2002-03-18 BIDS AND PROPOSALS FUEL BIDS The following bids ,,:,ere opened M.arch 7, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller and were rea~ by C~unty auditor Ben Comiskey for the period beginning March 16 2002 and e~dIng April 15,2002. After reviewing said bids a Motion was made by Co:nmissioner F.Inster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that Diebel Oil Company be awarded the bid for fuel to be deli~er~d and Mauritz and Couey be awarded the bid for automated card syste~ fuel. ComrmsslOners Galvan, BaIajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted In favor. e FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPE1ITlVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DEUVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PIUCE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE = TOTAL GALLONSIMO UNLEADED GASOLINE S ,'7lf X 3800 =$~~ PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ ,~~ X 4000 = $;J ~~t}.bb I DIESEL FUEL Q-OW SULFUR) $ ,07 x 2500 - $ Ifo7r.6b TOTAL BID PRICE $ 'JIJ'o 7. pO e THE CONTRAC'r P:ERlOO WlLL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING )\'lARCH 16. 2002 AND ENDING APRIL IS. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE AllOWED DURL.....C THE CONTRACT pJ:RlOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEP AR.A TE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: ~fj~G 6/L ~. ~ , ADDRESS: P-t:J. fl, DK IJ / CITY,STATE,ZIP: Patf:J LAV"J4C'A lX. i7f71 PHONE NUMBER: '5~~- '3?.:l. Y PRINT NAME: ~-r',m ~ AUTHOFJZ~SIGNATUR:E: ./~ ~ TITLE: IJ?A/;,/~ ~-7- t)~ DATE: e 922 3-04-202 10,48AN FRON CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.2 FUEL BID PROPOSAL e IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSiGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO TIlE LOCA nONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE = TOTAL GALLONSIMO UNLEADED GASOLINE $ ~f./- X 3800 = $ .lICfJ...-.CO PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ 9,} x 4000 = $ 37tDL)O DiESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ 7CJ X 2500 -. $ /97-S":otJ TOTAL BID PRICE $ rJ9:1.7. 00 THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL llE FOR A ONE MONnI PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING MAltCR 16.2002 AND ENDING APRIL 15. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL llE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WlLL SUBMIT SEP ARA TE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED pO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. e NAME OF BIDDER, tfJN/~ ,71- '?' G,UIiY , ADDRESS, PD. Boll.. 1'100 CITY, STATE, ZIP: I1l!r /",:}/J/lCA IX 7797Cj PHONE NUMBER: SS"z..-7tJoc../- PRlNTN.-\ME: fO"/H /../a;' AUTHORlZED SIGNATURE, ~ ~ TITLE' t!fe/l. j}16/l.. .2/6/02- , . DATE: e 923 I FUEL "BID PROPOSAL 1 IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE ATTACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEIDCLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR AVAILABILITY LOCATION: PREMUlM UNLEADED GASOUNE $ PRICE PER ;ALLON $ .~ ilIA . .9;/ ,'lq LOCATION: 02/1./2. t.J f}u6.7/# Sf. (MUST BE wITHIN THE CITY OF pORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADlUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA.) $ e UNLEADED GASOLINE MID GnADE DIESEL FUEL s THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING MARCH 16.2002 AND ENDING APRIL 15. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAX~. NAME OF BlDDER: If)/WR.ITZ-- ~ COUEY ADDRESS: f? O. .f3 tJ)(. /7D 0 I CITY,STATE,ZlP: PMT ifl-U/U-A-. /jt 77q 77 PHONE NUtvIBER: SSz. - 7601 . PRlNTNAME: ;;;". )FG~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATIJRE: 1M ~ TITLE: e>1't;'J! IN/., II DATE: $ /6/o-t,. . e 1994 UNION CARBIDE TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT John Nichols, Tax Manager for Dow Chemical Company and Bob Walker, Site Manager, and Kathy Hunt, Public Affairs Manager, with Dow Chemical Company discussed the 1994 Union Carbide Corporation Tax Abatement for the Reinvestment Zone of Carbide. Kathy Hunt stated in the 1990's, Seadrift Operations was chosen by Union Carbide Corporation, which is now a subsidiary of Dow Chemical as a site for the first world- class commercialized ethylene-propylene production of rubber which is used for car hose, weather stripping, etc. The technology was revolutionary. Carbide received a tax abatement from Calhoun County Commissioners' Court in October 1994 and May 1995. The unit started up in 1996. In the first year of operation, a lot of process problems related to the purgers were experienced and other problems developed which caused this to be a negative venture. The unit was shut down which impacted about 25 employees. Therefore, the value of the unit is approximately $60 Million instead of the $90 Million, which was predicted in 1993. e Npw, with the Dow ChemicaVUnion Carbide Corporation merger, the result is a joint venture between DuPont and Dow Joint Lastimers. This has given Dow the opportunity to tap into and expand technology and expertise and to use their catalyst. It has proven to be very successful and Dow has filed for air permits with Texas Natural Resources conservation Commission and elevated the experimental production rate to require the need to register the catalyst. Dow is confident the joint venture will be successful and in two years will be close.to the production rate originally anticipated. 9Z4 Dow Chemical asked the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court to accept that they have made a good faith effort to comply with the terms of the abatement issued in 1993 and to agree the EPR plant taxable value for 2002 and future years will remain as appraised by the Calhoun County Appraisal District and not as predicted in 1993. Commissioner Floyd asked at what time will the technology be applied and determined to be successful? Mr. Walker answered it will take approximately two years to determine if it is successful on the marketplace. e Commissioner Finster asked if the appraised value could go up. Mr. Walker said it could. Commissioner Floyd said you are asking the Court to conclude substantial compliance on the appraised value for 2002 and the number of employees that you have and future years will be established by the Appraisal District. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court accept the appraised value for year 2002 as substantially compliant with the Union Carbide Corp. Tax Abatement Agreement dated October 10, 1994 and with performance of permanent employees. In discussion, Drew Hahn, Chief Tax Appraiser, stated the facility will be appraised as of January I sl each year. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor of the Motion. e TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT between CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS and e UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION OCTOBER 10, 1994 .925 September 27,1994: TG/PWP/ABATE/UCC.AGR r" TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT .. INDEX RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT 1. APplication/Specific xmprovements Reauired 1.1 specific Xmprovements Reauired . 1.2 Aareement Governed bv Guidelines 1.3 property Eliaible for Tax Abatement 2. Kind. Number and Location of Xmprovements 3. Inspection of premises 4. Limitation of Use. 5. Riaht of Recapture , 6. Existina Uses . . . 7. Proposed Uses 8. Value of Pro;ect 9. Value to be 9.1. 9.2. Abated Base Year Value Limitation on Amount of Abatement l ~. ( 10. Duration . . . . . . . . ,..: Exemption Basic Abatement Additional Abatement - Residencv Incen- tive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manaaement Residency Incentive . . . . Abatement SUb;ect To Riahts Of Holders Of outstandina Bonds . . . . 11. Percent of 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. L 12. Reduction for Closure. curtailment. Etc. of Exist- ina Facilities ..,... 13. commencement and Termination Dates. 14. Description of pro;ect/Economic Life L, 15. Default. Notice. Cure. Termination, Eta 15.1. Events of Default . . . 15.2. Termination Retroactive 15.3. Non Waiver. . . . 15.4. Recapture of Taxes. . , 926 e Hi 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 e 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 e L ,. r e ,; ~ I , L L.. r , .., . l r 'i. ~,-. F" ~ lo' ; L e , 15.5. Administration and Enforcement 15.6. Assiqnment 16. Type of Leqa1 Entity 17.. Notices . . . . . . 18. Reimbursement for Pees and Expenses 19. Indemnity . . . 20. Incontestability 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Assurances 21.1. 21.2. 21.3. 21.4. 21.5. 21.6. 21.7. 21. 8. 21.9. and Special Conditions Accuracy of Information Authority to Sian . . . Commencement of Construction permi ts . . . . . . . . . . All Conditions to be Performed. Public Health and Safety . . Reauired to Make Specific Improve- ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimates/Strict Compliance . . . . . Enforcement of Environmental/Safetv provisions .... Information to Determine Compliance Value of Proiect After Abatement . . . . . Contract Terms Period . . . . . . Miscellaneous 25.1. 25.2, 25.3. 25.4. 25.5. 25.6. 25.7, 25.8. 25,9. and Conditions Survive Abatement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aqreement Survives Reinvestment Zone pavment of Taxes Conflicts of Law . Severability . . . Subtitles . , . . Place of Performance Acceptance bv UCC . Approyal bv commissioners Bindinq Effect . . . . . . ii 11 11 11 12 . 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 .. 16 16 17 . 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 927 , RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT e WHEREAS, on September 16, 1994, Union Carbide corporation ,. obtained renewed designation of Union carbide corporation Reinvest- ment Zone, consisting of certain properties situated in an unincorporated area of Calhoun County, Texas; and WHEREAS, by Application dated September 7, 1994 Union Carbide corporation has applied for a Tax Abatement Agreement for $94,000,000.00 to be located in the Union Carbide corporation c Reinvestment Zone; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of Calhoun county, Texas held a public hearing on october 10, 1994 at which interested persons were permitted to speak and present written material for or against the approval of the Tax Abatement Agreement sought by Union e ,. r L Carbide corporation; and WHEREAS, the commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas, after notice as required by law, has in open meeting discussed the issue of whether to enter into a Tax Abatement f l Agreement with Union Carbide corporation, and being of the opinion that the Application for Tax Abatement Agreement by Union Carbide l corporation for construction of its Ethylene-propylene Rubber Project (EPR) should be approved, the Commissioners Court, upon , motion and second, adopts the following resolutions: BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the commissioners Court of Calhoun county, Texas e ! L hereby finds that the terms of the proposed Tax Abatement Agreement for Union Carbide corporation's construction of its EPR Project and . the property subject to the Agreement satisfy eligibility criteria iii " 9Z8 ,. L,. ,- . i L. r: I I. L f t. t::' ...... . L l_. l e and other requirements of the Guidelines and criteria for Tax Abatement heretofore adopted by the commissioners Court on June 13, 1994. 2. The COlDlllissioners Court of Calhoun county, Texas finds that there will be no substantial adverse effect on the provision of the county's services or tax base. 3. The cOlDlllissioners Court of Calhoun county, Texas approves Union Carbide corporation's Application for Tax Abatement Agreement dated Septemher 7, 1994, subject to the following terms, covenants and conditions contained in the attached Tax Abatement Agreement. 4. Based upon the foregoing findings, the COlDlllissioners Court of Calhoun county, ~exas hereby approves and authorizes the execution of the Tax Abatement Agreement between the cOlDlllissioners Court of Calhoun county, Texas and Union Carbide corporation, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, incorporated by reference, and made a part hereof for any and all purposes. - PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by a vote of.!:J for and t/ against on this lOth day of october, 1994. ATTEST: {(..iLlt'l1.L (id M ne Paul, County Clerk iv 929 TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT e THE STATE OF TEXAS 9 9 COUNTY OF CALHOUN 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter Agreement) is between Calhoun county, Texas, (hereinafter County), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly elected commission- ers Court (hereinafter commissioners), and union Carbide Corpora- tion, a New York Corporation, with a certificate of authority to do business in Texas, with a place of business in Calhoun county, Texas (hereinafter UCC). 1. APPlication/specific Improvements Required. UCC has filed with the county an Application for Tax Abatement. A copy of the Application, dated September 7, 1994 is attached hereto, marked e Exhibit "1", and made a part hereof for any and all purposes. 1,1 specific Improvements Required. The county hereby approves the Application for Tax Abatement Agreement expressly upon r ,..;, the condition that UCC will make the specific improvements described in paragraph 1 a-h inclusive of the Application. All of the proposed eligible improvements are to be located in the designated Union Carbide corporation Reinvestment Zone. 1.2 Aqreement Governed bv Guidelines. Unless otherwise stated, this Agreement for tax abatement is made and entered into pursuant to and is governed by the Guidelines and Criteria of the commissioners court of Calhoun county, Texas for Granting Tax Abatement in Reinvestment Zones created in Calhoun county, Texas e L adopted June 13, 1994 (hereinafter "Guidelines") except as varied 1 ~ 930 r by the specific provisions of this Agreement and by the commissioners I enabling resolution. The Guidelines are hereby e incorporated by reference and made a part hereof for any and all purposes. Subject to any variances contained in this Agreement, i. r i, c. e r- fr. ~.::; c L e the 1994 Guidelines govern this Agreement. This Agreement is further subject to the following terms, covenants and conditions. 1.3 Property E1iqible for Tax Abatement. The county agrees to exempt from taxation the percentages of value of'the real property in each year covered by this Agreement only to the extent its value for that year exceeds its value for' the year in which this Agreement is executed. The county also agrees to exempt the value of eligible tangible personal property described. in the Application located on re~l property in the reinvestment zone in each year covered by this Agreement other than tangible personal property that was located in the reinvestment zone at any time before the execution of this Agreement with the county. This provision shall not affect the eligibility for tax abatement of other improvements in the reinvestmen~ zone as authorized by any prior Agreements with the county. The percent and length of exemption are granted to the extent as stated in paragraph 11 in this Agreement. Tangible personal property that is not eligible for abatement is described in section 2(g) of the Guidelines and Criteria. 2. Kind. Number and Location of Improvements. The kind, number and location of all proposed improvements of the property subject to this.Agreement are as contained in Paragraph No. 1 a-h. 2 931 r inclusive of the Application and exhibits attached thereto. (See e Exhibit "1"). , I 3. Inspection of Premises. UCC hereby expressly agrees to provide access to and authorize inspection of its property by county officials, employees, and/or their designees to insure that the improvements described in the Application are made according to the specifications and conditions stated in the Application and this Agreement, and that ucc is complying with the Agreement. 4. Limitation of Use. ucc shall not make any use of the property that is inconsistent with the general purpose of encouraging development or redevelopment of the reinvestment zone during the period that the property tax exemptions are in effect. 5. Riaht of Rec.apture. The county shall be entitled to e recapture all property tax revenue lost as a result of this L Agreement if UCC fails to make the improvements or repairs as provided by this Agreement, and the Application attached hereto, or in the event of other specified defaults, after notice and failure to cure, all as more particularly provided in paragraph 15 of this r' i I.' Agreement. 6. Existinq Uses. A map showing existing uses and conditions of the real property in the reinvestment zone is attached to the Application. 7. Proposed Uses. A map showing proposed improvements and uses in the reinvestment zone is attached to the Application. I L 8. Value of Pro;ect. The estimated value of the project e upon completion as described in the Application is $94,000,000.00. 3 ( '. 932 L f"- r It is estimated that 60 new permanent jobs will be created as a e result of the new or expanded facilities. substantial compliance [" l~ ,. L [ t'. e l f t:', l r: ,. I. f k . with these estimates will be acceptable. Substantial compliance means within 90% of any authorized estimate. 9. Value to be Abated. The estimated value to be abated for each year of the abatement period is as follows: Date % of Completion Value 9.01 January 1, 1995 -0- -0- 9.02 January 1, 1996 59,5790% $ 56,000,000.00 9.03 January 1, 1997 100% $ 94,000,000.00 9.04 January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2001 100% $ 94,000,000.00 (subject to allowable depreciation) 9.1. Base Year Value. The base year value (January 1, 1994) was $402,067,626.00 land value and improvements. 9.2. Limi tation on lImount of Abatement. If the value of an existing facility will be deleted or diminished as a result of the project, the eligible value of the project to be abated will be limited to the difference between the cost of the project and the appraised value of the existing facility that is to be deleted or reduced as a result of the project. 10. Duration. The duration of the abatement term shall be seven (7) years commencing within the tax year 1995, through the tax year 2001, inclusive. 