02.11.19 EC Minutes Calhoun County Election Commission Minutes February 11, 2019 The Calhoun County Election Commission held an official meeting on Monday, February 11, 2019. County Judge Richard Meyer; County Clerk, Anna Goodwin; Gloria Ochoa,Tax Assessor Collector; Sandy Witte, Democratic Party Chair and Russell Cain, Republican Party Chair were present. County Judge called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. The commission has received eleven applications for consideration to date for the Election Administrator position. One applicant accepted a State position therefore his application was withdrawn, two applicants did not qualify for consideration. The first item discussed was to set the salary for Election Administrator. All members were in agreement to set it at$48,000. After a certain period of time, an increase would follow. After short discussion of the applicants, Mrs.Witte suggested having a list of questions for the interviews. Each of the commission members can email questions to her. The dates for the interviews were set up for February 25 to start at 9 AM and February 27 to start at 1 PM. County Clerk will set up the times for interviews with the applicants. Motion was made by Sandy Witte to adjourn and 2nd made by Russell Cain. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM. Respectfully submitted, Gloria A. Ochoa, Calhoun County TAC