2002-11-14REGULAR AUGUST TERM THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN HELD NOVEMBER 14, 2002 BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of November, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Tenn of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to -wit: (ABSENT) Arlene N. Marshall County Judge Roger C. Galvan Commissioner,Pct.l Michael J. Balajka Commissioner,Pct.2 H. Floyd Commissioner,Pct.3 Kenneth W. Finster COmmissioner,Pct.4 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION OF AN ENTERPRISE ZONE AGREEMENT WITH GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION - REPORT Melissa Larson with Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission gave a report regarding the application for designation of an enterprise zone for Calhoun County. The purpose of this is incentives to attract business by offering EMS protection, employees discounts, etc. to lower the unemployment rate. Once the enterprise zone is in place, an application by individuals or businesses, industrial, residential, expansions, etc., to the Court will be required. She had met with Commissioner Galvan, Judge Marshall, Mr. Jack Wu with Formosa, and the Port Lavaca City Manager. The City had previously considered an enterprise zone. Commissioner Galvan stated the area they considered was from the new Ford, Dodge placesto the high school area to Cornerstone Church to the nursing home and included Formosa.and Alcoa. Mr. Wu said this was initially his idea. Consider Formosa's land and Alcoa's portion across the road though the area connot be larger than twenty square miles; have an area on the east side of the County, one in the middle and one on the south side. Maybe BP Chemical will follow. Guidelines state certain unemployment rates must be met. With Formosa, Alcoa and Point Comfort land, an additonal area must be included. The County and City of Port Lavaca need to join together in the application. Ms. Larson stated an average of 7.2 or higher for the unemployment rate is needed in the area. She discussed serveral tracts. Commissioner Floyd asked if the objective is to benefit economically derived areas, why not pick such areas. Commissioner Balalka said the map furnished by Ms. Larson shows only a part of Port Lavaca; there are usher areas for consideration. Mr. Wu said the whole concept was initiated by Formosa. The two options are (1) new investors and (2) expansion of existing business. He suggested development of the east side of the county; the criteria states unemployment rate which does not meet the guidelines can add areas to meet the 7.2 rate requirement. New or expansion of business will reduce unemployment. The twenty square mile area provides more options for businesses. 1. 367 Commissioner Floyd stated anyone can take advantage of this. Ms. Larson said an objective is to take advantage of the reinvestment zone. The incentives are the County's as the Court would appraise all applications. The County Auditor said Formosa would like to include some property in the zone for future development. He felt this would be good for the county later. The guidelines would state a certain number of Calhoun County residents would be employed. Ms. Larson discussed the guideline requirements. Port Lavaca Mayor Tharling recommended the County and City work together to entice businesses. Ms. Larson said there may be a maximum of three zones. Only one is being looked into now; the area must contain no more than twenty square miles and be connected by major highways. Commissioner Floyd said the end result will be tough on the Court regardxny tax abatements which could be loss of tax revenue. Commissioner Balajka stated the tax abatement does not have to be part of the guidelines. William Wooldridge said most people would rather pay a little extra tax than get laid off from their jobs. This agenda item was tabled until November 27, 2002. Melissa Larson will meet with each of the commissioners in the meantime. She suggested the Court bring in a professional to explain the benefits of this to them. TEXAS ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM An Enterprise Zone is simply a tool to assist counties and cities in economic development activities. The creation of an Enterprise Zone allows counties and cities to offer state incentives as well as special local Incentives to qualified businesses located or developing within the zone. Local incentives and their guidelines are created by the governing bodies that offer thern. Because of this, counties and cities can require businesses to meet any number and type of requirements that would make the local government's investment beneficial. Enterprise Zones.are very much the same as a reinvestment zone. A reinvestment zone is created on a local level by a local government wherein tax abatements are offered to businesses within the zone in accordance with adopted_ guidelines. An enterprise zone may offer the same in addition to other locally created incentives and state incentives as well. Due to the requirements by the state for a business to qualify for state incentivesa business, at the least, would have to commit: to initiate the active conduct of a trade or business within the zone, at least 25% of its new employees are residents of any zone within the governing body's jurisdiction or are economically disadvantaged, and if the business is a franchise or subsidiary of a new or existing business and is located entirely in the zone and maintains separate books and records of the business activity conducted in the zone. The state's interest in an enterprise zone was created with a focus on job creation, retention, and the advancement of economically disadvantaged individuals. A brief more indepth example of enterprise zone benefits will be presented to Commissioners' Court on Thursday, November 14, 2002. 368 EXECUTIVE SESSION - TAX AS B OR OLLECTOR The Court, being in open session, the County Judge Pro -Tem as presididng officer, publicly announced that Commissioners' Court would go into a closed meeting as authorized by Section 551, Sub-Chaper D of Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, Government Code. The specific section of the Government Code permitting discussion of the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer of employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public hearing. Tax Assessor -Collector. The Judge Pro -Tem publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of the closed meeting, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session at 10:50 A.M. The Judge Pro -Tem reopened the meeting to the public at 11:15 A.M.. TAX ASSES O -COLLECTOR) LETTER OF RESIGNATION AND RECOMMENDATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the Novmeber 14, 2002 -letter of Annette Baker, Tax Assessor -Collector of Calhoun County WHICH CONTAINS e€ her resignation effective December 31, 2002 and her wnly.(eONrAINs 14E2 recommendation to appoint Dora Ornales Garcia as Tax Assessor -Collector. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster (ee vol.a210 pry•'t and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY TAX0F)7C6 Phaner3614534433 Annette Baker Fax.- 341-5}3344} ]tri At¢wNCafl[eM/ P.0.6rnue[6, }IIS Ann Dem Ovals, ewle4D11ab PollLnnn. Teiax ))p)D G/nNa Oc{o0.D Pnly IN 'Iia LbkenD enb November ]I, 1003 The Honorable County Judge The Honorable Com anklioner'a C. ml On July 27,1964, Ibegan what was to herome a 38'/. yearoaodatten wfth 16e Calhoun Co... A.ueuarvCollecmr's ce, workJng osa m:&pugv On Ja.va,41986,Jbegan my appofined len. as T.Ameuao-Coflecmp and have lervedin that 'lady since I sincerely appredafc the Appalmalol was gh'a when V1.11d1, the opiu of Tac Assaao'calladon hfy man sincere thanks to fhe Comm(ulonera Courlfor!heir lrusi in me and mthe people ivbo facer elecfedma However, amIa kiu,fs ofworkfneta thorax faint Onfie"Im, being 1.1116, uuor- Collafor, Ism looking farwardro befog wi0i myfamify on ofulLlime baso. Iw7lf ba uignfngJ�am myposfdan as Calhoun County TUAuessar-Cal(eamr as ofDeaembrr 3t, 1002. tuougty res 'la"osbtun ,hmd...t Az,eIIhmq PnameDOra r had wase io rek'mlthe appoinnnenL P Part ofherjobm d TaasAfcoha&Beverage Coomluion. (4) M on oflrheabave ltsmdngmcia andthe Calhoun T mPmks@ R Inch Dam bents aayour Tax Auessor-Colreuor, you rouldeapect al(repor4snecusaryln Ifie runnlug IIhiD dce to rondmre to a(imefyfufiion. 