2002-12-30 6,,,. ,~ '.L't SPECIAL DECEMBER TERM HELD DECEMBER 30, 2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ e BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 30th day of December, A.D., 2002 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the City of Port Lavaca, said County and State, at 9:00 A:M., a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court, within said Countr and State, and there were present on this date the follow~ng members of the Court, to-wit: Arlene N. Marshall Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Shirley Foester County Judge Commissioner,Pct.l Commissioner,Pct.2 Commissioner,Pct.3 Commissioner,Pct.4 Deputy County Clerk Thereupon the following proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance. INDI1\NOLA/MAGNOLIA BEArn EROSION CONTROL PROJECT - JOINT MEETING WITH CAHOUN COUNTY NAVIGATION DISTRICT Roger Martinez, President of the Board, opened the Calhoun County Navigation District meeting. Board memebers Paul Blasingim, J. C. Melcher, Jr., Tony Wehmeyer, and Leon Kainer were in attendance. Randy Boyd was absent. Also in attendance were Robert Van Borssum, attorney David Roberts, new project manager~Matthew .Mah~. ..nIL. .1 proj ect e.ngin€er :Mark Ma-ztlCh.c. . _ - .-' ~.' Mr. Mazoch ~ave a report on the project's (1) overall project des~gn, (2) modeling structure and reyiew, 13) maintenance, (4T scheQuTe to crate, and (5) proJect cost estimate. e Commissioner EaTajka asked how the concrete mats are bouno" together. Mark said the individual blocks have cables that tie them together and the toe is anchored down. Commissioner Balajka said some cables have previously broken. Mr. Van Borssum said they opted for the heavier mats and Mark said the block size is matched to the wave attack. Mark said the project plan was sent to the engineers on July l2. They were contacted by the Corps of En~ineers that a requirement of silt curtains be included ~n the contract related to shoreline armorary. January l3th has been tentatively set as the bid opening date. Bid notification depends on the General Land Office. Bid award has tentatively set for February 6. The overall start of construction is tentatively set for February 13. Mark stated the mostly costly aspects of the project are the concrete cellular blocks, armor stones and sand fill. e Commissioner Floyd asked if all permits would be approved before going out for bids. . Mark replied that essentially the bidding process will be started to have that in place. Commissioner Floyd stated bidding power will be lost if you go out for bids first. Mark said the sand for the project is coming from Fordyce mines in Victoria and is a washed process sand. J. C. Melcher said the project at Taylor's to Palm Tree North is the area the committee of Randy Boyd, J. C. Melcher, and Commissioners Floyd and Galvan studied. This site looked best for the money and and as a public beach area. The mat area provides gradual slo~e for fishing. The beach road is in need of constant ma~ntenance. Commissioner Galvan said he put in a groin to save the road. e A Motion on behalf of the Calhoun County Navigation District was made by Mr. Melcher and seconded by Mr. Wehmeyer to accept the project and move forward. All members voted in favor. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to proceed with the Calhoun County Navi~ation District and move forward with the beach eros~on project. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. The Calhoun County Navigation District meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M. CLOSED SESSION - RROTmST l1C1R HClT.Tn~y PAY AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT e The Court, being in open session, in compliance with the pertinent provisions of Sec. 551 of the Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, Government Code, the County Judge as presiding officer publicly announced at 9: 4!>JLlir.- that a closed session would now be held under the provisions of Sec. 551. 071 and 551. 074. (Request of Tammy Hernandez:f:er holiday pay and-mileage reimbursement .)- The Judge further publicly announced that before any final action,decisioll or vote is made regarding the subject matter Dxthe closed session, this meeting will be reopened to the public. The Court then went into closed session. At the end of the closed session the meeting was reopened to the public at lO:25 A.M. Tammy Hernandez testified that the mileage and records she subm~tted regarding The Harbor were in order and in complete detail. No further action was necessary. GENERAL DISCUSSION - RETIREMENT OF COUNTY TREASURER AND COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR e County Treasurer Sharron Marek with forty years of County service and County Tax Assessor-Collector Annette Baker with thixty~ year~ of ~~unty service were presented with plagues by the County Judge on their retirement in recognit~onof their:dedication and hard work fq~ the County. APPROVE ACTION AND DRAFl' OF DRRDID TRANSFER 10.26 ACRES IN WILLIAM ''''''TOId) ~u~v!S~ _'IX) CALHOUN COUNTY Commissioner Floyd stated the 10.26 acre tract in the william Arnold Survey, Pore Alto area, has-been mai~taiDeO oy tne County but is privately owned. Mi~ ~arrett suggested the property be deed to the County. Approval of the draft of the deed by the Court iG needed to set the records straight. He said this is the only beach in the area. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve action and draft of the deed to transfer 10.26 acres of the William Arnold Survey, Abstract #2 to Calhoun County. The deed will be submitted to the Court after all signatures are obtained. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 6.r:: . J..,) Special Warranty Gift Deed DATE . DRAFT IJ-II- adZ Date: December .2002 Grantors and Grantors' Mailing Addresses: B. David Rose, Individually and as Co-Executor of the Will and Estate of E. T. Rose, Jr., Deceased 105 East Main Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Mark L. Rose, Individually and as Co-Executor of the Will and Estate of E. T. Rose, Jr., Deceased 105 East Main Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Edith Ingrid Radkey, Independent Administrator With Will Annexed of the Estate of Oliver H. Radkey, Jr., Deceased c/o Law Office of Lee Vanderburg 1401 West Avenue, Suite B Austin, Travis County, Texas 78701 Marjorie Germer Raybon P. O. Box 865 Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Edna Diane Germer Powell P. O. Box 518 Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Charles H. Sample, Jr. 711 Progress Street Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 John S. Sample P. O. Box 845 Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Edna Frances Sample 815 Lochtyne Way Houstbn, Harris County, Texas, 77024 Charles R. Loeffler, Individually and as Independent Executor of the Estate of Walter Fredrick Germer, Jr., Deceased, P.O. Box 820 Mason, Mason County, Texas 76856 Archie S. White 600 Brazos Lumberton, Hardin County, Texas, 77656 Lon R. Drushel P. O. Box 459 Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 WHD Land Company, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership 6031 Park Circle Houston, Texas 77057 Dixie White Hill 3019 Robinson Road Missouri City, Fort Bend County, Texas, 77459 616 e e e e e e Patricia Anne Serenbetz, Individually and as Independent Co-Executor of the Estate of Winifred Young, Deceased 120 The Village No. 302 Redondo Beach, Los Angeles County, California, 90277 Daniel B. Stary, Independent Co-Executor of the Estate of Winifred Young, Deceased P. O. Box 422 Edna, Jackson County, Texas, 77957 Vera Denise Cumba, Trustee of the Phyllis Marilyn Amerson Trust 16831 Middleforest Drive Houston, Harris County, Texas, 77059 James Phillip Morgan, Trustee of the Phyllis Marilyn Amerson Trust 36 Bentrel Cabot, County, Arkansas, 72023 Hahn Family Partnership, L.P. 1034 Liberty Park Dr., #314 Austin, Travis County, Texas, 78746 Grantee: Calhoun County Grantee's Mailing Address: 211 South Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas 77979 Consideration: Grantor's recognition and appreciation of the benefits that will accrue to the residents of Calhoun County by reason of a public park and beach. Property (including any improvements): THE SURFACE ONLY of a tract or parcel of land containing 10.26 acres, more or less, situated in and a part of the William Arnold Survey, Abstract No.2, Calhoun County, Texas. Said 10.26 acres, more or less, also described as being in aild"a part of a 279.33 acre tract of land described as Tract 1 in Exhibit "AU of a Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 172, Pages 639-641 of the Calhoun County Official Records, and is more fully described by metes and bounds on Exhibit A, attached to this deed and incorporated by reference. Grantee expressly understands and agrees that the Property shall be used only for a public park and beach. If the Property ceases to be used for a public park and beach, grantor shall have the right to reenter and assume ownership of the property described in this conveyance, it being the intent of grantor to convey the right, title, and interest described on a condition subsequent. Reservations frorn Conveyance: For each Grantor and each Grantor's heirs, successors and assigns, the reservation in perpetuity of each Grantor's undivided interest in and to all of the oil, gas and other minerals in, on and under, and that may be produced from, the Property, together with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of exploring, developing and producing the minerals. If the mineral estate is subject to existing production or an existing lease, this reservation includes the production, the lease, and all benefits from it. Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: Each Grantor warrants title only to that proportion of interest owned or claimed by that Grantor. Further subject to validly existing easements, rights-of-way, and prescriptive rights, whether of record or not; all presently recorded and validly existing restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions, oil and gas leases, mineral interests outstanding in persons other than Grantor, and other instruments, other than conveyances of the surface fee estate, that affect the Property; validly existing rights of adjoining owners in any walls and fences situated on a common boundary; any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines; any encroachments or overlapping of improvements; all rights, obligations, and other matters arising from and existing by reason of any Calhoun County water control or improvement district or similar authority; and taxes for the year 2003, which Grantee assumes and agrees -2- 6":'7 to pay, and subsequent assessments for that and prior years due to change in land usage, ownership, or both, the payrnent of which Grantee assumes. Each Grantor, for the Consideration and subject to the Reservations from Conveyance and the Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty, grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee all of the undivided interest owned by each Grantor in and to the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any way belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successots, and assigns forever. Grantor Edith Ingrid Radkey executes this deed solely in her fiduciary or representative capacity as Independent Executor with Will Annexed of the Estate of Oliver H. Radkey, Jr., Deceased. The provisions of this Deed shall be binding upon Edith Ingrid Radkey only in her .. fiduciary or representative capacity, and it is understood and agreed that Edith Ingrid Radkey will _ not incur any personal or individual liability for breach of any provision of this Deed. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the Reservations frorn Conveyance and the Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty, when the claim is by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. This. deed may be signed in multiple counterparts. Grantor: Mark L. Rose, Individually and as Co- Executor of the Will and Estate ofE. T. Rose, Jr., Deceased B. David Rose, Individually and as Co- Executor of the Will and Estate of E. T. Rose, Jr., Deceased Edith Ingrid Radkey, Independent Administrator With.Will Annexed of the Estate of Oliver H. Radkey, Deceased Marjorie Germer Raybon e Edna Diane Germer Powell Charles H. Sample, Jr. John S. Sample Edna Frances Sample Charles R. Loeffler, Individually and as Independent Executor of the Estate of Walter Fredrick Germer, Jr., Deceased Archie S. White Lon R. Drushel Dixie White Hill WHD Land Company, Ltd. Daniel B. Stacy, Independent Coexecutor of the Estate of Winifred Young, By: William H. Drushel, Jr., General Partner Patricia Anne Serenbetz, Individually and as Co-Independent Executor of the Estate Of Winifred Young, Deceased Vera Denise Cumba, Trustee of the Phyllis Marilyn Amerson Trust e James Phillip Morgan, Trustee of the Phyllis Marilyn Amerson Trust Inda Hahn, Managing Partner of the Hahn Family Partnership, L.P. -3- 5:8 -- I I Ie I e IN'l'RRI,()('..AL AGREEMENT WITH THE HARBOR Commissioner Finster questioned the amount of liability insurance now being shown on the agreement; other interlocal agreements usually show an amount of $500,000. Loretta Brown of The Harbor Board stated an. amount of $28,500 will be noted on the agreement as w~ll the EIN number. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to adopt the Interlocal Agreement. between Calhoun County and The Harbor Children:s Assl~ance and Victim Center. Commissioners Gal~an, Bala)ka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted ~n favor. CONTRACT between CALHOUN COUNTY and THE HARBOR CHILDREN'S ALLIANCE AND VICTIM CENTER STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN WHEREAS, Calhoun County, hereinafter COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, has deterrnined that the expenditure of county funds proposed herein is one which serves a public purpose and has further determined that the State of Texas, by its Constitution or by its state statutes, either implicitly or explicitly, has conferred upon COUNTY the authority, the power and the jurisdiction to accornplish the uses for said funds as proposed herein, infra. Having found the above elements fully satisfied, COUNTY may contract with a private nonprofit corporation so that they may use said public funds for the purposes conternplated herein, but only if the expenditure is to accomplish county business (which encompasses rnatters of general concern to county residents) and only if COUNTY assures itself that the funds to be transferred by this contract are subject to adequate contractual or other controls to ensure that expenditure of said county funds for the public purpose stated herein will be accornplished and so long as COUNTY received adequate consideration for the county funds to be provided by this contract. WHEREAS, COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, has the authority and duty to conduct necessary investigations, enforce the laws and under legislative rnandate, through its district attorney, assist all victims of crirne, and further, pursuant to s264.402, Texas Family Code, the authority to establish children's advocacy centers, which centers shall provide certain services to and support of the children of COUNTY who are victirns of child abuse and neglect, and FURTHER, that COUNTY has determined such activities serve valuable public purposes and constitutes county business, and WHEREAS, COUNTY, pursuant to Ss 264.403 and 264.406, Texas Family Code, has the authority to develop, rnaintain and support, through the children's advocacy center, an environment that emphasizes the best interests of abused and neglected children and that provides investigatory and rehabilitative services, and further, to enter into contracts to provide certain services to and support of the children of COUNTY who are the victirns of child abuse and neglect, and FURTHER, that COUNTY has determined such activities serve valuable public purposes, and constitute county business, and 6:9 e WHEREAS, The Harbor Children's Alliance and Victim Center, a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter referred to as THE HARBOR, is engaged in providing investigations of child abuse and assisting the child victims of abuse and neglect, along with their families, and desires to enter into such a contract for the provision of certain services to and support of the children and adults of COUNTY who are victims of physical! sexual abuse and neglect; said services being considered by both parties to this contract as fair consideration frorn THE HARBOR to COUNTY in exchange for the funds transferred hereby. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED THAT: 1. Payment by County: In consideration that the services described below to the residents of COUNTY, mE HARBOR shall be entitled to a surn not to exceed $28,500.00 per annum. Such arnount shall be disbursed by COUNTY to THE HARBOR after January 1, 2003, upon written request for THE HARBOR. 1 IAfYrlilA.~i. 'JH~ HA.RPOR d~gIl at all tim@f mJiRt:aiR a FGlic;T sf li::lbilit~T iR~YraRrg f,gr pr@lRic@!: liabilit~T E9r pgn;9t=1al iRjUr:,T. ~ai9 pG'li~~" thaIl p@ iR th@ miaimyr.:R amg'lRt gf $500,000.00. e 3. Services: THE HARBOR shall provide services to the residents of COUNTY as follows: a. To provide the children and adults residing in COUNTY and surrounding counties with a facility where children and adults who are the victirns of sexual and/or physical abuse and their non-offending family rnembers can go for evaluation, intervention and counseling. b. To provide the agencies and professionals of COUNTY and surrounding counties who work with abused children with a forurn where they can gather and work together in assisting victims and their farnilies. c. To provide a resource center for training and education in the area of child abuse, domestic violence and victirnization. d. To provide a warm, non-threatening environment in which the victirns of physical!sexual abuse and victimization and their families can work with law enforcernent or protection services in preparation for their court appearances. e. To provide a location where local and area law enforcement agencies and those assisting them rnay obtain evidence to be used to investigate and prosecute those accused of child abuse, domestic violence, farnily violence and neglect. e 4, IRS Classification: THE HARBOR's Internal Revenue Service, non-profit classification is 501(c)(3) and its IRS EIN is 74-2578679 620 e e e 5. Most Recent Financial and Performance Reports: THE HARBOR shall subrnit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of mE HARBOR's most current independent financial audit or end-of-year financial repon of all expenditures and income for the period of THE HARBOR's fiscal year ending in calendar year 2002, within 60 days of the approval of this contract. THE HARBOR shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTYJudge each a perforrnance review by which THE HARBOR gives details of services provided and clients served for the previous COUNTY fiscal year ending on Decernber 31, 2003, on or before March 1, 2004. 6. Prospective Financial and Performance Reports: THE HARBOR shall subrnit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of THE HARBOR's independent financial audit or end-of-year financial repon of all expenditures and income for the period of THE HARBOR's fiscal year ending in calendar year 2003, within thiny days following its receipt by THE HARBOR. THE HARBOR shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a performance review by which THE HARBOR gives details of services provided and clients served for THE HARBOR's fiscal year ending in calendar year 2003, by March 1,2004. 7. Term: The Terrn of this contract is to begin on January I, 2003 and end on Decernber 31, 2003, unless earlier terrninated by either pany on thiny days written notice. 8. Use of Funds: No moneys paid to THE HARBOR shall be expended for any purpose other than for the provision of cenain services to and suppon of the victims of COUNTY who are victims of physical/sexual abuse and neglect; provides, however, that no exception of the person who shall conduct all of the child interviews and provide trailing to volunteers. 9. Books and Records: All books and records of THE HARBOR shall be open for inspection during normal business hours to any member of the public, the Calhoun County Auditor, and such persons as may be given that authority, in writing, by the Comrnissioners' Coun, provided, however that this clause shall in no way be construed to override the provision of the Federal Privacy Act or other state or federal law or regulation concerning the disclosure of confidential or privacy rnatters. 10. Non-Exclusion: This contract is not exclusive and COUNTY reserves the right to contract with additional panies for the provision of cenain services to and suppon of the victims of COUNTY who are victims of physical/sexual abuse and neglect in the area covered by this contract. 11. Effectiveness: This contract is effective upon approval by Order of the Calhoun County Commissioners' Coun. 621 12. Non-Discrimination: THE HARBOR agrees to operation under a policy of non-discrimination with regard to the provision of said services. Such policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, color, handicap, disability, national origin, language, political affiliation or belief or other non-rnerit factor. Any act of discrimination shall constitute a material breach of this contract. e 13. Sexual Harassment Prohibited: THE HARBOR agrees to adopt and rnaintain a policy that prohibits sexual harassrnent. Any act of sexual harassrnent constitutes a material breach of this contract. 14. Applicable Laws: THE HARBOR agrees to comply with any and all applicable laws, local, state and federal, regarding work hours, safety, wages, social security benefits, and! or workers compensation. This clause places a duty to meet the requirements of such laws only if the law itself places such a duty on mE HARBOR. Any act in violation of any of those laws or ordinances shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 15. Default: a. In the event either party shall fail to keep, observe or perforrn any covenant, contract, term or provision of this contract to be kept, observed _ or perforrned by such party, respectively, and such default shall continue for a . period of ten days after notice thereof by the non-defaulting party to the other, then in any such event the non.defaulting party shall be entitled to terminate this contract. b. No delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, power or privilege shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege constitute such a waiver nor exhaust the same, which shall be continuing. No notice to or demand on either party in any case shall entitle such party to any other or further notice or demand in sirnilar or other circumstances, or constitute a waiver of the rights of either party to any other or further action in any circumstances without notice or dernand. 16. Successors and Assigns: This contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided that THE HARBOR may not assign this contract without COUNTY's prior written consent. 17. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be enforceable in, and venue shall be in, Calhoun County, Texas. e 18. Notices: Any notice or cornmunication hereunder must be in writing, and may be given by registered or certified mail; if given by registered or certified mail, same shall be deemed to have been given and received when a registered or certified (;22 e e e letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mail; and if given otherwise than by registered rnail, it shall be deerned by haven been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom it is addressed. Such notices or cornrnunications shall be given to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below. Any party hereto may at any time by giving ten days written notice to the other party hereto designate any other address in substitution of the foregoing address to which such notice or comrnunication shall be given. 19. Severability: If any terrn, covenant or condition of this contract or the application thereof to any person or circurnstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract or the application of such terrn, covenant or condition to persons or circurnstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term, covenant or condition of this contract shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 20. Relationship: The parties hereby agree that this is a contract for the adrninistration of the Program and hereby renounce the existence of any other relationship. In no event shall COUNTY have any obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to any debts, obligations or liability of THE HARBOR, and THE HARBOR shall have no authority to bind COUNTY to any contract, rnatter or obligation. No duties of COUNTY are delegated to THE HARBOR by this contract and any provision which is or may be held to be such a delegation shall be of no force or effect. 