2002-09-18 SPECIAL SEPTEMBER TERM HELD SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 e THE STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF CALHOUN S BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 18th day of september! A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse ~n the City of Port Lavaca, said Countr and State, at 4:00 P.M., a Special Term of the connniss~oners'Court, within said Countr and State, and there were present on this date the follow1ng...members of the Court,. to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner,pct.l Commissioner,pct.2 Connnissioner,pct.3 Commissioner,pct. Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led 1:l1e Pledge of Allegiance. GENERAL DISCtiS)Jr&~ Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Blevins presented Judge Marshall and Commissioner Finster with desk sets from the Calhoun County Shrimpers in appreciation of all their assistance to the shrimpers. e ORDER CALLING FOR A BOND ELECTION commissioner Floyd reviewed the prodeedings of September 12, 2002: The Court voted for construction of a 144 bed jail facility, expandable by 48 beds at a cost of $8-$8.5 Million for a 15-20 year range. The amount of the bond election. needs to be determined. Ann Berger with First Southwest figured the funds necessary to be $7.8 Million ~lus costs for a total of $8,050,323 (not including 1ncreased costs related to constructionl' She said while you go for $8 Million or $8.5 Million, ~t does not mean you have to sell that amount of bonds. Commissioner Floyd said Mr. Garnos' estimate is $7.7 Million and Ms. Berger's is $7.8 Million (not including site acquisiton, deveopment, parking lot and costs of issuance) . A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to approve issuance of an Order Calling for A Bond Issue Election for $8.5 Million for a Jail Facility. Connnissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e 94 _ _ _ CERTIFICATE FOR ORDER I, the undel'Signed County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas (the "County"), hereby certify as follows: 1. The Commissioners Court of the County (the "Commissioners Court") convened in SPECIAL MEETING ON THE 18'h DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002, at the regular designated meeting place (the "Meeting"), and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of the Commissioners Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Roger C. Galva.'1, Commissioner, Precinct #1 Michael Balajka, Commissioner, Precinct #2 H. Floyd, Commissioner, Precinct #3 Kenneth Finster, Commissioner, Precinct #4 and all of said persons were present, except the following absentees: , thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon, among other business the following was transacted at the Meeting: a written ORDER CALLING A BOND ELECTION (the "Order") was duly introduced for the consideration of the Commissioners Court. It was then duly moved and seconded that the Order be passed; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the passage of the Order, prevailed and carried by the following votes: AYES: S-. NOES: ~ ABSTENTIONS: ~ 2. A true, full, and correct copy of the Order passed at the Meeting is attached to and follows this Certificate; the Order has been duly recorded in the Commissioners Court's minutes of the Meeting; the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full, and correct excerpt from the Commissioners Court's minutes of the Meeting pertaining to the passage of the Order; the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers and members of the Commissioners Court as indicated therein; each of the officers and members of the Commissioners Court was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the Meeting, and that the Order would be introduced and considered for passage at the Meeting, and each of the officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of the Meeting for such purpose; and the Meeting was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of the Meeting was given all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Goverrunent Code. .' SIGNED AND SEALED the 18th day of September, 2002. ~...,\ (-" S r ' ........ .t.; . .....-'.. ,.-,/' . ~..