2003-07-17 e e e REGULAR JULY TERM JULY 17, 2003 . THESTATEOFTEXAS ' i i COUNTY OF CALHOUN i BE n REMEMBERED, that on this 17'" day of July, A.D., 2003 there was begun and holden at the Cowthouse in the aty of Port Lavaca, said County and Slate, at 1:00 p.m., a RegularTenn of the Commissioners' Court;, within said County and Slate, and there were present on this da~the following members of the Court;, to-wlt: Michael J. pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd AnItaFficke County Judge CommIssIoner Pet. 1 CommIssIoner Pet. 2 CommIssIoner Pet. 3 County Oerk CommIssioner Kenneth w. Finster was absent Thereupon the following proooedings were had: CommIssioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Judge Pfeifer led the Pledge of AllegIaOO!. APPROVE MINUTEs OF ME~NG HELD ON JUNE 26. 2003 AND JUNE 27. 2003: A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by CommissIoner Galvan that the millures of June 26, 2003 and June 27, 2003 meetings be approved as presentild.' CommissIoners' Galvan, Ba/ajka, Floyd, and Judge Pfeifer alllltlled In favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge It Floyd CommIssIoner Pd:. 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner Pet. 1 MIchael J. BaIajka CommIssIoner Pet. 2 AnIta Fricke County OeO< HOLD ~BUC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE 2003 ,...4LHOUN COUNTY BUDGET~ , Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding amending the 2003 Calhoun County Budget. Calhoun County AudJtor Ben Comlskey reported on 17 budget amendment requests. AIrer general <lien "'S'on on these Items Judge Pfeifer dosed the public hearing; AMENDMENT OF THE 2003 ,...41 "OUN COUNTY BUDGET, A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by CoIl1mIssloner Galvan that the 2003 Budget Amendments 1 thru 17 with the -ooptlon of Amendments 1, 5, 7,8 , 9 and 15 be approWld. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, and Judge Pfeifer aU voted In favor. 77, _."~.-.~__---..-_~__----..--.-..----.~_"_..J.-"_..~.__ . BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST i.. SIGNATU OF ELECTED OFFICIAUOEPAR "-l"r".( \ e e e 778 e e e ~ I ,. ), I ' .' ~;" , ClllDY MlIIWB ClllUIDDITOB A~-fo ~~o.i liS p~) IEllI CISlY DEIIJSE McIIIIIfY,CI'A ASSIITIIr IlIIIIIDBS , JR. C.P .A. TOR July 3, 2003 Honorable County Judge and Commissioners Calhoun County Courthouse 211 S. Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Judge and Commissioners: There is a 2003 budget amendment session scheduled for July 17, 2003 and at this session I propose to request a budget increase of $7,732 for capital outlay for the County Auditor's Office. This is to purchase an update to our accounting software, which will allow us to use 7 stations instead of 5 stations. Both the County Auditor's Office and the County Treasurer's Office will actually use this update. In the past year an additional employee was added to the County Treasurer's Office and the new County Treasurer is using the accounting system cousiderably more than the past County Treasurer. As a result, we are having trouble when more then 5 session of the system are beirig used. The system has three basic modules, Accounting (including accounts payable), Payroll and Administration. Our present system allows us to have up to 5 seats being used at one time however each module counts for a seat. Therefore, if one person has both the accounting module and the payroll module up on their computer at the same time they are using two seats, Which allows only three seats for the other six people in the office. This is becoming more and more of a problem as the accounting and payroll functions increase. I have an opportunity to upgrade our system for $7,732, if it is upgraded before August 31, 2003; after that date the upgrade will cost $9,771. I am enclosing information concerning the upgrade for your review. While I fully understand the budget constraints that the County has encountered, I believe that this upgrade is a necessity to continue running our programs efficiently. Thank you for your considerartion. Yours truly, Ben H. Co 'skey, Jr. CPA County Auditor cc: Honorable Rhonda McMahan, County Treasurer 779 e LAVINE BMC TECHNOLOGIES lavine BMC Technologies, t.LC. 1950 Paredes Une Road Brownsvllle,1)( 78521 Tel: 956.541.2858 or 800.364.2974 Fox 956.504.9644 Emall: Infolllllavlnebmc.com Web site: 'MYW.lavtnebmC.com July 3, 2003 Ms. Cindy Mueller Calhoun County Texas 201 W. Austfn Porl Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Ms. Mueller. lavine BMC Technologies, LLC. Is pleased to provide you with the followlng upgrade proposal for the MIP NonProfit Series Pro TN Soflware. GeneroIledger 4,255 4,555 Budget 2,155 2,355 e Accounts Payable 2,155 2,355 Data Import I Export 1,375 1,475 GASB Reporting 1,375 1,375 Allocations Management 2,155 2,355 Bonk Reconciliation 975 1,075 Payroll 3,575 3,875 Forms Designer 2, 155 2,355 Direct Deposn 1,375 1,475 less: Crear! of NPS Pro Software (14,362) (14,362) Subtotal Software 7,189 8,889 NPS Pay Per Incident Support 675 675 Amantage NPS Annual Maintenance 2,155 2,325 less: Credit for Unused NPS Pro Maintenance (577) Subtotal Support and Maintenance 2,253 3,000 Less: lavina BMC Preferred Customer Promotion (1,725) (2, 133) Shipping and Handling Charges 16 16 Total Software, Support and Malntonance Inve8lment 7,732 9,771 It Is the policy of LavIne BMC Technologies that the soflware payment be made in order to process your order. Payment is due upon Invoice receipt If these polleles present a problem, please contact us at (800) 364-2974 in order to make other arrangements. e , ~1.H" 780 e e e ("',).:1 , \ Should you decide that fees are the only obstacles to our relationship and that In all other respects, Lavine BMC Is your firm of choice to provide software, consulting and training on your accounting system, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the matter further. If you are in agreement with the above-proposed charges for software, please indicate by signing below and faxing this document in its entirety to (956) 504-9644. Thank you for choosing MIP and Lavine BMC Technologies, L.LC. for your software and consulting needs. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at (800) 364-2974. Sincerely, test software Authunzed POlrtnel LAVINE BMC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. Q- . .~ .'_I __...., :'l Reggie Corona ",f".. Manager ~ I (;! j) ~!;f G .... -- '" "'slIl'DOm'Dalner lavIneBMCTed. .,8' .LLC./""""364.2II74 2 781 1',)'''' ,I'" \ Calhoun County Texas 181 Calhoun County Texas agrees to software charges proposed above. lavine BMC Technologies must receive payment for software prior to ordering of software. PrInted Name of Authorized Agent Posnion AulhortZed Signature Date 181 By signing below, Calhoun County Texas agrees to the Inslanallonnmplementallon and related travel charges proposed above. lavine BMC Technologies wm provide an Invoice upon completion of services. PrInted Name of Authorized Agent Posnlon Authorized Signature Date I.avlneBMCTecI.KIIo ,lIc..LLC./8OlI.364.2974 e e e 3 782 e e e , , Page 1 ofl CINDY MUELLER From: To: Cc: Sent: AlIach: Subject: "Regino Corona" <rcorona@lavlnebmc.com> "Cindy Mueller" <coaud@tisd.net> <plavlne@lavlnebmc.com> Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:36 AM Calhoun NPS Pro prop.doc MIP Government Series Pro quote Cindy, Attached please find our quote to you for MIP SOftWare. I hope for to be able to work with your organization In the near future. Please let me know if there Is anything else I can provide for you. You can reach me directly on my cell phone at 956.592.0773. Thank you for considering Lavine BMC for your sOftware and consUlting needs. Sincerely, Reggie '~LaVine BMC Technologies, L.L.C.ls a nationally recognized leader In MIP Consulting services. Regina Corona <mailto:rcoronatIDlavinebmc.com> Lavine BMC Technologies, L.L.C. <htto:/Iwww.lavlnebmc.com> 1950 Paredes Line Road Brownsville, TX78521 t 956.541.2858 f: 956.504.9644 7/3/2003 783 ~e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e e 784 e e e .I,,' .< BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 NEW 1000-200-51700 1000-200-53020 16 REQUIRED BY PAYROll (16) ~ 100l>410.51610 100l>410.51540 55 REQUIRED BY PAYROll (55) o 785 '-f!e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST o TAL BUDGET 2 e e J.'~ .. ~,. 786 _ _ I_ I .., 4. .. Po)1 5 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURJ1Y WORKERS COMPENSATION UNEMPLOYMENT Sa.~ o...~~. '; 787 "- - 'the Honorable NANCY POMYJ{AL A~~ ~i:-,5' (I e June 12, 2003 The HOOOrabIe Mike Pheifer arid Co""";"'iooers Court 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Te:xas 77979 J1J,stiee of Pea,ce fOT Precinct No.5. Calhoun County , P.O. Box 454 . Port O'Connor. TX 77982 (361) 983-2351 . Fax (361) 983-4493 Re: Justice Court Precinct Five, Budget Amendment for the remaining year of2003; Dear Judge Pheifur and Connnissioners: ' I tim sure you are all aware of the growth boom in the Port O'Connor area. The growth has been both good and bad fur Calhoun cOunty. AItIiough new hollies and businesses are good fur the Calhoun County tax base, the unexpected population increase bas brought some hardships as well. Parking problems, Parks and Wildlife violations; more traffic offences and garbage disposal only names a few of the problems we arefilclng. The office workload fur this precinct has increased considembly. ' e With the increased wotk load, it has become nee [ _j to hire a part time clerk. I am allowed , $2,000.00 in my budget fur a p8rt time clerk. I blred a very good clerk to work fuur afternoons a week.,1bis has helped me perfurm the duties of this office more efficiently. There are enough funds in my budget to pay her through the iniddle of 1uly. However.l must request a budget amendment ofS3.000.00 to compensare'her through the end of this year. Severa1 yearS ago 1 was allowed $7.500.00 in my budget fur apart time clerk. but 1 bad no need fur a clerk at that time. I could easily keep up with lhe work load of this office. I .dWil<d all but $2,000.00 to the county, thinking 1 would not be needing thefuods. It isnoWnCc.f' 'ito request the ~".,I.inlP,JJt to compensate my clerk until the end of this ye8r. I have requested timds fur her employment in the 2004 budget. , I take pride in the etrectiveness of this office. My mOnthly reports have always been submitted in a time1y manner. I have no exceptionS in my quarterly audits.. I am in compliance with all require!IIents of the Texas Standard Fmancial Management Milnual With the popnIation ever increasing in the county and especially in this precinct. it has become necessary to have a clerk here more hours than in the past.. The budget increase will be most appreciated and will help this office nm more smootb1y. Thank yell fur your consideration and prompt attention to this matter. e ~ 788 e e e ',I (0 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST r~ --- N: 789 e '1 II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney's Office (Department making this request) Date: Hay 15, 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the ~~-~~~~~~-~- 510-53020 Aooount Name AmenClment Amount -;-~--- Reason to reimburse account for amount transferred to Transcriptin SErvices to Dav for transcriut-of trial of Michael McGiff1n General Office Supplies e Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: d6'1 $~ ------- ------------ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtaineda ~ Signature of official/department head: ~ ~ "" Date of Commissioners' Court approval: ;/ l Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e ~. 790 , '" e e e IIBUDGBT AMENDMENT RBQUBSTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal Disrrict Attorney (Department making this request) Date: April 29, 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: 'is budget for the ~!:O_~==~~!!~_~_ 510-':;3020 Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- General. Office Supplies + $161.00 Net change in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $161.00 ------------ -------- Reason ------------------- to reimburse account for money transferred to Witness Fees to pay fOT eitation bv nublication in forfeiture case I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. a~p~ Signature of Official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: /~ ) Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 791 r--'. i:" \:, ~ ~BUDGBT AMENDHENT REQUEST~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: April 29, 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: e q budget for the GL Aocount # ------------- Account Name Amendment Amount ----,~J~---- + ~JV 510-53020 General Office Supplies Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: 15 $ +~ Reason to reimburse:- account . for amount transferred to Transcription Services to uav for transcripts of Michael McGiffin bond hearin2:s e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained.~ ~ Signature of official/department head: ~~ -: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: 7~ Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : e j' . ~_ 792 -' e e 10 OVERTIME SOClAl SECURITY WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES o 2 793 "~/....... BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST i ~, .:'1 '<, 'e II e e 794 e .-., '--- --- r ',-- e '.A~-h. '~+-II ..J TNVnT~ 1ll\v 2nn2.FJ"R'R RlmVTf"'RS:: 1lRnM,...,., nll' ~ r.B.Vlt.t"ll. CoIlIIlIissioner Ba1a1ka """"""sed his COUCern about the ' invoice for 2002 !ire services.. lie l~, aJ:ter ,Precinct 111 lUld Precict 112 _1_' ba4 worked'lcmg holu:s ona 'trucIc: fqr the City of l'ort' LaVllCa Fire DePartmBut lUld put a lot of money into itLthat the City,4ges not wie it lUld has no intention of uswg it i tbey are looldJ:lg- for another truck. CoalmissioQer Galvan stated the $100,000 was put in the budget for thess services llIId the Cwrt _t coioply. A Motion was made by Coamdssioner Galvan lUld s-~~ed by , Colllmissioner Finster to pay the City of Port Lavaca for 2002 fire services in tile lIIIIOUDt of $100,000. In discussion, Commissioner Finster ~ we have gone through this ssveral. t1:mss lUld Nr. koa was never present. Colllmissioner Gal""" said he c1ic1 not think to invite him, Judge P;fei:t'~ said he is sent an agenda. Cc::IIIImJ.ss:l.oner Ployd saic1 a budget ac1jus_ will have to be, _. Vote on the Motion: . Commissioners Galvan, Balaj,ka,' F~oyd, Pinster and. Juc1ge Pfeifer all _ in favor.. ' '. INVOICE NO: O22OU BILL TO: Calhoun County 211 S. ADD Port Lavaca. 'IX nm Attn: County Treasurer To invoioe Calhoun coUuty per lDtedoca1 AgIoemCIIt. Calhoun County portioa oI'FlI'C l'rotection provided by Port L&vaoa FII'C~ tor tire proIoction cutaido City IimillI _ JamJaIy 1. 2002 to DocombOl"31. 2002 TOTAL THIS INVOICB Pay to: $10000000 . $100,000.00 ClTY OJ! PORT LA V A.CA 1'.o.BOX105 . PORT ~VA.CA, 'J:X '17m A.Tl"N: PlNANCE DEPARTMENT ,~ L 'mANKYOUI e Li'i' J 5/ ~, 03 VV\~ ~ (//10 -{p I llO :490 795 e l~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e e f" - ~ 796 - - e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 13 '~~ 5,000 FROM CASH BALANCE 1,000 797 r.""". .. r., ~ I~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e - e ~ 798 e e e ROGER C. GALVAN A~~I<{ Calhoun County Commissioner Precinct #1' (3 ~) ~ ~ ~.,c"....~ 211 S. Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-9242 "; f'.~ Fax (361) 553-8734 Pager (361) 579~ 7915 Mobile (361) 935-3552 June 24, 2003 To : Honorable Judge Pfeifer Re : Port-O-Buildings - Inmate Facility As you know, the temponuy building that was used as a waiting area for inmates awaiting trial and/or COUlt sessions at the fairground area burned down several week ago; and we are burdened with the responsibility and/or need of another facility for at least one more year; or until completion of our new jail; and restoIlllion of our courthouse. The temponuy building was used upon recommendation from the Distriet Judge who felt that the distractions inside the temponuy. courtroom fucility would be minimized. Sheriff Browning has provided this office with bids for two port-o-buildings, in hopes of receiving support from us as to what direction or what funding to use for purchase of this port-<rbuildings. I welcome your input on this matter and would like to include this as an agenda item at the next commissioners court meeting. Sincerely, ~ Roger C. GalYan~ Cc: M Balajka, Pet #2 H. Floyd, Pet #3 K. Finster, Pet #4 B.B.Browning,Sh~ lJJ$Q/k}t(_nt ~Tc:au' 799 ;j~i~","""""'" >I;':~<'ry_. ..24~aJ~', ~~I$~~>.. ':',' ,,,'.,",>.: ':~!: ,<;. ;i>:-'-:. \~~~r ...C.,_:. .S'14AM' a:L co st-IERIF'F' !lEF'T,.., , NO.~ sONNY'S PoB:rABU! Bt,lJL1):rNGS ,pOBOX'" POl.'rtAVAcA,'CC. 77979 PHOl'll>I (361)S520~26 '1! .r.x:(361)SS2-66ll6 "'.'~ =el.~1!J ~ DATBI~'AU.J ~a-o.3 . I'IlO=S'~a_ ~4q.t.. ..:: 'FAX: 55a- 41.1.'; Bmi:DTNO~&~;~~4-!,:':"..I. AI~BAmlpJ1CB' 5'D75", €P _...,.,..~~ SplALII" . _ . $'h. '1' -::JfU';" CO~ ' , ' . ' ,'1-'18.1. .5"~ ~&..... cu N~ ('----, . ;lf~ 70 :::- I. ,</0 >,j;tfi.pi ~ m~~ :;'.0 4~ IS-, Q9 a. 7. 30 7"-.. '-6 "3~'1.T!-' -- .0 " -# v I Em'" ;:t:(W-y. ~~.....,~, pEUVJ!ll.\'lsMvrnB: ~Ou'Wi~riACll'iNGJiOi.TS'~S'7.9S B....ca .112.-CCJN(:P:JII'/SpJ>.;DS 1l5"X16"X4"@$4.25BACH ' , i:lEtl'\'Ell.Y.lILOdtLEVJ;:t" ~ll MlUiA<mmm..'w....y@S2,~ CItYPI!1IMlT I maHWAYpmu,m'., " ,'. ' "... .,-." SUBTOTAL; ; 'tAX: TOTAL PJJi::l1 FOll. BUIlDING: , l'AIDllY~CAsRlcaBCK": ~ .' , ..~;;:.:'::.. , \~. .Lj 'J2 ~ j' ~ 11 :g: ~ - _J.g..!l2..--- '7;> 'J.f'f1, q;.. -- ;c;1;J~ ' ~~ e e e 800 '~~~.Z4:~';~:'i~'> CAL co Sf~JU~'~~--- '."c_: . ... :'C,.'." NO.?S4 P.4 '-:"'." e , SONNY'S pO;UABlaBtJILDlNOS PO J\OX U4 1'0lI.TLAVM:A, '1'X. 77m NlONBl (35t)55:z,.$33G 1'~ (351)Sg.6506 {!. e. N.UQl; . ADDltESS: , ~:~a -'f;'''7 . BUlLDINO S1ZE~ MAD: S!lRlAL /I: ' ' COLo~' Ol'nONS' DA'.l'B:~~" J3 -as ~'l.~ .'1"fo~~ "ASlU'lUCB:~" Q6". <J 9 ~. -r N. (1~. ~ 3?~"'-I ?~~L Ia..- __" ,,~J.~'oo AI. co ",a..- ' IS", - e ~' o ~- '" " :r ;.",.., , ,D.El:J'iEiiY/SitrtlP Pat: ' ,c<~mu; W/i.:r,rACllINOB01.n@S7.9'w:H J:.ru"" ",',C9NCJE1E", " PAns 16"JC16"X4"@S4.2SBAQi 'C'-o' tlEUVlU\,Y. BI..O(:J!; I.:SVIlL i: Ai<CHOI\. " t.lIL1!AGBONI!:W....v @S1Oll/MIU! , ClTY1'Blllo([J"{ HIGHWAY l'llRM1T TOl'AL PRICE WIIH Ol'1'IONS: S"1/3.~ --1'7. 7Q ;J}~f~ ~ ~ u.rf~'~ tft StlBTOTAL: TAX: TOrALl'~CI1.pOll.BUlLDING: PAID BY CASHI Cft1!CX iI: .' " &. '...--.~ ~l~~' , \;.1'r !\ ')- '). ,..,. a':'C' .--;c. ,;!.J:E~~~1~.