21. Modification; Termination: This contract may be arnended, modified, terminated or released only be written instrurnent executed by COUNTY and THE HARBOR, except as herein otherwise provided. 22. Total Agreement: This contract is a total and cornplete integration of any and all undertakings existing between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements, promises or representation between them. The headings of the various paragraphs of this contract are for convenience only, and shall not define, interpret, affect or prescribed the rneaning and interpretation of the provisions of this contract. CALHOUN COUNTY THE HARBOR CHILDREN'S ALLIANCE AND VICTIM CENTER .~ , ' \,/" By:~l.~~ By: ;]'~A&Il~ Date: a/ $,,/0 ;;.-- , ( Date: 623 NOTICES COUNTY: THE HARBOR: Calhoun County Judge 211 S. Ann Street, Room 304 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 President of the Board P.O. Box 1300 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 BIDS AND PROPOSALS - INDIGENT DRUGS The County Auditor opened and read the following bids for Indigent Drugs for the year 2003. Don Lester of The Pharmacy was contacted regarding the amount of his bid. He verified that it was (-)6%. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to award the bid for Indigent Drugs for year 2003 to The Pharmacy in the amountof (-)6%. e SPECIFICATIONS AND BID FORM FOR DRUGS TO 'IE FURNISHED TO INDIGENTS OF CALHOUN COUNTY The amount shown is the charge per prescription' which we will add to the "average wholesale price red book" for our services rendered and containers used in preparing such prescriptions. Generic drugs and prices will be used in all situations where appropriate. Any price increases will be based on price increases from the manufacturer. Such price increase and "average wholesale price red book" will be Made available to Calhoun County when requested. Each monthly statement or billing to the County will contain the following minimum Information on appropriately identified letterhead or an appropriately identified e DATE PATIENT NAME DRUG AMOUNT INTITIAL OR REFILL PRICE PRECRIPTION THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE JANUARY 1,2003 TO DECEMBER 31, 2003. % TO BE ADDED TO OR SUBSTRACTED FROM AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE PER PRESCRIPTION .C~ DATE: j '2.~'2 "7_IJ7- , NAME OF COMPANY: -t-llf~..nA"J MAILING ADDRESS: 4t:~ U,,,, [" '.- pI CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: ft.....T I A4(d>. jJ i n 7 7 q 7>) TELEPHONE NUMBER: 7(;/ 1:z e AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ClAAr 1~ PRINT NAME: TITLE: 6 W/u . 0,iJ c.,.J+: SPECIFICA TIONS AND BID FORM FOR DRUGS TO BE FURNISHED TO INDIGENTS OF CALHOUN COUNTY e The amount shown is the charge per prescription which we will add to the "average wholesale price red book" for our services rendered and containers used in preparing such prescriptions. Generic drugs and prices will be used in all situations where appropriate. Any price increases will be based on price increases from the manufacturer. Such price increase and "average wholesale price red book" will be Made available to Calhoun County when requested. Each monthly statement or billing to the County will contain the following minimum Information on appropriately identified letterhead or an appropriately identified IlATE PATIENT NAME DRUG AMOUNT INTITIAL OR REFILL PRECRIPTION PRICE THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE JANUARY 1,2003 TO DECEMBER 31,2003. % TO BE ADDED TO OR SUBSTRACTED FROM A VERAGE WHOLESALE PRICXR PRESCRIPTION AvJ P - 6'D ~ / ,- e DATE: h . ._'. --C"m~...r ;::\\\\ ~tiD'~ NAME OF COMPANY: \\). ~~,.,~..., ~-L~ ~, t\) \L..,\~.." \ MAILING ADDRESS: ~6 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: ~\ ) t\t--+ l.o..\\crr.... \ Y. ."'PIn TELEPHONE NUMBER: ();;~^ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: ~:::::::-~~'"~\,~. -t Y",,,...h TITLE: {)W\\<. - ~,~"'c"<;".\ e 625 MEMORIAL MRnlCAL CENTER - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT The Memorial Medical Center monthly financial report was presented by Saad Mikhail. Mr. Currier, Hospital Administrator, gave an update on hospital operations, mentioning staff shortages and rising costs. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY NOVEMBER 30, 2002 O'PERATING REVENUE LESS:. OPERATING EXPENSES 17,158,900 (15,956,017) 1,202,884 CHANGE IN INVESTMENT: Accounts Reeeivable- (Iner) Deer Accounts Payable- Iner (Decr) Prepaid Expense- (Iner) Deer Inventory (Iner) Deer 273,994 (89,903) . 2,352 3.6,219 TOTAL INVESTMENT CHANGE (INCR) DECR 222,662 1,425,546 PLUS: Depreciation Contribution to the County 1,410,852 o 2,836,398 PLUS: County Subsidies EMS/Hospital (68,629) Total Cash- Iner (Deer) 2,767,768 LESS: Equipment Purchases (226,934 ) NET CASH- INCR (DECR) . C25 e e e 2,540,834 1 , > ') e . ~ - ....-.0 u___ . - COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF, NOVEMBER 2002. BEGINNING ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS FUND BALANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING . $1,534,498.39 $1,515,26Q.22 $1,568,439.99 $1.48I,324~62 MEMORIAL 16,738.99 44.71 0.00 16.783.70 RESTRICTED DONATION 13,276.08 35.46 0.00 13,311.54 INDIGENT HEALTIlCARE 2,464.84 158.795.44 157,816.11 3,444.17 \;ERTIFlCA lES OF OBUG !NT & SKG 36.83 9.28 . 0.00 46.11 $1,567,015.13 $1,674,151.1 I $1,726,256.10 $1,514,910.14 - e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS - , - COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT , MONTH OF: NOVEMBER 20~_ BANK RECONCIUATION LESS: CERT. FUND OF DEPOSIT PLU~: CHECKS BANK FUND .~ B#-ANCE OTHER ITEMS OuTsTANDING BALANCE , .. MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER: OPERATING 1,481,324.62 193,684.84 1,675,009.4f MEMORIAL . . 16,783.70 16,783.7C RESTRICTED DONATION 13,311.54 13,311.54 INDIGENT HEALTIlCARE 3,444.17 38.19 3,482.3f CERT OF OBUG INTEREST & SINKING 46.11 46.11 e 2 G:7 MEMORIAL ~J32lS~L ~ s~~}x~~ .J.~ll ~2-67q ADMINISTKATOR S REPURT December 2002 e FINANCIAL: We had a net operating gain for the month of November (net revenue - total operating expense) of$54,725.36, bringing our Y-T-D net operating gain to $1,202,883.50. Total operating expense exceeded budget by some $67,962.00 for the month and $227,826,00 Y-T-D. The reason for being over budget in expense is primarily that of expenses incurred for contract anesthesia and agency nurse fees; neither of which we had much choice or coujd have anticipated any closer than we have - otherwise a good month, MRI PROGRESS: Our MRI business continued to increase this year over last. We continue to hear from medical staff members and others about the improvement in quality and of accessibility, JOHNSON FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTION: .. As previously reported, the Johnson Foundation "Match" had been accomplished using a variety .., of options and they (The Foundation Board) will be looking at quotes from several companies. dealing in digital R & F rooms to upgrade another one of our imaging modalities. MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA: At a recent. special meeting of Commissioners Court, we were asked to continue with. the responsibility of the Plaza for a ninety-day period, beyond 1 January 2003, While I informally agreed to this, it is an agenda item for the board to ratify the agreement. OCCUPANCY OF THE AREA OF THE PLAZA PREVIOUSLY INDENTIFIED AS HOME HEALTH: I believe I've mentioned in the past that the "Y" asked me if they could put a couple of pieces of equipment in this area for a teen exercise area. The purpose being to encourage exercise and diet recommendations to children who might be at risk for medical problems i.e., juvenile diabetes now or later in life, I told them they could do it on a very temporary basis, The area was unoccupied and it seemed to be a service to the community. I was reminded by the Court that this was unacceptable and I immediately issued a cease and desist to the "Y" and its use discontinued. DISPOSITION OF OUR 1996 FORD PICKUP TRUCK: The insurance company has settled on the Total Loss of our pickup and have paid us $3,843,00 less the sales tax and our $2,500.00 deductible, The $3843.00 received is to be directed toward our purchase of another pickup truck, which hopefully will be approved at this meeting, You may recall that the 1996 model truck caught fIre and was destroyed while parked in the ER parking lot. e 628 e e e SUMMARY: November was a so-so month from a financial perspective, however I'm reminded that anytime there is a surplus of revenue Vs expense it's a good month, but Y-T-D we have done well. Typically December is anything but typical, which means it is difficult to predict, mainly . because of the holidays, People put off procedures, which are discretionary in nature or elective . is perhaps a better word: My guess is that we will be able to end the year in g~od shape from the perspective of profitability as well as im~rove cash flow, Healthcare. conti.nu:s to command much attention at the national level, which suggest we may be seemg slgmficant changes beginning as early as 2003, It is important that we maintain flexibility in order to adapt, and adapt we will! See you on the 17th. Remember the meeting time for this meeting is 6:30 p.m. Vs 5:15 p.m. regularly, EMERGENCY MlmICAL SERVICES - SUBSIDY REOUEST FROM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Regarding the request by Memorial Medical Center for Emergency Medical Services subsidy, Mr. Currier, Hospital Administrator, recommended working with information we have and go back to the time frame in researchin~ this to get a clearer picture. Commissioner Floyd quest10ned some of the amounts shown in Mr. Currier's letter which stated the County still owes $46,000 to the hospital. He said the report fails to include $73,000 worth of collections received by the hospital; taken into consideration, the Countr overpaid the hopital $27,000. Mr. Mikhail expla1ned the report stating the collections were received in 2001. This matter was set to be resolved at the next meeting, January 9, 2003. ENTERPRISE ZONE - REOUEST FOR THE ZONE AND CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH GOLDEN CRESCENT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to authorize moving forward in requesting an application process for contract services with Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission in an amount not to exceed $6000 to be paid by Formosa Plastics. In discussion, Commissioner Floyd said he had a problem with the contract as Melissa Larson with Golden Crescent "Regional Planning Commission stated several different types of zones. Commissioner Galvan said the zones studied and mentioned were ideal. Commissioner Balajka said he felt the motion to move forward was alright but did not want to limit the dollar amount and to Golden Crescent only; he was told $6000 would not be sufficient and Melissa was very uncomfortable with tackling this project. He was not against moving forward but felt it wrong to specify the amount and the company. Commissioner Finster stated he would not want Golden Crescent to get in now and later withdraw because of uncertainty of doing the job. Jack Wu with Formosa Plastics requested the County vote today to go forward with the plan and later decide on the zone as he has no record to show any action taken by the Court. Commissioner Finster reminded him the agenda item was only to authorize a contract with Golden Crescent. Commissioner Floyd felt Golden Crescent could recommend someone to best benefit us with this. Commissioner Galvan said the State Legislature might make some changes regarding this issue at their next session and wanted to get this started while still possible. Mr. Wu asked the Court to move forward with the application so as not to miss this opportunity with or without Melissa. C29 Commissioner Balajka called for the question. Judge Marshall and Commissioner Galvan voted in favor. Commissioners Finster, Floyd and Balajka voted against. Commissioner Floyd state he was not opposed to the enterprise zones but was against not having seen the contract and not having enough information. Commissioner Floyd suggested this be put on the next session of Court with a representative of Golden Crescent present. Commissioner Balajka reguested a letter be sent to Golden Crescent with the questlon of whether they want this job so this information will be available at the next meeting. e MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GENERATORS AT COURTHOUSE AND FAIRGROUNDS FOR USE WITH EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS Charles Crober, Maintenance Supervisor, said the contract with Steward and Stevenson Services, Inc. quoted an amount which was semi-annual. The amount annually is $l8,020.l4. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the maintenance contract with Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc. for two county generators at the courthouse and fairgrounds for use with emergency communications in the amount of annual payment of $l8,020.l4. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. w~ STEWART & STEVENSON SERVICES, INC. Page 101 1(361)289-5350 Invoice Number Invoice Date I Customer Number Customer P.O. Number 5....3 12107/02 I .00.,6 Work Order Number Payment Terms Due Date 963341 Net 30 Days 01 J06J03 'ALL BIlLS PAYABLE IN HOUSTON, TEXAS. NET 10 DAYS. NO DlS9QUNTS ALLOWED. WE RESERVElliE R1GtiTTO CHARGE tn'EREST ON AU._PAST DUE ACCOUNTS AT THE RAn; OF 18% PER ANNUM OR TIiE MAXIMUM NOOUSURlOUS RATE, WHICHEVER IS LESS.' ELECTI'lONlC FUNDSmANSFEJlINFORMAOON: BANK: JP MORGAN CHASE, HOUSTON, TX ABA ROUTlNG NO. 113OOO1Ol1 ACCOUNT NO. 00101&16119 Remittance un y: Stewart-&;::.tevenson Serv ces,lnc.-P.u.,200441-nouston, Tx. n21Q"\1' e 8530Agnu CORPUS CHRiSTl TX 7840ll "VOice 0: Calhoun County Emergency Mgmt 211 South Ann St Room 108 PORT LAVACA TX 77979 lp 0: Calhoun County Emergency Mgmt 211 South Ann st Room 108 PORT LAVACA TX 77979 SERVICE ANY11ME, ANYWHERE . SAlES SERVICE PARTS . RENTlNG-LEASING &erlaI Number 12VAII08177 Parent Serlel NumbBr CALHOUN COUNTY EMERGENCY FIlmIIy DDC12V.71 llcenMd(OnIOffHyw) 1002R9D Serlel No. Descrlption KATO 12VAOO8177 DiESEL Men Oucrlptlon Position of Unit MewrReedlng . PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Product ModBI 71237005 VehrC'-11n CUSt0m8r Unit Numbllr y-, C~"l.r Neme ttem Number ExpJanaUon -Remark- Un" Untt Price Amount COMPLAINT: PM (2) BEN UNITS. CORRECTIONS: WENT TO LOCATJON. PERFORMED MAINTENANCE INSPECTION ON ONE 100KW GENERATOR AND CHANGED ENGINE Oft. AND FILTERS. RAN AND CHECKED UNIT AND PIJT GEN SET BACK INTO =~~~COND LOCATION. PERFORMED MAINTENANCE INSPECTION ON 201(W GENERATOR AND CHANGED ENGINE OIL AND FlL TEAS AND RAN AND CHECKED UNIT. plJT UNIT BACK INTO AUTOMATIC. 100KW. SR. 12VA008177 _ MDU 7123-7000 HOURS 1481 2OKW. SR' 2057634 . MOll :tQA02488-S HOURS 46 COMMENTS: "THANK:,"oo FOR YOUR BUSINESS" 1.00- .0000 .00 23530.410 aEMENT .00 23530.410 aEMENT 2.00 .0000 .0000 .00 23530.407 aEMENT 2.00- .00 23530407 aEMENT 4.00 .0000 .0000 .00 23518481 Fit TER,FUEL 1.00- 2.00 .0000 .00 23518481 FIL TER,FUEL .00 23518482 FIl TER,SECONDARY FUEL,MFR: DOC 1.00- .0000 2.00 .0000 .00 e 23518482 ALTER,SECONDARY FUEL.MFR: DOC 1.00 .0000 .00 P5505.41 FUEL FILTER 1.4.00 .0000 ,00 23512701 1GAL 1240D 3.00- .0000 .00 23512703 1 GAL 13005 OIL .0000 .00 23512703 1GAL 13OOS0lL 4.00 .0000 .00 MILESEMP 210 MILES 210.00 11.00 .0000 .00 REtD LABOR 455.07 Total Flat Rate: ALltMJlCEOC:SCREPAHI:IbaaT"~"~TOI1PAI\T...~wmlIt(1OJD.O,'nIOf' lIECO'T.wr:~ACCEnMl!llCHA_MT\JJIIED'MnIOUTOUIIPEIMS8ION.A""""'~ c:KAIIGtOf lrAOFTH!lNYOlCEPRIc:l! WlU.1ll!_ONALLREnlIINEDIlIEl'IeI\AIClI ~"'~TOoUl.lENAAlClc:oNtIlt1ONS""IT"'lUION_-' Total Amount Total Tax Total Invoice 455.07 .00 455.07 630 .i=m_ .,...-- - --- Customer Copy e e e Stewart & Stevenson Terms and Conditions t. DEFINITIONS: A!!. used in these General Terms and Conditions 01 Sale, the term 'Good$' shall mean the machinery, equipment, products and other tangible propeny from time to lime sold or offered for sale by SeHer: ihs term 'Services' shall m&al1 the labor from time to time provided by Seller: the t8rm 'Seiter" shall mean the entity selling or offering such Goods or Services: and the term 'Buyer" shall m6llll the person to whom such Goods Of Services Is sojd or offered. 2. OTHER TEAMS: If this is an acceptance or written confirmation, il is expressly made conditional upon your assenllo any terms contained herein lhat are additional to or different from those of yoof offer. If this is an offer, your acceptance hereof is expressly limited to the specific terms contained herein. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall contain all 01 the IstmS applicable to any sale 01 or ottsr 10 sell Goods or Services. Seller specifically objects to any additional or different terms contained In any document used by Buyer. My acceptance of Goods or SeNices by Buyer or any paym.nt by Buyer oj any pM of the purchase price shaJl be deemed to be a waiver 01 any additional ordiflerent terms contained in Buyer's documents and an acceptance 01 all 01 the Generai Terms and Conditiotls 01 Sale, notwithstanding the acknowledgment by Seller of Buyer'S purchase order or other document provided by BUyer. No order tor Goods or SeNiess shail be binding 00 Seller until it is acknowledged in writing by Seller. 3. SUPERVISION: All SeNices per/ormed by SeUer at a location owned or controlled by Buyer shall be per10rmed by Seller's personnel under the supeNision and conlroloJ Buyer. 4. ACCESS, PERMITS AND UTILITIES: Sellers employees shall have free and unobstructed aceess 10 the site at which SeNices are to be per/armed. Buyer shail turnish sale and proper eQuipment, parts, tools and worXing conditions, sala storage 'or Seiler's property, and all nec8SSary lifting equipment, steam, electricity, gas, oil, water and other utilities necessary 10 perlorm the Services. Buyer Shall obtain aU licenses, registrations, and permits necessary for Seiler to perform Ihe SeNices. 5. PRICE: Unless othelWise stated, all prices are in U.S. Dollars. Prices relating 10 Goodll are ex factory, place 01 manulacture.labor rates SM" by sub-iect to change without notice and shall apply from the time of dispatch until retum or dispalch to another job. No amount is included in any price lor sales, use, privilege, excise or other taxes impoS&d on 0( measured by the gross receipts Irom the sale 01 the Goods or Services. Buyer shall promptly pay any such charge directly to the governmental authority assessing them or reimburse on demand any such charges paid by Seller. 6. PAYMENTS: All payments shall be in U.S. Dollars, without otfset, I:lackcharge, rete1tion or withholding of My kind. AJI invoices shall be payable within ten (10) days. MY amounts not paid when due will be subject to interest at the rate ot '.1/2% per month or the highest nonusurious rate pennitled by applicable law, wI'lichever is less. At the reQuest 01 Seller, payments will be made through a conlirmed irrevocable letter 0' credit in lorm and on banks acceptable to SelJer. 7. DELIVERY: Delivery to the carrier, including carriers owned or controlled by Seller, or notification that Goods are ready tor shipment shall constitute delivery to Ihe Buyer for all purposes. 6. SHIPMENT: Prices include the cost 01 packing and crating required lor normal domestic transportation. Freight charges Included in any price are subject to adjustment lor actual cost incurred by Seller. In the event that any Goods will be shipped out ot the continsntallimits 01 the Untied States ot America, all tees and expensQS felating to export documentatIon, export packmg, marking or 'Importation into the country 01 destination shall be the responSibility 0' the Buyer. 9. ACCEPTANCE: All Goods shall be tinaily inspected and accepted within thirty (30) days atter delivery. All SeNices shall be inspected and accepted within thirty days after they are per1ormed. Failura of Buyer to provide Seiler with an itemized list ot dejects within such thirty (30) days or to permit Seller a reasonable opportunity to correct any listed defects shall be deemed acceptance ot the Goods or Services. In the event 01 multiple shipments or extended Services, each individuai shipment shall be separately accepted and SeNices shall ba periodically inspected and accepted. Buyer expressly waives any right to reject Goods or Services that substantiaily conform to the specifications relating thereto and any right to revoke acceptance after such thirty (30) day period. 10. DELAYS: Seller shall have no liability tor any tailure to deliver the Goods or perlorm Services to Buyer it such failure arises lrom causes beyond the reasonabie control ot Seller, inclUding but not limited to, delays of suppliers or carriers, govemment actions, shortages ot malerials, labor difficulties, tires, Hoods, acts of God and the effects at civil disobedi6ftce. 11. CHANGES: Seller reseNes the right to change the details of any Goods provided that such change shaJl not impair the performance or critical dimensions of such Goods. 12. ADDITIONAl COSTS: In addition to the purchase price. Buyer shall pay to.SeUer any costs incurred as a reSl.lit of (a) chanQh in the Goods or Services or delays in delivery requested by Buyer; (b) delays in delivery arising Irom Buyer's tailure to provide inlormation, drawings or materials; or (c) changes in the laws, codes, rules or requlations applicable to the Goods or Services after the date oj Quotation by Seller. 13. WARRANTY: To the extent that Good. are warranted by their original manufacturers. and to Ihe extent 1hat such warranlles are assignable to Buyer, Seller assigns to Buyer any rights and remedies It has relating to such Goods. SeUer funher agrees to perform any obligations of the orlgh,al manufacturer under the manufacturer's warranty to the extent that such manufacturer authorizes Seller to perform such warranty obligations. SELLER WARRANTS GOODS MANUFACTURED AND SERVICES PERFORMED BY IT PURSUANT TO THE WARRANTY POLICY STATEMENTS ISSUED FROM TIME TO TIME BY SELLER. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE APPUCABLE WARRANTY POUCY STATEMENT, SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPUfD, WITH RESPECT TO GOODS OR SERVICES,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ,?R FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, 14 CANCELLATION: Orders 'or Goods or SeNices may not be cancelled by Buyer alter acceptance by Seller. Seiler shall be entitled to reQuest reasonable assurances thaI Buyer will accept and pay for any GoodS or Services, includinl~ but not limited to requiring payments on account or in advance, il there are reasor.s \0 believe that Buyer will not accept and pay for Goods or Services when delivered. Until such assurances are received, SeUer shall be entitled to stop worX on the Goods or Services, cancel any agreement \0 sell the Goods or SeNices, sue to recover the purchase price or any expenses incurred to the data 01 cancellation, resell the Goods or SeNices to a third plUty, or exercise any other remedy available at law or in equity for breach of contract. 15. INTERPRETATION: Any saJe or agreement to sell Goods or SeNices shall be interpreted according to the laws 01 the State of Texas, excluding any provision thereOf that would direcl the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. Buyer agrees that any sale 01 or agreement to sell Goods 0( Services will be deemed to be made and perlormed solely In Harris County, Texas to the exclusion of aU other jurisdictions. 16. LIMITATION OF LIABIUTY: Netther Seller nor Buyer shall have any liability to the other lor any Incidental or consequential damages arjsing from the sale of Goods or Servlcel or 1he failure of etther party to fully perform any agreement to sell Goods 0( Services. SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE OR COST ARISING FROM THE FAILuRE TO OISCOVI:::R OR REPAIR LATENT DEFECTS OR DESIGN DfFECTS IN ANY GOODS OR SEAVICfis.. BUYfiA 5peCrA~ALI..Y WAivES, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ANY CL..AIM FOR INCIDENTAL, RESERVOIR, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUOING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MULTIPLE DAMAGES UNDER ANY DECEJ;'TlVE TRADE PRACTICE OR CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS. 17. WAIVER: The wlliverby eilher Seiler or Buyer 01 any breach undsrtl1ese General Terms and Conditions 01 Sale shall not be oeemed to be a walver ot any subsequent breach 01 a like or different nature. The tailure to enforce any provision of the Genera! Tenns and Conditions of Sale shall not be deemed a walver oj such provision. 16. ARBITRATION: My dispute arising from or relating to the sale 01 Goods or SeNices, including the interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions 01 Sale. shall be resOlved by binding arbitration accordlng to the Stewart & Stev8flson Arbitration Program. 