2003-09-25 REGULAR SEPTEMBER TERM SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 e THE STATE OJ' TEXAS !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 25'" day of September, A.D., 2003 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the Oty of Port lavaca, said County and state, at 10:00 A.M., a Regular Term of the CommIssioners' Court, within said County and state, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to wit: Mid1aeJ J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan MIchael J. BalaJka Kenneth W. Anster Anita Frid<e County Judge Olmmlssioner Pet. 1 Commissloner Pet. 2 Olmmlssioner Pet. 4 County Oerk Commissioner H. Floyd was absent Thereupon the following proceedings were had: . Olmmlssloner Galvan gave the Invocation and CommJssioner Roster led.the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A Motion was made by Commissioner Salajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the minutes of August 28, 2003 meeting be approved as presented. Commissioners' Galvan, BaIaika, Finster and Judge Pfeifer all Voted In favor. Michael J. Pfeifer County J\Idge Kenneth W. Anster Commissloner Pet. 4 Roger C. Galvan Olmmlssioner Pet. 1 Anlla fricke County Oeri< e MIchaeJ J. Salajka Commissioner Pet. 2 TAKE ArnON TO EXTEND mE AIRPORT MANAGERS CONTRACT AND '111iED'~ ~!:~~~~~~:~~:~~N~~~~~2~~~~1:E~!;u~~D~r:~R 31. 2008: . e Judge Pfeifer addressed the Court that Charlene RawUngs had a 5 year option 011 her contract that she CDuld exercfse with a letter, In which she did. After reading over the CDI1traQ: the J\Idge had a few CDncems, he CDUId not find a copy of liability Insurance and Charlene stated she did have inswanoe. Charlene stated she would fax the Insurance InfonnatiOn to Cody In the AudItors Office. Also, the Judge asked about all the cars that were parked at the airport. Charlene stated that two of the cars belonged to her and that they were being hauled off. The rest of the cars belong to the aJSlomers that fly in on weekends that have homeS In Seadrift and Port O'Connor. Olmmlssioner SaIaJka WOlIId like to see a 30 day limit on cars being kept at the airport. Charlene said she doesnt feel that CDuld be done, these customers leave their cars here at all tlmes, they fly In year around. Commissioner Salajka said some of the cars ~ been parked for two years without being moved. CommIssioner Galvan was concerned with the vehicles being vandalized. Charlene said In all the years she has been there, there has only been one time the vehldes were vandalized. She stated that she would write a letter lD the 0WIleIS of the vehicles and Jet them know they were responslble with no llablllty to the County. Judge Pfeifer would like to see the Airport Advisory Board review the CDntract and have a board recommendation since the board Is acting more or less for the Commissioners' Court as the management of the airport. This Item was passed on and wUl be put back on the agenda. HEAR REPORT FROM AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD: This Item was passed on at this time. .} 115 1- , . ACCEPT RESIGNAllON OF BC)ARD MEMBER FROM AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARO AND MAKE APPOINTl'IENTTO AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD: A Motion was made by Commissioner Salajka and seo>nded by Commissioner Galvan to a=pt the recognition of Captain Nonnan Bouchard as a board member of the AIrport AdvIsory Board. Commlssfoners' Galvan, Salajka, Roster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. vaughn Brown Is representing the Airport AdvIsory Board. The Board Is reaJlTlmendlng Commissioners' Court appoint Gary Pelrf. Gary Pelrf Is U1e owner of the bowling alley here In Port Lavaca. He has been In avfalIon for years and Is IIl!tY adlVe In tIyIng the board has approached Mr. Pelrf and he win aa:ept /he appointment A MolIon was ma,le by Commissioner SalaJka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to appoint Gary Pelrf as a board member of the Airport AdvIsory Board. Commissioners' Galvan, Salajka, Roster and Judge PfeIfer an voted In favor. p........... AND APPROVE THE CONTRAcr FOR THE COUECTION OF DEUNOUENT JUSTICE COURT FINES AND FEES: A Motion was made by Commlssfoner Salajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the contract between Calhoun County, Texas and McCreary, Veselka" Bragg and Allen, P.c. for the Collection of Delinquent Court Roes and Fees'- ~ I by the County and Justice Courts of Calhoun County, Texas. Commissioners' Galvan, SaIaJka, Roster and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. e CONTRACT FOR COLLECrION OF DELINQUENT COURT FINES AND FEES ASSESSED BY THE COUNTY AND JUSTICE COURTS OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ TInS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, TEXAS, acting herein by and through its governing body, hereinafter styled, "County", and McCREARY, VESELKA. BRAGG AND ALLEN, P.C., hereinafter styled "MYRA". e I. The County agrees to employ and does hereby employ MYBA to provide legal services related to the enforcement of the collection of delinquent County and Justice Courts debt and accounts receivable including: tines, f~3, court costS, forfeited bonds, restitution and other amounts in accordance with Article 103.0031, Texas Code ofCriminaI Procedure (''Fines and Fees") pursuant to the telmS and conditions in this contract. n. For purposes of this contract all Fines and Fees shall be referred to MYBA when detennined to be delinquent as provided for in Article 103.0031, Code of Criminal Procedure. At least once each month on a date or dates agreed upon by the parties, the County will provide MVBA with copies of, Or access to, the information and documentation necessary 10 collect the delinquent tines and fees that are subject to this contract The C01mty shall ftnnish the infonnation to MVBA hy electronic transmission or magnetic medium. The County shall be responsible for the receipt of the payment of all tines and fees pursuant to this contract. m. MVBA shall forward all cashier checks or money order payments made payable to the County and any correspondence from defendants directly to the County, Cashier checks or money order payments made payable to MYBA will be deposited into the MVBA Trust Account. MVBA may collect, the amount due from the defendant by credit card. Approximately the 15th day of each month MYBA shall remit to the apptOflliate courts all payments received into the MVBA Trust Account, for the preceding month, along with appIQpriate documentation to facilitate processing of the payments by the courts. MVBA will also send a report listing the paid cases and a statement of the fees due the Finn. e 116 e e e . -...........--..-..- "---~"""_--r~'. IV. MVBA shall indemnify and hold Ibe County harmless from and against all liabilities, losses and/or costs arising from claims for damages, or suits for losses or damages, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, which may arise as a result ofMVBA's performance ofIbe services described in this contract The indemnity provision of this contract shall have no application to any claim or demand which results from Ibe sole negligence or fault of Ibe County, its officers, agents, employees or contractors. And furthermore, in Ibe event of joint and/or shared negligence or fault of Ibe County and MVBA, responsibility and indemnity, if any, shal] be apportioned in accordance wiIb Texas law and wiIbout waiving any defenses of either party, The provisions of this paragraph are intended for Ibe sole benefit of the parties hereto and are not intended to create or grant any right, contractual or oIberwise, to any oIber persons or entities. v. Fines and Fees For Ibe collection of Fines and Fees, Ibe County agrees to pay to MVBA, as compensation for the professional services rendered the following fees: J. For Ibose Fines and Fees imposed against Unadjudicated Offenses that occurred before June ]8, 2003 Ibe effective date of S.B. 782, our fee is twenty percent (20%) ofIbe amount of Fines and Fees collected by Ibe County. 2, For Ibose Fines and Fees imposed against Adjudicated Offenses regardless of Ibe date of Ibe offense, and against Unadjudicated Offenses that occurred on Or after June ] 8, 2003, Ibe effective date of S.B. 782, our fee is thirty percent (30%) of Ibe amount of Ibe Fines and Fees collected by Ibe County, excluding Ibe thirty percent (30%) collection fee provided by Artic]e 103.0031 ofIbe Code of Criminal Procedure. All compensation shaJJ become the property ofMVBA at Ibe time of payment. The County shaJJ pay to MVBA said compensation on a monthly basis by check VI. MVBA reserves the right to return to Ibe appropriate court all accounts not collected within'one (1) year of referral by Ibe County, or identified as being in bankruptcy. Upon return of Ibese accounts, neiIber party will have any obligation to Ibe other party to this contract. vn. The initial term of this contract is two years, beginning on Ibe date this contact is executed by Ibe parties hereto, and shall Ibereafter continue on a monIb.to.monIb basis. EiIber party may, wiIbout cause, terminate this contract at Ibe end of the initial contract t= or Ibereafter by givingIbe oIber party written "Notice of Termination of Contract" at least thirty (30) days prior to Ibe intended termination date. In Ibe event that Ibe County terminates this contract, MVBA shall be entitled to continue its collection activity on all accounts previously referred to MVBA for six (6) months from Ibe date of Contract for the Collection of Fines & Fees - Page 2 of 3 117 ;; receipt of the "Notice ofTennination of Contract" and to payment of its fee, pursuant to Paragraph V. of this contract for all amounts collected on accounts referred to MVBA The County may, but is not required; to refer additional accounts to MVBA after notice of tennination has been received by MVBA At the end of the six (6) month period, all accounts shall be returned to the County by MVBA vm. For purposes of sending notice under the terms of this contract, all notices from the County shall be sent to MVBA by certified United States mail, McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.e., Attention Harvey M. Allen, P. Q. Box 26990, Austin, Texas 78755-0990, or delivered by hand or by courier, and addressed to: 5929 Balcones Drive, Suite 200, Austin, Texas 78731, and all notices to the County shall be sent to the County by certified United States mail to County of Calhoun, Attention: County Judge, 211 S. Ann St. Room 217, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979, or delivered by hand or courier, and addressed to: County Courthouse, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979, IX. This contract is made and is to be interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas. In the event that any provision(s) of this contract shall for any reason be held invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of that provision(s) shall not affect any other provision{s) of this contract, and it shall further be construed as if the invalid or unenforceable provision(s) had never been a part of this contract. x. In consideration of the terms and' compensation herein stated, MVBA hereby accepts said employment and underta!ces performance of said contract as set forth above. The County has authorized by order heretofore passed and duly recorded in its minutes the chief executive officer to execute this contract. This contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, and each counterpart shall be deemed an original for all purposes, Signed facsimiles shall be binding and enforceable. WITNESS the signatures of all parties hereto this, the ~~ day OfS~~"" b<t(" , A.D. 2003. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS McCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALLEN, P.C. iUu ~~ By: d, Michael Pfeifer, Co Jud ' Contract for the Collection of Fines & Fees - Page 3 of 3 l' 118 e e e DISCUSS AND ADOPT RESOLUTION TO IMPOSE ADDmONAl FEE FOR COLLECDON COSTS FOR DELINOUENT COURT FINES AND FEES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 103.0031 OF THE TEXAS CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: A Motion was made by Commissioner BalaJka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to Adopt Il1e Resolution to Impose AddilIonaJ Fee for CoIIecl1on CosIs for DeIlnquent Court Anes and Fees Pursuant to Article 103.0031 of Il1e Texas Code of Oimlnal Procedure. ~ Galvan, BaJajka, Rnster and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. e ~SOLUTION TO IMPOSE ADDmONAL FEE FOR COLLECTION COSTS e WHEREAS, The County of Calhoun pursuant to Article 103.0031, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure has entered into a contract with a private attomey for the provision of collection services for debts and accounts receivable such as fines, fees, restitution, and other debts or costs ordered to be paid by a court serving the County of Calhoun; and, WHEREAS, Article 103.0031, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, authorizes the County of Calhoun Commissioners' Court that contracts with a private attomey for the collection of fees listed above to impose an additional collection fee in the amount of thirty percent on each debt or account receivable that is more than ~ days paSt due and has been referred to the attomey for collection; and, WHEREAS, The County of Calhoun Commissioners' Court has determined that it is in the public interests to insure the prompt payment of delinquent court imposed fines and fees as provided by Article 103.0031, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN THAT: In accordance with Article 103.0031, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, there shall be imposed on all debts and accounts receivable such as fines, fees, restitution, and other debts, or costs, ordered to be paid by a court serving The County of Calhoun that are more than sixty days past due and have been referred to an attorney a collection fee of thirty percent of each debt or account. RESOLVED THIS 2S DAY OF September .2003. .~~ --yyJ.u ~ "'- County Judge , A~o1~ County Clerk ., e 119 AUTHO~I.- HA~_INC. TO MARKET"'HALO-Fl.IGHT$Uk.C:l. "01"1.10N Pl.AN~ THE '''''''''ENTS OF CALHOUN COUNTY PE1lTEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEAlTll GUIDEUNES. RULES AND REGUlAnONS: Randy Rowe, Execulfve Director and Debbie Vk:I<ery, Marketing Director w1lI1 HAl().FJlght, Inc. gave a "._,hou.., on the seIVIces provided by HALO-FIlght, Inc. 10 the near future they wnl be moklng available the HAlO-FlIght SUbscripllon Pn:>lflIIIl to residents In lis 26 county servfoe .reo. Ollhoun County Is Induded In this....... l1Iey"", requestfng that o.."mrs.ro.~. Court give pennfsslon to .,._ /llelrplan In ClI/hoon County. AGaln:IIng to !he T_ o..-,b,~lt of _ guldeIlnes for_pilon plans, HAlO-FlIght needs to obtllln wtftlen outhorllatfon fiom the County Judge In each county In which It Intends to ma_lheIr pion. No action was taken at this Hme. DJSC\JSS AND TAKE N~"RY ACTION ON MATTER OF ElECTION OF APPRAISAL DISTRICT DIRECTORS TO twO-YEAR TERM 2004-2005: 1l1e dlrectors presently serving on the board ore RIchard Barton, J~ Briseno, Jadcson D. Ooss and George Miller and they are willing and eligible to ...... for onother term. Mary Reyes Is olso presently seMng but hos Indicated that she Is not Interested at this tlme In seMng another term. Commissioner Galven nomlnoted Mk:hoeI O1avona an erl!lfneer w1lI1 !low Olemlcals. A MotIon W8S made by Judge _ ond seamded by Commissioner Galven to nominate RIchard Barton, Jesge Brtseno, Jadcson D. Ooss, George Miller and MJc:hael OIlMIna to the Ollhoun County Appmlsal DIstrfct Board of DIrectors. Commissioner.;' Galven, Salajka, FInster and Judge _ an voted In favor. OIANGE TlIE REGUlAR CONMT<:anNERS' COURT MEETING DATE OF TlIE FIRST MEmNG IN OCTOBER 2003. TIlE SECOND MEmNG IN NOVEMBER 2003 AND TIlE SECOND MEETYNG IN DECEMBER 2003 DUE TO CONFUCTS AND HOUDAYS: A MotIon W8S made by Judge PfeIfer and seoonded by Commissioner Galvan to change the OCtober 9, 2003 ..-mg to OCtober 13, 2003, the November 27, 2003 meetlng to November 26, 2003 .nd the December 24, 2003 meetlng to December 29, 2003. Commissioner.;' Galven, Balaj1<a, Rnster and Judge _ all voted In favor. e AlIT1tORIZE COUNTY JlJDGETO ENn:R INTO AN~L MAINTENANCE CONTRACTwmt YERIZON FOR WETCELL POWER PROT COMMUNI nON SY5RM: A MotIon W8S made by Commissioner RIISter ond secxmded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize Judge PreIfer to enter Into an annual maIntenance contr1K:t wft:h VerIzon for Wetcefl Power Prot Communlcatfon System. Commissioners' Galven, BaIoJIco, Rnster ond Judge Pfeifer on voted In favor. . sYstem Agrtement L ac.petlAcre-L Mjoct."_ladlllllllllllionlof tbbA&remlall. Vaba8wilJ.Jlft"'Ylc.e.:.n.r.dlIMrllilKd)'llI"iIl ~'II'idI1lIdI.""""".1I...,.1Chct.6Il.......... inItIItatIan-m-.IlldfCll"IM____~~ coIIt:diwIy..."S".-,..-:rw.IhiIAInanIlIfIllllIl ftanbcrdacnbed . . SIIianaIt olWOIt IIId mr exhitllr.lbcbaI --- . l.ll'Dt~~....onol~~ "'~",lll ....Dc-..U.......IIllI~......_...CordIin IfIellpplbbleqaole....lha~IIId~.ionSerricCI """'.... 1.2 Pftru.' SenIeer Vabanacr-lOpt"""- ---~..........oeltdlAcr_aII._fMhin ..1pp!IcIble~....1beM:lintao.-SerriQl:tEdIibit. AAlIpJIUaIbIo......OCWorted.B:dlll.e...... hc:n::lo_~..........,...oIIhl:IApanaIt. 2. ~aa4P~ 1.1 Pric:lqtbr1llos,s.b".IlflIlGII"'2oltbe~ -....~~dfMt"........................by _.1IIHr -,0lder(J).~1iI~"~ -.tIlippIq.lIID4IiI&' "~"'CId. ....~-................m-.............. cbb~ O'--Ipl!I....lIlIJ'tlIv......... oI.a~....(e.........lIJ_~}..~ ..wa..afcamptio:la..__oC1Ilo~o.of" ~ 4,.~. 12 PfO'IIImII-_wllbfDd6trQtl)..,.oe.-lftoetlw .....rD-DIW').....,,.,..........,......... tWlbl.........,.,...ct.p.a(.u......a(_..._ tdpo::lQlllf:Ct."'lpor--....____.........." .... LatIII,..udlqtl'Wll1"",........1IIIl!dJ'1piaIt1lM _...Vc:rIma..,.~~__..... ~!rI...CftIlII.,.,...._.."-~wilIIiIIlMy (6O)..,.oClbaDaoo.. sa-w~dIIplQ:.-.-t. intoiccd.c.w-r...,.,........,.cbI.oC4III.... f'ompdJlIllCit'fYcrtm.Ilwritlaa:lflbl___oIlbe .....-1beJllftb........ton:dftlbu.".,.... . tlI SocdaI:lIS ot1hk Acr-nt. 13., n....,.,............1of1111i1A.-sWIk paid.____oe1llit~ ne~_.....paldta .....*lbItamoftil&dlaa,.1IIlIlaIlldcrwltespecifilld iua.-atClC'WM.. . 3. Tu.....T........1WI~....dlCdfftllJ oId11...tiat_..........~iDftdI___ dIli:ct..a~..-a.lIIicIIItd:IApl2ad. J.I: .~party...,...........~.....,,, 'IIIilIIII..-e.....__.1be........,..,.(1)-*rialIJ......1hII .Acn-;at..(a},.............,...tbirtr(3O)~. . IbBowIai:wrtlIIr:DllllCicD~(II}Ir-*tnadI-* .' .-...tIIrlle~....._...._Ib....ctllilltlI_... ......_.JIIll:lbWe......,...........-..,.(9O)a,. . .........wrIllIIIII1IOda.:OOc...-.......ai!lillllc-"'ct. 'lriD&I......h.___wilIIthe.....~O:(lhI pmb;...(1II}"--...._....-...... ena..r--._......,........dIiIc:tI. .......tbr..'-*fJ/~ la.....vam. ......UIb......,.......8crI:dD8"11.ClIIrIIomIrslll[ll pl'lIIIpdJ,.,.~tbr1llD".._.,.mris~1lp. . ' ......eC~ ."__o.:..-.~... ~~"'~daI!I_.... ... 12. Eldwpllt)'..,.........~........ol wen. ................,,(0).,................ ......,.,..~ .....~........f/C ...,....... Pqetof4 r WOltil......t.yc....-.,...-"..Socdan,. VcrImn shIlIUNllO~~__..~fII"~ orWodi:lIIllc:.c-shaltplOrllpdyp.,-Vcriauc . 3~1. forlllequipmcnrtlldlel'Yllapn:oritWllpllilthed_ oC1I:nIIln1llaft; .3.2.2. fbfapmsel~1lplDlha_oClI:naInldon, inchIdin&batflOtllmllltdk...-.cllIlnalooadnl ~onIa1.,mrwmdf/C~_~ eanIncluIIobliptianlllllllDbyVcnm.,,_ils obUptiont.lll'Idc(lIIiI~fII'~of WOlt,pIus.~teeof~plnlmt {2S%)orlheOCliqortheeqaipmlureturned.. \ 3.3. WlmlIIIU/tlphISlltenlbttsorWort:are--=illterlwidlthis ~lIlIlamIinItioaoConeorlea"'IlIf/C"StIIaD.msor WOlt,.-acm/yIfl'etcIlll~s:c.r-.a(W1IlIt. The Ianlinin&S~orWodi:sIWI.__.dfo::t. . 3.4. v.m.-a.riPttoJUSpCDlf~....this ~...StIlaIaltCl(Wotkl(.VaiJ.al'I""'~ =~-'}udicialacdaa"'od.:rapplic8bfclqal 1.5 V~lWIn'I:IItlMrl&btto~nIIlI____ ~prior"''''--'''byP"'ri6l'~"fIriaIen notlcIol.....d.Jpp&rtDlIletM:llCillmlll.-..e'- W. ........" .....~.Ibo......Gt..__.II:nn. -.ridoooIIaoIdIIb.Il'braMI---..ottia....--.. ~... . ].6 T.......fIllhil~...._RBn.....plftyof 1tI........~t&-.,......alI.....iIII............. ~G:pI'IIdyCIII....~prioror~lO... ~....lDdaIiacwllboltllalltMbl......~ ~.JlroIKtplOpdctay-t~~. "" ~0nIcr. n.pda~~.o..b...-'. "JlIIId-.....alberlimkdoc:amr:ar:1a...Cllllaaln:iaamad ~.".-.~__If~.,V<<brJe.1bo: laaII"'ocw!iIiaaswillllml_dl'ectClltis~.... .'~IIllI~.......,we.fbon:aDdor_ 5..,l.catIaOpd& Ifc..--..to......"....,. porb""'lII.aepIfIIl8~danIaP.lIIinI~ -""~~""VcdzIla.~aalp1hc rIcbb...aWIp1iDa1....1bkA...-"..t-.....,. -...~lOiDae.~onkll&...~lIo ,Verima.1I1. ~ .-*~~.~ .........il&bt1D_~Vcitzua..I~~1IIis ~_IhID__~IIr~~ ~CIbIJpdanI...tblt~iIIdD6lc"..,.... Ml e e '- RbkfltJ...Jtvm-ilRll:tlllo3ystall..r:i!tdbs.......,.,>> ...s,-,......~ClIIddiwryollllls,..(.mdiIl( ptlItioIIIlIMIeof).~.", IrV_____iasIIIIflo ~~of_or-.tlI..~~~~ paaoes...ddlftryto1tMeanier. .,. "'n&:..s.ee.u,-Inn:It.UIII;IIM~""-'''''''''' . ~......V__.~-r...,....,.,.iialba "*"....._...~--.,.",....,... ~.......--~Iby.......Vcrima.Ipedal. ..a r &..--~...dIe,...vlClllllClDlc...~ "--*- Upon &11II ,.,--.lidadllll.....c.a-... V..-..........--,.baat. ~_pdOt" . OlIIftJ..,.Gllw......illIIIIlJ.__........pcnail . 'pbceaalf/C.llaIoa.1Ilo""'aIca"'IIlIiI~"paid ,Veriloa.~IllrIlldl~ . t.' ~ w.....JlI'O"idcd"Jrt~......",..is '*'-'''~''''''''S-,..........,...e- ~.""""'~'lridlwIIkl....e-. pIOriW.,c...o.crllllJ'lII~.___......