2002-05-09 e e e REGULAR MAY TERM HELD MAY 9, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 9th day of May, A.D, 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said County and State, and there were present on this date the following members ofthe Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall (ABSENT) Roger C. Galvan Michael 1. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Rachael Crober County Judge Commissioner, Pct. 1 Commissioner, Pct. 2 Commissioner, Pct. 3 Commissioner, Pct. 4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Judge Marshall gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. BIDS AND PROPOSALS - FUEL BIDS The following bids, which were received for fuel for the period beginning May 16, 2002 and ending June 15, 2002, and after reviewing said bids a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the bid for delivered fuel be awarded to Diebel Oil Company and bid for the automated card system fuel be awarded to Mauritz and Couey as the low bidders. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE = TOTAL GALLONSIMO UNLEADED GASOLINE S C07 'lto 75" PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ X 3800 d3ob,t. b , X 4000 = s 3 e,tft>.c> 0 x 2500 sJ/il-"i2k b TOTAL BID PRICE S CjD;:). iP D , DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) S THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING MA y 16, 2002 AND ENDING JUNE 15, 2002. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: OFz.f-. rE L. OIL {(J, r;1J/ ADDRESS: Iv Box / J ~ CITY,STATE,ZfP: ~ LAv'fltA -r;;, /7114 PHONE NUMBER: ~\)-.s 'J.::> 4 PRINT NAME: SAM Dls~ 7 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: . liJ;. TITLE f/2&(~xi- DATE y- t). - /)~_ zoo FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICA TED IN THE SPECIFICA nONS, PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMA TE ~ TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE $ .9f~ X 3800 $ :?rl> <18 {JO PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ /.~..5 x 4000 $ '1.)00.00 DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ .81 X 2500 $ )D,),5",()C TOTAL BID PRICE $ 9B73 00 THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING MAY 16.2002 AND ENDING JUNE 15. 2002, NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME OF BIDDER: f)J/JUI2II L r ~u" y I ADDRESS: jJo, Bo)< /700 CITY, STATE, ZIP: f6/!-I .zItUflLA /v 77971 , PHONE NUMBER: 5S 2 - 700 c.f PRINT NAME: -r;;/Yl J.E~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ~ L' TITLE: <))"'''71- _ /1~ t.> ,z.. . DATE: .5/g-~ '-- Z01 e e e e e e I FUEL BID PROPOSAL I IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIOS FOR FUEL, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL, ACCORDING TO THE A TI ACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEP ARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR AVAILABILITY LOCATION: UNLEADED GASOLINE PRICE PER GALLON $ 9rJ, N/A MID GRADE $ PREMUlM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ /,[)s , '8/ DIESEL FUEL $ LOCATION: ,,;2//..J W. /JUST/A.) .$T. (MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA,) THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING MAY 16,2002 AND ENDING JUNE 15, 2002, NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD, SELLER WILL SUBMIT INVOICES ON PURCHASES TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICE QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE T AX~S. NAME OF BIODER: f}1JlU/JJ7 L ,~ G..,e./ I ADDRESS: PO.?, c,x /7D 0 CfTY,STA TE,ZIP: /lifT Ip,.U/-IL/! 7K 77977 PHONE NUMBER: ..sSZ- 760c./ PRINT NAME: ~ .LEE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ~ X_ TITLE: "fffi, /)1)61( DATE: ..s Iff/II 2- , BIDS AND PROPOSALS - NEW BACKHOE FOR PRECINCT #1 Bids for a new backhoe for Precinct #1, opened May 2, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita MIller, were read by the ~ounty Auditor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by CommlsslOner Floyd to accept the bid from Holt of Victoria for the backhoe for PrecInct #1 as the one that met most specifications in the amount of $49 448. And as prevlOusly recommended by Commissioner Galvan. Commissioners Balajka Floyd, FInster and Judge Marshall all vote in favor. ' Z02 :..---~ 203 CALHOUN COUNTY Minimum Specifications for one New Back Hoe Loader General Diesel powered Industrial Wheel type backhoe loader equipped with two wheel drive, cab. and curved boom with e-stick. Machine will be classed in the 18 foot plus digging class and a minimum operating weight of 15,257 Ibs exclusive of tire ballast and optional equipment. Machine shall have a minimum 36 Month or.5000 hrs POWER TRAIN WARRANTY Eneine Shall be a 4-cylinder engine with a gross HP of77, gear driven water pump. Elecrrical-Svstem 12 volt with a S5 amp alternator, 2 Front/2 Rear work lights with warning flashers TransmissionIPower Train Two wheel drive with self-adjusting inboard brakes, Transmission will have 4 speeds forward and reverse, power shuttle, and fully Synchronized in all gears. Transmission will be equipped with neutral start provision Tires Bias II Lx 16 12 Ply front tires Bias 19.5x24' lOPlyreartires Main Frame Unit shall have a single piece weldment; full-length backhoe integral frame fat increased operating reliability and component serviceability. Loader Equipped with a general-purpose 1,25 cubic yard bkt with Bolt on CUIting Edge. Bkt shall" equal or exceed overall width of tires. Lift Capaeity at max height: 5292 Lb, ~,JJ;}. Il", Breakout Force 8,524 Lbs q, I V+ fllr. Dump Height 8' 4" 8'8 'I Max Operating Height 13 '7" '31 ... 'I Backhoe Unit shall be equipped with an E~stick. The swing, boom, dipper, and bkt funcIions 10 be con !rolled by SAE 2 lever control. Backhoe shall have independent stabilizers operated by pilot control. Boom must be excavator style, or "curved" boom. Also include one S"'digging buckets with teeth 3 6 '/"Digging Depth (exl) Reach from Rear Axle (eXI) Max Operating Height (ret) Swing Arc Bucket Rot.Hion Bucket Dig Force Stick Dig Force 18'1" \~'3' 25 '6" ~5',,' 17'11" ISISI' 180 degrees (Jo 0 205 degrees 3o.J.o. 11,599 Lbs ",0''1 7,693 Lbs '1, o<jC~ e COMPLIANCE ~ I ~(') a.). . I~M<lr. {j"'I"/~ lJlf (Lp~ j'1<u. .f"coo /llr_ Pe'~\ .1'14c~' 5,"" a., l~M "'00'< 1'<A 'v w't"~ir' 7 .s ~ROS, 70 I'kf }l,~(tJ&1h;;'() I-j,f, 'I~I _ /.f-p',.,CAl-t -+ 4- ~~Ar- t'14 +J 1(0 e Y.w Yfv 'U"W,'.Q-e, l.::lo e,\', Jkt cv(f,~j+ ~ c"-I\';'~ JtY- s....-S~ J"U J.1'1~1 b~~+ w>4,..-J-<i."..J.. e 8' Q.J<. Sf~c.s , e e e Hydraulics Unit shall have load sensing, variable flow hydraulics with XT or equal quality hoses. Pump Capacity 37 GPM Pump Type Variable, Axial Piston Overator Environment UnlI 10 include CAB willi facIory installed Air Conditioning, Air Suspension Vinyl Seat willi lumbar suppon and ann rests, till sIeering, 12 Volt Power Supply, rear view mirror, phone clip, and storage Standard Eauinment Unit shall be equipped willi back-up alarm, std instrumentation, and tooVchain box, 700 CCA Maintenance Free Battery, Canopy (ROPSIFOPS), engine enclosures, spin-on filters, hyd oil Cooler Trainin2 and Customer SUDDort Dealer shall provide on-site operator and preventative maintenance training at time of delivery. Dealer must also provide a maintenance program Program for County [0 consider. al'.) G{'M C"M -t~.. V'''''ci "D",'ve J"",~ fM>.n .. ~4r V...~,..{.,..!I'.:O to,~. tfd ~ 7t.r THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY, FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: Nu~c:'I..I POWOA ~"'tk"-'-T ADDRESS: l\-50\ U.,$, 'Nw~ sq I\J, CITY,STATE,ZIP: ~\C:~~IA! 1D)(',Cld "l1Q0S- PHONE NUMBER: 2b{ - A'1h-[)Ob" PRINT NAME: 1),\) O\J,J.)I"IjQ..4.u AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: S.l:\O O. -3~ ~ Z04 -- Z05 CALHOUN COUNTY Minimum Specifications for one New Back Hoe Loader General Diesel powered Industrial Wheel type baekhoe loader equipped with two wheel drive, cab, and curved boom with e-stick. Machine will be classed in the 18 foot plus digging class and a minimum operating weight of 15,257 Ibs exclusive aftire ballast and optional equipment. Machine shall bave a minimum 36 Month or.5000 hrs POWER TRAIN WARRANTY En.ine Shall be a 4-cylinder engine with a gross HP of77, gear driven water pump. Electrical System 12 volt with a 5S amp alternator, 2 Frontl2 Rear work lights with warning flashers Transmission/Power Train Two wheel drive with self-adjusting inboard brakes, Transmission will bave 4 speeds forward and reverse, power shuttle, and fully Synchronized in all gears, Transmission will be equipped with neutral start provision Tires Bias IlL x 16 12 Ply front tires Bias 19.5x 24' 10Ply rear tires Main Frame Unil shall have a single piece weldmenl; full-length backhoe integral frame fat increased operating reliability and component serviceability. Loader Equipped with a general.purpose 1.25 cubic yard bkl with Boll on Cutting Edge. BkI shall equal or exceed overall width of tires. Lift Capacity at max height: 5292 Lbs Breakout Force 8.524 Lbs Dump Heighl 8' 4" Max Operating Height 13'7" Backhoe Unit shall be equipped with an E-stick. The swing, boom, dipper, and bkt functions to be controlled by SAE 2 lever controL Backhoe shall have independent stabilizers operated by pilot control. Boom must be excavator style, or "curved" boom. Also Include one ~'digging buckers with teeth S6'?Digging Depth (exI) Reach from Rear Axle (ext) Max Operating Height (rer) Swing Arc Bucket Rotation Bucket Dig Force Suck Dig Force 18'1 " 25'6" 17' II" 180 degrees 205 degrees 11,599 Lbs 7,693 Lbs e COMPLLANCE OK OK EXCEEDS EXCEEDS OK e OK OK EXCEEDS EXCEEDS EXCEEDS nK EXCEEDS OK OK OK 201 DEGREES OK EXCEEDS e , e e e Hvdraulics Unit shall have load sensing, variable flow hydraulics with XT or equal quality hoses. Pump Capacity 37 GPM Pump Type Variable, Axial Piston EXCEEDS CONSTANT.GEAR Ooerator Environment .~ UniI to include CAB with factory installed Air cOnditioning, Air Suspension Vinyl Seat with lumbar support and ann rests, tilt steering, 12 VolI Power Supply, rear view mirror, phone clip, and storage SPRING SUSPENSION CLOTH SEAT Standard EauiDment UniI shall be equipped with back-up alarm, std instrumentation, and tooVchain box, 700 CCA Maintenance Free Battery, Canopy (ROPSIFOPS), engine enclosures, spin-on filters, hyd oil Cooler R.O.P.S CAB Trainin2" and Customer SUDDort Dealer shall provide on-site operator and preventative maintenance training at time of delivery. Dealer must also provide a maintenance program Program for County [0 consider, OK THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY, FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATiON OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. CRESCENT MACHINERY COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: 6337 LEOPARD ST CITY, STATE, ZIP: CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78409 PHONE NUMBER: 361/289-2782 PRINT NAME: RON MESKER ~~~~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE: SALES REPRESENTATIVE 8lDAMOUNT $48,500.00 JCB 214 loader Backhoe ;':;06 .~ 207 CALHOUN COUNTY Minimum Specifications for one New Back Hoe Loader General Diesel powered Industrial Vlheel type backhoe loader equipped with two wheel dri\"e, cab, and curved boom with e-stick, Machine will be classed in Ihe 18 foot plus digging class and a minimum operating weight of 15,257lbs exclusive of tire ballast and optional equipment. Machine shall have a minimum 36 Month or,5000 hrs POWER TRAIN WARRANTY &n8iDs Shall be a 4-cylinder engine wiIh a gross HP of77, gear driven water pump. Electrical System 12 volt with a SS amp alternator, 2 Frontl2 Rear work lights with warning flashers TransmissionJPower Train Two wheel drive with self-adjusting inboard brakes, Transmission will have 4 speeds forward and reverse, power shuttle, and fully Synchronized in all gears. Transmission will be equipped with neutral start provision Tires Bias I I Lx 16 12 Ply front tires Bias 19,5x 24' 10Ply rear tires Main Frame Unit shall have a single piece weldment; full-lengIh backhoe integral frame fat increased operating reliability and component serviceability. Loader Equipped with a general-purpose 1.25 cubic yard bkI wiIh Bolt on Cutting Edge. Bkl shall equal or exceed overall width of tires. Lift Capacity at max height: 5292 Lb, Breakout Force 8,524 Lbs Dump Height 8' 4" Max Operating Height 13 '7" Backhoe Unit shall be equipped with an E-stick. The swing, boom, dipper, and bkt functions to be controlled by SAE 2 lever control. Backhoe shall have independent stabilizers operated by pilot control. Boom must be excavator style, or "curved" boom. Also lOclude ?pe S"digging buckers with teeth 56 /Digging DepIh (ext) Reach from Rear Axle (ext) Max Operating Height (ret) Swing Arc Bucket Rotation Bucket Dig Force Stick Dig Force 18'1" 25'6" 17'11" 180 degrees 205 degrees 11,599 Lb, 7,693 Lb, COMPLLANCE 15,D.31 Ib , ~ jO Hf &tl:l~ '7() ~ Mf- e a w~.cl D"/~e. 4 ~r~edTI'""IlI~H1J. Ill. x \ (, 119fl'j lq$ x;.<J /0 fl~ YC5 7)7 <22- I '?Lqqz. '(;, 10" I" ft (fp~ lb~ l4~l'1kt ~ c,'" l3V<./t..-r ('JIll" ~5" (., " I u:> 0"1 rce:> ,.6+ O~1Y'''.' I 2/g0g I b;s Cf ].11 Ib~ ) e , e e e Hvdraulics Unit shall have load sensing, variable flow hydraulics with XT or equal quality hoses. Pump Capacity 37 GPM Pump Type Variable, Axial Piston Oueraror Environment 40 &ftVl D1I4/ ~t4V P9!!f UniI to include CAB wiIh factory installed Air COnditioning, Air Suspension Vinyl Seat wiIh lumbar support and ann resIs, tilt steering, 12 Volt Power Supply, rear view mirror, C4Q / At phone clIp, and storage 'I 0 W Standard Eauiornent Unit shall be equipped wiIh back-up alann, std instrumentation, and tool/chain box, 700 CCA Maintenance Free Battery, Canopy (ROPSIFOPS), engine enclosures, spin-on filters, hyd oil Cooler Traininv and Customer Suonort Dealer shall provide on-site operator and preventative maintenance training at time of delivery. Dealer must also provide a mainIenance program Program for County to consider. '1&0 eM At ~eli'(y'i THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RlGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. ANIlJ:'l<t>6,,) yy\<<l"h'NCYJ ~VY\f4t.J't ~-'f lip j c..J f'1.16c-dt.y Vic:-rar,'Q", ,TEX-t5 77c;O:::' J 36 I - (j 'l~ - go II ) :~::~::: SIGNAT:;rrj D&~LJer' . ,~~ '9, VVt~t:ljC''' BID AMOUNT 4:{, 4$"0 .DD / NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: TITLE: New ~\\a"J LQ 15 i3 e 105 ~ff' 1-t1t/:-5 a,d:~6C: bdev ZQS -- Z09 CALHOUN COUNTY Minimum Specifications for one New Back Hoe Loader General Diesel powered Industrial Wheel type backhoe loader equipped with two wheel drive, cab, and curved boom with e-stick. Machine will be classed in the 1 g foot plus digging class and a minimum operating weight of 15,257 Ibs exclusive of tire ballast and optional equipment. Machine shall have a minimum 36 Month or,5000 hrs POWER TRAIN WARRANTY ~ Shall be a 4-cylinder engine with a gross HP of77, gear driven water pump. Electrical Svstem 12 volt with a 55 amp alternator, 2 Front/2 Rear work lights with warning flashers Transmission/Power Train Two wheel drive with self-adjusting inboard brakes, Tl1lnsmission will have 4 speeds forward and reverse, power shuttle, and fully Synchronized in all gears. Transmission will be equipped with neutral start provision Tires Bias IlL x 16 12 Ply fronI tires Bias I9.5x 24' IOPly rear tires Main Frame Unit shall have a single piece weldment; full-length backhoe integral frame fat increased operating reliability and component serviceability. Loader Equipped with a general.purpose 1.25 cubic yard bkt wiIh Bolt on Cutting Edge. shall equal or exceed overall width of tires. Lifl Capacity at max height: Breakout Force Dump HeighI Max Operating Height Skr COMPLLANCE I ?,,?"J.. Cl ft..- , ../ ./ / / / / e e Lbs Lbs LlPT c/lf'/F_IT'/ - S-:>S.\'U eRE/lt<OLCI FC,({(.G: - 7{,() 3 LI'3 OU/"lP HCIC,Hl" _ \i (:l" 5292 8,524 8'4" 13'7"./ Backhoe Unit shall be equipped with an E-stick. The swing, boom, dipper, and bkl functions to be controlled by SAE 2 lever control. Backhoe shall have independent stabilizers operated by pilot controL Boom must be excavator style, or "curved" boom. Also Include one SJ'digging buckets with teeth """ S (,.... Digging Depth text) Reach from Rear Axle text) Max Operating Height (ree) Swing Arc Bucket Rotation Bucket Dig Force Sbck Dig Force 18'1" 25'6" 17'11" v' 180 degrees ./ 205 degrees 1 1.599 Lbs 7,693 Lbs , I ,i {/ II " ;j,-/' 1 I o 1"\0 J /, I. '" (,CO '"'" e r , e e e Hvdraulics Unit shall have load sensing, variable flow hydraulics with XT or equal quality hoses. Pump Capacity 37 GPM Pump Type Variable, Axial Piston C F.l'I ~ T'i P E Onemtar Environment UniI 10 include CAB with factory installed Air Conditioning, Air Suspension Vinyl Seat with lumbar support and ann rests, tilt steering, 12 Volt Power Supply, rear view mirror, .,/ phone clip, and storage Standard Eouioment Unit shall be equipped with back-up alarm, std instrumentation, and tool/chain box, 700 CCA Maintenance Free Banery, Canopy (ROPS/FOPS), engine enclosures, ../ spin.on filters, hyd oil Cooler Trainim~ and Customer SUDDort Dealer shall provide on.site operator and preventative maintenance training at time of delivery. Dealer must also provide a maintenance program Program for County vi to consider. ~ S c:,,;4-'[TPt<-HE'Y> f'I'9IN-r~/VqNc.12 ('''''or;, Ii' ItM THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY, FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: T.e. 8 f{G l.A..! N II1/c, ADDRESS: ("y Il L{ S <)"1 tel 0 !fTH CfTY,STATE,ZfP: Vie TDl<lfl. TI 7710"> , PHONE NUMBER: -:s & I - c;- 7 0- G. G G ,(, PRINT NAME: 1?0{ Ct E J-vI s: k III I4cc H AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ~->^-"- )0.d<=---l,- TITLE: -IE !?f! ITo I~ y fV1 (', If' . 5/fL..F5 BID AMOUNT '1* Lf C:;, 9"', [) , DC' , ?t /)07::5 N 01 IPCL. lu:JE f'1 IIIN TEr.//')wc.c P,fD(,/\fir-J 210 c '-- Zll CALHOUN COUNTY Minimum Specifications for one New Back Hoe Loader , General Die,el powered Induslrial Wheel type backhoe loader equipped with !WO wheel drive, cab, and curved boom with e-stick. Machine will be classed in the 18 foot plus digging elass and a minimum operating weight of 15,257 Ibs exclusive of tire ballast and optional equipment. Machine shall have a minimum 36 Month or.5000 hrs POWER TRAIN WARRANTY Enoine Shall be a 4-cy1inder engine with a gross HP of77, gear driven water pump. Electrical System 12 voh with a 5S amp ahemator, 2 Front/2 Rear work lights with waming flashers TransmissionIPower Train Two wheel drive with self-adjusting inboard brakes. Transmission will have 4 speeds forward and reverse, power shuttle, and fully Synchronized in all gears. Transmission will be equipped with neutral star! provision Tires Bias II Lx 16 12 Ply fron' tires Bias I9.5x 24' 10Ply rear tires Main Frame Unit shall have a single piece weldment; full-length backhoe inIegral frame fat increased operating reliability and component serviceability. Loader Equipped with a general-purpose 1.25 cubic yard bkt with Bolt on Cutting Edge. Bkt shall equal or exceed overall width of tires. Lift Capacity at max height 5292 Lbs Breakout Force 8,524 Lbs Dump Height 8' 4" Max Operating Height 13 '7" Backhoe Unit shall be equipped with an E-stick. The swing, boom, dipper, and bkt functions to be coorrolled by SAE 2 lever control. Backhoe shall have independent stabilizers operated by pilot control. Boom must be excavator style, or "curved" boom. Also include one ~'digging buckets w;Ih teeIh ,,~ '3 /, ~ DiggIng DepIh (eXl) Reach from Rear Axle (ext) Max Operating Height (reI) Swing Arc Bucket Rotation Bucket Dig Force Stick Dig Force 18'!" 25'6" 17'11" 180 degrees 205 degrees 11,599 Lbs 7,693 Lbs e COMPLLANCE f- / y/ / e / J/ J/ e / f I .. e e e Hvdraulics Unit shall have load sensing, variable flow hydraulics with XT or equal quality hoses. / Pump Capacity 37 GPM Pump Type Variable, Axial Piston Oucrator Environment Unit to include CAB wiIh factory installed Air COnditioning, Air Suspension Vinyl Seat / with lumbar support and arm rests, tilt steering, 12 Volt Power Supply, rear view mirror, phone clip, and storage Standard Eauiument Unit shalI be equipped wiIh back-up alarm, std instrumentation, and toollchain box, 700 CCA Maintenance Free Battery, Canopy (ROPSIFOPS), engine enclosures, spin-on filters, hyd oil Cooler / TraininQ' and Customer SunDart Dealer shall provide on~site operator and preventative maintenance training at time of delivery, Dealer must also provide a maintenance program Program for County to consider. / THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RlGHTTO WAIVE TECHNiCALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME Mo If (AT ADDRESS:'Po ~'X 3"'-\ <; '-\ CITY,STATE,ZIPJk+ It 71QO'i:, PHONE NUMBER: ~6 \ - $'1'3- 2'1 SB PRINT NAME St~0.j>.,N (1~ Leo}' AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: .A~.J l TITLE S~ \'\.<::... l.~ 9 BID AMOUNT ~ 1-\GI.,Ll'iS, 00 212 CALHOUN COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE BIDSlfROfOMLS FOR iJc. de I-. 0.... - Pe+ DATE OPENED S - ,J.-0"J..... e TIME OPENED /0: D i) rTYYl PRESENT AT THE OPENING Ltj (... Ct<..Vj -I- Kif^- 11J, I Ie' (" L0(Y1rrt'c5..(,D0<'- /\1, <iI.,( l?laJK<<- Following is a list of BidslProposals opened and bid amounts, if appropriate. BidderlProDoser Amount 1. r-4(/YI-Trviu.iI,i",,( (;) ...--- 2. l-,l- cJ. V f '1t..~ r S'N';, c. <'5. T!\c. 3. (.-fUr - jL'('<'<'Cd ?ow<.r r;''''k:P - LI'b'BIS0'-' Y q4Lf guU Lf 5 ?,:;c,o G "'0 Lf <6 SoD '--f5j ~CjJ ~J 4. J-Iolr- Vic,.t-u(~"'- 5. :c. /),JtJr1.t-^'> 6. (: It 5UA! rvkuq-V\(r;;; C.,. 7. fJ.h(lf~Ql\ J\\Alh'h~-'J. Lv. 8. BIDSIPROPOSALS WE REFERREDTO SIGNATURE \.;iU ~ This form on ') - :1-- O~ was faxed to the following: D~te Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Roger Galvan, Commissioner Pet. #1 Michael Balajka Commissioner Pet. #2 H. Floyd, Commissioner Pet. #3 Kenneth Finster Commissioner Pet. #4 21.3 e e BIDS AND PROPOSALS - KAYAKS AND PADDLES FOR COASTAL MARSHES EDUCATIONAL TOUR e Bids for sixteen kayaks and paddles for the Calhoun County coastal marshes guided educational tour were read by the County auditor. The bids had been reviewed by John O'Connell, Extension Agent, who discussed them. Award of the bids was postponed to May 23, 2002. CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W, AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361 )553-461 0 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIXTEEN KAYAKS SIXTEEN KAYAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS. (3) KAYAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MA TERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, e IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID, THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE' TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: 01'\9 <'hDt (') ld:-C-\n,('<., I ~)( ADDRESS: (~7;Zo "'*Dl.;e ook. ~G\sk""<\.1 ~ l()~ CITY,STATE,ZIP: Sc~", A',"\.DN~0 -r,,1'i!:;~C;K I PHONE NUMBER: (OlIO) '-to.::\ - '52>'-\'-\ PRINT NAME: 1\1\\ K..'2.. \'-'r AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: LJ;k1 TITLE: ?~\(,\..Q.,,~ _ \\ .' (fC> /'. " \ _ BID AMOUNT '6 j 'i O(J ;:;;- ~ r.e;.~ ~<l.K\,^("c\ ) 214 ~s-e-aw~~ ~11132 FM3005 the Boat Galveston, TX 77554 OFFICIAL BID PROPOSAL- DATE BID# 412412002 77 BILL TO SHIP TO Calhoun County Extention Service County Courthouse Annex 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 361 5534610 same TERMS SHIP DATE SHIP VIA FOB 2% 10 Nel 30 711212002 Central Port Lavaco DESCRIPTION QTY Aegean Tandem Kayak: by Oce8nkayak 16 Length: 14' Weight 70 100. Width: 32" WLCap:4~()"5oo 100 Carlisle BlackLight Kayak Paddle 40 Sales T3)< RATE 524.34 AMOUNT 8,389.44 22.95 825% 918.00 0.00 TlZLc~ ~ T'U<=-(c> (~cD /~C~y-~~ j, Thank you for the opportunity to bid. TIn looking forward to working with you. Total $9,307.44 Be Aware - Be Safe - Enjoy Phone # Fax # E.mail Web S~e 713594'<>767 409737-2816 jordanp@wt.net www.suncoastkayak.com e Z1.5 e e e CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361 )553-461 0 SPECIFICA nONS FOR SIXTEEN KAYAKS SIXTEEN KA YAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) KA YAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT'IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: S~ ~~~~ ~~/i^(, ADDRESS: tt I ~ ~ 1= rY\ "H::>O~ ~ 1; c.o.?- ClTY, STATE, ZIP: G.C'JV?~)k) I \.Q.~ '\ 1 )0{ PHONE NUMBER:-.A 6~ 1- ~1-~C; (G(~13 ~r7lp ~1(,..,'t PRINT NAME: TITLE: t. ~/f'f BID AMOUNT 216 e CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361 )553-461 0 SPECIFICA nONS FOR SIXTEEN KA YAKS SIXTEEN KAYAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (1 ) TANDEM SIT.ON- TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) KAYAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF. DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, e IN ADDmON, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACC1'.PTED. NAME: ~ /JmPtk?- ((!)uT8//{j< KAYAKS) ADDRESS: ::13/1 13, f!A(s/l8J?L iJl? C\1'Y,su..W"z.w: PIkAC/oS, T~I.4S ') 7L/l5 I .-J61, 972- 9fo9 PRlNT NAME: 'I TITLE: K... J:;4 ~ J<. e BlUAMOUNT ,It, /l4efi.l)<;ES /fp'iJ yl) I;tJJldS, ~,572J)C)' .5",& .4i7J4:;!/ ftf6,dj /012. PE[[/2/.I1noA/, /VI!JflJU!74C--TZ/.ec.LJ ~y I.UIGO$U~,~S '5;YS1E,41~ 21.7 e e e Pairadise, shown with optional seats Length 12' 10" Width 33" Weight 661hs. Recommended capacity 425 lbs. Dry hatch 5" 10 Can be used as a one ()f two seater. When. used' as a single seater, there is a place for the seat in the center. Kayak Blade... powerful blades feature an injection molded kayak blade Ihat i~ rigid and tough. The stiff aluminum take apart shaft is vinyl wrapped for comfort and allows for 60 deg. Right, left and flat control. Great for families or commercial use. 16 Pairadises and 40 Kayak Blades $9,392 delivered. From: Brad Hooper Outback Kayaks 2311 E. Bayshore Dr. Palacios, Texas 77465 361-972-9809 218 e CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361)553-4610 SPECIFICA nONS FOR SIXTEEN KA YAKS SIXTEEN ](A YAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING y SPECIFICATIONS: 11- +e&I (I) TANDEM SIT-aN-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF}KFiET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) ](A YAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE. IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID, e THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RlGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY, FAILURE' TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME---.!1 Co.-dfJA1 t Sfrm ..J-. ()tAJ-jOU.e-s ,. LID- ADDRESS: '-fq I tJ . P I D CITY, STATE, ZIP: COf'pv..-::' C~-k : Tx 71?t.fj / PHONE NUMBER: 3&/ ~ q q J.. <10;:)- ?. "rn"A~ 0-# p~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:' ~ TITLE S+orr b;J'2_\ ~ BID AMOUNT i$ lD;I4-3.'if4-+cA.K eyeaft (N;f-t",p(rF~rD. .. ! b ~i/ €! ,It 5'1'1,oiJ -.:: Jf q /5: 8~, 00- Sb510 I L> _ LfOfly @ -l3t/,11 - 55'1.'0+ - <;&33Q07 jf / 0(1 cJ3, '6'/ "* I~YCLI! 6cte-/c 5"fft1ds t' Sed (V45l-;JiVS Not ;'Y'vc/,...(J{'ci. 219 e Ie _ CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361)553-4610 , SPECIFIC A nONS FOR SIXTEEN KAYAKS SIXTEEN KAYAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS. (3) KA YAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MA TERlALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID, THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHN1CALlTlES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE'TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELJNES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIF1CAT10NS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BlD ACCEPTED. NAME~ ~~L Ol)-J-\*U~ -SuL ~\{ci\)Ou)(\,vC ADDRESS ~05yJ. AV5p,J s+ ~ CITY, STATE, ZlP:~ Oc..LfOe.;j' ---ri- I B 3B Z- PHONE NUMBER ~~t 15 () 71 ~ PRINT NAME: '12.~~_ V,t>.\C- ~ t...-\. 5A~ "\'O~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: c.J9 U{. ~Oftt1J... / TITLE Owf\x~ b -f II ., N\ g].- BID AMOUNT ) ~ 220 _ CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361 )553-4610 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIXTEEN KAYAKS SIXTEEN KAYAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICA nONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) KA YAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE. IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS .EQUIV ALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID, e THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE' TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED, NAME: '-r5~\'-., ~(X)Pf.R... C ()u\2x;oz kA\fAKS) ADDRESS: 'J. 3. i IE, B~YS.\\OeE. bR. CITY,STATE,ZIP: rALA(.lOs', \f.xAS I7l{ 6S PHONE NUMBER: :.<,(,( - i 72-.. '1 g' 09 PRINTNAJ'.{E: DfA0> ~h. t AUTHORlZEDSIGNATURE: . flY. J~ .. , TITLE: (JWAJE./2.. 0lJfD4cK... kAYA6.(S 'I BID AMOUNT / /; 8ptJAmt0;. 4.0 L') 1../0 '!1/rJ/Jlr.-S c.i!//, 3/2.. en / ~A~~~~~~~M~ e fYiAAJuFA{.ro~D By LJ l!..oeRtUf"--SS S YSTE.!I\S 221 N N C-l Equator Padukn around the world will appreciate the value and versatility built into the hew roto~molded Equator, a sit-an-top lha.t solo paddlers and families ~like \\;1\ Jove:-and ~tn.1 nnd tourin8, co~pll.nies will adore. The tri-hul! design fClltures It bullt-m ke~1 for excellent tmckmg, and also giVes tlllS boal rock-solid stabIlity The 16-foot hull length gIves II speed, find scating for three means two adults can easily take along a child nding center-sent--or the solo paddler can simply sit mJ{Jdle anu push l1us boat to its limits. Intended lor touring. nature observB.Cion, fishing, !U\d fitness poddJinB, the Equator i1lw makes a good dive boat that can haul up to a 6OO-pound load. Fishing accessories mount easily. Length Width WCig,hl Max. Capacity STANDARD PEA 11JRES . large forward hatch for dry storag Molded-in seats and foot-wells . Deck lines . Cup holder Compas.s mount Kavak Karner grab handles Rudder available 16' I" 30 .. 801m. 6001'" 490 em 76 em 36.3 kg 272.7 kg From: Brad Hooper Outback Kayaks 2311 E. Bayshore Dr. Palacios, Texas 77465 361-972-9809 I Shown here with optional seats and rudder. L Kayak Blade... powerful blades feature an injection molded kayak blade that is rigid and tough. The stiff aluminum take apart shaft is vinyl wrapped for comfort and allows for 60 deg. Right, left and flat control. Great for families or commercial use. Equators and 40 Kayak Blades...$e12.00 delivered. e WIND & WAVE W A TERSPORTS IOnl SOUTH PADRE ISLAND DRIVE CORPUS CHRlSTI, TX. 78413 (512) 937-9283 FAX(512) 937-9997 Invoice #: Date: Customer ID: BilbTo:';:::;;': C AL II()(JIV C (J1/1Ir('( ~ ~ r. 56 . COllilll'Y covt(rHOII'3t.;f1Y -.I. / W, !