11. Percent of ExemptioD. The percent of value to be abated each year is as follows: 4 933 PERCENT OF ABATEMENT e f' YEAR BASIC ADDITIONAL ABATEMENT THROUGH RESIDENCY ABATE- INCENTIVES MENT ....__.,-".""..-.-,--..---_._-,-_.........-,....-..-'~. ... ............ ..........,..,-:;:::;.,_. .-..-.-.-.-.-.-.........-.........'...'.. ;~:a~I~p:m~~~~li$)jtli :MAfN'AGmmiiiii'RESIDENCY'1tN.' :'{ - ;., ,," -, -, - - - . - :_'.:?:) - -; : .:; ::; c. ,.":_::.?:}:' ;0, _ {/ 1.iitNli~Qtm~Q~i ~.' '.l~$'!lliiqQ~~IIj ..... .. ... 1 10 0% 2 1 0 0% 3 6 0 % 15% 2 % FOR THE TOP MANAGER. 1% FOR EACH ASSISTANT 4 55% 15% PLANT MANAGER OR , 5 5 0 % 15 % EQUIVALENT , NOT TO EX- CEED 4 % . 6 2 5% 15% 7 5% 15% 11.1. Basic Abatement. This is the percent of abatement e . of eligible property value to be granted in each year, without regard to any of the incentives. 11.2. Additional Abatement - Residencv Incentive. For each preceding year during years three through seven that out of the new jobs created as a result of the project, if 50% or more of the permanent employees of the project reside in Calhoun County, UCC shall be entitled to an additional 15% abatement. In order to qualify for the residency incentive, ucc must prove to the satisfaction of the county, or its designee, for each year in which the residency incentive is sought, that for the immediate preceding calendar year on a yearly average 50% of the employees hired after the effective date of this Agreement as a result of the project L lived in Calhoun County. For purposes of the residency incentive, e 5 ., 934 L . e ~ .. r 1 e L f' 1'.' l.,; : ~ L lo' t... b: e the new employees must be permanent employees, who either directly or indirectly are working at the new project, or are replacing an existing employee in an unrelated job who has been transferred to the new project. Temporary or construction workers employed during the construction phase of the project shall not be considered for the residency incentive. New employees of a permanent contract labor force that are hired as a direct result of the project, and who are permanent, shall count in determining whether the residency incentive has been satisfied. The new permanent employees who are hired as a result of the project are only eligible in the employee count if they are hired after the effective date of this Agreement. Each year the residency incentive applies, the employee count will be cumulative of all elig~ble employees hired for this project on or after the effective date and still employed at the project at the time the count is made. 11.3. Hanaqement Residencv Incentive. In each of years three through seven in which the top local manager of the Taxpayer's entire facilities located in Calhoun County is a resident of Calhoun County for the entire immediate preceding calendar year in which this incentive may apply, the Taxpayer shall be entitled to an additional 2% abatement, Additionally, in each of years three through seven the Taxpayer shall receive an additional 1% abatement for each assistant facility manager, or equivalent who resides in Calhoun County throughout the immediate preceding calendar year in which this additional incentive may apply. The incentive for the assistant managers, or equivalent is 6 935 , limited to a maximum of an additional 4% each year it is available. e .. The total management residency incentive is limited to a maximum of ,- 6% in each year it applies. The fact that the top manager, or assistant managers, or equivalent resided in Calhoun County before the effective date of the Agreement shall not defeat the eligibili- ty for this management residency incentive. 11.4. Abatement Subiect To Riqhts Of Holders Of outstandinq Bonds. Pursuant to Tex. Tax Code ~3l2.204(a), the abatement and exemption of taxes provided in this Agreement is r - subj ect to the rights of holders of outstanding bonds of the county. 12. Reduction for Closure. curtailment. Etc. of Existinq e f L Facilities. If, after the effective date of this Tax Abatement Agreement and during the term of the abatement period, UCC should close, cease production, or demolish any or all of a facility that was in existence on the effective date of this Tax Abatement r- L Agreement, or take any other similar action that would have the effect of reducing or deleting the value of the facility, or portion thereof from the tax rolls that was in existence on the effective date of this Tax Abatement Agreement, regardless of the reason, then for the remaining term of the Tax Abatement Agreement, i: the eligible value for abatement allowed in this Tax Abatement Agreement shall be reduced by the amount of existing property value owned by the Taxpayer that is reduced or deleted from the tax roll, Depreciation, agreed to by the chief Appraiser, or Appraisal Review e b, 7 ., 936 e e , ; L e Board, shall not be construed as a reduction or deletion of value for purposes of this limitation. 13. commencement and Termination Dates. The effective date of this Tax Abatement Agreement .shall be the date that the county executes this Tax Abatement Agreement with Union Carbide corporation. The abatement granted in this Agreement shall apply to all eligible improvements described in the Application (Exhibit "1") and placed in the reinvestment zone after the effective date. Taxes will be abated on eligible property for seven (7) consecutive tax years commencing January 1, 1995. property'otherwise eligible for tax abatement under this Agreement shall' be eligible for abatement only if the property is placed or constructed. in the reinvestment zone after the effective date of this Agreement, but on or before December 31, 2000. Taxes will be abated for eligible property in tax years 1995 through 2001, inclusive. 14. DescriDtion of proiect/Economic Life. The facili- ties designated in the Application are part of ncc's chemical manufacturing process at its Seadrift. Plant and specifically is identified as construction of its EPR project with an economic life of at least 21 years. The nature of the construction is more completely described in the Application. construction will not start until after the effective date of this Agreement and completion of construction is estimated to occur in 1996. A complete property description is contained in the Application, 15. Default. Notice. Cure. Termination. Etc. Should the county determine that nec is in default in the performance of any 8 937 "'" of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the County shall notify UCC in writing at the address stated in this Agreement, and if such default is not cured within 60 days from the date of written notice, or within an approved extended curative time as authorized by S7(a) of the county's Guidelines, this Agreement may be terminated by the commissioners for cause. 15.1. Events of Default. The following shall be considered events of default, should UCC: 15.11 Allow any of its ad valorem taxes owed to the County to become delinquent' without timely and proper protest and/or contest; or 15.12. violate any of the terms and condi- tions of this or_any other Abatement Agreement with the county or with any other taxing jurisdiction that has granted UCC tax abate- ment for any project that the county has also granted tax abatement; or 15.13. Discontinue producing the product or service described in the Application for any reason excepting fire, explosion or other casualty or accident or natural disaster for a period of one year during the abatement period after the facility is completed and begins producing the product or service; or 15,14. violate any written term, covenant, condition, agreement, or promise of gift or e e i:,. e 9 , 938 L r . ! r e I r \ I". '- a e donation made by UCC to the County, although such may be extraneous to this Agreement, and even though same may be otherwise unenforce- able; or 15.15. Make any material misrepresentation, or omit any material fact either in the Appli- cation or in the Tax Abatement Agreement. (Material Misrepresentation or omission of a material fact means a false statement or omission about a material matter which induced the Commissioners to take any specific. action on the Application for Tax Abatement, and without such mtsrepresentation, the Commis- sioners would not have granted this Tax Abate- ment Agreement, or would have taken some action different than they actually did.) 15.2. Termination Retroactive. Termination of the Tax Abatement Agreement for cause shall be ~etroactive to the effective date of this Agreement. Termination shall be effected by resolu- tion of the Commissioners and written notice of termination shall be mailed to UCC. 15.3. Non Waiver. In the event the County fails to act on or enforce any element or breach that is identified as a default, such failure to act shall not be a waiver of the county's right to subsequently enforce the same default or any other prior or subsequent default. 10 939 I' ,- 15.4. Recapture of Taxes. On termination for cause, UCC e shall then become liable for the payment of all taxes that would . . have otherwise become due but for this Abatement Agreement for all calendar years during which the Abatement Agreement was in effect. Such taxes shall be paid to the Calhoun County Appraisal District to the credit of the county within 60 days from the date of receipt of notice of termination. All such taxes shall include statutory , . penalty and interest from the date they would otherwise have become delinquent, as if they had not been abated, until the date they are actually paid. 15.5. Administration and Enforcement.- The administra- tion and enforcement of this Agreement shall be in accordance with e L the terms contained herein and the Guidelines as adopted by the Commissioners on June 13, 1994. In the event of any conflict in the terms of this Agreement and the Guidelines adopted by the commissioners, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail, r L. unless prohibited by law, then the Guidelines adopted by the commissioners and their provisions shall prevail. 15.6. Assianment. This Agreement may not be assigned, L either in whole or part, without the express written consent of county. Any assignment is subject to the conditions contained in the Guidelines and this Agreement. Any attempt to assign this Agreement, except as provided herein, shall be null and void. 16. TVDe of Leqal Entitv. Union Carbide Corporation is a corporation, duly organized, validly existing, incorporated under e It; the laws of the State of New York, and in good standing. UCC is I' 11 -, 940 , e Ii;. ~ ; - f- t.: L f; . t.:', b. . duly qualified and in good standing under the laws of the state of Texas and has all requisite power and authority to own and operate properties and to carry on its business as now being or intended to be conducted. The name and address of the registered agent for service in Texas is: C. T. Corporation System 350 N. st. Paul Street, suite 2900 Dallas, Texas 75201 UCC shall notify the county within 60 days of any change in the registered agent or status of the corporation. 17. Notices. Any notices required to be given hereun- der, shall be given in writing as follows: (a) county: County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse 211 S. Ann Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (b) UCC: R. J. Cottle Seadrift Plant Manager Union Carbide Corporation P. O. Box 186 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 18. Reimbursement for Fees and Expenses. Within 30 days from receipt of written notice, UCC will reimburse the County for any expenses, directly or indirectly incurred by the county for processing and approving the Application for Tax Abatement, preparation and presentation of this Tax Abatement Agreement, and any other expenses reasonably incurred by the County in any way related thereto, including all expenses that may be incurred in 12 941 enforcing or defending any term, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement. roo. 19. Indemnitv. UCC hereby agrees to hold harmiess and indemnify the County, each of its elected officials, all of its servants, agents and employees, and any designee (a person or legal entity designated to perform any function required under the county'S Guidelines, or under the Tax Abatement Application, or by the terms of this Tax Abatement Agreement) and the Calhoun County Appraisal District, its officers, directors, servants, agents and employees from the amounts of any and all liabilities, claims, costs, judgements, penalties, interest, court costs and attorney fees incurred by the county, each of its elected officials, all of its servants, agents and_ employees, or any designee, and the Calhoun County Appraisal District, its officers, directors, I l servants, agents and employees in defense of any claims occurring out of or in any way incident to processing the Application, or any r ,:: other claim arising out of or incident to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Tax Abatement Agreement, or arising out of or in connection with the reinvestment zone, or the project subject to abatement. 20. Incontestabilitv. At the option of the county, this Agreement may be terminated, and all taxes that would have otherwise been due but for this Abatement Agreement will become due and payable within 60 days from date of written notice of the amounts due and owing, including penalty and interest as provided l: 13 942 e e e '1 ,- e e k r ,.. r,', L e in paragraph 15 of this Agreement if any of the following events occur: (a) If uee should contest any term, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement, or attempt to prevent or negate the enforceability of any of such terms, covenants or conditions; or (b) If any third party, firm, corporation or other legal entity should contest any term, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement, and prevent or negate the enforceability of any of such terms, covenants or conditions by final judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction; or (c) If any governmental agency should contest any term, covenant or condition con~ained in this Agreement, and either by enforceable regulatory order, or by final judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction prevent or negate the enforceability of any of such terms, covenants or conditions. 21. Assurances and Special conditions. The county and UCC agree that the following assuranc~s, promises and conditions are made by ucc expressly to induce the county to grant this Tax Abatement Agreement and that without such assurances, promises and conditions the county would not have granted this Tax Abatement Agreement. uec hereby expressly makes and agrees to be bound by the following representations, assurances, promises and conditions: 21.1. Accuracv of Information. That all information contained in UCC's Application and furnished to the county for 14 943 r '" L r I' L 944 incorporation in this Tax Abatement Agreement is true, complete and e correct. 21. 2. Authoritv to Siqn. That the person who signed the Application for Tax Abatement Agreement on behalf of uee had unrestricted authority to execute the Application, and that the person signing this contract document on behalf of UCC has the unrestricted authority to obligate uee to all the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Tax Abatement Agreement. By acceptance of any of the benefits provided hereunder, uee has authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement and represents that it is enforceable against UCC in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 21.3. eommence~ent of Construction. That construction will not commence on any of the eligible improvements until after this Tax Abatement Agreement is executed by the County. 21.4. Permits. That the project described in the Application, and this Tax Abatement Agreement will not be con- structed without first obtaining all necessary local, state and federal environmental and construction permits, and that UCC will abide by all conditions of the permits, laws and ordinances, rules and regulations governing the construction and operation of the project throughout its economic life. 21.5. All Conditions to be Performed. That uee will abide by all conditions of this Tax Abatement Agreement and the Guidelines adopted by the commissioners applicable to this e e Agreement. 15 1 e . I 21. 6. Public Health and Safetv. That the planned use of the property will not constitute a hazard to public health or safety throughout the economic life of the project. 21.7. Reauired to Make Soecific Improvements, That ucc will make the specific improvements to the property as described in its Application. (See Exhibit "I") 21.8. Estimates/strict Compliance. Estimates of the cost and value of the project and the number of jobs retained or created as a result of the project that are within 90% of actual cost, value and number of jobs may be construed to be substantial compliance. Unless estimates are expressly authorized, strict compliance is required. 21.9. Enforcement of Environmental/Safetv Provisions. In the event UCC is fined, or assessed a penalty by the Texas Natural Resource. Conservation Commission (TNRCC) , the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, or any successor thereto, or by a r court of competent jurisdiction for violation of any of its L permits, any regulatory rule or regulation, or local, state or r;. L. e federal law, regulation or ordinance promulgated or enforced by the TNRCC, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, or any successor thereto governing or regulating the construction or operation of the project that is the subject of this or any other Abatement Agreement between the County and UCC, executed either prior or subsequently to this Agreement or if by agreement, compromise or settlement tlCC pays a fine, penalty or payment of any nature related to any alleged violation for any of the foregoing, then in 16 945 .- such event OCC shall pay the County an amount of money equivalent to the amount of the fine, penalty or payment as an unrestricted e donation to the County. OCC shall notify the County within 30 days after any such fine, penalty or payment is assessed against it relating to the construction- or operation of any portion or component of the project subject to this or any other Abatement Agreement between UCC and the county. The amounts due the county under this paragraph shall be payable annually on or before January 31st for all such fines or penalties assessed against UCC or payments made to such agencies to settle alleged violations in the immediate preceding calendar year. This covenant shall remain in effect throughout the economic life of the project. 