__ ......-.~"'Iba___............. - E'SC1G14I 120 e e e System Agreement ., 9. Customer Responsibilities.. Customa will: 9.1. Allow Verizon lICCCS5 fer inst&l1ation., inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of Ihc System aad pcrfonnancc of any requireda.ctivity. 9.2. Provide slIitable building facilities for the System in accordance with local codes, including but not limited to dUd!ng, conduie. structural borings, ClC. for cable and COfIductors in floors, ceilings and walls; elcettical service with suitable tcnninals and power surge protection devices; and metallic grounds with SUffwknl $Iac~ in the equipment room, insWJcd in confonnity with the National Electrical Code and local codes. 9.3. Provide nec.c:ssary heating. cooling. humidity and dust control as required by manufacturu specifications. 9.4. Remove existing cquipll'lCllt orcable that intederes with System inst&llatioo. 9.5. Identify and disclose to Verizoo coocealed equipment, wiring or conditions that: might be affected by or might affect the instaUation or the System. CustomershaU defend and hold VerizDn h4nnJcss from any claim, damage or liabiJity rcsutting from . failure to disclose this infoanation. 9.6. ALlthorizeVcrizon.at.Customa'Scxpcnse,lOmakcsuvice requests upOn third parties fur S)'Stcm intcrconnectioa rcquU-cmCllts, incJ.uding obtaining telepbooc.service for.ta:tiag wileR n<<es.sary. 9.7. Dc::signatetrasbdcposjtpointscacac.btIooronwfUcb.thc Sy~tcm)sd~h~ installed wbae,Yerizoo ~'plaoe w.ste for ri:nloval. byCusto&iiCi. . _._ . . 9.8. CoopewcwithVcrizoq'srcqucst:sfucassistanccintestingOl ind-..n.l"iron 9.9. Be resPonsmlc for providing adcquatc back-up ofdstaand for _....10....... "IUii>m= 9.10. -rftbcSystQa.istQ..-be~lOtbcpublicDCtwod; Cu.tome.-u>Oidy..............._imp_... m.int.-n.W".. ofsccurity fcatun:s b- ~ agaio,sc: vnawborizcd Ioog ""'-oaIling. Cu.lomet;,>Oidy_id><.-Oflong d~ 1olI........-....-dwi<s""""'"1lwOgh 'UScoftbcS}'Stcm, '9.11.. lrnn>M;"tclynotifyVcritoqafll1yanticipalcddclayin . bui!diogawilabilityoriDabilitylo_aay,of1hcaboveUskd n:quirancnts. . .," : 10. Ch.a.qcsWAddi~llSto8)'5tcm. .... .~~- "'>i"" ., ., 10.1 Customa-mayonk<oddiliooaJ"""""""'''''''''''''''andI", m,,;.,t_...-sctviccs~to.1Yri:ttc:aj."'-'A...- 0Ist0mcr purchase order or similar documeut. aod iuc.b oidCr shill 'be governed by lfUs ^"- Dlcludmc_1imDlioo Scaioo...... """ _lfUs_' , 10.2 ~shalla!sohavetbcri3bt.bywrittcnllOtioc,to pn;pooc olW>gcs;" "'S~"""'lfUs_.....,. S_orwookra.-"""""'J. andVorizoa """ oomplylo the cacnt it dccmr feas:ib1c aMI R:ISOII:IbIe. IfVcrizoa. dctamines tha1 stid1 ~ CIlJ:Sc 111 ii1aeasc ordecmase in the cost"Of Of time ~uircdfor~ VcrizoosbaUadvisc:Customc-aadsuc:h adjustDJcntsshaU be n:tlcc:tai iu .. 1rI'ittea Cwace Order. Sbould Vcrimo. cncountQ'". in iastalliag the S}'Stcm. any conccalc:d Of unknown ~ DOtexpn:::sslysc:tforthia the applicable: S~ of Wort, which c:oaditiQQ atfcas the price Q( scl1cdule far installation of the System" d1c price- md/w tbt sc:bc:duIc shaU be equitably adjusted by Change Orela- 10 cover aU costs. including Out. DO( limited to labor. cquipmc:m. DWc:riaIs -.d tools DeC:I:$Saly to cmy out the -... ' " ....... "10.) NoChangcOrdcrshallboo:omcc1f.cdiveasapan'ofdW: ,-and1hclppliabl<~ OCWodc, and......." "' 1hcS"....."""'bc~_1bca.....,O'''''u......"y &greed upocr in writing. Vcrizoq Sba1I DOt be obligated to CClaSida 01 accept any Oangc Order aha n::sult:s in . dccJase of more than twc:otypctCCllt{2.O-;')in\bc\ot.llpriocOf&bcS)'nan. Vcrimtmay alsoPmPosecbangc:sinor~toIbcS)'StCm.md~Proc;ccd wilh """ a...g<s..... "'-'oa by a........ and Vuima of. - a.."g. Onla. Rev. 10129102 Page2of4 ~--",~_._.,~-------- 11. Wan-uty. Vc:rizonwatrantstbatitwillpc:rfonnaUscMcc:s ha'cunQcr- in a good IIId WOItmarUikc 1naD&cr. Untc:ss otherwise set forth in an Exhibit, all manut'acturcrT wmamic:s for cqu.ipmcnt, ~dcd bereundc:r are))aSsed through 10 Customer me! \\'Vranty c.iauns shall be Prc:scntcd bycustomcr dircctlylo thcll'WlUlaaurct. THE WARRANT!EsSET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENr ARE IN UEU OF ALL OTHER W ARRANTIEsFROM VERIZON, UNlESS OTHERWISE STATED IN AN EXHIBIT. OTHERWISE VERlZON DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIEs, EXPRESs OR IMPUED. INCLUDING. Bur NOT UMITEo TO, IMPUED W ARRANnES OF MERCHANTABIUTY AND FmIESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOsE, ANY W c\RRANry OF NON- INFRlNOEMENr, ANY WARRANTIEs ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAOE OR TRADE PRACnCE OR ANY WARRANTY THAT THE SERVICEs OR NEnvORK TIUoNSPORT WILL BE UNIl<l1'ERR1JPTED OR ERROR FREE VERlZON SHALL NOT BE LlABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED ACCEss TO VERlZON'S OR CUSTOMER'S TRANsMIssION FACIUI'lEs OR PREMIsES EQlJlPMENJ' OR FOR UNAUIllORIZED ACCESs TO OR ALTERATION, 1llEFr OR DESThucnON OF CUSTOMER's DATAP1LES.I'ROGRAMs. PROCEDuREs OR INFORMATION THROUOII ACClIleNf.' FRAUOlJLENT MEANS OR DEVICEs, OR ANY 0lHER ME1JlOD. VERIZON MAKEs NO WARRANTY FOR USJ;OF THE SYS'IEM AS A COMPoNENT IN IJFE SUPl'ORTDE\iJcrs OR SYS'IEM.s OR Wl11I !lESPEC!' TO THEPEilFORMA>ja; OF ANY SOFTWARE 0lU1RMWARE. Y' 12. LilnitatioaoCLiahWty. INNO EVENT WlLLEl'lHERPAllTI" BE UABLE TO THE OTHERPARTY FOR SPEClAI.lNDlRECT. INClDENTA4 EXEMPLARY. OR CONsEQlJEN1W. ,. DAMAGES. WilElHERARlSING IN CONnw:r. TORT ' . {INCLUDING APARTY'S NEauGENCE) OR 0IllERWJSE. ' INCLUDING wmrotn' LIMITATION DAMAGEs ARISING FROM DELAY. LOSS OF GClODWlLL, LOSSOFOR IhIMAGE TO DATA. LOSTPROms (ACTUAL OR>INIlCIPA1m1 UNA VAILAB1InY OF AU. ORPART OF 1lIESYS'IEM, OR OTHER GOMMERCrAL OR ECoNOMIC LOss, EVEN-IF SUO< PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISEI>OF THE POSslBIl.ITy OF SUO! DAMAGES. EXcEFTwrfHRESPEC!' TO THE INDEMNIFICAnoN OBUGAnoNS SErour IN SECIIQN 1311EREOF. VERlZON'S ENTIRE LlAB1I11Y FOR ANY DAMAGE WHlClMAY ARISE ' 11ERElINDER, FORANY CAlJSE WHA'I'SOEVER,AND RWA1UlLESs OI'THE FORM OF ACllON, WllEIHERIN CONlRAcr OR INTORT, INCLUDING VERIZal'S NEauGE2lCE, OR OTHERWJSE. S1IAIJ. BE LBmEDTO THE PURaiASE PRIO! OF THE'EQUIPMENT OR SEKVJa3S GIVING RISE 'TO THE Cl.AIM. VERIZON S1IAIJ.IlEARNO UABIUTY FOR USE OF !;QU!PMENJ'ORSl!RVICES PROVIOED UNDER 1liIS AliREEME><T IN CX>NNECIlON . wrm lJFESUPPORT SYS'IEM.s OR DEVICEs. IN ADDITION. VERIZON S1IAIJ.l/A VENQ LlABIUTY OR RESl'ONSIBIL1TY FOR INTERoPERABIUTY OR COMPA"l'IBIllTY0F11lIl ' SYSTEM,wrm THIlU).pA!OYPROOUCrs ORSYSlEMS THAT =maMAY 1l11LIzE IN CONllJNCDON Wl11I THE SYS'IEM OR TO WHlCll CUSTOMER MAY COIlNECT , THE SYSTEM. . , 13. i:od~Di1icatio.. 13.' ,Vorizoa will dcCood, ~ "'" hold 1wmI= "'-net .......""'''''''''.... -"'''''''''''"''"(''Ooim'~"", cquipmcDt ia the Con.; supplied toOzstamcr iufriagcs. Y<Ilid U.s. patcatOl'copYright" aDCtVcrima&gn::cS to pay all ra:soaabIclitiption and SdtIc:mcm c:o.sIs Idd .aomc:y-s fees iDairn:d by Customer ill COClAc:C.:tioa 1ritb aay sucb Claim.. Itthc use oltbc cquipmcat. is enjoined or tbn:atmod by . Oaia:t as dcsaibcd Ibcm; VaizoD may, at '" _w__lOra........Iben,;,tIo...Ibe, cquiPm=.or ~-P""-t. Rpboc1becquipacatOftdcvant ESC#014& -"'-- , '. ~ ". 121 System Agreement component with an equivalent, non-infiinSin& equipment or relevant c:ocnponent, or modify the equipment or relent'll component so that it bec::omes non--infringing. In the cw:nt thai none of the forqoint options is available. Verizon will ranove the o:(Uipmen.t and tdUnd the purchase price less depreciation for such \Ce. Depreciation shall be calculated Os) a straight-line basis, assuming a useful life of five (5) years. Veriton shall have no obligation for any costs, fees. or expenses incurred by Customer without Verizon's prior written oonsent. with respeCt to any Claim arising OUt OfMmusic on hold" or similar service, or for any indirect, special, CXJnSCQUCntial or inc:idental damages uising-out of any a.im. Verlzon', indemnifK:ation obligation will not apply unless Customer (1) lives written notice to Verlzon within fifteen (IS) days ofreoeiptofserviee o(anysuch aaim. and shall inform vcrizon in writing of any subsequent communications . regardingsame,-(2) fully cooperates with Vcriron in the defcnsc of the Claim. and (3) in a timely fashion provides Vf::rizon with information and aaimmce in.&fendmg !he.Claim._ Vt:ri:zDn shall have sole control of the defense of the Claim and of all negotiations for its settlc:mcnt or compromise.. This indemnity shall not apply to Ill)' Oaim. or portion . tberco(. thlllrises ftom any negtipt or wilIfi.d act or omission by or atb'ibac:ablc to Customer. use or opention ofQae System ill combirtation 1'rith m:ateritlJ,.dm orprogmnminK ofCustomc:ror odIcrs.lnY addfdon to or moditieadon oftbc System. <<me ofothcr than 1ho cum::Qt ana1tcmI release of lIlY software used in the System.. Tbc forqoing..statc the entirtoblipdon ofVc:rimn 10 CUstomer. and ""!" -is ~.j J -.ole and c:xchI!riw tanedy. with respccttD my Claim of lufi.h...~ofanyintdloctllBlpropc:rtyridltofllJ)'tind._ Vcrima disdAims all od!e<........,;., and cbll...... willi_to III)' sudI C1tims. 132 Eodlpartywill defend, indannlt\' "'d hold _ \he od1crparty.Indi1s~___I.,......, _ fiomllld apimtlll)'daim,..... _proc:ccdiIl&orising outofbodDyi<\jury. _ordamo&oto _'bIe..-trlotbc_ proximaIItly cmsed by the oegtiFDCC or will1.id -miscoDdad. of the ~party.itscmp&o,.:es.~h.-.A....orsupplimin ~".jlCCtiClD. with d:te i"'"fo.___.... oflm'ices oortbc u..-lbu.izb::I disdosurc: or use of my Confidential InfonmDon. UDder Uris .............. 101. eoaftdoo1kn.,.. Eodlportytolbis,,-sbaIIk=p ~ and....... capyor_ dOa:dyor iDdim:dy, to III)' 1birdplllt)'ayCollfidentialLdh.....diu....lSefinedilldtis Agrccmeat. oCthc odIerparty~1be priarwritlal c:onsad. ofa .duIy,_omcerofsudlporty.AI1C<oafi__OIl must'" identified in ~. Confl....... hOO.u..itiuu. Ifdisclosed cnIly. iWM.....-tiuu shaD DOt beconsidc:ft.d ('~I hdh.wdtiv.l tmk:ss it is mfaced to writinc or. 'frIit:k:D summary 'WicfUn b (10) ~ofd"oscIasuro. EachpartyshallaselbeOlalidcntW_OIl solely in ClOIat......tiv.~ widt 1I:d$ Azreement. 'JJ1 Cordidmtial ln1llnnotlon ofdlbetporty_ bclnd_....... Ibc..-trof l"OCh !'8rtY,,--~ party sheD ddiYa'to1be other partyupm. Written _all Confidcntial_of\UCl1od1crporty1bcn1ai1s possesslonor~ d"a'CCtIyoriad"a'CCtIy.Ia__ ftmoy bc(mcIudin&_Iim_JaIlll'Clic'_~ EachportyWlt _all-,.Ind...........-.by__''' otbcrwisc. withttscmp~consultmts 1bd.'''1'''_,bd:iyw to satisfY its oblipdonS hc:reunda-wilb n:spectto ~.~lty. non- disc:losureandlimitatimof\JSeofc.oimdmti.llnt"ormatioa. &:h party's obligations hereunder-with"rcspec:tto c:onfidc:ntWjcy, non- cflSClosufe Iftd limi'ti:timofuseofConfiderltialfnfonill1joaofthe od1crpartysbal1__to_~otln'Jlbirdporty tbal is in ib possession. . ElICh party"1 obfiptions bcreoDdcr wi1h respoc:ttoc:on1idcntia1ity. non-dUdosa:n: nlinribtionofmeof Confidc:rttiaI LdL.....di...Jl m.n sarvi\oc lor. periodofone (I) year .ttc:rtaminationOftbis~ Fcrpurposesoflbisprorision.a third party sb8IJ. not include m artity 'Wftidl= a need 10 bow the . CoafidcntialI1d'....