0413_357RECORD OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 357 3;'A'V ZIL'b 7 7z MARRIAGE LICENSE STATE OF TEXAS, Countyo`...._..._..__��� . ............................... To any Person .4uthorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —Greeting: rOU .IRE HEREBY• .4UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RIT S OF M.gTRIJ oxr Between Mr. ._ . 70; and make dtie returnhe Clerk of the County Court f said County within sixty days ereafter, certifying your action under this License. WITNESS my official signature and seal of ofj'ice, at. ............................................... ................... Texas, ......__.... ..... _...19....._�P. By.._... _ ................. _... ............ ............. f ter_ .... _.. ._...._..Deputy. Clerk of County Court, -... ....County, Texas. I, ..... _..._...._:f„... ... __._._._........... _.....___...hereby ertify that on the....._ -_-__-day of _ ...._......................... _... _ _.19..._�.., I united in Marriage Mr..._r._.........__....__.. ....... _. _._�.U......._........... J.. _ and _............_.... // .._...................... _.._..... , the parts above named. �� WITNESS my hand, this...... ............. _........... = day of.....__......... .............. . ...........19....._../ .�.. _�..__ __.... _ ...w.... _.__ ............. _...._ �j....... ............ .......... ........... .... ?! ......_ ............. __......_. ____.. Returned and filed for record the ........ /.... _..'........................ ..... day of. _._.._ ..._..._.... _........................ .................. 19_.11, and recorded the day of....._...._..._....__. ... �P „l By......_ ..................:........_..... Deputy_../-�......_ �! .._ _... ._ ....................... ' 7 Clerk Cou Court. MARRIAGE LICENSE STATE OF TEXAS, Countyof..._............. ..... ................. .._..._.......... To any Person .Iuthorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas —Greeting: rO U .IRE HEREBY' .I UTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE THE RITES OF M.ITRIMONY' BetweenMr.._._ ._ ._ .... . __._..._. _...._..._....__.._..._..__......_....._...__...and M.Q _ _._....... _........_...._... ____..� 12:,`-�`-�.�. and make due return t he Clerk of the County Court of said County within sixty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. WITNESS my, ofjtcial signature and seal of offlee, at.:. ._ ................Texas, _......_.._...._..._..................................... _.__...._._._..... day of�...-.- ____._.19.....�� By._.._...._ ... ._._............................................. eputy. Clerk of C my Court,....... ....... ounty, Texas. D' ereb certify that th I,......_...�.�...._.._._._...._............_._..._......,._..................._....,......_..___..� li fy ....day of __.._. _ _.... ...._.__..__19__6.0 ., I nited in Marriage Mr......_ ..._.__ . _ _.._:..__-�1�4,.P ...._._.... ._......................................... ... _ and M .... . .... . .... . _ ...... _.. fic 'I/_C �-..... _._ __..., the p ties above named. ITXzSS my hand, this..__.........._._. __ .. ..._.._._.daz of_._.... _.. .............. ._ ._. �u .............19..��. • X'J..._,� .... ... .............. ....( 2.�_ � .._...._..... (V _...._ ..... _......._. ........ .- ......._ . _._._.. � Returned and led or record the..._........ Y. ..............._...........dar o ......... .................... ................19..... ! and recorded /1� f - ....._. _... _ . _. _� the..................... By. .... _...... .._............ _.... .......................... ........... Deputy. Cler Court. ounty