2003-09-11 ,. .,,! e e e I) Regular September Term Held September 11, 2003 THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CAUiOUN ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 11"' day of 5eptel!lber, A.D~ 2003 there was begun and holden at the Courthouse in the aty of Port Lavaca said County and Slate, at 10:00 A.M. ,a Regular Term of the CommIssioners' Court Wilhin said County ~ state, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wit: Mid1aeI J. Pfeifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J. Balajka H.FIoyd Kenneth W. Anster Wendy Masvin County Judge CommIssioner, Pet.1 CommIssioner, Pet. 2 CommIssioner, Pet. 3 CommIssioner, Pet. 4 Deputy County Oeri< Thereupon the foUowing proceedings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the invocation and CommisI;ioner Anster led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBUC HEARING TO ANNOUNCE MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 18. 2003 TO ADOPT TAX J!.AR Judge Pfeifer opened the Public Hearing atl0:0S am to announce the September 18, 2003 meeting to adopt proposed tax rate of .4667 for oper.ltIoos and .0543 for debt senIices for a total of .5210. J\Idge Pfeifer dosed the public hearing at 11:00 am. No action was l3ken at this time. BIDS AND PROPOSAlS - FUEL BIDS County Auditor Ben Comiskey read the following fuel bids, whidl were opened 5eptel!lber 11, 2003 at 11:00 am for the peliod beginning September 16, 2003 and ending 0cI0ber 15, 2003. After reviewing said bids, a Motion was made by ConUnIssloner Floyd and seconded by Olmmissioner Salajka to aa:ept the bid of Mauritz & Couey for the automated can! system fuel and Diebel OilCernpany for fuel to be delivered as the low bidders. Olmmlsslonels' Galvan, ~jka, Floyd, Anster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. , I FUEL BID PROPOSAL I IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL. WE THE UNDERSIGNED. AGREE TO FURNISH FUEL. ACCORDING TOTHE ATTACHED FUEL SPECIFICATIONS, USING AN AUTOMATED CARD SYSTEM, TO THE COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, PROBATION DEPARTMENT, HOSPITAL, EMERENCEY MEDICAL SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES AS DESIGNATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AT THE FOLLOWING AVERAGE MONTHLY PRICE PER GALLON AND AT THE FOLLOWING TWENTY.FOUR HOUR AVAILABILITY LOCATION: PRICE PER GALLON S t. 11 r:; $ /'oI/PI" PREMUIM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ /. 2/g DIESEL FUEL $ ,'lJ!i LOCATION: ). 11 J.. I AJ. A <1.'1-Tk) ~~. / (MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA OR WITHIN A (5) FIVE MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY OF PORT LA V ACA.) UNLEADED GASOLINE MID GRADE THE CONTRACT WILL BE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16.2003 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15. 2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. . hI=-= '.' 1 . '- >" FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS _ INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICA TrONS. ., PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE' - TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE $ 1.lloS X 3800 $ ;2..1'7,170 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE $ I. US X 4000 $ tfgfLo.o-o DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) $ , CfLS X 2500 $ ..2331.xtJ TOTAL BID PRICE $ ! I if Yf,S(:> THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16. 2003 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15. 2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALWWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. SELLER WILL SUBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. 'NAMEOFBIDDER:.mt\u~/T7 C C,xu, f7 ADDRESS: f. O. ISIJf /']l>'O CITY,STATE,ZIP: A~T L~~ ''If. 771?'1 PHONE NUMBER: . "r!J- 7D.1J 'I PRINT NAME: la IlIl ~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: e. TITLE:' pr;;: fl.. JY)~fi " DATE: 9'-/ /- "d e r . / e ! .-.-.----...- tiL.~ 2 " .,t FUEL BID PROPOSAL IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FUEL WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FUELS TO THE LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE/GALLON X APPROXIMATE ~ TOTAL GALLONS/MO UNLEADED GASOLINE s /.0 <i:" X 3800 ~ s S/I?(!).t>~ e PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE S IjL' X 4000 = S ~L>t>;l:>l!) , DIESEL FUEL (LOW SULFUR) S ~ X 2500 = S~~Ol:>.~ , TOTAL BID PRICE SJq79t>.I>>; THE CONTRACT PERIOD WILL BE FOR A ONE MONTH PERIOD ONLY BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16. 2003 AND ENDING OCTOBER 15. 2003. NO PRICE CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. e SELLER WILL SVBMIT SEPARATE INVOICES ON EACH PURCHASE TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. PRICES QUOTED DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES. NAME Of BIDDER: {)JE.B>.L 6Il (1-> .- M.... ' ADDRESS:----=::}bl tu, Wl,fl:Ji.j fb.. J<(!)'K." '7/ CITy,STATE,ZlP:XbfC<J LA.V.'A-L~ ry) '1-"1)1 PHONE NUMBER: S$":l- '3 ':J.;:).4 PRINT NAME: ~p..~€.~ , AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:' 1)~'.4/fd.; TITLE: I/fI4tJ~~ , DATE: 9-/1- b3 , I , Ie "- " 3 AGRI!I!MI!NT WITH GOVERNMENT PAYMENT SERVI~ INC. A MotIon was made by ComrnI5&loner IlaJajIca and setIlnded by Comlnissioner Galvan to approve an agreement between 0IIh0un County and GcMmnent Payment Servlce, Inc. and authorize Judge Prelfer to sign the agreement Commissioners' Galvan, BaIaJka, Royd, Anster and Judge Prelfer all voted In favor. " AGREEMENT Agreement Number TX082003CALHOUN02 e THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS (Herei.r)after THE AGENCY) .od GOVERNMENT PAYMENT SERVICE, INC. (Hereinafter GPS) Wherein GPS .od THE AGENCY agree as follows: L SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS. GPS bas developed a service for the pmpose of processing payments by credit card for Cash Bail, Fines and other Fees for THE AGENCY, GPS is a cash facilitator .od oot a bail bond comp.oy. The Cash Bail, Fines or other Fees received by THE AGENCY is money belooging to the Cardholder and is not GPS money, The GPS System will provide the service from a remote location 24 hours per day/seven days per week. The person wanting to ,pay Cash Bail, Fines, or other Fees to THE AGENCY by credit card may do so by caJling the GPS office for instructions. GPS will charge the Payee a fee for the Service as outlined in Attachments "A" .od/or "B" attached hereto .od made a part hereof. GPS agrees to provide the Service descnbed herein, pay the necessary telephone service costs .od all training costs in accordance with the ierms and conditions of this Agreement 2. AUTHORIZATION TO BEGIN, THE AGENCY grants GPS authorization to begin a remote pay service, as outlined in this Agreement for a minimum period of one (1) year. This Agreement will be automatically extended for additional one (1) year periods for up to five (5) years. THE AGENCY further agrees to direct anyone wishing to pay Cash Bail, Fines, or other Fees by credit card, of the GPS telephone number and allow GPS to place signage at the location descnbing the Services, subject to approval by THE AGENCY. which approval shall oot be umeasonably withheld. 3. REPRESENTATION OF THE PARmS. GPS represents that it is qualified by training .od experience to _ perform the Services as outlined in this Agreement ., 4, COMPENSATION FOR GPS. GPS shall not be entitled to .oy compensation with respect to the Service other than !hat set forth in Attachments "A" and/or ''8'' which is paid by the Payee .od not THE AGENCY. It is hereby agreed .od understood !hat there are no costs to THE AGENCY. 5, COSTS. GPS sball provide toll free telephone numbers for all communications between THE AGENCY .od GPS .od between the Payee and GPS. GPS will provide oomplete training for THE AGENCY at no cost to THE AGENCY. 6. STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. ~ AGENCY sball not be responsible for paying any state or federal taxes on GPS's behalf. 7. RECONCfi.IATION. GPS will fax a reconciliation report to THE AGENCY each business day for all transactions completed the previous business day(s). After the report is agreed to, THE AGENCY will sign the reoonciliation report and fax it back to GPS. The agreed amount will be forwarded directly to THE AGENCY or THE AGENCY accounl within two business days after GPS receives the signed reconciliation report. 8. INDEPENDENT CO!'fTRACTOR. GPS shall perform all the Services under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as .0 employee of THE AGENCY. GPS understaods .od acknowledges !hat it shall not be entitled to .oy of the benefits ofan AGENCY employee. THE AGENCY bas the right to rely and does rely upon the expertise of GPS to perfoim the Services in a skillful and professional manner. GPS agrees to perfoim the Services in such a manner, 9. RESPONSmILITIES OF THE AGENCY. THE AGENCY shall provide a fax number and the equipment to receive transaction documents. THE AGENCY will follow the GPS procedures for all transactions. e 10. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE. GPS agrees that .oy information or data Obtained, documenlll produced, or any other material which is required by law or regulation, will be kept confidential .od sbaIl not be disclosed without the prior written approval of THE AGENCY or as required by law or regulation. of') J,,! t: 4 " e e e I L INDEMNIFICATION. GPS shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless THE AGENCY, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses (including attomeys fees), judgments or liabilities arising out of this Agreement or occasioned by the performance or attempted performance of the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to, any act or omission to act on the part of GPS or its agents, officers, employees, and/or- contractors, except those claims, -demands, da.mages. costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments or liabilities resulting from the negligence or willful miscondUct of THE AGENCY. 12, NOTICES. Any notice or consent required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties in writing, by first class mail or by facsimile delivered to: THE AGENCY: GPS: Michael J. Pfeifer,.county Judge Calhoun County, Texas 21 \. South Aoo Stree~ Suite 217 Port Lavaco, TX 77979 Mr. Dale W. Conrad, CEO Government Payment Service, Inc. 7920 Georgetown Road, Suite 900 Indiallapolis,~ 46268 Fax #: (317) 876-9757 or at such other address or to such other person that the parties may from time to time designate. Notices and consents under this section, which are sent by mail, shall be deemed to be received five (5) days following their deposit in the U.S. mail. Notices and consents under this section, which are sent by facsimile, shall be deemed to be received when such facsimile is transmitted to the facsimile number specified in this section and a confirmation of such facsimile has been received by ~ sender. 13. TERMINATION. THE AGENCY may terminate this Agreement at any time if THE AGENCY determines that GPS is unable or unwilling to provide the Services descnbed in this Agreement orGPS fails to promptly correct any problems with the remote pay program after notice from THE AGENCY. THE AGENCY may also terminate this Agreement without cause if THE AGENCY discontinues this type of program. 14, TEXAS LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Any litigation regarding this Agreement or its content shall be filed in Calhoun County, Texas, if in State Cowt, or in the appropriate Distric~ if in Federal Court. Agreement between: the CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS and GOVERNMENT PAYMENT SERVICE, ~C. dated August 20, 2003. ~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement to be effective on the date executed by THE AGENCY. Reviewed and Approved: 71U;~/J(J# / Michael J'- Pf&r.Udge Calhoun County, Texas &[J~ Dale W. Conrad, CEO Government Payment Service, Inc. Date: tj ~ II-dJ Date: 8 - 20-03 5 ATTACHMENT "A" Agreement Number TX082003CALHOUN02 GPS Transaction Payment Fee Schedule FOR CASH BAIL CHARGE AMOUNT $1.00. $200.00 $200.Q1 . $300.00 $300.Q1 . $400.00 $400.01 . $500.00 $500.01 . $750.00 $750.Q1 . $1,000.00 $1,000.01 - $1,500.00 $I,500.Q1 . $1,750,00 $1,750.01 - $2,000.00 $2,000.01 . AND UP SERVICE FEE $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $75.00 $95.00 $110.00 $125.00 $145.00 8% RECONCILIATION TIME LINE FOR RECONCILIATION OF PAYMENTS GPS will fax a reconciliation report to THE AGENCY each business day for all transactions completed the previons business day{s). After the report is agreed to, THE AGENCY will sign the reconciliation report and fax it back to GPS. The agreed amount will be forwarded directly to THE AGENCY or THE AGENCY account within two business days after GPS receives the signed reconciliation report. "" . :1" .' e e e ~.._- - , 6 e e e ATTACHMENT "B" Agreement Number TX082003CALHOUN02 GPS Transaction Payment Fee Schedule FOR FINES AND OTHER FEES CHARGE AMOUNT $1.00 . $100.00 $100.Ql - $200.00 $200.Ql . $300.00 $300.01 . $400.00 $400,01 . AND UP SERVICE FEE $10.00 $18,00 $24.00 $32,00 8% RECONCILIATION TIME LINE FOR RECONCILIATION OF PAYMENTS GPS will fax a reconciliation report to THE AGENCY each business day for all transactious completed the previous business day(s). After the report is agreed to, THE AGENCY will sign the reconciliation report and fax it back to GPS. The agreed amount will be forwarded directly to THE AGENCY or THE AGENCY account within two business days after GPS receives the signed reconciliation report. 