2003-10-23 e REGULAR OCTOBER TERM HELD OCTOBER 23, 2003 THE STATE OF TEXAS S ~ COUNlY OF CALHOUN i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 23'" day of October, A.D., 2003, there was begun and holden at the Courthouse In the Oty of Port L.avaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Tenn of the Commissioners' O:lwt within said County and State, and there were PreSent on thJs date the foIJowIng members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan MichaeJ J. BaJajka H. Aoyd Kenneth W. Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commlssioller, Pet. 1 Commissioner, Pet. 2 Commissioner, Pet. 3 Commlssloner, Pet. 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and CommlssIoner Finster lead the Pledge of AJJegiance. e ~:"n:~~"':c: ~:':~:~':~~~~~EC'I}ONSADMINISTRATOR AND Judge Pfeifer presented Stephanie Smith with a plaque of appreciation for her years of service as ElectiOn AdmlnIstralDr. Dora Garcia was appointed as ElectIon AdmfnfstralDr and was mngratulated by the court. e :X~~ :~~ ~:::~~~UTY VEHIClE AND TWO (2l AMBULANCE CH4~C FOR EMS. BIos OPENED OCTOBER 16. 2003 Bids were opened on October 16, 2003, from Atzenhoffer Chevrolet and Kovar ford. Kovar ford had the lowest bid but did not meet the specifications; therefore Henry Balber D1rec:tDr of EMS recommended that the bid be awarded lD Atzenhoffer Chevrolet for One (1) 2003 utility vehldl:. Bids were opened on October 16, 2003; Atzenhoffer Chevrolet was the single bidder for the two 4500 ambulance chassrs. A MoJIion was made by CommiSSioner Aoyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept the bid of $32,796.62 with trade In for one utility vehIcle, thrs was the lowest bid meetlng speclticatlons and was from Atzenholfer Chevrolet. Also, accept the bid of $31,740.18 per chassis for a Iotal of $63,480.36 less the trade In of $9,500.00 making the total $53,980.36 from Atzenhotfer Chevrolet. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, Finster and JUdge PfeIfer all voted In favor. ....,,-- 285 b;L .. ---. -- r '-" Eswbf;s/1ed 11)8() Serving all of Colhourf. County * Calhoun County * Emergency Medical Services October 17, 2003 Honorable Michael Pfeifer Commissioners Court 211 S, Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Ref; Bids opened October 16, 2003 2004 Utility Vehicle Atzenboffer Chevrolet $35,027.87 less trade $2,500.00 $32.796.62 $33,142.77 less trade $1,200,00 $31.94277 Kovar Ford Atzenhoffer Chevrolet met the bid specifications completely. Kovar Ford did not meet the following specification: Bid a '-4 ton instead of a \>ton Bid a VI 0 6.SL instead of a 5300 Did not meet mirror specification Did oot have fog lamps Did not meet rear door specification. Bid a smaller alternator 130 VS 140 amp Did not meet air bag specifications Bid a smaller battery 750 CCA vs 770 CCA Therefore 1 am recommending that the bid be awarded to Atzenhoffer Chevrolet for the amount of $32,796.62 Sincerely, o 216 E. Mahan Street Port lavaca, Texas 77979 361.552.1140 361-552.6552 Fax myweb.cableone.netlcal-ems 'f , e e e 286 ~ '~ e c e c e BID OPENlNG-2004 UTlUTYVEHlCLE-10/16/2004 ITEM 2004 UTIL TIY VEHICLE AUTOMOBILES/SUVS TYPE , , quANITIY 1 1 " ,gz. ?f49. "'2- - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t::JCt:urs;Ol> 1 1 1 1 1 BIDDER ARENDAlE FORD SAlES INC A1ZENHOFFER CHEVROLET.GEO INC BARRETT MOTOR COMPANY BILL HEARD CHEVROLET CENTER MOTOR COMPANY CITY MOTORS GREENVILLE FORD-LINCOLN-MERCURY HELFMAN FORD , HILLCREST FORD, LINCOLN, MERCURY HILLTOP FORD JACK ROACH FORD JACKSON CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC MAZADA JENNING ANDERSON FORD LAVACA BAY AUTOWORLD LEONARD KOVAR FORD CO MCCOMBS FLEET SERVICES MILT FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY ORANGE FORD PADRE FORD MAZDA PHILPOTT MOTORS INC PORT LAVACA DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP PORT LAVACA FORD RODEO CHEVROLET SCOTT ROBERTSON HUGHES TRUCK SOUTHWEST FORD TEAM BONNER CHEVROLET TRIANGLE CHEVROLET VONDERAU FORD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNlTPRlCE ~ 'Z?Oo' 6'3.3 1'1-:1.7'7 11;2/11:J. J Thuroday. October 16. 2 03 OPENED IN COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE Pago101 COUNTY JUDGES REPRESENTATIVE c., .....<; 1'1--0 R.: le<{ .COUNTY AUDITOR'SREPRESENTATIVE_~ '(. 1\) (aM.&'4,i LL 287 "\ -- o c Serving all of Calhoun County Esfoblis/wd 1<;80 * Calhoun County * Emergency Medical Services October 17, 2003 Honorable Michael Pfeifet Commissioners Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaco, Texas 77979 Ref; Bids opened October 16, 2003 Atzenhoffer Chevrolet was the single bidder for the two 4500 ambulance chassis. The bid price for each truck Wl1S $31,740.18. One truck had a trade in of $4,500 and the other$5,000. If the court elects to take the trade in for both trucks, the total bid award to Atzenhoffer would be: S53980.36 $31,740.18 x 2 = $63,480,36 - $9,500 = $53,980.36 The decision for the court is if a better price can be obtained for the chassis at the auction. The last auction did bring a better price. I am recommending that Atzenhoffer Chevrolet be awarded the bid for the two chassis with the award amount being contingent upon the courts trade in versus auction decision. Sincerely, 216 E. Mahan Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 361-552.1140 361.552.6552 Fax myweb.cableone.netJcal-ems i 288 e e e e :::: BID OPENlNG-2004 AMBULANCE CHASSIS-l0/16/2004 r- \....-' e c' e ITEM 2004 AMBULANCE CHASS AUTOMOBILES/SUYS TYPE BlDDfR ARENDALE FORD SALES INC AlZENHOFFER CHEVROLET.GEO INC BARRETT MOTOR COMPANY BILL HEARD CHEVROlET CENTER MOTOR COMPANY CITY MOTORS GREENVILLE FORD.L1NCOLN-MERCURY HELFMAN FORD HILLCREST FORD. LINCOLN, MERCURY HILLTOP FORD JACK ROACH FORD JACKSON CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC MAZADA JENNING ANDERSON FORD LAVACA BAY AUTOWORLD LEONARD KOVAR FORD CO MCCOMBS FLEET SERVICES MILT FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY ORANGE FORD PADRE FORD MAZDA PHILPOTT MOTORS INC PORT LAVACA DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP PORT LAVACA FORD RODEO CHEVROLET SCOTT ROBERTSON HUGHES TRUCK SOUTHWEST FORD TEAM BONNER CHEVROLET TRIANGLE CHEVROLET VONDERAU FORD UNITPRICE T~,;, QUAI/IITY 2 '~#2~7'Io'18 /f""'~.'. , '( 2 , If', L 2 /lifL;> , /11"" -,).' f 2 .J ) 'LU-i.)'.) 2 ~ V2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 / f /] I 7 '-fUj' Jl- :J j, I~" ~.c..~ <l " COUNTY JUDGES REPRESENTATIVE ~"'''''A.v \C?', \e-y ~<!-N C~""'-;'\<-"--I I COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPRESENTATIVE _ 4'r- oJ,tJoO . -II<}pro. Page 1 0 1 , 289 \') , e ~m TABULATlON-EMS ,2004 UTlUTY VEHICLE IIIIIS IIPEItID: IICI1IIIBIII. 2003 2004 UTIUTY VEHICLE BIDDER ATZENHOFFER CHEVROLET.G LEONARD KOVAR FORO CO. UNIT . BID PRICE $32,769.620 1 $33,142.770 TRADE.IN $2,500.000 $1,200.000 NET PRICE EXCEPTIONS $30,269.620 NONE LISTED $31,942.770 V.10 ENGINE INSTEAD OF va ENGINE; NO FOG LAMPS; NO AIR BAGS; BATTERY 750 CCA INSTEAD OF 770 CCA: ALTERNATOR 130 AMP INSTEAD OF 145 AMP AWARDED e c c;;.' ursday, October 16, 2003 e UNIT 1 TRADE.IN: 1994 CHEVROLET CAPRICE ~L 290 i '::JID TABULATION-EMS 2004 AMBUlANCE CHASSIS A IIIIIS IIPBiIlI: llCDUlBIlI.2D03 _ 2()()4 AMBULANCE CHASSIS BIDDER UNIT BID PRICE TRADE.IN NET PRICE EXCEPllONS AWARDED AlZENHOFFER CHEVROLET-G ATZENHOFFER CHEVROLET-G 1 $26,740.180 2 $27,240.180 $5,000.000 $4,500.000 $21,740.180 NONE USTED $22,740,180 NONE LISTED r--. . '-, e ThUlSday. October 16, 2003 UNIT 1 TRADE-IN: 1998 CHEVROLET CHASSIS CAB-78.000 MILE!! UNIT 2 TRADE-IN: 1998 CHEVROLET CHASSIS CAB-8S:000 MILES ,r--" \....- e. " ,;j- 291 "!:All IJEPORr FROM AIRPORT ADVISORY IUURD IN R!GARDS TO THE TXDOT GRANT AND OTHER INFORMATION ABOUTTHE AIRPORT CONTRACT Mr. Wooklr1dge WIth the AIrport MvIsory Board talked WIth the murt In regards to the AWOS Weather Sy$lem lit the Airport. The CDunty commlttl!d funds to a matchIng grant about a year ago. The payment In the amount of $21,623.00 Is now due. , ,.~ ....... :., ... ~ ;..~:,,;- .. " ' I Texas Department of Transportation AVIATION DIVISION , 125 E.llTH STIliE'T' AUSTiN, TeXAS 78701-20113' ":lI4'lI.4l;Ol>."I'AX51:l141e-""G e ?:, September 11,100'3 The Honorable Michael Balajka County Commissioner. Calhoun County 211 S. Ann Port Lavaca, TexIS 77979 ,.- RE: TXDOT Project No.: AI' CALHOUN 2 TXIlOT CSJ No.: 03AWPTLAV Fund Source: 3500290006 ,Dear Commissioner Balajka, The IGtal cost for the above reference project is 588,891, For your convenience; I have enclosed the optiom that were selected !'or this project. The Sponsors Share of the cost ofthis project is $22,223. Records In thls office indicate that we have received 5600. Please remit the balance of the Sponsors Share In the smO\lllt of$21,623 to an address shown below not later than September 30.2003. AnN: Diana Ruir P.O. Box 5020 Austin. Texas 78763 OR TOll-as Depll1t!llent or Transportation AnN: DianaRuiz 12S E, 1111I Street Austin, Texas 7870\-2483 (Oyernight address) - Texas Department ofTranaportation If you have any qUOItiollS, need additional information or IU'O t:nable to submit fund. by the date requested, plcase contact me at 3121416-4'12. Sincerely. ~cJYndr~ Allison Manin OTant Manqor' ,-. ec: Diana Ruiz, Finance Unit .E:tla. Port Lava~a Site Selection $ 600.00 $ 600.00 AWeS 1/1 $ 52,778.00 $ 52,778,00 Yearly Malnt 1 $ 2,028.00 $ 2,028.00 YeariVMaint. 2-5 $8,112.00 $ 8,112.00 UnlnterruDtlble Power Supplv $ 2,773.00 $ 2,773.00 NADIN $ 7.200.00 $ 7 200.00 Strike Alert $ 10,400.00 $ 10,400,00 Present Weather Sensor $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Total Cost $ 88,891.00 $ 88,891.00 e Sponsor Share Neededl $ 22,223.00 Sponsor Share Submitted $ 600.00 Remaining Amount Needed $ 21,623.00 r-' Ii 292' I 1\-:_,:_ ,'-.: '.'.--....."'>:,-_.....c,..,.... .-.- ':.:~,"~;-i";',\':;"",, APPROVF REPQNSE TO EMPLOYEE REOUEST FOR FAMILY OR MEOIC\L LEAVE A MotIon was made by Commlssioner finster and seconded by CQrnmfssloner Galvan to authorize the !)eparbnent Head to approve response to employee request for family or medical leave. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, Anster and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. r.::~~=~N~:~D ~N.SIJRAN~E COVERAGE REJECJION FORMS FOR NEW RECY'1l'NI> CEN'TI;R OFf=Tn:! RlIILDING . Pass OBSERVE ORDER APPOINTI'NG BEN H. COMISKFV. JR. COUtnY AUDITOR Commissioners' Court ilIXepU!d the older apPOInting Ben H. Comiskey, Jr. County Auditor. e- COUNTY OF CALHOUN STATE OF TEXAS COpy FOR YOUR INFORMATION ORDER APPOINTING BEN IL COMISKEY, JR. COUNTY AUDITOR We, Joseph p, Kelly, S!ephen Williams, ill and Skipper Koetter, Judges of the 24", 135", and 267lb Judicial Courts respectively of Calhoun County, Texas, and havingjurisdictioo in lbe County of Calhoun, Stale of Texas, which said County has a population of more than 10,000 inhabitants according to lbe last precediog Fe<leral Census, this day having considere<l lbe appointnuont of an Auditor of Accounts and Finances for said County for a term of Two Years, beginning November 1,2003 and ending October 31,2005, do after consideratioo appoint Ben IL COmiskey, Jr. County Auditor in and for Calhoun County, Texas for lbe said term and until his successor shall have been appointed and quaJifie<l. IT IS ORDERED that said Ben H. Comiskey, Ir, shall before entering upon his duties, execute a good and sufficient bond as provided by law. ~ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this appointment shall be recorde<l in lbe Minutes of lbe District Courts of Calhoun County, Texas; and lbe clerk is directed to certify the same to lbe Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County for observance. SIGNED AND APPROVED On this the ...:( L day of ~ . A.D., 2003. CLERK'S CERTiFICATE The above Is a true and COrrect copy of the Original Pleading/Order on file in saicl cause. @~,-~~~ Pamela Martin Hartgrove ' District Cieri<, Calhoun County Texas by' 11~ Ill'='> , '. I . , 1/_ 293 , .- , c COUNTY AUDITOR'S OATH OF OFFlCE "1, Beo H. Comiskey, Jr. do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office ofCa/houn County Auditor of the Stale of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defeud the Constitution and the laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnly Swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay. contributed, or promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing. or promised any public office or employment, as a reward to secure my appointment or the confumation thereof. So help me God!' c' SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, at Port Lavaca, Texas, this the I?:. th day of August, AD., 2003, ~--- U-X'n~ &:::r-~ PAMELA V.MARTINHARTGROVE District Oerk In and for CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS kL 294 e e e e e -- 'r . " c ~~~~~~~~~::MENTOFPOSTMORn;M ~4MINAnONS BY THE HA~ COUNTY MEDICAL f'Y4MINE6 A MotIon was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commlssloner Anster to authorize Judge Pfelfer to sign the renewal Intertocal AQreement of Postmortem examinations by the Harris County Medk:aJ ExamIner. CommissIoners' Galvan, BaliUka, Royd, Anster and Judge PfeIfer aU voted In favor. CURKOF COMMlssIoNeRs COURT lNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PERFORMANCE OF POSTMORTEM EXAMINATIONS BY HARRIS COUNTY MEDICAL EMMlNER THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ 9 COUNTY OF HARRIs 9 THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made pursuant to chapter 791 of the Texas Gove=ent Code (the Interlocal Cooperation Act) and chapter 49 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, and entered into by and between Harris County, acting by and through its governing body, the Harris County COmmissioners Court, and Calhoun County (the "Requesting County"), acting by and through its governing body, the Calhoun County Commissioners Court. R E C I TAL S: Pursuant to TEx. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 49.25 (Vernon 2003), Harris County has established and maintains the Office of Medical Examiner; The Requesting County does not have a medical examiner, and a justice of the peace is required to conduct an inquest into the death of a person who dies in the county under certain circumstances; If the justice of the peace detennines that a postmortem examination is necessary, the justice may order that a postmortem examination of the body be performed by a physician; and The Requesting County desires to obtain the services of the Office of the Harris County Medical Examiner (the "Medical Examiner") to perform postmortem examinations on persons who died in the Requesting County and to provide sworn testimony in connection with any inquest by a justice of the peace or any criminal investigation or prosecution conducted by a prosecuting attorney. NOW, THEREFORE, Harris County and the Requesting County, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, do mutually agree as follows: , , T E R M S: 1. TERM The term of this Agreement shall begin on Novemberl, 2003 and end on October 31, 2004, unless tenninatedin accordance with the provisions contained herein. lnterlocaJ Agreement for Autopsies/Calhoun Co. ,'" f b,;~__. 295 --- l.-i n. SERVICES A. Postmortem Examinations. Postmortem examinations will be performed by the Medical Examiner pursuant to chapter 49 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure at the e Joseph A. Jachimczyk Forensic Center ("Forensic Center") in Houston, Texas. In those cases where a complete autopsy is deemed unnecessary by the Medical Examiner to ascertain the cause and manner of death, the Medical Examiner may perform an external examination of the body, which may include taking x.rays of the body and extracting bodily fluids for laboratory analysis. 1. Written Request. When a justice of the peace in the Requesting County determines pursuant to article 49.10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, that a postmortem examination is necessary on the ,body of a deceased person who died within their jurisdiction, the justice may request that the Medical Examiner perform an autopsy. Each request for a postmortem examination shall be in writing, accompanied by an order signed by the justice of the peace. However, the Medical EX3mmer shall have the discretion to decline any specific request for autopsy and instead perform an external examination of the body. r -' 2. Written Records. The following records shall accompany the body: (I) the completed form titled "Harris County Medical Examiner Investigative Report" (the form is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"); (2) the entire police report, including scene photographs and; (3) all relevant medical records, including hospital admission and emergency room records, if applicable, Failure to provide all necessary records may result in the Medical Examiner refusing to accept the body for a postmortem examination. e 3. Body Bag, Each body transported to the Medical Examiner for a postmortem examination must be enclosed inside a zippered body bag. The body bag shall have the deceased's name affixed to the outside. B. Laboratory Analvses. The Medical Examiner shall conduct a postmortem toxicological analysis, if appropriate, and any other tests considered necessary to assist in determining the cause and manner of death and identification. C. Testimonv. Medical Examiner personnel performing services pursuant to this agreement shall appear as reasonably necessary to provide testimony in a crinrinal case before a district court of the Requesting County. The Requesting County agrees to use its best efforts to schedule the testimony of the Medical Examiner's personnel in such a manner to cause the least amount of disruption in their work schedule. ~ "-' D. Reoorts. Within a reasonable time after the completion of a postmortem examination, the Medical Examiner will provide a written autopsy report to the justice of the peace who requested the autopsy. . 2 e ii _ 296 """' I '-' e --.. \ -. e c e E. Transoortation. The Requesting County shall have th~ sol,: responsibility . for transporting the deceased to the Forensic Center. Upon noti~cation by the Medical Examiner that the autopsy has been completed, the Requesting County shall make arrangements for the deceased to be transported immediately to a funeral home. F. Training. The Medical Examiner will conduct an annual training seminar at the Forensic Center in Houston for justices of the peace, their court personnel and other crimirial justice officials. G. No Interment. Harris County shall have no responsibility for burying the remains of the deceased. Consistent with TEx. HEALTIl & SAFETY CODE ANN. 9 711.002(e), the Requesting County shall have sole responsibility for interment of the body. ill. CONSIDERATION FOR SERVICES A. Autoosv Fees. In consideration for the services provided by the Medical Examiner, the Requesting County agrees to pay Harris County all costs and expenses associated with performing the autopsy in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Standard Autopsy Examination $2,125 per body (b) External Examination $ 935 per body B. Soecial Tests. In addition to the autopsy fee, the Requesting County agrees to pay Harris County for any special tests requested by the Requesting County or deemed appropriate by the Medical Examiner, that are performed by the Harris County Forensic Laboratory or an independent laboratory. These additional charges may include DNA analyses and trace evidence collection. C. Testimonv. The Requesting County shall pay Harris County the additional sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per hour for the time spent by the Medical Examiner's pathologists or the Chief Toxicologist providing swom testimony in connection with a postmortem examination requested by the Requesting County. The hourly rate for all other Medical EXaminer's personnel shall be billed at the rate of One Hundred Dollars ($100) per hour. These hourly rates shall apply also to pretrial preparation, attendance at pretrial conferences, travel time and any time spent waiting to provide testimony. D. Storal!e of Bodies. The Requesting County shall pay Harris County the additional sum of Forty Dollars ($40) per day for each body that remains at the Forensic Center ' beyond forty-eight hours after notification by the Medical Examiner that the body is ready to be released to the Requesting County. This nrovision shall survive termination of this Al!reement and shall annlv to anv bodies currentlv remainine at the Forensic Center. E. Invoice. By the next business day following the first ten (10) days of the subsequent calendar month, Harris County agrees to submit to the Requesting County an invoice 3 ! 297 --" ~ requesting payment for the services performed under this Agreement during the preceding calendar month. Such invoice shall include the total nwnber of autopsies performed, the dates the autopsies were performed, 'and the total amount due for the services performed. The Requesting County shall pay the total amount of the invoice within thirty (30) clays of the date of receipt of the invoice by the Requesting County. If the Requesting County fails to pay any invoice within sixty (60) clays after receipt, the Medical Examiner may refuse to accept any additional bodies for autopsy. e F. Fair Compensation. Harris County and the Requesting County agree and acknowledge that the contractual payments contemplated by this agreement are reasonable and fairly compensate Harris County for the services or functions performed under this Agreement. N. FUNDS c A. Current Funds. The Requesting County agrees and acknowledges that the contractual payments in this Agreement shall be made to Harris County from current revenues available to the Requesting County. B. Certified Availabilitv. The Requesting County has available and has specifically allocated Six Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($6,375), as evidenced by a certification of funds by the Requesting County's County Auditor. In the event funds certified available by the Requesting County's County Auditor are no longer sufficient to compensate Harris County for the services provided under this Agreement, Harris County shall have no further obligation to complete the performance of any services until the Requesting County certifies sufficient additional current funds. The Requesting County agrees to immediately notify Harris County regarding any additional certification of funds for this Agreement. The total maxirnwn payments that the Requesting County is obligated to make under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount that the Requesting County makes available from current funds for this Agreement. e C. Other Statutorv Liabilitv. This Agreement is not intended to limit any statutory liability of the Requesting County to' pay for services provided by Harris County when the funds certified by the Requesting County are no longer sufficient to compensate Harris County for the services provided under this Agreement. D. Overdue Pavrnents. It is understood and agreed that chapter 2251 of the Texas Government Code applies to late payments. ~, "--" 4 e ~tL 298 r---- '---' e .---.. L e ,'--. ',--, e .J', V. TERMINATION A. Without Notice. If the Requesting County defaults in the payment of any obligation in this Agreement, Harris County is authorized to, terminate this Agreement without ' notice. B. With Notice. It is understood and agreed that either party may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the t= set forth above, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. By the next business day following the first ten (10) days of the subsequent calendar month after the effective date of such t=illation, Harris County will submit an invoice showing the amounts due for the month in which termination occurs in the manner set out above for submitting monthly invoices. VI. NOTICE Any notice required to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be duly served when it shall have been deposited, enclosed in a wrapper with the proper postage prepaid thereon, and duly registered or certified, return receipt requested, in a United States Post Office, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: To Harris County: Harris County Harris County Administration Bnilding 1001 Preston, Suite 911 Houston, Texas 77002-1896 Attn: County Judge with a copy to: Harris County Medical Examiner 1885 Old Spanish Trail Houston, Texas 77054-2098 Attn: Chief Medical Examiner To Calhoun County: Calhoun County 211 South Ann Street, Suite 304 Part Lavaca, Texas 77979-4249 Attn: County Judge Either party may designate a different address by giving the other party ten days' written notice. 5 b 299 VIT. MERGER The parties agree that this Agreement contains all of the terms and conditions of the _ understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All prior negotiations, . discussions, correspondence and preliminary understandings between the parties and others relating hereto are superseded by this Agreement. VITI. MISCELLANEOUS This instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the rights granted and the obligations assumed. Any oral or written representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and effect excepting a subsequent modification in writing signed by both parties. This Agreement may be execnted in duplicate counterparts, each having equal force and effect of an origirial. This Agreement shall become binding and effective only after it has been authorized and approved by both counties, as evidenced by the signature of the appropriate authority pursuant to an order of the Commissioners Court of the respective County authorizing such execution. APPROVED AS TO FORM: HARRIS COUNTY MIKE STAFFORD County Attorney G!e ROBERT ECKELS County Judge . ~ By . i--r.-.. ~?lios Assistant County Attorney APPROVED: Date Signed: OC j 0 I ZOtJ3 CALHOUN COUNTY ~~~ LUIS A. SANCHE ,M.D. Harris County Medical Examiner By~f* Date Signed: I/}- J... 5 - () 3 6 e e 3QO ~ I ' '--~ CERTIFICA nON OF FUNDS Pursuant to section 111.093 of the Texas Local Government Code, I certify that the county budget contains an ample provision for the obligations of Calhoun County under this Agreement and that funds are or will be available in the amount of $6.375 to pay the obligations when due. e Calhoun County Auditor Date Signed: c e ~ '--"' 7 e " .:. ( .. 