19. INDEMNITY (INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE): BUYER HEREBY ASSUMES AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, PROTECT, SAVE, KEEP, AND HOLD HARMLESS SELLER,ITSAGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND INVITEES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES, DAMAGES, INJURIES, CLAIMS, CAUSES OF ACTION, LIABILITIES, DEMANDS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES AND OTHER LEGAL EXPENSES) OF WHATSOEVER KINO AND NATURE, FOR INJURY TO, OR ILLNESS OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON AND FOR ALL DAMAGE TO, LOSS OR DESTRUCTION DFPFlOPERTY (COLLECTIVELY ?LOSSES?), RELATING TO, CONNECTED WITH IN ANYWAY, ARISING OUT OF, OR ON ACCOUNT OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES PURCHASED HEREUNDER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY SUCH LOSSES CAUSED OR OCCASIONED BY ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OF SELLER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, INVITEES OR LICENSEES. The foregoIng Indemnity Is a material part of this transae1lon, supported by and In tonslderatlon at . reductIon In the purchase price and is in1ended to apply notwtlhstanding the lolnt or concurrent negligence of Seller, 20. RISK OF LOSS: Seller shall bear the risk of loss 01 the Goods untillhe Goodll are delivered to the carrier, including camelS owned or controlled by Seller or notitication to Buyer that the Seiler is ready tor shipments whichever OCCUI5 first. Thereatter, Buyer shall bear the entire risk 01 loss 01 the Goods. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These Terms and Conditions of Sale constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede all discussions, arrangements, negotiations, representations and warranties, if any, relating to the Goods or Servicss covered hereby. 631 3612896433 STEWART & STEVENSON 869 P02 OCT 16 '02 10;08 , PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AGREEl\1ENT STEWART & STEVENSON SERVICES, I~C, (hereinafter -S&S") agrees \0 provi,le La CAL\.lOLlIoJ c..ou~ (hereinafter "Customer") and Customer agrees to ae.:ept and pay (or parlS and services necessary for lhe periodic inspection and repair "r Ihe eguipmenl described in Exbibit "A" amched herelo (the "Equiprr.ent") in accordance with Ihe following terms and conditions. 1. Term: This .greement shall be for Ihe lerm of Ol'-JE. ( j..) years, unless earlier terminaled as provided herein below, and shall automatically renewal prices then in effect for sUCellssiVe terms of one (1) year commencing on lhe last day of Ihe preceding term unless written notice of terminotion is received by either parly at least thirty (30) days prior 10 the end of the ini!ialtcrm or any subsequent term, 2. P.)'ment; Customer agrees to pay S&S an annual amount of S q I. 0 0, .._ , plus applicable sUlIe and local laxes, payab!ejn (check one) Osemi.annuai installments of s---!d-C:; ~ oS , or Dquarlerly installments of S , plus laXes. Each installment .....ill be due and payable upon receipt of invoice by Customer, with said invoic.es being sent by S&S upon completion of each periodic inspection called for herein. 3. Tnspection and Repair., 3J. Services Included: S&S, during norm;1! ~usiness hours, shall periodic:Jlly inspectlhe EquipmenL (check one)_ C!J'lwo (2), ur 0 four (4) limcs pcr yc"r for the dur31ion of this Agreement. Said inspeclions shall be limited 10 theU following: (a) Engine Lu!;>ric:llion System: Visuoily check for 1c:,ks. Change lube "il and filters <vcry 12 mOlllhs or 150 operating hours whicheVer occurs first. (b) Engine Air Cleaners: Wetl)'pe: Clean "nJ ,'hange oil once a year. Dry Iype: Clean or replace (iller, i(need,'d. (c) Ignition SY"cm:.Repl"ce spark pluss .s needed. Check mogneto, Set timing, if neeelcd. (d) Governor: Check anel seL speed, sensili-'ily anel oil level. (e) Engine 'Caoling SYSlem: Check general condition. Cheek antifreeze nnd add, if needed. Check o.nol;,"1 ievel. Pressure test system. Add addilives to antifreeze once a year 3S needed. ChCt:k helts nnd hoscs. (I) Engine Electric System; Hydrometer test ballery, Clean and lubricate ballery posts and cables. Check alternator belts. Check baucry cbarger for proper operalion. :' (g) Engine Fuel System: Visually check f"r leaks. Check all visible connections and nexible hoses, Adjust carburetor. Clange fuel filters once a year ",.ith oil change or as needed. Clean fuel strainers. Replace nexible fuel hoses, if needed. Check ror ""ater in day rueltank and main fuel tank. (h) EngiIlC exhaust System: Visually check for leaks or corrosion. Check condensation trap and mumer condition, (I) AC Generator: Visually inspect". generator condition. Check slip rings and commutator (or Wc.ar. Check lubrication of rear generator bearing. (j) Engine Drh'en Flood or Fire Pump: \~sual1y inspec: pump' and check packing gland. (I:) Mise.ellaneous: Check all instruments for proper operation. Check timers and relays for proper operation. Cleek all connections for tightness. Oleck safety circuits, shutdowns and alarm systems. (1) Operation: Run engine unl()aJed. At cllstorier's req~eSI and in his pre~ence, transfer load to generator set and make adjustments jf needed. 3.2 Pans included: (a) In connection with lhe performance of the fOlegoing inspections, S&S agrees to furnish at its expense the following parts and supplies: Engine ::ranl:case 0:1, engine oil filler c:e::len\s, dry ~:r r,lter CIc:n.I1IS, 'p3:k piu!;s, n~xible f~~1 hoses (e~clu:iiJlg woven metal hoses), fuel filler elements, bollery cables, antifreeze, l\'alcooI 3000 additive. 632 3612896433 STEWART & STEVENSON 869 P03 OCT 16 '02 10:09 .' .. (b) Excepl ~s specifically sel fOrlh in paragraph 3.2(a), Customer sh~1l pay for ~Il parts and supplies in conneclion with the periodic inspeClions or the operation of the Equipment. Customer shan pay for all parts and supplies, including those described in paragraph 3.2(a), which are needcd (0 repair damages caused by abuse, theft, improper opera lion, acts of Ihird persons, forces of nature or alleration of the Equipment, 4. Additional Repui~: AIly repairs requeSled by Cuslomer bel ween periodic inspections will be provided at S&S's then eurrent rates for parts, labor and travel expenses from S&S's location to jobsite. 5. Reports: Upon compktion of each periodicinsp"ction and/or addilional repair S&S shall report iLs findings and . recommendations 10 Ihe Cuslomer in subsUlnlially the form altached herelo as Exhibit "B". S&S shall have no liability for any failure LO recommend repairs or modifications 10 the Equipment. 6. WarTanly and Indemnity: 6.1 S&S warrants that it will promptly redo any work under Ihis Agreement that, within ninely (90) days afler such work was originally performed, exhibits any defect in "'orkmanship. The liability of S&S under Ihis provision is limited 10 the reperformance of such work and the cost of any repairs to Ille Equiprr.ent arising from defeClive WOrk, S&S makes no warranly regarding and assumes no liability for any defects in malerials ~r workmanship rel~ting to goods and malerials used Wilh or incorporated in Ihe Equipment and expressly disclaims any implied warranty or merchan~lbilitv or filness for IJumose reldling to any suc!:. goods or materials, 6.2 S&S agrees 10 indemnify and hold CUstomer harmless of and Croni any drld all losses, damages, claims or causes of aClion, including costs and allorneys' fees arising out of or in any way connected with (a) injuries 10 or death of any eml'loyee or employees oC S&S, its subcontractors or iL~ independent c.:lnlractors or for any damage wh~tsoe\'er to lhe property of S&S, its subcontmctors or its independent contractors or any of lhe employees of S&S, its subcontractors or independent eonlraclors s~stained ai, around or in connection .....jth lhe work or (b) cl~ims by any third p~rly 10 the extenl based upon the negligenl ~ct or omission of S&S, ilS employees, iLs subeonLraelors or independent contractors or the employees oC iLs subcontractors or independent contraclors. S&S e~prcssly represents and agrees th:llthe inderr.niCication pro\'ided for in clause (Ii) above is inlended to and shall indemnify Ihe Customer against Ihe consequences of lhe Customer's and ilS employees' o"'n negligence or slrict liability in 10rl unless 'such negligence or slriet liabilily in lort is Lhe sole producing cause of such injuries, de~th or properly d~mage. 6.3 Cuslomer agrees 10 indemnify and hold S&S harmless of and from any an all losses, dam~gcs, claims or causes of aClion, inclUding COSIS and aIlOrnO)'s' fees arising OUI of or in any "'ay connected with (a) injuries 10 or de~lh of any employee or employees of Ihe Customer, its conlraclors other than S&S or any damage whaLSoe\'er to the property of Ihe Customer, ilS contractors olher lhan S&S or any of the employees of lhe Customer or its contractors other Ihan S&S regardless of whether such are based in ",'hole or in part on conlraet, negligence or strict liability in tort; provided,. howe"er, that the Customer shall have no obligalion to indemnify S&S from any loss of or damage to the Equipment arising solely from the negligent a~t or orr.ission of S&S or from a breaeh of Ihe Agreement by S&S; or (b) claims by any third party to the extent based upon the negligent act or omission of Cuslomer, its employees, its subconlracto~ or independent contractors or the employees of its subcontraclors or independent contractors. Customer expressly represents and agrees that, except as set fonh in the proviso, the indemnification provided for in clause (a) above is inlended 10 and shall ind,emnify S&S ag~inst the consequences of S&S's and its employees' own negligence or striclliability in tort unless such negligence or strict liability in tort is the sole producing cause of such injuries, death or property damage. 7. Limitation o(L1abllily: S&S'S L1ABIUTY UNDER THlS AGREEMENT, IF ANY, SHALL BE LIMmD TO THE ANNUAL CONTRAcr AMOUNT FIRST PRINTED ABOVE. IN NO EVENT SHALL S&S BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUEJ\'TlAL, INCIDENTAL. OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED 0, LOSS OF PROFITS, DOWN TIME, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED BY THE TEXAS DECEPTIVE TRADE RAcrICES-CONSUMER PROTEcrION Acr, OR OTHERWISE. " '.' , '. i ., ';' r " i ~ ! j. t f l , , r ,; ,;0, L G33 MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION - ACCEPT DONATIONS AND LETTER AGREEMENT REGARDING MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Finster to accept the donation from the Matagorda Island Foundation in the amount of $lSO,OOO as part of the County's 20% match and authorize Commi~sion~ Finster to sign the Letter of Agreement as the proJect lB in Precinct #4. In discussion, the Court discussed the figures concernin~_ the project. Commissioner Floyd stated the amount of funds transferred would be shown in the contract. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall--al.l voted in favor. e Matagorda Island Foundation 5858 Westheimer, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77059 Letter of Agreement Matagorda Island Foundation agrees to provide funding to off-set the County's match of the Texas Department of Transportation Enhancement Project No. CSJ: 0913-19-017 (Matagorda Island Lighthouse Restoration) for improvements memorialized in Testengeer's specifications and scope of work approved by Commissioners' Court, e Calhoun County agrees to refund to Matagorda Island Foundation any funds not expended as proposed by Testengeer Inc. in specifications and scope of work approved by Commissioners' Court, . Calhoun County Matagorda Island Foundation By: ~w../~ By: dLb/;{-"--'4 )J ,G.y-1,Ai- ( Date: / '2../ J... / & "- J '" Date: //-30--..0-0 MATAGOR~~ ISLAND FOUNDATION, INC. 88-o';~t,:131,,)'Yb, 1007 I ,_0 " m J.ff(. ~11 S A_ \&\D6 "~d t.('l'ORT LAVACA. TEXAS 77979 'i:lJdle 12. ::?o - 0'<'" l<.~" <.<~ -<' <-7 . 1$ /5".0 CX>o~O !~L~n'.~Jr,,2:AJ y; ~/4-~~ ~ ==- ! FN FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~MI~ B In Port Lavaca '1J" . r /J '.0 or]'" ':1"W~' :7' n", If. J. _ .;1 '11. ,~ ~ ,~.~1~" .[~ ':::~:::::t.J~----"!. 1:1.1.:\1.2:\l.b21: 052202 :\II'l.007 e 634 e MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGIITHOUSE RESTORATION - CONTRACT WITH RBXCO CONl';'1'RnCTION SERVICE. INe. A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Comn\issioner Finster to award the Contract for restoration of the Matagorda Island Lighthouse to Rexco Construction Services, Inc. as the low bidder and authorize the County Judge to sign. In discussion, Commissioner Floyd was concerned that any overrun would have to be paid by the taxpayers. The agent for Testengeer, Inc. stated this would have to be . submitted as a Change Order for approval by the Court and some items could be eliminated if this happens as there is a basis for negotiating change orders. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Calhoun County MATAGORDA UGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECT NO: STP 2000(642)TE SECTION 00500 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR e STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF CALHOUN THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the .30~ clay.of LJL:../4J(..L t..J.. in the year 2002, by and between the County of Calhoun, (hereinafter caned . OWNER), and ~,fJ('c,,;; C,?,Vs;-:-wc.r.;Io,v :>E/lvIC<5' INC. . (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1 - WORK: . . .0 .~. . .: witQ'r""-r" CONTRACTOR shall co~plete all Work ~ specified ()r indicated. in the ~!lP. Documents. The Work IS generally descnbed as follows: .. ."1 .,.' MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION Project Number: STP 2000(642)TE Control Number: 0913-19-017 Article 2 - ENGINEER: The Project has been designed by TESTENGEER. INC., who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. e Article 3- CONTRACT TIME: 3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall commence the work within ten (10) calendar days after the date written notice shall be given to him. and shall progress therewith so that the work shall be substantially completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents. ' 3.2 Liquidated Damages. The successful bidder agrees that time is of the essence of this Contract, and that for each day of delay beyond the number of days specified for the substantial completion of his work, after due allowances for such extension of time as may be provided, the OWNER may withhold permanently from the CONTRACTOR's total compensation, the amount as shown in Special Provision, 9000-3352, Schedule of Liquidated Damages, per day as stipulated liquidated damages for such delay. GJ5 00500 - 1 of 5 I , I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I . . I Calhoun County MATAGORDA LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECf NO: STP 2000(642)TE SECTION 00500 Article 4- CONTRACT PRICE: 4,1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: 0"''- /I1r"~lo~1 01'111.. /1/~vS/f>/t) 0.1.(. #,;","')"A:'J Dollars and Cents. (words) $ /. 0<> I . IS-o. 10 . . (figures) as a total sum in accordance with the Bid Proposal dated /)LC." 2002 and attached hereto. ;C, / I of -- I ~ {oJ Article 5- PAYMENT PROCEDURES: CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with. Article 14 of the General Conditions. . Applications for ~yment will &::Ji; processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. . 3.Od'( 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on "tl:ie account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR'S applications for payment for work completed by the last day of the preceding month, based upon ENGINEER'S approval of the CONTRACTOR'S estimate, may be approved by the OWNER, and payment made as soon as practicable thereafter. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work as measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.05 and 2.07 of the General Conditions, In the event there is no schedule of values, payment shall be made based on the actual units of work done, as otherwise provided in the General Requirements. 5.1.1 Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 1 4.02.0. of the General Conditions. Ninety-eight (98%) percent of the work completed. Ninety-eight (98%) percent of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work, but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions, 5.1.2 Upon Substantial Completion, in an amount of ninety-eight percent (98%) of the contract price, less such amounts as the ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.02,0. of the General Conditions. 00500 . 2 of 5 '636 CI , e. e I- I .e I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I Ie I I Calhoun County MATAGORDA UGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECT NO: STP 2000(642)TE SECTION 00500 5,2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance ).Vith paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as. recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.07. Article 6-INTEREST: Except for retainage, all moneys not paid when due as provided for in Article 14 of the General Conditions, assuming prompt submittals by the CONTRACTOR, shall bear interest at the passbook savings rate as determined at the location of the Project. Article 7- CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVES: In order to induce the OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: ,'." 7.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the~,.~i Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and aIlloca1 conditions, Laws and ':.. Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 7,2 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing underground facilities at or contiguous to the site, and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said under-ground facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or siriillar information or data in respect of said underground facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4,03 of the General Conditions. 7.3 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.4 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 8- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents, which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work, consist of the following: 8,1 Notice to Bidders (page 1), 8.2 Instructions to Bidders (pages 1 to 5 inclusive), 8.3 This Agreement (pages 1 to 5, inclusive), 8.4 Bid Proposal (pages 1 to 7, inclusive). 00500 - 3 of 5 C::;7 I: . . . , . I I II - ~ II I I I I I II . Calhoun coUnty MATAGORDA LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECT NO: STP 2000(642)TE SECTION 00500 8.5 Performance and Payment Bonds, consisting of 2 pages each to be added to this Agreement within ten (10) calendar days of the date of this Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. 8.6 Contractor's Qualification Statement submitted by CONTRACTOR at- the date of the receipt of bids (pages CQS~l to CQS-5, inclusive). 8.7 Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (pages 1 to 42, inclusive). 8.8 Supplementary Conditions of the Construction Contract (pages 1 to 9, inclusive). 8,9 Specifications titled MATAGORDA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE RESTORATION, PROJECT NO: STP 2000(642)TE, and incorporating the Instructions to Bidders and the Technical Specifications. 8,10 Drawings, as listed in the BID PROPOSAL. 8.11 Addenda numbers ---I- to -1-, inclusive. 8.12 The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.Q4 of the General Conditions. ' 8.13 The documents listed in paragraphs 8.2 et seq. above are attached to this Agreement (except as may be noted otherwise above). There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.04 of the General Conditions. Article 9- MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9,3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, 00500 - 4 of 5 638 e e. e f I ,I II Ie I I I I I I I .- .-H I _ Calhoun County MATAGORDA UGHTHOUSE RESTORATION PROJECf NO: STP 2000(642)TE . SECTION 00500 successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in five (5) counterparts. .... Two counterparts each have been delivered to OWNER and CONTRACTOR, and one has been delivered to the ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective ~ ~o .2002. OWNER: County of Calhoun BY: ~f' ~tt~~~ Attest: ~:;~(~~~ "":",-, ~\\-~~_-,~i.r7,1;. . '- \.' ..... . 'f ~ . l' . ...~" "'". /)_ ...... . . . ~ .' 2/-.,::'>,/":-", . ';,'..: (CORPORATE ~l? ~ ~.~ "~."~..*>.0:;X;' . ~ ~~.~~. . 'JI,o;;,.~'::-';'- l ."'f'~"" ;, ~ /) .~ .,' ,~",' " u ?,...." .. \"" . '\\\,~,' 'S tJ J \~, "~",,,~ C By: Attest: License No. ~ORPO~TE SEAL) Agent for service of process: ((Tau~) f~ JVh 11 S lJr... (If CONTRACTOR is a corporation, attach evidence of authority to sign.) 00500 - 50f5 CALHOUN COUNTY LIBRARY AND PORT 0 I CONNOR BRANCH LIBRARY _ TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL AWARD Noemi Cruz, Calhoun County Librarian, stated the Texas Book Festival Award was received two years ago for the Point Comfort and Seadrift Branch Libraries; this application is only for the Main Library and the Port O'Connor Branch Library. This pursuit requires no matching funds and must be used only for books. A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the County Librarian to pursue a Texas Book Festival Award in the amount of $2,500 for the Main Library and the Port O'Connor Branch Library. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. C::;9 ""~-- \ .~, \. \ -'(' ',' , '~\_\ \ J , ,0\ \..- \0 \ 4b Texas Book Festival e \', ~ -,; " ~ -, .- '.-" :.'\ :'1-. \,,,, '\"- : \ ) - "'.- .'.'.' . \J \. \)'j"-"" , 6.40 ,,/,.- TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL A WARDS FOR PUBLIC LmRARIES December 2002 Laura Bush, our First Lady, has long been committed to books, reading, and libraries. To this end, the Texas Book Festival was created "to conduct an annual book festival to celebrate words, reading, and published works." The first six festivals-held in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000 and 2001-rai'sed over $1,200,000 for Texas public libraries, and early indications are that the 2002 event has again raised a\significant amount. The general purpose of the awards as defined by the First Lady is "to put a book in the middle of the family circle," Accordingly, the Texas Book Festival funds are to be used to enrich the reading and cultural resources of Texas communities through their public libraries. The 2002 funds, to be awarded in the spring of 2003, are to be used for books and materials that reinforce the written word. Funds may be used to purchase juvenile or adult materials, including fiction and nonfiction. Recipients of Texas Book Festival Awards will be recognized onThursday, April 3, 2003 during .. the second general session of the Texas library Association Annual Conference in Houston. _ Winners of awards will be notified prior to the date so they can make arrangements to attend the conference, if they desire to be present. This letter is being mailed to all legally established public libraries recognized by the Texas State Library & Archives Commission. These public libraries and their branches are eligible for the awards. Preference will be given to successful applicants who have not already received Texas Book Festival Awards, A listing of past award winners may be viewed at htto:/ /www. texasbookfesti val.or~?detail=awards.html. Libraries with only one location may apply for a maximum award of $2,500. Libraries with more than one location or multi-branch libraries may apply for no more than four awards. The total amount requested by these multi-site libraries should not exceed $10,000. Each application document may request a maximum of $2,500. Since each application will be reviewed separately, libraries with numerous locations may be successful on some requests, but not others. Example: one application package might include requests for funds for a main library and 3 branches at $2,500 each (4 separate applications would be submitted). Three (3) copies of each application should be mailed to the Texas Library Association postmarked no later than .Januarv 24, 2003. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be .. accepted. Questions may be directed to System Coordinators or to TI..A Director of .. Communications, Gloria Meraz (1-800-580-2852 or 512-328-1518). Mail three copies to: Texas Book Festival Awards Texas Library Association 3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 401 Austin, TX 78746-6763 CALHOUN COUNTY LIBRARY - DONATIONS FROM HOcmmIM PRAIRIE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE AND THE ESTATE OF ALICE WASSERMAN A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Finster to accept the donations to the Calhoun County Library from Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Branch 2l Port Lavaca in the amount of $500 to be used for books only and from the Estate of Alice Wasserman in the amount of $50,000 to be used as determined at a later date. Commissioners Galvan, Baljaka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ~-;.;:,~~r':'~~~,;;'~'i;lUit":;;':~ ,......... :::we,- ':"~\il.;~.:u~~:':"....:.;.;~~~t~~l.:;,.