~~ 1IDlI-~ owns,. is owned by, or under common ownership with a party to 1Ids~. IU ........lalbis__,......cilbctporty..... asin& or cfisc:Iosing.,. Contidcntiallal'onrIIdion .,. _ hocomc- .~_to....pobtk;od1cr..............1II)' imprnp<< , _of_porty. or....."bc.......... by"". Rev.IOI29/ll2 Page 3 of4 e 14.2 For purposes oftbis Agreement, the term '"Confidential Infonnation" shall include, withoullimitation, all trade secrets of a party and all other information and material that relates or refers to the plllJls, pol~es, finances, <:orpotBte developments, prodUcts, pricing, sales,servtces,procedures, iJrt:nl..c.o1llOtatetrans:actions,suppliers, prospects Irtd CIISlomers of a party, as well as financial information ~Ia~ing to such ~~Ii~, pros~ and ~tomcrs, and any other SImilar confidenualrty l~fonnatlOn and ~aterial which such party does not make perall}' avaliable to the pubhc. By way of illustnltion but not limitation, Confidential Information includes all computer ' software (including object code and SOurce code), computer software and data &tie technologies, systems, structtJres and architectures and the processes, formulae., compositioM} improvements, inventio~ discoveries. concepts.. ideas, designs, methods and infotmation ' developed. acquimt, owned, produced. orpracticed at any time by a party, and all non..pubUc information (e;lating to the business of such ".ny. 15. Disputes. Each party shalt submit in writing to the other all disputes and claims Ilrisin<< under lfIis,Agrccmeat. Within fi~.(5) days of. receiptofmchnocicc.thcparticswil1makcrasonableeffonstomeet e to_resotvc.such daims. _If sacb resolution cannot be achieved within said flYe (S) day pcriolf,'1fle-disptrtc will bc't:SCal8Uldto. four (4) ....borpoad composod oC....(2) """"""'"' fiom '"'" of the parties. N.kastCDC.qI.-...lb.liwc.-fiorn:eacb.partysludlbcofsenioc: ~leYdmdsh:allbfte1hCsutborityto.entr:rinto.lll ,;~ .......-=>IvIag...~.cWm"'d_...bjoctlOthe "I'l'I"YOI mlheJlll1Y's Ieg.J dopoatmmtrrhoanl ot damm, if" ' neces:sary. ihe'''1''-<,bai,ocssbaD meetfornomon::than two (2) days mlndfortlo negaCiatcasddcmentoflbcdisputeorclaim, UDIcss then:: is UD8rlirnous~~alClltmsbtofthenegoWding - period. ln1beeYCDttbc:~'-1".......ubdiwC:SJl'CanabletDrcacb aresolution PIisfaclI>yto...."""'te.d_ot....nego<iatioai-ls._ IbccWmsballbcftSOlotodbybindiogld>ilndioa_to... . Conanm;iaI Albitnlioq RnIcs orthc Amcricm AmtndioliAssociation. Each party shaU pay its own costs .IIld fees:, The.mitnltion shalt be held in a mutuaRy agn:od to Ioeatioo.,-IIDd shaD be final and binding on .....porties. Any"""'ot~jurisofi""'moy""" ~on myawaid.. Thepartiesexpresslya:ffinntfut, iD eJecting biDdi:n.g abitndioalS 1bc mcas of resolving disputes ari:sin& out of Ibis AgJ=Jeat, Ibcyhm: _ the righuo _..t;cfla III)' other filnlm. iacludIacby..._toalrial byjOlywilb _to those dispala. Aporty.........ldidlirdaims__lbis ,_byfillaocivil_.......ot""""lymcwilb....d_ .. rc:sohrtioa. proccdarc. set fonhill tIIis lCdioa-sban be liableto the acberpatfyforcostsandlftl:lrDc:yS" fcestoabtaia.aSCl:yoftbecml - _actioQ,itsclismisSal,oran..ordcrcompeUmg.mit:ndion. 16. Hulrdoas Sabst:lllc:ts..1!xcqJt lS.diseloscd to md ac:Jcnawkdged in 1Witing by.verima..Qzstomer.czrtifier tftII: it.is noI.nme of1bc preseac:c of any asbc:stos cw o<<ber hazardous subst8noc (as defined by any BJlpIic:ablestlle. f"edenl Or JocaI_ha:r:mdcm~ or environmc:ntaIlaworreg1iJation)1ItWiy'toi:::atioa:wbere Verizon is to porlilna __ lbk A-. If dmIag sud1 perfonnantC V'"""'_loy=or_...........,lII)'such"""""""c:o.rome.- agrcestotlb::atlnr:cessary_sfIepS. atitsO'Wll c:x:paISC. 'toremon: OT COIltJin the asbestos or other bamdoos substance and to tl:St the premises to ensure1h:.tcxposme doct not ~ ttJe lowest exposutt . limit fordle proIUlidn of'Wl:Whrs. veriZmi amy suspend puf;).,..__1IDdct1bis ~ 1IrItJl the n:moval or_coutIinment hosbcoa~lnd~ by the """"""*..,...._.bJ agency andVeri2rlIt. Ptd(lf!Dl:ftOC9bligationsanderttm Azttcment. shaIlbc_tlr....dday.......by__ormaovaL Customer"s fiu1ure to remove or contain hm2rdous substances shalt cntidcVcrima to1amiltltethisAgrtementwilllootfbrtbc:r&.biIity. in whidt ~Ca$tomershat1 jlmnit VerizDn toJaftOfe anyeqtripment 1batbasnatbectacc:qttcd. shaD reimbursc:.V~ for_expeasc:s incuned iapgfi.,,~tftis~ untillJ::nlliDldion(ada<fmg expenses of rarlO'ridg equipment). .IIld sbaIl c:ompIeU: payment for ..,.portioaotlbc_....""'bcoa~ 11. F~1'-&jftrre. Neichc:rpmyslz:l1JbCJisbkfOr.nydelayorfatlure ill paformanc:e UDder this Apeanent arisinz oat of ads or erarts , bc)'oncl its rascmbleconbal. iac:fuding batDCJl1imitc:d toms of God, -.__m..ftood,e><p1os1on.riot._-of.... ESC#0148 b~ 122 e ;::,ystem Agreement Govcmmcnt in its sovco:ign capacity, labor dispute$, unavai1alKl.ity of equipment or parts from vendors, or changes laIucsted by~. The affc.a.ed party, upon giV'in. prompt notic;c to the other party, shall be cxCUSQj from such ped"ortlWK:e on . daY*<Iay basis to the extent of such interference (Uld the ocher party shalllikcwisc be ~ from its performance). provided lhat 1he p.Ilty so aifccced shall use reasonable effortS to remove $Uch causes of tIOllperforinanc.c and both parties shall proceed whenever such causes ~ ~ovcd or cease. If performance of either party is prcvcnrcd or delayed by circumstaQ~ as described in this section fot more than ninety (90) days, e.ilber pany may terminate this Au=ncnt Notwithstanding the fOlcgoinc, Customer $hall not be relieved oEits obligation t() make any paymenl$, including any fate p&ymcnt charges as provided in Section 2.1. above, that arc due to Vc:rizon hercuuder. IS. Assignmellt. Neither party may. without the prior written coasent of the other puty, assignor IrWfer its rights or obligations undcrthis Agrumc:nt; consent sball not be lInrasonably withheld Of dcbyed. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Verimn may. upon written DOtice to Customer, usign this A&recmcnr: to my atfiliatcd entity, or-to. SUCCc:SSor entity upon lhcmcrgcr, ~ consolicbtioaorsale ofallocSuhstantiaHYallofVcrizou'sassct5. ForPwposc:softhis Sc:ction, "atIilWc" sbaU melD . pmon or entity that din:ctiy or ~ycontrolsoris controUcd byorisUlldcrcomrnoo.c:oarrot with Vcrizoa. Anyattempttoauignthis~iDCGI2IRvc:aOOao( this Section shall be void IUd of DO force and ctfcr:t. e 19. Govc.rail1&Law. This~.slWlbcgo\'(:rDcdbytbc substanti:vc laws oflbc Stare ofDdawan:. wilbout tqard to Is dwicc oflaw princ;pJcs :ZOo SeY~biJity., No provision o(tbis A&r=nc:at which may bc1lcdaraf invalid orjudgedlObc ill vioIatiooofloc:al. state. arfi:dcralsDtutcs: shall <:ausc the entin: ~ to become DUll &a4 wid. ADysuc.b provisioD shall bci<Icc:mcQ.omiUcd aod 1be n:maiDdCt of.tbc'1~ '-~sbaUcoatiuuciDctli:ctasif1bcA&rcca:acathad:bc:ca. ._ entered.info without the invaLid' provision. e 2I~ "NOAgUlcy. Neiuier~basthcrightorautborityto.m:hballnOt, assume: or aQtc any obligabQQ of my 11atuR ~oq,I;IchaI,fOf the olhapartyorbiDdlbcodlC(party inanyICSpCCt~ Each party~~~~~" Each~sbaI1bc' """""ililefur~_.uJ."""""d""""" incIud;ng,but""'/imil<dto_'-......Of1obot.~ conditions. worb:ts'ft"U7!p l=oa. paymectofwages., andpll)'lDCDC ofblXcs&SSO<:iatedwdhit1~uodcr1bis~.&cb - shaIJ m.Iemnify. hold lwmIes. ood dcfau! "'" alba""" my liabilities, oJ.i=.loa<. "'" dooug" (mdudiog """- """"'" "'" _leaUomcys' f=) ,","",outofils liliIun: to ~Iy_ "'" sucl1laws, rulc:s orregulatioas. 22. Publicity. Except as ~uired by Jaw, the Panics:shall keep this ~contidcntiaim:isbal.lDOtdise1oscthisAgn::c:mc:atorany ofits tams. witbouttbeotbc:rpmy'swrittcD.c:oosc:nt Ncitbcrplllty shall use any tradtmaR:. hdc IWQc, tIadc dn:ss or Illy IWDC,. pidun: or logo whith is commooly identified with the other party ell' its .tffiIi.atcs. oc from which any associatioo with such party or its ~ may be infcmd Of impljc:d, iD. my DI&WJcr, iacludiug but DOt limitedload~ing.Salcs~prc$Sn:1easesorocbcnrisc, wilhoutthcpn.,..wrillm__of__. 23. Notices. AnynotiCCtobcprovjdcdbycitbcr-partytothcodxrUDda "'" A8=mcnt shaIJ bo d<<m<d to have """ """""" _ if..... dciivucd, mailed by c:atific:d mail Idum ~ rcq~ XIllby facsimilcorbyovanigbtc:oaricr. IftoVcrizal.DOticcssbouidbc sent 10 Vcrizon Natioaa.I Comract~. 700 HiddcuRidgc, MQ/JQW=.Iroag, 7X75<l38....ifto""""'=to.......... specified OIl tbc: c:ovu-sba:t. Eacb party, by IlIOCic:c: provided '- hcrc:in,may~lbcaddrcs:sIOVtbicbits~cC:sareto_bca:ut. Rev. 10129102 Page4of4 24. LilllitatiODOCActicua. A party may bring DOactioaordcaaandfor .o.. ,arbitration arisincoucoCl!Us ~ more tba:I two (2) )'Cars alter the cause of actioca his a;aucd. lbc parties waive the rigtu to inVOke ~)::different limirItionon the bringing.oCactioos undcrstarc law. lS. NOD-Waiver. EithCr party's failure to enforce any of the provisions ofthi$ Ageement, oracrcise lUly right or option hC:rCUndcr is not a waiver of any such provi3:ion, right or OJ1tioa and shall DOt affect the va1idityofthi$~t. ~_ 26. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any Statement of Wort bc:reunder aad any Exhibit hereto. constitutes the entire 19rcc:ment between the parties perta.i~i(1g to the subject InllUcr herein and supercedcs all prior or:a1 and wriaen PropoAIs, ~ and memoranda with It:SJlCC$-lbercto, and no ~ Warnntics., &gn:cmc:nts or covenants., c:<prcss or implied, of any kind or ~ wbatsoevu with re&pect to such subja;t matter have been IlIadc by eitbc:r paa:ytotheocber. accpt as ~Ysctfo.th in this ~ lnlbcCVCalOf&con1lictbetweenthis~a Statement ofWodcQC'aa Exhibit, this lwcanentshall Jl"taiI. This Agrecmcm may not be changed or waiVed c:xccpt by .. written " dooom.et !hat ~ si&kd by both ponies ',- ESC #0148 . 123 ACCEPT AND ENTER INTO MINUTES ORDER FROM DISTRICT JUDGES SETTING SALARIES OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR AND ASSISTANTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004: The Order was aa:epted and entered Into the minutes. e ::::: STATE OF TEXAS rr IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COUNTY OF CALHOUN, CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS w J;:lliKEAS, On August 22, 2003 at a public heari,ng held for the purpose of setting the salaries of the, County , Auditor and Assistants for fiscal year 2004, and fOr the purpose of approving the number of assistants for the Auditor" s Office for fiscal year 2004; and WHEREAS, the following base salary amounts were approved for fiscal year 2004 at the close of the public hearing: County Auditor M.