2002-06-11 e " a87ACRf"~S CFflCl~ RC ~69-671 \.01..275. PC. . .0 A.CRCS OS orne/At R[~c;,~607 Y(X.. 282. PC. 0-05 ACRCot'DS OF1'letAL R!2CtJ_224 \otX. 7. PC. e c:1} 7 I s qu / / / / / Q1J.,,/ 6 /6.41 .52 ~s~,~ ~y~ / ;.84 ,UIOTr(let2 Tr(lct 1 RANT'!' OEW TO GIFT WA~E J TAYLCR Ct.A GEOR", JoRoA~ rR R.,E ...EANG 414_417 va.. 27~'00I,irl' OfFICIAL CAlHOUN ~CORQ'S AAp.!ER!;, LTD. R#JCH lAH&:S "''''.. C1' len ?J99.2~~""L R(C~~~7J \otIL '56, PG. 66 e 442 . e e tl ~'" ~~& ..~ ~ e .~ .... .' m~l\ L!J '''' Ii .",iil ..' ~ ,.. 8 ~ It 11\ ~ ~ 00 ~\ ~'& ,... ri\ _'R. l!!;L.1 _~ '" '" '" '" ~-~ ~ ... - " ... - . . @@ ..", u.. r.;"'\ '.. l.lJ .. 't "'. '" .. I, -- Swan Paint Lagoon Unit 9 .., --/ N, ;,1 ;;-1 -;...J ",', } ;,1 ;,1 ~6"'{;ZN B '~tll{"O /I ..RHUI (I] ":J/fH8'O iN 8&1.UII I 'or 8,1'0 OC' I I ':;." -::::!{, l!!J f I I OIlIlRiliI~ I tl '''''''1'0 t ~~ I~K'1I0 rID :~ .:Jt'<<'o \ ":Il: .t IlIti/~ [!] ~ ':;"/~'O · 6Stil(;JJ ':1IJ'''IIS/l) i': ./.10411/ I:J '::JII'HI/lI"O ...os"b'~ 'j'" """0 II~"II~ ',:)I"IJIl!(;I'O "', , 443 ~~6V 12/07/98 217 376 876 Legal Acres 8.56 TOTAL 5,136 231 ~ ~ 'd1 MA TAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORA nON PROJECT - BIDDING SPECIF1CA TIONS Mr. Byron Cumberland with Testengeer, Inc. reported the submission for approval to U.S. Fish and Game Service, Texas Historical Commission and Texas Department of Transportation in Austin, the completed design drawing prepared by Testengeer, Inc. for bidding specifications on Matagorda Island Lighthouse restoration project. He has also been in contact with the Coast Guard. He asked the Court for authorization to bid the project as soon as authorization is received from the State. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the bidding specifications on the Matagorda Island Lighthouse restoration project as prepared by Testengeer, Inc. In discussion, Commissioner Floyd asked that this be delayed, as he had not seen the specifications. Mr. Cumberland requested that action be taken. Judge Marshall stated she had sent a memo to all that the specifications were in her office or a copy would be obtained for anyone wanting them. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Commissioner Floyd abstained, as he had not previously seen the specifications. COURTHOUSE MOLD REMEDIATION - EVALUATION REPORT AND OFFER FROM INSURANCE COMPANY Hal Arnold with Benke Adjusters International gave a report on the final evaluation on the Courthouse mold remediation and insW'ance settlement. He is within $30,000 of settling with the insurance company on the building damages. He has two contractors who prepared three estimates each, some estimates going up and some down. NeRI in Kansas City, not counting the pack out, is $762,391 and Capital County Contractors is $806,750. He expects claim damages as of today to be $875,000. There is $75,000 set aside for pack out and replacement but the insurance company may pay more if estimates on this are higher. Expenses to date on the building are $102,636.21 which insurance will reimburse. Clearing tests are $15,773 and extra expenses approved by insW'ance company are $10,057. e There is an issue regarding application of the policy since there have been six different losses in the Courthouse: (1) door left open and rain came in (2) Sheriffs Office (3) jail incident (4) jail incident (5) map sink in Judge's Office and (6) Hal did not state this one. He said the carrier's position on the first and second losses, there is no reason to evacuate, and losses #3 and #4 are in the same area so the company will pick one of these for extra expenses. The #5 loss is another incident and means there is $10,000 in coverage amounts for extra expenses and we have already incurred $10,057 so we have exceeded the limit by $57.00. The company will allow another incident to allow another $10,000 in extra expenses. Hal's position is there should be four alIowances. This issue still needs to be resolved. It will take only five occurrences @ $1,000 for $5,000; he thinks that four of the six losses should be allowed for extra expense. Hal thinks the last issue may require a legal opinion to resolve. His opinion, since the Courthouse has to be evacuated, all cost for housing prisoners at the time of repair should be covered as part of building damage (may be 14 days). The insurance company considers this an extra expense and not part of building damages since this is loss of use insurance coverage which you can't purchase and which we don't have. Company says we have no insurance on prisoners like we have on the contents of the building. Hal stated this is a three phase approach. (1) getting evaluation of damages which is almost finished, (2) repair and (3) any supplemental payment has to be made for things we are not aware of today; company will pay for those at that time. e The evacuation time could be foW' to six months and additional office space required would not be covered by the policy but could possibly be considered an extra expense. Hal said the issues should be resolved and he will report back to the Court on June 27, 2002. 4i4S FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR ANNUAL REPORT Commissioner Floyd reported sending requested information to attorneys, Bauerman and Spurgeon, on the finances and the doctors, their contracts, floorspace and monthly rental payments, etc. at the Memorial Medical Plaza. They called him Friday after reviewing the information and they felt comfortable the Court had done nothing to affect their tax- exempt status regarding the mall and bond issue. Mr. Spurgeon said we do need to leave in the Disclosure Statement those things which we picked up the indebtedness. Mr. Bauerman is writing a letter to the Court explaining all of this and giving us a background as to what freedoms we have regarding utilization of the other portions of the mall and areas that can be used that were not renovated by the bond issue. The amount of money put into the Plaza by the hospital was not part of the bond issue. The parking lot is a gray area. The plaza is 87,000 square feet - 45,000 square feet are still usable. The attorney said to take out anything that makes reference to our tax-exempt status on the Continuing Disclosure. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Continuing Disclosure for Annual Report as amended and authorize the County Judge to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Continuing Disclosure Due Diligence Questionnaire for Calhoun County For Annual Report Due JUDe 30t 2002 PJeuc como-Jete bv JUDe 7. 