~;",~"t;,;:..",_;~;.;IP:-~~i,~-,;';'..:~-,'=1;~~,:::~'- 4077 HOCHHEIM PRAIRIE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE BRANCH 21 PORT LAVACA 4482 FM 3084 PORT LAVACA. TX 77979 tLJ 88-5021 1131 DATE 1;;( --I () -- 0 J-; $ 5bO.OO PAY TO THE ORDER OF CIlt.-f/OiJ rJ Co (/ riJ~ Ht!&- .11 i/,v/J~6.tJ OU/Jl~S GJIBe tn~m~~~ l"<i<Iu......lI/_(3lI'J~TTl LId'1f 1ft<. '/ / ~I flNIJ ~ v () /Ot> ~.~ 11'001.,07711' 1:~~:l~050251: 1.,1.,0:l72I1'O~ DOLLARS IfI ""':::. FOR M> T.........._..."""".......,.,......---"_....-..k~<t'-~.~.."'" ...-- ~,1I.~'>-,-.............1l"'...._ ,,.,,'.',--~..--'"' ...---..",..-m""';>~~_..,"""'~;,,-...,- e ALICE WASSERMAN L1C. 1521665 c202 S. VIRGINIA PH. 512.552.2381 P. O. BOX 527 PAYTOTH{1 &: LAVAC4::ll.~ :-1~~pQ~ M<I/OC- . ~B FIRST NATIONAL BANK In Port Lavaca P,Q.O.ewer7,PorILavaca,Texas77979 2032 1;)-:1-0 88-2316/1131 t9 0::2 "", $ 5"0 (10;---- I DOLLARS ALICE WASSERMAN MEMO ~.la~.. ,I: ~ U ~ 2:l H,21: ~ 'I 5 B b b gll' 20'1 2 EMERGENCY MRnlCAL SERVICES - DONATION FROM HOcmmIM PRAIRIE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept the donation from Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Branch 2l to Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $200. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ~. y......; .....~~ i:z.;;..< ~:; -~.~' --_~<;~...~~rm--'" ~~~~---! 4089 HOCHHEIM PRAIRIE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE BRANCH 21 PORT LAVACA 4482 FM 31184 PORT LAVACA. TX 711179 ~ 66.5&.1 """'1"i3T'"1 DATE I )..-!O.....O;- ~iI~~OF tl!LIfofJII! Uf/llrry !:3m6l-i6tVc-y /I1A-ttl/f?&IJ15JWr {'1r1t0 I $ ~ 00.00 -Mp !li/nlM~ /J rJu-M ~ ;/hv.o~ giBe ~ _':!'~:"" ~~ Ii DOLLARS m~;.:.'" FOR .__._~--_..~..__.-~ lI'ooa.oaQIl'I: H:l ~o SO ~ 51: I., 1.,0:l7 211' .~ "'i"iii -B-' 1::1 ~... '::.. -~ ''';;1 ~.::::z....~:ln ~ elf APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~~6~ion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded oy Commissioner Floyd that the minutes of November l2, l4, 27 and December 3, l2, and l7, 2002 meetings be accepted as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge H. Floyd Commissioner, Pet. 3 e Leroy Belk, Comm~ssioner, Pet 1 Kenneth F~nster Commissioner, Pet. 4 Michael J. Bala]ka Commissioner, Pet. 2 Sfi'irley Foester Deputy County Clerk . MEMORlAL" MIill.lCAL CENTER - LIABILITY TANK POLLUTION INSURANCE FOR STORAGK' A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to execute a three year renewal for Storage Tank Pollution Liability Insurance for Memorial Medical Center in the amount of $5,932.5l. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. DEERWOOD ESTATES SECTION 2 - FINAL PLAT This agenda item is in error. This will be placed on a later agenda. CALHOUN COUNTY AIRPORT - GRANT FOR AUTOMATED WEATHER OBSERVING SYSTEM AND FOR FENCING e Commissioner Balajka stated there may be a problem with the Calhoun Coiunty Airport Committee coming up with matching funds for the grant for an Automated Weather Observing System and fencing from the Texas Department of Transportation-Aviation. There is no known dollar amount; $lO,000-l2,000 is needed. This agenda item was passed to the January meeting. ROW CROP FARMING LEASE - 60 ACRE TRACT AT LANDFILL SITE Commissioner Balajka stated this lease should have been executed in June or July because of ground preparation. A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner to extend the present contract on the 60 acre tract at the Landfill area in Precinct #2 to Joe D. Brett through June, 2003 for row crop farming. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. INTBRLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR FIRE SERVICE WITH CITY OF PORT LAVACA e The matter of liability insurance covera~e not being shown in the Interlocal Agreement for fire serlvce with the City of Port Lavaca was discussed by the Court. This agenda item was passed to January. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CALHOUN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. INC. Commissioner Finster stated there was a problem with the insurance clause in the Interlocal Agreement with Calhoun County Senior Citizens Associatin, Inc. The Court was informed the amount of liability insurance is $300,000. Commissioner Finster suggested this clause be removed from the contract. (Action on this agenda item is below.) 6112 e INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS WITH CALHOUN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION-MAIN STREET COMMITTEE AND THE HARBOR - INSURANCE CLAUSE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to remove the insurance liability Clauserrom the proposed Interlocal Agreements regardrng Calhoun County Senior Citizens Association, Inc., Main ~reetTbrrnnittee and''I'he Harbor. Commissioners BaTajKa, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Commissioner Galvan voted against, stating he felt a ~e~l opinion should first be obtained. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CALHOUN COUNTY SENIOR CITI7.RNg ASSOCIATION. INC. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to approve entering into an Interlocal Agreement with the Calhoun County Senior Citizens Association, Inc. with the deletion of Item #2 of the Agreement regarding insurance. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. CONTRACT between CALHOUN COUNTY and THE CALHOUN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN e WHEREAS, Calhoun County, hereinafter COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, has determined that the expenditure of county funds proposed herein is one which serves a public purpose and has further determined that the State of Texas, by its Constitution or by its state statutes, either implicitly or explicitly, has conferred upon COUNTY the authority, the power and the jurisdiction to accomplish the uses for said funds as proposed herein, infra, Having found the above elements fully satisfied, COUNTY may contract with a private nonprofit corporation so that they may use said public funds for the purposes contemplated herein, but only if the expenditure is to accomplish county business (which encompasses matters of general concern to county residents) and only if COUNTY assures itself that the funds to be transferred by this contract are subject to adequate contractual or other controls to ensure that expenditure of said county funds for the public purpose stated herein will be accomplished and so long as COUNTY received adequate consideration for the county funds to be provided by this contract. e WHEREAS, The Calhoun County Senior Citizens Association, Inc., a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter referred to as SENIOR CITIZENS, is engaged in restoring and providing an economic development area for the betterment of Calhoun County, and desires to enter into such a contract for the provision of cenain services for the COUNTY; said services being considered by both panies to this contract as fair consideration from SENIOR CITIZENS to COUNTY in exchange for the funds transferred hereby. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED THAT: 1. Payment by County: In consideration that the services described below to the residents of COUNTY, SENIOR CITIZENS shall be entitled to a sum not to exceed $1,000.00 per annum, Such amount shall be disbursed by COUNTY to SENIOR CITIZENS on or after January 1,2003, upon written request for SENIOR CITIZENS. 2. Insurance: SENIOR CITIZENS shall at all times maintain a policy of liability insurance for premises liability for personal injury, Said policy shall be in the minimum amount of $500,000, (j,13 3. Services: SENIOR CITIZENS shall provide services at the Main Street e Center and two satellite centers in the County a network for individualized assistance including meals, meal delivery for shut-ins, transponation, minor home repairs, life- line telephones when funding allows, preparing application forms, counseling, advocacy, check writing and various other needs, 4. IRS Classification: SENIOR CITIZENS' Internal Revenue Service, non- profit classification is 501 (c) (3) and its IRS EIN is 5. Most Recent Financial and Performance Reports: SENIOR CITIZENS shall submit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of SENIOR CITIZENS' most current independent financial audit or end-of-year financial report of all expenditures and income for the period of SENIOR CITIZENS fiscal year ending in calendar year 2002, within 60 days of the approval of this contract. SENIOR CITIZENS shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a performance review by which SENIOR CITIZENS gives details of services provided and clients served for the previous COUNTY fiscal year ending on December 31, 2003, on or before March 1,2004. 6. Prospective Financial and Performance Reports: SENIOR CITIZENS shall submit to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a copy of SENIOR e CITIZENS' independent financial audit or end-of-year financial report of all expenditures and income for the period of SENIOR CITIZENS' fiscal year ending in calendar year 2003, within thiny days following its receipt by SENIOR CITIZENS. SENIOR CITIZENS shall provide to COUNTY Auditor and COUNTY Judge each a performance review by which SENIOR CITIZENS gives details of services provided and clients served for SENIOR CITIZENS' fiscal year ending in calendar year 2003, by March 1,2004. 7. Term: The Term of this contract is to begin on January 1,2003 and end on December 31, 2003, unless earlier terminated by either party on thirty days written notIce, 8. Books and Records: All books and records of SENIOR CITIZENS shall be open for inspection during normal business hours to any member of the public, the Calhoun County Auditor, and such persons as may be given that authority, in writing, by the Commissioners' Court, provided, however that this clause shall in no way be construed to override the provision of the Federal Privacy Act or other state or federal law or regulation concerning the disclosure of confidential or privacy matters. 9. Effectiveness: This contract is effective upon approval by Order of the Calhoun County Commissioners' Coun. e 10. Non-Discrimination: SENIOR CITIZENS agrees to operation under a policy of non-discrimination with regard to the provision of said services, Such policy 644 e shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, color, handicap, disability, national origin, language, political affiliation or belief or other non-merit factor. Any act of discrimination shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 11. Sexual Harassment Prohibited: SENIOR CITIZENS agrees to adopt and maintain a policy that prohibits sexual harassment, Any act of sexual harassment constitutes a material breach of this contract. 12. Applicable Laws: SENIOR CITIZENS agrees to comply with any and all applicable laws, local, state and federal, regarding work hours, safety, wages, social security benefits, and/or workers compensation, This clause places a duty to meet the requirements of such laws only if the law itself places such a duty on SENIOR CITIZENS. Any act in violation of any of those laws or ordinances shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 13. Default: e a. In the event either party shall fail to keep, observe or perform any covenant, contract, term or provision of this contract to be kept, observed or performed by such parry, respectively, and such default shall continue for a period of ten days after notice thereof by the non-defaulting parry to the other, then in any such event the non-defaulting parry shall be entitled to terminate this contract. b. No delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, power or privilege shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or parrial exercise of any right, power or privilege constitute such a waiver nor exhaust the same, which shall be continuing. No notice to or demand on either party in any case shall entitle such parry to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances, or constitute a waiver of the rights of either parry to any other or furrher action in any circumstances without notice or demand. 14. Successors and Assigns: This contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parries hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided that SENIOR CITIZENS may not assign this contract without COUNTY's prior written consent. 15. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be enforceable in, and venue shall be in, Calhoun County, Texas, e 16. Notices: Any notice or communication hereunder must be in writing, and may be given by registered or cenified mail; if given by registered or certified mail, same shall be deemed to have been given and received when a registered or cenified letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mail; and if given otherwise than by registered mail, it shall be C-15 deemed by haven been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom it is addressed, Such notices or communications shall be given to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, Any party hereto may at any time by giving ten days written notice to the other party hereto designate any other address in substitution of the foregoing address to which such notice or communication shall be given, 17. Severability: If any term, covenant or condition of this contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract or the application of such term, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term, covenant or condition of this contract shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law, e 18. Relationship: The parties hereby agree that this is a contract for the administration of the Program and hereby renounce the existence of any other relationship. In no event shall COUNTY have any obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to any debts, obligations or liability of SENIOR CITIZENS, and SENIOR CITIZENS shall have no authority to bind COUNTY to any contract, matter or obligation. No duties of COUNTY are delegated to SENIOR CITIZENS by this contract and any provision which is or may be held to be such a delegation shall be of no force or effect, 19. Modification; Termination: This contract may be amended, modified, terminated or released only be written instrument executed by COUNTY and SENIOR CITIZENS, except as herein otherwise provided. lO.'Total Agreement: This contract is a total and complete integration of any and all undertakings existing between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements, promises or representation between them. The headings of the various paragraphs of this contract are for convenience only, and shall not define, interpret, affect or prescribed the meaning and interpretation of the provisions of this contract. e CALHOUN COUNTY CALHOUN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC. By: By: Date: Date: e NOTICES COUNTY: SENIOR CITIZENS: Calhoun County Judge 211 S. Ann Street, Room 304 POrt Lavaca, Texas 77979 President of the Board 234 East Main Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 646 INTERLOCAI. AGREEMENT WITH PORT LAVACA MAIN STREET COMMI'l"rEE. INC. A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to enter into a Contract with Port Lavaca Main Street Committee, Inc. for the year 2003 with the deletion of Item #2 of the contract regarding insurance. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e CONTRACT between CALHOUN COUNTY and THE PORT LAVACA MAIN STREET COMMITTEE, INC. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN e WHEREAS, Calhoun County, hereinafter COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, has determined that the expenditure of county funds proposed herein is one which serves a public purpose and has further determined that the State of Texas, by its Constitution or by its state statutes, either implicitly or explicitly, has conferred upon COUNTY the authority, the power and the jurisdiction to accomplish the uses for said funds as proposed herein, infra. Having found the above elements fully satisfied, COUNTY may contract with a private nonprofit corporation so that they may use said public funds for the purposes contemplated herein, but ~mly if the expenditure is to accomplish county business (which encompasses matters of general concern to county residents) and only if COUNTY assures itself that the funds to be transferred by this contract are subject to adequate contractual or other comrols to ensure that expenditure of said coumy funds for the public purpose stated herein will be accomplished and so long as COUNTY received adequate consideration for the county funds to be provided by this contract. WHEREAS, The Port Lavaca Main Street Committee, Inc., a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter referred to as MAIN STREET COMMITTEE, is engaged in restoring and providing an economic development area for the betterment of Calhoun County, and desires to enter into such a contract for the provision of certain services for the COUNTY; said services being considered by both parties to this contract as fair consideration from MAIN STREET COMMITTEE to COUNTY in exchange for the funds transferred hereby. e IT IS THEREFORE AGREED THAT: 1. Payment by County: In consideration that the services described below to the residents of COUNTY, MAIN STREET COMMITTEE shall be entitled to a sum not to exceed $1,000,00 per annum, Such amount shall be disbursed by COUNTY to MAIN STREET COMMITTEE after January 1, 2003, upon written request for MAIN STREET COMMITTEE. 2. Insurance: MAIN STREET COMMITTEE shall at all times maintain a rolic)' of l;,b;lity insurAnce f.or premises liAbility f.or personal injury. ~aid policy ghall be in th€ w.,.immllffi :lmGllnt of $5DC,OOO, . C. q.,! 'l' e 3. Services: MAIN STREET COMMITTEE shall provide servIces to the residents of COUNTY as follows: a. To provide COUNTY with an economic development area to promote a stronger tax base by restoring and enhancing the Main Street area; b, T01'estore and protect the historical buildings of Port Lavaca; and c. To revitalize the central business district within the context of the preservation and rehabilitation of its historic building, 4. IRS Classification: MAIN STREET COMMITTEE's Internal Revenue Service, non-profit classification is 501(c)(3) and its IRS EIN is 74-2520002 5. Term: The Term of this contract is to begin on January 1, 2003 and end on De~ember 31, 2003, unless earlier terminated by either party_ on thiny days written notice, 6. Effectiveness: This contract is effective upon approval by Order of the Calhoun County Commissioners' Coun, 7. Non-Discrimination: MAIN STREET COMMI1TEE agrees to operation under a policy of non-discrimination with regard to the provision of said services. Such policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, color, handicap, disability, national origin, language, political affiliation or belief or other non-merit factor. Any act of discrimination shall constitute a material breach of this contract. e 8. Sexual Harassment Prohibited: MAIN STREET COMMITTEE agrees to adopt and maintain a policy that prohibits sexual harassment, Any act of sexual harassment constitutes a material breach of this contract. 9. Applicable Laws: MAIN STREET COMMITTEE agrees to comply with any and all applicable laws, local, state and federal, regarding work hours, safety, wages, social security benefits, and/or workers compensation. This clause places a duty to meet the requirements of such laws only if the law itself places such a duty on MAIN STREET COMMITTEE. Any act in violation of any of those laws or ordinances shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 10. Default: a. In the event either pany shall fail to keep, observe or perform any covenant, contract, term or provision of this contract to be kept, observed or performed by such pany, respectively, and such default shall continue for a period of ten days after notice thereof by the non-defaulting party to the other, then in any such event the non-defaulting party shall be entitled to terminate this contract. b. No delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, e 6.18 e power or privilege shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege constitute such a waiver nor exhaust the same, which shall be continuing. No notice to or demand on either party in any case shall entitle such pany to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances, or constitute a waiver of the rights of either party to any other or further action in any circumstances without notice or demand. 11. Successors and Assigns: This contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the panies hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided that MAIN STREET COMM/7TEE may not assign this contract without COUNTY's prior written consent. 12. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be enforceable in, and venue shall be in, Calhoun County, Texas. e 13. Notices: Any notice or communication hereunder must be in writing, and may be given by registered or certified mail; if given by registered or certified mail, same shall be deemed to have been given and received when a registered or cerrified letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mail; and if given otherwise than by registered mail, it shall be deemed by haven been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom it is addressed. Such notices or communications shall be given to the parries hereto at the addresses set forth below. Any party hereto may at any time by giving ten days written ,notice to the other party hereto designate any other address in substitution of the foregoing address to which such notice or communication shall be given. 14. Severability: If any term, covenant or condition of this contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract or the application of such term, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term, covenant or condition of this contract shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law, I. 15. Relationship: The panies hereby agree that this is a contract for the administration of the Program and hereby renounce the existence of any other relationship. In no event shall COUNTY have any obligation or liability whatsoever with respect to any debts, obligations or liability of MAIN STREET COMMI7TEE, and MAIN STREET COMMI7TEE shall have no authority to bind COUNTY to any contract, matter or obligation. No duties of COUNTY are delegated to MAIN STREET COMMI1TEE by this contract and any provision which is or may be held to be such a delegation shall be of no force or effect. e 16. Modification; Termination: This contract may be amended, modified, 6t19 terminated or released only be written instrument executed by COUNTY and MAIN STREET COMMITTEE, except as herein otherwise provided. 17. Total Agreement: This contract is a total and complete integration of any and all undertakings existing between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements, promises or representation between them, The headings of the e various paragraphs of this contract are for convenience only, and shall not define, interpret, affect or prescribed the meaning and interpretation of the provisions Df this contract. CALHOUN COUNTY T COMMITTEE By: ~f ?J...~ By: Date: /:t/aC .r0020 Date: ( I ~ IJ.. .jO~()~ "' NOTICES COUNTY: MAIN STREET COMMITEE: Calhoun County Judge 211 S. Ami. Street, Room 304 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 President of the Board P.O. Box 1300 Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 e GENERAL DISCUSSION -THE HARBOR AGREEMENT INSURANCE n.llUSE Commissioner Floyd requested The Harbor be notified that an insurance amount is not necessary in their agreement with the County. SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY ACOUIRED THROUGH TAX RE~l\.T.R DEEDS - RESOLUTION - LOTS IN KEY NOBLE ADDITION AND GROOMES ADDITION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to accept the offers to purchase property and authorize the County Judge to sign the deeds for sale of Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, l2 and 13 of the Key Noble Addition to the City of Port Lavaca to Cesar Rodriquez; and part of Lots 7 and 8 and one-third of Lot 9, Block 4 of the Groomes Addition to the City of Port Lavaca to Maria Rubio and adopt the Resolution regarding same. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e 650 TAX RESALE DEED DATE: December 3, 2002 a GRANTOR: County of Calhoun; City of Port Lavaca and Calhoun County Independent School District _GRANTEE: Cesar Rodriquez GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: 407 N. San Antonio, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 CONSIDERATION: TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS Dollars ($2,500.00) PROPERTY: Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, and 13 of the Key Noble Addition to the City of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas being that property more particularly described in Volume 8, Page 804 of the Deed Records, Calhoun County, Texas TAX FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT: Cause No. 93-1-4853 Calhoun County Appraisal District v. Leon W. Kalisek, Individually and DBA Evelyns Fish Market et al GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the amount set out above, and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by GRANTOR, has GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY to the GRANTEE all of the right, title and interest, of GRANTOR in the PROPERTY acquired by the tax foreclosure sale held under the TAX FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT referenced above. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of its right, title and interest in and to the PROPERTY unto the said GRANTEE, the GRANTEE'S successors and assigns forever without warranty of any kind, so that neither the GRANTOR, nor any person claiming under it and them, shall at any time hereafter have, claim or demand any right or title to the PROPERTY, premises or appurtenances, or any part thereof. _GRANTOR excludes and excepts any warranties, express or implied, regarding the PROPERTY, 'ncluding, without limitation, any warranties arising by common law or Section 5.023 of the Texas Property Tax Code or its successor, . GRANTOR has not made, and does not make any representations, warranties or covenants of any kind or character whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect to the quality or condition of the PROPERTY, the suitability of the PROPERTY for any and all activities and uses which GRANTEE may conduct thereon, compliance by the PROPERTY with any laws, rules, ordinances or regulations of any applicable governmental authority or habitability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and specifically, GRANTOR does not make any representations regarding hazardous waste, as defined by the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act and the regulations adopted thereunder, or the U.S, Environmental Protection Agency regulations, or the disposal of any hazardous or toxic substances in or on the property. The PROPERTY is hereby sold, transferred, and assigned to GRANTEE "as is" and "with all faults". This conveyance is expressly made subject to property taxes for the tax year 200 I and subsequent years , This conveyance is expressly subject to any existing right or redemption remaining to the former owner of the PROPERTY under the provisions of law, 1bis conveyance is expressly subject to all easements and restrictions of record. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. e r.P-", uJl IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the GRANTOR, pursuant to Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code, has caused these presents to be executed on the date set forth in the acknowledgement attached _ hereto, to be effective as of DATE. _ County of Calhoun By 4uJ-Ai ~/1lt~~ Arlene Marshall THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~ ~ Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Arlene Marshall, County Judge of Calhoun County, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this theJ::!"'t-day of ,[J/('L"""",/-v../, A.D., 2002, - , ~~. /1.-7C/0~ * * * * * * * * * * Notary Public, State of Te a ,^' 'u..... RITA MILLER My commission expires ~ \'\ NOTARY PUBLIC " ~ .... f ~~t~r~,!~~~~,~J~'.:_!',~:~:~~~.~~~jr~s~~ Calhoun County Independent School District By Larry Nichols, Superintendent THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~ ~ Before-me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Larry Nichols, S~perinteI.ldent of Calhoun County Independent School District, known to me to be the person whose name IS subSCrIbed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ day of , A,D" 2002. e Notary Public, State of Texas My commission expires .. 652 * * * * * * * * * * e City of Port Lavaca By Alex Davila, Mayor THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~ S Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Alex Davila, Mayor of the City of Port Lavaca, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ day of , A.D., 2002, e Notary Public, State of Texas My commission expires * * * * * * * * * * e C53 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN AT DELINQUENT TAX SALE e WHEREAS, Lots 2, 3, 6,7, 12 and 13 of the Key Noble Addition to the City of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas Calhoun County, Texas was offered for sale by the Sheriff of Calhoun County, Texas at a public auction pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure for delinquent taxes by the District Court; and WHEREAS, no sufficient bid was received and the property was struck off to the County of Calhoun, Texas, pursuant to TEX,PROP,TAX CODE S34,OI(c); and WHEREAS, TEX.PROP,TAX CODE S34.05(a) provides that we may accept a sufficient bid. A bid of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS DOLLARS ($2,500.00) has been made by Cesar Rodriquez and THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County of Calhoun Commissioners Court that the County Judge is hereby authorized to convey Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, and 13 of the Key Noble Addition to the City of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas to Cesar Rodriquez for the sum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS DOLLARS ($2,500,00) payable to the Calhoun County Appraisal District for distribution as provided by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED TIllS 30 day of ~~ /,<)eJ Y , 2002, e County ~tu~~ C6unty Comrrnssion r, Precinct 4 e 654 TAX RESALE DEED _DATE: December 3,2002 _GRANTOR: County of Calhoun; City of Port Lavaca and Calhoun County Independent School District GRANTEE: Robert and/or Maria Rubio GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: 624 N, Randle, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 CONSIDERATION: ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS Dollars ($1,500.00) PROPERTY: Part of Lots 7 and 8 and one third of Lot 9, Block 4 of the Groomes Addition to the City of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas being that property more particularly described in Volume 8, Page 804 of the Deed Records, Calhoun County, Texas TAX FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT: Cause No, 93-1-4853 Calhoun County Appraisal District v, Leon W. Kalisek, Individually and DBA Evelyns Fish Market et al GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the amount set out above, and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by GRANTOR, has GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY to the GRANTEE all of the right, title and interest, of GRANTOR in the PROPERTY acquired by the tax foreclosure sale held under the TAX FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT referenced above. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of its right, title and interest in and to the PROPERTY unto the said GRANTEE, the GRANTEE'S successors and assigns forever without warranty of any kind, so that neither the GRANTOR, nor any person claiming under it and them, shall at any time hereafter have, claim or demand any right or title to the PROPERTY, premises or appurtenances, or any part thereof. ~ GRANTOR excludes and excepts any warranties, express or implied, regarding the PROPERTY, . cluding, without limitation, any warranties arising by common law or Section 5.023 of the Texas Property Tax Code or its successor. GRANTOR has not made, and does not make any representations, warranties or covenants of any kind or character whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect to the quality or condition of the PROPERTY, the suitability of the PROPERTY for any and all activities and uses which GRANTEE may conduct thereon, compliance by the PROPERTY with any laws, rules, ordinances or regulations of any applicable governmental authority or habitability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and specifically, GRANTOR does not make any representations regarding hazardous waste, as defined by the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act and the regulations adopted thereunder, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations, or the disposal of any hazardous or toxic substances in or on the property. The PROPERTY is hereby sold, transferred, and assigned to GRANTEE "as is" and "with all faults". This conveyance is expressly made subject to property taxes for the tax year 2001 and subsequent years. .- This conveyance is expressly subject to any existing right or redemption remaining to the former owner of the PROPERTY under the provisions of law, This conveyance is expressly subject to all easements and restrictions of record, When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. e C3[) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the GRANTOR, pursuant to Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code, has caused these presents to be executed on the date set forth in the acknowledgement attached .. hereto, to be effective as of DATE, .. County of Calhoun BY~1.Jl~ Arlene Marshall THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN s s s Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Arlene Marshall, County Judge of Calhoun County, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 4GIVEN UN?ER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the3'"r-aay of JI(.t:-~'-', A.D., 2002. . - " :_g/~ h1.~CC-0'-' Notary Public, State of Te My commission expires RiTA MILLER UBLIC ~''1'A'T'!~ OF TEXAS ",~;I (;;,,'11::':,5:0'1 Expires 01-26-2003 * * * * * * * * * * "'._.;....,"".~_.."""','>~.~,.,,..~~'i'i' Calhoun County Independent School District By Larry Nichols, Superintendent THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN s s s Before-me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Larry Nichols, Superintendent of Calhoun County Independent School District, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ day of , A,D., 2002. e Notary Public, State of Texas My commission expires 656 * * * * * * * * * * e City of Port Lavaca By Alex Davila, Mayor THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CALHOUN s s s Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Alex Davila, Mayor of the City of Port Lavaca, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _ day of , A.D., 2002. e Notary Public, State of Texas My commission expires * * * * * * * * * * e r~,.., uO/ RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY OF CALHOUN AT DELINQUENT TAX SALE WHEREAS, Part of Lots 7 and 8 and one third of Lot 9, Block 4 fa the Groomes Addition to the City of Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas Calhoun County, Texas was offered for sale by the Sheriff of Calhoun County, Texas at a public auction pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure for delinquent taxes by the District Court; and WHEREAS, no sufficient bid was received and the property was struck off to the County of e Calhoun, Texas, pursuant to TEX,PROP.TAX CODE g34.01(c); and WHEREAS, TEX.PROP.TAX CODE g34,05(a) provides that we may accept a sufficient bid. A bid of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS DOLLARS ($1,500.00) has been made by Robert and/or Maria Rubio THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County of Calhoun Commissioners Court that the County Judge is hereby authorized to convey Part of Lots 7 and 8 and one third of Lot 9, Block 4 of the Groomes Addition to the City of POrl Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas to Cesar Rodriquez for the sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO HUNDREDTHS DOLLARS ($1,500.00) payable to the Calhoun County Appraisal District for distribution as provided by law, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED TIllS ~ '#:- day of ~ 2002. e 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to approve application for the 2003 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant, Application No. 2003:50065-TX-JB. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, F~nster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. BOOT CAMP MEMORAMDUM OF UNDERSTANDING It was decided by the Court that action on this agen~ item was unnecessary. e PURCHASE OF RECORDS PROGRAM FOR SHERIFF DISPATCH AND REPORT FROM E-911 Mark Daigle ~ith the Sheriff's Department requested that this agenda ~tem be taken off the agenda as this willDDt take place. 658 e FAIRGROUNDS BAUER EXHIBIT BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DECT.ARRTl SUBSTANTIAl.T.Y COMPLETE. i::HANGE ORDER APPROVEl)'''''IJ) RETAINAGB RRT.l>l\S1ID A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commi~sion~r ~inster to declare the Fairgrounds Bauer E'x1iIbJ.t BUJ.1.aJ.ng Improvement project as substantiaIry" complete, to approve Change Order No. 1 and to release retainage. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Flo~d~ F~nBter and Judge MarShall all voted in favor. . " G&W ENGINEERS, INC. 205 W. Live Oak Port Lavaca; Texas 77979 (361) 552-4509 Fax (361) 552-4987 December 23, 2002 Honorable Judge and County"Commissioners County of Calhoun 211 South Ann Street Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 RE: RECOMMENDATION FOR PAYMENT NO, 2 , NO.3 (Final) & CHANGE ORDER NO.1 e Calhoun County Fairgrounds Bauer Exhibit ~uilding Improvements Dear Honorable Judge and County Commissioners: We have reviewed Gonzales Contracting, Inc. Invoice No, 001-394. and have enclosed Recommendation for Payment No.2 for $4,564.00. Change Order No, 1 for additional work is also enclosed. Gonzales Contracting received verbal approval for additional work from the engineer and Charles Crober, Calhoun County Maintenance Superintendent to prevent any weather related damage to exposed roof. please review and if satisfactory, please sign all three copies and return two (2) copies to our office. Upon approving this Change Order, we submit our Recommendation for Payment No.3-Final for $1,875.00. All work is complete and the CONTRACTOR'S GUARANTEE and the CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN are also enclosed, Please call if you have any questions. e cc: Gonzales Contracting, Inc. File 9436,020/recpay2_ 3.ltr C:'9 Engineering . Architecture . . Planning . Surveying ., CHANGE ORDER No. 1 e PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY FAIRGROuNDS ......~.~~~.~~IT BUILDJNG IMPROVEMENTS .. . ................................"..,"-._..,.,..'-0..-'._.-=.'..._,....__H.....h___................. DATE OF ISSUANCE EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER COUNTY OF CALHOUN .................................................................,..........................--..........................................................................................--.... OWNER's Contract No................................................................ CONTRACTOR..~~~!~)~~..~~!!~!.~~~,gt.~~................... ENGINEER.........G.~.w..~NGlM\~.H.!i~,J;N".~,..................m.. PROJECT: 9436020 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract DoclUDents. Description: Reference Invoice No. 001-396 Reason for Change Order: Additional work required due to tbe rustedlrotted'materials being exposed during reroof'mg of Bauer Building. ' Attachments: (List doclUDents supporting change) Invoice No, 001-396 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times $ 28,000.00 Substantial Completion: Ready for fma! payment: N/A aay~ oroatC3 Net changes from previous Change Orders No. . to No. - Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ to No. _ - - :$ -O- N/A "" : Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Times prior to this Change Order Substantia! Completion: $ 28,000.00 Ready for fma1 payment: N/A aays or aates Net Increase (dGG,G3:lG) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 1,875.00 N/A "" Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Times with all approved Change Orders Substantial Completion: $ 29,875.00 Ready tor [mal payment: N/A daYSilrdaces e -,ly: G & W ngineers, Inc. Joseph A. Janda, P,E Date: 1h~~ Z- APPROVED: By: e Owner (Authorized Signanue) County of Calhoun Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Date: Date: /Z.hl'~.. / / 660 CHANGE ORDER No. 1 CALHOU~COUNTYFAmGROUNDS eTE OF ISSUANCE.....~~~.~~~.....::.:.....~.~.~~:~:.~=.~~.~:::~;;~~:;:~~:~:::::..::::..:::::::::::.............................. O\VNER...............<;Qill'IT.X..Q..f..~Aw.Qm'!......................................................................................................................... OWJo..'ER's Contract No CONTRACTOR.. 9:o.l1~.a!~~. ~~l1t!.~~~i.l1.gt.~l1c-,................... ENGINEER,.. ....G .~W..~NGJ!'ili)i:J~~, A'I.~,............ ....... PROJECT: 9436.020 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Reference Invoice No. 001-396 Reason for Change Order: Additional work required due to the ru.tedlrotted'materiaI. being exposed during reroofing of Bauer Building, Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Invoice No. 001-396 e CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times $ 28,000.00 Substantial Completion: Ready for fma1 payment: NtA aaysor aatcs Net changes from previous Change Orders No. - to No. - Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ to No. _ - - -0- NtA "'"Y' Contract Price pricr to this Change Order Contract Times prior to this Change Order Substantial Completion: $ 28,000.00 Ready for fmal payment: NtA llaysoroalcs Net Increase (Jcc.-=o) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 1.875.00 .' NtA "'"Y' Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Times with all approved Change Orders Substantial Completion: $ 29,875,00 Ready for fmal payment: NtA days or dateS APPROVED: By: By. Owner(AuthonzedSignantrc} County of Calhoun Arlene N, Marshall, County Judge Dale: nlr:1 r uthonzcdSignature) G zales Contracting, Inc. Phillip Gonzales, President Date /~h7 ~~ . t C"'''9 u1. CHANGE ORDER No. 1 PROJECT CALHOUN COUNTY FAffiGROUNDS BAUER EXHIBIT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS DATE OF ISSUANCE............................................................... EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER...............C;;9.WITX.Q.f..C;;MJ.f.9.Y.N........................................................................................... OWNER's Contract No. ............................................................... CONTRACTOR ..Q()l1z.al~s..c::()l1t!"ct.i.n.g,.~~.................... ENGINEER.........Q.~W.ENG.lN]<;)i:.R$,m.(', PROJECT: 9436.020 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Reference Invoice No. 001-396 Reason for Change Order: Additional work required due to the rusted/rottedmaterials being exposed during reroofing of Bauer Building, Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Invoice No. 001-396 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times $ 28,000.00 Substantial Completion: Ready for final payment: N/A aaysoraates Net changes from previous Change Orders No. - to No. - Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ to No. _ - - $ -0- N/A days Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Times prior to this Change Order Substantial Completion: $ 28,000.00 Ready for fmal payment: N/A a.aySQraales Net Increase (0:1<<1<>3<) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 1,875.00 N/A ru.y, Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Times with all approved Change Orders Substantial Completion: $ 29,875.00 Ready for fmal payment: N/A days or dates APPROVED: By: By: Owner (Authorizc:d Signature) County of Calhoun Arlene N. Marshall, County Judge Clor( uthoruedSignature) Gonz les Contracting, Inc. Phillip Gonzales, President Date: /.l. /7J j.:. I I Date: 662 e e e e e e No.....L......................... RECOMMENDATION OF PAYMENT OWNER's Project No...N!.A................................. ENGINEER's Project No.....?-";3.~...97.Q....................... Project C.:.1.Ib.Q.!!n. CQ.!!!:l.ty..F Il.irgm !Jnds. .B;\)J.er.E~b.ibH. :a.\\iJ.d.ing.lmp rov emen ts CONTRACTOR G.~I1.z.I!oI~~..9n~t.r.~.~.ti.llg,..I.Ilt::................................................................................................... Contract For .F.llirJl..?~~~.~.a~.~r..~~~!~!~..':l~~~...I!'Iprov, Contract Date .....~o.y~~~.e.r)9.7..2~~.2. Application Date ....I>,~t:~~.h.~r.}.8.!}.0.~~............... Application Amount .....~~.'.s.~~...~~.......................... For Period Ending ..I>.~t:e.II1.h.e.r...l.8.,).O.O'~................. To c;QY.N.IY..Q:.f..<;;:.NJ:!9Y.N,.IEM..~............................ OWNER Attached hereto is the CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment for Work accomplished under the Contract through the date indicated above. The Application meets the requirements of the Contract Documents and includes the CONTRACTOR's Certificate stating that all previous payments to him under the Contract have been applied by him to discharge in full all of his obligations in connection with the Work covered by all prior Applications for Payments. In accordance with. the Contract the undersigned recommends payment to the CONTRACTOR of the amount due as shown below.' Dated...I~??............. ,2002 ...........G..~..w..Ji;.I).gi.t),~~r.s,.~n.~.............. ENO EER J~""hA.'j~'" STATEMENT OF WORK Original Contract Price $ 28 000.00 -.-.-..--,...--............--.... Work to Date $ 28 000.00 .........,................-...... Net Change Order U $...................~.O'~......... $ ..................~.97.......... Amount Retained Current Contract Price $ ....J8.!~~.O'.,~~......... $ -0- Previous Payments Recommended $ ...}3.'.~.3.~:'O.~.......... Subtotal $ 28,000.00 -....-----.-.-..................... Work to be Done Amount Due This Payment $ .......~7~.~~:.O'.~.......... G & W ENGINEERS, INC. 205 W. Live Oak. St Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 C"'n 00 Gonzales Contracting, Inc, Invoice 225 N. Virginia, Ste. 3 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (361) 552-5323 phone (361) 553-6610 fax DATE 12/18/2002 INVOICE # a 001-394 ,., 81 LL TO Calhoun Co. Maintanance Dept. Attn: Charles ember I RATE AMOUNT l i I ! I I I P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due on receipt QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION I Ref: Repairs at Bauer Exln'bit Building I I Con.tract - 100% Complete I Paid to date - 12/18/02 I 28,000.00 -23,436.00 28,000.00 -23,436.00 e ! , I i I I i I . ! Happy Holiday's Total $4,564.00 664 e e e No. ...:?7.f.,~!!L. ............. RECOMMENDATION OF PAYMENT OWNER's Project No...N/A................................. ENGINEER's Project No. ....'A~li...Q~.Q....................... Project: C.3,IO.9.\!Q. .C!1.\!!J.tr..JlJ!..!nu:Q.lm.Qs. .Ul\'I~.r. .E.~o.ib .i.t....~.\!ilQi!J.l:....!Il.provements CONTRACTOR G.()Il.Z.~!~~..~().~~.r.a.c.ti.~g,..I.~~:.................................................................................................. Contract For .....~.()y~.J!l~.e.r..1.9.1..2.~~~....... .}lllir~~?~':'~.lI.all~r..E.~h.ih.it.IJ.I~!\,..Improv. Contract Date Application Date ....I>.~<:~'Il.!J':r...1.8.!.~'O.~~............... Application Amount .....~}.!~7.5.:~'O......................... For Period Ending ..I>.~~~'Il.!J!?.r.l~.l.~.~.O'2.................. To COUNTY OF CALHOUN TEXAS .....--.....................--.--.................."..-......................................... OWNER Attached hereto is the CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment for Work accomplished under the Contract through the date indicated above. The Application meets the requirements of the Contract Documents and includes the CONTRACTOR's Cenificate stating that all previous payments to him under the Contract have been applied by him to discharge in full all of his obligations in connection with the Work covered by all prior Applications for Payments. In accordance with the Contract the undersigned recommends payment to the CONTRACTOR of the amount due as shown below.' Dated...p............... ,2002 ...........G..~ W..~~gi.~~~r.~,J!1.~,............. ENt7~_J/ hA.;::~~......... STATEMENT OF WORK Original Contract Price $ $28 000.00 ____........1.................... Work to Date $ 29875.00 .........,....................... Net Change Order (I) $..........M?5.:f!.O........ Amount Retained $ ..................~!!~......... Current Contract Price $ ......~9.,~:7.5...O''O......... $ -0- Previous Payments Recommended $ .....~.~1.~.0.~:.0.O'.......... Subtotal $.......2.9.1~.7.~:~0. Work to be Done Amount Due This Payment $ .....}&!