~ , . ~ ~ ..,"; . ;>' 801 f ':.,~~) './.' " ,:; BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST GE IN TOTAL BUDGET e e _ ~- 802 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST I~ t ." "i ~ ~- ~ ' 803 e I, BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e e (.. ) ',if" " 804 e (X) o c.n - CALIIOUN COUN1Y, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - REVENUE AMENDMBNl'S 7/17103 HEARING BUD299 - BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR HEARING 7/17/03 Fund Arne... Eff.Date Cod, Fund Title No, Transaction Desaiption DeptTitle 7/17/2003 1000 GENERAL FUND 04 SET tw BUDGET FOR REVENUE IDH BIOTERRORISM GRANT 111712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 12 CREATE ACCOUNTS REvENuE FOR SCHOOL TO BE HOSTED BY SHERIFF'S DEPT Total GENERAL R1ND 1000 Report Total GLTide FEDERAL GRANT-BIOlERRORISM PREPAREDNESS FEES.UCENSElWEIGfIT SCHOOL o.te: 7/1M13 02;19:27 PM _ en P~QS U<e~fAo1'+ + /5F<!Jrl"-s WI~~) In""" 12,500.00 12.510.00 12,510.00 Domas, Grant Title NO GRANT 10.00 NO GRANT 0.00 0,00 ',,- Pqo:l - -, ..." , .... CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Translu:ti... . EXPENDlTlJRE AMENDMBNTS 7/17103 HEARING BOO299. BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR HEARING 7/17103 Fund Arno... E.ff.Datc Cod. Fund Title No. Transaction Descripdoo DcptTitlo OLTitlc In....... Decmsc GmntTitlfl 7/1112003 1000 GENERAL FUND 01 UPGRADE COUN1Y AUDITOR EQUlPMBNT-SOFfWARE 7.732.00 NO GRANT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TO 1 USERS 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 02 PREUMINARY WORK COMMISSIONERS AUDITING SBRVlCES 7,.'500.00 NO GRANT FORAUDffOFYEAR COURT ENDING 12131103 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 03 CREATE ACCOUNTS COUNtY TAX MEAL AU.QW ANCE 16.00 NO GRANT REQUIRED BY PAYROlL COWlCTOR 711112003 1000 GENERAL FUND 03 CRBATB ACCOUNTS COUN1Y TAX GENERAL OFFICE 16.00 NO GRANT REQUIRED BY PAYROlL COWlCTOR SUPPIJES 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 03 CREATBACCOUNTS COUNtY TI'MPORARY 55.00 NO GRANT REQUIRED BY PAYROlL 'COURT-AT-LAW 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 03 CREATE ACCOUNTS COUNtY OVERTIME ;5,00 NO GRANT REQUlREDBYPAYROlL~ COURT-AT-l.AW 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 04 SET UP BUDGET FOR HBALTII EQUlPMBNT-SOFfWARB 12,.'500,00 NO GRANT 1DH BIOTBRRORISM DEPARTMENT GRANT 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 0; INCREASE TEMPORARY JUSTICE OF TEMPORARY 3,000,00 NO GRANT HELP BUDGET PER PEACE-PRECINCT #5 REQUEST 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 0; INCREASE TEMPORARY JUSTICE OF SOCIAL sECURITY 230.00 NO GRANT HEI.2 BUDGET PER PEACE-PRECINCT #5 REQUEST 7/17/2003 1000 GENERAL FUND 0; INCREASE TEMPORARY JUSTICE OF WORKMBNS 25.00 NO GRANT HELP BUDGET PER PEACE-PREClliCT #5 COMPENSATION REQUEST 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 0; INCREASE TEMPORARY JUSTICE OF FEDERAUSTATE 9.00 NO GRANT HELP BUDGET PER PEACE-PRECINCT #5 UNEMPLOYMENT REQUEST 711712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 06 INCREASE FOR DISTRICT ATIORNEY woRKMENS / 2,881.00 NO GRANT INVESTIGATOR WORK COMPENS.ATION COMP RA11l 711712003 1000 GENERAL FUND 07 REIMB. AMOUNT OF DISTRICT ATIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE 257.00 NO GRANT LINE ITEM TRANSFER SUPPliES TO PAY TRANSCRIPT SERVo 7/17/2003 1000 GENERAL FUND 08 REIMB. AMOUNT OF DISTRICT ATIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE 161.00 NO GRANT LINE ITEM TRANSFER SUPPLIES TO PAY WITNESS FEES en 0 ....711.""_ P-r:1 ~ e e e e _ CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAs . . . UnpoS1ed BudgetTransacdons. EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS 7/17103 HBAlUNa BUD299. BUDGET AMENDMENTS FORHBARINo 7/17103 F"",,' A.Jne... Bff. Date Cod, FLmdTitle No. Transaction Description Dept title OLTitJe ""'"'" """'" Orant1ille 7/1712003 1000 GENERAL FUND ., REIMB. AMOUNT OF DISllUcr ATroRNEY OENBRALOfFlCE 13.00 NO GRANT LINE ITEM TRANSFER. SUPFlJES TO PAY nANSClUPT SERV, 7/1712003 1000 OENERALFUND 10 CREATE ACCOUNT ROAD AND OVERTIME 15.00 NO GRANT NEEDED RJRPAYROLL BRIDGE-PRECINCT NI 7117!lOO3 1000 OENERAL FUND 10 CREATE ACCOUNT ROAD AND SOCIAL SECUIU'IY 6.00 NO OI<ANT NBEDEO FOR PAYRolL BRID08-PRECINCT #1 7/1712003 1000 OENERAL FUND 10 CREATE ACCOUNT ROAD AND WORKMENs 14.00 NO GRANT NEBDBDFORPAYRoU BRIlXlB-PREClNCI' #1 COMPENSATION 1/17/2003 1000 OENERAL FUND 10 CREATE ACCOUNT ROAD AND FBDBRA1JSTA'JE l.00 NO GRANT NElIDBD FOR PA YRou. BRlD<JB.pREClNCT#l llNIlMFLOYMIlNT 1/1712003 1000 OENERAL FUND 10 CRE.A1EACCOUN'r ROAD AND ROAD & B1UOOB ".00 NO GRANT NElIDBD FOR PA YllOU BRIDOB-PRECINCTfll SUPPIlIlS 7/1712003 1000 OENERAL FUND II 10 PAY INVOICE R>R FIRE CONTRIBunON 10 100,000.00 NO GRANT 2002 PRO'IEC11oN-PORT BXPBNSE LAV,"", 7/1712003 1000 0ENElW. FUND 12 CREAm ACCOUNTs SHERIFF LlCENSEIWEJOHT 10.00 NO GRANT FOR SCHOOL ro BB SCHOOL EXPIINSEs 1I0S1lID BY SHERIFFs DEI'T 711712003 1000 OIlNERALFUND " ESl1MATED COSTOF SHERIFF BunDlNO-INMATE 7,549.00 NO GRANT FINISHED PORTABLE FACILITY 81.00 111712003 1000 OENElW.FlJND 15 ES11MA'IED COST OF SHERIFF BUIlDfNO.JNMATB $,334.00 NO GRANT l1NFtNJsHBD PORTABLE FACIUIY 81.00 T"'" OIlNERALFUND 147.368.00 167.00 1000 711712003 2736 POC COMMuNITY 13 BtJOOBT ACCOUNTS AS NO DBPAR.1MBNT CU!ANINlH>.O.c. 2.500.00 NO GRANT CI3NmR NBBDao FROM CASH COMMuNITY CBN'lllR BAlANCS 7/1712003 . 2736 POCCOMMuNITY 13 BlJDGBT ACCOUNTs AS NO DBPARThmNT I1I1IlnBs-Foc 2,s00.00 NO GRANT CI3NmR NFJ3DBD FROM CASH COMMuNITY CBN'lllR BA1ANCB To,", POC COMMuNITY '.000.00 0.00 2736 CI3NmR :.-r~ _T"'" 152,368.00 167.00 I o.c:1f16'tl3O'J:I9:<6PN ....' (X) c:> ~ q, ;, ,~ ABANDON THE FOLLOWING ROADS IN THE SWAN POINT lANDING SUBDIVISrON: A. SWAN POINT lANDING B. ilAYSIDE DRIVE Co ilAYSIDE lAKE DRIVE DavId Gann WIth G & W Engineers, Inc. spoke to the Court regarding an InfOrmal request regarding the abandonment of roads In the SWan PoInt landIng Subdivision. The plat of the SWan Point landing SubdIvisIon was approved sorrdJ..", last year and the owner of the subdivision hils decided he would like A to keep some of the roads prfvate. A MotIOn was made by Judge PfeIfer and seconded by Commissioner .- BaIaj1ca to llCIEpI: an Informal request regarding the abandonment of roads In the SWan Point landing SubdMsIon. Commlssfoners' Galvan, Ba!ajka, Floyd, and Judge PfeIfer an voted In favor. HEAR PRESENTAnON FROM Wat.LE WHI1TAKER: Ms. LuclDe Whittaker from Port O'Connor, Texas wanted to let the Court know she appreciated them IetIIng her CXlIlle and speak. She Is COI....,..led WIth the fad: tl1at her sldewalk has stln not been replaa!d sInCe GBRA bringing In utIlItIeS, she would like to see the sldewal1cs back In place. If they are not going to replace thesldewalks are _ the ull1llIes back to the alley where they belong then she would nke to see the alley way dosed. The Whittaker's also feel this has brought the value of their property down. Judge PfeIfer and Commissioner Rnster went out to Ms. WhItlaker's property and walked the area. Judge PfeIfer Is going to get WIth Teddle Hawes who Is WIth the MUD DIslrfcI: and GeRA on this matter and wlII get back WIth Ms. Whltlaker at a later date.. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FUEL BIDS: The fbIIowfng'fueI bids, which were opened July 3, 2003 by aen Comiskey and Alene Hainey, for the period beginning July 16, 2003 and endJng August 15, 2003, were read by the County Auditor. After re\1eWIng said bids, a MotIon was,made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Ql.....lssfoner Galvan to aa:ept the bid of Maurftz & Couey for the automated card system fuel and DIebel on Company for fuel to be delivered as the low bidders. eu.."nlsskillers' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, and Judge PfeIfer an voted In fawr. CALHOUN couNTY AUDITORS OFFICE BIDSIPROPOSALS FOR Fu~l - C&~d Syat... e DATE OPENED 3 9... j~ 4/J7J:3 TIME OPENED /o:~ PRESENT AT THE OPENING .//JV (7. "'Y !21~ ( ~ Following is a list of Bids/Proposah opened and bid amount!, if appropriate. BldderlPronMer Amount 1. Maurttz:",& Couey j,O=S /13 . r;s- ~ Unleaded 2. Prem:1.um 3. Diesel 4. 5. 6. 7. _ 8. BIDSIPROPOSALS WERE REFERREDTO ADdito~'.' Off e SIGNATURE This form ou w... fued to the following: , Michael Pfeifer, Connty Judge Roger Galvan, Commissioner Pet. #1 Michael BaJajka Commi..iouer Pet. If2 H. Floyd, Commissioner Pet. 113 Kenneth F"mster Commissioner Pet. #4 808 e r CALHOUN COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE BIDS/PROPOSALS FOR Fuel - Delivered 3.~ /2tM3 IIJ.' '50 PRESENT AT THE OPENING ~ r: DATE OPENED TIME OPENED Following is a list of Bids/Proposals opened and bid amounts, if appropriate. of- ~~ BidderfProooser 1. Diebel e 2. 3. 4. 5. Mauritz & Couey 6. 7. 8. Amount Unleaded .17(, Premium /. () 7 . Diesel Cl7 Unleaded /.!J5 Prem.i~ /.13 ,qs Diesel BIDS/PROPOSALS WERE REFERREDTO Auditor's Office SIGNATURE b ~4 _ I~ This form on 7 / '3 ~ '5' was faxed to the following: Dite _ Michael Pfeifer, County Judge Roger Galvan, Commissioner Pet. #1 Michael Balajka. Commissioner Pet #2 H. Floyd, Commissioner Pet #3 Kenneth Finster Commissioner Pet #4 f- 809 '---.'-'--~"--'--.~--""""""",~~~,~-,~ , , REVIEW. DISCUSS AND TAKE NECESSARY AClION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE ENGAGEMENT OF RU11.EDGE CRAIN &. COMPANY. PC. CERllFIED PUBUC Aa:ouNTANTS. TO PERFORM THE 2003 COUNTY FlNAJllcrAL STATEMENT AUDIT AND. IF APPROVED. AU11IORIZE THE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN THE ENGAGEMENT LETTER TO RETURN TO RUTlEDGE CRAIN . COMPANY. PC: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Aoyd lD hire Rutledge Crain &. Company PC, lD perform 2003 County Anandal statement Audit and autllol'lze Judge Pfelfel' lD sign engagement Ietbir and return lD Rutledge CraIn &. Company, PC. CommissIonerS' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, and Judge Pfelfel' all voted In favor. e RUTLEDGE CRAIN & COMPANY, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 2401 Garden pari< Court. Suite B Arlington, Texas 76013 July 10, 2003 Calhoun County, Texas do Ben H. Comiskey, Jr., CPA, County Auditor County Courthouse Annex 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 _ We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are lD provide Calhoun county, Texas for the year ended December 31, 2003. We will audit the financial statements of Calhoun County, Texas as of and for the year ended December 31,2003. We understand that the financial statements of Calhoun County, Texas as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003 will be preseJrted in accordance with the financial reporting model described in GASB Statement No. 34. Also, the document we submit to you will include the following additional information that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements: 1. Management's discussion and analysis, 2. Budgetary comparison schedules, 3. GASB required supplementary pension information, and 4. Combining and individual fund statements and schedules. The document will also include the following additional information that will not be subject to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements, and for which our auditor's report . will disclaim an opinion. 1. Introductory letter to financial statements. Audit Objective The objective of our audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether your financial statements are a fairly presented, In all material respects, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in _ the United States of America and to report on the fairness of the additional information referred to in the first paragraph when considered in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and will include tests of the accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such an opinion. If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. It; for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or Metro (817) 265-99S9 Members: Amerioen Instftute of Cert.Ified Public Accountants Texas Society of CertIfied Publlc Accountants Fax (817) 861.9623 "j\'> -~ , ~rf ',' :~l 810 Calhoun County, Texas July 10, 2003 are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. Management Responsibilities _ Management is responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us. We understand that you will provide US with such information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial stat~ments remains with you. That responsibility includes the establishment and maintenance of adequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct materia1 misstatements and for confirming to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertiuning to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. Audit Procedures-General _ An audit includes ,,,,,".mining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment abont the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of materia1 misstatement, whether ' caused by error or fraud. Because an audit is deSigned to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements (whether caused by errors or fraud) or illegal acts may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements, immaterial illegal acts, or illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on the financial statements. However, we will inform you of any materia1 errors that COme to our attention and any fraud that COmes to our attention. We will also inform you of any illegal acts that come to our attention, Iinless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for wWch we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Identifying and ensuring that Calhoun County, Texas complies with laws, regu1ations, contracts, and agreements is the responsibility of management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the County's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. _ 811 ~~--,~--~~ '. Calhoun County, Texas July 10,2003 Audit Procedures-Internal Control In planning and performing our audits, we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the County's financial statements. e An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will inform the governing body or audit committee of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the Internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. Audit Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will assist in the preparation of all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. We expect to begin our audit on approximately June I, 2004 and to issue our reports no later than June 30, 2004. We have estimated that our fee for services in connection with our 2003 audit will not exceed $28,000 excluding costa for report reproduction. Our standard hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience level of the personnel assigned to your audit. Our Invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. In e ' accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 30 days or more overdue and may not be resumed unti1 your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, you will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-pocket costs through the date of tennination. The above fee is based. on anticipated cooperation from your personnel. and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will discuss it with you and arrive at a new fee estimate before we incur the additional costs. -We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Calhoun County, Texas and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let us knoW. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. v cry truly yours, U4- ~._' ~ ~ ' Pc ~' e t : , 812 _..._~,._--~--~,,---.~ . Calhoun County, Texas July 10, 2003 RESPONSE: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of Calhoun County, Texas. _ By:~yfZtifJf Title: CalhQun CounQ' .Judge Date: 17 .July 2003 _ e t ~ r-- 813 AUTlfORIZE lllE SHERIFF TO LE/lc:l' UNDERCOVER VEHICLES AND PAY FROM HIS DEPAR1MENT BUDGET: A MotIon was made by commissioner BaIaJka and seconded by commissioner Galvan to authorize the Sheriff to lease an undercover vehlde and pay from his department budget. ,Commissioners' Galvan, Ba\ajka, Royd, and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT WI1ll CITY OF POINT COMFORT TO DESIGNATE lllEM AS lllE GOVERNMENTAL EN11TY TO REGULATE SUBDMSION PLATS AND APPROVE RELATED PERMITS IN THEIR EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. AND AUTlfORIZE lllE COUNTY JUDGE TO SIGN THE CONTRACT: A MotIon was made by commissioner Floyd to enter Into an Inter10cal Cooperation Contract with the Oty of PoInt Comfort to designate them as the governmental entity to regulate subdMslon plats and approve re\ated pennlts In thelr extJdtet, llollar, Jurisdiction ancl authorize the Judge Peifer to sign the contract. Commissioners Galvan, Ba\ajka, Royd and Judge I'feIfer all voted In favor. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS 9 9 COUNTY OF CALHOUN 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Interlocal Cooperation Contract is made and entered into by and between the City of Point Comfort (hereinafter .City"), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly elected City Council, and pursuant to resolution thereof, and Calhoun County (hereinafter .County"), acting by and through its duly elected Board of Commissioners, and pursuant to resolution thereof. WIT N E SSE T H: 1. This agreement is entered into between the City and the County pursuant to TEX. GOV'T CODE 9791.001 et seq and TEX. LOCAL GOV'T CODE 9242.001, et seq. The purpose of this Interlocal Contract is to provide for the regulation of subdivisions in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, which area is currently regulated by County. The parties agree to the terms below. 2. The City by law has an extraterritorial jurisdiction of one-half of one mile. 3. Texas Local Government Code 9242.001 provides that City and County may enter into a written agreement that identifies the governmental entity authorized to regulate subdivision plants and approve related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. 4. This contract must be amended by City and County if necessary to take into account an expansion or reduction in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of City. City shall notify County of any expansion or reduction in City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. 1 r<.~, .-.~ e _ _ 814 e e e " I ," i "~-""--'-'--.~-'-'-~'~~---.---,..-...-._-_. ..,-'" 5. County hereby designates City the exciusive jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and related permits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of City and to reguiate subdivisions under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212, SUbchapter A and other statutes applicable to municipalities. 