2005-08-25 Regular August Term Held August 25, 2005 e THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 25th day of August, A.D., 2005 there was begun and holden In the Commissioners' Courtroom in the Memorial Medical Plaza in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Michael J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka Neil E. Fritsch Kenneth W, Finster Wendy Marvin County Judge Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Deputy County Clerk e Thereupon the follOWing proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that the minutes of June 9, June 16 and June 30, 2005 meetings be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, Michael J. Pfeifer County Judge Neil E. Fritsch Commissioner, Precinct 3 Roger C. Galvan Commissioner, Precinct 1 Kenneth W, Finster Commissioner, Precinct 4 Michael J. Balajka Commissioner, Precinct 2 Wendy Marvin Deputy County Clerk e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT: The Memorial Medical Center monthly financiai report was presented by Jamie Jacoby. Mr. Jacoby feels that July will be the slowest month in 2005, The board approved the purchase of furniture for the remodeling of the dining room and also the approval of a monitoring system for the Intensive Care Unit. 0=-=--1 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY JULY 31, 2005 s NET GAIN\(LOSS) YTD 462,437 CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: e Accounts Receivable- 493,938 (Incr) Decr Current Liabilities- 241,460 Incr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (114,495) (Incr) Decr Inventory 7,305 (Incr) Decr Long Term Liabilities (525,408) Incr (Decr) 102,801 TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR 565,238 PLUS: Depreciation 828,163 1,393,401 e Total Cash- 1,393,401 Incr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases (388,271 ) NET CASH- INCR (DECR) 1,005,130 1,005,130 1 e r~-- 2 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONfH OF, JULY 2005 BEGINNING I. ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,487,822.31 1,546,792.20 1,775,438.59 2,259,175.92 MEMORIAL 17,599.21 22.42 0.00 17,621.63 RESTRICfED DONATION 13,958.31 17.78 0.00 13,976.09 INDlUENT HEALTHCARE 2,OS5.30 IS4.3H6.92 184,633.90 1,83l:l.32 TOTALS $2,521,465.13 $1,731,219.32 $1,960,072.49 $2,292.611.96 BANK RECONCILlA TION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLUS.. CHECKS BANK FUND BALANCE OTHER ITEMS OUTSTANDING BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 2,259,175.92 0.00 132,086.05 2,391,261.97 MEMORIAL 17,621.63 0,00 0.00 17,621.63 RESTRIC1ED DONATION 13,976.09 0,00 0.00 13,976.09 INDIGENT HEALTHCARE 1,838.32 38.46 2,621.53 4,421.39 TOTALS $2,292.611.96 $38.46 $134.707.58 $2,427,281.08 2 ,----~ ~': 3 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PORT LAVACA, TEXAS PHYSICIAN'S ANALYSIS REPORT JULY 31, 2005 YTD YTD YTD e REVENUE CONTRACTUAL WRITE-OFF NET REVENUE NAME MONTH YTD AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERATED PERCENT WILLIAM, G.A. 78,949,25 491,297.13 71,901.27 34,390.80 385,005.06 78% LlN, M.S, 102,348.81 1,273,018,67 417.512,42 89,111.31 766,394,94 60% SMITH, J.K. 91,397.46 638,889.13 204,079.23 44,722.24 390,087,66 61% MCFARLAND, T,R. 203.049,66 1,574.007.98 403,382,43 110,180.56 1,060,445,00 67% GRlFFIN, JEANNINE 8,350.92 162,712.88 24,641.12 11,389.90 126.681.86 78% BUNNELL. D.P. 321,590,19 2,277,389,49 866,923,97 159,417,26 1.251.048,25 55% NIRATSUWAN 137,638.78 783,994,00 210,192.17 54,879,58 518,922,25 66% ARROYO-DIAZ, R, 91,582,51 1,236,914,51 429,762.94 86,584,02 720,567,55 58% CROWLEY, W 204,982.99 1,587,584.56 440,413.12 111,130.92 1,036,040,52 65% CUMMINS, M, 26,042.96 255,176,94 57,037.10 17,862.39 180,277.45 71% RUPLEY, M, 12.274,72 154.956.35 14.097.10 10,846.94 130,012.30 84% LEE,J 107,884,65 938,806,83 323,610,97 65,716.48 549,479,38 59% LEWIS, D 0.00 20,093.04 4,509.36 1,406.51 14,177.17 71% STEINBERG, R. 3,924,15 88.797,49 13,347,15 6,215,82 69,23452 78% RAMOS LABORATORY 2,897,61 (72,858.65) 0.00 (5,100.11) (67,758,55) 93% VISITING PHYSICIANS 369,611.24 2,358,680.31 684.184.63 165,107.62 1,509,388,06 64% ER PHYSICIANS 599,150.56 4,780,448.62 952,979.97 334,631.40 3,492,837,24 73% NO LOCAL PHYSICIAN 0.00 24,561.08 1,021.66 1,719.28 21,820,14 89% OTHER 543,550,23 4,029,739,33 537,699,75 305,855.16 3,186,184.42 79% TOTAL 2,905,226.67 22.604,209.67 5,657,296,36 1,606,068,08 15,340,845.23 68% e 3 e 0=-=- 4 e e e CURRENT ASSETS CASH OPERATING FUND IMPREST CASH ACCOUNT PE'ITY CASH MMP BOND PROCEEDS MMP HOSPITAL PORTION RESTRICTED DONATION MMP BOND SINKING FUND/INTEREST TOTAL CASH"", '" .." ACCOtJNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBT PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS RECEIVABLE MIse ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE THIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE TIF GRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.., INVENTORIES RADIOLOGY~-FILM LABORATORY CENTRAL SUPPLY SURGERY DIETARY MAINTENANCE PHARMACY TOTAL INVENTORY.. ....................... PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSURANCE PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL PREPAID EXPENSES. TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS. PROPERTY, PLANT, & EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS FIXED EQUIPMENT MAJOR MOVABLE EOUIPMEIlT MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA REPORTABLE BOND ISSUARNCE COST CONSTROCTION IN PROGRESS LESS, ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL PROPERTY I PLANT I & EQUIP TOTAL ID."'RESTRICTED ASSETS. . MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET AS OF, 07/31/05 THIS YEAR 07/31/05 LAST YEAR 07/31/04 LAST MONTH 06/30/05 2,252,230.04 990,285.75 2,482,089,26 5,000,00 5,000,00 5,000,00 625.00 625,00 625.00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 14,015.69 13,801,99 13,997.91 36.21 36.21 36.21 --------------. --------------. --------------- 2,271,906.94 1,009,754.95 2,501,748.38 4,048,355.90 5,161;165.27 4,087,861.96 11,856,431.001 12,528,300,001 11,968,916,001 ,GO ,00 .00 224,941.82 177,846.51 160,418.09 153,628.00 280,292.00 196,268,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ------------~-- -----~---~----- ~-------------- 2,570,494.12 3,091,003.78 2,475,632.05 9,172.04 4,900.93 8,521.19 81,851,39 84,662.80 93,324.99 75,806.38 95,140.59 82,458.56 120,245.34 151,125.52 120,245.34 11,839.13 8,355.69 11,m,13 4,867.18 4,569.36 4,867.18 148,757.84 120,919.55 148,757.84 -~-------~----- --------------- ----------~--~- 458,545.30 475,674.44 470,014.23 63,985.68 74,560.67 72,251.98 121,995.81 52,844.70 148,457.99 ~--~--------- -- -~-------._---- ----------~--~- 185,981.49 127,405.37 220,709.97 5,486,928.45 4,703,838.54 5,668,104.63 --------------- ==,,=,,=======""= ,,===,,=,,==""==,,= --------------- 32,142.60 32,142.60 32,142,60 8,837,744.87 8,837,744.87 8,837,744.87 3,005,447.41 2,413,482.133 3,005,447.41 10,182,510.91 10,033,497.89 10,107,921.91 900,501.21 900,501.27 900,501.27 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 116,525,381.201 115,362,511.631 (16,411,111. 77) ----~---------- .-------------- --------------- 6,432,965.86 5,854,857.03 6,472,646.29 11,919,894.31 11,558,695.57 12,140,750.92 4 ----~---------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 5 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER BALANCE SHEET AS or, 07/31/05 THIS YEAR 07/31/05 LAST MONTH 06/30/05 LAST YEAR 07/31/04 CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 324,597.21 467,760.21 530,065.98 ACCRUED PAYABLES 144,77'1,42 151,162.34 88,562.50 ACCRUED PAYROLL 320,539.66 259,379,63 227,277 .93 ACCRUED RETIREMENT ,49 ,00 .41 ACCRUED STATE SALES TAX 303.85 (.021 438.31 THIRD PARTY PAYABLES ,00 238,624.00 ,00 RETENTION-CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ,00 ,00 ,00 ACCRUED VACATION/HOLIDAYISICK 310,109.32 295,613.39 310,109.32 CAPITAL LEASES OBLIGATION 328,102,15 236,979,00 359,460.55 MMP BONDS .00 ,00 .00 REPORTABLE BOND DISCOUNT ,00 ,00 ,00 HOSP OBLIGATION FOR BONDS ,00 ,00 ,00 .---------~---- --------------- --...---------- TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES..... . . 1,428,430.10 1,669,518.55 1,515,915.00 LONG TERM LIABILITIES MMP BONDS .00 ,00 ,00 LONG TERM LEASE 1,047,279.46 852,119,00 1,060,501.32 --------------- --------------- --------------- TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES. ".."."". 1,047,279.46 852,119.00 1,060,501.32 TOTAL LIABILITIES""""""",..,."" 2,475,709.56 2,521,637.55 2,576,416.32 RETAINED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND BALANCES YEAR-TO-DATE GAIN/LOSS 8,981,748.17 462,436.57 9,222,172.20 1185,114,181 8,981,748.17 582,586,42 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE.............. 9,444,184,74 9,037,056.02 9,564,334,59 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED LIABILITIES.",.,..., 11,919,894.30 11,558,695,57 12,140,750,91 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS MEMORIAL FUND FORMOSA TRUST 17,621.63 533,637.41 17 ,359.74 533,637.41 17,599.21 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND ASSETS. 551,259.04 550,997.15 551,236.62 RESTRICTED FUND LIABILITIES RESTRICTED FUND BALANCE FORMOSA TRUST BALANCE 17,621.63 533,637.41 17,359,74 533,637.41 17,599,21 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRIcrED FUND LIAB. 551,259,04 550,997 ,15 551,236,62 e e 5 e 6 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 07 Month Ending July31,200S SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO OA TE Current Budget Prior Year Current YTO Budget YTD Prior YTO e Operating Revenue Inpatient Revenue: 3,832,091.13 3,885,037.90 3,363,714.05 Medicare 416,649.35 565,418.04 463,616.51 Medicaid 76,620.16 164,264.24 91,338.35 691,607.06 1,128,654.07 866,098.58 Other 204,853.27 320,733.66 266,011.72 1,706,354.28 2,203,415.98 1,972,892.82 Total IP Revenue 698,122.78 1,050,415.94 820,966.58 6,230,OS2,47 7,217,107.9S 6,202,705.45 YTD IP Revenue Variance (987,055.48)1 27,347.02 I Outpatient Revenue Medicare 1,009,602.77 1,088,294.93 1,077,439,52 7,813,862,06 7,477,641.22 6,721,652.06 Medicaid 254,621,90 164,977.83 256,986.59 1,937,096.31 1,133,557.34 1,694,915.20 Other 942,879.22 739,131.50 936,340.26 6,623,198,84 5,078,548,71 6,199,441,90 Total OP Revenue 2,207,103.89 1,992,404.26 2,270,786,37 16,374,157.21 13,689,747,27 14,616,009.16 YTD OP Revenue Variance 2,884,409,94 I I 1,7S8,148,051 Total Operating Revenue 2,90S,226.67 3,042,820.20 3,091,732,9S 22,604,209.68 20,906,855.22 20,818,714.61 YTO Total Revenue Variance 1,697,354.46 I 1,78S,49S,07 I Revenue Deductions Medicare Cant. Adj. (741,S61,88) (780,909.41) (95S,303,66) (S,236,351,S8) (S,36S,603,19) (6,166,666,10) Medicare Pass.thru 32,550.00 0.00 65,755,87 281,615.22 0.00 337,169.46 Medicaid Cant. Adj. (192,93S.39) (166,694.37) (24S,934,64) (1.418,54S,71) (1,145,351,59) (1,429,285,10) Indigent/Charity Cont. Adj. (125,S36.07) (89,636,67) (99,416,S9) (1,357,023.46) (628,856.69) (709,477.04) Bad Debt Expense (104,494.10) (177,797,54) (208,307,78) (1,606,088.08) (1,221,641,12) (1,442,402,80) Other Deductions (223,097.46) (243,832,52) (126,906,68) (1,330,890,68) (1,675,365.S2) (1,224,38S.47) e T alai Rev Deductions (1,355,074,90) (1 ,459,070,S1) (1,S70,113.46) (10,667,064,29) (10,036,818,11) (10,63S,047,OS) Deducts as % of Oper Revenue 48.44%1 48.01%1 52.70%1 Payments as % of Oper Revenue 51.56%1 51.99%1 47.30%1 Other Revenue Cafeteria Sales 6,540.68 7,622.95 7.646.39 50,991,34 52,377.05 55,810.20 Interest Income 3,551.35 2,540.98 1,761.14 22,834.94 17,4S9.02 7,4S8,73 Interest from Bonds 17.78 0,00 17.47 121.15 0.00 142.62 Interest from Hasp Portion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Mall Rental 0.00 0,00 6,978~60 SO,OO 0,00 48.378,7S Miscellaneous Income 4,992.10 2,964.48 9,851.46 74,027.64 20,368.86 70,165.30 Total Other Revenue 15,101.91 13,128.41 26,457,06 148,025.D7 90,204.93 181,955.60 Net Revenue 1,565,253.68 1,596,878.10 1,548,076.55 12,085,170.46 10,960,242.04 10,365,623.16 Page.1- 6 e I=='~~ 7 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For the 07 Month Ending JUlyJ1,2005 SINGLE: MONTH YEAR TO DATE Current BUdget Prior Year Current YTD Budget YTD PriorYTD e Operating Expense Salaries 646,235.66 615,656.23 607,994.64 4,342,423,11 4,233,165.73 4,085,041.12 Employe$ Benefits 210,098.76 153,095.97 101,706.15 1,068,087.19 1,051,917.41 973,576.94 Professional Fees 217,329.61 239,389.51 205,423.11 1,520,654.72 1,674,726.57 1,414,866.88 Plant Operation 63,770.49 34,780,27 67,816,93 337,089,60 242,986.45 291,031.66 Hospital General (38,009.13) 50,583.34 51,189.00 293,056.77 354,083.38 391,457.82 other Operating Expenses 471,708,71 465,259.92 415,022.49 3,233,831.27 3,215,193.82 2,791,505.06 Total Operating Expense 1,571,134,10 1,558,765.24 1,449,152,32 10,795,142.66 10,772,073.36 9,947,479.48 23,069,30 I 847,663.18 I Net Operating Gain/(Loss) (5,880.42) 38,112.86 98,924.23 1,290,027.80 188,168.68 418,143.68 Non-Operating Expense Depreciation 114,269.43 126,932.50 8S,317.B4 828,163,23 888,527.50 603,257.86 Cost Report Settlement 0.00 0.00 0,00 (572,00) 0.00 0.00 Contribution to County 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Tatar Non.Operating Expense 114,269.43 126,932,50 85,317,84 827.591,23 888,527,50 603,257,86 Total Operating Gain/(Loss) (120,149,8S) (88,819,64) 13,606,39 462,436,S7 (700,358.82) (18S,114.18) County Subsidy 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Net Gainf(Loss) after Subsidy (120,149.85) (88,819.64) 13,606.39 462,436.57 (700,3SB,B2) (185,114.18) e Page-1- 7 e 8 e - I I I i , CoO e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF JULY 31, 2005 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL . MEDICARE 1,130,301 232,248 130,624 82,018 145,864 1,721,055 Percent 66% 13% 8% 5% 8% 43% MEDICAID 242,406 26,647 7,616 6,403 6,733 289,805 84% 9% 3% 2% 2% 7% BLUE CROSS 202,405 65,753 59,005 35,481 47,131 409,775 Percent 49% 16% 14% g% 12% 10% COMMERCIAL 545,786 295,516 91,541 54,066 116,733 1,103,642 Percent 49% 27% 8% 5% 11% 27% PRIVATE 102,123 144,869 135,591 76,737 64,750 524,070 Percent 19% 28% 26% 15% 12% 13% TOTAL 2,223,021 765,033 424,377 254,705 381,210 4,04B,347 Percent 55% 19% 10% 6% 10% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 41,87 July 40.88 June QO MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OiPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMEN'I' FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL EUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR DB NURSING STATION REVENUB e ROUTINE REVENUE 10,780.00 15,272.14 (4,492,141 129,411 70,070,00 104,934.34 (3<,864,3<1 (33,221 TOTAL REVENUB, 10,780,00 15,272,14 (4,492.14) 129.411 70,070,00 104,934,34 (34,864.341 [33.221 EXPENSES SALARIES 26,843,76 17,396,79 [9,446.971 IS4.301 193,602.53 122,544,53 [71,058,001 [57.981 OTHER EXPENSES 12,143.00 2,722.91 19,420.091 134S.951 57,490,95 18,465.85 139,025,101 I21U31 TOTAL EXPENSES 38,986.76 20,119,70 118,867.061 (93,77) 251,093.48 141,010.38 (110,083.10\ (78,061 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS (28,206.76) (4,847,56) (23,359,201 (481.871 (181,023,48) (36,076,041 (144,947.44) 1401. 78) MED/SURG NURSING STATION REVENUB ROUTINE REVENUE 99,715.00 135,132.56 (35,417.56) 126,20) 873,175.00 928,491.43 (55,316,431 15.951 TOTAL REVENUB. 99,715.00 135,132.56 135,417,56) 126,20) 873,175.00 928,491.43 (55,316.43) 15.951 EXPENSEs SALARIES 76,345,77 79,410.99 3,065.22 3,85 571,684.45 545,630,35 126,054.10) 14.77) OTHER EXPENSES 16,767.21 29,518,84 12,751.63 43,19 195,266.57 204,961.69 9,695.12 4.73 TOTAL EXPENSES 93,112,98 108,929,83 IS,816.85 14.52 766,951.02 750,592,04 116,358,981 (2,17) ---------.---- -.----------- -------------- -------------. -------------- ----------~~-- NET GAIN{ILOSS 6,602.02 26,202,73 119,600,711 (74,801 106,223,98 177,899.39 (71,675,41) 140.281 lCU NURSING 8TATION REVENUB INPATIENT REVENU 54,340,00 71,520.59 117,180,59) (24.02) 543,831.00 491,415.59 52,415.41 10.66 OUTPATIENT REVEN 11,045,001 ,00 (1,045.00) ,001 3,135.00 ,00 3,135.00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, 53,295,00 71,520.59 (18,225,59) 125.481 546,966.00 491,415.59 55,550.41 11.30 EXPENSES SALARIES 43,734 ,10 45,833.75 2,099,65 4.58 315,955,55 314,922.25 11,033,30) (,32) OTHER EXPENSES 9,233.91 17,185.58 7,951.67 46.26 95,445.54 119,381.73 23,936.19 20.05 e TOTAL EXPENSES 52,968,01 63,019,33 10,051.32 15.94 411,401.09 434,303.98 22,902.89 5.2'1 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 326.99 8,501.26 (8,174,271 (96,151 135,564.91 57,111:61 78,453.30 137.36 NURSERY NURSING STATION REVENllE ROUTINE REVENUE 7,650.00 10,628.50 [2,978,50) 128,02) 50,665.00 73,028.10 (22,363.10) 00.62) TOTAL REVENUE, 7,650.00 10,621L50 [2,978.50) 128,02) 50,665.00 73,028.10 (22,363.10) (JO,62) &XPENSBS SALARIES 12,134,19 11,057,94 [1,076,25) (9,731 57,575,47 75,978.72 18,403.25 24,22 OTHER EXPENSES 816,85 2,281.74 1,464.89 64.20 15,340.01 15,739.34 399.33 2.53 TOTAL EXPENSES 12,951.04 13,339.68 388.64 2,91 72,915.48 91,718.06 18,802.58 20,50 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------. -------------- -------------- NET GAINI (LOSS (S,301.04) (2,711.18) 12,589.86) 195,521 122,250.481 (18,689,96) 13,560,521 119.05) 9 e 10 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 __nh___ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------_ ------------ YEA R TO OAT E _U_n___~n AC"l'UAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACI'lJAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR SURGERY AND RECOVERY ROOM REVENOE INPATIENT REVENU 22,390.35 64,648,74 142,258,391 [65.J61 212,469,15 444,199.43 1231,730.281 [52,161 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 117,918.80 173,680,01 155,761.211 (32,10) 879,502.10 1,193,349,87 1313,847,771 126,291 TOTAL REVENUE. 140,309.15 238,328.75 198,019,60) 141.121 1,091,971.25 1,637,549.30 1545,578,05) IJ3,J11 EXPENSES SALARIES 43,031.42 52,125.49 9,094.07 17.44 280,815,36 358,152,51 77,337.15 21.59 LEASE AND RENTAL 825.00 4,884.33 4,059.33 83.10 3,237.46 34,190.31 30,952.85 90.53 OTHER EXPENSES 43,133.03 44,646.17 1,513 .14 3.38 272,779.97 306,910.25 J4,130.28 11.12 TOTAL EXPENSES 86,989.45 101,655.99 14,666.54 14.42 556,832.79 699,253.07 142,420.28 20.36 -------~----~- ------------~ -------------- -------------- -------------~ ------~------- NET GAINI (LOSS 53,319.70 136,672.76 (83,353.061 (60,98) 535,138.46 938,296.23 [403,157.771 142 .961 SWING BED REVENOE ROUTINE REVENOE 3,220.00 2,395,97 824.03 34.39 49,750,00 16,462,65 33,287,35 202,19 TOTAL REVENOE. 3,220.00 2,395.97 824,03 34,39 49,750.00 16,462,65 33,287.35 202.19 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 104.88 ,00 (104,881 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 109.10 ,00 1109,101 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 213,98 ,00 1213.98) ,00 -------------- ------------- ------------~- -------------- -------------- -------~------ NET GAIN/REVEN 3,220.00 2,395.97 824.03 34.39 49,536,02 16,462,65 33,073.37 200.89 OBSERVATION REVENUE REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 7,100.00 .00 7,100.00 ,00 51,370.00 ,00 51,370.00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 19,124.06 119,124.061 [100,001 4,500,00 131,400,83 (126,900,8JI 196,571 TOTAL REVENllE, 7,100.00 19,124.06 112,024,06) 162,E71 55,870,00 131,400,83 [75,530,831 157.481 LABOR AND DELIVERY REVENllE e INPATIENT REVENU 1,280.50 11,250.70 19,970,201 188,611 7,190.50 77,303,20 (70,112,701 [90,69) OUTPATIENT REVEN 1,269.25 1,412.16 [142,911 (10,111 3,099.00 9,702.91 16,603,91) (68,06) TOTAL REVENllE, 2,549.75 12,662.86 [10,113,111 [79,861 10,289.50 87,006.11 (76,716,611 [88,171 EXPENSES SALARIES 8,918.81 17,053.47 8,134.66 47.70 56,937,'3 117,173.85 60,236.42 51.40 OTHER EXPENSES 8,363.41 2,973.95 (5,389.46) 1181.22) 21,210.29 20,460.70 1749.591 13,661 TOTAL EXPENSES 17,282.22 20,027.42 2,745.20 13.70 78,147.72 137,634.55 59,486.83 43.22 -----._--~---- ~---------~-- ------------~- ~------------- ---------~---- ---~------~--- NET GAIN II LOSS (14,732.47) 17,364,561 (7,367.91) [10D.O'1 167,858,221 150,628.441 (17,229,781 IJ4,03) 10 e ~=- 11 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MON'lllS ENDING 07131/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- -----------~ YEA R T 0 OAT E -"---------- ACJ'UAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR AC"l'IlA1 BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR CENTRAL SUPPLY REVEN1lE INPATIENT REVENU 1,906.12 64,938.73 163,032,611 197,06) 54,909,31 446,191.88 (391,282.57) 181,691 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 873.95 15,596,06 114,722,11) 194.39) 13,235.40 107,160.01 193,924,611 187.641 TOTAL REVEN1lE, 2,780.07 80,534.79 171,154,72) 196,54) 68,144.71 553,351.89 (485,207.18) 181,681 EXPENSES SALARIES 1,277,20 2,910.44 1,633.24 56.11 8,695.36 19,997.58 11,302.22 56.51 OTHER EXPENSES 2,389.43 33,674.77 )1,285.34 92.90 23,814.65 231,973.95 208,159.30 89.73 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,666,63 36,585,21 32,918,58 89,91 32,510,01 251,911.53 219,461.52 81,09 -------------- ------------- ----~--------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NJIT GAIN I I LOSS 1886.56) 43,949.58 144,836,14) 1102,01) 35,634,70 301,380.16 1265,145.66) 188.171 PHARMACY AND PI THERAPY REVEN1lE INPATIENT REVENU 154,320,54 252,129,50 197,808,961 138,791 1,416,584.74 1,732,373.55 (315, /Be.sll 118.22) OUTPATIENT REVBN 113,715.49 122,825.80 19,110.321 17,421 878,623.54 843,932.22 34,691.32 4.11 TOTAL REVENUE, 268,036.03 374,955.30 (106,919,211 128,511 2,295,208.28 2,576,305.77 (281,097.49) (10.91) EXPENSES SALARIES 13,152.77 7,533.26 15,619.511 (74.59) 80,418,65 51,160.72 128,657,931 (55.361 'PROFESSIONAL FEE 8,260.36 7,916.67 1343,691 14,341 57,822.52 55,416.69 12,405.83) 14.341 EXPENSES 45,806.96 49,529.72 3,722.76 7.51 376,692.97 340,731.67 (35,961.30) 110.551 TOTAL EXPENSES 67,220,09 64,979,65 12,240,441 13.44) 514,934,14 447,909,08 167,025,06) 114,961 -------.----.- ---------.--- ------------.- -------------- -------------- --------.~---- NET GAINI (LOSS 200,815.94 309,975.65 (109,159,711 135.21) 1,780,274.14 2,128,396 ,69 1348,122,551 116.351 CHF INFUSION THERAPY REVENOE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 EXPENSES e SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .----.-------- ----------.-- ---.----....-- -----.--.----- -------------- -------------- NET GAINIILOSS ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 11 e 12 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AeruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR AeruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR EMERGENCY ROOM REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 15,141.25 26,140.02 110,998,771 142,071 206,017.50 179,607.32 26,410.18 14..7fJ e OUTPATIENT REVEN 204,499.50 151,092.40 53,407.10 35.34 1,412,382.75 1,038,151.14 374,231. 61 36.04 TOTAL REVENUE. 219,640.75 177.232.42 42,408.33 23.92 1,618,400.25 1,217,758.46 400,641.79 32,89 EXPENSES SA1ARIES 72,326.92 53,423.33 (18,903,59) 135.38) 461,345.23 367,070,01 194,275,22) 125,68) PROFESSIONAL FEE 8],641.87 76,666.67 16,975,201 (9.091 556,367.71 536,666.69 119,701.02) 13,67) LRASE & RENTAL 2,026.13 2,000.00 126,13) IUD) 11,818.54 14,000.00 2,181.46 15.58 OTHER EXPENSES 21,049.54 9,504.28 111,545,261 1121.47) 163,861.11 65,166.91 (98,694,20) 1151.441 TOTAL EXPENSES 179,044.46 141,594.28 137,450,18) 126,44) 1,193,392.59 982,903.61 1210,488,98) 121.41) ~-----_._-~--- ------------- ---------.--.- ------._------ ----._-------- -----------~-- NET GAIN/lLOSS 40,596.29 35,638.14 4,958.15 13 ,91 425,007,66 234,854,85 190,152.81 80.96 ER PlfYSICIANS REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 12,220.50 12,093.63 126.87 1.04 134,255.75 83,094.83 51,160.92 61.56 OUTPATIENT REVEN 165,654.75 120,638.25 45,016.50 37.31 1,134,929.25 828,901.52 306,027,73 36.91 TOTAL REVENUE. 177,875.25 132,731.88 45,143.37 34,01 1,269,185,00 911,996,35 357,188.65 39.16 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 CITY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 COUNTY SUBSIDY .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e -------------- ------------- ----------~- -- -------------- -------------- -_._---------~- NET GAIN/ (LOSS .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 LABORATORY & PATHOLOGY REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 94,745.52 104,237.94 (9,492.42) 19.10) 740,191.27 716,215.39 23,975.88 3.34 OUTPATIENT REVEN 290,647.17 228,819.20 61,827.97 27.02 2,196,172.12 1,572,211.35 623,960,77 39.68 TOTAL REVENUE, 385,392,69 333,057,14 52,335.55 15.71 2,936,363.39 2,288,426.74 647,936.65 28.31 EXPENSES SALARIES 40,332.18 45,099.83 4,767.65 10.57 284,703.61 309,879.51 25,175.90 B.12 LEASE & RENTAL 4,864.26 4,750.00 1114.26) 12,40) 34,054.81 33,250.00 (804,81) 12.421 OTHER EXPENSES 56,852.64 55,201.88 (1,650,76) 12,99) 401,533.30 381,408.59 120,124,711 15,27) TOTAL EXPENSES 102,049.08 105,051.71 3,002.63 2.85 720,291.72 724, S38 .10 4,246.38 ,58 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAINllLOSS 283,343.61 228,005.43 55,338.18 24.27 2,216,071,67 1,563,888,64 652,183.03 41.70 12 e 13 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR TIlE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAA BLOOD BANK REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 11,952.75 14,693,30 (2,740.55) IIa,651 ll2,730,OO 100,957,15 11,772 .85 11.66 e OllTPATIENT REVEN 12,554.00 5,655.88 6,898.12 121.96 91,283.50 ]8,861.43 52,422.07 134.89 TOTAL REVENUE. 24,506.75 20,349.18 4,157.57 20.43 204,013.50 139,818.58 64,194.92 45.91 EXPENSES EXPENSES 7,381.92 5,801.91 11,5BO,OI} 12U31 52,022.41 39,864.77 112,157.64) 130.491 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,381.92 5,801.91 Il,5BO.Ol} 127 ,23) 52,022.41 39,864.77 112,157.64) (30,491 .----.-.------ ------------- ---_.