2002 e Please answer the fonowing questions. PCovide fun explanation, as necessary. I. m Yes a No Did any specified "material events" occur during the past year? A ''mat<lrial event" should be deemed to include My event that would affect a bondholder's decision to buy or sell the County's bonds, or otherwise would impact an investor or prospective investor in any manner, as defined in SEe Rule lS(c)2- 12. Please mark any of the following Material Evcmtlr lirtod below i( they occurred since the last discloSUf'C period, and provide a detailed explanation below. o Principal and intcrtst payment delinquencies; o NOtt~ent ,.fated defaults; lSiJc Unscheduled draws on debt servi~ reserves reflecting financial difficulties; o Unscbedutc:d draW$ on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; a Substitution of credit or liquidity providers., or their failun: to perform; a Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-ex.empt status of the security; Q Modifications to rights of security holders; o Bond calls; o Defeasances; (J Release, substitution, or sale of property securing rep8}itlCnt of the securities; or o Rating changes. If any material event occWTCd. please explain. Commissioners' Court detennlned that revenues from Mp.mnrbd MP.t1!f'c:lr r.pntpf were insufficient to meet debt service reQuirements on the Camblnm!"" H~rit~1 Revenue and Tax Certificates of OblioatiM SarlM 1998 Rnr! n1lirl nUll 14,..,. eA,../;,..,.. from the County's General Fund. A tax lev... will be made for Jim If.. r1p.ht RPrvi,..p e 2. lXYes 0 No Is the County in full compliance with the provisions and covenants of aU bond issues? Compliance with bond covenants and provisions mi.ght include compliance regarding the levying of a sufficient property tax rate to pay ad valorem faX backed bonds. timely payments made: to an interest and Sinking fund per bond covenants, and sufficient and timely funding of a bond reserve fund for revenue bonds. =l:sr!lXll1l'o\'&m<Pml Page 1 446 -~ e e e 3. DYes fjj No 4. lI&IYes 0 No 5. aYes 0 No 6. OYes>Q9 No 7. o Yes ~No If not, please explain. " Is there any litigation pending or threatening which would potentially have an adverse financial impact on the County? If so, please explain. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, did the County incur any neW debt? If so, please provide a description of the issues below. Include leases, bank borrowings, pool participation, etc. as well as long term debt. Capital Lease for A Soil Drum Compactor in Road and Bridoe Preclcnt #2 The total of the principal payments oyer a 5 year oeriod is $88 192 with Interest fnr the oeriod of $12 71 9 40 for ~ total rip-ht ~Arvir.F! of !t1 nn Q11.dn Thic: ,;,:>ht ic:: beinQ servir:Ad from thp. r.nl Inty'~ r,j::lonj:lo~1 F"t Inri Are any of the ten largest property taxpayers delinquent in their tax payments? If so, p'lease explain. Seadnft Coke LP (Carbon Graphite) has not paid their current taxes due 1/31/02. We expect to collect these taxes from the bankruptcy court. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, have any of the ten largest taxpayers had a material change in property valuation? If so, please explain. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, were there any material changes in the valuation of individual property tax categories? If so, please explain. :::fFlFSf9:JlfI11WNalMPANY Page 2 447 8. DYes~ No 9. DYes>el No 10. DYes llJ No II. DYesl2lNo 12. ~Yes D No e Were any tax abatement or tax increment agreements entered into during the past year? If so, please explain. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, was there any material decline in the fund balance or level of reserves in any governmental funds. If so, please explain. e Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, was there a material decline in total revenues of any of the governmental funds? If so, please explain. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, was there any significant increase in the amounts of receivables or tax delinquencies in any governmental fund? If so, please explain. Were there any significant interfund transfers that have occurred since the last reporting period? Ifso, please explain. Commissioners' Court budqeted a transfer to Memorial Medical Center in the ~mo\Jnt e ::ffisrrouI1l\'l!5fCOMPANY 448 Page 3 e tit e 13. BYes D No 14. DYes B No 15. DYes ~ No 16. 'eYes D No 17. DYeselNo of $147,499 for EmerQency Medical Services. Commissioners' Court budgp.tp.d a transfer to Memorial Medical Center in the amount of $825 553 far app.ratians These transfers resulted in a reduction of the fund h~l~nr.p. in the ~j:lnpr:=!1 Flinn To date $532,776 of the bUdgeted amounts have been transferred. Were any material extraordinary expenditures made during the past year? This can include capital items, material variations from historical or budgeted levels, and new or unexpected expenditure items. If so, please explain. Mold was found in the Courthouse. To date approximatelv $100 000 has been spent on remediation. We anticioate that this amount will'exceed $1 oon 000 before the remediation j!=: r:omnlete We ~ntir.ip:=!tp th::lt thp mqjnrity nf thic: jQIvPQnc:o. will he coveren hy in~lIr::lnr.j::I r.l::limc;: Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, has there been any significant decline in the market value relative to book value of investments? If so, please explain. Were there any investments with maturities greater than two (2) years held at the end of the reporting period? If so, please explain the reason and the market sensitivity and state the maximum permitted investment maturity authorized in the County's investment policy. Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, were there any changes in top administrative or financial positions during since the last reporting period? If so, please explain. Commissioners' Court transferred the administration of the Emergency Medical Services from the Memorial Medical Center (County Hospital) to the controi of the Commissioners' Court. Were there any significant population changes for the past year? If so, please explain. ~!WiHW!S!COMPANY Page 4 449 18. eYesONo Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, were there any tax limitation referendums or failed bond elections? If so, please explain. A bond election for $1,320,000 for an Emergency Medical Facility failed. At this time there is no plan to pursue the construction of this facility. ; e 19. eg Yes 0 No Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, have any major businesses or employers closed or announced significant changes? If so, please explain. Seadrift Coke, LP declared bankruptcy durin~ the year 2001. Conferences with executives of this company indicate that the local olant will not hA AffAdAn hy this action. 20. 0 Yes JQ!l No Subsequent to your most recent fiscal year-end, did any catastrophic or major natural events occur which produced significant damage within the County? If so, please explain. This questionnaire has been prepared by the following authorized representative of the County: e ~{7A~~ Name 00-/1- ocJ..., Date WAOCLI7 @I-/sd./Jd E-mail address (if available) FonnUpd.led.: 21812001 ~SJUIH\\'5fCOMPANY Page 5 e EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - CREDIT CARD APPLICATION TO W AL-MART A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Judge to sign a credit card application to Wal-Mart for Emergency Medical Services. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 450 WAL-MART COMMUNITY & BUSINESS CHARGE ACCOUNT APPLICATION WAL*MART' ALWAYS LOW PRICES. ~: ueANT _ Please read the following before completing this fonn: (1) Applicant represents that the information given in this Appiication is complete and accurate. applying tor cred' you authonze us to check with cred, reporting agencies, cred, references and other sources disclosed herein in investigating the information given. (3) Signatory be an authorized representative of the company with authority to enter into contractual agreements. (4) Upon completion, this Application should be retumed in person to the Store ger at the nearest Wal-Mart. Please complete all boxes below and sign in Section 4. g Address (If P.O. Box, give street address also) Suite/Building/floor # City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Business license ID # ResalefTax License # DYes ONo Tax Document Expiration Date Dun & Bradstreet # ) or Subsidiary of (Leave Blank If Not Available) / ype of Business: / o Corporation CI Proprietorship # of Cards Requested o Partnership a Community tn Business Since eting Representative e Address (It P.O. Box, give street address also) ness Phone # Home Phone # ONAl GUARANTY: In consideration of WaJ-Mart and any assignee financing purchases by buyer, the undersigned guarantor hereby agrees to unconditionally, personally guarantee payment of all amounts due under, 1e performance under the terms of, the Wal-Mart Community & Business Commercial Charge Account Agreement ("Agreement"), and further agrees to pay the total balance due on the account o~ned pursuant to 1reement upon demand, wrthout requiring Wal-Mart or any assignee, to proceed first to enforce payment against the buyer also liable on this account, in the event of any defau~ under the Agreement that governs the Int. The undersigned hereby waives any nolices regarding the Agreement or this guaranty and agrees that this guaranty shall be applicable until the Agreement has terminated and all amounts due thereunder shall been paid in iull. The undersigned guarantor agrees that in the event the account is not paid as agreed, Wal-Mart and any assignee may report the undersigned's liability tor and the status of the account to credit !us and others who may iawfuily receive such information. Personal credit history of the undersigned guarantor will be used in making a credit decision and a consumer report on the undersigned may be obtained. I inquiries of employers and businesses where the llndersigned guarantor maintains accounts may also be made. uarantor's Signature Date , ,. I..' I j . . I . I THE UNDERSIGNED REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE ONE Of THE fOLLOWING (Check One): 'residenUChairman Q VP Q Owner/Sole Proprietor 0 General Partner 0 Officer 0 Other (please specify) E TO BUYER: (1) 00 NOT SIGN THIS APPLICATION BEFORE YOU READ ITOR IF ANY SPACES INTENDED fOR TIlE AGREED TERMS ARE LEFT BlANK, (2) YOU ARE ENTITLEO TO A COMPLETELY flLLEO IN COpy HE GOVERNING CREDIT AGREEMENT. {3) YOU MAY AT ANY TIME PAY THE TOTAl BALANCE UNDER THE AGREEMENT. By signing below on behalf of your business, you represent that your business is a valid ~ess entity; thai all purchases made on this account, if approved, will be (or purposes other than persooal, family, household, or agricultural use; and that you are an authorized representative of the business with ority to enter into contractual Agreements. On behalf of the business, you certify that all information provided in this application is complete and accurate, you agree to be bound by the terms of the governing credit ementofthetypeelectedinlhisapplication,andyouauthorizeustoobtaininformationaboutyoupersonally(whetherornotyouhavepersonallyguarantelldtheaccountj and your business from credit reportin g Iciesand other sources we deem appropriate in considering this application a nd subsequently for purposes 01 updates, renewals or extensions of credit granted asa result of this applicat ion or in teceiving or collecting \ccount. The person signing below certifies that all information provided is true and correct and agrees that there is no binding contract between us until your credit is approved. The Undersigned acknowledges receipt copy of the Wal-Mart Community & Business Commercial Charge Account Agreement. Date horized Representative's Signature Name (Printed) Pr8Screen 'fA1:~t.. rSfOt8 Use Only I ! [ IUIIIOal1 Wal.MartStore' CredilUnl Store ManaQer'sSigl'\ature hx" Dale II Iii C66W.6/00-2340-CB Please fax the completed application to 1-877-294-1088 or mail to: WAL*MART' PO BOX 103110 e ROSWELL GA 30076-9969 451 e e e URS AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED By signing this proposal (02-184-012), Calhoun County hereby authorizes URS to proceed with the described scope of work and agrees that the work will be performed in accordance with URS' PSA-2, and conditions of this proposal at a cost not to exceed Item A - Engineering Design $34,562.48 *Signature Date Name (Type or Print) Title Item B - Construction Oversite $II,255.77 *Signature Date Name (Type or Print) Title *Individual with authority to financially commit Calhoun County. 453 e URS Honorable Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Calhoun County Judge May 1,2002 Page 2 URS very much appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Calhoun County on this project, and should you have any questions with regard to this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact us at 713-914-6699. Very truly yours, ~~ ~tk E. Mazoch, P.E. ProjectMana~ ~:::'J~L.~ Vice President e Attachments 1. Proposal with Scope of Work and Schedule 2. Cost Estimate 3. PSA-2 4. Rate Table e 2 454 PROPOSAL INDIANOLA BEACH 1000-FT SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTIONS e The following scope of work, cost proposal and design schedule is based on the following features proposed for the stabilization of Indianola Beach 1000-ft Shoreline Stabilization Project in the vicinity of the LaSalle Monument (Reference Attached Figure). The LaSalle Monument is approximately near Station 95+00 and is presently protected by a section of shoreline covered with a concrete rubble mound, which extends to approximate station 85+00. URS will finalize a shoreline protection design for the 1000 foot section of shoreline. Calhoun County will provide input for the actual beginning and end stations. The following tasks will be performed to complete the design: Task 1: Data Collection URS will conduct a site survey along the referenced shoreline on the Indianola Beach to finalize a shoreline erosion protection design. Two soil samples will be taken along the 1000-foot shoreline section where the cellular concrete mats on a 4H: I V slope is proposed. This soil data will be used in the cellular concrete mat design for this reach. Task 2: Detailed Design e Based on the acquired data, a shoreline erosion protection design using cellular concrete mats will be prepared. This will include optimization of plan configurations, detailed geotechnical and structural design of the cellular concrete mats, and cut and fill volume calculations for creating the 4H: 1 V slope. Task 3: Drawings and Specifications URS will prepare drawings and specifications suitable for bidding/construction. This will include the general provisions provided by Calhoun County or the Texas General Land Office, technical provisions, as well as any special provisions required. We anticipate that the following drawings will be required: 1. Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map and List of Drawings; 2. General Project Site Plan, including area features and topography and bathymetry; 3. Project Plan Sheets (2), showing designed structures in plan after construction completion; 4. Typical Section and Detail Sheets, including the shoreline protection. e P:\02-012\02-184 Indianola Beach. Calhoun County\Indianola Design Tasks (dlb).doc 1 455 e PROPOSAL INDIANOLA BEACH lOOO-Ff SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT Task 4: Permit Application Preparation URS will prepare the Section 10/404 permit application and serve as the Calhoun County agent for filing with the Galveston District Anny Corps of Engineers. Task 5: Bidding Support URS will assist Calhoun County with the bid process by conducting a pre-bid meeting, receiving bids, evaluating bids, preparing one addendum, and recommending award. Task 6: Construction Oversight URS will assist Calhoun County with oversight of construction of the project. The duration of the project is expected to be six weeks with oversight continuing for twice a week during that time. URS will also collect, approve, or disapprove contractor submittals. Cost Estimate: e URS will provide services to complete the above project scope based on the following estimated schedule of values: Task I - Data Collection ......................................................................................$5,989.15 Task 2 - Detailed Design .....................................................................................$9,418.20 Task 3 - Drawings & Specifications....................................................................$9.638.20 Task 4 - Permitting Application Preparation.......................................................$4,706.58 Task 5 - Bidding Support.....................................................................................$5,774.35 Item A - Engineering Design Total $35,526.48 $11,255.77 Item B - Construction Oversight URS will provide the services to complete this project through construction for a not to exceed the cost of $46,782.25. We understand that compensation will be on a reimbursable per complete task basis pending approval Calhoun County. Compensation will be based on actual costs incurred in accordance with the attached rate schedule, which is consistent with URS' contract with the General Land Office dated April 19, 2001. An attached, detailed cost estimate and contract rate sheet are provided. e P:\02-012\02-[84 fndianola Beach. Calhoun Countyliadiarrola Design Tasks (dlb).doc 2 456 PROPOSAL INDIANOLA BEACH lOOO-FT SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT e SCHEDULE Attached is a schedule for completing the project. URS selected an arbitrary start date for the schedule and it will be revised upon Notice to Proceed. Week 1: Project Meeting Week 1: Permit Application Preparation. Week 1 - Week 2: Detailed Site Survey. Week 3 - Week 5: Detailed Design. Week 6 - Week 8: Drawings and Specifications. Week 9 - Week 10: Bidding Support. Week 11 - Week 16: Construction Oversight DEUVERABLES URS will provide a final submittal of the Drawings and Specifications for bidding and construction of this project. e e P:\02-012\02-184 Indianola Beach - CalhounCounty\lndianola Design Tasks (dlb).doc 3 457 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L 458 ~'" ".;~ ~~~,~;'" \S(,d,,::,,~:::::';;:;:;:\lnd,~n Po.nt "",:,~,,"-' ~\,,}',' " iiJ,d c' ':\'t 5!:~, "~~/ - '.j - "...-;;"1 ,,-,I ,[ b;~~~7<:(f :." ",:&~,,' 'i"", ~:c:= \'~i:~\~ c>>, ,S '\ "',,, ' ' , ;\' 't~\ , >:{~""','M""..,'~",:):,,-,.,,," -~;<~":."'" \ --~ - >. ~~>"i ("\ \"'.;,~~;::. 'y: /.~ '--../ ~ ~ ,,; , c~k\:\\ ....'-01-" r{ L ?,\w.... " .~ \ ~'-;. '~'r^'''''' \:e~tr:"~ ' "\,' ',\ i: " 'if;:,:, ~\:'..; . ..../-"-~~-,!' ~ -~ ,,' /..;.../ """'; -~,~ '.~ ~: ,~:f>"", ii(:~,~~~~.II'lII~tJrllI~ ,~', l!lirtd lJa ~-.~' - - \ "'~'::.j; ).~'j ; '~1-"'" iir;.,'i;~-' ':;'i!;": r.;--'_'- '" __~~ ~-4 ; \'. i~.~'-- "::::"- .~~.;.> ,/ "'.. __~ .' .,..,.::"-1'" ; . _, --. x' ;.....~_..~ 'J '! "...,,,,,. .,::;.,''';'<; '~:1 ,~-' ,Y"'-- ' ,:,,' ""'- "~,;,: ;E''':' 'C., ",,' \, '0J . y, ' .~+:;~>L \ }<~\;:,:;" ~-_~L'::'.-,,.,J,~ "; :'~c:,-~ I "._~,~,.;j }"J~_ ~j~I -, ., -_.~/'--- ..- ;f~jj}( , I"'>' "c.;,-.-",-,.-" j' - r..' Ie I I I I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I I I I Ie I I I ...J -\ .>~ ""'"i./ 0'\ o '~'~- - ~ .,.. "" '7 /"......-;\.<. {.oilO\lOU\.- ..' -::./_._~.:;:.. ,$lib,.. "- -I >, ''''-'-'' \ \" (~.--,' t" i .. {~ . , "._..,.,."K""".~..,.,-",,",.t~ "~.. ...... '\ ,- " ':, ., ' " '\ ',\ ,,'- . '~ ~ !'?- ;""'-~ URS ~WES1HElW(R,STE. PtION(;7-ltXASn042500 F~: (71J)1~)",914-eelN -7414 INOIANOLA SHOREUNE sT":NOUA B~CH CAIJlOUN CO~~ON PROJECT . TOOS """"" COUKlY SITE LOCATION MAP '",", ".', "$""''' Projec:t: ~--"~_. _''''',. f:'-(,","",j,,"~' ^':":;:;;'; INOIANOLA- ~~HOUA ClI."t: Se~Iol: NOT TO sc..u: Ora_by: Chk,:A8/DLB '" OLB t.4(t.l Oate: ~4-2702 04 27 02 4-6529 XXX 012 f1<;1ln: Proj..,tNo.: URS INDIANOLA BEACH 1000-FOOT SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT e CALHOUN COUNTY Item A- Engineering Services LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 16 $1,792.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 4 $357.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 12 $1,575.00 Sr. Engineer $95.55 88 $8,408.40 Staff Engineer $64.05 148 $9,479.40 Sr. Env. Scientist $89.25 0 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 16 $890.40 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 116 $5,237.40 Assistant Engineer $53.55 0 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 30 $1,102.50 $28,842.10 EXPENSES Item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare AfT $200.00 0 $0.00 Hotel Day $70.00 0 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 1.5 $45.00 e Miieage Mile $0.365 580 $211.70 Rental Car Day $60.00 0 $0.00 Telephone Call $3.00 65 $195.00 Shipments Each $25.00 7 $175.