2003-06-26 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT The Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report was presented by Mr. Saad Mikhail. Mr. Buzz Currier, Hospital Administrator, updated hospital operations, discussing the schedule of the orthopedic surgeons who will be coming to the hospital. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-OATE SUMMARY MAY 31, 2003 ,--- OPERATING REVENUE LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Receivable- (Incr) Decr Accounts payable- Incr (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (Incr) Decr Inventory (lncr) Decr TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR PLUS: Depreciation Contribution to the County PLUS: County Subsidies ~/Hospital TotalCashC lncr (Decr) LESS: Equipment Purchases c' NET CASH- INCR (DECR) - 730 8,042,854 (7,397,43~ (582,599) (213,416) (26,729) (16,414) 645-,421 (839,159) (193,738) 633,899 o 440,161 (206,637) e e e 261,865 1 e e e .:, " .~~~-- .~,~ . ,",:;!:" ",....,':.,':. .~.....,_. .....~...-.__ "0_. .,...-.~'..._~.. / CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTHOFI MAY200J BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BAlANCE UC'EIFl"S DIS8C1XSEMENTS FClND BAUNCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING SI,998,7<0.2' SI,<2<,551.90 $2,08<,%7.67 SI,338,32...1 MllMOIUAL 17,010.59 <46.95 17,057.5< REsTRICTED DONATION 13,<91.<7 37.2< 13,528.7t mOtoENT HEALTIiCARE 104,124.7.2 l/0,J1S.J5 102,470.53 112,669.54 TOTALS S2,13<,067.06 SI,53<.951.~ $2,187,<38.20 Sl,.cBl,SBO.30 BANI(RE<;tlNCIUATION LESS: CERT. FUND OFDEPOSlT PLUS: CHECKs BANK FUND BALlNCE omERlTEMS O=ANlJINO JJALANCE .; :~: Pi MEMORIAL MEnICALcEmi:rii' Ol'ERA'lING . :. 1,338,32<.51 0.01 332,002.18 1,670,326.68 MEMORIAL ;. .:' J ~ ~: .'. .:_, 17,057.5< 17,057.54 1\EStIuC'rED DONATION ' 13,528.71 13,528.71 INDIGENIIlEALTIfCARE 112,669.54 16.19 112,755.73 , TOTALS SI,481,580.30 SOJJI SJ3%,088.37 SI,813,668.66 . , 731 e t"'. - .". 3 732 MEHOR1!\. IOICAl CENTER BIUlNCE Slm f6/12/63 63:~ PM AS IF: 05/31/03 TlUS YEAR LAST YEAR LAST Ml)ffil 05/31163 05/31102 04/30/03 CURRENT ASSETS ~RATIN6 FUND 1,338,324.51 8M, 555. 84 1,998,740.28 MPREST CASH ACCOJIfi 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 PETTY CASH 625. 00 625.00 625.00 lIMP BOOO PROCEEDS .00 .00 .00 m> IfJSPITAl PORTION .00 .00 .00 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,582.77 13,050.2':1 13,.98.47 m> BOOO SINI<ING FUNDIINTEREST 36.21 36.21 36,21 TOTR!. CASH..................... 1,357,568.49 903,267.34 2,017,899.% 'ClIDlTS RECEIVA8lE PATIEIIT ACCOJNTS RECEIVABLE ',771,166.23 ,,580,919,.7 4,642,782. b2 AlL04ANCE FOR BAO DEBT (2,234,819.001 (2, 34B, 846. 00l (2,174,666.001 PLAZA SPECIAlTY CLINICS RECEIVABL .00 ,00 .00 MISC OCCOLtlTS RECEIVABLE 248,201.33 202,948.03 253,797.40 THIRD PARTY RECEIVABLE 63,718.00 33S, 598. 00 63,718.00 TIF GRIWT .00 ',852.74 .00 TOT'l. OCCOLtlTS RECEIVA8lE...... 2, 8.B, 266. 56 2,775,472.24 2,785,632.02 INVEllTORIES AADICl.OOY-fll.ll 10,038. 96 7,341.49 8,437.19 l.JlOORATORY 64,949.56 34,m.76 50,373.65 CENTRll SlRlLY 119,~.05 108,845.49 111,595.54 SURGERY 154,643.59 135,6f0.20 154,643.59 DIETARY 9,847.61 10,118.38 9,847.61 -~ ',128.79 4,961.71 4,128.79 144,211.73 137,053.00 144,211.73 TOTIte INVEllTORY................ 507,300.2':1 .37, 90S. 03 483,238.10 PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID INSUIWU 37,e93.45 28,536.21 63,387.12 PREPAID EXPENSES 57,680.54 50,563. 65 34,858.24 TOTIte PREPAID EXPEllSES......... 94,773;99 79,899.86 98,245. 36 TOTIte aJRRENT ASSETS. .. ........ 4,897,909.33 .,J95,744.47 5,385,~15.44c; PRlJlERTY, PLANT, , EOOIPfoEHT LmD 32, 142. 60 32, 142. 60 32, 142.60 BUIUllt.l;S 8,833, 342. 87 8,897,464.87 8,827,365. 87 FIXED EllUIPI'IENT 2,408, 710. 36 2, 408, 710, 36 2,408,710.36 IflJOR MOVABLE EllUIPI'IENT 9,424,168.02 8,429,902.56 9,369,215.48 IEIIlRlIte 1ED1Cll. PLAZA 7,245,046.35 7,232, 709.21 7,245, 846. 35 ISlORTABLE BOOD ISSOORNCE aJST 7e, 557.00 77,873. 00 70,557.00 COOSTRu::TION IN PROORESS .00 .80 .00 LESS: lWJUIlTED DEPRECIATION (15,552, 683. 331 ((4,398,848. 381 (15,426,514.27) TOTIte PRtJlERTY, PLANT, I EQUIP 12,461,283.87 12,589,954;22 12, 52b; 583. 39 e TOTIte lIlRESTRlCTED ASSETS...... 17,269,193.2\1 16,785,698.69 17.91\,598. 83 4 '733 PitPUI<UL ~VILHL l..t~ltl1 e " BIiJlNCE SlEET N,/I2/03 03,\6 PI! AS If: 85/31/03 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR LAST MOOTH (-. 85/31/03 05/3Im 04/30/03 JRRENl "lABILITIES ~S PAYABLE 397,3b0.~B 361,B70.39 0IB,563.75 IV:CW PAYABLE5 228,29'3.22 229,015.81 IJ1!,I58.\1 ~W PAYRILl 33\,'353.47 308,917. \3 337,220.75 IrrRlED RETIR849lT 50, 145.09 (4,\\7.831 <331.331 IV:CRlED STATE SIUS TAX 614.25 .e3 610.0~ THIRD PARTY PAYABLES IIBb, 745. 001 .00 275,602.00 RETElITIllH:OOSTROCTlOO IH PROORES .00 .00 .00 IK:CIltEl VACATlOOII<<lJDAY /SICK 28\,643. J<l 275,593.39 2B\, 0\3. 39 CAPITAL LEASES OBLIBATIOH 396, 832. 00 454,854.00 396,832.00 '"' BOODS .00 147,100.75 .00 REPORTABLE BOND DISCOtJIT 118,2'l0.00) (19,902.001 118,290.001 I()5p OBLIBATlON FOR BONDS (2,039.00) 211,204.60 (2,ll39.001 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES...... 1,485,773.70 1,773,138.27 2,0C6,969.99 .00 TERM LIABILITIES 1M' BONDS 2,490,800.00 2, \90, 000. ell 2,490,000.00 1m3 TERM LEASE 1,107,3b0.00 .00 1, 107, 360. ell TOTAL 1m3 TERM LIABILITIES.... 3,591, 3b0. 00 2,490,800.00 3,597,360.00 e TOTAL LIABILITIES....,......... 5, 883,133, 70 4,263,138.27 5,624,329.99 IlETAII, ARNIN6S 1iElERli. FUll BIVJN:ES 12, 146, 196. 45 12,489,203.38 12,146,196.45 YEAA-ro-ooTE BAINILDSS 39,863.85 33,357.04 141, 1l56. 39 TOTAL GEIERAL FUll BIUKE..... 12, IBb, 859. 50 12, 522,560. 42 12,287,252.84 TOTAL rnRESTRICTED LIABILITIES. 17,269,193.20 16,785,698.69 17,911,582.83 IESTRICTED rnm lISSETS IElVRIAL rnm 17, e57. 54 6,955.96 17,010.59 FORIIDSA TRUST 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637,41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FOO lISSETS.. . s;0jG94;9S 540,593.37 550,64a.00 , RESTRICTED rnm LIABILITIES RESTRICTED rnm BIUNCE 11,e57.54 6, 955. 96 17,010.59 e FURIlOSA TRUST BlUm: 533,637.41 533,637.41 533,637.41 TOTAL RESTRICTED FOO L1AB..... 550, 694. 9S 540,593. 37 550,648.00 C . 5 734 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT For lh. 05 Months Ending e May 31,2GD3 SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO DI\ TE Current Budget Prior Year Current YTO eudge~_YTO Prior YTD Operating Revenue Inpatient Revenue: Medicare 491,629.44 510,308,16 567,299.22 3,179.206.44 2,485,404.15 2,860,987.43 Medicaid 117 .386.25 125,490.26 97,382.34 615,469.99 611,262.16 671.562.95 Other 341,201.87 280,291.06 281,371.54 1,422.787.96 1,365.288.41 1,442,419.00 T otallP Revenue 950,217.56 916,089.48 946,053.10 5,217,464.39 4,461.954.72 4.974.969.38 YTO IP Revenue Variance 755,509.67 I 242.~95,OI I Outpatient Revenue Medicare 542,262.40 726.935.31 888.254.86 3,395.565.34 3,540.678,47 Medicaid 123.175.90 166.275.60 180,070.31 641,517.64 809,924.03 909.~57.3S Other 1.363,062.24 920.047.35 731.085.70 5,826.191.19 4,481.520.88 3,556,825.17 Total OP Revenue 2.048.500.54 1.813.258.46 1,799,~10.87 9,863,274.17 8,832,323.38 8,724,286.26 YTD OP Revenue VarianCe 1.030.950.79 I 1.138,987.91 I Total Operating Revenue 2.998.718.10 2,729,347.94 2.745.463.97 15.080.738.56 13,294,278.10 13.699,255.64 YTD Tota( Revenue Vanance 1,786,460.46 I 1,381.482.92 I _venue Deduclions Medicare Cant Adj. (962.850.14) (700,617.00) (883.