/U5T:rIV POI\T l./fVI'fDt) IX, 717 e YOUR# OUR # TERMS ~ Dt:SCRil'TJOI'l UI'llTPR TAX wtl!;/ FREIGHT I}.:rD -rOT/7 L- ZZ3 TOTAL I /81& (;CvOO M e e e CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W, AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361)553-4610 ''"', SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIXTEEN KA YAKS SIXTEEN KAYAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) KAYAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL 'BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY. FAILURE' TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MA Y RESULT IN CANCELLA nON OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: iA/:rIVD cV WA-//6 W4T6A.5to1<T5 ADDRESS: to I d-. I ->, f. y, D, CITY,STATE,ZIP: CoR.fi/S CHI?:J:5U) IX. 78'f./SJ PHONE NUMBER '}6/- '7"37- 'l;z.f?? PRlNTNAME F /?,Il/V/.!.. Fl-.CJ '({) , AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: .~ 0/ TITLE: 8~ BIDAMOUNT $//)lJ'fOO ~dc~ 3d..... t91o*t > 6~ IfTT/J-C If (!; f) tJ;po tf ~ ~ 'd2r!. ':>''>4 ...."" e CALHOUN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ANNEX - 201 W. AUSTIN PORT LA V ACA, TX 77979 (361)553-4610 SPECIFICA nONS FOR SIXTEEN KA YAKS SIXTEEN KA YAKS SHOULD MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: (I) TANDEM SIT-ON-TOP, WITH A MINIMUM OVERALL LENGTH OF 14 FEET (2) MINIMUM WIDTH OF 32" AND MEET OR EXCEED A MINIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY OF 450 POUNDS, (3) KA YAKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DURABLE MATERIALS THAT SHALL RESIST CRACKING UNDER NORMAL USE, IN ADDITION, FORTY CARLISLE BLACKLIGHT PADDLES OR ITS EQUIVALENT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. e THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAIVE TECHNICALITIES, REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, AND ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL DEEMED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO CALHOUN COUNTY, FAILURE'TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THE BID AND ANOTHER BID ACCEPTED. NAME: f-:L ADDRESS: :::E~::BE12:~~ - ~-~ -~:~,~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:::.K.,pu /I!lJ. .47U~ TITLE: Cl.ut~ / ? ?0-:t'n..v. ..- BID AMOUNT .$ /~,!J- b 0 , C7 t:J e ZZ5 e e e Cobra Kayak Triple Length: Width: Weight: Capacity: Material: Lets go Fishing Cobra Kayak Dealer Rose & Marcus Smith Port O'Connor, Texas SPECIFICATIONS ]6'6" 36" 80lbs 850 lbs Super Linear Polyethylene Life Time Guarantee Cannon Asymmetric Spoon Touring Paddle BID ]6 KAYAKS 40 CANNON PADDLES: SHIPPING Lets Go Fishing Cobra Kayak Dealer 105 E. Jackson Port O'Connor, Tx. 77982 361-983-4432 $61000 = $ 9,760.00 $ 50.00 = $ 2,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 12,560.00 ~26 b ~r:, rs ~~, -~ -...... "'-'/ '~-~ /ev .......a :.:3/ /':J .....0 d '-' * * *z ::;'0 o '" --0 C " g. D. '" ::n 0"0 ~ d-. ;>;'0 '" :l <: '" e-::r c " " ~ 0.-0 @2 "" $, w 0. 0" 60. o " .. o ::r a :l o o ::r iJ " e IJl ~ (S\ ........ \l ., a a (S\ ~ (S\ --h a ., ~ G) 7" e ~ 0 ~ ;I> 0 ^ " ..... (S\ 6& 0 '" :l :l 0. " tr1 0 0 o' F ~ ?: " ~ ;I> a '" :3 [ ~ " :3 a (JQ :l " ~ 0 " 0 " " ::r 0 .. ~ ~ .. 0. '"' ? :3 ? ~ 8- ~ 0" " '< :3 " ~ :3 0 () '" 0 " .. 0 g?, ...., ~ 0 ~ 0 :l "0 0. " ::r 0. :3 3 .g '"' s: ~ :l 0 ~ 3 " " ~ '"' " ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ::I ...., ::r ~ ...., Cb Eii @ " -0 '" " -0 '" ::s :l '" '"' -0 00' '"' -0 <+ ~ 0 '" " " " " <.II .c" rn ~ 0 g' ~ $), 5' '< '"' Eii '" '"' ::n + ~ " -0 " 0 ::l :l 0 :l a '" 0" " il .. " 0 :3 ~ 0 " o' .. o' s; 0 '" " x- :l 0 '" '" '" a * * * 0' " '" COUNTY AUTOMOBILE AND PACKAGE INSURANCE - REPORT e GSM Insurance representatives, Pam and John Debler, were present to answer question, County Auditor, Ben Comiskey, proposed the County do self-insurance with an umbrella policy. Judge Marshall has asked them to work up a proposal to be presented on May 23, 2002 at 1:30P.M. 227 NAME AND. ADDRESS OF INSURANCE COMPANY e NAME AND . ADDRESS OF INSURED CanCillation Premium Adjustment Honren.wal Dttn of Insurance Important Notices '~-19-202 10,34AM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.2 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, NONRENEWAL OR DECLINATION OF INSURANCE (Texas) ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 12222 M~RIT DRIVE, SUIT~ 700 KINO OF POLICY: PACKAGE POllCY/APPlICAnoNIBINOER NO.: CPO 226140&-06 EFFECTIVE OA TE 01' NOTICE: 07/17/'2002 12:01AM LOCAL TIME lOAn) (HOUR-STANDAAD TIME AT THE AoMESS Oi= Tl-IE INSURED) DATE OF MAILING: 04/17/'2002 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AG.NTI8ROKER: GLASS SORENSON&MCDAVID p, O. SOX 1478 ROCKPORT TX 78382 DALLAS TX 75251 CALHOUN COUNrl', TEXAS 201 W, AUSTIN PORT LAVACA TX 77979 I ~nnlicabl. ilem mari<ed Ol TI Vou are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and condi~ons of the aboVe rnentiOl1ed policy, and in acc;ordance with law, that your insurance will cease at and from the hour and date mentJooed above. 0 Reason for cancellation: Nonpayment of premium. See the "Important Notices" section for other informatioo that may apply. o You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned polley, and in accordance with law, that your insurance will cease at and from the hour and date mentioned above. Upon your request, we will provide you wilh a written statement of the reason(s) for the cancellation it the reason(s) are not provided herein. See the "Important Notices" section for other information that may apply. U You arE hereby notified in accordance with the termS and cOl1ditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with law, that your insurance will cease at and trom \he nour and date mentioned above for the reason(5) stated in tho "lmpoltan! Notices" section. See the "lmportant Notices" section for other informaUon that may apply. "- Unearned premium will be returned in accordance 'Him Texas law and the terms of the policy, Enclosed is $ ,being .he amount of un.amed premium for the unexpired term of tne policy. A t>ii for the premium eamed 10 tne time of cancellation wiii bo (""",rood in due course, OItler: You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with law, that the above mentioned pdicy wiii expire effective al and from the hour and date menlioned above and the policy will NOT bo renewed. Upon your request, we will provide you with a written statement of the reasol'l{s) for the nonrenewa! it the reason(s) are not provided herein, See the "Important Notices" section for other information that may appiy, 121 You are hereby notified in accordance wiItl Itle Ierms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with law, Itlal Ine abo.e mentioned policy will expire effective at and from the hour and date mentioned abo....e and the poltcy will NOT be renewed for the reason(s) stated In the "Important Notices" section. See the "Important Notices" section tor other infamation that may applY, U Your application for the kind ot insorance mentioned above has been declined, Upon your request. we will provide YCAJ with a written statement of the reason(s) for the declination of insurance if the reason(s) are not provided herein. See <he "Important Notices" s.aion for o<her infonnation Itlal may apply. U Your application for the kind Of Insurance m.nlioned above has been declined for the .....n(.) staled in the "Important Notices" section below. See the "Important Notices'" section belOw for other informalion tha[ may apply, 121 Reason(sllor cancellation. nonrenewal or dedlnalian: IMPROPER MAINTENANCE AND ADVERSE LOSS EXPERIENCE o Other Informatjon If any: Automobile Insurance Plan Information: This cancellation or nonrenewal pertains to an aulOmobile in$urance policy, other than one issued through the TflXas Aulomobiie Insurance Plan Association, You arc possibly eligible for automobile Insurance Il1rougn anothet insorer or under Itle Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association. As part of the application for Insurance through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association, you must cenily tnat wilnin 60 days ptior to the dale of application, you nave been rejocted for automobile insurance by at least 2 insure" licensed to do business in Texas and who actually write automobile liabCllty insurance in the State, includjng insurers that are not rate regulated. Please contact your agent for more information. Appeal to Automobile Insurance Plan Aosocialian Governing Commlllee: f<s your policy was one obtained through the Texas Automot>le Insurance Plan Association, you are nereby advised, rogarding the above notification of lenninalion, Itlal you nave the tight of appeal to the Governing Committee of the Association P.O, Box 149144 Austin. Texas 78714-9f44 orb fax at 51 444-7639, Consumer Report In compliance witn 'ne Fair Cledit Reporting Aa (Put>ic ~ 91-5(8) and <he Consumer Credit Refonn Act of 1996, you are hereby informed that the action taken abo\le is being taken wholly or partly because of information contained in a consumer report from the following consumer ~ng agency: (Name) Pnone Numbe~ (Address) Please see additional information regarding the Consumer Credit Reform Act for a disdosure of your right& under this federal law. INSURED'S COPY Page 1 of2 eO (Ed. 1.(1) UMro'"'NFORMAT~N""""'..c..."" 008 ""'''''' 4-19-202 10,35AM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.3 e .' NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, NONRENEWAL OR DECLINATION OF INSURANCE (Texas) PORT LAVACA TX 77979 KIND OF POLICY: PACKAGE POLICYIAPPLlCATlONIBINDER NO.: CPO 2261408-06 EFFECTIVE OA IE OF NOTICE: 07/1712002 12:01AM LOCAL TIME (D^"l (!oj(,)U1HTANOARDTM: ATTIE AQo;;tc:ss O.c:~E INSURE~) DATE OF MAILING: 04/17/2002 I NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENTIBROKER: GLASS SORENSON&MCDAVID P. Q. BOX 1478 ROCKPORT TX 783B2 lAME AND , ~ODRESS Jf INSURANCE ~OMPANY ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 12= MERIT DRIVE, SUITE 700 DALLAS TX 75251 JAMEAND. 'DDRESS JF INSU~ED CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS 201 W. AUSTIN \dditionallnformation regarding your rights under the Consumer Credit Reform Act 'ursuant to the Consumer Credit Reform Act of 1996, effective September 30,1997, you are informed that: 'he consumer reporting agency identified on this form did not make any deesions regarding the stated insurance policy. Therefore, the consumer reporting 'gency would not be able to provide you with the specific reasons why the insurance company is taking the present action. (ou have the right to obtain within 60 days of the receipt of this notice a free copy of your con~umer report from the consumer reporting agency whicl1 has leen identified on this form. (au have the right to dispute inaccurate informalion by contacting the CO<1sumer reporting agency directly. Once you have directly notified the consumer eporting. agency of your dispute, the agency must, within a reasonable period of time reinvestigate and record the current stalus of the disputed informatiorA lfter reinvestigation, such information is found to be inaccurate or unverifiable, such information must be promptly deleted from your records. If ,_ einvestlgation does not resolve the dispute, you may file a brief statement setting forth the nature of the dispute with the consumer reporting agency, YOu. iled statement will then be included or summarized in any subsequent consumer report containing the informalion in question, 'or complete information regarding the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Law please refer to Tne Code of the Laws of tile United States of America, Tille 15, Chapter41, Subchapter III, (15 U.S.C. ~1681 etseq.). ~ J2. ~ -<~ . AVTHOR1ZB:l REPRESENTATI~ e E)GU407c: (Ed. 1.(1) UNlFORf,AIJo4FORMATlONSERIllCES,INC.,li;Il9M INSURED'S COPY Pag_2012 229 N"MEAND. 'DORESS :IF INSURANCE :OMPANY e NAME AND , ADDRESS OF INSURED Cancellation Premium A.djustment Nonrenew.1 e Declination of insurance Important Noticec a-19-202 10,35AM FROM CALHOUN CO, AUDITOR 361 553 <1.61<1. P.<I. NOTICE OF CANCELLA liON, NON RENEWAL OR DECLINATION OF INSURANCE (Texas) ZURICH AMERICAN EINSURANCe COMPANY 12222 MERIT DRIVE, SUITE 700 KIND OF POUCY: AUTOMOBILE POUCY/APPUCA TlONIBINDER NO.: TAP 2261409 EFFECTIVE DATE OF NOTICE: 0717/2002 12:01AM LOCAL TIME (OATe) (l'IOUR.STANOARO 11l,le AT THE ADORES! OF THE INSURED) DATE OF MAILING: 07/17/2002 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENTI8ROKER: G~S SORENSON&MCDAVID p, O. BOX 1478 ROCKPORT TX 78382 DALLAS TX 75251 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS 201 w. AUSTIN PORT LAVACA TX 77979 IAooUcahle itl!fn "",rked nl ~ You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and cooditions of the above mentioned polley, and in accordance with law, that your insurance will cease at and from the hour and date mentioned above. 0 Reason for cancellalion: Nonpayment of premium. See the "Important Notices" section for other information Ihal may apply, 0 You are hereby n01lfied in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with law, that your insurance will cease at and from the hour and date mentioned above. Upon your request. we will provide you with a written statement of the reason(s) for the cancellation if the raason(s) are not provided herein. See Ihe "Important Nolle..- section for other information that may apply, 0 Yoo are hereby notified in accordance with tI'le terms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with law, that your insurance wHl cease at and from the hour and dale mentioned above for the reason(.) staled in Ihe "Important_- section, S.. the "Important Notices" sedion for other information thai may apply, . bJ Unearned premium Will be returned in acoordance with Texas law and the terms of the poliCY, , . ~ Enclosed is $ , being the amounl of unearned premium for the unexpired term of Ihe policy. A bill for the premium earned to the time of canceltation will be fOlWan:led in due course, Other: IT You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and conditions of tho above menlioned policy, and in aa:ordance Wlth law, that the above mentioned policy will expire effective at and from the hour and dato mentioned above and the policy will NOT be renewed, Upon your leQuest, we will provide you with a wriuen Slalement of the reason(s) (or the nonrenowal ~ tile reason(s) aTe nOl provided herein. See the "tmportant Notices- section for other InformaUon that may apply. Il2f You are hereby notified In accon:lance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in ao:ortlance with law, that the above mentioned policy will expire effective at and lrom the hour and date menuoned above and the policy wiiI NOT be renewed for the reason(s) stated in the l'lmportant NoticesJJ section. See the "Important Notices" section for other Information that may apply, rrr Your application for the kind of insurance mentioned above has been declined. Upon your request, we will provide you with a written statement of the reason{s) for the declination of insurance if the reason(s) are nof provided herein, See the "Important Notices" seclion for other infoll!lation that may apply, ID Your appiication for the kind of inSlJlaTlCe mentioned above has tieen declined foe the reason(.) Slaled in the "Important Notices' section below. See the "Important Notices.- section below for other information that may apply, 181 Reason(s) for cancellation. nonrenewal or dec~nation: IMPROPER MAINTENANCE AND ADVERSE LOSS EXPERIENCE o Other Information if any: Automobile Insurance Pian Information: This cancellation or nonrenewaJ pertains to an 3UlOmObile insurance policy, other than one issued through !he Texas Automobile Insurance ~an Association, You are possibly eligible for automobile insurance through another insurer ex under the Texas Aulomobile Insurance Plan Asooclation. As part of the application (or Insulance through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan A5SOOaiion, you musl certify that within 60 days prior to the date of application, you have been rejected for automobile insurance by at least 2 insurers licenseg to do business in Texas and who actually write automobile liability insurance in the State, induding insurers that are not rata regulated, Please contact your agent for more information. Appeal to Automobile Insurance Plan _alion Go"emins Commillee: As your ~icy was one obtamed through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association. you are herebY advised, regarding the above notification of termination. that you have the right of appeal to the Governing CommiUee of Ihe Association P.O. Box 149144, Austin, Tex" 78714-9144, or fax at 512 7639, Con.umer Report: In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Pu~ic LAw 91-508) and the Consumer Credit Re(orm Act of 1996, you are heteby Informed that the action taken above is being laken wholiy or pal1ly because of Information contained in a consumer report from th. foiiowing consumer reponing agency: (Name) Phone Number) (Address) Please see additional informadon regard ins tho COnsumer Cred~ R.lorm Ad for a disdo.uro of your rights under Ihis federal law. (E,,(Ed' 1.Q1) U.fOllMINFO_T1Q!lSE/lVlCfS.INC.. 0 '99' INSUIlED'S COpy Page 1 0[2 230 d-19-202 10:36AM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 d61d P.5 e NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, NONRENEWAL OR OECLlNA TION OF INSURANCE (Texas) DALLAS TX 75251 KIND Of POLICY; AUTOMOBI LE POLICY/APPLlCATIONIBINDER NO.; TAP 2261409 EFFECTIVE DATE OF NOTICE: 071712002 12:01AM LOCAL TIME ~'''l (HOLR.$TANDAAD m.tE AT THE .lDDRESS OF THE JN~eDI DATE OF MAILING: 07/1712002 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENTIBROKER: GLASS SORENSON&MCDAVID P. 0, BOX 1478 ROCKPORT TX 78382 o.MEAND, JDRESS F INSURANCE OMPANY ZURICH AMERICAN EINSURANCE COMPANY 12222 MERIT ORNE, SUITE 700 AME AND , DaRESS F INSURED CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS 201 W, AUSTIN PORT LAVACA TX 77979 dditionallnformation regarding your rights under the Consumer Credit Reform Act ursuantto the Consumer Credit Reform Act of 1996, effective September 30,1997, you are informed that: he consumer reporting agency Identified on this form did not make any decisions reganling the stated insurance poiicy. Therefore, the consumer reporting Jency would not be able to provide you with the specific reasons why the insurance company is taking the present action, au have the right to obtain within 60 days of the receipt of this notice a free copy of your consumer report from the consumer reporting agency which has een identified on this form, au have the right to dispt.lte inaccurate information by contacting the consumer reporting agency directly. Once you have directly notifieci the consumer 'porting agency of your dispute, the agency must, within a reasonable period of time reinvestigate and record the current status of the disputed informalion, II ~er reinvestigation, such information is found to be inaccurate or unverifiable, such information must be promptly deleted from your records. If_ ,investigation does not resolve the dispute, you may file a bnet statement setting 10rtl1 the nature of the dispute With the consumer reporting agency. Y ed statement will then be included or summarized in any subsequent consumer report containing the information in question. or complete information regarding the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Law please refer to The Code of the Laws of the United States of America, Title S, Chapter 41, Subchapter III, (15 U.S.C. !j1681 et seq.). ~~~_/ "'U'TI"CRIzmREPRES~\\fC. e :}GU407C: (Ed, 1-01) UNIFORMIN~TION~VlC2S,INC..@ol9iS INSVREC'S COpy Page2of2 :231 e ... e e BIDS AND PROPOSALS - CONSTRUCTION OF EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION FOR PORT LA V ACA PENINSULA PROJECT Bids for the construction of erosion control and wetland protection for the Port Lavaca Peninsula project were opened May 2, 2002 at 10: 00 AM. by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller. County Auditor Ben Comiskey read the bids. Commissioner Floyd said most bids were in excess of the grant funds available. The proposal of Ambrose Construction, Inc. included a change order to reduce the scope of work and cost match the amount of the grant fund and the scope of work needed. The Port Commission will make up any extra cost. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to award the bid for construction of erosion control and wetland protection for the Port Lavaca Peninsula project to Ambrose Construction, Inc. in the amount of $80,000, reflecting change Order # 1 to reduce the amount, as the low bidder. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE BIDS/PROPOSALS FOR id ~'> + {>e ,." (\~~ k f"rO..ji<1'\ (.11.-ry'/ -J.. Uef! "'''',)....l Pr';< <:i'oV' 'Flr~>~ 1- DATE OPENED S- -;).. D '-- TIME OPENED I 0: DO r4yY\.. PRESENT AT THE OPENING LO.:.. Ct..S( ':2 '- I?: +--= /YI, 1'.'</ Following is a list of BidslProposals opened and bid amounts, if appropriate, BidderlProDoser Amount 8 ~ ;),10.s0 jq5/ d.ctO,<y.) J 06/ l (, ,Qlf II? 5,053 q,3 f 5,;)6, so /D41 <./r-S,':) /d. ?;j 7cxr' 1. +J~./1 r (!(>,..,-rr-(;,1-Dr~ L /I'J 2. A,.".b rbH {O("lstr....c~o,..., - J.-I"'\C 3. f3r+ ~br'c".I"l1.. oJ (7()h...!~cd""<.f'<-.-..... (-d hr {Ore+<- l.c..t:;'r\ j -1-1\6 .~ 5; 7{)IJ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. BIDS/PROPOSALS WERE REFERREDTO ,_ ., =e: s~ (~>-<:;. C-of.-W SIGNATURE This form on s;; - ~ C> ~ was faxel! [0 the followillg: Dace Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Roger Galvan, CQmmlssiQner Pet. #1 Michael Balajka Commissioner PCL #2 H. Floyd, Commissioner Pct. #3 Kenneth FilIster Commissioner PCL #4 ~I f~ Wd\ 232 e G & W Engineers, Inc. 205 West Live Oak 51. Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 eTEMIZED BID TABULATION e l Date: May 2, 2002 Time: 10:00 a,m. Page 1 of 1 Job No. 2196.039 WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT A Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No, NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas BASE BID BID AMBROSE HUNT LESTER PORT FABRICATION NO. DESCRIPTION OTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Furnish & Install approx. 890 1 L.F. of Vinyl Sheet Pile Erosion 890 LF $ 82,42 $ , 73,353.80 $ 88,45 $ 78,720.50 $ 130.00 $ 115,700.00 $ 99,45 $ 88,510.50 Control Wall. FurnIsh Labor & Equipment fo Removal of Sheet Piling (7 2 Long Sections) & Breaklng 1 LS $ 787.00 $ 787.00 $ 2,795.00 $ 2,795.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,0Cl0.OO $ 2,145.00 $ 2,145.00 Concrete Adjacent to West End of Concrete Steps. 3 Fuml$h Labor & Equipment fa 1 LS $ 2,137,50 $ 2,137,50 $ 2,nS.00 $ 2,775.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 2,865.00 $ 2,865.00 Site GradIng. BASE BID $ 76,278,30 $ 84,290,50 $ 123,700.00 $ 93,520.50 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE Furnish & Install approx. 890 "A" L.F, Timber Cap on \Ilnyt s_ 1 LS '$ 8,775.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 10,925.00 Pile Wall. BASE BID + ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" $ 85,053.30 $ 95,290.50 $ 135,700.00 $ 104,445,50 M M N G & W Engineers, Inc. 205 West Live Oak 51. Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 BID OPENING TABLE Date: May 2, 2002 Time: 10:00 a.m. Page 1 of 1 Job No. 2196.039 WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT A Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No, NA 170Z217 4 for Calhoun County, Texas ACKNOWLEDGES BID BOND BASE BID BASE BID + ADDITIVE ADDENDUM NO.1 ALTERNATE "A" AMBROSE YES YES $ 76,278.80 $ 85,053.80 HUNT YES YES $ 84,290,50 $ 95,290.50 KING FISHER NO BID LESTER YES YES $ 123,700,00 $ 135,700.00 PORT FABRICATION YES YES $ 93,520,50 $ 104,445.50 SOUTHLAND NOBJD TRET NOBID e e ~ M C:t e 235 " ,', e DOCUMENT NO. 00300 PROPOSAL L.e:-STt::72' eOA1r~""eTl'vG" /$Ne. (Legal Firm Name) ,hereinafter cal[ed "BIDDER", is submitting this Proposal for Furnishing and Performiog the Work specified herein as the Construction of the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT. a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, This PROPOSAL is Submitted to the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, hereinafter called "OWNER", 1. Terms used in this PROPOSAL are defined in the General Conditions or Document No. 00120 - Instructions to Bidders and shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions or Instructions, e 2. BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to furnish and perform all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security, This BID will remain subject to acceptance for Sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Bid Opening, BIDDER shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement, including all required documents indicated by the Bidding Requirements, within Fifteen (15) Calendar Days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 4, In submitting this BID, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a, BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and the following Addenda, receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date): Addendum No.: Date Received: o/IJG" 4-/B-6;:: b. BIDDER has visited the site and is familiar and satisfied with the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. e 00300-1 ADDENDUM NO.1 (AnrlI18. 2002) lJ'ul Pmltutd.J E~oslO#l Control &, WulmltJ Pro,.ctIM Proj'~1 NaMAwardNo.NAJ70Z2174 CotmtyofCa/houn, 7X(JoblJ96.0J9) e e I I I Ie I " c. BIDDER is familiar and satisfied with all federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. d. BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work, if any, to be performed by OWNER (or others) at the site in relation to the Work for which this BID is submitted. e. BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data with the Contract Documents, f BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for furnishing and performing the Work for which this BID is submitted, g. This BID is GENUINE and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation, BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID, BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding. BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. 5. BIDDER agrees to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. a. BIDDER acknowledges that the amounts are to be shown in both words and figures, and in case of discrepancy, the amount in words shall govern. b. BIDDER acknowledges that the quantities are not guaranteed and final payment will be based on the actual quantities determined as provided in the Contract Documents. OWNER reserves the right to reduce the length of the wall if necessary to met budget constraints. c. BIDDER acknowledges that, at OWNER's option andIJor at OWNER's request, any of the quantities may be deleted, reduced, or increased based upon the respective Unit Prices, d. BIDDER acknowledges that Unit and Lump Sum Prices have been computed in accordance with paragraph 11.03.B of the General Conditions. e. BIDDER agrees to furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, handling, hauling, taxes, insurance and all other requirements deemed necessary to complete the items of Work indicated on the following pages for the specific dollar amounts stated. 00300-2 ADDENDUM NO.1 (AnriJ 18.2002) If'Uf P.ninn.14 Erosion Conlrol ok W./I4IUi ProuclionProjccl NG<<A"QrdNo. NA170Z1J71 CowtlyojC,.j},Q''''. TX(JohJJ96_0J9) 236 e BASE BID BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRI1TEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1. 890 L.F, Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F. ofVmyl Sheet Pile Erosion Control Wall for a Unit Price of r.JII/E 1It/II/MFO 77T/I?TY and NO per linear foot Dollars Cents $ /30,M $ 1/5, 7M.<oo , 2. 1 L.S. Furnish Labor and Equipment for Removal of Sheet Piling (7' Long Sections) and Breaking Concrete Adjacent to the West End of Concrete Steps for a Lump Sum Price of rJAlE' 77,f()(,//:,pIUO and AlO Dollars Cents. e $ ?~M.oo 3. 1 L,S, Furnish Labor and Equipment for Site Grading which includes the Leveling of the Piles of Dumped Materials in Accordance with the Contour Lines as shown on the Drawing for a Lump Sum Price of sCUeAl -nl{){/~~IJ/) and NO Dollars Cents. $ 7 tJtJCJ. oM / TOTAL COST to complete the "BASE BID" for the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, being Items 1 through 3 above, is: C)~ IIt/.<JMi:t> nue-IUT'Y -Plitt€" 7lICUSJiWf) ~-voJ ;/lItW DOLLARS .4rt/.t> .va CENTS. $ /'23. 700, t:JO , e 00300-3 ADDENDUM NO.1 (Anrll18. 2002) lYu(F~ Erocrl""Con!rol4:1I'"kzNJProIecllonProjuJ NOMAwarJNo. NA170Z11U CcunryofC<Ilho4in, TX(Jobl196.039} _ 237 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE Should OWNER elect to accept the following Alternate IN ADDmON TO THE BASE BID ITEMS -DESCRIBED ABOVE, BIDDER makes the same acknowledgment as above and agrees to complete the ., accepted Alternate for the dollar amount stated, . BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRIITEN IN WORDS AMOUNT A 1 L.S, Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F. Timber Cap on Vinyl Sheet Pile Wall in Accordance with Attached Sketch Titled "ADDENDUM #1, WALL CAP DETAIL" for a Lump Sum Price of 7w&'1. tiE and 71'IOtt~ ./NP Nt) Dollars Cents. $ I~ .1JLJLJ. CO 1111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', II',',',', I',: III SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" is: OJJe INWlCP /'/111/1'7' -AtJ€' 7lI(){/JI(N{) Se-/Je'JJ ffl)II/ME1> DOLLARS ell~~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~11111111 ~~~S:I$II,l'~I~"~~~I'~~I: The SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" shall be evaluated when considering the AWARD ofthe CONTRACT, 6. BIDDER agrees that the Work shall be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 14,07 ofthe General Conditions within 90 Calendar Days after the date when the Contract Times commences to run. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement. 00300-4 e ADDENDUM NO.1 (Allril18. 2002) WUI P",11UUI4 Ert:u10lJ C~1roI &: W,t/4n.rlProt,cllon Prq}.d NaMAWlIrdNo.NA170Z2171 Co.mtyofC.u;.o..tl, TX(Joh1J96.0J9) 238 e 7, The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this BID: a, Required Bid Security in the form of Bid Bond b. A tabulation of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations required to be identified in the BID, c, Document No, 00415 - CONTRACTOR's Corporate Resolution, d, Document No, 00420 - Bidders Qualification Statement. . Assurances-Construction Programs . Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exciusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying 8. Communications about this BID shall be directed to BIDDER's address indicated below. SUBMITTED this '"~~ "., Ken Les r, Jr. ,2002. Authorized Signature: Name: e Title: President Attesting Signature: Name: Title: rtenn a, 'fy~ Lenor A. Damons Secretary Legal Finn Name: Lester Contraetinq, ine. Business Address: P.O. Box 986 Port Lavaca TX 77979 Phone Number: 361. 552.3024 Facsimile Number: 361. 552.4049 E-Mail Address (optional): State of Incorporation, ifapplicable: Texas State Contractor License No.: e END OF DOCUMENT 00300-5 ADDEJ','1)UM NO.1 (ADrlI 18. 2002) WUI PUliruW4 EroIjon COI1trol <i: fY~d<Ptd ProI<<tI""Proj<ct Na<<AwarJNo. NAJ70V 174 Countyolc.o.o.m. TX(Joh1196,039) Z39 I" , 4'-0" "' , --T,~ 1-- 1 T,~- . 1 '- T,~- 1-, -'-'-'~'-'-'-'-'-'-~-'~'-'-'-!C'~'-'-'-'-'-'-'~'-'-'~ -'-'-ry_._._._._._.~._._._._.-ti-. / -.-.- L \ Il L_ ~ 1 L_ L L I" 3/-011 TYP. 2x12 SPLl CE "\ I I I I -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-t-. ','''-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-..~_. 1 . TYP. 2x8 SPLl CE CAP PLAN VIEW SCALE: 3,{ = l' - 0" 43/ "43" II #lOx31/z" LG. 304 S.S, DECK SCREW W/SQ. DRIVE @ 3'-0" c/c t~ I/z" DIA. x 1'-1" LG. 304 S.S. ALL THREAD ROD WINUTS & WASHERS ON EA. END @ 4'-0" c/c 2x12 2x8 SCALE: 3,{ = l' - 0" NOTES: 1.) ALL WOOD SPLICE JOINTS TO BE CUT AT A 45 DEG. ANGLE AND SHALL BE STAGGERED AS REQUIRED. 2.) WDOD TIMBERS SHALL BE No.1 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (545) WITH ,60 CCA TREATMENT. SHORE GUARD SER I ES 550 VINYL SHEET PILING CAP SECTION ADDENDUM #1 WALL CAP DETAIL . W ENGINEERS. INC. 112196.039 240 e DOCUMENT NO. 00420 BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT BIDDER shall answer all questions, and answers shall be clear and comprehensive: This form shall be notarized upon completion. If necessary, BIDDER may use separate attached sheets to answer questions, and may submit additional information, if desired, Resume for each officer of Company and the Superintendent for this Project shall also be attached. BIDDER's Name: Lester Contraetin<;" ine. Address: P.O. Box 986, Port Lavaea TX Organization Date: 1959 Incorporation Date: 1 971 Type of Work Performed: Ever Fail to Complete Awarded Work? Ever Default on Any Contract? On-going Contracts: Y oK/V Yo@ DATE 5"-I-OZ S"I-~Z CONTRACT NAME AMOUNT :>OUT71- r~ EUr~T77le ecof' - S/T'E Pdf(! /I ~sq.[){)O l:.t:J4$T?"ft.- o~s SU~-DIVfl./oAJ If zS4 t:Jo~ ANTICIPATED COMPLETION U' 'fJa-oz.. 7' 31-"'2 e Recently completed Projects (sirnilar Type and Importance): PRO.mCT NA]'yIE AMOUNT 5€€ "ftrl'ft!Nct> us, 0,: ~~ P~<TI'c.r..s MONTH/YEAR COMPLETED ~ e€ /NJl'f-lufl3LE' EtptJl"J'1cIl.lT LJ!:. r Bank Reference/ConIact: KEUY /'A-ffK Fv;<Jt3 The undersigned hereby authorizes any person, firm, or corporation to furnish any information requested by the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, in relation to the verification of the statements comprising thi B 's Qualification Statement. Equipment Available for this Contract: Credit Available: $ "'~,r, ~"" &..~~.DO Signed Name & Title: KEN IAT.EJ?, f?t2a 1 t>clV T :FL. Executed and swqrn to before me, the undersigned authority, on this J. ~. day of M^" ,20~. fJ~ ~4J- Notary Public in d for e .....~;";z.;... "'~'''''!''\ f":' 'r~ ~~l"....::'$' ..<o;..!:....,. DANIEL YANTA Notary Public, Stlte of Texas My Commission Expires April 02, 2005 C.4L.I/~VN Co, T~,f-<j END OF DOCUMENT 00420-1 241 e e 3, e DOCUMENT NO. 00300 PROPOSAL ;h,.,v-r ;:;"v-'r/&1-d-~. LTtJ, (Legal Firm N~e) hereinafter called "BIDDER" , , is submitting this Proposal for Furnishing and Performing the Work specified herein as the Construction of the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas. This PROPOSAL is Submitted to the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, hereinafter called "OWNER", 1. Terms used in this PROPOSAL are defined in the General Conditions or Document No. 00120 _ Instructions to Bidders and shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions or Instructions, 2. BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to furnish and perform all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security, This BID will remain subject to acceptance for Sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Bid Opening. BIDDER shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement, including all required documents indicated by the Bidding Requirements, within Fifteen (15) Calendar Days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 4. In submitting this BID, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a, BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and the following Addenda, receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date): Addendum No.: Date Received: ~ b. BIDDER has visited the site and is familiar and satisfied with the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. 00300-1 ADDENDUM NO, I (ADm 18,2002) IV", Pm~ Eros/on coNrOl &: W~/land Prol.cllon Proj.d NQ..(AAwardNo.NAJ10Z]J7~ COIIIItyojCGJ},I;NII, TX(J<;>b1196.0J9) 042 ..... e c, BIDDER is familiar and satisfied with all federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work, d, BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work, if any, to be performed by OWNER (or others) at the site in relation to the Work for which this BID is submitted, e. BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data with the Contract Documents, f. BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for furnishing and performing the Work for which this BID is submitted, g. This BID is GENUINE and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation. BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID, BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding. BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. e 5. BIDDER agrees to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, a. BIDDER acknowledges that the amounts are to be shown in both words and figures, and in case of discrepancy, the amount in words shall govern. b. BIDDER acknowledges that the quantities are not guaranteed and final payment will be based on the actual quantities determined as provided in the Contract Documents. OWNER reserves the right to reduce the length of the wall if necessary to met budget constraints. c, BIDDER acknowledges that, at OWNER's option and/or at OWNER's request, any of the quantities may be deleted, reduced, or increased based upon the respective Unit Prices. d. BIDDER acknowledges that Unit and Lump Sum Prices have been computed in accordance with paragraph 11.03,B of the General Conditions. e. BIDDER agrees to furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, handling, hauling, taxes, insurance and all other requirements deemed necessary to complete the items of Work indicated on the following pages for the specific dollar amounts stated. e 00300-2 ADDENDUM NO.1 (ADril18. 2002) IVUf Pmiruula Eros;"", COtltrol &: WII/muJ Prot.cllo.. i"roj~1 NOAAAwaniNo. NA170Z:J1U COWl/)'o!C..o,O.",. rX(Joh:J/96.0J9) 243 BASE BID _ BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT .ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRfITEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1. 890 L.F. Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F, ofVmyl Sheet Pile Erosion Control Wall for a Unit Price of 6~~~ El~~ and r&?eT't'- ,F/YC per linear foot Dollars Cents $ fE,S,<f> $ 7~ 7zo.S-0 2. L.S, Furnish Labor and Equipment for Removal of Sheet Piling (7' Long Sections) and Breaking Concrete Adjacent to the West End of Concrete Steps for a Lump Sum Price of ~~eN WLJR. '/ -rl.vF-oollars and A/ t!) Cents. $";(79~ 3. 1 L.S. Furnish Labor and Equipment for Site Grading which includes the Leveling of the Piles of Dumped Materials in Accordance with the Contour Lines as shown 0 the Drawing for a Lump S Price of ~ ~ W,a Cl"uts.- $ 277SfJO e and "uo TOTAL COST to complete the "BASE BID" for the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETIAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, being Items 1 through 3 above, is: ~r/TY~.i!-m;;~/W4-;;:;tJ ht/l/tlk'liZJ /IJ~ DOLLARS ///77 CENTS, $.6'~ 2'7t?~S(} 00300-3 e ADDENDUM NO.1 (Aorlll8. 2002) Jf'UI P~/ruW4 Erosion Control & W~11mtJ Prou~lion Project NQ.(AAwardNo. NAJ70Z]J7~ Coun,>,ojC4Dlou", TX(JoblJ96.0J9) 244 e ADDITIVE ALTERNATE Should OWNER elect to accept the following Alternate IN ADDmON TO THE BASE BID ITEMS DESCRIBED ABOVE, BIDDER makes the same acknowledgment as above and agrees to complete the accepted Alternate for the dollar amount stated, BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT A 1 L.S. Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F, Timber Cap on Vinyl Sheet Pile Wall in Accordance with Attached Sketch Titled "ADDENDUM #1, WALL CAP DETAIL" for a Lump Sum Price of E~ /~AW'.a and , f/O Dollars Cents. ~ $/~ ~. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" is: ~j/iJET't'-R{/€~/J7I/IJ/~ /hAlI>>iJJ 1li..AJ&7(50LLARS -/lFry ~ CENTS. $<7S: 2?O".57) ./ 1'111111111111 [1111111 [[ 11111 [1111111111 [[ II [I [1111 [11111111 [III [11111 [III: I111 The SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" shall be evaluated when considering the AWARD of the CONTRACT, 6. BIDDER agrees that the Work shall be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 90 Calendar Days after the date when the Contract Times commences to run. e BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement, 00300-4 ADDENDUM NO.1 (Anrl! 18. 2002) /f'ut P";,.,..u, Bro.i_ COfftrol '" W.tlond ProI<<llon h()}.cf NOMA_dNo.NAI70Z:n7J C"""tyofCGiJu;Nn, TX (Job ]196.0J9) Z45 e e e 7. The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this BID: a. b. Required Bid Security in the form of $t{/} ~..tJ A tabulation of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations required to be identified in the BID, Document No, 00415 - CONTRACTOR's Corporate Resolution, Document No. 00420 - Bidders Qualification Statement. . Assurances-Construction Programs . Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying c, d, 8. Communications about this BID shall be directed to BIDDER's address indicated below. /}N!J SUBMITTED this "'" --- day of , 2002, Authorized Signature N Title: GT;(1 Attesting Signature: Name: Title: Legal Firm Narne: a~6A/;r~CJ;e5, LT// Business Address: ;P. Or ~~.Af'1j.. hAl~ ?X 77'?S7 Phone Number: 3t:.f-73'Z- 76 ~ Facsimile Number: :3~( - 78' Z - 7se;; z.... E-MaiIAddress(optional):5r./C:h V/P-Tx. r ner-- State ofIncorporation, ifapplicable: ItJH ' State Contractor License No,: ~- 30/3239 , END OF DOCUMENT 00300-5 ADDENDUM NO.1 (Anril18. 2002) If'~"t Pm/fIAI/Q Erwlon COr/lro/&< W"lmId Pro/uti"" Prqj~ct NaAAA~dNo.NA.J70Z]lU Caw"/'yofCoIhOWl, TX(JobJlfl.6.039) 246 e DOCUMENT NO. 00300 PROPOSAL RALPH AMBROSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. (Legal Finn Name) ,hereinafter ca1ied "BIDDER", is submitting this Proposal for Furnishing and Performing the Work specified herein as the Construction of the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, This PROPOSAL is Submitted to the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, hereinafter called "OWNER". 1. Terms used in this PROPOSAL are defined in the General Conditions or Document No. 00120 - Instructions to Bidders and shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions or Instructions, e 2, BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to furnish and perform all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3, BIDDER accepts all of the terms aod conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This BID will remain subject to acceptance for Sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Bid Opening, BIDDER shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement, including all required documents indicated by the Bidding Requirements, within Fifteen (15) Calendar Days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award, 4. In submitting this BID, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and the following Addenda, receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date): Addendum No,: Date Received: e b, BIDDER has visited the site and is familiar and satisfied with the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. 00300-1 ADDENDill\-1 NO.1 (ADrU 18. 2002) Wul PmlnsllkJ Erru/on Control d: W.//and /70/11:1/",,1+01.1:1 NQAAA.....-dNo_ NA170Z117~ CounfyojCaJ},oclfI. TX(Joh2196.0J9) Z47 _ e e c. BIDDER is familiar and satisfied with all federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work, ifany, to be performed by OWNER (or others) at the site in relation to the Work for which this BID is submitted. d. e. BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data with the Contract Documents, f BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for furnishing and performing the Work for which this BID is submitted. g. This BID is GENUINE and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation, BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID. BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding. BIDDER has not sought by collusion tc obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. 5. BIDDER agrees to complete the Work in acc0rdance with the Contract Documents. a. BIDDER acknowledges that the amounts are to be shown in both words and figures, and in case of discrepancy, the amount in words shall govern. b. BIDDER acknowledges that the quantities are not guaranteed and final payment will be based on the actual quantities determined as provided in the Contract Documents. OWNER reserves the right to reduce the length of the wall if necessary to met budget constraints. c. BIDDER acknowledges that, at OWNER's option and/or at OWNER's request, any of the quantities may be deleted, reduced, or increased based upon the respective Unit Prices. d. BIDDER acknowledges Ihat Unit and Lump Sum Prices have been computed in accordance with paragraph 11.03.B of the General Conditions. e. BIDDER agrees to furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, handling, hauling, taxes, insurance and all other requirements deemed necessary to complete the items of Work indicated on the following pages for the specific dollar amounts stated. 00300-2 ADDENDVJ\J NO. J fAvril18. 2002) Wul P."j'UOJ/Q Erosi<Hl Control &, W.,I""d Pro/uti"" Proj.ct NCMAA....,.J No_ NAJ70ZJ/74 C""nTyo!CgJ},,,,,,n. TX(Job:19tfOJ9j 2(18 I", ~. :. I I II . . II . II II II II . II II II II II 249 ~~ijf. BASE BID _ --------------------------------------------------- BID ITEM BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT IT. UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS ------------------------------------------------- UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1. 890 L,F. Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F, of Vinyl Sheet Pile Erosion Control Wall for a Unit Price of EIGHTY-TWO and FORTY -TWO per linear foot DolIars Cents 2. 1 L.S. Furnish Labor and Equipment for Removal of Sheet Piling (7' Long Sections) and Breaking Concrete Adjacent to the West End of Concrete Steps for a Lump Sum Price of $82.42; $73,353.80 SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVENDolIars and NO Cents, 3, 1 L.S. Furnish Labor and Equipment for Site Grading which includes the Leveling of the Piles of Dumped Materials in Accordance with the Contour Lines as shown on the Drawing for a Lump Sum Price of TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN Dollars and FIFTY Cents, " J e $.787.00 $2,137,50 TOTAL COST to complete the "BASE BID" for the WEST PENINSULA EROSION,CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No, NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, being Items 1 through 3 above, is: SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY EIG~LLARS EIGHTY 00300-3 CENTS. $76,278.80 e ADDENDmr NO.1 (Aoril 18. 20(2) lVu! Pf"!l'l3UI.. Ero~l"" COfttrol "" W~llmod Pro/<-el/<m Proj~cl NQ.<<A.wardNo. NAJ70Z1/U CmmtyofCaJho.m, fX(.lobJI96.039} ~ EIGHTY CENTS. $85,053.80 Irllllllll!IIIIIIII!111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIII I II I I I I ~ . I' I , I I I: I I I ADDITIVE ALTERNATE Should 0 R elect to accept the following Alternate IN ADDmON TO THE BASE BID ITEMS ED ABOVE, BIDDER makes the same acknowledgment as above and agrees to complete the ternate for the dollar amount stated, . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BID ID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM TY. UNIT PRICE WRlITEN IN WORDS AMOUNT -----------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 i A 1 i L.S. Furnish and Install approximately 890 L,F. Timber Cap on Vinyl Sheet Pile Wall in Accordance with Attached Sketch Titled "ADDENDUM #1, WALL CAP DETAIL" for a Lump Sum Price of EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY" FIVE Dollars and NO Cents. $8 , 775 .00 " 1 I I : 1 I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I : : I : I : I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I .1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1+++++ SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" is: EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND FIFTY THREE DOLLARS The SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A:: shall be evaluated when considering the AWARD of the CONTRACT. , 6. BIDDER agrees that the Work shall be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 90 Calendar Days after the date when the Contract Times commences to run. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement. 00300-4 ADDENDUM NO. I (Aorll]8 2002) Wf.rt P."lruula Eros/on C""lroI &, W.ILMJ Pro'.~lIon Proj~' NCUAAworJ No_ NA170Z1 J7~ C"""ryofC..o.OU1I. r.f(Johll96.0J9) 250 ;~I Iii ~: t'g . II II II I " ~ ;?'" ,.~ ~ .-~ !~ ,: ~ 251 e 7, The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this BID: a. Required Bid Security in the form of BID BOND b, A tabulation of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations required to be identified in the BID. c. Document No. 00415 - CONTRACTOR's Corporate Resolution" d, Document No, 00420 - Bidders Qualification Statement. . Assurances-Construction Programs . Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying 8. Communications about this BID shall be directed to BIDDER's address indicated below. SUBMITTED this 30TH day of APR IL Authorized Signature: ~ ~~___ Name: RALPH ABMBROSE " .2002. e Title: PRESIDENT #4f5 RICK DUNGA Attesting Signature: Name: Title: PROJECT MANAGER Legal Firm Name: RALPH AMBROSE CONSTRUCTION" INC. Business Address: Phone Number: Facsimile Number: P.O. BOX 793, INGLESIDE, TEXAS 78362 361-776-7051 361-776-2424 E-Mail Address (optional): State ofIncorporation, if applicable: State Contractor License No,: ambrosecon@hotmail.com TEXAS . e END OF DOCUMENT 00300-5 ADDENDUM NO.1 (ADrU 18. 2002) WUI Pmhuu/Il Eror;on Con".,,/ de W.t/and !'Yo'rcllon ProJu/ NOA.AA"'araNo, NA/7QZJJ7I C=n,y ofC(Jo,oun. TX(Job )/96,039) i[ ,i' ';J :""'! ~ ~ li tj I I I I " ! 4/-0" /' , "' , T~nr'ii'i1 11 ~ TrInl'1:.t n -: r . -." = - -.JI- 1/ ~ - - I Iii ~ II ~ I If'lnflW!nr)l ~I f -'-'-~---'-'-'-~-'~'-'-'-lC'~'-'-'-'-'-'-'~'-'-'~ -'-'-q-'-'-'-'-'-'~'-'-'-'-'it-. I _._._ L II I' JL \1 I II ~I ~ L __ _ = L /" 3'-0" TYP. 2x12 SPLl CE al I I I I -'--'-'-'-'--'-'-'-0-. 'r'''--'-'-'-'-'--'-'-'-'-'_'_'_'_'_'_'_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_"'_. I . TYP, 2x8 SPLICE " CAP PLAN VIEW j SCALE: 3// = 1'- 0" 43/1143/1/ ItlOx31,{ LG. 304 5.S. DECK SCREW W/SQ. DRIVE @ 3'-0" c/c 2x8 2x12 ~ I I,{ DIA. x 1'-1" LG. 304 S.S. ALL THREAD ROD W/NUT5 & WASHERS ON EA. END @ 4'-0" c/c SHORE GUARD ~ SERIES 550 VINYL SHEET PILING NOTES: 1,) ALL WOOD SPLICE JOINTS TO BE CUT AT A 45 DE~, ANGLE AND SHALL BE STAGGERED AS REQUIRED. 2,) WOOD TIMBERS SHALL BE NO,1 SOUTHERN YELLOW PiNE (5451 WITH ,50 CCA TREATMENT. CAP SECTION SCALE: 3,4' = l' - 0" ADDENDUM #1 WALL CAP DETAIL G '" W ENG INEERS. I NC, JOB #2196.039 252 e DOCUMENT NO. 00300 PROPOSAL \),.,Q.., ~1:"A-'no.J ~r^,I~-n:I.\lC."IO"" I...K.. (tegal Finn Name) ,hereinafter called "BIDDER", is submitting this Proposal for Furnishing and Performing the Work specified herein as the Construction of the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas. This PROPOSAL is Submitted to the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, hereinafter called "OWNER". 1. Terms used in this PROPOSAL are defined in the General Conditions or Document No. 00120 _ Instructions to Bidders and shall have the meanings indicated in the General _ Conditions or Instructions. .. 2. BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to furnish and perform all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3, BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This BID will remain subject to acceptance for Sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Bid Opening, BIDDER shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement, including all required documents indicated by the Bidding Requirements, within Fifteen (15) Calendar Days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 4. In submitting this BID, BIDDER represents, as more fuily set forth in the Agreement, that: a. BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding DocumenlS and the following Addenda, receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date): Addendum No.: Date Received: I o+!,%z.. b. BIDDER has visited the site and is familiar and satisfied with the general, local and - site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the .. Work. 00300-1 ADDENDUM NO.1 (AnrU 18. 2002) w~# PmltoSOJ14 Erellotl ConTrOl ~ WU/cJJldProf~cf/""ProJtCl NQAAAwcvdNo. NA170Z1JU Cocml)'ofColhQIJrl, TX(Job1196.039) 253 e e e c. BIDDER is familiar and satisfied with all federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and furnishing and performing the Work. d. BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work, if any, to be performed by OWNER (or others) at the site in relation to the Work for which this BID is submitted, e, BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data with the Contract Documents. f. BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER, and the Contract Docwnents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for furnishing and performing the Work for which this BID is submitted, g. This BID is GENUINE and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation. BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID, BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding. BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER, 5. BIDDER agrees to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, a. BIDDER acknowledges that the amounts are to be shown in both words and figures, and in case of discrepancy, the amount in words shall govern. b. BIDDER acknowledges that the quantities are not guaranteed and final payment will be based on the actual quantities determined as provided in the Contract Documents. OWNER reserves the right to reduce the length of the wall if necessary to met budget constraints. c. BIDDER acknowledges that, at OWNER's option and/or at OWNER's request, any of the quantities may be deleted, reduced, or increased based upon the respective Unit Prices. d. BIDDER acknowledges that Unit and Lump Sum Prices have been computed in accordance with paragraph 11. 03.B of Ihe General Conditions. e. BIDDER agrees to furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, handling, hauling, laxes, insurance and all other requirements deemed necessary to complete the items of Work indicated on the following pages for the specific dollar amounts stated. 00300-2 ADDENDUM NO.1 (AnriltS. 2002) Will P~nifUl.flQ E/wiorr Control do W,llmtd Prol,c,iott Proj'c/ NQ...l..(A,"'....<iNo.NA170Z1174 C,,,,mfyo!Co/Jwun. TX(Jobl1?6.039) Z54 e BASE BID ---------- BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PillCE EXTENSION 1. 890 L.F, Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F, of Vinyl Sheet Pile Erosion Control Wall for a Unit Price of /0\ l.l E1." and ~I)1ZT9 per linear foot All),) E F\\lE" Dollars Cents $ '1'1.'-15 $dSSIO. S-t) 1 2, 1 L.S. Furnish Labor and Equipment for Removal of Sheet Piling (7' Long Sections) and Breaking Concrete Adjacent to the West End of Concrete Steps for a Lump Sum Price of IWD T/'klU6JwD OJoJF' IohJAlDR.~ l="~ ~\ \1 ~ Dollars and A.lo It 00 Cents, f e 00 $ 21 \Lt5. 3. 1 L.S, Furnish Labor and Equipment for Site Grading which includes the Leveling of the Piles of Dumped Materials in Accordance with the Contour Lines as shown on the Drawing for a Lump Sum Price of fLUO "It\OtlsAAlD raq ~\ \;\VJJDQ.E1) .:s\~\y F\\lE Dollars and ell / I DOCents, I $ z/,bS""'" TOTAL COST to complete the "BASE BID" for the WEST PENINSULA EROSION CONTROL AND WETLAND PROTECTION PROJECT, a Texas Coastal Impact Assistance Program (ClAP) funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award No. NA170Z2174 for Calhoun County, Texas, being Items 1 through 3 above, is: tUIJJEI'r' T/'IIU!F mtJsi}/X) FiVE NtJJJDR.Ef) Tu.Jl;.urr DOLLARS FIP""'';' CENTS. $ '13,520. s-o e 00300-3 ADDENDUM NO, 1 (ADrlI18. 2002) Wul P~"fruula erosion C_troI d.1f'~lkmdProlecllon Project NQ<<AwardNo_ NA170Z1/7f CO<1"ryofCDiho.m, TX(Jobll96.0J9) Z55 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE ehOUld OWNER elect to accept the following Alternate IN ADDmON TO THE BASE BID ITEMS DESCRIBED ABOVE, BIDDER makes the same acknowledgment as above and agrees to complete the accepted Alternate for the dollar amount stated. BID BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEM WITH UNIT ITEM QTY. UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT ------------------------ A 1 L.S. Furnish and Install approximately 890 L.F, Timber Cap on Vinyl Sheet Pile Wall in Accordance with Attached Sketch Titled "ADDENDUM #1, WALL CAP DET AlL" for a Lump Sum Price of -rE'AJ "rn~U.5MD JJI/J€ f;!tJt.l.DeeP TuJ€,.J IV FIll E Dollars and llJo /If)~ Cents. I $ 1()lq~ DD I I I I I I SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" is: I .ip$ Hv,l.)/)KEV fOot:. 11l0tJ5,q.JJ> fotJ.e Mu.<JDe~ fOer~ t:'\ IJE DOLLARS I . ~/~,P CENTS, $ 11111111111',1111111111111111', 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ityl, 1/J./6: .so 11111111: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1 The SUM of the BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" shall be evaluated when considering the AWARD of the CONTRACT. 6. BIDDER agrees that the Work shall be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 90 Calendar Days after the date when the Contract Times commences to run. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Wark within the times specified in the Agreement. 00300-4 e ADDENDUM NO.1 (Aorll 18.2002) If'ut P",ifUl,jUl &0410<< CDtlvol4: W.tlmuJ/'rol.cIlO#l Project NOAAA_JNo.NAJ7QZ1/U CC&<Nyc!C..o""m, TX(J"b}196.0J9) 256 e 7. The following documents are attached to and made a condition ofthis BID: a, Required Bid Security in the form of 1> IP "?JOAJt> b, A tabulation of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations required to be identified in the BID, c. Document No, 00415 - CONTRACTOR's Corporate Resolution, d, Document No, 00420 - Bidders Qualification Statement. . Assurances-Construction programs . Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions and Lobbying 8. Communications about this BID shall be directed to BIDDER's address indicated below, SUBMITTED this .2 ...D day of N\A'i ^"iliorlud S~;:~ {~~". Title: ~t=5ID&V-r e~ ""..~ ~ JJ E~ 5t:c.el<TMlY ,2002, e Attesting Signature: Name: Legal Firm Name: Business Address: 10 Phone Number: ,~(,,\ - 552- -,S3s0 Facsimile Number: ,~~ I -552 - Cf3cn E-Mail Address (optional): ~-L~CL\'~ l".\S~ . ~t State of Incorporation, ifapplicable: ~~ State Contractor License No.: e END OF DOCUMENT 00300-5 ADDENDUM NO.1 {Aoril 18. 2002} WUl P..,i"-,,,W Ero-tl""- cotll1"Ol '" W.,lanJ prol.c/IOt1 ProJ.t/ NQAAAw>aTdNc_NA.J70Z117i CowrftofCDlhoun,1X(Job1/96.0J9) 257 . , . e e BIDS AND PROPOSALS SW A N POINT PARK AND BOAT RAMP REPAIRS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finst r d ' . accept the bid of Lester Contracting as the l~w~'d~econded by CommISSIOner Balajka to and Boat Ramp in the amount of $70 830 1 .er, on the rep~lrs to Swan Point Park Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ' . CommISSIOners BalaJka, Floyd, Finster and Commissioners Finster stated the funds com' are available so no local tax dollars are d I;hg fromTexas Parks and Wildlife and GLO ue. ere mIght be future change orders. Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 BID FORM Bidding Firm: Lester. O_6rrh~od-;(iq Lr'ltC. Address: ~ CJ BO"'J C\ 8' io City, State, Zip: fDR\- Lo...,"Cle..Q T1. '7'791 q PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CALHOUN COUNTY BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVMENTS AT SWAN POINT . THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: Calhoun County CommiSSioner's Court 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas n979 1, Pursuant to and in compliance with the Invitation to Bid and the proposed Contract Documents dated August 2001, prepared by Testengeer, Inc, relating to the above referenced project, the undersigned, hereby proposes and agrees to fully perform the work witin the time stated herein and in strict accordance with the proposed Contract Documents, and addenda therero, for the following sum of money, BASE BID A. BASE BID ITEM NO.1: AJllabor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary to dredge, by mechanical excavation, material from San Antonio Bay adjacent to the Swan Point Boat Ramp for the following unit price: Estimated 1000 CY @ $ q. 50 B. BASE BID ITEM NO, 2: All labor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary to complete .the scope of work for the Boat Ramp Renovations in accordance with the plans and specifications for the following lump sum price: ICY = $ 9. 5"00, 00 , "TWENTY - SIX THo1l5I'J.ND F/ClC f!uJ<J/XleD DOLLARS :$ Z 4-. 