1,eande1herwhottmbeet Calhoun Countyls.poshion and!am m F4mishe would do. gaodJob servirrglhayeopte of i .- CAIMM COUNTY AIRPORT - ADVISORY BOARD REPORT Mr. William Wooldridge, Member of the Calhoun County Airport Advisor Board.informed the Court The Texas Department of Transportation contacted Walter and Charlene Rawlings at the Airport regarding additional funds of $74,000 for the year 2003 grant at a 90/10 g match. The Board recommended this be accepted for fencing at the airport. The Board will solicit for funds to off set the grant. Judge Pro -Tem Balajka said TexDOT will have more money for us in 2003 and want the funds to be used at the airport. He will ask Rita Miller to obtain the necessary paperwork. A Motion was made by Judge Pro -Tem Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Resolution for additional funds for the County Airport and authorize the Airport Advisory Board to move forward with the paperwork for grant funds for fencing and the parking lot improvements at the County Airport. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. Airport Grant Oppar i 11-14-02 Details of Grc' The Texas Department of TratT§,' has offered an additional $74,000.00 of grant money to be used for 2003. The grant is a 90/10% matching grant with Calhoun County's portion being 10%. Advisory Board ReconU. " • The Calhoun County Airport' ;y Board recommends that we pursue this grant for the use of fencing and possible parking improvements. • This would help secure the airport against vandalism and theft which would save our tax payers money. What is neede,4 3' S A letter from the court to that- Ifflow requesting this grant and committing to the 10% match. W 0 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners' Court created the Airport Advisory Board on March 14, 1980, pursuant to Texas law, to serve in an advisory capacity on matters pertaining to the county airport; and WHEREAS, At the request of the Airport Advisory Board, Calhoun County Commissioners' Court has determined that it is necessary to expand the Airport Advisory Board's role to raise funds to off -set any County matching funds relating to fencing at the airport for security purposes under the direction of Commissioners' Court as authorized by the Texas Transportation Code, Section 22.017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the duties of the Airport Advisory Board be expanded to solicit and collect matching grant funds for deposit into the County Treasury to be used to off -set the County's obligation regarding fencing at the airport for security purposes and the advancement of the County as an air transportation center. PASSED AND APPROVED by Commissioners' Court on this 141h day of November, 2002. APPROVED (ABSENT) Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge W AL , Michael Balajlta, Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct 2 AL LE( Kenneth Finste , Calhoun County Commissioner, Pct 4 �'•.. Marlene Paul, County Clerk �Q4 gf;gii� i_, ._. By. !. eputyCleric Shirley Foester 371 CALUOUN COUNTY LIBRAR - DONATIONS -A-Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the donations from James and Merle Fair of $500 and shelving from Dow Chemical Company, Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Fenster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. October 26, reek =M' Noemi Cxv.E, Director Calhow Cowty Public Libra ry 200 West Nelvas street Port Lavaaa, T% 77979-3327 area Noaml Sim and I ask that you use the enclosed check for $500.00 for books. Please nalse sholaoe yon need or ®ant for Four library, you era so sinaaea about Von, work, Noami, end Jim and oI wish you the Very boat -the librerV is Port ria Of the 'inset, if not the niceat, o. ell tLeLgVflCa is buildings there --and its seuning quite glen,, NO." tnrellq, .c4 -i.<.. f'- !.fort' T.10.1m. it (ria. 3a-n.a I.` /.nit enCl. Community Assistance Release Waiver 1, Neem.' CIVa acring as file outh1R dreplesenfcW. (Pont Name) of ca'houn C • -Umory do agree to hold Seadrift (organha110n) Operorlom of Union Carblde Cor lmoflon, a wholly-owned subsIdlary of fie Dow Chemical Company, and Its representatives harmless from the following char�fabio act In-kind seMce, or material antl/or equipment donation that Is offered free to this organpatlon in the spirt of good will as described below. We/I alsa attest that the mms dab will b'/were used for the stated purpose and not for personal use. 4 - 4 ft. x 70 shelves & 3 - 4 ft x5 ft. shelves (FMV a $700) fid • Cn,_ (5,gnamro)- 0-a9 -oa (Date) T _�-��]ranl U�re •fa L3c1�55;1-7x50 mrle) (Phone) M I CALBOUN COUNTY LIBRARY - F FRANK DOBIR LIBRARY TRU T AWARDS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the Calhoun County Library to move forward with the grant applicaton with The F. Frank Dobie Library Trust Awards, 2003 for the Point Comfort, Port O'Connor and Seadrift Branch Libraries. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd; Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. I FRANIC DOBIE LIBRARY TRUST AWARDS, 2003 I Frank Dobie Library Trust Awards are monetary awards given each spring to library applicants selected by the Award Committee. Application Eligibility Application is open to public libraries in Texas which (1) serve a population of 20,000 or less, (2) are legally established*, and (3) are open for service at least 20 hours a week. Number and Amount of Awards The number and amount of awards depend on net income produced by the Trust. In 2002, each of seven libraries received an award of $9,000.00 Expenditures of Awards According to the terms of the Trust, funds awarded maybe used solely for the purchase of books. Note: books which have been reformatted for ease of use, i.e., books on audio tape or CD -Rom are eligible. Award Criteria In establishing the Trust, Mr. Dobie instructed the Award Committee to take into consideration the degree of support that applicants receive from their communities. Therefore, awards are made not only on the basis of need, but also on the extent to which community governments, library boards, friend's organizations, and individuals have promoted and supported the library, in comparison with their potential to do so. Applications should include, but need not be limited to, the following information to help the Committee determine the support of the library by the community, the support of the community by the library, and the library's need of additional book resources. * A brief history of the library and description of its service area. * The library'sit budget for the current year and itemized expenditures for the two preceding years. * The amount of library income for the current year and two preceding years by source. As applicable, itemized income derived from city government, county government, school district, state government, and federal government, and income derived from the private sector (gifts, fund raising events, etc.) * The number of full-time and part-time salaried staff byjob title and the number of volunteer hours. * Hours of service. * The growth of the book collection over the past three years, by volumes and titles. Note: please express in terms of net additions per year as opposed to cumulative figures. * Circulation statistics for the past three years, in whatever detail they have been kept. _ * Any support other than tax funds (which are reported as income) provided by city, county, or school district, such as library quarters. * Any engagement in library cooperation, such as cooperation of the public and school libraries. * An account of local efforts in support of the librmy, extending over one or more years. Statistics provide some evidence of continuing local support of the library, but limited insight to the `73 persistency