--' ~::~ . "'" :::~'"~: ~ :..<-1;: -;....-: ~ ,- m(lAt~ vcwL County Clerk, Calhoun County, Texas ~~~ .~ r.;':i':, ~ ':.~' :{., " ,/~-~. . (SE~):;::. ;'; . , .,'';>.'' 95 e ORDER CALLING A BOND ELECTION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~ WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas (the "County") deems it advisable to call the election hereinafter ordered; and WHEREAS, it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Order was passed was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. THEREFORE, BE ITORlJERED BYTHE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS THAT: 1. TIME. An election shall be held between the hours of7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 in the County. 2. PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES. The polling place for each election precinct of the County for said election shall be as follows: Pet. I Calhoun County Library Pet. 14 Grace Episcopal Church e 200 W. Mahan St., Port Lavaca, TX 213 E. Austin St., Port Lavaca. TX Pets. Old Roosevelt Elementary School Pet. t5 Senior Citizens Center 2&3 300 S. Alcoa Drive, Port Lavaca. TX S. Guadalupe St. entrance, Port Lavaca, TX Pel. 4 Carter Building Pel. 16 Bauer Community Center 2410 W. Austin St., Port Lavac., TX 2300 N. Hwy 35, Port Lavaca, TX Pel. 5 Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Office Pet. 17 China Inn Restaurant / Banquet Room 1064 State Highway 316, Port Lavaca, TX 915 N. Hwy 35, Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 6 First Baptist Church of Indian ala Pct. 18 Point Comfort City Hall 617 FM 2760, Port Lavaca, TX 102 Jones St., Point Comfort Pet. 7 Jackson Elementary School Pct.19 Olivia Conununity Center 1420 Jackson Dr., Port Lavaca, TX County Rd. 304 E, Olivia. TX Pet. 8 Calhoun County Courthouse Annex. Pcts. Bauer Exhibit Building 201 W. Austin St., Port Lavaca, TX 20&21 Co Rd 101, Calhoun Fairgrounds Port Lavaca. TX Pct. 9 Travis Middle School 705 N. Nueces St., Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 22 Hatch Bend Country Club 579 Meadowview Ln., Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 10 Travis Middle School 705 N. Nueces, Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 23 Water ConITo1 & Improvement District Office Pet. 11 Salem Lutheran Church 11 miles outside of Port Lavaca on Hwy 35S 2101 N. Virginia St., Port Lavaca, TX Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 12 Knights of Columbus Hall Pct. 24 Seadrift City Hall e FM 3084 Six Mile Area, Port Lavaca, TX Main St. & Dallas St., Seadrift, TX Pet. 13 Tex Sun Const./Garcia Residence Pet. 25 Port O'Connor Fire Station 1018 Porter Rd., Port Lavaca. TX 6" St., Port O'Connor, TX 96 _ _ _ 3. PRESIDING JUDGES. The Presiding Judge and Alternate Presiding Judge for each of the election precincts and polling places have been previously appointed by the Commissioners Court for the General Election on November 5, 2002. Such appointments, and any additions or modifications of such appointments, shall also be effective in connection with the election called under this Order. ~ 4. ELECTION CLERKS. Each Presiding Judge shall appoint not less than two nor more than five qualified election clerks to serve and assist in conducting said election; provided that if the Presiding Judge actually serves as expected, the Alternate Presiding Judge shall be one of such clerks. S. EARLY VOTING. Electors may cast their early votes by mail or by personal appearance in the Election Administrator's Office at the Calhoun County Courthouse, 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979. The Early Voting Clerk shall be Stephanie Smith. During the period early voting is required or permitted by law, being Monday, October 21, 2002 through Friday, November 1, 2002, the hours designated for early voting by personal appear- ance shall be from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on each day except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal state holidays; and the Early Voting Clerk shall keep said early voting place open during such hours for early voting by personal appearance. 6. EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD. An Early Voting Ballot Board is hereby created to process early voting results. The Presiding Judge and the Alternate Presiding Judge ofthe Early Voting Ballot Board have been previously appointed by the Commissioners Court for the General Election on November 5,2002. Such appointments, and any additions or modifications of such appointments, shall also be effective in connection with the election called under this Order. 7. ELECTORS. All resident, qualified electors of the County shall be entitled to vote at said election. 8. OFFICIAL PROPOSITION. At said election the following PROPOSITION shall be submitted in accordance with law: PROPOSITION "Shall the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas be authorized to issue bonds of the County, in one or more series, in the aggregate principal amount of $l; $;'"0 0 ( 0 00 for the construction and equipping ofa new jail facility for the County, with said bonds to mature no later than twenty years from their date of issuance, bear interest, and be issued and sold in accordance with law at the time of issuance, all within the discretion of such Commissioners Court; and shall the Commissioners Court be authorized to levy and pledge, and cause to be assessed and collected, annual ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the County, sufficient, within the limits provided by law, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds?" 9. FORM OF BALLOT. The official ballots for said election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR"or "AGAINST" 2 97 e the aforesaid PROPOSITION with the ballots to contain such provisions, markings, and language as required by law, and with such PROPOSITION to be expressed substantially as follows: PROPOSITION FOR o THE ISSUANCE OF $Is"" ,ol> c<OF BONDS TO CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP A JAIL FACILITY FOR THE COUNTY AND LEVYING THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF AGAINST o 10. ELECTION CODE. In all respects said election shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code. 11. BILINGUAL ELECTION MATERIALS. All election materials (including notice of the election, ballots, instruction cards, affidavits, and other forms which voters may be required to sign) and all early voting materials shall be printed in both English and Spanish, or Spanish translations thereof, and/or other assistance shall be provided, as required by the Texas Election Code and the Federal Voting Rights Act of1965, each as amended. 12. NOTICE. Notice of said election shall be given by publishing on the same day in each _ of two successive weeks in the Port Lavaca Wave. a notice of election, both in English and in _ Spanish, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A with the first publication occurring not less than 14 days prior to the date set for said election. It is hereby found and declared that the Port Lavaca Wave is a newspaper of general circulation within the County. Notice shall also be given by posting not later than the 21st day before the election a copy of such notice of election, both in English and in Spanish, (i) at the Calhoun County Courthouse on the bulletin board used for posting notices of the meetings of the Commissioners Court of the County, and (ii) at three other public places in the County. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank] e 3 98 _ _ _ APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THEiS'h .QAYOF SEPTEMBER, 2002. :.: Cr;:i\, . .. '. ~.i <I () " ....?~ .....;., '; .t,:' ....: ." ,'> . :::; ':., >--'.. :........ " Atte~t: ........ ' '. ", ..' ., "'A .,.... ,.\'\{. "(.'t;n! \:,(:1'" nv)<h~ Qj/I County Clerk, Calhoun County, Texas ~~~ (County Seal) ~ County Jud e, Calhoun County, Texas [EXECUTION PAGE TO BOND ELECTION ORDER] 99 E~IT A NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD BY CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS TIME AND PURPOSE OF ELECTION. The Calhoun County, Texas (the "County") will hold an election between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 in the County for the purpose of authorizing the issuance of $ <fSl)Or " 0<> in principal amount of bonds, as further described below. PLACE OF ELECTION. The polling place for each election precinct of the