53595 TOOLS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 ~ 53630 I NSECTIC I DES/PESTICI DES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 e Monday, November 21, 2005 e _0130117 e o .....,j c:.n e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 AMENDMENT NO: 970 REQUESTOR: COMMISSIONER, PCT #4 IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RIIID BAl REVENUE IIEVENUE EXPENIIIlIlE EXPENOITUHE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INCREASE IICIlEASE IlECllEASEl 60520 BUILDING REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3,800 $3,800 62676 GARBAGE COLL-SEADRIFT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 64400 OUTSIDE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 65490 REPEATER TOWER RENTAL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,999 $1,999 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 73400 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $57,817 $0 ($57,817) AMENDMENT NO 970 TOTAL $0 $0 $57,817 $57,817 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIIID BAl REVENUE IlEVENlf EXPENIIIlIlE EXPENIIIlIRE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO CIIANT NAME INCREASE IICIlEASE INCREASE IICIlEASE IIICREASEl 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $900 $900 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $400 $0 ($400) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $900 $900 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $66,117 $66,117 $0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111"1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 Monday, November 21, 2005 Page 14 of 17 COMMISSIONERS' COURT BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVAL LIST HEARING DATE: Monday, November 21, 2005 HEARING TYPE: REGULAR BUDGET YEAR: 2005 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 'III""I1I1IUIIIUllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllffllfllmmlllflUlllllffflllflllllllllffflllllllllllfllflflllllllllllllflI1II11UIlIIllIIlIlIU'f11I1I11HHlfllllfllflIUIlIItIUllllllfflIIllIIllIfIfHIIIIIIIIUlllfllffflfllll. DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR, COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS R1NDBAL RMNlI REVEIIII EXPEIIIIIlIlE EXPENOITlIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CIIANT NO CIIANT NAME INalEASE DECREASE IM:IlEASE DECIlEASE OII:IIEASEJ 50365 DEPUTY SHERIFF 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $14,383 $0 ($14,383) 51620 ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RAT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,236 $0 ($3,236) 51930 RETIREMENT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $874 $0 ($874) 53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $806 $0 ($808) 53540 GASOLlNElOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,882 $0 ($2,882) 53992 SUPPLI ES-MI SCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $35 $0 ($35) 61310 COPIER RENTALS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $280 $0 ($280) 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $246 $0 ($246) 63740 MEAL ALLOWANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $455 $455 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $155 $0 ($155) 64670 PHYSICALS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $18 $0 ($18) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $36 $0 ($36) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $22,953 $455 ($22,498) SHERIFF TOTAL $0 $0 $22,953 $455 ($22,498) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 380 jAMENDMENT NO, 964 I REQUESTOR, PATRICIA KALlSEK IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER FUND BAl REVEIIII REVEIIII EXPENOIIIIIE EXPENIIIIIIlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME CIIANT NO &IlANT NAME IIICREASE IJfC/lEASE INmEASE DECREASE IDfCREASEJ 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 53210 MACHINERY PARTSISUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $125 $125 0 53540 GASOLlNElOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) '.1.: 63200 LANDFILL CLOSURE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,700 $2,700 en 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $125 $0 ($125) e Monday, November 21, 2005 e _e150117 e e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111I11I11I11111I11I11I1111111111111111111111I11I11111111I11I11I111111I11I111111111I11I11I11111111I111111111111I1111111111I11I11111I11111111I111I1111111111I1111I111I11I1111I111I1111I1111I1111I11I11I111I11111111111I11I11I11I11I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 380 AMENDMENT NO: 964 REQUESTOR: PATRICIA KALlSEK IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RlNDBAL REVENUE REVENIIE EXPENIITIIlf EXPENOIIIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCI NAME GRANT NO l:IIANT NAME INCREASE /lECREASE INCREASE IlCIIEASE IIRIIEASB 66600 UTILITIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $400 $0 ($400) 66830 WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,000 $0 ($4,000) AMENDMENT NO 964 TOTAL $0 $0 $4,825 $4,825 $0 WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTA~ $0 $0 $4,825 $4,825 $0 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $9,528 $0 $228,063 $218,535 $0 FUND NAME AIRPORT FUND FUND NO: 2610 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIUUUlIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111I111111I111111I111111I111111I11I11I11I11I11111I111I11I11I11I11I11I11I111I1111I11I111I11I11I111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 974 REQUESTOR; COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVENUE REVENIIE EXPENOIIlIIE EXPENOIIIIIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IlECREASE INCREASE IICIIEASE IDECRfASB 62860 INSURANCE-AIRPORT LIABiLITY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $399 $399 65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $760 $0 ($760) 65620 RUNWAY REPAIRS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $361 $361 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $760 $760 $0 NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $760 $760 $0 0 AIRPORT FUND TOTAL $0 $0 $760 $760 $0 ----1 '-J FUND NAME POC COMMUNITY CENTER FUND NO: 2736 Monday, November 21, 2005 Page 16 of 17 C? .......~ OJ e FUND NAME POC COMMUNITY CENTER FUND NO: 2736 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNDBAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPENIII1IIE EXPENIII1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME lNalEASE IICREASE INIZfASE IICREASE IIICIIEASEJ 60870 CLEANING-P,D,C. COMMUNITY C 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $413 $0 ($413) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $33 $0 ($33) 66160 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVIC 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $200 $0 ($200) 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $50 $0 ($50) 66616 UTILlTIES-POC COMMUNITY CEN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,196 $0 ($1,196) NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $0 $1.196 $0 ($1,196) 1111I111111I1111I1111I1111I1111I1111I111I11I1111I111I111111111I11I111I11I1111I111111I1111I111111I11111I11111I11I1111I11111I11111111111I11I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I111I11111I11I11111I111111I11I11I11I111111111111111111I11I11I111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 IAMENDMENT NO: 974 I REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVENUE REVENUE EXPEIIIIIIIlE EXPENOIT1IIE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME lNalEASE IICREASE INalEASE lIalEASE IIICIIEASEJ 47055 RENT INCOME-pac COMMUNITY 999 NO GRANT $1,196 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 AMENDMENT NO 974 TOTAL $1,196 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 REVENUE TOTAL $1,196 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 POC COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL $1,196 $0 $1,196 $0 $0 Grand Total $10,724 $0 $230,019 $219,295 $0 Monday, November 21, 2005 ee170117 e