-._------ -------------- ----._------- -------------- NET GAIN/lLOSS 17,124.83 14,547.27 2,577.56 17.71 151,991.09 g9,953.Bl 52,037.28 52.06 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE REVENllE INPAT,lENT REVENU ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENllE, ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ------._------ ------------- -------------- ---------._--- -------------- ._-----------. NET GAINI (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 SAFETY TESTING REVENllE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENllE, ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSEs ,00 ,DO ,00 ,DO .DD .00 .00 .ao TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 e -------------- ------------- -------------- --.----------- ----.--------- -------------- NET GAIN/I LOSS ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ELECTROCARDIOLOGRAPHY (EKGI REVENllE INPATIENT REVENU 12,765.00 17 ,666.19 (4,901.19) In 741 133,035.25 121,383.79 11,651.46 9.59 OUTPATIENT REVEN 37,669.45 50,853.94 (13,184.49) 12S,921 322,354.60 ~49,415. 73 (27,061.13) (7.74) TOTAL EEVENUE, 50,434.45 68,520,13 (la,085,681 126,39) 455,389,a5 470,799,52 115,409,671 IU7! EXPENSES EXPENSES 3,124.53 2,971.41 1153,12) 15.15} 21,475.19 20,504.61 1970,5SI IU31 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,124.53 2,971.41 1153,12) 15,15} 21,475.19 20,504.61 1970,58) 14.731 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 47,309.92 65,548.72 (18,238.80) 127.821 433,914.66 450,294.91 (16,38().25l (3,531 13 e r:-- ,.. 14 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCDME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 h_______ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ______hn __hmh_n YEA R TO D ATE _________h_ A("J'1JAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR RADIOLOGY RRVENlJE INPATIENT REVRNU 8,049.50 16,182.32 (8,132,82) (50,251 77,941.25 1II,188.17 (33,246,92) (29,90) e OUTPATIENT REVER 111,615.86 100,179,86 11,436.00 11.41 823,223.85 688,332,51 134,891.34 19,59 TOTAL RRVENlJE, 119,665.36 116,362,18 3,303.18 2,83 901,16S.10 799,520.68 101,644.42 12.71 EXPENSES SALARIES 52,427.74 51,474,15 [953.59) (1.85) 323,794.77 353,677.17 29,882,40 8.44 PROFESSIONAL FEE 3,990.00 2,500.00 (1,490,00) [59.601 25,935.00 17,500.00 (8,435,00) (48,20) OTHER EXPENSES 18,401.06 13,033.04 15,368.021 (41.18) 123,329.86 89,689.36 133,64D.50) (37,50) TOTAL EXPENSES 74,818.80 67,007.19 (7,811.61) (11,'5) 473,059.63 460,866.53 (12,193.10) (2,64) -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 44,846.56 49,354.99 [4,508,43) (9,13) 428,105.47 338,654,15 89,451.32 26.41 NUCLEAR MEDICINE RRVENlJE INPATIENT REVRNU .00 4,471.85 (4,471.85) (100,00) 43,021.67 30,726.00 12 ,295,67 40,01 OUTPATIENT REVEN 24,421.00 39,896,27 (15,475.27) (38,78) 206,793.25 274,126.01 (67,332,76) (24,.56) TOTAL REVENUE. 24,421.00 44,368.12 (19,947,121 [44.951 249,814.92 304,852.01 (55,037.09) (18,05) EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 2,970.88 7,808.47 4,837.59 61.95 29,461.53 53,214,17 23,752,64 44.63 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,970.88 7,808.47 4,837.59 61.95 29,461.53 53,214.17 23,752.64 44.63 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 21,450.12 36,559.65 (15,109,53) (4U2) 220,353.39 251,637.84 (31,284,451 (12.43) ULTRASOUND RRVENlJE INPATIENT REVENU 8,519.25 4,939.21 3,580.04 72 .48 44,501.56 33,937,13 10,566.43 31.13 OUTPATIENT REVER 45,478.28 4.8,319.1'1 (2,840,89) 15,87) 362,825,32 331,999,37 30,825.95 9.28 TOTAL REVENUE. 53,997.53 53,258.38 739.15 1.38 407,328.88 365,936.50 41,392.38 11.31 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 e OTHER EXPENSES 3,125.11 2,695.46 [429,65} [15,93} 29,829.58 18,036.54 (11,79U4) (65,38) TOTAL EXPENSES 3,125.11 2,695.46 (429,65) (15,93) 29,829,58 18,036,54 (11,793.04) [65,38) -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ [LOSS 50,872.42 50,562.92 309.50 ,61 377,499.30 347,899.96 29,599.34 8.50 CT SCAN RRVENlJE INPATIENT REVENu 30,705.25 34,411.11 (3,70U') [10,76} 223,968.50 236,437.71 (12,469.21) (5,m OUTPATIENT REVEN 284,350.75 140,586.47 143,764.28 102.26 1,610,915.00 965,965.20 644,949.80 66.76 TOTAL REVENUE. 315,056.00 174,997.58 140,058.42 80.03 1,834,883.50 1,202,402.91 632,480.59 52,60 EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL ,00 20,000.00 20,000.00 ~OO. 00 ,00 140,000.00 140,000.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 19,800.67 8,242.62 (11,558.05) (140,22) 110,550.02 56,474,00 [54,076.02) (95,751 TOTAL EXPENSES 19,800.67 28,242.62 8,441.95 29.89 110,550.02 1%,474,00 85,923,98 43.73 -~------------ ---~--------- -______R______ ----------~--- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 295,255.33 146,754.96 148,500.37 101.18 1,724,333.48 1,005,928.91 718,404.57 71.41 14 e &.=-~ 15 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 _n______ SIN G L E MaN T H __m_m_ -------..--- YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR MAMMOGRAPHY REVENDE INPATIENT REVENll ,00 57.00 [57.001 [100.00) 75,00 126.00 (51.001 (40.471 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 7,499.50 6,040,89 1,458,61 24.14 50,045.75 41,506.61 8,539.14 20.57 TOTAL REVENDE. 7,499.50 6,097,89 1,401.61 22,98 50,120.75 41,632.61 8,488.14 20.38 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 1,845,40 2,519,84 734,44 28,46 16,041,49 17,328.18 1,280,69 7,39 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,845.40 2,579.84 734.44 28.46 16,047.49 17,328.18 1,280.69 7.39 -----_.------- ---_.-------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ----------~--- NET GAIN! [LOSS 5,654,10 3,518.05 2,136.05 60.71 34,073.26 24,304..43 9,768.83 40.19 MRI REVENDE INPATIENT REVENU 7,150.50 10,985.41 (3,834.91) [34,90) 46,478.77 75,480.32 (29,001.55) 138.42) OUTPATIENT REVEN 123,527.04 126,976.17 [3,449,131 [2,11) 1,041,512.34 872,449.12 169,063.22 19.37 TOTAL REVENOE, 130,677.54 137,961.58 (1,284.041 (5,27) 1,087,991.11 947,929.44 140,061.67 14.77 EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 21,216.08 31,565.15 10,349.07 32.78 139,091.55 220,823.55 81,732.00 37.01 TOTAL EXPENSES 21,216.08 31,565.15 10,349.01 32.78 139,091.55 220,823,55 81,732.00 37.01 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ~------------- -------_.----- NET GAINI [LOSS 109,461.46 106,396,43 3,065,03 2.88 948,899.56 727,105,89 221,793.67 30,50 ANESTHESIA REVENDE INPATIENT REVENll 27,916.50 38,692,70 (10,776.201 [21,851 171,804.00 265,856.34 [94,052,34) 135,371 OUTPATIENT REVEN 78,512,50 69,536.91 8,975,59 12,90 621,703.75 477,785.87 143,917.88 30.12 TOTAL REVENOE. 106,429.00 108,229.61 [1,800,61) [1.66) 793,507.75 743,642.21 49,865.54 6.70 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 44,987.40 44,630.25 [351,15) (,801 290,479.19 312,411.75 21,932.56 7.02 LEASE & RENTAL ,00 50,00 50.00 100.00 ,00 350.00 350.00 100.00 OTHER EXPENSES 18,244.32 3,311.86 [14,872,46) [441.07) 38,988.15 23,128.16 [15,859,991 168,571 TOTAL EXPENSES 63,231.72 48,052.11 [15,179.61) [31.58) 329,467.34 335,889.91 6,422.57 1.91 e -------------- .------------ -------------- ___R__________ ~________R___. -------------- NET GAIN! [LOSS 43,197.2 8 60,177.50 [16,980,221 128,211 464,040,41 407,752,30 56,288.11 13,50 DIALYSIS UNIT REVENDE OUTPATIENT REVEN 345,179.25 347,218.34 (2,039,091 1,581 2,970,288.60 2,385,725.98 584,562 62 24 50 TOTAL REVENUE. 345,179.25 347,218.34 12,039.091 1,581 2,970,288.60 2,385,725.98 584,562 62 24 50 EXPENSES SALARIES 28,917.72 27,630.74 [1,286.98) [4.65) 215,752.62 189,849,92 (25,902,101 113.641 OTHER EXPENSES 59,701.61 56,649.23 [3,052,381 (5.381 489,546.85 390,662.79 (98,884.06) (25.31) TOTAL EXPENSES 88,619.33 84,279.97 14,339,36) 15.141 705,299.47 580,512.71 (124,186,76) [21.491 ____________R_ _______.__R._ _____.__.RR.._ -------------- --~_.._..----- -------------- NET GAINIILOSS 256,559.92 262,938,37 [6,378.451 12.42) 2,264,989.13 1,805,213.27 459,775.86 25.46 15 e !'/_- 16 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE --~-----~--- AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACl'OAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR CARDIOPQLMONARY REVENUE 5.91 INPATIENT REVENU 83,663.75 109,838.51 (26,174,76) (23,831 799,315.50 754,696.77 44,618.73 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 39,750.50 22,615,43 17,135.07 75,76 215,431. 75 155,389.84 60,041.91 ]8.63 TOTAL REVENUE. 123,414 .25 132,453.94 (9,039,691 (6,82) 1,014,747.25 910,086.61 104,660.64 11.50 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 LEASE & RENTAL 1,360.81 500.00 (860,81) (172.16) 4,815.69 3,500.00 11,315,69) (37,591 OTHER EXPENSES 33,291.12 27,059.46 16,231,66) 123.021 234,D4S.Q2 189,323.88 (44, 72S .14) (23,621 TOTAL EXPENSES 34,651.93 27,559.46 17,092,47) (25,73) 238,864.71 192,823.88 (46,040,831 (23,87) -------------- -- --~-------- -------------- ----~--------- ~------------- -----~-------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 88,762.32 104,894.48 (16, IJ2 ,16) (15,371 775,882.54 717,262.73 58,619.81 8.17 CARDIAC REHAB REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -~--~-----~--- ------~------ -------------- -------------- -~------------ -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 1,135.69 II,m,69) 1100,001 2,230.25 7,803,33 [5,573,08) 171.41) OUTPATIENT RRVE:N 221.75 1,164.32 1942,57) (80,95) 5,075.75 7,999.92 (2,924.17) 136,551 TOTAL REVENUE. 221.75 2,300.01 (2,078,26) 190,35) 7,306.00 15,803.25 18,497,25} (53,76) EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 _ OTHER EXPENSES 450,00 500,00 50.00 10.00 1,192.50 3,500.00 2,307.50 65.92 TOTAL EXPENSES 450.00 500.00 50.00 10.00 1,192.50 3,500,00 2,307.50 65.92 ---~-~-. - ----- ------------- -------------- --~----------~ -------------- -----~-------- NET GAIN/ILOSS (228.25) 1,800.01 12,028,26) 1112,68) 6,113.50 12,303.25 (6,189,751 (5D.30) PHYSICAL THERAPY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU 15,504.50 26,953.63 (11,449.13) (42.47) 145,150.00 185,197.53 [40,047,53) 121.62) OUTPATIENT REVEN 120,633.50 115,937.40 4,696 .10 4.05 854,270.20 796,602,05 57,668.15 7.23 TOTAL REVENUE, 136,138.00 142,891.03 [6,75J.OJ) [4,721 999,420,20 981,799.58 17,620,62 1.79 EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL FEE 38,234.98 37,500.00 1n4,9B) 11.95) 272,808.96 262,500,00 (10,J08,96) [J ,92) OTHER EXPENSES 6,067,06 2,799.46 13,267,601 [116,72) 41,476.55 19,4).7.20 [22,059,J5) [113,60) TOTAL EXPENSES 44,302.04 40,299.46 14,002,58) (9.9J) JI4,285,51 281,917.20 (32,368,31) 111.481 -~---~----~--- ~---._----._- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS 91,835.96 102,591.57 (10,755,61) (10.48) 685,134.69 699,882,38 (14,747.69) (2,10) 16 _ a:=- 17 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMEIIT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ______u____ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR HOME HEALTH CARE REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 e OUTPATIENT REVEN 81,771.60 84,235.27 12,463,671 12,921 671,699,39 578,777.78 92,921. 61 16.05 TOTAL REVENUE. 81,771.60 84,235.27 12,463,671 12,921 671,699.39 578,777.78 92,921.61 16.05 EXPENSES SALARIES 31,028.35 26.208.89 14,819,46! [18,38! 203,861.02 180,080.45 [23,780.57) 113,201 LEASE & RENTAL 2,041.45 83.33 11,958.121 12349.83! 12,282.03 583.31 (ll, 69B. 72) 12005,571 OTHER EXPENSES 13,604,84 11,015,56 12,589,28! 123,501 99,879,67 76,447,21 123,432.461 130.651 TOTAL EXPENSES 46,674.64 37,307,78 19,366,861 125,101 316,022.72 257,110.97 158,911.75) 122,911 -------------- ----..------- -.----.------. --------.----- ...-..-..-...- ..-.---------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 35,096.96 46,927.49 111,830,531 125,211 355,676.67 321,666.81 34,009.86 10.57 HOSPICE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,DO ,DO ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .--.-.-.------ ------------- ------.--..--- -------------- -------------- -------.------ NET GAlN/lLOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 e OTHER EXPENSES .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 -------------- ---.-------.- ------._------ -------------- -----------._- .------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 NEW VIEW REVENUE OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 EXPENSES SALARIES .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 --------.----- ------------- ------._------ -----.-------- ----------...- --------.-.--- NET GAINjlLOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 17 e , ".-- (, 18 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCDME STATEMENT FOR THE 1 MONTHS ENDING 01/31/05 m___m SIN G L E M 0 NTH -------___ ------------ YEA R TO D ATE __nm_____ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARL\NCE \ VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE \ VAR CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REVENUE OUTPATIENT RE'VEN ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 e TOTAL REVENUE, ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 PROFESSIONAL FEE ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 -----~----~--- ~-----~------ -~------- -.--- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET GAIN/ (LOSS ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 DIETARY REVENUE INPATIENT REVENU ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OUTPATIENT REVEN ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE. ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES 13,231.60 12,901.84 IJ29,16) 12.551 92,500.64 88,648.16 IJ,852.481 14,341 PROFESSIONAL FEE 1,575.00 1,733.33 158.33 9.13 8,962.50 12,llJ,31 3,170.81 26.13 OTHER EXPENSES 16,368.91 17,106.93 738.02 4.31 136,383.57 117,144.78 119,238,191 116,42) TOTAL EXPENSES 31,175.51 31,742.10 566,59 1.78 237,846.71 217,926.25 119,920,46) 19,14) ----------~--- -------._---- --------~---~- -------------- ~----------._- ---------~---- NET GAIN/ILOSS IJI,ll5.511 IJI,142,101 566,59 1.78 12Jl,846,lI) (217,926.25) 119,920,46) (9,141 MEDICAL RECORDS EXPENSES SALARIES 16,045.00 21,976.04 5,9J1.04 26.98 112,677.01 150,996.62 38,319.61 25.37 LEASE & RENTAL 2,254.93 2,666.67 411.14 15;44 11,360.55 18,666,69 7,306.14 J9,ll OTHER EXPENSES 6,001.28 4,022.46 11,918,821 149,191 45,01l.60 28,012,18 111,000,821 (60,681 TOTAL EXPENSES 24,J01.21 28,665.17 4,363.96 15.22 169,051.16 197,676.09 28,624,9J 14.48 e CARE PROGRAM EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 530.08 .00 (5JO,08) ,001 3,498.89 ,00 IJ,498,891 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 530.08 ,00 1530,081 ,00) 3,498.89 ,00 (J,498,891 ,00 MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SALARIES 13,858.24 12,553.05 11,305,19) IIO,J91 94,642.13 86,251.61 18,J90,521 (9,12) OTHER EXPENSES 1,723.23 2,089.39 ]66.16 11.52 11,380.75 14,447.49 3,066.74 21.22 TOTAL EXPENSES 15,581.47 14,642.44 1939,OJ) 16.411 106,022.88 100,699.10 15,J2J,18) (5,28) PLANT OPERATIONS EXPENSES LEASE & RENTAL 45.00 54.17 9.17 16.92 315.00 379.19 64.19 16.92 ELECTRICITY 35,778.7S 21,916,61 (1,862,111 128,161 189,364.11 195,416.69 6,052.58 J,09 WATER & SEWER 8,015.38 ,00 18,OI5,J8) ,001 45,911,01 ,00 145,911.011 ,00 GAS 14,812.42 ,00 114,812,421 ,001 36,450.34 ,00 (J6,450,141 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 5,208.91 6,809.43 1,600,52 2J,50 65,16J.14 47,190.57 111,912.511 138,08) TOTAL EXPENSES 63,860.49 34,780,21 129,080.22) 183,611 lJ1,269,60 242,986.45 194,283,151 138.801 18 e ~.'--'------ 19 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 1 MONTHS ENDING 01/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR GROUNDS EXPENSES e SALARIES .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 690.43 .00 (690,431 ,00) 6,171.70 ,00 (6,111.101 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES 690.43 ,00 (690,431 ,001 6,171.70 ,00 16,111.101 .00 TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES SALARIES l,m.82 1,151,11 (68.651 15,931 8,921.49 1,950,83 1916.661 (12,281 OTHER EXPENSES (9,513,56) 643,20 10,156.76 1579.09 3,281.24 4,441.99 1,160.75 26.13 TOTAL EXPENSES (8,287.74) 1,800.37 10,088.11 560,33 12,208.73 12,392.82 184.09 1.48 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES SALlIRIES 21,260.72 21,888.54 627.82 2,86 153,092.12 150,395,46 (2,696.661 (1.79) OTHER EXPENSES 6,513.72 7,392.02 878,30 11.88 46,072 .58 50,681.70 4,609.12 9.09 TOTAL EXPENSES 27,774.44 29,280,56 1,506.12 5.14 199,164.70 201,077.16 1,912.46 ,95 LAUNDRY EXPENSES ourSIDE SERVICES 5,970.80 9,000.00 3,029,20 3U5 48,439.11 63,000,00 14,560.89 23,11 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,910,80 9,000.00 3,029.20 33.65 48,439.11 63,000.00 14.,560.89 23,11 SECURITY EXPENSES SALARIES 8,213,92 5,559,92 (2,654.001 [47,731 42,lll,08 38,202,08 (4,131.001 (10.811 OTHER EXPENSES 611.32 768.26 156.94 20.42 5,268.77 4,857.73 (411.041 (8.461 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,825,24 6,328,18 12,491.061 (39.451 47,601.85 43,059.81 (4,542,041 (10.541 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT e EXPENSES SALARIES 1,903,10 6,106.83 4,203,13 68,83 13,504.34 41,959,83 29,455.49 67.81 OTHER EXPENSES 135.85 1,238.06 1,102.21 89.02 1,896.61 7,887.09 5,990.48 75.95 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,038,95 7,344.89 5,305.94 72 .23 15,400.95 49,846.92 34,445.97 69.10 SOCIAL WORXER/DISCHARGE PLANNI EXPENSES SALARIES 4,960.00 7,293.98 2,333,98 31.99 33,920,00 50,116.70 16,196.70 32 31 OTHER EXPENSES 379.44 869.55 490,11 56,36 3,427.58 5,442.54 2,014.96 37 02 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,339.44 8,163.53 2,824.09 34.59 37,347.58 55,559,24 18,211.66 32 77 CALHOUN COUNTY INDIGENT EXPENSES SALARIES 3,748,62 ,00 (3,749.621 ,001 24,882.24 ,00 124,882,241 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 20.33 .00 (20,331 ,001 16.00 .00 116.001 ,00 COUNTY OFFSET [3,384.621 ,00 3,384.62 ,00 (24,595.121 ,00 24,595.12 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 384.33 ,00 (J84,331 ,001 303.12 ,00 1303,121 .00 19 e It' 20 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME S'rATEMENT FOR THE 1 MONTHS ENDING 01/31/05 --------- SIN G L E MaN T H _u___~___ ------------ YEA R TO D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR A= BU!JGET $ VARIANCE I VAR BUSINESS OFFICE EXPENSES SALARIES 18,636.56 19,954.26 1,317.70 6.60 128,824.90 137,105.08 8,280.18 6.03 e LEASE & RENTAL 528.52 150.00 1318,521 1252,341 3,057.22 1,050,00 (2,001,22) (191.161 COLLECTION EXPEN 2,123 .43 2,500.00 376.57 15.06 20,142,62 11,500,00 13,242.621 118.52) OTHER EXPENSES 9,372.62 9,803.35 430.73 4.39 68,216.40 68,213,50 12,901 ,DO TOTAL EXPENSES 30,661.13 32,401,61 1,146.48 5.38 220,841.14 223,868,58 3,027,44 1.35 COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES SALARIES 9,830.43 8,827.38 (1,003,05) 111.36/ 62,241.46 60,652.62 (1,588,84) 12,61) OTHER EXPENSES 920.60 1,888.80 968.20 51.26 5,916.83 12,644.00 6,727.17 53.20 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,751.03 10,716,18 134.85) 1.32) 68,158,29 13,296 ,62 5,138.33 7.01 DATA PROCESSING EXPENSES SALARIES 8,866,56 2,721.90 (6,144,66) (225,74) 57,695,91 18,702,10 138,993,811 (208,49) OTHER EXPENSES 36,624,28 12,133.47 (24,490.81) (201.84) 86,351.32 84,761.01 11,584,311 11.861 TOTAL EXPENSES 45,490.84 14,855.37 (30,635.47) (206,22) 144,047.23 103,469,11 140,518.12) 139,211 NURSING ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES SALARIES 8,578,93 8,649.00 70.01 ,81 49,291.22 59,421,00 10,135.78 17,05 OTHER EXPENSES 1,249.35 2,095.69 846.34 40.38 14,825.14 14,548.53 1217,211 11.90) TOTAL EXPENSES 9,828.28 10,744,69 916.41 8,52 64,116,96 73,975.53 ,9,858.57 13 .32 HOUSE SUPERVISOR EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 OTHER EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 e INFECTION CONTROL EXPENSES SALARIES 5,190,88 .00 15,190,88) .00) 36,125,88 ,00 (36,125,88) ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 1,913 .57 ,00 (1,913,511 ,001 5,158.96 ,00 (5,158,96) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,104,45 ,00 (1,104,45) ,00) 41,284.84 .00 141,284.841 ,00 EDUCATION EXPRNSES SALARIES 3,703.41 4,250.05 546,64 12.86 28,110.29 29,201.95 1,031.66 3.53 OTHER EXPENSES 1,724.39 1,226.06 1498.33) 140,64) 10,208.14 8,390.32 11,811,82) 12U6} TOTAL EXPENSES 5,427.80 5,476.11 48.31 ,88 38,378.43 37,592.27 1186,16) 12,091 ACCOUNTING EXPRNSES SALARIES 5,864.72 5,BI0,39 154.331 1,931 41,092.77 39,922.93 (1,169.84) 12,93} OTHER EXPENSEES 3,155.54 3,490.46 334.92 9.59 27,832.80 24,332.27 (3,500,53) 114,381 'l'OTAL EXPENSES 9,020.26 9,300.85 280.59 3.01 68,925,51 64,255.20 (4,670.371 (7,26) 20 e ~=- 21 MEMQRH.L MEDICAL CENTF.R DEPARoo:NTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR TIlE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 --------- SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- -----~------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTGAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE I VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES e SALARIES 28,804.42 21,628.43 (7,175,99) (33,171 158,367.25 148,608.25 (9,759.00) 16,56) LEIl.SE & RENTAL 46.70 100.00 53.30 53.30 4,171.01 700.00 13,471.011 1495.85) OTHER EXPENSES 21,191.79 38,797.25 17,605,46 45.37 172,358.91 271,422.84 99,063.93 36.49 TOTAL EXPENSES 50,042.91 60,525,68 10,482.77 17.31 334,897.17 420,731.C9 85,833.92 20.40 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT mImSES SALARIES 3,870.33 4,003.06 132.73 3.31 27,059,12 27,504.94 445.82 1.62 OTHER EXPENSES 832.98 671.69 [161.29) [24,01) 3,729.97 4,463.32 733 .35 16.43 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,703.31 4,674.75 (2U6) (,611 30,189.09 31,96B.26 1,119.17 3.58 HOSPITAL GENERAL EXPImSES WORKMANS COMP IN [50,931.34) 26,666.67 77,598,01 290,99 110,987.4 7 186,666,69 75,679,22 40,54 UNEMPLOYMENT INS (lJ .851 4,166.67 4,180.52 100.33 33,434.59 29,166.69 [4,267,901 (14,63) PROF LIABILITY I 8,266,30 7,916.67 (349,63) (4,41) 58,889,81 55,416.69 (3,473,12) 16.26) LEASE & RENTAL 1,131.50 2,750,00 1,618.50 58.85 14,008.49 19,250.-00 5,241.51 27.22 OTHER EXPENSES 3,420,07 9,083.33 5,663.26 62,34 74,699.49 63,583,31 (11,116,181 (17.48) TOTAL EXPENSES (38,127,321 50,583.34 88,710.66 175.37 292,019.85 354,083.38 62,063.53 17,52 HUMAN RESOURCES/PUBLIC RELATIO EXPENSES SALARIES 3,625.24 5,206.65 1,581.41 30.37 24,310.88 35,774.67 11,463.79 32.04 OTHER EXPENSES 5,749.45 5,354,70 (394,75) [7,37) 21,913.58 36,625.60 14,712.02 40.16 TOTAL EXPENSES 9,374.69 10,561.35 1,186.66 11.23 46,224.46 72,400.27 26,175.81 36.15 PURCHASING EXPENSES SALARIES 7,961.91 8,008,67 46.76 ,58 54,703.10 55,027.33 324.23 .5B e OTHER EXPENSES 901.45 1,230.49 329.04 26,74 5,502.63 81439.45 2,936,82 34.79 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,863.36 9,239,16 375,80 4,06 60,205,73 63,466.7B 3,261.05 5.13 AUXILIARY EXPENSES SALARIES ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 EXPENSES .21 ,00 (,211 .001 21.88 ,00 (2UB) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,21 ,00 (,21) ,001 21.88 ,00 (21.88) .00 PLAZA SPECIALTY CLINICS SALARIES 96.20 ,00 (96,201 ,00) 337.)0 ,00 l337.30) ,00 EXPENSES (96,201 ,00 96.20 ,00 (337.301 .00 337,3Q .00 TOTAL EXPENSES ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 21 e Pr-- t" 22 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07/31/05 Uh_____ SIN G L E M 0 NTH ---------- ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR ACTUAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE t VAR MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA RBVENllE RENTALS ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 50.00 ,00 50.00 ,00 _ TOTAL RBVENllE, ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 50.00 ,00 50.00 ,00 EXPENSES SALARIES, 2,682.62 .00 12,682.621 ,001 17,476.20 ,00 117,476,201 .00, OTHER EXPENSES.. 1,808.32 ,00 11,808,32) ,001 11,915.79 ,00 (11,915.79) ,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,490.94 ,00 14,490,94) ,00) 29,391.99 ,00 (29,391.99) ,00 ---_.-----~~-- ------------- -------------- ------._-----. ---._--------- -------------- NET GAIN/ILOSS 14,490,941 ,00 14,490,94) .001 129,341.99) .00 129,341.991 ,00 SUBTOTAL GAIN/ 1,495,455.36 1,59D, 013 .97 194,558.61) 15,941 12,548,801.90 10,862,822,B7 1,685,979.03 15.52 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE DEDUcrIONS MEDICARE CONTR A 1741,561.8BI 17BO,909,411 39,347.53 5.03 15,236,351.581 15,365,603,19) 129,251.61 2.40 MEDICAID CONTR A 1192,935,39) 1166,694.37) 126,241.02) 115.74) 11,418,545.711 11,145,351.59) 1273,194,12) 123,851 INDIGENT CONTR A 142,974,621 ,00 142,974.62) ,001 1376,5B6,6BI .00 1376,586,681 ,00 OlARITY CARE 182,561.<51 189,836,611 1,215.22 8.09 1980,436,18) 1628,856,69) 1351,580.09) 155.901 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 1104,494,101 1177,197.54) 13,303,44 41.22 11,606,068,081 (1,221,641.12) 1384,426,96) 131.461 OTHER DEDucrrONs 1223,097,461 1243,832,521 20,735.06 8,50 11,330,690,6BI 11,615,365.52) 344,614,84 20,51 TOTAL REVENUE (1,387,624.90) (1,459,070.51) 71,445.61 4.89 110,948,619.511 110,036,818,11) 1911,861.<0) 19.081 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS RETIREMENT 20,757.62 23,292.35 2,534.73 10.88 149,853.21 160,040.99 10,187.78 6,36 HOSPITALIZATION 1J3,541.25 16,229,51 157,311.14) 175,181 562,015.4:3 523,110.49 138,244,94) 11,301 LIFE INSURANCE 1,031.11 1,058.74 27.63 2.60 7,029.87 7,274.60 244.73 3,36 DENTAL INSURANCE 5,239.40 3,049.18 12,190,22) 111.821 15,756.92 20,950,82 5,193.90 24.79 LONG TERM DIS 2,138.14 2,329.23 191.09 8,20 14,506,62 16,004.11 1,497.49 9,35 PAYROU CLEARING 15.351 ,00 5,35 ,00 12,128.48) .00 2,728.48 ,00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 162,702.17 105,959.01 156,743,161 153,551 146,433,57 728,041.01 118,392,561 12,52) _ TOTAL OTHER OP 1,550,327.07 1,565,029,52 14,702.45 ,93 11,695,I13,OB 10,764,859.12 1930,253,96) 18,641 OTHER REVENUE MEDICARE PASS-TH 32,550,00 ,00 32,550.00 ,00 281,615.22 ,00 281,615.22 .00 CAFET&RIA SALES 6,540.68 7,622,95 11,082,211 114,191 50,991.34 52,377.05 11,385.711 IU41 INTEREST INCOME 3,551.35 2,540.98 1,010.37 39.76 22,834.94 17,459.02 5,375.92 30.19 INTEREST INCOME 17.78 ,00 17.78 ,00 121.15 ,00 121.15 ,00 INTEREST INCOME ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 MISCELLANEOUS IN 4,992.10 2,964.48 2,027.62 68,39 74,027.64 20,368.86 53,658.78 263.43 TOTAL OTHER RE 47,651.91 B,128.n 34,523.50 262.96 429,590.29 90,204.93 339,385.36 376.23 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- NET OPERATING 11,219,801 38,112.86 145,332,661 1118,941 1,283,279.11 188,16U8 1,095,110.43 581.98 -----.