500, ~o , """"1'- 1 .....f A ZS8 ....u.e Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 C. BASE BID ITEM NO, 3: All labor, materials, services, equipment and all things necessary for completion of the scope of work for 500 LF of Erosion Controllmprovaments at Swan Point, fora lump sum price of: -rWIZ'AJr'T" - OA/C 77-kJUSANP FlUe ,.;.u,vbtlel> DOLLARS $ 2/, SOO. .0.0 , TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID: ~/PrY- S~-VCI.J 7'"INU5~i> Fit/I?" ;-jwNtyt,;-f) DOLLARS . $ ~7. soo. .0.0 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE UNIT PRICE BID: Add~ional labor, materials, services, equipment and all other things necessary to add additional linear footage of Erosion Control Rip-Rap to the Scope of Work. Contractor understands that the estimated quantity given is for bidding purposes only and is not a guarantee of the quantity of additional work that may be authorized, The decision to authorize additional work or not shall be dependent on the availability of funds for the project. Add~ional work, if authorized, may be from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of approximately 310 LF, Estimated 310 LF @ $ 43.00 ILF =$ /3,330,00 HIGHEST AMOUNT BID. being the sum of TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID at the estimated quantity, on which the enclosed Bid Bond or Certified Check is based.: $e"r/6Nr'r' -n..,IOt/,SI9NJ) Elljllr H-t/IlIMt7) rHN2Tr DOLLARS 2, $ 70 830,00 If awarded this contract, the undersigned will execute a satisfact~ry Construction Contract, Lahaie and Material Payment Bond, Performance Bond, and proof of insurance coverage with the Owner - for the entire work awarded per the Contract Documents within 10 days after Notice Df Award. It is agreed that this proposal is subjected to the Owner's acceptance fDr a period of 30 days from the dale of bid opening, nn~Mw ? nf .4 259 e e ", <~. ....~~.~. Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 3, BIDDER has examined the sae and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirementa (federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations). and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as BIDDER deems necessary, This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or ,rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to subma a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has not. soUcited or induced any person, firm or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for hirnseW any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. The undersigned agrees to the following: . A. To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and all other things necessary to complete the work as shown and specified in the Contract Documents. 8, To substantially complete the Work within qo calendar days after the Contract Time commences, and be 100%' completed and ready for final payment within /120 calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion. 4, 5. C, To start work :2 0 days after the Notice to Proceed. 6, Bidder accepts the provisions of the agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work on time, 7, Receipt of the following addenda is acknowledged: No, Dated No, Dated No, Dated 6, The following documents are attached to and made a Condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond issued by an acceptable surety, certified check, or cashier's check, . 9, 10. e B. Experience record, Communications concerning this Bid shall be delivered to the address of bidder indicated above, Bidder agrees that the Owner hBS the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any and all informallities. OOMO_:qnf.4 260 a_ a .. Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 SUBMITrED ON i},r;/ tC; .20QL. .,A!i ~e VJ r R e.s ; cl €..m TItle illhR (1 ly'ti\Q.t."h l'\CI ,ThQ... Company \ Seal if Bidder is a Corporation e EXPERIENCE RECORD List of projects. similar to that covered by proposal, which BIDDER has successfully completed: Amount of Contract Award Tvoe of Work Date Comoleted Owner Contact and phone no, S e.p, A tfo..ch l"t'\P,rlt List of projects BIDDER in now engaged in completing: % Comolete Owner Contact and ohone no, Amount of Contract Award Tvoe of Work .s e..Q... th:-r ac..h ffie.n-r-- e 00300- 4 of 4 Z61 e e e Calhoun County BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 A TT ACHMENT EXPERIENCE RECORD List of projecls, similar to that covered by proposal, which BIDDER has successfully completed: Amount of Date Owner Contact Contract Award Type of Work Completed And Phone No. $103.908,00 Sewage Lagoon Repair 2001 Kat Piankney 254,742,9922 $345,800,00 Riverbank Erosion Repair 1999 City of Victoria $102,122,00 Keller Bay Boat Ramp 1997 Calhoun County Facility/Olivia G&W EngJerry Sheppard 512.552.4509 $218,994,00 Erosion Repair !997 Matagorda County Seawall Commission $402,000.00 Groin Rehabilitation 1995 Hull-Zollars, Inc. Phase IV List of projects BIDDER is now engaged in completing: Amount of % Owner Contact Contract Award Type of Work Complete And Phone No. $] 9,000,00 Cimarron Ditch Erosion 48% City of Victoria Repair $258,000,00 Site Work & Utilities 35% Briland Coastal Oaks Subdivision $309,000,00 Site Prep 13% South Texas Electric Coop $191,000,00 Industria! High School 41% Kruger Construction Renovations & Additions Site Work $96,000,00 Quail Tools Pipe Cleaning 63% Kruger Construction Bldg. Site Work 262 BID FORM : ;';'~.. ~ ;. .:~ ;'~,t!~ , . ~ ~ '" -~ .,'.'!~~~'. .,>,~~. 0aIh0un eountY.. . BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONmOe":. " IMPOVEUENT8 \;~('" , SWAN POIN1":!~:; . OO3OO~i~_ ..':> I. 'f .,':\: '''',I ....~. ., Blddlng FInn: RuDen Less...'!;ervice, 'Inc. Addtus: 3500 'E Hwy 185 P 0 Bex 187 Seedrift, TX 77583 CIty, Stale, ZIp: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: : CALHOUN COUmY BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVMSNT8 f.,T SWAN POINT - , e THIS BID IS SUBMlTTEO TO: Calhoun County Commlasloner'a Court 211 S. MIl Street . Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 - 1. Pursuant 10 and In complIance wlth the Invitallon to Bid and the propoaed Contract Oocumenti' dated klgust 2001, prepared by Teslengeer, Inc. relatIng to the above referenced project, till undersigned, hereby propoa88 and agrees to fully perform the warle wllln the tlme atal8d ha:eln and In a1Ilclaccortlanca wlth the proposed Contract Documents, and addenda therem. for the followlng lum of money. . BASE BIO !\. BASE BID ITEM NO.1: All tabor, materials, servlc88, equipment and all other thlngl necessary to clr8dga, by rned1anlcaJ excava\lol1, maler1allrom San Antonio Bay adjacent to the Swao Point Boa! Ramp for the followlnQ unit pIIee: ElIlImaled 1000 CY C $ 12. 25 ICY . $ 12,250.00 B. BASE BID ITEU NO. 2: All tabor. matarlals, lervlc88, equipment and all other thlnga n8CUlary to complete ,the ICOp8 or wor\( for the Boat Ramp Reoovallons In accordance with the plana and Ipecll1callons lor till following lump sum pr1ce: ' Thirty-five -Thou~and Nin~'Hund'~ed OOUARS e $ 35 jcSOD..'{}O- 00300- , 01 4 J(: 263 ....-. - e BOAT RAMP AND EROS== IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 C. BASE BID ITEM NO.3: AU labor. materials, servlce8, equipment and all t/llngs nocBSSBIY for completion of the scope of work for 500 LF of Eroalon Controllmprovemen18 at Swan Point, for' a lump sum price of: Thirty-three Thousand DOUMS $ 33,000.00 TOTAl. AMOUNT OF BASE BID: Eiohtv-one Thousand One Hundred And Fiftv DOUMS $ 81.150,00 e ADDITIVE ALTERNATE UNIT PRIC.E BID: Additional labor, materials, services, equipment end all other things noceSSlll}' to add additional Unear footage of Erosion Control RIp-Rap to the Scope of Work. Contractor underlltand8 that tha estimated quantity given Is for bidding purposes only and Is not a guarantee of the quant!ly of addItional work that may be authorized, The decision to authorize additional work or not shall be dependent on the avallability of funds for the project. Add~ional work, n authorized, may be from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of approximately 310 LF. Estimated310LF@ $ 66.00 IlF ,,$ 20,460.00 HIGHEST AMOUNT BID, being the sum of TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID and ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID althe estimated quantity, on which the enclosed Bid Bond or Certified Check Is based.: One Hundred and One Thousand Six Hundred Ten DOLLARS $ 101,610.00 2, If awarded this contlacl, the undersigned will execute a satisfactory Construction Contract, Labor and Malerial Payment Bond, Performance Bond, and proof of insurance coverage with the OWner for tha entire work awarded per the Contlacl Documents wlthln 10 days after Notice of Award. It Is agreed that this proposal Is subjected to the Owner's acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date of bid opening, e 264 . .......--...- .d..._W........ ..--.a- ".1 ..:,' J. .' "0 'i . ".""'4 ,,' ,","(' .'~~ '~"-;~~ '-=:.' . :;~ . "'-~ , ,', ",?l Calhoun eoun\y "1 BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROl. :{ IMPOVEMEm8:~ SWAN ~~ .'.~ " 3. BIDDER has examined the 8~e and locality where the Work Is to be performed, the legal requIrements. (federal, state and local laws, ordlnancas, rules and regulations). and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such Independent investigations as BIDDER deems necessary. 4. This Bid Is genuine and not made In the Interest of or on behan of any undisclosed person, linn or corporation and Is not submittsd In conformity with anY agreement or ,rulea of any group. . association, organlzalfon or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or Indirectly Induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has not80lIclted or Induced any Plll8OO. firm or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for hlmaen any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. 5. The undersigned agrees to the following: A. . To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and all other things necessary to complete ... work as shown and specified In the Contract Documents. , _ B. To substantially complete the Work within 90 calendar days after the Contract TIme commences, and be 100% completed and ready (or (fnal payment within 10 calendar days elter the date of Substantial Completion. '. C, To start work 1 4 days efter the Notice to Proceed. 6. Bidder accepts the provisIons of the agreement as to liquidated damages In the event of failure to complete the Work on time, 7. Receipt of the followfng addenda is acknowfedged: Da19d No. Dated No, Dated No. 6. The following documents are attached to and made a Condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid Security in the form of a B!d Bond Issued by an acceptable surety, certified check, or cashie~s check, . B. Experience record. 9. Communications concerning this Bid shall be delivered to the address of bidder Indicated abovee Bidder agrees that the Owner has the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any and aIllnformatlItles. 10. ^^...^^ ... _I.. . 265 Calhoun CoUnty BOAT RAMP AND EROSION CONTROL IMPOVEMENTS SWAN POINT 00300 .- 1; " SUBMITTEOON 04/18 .20~. , , e By I}(~ Signature President Trtle RuDen Lease Service, Inc. Company Seal" Bidder 18 a Corporation Amount 01 Contract Award $605,000 Tvoe of Wor\< Dale Comcleted Feb. '93 City of Seadrift Rock & Harbor Improvement $69,500 $24,000 Levee & Matts Mar, '00 GBRA David Dodd Structures Aug. '01 WCID#1 Harold Evans Rock G Drainage $16.000 Concrete Ramo '02 CCOO#1 Ken Dolezal Apr. I Nov. '01 Tesoro Marine e DO Rock ~ Drainage Structures $10,0 '" _ Ust 01 projecta BIDDER In now engaged In completing: Amount 01 Contract Award Tvoe of Worl< % Comclete Owner Contact and chone no, None LIGHTHOUSE ESTATES SUBDMSION IN PRECINCT #4 - APPROVE RE- PLAT OF LOT 1 LAS PALMAS SUBDMSION IN PRECINT #4 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT e A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the re-plat of Lot 1 of Lighthouse Estates Subdivision in Port O'Connor, Precinct #4 and to approve the preliminary plat of Las Palmas Subdivision, which is the re-platted Lot 1 of Lighthouse Estates Subdivision. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Commissioner Finster stated there are no restrictions on Lot I of Lighthouse Estates Subdivision; restrictions are on Lots 2 through 11. 266 SANDPIPER COVE SUBDIVISION IN PORT O'CONNOR - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLA T A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve the preliminary plat of Sandpiper Cove Subdivision in Port O'Connor, Precinct #4. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e BIDS AND PROPOSALS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AMBULANCE BILLING SERVICE CONTRACT Proposals for ambulance billing services for Calhoun County Emergency Medical Services were opened May 2, 2002 by Lesa Casey and Rita Miller and were referred to Commissioner Floyd and Henry Barber. Commissioner Floyd stated Commissioner Finster, Mr. Barber and he are reviewing the proposals and will make a recommendation to the Court on May 23, 2002, select a firm, and then submit a negotiated contract .for approval on June 13, 2002. H FLOYD Calhoun County Commissioner. Precinct #3 Mailing Address: 24627 State Hwy 172, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Office Location~ 24627 State Hwy 172, Olivia, Texas Office (361) 893-5346 Fax (361) 893-5309 Home (361) 552-4574 Mobile (36 I) 920-5346 e May i5, 2002 TO: Judge A. Marshall Commissioner R, Galvan Commissioner M. Balajka Commissioner K. Finster RE: CALHOUN COUNTY, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR E,M,S, BILLING SERVICE Enclosed for your review is one copy each of the following information: 1. The three (3) Proposals received, one (1) each from Medservice InteT?a~onal. Specialized Billing & Collection Systems of Texas, and Alexander Bllhng & Consulting Inc, 2, Nine (9) rating sheets completed by Mr. Barber, Commissioner Finster, and myselffor each of the three (3) proposals, As you will note, Alexander Billing & Consulting Inc, was rated ~s t~e most qualified by Mr, Barber, Commissioner Finster, and myself. Based on thiS ratmg It IS our , recommendation that Alexander Billing & Consulting Inc, be selected as the finn With whom contract negotiations be initiated, e 267 e e e Based on the above we are requesting the following item be added to the Commissioners' Court Agenda for May 23, 2002, "Discuss and take necessary action to select the most qualified firm to provide E.M.S. billing service and authorize the initiation of contract negotiations with the selected firm." If you have any questions or comments on this matter, I would request that you contact me on or before May 21, 2002. Sincerely, H. Floyd cc: Ms. S. Marek Mr. B, Comiskey Ms. L. Casey Mr. H. Barber File-Agenda Items File-E,M.S. Billing Service BSPS-EMS NOTE: Ben, We are short on copies of the proposals, Please share your copy with Sharon Marek, CLERK'S MEMO: The following proposals were not copied in their entirety. 268 e Proposal Presented To Calhoun County For Ambulance and EMS Billing Services e Submitted By Alexander Billing and Consulting, Inc. 6243 IH 10 West, Suite 555 San Antonio, TX 78201 (210) 344-9444 Le ~m4~ ( Gerald S, Cambron, Presidenl and CEO May 2, 2002 e Z69 e e e l.A. - Introductory Letter: Please see nexl page. ~ 270 Alexander Billing & Consulting, Inc. e 6243 IH-10 West, Suite 555. San Antonio, Texas 78201 Ph: (210) 344-9444. Fax: (210) 344-9777. Toll Free (888) 991-9444 May 1,2002 Calhoun County Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge 211S,Ann Port Lavaca, TX 77979 RE: Request for Proposal for Ambulance (EMS) Billing Ser.ices Dear Judge Marshall: II is our pleasure to submit this proposal for your consideralion. Alexander Consulting specializcs in billing for the ambulance industry, both for ground and air ambulance senices. As a customer- driven service organization, Alexander Consulting offers competitive rates while stri,ing to meet and exceed our clients' expectations, We pride ourselves in being professional with a well- qualified management team and staff, e The majority of our current clients are municipalities and counties, We also serYe both the San Antonio and Houston area hospital-based air ambulance pro,iders, We hope to haye the opportunity to serve your community, also. Thank you for your consideration. ce:, y, / 1,o-,.uJ.v, / 'o~eV.Mirelez,~v~ -~ Y (,sf, Vice President. Operations and Client Relations e 271 LB. - The following is a brief Proposal Summary e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e Proposal Summary Alexander Consulting, Inc. wlll incorporate a proven syslem of "Total AccounIs Receivable (AIR) Management," which guides a claim through a series of processes and checks and balances. This comprehensive billing service ensures that the claim is paid in the most appropriate and efficient manner. The following lists describe the billing process utilized to capture the payments due to Calhoun County, Billing services comprehensively include, but are not limited to: Logging in runs and EOBs received (QA prior to billing) Data enIry of patient and call data utilizing Ambulance 2000 soflWare Insurance verification including Private Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and Auto Insurance Review ofron including narrative and medical data for Quality Assurance (QA prior to bllling) Diagnosis coding Charge posting Review of claim/statement to verify completeness and compliance Confirmation and, if necessary, research of all necessary documenlation Printing and QA of claims and statements Electronic remittance of claims Mailing of non-electronic claims and slalements Posting payments Billing secondary payors Claims monitoring and timely follow-up on all accounts receivable Tracking and appealing denials and partial payments Referral to collection agency, if agreed by contract Posting bad debt recoveries, if agreed by contract Monthly financial reports (see list of reports below) Cash receipts by payor group Accounts receivable by payor group (Aged Receivable Report) Periodic financial analysis of charges and cash receipts Coordination with attorneys on litigated cases Provide medical records to attorneys (fee charged to attorney for retrieval and submission of records) Monthly financial reports include: o Cash Receipts Report, Detailed and Summarized by Payor Type o Charges by Patient (Call Report) o Gross Revenue Report by type of charge o Current Month Contractual Report, Detailed and Summarized o Prior Monlh Contractual Report, Detailed and Summarized o Monthly Revenue Adjustment Reports (Prior Month Charges), Detailed and Summarized o Aged Receivables Reporl, Detailed and Summarized Trauma Data Services include: o Transmission of runs including Trauma Data (TRAC-lT program) as required by current rules of the Bureau of Epidemiology to Ihe Texas Department of Health (TDH) on a ~ 272 quarterly basis o Verification of transmittal to Calhoun County upon request Electronic Access: o Alexander Consulting has the ability to allow Calhoun County electronic access 10 data. Client is responsible for communication and connectivity costs. Medicare and Medicaid Compliance and New Regulations: o Alexander Consulting has a Compliance Program, See Addendum "A" of Contract for details. o Alexander Consulting is aware of and in compliance with requirements for Physician Certification Statements for non-emergency transports. o Alexander Consulting is complying wilh the new Ambulance Fee Schedule, effective April I, 2002, Most changes were actually implemented effective January 1,2001. These changes included submission of zip codes for location of pick-up and new HCPCs, CPT, and lCD-9 codes, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) o Alexander Consulting has incorporated a Business Associates Agreement into Ihe Contract (See Addendum HB.H) o Alexander Consulting is aware of and preparing for the protection of Personal Health Information (PHI) through both hardware and software. We have a T-lline and DSL line to expedite electronic encryption and transfer of data. Weare prepared to meet the April 14,2003 Privacy Rule deadline, Fees: o The fee is 8% of the cash collected each month, o Calhoun County EMS will be invoiced monlhly. Alexander Consulting's invoice for their monthly fee will be mailed with the monthly financial reports within 10 days of the end of the month for which paymenis are made, o If Calhoun County contracts with CSR, Alexander will collect a fee of 6% of the bad debts collected by CSR as an administrative fee. We will coordinale with CSR and post payments to the patient accounts as they are collected, Alexander will have already data entered, coded, reviewed, and billed the patient (3 statements), This portion of the process accounts for approximately 4% out oflhe 6% charged. Alexander Consulting is prepared to enter into a new agreement and pledges to continue improving on quality, accuracy, and results, Z73 e e e 0/ ;l. A 7' I @ PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE AMBULANCE BILLING SERVICES 1 f PR!:PARED FO/?: CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS SUBMl7TED BY." ~ MECSERV INTERNATIONAL, LLC !,;fA~' 2. 2002 MEDSERV INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C. 303 MARSHALL ROAD / BOX 170 PLATTE CITY, MISSOURI 64079, USA B 16.431-5791 / FAX 816-431-2653 ~ ,.. 274 " Ai: .:1 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSAL FOR AMBULANCE BILLING SERVICES 1. INTRODUCTION l.A. INTRODUCTORY LETTER e e Calhoun County, Texas <I:J Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 2'75 l ",.. . . . it . . II . . . :- II II . .. .. III .. , ,;.. , , " ~. f May 2, 2002 Office of Calhoun County Judge Calhoun County Courthouse 211 S. Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 '" A 7' I @ MedServ International is pleased to submit this proposal to Calhoun County, Texas for ambulance billing services. MedServ has been managing accounts receivable for medical transportation services since 1996, The company has broad experience throughout the United States and specifically with ambulance services in Texas, The principals of MedServ International also own Fitch & Associates, LLC, a well known EMS consulting company. The patient accounts manager for MedServ, Daphne Neill, has years of Texas experience and annually conducts a reimbursement conference for the Texas Ambulance Association, The primary contact for this project will be: Richard A, Keller Partner MedServ International 303 Marshall Road, Suite 6 P. O. Box 170 Platte City, MO 64079 Phone: (816) 431-5791 Fax: (816) 431-2653 rkellerlalemprize.net MEDSERV INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C. 303 MARSHALL ROAD / BOX 170 PLATTE CITY, MISSOURI 64079, USA e 16-431 ~5791 / FAX 816-431-2653 , ~. IF' ~ -...... .-.-'-" .-' .. --~'~_..~~. ..,.' ~ ~-~.. --,' --.....,- ,--,--.~ -~. '.'.-~' _..~......_~F ~76 .,......o'/~h}....-!:: ..~.~ .:.0. J ,,,- _.:.............~~._ 277 e If any of the evaluators would like additional information regarding our company and this proposal please feel free to contact me. We have addressed each of the components in the county's request for proposals and would appreciate your consideration. 7rtl~ LrL Richard A, Keller Partner e e il'A~~. ei"'1r1 t.~ 1-__' :$.'7 '.~ L, ' ,~ - '" Ie I I I I I I , 1'_ . . ~ . ~ . ~ lid) ." '" .' " ~ LB. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL Our results from ambulance service billing are achieved through detailed policies and procedures and step by step activities desigoed to meet each payer's unique requirements, MedServ realizes that an assembly line approach to ambulance service billing does not yield the best results, Therefore, specific customized systems are established for each client to address the client's unique circumslances, desires and needs and to conform with the regional payer requirements, The following paragraphs briefly summarize some of the activities that would be accomplished for Calhoun County, Prior to initiating any billing service activities, MedServ and the County would determine the specific policies to be followed by MedServ with regard to handling the County's ambulance service accounts, Charges/Documentation Transmission MedServ proposes to introduce a scanable run form for Calhoun County EMS, This run form would be completed by the ambulance crews, scanned, verified and electronically transmitted to a secure server. The data will be appropriately encrypted and accessible only by Calhoun County EMS and MedServ, This transmitted information will be available to the County to process multiple operational and clinical reports to further enhance its operations, From the secure server the information transmitted by Calhoun County will be retrieved and automatically downloaded into MedServ's billing system database, Coding The information downloaded into the system will be verified by experienced account representatives to ascertain that proper charges are entered for the patient account. In addition, the information submitted by the ambulance crews will provide the necessary documentation to identifY the patient's condition or illness in order to be properly coded for filing insurance claims. Calhoun County, Texas <1l Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 4 --''>""......". ." ~. . ~ ~" .'~ ~-. -.q-.~ ,~ ","" ~ . 278 !.~-..~- e Claims Processing Within three days of receiving complete and accurate documentation via the electronic interface, MedServ will file insurance claims to the appropriate payer andIJor mail invoices directly to the patient. Statements are generated to the patient every 21 to 30 days until payment is received or further action is required. "";; L :~'r- ., .~ ,,..~, ~~::~ ,j.~." . '~" '~. ":;;~ '. :1." ," "'I ( Follow up action is scheduled for each payer type, Commercial insurance companies receive telephone follow up to determine the status of a claim from 30 to 45 days after submission, Likewise for Medicare and Medicaid claims, For private pay accounts the follow up is scheduled after the second statement if there has been no response from the patient. Private pay accounts with no response from the patients are processed with escalating messages, In a typical schedule the patient would receive a total of one initial invoice andIJor subsequent statements followed by a delinquent notice and a final notice, e For the patients who contact the office and indicate that they are unable to pay the bill, a financial hardship application will be forwarded to the patient for completion, Upon completion and return of the financial hardship application a determination is made whether the account is eligible for a write-off or a discount. The County would determine the eligibility process for these write,offs and discounts, If aU efforts are exhausted then the accounts are identified for turning to collection, A listing of accounts would be forwarded to the County for approval prior to turning to a collection agency of the County's selection, ~f .' ~.<l I ';.1',. 0cr,- .i,~!'':::,' -?'-l',- .' ,~~ :r.~>. :.',t..+.... \) '; 'I ' 4.t'.,;. .' . ;.w. . I . "\] Extensive monthly financial reports will be provided to the County, These include a detailed charge listing identifying aU patients and charges for the previous month, a cash receipts report that identifies all payments and payer sources for the month, a write-off and adjustment report that lists all of the contractual aUowances, adjustments, and write- offs made in the prior month as well as detailed Bging and other reports measuring the performance of our billing service, Our system is capable of providing flexible reports that the County may desire and we will work with the County in designing and providing routine reports as weU as customized one-time analyscs, e Calhoun County, Texas @ Fitch & Associates, LLC 5 Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 279 L'..". .. 14,. . e e e ...; =0,...-'.__.._,_____.__ Our preferred method of payment receipt processing is for the County to directly receive all checks from patients and insurers, The County would then forward any copies of the checks and accompanied materials such as explanation of benefits, addresses, and other information, Upon receipt of the explanations of benefits and copies of the checks the payments would be posted to the patient accounts in the billing system, If a balance remains, a statement would be generated to the secondary insurance company or directly to the patient. Alternatively, if the County does not have the mechanism to receive and deposit the checks directly, we would establish a lockbox system with our bank, The scanable run report will collect aU data needed for the Texas Trauma Data program and we would forward that information to the Texas Department of Health as required, MedServ constantly keeps aware ofthe most recent rules and regulations for Medicare and Medicaid programs, We are fully aware of the recent implementation of the fee schedule and understand the physician certification requirements for non-emergency ambulance services, We will work with the County in developing processes to insure that both the County and MedServ fuUy comply with all rules and regulations, As the County is aware, HIP AA rules have been implemented, While initiaUy they were scheduled to take effect in October of this year, they have been delayed uotil 2003, MedServ will be filing an extension prior to October in order to take advantage of the delay, MedServ is in the process of upgrading its software system to be fuUy HIP AA compliant and this new system will be in place prior to the startup of Calhoun County's billing services. The company providing the scanable run reports and database management offered in this proposal is also compliant and we will provide a business association agreement prior to startup. The effectiveness of an ambulance billing system is dependent upon the quality of the source documents as well as the processes used by the billing service to insure accurate and appropriate claims processing, The only effective way to insure this quality is for MedServ to work closely with the County in a QI process, One of the many components of our compliance activities is a periodic random audit of a select number of claims that fully analyze the source documents, the claims filed, the posting of payments, and all appropriate activities including coding and coinsurance calculations, This information would be made available to the County upon the completion of each of these random audits. .='" Calhoun County, Texas !) Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 6 r ,_.. -"'.'1i>'~"''''',..,,.c,...,_. 280 281 ._-_.....-".~==..".~.