22. .Information to Determine Compliance. OCC Covenants e t and agrees to provide within a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days after written request, such information as may be required by r I l', the County or its designee, in order to determine compliance on UCC's part of the terms of this Tax Abatement Agreement. 23. Value of proiect After Abatement. The estimated value of the eligible property that is being abated will be $90,000,000,00 on January 1, 2002. l. 24, Contract Terms and Conditions Survive Abatement: ,. Period. Unless sooner terminated under other provisions hereunder, ! k all other rights, duties and obligations contained in this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until all taxes levied in each of the seven (7) years in which an exemption applied e under this Agreement are fully paid by OCC, and all other covenants ! . , 17 946 . . e t.... , . c ! . e L r i,.;; '.1 , J L e , and conditions have been fulfilled. Provided, however, that no extension of the abatement period shall occur as a result of this Agreement beyond the 2001 tax year, it being the intent of the parties that seven (7) years is the limit of abatement granted. 25. Miscellaneous. The following additional provisions are included and are made express conditions of this Tax Abatement Agreement in order to carry out the intent and purposes of the county's Guidelines, or to address any special problems or needs arising out of the uniqueness of the project, the Application, or ucc: 25.1. Aqreement Survives Reinvestment Zone. It is specifically understood and agreed that the designation. of the reinvestment zone in whic~ the eligible property described in this Tax Abatement Agreement is located is valid for a period of five years from September 16, 1994, unless subsequently extended. The fact that the designation of the reinvestment zone may expire before this Agreement terminates shall not effect the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 25.2. pavment of Taxes. During the term of this Agreement, UCC's taxes shall be payable as follows: 25.21. The value of any ineligible property as described in Section 2(g) of the county's Guidelines adopted on June 13, 1994 shall be fully taxable. 25.22. The base year value of existing property not otherwise eligible for tax abatement as determined each year shall be fully taxable; and 18 947 ,. L 948 25.23. The additional value of new eligible property in the reinvestment zone shall be taxable subject to the exemptions provided in Paragraph 11 above. 25.3. Conflicts of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas, without regard to its conflicts of law rule. 25.4. severabilitv. At the option of the County, the invalidity of anyone or more covenants, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Agreement. shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement or any part hereof, and in case of any such invalidity, this Agreement may be construed as if. such invalid covenants, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections we~e not included. 25.5. Subtitles. The use of subtitles in this Agreement is strictly for convenience, and shall have no legal significance whatsoever. The use of the singular shall include the plural and the use of plural shall include the singular when appropriate. The use of any reference to gender shall. include any and all other genders when appropriate. 25. 6. Place of Performance. This Agreement, in its entirety, shall be performable in Calhoun County, Texas. As part of the consideration for entering into this Agreement, both County and UCC agree that any litigation to construe or enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in the state Courts of Calhoun County, Texas. 19 e e e " r 25.7. Acceptance bv UCC. By acceptance of this e Agreement and/or any benefits conferred hereunder, UCC represents F:. that its undersigned agent has complete and unrestricted authority ; to enter into this Tax Abatement Agreement and to obligate and bind f' ucc to all of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement. UCC agrees to be bound by all assurances and commit- L. ments contained in the Application dated September 7, 1994, the Guidelines and criteria as applicable, and the specific terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Tax Abatement Agreement. 25.8. Approval bv Commissioners. This Agreement, in its r , . 1 : , . entirety, including authority to execute it in this form, has been e i approved by the Commissioners, in a regular meeting of the commissioners, after due notice as required by law, and pursuant to Resolution duly adopted by the Commissioners by a majority vote of the commissioners Court. r- L. 25.9. Bindina Effect. This Agreement, in its entirety, shall be binding upon all the parties hereto, their respective successors and/or assigns. EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS on the 10th day of October, 1994, to be effective immediately. L COUNTY: ~ : COMMISSIONERS COURT CALlIOUN UNTY, TEXAS L e 20 949 '-:- .,.; I l " L-, " to 950 ATTEST: ~f1AJ2p/11Y r?~ Marlen Paul, County Clerk UCC: UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION By: . R. J /Cot in Fact ( atta'ched) f . e, Agent and Attorney ower of Attorney 21 e e e . ... , , . f' ., e ,- L._ rn r e I L, r-. l.. L e r.lff~~;0~Z::;~;~~;<" rr;:':~L;;;::;,'.:::~'" UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION POLYOLEFINS OIVISION September 7, 1994 The Honorable Howard G. Hartzog County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Re: Application' for Renewal of Designation of Reinvestment Zone and Application for Tax Abatement Aqreement Dear Judge Hartzog: Please accept this'as the combined application of Union Carbide Corporation to renew the designation of Union Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone previously designated by the Commissioners Court of calhoun County, Texas on June 13, 1988,' and an application for tax abatement. . RENEWAL OF DESIGNATION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION REINVESTMENT ZONE ! L 1. The designation of Uni~n Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone expired in 1993. Union Carbide Corporation requests the commissioners Court of Calhoun County to renew the designation of Union Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone, consisting of three parcels of land with a total of 2615.509 acres, more or less. This is the same acreage previously designated as Union Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone by the Commissioners Court on June 13, 1988. A metes and bounds description of the 2615.509 acres is attached to this application, marked Exhibit "E". A map of the reinvestment zone is also attached, marked Exhibit nAil. 2. The area that will comprise the reinvestment zone is where the present Union Carbide Corporation - Seadrift Plant is located. Union Carbide Corporation seeks to make additional improvements within the proposed reinvestment zone, which are feasible and practical. r L 3. The renewal of the designation would be a benefit to the land to be included in the reinyestment zone, and to the county -::>-F~^_ +-1.-...... ......~.........::_....I...~ ___ 951 September 7, 1994 Page 2 e 4. The area comprised in the reinvestment zone will be reasonably likely, as a result of the renewal of the designation, to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment or to attract major investment in the zone that would be a benefit to the property and would contribute to the economic development of the county. Union carbide Corporation requests that the Commissioners Court give notice of this application, as required by law and the County's Guidelines, and that after public hearing the Commissioners Court renew the designation of Union Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone. APPLICATION FOR TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT 1. improvements Reinvestment Kind, to be Zone: number and location of all the proposed located in union Carbide Corporation a. Raw Material Handlinq/Unloadina' - These facilities will consist of one totally enclosed raw material unloading building for transfer of one raw material to process storage. The remaining facility will be for unloading and transfer of another raw materiaL This unloading will occur. at an outside unloading rack. Both systems are for unloading raw material by railcar. b. Raw Material Supplv and Storaae - These facilities will consist of a series of tanks for storage of small quantities of raw materials. The raw materials are then pumped and metered into the reaction area for production of EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubbe'r) compounds. All of the storage tanks are vented to the flare. e c. Reaction Area - One liquid stream and one gaseous stream are received by pipeline and are metered to the reaction system. Four liquid raw materials are received by various containers (railcars, tank trucks, etc.)(a-b above]. These liquids are then metered into the reaction system. Catalyst is received in cylinders and transferred to a holding tank in the reaction area. All of the raw materials are mixed in the gas phase reaction system to produce a wide range of EPR products. e The products are then removed through a product discharge system and transferred to the monomer recovery and purging systems. 1 952 " e ! - ,. I i:.;; . e September 7, 1994 Page 3 d. Monomer Recoverv Area - These facilities consist of a number of tanks to recover gas from the product, The gas is then compressed and recycled back to the reaction system. There are two systems, one for each monomer that is recovered. e. PolYmer Purainq Area - This area consists of a series of bins to purge the monomer from the polymer and to condition the polymer with stabilizing additives. l f. Product Storaqe. Packaqinq, and Distribution - This area includes storage bins for receipt of the product from the purging area. The product is then transferred from the storage bins and loading into 25Kg bags and palletized for loading and shipment on. trucks. The facilities include bagging line storage bins and a warehouse to hold the minimal amount of bags before truck loading and shipment. g. EPR Sunnort Facilities - The equipment/buildings in this area are the control room for control of all the process equipment and analysis of the product. other equipment in this area include a Motor control Center (HCC) to house the electrical gear needed to operate the motors in the process. h. silica Storaae. Flare - Another facility modification to be added is a silica storage tank to accommodate the increased production of catalyst supply for the EPR unit. A flare for efficient destruction of waste gas streams will be added to Block 28. r 1. Location of the Improvements - Location of proposed improvements is shown on the attached plant maps, Exhibit "C" and "D". L 2. The use of the property is consistent with the general purpose of encouraging development or redevelopment of the reinvestment zone during the period the property tax exemptions are in effect. Please refer to the explanation of the project described in Item 1 for a narrative statement of the uses of the property in the reinvestment Zone. The new facilities and modification to the existing facilities will be located within the proposed reinvestment zone. Exhibit A shows the entire reinvestment zone, Exhibit B is a non-detailed layout of the improved area where the reinvestment will occur, Exhibit C details Exhibit A, and Exhibit D specifically shows the major portion of the details involved in our union Carbide Block 14. The proposed use is consistent with the existing use of the property, and the new facilities and modifications will encourage further development .:_ .....'-_ ~_.:_......__.....___..... ..:1........:.......- +-'\.-,..... ..................;........:1 +-l..,...... ................................+-,? +-::0'-' l.. ,. L 953 September 7, ~994 Page 4 e 3. Maps showing the existing use of the reinvestment zone can be found in Exhibits A, B, C, and D. The location for the improvements is shown as EPR project, new flare, .and new silica storage tank location. Exhibit D shows the new facilities to be placed in Block 14. The block is currently nonutilized, except for storage of equipment. This storage will be moved to other nonutilized areas. 4. The new value that will result from the expansion and new improvements to be undertaken is estimated to be $94,000,000.00. 5. Union Carbide Corporation estimates that 60 new jobs will be created as a result of the new improvemenes. 6. The estimated start of construction w~ll be June 1, 1995. The construction period will las:t about 14.5 months, with an estimated completion date of August 15, 1996. Initial operation is expected one month after construction completion. Improvements to be completed in 1995 will be $56,000,000.00, with the remainder completed in 1996. - e 7. Following is a general written description of the nature and extent of the expansion and new improvements to be undertaken: The proposed project is a new business for Union carbide. The process will utilize Union Carbide's gas phase technology to produce Ethylene-Propylene Rubber (EPR). The majority of the revisions will reside in Block 14 of the Seadrift Plant. Facilities for handling of the incoming raw material, reaction of the monomers, purging, storage and packaging will be constructed in this block. The process will produce 200,000,000 pounds per year of polymer. The EPR markets are roofing products, hose and belting, weather stripping, and tire sidewall. Additional catalyst facilities will be added to support production at the new EPR unit. 8. A legal description of the reinvestment zone where all the improvements will be located is attached, marked Exhibit "Elf.. e 954 e e- e September 7, 1994 Page 5 9. On January 1, 1994, the value of the land in the reinvestment zone was $5,392,626.00, and the value of the improvements in the reinvestment zone on that date was $396,675,000.00. There has essentially been no changes in value in the reinvestment zone either in land or improvements since January 1, J.994' to the date of this application. The value of any existing facilities within the reinvestment zone will not be deleted or diminished as a result of this project. 10. Union Carbide Corporation is well known to the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County. A financial statement or other data suggested in not offered at this time. Union Carbide will supply such information upon request. 11. Union Carbide Corporation estimates that the property value subject to abatement will be $90,000,000.00 on January 1 immediately following the end of the abatement period. 12. Union Carbide Corporation makes the following assurances to the Commissioners Court: a. That all the information contained in this application is true and correct. b. That the person signing this application on behalf of Union Carbide Corporation has unrestricted authority to execute this application and contract documents on behalf of Union Carbide Corporation, and has the unrestricted authority to obligate Union Carbide Corporation to all the terms, covenants and conditions that will be contained in the tax abatement agreement. (See Power of Attorney, Exhibit "F"). c. That construction will not commence on any of the eligible improvements until a tax abatement agreement has been executed with the county, which is the designating authority. d. That the project will not be constructed without first obtaining all necessary local, state and federal environmental and construction permits, and that Union Carbide Corporation will abide by all conditions of the permits, law and ordinances, rules and regulations governing the operation of the project throughout its economic life. L e. That Union Carbide Corporation will abide by all conditions of the tax abatement agreement and the guidelines and criteria adopted by the Commissioners Court applicable to the agreement. 955 September 7, 1994 Page 6 e f _ That the planned use of the property will not constitute a hazard to public health or safety throughout the economic life of the project. g. That Union Carbide Corporation will make the improvements to the property as described application. specific in this h. That the project will have an economic life of at least 21 years after completion. 1. That the estimates of the cost and value of the project and the number of permanent jobs created as a result of the project will not be less than 85% of the actual cost/value of the project and actual number of permanent jobs. 13. Union Carbide Corporation is a New York Corporation, with a certificate of authority to do business in 'Texas. Thename and address of the registered agent for service in Texas is C. T. Corporation System 811 Dallas Avenue Houston, Texas 77002 e union Carbide corporation shall notify the county within 60 days of any change of the registered agent or status of the corporation. 14. The name, title .and address of Union Carbide Corporation's representative for purposes,of giving notice is: R. J. Cottle Seadrift Plant Manager P. O. Box 186 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 15. Union Carbide Corporation waives all rights to confidentiality with regard to the contents of this application for tax abatement otherwise granted under TEX.TAX CODE ANN. 3312.003. 16. Union Carbide Corporation agrees to pay all legal fees and any other expenses that the County incurs in reviewing, processing and acting on this application. 