-------- ------------- "'=="'======="'== -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 22 e 23 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CEIITER DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE 7 MONTHS ENDING 07}31}05 --------- SIN G L E AcruAL BUDGET ------------ YEA R T 0 D ATE ------------ AcruAL BUDGET $ VARIANCE % VAR M 0 N T R nmm__ $ VARIANCE I VAR NDN-OPERATING EXl'ENSE DEPRECIATION-LAN .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 DBPRECIATION-BU1 27,093.19 ,00 127,093.191 ,00) 191,524.22 .00 1191.524,221 .00 DEPRECIATION-FIX 9,019,13 ,00 (9,019,131 .001 62,700.73 ,00 (62,700,731 ,00 DEPRECIATION-MAJ 78,157.11 126,932.50 4B,775,39 38.42 573,938.28 888,527.50 314,589.22 35.40 DEPRECIATION~POR ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 CDNTRIBlITlDN TO .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 TOTAL NON-OPER 114,269.43 126,932.50 12,663.07 9.97 828,163.23 888,527.50 60,364.27 6.79 --------~._--- ------------- -.------------ -------------- -------------- ---.'--------- TOTAL OPERA-TIN 1121,489.231 188,819.641 132,669,591 136,781 455,115.88 (700,359,B21 1,155,474.70 164 98 -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --.-.--------- ------------- -------------- ----------.--- -------------- -------------- COllNTY SUBSIDY ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .-.----------- --_._-----.-- -------------- -------------- ~------------- -------------- NET GAIN/(LOSS (121,4B9.2JI (BB,BI9.54) 132,669,591 (36,18) 455r1l5.BB (700r35B.B2) 111551474.70 164 9B -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 23 24 e e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FORJULY 2005 _ DATE APPROVED AlP & PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDiTOR REFUNDS 7/6/2005 (weekly) . $ 516,050,66 7/13/2005 (weekiy) $ 322,569,01 7/20/2005 (weekly) $ 231,556,37 7/26/2005 (weekly) $ 21,854,87 7/27/2005 (weekly) $ 123,433.20 TOTAL $ 1,215,464,11 _ 2004 2004 YTD 2005 2005 YTD Referral $ $ 221,375.56 $ 262,710.97 $ Charity $ 65,794.84 $ 522,475,27 $ 88,156.66 $ 986,084.16 Indigent $ 128,886.47 $ 128,886.47 $ 180,169.49 $1,261,960.20 24 _ ~, 25 RUN DATE:08/05/05 TIME:09:16 IlEMOllIAL IlEDICAL CENrER CRECK REGISTER 07/06/05 TBRU 07/06/05 BANK--CBECK---------------------------------------------------. CODE. NOMBER DATE DOOO PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG -----------------------------------.---------------------------------------.------------.------------------------------------------- AlP. 108610 07/06/05 .~9,OO AB BIODOSK NORTH AllERIC AlP 108611 07/06/05 75,37 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S AlP 10861. 07/06/05 35.56 AERIFOIl!!! CORPORATION AlP 108613 07/06/05 31,51~.8. CONSTllLLATION NEW ENERG AlP 10861~ 07/06/05 328.25 APPLIED IlEDICA!. A/P 108615 07/06/05 1,903.50 AMERICAN BOSPITAL ASSOC A/P 108616 07/06/05 273,15 CARDINAL HEALTH AlP 108617 07/06/05 517,.0 AMASON APPLIANCE SERVIC A/P 108618 07/06/05 27.00 CARDINAL HEALTH A/P 108619 07/06/05 18.,60 AMERICAN KIllNllY F1JND AlP 108620 07/06/05 525,00 ARTBROCAll.E CORPORATION AlP 108621 07/06/05 ~~,.. AT&T A/P 1086.. 07/06/05 38~.00 AWESOME PAGING INe AlP 108m 07/06/05 .,996,83 C R BARD mc AlP 108624 07/06/05 .,966,98 BAXTER BBALTHCARE CORP AlP 1086.5 07/06/05 18,810,)2 BECKMAN COULTER INC A/P 1086.6 07/06/05 1,.92.56 BCOS AlP 108627 07/06/05 1,~79,39 BERGIlIl BRUNSWIG DRUG CO AlP 1086.8 07/06/05 .00.70 BALLARD IlEDICA!. PRODlJ~ AlP 108629 07/06/05 317,.8 BRIGGS CORPORATION AlP 108630 07/06/05 ~S7 ,~8 BSC SUPPLY AlP 108631 07/06/05 1.,8.0.00 CALHOUN COUNTY AlP 108m 07/06/05 186.30 RUBY CANTtI AlP 108633 07/06/05 336,66 CERTIF!ED LABOl\ATORIllS AlP 10863~ 07/06/05 500.00 CmJU.IE'S WOODWORKS AlP 108635 07/06/05 9~1.89 CONIlEIl CORPOl\ATION AlP 108636 07/06/05 ~5.,~0 cox MEDIA S01lTBWEST DIV AlP 108637 07/06/05 1,0...0. THE COUNCIL COMPANY AlP 108638 07/06/05 1~,013.56 CPSI AlP 108639 07/06/05 133.1.1 CRISTINA CANTtI AlP 1086~0 07/06/05 131.35 Doma. DAVIS AlP 1086~1 07/06/05 .17.89 m.BN DAVIS AlP 10864. 07/06/05 815.27 DELL FIlWICIAL SERVIC8S AlP 108643 07/06/05 1,.61.44 DEPUY ORTHOPAEDICS me AlP 1086U 07/06/05 11,077,.6 SOURCEONE BEALTIICARE TJl AlP 108645 07/06/05 76.75 KATHERINE: DIETZEL AlP 108646 07/06/05 77,040.00 EIlGRE NO"'. TEXAS AlP 108647 07/06/05 5.5,6. EQUAL DIAGNOSTICS AlP 108648 07/06/05 17.65 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. AlP 108649 07/06/05 8.,.00,55 FISBER BBALTHCARE AlP 108650 07/06/05 1,031,11 FORT DEARBORN LIFE mc A/P 108651 07106/05 107.00 G T PICKUP &: DELIVERY AlP 108652 07/06/05 4.26 ESTIIllR GARCIA AlP 108653 07/06/05 ,00 BRENDA GARZA AlP 108654 07/06/05 ~5,OO GREENHOUSE FLORAL DESIG A/P 108655 07/06/05 l,018,~8 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 108656 07/06/05 3,500.00 LLOYD LANE GOBER, MD P. AlP 108657 07/06/05 77,76 . E 8U'!'!' GROCERY AlP 108658 07/06/05 15,961.41 HAYES ELEO'RIC SERVICE A/P 108659 07/06/05 311.1. BBALTB CARE LOGISTICS I e e 25 e 26 AlP 108670 07/06/05 815.68 MALLINCKRODT mc AlP 108671 07/06/05 4.86 JANE MCCARN AlP 108672 07/06/05 24,433.78 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA '/P 108673 07/06/05 185,40 IlED!BADGE AlP 108674 07/06/05 96.00 MDORIAL MEDICAL CENl'ER '/P 108675 07/06/05 311.28 LINDA HEYER AlP 108676 07/06/05 2,042.14 NA'l'IONAL BENEFITS PARTN ./P 108677 07/06/05 42,28 OWENS &:. ImJOR A/P 108678 07/06/05 19,99 o ' REILLY AIJTO PARTS '/P 108679 07/06/05 200.00 OPHELIA C. OLASCUAGA AlP 10868007/06/05 603.25 OSI AlP 108681 07/06/05 119,47 PENTAX IlEDlCAL COMPANY AlP 108682 07/06/05 192.00 PI'!'NEY BOWES mc A/P 108683 07/06/05 60,75 QUAATEIl&STER _/P 108684 07/06/05 459,40 R G . ASSOCIATES mc IP 10868507/06/05 47.75 LnmA RUDDICK AlP 108686 07/06/05 16.20 MArRA SANCHEZ Alp 108687 07/06/05 153.55 SHERWIN WILLIAMS AlP 108688 07/06/05 266,60 SA-SO FULL LIllB '04 SPI A/P 108689 07/06/05 247.95 SMILE IlAKERS AlP 108690 07/06/05 3,582.00 SO TEX BLOOD &: TISSOE C AlP 108691 07/06/05 164,30 ST JOBII RECORD PROGlWlS '/P 108692 07/06/05 10,371.40 STAFF CAllE AlP 108693 07/06/05 757,13 STRYKER SALBS CORP AlP 108694 07/06/05 4,222.76 SYSCO . SAN AmTONIO, LP AlP 108695 07/06/05 1,125.00 SOLUC!Bm', LLC AlP 108696 07/06/05 243.27 STER!S CORPORATION AlP 108697 07/06/05 271. 74 TAYLOR MADE AMBULANCE A/P 108698 07/06/05 24,264.39 TIWl RE!IAB AlP 108699 07/06/05 9,733.79 TAC llNBIlPLOYMENT FUNI> AlP 108700 07/06/05 600,00 TEXAS CO i. DISTRICT RET '/P 108701 07/06/05 80,394.27 TEXAS CO &: DISTRICT RET AlP 108702 07/06/05 504.00 TEXAS DBPT OF IlUlJAI/ SER AlP 108703 07/06/05 2,040.50 TEXAS HOSPITAL lSSOCIAT AlP 108704 07/06/05 30,519.00 TEXAS IlllTUAL mSURANCB A/P 108705 07/06/05 129.90 TEXAS WIRED MOSIC IRe AlP 108706 07/06/05 417.00 THE T SYSTEM. INe. '/P 108707 07/06/05 497.96 TRI-STATE HOSPITAL SUPP A/P 108708 07/06/05 45,00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CQRPO AlP 108709 07/06/05 1,100.00 TORCH AlP 108710 07/06/05 38.13 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS e 26 27 e RON DATE:08/05/05 TIIlB:09:16 PAGE 3 GLCKREG lIEllORIAL lIEDICAL CEl/I'Ell CHECK REGISTER 07/06/05 TBRD 07/06/05 BlNK--CBECK---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUIJBER DATE A!ID1llI'1 PAYEE ---------------.---------------------.--.----------.-.-----.---------------------.--.------------------.---------------_.----._----- AlP 108711 07/06/05 A/P 108712 07/06/05 AlP 108713 07/06/05 AlP 108714 07/06/05 AlP 108715 07/06/05 AlP 108716 07/06/05 AlP 108717 07/06/05 AlP 108718 07/06/05 Tal'ALS: 4,031.86 168,48 122,40 632,50 280.00 16,70 61.56 93,65 516,050,66 UNITED SERVICES SLVA VELA VCS SEC1JRITY SYSTEMS VAllGUARD lIEDICAL CONCBP THE VIC'l'ORIA COLLEGE-EM WAL1!tART COMMIJNITY ELIZABE'l'Il HEmROOK ZIMMER US I INe. 27 28 e e e RUN DATE: 08/05/05 TIME: 09: 16 _ORIlL IlEDICAL CBl/!'ER CHECK REGISTER 07/13/05 THRU 07/13/05 BANK--CHBCK-----------_________________________________________ CODE NUHBER DATE lMOum PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP AlP AlP AlP 'AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP A/P A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP e/p IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP e 108719 07/13/05 108720 07/13/05 108721 07/13/05 108722 07/13/05 108723 07/13/05 108724 07/13/05 108725 07/13/05 108726 07/13105 108727 07/13/05 108728 07/13/05 108729 07113/05 108730 07/13/05 108731 07/13/05 108732 07/13/05 108733 07/13/05 108734 07113/05 108735 07/13/05 108736 07/13/05 108737 07/13/05 108738 07/13/05 108739 07/13/05 108740 07/13/05 108741 07/13/05 108742 07/13/05 108743 07/13/05 108744 07/13/05 108745 07/13/05 108746 07113/05 108747 07113/05 108748 07/13/05 108749 07113/05 108750 07/13/05 108751 07/13/05 108752 07/13/05 108753 07/13/05 108754 07/13/05 108755 07/13/05 108756 07/13/05 108757 07/13/05 108758 07/13/05 108759 07/13/05 108760 07/13/05 108761 07/13/05 108762 07/13/05 108763 07/13/05 108764 07/13/05 108765 07/13/05 108766 07/13/05 108767 07/13/05 108768 07/13/05 153,59 472.00 2,933,70 673.75 378,00 66.50 90,25 1,479.57 13,~74.18 660,00 112.60 593.81 1,998.00 9,525.41 87.89 85.86 325,00 3,~92,64 1,299,05 3,184,00 7,290.22 227.21 45.00 156,80 4,355.60 58.0~ 875,00 18.89 2,540,7~ 3,838,75 6,12 4,710.81 166,00 7,115.38 613,22 1,739.2~ 95.39 23,00 63.30 109,00 125,96 39.72 51.31 82,00 600.00 1,278.46 9,668.n 804,00 1,522.00 27,150.00 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER'S ANITA FRICKE - COOllTY C AIR SPECIALTY << EQUIPIlE AIRGAS-SOUTBWBST A!lBRIWATER INC, AWlOUIICBMENTS PLUS AQUA BEVERAGE COOAlll' BANKCARD CEm'ER BECKMAN COULTER rHe BIOLUCENT BOSART loOCK &:. KEY me BUCKEYE INI'ERNlTIOHAL, CAL COM FEDERAL CREDIT CAIRlISTONE, IliC RUBY CAIll'U CllARL<Yl'TB SWBODA cox MEDIA SOOTIlIlEST DIV THE COUNCIL COOAlll' CPSI CUllMINS SOUTBERII PLAINS DADE BEHRING mEN DAVIS AMY DAY PATRICIA G DELGADO SOORCEONE HEALTHCARE TE KATHERINE DIB'1'ZBL EXCELSIOR COLLEGE FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP, FISHER IlBALTECAllE FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTlJ I'1JJICOLOR GAIlDEIlWID NURSERY ROBBRTS, ROBERTS &: ODEF BREIlDA GARZA GE ERALTECAllE FIN SRVS GULF COAST PAPER COmPAI/ H << S TECHNICAL SERVICE H E BU'I'T GROCERY BACH COMPANY hCPRO SALLY J HICKL HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES PAT ERANICKY IKON FIlW/CIAL 8ERVICES INCIPIEm' HEALTHCARE SO INSTITUTIONAL TRUST COM INSTR1l1:IBNTATION LABORAT INTEGRATED IlEDICAL SYST INrELLAMED, INC I'I'A RESOURCES 1 me 28 29 RON DATE:08/0S/05 TIIlE:09:16 PAGE 2 GLCKREG 1IEl1I0RIAL IlEDIC1L CEIIIER CBBCK REGISTER 07/13/05 TBRU 07/13/05 SANK--CBECK---------------------------------------------------- CODS IlUMBBR DATE _ PAYSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 108769 07/13/05 100,05 ISOPlJRl! CORP A/P 108770 07/13/05 528.51 JIMSON, INC. AlP 108771 07/13/05 85,52 JOIlllSTONB SUPPLY AlP 108772 07113105 107.76 LOWE I S HOME CENTERS INC AlP 108773 07/13105 4,130,18 LOKER PHARMACY !WIAGEME AlP 108774 07/13/05 72.00 LYSTER HORNISH . ASSOC AlP 108775 07/13105 70,586.69 1IEl1I0RIAL lIEDICAL CBNTER AlP 108776 07/13/05 273,01 llALLINCKROllT mc AlP 108777 07/13/05 7,307.70 TERRY W MCCLAIN CRN! AlP 108778 07/13/05 202.79 IWJRITZ . COUEY AlP 108779 07/13/05 146,68 KRISTY IIA'1'1'lIIHS AlP 108780 07/13/05 ,00 VOIDED AlP 108781 07/13/05 3,448.52 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA AlP 108782 07/13/05 41.39 !IIlAD JOSHSON Nll'l'RITIONA AlP 108783 07/13/05 127.65 IlEDELA mc AlP 108784 07/13105 662.4J MEDIQU:tP PARTS PLUS I IN AlP 108785 07/1J/05 1,102.J5 lIERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S AlP 108786 07/1J/05 29.16 LINDA IlEYER AlP 108787 07/13/05 J38,59 MDSTAIIl . ASSOCIATES AlP 108788 07/13/05 6J.60 KRISTY PELBCB AlP 108789 07/1J/05 81,089,00 PENTAX lIEDlCAL COMPANY AlP 108790 07/13105 5,800,00 PREmER SLEEP DISORDERS AlP 108791 07/1J/05 1,000.00 POSTIIASTER AlP 108792 07l1J/05 370.50 R G . ASSOCIATES me AlP 108793 07/1J/05 127,51 RECEIVABLE MlNAGEDNT, AlP 108794 07/13/05 133.JO THE R1lll0F CORPORATIOII AlP 108795 07/13105 16,20 MAYH! SANCHEZ AlP 108796 07/1J/05 370,49 SEARS AlP 108797 07/13/05 199,69 SCRUB GEAR AlP 108798 07/1J/05 1J7,97 SHERWIN WILLIAMS AlP 108799 07/13/05 156,47 ST JOSH RECORD PROGllAMS AlP 108800 07/13/05 138.46 ANGELA K STRAUSS AlP 108801 07/13/05 J,7;l7.37 SYSCO - SAN ANrONIO, LP AlP 108802 07/13/05 656,70 STATE COIIPTROLLER AlP 10880J 07/13105 10,000,00 TlWl REHAB AlP 108804 07/1J/05 50,85 TEXAS ELE=CAL SOPPLY AlP 108805 07/13/05 73,04 TEXAS GUA.RANllEED STUDEN AlP 108806 07/13/05 395.00 TlIA AlP 108807 07/13105 2,105.17 TRI-ETATE HOSPITAL SOPP AlP 108808 07/1J/05 40.00 TRIPLE D SECURITY CORPO AlP 108809 07/1J/05 38,13 UNIFIRST HOLDmGS AlP 108810 07/13/05 45.97 UNIFORM ADVANTAGE AlP 108811 07/13105 142,50 UNITED WAY OF CALHOOll C AlP 108812 07/13/05 145,00 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTOO'-V AlP 108813 07/13/05 193,59 ELVA VELA AlP 108814 07113105 1,778.89 VBR!ZOII S01ITJlI/EST AlP 108815 07/1J/05 86.44 WALMART COMMIJNITY AlP 108816 07/1J/05 1,054.70 WASTE IIAIlAGEMENT AlP 108817 07/13/05 4,792.60 WAlJSAD BEllEFITS AlP 108818 07/1J/05 72,90 ELIZABETH WESTBROOK AlP 108819 07/1J/05 175,00 CALHOUN COONl'Y YMCA e e 29 e 30 RON DATE:08/05/05 TW:09:16 ImlORIAL IIllDICAL CEII1'ER CRECK REGISTER 07/13/05 THRU 07/13/05 BANK--CBECK---------------------------------------------------- CODE NUMEER DATE WOET PAYEE PAGE 3 GLCKREG ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 108820 07/13/05 AlP 108821 07/13/05 AlP 108822 07/13/05 AlP 108823 07/13/05 AlP 108824 07/13/05 AlP 108825 07/13/05 _AlP 108826 07/13/05 IP 108827 07/13/05 AlP 108828 07/13/05 AlP 108829 07/13/05 AlP 108830 07/13/05 AlP 108831 07/13/05 AlP 108832 07/13/05 TCYl'ALS: e e 450,00 7,74 236,73 15.40 40,85 191,25 100,00 222,03 29,86 37,00 20,26 243.99 40.00 322,569,01 CIlRISTIIIA ZAPATA-ARROYO ZIMMER OS I INC. SELPH MELVIN HOPPER ROBERT P WILLIW R CAUFIELD RlJTH OCONlilOR CHRISTINE THOIlPSON JERRY IIEllR'rBVA!I'r PAlJL CADY TANYA RAMIREZ RADL KIZER 8RE1llDA ORTIZ LYDIA M 30 31 RUN DArE,08/05/05 TII!lB,09,16 _ORIlL mEDICAL CE!/l'ER CHECK REGISTER 07/20/05 TaRD 07/20/05 RANK--CBECK---------------------------------------------------- CODR _ DATE AI!01JII'l' PAYER PAGE 1 GLCKRRG AlP 108833 07/20/05 69,90 ACE HlRDWARE - PORTER'S AlP 108834 07120/05 15,671,4) AMRRISOORCRBRRGllN DRDG AlP 108835 07/20/05 237,22 AERIFORM CORPORATION AlP 108836 07/20/05 14,22 COl/STELLATIOll NEW BNBRG AlP 108837 07/20105 1,060.86 AIRGAS-SOllTRWEST AlP 108838 07/20/05 75.40 !LCAVIS I INTERNATIONAL AlP 108839 07/20/05 2,988.72 AFLAC AlP 108840 07/20105 1,304,56 CARDINAL !ll!.U.TB AlP 108841 07/20/05 300.00 ARGYLE FIRE PROTECTION AlP 108842 07/20/05 1,011,98 AVENTIS PAS'l'Il1JR AlP 108843 07/20/05 2.781,38 BANKCARD CE!/l'ER AlP 108844 07/20105 1.124.23 Bll'l'RR !II!.U.'l'llCARE CORP AlP 108845 07/20/05 .00 VOIDBD AlP 108846 07/20105 ,00 VOIDED AlP 108847 07/20/05 36.643,88 BERGEN BRUNSWIG DRDG CO AlP 108848 07120/05 163,07 BALLARD MEDICAL PRQDUC'I' AlP 108849 07/20/05 69,00 BOSART LOCK Ii KEY :me AlP 108850 07/20/05 146,79 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC AlP 108851 07/20/05 406,55 CABLE 0IlE AlP 108852 07120/05 40.50 CALHOON C01lllI'Y AlP 108853 07120/05 232.07 RUBY CAm'1J AlP 108854 07/20/05 213.00 CYGNUS MEDICAL AlP 108855 07120/05 45.95 CENTER FOR PHLEBOTOMY E AlP 108856 07/20/05 103,84 COLB-PARMER INSTRDIlEN'l' AlP 108857 07/20/05 160,00 COI<P1JTIlR COlIMAND CORPOR AlP 108858 07/20/05 277.99 COOK !IEDICAL INCORPORAT AlP 108859 07/20/05 14,765,00 CPSI AlP 108860 07/20/05 7,179.94 DADB BEBRING AlP 108861 07120/05 145,80 HRLIllI DAVIS AlP 108862 07/20/05 5,610.97 SOORCROIlE IlEALTIICARE TB AlP 108863 07120/05 138.14 DI-CHEM, mc. AlP 108864 07120/05 1,541. 76 DIEBEL OIL CO INC AlP 108865 07120/05 68.45 RATIlERINE DIETZEL AlP 108866 07120/05 21.00 DO!IDl'O'S PIZZA AlP 108867 07120/05 7.00 DOWl'OWN CLRANI!RS AlP 108868 07/20/05 171.72 DllDWClND AlmRIC1I/ CORP AlP 108869 07120/05 45,69 FEDERAL B!PRESS CORP. AlP 108870 07120/05 1,006,80 FISHER HBAL'l'HCARE AlP 108871 07/20/05 444.61 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INSU AlP 108872 07120/05 3,569.25 FRESIlIII1lS DSA IWlDI'ACTD AlP 108873 07/20/05 24,956,71 GE IlEAL'l'llCARB FIN SRVS AlP 108874 07/20/05 112.50 G . A ELECTRONIC AlP 108875 07/20/05 789,80 GULF COAST PAPER COMPAN AlP 108876 07/20/05 40,00 GOLDEN CRRSCRIlr REGION! AlP 108877 07/20/05 3,99 H E BUTT GROCERy AlP 108878 07120105 135.27 SALLY J HICRL AlP 108879 07/20/05 79,10 HILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 108880 07/20105 98.29 PAT IlRANICKY AlP 108881 07/20105 304.85 IKON FINANCIAL SERVICES AlP 108882 07/20/05 170,00 INrOXIllETERS e - 31 e 32 RON DATB:08/05/05 TI!!IE:09:16 IIEIlORIAL MEDICAL CBl/l'BR CHECK REGISTER 01/20/05 THRD 01/20/05 BJEK--CHECK----------------------------------------____________ CODB Il1lI<BER DATE WCIlT PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG -~._---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- AlP AlP AlP AlP Alp AlP _/P IP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP eA;: IP AlP AlP AlP AlP A/P AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP AlP e 108883 07/.0/05 10E884 07/20/05 108885 07/20/05 10888607ml05 108887 07120/05 108888 07/.0/05 108889 07/20/05 108890 07/20/05 108891 07/20/05 108892 07/20/05 108893 07/20/05 108894 07/20/05 108895 07120/05 108896 07/20/05 108897 07/.0/05 108898 07/10/05 108899 07120/05 108900 07/20/05 108901 07120/05 108902 07/20/05 108903 07/20/05 108904 07/.0/05 108905 07/10/05 108906 07120/05 108907 07/20/05 108908 07/10/05 108909 07120/05 108910 07/20/05 108911 07/20/05 108911 07120/05 108913 07/.0/05 108914 07/20/05 108915 07120/05 108916 07/20/05 108917 07/.0/05 108918 07/20/05 108919 07/20/05 108920 07/20/05 108921 07/20/05 108922 07/20/05 108923 07/20/05 108924 07/20/05 108925 07/20/05 108926 07/20/05 108927 07/20/05 108928 07/20/05 108929 07/20/05 108930 07/20/05 108931 07120/05 108932 07/20/05 108933 07/.0/05 97,31 323,83 130,56 10,000,00 30.00 165.00 42.00 560.66 291.90 307,23 989.42 42.00 11,533,73 380,14 .00 1,381,97 221.50 115,24 1,457.67 92.10 657.61 887.16 137,50 31.59 76,86 932,50 83.99 1,501. 74 45.76 603.25 240,00 254,00 1,358,90 85,66 322.50 357.78 4,030,43 407.50 15,00 7,173,00 95,93 15.39 17.00 247.81 2,610.00 332,00 162,19 290,00 242.01 480,00 174,11 JAllIE JACOBY JASCO DNIFORM CO JIMSON, INC. DR, J,E.8. JOllNSON KROLL LABORATORY SPECIA VICKY KALISEK LABCORP OF AIlERlCA HOLD LAIIDAOER LIFELINE SYSTEMS me CONME:D LINVATEC CORPORA LIFELINE SYSTEmS me JOANN LEWIS MEMORIAL HEDlCAL CEN1'ER MALLINCKRODT INC VOIDED MCKESSON GENERAL IlEDICA IlEDI-GARB CO INC MOTEL 6 14275 IlEDRAP INC MEGADYNE MEDICAL IlETLIFE MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S MERRY X-RAY. SAH ANTONI LINDA IlEYER HICROTEK MEDICAL me lIlNOLTA FIllANCIAL SERVI NATIONAL IIlAGING SYSTEIl NDCEEALTH !lARVEY OLASCOAGA ORTHOPEDIC SYSTEMS, IDe DELPHINE PADRON POLYIlEDCO :me, PORT LAVACA WAVE PROGRESSIVE DINWCS QUEST DII.GNOSTICS QUEST DII.GNOSTICS RANDY'S FLOOR COMPANY RESPONsm PROVIDERS IN REGIONAL IlEDlCAL LABORA RCH PROTECT COOPERATIVE ROSS PRODUCTS MArRA SANCHEZ SB&C SCRUB GEAR SO TEX ELooD . TISSUB C SPECTRA LABORATORIES ST JOHN RECORD PROGRAMS STANFORD VACUUIl SERVICE SARA STAFF STATE NarARY COMMISSION STRYKER SALES CORP 32 33 RON DATE:08105/05 TIllIIl:09:16 IIEI!ORIAL IIBDlCAL CElmR CllIlCX IlEGlSTBR 07/20/05 THRU 07/20/05 BANK--CllIlCX---------------------------------------------------- CODB NUl!!BBR DATE AmOUNT PAYEB PAGE 3 GLCKREG AlP 108934 07/20/05 4,192.62 SISCO - SAN AIll'ONIO, LP AlP 108935 07/20/05 4,500.00 SOLUC=, LLC AlP 108936 07/20/05 5,949.38 TEXAS LINEN COOANY L'1'O AlP 108937 07/20/05 9,075.00 TOSHIBA WRICA !lBUlCAL AlP 108938 07/20/05 12,495,00 TOSHIBA AmERICA l!IEDlCAL AlP 108939 07120/05 90,00 TIllW DEPAllnmNT OF LIC e AlP 108940 07/20/05 889,20 TRI -STATE HOSPITAL sun AlP 108941 07/20/05 38.13 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS AlP 108942 07/20/05 45.00 UROLITIlllSlS LABORATORY AlP 108943 07/20/05 162,00 ELVA VELA AlP 10S944 07/20/05 1,458.32. ~IZmt SOUTHWBS'I' AlP 108945 07/20/05 830.50 VANGUARD MEDICAL CONCEP AlP 108946 07120/05 4,324.97 THE VICTORIA ADVOCATE AlP 108947 07/20/05 145.81 WALMART COMMUIIITY AlP 108948 07/20/05 66,02 ELIwm WESTBROOK AlP 108949 07/20/05 1,740.00 WATER &. POWER TECBNOLOG AlP 108950 07/20/05 320.00 CALHOUN COUIIrY TIlCA AlP 108951 07/20/05 134.75 YOlING PL1lMIlING co AlP 108952 07/20/05 259.07 REFUND DEPAR'I'MEm' AlP 108953 07/20/05 193.96 IlUMANA HEALTH CARE PLAN AlP 108954 07/20/05 60,03 ACCENT _ALS: 231,556,37 e 33 e 34 RON DATE:08/05/05 TI>IE:09:16 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENl'ER CHECK REGISTER 07/26/05 THRU 07/26/05 BANK--CBECK--------------------________________________________ conE NmlmBR DATE AMOUNT PAYEE PAGE 1 GLCKREG .-.---.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlP 108955 07/26/05 TaJ'A1S: 21,854.87 BRENDA GI>O<A 21,854,87 e e 34 e 35 R~ D1TE:08/05/05 TI>Ol:09:17 PAGE 1 GLCKREG _ORIAL IlEDlCAL CEN'lER CIlECK REGISTER 07/27/05 THRU 07/27/05 BANK--CHECK---------------------------------------------------- CODE NlJl!JlER DATE AIlO1lN'l' PAYEE -------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------.--------------------------------- A/P 108956 07/27/05 845,00 AOHP AlP 108957 07/27/05 13,48 ACE HARDWARE - PORTER I S AlP 108958 07/27/05 .00 VOIDED AlP 108959 07/27/05 6,790.33 Al!HRISOlJRCEBERGEN ORUG AlP 108960 07/27/05 35.56 AERIFORll CORPORATION AlP 108961 07/27/05 1,095.25 APPLIED mEDICAL A/P 108962 07/27/05 2,193.51 AG mCROSYSTEMS INC AlP 108963 07/27/05 108,00 AFLAC AlP 108964 07/27/05 887. 71 CARDINAL IlEALTH AlP 108965 07/27/05 207,12 AllllOl1 INTBRNATIONAL INC AlP 108966 07/27/05 443.53 ASPECT l!mDlCAL SYS'l'BMS AlP 108967 07/27/05 649.90 C R BARD mc AlP 108968 07/27/05 744,83 HAX'l'ER llEALTHCARE CORP AlP 108969 07/27/05 1,453.83 BECYJIlAN COULTER CAPITAL AlP 108970 07/27/05 660,00 BIOLUCEN'I' AlP 108971 07/27/05 570.50 BE'l'l'I!R GARDENS . CANDSC AlP 108972 07/27/05 208.55 BALLARD MEDICAL PRODUCT AlP 108973 07/27/05 1,998.00 CAL COI!I FEDERAL CREDIT AlP 108974 07/27/05 161.60 RUBY CAIll'l1 AlP 108975 07/27/05 396,97 CllANNING L BETE CO mc AlP 108976 07/27/05 17.02 CINGULAR WIRELESS AlP 108977 07/27/05 198.43 COLBY IWIllFAC'l'tJRING COR AlP 108978 07/27/05 750,00 COLDWELL BANKER. RUSSELL AlP 108979 07/27/05 681.20 CO!lPUTllR COIl1!AND CDRPOR AlP 108980 07/27/05 311.12 CQNMED CORPORATION AlP 108981 07/27/05 929.40 TIlE COUNCIL COMPANY AlP 108982 07/27/05 220,00 CPSI AlP 108983 07/27/05 649,12 CROtmE PLAZA HOTEL AlP 108984 07/27/05 49,00 MELISSA CDMPIAN AlP 108985 07127/05 145.99 DONNA DAVIS AlP 108986 07/27/05 173.75 BELEN' DAVIS AlP 108987 07/27/05 3,375.15 SOURCEONE HEALTBCARE TE AlP 108988 07/27/05 114,37 KATHERINE DIETZEL AlP 108989 07/27/05 647.31 DLR PAPER. PACKAGING A/P 108990 07/27/05 1,120,36 EECARE NOR'I'B TEXAS AlP 108991 07/27/05 20.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP, AlP 108992 07/27/05 18,570.97 GE !IEDlCAL SYSTW AlP 108993 07ll7/05 130.00 G T PICKUP i DELIVERY AlP 108994 07/27/05 31.92 GARDENLAND NlJRSEIlY AlP 108995 07/27/05 289,46 GOLF COAST PAiSA. CQMPAN AlP 108996 07/27/05 32,22 H E BU'I'I' GROCER! AlP 108997 07/27/05 395.63 HAYES ELECTRIC SERVICE AlP 108998 07/27/05 440,00 HEALTH FORCE IlEDlCAL AlP 108999 07/27/05 127.58 SALLY J HICKL AlP 109000 07/27/05 67.55 BILL COUNTRY DAIRIES AlP 109001 07/27/05 52.04 PAT HRANICKY AlP 109002 07/27/05 1,268,95 lNETI'l'llTIONAL TRUST COM AlP 109003 07/27/05 2,239.92 INSTRUIlENTATION LABORAT AlP 109004 07/27/05 207.89 IVANS A/P 109005 07127/05 61.73 JAIlIE JAC08Y e e 35 e 36 RUN DATE:08/05/05 TIIIE:09:17 IIE!ICRill IlEDlCAL CEIIl'ER CHECK REGISTER 07/27/05 THRD 07/27/05 BANK--CBECK------------________________________________________ CODE NOHBER DATE AKOCN'I' PAYEE PAGE 2 GLCKREG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlP 109006 07/27/05 AlP 109007 07/27/05 AlP 10900S 07/27/05 AlP 109009 07/27/05 AlP 109010 07/27/05 AlP 109011 07/27/05 AlP 109012 07/27/05 109013 07/27/05 e ~;: 10901407/27/05 AlP 109015 07/27/05 AlP 109016 07/27/05 AlP 109017 07/27/05 AlP 109018 07/27/05 AlP 109019 07/27/05 AlP 109020 07/J7/05 AlP 109021 07/27/05 AlP 109022 07/27/05 AlP 109023 07/27/05 AlP 109024 07/27/05 AlP 109025 07/27/05 AlP 109026 07/27/05 AlP 109027 07/27/05 AlP 109028 07/27/05 AlP 109029 07/27/05 AlP 109030 07/27/05 Alp 109031 07/27/05 AlP 109032 07/27105 AlP 109033 07/27/05 Alp 109034 07/27/05 AlP 109035 07/27/05 AlP 109036 07/27/05 AlP 109037 07/27/05 AlP 109038 07/27/05 AlP 109039 07/27/05 _/P 109040 07/27/05 IP 109041 07/27/05 AlP 109042 07/27/05 AlP 109043 07/27/05 AlP 109044 07/27105 AlP 109045 07/27/05 AlP 109046 07/27/05 AlP 109047 07/27/05 AlP 109048 07/J7/05 AlP 109049 07/27/05 AlP 109050 07/27/05 AlP 109051 07/27/05 AlP 109052 07/27/05 AlP 109053 07/27/05 AlP 109054 07/27/05 AlP 109055 07/27/05 TarA!.S: e 8,601.28 4,130,18 1,810,72 755,38 17.45 7,307.70 65.61 ,00 7,615,85 71.40 462,00 1,700.00 92,05 203,60 235,00 116.80 1,000,00 856.56 3,500,00 7,173.00 149.92 84,24 190.28 234.41 138.46 27,75 222,80 3,884.27 271. 74 10,000.00 49.00 352,54 73,90 395.00 190,40 750.00 2,828.05 360,00 38.13 297.93 142.50 470,84 131.63 1,293,68 1,030,40 52.65 87,75 623.80 300.00 264,80 123,433.20 LABCORP OF Al!ERICA HOLD LOKER PlIARIlACY IlAIIAGllIlll lIEllORill MEDICAL CENl'BR MALLINCKRODT :me !!ARTIII PRIlITIIlG CO TERRY W MCCLAIl1 eRN! JAIlE MCCARlI VOIDED MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICA mIDTRONIC USA, me. MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL S MERRY X-RAY- SAN AllTON! LINDA HEYER RAQOEL IlORALES PARRISH MOODY & FIKES I PHILIPS !!EDICA!. SYSTBIlS POSTlIASTER RANDY'S FLOOR COMPANY RADIOLOGY ll!lLIIlI'1'ED RCB PROTECT COOPERATIVE RYAN "ReO PRODOt'rS COR MlYRA SANCHEZ SCRUB GEAR STRYKER SALES CORP AIlGELA K STRADSS JAIlE SULLIVAN SWINSON HEDlCAL SYSCO - SAN A/ll'0NI0, LP TAYLOR-llIED,LLC TBAII REHAB TESTEIlGEER INC TEXAS DEPT OF SUMAN BER TEXAS GOAllAIIrEED S'l'ODEl/ THA TIGER DIRECT, INC, TRAO>lA REGIONAL Tn -STATE HOSPITAL SUPP IlARLEIlE TRIPP tJ>lIFIRST HOLDINGS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE tJ>lITED WAY OF CALHOUN C VHA SOtlTllWEST COK!IlJI1ITY ELVA VELA VERIZON SOOTIlI/EST WAL!lART COMKlJIlITY ELIWETH WESTBROOK ZIlllMER US I me. UNITD BEALTHCARE HOLLINS MICHAEL R TRAILBLAZERS HEALTH EN 36 37 e e 37 e 38 _ _ e CIHCP MONTHLY..F Y...REPORT County Name CALHOUN Report Month/Year AUGUST 2005 1. Application ICase Data Cases 1. Applications Approved During R-eport Month 33 2. Applications Denied During Report Month 12 3, Active Cases Denied During Report Month 33 II. Creditable Expenditures During Report Month 1, Phvsician Services .