6. This agreement shall be effective from the date that the last party to the agreement approves it, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of one year from such date. This agreement may be extended by mutual agreement and resolution of the City and the County for unlimited additional terms of one year each. There shall be no limit on the number of extensions, provided that both parties agree. 7. Each party to this agreement has adopted a resolution authorizing the presiding officer of each of the respective parties to this agreement to execute said agreement, which agreement shall be binding upon both the City and the County, their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS by the Mayor of the City of Point Comfort and the County Judge of Calhoun County on the dates hereafter stated. CITY OF POINT COMFORT By: rP~ ~~ Pam Lambden, Mayor Date of Execution: (,,-;;-{-O] ATTEST: 2 ~.- 815 > -,~ i I~) di&ciP/16~ Charlotte Felkins, Secretary ATTEST: ~~~ Anita Fricke, County Clerk COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~'~~ Mike Pfeifer, Co ty Judge Date of Execution: J1 ~ JcJI!F3- 3 _-l-~~~__.__ e e e ~~- 816 GRANT APPUCATION THROUGH THE CRIME VIenM SERVICES DIVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL. PER REQUEST OF DAN HEARO: This item was passed on. APPOINT/RE-APPOINT COMMT<<CTn"ERS TO THE WElrr SIDE CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DISTlnCT: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajlca and seconded by Commissioner Aoyd to reappoint Teddy Hawes and JacIc Campbell as ComIl1is$loners to the Calhoun County West SIde NavIgation Disbicl:. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajlca, Aoyd and Judge Prelfer all voted In favor. ' e ~E CONTRACT WITH PITNEY BOWES FOR A POSTAGE ~~ ~~NTY ~~RER'S OFFICE. AND AU'TllORT7'"i THE mum"";;" E l "4SE CONTRACT: " A Motion was made by CommJssloner BalaJIca and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the lease contract with Pitney Bowes for a postage meter for the Counly Treasurers 0ftIce and authorize the Counly Treasurer to sign the lease contract:. Commissioners' Galvan, BaIaJIca, Aoyd and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. ~, ' w Pitney Bowes ";.' B/ilQiAl:cGtiiitfl "," ", ".~ S"'YOJITB Sj...;.,,,,,~~,,~L:' ~" Jt..,~_.~'''''''''t:1''' /"1..,- y" FlILL lEGAlNWE,-OFRENTER C&/J:g;a;~,: .~O.....-N BlWNGAlJDRESS' ZO I 1:J.~ <; IA:;" $-/' ~ ' , )f 1JP+4 '-nq7~" ..?~I'cri"- 'fl.SZO PIlONE.'...",." '. ',' ' ,':'~'II "!i-eLi.f...l,r<... r e' ,', :.'.. <rT;q;iiiiti'~'; ';,.~;-~.:r.:..,.~ ~ .' .~-.. ,,' '-, ,:'."" ;',:j-.. OCA: F, OT -"'-,:' eARD CAR' 7I.fCt;u.Pi2.~;:;:... ' FlSCALf'EIlJiJirFililM '" , :~,';"'7)tld_ e ..,,:,."-:" ',;',' ",' .""",:', -',(., "~l~';)l;""';' ,:~. .,. \,\....~..(.,... - '."' '::' ~". -~~.., ',.co-' " .",--. ..'-,>:,.,., .;;", :,.' '-'.:,"?,' ."'~ . "'.,', " ";':.:- .,.,.' """"':"/,1':- :if!'.' ",:.~:;'~'. "w;';'_ ";;!:~"." ,.,:..~'l .~I ;,<( !'". '":'.':~ ,'-';: '~""';''';:l.>l~;~''1i..'!O "...,;.~,;. ;'. :..",:';~__' , . i,,--,;. ..~~IIf~iii#:~."::~;;' ; 'fi(~~ "'~~'I "':~g-~:...:a~",~~~'.~F;;; _ ,,<II u'" ~..,",,,I!i'.,,li',~,,", .. ~"."'"~-"'~"'~ ~/" r J~..>>~n ~7. 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I,:)'f~.'" ,1;,:~~~~!'1f:.~ I:' ......'i.()Al&?i...;.;; ,.,J' ',j . :~ " J .,. ~- ., PURCHASE OF POJn"-.am.DING FOR USE ATFAIRGROUNDS AS INMATE FACIl11Y: A MotIon was made by Cormnlssloner Balajklland secxlollled by Commlssfoner Galvan lD purchase a Port- o-BuJIdIng for use at the Fairgrounds as an Inmate FacIlIty. Cormnlssfoners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd and Judge PfeII'eraD wted In favor. 1:S'~'" :23-0.3 ~ec.~(' A.,;:t:; DA: . ADDll.ESS: ~ ,,/!AX: 553 - 4I./.Sl PlJONll: "~:3 - '14 '1-"- . s-o . - . fJ.J,t, ll'''''PlUCIl' 5'D15".- lltJ1UlINGSI2E"'Mo\!CE:/.:l>r.Ol4~-. l..J. ~ ""~ . 3-n, "IT !QlllJJI:I.*. ,'l-'l.al. .S:;J.. COLOll: soNNY'S POR.T./IBLE lltJ1UlINGS 1'0 BOX 314 , PO,,-T tA V ACA. 'IX. 77919 PilOllJ;: (361~6 FAX: (361)552.-6606 , . 70 ';dJ..pt ~.'!S.... ..:f. iD ~ .~,. > '_.1,,""-',) ~:~~~:.-- . l2:mT'~~ .. ... ~o "'.......... (9 26,.,D ... TOrAL PlUC2 wt'l'H OPTlO)lS' PELIVElI.YISSTtll' !'EB: I, '~"""'OR.SW/A'ITACHlNGllOLTS@S'7.9:lBACH ,r^"coNCurePADS 16'Xll5"'X4"' @$4.25BACl:l ~...".""""~ m.ocB:.IJ!VIlL '" loNaroP- MiiiAGE ON-s;WAY@sz.DO/MILE ClTYPEIlM1T f RlGHWAYPmIMIT SUBtoTAL: TAX: TOTAL PJJCIl FOll BUILDING: PAID BY CASH I amcK 11: e ~"7;'~~ N( ('..I #l.fO.80 1.",'10 .. 71. CC tJ.(!,... ~~ 7. ~ . 111~~~"o :J.J. O~ 15', QJI ,;/,7.30 72... !,6 73;l,1.?:!'" .I.j '!2 ~~~ :~ 00 JO.!:l2.--- - 'r_CO q:z.. . '7;"...,..0. _ - 'E'i.<t-.I"I-t' '75"'f~. ~ e 1-~ *NOTEs:-a;~~ ~~~d~' WE ~~'IB yOtll\BtlSINllSS...... ......... ......... ,., ....... .~lJ;>L1BY: 'S . PltEPA.1lEDBY:~u,'. IfJao,,"o~~)' . . L ['.,.1. e , ~' 818 e e e l, ~ ~ ',.,.' ~:P~~=~NM=,=~~~ :E REP::':~~;::.n: ns RnUJ) OF DI~RS.-Wrni EC..iIE SEPTEMBER 1. 2003: A Motion was made by CommIssioner Ba/ajl<a and seconded by Commissloner Galvan to appoint . Commissioner BaJajka and Commissloner Galvan to the Golden Cl'escent Regional Planning Commission ' General Assembly and appolnt CommIssIoner Ba/ajl<a as the wtIng tepreSenIaUve, with the appo/nlments effectlve September 1, 2003. CommIssIoriers' Galvan, BaJajka, Floyd and Judge PfeJJ'er aJJ voted In favor. GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION GENERAL ASSEMBLY & BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVES [Board Member denoted with an asterisk (*)] MEMBER COUNTIES FY'03 CATHOUNCOUNTY Commissioner Roger Galvan Commissioner Michael Balajka" DEWI'IT COllNTV Commissioner Wallace Beck Commissioner Alfred Rangnow* GOLIAD COUNTY Commissioner Jeny Rodrignez" Commissioner Jim Krenek GONZAT.ES COUNTY Judge David Bird" COmmissioner David Kuntschik JACKSON COUNTY " " COmmissioner Johnny Belicek " Commissioner Miller Rutledge LA V ACA COUNTY Commissioner Glen Blundell Commissioner Daniel Peters " VICTORIA COUNTY COmmissioner Wayne D. Dierlam" COmmissioner John Hamm"ck r~ 819 DJSCUSS AND TAKE NECESSARY AmON REGARDING THE CEDAR BAYOU RESOumON: A Motion was made by Commlssfoner Balajlat aid seoiiiided Weommlssloner Floyd to pass the Cedar Bayou ResolutIon. Cammy".,rS Galvan, BatajIca, Royd and Judge Pl'elfer aD voted In faller. CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, water exchange between the San Antonio Bay estuary systems and the Gulf of Mexico, through Cedar Bayou, is important to recreational and commeroial fishermen, bird watchers and other citizens living and working in Calhoun County; and WHEREAS, the recreational fishing industty makes a tremendous contribution to the economy of the Calhoun County ""'" through the tourism it atlnlct8 to the aroa; and WHEREAS, the commercial fiahing iDdustry provides many jobs in Calhoun County and supplies fresh fish, shrimp, crabs and oy3lenI to local restauran1s and marlceta around the country; and WHEREAS, the Calhoun County ""'" is an international birding destination because of its wintering Whooping Cranes, it~s migrating passerines. it's shorebirds, Waterfowl, raptors and others, approaching 500 species on record; und WHEREAS, the recreational and commercial industries and bin! watching help support a variety of businesses in Calhoun County, including hotels and toStaurants, gift shops, tour guide operators, marinas and boat dealers, fishing equipment and supply outlets, and bail dealers and fish houses; and WHEREAS, recreational and commercial fishing and other tourism indus1rles can he banned by failure to ensure sufficient water exchange between San Antonio Bay systems and its surrounding bays and estuaries. and the Gulf of Mexico; and WHEREAS, Cedar Bayou, a natural pass which historically has provided an avenue fur the essential water exchange, a natural estuarial wetland, vital to the wildlife in the area, and which provides supplemental water exchange has closed; and WHEREAS, The Aransas County Cedar Bayou Advisory Committee has undertaken a project to promnte and realize the dredging and maintenance of Cedar Bayou, thus ensuring the .....tablishment of the vital water exchange, and revitalization of the estuary, in perpetuity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court that we express our support fur this project and urge other community leaders to do likewise. APPROVED BY THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ON THE 17m DAY OF JULY, 2003. ' ~ttU \.M[~ Q. " Q 6..Q~ Michael Balallm County Commissioner, Precinct 2 . ~ (absent) Kenneth W. Finster County Commissioner, Precinct 4 H. Floyd County Commissionor, Precinct 3 A~zc:.J-~ Anita FrIcke, County Clerk ! . '\ i-": e e e 820 e e e , f-;,.) ~~~AB~~io::'=:;~D=O=~~~c::n=O~~~: A Motion waS made by Commissioner Floyd and seoonded by Judge Pfeifer to leave the Counly Road and Bridge Fee for calendar year 2004 In accordance with the Texas TransponatIon Code, Chapter 502, , Section 502.172 and SectIon 502.m at $8.00. Olmmissloners' Galvan, 1la/ajJca, Ffoyd and Judge PfeIfer aU voted In favor. . .k I Texas Department of Transportation ...:...=.' VEHICLE TfTLES AND REGISTRATION DIVISION. AUSTlN,TEXAS 7~1 . (512) 465-761 r '. Imposition of Exlrc! Fees Calendar Year 2004 ' We respectfully request that you indicate below your county's intentions for collection of these fees for calendar year 2004 (January 1 through December 31, 2004) in accordance with Transportation Code ~ 502.172 and ~ 502.173. , For calendar year 2004, Calhoun County will: 1. Retain the current fees of $ 8. DO (no court order required). 2. Impose a new County Road and Bridge Fee of $ (Court order required prior to September 1) 3. Impose a new Child Safety Fund Fee of $ (Court order required prior to September 10) , 4. Discontinue the County Road and Bridge Fee of $ (Court order required prior to September 1) 5. Discontinue the Child Safety Fund Fee of $ (Court order required prior to September 1) 6. Impose TOTALfees of $ If you indicate that action will be taken as stated in 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 above, please submit a County Commissioner's Court Order to that effect prior to the applicable ' statutory date shown above. ' ' Please return your county's intentions for calendar year 2004 in the enciOSed postage- paid self-addressed envelope as soon as possible. A faxed response (512/465-3034) will also be acceptable. However, if such response requires a County Commissioners Court Order, we request that the orioinal order be mailed to us no later an the date indicated above. ~~ 821 HEAR PRESENTA1tON FROM OlEAR! CAIN RI!GARDING AN UPDATE' ON PRO:JECTS OFTKE -rnc.tlC SETTLEMENT REGION. INC.: ' . ThJ!l ..... was passedllll lit 0lerTe OlIn'!; I'I!lJIIl!St. Aut'HOD1'7I: COUNTY .JUDGE TO SIGN THE AQREEM2NT WITH LAVINE BMC TEOfNOL.OGre; FOR THE SOFTWARE UPGRADE FOR THE COUII1'Y AUMTOR'S OFFICE: This ..... was passed IlIl. """".... AND TAKE ........-.o.U AC110N REGARDING THE TEAM 10 REPP-mUNTY IN --AnoN 10 RAllNG AND II'tSURANCE AGENaES FOR JAIL FINANCING AND " REFUNDING OPTION IN NEW YORK. mNCERNING JACK WU BEING A PART OF THE TEAM AS BOARD MEMBER OF MEMORIAL MEMCAL CENTER AND ASVln:-DRP<m>AIT OF FORMOSA PlASIICS mRP. TErAS: A MolIan was made by Judge PreIfer and 5OCCI1ded by CcrM11ss1oner Galvan to make JlICI< Wu part of the team '....~rtIng OIlhoun county In New Yorl< CDlIa!mlng the jlIn ftnanclng and refunding options. Commissioners' Galvan, B818J1<a and Judge PreIfer an voted In favor and .... opposed by Commissioner Floyd. e AUl...".."p n """"'" OF SI1U!E1S ON JULY 18'" AND JULY 19'" 2003 FOR POCO BUENO IN PORT O'CONNOR.. TEXAS AND DESlGNAll! A PARKING AREA: A _ was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to proceed with dosing of streets IlIl July 18'" and July 19" 2003 for Poo> Bueno In Port O'Connor, TelOlS and designate a parldng area. Commissioners' Galvan, BafajIczI, Floyd and Judge PreIfer all voted In favor. """".... AND TAKE N-RY AC110N REGARDING THE SUB-REClPIENT AGBEEMENT AND STATEMENT OF WORK IN REFERENCE 10 THE STAll! HOMElAI!!D SECURnY GRANT PROGRAM SUB-GRANT1O IMPROVE CAUlOUN COUNTY'S ABILrTYTO RESPOND TO rv.....1TAL TERRORISI'USE OF A WEAPON OF MASS DI!S11WCIION. AND AUTHORIZE THE COUIITY JUDGE 10 SIGN THE AGRI!EMENTl A MotIon was made by Commlssfoner Galvan and 50CCIided by Commissioner Balajka rega"lIng the sub- redplentagl""',_ and >tdlb,.entof_ In '.....mlCl! to the slab! homeland securltyg","t program sub-grant to hnprove 0I1houn County's ability to respond to polI!ntIaI tI!mJIIst use of a weapon of mass destruction, and autl10rlze the county Judge to sign the agleel,,e.,t CommIssIones' Galvan, B81ajl<a, Floyd, and Judge PreIfer an voted In fIIvor. . " = Agreement No.4ll057 e TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE. TEE)( SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT State Homeland Security Grant Program THIS AGREEMENT, by and between C8Ihoun County (hereinafter called "SubrecIplent").1ocaled at 211 South Arm Street #217 Port lav8co, TX 77979. and 1I1e T..... EngiM<<h'll EldensIon ServIce (henlI'",ftt. caned "TEEX"), eotebll8hed under the I8wB of the Slate ofT..... eo a _ _oomponant of the T..... A&M Unlvenllty , Sy$m.1ocaled at 301 Tarrow, CoIIege'Sta1Ion. T...... 77840-7896. WHEREAS, TEEX has been aWarded a grant _ "Stata _nd SeaJr1ty Grant Program" fr<>m the U.s. 0epat1l,_1l of I lomel.lId SeaJr1ty, 0IIlca ofOomestic Prapareclnalio. and TEEX _ that Suboeclpleoll pedonn certain project 1llska. an as herein provided. involving \he """"'"""'" and rnanogement of equlpmeilt; WHEREAS, Subraclplant has agreed to do 80 under 11\8 terms and conditions heldhtdLt setforth; . .,. NOW THEREFORE. the par1leo hereto mutually COYef18nt and agree as follows: SECTION 1 - PARTlE8lO AGREEMENT TEEX and Subo...tvhod _ ~ end ccIIadl\IeIy made end _Into lhll Agreeo,1IIl d which, togaIIler wIlh the _ _ or hoCuo"",dlbd by lpacIlIc ,dr..~...... _lheenllr1lAgI....,_,1 between the parlIeo. SECTION 2-AGREEMENT PERIOD AND AMoUNT e 2.1 The parIod for...1I. .._.... oflhfo Agreeo,l8l1IlhaII begin IlIl July 1. 2003 and 8hd ....11.M:Ch:. Msrr:h 31, 2005. 88 f\n1her spedfted In the Sb:ttb..tent ofWor1<: atl8d>edtoandmadeaparthereof. 2.2 ,Thelolal budget amount to be """,,'oded by SubracIpIant for lhl8 Agraet'IIIldohan . not exceed $79,302.00. 2.3 SuIlrac:lpIent _ _ by aD opacIaI concl1tIono and raqu!ramento oontaIned In theatl:8ched ..b:tlb.ln:JIltofwork. 1 J'. f. ) ; c~, t' Y -- 822 e e e !lot', '-'--..-----.'....,.-.,"-,,".- - ....._...,'-,.~,." Agreement No.48057 SECTION 3 - LEGAL AUTHORITY 3:'1 The Subrecipient represents and guarantees that it POSSesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement, receive funds authorized by this Agreement, and conduct the Statement of Work. .~ 3.2 The person signing this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient hereby warrants that he/she has been fully authorized by Subreciplent to execute this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient and to legally bind Subreciplent to all the terms, performances and provisions herein set forth. SECTION 4 - RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES The relationship of the parties is that of independent contractors, and not as agents of each other or as jOint venturers or partners. SECTION 5 - AGREEMENT PERFORMANCE The Subrecipient shall provide the services specified In its attached Statement of Work, and the terms and conditions imposed and required by this Agreement ' SECTION 6 - AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS 6.1 Measure of Uabillty In consideration of Subrecipienfs full and satisfactory performance of the services specified in the attached Statement of Work,TEEX shall be liable to the Subreclpient in an amount equal to the actual allowable costs incurred by the Subrecipient In rendering such performance, subjact to the following limitations: 6.1.1 TEEX shall not be liable for expenditures made in violation of the legal authorities cited in Section 8, Compliance with the Law, of this Agreement, or any other law or regulation applicable to the specific projact or service performed ,under this Agreement 6.1.2 Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, TEEX shall be liable to Subrecipient In an emount equal to ille actual allowable costs Incurred by Subreciplent In rendering required performance as represented In Section 5, Agreement Performance. 6.1.3 Except as otherwise specfficallyauthorized by TEEX in writing, TEE>< shall only be liable for expenditures made In compliance with the cost principles 2 , n- 823 f'" , ~ r-____----.--.-..--_~_____._+_____~__~ Agreement No.48057 ... and administrative requirements set forth and referenced In this Agreement. 6.1.4 TEEX shall not be liable to Subreclplent for costs incurred or performances rendered by Subreclpient before commencement of the Agreement or after completion of this Agreement. 6.1.5 TEEX shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Subreciplent in the performance of this Agreement which have not been billed to TEEX within sixty (60) days following termination of this Agreement ... 6.2 Reimbursement Procedures TEEX will reimburse Subreclpient for no more than the actual cost of the Statement of Work for which Subreclplent seeks payment. 6.3 Purchase of Equipment Subreclplent may purchase specialized equipment under this Agreement as specified in the S1atement of Work. SECTION 7 - FISCAL ADMINISTRATION e 7.1 Availability of Funds Notwithstanding any other Agreement provisions. the parties hereto understand and a agree that TEEX's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon the availability . of adequate funds to meet TEEX's lIabllltles hereunder. 7.2 Umltatlon on Uabl11ty 7.2.1 TheSubreclpient understands and agrees that It shall be liable to repay to TEEX any funds not expended In accordance with this Agreement or determined to be expended In violation of the terms of this Agreement. 7.2.2 TEEX will pay coSts properly Incurred by the Subreclplent for perfonnances rendered under this Agreement In the amount specllied In Secllon 2.2, or any mutual amendments hereto. 7.2.3 TEEX shall not be liable to the Subreclplent for costs under this Agreement which exceed the amount specified In Secllon 2.2. / 3 e 824 e e e Agreement No.48057 .'" 7.2.4 TEEX may deobligate awarded funds after consultation with the Subrecipient and upon detennination by TEEX that funds will not be spent in accordance with the Agreement or will not be spent in a timely manner. '" SECTION 8 - COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW 8.1 As a condition to award of monies under this Agreement, Subrecipient assures, with respect to the operation of a federally funded program ,or activity, that it will ' comply fully with the non-disaimlnation and equal opportunity provisions of the following laws to the extent applicable: (a) Titie VI of the Civil RIghts Act of 1964, as amended; (b) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; (e) the Age Disaimination Act of 1975, as amended; (d) TiUe IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended; (e) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and (f) any other statutory provisions relating to nOn-disaimlnation. 