7 pl , ' ' RENEW INTERI ncAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN l:ALHOUN COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CJ:ADRTFT A Hollon was made by Commlssioner Rnster and seconded by Conunlssioner Royd to renew Intei10caI _ Afj,,,,,,..ent between CaJhoun County and the Oty at Seadrlft, Texas. CommIsSIoners' Galvan, Balajka, _ FIayd, F\nsI2r and Judge PfeIfer oR \lilted In favor. INTER LOCAL AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF CALHOUN )( This contract is made and entered into this ~ day of~d by and between Calhoun County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "County" ~ity ofSeadrift, Texas hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in this Contract, and other good and valuable consideration stated hereinbelow, County and City hereby mutually agree as follows: e ARTICLE!. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this contract to improve and encourage the efficiency and effectiveness of the County and the City by authorizing the fullest range of intergovernmental cooperation. Specific'ally, the County'is hereby contracting and agreeing with the City to perform certain governmental functions and services. These governmental functions and services include the undertaking of projects for the construction, maintenance, improvement, and/or repair of roads, highways and/or streets located within the corporate limits of the City. The City hereby agrees to reimburse the County for labor and other expenses incurred by the County in performance of this Contract. ARTICLE II. AUTIlORITY This Contract is entered into by the parties hereto pursuant to the Texas Inter local Cooperation Act, Section 791.002 of the Texas Government Code. The authority for the . County and City to enter into this Contract is directly derived from the enabling legislation as set Qut in said Inter local Cooperation Act e I r:--_. ~ 8 e e e nt . . This Contract shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Texas and, specifically, any of the terms and conditions of this Contract are subject to and sha11 be construed in accordance with the construction of the Texas Inter local Cooperation Act recited hereinabove. ARTICLE ill. CONSIDERATION In consideration for the County providing the governmental functions and services as set out hereinabove, the City hereby agrees to pay the County the sum of $1.00 per year due on the anniversary date of the execution of this Contract. ARTICLE IV. TERM The term of this Contract shall commence on the date of execution hereof and shall terminate five years later, unless extended by mutual agreement ARTICLE V. SPECIFIC APPROVAL REQUIRED Pursuant to Section 791.011 of the Texas Government Code, if the County enters into an inter local contract under which the County agrees to undertake projects for the construction, improvement, or repair of buildings, roads, streets or other facilities, the Commissioner's Court of Calhoun County must give specific written approval to each individual project before the project is begun. The written approval must be given in a document separate from the inter local contract and must describe the type of project to be undertaken and identifY the location of the project. ARTICLE VI. SEVERABILITY If any provision of the Contract is held invalid, such invalidity sha11 not affect other provisions or applications of the Contract which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to the end the provisions of this Contract are declared to be severable. 2 ~-_. 9 ARTICLE vn. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between County and City and supersedes any prior understandings or written or ornl agreements between the parties respecting the subject matter of this Contract. e No amendment, modification, or altercation of the terms of this Contract shall be binding unless it is in writing, daled subsequent to the date of this Contract, and duly executed by the parties to this Contract. If, as a result of a breach of this Contract by either party, the other party employs an attorney or attorneys to enforce his rights under this Contract, then the defaulting party agrees to pay the other parties' reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred to enforce this Contract. This Contract shall be binding upon and insure to the benefits of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns. EXECUTED IN DUPL~~ ORIGINALS, one retained by each party hereto, effective the II day of 2003. e CALHOUN COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF SEADRIFT STATE OF TEXAS By: LLi .i. jL::li~ BiHy E~ll RI:>\oe.J;:-I; Lho...~~QtY\ Mayor - ~o'~ ATIEST: ByQ"Cla ~ City Secretary 3 e II c_ 10 e e e ( .~ By; Commissioner Michael Precinct #2 By: #-~> Commissioner H. Floyd Precinct #3 By; L~~~ Commissioner Kenneth Finster Precinct #4 ATI'EST; By: ~d~ Anita Fricke County Clerk Calhoun County, Texas 4 ; ,=_. 11 DONATION TO CALHOUN COUNTY EMS A MoUon was made by Commissioner BaIaJka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to acrept donallon to Calhoun County EMS from the 911 DIslrk:I:. CommISsIoners' Galvan, Salajka, Royd, Roster and Judge I'feIfer aU YOIed In favor. CalhOU2Q2'" CoN.' Vi~1!.~~;~.~~:~~~;~\iifu~~;:t~~~ebl~' , , 1.:tP.,u.~~ "'\'_'v~,< '~J'(' ,\,. . P^"'P\::!driI~'~"""I"""'~Jf.:' 4-'" ~' "V'~~"'~'."""'~;;1~;n...~,;I:'_ '''. ~~ Pdrt~~"'": .,,'!,.Q'~i4"""1:~<d"l~~ I'! , (361)5S2" ""(:.~>'......;ot~~~. ~ " DATE . .=;~~;E"~~~~~~~~i~~. ~~l~~~r~ M~~~1f~~i~~"" . PAYEm~CY'.2~:lJ.t~.;;~~ $ rwr~~~~~.~~.~'~DO~4~A~A~..~AA~.A&~AA"1~A~~~~*"'.~"... . " "...., .~. . '. . . ~ TOTBEEmergeucy,1\i_, , ORDER:' 216E Mahan street.' ': . . ". "., ' , ' " .," . .- OF' ',:rci~ia~~'S' " ~..~~iran:foi~t~~~--~.:,~ ".. ,~~'>.:~:::~;, ~ooo~~a~~,~~~3~050~5~ O~~?~~~O PAY ......... ," . ';......~ ..-;:.-;. <, $ ~~~~1~:: ci ;i.6H r{),TBE, 2 6E' ".._t-'~s "" ,', "": ..'" ," . ", ," ORDER: ' 1" .'lY_', trtet, " ", .',.. "".' ':/ ' , , "" ' p......T --.... '1';:. , OF u.~~....... ,," , ,. . .~'.'..' . ,,:. :', '. '. .;,..: :;.;. . ",', ....!,. . . ..:;'~;~~~~:{~~~~~' '''~''~ 't~'i":': ~ ~OOO~~B~~ ~~~~~OSO~S~ O~~?~~~O~ a(p<j, 1- Cj q '1- 4qo~4, -Sl..f9 ~. ! " e 1481 08I1~OQ3 1 . e . 'R I < DOLLARS ' I , ! '. '" , ;i,?'27S.0~ '. ... .... 148:3" 0811 &I2OQ~ 1 t ~ ~ , i pOLLARS l i f .. "~96.65 e ~T- 12 " I!IIST4' , anON OFlWO (2) WATE~ UNES CR~NG UNDER C.O. 307 SOUTH A Motion was made by Commissioner Aoyd and secoI1ded by Commissioner Balajka to authorize the installation of two (2) water lines aossing under C.O. 307 South, as Indicated on skelrJ1es, lSK-()30309-KM (Mr. Ken Morris) and lSK-{)30309-DS (Mr. Dalton Skinner). Commissioners' ' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, Rnsler and Judge Pfeifer aU voted In favor. \J\ 'iJ o\>"- TH-t"",,- \., q l ..\ S1"(J~"-.. J"';;r '"".,\,' c" '\ ~ j , . \. \ , . , '-.,. \. \, ~ , ~' 1<\ " ~ (.; , '\ 213 7~3~{) C:.:::-, .;::~:'D. -;? ::J 307 L-.-.-.-- ~X}4-5 "5."'P'I/lZ- _._._~ /59 ~. W./4--JF..."-. Ptl""lii- C RD-::>~ ,/V~ I":::. 11/ Pv c IN 2. 1/ 'FVc... C '" ~'" U....J 6- E V R. n.. ";t:7 3 I ~ t-i.L-D0 L.Dl....:>]$.'G.T. '<-::OJ:; <_'<--) "".ir' ~1,.);":'iofGlZ, ':, 1,,::>~&! U G- IS I ) TO FP-ft-i .UTH 0>'. ,-- , .. '--- /VOl 'T0 ~c::..A-L.n... i l ~D""-r- 5.'T')H.L ~20 , I I :_-j , I -.--"..-' _. ----- e , v: J /!1ZJ /G;Z. J-S I L;' k; ""7' D.3 0 3 09 - J< n SD'--'t'L~-F1~ , C:;::;e~:;I~6.- ~ \ \ C, \: ~ \ , -( \ \' 7\i I \ () i '. 6 j. \ '. ~ t..J , V -J Co 1?!W::A /(-v t- Epq. Y rJ / " ~, '\I", \~' :\ " Bt>1<,,\"j.-t:;1 '\: C R.DG:!> lUG.-, if \ 1-_. " " 'Z. \ 3 C.R 301'So '1 \, i i1 ~~.", I i " , " '''-- i , "-----, -:-::-';:-'-~~--~-" ---_.- \ \ H;7Zr 141-;0 M4~)AJ~../J'I .~~----------,------------- ,.----- 13 < 60cJ tL- 1'1f! D~f........e>N 5)::'1"'''''~ ~ 1. s l'- - 03 0..3 09"; '.os;. PdA A lit, ) TeKAs Ke: K04d '"Bore. u", d 'V L6C"'~ Crv\. &>'1 S, '007 s. F:/' u.JQ.f.... L.~, (4&' L~ S. "i Sf'" '51 M 301 S' 2"E>e"~ tJ,/"" t;M. 301 So uiL. J, '8. 't.. J'oh~J'>' Re>io;.o- "DAL1i:l.l :;:;/:\"'"'....- &s ;deACJl- :~~ , ~,f --~', ",-". Sc"'eo5Ie.~ r1' __oI~ , J I 1PY.~ ~(~ ' 1'es'od""^'t ~z - ._~ --~ P.,f ~~.e-t e .f'. l:!) '-'" IS wd 3/0 '7 r.k (" i1.. NOv'f-/". I'!o t 10 Sc~/~. PG 1_ z. (, '1>. ,(' 1 ~. 14 \ -- '.' Po1-J A.I~ T~ ) '& ~ 1{t}-A-J Crc-Ss; '1 U"'l d-u "3 () 7 'S C(n1,.~Juc.~~ uoL ({os ~ 3~7 '5, ~ e ct E,oJ1t~..., 13'-' ~\ '1 0- -_ _ _ _ Se/' &;) f:>fe;~ . z":'[.,,,f- ~tJAk ,'~ II q I"", (3,0" 3&" Ce..r r . _ __ __ d~ z. Set.. 40 fI;C {J~f<' tJ, e lIo/es: -1" t;"h 8 (J PfJC S le~ ~ La.<-e... 36:. II ~/rV' o ~/eev-e....le^l~ -10 Lx A 11M, ~ ZOLh frO"-- J)rU Ls>.e.. J., 'j); U LM'C.. if G~ Ll~, . ,A II th-l~ -t l f" Ua-Lll-e.l3e k IV. ~ e 15 " FlrEClrrF A CONTRACf BEnllIEEN r.41 MOUN COUNTY AND LANDTECH CONSULTANTS. me. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR 2.4 MTI "'" OF ROADWAY ALONG OCEAN DR. A MotIon was made by Commlssloner Galvan and sealIlded by Commlssloner finster to declare an emergency Item to execute a alIllI1ld: between Calhoun County and Landtecl1 Consultants, Inc. The CO/IlJ3Ct IS for engineering services to design and assISt bid and oversee CllIlSlnJdIon of 2.4 miles of ioadway along Ocean DrIve, which was damaged during Hurricane Oaudette and authorize Commissioner Galvan to sign lDIIlJaCt. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Anster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In fa1Ior. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF CALHOUN COUNTY AND LANDTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES e OWNER: Calhoun County, Texas 211 South Ann Street, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 ENGINEER: Landtech Consultants, Inc., 1501 E. Mockingbird, Suite 406, Victoria, Texas 77904 PROJECT: Reconstruction of 2.4 miles of beach Roadway in Calhoun County consisting of the design and preparation of plans, bidding, construction administration services, and additional services provided herein for the construction of the following proposed project: 1. Reconstruction of 2.4 miles of roadway along Ocean Drive, damaged during hurricane Claudette. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: Shall mean Precinct 1 County Commissioner of the Calhoun County or a person designated by Calhoun County. ENGINEER'S AGREEMENT: ENGINEER shall provide professional engineering services for OWNER in ,all phases of the Project described below, serve as OWNER's professional engineering representative for the Project a_ set forth below, and give professional engineering consultation an. advice to OWNER during the performance of services hereunder. OWNER'S AGREEMENT: OWNER agrees to pay for the services as set forth below. SECTION I . BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER 1.1. General. 1.1.1. ENGINEER shall perform professional services as hereinafter stated which include customary incidental engineering services 1.2. Preliminary Design Phase. ENGINEER shall: 1.2.1. Consult with OWNER to clarify and detine OWNER'S requirements for the Project 3nd review available data. 1.2.2. Advise OWNER of the need to provide or obtain from others data or services of the types described in paragraph 3.3, and act as OWNER'S representative in connection with any such services. 1.2.3. Prepare preliminary design documents consisting of final design criteria, preliminary drawing_ and outline specifications . ,. . 1.2.4. Based on the information contained in the preliminary design documents; submit a revised opinion of probable Project Cost. 1.2.5. Furnish one (1) copy of the above preliminary design documents and review them in person with OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Page 1 .-1 ~ I, \ 16 1.3. Final Design Phase. ENGINEER shall 1.3.1. On the basis of the accepted preliminary design documents and the revised opinion of probable Project Cost, prepare for incorporation in the Contract final drawings (hereinafter called "Drawings") and Specifications to show the character and extent of the Project. 1.3.2. Fumish to OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE assistance in the preparation of required documents so that OWNER may apply for approvals of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project, and assistance in negotiations with appropriate authorities. 