and intensity of effort that went into their making. Tell how local government, businesses, and citizen groups have contributed to the betterment of the library. Tell of efforts the library staff, board, and friends have made toward the promotion and improvement of library service. * The kinds of books the library proposes to buy and the reasons for such purchases. There are no restrictions on the kinds of books that may be bought; however, regardless of type, books purchased should be of goad quality and lasting value. * The name and qualifications of the library staff member who would be responsible for book selection, or the name and qualifications of a consultant outside the library who wpuld be willing to advise the library in its book purchases. Submittal of Application Applications most be mailed (no faxes) in TRIPLICATE to: James B. Stewart, Chairman, J. Frank Dobie Library Trust, Victoria Public Library, 302 N. Main, Victoria, Texas 77901-6592. Please include a cover sheet with the following information: Contact person City Name of Library County System Address and telephone number Applications for the 2003 awards roust be received by DECEMBER 16, 2002. At Mr. Dobie's request, announcement of the awards will be made.at the annual meeting of the Texas Library Association, which in 2003 will be held April 1-4 in Houston. *A legally established public library is one established as a department of city or county government by charter, resolution, or ordinance: or by contract as provided for in the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 4413 (32c): or as a nonprofit corporation chartered by the Office of the Secretary of State for the purposes of providing free public library services, and having a current contract with a city, county, or school district to provide free public library services for the city, - county, or school district. CALHOUN COUNTY LIBRARY - TEX SHARE LIBRARY LENDIN POLICY A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by COnumissioter Floyd to approve a TEX Share Library Lending Policy (for state-wide patrons). Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. TexShare Library Lending Policy LIAISON: Noemi Cruz, Director Calhoun County Public Library 200 W. Mahan Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 PHONE: (361) 552-7250 and (361) 552-7323 FAX (361) 552-5218 and (361) 552-4926 E-MAIL: stafff42cclibraryora LIMITATIONS: TexShare cardholders may borrow up to 4 books from the circulating collection for a two-week loan period. Items not available for circulation to TexShare borrowers are: non -print materials (audio, video, software), reference items, and interlibrary loan items. Other library use policies are identical to those set for our local cardholders. A copy of the Calhoun County Public Library System Policy handbook is available for review upon request. Borrowing privileges will be blocked for borrowers with overdue materials or outstanding fees against their account. 2)74 ELIGIBILITY: Upon request, the Calhoun County Public Library System will issue TexShare cards to Calhoun County residents who are registered borrowers in good standing (no overdue items, fines, or fees). Visiting TexShare cardholders are required to obtain a Calhoun County Public Library System card before borrowing privileges are granted. All applicants must present a valid Texas driver's license or other acceptable form of address verification. All other registration policies apply. CARD AVAILABILITY: TexShare and the Calhoun County Public Library System cards are issued at the library s circulation desk during regular hours of operation. It is the cardholder's responsibility to notify the library of contact/address changes and to request a library card renewal. The library charges a fee of $2.00 for the replacement of a card that has been lost, stolen or damaged. RENEWAL OF MATERIALS: Items may be renewed in person, or by telephone. The library will grant a two-week renewal upon request. RETURNS: Borrowers are responsible for returning items directly to the Calhoun County Public Library System by the due date. Items may be returned to the circulation desk during open hours or in the book drop located in the front of the building. Borrowers may also return items to the library by insured mail. MAIL RETURN: Send the items by insured mail to: Calhoun County Public Library System 200 W. Mahan Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 OVERDUES: Overdue notices/bills are sent by mail as a courtesy to library Patrons. Borrowers are responsible for all overdue items, fines, and fees. LOAN POLICIES: TexShare cardholders may borrow up to 4 books from the circulating collection for a lwo-week loan period. The library will grant a two- week renewal upon request. FINES: Fines for overdue materials are .10 cents per day per item, up to $5.00 per item. A replacement cost will be charged for lost and/or damaged items, based on the Calhoun County Public Library System's lost book policy. LOST ITEMS: Items are considered lost when the library is so notified by the TexShare borrower, or when there is no response to overdue/bill notification by mail. A replacement cost will be charged based on the Calhoun County Public Library System's lost book policy in the policy handbook. BILLING: Payment for lost and/or damaged materials and overdue fines/fees may be made in person or by mail, in cash or by personal check. Payment is due immediately upon notification. Special payment arrangements for large balances may be made at the discretion of the library director. Failure to pay fines, fees and replacement costs will result in the restriction and/or revocation of borrowing privileges. 3%S BIDS AND PROPOSALS MATH RDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION Byron Cumberland with Testengeer,Inc. spoke to the Court regarding the Matagorda Island Lighthouse Restoraton project. The Court discussed the finances regarding the grant. Mr. Cunberland stated the Foundation has raised some matching funds and will send reports of expenditures — to the Court for approval. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids for restoration of the Matagorda Island Lighthouse. (Bids to be opened December 5, 2002 and awarded December 12, 2002.) Commissioners Galvan, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. Commissioner Floyd abstained as he had not seen the contract nor specifications and felt the finances need to be arranged. TRANSFER OF CARGO VAN TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to transfer a 1999 Cargo Van (Trailer), Asset No. 640--0028, from Memorial Medical Center to Emergency Medical Services. (Said asset was previously declared surplus on May 14, 2002. Bids were solicited twice, but none were received.) Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES A REEMENT WITH HOSPICE OF SOUTH TEXAS FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize Emergency Medical Services Director Henry Barber to enter into an agreement with Hospice of South Texas to provide ambulance services for hospice patients. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. HOSPICE OR SOUTH TEXAS AMBULANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into this _23_ day of October 2002. Whereas, Hospice of South Texas is engaged in providing comprehensive services to the terminally ill patient/family; and Whereas, Hospice of South Texas serves all patients/families without regard b race, color or national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap or inability to pay; and Whereas, from time to time, patient/family may have the need for ambulance service; and Whereas, Calhoun County Emergency Medical Service provides ambulance services upon request; and Whereas, Calhoun County Emergency Medical Service is willing and available to provide ambulance services at a base rate of $45.00, mileage rate of $2.00, and oxygen rate of $8.00. Hospice will be responsible for ambulance service related to Hospice care and authorized by Hospice staff. The Director of Nursing for Hospice of South Texas or her designee will request services for those patients/families who need an ambulance and schedule a mutually agreeable time with the hospice staff, patients, and families. Calhoun County Emergency Medical Service will bill the Hospice directly and the Hospice will Pay the company 90 days following the date the bill is received by the Hospice. This agreement shall continue in force until such time as either party gives the other party advance written notice. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time for any reason with written notice. Ey. , Title: Date:16L2 110 Z By: Title: _L t j'�lCs Date: It ikooz. EMERGENCY MEDI nr ERVIL'E A REd&U WITH 2ffiM ON ITOR COLLEGE KM6 TECEMOLOGY A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize Emergency Medical Services Director Henry Barber to enter into an agreement with Wharton Junior College at allow students to practice Emergency Medical Technology under the direct supervision and responsibility of Wharton Junior College faculty. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WHARTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: AFFILIATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is executed on this I" day of lanuary 2003, entered into by and between the WHARTON COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE ("College"), and Calhoun County EMS, a body corporate and politic acting herein by and through Calhoun County EMS ("County"). WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the County owns and operates a department known as Calhoun County, Emergency Medical Services ("EMS"); and Whereas, the parties agree that it would be to their mutual advantage and in their mutual best interest for students of the College to have the opportunity to utilize the facilities of the County's Emergency Medical Services Department ("Facilities"); 377 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the Parties hereby agree as follows: (1) The County will permit students of the College to practice Emergency Medical Technology under the direct supervision and responsibility of the faculty of the College. Individual faculty members will, in turn, be responsible to the Emergency Medical Service Director, Preceptor, Supervisor, or Crew Person, designated by the Emergency Medical Services for the County for the Emergency Medical Technology activities of the students. A faculty member/instructor from the College will be available on call. (2) The number, assignment to and distribution of students between the divisions of the EMS will be mutually agreed upon between the College and the County at the beginning of each semester. (3) Assignments shall occur during regular College academic sessions, except in the instance of special arrangement, such as for workshop participants, and as agreed upon by the County. (4) The College will provide the County with the names of the students who are entitled to use the resources of the Facilities under the terms of this agreement. (5) The College will not discriminate against any applicant for emollment in its course of study because of race, color, creed, national origin, or any other basis. (6) The College shall instruct all students and faculty members in the legal aspects of confidentiality. All students and faculty members shall respect the confidentiality nature of all information which may come to them with respect to the patient, hospital, and county records, to the extent prescribed by law. (7) Representatives of the College and the County shall meet as often as necessary to study the Emergency Medical Technology program mrd terms of this agreement and make such suggestions and changes as are needed. (8) The College will arrange for liability and malpractice insurance coverage acceptable to the County for its faculty members and students assigned to the Facilities. The College will provide the County with a copy of all policies. (9) It is understood between the panties that under no circumstances is any member of the College's student body or faculty or staff member to be considered an agent, servant and/or employee of the County. (10) College personnel, faculty, and students will be subject to the rules and regulations established by the County for the division of the EMS to which they we assigned: (a) The County will charge the College no fees for Emergency Medical Technology practice opportunity afforded students; (b) Students will be responsible for their own meals, laundry, and transportation to and from the Facilities; and (c) The County will not be changed for services performed by the College's personnel, faculty, and/or students. Students and faculty members shall not be deemed to be employees, agents or servant of the County, and shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of County employment. (11) The salaries and expenses of any instructor, supervisor, or other employees of the College will be paid by the College. The College agrees that members of its faculty will serve as consultants and on committees of the County when requested by the County and mutually agreed upon by the College and the County. 378 (12) The County further agrees as follows: a.) To maintain the criteria for accreditation as established by the Joint Review Committee on education in Emergency Medical Technology, or other appropriate accrediting agencies; b.) To provide the College the necessary space or facilities for conferences and classroom areas or student teaching, as available; C.) To provide lounge and locker space for students, as available; d.) To allow students and faculty members of the College to utilize the County's eating facilities at the students' and faculty's sole expense; and eJ To planjointly with all programs involved, when the resources are utilized as a clinical laboratory by groups other than the College. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a term beginning January I, 2003 and ending at midnight on December 31, 2003 unless otherwise terminated as provided herein. Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Notice shall be given by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the other party at the addresses set out below: Calhoun County EMS 216 Mahan St. Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Attention: Henry Barber, EMS Director Wharton County Junior College 911 Boling Highway Wharton, TX 77488 Attention: Maggie Mejorado EXECUTED by the parties on the dates indicated, but effective January I, 2003. CALHOUN COUNTY EMS By: H rber Cal oun 'ounty EMS Director Date: h/,� 2OaZi WHARTON UN ,JUNIOR COLLEGE By: e. Dal Pinson, Dean of Workforce Development, Continuing Education, and Distance Learning Date: A�i ]C�LGa2� 3'79 BIOTHRRORISM GRANT FUNDS Bain Cate, M.D., with Victoria City -County Health Department, disucssed the bioterrorism grant from the Texas Department of Health, Public Health Region 8 office. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the application for the bioterrorism grant. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. a ce vatanuiaaaoai unms Vicunia,Texn 77901-3917 Bain G Cace, M D„ Medical Director - Phone (361) 578-6281 F.