2002-09-23 SPECIAL SEPTEMBER TERM HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 23th day of September, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 10:00 A.M., a Special Term of the Commiss~oners' Court, within said County.andState,.and-there were present on this .date the follow~ng members of the Court, to-wit: e Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd . Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner,pct.l Commissioner,pct.2 commissioner,pct.3 Commissioner,pct.4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPOINT CENTRAL COUNTING STATION PERSONNEL FOR NOVEMBER 5TH ELECTION A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to appoint Carol Abraham as Presid~ng Judge and William C. Howell as Tabulation Supervisor of the central counting station of the November 5th Election in addition to the appointment of five clerks. Commissioners Galvana, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e ORDER OF APPOINTMENT OF CENTRAL COUNTING STATION The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County do hereby appoint the following persons to serve as the Presiding Judge of the Central Counting Station and the Managerrrabulation Supervisor for the General Election to be held on November 05, 2002. Both the Presiding Judge and the Tabulation Supervisor may appoint a combined total of ~ clerks. These members were appointed according to the procedures set out in Section 127.002-127.006 of the Texas Election Code. ~~./ Presiding Judge IJJjjj~, t. ~lJJ().0 Managerrrabulation Supervisor ~'2002. e ~{!A~/ C unty Judge ~ '-11\ u' J^ .[l! Commissioner, Pet. 2 ~ ~tu. ,-I~ Commissioner. Pet. 4 114 _ ELECTION PRECINCT 6 POLLING PLACE CHANGE A Motion was made by commissioner Bal~jka and seconded by Commissioner Glavn to change the poll~ng place for Precinct 6 from the Fire Station at Magnolia Beach to the First Baptist Church at Magnolia Beach, 617 FM 2760. In discussion, Commissioner F10rd questioned changing, something regarding re-district~ng and the Bond Elect~on. Vote on the motion: Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ORDER FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION FOR COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissiner Floyd to Order the General Election for county and precinct officers. Commissioners Galvan, Ba1ajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION (A VISO DE ELECCION GENERAL) To the registered votm: of the County of (a los YOlanteJ rtgfstrados del Condado de Calhoun ,Teltas: Calhoun . Turn: Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., November 5, 2002, for voting in a general election to elect Members of Congress, Members of the Legislature, and state, dislrict, county, and precinct officers; and FOR the purpose of adopting .or rejecting the proposed Constitutional Amendment as submitted by the 77th Lcgis.1ature, Regular session, of the State I)fTexu. _ (Notifiquese, por 1m presente. que las casillas electora/e.s strades ahaje se abrlran dude las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el5 de noYiembre de 2002 para votar en fa Elecc/on General para elegir Miembros del Congreso. Miembros de la Legislat~ra. y ofiela/es del estado. diStrito, condado y del preeincto y PARA adoptar 0 rechazal' la Illmienda propuesta cortstitucional asi como /ueron sometida par la 77th Legi.rfatura Regulal' Seston. de fa Eslado de Texas.) LOCA TION(S) OF POLLINO PLACES IDIRECCION(ES) DE US CASl!.US ELECTOlULES) Se. Attached Liet Early voting by personal appeannce will be conducted each weekday at: (La vo/acion adelantad4 en persona se l1evard a cabo de lunes a viel7les en;) Calhoun' eountfCourthouse Lobby (location) (silio) Recommended but not required between the hours of -L a.m. and ~ p.m. beginning on and ending on November.Ol. 2002 (date) October 21. 2002 (date) 21 de Octubre. 2002 ([echa) (elltre fas -L.. de la mallanay las ~ de la tardeempuando el (y termlnando el 01 de Noviembre. 2002 ([echo) Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votardn adelantada par coneo deberan enviarse a.) ,) e Stephanie Smith. Elections Admin. (Name of Early Voting Clerk) (Hombre del Secretarlo de la Yo/aci6'1 Adelantada) 211 South Ann St. (Address) (Direccion) Port Levaca, Texas (City) (Cludad) 77979 (Zip Coce) (Zona Postal) Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se vo/ardn adelarttada pOl' correa deberdn reciblrse para elfill de las horc.s de negoclo el:) October 29. 2002 (29 de Octubre, 2002) (date) ([echa) b,uodthi.th. ..t~ d.yof ~~1i/: (Emitadaested~ de -'._ .12002. .1001,) ~~A.L.t& Signature of ounty Judge (Ftrma del Juez del Condado) 11.5 Polling Places Beginning March 12, 2002 . Pct. I Calhoun County Library 200 W. Mahan St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 14 Grace Episcopal Church 213 E. Austin St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pet. 2 Old Roosevelt Elementary School 300 S. Alcoa Dr. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 15 Senior Citizens Center S. Guadalupe St. entrance Port Lavaca, Texas Pet. 3 Old Roosevelt Elementary School 300 S. Alcoa Dr. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 16 Bauer Community Center 2300 N. Hwy 35 Port Lavaca, Texas e Pct. 4 Carter Building 2410 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 17 China Inn Rest./Banquet Room 915 N. Hwy 35 Port Lavaca, Texas Pet. 5 Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Office 1064 State Highway 316 Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 18 Point Comfort City Hall 102 Jones St. Point Comfort, Texas Pet. 6 First Baptist Church ofIndianola 617 FM 2760, Magnolia Beach Area Port Lavaca, Texas Pet. 19 Olivia Community Center County Rd. 304 E Olivia, Texas Pct. 7 Jackson Elementary School 1420 Jackson Dr. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 20 Bauer Exhibit Building Co Rd 101, Calhoun County Fairgrounds Port Lavaca, Texas Pet. 8 Calhoun County Courthouse Annex. 201 W. Austin St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 21 Bauer Exhibit Building Co Rd 101, Calhoun County Fairgrounds Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 9 Travis Middle School 705 N. Nueces St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 22 Hatch Bend Country Club 579 Meadowview Ln. Port Lavaca, Texas e Pet. 10 Travis Middle School 705 N. Nueces St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 23 Water Control & Improvement District Office II mi. outside of Port Lavaca on Hwy 35 S Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 11 Salem Lutheran Church 2101 N. Virginia St. Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 24 Seadrift City Hall Main St. & Dallas St. Seadrift, Texas Pct. 12 Knights of Columbus Hall FM 3084 Six Mile Area Port Lavaca, Texas Pct. 25 Port O'Connor Fire Station 6th St. Port 0' Connor , Texas Pct. 13 Tex Sun Const./Garcia Residence 1018 Porter Rd. Port Lavaca, Texas e 1.16 e e e Prescribed by Secretary of Stale SCC!IOr,J 3OQ4. 3.006, 85.004, Texas Election Code Q/20m ORDER OF GENERAL ELECTION (ORDEN DE ELECCION GENERAL) An election is hereby ordered to be held on November 5,2002, in Calhoun County, Texas for the purpose of electing the following county and precinct officers as required by Article XVI, Section 65 of the Texas Constitution. (Par la presente se orden a que se lleve a cabo una eleceion el 5 de noviembre de 2002, ell el COlldado de Calhoun, Texas, eon el proposito de elegir los siguientes oficiales del eondado y del preeillto como requerido por el Articulo XVI, Seeeion 65, de la Constitucion de Texas.) (List Offices) (Enumere los puestos ofieiales) See Attached List Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at: (La votacion adelantada en persona se llevara a eabo de lunes a viernes en:) Calhoun County Courthouse Lobby (location) (sitio) Recommended but not required (date) (feeha) Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran adelantada por correo deberan imviarse a.) Stephanie Smith, Elections Admin. (Name of Early Voting Clerk) (Nombre del Seeretario de la Votacion Adelantada) 211 South Ann St. (Address) (Direecion) Port Lavaca, Texas (City) (Ciudad) 77979 (Zip Code) (Zona Postal) Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: (Las solicitu.des para boletas que se votarim adelantada por Correa deberan recibirse para elfin de las haras de negocio el.) l October 29, 2002 (29 de Octubre, 2002) (date) (feeha) Issued this the :23 (Emitada esle dia .z 3 M,of ~' de bA..u ,2002.) ,2002. ~l~~~LI/ Signature of ounty Judge (Firma del Juez del eondado) 117 Stephanie A. Smith COUli:; T;lections Administrator 211 South Ann St. Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 361-553-4440 fax 361-553-4442 e County Offices Up for Election 2002 District Attorney County Judge Judge, County Court At Law District Clerk County Clerk County Treasurer County Commissioners, Pct. 2 & 4 e Justices of the Peace, Pcts. 1-5 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA - ROOF DAMAGE Charlie Crober, Building Maintenance Supervisor, advised the Court he met with the adjuster to check the roof hail damage from two different hall storms. The first adjuster submltted damages but the second adjuster, Jerry Kuth of Kuth Service Group said there was no damage. Mr. Crober said there is a gradual loss of the roof material. He asked the Court's opinion re9arding contacting Hal Arnold again. Commissioner Floyd dld not want to approve an unseen contract. Mr. Crober had not yet contacted our insurnace company as our carrier hired the adjuster. Commissioner Galvan will work with Mr.Crober regarding the claim. This agenda item was passed. WEST NILE VIRUS PREVENTION - ~EXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FUNDING Dr. Bain Cate, Medical Director of the Crossroads Public Health District, spoke to the Court regarding an applicaiton to the Texas Department of Health for funding concerning West Nile virus prevention. He said this is a separate medical disease control from mosquito conrol. Commissioner Finster said he received calls concerning dead birds. Dr. Cate the birds are probably corning in through the Barge Canal area; a person cannot contract the disease from the birds; would get it from a mosquito that has bitten the bird first. He regarded this as a minor problem. No action was taken by the Court. e 118 SEP, 18,2002 2:34PM VIe. C-C HEALTH '8 NO. 246 P. 2 ~~.:..