8.2 In the performance of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall comply with the following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars applicable to its organization, institution or agency: . Administrative Requirements (A-102 and A-110); . Cost Principles (A-21 , A-87 and 122); and . Audit Guidance (A-133). The parties agree to be boUnd by all tenns of this Agreement and all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations, and all provisions contained therein, Including the Office of Justice Programs "FinancIaJ Guide" located at htto:llwww.oio.usdol.aovlFinGuidel SECTION 9 - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 9.1 The Subrecipient agrees to provide to TEEX, in aCCOrdance with procedures and time frames prescribed by TEEX, any technical or program reports, data, and infonnation on the operation and pelfonnance of this Agreement deemed necessary by TEEX or as required by the statement of Work reporting schedule. 9.2 If Subrecipient fails to submit to TEEX In a timely and satisfactory manner any ...eport required by this Agreement, or otherwisa fails to satisfactorily render performances hereunder, TEEX may withhold payments otherwise due and owing Subrecip/ent If TEEX withholds such payments, It shall noUfy SUbreclplent In Writing of Its decision and the reasons therefor. Payments withheld pursuant to this paragraph may be held by TEEX until such time as the delinquent obligations for which funds ere withheld are fulfilled by Subreclplent 4 r:-- . :~ 825 ~ t < , ~>,f" Agreement No.48057 SEcnON 10 - RETENTION AND ACCESSIBIL TV OF RECORDS e ~.1 Subreciplent shall maintain all records, financial management records and ." supporting documentation for all expenditures of funds made under this Agreement, In compliance with all retention and custodial requirements for records referenced In this Agreement. 1 0.2 Subreclpient shall retain all fiscal records and supporting documents for a minimum of three (3) years after final Agreement doseout. In the event there is litigation or an unresolved audit discrepancy at the end of such retention period, the records will be retained until the litigation or discrepancy Is resolved. 10.3 Subreclplent shall provide state or federal auditing agencies, TEEX, or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to and the right to examine, copy, or reproduce all reports and recOrds pertaining to this Agreement. Such rights to access shall continue as long as the records are retained by the Subreclplent. 10.4 TEEX shall have the right oftlmely and reasonable access to Subreclplent and Subreclplent premiseS and personnel for the purpose of Inspection, monitoring, auditing, eValuation, or Interview, related to all records required to be retained under this Section. SEcnON 11 - CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the tenns of this Agreement or Statement of A Work shall be by mod1ficatlon hereto In writing and executed by both parties to this . Agreement before the changes to the Agreement are implemented. SEcnON 12 - SEVERABILITY If a provision contained in this Agreement Is held to be Invalid, Illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, it shall not affect any other provision of the Agreement. It Is the Intent of the parties that If any provision Is held to be Invalid, liIegal or unenforceable, there shall be added In lieu thereof a valid and enforceable provision as similar in terms to such provision as is possible. SEcnON 13 - AUDITS OR EVALUAnONS 13.1 TEEX teserves the right to conduct or cause to be conducted an independent audit of all funds received under this Agreement, which may be performed by government audit staff, a certified public accounting finn, or other auditors as designated by TEEX. Subreciplent shan cooperate with all authorized auditors 5 e 826 e e e .. ~ Agreement No.48057 ." ." and shall make available all accounting and project records including supporting source documentation. Such audit will be conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations, Agreement guidelines, and established professional standards and practices. 13.2 Subrecipient shall be liable to TEEX for any costs disallowed as a result of an audit Subrecipient shall further be responsible for any audit exception or other payment deficiency in the project covered by the Agreement, and all subcontracts hereunder, which are found to exist after monitoring, review, or auditing by any party as authorized or required by TEEX. 13.3 Subtecipient, or the auditors that monitor or audit the Sub recipient, shall immediately report to TEEX any incidents of fraud, abuse or potentially criminal activity in relation to the provisions of this Agreement SECTION 14 - MONITORING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 14.1 TEEX, or its designee, retains the right to monitor, examine and audit all records, documents and activities relat6d to projects funded by this Agreement, and to perform such project evaluation studies that TEEX deems necessary to determine the adequacy of the services performed. . 14.2 TEEX will notify the Subrecipient in writing of any deficiencies noted during such review, and may withhold payments es appropriate based upon such raview. TEEXwllI provide technical asststance to the Subreclplent to correct the deficiencies noted. TEEX may conduct follow-up visits to review the previous deficiencies and to assess the efforts made to correct them. If such deficiencies persist, TEEX may terminate this Agreement effective immediately and/or apply sanctions pursuant to Section 19 of this Agreement, or take such other action es it deems appropriate. SECTION 15 - PREVENTION OF CONFUCTlNG INTERESTS The Subrecipient, by signing this Agreement, covenants and affinns that 15.1 No employee of the Subreclpient or a Subreclpient, no member of the ~ubreclplenrs or a Subreclpienfs goveming body, and no person who exercises !lny function or responsibility In the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of this Agreement shall participate In any decision relating to this Agreement which affect his or her persona/ pecuniary Interest. 15.2 The Subreclplent shall take every reasonable course of aellon to maintain the Integrity of this expenditure.of public funds and to avoid favoritism and 6, ~~ 827 Agreement No.48057 .. questionable or Improper conduct. This Agreement shall be administered in an impartial manner, free from efforts to gain personal. financial or political benefit, tangible or intangible. The Subreclplent, its executive staff and employees. while administering this Agreement. shall avoid situations which could give the appearance that any decision was influenced by preJudice, bias, special interest or desire for personal gain. e ." 15.3 Subreciplent shall Immediately Inform TEEX In writing of any potential conflict of Interest which arises at any time during the term of this Agreement. 15.4 If Subrecipient falls to abide by the foregoing covenants and affirmations regarding conflict of Interest, the Subreclplent shall not be entitled to recover any costs or expenses incurred in relation to this Agreement and shall Immediately refund to TEEX any fees or expenses that may have been paid under this Agreement, and shall further be liable for any other costs incurred or damages sustained by TEEX relating to this Agreement. Such failure may subjecl Subreclplent to sanctions as provided In Section 19 of this Agreement. SEcnON16-FORCEMAJEURE In the event that performance by either party of any of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement shall be Interrupted or delayed by an act of God. by acts of war. riot, or eMl commotion, by any act of government, by strikes, fire, flood. or by the occurrence of any other event beyond the control of the parties hereto, that party shall be excused from such performance for such period ,of time as Is reasonably necessary after such a occurrence abates for the effects thereof to have diSSipated. .. SECTION 17 - NON~SSIGNMENT This Agreement Is not assignable. Notwithstanding any attempt to assign the Agreement, the Subreclpient shall remain fully liable .on this Agreement and shall not be released from performing any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. The Subreclplent shall be held responsible for all funds received under this Agreement. SEcnON 18 - TERMINAnON OF AGREEMENT 18.1 .Thls Agreement may be terminated, In whole or in part, whenever TEEX . determines that such termination is In the best Interest of the project" such termination to be effective upon the SubreclpJenfs receipt of written notification of termination from TEEX. In the event of such termination, the Subreclplent shall be entitled to compensation under this Agreement for allowable expenditures up to the termination date. 7 e ,.,~ . 828 e e e -"'._'.'~~-~~~"'~---'.'---.-....---.._._~.~..,...c,_ Agreement No.48057 18.2 When justified, TEEX may terminate this Agreement for cause, whereupon all compensation to the Subrecipient shall ceasa pending completion of any final report and any closing audit required by TEEX. .~ 18.3 If the Sub recipient fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or the attached Statement of Work, TEEX may terminate this Agreement after issuing written notice of default to the Subrecipient and allowing the SUbrecipient thirty (30) days following the issuance of such notice in which to correct the deficiency to the satisfaction of TEEX. Such termination shall not be an exclusive remedy but shall be In addition to any other rights, sanctions and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement 18.4 NOtwithstanding TEEX's exercise of its right of early termination, the Subreciplent shall not be relieved of any liability for damages due to TEEX. TEEX may withhold payment to the Subrecipient on this or any other Agreement until such time as the exact amount of damages due to TEEX from the Subrecipient is agreed upon or is otherwise determined by TEEX. 18.5 If Federal funds are not available, or In the event that State laws or regulations should be amended or judicially interpreted to render continued fulfillment of this Agreement by either party substantially unreasonable or Impossible, or it the parties are unable to agree on an amendment to enable the subsiantial continuation of performance under this Agreement, then the parties shall be discharged from any further obligations under this Agreement, except for the equitable setUement of the respective accrued Interests or obligations incurred up to the effective date of termination. 18.6 The Subrecipient shall cease to incur costs under this Agreement upon tennination or receipt of written notice to terminate, whichever occurs first SECTION 19 - SANCTIONS OR REMEDIAL MEASURES , 19.1 If Sub recipient materially fails to comply with the tenns and conditions of this Agreement, TEEX shall notify the Subrecipient In writing desaibfng performance that is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement The Subrecipient shall attend a meeting with TEEX to discuss the non-compliance and ~ssary corrective act/onste ensure performance Will be In compliance. 19.2 .If TEEX and Subrecipient cannot agree on corrective actions, TEEX may take one or more of the following act/ons, as appropriate: 8 829 , 'I~' ~ . Agreement No.48057 19.2.1 Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency - by Subreclplent; .. .. 19.2.2 Disallow (that Is, deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance; 19.2.3 Wholly or partially suspend or terminate the current award; 19.2.4 Exercise any other available remedies. ." SECTiON 20 - Sectarian ActivIty None of the activities or performances rendered under this Agreement shall Involve, and no portion of the funds received by Subreciplent shall be used for any sectarian or religious activity. SECTiON 21 - Political Activity None of the activities or performances rendered hereunder by the Subrecipient shall involve and no portion of the funds received by the Subrecipient shall be used for any political actMty, Including but not limited to any actMty to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office, or any activity undertaken to influence the passage, defeat, or final contents of legislation. SECTION 22 - Rights In Data, Copyrights and Publication e TEEX will be free to publish the results of all work done under this Agreement. Ownership of an data produced under this Agreement will remain with TEEX. Title to and the right to determine the disposition of any copyrights, or copyrightable material, first produced or composed In the performance of this Agreement shall remain with TEEX. provided that TEEX shail grant to Subreclplent an Irrevocable, royalty-free, non- exclusive Rcense to reproduce,modlfy, and use all such data and copyrightable material for Us own use, but not for any commercial purpose. SECTiON 23 - Governing Law This Agreement shail be governed and construed In accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. . 9 e 830 e e e Agreement No.48057 SECTION 24 - Dispute Resolution T+te dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 of the Texas Government COOe shall be used, as further described herein, by TEEX and the Subrecipient to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by the Subrecipient: A. A Subrecipient's claim for breach of this Agreement that the parties cannot resolve in the ordinary counse of business shall be submitted to the negotiation process provided in Chapter 2260, SUbchapter B, of the Government Code. To initiate the process, the Subrecipient shall submit written notice, as required by subchapter B, to Arturo Alonzo, TEEX Deputy Director. Said notice shall specifically state that the provisions of Chapter 2260, subchapter B, are being invoked. A copy of the notice shall also be given to all other representatives of TEEX and the Subrecipient otherwise entitled to notice under the parties' Agreemenl Compliance by the Subrecipient with subchapter B Is a condition precedent to the filing of a contested case Proceeding under Chapter 2260, subchapter C, of the Government Code. B. The contested case process provided in Chapter 2260, subchapter C, of the Government Code is the Subrecipient's sole and exclusive process for seeking a remedy for any and all alleged breaches of the Agreement by TEEX if the parties are unable to resolve their disputes under SUbparagraph (A) of this paragraph. C. Compliance with the contested case process provided in subchapter C is a condition precedent to seeking consent to sue from the Legislature under Chapter 107 of the Civil Practices and Remedies Code. Neither the execution of this Agreement by TEEX nor any other conduct of any representative of TEEX relating to the Agreement shall be considered a waiver of sovereign immunity to sull D. The submission, processing and resolution of the Sub recipient's claim is governed by the published rules adopted by the Office of Attorney General of Texas pursuant to Chapter 2260, as currently effective, hereafter enacted or subsequently amended. These rules are found at 1 T AC. Chapter 68. E. Neither the occurrence of an event nor the pendency of a c1airn constitutes grounds for the SUSpension of performance by the Subrecipiant, In whole or In parl F. The designated individual responsible on behalf of TEEX for examining any claim or counterclaim and conducting any negotiations related thereto as required under ~~60.052 of H.B. 826 of the 76th Texas Legislature shall be Arturo Alonzo, TEEX Deputy Director. , Subrecipient hereby acknowledges that it has read and Underslands this entire Agreemenl All oral or written Agreements between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter of this Agreement that were made prior to the execution of this Agreement have been reduced to writing and ere contained herein. Subrecipient agrees to abide by all tenns and conditions Specified hereln and certifies that the 10 p-- 8' 31 ,.,.r '2.co3 Agreement No.48057 Information provided to TEEX Is true and correct in all respects to the best of its knowledge and belief. Tflls Agreement Is entered Into by and between the following parties: TI:EX: . Texas Engineering Extension Service 301 Tarrow - TEEX College Station, TX 77840-7896 Contact Person: Charles Todd. Director of Emergency Preparedness TEL: 979.458.6815 FAX: 979.458.6927 e SUBRECIPIENT: C2 ALHou;.; Covwi'1- L\.~"'-"'~ Contact Person: TEL: ~('I- S~3- <4~~" FAX: 5l41- :ss, - 'il# 11>' APPROVED: extension Service Subrecl lent here /L(~../ ,,- e SI natu Dr. Arturo Alonzo, Jr. T or Printed Name Deputy DIrector Title DateSlned 37167167164025 TX Vendor IDMN - 4 2DD3 lIi.clulel. J. Pfetier T or PrInted Name Calhoun County Judge TItle 17 July 2003 Date 81 ned 17460019239004 TX Vendor IDMN - - ~ - , RECEIVED JUL 2 5 2003 11 e ". (' ki 8,,32 ~. .~ ." _ . . e 12 _ ;, " Agreement No.48057 " \, .. .\ ~"..., , ) ~~~ UlCi3 Agreement No.48057 Statement of Work fltvervlew .. 'thIs overview provides the process and timeline that will be followed during the administration of the 2002, 2003. and 2003 II State Homeland Security Grant Program Grant. The grant award to Calhoun County Is funded from the Fiscal Year 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program program. Items procured under the grant must meet the criteria of the 2003 Authorized Equipment List (Attachment I). Grant Award Total Grant Award $79,302.00 Base Grant Award $39,651.00 Regional AlloCation from COG $39,651.00 COG Requirements 13 .- ,;. e e e ~.~ 834 e _ _ Timeline .'