301 ," ~ ' 41lnfnRT7lf THE SIGNING AND FILING OF DOaJMENTS RElATING To (ANITA !COOP AND TERRY COXVS CALHOUN COUNTY\ . A Motion was made by Commissioner Aoyd and se<xlIlded by CommiSsioner Galvan txl authorize Judge PfeIfer and CommIssloll3' Aoyd txl SIgn SeWemenI: Agreement Complete Release, Easement AgI1!elT1ellt for UtIIftfes and Qultdafm Deed and file wflfl County 0er1c all related to DfstrIc:l: Court Case No. 2001+ 13963, Anita Koop and Terry Cox vs Calhoun County. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajlca, Royd, Rnster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. e CAUSE NO. 2001-4-13963 ANITA 1. KOOP and 9 lERRY J. COX 9 S ~ S S W.H. FLOYD, Individually; W.H. FLOYD, S in His Official Capacity as Calhoun County ~ Commissioner; GAUIOUN COUNTY, 9 TEXAS; and COMMISSIONERS' COURT S CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS S IN THE DISTRIcr COURT CAUIOUN COUNTY, TEXAS 135 rn JUDICIAL DISTRICT ~F.TTT,F.MF.Jirr AmlRRMF.NT AND r.OMPT,F.TR RF.T,RASF. , This Settlement Agreement and Complete Release (hereinafter "AGREEMENT'') is entered into, as of the BFFECrrvE DAlE, by and between Plaintiffs ANITA L. KOOP and TERRY J. COX and Defendants W.H. FLOYD, INDIVIDUALLY AND IN IDS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS CALHOUN COUNlY COMMISSIONER, CALHOUN COUNlY COMMISSIONERS' COURT e and CALHOUN COUNlY, TEXAS in accordance with the terms, conditions and definitions set forth below. L nRmNTTTONS As used in this AGREEMENT and for the pUIpOse of this AGREEMENT only, the , following terms have the following meanings. Bach term defined herein stated in a singular form .- shall include the plural form, and each defined term stated in a plural form shall include the singular forin: A. "PLAINTIFFS" means Terry J. Cox and/or Anita Koop. B. "DEFENDANTS" means W.H. Floyd, Individually and in his Official Capacity as Calhoun County Commissioner; Calhoun County Commissioners' Court; and/or Calhoun County, Texas and each of their respective successors, assigns, agents, administrators, trustees, insurance e -.. 3Qt carriers, elected officials, employees, attorneys, and representatives. C. "SEITLEMENT AMOUNT" means $10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars and xx/100s). D. "SUBJECf PROPERTY" means the real property that lies between the southernmost boundary line of Lot 22, Block I of the Marshall Johnson Subdivision and the e northernmost boundary line of Lot 1, Block 2 ofMarshaIl Johnson.Subdivision in Calhoun County, Texas. The property also lies between the eastern right-of-way line of Marshall Johnson Avenue and the shoreline of Carancahua Bay. E. "EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date on which the last of all signatures of the PARTIES is affixed to this AGREEMENT. n. rON.l.:mF.R A l'TON A. CALHOUN COUNTY, at its own expense, will commission a survey of the SUBJECT PROPERTY by G&W ENGINEERlNG. B. PLAINTIFFS will grant CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS a drainage easement to the SUBJECf PROPERTY. The intent of the parties is that the easement is permanent and shaI1 run e . With the land. Any conveyance, transfer, sale, assignment, lease, or sublease of the SUBJECf PROPERTY shall be subject to the easement. The easement agreement will entail PLAINTIFFS granting a drainage easement to CALHOUN COUNTY for maintenance of the existing 18" RCP pipe and/or installation and maintenance of a new drainage pipe, with respect to the following portions of the SUBJECf PROPERTY; 1.) A permanent easement is to be granted from the centerline of the Marshall Johnson 2 e tL 30.8 " t ,'. Avenue boundary of the SUBJECT PROPERTY to the centerline of the shoreline of Carancahua Bay on the SUBJECT PROPERTY. The permanent easement will include the area within the centerline of the subject property to the southernmost boundary of the SUBJECT PROPERTY. e 2.) In the event that the swvey referenced in Paragraph A above reveals that the existing 18" RCP pipe extends beyond the centerline of the SUBJECT PROPERTY, CALHOUN COUNTY is granted, a 72-hour temporary easement from 5 feet north of the shoreline point of entry of the 18" RCP, to extend westward toward Marshall Johnson Avenue to a point 5 feet west of the internection of the SUBJECT PROPERTY'S centerline and the 18" RCP pipe. C. DEFENDANTS agree to pay the SETTLEMENT AMOUNT to PLAINTIFFS within 14 business days of the date the easement agreement described in Paragraph B above is executed by PLAINTIFFS and tendered to DEFENDANTS' counsel for filing with the Calhoun County Clerk's Office. D. PLAlNIlFFS waive any appeal of the Court's pre-trial or tria! rulings in this lawsuit PLAINTIFFS specifically waive any right of recovery of PLAINTIFFS' attorneys fees and expressly agree not to seek same from DEFENDANTS. E. PLAlNIlFFS expressly stipulate, warrant and agree that ANTI' A KOOP or TERRY COX have made no previous assignment of any claim hereby released except such assignments as they may have made to their attorneys of record. F. CALHOUN COUN1Y, TEXAS will execute and file a quitclaim deed to the SUBJECT PROPERTY upon receipt of the executed easement described in Paragraph B above. 3 f,' 304 e e ill.. SRTTT ,FMli'NT A(;RFEMl?NT 4 Nfl DR' R4~1f For valuable consideration, described in Section II above, including payment of the SETIlEMENT AMOUNT, PLAlNTIFFS hereby forever discharge and release DEFENDANTS of and from any and all manner of actions, causes of action, suits, civil or administrative proceedings, debts, dues, contracts, judgments, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, e which PLAlNTIFFS and their successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, , attorneys, representatives, or insurance carriers, and anyone claimi'lg by through or under ANITA KOOP or TERRY COx, now have or ever had, or which they can, shall or may have against DEFENDANTS for or by reason pertaining to any matter, cause or thing whatsoever relating to or in any way connected with the factual circumstances giving rise to the above-referenced lawsuit. The parties agree to sign the FINAL TAKE NOTHING JUDGMENT attached hereto as Exhibit "A" within 7 days of the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT. It is understood that the intent of this AGREEMENT is to be as broad and comprehensive as possible, so that DEFENDANTS shall never be liable, directly or indirectly, to the undersigned, or to the undersigned's beneficiaries, heirs, successors, or assigns, or to any other person, linn, or coIpOration claiming by, through, under or on behalf of ANITA KOOP or TERRY COx, for any e claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of the factual circumstances of this litigation. , It is expressly understood and agreed that the sums of money being paid and the agreed actions of the parties described herein are in compromise and settlement, that the payment is not and shall not be construed as an admission of liability by any party released in this AGREEMENT, and that this AGREEMENT shall never be used as evidence in a court of law, unless required andlor directed by a court of relevant jurisdiction, SA VB AND EXCEPT, by the parties released 4 e LL 305 . . EXECUTED on this the /'J'i day or 0/ k-m. kJ2003. ~~/~) 5 306 e e e e e e STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF HARRIS s On this -.!L. day of SEnetnIJOC. 2003, before me personally appeared ANITA KOOP, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrwnent, and acknowledged that she has executed the same as her free act and deed. ~ 7( U~ NOT PUBUC IN AND FOR THE STAlE OF TEXAS '~'" MARYlOU K. VALENlINE NotaII' PubJJc. Stste otT.... ,I. My CommiaIion ElCIliIet ;~ """. Novembe112. 2006 ,---~/ 9:~o' ~ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS s s s , On this ~ day of 5",; T; .2003, before me personally appeared TERRY COx, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he has executed the same as his free act and deed. rm~ 1!..{Jr~' NOT PUBUC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAs MAAY!.OU K. v~ 'NolaryPuIlIic, Stele of T.... My ComrnisIion flQJires November 1%, 2006 APPROVED: 6 ;"";~- 307 I:' bf_ '.'- , . . ' . THOMPSON & KNIGHT By.~~~l Mark Bennett State Bar No. 24000222 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 3300 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 969-1536 (214) 999-1535 fax e COUNSEL FOR PLAlNTIFFS ANITA KOOP AND 1ERRY COX CALHOUN COUNrY, TEXAS By.Af~~ W.H. Flo a Calhoun County Commissioner, Precinct No.3 4627 State Highway 172 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (361) 893-5346 By and Through the CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT e 7 e ~L 308 e e e . to .Juri'\27 ~OO3: 10'lBRf1 lRESDN*WEIZEL, P. C.. 713 21'S 1161 ".3 '. File i 08182473 " " R...tl.~ J.r.JI~.FoalJI:IJ.lrJE& DATB:June 17,2003 GIlANl'OR: Anila L Koop aocI Teay Cox, buabaocI aocI wife GlUNTOll'SMAlUNGilDDillSS: 31 MmIWlJolwooAV<lUJe South, Pen La...... CaIholll1 County, T.... 77979 GMNru: CIlhoua Coumr, a poliIi<oI.ulxlivUloa GRANTllIl'sM.lliJNG.hDDllllSS: 211 Scud> A= Sln:c:i; PM z........ c.Ihow1 Cow1tr, T.... 77919 ~ l'lloPSll'1Y: BllING 0.105 ..... _ or leu, ~ 'In aocI . put of the Wllliun AmoId Satv.y, A.2, CaIho.... eo..,ty, T...... Sold 0.105 a= being adj...... to and Norm...t of Lot 1, Block 2, MmhalIJohaooQ SabdivUJoa.. per the~ plat l1t Valumo Z, Page 105 (Slide 87B) of th., Calhoun Couoly Plat RecotdJ. TbiJ O.IOS ..... _ or Ieoa, abo iocludes . potdoo of. O.U> aa:'lDIct of laod .. deaalbed In lhhlbit. A' oC. WItIIlDlf Deod ==led io Volume 251, 1'_146-1119 of the Calhow> COWlty Olllcial Reawfa,Illd Ia """" f'u1Iy d."'''l>ed Illd depic1.d by .".,.. Illd botmd. Illd ......;...... plat auaclud to tbiJ Agte=t u E>dJIbitA and iaco<poI:uodby ~ EhsEMENr Pu&PosI!: Por!he ino<alladon, CQoo~ opendeD, 'uWntawJ<e, '<P'...~.n.. tepalr, upgnde, Illd removal oC 18" .,.;n"""'ocI CXll1=tc plpe ~ IltOml _Illd reIatocI fadIideo (coIIecti..Iy, the F~. . CoNSJDBRATION; Cub and otb., good Illd V2!wlble Mn.I.......tion, the zec<ipr alId u,ffirI~"l' of 'OIblchGwuo.~. B.BsER.vAnoNS fROM CoNVBYANCB: None. Exc5l'TlONS 'YO WARRANTY, Eoaoaduoeot of upper wood dock, 10_ t:01C!ooocl uta, Illd COIlaelO .Jab sctooo the Nortbo:u, ptoperI;y line, .. ohown <lI1 plat cIall:d May 21. 2003, ptepued by David W. Gano,!l.P.L.s. No. 3816, beuiogJobNo. 925+026. GRA.'<T OP l!.t.sIllmm, Gtanlor, for the eon.,;d....tion Illd ,ubject to the Reaenadom from CooveylUlOC and &cepdoJl$ to WllIWIty, poll, ..n.. ..d =veys to ~ Illd Gmluee', hein. &l.lccenou, end I$signs an casemem: over. o.a. and llCtOI8 the 1=l:............t P:operty' far the R.,.....n' Poq.o.e, llJ&<Iber wilh allllld s/agular thc ~ Illd apputtl:aallcee thaeto Ia ..y ",.y beIooging (co11ecd-..ly, 11>.~, to w- ..d 10 bold tbe 'liP-.n. to Gnmee Illd Gnatee', hein, IUCCeOIora, and ...' lot..... Gaotor binda Gaotor """ Ganto.', bela, -... and uolgnt 10 'IlIUmOt Illd li=ver clefcud the dIIe to the !!u_io Gnmee Illd Gnatee', hein, '''0<<0""" and.... ..... """l' _ ""'-""_."" l&w6.Uy dalmlog <it to dalm the ".........1 or any put of the 'Ro.-- "I, eltl:ep! III to thc ~ liom eo.,~ and E.ceptlcDllO Wu:wuy. 'I'EIU4s AND CoNnmoNS: The fulJowlog le<ms and <nndl,lnn. apply to the ",,-.at gw>locI by tbis~" 1. CI.ttvdu 9fB41u:.1RJ. TheBasetocnt gtIDte<I 'u .;. ..."""', In &'0"- The Eueo=, U nnnacl".m aocI l=voa.ble, Tbe !!ueme... io for thc' '.e.ie!it of a....... """ Gmmce.. bela, -'~~'-' and uo.i&m who at'..,y dtno OWl> ..,. mr=.t m the Domllwu Bs_ I'ropetty (u app1icabr.. the HNJ.iJ. 2. DtmditJ.,!/~ Tbeclw:ationoftheEu'~""lapctpelUa!. .. . 3. ~ 9fF4/m. Ho1der', J:l&bt to .... the Eu_ P<opccty io DOUcoa:lual... Illd G>aQtot '....... for ana"" and G<mtor'. h<in, ruc:eu""" and uaiga:; thc tight ll) .... all or put of the Eu""""" PtOpccty io <oojunctloo wilh HoIder..1oog u ",011 ... by Gzautot Illd Gsaatot', 'heim, ,ua:esrors, """ uaJgar doer not iDtetfete wilh the .... of thc "U.~.nt I'ropetty by Holder for the ...._.n. Pu.po.., and 1h.:'J:l&b' 'to c:orm:y ll) otbCt. 1h.: tight '" w. all at put of thc !!u--. P%Opetty 10 coajWlCtion wilh HoIdet, u long II .ucb liutbet COO>oyatloe lr rubj<ct '" thc l=ar oftbis ~ ' 4. s...""'u~ HoIdezIw thc J:l&bt(theS~.a..-oo9'to Ill. umuchof1h.: lIUt&<.e of the ptopeny 1hot la adjacent to the !luealeat l'topeny \A4'- l'roJ>rt&) .. ....y be ....oaably """"""'T 10 looIaII and maintala the, Pad!lIleo V4tbll1 thc !!uemau PtOpeity tbIt .... Vol 350 t.: 309 ~ ....,.. .' ~un~27 2003 ID.18R" IRESD"*UEIZEL. P.C. 713 218 118\ p.4 " File .. 00082473 , . . . , ....."w,1y auItM for the En.....". Parpotc. H.,....... HoLler -I""""I"IT"""" the AdJ...... l'ropefty to I.. p.moa. physlal condition l! tlW>sed br llIe of the tightl pnt<d by this Secoadary Ba..m-... s. ~ IIfU/ ~ 1/ &-mt Ptoptr!J. Holder wllI mdatIln the En.......t l'ropefty lO the _ n<ceoouy to ICCOtI1pllsh the Baemeat Pu:poae. HoIde< has the rlgbt to eIiminne ...y _c:bn1eatt inlO the Buemeat Ptoperty. Holder IDUtt tnaInttln the E!uemeo. Property in a aeat '00 c:I..., condition. Holder b.. the rlgbt to COtlIttlXt, In.tIll. molnlsln, reploce, .ad ..".,.. the Pac:l!ldet ande< or t<<OlI. say portioa of the _ Propetty. }JJ tIIltten concemiog the l'ac:l!ldet sad tb<Ir cottfigumtloo, C01Iattuet!on, lnatall.1lon. 1tlIln_ <q>I_...... sad RlDonl ... It Hold.... aoJe disctetloo, subject lO perf'om>aacc of HoIdet'. ob1lgatloaa undes: tbh tgte<m<Dt. Holde< has 1I1e rlgbt 11> """""" or Je1oc:Ote any f...eet wl1hln 1I1e BuemeItt l'ropefty or aloog or aeat Ita boundaty linea Jf ....onably ..