2002-09-12 REGULAR SEPTEMBER TERM HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 e THE STATE OF TExAS S S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 12th day of september! A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse ~n the City of Port Lavaca, said Countr and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular term of the Commiss~oners' Court, within said Countr and State, and there were present on this date the follow~ngmembers of the Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner,pct.l Commissioner,Pct.2 Commissioner,Pct.3, Commissioner,Pct.4 Deputy County Clerk ,Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FUEL BIDS The following fuel bids, opened September 5, 2002 by LaDonna Thigpen and Lesa Casey, were read by County Auditor Ben Comiskey for fuel beginning Se~tember l6, 2002 and ending October 15, 2002. After review~ng same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to accept the bid for the automated card system fuel of Mauritz and Couey as the only bidder and the bid of Diebel Oil company for deliverd fuel as the low bidder. commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPE11TlVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE mE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER r.-IE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE tOCA nONS IND1CATED IN THE SPEcrnCA110NS. PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE - TOT At GALLONSIMO UNLEADED GASOLINE ,67 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE S {) 7 DIESEL FUEL (WW SULFUR) $ ~ t..I x 3800 - 'V()t,..()~ - l~d8"',dt> . X 2500 ,. $~JlJl./)"'6 TOTALBIDPRICE s ~:2t,,6" THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERroD aNt Y BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16. 2001 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15. 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. x 4000 SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEI'ARTMENT. P}UCES QUOTED DONOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: {);'- frO ^, Ij"j J ADDRESS, Ro ~nlt> '7/ CITY, STATE, ZIP' Ikar lrwk1. ~, "}11(7tj PHONE NUMBEIe 5;" S" 2. (?;;J. 'i P~TNAME ~~2L- -g-+) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, ~ t!}MY TITLE, ffU~ ~,-- DATE' '7- ,,- 6 -;z e 10 ',. FUEL BID PROPOSAL e IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICA TED IN THE SPEC1FICA TIONS, PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE = TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE S 9L/- X 3800 "". $ .J5'7.Jcu PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ /tJv X 4000 -~ $ iJ. '-16,00 DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ .ell X 2500 $ _rJJ 75 () cJ TOTAL BID PRICE sled) 87.oD THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16. 2002 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15.2002, NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER, ADDRESS,--.2 0, ;1)/I/lU,2. ! '(],(.IEV I BOt 1700 '!biZ-T j/J{/ lief! /)( 77 '17 r; . SSZ-- 7D6 '-f CITY. STATE. ZIP, e PHONE NUMBER, PRINT NAME, -;;:tyt jF~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, ~ L TITLE, l"<"tJl'c~/)Y/6a.. J DATE, 9. 'I:e;z- e 11 e i FUEL BID PROPOSAL! IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL. WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE TO fURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE A TT ACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR A V AlLABILlTY LOCA TlON: UNLEADED GASOLINE PRICE PEl)pALLON :-'~ MID GRADE PREMUIM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ /, O~ DIESEL FUEL $ q / LOCATION: ,)/11. (.J 1l<<'~""11U ~I, (MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA,) e THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16.2002 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15.2002, NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED IWRING THE CONTRACT PERIOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES, NAME OF BIDDER:-.Il1/1U/2.rT<- (' (J,Ln'7 ADDRESS, PO, ISo'/. /700 ClTY,STATE,ZIP,Jjg J."U4~ / Y 7 7'77 '7 PHONE NUMBER, S..s 2_ 700 <f. PRINT NAME, F'" He.~_~,~_~____~ AUTHORIZED SIGNA TURE, V~ ~ TITLE,j' J, OPt~1 ;>1tJ,/L , DATE,~::..i::::O z. e 1:2 APPLICATION FOR SPONSORSHIP FOR PORT O'CONNOR MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT UNDER 2003-2004 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION A Mo~io~ was made ,by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Comm~ss~oner BalaJka to adopt the Resolution authorizing submlsslon of a 2003-2004 Texas Community Development Pr09ram application on behalf of the Port O'Connor Munlcipal Utility District. Commissioners Galvan Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e RESOLUTION A resolution of the Commissioner's Court of Calhoun County, Texas, authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Program application to the Office of Rural Community Affairs for the Community Development Fund; and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the Community Development Program, WHEREAS, the Commissioner's Court of Calhoun County desires to develop a viable urban community, including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low/moderate income; and WHEREAS, certain conditions exist which represent a threat to the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of Calhoun County to apply for funding on behalf of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District, under the 2003-2004 Texas Community Development Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY,TEXAS: e 1, That a Texas Community Development Program application for the Community Development Fund is hereby authorized to be filed on behalf of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility with the Office of Rural Community Affairs, 2, That the County's application be placed in competition for funding under the Communitv Development Fund, 3, That the application be for $250.000,00 of grant funds to carry out water and wastewater system (first time services) improvements, 4. That the Commissioner's Court directs and designates the County Judoe as the County's Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative to act in all matters in connection with this application and the County's participation in the Texas Community Development Program, 5, That it further be stated that the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District is committing $12,500,00 from its General Operating Fund (resolution of commitment attached) as a cash contribution toward the construction, engineering and administration activities of this water and wastewater system improvements project. Passed and approved this 12th day of September, 2002, e ATTEST: ....'0'.\1 y, ;-!:. J '. , ,.:', >:.:.'~{:;"~i...';/l~,~~ '\ _':.j~"~/ 1\ ~"..', -J ... ! ~ _<.-lO/ '. ~~ .. -", * ~ u: <:..,"_. ,':: '_,,_ ; ~ .--: ~~ tr Marlene Paul, County Clerk \-- .. c.,r';;...... 0', . ,,:; .', ,,4, ",1, .... "f.' <)'''c. 'I '~S':;:i:..';\G--~. . 13 e RESOLUTION A resolution of the Board of Directors of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District, Calhoun, Texas, requesting the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court sponsor a Office of Rural Community Affairs, Community Development Block Grant program application, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District desire to provide water and wastewater collection systems improvements to the residents of the District; and WHEREAS, the District recognizes the need for providing matching funds in the amount equal to or more than five percent (5%) of the Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grant funds requested; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interest of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District to apply for funding (Calhoun County as sponsor) under the 2003-2004 Texas Community Development Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PORT O'CONNOR MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT, CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS: 1, That the Calhoun County Commissioners' Court is requested to sponsor the 2003-2004 TCDP fund application on behalf of the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District. 2, That the application be placed in competition for funding under the 90mmunity Development Proqram, e 3, That the application be for $250,000,00 of grant funds to carry out construction of water and wastewater systems improvements within the District. 4, That it further be stated that the Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District is committing $12,500,00 from the qeneral operatinq fund as a cash contribution toward the construction, engineering and administration activities of this water and wastewater systems improvements grant. PASSED and APPROVED this the 10th day of September, 2002, ,/ =:2p Teddy Hawe ATTEST: ~~Q~ e 1.4 e .... CIl e - JA@lU.- eUDGEl JUSnACAlION A, B, C. D, E, f, G, H, LAeOR MA TfRIAU TOTAL ENGINEERING TOTAL ANNUAL OR OR NUMBER CONSlRUClION ACQUISITION ARCHnECTURAl AClIVllY PROJECTED ACTIVITY UNIT PRICE OfUNIlS com CO,lIS com COSTS ow COSlS 10- WAlFIlfAC/lfIIfS: 8"C-900 PVC Waler Main S 26.25 4,300 LF, S II 2,875,00 8" Gale Valves 800,00 4 E,A, 3,200,00 POcMUD 8"x8"1, S & Valve 3,000.00 2 f.A. 6,000,00 standard Fire Hydrants 2,000.00 5 fA 10,000,00 S 2.500,00 Service Tronsfers 300.00 7 f.A. 2.100,00 Connect 10 ExIsting 250,00 6 fA 1,500,00 TOTAl WAIDl CONSlRUCIlON $ 135,675,00 , 135,675.00 lb- SEWEltfACll/rIES: .11' SDR-21 PVC .\ewe, Main $ 20,15 500 Lf, $ 10,075fXJ 4" SDR-2/ PVC .!ewer Main /3.00 1.750 Lf, 22.75O,(}() VaMt Pits 3.000,(}() 5 fA 15,000,00 CrossoverConnectlon 300.00 8 fA UOO.OO 4" PVC SeIVIoe Une 8.00 280 LF, 2..240,00 TOTAl SfR\IICE CONSlRUCIlON. $ 52.465fXJ S 52,465,00 17b. HOUSING ACRlI1IY.SEWBl SBlVlCE CONHECTIO/<lS: 4"PVC _Une $ 8,00 1,120 Lf, $ 8,9W.oo Vem 150.00 14 LA. 2,1 (}(),OO Hot..l$l& SetvIce Connecflons 2oo.(}() 14 f.A. 2,800,00 TOIN.. HOlJSNoIG ACTMtY t 13.860,(}() $ 13,860.00 30. fNGlHEEIIING BASIC saVICEJ: DeslgnPh<De , 30.000.00 Conslrucllon Phme 6,000,00 Special Services {SVIve'fln9} 6.500,00 TOTAL ENGINEERING S 4MOO,00 $ 42,500.00 i12. AOIoIINIS1J!AlION: , 18,000.00 J01Al rlOJfCIm rROJECr CO$T S 2U,soo.oo JO SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED ENGINEER/ARCHITECT RESPONSIlllJ: FOR BUDGEr JUmRCAllON PHONE NUMBER '3&1' 557-A509 DAlE ~ m ~ , , = ~ = = ~ ~ = '" = = = m m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... . = ~ ~ ~ = <::. = ~ ~ , ~ ~ NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION - REPORT FROM FIRST SOUTHWEST REGARDING FINANCE OPOTIONS AND BOND ELECTION Present in Court were Ann Berger Entrekin with First Southwest Comany, Bill Garnos with The Facility Group and Torn Spurgeon, attorney with Bauerman & Spurgeon. Commissioner Floyd recapped the jail situatlon: last year a jail feasiblity study committee was appointed and a study done which ended August, 2002. During this time, the Jail Commission closed thejail. We need now to hire an architect and determine the scope of the job and cost estimate for same, secure sufficient funding, and ultimately complete construction of this project. Proposals for .an architect are due September l7. An Order must be passed before September 20 to have a bond election on the November ballot. He mentioned working with the school district concerning constrction and funding. Mr. Larry Nichols, Calhoun County Independent School District Superintendent, regarding the school building a jail facility and leasin9 it to the county, stated the Board was advised by thelr attorneys this would not be in the school's best interest. They would, however, cooperate with the County to get the best tax endeavor. Commissioner Floyd said funding could be done by (1) Certificates of Obligation after an election or (2) General Obligation Bonds (go before the voters prior to being issued). Options are (1) not building a jail but building a booking facility or (2) building a facility. General Obligation Bonds can be put on the November ballot. We need to (1) determine the size of the jail, (2) determine the maximum cost, and (3) determine terms and ~eriod of financing. Our objective is to receive lnformation from the persons here today on these three issues and pre schedule a meeting to pass an Order for a bond election. e e Bill Garnos said he considered the 1998 Jail Commission studr of the Calhoun County jail, booking inmates housed outslde the County, types of prisoners, yard size, and the Jail Feasibility Study Committee's information. He recommended, with Calhoun County's higher than average inmate population, that a l44 bed jail with ex~ansion to 192 beds be constructed,with concern for the hlgh incarceration rates and len9ths of their stay. Mr. Garnos presented cost estimates WhlCh would be affected br facility size and location site. Costs for ex~anslon by 48 beds would be the cost of building an additlonal facilitr. He said operational costs are not included in the estlmate. The projection costs could rise by 25%. Jail Commission stipulations could also affect the costs. The base line estimates would probably increase br 25%; he suggested $8 Million. Ann Berger said it is critlcal to have 10% minimum for contingencies but all the moner does not have to be used; there are specific laws regardlng any remaining funds not needed for the completion of the project. Contingencies to consider are architectural costs, site development, cost of financing, and operational costs. Bill Garnos said to consider construction and operational costs and distinguish between the two. Ann Berger gave her report. e 16 ',e e e e Jail Feasibility Study for Calhoun County, Texas July 2002 =~ THE FAClLllY GROUP Inmate Population Trends Average Daily Inmate Population - Total 125 122 Trend Line / / for 1100 ... 5/02 100 ./ 50 '..'..'..'..,............,....,..,..,...........,.................___,........,.........,....,.. ................,......................,..,......,....,..... Jail Capacity: 48 47 2S o 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 17 Inmate Population Trends Low, High, and Average Daily Inmate Population J:() 141 - 125 75 High Average Low 100 50 ...........,......_........,_...........,__...._........." Jail Capacity: 48 25 39 o 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2 e Inmate Population Projections Inmate Population Projections for Calhoun County 150 125 122 --- --- 99 __- -- -_.....-- 5 Years 110 --- 100 10 Years 75 50 e 25 o 1997 2002 2007 2012 3 ~8 I . J Inmate Population Projections 'orecast of Capacity Requirements ADP + Peaking Factor + Classification Factor = ttotal Beds Needed · 126 jail beds in five years (by 2007) · 139 jail beds in ten years (by 2012) · 153 jail beds in 15 years (by 2017) · 166 jail beds in 20 years (by 2022) 4 , It Facility Options Comparison of Preliminary Space Requirements for a 96-Bed and 144-Bed Jail Component 96-Bed Jail 144- Bed Jail Inmate Housing 5,768 NSF 8,630 NSF Intake and Release 2,710 NSF 3,068 NSF Inmate Programs 2,510 NSF 4,312 NSF Support Services 9,634 NSF 11,280 NSF Total 20.622 NSF 27.290 NSF e Gross Square Feet 25,323 GSF 34,739 GSF 19 Facility Options Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate 0 Component 96-Bed Jail 144-Bed Jail Inmate Housing $1.2 - 1.4 M $1.9 - 2,1 M Intake and Release 0.5 - 0,5 M 0,6 - 0.6 M Inmate Programs 0.4 - 0,5 M 0,8 - 0.9 M Support Services 1.8 - 1.9 M 2,0 - 2,2 M Total $3.9 - 4.3 M $5.2 - 5.7 M 12% AlE and FF &E $4.4 - 4.8 M $5.8 - 6.4 M e PRESENTATION TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT :&. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 2002 e Presented by :ifWST SOUTH'llFSf COMPANY 70 Northeast Loop 410 Suite 850 San Antonio, Texas 78216 20 CALHOUN COUNTY Estimated Costs for Various Scenarios Related to Jail Facilities (I) /EStimated Costs New Construction "Do Nothing" "96-Bed" "144-Bed" IEstimated Annual M&O Costsl Out-of-County Boarding Costs $ 1,673,302 (2) $ 164,585 (3) $ Transportation Acquisition 11,135 (4) Additional Mileage 10,000 Salaries 276,938 547,000 638,000 Benefits 140,690 280,000 342,000 e Supplies 90,458 190,000 287,000 Services 75,000 101,415 110,000 Capital Outlay 3,832 8,000 12,000 PLUS Lost Telephone Revenues: 20,400 PLUS Lost Conunissary Revenues: 3,600 $ 2,305,355 $ 1,291,000 $ 1,389,000 IEstimated Annual I&S Costs Estimated Debt Service $ 48,171 (5) $ 578,054 (6) $ 770,738 (7) IEstimated Annual I&S Costs Estimated Total Annual Cosh $ 2,353.526 $ 1,869,054 $ 2,159,738 Asswnptions: (1) Infonnation provided in the Jail Feasibility Study for Calhoun County, Texas prepared by The Facility Group. (2) Assumes current costs of $45.39 per day times 101 inmates times 365 days. (3) Estimated provided by Jail Feasibility Study prepared by The Facility Group. (4) A;sumes a $30,500 new van flDaI1ced at 5% over a three year period (5) Assumes $500,000 fInanced to construct a booing and short-term facility. Assumes 15 year amonization at 5%. (6) Asswnes total cost of $6,000,000. Assumes 15 year amortization at 5%. (7) Assumes total costof$8,000,OOO. Assumes 15 year amortization at 5%. CALHOUN COUNTY Estimated Out-of-Colln Costs Related to the Forecast of Ca aci Re uireDlents for the Jail Facilities (1) 96 Bed Jail 144 Bed Jail Number of Number of Beds Needed Beds Needed Jvcarl Beds Over Faeility Over Facility Needed Ca aei Ca aei I 2003 115 19 $ 314,780 $ 314,780 0 $ $ 2 2004 117 21 347,914 662,694 (3) 0 3 2oo5 120 24 397,616 1,060,310 0 4 2006 123 27 447,318 1,507,629 0 5 2007 126 30 497,021 2,004,649 0 6 2008 128 32 530,155 2,534,805 0 7 2009 III 35 579,857 3,114,662 0 8 2010 134 38 629,559 3,744,221 0 9 2011 137 41 679,161 4,423.482 0 10 2012 139 43 712,396 5,135,879 0 II 2013 142 46 762,098 5,897,977 0 12 2014 145 49 811,800 6,709,777 1 16,567 16,567 13 2015 147 51 844,935 7,554,712 3 49,702 66,269 14 2016 150 54 894,637 8,449,349 6 99,404 165,674 IS 2017 153 57 944,339 9,393,687 9 149,106 314,780 16 2018 156 60 994,041 10,387,728 12 198,808 513,588 17 2019 158 62 1,027,176 11,414,904 14 231,943 745,531 J8 2020 16J 65 1,076,878 12,491,782 17 281,645 1,027,176 19 2021 164 68 1,126,580 13,618,362 20 331,347 1,358,523 20 2022 166 70 l.159,715 14,778,076 22 364,482 1,723,004 sumptions' Source: Jail Feasibility Study for Calhoun County, Texas prepared by The Facility Group. ~2) Based on current housing costs of$45.39 per inmate per day. (3) At $345,000 a year in out-of-County boarding costs, the Calhoun County Jail Feasibility Study ConuniUee reconunends expansion to a 144 bed jail. 21 The group discussed size and types of facilities. Ann Berger gave the costs of housing prisoners in and out of county. Commissioner Floyd stated f~om t~e information we , , received, we need to determ~ne s~ze and cost of a Ja~l, financing for a period of fifteen years and schedule a meeting to pass a Bond Election Order. A Motion was made by Commisstoner Floyd a~d sec?n?e? by Commissioner Finster to cons~der an elect~on ut~l~z~ng General Obligation Bonds to finance a new jail. I~ discussion Judge Marshall asked Mr. Garnos the Ja~l Feasibility Study Committee's view on possibly using ~he Memorial Medical Plaza for the jail. Mr. Gar~os repl~ed this was originally on their list but they reJected the idea even as an option. Judge Marshall ask~d ~r. Spurgeon if a menu type ballot could be used. He sa~d ~t could not but a two proposition type ballot could. The wording for'the ballot was discussed; Mr. Spurgeon said be firm on what you intend to build and be specif~c on the ballot. Franklin Jurek asked how the renovation of the Courthouse would be affected by the bond election. Vote on the Motion: Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by commissioner Balajka that the size of the new jail be 144 beds. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, F~nster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that the cost range proposal for the Bond Election be ~n the range of $8 Million to $8.5 Million. Mr. Spurgeon suggested the final amount be set at the next Court meeting. Commissisoners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. .- e A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the Bond Issue pay back period be for a term not to exceed twenty years. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to schedule a Special Meeting on September 18, 2002 at 4:00 P.M. to work on and pass the Bond Election Order. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Saud Makhail presented the Monthly Financial Report of Memorial Medical Center for the period ending July, 2002. Mr. Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, reported finances are healthy, dependant on the County's subsidy, which they won't have in 2003. Miscellaneou income is about the same. ,The MRI will be operational October 1st which should increase revenues. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - TRANSFER TO CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION INTEREST & SINKING FUND FOR DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT e A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to transfer to Memorial Medical Center Certificates of Obligation Interest & Sinking Fund in the amount of $230,913.75 for the debt service payment due October 1, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - TRANSFER OF FOURTH QUARTER SUBSIDY A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded b~ Commissioner Galvan to authorize the transfer to Memor~al Medical Center the amountof $206,389.00 for the fourth quarter subsidy due October 1, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ~!? <",. . SHERIFF DEPUTY ROBBIE. DRUG DETECTOR CANINE - RETIRED AND REMOVED FROM COUNTY'S INVENTORY A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to remove asset #565-0346 (Drug Detector Canine affectionately known as Robbie) from the County's inventory. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. SHERIFF DEPUTY ROBBIE. DRUG DETECTOR CANINE - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR SERVICE AND RETIREMENT IN THE CARE OF DEPUTY SHERIFF RYAN GREGORY - A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to adopt the Resolution declaring September 12, 2002 as Sheriff Deputy Robbie Day in Calhoun County and allowing Sheriff Deputy Ryan Gregory to continue care for Robbie in his retirement. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR SERVICE Although listed as Calhoun County Inventory Asset Number 565-0346, Canine Officer Robbie has never been considered Invento.11' but has always been an Asset to Calhoun County and the Sheriff's Office; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners' Co un desires to express deep appreciation for Robbie's many years of excellent service to his department and acknowledge his well-deserved retirement; and WHEREAS, Sheriff Deputy Ryan Gregory has served with Robbie for a number of years, building a close relationship with his law enforcement partner, and has offered to care for Robbie during his retirement years; and e WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners' Coun appreciates Deputy Gregory's offer of generosity and would like to ensure that the partners remain together for the benefit of all involved. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that Calhoun County Commissioners' Court does hereby declare September 12, 2002 as Sheriff Deputy Robbie Day in Calhoun County; and LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that Calhoun County Commissioners' Court gratefully accepts Officer Gregory's offer to care and nurture Robbie during his retirement years. ADOPTED THIS 12'h DAY OF SEPTEMBER,2002, H. Floyd, Commissioner Pct 3 I!~ w, d'~ , Kenneth W. Finster; Commissioner Pet 4 e Attest: Marlene Paul, County Clerk By ~,.;f'.L.:'r ~J1A ;P4..J Deputy Clerk 23 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA - HIRE STRUCTURAL ARCHITECT FOR EVALUTION A Motion by Judge Marshall to hire a structural architect to evaluate the Memorial Medical Plaza died for lack of a second. MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA - HIRE APPRAISER FOR EVALUATION ct A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Flord to hire an appraiser for evaluation of the Memorial Med~cal Plaza. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. commissioner Galvan will meet with County Auditor Ben Comiskey and Chief Tax Appraiser Drew Hahn. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR COUNTY OFFICIALS AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Commissioner Balaja stated Drainage District #11 commissioners are insured with Texas Municipal League; however, the company would not discuss insuring county officials nor EMS as they do not compete with Texas Association of Counties. Henrr Barber, EMS Director, said the County's insurance carr1er will not insure the physician on the County's policy. His own malpractice policy does not cover him as EMS administrative medical director. Mr. Barber will meet with Dr. Paul Bunnell to obtain a quote for adding medical director coverage to his own policy. This cost would be reimbursed by the County. BAUER EXHIBIT BUILDING RE-ROOFING - AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH G&W ENGINEERING e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the County Judge to enter into an Agreement with G&W Engineering, Inc. to re-roof the Bauer Exhibit Building at the Fairgounds. In discussion, Commissioner Galvan stated G&W is doing a fantastic job for professional services. Commissioners Galvan ( Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted 1n favor. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CALHOUN COUNTY as CLIENT engages G & W ENGINEERS, INC. as ENGINEER to perfonn professional services for the assignment described as follows: RE-ROOF BAUER EXHIBIT BUll..DING AT CALHOUN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 1. SERVICES: ENGINEER agrees to perfonn Basic Services and Additional Services in confonnance with the following descriptions, definitions, tenns and conditions, e A. BASIC SERVICES: ENGINEER will perfonn these services in three phases: L Preliminary Phase: ENGINEER will discuss the assignment with CLIENT' prepare preliminary drawings and preliminary construction cost estimates and present recommendations, 2, Design Phase: After completion of Preliminary Phase and when authorized by CLIENT" ENGINEER will prepare final contract drawings, specifications and cost estunates; and prepare necessary bidding documents, Z.4 3, e Construction Phase: After completion of Design Phase and when authorized by CLIENT, ENGINEER will assist CLIENT in securing and analyzing bids or negotiated proposals, recommend awards of construction contracts and consult with CLIENT during construction; transmit instructions of CLIENT to Contractor; periodically visit construction site to observe progress and quality of work; interpret drawings and specifications; review shop drawings, material and equipment tests and Contractor's pay estimates; observe the completed construction for conformity to contract documents; and issue to Contractor a Certificate of Completion at which time Basic Services shall deemed complete, B, ADDITIONAL SERVICES: All work performed by ENGINEER which is either described in this paragraph or not included in the Basic Services defined above, shall constitute Additional Services, These shall include: 1. Travel and subsistence to points other than ENGINEER'S or CLIENT'S offices and project site; 2, Copies of construction documents in excess of 10 sets; 3, Revisions to substantially completed construction documents or approved preliminary documents occasioned by changes in scope of work; Page 10/5 4, Soil, mill, shop and laboratory tests; e 5, 6, Resident project representation; Special reports or studies, property maps, plats, preparation of environmental statements, applications for permits or grants, appearances before regulatory agencies, and required filing fees; 7, Revisions to construction documents to indicate as-built conditions; 8, Services as an expert witness including preparation of engineering data and reports on behalf of the CLIENT or in connection with litigation or other controversies, or in consultation with CLIENT or attorneys; 9, Renderings, exhibits or scale models; ,e 10, Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by work damaged by fire or other cause during construction; defective or neglected work of contractor; prolongation of construction contract time by more than 20%; acceleration of work schedule involving services beyond normal working hours; or default under construction contract due to delinquency or insolvency; 11. Services after issuance of Certificate of Completion; 12, Services to investigate existing conditions or facilities or to make measured drawings thereof, or to verifY accuracy of drawings or other information furnished by CLIENT; 13, Other services not otherwise included in this Agreement or not customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted ENGINEER practice, 25 26 II, COMPENSATION: CLIENT agrees to pay ENGINEER for above described services in accordance with the following descriptions, definitions, terms and conditions, A, BASIC SERVICES: Compensation will be a minimum of$2,000,00 or an amount equal to a fixed percentage of the Total Construction Cost (as defined below) for the services in each phase as scheduled below: e ENGINEERING: PRELIMINARY PHASE: DESIGN PHASE: CONSTRUCTION PHASE: TOTAL: 1.5% 3,0 % ~% 6,0 % Page 2 of5 PRo,..,.,,,,,,,nNAr rrvr.rWFF:flTNr. ~RV1rP.S Ar.RF'F.MFNT Re-RoofBauer Exhibit Building at Calhoun Co. Fairgrounds Calhoun County (File #9#6.20) 1. Total Construction Cost: a. Total construction cost shall be based on and include, among others, the following items: (I) all work designed and specified by ENGINEER, including labor, material and equipment (including work covered by additive alternates, that increase the cost of the project if used); and (2) all labor, material and equipment furnished by CLIENT or by others. b, e Total Construction Cost shall not be based nor include: (I) compensation payable to ENGINEER under this Agreement; (2) compensation payable to any architect or other ENGINEER, or (3) expenditures not connected with construction or design, such as land acquisition costs or attorneys' fees, c, Total Construction Cost shall be (I) the actua1 cost to the CLIENT of the finished proj ect, if there is reasonable adequate information from which such cost amount can be determined, plus th~ amount of the proposal received from the successful bidder f6r each additive alternate not used (or the ENGINEER'S most recent cost estimate for such alternate, if no proposal is received); (2) if reasonably adequate infonnation is not available from which actual cost can be determined, then the lowest bona fide proposal received for construction of the project, including all additive alternates of that proposal; -' (3) if such a proposal is not available, then the ENGINEER'S most recent cost estimate for the project including all additive altemates, In determining Total Construction Cost, reduction shall not be made for any deductive alternates that decrease the cost of the project if used, B. ADDmONAL SERVICES: Compensation will be an amount in accordance with the attached rate sheet. Page 3 of 5 PRopp.