2002-05-28 SPECIAL MAY TERM HELD MAY 28, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ e BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 28th day of May, AD., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 AM., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members ofthe Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall (ABSENT) Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner, Pct. I Commissioner, Pct. 2 Commissioner, Pct. 3 Commissioner, Pct. 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Judge Marshall gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. CLOSED SESSION - CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The Court being in open session, the County Judge as presiding officer, publicly announced that the Commissioners' Court would go into a closed meeting as authorized by Section 551, sub-chapterD of Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Government Code for personnel matters. Further, portions of the discussion may be considered in a closed meeting for consultation with an attorney. Consideration, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, dismissal of a public officer or complaints or charges against such officer or employee, to-wit: the County Crime Victim CoordinatorlLiaison. e The Judge publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of the closed meeting, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session at 10:01 AM. The Judge reopened the meeting to the public at II :06 AM. Judge Marshall asked Tammy Hernandez, with the Harbor, to explain what the Harbor does and what agencies utilize the Harbor. Ms. Hernandez said the agencies are Memorial Medical Center, emergency room, doctors, the police departments, Sheriff's Department, Child Protective Services, all schools in the district for prevention and ongoing consulting in pre-school through high schoo\. Commissioner Floyd asked her to name the organizations of the Harbor. Ms. Hernandez answered they are Child Welfare Alliance, Crisis Hotline, Children's Advocacy Center and Crime Victim Assistance program. Commissioner Finster asked if Crime Victims Assistance is to adults what Child Welfare is to children. Tammy said Child Welfare provides meals, school supplies, medication, etc. and the Children's Advocacy Center does interviewing after child abuse. The family comes to the Center and the child is under Child Advocacy and the family is under Crime Victims. Commissioner Finster stated the family would go the District Attorney's office and the child to the Harbor. e Commissioner Balajka mentioned the domestic violence component. Tammy said this is under the Harbor and sexual assault, also, which are separate from Crime Victims. She 438 - e e e said the components under the umbrella of the Harbor are: (l) Child welfare (2) Children's Advocacy (3) Crime Victims (4) Domestic Violence and (4) Sexual Assault, and (5) Crisis Hotline. All information is reported to the Attorney General with reports also being sent to the Harbor Board. Tammy stated the Child Welfare Alliance provides money for prescnptlOns, health department, school supplies, Christmas programs and comfort of patients. The Children's Advocacy Center interviews abused children and children who are witnesses to crime. It provides a safe environment to reduce trauma. We do an investigation though this is initiated by law enforcement. Crime Victims Assistance meets with victims who come to the Center. If it is homicide, aggravated assault or other violence, we inform them of their rights and write a letter to the District Attorney. The victim must cooperate. We keep up with them. They make a statement of how this has affected their life. It they don't report back, we do not solicit. Law enforcement has to give out cards to victims. Commissioner Finster asked who enforces any police proceedings. Tammy explained the procedure regarding complaints and court proceedings. She said Crime Victims are everyone, children and adults. Children are dealt with and we give other literature, also. Child abuse falls under both Children's Advocacy Center and Crime Victims. In domestic violence, we do work with the Housing Authority in selection and approval of applicants. We determine how severe the abuse is and see the danger zones. If there is a spouse-type violence, there is specific paperwork. With sexual assault, we will work with the emergency room and have clothes and counseling for sexual assault survivors. Judge Marshall asked how adults are benefited by CV A Tammy said they come to the Center for services and fill out the paperwork. Judge Marshall mentioned that many cases are not reported by the victims. Tammy said the Hot Line is used by individuals and other assaults are initiated by law enforcement. We can't make victims go for medical treatment and cannot make them file charges or report the crime. Commissioner Floyd asked who is required to report. Tammy said they must report all abuse, etc. of children. CLOSED SESSION - CONSULT A nON WITH ATTORNEY The Court being in open session, the County Judge, as presiding officer, publicly announced that the Commissioners Court would go into closed session as authorized under Section 551.074, Texas Government Code for personnel matters, to-wit; the County Crime Victim CoordinatorlLiaison. The Judge publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of said closed session, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went in closed session at 11 :36 AM. The Judge reopened the meeting at 12:15 P.M. A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the Crime Victims Assistance budget as shown in Calhoun County's 2002 budget is not as defined under section 56.04 but is a position of this Commissioners' Court and reports to the Court. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 12:16 PM. 439