$ 11,320,77 2. Prescriotion Drugs .$ Zg 004,118 3, Hospital, Inoatient Services .$ 74,814.18 4, Hospita~ Outpatient Services .$ 62 861.81 5, Laboratorv/X-Ray Services .$ 2 167,85 6, Skilled Nursing Facility Services .$ -0- 7, Family Planning .$ -0- . . Subtotal .$ 180,169.49 Equals (- )1lliPORT MONJH TOTAL .$ 180,169.49 FISCAL YEAR 1,261,960.20 TOTAL $ ~~,~"-- Signature of Person Submitting Report 8 - i ,)-Os- Date Print Name and Title Monica Escalante ClliCP Coordinator 51 ~-- 39 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER PATIENT STATISTICS JULY 2005 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE PATIENTS ADMITTED 100 103 842 766 ADMISSIONS FROM ER 28 61 314 416 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 3.33 3,81 3.51 3.78 e PATIENT DAYS OF SERVICE 333 392 2,957 2,896 PERCENT OF OCCUPANCY' 42.97% 50.58% 55.53% 54.38% AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 10.74 12.65 13,88 13.60 MAXIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 17 20 27 27 MINIMUM ON ANY ONE DAY 3 7 3 2 ADJUSTED PATIENT DAYS 1,386 1,476 10,719 9,724 SWING BED DAYS 23 8 326 gO ICU PATIENTS ADMITTED 24 22 237 182 leu PATIENT DAYS 46 37 526 386 OB'S ADMITTED 12 17 84 112 OB DAYS OF SERVICE 24 35 183 236 PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS 1 4 32 23 PEDIATRIC DAYS OF SERVICE 1 8 80 46 NEWBORNS FOR MONTH 10 15 70 94 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.10 1.80 1.90 2.10 DAYS OF SERVICE 21 27 133 197 MEDICARE PATIENTS ADMITTED 52 54 447 369 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 4,15 4.63 4.24 4.49 e DAYS OF SERVICE 216 250 1,896 1,655 MEDICAID PATIENTS ADMITTED 15 16 126 133 DAYS OF SERVICE 28 34 309 338 DEATHS 0 3 22 16 AUTOPSIES 0 1 1 2 SURGERY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 9 13 73 107 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 100 106 733 827 CESAREAN SECTIONS" 2 3 13 30 TOTALS 111 122 819 964 'Based on 25 beds 63 e 40 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR OUTPATIENT VISITS 1,441 1,506 12,173 10,996 EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 789 870 5,530 5,266 TOTALS 2,230 2,376 17,703 16,262 LABORATORY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 3,760 3,750 28,740 26,092 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 15,901 15,037 124,967 107,082 TOTALS 19,661 18,787 153,707 133,174 e RADIOLOGY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 84 114 869 923 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 602 611 4,373 4,067 BONE DENSITY 30 23 190 143 NUCLEAR MEDICINE 47 137 508 707 UL TRASOUNDS 144 141 1,112 1,022 CT SCANS 266 180 1,568 1,342 MAMMOGRAPHY 83 68 587 479 MRI 99 79 824 660 TOTALS 1,355 1,353 10,031 9,343 PHARMACY: IV SOLUTIONS DISPENSED 1,108 1,238 8,888 8,708 DRUGS DISPENSED 7,737 9,118 69,328 69,629 HIGH COST DRUGS DISPENSED 1,384 2,276 11,039 7,915 TOTALS 10,229 12,632 89,255 86,252 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,917 1,412 17,805 12,642 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 674 496 6,257 4.480 e STRESS TESTS 1 2 29 21 EKGS 205 214 1,511 1,291 EEGS 5 4 34 29 TOTALS 2,802 2,128 25,636 18.463 PHYSICAL THERAPY: INPATIENT PROCEDURES 190 303 1,930 1,888 OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES 1,924 1,693 13,588 13,366 HOME HEALTH VISITS 73 139 664 902 TOTALS 2,187 2,135 16,182 16,156 64 e f1:=- 41 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR HOME HEALTH CARE: MEDICARE VISITS 725 862 5,666 5,537 OTHER VISITS 26 1 114 40 STISS 1 0 19 4 TOTALS 752 863 5,799 5,581 DIETARY: e MEALS SERVED TO PATIENTS 1,062 1,229 10,190 9,061 MEALS SERVED IN CAFETERIA 3,029 3,060 21,691 22,160 TOTALS 4,091 4,289 31,881 31,221 DIETITIAN CONSULTS COST PER PATIENT DAY WIO DEPR 4,718,12 3,696,82 3,650.71 3,434.90 INCOME PER PATIENT DAY 4,700.46 3,949.17 4,086,97 3,579.29 BREAKEVEN WIO DEPRECIATION 10,78 11.78 12.28 13.02 AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS 10.74 12.65 13.88 13.60 PATIENTS ABOVE I BELOW BREAKEVEN (0.04) 0.87 1.60 0.58 COST PER ADJ. PT. DAY WIO DEP, 1,133,76 981.64 1,007.10 1,475.45 INCOME PER ADJ. PT. DAY 1,129.52 1,048.65 1,127.45 1,537.47 65 42 e e MEMORIAL ~~8!.C;:1L II ~~:.::,~~~ (361) 552-6713 e CFO REPORT AUGUST 2005 July was a slow month, inpatient and outpatient activity levels were down from prior months. This translated to lower gross revenues. July is tbe first montb of 2005 to have revenues below $3,000,000 at $2,905,227, or $93,717 per day. As tbe saying goes, "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Therefore, we have a montb witb a net loss. CASH There is a $229,841 decrease of total cash. This is due to a decrease in revenue, and tberefore collectible cash, as well as a decrease in accounts payable of over $200,000. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Gross patient receivables decreased further in July, by a further $39,500, The days in revenue in receivable increased to 41.87. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable decreased by $205,000 to $324,597. This represents 13 days of expense tied up in payables, an indication that we are getting our vendors paid very promptly. e CURRENT RATIO The current ratio is 3.84: I. REVENUES Botb inpatient and outpatient revenues are down from prior months. Gross revenues for July are $2,905,000 and year-to-date $22,604,000. Net revenues for July are $1,565,000 and year-to-date $12,085,000. Altbough tbe July numbers are not good, tbe year-to-date numbers are quite strong, exceeding botb budget and prior year by large amounts (in excess of$l,OOO,OOO.) EXPENSES Operating expenses for July are $1,571 ,000, (Hospital general shows a negative expense ' of $38,000. This is due to workers compensation insurance. We have reduced our monthly cost to approximately $7,800, and our previous carrier is refunding $58,000 of e ")"-- 43 deposited premium for the period ending June 30, 2005, This creates a negative cost of $50,000 in workers compensation cost for July.) Year-to-date our operating expenses are $10,795,000, this exceeds budget by approximately $23,000, leaving a net operating income of $1,290,000, Our net income after depreciation expense is $462,000 year-to-date, Sincerely, k'J7l-- Jamie Jacoby, CFO 44 e e e e e e FILE 2006 CALHOUN COUNTY BUDGET WITH CALHOUN COUNTY CLERK: A Motion was made by JUdge pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the Calhoun County Budget for 2006 with the following corrections: 1. Road and Bridge Precinct #3, Department 570, Pages 73-74, Account Number 70750 of the Detailed Budget by Fund by Department be reduced from $50,001 to $8,474, This correction is necessitated due to the agreement of the Commissioners' Court to add an additional position (Equipment Operator-Heavy) by reducing the Capital Outlay In Road and Bridge Precinct #3 by an amount equal to the Saiary and Benefits of the position. The reduction of the Capitai Outlay is omitted from the onglnal document publication. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and judge pfeifer all voted In favor. PUBUC HEARING REGARDING DESIGNATION OF RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST INVESTMENT ZONE #05-01: Judge pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding designation of Ridge Property Trust Investment Zone #05-01 at 10:12 a.m. There were no public comments. Judge pfeifer closed the public hearing at 10:14 a.m. DESIGNATE RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST REINVESTMENT ZONE #05-01: A Motion was made by Judge pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to designate Ridge Property Trust Reinvestment Zone #05-01. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fntsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. APPUCATION FOR TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT WITH RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST: A Motion was made by JUdge pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Fritch to Adopt the Resolution of the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas Designating Ridge Property Trust Reinvestment Zone No. 05-01. Commissioners Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor and Commissioner Galvan voted against. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS DESIGNATING RIDGE PROPERTY TRUST REINVESTMENT ZONE NO, 05-1 WHEREAS, Ridge Property Trust filed an Application wi!b !be Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas for designation of a reinvestment zone. on May 9, 2005; and WHEREAS, pursuant to !be Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act (Texas Tax Code, Chapter 312) and the Guidelines and Criteria of !be COmmissioners Court of Calhoun County for Granting Tax Abatement in Reinvestment Zones Created in Calhoun County, (The Guidelines), !be Commissioners Court published a Notice of Public Hearing on the Application of Ridge Proper:tY Trust for designation of a reinvestment zone in the Port Lavaca Wave on August 17,2005; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court convened in open meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 10:00 o'clock a,m" pursuant to said Notice for !be purpose of conducting a Public Hearing on !be Application of Ridge Property Trust for designation of a reinvestment zone, during which hearing representatives of Ridge Property Trust presented statements and evidence in support of its Application, and whereupon all interested persons in attendance who requested to do so, were given the opportunity to speak and present evidence for or against the designation; and WHEREAS, upon conclusion of the Public Hearing. !be members of !be COmmissioners Court considered the evidence and upon motion and second, adopted the followmg resolution: 1 45 BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas: 1. The Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas makes the following [mdings: (a) That the improvements sought are feasible and practical; (b) The designation and improvements would be a benefit to the land to be included in the zone, and to the County after the expiration of the tax abatement agreement; ( c) The area will be reasonably likely as a result of the designation to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment or to attract major investment in the zone that would be a benefit to the property and that would contribute to the economic development of the County; (d) The Commissioners Court further finds that the entire 30.4785 acre (more or less) tract of land is located entirely in an unincorporated area of Calhoun County, Texas; 2. Based upon its findings, the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas concludes that Ridge Property Trust Application for Designation of Reinvestment Zone dated May 9, 2005 should be and is hereby approved. 3. A metes and bounds description of the Reinvestment Zone is contained in Exhibit "I," is attached hereto, incorporated by reference and made a part hereof for any and all purposes. Also attached to this Resolution is a plat indicating the boundaries and location of the Reinvestment Zone. The plat is marked Exhibit "2," incorporated by reference and made a part hereof for any and all purposes. 2 46 e e e e e e 4. The Reinvestment Zone is hereby designated as eligible for commercial-industrial tax abatement, subject to approval of any application for tax abatement by the Commissioners Court. 5. The tract ofland containing 30.4785 acres is hereby designated as Ridge Property Trust Reinvestment Zone 05-1 and is eligible for commercial-industrial tax abatement. 6. This designation of a reinvestment zone shall expire five years from the date of this resolution. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, on this 25th day of August, 2005. COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ~Lkf 9~ Michael Pfeifer, C Judge ATTEST: t. 3 i=- 47 @f!~i-'.T...&;;~i !2f!yle & Wachtstetter.lnc !~ Surveying and Mapping' GPS/GlS ..(; , RIDGE SEADRlFT 1, L.P. 30.4785 ACRE WAREHOUSE TRACT JOSE MIGUEL CORTEZ LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 9 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS PAGE 10F2 e ALL THAT CERTAIN 30.4785 ACRE tract of land lying and situated in the Jose Miguel Cortez League, Abstract 9, Calhoun County, Texas, being the same called 30.4785 acre tract of land conveyed by deed on February 24, 2005 from Union Carbide Corporation to Ridge Seadrift I, L.P., as recorded in Clerk's File No. 00090957, Volume 395, Page 835 of the Calhoun County Official Records (C.C.O.R.), and being a portion of all that certain called 235.295 acre tract of land conveyed by deed on March 27, 1964 from T. A. McDonald to Union Carbide Corporation, as recorded in Volume 201, Page 327 of the Calhoun County Deed Records (C.C.D.R.), said 30.4785 acre tract hereby conveyed being more particularly described by metes and bounds, using survey terminology which refers to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone (NAD83), in which the directions are Lambert grid bearings and the distances are surface level horizontal lengths (S.F.= 0.999967841) as follows: COMMENCING at a concrete monument with broken top located in the Northwest boundary of the Jose Miguel Cortez League, Abstract 9, same being the Southeast boundary line of the Enriquez Rendon League, Abstract 31, being the West comer of the aforementioned all that certain called 235.295 acre tract of land conveyed by deed on March 27, 1964 from T. A. McDonald to Union Carbide Corporation, as recorded in Volume 201, Page 327 of the C.C.D.R., same being the South comer of all that certain called 998.634 acre tract of land conveyed in Tract 1, by deed on May 2, 1952 from Mary A. Stofer and husband John G. Stofer to Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, as recorded in Volume 81, Page 408 of the C.C.D.R., being located in the Northwestern boundary line of a 150 foot wide Calhoun County Canal as recorded in Volume 51, Page 129, of the C.C.D.R., and also being located in the Northeastern boundary line of the 100 foot wide Missouri- e Pacific, St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway as recorded in Volume W, Page 521, of the C.C.D.R., said Point of Commencement being located at position X=2684638.90 and Y=13371481.l5; THENCE South 33033'24" East, coincident with the Northeastern boundary line of the 100 foot wide Missouri-Pacific, St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway, same being the Southwestern boundary line of said Union Carbide Corporation called 235.295 acre tract, a distance of 2722.62 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with survey cap set for the South comer of the said Union Carbide Corporation called 235.295 acre tract, same being the West comer of all that certain called 101.36 acre tract of land conveyed by deed on December 19,2000 from Waller Pilgram, Jr. to Pilgram- Brady Fanns, as recorded in Clerk's File No. 0066482 and being Volume 268, Page 694 of the Calhoun County Official Records, at position X=2686143.82 and Y=133692 1 2.35; THENCE North 52036'36" East, coincident with the Southeastern boundary line of said Union Carbide Corporation called 235.295 acre tract, same being the Northwestern boundary line of said Pilgram-Brady Fanns 101.36 acre tract, a distance of 514.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod with survey cap set for the South comer of the aforementioned Ridge Seadrift I, L.P. 30.4785 acre tract, at position X=2686552.97 and Y=13369525.06; 131 Commerce Street. Clute, Texas 77531-5601 Phone: 979-265-3622. Fax: 979-265-9940 . Email: DW-Survevor.com e 48 RIDGE SEADRIFT 1: L.P. 30.4785 ACRE WAREHOUSE TRACT JOSE MIGUEL CORTEZ LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 9 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS PAGE20F2 e THENCE North 33034'58" West, coincident with the Southwestern boundary line of the said Ridge Seadrift I, L.P. 30.4785 acre tract, a distance of 709.56 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with survey cap set for the West comer of the herein described 30.4785 acre tract, at position X=2686160.49 and Y=133701 16.17; THENCE North 52036'36" East, coincident with the Northwestern boundary line of the said Ridge Seadrift 1, L.P. 30.4785 acre tract, a distance of 1851.65 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with survey cap set for the North comer of the herein described 30.4785 acre tract, at position X=2687631.62 and Y=13371240.53; THENCE South 37023 '24" East, coincident with the Northeastern boundary line of the said Ridge Seadrift I, L.P. 30.4785 acre tract, a distance of 708.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with survey cap set in the Southeastern boundary line of the aforementioned Union Carbide Corporation called 235.295 acre tract, same being the Northwestern boundary line of the said Pilgram-Brady Farms called IOI.36 acre tract, for the East comer of the herein described 30.4785 acre tract, at position X=2688061.53 and Y=13370678.03; THENCE South 52036'36" West, coincident with the Southwestern boundary line of the said Ridge Seadrift I, L.P. 30.4785 acre tract and the Southeastern boundary line of said Union Carbide Corporation called 235.295 acre tract, same being the Northwestern boundary line of said Pilgram- Brady Farms IOI.36 acre tract, a distance of 1898.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 30.4785 acres ofIand, more or less. ~~~ Wm. Patrick Doyle Registered Professional Land SUn'eyor Texas Registration Number 4467 April 26, 2005 e This description is based on a survey, aplar afwhich. dated Apri/26. 2005 is Of/file in the office a/Doyle & Wachtstetter, Inc. LcgallpallDow Seadrifl Warehouse 30.4785 Ac Tl1Ict.doc e 49 PUBUC HEARING REGARDING LOCAL INCENTIVES TO BE OFFERED FOR TEXAS ENTERPRISE ZONE PROJECTS: Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding local incentives to be offered for Texas Enterprises Zone Projects at 10:16 a,m. There were no public comments. Judge Pfeifer closed the public hearing at 10:20 a,m, ORDER NOMINATING SEADRIFT COKE. L.P. AS AN ENTERPRISE ZONE PROJECT: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Finster to Adopt the Order Nominating Seadrift Coke, L.P. as an Enterprise Zone Project, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ORDER AN ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS, ORDAINING THE COUNTY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS ENTERPRISE ZONE ACT, CHAPTER 2303, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (ACT), PROVIDING TAX INCENTTVES, DESIGNATING A LIAISON FOR COMMUNICATION WITH INTERESTED PARTIES, AND NOMINATING SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. TO THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM (EDT) THROUGH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK (BANK) AS AN ENTERPRISE PROJECT (PROJECT). WHEREAS, the Conunissioners Court of the County of Calhoun, Texas desires to create the proper economic and social environment to induce the investment of private resources in productive business enteIprises located in severely distressed areas of the city and to provide employment-to residents of such area; and e WHEREAS, the project or activity is not located in an area designated as an enteIprise zone; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 2303, Subchapter F of the Act, SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. has applied to the County for designation as an enteIprise project; and WHEREAS, the County fmds that SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. meets the criteria for tax relief and other incentives adopted by the County on the grounds that it will be located at the qualified business site, will create a higher level of employment, economic activity and stability; and WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider this order was held by the Commissioners Court on August 25, 2005; Now, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS THAT: Section I: The County nominates SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. for enteIprise project status. e Section 2: The following local incentives, at the election of the governing body, are or will be made available to the nominated project or activity of the qualified business: a) See Exhibit "A". 50 Section 3: The County of Calhoun Commissioners Court directs and designates its as the County's liaison to communicate and negotiate with the EDT through the Bank and enterprise project(s) and to oversee zone activities and communications with qualified businesses and other entities in an enterprise zone or affected by an enterprise project. Section 4: The County finds that SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. meets the criteria for designation as an enterprise project under Chapter 2303, Subchapter F of the Act on the fOllowing grounds: e (a.) SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. is a "qualified business" under Section 2303.402 of the Act since it will be engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business at a qualified business site within the governing body's jurisdiction, located outside of an enterprise zone and at least thirty-five percent (35%) of the business' new employees will be residents of an enterprise zone or economically disadvantaged individuals; and (b.) There has been and will continue to be a high level of cooperation between public, private, and neighborhood entities in the area; and (c.) The designation of SEADRIFT COKE, L.P. as an enterprise project will contribute significantly to the achievement of the plans of the County for development and revitalization of the area. Section 5; The enterprise project shall take effect on the date of designation of the enterprise project by EDT and terminate five (5) years following the designation, e Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law and charter in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of August, 2005, '7ruA~.f ~~ Michael Pfei er, ty Judge Attest: b~ ~~e,~er~ Ih~ 2 e 51 Texas Enterprise Zone Nominating Order Exhibit A Calhonn Connty - Local Incentives: I. Tax abatement up to seven (7) years, on a case-by-case basis. 2. Zoning ChangesNariances on a case-by-case basis, 3. Building Code Exemptions granted within the parameters of the State Code, on a case-by-case basis. 4. Fee waivers, on a case-by-case basis, 5. Streamlined permitting for expedited service to new and expanding businesses, 6. Enhanced county services, including the provision of Emergency and Disaster Response Plan. 7. Increased Police Protection as the County has a police force. 8. Community crime prevention programs coordinated with the County Sheriff. 9. Improvements in Public Facilities, as needed and funded. 10, Infrastructure Improvements, as needed and funded, II. Road repairs in the County, as needed and funded. 12. Creation or improvement of Parks, as needed and funded. 13. Business and Industrial Development Services by participation in the Calhoun County Economic Development Corporation, as funded. 14. Public land for development pUIJloses, as available. 15. Promotion and marketing service coordinated with the Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission, as well as the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce, the City of Port Lavaca and the Calhoun County Economic Development Corporation. 16. Job training for County residents provided free of charge when they successfully participate in the Calhoun County Independent School District computer literacy classes for adults. 17. Retraining program coordinated with the Texas Workforce Commission and the Victoria College. 18. Literacy and Employment Skills Program by offering the services of Literacy Volunteers of Calhoun County, the Texas Workforce Commission and Calhoun County ISD. 52 e e e PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MAnER OF A REOUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO LOCAL DEADLINE FOR FARMERS APPLYING 2 4-0 TO CROPLAND: Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing regarding the request for an amendment to local deadline for farmers applying 2 4-D to cropland at 10:21 a.m. There were no public comments. Judge Pfeifer closed the public hearing at 10:22 a.m. AMENDMENT TO LOCAL DEADLINE FOR FARMERS APPLYING 2.4-0 TO CROPLAND: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve the amendment to local deadline for farmers applying 2, 4-D to cropland. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. AWARD EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFITS FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1. 2005 AND ENDING OCTOBER 1. 2006: Commissioner Galvan spoke on behalf of the Committee he feels personally that in the future the County needs to consider going self insured but for this year the Committee and himself feel TAC is who the County needs to stay with. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Judge Pfeifer to. stay with TAC beginning October 1, 2005 and ending October 1, 2006, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. ISSUES RELATING TO NEW JAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: Mark Crippen spoke to the Court in regards to the issues relating to the New Jail Construction Project, he stated that as of now the contractor is still forecasting a completion date on or around December 15th. Commissioner Balajka keeps pushing the contractor to provide more manpower on the construction site so that the schedule will be more in line with the completion contract date of October 6th 2005. All of the precast wall panels are in place, half of the roof is installed and the other half should be done in two to three weeks. The jail parking lot change order documents have been sent to Krueger for pricing and should be back in a few weeks. e ISSUES RELATING TO THE CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATIONS PROJECT: Mark Crippen spoke to the Court in regards to the issues relating to the Calhoun County Courthouse Renovations Project. The Environmental Abatement was awarded for around $90,000 and the contractor LVI did a great job and missed their contract date by only a few days the final walk through will be today. REOUEST BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PRECINCT #2 FOR PETlY CASH FUND: A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Judge Pfeifer to approve the request made by Justice of the Peace Precinct #2 for Petty Cash Fund, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, AMEND 2005 SALARY ORDER. APPROPRIATION FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE OFFICE. PRECINT 5 TO CORRECT ERROR, THE ANNUAL OFFICE ALLOWANCE IS $3.600 PAYABLE AT THE BI-WEEKLY RATE OF $138.46: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to Amend 2005 Saiary Order, Appropriation for Justice of Peace Office, Precinct 5 to correct error. The Annual Office Allowance is $3,600 payable at the Bi-Weekly Rate of $138.46. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, PROPOSAL BY G & W ENGINEERS. INC. TO PROVIDE WINDSTORM CERTIFICATION WORK FOR CALHOUN COUNTY COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT: e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch to accept the Proposal by G & W Engineers, Inc. to provide Windstorm Certification Work for Calhoun County Courthouse Renovation Project, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ABANDON LOTS 6. 7.8 , 9 AND 10 OF LIGHTHOUSE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. PORT O'CONNOR. TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to abandon Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of lighthouse Estates Subdivision, Port O'Connor, Texas. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. 53 APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR UGHTHOUSE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. RESUBDMSION NO.1: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the Final Plat for Lighthouse Estates Subdivision, Resubdivision No, 1. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. SEE ATTACHED PLAT ~ -- 54 e e e e _ _ RENEWAL OF INTERLOCAL COOPERAnON CONTRACT WITH GENERAL LAND OFFICE CGLO CONTRACT NO. 04-1951 AT NAVIGAnON HARBOR. SEADRIFT. TEXAS: A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the Renewal of Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the General Land Office (GLO Contract No. 04-195) at Navigation Harbor, Seadrift, Texas and authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign the contract, Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT GLO CONTRACT No. 06-072 (Renewal of GLO Contract No. 04-195) This Interlocal Cooperation Contract (Contract) is entered into by and between the GENERAL LAND OFFICE (GLO) and CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS (COW1ty), pursuant to the authority grantad by and in compliance with the provisions of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, See, 791.001, et seq., Tex. Gov't Code Ann, (Vernon 2004 & Supp. 2005), RECITALS WHEREAS, the GLO has been designated the lead State agency for response to oil spills in coastal waters and the COW1ty is the operator of a mobile bilge water pumpout unit (Mobile Unit) and two (2) polyethylene storage tanks at Navigation Harbor, Seadrift, Texas; and WHEREAS, the GLO and the COW1ty are mutually committed to minimizing the threat to Texas coastal waters from the: u"authorized discharge from vessels of oil and oily bilge wastewater; and WHEREAS, in further;,,,"e of the goal of keeping Texas coastal waters, estuaries, marshes, tidal flats, beaches, and public bads as pristine as possible, the GLO desires to prevent W1authorized discharges of oil by providing assistance to the COW1ty in connection with the placement and maintenance of the Mobile Uilll and polyethylene storage tanks for receipt of oily bilge wastewater discharges from vessels operating in Texas coastal waters and the Gulf of Mexico; and WHEREAS, the GLO will provide the Mobile Unit to the COW1ty and wilI assist the COW1ty in maintaining the Mobile Unit; and WHEREAS, the County has a!,'Teed to operate and maintain the Mobile Unit; NOW, THEREFORE for, and in consideration of, the mutual covenants herein contained, the GLO and the County agree as folIows: ARTICLE!. PURPOSE 1.01 PROJECT. In strict conformance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, the County will operate and maintain the Mobile Unit and two (2) polyethylene storage tanks (project). 1.02 PROJECT MANAGERS. The GLO and the County shalI each designate a single point of contact as its liaison for resolution of issues relative to the operation and maintenance of the Mobile GLO Contract No. 06-072 Page 1 of 8 55 Unit. Subject to change with notice to the other party, the GLO designates Mr, Dale Smith, Oil Spill Prevention and Response Division, as its Project Manager and the County designates The Honorable Kenneth W. Finnster, Commissioner of Precinct No.4, as its Project Manager. ARTICLE n. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2,01, RESTRICTED USE. The Mobile Unit and polyethylene storage tanks shall be used only for the disposal of used oil and oily bilge wastewater from commercial fishing and recreational vessels, and will not be used for disposal of any other type of material or waste from a vessel or from any other facility. Any other use of the Mobile Unit and polyethylene storage tanks must be authorized in advance, in writing, by the GLO. e 2.02. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, The County agrees to comply with all applicable State and federal regulations, permit conditions, contingency plans, and other laws, regulations, and requirements imposed by law including, but not limited to, regulations goveming the disposal or recycling of used oil or oily waste, The GLO agrees to waive any fee that migl).t be required of the County for obtaining a discharge prevention and response certificate for the Mobile Unit pursuant to the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act, and to assist the County in planning for and responding to unauthorized discharges of oil fromthe Mobile Unit. 2,03, LIMITED ACCESS. The County will make the Mobile Unit available for use by the public. When it is not being used, the Mobile Unit will be stored in a secure location on County property. 2.04. USE BY THE GLO AND UNITED STATES COAST GUARD (USCG). The County agrees that the Mobile Unit will be made available for disposal of oily water generated by the GLO or the USCG during an oil spill response if the quantity and quality of the oily water does not exceed the capacity of the Mobile Unit. Both the GLO's Project Manager and the County's Project Manager must agree to allow the disposal of oily water at the Mobile Unit by either the GLO or the USCG. No disposal' of extremely heavy oil, weathered oil, sludge, tar, asphalt, or oil with dangerously high concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene or toluene, will be allowed. e ARTICLE m. OPERATION OF THE MOBILE UNIT AND STORAGE TANKS 3.01. COUNTY OBLIGATIONS, The County will provide the following services: (a) Operating and Maintaining the Mobile Unit. The County will provide services for the operation and maintenance of the Mobile Unit including, but not limited to, the following: (i) operating, cleaning, and maintaining the Mobile Unit in good working condition; monitoring its daily operation; and collecting data on its use; (ii) notifYing the GLO Project Manager regarding any necessary repairs to the Mobile Unit or polyethylene storage tanks; GLO Contract No. 06~072 Page 2 of 8 e 56 (iii) (iv) (v) e (vi) ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations, permit conditions, contingency plans, and waste disposal and other applicable laws and regulations for operating the Mobile Unit; operating the Mobile Unit during normal business hours and assuring that it will be available and easily accessible to the public for the discharge of used oil and oily bilge wastewater; notifYing the GLO, as soon as possible, when the Mobile Unit cannot be used for disposal of used oil and oily bilge wastewater due to needed repairs, maintenance, or for any other reason; and assisting in the discharge of oily bilge wastewater from vessels into the Mobile Unit. (b) Preparing and Submitting Reports to the GLO. Upon request, the County shall report to the GLO the quantity of oil and water that has been collected by the Mobile Unit. The County shall also provide, upon request, copies of any manifests that it received as a result of the transportation of oil to an oil recycler or disposal facility and copies of the declarations of inspection generated during the quarter. ( c) Assisting vessels discharging waste oil to the Mobile Unit. When a vessel has requested permission to clischarge into the Mobile Unit, a trained employee of the County will: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) e (vi) complete a declaration of inspection form (provided by the GLO) every time any vessel discharges oily bilge wastewater into the Mobile Unit; monitor the operation of the vessel discharging oily bilge wastewater into the Mobile Unit; monitor the Mobile Unit's components to ensure there are no accidental overflows; after the vessel has completed the discharge of oily bilge wastewater into the Mobile Unit, ensure that the oily bilge wastewater is pumped from the Mobile Unit into a polyethylene storage tank; after transfening the oily bilge wastewater into the polyethylene tank, ensure that all valves are closed and secured, both on the Mobile Unit and the polyethylene tank; and after transfening the oily bilge wastewater into the polyethylene tank, ensure that the Mobile Unit is stored in a secure location on county-owned property. (d) Maintainiug Project Records, The County shall keep the declarations of inspection for vessels that discharge oily bilge wastewater into the Mobile Unit for at least three (3) years. The County shall also require, file, and maintain copies of receipts or manifests from any waste oil recycling or clisposal company thai removes waste oil from the Mobile Unit or the two polyethylene storage tanks, In addition, the County shall maintain records of the quantity of oil and water collected by the Mobile Unit. 3,02, GLO OBLIGATIONS. The GLO will provide the following services to assist in the operation of the Mobile Unit: e GLO Contract No. 06-072 Page 3 of 8 57 (a) The GLO wiIl make necessary repairs to the Mobile Unit and polyethylene storage tanks to ensure the equipment is capable of being used by the County to collect oily bilge wastewater from vessels; and (b) The GLO will arrange and pay for the pick-up and transport of the oily wastewater collected from vessels using the Mobile Unit and stored in the polyethylene storage tanks. (c) The GLO will regularly visit and monitor the Mobile Unit to determine whether it is being operated in accordance with the terms of this Contract. e 3.03. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLEAN-UP COSTS FOR UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGES OF OIL THAT ENTER TEXAS COASTAL WATERS. In the event of an unauthorized discharge of oil from the Mobile Unit into Texas coastal waters that is not caused by an act or omission of a third party, the GLO will be solely responsible for all clean-up and disposal costs associated with the spill. Irl'the event of an unauthorized discharge of oil from the Mobile Unit caused by an act or omission of a third party, the GLO may designate the third party as the responsible party for the discharge. The GLO reserves the right to designate the County as the responsible party for an unauthorized discharge of oil into Texas coastal waters caused by the gross negligence of a County employee or contractor. ARTICLE IV, MONETARY COMPENSATION 4.01. CONSIDERATION. For and in consideration of the County's satisfactory perfonnance under this Contract, the GLO shall pay the County an amount not to exceed Two THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) annually for the maintenance and operation of the Facility for a total amount not to exceed FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,000.00). Payments shall be made by the GLO on or about August 31, 2006, for Fiscal Year 2006, and August 31, 2007, for Fiscal Year 2007, for actual costs incurred by the County, which have been previously approved by the GLO project manager and submitted forreimbursement in accordance with Section 5,02 of this Contract. 4.02. EXPENDITURES. The County shaIl keep accurate records of all labor, equipment, and material expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of the Mobile Unit. The records will be subject to review and audit by the GLO or its duly authorized agent upon written request to the County. . e \'. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 5,01, APPROPRIATIONS. Payments shall be made by the respective parties from proper appropriation items or accounts II<,nnally used for like expenditures, 5,02, REIMBURSEMENT. Thc County shall obtain approval from the GLO project manager prior to any expenditure related to the Project. In addition, the County shall submit a written request for reimbursement for approved Project costs within thirty (30) days of the date of the expenditure for which reimbursement is sought. Requests for reimbursement must be supported by GLO Contract No. 06~072 Page 4 ofB e 58 e e e documentation which, in the judgment of the GLO, allows for full substantiation of the costs incurred, The County also agrees to provide any additional docwnentation requested by the GLO. VI. PROJECT AUDIT 6,01 BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contracts, subcontracts, invoices, and other requITed docwnentation to evidence and properly support the actual Project costs shall be maintained by the County for a period of four (4) years and delivered to the GLO On request. The GLO reserves the right to audit any County account related to the expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the Mobile Unit and any records requITed to be retained by the County, VII. TERM OF CONTRACT 7.01 DURATION. This Contract shall become effective on September I, 2005, and shall tenninate upon completion of the Project or on August 31, 2007, unless extended or renewed by the Parties, or terminated earlier as provided below. 7.02 EARLY TERMINATION. If an issue arises that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the Parties, either party may notify the other party in writing of the unresolved issue. If the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved within fourteen (14) days of the written notification, either party may terminate this Contract with seven (7) days' written notice. Early tennination will be subject to an equitable settlement of the respective interests of the Parties accrued up to the date of termination. 7.03 DISPUTE RESOLUTION. If a contract dispute arises that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the Parties, either party may notify the other party in writing of the dispute. If the parties are unable to satisfactorily resolve the dispute within fourteen (14) days of the written notification, the GLO may require the issuers) to be mediated. In such event, the GLO shall so notifY the County and furnish the County with the names of three (3) mediators acceptable to the GLO, Within ten (l0) days of such notice, the County shall select a mediator from the list provided by GLO and notifY the GLO. The mediation shall occur within 'thirty (30) days of such notification, Prior to the mediation, each party will provide the mediator with a statement of issues to be mediated, along with any other information or docwnents required by the mediator. Cost of the mediator shall be borne equally by the Parties, Any dispute resolution shall be conducted in accordance with TEX. GOV'TCODEANN. ch. 2260 (Vernon 2004 & Supp, 2005). ARTICLE VIII. EVENTS OF DEFAULT 8.01, EVENTS. Each instance of the County's or the GLO's failure to comply with any material term, covenant or provision contained in this Contract shall constitute an event of default (Event of Default) under this Contract. 8,02. REMEDIES, Upon the occurrence of any such Event of Default, both the County and the GLO shall be entitled to avail themselves of any equitable or legal remedy. GLO Contract No. 06-072 Page 5 of 8 1,':- 59 8,03. NO WAIVER. No waiver of any Event of Default shall be considered a waiver of any other or subsequent Event of Default, and no delay or omission in the exercise or enforcement of the rights and powers of the GLO or the County shall be construed as a waiver of any such rights or powers. ARTICLE IX, MISCELLANEOUS 9.01. SUBCONTRACTS; It is mutually understood and agreed that the COlmty may subcontract with others for some or all of the services to be performed hereunder. The County shall legally bind any such subcontractors to perform and make such subcontractors subject to all the duties, requirements, and obligations of the County specified herein. Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve the County of the responsibility for ensuring that the services rendered comply with all the terms and provisions of this Contract. The County will provide the GLO with copies of all subcontracts and all amendments, cancellations, or terminations of such subcontracts upon request. e 9.02, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is further mutually understood and agreed that the County is contracting with the GLO as an independent contractor and AGREES TO HOLD THE GLO HARMLESS TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE COUNTY, ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES BY THE COUNTY OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS UNDER THIS CONTRACT. 9.03, HISTORICALLY UNDERUTlLIZED BUSINESSES (HUBs). In accordance ''lith state law, it is the policy of the GLO to make good faith effort to assist HUBs, whether minority or women-owned, to participate whenever possible in providing goods and services, The GLO encourages those parties with whom it contracts for the provision of goods and services to adhere to this same philosophy in selecting subcontractors to assist in fulfilling the obligations of this Contract. The County will provide the Purchasing Department of the GLO with pertinent details of any participation by a HUB in fulfilling the duties and obligations arising hereunder. e 9,04, NON-DISCRIMINATION. The County assures and shall obtain assurances from all its subcontractors that no person shall, on grounds of race, creed, color, handicap, national origin, Or sex, be excluded from, denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program Or activity funded in whole or part under this Contract. 9.05. NO DEBT. This Contract shall not be construed as creating any debt on behalf of the State of Texas and/or the GLO in violation of See, 49, Art. III of the State Constitution. In compliance with Sec. 6, Art. VIII of the Constitution, it is understood that all obligations of the GLO are subject to the availability of funds. If such funds are not appropriated or become unavailable, this Contract may be terminated. In that event, the Parties shall be discharged from further obligations, subject to the equitable settlement of their respective interests accrued up to the date oftennination, GLQ Contract No. 06-072 Page6of8 e 'I -- 60 {.:; 9.06, GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Texas. Venue of any suit brought for breach of this contract shall be fixed in any court of competent jurisdiction in Austin, Travis County, Texas; provided, however, the foregoing shall not be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either party, e 9,07, SEVERANCE. Should anyone or more provisions of this Contract be held to be void, voidable, or for any reason whatsoever of no force and effect, such provision(s) shall be construed as severable from the remainder of this Contract and shall not affect the validity of all other provisions of this Contract, which shall remain in full force and effect. 9.08, NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered under this Contract shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, retum receipt requested, addressed to the GLO or Provider, as the case may be, at the address set forth below: GLO: General Land Office 1700 N. Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 Attention: Legal Services Division Provider: Calhoun County POBOX 177 Seadrift, TX 77983 Attention: The Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer Notice given in any other manner shall be deemed effective only if and when received by the party to be notified, Either party may change its address for notice by written notice to the other party as herein provided, e 9.09, HEADINGS. The headings contained in this Contract are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Contract. 9.10. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. Incorporated by reference the same as if specifically written herein are the I'll ies, regulations, and all other requirements imposed by law, including but not limited to compi;;mce with those pertinent rules and regulations of the State of Texas and those of federal agencies providing funds to the State of Texas, all of which shall apply to the performance ofthe Services under this. Contract. REMAI,\" fit OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK GLO Contract No. 06-072 Page 7 of 8 e 61 9.11. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement of thc Parties. No other agreement, statement, or promise that is not contained in this Contract shall bc binding except a subsequent written modification signed by both Parties, The GLO certifies that it has the authority to enter into this Contract by virtue of the authority granted in the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act, Texas Natural Resources Code, Section 40,007. The County certifies that it has the authority to enter into this Contract by virtue of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Gov't Code 791.001, et seq. THE PARTIES mutually bind themselves to the faithful perfonnance of this Contract. GENERAL LAND OFFICE CALHOUN COUNTY By: '7Yu d..,f~ ~ Name: Michae J. Peifer Title: Calhoun County Judge Larry L. Laine, Chief Clerk! Deputy Land COlIlIlllssioner Date of execution: Date of execution: August 25, 2005 4SA~ 1 DIY. G,C GLO Contract No. 06-072 Page 8 of 8 62 e e e GRANT UTITILITY EASEMENT TO VICTORIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ON CALHOUN COUNTY PRECINCT #4 YARD SITE LOCATED AT DENMAN DRIVE. PORT O'CONNOR. TEXAS. TO INSTALL ELECTRICAL POLE FOR UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS WEATHER STATION: e A Motion was made Commissioner Finster and seconded'by Commissioner Balajka to grant a Utility Easement to Victoria Electric Cooperative on Calhoun County Precinct #4 yard site located at Denman Drive, Port O'Connor, Texas, to install electrical pole for University of Texas Weather Station and authorize Judge Pfeifer to sign. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Galvan, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. Name: l).-TEI( CTR C::",f'.5' Map Number. Account Number. Connect # 303/ (,.5'"0 UTIUTY EASEMENT AND COVENANT OF ACCESS STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF f ,,/J.OUYl That the undelSigned, hereinafler called "Grantor" (whether one or mora) for good and valuable conslderaUon Including the approval8nd execuUon of an Electric Service, Agreement by VICTORIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC, (hereinafler called the "CooperaUvej does hereby covenant access to and grant, sell, and convey unto the COoperative an easement and right-Of-way upon andaCIQss the following described property of grantor. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The right-of-way, easement, rights and privileges herain granted shall be used for the purpose of providing elecltic and other uUlIty sarvice Including placing, constructing, operaUng, repairing, inspecting, rebuilding, replacing, removing, relocating electric lines, transmissions or distlibution facilities or equipment, other utility lines, as well as reading any meter or performing any act related to the provision of utility servlca. The CooperaUve Is speclflcally granted pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress. e The easement righls herein described shall be no broader than reasonably necessary to provide elecltic and other utility sarvica. The width of the easament shall be 20 feet, on...half (1/2) of such distance on either side of Cooperative's lines, poles, or other facilities. The height of the easement shall be from 15 feet beneath the surface of the ground and coelum. " The easement right, and privilege herein granted shaU be pelpOtual, appurtenant to the land, and shall inure to the benefit of the COoperative's successors and assigns. Grantor represents that he Is the owner of the above-described tract of land and binds himself, his heilS,assigns, and legal representatives to warrant and forever defend the easement and rights described herein to the Cooperative, its successors and assigns. The CooperaUve shall have the light to use so much of the sulfate of the hereinbefore described property of Grantor as may be reasonably "necessary to contract and install within the right of way granted hereby the facilities that may at any time be necessary for the purposes herein specified. The Cooperative shall have the right to clear the right-of.way of all obstructions, to cut and trim trees within the right-of-way, Grantor further covenants that Grantor, his heirs, successors and assigns shall facilitate and assist Cooperative P8lSOnnel In exerclsing their rights and privileges herein described at all reasonable times. WITNESS mv HAND_,this~dayof At1~lRt A.D., e THE STATE OF TEXAS X~~;~~r~ l( Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge (Name typed or Legibly Printed) COUNTY OF Calhoun BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mi r.n1'lP- l.r Pfei fe-r I known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknOWledge to me that he exacutad tha same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. " GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 25 day of August ~~ - ~ Notary Public in an~ . ,Texas e .......1lIloy NolwyPllbllc,_ClfT_ ..,- '-*--~ _1.... 