0008_Box 6 250-300_253Br
29.52 Acres of Land
Near Turnstake Island
Intz .11TATC 01? V.X1113
San Antonio Bay
Calhoun County, Texas
17ILLDINXTE DIESCIUVWON of it tract ar parcel or larid cont"-Unin3.
20.52 acres zittvited In State Tracts No. 150 and No. 151 mear Tumstake
Island In Sau Antoniv Day approxinatoly 21.0 miles gout li-soutImest
from Part Lavwm, the County Seat of C*Uoun County, T",.as. Said 2.1.52
acras is to be used for nnvigation channel purposes and is that sarm
land surveyed tuvler audiorization f NIra Chairman 11. V. Peyland of the.
Wout 31de Cr: ho= County Havigation District, and Is :morn particularly
desarlbed by imtas and boun(Ls as follovm, to witt
at n point in t1w centerline of tliv proposed Westerly
%!�tu of the Clumml to Victmqa, Toxas and in the centerline of the
Intracoastal Watemmy at eentarline utation 73Z1133.66. Said point
beara, 3 77' 241 16" E 737.39 varas (2043.27 foot) from the co-mmn
corner of Stute Tract Numbers 137, 133, 150 and 3.51 aocotwUng to the
Na &
11 P o' Sar. �UMonio Day urrd VIcinity zhowirZ _,3u1)divjq�jo.-j for xlineral
Oavelopimnt kurnishad by the General Land Office,, Austin,, Texas wul
has the followlrq to
Grid Coordirrites- X - 2,71$5,7SS.06, Y A 179,8110.61t;
TH&WE, 3 39' 53' 56' r. a aistunce of 54.00 varas (150.0)0 fert)
to as point for the South Comer of the here in described tract and
heing also the Point of curve of a curio to, 'the left in the easterly
THEINCE, with said curve to the left of the tasterly boundary of
this Z,).52 acre tract,, having, tbm followina curve data; I ft a7,, 27* 61VII,
9 m 1' $60 1111, 11, zz- 2�,)58.96 and T 't, 24,130.17 feet, a d1latance of
1625.75 varas (4515,93 feet) to a pollit for cornar,, zatno heirs ; the
point of tnnysent of thla oArve,.;
VICNICX1., 5 52' 391 DWI W as d3starme of 54.00 varas (150.00 r.00t)
to as point in the centerline of the *x.1stIn3, Channel to Victor.1a,
Texas; Arai, dpolat has the followlrkt GrId Coordinates; X -.T 2,7116*187.07,
Y = 1330659.76 and beam S 534 231 44" E 1129.211 va-ras (3136.77 feet)
from the cammrt corner of State Tract Numbers 136, 137, 151 and 152;
TIMUCE, coTitInuing, S 52" TV 00" W 54.00 varna (IS0.00 foot) to
a point for corner and point of curve of a curve to the right In the
Westerly bound"ary or t-ba herein described tract and havina, the
followInS Grid CoorUnatos; X - 2%746,067,83,4 Y u MvS68.716#
THENCE, with said curve to the right of the Westerly boundary of
this 2-.52 acre tract, having. the followln7 cu mre data; If
g I m, 87* 27" 04"$
D - 20 091 17"$ R v 2653.96 feet and T m 25q3.2,3 rate
t, parallel to
mid 103#0 varas (300.00 feet) from the Easterly boundary. as dintance
of 1461.00 varas (4058.34 feet) to a polmt for corner, omme being the
point of tanLmnt of this curve and havinatba following Grid Coordinates;
X - 2*7450059.64$ Y u 179*915.721-A
TZIEWC&I 5 3JO $31 56" E at dista.r.-tw of 54.00 varas (M.00 feet)
-to the PLACr. OF BEGINNING; CONTAINOG uithin theve rnetes and bounds
29.52 acres of land, of uItich 3.66 acres is al, fated In State Tract
Itimber 150 and 25,66 acres is in Stat o Zract 14"amber 151 of San Antonio
Day,, Calhoun County, Taxas.
All bearings contain-eml herein are Grid Bearings based on tho
Texas Grid CoorUlnate 8yntemi, -;Z- IVgle 5�,*;,. (Magnetic Variation
91, Cal E) .
Varlatlon: _fV1 ngtio W, 01,11, E
Survcyad i i n_U_a _r 1"'as
Chain Carriers
Juan Gonr.aJ_,Py_T,,,p eA
sidnev 11al h 110uslev
1* Willi:,Un C. Wtcholl, Licensed State L=4 Surveyor of Harris
C*untY,, TexaS. do hereby cap tiry thatt the. foreg.;oIng tam based on
int"Or-e-Iti011 Obtainl-'d f"On' the Hap of San Antonio Pay and Vicinity as
SVPdIvided for Wnerai Daveloprmmt, no furnisbcd by the GC.A�vD , L 4A,
r tl A
Orflco* Austimw Taxaat irt coijj,.njCtI0,.j L�,qth vj sui-my made on the mound
almler my dIr"ttlon, accordin.-f to 1.a r, an the Matte and Uith the Chain
Carrlora aforesold, &Lty qualifted, and that the Uralts and Emandaries
V8iU71 the Wmrks of the scmr-., na0tural and artM clal, are. truly and
A ft-a .- 11. �. -
T1 V OW Vw4fre-4, 41-01 " "It- 4.*"4. _e. .,--
found On 010 ground.
filed for record in C7 Offlee, thca_A L_ day of
untlo C1 0- rR