<::smNAT F'Nr.TNF:F.RTNr..WRVTrFS M7RF:F.MF.NT Re-RoofBauer Exhibit Buildjng at Calhoun Co. Fairgrounds Calhoun County (File #9436.20) e e e III. PAYMENTS: ENGINEER will invoice CLIENT monthly in amounts based on ENGINEER'S estimate of the portion of the Basic Services performed, CLIENT agrees to promptly pay ENGINEER at his office in Calhoun County, Texas, the full amount of each such invoice upon receipt. IV, OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All documents, including original drawings, estimates, specifications, fieldnotes and data are and shall remain the property of the ENGINEER, CLIENT may at his expense obtain a set of reproducible record copies of drawings and other documents, but agrees that he will use such copies solely in connection with the project covered by this Agreement and for no other purpose, V, COST ESTIMATES: Cost Estimates prepared by the ENGINEER represent his best judgement as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, It is recognized, however, that the ENGINEER has no control over the cost oflabor, materials or equipment, over the Contractor's methods of determining bid prices, or over-competitive bidding or market conditions, Accordingly, the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids will not vary from any cost estimate prepared by him, VI, INSURANCE: ENGINEER agrees to maintain workmen's compensation insurance to cover all of its own personnel engaged in perfonning services for CLIENT under this Agreement. ENGINEER also agrees to maintain public liability insurance covering claims against ENGINEER for damages resulting from bodily injury, death or property damage from accidents arising in the course of services performed under this Agreement, vn, LIABILITY LIMITATION: ENGINEER shall have no liability to CLIENT or to others as consequence of express or implied approval of any construction activities, for any defective construction (whether or not observed or approved by ENGINEER), for any excess of construction costs over an amount estimated, or for any other reaso,\ beyond warranty of the use of reasonable skill in the preparation of particular drawings andidesignation of particular materials for the assi8nment covered by this Agreement. In no event shall ENGINEER'S liability exceed the amount of total compensation received by ENGINEER under this Agree- ment. VIII, TERMINATION: A. CONDITIONS OF TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated without cause at any time prior to completion of ENGINEER'S services either by CLIENT or by ENGINEER, upon seven days written notice to the other at the address of record, Tennination shall release each party from all obligations of this Agreement except as specified in paragraph VIII, B., be/ow, B. COMPENSATION PAYABLE ON TERMINATION: On tennination, by either CLIENT or ENGINEER, CLIENT shall pay ENGINEER the full amount specified in paragraph II, with respect to any Engineering Services performed to date of tennination (including all Reimbursable Expenses incurred), Page 4 of 5 PRnF7<"S:STnNAr F'Nr.rWF"F'RTNr. '\P.RII1rF:<:: .4r.RP:F:MFNT Re-RoofBauer Exhibit Building at Calhoun Co. Fairgrounds Calhoun County (Fik #9436.20) 27 IX. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: CLIENT and ENGINEER each binds himself, and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither CLIENT nor ENGINEER shall assign, sublet, or transfer his interest in this Agreement without written consent of the other, Nothing herein shall be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than CLIENT and ENGINEER, X. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: This instrument contains the entire Agreement between CLIENT and ENGINEER, except as additionally stated below: XI, MODIFICATIONS: No one has authority to make variations in, or additions to the terms of this Agreement on behalf of ENGINEER other than one of its Officers, and then only in writing signed by him, CALHOUN COUNTY G & W ENGINEERS, INe. By.I1<1?!:1 President BY:~~~~ Arlene N. arshall County Judge Date: 6'1-,;(0 -0 ;6 9- /6 -v z..--- Date: Page 5 of5 PRnFY..~SrnWdr F'Nr.T7\lP.RRTWr. W"RYrr.P.S AGRF.F.MF.NT Re~Rooj Hauer Exhibit Building at Calhoun Co. J<airgrounds Calhoun County (File #9436.20) ,~~ e e e e e e G&W ENGINEERS, INC, 205 W. Live Oak Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (361) 552-4509 Fax (361) 552.4987 INDIVIDUAL RATE SCHEDULE (Elf..." january 1, ZOOZ-December 31, ZOOZ) OFFICE PERSONNEL Registered Professional Engineer Staff Engineer Registered Public Surveyor Project Coordinator (Dependent on Job Requirements) Design Coordinator Surveying Coordinator Engineering Technician Engineering Designer Construction Inspector Computer Technician Engineering Assistant Draftsman Secretary Resident Inspection (Dependent On Job Requirements) GPS PERSONNEL AND EOUlPMENT GPS Operator Base Attendant 4800 Trimble Total Station (Base and One Rover) 4800 Trimble Total Station (Base and Two Rovers) FIELD SURVEY CREWS Two Man Survey Crew Three Man Survey Crew Four Man Survey Crew VEIDCLE & EOUlPMENT Passenger Vebicle Survey Vebicle Four-Wheel A TV 16' Aluminum Survey Boat 14' Aluminum Survey Boat Digital Camera DlREcr EXPENSES Computer Time Plots Survey Stakes, Lathes, Iron Rods, and Other Direct Expenses Reproduction and Printing Outside Consultants $96,OO/Hr, $68,OO/Hr, . $83,00/Hr, $68,00 - $96,OO/Hr, $60,OO/Hr, $55,OO/Hr, $55,OO/Hr, $42,OO/Hr, $39,OO/Hr. $36.00/Hr, $34,OO/Hr, $33,00/Hr, $25,OO/Hr, $45,OO/Hr $22.50/Hr $350,OOlDay $525,OOlDay $77.50/Hr, $95,50/Hr, $1l7.50/Hr, j $.345!Mi1e $.345!Mi1e $I25,OOlDay $I50,OOlDay $IOO,OOlDay $ 15,OOIDay $1O.OO/Hr, $IO,OO/Each Cost + 15% Prevai1ing Commercial Rates Cost + 10% NOTES , I, Field party rates include a charge for normal equipmen~ and supplies, (Field crew time is charged from departure to return to its home office,) Abnormal use of stakes, lathes, etc, used dwing the construction phase of a project will be charged as indicated. Mileage will be charged for trips to and from office, 2, A minimum of two (2) hours field party time charge will be made for show-up time and retwn to office, resulting from inclement weather conditions. etc. . 3, Field party stand.by time will be charged for the above shown appropriate rates, 4, When authorized by the clien~ overtime premium multiplier of 1.5 will be applied to the billing rate of hourly personnel who work overtime in order to meet a deadline which cannot be met dwing normal hours, 5, Applicable sales taxes, if any, will be added to these rates, Engineering Architecture . Planning . . Surveying TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND TECHNOLOGY GRANT _ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize the Cou~ty Judge to enter into an Interlocal Agreement regard1ng TIF technology grants with Calhoun County In~ependent.School District, the City of Port Lavaca, the C1ty of Po~nt , Comfort, the City of Seadrift, Calhoun Coun~y ~av1gat10n District and Memorial Medical Center. Comm1ss10ners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 29 CALHOUN COUNTY CONSORTIUM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 9 S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S e This Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to the lnterlocal Cooperation Act, TEX,GOy'T CODE 9791.001 et seq. between Calhoun County Independent School District (CCISD), the City ofFort Lavaca (Port Lavaca), the City ofFoint Comfort (Point Comfort), City of Seadrift (Seadrift), the Calhoun County (County), the Calhoun County Navigation District (Navigation District) and Memorial Medical Center (MMC), each of which is a political subdivision in Calhoun County, Texas, collectively referred to as "Member Entities," each acting by and through their respective governing body, and the parties enter into this interlocal agreement as authorized by TEX,GOy'T CODE S 791,0 II for the purpose of cooperatively operating a community consortium for the administration of technology grants received from the Technology Infrastructure Fund Board, whereupon the .. parties hereby agree as follows: _ 1. ADMINISTRATIVE I, I The name of the organization shall be the Calhoun County Consortium, sometimes referred to herein as "Consortium," or "CCc." 1,2 The purpose of this Agreement is to create a consortium arrangement whereby the Member Entities may provide for the administration of technology grants received from the Technology Infrastructure Fund Board, 1,3 This Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed to create a separate or independent legal entity, 1.4 The CCC's administrative offices will be located at the offices of CCISD, 525 N, Commerce, Port Lavaca, Texas, 77979, 1,5 Under this Arrangement, the technology grants will be operated in compliance with grant requirements and other policies approved by all Member Entities, acting through their respective Appointees to the Management Board, 1,6 The Management Board for the CCC shall be composed of one person designated by each Member Entity (Appointee), except in the case ofCCISD, who shall have 1 30 e e e e two Appointees that shall serve on the Management Board. Each Appointee may designate a person to attend a meeting on his/her behalf and that Designee may vote on behalf of the Appointee. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members for regular and special meetings, and regardless ofthe number of the members of the Management Board present, so long as there is a quorum present, passage and approval of any item or action shall be a majority vote of those members present. An Appointee may vote by written proxy. The Management Board shall be responsible for governing and overseeing the management of the operation of the CCC. The Management Board shall ensure that the CCC is operated in accordance with all applicable grant requirements, Federal and State laws, rules, regulations and policies that the Management Board may adopt from time to time related to the operation of the CCC. The Management Board shall also be responsible for adoption of an annual budget for operation of the CCC, which shall be adopted on or before October I st. Each Appointee shall be responsible for presenting to his/her Member Entities Governing Body the annual budget approved by the Management Board. Each Appointee or designee is expected to attend all regular or called meetings of the Management Board. Notices of meetings shall be in writing, contain an agenda, and be delivered to each member of the Management Board at least 72 hours prior to the time and date of the meeting, except in the case of an emergency. In the case of an emergency, the notice ofthe meeting must contain the nature of the emergency. Meetings of the Board of Management shall be held in the offices of the fiscal agent, or at such other location as the members of the Management Board may determine. 1.7 Calhoun County Independent School District is appointed to serve as fiscal agent for the CCc. 1.8 The Management Board shall annually elect the chairperson for the Management Board. The Management Board shall also elect a secretary for the Board, and such other officers as they may deem appropriate from time to time. CCISD shall provide a recording secretary to be present at the meetings of the Management Board, and to take and. prepare minutes of such meetings. The Management Board at its organizational meeting shall elect the chairperson, secretary, and any other officers deemed necessary. At its organizational meeting, the Management Board shall also designate the month ofthe annual meeting at which time officers of the Board will subsequently be elected for one year terms. An officer may succeed himselfi'herself. 1.9 The Management Board shall meet at least four times annually, at least once per quarter on the second Thursday of the month, unless otherwise indicated. Special called meetings by the chairperson or a majority of the voting members of the Management Board may be called as needed. The chairperson may call a meeting on an emergency basis. 2 31 e 1.10 The CCC, through its Management Board, may purchase goods and services, approved in the current fiscal year budget, and necessary to administer and operate the CCC. Additional powers and duties of the Management Board shall be determined by applicable Federal and State laws, grant requirements, rules and regulations, and Management Board resolutions and policies adopted from time to time that are necessary to implement, enforce, and carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement. 1.11 In the event any Member Entity fails or refuses to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or to fulfill its responsibilities, or fails to comply with the policies and procedures of the CCC, the member may withdraw from the CCC and at the discretion ofthe Management Board, the member may be terminated from the CCC. 2. FINANCIAL 2.1 The ownership of assets utilized by the CCC shaH be as follows: .1 Buildings, land, and assets attached to the building or land required to carry out the purposes and functions of the CCC shall be owned in undivided ownership based on 12% contributed each by Port Lavaca, Point Comfort, Seadrift, County, Navigation District and MMC and 28% contributed by CCISD. e .2 Personal property and moveable assets loaned to the CCC shall remain the property of the Member Entity that loans such moveable and personal property for use by the CCC. .3 Assets acquired for use by the CCC that are purchased through contributions from monies belonging to or allocated to a Member Entity shall be owned based on 12% contributed each by Port Lavaca, Point Comfort, Seadrift, County, Navigation District and MMC and 28% contributed by CCISD. .4 Cash assets contributed to the CCC for operation shall be owned by the Member Entity in the current percentages of the amount of cash contribution for the fiscal year by the Member Entity. 2.2 Beginning October 1,2002, each Member Entity, other than CCISD, e shall pay to fiscal agent $3,000.00 per year for three (3) consecutive years. CCISD shall pay as its contribution to the CCC $7,000.00 per year for three (3) consecutive years. 3 ;~~ e e e 2.3 In the event of dissolution of the CCC, any buildings, land, and assets attached to the buildings or land shall be sold and the proceeds of the sale shall be divided between the Member Entities, based upon their respective. percentage of contribution to the CCC under this Agreement. Member Entities, with the consent and agreement of the other Member Entities, may purchase that Member Entity's interest in any buildings, land, and assets attached to the buildings or land. The loaned assets shall be returned to the Member Entity that loaned the use of such assets as described in 2.1.2 above. The assets described in 2.1.3 above that were acquired by purchase with monies contributed by the Member Entities may be divided in any manner determined fair and equitable by the Management Board. In the event the Management Board cannot agree on a method of dividing such assets, if the CCC is discontinued, this class of assets will be divided as nearly equal in value as possible based upon the percentage of contribution of each Member Entity under this Agreement. If the CCC is dissolved, the same rules regarding distribution of the acquired assets upon dissolution shall apply. Any remaining cash assets, after payment of all obligations for the fiscal year, in which dissolution occurs shall be refunded based upon the percentage of contribution of cash to the CCC for operation under this Agreement by each Member Entity. 2.4 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the costs for liabilities related to the operation of the CCC and incurred against the fiscal agent ofthe CCC will be shall be shared in accordance with the cost allocations established for the fiscal year in which the claim occurred. 