1.3.3. Advise OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE of any adjustments to the revised opinion of probable ,-Project Cost caused by changes in the Project and fumish a final opinion of probable Project Cost based ~n the final Drawings and Specifications. 1.3.4. Prepare documents to comprise the contract for construction of the Project (hereinafter the "Contract") for review and approval by OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, including agreement forms, general, special and supplementary conditions, bidding documents, and other related documents. ENGINEER shall use forms provided by OWNER where applicable. 1.3.5. Furnish one (1) copy of the above documents and review them in person with the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 1.4. Bidding Phase. ENGINEER shall: 1.4.1. Assist OWNER in obtaining bids for a contract for construction of the Project. 1.4.2. Consult with OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE as to the acceptability of subcontractors proposed by the prime contractor (hereinafter called "Contractor") when such acceptability is required by the bidding documents. 1.4.3. Consult with OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE as to the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractor when substitution prior to the award of the Contract is allowed by the bidding documents. __ .4.4. Assist OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE in evaluating bids and in assembling and awarding the Contract. 1.5. Construction Phase. ENGINEER shall: 1.5.1. Consult with OWNER and act as its representative as provided in the Construction Contract; act on behalf of the OWNER to the extent provided in the Construction Contract except as otherwise provided herein. 1.5.2. Provide initial staking when necessary to allow Contractor to construct the Project. The ENGINEER shall set vertical and horizontal controls only. 1.5.3 Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the Contractor's work and to determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the plans and specifications. The frequency of such visits shall be as advised by the Page 2 e 17 owner and of duration sufficient to ensure that the contractor is building the project according to plans and specifications. Such visits to the site shall be carried on in the presence of the Owner's Representative. Such visits shall be followed by a written e-mail describing observed progress, submitted no later than 3 work days after the visit. ENGINEER shall keep OWNER informed of the progress of the work, and shall endeavor to protect the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work. ENGINEER does not guarantee the performance of the Contractor and is not responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations or for safety measures that the Contractor takes or should ta.~ ENGINEER shall inform OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE of any work failing to conform to the Contr~ and shall disapprove or reject any such work and require it to be corrected. 1.5.4. Review and approve or take other appropriate action regarding Shop Drawings and samples, the results of tests and inspections and other data which Contractor is required to submit, for conformance with the design concept of the Project and compliance with the Contract; determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractor; and review maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection which are provided by Contractor in accordance with the plans and specifications. 1.5.5. Assist owner issue instructions to Contractor; issue necessary interpretations and clarifications of the plans and specifications; prepare change orders as required; require special inspection or testing of the work; act as judge of the acceptability of the Contractor's work. 1.5.6. Based on ENGINEER'S on-site observations and on review of Contractor applications for payment, assist owner with determining the amounts owing to Contractor. 1.5.7. Conduct an inspection to determine if the Project is substantially complete, and a final inspection to determine if the Project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications. If Contractor has fulfilled all of its obligations, ENGINEER shall recommend. in writing, final payment to Contractor and shall give written notice to OWNER and the Contractor that the work is acceptable and meets plans and specifications as developed by the Engineer (subject to any conditions therein expressed). e 1.5.8. Fumish two sets of reproducible as-built record prints of the Project to the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE upon project completion. At least one set shall be hard copy and one set shall be in a digital format as specified by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. SECTION II - ADDITIONAL SERVICES 2.1. General. If authorized in writing by OWNER, ENGINEER shall fumish or obtain from others Additional Services of the following types; these will be paid for by the OWNER as indicated in Section 4: 2.1.1. Preparation of applications for govemmental grants, loans or advances in connection with the Project; preparation or review of environmental assessments and impact statements; review of the effect on the Project of any such statements and documents prepared by others; and assistance in obtaining approvals of authorities having jurisdiction over the anticipated environmental impact of the Project. 2.1.2. Services to make detailed investigation of existing conditions or facilities, or to verify the accuracy of drawings or other information fumished by OWNER, except as necessary for the proper Page 3 e :""t , ;:.~-_._--. (' 18 , design and construction of the Project. 2.1.3. Services resulting from significant changes in extent of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, OWNER'S schedule, or character of construction; and revising previously accepted studies, reports, design documents or Contract Documents when such revisions are due to causes beyond ENGINEER'S control. 2.1.4. Providing renderings or models for OWNER'S use. 2.1.5. Providing engineering surveys required to properly design the Project. 2.1.6. Furnishing land surveys establishing boundaries and monuments, and related office e computations and drafting. 2.1.7. Preparation of property or easement descriptions. 2.1.8. Preparation of any special reports required for marketing of bonds. 2.1.9. Furnishing soil and foundation tests and borings. 2.1.10. Providing detailed mill, shop and/or laboratory inspection of materials or equipment. 2.1.11. Investigations involving detailed consideration of operation and maintenance expenses; the preparation of feasibility studies and appraisals; and assistance in obtaining financing for the Project. 2.1.12. Furnishing the services of special consultants for purposes other than the normal engineering incidental to the Project, and providing data or services of the types described in paragraph 4.3 when OWNER authorizes ENGINEER to provide such data or services in lieu of OWNER furnishing them. For the purposes of this contract, services of a special consultant will be allowed only when the need is confirmed by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES. 2.1.13. Apply for permits from all govemmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and fumish such approvals and consents from others as may be necessary for completion of the project. .. 2.1.14. Services resulting from the award of more than one prime contract for construction, materials, .. equipment or services for the Project, and services resulting from the arranging for performance by persons other than the Contractor and administering OWNER'S contracts for such services. 2.1.15. Services in connection with change orders to reflect changes requested by OWNER if the resulting change in compensation for Basic Services is not commensurate with the change in services rendered; services after the award of the contract in evaluating substitutions proposed by the Contractor which require extensive revisions to Drawings and Specifications; and services resulting from significant delays, changes or price increases occurring as a result of material, equipment or energy shortages. 2.1.16. Services during out-of-town travel required of ENGINEER other than visits to the site as required by Section 1. 2.1.17. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, (2) a significant amount of defective or neglected work of Contractor, (3) prolongation of the CGntract time of the Contract by more than sixty days, (4) acceleration Page 4 e 19 of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, and (5) default by Contractor. . 2.1.18. Services after completion of the Construction Phase, such as inspections during any guarantee period called for in the Contract. 2.1.19. Serving as a consultant or witness for OWNER in any litigation, public hearing or other legal Or administrative proceeding involving the Project except as agreed to under Basic Services. 2.2. Whenever the need for any Additional Services described herein results from any negligenCe_ mistake, oversight or other fault on the part of ENGINEERS, the cost of these services shall be deemed to be included in OWNER'S payments to ENGINEER for basic services. Any such Additional Services not performed by ENGINEER that would otherwise be paid separately by OWNER shall be paid for by ENGINEER. ' SECTION III - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES OWNER SHALL: 3.1. Provide full information as to OWNER'S requirements for the Project, including design objectives and constraints, space, capacity and performance requirements, flexibility and expandability, and any budgetary limitations; and fumish copies of all design and construction standards which OWNER will require to be included in the drawings and specifications. 3.2. Arrange for access to property owned or controlled by the County as required for ENGINEER to perform its services. 3.3. Examine studies, reports, Drawings, Specifications, and other documents presented by ENGINEER; provided, that approval of any such documents by OWNER or by OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE shall not release ENGINEER from responsibility and liability for any negligence, mistake, inaccuracy, or other flaw in such documents, and shall not be deemed an assumption by OWNER or OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE of any responsibility or liability. e 3.4. Provide such auditing service as OWNER may require ascertaining how Contractor has used the monies paid to it under the Contract. 3.5. Give prompt notice to ENGINEER whenever OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE observes any development that affects the ENGINEER'S services, including defects in thework of Contractor. 3.6. Furnish copies of finalized plans and specifications for use during bidding and construction. SECTION IV- PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 4.1. Methods of Payment for Services and Expenses of ENGINEER. 4.1.1". OWNER shall pay ENGINEER. for Basic Services rendered under Section 1, a total fee of $43,900.00 4.1.2. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Additional Services rendered under Section 2 as follows: ,General. Payment for Additional Services of Engineer rendered under this contract and or Page 5 e "1 f~--'- 20 ~.. -- . . , referenced under paragraph 2.1, Through 2.2.inclusive shall be paid for at the following rate when supported by invoices. Standard Hourly Rate for Additional Services e Project Manager Prof. Engineer Registered Surveyor CADD Operator Technician Clerical Field Crew - 2 man 3 man $ 43.00 x 2.9 = $ 124.70 $ 34.00 x 2.9 = $ 98.60 $ 34.00 x 2.9 = $ 98.60 $ 21.50 x 2.9 = $ 62.35 $ 20.50 x 2.9 = $ 59.45 $ 13.91 x 2.9 = $ 40.34 $ 28.75 x 2.9 = $ 83.38 $ 36.50 x 2.9 = $ 105.85 Actual cost of materials required for the job and expenses shall be charged at cost. Overnight Expense/man - Actual Expenses $ 4.1.3. For Additional Expenses Land surveys as provided by Section 2.1.6 - 2.1.7 Engineering surveys as provided by Section 2.1.5 Apply for permits as provided by Section 2.1.13, based on Hourly rates, expenses referenced in section $ $ 5,000.00 $ 4.1.4. All other additional expenses: actual cost to ENGINEER based on rates referenced above or as previously agreed upon in writing. Where field parties are used, expenses shall include charges for the use of any special instruments and equipment, including marine equipment, and expendable items such as stakes and monuments. 4.2. Times of Payments 4.2.1. ENGINEER shall submit monthly statements for Basic and Additional Services rendered. For _Basic Services, the statements will be based upon ENGINEER'S estimate of the proportion of the total _services actually completed at the time of billing. OWNER shall make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER'S monthly statements. 