63 COUNTY REPORTS: The Extension Service presented their monthly reports for June and July 2005 and the Tax Assessor/Collector, JP 5 and County Treasurer presented their monthly reports for July 2005 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, d~ e TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONERS COURT Selected Major Activities Since Last Report June 2005 Jun I Jun2 Jun3 Jun6 Jun 7 JunS Jun9-10 Jun 13 Jun 14-17 Jun 20 Jun21 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun27 Jun 28 Jun 29 1,230.1 miles · Denotes Night or Weekend Activity Date Dailv Account Sick Leave. Farm Visit (1), Kemper Road. Checked experimental com variety test for progress. Participated in a District 11 Horse Show plan..tiJigmecting via Centra Symposium. Office Management. Responded to Clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources, Assisted office staffwith general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Farm Visits (3). FM 1679 - checked cotton, com, and sorghum variety trials. Project Visit (I). FM 2433- checked 4-H livestock projects (steer. goat), Major Show Steer Validation, Six-Mile Area - 5 attended. Tagged ten steers for Texas major shows. e Established Result Demonstration, Olivia - 3 attended. Applied six treatments for control of green fJatsedge on a five acre plot in Olivia. Office Management. Responded to Clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staff with general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Office Management. Conference with Y outhl4.H Coordinator to determine progress since hire date. Artificial Insemination School, Bovine Elite, College Station - I attended. Attended a professional development school to assist with facilitation of beef cattle education program. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staffwith general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Prepared for Calhoun County Crop Tour. Calhoun County Crop Tour - 57 attended. Seed representatives, producers, and specialists attended a program that toured each varieiy test where seed reps discussed variety merits, Specialists also condncted a program concerning current "applied research projects. Administrative Conference, Corpus Christi - met with District Extension Administrator to discuss mid-year review. ' County Interpretation, Bauer Exhibit Building - 6 attended, Met with Calhoun County Commissioners Court to discuss past programs and future programs. District II Horse Show, Brenham - assisted with the management of this district 4-H event. District 11 Horse Show, Brenham - assisted with the management of this district 4-H event. Major Show Steer Validation, Seadrift Area, Waelder Ranch - I attended. Tagged two steers for Texas major shows. e Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staff with general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Major Show Steer Validation, Six-Mile Area - 3 attended. Tagged one steer for Texas major shows, 64 e e e Date Jun 30 Dailv Account Project Visit (I), Six-Mile - Finalized paperwork for major show steer validation. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staffwith general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Community Educational Outreach Summary 76 119 275 2 285 Office Visits Phone Calls E-mails & Correspondence News Releases AgINR Newsletters Jnly 2005 Upcoming Events/Activities/Programs Date July I July 5 July 9 - I3 July 23 - 26 July 27 - 29 5 o 2 240 3 Event/ActivitvlPro~ram FannlRanch Visits Home Visits 4-H Livestock Project Visits 4-H.Newswttcrs Continuing Education Units (CEU) Mid- Year Review, Bauer Exhibit Building. Meeting with Extension Specialists regarding Cattlem~n's College, Corpus Christi. Texas County Agriculture Agents Association Annual Conference, Odessa, Texas State 4-H Horse Show. Abilene. Texas. Annual Leave. A~ County Extension Agent AgriculturelNaturaI Resources Calhoun County 65 D-360 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSTON The Texas A&M University System MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF IRA VEL Calhoun County Extension Agent - Agriculture I Natural Resources Name: A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. Title: County Extension Agent - AGINR County: Calhoun - 057 Month: June , 2005 e Date Travel Description Miles Meals Lodging Iun2 Fann Visit (1), Kemper Road 23,1 Iun 6 F_Visit (3), FM 1679,Project Visit(I), PM 2433 CT Iun 8 Establish Result DemonStration, Olivia . 42.1 Iun9 Delivered Crop Tour Flyers, Port Lavaca Area, Monnan Gin 21.9 Iun 10 . Routine Office Travel, Port Lavaca Area 5.7 Iun14.17 A I. School, Bovine Elite, COllege Station 618.9 125.86 187,02 Iun 21 Calhoun County Crop Tour, Calhoun County 81.3 Iun 22 Administrative Meeting, Corpus Christi CT lU8 . Iun Z3 - 24 District 11 Horse Show, Brenham 437.1 32.66 35.00 Iune 27 Major Show Steer Validation, Seadrift Area & Waelder Ranch CT Iun 30 Project Visit, Six-Mile Area CT TOTAL 1.230.1' $169.70 $222.02 *** CT = County Truck County Truck Usage Summary Beginning-Mileage 2,548 Ending Mileage l'ot:U Driven e 4,420 1,872 Other expenses in field (list): Registration Fee For A.T. School - 225,00 I hereby certify this is a true and correct report of travel (mileage) and other expenses incurred by me in performance of my official duties for the month shown. Date: July 6, 2005 Signed: e 66 e , ; . ~'). TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONERS COURT July 2005 Selected Major Activities Since Last Report 1,322.4 miles · Denotes Night or Weekend Activity Date Jull Jul4 Jul5 Jul6 -7 Jul8 Jul9-13 JulI4 Jul15 JuI 18 Jul19-20 e Julll Jul22 Jul23 -26 e Jul27 -29 Dailv Account Mid-Year Review. Bauer Exhibit Building. Met with District Extension Administrator to discuss program progress. County Holiday, Extension Office Closed. Extension Specialist Meeting, Corpus Christi - 2 attended. Met with Extension Specialists to plan the Calhoun County Cattlemen's College. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staff with general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Annual Leave. . Texas County Agriculture Agents Association Annual Conference, MOM Orand Hotel. Odessa, Texas. Attended professional association conference for agriculture agents. Conference included sessions regarding Extension educational programs in addition to updates regarding administration. Calhoun County 4-H ParentlLeader Budget Meeting. Conference Room - 4 attended. Met with P/L to establish a 4-H budget for the 05-06 year. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staffwith general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Processed grain sorghwn hybrids. Samples were taken to the District 11 Research and Extension Center located in COI]lUS Christi wbere they were processed using thiashing equipment. Office Management. Responded to clientele inquiries regarding agriculture and natural resources. Assisted office staff with general office procedure such as purchase order completion, etc. Budget Hearing, Commissioners Court - 8 attended. Extension Agents presented estimated budget needs to the Calhoun County Commissioners Court. District Recordbook Judging, Victoria 4-H Activities Center, Victoria-judged 4-H recordbooks on the district level to determine which would progress to state level judging. * State 4-H Horse Show, Abilene, Texas. Attended the state horse show as' a member of the management team. Assisted with the coordination of four classes and organization of District 11 stalling. Annual Leave. Community Educational Outreach Summary 41 140 92 Office Visits FannlRanch Visits o o Phone Calls Home Visits E-mails & Correspondence 2 4-H Livestock Project Visits 67 o o News Releases 220 AgINR Newsletters o August 2005 Upcomiug Eveuts/ActivitieslPrograms Date Aug4 Aug9 Aug II Aug 18 Aug 30 EventlActivitv/Prof!ram Pick-Up Roasters for Fair, Ideal Poultry, Cameron, Texas. 4-H Achievement Night, VFW, Port Lavaca. District Accountability Training, Jackson County, Private Applicator Training, Bauer Exhibit Building. Calhoun County Cattle en's College, Bauer Exhibit Building. A. Zan es Jr., M.S. County Extension Agent AgriculturelNaturaI Resources Calhoun County 4-H Newsletters (June/July Newsletter mailed in June 2005) Continuing Education Units (CEU) 68 e e e e e e D-360 TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION The Texas A&M University System MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF TRAVEL Calhoun County Extension Agent - Agriculture / Natural Resources Name: A. Zan Matthies Jr., M.S. County: Calhoun - 057 Title: County Extension Agent - AGINR Month: July 2005 Date Travel Description Lodging Jul5 Specialist Meeting, Corpus Christi CT JuI9-13 TeAAA Annual Conference, Odessa. Texas 1,322.4 85.00 316.40 Jul18 Process sorghum test harvest. Corpus Christi CT 15.15 Jul23 - 26 State 4.H Horse Show, Abilene CT 96,34 TOTAL 1,321.4.1 $169.70 $316.40 Miles Meals ... CT - County Truck County Truck Usage Summary Beginning Mileage 4,420 Ending Mileage 6,750 Total Driven 2,330 Other expenses in field (list): I hereby certity this is a !rue and correct report of travel (mileage) and other expenses incurred by me in performance of my official duties for the month shown. Date: August 5, 2005 Signed: 69 ~d TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO~ISSIONER'S COURT C. Omar Gonzales, Youth & 4-H Coordinator Monthly Report -July 2005 AUG 1 7 2005 *Out of County Travel dM A'" M'k PI '1 Selecte aior cttvlttes Ie 81 er Date DaiIv Account l.iamoun l.ioumy "uuge Miles Contact, I Mid-Year Review with district director 15 5 Prepared for and met with Calhoun County 4-H Ambassadors to 8.3 28 discuss 4-H Expo, Began PowerPoint preparations for club officer/manager training. 6 Proiect visit. Office Management. 26.2 22 7 Went to pickup prizes for steerlbeifer progress show. Went to 7,6 32 Matagorda County Extension office to iudge Gold Star interviews. 8 Office Management. 27 10 Set up panels for Steer/Heifer Progress show. 0 11 Assisted FCS Agent With YMCA cooking Camp. Finished 38 preparations for Steer/Heifer Progress show, and contacted the orogress show iudge for conformation, 12 Assisted FCS Agent with cooking camp. Set. upscales for progress 62 show so exhibitors conld weight livestock and evaluate their orOgress, Finished barn preparations and attended prog,.ess show. 13 Project visit with the Moore's, Stringham's and Cordova's, Helped 35 prepare. a PowerPoint presentation to take to schools to inform students abont 4"H. 14 Assisted FCS Agent with cooking camp. Attended 4-H parent and 57 adult leader budget meeting discussed expected expenses for upcoming year. Ordered roasters and broilers for 2005 Calhoun County Fair exhibits, Office Conference, Attended Fairboard meetiug. 15 Office management. 22 18 Took two 4-H members to South region leadership institute in 28 Kin~sville. 19 Went through award recipients for achievement night for final 26 approval. made sure all requirements were met. 20 Attended last session of leadership institute, and hauled attendees 34 back to Calhoun County, 21 Prepared record books for District I I record book judging, 39 Attended Jr. livestock committee meeting. 22 'Served as judge and D-ll Record book iudging in Vicloria. 58.4 75 25 Went shopping for club OfficerlManager Training. Prepared Bauer 9,3 65 Exhibit building for meeting and finalized PowerPoint presentation, 26 Ambassador meeting to welcome new ambassadors and finalize 38 preparations for 4-H Expo. Council meeting to finalize preparations forachievement night and record book trip, 27 Office management. 45 28 Pen set up for Lamb, Goat and Pig progress show that were help 16 AUf'llst I" and 2'"' Called judges to confirm their attendance, 70 e e e e e e 71 C 't Ed cational Outreach Summary ommUDllY , u 210 Office Visits 475 Phone Calls 137 Emails & Correspondence 0 News Releases 220 4-H Newsletters 4 4-H Project Visits 0 Continuing Education Units (CEU) August 2005 Upcoming Events/ActivitiesJPrograms Date Event! Activities/Program I 2 13 16 25 Hog Showmanship Clinic Sheep/Goat Showmanship clinic Leader College TAMU-K 4-H 101 Training @ Rosenburg Pickup Broilers ~ Omar Gonzales outh & 4~ H Coordinator Calhoun County TRAVEL: In Couuty - Out of Couuty - Total 51.4 miles 58.4 miles 109.8 miles e 72 e e e e e I Omar Gonzales:-JuTy 05. wpd --- ..~"- -~ .'~~- Pag Monthly Output Julyj2005 Omar Gonzales Youth & 4-H Coordinator Calhoun County Correspondence (1:Sl) 181 Mailed Steer Validation forms to Kyle Smith.7/1jo5 ~ Mailed payment for Oriental Trading Order. 7/8/05 181 Mailed commitment letter with map to fairgrounds, self-addressed envelope, and a tentative agenda enclosed to Kyle McManus.7/12/05 181 Mailed postcard regarding record book trip to 4-Her's that completed and turned in a record book.7/u/o5 181 Mailed Peter McGuill's mileage chart to Jan Duckett. 7/13/05 '" Mailed out Buyer letters for Calhoun County Fair Association.7/19/05 '" Mailed out final reminder of Karma Trip to Sportfishing project participants.7/2ojoS '" Mailed payment for National4-H Council order.7!21joS '" Mailed postcard on Steer & Heifer HoofTrimming.7/22/os '" Mailed postcard reminding children of Roaster Pick-Up.7/27/05 '" Mailed Achievement Night lnvitation to 4-H members and affiIiates.7/28/05 '" Mailed Achievement Night Invitation to 4-H District Council Members.7/29/05 Faxes (w) w Faxed Ruthie at District 9 a copy of the Registration form for the 4-H Leadership Institute on 7/8/05 w Faxed Hope Kurtz a list of Clover Kid members in Calhoun County on 7/15105, w Faxed in an order to National4-H Supply on 7/19/05. w Faxed in an order for the "I Dare You" book to Lisa atAYF on 7/19/05. w Faxed in a request for the total for our invoice to Creative Awards & Trophies on 7/21/05, W Faxed Sharon Thompson a copy of District 4-H Council Voting Delegates along with District 11 Leader College registration fonns, and copy of the check tor fees on 7/25/05 w Re-taxed ordertorm tor "I Dare You" book to AYF on 7/27/05. ~ Faxed in order to National4-H Supply on 7/29/05. News Releases (0) o Newsletters (..t:n) t6 Quarterly Agriculture/Natural Resource/Horticulture Newsletter IbJ Subject Matter Specific Newsletters (Title) ;l:J! 4-H Newsletters-22o 1 1 1 16 1 288 6 1 '5 8 239 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73 I Omar Gonzales - July o5.wpd :; " -=~, =:~:=- 'PaG Office Conferences 7/14/05 Dates: 7/9 7/22 7/23 7/29 7/30 7/31 Facility Management (Dates Rented to General Public) I i I , e 74 e e e '. TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION EXTENSION ACTIVITY REPORT TO CALHOUN COMMISSIONER'S COURT 19 20 Agent - Alexis Trott CEA-FCS Monthly Report - July 2005 ~ *Out of County Travel Selected Ma . or Activities Date Dail Account I District Extension Administrator and staff gathered for an administrative mid-year review. Preparation for Cooking Cam for YMCA. Miles Contacts 13 4 5 6 Holida Office Mana eJ11ent. Monthl Re ortin . CRCG Meeting Cancelled. Help coordinate 4-H Awards Interviews 13.2 and assist injndge's orientation. Shopping for YMCA Cooking Carn , Set-u and lead YMCA Cookin Cam . 10.1 Sick Leave. Led YMCA Cooking Camp; youth learned how to read 9.9 recipes, follow measurements, how to cook pizza from scratch, and to apply meal to MyPyramid Calhoun County EEA (Extension Association) Council met to audit financial records and discuss state conference details. Purchased several items for 7/12 YMCA Cookin Cam Led YMCA Cookin Cam . Led YMCA Cookin Cam . Review Child Care Conference Summary for Committee. 4-H Parent Leader's Association 2006 Budget Meeting. Volunteer Training for 4-H Food & Nutrition Project. Attend the Calhoun Coun Fair Board Meetin . Sick Leave. Pre are 2004 Volunteerism Re 12.4 25 35 7 8 11 138 33 12 I3 14 38 27 22 15 18 29 32 13.4 Evaluation meeting with the YMCA re ardin sunllller earn ro am, Project LIFE task force meeting with Sea Greens Apt, Homes 7,9 to start workshop series for families currentl residing in the co~ple~ at end ,?f Au ." st. ~jj';1!l!0,_"",..,", . (~@ltE1!!~,aml.~~,!i' Q'&q;.w.~;;; ~s-.J(r 37 75 Date 21 22 25 26-28 29 Total 10.5 5 travel Office Management. 4-H adult leader and club manager training regarding Best Practices: Financial Resource Management System, Success Toolbox, and New County Mana ement Guide. Attend the TEAFCS State Conference in Salado, TX. (D 8) Traveled to Rockport, TX to ride with Aransas County Agent to conference and back. Office Mana ement. Miles County Vehicle 5.4 110,2* 182,5 182.5 Contacts 35 28 14 49 20 575 76 e e e Communitv Educational Outreach Summar 48 Office Visits 113 Phone Calls 201 Emails & Correspondence I News Releases 107 FCS Newsletters "Family Forward" 0 Home Visits 104 Site Visits 220 4-H Newsletters I 4-H Proiect Visits 34 BLT Match Hours -Julv 0 Continuino: Education Units (CEU) e y August 2005 Upcoming Events/Activities/Programs Date Event/ Activities/Prol!ram 2 5 8 10 II 18.19 e 21 23 24 25 30 CARE and Project LIFE task Force meeting to bring workshop to PEP program with CCISD, National Night Out at SEA Greens Apt. Homes, Exhibits on BLT, Extension programming, 4-H, and Project LIFE. TEAFCS Budget and Financial Audit Meeting, Port Lavaca. Calhoun County 4-H Achievement Night/Awards Banquet Record book trip to Schlitterbahn Water Park, New Braunfels. TX, District I I Accountability Training, Edna. TX 4-H Skateboarding Meeting/Orientation TEAFCS Retreat, Rockport, TIC 4-H EXPO, market and recruit for 4-H program. Bauer Exhibit Building, BLT Quarterly Meeting via TTVN, Rosenberg, TX "Best Practices" Parenting Training and Evaluation, Rosenberg. TX Conduct BLT/Workforce Prep. Course for Texas Workforce Solutions, Project LIFE Workshop series starts for PEP program and for Sea Greens Apt. Homes. Alexis N, Trott /J n ~ County ~xtension Agent ~ Family & Consumer Sciences 4-H Coordinator Calhoun County e 77 .- SUMMARY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FOR: JULY 2005 Title Certificate Fees $ 8,697.00 Title Fees Paid TXOOT $ 5,427.00 e Title Fees Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 3,270.00 Motor Vehicle Registration Collections $ 87,557.82 Disabled Person Fees $ 155.00 Postage $ 96.00 Paid TXDOT $ 71,307.98 Paid County Treasurer $ 12,565.88 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 3,934.96 Motor Vehicle Sales & Use Tax Collections $ 576,284.84 Paid State Treasurer $ 576,284.84 Special Road/Bridge Fees Collected $ 13,128.00 Paid TXDOT - RIB Fees $ 393.84 Paid County Treasurer - RIB Fees $ 12,734.16 Texas Parks & Wildlife Collections $ 1,090.00 Paid Texas Parks & Wiidllle $ 981,00 Paid County Treasurer Salary Fund $ 109.00 State Beer & Wine Collections $ Paid Tx Alcohoiic Beverage Commission $ Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund $ County Beer & Wine Collections $ Paid County Treasurer, County Beer & Wine $ e Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund $ Renewal Fees for County Beer & Wine $ Paid County Treasurer. Renewal F $ Additional Postage - Vehicle Registration $ 5.95 Paid County Treasurer. Additional Postage $ 5.95 Interest earned on P&W $ 10,82 and $ 10.82 Refund $ Accounts Paid County Treasurer - Int. on P&W & Ref $ 10.82 Interest earned on Office Account $ 169.24 Paid county Treasurer - Nav. East $ 0.40 Paid County Treasurer - all other districts $ 168.84 Business Personal Property - Misc. Fees $ 62.80 Paid County Treasurer $ 62.80 Special Overpayments $ 14.88 Paid County Treasurer $ 14.88 Overpayments $ 0,06 Current Tax Collections $ 23,733,04 Penalty and Interest - Current Roll $ 4,215,54 Discount lor ea~y payment 01 taxes $ 5,13 Delinquent Tax Collections $ 7,357.69 e Penalty & Interest - Delinquent Roll $ 3,229.64 Coliections for Delinquent Tax Attorney $ 5,270.86 Advance - FM & L Taxes $ 127.79 Advance - County AdValorem Taxes $ 33,360.87 Paid County Treasurer - Nev. East $ 270.51 Paid County Treasurer - all other Districts $ 4,771.67 Paid County Treasurer - Deiinq Tax Ally, Fee $ 5,270.86 ~. 78 1.-. e e e Payment in Lieu of Taxes Paid County Treasurer - Navig. East Paid County Treasurer - All other Districts Boat/Motor Sales & Use Tax Collections Paid State Treasurer Paid County Treasurer, Salary Fund Special Farmers Fees Collected Paid State Treasurer, Farmers Fees Hot Check Collection Charges Paid County Treasurers, Hot Check Charge Overage on Collection/Assessing Fees Paid County Treasurer, overage refundE Escheats Paid County Treasurer-escheats $ $ 5,876.76 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,582.92 293.84 $ 85,00 $ 85.00 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ $ TOTAL TOTAL OF ABOVE RECEIPTS PAID TO COUNTY ~~) t[ a~J , GLORIA A, OCHOA Tax Asses8or..collector $ 737,100.94 $ 737,100.94 fl1J(A,d~ ~~ A J. PFEIFER County Judge $ 737,100.94 . 79 ,08/18~200S. 09:06 361-983-2461 /;'I;';~~:~~f':\::; .' '~~'.I '. 'm. "t.... &' ".1 ~,,':". ,~f;~1:'; .? .:':, I"h." '.. - '~"":~1.i"f:~~{'I'" ~;":(,\,;,,' \i~ "X" ,','~.:i~:,':;" ,:~",,\X~~~/>': '" . ~~~"1-~k~,,,. '... '1114""I"'~""''''!' "-". /,r!t~~ikl!:t~",.' Date: August 18, 2005 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 Judge Nancy Pomykal Justice of the Peace Pct. 5 Collections for the Month of July 2005 Calhoun County Commissioners Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Fax no: 553-4444 Commissioner's Court: PAGE 01 d~ Attached is a report of all collections for my court for the month given. Faxing 8 Pages including this cover. Signed: ~ 80 e e e ,08/18/,2005 09: 05 351-983-2451 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 02 06/1712005 Honey Distribution Report Page 1 Judge Nancy Pomykal Pet. 5. Calhoun County -----~~-----~--'--._._-.._--------~-------~--------------------~----~~-------_._-------------------------------------,~-----------_. Recelpt C~uSeID€fendant I C<JOe AmolKlt I COde AI1lount I Code Amount I Code AmoUtlt I Code Amount Code Mount. I Total I I I I I I 0372395 05-05-0129 07/01/2005 I ece 40.00 I eHS 3.00 IlAf 5,00 I TF 4.00 I I 52,00 1lR0WN, JAMlS MICHAl l JR I I I I I I Ca>h i I I I , I 0372396 05-06-0155 07105/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5.00 I IF 4,00 I PWF 100,00 I 152.00 e HAWES, ROBERT I I I I I I Persona 1 Check: I I I I , I 0372397 05-06-0141 07106/2005 I SUBC 25.00 I i I I i 25.00 MURPHV, JUU~ HI\I1I E I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 0372398 05-06-0142 07/061Z005 I TFC 1.37 cec 18,1B i CI<S 1.36 I SAF UJI TF 1.82 I 25,00 MURPHY, JULIA HI\I111 I I I I I Cash I I r I , 0372399 05-06-0184 07108/2005 I ece 40.00 eHS 3,00 I SAF 5,00 I TF 4,00 I fINE 23,00 SUBC 30.00 I 105,00 FLORES. [)AVID I I I I I Cash I I J / I I 0372400 05-07-0216 07/13/2005 I TFC 3.00 eee '0.00 I CHS 3.00 I SAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 70,00 I 155,00 PENA. MARI~ I suec 30,00 I I I I I Money Order I J I I I I 0372401 04-09-0364 01113/2005 Ieee 40.00 CHS 3,00 I lAF 5.00 I WRNT 50,00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 153,00 I 331.50 ARVElLO, PATRICIA JEANINE I CSRV 76,50 I I I I Cashier's r..hect I I I I I 0372402 04-06-0204 07/13/2005 I ecc 40,00 CHS 3,00 I PWAF 5,00 I TF 4,00 I WSf 200.00 I eSRV 75.60 327.50 MCKITTRICK, MICJ.IEAl RAY I I J I I Cashier's Check. I I I I I I 0372403 05-07-0220 07/13/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I IF 4,00 I LAF 5.00 FINf 53,00 I 105,00 MARTINEZ, DAVE SEGURA I I I I I Cash I I I I I 0372404 OS-06-0167 07/13/2005 I TFC 3.00 I ece 40.00 I eHS 3.00 I SAf 5,00 If 4,00 I OSC 10,00 95.00 SWOPE, PHIllIP I suee 30,00 I I I I Persona 1 Check I I I I I 0372405 05-07-0212 07/13/2005 I Tfe 3.00 I CHS 3.00 I tAF 5,00 I TF 4,00 FINE 60,00 I suee 30.00 I 105.00 WARO, CYlITHIA I I I I I I Honey Order I I I I , I 0372405 05-06-0180 07/13/2005 I TFC 3,00 i eec 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I SAF 5,00 Tf 4.00 lose 10.00 I 95.00 e KIRK. AIlV KATHRVN I suee 30.00 I I i I I Persona l Check. I , I I I I 0372407 05-06-0182 07/13/2005 I TFe 3,00 Ieee 40.00 I eHS 3,00 I SAF 5,00 TF 4.00 I OSC 10,00 I 95,00 ALLEN, RANDOLPH I SUBC 30.00 I , I I I Persona 1 Check. I I I I I I 037240B 05'06-0169 07113/2005 I TFe 3,00 I eec 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I SAF 5,00 TF 4,00 lose 10.00 I 95,00 SHILLINGS, DIANE TREVINO i suec 30.00 I I I I I Cashier's Check. I I I I I I 0372409 05-07-0217 07/13/200S I TFe 3,00 I CCC '0.00 I CHS 3,00 I SAf 5.00 TF 4,00 I OSC 10.00 I 95,00 LONG, RANOAll SCOTT I SUBe 30.00 i I , I I I Money Ortler I I I I I i I 0372410 05-07-0193 07/13/2005 I cce 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5 1)0 I TF 4,00 I WSF 25.00 I I 77 .00 PARTIN, BRUCE WARREN I I I I I I I Persona 1 Ghecl::. I I I I I I I 0372411 05-07-0190 07/13/2005 Ieee 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I PWAI' 5,00 I TF 4,00 I wsr 33.00 I I 85.00 BlANKENSHIP, TONV D. I I I I I I i Persona] Check I I I I I I I OJ7Z41Z 05.06-0161 0//1312005 I Ire 3.00 I eee 40.00 I CHS 3,00 I SAf 5.00 I Tf 4.00 I ose 10.00 I 95.00 HOllEY. MATTHEW OAVlD i SIIBC 30.00 I I i I I I Cashier's Check. I I I I I I I e 81 ,08/18t2005 09,05 351-983-2451 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 03 08/1712005 Hooey Distribution Report Page 2 Judge Nancy PomYKal Pet. 5. Calhoun County -----.....-.....--------------------.,.----..----....------------...---------...--------------------------.".