~_.. "w't 3. COMPLETE SERVICE DESCRIPTION - OVERVIEW 3.A. SERVICE SUMMARY We at MedSerY have found that assigning a dedicated account representative to each client provides optimal service and revenue recovery, This Bccount representative is able to become acquainted with the client's personnel for follow-up as well as develop relationships with the regional payers, Back up is provided by other account representatives, The primary responsibility for each client is assigned to one or two individuals, This personal touch allows the patients to become familiar with their account representative and there is no transferring of patients between one person to another within our office. The volume anticipated from Calhoun County EMS would allow one person to be the primary patient account representative along with appropriate back-up and leadership, This volume can easily assimilated into our systems with our expanding personnel process currently under way, Our largest client bills approximately $6.5 _ 7 million per year while our smallest client bills out less than $100,000 per year. e 3.0.1. Ambulance Billing Experience Currently MedServ has executed agreements with ten medical transportation organizations, Five of these organizations are air medical services and five are ground ambulance services, Two of the ground ambulance services are located in Texas, The others are in Colorado and Illinois, It is anticipated that we will add two additional ground ambulance services within the next 60 days and are recruiting staff to accommodate this growth, Our ground ambulance client base includes hospitals, county services, city services, and private companies, We offer a comprehensive range of patient account management services to these clients and have achieved high levels of revenue recovery, e Calhoun County, Texas ~ Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 10 ""~'~'--'--"'''''' ~ '~ ' ,"- ~~. "I.. I ,I I I ,- I 3.0.2. Bill Revue and Design We assist each client in reviewing and preparing all written communications disseminated by MedServ on the client's behalf. The County will have fu\1 approval of any invoices, statements, and letters that are sent to insurers and patients, There is no additional charge for these services. . 3.0.3. Continuing Education MedServ will provide an initial onsite training course for the County's personnel. This course focuses on the importance of medical documentation aod covers all areas necessary for solid clinical documentation aod the collection of demographic information necessary to assist the patients in recovering reimbursement from their insurance companies and other payers. This run report training is essential to achieve appropriate and efficient claims processing and ultimately determines the level of revenue recovery, The curriculum and presentations will be provided to the County for training of new personnel during their orientation program. Subsequent annual training can be provided for the cost of the travel expenses ofthe trainer. No professional fees will be imposed, "l i I . . . . . .- . . 3.B. SERVICE DESCRIPTION Our preferred method of data co\1ection and transmission is through the use of scaoable run reports. The crewmembers will able to print information on these standard reports that wi\1 be scanned and converted into an electronic database, This method reduces the cost of shipping aod provides for expedient delivery of information to our billing system, . . . .. I . 3,b.l. Electronic Transmission of Patient lnformalion The process for scanning run reports aod associated information is quite simple. The run reports are stack fed through a scanner that will be provided by MedServ, The software identifies any characters that may need to be clarified or corrected such as, is this an's' or a '5'? This only takes a few minutes but it insures the accuracy of the information prior to being downloaded into the database, This can readily be accomplished by the ambulance crews upon completion of the paperwork, Once this information has been verified then it is transmitted via the intemet to a secure server, This database is available at aoy time to the County, The County can retrieve and print multiple operational, clinical, and management reports by logging onto the Internet and accessing Calhoun County, Texas It;> Fitch & Associates, LLC II Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 ---::=-~._-':"::-'-'-':';:_-':--_. ._-- --==-----=------ --- ~-~ ---- Z8Z ',.~~,'! ._-',....,. 283 0:> -. e the database, This information is separate from MedServ's billing system, From the database the information will be electronically transmitted and uploaded into the MedServ billing system, 3,b,],a, Run RevoH Verification Once the information is uploaded into MedServ's billing system eBch patient transport will be reviewed and verified by the patient account representative prior to processing any claims or invoices, Particular attention will be paid to the diagnosis and appropriate ICD-9 codes will be correlated with the diagnosis and patient conditions and the appropriate HCPCS codes will be attached to the charges, 3,b,].b Review orCharJ!es With the implementation of the new fee schedule ambulance services must use the appropriate base rate classification based on the type of caIl and services provided, The base rate classifications include: . BLS non-emergency . BLS emergency . ALS I non-emergency . ALS I emergency . ALS2 . Specially care transport e A separate charge for loaded mileage will also be entered based on the information provided by the ambulance crews, Any time that the information is incomplete or the patient account representative is unable to make a determination of the appropriate charges or patient condition, the patient account representative will contact the County's designated liaison. This liaison will then be able to work with the crews in order to collect the required information. 3,b,].c, DiaJ!'losis Codin!! The coding of the patient's condition or diagnosis is essential to filing insurance claims. It is also an area of concern regarding compliance with appropriate federal rules and regulations. The MedServ patient Bccount representative will only code the patient's diagnosis or conditions based upon what is documented on the patient run report. There will be no assumption coding or upcoding in order the improve reimbursement. This is a e Calhoun County, Texas (() Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 12 k,. ~ , J I . critical component that is extensively covered in the initial ambulance crewmember training prograro, The diagnosis or conditions used by the MedServ patient account representatives will reflect what was specifically wrong with the patient at the time of the transport that required the patient to be transported by arobulance, . Ie I Periodic random audits will be conducted and one ofthe components ofthose audits is to ascertain that in each and every case the appropriate diagnosis code was utilized and was supported by the documentation, I I 3.b,I.d. Electronic Claims Filinf! MedServ files claims electronically whenever feasible, We anticipate that this will be implemented for Calhoun County for Medicare and Medicaid, 'r~ I J.b.l.e. Texas Experience . . . . . . MedServ has two clients located in Texas, These are North Hays County EMS and Lexington EMS. These are relatively new clients and accurate collection percentages cannot be determined, North Hays which we have had on the system longer has indicated that revenue recovery has improved significantly while Lexington had not accomplished any billing for its services for a number of months prior to engaging MedServ and has just now beginning to benefit from MedServ's efforts, 3.b,l,(. SelfPav Patient Accounts MedServ initially provides a series of an initial invoice and three subsequent statements. If no action has occurred on the account after the fourth mailing then a final notice is sent to the patient. Similar processes are used for the coinsurance and remaining balances on bills paid by Medicare and commercial insurance companies, Follow-up telephone calls are also included in the schedule of events that occur for the self-pay accounts, 3,b.l.f!. Turninf! to Collection Af!encies . After MedServ has exhausted all efforts in attempting to collect on patient accounts then we will mark the account for referral to a collection agency, These accounts will be forwarded to the County for final approval and if the County desires we will transmit the relevant information to the County's designated collection agency, . . . Calhoun County, Texas <<) Fitch & Associates, LLC 13 Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 . ---_......-~...........-.... '{. .~; :284 ----v'J"'"': --:-- -!fL'r~l ~~:r_: '-~-- 285 e 3.b.l,h, Patient Account Representative Availability MedServ will provide the County and the County's patients a toll free number to directly access the County's patient account representative, This person will be able to answer any inquiries regarding the status of insurance claims and remaining balances, The patient account representative will work with the patient to collect any reimbursement due to the patient and in establishing payment plans if the patient is unable to pay the bill in its entirety, 3.c. COLLECTION PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS MedServ is committed to full disclosure of its performance with regard to Calhoun County EMS patient accounts, It will comprehensively report on a monthly basis information and provide important statistical indicators for the County to monitor the overall collection performance of MedServ, 3.c.1. Monthly Reports A typical monthly report runs from approximately 100 to several hundred pages of information, In order to provide an example of the information we have included a table of contents of a typical monthly report provided to a client. The reports can be customized in order to meet specific client needs and we will work with the County in order to define the composition and format for each ofthe reports, e e Calhoun County, Texas <!::l Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 14 ~"'~... . . FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2002 . North Hays County EMS Monthly Reports -- . . List of Reports I. Accounts Receivable Reconciliation II. Charge Report Ill. Credit Reports A, Credit Report B. Cash Collections C, Write Offs and Adjustments IV, Call Report A, Monthly Call Report B. Negative Balance Calls V, Aging Report VI. Twelve Month Analysis Reports A, Twelve Month Analysis with All Credits B. Twelve Month Analysis with Cash Credits VII. Operational Reports A, Response Time Analysis B. Call Demand Analysis VIII, Miscellaneous Reports A Needing PCS B. Needing Address C. Mail Return D, Unapplied Accounts E, Changes to Previous Account Receivable Balances , I i . . . . I. . .. . . . . . . . These reports include charges and receipts based upon location, payer sources, as well as level of transport, A full array of credit reports are provided that list cash receipts for the various payers, write-offs for contractual allowances and charity as well as any adjustments made to individual accounts, The County will be provided with an alphabetized aging report so it will be able to answer any questions regarding the balance on any particular patient's account. The accounts receivable are monitored on a regular basis and the days in accounts receivable are reported so the County can monitor the performance ofMedServ's processes, Calhoun County, Texas ~ Fitch & Associates, LLC 15 Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2, 2002 -- .--,--., '>-=---- -- . -- -" - ----- ---- 286 , .;..:.....~.~~,,-"~ . ." -:".~",-_:'.t.. _.. <;.::..:-' '" .,. I ~= h";' '11 '......~._. J. ',.,.~ ' ..;..., l . ~'~~::" ), di~{ ~.I '};" iM ,"-<,'0'-0 ,,' .-...~.. ". <'t~'" ~ ';1"1 ' ".:i'.~~;' i.- "':"~)" "-''''''-~'', ' '.;.~~, ~~<~ ;~~ ,co ,.iJ!'\ , '~," - ~~-. 41. :o~, '~}l? . . . "~~~l ,I" .'.- :tt~: "~~,':. :'~~j. :~.'Wi,<f '::'4:;'\ ;287 eN 4. VENDOR SUPPORT 4.A. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT MedServ prides itself on supporting its clients, In addition to B dedicated patient account representative, MedServ will assign a project manager for Calhoun County, Any inquiries or questions can be readily addressed by contacting the project manager. The project manager will be onsite at least once a year in conjunction with the documentation training activities and will be available at any time to County representatives. Our office hours are 7:00am to 5:00pm central time. If Calhoun County's patient account representative is not available when a patient calls voicemail is provided and calls are returned promptly, e 4,B. EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES MedServ is pleased to provide the County with a disclosure of experience and specific references, Half of MedServ's clients are air medical programs that are different and not directly comparable with Calhoun County EMS, The following list includes our ground ambulance services, the startup date we began serving the client and a contact person, Rocky Mountain Ambulance Service, Golden, Colorado October 2001 Mary Leprino (303) 279-2079 Rocky Mountain Ambulance Services is a privately owned company located in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area and provides mostly non-emergency transport, It is equivalent size to Calhoun County EMS, e Calhoun Couniy, Texas '" Fitch & Associates, LLC Proposal for Ambulance Billing Services May 2. 2002 16 e I I I' , , , e Bid Proposal for Billing & Collection of Ambulance Billing Services e 288 t"11"". ",;; ..~ ,-to., $""'~i , .' ",~".,,~...:. 0'';' \' '-;.t''l\ii,n''''l''-'''' o;,;,,,~ r, , frH,f ,,' fl ,Ii q:.. .- I:i ,-'; .....:..':.'_ -.;:i,~'._~._._,_..- ~ .__. ..... t_....J.~..".-~.~._Jl_\,~. Z89 :~'..'~:.r:~>-"- Introduction Vendor Summary Service Description Overview Vendor Support Implementation Approach Standard Contract Fees Proposal Rating e L a. Introductory Letter e Specialized Billing & Collections Systems of Texas has been providing Emergency Medical Billing Services in Texas since 1985. Our only business is the Fire and EMS services business. With extensive experience in all aspects of the industry, from ownership of a private ambulance service, to the management of a municipal Fire & EMS service, to providing patient care in the field and hospital emergency rooms. With this knowledge, our company is able to approach any situation and reach a viable solution to your specific problem areas. Our company takes great pride in providing the best services possible. By utilizing the latest computer and software technologies available, we are able to expand our services as your needs require, We interact with your EMS & Fire personnel directly by keeping them informed of any changes in State and Federal reporting and filing requirements. With a wide array of reports and statistics we keep management and finance informed of how your service is performing, Our mission statement is: Maximize the Financial Stability of EMS and Fire Services While Maintaining the Goodwill of the Communities They Serve, Contact Information: Karen Laake - President/CEO Bruce E, Glover - Accounts Administrator e Specialized Billing & Collection Systems of Texas 14340 Torrey Chase Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77014 Office: 281/397-0397 or 800/999-2417 Fax: 281/397-6934 The undersigned is authorized to legally bind Specialized Billing & Collection Systems of Texas, that the proposal submitted and the total fixed price contained herein shall remain firm for a period of one hundred-eighty days (180) after receipt of the best and final offer and that the proposal submitted complies with the requirements and arrangements in Section V of this RFP, Si 7C .:?tf- c:?dO 6? Dille ~ 4-c /.70' /Z---;-5 ~s Title Name e 2S0 e L b. Summary of Proposal Charge Posting: Records are reviewed by Certified Paramedics prior to posting of charges to ensure accuracy of charge list to record documentation, Charges are posted by Data Entry Clerks and reviewed by Supervisor, Diagnosis coding as applicable: Diagnosising is performed by Certified Paramedics following EMS Departments protocols and all Medicare and Medicaid Guidelines, e Billing to third-party payer/patients: Claims are submitted to third party payers/patients after verification of all patient/third party information, Follow-up on third-party payer/patient AIR: Every 30 days, status of account is reviewed for payments or correspondence pertaining to account. Payment plans are worked on with private-pay patients, Delinquent account collection: Accounts with no activity (payments or correspondence) for more than 90 days are considered delinquent and a collection letter is sent requesting payment within ten (10) days to avoid any further collection efforts, e 291 Referral to collection agencies: e Specialized Billing does not refer delinquent accounts to any outside collection agencies or report delinquent accounts to credit bureaus, Financial reporting to client: Will provide monthly and year-end reports as requested on all accounts paid and outstanding, Other financial reporting: Will provide year-end reports to auditing firms or any other governmental agency as requested and any other reports requested pertaining to accounts, Charges by individual provider: e Charges by individual providers will be provided upon request upon award of contract. Cash receipt process/posting and ad-hoc financial reporting: All claims are submitted under the Services name and Federal Tax 1D number, Payments are received in our office and posted to accounts, Payments and receipts are forwarded to service as soon as possible, normally within ten (10) days of receipt. Specialized Billing will furnish EMS Service an accounting of services rendered with invoice for its fees no less frequent than every thirty (30) days, e Z9Z e Transmittal of Trauma Data to Texas Department of Health: Our billing software meets all TDH's requirement for trauma reporting, We currently do not offer Trauma Reporting due to TDH providing software and computers to EMS services free of charge to perform this task, We also do not load into our billing software all disregards and other calls that are not billable due to the EMS services billing guidelines and other State and Federal guidelines on billing requirements for medical necessity transports, Ability to comply with Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare Program: Specialized Billing has and will continue in the future to follow all recommended guidelines and regularly attends workshops and conferences regarding current and forth-coming changes in Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations, e Texas Medicaid is not ready to test for data compliance and will not be testing until October 1,2002, Pinpoint Technologies is prepared to meet all requirements and will provide compliance documentation upon testing completion, Process for Q/A the County's runs before billing: All run records are reviewed for complete patient information and that all documentation of patient care is complete and follows medical protocol guidelines before billing, Any records missing vital patient information that cannot be obtained by Specialized Billing is returned to service, Any records that are incomplete or missing required documentation for billing are returned to the service for review, e Z93 e e e 3. a. Complete Service Description Patient records are received from the service and records are date stamped and number of records received and date range is recorded, Patient Records are reviewed for missing patient information, Incomplete records are worked to obtain proper names and addresses for correct billing, using computer data bases, such as, voter registration records, property tax records, phone and address data files, Patient records are reviewed for accurate charges assigned to claim, Certified EMS personnel review patient records for proper diagnosing and coding, Private Insurance Claims Records are worked to verify and obtain missing private insurance information, Claims are submitted to private insurance companies on paper due to a lower rate of denials versus claims submitted electronically, which has an average of sixty-five (65) percent denial rate, Status checks on Private Insurance Claims are performed monthly, 294 e Denials and Appeals on Private Insurance Claims are expedited quickly, and additional information that is required by insurance company to obtain payment is gathered and forwarded with appeal for consideration of payment. Private Pay Accounts Private Pay Accounts are invoiced monthly, Payment plans are offered to Private Pay Accounts for up to one year, Collection Letters are sent on Private Pay Account's ninety (90) days after last date of activity in account or payment received, e Workers' Compensation Insurance Claims Patient's accounts with Workers' Comp Insurance are billed directly to . , Insurance carner, Claims are submitted on a HCFA form 1500 using proper Workers' Comp Insurance coding by an in-house workers' compensation claims specialist. Auto and Third Party Insurance Claims Obtain auto insurance and third party insurance information and bill appropriately. e Patient claims involving third party or auto insurance are billed directly to insurance carrier on HCF A form 1500, 295 e Attorney Pay Claims Work directly with patients attorneys to obtain Letters of Representation and Letters of Protection, Handle all billing affidavits and subpoenas, MedicareIMedicaid Policies & Procedures Medicare and Medicaid claims are submitted accordingly within billing guidelines, Medicare and Medicaid claims are submitted electronically, except those claims that require additional information are submitted on paper claims with supporting documentation attached, e Only those Medicare patients without secondary insurance coverage are responsible for co-payment on accounts, Medicaid patients are not responsible for any unpaid portions of the claim. Medicare and Medicaid claims that are denied are appealed, with additional supporting documentation obtained from hospitals, nursing homes, physicians or patients, Those patients, which had no Medicare and/or Medicaid coverage at time of transport, are handle as Private Pay Accounts, e Z96 Our Medicare and Medicaid billing specialist attending seminars and courses to say abreast on current and future changes, Our staff continuously review patient records to insure ambulance crews are providing the proper documentation for claims submittal. Services are notified if ambulance crew's documentation is inadequate or in correct wording is being used which could cause denial of payment. Any changes in Medicare and/or Medicaid billing policies are forwarded to services and training classes are offered, 1. Experience in processing ambulance billing & collections: Specialized Billing has been providing ambulance billing and collections since 1985, It is our only business, and takes great pride in performing our services to a higher standard, Company owners and management all have an extensive background in the EMS and Fire Services, We currently provide billing services to over 80 Fire & EMS services in Texas. 2, Bill review & design: Specialized Billing will review all bills invoiced and handle all appeals and denials accordingly, All claims that are determined to be not collectable are written-off with approval of the service, 3, Continuing Education: Specialized Billing will provide additional training as required to keep ambulance crews and office staff current on new changes in reporting and documentation to ensure requirements are meet following Medicare and Medicaid guidelines, Z97 e e e e e e 2002 COUNTY SALARY ORDER - AMENDMENT REGARDING CRIME VICTIM COORDINA TOR/LIAISON District Attorney Dan Heard addressed the Court, saying his office and the Harbor have agreed to work together and he asked that the Salary Order for Crime Victim Coordinator/Liaison be accepted by the Court. Candy Lambert, vice-president of the Harbor Board spoke regarding office space for the DV Coordinator; Dan Heard said the coordinator should be housed in the Courthouse. The term of the position is 1 Y, years. Mr. Heard said by law, he is authorized to hire someone to fill the position and he needs them here to supervise them properly. The position is paid by grants with no benefits such as health insurance. Commissioner Floyd proposed this be put back on the agenda for June 23, 2002 and asked the Harbor Board and District Attorney to work out a resolution. LASALLE ODYSSEY PROJECT AT COUNTY MUSEUM - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the Calhoun County Museum curator, George Ann Cormier, to enter into a contract for services with Texas Historical Commission regarding the LaSalle Odyssey Project Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 808-2-0036 I. PARTIES The parties to this contract are the Texas Historical Commission, as agency of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Commission"; and Calhoun County Museum, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." II. PURPOSE This Contract is issued pursuant to VTCA, Governmental Code, Chapter 442.005. Funds from the grant shall be used to pay for Phase I of the project, the design and planning of exhibits for the La Salle Odyssey project, where several museums will share in displaying the artifacts from the Belle shipwreck and from Fort St. Louis. III. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The following services are to be provided within the contract period on a schedule to be agreed upon by the parties to this contract. However, the services designated with specific deadlines must comply with those deadlines. 1) Contractor will complete design services, lighting/graphic design and fire suppression. 2) Submit a letter report within four weeks of the end of the project stating that Phase One of the project has been completed. 3) The following documents will be provided and shall be a part of this contract for all purposes: a) Goals of the La Salle Odyssey Planning Comm,ttee b) Committee member list and contact information c) Overall plan on how funds would be used d) Overall plan on how funds would be leveraged to raise additional funds IV. AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT The total amount of this contract shall not exceed $26,900 (TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS). V. DOCUMENTATION AND PAYMENT Payment under this contract shall be in one payment. Payment under this contract will be made within 30 days after the Commission receives the signed contract. All correspondence must be sent to: Texas Historical Commission A TIN: Archeology Division P.O. Box 12276 Austin, Texas 78711-2276 298 e Contract #808-2-0036 VI. PERIOD The term of this contract shall commence on May 15, 2002, or immediately thereafter, upon being signed by all parties, and shall terminate on February 28, 2003, with an option to renew an additional year, at the discretion of the Commission. VII. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS Contractor must be able to demonstrate on-site compliance with the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1986, Section 1706, amending Section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978, dealing with issuance of Form W-2's to common law employees. Contractor is responsible for both Federal and State Unemployment insurance coverage and standard Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage. Contractor must comply with all Federal and State tax laws and withholding requirements. The Commission will not be liable to Contractor or its employees for any Unemployment or Workers' Compensation coverage, or Federal or State withholding requirements. Contractor must indemnify the Commission and pay to the Commission all costs, penalties or losses resulting from Contractor's omission or breach of this Section. Contractor also agrees to maintain liability insurance in an amount not less than $500,000.00 covering claims for damages related to bodily injury, death or property damage resulting from any act related to the performance of this contract. e Vlll. PROVISION FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT The electronic funds transfer (EFT) provisions of Texas law were revised by H.B. 2429, which is now in effect. Depending on eligibility under the law, certain payments from the State may be directly deposited into Contractor's bank account or may be made by warrant. Vendors who may be eligible for direct deposit and who wish to be paid by direct deposit must complete the form titled "Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization" and return it as soon as possible to: Texas Historical Commission, Staff Accounting, P.O. Box 12276, Austin, TX 78711-2276. Comptroller of Public Accounts' Claims Division oversees the distribution of the state payments, both warrants (paper checks) and direct deposit. For questions regarding the statewide process, contact the Claims Payment Processing Section, at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 6-2499 or (512) 936-2499, or send an email messageto:<claims.division@cpa.state.tx.us>. IX. AUDIT For cost recoverable contracts, the Commission may audit the records of the Contractor to verify the cost or expenses incurred in the performance of this contract or may, at its option, require an audit of the records of Contractor by an independent accounting firm, at Contractor's expense, to verify costs or expenses incurred in the performance of the contract. e 299 e e e Contract #808-2-0036 X. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES HB 826, 76th Legislature, added Chapter 2260 of the Government Code. Chapter 2260 prescribes dispute resolution processes for certain breach of contract claims applicable to certain contracts for goods and services. The Commission may adopt rules under Chapter 2260 as described in that statute. If and to the extent that Chapter 2260 applies to the Contract and to a specific breach of contract claim under that contract, the following shall apply: The dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 of the Government Code shall be used, as further described herein, by the Commission and Contractor to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by Contractor under the Contract: (A) Contractor's claim for breach of the contract that the parties cannot resolve in the ordinary course of business shall be submitted to the negotiation process provided in Chapter 2260. To initiate the process, Contractor shall submit written notice, as required by Chapter 2260, to the Executive Director of the Commission or his or her designee. Said notice shall also be given to all other representatives of the Commission and Contractor otherwise entitled to notice under the Contract Compliance by Contractor with Chapter 2260 is a condition precedent to the filing of a contested case proceeding under Chapter 2260. (B) The contested case process provided in Chapter 2260 is Contractor's sole and exclusive process for seeking a remedy for an alleged breach of contract by the Commission lfthe parties are unable to resolve their disputes under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. (C) Compliance with the contested case process provided in Chapter 2260 is a condition precedent to seeking consent to sue from the Legislature under Chapter 107, Civ. Prac. and Rem. Code. Neither the execution of the Contract by the Commission nor any other conduct of any representative of the Commission relating to that contract shall be considered a waiver of sovereign immunity to suit. If and to the extent that Chapter 2260 does not apply to the Contract or to a specific breach of contract claim under the Contract, the following shall apply: Should a dispute arise out of the Contract, the Commission and Contractor will first attempt to resolve it through direct discussions in a spirit of mutual cooperation. If the parties' attempts to resolve their disagreements through negotiations fail, the dispute will be mediated by a mutually acceptable third party to be chosen by the Commission and Contractor within fifteen (15) days after written notice by one of them demanding mediation under this 300 e Contract#808-2-0036 section. Contractor will pay all costs of the mediation unless the Commission, in its sole good faith discretion, approves its payment of all or part of such costs. By mutual agreement, the Commission and Contractor may use a non-binding form of dispute resolution other than mediation. The purpose of this section is to reasonably ensure that the Commission and Contractor will in good faith utilize mediation or another non-binding dispute resolution process before pursuing litigation. The Commission's participation in or the results of any mediation or another non binding dispute resolution process under this section or the provisions of this section will not be construed as a waiver by the Commission of (I) any rights, privileges, defenses, remedies or immunities available to the Commission as an agency of the State of Texas or otherwise available to the Commission; (2) the Commission's termination rights; or (3) other termination provisions or expiration dates of the Contract Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract to the contrary, Contractor shall not be excused from performance during the period any breach of contract claim or dispute is pending under either of the above processes. XI. NO LIABILITY UPON TERMINATION e rfthe Contract is terminated for any reason, the Commission and the State of Texas will not be liable to Contractor or any third party for any damages, claims, losses, or any other amounts arising from or related to any such termination. XII. LIMITATION ON AUTHORITY; NO OTHER OBLIGATIONS Contractor will have no authority to act for or on behalf of the Commission or the State of Texas except as expressly provided for in the Contract; no other authority, power or use is granted or implied. Contractor may not incur any debts, obligations, expenses, or liabilities of any kind on behalf of the Commission or the State of Texas. XIII. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS; TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT (formerly Texas Open Records Act) Contractor, Contractor's employees and Contractor's subcontractors will not disclose to anyone, directly or indirectly, any information designated by the Commission as confidential or to information accessed as a result of the Contract without the prior written consent ofthe Commission. In addition, any individuals initially assigned to the Contract must sign a copy of the Nondisclosure Agreement prior to the contract commencement date. Any additional or replacement individuals assigned to the Contract must also sign the Nondisclosure Agreement prior to the start of their assignment The Nondisclosure Form is Appendix C. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Nondisclosure Agreement to the contrary, Contractor understands that the Commission is bound by the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act (formerly the Texas e 301 Contract #808-2-0036 e Open Records Act) and Attorney General Opinions issued under that statute. Within three (3) days of receipt, Contractor will refer to the Commission any third party requests, received directly by it, for information to which Contractor has access as a result of or in the course of performance under the Contract. The provisions of this Section and the Nondisclosure Agreement survive the termination or expiration of the Contract. XIV. FALSE STATEMENTS; BREACH OF REPRESENT A TIONS By signature to the Contract, Contractor makes all the representations, warranties, guarantees, certifications and affirmations included in this Contract. If Contractor signs the Contract with a false statement or it is subsequently determined that Contractor has violated any of the representations, warranties, guarantees, certifications or affirmations included in this Contract, Contractor will be in default under the Contract and the Commission may terminate or void the Contract for cause and pursue other remedies available to the Commission under the Contract and applicable law. XV. PROHIBITED PAYMENTS SB583 added Section 403.055(h) to the Government Code. Under that law, if at any time during the term of the Contract, the Commission is prohibited from issuing a warrant to Contractor under Section 403.055, the following sentence shall apply to the Contract: All of Contractor's payments under the Contract shall be applied toward the debt or delinquent taxes that Contractor owes the State until the debt or delinquent taxes are paid in full. Contractor will comply with the Commission's rules adopted under Section 403.055, Government Code. e XVI. APPLICABLE LAWS This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the rules and policies of the Commission. XVII. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Commission shall not be liable for any direct or consequential damages to Contractor or any third party for any act or omission of the Contractor in the performance of this contract. The Commission shall not indemnify nor guarantee any obligation of the Contractor. XVIII. ATTACHMENTS The following documents shall be a part of this contract for all purposes: a) Goals of the La Salle Odyssey Planning Committee b) Committee member list and contact information c) Overall plan on how funds would be used d) Overall plan on how funds would be leveraged to raise additional funds e JOZ Contract #808-2-0036 XIX. CONTACT PERSONS The individuals named below shall be the contact pcrsons for the Commission and the Contractor, respectively. All calls, correspondence, invoices, reports, or other contacts necessary for the administration of this contract shall be directed to the persons named below unless the party is specifically directed otherwise. e Commission Jim Bruseth Texas Historical Commission P.O. Box 12276 Austin, Texas 512/463-6096 Contractor George Ann Cormier Calhoun County Museum 301 South Ann St Port Lavaca, TX 77979 36! -553-4689 Tax ill # (needed) XX. AMENDMENTS This contract is the entire agreement between the parties. Any changes, deletions, extensions, or amendments to this contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties to the contract Any other attempted changes, including oral modifications, written notices that have not been signed by both parties, or other modifications of any type, shall be invalid. CERTIFICATIONS The terms of this contract are accepted by the parties to the contract Persons signing are expressly authorized to obligate the parties to the terms of this contract e Texas Historical Commission Contractor F. Lawerence Oaks Executive Director George Ann Cormier date date APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM ONLY: BY: Joe Thrash, Asst Attorney General date: LASALLE ODYSSEY PROJECT EXHffiIT DESIGN - AGREEMENT FOR WORK e George Ann Cormier, Museum Curator, spoke about the $300,000 grant from the Texas Historical Commission and dispersal of the grant. Estimated cost of Phase II is $100,000, which funds will have to be raised; they have begun working on grants for this, one would be for $800,000. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to authorize the Calhoun County Museum Curator, George Ann Cormier, to enter into an Agreement of Work for the LaSaJle Odyssey Exhibit Design at the County Museum. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 303 e e e AGREEMENT of WORK La Salle Odyssey Exhibit Design I. Parties to the Agreement. This agreement is between the LaSalle Odyssey Committee, located in Victoria, Texas, and the International Museum Corporation, d.b.a. Southwest Museum Services, located in Houston, Texas. For the purposes of this agreement, the LaSalle Odyssey Committee will be designated as the Committee, and Southwest Museum Services will be designated as Southwest. II. Work to be Done. By the terms of this agreement and working through the Committee, Southwest will design exhibits for the La Salle Odyssey exhibitions to be located in each of four museums including the Texas Maritime Museum, the Calhoun County Museum, the Texana Museum, and the Matagorda County Museum. III. Consideration. The consideration for both phases of the work to be done under the terms of this agreement to be paid by the Committee to Southwest is $ 77, 1 00 as per the attached schedule of values. Although Southwest will endeavor to complete the design in such a manner that it will approximate the previously estimated cost of fabrication and installation in a later phase to be completed a year or more from the date of this agreement, Southwest cannot guarantee previous estimates. IV. Phases. The work to be done under the terms of this agreement will be completed in two phases. Each of these phases will be approved by the Committee before Southwest proceeds to the next phase. These two phases are as follows: A. Phase One will be the preliminary design. In consultation with the Committee, Southwest will complete the following: 1. Prepare a schedule of values showing time and cost schedules. 2. A detailed review of the story line for each exhibit. 3. A preliminary floor plan of each exhibit showing exhibit areas and configuration. 4. Three preliminary elevation drawings for each of the five museums showing proposed appearance of exhibits. 5. Review of artifacts available for use in the exhibit 6. Review of photographs and other material available for use in the exhibit. 7. Preparation of a preliminary lighting plan 8. Preparation of a preliminary graphics plan 9. A presentation for approval by the Committee of Phase One. 304 e B. Phase Two will consist of seven major elements, as follows: 1. Completion of the story line, including text, for each of five museums. 2. Completion of a final exhibit floor plan for each of the five museums. 3. Completion of all design drawings for casework and panels. 4. Completion of a graphic design/construction set for each exhibit. 5. Completion of a final lighting plan 6. Completion of a final graphics plan 7. Review and approval by the Committee of the elements of Phase Two. V. Time Schedule for Completion of All Exhibit Phases. A. Phase One. July 15, 2002 B. Phase Two. February 15, 2003 VI. Detail of Committee Review. At the completion of each phase outlined above, the Committee will thoroughly review the work completed during that phase. Approval for the first phase will be given by the Committee before Southwest proceeds to the second phase. The Committee will have the opportunity to set additional review sessions, as required, at intermediate dates during the process of work being done. The times for these review sessions will be set with the concurrence of both the Committee and Southwest. e VII. Schedule of Payments. As a part of this agreement, a schedule of values is included as a part of this agreement that details the costs of each part of each phase as well as the estimated date of completion of that part of the exhibits. Also included in the Schedule of Values will be the dates by which Southwest estimates that the tasks detailed will be completed. Invoices may be sent by Southwest upon the completion of all major parts of the contract. Failure of the Committee to provide information or materials required for completion of various parts may delay final completion of the work discussed in this agreement. VIII. Work to be Completed by the Committee. During the two phases of the design, the Committee will assist Southwest in the following areas: A. Research. The Committee will provide materials relevant to the project for study and compilation by Southwest. B. Artifacts. The Committee will provide a detailed listing of artifacts that will be available for use in the exhibits. This listing will be provided as soon as possible after the execution of this agreement. The Committee is responsible for acquisition of all artifacts and any e 305 e e e agreements that must be made by the Texas Historical Commission and the State of Texas. C. Photographs, Manuscript Materials, and other Relevant Items. The Committee will provide as soon as possible after execution of this agreement a listing of photographs, manuscript materials, and other relevant items that might be utilized in the exhibits. D. The Committee will be responsible for securing all copyrights for materials used in the exhibits. IX. Date by Which Work is to be Completed. All work will be completed by Southwest as provided in Paragraph V., above, with the following provisions: A All payments must by made by the Committee in a timely manner after billing. B. Review sessions by the Association are to be completed in a timely manner. X. Remedies of Parties. In the event that either the Committee or Southwest is displeased with any facet of work or performance by the other party, either the Committee or Southwest has the option of terminating the contract The procedure for this is as follows: A The party that has a grievance will first notify the other party with a registered letter detailing the problem(s). B. The party who receives the letter will have four weeks from the date of the letter to respond and offer a solution. C. If the proposed solution is satisfactory to the other party, the problem must be corrected with two weeks. D. If the solution is unsatisfactory, or if, at the end of two weeks, the issue has not been resolved, the aggrieved party has the option of unilaterally canceling this agreement E. If the agreement is canceled, any monies due from one party to the other must be paid promptly. XL Spokesmen for the Committee and for Southwest Both the Committee and Southwest shall appoint one person who will be the authorized agent and who can speak for their organization. XII. Completion of the Agreement The terms of this agreement shall be considered to be complete after the exhibit is installed and the Committee provides final approval. Any work required after final approval shall be considered as separate billings, and payment for the full amount of the contract shall not be withheld by the Association to Southwest XIII. Legal Jurisdiction. Any litigation must be filed and based in Houston, Harris County, Texas. 306 e Southwest Museum Signatures Please check off your name when you sign the form and mail it on to the next person on the list. The last person to sign the contract, please send it on to me. Thank you. Stephanie Judge Harrison Stafford Jackson County Museum 115 W. Main Room 207 Edna, Texas 77957 e Cynthia Tobola Matagorda Museum 2100 Ave. F. Bay City, Texas 77414 George Ann Cormier Calhoun County Museum 301 S. Ann Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 e . 307 e e e XIV. Signatories to the Agreement The following persons declare by their signatures that they are legally empowered to sign this agreement for the Committee and Southwest, respectively, and they by their signatures approve all of the elements of this agreement Completed on this the day of , 2002. For Southwest Museum Services h ie Judj / n Texas Mariti eum () vd~ 7Ofn~ Cyn'ia Tobola, Matagorda County Museum George Anne Cormier, Calhoun County Museum Harrison Stafford II Texana Museum Witness: Witness: 308 1 I ;; ~ - ,. " Gl !: ~ ~~ . a " " ;;; ~ > > > > " g; " ;;: . . . . ......~ ~ m ~~ C 55!~~;l~ : ~ 5"!!. ~ " "3 .. .. - - 3 - . ~ ,,~ ~:;;~~lD~ . . a . '! W .. ~ 01 3 :.. m , fi~ m ~ It ~ , ~~~i 0 : . m" '" ?~ 3 .' ~ ;; . . '" n " 0 . ,. :l * ~.. ~ ~ .. 6 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ;:!;I z ~ , e I ! ".. -:.,,,,'/, .~' ;~ g: .t~~ ifJ ~: '('. :,"- :-",': .".t '~,,: '; .f,~;, (\', 'C.-.;;:..,_'- ~~;t ;,-.".,.,', ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ l: ~ 0; < ~ w . n ~ 8 8 ~ @ . 1 m i. ~ , 0; <5 . ~ w 8 @ @ ~ @ I 8 \\' \\' tl ;: g g ~ w ~ 8 8 8 @ 8 '" g '" g ~ ~ ~ 8 N W @ @ w 8 @ ~ ~ EXECUTIVE SESSION - CONSULT WITH ATTORNEY The Court, being in open session in compliance with the pertinent provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.077 for the purpose of private consultation between the governing body and its attorney when the governing body seeks the attorney's advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers and matters where the duty of the governing body's counsel to his client pursuant to the Code of Professional responsibility to the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Act; define the public's interest in certain properties within the Port Alto, Sunilandings Subdivision and establish any required action on the part of the Commissioners' Court to protect these interests. - The County Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of the executive session, this meeting wil! be reopened to the public. 309 e e e The Court then went into executive session at 11:02 AM. At the end of the session the meeting was reopened to the public at 11:25 AM. Attorney John Griffin stated he had been asked to review a situation involving some of the public roadways in Calhoun County whichan individual has obstructed by placing vehicles in the road and making claim to some of the roads in Calhoun county which have been dedicated for public use for some years and to determine the most efficient solution to the problem. County Commissioners, by law, are obligated to operate the public roads within the county. In that law is a clear provision which states that public roads of any class today, whether dirt, blacktop or concrete, must be clear of all obstructions. It is the duty, obligation and right of the Commissioners' Court to enforce that law, to the extent that any member of the public attempts to fiustrate or obstruct a public road which is to benefit the people of Calhoun County, it is the obligation of Commissioners' Court to clear those obstructions. There is an argument, by some, that they own the roads. The Commissioners' Court is obligated to follow the law and the law is that these roads have been dedicated to the people of Calhoun County and they have been used by the public of Calhoun County for the past twenty years. Dedicated means they were platted by G & W Engineers and other engineers and filed of record in this county. These roads, therefore, are public roads and have been public roads since the day they were dedicated. Until there is an abandonment, and there is no abandonment here, the roads have been used by the public since their dedication, the Commissioners' Court has the obligation and right to keep the roads from being obstructed. It is our thought that at this point the most prudent thing to do is to let the public know and let the member of the public who has attempted to obstruct or block access to the road, be notified that the County will enforce the law to protect the people of Calhoun County and their rights to use the public roads of this county. This should (1) keep any member of the public from trying to block other members of the public from use of the road and (2) cause anyone who has a disagreement with the law or Commissioners' Court to use legal means to make that argument and not take the law into their own hands by placing a vehicle in the middle of the road to keep people from passing. In our letter, we suggest the Commissioners' Court should make it clear that the Court is obligated to follow the law. Anyone who has a disagreement with it should hire a lawyer and file a claim or suit. Mr. Leonard Kunefke questioned Mr. Griffin as to the kind of information on which he based his opinion when he said these roads were all dedicated roads and in use for the last twenty years. Mr. Griffin replied that the folks who live in the area have been using them and the dedications appear in the Commissioners' Court records in the County Clerk's Office. Mr. Kunefke asked if he had looked at the definition of roads back in 232. Mr. Griffin said he is going along with what the State says - a road of any class. Mr. Kunefke asked if he had looked at the approval of the plat. If the roads have been accepted, who is to take care of the roads? Mr. Griffin said he had looked at both plats. The roads have all been accepted and used by the public for the last twenty years. When Mr. Kunefke asked where he got that information, Mr. Griffin said the plat is of record and people have used these roads for access to their property. Mr. Kunefke said he had never put a vehicle across the road to obstruct it. Mr. Griffin stated it is not his charge to find anyone guilty or not guilty of doing that. The question to us is, is it lawful for a member of the public to obstruct a road that has been dedicated to the people of Calhoun County? It is our opinion that it is unlawful to do that and if anyone disagrees with that, they need to work within the law to get relief form the law and not take the law into their own hands. The law enforcement people have an absolute obligation to enforce the law - keep public roadways clear of obstruction. 310 Mr. Kunefke asked who has maintenance of those roads now. Mr. Griffin replied that he did not know anything about the maintenance. Mr. Kunefke said there is no maintenance and the Court ruled on this in 1982 that it would not accept the roads. Mr. Griffin stated on one of the plats, when it was accepted by Calhoun County for public roads in 1981, Judge Jetton made a note that the County was not yet going to maintain the roads. The issue of acceptance and maintenance are completely different issues. Public use is public use - no matter the type or road, it stiIl is a Commissioners' Court obligation to keep those roads free of obstruction. Mr. Kunefke replied, "That's your opinion." A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka that he be authorized to work with Houston, Marek and Griffin in drafting a letter expressing and explaining the public's rights to those properties and roads and the Commissioners' Court responsibility in regard to those roads in the Sunilandings Subdivision area and that letter be issued certified to those involved parties. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. (The rest of this page intentionally left blank.) 311. e e e e (This page intentionally left blank.) e e J12 DECLARE AIR CONDITIONING EOUIPMENT FOR COURTHOUSE ANNEX AS SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASE e Charlie Crober, Maintenance Supervisor, discussed the air condition equipment for the Courthouse Annex. It can be replaced at a cost of $25,345. The cost of replacing the Courthouse first floor air handler is $27,325. We can get a package deal with Carrier South Texas where they will allow a discount of $16,960 which will include the chiller price of $22,330. The Total of the package is $75,000 (instead of $91,560). He stated the costs as: Courthouse Unit Annex Unit Chiller $27,325 $25,345 $22,330 (this would be $39,290 if bought separately) There is $81,000 budgeted to replace two of the units; the third unit, the airhandler, will be put in storage until the Courthouse mold remediation issue is resolved. Installation of the airhandler will cost approximately $20,000; some insurance money can be used for installation. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to declare the purchase of the air-conditioning equipment for the Courthouse and Annex a single source item from Carrier South Texas. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. (Mr. Crober said he can purchase an three units and have $6,000 to install one unit. He - will need an additional $6,000 to install the other.) . ACCEPT VICTORIA CITY-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PROPERTY TRANSFER A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to accept the Victoria City-County Health Department property transfer and authorize the County Judge to sign. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. VICTORIA CnY-COUNT< HEALTH DEPARTMENT PROPERT< TRANSFER Victoria City-County Health Department (VCCHD) through the Texas Department of Health (TDH) Immunization grant document no. 74600244528-01, Attachment OlD, . purchased equipment for use In the county health Departments of the Crossroads PubliC Health District. This equipment remains the property of Victoria County through the Texas Department of Health and is reported to TDH on the VCCHD's state inventory (form GC-ll), The equipment listed below is for use only by the Calhoun County Health Department's immunization program, Calhoun County Health Department agrees to return the equipment to Victoria County when it is no longer needed or upon the request of VCCHD or TDH. Per TDH policy, Calhoun County accepts responsibility for the custody, care, maintenance and safekeeping of this property, Per TDH policy, the disappearance of this property as a result of failure to exercise reasonable care for its safekeeping will make Calhoun County pecuniarily liable for the loss, e 313 EouiDment: 10# Cost Northstar portable electric generator 5500 watts, with 8hp Honda electric start engine, wheel kit 11896 07014771 $1,567.75 e Dell Dimension L computer, PIII 1.0Ghz processor, 20GB HD, 128mb RAM, CD-ROM Monitor 17" SN: MY0688EN- Y7603-154-AOK6 11892 BPNGS01 $1,040.00 11893 $ 300.00 True brand refrigerator, model T-19, With extra shelves 11894 1-2857638 $1,475.00 Calhoun County Health Department agrees to the stipulations listed above and will provide Victoria County employees the opportunity to verify the location and use of this equipment. Transferred by: ~~ c:~ ~""1.p. (Name) {)( fZ.- r:;;c -Cc)!Z- VCCt/(/J (Title) I OY(?--5/ '2-0':)'2- Accepted by: (Name) (Title) (Date) (Date) '., - I: i __."\'- u/ 314 e (--:.~ :1 ~ ~ ,".,.,-, ..\ ii ~ \'.~/ " '\ ''/ ,.",,, EJI!JIiJ . . . a:JUl!UalU!l!1'I1a$S'IP~x!:l41 315 DeLL- e This 18 your INVOICE Page: 1 of 2 F1D Numbef: 74-2616805 SeItl$Rep: SCOTTGAANER For Sales: (800)214-7799 Sales Fax: (600)433-9521 Cu&tomer Service: (800)981-3355 l<<:t\nleat Support: (000)981-3355 DeIIOnUrle: http://wWw.dell.com Customer Number. 00913781' Purchase Order. 46960 0n:Ier Number: 623492055 Ordet'Date: 08I03r'01 Invoice Number: 1623492055 840100101N Invoice Dale: 00{03(01 Paymenl Terms: NET DUE 30 DAYS Shipped VIS: UNAUTHORiZED WaybiQ Number: A603OR42187-46515 SOLD TO: #BWNHKPV #0091 3781 17# 11.4.996 3 AB 0.726 87386F11 3 of 8 SHIP TO: VICTORIA CITY -COUNTY HEALTH 2805 N NAVARRO VICTORIA TX 77901 ACCTS PAYABLE VICTORIA CrTY-(;OUNTY HEAlTH 2605 N NAVARRO VICTORIA TX n901 PLEASE REVIEW IMPORTANT TERMS & CQNomONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INVOICE mer Shipped Item Number Description Unn Unft Price Amount 220-2630 Dimension L Series,Penuum IU Processor at 1GHz EA 1,285.00 1,285.0' 311-2501 128MB,SDRAM Memory EA 0.00 0.0' 1 310-7002 QuietKey Keyboard Factory Install EA 0.00 0.01 320-6888 17'(16.0 Vtewable,26dp) M781, Factory Install EA 0.00 0.0 412-5165 STO-Qnfine Vldeo,OEM.English, No Media,Factory Install EA 0.00 0.0 430-3900 Intel 3D AGP Graphics Factory Install EA 0.00 0.0 34Q-2812 20GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive EA 0.00 0.0 1 340-7983 3.5,1 ,44MB Aoppy Drive, FactoI)' Install EA 0.00 0.0 e 313-7222 Dell Application Back-up CD, FactoI)' Install EA 0.00 0.0 412-2900 Dell Solution Center,V1.3, Dimension,World Wide EA 0.00 0.0 420-1887 Windows 2000 Service Pack1, English EA 0.00 0.0 31<Hl124 Miccosott lntellimouse, Factrny Install EA 0.00 0.0 ieMce contraCt may be subject to sales tax. illy on-site Of other sefVice covers Dell system hardware only. ..EASE KEEP ORIGINAL BOX FOR ALL RETURNS. COMPREHENSIVE ONUNE CUSTOMER CARE FORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IS ACUCK AWAY AT WW'#.DElLCOMJ?UBUC-ECAAE TO >.{SWER A VARIETY OF QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR DELL ORDER. Shio. &lor Handlino $ 55.0{ SlJbtotal $ 1,34D.O< Taxable: ,~ $ 0.00 $ O.Oc Invoice Total $ 1,34D.Ol I I I Ie I I ",-L Shin. &lor Handlino $ 55.0r Subtotal $ 1,340.01 Taxable: Tu; $ 0.00 $ O.OC Invoice Total $ 1,340.01 $ $ $ Balance Due $ 1,340.0 Amt. Enclosed $ DETACH AT PERF AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE,lREMITTO: 1nvoice Number. 623492055 Customer Number: 009137811 Purchase Order: 46980 Order Number: 623492055 DELL MARKETING LP. C/O DELL USA LP. PO BOX 120001 DEPT. 0729 DALLAS TX 75312-0729 1111I1,101...11....11..1,11I,..1...1..1011,1....1.1101....11,1 nnnh?~~9?nSSnnnnnnnl~~nn084nnn91~7Al14 316 e INVENTORY CHANGE NOTIFICATION -UPON COMPLETION REnJRN TO COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE- Invoice coaies must accomaanv Inventory Chanoe Notification Fonn Change Requested: Purchase I . Add-On Deletion Transfer Office Requesting Change.J!ie-.l;o,\o. Uty (DlIl\+Y ~~lf~ ~^+ Date~ Purchased From~! J:A.". *" b'2.3jQ?.o-SS- P. 0 . '-tbo.'i? 0 Inventory Value $ :',00.00 Auditor's Use Only: Tl'P": Oty: LocCode: LocOesc: Ilept; Acq.Dafe: Soun:e Doc: Cost: $ Src c( Rls: GIL R_ v_ Physical Description -,,'I V'V\O<II.~+Or Brand Name r::xz..l! Model M 1 Z)l Serial Number M y ~ ~~~ E N - L[l"1>S-l2f -Alp K c:, e Victoria County Property Number (Iiq) Signature: :'Si~ 1';.._J:i..\.^,--~I..,,/ Official or Department su~or G. ~ w;+k Di",~,;sl~^, 1.