(361)578-7046 November 08, 2002 Honorable Judge Arlene Marshall Calhoun County Commissioners' Court 211 SAnn St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Judge Marshall, Attached is a blank application for Bioterrorlsm Grant funds from Texas Department of Health Public Health Region 8 office. It seems that they took 50% of the allocated funds for Calhoun County, and applied them to build up the Regional Bioterrorlsm resources, and have made available the remaining 50% for Calhoun County Health Department to use for local needs. Also attached Is a proposed completed application for the BT grants for your review, comment, and possible signature. Of particular note is the fact that the items asked for are one time expenses, and that we are asking TDH to allocate $4157.00 (see Other Budget Category Detail sheet) for administrative costs, which we intend on giving to Calhoun County directly. The theory was that the Auditor's office and various other County offices are spending time and resources on these grants that the Health Department receives, and this might help to reimburse the County for these ongoing efforts. To recuperate that budget item, we may need the Auditor, or Treasurer, or Commissioners' Court to invoice the Health Department or TDH for those dollars, probably on a monthly or quarterly basis. The timelines on the application are worthless for a variety of reasons, but especially for the fact that the Health Department would like to use the money for one-time expenses that would not saddle the County with ongoing liabilities. TDH would probably not be able to institute the agreements until after January 01, 2003. There are no matching fund requirements, and although TDH feels that there will be an ongoing grant renewal for another 2 fiscal years, I am not optimistic about further grant activity after August 31, 2003, It looks like Homeland Security will take the "front-line", and Bioterrorlsm will fall into the shadows. The Health Department will be responsible for completing the attached Workplan. I already had to fill out a quarterly report for October 15, 2002, even though we have no grant dollars or agreements signed. I found that odd, but complied with the requirement, so as not to jeopardize the grant. I would be more than happy to come to Commissioners' Court if this needs to be discussed further, and am at your service anytime. Sincerely, o J Bain C. Cate, M.D. go 3381. aTI! Eii Off 0oEtl 0 7j o ° m °R. a P' tl X P m b a CJ o tl: tlpPy'' fi C R N ry y `G'7 tl � o � � b 0 rj `G tlp �S 0 , o F o � oil �En a 3381. m a r } ; / b 3 \/ T; �\ E ( � /§ ) ( , § )} { E\ ! {) r { � r {( [ } )) }{ k J { k �\. ] 7 (() r } ; / b 3 HI -02 7m \| e ( %{ \ §\ ) ƒ\ ) IS ; Err2! �}} � ,!E/) !;}{! ®! / r B ) ) k b 385 \ I T \ a\ \] ° `S 2 �) ( ( � ) . ( � ! ) � q / ) § \ ; ) ) k b 385 M-2 b �}( }\ . \ b § \ q 2 4 �! 7 ((}! q ) ° { a/ E ) ,\ (/ M-2 b B § m }) }/ a �\� ] / m I� r H °z C a 0 z I� r F a89 b � o �.' w •. E• o z a Y z o y o o m e .2 [n e H .. �•5' P .oi, �m ayyM o ro.°2' c. w� c� y c� E > 5n p a p p 0 'F n o I rn n �: 0 5J' o a• m n w �. o m 00 m kj C `G to p o b Ory w a ro N ur w '°n N S p 0 E Er g w p 5 o o a 6 m e pz b�wa o p � �• c a a• •< � 'o c p5. a y. c00 w �C ❑pQ <� m w 0 by �' O G y � R N o �. � m R h a F a89 i ba ro m \J O eT ,may. .�. Got q e m p b3 69 Yi fA fA Nf 69 Yi b9 N b O N lip N j, O e O o N O O 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 C p R A N M a El �( (\ ji ° )�. ( # ® {{ { 2 \ � r & k % ( ; E »# { )\ � � ! ° \ / e } ) \ b ml 392 J H w w o o c y �• wg m� 'd e �t b p ' m e e C A°n w K O b CC o m CV' u o � 0 0y oh w(Fle ^m. e �H C•6 vG t+1 �i o H P• •'� O O N O N O '�'I ° r'ri 6 B O O 00 b A O P n 5 m o� y m o mm y Ei a«P s J H n s b. 3 0 3 N a ® O S O 4 Q N m ab�a`� C. {h] m y � O O O yO ry4 C W 0.p N F n q b 3 (� G �'yyag� o e O H O P y C m Z^ C o fy w O A ro c '�1 o x o pb ,y � n ry N v lJ P � O y q b Z S0. d O < p T o A s b h7 4 < M1 •Y N y P O o � � n aP P P 0. R. R o OH 0 29 ro " o � f+ �i4syyy fA O O o 0 e 0 'quisi q to „• '� �. o moron ycF�m R7,ij O F �3c Fc,� m cv qbv^y0 �y sPCY=- a > tzj P F F F• H A w�acc� • z o c= y a� +dJyp n s b. 3 0 3 UOQ a m n n b Q 0. P S O 4 Q m ab�a`� C. � O O O yO ry4 C W 0.p N F n q b 3 (� �'yyag� o O P y C m Z^ C 5 6 n pp o 0 o x o pb ,y � n P � O y q b Z S0. O < p T o A s b 4 < M1 •Y N y P o aP P P 0. R. R +dJyp 4 b ;! 2 /■ \ % z 2 $ �\ § � q ) ( 2\\a § 9 F\ ® \ fE - ) �/ {( § 4 b C S. `-}}m}sb S. S. s P Op P m R ^„ P O toy. �m yb 10? F Ro ttZ�t I aw yy 0.a p. p b R 2 o n F p "z'm n� n CL ttq fD F+ y y O O p n p 2 V O yy F+ n» 2 C O O I ® O O O c F N �p M ' a 0. o 1 2 0. n � N S � F oq Y P R R ~a Y q ♦R 5 y lD y � a S R Po r: Gl C'Om OR..«�A a e a pow dye o � aem snn•� n.ee a°e yo,3 a„+ t! tv 9 2° G1 n .e Ny N O �o G �.o wom o9e � � 6 A �. 6 F• M CF y tC C S. `-}}m}sb S. S. s P Op P m R ^„ P O toy. �m yb 10? F . ttZ�t aw yy 0.a p. p R 2 o n F p "z'm n� n CL ttq p 2 V O o n» 2 C O N �p 0. o 1 2 0. n oq Y P R R ~a Y q ♦R 5 y S R Po 395 , «. ){ )/ 't - « � k ) � # ( ( \ (E k f{ Cl k ] \� {\ r E ® 14 \� \\ \ \ }} \ ( \ . � \ i }\ \ , «. ){ )/ 't - ( \ (E k f{ { N15 k ] {\ ! E ® 14 \\ \ \ }} \ \ \ i }\ E /( \ \) ) \ � ; \ ) I Performing Agency: Calhoun County Health Department Receiving Agency: Texas Department of Health, Public Health Region 8 Term: October 1, 2002 Through: August 31, 2003 Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Workplan The purpose of this workplan is to implement the Texas Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control. and Prevention (CDC) project, Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism. The Focus Areas the workplan addresses are explained in the attached Scope of Work and are as follows: A) Preparedness Planning and Readiness Assessment; B) Surveillance and Epidemiology Capacity; C) Laboratory Capacity — Biological Agents; E) Health Alert Network, Communications and Information Technology; F) Communicating Health Risks and Health hiformation Dissemination; and G) Education and Training. In addition to serving its jurisdiction by providing the services below, the Performing Agency will coordinate with regional and statewide bioterrorism response systems. Listed below are the deliverables and timelines to be accomplished by the Performing agency., Focus Area A: Preparedness Plnnninn and A.—..»,e..t Deliverable Timeline 1. Provide annual bioterrorism preparedness update to local advisory board May 2003 of health and/or county commissioners' court. August 2003 2. Performing agency, which did not complete the Department of Justice August 2003 -(DOJ) survey in FY 2000, will assure completion of survey in FY 2003. 3. Complete the CDC Local Emergency Preparedness and Response August 2003 Inventory during FY 2003, Focus Area B: Surveillance and Deliverable Timeline 1. Enhance routine active communicableisease surveillance within jurisdiction August 2003 2. Initiate and participate in communicable disease investigations within jurisdiction August 2003 3. Participate in regional pilots of disease surveillance softwares stems.Au st2003 Focus Area C: Laboratoa Ca aci —Biological A ent Deliverable Timeline Assure training and coordination for all county staff including first responders who are involved in or responsible for collecting, packaging and August 2003 transporting clinical and/or environmental specimens to the public health laboratory. RIDS AND PROPOSALS L The following bid for delivered fuel was the only bid received and opened on Novmeber 7, 2002 by Less Casey and Rita Miller. The bid was read by the County Auditor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the bid of Diebel Oil Comovany as the only bidder for delivered fuel. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all ,voted in favor. 0 FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRICFJGALLON X APPROXIMATE '= TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE $-'a) X 3800 = $ rp,,90 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $_ X 4000 DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ X 2500 TOTAL BID PRICE TRE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING NOVEMBER 16.2002 AND ENDING DECEMBER 15 ,2 T NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES.'" NAME OF BIDDER: j, / � E 3 T [_ 6V C 0 Etr— CITY, STATE, ZIP:_ M I L A \Cil P16 I �, - :/ J� PHONE NUMBER: . \ 22'- 3,ag,y PRINTNAME. CAA TITLE: ,�i�e,io/Yisa DATE: The following bid for automated card system fuel was received November 8, 2002 at 9:28 A.M. The Court instructed the County Auditor to open and read the bid from Mauritz and Coney. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the bid of Mauritz & Coney for the automated card system fuel as the only bidder. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. 398 FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOURNOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE ATTACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR AVAILABILITY LOCATION: UNLEADED GASOLINE PRICE PER GALLON $ Agt MID GRADE $ A/1 PREMUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ e.