17. Union Carbide Corporation requests that the Commissioners Court approve this application, and grant it tax abatement for a term of 7 years, with the percent of exemptions, including residency incentives to be the same as provided in Section 3 of the County's Guidelines and criteria for Granting Tax Abatement in Reinvestment Zones Created in Calhoun County_ e 956 e e e September 7, 1994 Page 7 On behalf of Union Carbide corporation, I respectfully request the Commissioners Court to give the appropriate notices, conduct its public hearings and give favorable consideration to the granting of this application for renewal of designation of Union Carbide Corporation Reinvestment Zone and Tax Abatement Agreement. Yours truly, Union Carbide corporation Manager POSSffiLE EXPANSION OF DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY SEADRlFT OPERA nON SITE - LETTER OF SUPPORT A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Judge to sign a Letter of Support regarding expansion of Dow Chemical Company Seadrift Operations site, In discussion, Bob Walker, with Dow Chemical Company, said Dow now has facilities in Freeport, Texas City and Seadrift, Both Seadrift and Texas City have, in terms of world competitive size, small hydrocarbon crackers, In both plants, the age of the facility has to be considered and the technology is in need of replacement. A decision was made to shut down one of the plants and replace it with a new hydrocarbon cracker by 2004, either in Seadrift or Freeport, The impact on the Seadrift site is (1) provides ethylene (raw materials) and insures financial stability of the Seadrift Operation, (2) if the cracker is obtained, it still would not be bottlenecked in terms of expansion, and (3) there is support of hydrocarbon businesses in the Dow plants which is headquartered in Houston and they will work with Dow in their selection studies and the advantages of expansion which would be 2 1/2 times the size of our present hydrocarbons unit. The decision has not yet been made - the costs in regard to the site and the support of the Court and County will playa large part in the decision, Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor of the Motion, 957 e March 18,2002 Mr, Bob Walker Vice President Director of Operations DOW Chemical Company Seadrift Operations P,O, Box 186 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Dear Mr, Walker: We, the undersigned authorities, are desirous of a continued prosperous relationship with the DOW Chemical Company and are very excited about the possible expansion at DOW's Seadrift Operations site, As confirmation of our unified regional support for the expansion project, we offer with enthusiasm any assistance or information you may require to attain this goal, City, County, State officials and our community members support sustainable development for industry and incentives to achieve financial security for our workforce and economic stability. We have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with petrochemical industries for generations, DOW and your predecessor, Union Carbide, have been good neighbors for 50 years and we recognize that the plant has played a vital part in our economic security, e The Seadrift Operations site offers air quality attainment, highway infrastructure, waterways and raiL Calhoun County offers low tax rates and a supportive and cooperative atmosphere for future growth and success, We urge you to consider the planned expansion in Calhoun County and to allow us to assist in any way possible to bring this opportunity to fruition, Respectfully yours, CALHOUN COUNTY :z:;~ Helen R. Walker, County Judge I e ~'YIf~ State Representative Geanie W. Morrison -, , 958 e e e March 18, 2002 Mr, Bob Walker Vice President Director of Operations DOW Chemical Company Page Two . CALHOUN COUNTY I.S.D. VICTORIA 1,5,0, ~ ~-dL- Ron Peace, Superintendent ( ichols, Superintendent WEST SIDE CALHOUN COUNTY NA VIGA nON DISTRICT VICTORIA COUNTY NA VIGA N DISTRICT 7tI~~~r Walter Pilgram, " Chai an Lee Swearingen, Chai CALHOUN COUNTY NA VIGA nON DISTRICT CITY OF VICTORIA ~I ~~ ,.Jd 10 (4<~ Roger G. artinez, Board Chai ' GUADALUPE BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY VICTORIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION fi~~ B~s ,General Mana r e~ CITY OF PORTLAVACA VICTORIA CHAMBER OF ~7JJllA':ARFA binson, President Q~~,O~ Mayor Alex H. Davila CITY OF POINT COMFORT @~ cLt;.L/ Pamela Lambden, Mayor 959 March 18, 2002 Mr, Bob Walker Vice President Director of Operatiom DOWChernica/ Company Page Three CITY OF SEADRIFT e ~ Billy Eze , r PORT LAVACA.CALHOUN COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CROSSING IN BOYD AND SIKES ROADS Ray Herman, Manager of Engineering with Burlington Northern and Santa Fe, addressed the Court, He is project manager of the installation of railroad grade crossings in Boyd and Sikes Roads, etc, e They received permission in January 2001 from the Service Transportation Board to move forward with the project and they have been working with the Drainage Districts, Construction has already begun on the 7,8 mile serpentine line which follows property lines, There will be grade separation construction at Highway 35 and Highway 87, Train operations are expected to begin in June 2003, The two proposed county road crossings are on: (1) Boyd Road - 1 mile from Hwy, 1679 with a designated speed of35 mph, increased elevation with 3 1/2% runoff and 16 feet wide, (2) Sikes Road - will relocate ditch and put in the bridge with a designated speed of30 mph, The road commissioners will examine the roads, Mr. Herman mentioned several types of lights and asked the County's preference, They h~ve ,not worked ~th the lo~al Rural Rail Transportation District but the Drainage Dlstncts have been III touch wIth them, They have not looked at the crossing at Foester Road but will do so, e He anticipated two trains a day; one in and one out with speed not to exceed 20 mph, This agenda item was put on March 28, 2002 Agenda for action by the Court, 960 BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY - CONSTRUCTION AND PROCEDURES DURING INSTALLATION OF RAILROAD CROSSINGS e Ray Herman, with Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company, said the contractors involved on construction on Boyd and Sikes Roads will comply with all regulations and restrictions and any damages will be repaired, There will be joint inspection at all times during construction, They will work with all emergency services regarding emergency response, They will not do partial shutdown of roads; they will shut down the road all day for surfacing and will provide adequate protection of traffic, He is available as liaison; notify him immediately of any problems or questions, The Court will take action on this agenda item on March 28, 2002, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Saad Mikhail presented the following monthly report for Memorial Medical Center. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY JANUARY 31,2002 OPERATING REVENUE LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES 1,825,700 (1,564,615) 261,085 CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: -_ Accounts Receivable- (437,686) (Incr) Deer Accounts Payable- 83,349 Incr (Deer) Prepaid Expense- (12,355) (Incr) Deer Inventory (13,314) (Iner) Deer (380,005) TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR (118,920) PLUS: Depreciation 130,934 Contribution to the County 0 12,014 PLUS: e County Subsidies (EMS) 137,592 Total Cash- 149,606 Incr (Deer) LESS: Equipment Purchases (15,250) NET CASH- INCR (DECR) 134,356 961 DESCRIPTION ,NUARY Dialysis Chairs - 11 ( Dialysis) Shelving Unit - ( Health Infonnatlon ) 3 Ton AIr Handler ( MMP - Dr. Rupley) SUBTOTALS GRAND TOTALS 962 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 EQUIPMENT AMOUNT $ 11,108,92 2,568,14 $ 13,675,06 $ 13,675.06 $ 13,675,06 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS HOSPITAL $ PAGEl MEMORIAL MEDICAL PlAZA $ 1,575,00 $ 1,575.00 $ 1,575,00 S 1,575,00 e -, e 2 1 .e e e \ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, "JANUARY 2002 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER. ,-, OPERATING $459,092.46 $1,752.453,26 . SI,6J8,957.47 $572,588,25 MEMORIAL 15,677.21 31.56 0.00 15,708,77 RESTRICTED DONATION 12,915.93 26,00 0.00 12,941.93 INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 74,870.35 0.00 73,795.74 1,074.61 CERTIFICATES OF OBUG INT & SKG 36,83 0.00 0,00 36,83 $562,592,78 $1,752,510,82 $1,712,753,21 $602,350,39 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: 'JANUARY 1001 BANK RECONCIL/A TlON LESS: CERT, '. . FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER. 232,839.38 805,427,63 OPERATING 572,588,25 MEMORIAL 15,708.77 15,708,77 RESTRICTED DONATION 12,941.93 12,941.93 INDIGENT HEAL THCARE 1,074,61 1,074,61 CERT OF OBUG INTEREST & SlNKlNG 36,83 36.83 3 963 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT JANUARY 31,2002 YTD YTD YTD REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE e. NAME MONTH YTD AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT APOSTOL, C.F. 124,204.47 124,204.47 65,111.64 7,576.47 51,516,36 41% WILLIAM, GA 88,053.21 88,053.21 39,057.24 5,371.25 43,624,72 50% UN, M.S, 165,168,56 165,168,56 56,240,44 10,075,28 98,852,83 60% SMITH, J.K, 99,158.09 99,158.09 13,572,96 6,048,64 79,536.48 80% PENTECOST, L,V. 8,779.13 8,779.13 1,894.29 535,53 6,349,31 72% MCFARLAND, T.R, 245,614.45 245,614.45 68,571.74 14,982,48 162,060,23 66% GRIFFIN, JEANNINE 20,082.26 20,082,26 7,769.69 1,225.02 11,087.55 55% BUNNELL, D,P, 415,955.10 415,955,10 139,489.52 25,373,26 251,092,32 60% ROLLINS, L. 119,370.49 119,370.49 56,835,74 7,281.60 55,253,15 46% ARROYO-DIAZ, R. 174,737.75 174,737.75 63,721.85 10,659,00 100,356,90 57% GILL, J, 92,234~64 92,234.64 19,505.26 5,626,31 67,103,07 73% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0% CUMMINS, M, 45,099.74 45,099.74 6,395,95 2,751.08 35,952,71 80% RUPLEY, M, 29,642.15 29,642,15 4,205,96 1,808,17 23,628.02 80% LEE,J 73,578,08 73,578,08 32,391.62 4,488.26 36,698.19 50% LE, NHI 119,983,57 119,983,57 64,670,96 7,319,00 47,993.61 40% CARAWAN, S. 203,895.45 203,895.45 33,772.11 12,437.62 157,685,72 77% STEINBERG, R. 10,595.47 10,595.47 138,69 646.32 9,810.45 93% RAMOS LABORATORY 2,064.94 2,064.94 0,00 125,96 1,938.98 94% VISITING PHYSICIANS 116,382.62 116,382.62 34,692,97 7,099,34 74,590.31 64% ER PHYSICIANS 345,044.13 345,044.13 51,874.40 21,047,69 272,122.04 79% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 10,933,50 10,933,50 164.74 666.94 10,101.82 92% OTIfER 546,119,61 546,119,61 76,090.33 33,429,04 436,600,24 80% -- TOTAL 3,056,697.39 3,056,697,39 836,168,10 186,574,28 2,033,955.01 67% MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - TRANSFER TO OPERATING FUND A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize a transfer to Memorial Medical Center Operating Fund in the amount of $206,3888, (114 of the amount budgeted for the year) to be made on April 1, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - TRANSFER TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACCOUNT To justify the amount requested to be transferred to Memorial Medical Center for the Emergency Medical Services account and made on April 1, 2002, Mr, Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, asked that the Court go back to January (first quarter) when the hospital stated the billing charges are not adequate to cover hospital expenses the hospital has regarding EMS. They used the allocation system by taking the number of departmel).ts which provide direct support to EMS and used a salary percentage, They determined EMS is 9 \1,% of the overall hospital budget, Using this, EMS expenses for the first quarter would be $87,102,74; they would like this to be a consideration as there was a $89,494, deficit in January and February, e Commissioner Floyd stated there were two funds set up: (1) $825,600 to offset operating expenses of the hospital (quarterly payment of $206,400 just approved) (2) $651,000 for contribution to offset EMS deficit. 964 These amounts were paid last year, Actual annual expenditures for last year were about $514,000 which left a credit of $137,000, There is still that carryover from 2001. In the year 2002, you are just transferring funds to set up a subsidy to be used for the hospital. Mr, Currier said the budget was based on both the $825,600 and the $651,000, They had budgeted a $651,000 subsidy for EMS for 2001 and projected the same for the 2002 budget, Commissioner Floyd said he thought the $121,000 payment to EMS agreed on IS justifiable but not the other. e Mr, Currier said he is requesting $87,000 for the first quarter and $162,000 for the second quarter to be paid perspectively for a total of $249,000, Commissioner Floyd asked if administrative costs were included with EMS when the budget was developed in August 2001. Mr, Currier replied that the entire budget was good but he will have shortfalls if you take away $651,000, The Court discussed the figures on administrative costs, subsidies and EMS costs with Mr, Currier and Mr, Mikhail. Commissioner Floyd said the issue is understanding these finances, Commissioner Finster asked if $85,000 budgeted for the hospital included administrative costs billing for EMS? Mr, Currier said it was the surcharge; if $651,000 was there when budgeted, we would not need the 15%, Commissioner Balajka said $136,700 was a carryover in 2001 from $651,000; he would like to see on paper where that $136,000 went. Mr, Mikhail said it went to overhead and the Plaza, Mr, Currier said it went where it was necessary to go; the money is co-mingled to keep the hospital financially viable, A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Judge Marshall that we authorize transfer to Memorial Medical Center, effective April 1, 2002, the sum of $121,000 for Emergency Medical Services for the second quarter of this year (to July 1, 2002), e In discussion, County Auditor Ben Comiskey stated the hospital budget was prepared based on receiving both of these subsidies; if they don't receive these, their budget will need to be reduced in some departments, You are reducing their budget revenues $128,000 for the year, He suggested if this was done, the hospital needs to redo the budget and reduce it by $128,000. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor of the Motion, Memorial Medical Center Board of Trustees present at this meeting were Robert Artere, Bob Bonar and Larry Korenek. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - TRANSFER RESPONSmn..ITY TO COMMISSIONERS' COURT e Mr, Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, stated the Hospital Board feels the Emergency Medical Services situation is awkward, Either the Court of the Hospital Board should have complete control. The Board has no objection to the Court having full responsibility, If the Board has full responsibility, they are ready to respond to this and it will be treated as any other department of the hospital and prioritized as such, Commissioner Floyd asked Mr, Currier to recant for the Court a Motion which was passed unanimously by the Hospital Board, Mr, Currier said it was to transfer full responsibility of EMS to the Court, He said they feel it awkward to have full responsibility without authority, They would be treating EMS differently than any other department and it would inhibit their ability to manage it properly and the Board concurred, Commissioner Finster asked if the hospital will still do the billing, Mr, Currier said it would be farmed out so .there would be no confusion, Commissioner Floyd asked if it ~65 would be at 15% of the total costs, Me, Currier replied that the costs of running EMS is part of the 15% billing, Commissioner Galvan felt it is a mistake for the Court to take over EMS; a disservice to the community. e Commissioner Floyd said the Hospital board has taken action for the County to take over the EMS as the hospital is in severe financial condition and they would not have to focus on EMS, a separate issue, The budget and allocation for EMS will be a non-issue, He did not share Commissioner Galvan's opinion, Commissioner Galvan said the Board apparently feels threatened by some Court members that they can't run that department efficiently without total supervision, EMS should be under the supervision of the hospital. Judge Marshall felt patient care is our first priority; the hospital is in that business, Commissioner Balajka asked what the Board does in relation to medical toward the EMS; he said they administrate over them but don't tell them how to run their business, Me, Currier would like for the County to take over EMS but felt the County is not really qualified. Medical Director, Doctor Bunnell, is against EMS being located in the hospital but he gave no indication as to the other, Commissioner Finster said he has been on the Court when it was both ways, He thought something has to change; the Court has never given medical direction to EMS, only administrative, He hoped the environment would change and we can move on, Everyone supports the hospital and EMS, Board Member Larry Korenek stated there has been a lot of controversy and he felt they should move on, A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to transfer full responsibility and authority of Emergency Medical Services to the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court effective July 1,2002, Commissioners Floyd, Finster and Balajka voted in favor of the Motion, Commissioner Galvan and Judge Marshall voted against. e MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA - TRANSFER TO THE COUNTY Commissioner Floyd suggested a Special Meeting with the Hospital Administrator be set up on the question of transferring Memorial Medical Plaza to the County and the item be passed until advised, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Judge Marshall stated currently the Memorial Medical Center Bylaws state there can be up to nine members on the Hospital Board of Trustees; the Bylaws were changed in January, Commissioner Galvan would like for each member of Commissioners' Court to appoint one member for a total of five, Commissioner Floyd said the term needs to be established, This provides for turnover on the Board for new ideas, He requested additional time to study this but suggested reducing the number of board members, Judge Marshall said members need to be appointed in March; consider the number of members and determine how to do this, e This agenda item was tabled to March 28, 2002, MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES RE- APPOINTMENT A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to re-appoint Bob Bonar and Larry Korenek to Memorial Medical Center Board of Trustees 966 e e e and to not fill the position being vacated by Frank Diebel. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. COASTAL-IMPACT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT GRANT CONTRACT WITH G&W ENGINEERS. INC. David Gann with G&W Engineers, Inc, stated the Professional Engineering Services Agreement has to be approved by Commissioner' Court, This will be handled through the County, The application was submitted by the City of Port Lavaca but the grant comes to the County, there is no cost to the County. Barbara Gibson with the City stated that everything is handled by the Port Commission. A Motion was made by Commisisoner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to enter into a Contract with G&W Engineers, Inc, regarding the Texas General Land Office Coastal-Impact Assistance Program Project Grant and authorize the County Judge to sign, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERlliG SER...\ClCES AGREEMENT CALHOUN COUNTY (hereinafter called CLmNT) engages G & W ENGINEERS, INC., 205 W, Live Oak St., Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (hereinafter called ENGINEER) to perform professional engineering services for the following assignment: WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION AWARD NO. NA170Z2174 .01 SERVICES: ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in phases and in accordance with the following descriptions, definitions, terms, and conditions, a. Preliminary Phase Upon receipt of authorization from CLIENT to proceed, ENGINEER shall perform the following services, I, Meet with CLIENT (and other interested parties) to discuss the assignment, 2, With the assistance of CLIENT, research, investigate, gather, and utilize CLIENT's existing data, and provide, if deemed necessary, any surveys of existing rights-of-way, topography, utilities, and/or other field data in order to generate preliminary Drawings, 3, Consult with and advise CLIENT as to the necessity of obtaining subsurface investigations, such as soil borings, investigations and tests, which, in the opinion of ENGINEER, are deemed necessary for the completion of the preliminary phase, Generate a preliminary project layout and present to CLIENT for review and comment. Said layout shall be in sufficient detail to clearly indicate potential problems and possible solutions, and shall also include a Preliminary Conceptual Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. 4, 5, Upon receipt of the preliminary review comments from CLIENT (if any), begin generating the Preliminary Contract Documents, which consist of the Construction Drawings, the Bidding Documents, and appropriate Technical Specifications, 6, Submit the Preliminary Contract Documents to CLIENT for review and comment. 7, Assist CLIENT in any required coordination with regulatory agencies during Preliminary Phase, Upon the completion of all the above described items, the Preliminary Phase of this Agreement shall be deemed as complete, 967 Page laf6 RleI2196..039 b. Design Phase Upon receipt of authorization from CLIENT to proceed, ENGINEER shall perfonn the following services. 1, Establish the scope of and arrange for any additional soil borings, investigations and tests, which, in the opinion of ENGINEER, are deemed necessary for the completion of the assignment. 2. Begin finalizing the Contract Documents by incorporating any comments received from CLIENT (if any) into the Documents, 3, Submit to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation the project design for review and approval, 4. Incorporate any comments received from the regulatory agencies (if any) into the Final Contract Documents. 5, Prepare a Final Conceptual Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (Proposal), including any deductive alternatives, where feasible, in order to simplify the reduction of the base bid for construction if it exceeds the available funding, 6, Submit the Final Contract Documents to CLIENT for review and approval, 7, Assist CLIENT in any required coordination with regulatory agencies during Design Phase, Upon receipt of approval from CLIENT for the Final Contract Documents. the Design Phase of this Agreement shall be deemed as complete. c, Construction Phase Upon authorization from CLIENT to proceed, ENGINEER shall perfonn the following services. 1, Assist CLIENT in the Advertisement of Bids for the construction of the Project, including making the required quantity of Contract Documents, maintaining a List of Plan Holders, and answering Bidder's questions. 2, Conduct Pre-Bid Conference, if deemed necessary. 3, Incorporate any revisions resulting from Pre-Bid Conference (if any) into Contract Documents via transmitting an Addendum to each Plan Holder. Assist CLIENT in conducting the Bid Opening by receiving, opening, and reading aloud the Bids, Also assist CLIENT by tabulating and analyzing the Bids for completeness and accuracy, ' 5, Consult with CLIENT as to the proper action to be taken based on the investigation by ENGINEER of the apparent successful low Bidder's qualifications. 4, Page2af6 PIIOFESSlONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT West PeninstJo &o!Jon Control a: We1la1d Protec1fon Project NOAA AwadNo. NAI70Z2174 (Rle2196.039) 968 ~- e - -., 6, . 7, 8, 9, 10, Prepare a recommendation for the Award of the Construction Contract. Assist CLIENT in the preparation of the Construction Contract. Transmit the Construction Contract, along with the Notice To Proceed, to the construction contractor (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR), Conduct the Pre-Construction Conference, if required, For the benefit of CLlENT, review any samples, catalog data, schedules, shop drawings, laboratory, shop and mill tests of material and equipment, and other data submitted by CONTRACTOR for general conformance with the Contract Documents, 11. Perform periodic visits to the site (as distinguished from the continuous services of a Resident Project Representative) to observe the construction progress and the quality of the Work and to generally determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. e 12, In performing the above service, ENGINEER shall endeavor to protect CLIENT against any defects and deficiencies in the Work of CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER cannot, however, guarantee the performance of CONTRACTOR, nor be responsible for the actual supervision of the construction operations or for the safety measures CONTRACTOR has taken (or should take), Consult with and advise CLIENT during construction and issue all instructions requested by CLIENT to CONTRACTOR, 13, Assist CLIENT in any required coordination with regulatory agencies during the Construction Phase. 14. Prepare and issue, upon receipt of approval from CLIENT, routine Change Orders, 15, Interpret Drawings and Specifications for CLIENT and/or CONTRACTOR, 16, Obtain and review monthly CONTRACTOR pay requests, and based upon on-site observations and said review, furnish to CLIENT the recommended payment (or nonpayment) to be made to CONTRACTOR, requiring that at least a ten percent (10%) retainage be withheld from each payment until fmal acceptance by CLIENT is received, 17. Upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's opinion that construction is complete, conduct a Final Inspection, accompanied by CLIENT, of the Project for compliance with the Contract Documents, 18. e As a result of said Final Inspection, transmit to CONTRACTOR a "Punch List", if required, of construction-related items still to be restored by CONTRACTOR. Page 3 of6 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENr West PenJnsuIo Ero!Jon Centrolll Wetf01d Protection Project NOAA AwordNo. NA170Z2174 (Rle2196.D39) 969 19, Issue a Final Adjustments Change Order reflecting in-place quantities and costs to CLIENT for review and approval, . 20, Request a Waiver of Liens and a Guarantee from CONTRACTOR. 21. Upon receipt of final acceptance by CLIENT of the Project, submit the Certificate of Construction Completion, the Final CONTRACTOR Pay Request, the CONTRACTOR's Waiver, and the CONTRACTOR's Guarantee to CLIENT for review and approval, Upon completion of the above described phases, the Basic Services portion of this Agreement shall be deemed as complete, d. Special Services ENGINEER warrants that Services, as outlined above for the above described assignment, shall be performed for the total amount stated under COMPENSATION of this Agreement. However, any services beyond those required to complete this Project shall be deemed as Special, Services, .02 COMPENSATION: CLIENT agrees to compensate ENGINEER (payable in Calhoun County, Texas) for Basic and Additional Services rendered during the specific Phases indicated above for totals not to exceed those amounts stated below, and compensation shall be in accordance with the following descriptions, definitions, terms, and conditions, e a, Basic Services ENGINEER shall be compensated for the performance of Services described above based on the portion of each phase being complete. Each phase represents the following portion of Basic Services. PHASR % OF FEE FEE PRELIMINARY 15,5 $ 2,000,00 DESIGN 69 9,000,00 CONSTRUCTION 15,5 2,000,00 SURVEYING 2,000,00 PERMIITING 5 000,00 TOTAL $20,000.00 b, Special Services ENGINEER shall be compensated for Special Services on an hourly basis according to rates shown on !UACHMENT "A" , which can be found at the end of this Agreement and made a part thereof, Special Services shall be defmed as additional or extended services during construction made necessary by work damaged by fire or other cause during construction; defective or neglected work of contractor; prolongation of construction contract time by more than 20%; acceleration of work schedule involving services beyond normal working hours; or default under construction contract due to delinquency or insolvency, Page 4 of 6 PIIOFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SETMCES AGREEMENT West Penit"tsUa ErosIon Control a WetfaJd Protection Project NOAAAwad No. NA110Z2174 (Rf92196.D39) . 1 970 e e e .03 ENGINEER shall not perfonn any Special Services until duly authorized in writing by CLlENT, and if need for Special Services is deemed necessary by CLIENT, ENGINEER shall provide CLIENT with cost of such Special Services for CLIENT approval prior to commencement of services, PAYMENTS: a, ENGINEER shall invoice CLlENT monthly in amounts based upon percentage of work completed in each phase during past period, b, CLIENT agrees to promptly pay ENGINEER, at ENGINEER's Calhoun County, Texas office, full amount of such invoice upon receipt. .04 OWNERSmP OF DOCUMENTS: .05 a, All documents, including original drawings, estimates, specifications, fieldnotes and data are and shall remain the property of ENGINEER, except CLIENT may use such documents for this Project. b, CLIENT shall receive set of reproducible record copies of Drawings and other documents, but agrees, as does ENGINEER, that use of such copies shall be solely in connection with Project covered by this Agreement and for no other purpose, COST ESTIMATES: Cost Estimates prepared by ENGINEER represent the best conceptual opinion of probable costs as a design professional familiar with construction industry, It is recognized, however, that ENGINEER has no control over cost of labor, materials or equipment, over CONTRACTOR's methods of detennining bid prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, Accordingly, ENGINEER cannot, and does not, guarantee that Bids will not vary from any cost estimate prepared by him, .06 INSURANCE: a, ENGINEER agrees to maintain workmen's compensation insurance to cover all of its own personnel engaged in perfonning services for CLlENT under this Agreement. b, ENGINEER also agrees to maintain public liability insurance covering claims against ENGINEER for damages resulting from bodily injury, death or property damage from accidents arising in course of services perfonned under this Agreement. .07 LIABILITY LIMITATION: a, ENGINEER shall have no liability to CLlENT or to others as consequence of express or implied approval of any construction activities, for any defective construction (whether or not observed or approved by ENGINEER), for any excess of construction costs over amount estimated, or for any other reason beyond warranty of use of reasonable skill in preparation of particular drawings and designation of particular materials for assignment covered by this Agreement. Poge5of6 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENr We.st PenInstJa Erosion Control a WeffO'ld Protection Project NOAA AwordNo. NA170Z2174 (R/e 2196.(39) 971 .08 TERMINATION: a. Condition of Termination This Agreement may be terminated without cause at any time prior to completion of ENGINEER's services either by CLIENT or by ENGINEER, upon seven days written notice to other party at address of record, b, Compensation Payable on Termination Upon termination, by either CLIENT or ENGINEER, CLIENT shall pay ENGINEER full amount specified in paragraph ,02 above, with resI'ect to any Engineering Services performed to date onermination (including all Reimbursable Expenses incurred), .09 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: .10 CLIENT and ENGINEER each binds himself, and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to other !'arty of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, adininistrators ana assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither CLIENT nor ENGINEER shall assign, sublet, or transfer his interest in this Agreement without written consent of other party, Nothing herein shall be construed as giving any rights or benefits here under to anyone other than CLIENT and ENGINEER. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: a, b, c, This instrument contains the entire Agreement between CLIENT and ENGINEER, except as additionally stated below, a, ENGINEER a~es to prepare all reports, etc" necessary for obtaining required permits as part of the assignment. b, ENGINEER agrees to make all records pertaining to this Project open to ins!,ection by any federal, state, or local agency that has monitoring or auditing responsibility, c. This Contract may be amended to add additional projects as authorized by the Port Commission. .11 INVALIDATION: If this Agreement is not executed by CLIENT within 60 days of date tendered, it shall become invalid unless ENGINEER extends time in writing, .12 MODIFICATIONS: No authority shall!Je ..2;1"anted to make variations in, or additions to, terms of this Agreement on behalf of ENGINEER other than one of its Officers, and then only in writing Signed by such Officer. CALHOUN COUNTY By: iAh~ l&s~ Arlene N, hall, ounty Judge 7, / /J /0.;J.-- Date: G & W }ry~RS' INC By:~1 1'/A , David , ~--IE., President Date: .0 ~h "'Z- Page6of6 PrIOFESSION1!of:,G1NEERI~VERV1CES AGflEEMENT West Peninsuo . n Control etlond Protection Project NOM Awad No. NA170Z2774 (FI192196.D39) 972 ~e e - 4 WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT FOR COUNTY OF CALHOUN,TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY OFFICALS @ ~' ~ I I I I j ~""'A1M~-t' 01'. ~ "'.~ 9 ~ ~ ~ <;-"'~cf~ I I . A PUBLICATION (OR REPORT) OF THE COASTAL CORROINATION COUNCIL PURSU~NT TO NATiONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINSTRATION AWARD NQ.NA17DZ2174 COUNTY JUDGE - ARLENE MARSHALL VieiLity Map THIS PAPER 1S FUNDED IN PART BY A GRANT/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FROM THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINSTRAT!ON. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERIN ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHOR(SJ AND 00 NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF NOAA OR ANY OF IT'S SUB-AGENCIES. COUNTY COMMISIONERS- PRECINCT .1 "2 .3 .4 RODGER GALVAN MICHEAL BALAJKA H, FLOYD KENNETH FINSTER IN D E X o F DRAWINGS G & W EngIneers Ine, 205 W, Live Oak St. Port Lavaea, Texas SHEET 1 of 2 AH~A SITE PLAN SHEET 2 of 2 8E;TIONS 8< DETAILS CAD F1LE:039cov.dQn - " Q , JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDRY tiN 15/8 IRON RODS INDICATE BOUNDRY LINE) .' " ~ ~ , \. .' .' ,0 " '" .' " " ,:f' .' " " " " " .' " "~ . " " ~> - SEE END WAll TIt.I3ER DETAil " .' 0' " .' " " .' .,1.\) .' " .' " , I \ -- . .' DRIVE ,0 NOTES: .. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTlvITI~S ALLOWED ON THE WETLANDS SIDE OF THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDRY liNE. COHTRlt.CTOR TO USE THE EX1Si1NC FILL UATEfUAL AS BAC1I.FllL FOR THE SHEET PILE WALL AND SHALL COMPLETE THE FINAL GRADING IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPOSED CONTOURS. IF SUFFICIENT Fill IS NOT AVALIABLE THEN CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A SWALE THAT DRAINS TOWARD THE WEST END OF THE PROJECT. BACKFILL OPERATION TO BEGIN AT THE CONCRETE STEPS. V I EW 2, WEST PENINSULA PLAN 3, SHORE L1NE~ .' .' EXISTING CONCRETE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF EXISTING FilL MATERIAL rB-3 / " .' DETAIL DRAWN BY. "n fN"IN."1:5 CHECIalD BY. oJ. .sANP" DAn;, 1--Ob-02 . JU>VISIONSl =<.Eo \' .60' " '" Z Z 0 '" Z .. < '" -' '" 0. '" . ;;; ~ "' 0: " '" ... ... " '" "' ... u !: ... Z 0: . " . 0: " < . . ... VI .; u a: . > W " . W '" -' Z ,. ;: "' > 0 0 0: 0. " Z on W . ..; '" ~ oa C) " " . Z 0 " . "' > "' -' ~I: "' 0 . '" .~; , ~~ I ....'j.. '\:~~" - .....::'~- ~....1. lo ..... '- _ .... .... :;~. _ _ _ -'r .... ,~, _ " ""....,; 5.5 .... 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CWIt~ray braooO'I.WWI,"""to/irm c-......ySo\M:l(SC)'P'/llI'own,-.1ocu Cu..V(CL)'Igl':l~~.moisl,...ry_ SANO(SPl__Clay.tIo;I'Il~'ay. ~"- _'--""<:lay Compl_OeplII:35F..1 Borin Lo No. B-3 SM we t:ss to 1:55 3 51:):55 " ~ss 22 .... ,. .... ~ PralKC_P..-.....u.s..- ~lIy:ce Saml:*IGo.w.!l-2Q.2\X:Ia P\.LLPfPP M .200DDUc " " .. +3.0 " 51 II>> SHORE GUARD ~ SERIES 550 VINYL SHEET PILING 10'-0" LONG " NP " " J:ST lIS 1235 23 1.50 Borin Lo No, B-4 .~ " 40Ful tZ5 13 '" 23 $a U ~ M f1....IQAP\MfWlllIlorAdClIlloNol _...._r.",. ST_'-_ ......~'" :sI Gt3llBaoS-..IG81 ...___'" I S~~T_Samo..!sn -- SOIitSooons.moto.lSSl __.'" \7 'IIall'ftII:QUtllOl"':;lur!ng;jnn"g '.'OOo"'''-'lOlI_ ... Quo'..~"'.'u"ir19"..ati<.tldOoOoyO_.od Fl,",""-:QOOng _\lfllCa.'I'_ .s..~l..oclIllcnPlan SoilCeaCri lion FiI: SANO(Sl')_ uac;eol Clay. tan. - Fll:a.AY(Cl)__&nclol~oI. 1!IW~br'cMnwilll_:.rownmolting. -. .. S lan.__ a.AV(Cl.)w/lII_.....,.grayllw<on. "" SANO(SCl~-.