!" June 20, 2003 .. June 25, 2003 June 27, 2003 June 30, 2003 July 11, 2003 October 31, 2003 November 30, 2003 May 31, 2004 November 30, 2004 May 31,2005 July 31, 2004 March 31, 2005 J\pril30, 2005 Agreement No.48057 Grant Award Letters mailed by TEEX to senior elected officials. Every Wednesday the shipping address and POC information that has been collected on the TEXASDPA site (www.texasdpa.com)will be forwarded to the Prime Vendor Site (www.fishersci.com). Jurisdictions cannot begin list building until their shipping address and receiving agent information has been processed by the Prime Vendor Which takes 48 hours. SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT will be mailed by TEEX to the jurisdictions. All jurisdictions must sign and return their SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT to TEEX by July 31. Address: Director of Domestic Preparedness John B. Connally Building 301 Tarrow-TEEX College Station, TX 77840-7896 The Prime Vendor and TXDPA Site will be open to all jurisdictions. Every Friday completed equipment list will be submitted to OOP for approval. All Jurisdictions must complete their lists by August 30. Target date for jurisdictions to have all equipment on order. Progress Report due from jurisdiction covering 6 months. Progress Report due from jurisdiction covering 6 months. Progress Report due from jurisdiction covering 6 months. Progress Report due from jurisdiction covering 6 months. All purchasing from FY 2002 grants must be completed. All purchasing from FY 2003 grants must be completed. All purchasing from FY 2003 II grants must be completed. 14 (j__ 835 ,- ---_---------o--o--~__..4_ Agreement No.48057 Soon after June 20, 2003 the senior elected official of each jurisdiction receiving a grant .. will receive a letter announcing the total grant amount along with the amount of the total . fQl' local needs and the amount of the total for regional Improvement. A subreclpient award agreement will be sent to the jurisdiction's point of contact. Thirty days after r6celpt of the award letter the jurisdiction will be expected to return a signed copy of the SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT to TEEX. Starting on June 30 those jurisdictions that have Inputted their shipping address on the TEXASDPA site will be allowed to begin building the jurisdiction's equipment lists on the TEXASDPA and the Prime Vendor Websltes. An equipment list, approved by the COG and by the Office for Domestic Preparedness is a requirement to begin drawdown of grant funds. Step 1: Building an Equipment List All jurisdictions will create the proposed equipment purchase list for Council of Governments and Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) approval on-lIne. The use of the on-line sites for creating the proposed list does not obligate the jurisdiction to a specific method of procurement. Jurisdictions retain the choice of purchasing methods they will use to procure the equipment after ODP approves the list. Two websites for list building - both will be used to create a list: Vehicles. pharmaceuticals, physical security equipment, and specialized items, Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments COOperative Purchasing Program items will be selected at www.texasdoa.com. All other equipment will be selected at the Prime vendor site; www.fishersci.com List BuildIng 1. Select items on the TEXASDPA Site 2. Indicate on the TEXASDPA Site that list is finished \ 3. Select items on the Prime Vendor Site 4. Indlcate on the Prime Vendor Site that list is finishedi .5. Completed lists are merged on the TEXASDPA Site . Completed list will show all equipment and quantity by discipline (fire, law enforcement, EMS, etc.) 15 ,\ e e .. 836 _ 1_ e r.- ..' -. .-,~ ____n..__,_..~,.._'._,_. '""'"""-"'-".T~_.~._,..____~__ -~~--._~_.~----- Agreement No.48057 Step 2: Adjusting orders to match the grant amount "Ftle lists created on the Prime Vendor and TEXASDPA Site will be merged on the T€XASDPA Site. Each jurisdiction reviews the merged list on the TEXASDPA Site for the following; 6. Amount of projected purchases is not over or substantially under the grant amount 7. Equipment list is accurate 8. Adjust the list if necessary 9. Quantities may be changed on the TEXASDPA Site to bring the amount of projected purchases In agreement with the grant amount 10.Jurlsdictions must return to the Prime Vendor Site, or TEXASDPA eqUipment list section to add Items that are not on the merged list 11. Usts will be updated every Monday on the TEXASDPA Site Step 3: The review process 12. When a jurisdiction is satisfied with their list they will submit it on the TEXASDPA W8bsite for review. 13. The jurisdiction's Council of Governments will be able to review and approve or disapprove the list on-line afler.theJurlsdiction submits the list 14. Disapproved lists will require the jurisdiction to make changes in the same manner they used during the list creation process. 15.Approved lists will be automatically forwarded to TEE><, the State Administrative Agency for review and fOlWafding to ODP. 16. When ODP has approved the list and created a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) the jurisdiction will be notified by TEEX that they may begin purchasing equipment '17.Jurlsdictions will Indicate the purchasing options they intend to use on the TEXASDPA website. 16 837 Agreement No.48057 Step 4: The purchasing process e .. Jurisdictions can only purchase equipment from one source at a time. J,\,Irisdictlons using multiple purchasing options must follow the sequence below: 18. Non Prime Vendor Items, to include all vehicles and other items with an individual cost of over $25,000 must be purchased first. If a Jurisdiction is planning on purchasing Non Prime Vendor Items that cost over $25,000 from both H-GAC and Local Purchase, they must purchase the H-GAC item first. 19. Inform TEEX that purchasing of Non Prime Vendor items through H-GAC is complete. TEEX will then "freeze" the Jurisdiction's H-GAC Account (as related to this grant) 20. Inform TEEX that local procurement of equipment with an Item cost of over $25,000 is complete. TEEX will then activate the Prime Vendor Account for the Jurisdiction. 21. Complete ordering of equipment at the Prime Vendor Site 22.lnfonn TEEX that prime vendor ordering Is complete. TEEX will then "freeze" the Jurisdiction's Prime Vendor Account. 23. Complete ordering of Items with a unit cost of less than $25,000 that were not available through the ,Prime Vendor Program from local purchase or H-GAC. Grant GuIdelines e ,Each Jurisdiction will follow the stated guidelines to ensure the accurate and prompt purchase, receipt. payment and management of their equipment. These guidelines will ensure proper equipment accountability. Guidelines are set forth to ensure proper controls are In place for each Jurisdiction. Jurisdictions must provide a shlpplng address and designate a receMng point of contact to be entered on www.texasdpa.com webslte. The Jurisdiction, according to Its own policies and procedures, will be responsible for purchasing, receipt and inventory of equIpment purchased using state Homeland Security Grent funding. The JUrisdiction will b&responslble for overseeing the equipment grant process for each purchasing 'option. The jurisdiction point of contact will also be responsible for inventory of property, providing required reports, and monitoring of the sub-grant. , 17 e '(' ' -' ~ ' .. , ' 838 _ _ _ Agreement No.48057 .' Purchasing Options Tliere are three purchasing options available to each jurisdiction. Jurisdictions may use ~W single option, or any combination of options. These three purchasing options are explained in further detail in Attachments A, B, and C 24. Local Purchasing Option, . Equipment procured in aooordance with jurisdiction's existing purchasing requirements. . Reimbursement upon submission of paid voucher to the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) 25. Prime Vendor Program through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) . Defense Logistics Agency bills TEEX - Jurisdiction is not required to pay vendor and then apply for reimbursement . Jurisdiction provides shipping receipt copies to verify receipt of equipment to TEEX 26. Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program. . H-GAC bills TEEX - Jurisdiction is not required to pay vendor and then apply for reimbursement . Jurisdiction provides shipping receipt copies to verify receipt of equipment to TEEX ' Order of procurement . Jurisdictions that intend to only use the local purchase option should purchase vehicles and items over $25,000 before purchasing the remainder of grant-funded equipmant ~ Jurisdictions utilizing multiple PUrchasing options must procure equipment in the following order: . Non Prime Vendor items including all vehicles or items with a unit cost over $25,000 from H-GAC 18 839 Agreement No.48057 " Jurisdiction notifies TEEX when H-GAC procurement is complete. TEEX "freezes" Jurisdiction's H-GAC account (as related to this grant). e .. " Non Prime Vendor items including all vehicles or items with a unit cost of over $25,000 using the local purchase option ' " Jurisdiction notifies TEEX when this phase of local purchase Is complete. TEEX then activates the Jurisdiction's prime vendor account for purchases. " All Prime Vendor Items regardless of unit cost .~ " Jurisdiction notifies TEEX when all Prime Vendor Items are ordered. TEEX then "freezes" the Jurisdiction's prime vendor account and reopens the H-GAC account. " H-GAC items other than vehicles with a unit cost under $25,000 " Jurisdiction notifies TEEX that all H-GAC Items are ordered. TEEX freezes Jurisdiction's H-GAC account and authorizes Jurisdiction to complete procurement using the local purchase option. " Use the local purchase option to procure equipment with a unit cost under $25,000 not previously procured. Administration Jurisdictions must keep receipts of all equipment received by the grant and forward all copies, signed and dated by the designated point of contact, to TEEX by FAX or mall Man: e Director of Domestic Preparedness John B, Connally Building " 301 Tar1'Ow-TEEX College Station, Texas 77840-7896 FAX: (979) 458-6927 Attn: Homeland Security Grant Program TEEX must receive receipts "In a timely manner to ensure the promptness of payment proper documentation of the grant. Delay In sending receipts to TEEX will result In delaying payment status to either the vendor or the Jurisdiction, depending on method of purc:h8slng used. All equipment must be checked when received to ensure all receIpts match the equipment actually ordered and received from the vendor. Jurisdictions are responsible for contacting the vendor to replace any damaged equipment. 19 e :r.' 840 e e e . ,"; Agreement No.48057 All property ordered under the State Homeland Security Grant Is the property of the designated jurisdiction and is subject to Inventory and property rules under OMS Gircular A-1 02. Property title transfers to the jurisdiction upon receipt of eqUipment. All i'4tisdictions must maintain property records, in accordance with locally established procedures, which Include the following information: a description of the item, a serial number, received date, the titleholder of the equipment, value of equipment and the owner and the location of the equipment. Each jurisdiction must keep these records readily available to ensure property aocountability. There must be a physical inventory of grant procured equipment at least once a year. Each jurisdiction must have a control system in place to locate and safeguard equipment. Reporting Each Jurisdiction must submit semiannual progress reports to the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) Office of Domestic Preparedness summarizing eqUipment purchased through this grant. Reports should be sent to: Director of Domestic Preparedness John B. Connally Building 301 Tarrow-TEEX College Station, Texas 77840-7896 Reports may be faxed to (979) 458-6927 Attn: Homeland Security Grant or emailed to charfey.todd@teexmail.tamu.edu The semi-annual progress reports, due November 30 and May 31, should summarize the previous six months of equipment purchases. Required Information includes the name of the jurisdiction and the Category, Item, Cost, Total, and number assigned to each discipline. This report will then be forwarded to the Office of Domestic Preparedness as documentation for their records on the progress of the grant. Please see Attachment D for format. Contact TEEX for an electronic version. Monitoring All jurisdictions are subject to these guidelines and procedures. There will be monitoring visits involved which will enable TEEX personnel to confinn that proPerty is located and used for the Intended purpose as stated hi the SUSRECIPIENT AGRE~MENT. These visits will be conducted randomly. 20 841 Agreement No.48057 A'ITACHMENT A: Houston - Galveston Area Counell CooDerative ~.Drcbasinl! .. 27. Jurisdiction places order to H-GAC for Non Prime Vendor items greater than $25,000 through webslte. 28. H-GAC receives through their Manufacturer/Suppliers equipment. 29. Equipment is delivered to local Jurisdiction along with receipt. 30. Receipts are to be signed, dated and faxed to TEEX with all equipment being checked off and Jurisdiction keeps originals. 31. Manufacturer/Supplier bills H-GAC for the equipment. 32. H-GAC then bills TEEX for equipment purchase. 33. TEEX submits payment to H-GAC promptly. 34.H-GAC submits payment to Manufacturer/Supplier promptly. 35. Local Jurisdiction generates report to send to TEEX. 36. TEEX forwards copy of reports to OffIce 37. Process is complete. . See Attachment F Purchasing through H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program flow chart. 21 ~" 1i; I e e e 842 Agreement No.48057 ATTACHMENT B: Prime Vendor tbroul!'h Defense Lol!'istics Al!'encv .. .. 38.Jurisdiction places order through Fisher Scientific Website www.fishersci.com 39. If item is an in stock item Fisher Scientific directly ships to jurisdiction and receipt of equipment is sent. 40. If item is a non-stock item then Fisher Scientific orders from Manufacturer and Supplier and item is shipped directly to jurisdiction and receipt of equipment is sent. e 41. Local jurisdictions checks off equipment and signs, dates and faxes receipt to TEEX and 42. Jurisdiction keeps copy for their files. 43. Manufacturer/Supplier bills Fisher Scientific for equipment purchase. 44. Prime Vendor (Fisher Scientific) bills Defense logistics Agency for equipment ordered. e 45.,Defense lqgistics Agency bills TEEX once a month for all the eqUipment purchased for that jurisdiction. 46. TEEX submits payment to Defense Logistics Agency for equipment order: 47. Defense logistics Agency then submits payment to Fisher Scientific. 48. Fisher Scientific submits payment to Manufacturer/Supplier. 49. Reports are created by Fisher Scientific. 5O.Jurisdiction sends reports 10 TEEX. 51. TEEX forwards copy of report to Office of Domestic Preparedness. 52. Process is complete. . · See Attachment G Prime Vendor Purchasing Through Defense logistics Agency flow chart. 22 e 843 Agreement NO.48057 ATTACHMENT C: Local Purcbasinl! Ontion .. 53. Jurisdiction in accordance with jurisdictions procurement poliCY procures equipment. 54.Jurisdiction places equipment order with vendor. 55. Equipment is delivered to jurisdictions. 56. Vendor bills jurisdiction for purchase of equipment. ." 57. Jurisdiction sends payment to vendor. 58. Jurisdiction send paid voucher to TEEX for reimbursement of equipment purchase. 59. TEEX reimburses jurisdiction for paid voucher. 60. Jurisdiction creates report to ~nd to TEEX. 61. TEEX sends copy of report to Office of Domestic Preparedness. 62. Process Is complete. . See Attachment H Local Purchase Option flow chart. 23 , , . e e e 844 '--~ e - - Agreement No.48057 ATrACHMENT D~ Semi-annual Prouess Renort '1 '1 PROGRESS REPORT FOR PERIOD to JURISDICTION NAME: Calhoun County Category Item Cost Total LE EM EM FS HZ GA PS HC PC PW S A C 24 Q:I ... CJ1 , "..... '1.-"'"'1', .(~" ~ ~ e A1l'h,c;BMENT ~ :tist Duildin!! \TXOPA List BUilderl I Prime Vendor I I Special Request I Updated every Monday 25 e . . Reject Agreement No.48057. . '1 '1 1 Accept 1 Accept Reject . 1 Accept Reject e e e e Agreement No.48057 '1 '1 A1TACI!l\JENT F:.Purchasinl! thronl!h H-GAC CooDerative Pnrchasinl! Prol!I'am 1) Execute ILC & Order Equipment 21 Reports ~~ t:! ~l ~q if <S\ 4) Acceptancet Delivery ReceIpts Audit Trail 1. ILC & Order Equipment 2. Reports 3. Equipment Delivery 4. Acc$ptancet Delivery Receipts 5. Billing 6. Payment Record to H-GAC 6a) Payment 26 ff --.1 .'........ ::r:..' I:XJ ~ e Agreement No.48057 't '1 ATI'ACBMENT 0: Prime Vendor Purehasinl! throul!h Defense Lol!lsties Al!encv f' ;$ <1 I ;I- ~ oS' '" ~ '" iii .g: 'U ." .., " '< 3 CD a 1) EquIpment Order 3) In Stock Delivery 2) Reports 4) Acceptance/Delivery Receipts Audft Trail 1. Equipment Order 2. Reports 3. Equipment Delivery 4. Acceptance! Delivery Receipts 5~ BIllIng 6. Payments 2) Reports ' /' /6a) Payment 27 e e e e ATTACHMENT H: Local Purchase Option ~ I I , ~ .2) Equipment Delivery 1) Equipment Order . 3)811l1ng 4) Payment 5) Delivery Receipts 6) Paid Vouchers 8 Re rts 7) ReImbursement e Agreement No.48057 '~ '1 Audit Trail 1. Reports 2. Delivery Receipts 3. Vouchers 4. Reimbursement Payments . 9) Reports.,/' /' / 6b) Payment 28 Agreement No.48057 Attachment I: Fiscal Year 2003 Authorized Equipment List e (fi;.xlracled from the OffIce for Domestic Preparedness Fiscal Year 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program. Program Guidelines and Application KIt) .~ Note: This provides broed guidance on authorized equipment. Much greater detan will be avanable on the web sites referenced In the Statement of Worlc for Hsf preparetlon. The FY 2003 SHSGP authorized equipment list was derived from the Standardized Equipment Ust (SEL). The SEL was developed by the Interagency Board (lAB) for Equipment Standardization and Interoperabllity. The lAB complied the SEL to delineate the types of equipment necessary for terrorist incident response. Because the SEL also contains lists of general use and support equipment, a more narrow list was derived from the SEL to identify the speclflc types of specialized equipment authorized for purchase under the FY 2003 SHSGP. A cross-section of officials representing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Public Health Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, and state and local CBRNE response experts assisted in the development of this authorized equipment purchase list and In Identifying unallowable items. Authorized equipment purchases may be made in the following categories: 1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2. Explosive Devlce Mitigation and Remediation Equipment 3. CBRNE Search & Rescue Equipment 4. Interoperable Communications Equipment 5. Detection Equipment 6. Decontamination Equipment 7. Physical SecurIty Enhancement Equipment 8. Terrorlsmlncldent Prevention Equipment 9. CBRNE Logistical Support Equipment 10. CBRNE Incldent Response Vehicles 11. Medical Supplies and Umited Types of Pharmaceuticals 12. CBRNE Reference Materials e 29 e .J,', 850 e e e '- ." "'.-- -"....__..--._._-_.~--.-._- -, --'--.------.