----------------------. Receipt Cavse/Oefifldijnt I Code Aioo""t I Code Aiooun t I Code Amount I Code Amount I Code Amount Code Amount I Total I I I I I I 0372413 05-06-0186 07/15/2005 I TFC 2.12 I CCC 36_36 I CfIS 2,73 I SAf 4.55 I TF 3,64 I 50,00 GURLEY, CHARLES fRANKLtN III I I I I I I C.sh I I I I I I 0372414 05-07-0208 07/)812005. i CCC 38.00 I CfIS 3.00 I PilAF 5.00 I Tf 4.00 I I 5_ I1AAEK. DONALD CARSOO JR, I I I I I I Cash I I I I I I 031241S 05-06-0143 01/18/Z005 I CCC 40.00 I CflS 3.00 I TAF SOO I TF 4,00 i FINE 148.00 I 200.00 YEATES, ELISSA HARlE I I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I 0372416 05-07-0206 07/18/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CfIS 3,00 I PilAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I IISF 25.00 I 77 .00 GASKAMP, ROGER D I I I I i I Honey Order I I I I I I 0312411 OS-06.0166 07120/2005 I TfC 3.00 I CCC 40_00 I C"S 3,00 I SAf ;,00 I TF <1,00 FINE 110.00 I 195.00 TUR.NER. BRfAN I I SUllC 30_00 I I I i I C,ashier's Check I I I I I I 0372418 05-01-0123 07/20/2005 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 3.00 I IN 5.00 I TF 4:00 I FTNl 53.00 I 105.00 , HAIIH, GARY JOE I I I I I Persona 1 Check I I I I I 0372419 05-07-0203 07/20/2005 I CCC 40.00 I CfIS 3.00 I PWAF 5,00 I TF 4,00 I WSf 33,00 85.00 KROGSGAARO, JERRY A, JR I I I I I Persona 1 Check. I I I I I 0372420 04-05-0116 07120/2005 Ieee 40,00 I cl1S 3,00 i LAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I WSf 25.00 CSRV 23.10 100.10 HANS, TO>t\Y I I \ \ I \ Cash'ier's Check I I I I I I 03724Z1 04-06-0]BO 07/20/2006 I CCC 40,00 I CHS 3.00 I PWAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I \/Sf 25.00 I CSRV 2310 100,10 RASHUSSEN. HARK E I I I I I I Cashier's Chel:K I I I I I I 0312422 05-07-0209 07/20/2006 I CCC 40,00 I CflS 3,00 I PWAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I WSf 148.00 I 200.00 LAGUAATA, KIRK I I I I I I CaShi.r's Chec~ I I I I I I 03724Z3 05-07-0124 07120/2005 I ece 40.00 I CHS 3.00 I TAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I flNE 53,00 I 105.00 BROWNING. THOMAS WAYNe I I I I I I Persona 1 Check I I I I I I 0372424 OS-07-0731 07/Z012006 I TFC 3.00 I ecc 40.00 I C"S 3.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 40.00 I SUlle 30,00 125_ SCllArER, R08ERT I LAF 5,00 I I I I I Mofl~.y Order I I I I I I 0372425 05-0/-0111 07121/2005 I TFC 3.00 I ece 40.00 I CflS 3.00 I SAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I FINE 50.00 135,00 MCLfNNAN, JOOY ~LCOLM I SUBC 30,00 I I I I i Money Order I I I I I I 0372426 05-01-01ge 07126/2005 I TFC 3.00 I cce 40.00 I CIIS 3.00 I SAF 5,00 I TF 4.00 I fINE 50,00 13S,OO LDOSf_ WALTER LEE JR I SU6C 30.00 I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I J 03724Z1 05-07-0116 07/26/2005 i cec <0,00 I CHS 3,00 I LAF 5.00 I TF 4.00 I FINE 248_00 I 300.00 VASQUf7, DAMIAN [ I I I i I I Ja; 1 Credit I I I I I I 0372428 OS-07-0236 07126/1005 I ccc 40,00 I ellS 3.00 I LAf 5.00 I TF 4.00 I WSF 125.00 I 177.00 HUCKHilN. JOHN i I I I I I Cashier's Check: i I I i I 1 0372429 05-01-013 JC 071?112005 I SFEE 60,00 I IFEE 2,00 I fF[[ ]5.00 I I I 17 00 REICHFR1. RUSSELL L, I I I I I I Honey Order I I I I I I OJ7Z4JO 05.07-0718 0112111005 i TFC 3.00 I CCC 40.00 [ C"S 3.00 I SA< [,.00 I Tr -1.00 i DS.C ll1.0D %.00 ROO, JAMES MICHAEL I SU6C 30.00 I I I I I Money Order I I I I I I e 82 ,08/18/,2005 09: 05 351-983-2451 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 04 08/17/<005 Honey Distribution Report Judge Nancy Pomyl:::al Pet. 5. Calho~ County Page 3 -~---------~------~~-----~-------~---_._~-----~----------.._--_.~--_.-------------_._--_.-~----------------------------------------. Receipt CauseJOefendanl I Code """'une Codo Amount I Code Amount I Code _unt I Code Amount I Code AmoUlle Total I I I I I 0372431 05-07-0713 0//2712005 i TFC 3.00 CCC 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I lAF 5.00 I TF 4,00 I F1NE 20,00 105.00 TURNER, 6RYAI< I suec 30.00 I I I I Cred-CardlTrnsfr I I I I I 0372432 05-07-0238 07/7712005 I TFC 3,00 cec 40,00 I CHS 3,00 I lAf 5,00 I rF 4.00 I fiNE 40,00 J25,OO e LE OOUX, AORON I S\l8e 30.00 I I I J Cred-CardITrnsfr I I I I I e e 83 ,08/18/2005 09:05 351-983-2451 CALHOUN CO peT 5 PAGE 05 08/17/2005 Honey Oistribution Report Page Judge N,n,y Pnoyk,l Pct, 5. C,lhoun County . ~ -. - -- - - ~. -. - - -.. - -. - - -~ - -- -- - -- .- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - -- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - -- The fQllowing t~tals represenL - Cash and checks Collected Type Code Oeser i pt i on Count Retained Di sbursed Money- Tota 15 The following totals represent Cash and CheCKS COllected e COSI CCC CONSOtlOATfO COURT COSTS 32 125.26 1.127,28 1.252.,4 COST CIlS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 33 97,09 0,00 97,09 COST tAF SHERIFF'S FEE 8 40.00 0.00 40.00 COST !>WAF TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 9 36,00 9,00 45.00 COST SAF OPS 14 53.46 l3.36 66.82 COST TAF TASC 2 8.00 Z.OO 10,00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUNO 33 129,46 0.00 129.46 COST TFC TFC 1, 43.09 0.00 43,09 COST WRNT WARRANT r(( 1 50,00 0.00 50,00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVICES FEE 4 198.30 0,00 198,30 ~EES DSC DRIVER SAFFTY COURSE 09/01 7 70,00 0,00 70.00 FEES FFEE FlUNG FEE 1 15,00 0,00 16.00 FEES IFEE INOIGENT FEf I 2.00 0,00 2.00 FEES SFEE SERVICE FEE 1 60.00 0.00 60,00 FEES SUIlC SUB TITI r C ]6 22,25 ^2276 446.00 FINE FINE FINE 12 863,00 0,00 863.00 FINE PIlF PARKS & WILDLIFE FINE ] 1$,00 8S,OO 100.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 9 95.85 643.15 639.00 Honey Tot.als J5 ,923.15 2,202.64 4.125.30 The follOWing totals represent ~ Jail Credit and Community Service COST CCC CONSOLIDAT(O COURT COSTS 1 4.00 36.00 40.00 COST CHS COURTHOUSE SECURITY 1 3.00 0.00 3.00 COST LAF SHERI FF' S FEE I 500 0.00 5.00 COS1 PIlAf TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIfE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 COST SAf DPS 0 0,00 0.00 000 COST TAf TABC 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 e COST n TEC'*'OlOGY FUND 1 4,00 0,00 4.00 COST TFC TFC 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 COST IIR!<T ilAAAANT FE( 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES CSRV COLLECTION SERVIC(S FEE 0 o 00 0,00 0,00 fEES DSC DRIVER SArE1Y COURSE 09/01 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 fHS FFEE 'lUNG FF( 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 fEES IfEE INDIGENT FEE 0 000 o 00 0.00 FEFS SF,E SfRVICE FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FEES SUBC SUIl TITLE C 0 0.00 0,00 o 00 FIN, rlNl FINE 1 248,00 0.00 ?48.00 FIN, PWF PAR!S & WILOLlfE fINE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIN, WSF WATER SAFETY FINE 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit lota15 264.00 35,00 300.00 The following totals represent - Credit Card Pajrr.ent.s and Transfers. COST CCC CONSOLIDATED CO\~T casls 2 'g.OO 77.00 eo 00 e 84 ,08/18(.2005, 09: 06 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CD PCT 5 PAGE 06 OBIl1/2005 Money Distributlon Report Page 5 JUdge N;:jnq Pomyk:al Pet. 5. Calhoun COlHlty ~~------~~--- - - - ~ - - - - -. - - - -- - - - - - - -. . - - -'. - - - - - -. - - - - --, - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -. - - --- - - - - - - -. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - --- The following totals represent - Credit Card Payments and Transfers Type COde Description Count Reti:linea Disbursed Honey-Totals COST CHS COURTHOUS, SlCURITV 2 6 00 0,00 6,00 e COST lAF SHE:R IFF'S Fll 2 10,00 0,00 10,00 COST PWAf TrXAS P~S & WILDLIfE 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COST SAI OPS 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 C05T TAF TAlle 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 COST TF TECHNOLOGY FUNO 2 6,00 0,00 8,00 COST TFC IFe 2 6.00 0,00 6.00 COST WRNT WARRAN1 F tE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEES CSP,V COLLECTION SlRVICES FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FFFS OSC OR!V,R SAFETY COURSE 09/01 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FEES FFEE FlUNG FEE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FEES !fEE INDIGENT l[f 0 0,0<) 0,00 0.00 rEES SfE, SlRVICE fEf 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 fEES SUBC SUB TITLE C 2 3,00 57,00 60,00 F!NE f INI. fINE 2 60.00 0,00 60.00 FlNl PWF PARKS & WllOLIFl lINt 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 FINE WSI WATER SAFl1V FINE 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 Credit Totals 2 101.00 129,00 230,00 The fOlloWing totals represent _ Conltdned Money and Credits COS1 CCC CONSOI. lDATEO COURT COSTS 35 137,26 l.Z3&.26 1.372.54 cosr CHS COURTOOUSE SfC\IRIIY 36 106,09 0,00 106,09 COST LAI.' SHERIFF'S IE< J1 55,00 0.00 55.00 COST PIlAF TEXAS PARKS & WILOLIFE 9 36,00 9,00 45.00 COST SAF OPS 14 53.46 B.36 66,82 COST TAF TMC 2 8,00 2,00 10,00 COST TF TWiNOIOGY FUND 36 141,46 0,00 141.46 COST TFC TFC 17 49.09 0,00 49,09 COST WRNT WARRANT FEf: I 50.00 0.00 50.00 e rEES CSRV COllECTION SERVIClS FEE 4 198.30 0,00 198,30 FEES OSC ORIVEP SAfl IV COUASE 09/01 7 70,00 0,00 70,00 FEES FFEE FILING FEE I 1$.00 0.00 15.00 FEES I>EE INOIGlNT FEE I 2,00 0,00 2,00 rlES SFEE SERV j CE FEE I 60,00 0,00 60.00 fEES suec SUB TITI[ C 17 2',25 479.75 505.00 FINE Flt-lJ: FlNl 15 1.171.00 0,00 l.J7J ,00 FINE PWF PARKS & WILDLIFe >INl I 1&,00 85.00 100.00 FINE WSF WATER SAFETV rl~~ 9 95,85 ~3,15 639.00 Report Totals 3B 2,288.76 2.367, ~ 4,6,6,30 ~ e 85 ,08/18/2005 09:06 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 PAGE 67 08117 I ZOOS Money Oi.stribution ~rt page 6 Judge Nancy POIllYtal Pet. 50. Calhoun County -~~~-----_.- --~..--------_.-----_.__.---------,.----------_.----------------- ------...-.----------.---------------------------.----- DATE PAYHENT- TYPE FINES COIIRT .CQSTS FEES BONDS RESTITUTION oruER TOTAL 00/0010000 Cas~ & c~ecKs Collected 60,00 1S,OO 30,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 10,.00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Credil Cards & Transfers 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 60.00 IS.00 30.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 105. 09101/]991 Cash & Checks Collected 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. Jail Credits & Comm Service 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Credit Caras & Transfers 0,00 0,00 o 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all CQ11ections 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 09/0111993 Cas~ & ~ts Collected 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Jail Credits & comm Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 Tot,l of .11 Collections 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 09/0111995 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Jail Credits & Comm Service 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Credit Cards & transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 rotal of all Col1ect1ons 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/0111997 Cash & Ohec~s Collected 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & COIlITI $Rrvice 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Credlt Cards & Transfers 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/01/1999 Cash & Chec~s Collected 0.00 0.00 0,00 o 00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credits & comm Service o 00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Total of 611 Collections 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09/0l/2001 Cash & Checks Collected 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jail Credfts & Comm Service 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cr~(\it Cards. &. TrCin.sfers 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collectlons 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0' 09101/2003 CaS" & Checks Collected 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 O. Jall Cred1ts & Comm Service 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.0 Credit Cards & Transfers 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total of all Collections 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0110l/2004 Cash & Chec~s_ Collectea 1.542,00 1.719,00 760.:10 0,00 000 000 4,021.30 Jail Credits & Comm service 248.00 52,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 300,00 Credit Cards & Transfers 60.00 !l0.00 60.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 230.00 rot~l of all Collect1on5 1,850,00 1,681.00 620. 30 0.00 0,00 0.00 4,551.30 TOTALS Cosh & Checks Collected 1.60Z,OO 1.734.00 790,30 0,00 0,00 0.00 4.126.30 J3il Credits & Comrn Service 248 . 00 52,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 300 . 00 Credi t Cards & "rransfers 60,00 !lO,OO 60.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 230.00 Total of all Collections 1. 910,00 1.896.00 650.30 0.00 0.00 0,00 4,656.30 e 86 e e e .08/1812005 09: 06 361-983-2461 CALHOUN CO PCT 5 08/17/2005 Money Distribution Report Judge Nancy POIY\Ykal Pee 5. Calhoun COUfltj ~~~~--------~~~~;~~:~~~;-------"--------------';;~;;-'~o~~:~o;;;--' fEES BONDS RESIITUTION state of Texas Quarterly Reporting Totals Description count Collected Retained Disbursed State Comptroller Cost and Fees Report section I; Report (or Offl2nses Cormritted 01-01-04 - Forward 09-01-01 - 12-31-03 09-01-99 - 08-31-01 09-01-97 08-31-99 09-DI-95 - 06-31-97 09-01-91 - 06-31-95 Sa; 1 Bonds Fee DNA Testing Fees ~~ Trauma fund ((HS) Juvenile Probation Diversion Fees State Traffic Fees 34 1.33Z,54 133,26 1.199,28 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 !7 505,00 25.25 479,75 25 ]21.82 97,46 24,36 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 76 .959.36 255 ' 97 1.703,39 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 o 00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0.00 76 1.959,36 255,97 1 703,39 Section 11: A$ App11cable State Police Offic~r Fees ra; lure to Mpear/Pay fees JUdicial fund - Const County Court Judicial Fund - Statutory County Court Motor Carrier Weight Violations Time pay~nt fee Report Sub T ota 1 State Comptroller Civil Fees Report C~: Blrth Certific~te Fees CF: Harriag€ license fees CF: Oec1aration of fnformal Marriage CF: Nondisclosure Fees C~': Juror Donations CF: Justice Court Indlg Fil)n9 Fees CF: Stat Prob Court Indig Filing Fees CF: Stat Prob Court Judie F11ing Fees CF: Stat Gnty Court Indig F11ing Fees CF: Stat Cnty Court Judie H1ing Fees CF: enst Gnty Court Indig Fllin9 rees CF: Cost Cnt] Court Judi c Fj J i119 fefis cr: Dlst Court District & Family law CF: Dist Court Other Divorce/Family Law CF: Oist Court rnd'rg Fi J ing Fees Report Sub Tota J Total DoC ror This Period THE STATE Of TEXAS Before me, lhe unders.igned authority, this day County of Col~IO\ll County per~onally appeared Nancy POIT\Yk.al. Justic;c of the PQ~ce. P~0cinct ~o S, Calhoun r~unty, Tcxu&, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above . ~~90ing report is true and correct. IolHne$$ my hand this LQd-;;; ~f I PAGE 08 Page 7 OTHER TOTAL 87 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FUND AIRPORT MAINTENANCE APPEll..ATE JUDICIAL SYSTEM ANIMAL CONTROL-GA M CClSD/SEADRIFI'/CO. ROADPROJECI CHAMBER TOURlSM CENTER COURmOUSE SECURITY DONATIONS FAMll.Y PROTECTION F1.JNJ:: lUVENILE DEI..rnQUENCY J'REVENTION FUND GRANrS HWY 87/FM1090 mSTICE COURT TECllNOLOGY TERAL ROAD PRECINcr *1 LATERAL ROAD PRECINCT ~ lATERAL ROAD PRECINCf tr: LATERAL ROAD PRBCINCf #4 LAW llBRARY LAW ENF OFFICERS STD. E!mc. (lEaSE) POC COMMUNITY CBm'HR RECORDS MANAGEMENT.DISTRlcr CLERR RECORDS MANAOEMENT-aJUNTY CUlRE RECORDS MOMT & PRBSBRV ATION ROAD & BRIDGE GENERAL ROAD &. BRIDGE PRBCINcr #3 ROAD MAINTENANCE PRECINCT #4 SHERIFF FORFEITED PROPERTY CAPITM.. PROI-COASTAL JMPROVEMENI~ CAPITAL PROJ-COURTIlOUSE RENOV ATIOl' CAPITAL PROJ-NEWEMS BlDG CAPITALPROJ.NBWJAll.BUX CAPITAL PROJ-PARKING L01 CAP PROJ-PCT 1 RD RECONST -STORM CAPPROJ-PCI' 1 RDRECON. TCDPDR#723037 CAP PROJ-PCT 2 - STORM RBP AIRS CAPITAL PROJ-RB lNFRAS1'RUCI1.JRl CAPITAL PROJ-SW AN POINT PAR] CAPITAL PROJ-AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT D CAPITAL PROJ-MOlD REMEDIATIO:r..: CAP PROJ-HA'IERIUS PRK BOAT RAMP-STRM REI CAPPROJ-PORT ALTO PUBL BEACH-STORM RBI ARREST FEEs .BAlL BUND rE!:!S (.\:lli 194U) CONSOLIDATIID COURT COSTS (NEW; CORRECTIONAL MANAOFMENT INSTITUTI CRIME STOPPERS FUND CRIME VICI'IMs COMPENSATION ELECTIONS CONTRAcr SERVICE FINES AND COURT COSTS HOlDING Fl.JNL FUGITIVE APPREHENsION INDIGENT CIVlL LEGAL SERVICE JUDICIAL FUND (ST. COURT COSTS: JUDICAL PERSONNEL TRAINING JUSTICE OF THEPEACE CLEARINQ SUBTlYJ'ALS BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE 24.557.47 631.31 138.87 14.852.32 223.16 183,084.00 127,786.18 255.00 7,06280 54.343.42 806.060.60 11.300.37 3,670.21 3,670.21 3,670.21 3.670.21 69,219.95 10,239.2A 8.172.25 138.02 95.80210 72,717.07 351,337.20 11,238.70 14,529.13 1,054.21 72,419.64 511,287.23 19,196.25 0.00 80,543.81 403,906.18 20,581.17 17,796.13 32,73248 74,720.40 4,66279 858.83 33,148.15 30,384.78 702.61 2,160.00 16,592.76 2.81 0,00 299.31 6.465.59 9,537.56 33.23 62.00 0.00 13.31 36,586.57 Page 1 of3 RECEIPTS 65.19 626.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,239.80 785.70 60.00 18.75 45,960.96 2,139.73 810.97 9.74 9.74 9.74 9.74 4.523.75 27.18 2L69 57.87 10.404.31 2,391.01 65,454.48 29.83 38.57 280 0.00 125,486.11 0.00 .345,717.10 :t 0.00 i < 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 563.36 795.00 13,81297 0.00 0,00 0.00 236.28 0.00 0.00 880.00 842.43 0.00 (2.,989.51) MONTH OF; DISBURSEMENTS 4.095.30 O.GO 0.00 14,85232 0.00 20,482.54 100.00 0.00 0.00 27,231.94 0.00 121.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 279.80 1,786.36 0,00 0.69 866.65 O.GO 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,520.00 124.128.93 0.00 345,717.10 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 O.GO 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 1,265.97 2,160.00 29,520.36 281 0.00 299.31 2,232.78 0.00 33.23 942.00 84243 13.31 1,476.30 I I) o/~." {,J/'J( LJ JULY ZOOS ENDING FUND BALtNCE 20,527.36 1,257.99 138.87 0.00 223.16 166,841.26 128,471.88 315.00 7,081.55 73,072.44 808,200.33 17,989.94 3,679.95 3,679.95 3,679.95 3,679.95 73,743.70 9,986.62 6,407.58 195.89 106,205.72 74,2A1.43 416,791.68 11,268.53 14,567.70 1,057.01 61,899.64 512,644.47 19,196.25 0.00 80,543.81 403,906.18 20,581.17 11.796.13 32,732.48 74,720.40 4,662.79 858.83 33,148.15 30,384.78 0.00 7Y5.00 945.37 0.00 0,00 0.00 4,469.09 9,537.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,120.76 e 88 e e e COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF: JULY 200S FUND FUND BAlANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE OPERATING FUND. BALANCE FORWARI $ 14,384,572.30 $ 1,036.014.34 $ 2.149,323.93 $ 13,271.262.71 IlNENll.E CRIME & DELINQUENCY 3.06 0.00 3.06 0,00 .JlJVENILE PROBATION RESTITUTIOI\ 476.10 0,00 0.00 476.10 LIBRARY GIFT AND MEMORIAl 48,004.13 177.43 0,00 48,181.56 :MISCELLANEOUS ClEARING 20,769.00 6,043.33 26,487.45 324.88 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 2.225.00 0,00 0,00 2,225,00 'sTATb ~lV 1L.toJ:il:: .1<UNV l':>::SU.W tl.~/U.W I.~~.UU tJ1u.VlJ SUBmLE C FUND 1.16209 3,803.33 10,965.42 0.00 TIME PAYMENTS 2,924.60 2,79216 5.538.98 177.78 TRAFFICLAWFAILVRE TO APPEAF 1,920.33 833.41 2,753.74 0.00 UNt...J...AJ..l\1 Y.Ku't'.hKI-Y ::S,4/l.ll U,UV .,UV j,4t(l..;c2: BOOT CAMPIJJAEP 93,813.35 249.03 11,123.80 82.938.58 lUVENILEPROBATION 252.847.82 37,161.11 34,408.42 255,600.51 SUBTOTALS 1$ 14,819.719.00 , 1.094,044.14 I' 2.248.503.80 1$ 13,665,25934 TAXES IN ESCROW 0.00 0,00 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDs $ 14,8U1,719.00 $ 1,094,044.14 $ 2,248,503.80 $ 13,665,25934 COMB. HOSP. REV. & TAX CERTIF. OF OBilG. 353,848.78 2.m.60 0.00 356,626.38 CONSTRUcnON (JAll..) 4,155,715.40 11,316.64 95,717.10 4,071,314.94 CONSTRUCTION (JAll..) SERIEs 2003 - I & S 982,005.14 8,665.56 0,00 990,670.70 COURmOUSE RENOVATION FUND SERIES 2004 5,124,537.32 11,880.79 124,128.93 5,012,289.18 CERT. OF OB-CRTIISE REN. I&S FUND SERIES 2004 140,215.44 1,60252 0.00 141,817.96 CALHOUN CO. DISASTER GRANl' FUNr 1.00 0,00 0.00 1.00 JURY lMPREST -DISTRICT COURl 1,802.56 353 624.00 1,182.09 JURY IMPRBST-COUNTY COUR1 2,119.71 3,77 138.00 1,985.48 TOTAL OPER & OTHER CO. FUNDs 25,579 64.3S 1,130,294.55 1$ 469,111.83 $ 24,241,147.()7 MEMORIAL MEDICAL = OPERATING $ 2,487,82231 $ 1,546,792.20 $ 1,775,438.59 $ 2,259,175.92 MEM:ORIAL 17,599.21 22.42 0,00 17,621.63 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,958.31 17.78 0,00 13,976.09 ll'IDlGENT HEAI.:rnCARE 2,085.30 r _4 1&4,386.92 1&4,633.99 1,838.23 TOTALS $ 2,521,465.13 $ 1,731,219.32 5 1,960,07258 $ 2,292,611.87 DRAINAGE DISTRIcr~ NO.6 $ 13,478.31 $ 17.54 $ - $ 13,495.85 NO.8 56,121.37 986.61 0,00 57,107.98 NO. IO-MAlNTENANCE 36,729.54 167.62 0,00 36,897.16 NO. 100DEBT SERVICE 2,491.04 88.58 0,00 2,579.62 NO. II-MAINTENANCE/OPERATING 141.168.73 2,854.97 1,111.41 142,91229 NO. ll-DEBT SERVICE 68,825.25 515.07 0,00 69,340.32 NO. ll-RESERVE 50,437.58 64,26 0,00 50,501.84 TOTALS $ 369,251.82 $ 4,694.65 $ 1,111.41 $ 372,835.06 CALHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DIST MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING $ 139,887.30 $ 3,061.99 $ 8,463.52 $ 134,485.n TOTAL MMC.DRAINAGE DIST. & NAV.DIST. $ 3 030,604,25 $ 1.738."75,96 $ I,969,647.51 $ 2.799,932.70 TOT AI.. AU. FUNDS $ 27,041,fJ79.77 Page 2 of 3 ,. 89 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FUND OPERATING" JURY IMPREST-DISTRICf COURl ruRY IMPREST -COUNTY COUR1 CALHOUN co. DIsASTER GRANT FUNI: COMB. HaSp. REV. & TAX GERTIF. OF DBLIG. CONSTRUCTION (JAil..).. CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) SERIES 2003 -I & S COURmOUSERENov. FUND SERIES 2004 ... CBRT. OFOB-CRllISEREl'l.1&S FUNDSERIBS 2004 MEMORlAL MEDiCAL CEN1ER: OPERATING MEMORIAL RESTRICTED DONATION INDIGENT HEALmCARE DRAINAGE DISTRlCI: NO.6 NO.8 NO.I0MAlNTENANCE NO. 10 DEBT SERVICE NO. 11 MAINTENANCFJOPERATING NO. 11 DEBT SERVICE NO. 11 RESERVE CAUlOUN CO. NAVIGATION DIST MAINTENANCE/OPERATING ...c TOTALS $ LESS: CERT.OF DEFt FUND OUTSI'NDG DEPt BALANCE O17IER ITEMS 13,665,259.34 $ 13,493,334.93 $ 1,182.09 6.00 1,985.48 0,00 1.00 0.00 356,626.38 869.96 4,071,314.94 4,250,002.50 990,670.70 2,628.01 5,012..289.18 4.750,002.50 141,817.96 318.71 2,259,115.92 0.00 17,621.63 0.00 13,976.09 0.00 1,838.23 38.46 13,495.85 0.00 57.107.98 0,00 36,897.16 0.00 2.579.62 0.00 142,91229 0.00 69,340.32 0.10 50,501.84 0,00 134,485.77 ) 4 0.00 '1:1,041,079.77 22,497 ,2OL17 MONTH OF, JULY 2005 PLUS: CHECKS BANK OUTSTANDING BALANCE 474,810.94 $ 646.735.35 1,418.00 2,594.09 956.00 2.941.48 0.00 1, 0,00 355.756.42 345,717.10 167,029.54 0,00 988,042.69 124,128.93 386,415.61 0,00 141.499.25 132,086.05 2,391,261.97 0.00 17,621.63 0.00 13.976.09 2,621.53 4,421.30 0.00 13,495.85 0.00 57,107.98 0.00 36,897.16 0,00 2.579.62 0,00 142,91229 0.00 69,340.22 0.00 50,501.84 0.00 134,485.77 1,081,738.55 5,625,617.15 . CD, - OPERATING FUND $12.416,633.60 .. CD - CONSTRUCTION (JAIL) $4,000,000 ... CD - COURTIlOUSE RENOVATION $4,750,000 .... TIlE DEPOSITORY FOR CALHOUN Co. NAVIGATION DISTRICT IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FORT LA V ACA THE DEPOSITORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE _ FORT LA V ACA, e ~~~~~~ COUNTY TREASURER Page 3 of3 e !10 e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 "'''')> 6.5.3: ~~ g 0.~0 '" )> " roa:E """'" ~J!I.'" ::;;33 ill '" '" ~~~ ~ g~ fiQlu a."O 5.. _. "C to ::::J a (p iif'ii~ & a.!!!. ;"1~~ "0", iil " ",0. QllE ~8 .g, g2. 3~ ~. (') ~o -, 3 g3 '" -. iil !8. G)o ~ffi < ~ "'G) ~'" OJ~ ~::J ~.s: @", , ~ " ~ ::I. i6 ~~ :n~ ~ S" fO'" ~ 11111111I11I111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1IIII111111111I11111111111111111111111I1111111II1II1IIII1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111I1III1II1 DEPARTMENT NAME: AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-MAGNOLIA B DEPARTMENT NO: 300 AMENDMENT NO: 851 IAMENDMENT REASON: REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53992 65740 RIIIIIBAL REVEMI REVEMII EXPEMllTURE EXPfNIIlIUIlE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE IICREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! $0 $0 $0 $313 $313 $0 $0 $313 $0 ($313) $0 $0 $313 $313 $0 $0 $0 $313 $313 $0 ACCT NAME SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL AMBULANCE OPERATIONS-MAGNOLIA BEACH TOTAL 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I111111I111I111111I1111111111I1111I11I11111111I111I11I1111I11111111111111I11I11I11111I11111111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 610 AMENDMENT NO: 847 REQUESTOR: FRITZ WILKE IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER R111118AL REVEMI REVEMIE EXI'ENOIIllRE OO'EMIITURE fOIEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE IICIlEASE IICREASE IDlCREASIJ 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 66316 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUN 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 AMENDMENT NO 847 TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 ,CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIII11I1II1I1IIIII1IIII1IIIIIII111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1IIII11111111111111111111111111111111I11I111111111IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO: 851 IAMENDMENT REASON: REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO REVENlI INCREASE RIND 8AL INCREASE IDECREASE! REVENlIE DfCREASE EXPENOIIURE INCREASE EXPENDIJURE IlfCREASE ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME ~nesday, August 24, 2005 Page 1 of 16 e III C C Gl !!I J> c:r111:;tl> <3"'3: QOa.o . c: o!:t: ~::IO 0"''' -a::E -e~~ b g, 3 0-", 0"'0. . 8" '" (')~<:r 0",-< 3"(') 30.0 In' 3 3 ~.QI 3 o fir_. ~ ::!.~ VI *" g' ~g!li ~3~ ? 6'~' "'<:r@ "'11>", aGt::J @' c. , ;0 '" "oPl ::!.g,o !if~g, ...':T RO ~ :!!o~ ~g.() l'tl m' 0 ~ -< 3 "', 3 5. F Vi' l...l"sa. c: _. 0 0."" 'f5 st ~ ~"'G) (DD1~ _."C < (D'"'C QI ..., a ::J ~~. 6" <3", 0'" n [mr.@ ~ ... c 3: m Z -t ~ 5' ~ l\:\ e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 1I1II1II1II1I"'lIlIfHlIlIlnflfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllIlIIlIlllIlJlIllllIIlIlIIllIlII11111111111111111111111I11I1111111111I111I11I11I1111111111111111I11I11111111111111111111111I11111111I11111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW DEPARTMENT NO: 410 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS IUIIIIBAL REVENlI RIVENllE EXPENOIIlIIlE EXPENIDTlIRE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE 1DECREASE! 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $100 $100 $0 COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW TOTAL $0 $0 $100 $100 $0 IIIIIIII1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111III1IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT NO: 510 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: !OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUNIIBAL REVENlI REVEMIE EXPENOITUIIE EXPENIDTlIRE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! 