-.- cv.Y(C1.l1lQ/1l~.lIgIlllymo<o1.N1n:l ~..,5.ANC(SCllan.-.d"""tov<<y ~" CornpIo1IonOl(l"': 3o'F.. 31<>C1>111 --- -..- ~-, -- --- -_c-a0ul009-.._ __.__eo.-r-.'" PrlII-= WnI~SUwd ~!l'f.C8 SamoInvOIW.f.20-2000 SI\lWCPl.LL pt PP H .200DDUc I: " 10 54 t<l <10 2IS 2:55 l' l' 31 ZO 1M 3:ST2a o.so " " e:SSZlI 7:51 It 1<1 3:Z lIS <1.50 " ,,<1 U 5:5$24 12 2" DIA. WEEP HOLE", I AT ELEV. 3.25 """'" to. 23 ..,~ ..IOAppetKlxor _...._r... !J"__T__ __eo.-... ! Gtab!la<l~IG8l u.-.-Lml.... ~T\lOI.5l/TI<MIST1 -- SoUl SoOOI's.<rd1ISSl _.... \7 Walelorcounl_duM9-9 --...-.=- ...Ou..-.sWIC'I2..ht....d\n9.I..IIion__.. FIlIMo.,oooet9 ~ " ..,. '" SHORE GUARD SERIES 550 VINYL SHEET PILING ......-.... -...... ~-, -- --- -_e-~-.._ "--~T_'" SEE PLAN FOR F ILL ELEVATIONS __________CDWPACTED II>> ~EXISTING SOIL LINE VARIES BACKFILL . .. SEE DRAIN DETAIL DRAINS AT 15' SPACING ~ VINYL SHEET PILING DETAIL SCALE: ~".1'.0" EXIST. STEEL SHEET PILE PROPOSED VINYL SHEET PILE WALL TO BEGIN AT EXIST. STEPS REWOVE EXIST. STEEL PILING AS REOUIRED FOR NEw WALL BREAK OUT CONCRETE IN THIS AREA EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB AT ELEV. 1.25' APPRQXtWATLLY 12" THICK<BURIEDI ~ 316 STAINLESS STEEL / SCREWS I,.... DIA. w/316 S.S. CUT WASHERS ~'2.X12" FILTER CLOTH COvERING WIRE CLOTH REMOVE STEEL SHEET PILE CAPPROX. 7" LONGI AND BREAK OUT CONCRETE AS NECESSARY TO ADJOIN VINYL SHEETS TO EXISTING CONCRETE STEPS. INSTALL 24" STRIP OF FILTER CLOTH AT CORNER JOINT. FILL NOTE: 6- SQ. 316 STAINLESS STEEL jlRE CLOTH I 10 X 10MESH .1.047 WIRE OIA. I CENTERED OVER WEEP HOLE /B" OIA. X 10' LONG TREATED TIt.l8ER TOP AT ELEV. 5.0 ~ ~BOLT SHEET PILING TO TI~ER WiTH 2 EA.1/Zw CIA. STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLTS END W ALL TIMBER DETAIL SCALE: :w." . 1'.0" 6'-0" :" y--------""r---------if-------- , , I I '- ,-!r - - - - -- - -:<:.- - -- - - - - -0- - - - - - - - +!- FILTER CLOTH :.... .... 4'-6- EXIST. CONCRETE STEPS DE T AIL SCM.E' %"'1'-0" GENERAL NOTE 1. INFORMATION GIVIN ON THIS AND OTHER RELEVANT DRAWINGS IS FOR THE CONTRACTORS USE TO GENERAL LOCATION AND ELEVATIONS REGARDING EXISTING FACILITIES AND TERRAIN. THE ENGINEER CANNOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE DATA CONTAINED HEREON. CONTRACTORS SHALL ASCERTAIN TO THEIR OWN SATISFACTION THE CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING THEIR BID. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY OESCREPANCY. 2, THE USE OF REPROOUCTIONS OF THESE CONTRACT DRAWiNGS IN LEU OF PREPARATION OF SHOP DRAWINGS WHEN REOUIRED IN PROHIBATEO. 3. ALL REFERENCE TO COOES. STANOAROS. OR MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE TO THE LATEST REVISIONS. INCLUDING ALL EFFECTIVE SUPPLEMENTS OR ADDENDA THERETO. AS OF THE DATE OF THE DRAWINGS. 4, CONTRACTOR TO DOUBLE CHECK ALL OUANTITIES LISTED ON DRAWINGS. 5, VINYL PILING SHEET SHALL BE SHORE GUARD 5S0 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND SHALL BE 10'-0- LONG. 6, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE GEOTEX 1601 NON WOVEN PLOYPROPYLENE FABERIC OR EDUAL. T, SHEET PILING HEIGHT SHALL BE DRIVEN TO ~~. OR CLOSER TO ENSURE A UNIFORM WALL HEIGHT. 8, TIWBER PILE SHALL BE NO. 1 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. 2.5 CCA TREATEO WITH OIUENSIONS AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. DllAWN BY, "OW IN''INIJIJIII:5 CHEOClW BY. .J..JAN"A D1o.TE: +-06.02 REVlSJONSo .J sc,o,u;, AS Nqfl.O '-' :;: '" 0 :z "' :z .. < N ,.., "' "- "' . <0 ~ "' " " '" " ,.. U '" "' ,.. U " ,.. Z ;: . U . " " < . . " III ,; . a: . w '-' > . W :z --' Z ;: ~ "' . > 0 Cl " Co Z " '" W . .; '" ~ " '-' . Z 0 0: . "' > oa "' ;.:; :z " ,.; C) :z "' "' 0 .' . '" ~ .J ~ ~ ~2:~ 00 Ut5s ~~~ Uio~ ~ O~'" ~Q,..: ~ ~!~ In ~ r~ ~ ~ il FILE NAME: 0102".O&.N JOB NUMBER. 2196.0~9 SHEET N<> 2 of 2 e e e G&W ENGINEERS, INC, 205 W, Uve Oak Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (361) 552.4509 Fax (361) 552-4987 ATIACHMENT "A" I~~~l~I~PJiJ2~ OFFICE PERSONNEL Registered Professional Engineer Staff Engineer Registered Public Surveyor Project Coordinator (Dependent on Job Requirements) Design Coordinator Surveyin~ Coordinator Engineering Technician Engineering Designer Construction Inspector Computer Technician Engineering Assistant Draftsman Secretary Resident Inspection (Dependent On Job Requirements) GPS PERSONNEL AND EOUIPMENT GPS Operator Base Attendant 4800 Trimble Total Station (Base and One Rover) 4800 Trimble Total Station (Base and Two Rovers) FIELD SURVEY CREWS Two Man Survey Crew Three Man Survey Crew Four Man Survey Crew $96,OO/Hr, $68,OO/Hr. $83,OO/Hr, $68,00. $96,OO/Hr, $60,OO/Hr, $55,OO/Hr, $55,OO/Hr, $42,OO/Hr. $39,OO/Hr, $36,OO/Hr, $34,OO/Hr, $33,OO/Hr, $25,OO/Hr, $45,OO/Hr $22.50/Hr $350,OOlDay $525,OOlDay $77.50/Hr, $95.50/Hr, $1l7.50/Hr, VEmCLE & EOUIPMENT Passenger Vehicle Survey Vehicle Four-Wheel A TV 16' Aluminum Survey Boat 14' Aluminum Survey Boat Digital Camera DIRECf EXPENSES Computer Time Plots / Survey Stakes, Lathes, Iron Rods, and Other Direct Expenses Reproduction and Printing Outside Consultants NOTES 1. Field plll1y rates include a charge for normal equipment, and supplies, (Field crew time is charged from der.arture to return to its home office,) Abnormal use of stakes, laihes, etc, used during the construction phase of a project will be charged as indicated. Mileage will be charged for trips to and from office, 2, A minimum of two (2) hours field plll1y time charge will be made for show-up time and return to office, resulting from inclement weather conditions, etc, 3, Field plll1y stand-by time will be charged for the above shown appropriate rates, 4, When authorized by the client, overtime premium multiplier of 1,5 will be applied to the billing rate of hourly personnel who work overtime in order to meet a deadline which cannot be met during normal hours, 5, Applicable sales taxes, if any, will be added to these rates, $,345/Mile $.345/Mile $125,OOlDay $150.00IDay $IOO,OOlDay $ 15,OOIDay / $IO,OO/Hr, $10,OOlEach Cost + 15% Prevailing Commercial Rates . Cost + 10"10 Engineering Architecture . Planning Surveying . . LARRY'S HARBOR SUBDIVISION IN PORT O'CONNOR - ACCEPT STREETS AS SUBSTANITALLY COMPLETE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept the streets in Larry's Harbor Subdivision in Port O'Connor, Precinct #4 as substantially complete, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 973 NATIONAL AGRICULTURE WEEK IN TEXAS RESOLUTION A Mo~on was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to reco~e March 1?-~3, 2002 as National Agriculture Week in Texas by signing a !tesolutlOn, CommIssIoners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted In favor. e RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the week of March 17 to 23, 2002 is NATIONAL AGRICULTURE WEEK IN TEXAS, as proclaimed by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Susan Combs, and WHEREAS, Throughout our history people have confirmed the vast resources of our land, and WHEREAS, Sam Houston reponed to the President of the United State, I have traveled near 500 miles across Texas, and am now enabled to judge pretty near correctly of the soil, and the resources of the Country, and I have no hesitancy in pronouncing it the finest country to its extent upon the globe, and WHEREAS, T,R, Fehrenbach wrote, Out ancestors came to Texas in search of land. And land became the basis of the Texas dream, a~d WHEREAS, Davy Crockett said, I must say as to what I have seen of Texas, it is the garden spot of the world, the best land and the best prospects for health I ever saw, and I do believe it is a fonune to any man to come here, and e WHEREAS, agriculture is all around us - on farms and ranches, in chemistry, communications, rural economics, international business and satellite and computer technologies, Each and every Texas has a vital stake in agriculture, and WHEREAS, the Lone Star State leads the nation in the number of farms and ranches, with almost 80 percent of the land involved in some form of agricultural production - including livestock, crops, aquaculture, honiculture and forestry, and WHEREAS, Texas agriculture produces large quantities of high quality food and fiber, and plays a major role in health and nutrition as well as in water conservation, rural economic development, global trade and the preservation of the environment, and WHEREAS, it is an industry that continues to meet the ever-increasing needs of consumers in Texas and around the world. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED . that Calhoun' County . Commissioners' Coun declares this National Agriculture Week in Calhoun County, and e 974 e e e . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Commissioners' Coun urges everyone in our area to learn more about the role of agriculture here, share that knowledge with the young people in our area, and recognize the farmers, ranchers and their families who contribute so much to this county, this state, this nation and the world. PASSED AND APPROVED by Commissioners' Coun on this 18,h day of March, 2002. APPROVED ~~::JA~, Arlene N. M half, County Judge Roger C. Galvan Calhoun County 0 missioner, Precinct 1 "~'v.~~~~ Michael Balajka, Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 2 //~~ H, Floyd, Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 3 ~.,~w, L~ Kenneth W. Finster, Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 4 ATTEST Marlene Paul, County Clerk BY:~~ ~tUdiAJ Deputy Clerk ,.' <:'''\\\\\EiIS:'.;''! . ~. i:l ...... <,' II . "-:l ,... . .,' '<"" 't, <J. 'i '. , ... ~ I. . .::.....'"::~~ ".!. ~ \ ;;;;....~ '\ ,-~"\~.'l ~: ~. :'* '~~ -- . . .~:. . \ ;C/): -"'- ....J....;.~ "'. Cl " ""'... ~"~ .... ,l "'-. </'-. ""~'.~~~"\". ," .///" r: 0\1\\ '\ ' Commissioner Galvan recognized Extension agent John O'Connell and his staff for their outstanding work VEmCLE EOUlPMENT STORAGE BUILDING IN PRECINCT #3 _ DECLARED AS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE AND ACCEPT SAME A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the project for construction of the 30 X 108 foot vehicle equipment storage building in Calhoun County Precinct #3 as substantially complete and accept the same, (Insurance has been applied for.) Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. , 975 BIDS AND PROPOSALS - SWAN POINT PARK AND BOAT RAMP REPAIRS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids to repair Swan Point Park and Boat Ramp. Bids to be opened April 18, 2002 and awarded April 25, 2002, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT - GRANT APPLICATION FOR A VOLUNTEERlMENTORING PORGRAM RESOLUTION e Cindy Rains with the Juvenile Probation Department asked the Court for a resolution of support of the application for a grant to the U,S, Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division for a Volunteer/Mentoring Program for Calhoun County Juvenile Probation Department in the amount of $220,000 with zero matching funds for three years, A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to adopt the Resolution in Support of the application for the Calhoun County Juvenile Probation Department "Volunteer/Mentoring Program" to the Office of the U.S, Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division for up to $220,000, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Calhoun County Commissioners Court finds it in the best interest of the citizens of Calhoun county, that the Calhoun County Juvenile Probation "Volunteer/Mentoring Program" be operated for the 2002 year; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners Court has considered the proposed application for e State and Federal Assistance for said project, of up to $220,000, to be submitted to the U.S, Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division, JUMP Mentoring Program (JUMP); and WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners Court has agreed that in the event ofloss or misuse of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division funds, Calhoun County Commissioners Court assures that the funds will be returned to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Calhoun County Commissioners Court approved submission of the grant application for the Calhoun County Juvenile Probation Department "Volunteer/Mentoring Program" to the Office of the U.S, Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Division for up to $220,000, PASSED AND APPROVED by Calhoun County Commissioners Court on the 18th day of March, 2002, SIGNED: APPROVED 1fch.~:?Jc~~~ Arlene N. arshaIl, Calhoun County Judge e . sioner, Precinct 1 ~~~~j:~o6cP~. . Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 2 976 Resolution Supporting JUMP Grant Application U.S, Dept. of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention March 18"', 2002 Page Two e j)~- H. Floyd, Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 3 i!AAA>-'.d W. ~ft. Kenneth W. Finster, Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct 4 ATTEST ~<;~ J~ ; C.Q~I~'\\\\~qunty Clerk l'(",) ...~~~<fll' - ...:.::,~'" .." ",' .... Jf. "'. 'I ;'.::;j'... ,/ ....~./I, ("'~.. ',,\;;>_~: oo..",L. VI.' ~;~~.:l-,\ ,-'-'7:~Jf;3 . ,?" '~,:,',.. ~.o:. !;'~:..:. .'::. .~<~'.:,:?,-, -/' . /' I r " ,,"~ " e JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT INVENTORY ASSETS SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the following listed items of the Juvenile Probation Department as surplus/salvage as indicated in the letter of March 1, 2002, Commissioner Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, MEMORANDUM $ ~ CALHOUN COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX 201 W. AUSTIN ST, PORT LA V ACA, TEXAS 77979 361/553-4670 TO: Judge Arlene Marshall Commissioner's Court , e FROM: CINDY RAINS Chief Juvenile Probation Officer DATE: 3-4-02 MESSAGE: I compiled the attached list in response to an inquiry by Denise McKinney in the auditor's office, This list was a response to the inventory record she has for our department. I am forwarding this list of property, at her request, with my request that these items be listed for salvage, surplus or removed from our department list, I am requesting that these items be listed on the next Commissioner's Court agenda for said action, If you have any questions, please contact me for the infonnation, Thanks for all your help, 977 Descriotion Invoice Number Exolanation Typewriter - IBM Dept. never had Selectric Selectric II 972-0027 Typewriters Typewriter - IBM Dept, never had Selectric Selectric IT 972-0015 Typewriters Radio-Mostar 972-0023 Dept. does not have ChairlWalnut w/arms 972-0051 Left dept, years ago e ChairlWalnut w/arms 972-0053 Left dept. years ago Metal Storage Shelves 972-0049 Dept. never had metal shelves Secretarial Desk 972-0052 Left dept. years ago Metal Storage Cabinet 972-0010 Cabinet collapsed and we replaced With metal cabinet in 2001 Whitehall Chair 972-0004 Broken & disposed of several years ago Steno Stout Chair 972-0013 Broken & disposed of several years ago, Commercial Chair 972-0050 Not in Department Descriotion Invoice Number Exolanation e Ericsson Radio 972-0024 Not in department 486SX Computer 972-0026 CPU, Monitor, & Laserprinter need to be salvaged Prestige Cell Phone 972-0029 Not in department Chair 972-0030 Not in department Office Master Chair 972-0033 Put in Judge Menchaca's Office Benedix Two-Way Radio 972-0036 Not in department ,Panasonic Dot Matrix 972-0042 Printer needs to be surplussed Techmedia Monitor 972-0042 Monitor needs to be salvaged Pionex Elite Computer 972-0043 Computer sent to Bootcamp-now Needs,to be salvaged Computer 973-0004 Computer no longer works-needs to e be salvaged This item is still listed with the County Judge's Office: Computer 401-0031 Computer no longer works-needs to be salvaged 978 e e e LOCAL-OPTION EXEMPTION (TAX) FOR TRAVEL TRAILERS Drew Hahn, Calhoun County Chief Appraiser, stated it is Governor Peny's intent to exempt u:ave~ trailers from taxation (HJR 44), As entities mayor may not exempt them, Court actIOn IS needed to clarifY this, A Motion was mad~ by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to exempt travel traders from the Calhoun County Appraisal District tax rolls, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, CALHOUN COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT -l26 West Main Street P. O. Box -18 Port Lavaca. Texas 77979 Appraisals: Collections: Fax: 512 552.88118 512 552--1560 512 552--1787 CONSOLIDATED APPRAISAL AND TAX SERVICES MEMORANDUM til:CF!\!EO ;:~B >. i '... , I _ -.;. ':".'.;l,;... DATE: February 26, 2002 Arlene i'j, Marshall Calhoun County Judge TO: All Taxing Entities other than C,C,!'S,D, FROM: Andrew J. Hahn, Jr., Chief Appraiser SUBJECT: Travel trailer exemption ********************************************* This letter is to inform your entity of the newly implemented HJR 44 (article attached), which took effect January 1,2002, Under its provisions, jurisdictions other than school districts must take action to exempt travel trailers otherwise these trailers are automatically taxable for 2002, Please act on this matter at your next meeting to decide th is local-option exemption. It is my opinion that taxing travel trailers will actually be harmful to your entity, We know first hand how difficult it is to keep track of mobile homes because of their mobility, Travel trailers will be much more difficult to keep track of because they are even more mobile, Most mobile homes use licensed movers, but travel trailers can be moved with a pickup truck by almost anyone. This will result in lost tax dollars for your taxing entity, when our office is unable to locate the owners of the travel trailers to bill them for their property taxes, You are aware of the continuous delinquent lawsuits taken on your behalfto capture unpaid property taxes, The small amount of taxes that these trailers would generate would be offset by increased costs to try and collect the taxes owed, In my opinion, the best decision you could make concerning this matter is to exempt travel trailers; therefore, you should act as soon as possible to grant the exemption. Please call if you have any questions concerning this matter, Respectfully submitted, CALHOUN COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTR1CT BY: ~:lplG(11 CHIEF APPRAISER AJHJr/vlr Enclosure ,979 PROJECT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CALHOUN COUNTY. CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DISTRICT AND TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE REGARDING EROSION CONTROL - RESCIND MOTION OF MARCH 7. 