Commissioner Galvan said he has received nothing as yet on
the Memorial Medical Plaza appraisal.
Judge Pro-Tern Balajka asked the amount in the 2003 budget
for the Plaza. County Auditor Ben Comiskey states there
is $215,050 for operation of the Plaza. Commissioner
Galvan said the appraiser is looking at rental and sale
prices. He thought another workshop would be needed when
the values,etc. are received. Jud~e Pro-Tern Balajka hoped
to retain the "Y". Commissioner F~nster said line items
should be created for utilities and janitorial services.
Commissioner Galvan said outside janitorial services for
hallways only should be hired. Commissioner Floyd
mentioned there are no records of leases and footages
there. He suggested contacting the Memorial Medical
Center Board for a list of current leases as there is
footage which is unaccountable. Also, Memorial Medical
Center has as much space in there as all the others
combined. Judge Pro-Tern Balajka suggested the Court meet
with the Board before the end of the year regarding this
The Court discussed the County owning both the hospital
building and effective January 1, the Plaza. As the
hospital is not charged rent for the hospital building,
should they be charged rent for occupancy of part of the
Plaza, County Auditor Ben Comiskey discussed several ways
this could be handled. Judge Pro-Tern Ba1ajka felt anyone
with space in the Plaza should be rent. The Sheriff's
De~artment space in the Plaza was mentioned. Mr. Comiskey
sa~d it is not polic~ to charge the Count~ rent. Judge
Pro-Tern Balajka repl~ed it is accountabil~ty.
Commissioner Floyd said there was no employee increase for
the County but there was for hospital employees. He would
rather charge them rent.
Mr. Comiskey said the transfer of ownership of the plaza
takes effect January 1, 2003, Determination is needed of
what the building persons need to do. Commissioner Floyd
said he has not seen any contracts for maintenance, etc.
which might be assumed from the hospital. Commissioner
Finster felt more time was needed to effect the transfer.
A Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by
Commissioner Galvan to request in writing that the
Memorial Medical Center Board grant an extension of ninety
days for the Memorial Medical plaza transfer from Memorial
Medical Center to Cahoun county which was to be effective
January 1, 2003 and request that they continue the
services they are currently providing to the lessees.
Commissioners Galvan, Floyd, Finster and Judge Pro-Tern
Balajka all voted in favor.
Commissioners Finster asked who will review the current
leases. Commissioner Floyd said they need to be looked at
and adjustments made. Commissioner Galvan said a plan is
needed concerning the Plaza - keep it or sell - and build
this stipulation into any lease. Mr, Comiskey said Ann
Berger needed to be consulted regarding the bonds and the
amount needed for payment of principal and interest for
three years. The bonds cannot be paid off until they are
due. Commissioner Floyd thought it best to divest the
County of the Plaza with condition of treatment of the
tenants. The Court discussed rental rates.
Mr. Buzz Currier and Mr, Makhai1 with Memorial Medical
Center were asked to attend this session.
Commissioner Finster informed them of the earlier motion