~OJ.61) (4.420,304,05) (3,412.681.00) (3.931,326.73) Medicare Pass-thru 36.972.00 33.333.33 55,551.00 242,379,37 166,666.65 278,657.00 Medicaid Cool Adj, (193.269.55) (149,459.00) (121,<<5.~6) (927,142.02) (728,015.00) (736,~88.85) Indigent/Charity Cont. Adj. (76.429.19) (81.877.00) (151.330.11) (302,526.80) (398.823.00) (628.200.52) Bad Debt Expense (182,993.30) (159,426.00) (136.732.03) (912,054.87) (776,563.00) (811,001.75) Other Deductions (173.133.18) (218.658.00) (147.343.29) (962.083.21) ( (807.472.99) Total Rev Deductions (1.551.703.36) (1,276.701.67) (1,384.703.50) (7,281,731.58) (6.214.479.35) (6.637,833.84) Deducts as % of Oper Revenue ~9.89%1 48.00%1 50.49%1 Payments as 'Yo of Oper Revenue 50.11%1 52.00%/ ~9.S1%1 Orhef Revenue Cafeteria Sales 7,50526 6,666.67 7.885,04 - 39,649.88 33,333.35 ~0;05f,67 Int~rest Income 5,293.34 1,250.00 3.086.12 24,866.98 6,250.00 8,868:68 Interest from Bonds &4.30 0.00 33.42 234.49 0.00 134.36' Interest from Hosp Portion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 MaR Rental 10,350.81 0.00 12,293.06 52,893.75 0.00 49,200,33 MisCellaneOUs Income 35.984.91 1.166.57 107.325.19 126,202.18 5.833.35 549.695.84 TotaJ OUler Revenue 59,228.62 9,083.34 130,622.83 243,84726 ~5.416,70 648.060.98 Net Revenue 1,506,243.36 1.~61.728.61 1.~91.383.30 8.042.85424 7.125,215.~5 7.709.~B2.78 e PtIQO.1- 6 _ '735 I MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER OPERATING STATEMENT e " for \h. oS Month.. Er.dlr.~ M.y:n,2003 SINGLE MONTH YEAR TO DATE Current Budget Prior Year Current YTO BUdge! YTD PriorYTD Operating Expense Salaries 598,647.58 544,145.00 595,076.43 2,934,176.74 2,650.484.00 2,901,558.76 Employee Benefits 144,920.69 150.680.00 122.291.92 720,558.67 733.170.00 626,439.60 Professional Fees 216.153.38 229.566.74 252.451.31 1.147.833.70 1,175,923.83 Plant Operation 29.545.26 36.975.00 36.767.84 154.211.00 184.875.00 174.588.22 Hospital General 65,921.76 51.554.17 16.341.29 246,841.20 257.770.85 181,406.94 Other Operating Expenses 426,078.97 440.578.57 443,237.11 2,194,544.51 2.202.892.85 2,080,292.81 Total Operating Expense 1,481,267.64 1,453,499.48 1.466.165.90 7,397.433.43 7.177,026.40 7,140,210.16 220.407.03 I 257.22327 I Nel Operating Galn/(Loss} 24.975.72 8.230.13 25.217.40 645,420.81 (51.810.95) 569,272.62 Non-Operatlng Expo""e Depreciation 126.169.06 129.515.50 126,983.47 633.898.89 647.577.50 645.045.58 Contribution to County 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e Total Noo-.Qperating Expense 126.169.06 129,515.50 126,983.47 633,898.89 647,577.50 645.045.58 To crating GaW(Loss) (101.193.34) (121,285.37) (101.766.07) 11,521.92 (699.388.45) (75.772.96) County Subsidy 0.00 0.00 109,129.00 (28,341.13) 0.00 (109.130.00) Net Galn/(lOSS) after Subsldy (101.193.34) (121,285.37) (210,895.07) 39,863.05 (699,388A5) 33.357.04 --...---- --...-- e l p.o'." 7 '736 MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS OF MAY 31,2003 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 OVER 120 TOTAL MEDICARE 1,300,462 210,504 101,031 61,894 ; 173,956 1,847,847 Percent 70% 11% 5% 3% ' :9% 39% MEDICAID 211,446 58,228 25,624 28,414 23,095 346,807 61% 17% 7% 8% ' ,'. 7% 7% BLUE CROSS 83,269 38,276 18,783 21,369 :; 25,~60 187,057 Percent 45% 20% 10% 11% , .."14% 4% COMMERCIAL 870,491 366,817 211,729 127,094 I; 179;424 1,755,555 Percent 50% 21% 12% 7% i! ':'100/. 37% PRIVATE 132,004 146,113 146,672 110,284 98;838 633,911 .' Percent 21% 23% 23% 17% .' 16% ' 13% TOTAL 2,597,672 819,938 503,839 349,055 500,672 4,771,177 Percent 54% 17% 11% 7% ' '11% 100% Outstanding AR Days: 48.66 May 46.17 April - e f' C":l r-. , , 00 e e MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVAL LIST FOR JUNE 2003 DATE APPROVED ACCOUNTS PATIENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR PAYABLE REFUNDS 5/1/03 (weekly) $ 64,501.28 5rrt03 (extra weekly) $ 186,762,00 5/8/03 (weekly) $ 341,016.41 $ 1,558,59 5/12/03 (extra weekly) $ 275,585.00 5/15/03 (weekly) $ 198,430.48 $ 1,143.90 e 5/22/03 (weekly) $ 125,009,91 $ 305,83 5/28/03 (monthly) $ 180,036,62 5/29/03 (weekly) $ 131,440,54 TOTAL $ 1.502,782,24 $ 3,008.32 MONTHLY PAYABLE FOR JUNE 2003 $ 161,102,23 24 '738 - INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY FOR YEAR 2002 Mr. Chris Rutledge, with Rutledge Crain & Company, PC, Certified Public Accountants, reviewed the outside audit report prepared by his firm for Calhoun County for the year ending December 31, 2002. He said they were very pleased with working with the County and with all the help the~ received. (The report is on file in the County Aud~tor's office.) A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the Independent Audit Report for Calhoun County for the year ending December 31, 2002. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e GENERAL DISCUSSION - PORT O'CONNOR TOWNSITE PROPERTY AND SURVEY LINES DISCUSSED BY MS. WHITI'AKER Ms. Whittaker of Port O'Connor spoke regarding property lines and surveying in the Port O'Connor Townsite. She said the townsite was founded and beautifully laid out. Her home was built in 1912 when there was no stock law; everyone had fences. Hurricane Carla destroyed much of this. Her father had built a fence and left one post to show the property line. Recently, her neighbor put a barn partially on the Whittaker pro~erty. She and her family have spoken with him several t~mes. There are surveying stakes in her yard. She talked with Commissioner Finster and a surveyor who said the sidewalk was put in incorrectly. The surveying point has been moved three times, the last being the corner of Park at the Ben Williams property. The beach was never used as a point of survey. The surveyors were shooting right through the Whittaker steps. If the sidewalk was used, everything is perfect. She felt no one should come in and take away from Port O'Connor natives. Her family is very upset. Ms. Whittaker said GBRA tore up all their sidewalks and even took off a block of cement and put a meter there. The Port O'Connor Munici~al Utility District did not ask but put a big pot in the~r front yard and took out a block of their sidewalk and put in a meter. She said they have the cleanest, maintained alley in Port O'Connor; wh~ weren't the meters put in the alley. At a MUD meet~ng, they said this should have been done. The engineer said it was his mistake; he thought all the alleys ran the same way. The Whittaker family wants the utilities moved to the alley were they belong or be given the chance to close that alley. She cited the letters she received from Commissioner Finster and the letter from the MUD to him. e Judge Pfeifer asked if the MUD was now in charge of the easements. Commissioner Finster replied the MUD has authorit~ over the utility easements and authority to lay their ut~lities in the street rights-Of-way, depending on the route they choose. He said there has been a discrepancy by surveyors over the years of the layouts in Port O'Connor. Most of the easements run one direction in Port O'Connor until you ~et to the boulevard, then they turn the opposite direct~on. When utilities are laid, they lay them down the boulevard. The surveyor she talked with was for the MUD. They already had their starting points there to work off of. The real argument is whether that survey is correct. It is about one and