2.5 The CCC will operate on a fiscal year, commencing October 1st and ending on the next September 30th. 2.6 The CCC will operate under the budget prepared by the fiscal agent and approved by the Management Board. Any Member Entity exceeding budget allocations, without approved CCC budget amendments, will be solely responsible for those expenditures. Any such Member Entity may either pay such excess amounts directly, or within thirty days after written notice from the fiscal agent. 2.7 The CCC's accounts will be audited annually by the independent auditor for the fiscal agent at CCC expense. 3. LEGAL 3.1. Each Member Entity shall be responsible for all legal fees and any other related costs, judgments, penalties, interest and court fees that are incurred by them. 4 33 e 3.2 Legal fees incurred on behalf of the CCC for the direct benefit of the CCC and the' cost of defending any legal action made or taken against the CCC shall be shared in accordance with the cost allocations established for the fiscal year in which the claim occurred. 4. DESIGNATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE FISCAL AGENT AND MEMBER ENTITIES 4.1 The Management Board will be responsible for administering, overseeing, and coordinating all functions, activities and responsibilities contemplated by this Agreement. 4.2 The fiscal agent is designated official for maintaining public records related to the CCC as required by the Texas Public Information Act, and for compliance with any other requirements for record keeping, as they may relate to the CCC. 4.3 The fiscal agent will prepare and submit, on behalf ofCCC, any reports _ or applications required by Federal or State law, or CCC Management Board policy or grant _ requirements. The fiscal agent shall also be responsible for reporting to internal and external entities as required by law or CCC policy. The fiscal agent shall be responsible for causing to be prepared or preparing and submitting on a timely basis all required reporting requirements. 4.4 Any expenditures made by the individual Member Entities that are required to be incorporated into any report that the fiscal agent must prepare and submit to any internal or external entity, shall be reported to the fiscal agent within 30 days ofrcquest by the fiscal agent. 4.5 Subject to approval by the Management Board, the fiscal agent may negotiate contracts with outside agencies regarding the purchase of goods or services under this Agreement. 4.6 The fiscal agent must notify the other Member Entity of intent to withdraw as fiscal agent of the CCC by December 1st preceding the end of the last fiscal year it intends to serve as fiscal agent. The Management Board, shall either select a successor fiscal agent, or dissolve this CCC at the end of the fiscal year in which the resignation is effective. After a satisfactory independent audit of the CCC's accounts, the transfer of fiscal agent status will become effective on the first day of the next fiscal year following the fiscal - year in which the resignation is announced. - 5 34 e e e 4.7 The fiscal agent shaIl be entitled to an annual fee of no more than S6,000.00 for indirect expenses related to serving as fiscal agent of the CCC. Indirect expenses include, but are not limited to administrative costs, facility operations and maintenance, and utilities to the extent allocated for use in carrying out the duties, responsibilities and functions under this CCC. The annual fee may be adjusted with approval of the Management Board. Any adjustment in the fee shaIl be effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year following approval of the change. 4.8 Each Member Entity shall cooperate with the fiscal agent in maintaining required records for the CCC operations. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT 5.1 The Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. The Agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the Member Entities, or as reconfigured, on or before December I st in each year of the term of the Agreement. It may be extended in increments of one year. Failure to agree upon renewal shall result in termination of the Agreement, dissolution and distribution ofthe assets in accordance with the terms of this Agreement effective at the end of the final fiscal year. 6. WITHDRAWAL/TERMINATION 6.1 A Member Entity may withdraw from the CCC during the term of this Agreement, or as it may be extended, subject to the following: .1 The withdrawing Entity must notify the other Member Entities of its intent to withdraw, in writing, on or before December 1st preceding the end of the fiscal year in which the withdrawal is to occur. .2 The effective date of any withdrawal shall be at the end of the fiscal year after timely notice. .3 Upon termination, each Member Entity shall be entitled to distribution of assets in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of this Agreement, subject to 6.1.4 below. .4 A Member Entity may not withdraw from this Agreement on or before September 30, 2005 without contributing its committed funds ofS3,OOO per year for 3 years beginning October 1,2002. 6 35 e 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Any amendments or repeal of existing legislation, rules or regulations or adoption of new laws, rules, or regulations applicable to this Agreement shall be incorporated by reference into this Agreement on the effective date of such act, rule, or regulation. This Agreement will be reviewed annually, or at any other time as required, by the Management Board, or its designee, and shall be amended, as required, to comply with any changes in applicable statutory law, court decisions, rules, regulations or needs of the Member Entities. 7.3 This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements and understandings among the Member Entities in relation to the operation of the CCC and responsibility under any prior shared services arrangement agreement, whether oral or written. 7.4 The use of titles and captions in this Agreement are for convenience only. They shall have no substantive meaning with regard to the interpretation of any term or condition of this Agreement. Ifany word, clause, phrase, sentence, paragraph, or paragraphs of this Agreement become or are held in violation of any law, or declared unenforceable, then this Agreement shall be reformed to eliminate such invalid provision, and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. e 7.5 The use of the plural in this Agreement shall include the singular, the use of any gender includes all genders, and the meaning of the words and phrases contained herein shall be given their common usage, unless in any instance it is expressly provided otherwise. 7.6 This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. In the event of any litigation arising out of, or to enforce or construe any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, such litigation shall be brought in the State Courts of Calhoun County, Texas. 7.7 Citations and references to any specific Federal or State statute, administrative rule or regulation, or Management Board policy in this Agreement includes any amendment thereto, or a successor of such statute, rule, regulation or policy. This Agreement, in its entirety, has been approved by a majority of a quorum present at a meeting of the governing body of each Member Entity, on the following dates: .1 Approved by Calhoun County Independent School District by a majority of a quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of ,2002, by a vote of for and against. e 7 3~ e e e .2 Approved by City of Port Lavaca by a majority of a quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of , 2002, by a vote of for and against. .3 Approved by City of Point Comfort by a majority ofa quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of , 2002, by a vote of for and against. .4 Approved by City of Sea drift by a majority of a quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of , 2002, by a vote of for and against. .5 Approved by Calhoun County by a majority ofa quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of , 2002, by a vote of for and against. .6 Approved by Calhoun County Navigation District by a majority of a quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of ,2002, by a vote of for and against. .7 Approved by Memorial Medical Center by a majority of a quorum present in open meeting, after due notice, as required by law, on the _ day of , 2002, by a vote of for and against. .8 The resolutions by each of the Member Entities approving this Agreement also authorize the presiding officer of each of the respective governing bodies to execute this Agreement on behalf of their respective Member Entities. 7.8 Each party paying for the performance of governmental functions or services under this Agreement must make 'those payments from current revenues available to the paying party. 8 37 e 7.9 This Agreement, in its entirety, shall be binding upon all the parties hereto, and their respective successors in office. THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS ON BEHALF OF EACH OF THE MEMBER ENTITIES ON THE DATES INDICA TED. CALHOUN COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Brenda Wilson, President, Board of Trustees Date: CITY OF PORT LAVACA e By: Allen Tharling, Mayor Date: CITY OF POINT COMFORT By: Pam Lambden, Mayor Date: CITY OF SEADRIFT By: Billy Ezell, Mayor Date: e 9 38 CALHOUN COUNTY e By: Arlene Marshall, County Judge Date: CALHOUN COUNTY NA VIGA nON DISTRICT By: Roger Martinez, Chairman Date: MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER By: Bob Bonar, Chairman Date: e 10 e 39 DIsrRIcr COURr ORDER SE~~ING SALARIES - COURr REPORrERS A Mo~io~ was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded b Comm~ss1oner Floyd to accept the District Court Order y seit1~g and all?ca~ing the 2003 Official Court Reporters sa ar1es. Comrn1ss1oners Galvan, Balajka Floyd Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor.' , e ORDER On this the 9th day of August, 2002, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the 267th Judicial District for the calendar year 2003, and the salary is hereby set at $54,418.21 for the year 2003, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT e Calhoun 13.40 $ 7,292.04 DeWitt 13.00 7,074.37 Goliad 4.50 2,448.82 Jackson 9.50 5,169.73 Refugio 5.00 2,720.91 Victoria 54.60 29,712.34 100.00 $54,418.21 This action a.ccordance with the Government Code. Signed this was taken at a public hearing held in provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local the. t(5 day of August, 2002. ~~~ Wha and W. til e, Judge 267th Judicial District Court -- CLERK'S Ct-.o< f1FICATE The aboVe Is s true and ~mect copy of tho Original Order.o" flI~Jn saJd cause. pamela Martin Hartarovo ~ Martin Hartgrove . p1fj,.,_n <;.;p", T.... b , . W'1J deputy /VOl 7/ filED PAGE .:; , AT r~:9-5.::.0'C~2lK~ /,': !AUGI92002. I :-.-----_._._-~_.j P:-'dicLA ;,JJ~ (IN Hj~;HC:~:,VE ICT Cl HO ' j UiiTY T S DEPUTY 40 e e e DISTRICT COURT ORDER SETTING SALARIES - AUDITOR A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster the accept the District Court Order setting salaries for the year 2003 for the County Auditor and Assistant Auditors. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. o R D E R On this the 9th day of August, 2002, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the 24th Judicial District for the calendar year 2003, and the salary is hereby set at $54,418.21 for the year 2003, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13.40 $ 7,292.04 DeWitt 13.00 7,074.37 Goliad 4.50 2,448.82 Jackson 9.50 5,169.73 Refugio 5.00 2,720.91 Victoria 54.60 29,712.34 100.00 $54,418.21 This action was taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government Code. Signed this the '1 day of August, 2002. L CI ERK'S CE=RTIFICATF The aboVe Ie a true and correct copy of the Original Order on fIIe'.lri said ceuae. !.~~M:irtin H~rtgrn\)p. . artln Hartgrove ~~~12<I~~;,=S VOL 71 FILED PAGE AT '+ 0/ :QS _O'CLOCK-@- M ---, , 41 e o R D. E R On this the 9th day of August, 2002, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the l35th Judicial District for the calendar year 2003, and the salary is hereby set at $54,418.21 for the year 2003, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13.40 $ 7,292.04 DeWitt 13.00 7,074.37 Goliad 4.50 2,448.82 Jackson 9.50 5,169.73 Refugio 5.00 2,720.91 Victoria 54.60 29,712.34 100.00 $54,418.21 e This action was taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government Code. Signed this the 9.,.-1.. day of August, 2002. r Stephen Williams, Judge th Judiciatvo't~stI 1<';1: C.UUL L ____ 7/ fiLED PAGE .s -; AT 0($ ._O'CLOCKfjl f,i.' r ~-~-;~o~-I I .....----.__..l I r.,.;'- \::f. "ll .'. " ..... P,,,,,cLA ,..c,Rl "j HdTiJfiuVE T CLEf(i\~HOUrj CllUNTY, TEXAS Jli..# n u IId17:1nr::DllTV e CLFRK'S CERTIFlr:ATE The aboVe lilI a tru", and correct copy of the Ortglnaf Order OC) fllfiln said caU8e. Pamela Martin Hartgrove Peme&,ia Martin Hartgrove ~~~I\l,:r~:r~~~. 42 o R D E R CLFRK'S Cf::RTfF1CATE The above I.c a true and correct copy of the O,tlglnAI Order on me'ln said /;:Quae. ramela Martin HartgrovlJ Pame&a Martin Hartgrove ~~~~~~8 e On this the 9th day of August, 2002, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Alternate Court Reporter of the 24th, 135th and 267th Judicial Districts for the calendar year 2003, and the salary is hereby set at $54,418.21 for the year 2003, and in addition, the Official Alternate Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which sho'. is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: e COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13.40 $ 7,292.04 DeWitt 13.00 7,074.37 Goliad 4.50 2,448.82 Jackson 9.50 5,169.73 Refugio 5.00 2,720.91 Victoria 54.60 29,712.34 100.00 $54,418.21 action was taken at a public hearing held in aeeeLJuu~~ wi h the provisions of SEction 152.905 of the Local 9'ttt.day of August, 2002. Williams, Judge District Court wti1~~~ 267th Judicial District Court t?~~ Robert C. Cheshire, Judge 377th Judicial District Court e 43 e STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COUNTY OF CALHOUN CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS, on August 9, 2002 at a public hearing held for the purpose of setting the salaries of the County Auditor and Assistants for fiscal year 2003, and for the purpose of approving the number of assistants for the Auditor's Office for fiscal year 2003; and WHEREAS, the following base salary amounts were approved for fiscal year 2003 at the close of the public hearing: County Auditor $ 44,804 Assistant Auditor (Chief Auditor) 32,599 Assistant Auditor 26,465 Assistant Auditor 26.465 TOTAL $130.333 e FURTHER, any fiscal year 2003. salary increases and longevity approved by Commissioners' Court for County Officials and Employees are approved for the County Auditor and Assistant Auditors in like percent and amount and upgrades or reclassifications of job grades and/or clusters approved by Commissioners' Court for other County Employees are approved for such like and similar jobs for assistant auditors and the filling of vacant positions and those becoming vacant are approved at the rates and levels consistent with personnel policies and guidelines adopted by Commissioners' Court for other County Employees. We, the undersigned, being a majority of the District Judges of Calhoun County, Texas do hereby ratify the approval action on August 9, 2002 by the District Judges at the close of the public hearing held for the purpose of setting salaries and approving the number of assistants for the County Auditor's Office for fiscal year 2003. Josep P. Kelly, Judge ~4th J dicial District ~ pi ERK'S CERTIFICATE aboVe 1. a true and CQfT'l!Ic:t copy of ~e" 0l1gln81 Order on me' In &81d cause. ~an;,tl~ M~rtin H~rtijmVI\ Martin Hartgrov .