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 160 $800.00 Soil Testing Equipment Day $131.25 0 $0.00 Sampling Equipment Week $75.00 0 $0.00 GPS Equipment Day $42.50 0 $0.00 Field Supplies Each $100.00 0 $0.00 Reproduction LS $50.00 9 $450.00 Photography LS $0.00 0 $0.00 $1,876.70 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $187.67 SUBCONTRACTORS Task Quotation: $4,200.00 Management Fee 10% $420.00 $4,620.00 TOTAL PROJECT $35,526.48 e 459 e URS INDIANOLA BEACH 1000-FOOT SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY Task No. 1 - Data Collection LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 0 $0.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 0 $0.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 0 $0.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 8 $764.40 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 8 $512.40 Sr. Env. Scientist $89.25 0 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 0 $0.00 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 0 $0.00 Assistant Engineer $53.55 0 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 0 $0.00 $1,276.80 EXPENSES e Item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare AfT $200.00 $0.00 Hotel Day $70.00 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 $0.00 Mileage Mile $0.365 230 $83.95 Rental Car Day $60.00 $0.00 Telephone Call $3.00 $0.00 Shipments Each $25.00 $0.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 $0.00 Soil Testing Equipment Day $131.25 $0.00 Sampling Equipment Week $75.00 $0.00 GPS Equipment Day $42.50 $0.00 Field Supplies Each $100.00 $0.00 Reproduction LS $50.00 $0.00 Photography LS $0.00 $0.00 $83.95 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $8.40 SUBCONTRACTOR Site Survey Task Quotation: $4,200.00 Management Fee 10% $420.00 $4,620.00 TOTAL TASK $5.989.15 e 460 URS e INDIANOlA BEACH 100D-FOOT SHORELINE STABiliZATION PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY Task No. 2 . Detailed Design LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 8 $896.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 0 $0.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 12 $1,575.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 24 $2,293.20 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 40 $2,562.00 Sr. Env. Scientist $89.25 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 $0.00 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 40 $1,806.00 Assistant Engineer $53.55 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 $0.00 $9,132.20 EXPENSES item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare R!T $200.00 $0.00 e Hotel Day $70.00 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 $0.00 Mileage Mile $0.365 $0.00 Rental Car Day $60.00 $0.00 Telephone Call $3.00 20 $60.00 Shipments Each $25.00 $0.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 40 $200.00 Reproduction lS $50.00 $0.00 Photography LS $0.00 $0.00 $260.00 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $26.00 SUBCONTRACTOR Task Quotation: Management Fee 10% $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TASK $9,418.20 e 461 e URS INDIANOLA BEACH 1000-FOOT SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY Task No. 3 - Drawings & Specification LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 4 $448.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 $0.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 $0.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 24 $2,293.20 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 40 $2,562.00 Sr. Env. Scienlist $89.25 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 $0.00 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 60 $2,709.00 e Assistant Engineer $53.55 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 20 $735.00 $8,747.20 EXPENSES Item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare R!T $200.00 $0.00 Hotel Day $70.00 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 $0.00 Mileage Mile $0.365 $0.00 Rental Car Day $60.00 $0.00 Telephone Call $3.00 20 $60.00 Shipments Each $25.00 2 $50.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 100 $500.00 Reproduction LS $50.00 4 $200.00 Photography LS $0.00 $0.00 $810.00 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $81.00 SUBCONTRACTOR Task Quotation: Management Fee 10% $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TASK $9,638.20 e 462 URS INDIANOLA BEACH 100D-FOOT SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT e CALHOUN COUNTY Task No. 4 - Permit Application Preparation LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 $0.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 4 $357.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 $0.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 8 $764.40 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 24 $1,537.20 Sr. Env. Scientist $89.25 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 16 $890.40 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 16 $722.40 Assistant Engineer $53.55 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 2 $73.50 $4,344.90 EXPENSES Item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare AfT $200.00 $0.00 Hotei Day $70.00 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 0.5 $15.00 e Mileage Mile $0.365 120 $43.80 Rental Car Day $60.00 $0.00 Teiephone Call $3.00 5 $15.00 Shipments Each $25.00 5 $125.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 16 $80.00 Reproduction LS $50.00 1 $50.00 Photography LS $0.00 $0.00 $328.80 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $32.88 SUBCONTRACTOR Task Quotation: Management Fee 10% $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TASK $4,706.58 e 463 e URS INDlANOLA BEACH 1000-FOOT SHORELINE STABILIZATION PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY Task No. S - Bidding Support LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 4 $448.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 $0.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 $0.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 24 $2,293.20 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 36 $2,305.80 Sr. Env. Scientist $69.25 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 $0.00 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 $0.00 Assistant Engineer $53.55 SO.OO Secretarial Support $36.75 8 $294.00 e $5,341.00 EXPENses Item AirFare Hotel Food Mileage Rental Car Telephone Shipments CAD Computer Reproduction Photography Units Rate Quantity Subtotals RfT $200.00 $0.00 Day $70.00 $0.00 Day $30.00 1 $30.00 Mile $0.365 230 $83.95 Day $60.00 $0.00 Call $3.00 20 $60.00 Each $25.00 $0.00 Hours $5.00 4 $20.00 LS $50.00 4 $200.