2009-04-23NOTICE OF MEETING The Commissioners' Court of Calhoun County, Texas will meet on April 23, 2009 at 10:00 a.m, in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the County Courthouse at 211 S. Ann Street, Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas. AGENDA The subject matter of such meeting is as follows: 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Approve Minutes of March 12, 2009 and March 30, 2009, and April 3, 2009 Meetings. 5. Consider and take necessary action to award bids on the sale of EMS Equipment. (HB) 6. Hear "Return on Investment Report" from Don Polzin, Executive Director, and/or David Way, Director of Operations of Gulf Bend Center detailing Services provided to Calhoun County. (MP) 7. Consider and take necessary action on Revised Airport Project Participation Agreement between Calhoun County and TXDOT Aviation, lowering local match to 5% instead of s 10% and authorize appropriate signatures. (VL) .l 8. Consider and take necessary action on Agreement for Access Contracts and authorize Commissioner Lyssy to sign. (VL) 9. Consider and take necessary action on request from all Calhoun County Constables for permission to apply for Grant from Office of Justice Program Grant Management System. Grant will be used to purchase lights and equipment. (JB) 10. Accept Forfeiture Fund Budget Amendment from Calhoun County Criminal District Attorney. (DH) 11. Accept reports of the following County Offices: i. Calhoun Tax Assessor/Collector ii. County Treasurer iii. County Sheriff iv. District Clerk v. County Clerk vi. Justices of Peace vii. Extension Service ,1 viii. Health Department Page 1 of 2 12. Approval of payroll. 13. Approval of bills. 14. Consider and take necessary action to accept donations to Calhoun County. t 15. Consider and take necessary action on matter of transferring certain items of County property from one County department to another County Department. (See List) 16. Consider and take necessary action to declare certain items of County Property in the Calhoun County District Attorney's Office as Surplus/Salvage: (See List) (DH) 17. Consider and take necessary action on the matter of declaring certain items of County property as surplus/salvage. (See List) 18. Consider and take action on any necessary budget adjustments. 19. Consider and take necessary action on single source, emergency and public welfare purchases and bills. 20. Public discussion of County matters. Michael J. Pfei er, un Judge Calhoun County, Texas The above is a true and correct copy of the original notice, which original notice was posted by me at a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, to -wit: on a bulletin board by the front door in the County Courthouse in Port Lavaca, Calhoun County, Texas on April 20, 2009 at !�) ; S'j a.m. Anita Fricke, County IClerk By: W U11 Deputy Cle Page 2 of 2