-sty 1l> eonattua,lnItIlI, malntoIo. teplace, at ...".,.. the PatlIlllet. subject to replocemen. of. the feaceo lO thelt o~ COI1ditIon on 1he c:ompledoD of th.wotk. 6. Bmridion AtJthut LIattimr 1/ p"",.,,1fIf Slt1tdtttrl W1I/JI. &-t PrPpIrg. Gnator rru.y act c:oaattuet, otect or Ioate ac1 p-mo...... It:tUctute 'IVl1hln the EnemeatPmperty. wlthout Bt.t obtaInlng HoIdet'i expteI. wtItten potmlnIoo. 7, J!fIdI4flt Rigftr 1/ EtrJin'm1mrI. nus _.nt may be ~ br n:otnlah>g 0<deB and injuactloas ('-'.....-, or peananent) pmhibltillg Intr:tf'ete!1oe sad c:ommIDc!ing c:omplllD<:e. ~ 01dea IDe! /njuncdona,wllI be obtainable on pmof or me a1atellce of m~ at threaleaed i>duf",."co, 'IVl_ the _my of ptoof of &..\eqdic:y of legal temediea or u..p.rabIe hum. sad wllI be obtlhuble oa1y b1 me pudoa to at thote "....Atwt by tbIt agreement; pronded. h.,....... that the act of obtolnlng IA lnjunctlon or n:otnlah>g order wllI not be dr<lDed to h. an e!eetIon or tetn<:dIoo or a ....... of Ittf other tights Cl< remedi<a ovallable atll<w or In equity. 8. ~I 'fWt. Xf _ p<<rty -u.. IA ....,.".,. to _ tbl. opemeal, the part)> prenlIlng in JldgotIon is ...titled to <ocovet' ,","""able a"""'''', (_IDe! court lAd other COltS. 9, Bh<6tfl E,ffid. Thla ~ hlncla IDe! in..... to the beaeflt of the potties on<! thelt !eIpOCIlve helts, 1l1lIXOH_ on<! permltled. alllgaa. 10. CIJo/ItI/LAt. '1'hI5 ~..mbecoosu:ued_thelawt orthe...",ofTex... _ tegatd to cholce-of.1ow rul.. of say Jutls<lktlon. V-.lo In the """"ty or """"tleo In wblch the En_Propertylo looated. 11. ~ 'Ibis ~ may be e~ In Ittf tlIItllber or""",,_ wlth the nme effect .. H all tlglIallOtJ' patdea had slgned the ""'" dOCUtDOllt. AIl ",~...!>dt' wllI he ~ eogetheron<! wllIcon._on....dth.._- ' 12. Wmor 4fD!f=/t. I. 10 .... a.".!m: of os: """em 1l> tlef'auIt If the IlOIldeliraltlng part)> ran., to clecIato.imtnediatc:Iy . default Of deIaya In taIdng say ac:doa. PaaaIt of Ittf lelllCdlea set Cotth In thb agt....<lt<lt does tlOtpreclude pomm of othet temedl.. in tbla '8"<= Of pt<nlded by low. 13. F_.Ammm<u. Bach .Ignato<y party agreet to _ and deliver "'1 addldoaal _ sad u.."....-.. and 1l> ped"orm "'1 addl1loaal _ aecearaty 0' .ppcoprlate to ped"ottn the _. promio.a, IDe! .ondIdo.. of tbIt agtoemea. on<! all tnDIllCtlQ.. contemplated br lid. agreement. 14. l1td-'!J. Each party agreet to lndaDnlCy. defend, sad hold hamIIesa !he other party . &om say 100.. _.,.. fees, ezpemcs, or dalms .,,,ibutable '" 1neach or delimit or Ittf pro.lslcm of tbla ogreement by the IndenmlCying patty. :15. ~ This agtt_ coi1tIlna !he oomplete _t of me portlea and COll1>ot he VIlied e<tept by wrltIJea agcee:ment of the portlea. no partka ..... "'at theee .... no oral agt_",,,,,, _...tad""" or _ties tIw Of" lIOt ap....1y let Cotth III thla agreement. 16. LwtI ~ If say pmvlalori In thla .......-....la Ibr say ....... tlDCtIf'otceable, to , the """'" the tIDCI1IbrteahlI does, tlOt cleattoy the baIa of the ~ amoog the pattlea, the 1IQetI/'ottablllty wllInoc affect say othet prarialoa hetoof, IDe! thla ~ will he CO!lttt1led..1f the.......&m:,eahlo ptl>'IlaIoD had ..... "-. pitt of me ~t WbeneIret """"'" toqUlm. me aIQgtdar...m lnc:!ude the pIuftla.d ....... indack the ..."",I'no.,. t'eo:IlnIM sdet....<I _....... -~jbr~ I'kge zon ","..~~CIIIIIIJ''''~ \101 J50 ~1 e e e LL 310 e e e " .Jun.,;:!:? 2003 10119R'" IRESON*WEIZEL. P.C. 713 216 1161 p.5 File .. 00082473 '. : oinguIar willlllclwle the phuaI and Deuter iucIude the m.......Il.. or femimue gcudu. and vlce vern. Ar1ide and .eaioD h<adlup lD tbb _m_, "', for..r..-:. DIlly and ... uoclDo:adcd to -.. OJ: define the tea; of any 1CCllo.. Thlo ~ will DOi be <OllIlNOd more or loa f&wmbIy betw= the ponies by ltUOD of ",th_hlp or. of~ 17. NIIIiIu. It.JJ.y IlOdoe zequh.d or P'"""~"" """'" tbb ~ DlUIt belD wDtlag.lt.JJ.y DOda: required by tbb ~ will be doemod to be deIi.=d (whethu accually zeaiVl<! or DOll v;beu cleposilod with the Uuhocl S..... PC01ll! Servke, JlO'tIllC ptq>aid, =tIfied DlIll, mum =eipl ~ and addteaed IX> the luwaded :ecipleDt .. the Idd<eu ahown lu tbb agt<aDCat Notice may Wo be given by regoIar DlIll, penoual ddlveq, eouder ddlvuy,lialmlle ....~I..lco. OJ: other c:QIDDlC1Qally IealQQabI.e IIICallI and will be efl'octive when accually tecdved. J.ny odclres. fOr notice may be cbanpl by written uodoe de1Ioered u pwvlded betola. 18. I1Idt4b. It.JJ.y1CCiWs lu thiI'Il'<~-l are ~ted by the putiellO be 1OaIfate, and comlitul< . put of the lUbmutive agreement 19. T..~ TIme is of the ...ence. UaIu. oth<zwUe spec:Uiod, IlIrefereaCOl IX> "da1l" mean cakcda: daya. B-u.inen day. exclude Satualsya. Suudaya. and lega1 public boIidayI. If the dale for pen""""""" of any ob/ig1.don falIJ 011 . Saturday, Suuday, or logal pUblIc boIiday, tho dale for petfurman", will be the neat foIIowIog regular buslueos clay. ~~ ~~ ) ~~,~'6. ~ Tetty Cox MARYLOu IC. VAlENllNE Notary Public, SIll., of T.... MvCommlsaion Exoiru November 12. 2006 GMNI'EE: Calbouu Cowuy ~ By: '-1'1Au~d I P ) Michael]. Pc.lfef CoUlltf ]ud&<: STATE OF TilXIlS ~ COUNTY 01' ChUiOUN $ Thlo ilIItIumellt,... sckuowled&ed before me co the 11 clay of ~n-. 2003, by ^""" L Koop and Tetty eo., Imsbaad and wife. Y!!~~'!lezuU~ STATE 01' TilXIlS S COUNTY 01' CAUlOUN ~ Thlo ilII1noneut ,... Icknow\edged before me co ~ clay of ~ 2003, Michad].Pfeifet,Cowuy]udgeofCalbounCouny. . ~ .. ~.lL Q.O,,~ ~ NoWy PublIc. State ofTezu t. Vol 350 ~ N SUSAN RILEY li7!.~~.(1hu ........... Expi<co Aplllf" 2404 Atlet <ec:ordiJlg, .tetum ro: Hon. II. !;loyd 24627 S_ Hwy 172 Pot' La..... 'IX 77979 Prepared In Iho Law OIlk:e. Oli M...T\..-..Id &: McDoaald Auomqa at Law lQ4.^ West MIin !ldlla, Tezu 77957 ~-W-"'U_ .......n w...~~""""""_"lm 311 .' ..;iu~~27 2003 1011HA" IRESO"*WEIZEL. P.C. 713 218 1181 p.8 '. File . 000B2473 Part of tho W'1I1lam Arnold Survey, A-2, Calhoun County. '1'..... 0.105 ACRE 'I3Isement Agreement STATE OF TEXAS f g COUNTY OF CALHOUN DESCRIPTION of a tract or parcel ofland conlaining 0.10S llCIe, llIOt'e or less, situated In and a part of the W'ill1amAmold Survey, A.2, Calhoun County, T..... Said 0.105 acre being odjacent to and Northeast of Lot 1. Block 2, Marshall JohllllOl\ Subdlvl,lon II per the recorded plat In Volume Z. ~ge 10S (Slide B7B) of the Calhoun County P1atReeords.1b1B 0,105 acre.1!lOI'O or I.... also btclud.. a portion ofaO.16 acre lracl of land II desorlbed Inl!xhlblt"A" ofa Wamnty Deed leCOlded bt Volume 251. Pages 146-149 of the Calhoun County Ofllclal Record, end Is moae fully doteribed by metes 8I1d bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 Inch iron rod with 8 red plasde oap set for the North eomer of ibis 0.105 acre tteetln tho East 1lne of Johnson Aveoue (plat Name). Said set 5/8 inch Iron rod hem S 27" 56' 00" W, 34.84 feet from a 51810eh Iron rod with a red piastle cap found marking a eommon eomer of the eforemelltloned 0.16 acre lract end Lot 22, Block 1 of tho eforementloned Marshall Jo1msoo, SubdivisIon; THENCE, S 70" 14' 17" E. passing at 116.00 feet a 5/8 Inch iron rod with 811 orange plllSlie cap sol on line for reference 8I1d for a Total Disumee of 130.06 feet to a point for oomer on the shoreline ofCaranoahua Bay; , THENCE, S 27" 46' 29" W in 8 Suuthwtsterly dlreotk>n wllh the existing shoreline of Caranoahua BIl)' a distance pf 35.27 feet to a point for comer at thclnlenleollon with ibe Northeost Une of the aforesaid Lot 1. Block 2, Marshall Jo1mson SubdiviJion; THENCE, N 7(1' 02' 37" W, with the said NortheasI IiDe of Lot 1. passing al4.0 feet a 518 Inch Iron rod with an orange plllSlic cap sol on line for""""" 8I1d fur a TOTAL DISTANCE of 130.10 feet to an "X" chbeIled in coneretc for the West comer oftbis O.IOS acre lracl, In the East line of the aforesaid Johnson Avon.. (plat Name); , THENClt, N 270 56' 00" B (Base Bearlng), with the Eaat Ii.... of ,.;d Johnson A_ a dlstanee of 34.84 feet to the PLACE OF, BEGINNING; CONTAINING wiIbin these metes ODd bounds 0.105 llCIe,more or less, sIlUBled in 8I1d a port oflho Wi/llom Arnold Survey, A-2, Calhoun Coun1y, Texas. The foo<ogoing D'ESCRIPTION ""'" JlI"l'lI1'O'Iflom an aclUBI on the grolllld sumy made under my , dlIec1Ion and llUJlO"'isi6n In Mil)' 2003, and is true end correcl to the best of my knowledge and hellet ,( a~. '1 DAVIDW.Gq~ REGIST1I.R1!.D PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO, 3,816 NOTE: Bearings are ba!ed on uie Reconled PIal of Marshall Johnson Subdivision. I. 2. Camera arc as shown on accompanying survey plat. Jo.1I92S4.026 EXHIBrr A "01 350 ~ e e e t 312 .. .. I ri -~ 0"" => .1 e e /I: 8LOCK-7 ~ '2.0 I I -"1 I I EJ(IS,~'i,..n WOOD .......- I I -"1 I I I I I ---' '].6 ~ WILLIAM ARNOLD ?s SURVEY, I MARSHALL JOHNSON SU8DIVlSION I I VOL Z, PG. 105 (SUDE: 878) {~ / ~ A-2 '].1 ZZ Z4 lI: ~ 0; .S ~ ~ l o r 2 "i!\I) ~O ....2 ~p 3:: ~ ~ ~ 11> ~ ). ~ 8LOCK-2 :) I I I , I 1 EXlsn~'i,rAO WOOD .u...... I I I -1 I I I I I --1 I N 70'02'37" W 130.10' 0,.0 -( f'. ,",1' COl! 1 '1- ~ .... 40 ~ '" '( 4 60' 39 e DImotu J"nd. 6/fr 1. R. With. lt4dia Cup . Dlrnot.. $., S/(r I.R. IriU& itGotl" Cr.,. CD .o.not.~ FtJd. 6/8" I.R. lOr Ch:ialhtl In Cone. o lJrn,ot.. I'nd. 1-1/"" I.P. -PLAT- i. DAVID .... GANN. A REcISTERED PRfiFESSIONAL lJ.ND SURVEYoR. DO HElIEJJY CEKl'/FY THAT THE PLAT SHO"'N HEllECN REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF AN ON THE GRfiUND SURVEY MADE UNDER JlY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION IN MAY 2003. AND tHAT CORNERS ARB' AS SHOrN HEREON. 4~~ DAVID .". CANN /lEG/STEREO PRfiFESS/ONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 8B18 NOTE: tJ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRJPrJDN PREPARED 10TH THIS DlUr/Ne. Z) BEARlNC3 ARE BASSD ON THE RECtJRDED PLAr OF llARSHAU JOHNSON SUBlJIVISJON. 3} No EASEMENTs rERE LOCATED OrHER THAll THOSE SHorN HEREON. G & W ENGINEERS, INC. . 205 W, UVEQ.I.K UlNr; (J,N)' M:. 1106 OR uss, IASUINT' ACRX8111NT Sl1VAT611 IN AND A PAlff' 01' TH8 r/lJ./AJ/ ARNOJJJ PORT LAVACA, 'tEXAS $URVI't. A-I. CfJUNr'{. t'"AS. NIt: 21 200J --.:,. . fIO,: 2~D2f .....to o.w.1>. I-J61-552-"$09 "-'I'd. 0....0. clrow no.: 313 File # 00082473 \101 350 p~ e 1hls 1IlrmDI has 11m 1'Itri1lll .. this lJffiCt f1r fori illlllIIP lJffirial JlIbIi: I!lmk. III III ~~\Ilat.dlJIldisailiaaledlol' Ra<:t, D'1III, tal",. S!r arll1lilllallligiL Filed for Record in: CIIlh.1III C.llllfr e Hanf1N~I, //nit. Frid, Collllf, Clm ' On:CM 1!3,.2fI8J at 11:2511 RrcripllVll.bar - 3'J713 B" SfiBran l/riWtt ~'n" "Q,\)\^,~~ e ~L 314 e e e Jun-.. 2'7 2003 10: 20Rt1 IRESON*WEIZEL. P.C. ?lJ 216 1161 File iP'. 00082414 t, ~ QUITClAJM DATB:J_17,2003 GRANrOR: Calhoun County, a political.ubdiviaion GRANTOll'SMAn.1NGADD~: 211 SouthAnnS_~ POtlLovaca, Calhoun County, T.... 77979 GRANTEE: Anila L Keop and Tcay Cox, hwband and wife GRAN1'EIl's MAn.1No ADDRESS: 31 Marahall Johuoo A_ue South, Pon Lavac.. Calhoun Co1llltj', T.... 77979 CoNSlDB&ATION: Cub and othe< good and valuable ronoid...tion, the rcceipt: and .ulIicieax:y of which Gwuor ac:bwwIodg... ' PROPBan (incWding any improvementa): BEING 0.21 a=. mo<e or leaa, ailuatod In and a put of the William .hmold Survey, A-2, Calhoun Cowuy, T...... Sald 0.21' acre beiog dw: .... betw<en the Southwea. of Lo. 22, Blodt I and theNOttbt:a&.,1ine of Lo.l, BJock 2, Mmball Johnaon SubdivWou as per the cecorded plat in Volume Z. Poge 105 (SIlde 878) of the Calhoun County Plat Recorda. ThiJ 0.21 aae, """" or lea., iocludca that cemin 0.16 acre llll<:t ~e.aibed In &hibit "A. of a Wamnry Deed zKordcd ia Volume 251, "- 1#-149 of the Calhoun County Of6cial Reco<da and la mote 6illy clcacribcd and dcpl=d by _ and bounda arid .......;..... plat attached to thio lnatnlmoD. .. &dIiJtit A and incorporated by cef==<, LESS, SAVE AND EXCEPT all ti&b" gwucd.to Gmntor by Gtantee In &-1 ~ ftr UIiIiIiu of even date with thio quitc:laim, eoV<riD& the ~ p'opecty: ,,,V.,,.. BEING 0.105 acre, roo", or leu, ailuatod in and. put of the William AmoId Survey, A.2, Calhoun CoUllty, T..... Said 0.105 oae beiog adjacen.1O and Nortlu:aa. of Lot I, Blodt 2,MarahallJobnson Subdlvialou.. per the zKordcdpla.in Volume Z, Page 105 (Slide 878) of the Calhoun Co1llltj' Pla, Recocda. Thla 0.105 acre, """" or lea.. alao includea a portion ofa 0.16 aae","" oEland.. d_d In&hlbl, "A" ofa Wunnty Deod =ded in Volume 251, Pace' 1Ml-149 of the Calhoun County Of/iciaI R.cocda. and it moce fully deaaibcd and depleted by mereo and bowula and asaociated plat attached to thio Apemen, .. &dIiJtit B and Incorpomcd by ttfc:r<:nce. ' , For the Con.;d~"M. Grantor quitclaims to Guntee all of GuntnC. right, tit!:, and in..,.., in and to the Property, to hAw and to bold I' to Guntee and Gtantee'. bcho, _""', and ... forever. Neither Gmntor nor Graorot. bein, 'ouccea.ora, or ... will have, eIaim, or demand any .t or tirle ., the Ptopeny or any part of It. When the context ""IlW:eo, ainguIat UOUlII and prone"'" include the phual. Calhoun CoWlty Br-~djL{/ Michad J. P . County Judge /jt-;L STATEOFTEXAS S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S Thla lnattumen, wu acknowledged before _ on' the a3. day of ~ 2003, by Micbad J. Pfeife<, County Judge of CaIhow County. , . e SUSAN RILeY NoW)' fllIblk; Scate of'l'cxas MyC'...._Io.ilJlpJtQ Aprfl ", aGG4 Notary Public, S- ofT.... Afte:t re<:o1'ding, re:tum to: Hon. H. Floyd 24627 State Hwy 172 Port r....ca. T.X n979 Pcoparcclln the Law 0 McDonald &; McDon.I~ Attomoyw at Law '" l04-A W.., Main Edna, T.... n957 Val 350 ~ 315 . - -Filet 00082474 Port of tho William Arnold Survey, A.2. Calhoun County t Texas. 