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 $393.95 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $39.40 Task Quotation: Management Fee 10% $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TASK $5,n4.35 e SUBCONTRACTOR 464 URS INDIANOlA BEACH 100o-FOOT SHORELINE STABiliZATION PROJECT e CALHOUN COUNTY Item B - Construction Oversite LABOR Position Rate Hours Subtotals Totals Program Manager $112.00 2 $224.00 Deputy Program Manager $89.25 $0.00 Senior Consultant $131.25 $0.00 Sr. Coastal Engineer $95.55 96 $9,172.80 Staff Coastal Engineer $64.05 $0.00 Sr. Env. Scientist $89.25 $0.00 Staff Env. Scientist $55.65 $0.00 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 $0.00 Assistant Engineer $53.55 $0.00 Secretarial Support $36.75 8 $294.00 $9,690.80 EXPENSES Item Units Rate Quantity Subtotals AirFare RIT $200.00 $0.00 Hotel Day $70.00 $0.00 Food Day $30.00 21.3 $639.00 e Mileage Mile $0.365 1380 $503.70 Rental Car Day $60.00 $0.00 Telephone Call $3.00 20 $60.00 Shipments Each $25.00 $0.00 CAD Computer Hours $5.00 4 $20.00 Reproduction LS $50.00 4 $200.00 Photography lS $0.00 $0.00 $1,422.70 Management & Accounting Fee 10.00% $142.27 SUBCONTRACTOR Task Quotation: Management Fee 10% $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TASK $11,255.77 e 465 e GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ("Agreement") This Agreement between Calhoun County. 211 S. Ann Street, Room 304, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979-4296 ,("Client") and URS Corporation ("URS"), a Nevada corporation; ~ Westheimer. Suite 500, Houston. Texas 77042 is effective as of . The parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I . Services. URS agrees to perform for Client the professional services ("Services") described in URS proposal dated Mav 1, 2002 ("Proposal"), atlached and incorporated herein. Because of the uncertainties inherent in the Services contemplated, time schedules are only estimated schedules and are subject to revision unless otherwise specifically described in the Proposal. As full consideration for the performance of Services, Client shall pay to URS the compensation provided for in the Proposal. ARTICLE II . Pavment. Unless otherwise stated in an Work Order, payment shall be on a time and materials basis under the Schedule of Fees and Charges in effect when the Services are performed. Client shall pay undisputed portions of each progress invoice within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. If payment is not maintained on a thirty (30) day current basis, URS may suspend further performance until payments are current. Client shall notify URS of any disputed amount within fifteen (15) days from date of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and promptly pay the undisputed amount. Client shall pay an additional charge of one and one-half percent (1Y2%) per month or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is the lesser, for any past due amount. In the event of a legal action for invoice amounts not paid, attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related expenses shall be paid to the prevaiiing party. e ARTICLE III . Professional Responslbllitv. URS is obligated to comply with applicable standards ot professionai care in the performance of the Services. Client recognizes that opinions relating to environmental, geologic, and geotechnical conditions are based on limited data and that actual conditions may vary from those encountered at the times and locations where the data are obtained, despite the use of due professionai care. ARTICLE IV - Responsibllitv for Others. URS shall be responsible to Client for URS Services and the services of URS subcontractors. URS shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of other parties engaged by Client nor for their construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or their health and safety precautions and programs. ARTICLE V - Risk Allocation. The liability of URS, its employees, agents and subcontractors (referred to collectively in this Article as OURS"), for Client's claims of loss, injury, death, damage, or expense, including, without limitation, Ciient's ciaims of contribution and indemnification, express or implied, with respect to third party claims relating to services rendered or obligations imposed under this Agreement, including all Work Orders, shall not exceed in the aggregate: (1) The total sum of $100,000 for claims arising out of professional negligence, including errors, omissions, or other professional acts, and including unintentional breach of contract; or (2) The total sum of $1,000,000 for claims arising out of negligence, breach of contract, or other causes for which URS has any legal liability, other than as limited by (1) above. ARTICLE VI . ConsequentIal DamaQes. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for consequential damages, including, without limitation, loss of use or loss of profits, incurred by one another or their subsidiaries or successors, regardless of whether such damages are caused by breach of contract, willful misconduct, negligent act or omission, or other Wrongful act of either of them. e PSA-2.DQC 19-Mar-02 1- 466 , , e e e ., ARTICLE VII - Client Responsibilitv, Client shall: (1) provide URS, in writing, all information relating to Client's requirements for the project; (2) correctly identify to URS, the location of subsurface structures, such as pipes, tanks, cables and utilities; (3) notify URS of any potential hazardous substances or other health and safety hazard or condition known to Client existing on or near the project site; (4) give URS prompt written notice of any suspected deficiency in the Services; and (5) with reasonable promptness, provide required approvals and decisions. In the event that URS is requested by Client or is required by subpoena to produce documents or give testimony in any action or proceeding to which Client is a party and URS is not a party, Client shall pay URS for any time and expenses required in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney's fees. ARTICLE VIII - Force Maieure. An event of "Force Majeure" occurs when an event beyond the control of the Party claiming Force Majeure prevents such Party from fulfilling its obligations. An event of Force Majeure includes, without limitation, acts of God (including floods, hurricanes and other adverse weather), war, riot, civil disorder, acts of terrorism, disease, epidemic, strikes and labor disputes, actions or inactions of government or other authorities, law enforcement actions, curfews, closure of transportation systems or other unusual travel difficulties, or inability to provide a safe working environment for employees. In the event of Force Majeure, the obligations of URS to perform the Services shall be suspended for the duration of the event of Force Majeure. In such event, URS shall be equitably compensated for time expended and expenses incurred during the event of Force Majeure and the schedule shall be extended by a like number of days as the event of Force Majeure. If Services are suspended for thirty (30) days or more, URS may, in its sole discretion, upon 5 days prior written notice, terminate this Agreement or the affected Work Order, or both. In the case of such termination, in addition to the compensation and time extension set forth above, URS shall be compensated for all reasonable termination expenses. ARTICLE IX - No Third Party RIQhts. This Agreement shall not create any rights or benefits to parties other than Client and URS. No third party shall have the right to rely on URS opinions rendered in connection with the Services without URS written consent and the third party's agreement to be bound to the same conditions and limitations as Client. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE that there has been an opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound accordingly. CLIENT URS Signature Signature Typed NamelTitle Typed NameiTilIo Date of Signature Date of Signature PSA-2.DOC 19-Mar.02 2 - 467 e URS Schedule of Charges Classification 2001 Rate Pronram Manane;:-TPrin~1 in Char;:;e\ $129.15 Senior Consultant S132.25 DenLlt\lPronram Mananer $89.25 prOfect Manaaer S112.00 Senior En ineer $95.55 PrOiect Ennfneer $84.00 Slaff er;;i"ineer $64.05 GIS Mana er! Pro"ect Errineer Level $84.00 Sr. CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 CAD/GIS Technician $45.15 Staff Enviromentaf Scientist $55.65 SecretBiVl AccountfiVl $36.75 e e 468 e e e JAIL FEASffiILITY STUDY - AGREEMENT ON CONSULTING SERVICES WITH THE FACILITY GROUP Judge Marshall informed the Court the Jail Feasibility Study committee should have a draft proposal by the end of July. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Judge to enter into an agreement for extension of the agreement for consulting services with The Facility Group for the jail feasibility study. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. June 6, 2002 Draft Arlene N. Marshall Calhoun County Judge 211 South Ann Street, Suite 304 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Reference: Request for Contract Extension for the Jail Study Dear Judge Marshall: The purpose of this letter is to request an additional extension of our contract to work with the Jail Feasibility Study Committee through the month of August, 2002. As you will recall, our contract with the County was amended in February to extend the time for working with the Committee on the jail portion of the study through May 31, 2002. At this point, we anticipate having a draft of our report on the jail completed by next month, and ready for presentation to the Commissioners' Court by late July. No additional compensation will be required or requested. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, THE FACILITY GROUP Bill Gamos Senior Program Manager cc: Bill Bauer Peter Rich Meyer Chaskin 469 SWAN POINT PARK RENOVATIONS - CONTRACT WITH LESTER CONSTRUCTION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize Commissioner Finster to sign the contract with Lester Construction for r~novations at Swan Point Park in Precinct 4. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Fmster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ~Fr'06-0Z ":'9,m From- T-5eo P.OZ/OS F-Zll Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT SWAN POINT SECTION 00500 \. STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF CALHOUN 0 TInS AGREEMENT is dated as of the _day of . in the year 2002, by and between Calhoun County, Texas, (hereinafter called OWNER), and LESTER CONTRACTING. INC. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). e OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set furth, agree as follows: Article I - WORK: CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally descnbed as follows: ''BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT SWAN POINT" Article 2- ENGINEER: The Project has been designed by TESTENGEER, INC. who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as 0 VINER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract DocumeDts in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3- CONTRACT TIME: 3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall commence the work within ten (10) calendar days after the e date written notice sha1l be given to him, and sha1l progress therewith so that the work shall be substantia1ly completed in accordazu:e with the terms of the Contract Documents. 3.2 Liquidated Damages. The successful bidder agrees that time is of the essence of this Contract, and that for each day of delay beyond the number of days specified fur the substantial completion ofhis work. after due allowances for such extension of time as may be provided, the OWNER may withhold permanently from the CONTRACTOR's total compensation, the sum of $350.00 per day as stipulated liquidated damages for such delay. 470 e e e "!lFr-O,-O, 11 :19am From- T-sao P.O,/O, F-", CalhOWl County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT SWANPOlNT SECTION 00500 Article 8- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents, which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work, consist oftbe following: 8.1 Notice to Bidders (page I). 8.2 Instructions to Bidders (pages Ito 5 inclusive). 8.3 This Agreement (pages I to 5, inclusive). 8.4 Bid Proposal (pages I to 7, inclusive). 8.5 Performance and Payment Bonds, consisting of 2 pages each to be added to this Agreement within ten (10) calendar days of the date of this Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. 8.6 ContractOr's Qualification Statement submitted by CONTRACTOR at the date of the receipt of bids (pages CQS-I to CQS-5, inclusive). 8.3.1 Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (pages 1 to 42, inclusive). 8.8 Supplementary Conditions of the Construction Contract (pages 1 to 9, inclusive). 8.9 Specifications titled BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT, SWAN POINT, and incoIpOrating the Instructions to Bidders and the Technical Specifications. 8.10 Drawings, as listed in the BID PROPOSAL. 8.11 Addenda numbers _ to --' inclusive. 8.12 The following which may be delivered or issued after the Etrective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written .A m"ndments and other documents amending, modifYing, or supplementing the Contract Documents p\l1'Slliln! to paragraphs 3.04 of the General COnditiODS. 8.13 TIu: documents listed in paragraphs 8.2 et seq. above are attached to this Agreement (except as may be noted otherwise above). There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be om""ded. modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.04 of the General ConditioDS. Article 9- MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 471 nPr-06-02 11 :19,m Prom- T-SiO P.04/06 P-211 CalhOUll County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT SWAN.POINT SECTION 00500 e 5.1.2 Upon Substantial Completion, in an amount of ninety-five percent (95%) of the contract price, less such amounts as rhe ENGINEER shall. determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.02.0. of the GeIIera1 Conditions. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.01. Article 6.INTEREST: Except for retainage, ail moneys not paid when due as provided for in Article 14 of the General Conditions, assuming prompt submittals by the CONTRACTOR, shall bear interest at the passbook savings rare as determined at the location of the Project. Article 7- CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVES: e In order to induce OWNER 10 enIer into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 7.1 CONTRACTOR bas familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 7.2 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked ail infurmation and data shown or indicated on the COntracl Documents with respect to existing underground facilities at or contiguous to the site, and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said under-ground fucilities. No additional ,""",,,.,;n~t;nns, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said underground fucilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Docwnents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.03 of the General Conditions. 7.3 CONTRACTOR bas correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.4 CONTRACTOR bas given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he bas discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereofby ENGINEER is acceptable 10 CONTRACTOR. e 472 e e e !IF ,-OS-02 11: 1 Sam F rom- T-5iO P.05/0S F-2ll Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AT SWAN POINT SECTION 00500 Article 4- CONTRACT PRICE: 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: SEVENTY TIIOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY Dollars and NO Cents. (words) $ 70 830.00 ( figures) as a total sum in accordance with the Bid Proposal dated and attached hereto. Article 5- PAYMENT PROCEDURES: CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the ConttaCt Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Paymem: as recommended by ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR'S applications for payment for work completed by the last day of the preceding month, based upon ENGINEER'S approval of the CONTRACTOR'S estimate, may be approved by the OWNER, and payment made as soon as practicable thereafter. All progress payments will be On the basis of the progress of the Work as measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.05 and 2.07 of the General Conditions. In the even! there is no schedule of values, paymenI sha1l be made based on the actual units of work done, as otherwise provided in the General Requirements. 5.1.1 Prior to Substantial Completioll, progress paymenIs will be made in an aIDOtmI equal to the percentage indicated below, but in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph I 4.02.0. of the General Conditions. Ninety-live (95%) percent of the work completed. Ninety-five (95%) percent of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work, but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satis:factory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions. 473 ~Fr-06-0Z 11 :ZOam From- T-sao 1'.06/06 F-m Calhoun COWlty BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL lMPROVEMENTS AT SWAN POINT SECTION 00500 e 9.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on lIIlOthcr party hereto without the written consent of the party sough! to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itseJt: its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect of all covenams, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in five (5) coWlterparts. Two counterparts each have been delivered to OWNER and CONTRACTOR, and one has been delivered to the ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER _ and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. . This Agreement will be effective ,2002. OWNER: CALHOUN COUNTY BY: Attest: (CORPORATE SEAL) CONTRACTOR: LESTER CONTRACTING, INC. By: Attest: License No. (CORPORATE SEAL) Agem for service of process: (IfCONTACTOR is a corporation, anach evidence of authority to sign..) e 474 COUNTY INSURANCE APPLICATION County Auditor Ben Comiskey and the Court discussed and completed the application for insurance for Calhoun County. PRINTER IN COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE - MAINTENANCE CONTRACT e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the County Judge to enter into an annual maintenance contract with Office Systems Center for a printer in the County Judge's office. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION - PORT O'CONNOR FIRE DEPARTMENT TANK TRUCK Commissioner Finster stated Port O'Connor Fire Department has the funds to repair their tank truck. GENERAL DISCUSSION - DRAINAGE DITCH AT VICTORIA-CALHOUN COUNTY LINE - PRECINCT #2 Commissioner Balajka discussed the ditch at the Victoria-Calhoun County line that drains the property on Hengst Road and Texas Avenue in Precinct #2. Drainage District #3 in Victoria County has the easement which drains Victoria County all right but causes some flooding in the Calhoun area when the ditch is not cleared of silt. The ditch has been cleaned and maintained by Calhoun County several times. Victoria County feels this is just farmland and is not concerned. Commissioner Finster suggested an interlocal agreement with Victoria County. Commissioner Balajka said if something is not done before the next big rain, there could be water in the houses. Commissioner Galvan advised doing what could be done as the property has to be protected. Commissioner Finster was concerned with him going on Victoria County property without their consent. e GENERAL DISCUSSION - FENCE ON COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY AT MAGNOLIA BEACH IN PRECINCT #1 Commissioner Galvan said Skip Hughes has put a fence on the county right-of-way about six or seven feet from Ocean Drive. He has contacted the District Attorney concerning this matter. GENERAL DISCUSSION - JAIL INSPECTION Judge Marshall stated there was another jail inspection this morning. Terry Julian, Executive director of the Jail Commission, recommended the jail be closed in his previous letter. She received a letter from the consultant regarding the current status. David Weber, Representative Gene Seaman's aide, will be at the hearing with us. The issues are the number of prisoners and non-compliance of some conditions. There is nothing of record to show increase in the number of beds here though we have passed inspection for many years. She listed several concerns. She said the Jail Commission's purpose was not to close the jail; they want to work with us. GENERAL DISCUSSION - KOOP/COX LAWSUIT Commissioner Floyd said he went to Houston Thursday to meet with the attorneys on the Koop-Cox lawsuit. In July, he and Judge Marshall will be deposed. e TIlE COURT ADJOURNED AT 12:05 P.M. 475