- IF DELETION, give reason: Trade-in Stolen Damaged Comments: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor IF TRANSFER: Department Transferred To: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor Transferring Item Signature: Official or Department Supervisor Receiving Item E:\PonnsIInvclmot.doc FI14 4 317 11..-,' I f) -, , - 0 ~1'SIIm.A . <---.r~ j / . oJ V VICTORIA COUNTY, TEXAS -, REQUISITION - PURCHASE ORDER REFER TO THIS NUMBER ON INVOICE . No. 46980 ~CitY-County rMENT Health Department To: ~ VENDOR ~~i~~t~tXt~~~~~ DELL ADORESS Ily 30, 2001 CITY, STATE, ZIP I I Account Number Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price ~'t7 Dell Dimension 4100 comnuter, 800?%,-5002 PI Pentium III .. -h;;Z56...ee 4h;;Z,56...e 933 MHz processor, 128 ME SDRAM 1 $1.340.00 $1,340.0 -e e o se furnish the above items or services and charge to Victoria County, Texas. This order must be signed by the County Officials uly authorized representatives) as indicated in the spaces providecL Invoices must be furnished immediately. items or services shown above are needed in the discharge of my official duties and I certify funds are available to pay this obligation. ~~A lItment Head By APPROVAL OF COUNTY JUDGE: Q/I-~ 1ify that the above items or services were received by me in good condition. APPROVAL OF AUDITOR: By artmenl Head VENDOR e 318 ,-- ~\ ( \A e.. ,"_ " , r \.._-' L--. uuU u.uu "I ~ (~ 'f ~ u U :,! ~ !\ '1 ~ . U \) uU" L)~))U>Uo} 31.9 ~ e . EI Campo Refrigeration & A/1estaurallt Supply, Illc. W2l2 SOllth Mechanic EI Campo, Texas 77437 (979) 543-9039 Fax (979) 543-159\ VICTORIA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2805 NORTH NAVARRO VICTORIA, TEXAS 7790 I INVOICE INVOICE DATE: 08-13-01 INVOICE # 890510 PO# CALHOUN COUNTY DEWITT COUNTY QlIA'iITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRI(:[ 2950.00 2 e TRUE I-DOOR COOLERS 1,475.00 MODEL T-19 SERIAL # 1-2857638 MODEL T-I9 SERIAL # 1-2973268 CALHOUN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. 117 W. ASH PORT LA V AC A, TX MODEL T-19 SERIAL # 1-2857638 DEWITT COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. 106 N. GONZALES CUERO, TX MODEL T-19 SERIAL # 1-2973268 $ 2,950.001 rrOTAL INVOICE _ 320 '.y ) " ) J ".) .J ~~I'IUX1.~ . ~...__) ) o o. VICTORIA COUNTY, TEXAS', . I REQUISITION - PURCHASE ORDER REFER TO THIS NUMBER ON INVOICE >> No. 46979 Victoria City-County Health Department DfPARTMENT To: >>xnx El Campo Refrilteration and VENDOR July 23, 2001 DATE ADDRESS Restaurant Supply an, STATE, ZIP Account Number Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price ~ 800-647-5002 PI True Model T19 refriaerator. stainless steel 2 $1,475.00 $2,950.00 Please furnish the above items or services and charge to Victoria County, Texas. This order must he signed by the County Officials (or duly authorized representatives) as indicated in the spaces provided. Invoices must be furnished immediately. . The items or services shown above are needed in the discharge of my official duties and I certify ~Zl:~ APPROVAL OF COUNTY JUDGE: By r;;;(~ I certify that the above items or services were received by me in good condition. APPROVAL OF AUDITOR: Department Head By e VENDOR 321 INVENTORY CHANGE NOTIFICATION -UPON COMPLETION RETURN TO COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFlCE- Invoice co tes must accom an Invento Chao e Notification Fonn Change Requested: Purchase I Add-On Deletion Transfer_ Office Requesting Change ~ic~rll'A CAy (OlJMy Ue.J.+lA Df~t1\.+-. Date 812.( /2001 Purchased From E! (O;w.~ fe...tr'Jerrdiov-._ i. ~+avru.^,-r Inventory Value $~lS. 00 <5vp ply, :I::I\.C- . Audito(s Use Ooly: Type: Qty: Lo<;Code: LocOes<: Physical Description Rrtr ;~t'rt1-b , (Ski A le;s 5-!re..\ Si ':Je..lk" ) Brand Name -rr:- \ If' D<pt A<q.Oate: Souroe Doc: Cost: $ SrcdFds: GIL Ref#: Veodor#: Model --c=-l3 Serial Number 1- Z.SSI (,.,;39:> Locc..-tlof\.: ec..\ku..... Cov"--t-y l-\e....t+,-^ Dqa,~-r e Victori<! County Property Number II gq t./ Signature: S QrJ"v-.. ~, !~.MN>-'-~ / Official or Department Supervisor IF DELETION, give reason: Trade-in Stolen Damaged Comments: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor IF TRANSFER: Department Transferred To: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor Transferring (tern Signature: _ E:lFonn:slInvcbnotdoc Official or Department Supervisor Receiving Item F1I4 3ZZ UUO /' 1\ ~c::I\'{'<_..,_. , - ''-c. o-uo OJ , ? 6 '/ ~ 'f ') , ?6'1 - 'I r, i ~ ? 6" ~ .( :; uu) (.; 'fU)" 2~-' 323 w e n~PIlIH1.......G . <H-na~ ~ .1 -J _ria VICTORIA COUNTY, TEXAS REQUISITION - PURCHASE ORDER REFER TO THIS NUMBER ON INVOICE No. 46978 DEPARTMENT City-County Health Department To: Northern Tool & Equipment VENooa July 23, 2001 DATE ADDRESS --, CITY. STATE, ZIP Account Number Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price 800-647-5002 PI Northstar owe red enerator 3 -i-;<i!lh66 $5--iBJ,.,.< 5500 watts Item no. 165926 3 1,365.00 $4,095.1 Generator wheel kit item no. 165916 3 97.00 291.( Frei ht 317.24 317. : 4 703.: Terms Ne t 30 FOB - Pre aid - Ft. Mill, South Carolina 'lease furnish the above items or services and charge to Victoria County, Texas. This order must be signed by the County Official :>f duly authorized representatives) as indicated in the spaces provided. Invoices must be furnished immediately. he items or services shown above are needed in the discharge of my official duties and r certify latf;;vai~t2Iigat: 8y lep.artment Hea.d APPROVAL OF COUNTY JUDGE: Yll certify that the above items or services were received by me in good condition. APPROVAL OF AUDITOR: -epartmenl Hea.d 8y VENDOR e 3Z4 Del.L- This Is your INVOICE Page: 2 of 2 e FtC Number. 74-2616805 Safes Rep: SCOTT QAANER For Sates: (800)214-1799 Sates Fax: (800)433-9527 Customer Service: (800)981-3355 Technical SUpport: (800)981-3355 Dell Online: httfr.//www.del.com Customer Number: 009137611 Purchase Order: 46960 Order Number: 6234920S5 Order Oate: 06/00101 Invoice Number: 1623492055 84010Ql01N Invoice Dale: 00103/O1 Payment Terms: NET DUE 30 DAYS Shipped Via: UNAlITHORIZED Waybill Number: A603OR4218746515 SOLD TO: #BWNHKPV #0091 3781 17# 11.4.996 3 AB 0.726 87386F11 4 of 8 ACCTS PAYABLE VJCTOAJA CJTY-COUNTY HEALTH 2805 N NAVARRO VICTORIA TX 77901 SHIP TO: VICTORIA CITY-COUNTY HEALTH 2805 N NAVARRO VICTORIA TX 77901 PlEASE REVIEW IMPORTANT TEAMS &. CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SlOe OF THIS INVOICE Order Shl Item Number DfI!scri Ion Un~ Unit Price Amount 430-5600 3COM PC! Remote Wake Up NetwOrk Card EA 0.00 0.0< 313-2367 V.90/56K Telephony Modern for Windows EA 0.00 D.DC 313-3911 48x Max Variable CD ROM, Factory Install EA 0.00 . 313-6170 Sovndblaster 64V PCI Sound Card, Factory Install EA 0.00 313-6140 Harmon Kardon HK-695 Surround Sound Speakers with Subwoofer, EA 0.00 D.O{ Factory Install 412-4630 Norton Antivirus 2001,OEM, English EA 0.00 O.Ol 412-2108 Image Expert 2000,0e11 Edition EA 0.00 O.OC 1 412-1200 MS Office Small Business XP,CD with Docs, English,OEM Package EA 0.00 0.0< 902-0170 -Type 3 Contract - Next Business Day Parts & Labor EA 0.00 O.O{ On-Site Response Initial Year 902-{)772 *Type 3 COntract - Next Business Day Parts & Labor EA 0.00 O.O! On-Site Response 2YR Extended System Service Tags BPNGS01 e 325 INVENTORY CHANGE NOTIFICATION e "UPON COMPLETION RETURN TO COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE" Invoice co les must accom n Invento Chan e Notification Form Change Requested: Purchase / Add-On Deletion Transfer_ Office Requesting Change Vic,-kio. Ct.y Covtt+y 1kH-h D(fl1rllY\e.\I\-t-- Date 5fr~I'2.to1 Purchased From DeJI I...."... (,,7~'f920Ss , ~ .~ p 0: '-t~q'<?o Inventory Value $ ~o. 00 10<-10.00 <kAvol- .for :nor.H...-) Audito(s Use Only: Type: Physical Description (r'>Mpu:te.r Brand Name De..tl Oty: LocCode: LocOesc: Oept """Dale: SoUIce Ooc; Cost $ Src of Fds: Gll.Rel#: v_ Model Di~it>1\ L Serial Number y,Pl\\GS 951 e Victori,! County Property Number 1/-g'1 Z- Signature: :!5,e(),N-. ~. v.P~/ Official or Departm;~t ;i~~e-rv~or W\I..N~ /-lb. IF DELETION, give reason: Trade-in Stolen Damaged Comments: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor IF TRANSFER: Department Transferred To: Signature: Official or Department Supervisor Transferring Item SIgnature: Official or Department Supervisor Receiving Item F1l4 e E:ll'onnslIavc:hnotdoc 3Z6 ACCEPT VERIZON'S NOTICE OF INSTALLATION OF BURIED CABLE ON OUAIL RUN AND ETHYL STREETS IN ALAMO BEACH SUBDIVISION, PRECINCT #1 A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept Verizons' Notice of Communication Line Installation on Quail Run and Ethyl Street rights-of-way in Alamo Beach Subdivision, Precinct #1. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. _ VERIZON Southwest Incorporated NOTICE OF COMMUNICATION LINE INSTALLATION VERlZON April 30,2002 TO THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY ATTENTION: COUNTY JUDGE Formal notice is hereby given that VERIZON SOUTHWEST INCORPORATED will construct a communication line within the right-of-way of a County Road in Calhoun County, Port Lavaca, Alamo Beach Subdivision, as follows: VERIZON proposes to place buried cable as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Quail Run and Ethyl Streets, Verizon proposes to place 43' of cable in the southern right-of-way of Quail Run. The cable will then turn northeast, and be extended for 60' across Quail Run, then an additional 180' along the southeast right-of-way of Ethyl Street. A 45' bore will be made under the asphalt of Quail Run, and 4" pve pipe will be placed. All cable will be placed at a minimum depth of 30 inches, and will be extended at 5' inside the right-of-ways. e See attached Sketch. The location and description of this line and associated appurtenances is more fully shown by five (5) copies of drawings attached to this notice. The line will be constructed and maintained on the County Road right-of-way in accordance with governing laws. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, it is expressly understood that tender of this notice by the VERIZON Southwest Incorporated does not constitute a waiver, surrender, abandonment or impairment of any property rights, franchise, easement, license, authority, permission, privilege or right now granted by law or may be granted in the future and any provision or provisions so construed shall be null and void. Construction of this line will begin on or aftet: May 6, 2002. By umphreys e Supervisor - Access Design Address 223 North Colorado St Port Lavaca , DC 77979 3611552-2355 3Z7 I 1 I ~ . ~ ! 3 " 2 n 'i~rdiC(1 Il f!\O IJ 1/ Lrr ~s:rIN~ -- ~ I \ AREA Southwest Division/Valley District 'N. o. NO. 3fJoo / K J ~. Ver;70n TAX DIST I2NG'NO BY IlANDr r....!;;CJ(JCtV OHAWN Uy,.e.,11/0Y /UC/<'5L1N DATE f- i?-02 DATE "1-- "{.1-02 LOCATION PoRI L Av.llLA r; DESCRIPTION {flUIfITr AlIJTIF/crl TII',l/r/ BiJ'(IED LRBLE CIIUI,9I//I! VI/AIrY Ar>PAQVEO []Y DArE fll,VISEo BY DATE::: SCALE nOne SHEET 0' SHEETS _ SET MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS ON SEAKIST AND EAST MAXWELL DITCH ROADS IN PRECINCT #2 A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the Court authorize a public hearing on setting the maximum speed limits for Seakist Road and East Maxwell Ditch Road in Precinct #2. The Public Hearing to be determined by statute. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 328 RELOCATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT AT INTERSECTION OF HOLLAMON AND ROYAL ROADS IN PRECINCT #2 A Motion ~a~ made by. Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster t~at CommIssIoner Bala)ka be authorized to begin work on the relocation of the drainage dItch on the corners of Hollamon and Royal Roads in Precinct #2 and return to Court wIth the legal me!es and bounds. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge a Marshall all voted m favor. .. MICHAEL J. BALAJKA 201 W. Austin pon Lavaca, TX 77979 Calhoun County Commissioner. Precinct #2 Bf~~~ ~~,&l: ...." ... ~orO:"\,; (361) 552-9656 Fax (361) 553-6664 May 7, 2002 Judge Arlene Marshall COmmissioner Roger Galvan Commissioner H. Floyd COmmissioner Kenrleth Anster e Re: Agenda Item #19 Once again I hope the Information provided will be enough to make II declslon on Thursday regarding this matlEr. I have provided a map of the area, which I hope will better famlllar1ze you with the area I am talking about At the Intersection of Hollamon and Royal Road there Is a drainage ditch that provides drainage for several hundred acres of land and many homes. This drainage ditch c:uts through two partials of property, one owned by Daniel Dar1lek and wife and the other by Jackie Hamilton and wife. When originally built the ditch was approximately 50 feet from the Darilek home. Over the years the ditch has beCome dangerously dose to the Darllek home. The residence is II wood frame house which sets on concrete blocks, due to ground movement the Darllek home Is experIendng problems. To ensure the residence has a . stable area tD set on the ditch will need tD be moved In an easterly dlrectfon. Both Mr. Darilek and Mr. Hamlllxln have agreed to provide the county with the necessary easements to accomplish thiS task. I have not as of yet had the meets and bounds drawn up. but with the approval of CommISsioners Court I would like the okay tD begin work while weather pennlttlng. I know this Is a great deal of infonnation to l'Ibsorb through a letter, please feel free to contact me If you wish m visIt the area so you have a better understanding of the sltuatlon. e SIncerely, ~a=~ 329 -d C\L - c5 ~ ~ e [ ~ ,_ ,1, ~)..oy " . . .' ., ....' ~ ""<"'". .'..'..".:....:..,.:/.,, ..c.....'"'.....__ ":x.~-r ~ y... ~..' ~, t. ~. , ~.. . ~i i ". #'n"~" .it .".. r fJ)1' 'L Dt :.1 :,( K.& \'1 .: ~ i., 1:,: ~"i ~i'i ., ,'j '.1 I. ~ ;',j' ~ ':- ~ Q) n ....~ 'J" 0 ~~ '.0 ii e H O\\o.~Q. '^ (l~ \ ,., . , ,. ," \ I. i I I ! \). '\t>'- 0*' A ere '1'-0..0- U~\~ ~; ,,~'J ~ ~\.) ~. ~~:; INDIANOLA BEACH SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT - CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH URS i This agenda item was passed due to the absence of Commissioner Galvan. 330 EXECUTIVE SESSION - CONSULT WITH ATTORNEY The Court, being in open session in compliance with the pertinent provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Section 551.074 of the Local Government Code authorizes a closed meeting to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer or employee, unless such officer or emplovee requests a public hearing. Code Enforcement Officer/ DAR.E. Officer. e The Judge further publicly announced that before any final action, decision or vote is made regarding the subject matter of the closed session, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session at 11:55 A.M. At the end of the closed session the meeting was reopened to the public at 12:55 P.M. No action was taken by the Court. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE POSITION WHICH WAS V ACA TED This agenda item was passed. AUDIT OF GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF CALHOUN COUNTY - TERM CLARIFICATION IN AUDIT ENGAGEMENT LETTER WITH RUDLEDGE. CRAIN AND COMPANY. PG A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that the Court's action of April 25, 2002 concerning term of contract for the County's audit engagement letter with Rudledge, Crain and Company, PG be for a term of one year. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e RUTLEDGE CRAIN & COMPANY, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 2401 Garden Park Court, Suite B Arlington, Texas 76013 April 27, 2002 Calhoun County, Texas c/o Ben H. Comiskey, Jr., CPA, County Auditor County Courthouse Annex 201 W. Austin Port Lavaca, TX 77979 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide Calhoun County, Texas .- (the "County") for the year ended December 31, 2001. We will audit the general purpose financial ,. statements of Calhoun County, Texas as of and for the year ended December 31, 2001. We understand that the financial statements will be presented in accordance with the financial reporting model in effect prior to that described in GASB Statement No. 34. Also, the document we prepare will include the following additional information that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the general purpose financial statements: 1. Schedule of expenditures of federal awards, 2. GASB required supplementary pension information, and 3. Combining statements by fund type, individual fund or account group statements, supporting schedules included within the County's comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). 331 The. ?ocument will also. include the f?llowing additional information that will not be subject to the audltlllg procedures apphed In our audit of the general purpose financial statements and for which our auditors' report will disclaim an opinion: ' L County Auditor's introductory letter. 2. Tables included in the statistical section of the County's CAFR. Audit Objectives The objective of Dur audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether your general purpose financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in confonnity with accDunting principles a generally accepted In the Umted States of America, and to report on the fairness of the additional ,., information referred to in the first paragraph when considered in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The objective also Includes reporting on- Inte~a1 control related to the financial statements and compliance with laws, regulations, and the proVIsIOns of contracts or grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the financial statements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. Internal control related to major programs and an opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) on compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of cDntracts or grant agreements that could have a direct and material effect on each major program in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-B3, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non- Profit Organizations. The reports on internal control and compliance will each include a statement that the report is intended fDr the infDrmation and use of management, federal awarding agencies, and if applicable, pass-through entities. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, . issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996; and the provisions of OMB Circular A-B3, and will include tests of accounting records, a detennination of major program(s) in accordance with Circular A-B3, and other procedures we consider necessary to a:nable us to express such an opinion and to render the required reports. If our opinion on the general ~urpose financial statements or the Single Audit compliance opinion is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement Management Responsibilities Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control and for compliance with the provisions of contracts, agreements, and grants. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of the controls. The objectives Df internal control are to. provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorizations and recorded properly to pennit the preparation of general purpose financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that federal award programs are managed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements. Management is responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us. We understand that you will provide us with such information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, including the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, but the responsibility for the financial Astatements remains with you. That responsibility includes the establishment and maintenance of wadequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting and compliance, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. Additionally, as required by OMB Circular A-B3, it is management's responsibility to follow up and take corrective action on 2 332 Calhoun County, Texas April 27, 2002 e reported audit findings and to prepare a summary schedule of prior audit findings and a corrective action plan. Audit Procedures-General An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud. As required by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-I33, our audit will include test of transactions related to major federal award programs for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material errors, fraud, other illegal acts, or noncompliance may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial errors, fraud, or other illegal acts or illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on the general purpose financial statements or to major programs. However, we will inform you of any material errors and any fraud that comes to our attention. We will also inform you of any other illegal acts that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. We will include such matters in the reports required for a Single Audit. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not .. extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. ,., Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and !bey may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Audit Procedures--Internal Controls In planning and perfOmllng our audit, we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on !be County's general purpose financial statements and on its compliance with requirements applicable to major programs. We will obtain an understanding of the design of the relevant controls and whether they have been placed in operation, and we will assess control risk Tests of controls may be performed to test the effectiveness of certain controls that we consider relevant to preventing and detecting errors and fraud that are material to the general purpose financial statements and to preventing and detecting misstatements resulting from illegal acts and other noncompliance matters that have a direct and material effect on !be general purpose financial statements. Tests of controls relative to the general purpose financial statements are required only if control risk is assessed below !be maximum level. Our .. tests, if performed, will be less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on internal control ,., and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on internal control issued pursuant to Government Auditing Standards. 3 333 Calhoun County, Texas April 27, 2002 As required by OMB Circular A-133, we will perform tests of controls to evaluate the effectiveness of the design and operation of controls that we consider relevant to preventing or detecting material .oncomPliance with compliance requirements, applicable to each major federal award program. owever, our tests will be less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on those controls and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on internal control issued pursuant to OMB Circular A-133. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identifY reportable conditions. However, we will inform the governing body or audit committee of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the general purpose financial statements. We will also inform you of any nonreportable conditions or other matters involving internal control, if any, as required by OMB Circular A-l33. Audit Procedures-Compliance Our audit will be conducted in accordance with the standards referred to in the section titled Audit Objectives. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the County's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements, including grant agreements. However, the objective of those procedures will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion in our report on compliance issued pursuant to <<overnment Auditing Standards. MB Circular A-l33 requires that we also plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the auditee has complied with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements applicable to major programs. Our procedures will consist of the applicable procedures described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement for the types of compliance requirements that could have a direct and material effect of each of the County's major programs. The purpose of those procedures will be to express an opinion on the County's compliance with requirements applicable to major programs in our report on compliance issued pursuant to OMB Circular A-l33. Audit Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will prepare all cash, accounts receivable, or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. At the conclusion of the engagement, we will complete the appropriate sections of and sign the Data Collection Form that summarizes our audit findings. We will provide an original and print-ready master of our reports to the County; however, it is management's responsibility to submit the reporting package (including financial statements, schedule of expenditures of federal awards, summary schedule of prior audit findings, auditors' reports, and a corrective action plan) along with the Data Collection Form to the designated federal clearinghouse and, if appropriate, to pass-through entities. The Data Collection Form e 4 334 e Calhoun County, Texas Apri127,2002 and the reporting package must be submitted within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditors' reports or nine months after the end of the audit period, unless a longer period is agreed to in advance by the cognizant or oversight agency for audits. At the conclusion of the engagement, we will provide information to management as to where the reporting packages should be submitted and the number to submit. The workpapers for this engagement are the property of Rutledge Crain & Company, PC and constitute confidential information. However, we may be requested to make certain workpapers available to a grantor agency pursuant to authority given to it by law or regulation. If requested, access to such workpapers will be provided under the supervision of Rutledge Crain & Company, PC personneL Furthermore, upon request, we may provide photocopies of selected workpapers to a grantor agency. The grantor agency may intend, or decide, to distribute the photocopies or information contained therein to others, including other governmental agencies. The workpapers for this engagement will be retained for a minimum of five years after the date the auditors' report is issued or for any additional period requested by the County's Oversight Agency for audit. If we are aware that a federal awarding agency, pass-through entity, or auditee is contesting an audit finding, we will contact the party(ies) contesting the audit finding for guidance prior to destroying A the workpapers. ., We expect to begin our audit on approximately June 3, 2002 and to issue our reports no later than August 15, 2002. Our fee for these services will be at our standard hourly rates which we have estimated will not exceed $20,700 including $2,575 for preparing and printing the CAFR. Our standard hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience level of the personnel assigned to your audit. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. In accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 30 days or more overdue and may not be resumed until your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed even if we have not completed our report. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-pocket costs through the date ofterrnination. The above fee is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will discuss it with you and arrive at a new fee estimate before we incur the additional costs. Government Auditing Standards require that we provide you with a copy of our most recent quality control review report. Our 1998 peer review report accompanies this letter as Attachment A. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Calhoun County, Texas and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. e Very truly yours, 5 335 Calhoun County, Texas April 27, 2002 RESPONSE: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of Calhoun County, Texas ey:~{~~ Title~~ Date: ~ 30. cZL; 0,0 e e 6 336 Attachment A Quality Review Report: ........ a..;; 0f0rie1Gn tOf CPA Firm-. NCPA GERALD D. NELSON, P.e. CDlTIF1[t),,\1IIUC A,CCOUNTA,NT i1(,.'u.B~l..e CRANl'llLS CA.P, TEXAS 7W7 'I7-m~f(J f.u:Sl1.$97.o141 .E-MAIL ~n@htromp.net WACO OFFICE 6OGW. HWY. ',Surreuz WACO. TEXAS ,,,1: ...."0-9206 e January 29, 1999 To the Shareholders Rutledge, craIn' Company, P.C. I have reviewed the system of qualIty control for the accounting and auditing practice of Rutledge, Crain & COMpany, P.C. (the firml In effect for the year ended September 30, 1998. A system of quality control encompasses the fira's organizational structure and the policies adopted and procedures established to provide it with reasonable assurance of coaplying with professional standards. The ele.ents of quality control are described In the Statements on Quality Control Standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The design of the system and co~liance with it are the responsIbIlIty of the firm. My responsibility is to express an opinion on the design of the system, and the flrll's compliance with the systelll based on IlY review. "y review vas conducted in accordance with standards established by the Peer Review Board of the AICPA. In perforlling my reView, I obtained an understanding of the systeM of quality control for the firm's accounting and auditing practice. In addition, I tested compliance with the firll's quality control policies and procedures to the extent I considered appropriate. These tests covered the application of the firll's policies and procedures on selected engagements. Because my review vas based on selectIve tests, it would not necessarily disclose all veatnesses In the system of quality controi or ali instances of lack of compliance with it. e Because there ale inherent limitations in the effectiveness of any system of quality control, departures from the system ~y occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of a system of quality control to future periods is subject to the risk that the system of quality control may become inadequate because of changes in condItIons, or because the degree of compliance with the poliCies or procedures may deteriorate. In ~ opinion, the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of Rutledge, Crain & Company, P.C., in effect for the year ended September 30, 1998, bas been designed to meet the requirements of the qualIty control standards for an accounting and auditing practice established by the AICPA and vas coaplled with during the year then ended to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of complying with prOfessional standards. AJAt/ 9, A/~ /r. , GBRALD D. ME~SO", P.C. e AUTHORIZE PIPELINE INSTALLATION BY NEWMIN PRODUCTION COMPANY CROSSING COUNTY ROAD 304 IN PRECINCT #3 A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to authorize Neumin Production Company to install a pipeline crossing under County Road 304 as per drawing PC002-055, Sheet 1. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor 337 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS SAM HOUSTON SURVEY ABSTRACT -22 I _z- I '" % ::; '" !l. 0. _ L9F COUNTY ROm NO. 172 g ---1-~---- ~ ~ ~, ~ '" '" ::: ~ I > 0. 0 \' c:: :5 0: _ "- ~'U) 0 I-I~ w 5 \ 8 8! '" :51 ...J' ~ PROPOSED 8" PIPELINE ~3 ~tj 0:% '" "- x N 0\' 28'16" W \!2 ~ o '" % ::; . ",3'. uO 3ci ~ 4' MIN COVER 12" MIN. CASING PIPE DATA: (8\ 8.625" 0.0. 'I. 0.322" W.T.. n:ST PRESS.- 2400 PSIG e LAV ACA PIPELINE CO. PROPOSED PIPELINE CROSSING COUNTY ROAD .304 CALHOUN COUNTY,TEXAS :.~ -~ 0'" %!l. ;::0. "'< [;j~ > '" ~< o~ % ...J ~::::i .", Ou 1 "'z '" "- x '" o o '" <D '" oj '" o '" o '" o 9 <D '" ai' o .; o '? o <D '" o '" o PI AN VIFW SCALE: NONE '. 10 ,'" Iii! is i.."J '" % ~:J .", Ou ci;:j ~ 4' MIN COVER PROPOSED 8" PIPELINE EX1Sl1NG 14" LAV ACA PIPELINE PROFILE SCALE'NONE SCALEl Nll'IE REF. OWG.I OJl"WN an .lite Clt.DIlYl /V'P. BYI OATEI 04/17/2002 APPROVEO PRO.l. ~GR.1 DATE I DATt: APf'f!OvtD I'ROJ. ENGIl.1 N(TlI'(RK hC.1 A PC02-055 GRANT APPLlCA nON FOR CALHOUN COUNTY LffiRARY SYSTEM - RA TlFICA nON A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to ratify action applying for a grant from Texas State Library and Archives commission (Grant #442-02382) in an amount not to exceed $4,663 to purchase equipment for Calhoun County Library System. (The money was received and does not require a match.) Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. SHEET; 338 e TEXAS STATE LIBRARY & ARCIDVES COMMISSION LOAN STAR LIBRARIES GRANT Grant # 442-02382 I. CONTRACTING PARTIES Grantor: Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) RECEIVED H.B 2. 5 200Z ACCOUN1lNG Grantee: Calhoun County, Calhoun County Public Library 200 W. Mahan Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 II. TERM OF GRANT September 1, 2001 to August 31, 2002 e III. GRANTOR CERTIfiCATION The Grantor certifies that (1) the services specified below are necessary and essential for activities that are properly within the statutory functions and programs of the affected organizations; (2) the services, supplies or materials contracted for are not required by Section 21 of Article 16 of the Constitution of Texas to be supplied under contract given to the lowest bidder; and (3) the grant is in compliance with Texas Government Code 9 441.0091 et seq., the Library System Act; Texas Government Code 9 441.006, General Powers and Duties; and, the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). IV. GRANT AMOUNTS A. The total amount of the grant shall not exceed: $4,663 B. Source of funds: General Revenue State Fiscal Year 2002 TSLAC's accounting codes: Index Code 34421 Object Code 7612 e Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 1 of 8 339 e e e C. Budget: EquipmentIProperty $4,663 Total Direct Costs $4,663 Indirect Costs Total $4,663 V. WRITTEN PRIOR APPROVALS FOR FISCAL AND PROGRAMMATIC CHANGES A. The Grantor must give written prior approval for any ofthe following fiscal changes; I. Making cumulative transfers among budget cost categories or projects wmch are expected to exceed ten (10) percent of the total grant. 2. Transferring any funds into a budget cost category that equals zero ($0). Written prior approval is to be requested on the Loan Star Libraries Grant Program Revision Form and shall be requested when nearing the 10% limit or the end of the grant term. This provision does not allow the grant to be exceeded. All prior approvals must be requested by August I, 2002. Approvals received after this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis. B. The Grantor must give written prior approval for any ofthe following programmatic changes to the application (Loan Star Libraries Grants for State Fiscal Year 2002). I. Changing key persons specified in the grant; however, none of the personnel are considered key personnel for the purpose of this section. 2. Obtaining the services of a third party to perform activities that are central to the purposes of the grant. 3. Changing the scope or objectives (regardless of whether there is an associated budget revision). A change in scope is a substantive difference in the approach or method used to reach program obj ectives. Written prior approval is to be requested on the Loan Star Libraries Grant Program Revision Form. All prior approvals must be received by August 1,2002. Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 2 of 8 340 e C. The Grantor hereby gives prior approval for the items specified under the cost categories outlined below. Before the Grantee obligates or expends grant fimds for additional items in the following cost categories, the Grantor must give written prior approval. Written prior approval is to be requested on the Program Revision form. Written prior approval is also required if an item's cost or features are substantially different from what the grant specifies, or from a previous Program Revision. All Program Revision forms must be received by Grantor on or before August I, 2002. COST CATEGORiES 1. Preaward Costs None 2. Insurance nfnot req.uired by the grant) None 3. RearranlJements and Alterations of Facilities None 4. EquipmentJProperty As referenced in Loan Star Libraries Plan of Action e Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in Ulliform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) Section Ill, Subpart C.32 (a), title to equipment acquired under a grant will vest upon acquisition in the Grantee. Each piece of equipment/property is an article of non expendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost that exceeds the capitalization amount established by Grantee's governing entity. Equipment/property includes furniture, library materials, etc., purchased wholly or in part with grant fimds. The prior approval amount is the capital expenditure, which means the cost of theeql1ipment/property including the cost to put it in place. Capital expenditure for equipment/property means the net invoice price of the equipment/property, including the cost of any modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usable for the purpose for which it is acquired. Ancillary charges, such as taxes, duty, protective in transit insurance, freight, and installation may be included in, or excluded frorn, capital expenditure cost in accordance with the Grantee's regular accounting practices. VI. STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED The Grantee will comply during the period of this contract and provide services outlined within the _ grant application (Loan Star Libraries Grants Plan of Action for SFY 2002) as approved by the .. Grantor. Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 3 of 8 341 e e tit VII. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The Grantee will comply with the Loan Star Libraries Administrative Rules for SFY 2002. Note that per 2.l65(c) of the Rules, assurances relating to non-resident fees or TexShare Library Card Program are in effect for entire term of grant contract. B. The Grantee acknowledges that the intent of the grant is to provide funds to maintain, improve, and enhance local library services, and to provide Texans who are not residents of a particular local community access to and services from the many participating public libraries. C. The Grantee will comply with the Rules for Administering the Library Systems Act. Note that Grantee must continue to meet system membership requirements to be eligible for future grants, per Texas Government Code 44L138(c). D. The Grantee will comply with the following three parts of the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), revised January 2001, located at hllp ://www.governor.state.tx.us/the_office/gts_tracs/Grants/guidelines.htm. 1. Cost Principles for state and Local Governments and Other Affected Entities (adapted from OMB Circular A-87) 2. State Uniform Administrative Requirement for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (adapted from OMB Circular A-102) 3. State of Texas Single Audit Circular E. The Grantee will send the Grantor a copy of any management letters issued by the auditor with the reporting package (or written notification, as applicable). The audit's Schedule of Expenditures of Federal and State Awards will list the amount of awards expended for each award year separately. F. The Grantee may not obligate grant funds after August 31, 2002. By October 31, 2002, all obligations must be liquidated. Any interest accrued above $100 must be returned to Grantor, per requirements in UGMS. All unexpended funds must be returned to the Grantor. G. The Grantee will add any program income to the funds committed to the grant, using such program income for the purposes and under the conditions of the grant. The source and amount of the program income must be explained in box 12 of the Financial Status Report. H. All publicity relating to the grant award must include acknowledgement of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission whenever possible and practicaL Publicity includes but is not limited to press releases, media events, public events, displays in the library, announcements on the library's website, and materials distributed through the grant project. Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 4 of a 342 e L The Grantee certifies by this contract that it will comply with the Assurances - Non-Construction Programs (OMB Standard Form l24B), the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions, and the Certification Regarding Lobbying as submitted to the Grantor. Additional assurances are listed in UGMS, Subpart B.14. J. The Grantee affirms that it has not given, offered to give, nor intends to give at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor or service to a public servant in connection with this contract. The Grantee further affirms that its employees or agents shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors or parties to subagreements. K. The Grantee agrees to provide the Grantor with one (1) set of any public relations materials produced under this grant. L. The Grantee agrees to maintain records on all equipment/property with an acquisition cost that exceed governing entity's capitalization leveL The Grantee wiJI reconcile the equipment/property records with a physical inventory of the equipment/property every two years. The UGMS Subpart C, Sec. 32, (d) (3) requires certain items of equipment (stereo systems, still e and video cameras, facsimile machines, VCRs and VCR/TV combinations, and cellular and portable telephones) to be maintained on inventory if their cost is above $500, or if they could be easily lost or stolen. Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in the UGMS Section III, Subpart C, Sec. 32 (a), title to equipment acquired under a grant will vest upon acquisition in the Grantee. When property is vested in the Grantee, the Grantee will dispose of equipment/property in accordance with the UGMS Subpart C, Sec. 32, (e). M. The Grantee agrees to submit the EquipmentlProperty Acquired form by October 31, 2002 for all equipment/property purchased during that grant year. N. The State Legislature has charged the Grantor with submitting performance measurement reports that specify the level of services provided by its programs and services. The Grantee agrees to submit reports that are timely, accurate, auditable, and consistent with definitions. The Grantee agrees to submit the Loan Star Libraries Reporting Form for Loan Star Libraries Grants according to the following schedule and grant award: Reoortiol! Period Due Date Grant Award September 1, 2001 - May 31, 2002 June 6, 2002 Over $5,000 June 1,2002 - August 31, 2002 September 6, 2002 Over $5,000 September 1, 200 I - August 3 I, 2002 September 6, 2002 Under $5,000 tit Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 5 of 8 343 e e e Iflibrary materials ordered with grant funds are received after the end of the grant year, a final Loan Star Libraries Report may also be required covering receipt of those materials. This final report will be due on or before November 15, 2002. Note: Per Rule 2.165 (e), future funds will not be awarded to a library until all requirements for all preceding contracts have been fulfilled. o. The Grantee agrees to submit the Financial Status Report for this contract according to the following schedule: Reporting Period Due Date Grant Award September 1, 2001- May 31, 2002 June 6, 2002 Over $5,000 June 1,2002 - August 31, 2002 September 6, 2002 Over $5,000 September 1, 2001 - August 31, 2002 September 6, 2002 Under $5,000 If necessary, a finJlI Financial Status Report is due on or before November 15, 2002. P. The Grantee agrees to maintain all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other grantee records according to Section II, Subpart CA2, ofUGMS. In general, Grantees must maintain records for a minimum of three years from the date the Grantee submits to Grantor the last single audit or audit report for the grant period. VIII, ENFORCEMENT A. Remedies for noncompliance. If a grantee or sub grantee materially fails to comply with any term of an award, whether stated in a federal or state statute or regulation, an assurance, in a state plan or application, a notice of award, or elsewhere, the awarding agency may take one or more of the following actions, or impose other sanctions, as appropriate in the circumstances: (1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the grantee or sub grantee or more severe enforcement action by the awarding agency, (2) Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and matching credit for) all or part ofthe cost of the activity or action not in compliance, (3) Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current award for the grantee's or subgrantee's program, (4) Withhold further awards for the program, or (5) Take other remedies that may be legally available. B. Hearings, appeals. In taking an enforcement action, the awarding agency will provide the grantee or subgrantee an opportunity for such hearing, appeal, or other administrative proceeding to which the grantee or sub grantee is entitled under any statute or regulation applicable to the action involved. Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 6 of B 314 e C. Effects of suspension and tennination. Costs of grantee or sub grantee resulting from obligations incurred by the grantee or sub grantee during a suspension or after termination of an award are not allowable unless the awarding agency expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or tennination or subsequently. Other grantee or sub grantee costs during suspension or after tennination which are necessary and not reasonably avoidable are allowable if: (1) The costs result from obligations which were properly incurred by the grantee or subgrantee before the effective date of suspension or termination, are not in anticipation of it, and, in the case of a termination, are noncancelable, and, (2) The costs would be allowable if the award were not suspended or expired nonnally at the end of the funding period in which the tennination takes effect. D. Relationship to Debarment and Suspension. The enforcement remedies identified in this section, including suspension and tennination, do not preclude grantee or sub grantee from being subject to "Debarment and Suspension" under E.O. 12549 (see Section _.35) and state law. e IX, CONTACTS AT TSLAC Questions or concerns about programmatic issues and Program Revision Requests should be directed to this grant's Project Manager: Deborah Littrell Director, Library Development Division Phone: 512-463-5456 Fax: 512-463-8800 E-mail: dlittrell@tslstate.tx.us Questions or concerns about regulatory or financial issues should be directed to: Manager of Accounting and Grants Department Phone: 512-463-6626 E-mail: camack@tsLstate.tx us Fax reports to: Grants Accountant Phone: 512-463-5472 Fax: 512-463-3560 E-mail: accountinl!@tsLstate.tx.us Payments to the Grantor, such as those for interest earned each quarter on advanced funds, should be mailed with an explanation of the purpose of the payment and the grant number to: Accounting and Grants Department Texas State Library and Archives Commission PO Box 12516 Austin, TX787l1-25l6 e Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 7 of 8 345 e e e x. APPLICABLE AND GOVERNING LAW A This grant shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. All duties of either party shall be legally performable in Texas. The applicable law for any legal disputes arising out ofthis contract shall be the law of (and all actions hereunder shall be brought in) the State of Texas, and the forum and venue for such disputes shall be Travis County, District Court. S. This grant is subject to availability of funds. Xl. SIGNATURES GRANTOR GRANTEE Texas State Library and Archives Commission Calhoun County, Calhoun County Public Library {~ Edward Seidenberg, Assistant Stat~ Librarian 02-2-7-02-- Signature (Mu be an 0 ticial empowered to enter into contracts) Arlene N. Marshall Typewritten or Printed Name Date ~~~~ County Judge Title Donna Osborne, Chief Fiscal Officer of /;z (p /0.-< February 22, 2002 Date Date Fiscal Year 2002 Calhoun County Loan Star Libraries Grant Page 8 of 8 GENERAL DISCUSSION Commissioner Floyd requested that procedure for grant applications be put on the agenda for May 23, 2002. 346 RELEASE SECURITY OF FERERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS - RATIFICATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to ratifY action to release security of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Account No. K2HY-ABA 114902528). Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e .IBC International Bank of Commerce April 4, 2002 Calhoun County Treasurer Office Attn: Sharron Marek 211 South Ann Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 e Dear Sharron: International Bank of Commerce - Port Lavaca is requesting that you please release the following security being pledge to cover the deposits of Calhoun County Commissioner Court from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Account # K2HY - ABA 114902528) effective today. FHLMC ARM POOL# 787956 CUSIP# 31295LZV COUPON: FLT ORIGINAL FACE: 15,000,000 P AR VALUE: 5,875,978.50 DUE 1101/2031 If you should have any questions, please feel free to call Joycearm Dickinson at (956) 722-7611 Ext.6301. Sincerely, ~~. Judith L Wawroski Assistant Vice President e ACKNOWLEGED & RELEASED BY: ti~4-ti~--------- CALHOUN CNTY COMMISSIONER COURT 347 P.O. DRAWER 1359 UlREDO, TEXAS 78042-1359 (956) 722-7611 TELEX 763-435 MEMBER INTERNATIONAL 6ANCSHARES CORPORATION-FOIC JP #5 - JP #2 - TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR - EXTENTlON SERVICE - MONTHLY REPORTS JP #5, JP #2, and Extension Service all presented their reports for April and the Tax Assessor-Collector for March and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said reports be accepted as presented. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e DONA TlONS TO CALHOUN COUNTY MUSEUM LASALLE ODYSSEY A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Judge Marshall to accept the below listed donations to the Calhoun County Museum Odyssey. Commissioners Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Guadalupe Blanco River Authority First Victoria National Bank International Bank of Commerce JABO' Hair Studio Richardson Funeral Home Seaport Bank State Farm Insurance $ 200.00 500.00 500.00 25.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 e BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS JAIL COMMISSIONER PCT. #3 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT JP PCT #2 DISTRICT ATTORNEY R&B PCT #2 - R&B PCT #4 SHERIFF (21 GENERAL FUND TRANSFERSIINDIGENT HEALTHCARE NEW JAIL BUILDING CAPITAL PROJECT MOLD REMEDIATION CAPITAL PROJECT A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded .b~ Commissi?ner Floyd that the following Budget Adjustments be approved. CommissIOners BalaJka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST AMENDMENT AMOUNT REASON 782 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (782) 4,132 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (4,132) APPROVED e MAY - 9 2002 Total for GENERAL FUND o - o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 348 e ~GET 1\MENDMENT REQUEST II ;A Calhoun County Comr'issio;1ers' Court To: From: P.recinct 3 (: .-tmcnt ma}:ing this request) 4/30/02 Date: 2002 (year) department: I request an amendment to the budget for the following line items in my Amen~ment Account Name Amount Reason GL Account # ------------- <$5500.00) $5500.00 Redistricting C Maintenance omm. NetWOrK 230-65320 230-63503 e :::~ 'AY 1- I i - 9 2002 . Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ - 0- ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~(~ --=> Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 349 e e e J BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Total for GENERAL FUND o - o MAY - 9 2002 m NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 350 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST IN T TAL BUD ET - 351 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 28 2 (30) APPROV D o MAY - 9 2002 ~ e e :5 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: DISTRICT ATTORNEY OA TE: 5/8/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 13 REQUIREO BY PAYROLL (13) Total for GENERAL FUND o APPROVED "'V - 9 :ro2l NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET e e 352 Ge BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 2 DATE: S/8/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 ACCOUNT NAME TEMPORARY TEMPORARY TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT ROAD/BRIDGE SUPPLIES REAS N AMOUNT NEEDEO FOR 4/30 PAYROLL ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR MAY PAYROLLS ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR JUNE PAYROLLS ZJeIj II 0) APPROVED 353 o MAY - 9 2002 AL BUOGE o e e e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST I AMENDMENT AMOUNT 714 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (714) Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET o o APPROVED MAY - 9 2002 354 ~e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 2d NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET M'; Total for GENERAL FUND - ? APPROVED --, MAY - 9 2002 e e 355 9SC e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court ~' (Dep~ent making this request) 3!frr-oJ.-J From: Date: C] I request an amendment to the ~iO~ budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Account II ------------- Amendment Amount Account Name ~~~ .s-r -1rf A: /Y ------------- Y] ~O - lol':fIJ 1(0<::' -530lo ,Jo'?/ l?O'lI} Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0 ===========- Reason ------------------- ~ ~~4: clc~iU iJP iI ~~) CP~0~) I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 10. AMENDMENT AMOUNT 26 TO PAY FED EX P0#21096 (FOR JAIL FEAS.STUDY) (26) 357 o APPROVED I MAY - "'"' l o e e l \ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: CAPITAL PROJECT.NEW JAIL BUILDING DATE: 5/6/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 APPROVED MAY - 9 ZUUL Total for FUND o NET CHANGE IN e e 358 e I~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 359 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 101 312 (428) 15 APPROVED o MAY - 9 2002 e e Fund Code 1000 Total 1000 Report Total Effective Date Fund Title 5/912002 GENERAL FUND Dale: 5fllf02 04:39:IS PM GENERAL FUNO e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 BUD208 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title 30.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE EXPENSES PAID BY OUTSIDE PARTY (COPIES/POST AGE) REVENUE APPROVED MAY - 9 2002 e (~{M~ l ~<0-f-f- I~~) Increase Decrease 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 Pag.:1 o r.t:) '" e --- e ."HOUN COUNTY, TEXAS !-\PPRO\/f-_ l < - Unposted Budge . .ansactions - EXPEND,ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 -- BUD208 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 MAY - 9 2002 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increa:;c o crease ._- 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED FOR PAYROLL JAIL OPERATIONS JAILERS 782.00 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUNO REQUIRED FOR PAYROLL JAIL OPERA TtONS WORKERS COMP 782.00 ADJUSTMENTS 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER LODGING-OUT 4,\32.00 OF COUNTY 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFE~ JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 4,132.00 SERVICES 1000 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR MAINTENANCE ON COMMISSIONERS COURT MAlNTENANCE-COMMUNI... 5,500.00 COMMUNICATION NETWORK NETWORK 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND FOR MAINTENANCE ON COMMISSIONERS COURT REDISTRICTING 5,500.00 COMMUNICA TtON NETWORK 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEDICAUOTHER SUPPLIES 600.00 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT TITLE XX FAMILY 600.00 PLANNiNG 1000 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND TO PAY FEDEX P0#21096 INDIGENT HEALTH CARE CARE OF INDlGENTS 26.00 (FOR JAIL FEAS STUDY) 1000 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES PAID BY JUSTICE OF PEACE PHOTO COPIESISUPPLIES 28.00 OUTSIDE PARTY PRECINCT #2 (COPIESfPOST AGE) 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES PAID BY JUSTICE OF PEACE POST AGE 2.00 OUTSIDE PARTY PRECtNCT #2 (COPIESfPOST AGE) 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT ATTORNEY MEAL ALLOWANCE 13.00 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL DISTRICT ATTORNEY TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 13.00 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND AMOUNTNEEOEO FOR 4DO ROAD AND TEMPORARY 2,268.00 PAYROLL BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND EST AMOUNT NEEDEO FOR ROAO AND TEMPORARY 4,317.00 MA Y PAYROLLS BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUNO EST. AMOUNT NEEOEO FOR ROAD AND TEMPORARY 4,317.00 JUNE PAYROLLS BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUNO AMOUNT NEEDED FOR ROAD ANO SOCtAL SECURITY 834.00 INCREASE IN TEMPORARY BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ACCT 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT NEEDED FOR ROAD AND RETIREMENT 998.00 INCREASE IN TEMPORARY BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ACCT 1000 5/912002 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT NEEDED FOR ROAD AND WORKMENS 1,326.00 INCREASE IN TEMPORARY BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 COMPENSATION ACCT Date: W02 04:38:57 PM PI~:] ~ ~ '" Fund Code 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1000 5\36 5136 Total 5136 5210 5210 5210 5210 Effective Date Fund Title 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 5/912002 GENERAL FUND 51912002 GENERALFUNO 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 5/9/2002 GENERAL FUND 51912002 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND 5/9/2002 CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING 5/9/2002 CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING CAPITAL PROJECT NEW JAIL BUILDING 5/9/2002 CAP!T AL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 5/9/2002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 5/9/2002 CAPITAL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION 51912002 eMIT AL PROJECTMOLD REMEDIATION e Date:SIW204:J8:S7PM CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS F BUD208 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 519102 Transaction Descriplion AMOUNT NEEDED FOR INCREASE IN TEMPORARY ACCT AMOUNT NEEDED FOR INCREASE IN TEMPORARY ACCT REQUIRED BY PA YROLL REQUIRED BY PAYROLL REQUIRED BY PA YROLL TO PROPERLY CHARGE HP NOTEBOOK COMPUTER -P0#20006 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL TO PROPERLY CHARGE HI? NOTEBOOK COMPUTER-PO#20006 TO PAY FEDEX PO#21096 (FOR JAIL FEAS. STUDY) TO PAY FEDEX PO#21096 (FOR JAIL FEAS. STUDY) TO PAY FEDEX P0#2 I 096 (FOR JAIL FEAS. STUDY) LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER LINE ITEM TRANSFER UNE ITEM TRANSFER DeplTilJe ROAD AND BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ROAD AND BRJDGE-PRECINCT #2 ROAD AND BRJDGE-PRECINCT #4 ROAD AND BRIDGE.PRECINCf #4 SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF TRANSFERS NO DEPARTMENT NO DEPARTMENT NO DEPARTMENT NO DEPARTMENT NO DEPARTMENT NO DEPARTMENT e N (.0 M OR 519102 APPROVED GL Tille --"AY ',,",,' ML -/~' , FEDERAUST A E 50.00 UNEMPLOYM NT ROAD & BRJDGE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES WORKERSCOMP ADJUSTMENTS MEAL ALLOWANCE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAINING TRA VEL OUT OF COUNTY CAPITAL OUTLA Y TRANS.TO CAP.PROJ.-NEW JAIL BUILDING STUDY -JAIL FEASIBILITY TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS MOLD REMEDIATION TELEPHONE SERVICES UTILITIES 14,110.00 e Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Total CAPIT Ai PROJECTMOLD 5210 REMEDIATION Report T alai Dalc;Sf8IOZ04:38:57PM CALHOUN COUNTY, TE:>Le Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND. ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 8UD208 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 5/9/02 Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title APPROVED MAY - 9 2002 Increase 428.00 28,450.00 Decrease 428.00 28,420.00 Page:) e '"' ~ o ~ ~ >- s3 '"' z o ~ I ~ ~ ~ 00 <( ~ ~ ~ o u ^ ...- "8 ~ Cd ",.c:: '" " '" "'.- ;; 00"" "" " ... "" .- " <C=~ 'C .9 '0 " '" ;:l >.~ ~ "08"0 a 8 a o gpu ~ ;.a >.. 1;; Cl:S .D.5 e"'O~ lis ~ "O~ 4::">> roo,.9 "'Ogf.1-. "'" ^ '" '" t::]~ oro~ 0.",'" e~~ >.'(;' tfl :2~lu 1::~g o 1-<'- 8 " '" c::: .~ liS.9 E ..s::: ~ E -g's 8 1:: 8 . "0"0 ~ U ~ a>..fl" ... .D " " " " S"tj Cl:S tIl Cl:S Q) ~ '" 8.0 0 ~ U') t > E--roO~ c~g.~ = \-0 ._ ;:::1="'C"'tj o.2';:a Q) UOtI'JO "",,-> .c::""'" r-cro-5'"a C"'J :.0 M