a half feet off. Her neighbor is over on that. Ms. Whittaker felt no one has the right to come in and change out property lines. There should be a plot filed with the County of how the way the town was actually founded and measured out. This all started with GBRA who tore up sidewalks. Commissioner Finster said the real argument is if they are within the right-of-way. She needs to have another surveyor do a survey for their opinion. Any discrepancy betwen two surveyors can be settled by the State Board. '739 Judge Pfeifer asked Commissioner Finster to pursue this furt~er.and se~ if it should be brought back to the Court. ~omm1ss1oner F1ns~er said he believed those pots should go 1nto.the street r1g~t-of-way or into the utility easement. He w1ll check on th1s. Kenneth W. Finster -- County Commissioner County of Calhoun Precinct 4 August 7, 2001 Ms. Whittaker P.O. Box S13 Port O'Connor, Texas 77982 Dear Ms. Whittaker: Enclosed is an answer I received in reference to your question about the abandonment of utility easements in Port O'Connor. According to his response, the ftrst step would be to seek a resolution from the MUD on the abandonment of this ea~ement. The second step would be to have Commissioners Court approve this abandonment. If you would like to pursue this matter, please advise me when you are ready for this to be presented to Commissioners Court. Thank you for your patience in this matter, if we can be of further service please do not hesitate to caII. Sincerely, /tv.-.- ~, v~.~ Kenneth W. Finster ~ ~~'e.~ e - 740. P.O. Box 177 . Seadrlft, TX 77983 . emall: commlsh@tlsd.net .361.785.3141 . Fax 361.785.5602 e Ty Zeller ATTORNEY AT lAW 131 N. Virginia Street, Suite A Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 1501 Mockingbird Suite 212 Victoria, Texas 77904 COpy Tel (361) 552-9222 Port Lavaca Tel (361) 574-9222 Victoria Fax (361) 552-9218 July 30, 2001 Calhoun County Precinct #4 Commissioner Kenneth Finster P.O. Box 177 Sea drift TX 77983 Dear Kenny, I am responding to your question regarding abandonment of easements and/or roads within the Port O'Connor MUD. I have enclosed Attorney General Opinion LO-94-044 which does not answer your question but discusses at length the relationship between the MUD and the County. e After some brief research and a conversation with Lee Keeling, the MUD's attorney, I feel the best way to accomplish what you are trying to do is to get the MUD to pass a resolution approving the abandonment and get the County to act on it. The action on the part of the MUD may prohibit them from coming back at a later time and claiming some rights in the property. The action by the County is necessary because legal title is in the County, and I think only the Commissioners' Court can act on it. The mere fact that the MUD has been established does not take the County's property interest away. (See L094-044) TZJsr enc e '741 Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District P.O. Box 375 Port O'Connor, Texas 77982 COpy November 27, 2001 e Commissioner Kenny Finster Calhoun County Pet. #4 P.O. Box 177 Seadrift, TX 77983 RE: Closure of Alleyway Block 103 Dear Mr. Finster; The Board of Directors of Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District met at a regularly scheduled meeting and discussed a proposed alleyway closure at Block 103 as presented by Ms. Edna Whittaker. The Board of Directors discussed the closure and voted not to allow the alleyway to be closed. The utility easement may be utilized at a later date and may present a hardship to the district if the alleyway were closed. The Board of Directors asks that Commissioner's Court take into consideration the need of Port O'Connor Municipal Utility District in closing alleyways. e 01~ Jim Maib District Manager GENERAL DISCUSSION - GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION CONSULTANT VISITING COURT Mr. Marshall Huckabee, Consultant for Golgen Crescent Regional Planning Commission, now residing in Calhoun County, was introducted to the Court by Commissioner Finster. GENERAL DISCUSSION - PARKING AT PORT O'CONNOR BOAT RAMP AREA e Mr. Kirk Howlett asked the Court about where to park boats and trailers at the Port O'Connor Boat Ramp area. Commissioners Finster said he had offered any County property for this. It appears everyone is still parking along the wooden fence there even though there is a Court Order against this. Mr. Howlett mentioned the trash and slashed tires. Commissioner Finster said these matters are enforced by the Sheriff's Department. '742 e CALHOUN COUNTY RECYCYE CENTER - LEASE TO R G. SALVAGE FOR ABANDONED VEHICLE STORAGE Commissioner Balajka said R. G. Salvage representatives are looking for a location for a storage facility for junk cars and large metal waste. They have spoken with the Public Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer. Richard Garza petitioned the Court to grant a lease of property at the landfill site. They will pick up nuisance vehicles to the city and county, remove gas and oil before crushing them and be responsible for any spills, etc. Ben Comiskey, County Auditor, said this would have to be advertised as they are not a government unit unless they can provide a contract that they want to provide a service to the County by removing abandoned vehicles. Commissioner Balajka said we want a contract for the County's protection; if something happens to their business, we don't want to get stuck with any abandoned vehicles. Mr. Garza said they will pick up any cars that need to be removed for free, haul them to the site, process and store them until they are crushed and sent to San Antonio. This is done at no cost to the County. They accept all types of vehicles. After they get one hundred cars, they crush and send them to San Antonio and start the process over again. There is no compensation to the owner; this is a free service whiCh they will publish to inform the public. They will need the veh~cle titles. Commissioner Balajka and patricia Kalisek, with the Landfill, suggested the area behind the dumps be used as vehicles there would be hidden from view. Ms. Kalisek stated washers, dryers, refrigerators, and other large metal waste would be crushed at no charge. Mr. Comiskey said this would not have to be advertised if there is an agreement to provide services to the County in return for three acres of land. A Contract is needed to limit the County's liability. Mr. Garza said they would get a bond or l~ability insurance, whatever is required. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize Comm~ssioner Balajka to negotiate a contract with R. G. Salvage to provide collecton of derelict vehicles to the County and also, crush washers, dryers, refrigerators, and other large metal waste located at the landfill. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e RELEASE OF SECURITIES PLEDGED TO COVER THE DEPOSITS OF CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to release, as requested by International Bank of Commerce, the following securities that are pledged to cover the deposits of Calhoun County Commissioners' Court from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and authorize the County Judge to sign the release document, with an effective date of June 26, 2003. e 1. FHLMC POOL #C90204, CUSIP #31335HGM9, Original Face $3,000,000 2. FNMA POOL #CT252801, CUSIP #31371HX60, Original Face $10,000,000 Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. '743 .IBC International Bank of Commerce e June 5, 2003 Calhoun County Commissioner Court Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Dear Sir: International Bank. of Commerce - Port Lavaca is requesting that you please release the following securities that are pledged to cover the deposits of Calhoun County Commissioner Court from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Account # K2HY - ABA 114902528) effective today. FHLMC POOL# C90204 CUSIP# 3 I 335HGM9 COUPON: 7.00% ORIGINAL FACE: 3,000,000 PAR VALUE: 387,189.60 DUE 02/01/2018 FNMA POOL# CT252801 CUSIP# 31371HX60 COUPON: 7.00% ORIGINAL FACE: 10,000,000 PAR VALUE: 2,697,802.00 DUE ]0/01/20]9 If you should have any questions, please feel free to call Joyceann Dickinson al(956) 722-7611 Ex.!. 6301. e Sinc elY'~n c q,_y ,)J Wv 'e 1. Tarvin First Vice President ACKNOWLEGED & RELEASED BY: -------------------------.----------------------------------- CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONER COURT /)IlI./~/1 !II Michael J. Pfeifer Calhoun COllntv Judae DatK &.' .;.2.(., -7)~ .j ~._.qw. ~ , Kenneth W. Finster Calhoun County Commissioner Precinct 1/4 Date: 26 June 2003 CALHOUN COUNTY MUSEUM - ACCEPT DONATION FOR LASALLE ODYSSEY FROM TEXAS SETI'LEMENT TRAILS. INC. /TEXAS SETI'LEMENT REGION e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Judge Pfeifer to accept the donation to the Calhoun County Museum in the amount of $3,484.00 from the Texas Settlement Trails, Inc./Texas Settlement Region as given by the M. G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation, Inc. for the LaSalle Odyssey project, and authorize George Anne Cormier to sign for the donation on behalf of the Calhoun C?unty Museum. Commi~sioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Flnster and Judge Pfelfer all voted in favor. . 744 g Texas Settlement Region Me P.O. Box 1132 607 No. Bridge 5t. Victoria, TX 77902 e Aransas Austin Brazoria Calhoun Colorado Fort Bend Goliad Gonzales Guadalupe I Jackson Lavaca I Matagorda Refugio I Victoria I Wharton I Officers: e Sharon Steen President Cherre Cain Vice-President Pat Hedgcoxe Secretary Kay Frels Treasurer 361/485-1570 (voice) 361/573-5247 (fax) tsrinfo[alviptx.net www.texas-settlement-or!! April 10, 2003 Calhoun County Museum Attn: George Ann Cormier 211 So. Ann Port Lavaca. TX 77979 Dear George Ann Connier It is our pleasure to inform you that the M.G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation Inc. has authorized a grant of $60,000 to Texas Settlement Trails Inc. for the La Salle Odyssey project. A distribution plan to disperse all joint funds to the La Salle Odyssey participating institutions was approved at the January 6, 2003 Texas Settlement Region meeting. Accordingly, Texas Settlement Trails Inc.tTexas Settlement Region will issue a check to Calhoun County Museum for their share ~- $ 3,484 - when you return this agreement signed by an authorized officer of the Calhoun County Museum. As the grantee the Calhoun County Museum agrees to; . Use the funds to produce and implement educational exhibits based on archaeological results and artifacts recovered from the La. Belle shipwreck as described in the proposal to the M.G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation Inc. dated January 8,2003. . Coordinate the design, fabrication and installation of your exhibit so that it is consistent in content, design and quality with the other La Salle Odyssey exhibits. . Comply with all other terms and conditions listed in the attached letter from the M.G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation Inc. dated March 14,2003. Sincerely, Sharon Steen, President Texas Settlement Trails Inc./Texas Settlement Region As an officer of the Calhoun County Museum, I certify that I am duly authorized to bind the organization to the terms of this agreement, and do agree to accept the terms set forth above and in the attached document this day of 2003. CALHOUN COUNTY MUSEUM By Name Tille Please rerum the original and keep a copy for your files, Thank you. INSURANCE SE'1"I'LEMENT FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT VEHICLE A MO~io~ was made.by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Comm~ss~oner B~laJka to ac~ept the insurance settlement w~th Huey T; L~ttleton Cla~ms Service of Texas, Inc. on the Sher~~f S Department 2001 Ford Crown Victoria damaged 6-4-2003 ~n the amounts of $14,942.22 for actual cash ~alue on v~hicle and $l,OlO.05 for total non-permanently ~nstalled ~tems, and authorize the Sheriff to sign the odomete~ statement, power of attorney, and title. Co~~ss~oners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfe~fer all voted in favor. e 745 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICER - APPROVE CHANGES IN JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve changes in the job description for the Chief Deputy Treasurer and approve the job description for the Deputy County Treasurer, both of which were reviewed by Katherine Ray of Ray Associates, Inc., and a~proved by her without change in Classificatlon, FLSA Status, Pay Group or EEOC Category. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e Calhoun County Job Description CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY TREASURER ~,r' " ~\vV\ MJ- v CLASS NO. 9002 EEOC CATEGORY: Office and Clerical PAY GROUP: 18 FLSA STATUS: Non-exempt SUMMARY OF POSITION Oversees the processing of Accounts Payable for the county, including auditing, maintaining records, and issuing checks; and performs other clerical tasks. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 1. Reports to: County Treasurer. e 2. Directs: This is a non-supervisory position. 3. Other: Has frequent contact with other county personnel and the general public. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned. Process Accounts Payable for the county, including auditing purchase orders, data entry, batch processing, preparing manual checks and voiding checks; Communicates orally and in writing with other county departments regarding Accounts Payable and other issues; Researches balances on vendor statements to identifY disputed charges or unpaid invoices; Attends Commissioners Court meetings and stamps bills approved to pay; Reconciles monthly bank statements for 16 county bank accounts and 4 Memorial Medical Center bank accounts; Maintains receipt and disbursement registers and prepares monthly journal entries for Memorial Medical Center, Drainage Districts, Irnprest Jury and Navigation District funds; Prepares Treasurer's Report and Investment Report for approval by Commissioners' Court; e Prepares quarterly 941 payroll tax reports, State Court Costs Arrest Fees Reports and annual Sales Tax Report; Performs special worksheets and reports for County Treasurer; Obtains and prepares information for outside auditors; Answers department telephones, including transferring calls to other departments, taking messages, and assisting callers; Calhoun County Job Description Page 1 746 CLASS NO. 9002 (Continued) ~~ Greets the general public, including giving infonnation and directing customers to appropriate departments; e Perfonns secretarial duties such as word processmg, typing fonns, filing, copymg and faxing documents; and Assists other county departments with administrative issues. OTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. In the absence of the County Treasurer, the Chief Deputy Treasurer perfonns the following duties: Accepts monies from county departments and write receipts; Prepares banks deposits; Processes electronic payroll tax payments for county and Memorial Medical Center Processes EMS and county payrolls; and Appears in Commissioners' Court Performs such other related duties as may be assigned. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Knowledge of ten-key; Excel software, basic b oOkkeepinglaccounting knowledge; word processing software. Skill/Ability to: ability to analyze accounts and make journal entries; create Excel spreadsheets. e ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation or its equivalent plus at least two years of accounting or bookkeeping experience. Associates Degree desirable. CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES REQUIRED Appropriate Texas driver's license. SIGNATURES Employee's Signature Supervisor's Signature Date Date e Calhoun County Job Description Page 2 '747 Calhoun County Job Description DEPUTY COUNTY TREASURER ,) ~' 1J.6 yt; . ;j ,..j/'\' ~}~j CLASS NO. 9005 EEOC CATEGORY: Office and Clerical PAY GROUP: 13 FLSA STATUS: Non-exempt SUMMARY OF POSITION To assist in processing accounts receivable and accounts payable for all county offices, including reconciliation, investigation, and vendor contact/communication, ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 1. Reports to: County Treasurer. 2. Directs: This is a non-supervisory position. 3. Other: Has frequent contact with other county personnel and the general public. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned, '1.()()'l.1 ,,'0" . \..\...... .~e. ,-,,'\.'\. '" ",'- {.. '(.,\'.2- '\."s '" "eO. . o~ " ~" . ",'- "{.e'l: oS'),.. ^,,,,,, '< .'" '< . ~ "'~'- "",\-0 '<0- \.'< '- c'" o~e i>es ~o ':,0'0 ^,,,s ~o "{,,~e"(,.e -;>-.j,roe 'oec. '748 e e e e _ 1_ Calhoun County Job Description DEPUTY COUNTY TREASURER ~~.' ~t"i7' \l\\~ ,c, \\J ~'~ , /~v CLASS NO. 9005 EEOC CATEGORY: Office and Clerical PAY GROUP: 13 FLSA STATUS: Non-exempt SUMMARY OF POSITION To assist in processing accounts receivable and accounts payable for all county offices, including reconciliation, investigation, and vendor contact/communication. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 1. Reports to: County Treasurer. 2. Directs: This is a non-supervisory position. 3. Other: Has frequent contact with other county personnel and the general public. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned. Oversees the processing of Accounts Payable for the county, including auditing purchase orders, data entry, batch processing, preparing manual checks and voiding checks; Communicates orally and in writing with other county departments regarding Accounts Payable and other issues; Communicates, orally and in writing, with vendors regarding the payment of invoices; S tuffs envelopes and mails Imprest Jury checks for County and District Courts; Stuffs envelopes and mails Memorial Medical Center Accounts Payable checks; Attains signatures for Memorial Medical Center Payroll checks; Research balances on vendor statements to identify disputed charges or unpaid invoices; Processes, posts, and issues Accounts Payable checks; Distributes payroll checks; Processes Accounts Payable reports for Commissioners' Court meetings; Attends Commissioners' Court meetings and stamps bills approved to pay; Organizes and maintains files, records and reports; Delivers child-support checks to District Clerk's Office, and direct deposit checks to banks; Calhoun County Job Description Page 1 '749 CLASS NO. 9005 (Continued) Obtains and prepares information for outside auditors; o . ;/J-u~ ~~c~"\ , 'J e Answers department telephones, including transferring calls to other departments, taking messages and assisting callers; Greets the general public, including giving information and directing customers to appropriate departments; Performs sccretarial duties such as sorting and distributing mail, word processing, typing forms, filing, copying and faxing documents; Prepares special worksheets and reports for County Treasurer; and Assists other county departments with administrative issues. OTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. In the absence of the County Treasurer, the Dcputy Treasurer performs the following duties; Accepts monies from county depanments and write receipts; Prepares banks deposits; Processes electronic payroll tax payments for '~ounty and Memorial Medical Center Processes EMS arld county payrolls; and Appears in Commissioners' Court e Perfomls such other related duties as may bc assigned. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Knowledge of standard office practices and procedures; knowledge of bookkeeping procedures; knowledge of computer input procedures and basic programs, such as Word and Excel. Skill/Ability to: operate IO-key by touch, ability to operatc standard word processing and spreadsheet software; ability to perform basic mathematical functions - verifying and accepting deposits. balancing accounts, verifying purchase order amounts; ability to operate basic office machines (faxltypewriter/multi-line phone system); communication skills for dealing with vendors/employees. ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation or its equivalent required. Desirable; Accounting or Bookkeeping/Finance degree or degree in AccountinglFinance or at least two years of experience. CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES REQUIRED e Appropriate Texas driver's license. Calhoun County Job Description Page 2 750 e e e CLASS NO. 9005 (Continued) ., \ /\\..} / N"),"../ .U\.:Y \\ IV / v,' ~//\J; ~ , J ,1"-- -<c. SIGNATURES Employee's Signature Supervisor's Signature Date Date Calhoun County, Texas is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Calhoun County will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with employer. Calhoun County Job Description Page 3 _.751 CALHOUN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #8 - RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER LOUIS J. FORSTER III A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept the resignation of Louis J. Foester III as Commissioner of Calhoun County Drainag9 District #8. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e June 6, 2003 The Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer, County Judge Calhoun County Commissioners' Court Calhoun County Courthouse Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Attention: Commissioner Precinct #1 Roger C. Galvan Gentlemen: It is with deep regret that I must resign due to health reasons as Calhoun County Drainage District #8 Commissioner, effective immediately. Sincerely, \...-/ . \---C~~ 7--c,-<---,-.