-.ximum Salary allowed in Accordance With Local Government Code Section 152.032 but not to exceed an increase of3%. Assistant Auditor (Chief Auditor) $36,100, (Increase of 5.00%) Assistant Auditor $27,788 (Increase of 3.10%) Assistant Auditor $27,788 (Increase of 5.00%) e FURTHER. any fiscal year 2004 salary ioCl'CaSes (after consideration of the increases included above)'and longevity approved by Commissioners' Court for County Officials and Employees 3Ie approved for thc County Auditor and Assistant Auditors in like pe!"'..ent and amount and upgrades or reclassifications of job grades and/or cluste:rs approved by Commissioner:;' Court fOr other COlmty Employees are approved fOr such like and similar jobs for assistant auditors and the filling of vacant positions and those becoming vacant arc approved at the rates and levels consistent with personnel policie-..nd guidelines adopted by Commissioners' Court for other County Employees. We., the undersigned, being a majority of the District Judges of Calhoun County, Texas do hereby ratify the approval action 00 August 22.. 2003 !:y the District Jo:;ges at the clO<Sl> of the public hearing held for the purpose of setting salaries and approving the number of assistants for the County Auditor's Office for fiscal year 2004. Udlf~ &... """""J."':' J.-.=- 0_--..k.', ' ~er~~dge, and Wth Judicial District e 124 e e e ACCEPT AND EItTER INTO MINUTES ORDER FROM DISTRICT JUDGES SETTING AND '" AllOCATING THE "'AI ARY OF THE OFFIaAL ALTERNATE COURT REPORT'ER OF THE ~ . 135"'. AND 267'" JUDlaAL DISTRICTS. THE OFFlaAL COURT REPORT'ER OF THE 24 JUDICIAl DISTRICT. THE OFRCIAI COURT REPORTER OF THE 135'" JUDlaAl DISTRICT. AJIID THE OFFlaAl COURT REPORT'ER OF THE 267'" JUDICIAl DISTRICT, The Order was aa:epted and entered into the minutes. On this the ORDER ,;(J..f. day of August, 2003, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Alternate Court Reporter of the 24th" l35th and 267th Judicial District for the calendar year 2004, and the salary is hereby set at $56,511.13 for the year 2004, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: COUN'J'V PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13.40 7,572.49 DeWitt ' 13.00 7,346.45 Goliad 4.50 2,543.00 Jackson 9.50 5,366.56 Refugio 5.00 2,625.55 Victoria '54.60 30.655.06 100.00 5.6,5U.13 This action was taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government .... Signed this \Jot. $,*, ,~. Stephen Williams, Judge 15th Judicial District Court ~~~ Robert C. Cheshire, Judge Court 377th Judicial District 90urt ~' 125 I On this the ;<J..J. o R D E R day of August. 2003, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the 24th Judicial District for the calendar year 2004, and the salary is hereby set at $56,511.13 for the year 2004, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District accordin9 to the 2000 Census as follows: COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13 .40 7.572.49 DeWitt 13 .00 7,346.45 Goliad 4.50 2,543.00 Jackson 9.50 5,368.56 Refugio 5.00 2.825.55 Victoria 54.60 30,855.08 100.00 56,511.13 This action ~as taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government Code. Signed this the J)..L of August, 2003. ~ ..\. $'1-,,'''''' IS3 SEP 1I -' 2003 ~MIu~~&7 -.......""-"""'f',~ '- ~ :. a........ '\\~J~ e " e e 126 - - On thls the .JJJ o R D E R day of August, 2003, came on to be conside,ed setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the 135th Judicial District for the calendar year 2004. and the salary is hereby set at $56,511.13 for the year 2004, and in addition. the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial District in proportion to the population of the Judicial, District according to the 2000 Census as follows: e COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13 .40 7,572.49 DeWitt 13.00 7,346.45 Go1iad 4.50 2,543.00 Jackson 9.50 5,368.56 Refugio 5.00 2,825.55 Victoria 54.60 30,855.08 100.00 56,5:tl.13 e This action was taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government Code. ..P ..2.02. of August, 2003. Signed this the ~In'n.....!!l!. . " ~"""""-<>'- u.l.s'+,~c. IR~ SEP 9 2003 ";1..~~~i8 -ClSl(,_~,~, ~ : a.-.. '"d I' ~ tephen Williams, Judge th Judicial District Court 127 e On this the ,)2 .Jl o R D E R day of August, 2003, came on to be considered setting and allocating the salary of the Official Court Reporter of the 267th Judicial District for the calendar year 2004, and the salary is hereby set at $56,511.13 for the year 2004, and in addition, the Official Court Reporter shall receive any longevity compensation to which she is entitled and is hereby allocated to the counties comprising the Judicial e District in proportion to the population of the Judicial District according to the 2000 Census as follows: COUNTY PERCENT AMOUNT Calhoun 13 .40 7,572.49 DeWitt 13.00 7,346.45 Goliad 4.50 2,543.00 Jackson 9.50 5,368.56 Refugio 5.00 2,825.55 Victoria 54.60 30.855.08 100.00 56,51L13 This action was taken at a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of Section 152.905 of the Local Government Code. Signed this the -ZZ.JlOf e August, 2003. ~ ..\.$'+ "'1" IS ~ SEP 9 - 2003 "./,,7$ __.. 2.&'\ ,...--- -CISlIr,CAlIIlIlIIClllIlIY,_ ~ ~ 0-. ""~ /~ J:~ fd{tiz^ Skipp Koetter. Judge 267th Judicial District Court ..t ~ '. ~, 128 e e e !:',t, : ANNUAL ROAD REPORT FROM PRECINCTS AND ENTER INTO MINUTES: This item was passed on. DEClARE CERTAIN ITEMS OF COUNTY PROPERTY AS SURPL\lS/SAlVAGE: A Motion Was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the following hospital equipment surplUS/salvage, 3 ea. Tremetrfc:s Audio Modules Model #77642-0111 and 1 ea. TXR Six Way Float Top Table System RadIoIogy equipment. CommIssloners' Galvan, Balajka, Roster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. - MEMORIAL, MEDICAL eCENTER 815 N. VUginia Street 'Port lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-ti713 MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner's Court From: Phillip Aguilar Director of Materials Management Subject: Surplus Equipment The Hospital would like to surplus the following equipment. 1) 3 ea TremetricsAudio Modules Model # 77642-0111 2) 1 ea TXR Six Way Float Top Table System Radiology Equipment L: 129 ."-:.- . l-lo C.j o "" ..,.~... FIXED ASSET INVENTORY REPORT DEPT. NO. 710 DEPT. NAME: FLOOD PLAIN ADMINISTRATION ACQUlREB UESCRIPnOft 01~Jan.59 FILE CABINET 01.Jaf).80 FILE CABINETS (2) 01-J8n-80 CHAIRS (2) 01.Jal'l-80 C,A.B1NET 01.J311-80 PENCIL SHARPENER 01.Jan-80 CABINET 01-J311-80 COAT RACK 01-Jan.BO BOOKSHELF *' 1:1-)3n-92 TYPEWRITER -- 08.Jutl-92 SOFTWARE 31-0ec-97 CARPET 31-0ec-97 COOtER 14-Sep-98 FILE CABINET Thursday. febcuary 06, 2003 e DESCIIlPflUH DETAil INVHD SERIAL # METAL,4 DRAWERS 589-0024 4.DRAWER, LEGAL 589-0003 ARM,METAl,PADDED 569-0001 STORAGE, METAL WI 5 $HEL YES, 589-0021 LOCK PANASONrC ElECTRIC 589-0020 STORAGE, METAl WI lOCK 589-oo05 METAL 589-0019 METAL, 2 SHELVES 58g.00D7 IBM WHEELWRITER 15 SERIES II 589-0022 --------- Q&A',O 569-0023 FOR OFFICE 58g.0027 WJ\TER 5B9-QO'2.6 FOR MAPS 589-0028 131654 678J-1IAT447 e COST 559.95 $249,84 5207,22 $79.95 520.00 $276_'2 524.47 $126_17 5771.W $351.00 S782.25 $'19,95 $519,63 ~~- --{-D-t,; OJ&~~ Page ~ 012 - I e e e e AUTHORI2E COUNTY AUDITOR TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TWO (2\ CHEVROLET AMBUlANCE CHASSIS FOR ('.AI H~!N COUNTY EMS. BIDS TO BE OPENED ON OCTOBER 16. 2003 AND AWARDED ON OCToBER 23. 2003: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and 5eCOI1ded by Commlssioner Galvan to authorize the ' County AudiIDr to advertise for bids for two (2) Chevrolet Ambulance 01assIs for Calhoun County EMS, said bids to be opened on October 16, 2003 and awarded on October 23, 2003. Commissloners' Galvan, Balajka, Roster and Judge Pfel(er aU voted In favor. . Code CC4C042 50U ENGINE LRW VCB GVWR CP7 EMISSION Calhoun County (2) 2004 Chevrolet CC4500 2004 Specifications Description 2004 Chevrolet CC4500 Regular Cab Olympic White VORTEC 8100 V8 325 HP SHIP THRU CODE TO MONROE TRUCK EQUPMENT (FOR AiR RIDE SUSPENSION) FACTORY AIR RIDE SUSPENSION SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID 16,000 LBS CAPACITY GCVWR limited to 24,000 Ib (Requires FR5 6250 Ibs front axle) , FE9 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS AIR COMPRESSOR K16 ELECTRIC, SELF CONTAINED 12V AIR CLEANER K45 AIR CLEANER, HEA W DUTY . , -1 - 131 AL TERNA TOR KG4 AD244, 150 AMP MAXIMUM SA TTERY TNN DUAL,700 C:CA, DELPHI HEAVY DUTY FREEDOM BS 31-700 EXHAUST SYSTEM NB5 SINGLE HORIZONTAL PASSENGER SIDE MOUNTED POWER TAKE OFF NB5 OPTION PTO NOT REQUIRED TRANSMISSION M74 AUTOMATIC, ALLISON 1000 SERIES FRONT AXLE FR5 6250 LBS - 1- beam Wide - Trac FRONT SUSPENSION FK6 7000 LBS CAPACITY WITH STABILIZER FRONT WHEEL , Q91 19.5 X 6.0 STEEL DISC 8 HOLE. - 2. ~.- ~' . :. e e e 132 e FRONT TIRE XTN 225170R19.5fF- 7280 LBS FRONT TIRE BRAND R4A GOODYEAR FRONT TIRE TREAD R3C PREMIUM HIGHWAY e SINGLE SPEED REAR AXLE GL4 SINGLE SPEED 11,000 LBS CAPACITY AXLE RA TIO 006 4.63 REAR SUSPENSION GR3 MULTI LEAF 11,000 CAPACITY REAR STABILIZER BAR GN1 REAR STABILIZER BAR REAR TIRE e YTN 225/70R19F GOODYEAR 13,660 LBS CAPACITY, - 3- 133 . e REAR TIRE BRAND S4A GOODYEAR 22S170R19.SF 13660LBS CAPACITY REAR TIRE TREAD S3C PREMIUM HIGHWAY SPARE WHEEL e SNF FRONT M,A,TCH SPARE TIRE ZTN 22S170R19.5F SPARE TIRE TREAD PS3 FRONT MATCH WHEEL BASE FNW, 176" WITH '108" CA and 177.7" FUEL TANK N23 SINGLE, 40 GALLON FUEL CAPACITY e BUMPER V46 FRONT, CHROMED STEEL THICKNESS 5/32" -4. 134 e CAB/HOOD EQUIPMENT GFO DELUX FRONT APPEARANCE PACKAGE EJ5 HYSTEC STYLE CAB TO FRAME MOUNTS WINDOWS A28 REAR FULL WIDTH SLIDING WINDOWS OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR e DB6 ELECTRIC REMOTE LIGHTED HEATED 102" WIDE LOAD INTEGRAL ARM INTEGRAL CONVEX MIRROR INSIDE CAB MIRROR TEMP AND COMPASS PAINT ZY1 SOLID PAINT (WHITE) INTERIOR TRIM 691 VERY DARK PEWTER SEA T TRIM _V VINYL SEAT TRIM e - 5- ,. [:;-=- 135 , i, e DRIVER CONVENIENCE' PACKAG Z02 DRIVER CONVENIENCE PACKAGE (power door locks. power windows) Z03 DRIVER CONVENIENCE PACKAGE (includes N33 tilt wheel and K34 cruise control MICELLANEOUS CAB EQUIPMENT e AUO REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY (4 KEYS AND REMOTES) C95 INTERIOR ROOF LAMP N33 TILT-WHEEL ADJUSTABLE STEERING K34 CRUISE CONTROL D7E BEHIND SEAT STORAGE CONTAINER E89 INTERIOR BACK TRIM PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONING ceo AIR CONDITIONING DRIVERS SEA T e AQT FRONT WITH AIR SUSPENSION HIGH BACK MANUAL LUMBAR PASSNGER SEA T AQR FRONT AIR SUSPENSION MANUAL LUMBAR - 6- .;\',' .' 