4.2.2. Upon conclusion of each phase of Basic Services, OWNER shall pay such additional amount, ' if any, as may be necessary to bring total compensation paid on account of such phase to the following percentages of total compensation payable for all phases of Basic Services: PERCENTAGE OF ENGINEER'S FEE FOR BASIC SERVICES PHASE AMOUNT Total compensation for Basic Services shall be Design/Bidding Construction, inspection monitoring, $ 35,000.00 $ 8,900.00 Page 6 e .,.11 21 . completion & acceptance " Total fixed compensation for additional services in Section 2.1.6, 2.1.7, and 2.1.5, (Surveying) Shall be $ 5,000.00 Total estimated compensation for additional services In Section 2.1.1 and 2.1.13, ifrequested, shall be $ 5,000.00 e Total estimated compensation for additional services In Section (reproduction and mileage), shall be $ Total Contract amount shall be $ 53,900.00 4.3. Other Provisions Conceming Payments. 4.3.1. OWNER agrees to pay a charge of one-half of one percent (%%) per month on all invoiced amounts not paid within thirty (30) days of the date ofthe invoice, calculated from the date ofthe invoice. In addition, ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until the ENGINEER has been paid in full all amounts due for services and expenses. 4.3.2. In the event oftermination by OWNER under paragraph 6.1 upon the completion of any phase of the Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER for services rendered through such phase shall constitute total payment for such services. In the event of termination by OWNER during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER will be paid for services rendered during that phase on the basis of Salary, Costs times a factor of 1.5 for services rendered during that phase to date of termination by principals and employees assigned to the Project. In the event of any such termination, ENGINEER will be paid for all requested Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses. 4.4. e 4.4.1. Salary Costs shall mean salaries and wages paid to all personnel engaged directly on the Project, and more clearly referenced in Section Definitions. SECTION V - CONSTRUCTION COST AND OPINIONS OF COST 5.1. Construction Cost. The construction cost of the Project means the total, cost of the Project to OWNER, but it does not include ENGINEER'S compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights-of-way, or compensation for or damages to properties, nor does it include OWNER'S legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or laboratory of testing services, or interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project. Construction Cost is one of the item's comprising Project Cost which is defined in paragraph 1.2.4. 5.2. Opinions of Cost. 5.2.1. ENGINEER'S opinions of probable Project Cost and Construction Cost represent its best judgment as a professional engineering firm, familiar with the construction industry; but ENGINEER does Page 7 e i'(' ., f3=-" 22 not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual Project or Construction Cost will not vary from its opinions of probable cost. 5.2.2. apply: If a Construction Cost limit is established between OWNER and ENGINEER, the following will The acceptance by OWNER at any time during the Basic Services of a revised opinion of probable Project or Construction Cost in excess of the then established cost limit will constitute a corresponding revision in the Construction Cost limit. ENGINEER will be permitted to determine what materials, equipment, component systems and types of construction are to be included in the Drawings and Specifications and to make reasonable eadjUstments in the extent of the Project to bring it within the cost limit. If the OWNER does not solicit bids for the Project within six months after completion of the Final Design Phase, the established Construction Cost limit will not be binding on ENGINEER, and OWNER shall consent to an adjustment in cost limit commensurate with any applicable change in the general level of prices in the construction industry between the date of completion of the Final Design Phase and the date on which bids are sought. If the lowest bona fide bid exceeds the established Construction Cost limit, OWNER shall (1) give written approval to increase cost limit, (2) authorize negotiating or rebidding the Project within a reasonable time, or (3) cooperate in revising the Project's extent or character. In the case of (3), ENGINEER shall, without additional charge, modify the Contract Documents one time as necessary to bring the Construction Cost within the cost limit; subsequent modifications by the ENGINEER shall be paid for as Additional Services. SECTION VI- GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 6.1. Termination. OWNER or ENGINEER may terminate the Agreement upon 10 days written notice to the other party with the understanding that all services being performed under this Agreement shall cease upon the date, _pecified in such notice. ENGINEER shall invoice OWNER for all services completed and shall be wompensated in accordance with terms of the Agreement for all services performed by ENGINEER prior to the date specified in sU,ch notice. 6.2. Ownership of Documents. All documents including drawings and specifications prepared by ENGINEER are designed specifically for the Project. They are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any reuse by Owner without written approval by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER'S sole risk and without liability to ENGINEER. Upon acceptance or approval by OWNER, documents' and reports prepared and assembled by ENGI NEER under this Agreement shall become the sole property of the OWNER and shall be delive'red to OWNER without restriction on future use. ENGINEER may make copies of any and all documents for its files. 6.3. Controlling Law. Page 8 e ( t.'" 23 This Agreement is performable and is to be govemed by the law applicable in Calhoun County, Texas. Venue for any action arising under this Agreement shall be in Calhoun County, Texas. 6.4. Successors and Assigns, 6.4.1. Successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives in respect to .. covenants, agreements and obligations of this Agreement. _ 6.4.2. Neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall gssign, sublet or transfer any rights under or interest in (including, but without limitations, monies that may become due or monies that are due) this Agreement without the written consent of the other. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing independent consultants, associates and subcontractors to assist it in the performance of services hereunder. 6.4.3. Nothing herein shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than OWNER and ENGINEER. 6.5. Independent Contractor. In performing services under this Agreement, the relationship between OWNER and ENGINEER is that of independent contractor, and OWNER and ENGINEER by the execution of this Agreement do not change the independent status of ENGINEER. No term or provision of this Agreement or act of ENGINEER in the performance of this Agreement shall be construed as making ENGINEER the agent, servant, or employee of OWNER. 6.6. Indemnity and Insurance. ENGINEER agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold OWNER whole and harmless against any ande claims for damages, costs and expenses to persons or property that may arise out of, or be occasioned by any act or omission, including negligence, of ENGINEER or any officer, agent, servant, employee, or associate of ENGINEER in the execution or performance of this agreement. In additions, the duty to indemnify provided by the previous sentence shall indemnify OWNER against damages caused by acts or omissions, including negligence, of OWNER or OWNER'S officers, agents, or employees, but shall not apply to the negligence of OWNER or its agents or employees if the damage arises from (1) personal injury, (2) death, (3) property injury, or (4) any other expenses that arise from the personal injury, death, or property injUry. ENGINEER further agrees to indemnify OWNER against all claims for damages that may arise from any claim made by an officer, agent, employee, associate, or subcontractor of ENGINEER or as a result of the entry of any of ENGINEER'S officers, agents, employees, associates or subcontractors onto the property of OWNER. The duty to indemnify provided by the previolJssentence shall apply regardless of the acts or omissions, including negligence, of OWNER if the damage arises from (1) personal injury, (2) death, (3) property injury or (4) any other expense that arises from the personal injury, death, or property injury. During the term of this project and one year following its completion, ENGINEER shall maintain errors and omissions insurance in the amount of at least $500,000 per occurrence and $500,000 aggregate, Page 9 e 24 \ " '~ and shall provide a copy of the insurance certificate to the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. The insurance certificate shall require the insurer to provide the OWNER with at least 30 days notice of cancellation or change in coverage. " . This Agreement, together with referenced attachments, constitutes the entire Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement and said attachments may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument EXECUTED, this the e OWNER: rt2 I J../ day of . (seal) ATTE~ "C/.1.~ County Clerk e e ': J ~ 51TQ4/~ ,jt)dJ PROFESSIONAL: zonsultants, Inc. L~ Ben Galvan, Manager- Victoria Office Page 10 25 RENEW "CIOO-' CONTRACT WIIH mE Tn'AS DEPARTMEN1: OF HEALm FOR 2003/2004 A Motion was made by Commfssioner finster and SI!ICQIlded by Judge Pfeifer to renew ~ contract wftIt the Texas Department of Health for 200312004. ColI)mlssloners' Galvan Salajka Royd Roster and Judge PfeIfer aD \lilted In favor. ' , , " " .~ e CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICFS TDH DOCUMENT NO, 7460019239A2004 Contract Issued by: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CC (RECEIVING AGENCY) 1100 WEST 49111 STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78756-3199 Lega\ Authority to Contract: Chapten 12 and 121, Health and Safety Code, Venue: The provisions of this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with Texas law. Venue for any court disputes shall be in Travis County. Texas. PERFORMING AGENCY NAME: CALHOUN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT MAILING ADDRESS: 117W ASHST PORTLAVACA TX 77979.2912 STREET ADDRESS: 117 W ASH ST PORTLAVACA TX 77979.2912 NAME OF AUTHORIZED CONTRACl'ING ENTITY: CALIIOUN COUNTY (If differw fron'lPl!RR)RMlNG AGENCY) PAYEE DATA (If not the same as PERFORMING AGENCY or AUTHORIZED CONTRACTING ENTITY; must be on file with the Texas State Comptroller's Office.): NAME: CALIIOUN COUNTY TREASURER ADDRESS: COURTIfOUSEANNEX PORTLAVACA TX 77979-4210 (City, State, Zip) State of Texas Vendor Identification No. (14 digits) PAYEEAGENCYFlscal 17460019239004 Year Ending Month: December PAYEE BUSINESS INFORMATION FOR STATISTICAL REPORTING: Please ch~ck the categories that apply to your business. , '. , . - Small Business. A corporation, sole proprietorship, or other legal entity fonned for the purpose of ma1dng a profit which is independently owned and operated and'has fewer than 100 employees or has less than $1,000,000 in annual gross receipts. - Historically Underotilized Business (HUB) . A corporation. sole proprietorship, or joint venture formed for the purpose of making a profit in which at least 51 % of all classes of the-shares of stock or other equitable securities are owned by one or more persons who have been historically underutilized (socially disadvantaged) because of their identification as members of certain groups: Black American, Hispanic American. Asian Pacific American, Native American, and Women. The HUB must be certified by General Services Commission or another entity. - For Profit Organization SUMMARY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION: COVER PAGE 1 . Receiving and Performing Agency Data GENERAL PROVISIONS - I I12oo1 COVER PAGE 2. Details of Attachment(s) ATTACHMENT(S) COVER PAGE 3 . Authorized Signatures EXHIBITS, IF APPLICABLE e Cover Page 1 or:~'----. n 26 . " - DET AILS OF A TT ACHMENTS AttI TOH Program ID/ Term Financial Assistance Direct Total Amount Amd TDH Purchase Order Assistance (TDH Share) No. Number Begin End Source of Amount Funds" 01 OPHPILPHS 09/01/03 08/31/04 Stale 93.991 40,636.00 0.00 40.636.00 o00ooo1491 TOR Document No.7460019239A2004 Totals $ 40,636,00 $ 0.00 $ 40.636.00 I "Federal funds are indicated by a number from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). if applicable. REFER TO BUDGET SECTION OF ANY ZERO AMOUNT ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS. e e Cover Page 2 e 27 EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS ON TIlE DATES SHOWN, CALHOUN COUNTY Authorized Contracting Entity (type above if different from PERFORMING AGENCY) for and in behalf of: PERFORMING AGENCY NAME: CALHOUN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT By: !f!:dor~~fLl-~U) ~JA~ QuAt ame and itle) Date: t!