~ m- Louis J. Foester III e CALHOUN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #8 - APPOIN'l'MBNT OF MIKE MUTCHLER AS COMMISSIONER A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to appoint Mike Mutchler as Commissioner of Calhoun County Drainage District #8 to fill the position vacated by the resignation of Louis J. Foes~er.III until the term expires on January 1, 2004. Comm~ss~oners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. June 9, 2003 The Honorable Michael J. Pfeifer Calhoun County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse 211 South Ann Street, Suite #304 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Attention: Commissioner of Precinct # I - Mr. Roger C. Galvan e Gentlemen: ] would appreciate your consideration of my appointment to Calhoun County Drainage District #8 to fill a vacant position recently created on the Drainage District Board. Sincerely, 7/1&t711J~ 752 Mike Mutchler PORT O'CONNOR ANNUAL JULY 4TH FIREWORKS DISPLAY - SAFETY MHA.<;URBS FOR TRAFFIC AND CROWD CONTROL A Mo~io~ was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Comm~ss~o~er Floyd to adopt the following Safety Measures for traff~c control and crowd control regarding the Annual July 4th Fi~ew?rks Display in Port O'Connor on July 5, 2003. Co~~ss~oners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfe~fer all voted in favor. e a. Designate Park Avenue as "One Way" going north on July 5, 2003. b. Close Park A venue to "Through Traffic" at a time to be determined jointly by the Sheriff, EMS Director, and Port O'Connor Fire Chief. (only traffic via PASS or Resident's access will be allowed). c. Prohibit the discharge of ALL personal fireworks at King Fisher Beach on Saturday, July 5, 2003 for the entire day. d. Establish a "No Parking" Zone on the east side of Washington Boulevard from Harrison to Adams and on Jackson Street from Park to Washington. COMMISSIONERS' COURT - RE-SrHRnm.R COURT MEETING DATE A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to re-schedule the July 24, 2003 Commissioners' Court Meeting to July 28, 2003. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. TEXAS RECREATION AND PARKS ACCOUNT SMlIr,r. COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COMMISSIONER BALA.TKA TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR STERLING PARK SITE IN PRECINCT #2 A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to adopt the Resolution for Texas Recreation and Parks Account Small Community Grants Program. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e Texas Recreation & Parks Account Small Community Grants Program A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF CAlHOUN, TEXAS, DESIGNATING OFFlCALS AS BEING RESPOSIBLE FOR CAIHOUN COUNTY IN DEAliNG WIlli TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE (TPW), FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATION AND PARKS ACCOUNT SMALL COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM; CERTIFYING THAT CAIHOUN COUNTY IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE; CERTIFYING THAT CAIHOUN COUNTY'S MATCHING SHARE IS READILY AVAILABLE; AND DEDICATING THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES. WHEREAS, Calhoun County is fully eligible to receive assistance under the program, is a political subdivision of a population of 20,000 or less, or is a county with more than 20,000 population applying for an unincorporated community of 20,000 population or less; and WHEREAS: Calhoun County is desirous of authorizing an official to represent the Applicant in dealing with TPW concerning the Program; BE IT RESOLVED BY CALHOUN COUNTY: e SECTION 1: That Calhoun County herby certifies that they are eligible to receive assistance under the Program, and that notice of the application has been posted according to local public hearing requirements. SECTION 2: That Calhoun County hereby certifies that the matching share for this application is readily available ar this time. SECTrON 3: That Calhoun County hereby authorizes and directs it Commissioner of Precinct 2 to act for the Applicant in dealing with TPW for the purpose of the Program, Michael Balajka is hereby officiaJIy designated as the representative in this re8""d. 753 SECfION 4: That Calhoun County hereby specifically authorizes the above. named official to lllilke application to TPW concerning the site to be know as Sterling Park in the County of Calhoun for the use as a park site and is hereby dedicated for public park and recreation purposes in perpetuity, or for lease term, iflegal control is through an inter-govemmentallease. SECfION 5: That Calhoun County hereby certifies that a copy of the application has been submitted to the appropriate regional council of governments for Texas Review and Comments System consideration. e In(jced, read and passed by the affirmation vote of Calhoun County on this U A4./ .) . 200.3 . .;2& day of ~r,ofJ, hrrPrO~ Michae Balajka, Calhoun County Commissioner, Pet. 2 H. Floyd, Calhoun ounty Commissioner. Pet. 3 ~?v. ~~ Kenneth Finster, Calhoun County Commissioner, Pet. 4 e ATTEST Anita Fricke, County Clerk "\'- D n " " \:\\\ ll\ ,) (' i'i' . "\0,.... ;~..' ..~:<'/' ~i:"" ~ ::.": pepllty< 'erl< ~~~~.~.. ) .:~jS.} ~'. i: ~~:::';: C', '..' ....,. .-' ~{..'''''''' ,\ . '.? ,\\\. "'I/UNCC-,;\ ~..v e '-,54 NEW CALHOUN COUNTY JAIL FINANCING AND REFUNDING OPTION - DESIGNATE TEAM TO REPRESENT CALHOUN COUNTY IN PRESENTATION TO RATING AND INSURANCE AGENCIES A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to designate Commissioner Balajka, Judge Pfeifer, Cindy Mueller and Ben Comiskey as a team to go to New York to represent Calhoun County in presentation to rating and insurance agencies for jail financing and refunding option negotiations. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e AIRPORT - ADVISORY BOARD REPORT AND APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER This agenda item was passed to a later date. COUNTY TREASURER - JP #3 - EXTENSION SERVICE - TAX ASSESSOR - MONTHLY REPORTS The County Treasurer, JP #3, Extension Service, and Tax Assessor-Collector presented their monthly reports for May, 2003 and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS - COUNTY TREASURER - DISTRICT ATTORNEY - COMMISSIONER PCT 2 (2) - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - POINT COMFORT FIRE PROTECTION - SHERIFF - AIRPORT - COMMISSIONER PCT 3 - COMMISSIONER PCT i. A Motion was made Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan the the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1. GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME EXTENSION SERVICE 1000-110-51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 30 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000-110-53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES (30) ELECTIONS 1000-270-61240 CONTRACT SERVICES 245 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000.270-53361 ELECTION SUPPLIES (245) DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1000-510.51700 MEAL ALLOWANCE 7 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000.510-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (7) ROAD & BRIDGE PRECINCT #1 1000-540-64790 POSTAGE 100 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-540-53510 ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES (100) CONSTABLE PRECINCT #3 1000-600.53995 UNIFORMS 117 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-600-60332 AUTO ALLOWANCE (117) NUISANCE OROINANCE ENFORCEMENT 1000-725-64790 POSTAGE 150 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-725-53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS (150) e SHERIFF 1000-760-51620 ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE 181 REQUIRED BY PA YR 1000-760-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 221 LINE ITEM TRANSFE APPROVE 