& -- DIESELFUEL. q $ ,9/ LOCATION: KN' (,fig c- Au <T.qJ (MUST BE WW THE CITY OF PORT LAVACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LAVACA.) THE CONTRACT WELL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING NOVEMBER 16,20 02 AND ENDING DECEMBER 15, 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICE QUOTED DO NOTINCLUDETAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: 2226116A,7, PHONE NUMBER: SS?- 700 T AUTHORIZED 0 L BIDS AND PROPQEALR - a PRaIT OIL & RMIH SION INDIGENT DRUGS, INSECTICIDES, LIME. ROAD MATRRIUjc PIPE AND FUEL A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids for Asphalt, Indigent Drugs, Insecticides, Lime, Road Materials, Pipe and Fuel. Bids to be opened Thursday, December 5, 2002 and awarded December 12, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Judge Pro -Tem Balajka to approve the minutes of September 12, 16, 18, 23, 26, 2002 and October 10 and 15, 2002. Commissioner Finster discussed the minutes of October 10, 2002 regarding the acceptance of roads in the Coastal Oaks Subdivision for county maintenance; for the record, he had stated at that time the drainage in the Coastal Oaks Subdivision was not satisfactory. 399 ACCEPT FAIRCRODND IMPROVSMt��'f PROJECT AS SUBST mol"I11I,LY COMPLETE ANDA ORIZS PAYM@7T OF TBS RSTAIIdA S FSS A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Judge Pro -Tem Balajka to accept the Fairgrounds Improvement Project as substanially complete and authorize payment of the retainage fee. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka all voted in favor. DOCUMENT NO. 01745 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN THE STATE OF TEXAS { {AFFIDAVIT AND WAVIER OF LIEN THE COUNTY OF 6 u 01 { BEFORE W, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared I'. who, after being by me first duly sworn, �did deposed and say: 1. 16¢T �— Aew icAn bi C( -1617 tmN) to r ismamed as "CONTRACTOR, in that Contract dated Jv.1J 10 20a and entered into between COUNTY OF CALHOUN, "O and Can ONTRACTOR under which CONTRACTOR agreed to famish all materials, supplies, labor and equipment, and to perform all Work incident to the construction and completion ofthe CALHOUN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS PAVILION BURDING IMPROVEMENTS in Port Lavaca, Texas. 2. :f F" ,dam_ is }'(2E51D E,J < of CONTRACTORand he has fiillauthority to make this Affidavit on behalf of said corporation. 3. The Work has been completed in accordancewith the terns of said Contract 4. No labor, material, or mechanic liens exist or other liens or privileges of any kind upon any oftheimprovement% structures, pipelines, appurtenances or works, OR upon real property or interest therein whereupon such improvements, structures, pipelines, appurtenances or works were constructed arising out of the performance of the Work, OR any extras of additional work done and performed by CONTRACTOR, or by any of his subcontractors, under said Contract; AND that all sums incurred in the performance of said Contract and any extras and additions thereto, including labor, material, hauling, rental on equipment and services of every kind have been paid. - 5. The statements herein are made for the. purpose of securing from OWNER the Contract compensation due under said Contract. Subsonbed and sworn to before me, the CONTRA undersigned authority, on this Tit Signed: 00 day Of G 0 EYL Name & Title: -1,V e, Notary Stamp: Signed:lQu Rnhlir in an =CINDYNCIK END OF SECTIONic END OF DIVISION asa200S 01745-1 4Q�1 CONTRACTOR'sGUARANTEE I,Sr�ik� NA4atTi ,being�EstnF�rT of:-Yn �AP21C9Tlo.)sr �20(Tia, (hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR"), do hereby make the following statements to the COUNT Y.'rg OF CALHOUN (hereinafter called "OWNER") in relation to the completed project known as the CALHOUN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS PAVILION BUILDING HYIPROVEMENTS in Port Lavaca, Texas. -, I guarantee... That all of the completed Work is free from faulty materials in every particular, That all of the completed Work is free from improper workmanship, and That no injury will occur from proper and usual wear, That OWNER has been assigned all guarantees and/or warranties originally made to CONTRACTOR by suppliers and subcontractors, if any. (Such assignment does not relieve CONTRACTOR ofthe responsibility stated in each guarantee and/or warranty in case of failure of suppliers or subcontractors to fulfill the provisions of such guarantees and/or warranties.) I agree... That the execution of the final certificate or the receipt of the final payment does not relieve CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for neglect of faulty materials or workmanship during the period covered by this Guarantee, To replace orto re -execute without cost to OWNER such Work as may be found to be improper or imperfect, and To make good all damage caused to other Work or materials, due to such required replacement or re-execution. This Guarantee is in effect as of the 14 TA day of. OCTBB E12 200—and shall cover a period of ONE (1) FULL YEAR from said effective date. CONTRACTOR Name & Title: ;;:t Date; 16 1 b J END OF SECTION 01740-2 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PICK -TRUCK A rgpT INS n]JCg SETT7,SMSNT A Moton was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the insurance settlement for Memorial Medical Center 1.996 Ford pick-up totaled by fire on August 13,, 2002 and transfer of title to the insurance company and authorize deposit of the settlement to Memorial Medical Center in the amount of $3843. Commissioners Galvan,'Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Rr 402 DISTRICT CLERK - JP #1 - JP 94 - MONTHLY REPORTS The District Clerk presented her report for September, 2002 and JP #1 and JP #4, their reports for October, 2002 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioenr Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem Balajka `all voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Sem Balajka all voted in favor. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-00149150558 A4T,4 . b Md. �,P � �D P D DPP De S.DR .D SSM ,P DP InPPLls9 So DFecLt.W 4 caJ¢4Dyy DP4DCTDx➢P) —o TSST 10 ffi TswrP yu CDNDITLW9 DP RI8 POLIM m 0 A' R M ASS O f Arrt/rn�E�� SP O .S -d / '( mt APPRO ,,.tD.r,..r....�p� .. r..rw.<...,.,r.r.„..a..„rr........................................ s_ .....................:..........e 98 s'oa s/ m.r•a7sa... ................... /i43 G a t...Msrmiv W.. wnawvmbu............. i /OLq .. mmuw nrdn.menSds.r«u: sL............ ...................s ✓/ �g �..x nmr.:.<w..ao sum cm^tY aE �nJ,.. sun.oe(ne[ mE .wm m 4mte m tnl.,�m �k�a� MJrnrtl smn Jvfwa REPLACEMENT COST COVERAGE) NOV 1 4.2002 v BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 403 'TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 11113102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 R GLACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT REASON ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAMP -- REVENUE 1000-001-49225 TELEPHONE SERVICE (887) INCREASE REVENUE BUDGET TO ACTUAL LIBRARY 1000-140-66620 UTILITIES -PT. O'CONNOR LIBRARY 400 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-140-66610 UTILITIES -MAIN LIBRARY (400) BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1000-170-65454 REPAIRS -COURTHOUSE B JAIL 280 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-170-73211 AIR CONDITIONERSHERIFFIDA AREA 225 ROVE 1000-170-66604 UTILITIES -COURTHOUSE B JAIL (505) V COMMISSIONERS COURT 1000-230-63503 MAINTENANCE -COMMUNICATION NETWORK 830 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-230-63350 LEGAL SERVICES (830) NOV 4 2002 ELECTIONS 1000-270-53361 ELECTION SUPPLIES 726 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-270.53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (276) 1000-270-53110 COMPUTER SUPPLIES (450) MISCELLANEOUS 1000-280-66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 5,000 AS NEEDED INDIGENTHEALTHCARE 1000-360-60640 CARE