-I}-IJ3 RECOMMENDED: By: ~ ~~ (pERFO !NG AGENCY DiIector, if different from person authorized to sign contract) ~ RECEIVING AGENCY NAME: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH By: (Signature of person authorized to sign contracts) Bob Burnette, Director Procurement and Contractine Services Division (Name and Title) Date: 'tl/-z.'\Il>:s. IDH Document No: 7460019239A2004 Cover Page 3 , ~- . " . e e e 28 e e e DOCUMENT NO. 7460019239A-2004 A'ITACHMENTNO.Ol PURCHASE ORDER NO. 0000001491 PERFORMING AGENCY: CALHOUN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECEIVING AGENCY PROGRAM: OffiCE OFPUBUC HEALTH PRACTICE TERM: September 01, 2003 TIIRU: August 31,2004 SECTION L SCOPE OF WORK: LOCAL PUBUC HEALTH SUPPORT FUNDS PERFORMING AGENCY shall use direct assistance and/or financial assistance, as specified in SECTION m, BUDGET, from RECEIVING AGENCY to improve or strengthen local public health infrastructure by: . Developing objective(s) to address a public health issue; . Utilizing resources provided through this contract to conduct activities and services that provide or support the delivery of essential public health services; and . Assessing, monitoring, and evaluating the essential public health services provided, and developing strategies to improve the delivery of essential public health service(s). These tasks shall be performed in accordance with PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 04 Local Public Health (LPHS) Service Delivery Plan and the FY 04 Texas Application for Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Funds. The assessment/evaluation activities must include a standard that is identified in the PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 04 LPHS Service Delivery Plan. Acceplable standards include the National Public Health Performance Standards approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Performance Standards developed by the Texas Association of Local Health Officials, Healthy People 2010 and any federal, slate or local law or regulation governing the delivery of essential public health services. Evaluation methods utilizing standards not listed in this contract Attachment must be pre-approved by RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, standards and guidelines in effect on the beginning date of this contract Attachment. The foJlowing documents are incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract Attachment: . PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 04 LPHS Service Delivery Plan; · Chapter 23-11 of the Healthy People 2010; A'ITACHMENT-Page 1 " 29 pi: · Section 121.002, Texas Health & Safety Code, Definition of Ten Essential Public Health Services; and · FY 04 Texas Application for Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Funds. Two types of support are available under this program: (1) Direct assistance in the form of state-paid positions and/or (2) Financial assistance from a. General Revenue funds; b. Federal Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant; and c. Earnings from the Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health under the Government Code, Section 403.1055 DIRECT ASSISTANCE State-paid positions under this contract Attachment shall perform activities as specified in PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 04 LPHS Service Delivery Plan. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PERFORMING AGENCY shall direct all resources authorized through this contract toward supporting/providing, assessing, monitoring, and developing strategies to improve essential public health services for addressing public health issues within the jurisdiction served. Performing Agency may not use earnings from the Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health for lobbying expenses under the Government Code, Section 403.1067. PERFORMANCE MEASURES RECEIVING AGENCY shall specify the performance measure(s) to be used to assess, in part, PERFORMING AGENCY'S ability to meet the objectives outlined in the FY 04 LPHS Service Delivery Plan without waiving Ihe enforceability of any of the other terms of the contract. PERFORMING AGENCY shall provide services in the following county(ies)/area: Calhoun. SECTION n. SPECIAL PROVlSIONS: General Provisions, Reports Article, is revised to include the following paragraphs: PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit quarterly progress reports which describe progress toward completing the activities contained in PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 04 LPHS Service Delivery Plan and any written revisions. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit the first, second and third quarter's progress reports to ATIACHMENT-Page2 i. . ;' e e e 30 e e e ~. , c~ RECEIVING AGENCY no later than thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter, and the fourth quarter report 10 RECEIVING AGENCY sixty (60) days after the end of PERFORMING AGENCY'S contracl term in a format specified by RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit an Annual Budget and Expenditures Report in a format specified by to the RECEIVING AGENCY by January 31,2005. AITACHMENT-Page3 31 "J' l , SECTION ill. BUDGET: PERSONNEL FRINGE BENEFITS TRAVEL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES CONTRACfUAL OTHER TOTAL , . $32,529,00 8,107.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $40,636.00 Total reimbursements will not exceed $40,636.00. Financial status reports are due the 30th of December, 30th of March, 30th of June, and the 30th of November. ATTACHMENT-Page 4 e e e ~--' 32' t' " PASS RESOLUTION REGARDING 2004 CAI HOUN COUNlY INpIGENT DEFENSE GRANT A Motion was made by Conunissioner ~ and :;econded by CommIssioner Galvan to pass resolution regarding 2004 Calhoun County Indigent Defense Grant In the amount of $13,248.00. CommlssioneIs' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Roster and Judge PfeIfer all Voted In favor. e e e 2004 Calhoun County Resolution Indigent Defense Grant Program WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Fair Defense Act, 77th Regular Session, counties are eligible to receive grants from the Task Force on Indigent Defense to provide improvements in indigent defense services in the county; and WHEREAS, this grant program will assist the county in the implementation of the provisions of the Fair Defense Act and the improvement of the indigent criminal defense services in this county; and WHEREAS, Calhoun County Commissioners Court has agreed that in the event of loss or misuse of the funds, Calhoun County Commissioners assures that the funds will be returned in full to the Task Force on Indigent Defense. NOW lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ordered that Michael Pfeifer is designated as the Authorized Official 10 apply for, accept, decline, modifY, or cancel the grant application for the Indigent Defense Formula Grant Program and all other necessary documents to accept said grant; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Judge is designated as the Program Director and contact person for this grant and the County Auditor is designated as the Financial Officer for this grant. Adopted this / / dayof ~~kr ,2003. 71~~~i#41 County Judge Attest: Lu-v ~~ County Clerk Internet Submission Form [ After submitting the formula grant application on-line, the following Internet submission confirmation number was received # ~nn4D.9.q d-.cx> ?,oq 0'1_. This grant application submission was in accordance with the Commissioners Court Resolution above. JJi1ct,iV~ Michael Pfei County Judge !' 33 . ENTER INTO AN 1NTERLnl".&1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CALHOUN COUNlY AND CAlHOUN COUNlY WEPENDENT SOfOOL D~cr " A Motion was made by Commissioner Rnster and seco.lded by Commissioner Floyd to enter Into and Inle10cal Agreement between Calhoun County and Calhoun County Independent SdlQOI District In regards to the old Seadrlft school being deeded over to the County from a:rsD to be renovated Into a larger Dbra'Y for the Oty of Seadrift. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Floyd, Anster and Judge Pfeifer all voted In favor. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT e STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Interlocal Cooperation Contract is made and entered into by and between the Calhoun County (hereinafter "COUNTY"), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly elected Commissioners, and Calhoun County Independent School District (hereinafter "CCISD"), acting by and through its duly elected Board of Trustees. TEXGOV'T.CODE ~791.00l et seq. The purpose of this Interlocal Contract is to provide a governmental function or service that COUNTY and CCISD are each authorized to perform individually" The parties agree to the terms below. 2. CCISD owns property described in the attached Exhibit "A" that it desires to sell to COUNTY. So long as COUNTY uses the property under the restraints provided by United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Division, in Cause #5281, styled United States of America VS. State of Texas, et ai, CCISD is legally permitted to sell the property to COUNTY for the fair market value of the property as determined by an appraisal of the property pursuant to TExAs LOCAL GoVERNMENT CODE ~ 272.001. 1 e ~-, ;.~, ) ,t, ~4 " 3. An appraisal of the property performed by a certified appraiser finds that the property to be purchased by COUNTYfrom CCISD is valued at $44,854.00. 4. In the past, COUNTY has provided construction services for roadways to CCISD. The balance owing on said services by CCISD to COUNTY is $29,404.62 that is currently e owed to COUNTY by CCISD. COUNTY desires to purchase the property described in Exhibit "A" for the fair market value of the property pursuant to TExAs locAL GoVERNMENT CODE ~272.001. 5. CCISD and COUNTY agree to the sale of the property ofCCISD to COUNTY under the following terms and conditions: (a) CCISD shall convey the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" to COUNTY by the Special Warranty Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "B." (b) CCISD shall be absolved from paying the sum of $29,404. 62 to COUNTY for previons construction services. e (c) COUNTY shall complete a parking lot and playground repairs valued at $15,449.38. CCISD shall not be obligated to pay for any construction services regarding the parking lot or playground repairs to COUNTY that are valued at $15,449.38. COUNTY shall not be obligated to pay any interest on the purchase price. CCISD shall offset the cost of the parking lot and playground repairs to the amounts due on the purchase price so that no amounts shall be paid by the COUNTY TO CCISD or from CCISD to COUNTY. 2 e n'. 35 6. This agreement shall be effective from the date that the last party to the agreement approves it, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period so long as services are due and owing to CCISD by COUNTY. 7. The funds used by COUNTY to pay for the costs described above shall be paid out of current revenues available to the parties as required by TEX.GOV'T.CODE ~791.01l(D)(3). 8. The parties to this illterlocal contractual agreement stipulate and agree that the consideration paid by either pmty to the other party is an amount that fairly compensates the other party for the services that either party shall perform under the tenus of the contract 9. Each party to this agreement has adopted a resolution authorizing the presiding officer of each of the respective parties to this agreement to execute said agreement, which agreement shall be binding upon both COUNTY and CCISD, their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS by the County Judge of Calhoun County and the President of the Board of Trustees of Calhoun County Independent School District on the dates hereafter stated. CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS . t/ By: chael Pfeifer, ,oun u~ Date ofExeciItion: 9- /1-03 CALHOUN COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRIC'I By: WoAJ-- Brenda Wilson, President Date of Execution: ~ ~~.;}J)()~ -=> 3 ,'1(" ~ r. . ~- , 36 ,. e e e o SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THE STATE OF TEXAs ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ THAT CALHOUN COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: e political subdivision of the State ofTexas, acting by and through its du1y elected Board of Tmstees and pursuant to an Interlocal Agreement adopted by the Board of Trustees on the ~dayof ~ , 2003, authorizing the sale of the hereinafter described property, (a copy of such Interlocal Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for any and all purposes), hereinafter called Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) cash, received in hand by Grantor and paid by the COUNTY OF CALHOUN, who approved said purchase by Interloca1 Agreement adopted by Calhoun County Commissioner's Court on the .1L- day of ~..