1000-760-53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 364 1000~760.60360 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 1,299 1000-760-63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 343 26 1000.760-53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES (2,408) JUN 2003 Total for GENERAL FUND 0 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET _ 755 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST c:< e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: COUNTY TREASURER DATE: 6/25/03 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2003 756 APPROVED JUN 2 6 2003 e e e e e II BUDGE'!' AMENDMEN'!' REQUES'!' ]1 To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney's Office (Department making this request) Date: June 19, 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the Amendment GL Account # Account Name Amount ------------- ------------------ ------------- 510-66360 Transcription Services + $203.00 510-60190 Appeals - $100.00 510-53020 General Office Supplies - $103.00 Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------- 3 Reason ------------------- to pay for transcript of trial of Charles Chatham PROVED I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~~ Date of commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 757 "I" f"',' " , . '. , :t ' ,., r.". ~, i.,} t;:, }~ t. 758 .1' e ,~Bl1DGBT AKENDKBNT aBOt7BS'1'~ ~ '1'0: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From:' WhJllJY1 flJ/lVl:hl PreJIlM} j.~ (O~king this request) Date: Ir/7- 03 I request an amendme:!t to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the .. AlII.ndlaent GL Aooount I Aooount Name AlIIount 650~5;3qqJ --m~~-~~-S~QPi;C5--5W)-;;- 550- 535/0 ADaiL r fu'idgt (50CO.ooj aeason ---.--------------- e JUN 2 6 2003 -' Net ohange in total budget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ .e- -- - ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of Official/department head: ~UJ.~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): "'I' ~.'.,"':,~:' f, r' , ,.. . iJ I':;. ~:~ r,.",." (.,:,- , - e e ,/IBUOOB't AXmlDKBN'1' aBgOBS':~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From:' f' - "~ ( .n ~,'0\H\ ..{)l)i\.~ Y(f{ll\(;; :L (Department mak ng this request) Date: ~ - \'1.-03 I request an amendment to the ;;l00.3 (year) following line items in my department: .-/ !J budget for the ot. Aooount I -....-................... AIIIenc1lllent Aooount Name AIIIount ........................................ ..................-.......... 550-lolcL\i(o 5SG - S:is \ C> \1\ - C.O~IL~ \rt),j)eJ 500.00 ~Do.d ~ e.:,nd.qe... < 'SDO'OO) , I Net change in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -B- ========== aeason ............--...-.........--...... A OVED I understand that my budqet cannot be amended as requested until : Commissioners' Court approval is obtained, Signature of official/department head: 9~Oo~~~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 759 e ~BUOGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court G From: Emer2enCy Management (Department making this request) Date: 6-10-03 I request an amendment to the __~QQ3_____ budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account II Account Name Amendment Amount Reason """"''''''''''............................''''"''' 630-53470 ""...""".~""''''''......''''......'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' """...................~""'..."""""'- Radio Equipment Supplies -$35~ Generator Maintenance +$35~ ""'...."""........"""..."""""..........."""........."""""'-- 630-62690 ~OVEe- t JUN 26 ~ I e Net change in total budget for this department is: $ -0-- Other remarks/justification: ===========:::= r understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is Qbtained~ Signature of official/department head: 111AJiffl* e Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 760 e6/24/2ee3 e9:35 136189353e9 '{!f/tlJ if' f1f/!8 L.I. I'?:-- ~BVDQBT ~ENDMEMT REQUEST~ CALHOUN COUNTY PCT 3 PAGE e2 e To: Calhoun County From: comr..issio'lers' Court '{ fi 11. >'t.. . f\~ f) 1'1\ C:"1' \ D '-{ ~ ~ I ,-I 'f' (Oaf~rtment making tbis request) e" r"J ,.... , It r Date: 0,,", . Z/,j .... O.:z, I request an amendment to the z.. C> D 3 (year) fOllowing line items in my department: Dudllet for the 01. Aocount ,. ...-----...--........... AlIlen4...nt hooount Nam. lU1lount a....on ----_._------~._-- --------.........-- ------------------- '{,o -.C;- 3'1 q? b,"O-t, \'7<(0 U.fr 707!J-lJ .sui>>PU/':'S !1Jst, <1~i2.VIC.11l ~ (! r'J ~ J -r l'9 L. 0" TLI4'! (\ )""0) (2,074) ,::I, n7t4- , f4.1'JZI!!.IJ. \' K'JQ.n/~<' f. , , I \ . e Net change in total bu4qet for tbis 4epartment i., other rema~ks/justification: ~ '0 z:=~=c;=:::sa=z::;:;:a ~ lOll 'o~ R I::' ~,'I '2, l~ {> -r; R,~ p, ~'-1Z ~~)o r/-U:I",t- (),., I ~ I understand that my Dudget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is Obtained, signature of official/department heaa: V ~ $ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(e)' e 761 ~!JV~U~'J.' ."~~~li.~l'1t;~.J.' ~l("~~V.t;~ To. CaDloun County commissioners' Court From: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT (Department making this request) Date: JUNE 23. 2003 I request an amendment to the following line items in my 2003 (year) department: ?J budget for the 1Imendment 1Iooount V~me 1Imount ~!.-_~~~?~~~_L '10'150 760 .e765~ 760-53430 fJO/-yq LSD CAPITAL OUTLAY ------------------ ------------- LAW ENFORCEMENT ~(~-.)~ THE MONEY WILL BE RECEIVED FROM IN SURACE SETTLEMENT. Net ohange in total budget for this department iSI Other remarks/justification: $ . 9 ./ 3,36f/.y+ 2.60i.~ <?)q''/<t > -0- --------.----- --------.----- e -----"-~~~~?~------ REPLACE RADIO AND FRONT AND BACK RADAR REPLACE ITEMS THAT WERE LOST IN FLEET ACCIDENT fPpnOVt:if-- JUN I understand that my budget cannot be amend@d as requested until Commissioners' Court approvbl is obtained. ~. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Coutt approval. Date posted to General Ledger account(s): '762 e e e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST q APPROVED JUN 26 2003 763 - '''/64 [I BUDGET AHENnHENT l1..EQUEST II 10 To: Calhoun ~n(y Commissioners' Court From: J1t I L (Departm:Jt making this request) Date: (~~/~,()3 I request an amendment to the ~RO, ~ budget for the year) following line items in my department: e GL ACcoull't # ----4'ff----- ~ ~6f!'fol.ftf.DD Aocouff_~ame -QiJ~-tiZ~-- B){~'dt- ~ Amendment Amount Reason -------~----- ------------------- <I01~.OO> )O/~,nO e JUN 2 6 Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ ==- (1=:.-== I understand that my budget cannot be amended Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: . Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e Fund Cod, 1000 Total 1000 Report Total Effective Date Fund Title &2&2003 GENERAL FUND 0lste,6f2510311:29:211AM GENERALFVND e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions. REVENUE ADJUSlMENTS FOR 6/26/03 BUD296 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 6/26/03 Transaction Description DeptTitle GLTitle I j p'^jQ.':, (~ort- + 10 ,-::::.O( fI\S ) Increase REPLACE rrEMS WST IN WRECK REVENUE RECOVER1ES-JNSlJRANCE 5,978,00 APPROVED JUN 2 6 2003 e 5.978,00 5,978.00 [)ocr""" 0,00 0.00 Page:l L':l ~ r-.