0.21 ACRE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ DESCRI1'TION of a tract or parcel ofland containing 0.21 acre. more or less. situated in and a part of the William Arnold Survey. A.2. Calhoun County. Texas. Said 0.21 acre being that area between the Southwest of Lot 22. Block 1 and the Northeast line of loti. Block 2, Marshall Johnson Subdivision as per the recorded plat in Volume Z. Page 105 (Slide 87B) of the Calhoun County Plar Records. This 0.21 acre . more or less, includes that certain 0.16 acre tract described in Exhibit "A" of a WarrantjiDeed recorded in Volume 251. Pag.. 14&-149 oftheColhotID County Official Records and is more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNINGat a 5/8 inch iron rod witil a red plastic cap found for the North comer of the abovementioned 0.16 acre tract in the East line of Johnson Avenue (plat Name). Said found 5/8 inch iron rod also being the West comer of Lot 22, Block 1 of the aforementioned Marshsll Johnson Subdivision and the North comer of this 0.21 acre tract being describ~d; THENCE, S 70.25' 57" E. passing at a distance of 125.Q4 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap found on line for reference in the Southwest line of said Lot 22, Block J, Marshall Johnson Subdivision and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of 130.04 feet to a point for comer on the shoreline ofCarancabua Bay; THENCE, S 27. 46' 29" W in a Southwesterly direction with the existing shoreline of Carancahua Bay B distance of 70.54 feet to a point for eomer at the point of intersection with the Northeast line of the aforementioned loti, Block 2. Marshall Johnson Subdivision; THENCE. N 70. 02' 37" W. with the said Northeast line of Lot I. passing at 4.0 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with an orange plastic cap set on line Jor reference and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of 130, J 0 fcet to an "X" chiselled in concrete for the West comer of this 0.21 acre tract, in the East line of the aforesaid John,on Avenue (plat Name); THENCE, N 27. 56' 00" E (Base Bearing), with the East line of said Johnson .Avellue a distance of 69.68 feet to the PLACE OF 'BEGINNING; , cONI'AiNING within these metes and bounds 0.21 acre, more or 1.... situated in and a part of the William Amold Survey. A-2. Calhoun County, Texas. ..... . ... . ".". ",." ..,.....\ ' ", The' foregoing DESCRIP'l10J:! was prepared from an actual on the grOuii~ 'Survey made under my direction and supervision in May 2003; and 'is tnle and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. L~~04i D VID W. GANN REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR , NO. 3816 NOTE: . .1. . Be~.gs are based on the Recorded Plat of Marshall Iohnson Subdivision. .' .2. Job 1I9~~4:026 . Comers are as shown on aeeompanyi~g su~ pISt:~ ...'......,..., '-, .'1'- ;.: .-..... ...., ::.......',..,. , ' EXHIBIT A ~ol 350 ~7 e e e , 316 d -~ eM ~ ~, .1 e e '].6 WILLIAM ~ '" .. !Ii BLOCK-7 lI\ 7..0 I I --j I J EXlsnN~AD WIJOO Bull< I I -'1 I I I I I ---' ,., . ~ ~;,. ~ 10'" ~~ '" '" -, I I <'l >- I :u I >- _.J ti I :.- EXlsnN~ ~ WIJOO sUU< I I ~ I -1 ~ I I I I I -1 I '].s ARNOLD SURVEY, + I MARSHALL JOHNSON SUBDIVISION I I VOL Z, PG. 705 (SLIDE 87B) ~. '].']. !: ,>,,/ 'G'".- y.. 5 70'25'57" E: lJO.04' ~O' A-2 '].\ tXJsnNG ""iJl<&UNE 7.../Jr '- o ! !li :z '" ~1i1 .. "'0 -;;;'" ::; z .~ ~~ "~~A. -p;$ '" l> 'V .c::;:g *.el. ~;::l"'-Jt. ,. Cl:l ill oi ..--.... ~ < .3: ,,'01I~ 111 cl: '" ~- :z -=-<: C 111 <;-1 _our-' - ,.,0' D f'0P- :loof> 11' 70'02'J7" W lJO.lO' \ 7... BLOCK-2 3 40 iii '" '\ 4 60' 39 eo lArwtes F'nd. 5/8" J.R. With. .Pta.stic Cap . Denotes s.t 5/8" 1.R. "itlt, Plcutw C4P lil ~1\Qtu I'nd. $ /tr 1.ft. . X'" CMs.uad. In. Cone. o /hnoto.' Fnd. /-1/4" I.P. -PLAT- I. DAVID If. CANN. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAk /.AND SURVEYOR, J)() HERlfBY CERTIFY THAT rHE PUT SHOWN HEREON R8PR8SIN'l's THE RESULrS 0' AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DlREr:TION AND SUPERVISION IN AlAY 2003, AND THAT CORNERS ARE AS SHOWN HEREON. <- t2'L rtff4 Dd V 10 W. CANN . REGJSTERlfDPJlJJFESSJONAL UlND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 . NOTE: 1) JiETES ANIJ BOUNDS DESCRJPTUjN PREPARED 'WITHTH/S DRAWING. 2) BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE RECOR/)ED P/..A1' O}" J/AR3HAi.L JOHNSON SU80/VISION. . 3) NO EASEMENTS WE/U LOCATED OTHER THAN THOS,. SHOWN H8MON. G & W ENGINEERS. INC. 205 W. UVEOAK 1-.361-552-4509 PORT LAVACA, TEXAS 4_ ".4 "W.. -......,...... o.w.c. 001-: tMy Zl, ZQ2J KGlr. niNO O.zt ACU, 110M OR l.&SS, SI1tJAf'SD IN AND A PART 0' rHS rlIJJAJ/ ARNOUJ 8UR.YSY, A-Z, CAUfOUN COlJNf'Y, f'8XAS, ,. - 1l0' _I '2.~-0l6 Glolllln n\ll.; .Z540Z6~ 317 File , ~474 0.105 ACRE Basement Agreement Part ofilie William Arnold ' Survey. A-2, Calhoun County. Texas. STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN DESCRIPTION ofa Inlct or parcel of land oontaining 0.105 acre. more or less, situated in and a paltofthc William Amold Survey. A.2. Calhoun County. Texas. Said 0.105 acre being adjacent to and Northeast' of Lot I. Block 2, Marshall Johnson Subdivision as per the recorded plat in Volume Z. Page 105 (Slide 87B) of the Calhoun County Plat Records. ,This 0.105 acre. more or 1.... also includes" portion ofa 0.16 acre'lnlet of land as descnDed h! Bxhibit" An ofa Wamurty Deed recorded in Volume 251. Pages 146-149 of the Calhoun County Official Records and is more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a S/8 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap set for the North comer of this 0.105 acre traclln the East line of Johnson Avenue (plat Name). Said set 5/8 inch iron rod bears S 27' 56' 00" W. 34.84 feet from a 5/8 inch iron rod with a red plastio cap found marking a common comer of the aforementioned 0.1 6 acre tract and Lot 22, Block 1 of the aforementioned Morshall Johnson Subdivision; THENCE. S 70' 14' 17" E, passing at 116.00 feet a 5/8 inoh Iron rod with an orange plastic cap set on line for reference and for a Total Distance of 130.06 feet to a point for comer on the shoreline of Carancahua Bay; THENCE, S 27' 46' 29" W in a Southwesterly diIection with the existing sboreline, of CatllIlcahua Bay a distance of3S.27 feet to a point for comer at the intersection with the Northeast Iin. of the aforesaid Lot 1, Block 2, MarsbaII Johnson Subdivision; THENCE,N70'02' 37" W. with the said Northeast line of Lot 1, p~at4.0feet a 5/8 inch iron rod with an 0l'1Ulge plutic cap set on line for reference and for a TOTAL DISTANCE of 130,10 feet to an '"X" chiselled in concrete for the West comer of this 0.105 sore Inlet, in the East line of the ofotesaid Johnson Avenue(plat, Nam~; , THENCE. N 27' S6' 00" E (Base Bearing), with the East Iin. of said Johnson Avenue a distance of 34,84 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 0.105 aete. more or less, situated in and a part of the WIlliam Arnold Survey, A.2, Calhoun County, Texas. The foregoing DESCJUPTION was prepared from an actual on the ground survey made under my direction and supervision in May 2003, and Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~Gd DAvtDW.GANN REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3816 NOTE: Beo.rlngs ore based on the Recorded Plat of :Marshall Johnson Subdivision. 1. 2. Comers are as sbown on aocompanying survey plat. Job #9254.026 EXHIBIT B "01 350 pg . '909 e (I e 318 ~ c.. C1\ -lill OM => ~ ~I e e . 20- I I -"1 J I EXISTING <AD WOOD BVu<H I I -"1 I I I I I ---' BLOCK-I '" P> ~ 26 WILLIAM ~ ~ ARNOLD A-2 21 25 SURVEY, I MARSHALL JOHNSON SUBDIVISION I I VOL Z, PG. 105 (SLIDE 87B) I~ ./ . ~ EXISTING SHORWHE 22 S.O' 24 Ii: ~ L o J: :2 'il1iJ S~ I I I , I --1 EXISTING f./>D WOOD BUu<H I I I --1 I I I I I --1 J .,,,.0' 0",0 .. ",1"-< c00 ~06 s.. tn.s.t 1 ~ ';0, :.. ~ ll> ~ 2 bl :.. '"< BLOCK - 2 3 4-0 li: '" "t 4 60' 39 CI Dvnotu FntL 6/8'" 1.R. I""h Jl4utio CrJ.p . Dan.o'c3 S." 6/8'" I.R. JYith. .RGStio Cg,p <II D.nDt.. Fnd. 6/8" I.R. . it" Ch....u.d I.. Cone. o DnLot.~ huL 1-1/.,,, I.P. - PLAT... I, DAVID W. CANN. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER J/Y DIRECTION AND SUPER VIS/ON IN J(AY 2003. AND 'J'HAr CORNERS ARE AS SHOWN HEREON. . Lr2~ DAVID W. CAIIN REGISTERED PROFESSIONAl. LAND SURVEYOR NO. Q816 . NOTE: 1) METES AND BOC/NDS DESCRIPTION PREPAREJ) WITH THIS DRAIT/NG. Z) BEARINGS ARB BASED ON rHE /fBCOIUJED PUT 0' JlAR3HAU JOHNSON SC/lJD/Y/SJON. 3) NO EASEMENTS WERE LOCATED orHER 7'HAN THOSE SHOrN N8IUON. G & W ENGINEERS, IN'C.'"'' UlJIf; ..," .~. - "" /.DB. U>JtJlJtNT MJRUMJtNT SJ7fJATBD IN AND A PARr 01 rill WII.U.ut ARNDLI/ 205 w. IJVEOA.K 1-J61-SS2-"'50g PORT LAVN:A,.TEXAS 3URV8Y. A-.r. COUNTY. ru.u. l:Io o.w.o. r.com'd b O.W.c. dote: Mo 21 ;ZOOJ. .'KaI.: 1..00' no.: G CIroIItl no.: 31q File I 00082474 lJol 350 P311 e This IIo<anl his b!fn 1'ICri"" by lIIis Officr fvr Rl<ordi1l! into Ibo Official ""'lie Imnfs. IIf do I1!nby SlNl'lllat lII! dtllll\ distriliul. dteb IIact, il'eed, IlIl.., !let arllati!1lal ~L Filrd for Record in: Calhoun County e Ho.orobl. Ibuh Frick. County CI.rk {}n:{}ct 23.2M3 /It JJ:~ RPCf!ipt Nu.brr - 3'1m By, Sharo. //right ~~ ~ \. '-'\I\\.~ e p b;L 320 ~~ ~~M~~~~~~: ~:E~~~=~ ~~ERSHlP CONCeRNINGI'ENcr~G OF' COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY IN PORT . _ . c Illi~ A Motion was made by CommissIoner Finster and 5eCDOded by CommIssIoner Galvan to authorrze Judge PfeIfer to SIgn aQreement from Stofer LImited Partnership CXlncemJng fencing of county right-of-way In Port O'Connor, Texas. CommlssIoners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, FInster and Judge Pfeffer aU voted In favor. '-~'~~'.'--"'--""""'-'---/' .~_., ".-.. ','."~ AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 9 9 COUNTY OF CAllIOUN 9 KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; e TIfA T, the undersigned are the owners of the real property described as Blocks 69, 70, 77, 78,79,97,99,104,105 & 106 of the Port O'Connor Townsite, according to the established map and plat thereof recorded in the Real Property Records of Calhoun County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Owners have fenced their properties, including the streets and alley ways that are located within, between, and adjoining the properties; and WHEREAS, issues have arisen concerning the ownership of the streets and alley ways ' located within and adjoining the above described properties, and in order to settle any such issues regarding the ownership of said streets and alley ways, the undersigned are executing this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is acknowledged, the undersigned Owners agree that they do not own any interest in the streets and alley ways located within, between, and adjacent to the above described properties; and for the same consideration they hereby quitclaim unto the County of Calhoun, Texas, all right, title and interest that the undersigned may have to said streets and alleyways. It is further agreed that the undersigned may continue to enclose the above described areas by fence until such time as notified by the County. Upon such notification, the Owners will remove the fences and other obstructions to the streets and alleyways within 90 days. It is also agreed that the future enclosure and use of the streets and alley ways by the undersigned will not constitute a claim of ownership to the streets and alley ways. e This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives uccessors and assigns. Executed this ~ay of 2003. COUNTY OF CALHOUN BY71~uj~~,1'/f OWNERS: .,,= ?Mi~ JAMES lOFER, Its General Part:uer e " 321 -' .- ~ STATE OF TEXAS ~ g COUNTY OF CALHOUN g This instrument was acknowledged before me on this .Q..3.. day of ()~e.(' , 2003, A by tv\~c:hr:...1 j", P~e',~e..r . _ ~l,.rl~\\ l i.l ....,ll,~<;.' SUSAN RILEY Notary Public. State ofTeXU3 r-.ryC'..nmmi3llion Expire:c Aprl118, 2004 STATE OF TEXAS g VICTORIA ~ , COUNTY OF R'lMklfullll\t g ~ ~ fio~ NOTARY PUBLIC, STA TEXAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 24tb day of January, 2003, by JAMES N. stoFER. a8 Genera1 Partner oJ; THE stoFER LIMITED PAlITNKRSllIP. -, ~' <5l~'~"~ /", ;,;t.\ ,j., .'. '" ,.' ',1'i'" 1ERI L O'GORMAN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES May 13, 2003 "- RETURN TO: HOWARD R. MAREK HOUSTON, MAREK & GRIFFIN, LLP. P.O. Box 2329 Victoria, Texas 77902-2329 cathy\calhoun county precinct 4\agrecment ~ \... a' ~"---- NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS 2. e e '.' . 32['> t" ..','~ e e e r DEPT. NO. 660 DEPT, NAME: FIRE.POINT COMFORT "il 15-May-92 RESCUE TRUCK 1992 GMC TAYLOR MADE WI 545-0030 1 GDKC34NXNJ519884 $63,798.00 EQUIPMENT, GVW 5100 . Ii 12.Jun-92 PAGERS (4) SHINWA CHECKMATE II VHF, $325 545-0031 J54921, J54922, J54923. $1,300,00 &l i EA. J54924 II.Jan-93 RESCUE TOOL RAM WI AlTACHMENTS 545-0032 $2,200,00 16-Nov-94 RADIO ' ERICSSON GE MOBILE RADIO 545-0034 9305367 $643.25 MGM148 till 3O-Nov-94 FAN 18' SMOKE EJECTOR 545-0033 $809.12 14-Dec-94 CYLINDERS SCOlT CYUNDERNALVE 545-0035 80001010 80001014 $650.00 ASSEMBlY 45 CU FT I~~l 31-Mar-95 RADIO MOBILE ERICSSON G.E. 545-0037 9309119 $395.25 ~B~i MONOGRAM 31-Mar--95 BUNKER GEAR 1 PR BOOT $65, 1 COAT$195. 