OF INDIGENTS (4,113) LINE ITEM TRANSFER (TELEPHONE SERVICES) 1000360-60640 CARE OF INDIGENTS (3,184) LINE ITEM TRANSFER (COURT APPTD ATTORNEYS) COUNTY COURT -AT -LAW 1000-410.83380 LEGAL SERVICES -COURT APPOINTED 3,194 AS NEEDED 1000-410-61490 COURT REPORTER -SUBSTITUTE (40) LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-410-61460 COURT REPORTER -SPECIAL 40 COUNTYCOURT 1000400-63800 MENTAL COMMITMENT SERVICES 175 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000400-63380 LEGAL SERVICES -COURT APPOINTED (175) HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1000-350-61820 DIRECT NURSING CARE 236 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000350-53925 CLINIC DRUGS (236) CONSTABLE PRECINCT NO. 3 1000-600-53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 89 ELLERS, ALERT INC. INVOICES 1000-600-63920 MISCELLANEOUS (25) 1000-60060332 AUTO ALLOWANCES (64) CRIME VICTIMS ASSISTANCE 1000-780-64850 PRINTING SERVICES 82 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-78066324 TRAINING -VOLUNTEERS 557 1000-780-66380 TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES Totallor GENERAL FUND (639) 0 NE7 CHANGEIN TOTAL BUDGET 0 403 3 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 404- TO: CALHOUN COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS'COURT - MUM: JAIL, SHERIFF DATE: 11/13/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 f AMENDMENT GL ACCOUNT ND. AMOUNT REASON ACCOUNT NAME JAIL 1000-180-64910 PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES 2,659 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-180-61310 COPIER RENTALS 360 1000-180-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 530 1000.180.51620 ADDITIONAL PAY -REGULAR RATE 1,137 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000-180-64880 PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUNTY (15,483) DEPARTMENT TOTAL (10777) SHERIFF 1000-760.51610 OVERTIME 338 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000-760-51620 ADDITIONAL PAY -REGULAR RATE 2,638 1000-76051899 WORKERS COMP ADJUSTMENTS 1,864 1000.76051519 DEPUTY -LAW ENFORCEMENT (1,8641 1000-760-63920 MISCELLANEOUS 261 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000760-66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 13 1000-760-663W TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESITRAVEL 97 1000-760-53540 1000-76053992 GASAMUDIESEL SUPPLIES -MISCELLANEOUS 4,090 416 APPROVE 1000-760-53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 272 1000-760-60360 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 1,763 1000-760-61310 1000-76063530 COPIER RENTALS MACHINERY/ EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 330 559 NOV 14 2002 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10,777 T0"J"i GENERAL FUNDERE p ,MonI NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGaa E - 0 404- 11 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEM To: Calhoun county �Commissioners' Court From: (Department Makin this request) Date: I request an amendment to the ZCOZ budget for the year following line items in my department: Amendment GL Aaoount # Account Name Amount Reason _ ___ Net ohange in total budget for this department is: $ Other remarks/justification: _®�_--------- ._ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until CommissionersI Court approval is obtained.. Signature of official/department head: .I�-lpial � n� Date of Commissioners' Court approval: --1 Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 405 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: -112a 0 MI A 04 -1 - (Department making 'this request) Date: —] 12. I request an amendment to the. `�� budget for the following line items in my departear ment: GL Account Amendment ___ # Account Name Amount _ ____Reason WP2 i r pY�re, .-- (i9fe,her Net change in total budget for this department is: $ Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners, Court approval is obtained signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): M I BUDdET AMENDMENT REQUE5� 1'0: CalhouP County Comm.issi.oners' Court Brom: {N�epartment making this request) Date: I request ar amendment to the __ budget; for the following line items in my department: 1 ds Account Acoount Na ne Amendment Amount Reason 15�0 00 ---- -_ �..�- - APPROVED— Net change 14 total budget for this department is: $ Other remarks'/Justification: .[ understand 'that my budget cannot be amended as requested until CommissionersCourt approval is obtained,( Signature of official/department head: U_..La fAL k Date of Commissioners Court approval; Date posted to General Ledger account (s) 407, BUDGET To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Justice of the Peace Pet. #1 (Department making this request) Date: November 6, 2002 I request an amendment to the 2002 budget or the following line items in my department: (year) GL Account # '5D 53020 Taken from Ace. #'s: 64790 54020 51540 Taken from ace. #'s: 70750 64790 63500 66316 Net change in total budget For this Department is: Amendment Account Name Amount Reason General Office Supplies $319.00 For office Supplies Postage / 249.00 Dues (\ $ 70.00 Temperary 9t(o0 $ S od- Salary to temporary employee Capitol Outlay 320.00 Postage $I-L®�.ts C 0,0o Machine Maintenance $100.00 Training Out Of Coon tv$241-5,7—. Other remarks/justification: $1 5 O Please allow the money to be removed from the following accounts and be placed in the requested accounts, for salary adjustments and for office supplies. I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. pp Signature of official/department bead: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: eJot3 Date posted to General Ledger Account (s): 11 V BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Calhoun County /Commissioners- court L From: (Department making this.request) Date: I request an amendment to the pD budget for the year following line items in my department:' Amendment GL Account /( Account Name Amount Reason __---------------- _____/_/_p______ ___________________ T51p`�+0850 zj, ,y rte/ T�/2 .9 O e SSLo 53a i o-a/ 5 - 3�D `J3 �60 / ecCe fe,-/s Qd SSS S3.S/� ,�aQ�P� 8�zc�S'� X257 Net change in total budget Cor this department is: Other remarks/justification: understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: net, posted to General Ledger account(s): BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST q NOV 14 2002 t°- '�.!;` IIEIIDGET AMENDMENT REQ VHS A. To: CalhoounCOu�ntny Commissioners' Courtrg�],�1-{ From: ea YlX,vt U 1i11YL1 T i C� ��l'X t6 a (Department ttmaki this request) .. Dater _ �,�' (:C`1� ✓\ I request an amendment to thed, budget for the egagr following line items in my department: GL A000unt #� Account Name Amendment 5 ------------- ---_ Amount Reason i3�-, 1"iretrobe5 500.00 APPROVED Net change in total budget NOV 14 2002 for this department is: $ Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners, Court approval is obtained �(� signature Of official/department head: L PjA5 K-0— Date of commissioners' court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): BIIDQET AMENDMENT AEQIIEST �I To: Calhoun County �C1�'o,,n,,myy�m,,i�++ssioners' Court �l _ From: Ulm UUfpaf -ta (Department making this request) Date: I request an amendment to the budget '�. budget for the following line items in my department: OL Account #_ Account Name - Amendment - Amount Reason ___________________ 5h 40 Ful , 0000.00 ao q,ov Net change in total budget for this department is: $ Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners court approval is obtaine . Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted posted to General Ledger account(s): BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Calhoun county Commissioners' Court From: CIS � i wCI .P f\ b\) Cmn,04 -4 .,j�. R (Department Inakl6k this request) Date: 'I_—]—o 1 I request an amendment to the 0 00Q budget for the year following line items in my department: 6L Account , Account Name Amendment _ Amount Reason--_ 5 b--nulo k44* 4 r,,,abwmm 5 �-53a1� POT -6 Sun�tte- r9.om .cp Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: V $ � NOV 1 4 2002 I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. o��/�,' signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners, Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 413 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Callhho�vun�l County Commissioners' court _ From: (Department making tIAs request) Date: l l — � — IDA I request an amendment to the aoua budget for the year following .line items in my department: Amendment GL Account , Account Name Amount Reason ___________ ______ _ _ _____________ J' S0-5300 1'\3 CN\Ct&6 �I000. oo> , 5b- Le(�i9 %lepl,ol� l000-00 APPROVED Net change in total budget NOV 14 2002 for this department is: $ Other remarks/justification: 7 I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: �AW �1,(� "� Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Vim' Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 41A BIIDOET AMENDMENT REQOEST To: Calhoun S,,County �iCommissspio rneer�s' Court From. C Qi 1 ` M \ \�-Y�X r \ Qk' xn, (Department Maki this request) n Date:- ��O a, Z request an amendment to the budget for the following line items in my department: Name t n Accou OL Account' Ne Amount -- Amendment Account -_ -------Aeason---------- Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 415 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-570-51910 1 SOCIAL SECURITY 196 1000-570-51930RETIREMENT 235 1000-570-51940 WORKMENS COMPENSATION 312 1000-570-51950 FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT 12 1000570-53510 ROAD& BRIDGE SUPPLIES g3, 1000-570-64790 POSTAGE 5 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-570-53510 BROAD & BRIDGE SI IPPI IFS 1.1 FUND im Til i ROV ED NOV 14 2002 i� 1000-590-60332 1000-590-72500 BUDGETAMENDMENTREQUEST /or GENERAL FUND INC. INVOICE HI 1 1 O V ED NOV 1 4 2002 io EE BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST �I A 9 PROVED NOV 14 2002 HE TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT -FROM: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT#3 DATE: 1114/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 _ AMENDMENT d GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNTIAMOUNT REASON 1000-600-53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 265 MOBILE VISION P0#24289 1000.600-60332 AUTO ALLOWANCES (76) 1000-600-65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE 25 VICTORIA COMMUNICATION PO#2429S 1000-60053020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (27) 1000-600-66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY (112) 1000-600-63920 MISCELLANEOUS (75) " x Total for GENERAL FUND 0 ja __ NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET p A 9 PROVED NOV 14 2002 HE Y� BIIDGET AMENnMENT RE¢IIEST To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: (Department making this request) Date: ll_&_Oy I request an amendment to the budget for the year following line items in my department: Amendment GL. Aocount _ Account Name Amount _ Reason /030-(tity48 (rcvcl oat od �. �a8,eej "------------ (030- S 3310 P A5 rkM S �p l t c o - Net Change in total budget for this department is: $ 40 - Other remarks/justification: T I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department-head: Date of Commissioners' court approvals Date Posted to General Ledger account(s): 9 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'COURT -- €., FROM: VETERANS SERVICES i DATE: 10/30/02- '' BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT GLACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT REASON 1000-79DS3020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 109 COMPUTER PLACE PO# 17804 1000-790-88316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY (72) 1000-790-64790 POSTAGE (37) Total for GENERAL FUND p F'SWS NET CHANGEIN TOTAL BUDGET D NOV 1 4 2002 GE BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST QW TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'COURT+,� FROM: PORT O'CONNORCOMMUNITY CENTER 'k DATE 11/13/02 r E .*. BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2092Y AMENDMENT q_ GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT REASON 2736-998-66616 UTILIITES-POC COMM. CTR 1,000 AS NEEDED. 2736-999-47055 RENT INCOME -POC COMM. CTR (1,000) Total /or FUND 0 - NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 0 APPROVE® NOV 14 200E 2 - § & 2 ) 2 ® L O� - > O j � 0 0 0 criw� ^ N m tf N m w N OAZ 6 w 'Fa p O N 60 zo wv{%a c7„ cwj waS o,�, PPj c�yy `Pj �a �a or o k�,g, z3 os �u oazza Rp 00 0 0 yy y ya� ya� {µye pw� •� �� d ¢ O U a s 6 6 O Z od d0d0dr0a� ¢ 666 v w'� Rw �w yQLw yy ayQgy yayQS as?w0R mom 0 00 'c o 0 0 0 a A a A O .7 0 Q o r 5 r o o U W v �x,�o a 5 y ° S ".ins o a ° ° FU °x a ro .1 l d 6 d # u ?e a at u u # F F F F F F # NrF FF, 0 0 0 %may' Ow�ww OW OCG OW O{L O. 0,[5� a �U �vU 60 p0q qUq p!q� q0q pcqt q(q� O Oo a F W U ry0 0 0 o m o m o SMV N o m M o 0 0 0 o m o �v gy a R-0 G 0 ON I o m N O d' C � y O � W Fq S � 'J 4pdpi � 1g�y v�� � fE+l [✓�xy{j F ![p`�y O N ��q yZ a 0 ppm! w ¢ � l� �Qj� w i `ui A F 9 F F yam]' (yy W (may day' �yj L' (ai] O O � O O Np N N N N �N1 N N 4Z5 CL i26 coo ON m N o< n vl N P •- V 'S 0 0 0o x 3 va o' r iso U u N a z z z g s0 0a P -OR 'o a 000 W O O (7 O O O O CS O (5 O O O j�VVv I'J V S�OVv SUV UiS {i O 00 ii o_ IXF\ � � 11♦a♦�� 1�W1.55 Hw i-J ��y 2 � 2 g z z z z z z z z z z w7� Wv O O O O O O O O O O y ti y h w y w U u N a z z z g s0 0a P -OR 'o a 000 W O O (7 O O O O CS O (5 O O O j�VVv I'J V S�OVv SUV UiS {i O 00 ii o_ RAL DISCUSSION - THS FACILITy GROUP INVOICE The County Auditor mentioned The Facility Group bill which is still unpaid. GENERAL DISCUSSION - COMMUNICATIONSSYSTEM IN PRECINCT #4 Commissioner Finster said the repeater on Lane Road tower was damaged and will not be replaced. For his radio additional repeaters in Seadrift and Port O'Connor are needed. $15,000 will be used from his budget; no court action is required. GENERAL DISCUSSION - ANITA KOOP ET AL LAW IT Commissioner Floyd said a hearing will be held on November 18, 2002 regarding the Anita Koop and Terry Cox VS Calhoun County, et al lawsuit on summary judgement motions by both parties and and motions to compel for additional information. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - C Claims totaling $1,504,632.92 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION - THE FACILITY GROUP INVOICE Commissioner Floyd stated he had sent the Court a letter regarding The Facility Group bill. Apparently the Court did not approve the second bill; the contract needs to be approved. He discussed previous action by the Court concerning a contract. He will contact Mr. Garnos prior to the bill being paid. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 12:15 P.M. WIM APPROVED NOV 14 W c RAL DISCUSSION - THS FACILITy GROUP INVOICE The County Auditor mentioned The Facility Group bill which is still unpaid. GENERAL DISCUSSION - COMMUNICATIONSSYSTEM IN PRECINCT #4 Commissioner Finster said the repeater on Lane Road tower was damaged and will not be replaced. For his radio additional repeaters in Seadrift and Port O'Connor are needed. $15,000 will be used from his budget; no court action is required. GENERAL DISCUSSION - ANITA KOOP ET AL LAW IT Commissioner Floyd said a hearing will be held on November 18, 2002 regarding the Anita Koop and Terry Cox VS Calhoun County, et al lawsuit on summary judgement motions by both parties and and motions to compel for additional information. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - C Claims totaling $1,504,632.92 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro -Tem all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION - THE FACILITY GROUP INVOICE Commissioner Floyd stated he had sent the Court a letter regarding The Facility Group bill. Apparently the Court did not approve the second bill; the contract needs to be approved. He discussed previous action by the Court concerning a contract. He will contact Mr. Garnos prior to the bill being paid. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 12:15 P.M. WIM