- e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 6/26/03 BUD296 - BUDGET ADJUSThfENTS FOR 6/26/03 JUN 26 2003 Fund Effective Code Dale Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title a50 Dee ease -- 1000 61:26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EXTENSION SERVICE MEAL ALLO 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EXTENSION SERVICE PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES 30,00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY TREASURER GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 280.00 1000 61:26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY TREASURER TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 280.00 COUNTY WOO 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS ELECTION SUPPLIES 245,00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS CONTRACT SERVICES 245.00 1000 6/2612003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT ATIORNEY MEAL ALLOWANCE 7.00 WOO 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT A TIURNEY GENERAL OF8CE SUPPLIES 7,00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT A TIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 103,00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT A TIORNEY APPEALS 100.00 1000 6126/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT A TIORNEY TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES 203,00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 100,00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND POSTAGE IOO.aO BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 5,000.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUlREDBY PAYROLL ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 500.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 5,000.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND TRAVEL IN COUNTY 500,00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT#3 UNIFORMS 117.00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #3 AUTO ALLOWANCES 117.00 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY RADIO EQUIPMENT 354.00 MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY GENERATOR 354.00 MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL FIRE PROTECTION-POINT SUPPLIES-MISCELlANEOUS 1,000,00 COMFORT 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL FIRE PROTECTION-POINT SERVICES 2,074.00 COMFORT 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL FIRE PROTECTION-POINT CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,074.00 COMFORT 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NUISANCE ORDINANCE SUPPLIES.MISCELLANEOUS 150,00 ENFORCEMENT 1000 6/2612003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NUISANCE ORDINANCE POSTAGE 150,00 ENFORCEMENT 1000 6126/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF ADDmONAL 181.00 PAY.REGULAR RATE ~ DlIIe:1il251tl3 I 1:2l00 AM ~ Page;] "" . CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS APPROVED f" Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 6/26103 :.t) BUD296 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 6/26/03 r-- JUN 26 2003 Fund Effective Cod, Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title "" D 1000 6/26/2003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF GENERAL 0 1000 612612003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT 2,408.00 SUPPLIES 1000 612612003 GENERAL FUND REPLACE ITEMS WST IN SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT 2.609.00 WRECK SUPPLIES 1000 612612003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 364,00 1000 6/2612003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 1,299.00 1000 612612003 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL SHERIFF MACHINE MAINTENANCE 343,00 1000 6126/2003 GENERAL FUND REPLACE RADlOIRADAR SHERIFF CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,369.00 WST IN WRECK Total GENERAL FUND 18.446.00 12,468.00 1000 2610 612612003 AIRPORT FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT INSURANCE.AIRPORT 800.00 UABILlTY 2610 612612003 AlRPORTFUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT MACHINERYIEQUIPMENT 800,00 REPAIRS Total AIRPORT FUND 800.00 800.00 2610 2744 612612003 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARlMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 1.079.00 PRECINCT #4 2744 612612003 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NO DEPARTMENT OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,079.00 PRECINCT #4 Total ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 1.079.00 1,079.00 2744 PRECINCT #4 Report Total 20,325.00 14,347.00 Date: 6125103 11:2IUOAM e Page; 2 e e GENERAl, DISCUSSION - NEW JAIL AND COURTHOUSE MOLD REMEDIATION. RESTITUTION AND REMODELING Commissioner Floyd talked about the meeting he and Judge Pfeifer had with Spaw Maxwell, the selected construction mana$ement firm to handle the courthouse mold remediation, rest1tution, and remodeling and to assist with architectural duties of the jail to develop a scope of work to $ive a contract price "not to exceed" to provide the serv~ces in that scope of work. He expanded on the steps of the process. He said, if the Court has no objection, he will enter into negotiations for contracts to acquire those services so that we can ~rovide that information to keep the desi$n for the ja~l flowing. Judge Pfeifer suggested gett~ng the costs for the least amount we can get by with, middle of the road, and re-doing the whole courthouse. GENERAL DISCUSSION - BUILDING AT FAIRGROUNDS FOR HOUSING PRISONERS WHICH BURNED e Commissioner Galvan asked about the circulated letter re$arding the building at the fairgrounds used for housing pr~soners which burned as he did not receive it. Sheriff Browning reported he received two bids from Sonny's - $5333.00 for an unfinished building and $7548.92 for a finished 12'x24' building with door. Commissioner Galvan stated the District Judge wants something there. He said the Sheriff and he will visit with each Court member and come back to the next Court session with proposals. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY Claims totaling $583,472.37 were presented by the County Treasurer. Included was a bill of Rexco for work on the lighthouse; however, there is not enough money to pay it. As it is within budget, the Treasurer will pay part with funds available and pay the rest later with reimbursement from the State. After reading and verifying the claims, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL Claims totaling $2,169,786.12 for hospital operations and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that said claims be approved for payment as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. e ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - INDIGENT HEALTHCARB Claims totaling $117,886.74 for Indigent Healthcare and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that said claims be approved for payment as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION - POINT COMFORT JULY 4TH FIREWORKS DISPLAY Sheriff Browning said the fire department will put on a July 4th fireworks display on July 3, 2003 in Point Comfort. e GENERAL DISCUSSION - SHERIFF I S DEPARTMENT VEHICLES Sheriff Browning said three new cars from Weatherford were received. GENERAL DISCUSSION - HOMELAND SECURITY FUNDS Sheriff Browning and Judge Pfeifer thanked Lt. Brown for obtaining the $79,000 Homeland Security Funds for the County. THE COURT ADJOURNED AT 11:43 A.M. - '"168