2 545-0036 $520,00 i~ PANTS@$13OEA I!I~ 15-0e0-95 BUNKER GEAR GEAR BAGS: 5 X-LG @ $35; 545-0038 $235.00 . ' GLOVES: 2 PR@ $30 ~~I 31-1Je0-95 PAGERS (11) MINITOR II, VHF, $324 EACH 545-0039 $3,564.00 i~~ . 12.Ju~96 BUNKER GEAR 1 COAT 545-0040 $325.00 ~i ~" _'H.___~"__,- . -.......... --...._.......-~......_....,--6!,,~~J,;.-.e--. ...._.............---_...'"_..._~ -. . "'--..-,. "- ' soP PICKUP 1982 CHEVROlET 314-TON EltESS. 545-0041 2GCGC24J7CI208065 $4,~,~~8) {Iji (TO BE CONVERTED TO BRUSH -.---------' mUOK) :3 sa fig 31-1Jec-96 GAS MONITORING DEVICE 545-0042 $1,318.33 I:'"-r,~... 14-Apr-97 RADiO MONOGRAM MGM148 545-0043 122574 $492.20 . rrf ~...(i_- J I ~J .~ -l"'ff ~ Monday, January 14, 2002 Page 3 of 4 COUNTY..,..llSIIRBl. JP2. TAX u'r~e.)Jt/COI.UCtOR - MON1lfLY REPOInS The OluntyTreasurer, JP 2 andlmc!lf r .1Ql1Jec:tor ptes.llibod thelrmontllly reports for Sep/l!mber 2003 and after R!IIdIng and WlIflYIng same, a MoUon was made by Commissioner Balajka and SllCDllCIed by Comm1ssIoner FInsIer that salel n!pOItS be 8lXlefJled as ..~,ted. CommIssIoners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Rnster and Judge. Pl'eIfer an Wled In favor. CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE STATEMENT OF BALANCES t;JND NAME! .... I11ID1I03 . 8,11il9,o 2 187;576 10,661 18,702 ,,331.... 18',307 3,811 3,B11 ',41' "3,811 D 118,182 122,119 111,042 84,007 '.,3&0 32,m 12.513 29.... 1lO.... tlll,tlle .57.... 11.... 74,720 2 "T.1tl> 138,241 14,m 8,157 223 27,21T 138,.4151 '39 1,188 83,11. oem 133,.070 lI2,32lI .,522 ,~.. 13.017 20,138 557"'T ...... 23'.... D o 70,252 .",000 2,'" 2,'75 ''-.740 17.018 '..... , G RD.d & BrIdg. G.nW.I ......--. RD.ta. 8atdp~4 Hwy II7JFM 1080 Roa::t fr.bd..~__ PNdntt4 L8nd Ro.d PNchct 1 t..t.'lIIRoed~2 ~AD.dPr-ch:r:3 L-..r Ro.d Pnldnct <to Fbod ConIrd Ptwdnct4lo -- .... CompI./JAS' A~M""'.::..__ l.Jbr.-yQlft&M.ntort.I ... ..... --..............- Capftal......~h....w..4_4 ~~..Jdrpcnll,....v"....tll __._Lot __._EMS........ __._Jd.""", __.M.......__ --............- -_.~ -_.................... CaptM ProJ-ta- eo.w J..........._llll cas~. RD.dPftJjlCt PartO'Connor~c.m.r ChIrnber Toutem c.mw Ftlw -.d Court coat. HcIId1nsr Fund ........ AnlrrulI' ConlnII- CAWS .--- ~rA........Al.I_~_CotattyCl.ttt Recard.~__.~.(&f'r.......u..., --......... "'- Law EnA......._4 om,*- SbMenI educ:don (L.E08 --- G__ ....... CourtT-...... -""---........ e.n.a ClbIIgaGun IW. 8and81n-.r& 8~ C:clrrtindllnHollp..R_&TIIll'c.rtlllcalleof """""- ~ """""- (JoII) .....2003. '-........ TIllC J.nCIdpdon .... -lntwNt & SInIdng -Art1k:Ip.don.....~ _............ Coon _....,. Couotr Coon -_Contw._ MecbiI c.ntw..~ Mwnarflll MedIcII c.ntIr.. ~ 00nIItI0rw ~MltdcIIc.m.r.. ~ T';.... .. ,.. 11,701 .. 33 33 33 33 o ...... '6,225 ,.. .54 6,1551 o o o D D D o D 628,781 o D o TA" o 33,25ll 18,6211 o 10 ...... ..... ..... ... 67 731 27' .,oeo ",717 31.1!t18 ..... 8,324,3'n 47.ao8 ... 7.103 ..... 7B1 .=... .. ., ..... .524.18 o D 8,960 o D D, D o o D 98,&42 25,1526 1.....,4 o ',723 D D o D D 140,918 D D 3151,177 "'77 2.297 o '.no D 28.!22 20,097 o D 10 1,185 o 37.<<1 111 o o '.... "'~21 ",087 ........ 7,000,000 D D .~'" 1,1580 ... 4,121,322 D D 201.... ..... ........ 5,624,631 2T3;l5ll 10,751 ".... 1,343,1aB 18,401 ..... ..... ..... ..... D 72,... 152,416 ',700 .....' 48.278 32,m 12,613 29,848 1lO,'" 18.195 21...., 11.23" 7...7'20 m.... ....... ,...... 14,852 8,2174 223 31,855 132,09D '39 1,178 98,718 50"" 14.uef ....... 0"'" 1,700 ..291 22,... ...... 2,517 .,. 1,3j4,373 .017,808 .7tl,516 ....... 2ADO 2,102 ....... 17,1<< 13,Sl7 '577 , Weihe u~.... County Judge ond Comrrioolonono", ondlor CoIhoun County, TJl~~ ~%~ we ""'- made.n ~oIh Oounty~quwterty,.port. fledwtth Ulon thla daye( r. 2003, ond _found tho..... to be _ ond In due otd",. lhlo~doyd ~~be.r ~?~ Kenneth W. FI1'lSler. Cornrrissloner E:'ct 4 2003. SWORN TOANO SlJBSCR~~O~:t-' and Cour4yComniaslo""," of..", Calhoun County -- respedIVeIy, on thlei2GZZ day of . 2003. SEFoAE ME. tho """"....,... outhoIfty on yappend RI10nda S. McMahen, County Troesu"" of Calhoun Countyeeyslhet th...ftllln ond ' " e e e 32,'1 CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT ONTHOP, SEl'TEMBER, 2003 G.Cff " BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND lJALANCE 1/ECEIPTS DISlJUJlSEMENTS FUNDBALANCE ENllRAL S 6.491,190.96 S 408,054.46 S 1.274,613.95 S 5,624,631.47 DAD & BRIDGE GENERAL 251,993.36 21,365.05 0.00 273,358.41 DAD &. BRIDOE PREClNcr #3 10,733.14 17.87 0.00 10.751.01 DAD &. BRIOOE PRBCINcr #4 11,884.63 19.78 0.00 11,904.41 87/FMlo90 1,340,965.42 2,232.20 0.00 1,343.197.62 DAD MAJ:N'I'RNANCE PREClNcr #4 18,370.71 30.58 0.00 18,401..29 TERAL ROAD l'RECINcr #1 3.837.85 63' 0.00 3,844.24 TERAL ROAD PRBCrnCT #2 3.831,84 63, 0.00 3,844.23 TERA.L ROAD PRECINCT #3 3,837.84 6.39 0,00 3.844.23 TBRAI. ROAD l'RllClNCT #4 3,837.84 639 0.00 3,844.23 OD CONl'ROL PRECINcr #4 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 PROl3ATION 67,252.26 36,.324.68 31.108.90 72,468.04 OOT CAMPIJJAEP 156,741.89 4,206,'2 8,530.84 152.417.97 RT MAJ:N'I'RNANCB 8~S9.11 14.91 4,267.64 4,706.38 RARY rnFI AND MEMORIAL 64,652,16 308,62 0.00 64,960.78 W LIBRARY 43,266.19 3,012.02 0.00 46,278.21 !TAL PROJ.RB INFRASTRUCTIJRE 32,732,48 0.1)0 0,00 32,732.48 ITAL PROJ-AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT 12.513.10 0.00 0.00 14S13.10 1TAL PROJ-AIRPORT IMPROVEMXNT n 29,846.00 0.00 0.00 29.846.00 !TAL PRO:l-PARKlNG LOT 80,543.81 0.00 0.00 80,543.81 !TAL PROJ.NEW IlMS Bl.OO 19.196,2j 0.00 0.00 19,196.25 !TAL PROJ.NEW JAIL Bl.OO 286,841.52 0.00 70,180.16 216,661.36 ITAL PROJ-MAGNOLIA BF.A.CH EROSlON 78,234,75 0.00 0.00 78,234.75 lTAL PROJ-SW AN l'OINT PAR..K 74.720.40 0.00 0.00 74.720.40 :APITAL PROJ-LIOHTIlOUSE 2,00 450,175.48 175.172.21 275.605.21 ITAL PROJ.MOLD :R.BME.DIATION 685,818.87 0.00 433.00 685,385.87 e ITAL PROJ.COASTAL IMPROVEMBNTS 135,.943.76 0.00 0.00 135,.943.76 CISDISEADRIFr/CO. ROAD PROJECT 14,852.32 0.00 0.00 14.852.3.2 C COMMUNITy CIlNTIlR 8,4:;0.32 2,.919.07 2,495.61 8,873.78 TOVRIBM CllNTIlR 2Zl.16 0.00 0.00 223.16 AND COURT COSTs BOLDrnO FUND 1',280.31 16,374.25 0.00 31,654.56 NATIONS 133,784.06 15,634.63 16,428.59 132,990.10 CONl'ROL-CAWS 138.87 0.00 0.00 138.87 HEIl.lFF FORFEITED PROPEI<TY 1,175.85 1.96 0.00 1.177.81 RDS MANAaBMENT-COVNTY CLERK 88,922.78 9,808.02 14.72 98,116.08 RDB MGMr &; PREsERVATION 57.661.95 1,200.99 436.47 58,426.47 URTHOUSESECURITy 138,726.23 4,234.4. 0.00 142,960.72 RANTS 59,813.02 99.57 4,423.95 55,488.64- W EMF OFFICERS STD. EDUc. (!.EOSE) 6,568.07 10.93 177.24 6,401.76 PROl3ATION R&sTITUrION 530.92 40,00 0.00 570.92 ONS CONrRAcr SERVICE 4,212.40 0.00 0,00 4,212.40 VICTIMs COMPENSATION 10,712.68 5,455.41 0.00 16,168.09 OMPREilENSlVE R.IlHAB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TPIlI!S 1,86263 780.20 0.00 2,64283 'CAL PllRSONNF.L TRAlNlNa 1,363.61 687.11 0.00 2,050.78 STOPPERs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NSOLlDATED COURT COST 11,977.86 6.448.44 0.00 18,426.30 OI'l'IVE APPREHENSION 3,430.21 1,146.1. 0.00 5.117.01 CR1ME & DEUNQUENCY 336.87 167.25 0.00 504.12 C LAW FAILURE TO APPEAR 569.38 1,294.7' 0.00 1,864.17 0RRller10NAL MANAaBMENT INSTITUTE 329.74 16435 0.00 494.09 PEU.ATE lUDIClAL SYSTEM 1,376.27 422.29 0.00 1,798.56 lOENT CIVll. I..BoAL SERVICE (996.15 1,128.75 0.00 132.00 PAYMENTS 936.20 1,.396.82 0.00 2,.333.02 RAFF.ITI lmADlCATlON 6,280.26 10.45 0.00 6,290.71 STICE COURT TECHNOLOOY 22,860.06 1,338.67 1,669.00 22,529.73 AIlI.Jl DIlPOS!TS 2.000.00 0.00 0,00 2,000.00 e CEl.LANEous ClJ!ARINa 3,664.58 2,048..55 4,697.55 1,015.58 STICE OP THE PEACE ClJ!ARING 56,099.59 54,729.44 56,814.04 54,014.99 AI. JUSTICE l'LANNINa 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 ENllRAL REVIlNUIl 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 W ENPOl<CBMllNT OFFiCER STANDARDS 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 W OFFICERS CONTINUlNo EDUCATION 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 REATHALCoHOL TEsTINa 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 CLAIMED PROPERTY 1,818.34 0,00 0,00 1,818.34 SUBTOTALS $ 10.572,115.99 1,054,531.36 $ 1,651,463.87 $ 9,975,783.48 AXES IN PSCROW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL OPERATING $ 10,572,71$.99 $ 1,05",531.36 $ 1.651,463.87 $ ',975,783.48 325 e ... .....,.. CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT \1ONTH OF: SEPTEMBJtR, 1<103 BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUNDBALANCE RECEIPTS DISBUR8l!MENTS FUNDBALANCE I}I!NI!RAL OBUO BOS /&S $ 37,.912.33 $ 531.32 5,100.00 $ 33)43.65 I}I!NI!RAL OBUG REF BOS /&S 1,512.44 1,004.47 0,00 2,.516.91 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF OBilO. 231,902.64 5,917.92 236,982.50 838.06 CONSTRUCTION (]AlL) 0.00 8,324,372.74 0.00 8,324,372.74 CONSTRUCTION (]AlL) SIlRlBS 2003 .1& S 0.00 47,807.62 0,00 47,807.62 :AX ANTICIPATION NOTES 1&8 10,431.55 86.83 0.00 70)18.38 TAXANTIClPAIlONNorns.FORMOSA 854,593.82 1,08267 1,593.82 854,082.67 IURYIMPREST.OISTRIcr COURT 1,703.95 1,166'(}9 390,00 2,480.04 lURYIMPREST.COUNTY COURT 1,595.24 668.63 162.00 2,101.87 TOTAL OPEB..o, OTHER CO. FtlND8 $ 11 712,361... $ 9..431.1".65 $ 1 8.95,692.19 S 1',313,845.42 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING $ 939,503,74 $ 1,526,294.90 $ 1,495,850.18 $ 969,948.46 MEMOlUAL 17.122.94 21.11 0.00 17,144.05 RIlSTRICI'IID OmiATION 13"'80118 16.74 0.00 13)97.32 nIDIOENTBEALTHCARE 1,566.83 78,256.78 78,246,99 1,576,'2 TOTALS $ 911,714.09 $ 1,604,389.53 $ 1,574.097.17 $ 1.<lO2,266.45 ~RA1NAGEDlSI'RKTS NO, 6 $ 10.915.15 $ 13.50 $6L19 $ 10,867.46 NO.8 41,939.69 389.38 69.05 43,260.02 NO.Io-MA1NT1lNANCB 48,548.11 93.64 125,46 48,516.19 NO. lo-OIlBI SERVICR 44.640.22 84..49 0.00 44,724.71 NO.lI.MA1NT1lNANCBIOPERATINO 89,481.25 961.32 7,366.66 82.,881.91 NO. ll-DBBT SERVICE 67,417.72 225.81 0.00 67,643.53 NO. l1-RBSBR.VB 51,Ol1.OS 62.89 0.00 51,073.97 TOTALS $ 3'4.959.22 $ 1,831.03 S 7.822.36 $ 348;967.89 ::ALHOUN COUNTYNA VIGATION DIST. MAINI"IlNANCB AND OPERATINO S 83.675.83 $ 231.74 $ 7,377.90 $ 76,529.67 TOTAL MMC,ORAlNAGEDIST. & NA V. DIST. S 1.410""'.14 $ 1.60...~2.30 $ 1"'9,297.43 $ 1.427 7....01 TOTAL ALL FONDS S 20,741,609.43 e e 326 e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT !MONTH 011, SEPTEMIIER, 2003 BANKRECONClUA1TON LBSs.. CBllT.OF DEP/ FUND OUT8TNDG DBP/ PLUS: CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERATING $ 9,;nS.783.48 $ * lO,141,798S4 $ 828,292.91 $ 662.'%17.85 JURY lMPREST.DISTRlcr COURT 2,480.04 131.94 470.00 2,818.10 JURY IMPREST-COUNTY COURT 2,101.87 0.00 480.00 2,581.81 (oHN O.BLIO BDS!NT & SKO 33,343.65 156.89 5.100.00 38,286.16 rEN OBUG R1ll1UNDlNG BDS!NT '" &KG 2,516.'1 443.'0 0.00 2,073.01 f::OMB, HOSP. REV. & TAX CERT1l1. OF OBLIG, 838.06 5,34'.42 236,982.50 232,471.14 poNSTRUCl'lON (JAlL) 8,324,372.74 ** 1,000,000.00 0.00 1,324,372,14 f::ONSTRUCl'lON (JAlL) SElUES 2003 -1 & S 47,807.62 0.00 0.00 47,807.62 :AXANfICIPATION NOTES - FORMOSA 854,082.67 *** 853.003.53 1,593.82 2,612.96 AX ANTIClPATIONNOTBS !NT & &KG 70,518.38 0.00 0.00 70,51838 MEMORIAL Ml!D1CAL CI!NTER: OPBRATlliQ 969,948.46 4,622.26 38,012.92 1,003,339.12 MEMORIAL 17,144.05 0,00 0.00 17,144.05 RESTRICI'lID DONATION 13,59132 0.00 0.00 13,59732 lNDlGENT HEALTHCARE 1,576.62 0.00 238.94 1.815.56 RAlNAGE DISTRlcr, NO.6 10,861.46 0.09 0.00 10,867.37 NO.8 43.260.02 335.42 69.05 42,993.6$ NO. 10 MAlNTENANCB 48,516,29 33.84 58.05 48,540.50 NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE 44,724.71 29.45 0.00 44.695.26 NO. 11 MAlNTENANCF/OPERATlNO 82.881.91 198.67 4,508.85 87.192.09 NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE 67,643.53 38.86 0.00 67,6<l4.67 NO. 11 RESERVE .51,073.91 0.00 0.00 51,ll13.97 CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DIST: **** MAlNTENANCEIOFBRATlNG 76.529.61 0.00 0.00 76,529.67 TOTALS $ 20,741,609.43 $ 18,006,142.81 $ 1,115,801.04 $ 3,851,273.... . CDs. OPERATING FUND $10,000,000 .. CD. CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $7,000,000 ... CD. TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES. FORMOSA $853,000 .... THE DEPOSITORY FOR CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DISTRICT IS FIRST VICTORIA NATIONAL BANK. PORT LAVACA THE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTIIER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. PORT LAVACA e -. 327 Jr., 't',',~ ~';- .', ',--." :.-',', ".'; '" '. :.;f~~;';~;<:~~:H!, DEaARE CERTAIN ITEMS OF COUNTY PROPERTY AS SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Rnster and secxlnded by Commissioner Galvan to declare certaIn Jrems of county property surplus/salvage. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Royd, Rnster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. ~. ~~:. -!"...i~': . ~5 ." (;a;,. ~li',., lol!~:' ': .' :i:~"':-. . t...~.. . ~!i ?/;,. Mo,:.!:....: ;'l'f:'!1 : ~t. .' ~j:: :.~.~" ,..'Ii', . ~}.... D-I ~\,;', Doi~; ,,0\:.1[, IO_~ ~i.: l~;r,..:' :.,.J ~;'" ,To ~. :..,... ~~.l '. i:!>." ' r.-t,...,. ~L, ~'.., ~.'.<", 'S. ' ., ...f:f" :. i~i' ~:f,"" ~f.: '':.>;'l' 11;. J\'" , ;:.:1,;, . Not~~;', 'l\. \ ' Ii!.,;" '.' JJ.eC/ 0...\"'(.. ~~~!' '... ,':. ~;,. ~0.:.'.. . . W"., i"';"\' ~f . I \/ !~, . """, ;;;tt" .... tr.l, " , ~;.1." . ~~' .'. :~?!~.;' . ~ ." '.'!i: . ~:i.' '!fJ.....: t{ ~l, (,,'~. ~i~~' ~S . ~"': !{r:.1 ~f::' ~ ~ -tol~ '~ 0):' ~) ,~JJlWL -6 rf\~ . , !''1' .' . . ~F:. 