0340_284ATHE swim TATE or, TEXAS , COUNTY OF CALF OMT. i, C. J. Thomson, Clerk of the County Court in and for Calhoun County, Texas, do hereby cortz fy that the attached Marriage, License was issued by me'to Robert G.' Hendricks and i°:Ziss Lenora:- Julia Michna under date of October 24th, A. D. 1333; that in said Lic3onse the name of Robert G. Hendricks was erroneously spelled Robert G. Hendrix, and was so recorded in the rlarriage Record of this office that 1 are this :day correcting the ,record in this office, so . -Chat, the name of the said Robert G. Hendricks v,i31 show thereon'. properly, shelled.; Witness r:y hand and the seal of the County Court of Calhoun County, ` ,exas, at of ,ice ;in I�ort . Lavaca, this 23rd day of . April,. A D 0.45 Gouity Jerk .in -and for Ga ' oun } {, County, exas . oty