2003-07-28 e e e r . ~ \.~ t".' '.' REGULAR JULY TERM HELD JULY 28, 2003 THE STATE OF TEXAS !i !i COUNTY OF CALHOUN !i BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 2ll'" day of July A.D., 2003 was begun and holden at the Courthouse In the Clty of Port ~ said County and Slate, at 10:00 A.M., a ReguJarTenn of the Commissioners' Court, within said ~ and Slate, and there were present on this date the following members of the Court, to-wlt: Michael J. Pf'eifer Roger C. Galvan Michael J, BaIaJka H. Floyd Kenneth W. Finster Anita Fricke County Judge Commissioner Pet. 1 Commissioner Pet. 2 Commissioner Pet. 3 Commissioner Pet. 4 County Oerk Thereupon the following plllCX!edings were had: Commissioner Galvan gave the Invocation and Commissioner Finster led the Pledge of Allegiance, HEAR PRESENTAnON FROM CHERRE CAIN REGARDING AN UPDATE ON PROJECTS OF THE TEXAS SETTLEMENT REGION. INC.: Cherre Cain wanted to thank the Court for their CXlIllinued support and at her request ask that the Court CXlIllinue to fund the Texas SelIlement RegIon, Inc. Project with $1,500.00 membership for the next fiscal year, She also wanted to let them know she was eIeded as the president of this organization for the next three years, RECOGNmON OF SHIRLEY FOESTER AND PI>""~NTAnON OF APPRECIAnON PI arnlE: Judge Pfeifer presented Shirley Foester with a ApPreciation Plaque for her twenty-two years of service to the citizens of Calhoun County. DISCUSS AND TAKE NECE"""Il.Y AcnON REGARDING TAX RATE: This should not of been on agenda at this lime, HEAR REPORT FROM AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD AND APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE BOARD: Pass at this time. COMMI<=ONERS' COURT TO APPOINT A M~~lt:TH~~~~~~~ AND RECOMMEND THE POSSI8lE CREAnON OF _ _L _ND _ .. __ _ IU __ N COUNTY: A Motion was made by Judge Pfeifer and seconded by Commissioner Baiajka to appoint Commissioner Galvan as a OI1e-man committee to study and ""","mend the possible aeotion of a bail bond board In Calhoun County, Commissioners' Galvan. Balajka, Floyd, Finster and Judge PfeIfer aU voted In favor. TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR. COUNTY CLERK _ MONTHLY REPORTS: The Tax Assessor/Collector and the County Oerk presented their monthly reports for June 2003 and aftBr reading and vertfying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Balajka and seconded by Commissioner Floyd to accept said reports as Presented. Commissioners' Galvan, BaiajJca, Floyd,. Finster and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor, . GENERAL DISCUSSION: Judge Pfeifer and Commissioner Baiajka went to New york the week before and the Judge wanted to let everyone know that the meetings went very well and were very positive. Ms. Krause from Olivia area talked to the Court In reference to the Emergency Management Pian for evacuating for Hurricane's, She teels that the communications need to be better between the Emergency Management Offlce and the poblic, ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - COUNTY: Cairns totaling $346,050,96 were presented by the County Treasurer, and aftBr reading and verifying same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Finster and seconded by Commissioner Floyd that said claims be approved for payment Commissioners' Galvan, BaiaJka, Floyd, Finster and Judge PfeIfer all voted In favor. , ~. 890 '-~ ., ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL INDIGENT HEALlltCARE: Calms totaling $95,152.16 fur HospItal Indigent _Ithcare were ",,,se, oted by the County Treasurer and after reading and verffyIng same, a Motion was made by Commissioner Anster and seaJnded by Commissioner Galvan that said claims be approved fur payment. Commlssfoners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, Anster and Judge PreIfer all voted In favor. ACCOUNTS AUOWED - HOSPITAL INDIGENT HEALlltCARE: Calms totaling $919.87 for Hospital Indigent Healthcare were presentEd by the County Treasurer and after reading and IIeIifyIng same, a MotIon was made by Commissioner Anster and seaJnded by Commissioner Floyd that said claims be approved fur payment. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, Anster and Judge PreIfer all voted In favor, ACCOUNTS ALLOWED - HOSPITAL: Calms totaling $1,426,894.20 for HospItal were p.eseo,ted by the County Treasurer and after reading and IIeIifyIng same, a MotIon was made by Commissioner Anster and seaJnded by Commissioner Aoyd that said claims be approved for payment. Commissioners' Galvan, Balajka, Aoyd, AlISter and Judge pfeifer all voted In favor. Court was edjoumed at 11:25 a.m. e e e 891