~m '. CJ.lh~U~ty. Texes 01 7 n. deputy by mper Stephen Williams, Judge 5th Judicial District e Wha nd W. Kilgore, 267'h Judicial District <lL1 J GUN VIOLENCE GRANT FOR TEMPORARY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY e District Attorney Dan Heard asked the Court to approve a $96,000 Gun Violence Grant for a temporary Assistant District Attorney to assist with lowering the jail population. He said the person could assist Commissioners Court with legal questions, if possible. He could not say what the reduction in prisoners would be, but felt this was a good opportunity for the County. His office could fund $8000 of the $34,000 salary, if someone could be hired, at least part-time. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Judge Marshall to accept the $96,000 Gun Violence Grant for a Temporary Assistant District Attorney to assist with lowering the jail population situation and with no benefits from the County. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Commissioner Floyd voted against stating the Court has been cutting employee positions and because of the good faith issue. Calhoun County, Texas H. ~-~ fl&lrlol_1luc1lil"""'"'" ~ Criminal District Attorney DAN W. HEARD Criminal District Attorney SHANNON E_ SALYER ^"i.<ranICriminuIDi<tricrAIIOmc:y JERRY L. CLARK ^"j'tanICriminOIDi<1TicIAlIomey August 21, 2002 e Calhoun County Commissioner's Court Calhoun County Courthouse Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Re; $96,000.00 Gun Violence Grant ror Temporary Assistant District Attorney To Assist With Lowering Jail Population Dear Judge Marshall and Members of Commissioners Court: This grant was awarded to CaIhoun County in early 2G02, but the Court tabled acceptance of the Grant. I believe this should be put back on the agenda and accepted, assuming it's not too late, to provide temoorarv help to lower the jail population while a new jail is being built. The cost of this grant is very low and will result in a significant reduction in the cost of inmate housing. I attach a memo I presented to the Court in March 2002, outlining the grant requirements. The Justice Department has made this Grant available I believe at the urging of the National Rifle Association to assist in enforcement of existing gun laws. The County Judge's office had suggested that we apply for the Grant after a part-time grant was lost to another agency last year. Acceptance of the Grant will be at no cost for the 2003 Budget year since I am able to fund the $8,000,00 match for the first year, The County would need to fund the $8,000.00 match for 2004 and 2005. As the attached memo states, the County would also need to have a "good faith intention" of continuing this position for one year after the three years Grant period at a cost of $40,000.00. This one year requirement is less than most Grants and in my opinion, the County would not have to fund the fourth year unless the County: 1. Believed the Grant position had been useful to the County and; 2, That the County had the necessary money to fund the position. If the County accepts this Grant, it will gain this temporary position at a cost of $5,333.00 per year for three years if unable to add the fourth year. However, I believe this position will prove useful and save the County money, and therefore, justify the expense of fourth year funding, after which, hopefully, the jail problem will be resolved and the temporary position eliminated. e 45 I recognize that County budget constraints prevent insurance benefits from being available for this temporary position. Although we may not be able to hire a new lawyer for such a low salary with no benefits, I think we should try. If the Department of Justice would approve, we would have a better chance of hiring someone part-time. Regardless of what you decide, I believe this needs to go back on the Court's agenda for formal action. e 22=~ DAN W. HEARD, Criminal District Attorney For Calhoun County, Texas DWH:mes cc: Ben Comiskey, Calhoun County Auditor March 18, 2002 MEMO The District Attorney's office has also received a Community Gun Violence Act Grant in the amount of $96,000.00 covering three years. The grant can only be used to hire an additional prosecutor to assist with gun violence or to take some of the workload off a more experienced prosecutor to allow the experienced prosecutor to give special attention to gun violence cases. e This grant requires an $8,000.00 match for each of three years and for the County to make a good faith effort to continue the position one year after the grant period. It is my intent to primarily use such a prosecutor to help with Child Protective Service cases, Protective Orders, Justice of the Peace court cases and Code Enforcement cases. The prosecutor may also help with the juvenile court and misdemeanor dockets as required. /-7/ DANW. HEARD, Criminal District Attorney DWHlsab e 4.6 WITHDRAWAL OF SECURITIES A Motion was made by commissioner Finster and seconde~ 9Y commissioner Galvan to ratify the withdrawa~ o~ ~ecur~t~es held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ~n Jo~nt safekee~ing with Internati~nal Bank of Commerce. Commiss~oners Galvan, BalaJka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. .IBC International Bank of Commerce August 23, 2002 Calhoun County Commissioner Court Port Lavaca. Texas 77979 Dear Sir: Intemational Bank of Commerce - Port Lavaca is requesting that you please release the following securities that are pledged to cover the deposits of Calhoun County Commissioner Court from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Account # K2HY - ABA I ] 4902528) effective today. e FHLMC ARM POOL# 787364 CUSIP# 31295LFD9 COUPON: FLT ORlGINAL FACE: 7,344,493 PAR VALUE: 2,131,094.98 DUE 10/01/2030 FHLMC ARM POOL# 785582 CUSIP# 31348SFX7 COUPON: FLT ORlGINAL FACE: 3,202,779 PAR VALUE: 306,751.28 DUE 02/01/2026 If you should have any questions, please feel free to call Joyceann Dickinson at (956) 722-761 I Ext. 6301. Sincerely, ~ 0UJeuv..c..' Juaith 1. Wawroski Vice President AcKNOWLEGED & RELEASED BY: .1, I. ,2) .::h" / )'( ~~~}_~.::_ _~~_~~_~~~J~J::_~~~_________w_____ CALHOUND CGUNTY COMMISSIONER COURT e P,O. DRAWER 1359 LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-1359 (956) 722-7611 TELEX 763-435 MEMBER INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION-FDIC 47 WELDER FLATS ROAD IN PRECINCT #4 - ACCEPT INTO COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM Commissioner Finster asked that this agenda item be passed. There is already a road named Welder Flats Road. AUTHORIZE EBR ENERGY TO BORE UNDER ROEMERVILLE ROAD IN PRECINCT #4 Commissioner Finster informed the Court EBR Energy has already bored under Roemerville Road in Precinct #4, the pipeline is in place and ?perational. He asked E~R Ene~gy to send a written explant~on to the Court concern~ng th~s issue. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka t? au~horize EBR Energy ~o ?ore under Roemerville Road for p~pel~ne purposes. Comm~ss~oners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ENERGY: LP Oil & Gss Explorstian August19,2002 The Honorable Kenneth Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Calhoun County, Texas P. O. Box 177 Seadrift, Texas 77983 e Re:'\. Boring under Roemerville Road for Gathering Pipeline Purposes Dear Mr. Finster: I am writing this letter as a request for approval to bore under Roemerville Road for gathering pipeline purposes. I represent EBR Properties II, LP the Operator of the Williams No. 1 and Hahn No. 1 Wells recently drilled in the vicinity of Roemerville Road east and south of FM 235 respectively. Both wells have been completed as producers and require a 4 inch gathering pipeline to be constructed to the Kinder Morgan Tap Site. The boring route and location is identified on the attached plat. As I discussed with you on the phone, we have already bored under Roemerville Road. I would like to provide you with a good excuse, however, simply put, this is a management snafu on my part. I have been before County Commissioner's Court in other counties for this very request. I fumbled the ball here. Please add my request to bore under Roemerville Road to the September 12, 2002 Commissioner's Court agenda. Feel free to call me with any questions you may have. e Very truly yours, EBR PROPERTIES II, LP ~ao~__ F. David Murrell Land Manager attachment 48 . , / \'"-,,, \ , / /1 . \ , / I I '~" I "'..~, / \~ }'~'" ',,~ ~, "'Z~ ",,:'. ~~ '- iJO ""-. / <''''';';' , , , . . \ \ 06- .\.,>~ .,.~ ~~ "6 ~ I e "\. ". . R~2 -'..:~-::;;~~-.-,~, \ "C HAHN 11 ~Cr "'>tt!J; -X\\ ,\, ....../ ",\/ '1' ./ ~\ / (' \\,~---- C/'< II \' ~ '-, I /\ /' ." '\ ", <--~\~' ~i " // " ./ ,," ./ " ./ /...... /' "./ ./ ./ ./ ....... WILLIAMS I' ........ '" ';""< ",;' TAP SITE . . " \, , \ --1(- .& / >,,/ , \ . >"< " , .' ,-' *",.,.\ ++9"" , . '\.,,'" . \ *"'~ , ' \\ fV1' V' "') .\ \ , ) "'1', { \ / '\ /-\ .. I & e ,,:-~p::,*:;:::;;:f,i.:' ",,-':' ~:;;:;~'>""'" .r~':;:'\.~ ~ "'" 1J19 . ". ;:- ...;f> (" ...-:-;. C"",d..h. e :.!....., 1)"1....,,.... T..,...'I'....IA A.I~..,,~...I Prh.. K;,. S".l." I ,:l4,IHM' Z,.....,I.....",1. 13.1> n......... W(;SH4 2uoon COUNTY CLERK - CONTRACT FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM UPGRADE Anita Fricke, Chief Deputy County Clerk, requested the Court approve a Contract with ACS which includes a monthly increase of $35 to upgrade the computer system and to add a cashiering station and a work station. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize the County Clerk to renew the Contract with ACS and authorize the County Judge to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 49 e PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AND ADDENDUM OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT FOR COMPUTERIZED INDEXING, OPTICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS AND SERVICES FOR VITAL AND REAL PROPERTY RECORDS COUNTY OF CALHOUN STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS PARTIES THIS ADDENDUM OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT "Contract" herein, is made and entered into by and between CALHOUN COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, on behalf of its County Clerk, hereinafter referred to as "Client," and, Government .. Records Services, all<Ja ACS/Government Records Management, 2800 W. Mockingbird .. Lane, Dallas, Texas 75235, hereinafter referred to as "Provider". CONSIDERATION Client agrees to pay for Real Property Recording, Cashiering, Full-Service Computerized Indexing, and Optical Imaging Systems and Services as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached - Pricing of Systems and Services See Exhibit "B" attached - System Proposal Exhibits A and B attached hereto are incorporated fully into this contract. The cost of these Systems and Services have been negotiated by the General Services Commission of the State of Texas. These negotiated prices are offered to CALHOUN County through the QISV Catalogue Purchasing Program of the General Services Commission. TERMS AND TERMINATION Term: This Agreement shall be for a term of five (5) years renewable automatically on - its anniversary date unless terminated by the User or Contractor. Such renewal term ., shall be upon the same terms and conditions as set forth herein. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 1 50 e e e CONTRACT The Proposal, submitted documents, and any negotiations reduced to writing and signed by both parties, having been properly accepted by Client, shall be considered to be a part of the contract equally binding between Provider and Client. No different or additional terms will become a part of this Contract without the exception of a written Change Order(s) signed by both parties. This contract supercedes all prior contracts between client and provider for the systems and services set forth in this Contract. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No public official shall have interest in this Contract, in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated Local Government Code Title 5, Subtitle C, Chapter 171. CONFIDENTIALITY All information disclosed by Client to Provider for the purpose of the work and services to be done in performance of the Contract, or information that comes to the attention of the Provider during the course of performing such work is to be kept strictly confidential except for information obtained from Client to the extent such information is currently being furnished to 3rd parties by Provider in the operation of its regular business. ADDENDA Any interpretations, corrections or changes to this Contract will be made by addenda. Provider shall vest in CALHOUN County Clerk and subject to acceptance and approval in writing sole issuing authority of any and all addenda. Provider shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda. CHANGE ORDERS No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the terms, conditions or specifications stated in the contract. All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by CALHOUN County Clerk and subject to Provider's written approval. ASSIGNMENT The Provider shall not sell, assign, transfer or convey to any third-party this contract in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CALHOUN County Commissioners. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 2 51. VENUE This Contract will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas. This Contract is performable in CALHOUN County, Texas. INDEMNIFICATION Provider shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CALHOUN County and all of its officers, agents and ernployees from all suits, actions, or other claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of any negligent act or fault of the Provider, or of any agent, employee, subcontractor or supplier in the execution of, or performance of this Contract. Provider shall pay any judgment with costs that may be obtained against CALHOUN County growing out of such injury or damages. SALES TAX CALHOUN County is by statute exempt from the State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax; therefore, the price shall not include taxes. DESIGN, STANDARDS, AND PRACTICES Services to be furnished by Provider must conform to the highest standards of practices in the industry. COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNING LAWS All proposals/offers must comply with all federal, state, county and local laws governing or covering the type of services included in this Contract. PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS The Provider agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Client from any claims, lawsuits, or actions involving infringements of patents and/or copyrights. PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT CALHOUN County reserves the right to enforce the performance of this Contract in any manner prescribed by law or deemed to be in the best interest of the county in the event Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 3 52 e e e ~ e I I I I I I Ie e of breach or default of the Contract. In any event, CALHOUN County shall give Provider 30 days to correct any problem. INSURANCE Provider shall, at all times, maintain sufficient insurance coverage to protect Client from all reasonable loss by liability claims arising out of Provider's performance of this Contract. If Provider materially changes or cancels any insurance policy required by this Contract, Provider shall give client prompt written notice of same. Provider agrees to provide Client, upon Client's request, with all insurance certificate(s) needed, which are to remain in force throughout the entire term of this Contract. INVOICES Invoices shall be mailed directly to: Honorable Marlene Paul CALHOUN County Clerk CALHOUN County Courthouse 211 S. Ann St. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 The invoices shall show: 1. Name and address of Provider 2. Detailed breakdown of all charges for the services or products delivered stating any applicable period oftime: Invoices shall be based upon actual services rendered and actual hours of performance and/or products delivered. PAYMENT Agreed Client will make payments to Provider upon receipt and acceptance by Client of all completed services and/or products ordered and receipt of a valid invoice in accordance with V.T.C.A., Government Code Section 2251.021. DELIVERY OF HARDWARE EQUIPMENT Provider shall place the computer hardware and other equipment as needed on Client's premises for use of Client during the term of this Contract. Subject to the terms hereof, Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 4 53 e the title and possession of the hardware and other equipment furnished by Provider shall at all times, after delivery to Client, be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Provider. The hardware and equipment furnished Client according to this Contract shall not be used by Client during the time period of this Contract except in the furtherance and performance of the specific terms of this Contract. Any operating software that Provider has received from the manufacturer of the hardware or vendor of the hardware shall be delivered to Client for its use, subject to the rights retained in such operating software by such manufacturer or vendor and shall at all times remain the property of Provider. Provider retains all proprietary right to such operating software. SITE PREPARATION Client will provide at its own expense a site adequate in space and design for the installation and operation of the hardware. Client shall be responsible to provide a site that is temperature-controlled and has the necessary electrical outlets, circuits and wiring for the hardware, and electric current of sufficient quality and quantity to operate - the hardware. Provider has no duty to prepare the site for the installation of the - hardware, but has a duty to give notice to client of any inadequate conditions, which it finds regarding the site. INSTALLATION AND TRAINING Provider shall have the duty to install the hardware as needed at the site designated by Client. Provider shall also have the duty to provide the adequate and necessary training of Client's employees for the operation of the above-described hardware and for the understanding of the use of the software. If requested by Client, Provider will furnish additional training at Client's site to compensate for any employee turnover, and to ensure Client's ability to fully utilize all hardware provided. LICENSE Provider grants to Client the nonexclusive right to use the services and software of Provider listed in this Contract during the term of this Contract; such right specifically excludes the right of Client to sublicense, assign, or sublease any of its rights hereunder without express written consent of Provider. Client agrees that the software products licensed herein are proprietary, and that Provider or the owner of the licensed software products retains ownership of all rights, title and interest of its licensed software .. products. All enhancements made on behalf of Client by Provider will be proprietary to .. Provider. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 5 54 e e e INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS It is agreed and understood that Provider, and its employees, agents, representatives, and anyone acting on behalf of Provider are independent contractors for the purpose of this contract. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS Provider shall have the sole and exclusive right to patent or copyright any work resulting from its services. In order to protect Provider's interest in these materials, provider will retain all proprietary rights to source programs, object programs, control language procedures, systems design, modular program structure, system logic flow, technical documentation, report and video formats, subroutines, processing techniques and procedures, and report generation which were prepared on behalf of Client, unless a specific exception is stated on an attached Ownership Addendum. As part of this Contract, Client is granted a non-exclusive license to use these materials. WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER Services to be performed by Provider will be done by qualified personnel, properly supervised, and will meet such other specifications as are mutually agreed upon by the parties. Provider will deliver and install the hardware and software products at such location and upon such dates as listed in the Proposal. Provider warrants that each delivered and installed product will be in good operating condition on the day it is accepted. If any delivered material or product is not in good operating condition on the date of installation, provider will make adjustments, repairs, and replacements necessary to place the product or material in good operating condition as promptly as possible after installation. CARE AND USE Client shall protect the hardware and software furnished by Provider from deterioration other than normal wear and tear. During the period of this Contract, Client shall not use the systems furnished by Provider according to the Contract for any other purpose other than that for which they were designed and only for the purposes intended for the performance of this Contract. Parties agree that the cost of hardware maintenance service is included in the charges as stated in Exhibit A. Provider assumes the obligation to repair and maintain such systems in good operating condition and repair at all times during the term of this Contract at Provider's sole expense and at no expense to Client, other than the charges shown on Exhibit A. The Client shall not, without prior written consent of Provider, affix or install any accessory, equipment or device on the hardware that will either impair the originally intended function or use of such hardware. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 6 55 e Client will not move the hardware or permit the removal of any hardware from the original installation site without Provider's prior knowledge. MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT Contractor shall maintain the System and provide technical support one-half (1/2) hour before and one-half (1/2) hour after normal business hours of the CALHOUN County Clerk's office. All maintenance costs are included in the monthly rental charge set forth herein. User agrees to contact Contractor immediately should equipment problems occur and to provide Contractor full and free access to the System. Contractor will respond immediately to all calls from user. User also agrees to perform certain routine preventive maintenance functions (such as daily vacuum cleaning of paper dust from all printers) as reasonably instructed by Contractor in order to keep the hardware clean and prevent accelerated deterioration. TITLE TO RECORDED MEDIA It is expressly agreed by Client and Provider that title to all media recorded pursuant to _ this Contract, in any form, (including, but not limited to: silver halide microfilm, ROM _ disks, and any other magnetic recording) shall belong to the County Clerk of CALHOUN County. DEFAULT The occurrence of anyone or more of the following events shall constitute a default under this Contract: . Failure by Provider to perform any term, covenant or condition of this Contract, which default shall continue for a period of fifteen days after Client furnishes Provider written notice of such failure to perform; or . Failure of Provider to repair or replace faulty or malfunctioning equipment, products, or materials within 48 hours of receipt of notice from the County Clerk, or failure of Provider to furnish adequate and proper training or retraining of Client's employees as deemed reasonably necessary by the County Clerk for Client to properly use the hardware and software of Provider; or . Failure of Provider to furnish the necessary hardware or software to site of Client as agreed upon herein; or e · Except as provided herein, failure of Provider to protect from dissemination, without Client's prior written consent, the data which is indexed and stored by Provider. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 7 56 I ~ ~ e e e MISCELLANEOUS If any provision of this Contract is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, that provision shall be severed or reformed to be enforceable and the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. This Contract embodies the entire contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Contract cannot be modified except by written contract signed by both parties hereto. This Contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and performable in CALHOUN County, Texas. The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Contract on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. For the purpose of this original Contract, time is of the essence. AECUTED in two (2) originals JJlI/flt.Juu,J,2002. CLIENT: -n... in CALHOUN County, Texas on this LL -day of PROVIDER: CALHOUN County County Clerk ' CALHOUN County Courthouse 211 Ann St. Port Lavaca, TX 77797 ACS/Government Records Management 2800 W. Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75235 By:~l~ Arlene Marshall, Coun Judge Acting on behalf of, and by the authority Of the Commissioners Court of CALHOUN County, Texas By: . Don Faulkenberry Vice-President, Sales 'nt~tJeL Attested to by Marlene Paul, CALHOUN County Clerk Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 9 57 e . Failure by Client to pay payments or other amounts payable by Client under this Contract within 30 days from the date that same becomes due and payable. . Failure by Client to perform any term, covenant or condition of this Contract, which default shall continue for a period of fifteen days after Provider furnishes Client written notice of such failure to perform. REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT Provider shall reimburse Client for all reasonable costs and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of any right or remedy under this Contract, including reasonable attorney's fees. Client shall reimburse Provider for all reasonable costs and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of any right or remedy under this Contract, including reasonable attorney's fees. Breach of Contract or default by Provider authorizes Client to terminate this Contract, - purchase the services provided herein elsewhere and charge the full increase in cost, if - any, to the Provider. NOTICES Any notice required or permitted under this contract shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, personal delivery or overnight courier to the following: Client: Honorable Marlene Paul CALHOUN County Clerk CALHOUN County Courthouse 211 S. Ann Sf. Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Provider: Don Faulkenberry ACS/Government Records Management 2800 W. Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75235 RETURN SOFTWARE TO PROVIDER Upon the termination, regardless of cause, or expiration of this Contract, Client shall within 10 days of such termination or expiration, return all software furnished herein to Provider. Within 15 days immediately following such termination or expiration of this Contract a representative of Provider shall have the right to go onto Client's premises, - access all hardware furnished by Provider and remove from such hardware hard-drives ,. and software furnished by Provider that has been downloaded onto such hardware. Calhoun Couuty Clerk Records Managemeut aud Imagiug System Proposal Page 8 - 58 -~ e Ie e EXHIBIT "A" PRICING I. Full Service Computerized Indexing: Real Property Records/Cashiering/lmaging Price Per Month: $3600 flat monthly fee Includes the following: 1. New Computer hardware, software, hardware upgrades, software upgrades, training, and maintenance. 2. Digital conversion of imaged Real Property documents to 16mm security microfilm. 3. Storage of all CALHOUN County Clerk's security microfilm of Real Property records in temperature/humidity controlled vaults for safekeeping and backup. 4. Storage of Grantee/Grantor indices on magnetic tape for security backup and safekeeping. 5. Monthly and yearly printed Grantee/Grantor Indices in alphabetical format. SPECIAL NOTE: ACS/Government Records Management is responsible for all hardware maintenance. In the event that a hardware component is damaged or not working properly, it is ACS/Government Records Management's full responsibility to replace the damaged component/equipment for the county in the most efficient and timely manner. In the unlikely event that the hard drive of the server is damaged, ACS/Government Records Management has the capability to load down all index information and images onto another server and replace the damaged one in the most efficient and timely manner possible. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 10 59 e CALHOUN COUNTY PROCESSING The following is a step-by-step process for the operations of the CALHOUN County Clerk's office for Real Property records with the new equipment. 1. After a document has been filed, it is ready to be indexed. The document will be indexed through the system at the indexing station. (Currently doing this). 2. The county has the option to scan the image immediately or wait until they receive a range of instruments to scan. The programs can run reports on which documents were scanned for the day and let you know if any numbers were skipped. The county also has the ability to rescan if an image didn't scan properly onto the system. Once the county saves that _ image to the system it is ready to be viewed by the instrument number. . 3. When the county is done scanning the instrument, they are ready to verify the instruments and its images. 4. Once verified, index information will attach to the proper images that coincide with that instrument. At that moment the instrument is ready to be searched by the public. 5. GRM will continue to send the indexes to CALHOUN County and the merges. (Currently doing this.) e Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 11 6.0 e I I I_ I I I I _ FULL SERVICE COMPUTERIZED INDEXING OF LAND RECORDS GRM is capable of performing data input from a variety of microfilm formats including 16mm and/or 35mm rolls that contain the County's various records images. GRM utilizes a virtually error-free procedure for the entering of land records index data involving a combination of 100 percent key verification, machine editing procedures that will catch alphabetic data in numeric field and vice versa as well as machine checks for missing instrument numbers, missing parties to the document, et cetera, intensive operator training an documented reference materials for key entry personnel. The computerized indexing services includes an alphabetic listing of the Grantors, an alphabetic listing of the Grantees, a "Missing Numbers Report" to account for all the Clerk's instrument numbers showing all the documents indexed in each group of documents submitted by CALHOUN County Clerk. The Grantor/Grantee index output reports have the following specifications: 1. The names fields are 40 characters to minimize the need for operator judgements on abbreviations and to assure a truer alphabetic sort procedure. 2. The type of document field has 20 characters to prove adequate room to spell out most document types and certain combination document types. 3. Case numbers and money amounts are shown on all index entries for abstracts of judgements and tax liens. 4. Money amounts are shown on deeds of trust index entries. 5. Prior document references on assignments and releases are shown on the index report. If both volume and page prior document reference and a money amount are shown on the same document, the volume and page prior document reference will take priority over the money amount with respect to the information printed on the index report. 