~:.O.O'.......... G & W ENGINEERS, INC. 205 W. Live Oak St Port Lavaca. Texas 77979 C,..r 'VJ 225 N. Virginia, Ste. 3 Port Lavaca, IX 77979 (361) 552-5323 phone (361) 553-6610 fax DATE 12/18/2002 Invoice lNVOICE#_ 001-396 Gonzales Contracting, Inc. i BILL TO _ II Calhoun Co. Maintanance Dept. I Attn: Charles Crober i I I P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due on receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT Extra work at Bauer Exhibit Building e Furnish new ridge vents $1,150.00 $1,150.00 4 ea. @ $287.50 Remove existing rusted eve strut & $ 480.00 $ 480.00 install new galvanized members 160' @ $300/L.F. $ 245.00 $ 245.00 Replace rotted wood structural members on canopy and installed hardy plank on canopy ceiling e Happy Holiday's Total $1.875.00 III 666 e e 4. e DOCUMENT NO. 01745 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN THE STATE OF TEXAS' { {AFFIDAVIT AND WAVIER OF LIEN { THE COUNTY OF -.Calhol:ll'i BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared . Felipo Gonz:: loc)Ir. who, after being by me first duly sworn, did deposed and say: 1. ;Gonzales Contractinq, Inc. is named as "CONTRACTOR" in that Contract dated n....1-nh"'r ?<1 1-h 20.Q.2... and entered into between COUNTY OF CALHOUN, "0WNER", and CONTRACTOR under which CONTRACTOR agreed to furnish all materials, supplies, labor and equipment, and to perform all Work incident to the construction and completion of the CALHOUN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS BAUER EXHIBIT BUILDING IMl'ROVEMENTS in Port Lavaca, Texas. 2. Felipe Gon7,,'QC, ;r IS PrQo;i"",n1- of CQNTRACTORand he has full authority to make this Affidavit on behalf of said corporation. 3. The Work has been completed in accordance with the terms of said Contract. No labor, materili!, Of mechanic liens exist or oth.er liens or privileges of any kind upon any of the improvements, structures, pipelines, appurtenances or works, OR upon real property or interest therein whereupon such improvements, structures, pipelines, appurtenances or works were constructed arising out of the performance of the Work, OR any extras of additional work done and performed by CONTRACTOR, or by any of his subcontractors, under said Contract; AND that all sums incurred in the performance of said Contract and any extras and additions thereto, including labor, material, hauling, rental on equipment and services of every kind have been paid. 5. The statements herein are made for the purpose of securing from OWNER the Contract compensation due under said Contract. Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned authority, on this ;I.. 3 ~cl day of_b'CI'''rA')~.p,_ ,2002 signed:~~I" /3 7=.J- Notary Public in and for ----r- (D. A-L h ~ l/ ...n (1/) t/...rJ S; Ix END OF SECTION ,,~ END OF DIVISION fi e MARILYN BRYANT ~ NOTARYPUBLIC :, STATE OP'TEXAS 01 745-1 ~ My eomm/sllan E.qJIIBS 03-21-2005 ...~-:-~..... - CON~' Signed:. . Name & ide. - 'J''(~ ~'..(,sJr: {L#.O~ Notary Stamp: ("~.,.,..,. ~( CONTRACTOR's GUARANTEE e I, fi:a#6.:,....'2.tJ...1,:rr., being f};l'c{/o":",:r of G;u,,,~fk.~.fIlA<"~h.G (hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR"), do hereby make the following statements to the CO OF CALHOUN (hereinafter called "OWNER") in relation to the completed project known as the CALHOUN COUNlY FAIRGROUNDS BAUER EXHIBIT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS in Port Lavaca, Texas. I guarantee... That all of the completed Work is free from faulty materials in every particular, That all of the completed Work is free from improper workmanship, and That no injury will occur from proper and 'usual wear, That OWNER has been assigned all guarantees and/or warranties originally made to CONTRACTOR by suppliers and subcontractors, if any. (Such assignment does not relieve CONTRACTOR of the responsibility stated in each guarantee and/or warranty in case of failure of suppliers or subcontractors to fulfill the provisions of such _ guarantees and/or warranties,) _ I agree... That the execution of the final certificate or the receipt of the final payment does not relieve CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for neglect of faulty materials or workmanship during the period covered by this Guarantee, To replace or to re-execute without cost to OWNER such Work as may be found to be improper or imperfect, and To make good all damage caused to other Work or materials, due to such required replacement or re-execution, This Guarantee is in effect as of the /6- day of ...oEC@11.5.e~ cover a period of ONE (1) FULL YEAR from said effective date. 20<> 2, and shall CONTRACTOR Signed: ~~ Name &. Ti e' - ~ ~~.k.r:;: #c.....-. ~ r _ Date: /.;2,/uA-.. _ I / END OF SECTION 01740-2 668 VARIOUS INSURANCE POLICIES - TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT OF 2002 ENDORSEMENTS The County Auditor stated there is a new law which states terrorism insurance may be obtained. The insurance companies have sent endorsements to the Count~ if they want this coverage. The regular airport liabllity insurance is now $lBOO annually; terrorism coverage will be an additional $2740 through June 4, 2003 or $5400 annually. There is also an endorsement for the Sheriff's Department which is 20% of the basic premium or $468l through 4-2-2003. e A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to decline these two terrorism coverage endorsements for the Airport and Sheriff's Department. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. THE COURT RECESSED AT 12:10 P.M. UNTIL 1:30 P.M. DE-GO-LA - DESIGNATION OF DIRECTOR FROM CALHOUN COUNTY A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that Commissioner Finster serve as De-Go-La Director from Calhoun County. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. CALHOUN COUNTY MUSEUM - DONATION FROM TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Balajka to accept a $2500 donation to the Calhoun County Museum from Texas Settlement Region. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. e Texas Settlement Region 361/485-1570 (voice) I 3611573-5247 (fax) ! t.c;rinfotQ.Mntx.net : 'W'WW.texas-scttIemcnt.ore: i Calhoun Counly Mweum ~Alln: Geolio.Ann Cormi...~~ - . 301 So.Ann PortJ.ava<;a, 'IX 77979 Aaachecl pkase find. check in the amount: of$2.S00 that represents a VB shan oftbc ; SommerIoo Foundation grant for tho fA Salle Odyuey. Chocla for an cqual amount . have _ paid to the orb... fA Salle Odyssey participants. ..JZ. tu.u-fl. Wollt Rcgiona1 Coordinator e TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION "... 1 O~7 . POBOX 1132 :1 7 U-ZUlII~l .'"VICTORIAmcAS7i902-1l32 Oat-- il"'~ '7 ?('92.. : .' " ~~::.~. (' c.1ho"", r"",,'t, 1l1',d:-eWN1 I $ 2.500 ~o --r;,O"Tho'l "'VIA .c:;;N' AIlVlk.." n",..J no,f 100 lJollll1'll 6j. =- ~ , ~V_ ' . ~~Bank, -(Si:UV.mfH'/.e ~.m) Fo< I A \" It.. ()j,{~",~ .: H 3 ~O 2552': " 0 ~ ~ L /.\ . U ' - ~~.!! ..7 ~O..? ; -- _~IT__ eG9 MEMORIAL MEDICAL PLAZA APPRAISAL - PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Commissioner Galvan stated the invoice for the whole appraisal of the plaza was $4500. A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and secondedo~ Cotnmissioner Floyd to authorize payment of the invoic~ lD the amount of $4500 to Lee Fray and Associates for appraisal services of the Memorial Medical Plaza. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. EXTENSION SERVICE - AUTHORIZE PURCHSE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS This agenda item was passed as it was done previously by the Auditor's office. e ANIMAL cUJ.II:J.KuLuSERVICES FOR JANUARY-JUNE. 2001 - INVOICl> FROM CITY OF PORT LAVACA NarknaigTe with the Sheriff's Office discussed the invoice from the City of Port Lavaca for animal control services for the period of January to June, 2001. The bill is $41,000 but Mr. Daigle feels it should be lower. Commissioner Floyd asked if a new contract will be negotiated and stated monthly charges have more than doubled. Mr. Daigle said he has visited with City Manager Gary Broz. Commissioner Galvan requested this matter again be discussed with Mr. Broz and placed on the January 9, 2003 agenda. Commissioner Floyd asked that jail expenses and animal control expenses be listed separately ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY Claims totaling $42,744.67 were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved for payment as submitted. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS IH,T,oWED - INVOICES OF MAURITZ & COUEY AND TAMMY HERNANDEZ e A Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to approve the bills of Mauritz & Couey in the amount of $l997 and of Tammy Hernandez in the amount of $274.48. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL Claims totaling $l,l79,355.38 for hospital operations and $l64,298.27 for hospital Indigent Healthcare were presented by the County Treasurer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. COUNTY JUDGE' S OFFICE - SllRPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Judge Marshall and seconded by Commissioner Finster that the following items in the County Judge's office be declared as surplus/salvage and be removed from inventory of the County Judge. Commissioners, Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. Postage Scales, Inventory No. 401-0003 (purchased in 1959 and obsolete) Aluminum flower stand, Inventory No. 401-0014 Heath-Zenith Weather Computer, Inventory No. 401-0048 (Serial No. 648JF0029) (broken and outdated) External Micro Solutions CD ROM, Inventory No. 401-0053 (Serial No. 17231574) (given to Boot Camp with computer and since declared salvage) l/ITcrotecK 'C6Tor Scanner, Inventory No. 401- 005T (received from DPS prior to January, 1999 and incompatible with software now in use) Cdlorado Backup PRO 650, Inventory No. 401-0043 (purchased in 1993 and obsolete) e 670 e .-coIIIIo..L~~IONERS' COURT - SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to declare a typing table (for coffee pot), Inventory No. 402-0003 as surplus/salvage and removed from Commissioners' Court inventory. Commissioners Galvan, Balajaka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - SURPLUS/SALVAGE A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Galvan to declare the following items as surplus/salvage and removed from the inventory of Emergency Management. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. 1990 Hard Card, Inventory No. 406-0044 (Serial No. N35MBJAAP10) 1986 Power Commander, Inventory No. 406-0031 1986 Radio Equipment Model 43 BIRD, various UHF and VHF Element, Inventory No. 406-0030 (Serial No. 173886) 1986 Radio Equipment (2) transceivers, RCD, Inventory No. 406-0034 (Serial No. 102066 and 102071) 19B9 Monitor, Inventory No. 406-0043 (Serial No. 535494) TRANSFER DELL LAPTOP COMPUTER FROM HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO ANOTHER OFFICE This agenda item was passed as the transferee was not shown. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION OF HORRTRAK EM/PRO SOFlWARE REMOVED e A Motion was made by Commissioner Galvan and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to remove a yearly subscription listed as 1997 Hurrtrak EM/Pro Software from the inventory of Emergency Management. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 3 - SCRAP A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Finster to declare one Base Station Radio System, Precinct 3 Inventory NO. 23-0063 as scrap. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR - COUNTY TREASURER - SAFETY OFFICER - MONTHLY REPORTS The County Tax Assessor-Collector and County Treasurer presented their monthly reports for November, 2002 and the Safety Office, her report for June through Decembver, Z002, and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by <::ommissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that said reports be accepted as pres~rpn Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Mar.shall.~lvoted in f~vor. a,1>lJ1>D.AL-nTSCUSSION - CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER e Commissioner Finster questioned the money milage for the Code Enforcement Officer. said this comes out of her budget. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - EXTENSION SERVICE - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS (2) - LIBRARY (3) - JAIL/SHERIFF - COUNTY TREASURER - COUNTY JUDGE - COURT AT LAW - DISTRICT COURT - JP #2- JP #4 - JUVENILE COURT - DISTRICT ATI'ORNEY (3) - COMMISSIONER PCT #1 (5) - R&B PCT 1 - CONSTABLE PCT 2 - CONSTABI.E PCT 4 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - PORT O' CONNOR FIRE PROTECTION - HIGHWAY PATROL - ADULT PROBATION - CRIME VICTIMS ASSISTANCE - VETERANS SERVICE -. COMMISSIONER PCT #2 (5) - R&B PCT 2 - R&B PCT 3 - COMMISSIONER PCT #4 - R&B PCT 4 - AIRPORT - VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS - JAIL/SHERIFF- R&B PCT 1 - R&B PCT 3 - R&B PCT 4 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - R&B PCT 2 budgeted for Juqge Marsl1all A Motion was made by Commissioner Floyd and seconded by Commissioner Galvan that the following Budget Adjustments be approved as presented. Commissioners Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge Marshall all voted in favor. C71 12-17-202 3, 15PM FROM CALHOUN CO. AUDITOR 361 553 4614 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: AL OUN COUNTY CO MISSIONERS' COURT FROM: EXTENSION SERVICE DAn;; lZ117 BUDGET FOR THE EAR: 2002 ACCOUNT NAME COUNTY A N CAPITAL OUTLAY jl!i~! I~r :;;'Si;;~~~ ;8;i:;j~%f~f~:i1~Ji;;~J;2~[:~~;Si~il; ~;Jk);i;tli~:~';;;';'~"o" ":;:':r:i.:'~~',:;<~:..':'f.' NET CHANGE IN TOTAL tsUl ET 2 ENT HEAD APPROVED DEe 30 2002 672 M W ZOOZ 0 e J30 Q3^OtJddV P.l e e e eGL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME EXTENSION SERVICE MEAL ALLOWANCE TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY MARINE AGENT COUNTY AGENT MUSEUM TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY WORMENS COMPENASATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY AUDITOR 1000-190-64790 POSTAGE 1000-190-53030 PHOTO COPIESISUPPLlES COMMISSIONERS COURT REDISTRICTING LEGAL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS PATHOLOGIST FEES LEGAL SERVICES COUNTY CLERK 1000-250-63920 MISCELlANEOUS 1000-250-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES ELECTIONS ELECTION SUPPLIES BU!LDING RENTAL MIS(;ELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 1000-240-63920 MISCELLANEOUS 1000-240-63920 MISCELLANEOUS AMBULANCE OPERA TIONS-MAGNOLlA BEACH 1000-300-65740 SERVICES 1000-300-53992 SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 1000-345-53980 SUPPLlESIOPERATING EXPENSES 1000-345-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES HEAL TH DEPARTMENT MEDICAL/OTHER SUPPLIES TITLE XX FAMILY PLANNING GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES INDIGENT HEALTH CARE 1000-360-60550 BURIAL EXPENSE COUNTY COURT 1000-400-63800 MENTAL COMMITMENT SERVICES 1000-400-63380 LEGAL SERVICES.COURT APPOINTED COUNTY COURT.A T-LAW WORKMENS COMPENASATION TELEPHONE SERVICES GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED DISTRICT CLERK POSTAGE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES Total for GENERAL FUND 1000-110-51700 1000-110-66464 1000-110-51130 1000-150-51540 1000-150-51910 1000-150-51940 1000-150-51950 1000-150-63920 1000-230-65320 1000-230-63350 1000-230-63920 1000-230-64520 1000-230-63350 _ 1000-270-53361 ,., 1000-270.60490 1000-280-86192 1000.350-53970 1000-350-66250 1000.350-53020 1000-410-51940 1000-410-66192 1000-410.53020 1000-410-63380 BUDGET AMENDMENT RE 0< TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 11 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 104 (115) 65 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 5 1 1 (72) 400 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (400) (870) FOR LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED (681) FOR LEGAL SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED 5 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1.875 (1.880) 10 LINE ITEM TRANS FE (10) 1-\ f..,,!",:; '\ fl L,; , , \1 -- ------..----...-.---.----- 250 LINE ITEM TRANSFE (250) aEe 3 U LVUi 2.536 AS NEEDED (2.536) FOR TELEPHONE SERVI (325) FOR INDIGENT BURIAL EXPENSE 1 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (1) 613 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (613) 318 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 15 (333) 325 AS NEEDED 293 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (293) 28 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 192 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (220) 1,551 AS NEEDED 68 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (68) o G73 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3 TO; CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME D/STR/CT COURT 1000-430-65590 ROOM & BOARD-JURORS 1000-430-63380 LEGAL SERVICES.COURT APPOINTED JUST/CE OF PEACE PRECINCT #2 1000-460-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1000-460-53030 PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES JUSTICE OF PEACE PREC/NCT#3 1000-470-66192 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1000-470-63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECINCT #5 1000-490-61340 COPY MACHINE LEASE 1000-490.51540 TEMPORARY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1000-510-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1000.510-66980 WITNESS FEES Total for GENERAL FUND (236) LINE ITEM TRANSFER 236 36 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (36) 112 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (112) 91 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (91) 15 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (15) o ED DEe 30 2002 e 674 e e ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ To: calhoun County Commissioners' Court L{ APPFK)VED ------ Library (Department making this request) DEe 30 2002 budget for the ------------- A!IIendIllent Account Name Amount Reason 140 - 53110 ------------------ ------------- ------------------- To pay for office Computer supplies < 170.00/ supplies 170.00. < 111.00> j. " From: Date: December 26, 2002 " To pay for copier lease agreement 111. 00 " " " I request an amendment to the following line items in my 2002 (year) department: < 17.00? To pay for copier lease agreement GL Account # 140 53020 Office supplies 17.00 < 40.00) " " 140 - 53110 Computer supplies " To pay for books ,. 40.00 < 335.00 '7 3.35.00 " 140 - 53030 Photo' copies " " " 140 - 71650 O[Il~e equipment To pay for books " " 140 53050 Photo copies $ -0- 140 - 54020 Dues ----------- ------------- " I. unde~stand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissione~s' Court approval is obtained. YtL~ ~ e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 140 - 70550 140 - 54030 Library Books Publications 140 - 70550 Library books Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: 675 II BUDGET AMENDMEN'l' REQUESTij 1 e To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court following line items in my 2002 (year) department: APPROVED , DEe 30 2002 < for the From: Library (Department making this request) Date: December 26, 2002 I request an amendment to the budge GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 140 - 60430 140 - 70550 Book repairs and binding .( 149,00> To pay for books . Library books -- 149.09 " n n 140 - ~O~JgG<03<) Fire & security services .( 465.00) To pay for books 140 - 70550 Library books 465.00 <1,979.00 > n n n 140 - 63500 140 - 70550' Machine Maintenance To pay for books Library Books 1,979.00 < 469.00 > n n n e. 140 - 63920 140 - 70550 Miscellaneous To pav for books Library books .. 469.00 <: 445.00 '; 445.00 n n n 140 - 64790 140 - 70550 Postage To p;JY fnr hn()lo~ Library books n n n Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ---------- ------------ r. understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissione~s' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: '-fL~ ~ - Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 676 e e e ~GET AMENDMENT REQUESTij To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Library (Department making this request) Date: December 26, 2002 (y APPROVED DEe 30 2002 I request an amendment to the 2002 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the AIllendment GL Account # Account Name AIllount ------------- ------------------ ------------- 140 - 66192 Telephone service <: 2,579.00 '> 140 - 70550 Library books 2,579,00 140 - 66476 Travel In county < 1,098.00> 140 - 70550 Library' books 1,098.00 140 - 66498 Travel Out of county < 2,158.00> 140 - 70550 Library books 2,158.00 ,. Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ------------- ----------- Reason ------------------- To n:=!v for honks " " " " .To pay for books " " " To pay for books " " " I. unde~stand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissione~s' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: ~~ (\u.'O Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : C77 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-180-64910 1000-180-51620 1000-180-53020 1000-180-61310 1000-180-64880 1000-760-51620 1000-760-51899 1000-760-51519 1000.760-53020 1000-760-63530 1000-760-63920 1000-760-65180 1000-760-64790 1000-760-63500 1000-760-61310 1000-760-53540 1000-760-53992 1000-760-53430 1000-760-74050 1000-760-60360 678 TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: JAIL, SHERIFF DATE: 12/27102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 JAIL PRISONER MEDICAL SERVICES ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER RENTALS PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT TOTAL 167 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 970 552 137 (3.110) (1,264) SHERIFF ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE WORKERS COMP ADJUSTMENTS DEPUTY-LAW ENFORCEMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS RADIO MAINTENANCE POSTAGE MACHINE MAINTENANCE COPIER RENTALS GAS/OIUDIESEL SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES VEHICLE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS DEPARTMENT TOTAL Total for GENERAL FUND 3,427 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 803 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (803) REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 102 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1.029 285 398 589 750 405 254 39 439 (6.483) 50 1.2~ APPROVE 1] e e e e e e g BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: COUNTY TREASURER DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 REASON (500) LINE ITEM TRANSFER (500) (154) 1.154 (COMPUTER, PRINTER, VARIOUS SUPPLIES) o DEe 30 ,UU, C/g t--. I ~BUDGE~ AMENDMENT ~EQUESTjl ~ To: calhoun County commissioners' Court &U>?~ te~iE/ (Departme lt1 ing this request) From: Date: /~-/ 7-,;;);~ I request an amendment to the (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL.Acc01Ult # -----------....- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- Amendment ACCount Name Amount Reason J.;o- 6.:3s bO ~bD- r:-,., sJ.;:>.. ,!/J1~t!K hJ/.1~ /It'~h d.?C:~/<h...c._ + /uo OU luO oc) nd. &!~ , <>:" ,&x,'..r u.?~ , . ~hu. e Net change in total PUdget for .this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ <C' r understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested trntil Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Signature of official/department head: ~~ J1;?~t.L (:J..-3V-D'~ e Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 680 .. II BUDGET' AMENDMENT REQUEST II /0 To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court e From: . ~ cU cfo.ur (Department making this request) Date: /2- /17/02- I request an amendment to the ?OO~ (year) following line items in my department: budget for the ........----------- Account Name Amendment Amount -~~~j~-~-~-- -t ~i<l5" 0 ~ Reason -i-Kf\n;-?;;:----Tb--- (I Np,ook5-~ GL Account # ------------------ ':'{IO - /; 30<;1) t.\IO- '705co (JUdie/MY tvV'ld Boo h-s - WA.IJ\./ e DEe 3 I) ,I)U2 Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ 53 So ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be Commissioners' Court approval is obt Signature of official/department hea : Date of Commissioners' Court approval: until '\ Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 5i~ . e CS1 f t f BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II. TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: DISTRICT COURT DATE: 12/18/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 385 ADDITIONAL AMOUNT NEEDED FOR SOFTWARE (385) o o t, t:J1PFiOVED r'\~ u [~" .~ e e 682 e c/uo '-/1,,1J e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ~~8- (Department making this request) Date: \dO\'" -t)'d- I request an amendment to the ApI) d--. year) following line items in my department: f~ budget for the ------------- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason GL Account # ------------------ ------------- ------------------- t~ppRn\!ED -' ...-'--' ---.= DEe " iJ LUIlL j c-__.___._' '. ^ lo Lr'l l(o lPL\ 'I C) \) ~ \ \, .00 \ \ \ d'U \lLP,V[L \ W Cl!:)L'N~ PIC>"c>W'\Z, G Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ============= uno POS1P.c.,t, I understand that my budget cannot be amen Commissioners' Court approval is obtained Signature of official/department head: as requested until Date of Commissioners' Court approval' Date posted to General Ledger account(s): (33 4to ~~G ,. ""'" 12-26 . ,02 9'33AM FROM CALHOLIN CO. AUD I TOR 361 553 4614 ~ BtlDGE'1' AXENDJmN'l' 1UIQOll:ST ~ TO, Calhoun county Commi",,,ionfllrs' Court Frort1; --;.J p .u- (.b (~partment making this request) Date,: I;;>--J. .