County for said election shall be as follows: Pet. 1 Calhoun County Library Pet. 14 Grace Episcopal Church 200 W. Mahan St., Port Lavaca, TX 213 E. Austin St., Port Lavaca. TX Pets. Old Roosevelt Elementary School Pet. 15 Senior Citizens Center 2&3 300 S. Alcoa Drive, Port Lavaca, TX S. Guadalupe St. entrance, Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 4 Carter Building Pet. 16 Bauer Community Center 2410 W. Austin St., Port Lavaca, TX 2300 N. Hwy 35, Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 5 Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Office Pet. 17 China Inn Restaurant IBanquet Room 1064 State Highway 316. Port Lavaca, TX 915 N. Hwy 35, Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 6 First Baptist Church of Indianola Pet. 18 Point Comfort City Hall 617 FM 2760, Port Lavaca, TX 10210nes St., Point Comfort Pet. 7 Jackson Elementary School Pet. 19 Olivia Community Center 1420 Jackson Dr., Port Lavaea, TX County Rd. 304 E, Olivia, TX Pet. 8 Calhoun County Courthouse Annex. Pets. Bauer Exhibit Building 201 W. Austin St., Port Lavaea, TX 20&21 Co Rd 101. Calhoun Fairgrounds Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 9 Travis Middle School 70S N. Nueees St., Port Lavaea, TX Pet. 22 Hatch Bend Country Ctub 579 Meadowview Ln., Port Lavaca, TX Pet. 10 Travis Middle School 70S N. Nueees, Port Lavaea, TX Pet. 23 Water Control & IIl1PIovement Disnict Office Pet.ll Salem Lutheran Church II miles outside of Port Lavaea on Hvly 355 2101 N. Virginia St., Port Lavaea, TX Port Lavaea. TX Pet. 12 Knights of Columbus Hall Pet. 24 Seadrift City Hall FM 3084 Six Mile Area, Port Lavaca, TX Main St. & Dallas St., Seadrift, TX Pet. 13 Tex Sun Const./Garcia Residence Pet. 25 Port O'Connor Fire Station 1018 porter Rd., Port Lavaca, TX 6th St., Port O'Connor, TX 1.00 e e e _ e _ EARLY VOTING. Electors may cast their early votes by mail or by personal appearance in the Election Administrator's Office at the Calhoun County Courthouse, 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979. During the period early voting is required or permitted by law, being Monday. October 21, 2002, through Friday, November 1, 2002 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal state holidays), the hours designated for early voting by personal appearance shall be from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. OFFICIAL BOND PROPOSITION. At said election the following PROPOSITION shall be submitted in accordance with law: PROPOSITION "Shall the Commissioners Court of Calhoun County, Texas be authorized to issue bonds of the County, in one or more series, in the aggregate principal amount of $ cl'; s-c,o,ooo for the construction and equipping of a new jail facility for the County, with said bonds to mature no later than twenty years from their date of issuance, bear interest, and be issued and sold in accordance with law at the time of issuance, all within the discretion of such Commissioners Court; and shall the Commissioners Court be authorized to levy and pledge, and cause to be assessed and collected, annual ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the County, sufficient, within the limits provided by law, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds?" FORM OF BALLOT. The official ballots for said election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAlNST" the aforesaid PROPOSITION with the ballots to contain such provisions, markings, and language as required by law, and with such PROPOSITION to be expressed substantially as follows: PROPosmON FOR o THE ISSUANCE OF $ .\';.-5"""'" .H)O OF BONDS TO CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP A NEW JAil.. FACILITY FOR THE COUNTY AND LEVYING THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF AGAlNST o ELECTORS. All resident, qualified electors of the County shall be entitled to vote at said election. **** ORDER EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE WITH TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION PROCEEDS COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A NEW COUNTY JAIL FACILITY Tom Spurgeon explained the Federal Tax Rule concerning bond proceeds to reimburse yourself. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and s~conded.b~ Commissioner Balajka ~o pass an order E~pre~slng Offlclal Intent to Reimburse wlth Tax-exempt Obllgatlon Proc~eds Costs of Constructing and Equipping a New County J~ll Facility. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Flnster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 101 e CERTIFICATE FOR ORDER I, the undersigned County Clerk of Calhoun County, Texas (the "County"), hereby certify as follows: 1. The Commissioners Court of the County (the "Commissioners Court") convened in SPECIAL MEETING ON THE 18th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2002, at the regular designated meeting place (the "Meeting"), and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of the Commissioners Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Roger C. Galvan, Commissioner, Precinct #1 Michael Balajka, Commissioner, Precinct #2 H. Floyd, Commissioner, Precinct #3 Kenneth Finster, Commissioner, Precinct #4 and all of said persons were present, except the following absentees: - . thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon, among other business the following was transacted at the Meeting: a written ORDER EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE WITH T AX- EXEMPT OBLIGATION PROCEEDS COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A NEW COUNTY JAIL FACILITY 41 (the "Order") was duly introduced for the consideration of the Commissioners Court. It was then duly moved and seconded that the Order be passed; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the passage of the Order, prevailed and carned by the following votes: AYES: S NOES: 0 ABSTENTIONS: ~ 2. A true, full, and correct copyoftheOrderpassed at the Meeting is attached to and follows this Certificate; the Order has been duly recorded in the Commissioners Court's minutes of the Meeting; the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full, and correct excerpt from the Commissioners Court's minutes of the Meeting pertaining to the passage of the Order; the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers and members ofthe Commissioners Court as indicated therein; each of the officers and members of the Commissioners Court was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, ofthe time, place, and purpose of the Meeting, and that the Order would be introduced and considered for passage at the Meeting, and each of the officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of the Meeting for such purpose; and the Meeting was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of the Meeting was given all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. SIGNEf/ AND SEALED the 18th day of September, 2002. e, r. II n T .1._~ '., U lJ ,'( - ,,\~<, ,.".~ .....~U',.6>" ..~ I, ": ~:.: .- ~Dad- County Clerk, Calhoun County, Texas ~~~ ~ e ",' , ~';: . <, (SEA!',.), . . '. . ~ . ~ f' ) I q '"'j,> 10Z _ I_ _ ORDER NO. ORDER EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE WITH T AX- EXEMPT OBLIGATION PROCEEDS COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A NEW COUNTY JAIL FACILITY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~ WHEREAS, the Commissioners Coun of Calhoun County, Texas (the "County") has determined that it is necessary to construct and equip a new county jail facility (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court has called for a bond election to be held on November. 5, 2002 to approve the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of constructing and equipping the Project; and WHEREAS, the County expects that it will pay expenditures in connection with the design, planning, acquisition and construction of the Project prior to the issuance of such obligations to finance the Project; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court fmds, considers, and declares that the reimbursement of the County for the payment of such expenditures will be appropriate and consistent with the lawful objectives of the County and, as such, chooses to declare its intention, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, to reimburse itself for such payments at such time as it issues obligations to finance the Project; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BYTHE