6. The page format of the data prominently displays the inclusive certification dates for the index series at the top of each page. 7. If requested by the CALHOUN County Clerk, all properties described on a document are shown on the index, regardless of number. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 12 61 8. The output pages are approximately 8 1/2 by 14 inches in size, printed in a landscape mode and are of a laser print-type quality. (Calhoun is paperless- does not apply) 9. GRM furnishes the necessary sectional post binders of a plastic or poly material comparable in quality and style to those currently in use by the County. Alphabetic and "current" divider tabs and customized printing or labeling of the binders are also included. 10. Each index is merged with the prior month's index. 11. All months' indices are merged to create a year's index. 12. At the end of each year, that year's index is merged with the previous years' indices. The indices are merged in five (5) year periods, then the two five (5) year merges are merged into a ten (10) year merge. The GRM System prints the merges on both sides of the paper, not just on the front side. Calhoun County Clerk Records Management and Imaging System Proposal Page 13 62 e e e ~ _ ,J" GOVERNMENT RECORDS SERVICES 2800 West Mockingbird Lane Dallas, Texas 75235 A C s@ EXHIBIT B August 8, 2002 The Honorable Marlene Paul Calhoun County Clerk Calhoun County Courthouse 211 Ann. St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Marlene: Thank you for giving ACS/GRS the opportunity to meet the needs of your office. We would like to provide these new services to your satisfaction. We hope to hear from you soon concerning your requests. I will personally be involved in the operations of getting your office enhanced for maximum efficiency. If you have any questions or concems, please call me at 1-800-782-5652 or 936-271-0671. e I hope to hear from you soon, and I look forward to working with you. Thank you for your interests in ACS/GRS. Thank you, (~ erwick Sales Representative _ 63 e ,/, A C s<<> GOVERNMENT RECORDS SERVICES 2800 West Mockingbird Lane Dallas, Texas 75235 Company Profile Government Records Services Inc. (GRS) is a subsidiary of MfiJiated Computer Services. (New York Stock Exchange, Symbol- ACS) and provides document and image technology senrices currently to a variety or customers including government entities. . We can pull on significant resources within AcS to supplement county needs. For instance, we have just concluded a large imaging conversion project for Chicago, Illinois involving conversion of roll microfilm and microfiche to images GRS also handles extremely large volumes of data and images on a daily basis. e . Projects of this size mandate careful controls and stringent quality assurance techniques. We excel in this area. . We are sensitive to county government needs. We are adept at meeting department needs in all areas of county government. Only careful in-depth consultation with department members at all levels will yield the best conversion now and far into the future. . Government Records and AcS are imaging professionals. Many of our staff has years of experience and most of our management has over 20 years in this business. We are focused on imaging, microfilming, data processing and the special handling that critical records require. . We are technically competent in our ability to manage and interface with large, legacy databases such as those described in this Proposal. We will provide a meticulous, thorough conversion that will meet your requirements. We will provide a full service response. We feel our higher standards of care, befits documents in the public trust. This extra care is professional labor from seasoned, supervised, professionals who understand and seek quality results. Weare confident that Calhoun County will like the results as well. e 64 ,. J, GOVERNMENT RECORDS SERVICES 2800 West Mockingbird Lane Dallas, Texas 75235 _ A c s@ August 8, 2002 The Honorable Marlene Paul Calhoun County Clerk Calhoun County Courthouse 211 Ann. St POrl Lavaca, TX 77979 Dear Marlene: Thank you for your interests in ACS/GRS and our record management solutions. The record management specialists at Government Records Services Inc. have been providing quality automation and preservation products to Texas county governments for over 25 years. GRS is the largest provider of records management systems and services in Texas and currently furnishes these important solutions to over half the counties in the state. We pride ourselves on understanding our customer needs and have an excellent support team. In addition to the imaging system we discussed, GRS offers a full range of microfilm solutions for current recording, security Iilming, and re-creation of old volumes. Our newest service is reproducing a high quality copy of Photostat records (reverse images, white on black background.) We can also convert old microfilm and create digital images for computer retrieval. e The following is a breakdown of the equipment and software that we feel is necessary to run your office effectively and efficiently. The following is a summary of the services you have requested: IMAGING/ INDEXING/SEARCH EQuioment: I File Server I Indexing station 2 22" Public Viewing Stations I Scanning Station I Laser Scanner 2 Laser Printers I County Workstation/Vitals 2 Cashiering Workstations 1 UPS I CD burner for backing up images UPGRADE APPR. DISTRICT -1 search station _ 65 Too Services: 1. A printed merged index for Real-property Records. 2. Multiple back-ups for county protection. (Including microfilm) 3. Security on Public Search Stations; benefiting you and your customers. 4 . Your film is stored in temperature! humidity controlled vault. e PRICE: $3600 per month The above price schedule includes hardware, software, training, toll-free support, hardware upgrades, and software upgrades. GRS is fullv resDonsible for all hardwa~ hardware maintenance. and software maintenance. ACS/GRS is a service company. We pride ourselves on being the best service providing company for local and county government in the nation. Included in this price are all of the services we provide to you, when you become our client. Attached are some of tbe many services you will receive. We at Government Records Services would be pleased to provide these services for your records management in Milam County. I hope to hear from you soon, and I look forward to working with you. Please call me if you have any questions and thank you for your interests in ACSfGRS. S&4~ Billy Gerwick Sales Representative e BOARD APPOINTMENTS MADE BY COMMISSIONERS' COURT This agenda item was passed to September 26, 2002 so by-laws could be researched. TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR - DISTRICT CLERK - JP #1 - JP #2 - JP #3 - EXTENSiON SERViCE The Tax Assessor-Collector and District Clerk presented their reports for July, 2002 and JP #1, JP #2, JP #3 and the Extension Service, their reports for August, 2002 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said re~orts be acce~ted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, BalaJka, Floyd, F1nster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS (2) - JAIL (2) - BUILDING MAINTENANCE - WASTE MANAGEMENT - COURT AT LAW - JP #1 - DISTRICT ATTORNEY - COMMISSIONER PCT #1 (2) - COMMISSIONER PCT 2 3 - COMMISSIONER PCT #3 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - PCT 3 POINT COMFORT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - SHERIFF JAIL - R&B PCT 4 - COMMISSIONER PCT .II.! e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ~6 .. _ _ _ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-140-66618 1000-140-66610 1000.230-64520 1000-360.60640 1000-360-60640 1000-340-65740 1000-340-53210 1000-350-66250 1000-350-53925 1000-500-63380 1000-600-65180 1000-600-53430 1000-600-60332 TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 9111102 BUDGET FOR rHE YEAR: ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME LIBRARY UTILITIES-POINT COMFORT LIBRARY UTILITIES-MAIN LIBRARY COMMISSIONERS COURT PATHOLOGIST FEES INDIGENT HEAL THCARE CARE OF INOIGENTS CARE OF INDIGENTS AMBULANCE OPERA TlONS-SEADRIFT SERVICES MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES HEAL TH DEPARTMENT TITLE XX FAMtL Y PLANNING CLINIC ORUGS JUVENILE COURT LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTEO CONSTABLE PRECINCT #3 RADIO MAINTENANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES AUTO ALLOWANCES Total for GENERAL FUND 1,000 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (1.000) 5,000 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (5,000) LINE ITEM TRANSFER (PATHOLOGIST FEES) (7,000) LINE ITEM TRANSFER (LEGAL SERV.-CRr APPT'O) 300 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (300) 1,000 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (1.000) 7.000 ESTIMATEO AMOUNT FOR REST OF YEAR 129 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 742 (871) o APPROVED -.---- 67 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 8 ~ ACCOUNT NAME DEPARrMENT NAME BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1000-170-73400 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINT #3 1000-560-73400 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Total for GENERAL FUND 9,000 LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR AIRPORT BEACON (9,000) LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR AIRPORT BEACON o NET CHANGE IN TorAL BUDGET o APPROVED SEP 1 2 2002 e e 68 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET _ _ o o APPROVED SEP 1 /. 2002 J 69 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Lf TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: BUILDING MAINTENANCE DATE: 9/11/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 NEr CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGEr o APPROVED SEP 1 2 2002 70 e e e _ _ _ :) BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-180-51620 1000-180-63920 1000-180-64910 1000-180-64880 1000-760-51610 1000-760-51620 1000-760-62420 1000-780-53020 1000-760-66316 1000-760-66498 1000-760-63500 1000-760-53540 1000-760-53210 1000-760-53430 ,1M. ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RArE MISCELLANEOUS PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUNTY SHERIFF OVERTIME ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY MACHINE MAINTENANCE GAS/OILIDIESEL MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT" SUPPLIES Tom/rorGENERALFUND NET CHANGE IN TOT At BUDGET 704 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 132 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 252 (384) (3,733) REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 3.029 150 565 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 2.203 37 49 (2,400) (1,200) 59~ APPROVE 71 e E..----..----.------ -) [-;:------------=-/ ~VDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ~----_. - ---- ,=_,1 &; To: I Calhou.n County Comm:i.ssioners f Court -Lt1~--~mwt______.____ (~epartn~nt making this request) From; Date: ---00011-__________ I request ari amendment to the aOOd-.., budqet: --r:!ear)--- - following l:i2ne items in my department: tor the GL Account iii ------------- ------------------ ---------~--- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason SID 630w sm.._~& 55ZD ' ~~ =~~>--- ----------~-------- e -----....-1 -.--------- -..AeE.BQ\[ED ~-=l ------1 , I ----------.------ ----~--_.._- ----- -.--------~._-- ----.---.------ -----,~-----,- --~_._-------- ------,-,_.__._~ ___._____.i .----.---- --..---------------- ------_._..._-~_.__.__._.._-- --'_.~---_._--,,-_._----_._-- -----.. ----~_.-._.._- ~---------_._---_. Net change i4 total budget for this department is: Other remark~/justification: $~ = ==;:::::::::==:=::::"=:=:::: -----.------___~___8.____~___._ . e I understand i:.hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Cornmissioner~' Court approval is obtained. {) Signature of iofficial/department head: _o-__r~~G.____ Date of Commi;ssionel"S I C\)u:rt approval; Date posted t,o General I,edger account (s) : ...~'---------_.-~- ,72 J i.c e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II I TO: Calhoun county Commissioners' Court From: C~~~d-rfruY (Department making this request) Date: W - JJ.o --(l d.-- I request an amendment to the tr06 ).......budget for the year) following line items in my department: GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason LfIO-loG/q~ LfJ!() - 1~;')'5\\ ~3 (l123) , IZD~ ~,^"Vprl..-~ (fl[)~:#- ;J(Jl("~) ~.l'\in'"-/ ~-Y. . ~~ - {J-f+--x-">) SEP 1 2 2002 Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -[)- ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 73 II BUDGET AMENDMENT REO~I To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Calhoun County Justice of The Peace PCT. #1 (Department making this request) Date: 08-26-2002 following line items in my 2002 (year) department: budget for the I request an amendment to the GL Account # ---......----...--- Amendment Amount Account Name ----~------------- ------------- l{50 66316 '-150 ~1o~1<R Travel out o,f County $500.00 15M'> " .J./'.. G,l,,^*t- -r!lQl.;Jtt Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: cO $ ~r:;f'ln 9" =======;:;:;:====== ~ Reason ------------------- out of Town Training APPROVED-- ""n '^ MM ~ -, e e Please transfer In County Travel (66476) To Out Of Town Training. I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~ V ~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: ~ Date posted to General Ledger account(s) 74 ~ e e e q BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST AMENDMENT AMOUNT 63 POSTAGE REIMB. BY HOT CK RESTITUTION (63) (TREAS. RCPT#11579) o o APPFlOVED ------- SEP 1 2 2002 75 e fO II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: e ~fU<A- c~ I!J:- iF) (Department making this request) Date: 0% .30 o~ I request an amendment to the 1ot?fl year j following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # Account Name Amendment Amount Reason - --- --- ---- ------- .5<1-0 53 Go tJ 0 .5<10 .53 f'9.5? .5,/0 6 0J'"..5 0 " ~<lo-.535/0 /MUr~ ~hi.t ..30 <) - ~~(& ~~- jJ/1Hc! e ./tu~J , </ ;( 1 Z ,7 e l,PPROVEB- ~ S[I' '2 3m ~ Net change in total budget (or this department is: s==~=~=;;=== Other remarks/justi(icatlon: [ undersLancl t:hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commlssioners' Court approval is obtaIned. Signature o( ofricial/department head: l~a...oLOdn<J) Date of Commissioners I Court approval: CI Da.t..e posie.d La Gene..r:al Ledger accoun t ( s) : 76 , - e e e I ( II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County commissioners' Court From: e J..L fU<A- c~ I!~ iF / (Department making this request) Date: tJ '1 13 0,;)... I request an amendment to the '4tJ<?~ year I following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- 5-1-cJ 53 '192- .5'<10 53.510 YJI:/.'/~ p,,, ~ ,c ..&u-..I~~ '" /~(; <'Ice, ) / SEPI 2 2002 Net change in total budget (or this department is: s __:.._Q______ Other remarks/JustificatIon: [ understancl l~hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtaJned'-1"/"\~~' _ _ _". ) Signature of official/department head: /~r-~~~ Date of commissioners' Court approval: Date posLed to General ~edger account(s) 77 - I~ e !IBUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST!' To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Date: ---...0-q-o~ I request an amendment to the J.OD~ (year . following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # ------------- ---____________J__ _____________ ___________________ J\mendment Account Name J\mount Reason 55o-535dO 55D'-"1~')la -TIre *\Dbes ~a(lC\ ~ 6ndgL 500.00 (~D. 00) , SEP 1 2 2002 Net change in total budget tor this department is: other remarks/justification: o $ ~~~::,;~2__ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~)C)~~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 78 > II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II (3 e To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court ~~: ~ (Department UJ-q-o~ Date: I request an amendment to the CiOOq (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # -----...