-- Agreement No.48057 1. Personal Protective Equipment. Equipment worn to protect the individual from h~rdous materials and contamination. Levels of protection vary end are divided Into three categories based on the degree of protection afforded. The following constitutes equipment intended for use in a chemicailbiological threat environment: Level A. Fully encapsulated, liquid and vapor protective ensemble selected when the highest level of skin, respiratory and eye protection is required. The following constitutes Level A equipment for consideration: . Fully Encapsulated Uquid and Vapor Protection Ensemble, reusable or disposable (tested and certified against CB threats) . Fully Encapsulated Training Suits . Closed-Circuit Rebreather (minimum 2-hour supply, preferred), or open-circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) or, when appropriate, Air-Une System with 15-minute minimum escape SCBA . Spare CylindersIBottles for rebreathers or SCBA and service/repair kits . Chemical ResiStant Gloves. including thermal, as appropriate to hazard . Personal Cooling System; Vest or Full Suit with suppOrt equipment needed for . maintaining body core temperature within acceptable limits . Hardhatlheimet . ChemicaJJ8ioiogical Protective Undergarment . IMer Gloves . Approved Chemical Resistant Tape . Chemical Resistant Boots, Steel or Fiberglass Toe and Shank . Chemical Resistant Outer Booties Level B. Uquid splash resistant ensemble used with highest level of respiratOry protection. The following constitute Level B equipment end should be considered for use: . Uquid Splash Resistant Chemical Clothing, encapsulated or non-encapsulated . Uquid Splash Resistant Hood . Closed-Circuit Rebreather (minimum 2-hour supply, preferred), open-circuit SCBA, or when appropriate, Air-Une System with 15-minute minimum escape SCBA . Spare CylindetslBottles for rebreathers or SCBA and service/repair kits . Chemical Resistant Gloves. including thennal, as appropriate to hazard . Personal Cooling System; Vest or Full Suit with support eqUipment needed for {l1aintaining body core temperature within acceptable limits . Hardhatlhelmet . ChemicaJJ8lologlcal Protective Undergannent . IMer Gloves . Approved Chemical Resistant Tape . Chemical Resistant Boots. Steel or Fiberglass Toe and Shenk . Chemical Resistant Outer Booties 30 851 Agreement No.48057 Level C. Uquld splash resistant ensemble, with same level of skin protection of Level B, used when the concentratlon(s) and type(s) of airbome substances(s) are known and tlie criteria for using alr-purlfylng respirators are met. The following constiMe Level C ~uipment and should be considered for use: . Uquid Chemical Splash Resistant Clothing (permeable or non-permeable) . Uquid Chemlcai Splash Resistant Hood (permeable or non-permeable) . Tight-fitting, Full Faceplece, Negative Pressure Air Purifying Respirator with the appropriate cartrldge(s) or canister(s) and P100 fllter(s) for protection against toxic industrial Chemicals, particulates, and military specific agents. . Tight-frtllng. Full Facepiece, Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) with chemically resistant hood with appropriate cartrldge(s) or canister(s) and high-efllclency fllter(s) for protection against toxic industrial chemicals, particulates. and military speclflc agents. . Equipment or system batteries will Include those that are rechargeable (e.g, NICad) or non-rechargeable with extended shelf life (e.g, Uthium) . Chemical Resistant Gloves. Including thermal, as appropriate to hazard . Personal Cooling System; Vest or Full Suit with support equipment . Hardhat . Inner ChemicallBloIoglcal Resistant Garment . Inner Gloves . Chemical Resistant Tape . Chemical Resistant Boots, Steel or Fiberglass Toe and Shank . Chemical Resistant Outer BootIes Level D. Selected when no respiratory protection and minimal skin protection is required. and the atmosphere contains no known hazard and YIOI1< functions preclude splashes, Immerslon, or the potential for unexpected Inhalation of, or contact with. hazardous levels of any chemicals. . Escape mask for self-rescue Note: During CBRNE response operatIons, the IncIdent commander determInes the appropriate level of personal protective equIpment. As a guIde, Levels A, B, and C are sppUcable for chemlcaV b/ologlcaV radIological contaminated environments. Personnel entering protective posturas must undergo medIcal monitoring prior to and after entry. All SCBAs should meet standards established by the National Institute for . . . OcCupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for occupational use by emergency responders when exposed to Chemical, Biological, RadiOlogical and Nuclear (CBRN) agents In accotTlance with Special Tests under NIOSH 42 CFR 84.63(c}, procedure number RCT..cBRN-STP-COO2, dated December 14, 2001. ODP anticipates making compliance with NIOSH SCBA CBRN certlf1catlon a mandatory requirement for all SCBAs pun;hased under the FY 2004 state Homeland Security Grant Program. . 31 ~ ; , e e e t~ 852 e e e ..! / Agreement NO.4S057 Grant recipients should purchase: 1) protective ensembles for chemical and biological twrorism Incidents that are certlfJed as compliant with Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 RNuirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1994, Protective E!nsembles for ChemicaVBiological Terrorism Incidents; 2) protective ensembles for hazardous materials emergencies that are certified as compliant with NFPA 1991, Standard on Vapor Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies, including the chemical and biological terrorism protection; 3) protective ensembles for search and reSCue or search and recovery operations where there is no exposure to chemical or biological warfare or terrorism agents and where exposura to flame and heat is unlikely or nonexistent that are certified as compliant with NFPA 1951, standard on Protective Ensemble for USAR Operations; and, 4) protective clothing from blood and body fluid pathogens for persons providIng treatment to victims after decontamination that are certified as compliant with NFPA 1999, standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations. For more infonnation regarding these standards. please refer to the following web sites: The National Fire Protection Association - httD:/lwww.nfDa,oro National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - httD:/Iwww.cdc.aovlnlosh 2. Explosive Device Mitigation and Remediation. Equipment proViding for the mitigation and remediation of explosive devices In a CBRNE environment . 80mb Search Protective Ensemble for ChemicaUBiological Response . ChemicallBiological Undergarment for Bomb Search Protective Ensemble . Cooling Garments to manage heat stress . Ballistic Threat Body Armor (not for riot SUPPression) . Ballistic Threat Helmet (not for riot suppression) . Blast and Ballistic Threat Eye Protection (not for riot suppression) . Blast and Overpressure Threat Ear Protection (not for riot suppression) . Are Resistant Gloves . DearmerlDisrupter . Real Time X-Ray Unit; Portable X-Ray Unlt . CBRNE Compatible Total Contalnment Vessel (TCV) . CBRNE Upgredes for Existing TCV . Robot; Robot Upgrades . Aber Optic KIt (inspection or viewing) . Tents, standard or air Inflatable for chemlblo protection . ~nspectlon mirrors . .Ion Track Explosive Detector 32 853 Agreement No,48057 3. CBRNE Search and Rescue Equipment. Equipment providing a technical search and rescue capability for a CBRNE environment: .. e ... . Hydraulic tools; hydraulic power unit . Ustening devices; hearing protection . . Search cameras ( Including thermal and infrared imaging) . Breaking devices (Including spreaders, saws and hammers) . Lifting devices (including air bag systems, hydraulic rams, jacks, ropes and block and tackle) . Blocking and bracing materials . Evacuation chairs (for evacuation of disabled personnel) . Ventilation fans 4. Interoperable Communications Equipment. Equipment and systems providing connectivity and electricallnteroperabllity between local and interagency organizations to coordinate CBRNE response operations: . Land Mobile, Two-Way In-Suit Communications (secure, hands-free, fully duplex. optional), including air-to-ground capability (as required) '. Antenna systems . Personnel Alert Safety System (PASS) - (location and physiological monitoring systems optional) ~ Personnel Acoountability Systems yo IndMduallportable radios, software radios, portable repeaters, radio Interconnect . systems, satellite phones, batteries, chargers and battery conditioning systems . Computer systems designated for use in an Integrated system to assist with detection and communication efforts (must be linked with Integrated software packages designed speclfically for chemical andlor biological agent detection and communication purposes) . . Portable Meteorological StatIon (monitors temperature, wind speed, wind direction and barometric pressure at a minimum) . Computer aided dlspatch.system . Commerclally available crisis management software . Mobile Display Tennlnals Note: In en effort to Improve public safety lnteroperablllty. all new or upgraded radio systems end new radio equipment should be compatible with a suite of standards called ANSIffIAlEIA-102 Phase I (project 25). These standards have been developed to allow . for baCl<ward compatibility with existing digital and analog systems and provide for Interoperablllty In futura systems. The FCC has chosen the Project 25 suite of standards for voice end Iow-moderate speed date Interoperablllty In the new nationwide 700 MHZ frequency bend and the Integrated INfra/ess Network (IWN) of the U.S. Justice and Tf88SUry Departments has chosen the Project 25 suite of standards for their new radio equipment. In an effort to realize Improved Interoperablllty, all radlos purchased under thIS grant should be APCO 25 compliant . 33 e r ., . . ~ .# . f ~ '; ,-' 854 ~.-~,..~'--~"--~--~~- Agreement No.48057 5. Detection Equipment. Equipment to sample, detect, Identify, quantify, and monitor fQl" chemical, biological, radiologicaVnuclear and explosive agents throughout . ~~ignated areas or at specific points: e Chemical . M-8 Detection Paper for chemical agent identification . M-9 Detection Paper (roll) for chemical agent (military grade) detection . M-256 Detection Kit for Chemical Agent (weapons grade--blister: CXlHD/L; blood: AC/CK; and nerve: GBNX) detection . M-2S6 Training Kit . M-18 Series Chemical Agent Detector Kit for surface/vapor chemical agent analysis . Hazard Categorizing (HAZCA T) Kits . Photo-Ionization Detector (PIC) . Flame Ionization Detector (FID) . Surface Acoustic Wave Detector . Gas ChromatographlMass Spectrometer (GC/MS) . Ion Mobility Spectrometry . Stand-Qff Chemical Detector . M-272 Chemical Agent Water Test Kit . Colormetric Tube/Chip KIt specific for TICs and CBRNE applications . Multi-gas Meter with minimum of 02 and LEL . Leak Detectors (soap solution, ammonium hydroxide, etc) . pH Paper/pH Meter . Waste Water Classifier Kit . Oxidizing Paper . Protective cases for sensitive detection equipment storage & transport Biological e . Point Detection Systems/Kits (Immunoassay or other technology) RadiologicaUNuclear . Radiation detection equipment (electronic or other technology that detects alpha, beta, gamma, and high Intensity gamma) . Personal Dosimeter . Scintillation Fluid (radioiogicaJ) pre-packaged . Radiation monitors explosive . Canines (initial acquisition, initial operational capability only) 34 e .~; ,,' k" -- 855 r,. . ~-,... ;; .~: Agreement No.48057 6. Decontamination Equipment. Equipment and material used to clean, remediate, remove or mitigate chemical and biological contamination: t'hemlcal .~ . Decontamination system for individual and mass application with environmental controls, water heating system, showers, lighting, and transportation (trailer) . Decon Litters/roller systems . extraction Utters, rollable . Runoff Containment Bladder(s), decontamination shower waste collection with intrinslcally-safe evacuation pumps, hoses. connectors, scrub brushes, nozzles . Spill Containment Devices . Overpak Drums . Non-Transparent Cadaver Bags (CDC standard) . Hand Carts . Waste water classlflcatlon kits/strips Biological . HEPA (High Efllclency Particulate Air) Vacuum for dry decontamination 7. Physical Security Enhancement Equipment - Equipment to enhance the physical security of crltIcalinfrastructure. Surveillance, Warning, Accessllntruslon Control Ground . Motion Detector Systems: Acoustic; Infrared; Seismic; Magnetometers . Barriers: Fences; Jersey Walls . Impact Resistant Doors and Gates . Portal Systems; locking devices for access control . Alann Systems . . Video AsseSsment/Cameras: Standard, Low Ught, IR, Automated Detection . Personnel Identification: Visual; Bectronic; Acoustic; Laser; Scanners; Cyphers/Codes . X-Ray Units . Magnetometers . ,Vehlcleldentiflcatlon: Visual; Electronic; Acoustic; Laser; Radar 35 e e e ;..:' 856 e e e "..__. ..__w,._. '"_.'"""'_'._~'_,,___~~~~,... Agreement No.48057 Watetfront .. .. . Radar Systems .... Video Assessment System/Cameras: Standard, Low Light, IR, Automated Detection . , . Diver/Swimmer Detection Systems; Sonar . Impact Resistant Doors and Gates . Portal Systems . . Hull Scanning Equipment . Plus all those for Ground Sensors - Agent/Explosives Detection . Chemical: Active/Passive; Mobile/FiXed; Handheld . Biological: Active/Passive; MobilelFixed; Handheld . Radiological . Nuclear . GroundIWaJi Penetrating Radar Inspection/Detection Systems . Vehicle & Cargo Inspection System - Gamma-ray . Mobile Search & Inspection System - X-ray . Non-Invasive RadiologicaVChem/Bio/Explosives System - Pulsed Neutron Activation explosIon Protection .~- . Blast/Shock/Impact Resistant Systems . Protective Clothing . Column and Surface Wraps; Breakage/Shatter Resistant Glass; Window Wraps . Robotic Disarm/Disable Systems 36 '.~ 857 _.,__________.._______m."_.._.._.~.~.._._._....___. Agreement NO.48057 8. Terrorism Incident Prevention Equipment (Terrorism Early Warning, Prevention, and Deterrence Equipment and Technologies) - State and local public gMety agencles wlllincreaslngly rely on the Integration of emerging technologies and equipment to improve Jurisdictional capabilities to deter and prevent terrorist incidents, This includes, but is not limited to, equipment and associated components that enhance a Jurisdictlon~s ability to disseminate advanced wamlng Information to prevent a terrorist incident or disrupt a terrorisfs ability to carry out the event, Including information sharing, threat recognition, and public/private sector collaboration. . Deta collectlonlinformatlon gathering software . Deta synthesis software . . Geographic Information System information technology and software . Law enforcement surveillance equipment 9. CBRNE logistical Support Equipment. Logistical support gear used to store and transport the equipment to the CBRNE incldent site and handle it once onsite. this category also includes small support equipment including Intrinsically-safe (non- sparking) hand tools required to support a variety of tasks and to maintain equipment purchased under the grant as well as general support equipment intended to support the CBRNE Incldent responSe: . e . Equipment trailers . Weather-tight containers for equipment storage . Software for equipment tracking and inventory . Handheld computers for Emergency Response applications A. . Small Hand tools ., if Binoculars, head lamps, range finders and spotting scopes (not for weapons use) f . Small Generators to operate light sets, water pumps for decontamination sets . Ught sets for nighttime operations/security . . E1ectrlcal current detectors . Equipment harnesses, belts, and vests . Isolation containers for suspected chemlcallblologlcal samples V Bull horns .. Water pumps for decontamination systems . Bar code scanner/reader for equipment Inventory control . Badglng system equipment and supplies . Cascade system for refllRng SCBA oxygen bottles . SCBA fit test equipment and software to conduct flow testing . . Testing Equipment for fully encapsulated suits . 'Coollng/HeatlngNentllatlon Fans (personnel and decontamination tent use) . HAZMAT Gear Bag/Box 37 e I;, ~. 858 e e e '--'-'---~--'-'-.__._--_._- --._~..,".,. "_.._~"'>-~.,...,,~--,,--. Agreement No.48057 10. CBRNE Incident Re&pon&e Vehlcle&. This category includes special-purpose v~icles for the transport of CBRNE response equipment and personnel to the Incident s~, Ucensing and registration fees are the responsibility of the jurisdiction and are not allOwable under this granlln addition, general purpose vehicles (squad cars, executive transportation, etc.), fire apparatus, and tactical/armored assault vehicles are not allowabie. Allowable vehicles include: . Mobile command post vehicles . Hazardous materials (HazMat) response vehicles . Bomb response vehicles . Prime movers for equipment trailers . 2-wheel personal transport vehicles for transporting fully suited bomb technicians, level AI8 suited technicians to the Hot Zone ~ Multi-wheeled all terrain vehicles for transporting personnel and eqUipment to and from the Hot Zone 38 859 Agreement No.48057 11. Medical Supplies and Phannaceutlcals . Medical supplies and pharmaceuticals ~ulred for response to a CBRNE Incident. Grantees are responsible for replenishing items after shelf-life expiration date(s). ~ . e Medical Supplies . Automatic Blphasic External Oefibrillators and carry bags . Equipment and supplies for establishing and maintaining a patient airway at the advanced life support level (to include OP and NG airways; ET tubes, styletes, blades, and handles; portable suction devices and catheters; and stethoscopes for monitoring breath sounds) . Blood Pressure Cuffs . IV Administration Sets (Macro and Micro) and Pressure Infusing Bags . IV Catheters (14, 16, 18,20, and 22 gauge) . IV Catheters (Butterfly 22, 24 and 26 gauge) . Manual Blphaslc Defibrillators (defibrillator, pacemaker, 12 lead) and carry bags . Eye Lense for Lavage or Continuous Medication . Morgan Eye Shields . Nasogastrtc Tubes . Oxygen administration equipment and supplies (including bag valve masks; rebreather and non-rebreather masks, and nasal cannulas; oxygen cylinders, regulators, tubing, and manifold distribution systems; and pulse oximetry, Capnography & CO2 detection devices) . Portable Ventilator . e . Pulmonary Fit Tester . SyrInges (3cc and 1Occ) . 26 ga ~. needles (for syringes) . 21 ga. 1 %. needles (for syringes) . Triage Tags and Tarps . Sterile and Non-Sterile dressings, all forms and sizes . Gauze, all sizes . Phannaceutlcals . 2Pam Chloride . AdenosIne . A1buterol Sulfate .083% . A1buterol MDI . ,Atroptne 0.1 & 0.4 mg/ml . AtropIne Auto InjeCtors . 'Benadryl . CANA Auto Injectors . Calclum Chloride . Calcium Gluconate 10% . ClprofIoxIn PO . Cyanide IdI$ 39 e 860 e e e ~ ~ :"4 ,.