~\~ , 2003, and whose mailing address is 211 South Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979, hereinafter called Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by e these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto the said Grantee, that certain lot, tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in Calhoun County, Texas, and being more particu1arly'described as follows, to-wit: BEING all of Block 30 of the City of Sea drift, Calhoun County, Texas. SUBJECT TO all easements, restrictions and reservations appearing of record affecting the above described property. ' Out oithe grant hereby made there is HOWEVER, EXCEPTED 1 e , 37 to Grantors herein, Grantors' heirs and assigns all mines and minerals and the mineral rights, including oil, gas, sulphur and other minerals in, on, and under and that may be produced from the premises hereby conveyed. It is the intention of the Grantors herein to reserve both the mineral and royalty estates of the premises hereby conveyed. As required by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Division, in Cause #5281, styled United States of America vs. State of Texas, et al THE FURTHER COVENANT, CONSIDERATION AND CONDmON IS THAT 1HE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS SHALL IN ALL THINGS BE OBSERVED, FOLLOWED AND COMPLIED WITH: (a) The above described realty, or any part thereof; shall not be used in the operation of, or in conjunction with, any school or other institution Df learning, study or instmction which discriminates against any person because of his race, color or national origin, regardless of whether such discrimination be effected by design or otherwise. (b) The above liescribed realty, or any part thereof, shall not be used in the operation of or in conjunction with, any school or other institution oflearning, study or instmction which creates, maintains, reinforces, renews, or encourages, or which tends to create, maintain, reinforce, renew or encourage, a dual school system. These restrictions and conditions shall be binding upon Grantee, Grantee's heirs, officers, directors, successors, personal representatives and assigns, for a period of fifty (50) years from the date hereof; and in case of a violation of either or both oithe above restrictions, the estate herein granted shall, without entry or suit, immediately revert to and vest in the grantor herein and its successors, this instrument shall be null and void, and grantor and its successors, shall be entitled to immediate possession of such premises and the improvements thereon; and no act or omission upon the part of grantor herein and its successors shall be a waiver of the operation or enforcement of such condition. The restriction set out in (a) above shall be constmed to be for the benefit of any person prejudiced by its violation. The 2 '~'f : " , e e e ,,; 38 " , e e e restriction specified in (b) above shaII be construed to be for the benefit of any public school district or any person prejudiced by its violation. Grantor represents it has complied with all requirements of the Texas Education Code and the Local Government Code applicable to the sale of school district real estate. Grantor hereby sells this property under the terms and conditions of Texas Local Government Code ~272.001 for the fair market value as deternrined by an appraisal by a certified appraiser. Said purchase is FURTHER SUBJECT TO an Interlocal Agreement between the parties, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A." TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and apputtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns, forever; and Grantor does hereby bind itself: its successors and assigns, to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular in and to the surface only of the premises unto the said Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof; when the claim is by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise, subject to the above referred to easements, restrictions, conditions and reservations. GRANTOR HAS NOT MADE, AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR COVENANTS OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE QUALITY OR CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY, THE SUITABILITY OF THE PROPERTY FOR ANY AND ALL ACTMTIESAND USES WInCH GRANTEE MAY CONDUCT THEREON, COMPLIANCE BY THE PROPERTY WITH ANY LAWS, RULES, ,ORDlNANCES OR REGULATIONS OF ANY A,PPUCABLE 3 c, t 39 nr . -" ." GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY OR HABITABll..ITY, MERCHANTABll..ITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SPECIFICALLY, GRANTOR DOES . NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS e DEFINED BY THE TEXAS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT AND THE REGULATIONS ADOPTED TIIEREUNDER, OR THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGULATIONS, OR THE DISPOSAL OF ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE OR ANY OTIIER HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC SUBSTANCES IN OR ON mE PROPERTY. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY CONTAINED HEREIN, THE PROPERTY IS HEREBY SOLD, TRANSFERRED, AND ASSIGNED TO GRANTEE "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS". SIGNED the ~day of ~.-f. ,2003, but to be effective upon the approval by the Texas Education Agency and Commissioner of Education, State of Texas, or his duly authorized representative. e CALHOUN COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES _~LillA Brenda Wilson, President CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL The foregoing conveyance was hereby approved on behalf of the Texas Education Agency and the Commissioner of Education, who has delegated the authority for approval to David Anderson, Chief Counsel in the Office of Legal Services, as shown by the attached Exhibit "B." 4 e 40 " , . . e e e ( , .^ THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ COUNTY OF CALHOUN ~ ~This instrument was acknowledged before me on the J~day of 2003, by BRENDA WILSON, as President of the Board of Trustees of Calli County Independent School District, on behalf of said School District. ~Utv a. LdJ.v Notary Public in and for The State of Texas lie u:=~~ ~ 5 ~ 41 , COONIYTRFasuREtiDiSTRIan i:D'IC. SHERIFF. lP #2. #4 AND #5 - MONTHLY REPORTS , . The CountyTreasurer, DIslrIctOerk, SherlIf, JP #2, #4, and #5 jlIesc.lted their monIh/y reponsfor August 2003 and after reading and verifytng same, a MotIon was made by Commissioner BaJajka and secu.Nled by Commissioner Floyd that said reports be a~ jlS pres..,lt:d. Commissioners' Galvan Balajka Royd FInsler and Judge PfeIfer aU voted In favor. '.' ' , CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT 09, 3llLY..... 1lEG1N1'Ul/G ENDING FUND JIVN1)~ RECEIPTS lJlS8URsl!MENTS FCJND lJALANClf S 8.19P.611." S 1.185,69'.70 2.25"""65 7,130.890.73 It BlUllOll GENERAL 197,57523 37J9..... o.on 23',909.66 DAD ok BlUllOB 1'lU!CINCT 03 1(l,657.34 '8,'2 0.00 10,695.66 OAD It JlR/DOE PRECINCT IH 18.701.63 67.24 0.00 13.76U7 871FM1090 1).31.'96.17 4,787.60 0,00 IJ3',2'U' MA1>m!NANCE nECINCT '14 lSJ06..S7 0.00 .0.00 18,306.$7 IER.\L ROAD PRBcINCT" 3,810.75 13.'0 0.00 3,B24.45 n!llAL)lOAD:!'llEClNCT 02 3.810.7. 13.70 0,00 .,82.... TllllAL ROAD PRECINcr #'J 3,810.7. 13.70 0.00 3,&24.... TEIlAL l<OAO PRBcINCT.. 3,810.74 13.70 0.00 3,824.44 00 CONnOL ll\ECllCT... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRDBAT70N 11&.761.57 1l,555.83 32,,100.58 96,216.82 CAMPIDAn In319.09 SQ,439,41 7.944.81 165,2.13.li!} lQ"~a; .' ,a.042.2& 68.47 ',593.19 lS,511.54 Y OIPT .ANt> MEMORIAL 6<,00<.73 295.15 0.00 "JOl." :w LIll1<ARY 46.349.91 1.8-'6.66 1,808." .&6,381.82 AI. PRDl'RB INl'RASTlWCIURE 32,732.A' .0.00 0.00 32,732." AI. l.ROMl1U'ORr 1Io4PROV1lM1lNT , l2.'13.10 0.00 0.00 12.513.10 AI. P1lDM1lU'OlQ" IMPROVEMENT II 21.....00 0.00 0.00 29,.846.00 AI. l'llO}.PARE!NG LOT '0,5"'.81 0.00 0.00 .0,.5....81 AI. PRQJ:.~ EMS BLIXl 19J96.2$ 0.00 0,00 19.196.25 PRDHIEW lAlL BlJl<} '57,639.40 0.00 0.00 357.639.40 AI. PRD}'MAONOIJABEAClIl!IlOSIOJ>I 7S,234.n 0.00 0.00 18:;;;..75 AI.l'l101-SW AN1'OlNT7AI<IC 71,7")IJ.NJ 0.00 0.00 74,720.40 AI. l'llO}.UCllD'IIOUSIt 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 AI.lROJ-MOLD RI!MI!t>"'TlON 687,263-26 0,00 800,304 686,4&292 AI. l'ROJ.COASl'ALJMPROVIIMJlNTS 13',240.17 0,00 0.00 133,240.77 iSI!AI)RlPT1CO.1lOAD PROJECl' 10&,352.32 0.00 0.00 14,852.32 COMMllNlrY CllNIll1l 6.lS6..7S 3,512..14 1.172.70 8,.&96:.19 TOI)1tISM CENrJlR 123.16 0.00 0.00 223 .J6 AND CCll.JlQ" COSTS 1I0lJ)!NO I'tlNI> ~,217.31 '''''0.00 28,322.00 7,045.31 ONA-TlONS 136,458.3' 526.19 IJI6.90 135p&7.67 OONI'R.OL-CA. WS 138.87 0.00 0.00 131.17 rolU'mED PR07llR7Y 1.t61.5';' 4.20 0,00 IJ71.74 RDS~.couNTY= 13,7104.65 1.47 B6,59~ CORDS MGMt It 1'IlllSERVATlON 56J77.00 1,<3'.11 52653 ' 57.28*-13 OORI'Bot1S.E sECIllmY 133.969.80 2,fiOO.52 0.00 136,$70..32 RANTS 92.3:l9~ 331.98 1"0...;0 92,S21.00 WllNF omoms SID.roUe. (UlOSE) 6,521.69 23.45 0,00 ,6.5'5.1' PRDBATlONIlESTlTtlTlON 3,sILO. m.8'J ',56= 226.70 ONS CONnACr Sl!RVICIl ' 5)87.87 20,40 0.00 $"14...27 VICTIMS COMPl!NSA1'lON 13,40tM 1.547.86 13.327.61 '.62L73 MPnBENSiVI! RllHAB 25.00 25,00 <S.OO '.00 FE1!S 2,213.5' 978.17 2,W:6.1'J 1.165,00 [CAI.~ TRAININC> ' 1~B".71 862.1. 1,,81t.60 959.19 STOPPERS 0.00 2.00 1.80 0.20 UDAlE) COURl" COST 15;621.09 &,520.71 15,477.38 8.612.42 APl'RellilNSlON 4,244.71 2,)64." 3.996.6" 2."'"2.10 CIUM1lIt IlELlNQUENl.:Y , ....24 2.13.77 385.73 237.28 LAW FAlUJIUt TO Al'I'EAR 184.49 210.00 2).66 ....83 lUUlCTiONAL MANhOl!MllNT INSTlI'UTE ; 394.5J 210.56 3= 232.S4 TB.Jt.1DIClAL SY'STEM ,1,061.'3 218.84- 0.00 1.28'.71 IGENT CIVIL LEGAl. S'P.'RVJ:C& '1,222.55 400.00 z,.903.10 (1,230.$ 7AYMaNTS 5,07.... 2....632 1.127.75 6.383.61 lllIADICATlON : 6~Ol&.10 2'1.&3 0.00 6,251.33 CIl COURT T.ECIINOLOOY 20,I39.20 1..566.75 0.00 21.70S.9S DI!1'OS1TS ,2,_00 0.00 0.00 2.000.00 lCl!LLANl!OUS Cl.I!AI<INC> 5,503.97 76,s03.04 1,,!36.50 80,.170.51 CIl OF TRS PEACE CUAlUNC> OW7.'1 4$.661.41 60,379,01 'S.416~1 AAmCEPl.ANNlNC> ".00 10,00 92.70 10.,30 l(EV1lI<UB 0.00 2.50 2.25 O~ .A:W J!N1'01lCIil\GN omC1lRS'fANDARDS 3.00 1.30 ',0> 0."" :w 01'l'IC2Rll CON1INUlNG EDUCATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AI.COHOL TESTlNC> '0.00 30.00 60.00 0.00 lR01'1lRI'Y 1,118.3.4 139.00 0.00 1,.95'.3<4 SIlB!QTAUl ~ 12,381....,ll) ~I.46(),4U6.J. S2.'39,921.28 S H....l,J<2ll9~ :AXES IN ESCIIOW :" G.OO 0,00 0.00 0.00 TOTALOPEM 12,3tl........ SI"60'-.J' $2r'39.9Z1.~8 S 11,401,82&.99 t 42 e e e " . \>1' CALHOUN COUNTY-,- TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT iMONTIJ 01', JULY,1003 IJBGIl'l'lNG ENlHNG FUND FUND l1,/LANCJi RECElJ'TS D1S1lURSEMEN1$ FUND BALANCE ~~OllIJOilIlSWl S 557:647.17 S 3,28Q.52 $375.00 S S60,.5S2.6$l ~~ OBllO llJlp BDSI&S 5&,085.&7 4,485.00 375.00 . 61.09$.'7 COMa BDW. REV," TAXCERTIF. OFOEUO. 231"'= z,sZo.1S 0.00 234,41&.96 AXANTIClPATlONNOTESLtS 10.2$2...... 19.50 0,00 10,34I.~ CAJ{ANTICI1'ATlONNOTES-FORMOSA 853,000-00 1,053.72 , 2,472..S3 8S2.....8L19 JURYII4PREST.n=crcouRT 2,180.07 690,Ji' &06.00 2,264.66 JURY OOREST..coUNTY = ~74.16 89,32 25UlO 2,00&.'" TOTAL OPElI. 8/, OTHER co. i'ONDs S ' 14.1S5.ACUt 5 1,473,$15.78 S 2,A.UJt01.al $ 13.18438&28 ~01UALMEI>[CALo;NTER S 1;'8,740.1& $ 1,481,271.97 S S \,249,oos,&1 OP.B.RATING MEMORIAL 17"".39 Zl.76' 0.00 17,101.1$ =ClOD DONATION lJ.546.04 17.::& 0.00 13,563.30 lND1aIlNr IlEAI.THCAJlE 1,534.90 2u,go..22 117,llS6.U 9&,552.38 TOTAlS S 1,400,000.4' $ 1.6~4).23.21 S 1.718,.898..26 S 1,31&,225.44 '. , p>:RAIl'lAGEDl>>'1'3lIcrS lOJf87.H $ 13.81 $0.00 $ 10,901.2& NO.6 S NO. 8 .~~J.1~ 111.51 0.00 ~.610.33 NO. lo.>4AINTENANCE 48.371AO 1U.85 0.00 48,41&.25 NO.Io.DE1lT SBllVICR 44,482.1' 101.2& 0.00 44.5&3.42 NO. 1I->4AINTENANCElOPllRATlNG U2.835..24 2.::&5.23 25,364.31 99,736.16 NO. ll~Dmrr SEll.VICE &&,816.12 .71.61 0.00 67,2Q.39 NO. II-RESERVE. _~O~~1.36 64.82 0,00 !O,946.18 TOTALS $ 388.708.01 $ 3,208.29 $ 2S,3U.31 $ 366,5S1-99 ~OUN C01lNlYNAVI,,^TlONDIST. $ 94,1-U.J3 $ 3,639.43 $ 9.447.12 $ 88,31$,84 MAJNlE<ANC5o\ND OPJl1<ATlNG TOTAl. MMC, DllM'lAGEDIST... NA V. DIST. S l.m.13%.&3 S 1.101Jt10.n S 1,7~3,llll.29 S 1,831.093.J1 TOTALALLFtJNDS $ 1.5,016,081.5$ CALHOUN COUNTY.. TEXAS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT', 1-<0NTlI 0)1, JULY7 ~003 BANK RECONazJ'A110N , LESS, CEJl.T.OFl)EP./ FUND OUTSTNDGD1l1'./ PLUS, Cli1iC1{S B.4NK FUND lUuNce 01'HEJllTBNS OUTST4N1>/NG . 