------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason 550- 53<1q~ m /.5C-, S~>p2!ieLJ 500. DD 5So-53tJ(O ~ (\5DD.DD/ E e Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: o $==~= I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: 2.Qp PAl ~~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : e 79 e 1C{J ~GET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County ComRissioners' Court From: () . < L.. '-:> ~~('~r/llt:'-7 -...::> (Oef,,-~tment ma):ing this request) Date: 9- 0 '1 ~D~ I request an amendment to the Joo).../ (year) department: budget for the following line items in my GL Aocount # ---------....--- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason SlJo- S3 020 5"//iO- ;:; 3.'Y/ 0 ('r-~N' oM.".- ~{.( arJ}1'5 a I :.vJ f 13~'JJ p S"nn/.'e5 II !tt (?&o, 00 (117) 000. 0 0) AP e . .. Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $-0- ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~ ~ ~, ~ Date of commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 80 ~ e e e J:) BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNrY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DATE: 9/3102 BUDGET FOR rHE YEAR: 2002 AMENOMENT AMOUNT 318 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB., RCPT #11690 (318) APPROVED SEP 11 "OJ 81 110 · II BUDGET J\.MENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Comr"issioners I Court From: ~n"f 3 - f?,;n-J:- GfI,dtl!!..f I), r. (). (O"f'!""-ctment mal:ing this request) Date: q-D!)-" 2....... I request an amendment to the .:z. 0" 2.-- budget for the (year) fOllowing line items in my department: ~~-~~~~~~~-~- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason !o &lrS3'19J.. ?&O-b51tfo ,S'uop',"e8. - fY/:51..' . <' I . <--J-e..!2-v,ceS ).~ooo, 00 /pl; 000,,, 0 \ / AEEROVED e ~ SEP 12 ~J~ . Net change in total budget ror this department is: other remarks/justification: $ -0- ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~~~~- . Date of commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 82 e e e /1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: SHERIFF, JAIL DATE: 8/23/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 SHERIFF 1000-760-51650 S.T.E.P. WAVE GRANT PAY 1000-760-51965 BENEFITS PAID BY GRANT REVENUE 1000-001-43175 FEDERAL GRANT-S.T.E.P. WAVE (447) ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR GRANT (102) 549 Total for GENERAL FUND o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET o APPROVED SEP 11 lOO1J 83 I'S · BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 4 OArE: 9/11/02 BUDGEr FOR THE YEAR: 2002 TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION FEOERAUSTATEUNEMPLOYMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES Total for GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT AMOUNT 6,000 459 549 730 28 '17&1;, o APPROVED SEP 1 2 2002 l J e e 84 e e e !IBUDGET AMENDMENT R.EQUEST~ To: Calhoun co~t{ Commissioners' Court From: ~ ~ (Department making this request) Date: Q -q -[) 2 19 I request an amendment to the ~()fl budget for the ear following line items in my department: Amendment GL Account # Account Name Amount ------------- --~----------- ------------- ~7'+4_44q-5!hID .; Bu'~-~pLo <311000 '; J/lwtJcJ47.3t.fOO Modi If Pj;LI^fL-- <~q nOD Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -()- ---------- ---------- Reason e:L D:ull.: hI-(. Tf)L-- SEP J 2 I understand that my budget cannot be amended commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: . Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 8S e ~o II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County commissAoners' Court From: fu1hmh\ ~~D~ vr~}J)'\f~ :#" ~ (Department'mJing this request) Date: q-Cj-o~ I request an amendment to the ~[X)~ year) following line items in my department: budget for the 550-53540 550-53510 ------------- ------------------- Amendment Am~nt R~s= GL Account # Account Name ~{)f J ~oCld ~ 6r\~ge. JOOO.DO co).OO ,OVEb Net change in total budget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: o $ ==~j;QQQ~gp I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: &~~~N ~N~ e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 86 '1.../\ Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND Total 1000 GENERAL FUND Report Total 0ate:91l110205:10:33PM _ ! CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12102 8UD236 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 Transaction Description TRAVEL EXPENSE RElMB., RCPT #11690 ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR GRANT POSTAGE RElMB. BY HOT CHECK RESTITUTION DeptTitle GLTitle REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE ~:5 p~ lRop~u d-O F"" (' M3 ) FEMA TRAVEL RElMBURSEMENr FEDERAL GRANr-S.T.E.P. WAVE MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE APPROVED SEP 1 2 2002 _ Increase 3IB.OO 63.00 381.00 381.00 Decrease 549.00 549.00 549.00 Paget:l &> e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS A P ':J ir"~ 5'~\ \ i .'~~ ~-) Unposted Budget Tran5actions - EXPEND,ADJUSTWlENTS FOR 9/\2/0 ' ~ t't~......J v. t:l BUD236 - BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 SEP 1 2 2002 Fund Effective Cod, Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE rrEM rRANSFER LIBRARY UTIL S-MAIN UBRARY 1,000.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY lITlUTIES-POlNr COMFORT LIBRARY 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL BUlUlING MAINTENANCE TEMPORARY 664.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL BUIlDING MAINTENANCE OVERTIME 664.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT-AIR 9,758.00 COND./HEATER-ANNEX 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER BUIlDING MAINTENANCE AIR 9,758.00 CONDmONER-SHERIFFIDA AREA 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR BUIlDING MAINTENANCE MACHINERY AND 9,000.00 AIRPORT BEACON EQUIPMENT 1000 9112/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JAIL OPERATIONS ADDITIONAL 704.00 PAY-REGULAR RATE 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND TO PROPERLY CHARGE JAIL OPERATIONS GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 1,600.00 BOOKING COMPUTER 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS MISCELLANEOUS 132.00 \000 91\212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRlSONER LODGING-OUT 384.00 OF COUNlY 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE rrEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 252.00 SERVICES 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND ro PROPERLY CHAROE JAIL OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,600.00 BOOKING COMPUTER 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT PATHOLOGIST FEES 5,000.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE MACHINERY 300.00 OPERA TIONS-SEADRIFT PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE SERVICES 300.00 OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT CLINIC DRUGS 1,000.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT TITLE XX FAMILY 1,000.00 PLANNING 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER INDIGENT HEALTH CARE CARE OF INDIGENTS 7,000.00 (LEGAL SERV.-CRT APprD) 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER INDIGENT HEALTH CARE CARE OF INDIGENTS 5,000.00 (pATHOLOGIST FEES) 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER WASTE MANAGEMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 300.00 1000 9/\ 212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 300.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND ro PROPERLY CHARGE COUNlY COURT-AT-LAW TELEPHONE SERVICES 63.00 PAGER (p0#20766) 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND TO PROPERLY CHARGE COUNTY COURT-A T.LA W EQUIPMENT -OFFICE 63.00 PAGER (p0#20766) Datc:911110205:09:20PM Pag.::l ~ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS Fa 8UD236 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 Fund Effective Code D,te Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title 1000 9/\212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND ESTlMA TED AMOUNT FOR JUVENILE COURT REST OF YEAR 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND POSTAGE RElMB. BY HOT DISTRICT ATTORNEY CHECK RESTITUTION 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/\212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT#I 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 911212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 9112/2002 GENERAL FUND U NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE~PRECINCT #2 1000 9/12/2002 GENERALRJND LI NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 9112/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCr #2 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE. PRECINCT #3 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 9112/2002 GENERAL RJND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FOR ROAD AND AIRPORT BEACON BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYRDLL ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUJREDBY PAYROLL ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 Dalc,911 1102 05;09;20 PM _ _ R 9/12/02 APPROVED SEP 1 2 2002 GLTitle Increase De ce",. TRAINING T lAVELOUT OF 500.00 COUNTY ~ i TRAVEL IN COlJN1Y 500.00 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT 7,000.00 APPOINTED POSTAGE 63.00 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 1,272.00 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 126.00 JANITOR SUPPLIES 304.00 SUPPLIES-MISCEllANEOUS 428.00 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 126.00 CLEANING-INDIANOLA 540.00 PARKS ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 500.00 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 1.500.00 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 2,000.00 TIRES AND TUBES 500.00 GASOLINE/OUJDIESEUGR.. 2,000.00 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 1.500.00 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,000.00 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 1,000.00 MACHINERY AND 9.000.00 EQUIPMENT TEMPORARY 6,000.00 SOCIAL SECURIlY 459.00 Page; 2 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS e Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 BUD236 - BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 Fund Effective Apoq(""jI Cod, Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GLTitl Decrease 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND EN 49.00 BRlOOE-PRECINCT #4 SEP 1 2 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND 2002 73000 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND 28. BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND 7,766.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 LAW ENFORCEMENT 742.00 SUPPLIES 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSrABLE-PRECINCT #3 AUTO ALLOWANCES 871.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 RADIO MAINTENANCE 129.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND TRAVEL EXPENSE RElMB., EMERGENCY TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 318.00 RCPT#11690 MANAGEMENT COUNTY 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND 1RA VEL EXPENSE REIMB., FIRE PROTECTION-POINT SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 1,000.00 RCPT#11690 COMFORT 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND TRAVEL EXPENSE RElMB., FIRE PROTECTION.POINT SERVICES 1,000.00 RCPT#11690 COMFORT 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF OVERTIME 3,733.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF ADDmONAL 3,029.00 PAY-REGULAR RATE 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR SHERIFF S.T.E.P. WAVEGRANTPAY 447.00 GRANT 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND ADJUST ACCOUNTS FOR SHERIFF BENEFITS PAID BY GRANT 102.00 GRANT 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 565.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MACHINERY 1.200.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT 596.00 SUPPLIES 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM rRANSFER SHERIFF GASOLINElOUJDlESEVGR... 2,400.00 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF EMERGENCY MEDICAL 150.00 SERVICES 1000 9/1212002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MACHINE MAINTENANCE 49.00 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM rRANSFER SHERIFF ~GTRAVELOUTOF 2.203.00 COUNTY 1000 9/12/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 37.00 Total GENERAL FUND 60,318.00 60,486.00 1000 0 Date; ~fIJIl)20~:09:20PM Page: 3 a') CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 BU0236 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/12/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle 2144 9/1212002 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER FOR NO DEPARTMENT PRECINCT #4 ASPHALT DISTRIBUTOR 2744 9/1212002 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER FOR NO DEPARTMENT PRECINCT #4 ASPHALT DISTRIBUTOR Total ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 2744 PRECINCT #4 Report Total . :J. Dal:e:91111020S:09:2QPM _ _ GL Title ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1m,,.,"" 30,000.00 30.000.00 90,318.00 Decrease 30.000.00 30,000.00 9Q.486.00 Page: 4 ~ a') e! COUNTY TREASURER - MONTHLY REPORT The County Treasurer presented her report for August, 2002 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that said report be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ACCOUNTY ALLOWED - COUNTY Claims totaling $1,811, 439.37 which included the purchase of a $1 Million CD, were ~resented by the County Treasurer, and after read~ng and ver~fying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster, and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION Commissioner Finster commented on the wonderful September 11 Memorial Service held last night which was enjoyed by all and expressed appreciation for the work done by Rita Miller. Mr. Leonard Kunefke spoke to the Court. He said in the packet he gave to the Court was a letter from John Griffin, Attorney, saying streets were public R.O.W. (Mr. Kunefke said he purchased them from Anita Koop.) He said Carl Bedgood told him all plats accepted by the County Judge were county roads. Mr. Kunefke said he asked him about discontinuences and maintenance. Mr. Kunefke said in a 1972 Order of Commissioners' Court, county roads in a subdivision had to be maintained by the County; under law, if no maintenance by the County, the road is not public and the easement reverts back to the person - without maintenance, the R.O.W. does not exist. If a road is accepted without maintenance it must be by Judicial Court in a county of 50,000 persons or less. Judge Marshall said this issue needs to be studied. CI APPROVAL OF MINUTES A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by commissioner Finster that the minutes of July 29 and August 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 (2), 13 and 15, 2002 meetings be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Arlene N. Marshall County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pet. 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Pet. 1 Kenneth W. Finster Co=issioner, Pct. 4 - Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Pet. 2 Shirley Foester Deputy County Clerk THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 1:00 P.M. 92