( - 0 ;), I r,.quest an amendment to the :; 00 ;:}.. (year) fOllowing line items in my department, ,~__t .llCco=t Name AII.OUnt _N___N_________~__ ------------- , 11~".n~-6 <1J.~/QI- <;O~.I?t?/ r(,ll~ I ~ CalJ.~ d-.,pCv~O /3 P. t e budget for the GL Account .. ------------- JJ.o. ~,1 f, is..~ (j 1 (" lIfel cl1~~ge in tota.l budget for this d.epa:rbDent is. Oth~r remarks/justification, -- 0--- $ don.nO ====~====::::='== Reaso.D ; l:~-f~-;--~Ids i I e J I- I I i I ! i I I I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Co'''missioners' Court approval is Signature of official/department head: 0",1." of commissioners' Court approva . D<:.r:e posted to General Ledger ac e 12-26-02 99: 11 TO:CALHOUN JP PCT 4 Is/rOd ~J.t~ ~QJ_ tQ~=nT FROM:361 553 4614 P~l h t~~ ~r ~'nnu~w~ OT'~a 7a_C7_7T 684 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Icf TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: JUVENILE COURT DATE: 12/23/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 3,429 PART OF VICTORIA REGIONAL JJDF (3,429) P0#24932 APPROVED DEe J 0 ;:OU, Cnr' 0J BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST J{ e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: DISTRICT ATTORNEY DATE: 12/16/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT REASON (83) POSTAGE REIMB. BY HOT CHECK RESTITUTION 83 (TREAS. RCPT #12459) o r "'~ ._~ /"',t"t-'-iU C ~~C-jU :J 686 e e e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney (Department making this request) Date: December 18, 2002 following line items in my 2002 (year) department: budget for the I request an amendment to the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- 510-70500 Books-Law + $631.00 510-66980 Witness Fees - $631. 00 Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ 0.00 ------------- ------------- /~ Reason ----------.--------- to pay for necessary law books " [') p' ~ 0 \1 E....) ,.....r rl _, , __L I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: a _ J./I.<;?~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : US? II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II 11 e To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: Criminal District Attorney's Office (Department making this request) Date: December 26, 2002 I request an amendment to the 2002 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL Aocount # Amendment Aocount Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- to pay for necessary law books 510-70500 Books-Law + $299.00 510-66980 Witness Fees - $299.00 e Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: 0.00 $ ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested Commissioners' Court approval is obtained~ Signature of official/department head: ~~~e-~~ until ~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 688 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II Calhoun county commissioners' Court CcJ/ftU':4- ~ /3~ 1/:-; (Department making this request) To: From: Date: /0\ 12 tJ.;).. , I request an amendment to the cR~&~ ~yea-rt following line items in my department: GL Account # 6r!o .535/0 ..5<jO G35tJtJ .5;;10 6"363tJ S5l't? 6'.3 9p< 0 550 6 cf37/J , J..<IO ~ tj~) {} , -.:5- cJ.o ~:s-/ tfO. --f# t/S)L-f'tf ~1f5;tbcf .5-M-_t{.j](.7~ [ ~ budget for the Amendment Account Name Amount -------------;---- -------~19--- ---------------- A cut e .6.JUdq:fU /4J it /r~ .- /J1IlCkAlI/1/;fd. <-:165" - >' Z 1tf'! >tile! t:~. Af1./' (7f5 {} -> /lt~~ ,/ ~..?'3'5'-7 /~tl'"4 /11i4'/(/53S- > ~~~ /(/tJtJ -)- ~ ~D ,lJittl-J. ,/ - >- i!'7ftl.M 4u.~C/u1MtIk// '.2().- >- ~ ~. d(JIA~. t:13fS -,> /!/!cI.p.D~~ \' ySp - ') Net change in total budget [or this department is: $ -C)- ------------- ------------- Other remarks/justification: Reason ~ ~ DEe 30 2002 [ understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obta,ned. Signature of official/department head: , /~~c/t?-<1 / Date of Commissioners+ Court approval: Dat..e pos..te.d t.o Gene.r:al Ledger account (s) : C39 { q e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II From: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court To: ~dL~~CAu~~A1.l/rcd--#-1 (Department ma ~ng th~s request) Date: I;;J.. 1,1' O~. I request an amendment to the ~f~~ year) following line items in my depattment: GL Account # 5~-5.s5 /6 .5 tJ.tJ -~~.:5...!5 0 fYt:J - .5.3.:5'/0 ..:f'f0-~.3590 .5fi(J -.53.5 f'.5' ..5~-.53.517 5>0 - .:5::?& L<::l ~ -tfe;?6:L6 .5f0-~;?~&O ~i0_":J3.gft? budget for the Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- --------------- Aadr? .&u.dy~ tJ'ift 1- X'~ / (.GtJo-~> 4Mh.,,~J.L~nu~.t1.J ~ 50tJ ~~ cS;",~ I .J (~1~tJ -''J APPROVFf_ 01=4) -/ < I ~,9.1? - =f: t of~ / (30cJ - > DEe 30 2002 A~4 .5-<<#J,:~) (15 () - ? t: ~&./:i/L?7Y-C L ~ - J (3'p(_50-> #4 >f~ / J /00'- >- -0- Net change in total budget (or this department is: s Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested un\ i 1 Commissioners. Court approval is obtaJ.ned. Signature of official/department head: 7~o~c.dJo ~. Date of Commissioners' Court approval: llat.e po.s..terl to General Ledger account (s) : 6no e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court CdjlUU~C~~ ~/ . (Department m ing this request) /,;( II j7 /tJ,;L I / I request an amendment to the ~o&~ (year) following line items in my depattment: From: Date: JO budget for the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ----------------- ,~,Sio /)35/0 J1;/o 6tf )L9f .59'053 o? 10 S(/{)-53{}~O !oud,o /JUtI(<u d.3 Of - ~Ltl;:j:YpO-> w: ~. \' <f5'f' / 1ff.u( Jejy~ \ ~9' () .~ '7 Net change in total budget [or this department is: s ==='~a,~= Other remarks/justification: Dt:C 3 0 LUO, Da.t..e po..sJ:.eLl \:.0 Gene.r:al [,edger account (s) : C:Jl II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To: Calhoun county Commissioners' court eJLu~ CtiU-4 ~~ #=- / (Department making this request) From: Date: / d)... /? tP d..... I request an amendment to the ~~~~ (year following line items in my depattment: cl~ budget for the [ understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtaLned. . 7~cu/{dt?~ ) e GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount ------------------ ------------- '''Y:OS39'1Z $''/0- &t/tJd{ -5'10 6~3.~O ~ .~~:; ,X?LjJ ~.vLL/~ (~~.;(;{ -':.7 Net change in total budget for this department is: s -{)- ------------- ------------- Other remarks/justification: Slgnature of official/department head: Date of Commis-sioners' Court approval: Reason ------------------- Date posLed LO GeneLal Ledger account(s) 692 e e e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTII To: Calhoun county Commissioners' Court j'1...J)"'jJ",- (~u-tlflAJ-1k ;. (Department mak ng this request) From: Date: /~ IS' 0':;" I request an amendment to the ~~~~ year - following line items in my department: J~ budget for the GL Account # Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ----------------- 6tj~ - 535OiO 5'10 - ~~6 /1- .5cjo 1;J, <#0 , "ly.o 'E,:;{., () o(~ 7Ld-/~~; <J.) -pw.kJ J;:!t It) &:J5Q. laY') APPHOVEO ~ Ute ,u wozJ= Net change in total budget [or this department is: s ~()~ ------------- ------------- Other remarks/justification: [ understand lhat my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtal.ned.. . '. '\ Stgnature of official/department head: )f~~/~C~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Da1:..e flo.sJ:.e.d t.o Geoe.ral Ledger account (s) : C:J3 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST cl3 e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 1 DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 91 65 220 (376) o . t. ,. '" "". D" ...",.....">...,, } '71 \ , '1\......\,1 _ ~~ J-;~,-J e e 6g4 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST clc{ TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: CONSTABLE PCT 2 DATE: 12/20/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 45 PO#22532 FOR 2003 DUES (45) APPROVED DEe 30 (vU2 C35 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST d;{ e 1000-610-65180 RADIO MAINTENANCE REASON HALLETTSVILLE COMM. P0#26652 & VICTORIA COMM. PO#26653 577 BILL TO BE SUBMITTED FOR RADIO & CAMERA INSTALLATION (75) (700) 1000-610-60332 1000-610-72500 AUTO ALLOWANCES EQUIPMENT-RADIO SIGNATURE 0 APPflOVED r-:._n_- /('I:l L~_:~ e 696 e e e c:2~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 ACCOUNT NAME APPOINTED OFFICIAL SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING REGISTRATION FEES AUTO ALLOWANCES AMENDMENT AMOUNT 625 48 57 6 3 (450) (289) (O) APPF10VED DEe 3 0 2002 ("""'l"'1 eJI !IBUoGET AHENnM.ENT R.EQUESTI! :21 e To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: {be, ~'{ktui.Uv (Department making this request) Date: I~.lf)-D:}.. I request an amendment to the dOO d-- budget for the (year) following line items in my department: GL Accoull't # ------------.... Account Name 1UIlendment 1UIlount Reason ------------------ ~1~ ------------- ------------------- 19~- 53lJ$!D 0.- APPROVED EC 3 0 2002 lP&Q- '1D'/50 !Ii 9/)- 105'? 4-() lc&o-wd,'SID ~~ ~I~~$ Ctif1 ~u.- <- f? 60. -( Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -0- ---------- ---------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: e . Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 698 \1 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II _TO: Calhoun County . From: H lG.HWA,-l commissioners' Court ? A.-TI2-0 L.. (Department making this request) Date: 1'2-1 n I D '-- I\. 2.. 0 02- (year) department: budget for the I request an amendment to the following line items in my GL Account # Account Name Amendment Amount 7ZD - G, 3Cf 2-0 1 d.sJ - '71 /. ')0 Se:g\i I c.gs ~ M 1.5 c.. ' io~~ - t;tooo -r ~O{)~ e Net change in total budget for this department is: other remarks/justification: $ ------------- ------------- WD L,.!) II ke +0 ~ e a ne.w CDm. I understand that my budget cannot be amen commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: J~ Reason -;:"OVrz. -':;-;;'-'7"Z:O': S30Z-D 6.eN.e:lZA-t- tJ>~A4E SWP/VE. as requested until -Por- -tY-.e... 0 % Le.- e Date posted to General Ledger account(s) :' C99 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST J-q e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: ADULT PROBATION DATE: 7/30/02 8UDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 579 JECKER FLOOR & GLASS P0#19369 FOR NEW TILE (579) AND CARPET o _;:;ilitlJlf'-"_ o !:.\PPf?O'IED [D';:~~; ] e 700 e e e 30 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: CRIME VICTIMS ASSISTANCE DATE: 12123/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 46 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (319) 198 75 o APPROVED _..~..~--- DEe 3 0 LUUL 701 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 31 e TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VETERANS SERVICES DATE: 12/16/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 POSTAGE SOCIAL SECURITY Apr..........,!'""., '....0 .-' i~i \,,) \i t: ~:-'---~-- L~~J e e 702 0.- ',0;, l'~'. " - ~ ", , ? !: ~:' ';.' '~.' '" ),". , ~ . ~l ~ ;:,. e I . e II BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II 3~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: ~,CD. Pc-t- *:1.- (Department making this request) Date: \;:) - \l()- D:2 following line p-OO ;;l. (year) items in my department: budget for the r request an amendment to the GL Aooount # ----------...-- Alnendll1ent Aooount NAme Alnount ReAson ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 55b-03CjQ,d. J,(hoc Sl.)(2P.16~ 651) -13lVlX> _m~. ~ ~ \L\b. ,. Net ohange in total bUdget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -9- ------------ ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 701 704 e 33 ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUESTij To: Calhoun county Commissioners' Court From: u&~ rn~ PCt':W ~ (Department making this request) Date: -.J~- \?J-O:t I request an amendment to the ,;l00::L budget for the (year) following line items in my department: ~!>_~~~:>~~~_!- Amendment Account N~me Amount Reason ~~---------------- ------------- ------------------- ?:5D-53310 _ ~ '\ Svf212/l~ Lflo "lQo 55D "'5581(6 ..1OO.IS . (Q1, CV/ f:PPR~~)EQ f I DEe', j 1001 r'f Net change in total budget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ ..Q- ------------ ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Sign~ture of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: F\&Q~_ e Date posted to General Ledger account(s): w", :fr." '~':.'" t~r{.~; :"- (': :~, , . r~ e I Ie ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST~ 3~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: CM..~. Pt4r <t d- (Department making this request) Date: \J- \fQ-Od--. \ I request an amendment to the ~'Ob~ budget for the yea following line items in my department: AlIlendment GL Aooount # Aooount Name AlIlount Reason -.----------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------- 55'O~ Io3QaD -1Y.\~. 56t-~\o41\p hv .~ ---.----- \, U2 Net change in total budget tor this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ -B- ------------ ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: q;dQP.eNLJI'\.~ Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 705 if" r..i...... ~': ;~ t- ~, f'~' '.'. , f fi.;- Of.--;::. ~; :.. 706 ~BUDGET AHENDMENT REQUESTij '1'0: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court V0YID0f\ C 1JDV\tu PCt ~ (Department making -t~ request) \2- \~" t) d..., From: Date: following line items in my aoo~ (year) department: budget for the I request an amendment to the Amendment ~;-~~~~~~~_!_ AoooUnt NAme Amount 55b- ,-~~,SU -P~S-~5~~~----i~o.-ru- 550~5~1o 1\k")ect\('.M1e.s <\00 .(0) Net change in totAl bUdget tor this depArtment is: Other remarks/justification: $ e- ------------ ------------- e 35 Reason ----------------- AP;:Gg':i~- GEe '" '""' I I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: '5 \l).Q./iI\~-, Date of Commissioners' Court approval: - Date posted to General Ledger account(s): ikl' x'\; ~,' f. ~;r: ~:,-: f . \\,,,,- f.:AL ~t f.,-~: . h'/ :~'H" ..';: ,It e e ~BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST'! To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court From: -:\fa request) J~ Date: I request an amendment to the ~()()f' budget for the (year following line items in my department: GL Account # -.----------- Amendment Account N~rne Amount Re~son ----..------------- ------------- ------------------- 55b -13490 55D~53Q1.a ~ <~OOO. fX)/ ~ \-~ t Su~ aOO.()D APPHOVED -"----.---- Net ch~nge in tot~l budget tor this dep~rtment is: . Other remarks/justification: $ & ------------- ------------- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: .1, ~~.>>u \1\Q 1\')A,CQ... Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): 707 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST _I 37 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 1.253 LINE ITEM TRANSFER (1,253) Total for GENERAL FUND o ---- o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET CEno:~:;J e e 708 e e tit BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 3~ 2 .. APP;::;()\iF:I) I: . _. '<.' ':. .".~;.. E.-"..".U"-....uu. :]" Cr'" ,'-''',.' 0,." __ ,,:1,,2 709 e 3q IIBUDGE~ AMENDMENT R.EQUEBTII To: Calhoun f)~nty commissioners' Court From: [i11; 4 (Department making this request) Jr9 . J'l . 0 d.- Date: I request an amendment to the (~OO;A (year) following line items in my department: budget for the GL AccoUn't # ------------- Account llame --~----------- Ef IiJl., fl' h~ Amendment Amount Reason ------------------- " 6fJD. 63J,!D ...., 511D. ro 'Y/;y) ,-, 6fJO- ipLtlqD ,-, 51D- i.p5l}40 SOCO. - c:. .:..-- , ~lMl.,til.'YK" jh.a'll";~ 0. 6F-~(-!i30VED 5 - 10. - l .:UUL lJ DE;' - --.J It " 5l1J) - 5?,s I Q . R,ortt! ( &J (it~ (?Doo.-) Net cbange in total budget for this department is: $ -0- --------- ---------- Other remarks/justification: I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Date of Commissioners' Court approval: - e Sign~ture of Official/department head: Date posted to General Ledger account(s) : 710 e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ACCOUNT NAME TEMPORARY OVERTIME SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION FEDERAUST ATE UNEMPLOYMENT ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES Total for GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT AMOUNT 2.189 33 170 203 270 10 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET yo APPF!()'v'ED --- '-"--1 DEe 3 0 ie,,,, 711 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST e Lfl NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 712 AMENDMENT AMOUNT 29 175 (204) o o ~!"'~"t'l 1.1_1[i-._U' G::.'.7] e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 4~ TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DATE: 12127102 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 L ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME EXTENSION SERVICE MEAL ALLOWANCE GROUP INSURANCE COUNTY AGENT ELECTIONS 1000-270-51930 RETIREMENT 100().270-60490 BUILDING RENTAL CONTINGENCIES 1000-240-63920 MISCELLANEOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP INSURANCE TEMPORARY WORKMENS COMPENASATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW WORKMENS COMPENASATION ELECTED OFFICIAL SOCIAL SECURITY GROUP INSURANCE JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECINCT #1 WORKMENS COMPENASA TION TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY GROUP INSURANCE JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECINCT #4 1000-480-51920 GROUP INSURANCE 000-480-51540 TEMPORARY JUSTICE OF PEACE PRECINCT #5 1000-490.51920 GROUP INSURANCE 1000-490.51540 TEMPORARY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1000-63().51920 GROUP INSURANCE VETERANS SERVICES 1000-790-51920 GROUP INSURANCE CONSTABLE PRECINCT#2 SOCIAL SECURITY EQUIPMENT-RADIO WORKMENS COMPENASATION Total (or GENERAL FUND 1000-110-51700 100().110-51920 1000-11().51130 20 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1,905 (1.925) 4 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (4) 1000-380.51920 1000.38D-51540 1000.380.51940 1000.380.51950 1 00().380-5191 0 <'.558) FOR GROUP. NCE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS .AfY')~r'l- ;""'J 'i~ ~"~ "F:c ,,' ~;~ lJ (299) 29 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL -.---- 1 10 (40) 1000-410-51940 1000-410-51003 1000-41().51910 1000-41 ().51920 1000-450-51940 1000-450-51540 1000-450-51910 1000-450-51920 5 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 105 33 (143) 419 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (419) 419 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (419) 419 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 419 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000.590-51910 1000.59().72500 1000.590-51940 NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET 3 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (5) 2 o e 713 411 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 1000-180-51620 1000.180-64880 1000.760'51620 1000-760.51899 1000-760-51519 1000-760-51700 -714 ,1M, ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1.230 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (4.642) (3,412) SHERIFF ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE WORKERS COMP ADJUSTMENTS DEPUTY-LAW ENFORCEMENT MEAL ALLOWANCE 3,376 957 (957) 36 3.412 o DEPARTMENT TOTAL Total for GENERAL FUND NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET o APPf1~_ [ D~' ,"2 I "-..-...--- o e e e BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST 4~ TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: RIB PRECINCT 1 DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 1000-540-51540 1000-540-51910 1000-540-51630 TEMPORARY SOCIAL SECURITY COMP TIME PAY Total for GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT AMOUNT 2.855 323 (90) (800) (2.288) o !! AppBoVED E~J 715 716 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Lf 541 /', r-;~,~:- I"\t-. ,........,O,'..."! ''''''') , '" ''Ie' 0E~':) e e e e e 4~ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST A P~Oi:"."i",\ ii-O ' ~'1\.)Vi- r;;C 1 ~-~~ I ----.-1 717 e Lfl BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST TO: CALHOUN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT FROM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DATE: 12/27/02 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR: 2002 GL ACCOU 1000-630-51103 1000.630.51910 1000.630-51930 1000.630-51940 100D-630.51950 1000-630-72500 1000.63D-66498 1000-630-53470 ACCOUNT NAME APPOINTED OFFICIAL SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT EQUIPMENT-RADIO TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY RADIO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Total for GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT AMOUNT 687 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL (8) 43 6 (14) (499) (90) (125) o NET CHANGE IN TOTAL BUDGET "H" 1 . n G~-:,j~;~"'I. -_._.:J I ---~ e 718 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Lf~ e e Af-'1" - :JJCtOVED rD~ .~,~,l L_ I ---------..1 'jiQ .J..v ...j l"') o Fund Code 1000 Total 1000 Report Total L Effective Date Fund Title 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND Date,I2f2710207:30:36PM GENERAL FUND e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions. REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30102 BUD267. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 (gO Transaction Description POSTAGE REIMB. BY DA HOT CHECK RESTffiJTION Dept Title REVENUE e GLTitle MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE-GEN GOVT p 10j~$, UZ~p~('+ t- Lf~ Far MS) Increase 83.00 83.00 83.00 Decrease 0.00 0.00 - CALltoUN COUNTY, TEXAS e e Unposted eTrnnsactionS . EXPEND.ADJUSlMENTS FOR 12/30/02 7 ~ BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GLTitIe Increase Decrease 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND COMPUTER, OFFICE EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY AGENT 3.000.00 EQUIPMENT 1000 12/3012002 GENERAl FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY AGENT 115.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EXTENSION SERVICE COUNTY AGENT 1,925.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll EXTENSION SERVICE MEAL All.OWANCE 20.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EXTIlNSION SERVICE MEAL All.QW ANCE 11.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAl FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll EXTIlNSION SERVICE GROUP INSURANCE 1,905.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EXTENSION SERVICE TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 104.00 I MARlNEAG 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND COMPUTER, OFFICE EXTENSION SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY 3.000.00 EQUIPMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 170.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY PHOTO COPIES/SUPPUES 111.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LDlRARY PHOTO COPIES/SUPPUES 17.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAl FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY COMPUTER SUPPLIES \11.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY COMPUTER SUPPUES 170.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY DUES 40.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY PUBUCA TlONS 335.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOK REPAIRS AND 149.00 BINDING 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY FIRE & SECURITY SERVICES 465.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LDlRARY MACHINE MAINTENANCE 1.979.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY MISCEllANEOUS 469.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY POSTAGE 445.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LDlRARY TELEPHONE SERVICES 2,579.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY TRA VEL IN COUNTY / .098.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 2.158.00 1000 /2/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOKS-LIBRARY 2.158.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 1,098.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 2,579.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 445.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY BOOKS-LIBRARY 469.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOKS.lDlRARY 1.979.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOKS.LlBRARY 465.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 149.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER LIBRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 335.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY BOOKS.LIBRARY 40.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND lINE ITEM TRANSFER lDlRARY EQUIPMENT 17.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll MUSEUM TEMPORARY 65.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll MUSEUM SOCIAL SECURITY 5.