~ ." . Dextrose . Dopamine ",,' Doxycycline PO . Epinephrine ."". Glucagon . Lasix . Udocaine . Loperamide . Magnesium Sulfate . Methylpred!'lisolone . Narcan . Nubain . Nitroglycerin . Normal Saline (500 and 1000 ml bags) . Potassium Iodide . Silver Sulfadiazine . Sodium Bicarbonate . Sterile Water . Tetracaine . Thiamine . Valium Agreement No.48057 12. CBRNE Reference Materials. Reference materials designed to assist emergency first responders in preparing for and responding to a CBRNE incident This Includes but is not limited to the following: . . NFPA Guide to hazardous ITIaterials . NIOSH Hazardous Materials Pocket Guide . North American Emergency Response Guide . Jane's Chem-BloHandbook . Arst Responder Job Aids 40 861 !P'-~",.., ~ ~ ~ June 27, 2003 e ,Lt. 10hn Brown "ll1 S. Ann '.Port Lavaca, TIC 77979 Dear Reclplent You are receiving the enclosed Subreclplent Agreement and Statement of Work because you were.reglstered as the Jurisdiction Point of Contact on the Texas Domestic Preparedness Assessment website. If you are no longer servlng In that capaclty please Immediately give this packet to the correct individual. The enclosed documents contain the necessary documentation and Instructions for you to utilize your State Homeland Security Grant Program sub-grant to Improve your jurisdiction's abRlty to respond to potential terrorist use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Please return a signed copy of the Subreciplent Agreement to TEEX bX.J_ulY~!'';!.QQ3'-'d_ Address: Director of Domestic Preparedness John B. Connally BuildIng 301 Tarrow-TEEX Conegs StatIon, TX 77840-7896 Fax: (979) 458-6927 e Eman: charlev.toddllilteexmall.tamu.edu If you have any questions, or require further Information regarding this award, ,please do not t_llat& to contact Charles Todd, TEEX DIrector of Domestic Preparedness, at (979) 458- 6815. Altemate contacts are Teresa Wyatt at (979) 458-6854, and Peter Walsh at (979) 458-6930 Sincerely, ~ tJL I_a?.t.t ChaHes Todd D\reClor of Domestic Preparedness Texas Englneenng extension Servtce e ~. 862 e-" e e F' . HEAR REPORT FROM THE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD AND APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE BOARD: This Item was passed on, there was no member present from Airport AdvIsory Board. APPROVE u.aC::E AGREEMENT TO R.G. ';;.111 VAGE,: ~:=~~~~~~'e:-? AT RECYclING CENTER AND AUTHOR"" THE COUNTY JUDGE E. A Motion was made by Commissloner Galvan and seoonded by Commissioner Balajka to aa:ept the lease agreement to R.G. Salvage of three aces of land at Recydlng Center and a~ County Judge to sign agreement CommlssIoners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, and Judge PieIfer aU voted In favor. LEASE AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN This lease agreement made and entered into on this it k'%^:-,,:::t . 2003 by and between Calhoun County, Texas (Lessor); and . C (Lessee) witnesseth that lessor and Jessee, in consideration of the premises hereinafter et forth, do hereby contract and agree as follows, towi!: ARTICLE I Lessor does hereby lease and rent unto Lessee, and lessee does hereby lease and rent frOtn Lessor, for the period of time hereinafter stated and in accordance with the terms and provisions hereinafter contained, the following described land located in Calhoun County, Texas, towit: All the usable land, estimated to contain 3 acres (which will be treated herein as containing 3 acres regardless or whether it contains more or less), which 3 acres of usable land is all of the usable land contained in a certain 49.4 acres of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 174,93 acres (found by resurvey to contain 175.13 acres) commonly known as the Langdon Tract and described in deed from Patsy L. Johnson to the County of Calhoun, Texas; dated April 15, 1976, recorded in V olUIlle 296, Page 822, of the Deed Records of Calhoun County, Texas. If anytime within the lease period Lessor needs any acres from the 3 acres of usable land covered by this lease, Lessor will give Lessee 180 days written notice, and the rent will be adjusted accordingly, It is understood and agreed that there is located on the aforesaid 49,4 acre tract a certain dnrinage ditch, working area. etc" constituting appurtenances to Lessor's solid waste opemtion, which appurtenances are located in a 50 foot wide Buffer Zone along the southerly boundaIy line of said 49.4 acre tract, as all more Particularly shown on the attached plat (Exhibit "A"), and that said 50 foot wide Buffer Zone containing said solid waste appurtenances is not included in this lease, it being the intent hereof to cover by this lease only the 3 acres of usable land contained in said 49.4 acre tract; it being provided, however, that Lessee may cross over said Buffer Zone with men and equipment at the established entrance for.the purpose of ingress and egress to and from the aCres covered by this lease. It is also understood and agreed that any buildings which are located on the leased premises do not belong to Lessor and such buildings are not covered by this lease, and the right is reserved for the owner of any such dwelling or building to remove the same from the Langdon Tract. ARTICLE II Said leased premises shall be used by Lessee only for the purpose of storing, crushing and 863 e , , processing abandoned autos, white goods and large metal items. ARTICLE m The term of this lease shall continue for one (1) year, ARTICLE IV Crushing and removal must be done regularly upon accumulation of 100 automobiles. Property must be cleaned of all debris. Mowing and weed control will be maintained by Calhoun County, All autos must be moved from the property on all areas within 30 days of each processing cycle. e Further information and assistance can be obtained from your county extension agent at: 361- 552-9747. ARTICLE V The rental for said leased premises for said term shall be the sum of $100.00 dollars per month, payable as follows: The first month's rental shall be payable in advance upon the execution and delivery of this lease contract to the time the identity of the successful bidder is determined; the succeeding month's rental shall be due and payable on or before the 2nd day of each month until the termination of the agreement. ARTICLE VI Lessor reserves the right to enter upon the leased premises at any time to inspect the same. Site supervisor for said county property will be the Lessee's contact person for said leased property. Assistance can be obtained by calling 361-552-7791. ARTICLE VII Lessee shall not have the right to transfer or assign this lease in whole or in part or to sublease the leased premises or any part thereof without first obtaining the written consent and approval of .. Lessor, ., ARTICLE VIII All damage to the leased premises, caused by Lessee or his agents, servants, employees or guests shaI1 be repaired at the cost and expense of Lessee, except damages caused by normal wear and tear, storm, accidental fire, inevitable accident, or erosion. During wet conditions Lessee will not be allowed to enter leased property until weather permits to do so as to not damage property. 'c""". J ..1,. 864 e ~_.-.-----,_.._-_..,-.....,.- Lessee agrees to indemnifY and hold hannJess Lessor and the leased premises from all costs, losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, penalties, and fines whatsoever that may arise from or be claimed against Lessor or the leased premises by any person or persons for any injury to person or property or damage of whatever kind or character arising from the use or OCCupancy of the leased premises by Lessee; from any neglect or fault of Lessee or the agents and the employees of Lessee in using and occupying the premises; or from any failure by Lessee to comply and conform with all laws, statutes, ordinoMes, and regulations of any governmental body or subdivision now or hereafter in force, If any lawsuit or proceeding shall be brought against Lessor or the leased premises on account of any alleged violations or failure to comply and conform or on account of any damage, omission, neglect, or use of the premises by Lessee, the agents and employees of Lessee, or any other person on the premises, Lessee agrees that Lessee or any other person on the premises will defend it, pay whatever judgments may be recovered against Lessor or against the premises on account of it, and pay for all attorneys' fees in connection with it, including attorneys' fees on appeal. e Lessee further covenants and agrees that it will at all times during the term of this lease, or any extension thereof; at its own expense, maintain and keep in force liability insurance insuring Lessee against loss, liability or damage which may result from accident or casualty whereby any person or persons whomsoever ma be injured or killed or sustain property damage on the leased premises, Lessee shall furnish an endorsement naming LesSQr as an additional insured. ARTICLE IX In the event Lessee should hold over or be permitted to hold over and occupy the leased premises after its right to occupy the same hereunder has expired or termin.ted, same shall not be a renewal of this lease in any way, but Lessee shall be deemed a tenant wholly at the will of Lessor. ARTICLE X Lessee, on termination of this lease, or when its right to occupy the leased premises has terminated under the provisions hereof, shall surrender peaceable possession of the leased premises to Lessor, and shall deliver such premises to Lessor in as good condition as same were in at the beginning of the term of this lease, loss by stonn, erosion, accidental fire, inevitable accident, and normal wear and tear alone excepted. e When this lease has terminated, or when Lessee's right to use and occupy the leased premises has termin.ted under the provision hereof; Lessor, its agents or attorneys, shall have the right, without notice or demand, to reenter said leased premises and remove all persons and the Lessee's property therefrom without being deemed to be guilty of any manner of trespass or other tort or violation oflaw, The provisions of this paragraph are cumulative of; and any action taken by Lessor pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be without prejudice to any remedy or damages provided by law or by this agreement or by equity for Lessee's breach of any covenant or provision contained herein contained in the agreement. ~'1: ~, :,. 865 " ' ARTICLE XI If Lessee shall be in default in the payment of any rental due hereunder, or any installment thereof as and when due, or be in default with respect to any covenant, condition or provision herein contained, or if Lessee shan abandon or vacate the leased premises, or if Lessee becomes bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or in the event of appointment of a receiver for Lessee, then, upon the occurrence of anyone or much such contingencies, Lessor may give to Lessee written notice setting forth thc default of Lessee, and if such default shall not be removed, remedied or corrected with ten (10) days after the filing of such notice, Lessor may at its option, declare this lease to be canceled and terminated, and the right of Lessee to use and occupy the leased premises shall immediately cease and terminate, and Lessee shall at once deliver peaceable possession of the leased premises to Lessor. If this lease shall be so terminated, the Lessor, its agents or attorneys, shall have the right without further notice or demand, to reenter upn said leased premises and remove all persons and the Lessee's property therefrom without being deemed to be guilty of any manner of trespass or other tort or violation oflaw. The provisions of this paragraph are cumulative of, and any action taken by Lessor pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be without prejudice to, and remedy or damages provided by law or by this contract or by equity for Lessee's breach of any covenant or provision contained in this contract. Failure of Lessor to enforce anyone or more of the provisions of this Article XI at any time the right to do so exists shall not constitute a waiver by Lessor of the right to enforce the same at any future time or times that the right to do so exists. ARTICLE XII Any Notice herein required to be given may be given in any lawful manner, including, but not limited to, the depositing of such notice in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail with return receipt requested, addressed to the party or parties to whom such notice is to be given at his, her, their or its last known address; and if such notice is given by mail, as aforesaid, such notice shall be complete for the pwposes hereof when same is so deposited in the United States Mail in the manner herein set out. ARTICLE XIII This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, devisees, executors, administrators and assigns, the right of assignment on the part of Lessee, however, being subject to the provisions of Article vn hereof. ARTICLE XIV This lease is made subject to all easement, if any, on, over and under the leased premises, :; ,t' e e e 866 e !', ' e e '~.~ . _'c__....__~._,.___. ,_ ". ._.~.._~_.....-__._ ARTICLE XV This agreement is performable in Calhoun County, Texas. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this day of ,2003. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS By: Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge LESSEE 867 e ., ..... _ _M~. \ . .~ , \ , \ -\ \'i " \ \ \ '. \ \~ -----, . i . \. i \ \ \ \. - " 1M 4' '.~ """""'" -.;;~. Y''''S);: the. c-... "''''- , , ~"'''..''...s.t.o.... . " ,0,JlJBlr A e ";;';;':"." 1l.".CU .l/.(~ 1";,. ..... c-. Lt.... // /( / BUFFER, Z';NE SO' WIDE --- l..I.,....,,,.,.. lI.r " T. 1iI..en C.l...,...,u u :.I... "1,1'-4' ".1.5" """55 114.""c.. /,:> S- ',> ..j> 1II.,t.c.. 3/.0;-,. ~..."c_c .. ".. . -" - - ~/13S'47' --?: I_ <;::: -TRACT -J: - '710 175./3 fe. 15'lIc' I r I I ......eu J/.- ...... . ....... c._ 1.0... _______ :: '\ .. ~~ -t..i.U7 ~ .. ----;,~ 13 / ____ .:; \ .. \ ij '~ ,:::; ~? i', I 15.IU5 #)7" . - i '0 ,....."'~'Y / ! J,I .. ,... ~ .7-4..53.... ". i . ."" . \ ...1 \' .' ;; \ ;. .; \ :'!: /' \ ~t c__.,.. OCJ ~ OCJ I- m x d >< w ~ - .~. ...." e e e CALHOUN TAX ASSESSOR/COLLEcroR - TREASURER - SHERIFF - DISTRIcr CLERK - COUNTY CLERK - EXTENSION SERVICE - JP 1. 2. 3. 4 .& 5. SAFElY OFFICER. HEALTH DEPARTMENT- MONTHLY REPORTS: The Calhoun Tax Assessor/Collector, Treasurer, Sheriff, DIsb1ct Cerk, County Cerk, Extension ServIce, J.P. #1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, Safety Officer and Health Department presented their monthly reports for June 2003 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by CommIssIoner Balajka and secx>nded by Commissioner Galvan to accept said reports as presented. Conuriissloners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. II BUIlGE'r AJIENDHEN'J:' RBQO'EST II :1 To, Calhoun County COmmiSSioners' Court From: \-'1\ C~UnC!...~rY'\ (Department.making this request) 1,/ :J!0."', Date: :r request following an amendment to the 'ft'Yl ~ 1", year ins items in my department, budget for the GL Account '<<' ------------- ]I.'rftAnrfYl"la.nt:. Amount ------------.... Account Name ------------------ ---____!!!!2n_-- ~----- / Ifl-I./') ~ '<,/~ 71 ()-'1.I..; (){) 1fnlv\ Allt"VI'nt-v'l... ('), ,\. ~ - (' r... -n\.y - ,5""00,00 + SDo.CKJ \~Cl:'\'~(" i '" ,,\i.~, ,,:p ~I,. ~,.-A.. Net change in tota~ budget for this deparbl\ent is. Other remarkS/justification: $_a_~_a___ I understand that my b d Commissioners' Court apu~groet Cl~ot be.amend ~ va ~~ obta1ned. Signature Of offiCial/department head, Date Of CommiSSioners' C OUrt approval-; unt.tl Date .posted to G~neral L d e gar account(s), l> __ 869 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST IllOG-ll(),51700 IllOG-l1Q.53030 IllOG-1BOH;I620 IllOG-1BOH;1700 IllOG-18Q.$188O 1000.=-51810 1000.=-51930 IllOG-25O-I;154O Ill1lO--'lQ.51700 Ill1lO--'lQ.5302Q IllOG-780-61620 IllOG-780-61810 58 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (58) 1,024 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 11 (1,035) 105 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 10 (115) 23 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (23) 3,221 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (3,221) o _"..l______~.~ ~ e e e 870 e e e ~BUDGET~AMENDMENTREQUESTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Gwr+- M- ~ (Department making this request) Date: f -1~03 I request an amendment to the 1003 (year) following line items in my department: . -.3 budget for the GL Account # Amendment Amoun t ------------- Account Name ------------- I pO - q2. - + qt.-I 00 t.J10-~30S0 Lflo-/P ~ 3110 Net change in total budget for this department is. Other remarks/justification: $' q,,["pt)- 0 ============= Reason -~ROr--r;------- ~/- h"t1l1l, ovf of -bun 'tran,Q,- I understand that my bUdget cannot be amended as re Commissioners' Court approval is obtain Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 871 --.--J..-.-...-~~~ II BUDGET "AMENDMENT REQUEST II TO: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Court at Law Date: (Department making this request) ~{Z.5 /O~ I request an amendment to the 2003 budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- tfIO-'- So3c, tho -10<<;'00 ~LO- ";'0'30 .!:Jlo~'10~oo ~'{c.W.lL'\ttc ~r~ --st I tOO. so aoo~~ ,~ -I-..-,~b S'~ ~'t,&..tc<.:I',,\c.)(V -d;( l. 3 8, c;. 0 (J,,00!t41......u + (,.; fr. <)'0 Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: -t;)- $Jl7H ~ ============= . Reason ~~;'~r--~----- B_I<.s I( "l'T'o."*^,, -h:. Q _ k ~ .f ., .... "- I understand that my budget cannot be amended a Commissioners' Court approval is obtai . Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger accoUnt(s): t1 e tit e 872 e e e ~, " ~BUDGET'AMENDMENT REQUEST'! From: To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court County Court at Law (Department making this request) tI,/;).G ) D?J Date: I request an amendment to the 2003 budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account # ------------- Account Name ------------------ !110- '" <;)O?;-O ~IO - r1OJ;oo f <; 't (1... a _ f.n.c fry Boo l<..s f l-Aw Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: Amendment Amount ------------- - ~[o7. 00 +- 4 101. 00 $~O ====cra:;cr===== I understand that my budget cannot be a Commissioners' Court approval is obta' ed. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: . 