136 e AIRBAGS AJ3 DRIVERS SIDE ONLY RADIO U1C DELCO AM - FM STEREO RADIO/CD EXTENDED WARRANTY e GMPP 6 YEAR (0) ZERO DEDUCTIBLE, 100,000 MILE, MULTI DRIVER DELIVERY DA TE Delivery shall be taken as soon after January 1, 2004 as possible. TRADE IN (2) 1998 3500 HD CHEVROLET CHASSIS. CHASSIS WILL BE RELEASED FOR TRADE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF DELIVERY OF NEW CHASSIS. DETERMINATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF TRADE OFFER REST WITH COMMISSIONERS COURT. NOTE: CHASSIS MAY BE VIEWED AT THE EMS STATION 216 E. MAHAN STREET, PORT LA V ACA. TEXAS. CONTACT HENRY BARBER 361-552-1140 FOR APPOINTMENT AND QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE BID SPECIFICATIONS. e - 7. 137 ~ AUJlfO/l17Il COUNTY AUDITOR 10 ADVER,,,,,,, FOR BIDS FOR ONE (11 CHEVROlEt UTIUTY VEHl"" FOR CALHOUN COUNTY EMS. ~ 10 BE OPENED ON OCTOBER 16. 2003 AND AWARDED ON OCTOBER 23. 2003: A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize the County Audftor to adYerlfse for bids for one (1) 01evr01et UtIlity Vehlde for Calhoun County EMS, saId bids to be opened on october 16, 2003 and awarded on October 23, 2003. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajlca, Rnster and Judge pfeifer a1l1lOted In favor. e CALHOUN COUNTY (1) SPECIFICATIONS UTILITY VEmCLE 2004 MODEL Deserhrtlon BODY, LlFTGATE WITH LIFTGLASS, REAR DOOR SYSTEM ,includes rear.window wiperlwasher PKG REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER SUSPENSION PACKAGE, PREMIUM SMOOTH RIDE GYWR, 7000 Ibs. (3175 kg) 2WD WHEEL BASE : 130" EMISSIONS. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ENGINE, 5300 V8 TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC ,electronically controlled with overdrive and tow/haul mode DIFFERENTIAL NO LOCKING REAR DlFFERENTIAL AXLE REAR AXLE, 3.73 RATIO AlC FRONT AND REAR WITH FRONT AND REAR CONTROLS e INSIDE MIRROR COMPASS AND TEMP OUTSIDE MIRROR BLACK CAMPER STYLE POWER ADJUSTABLE AND POWER EXTENDED FOG LAMPS ELECTRIC LOCKS I FACTORY KEYLESS (:1) I!Xtra ktryS and remotes FUlL SIZE SPARE ANTILOCK BRAKING SYSTEM 4 WHEELS STABILTRAK SYSTEM RECOVERY HOOKS FACTORY SIDE STEPS UNDER DOORS REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER ELECTRIC MIRROR'S TILT STEERING WHEEL ELECTRIC WINDOWSILOCKS ALTERNATOR 145 AMP e .1- 138 . e FINDER FLARES FRONT AND REAR (WHITE TO MATCH PAINT) OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITH GARAGE DOOR PANEL DOOR SIDE BODY MOLDING (WHITE) SOUND SYSTEM AMlFM CD PLAYER. TIRES TIRES, P26SnOR16, ALL.SEASON TOURING, BLACK WALL & Full Size spare WHEELS BRIGHT MACHINED ALUMINUM WHEEL 16 INCH e SEATS SEATS, FRONT CUSTOM CLOTH RECLINING BUCKETS, includes adjustable head restraints, inboard armrests, 6-way power adjustable driver seat, floor console and rear storage pockets SEATS, MIDDLE CUSTOM CLOTH 60/40 SPLIT-FOLDING BENCH ,3. passenger with center armrest and rear passenger easy entry PAINT PAINT, SOLID WHITE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS AIR BAGS, SIDE-IMPACT, DRIVER AND RIGHT FRONT PASSENGER TRAILERlNG EQUIPMENT, HEA YY.DUTY ,includes trailer hitch platform, 7.lead wiring connector and adapter COOLING, EXTERNAL TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER, AUXILIARY, INC heavy-duty air.to-oit EOUIPMENT OPTIONS PROVISION FOR CAB ROOF.MOUNTED LAMP Instrument panel mounted switch and wiring to the roof of the cab for body up-fitter to install and connect a cab roof mounted warning or emergency lamp. 21 Amp nominal rating. BATTERY. SINGLE 770 CCA, Provides a 770 CCA HD cranking battery e .2- [ 139 EXTENDED WARRANTY GMPP 6 YEAR (0) ZERO DEDUCTIBLE, 100,000 MILE, MULTI DRIVER DEUVERYDATE Delivery shall be taken as soon after January 1, 2004 as possible. TRADE IN 1994 CAPRICE. DETERMINATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF TRADE OFFER REST WITH COMMISSIONERS COURT. NOTE: 1994 CAPRICE MAY BE VIEWED AT THE EMS STATION 216 E. MAHAN STREET, PORT LAVACA, TEXAS. CONTACT HENRY BARBER 361-552-1140 FOR APPOINTMENT AND QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE BID SPECIFICATIONS. .3- . . e e e 140 e '. e e CALHOUN COUNTV, TEXAS U.po,Jlcd Bl.ldgc( Trus.ctkmr . REVENU6 ADJUSTME!NTS FOR 9t25103 8U011 (. BUDOET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 912SIOJ F.." ElTective !ii f~ i i I ~ ...~> <>>de 0"" FIlt1dTIllc TruUc:t1011Dc:seriptiOR OcpI7iik OtTilie ,..,,"" Ooercasc iJ~ 1000 ,nsnoo) OENER.A,L FUND TREAS. KePT '14092 REVENUE MISCElLANEOUS 11.00 ~J~j .l (POSTAGB REJMB.) . RBVENtJE.GEN oovr -- i~~ 8 ~ TOIlI GENeRAl. fUND 71.00 0.00 ~U <: [i ~p.i 1000 f&,~ h.~ i:l r -- ~ 16~ II RqlOt'tTotal 71.00 0,00 U i:lf ill! II ,'Wi K~ ij~ I&'[ '[ U m ~l ~ iI , I~~ ilf h'~ ...g,... fl [{~i t~t ~h 'f' I @t, f1 1'&' (II Ifl Ii &' ~'< 5' e: [fi .~~! r p.~' If . 10 Ji~ 0( ~ J::' j;j l-lo ~ DM:Jm,'CI1 M:J7:cU,W ....' l-lo CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS .. Unpolfcd Budget Trannaiou - EXJ'lEHD..ADJUSThIENJ'S fOR 9125103 BU0311 - BUDQBT ADJUSTMeNfS POll91:l5lO3 ~ ---_.....__.._....~_..__. .---..--..-..-.-.--.-------..-"-..-. .~,; F\lnd 'Elrcetlvo ~ Code 0... Fund Titlc TrDasac-tlon Dl:$C:riptlon [)epl Titlo GL Tille Inc._ D=wo 91:l5l20G3 GENERAL PUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ElClENSION SERVICE MIlALA1l.OWA!lCE 68_00 m IGOO 1000 91:l5l20G) GI!NERALPUND REQUIREDBYPAYROU. ElClENSION SERVICE COMPITlERSUnUF.S 68.00 ~ 1000 9I:lSl:l(0) GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER HISTORICAL COMMISSION COALrTlON OF COUlmES 2)1,00 (PO'27)S9 FOR 2 DOORS) EXPENSES 100G 9125/2003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSfER HISTORICAL COMMISSION L1GHTHOUSB 416.00 ---------.-....- (P0I/11JS9 FOR' DOORS) MAINTI!NANCB 100G 9/15/100) OENERALFUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER HJSTORlCAL COMMISSION TRA VELour OP COUN'N 138,00 ~ (POOl)S9 FOR 2 DOORS) lGoo 911.Y2{J()3 GENERAL fUND REQUIRED BY PA YR01.L BVlLDrNO MAINTENANCE TEMPORARY 678.00 1000 9/1512003 OENERALFUND REQUIRED BY FA YROU. BUlLDINQ MAINTENANCe OVER11MH 61'-00 ~ IGOO 911512003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED B VPA YROLL JAlLOPERATIONS MBALAUOWANCE 13,00 -~_._-_..._._..,_.- IGOO 91251200) GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER JAlLOPI!-R.\TIONS GeNERAL OFflCE SUl'fl1ES ii.OO ~ 1000 9/251200J GENERAL FUND LINB ITEM TRANSFER JAil OPERA lIONS MISCELLANEOUS B.OO (GOO oi1512003 GENERAL AlN"D LINe ITEM TRANSFER JAlL OPERATIONS PRlSONER LODGINO-OUT lJ,60J.OC> OFCOWTY 0 P ,000 9/2'12003 ' Ot!NBRAL PUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYTAXCO~R TEMPORAR.Y 1,000.00 1000 . 9125i?OO3 GENERALFUNO UNE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TAX COllECTOR 1ltAIN~'O REGISTRATION 300.00 ~ FEESfTRA va... 1000 '1151200~ GENERAL FUND ' UNE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TAX COlLECTOR TRAVELOUTOFCOUN'TY 100.00 q 1000 91251200) GENERAL FUND tINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TREASU.RER l.OOAL NOTICES 67.00 !ij 1000 Ol1Sl2003 GENERAL fUND LINE ITEM TRANSfER COUNTY TR.EASURER POSTAGE 67.00 W 1000 912512003 GENERAL PUNp UNB ITEM TRANSFER COMMISSIONEkS COURT l.EOALSERVlCES 995.00 !!l 1000 9/2512003 GENERAL FUND L1NE ITEM. TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT PATHQlDOlSTFEES 99.5.00 1000 9/251200J QENERALFUNO REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY CLERK TEMPORARY 149.00 IJI 1000 9/25/2003 GENERAL FUND RE-QUlRED BV PAYROLL COUWTY CLERK OVER. TIME 149.00 l:l 1000 9/25/2003 GENERAL FUND LIN'E ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE MACHINERY l.OO In OPERA TIONS-SEADRlFT PAR TS.lSUPl'L1ES 1000 912:512003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE. SUPPUBS!OPERATING 6S.00 .. OPERA TlONS-SEADRIFT EXPENSES 1000 9/1S120G3 GENERAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER AMDULAJ\'CH SERVICES 76.00 OPERA TIONS...sEADRIfoT 1000 .I2S12OG) OENERALFUND AS NEEDED FOR PAYROLL EMER06NCY MEDICAl EMERGENCY MEDICAL 12,523,QO SBRVICES TECHNICIAN INTEIlloIEDIA T 1000 9/1.sI2C>03 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED FOR PA YROLl, EMERGBNCY MEDICAL UCENSED PARAMEDIC 25,12J.00 SHRvICES 1000 9/25/1003 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED FOR P ^ YROLL EMERGENCY MEDICAL PARAMEDIC 25.72l.oo ~ER VICES 1000 9125/2(J(J3 GENERAL fUND AS NEEDED FOR f'A YROll .eMER<JENCY MEDICAL OVERTIME 12,523.00 . SERVICES )-lo 1000 912,5I200J GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER WASTEMANAGEMS-NT BUJLDnm REPAIRS 26,00 :0 1000 912SI20DJ GENEtlALFUND llNE ITEM TRANSFBR WASTE MANAGEMENT MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 26.00 1\l \-!;:;la REPAIRS (~ ~:\ltl)"'B)QIl;U<+Op~( e e hi': I e ~ e e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ".:Il Unposled Budget TranudioM' EXPEND.ADJUSTMBNTS FOR 9t'2S103 BUOJ II . BUDGer ADJUSTh1ENTS FOR 9/2$103 ~ ..; Fund En~,jve Cod, D.~ FllndT[(le TT1lnsai:llon Description DepITitle .OLTltlt 1nCI~ Docrease. ffi 1,376.00 m 1000 9/25/2003 GENERAL FUND LrNElITSM TRANSFER COUNTY COUR T-A T.LA W ADULT AS8IGNED.A TIORNEV FEES III .000 9/lS/2003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUN1Y COURT-AT-lAW LEGALSERVICES-CXJURT 1,594.00 3: APPOfNTED 1000 912512003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-LAW MAauNE MAnrrENANCE 218.00 1000 912'1100] GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-I.:AW POSTAGE 120.00 1000 912:512003 GENERAL FUND LINEITE~fT~FER COUNTY COUR T-A T -LAW TRAlNlNO-REOISTRATION 120.00 :;J FEES 100. 912S12001 GENERAL FUNO UNE ITEM TAANSFER DISTRICT COURT ADULT 3,444.00 Ili ASSfONED-A TI'ORNEV FEES ~ 1000 9nSI200J GENERAL FUND UNE rrEM" TRANSFER DISTRJCT COURT ADULT ASSIGNBD..oTHER 57.00 LITIOATION EXPENSES 1000 4)/2.5/2001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT COURT LEO",".L SEa vrCES-COURT ),$tll.00 APPOINTED 1000 912.51200:1 GENERAL FUND UNE lTEM TRANSFER JlNEN1LECOtJRT IlNENILE 125.00 ~ ASsrGNEO-AlTORNEY FEES 1000 912$/2001. GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUVCNIL8COURT LEGALSERVICES..cOUtlT 12.5.00 ~ APpOrNTeD ;",;i}.l1iRAl OffiCE SUPPUES J99.00 ~ 1000 9/2S/2(J(JJ GENeRAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DlSTR.lCT A TIORNEY d 1000 912S12003 GENERAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATIORNEY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 5G,OO AJ 1000 W2512001 OENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATI'ORNEY GENERAL OfflCE SUI'PUES 203.00 IX 1000 9I'2S12<OJ GENERAL FUND TREAS. RCPT.I<40S12 DISTRICT ATfORNEY I'QS'TAOE 71.00 (POSTAGE RElMB.) 1000 9/2512003 GENERALFtnm UNE ITEM TRANSFER OJSTRJCT ATTORNE.Y TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES 50.(10 ~ IClOO 9/251200:.1 GENERAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER D1STfUCT ATTORNEY BOOKS.UW 203.00 IClOO 912:5/2003 GENERAL FUND lm'E ITEM TRANSfER OISTRICT ATfORNBY DooKS-LA \V 199.00 8i 'ClOO, 912.st200J OENERAL FOOD REQUIRED BY PAYROU ROAD AND OVhI\T1ME 314.(10 BRJDOE-PRECfNCT ~l I- \00. 