2002 CONCERNING CHANGES IN AGREEMENT Commissioner Galvan stated he had asked Mr, Van Borssum with the Navigation District to get a legal opinion of the Project Cooperation Agreement between Calhoun County, Calhoun County Navigation District and the Texas General Land Office concerning erosion control. He said all counties do it the same way, A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan to rescind the Motion of March 7, 2002 regarding changing the wording in the Project Cooperation Agreement and to authorize the County Judge to sign the Agreement as originally presented by the Texas General Land Office, Commissioner Floyd rescinded his original second of March 7, .2002 and seconded this Mption. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all vQ~d in favor, - C;\RNER.. ROBEKfS &. R08liRTS, 1- 1- P. ATI'OIIN2Y!I ^,. LAW 2~N.""".):iS11"A5S --- r.o.Dl:lX9 March S, 2002 Tf1i!'HOl<IB J6U$SZ.;zv,1 'rEISXl1'UlP. J61,.5>2.n6& TO"O~ !Il. a-Ic...ctsloolo...llTooofr- ,..,...Ifl4iII____. IMVlD1\O~ W,v.lOA. RO!3fl\TS ANN!!....A1U2 2'.IRXEiLBACIC lW'l0Rh wtTnI. roRTlAVAC'., T!XAS 7797~ VIA FACSIMILE Robert Van BO!SS\lffi Calhoun County Navigation District p, 0, Box 397 Point ComfQrt, TcxUJi 77978 Rc: Projoct Coopcration ^grccment 'Belween CuJhoun County Nnvigntion Oi~trict, C:llholin County <lnd the GLO e Dc:lr Bob: -' I havc reviewed the Projecl Cooper-dlion Agreement which you >01t me with thc :lmendmenl.~ m:tde by tbe County on Wednesday, I have 111so spoken to the GLO reg:ll'ding, tile COUtllY'S ChllligCS. the chang~ being Lu par;{gr'tl.ph 3.01 with the deletion of the ~at lca.~t"; IlIld "cxcceding: this minimum amount" language, The OLO docs not wish to i1cccpt thC5C change~. Its finit /'CllSon j$ it h~s numerous Projecl Cooperation Al:,'I"ccments and it likes to keep them uniform, Whi Ie I COlli. undCl.'St:lnd the GLO'~ concern to keep its contrncl~ unifornt. the more important nnd more logical reason it gave [or DOL accepting thc strickcn verhiage is that often :1 locaL entity secures ;mother gr.UIt during the course of the project and wants to inel'Cllsc the llmountof its contribution. The conlrac!. as written by the CLO. would allow it to :lcccpt the :lddition:ll funds should the local enliLy wi~h to jncl'l):l.~c its contribution, Legally, [he cont("ll(:t lIS wriLten by the OLO, IrilIlnOl r~uiro either C.llboun County or lhc DisLrict to contribute more than t:5% with or without the stricken languuge. Spccific:llly, Paragl'aph 1.03 states, "in the cvent lhe parties ;lgree lhat additionall;l.~ks andior filnd,< ate required for the completion of the project, the parries shallexm:ulc an amendment to this Agrccmcnt." . e Il is also my opinion that the Connty' 5 deletion of the verbiage frum Ihe contract is not necessary because Ihc "at JC3.~t" language still caps the local participation to 15%, Additionally, the stricken language of "exCL-cding [his minimum amount", is qualified by a "mllY". AS you are well aWl1l:e, Ihe u~e of the word may makes an :lct c1iscretion:n-y and not m:mdatory, This coupled with Lht: language in Paragr:lph ],03 requiring written amendments jf more fund~ are needed render, in my opinion, the point mool:. ~' 980 M:m,:h 8. 2002 Page 2 ',....../' Since we County'~ dclceioM neither add nor take away anything from the conlIllct and tile GLO has legitimate reasons for wanting the stricken language in the COnlt'olCl. iL would be my suggestion lhlll you contaet the County and request it to rc.~dnd it.~ amendments, I would' be more than happy to ~pcnk (0 the Counly' 5 legal counselor the Judge should anyone have any questions, e Should you have :my Questions, please calL Yours truly. G . ROBERTS & ROBERTS, L.L,P~ ..:. WPJmb THE COURT RECESSED AT 12: 10 PM, AND RECONVENED AT 1 :30 P,M, Commissioner Balajka was absent at 1 :30 P,M, e APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the Minutes of November 13,2001, November 16, 2001, November 30,2001, December 5, 2001, December 10, 2001, December 12, 2001, December 14, 2001, December 18, 2001, December 28, 2001 and January 10, 2002 meetings be approved, Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Arlene N, Marshall County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pct. 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Pct, 1 Kenneth W, Finster Commissioner, Pct. 4 (ABSENT) Michael 1. Balajka Commissioner, Pct. 2 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEER e Judge Marshall appointed Commissioner Finster to oversee action of Emergency Medical Services for the Court, STUDY FOR CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION FOR FULL-TIME COUNTY EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS - CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd to authorize himself to negotiate the contract for the performance of a study to establish classification and compensation for all full time county employment positions, Commissioner Finster seconded the Motion, Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 981 Mailing Address: 24627 State Hwy 172, Port Lavaea, TX 77979 Office Location: 24627 State Hwy 172, Olivia, Texas Office (361)893-5346 Fax (361) 893-5309 Home (361) 552-4574 Mobile (361) 920-5346 March 07, 2002 TO: Judge A, Marshall Commissioner R, Galvan Commissioner M, Balajka Commissioner K, Finster RE: CALHOUN COUNTY, CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY FOR ALL FULL TIME COUNTY EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS Dear Judge and Commissioners: Please be advised that after some delay, I have completed a review and evaluation of the two proposals received for the captioned, For your reference and evaluation, I am enclosing the following documents and information: 1. One copy each of the proposals submitted by Ray Associates, Inc, and Maximus, 2, A copy of the request for proposal RFP No, 01-11-07, 3,. One copy each of the eVilluation sheets for the Ray Associates, Inc, and the Maximus proposals, / As you will note, Ray Associates received a significantly higher rating, Further more; since we received a total of only two proposals, it is currently my intention to forego the second step of the previously proposed two step selection process.. I believe the elimination of this second step will be to the benefit of both of the companies involved and. the county, 982 e e e : e e e -, . .,- '0. ~:-::-. ~ Based on the above I currently plan, with the court approval, to initiate contract negotiations with Ray Associates, Inc, for completion of the subject study, If for any reason a suitable contract cannot be negotiated with Ray Associates, negotiations with Maximus would be initiated. To obtain court approval the following item is requested on Commissioners' Court Agenda for March 18, 2002, "Discuss and take necessary action to initiate contract negotiation for the performance of a study to establish classification and compensation for all full time COWlty employment positions." To provide for the timely resolution of any issues and/or concerns and to expedite, I would request that each of you advise me before March 18, 2002 of any comments you may have regarding this study and the proposed action, Sincerely, ~--? H, Floyd - cc: Mr, Ben Comiskey File-Classification/Compensation Study CCSL-J&C 983 CALHOUN COUNTY CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS e CLIENT RAY ASSOCIA TRS INe. INITIAL EVALUATION: PERCENTAGE SCORE RATING . Experience in analysis of organizational 25 10 2.5 structure and compensation. Experience directly related to the scope 20 10 2.0 ofthis project. Experience and capability of staff, 20 9 1.8 Proposal for approach and management of IS 9 1.35 this project. References from current or previous clients 10 10 1.00 for which similar work has been done, e Overall quality of submitted proposal 10 9 0,9 proposaL TOTAL RATING 9,55 FINAL EV ALUA TION: PERCENTAGE SCORE RATING Evaluation of proposed approach to 30 9 2,7 project execution and completion. Experience and qualifications of 30 10 3,0 of key personneL Project cost. 25 NA x Evaluation of presentation and 10 NA x interview, Schedule for project completion. 5 NA x e TOTAL RATING 5,7 ., 384 CALHOUN COUNTY CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS CLIENT MAXIMlJS INITIAL EVALUATION: PERCENTAGE SCORE RATING e Experience in analysis of organizational 25 7 1.75 structure and compensation. Experience directly related to the scope 20 5 1.00 of this project. Experience and capability of staff. 20 7 1.40 Proposal for approach and management of 15 8 1.20 this project. References from current or previous clients 10 7 0,7 for which similar work has been done, Overall quality of submitted proposal 10 8 0,8 proposaL TOTAL RATING 6.85 FINAL EVALUATION: e PERCENTAGE SCORE RATING Evaluation of proposed approach to 30 8 2.4 project execution and completion, Experience and qualifications of 30 6 1.8 of key personneL Project cost. 25 NA x Evaluation of presentation and 10 NA x interview, Schedule for project completion, 5 NA x TOTAL RATING 4,2 Ie 2.4-D PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR JACKSON. WHARTON AND BRAZORIA COUNTIES A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the County Judge to sign the approval of applications for 2,4-D pennits for Jackson, Wharton and Brazoria counties, Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 985 .... ..-.- ~'II.;J '~JV1'1 The Teas NM Univetsity 5)sem e 4Il North Wells Edna, Texas 77957 (361 )782-3312 To : Jackson County Commissioners' Court ~ Commissioners' Court in extending the aerial application 0(2, 4-D by permit in Jackson COUDty approves with Jackson county County beginning March 25, 2002 and ending March 31, 2002. e ~~'~.J"" ~ County udge 0.3 - :2.LJ -0-<- Date e IS Coopera.ive Extension Serves people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or na.ional origin, The Texas A&M University System, U,S, Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts ofTexas Coonern'iM 1 986 r'Aul:.. 83 '''''~7'''''''';' :,:~.'~"A : .-. ",' . '-"'.""" / ".'Y' ,..... ; e TO. 'lTho::\rton. CO\.\n~' Co:a:n-m.iocionQrc' Court ~ County approves with Wharton County Commissioners' Court in extending the ground application of 2, 4-D by permit on the west side of the Colorado River in Wharton County beginning March 18,2002 and ending March 28, 2002; and extending the aerial application of 2, 4-D by permit on the east side of the Colorado River in Wharton County beginning March 18, 2002 and ending March 28, 2002, Ie ~~~fiJ~ County Judg {)3 --Z.o- 6 L Date e 987 TO: Brazoria County Commissioners' Court ~ County approves with Brazoria County Commissioners' Court in allowing the aerial application of qulnclorac by permit west of the Brazos River In Brazoria County between March 25, 2002 and August 1, 2002. ~~~ e 03-20_02- Date LASALLE'S LANDING SUBDIVISION IN PORT LA V ACA _ TAX ABATEMENTREOUEST This agenda item was passed, COMMUNITY GUN VIOLENCE GRANT FOR llIRING ADDITIONAL PROSECUTOR FOR D.A. This agenda item was passed, e Commissioner Balajka arrived at 1:35 P,M, MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA PROJECT - SETTLEMENT WITH BONDING COMPANY FOR CONTRACT DEFAULT OF KEN'S CONSTRUCTION AND PA VINGREGARDING PARKING LOT A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize Commissioner Floyd to sign on behalf of the County a Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement between Calhoun County and Universal Surety of America related to bond payment for contract default of Ken's Construction and Paving on the Memorial Medical Plaza project in the amount of $40,640.80, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, MUTUAL RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between Calhoun County, Texas (the "County") and Universal Surety of America ("Universal"), Whereas, the County and Ken's Construction and Paving, Inc. ("Ken's") entered into a contract for the Concrete, Silework, and Utilities, for Memorial Medical Plaza _ Phase I Renovation, Port Lavaca, Texas (the "Original Contract"); and e Whereas, Universal, as surety, and Ken's, as principal, executed a performance bond (no, TX 161380200) in connection with the Original Contract and in accordance with Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code (the "Performance Bond"); and 988 e e e Whereas, on or about March 8, 2000, the County terminated the Original Contract with Ken's Construction; and Whereas, on or about March 20, 2000, the County made a demand upon Universal to complete the Original Contract; and Whereas, Universal prepared a bid package and solicited bids for the completion of all work under the Original Contract; and ' Whereas, Universal received an acceptable completion bid from Sylva Construction for the completion of all work under the Original Contract; and Whereas, Sylva Construction agreed to enter into a completion contract with the County; and Whereas Universal offered to tender Sylva Construction to the County as the completion contr~ctor and pay the County the di~erence between Sylva C()ns:r~ction's cost to complst0 ell work remaining under the Origmal Contract and the remalnmg contract balance; and Whereas, Universal and the County were not able to mutually agree to the terms and conditions for the completion of the Original Contract; and Whereas, the County entered into an agreement with Sylva Construction for the completion of the Original Contract; and Whereas, the County is satisfied that Sylva Construction has completed all work under the Original Contract pursuant to Its agreement with the County; and Whereas, the County made demand upon Universal for paymen,t of costs Incurred by the County relative to the County's agreement with Sylva Construction; and Whereas, a dispute exists between Universal and the County relative to the scope of work included under the Original Contract and the scope of work perforriled by Sylva Construction pursuant to its agreement with the County; and Whereas, Universal and the County desire to resolve any dispute which exists regarding the Original Contract and Universal's obligations under its Performance Bond and to release each other from any claim or dispute arising or in any way related to the Original Contract. Now, Therefore, in consideration of th,~ mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1, ' Universal shall pay the amount of $40,680,40 to the County and the County's acceptance of this payment shall constitute a full discharge by Universal of all its obligations to the County under the Performance Bond, Upon receipt and collection of the funds from Universal's payment, the County shall be deemed to have released Universal of and from any and all claims against Universal relating to or In anyway arising out of the performance of the Original Contract, inclUding but not limited to the timeliness thereof, any and all expense incurred by the County in connection therewith or this Agreement, and any other cost or expense incurred by the County, 2, Subject only to and conditioned solely upon the County's receipt of payment from Universal, as provided at paragraph 1 above, the County does heretlY fully and finally and forever release, acquit, discharge, settle and compromise any and ~II claims the County has, or may have, whether asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, arising out of or in anyway connected with the Performance Bond, the Original Contract, including the performance of warranties thereunder, to the law of torts and/or equity, any,claim arising under Chapter 17 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code and/or under the Texas I nsurance Code, This release is for the benefit ofthe Universal and its respective officers, directors, partners, shareholders, and employees, ' 989 3, Subject to and conditioned upon the efficacy and enforceability of the release of Universal by the County, as provided in paragraph 2 above. and except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement. Universal does hereby fuily and finaily and forever release, acquit. discharge. settle and compromise any and all defenses, setoffs and claims Universal has, or may have, whether asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, in connection with the Performance Bond and/or the Original Contract. This release is for the benefit of the County and its respective commissioners, and employees. ' 4, The County agrees to pay Sylva Construction for all costs associated with the completion of work under the Original Contract, including any work which may be in dispute as to its being required under the Original Contract. 5, The County agrees to look solely to Sylva Construction and/of its surety in connection with completion of all workremaining under the Original Contract, including but not limited to the furnishing of ail guarantees and warranties required thereJnder, 6, The invalidity of any part or provision of this Agreement shail hot impair or affect in any manner whatsoever the validity, enforceability or effect of the remainder of this Agreement e 7, This Agreement is the Joint product of the parties hereto. EaCh party hereto acknowledges and agrees that it enters into this Agreement voluntarily, with advice of counsel, and/or adequate opportunity to consult counsel of its choosin!1. and that each party hereto and their respective counsel have had opportunity to revise or have revised the language of this Agreement by negotiation and bargaining, at "arms length: Consequently, in the construction and/or enforcement of this Agreeme:nt, 'or any of its terms, the participation of any party in the drafting of this Agreement shall not be construed, in any way, against such party, 8, This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto, it is not intended to confer any right, nor is it intended to create any obligation other than those obligations stated in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 above with respect to any party that is not a signatory or party to this Agreement. 9, Each signatory hereto represents that it has the authority to eXecute this Agreement on behalf of the respective named party, : e . , 10, This Agreement embOdies the entire agreement of the parties:with respect to its subject matter and supercedes all prior agreements and understandings, if any, relating to the subject matter hereof, and may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto, : . 