COMMISSIONERS COURTOF CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS THAT: SECTION 1. EXPECTATION TO INCUR DEBT. The County reasonably expects to incur debt, as one or more series of obligations, with an aggregate maximum principal amount currently estimated to be approximately $ Y,s-c.Q,Q~oQ for the purpose of paying the costs of the Project. SECTION 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF PRIOR EXPENDITURES. All costs to be reimbursed pursuant hereto will be capital expenditures within the meaning of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations. No tax-exempt obligations will be issued by the County in furtherance of this Order after a date which is later than 18 months after the later of (1) the date the expenditures are paid or (2) the date on which the property, with respect to which such expenditures were made, . is placed in service. SECTION 3. THREE-YEAR LIMITATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT. The foregoing notwithstanding, no tax-exempt obligation will be issued pursuant.to this Order more than three years after the date any expenditure which is to be reimbursed is paid. SECTION 4. PUBLIC RECORD. The Commissioners Court hereby directs that this Order shall be maintained as a public record available for inspection by all persons in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 552, Texas Govemment Code, and that no later than 30 days after this date, this Order will be made available for inspection by all members of the general public at the offices of County Clerk of the County. 103 A.DOPTED AND APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF CALHOUN COUNr.Y.XliXAS. THIS 18T1lDA Y OF SEPTEMBER, 2002. . n. "" II U I)'. c::\\\~ ';.... .!'.Oij .~. -.~. . . /:) ~:' :)..~, "'.,{..;.-A , '>.~ "' . . ....", .... , ~'* -- . -..-;. ~ ~," '" :'"< :'-v .>......:... "",,,\'" , :..,-\,y,'-.. By~~:JA~J County Judge Calhoun County, Texas - ". ATTEST:'''' mruh/hf (fJ awl County Clerk Calhoun County, Texas ~~~ .~ ** ** *. .* **" e ""-, Commissioner Floyd expressed thanks to Tom Spur~eon and Ann Berger for their assistance concerning the Jail facility. Commissioner Floyd informed the Court he has received about fifteen requests for proposals from architects and he and Commissioner Balajka will prequalify these and select three to five. They will then have a presentation by them and visit a jail constructed by them to select the most qualified. Commissioners Balajka and Floyd and Deputy Sheriff Tim Smith, Sheriff Browning and Buddy Vela with the Jail Feasibility Study Committee will select one with which to negotiate a contract after presenting their choice to the Court for agreement. e 1.04 ( I~ THE FACILITY GROUP _ _ _rO'd DATE: September 17, 2002 H. Floyd Calhoun County Commissioners' Court ATTENTION: COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: 361-893-5309 FROM: Bill Garnos TOTAL PAGES SENT: 2 (including this transmitzal cover sheet) Please call 8] 6-243-2020 if )'ou have any problems receiving this transmission. SUBJECT: Calhoun County. Texas Preliminary Total Project Cost Estimate for a New 1 44-Bed Jail COMMENTS: 8800 NW 112T" STREET, SUITE 350 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64]53 TEL.: 816-243-2020 FAX: 816-243-2024 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET dLE:~O ~O-Lr-das 105 e J ail Feasibility Study for Calhoun County, Texas Preliminary Total Project Cost Estimate for a New 144-Bed Jail (with IntakelRelease and Support Services sized to support an additional 48 beds in the future) A vg, Cost Cost Cost Component l'iSF GSF per SF Estimate Inmate Housing 8,630 1 \,219 $175 $1.903.325 Intake and Release 3,068 3.682 158 579.852 Inmate Programs 4,312 5.174 155 802.032 Support Services 11.280 14,664 144 2.114.2\8 Base Construction 27,290 34,739 $157 $5,459,427 Site Development @4% 218.377 Utilities and Fees @ 2% 109.189 Furnishing:i, Fixlures and Equipment @ 5% 272, 971 Subtotal 56,059,964 Architectural I Engineering Fees @ 6% 363,598 Program I Construction Management @4% 242.399 Subtotal 56,665,960 Contingencies @ 15% 999,894 TotaL Project Cost Es1imate 57,665,854 e Note: Co::;t estimate does not include site acquisition, demolition, or site development costs for a new parking lot on the block behind the existing courthou:-\e. e September 2002 :~ THE FACILITY GROUP 20"d dLE:20 20-Ll-daS 106 L' ~ "'1.C:r. ~ "".. . ... - 'e SPECIAL MEETING FOR CALHOUN COUNTY to Prepared by if FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY 70 Northeast Loop 410 Suite 850 San Antonio, Texas 78216 Telephone: (210) 349-7222 Fax: (210) 349-7585 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 ., .' 