~~_ J. Sanchez, M.D., M.P.H. ..,u,u",ioner 01 Health Gary R. Bego Chief Operating Officer Charles E. Bell, M.D. Execulive Deputy Commissioner Texas Department of Health 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756-3199 (512) 458-7111 1-888-963-7111 http://www.tdh.state.lx.us TEXAS BOARD OF HEALTH September 13, 2002 MMio It Anzaldua, M.D., Chair George H. McCleskey, Vice-Chair Raymond Hannigan AmanuUah Khan, M.D., Ph.D. Beverly H. RobinsOn, Ph.D., R.N.,c., F.A-A.N. Margo S. Scholin, B5.N., MS., ).D. Dear Local Health Department Director: Tne Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded the Texas Department of Health (TDH) funding to build local capacities and infrastructure for West Nile virus prevention. TDH is allocating these funds to each county through the Local Health Department (LHD) or County Judge in areas not served by a LHD. The formula used to allocate funding to each county provides a base amount of $1,000 plus one cent per capita based on the 2000 United States Census. Counties with small populations and few resources are encouraged, though not required, to establish working relationships with similar countIes to pool their awarded funds in order to maximize the available resources. This money cannot be used for direct mosquito control (Le., spraying or purchase of insecticides), is non-recurring, and must be spent by June 30, 2003. e Counties can use this funding to: . Train local staff to conduct surveillance and plan appropriate control measures based on surveillance results; (Ple3se see the attachment for statutory requirements regarding testing and licensure of pesticide applicators.) . Conduct mosquito surveillance in order to determine where West Nile virus is located in Texas and what species are carrying the virus; and . Inform/educate the public regarding awareness and prevention of west Nile virus infection. -"'-"""'-'- ,--~._, _._.....-.-_.....-~ Please note that this funding is not automatic. To receive these funds, you must complete and submit the attached application to TDH by September 25, 2002. We are also requesting that you complete and submit the attached application form if you are not interested in receiving the funds to participate in West Nile virus prevention activities. Completed forms may be submitted by fax to Suzanne Sparks, TDH Office of Public Health Practice at (512) 458.7407, or by mail to 1100 West 4Sth Street, Austin, Texas 78756. Counties that choose to participate in this project are also requested to designate participating staff as the local point of contact for West Nile virus awareness and prevention activities for their jurisdiction. The information and training received during this project will prepare local staff to serve in this role as well as to assist with planning West Nile virus prevention activities in the future. Currently established mosquito control programs will be asked to submit GPS data on each mosquito pool submission beginning next summer. An eq>m1 emp1cyment Opportunity employ'" e 119 SEP.18.2002 2:35PM VIC. C-C HEALTH DEPT NO. 246 P. 3 Letter to the County Judge September 13, 2002 Page 2 In addition to the initial funding and project activities, you may submit a request for additional funds should they become available for supplemental West Nile virus prevention activities. To request additional funds, please complete page 3 of the attached application form and submit to TDH as instructed above by September 25, 2002. The request should provide a brief description of the proposed additional activities and a breakdown of costs. If additional funding becomes available, TDH will review the request, and, if approved, provide the requested funds. TDH is pleased to support local efforts to build or enhance mosquito surveillance training and activities through these funds. In addition to securing the training and surveillance items specified on the attached application form, TDH is available to provide technical assistance/guidance, additional training regarding surveillance activities. plus laboratory testing at no cost to the local entity. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Rawlings at (512) 458-7228 or Suzanne Sparks at (512) 458-7297. Sincerely, c ! ~ /lll) Charies Eo Bell, MD Executive Deputy Commissioner Enclosures 1Z0 e e e SEP, 18.2002 2:35PM VIC. C-C HEALTH DEPT NO. 246 p, 4 Application for West Nile Virus Surveillance and Public Education Funding Fax (;ompletedform by Friday, September 25,2002 to: Suzanne Sparks, TDH-OPHP, Fax No. (512) 458-7407 Name of Organization e:er Address Name of Contact Person County SetVed City Zip Phone # Fax # Email Address Vendor ID # (if known) Signature ofUID Director or County Judge Date IndiCale below your county's interest in receivingfundsfor Wesl Nile virus awareness and prevention activities by checking [he appropriate line. I wish to receive the funds allocated to this county for West Nile virus awareness and prevCIltion activities. (If yes, cOmplete the table below) I do not wish to receive the funds allocated to this county for West Nile virus awareness and prevention activities. Listed helow is a lisl oflraJningand SW"Yeillance supplies tJuzt may be purchased with thesefunds. Indicate helow whU:h ilems you are in/eresled in purchasing by entering the nwnber of units and total cost for each uem. TDHwill purchase these supplies in bulk and distribute to each county. For additi01llll lafonnat/on Or/. these items, see the altachmen/. The lotal cost may not aceed [he county S funding allOClllion.. For public awareness and altenuJte expenses, please provide all required information. # or Units Total EquiomentlSuoolieslEmenses Unit Cost Requested Cost OSQnito SurveiUanceTraininj!; Materials and Fees blk HeaiJ/z ReJiaed Pest Control (B-son, 7-{)2) Training Manuals - training $40 ea .:aterial used for preparing individuals for the certified pesticide applicator examinatioll- Pesticide Applicator Testing Fees - individuals must pass both a General S110 ea Examination and a Vector Control examination to become a certified pesticide annlicator Applicator's License Fee _ city and/or county employees must be licensed by $125 ea TDH to apply insecticides for mosquito control programs (see attached information regardin2 statutory reouirements) Mosquito Surveillance Equipment and Supplies Mosouito Tran - CDC miniature light tran Sloo ea Moscuito Trap - Gravid traps $100 ea Aspirator _ banery powered suction device used to tranSfer mosquitoes from the S50 ea trap to the shinoing container for mailini! to the !DH LaboratotV Globa1l'ositionino: Unit (Gl'S) - used for toapoin" surveillance sites $350 ea. Travel Funds _ projected amount of travel funds for placing .ad checking NIl\. N/A mosauito tra1>S or attending .. Incidentals _ dry ice, mosquito repellant, batteries, shipping costs needed to N/A NIA suooort surveillance activities Application - Page 1 of 3 e 121 SEP. 18:2002 2:35PM VIC, C-C HEALTH DEPT NO, 246 P. 5 . Application for West Nile Virus Surveillance anI Public Education Funding - continued Name of Organization County SCIVed # of Units Total Equiomen tJSIlDDliesIE:roen5es Unit C05t Reouested Cost Public Health Awareness Campai2II Expenses . Alternative EqllipmentJSupplie5lExpenses (lfyorn coU1lly is ~m"'tl;y participating in mosquito surveiJlimce aJ'd you wou./JJ.like to purcJUl$e alter1Ultive West Nile virus surveilkznce sup . lies. provide the iIem name. unit cost. number of units and total cos/for each aem. on the lines provided below. In addition you must describe below your present mosquito surveillmu:e activities. describes YOIl7 alternazive plan i~ludiJtg pro ose.d activi!ies and time lilies, and explaiJts how the DroDosed Dlan will enhance surveillance activities in the COutlN.) Total Cost Alternate Plan J u5tifieation: 1. Description of c=ent mosquito SUIVeillance activities. 2. Description of alternative mosquito surveillance plan. . .. e 3. Explananon of how proposed plan WIll enhance surveillance actlVltleS In the county. "" ~."""ft~ by _S-,"," "",. sJ~spwb, TDH-OPBP. F=N. (Sm "..,,,, Ape"""'" - i 2 ofl e 122 . SEP, 18, 2002 2:36PM VIC. C-C HEALTH OEPT NO, 246 p, 6 Request for Additional West Nile Surveillance and Public Education Funding If you would like to receive additional funds for West Nile virus surveillance activities should funds become available, you may complete and submit this request form to the TDH Regional Office. If additional funding becomes available, TDH will review the request and, if approved, provide the requested funds. _.me of Organization County Served Street Address City Zip Name ofCOnlael Person Phone # Fax # Email Address Vendor II) # (if known) Signature ofLHD Director or COWlty Judge Dale Identifv the profJosed equipment, supplies or expenses requested in the aDoropriate cateyories lis~ below. # of Units Tot:ll Eo womentlSuoolieslEmeDses Unit Cost Requested Cost Surveillance Training SnppJies/MateriaIs SurveilbnceEawomentorSnpplies . Public Awareness Camoail!n Expenses Other Exoenses (Trave~ contract labor. etc) Total Cost Proposed Plan: (Attach a one-page description a/the proposed plan/or enhancing West Nile virus awareness and prevention activities should additiana1 funding become available. Include proposed activities and time lines. and a brief explanation of why the additional activities are needed in the county. Upon receipt, TDH wi/I review the requestla determine ifrhe plan meets the CDC guidelines for the funds. If additional jimding becomes available. TDH will notify the counties that have requested additional funding regarding the plan 's approval and method of disrributing the additionalfimds.