11, This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accord$nce with the laws of the State of Texas, : 12, This Agreement shall be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which counterpart shall be considered an original counterpart of equal dignity with all other original counterparts, 13, Venue for any dispute whatsoever regarding the interpretation, validity, enforceability or effect of this Agreement shall be Calhoun County, Texas, , , EXECUTED effective as of this day of .2002. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS By:_ Name: Title: e UNIVERSAL SURETY OF AMERICA By: Name: Title: 950 WATER DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEMBER FROM PRECINCT 2 RESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to appoint Wayne Wehmeyer, Jr, as Water District Committee Member from Precinct 2 to replace Frank Diebel who resigned, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, e ETNYRE CHIP SPREADER IN PRECINCT 2 SURPLUS/SALV AGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare Etnyre Chip Spreader in Precinct #2, Asset Number 22-0222, as surplus, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, BIDS AND PROPOSALS - SALE OF ETNYRE CHIP SPREADER IN PRECINCT ~ A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids for sale of the Etnyre Chip Spreader in Precinct #2 with a minimum bid of $9,000, Bids to be opened April 18, 2002 and awarded April 25, 2002, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor, FOUR ACRE TRACT ON FM 1090 IN PRECINCT 2 DONATED BY BILL BAGBY ESTATE - CORRECT DEED AS TO USE OF PROPERTY e Commissioner Balajka discussed the 4-acre tract on FM 1090 in Precinct 2, which was donated to the County by William C. Bagby, Trustee, (The Gift Deed, dated 4-1-01 and filed for record on 10-22-01, stated the property is given to Calhoun County to be used as a site for Calhoun County EMS station, If not used for stated purpose within three years, the property would revert back to the grantor.) Commissioner Balajka thinks Mr, Bagby will be willing for the County to use this property for a museum site and Ty Zeller, attorney, could correct the deed for such, Juaniece Madden said she heard the Museum Committee is looking to lease the CP & L building next to the County Library, This agenda item was passed, Commissioner Balajka will contract Mr' Bagby regarding use of the 4-acre tract ofIand, CALHOUN COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD - APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to appoint Linda Heideman to the Calhoun County Library Board for the term of 2002 to 2004. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. DRAINAGE REPAffiS ALONG SWEETWATER AND LEE ROADS IN PRECINCT 4 e Commissioner Finster discussed the drainage repairs on laterals along Sweetwater Road and Lee Road in Precinct 4, Private ditches on Sweetwater and Lee roads are being used for drainage, On Sweetwater Road the ditch is overflowing and washing out Fritz Wilke's driveway and on Lee road, from the Fisher property to the Powderhown property, the pipe has collapsed, Mr, Fisher agreed to put in the pipe if the County will furnish the pipe, No action was necessary, 991 CALHOUN COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR - 2001 ANNUAL REPORT The Calhoun County Tax Assessor-Collector presented her 2001 Annual Report and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said report be accepted as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Jude Marshall all voted in favor. e ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE OFFICE OF TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CALHOUN COUNTY e January 1, 2001 (date) THROUGH December 31, 2001 (date) e 992 ~dZZ,~ ~ Tax Assessor-Collector Calhoun County, Texas e Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19 day of County Clerk Calhoun County, Texas Given in open court this day of ,19 County Judge Calhoun County, Texas e x Commissioner Precinct #1 Roger Galvan x Commissioner Precinct #2 Michael Balajka x Commissioner Precinct #3 H. Floyd x Commissioner Precinct #4 Kenneth Finster County Clerk Calhoun County e 993 CALHOUN COUNTY TAX OFFICE January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 Collection & Disbursements of all Money Collected Collections Disbursements e $ $ Title Certificate Collections ( 4367) $ 56,771.00 Title Fees Paid Texas Department of Transportation $ 34,926.00 Title Fees Paid Calhoun County Salary Fund $ 21,845.00 Motor Vehicle Registration Collections $ 935,938.97 Disabled Person Placards Fees $ 2,025.00 Postage $ 1,165.00 Paid Texas Department of Transportation $ 559,708.82 Paid County RoadlBridge Fund $ 337,483.15 Paid County Salary Fund $ 41,937.00 Additional Postage, Motor Vehicle Registrations $ 50.48 Additional Postage paid County treasurer $ 50.48 Motor Vehicle Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 1,841,299.33 Paid State Treasurer, Motor Vehicle Sales Tax $1,841,299.33 Special RoadlBridge Fee Collections $ 90,065.00 e Paid Texas Dept" of Trans,-Roadlbridge Fees $ 2,701.95 Paid County Treasurer - RoadlBridge Fees $ 87,363.05 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Collections $ 15,665.00 Paid Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. $ 14,098.50 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 1,566.50 State Beer & Wine Collections $ 15,082.00 Paid Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission $ 14,523.25 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 558.75 County Beer & Wine Collections $ 7,525.00 Paid County Treasurer, Beer & Wine colis $ 7,148.78 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 376.22 Renewal Fees for County Beer & Wine Licenses $ 148.00 Paid County Treasurer - Renewal Fees $ 148.00 Interest on Parks & Wildlife & Refund Accounts $ 261.19 e Paid County Treasurer Interest on P&W & Ref $ 261.19 Interest earned on Office Account $ 13,070.72 Paid County Treasurer - Int. - Navig,East $ 80.42 Paid County Treasurer- Int. all other dists $ 12,990.30 Future Farmers Fees Collected $ 845.00 Paid State Treasurer-Future Farmers Fees $ 845.00 994 Page 2.. ....,.... ........, .,.. Boat/Motor Sales Tax Collected $ 56,948.88 Paid State Treasurer-BoatIMotor Sales Tax $ 54,101.47 Paid County Treasurer Comm on Boat Sales Tax $ 2,847.41 Proof of Residency Verification Fee $ - Paid County Treasurer-Proof of Residency Fees $ Hot check Collection Fees $ 15.00 Paid County Treasurer Hot Check Collection Fees $ 15.00 Excess Collection Property Tax Sales (Date) $ Paid County Treasurer-Excess Collection $ Property Tax Sales (date) ~2001 Current Tax Collections (January thru June) $ 6,300,414.08 l& 2001 Tax Roll Charge $ 11,596,739.67 Tax Collectors' Adjustment Roll (current roll) $ (- 5,625.43) Delinquent Tax Collections $ 111,464.05 Penalty & Interest on Current Roll $ 19,776.40 Penalty & Interest on Delinquent Collections $ 41,987.01 Delinquent Tax Attorney Fees Collected $ 22,425.35 Paid County Treasurer - FM&L $ 2,927.80 Paid County Treasurer - AdValorem $ 13,675,203.22 Paid County Treasurer - Navig, East $ 158,288.28 Paid County Treasurer - WCID#1 $ 7,454.27 Paid County Treasurer - Drain, #6 $ 2,046.77 e Paid County Treasurer - Drain, #8 $ 16,045.19 Paid County Treasurer - Drain, #10 $ 12,491.21 Paid County Treasurer - Drain, #11 $ 128,726.34 Paid County Treasurer - Port O'Connor MUD $ 128,581.79 Paid County Treasurer - WSC Water Dis!. $ 3.26 Paid County Treasurer - Roads $ 73.43 Paid County Treasurer - State AdValorem $ 51.39 Paid Calhoun County Appraisal District - Collection Fees $ Discount for early payment of Taxes $ 227,642.56 Taxes Uncollected as of 12-31-01 (date) $ 3,705,213.20 Paid County Treasurer - Delinquent Attorney Fees $ 22,432.42 Payment in Lieu of taxes $ Paid County Treasurer - FM&L $ Paid County Treasurer - AdVaIorem $ Paid County Treasurer - Navig, East $ Overages on Collection Fees Refunded $ Paid County Treasurer Overages on CoIL Fees $ e Overages on Assessing Fees Refunded $ Paid County Treasurer Overages on Assn,Fees $ Escheats $ 65.90 Escheats paid County Treasurer $ 65.90 TOTALS $ 21,124,122.60 $ 21,124,122.60 995 Page 3 ---------------------____ % of W 2001 AdValorem Taxes Collected .6805 % ofl9 2001 Tax Roll Charge Collected .6932 ~~. ANNETTE BAKER Tax Assessor/Collector - Calhoun County, Texas e e e 996 YEAR TO DATE REPORT BALANCE OF TAX ROLL CHARGE,' 2001 TAXES DECEMBER 31, 2001 f'a ,r:"J 0') I, Annette Baker, Tax Assessor/Collector of Calhoun County, do hereby certifY that the following is a correct list of the 2001 Tax Roll Charge, year to date collections, adjustments and balance of Tax Roll Charge remaining unpaid as of December 31, 2001 ,~~~~, Annette Baker Tax Assessor/Collector, Calhoun County, Texas Tax Roll Charge Tax Roll Adjustments Current Collections Unpaid Balance e FM&L ADVALOREM NA VIG,EAST WCID#l $ $ 10,963,394.75 $ 220,378.54 $ 92,145.58 $ $ - 4,950.73 $ $ - 59.67 $ $ - 7,594,641.68 $ - 3,548. 17 $ - 82,325.46 $ $ 3,363,802.34 $ 216,830.37 $ 9,760.45 e e Tax Roll Charge Tax Roll Adjustments Current Collections Unpaid Balance Tax Roll Charge Tax Roll Adjustments Current Collections Unpaid Balance e DRAIN,#6 DRAIN,#8 $ 1,971.02 $ 15,303.43 $ $ ... 6.92 $ - 1,430.59 $ - 10,628.87 e e DRAIN,#lO DRAIN,#ll $ 12,136.71 $ 124,975.84 $ $ - 387.63 - .12 $-8,363.33 $ - 83,118.81 $ 4,681.48 540.43 $ P,O'C MUD WATER $ 166,433.80 $ $ - 234.20 $ $ - 101,844.13 $ $ 3,773.26 $-41,469.40 TOTAL $ 11,596,739.67 $ - 5,625.43 $ - 7,885,901. 04 $ 64,355.47 $ $ 3,705,213.20 00 a:l en DELINQUENT TAX ROLLS 1939 thru 2000 TAXES Year-to-Date Report as of December 31, 2001 en en en I, Annette Baker, Tax Assessor/Collector of Calhoun County, do hereby certifY that the following is a correct list of the delinquent tax rolls, year to date delinquent tax collections, adjustments and balance of Delinquent Tax Rolls as of December 31, 2000 ~~~4'~ . Annette Baker Tax Assessor/Collector, Calhoun County, Texas FM&L ADV ALOREM NA VIG,EAST WCID#I DRAIN,#6 Delinquent Balance Dec.3I,' 2000 $ 11,669.54 $ 214,602.32' $ 10,936.59 $ 259,96 $ 96,37 - Colis, On Del. Taxes Jan, I thru Dec. 31, 2001 $ - 1,490.80 $ - 96,3l8.91 $ - 2,275:.25 $ - 45.23 $ - 252.46 Adjms, To Del. Roll $ - 2,249,12 $ - 20,623.62 $ - 1,445.52 $ + .78 $ + 183.05 2000 Taxes Del. July I, 2001 $ $+ 90,547.25 $ + 862.59 $ + 68.82 $ + 20.25 Delinquent Roll Balance as of Dee, 31, ,2001 , $ 7,929.62 $ 188,207.04 $ 8,078,41 $ 284.33 $ 47.21 e e e e e e DRAIN.#8 DRAIN ,#10 DRAIN,#II PO'C MUD WATERDIST, Delinquent Balance Dec.31, 2000 $ 779.52 $ 874.97 $ 8,983.80 $ 3,381. 09 $ 43.16 Colis, On Del. Taxes Jan, I thru Dec,31, . 2001 $ - 857.46 $ - 110.95 $- 6,951. 00 $ - 3,126.54 $ - 2.18 Adjrns. To Del. Roll $ $ - 548.62 $+ 245.91 $ - 97.40 $ - .68 2000 Taxes Del. July I, 20~ $+ 175.36 $ + 215.72 $+ 5,350.71 $ + 3,233.40 $ Delinquent Roll Balance as of Dee, 31, 2001 $ 97.42 $ 431.12 $ 7,629.42 $ 3,390.55 $ 40.30 ROADS STATE TOTAL Delinquent Balance Dee.3l, 2.Q.Q.Q $ 78.5l $ 121.97 $ 251,827.80 Colis, On DeLTaxes Jan, I thru Dee, 31, '2001 , $ - 19.93 $ - 13.34 $ - 111,464.05 Adjrns. To Del. Roll $ $ $ - 24,535,22 ?OOO Taxes Del. July 1,200l- $ $ $ + 100,474.10 $ $ $ Delinquent Roll balance as of Dec, 31, 2001 , $ 58.58 $ 108.63 $ 216,302;63 - 0 0 0 ,"l"4 e e e DISTRICT CLERK - JP PCT 2 - JP PCT 3 - JP PCT 4 - JP PCT 5 - EXTENSION SERVICE - MONTHLY REPORTS The District Clerk presented her monthly report for February, JP Pet's 2 and 5 for February, JP Pct's 3 and 4 for January and February and the Extension Service for February, 2002, After reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said reports be accepted as presented, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - ELECTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS - DISTRICT CLERK - R&B PCT 2 - R&B PCT 4 - SHERIFF - GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS/INDlGENT HEALTHCARE - MOLD REMEDIATION CAPITAL PROJECT A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the following Budget Adjustments be approved, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST I TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: ELECTIONS DATE: 3114102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 Toml ror GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET o A,OPPOVED l . {c MAR 1 8 2002 1.001 II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II ~e To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ~ ;" ( 0 Q Q (lA\n~ (Department making this request) Date: 3-- {d.-OJ....; I request an amendment to the J....a (J'd-..lbudget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # Account Name Amendment Amount d...~ (y (Q oCr I D f A5'''',,~~ G.t.d- f( cJw~Jv J"ia -(0;)$1"-' ~~~~: 500 Reason =r~-;-i;;;:q-1- z'Sac'! , e Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -()- ....------------ ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: e Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): c 1002 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: JJ~ ~ (Department making this request) Date: 3 ---[-a)..; 3 I request an amendment to the c2D O')J budget for the (year) following line items in my department: ------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- GL Account # tf.20 - G, (e:) LLv Do ( - ifq &-L~ J~~4'i' I <to \h' , ~ ; lifo) ........ Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -a- ------------- ------------- ~~ G~fN ~~:1tL -#= lOSSY) I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained, Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 1003' BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST y TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 2 DATE: 3/14/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 o APPROVED MAR 1 8 2002 1004 e e e .., e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST .5 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 714 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (714) o JIj, 1.~lI\ o APPROVED MAR 1 8 2002 1005 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: SHERIFF DATE: 3/14/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 2,499 COMPUTERS (2,499) o APPROVED MAR J 8 2002 1006 /.s; e e e '1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1 e AMENDMENT AMOUNT 445 TO PAY MOLD BILLS APPROVED 3/18/02 (445) APPROVED MAR 1 8 2002 e e 1.007 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST c;g TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: CAPITAL PROJECT-MOLD REMEDIATION DATE: 3/13/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 Total for FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET p:.PP'i~'IOVE 0 MAR 1 8 2002 1008 e e e 1 Fund Code 1000 Total 1000 Report Total Effective Date Fund Title 3/181200~ GENERAL FUND Dale: 3/14/0207:34:36 PM GENERAL FUND e Unposted Budget Transactions - REVENU~ ADJUSTMENTS FOR 3/18/02 BUD200. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 3/18/02 6 0 p~~~0 Transaction Description TRAVEL REIMB, BY TX CTR FOR JUDICIAR Y DeptTitle GL Title -a-J o o ,-4 Increase Decrease REVENUE MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 140,00 140,00 APPROVED 140,00 MAR 1 8 2002' e 0, 0, ""'e _ Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title 1000 311812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 311812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3118/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/18/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/18/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/18/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 3/1812002 GENERAL FUND Total GENERAL FUND 1000 5210 3/1812002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 5210 3/1812002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 5210 311812002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 5210 3/18/2002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION Total CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD 5210 REMEDIATION Report Total Dale: J!l4/02 01:)):40 PM CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAe Unposted Budget Transactions. EXPEND:.ADJUSTMENTS FO BUD200. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS fOR 3/18102 Transaction Description LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER PO# 15297 PO# 15297 TO PAY MOLD BILLS APPROVED 3/18102 TRAVEL REIMB. BY TX CTR FOR JUDICIARY LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER REQUIRED BY PAYROLL REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COMPUTERS COMPUTERS TO PAY MOLD BILLS APPROVED 3118/02 Dept Title R3/1 /02 APPROVED MAR J 8 2002 GL Ti e Increase ELEq ION SUPPLIES 356,OC LEGAL 187,Oq 543,00 Decrease ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS POSTAGE COMMUNITY ALERT NETWORK INSURANCE-LIABILITY AND PROPERTY CARE OF INDlGENTS 500,00 MISCELLANEOUS 500,00 445,00 INDIGENT HEALTH CARE DISTRICT CLERK TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 140,00 107,00 107,00 714,00 114,00 2,499,00 2,499,00 445,00 4,948,00 4,808,00 52,00 165,00 228,00 445,00 445,00 445,00 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4, SHERIFF SHERIFF TRANSFERS SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES WORKERS COMP ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLA Y TRANS,TO CAP,PROJ, MOLD REMEDIATION TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT MOLD REMEDIATION APPROVED 3/18/02 TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES APPROVED 3/18/02 TO PAY MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT UTILITIES APPROVED 3/18/02 TO PA Y MOLD BILLS NO DEPARTMENT TRANSFERS FROM APPROVED 3/18/02 GENERAL FUND 5,393,00 5,253.00 P......l _ i: ~ o U I j::l f;Iil ~ :j -< ~ o u u -< <>.,"'- l>"'aOl ~ ~ 'OJ = ... ~ '0 59 ... 0 - 'c;j '"p "0 tr.I o 0'- a fr::E gl ::E Q",~~ t+-. ......, "0 o a<> <=I ::l <> ",>-> ~~..::"O .g bIl,~ [;j .- ~ "-' 1-0 1::'- ... <> <>~<>'t; U'C ~ = v 0._ = ;>'r;;; ~ o "'. ;.==: "0 .- "0 :;::[;ja>> ::E bIl a.Q N<=IO~ LA'- U ... ~"'<:l <=I cdcd;:>-,cd <>.0 ;> gj~"O~ ""dQ)oC) .2<l::"8", (,) td 0 ~ .5"0 g t:: ..<:: [;j '" ,9 .2 1-0 "0 ~ ~ ~ [;j '8 ... ~ i3 8 ~~~8 \0 ~.5 N ~ ' N..e:...1:l 0<=1<><> N ::l <=I a \OOO~ C"..f U'r;; <<i' .... <>,gj Q" ^^..<:: ~ ... <='" a <2 ..; .- ~ 0 0 ].ou13~ o "'<:l ;> "'" .....o~Oc:= ~ 'S ~ a.- a <> <> Q,,"'<:l .- tr.I "0 cd V -uttSecda<>o Q" .0;> o ~ o .~