912112003 GENERAL fUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND SOCIo\LSECVRJJY 24.1)(} BRlOOE-PRBCfNCT ~ I 1000 9/1512003 GENERAL FUND REQUIREDBYfAYROLL ROAD AND Rl!TJREMENT 30.00 DRlDOE-PREClNCT II 1000 912512003 GENERAL FUND REQU1l<.ED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND WORKMBNS 59,0. BRIDGE.PREClNCT NI OOMPENSAOON 1000 91251200J OENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND FEIl6RAIA>TA TE 1.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT. II UNEMPLOYMENT 100. 912512003 GENE1W..F1JND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MAC1ILNERY lO5.00 BRlDGB-PRECINCT '\ PARlSISUPPUBS 1000 9!lll2.03 GBNERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD "BRIDGE 'UPPUBS l.3n.OO ~ BRlOOIJ.l'IIECINCT#I :u 100. 912512003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD" BRIDGE SUPPUES 12.045.00 W .(;lo BRJDGE--PRECINCT .. C,j DB'lU~0C5'26;4'f'W r"" CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS .-.,. UnpolUld BudSd Ttansacllons. ~PEND.ADJUSTMENTS foa 9n~J BUO] I I . BUIlGET ADJU$TM1!N1S FOR 9125/03 ~ -------.----.------------------- ----------------- ~ .. FIond ~cll\lc Old. Do" PundTItl. Tl"llluc.lfon Oe$cripllon Dcpl TIlle GL nUe mercue Doo..... ~ 1000 912S1200l GENERAl FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD ol BRlDOE SUPPLIES 13,500,00 m BRIDOI!-PRECII-ICT NI ill 1000 9125/100] GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LUMBER 1,000.00 BRlDOI!-PRECIKCT '1 3: 1000 9tJ.S/lOOJ GENERAl FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND PIP!! 6.000.00 _.._nu_.__ .um m __ _.______ BRlOOI!-PRECJNCT '1 - - ------- 1000 912S1200l GENERltLfUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SIGNS 3.500.00 ~ BRlOO"PRECn.'eT II 1000 91l5/'lOOl GENBRAl FUNO UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TOOLS 1.000.00 3: BRJOOE-'PJiCJNCT~l 0 1000 9/lSl200l GENeRAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND lNSECTlClDESlPESTlClDES 3.000.00 ~ -..------.- BJUOOI!-PREcn-K:T "1 0 1000 9J1S12OOJ GENERAL. FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLtI!S.MISCELLANEOUS 376.0D ~ BRJDGE.'RECIh.'CT 41 1000 912512003 GENERAL. FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GARBAGe U],OO ~ DRJDQB-PRECINCT'I CQLL.MAGNQLlA BEACH 1000 911512003 _GENERAL FUND " . UHE ITEM TRANSftiR- ." ROAD AND MACHINERY AND t2.045-,01) )> DRIOOE-PRECJN'CT III EQUlPMENT El 1000 9/15nOOJ GENERAL. FUl\'D REQUIRED BVPAVROlL ROAD AND TEMI'ORARY J.OOO.OI) ~ -l DRIlXiE-PRECINCT '4 0 :>J 1000 " 9I2SnOO) GENERALPUND REQUIRED BY PAYROU. ROAD AND SOC1A.L SECURITY 230.01) W 8RJDGE-I'RECINCT '4 m 1000 912Sno03 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLl. ROAD AND RETIREMENT 283.00 8RIDOE.PREClNCT ... In 1000 912512003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND WORKMENS 564.00 l!l BRIDGE-PRECINCT ,.. COMPENSAnoN In 1000 9nsnOIJ) GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll ROAD AND FEDERAUSTATB 9,00 BRJOOfHRECINCT ... UNEMPLOYMENT ~ 1000 ~/llI200) GENERAL. fUND UNc ITEM lRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD &. BRIDGE-SUPPLIES 5.:!tS.OO BRlDOE.PRECINCT I. 1000 912SnOOJ GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD &, BRIOOE SUPPLIES 500.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT AI4 1000 9/2SnOO3 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND JANITOR SUPPLIES SOO.OO BRlDOE.PRECINCT /101 1000 912.5l2ooJ GENERAL fUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LEGALSERYICES SOO.OC) BRIDGE.PRECINCT#4 1000 9nS/'.l-OOJ GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND REPAIRS.PORT"O'CONNOR 791}.OO BRlDGB-PRECINCT #4 PIER 1000 911.512003 GENBRAl fUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER TO FIRE SERVICES 8.00 f-lo ^M~ULANCeOP~EADruwT PROTECnON-SEADRIFf :u ~ 1000 9Il51200l GBNERAl FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER NUlSANCE ORDINANCE AlITO AL.W\VANCES 69.00 ~ ~ ENFORCEMENT Dd,..,,"'1liOJ06:Ui;UPM e e 1',.,..) e . - -- -- --~ - - - e , e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposled Budget TntnSlctiolU. EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9125103 ,.--y BUD]11 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/25103 'l' ..-.>>,. ~ F,nd em:etivc IV Cod, v... FUnd Tille TTWTUcliooDes<<ipt1()n DeplTillc Ot Tille Incltase Oe<<easc fil m 1000 912512001 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER NUISANCE ORDlNANCE POSTAGE 24,00 ENFORCEME>IT '-l 1000 912SnoOJ GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSfER NUISANCEORDIN'ANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES 45.00 1) ~ ENFORCEMENT 1000 9f2S1200J GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll SHERIFf OVERTIME 387.00 1000 9n5l200J OENERAL.fUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERlFF MAOUNEI\ V 35.00 PARTSlSUPPUES ~ 1000 9/2512003 OENER....L FUND LINE. ITEM. ~NSFER SHeRifF LAW ENFORCEMENT 9.873.00 SUPPLIES '000 9/251200) OENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF OASOl..lNfJOlUDIESEUGR.... 217.00 ~ 1000 912S1200J GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFllR SHERIFF SUPPUES-MISC'EllANEOUS 316.00 '000 9flSl200J GENERAL FUND LlNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF UNrK>RMS 102.00 .,1000 9/2112003 OENERAL FUND UNE I'ffiM TRANSFER SHERlFF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 458.00 1000 9/2512003 OENERAL fUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHERJFF COPIER RENTALS 330.00 S 1000 9/2512003 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF MISCELLANEOUS 1J6.00 1000 9125/100J GENERAL FUND ONE ITEM TRANSFER SHEIUFF Tl\AlNlNOTRAVBLOlJT OF 1,5<48.00 COUNTY }> 1000 912512003 GBNERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER SHEJUFf TRAVEL 14.00 Ei ~ RElMBURSEMENT-DEPvn,.. --l S3 Total GENERAL FUND 94,\16.00 94,04$.00 ~ 1000 ReporITotIl 94,J16.oo 94,045.00 W ~ I> ~ .~ C.11 o.le: I12J,lOJot~':4ot.. :0 U1 ...', , e FROM CALHDl.N CO. AUDITOR 361 553 <161 <1 P.6 9-23-= 6,' 7PM t~%1~~~~~~::;~lD::M"NT~.EN:,f:T:.,;"".,~.':,.,f,.i,',:,~,.',;,'.,~",'.~~,:,\:,:,:,..'f,:,;,:,',,:,!r,~,t,f.,:;:,;,~._..,'"Y,~,~,..:,.l,;,:,..'.:.',.,1.',~..,.',.'.:,',~t,',r.r,~,:,~,'~.{;~;~j~:" a;~:~;~~;'~~~~:(~~~~' ,~~~~~.':~tE .,. ';":.. -:~'" .' ',.,:,.:. ReAsoN :,.. ".':- EXreNSlON SERVICE MEAL All.OWANCE COMPVTER SUPPUES BUILDING MAlwrENANCE O..emME TEMPORARY COMMISSIONERS COUf(T PATHOLOGIST FEES LEGAl. SERVICES CO<MTY CLERK OVERTlME TEMPORARY AMBULANCE OPERAnONS-SEADRI~ SERVICES SUPPUESIOPERATlNG EXPENSES MACI<1NERY PAATSISUPPLIES FIRE PROTEGT10N-SEADRJI'T 10Q0.090.65740 SERVICES WASTE MANAGeMl!NT BUILDING REPAIRS MACHINERYiEQUIPMENT RE?ArRS COUNTY COURT -AT-LAW ADULT ASSIGllED-ATrORNEl' FEES MACHINE MAINTENANCE LEGAL SERVtCE~URT AP'POINTE:D OISTRlCT COUIlT AOUl.T ASSIGNED-ATrORNEY FEES AOUI. T ASSIGNEc-oTHER LITIGATION I!XPENS LEGAl. SERVlCES-COURTAPPOINTEO Juvr;NILE COURT JWENIlE ASSIGNE[).ATrORNEY FEES LEGAL SERV1CES-COURT APPOINTED NUISANCE ORDINANCE ENFOI'lCEMENT 100Q.725.efl192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 45 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 100Q.725-64700 POSTAGE 24 1000-~ AUTO AU.OWANCES (69) ~~~~ ~)," TotalforGENERALFUHO 0 ~:~~~;~~€:~:~i~t ~~~:t~~~.~t~~.:;;~~~,~;~~,:!.~.: _\i~i0::::'?~~ , 1000.110-51700 1000.111l-53110 1000.17G-61610 1000.170-51540 1000.:z3O.6ol52O 1000 230 ~'5Q 1??o..15O-61810 1000.zs0.s1540 100l).34().857AQ '_0-03980 10D0.34Q.S:!210 1llOOo38O-<1052O 1~ 1Q00.410.60050 10QG.41~ 1000-410-83380 1~050 10~ 1000-410.=80 1~070 10Q0.500.63380 1't !WDGET AMENDMENT REOUEST I $8 REQUIREO BY PAYROll. (1lS) 678 REOUIRED BY PAYROLL (678) e 995 UNE ITEM TRANSFER (995) " 1~: REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (149) " 78 "NE ITEM 'TRANSFER (55) (3) (8) LINE ITEM TRANSFER TO AMBULANCE OP-SEAORIFT 26 LINE ITEM 'TRANSFER (26) 1;378 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 216 (1.594) 3..... UNE ITEM TRANSFER 67 (3,501) 125 LiNE ITEM TRANSFER (125) e 146 . e 9-23-203 6, 18PM P. 7 FROM CALHOI...N CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST .?~5r~: ,;,~:.,::::~~i , ~i~.:"r';:'l"';:"-":"'~";:=; 'TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMM&SSIONERS" COURT .' ".~., ", "::.. FROM: H ORlCAL COMMISSION DATE: 9119/03 eUDGET FOR THE YeAR; ZOO3 :~,:,,~"".,.....,......;~ .' :~." ,. ':::;,.;:-~:.:;.:t:~:::;-:t:~ .. .t',. '.,. l:"'~'\'~'''' '.;' .... ;~; ';:'. \ . ," ", ". " ~ ..-:','''''''''. Gl ACCOUNT NO. 1000-13O-608aO 1000-13Q..S6498 1000-130-63470 ACCOUNT NAME COAlJTION OF COUNTIES EXP....... TRAVEL OUT OF COUNlY UGHTHOUSE MAINTENANCE ~;~;~3G"~~~~~ i~~~~t~~'''>':i;'';'.'.} e e ',. '..<'.<~..." '. : "/ '. " , ' . 2;~j;:::~i:~;/,~,?~~;3i,&~ ~ .o::.:~_~~~:~~ _:;~':J w '~\'~... ....ENOuENr AMOUNT REASON (238) PO#273S9 (2 DOORS) (238) <78 . ,'.~.~ ";" ....i -. .' .... o ~, ~. 147 . e 9-23-203 6, 18PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 BUDGET AMENDMeNT REQUEST t~;~~6~ ~~::::--~'EN\::rD"'~i:M':~E-:'~NT;'}; ~':'.:.~".',~.~,:,,:.,,',,:,",-.;:'.-,'.',',:_,.~,:,~,-,.,',:,...,,',',r.;.:,:,~,','.:,",,:.,-.;.',~_:,:,:_":.":~j,_;.;,:.',~,-::,',:.;,.,',_<,~,;.,,,;.:,',~.',;,L,'.,:',~,',::',:.',:.",<,~':~.-,;.'.~,:,'.',:.'., .,'..,"~.',~ ", ~~~v~~,y,\~;r,;~. .~~~ ?~~.~~.~ :;~.f~~,~.1,~. ~~~~j<~;:~:;~..;.~.:;~...i.:: f. "!":'~. :.~:. ~.. " -.." ~:- - ~"' - - ~ ~~ -, ~~ GL ACCOUN N N N AMOUNT ~ 1000-180.51700 10Q0..18Q..S3020 1000-180063920 1000-180-84880 JAIL MEAL AU.OWANCE GENERALOFACESUPPUES MISCELlANEOUS PRfSONI!R LODGING OUT OF COUNlY ' DEPARTM=NTTOTAL 13 REQUIREO BY ~AYROLL 81 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 33 (13,603) (13,476) SH FF 1000-7eo.511l10 OVER1lME 3/57 REQUIFlEtl BY ~AYROLL 1000-7_0 MACHINERY ~ART:SISUPPUES 35 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 1~7s0..53430 LAW ENFORCEMENT SlIPPUES 9.873 1000-760-63540 GASOUNEIOll.lOfeSE~ 277 1000-76Q.53992 SUP~UEs.MISCeuANEOUS 316 1000-7&).53995 UNIFORMS 102 1000-76Q.60360 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 458 1000-750-61310 COPIER RENTALS 330 1000-760-63920 MISC@llANEOUS 138 1000-7_18 TRAlNlNGlRAVEt."UTOFCOUNTl' 1.548 1000-760-$466 lRAVEL Fl!IMBURSEMENT-DI!PUTlES 14 Irr:,~--- .. _ ~ _""-"-_~'" DEPARTMENT TOTAL 13,476 ~z!,f,i~}~~~f~1~i~ '~~irif~~Ji~~;;:1!'{:;"L[,?>~,~S;~~~ ~J , ;::~-.. < P.8 .3 , 148 e e e e e '9-23-203 6,18PM FROM CAlJ-lCU.J CO. AUDITOR 361 5S3 461<1 ~ BUDGEi' AME~~_' ~lT REQt1IlSi'I) To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court l<'rom: Tax Asse$50r Col1ect:or's Office (Department making this request) Date: Sept. 22. 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) following line items in my department: P.9 y bUdget for the ~;.-~==~~~~_!- 200-51540 Amendment ---~==~~~~-~~~~--- ---~~~~~---- .. Temporary - UOOO.OO 200-<;6310 200-<;6498 TrainiftV"/Re2iscratiou + Travel Out of County + 300.00 700.00 - Net change in total bUdget for this department is: Other remarks I justification: $ -c- ------------ ------- Rea.son ------_._---~------ !