1<' , ,," f.1'~~ : r~.:. ~" rze. part of, t.he$.ol'ution . . . \~ . '.' "..::., :~. . ,~i' I, ~. .~ Not the poHuti:,. FAX TRANSMITTAL. # of Pages (/nCludJng covei) , ' ".' NOme Su....G.y~ -'V~},~ .... Organization~:r~cl.~e..., ' ,. Fox '# 3t.,\ $~~ ~ ~\,' ~ 1.( .... ", Fro('r': Calhoun CouritySolld Waste/RecyCling Center, '. ..:; Nqme YCt.-\"'pq.c.:..Kc",\,..;e\C; " ' '. ':, Organization ,( f'AY\Otx n. (CJ, Rec'}dil"") ,Foxl 5ltl :;;S.i-"2..3\\ S(~\VC~~t !~lU;p\US " , , . . \Q)( 0-4 ; pJdnM ~CJb. ,~cL~"\5 ':'\PI.kS~oom4 ~~ clo~ :j;X:vvuY_, 4' LM-~ f001..WL3 '~~ {Ol", A~ . UItUt . :'-": .!te~~~s; ~ ,'I ,Ii 328. y / . m;"' I ~ ~ e e DEPT. NO. 630 BA DEPT. NAME: EMERGENCY MGMT. SHARP 19-IN., 12.MO, WARRANTY 406-0102 3CAF105982 SKYWALKER EMWIN WEATHER 406.0107 SYSTEM US, ROBOTICS PALM PILOT 406.0122 ZER TELEPOWER IQ PLUS, 3 STATION 406.0108 ~ HP 890CSE, IJ, OJ 406-0109 SG77S1616J $471.00 $44999 '] ~~ -~V~ $14,5'1.4,50 06-Jan-97 TVNCR $349,99 14.Apr-97 COMPUTER $1,320.00 30-MaY-97 COMPUTER 13-Jun-97 (4-NOV-97 31-Dec-97 31.0ec-97 31-Dec-97 30-Jan-98 31-Aug-98 14-Sep-98 12-oct-98 31.Dec-98 14-May-99 14-May-99 $299,95 PRINTER WORKSTATIONS (3) WI ACOUSTICAL PANelS, FLEX. Y_ 400.011.1 PLAN, FOR EMERG, OP, CENTER CARPET 406-0112 CARPET FOR ENTRY & EMERGENCY 406.0013 'OPERATIONS CENTER DISPLAY SETUP FOR CCEM BOOTH (TABLE, 406.0114 DRAPES, LOGO, ETC.) CHAIR GRANADA GLOBAL 406-0116 FURNITURE FLEX-Y-PLAN CORNER END WI!<IG 406.0117 & 10 CHAIRS WEATHER STATION WS 2000 406.0118 RADIO 730 HI PWR/ REMOTE SIGLEB 406-0119 600178 RECEIVER WEATHER DIRECT VHF WX-3 406-0123 4279902 WITH SOF1WARE MODEM 9600 BAUDIWEFAX WX96-ENC 406.0124 4279903 FOR REBROADCAST $782.25 $1,300.65 $1,407,35 $568,00 $2,486.00 $1,114.50 $1,431.00 $292,19 $348,81 F=riday, October 10, 2003 Page 4 of 5 ~OIJN COIlNTY. TElWI Pi r~&IS U~O N- ~~~I \Jnposted Budget 'l'r8Dsacti0llS' BXPEND.ADlllSlMllNTS FOR 10123103 1<( BUD318 .BUDOBT ADlUSTMtlNTSFOR 10123103 I .... EfI'ectil'O ' I ~~> ii~ Fund , Code Date Fund Tid. ThmsactiOll DesaipdOll Dcptl1t1c OL Tide iii...... Dccn:asc il' 1000 11lI23I2OO3 0llNBRAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL EX1llNSION SERVICE MBALAlLOWANCE 8.00 I~~ 1000 11lI23I2OO3 GI!NERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL EX1llNSIQN SERVICE GENERAL OFFICB SUPPUES 8.00 ti~ ~~ 1000 1012312003 GI!NBIlALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL lAlLOPERATIONS OVERTlMB 61.00 rl 1000 1012312003 0llNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFI!R ' lAlLOPERATIONS GI!NERAL OFFICB SUPPUES 3.00 . IV ~ 1000 11lI23I2OO3 GI!NERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFI!R lAlL OPERATIONS COPIER RENTALS 137.00 'O~ 3 ~ to 1000 1012312003 0llNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFI!R lAlL OPERATIONS PRISONERLOIlGIN<J.OUT 7,158.00 l~ ~~~ OFCOUNlY 1000 11lI23I2OO3 GI!NBIlAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER lAlL OPERATIONS PRISONERMED1CAL 3,225.00 lll~ l~~ SERVICES 103 1000 1012312003 GI!NERALFUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMlSSIONERS COURT DUES 382.00 Ii ~iJ iooo 11lI23I2OO3 GI!NBIlAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMlllSlONERS COURT UlGAL SERVICES 382.00 J~ 1000 1012312003 GI!NERAL FUND PO#31285 CAUIOUN COMMISSIONERS COURT UlGAL SERVICES 3,000.00 COUNlY COMMUNITY .l ~j :u NBTWORK.1NTERLOCAL ~! f... i AGRMT 1000 1012312003 GI!NBIlAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFBll COMMlllSIONERS COURT UlGAL SERVICES 1,500.00 i~ . [! 1000 1012312003 G/lNIlRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFI!R COMMlSSIONERS COURT MAINTIlNANCE-COMMUNL 1,500.00 !~I NBTWORK ~[ 1000 1012312003 G/lNIlRAL FUND PO#312~ CAU10UN COMMlSSlONERS COURT MlSCEU.ANEOUS 3.000.00 COUNlYCOMMUNITY g}!l NBTWORK.1NTERLOCAL !~~ AGRMT ~~ 1000 1012312003 GI!NERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL COUNlY CLERK TEMPORARY 176.00 .?3 ~~~ ~[ 1000 1012312003 GI!NBIlALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL COUNlY CLERK OVERTIME 176,00 -0 t~3. 1000 10123/2003 GI!NERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUN1Y JUDGB DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 200.00 i~ 1000 1012312003 0llNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNlY JUDGB TBLEPHONB SERVICES 200,00 l' ~~~ 1000 1012312003 GIlNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE SERVICES 125.00 ~Ji OPERATIONS-SBADRlFf 1000 1012312003 GIlNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPllBS/OPERATING 425,00 . .. SERVICES BXPBNSES 'f i~~ 1000 10123/2003 GIlNBRAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER BMBRQBNCY MEDICAL MJ\CHlNERYIEQUJPMBNT 425.00 SERVICES REPAIRS IV~ ~~~ 1000 1012312003 GIlNBRALFUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER TO INDIGENT IlBALTII CARS CARS OF INDIGBNTS 1,663.00 "'i3' 0._ ~f~ LIlGALSBRV-cRT ::-[ AP1'TD,CRT/ATIlAW foB 1000 1012312003 GIlNBRAL FUND . LINE ITEM TRANSFER WASTE MANAGBMBNT LANDF1IL CLOSURE 33.00 il? r'~'-l 1000 l0I23ti003 GIlNBRAL FUND illIE ITEM TRANSFER WASTEMANAGBMBNT TBlllPHONB SERVICES 33.00 ~~ 1000 1012312003 GBNBRAL FUND IlNB ITEM TRANSFER COUN1YCOURT.AT-I.AW ADULT 752,00 1ft ASSIGNBJl.-ATI'ORNBY FBES '~ 1000 1012312003 GIlNBRAL FUND IlNB ITEM TRANSFER COUN1YCOURT.AT.LAW ADULT ASSIGNBI).()TI!ER 43,00 Co.j UI1GATION EXPENSES 0 e " e ., , Dlte:1llt'22m05;,u:2IPM -, e ~ROl1NCOUNTY. ~ t!nposted Budget TransactlOlll' BXPBND.AOIUSlMENTS FOR 10/23103 BUD318 - BUDOET ADIUSlMENTS FOR 10123103 V;, Fund Effective Code Date Fund Tide Transaction pescription DeptTIUe OLntle Increase Dec:r=e 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-IAW 1UVENlIll 250.00 ASSIGNED-ATroRNEY FEES 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTYCOURT.AT.IAW UlOALSERVICES-cOURT 618,00 APPOINTED 1000 1012312003 0ENIlRAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-IAW TELEPHONE SERVICES 145.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-IAW BOOKS-lAW 145.00 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRlcr CLERK GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 140.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM lRANSFER DISTRlcr CLl3RK PHOTO COPIESlSUPFUES 140,00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRlcr COURT ADULT 2.950.00 ASSIGNED-ATroRNEY FEES 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRlcr COURT ADULT ASSIGNED-01l1ER 45,00 UTIGATION EXPENSES 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRlcr COURT LIlOAL SERVICES-COURT 2,995,00 APPOINTED 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM lRANSFER JUSTICE OF GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 326,00 PEACE-PREClNcr#l 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM lRANSFER JUSTICE OP DUES 235.00 PEACE--PREClNcr #1 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER JUSTICE OF POSTAGE 16.00 PEACE-PREClNcr #1 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER JUSTICE OF TRAINING 1RA VEL our OF 75.00 PEACE-PREClNcr #1 COUNTY 1000 1012312003 0ENIlRAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER 1UVENlIll COURT JlJVENiLE 290,00 ASSI<JNED.-ATIORNEY FEES 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER 1UVENlIll COURT UlOAL SERVICES-COURT 290.00 APPOINTED 1000 1012312003 0ENIlRAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRlcr ATIORNEY OENIlRALOFFICE SUPPUES 52.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER DISTRIcr ATIORNEY BOOKS-lAW 52.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND TEMPORARY 2,000.00 BRllXJE.PREClNcr #1 1000 10/2312003 0ENIlRAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND SOCIAL SECURfIY 153.00 BRIDGB-PREClNcr #1 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND RETIREMENT 189.00 BRIDGB-PREClNcr #1 IOOO 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND WORKMENS 376.00 i BRIDOE-PREClNcr #1 COMPENSATION 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND FEDERAUsTAW 6.00 ~ BRIDOE-PREClNcr #1 UNEMPLOYMENT C:J000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM lRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES 5,724.00 ~ BRllXJE.PREClNcr #1 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 1RANSFER ROADAND GARBAGE 3,000.00 BRIDOB-PREClNcr #1 COIL-MAGNOUABEACH OIIe:I~OS:43:21PM CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unpoated Budgel1iansactl0lll .1lXPEND.ADJUSThlBNTS FOR 10123/03 BOO318 .BUDOBT ADJUSThlBNTS FOR 10123103 Fund Effectiv. Code Date Fund TiU. _don lJesaipdon DeplTIU. GL TIU. Increase Decrease 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 1,000.00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #2 PARTSlSUPPUES 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND ROAD '" BR/IlOB SUPPUES 1.000.00 BR/IlGJ!.PRECINcr #2 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDOB SUPPUES J ,000.00 BRIOOB-PRECINcr #2 1000 10/23/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCElLANEOUS 1,000.00 BRIOOB-PREClNCT #2 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll RGAD AND . OVERTIME 50.00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #3 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND SOCIAL SBCURITY 4.00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNCT #3 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND RETIREMENT S.OO BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #3 1000 1 0123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND WORJCMBNS 9,00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #3 COMPENSATION 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND FEDBRAIJSTAlB 1.00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #3 UNEMPWYMBNT 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND ROAD '" BR/IlOB SUPPUES 1,069.00 BRIOOB-PRECINcr #3 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND TELEPHONE SBRVICES 1.000,00 BR/IlOJl.PRECINcr #3 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND TEMPORARY 4.000.00 BR/IlOE-PRECINcr #4 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND RBQUIRED BY PAYROll ROAD AND OVERTIME 62.00 BRIOOB-PRECINcr #4 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND RBQUIRBD BY PAYROll ROAD AND SOCIAL SBCURITY 311.00 BR/IlOJl.PRECINCT #4 1000 10/23/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUlREDBYPAYROIL ROAD AND RETIREMENT 383.00 BR/IlOJl.PREClNcr #4 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND RBQUlRED BY PAYROll ROAD AND WORJCMBNS 764.00 BR/IlOJl.PRECINcr #4 COMPENSATION 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND RBQUlREDBYPAYROIL ROAD AND FEDBRAIJSTAlB 12,00 BR/IlOJl.PRECINcr #4 UNBMPWYMBNT 1000 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND ROAD '" BR/IlOE SUPPUES 7,S32,00 BR/IlOJl.PRECINcr #4 ~looo 10123/2003 GENERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER ROAD AND UTIllTlES 2.000.00 Q BR/IlOJl.PRECINcr #4 1'.)1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND UNB ITEM 'ffiANSFER TO FIRE SERVICES 12S,00 AMB.OP-SEAD, PR01ECl10N-SEADR1FT 1000 10/23/2003 GENERAL PUND tit RBQUlREDBYPAYROIL SHER1FP OVERTIME 961.00 1000 10123/2003 GBNERAL FUND RBQUlRED BY PAYROll SHER1FP MBAL.CE 34.00 e O\do; 10f22/03 0$;43:21 PM -, . e CALDOUNCOUNTY. ~ Unpo.ted Budget T....acti_. EXPEND.ADlUS1MENTS FOR 10123103 BUD318 . BUDGET ADlUSlMENTS FOR 10123/03 " Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description [)cpt Title OLTitle In""". Decrease 1000 10/2312003 GENERALFUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF GENERAL OFFICE SUPPIlES 658.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF lAW ENFORCEMENT 27.00 SUPPIlES 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF GASOUNE/OII1DIESEUGIt" 271.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF SUPPIlES-MlSCElIANEOVS 41.00 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF AlITOMOTIVE REPAIRS 987.00 1000 10/2312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF COPIER RENrAlS 330.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF MISCEllANEOUS 414.00 1000 1012312003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF TRA1NING REGISTRATION 9.00 FEBsn"RA VEL TOll! GENERAL FUND 34.943.00 34,943.00 1000 SIIS 1012312003 CAPITAL PR01BCT ESTABUSH NO DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION 299,999.00 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION CAP .PROI.-CRlHSE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENOVATION SII5 1012312003 CAPITAL PR01BCT ESTABUSH NO DEPARTMENT PREIlMlNARY DESIGN & 379,999.00 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION CAP .PROJ.-CRllISE SCOPE DEVELOPMENT RENOVATION SIIS 1012312003 CAPITAL PR01BCT ESTABIlSH NO DEPARTMENT TRANSFER PROM 679.998.00 COURTHOUSE RENOVATION CAP.PROJ.-CRlHSE CAP .PROJ.MOID RENOVATION REMEDIATION TOll! CAPITALPR01BCT 679,998,00 679,998.00 SIIS COURTHOUSE RENOVATION 5210 1012312003 CAPITAL PR01ECThlOID ESTABIlSH NO DEPARTMENT MOlD REMEDIATION 677,498.00 REMEDIATION CAP .PR01.-CRlHSE RENOVATION 5210 1012312003 CAPITAL PR01ECTMOID ESTABUSH NO DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,000,00 REMEDIATION CAP .PROJ,-CRlHSE RENOVATION 5210 . .10/2312003 CAPITAL PR01ECThlOID ESTABIlSH NO DEPARTMENT U'I1I.JTIES 1,500,00 ....