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll MUSEUM WORKMENS 1.00 COMPENSA nON Dale: 12J27f0207:30:12PM Page:l -.J lv ~ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions. EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12130/02 BUD267 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30102 -.J tV Fund Effective tv Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GLTitle Increase Decrease 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL MUSEUM FEDERAUSTATE 1.00 UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL MUSEUM MISCELLANEOUS 72.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JAIL OPERATIONS ADDmONAL 970.00 PAY-REGULAR RATE 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JAIL OPERATIONS ADDmONAL 1.230.00 PAY.REGUlARRATE 1000 12/30/20d2 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 552.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS COPIER RENTALS 137.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JArL OPERATIONS PRISONER WDGING-OUT 3,110.00 OF COUNTY 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER WDGING-OUT 4,642.00 OF COUNTY 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 167.00 SERVICES 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY AUDITOR PHOTO COPlES/SUPPUES 400.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY AUDITOR POSTAGE 400.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND COMPUTER, PRINTER, COUNTY TREASURER GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 1,154.00 VARIOUS SUPPLIES 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TREASURER PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES 154.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TREASURER MACHINE MAINTENANCE 500.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY TREASURER EQUIPMENT 500.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR LEGAL COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL SERVICES 681.00 SERVICES-cOURT APPOINTED 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT LEGAL SERVICES 1,880.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMtSSIONERS COURT MISCELLANEOUS 5.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT PATHOWGISTFEES 1.875.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND FOR LEGAL COMMISSIONERS COURT REDISTRICTING 870.00 SERVICES-cOURT APPOINTED 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR TELEPHONE SERVICES CONTENGENCIES MISCELLANEOUS 2.536.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND FOR INDIGENT BURIAL CONTENGENCIES MISCELLANEOUS 325.00 EXPENSE 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND GROUP INSURANCE FOR CONTENGENCIES MISCELLANEOUS 1.558.00 VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY CLERK GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY CLERK MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT COUNTY JUDGE AUTOALWWANCES 100.00 AUTO MILEAGE .. 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT COUNTY JUDGE _ MACHINE MAINTENANCE 100.00 e AUTO MILEAGE Dale: 12127/02 07:30:12 PM _ CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS e e Unpostec Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 - 67 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GLTitle Increase Decrease 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ELECTIONS RETIREMENT 4.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS ELECTION SUPPLIES 250.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ELECTIONS BunnING RENTAL 250.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmEDBYPAYROLL ELECTIONS BUILDING RENTAL 4.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES 2,536.00 1000 12/30/2oq2 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 1.00 OPERA TIONS-MAGNOUA BEACH 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER AMBULANCE SERVICES 1.00 OPERATIONS-MAGNOUA BEACH 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EMERGENCY MEDICAL GENERALO~CESUPPLIES 613.00 SERVICES 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPLIES/OPERATING 613.00 SERVICES EXPENSES 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 333.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEDICAVOTHER SUPPLIES 318.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER HEALTH DEPARTMENT TITLE XX FAMILY 15.00 PLANNING 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED INDIGENT HEAL 111 CARE BURIAL EXPENSE 325.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL WASTE MANAGEMENT TEMPORARY 100.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL WASTE MANAGEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY 299.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP INSURANCE 1,258.00 \000 \2130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL WASTE MANAGEMENT WORKMENS 100.00 COMPENSATION 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL WASTE MANAGEMENT FEDERAVSTATE 39.00 UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 \213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT LEGAL SERVICES-COURT 293.00 APPOINTED 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT MENTAL COMMITTMENT 293.00 SERVICES 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT-AT-LA W ELECTED O~CIAL 1.00 1000 I ~13012002 GENERAL FUND REQUJRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT -AT-LAW SOCIAL SECURITY 10.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW GROUP INSURANCE 40.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT-AT-LA W WORKMENS 29.00 COMPENSATION 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT-AT-LA W WORKMENS 28.00 COMPENSATION 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTY COURT-AT-LAW GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 220.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS COUNTY COURT-A T-LA W JUDICIARY FUND 54.00 EXPENDITURES -..1 Dale; 12/21102 07:30:12 PM P~;3 tV W CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposled Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12130/02 '"'.1 BUD267 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12130102 tu ;.f;A Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GLTitle Increase Decrease 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND AS NEEDED COUNTYCOURT-AT-LAW LEGAL SERYICES-COURT 1,551.00 APPOINTED 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL COUNTYCOURT-AT-LAW TELEPHONE SERVICES 192.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS COUNTY COURT-A T-LA W BOOKS-LAW 54.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRlCT CLERK GENERAL OFFICE SU\'PLIES 68.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT CLERK POSTAGE 68_00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND ADDmONAL AMOUNT DISTRICT CLERK CAPITAL OUTLAY 385.00 NEEDED FOR SOFTWARE 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND ADDmONALAMOUNT DISTRICT CLERK EQUIPMENT 385.00 NEEDED FOR SOFTWARE 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT COURT LEGAL SERVICES-COURT 236.00 APPOINTED 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT COURT ROOM & BOARD-JURORS 236.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF TEMPORARY 105.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF SOCIAL SECURITY 33.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 ] 2/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF GROUP INSURANCE 143.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF WORKMENS 5.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #1 COMPENSATION 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 36.00 PRECINCT #2 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE PHOTO COPIES/SUPPLIES 36.00 PRECINCT #2 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE POSTAGE 11 1.00 PRECINCT #2 1000 12/301200f GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF PEACE TRAVEL IN COUNTY 111.00 PRECINCT #2 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF MACHINE MAINTENANCE 112.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #3 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TELEPHONE SERViCES 112.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #3 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF TEMPORARY 419.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF GROUP INSURANCE 419.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 200.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #4 COUNTY 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TRAVEL IN COUNTY 200.00 e PEACE-PRECINCT #e 0 Date: 12127/02 01;JO:12 PM Page: 4 e e CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS e Unposted Transactions. EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 DOO267 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GLTitle Increase Decrease 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF TEMPORARY 91.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUJRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF TEMPORARY 419.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL JUSTICE OF GROUP INSURANCE 419.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER JUSTICE OF COPY MACHINE LEASE 91.00 PEACE-PRECINCT #5 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND PART OF VICTORIA JUVENILE COURT JUVENILE DETENTION 3,429.00 REGIONAL JJDF PO#24932 SERV -JP 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND PART OF VICTORIA JUVENILE COURT JUVENILE DETENTION 3,429.00 REGIONAL JJDF PO#24932 SERVICES 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND POSTAGE REIMB. BY DA DISTRICT ATTORNEY POSTAGE 83.00 HOT CHECK RESTITUTION 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY WITNESS FEES 631.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY WITNESS FEES 299.00 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATTORNEY WITNESS FEES 15.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY BOOKS-LAW 299.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND FOR LAW BOOKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY BOOKS-LAW 631.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND TEMPORARY 90.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND COMP TIME PAY 2,288.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND SOCIAL SECURITY 800.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/200~ GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND GROUP INSURANCE 2,855.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND RETmEMENT 323.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 490.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 448.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 2,808.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 376.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 16,319.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 9,763.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 Dale; 12n7/0207:30:12PM Page: 5 -1 l..J C..r1 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS ....] Unposted Budget Transactions. EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 tu BUD267 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 OJ Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TIRES AND TUBES \,083.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GASOLINlYOIVDIESEVGIC. 500.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LUMBER 600.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SIGNS 2,760.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TOOLS 1,228.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TREES 300.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUIWING SUPPLIES/PARTS 450.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #\ 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 522.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUILDING REPAIRS 91.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND CLEANING-CHOC. BAYOU 65.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 PARK 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND CLEANING-INDIANOLA 220.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #\ PARKS 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL 575.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/200,2 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GARBAGE 3,250.00 BRJDGE-PRECINCT #\ COL~MAGNOLlABEACH 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LEGAL NOTICES 100.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LEGAL SERVICES 1,022.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINE MAINTENANCE 74.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERYffiQUWMENT 7,850.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 REPAIRS 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS 2,535.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE 1,535.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT # 1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND PHYSICALS 100.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT # I 1000 12/30/2002 eERALFUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND _ RADIO MAINTENANCE 470.00 e BRIDGE.PRECll' Da1e:1V2710207:30:12PM Page: 6 ----- e _CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS e Dnposted Bu nsactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 BU i, 7 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description DeptTitle GLTitle Increase Decrease 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND REPAIRS-FAIRGROUNDS 920.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 BALLPARK 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND REPAIRS-MAGN BEACH 2,385.00 BRlDGE-PRECINCT #1 BOAT RAMP 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND REPAIRS-RODEO ARENA 450.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TELEPHONE SERVICES 500.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY 1,870.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UTILITIES-PARKS 733.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND EQUIPMENT-PARKS 250.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND IMPROYEMENTS-MAGNOL... 100.00 BRIDGE.PRECINCT #1 BEACH BOAT RAMP 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES 2,168.00 (TERM. PAY FOR 2 BRlDGE-PRECINCT #2 EMPLOYEES DURING YEAR) 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND GROUP INSURANCE 2,168.00 (TERM. PAY FOR2 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 EMPLOYEES DURING YEAR) 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 467.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 100.00 BRlDGE.PRECINCT #2 PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND LUMBER 1,253.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TOOLS 467.00 BRIDGE.PRECINCT #2 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND INSECTICIDESIPESTICIDES \00.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND JANITOR SUPPLIES 1,253.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 3,000.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 1.404.00 BRlDGE-PRECINCT #2 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS 171.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 ....1 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND TRAVEL IN COUNTY 171.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 lv -.J Date: 12121f02 07:30:12 PM Page: 7 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget Transactions - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 -J BUD267 - BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 tu QO Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GLTitJe Increase Decrease 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY AND 3,000.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 EQUIPMENT 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY AND 1,404.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #2 EQUIPMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND TEMPORARY ll.OO BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND OVERTIME 11.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD '" BRIDGE SUPPLIES 400.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SUPPLIES-MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND UTIUTIES 200.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #3 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND TEMPORARY 2,189.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND TEMPORARY 1,442_00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUlRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND OVERTIME 259.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND OYERTIME 33.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND SOCIAL SECURITY 170.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND GROUP INSURANCE 1,701.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND RETIREMENT 203.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND WORKMENS 270.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 COMPENSATION 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND FEDERAVST ATE 10.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 3,000.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 PARTS/SUPPLIES 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 3,020.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL ROAD AND ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES 2,875.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS 5.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 - 1000 12/30/2002 o 'lAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND e POSTAGE 5.00 BRIDGE-PRECINt ....._._. '~M'"'''' "".M. ,.., "'.. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS e e Unposted BUd_aoHons - EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 BU UDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 12/30/02 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Transaction Description Dept Title GL Title Increase Decrease 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND REPEATER TOWER RENTAL 10.00 BRIDGE-PRECINCT #4 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 SOCIAL SECURITY 3.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 WORKMENS 2.00 COMPBNSA TION 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND PO#22532 FOR 2003 DUES CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 MISCELLANEOUS 45.00 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND PO#22532 FOR 2003 DUES CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 EQUIPMENT-RADIO 45.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #2 EQUIPMENT-RADIO 5.00 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 AUTO ALLOWANCES 75.00 \000 \213012002 GENERAL FUND HALLEITSVILLE COMM. CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 RADIO MAINTENANCE 198.00 P0#26652, VICTORIA COMM. PO#26653 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND RADIO & CAMERA CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 RADIO MAINTENANCE 577 .00 INST ALLA TION 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER CONSTABLE-PRECINCT #4 EQUIPMENT-RADIO 700.00 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY APPOINTED OFFICIAL 625.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY APPOINTED OFFICIAL 687.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY SOCIAL SECURITY 8.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY SOCIAL SECURITY 48.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUmEDBY PAYROLl_ EMERGENCY GROUP INSURANCE 419.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY RETIREMENT 43.00 MANAGEMENT 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY RETIREMENT 57.00 MANAGEMENT \000 \2130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQU\RED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY WORKMENS 6.00 MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION 1000 12130/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY WORKMENS 6.00 MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY FEDERAVSTATE 14.00 MANAGEMENT UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY FEDERAVST ATE 3.00 MANAGEMENT UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 12/30/2002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY RADIO EQUIPMENT 125.00 MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES 1000 \2/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUmED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY AUTO ALLOWANCES 289.00 MANAGEMENT Date: 12f27/02 07:30:12 PM Page: 9 -1 lv CD -l W 0 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Unposted Budget TraflSactlom - EXPEND.AD.JUSTMENTS FOR 12130102 :,>oHln~o.o.n BUD267. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR l2J3OJ02 ~ (\)Ci)f) "lrtf) f-'::11-'-0 (\) (\) 0 ~ ::100 ! 01-'-0 f-' ::1~0'O'O~ rt f-' ~ 1O;3~ F~d Effective rtl>1 101>11>1 (\)0. Ii(\) "'" 0.. Fundlltle Transac:tlcm.Deseription DcptTltlll OLTillc ",,- """'" ~ en (D ..... f-l. IT Ii Ii 1-1. ~ .a (\) 1-'- 1-'- 1>1::1 tIl rtrttll ::1t1l >lrttll f-'1O'OtIlrt;3;3t1l Ii tIl (\)Otll 1000 12130.'2002 GENERAL FlIh>J REQUIREI>BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY TRAINING-REGISTRATION 450.00 1>1 Ii Ii 1-'-i:J'(\)(\) 1-'- I-'-nl-'- Ii 1-'- MANAGEMENT FEES .';1(\)(\)0(\)::1::10 tl UlIiO tl (\)1i0 '000 1213012002 OENERALfUNV REQUIREOBVPAYROLL EMEROENCY TRAVELOUT OF COUNTY 90.00 ~ tIl::1 rtrt::1 H (\)(\)::1 H (\)::1 MANAGEMENT O(\)(\);3t1ltll(\) tIl(\) Ii<:(\) 1-'-1i::11i (\) Ii NOli (\) I-'-Ii 1000 12130f2002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT.RADIO 499.00 ::1 rt rtUl>l O(\) (l(\) MANAGEMENT (l'OI>1"li:J'IO(\)"l ::1::1lIJ (\)>llIJ 1000 1113012002 GENERAL FUND LINB ITEM TRANSFER FIRE PROTECTION-PORT SUPPUESIOPERATINO 3,050.00 I li(\)rtf-'OO'Iif-' (\)rtl>1 f-'- 1>1 O'CONNOR EXPENSES (\) Ii 1-'-0 0.;3 (\) 0 Ul f-' H <:rtf-' 1>1 "'0'<: 1-'- '<: ::01>1 (\)i:J'1>1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE PR0TEC110N.PORT EQUlPMENTRIDITAL 850.00 tIl 0::1 0.0 rttll 0. 21 (\) w_ l2: o.C'Ow. O'CONNOR (\)~ Hlrt(\) LQX' X' 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND I.JNE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE PROTECTION-PORT SERVICES 900.00 tIl >l tIl 1-'-::1 Ul 1-'-1>1 nl>1 O'CONNOR ~ 1-'-1>1 ;3 P rt 1>1 0 0 >l P f-' 1-'-I>1LQ 1-'. p;3 0.1>1 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND IlNE ITEM TRANSFER FIRE PROTECTION-PORT CAPITAL Ot.m.A Y 1,300.00 I-'-Of-'o.X' 00. 1>1(\) (\)tIl O'CONNOR tv f-'(\) I-'-rt 10 f-'p X' 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND COMPUTER FOR OFFICE IUOHWAYPATROL MISCEUANEOUS 1,000.00 .. f-' 0'1>1 P i:J'rt'O rt t<J(\) 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND COMPurnR FOR orneE IUOHWAYPATROL EQUIPMENT 1.000.00 W Ii(\)PLQ(\) 0 'cll-'- Po. e (l(\) ;3>ltll f-'O HI 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND ADDmONALAMOUNT ADULT PROBATION GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES S79,(}j) o LQ ;3 1-'.0, ~ 1-'- I>1P ::0 Of) NEEDED FOR NEW TTI..E &. 'cl ;3 1>11>1 tIl i:J' 1-'. rt ~ P(\) H 1i0 CARPET , (]) Ii o.tIll>1 01-'. ::10. 2~ 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND ADOmONALAMOUNT ADULTPROBAllON CAPITAL OUTIAY 579.00 3: o.(\)IOPf)~O 1-'- ::0 NEEDED FORNEW TILE &: 0'1-'- (])LQ 0 ::1 prt ;3 1-'- CARPET (])prt (\)~tIl LQi:J' (])tIl "'LQ 0 1-'- tIl ~ 0. (]) PtIl 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SIlERlFP DEPU1Y.U W 957.00 o tIl 1-'-0 (]) n gj rt 1-'- ENFORCEMENT IiUlrt l-'.tIl 10 tIl Of-' 0 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROU. SIlERlFP DEPUlY-U W (])1>1i:J'rtPtIlf-'(l ~~ OP 803.00 f-'(]) ~ 1-'- 0. Ii HI(]) ENFORCEMENT rtlll (])rtO 1-'- I-'-rt HIli 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SIlERlFP ADDrTIONAL 3,427.00 i:J'.';1 n i:J'P 0''0 [J)(]) 1-'. PAY.REOULARRATE (]) Otll(])(])(])rt tIlli O"l 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SIlERlFP ADDrTIONAL 3,376.00 10 III Ii 1-'- 1-'- (])f-' f) Ul Ii f-'W- <: 0 00' 1i0 PAY.REOULARRATE o P"rt1>10 "l(])P P(]) '<: 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. SIlERlFP MEALAlLOWANCB 36.00 10 0".';1 0'1-'. Ii tIl 1-'- 1>10. ::0 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROLL SIlERlFP WORKERSCOMP 957.00 Ii 10 PI-'- liP '0 ADrusTMENTS rt f-' 1>1 p..,rll Hl Hl (])LQ 'Ort 0. Ii (]) rt 1-'.0 LQ f-'O 1000 12/3012002 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. SIlERlFP WORKERS COMP 803.00 0.1>1 tIl (])(])>j I>1t1l 1-'- ADJUSIMENTIl O'(])::!(llio. Ii(\) Otll 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SIlERlFP GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUBS 102.00 (\)OLQIi f) o.P 1>1(]) 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND llNE ITEM TRANSFER SIlERlFP lAW ENFORCEMENT 439.00 I-'-(]) 1-'-1>10'0 1-'- rt rtrt ;3 Ul ' '0 tIl'<: 10 ::1 1-'- SUPPUES 1>1 1-'. rt X' P LQrt 010 1000 1213012002 GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRA.~SFER SIlERlFP GASOLINElOIlJDIESEUGR... 254.00 0.0 I-'-(]) rt 0 P'O 1(I(}l} !213or..on GENERAL FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SIlERlFP SUPPllES-MISCEl.LANEOUS 39.00 (\)::1:'>00. '<: rt tIl 1000 1213012002 GENERAl. FUND LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF AlTI'OMOTIVE REPAIRS 50.00 P i:J' 1>1 (]) l~GO 12/3012002 GENERALFuNO LINE ITEM TRANSFER SHERIFF COPIER. RENTALS 405.00 DoIo:I2!;l710207oJOollPM ~'o - - e