} Fax compleUldform by FridIly, September 25,2002 to: SUVJnne Sparks, TDH-OPHP, Fax No: (SI2) 458-7407 Application - Page 3 00 _ 123 SEP, 18.2002 2:36PM VlC, C-C HEALTH DEPT NO, 246 p, 7 Information Regarding Training and Equipment TRAINING Statutory Language Regarding Certified pesticide Applicators Any employee of a city and/or county that applies any insecticide in a mosquito control program must be licensed by the Texas Department of Health as per the Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, PaIt 1, Chapter 267, Rules for Licensure of Governmentally Employed Noncommercial Pesticide Applicators Involved in Health-Related Pest Control. In the event that state or federal funds are made available for mosquito control, only those programs with certified pesticide applicators would be eligible to receive any such funds. e Training Materials Training material for mosquito surveillance and control slaffis the Texas Cooperative Extension publication, B-SOn. which is entitled ~Publie Health Related Pest Control"'. The examination questions for the certified pesticide applicator examination are taken from this publication. The cost of the manual is $40.00. Pest Control training can be very helpful even if the individual does not choose to take the test and become licensed to apply pesticides pesticide Applicator Testing Fees The individual th81 desires to become a certified pesticide applicator must pass a General examination and a Vector Control examination with a score of 70 or higher on eaeh f"Y~mination. 1DH will recognize General examinations that are given by the Texas Department of Agriculture and the Structural Pest Control Board. The cost for each 1DH examination is 550.00, snd there is a $10.00 application fee (total of$1I0.00). pesticide Applicator Licmse Fee 1DH certified pesticide applicator licenses are $125.00 for the Vector Control category. These licenses exp~ on February 28th of each year. SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENT Mosquito Traps CDC miniature light trap is a portable battery-powered trap. A light source attracts flying mosquitoes from considerable distances and draWl; them into the mouth of the trap. An air currellt created by a small motorized fan then sucks the mosquitoes through the trap's mouth and into a cOllection bag. Gravid traps are ovitraps to which a CDC light trap fan assembly and body or some other type of battery- operated suction device has been attached. When a gravid female mosquito flies into the trap and tries to lay her eggs on the surface of the water there, she is sucked into a collection bag on top of the suction assembly. Gravid traps are particularly useful in sampling Culex quinquefasciatuS popula1ions. ex. quinquefascialus is a known vector of West Nile Virus in Texas. e A successful, comprehensive mosquito surveillance program requires both CDC miniature light traps and gravid traps. Global Positioning Unit (GPS) The GPS is a worldwide r:a.dio-navigation system formed from satellites and their ground stations. GPS receivers take data from this SyStem to calculate physical location with an accuracy of meters. GPS receivers are needed because a narrative description as to where mosquito traps are placed is imprecise and therefore otten difficult to map. With a GPS receiver, determination of the location of the rraps is relatively simple and precise. A GPS unit is highly recommended for use with traps and may also be helpful for other public health activities in the county. Aspirator porrable battery-powered suction device used to transfer adult mosquitoes from mosquito trapS into shipping containers to be sent to 1DH Bureau of LaboI1ltories. GENERAL DISCUSSION - PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY BUILDING AT FAIRGROUNDS Judge Marshall received a request from the Fair Associaton to.pu~ on the next.agenda placement of a temporary bU1ld1ng at the fa1rgrounds for the fair. She als? rece~ved a complaint from the District Jud es concern1ng pr1soners held at the fairgrounds upsettIng Court. They want to house them in another building beside th~ C?urtroom.and asked for $7000 for the portable bU1ld1ng. Ch1ef Deputy Sheriff Daigle expressed concern for the safety of the Court and the public. He said they e 124