5 Reason ------------------- TrYt.11if;,blqJ~ _T"al1stf(,to B--ILs Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 873 I BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Justice of the Peace Pet. #1 (Department making this request) Date: June 11. Z003 I request an amendment to the Z003 budget or the following line items in my department: (year) Amendment GL Account # Account Name Amount Reason ------------ ------- Amended amount 145U 66316 Out ofCountv Travel $176.00 Out of county travel Taken from ace. #'s: Amount removed from account (s): 66476 In County Travel $175.00 70750 Caoital Outlav $1.00 Net change in total budget For this Department is: ~o Other remarks/justification: Please allow the money to be removed from the following accounts and be placed in the requested account for out of county travel. I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. . Signature ofomclalldepartment head: (!p~ if ~1' L .! Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger Account (s): ,., ., (p e e e 874 e Ie e 1 ~ BUJ)(JBT llM",\u1ll1l'lO'f :uQtJBST~ . To: Calhoun County Colllllli.ssioners' Court From: JJ~ ~ . (Department making this request) Date: 1-G--e ~ following line I request an amendment to the .,).,<103 (year) itelllS in my department: GL Account It ------------- go /- 44;:.).10 ')}{j ~ (n~ liX'O (l}l1I-L/q;U 0 !)\O-h'!{1'P Account Name ------------------ 91~ ~~~~ budget for the r..'II'IA....Awo~....t Amount Reason -------------j.------------------- (;:){~ l '/<' ~ j~. ~ .;)/0 ( -:#-l.~ 7 3_~ <~> '6'1., j~.~ -#:-1 )) Net change in total buc1get for this department is, Other remarks/justification: $' -t;- alll..a......a.. I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until COlllllli.ssioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Colllllli.ssioners' Court appro~l: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): '.}'.. .; 875 ~ BUDGI!'l' lIXBNDHI!IN'r MQWST II To: Calhoun County commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: July 2. 2003 I request following an amendment to the 2003 (year) line items in my department: budget for the ~!-_~~~~~IJ~_~_ 510-66360 Amendment ___~~~~~IJ~_~~~___ ___~~~~~____ _______~~~~~~______ to. pay for transcript .of Transcription SErvices + $160.00 GJ testimony of Billie Chisholm 510-53020 General Office Supplies - $160.00 Net ohange in total budget for .this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------ ------------ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' court approval is obtained. '" // ''/ Signature of official/department head: ~ C<./P-e. ~ -_ ~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 'b e e e 876 e e e " -.--___~.m~~.~~_, ~BODGET AMENDMENT REQOEST~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: July 2, 2003 I request an amendment to the following line items in my 2003 (year) department: ~!:O_~~~~~~~_~_ 510-66476 510-66310 Acoount Name ------------------ Travel In County Training Registration Fees/Travel Net ohange in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: q budget for the Amendment Amount ------------- + $500.00 - $500.00 $ 0.00 ------------ ----- Reason ------------------- to pay for in county travel for rest-of year I understand that my budget cannot be amended as' requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. ~ Signature of Official/department head: a------ _" Date of Commissioners' Court approval: .~ ( Date posted to General Ledger account(s): :~. 877 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TEMPORARY SOCIAL sECURItY WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMP\.OYMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPliES &;1>;;'1) TofIIl for GENERAL RIND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 2 /0 e e e 878 e e e \ . pi , BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1 1 GL AC NT 1lXlll-570-51540 1lXlll-570-51610 1()()()..57()..51910 1000.0ro.s1930 1lXlll-570-51940 1lXlll-570-51950 1lXlll-570-53510 TEMPORARY OVERTIME SOCIAl. SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMP UNEMPLOYMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES Total for GENERAL. RlND 1.F113) o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET ! 879 1'),. I BUDGET AHBNDHEN'r ll.BQUEST ~ To: calhoun~ounty commiSSioners.' Court From: !:C1: t.f, (Department making this request) e Date: '1-'1-03 I request an amendment to the ~ 3 budget for the year) following line items in my department: ~~-~~~~~~-~- lUnendment Account Name lUnoUDt Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- ~r'}tN-qqq-~D~ J,750,- J17t/-tl4QQ. 53 Slok - < J.1 50.- ) ~~~ 57()- &335D '5'10- 5~~1 t) {ROO,- I I~Do.-l " e .~. Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ ~TJ .".,.. I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. signature of official/department head: ~ ~ Date of Commissioners' court approval: . IV'-7' -Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e 880 e e e 't~ ,J" r BllDGBT ..M1nJnvao-r UQtlBST~ To: Calhoun County COnunissioners' Court From: ~ -r!t.~-t (Department making this request) Date: '1-q-o~ I request following ~~en~nt to the ~03 year) line items in my department: hudget for the ~~-~=!:!~~_!- OOI-tf31."ltl a'lftA'I1ttn.eut Amount ------------- Account Name ------------------ t-j~ jAr"Hi ~ILAlI~ __~^"(ti/'t\~A;,{J ... ~l'..t~llIl to w- "'1- Cn~ .(rJ If, '> as.!> (Q~~(.,3J(. Net change in total hudget for this department is. Other remarkS/justification: $ -0- ............. Reason ------------------- J",,~ t.~ -#- l.~~.l:) r underst~d. that my hudget cannot he amended as requested until COnunissioners' Court approval is ohtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): I~ 881 ~ ~BUDGBT AMENDMENT REQU2ST~ To: Calhoun County Com~issio~ers' Court From: J>P,l"r.; n. <f-- 3 - ~;Y'~ P~-ofP4- (Oer~tment making this request) Date: 7- 07- ".:3 :r request an amendment to the :J.. 0 0 ~ (year following line items in my department: budget for the ~~-~~~~~~~-~- A1nendment Aooount Name A1nount Reason -----------------. ------------- ------------------- t?lJ- S.~CJgO (,~O -~61lf() tJ;l 001.00 <t!- ,J.. " <J (). 0 0)> Su..pp); e 5 ,")e.A01t'e 5 - .. Net Change in total budget for thia department is: other remarks/justification: $ -0- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' court approval is obtained. signature of Official/department head: C:f/. -f- /~ (1'J~) Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): I- (-\ lcf e e e 882 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court J:} I C:.H\AJM j ?-A-rR-ol- (Depart~k1ng th1s request) From: Date: (,/30l0'3 I request an amendment to the ~C'~ (year) following line items in my department: budget for. the ~!'_~=='?':'~~-~- Amendment Amount ------------- Account Name 720-(,,""0. z. 7'20-6. 3tl Z19 -n;;u;p1+oN Iii :SelZ.V VJ':5 /141 St":F'J I 1'rN~. & - f/15D{) .'-1- if tfl)O Net change in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ o ------------ ------------ I understand that my budget cannot be a e Commissioners' Court approv~l is obtaine Signature of Official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: - Reason .------------------ ])/s(!'oNTlNue1}' PM/N6 /.MIff SUPPt-/BS requested until Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 15' 883 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 10 e e ~. .. !-' 884 e e C:{I'~ (~+ I&, h:,r....s) ,~ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - REVENUEADJUSlMENTS FOR 7/17103 BU0298 - BUDGET ADnJSTMBNTS FOR 7/17/03 F""d Effective Code "'Ie Fund Title Transaction DcscriptiOll DcptTitle GLTitle - o.ma" 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S RECEIPT REVENUE FEMA TRAVEL 253.00 #13854 REIMBURSEMENT 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES REIMBURSED REVENUE MISCEllANEOUS 261.00 BY TIIIRD PARTIES REVENtJE.<lBNGOVT 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES REIMBURSED REVENUE M1SCEUANEOUS 52.00 BY TIIIRD PARTIES REVENtJE.<lBN GOVT Total GENERAL RlND 566.00 0.00 1000 Report Total 566.00 0.00 (7:)' (7:) CJ1 Date:7/171l>> I 1:4I:S6 AM -, .. .-'{ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unpostod Budget Transacti.... BXPBND.ADJUSThlENTS FOR 7/17103 BUD298 - BUOOBT ADJUSTMENTS FOR 7/17103 Fund Effective Code Date Fundntlc Transaction Description Dcpt Title GLTitle ........ Decrease 10(l0 7/I7f2oo3 GENERAL FUND REQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL IlX11!NSION SERVlCB MEAL AlLOWANCE 56.00 10(l0 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL IlX11!NSION SERVlCB PHOTO COPIESlSUPPUBS 56.00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINI! rrBM TRANSFER IlX11!NSION SERVlCB Aura 500.00 AlLOWANCBS-COAGBNT 10(l0 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINI! rrBM TRANSFER EXTENSION SERVICE TRAVEL our Of 500.00 COUNIY-COUNIY AGENT 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL JAlLOPERATIONS ADDmoNAL 1,024,00 FAY-RBOULARRATB 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL JAILOPERA11ONS MEALAlLOWANCE 11.00 10(l0 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL lAILOPBRATIONS PRISONER LOOOJNG.Our 1,035.00 OFCOUNIY 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINI! rrBM TRANSFER JAlLOPBRATIONS PRISONER LOOOlNo-our 1,800.00 OFCOUNIY 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND LINB ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 1,800.00 SERVICES 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL COUNTY CLElUC. TEMPORARY lJ5.00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL COUNTY ClJlRI( OVERTlMB 105.00 10(l0 711712003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRI!D BY PAYROLL COUNIYClERK REI1REMBNT 10.00 1000 7/17f1oo3 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER MISCEllANEOUS INSURANCE-AMB 9,000.00 MALPRAcnCE 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER MISCEllANEOUS INSURANCB-UABlllTY AND 17,100.00 PROPERlY 1000 7/1112003 GENERAL FUND LINI! rrBM TRANSFER MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCB-VElDCLE AND 8,100.00 EQUIPMENT 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT-AT.LAW ADULT 1,415.00 ASSIGNED-A'ITORNEY FEES 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT-AI-LAW JUDICIARY FUND 921.00 EXPBNDfIURES 1000 7/17/2003 GENBRALFUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT-AT-LAW LEGAL SERVlCES-COURT 1,415.00 APPOINTED 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND l1NB ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT-AT-LAW PSYClllATRIC SERVICES 160.50 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINI! rrBM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT-AT-lAW PSYCHIATRIC SERVICFS 638.S<l 1000 7/1112003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT-AT-LAW PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES 107.00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT-AT-lAW TRAINING 11lA VEL our OF 921.00 COUNTY 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT.AT-LAW BOOKS-LAW 107.00 I 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND LlNB rrBM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT-AT-lAW BOOKS-LAW 160.50 I 1000 7/1112003 GENERAL FUND LINE rrBM TRANSFER COUNlYCOURT-AT-LAW BOOKS-LAW 638.50 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DlSlRICTCQURT ADULT 3,669.00 ASSIGNBll-A TIORNEY FEES 00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT COURT ADULT ASSIGNED-OTIlBR 87.00 UTIOATlON EXFENSES ] 00 e C7J 0Ill:e-:7/1710111:48:12AM e e ....' I ---- ---- -- e e e .. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS , Unpost.ed Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 7/17/03 -'. - BUD298. BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 7/17/03 Fund Effective Cod, 0... Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GLTitlc: In""", De=ase 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT COURT lEOAL SBRVICES-COURT 3.756.00 APPOINTED 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TRAINING 'IRA VEL OUT OF 176.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #t COUNlY 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTlCE OF 'IRA VEL IN COUN'IY 175.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 711712003 OENERALFUND LlNE ITEM TRANSFER JUSncEOF CAPITAL OUllA Y 1.00 PEACE-PRECINCf #1 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER .It.IVENn.E COURT lUVEN1Ul 1,535.00 ASSIGNED-ATIORNEY FEES 1000 7/1712003 GENERALFUND UNE ITEM 'ffiANSFER lUVEN1Ul COURT lSGAL SERVJCES-COURT 1,535.00 APPOINTED 1000 711712003 GENERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL DISTRICT ATIORNEY MEAL AlLOWANCE 23.00 1000 7/1712003 GENERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL DISTRlCT ATIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.00 1000 7/J712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATIORNEY GENERALOFFlCE SUPPLIES 160.00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES REIMBURSED DIS1RICT ATIORNEY POSTAGE 52.00 BY THIRD PARTIES 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DlSlRICT ATI'ORNEY 'lRA.lNrnG REGISTRATION 500.00 FEESII'RA VEL 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DlSlRICT ATI'ORNEY lRANSCRIP'llON SERVICES 160.00 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM lllANSFER DISTRlCT ATIORNEY 'IRA VEL IN COUNlY 500,00 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES REIMBURSED DIS1RICT ATI'ORNEY WITNESS FEES 261.00 BY THIRD PARTIES 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BYPAYROlL ROAD AND 1l'.MPORARY 5,000.00 BRIDOE-PRECnfcr #1 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND SOCIAL SBCURITY 383.00 BRtOOE-PRECINCf#1 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND WORKMENS 940.00 BRJDOB.PREClNCI' #1 COMPENSATION 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND FEDERAUSTAm 16.00 B~Rl3C1NCT#1 UNEMPWYMENT 1000 711112003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GENERALOFFICB SUPPUES 410.00 B~REClNCI'#1 1000 7/1712003 OENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD.& BRIDGE SUPPIlES 410.00 BRIDOB-PREClNCI' #1 1000 7/J7f2003 GENERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND ROAD.& BRIOOE SUPPLIES 6~39.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND 1l'.MPORARY 5.000.00 BRIDOB-PRECINCI'#4 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND OVERTIME 120.00 BRIDOB-PREClNCI' #4 (Z) (Z) ~ n.to:1111f0311:4lI:12AM ....' CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ", Unpootcd Bud..._.actionl- BXPBND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 7/17103 '..' BUD298-BUDOIIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR 7/17103. Fund EfftlCtive Code Dolo Fund Titlo Transaction Description Dcpt Tide OL TIde In...... D=ease 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND SOCIAL sECURITY 392.00 BRIDOE-PRECINCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND REI1REMENT 483.00 BRIDOB-PREClNCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND WORKMENS 963.00 BRIDOB-PREClNCT #4 COMPI!NSA11ON 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND PEDI!lWJSTA11! 1$,00 BRIDOB-PREC1NCT #4 UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 241.00 BRIDOB-PRECINCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 411.00 BRIOOB-PREClNCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND ROAD & BRlDGB SUPPUBS 6,973.00 BRIOOB-PREClliCT #4 1000 711712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM 1RANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGB SUPPUES 1.800.00 BRIDOB-PREClNCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LEGAL SERVICES 1.800.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROADAND OlITSIDB SERVICES 170.00 BRIDOE-PREClNCT #4 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABl,E..PRECINCT #2 GENERAL OFFlCE SUPPIJES 149.00 1000 7/1112003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTAB[s'PRECINCT #2 AUTO AlLOWANCES 199.00 ! 1000 7117/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTAB[s'PRECINCT #2 TRAINING TRAVEL our OF 50.00 i COUNTY 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #) AUfOAlLOWANCES 222.00 I 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #) RADIO MAINTENANCE 222.00 I 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S RECElPT EMERGENCY TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 253.00 #138$4 MANAGEMENT COUNTY 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE SUPPllESIOPERATINO 2,000.00 I PROTECTION-OLIVIA/PORT EXPENSES I ALTO 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE SERVICES 2.000.00 PROTECTION-OUVIA/PORT I ALTO 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HIGHWAY PATROL MISCEU.ANEOUS 500.00 1 1000 7117/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HIGHWAY PATROL TElEPHONE SERVICES 500.00 I 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL SIIERIFF OVERTlMB ),221.00 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROlL SHBRIFF ADDmoNAL 3,22\.00 1 PAY-RBGULARRATB 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM TRANSFBR SIIERIFF GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 175.00 00 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM TRANSFBR SHBRIFF MACH!NBRY 24.00 00 PARTSlSUPPUES 00 e Dato:1fI71Ol1l:48:12AM e 'lip) e e z i "'0 Gl JUf- ~ Fom' Effective J m [ ~=.i z Cod, "'_ Fund Title m ~ i:~ ~ Illl~ ~ ... ~Il 1000 7/11/2003 GENERAL fUND m-IS: C f i U~ iii hi 1000 7/17/2003 GENERAL fUND 1I!1l n 1000 7/1112003 GENERAL FUND c: i ~ '! 1000 7/1112003 GENERALFUND ~!.. 1000 7/1712003 OENERAL FUND i!' 'lil ~ 1000 7/1712003 GENERAL FUND II ' 1l;::::O l~R: .. ~ {if ,.~! Total GENERAL FUND W g 1000 l' Ii} .il'~g ffl 2744 7/1712003 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND P i f Il:. PREC1NCT N4 2744 7/1712003 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND e I~ li1'~ PRECINCT #4 g ~ Ji" all Tob>! ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ft i~ ~~~ 2744 PRECINCT #4 I 5~o ~5o~ ~ ~E"~ Ifl Report Total ~ ill l~~ ~ 5 ~ h5 II~[ . g-Ilg- if I i!I 1~5' i~ i~ II 5. =f~ ~i' i" ' ft' 8lJi _IS: :0 e ~ o.e:7117J0311:4I:12AN: e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Tramactions - EXPEND,ADmSTMENTS FOR 7/17103 800298 - BUOOET ADIUSlMENTS FOR 7/17103 TlWl5aCtion Description DeptTitle OLTitle UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF lAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES UNE nEM TRANSFER SHERIFF GASOWffilOnJDIESEUGR... LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF SUPPLIES-MISCElLANEous UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF UNIFORMS I...niE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS l.JNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MISCElL\NEOUS LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARlMENT ROAD & BRIOOE SUPPLIES LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT OUTSIDE SERVICES "'=- ""=,, 2,335.00 535.00 256.00 121.00 1,G43.00 175.00 54,974.00 54,408.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 57,724.00 57,158.00 .....