- --, REMEDIATION CAP.PR01,-CRlHSE RENOVATION 5210 1012312003 CAPITALPR01ECThlolD ESTABUSH NO DEPARTMENT TRANSFER TO 679,998.00 ~ REMEDIATION CAP .PROJ.oCRlHSE CAP.PROJ.COURlHSE ~ RENOVATION RENOVATION ~otal CAPITALPR01ECThloLD 679,998.00 679,998.00 5210 REMEDIATION o.tc:t0t'22/030':43:2IPJ,f . '. .. Fund Code Report Total c.J " - ...It."j ~ Bft'cctive Da'" DIfe: llW22Jo3 0':43:21 PM Fund 1\U. e CALHOuN COUNTY, TEXAS \Jnpos1Od Budget 1'noI1saoti01ll' EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 10123103 BUD318 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 10123103 ll'aDsaction1Jescriptlon Dopt1\U. OL 1\U. e 10"""", 1,394,939.00 Docreaso 1,394,939.00 ...., e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST !L cc U OEPARTMENT NAME EXTENSION SERVICE 1000-110.-51700 MEAl. AlLOWANCE 8 REQVIRED BY PA YROl.L 1000-110-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES (8) COMMISSIONERS COURT 1000-230-54020 DUES 382 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-230-63350 LEGAl. SERVICES (382) COUNTY CLERK 1000-250-51610 OVERTIME 178 REQUIRED BY PAYROl.L l00ll-250-51540 TEMPORARY (178) AMBULANCE OPERATIONUEADRIFT 1000-340-$5740 SERViceS 125 UNE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE PROTECTION-SEADRIFT IllOO-69o.657 40 SERVICES (125) UNE ITEM TRANSFER TO AMBUlANce OP-SEADRlFT EMERGENCY MEDICAl. SERVICES 1000-34&-53980 SUPPUESlOPERATING EXPENSES 425 LINE ITEM TRANSFER e l00ll-34S-03530 MACHINERY/EQVIPMENT REPAIRS (425) WASTE MANAGEMENT IllOO-38O-66192 TELEPHONE SERViceS 33 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 10ll0-350-63200 lANDFIl.L CLOSURE (33) INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1 CXJO.36O.6064o CARE OF INO/GENTS (1,663) UNE ITEM TRANSFER FOR LEGAL SERVlCES-CRT APPro COUNTYCOURT-AT-l.AW l00Q.41ll-6OO50 ADULT ASSIGNElJ.ATTORNEY FEES 752 UNE ITEM TRANSFER l00Q.411J..OOO53 ADULT ASSIGNE[).{)THER UTlGATlON EXPENS 43 l00Q.41ll-63070 JWENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FEES 250 l00Q.41ll-6:l38O LEGAL SERVICE~OURT APPOINTED 818 DISTRICT CLERK l00Q.420.-53030 PHOTO COPIESlSUPPUES 140 UNE ITEM TRANSFEI! l00Q.420.-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES (140) DISTRICT COURT 10Q0..43Q..000s0 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FEES 2,950 UNE ITEM TRANSFER l000-4J0.600s3 ADULT ASSIGNEO-OTHER LITIGATION EXPENS 45 l000-43ll-6:l38O LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED (2,995) JUVENILE COURT l0<J0.S0ll-63070 JWENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FEES 290 UNE ITEM TRANSFER lOOO-5Oo-6:l38o LEGAL SERVlceS-COURT APPOINTED (290) Tolal for GENERAL FUND 0 e f..- 335 I __J e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000.180-51810 1()()o'18(}-53020 1()()O.180-61310 100ll-180-64910 1000-180-64880 1000.780-61610 1000-760-51700 1()()O.780-53020 100ll-760-53430 1000-760-53540 1000-760-53992 1000-760-60360 1000.760-61310 1()()O.78Q-63920 1000-760-66310 TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT fROM: JAIl., S ERlff DATE: 10122103 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2003 IA!l. OVERTIME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER RENTALS PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES PRISONER lODGING OUT OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT TOTAL SHERIFF OVERTIME MEAL ALLOWANCE GENERAl OFfICE SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES GASOUNE1OI\JDlESEL SUPPLlEs-.MISCEUANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS COPIER RENTALS MISCELlANEOUS TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESlTRAVEL DEPARTMENT TOTAL Tola' for GENERAL RiND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 61 REQUIRED BY PA YROl.!. 3 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 137 3,225 (7,158) (3,732) 961 REQUIRED BY PAYROl.!. 34 658 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 27 271 41 987 330 414 9 3,732 o 2 336 ~ e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 e e - p- 337 18/22/2883 88:16 13618935389 ~ COI..IN1Y PCT 3 ISI1DGBr 1\J'IJJNl)K1!UCT UQ11J:8-r1 To: CaUloun County comr.'oiss.lo71ers' court Trom: precinct 3 (O~f~tment mar.lng this roquest) Date: 10/22/03 following line items in my 2003 (yearl department: budget far the I request an amendment to the GL ]\C!C!ount , ------......---- 230-63350 230-63503 .. Bet ch.n~. in to'!:.l budget tor this department ial Other remarks/justification: 8 o ~---............._- e PAGE 82 AIIIend..ent ---~~~~~~!_!~~!_-- ~--~~~~~---- -------~!!!~~------ Legal service. ($1500) Maln.-Comm. Netvork $1500 I understand that my budIJet cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' court approval is obtained. . ~ Signature ot offieial/department head: rj,1 ~/ ":z5 Date or Commissioners' Court approval: -~-. Date posted to General Ledger aecount(s): lL 338 '-f e e e ~BUDGft .--V1n1ir UgUU;:1. 5' l"Alltoun County COlll1llfqioner.' Court (1o",~~~: . (De t f g thi8 requeat) IO-IID-03 '1'0 I FrOJU ,. 'Datal I reqUest an ..."11....nt 1:0 the -"-) budget tor the , ,year) following line .itQ8 in illy !1a>>artunt, ~_!~~!!=_t_ . a.-q<llllu," AOOOUD," .... aJIoWlt ------------------ ----.-.-----. R....OD ------------------- 6:ll.o w(ckIQ';). d-bO . SlIo I 0 , ~/..OM" Sc.r1l~"'S -:::::!oo ,Ol> . b'<.e-!> ~~bscr:p+~ 4- ":U>o. OD ~"'i 'D...e-s. e ..t oJIlII1l;e U total bu4get ~OJ: t:hia 4e~t la, ' other remarJcafjuat1tication; $ o e % ''lYII~''''''" thai: lIlY budg.~ caJmo~ :be .........,ed a. r~ until cn-i..1.ODeJ:.' ~ ~1 a ~1l\e4. 7uu1,~/a 4'/ , Signa~e of Dffic1al/4.partaent heach Data ot ~i..!oner.t Court approval I . , Data po.t:.cl 1:0 Genex-al x..dW_ IIlOQountCa), 339 1 I J e II BUDGET AMENDMEN'l' REQtJEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court ~ From: Court at Law (Department making this request) Date: -'0 -10 - 0 3 I request following an amendment to the ~003 year) line items in my department: budget for the Amendment GL Aocount # Acoount Name ,_... ~ Amount ~I~:~lklq~ ~ir~~!fjifi.r'~f45:'~~b)-= ~IO - '109)0 !A/JJ -1)OoK-S '$i4S'.tb - ""'1'\ ( "j" Reason 1Y~r--fD--t$j-1f ft """, ; ~ ," J Net change ~n total budget :for thi.s department is: Other remarks/justification: r un".r,tand that my budget ea""ot ~~' Cornm~6B~oners' Court approval ~S obt ned. Signature of official/department head. Date of Commissioners' COUrt approval: Date ,posted to General Ledger account(s): 340 , e 4:50 e e i BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Justice of the Peace Pct. #1 (Department making this request) Date: October 9. 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 budget or the following line items in my department: (year) GL Account # Amendment Amonnt Reason Account Name Amended amonnt 53020 ~.oo $318.22 General Office SUDDlies For General Office SUDolies Taken from ace. #'8: 54020 Dues Amount removed from acconnt (s): < $235.00 > <m#) <~ 66316 Trainine: Travel Out OfCountv 64790 Postae:e Net change in total budget For this Department is: ~ Other remarks/justification: Please allow the money to be removed from the following accounts and be placed in the requested account for general office supplies I understand that my budget cannot be. amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signatureofofficial!departmenthead: (" j~ ~~~( Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger Account (s): [~!C ~ if I - ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun county commissioners' Court From: Cr:ImiruiL'Distr1ct Attorney (Department making this request) Date: October 16. 2003 following line items in my 2003 (year) department: budget for the I request an amendment to the ~~-~~~~~~!_~- 510-70500 Amendment Amount Account Name Books"'Law + $52.00 510-53020 General Office Supplies - $52.00' Net change in total budget fcr this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------ Reason to pay for necessary l""'E:Al .,."",jCIp.:QTt"h e ~ e e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained~ ~~ ___ Signature of official/department head: ~~ ~ ? Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 342 . BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST q cco N TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT GARBAGE COLL-MAGNOLIA BEACH ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES TotB/forGENERALRlND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET e e ii 343 .'i:; ~'"~ ,1~.; . ,.,,-.-. ~~.. . , i" ~~. :,i ~{ r~ . e ... ,--~_.._._.- -"".'"'.'.""',~ [I BUDGET AMENDMEN'l' REQUESTll '1'0: Calhoun County COllllnissioners' Court !"rOID:. f.a1n nOn flJ f) tHt.A () (f C( nc:f :#.2-> (Department .~~g this request) Date: I request 'following an amendment to the 1.003 crear ) line items in my department: bUdget fOl: the ~;.-~~~~~~!_~- Amend!llent ---~~~~~~!_~!~!_-- ---~~~~!_--- - Part:5 t ~S()P'PIr~ -...l000.00 ~0<Ul 'BndSL .sJOOO,OD) 55o-58~/O 550- 5 ~610 Net change 1n total bUdget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ -0- -- - ----- ------ l 0 -------~!!!~~-~ e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of officialldepartment head: ~~~ Date of COllllnissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): II 344 , e ~f' f,\ ' " ~~, f'~.. ~. . "... r"', j.;' c: /0' t", j"'. ;;", e e ,[8~~ "VW\J!l""'U UOt1b~~ . , '1'0 I Calhoun County COllllllis'1one:-s' COlU't FrOlll: 'Ca.lho0n {'J)l m:h& Prt'CinO';;) , (DePllrt:lllent IIIllkRq this t'equest) Dllte: IO-((p -03 I I Inquest lln lllDendlllent to the 0l~3 b\1elget tot' the ( ellt') tollowing line itelDs in IDY elepllrtlilent: GL AClCloUllt I -......-....--- J1mell4mellt AOCOullt NlllIle A1aoUZlt ~~ili~'d9~ \16d~~~~> mISe. s()~ heS \ OOD. 00 " I, 550-53510 550-~'1q;;( Het Clhallge ill total hU4get , to:- this 4.partmellt is: '. i Other remarks/justification: , -e- ==--- a..Soll .----...----------.- Iunelerstllnel thllt IDY buelgetclInnot be llmenelsel liS requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained, , Signature ot Ot'ticilll/elepllrtment hellel: .E.1J.).e JV\~ DlIte ot COlIIlIIissioners' COlU't approval: Dllte posted to General Ledger account(s): , 11 \'-. i;,_,:. 345 : ",'- . . I, I' I I I I i ~J e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST lL TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 3 DATE: 10/22/03 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2003 OVERTIME SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMP UNEMPLOYMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES' ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES Toml~rGENERALFUND AMENDMENT AMOUNT 50 4 5 9 1 1,000 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (1.069) o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET ~ e J, 346 e e e ~ I I I BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST /) 347 t e ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ To: 1<-( From: Calhoun county COl\missiom~rs' Court Prec~nct 3/Capital Project (Oef"-ctment ma}:ing this request) Date: 10/16/03 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: GL Aooount # Aooount Name -;;;o~~~~~~~--- ~:~~-;~~~~:~::~~-- 511~~1350 Canst. Mgmt. Serv. 511~~~4830 Prelim. Design ~5ln6 -r~.t=r~M. YP^"l- M ..lJ ~W\O<4 o:.!\Of\ J)J./ 0 - '\<'tq ..qgo1~ I (U./\~ .I~ p. ,- ~'f:J'5" ";U 0 - 'i9G -folD" 00 e..- (7 ',~..~ r-<,>~'bs'lo~ ~...., lJJI-llf.h\u Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: budget for the Amendment ---~~~;'l---- -------~~~~~~------ ~ <:t*gJ! ebq;;. "Establish controlable $300. on().~111'l'\1 Capi tal Project File" PSg, SSO 31G q,q.q J <lo1~)G<1U-' lo,~9Iq't] _- ~;~~? $ o ------------- ------------- e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' Court approval is obtained.! / signature of official/department head: ti- Ft, 0 <r J:J Date of commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 348 . . ~-- -. ----:..,....~~~---.-=-----. ACCQUNTS ALLOWED-COUNTY Cairns txltaUng $1.469,257.40 were P/esented by tne County Treasurer and ~ Illadlngand verifying same, a MotIon was made by CommlssIoner Royd and seconded by CommIssIoner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment 'OlmmIssloners' Galvan, BaIajJ<a. Royd, Rnster and Judge I'feIfer aU voted In favor. e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL Cairns txltaUng $1,948,224.27 for HospIlaI Operations Were presented by tile County Treasw-er and alter reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by CommIssIoner Floyd and seconded by CommIssloner Rnster that said dalms be approved for payment Commissioners' GaJvan, IlaJajka, Floyd, FIr'iSl2r and Judge I'feIfer aU voted In favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL INDIGENT Hl:AlTHCARE Oaims totaling $197,569.64 for HospitaJ Indigent HeaIlhcare were presented by tne County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a MotIon was made by CommIssIoner Floyd and seconded by CcmmlssIoner FInster that said claims be approved for payment CommIssIoners' Galvan, BaIajIca, Royd, AlISter and Judge PfeIfer aU voted In favor.. ' GENERAL bISOJC><:1'nN - COUNTY FAIR Marie Daigle with tne Calhoun County Fair Board would Uke to thanIc aU Commissloners for thelr support dwlng the fair. GENERAL DISCUCCTnN .. e , Mrs. WhItliII(er from Port O'Connor asked tne CDUIt If they could help IJer with getting tne utIIlties out of IJer front yard and bade Into the alley where they belong. Judge PfeIfer oIl'eIecIlXl send a Ielter on behalf of tne court to MUD Dlsl:rid: for cIariftc:ation on MIs. Whittaker's property and to see If they would move the utllItIes back to tne alley. . . ., Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM e -- --- .' l '_ 'lAlQ ~. ,