1LILINC8 pPERATlNO S 11"01,8:8.99 $ * 11,214,907.71 $ 610,111.13 $ 797,032.41, JURY lloQ'REST-DlSTRIcr COURT ........ 0.00 &1&.00 l,.SlO.66 ,uRYlMPRBsT-COUNTY COUl<l' 2.006.18 0.00 4-P6.CO 2,502.18 EN OBUG BDS INl' &. SJCG 560,552.69 ;z..l05.93 31$.00 558.W.76 EN OBllO RBFONDING Bi)S!NT" &KG &I,09S.&7 3,117.42 375.00 SI,2I3.25 :Gll<lB.I<OSP,,,;EV.,, TAX. CERtlF, OFOBllO, ~..U06 1,544.8& 0.00 232,J72.10 rAl{ANTIClP ATION NOTES !NT .. SKO .. 70,3;41.94 0.00 0.00 70,341-"4 rAXANTICI1'ATlONNOTES . FO-RMOSA 852,411.19 ** 853.000.00 2..472.53 1..,3.7% """"OIUALMEPICAL~ . "-',.' OPllRAT/NO 1.i4.,.....&1 0.00 321.931.ll$ 1,510"""" 'UVM0l0Al. 11,101.15 0,00 0.00 17.101.13 RESI'RICI'BO DONATION .13,563.30 0.00 0.00 13,563.30 1NDIGENI' BEALTIlCI.BE . .~6,5S2.38 0.00 86.19 96.638.51 !'>RAlNAGE DlSTl<Icr, N~6 10,901.26 0.00 0.00 10,001.2& NO.8 ,44,&10.33 410U 0.00 44,5&8.49 NO. 10 MAIN'rENANCE ' 48.4&'-25 2.7& 0.00 48,4&3... NO. 10 DE1lT SERVICE 44,5&3.42 2.<1 0.00 44,581,01 NO, II MAlNTENIoNCE/OPllRATlNO 9P.736.16 1.767.02 0.00 97,.90.J4 NO. 11 DEBT SllRVICB 67,288-39 31938 0.00 &6,961.41 NO.1 J TQ:SERVE .'0..946.11 0.00 0.00 SQ,N6.18 CALHOUN CO. NA VlGATlON DIST, . *** >4AINTENANCEIOPUATlNG 88,315." 0.00 0,00 8&,.31$.84 TOTALs S 1~1'.081.sS S 12.076 U. S '~.70 $ 3,175,&65..J::z. . CO.. Ol'llKATlNG FUND $11,000,000 .. en.. TAXANTICU'ATIONNOTIlS' FORMOSA $853,000 ... TIlIlDEPOSrrORY FOR CALHOUN CO. NAVIGATION DrsnuCf IS 1'= VICfORlANATIONAL BANK. PORT LAVACA. THEDEPOSrrORY FOR ALL OTHER COUNTY FUNDS IS INTl!RNATIONALBANX: OF CCMMBRCl!- PORT LAVACA. 13 . . ....,... . .'.- Fund Code _. Dole Fund Title CALHOUN COUNTY. TEXAS Unpostod Budpl1'ronlaeli0Dl. RBVENIJB ADlUS1MI!NTS FOR 9/11103 BUD306. BUDOET ADJUS1MI!NTS FOR 9/11103 'fnnBa<tion Dcocrlpdon DcplTId. OL TIde 17,892.00 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND PO#3I943MCCRBARY. RBVENUB VESElKA, BRAGO & ALl.IlN TAXAlTORNEY COMMISSIONS Total OENERALFUND 1000 QL P~~( RtQOff- +- (~ ~-tMS) Increase 17,892.00 1,300.00 2736 9/1112003 POC COMMUNITY CENTER REPAIR DAMAGED OUITER RBVENUB & 1RIM RENT INCOMJl.-POC COMMUNrIY CENTER Toial POC COMMUNITY CENTER 2736 Rcpott Total ~ ~ e DIto:91IG'0306:32;39PM APPROVED SEP 1 J 2003 It 1,300.00 19,192.00 Decr<ase 0.00 0,00 0.00 -, li~ ~~~ II~ 5' l f lD li'~ '~i Ii Ii it ~[- ~~ ~~ -~~ !~ ~l .P'~ :D!:f [lD (fa: 8.1 i e CALHOUN COVN1Y, TEXAS ~ Unposted Budpt T_OllI.IlXPBND.ADJUSThIIlNTS FOR 9/11103 ~ BUD306 . BUDGET ADJUSThIIlNTS FOR 9/11103 Fund Effective Code Dote Fund Tide TrBnsa.:tion Des<:ription Dept Titi. GL Tide - Doc:r-oaso 1000 9/1112003 GENERALFUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER ElCIENSION SERVICE COMPUTllR SUPPIlES 500.00 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER IlXTIlNSION SERVICE AIfro 800.00 AU.OWANCFS-CoAGBNT 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER IlXTIlNSION SERVICB TRAVELOlrrOPCOUNTY 500.00 CEAPCs 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER IlXTIlNSION SERVICB TRAVEL Olrr OP 800,00 COUNTY.coUNTY AGBNT 1000 9/1 112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER IJBRARY \J'l'IUI1BS.MAI IJBRARY 500.00 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER IJBRARY lJTI1l'I1BS.-PORT O'CONNOR 500.00 IJBRARY 1000 9/1112003 OBNIlRALFUND NBWHBATPUMPFORAG BunnING MA1NTENANCB RBPAlRS-AG BLOO, 1,030.00 BLOO PAlRGROUNDS 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND NBWHBATPUMPFORAG BunnING MA1NTENANCB RBPAIRS-BAUERBLOO 1,470.00 B1.OO 1000 9/1112003 GENERALFUND NBWHBATPUMPFORAG BUIlDING MA1NTENANCB MACHINERY AND 5.soo.00 B1.OO EQUIPMENT 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND NBWHBATPUMPFORAG BUIlDING MA1NTENANCB ROOP.BAUERBunnING 3.000.00 BLOO 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRBD BY PAYROlL JAIL OPERATIONS ADDmONAL 597.00 PAY-REOULARRAm 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND LINB fI1lM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS 0IlNERAL OPPICB SUPPUBS 8.00 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND LINB fI1lM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS COPIER RENTAlS 136.00 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND LlNBfI1lM TRANSFER JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER LODOJN<Mllrr 19,297.00 OPCOUNTY 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND LINB fI1lM TRANSPBR JAIL OPERATIONS PRISONER MEDICAL 7,546.00 SERVICES 1000 9/1112003 'GENERAL FUND POII3I943 MCCREARY, COUNTY TAX COILBcrOR DBLII!QUENT TAX 17,892.00 VESIlIKA, BRAGO & A1LEN ATI'ORNEY PEES 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER COMMISSIONERS COURT PHOTO COPlBSISUPPI1BS 170.00 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSPBR COMMISSIONERS COURT DUES 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSPBR COMMISSIONERS COURT MlSCll1LANEOUS APPR€JVED 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND REQUIRBD BY PAYROlL COUNTY CLERK TIlMI'ORARY 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND REQUIRBD BY PAYROlL COUNTY CLERK OVERTIME 263,00 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSPBR ELIlCTIONS IlLllCTION SUPPUBS SEP ~8lJOO3 1000 9/1112003 GENERALPUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSFER ELIlCTIONS MACIIINB 1000 9/1112003 0BNIlRAL FUND $15,000 PLOATERFOR MlSCll1LANEOUS INSURANCJl.UAB 1,500.00 !ASAILB ODYSSEY EXHIBIT PROFERTY 1000 911112003 GENERALPUND $15,000 PLOATERFOR MlSCI!LLANEOus lNSURANCJl.VElD AND !ASAILB ODYSSEY EXHIBIT EQUIPMENT 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 1lNB fI1lM TRANSPBR AMBUUNCB SUPPlJESIOPERATING 24.00 ~ e OPERATIONS-SEADRIFt' EXPENSES e e ....,,'.....".11... -, - e CALHOUN COUN'/Y, TEXAS e Unpomd Budg.t TrlnJaetiOlll .1!XPI!ND.All1US1MENTS FOR 9/11103 BUD306. BUDGET AD1US1MENTS FOR 9/11103 Fund Effective Code Date Fund Title Tranaaction Description DeptTitle GLTide 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE lIllM 'ffiANSFER AMBULANCE SERVICES OFERA110NS-SI!ADRIFf 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND DBDUCTIBlJl.-REFlACE EMERGENCY MEDICAL rnSTRIJMENTS FULSB OXIMETER SERVICBS 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND DBDl1cTiBlJl.-REFlACB EMERGENCY MEDICAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FULSB OXIMETER SERVICES 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE lIllM TRANSFER WASTEMANAOBMBNT BUILDING REPAIRS 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE lIllM TRANSFER WASTBMANAOBMBNT MAClDNBRYIBQUlFMBNT REPAIRS 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 'ffiANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT.lAW ADULT ASS!ONED-ATIORNBY FEES 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTYCOURT.AT.lAW UlGAL SERVlCES-COURT APPOINTED 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 'ffiANSFER COUNTYCOURT.AT.lAW UlGAL SERVlCES-COURT APPOINTED 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT.lAW UlGAL SERVlCES-COURT APPOINTED 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE lIllM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-lAW llloALSER~URT APPOINTED 1000 9/1112003 OENBRALFUND UNE lIllM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT-lAW BOOKS-LAW 1000 9/1112003 GENERALFUND UNE lIllM TRANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT.lAW BOOKS-LA W 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND UNE ITEM 'ffiANSFER COUNTY COURT.AT.lAW BOOKS-LAW 1000 9/1112003 OENBRALFUND UNEITEM TRANSFER DlSlRICT ATIORNBY OBNERAL OFFICE SUPFIlBS 1000 9fl112oo3 OENBRALFUND UNE ITEM TRANSFER DISTRICT ATIORNBY TRANSCR1F11ON SERVICES 1000 9/1112003 OBNERALFUND UNE lI1lM TRANSFER DlSlRICT ATIORNBY BOOKS-LAW 1000 9/11/2003 OBNERALFUND RBQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND OVERllMB BRIDGIH'RECINCT #1 1000 9/1112003 OBNERALFUND REQUlRBD BY PAYROlL ROADAND SOCIAL SECURITY BRIDClJl.PRECINCT #1 1000 9/1112003 GENERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND RBT/RI!MENT BRIDClJl.PRECINCT #1 1000 9fll/2003 <lENERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROADAND WORKMBNS BRIDGE-PRECINCT #1 COMPENSATION 1000 9fl112oo3 OBNERALFUND REQUIRED BY PAYROlL ROAD AND FBDERALlSTATE BRIDClJl.PRECINCT #1 UNEMPLOYMENT ' 1000 9/1112003 <lENERAL FUND UNE lI1lM TRANSFER ROAD AND GENERAL OFFICB SUPPIlBS BRlDGB-PRECINCT #1 , 1000 9fI112oo3 OBNERALFUND UNE lI1lM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD &; BRIOOE SUPPIlBS BRIDGIH'RECINCT #1 , 1000 911112003 GENERALFUND IJNB lI1lM 'ffiANSFER ROADAND :rnlBS AND lUBBS BRIDClJl.PRECINCT #1 Dlle:9I1WQ6;S2:IIPM ~. ~ Increase Decrease 24.00 500.00 500,00 23.00 23.00 125.00 125.00 799.00 54.00 87.00 799.00 54.00 87.00 338.00 135.00 203,00 3,224.00 247,00 APPROVED 6()6,00 SEP 11 2003 9,00 500,00 ',>"".W 200.00 ,-;r i\", ....' 1000 9/1112003 OENERAL FUND PO#28943 (AUOUST CONSTABLIl-PREClNCT #3 TRA1NlNO 'rnA VEL our OF 85,00 MI\JlAOB RE1MB.) COUNTY APPROVE,C 1000 9//112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER mOHWAYFATROL GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER IOOHWAYPATROL FOSTAOE 18.00 1000 9//112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER NUISANCE ORDINANCE SUPPUES.MISCELLANEOUS stfl J I 2003 ENFORCEMENT 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER NUISANCE ORDINANCE POSTAGE 4.( ENFORCEMENT 1000 9/1112003 GIlNERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. SIIER1FF ADDmoNAL 2,244,00 PA y.R!lOULAR RATE 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. SIIER1FF MEAL AlLOWANCE 10.00 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER SIIER1FF GENERAL OFFICE SUPPIlES 200,00 ~<>;. " 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND I1NE ITEM TRANS. SIIER1FF LAw ENFORCEMENT - ,.. . e SuPFUES Dco: WIOIOJ 06:31::11 PM ....' , , . , . CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS t1npoatod Budpt TnnJacd.... EXPEND.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9// 1103 ~ BOO306 . BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/11103 ~ F\md Effective I I Code Date Fund ntle Transaction Description DepIna, GLntle Incroase Decreaso I .s 1000 9/1112003 OBNERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND BUIlDINO SUPP1JESil'ARTS 500,00 BRl1XlE-PREClNCT #1 1000 9/1112003 GIlNERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. ROADAND OVERT1MB 3,494.00 BRl1XlE-PREClNCT #4 1000 9/1112003 GI!NI!RAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. ROAD AND SOCIAL SECUR11Y 267,00 BRl1XlE-PREClNCT #4 1000 9/1 112003 OENERALFUND ' REQUIRED BY PAYROll. ROAD AND R1lIlREMENT 330,00 BRl1XlE-PREClNCT #4 1000 9// 112003 GI!NI!RAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. ROADAND WORKMENS 657,00 BRl1XlE-PREClNCT #4 COMPENSATION 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND REQUIRED BY PAYROll. ROAD AND FEDBRAIlSTATE 10.00 BRl1XlE-PRECINCT #4 UNEMPLOYMENT 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND GENERAL OFFICE SUPFUES 200.00 BRJDOB.-FREClNCT #4 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND MACHINERY 5.000.00 BRJDOB.-PREClNCT #4 PARTSlSUPPUES 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRl1XlE SUPPUES 5,700.00 BRJDOB.-PREClNCT #4 1000 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND ROAD & BRl1XlE SUPPUES 9,758.00 BRl1XlE-FREClNCT #4 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND SIGNS 200.00 BRl1XlE-FREClNCT #4 1000 9//112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROAD AND I.EGAL SERVICES 300.00 BRl1XlE-FREClNCT #4 1000 9/1112003 OENERALFUND I1NE ITEM TRANSFER ROADANO MACHlNERYIEQUlPMENT 5,000,00 BRJDOB.-PREClNCT #4 REPAIRS 1000 9/1112003 OENERAL FUND PO#28943 (AUGUST CONSTABLIl-PREClNCT #3 AuroAlLOWANCES 85.00 MI\JlAOB RE1MB.) . e . . . . Fund Cod, 1000 1000 \000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 \000 \000 Total 1000 26\0 2610 Tolal 2610 2736 Tolal 2736 Report Tolal Effective Date Fund Title 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/11/2003 GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 GENERAL FUND 9/\112003 GENERALFUND 9/11/2003 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND 9/1112003 AIRPORT FUND 9/1112003 AIRPORT FUND AIRPORT FUND 9/1 112003 POC COMMUNTIY CEN11lR POC COMMUNTIY CEN11lR Dlle:9iIMD06:J2:tlPf!( e - ex) ~ CALHOUN COVNTV, TEXAS Unposlod Budget Tnnuc1lODl . EXPBIlD.ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/1 1103 BUD306 - BUIXlET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 9/11103 Transaction Description Dept Title OL Title In=ase Dc=osc UNB ITEM 1RANSFBR SIIBRIFF GASOUNE/OIl.lDIESBIJOR-.. 4,138.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF SUPPUES-M1SCBILANEOUS 179.00 UNBITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF UNIFORMS 22.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF AIITOMOTIVE REPAIRS \,053.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF COPIER RENTALS 75.