51700 MEAL ALLOW ANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $7 $0 ($7) 53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $7 $7 AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $7 $7 $0 DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOTAL $0 $0 $7 $7 $0 11111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I11111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO REVENlI INCREASE IUIIIIBAL INCREASE !DECREASE! REVEMIE DECREASE EXPENORURE INCREASE EXPENDITURE DECREASE ~e2of16 Am NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME e VVednesda~ August 24, 2005 e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS 1111111I11I111I1111111111I1111I111I111111111I11111I11I1111111I1111I111111I1111I11I11I1111111111I111I11111111I111111111I11I1111111I11111111I1111111I11I1111I111111I11I1111111111I111111I111111111I11111I111I1111I11111111111111I11I11I11I DEPARTMENT NAME: DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 430 FUND BAl IIEVENII REVENUE EXPEHIIIIl/ftf EXPENOIIURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IICIIIASE IlfCREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASEJ 60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,000 $0 ($2,000) 60053 ADULT ASSIGNED-OTHER L1TIGA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $30 $0 ($30) 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,030 $2,030 AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,030 $2,030 $0 DISTRICT COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $2,030 $2,030 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FUMl BAl IIEVENII REVENUE EXPENIIIIlJRf EllPENOlllJRf IICIIIASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME I/CRfASE IlfCREASE IiCllEASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 63500 MACHiNE MAINTENANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $687 $687 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAiR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $687 $0 ($687) AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $687 $687 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS FUMl 8Al REVENlf REVENUE EXPENDIIlIRE EllPENDITURE IiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECllEASEJ C.t:> 51574 SALARIES PART-TIME 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $9,000 $0 ($9,000) Coj 51613 OVERTIME BASE PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $15,200 $15,200 51616 OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $6,200 $0 ($6,200) VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 3 of 16 11I1111I11111I11I111111I1111I11I11111111I1111I11I11I11I111I11111111I111I11I11I1111I1111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I111I11I1111111111I111I11I11I11I1111I1111111I11I11I1111111111I111I11111111I111111I1111I1111I11111I1111I1111I11I111111I111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 , , FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111I11I111I1111I111111I11I1111111111111111I1111I111111111111111I111I11I111111111111111111111111I11I111111111111111111I1111I11I111111111I1111I1111I11111111I11I11I1111I111111I1111I111I1111I11111I1111111111111111111111I11111111111111I. DEPARTMENT NAME: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO: 345 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS RIND BAL REVENlI REVENUE EXPENDIilmE EXPENOIIIIIIE IICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IWEASE INCREASE IWEASE lDECREASEl AMENDMENTN0852 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,200 $15,200 $0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL $0 $0 $15,887 $15,887 $0 III1IIIII111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII1III1III111111II1111111111111111111111I111111111III1I1III1111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111IIIIIIIIIII1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: EXTENSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO: 110 AMENDMENT NO: 846 REQUESTOR: A. ZAN MA TTHIES IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER EXTENSION SERVICE TOTAL RIND BAL REVENlI REVENUE EXPENDII1IIlf EXPENOIIIIIIE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 $0 $0 $300 $0 ($300) $0 $0 $300 $300 $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 $0 ACCT NO 60336 66500 ACCT NAME AUTO ALLOWANCES-COAGENT TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY-COUNT GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 846 TOTAL 11111I11I111111I1111I11111I11I111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I1111I11111111111111I1111111I1111111I11111111111111111I11111111111111111111I11I1111I1111111I11I11I1111111111111111I11I1111I11I111I1111111111111111111111I111111I111I DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION-SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RlNDBAL REVENtI REVENUE EXPENDIIIDlE EXPENDIIUIlE INCREASE c.o ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASEJ ... 65740 SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $162 $162 70750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $162 $0 ($162) e Wednesday, August 24, 2005 e ~.40f16 e -&) !:J1 e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 III1IIIII1IIIII111I11111111111111111111111I11111111111IIIII1111111111111111111II1I111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: FIRE PROTECTION.SEADRIFT DEPARTMENT NO: 690 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS FlINIlBAL RfVENlI IlIVEMJE EXPENOIIlIIE EXPENIIIIUIII INCIlfASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME WCREASE DECREASE lIIalEASE DECREASE IDECRfASEJ AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $162 $162 $0 FIRE PROTECTlON-SEADRIFT TOTAL $0 $0 $162 $162 $0 111I111111I11111111I11I11I11I111111111111111111111111I11111I111111I11111I1111I111111I11I11111111111111111111111I11I11I111111I11I11111I1111I1111111111I111111I11I11I1111I111I11111111I11I11I1111I11I11I11111111111111I11I11I111I111I1111I DEPARTMENT NAME: JAIL DEPARTMENT NO: 180 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR, COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS FlINIlBAL RfVENlI REVENUE EXPEIGIII1lRE EXPENOITlDlE IlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME WCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDfCREASEJ 51613 OVERTIME BASE PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $250 $0 ($250) 51616 OVERTIME PREMIUM PAY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $125 $0 ($125) 51620 ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RAT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $375 $375 AMENDMENT NO 852 TOTAL $0 $0 $375 $375 $0 JAIL TOTAL $0 $0 $375 $375 $0 11111I111111111111111I1111111111111111I111111I1111I11I11I11111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I11I1111I11I11I11I111111111I11I111I1111I11I11I11111I11I11I11I11I11111111111111I111111I1111I111111111111I11I11I1111I11111I11I1111I11111I111111I111I1111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACe.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53020 REVEHIf INCREASE $0 FlINIlBAL INCREASE IDfCREASEJ $14 REVENUE DECREASE $0 EXPENOIIUIlE WCREASE $0 EXPENOIIlDlf DECREASE $14 ACCT NAME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES GRANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 5 of 16 (~ ~ e , , FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIII1III1IIIII111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1IIIII DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 450 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53030 FUND BAL IlEVENII RfVENUE EllPENOII1IlE EXPENIIII1DIE INCREASE INC8fASE DECREASE IIC1\EASE DECREASE IDlCREASEJ $0 $0 $14 $0 ($14) $0 $0 $14 $14 $0 $0 $0 $14 $14 $0 ACCT NAME PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL 11I111111I1111I111111I111I11111111111111111I111111111I111111I11111I11I11I1111I111I1111I11111111I111I1111111111I1111I1111I111111I1111I11I11I11111111111111I1111I11111111I11111111I11I11I1111111111111111I11I11I11I11I11I111111I1111111I11 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 480 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCTNO 53020 66192 FUND BAL REVENlI Rmu EXPENOIIIRIE EXPENOITlIIlE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ $0 $0 $72 $0 ($72) $0 $0 $0 $72 $72 $0 $0 $72 $72 $0 $0 $0 $72 $72 $0 ACCT NAME GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1II11111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: IOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 63070 REVENlI INCREASE $0 A1NDBAL INCREASE IDECREASEJ ($800) Rmu DECREASE $0 EXPENDRURE INCREASE $800 EXPENOmmE DECREASE $0 .860116 ACCT NAME JUVENILE ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY GRANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT e VVednesday,August24,2005 e :..0 ..J e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111"11111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111IIIII11I111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: JUVENILE COURT DEPARTMENT NO: 500 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUND BAL REVENlI REVENUE 00'EN0IIlIRE EXPENOITlIIE I/CREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME f/CREASE DECREASE f/CREASE IIfCREASE IDECREASEJ 63380 LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $800 $800 AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $800 $800 $0 JUVENILE COURT TOTAL $0 $0 $800 $800 $0 1111111111111111111111I111I111I1111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIII1III11111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO: 140 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS fUND BAL RmIilI REVENUE EXPENOITlIIE EXPEMIII1IlE IiCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANTHAME INCREASE IIfCREASE f/CREASE DECREASE IDECREASEJ 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,678 $0 ($1,678) 70550 BOOKS-LIBRARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,678 $1,678 AMENDMENT NO 852 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,678 $1,678 $0 LIBRARY TOTAL $0 $0 $1,678 $1,678 $0 1II1IIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1IIIIIII1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1III1IIIII111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53510 REVENlI INCREASE $0 fUND HAL /NCRfASE IDECREASEJ $1,500 REVENUI DECREASE $0 EX!'ENOITURE INCREASE $0 EXPENOITURf DECREASE $1,500 ACCTNAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES GRANT NO 999 GRANT NAME NO GRANT VVednesday, August 24,2005 Page 7 of 16 . , FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I1III1IIIII111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1IIII1 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 DEPARTMENT NO: 540 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53992 60850 64370 ACCT NAME SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS CLEANING-INDIANOLA PARKS OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENOMENT NO 851 TOTAL AJNII BAl RfVENlI RmNIIf EXPENIIITIIIIE EXPENDITUIIE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASE! $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 TOTAL AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS AJNII BAl BEVENlf REVENlf EXPENIIIRJRE EXPENOITlIIlE INCllEASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE !DECREASEJ 53210 MACHINERY PARTS/SUPPLlES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3,100 $3,100 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,000 $0 ($2,000) AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,100 $3,100 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS AJNII BAt ~ REVENlf REVENUE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITUIIE INCREASE 00 ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,742 $0 ($1,742) e VVednesday, August 24, 2005 e ~e80f16 11I11I11I11I11111I111I11I1111111111111111111111111I11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I111111I1111IIIll1l11JJJJJJJlJllJIlIJllJIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIl/IlIlllllIllllIllIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlllUIIlIlIlIllIlUlIIIUlIIlIIlIUlII1I DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 I11IIII1II111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1IIII1III111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 DEPARTMENT NO: 550 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53510 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 852 TOTAL RlND BAl REVENIf REVEMlE EXPENOIJ1JRf EllPENDIIURE INCREASE I/CREASE IIECREASE INCREASE DfCREASE IDEClIfASEJ $0 $0 $0 $1,742 $1,742 $0 $0 $1,742 $1,742 $0 $0 $0 $4,842 $4,842 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 TOTAL AMENDMENT NO: 848 REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: ILlNE ITEM TRANSFER RlND BAl REVENIf REVEMlE EllPENDIIlIIE EllPENDIIURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DfCIlEASE I/CllEASE DfCREASE IDEClIfASEJ 63350 LEGAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3,200 $3,200 66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,500 $0 ($1,500) 66498 TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 66600 UTILITIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,200 $0 ($1,200) AMENDMENT NO 848 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,200 $3,200 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 849 REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: JLlNE ITEM TRANSFER FUMI BAL REVENIf REVEMlE EllPENOIIIJRE EllPENDlI1DlE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE DfCIlEASE INCllEASE DECREASE lDfCREASEJ ~ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,000 $0 ($4,000) t:> 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,000 $0 ($2,000) 53590 SIGNS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 53630 INSECTICIDES/PESTiCIDES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 9 of 16 1111I11I111I111111I11I11I11I11I11111I111I111I11I111111111111111I11I11I11I1111I1111111I11I11I11I11I11111111I111111111I111I11I1111I1111I1111I1111I11I11I11I1111I11I1111111111I111111111111I11I11111I11I11I11111111I1111I11I111111I111111I1 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 IIIII1IIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111I11111111IIIII1IIIII11III111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIII11 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 DEPARTMENT NO: 560 AMENDMENT NO: 849 REQUESTOR: NEIL FRITSCH IAMENDMENT REASON: ILINE ITEM TRANSFER RIND BAl REVENlI RIVEMJE EXPENDII1IRE UPENOIl\DlE IlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE INCIIEASE DECREASE lIlICllEASEJ 53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,500 $0 ($1,500) 53995 UNIFORMS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 AMENDMENT NO 849 TOTAL $0 $0 $8,000 $8.000 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 TOTAL $0 ' $0 $11,200 $11,200 $0 1111I11111I1111111I11111111I111I111I1111111I11111I11111111111111111111I1111I1111I111111111I11111I11II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111U111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I1111I11I11I11I11111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: jOVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS RIND BAl REVENII REVINUE EXPENDIIURE UPENDmIlIE IlCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE IlCllEASE DECREASE !DECREASEJ 53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $8,600 $8,600 53520 TIRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $100 $0 ($100) 63530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIR 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,000 $0 ($3,000) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 66600 UTILITIES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5,000 $0 ($5,000) AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $8,600 $8,600 $0 ,..... AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR 0 AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS 0 FUND BAl REVENUE REVEMIE UPENDIf\IRE UPENDnURE INCREASE ACCTNO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME IlCREASE DECREASE IlCllEASE DECREASE mECREASEJ 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $10,000 $0 ($10,000) e Wednesday, August 24, 2005 e ." 10 of 16 e e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 III1IIIIIII1111I1111II11111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1III1IIIII11111111111111111111111111I111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 DEPARTMENT NO: 570 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53510 ACCT NAME ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES GRANT ND GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 852 TOTAL fUMl BAl REVENlI IIIVENllf EXPENIUI1lRE EXPENOII1DIE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE lNalEASE IIfCREASE IIIECllfASEJ $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $18,600 $18,600 $0 ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 TOTAL AMENDMENT NO: 851 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR IAMENDMENT REASON: 10VERDRAWN ACCOUNTS fUMlBAl REVEMI REVENlI EXI'EMJIJURf EllPENOlllllE IICREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IIfCIIEASE INCREASE DECREASE IDfCREASEJ 53540 GASOLlNElOIUDIESEUGREASE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 62420 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $5 $0 ($5) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $500 $0 ($500) 64790 POSTAGE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,005 $1,005 AMENDMENT NO 851 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,005 $1,005 $0 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS fUMl BAl REVENlI RfVENlIE EXPENOIIIJRf 00'ENDITIIlE INCREASE ~ ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INC8EASE IIfCIIEASE IICREASE IIfCREASE IDfCREASEJ 0 51540 TEMPORARY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $675 $0 ($675) ~ 51620 ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RAT 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $3,100 $0 ($3,100) 51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $55 $0 ($55) 53520 TiRES AND TUBES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 11 of 16 11I11I1IIIII11111111111111I111I11111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111I DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 - o l\:) e FUND NAME GENERAL FUND FUND NO: 1000 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I1III DEPARTMENT NAME: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT NO: 760 AMENDMENT NO: 852 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: OVERDRAWN PAYROLL ACCOUNTS ACCT NO 53995 66310 66310 RIND BAt REVENlI RIVEMIE EXPENDITlDIE EXPENDITURE INCRIASE INCREASE DECREASE IlCREASE DECREASE IDECIIEASEJ $0 $0 $0 $830 $830 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $3,830 $3,830 $0 $0 $0 $4,835 $4,835 $0 $0 $0 $63,215 $63,215 $0 FUND NO: 2719 ACCT NAME UNIFORMS TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESIT TRAINING REGISTRATION FEESIT GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENTN0852 TOTAL SHERIFF TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND III11IIIIIII111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111IIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII1I111I111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 850 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR JULY REVENUES ACCT NO 70751 70752 70753 70754 70755 RJND BAt REVENlI REVENlI EXPENIlIIlIRE EXPENIlITUIIE INCREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE lIII'CREASEJ $0 $0 $31 $0 ($31) $0 $0 $490 $0 ($490) $0 $0 $136 $0 ($136) $0 $0 $40 $0 ($40) $0 $0 $114 $0 ($114) $0 $0 $811 $0 ($811) $0 $0 $811 $0 ($811) .120116 ACCT NAME CAPITAL OUTLA Y.JP PCT #1 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #2 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #3 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #4 CAPITAL OUTLAY.JP PCT #5 GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 850 TOTAL NO DEPARTMENT TOTAL VVednesday, August 24, 2005 e e e e FUND NAME JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND NO: 2719 1IIIIIIlIIUlItIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllltlllllllllllllllllll 11I11I 11I11I11I III I 1111I 1111I11I111111 1111 III III 111111I1111I111I 1111 1111 11I1111I11111111I111111I1111I111111I11111I1111111111I11I11I1111I1111I11I111111I1111I1111111111111I DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 850 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR JULY REVENUES ACCT NO 44061 44062 44063 44064 44065 46020 ACCT NAME FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE-PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI FEES-JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECI INT INC-JUSTlCE SYSTEM GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 850 TOTAL RIND 8Al REVEMf IIfVINUE OO'ENOITlDlE EllPElGlll1JRE INCIIEASE INCREASE DECREASE Ifl2lEASE IlE&llEASl lIlECREASEl $29 $0 $0 $0 $29 $462 $0 $0 $0 $462 $128 $0 $0 $0 $128 $38 $0 $0 $0 $38 $108 $0 $0 $0 $108 $46 $0 $0 $0 $46 $811 $0 $0 $0 $811 $811 $0 $0 $0 $811 $811 $0 $811 $0 $0 FUND NO: 5115 REVENUE TOTAL JUSTICE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTAL FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT COURTHOUSE RENOVA TlON 1111I11I1111I1111I1111111111I11111111I11111111111I1111111I111I111111I11111111I11111111111I11I111I11I1111111I11I111111I1111I11I11I11I11I111111111111I11111I11I11I11I111111I1111I1111I1111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I111111I1111111I11I11111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 842 REQUESTOR: MARK CRIPPEN AMENDMENT REASON: PER REQUEST OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. SPAW MAXWELL RIND BAl IlEVENlI REVENUE EXI'EMIIIIIRE EllPfIIDIIURE INCREASE ACCTNO ACCTNAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE IlECREASE IIlZEASE DECREASE lDECREASEl 61355 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SERV-CO 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $14,000 $0 ($14,000) 64320 OTHER SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $2,500 $0 ($2,500) 64640 PERMITS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 ~ 71087 CONSTRUCTION-TEMPORARY FA 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $780 $0 ($780) Q 72800 EQUIPMENT. TELECOMMUNICA TI 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $10,830 $0 ($10,830) C,j 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $25,110 $25,110 AMENDMENT NO 842 TOTAL $0 $0 $28,110 $28,110 $0 VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 13 of 16 ....... o .&;. - . , FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING FUND NO: 5136 111111I111I11111111111111111111I11111I111111I11111I111111111111111111I111I11I11I11111111I111I111111I1111111111I111111111111I111111111111111I1111I11I11111111111111I11I11I1111I1111I11I1111I11I11111111111111I111I11I11I111I111I11I111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT NO: 999 AMENDMENT NO: 843 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR JULY REVENUE FUND BAL REVENlI IIEVENlE EXPENDITlIRE EXPENDIJURE INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INCREASE REASE INCREASE DECREASE lDECREASEJ 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $11,317 $0 ($11,317) AMENDMENT NO 843 TOTAL $0 $0 $11,317 $0 ($11,317) AMENDMENT NO: 845 REQUESTOR: MARK CRIPPEN AMENDMENT REASON: PER REQUEST OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SPAW MAXWELL FUND BAL REVENlI IIEVENlE EXPENDITUlE EXPENIlIIIIIlI INCREASE ACCT NO ACCT NAME GRANT NO GRANT NAME INmfASE mEASE INCIlfASE DECREASE lDECREASEJ 60220 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $1,895 $0 ($1,895) 63920 MISCELLANEOUS 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $894 $894 70660 BUILDING-JAIL 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $4,129 $0 ($4,129) 80005 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY 999 NO GRANT $0 $0 $0 $5,130 $5,130 AMENDMENT NO 845 TOTAL $0 $0 $6,024 $6,024 $0 NO DEPARTMENT TDTAL $0 $0 $17,341 $6,024 ($11,317) IIIII11111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 AMENDMENT NO: 843 REQUESTOR: COUNTY AUDITOR AMENDMENT REASON: ADJUST BUDGET FOR JULY REVENUE ACCT NO 46010 REVENlI INCREASE $11,317 $11,317 RIND HAL INCREASE lDECREASEJ $11,317 $11,317 REVENUE DECREASE $0 $0 EXPENDmDIE mEASE $0 $0 EXPENOII1JIlE DECREASE $0 $0 ACCT NAME INT INC-GENERAL GOVERNMENT GRANT NO GRANT NAME 999 NO GRANT AMENDMENT NO 843 TOTAL e _150116 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 e ,.... ~ e FUND NAME CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING FUND NO: 5136 IIIIII1IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1III1I1I1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEPARTMENT NAME: REVENUE DEPARTMENT NO: 1 REVENUE TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING TOTAL $11,317 $71,317 $25,366 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,341 $122,715 $0 $6,024 $97,349 $11,317 $0 $0 Grand Total VVednesday,August24,2005 Page 16 of 16 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Commissioner Galvan stated that he will not be here next Monday for Commissioners' Court to discuss with the Constables about the raises they are asking for and he is also having a lot of children skateboarding at the Fairgrounds Pavilion. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: e Claims totaling $836,242.36 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Fritsch that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Gaivan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer ali voted in favor, ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPTIAL: Claims totaling $1,458,785.50 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Fritsch and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor, ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEALTH CARE: Claims totaling $184,600.10 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Fritsch and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Fritsch, Finster and Judge pfeifer ali voted in favor. Court was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. e e 106