107 ~LL . --~.__ e SPECIAL MEETING FOR CALHOUN COUNTY - T ABLE OF CONTENTS N Tab Estimated Bond Issue Sizing Calculation............................................................ 1 Estimated Costs for Various Scenarios Related to Jail Facilities e Preliminary Calculation of Projected Assessed Valuation ................................ 2 Preliminary I&S Tax Rate Analysis: Series 2003 Issue Preliminary I&S Tax Rate Analysis: Series 2003 Issue e i.+"--- 1.08 CALHOUN COUNTY Estimated Bond Issue Sizine Calculation _ Base Construction Costs (1) Site Preparation 4.0% (2) $ 228,640 Utilities and Fees 2.0% (2) 114.320 Sub-Total $ 342,960 ArchitecturaUEngineering Fees 10.0% (2) $ 605,896 Furnishings/Fixtures 2.0% (2) 121,179 Sub-Total $ 727,075 Contingency 15.0% (2) $ 1,017,905 Estimated Costs of Issuance $ 125,000 Costs Associated with Underwriting 121,383 Sub-Total $ 246,383 $ 5,716,000 $ 6,058,960 t... $ 6,786,035 $ 7,803,940 $ 8,050,323 (3) _ (I) High range estimate provided in the Jail Feasibility Study prepared by The Facility Group. (2) Estimates provided for purposes of illustration ONLY; have not been independently confined by an architect. (3) Does not include any increased costs related to expedited construction. Prepared by FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY 9/17/2002 Page 1 _ ~. ft' 109 Assumptions: (I) Information provided in the Jail Feasibility Study for Calhoun County, Texas prepared by The Facility Group. (2) Assumes current costs of$45.39 per day times 101 inmates times 365 days. (3) Assumes a $30,500 new van fmanced at 5% over a three year period (4) Assumes $500,000 financed to construct a booing and short-term facility. Assumes 15 year amortization at 5%. (5) Assumes total cost of $8,000,000. Assumes 15 year amortization at 5%. (6) Assumes total cost of $8.500,000. Assumes 15 year amortization at 5%. e I; z e _ - -e loun County, Texas iminary Calculation of Projected Assessed Valuation * r September 17, 2002 e 1Iftl!lP'. ...., :~~r 1; IX Beginning 3.00% Post-Decline Tax Abatement Running Total J:nded Assessed 3% Decline * Decline 1: Assessed Abatement RolI-Offs 1: Abatement 10 Valuation Runnin Total Amount Valuation RolI-Offs* 90.00% Roll-Orfs 1: 02 $ 2,921,385,897 $ $ $ 2,92\,385,897 $ $ $ 03 2,903,517,427 2.144,129,562 2,903,517,427 04 2,176,805,675 67,323,887 2,836, \93,540 05 2,111,501,505 65,304.170 2,770,889,370 06 2,048,156,460 63,345,045 2,707,544,325 07 1,986,7\1,766 6\,444,694 2,646.099.63\ \01,000.000 90,900,000 90,900,000 08 1,927.\\0,413 59,60\.353 2,586,498,278 650,000.000 585,000,000 675,900,000 09 1,869,297,101 57,813,312 2,528.684,966 85,000,000 76,500,000 752,400.000 10 1,813,2\8,\88 56,078,913 2,472,606,053 752,400,000 1\ 1.758,821,642 54.396.546 2,418,209,507 752,400,000 12 1,706.056,993 52,764,649 2,365.444,858 752,400,000 \3 1,654.875,283 51,18\,710 2,314,263,\48 752,400,000 \4 1,605,229.024 49,646,258 2,264,616,889 752,400,000 \5 1,557,072,154 48,\56,871 2,216,460,0\9 752,400,000 16 1,510,359,989 46,712,165 2,\69,747,854 752,400,000 \7 1.465.049.189 45,310,800 2,124,437,054 752,400,000 \8 1,421,097,714 43,95\,476 2,080,485,579 752,400,000 19 1,378,464,782 42,632,931 2,037,852,647 752,400,000 20 1,337.110.839 41,353,943 \,996,498,704 752,400,000 21 1,296,997,514 40,\13,325 \,956,385,379 752,400,000 22 1,258,087.588 38,909,925 \,9\7,475,453 752,400,000 23 1,220,344,961 37,742,628 1,879,732,826 752,400,000 $ \,023,784,601 rssumptions based upon information provided by Andrew Hahn, Calhoun County Chief Appraiser. : Southwest Company P- ~ ... PROJECTED Assessed Valuation $ 2,921,385.897 2,903,517,427 2,836,\93,540 2,770,889,370 2,707,544,325 2,736,999,63\ 3,262,398,278 3,281,084,966 3,225.006,053 3,170,609.507 3,117,844,858 3,066.663.148 3.0\7,0\6,889 