/ove to Trafni"g & Travel To' atteDd more t:r~ event To cover ttavel. ~ DOt suaBa:Cte4 ,.e~ . ~. conferu I understand that my budget cannot be amended as reqUQsted until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained~ ' Signature of official/department:l1ead: ' " ,'_) {2, ({J(J'~-!t7"~ Date of Commissioners' Court aPProval: ' Date posted to General Ledger account(s); '" 14q . e 9-23-203 6, 19PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITGR 361 553 <161<1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST .-;.~ .':~".~... ' .... '. f'r: T : CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ?i~~r~(~:.~;e~~ ~~ ':'; ~~,;.~ 911:: TR URSR ;!t~\,l<, :'~::>~;~::: 1_.~,.:; ':~' BUDGoET FOR TH~ YEAR" Z003 ,,~~'" ;;.~1:'L:,.'~~f.~~,,~.l:,:i,'~t:,j'l;: ~~;f~r~~J~f.~; 1,::t~~'~i.: .::~ \r~\~'<~i~~~j~~:~.~~ ~)<~ ~r. 4 'AMENDM"ei':- G A UN ceoUNT AM AM UNT ,000-21Q.63290 LEGAl S 1~o-e<1ll0 POSTAGE :;;7t'\.~~~;\',:,.\~;~r"',l: TotaI""G~L, Rl!!O . .__ 'r.:.;;';":i~~.";....t.'!t.,, t~, ~:r:... "., t.- ; :'?-, t'7".'r~',~,.' ~~..:.! . ~r.. ';::::r.: ....t.~ ',. "GI~i=i;'Y"..tti;r~~ti.:.. .; .... U T : 2;';;.G'~'~:~'~}:'8b~ ' 2 ~J~~ f ~ P. 10 ;}~~~11!~~i!& ON fiT (01) o PQ#34'73 ~ e e IfTO e e e 9-23-= 6, 20PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDHOR 361 553 461<1. P. 13 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Ace UNT NA UCENseo P EOIC PARAMEDIC EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN R ON 1) M NEEOEtl FOR PAYROll. 25.721 (1U23) 12.523 . 2 & u:. 151 e 9-23-= 6,19PM FRGM CALHOUN CO. AUD I TOR 361 553 461 4 ~'ODGET AMENDMENT REQ'O'EST II P.11 1 To: Cal.houn county Comr~issioners' Court: Cbvr+ a* L(}JJ.J From: (Depar~ment: making ~his request) '1_ /q- 03 Oat:e, :I request an amendment t:o the .:2ro3 (year) follow~9 line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # ------------- ll.c:c:o=t Name --------.---------- Ame.o.dmen t Amount ------------- '-110 - t,'i7Qo 4/0 -c,"3~ fbs.htg e 7P4ltli(J!j-~/ffr4-11Ct"l 1;....~ <t /.20.00') it 1:100(1 -~~~=70~!:---_ 7RII1niil!} 1<'''',3 ,.m.A.ntJl"\ " Net change in tota~ budget ~or this department i.s: Other rema~ks/justification: S~~L I ur.~er~tand that: my budget c:anno'r: be, Cornm~ss~oners. Court approval is,qbta Signature o:f. orric:ial/department, head: Dace of 'CommiSsioners 1 Court "p~F'oval: e Date ,posted to General. Ledger ac:count(s): . i r' 152 . e P. 12 e e 9-23-203 6,19PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 IIBtlDGBT A1IENIlMEIrr UlWES'1'~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners I Court From: , D'~~t.. " (Department making tms request) Date: q -} ( -02> z I request an amendment to the .;(J:~;i3 budget. for the (year following line items in my department: GL Account # Amendment Amount __M__________ Account Name -p~--------------~ ~\~,", Ipoo-51o- Z.J'fTtO ICX::,CI-'i)ol- 4er ;U~ '71 (11) Net change 1Il total b~et for this department is. Other remarks/juscification: $ ~- ;;;;:.....-a..a=:t:=D Reason -:;r--------------- ) ~ lh.. J4t- -# f<I;Jq ~ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested uncil COmmissioners' Court approval is obcained. Signature of official/department ~ead: Date of Commissioners' Court appr9val: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): t} 153 . e , 9--23-= 6,2l<!PM FROM CAlJ-ICl.IN CO. AUD I TOR 361 553 <161 <1 ~BODGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court ,From: CrimlltAl District Attorney (Department making this request) September 18. 2003 Date: I request ~ollowing an amendment to the 2003 (year) line items in my department: budget for the ~;-~==~~-~- 510-70500 Amendment ___~~~!!~u__ " + $199.00 Account Name llooks-Law 510-53020 General Office Supplies - ,$199.00 Net change in total budget ~or this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ----- --------- Reason ~------------------ to pay for.necessary law books/unda~es I upderstand.that my budget cannot be amended COllllllissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department }~ead: Date o~ Commissioners' Court approval:' P.1<1 q Date posted to General Ledger account(s): ~, l' , t 154 e e . e e e 9-23-= 6.2laPM FROM CAU-IOUN ca. AUOITOR36l 553 461<1 /ISUOGET AMENDMENT REQUBST~ From: To: Calhoun County Commissioners" Court Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: September 18. 2003 I request an amendment to the 2003 (year) depart)Ilent: Amendment ---;~~~~~:_~~!_-'- ---~~~~~---- P.1S }O budget fo;r; the following line items in my ~~-~===~!:_~- 510-66360 510-53020 Transcription Services + $50_00 General Office Supplies - $50.00 Net change in total bUdget for. this department is: Other remarks/justification: $====g.:.oo== Reason ------------------- to pay for transcrip~ of hearine on bond forfeitures I unde;r;~tand that my budget cannoe be ,amended as requested until CO~1ss~onersl Court approval is.~,,btained. '. ~~ Signature of Official/department "sad: a~~__ Date of Commissioners' Court appr~val: --P Date posted to General Ledger account(s): i'_ 155 , . e 9-23-= 6,21PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 S53 4610i II BmlGET AMENDMEN'l" REQUEST II To: Calhoun county commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Atto:rney' s Office (Department making thi~,request) Data: September 3. 2003 ~ollowing line items in my 2003 tiear) departJntlnt: budget for the I request an amendment to the P.16 J I Amendment Accoun,t Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- ~~_~==~~~_1!_ 510-70500 510-53020 llcoks-Law T $203.00 General Office Supplies - $203.00 Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 to pay fo~ necessary law books/undates I underst.and t.hat my budget cannot be amended as requested until commissioners' court approval is obtained. signatu.re of Official/department head: /"? / // /" - ~c--"'-" /7-$: _ ~ .. ' Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 156 Lt.. e e . e 9-23-= 6.21PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 563 4614 P.17 I~ ~BUDGtT ~NDHtNT RtQUtST~ From; Calhoun County Commissioners' Court L!-;J <>.,,"'-' ILJ j. -Ii[ I2d- .:iLl (Department making th~S request) To: Oate: t?~/i'03 (year) follo~inq line items in my department: I request an amendmen~ to the budget for the GL Account.# Account Name' AllIendlllent Amount Reason. -------------~-'---- e ..5'<fO-"73<100 /l7",-4",'l-1'~ /2. o<l~ <<l-f)- 53 $/() A.,d ~ ~~r A, pc.fS- >: 5<10-5_~.AIO ;&1Itd..~~ "3,..500 .5 j4> - ESSe> ~....-zLut, (I/{)OO. .> $~ - .535,f'0 fJ~ <' ~ (NO ~ :~-;.:j::; :!i:g-.J.7ID. ~~; :;: > -2i2_-fld'~o ~&~,.(~ ()(J~ /' ---.--------r-- rJet cllanqe in total budget (O~ this department is: s cJ Ott1er ren'~rks/)us~iricaclon: ------------- ------------- t l,Jnde:c-st,;and u...a.t.:. my bud<;er. ca,nriot be amended as r:-equ95t:.ed unt.i.l Cornrn l. ~s 1. one r" 5' COU r t approva, 1 i:s. Obt.cll ned. e $l.g:n~.c.\,)r~ or o"icial/depactment hea'd: Odte or Commlssione~s. Cou~t ~pproval: r '7~avc~/A) D.aJ:..e PCl.SJ:e.d 1:.0 Ce.ner:a.l Ledger accoUflt (S) : l- 157 FROM CAl..}ICl..!'J CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.18 9-23-203 6,21PM 13 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST rl!~~~~:;:;:~~;~~~~"l1f~~~1~ G NO 1000 S40.61610 1~Q-51910 10Q0.S40.51930 1~Q-51940 10Q0.S40.519!50 1()0()..64()-.63210 1~ 1~ 100Q-540.e3810 CCOUN1' REASON 1 REOUIRED BY PAYROLL 24 30 59 1 305 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 376 ,- 263 (1,372) o SOCIAL SECURITY RETlRl!MENT WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAl.ISTATE UNEMPlOYMENT MACHINERY P.ARTSlSUPPUES , SVPPUES-MISCElLAN50US GARBAGE COLLoMAGNOUA BEACH ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES ::~~,~~~~.~:~gi~ki .T~~~.~~.~~..~~:-" ,..<..V":.,~ ,. ",<,-,.,;",-,.,_, '....... '~~-""~~M ". ~Yz~~:S~t~:~~.~}~~~.~;.;;:.. Nt;1 SiANG!; IN TOTAL'BUIXii!:iT ~,. ~,' ,~....~.', .~~".,"J : ... ~...."..i,:."--'--if '- 158 , . e e e e e e ~ 9-23-2~ 6, 22PM P. 19 L ACCOUNT NO_ 10Q0.57Q.S1540 10lJ0-57~51910 1000-570-51930 1D00-57Cl-51940 1Q00..S70-S1950 1 ClOO-570.53640 1000-.570-65475 100Q.-SJ'lJ.53510 FROM CAU-IOUN CO. A.LOITOR 361 553 461<1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ltf -.-. TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 4 DATE: 9123103 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2003 ACCOUN NAME TEMPORARY SOClAL SECURrTY RETIREMENT WORKMENs COMPENSATION FEDERAllSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT JANITOR SUPPUES REPAlRS-PORT O'CONNOR PIER ROAD & BRlDGESUPPUES ~:~f(~~~ T~raJ for GENERAL FUND " ,,~t-,.~: ...~~~fi:~:~~:~~~ '~~~~~~~~~(it~ "~~, ~:~;:t~~~'J, . ot-. o o "~,~...., .~ " 159 i"', ru~_. 18- -413 18,18 F..... FROM CALI-IJLN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 P.20 9-23-203 6, 22PM EDGft umi~. ~VE8!1!' :lII:ta::w~ cQllD1li.."ioners' Court (Departmen1: lIIakin9' this' request) Oa1:'" --filJ0{n 3 I reques1: toUowin'1 T-m P.Dlllll F-138 15 budget for the an amendment. t,o the (year) line it__ in my depart1llent: 1\III1UICbIl8Zlt 1\11I0=1: ------------- at. Ac:coU2l't. I ----------..... uD:1~:f!f ~, 'Cto mD-S3fiO 5'10 - (p 3~S(') _ c. .. Net c:hanqe i.. tot.Al l>ud9'o:t tor this depart....t is. Otner re=arks/justitication: (500. Tif}/) . ) Jle;a80D. ------------------- $ -/;- I understand that lAY b\ld9'et cannot: be,alllended as requested =1:il c01IUll1ssioners. Co_ur~ approval i-s..obtained.. S1c;na:eure o~ o~t'.ic:i.a1./departmen~...hea : Date of eQ~is$ioners' court . DatepOs1:ed to General I.ed9'&r ac:coun1:(s)' ',11 , ~ ~;t 160 ',~. .. e e e . e e e '.~rq r._~.,;. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: Claims totaling $1,600,276.27 for Hospital Operations were presented by the County Treasurer and alter reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Roster and seconded by Commlssloner Galvan that sald claims be approved fur payment CommlsslonelS' Galvan, Balajka, Roster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS AllOWED - INDIGENT HEAlTHCARE: Claims totaling $106,997.27 for Hospital IIllfl!lent Healthcare were presented by the County Treasurer and alter reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commlssloner Roster and seconded by Commlssloner Galvan that said claims be approved fur payment CommlssIoners' Galvan, Balajka, Roster and Judge Pfeifer all voted in favor. ACCOUNTSALlOWED-COUNTY: Claims totaling $687,458.89 were Presented by the County Treasurer and alter reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Roster and seconded by Commlssloner Galvan that sald claims be approved fur payment CommissIoner.;' Galvan, Balajka, Roster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. :" 161 k:"J _