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFBR SHERIFF MACIDNE MAINTENANCE 347.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SHERIFF MISCE/l.'.NEOUS 68.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF '\1ll1!PHONE SERVICES 2,500.00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER SIIBRIFF YEHICLI! \62,00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER VETERANS SERVICES GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES 54,00 UNB ITEM 1RANSFER VETERANS SERVICES TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF 54.00 COUNTY UNB ITEM 1RANSFER 70,264.00 52,372.00 .- \,071.00 1,071.00 1,071.00 \,071.00 1,300,00 1,300.00 0.00 NO DEPARTMENT MACHINERYIEQUlPMBNT REPAIRS RADIO MAIN1llNANCE UNB ITEM 1RANSFER NO DEPARTMENT REPAIR DAMAGED OllITBR NO DEPARTMENT & TRIM MISCE/l.'.NEOUS APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 , I 72,635.00 53,443.00 ., - -. II B"ODGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II To! Calhoun County Commissioners' Court f' ~~""\ri'\ (Department making this request) From: Date: CX/fJ9:! (')3 I request an amendment to the ~(Y).~ year) following line items in my department: bUdget for the ~~-~~=~~~_!- /lO~G,~ l-/M Ilrh~<>'II(') ---~=~~~-~~~--- ,1\W\CIonnWtAn.t:. Amount ------------- Reason --------~--------- -rr.,."..., "i.~~. Pt"l--n\., '~~c; . c t"lN)\)<~~..- c....W\"... - ,.l)()'). tY'J 1- fi ()(). tv> \-n....('\~ " \~"". A~ \,\.\,~ Net change in total budget for th1B department is: Other remarks/justification: s ___= _ n< _____ --'-- ~----- e I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Cornmissioner5' Court approval is obtained_ Signature of official/department head: )t~~~CZ, Date Of Commissioners' Court approval; ~ ~/ Date posted to General Ledger account(s); APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 e '\ 'j '!1 t~~-- ~c 49 ~ B'tlDGET AMENDMEN'.t' REQtmST ~ To: Calhoun County Commissioners' Court C=X+.. f'\Sid1 (Department making this request) ~/<6-/03 ~ 1: request an amendment: to the From: :< Date: following line Q~)~ year) items in my department: e budget for the ~_~~~~!UL I/()-I,,(') ?,.:J,t.., I/O -t.c~s/)() Account Name ------------------ Amendment .l\:moun t ------------- --------_____N____. Reason \:\ -.\n ? \ \,.. . yory,~ "\C-O'...\ -t'\,'\\ ...,~.(>.... <'\~ - 'itOO. (')(') t'itOO.(!)O +m('\...\~ c\.. \1\0 \..'\ e- Net change in total hudget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ ---- ~----- ---~=------ I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until COmmisBionere' Court approval is obtained. _1. I~ Signature ot offiCial/department head: ~~______ Dace of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s SEP 1 1 2003 e P! 50 . , BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST -3 GL ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME DEPARTMENT NAME UBRARY 1000..140-06620 llTIUTlE8-PORT O'CONNOR LIBRARY 500 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000..140-66610 UTIUTlEs.MAJN LIBRARY (500) COUNTY CLERK 1000..250-51610 OVERTIME 263 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 1000..250-51540 TEMPORARY (263) ELECnONS 1000..270-63500 MACHINE MAINTENANCE 683 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-270-53361 ELECTION SUPPLIES (683) AMBUWoJCE OPERATIONS-SEADRIFT 1lJOO.-34D-65740 SERVICES 24 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-340-53980 SUPPLIEs/OPERATING EXPENSES (24) WASTE MANAGEMENT 1000-380-60520 BUILDING REPAIRS 23 LINE ITEM TRANSFER llJOO.38O.S3530 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS (23) COUNTY COURT -A T-/.AW 1000-410-60050 ADULT ASSIGNED-ATTORNEY FEES 125 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000-410-63380 LEGAl SERVICES-COURT APPOINTED (125) DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1lJOO..51Q-66360 TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES 135 LINE ITEM TRANSFER llJOO..51o-70500 BCJOKS.!.AW 203 llJOO..510-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (338) HIGHWAY PATROL 1000..72041790 POSTAGE 18 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000..720-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES (18) NUISANCE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 1000-725-53992 SUPPLlES-MISCELl..ANEOUS 4 LINE ITEM TRANSFER 1000..725-64790 POSTAGE (4) VETERANS SERVICES 1000..790-53020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 54 LINE ITEM TRANSFER l000..7~16 TRAINING TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY (54) Total for GENERAL RJND 0 e APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 e , . ""'1 --- i 51 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Lf APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 '. ~ ~ ~ I . e e e 52 e e e , BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ./ !:J 1000-180-51620 1000-180-53020 1000-11lD-81310 1000-160-64910 100Q.180-64880 1000-760-51620 1000-760-51700 1000-76Q.63Q20 1000-760-53430 100Q.760-53540 1000-760-53992 1000-760-53995 1000-760-60360 1000-760-61310 1000-760-63500 100Q.76G-63ll20 1000-760-66192 1000-761J.74050 .~' 1: : J$. ADDITIONAL PAY-REGULAR RATE GENERAL OFFice suppues COPIER RENTAlS PRISONER MEDICAL seRVICES PRISONER LODGING OUT OF COUmY DEPARTMENT TOTAL SHERIFF ADDITIONAL PAY.REGULAR RATe MEAL ALLOWANCE GeNERAL OFFice SUPPUES LAW eNFORCEMENT, SUPPUES GASOUNElOIUDleSEL SUPPUEs.MISCELLANeous UNIFORMS AUTOMOTive REPAIRS COPIER RENTALS MACHINE MAINTENANCE MISCElLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES VEHICLE 597 REQUIREOBYPAYROLL 8 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 136 7,546 (19.297) (11,010) 2.244 REQUIRED BY PAYROLL 10 200 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 12 4.138 179 22 1,053 75 347 68 2,SOO 162 11.010 o DEPARTMENT roT. ToW for GENERAL FUND APPROVED SEP 11 2m M-- ; 53 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST APPROVED \ SEP 1 1 2003 , 54 o e e e . . .. IIBUDGET ~ n,EQOEs~11 To: Calhoun County COllmlissioners I COurt F::'Olll: c..O~N\',S'S;ZlfllUS' (n....r+ (Department making this request) Date: q -G- D 3 r request an alllendluent to the ~ '3 year) following line it~ in my aepartment: AlIlendm=t ---~==~~!_~~~--- ---~~~~---- e GL,AccOUIlt # ------------- ;2~ 4 S''/o:Jo ~!:lo -o3q~ .;\ 30 . S 303t'l D~~ rv-... s t!... 2ko~ l!.l:>OJ ~~" APPROVED 1 s~,,~ ~ Net change in total bUdget for this "'epartment is: Other remarkS/justification: e .... I 1 bUdget for the -=tJ ~ .Q9 -t- ~O .00 - no. 00 $ () Reason -----~------------- ~c.....'D~s ~l.Lt"fkr_ <= t>\pJptee. r understand that my budget cannot be alllended as requested ttntil COllmlissioners' Court approval is Obtained. 141' Signature of Official/department head: ~ / ~'/? U/"?,'4, f/; , Date of COllmlissioners' Court apprOVal: Date posted to General Ledger account(s): e ~ ~ 55 , . .. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST o ~>J.~ ~.ft,F ELEC'l'EO OFFICI APPROVED e SEP 1 1 2003 e 1" , ,1 ~ 56 , , ., BUDGETAMENDMENTREOUEST q APPROVED e SEP 1 1 2003 e , '''I. 57 l[:il;lDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II . " From: To ~ Calhoun County Commissioners I Court 10 ~~~ (Department making this request) Date: 4f- 6-b3 1: request an amendment to the .<'to.3 (year) following line items in my department: budget for the e GL Account # ------------- l/!()-f..3380 tile. -"O~tx!> ql()",'(,~~~i:) "TO - 70 5""0 l/IO-/'3~O 1/(0-70S00 Account Name -&;~;~~-- &o/~ ~ d~ ~ r= - - ~..J Ayu..1, ~( ~- :/"..- U!s~~JfI,'i:4eL &olt>- LA &<..J 1unendment Amount ---------'---- Reason 7j;iiikr-~-~k.ik ~,.. '*' ~ ~Ir ~~~~ - 71'.00 -17&11.00 - ~J. 5'a51 t- S":J ~ 0 !5~ -St., 'f'/~7 r ~, 'i '/'8'7 ~~v 7lrln fc 6_1<.s/lAw. ""II~ Rr Net change in total budget for tMs aepartment is: Other remarksjjustificatio SEP ]$1 e I understand that my budget canno Commissioner5' Court approval i obtai Signature of official/departme Date of Commissioners' COUrt approva ; head: Date .posted to General Ledger account(s): . , e 58 < , , 11 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST OVERTIME SOCIAL SECURiTY RETIREMENT WORKERS COMPENSATION FEDERAUSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT GENERAL OFFICE SUPPUES TIRES AND TUBES BUILDING SUPPUESlPARTS ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPUES AllENDIlENT AMOUNT REASON 3,224 REQUIRED BY PA YROU. 247 304 606 9 500 UNE ITEM TRANSFER 200 500 (5,500) Total for GENERAL FUND e APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 e ") " j ~L_ 59 . BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST II . G U 0 1Q00..57().61610 1000-57().61910 1000-57().61930 1Q00..57().61940 1000-57().61950 1000-57~ 1000-570-53510 OVERTIME socw. SECURITY RETIREMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION FEDERAllSTATE UNEMPLOYMENT MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS ROAD & BRIDGE SUPPLIES Total for GENERAL RJND AMENDMENT MOU REASON 3,494 REQUIRED BY PAYROU 267 330 667 10 5,000 UNE I1CM TRANSFER (9,758) o e .....---.~..... - .,-. ."._...._.-._.~ AF-'PROVEU I SEP I I 2003 e 1 60 . :: ~ e e e " ~BUDGET AKENDHEHT ~EQUESTI To: calho~ :o~nty Commissioners' Court From: ~ (Department making this request) Date: Q-'?rO '3 I) I request an amendment to the c10D 3 budget for the (year) following line items in my depa~ent: AIIIendment GL Accouztt # Account Name Amount Rea.son ------------- ------------- ------------------- 5l0-5'3o,ID 51 Don - --~u,. ~i...;'(.<Q 210'Q30dO Ylo-f536aQ 6'10 -(P3?>bO :J.oo. - ~ 3DD.~ li2ou.j ~ ~ (--2J DO. > APPROVED mD-5~51() e~ r~~ t).)B"r $ -1)- Other r rk .l,uJ ~ ~ ';",...- I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until Commissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: C8(l(RU 1Y)~ . Date posted to General Ledger account(s): ')'," 61 , . . . .. I!UDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Ilf e APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 e e t :. ,< , M- e' 62 ~~ r ,,;. " , 15 ~BtlDGE'1' ADNDMmrr REQUEST II To: Calhoun County COmmissioners' ~:::t making this Cf- {(:)-03 Court From: request) Date: tit I request an amendment to the c?;'e~1 following line items in my department: budget for the GL Account # -------~----- Amendment Account Name Amount Reason ------------------ ------------- ------------------- :2kto-"'I,-i.c51!c ~~ ~ -----litl t _ dl.Lo-q~'1-("153~ r ~ ~~' LJa1l'> Net change in total budget for this department is: Other remarks/justification: $ t\PEROVElJ--,:. -(j- SEP 11 2003 DD.a......... tit I understand that my budget cannot be amended as requested until COmmissioners' Court approval is obtained. Signature of official/department head: Date of Commissioners' Court approval: Date posted to General Ledger account(s), tit '" ~\ 63 ... '" ~. ....'., " ,BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST f~ APPROVED SEP 1 1 2003 e e a 64- e e e I' J,;'. ~ GENERAL DISCU~nN - EMPLOYl;E Ha::.al TW INSURANCE Commissioner Balajka questiooed the new poIlq 01\ employee health Inswance he wanted to daIify what the policy slated. He had been questiooed on the famDy 0Mlrage plan If a single employee cunentIy emploYed with the county was to get manied after October 1, 2003 would they have to pay full lXlIIeriIge for famDy a>verage. The CXlUrts Wlderslandlng was that only new employees' were to pay for famDy 0Mlrage and aurent employees WIll be grand fathered into the policy. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY Cairns lotaIing $705,273.31 were presented by the County Treaswer and after reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by CommIssIoner Rnster and seconded by CommlssIoner Galvan that said daims be approved for paYDl/!lJt, CommIssioners' GaIv.In, Ba/ajka, F1oyc/, Rnster and Judge Pfelfer aU voted In favor. EXECUTIvE SE~c:TON - DE;FINE POTE:.?:~~O::~~ REOUIREMENTS AND AVAILARTLnY FOR CONSTRUcnON The Court, being in open session, in oompfiance with the peftjnent provisions of Section 551 of the Vernon's Texas Code Annolated, Government Code, Sub-chapter D, Section 551.074 authorizes a dosed meeting to discuss llOtential property requirements and avallabiJil:y for CXlIlStnldlon of a new jail. The County Judge, as presiding o/flcer, pubIidy ilIlI10UIlCed at 1:30 p.m. that a dosed session would now be held. The County Judge further publicly ilIlI10UIlCed that bel'oIe any fInaJ action, decision or vote 15 made regarding the subject matter of the dosed session, the meeting WIll be reopened to the public. At the end of the dosed session, the meeting was reopened to the public at 2:42 p.m., no action was taken. GENERAL DISCucc:rON - PORT O'CONNOR PIER Commissioner FIil5ter addressed the CIlUIt regarding the PoIt O'Connor Pier, since It Is such a large repair job FEMA WIll monitor the e><penses on this PIOject and WIll be reimbursed for what 15 actuaIJy 5pent. FEMA wiU be giving an allotment of $70,000 the only thing they wW not pay fix" 15 the englneeling for the scope of work or bid 5pedIicat:jons. MEETING ADJOIlRNKD AT 2:45 P.M. f- 65