2.968.860,019 2,922,147,854 2,876,837,054 2.832,885,579 2.790,252,647 2.748,898,704 2.708,785,379 2,669,875,453 2.632,132,826 Public Finance Department pb ~ N - - - - - - - - - Calhoun County, Texas Preliminary I&S Tax Rate Analysis: $8.000,000 Series 2003 Issue As afSeptember 17, 2002 S8.000,000 Series 20113 Year Ended Assessed EJisting Series 1996 Existing Projected I&S TOTAL I&S 9/30 Valuation (I) Debt Service Debt Service (2) Debt Service Debt Service (3) Tax Rate (4) Debt Service Tax Rate (4) Cbanpe 2002 $ 2,921,385.897 $ 1,720,128 $ 850,000 $ 870,128 $ - $ 870,128 $ 0.0201 $ - 2003 2,903,517.427 1,641,738 850,000 791,738 - 791,738 0.0287 - 2004 2,836,193,540 788.210 - 788,210 77 5,500 $ 0.0288 1,563,710 0.0580 0.0293 2005 2,770,889,370 802,623 - 802.623 776,125 0.0295 1,578,748 0.0600 0.0019 2006 2,707,544,325 795,608 - 795,608 775.875 0.0302 1,571.483 0.0611 0.0011 2007 2,736,999,631 806,655 - 806,655 774,625 0.0298 1,581,280 0.0608 2008 3.262,398,278 790,553 - 790,553 777,250 0.0251 1,567,803 0.0506 2009 3.281,084.966 797,643 - 797,643 778,625 0.0250 1,576,268 0.0506 2010 3,225,006,053 801,735 - 801,735 778,750 0.0254 1.580,485 0.0516 2011 3,170,609.507 807,213 - 807,213 777,625 0.0258 1,584,838 0.0526 2012 3.117.844,858 290.483 - 290.483 775,250 0.0262 1.065,733 0.0360 2013 3,066,663.148 293,160 - 293,160 776.500 0.0267 1,069,660 0.0367 2014 3,017,016,889 - - 776,250 0.0271 776,250 0.0271 2015 2.968,860,019 - - - 774,500 0.0275 774,500 0.0275 2016 2,922,147,854 - - - 776,125 0.0280 776,125 0.0280 2017 2.876,837,054 - - - 776,000 0.0284 776,000 0.0284 2018 2,832.885,579 - - - 779,000 0.0289 779,000 0.0289 $ 10,335.745 $ 1,700,000 $ 8,635,745 $ 11,648,000 $ 20,283,745 1$ 0.0324 I Tax Less: NET Projected Projected Assumptions: (1) See "Preliminary Calculation of Projected Assessed Valuation" for details. (2) Debt service currently being paid by Formosa Plastics Corporation. (3) For purposes of illustration only, calculated with a 2/15/03 dated date and a 5.00% interest rate. (4) Estimated County I&S tax collections rate: 95.00% (FY 20021&8 tax rate provided by the County.) First Southwest Company Public Finance Departmer, e e e e ~ ~ ~ oi II: t<I n o c:: ~ e; c. g ~ t<I t:l ~ "" " "" o 'Il , :;r: , e ei r Calhoun County, Texas Preliminary I&S Tax Rate Analysis: As of September 17, 2002 $8,500,000 Series 2003 Issue S8.500,000 Series 2003 Year Ended Assessed Existing Series 1996 Existing Projected I&S TOTAL I&S 9130 Valuation (1) Debt Service Debt Servlc:e (2) . Debt Service Debt Service (3) Tax Rate (4) Debt Service Tax Rate (4) Cban2e 2002 $ 2,921,385,897 $ ],720,128 $ 850,000 $ 870,128 $ - $ 870,128 $ 0.0201 $ - 2003 2,903,517,427 ],641,738 850,000 791,738 - 79],738 0.0287 - 2004 2,836,193.540 788,210 - 788,210 822,750 $ 0.0305 1,610,960 0.0598 0.D311 2005 2,770,889,370 802,623 - 802,623 825,000 0.0313 1,627,623 0.0618 0.0020 2006 2,707,544,325 795,608 - 795,608 823,500 0.0320 1,6]9,108 0.0629 0.0011 2007 2,736,999,631 806,655 - 806,655 825,875 0.0318 1,632,530 0.0628 2008 3.262,398,278 790,553 - 790,553 827,000 0.0267 1,617,553 0.0522 2009 3,281,084,966 797,643 - 797,643 826,875 0.0265 1,624,518 0.0521 2010 3,225.006,053 80],735 - 801,735 825,500 0.0269 1,627,235 0.0531 2011 3,170,609,507 807,213 - 807,213 822,875 0.0273 1,630,088 0.0541 2012 3.117,844,858 290,483 - 290,483 823,875 0.0278 1,114.358 0.0376 2013 3,066,663,148 293,160 - 293,160 823,375 0.0283 1,116,535 0.0383 2014 3,017,016,889 - - - 826,250 0.0288 826,250 0.0288 2015 2,968,860,019 - - - 82?3 75 0.0293 827,375 0.0293 2016 2,922,147,854 - - - 826,750 0.0298 826,750 0.0298 2017 2,876,837,054 - - - 824,375 0.0302 824,375 0.0302 2018 2,832,885,579 - - - 825,125 0.0307 825,125 0.0307 $ 10,335,745 $ 1,700,000 $ 8,635,745 .. $ 12,376,500 $ 21,012,245 1$ 0.0342 I Tax Less: Projected Projected NET Assumptions: (1) See "Prelimimuy Calculation of Projected Assessed Valuation" for details. (2) Debt service currently being paid by Formosa Plastics Corporation. (3) For purposes of illustration only. calculated with a 2/15/03 dated date and a 5.00% interest rate. (4) Estimated County I&S tax collections rale: 95.00% (FY 20021&S tax rate provided by tlte County.) First Southwest Company Public Finance Department